#Fruits Of Obedience Instead Of Disobedience
Did You Obey God's Word Today?
Did You Obey God’s Word Today?
Be Fruits Of Obedience, Instead Of Disobedience!! Like, Shares and Follow Please don’t forget to comment
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mattanaministry · 1 month
Mattana Ministry Welcomes You To:
Sunday Sermon:
Theme: Mothers of the Bible
Scripture: Gen.3:6;Gen.3:16; Gen.3:23; Gen.18:12-13; Gen.21:6; Gen.27:15-16; Gen.27:44-45; Ruth 4:15; 1 Sam.1:10; 1 Sam.1:20; Luk.1:44 & John.19:25
Today, we celebrate Mother's Day. A day that pays our tribute to all mothers We can talk for hours about our mothers, but let's see in the Bible what types of mothers were there. We will look at seven different types of mothers and at seven women's influence on their circumstances.
We start with Eve, who baptized the disobedient Mother:
Gen. 3:6
And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
Eve did not listen to God and disobeyed God. Instead, Eve lent her ears to the cunning snake and saw only what was in front of her eyes. The tree with the pretty fruit. Eve did not come up with the implications of her disobedience.
Gen. 3:16
Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
Gen. 3:23
Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
Eve's disobedience caused children to be produced with difficulty. Adam and Eve were sent from the Garden of Eden. The peace, love, and harmony that existed at the beginning of creation were disturbed. Man must now work for whatever he or she wants, and the relationship between God and man has been disturbed. To this day, humanity is paying the price for Eve's disobedience.
Are we obedient or disobedient to God? Are our children and our loved ones paying the price for our disobedience? Our disobedience can have consequences for our descendants. Disobedience can be something like having to raise our children according to God's word, but we don't. It may even be that little voice warning us that there is danger around the corner, but because we are in a hurry, we are not listening. What consequences do we have for Mom's disobedience? Eve only saw the fruit; what do we see?
We are now going to look at Sarah, baptized the laughing mom:
Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?
And the LORD said unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear a child, which am old?
Sarah's faith was measured by her laughter. Sara laughed at the prediction that she would give birth to a son. Sarah's laughter and her disbelief were proven wrong.
And Sarah said, God hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh with me.
Sara laughed and was disbelieving in her laughter. Yet God blessed Sarah with a son at a very late age. Isaac is the son who was promised to Abraham.
Are we laughing—a laughter of mockery or of joy? Does our laughter sound like a sign of our unbelief, or is it a sign of our faith? Is our laughter at our children and families a sign of joy or a sign of mockery?
Now let's look at Rebekah, baptized the conniving mom:
And Rebekah took goodly raiment of her eldest son Esau, which were with her in the house, and put them upon Jacob her younger son:
And she put the skins of the kids of the goats upon his hands, and upon the smooth of his neck:
Rebekah contrived to let Jacob receive the blessing. Rebekah only wants the best for her favorite son and devises a cunning plan to acquire it for him. Jacob receives the blessing, but there are consequences for him and Rebekah.
And tarry with him a few days, until thy brother’s fury turn away:
Until thy brother’s anger turn away from thee, and he forget that which thou hast done to him: then I will send, and fetch thee from thence: why should I be deprived also of you both in one day?
Rebekah wanted the best for Jacob, but for his own safety, she must now send him to his uncle. Rebekah isn't there when Jacob gets married to one of his wives; she's not there to know and share his children. not to spend time. Rebekah, with her cunning plan, lost many years with Jacob and his family.
We, as moms, also just always want the best for our children. It could possibly be the best marks in the class, or maybe a spot on the first team. However, how do we help our children to be the best? Do we motivate them to do their best, or do we help them obtain it in a cunning way? We must always remember that there are consequences for our cunning plans.
Now let's look at Naomi, the blessed mom:
Ruth 4:15
And he shall be unto thee a restorer of thy life, and a nourisher of thine old age: for thy daughter in law, which loveth thee, which is better to thee than seven sons, hath born him.
Naomi is the blessed mom; her obedience has blessed her. Naomi did what she had to do; she turned back to her own people. Naomi held on to her faith during the hard times. Naomi is blessed with Obed, her godson. We all know that Obed is part of Jesus' family tree.
Now let's look at Hannah, the praying mom:
1 Sam. 1:10
And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the LORD, and wept sore.
Hannah was very sad year after year. She was ridiculed year after year for not being able to bear any children. Hannah sat down in the temple and prayed and wept in such a way that Eli thought she was under the influence of wine and addressed her about it.
1 Sam. 1:20
Wherefore it came to pass, when the time was come about after Hannah had conceived, that she bare a son, and called his name Samuel, saying, Because I have asked him of the LORD.
Hannah prayed to have a child and was blessed with Samuel. Samuel grows up in the temple and is taught by Eli. Samuel was also a judge for Israel until his death.
What do our prayers look like for our children? Do we pray for our children? Our prayers carry weight for our children. Our prayers are the very ones they carry throughout the day.
Let's look at Elizabeth, the believing mom.
For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy.
Elizabeth believed everything that happened at this time. She was immediately filled with the Holy Spirit when Mary walked in her door. Elizabeth didn't wonder if she understood anything correctly; she didn't wonder if Zechariah had the angel correctly. Elizabeth believed it. Elizabeth raised John in this unshakable faith.
How far does our faith carry our children? Do we have enough faith some days to carry us and our children? When that math exam is at the door, do we have enough faith to give our children courage? Is our faith contagious among our children?
Now let's look at Mary, the devoted mom:
Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother, and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene.
Mary was a devoted mother; she was there from the very beginning of Jesus' life on earth. In difficult circumstances, Mary gave birth to Jesus. Mary had a great task on her hands; she raised and taught Jesus. Mary even followed Jesus until the death of the cross and was there in those difficult final moments of Jesus' life. Jesus' life and teaching were not easy, and Jesus was always under a magnifying glass, yet Mary was always somewhere in the background.
Our children can get tough; they can get into trouble. They may become rebellious about the events of the world. Are we there to help them fit all the puzzle pieces together? Do we always believe only the best about our children? Do we trust that our children will always be safe?
What type of mom are we? We can be more than one of these types of moms at a time. Do we always do what is best for our children? Does our faith carry us, do we pray for our children, and are we devoted (even though we feel that, like Abraham, we sometimes want to sacrifice them)? Do we acknowledge and recognize that we have been blessed by our children? Are we perhaps the disobedient, laughing, and conniving moms?
Father, thank you for all the mother figures in our lives. Lord, help us as mothers to please always consider our children's interests important. Jesus, please help us raise our children for Your glory. Father, please guide us on the right path this week, and please forgive us for our sins. In Jesus Name, Amen
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shehan-mga2022mi6021 · 5 months
Sri Lankan Witchcraft and Demonology - 3
Demonism is regarded as a means of guarding against sickness, and of curing it when it is supposed, as it almost always is, to be caused by a demon, and also as a means, in the hands of any man, of inflicting death, disease, or other calamity, on other men. A subordinate object of it is the accomplishment of purposes different from the above, such as that of protecting the fruits of a tree from pillage, of creating discord and hatred between the different members of a family. of gaining the affections of a woman, of discovering treasures hidden in the ground, and other similar purposes.
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The demons are regarded as beings only influenced by the worst of motives towards mankind, without a sentiment of pity, justice, or kindness in their nature. They are made instrumental in curing diseases, as well as in inflicting them. They are to be coerced by spells, and propitiated with offerings and particular ceremonies. They cannot affect the spiritual welfare of a man in any way; but can only cause death at the most. A Singhalese demon, therefore' is a different kind of being from the demon of European superstitions or from the Diabolus of the New Testament. For, while the object of the latter is to ruin for ever the soul of a man, that of the former is only to injure the body.
A Singhalese demon is himself a being subject to death, like all other beings recognized by Buddhism, although that event may in some instances take place only at the end of some tens of thousands of years. This difference arises from the Buddhist doctrine, that there is no state of perpetual existence for any being; that happiness or misery can never be perpetual; that the rewards or punishments for the actions of one life will be reaped in one or more states of existence afterwards, and then come to an end; and that mere obedience to a demon does not necessitate any disobedience to one's religion.
In every other form of worship, which exists among men, whether it be Buddhism, Capuism, Mohammedanism, Brahminism, or any other, the objects of worship are always regarded with feelings of veneration by their votaries; but in Demonism alone, no such feelings exist in the heart of the worshipper, whose worship consists only in trying to induce them by flattery, and offerings, or to coerce them by threats, to cure, or to inflict some disease, or to secure a man from becoming liable to it at all. And yet neither the rites of Buddhism, nor of Capuism, nor even of Grahaism, are more frequently and eagerly resorted to, than those belonging to the worship of demons, who, instead of being objects of religious veneration, are only objects of indescribable dread.
One of the main differences between an educated and an uneducated intellect seems to be this. That, while the former always aims at analysis, at generalization, at resolving the mysterious and the marvelous into natural causes, at laying open the hidden and inscrutable things of nature, the latter takes the directly opposite course of indulging in the unreasonable and unaccountable pleasure of throwing a veil of mystery and darkness even over those things, which, if it were to view them rationally, it might understand, and of endeavoring, as often as possible, to give a local habitation and a name to what has neither. Nowhere is this strange peculiarity of the uncultivated intellect perceived in a more tangible form than in the demonology of the Singhalese.
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As may naturally be expected in such a system, created and upheld merely by popular superstition, we find that not only are many of its tenets sometimes contrary to each other, but that the Cattadiyas (demon priests) and even the very books, which lay down the principles of their system, often differ from each other, so much so, indeed, that it is very difficult for any one, undertaking to give a connected and consistent account of the Demonism of Ceylon, to avoid sometimes making in one part of his account a statement inconsistent with another in another part of it. But as far as the Cattadiyas and their followers are themselves concerned, such difficulties are easily surmounted, by their attributing all such contradictions, if pointed out, to the mysteries of the art, and to their own ignorance, rather than to any fault of the system itself.
The Priests of Demonism are styled Yakaduras, Yakdessas, or more commonly, Cattadiyas ; and there is scarcely a single village in the Island, which does not boast of at least one. Nearly twelve months are spent in learning the trade, the most laborious and principal part of the task of a beginner being, to commit to memory the charms, invocations. and songs, which are essential to his vocation. What the number of these is, may be estimated from the fact, that some of the demon-ceremonies commence at 6 or 7 p.m. and, lasting without intermission throughout the whole night, close only about 6 or 7, and sometimes later, the next morning; during all which time the performer has to repeat from memory all his charms and songs. only now and then interrupted by a violent bout of dancing. The dancing and the singing generally go on together, except when the former happens to be of so violent a nature, as to render it impossible to continue the other along with it. The profession was in early times exclusively confined to the low Castes, such as Tom-tom Beaters, Durayas, and Jaggeries, but at present there is no such exclusiveness, men of every caste betaking themselves to it. The first man who ever practiced the art, is said to have been one Pradeys Rosia.
A Cattadiya, who is a priest. though it be of demons, is yet never looked upon as in any way distinguished from the rest of the people by any supposed sanctity of character, or by a superior degree of intelligence ; he wears no particular badge or dress like the Buddhist priest, and receives no particular respect from anyone ;-his ordinary life and avocations are like those of his neighbors ; and as the members of his fraternity in the same village sometimes amount to three or four, his professional income does not suffice for his maintenance. He is therefore obliged to betake himself to some other supplementary business to increase his income. His profession is Looked upon only as any ordinary calling, and commands no more respect than that of a boatman, a boutique keeper, a toddy drawer, or any other common trade. There is nothing of a sacred character belonging to it, as to that of the Buddhist Priests.
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wolint · 8 months
Luke 6:46
The hardest thing for many of us is following instructions; sadly, the simpler the instruction, the harder it is to follow it. If you’ve ever tried to follow furniture (Ikea’s especially) instructions, you’ll understand that a lot of times, it’s indeed difficult to follow simple instructions. Why? Following instructions is basically being obedient and obedience is an essential part of the Christian faith. Obedience is to listen in a state of submission, to hear God’s Word, and act accordingly. The word translated to obey in the Old Testament means “to hear” and our obedient response to God’s Word is a response of trust or faith. To hear God’s Word is to follow through and obey the instructions.
God requires us to trust and obey Him in everything, whether big or small as we hear His word from reading the scriptures, hearing from His servants, and directly from the Holy Spirit.
The Bible views disobedience as a failure to hear and do God’s Word in Psalm 81:11 and Jesus warns anyone who has ears to listen in Matthew 11:15.
1Have you noticed that the first thing people do when they’re told not to do something is to do it? “Do not” is to do exactly that, “do! The Bible's greatest example of disobedience would be Adam and Eve's experience in the Garden of Eden. Genesis 2 and 3 tell the story of Adam and Eve, and their fall into sin. In Chapter 2, God specifies certain instructions, simple as best, on what they may and may not do in the Garden, especially saying that they must not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil because if they did, they will die, what did they do? Genesis 3:6 tells us they “did.”
We ask God for things in prayer but when He instructs us on what to do, we find it hard to obey either because we think it’s too easy, sounds silly, or just too unreasonable and foolish. The natural man does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned declares 1 Corinthians 2:14.
Do not look back lot’s wife was told in Genesis 19:26. She looked back!
God tells Moses to speak to the rock in Numbers 20:8 but instead, he strikes it twice.
The Lord sends Jonah to Nineveh, but Jonah heads off to Tarshish in Jonah 1:1-3.
Elisha instructs Naaman to go bathe in the Jordan seven times, he gets angry and storms away in 2 Kings 5:8.
Jesus tells Peter and his crew to cast their net again, Peter excuses why they shouldn’t in Luke 5:4-5.
Spiritual insight comes through obedience and a life of obedience to God is the fruit of faith according to James 2:21-26.
God promises to divinely guide us through whatever we need to do, and the strength and grace to follow instructions comes from the Lord.
The Lord himself does not need sacrifices as said in 1 Samuel 15:22, what He requires and accepts is obedience.
The simplicity of an instruction does not negate its power or effectiveness, doing what you’re told to do and when you’re meant to do it increases your faith and trust in the Lord as you obey simple instructions, He’ll trust you with bigger, and more complex instructions.
When the Lord tells us what He wants, He knows how we’ll respond but He still encourages us to try in Philippians 4:13, by depending on Him for strength and ability.
No instruction is too hard, just obey and follow the simplest of instructions!
PRAYER: Lord, help me to always desire to obey and follow your instruction, no matter what it involves in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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childofchrist1983 · 11 months
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We make excuses for sin just like Adam and Eve. Sometimes, we need to hide for a minute to convince ourselves we really didn’t do anything wrong or find someone else to blame for our disobedience. Some sins don’t appear to be hurting us right away making us think we can change on our own. Instead of trying to hide, let us humbly face God who loves us unconditionally. When we sincerely ask His forgiveness and repent, He immediately wipes our sin away. May He help us stop hiding our sin. We can trust Him and repent sincerely because He loves us unconditionally.
May we humble ourselves before God always, asking Him to forgive our sins and make our hearts and lives anew through His Holy Word and Spirit. May He help us make Him and His Holy Word top priority, so we can grow spiritually and grow in our relationship with Him as we apply it to our daily lives. Thank God that we can focus on Him and everything about Him, for that is what keeps us sane and at peace. May our words and actions always be a reflection of Him and His Holy Word and Spirit and will for all our lives.
Everyday, we must remember to thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for the grace that He poured out for us on the cross at Calvary. He has freed us from the burdens of sin and guilt. May He help us to always walk in His grace and Holy Spirit, not by our own measure. May He give us the humble humility to know that our freedom and eternal salvation is found only in Him, so that His grace may sustain us, and we may never lose sight of His love and light and mercy. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for calling us to Him and to serve Him. May He equip us to do all that He has called us to do so that as He works through us, He may use us to produce fruit, to reach others, and to encourage all brothers and sisters in Christ. May He work all of these things in us and through us for His Kingdom and His glory. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for all His creation, for His miraculous ways and for everything He does and has done for us! Keep the faith and keep moving forward in your walk with Jesus!
Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His Holy Word and for sending His Holy Spirit so that we might have His grace, not only to awaken us and transform our hearts in our spiritual rebirth and guarantee our eternity with Him, but to also call upon Him whenever we are in need. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for all the reminders of His love and mercy and faithfulness within His Holy Word. He is bigger than any challenge or circumstance in our lives. Knowing this within our minds and our hearts, nothing can deter our faith in Him and His Truth. May we all accept Him and His eternal gift of salvation and ask that He would transform our hearts and lives according to His will and ways. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His Holy Spirit who saves, seals and leads us. May we always thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His almighty power and saving grace. For He is our strength, and He alone is able to save us, forgive our sins and gift us eternal salvation and entry into His Kingdom of Heaven.
May we make sure that we give our hearts and lives to God and take time to seek and praise Him and share His Truth with the world daily. May the LORD our God and Father in Heaven help us to stay diligent and obedient and help us to guard our hearts in Him and His Holy Word daily. May He help us to remain faithful and full of excitement to do our duty to Him and for His glorious return and our reunion in Heaven as well as all that awaits us there. May we never forget to thank the LORD our God and our Creator and Father in Heaven for all this and everything He does and has done for us! May we never forget who He is, nor forget who we are in Christ and that God is always with us! What a mighty God we serve! What a Savior this is! What a wonderful LORD, God, Savior and King we have in Jesus Christ! What a loving Father we have found in Almighty God! What a wonderful God we serve! His will be done!
Thanks and glory be to God! Blessed be the name of the LORD! Hallelujah and Amen!
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yokefellows · 2 years
The Choice to Obey
Today’s Saying
The Lord desires our obedience, but He never demands it. The choice is ours.
Today’s Scripture
“And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands” (2 John 1:6).
Today’s Sermonette
Charles Spurgeon once wrote, "The first thing God requires of His child is obedience." But human nature often rebels against obedience.
The Bible is full of examples of individuals who disobeyed God. Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. Lot's wife blatantly looked back to see the destruction of Sodom. Jonah refused to go to Nineveh. Moses struck the rock, instead of speaking to it as God commanded.
We all can remember incidents when we have disobeyed whether it was against an authority figure, a law of the land, or a biblical principle.
Most likely we even remember our punishment or the consequences we suffered. The act of disobedience brings guilt, sadness, and shame.
There is no long-lasting pleasure in getting our own way. It brings grief to our heavenly Father because He longs for us to walk with Him. Our disobedience separates us from Him.
Yet God extends His grace toward us even when we disobey His Word. Therefore, our response should be to seek His forgiveness with a repentant heart and to learn from the consequences of our disobedience.
When we face a hard decision to choose between what is right and what we want, how do we respond? No matter how you may be ridiculed or how hard it may be to follow God's guidance, obedience is its own reward.
Jesus lived a life of obedience. His earthly ministry was to do the will of His Father.
Like us, Jesus had a choice, and He said, "Not my will, but yours" (Luke 22:42). The Lord desires our obedience, but He never demands it. The choice is ours.
Today’s Supplication
Father, I pray that my love for You would not be based on feelings, but evidenced by my obedience. Thank You for the grace and patience You show me as I learn to walk in obedience to You. Amen.
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i am biased for victor hnnggggg
does he have moments where he’s all clingy towards mc and do you have a favorite moment of them that perfectly captures why victor’s your bias?
btw, hope you’re doing well :> xoxo
Welcome to the “Victor black-hole” hnnngnnn 🥺❤️
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I hope you’re open to spoilers HAHA. Cause my brain is all over the place right now and I’m just gonna pull things out off a tangent from the mess LOL :>
It’s mostly the other way around HAHA i.e. MC being the visibly clingy one between the two of them. Don’t let that fool you though cause in general, they are both VERY handsy LOL eyes the alarming number of arm around the waist CGs they have + the increasing stock of hand holding and hugging CGs. Guess the contents then owekbpkghbj >//<
Regardless, Victor does have moments when he is being “especially” clingy. These are some moments I can currently recall off the top of my head——
DRUNK IN LOVE ASMR – [available in global server]
Victor gets drunk (against all odds LOL) and MC tries to take care of him. But he turns into a cuddle-bug instead. AND IT’S ADORABLE.
THE OLD DAYS ASMR (昔时) – [unreleased]
It’s a very sentimental ASMR where Victor reminisces how his mom taught him to make the best pudding in the world and how happy she’d be if she knew how much MC loves his pudding.
The ending of the ASMR takes a slightly different turn though, and it shows us again just how cuddly, loving and warm this man is.
“If you aren’t willing to be a little more obedient, I’ll tickle you. It’s such a cold day. How can I sleep soundly without hugging you? In the past? The past is the past. I’m used to it now. I have to put my arms around your waist, smell the scent on your hair, and take you into my arms completely. Only then can I sleep soundly. You promised me. As long as I want something, and as long as I’m happy, you can do anything. Since you’ve made a promise, there’s no room for backing out. Come here. Turn around. Put your hands on my waist, here. Mm.... hug a little tighter. Come over here. Mm.... this is really comfortable.”
[showers MC with kisses]
HARVEST DATE – [unreleased]:
SUMMARY: Doesn’t matter how many times he calls MC out, HE IS JUST AS CLINGY.
During this time of the year, there’s always a kind of magical attractive force about the soft and warm blanket being wrapped around your body, making it difficult to resist its temptation.
But recalling today’s itinerary, I still clench my teeth and prepare to get out of bed.
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Victor: What are you doing up so early?
His familiar temperature is pressed against my back, and his usual deep and low voice is now laced with slight sleepiness and hoarseness.
MC: The appointment with the harvesting garden is at 10 AM.... I’ll get up first and get ready.
[MC’s Company Name] and LFG’s collaborative project” Loveland Tourism Month” officially lowered its curtain yesterday. As the continuous hectic days came to an end, we could finally welcome the relaxation.
Yesterday, I received a call from the Wanshu Plantation, informing me that it's time to pick up the tomatoes I planted in the garden with Victor.
Thereupon, we decided to begin the first day of our annual vacation by going to harvest the fruits we had planted together in the past.
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Victor: Early in the morning in usual days, she shouts “I’ll be up in five minutes”. But on the contrary, she is more diligent on vacations.
Victor’s eyes are closed, and his arm that is wrapped around me tightens more and more. Clearly, he has absolutely no intention of letting me get out of the bed.
His hair, which is usually well-groomed, is now strewn about his forehead in a mess, and a handful clump of it is even sticking up in a disobedient manner.
With all his seriousness dispersed, Victor appears warm and relaxed. I wrap my arm around his waist, enjoying the precious morning tenderness.
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MC: Usually when I sleep in, someone always laughs at me for loathing to part with the coverlet.
MC: How come you’ve also fallen into the trap today? What happened to CEO Victor’s skill of “waking up at the right time and never procrastinating”?
Victor: When was this “skill” ever efficacious with a certain someone around? Also, I’m on annual leave today.
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Victor opens his eyes, still some haze swimming across them.
Victor: “No holiday is complete without sleeping in”, isn’t that the first rule in your holiday treasure trove?
MC: While I’m very happy that you’re willing to experience my perfect holiday treasure trove for yourself, but if we don’t get up now, we’re really going to be late.
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A sigh hits my ears. He jerks away my phone and tosses it aside.
Victor: ....the last five minutes.
HEART’S CONTENT DATE – [unreleased]
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If you’re open to spoilers and have the time – PLEASE READ THIS DATE.
You asked if I have any favorite clingy Victor moment that perfectly captures why he’s my bias – THIS DATE IS THE ANSWER.
although he’s partially responsible for MC being busy cause he just gave her a new contract towards “building their future together” (Innermost Thoughts Date) – THE WAY HE SULKS THROUGHOUT THE DATE cause MC hasn’t been able to give him enough attention lately is ABSOLUTELY PRECIOUS. AND Victor showing that you can miss the love of your life THAT much even though you live in the same house skbfbdcvhbj~ *・゜゚(^O^)↝
Also, yeah, he gives the poor little Pudding a run for their love for MC LOL~ (≧▽≦)
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Victor: Let’s go home then. Pudding really misses you lately....
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Victor: But not as much as me.
In other words, every one you love in this world likely loves you back and misses you too, but NO ONE loves you and misses you more than I do~ 乁༼☯‿☯༽ㄏ
These are some droplets that I can think of at this very moment from the ocean of Victor contents LOL. And they all in some way or the other illustrate why I am down so bad for this 2D man~ (✯ᴗ✯)
And, I hope you are doing well too! 🥺💕
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3desiderium3 · 3 years
For your love
chapter three - Rotten Wine
[ series masterlist ]
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pairings : reader x damiano david
story summary : damiano and reader are in very loving relationship that sometimes almost too quickly becomes too toxic for anyone likings
chapter warning (s) : yelling , angst , manipulation , guilt tripping , mind games , toxic behavior , manipulative behavior , strong language
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Saturday morning. Special saturday morning.
Today marks exactly a whole week of Y/N and Damiano not fighting. No yelling , no crying , no sleepless nights , no pushing out of the doorway , no drinking to wash away the sins , no mental damage , no nothing.
Instead of all that , they went on a museum date on Friday , they had a picnic day on Wednesday , Y/N bought him the pearly earrings he has been eyeing on for a while , Damiano made breakfast every day for them , Y/N went out in town to frame some of their pictures they took on their previous vacations . They had a few pamper nights in a row , painting each others nails , putting on face and hair masks and even those weird feet one ! Drinking wine and dancing slowly with some slow music. Damiano singing to Y/N more than 2 times a day.
They made love every night.
It was a dream.
Both of them secretly hoping that this dream won't turn into a nightmare.
Y/N was in kitchen cutting some strawberries for the cake she planned on bringing on tonight's gathering at Victoria's house. Ethan and Thomas where coming as well.
Damiano was still sleeping. Y/N was glowing from happiness and joy. She was so in love with him. She had a smile on her bright shiny face for 7 days in a row , her eyes seemed warmer and more calm , her posture was less tensed and she even smoked less.
While she was busy chopping the reddish fruit under her delicate fingers , the room suddenly felt warmer and creamy cinnamon smell filled it.
Damiano had this weird thing about him that often put Y/Ns mind on wander. It was the way his scent and his aura color changed during his mood swings.
Even if it was not visible to human eye , Y/N swore she could see that dim cloud surrounding his body and changing color in some situations.
His scent was natural , depending on the occasion it was sometimes too strong or it could barely be felt.
When he was happy he was shining deep orange tone with the scent of light cinnamon and lemon ice cream.
When he was sad his color was indigo and he left a strong scent of mint and lime.
When he was angry which is often , he gave of wine crimson vibrations and poisnosly sharp smell of rotten wine.
As for the matter of speaking , when lust would take over him and his senses he smelled sweet like rotting roses and he was gleaming in deep burgundy color.
Just like now he was filling the room with the smell of lemon ice cream and cinnamon.
A pair of slender , sun kissed arms wrapped themselves firmly around Y/N's shoulders and chest .
Damiano's warm , naked chest pressed against Y/N's back pushed her slightly to the edge of the kitchen counter. Closing the gap between her and that cold marble.
His lips found their was to gently kiss the lovely delicate neck of hers. Cracking a sly smile upon seeing some of the soft bruises he left on her neck previous night.
"Morning mio amore." Y/N's lover whispered in her ear. His voice was low , golden , filled with care and adoration.
A huge grin appeared on Y/N's face , turning her head to her left side to kiss Damiano's temple.
"Morning love. It was about time you wake. " His raspy chuckles sent shivers down her spine. " It was , but you have no idea how sad it made me to realize I woke up without you by my side. "
Oh what a sweet talker he was..
"Why don't we go back to bed hmm amore? We have a whole day ahead for us." Damiano nuzzled his face into her neck giving it multiple pecks.
" I need to finish this cake first , after it we can do whatever." " You plan on bringing the strawberry cake tonight?" " Yes.. Why?"
Y/N frowned , she turned around slowly hoping that her boyfriend was playing jokes with her. But he had the same confused expression on his morning face.
" Well... My mom is allergic to strawberries I thought you knew that already?" " Why would your mom be there??"
Damiano stepped back a bit clearly confused.
" Why would she be in her own house? I don't know she is living there I suppose."
Y/N blinked. More than once. Is there some sort of a plan she forgot about? Her mind racing now already , trying to remember all of his family members birthdays and important anniversaries .
" Did you forget the plans we arranged for tonight Y/N?" Damiano asked , now with much more serious tone , his face was not so relaxed and it seemed like the air got thicker and it was harder do breath. The look he gave her was chilling.
' Oh not this shit again.. Are we really going to fight now?? And for what?? '
"I understood that we are going to stay in tonight with Vic and the boys at her place?"
" No. We promised my parents we are going to dine out with them. Did you seriously forgot?!"
He half shouted leaving poor Y/N confused and in slight shock. Why was he getting mad at her for such nonsense? Was he waiting for the right timing just to start an argument?
" I am sorry but I do not remember , you ever telling me that we are seeing your folks. "
" Cause you never fucking listen to me maybe."
He walked over the small coffee table in living room to grab his pack of cigarettes' and a lighter. Taking one in his fingers and placing it between his lips lighting it and taking one long drag. The slow smoke coming out of his nose and hardly parted lips.
" Not just that you never fucking listen but you also never fucking care to remember the important stuff I have! "
Okay what the actual fuck.
Y/N though while her eyes went wide from shock under the furrowed eyebrows and clenched jaw.
This was some sort of a set up. She clearly remember that he never mentioned that to her before.
And both of them knew very fucking well that she would never in her life forget something that's important to him.
" You are obviously pissed at me right now for whatever reason that you have so I will let you be. When you get your shit together you can talk to me. " Y/N said with her head held high.
She was not gonna let him ruin this day. Instead she continued to make her cake. She needed to focus on something else than his deep dark eyes filled with fire from the thrones of hell burning inside of them.
The room smelled like rotten wine.
" What's the problem Damiano. Are you mad at me for not remembering something you never told me?"
He huffed , aggressively shaking ashes off his cig into the ashtray on the coffee table.
" And don't even try ruining my mood , I was perfectly fine before you woke up , I had a wonderful morning thanks for asking. "
" Are you seriously gonna jump on my nerves with that attitude Y/N? "
" That's what you are asking me to do. If you just admit that you forgot to tell me about plans with your parents we are gonna end the day in peace. "
" You are beyond fucking sweet and so beyond fucking dumb if you expect me to stay calm and be in peace with you. You are so ungrateful and so disrespectful towards me . "
Y/N felt like crying , her hands slightly shaking while wiping the fruits into cream . Why now? Why today? Why did he decided to start all this now?
" I am not believing my eyes now , instead of showing me that I am wrong and that you are not ungrateful , you are standing right here and not even bothering to listen what I have to say! "
" I don't wanna hear your crap Damiano! I am trying to maintain the fucking peace in this relationship while you are constantly the one to break it! "
Damiano also felt like crying. Cause Y/N was right. He did forgot to tell her they where invited to go out with their parents , he was in fact mainly responsible for each of their fights. But was he ever going to admit that he is wrong? No.
Instead of trying to process something she is saying to him right now , or trying to apologize , he stood up from the chair he was sitting on , his mouth placed in a smirk , his gaze piercingly cold despite his hot temper.
Damiano walked up to her standing beside her like an annoying child blocking her movements.
" I am sensing slight disobedience in your tone amore.. Now I think we should start again. You are gonna apolo - " " I will certainly not fucking apologize for anything ! Especially not dealing up with your egoistic ass Damiano!"
Y/N was yelling at him. Not able to handle this pressure of rotten wine.
She was tired again. Everything was pale and grey again. She swore that even the sun outside stopped shining. She was tired again from having to deal with a fucking brick wall.
He was just torturing her. For what? His ego.
He was watching her from above , still smirking with his arms crossed . He adored seeing her shake from rage. She was so obedient and so desperate for home peace that she tried doing everything she could to hold herself back.
" You know what Y/N , if you just once , just for once stopped playing a fucking victim then ma- "
She screamed. Y/N Y/LN fucking screamed at Damiano David with all the fore she had in her lungs. Inside her ears it was ringing and she didn't realize that she dropped one bowl at the counter , which just provided clacking noises.
Complete silence that smelled like rotten wine.
Damiano took whatever he could feel under his fingers which was on Y/N's unfortune a bowl filled with cake whipping cream . He gripped it firmly before smashing it in one stir way right beside her.
Y/N was standing paralyzed her eyes watering and palms visibly shaking. She was watching Damiano straight into his deep dark eyes which showed no emotion.
" Once you accept your place and know your role and once you admit you are fucking wrong ,we can talk properly. " That was all he said as that sly half smile never left the corner of his lips.
He passed her by walking to their bedroom.
No other sounds or words left.
Y/N grabbed the edge of the counter , holding herself steady so she wouldn't fall. Her mind racing. Legs shaking. Heart beating mad.
'So this is the man I wanna marry? The man I want to have family with?'
The one who just throw an heavy object right beside her head?
The one who attacks her for his mistakes?
Her legs finally gave her away. She couldn't stand straight , crying all the tears she never knew she had. Y/N hugged her knees and placed her head temple on them. What a lovely Saturday morning.
She stayed there on the floor crying for at least thirty minutes. With running nose and sobs that turned into whimpers and hiccups.
She regretted ever talking back to him . She should've simply agree that she forgot what she didn't even knew. A few times thinking and trying to remember if by any chance she did forgot about that plan.
But no. She couldn't remember. She lost all hope she had.
When she felt like she could stand again she stood up not quit bothering to clean up the white and beige mess on the floor. She skipped it skillfully directing herself to their bedroom.
'Think about all the times this has happened before , think about all other times when he was guilt tripping you and using you to water up his garden of ego. '
Y/N entered their shared room where her lover was in. Laying on his back on a bed surrounded by soft cloudy cotton sheets. His arms and hands behind his head . His eyes looking her up and down with a cold expression while behind them a fire from the throne of hell was burning.
The room stopped smelling like rotten wine.
It was smelling very little like the mint and lime.
Slow raindrops hitting the huge windows gently , the sky changed from golden to silver.
" I-I am sorry.. Plea-ase don't be m-mad at me.. " She managed to choke out this apology.
Wishing that she was the one hearing it.
Wishing she didn't have to pray away his sins.
He tapped the place for her to lay beside him.
He made her a bed of thorns. In which this gentle rose was supposed to blossom.
" Ti amo amore mio . "
Oh that silly word she always get instead of apology. Like it would fix something.
She laid down beside him , placing her head on his chest , her left leg in between his and her left arm around his torso.
One of his hands playing with her hair while the other caressed her arm.
His eyes becoming glassy as bitter drops of shame and regret left them.
Both of these lovers crying in each others arms purposely. Eager to be taken care of.
And not being able to stay on the calm shore cause the violence is the only way they know how to love.
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Izaak van Oosten - The Fall of Man - 
oil on copper, Height: 69.5 cm (27.3 in); Width: 105.5 cm (41.5 in)
The fall of man, the fall of Adam, or simply the Fall, is a term used in Christianity to describe the transition of the first man and woman from a state of innocent obedience to God to a state of guilty disobedience. The doctrine of the Fall comes from a biblical interpretation of Genesis, chapters 1-3. At first, Adam and Eve lived with God in the Garden of Eden, but the serpent tempted them into eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which God had forbidden. After doing so, they became ashamed of their nakedness and God expelled them from the Garden to prevent them from eating from the tree of life and becoming immortal.
For many Christian denominations, the doctrine of the Fall is closely related to that of original sin or ancestral sin. They believe that the Fall brought sin into the world, corrupting the entire natural world, including human nature, causing all humans to be born into original sin, a state from which they cannot attain eternal life without the grace of God. The Eastern Orthodox Church accepts the concept of the Fall but rejects the idea that the guilt of original sin is passed down through generations, based in part on the passage Ezekiel 18:20 that says a son is not guilty of the sins of his father. Calvinist Protestants believe that Jesus gave his life as a sacrifice for the elect, so they may be redeemed from their sin. Lapsarianism, understanding the logical order of God's decrees in relation to the Fall, is divided by some Calvinists into supralapsarian (prelapsarian, pre-lapsarian or antelapsarian, before the Fall) and infralapsarian (sublapsarian or postlapsarian, after the Fall).
The narrative of the Garden of Eden and the fall of man constitute a mythological tradition shared by all the Abrahamic religions, with a presentation more or less symbolic of Judeo-Christian morals and religious beliefs, which had an overwhelming impact on gender roles and sex differences both in the Western and Islamic worlds. Unlike Christianity, Judaism and Islam don't have a concept of "original sin", and instead have developed varying other interpretations of the Eden narrative.
Izaak van Oosten, Isaak van Oosten or Isaac van Oosten (sometimes, due to a repeated typographical error: Izaak van Costen)[1] (10 December 1613 – December 1661) was a Flemish Baroque landscape and cabinet painter active in Antwerp.
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Amaryllis | Chapter 14
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<Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15>
The morning after the celebration of the summer harvests, Sakura sat up in her bed, eyes still closed. She reached up to untangle her hair out of habit. But the short strands were just a little messy. She no longer had to worry about snarls of long hair bunching together, which seemed to be an unexpected bonus of chopping all of it off. Letting out a yawn, she slowly cracked her eyes open and turned to look out the window.
She wasn’t in bed. She wasn’t in her room at all.
She was in the Lavender Pavilion. The fragrance of the purple flowers filled her nose, her mouth. A servant must have seen them because there was a blanket draped over her. And when she turned her head, she saw that there was one covering Itachi too.
He slept well. When she leaned in close, she could hear his breaths. Clear and even like the morning skies.
The long summer was coming to an end. The sun began to rise above the horizon a little later each morning. As she took note of the slight chill in the air, she heard the familiar shriek of gulls in the distance. Head still a little fuzzy, she stared out at the waters for a while. The sky was dark, but the horizon was already glowing as the sun prepared for its daily climb into the heavens.
When she turned back to Itachi, he was still sleeping. She reached out for him. Her hand hesitated. And then she touched her pointer finger to his cheek. He slept on. Dead to the world. She couldn’t remember the last time she had seen someone sleep so soundly.
Sakura let out a yawn as she got to her feet.
The smell of ash still hung in the air as Kaze paced down toward the southwestern shore of the island. Sand sprayed up against the soles of her boots. The carcasses of offering pyres steamed as the cold tides rushed in to meet the still-smoldering piles.
Sakura started as she heard sand shifting under a second set of hooves. She lifted her head toward the noise. The other rider approached her, dipping in a low bow. She waited for him to lower his hood with both hands before she placed her hand over her heart and also inclined her head.
“Count Hatake,” she greeted him.
The man slipped off his horse. With his hood lowered, she could see his unruly silver hair. But the cloak covered the lower half of his face, as it always did. She couldn’t recall ever seeing his face before.
“Punctual as always,” Sakura added, offering her hand.
“It has been too long, Your Highness,” Kakashi responded. His cloth-covered lips touched the back of her hand. He didn’t bother getting on his knees. He knew how much she hated that.
Kakashi’s father had been the previous Count of the Caldera. Wise, but not garrulous. Shrewd, but not miserly. He had served as an officer under her father. Sakura remembered the story well.
The Hatake family has once ruled over a vast duchy in the west. Sakumo’s commanding officer had ordered him to burn down an enemy village. But when Sakumo had seen the women and children huddled in their homes, he had refused. When rebuked for his disobedience, Sakumo defended his decision. He insisted that war was not an excuse to abandon human decency. It came to blows. With Sakumo punching his commanding officer. The altercation was the subject of gossip for many months.
The pressure from the nobles had forced her father to order a dishonorable discharge. And even that punishment was a struggle to agree upon when the nobles clamored for an execution. The Shimura family also took this opportunity to strip the Hatake family of their lands on the western border, adding it on to their own.
But her father could not abide to see a good man disgraced. And so he asked his wife to instead offer the Hatake family a place on their island. Sakumo spent the rest of his days building up the city inside the Caldera. He became her father’s right hand man. He had passed a few years earlier from a fever, passing his title down to his only son.
Sakura had spent time with Sakumo. She knew his loyalty was unparalleled. She had had less of a chance to get to know his son. Kakashi had given her no trouble so far. He seemed honest and obedient. The only odd thing about him was how he was so careful to hide his face.
Even now, as Sakura scrutinized him, Kakashi’s eyes revealed nothing.
“Why don’t you take this time to rest, Count? You must be tired after such a long ride. I’ll send someone to wake you in time for our meeting,” Sakura suggested.
All Kakashi did was bow again before he mounted his horse and rode off.
Far away, across the sea, there were people awake inside Whiteriver Keep before the sun had risen. A lone soldier entered the deserted throne room. Upon the golden throne sat a thin figure with bandages wrapped around his old battle scars.
“My Lord,” Shikamaru said as he lowered himself to one knee before the old man. Danzo nodded from his comfortable and brazen seat on the throne.
Shikamaru pulled a letter from inside the folds of his cloak. The wax seal was already broken. The faint smell of a saltwater lingered on it.
"I've received word from the General."
"She's summoned her supporters in Plumeria. She has instructed the Lieutenant Generals to remain in the capital city to await further orders."
Danzo squinted at the letter in the dim lantern light. This was indeed Sakura's handwriting and her royal seal. And to his disappointment, there was little other detail in her correspondence. Danzo took a moment to squint at the young officer at his feet. It seemed unlikely that the young man would have the means to fabricate such a document with such accuracy. And it seemed even more unlikely that he would risk being caught in a lie with the life of his family on the line. It had taken much persuasion to get the Haruno loyalist on his side.
Clearing his throat, Danzo handed the letter back.
"Very well. Report to me should anything else change," he instructed.
Hours later, Shikamaru yawned before falling asleep at his desk again. Kiba shook his head at him. The third Lieutenant General, Shino, was leading the troops through morning drills. Scooping up an armload of completed paperwork, Kiba got up from his seat.
"Don't forget we have a meeting with the Minister of Defense for lunch," Kiba sighed. Shikamaru lifted one limp hand before letting it flop to the desk. Giving a shake of his head, Kiba straightened his collar before stepping out into the hall.
He strode through the halls. It still filled him with satisfaction watching the lower ranking officers part for him. In General Haruno's absence, the borders had remained relatively quiet. She had dealt with the raiders in the south. And their neighbor to the north, the Mountain Kingdom, seemed uninterested in conflict for the time being. The guards stationed on the border between the two nations reportedly had it the easiest out of all the borders.
Kiba found himself in a genuinely good mood as he crossed the courtyard to the administrative building. Maybe after he dropped off this paperwork, he would go wake the lazy Nara up and go spar with his boys for the first time in a while.
"Oh thank the heavens. Lieutenant Colonel! Have you seen my daughter?" the Countess Yamanaka exclaimed as she ran as best as her pointy shoes would allow on cobblestone.
Kiba cocked his head to one side. Young Lady Ino wasn't a rare sight around the military academy. She came to visit Sakura often. Sometimes she was even known to make the General angry enough to invoke insults and arguments. But, Kiba supposed, that was the bond of friendship.
"Lady Ino?" he wondered out loud. It had been several days since he had seen her anywhere in the capital. That wasn't odd, considering that the General was gone.
"I'm afraid not, My Lady. Is anything the matter?" he then replied. The countess had a pale face as she clenched her hands together.
Moegi peeked out from behind the noble lady, her eyes wide. But as Lady Ino's lady-in-waiting, it was her duty to keep her safe from harm. Losing Ino hardly counted as keeping her safe. As Kiba stared at her, the girl flushed. Ducked behind the countess’ skirts again.
Sasori discovered them after sunrise, his arms folding across his chest. His shadow fell across Sakura’s leg.
Sakura was curled into a ball, her chin tucked up against her chest. Itachi lay beside her, his left arm bent under his head. There was evidence of a long night: playing cards, bowls of mostly-eaten fruit, and candles that had melted into hardened blobs. But as he took a step closer, Sasori saw her eyelashes flutter. Her eyes flickered to him, alert. And when he looked again, he realized that she was wearing riding boots. Her gloves lay discarded behind her. His lips thinned for a moment. Then he was smiling again.
"Good morning, nocturnal creatures. I'm here to inform you that your guests will be arriving shortly. Perhaps it would be wise to get an early start this lovely day," Sasori announced. A crisp bite to each syllable as he enunciated each word. He clapped his hands once, rubbing his palms together. Itachi started awake at the noise. He inhaled sharply as he bolted upright. Cheek resting on her arm, Sakura regarded him with a smile.
"The time, Sasori?" she queried.
"A little past 7, darling. Some tea? Breakfast?"
She nodded. Closing her eyes, she let out a yawn.
"Breakfast on my terrace in an hour. I'll have a bath and then meet all three of you there, if you're not too tired," Sakura said, her eyes falling on Itachi towards the end of her words. He met her gaze with a nod.
“I can wake Sasuke,” Itachi offered. He got to his feet. He stole a glance at Sasori before he tried to fix his sleep-rumpled clothes. But Sasori wasn’t even looking at him.
The Admiral knelt at Sakura’s side. He ran his hand through her hair.
“You’re a mess,” he scolded, laughing at her. And Sakura was laughing too. She held her arms up to him. Sasori wrapped an arm around her waist to pull her upright.
“Off you go,” Sasori then said.
An hour later, Sakura walked out onto her terrace. Her damp hair tucked behind her ears. A red robe thrown on over her dress. Her hand skimmed over Sasori’s back as she passed behind him. He turned, offering his fork to her. She plucked the slice of banana off the utensil and popped it into her mouth before she settled in the seat beside him. She smiled at Itachi, who returned the expression.
“So, who are these guests?” Itachi queried as Sakura accepted a cup of tea from a servant.
“The vassals of the Haruno family. Count Hatake and Count Maito,” Sakura replied. She dropped a cube of sugar into her tea. She stirred to dissolve the sweetness. The blend was rather strong today. The tea was nearly black.
“And Count Sarutobi arrived last night. He’ll be joining us as well,” added Sasori.
Sakura’s eyebrows rose.
“I don’t recall summoning Count Sarutobi,” was all she said.
The air around them suddenly felt a little colder. Everyone fell silent as Sakura lowered her teacup. It fit perfectly in the matching saucer. Only Sasori seemed unbothered as he chewed on another piece of banana.
“I did. I felt his presence was necessary today,” he answered.
Sakura stared at him.
Sasori responded with a smile.
“Oh, love, don’t make such a scary face. Things will be much easier with Count Sarutobi here,” insisted Sasori. He reached out to tap her cheek with the back of his hand.
Sakura let out a sigh. When she reached for her tea again, she rolled her eyes.
“You’re incorrigible,” she remarked. Shaking her head, she turned her attention back to Itachi.
“Count Hatake’s father served under my father as a soldier. Father awarded him his title for his loyalty. And Count Maito’s title is… recent… as well. You’ll see what I mean,” Sakura then added. Itachi titled his head a little as he considered this.
Beside him, Sasuke, who had been yawning and rubbing his eyes, slowly lowered his hands.
“Sounds like an important meeting," Sasuke pointed out.
Sakura didn't respond to that. She simply smiled at him over the rim of her teacup.
By the time Count Maito arrived, everyone else had already gathered in the meeting place. Gai touched his forehead once before bowing- a sign of apology.
Sasuke exchanged silent looks of surprise with his older brother. Count Maito was very clearly not from the mainland. He was dark-skinned with thick black hair and a trimmed beard.
"My dear friends," Sakura began. Her voice was clear, not particularly loud. It was the weight of the authority behind it that made everyone turn to look at her. Sakura sat on her throne, her hands folded in her lap. Even Lady Kurenai was in attendance at the meeting. The older woman was a rare sight among larger groups of people. She cast a sidelong glance toward the tardy Count Sarutobi who quirked a smile. She nodded, moving her fan to cover her mouth as she turned her gaze back to Sakura.
"It has been many months since I've seen some of you. And while I would very much enjoy catching up on personal matters, this is not such a happy occasion."
The curiosity in the air sharpened into something else entirely. Sakura paused for a moment.
"My ears on the mainland, along with the advice of some friends, has alerted me to a rather…" Sakura considered her words for a moment, "…worrying situation." She then looked at Sasori sitting beside her on the left arm of her throne.
"My sources, separate from our dear Lady's, also inform me of some troubling developments. Marquess Shimura has been calling several meetings in the capital, both with and without the presence of high-ranking military officers," began Sasori.
“Danzo Shimura? The Regent's Prime Minister? He already has most of the nobles licking his boots. What more could he want?" Asuma scoffed. Gai nodded with enthusiasm, his arms folded over his broad chest. Kakashi said nothing, his cowl pulled up over his face to cover his mouth. Perhaps this is what made it more noticeable to Sakura when his mismatched eyes flickered from Sasori, to her, and then toward the edges of the room where her mercenaries stood guard.
“I’m hearing rumors of taxes rising. A reduction in the amount of wheat being stored for the winter in the Hyuuga family’s granaries. Which are the least troubling developments, to be quite honest,” Sakura responded.
“Have the harvests been unfavorable on the mainland?” Gai wondered.
“The soil has been a bit dry, but the people are not starving. If anything, Marquess Akimichi looks more… generous than ever,” Asuma reported.
Sasori stifled his smile behind his fist as he pretended to cough.
“Sources also report that Marquess Shimura has a new favorite pet. It appears that Count Yamanaka, is never far from his side,” Sasori went on. Ino flushed, hands clenching into her skirts.
“That would make sense. Other than Whitewave, Spring Port is the only trading port of its scale,” mused Asuma.
“What about the southern port in the Namikaze lands?” Gai countered.
Asuma shook his head. “Unreliable. The shores are rocky and boats capsize too often. And with the unrest in Wave Country, merchants would prefer not to take such a risk.”
“Marquess Shimura has also been making visits to the military academy, reports say,” Sasori then said.
Sakura’s eyes narrowed.
“…the old snake wouldn’t dare when I was there,” she murmured. Her thumb touched her chin as she thought.
Her stare skimmed over the assembled members of her council. She could see Itachi and Sasuke sitting there, looking like they weren’t quite sure why they had been invited in the first place. And from the glances Kakashi occasionally stole their way, he was asking himself the same question. As Sakura watched, Gai leaned in to whisper something to Kakashi. Kakashi shook his head. He must have whispered something back because Gai nodded a few times.
Temari sat in an archway, carving a new staff with a short knife and a tree branch. The scrape of the blade made it sound like she wasn’t paying attention. But Sakura knew. Temari heard everything. Beside her sat Gaara. When their eyes met, he tilted his head, mouthing, ‘Yes?’. And on his other side, Kankuro also tilted his head, eyebrows rising. Asking if she needed anything. Sakura just shook her head.
Taking a deep breath through her nostrils, Sakura leaned back in her throne. She ran her fingers along the cool stone. Thinking.
“Before I decide anything, I believe I should be forthcoming with all of you,” she decided. And then, she smiled to herself as she added: “Well, as forthcoming as a Haruno is capable of being.” Her cousins chuckled. Even Temari cracked a smile.
Folding her arms across her chest, Sakura directed her gaze to the Counts.
“There were a few attempts on my life during my stay in the Mountain Kingdom. They were quite skilled, considering I was actually in danger,” Sakura confessed.
Kakashi let out a quiet sigh, rubbing his palm over his face. Beside him, Gai bolted out of his chair.
“Your Grace! Are you alright?” he demanded.
Sakura smirked. “Clearly. Given that I’m sitting here.” And then she looked up at Sasori. “What’s the tally, Sasori? The slashing, the poisoning. Just the two?”
Sasori pretended to examine his nails. “Oh, don’t forget the little rat I caught sneaking outside the walls on that first night.”
Sakura’s eyebrows rose. She hadn’t been aware of that last one.
Sasori smiled down at her. He patted her shoulder. Hand sliding over to curl around the back of her neck.
“Just the three, love,” he assured her.
“And in response, you’ve chosen to bring home two princes of the family that tried to have you killed?”
Everyone heard Count Hatake’s voice so infrequently that it took a second for them to figure out who had spoken.
Cheek in her hand, Sakura smiled at him. “It wasn’t the Uchiha family. Or, at the very least, I wasn’t the intended target.”
“Your proof, Your Grace?” challenged Kakashi.
“The assassin at the ball was targeting the son of the Regent. A pity that our esteemed General has such quick reflexes,” Sasori replied. He shrugged when Sakura gave him a look.
“Prince Itachi,” Sakura then called.
Sasuke started. But Itachi didn’t. Because, she had noticed, he was always watching her. He had seen her looking right at him before she had called his name.
“I know this is a sudden question, but do you recall anything about that meal when I was poisoned?” she questioned.
Itachi frowned as he thought. She could see the thoughts running through his head. Beside him, Sasuke looked up as he thought too.
“It was some sort of… bean soup, I think. And we had wine. But everyone had wine,” Itachi slowly recalled. And then he looked at her again. “You said that it was the soup. Your bowl was the only one poisoned.”
“How did your soup taste?” Sakura urged.
Sasuke made a face. “I think mine was tepid.”
Itachi’s eyes widened. His head snapped around as he turned his attention to his brother. “So was mine.”
And then Itachi stared right into Sakura’s eyes.
“Was yours not?” he asked.
Sakura returned his gaze. Unsmiling.
“Piping hot, Your Highness,” she replied.
“It seems someone in the kitchen prepared another soup in a hurry,” Sasori observed.
Sakura touched her fingers to the left side of the neck. Tapping the missing earring in her left ear.
“Didn’t I tell you? Surviving poisonings is practically a family tradition for us,” Sakura said just to Itachi.
“Arsenic, in large quantities leads to a rather quick death. But it can also play the long game. A dash of powder in your tea. A sprinkle in your breakfast. Increasing the doses as your body grows more resistant with time,” Sakura suggested. She could see the color draining from Itachi’s face as read between the lines.
“Constant sore throat. Stomach pains. Difficulty breathing. Abnormal heartbeats,” she listed, counting off on her fingers.
“That poison wasn’t meant for me. I believe it was for you, Prince,” Sakura spelled out for him.
White as a sheet, Itachi whispered something to his brother. Sasuke grasped at his arm. But Itachi shook him off with surprising strength. He got to his feet. Without uttering an apology, he hurried out of the room, his hand clapped over his mouth.
“Brother!” Sasuke called after him. His gaze flitted around the room until he found Sakura again.
“I didn’t say it to hurt him. But he has a right to know the truth,” she said, reading the accusation in his stare. And then her eyes narrowed. “Did you know?” she wondered.
“Of course not,” hissed Sasuke, bristling all over.
Sakura searched his face for another moment. And then she nodded. “Go. He probably shouldn’t be alone right now,” she urged.
Sasuke scrambled up. He hurried after his brother, nearly upsetting a decanter of wine in his rush.
It was silent for a long moment. Until Kakashi leaned back on the bench. The wood creaking under his shifting weight.
“Your orders, Your Grace,” he prompted.
Sakura touched her hand to her chin as she thought.
“I need eyes on Spring Port. I want to know who enters leaves Count Yamanaka’s home. Servants included. I want to know who he is dealing with, including all of his business partners.” As she spoke, she looked over at Sasori. Smiling as she touched the back of his hand. “I’m sure you can spare one little boat for me,” she added.
“Oh, the toil,” Sasori responded with a smirk.
“Assemble a team to inspect all the granaries. I want accurate tallies and reports of the surrounding areas,” Sakura then ordered, looking to Asuma, who bowed.
“As for Count Shimura waltzing in and out of the Academy, that’s easily remedied. I’ll have my Lieutenant Generals to be more discerning in who is permitted to enter the gate,” she mused.
“Oh, that relic will be screaming about how they dare to block him. That his great-great-however many generations- grandfather laid the foundation with the kingdom with his blood, sweat, and tears,” Sasori sighed. Sakura could imagine it, too. The old man barking, spittle flying as he swung his cane around.
“Excellent. Hopefully his heart will give out with all the screaming,” Sakura retorted.
For the first time that night, Kurenai spoke up.
“What about the rising taxes, my dear?”
“Well, Aunt Kurenai, moving food and gathering money usually means one thing. It seems that someone is building an army,” Sakura guessed.
“For what purpose, do you think?” probed Kurenai. Who had always encouraged her to dig deeper.
“I highly doubt it’s to come to my aid,” sighed Sakura. She glanced at Kurenai.
“Can I entrust this matter to you, Aunt?” asked Sakura.
Hand over her heart, Kurenai dipped her head.
“Is this war then, Your Grace?” Gai questioned, his normally loud voice tight and hushed.
“Preparations for a possible war, to be more precise,” Kakashi corrected him.
“We should siege Whiteriver Keep. With enough preparation, we could barricade those two rivers around it and starve the city. We could conquer it in a matter of months,” suggested Asuma.
“The Kingdom’s armies are blooded and our numbers are strong. We could stand a good chance against the forces of the Hyuuga and Shimura family’s troops,” Sasori calculated the numbers in his head.
Ino opened her fan with a loud snap, drawing stares. She almost looked ashamed of herself as she said, “My Father will join forces with them. And he has a good number of ships.”
“Countess Inuzuka will undoubtedly take up the sword in our defense. The Nara and Aburame families will likely come to our aid. But their numbers are laughably small,” Sakura added on.
“And as of now, it seems more likely that Marquess Akimichi will be of no help,” Sasori concluded.
All eyes returned to Sakura as she clasped her hands together. “…I don’t like these odds,” she whispered. She thought of the letter Kisame had delivered not too long ago.
We've received your message. It is with great honor that we formally extend welcome to our blood. Please present the enclosed seal to anyone who may give you trouble on our side of the sea.
Awaiting your correspondence at your earliest convenience.
“There’s one more place I can ask for help,” Sakura admitted. She ran her hand through her hair as she considered.
Suddenly, Sakura rose from her throne. Everyone around her hurried to stand, too.
“Haku,” Sakura called. And the little servant, who was never far from her, came running at the sound of her voice. Wiping flour off his hands, onto a towel as he approached.
“Send words to Prince Ebizo of the Arids of my arrival. I need you to speak with Shizune about preparing gifts that I must bring on my journey,” Sakura instructed. Haku’s head bobbed up and down as he took in her words.
“I’m going to need a ship, Sasori. And I’ll need you to handle things here at home. Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro, pack your things,” she went on.
“My dear Counts, please carry out my orders. And continue to watch over my affairs in my absence.”
Only Kurenai seemed unsurprised. She lifted her tea to sip at it, pointedly avoiding her son’s eyes.
Sasori’s gaze was full of fire as he grasped Sakura’s arm.
“Don’t,” she said. She held up her hand.
“Who else should I entrust to watch over Lady Ino and your mother? A stranger? You need to be here so no one would dare set foot on this soil uninvited,” Sakura declared.
"I need you to trust me," Sakura then said. She held Sasori's stare, unflinching. Though he puffed up his chest, ready to spit protests, he seemed to deflate at that.
“What about the princes, Your Grace?” asked Gai.
Sakura spared him a smile. “Doesn’t life need at least a little mystery?” was all she replied before she stepped out of the room.
It was a while before anyone spoke.
Kankuro, arms crossed behind his head, rose from his cushioned seat on the floor.
“Well, My Lady has spoken,” he declared before he strolled off.
Sakura found Itachi and Sasuke with a little direction from the servants.
The brothers sat together in the Lavender Pavilion. Neither of them looked up as she joined them. The ocean winds blew through the arches, sending the curtains billowing inwards like phantom dancers. The waves splashed softly against the edges of the room as the tide came in.
“I suspect it was your mother,” was all she said as she leaned against the railing. Staring out at the sea. At the way the colors and shapes of the waves were always changing.
“She’s not your father’s first wife, is she?” Sakura guessed.
“How did you know that? Father’s first wife was a secret.” Sasuke’s voice was hoarse.
Sakura lifted her hand, pointing to her finger. “Their wedding bands don’t match.”
“You fell ill right around the time your brother was born. Queen Mikoto was always incredibly kind to you, treated her as your own. Sometimes, she even treated you better than her own son. As if she were trying to compensate for something,” Sakura imagined out loud.
When she looked back, Sasuke’s hands were covering his face.
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered.
“Why? You didn’t do any of this,” Sakura pointed out.
“But it happened because of me,” he insisted.
To her surprise, it was Itachi that replied: “…It did. But you can’t blame yourself. You’ll drive yourself mad.”
Itachi stared straight at her. Unlike his brother, he didn’t shed tears. His expression was quite flat as he simply watched her. And then he reached out a hand for her. Who needed words when his sad eyes said everything?
Sakura pushed off the railing. Taking his hand, she settled beside him. She could feel his other hand curl around her elbow.
“When did you begin to suspect?” he questioned. His voice low, trembling just a little.
“Quite recently. When your condition began to improve so quickly since you arrived here,” she confessed.  She reached over, tucking a lock of his soft hair behind his ear. “Yashamaru also remarked that your liver seemed unwell. As if it had been toiling beyond its capacity for quite some time.”
His hands were so soft. The touch of his thumb brushing over her skin was barely there, but so comforting.
It seemed like the brothers had had a chance to talk before she had arrived. The air between them was sorrowful, but not heavy.
“And here I was, thinking my family life was so much less tumultuous than yours,” Itachi suddenly joked. It took her by surprise. She smiled, just for a moment.
“You’re less upset than I thought you’d be,” she observed.
His hand squeezed hers. She squeezed back.
“I’m quite shaken. But part of me is… relieved. Just… to know what was wrong after all these years. Or, rather, what wasn’t wrong,” he explained.
She didn’t really know what to say in response to that. She had to think. And when she did, all she could say was: “…You’re very strong.”
Sakura cancelled the rest of her appointments that day to spend it there. Servants brought lunch to them on gleaming trays. The silver utensils sparkled as they handled the unpoisoned food.
She taught them to play a card game. And they taught them one from their country in return.
It wasn’t until the sky began to darken that they broached the subject of what was to come next.
“I’m going to the Arids. To seek aid from my relatives,” Sakura confessed.
Sasuke nearly choked on his wine. His puffy eyes watering as he coughed. Itachi patted him on the back, handing him a napkin to wipe his mouth.
“You’re both welcome to stay here as long as you’d like. But I think it would be best if you returned home soon, Sasuke,” suggested Sakura.
“Why’s that?” Sasuke wheezed. He coughed again.
“I’m unsure of how the unrest here will be seen by your country. I would feel much more at ease with an ally there.”
“And… what about…” Sasuke trailed off, eyes falling on his brother.
“I’d prefer to stay here,” Itachi declared. And then he smiled at Sasuke. “No sense in recovering my health just to get poisoned all over again,” he joked.
Sasuke’s face fell. He blinked too many times. He cleared his throat again, needlessly.
“Um… what do I tell Father… and… Mother?”
Itachi’s expression warmed as he released Sakura’s hand. He instead placed his hand on top of Sasuke’s.
“That’s not your job. Let me worry about that, little brother,” he assured him.
A few tears leaked out of the corners of Sasuke’s eyes as he turned his head away.
After Sasuke had gone to bed, Sakura and Itachi found themselves alone. The candlelight flickering in the breeze.
“You look anxious. Are you alright?” Itachi worried.
Sakura shook her head.
She closed her eyes as she pulled him into her arms. The whisper of his hair on her cheek tickled. He was warm. His arms hung at his sides, like he wasn’t quite sure what to do with them. And then, slowly, he raised them to return the embrace.
“You always seem like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders,” he said near her ear.
She looked over his shoulder, out at the foaming seas. Suddenly she could see the days of the early summer, of his delicate spider's limbs and the whiteness of his skin against his dark blue robes. She remembered the outline of his eyelashes as he turned his face to the window to soak in the sunlight.
“…Sometimes I feel that way, too,” she admitted.
When she felt him pull away, she turned her attention back to him. He kissed her. Fumbling and soft. Yet unbearably sweet.
Dark blue smoke rose from the metallic incense burners. The tip of the cigarette holder smoldered. Servants spoke in soft voices as they walked past curtains. Their muffled shadows spilled across the stone floor. Bare feet pattered across the rugs dyed indigo and violet. They darted around the various hands and legs until they stopped just in front of a woman reaching over to break off a piece of bread. Her golden eyes lit up.
"Ah, a message?" she said as she accepted the envelope handed to her. The servant bowed meekly before running back off past the curtains.
"What a fancy seal. It must be from across the sea," one man chortled as he squinted. She didn't reply as she ran her fingers over the indentations in the red wax. The rose petals were rounded and lovely. Her nail sliced under the seal. The weight of the creamy white paper was unfamiliar. It was coarser than she was used to. But as she pulled the contents of the envelope out, she recognized the neat letters looping and slicing across the page.
"What is it?" someone asked as the woman's expression grew slack. Her gripped loosened on the cigarette holder for a moment. It clattered against the stone, spilling glowing ashes across the ground.
"Oh my," she simply uttered.
A smile curled at her lips as she finally tore her gaze from the contents of the letter. She motioned for another cigarette holder.
"We should alert the Prince and the elders that we're going to have a guest quite soon," Karui declared.
"A guest?" one person repeated unsurely.
"And if rumors are true, we're going to need more wineskins.”
"Nervous?" questioned Temari as she joined Sakura to stand at the bow of the ship. She leaned on the edge of the wood, peering up at Sakura's expression. Her eyebrows scrunched together as she looked out at the never-ending blue that spilled endlessly to meet the bottom of the sky. Her fingers tapped against the sword hanging from her belt.
"I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit that I don't exactly remember all of the etiquette. Shizune would be angry with me," Sakura admitted. Did women bow with one knee or was it with two? She tried to pull up the memories from her childhood visit to the deserts across the sea. Temari chuckled.
"The manners will come to you eventually, Lady Sakura. I was asking more about the broader situation at hand," Temari amended.
Sakura tilted her head to look over at the other woman. Temari stood tall, bronzed skin shining against the deep purple of her cowl. Her sleeveless arms were hard with muscles. Kankuro wandered over to join them, the buttons of his shirt undone to show off the huge tattoo of a spider on the left side of his chest.
"I'm frightened for my people. But I feel somewhat guilty to admit that I will shed blood if I must," sighed Sakura.
"There seems to be a lot of blood on our family. I'm sure a little more can't hurt," remarked Kankuro in return.
Several weeks later, when the tall golden doors of the palace opened, several riders on camels rode into a huge room filled from floor to ceiling with books. As was custom, Sakura handed over a text from home to be copied into the library here before being returned to her. This time, she had brought a complete history of the war conquests of the current dynasty of the Forest Kingdom. The old scribe accepted the heavy tomes with glee. A pair of guards then escorted them through the huge room, into a series of halls and turns until they arrived in another room.
Air smoky with incense billowed out when the doors opened.
Servants with palm leaves lined the walkway. Soft string instruments plucked along in the background. Oiled hair, silver and gold bangles glinted from the people gathered in the room.
Heavy black boots clomped down the carpet. All eyes were on Sakura as she strode through the double doors, Temari, Gaara, and Kankuro on her heels. They strode down the walkway, to the woman sitting in a large group of men and women. And while all of them were beautiful in one way or another, the woman in the middle immediately drew the eye.
Auburn curls glistening with oils hung past her shoulders. She rose to her feet in one sinuous motion.
"Kinsmen," Karui greeted them in a voice that echoed around the room.
"We welcome you most ardently to our humble lands. We are most joyful to greet you. I am Karui," she announced.
"We are grateful for your immense hospitality. We have brought gifts from home to honor you," answered Sakura. A murmur of approval traveled through the other people. Karui put her hand on her chest and dipped her head in thanks.
"You honor us with your gifts. But please, first there is someone you must meet, Lady Sakura," Karui insisted.
Sakura glanced back at the three siblings. Gaara's mouth pulled up in a small smile.
"We have much catching up to do. Please, go ahead," he encouraged her. Temari nodded. Kankuro had already seated himself among the people, laughing and joining the conversation. Sakura only hesitated for another moment before she turned back to Karui and nodded.
Together they ducked past a set of heavy curtains edged with golden beads.
The end of Karui's heavy maroon skirt trailed after her. The fabric was threaded with tiny patterns of gold and silver thread. Her right arm was heavy with stacks of bangles. Sakura felt a little out of place with her starched white uniform.
"Our prince has been anticipating your arrival for quite some time," Karui informed her with what looked like a smile. Sakura didn't say anything in response.
Down the hidden hallway, all the way at the end, there was a set of double doors. Karui knocked two times before she pushed the doors open.
This was a large room with stone floors the color of sand. And at the far end, seated on an intricate stack of rugs and pillows was one person dressed entirely in white. He wore no crown, no diadem.
"Bring her closer. My eyes just aren't what they used to be," the old man croaked.
Karui gestured for Sakura to continue walking so she stepped forward a few steps. The old man squinted at her from beneath thick eyebrows. He stroked at his beard for a little bit before he nodded. In his left hand was a long wooden pipe. Wisps of smoke escaped from the end as he lowered it from his mouth.
"Ah…yes. Come closer, child," he insisted again while patting the rug in front of him.
Sakura tried to remember if there was some sort of etiquette for these kinds of situations. She came up empty. So she simply sat across from the old man, her back straight and her hands on her knees. Karui remained standing.
He was just as wiry as she remembered him.
"Great-Uncle Ebizo," she finally managed to whisper.
"So you do remember me," he chuckled with another stroke of his beard. Sakura smiled a little too.
Her grandmother's younger brother, the Prince of the Diamond Oasis.
Ebizo nodded for a while before his wrinkled hand gestured to the wooden chest sitting beside him. He pushed it over to Sakura. She hesitated for an instant before lifting the latch and opening it.
"A gift for you, my dear," he said. He held out an empty hand
"Oh…Great-Uncle, I couldn't," she hedged. She examined the length of dark red cloth. It was faded around the edges. The stitching was uneven and the patterns were lumpy. There were diamonds of different widths and what looked to be birds along the borders. It was the needlework of a child. Karui let out a hushed sound of awe. The old man chortled into his beard.
"I suppose you're thinking that is a dingy scrap," he said. Sakura shook her head, but she knew there was no point in arguing with the shrewd old man.
"This was woven and stitched by your grandmother when she was just a child. It was supposed to have been part of her marriage linens but her mother didn't consider it quite presentable," chuckled the man. Mouth falling open, she looked down at the cloth with different eyes.
"It must be difficult to imagine, but all of the ancient ones were once children as well," added Ebizo.
"Please…" Sakura began as she looked up at him.
"Let me tell you of your grandmother, child," Ebizo said before she could ask. Karui bowed quietly before she saw herself out. This wasn't a story for her ears.
Giggles rang down the gilded walls of the palace. Her bare feet slapped against the cool stone. The bangles on her wrists and ankles jangled merrily as she moved.
"Chiyo!" Ebizo shouted as he ran harder, arms pumping at his sides. He finally caught up to her just around the corner. Her inky hair spilled into her face as she laughed. The beaded sash around her head was askew. Sighing impatiently, he reached out to adjust it.
"Father said that you must behave today. Our family from across the sea is about to arrive any moment!" he snapped. Her eyes gleamed for an instant as she stared at him. Then she pulled locks of curling hair out of her face, teeth bared in a pointed smile.
"My mother says that the marriage has already been agreed upon. I'm being sold like livestock," Chiyo scoffed, flipping her hair over her shoulder. Ebizo grasped her arm.
"That's not true," he sighed, "You're getting married."
"What's the difference?" she retorted so sharply that he couldn't think of a response. For a moment, her face darkened into something even more bitter before she shook herself out of it.
"Father only needs his sons. That's why I'm being sent away," Chiyo muttered.
"Father wants you to be happy. He's not sending you to strangers," Ebizo insisted.
And despite the fact that they were only a year apart, Chiyo glanced over at him with a smirk. She reached over to pinch his cheek.
"I'm grateful for your assurances, baby brother," scoffed the girl.
When their guests did arrive, Chiyo allowed herself to be dressed up in the glittering dress and heavy jewels. Her mother wept too hard to be present for the meeting.
Everyone held their breath as they waited for her to approach the visitors. Chiyo's sharp tongue was known far and wide. It wouldn't be the first time she drove away a potential suitor. But to their surprise, she dipped herself low, head nearly touching her knees.
"It is an honor to be in your presence, Your Grace," she said.
"I never saw my dear sister in person again," Ebizo added with a wistful sigh.
"I beg your pardon…but you said 'her mother'?" Sakura gently interrupted. Ebizo raised a thick eyebrow. Then he nodded.
"Ah, yes. This must be unfamiliar to you. It was often the practice of our ancestors to take on multiple wives to ensure that healthy heirs were born. You are undoubtedly aware that Haruno's are seldom blessed with large families," the old man clarified. Sakura's lips pursed.
"Our father had eight wives in total. We had two elder brothers from his first wife that died from an illness. I was from his third wife and Chiyo was his fifth wife's only child. There were others as well, but none survived past childhood," he recalled. But then he chuckled.
"That practice has fallen out of fashion now. I myself only ever took on one wife. But she passed on many years ago. Now I am grooming Karui to be my heir," Ebizo explained. Sakura's eyes widened.
"Out of fashion?" she mused.
Ebizo raised on eyebrow as he wheezed out a laugh.
"We are, child, currently in what we call the Age of Knowledge. We pursue the great arts and sciences. You yourselves saw that all who travel here must enter through the library. Our brothers in the northern sands across the mountains journey here just to study at our university. We are peoples in pursuit of the truth." The pride in his wavering voice drew her in.
Indeed the size of the royal library here made any other library she had encountered before seem like an amateur’s collection of books. There were yellowed scrolls from countless lands. Even stone slabs bearing ancient carvings were displayed on the walls.
"But many years ago, up until when my father was prince, we were in the Age of Decadence," Ebizo then added. Sakura frowned.
She thought back to the years of study under her tutor. Sakura had vague recollections of learning about a golden era of wealth in the Arids. Her grandmother had arrived to Plumeria with a procession of 20 horses, 20 camels, and 20 mules bearing chests of jewels. Ebizo nodded, as if he could see what she was thinking about
"We prospered greatly. My great-grandfather had 77 royal concubines in his harem. His descendants numbered into the hundreds. But that lifestyle was unsustainable. Our people began to suffer," Ebizo went on. Sakura couldn't help but think back to the Forest Kingdom. The beggars on the streets and the whorehouses filled with young girls and their shrieking infants.
"I convinced the elders that if we ourselves sacrifice a little more of our excess, our land as a whole would prosper," declared with a proud sort of nod. Sakura's eyes went wide.
"And that worked?" she asked.
Ebizo wheezed out another great guffaw of laughter. He pointed a shaky finger to his temple. It was almost hidden among all his wrinkles, but there was a jagged scar running down the left side of his face.
"I was nearly assassinated countless times," he chortled.
She choked a little on her breath.
"No one liked my idea. My brothers and cousins all conspired to kill me. It took so long for my reforms to take root that I thought it was a lost cause," added Ebizo with a little shrug.
"Even if the mighty ocean wave beats against the boulder, it might, on occasion, grow weary, no?" he then said, shooting her a knowing look.
"How did you…?" Sakura trailed off. Ebizo patted her hands.
"Your reputation precedes you, little one: The Heartless: warrior who bleeds iron and sheds the tears of others and not her own. The war hero whose own hair carries the blood of the fallen- The list goes on and on. You're stubborn. You take after your grandmother in that sense. And it's no secret that you are the princess who wears the armor of a general," he listed on and on. Sakura's eyes narrowed.
"I am not simply wearing the armor of a soldier," she objected. The corner of the old man's mouth pulled up in a smirk.
"Ah, most certainly not. But you do wear titles and faces, changing as the moon changes its faces as it moves across the sky. Undoubtedly, you are a just and loving ruler to your own people, but a fierce monster in the face of your enemies. Am I wrong?"
When Sakura remained silent, Ebizo wagged his finger knowingly in her face.
"Let me tell you something that my dear sister once wrote me.”
Lips pursing, Sakura sat back on her heels, waiting as the old man gathered his thoughts. He took a deep puff of his pipe, leaking more purple smoke into the air. When he offered it to her, Sakura shook her head. Nodding, he took another puff before he smiled.
“Actually, this old mind is not what it once was. Would you like to read it instead, my child?” he offered.
“Yes.” The words left Sakura’s mouth before she had really thought of them.
Ebizo tapped the wooden chest again.
Sakura reopened it. Under the cloth, she found piles of letters bound together. There was one loose envelope. The paper faded and worn from how it had folded and unfolded so many times over.
My little brother, it has been many years since my husband has departed from this world. And though he was by no means an unkind man, his departure has afforded me with power and opportunities that would have been impossible as the Queen Consort.
I must admit that it has been a struggle. I always feared, from the moment my first was born, how I would show her what it meant to be strong when I did not feel strong myself. How would I be a loving mother when my mother never loved me? In truth, I always feel as if I am wearing the costume of mother, queen, and wise woman. The support of the Haruno family has helped. But I often feel that my rule is tolerated, rather than welcomed. But this is a side of myself that no one must know, not even my daughters. That is not what I want them to learn from me.
My sincere wish is that my daughters will be proud. May they hold their heads high in the face of criticism. May their steps never waver. And may people who love them deeply and fiercely surround them.  I pray that their paths, though thorny, will lead them to glory.
Sakura felt tears spill down her cheeks before she realized she was crying. She pressed her hand to her mouth, muffling her sniffs. Trying to compose herself. Shame heating her face at the sudden feelings welling up inside her.
Ebizo simply regarded her with a gentle smile. His wrinkled hand rested on the back of her head.
“My child, you’ve walked such a long way to come here. Are you not weary?”
And somehow, Sakura knew that he wasn’t talking about her trek through the desert. That despite his milky eyes, he could see the exhaustion that weighed her from the crown of her head to the bottoms of her feet.
Sakura bowed her head.
“I’m so tired, Great-Uncle,” she whispered. Her hands gripped her knees. “I feel like Mother left me a burden too heavy and too great,” she confessed. Words that she had only ever whispered to Sasori. When she was certain that no one else could hear.
It surprised her when Ebizo began to laugh. He stroked his dry, papery hand through her hair.
“Why, of course, my child. It is a great burden! Of course it weighs you down!” he chuckled. “What a wise girl you are to know that it is a weight and not a privilege.”
“Come. Rest your head, girl,” Ebizo urged, gesturing to his lap.
“Great-Uncle. I’m… a grown woman…” Sakura hesitated to correct him.
At this, Ebizo stroked his beard. “Ay, this child looks at this wrinkled old man and claims to know old age. Rest your head here,” Ebizo scoffed.
Feeling just a little awkward, Sakura slowly lowered her head into his lap. He smelled like flowers and spicy tobacco. The white cotton of his tunic felt soft against my cheek.
"You, my child, are blessed with the wisdom and good wishes left behind by countless generations of family. From the time that the mountains broke apart and the great salt seas rose up to sever the lands, from the time that our clan was a small band of wanderers riding across the plains- you were already loved," Ebizo said.
The words rang a bell. Like she had heard something like this before. A lifetime ago. When her little hands had been dwarfed by someone else’s. When just the sound of a woman’s hums had lulled her into dreams so easily.
“Is this… do people memorize this?” she wondered.
Ebizo let out his creaking laughter again. “They do. We recite this to our daughters and sons from the day they are born. No child who knows that they are loved can go astray, my girl.”
Ebizo recited more of the poems. The same ones he had once heard as an infant lying on his back in the king's harem. The concubines cooed over him, their fingers dipped in the fragrance of incense and perfume. Their eyes dark with kohl, they sang him the names of the stars. The glitter of their jewels and the intricate black tattoos spiraling up their wrists and arms waved above them. Their voices weaved magic into the air, filling his head with colors and distant skies.
"You have come a long way, little one. It is time to rest now," he murmured as her eyes grew heavy with sleep.
Sakura heard herself say, like a silly child: “I’m scared of bad dreams, Great-Uncle.”
“You tell those bad dreams, girl, that your Great-Uncle forbids them tonight. Only good dreams are permitted under my roof,” he answered.
The nonsensical answer was oddly comforting as she let her eyes close.
<Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15>
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twitchywitchybxtch · 5 years
Can Witchcraft Be Biblical? A Christian Witch Weighs in:
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I have been following this discourse for the last several days and feel led to weigh in. Here are the definitions of certain terms I will be using throughout this piece:
The Law/Mosaic Law: the 613 commandments found in the Torah (the first 5 books of the Old Testament) that Jews abide by in practicing their religion
The New Covenant: the annulment of Mosaic Law for Christians through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ
Yahweh: one of the names of God; used by the Israelites in the Old Testament
Divination: the art of foretelling future events or gaining supernatural insight through the interpretation of symbols, arrangements, patterns, etc.
Witchcraft: an umbrella term that refers to rituals performed to gain insight, influence the physical & spiritual realm, or commune with deities and other supernatural beings
Abrogate: to abolish, do away with, annul
It is also important to define the scope of this discussion, which is solely concerned with ‘Christian witchcraft,’ that is people who utilize witchcraft as an expression of their faith in God. This post will rebut (dropslikerain)’s claim that a Christian faith and the practice of witchcraft are completely incompatible. I recommend reading through the original post explaining their positions before continuing.
A large portion of their argument is based on Deuteronomy 18:10 & Leviticus 20:6, which are part of the Torah (Mosaic Law). However, in doing so, they neglect to mention that:
The Law is no longer binding under the New Covenant. It was abrogated through Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross.
Consider these verses:
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Here, Jesus states that the Law is only binding until “all is accomplished.” What is being accomplished? Christian tradition holds that Jesus Christ fulfilled all of the Messianic prophesies in the Old Testament during his lifetime. And so, Jesus says “it is finished” before his death to mark the fulfillment, and thus, abrogates the Law.
On this topic, the Apostle Paul, stated in his letter to the Romans:
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Thus, because we are discharged from the Law, verses from the Torah like Deut. 18:10 & Lev. 20:6 are not a valid basis upon which to condemn witchcraft for non-Jews.
Let’s now address the verses OP cited from the early prophetic portion of the Bible, 1 Chronicles 10:13, 1 Samuel 15:23, and 2 Kings 17:17.
The first thing to remember is that these books were written before Jesus abrogated the Law; worshipers of Yahweh were still bound to the Laws of Moses, including its prohibitions on witchcraft.
Saul, being the king of the Jewish people, was held to a particularly high standard of obedience to the Law, for he was the Jewish representative to the nations. However, he failed to uphold this standard, and naturally, the Jews attributed his death to disobedience.
Because the Jews at that time were still bound by (and subsequently disobedient to) prohibitions on divination in Mosaic Law, it is valid to say that the exile could have been linked to divination. However, I would argue that passages such as Jeremiah 14:14 refer to divination performed as a part of worshiping the Near Eastern deities Baal & Asherah who competed for popularity with Yahweh among the the Jews and their neighbors. Divination in this context would undeniably be a sin, for it also constituted idolatry. However, in Isaiah 3:1-3, the prophet Isaiah makes clear that diviners and enchanters were righteous and necessary parts of the Jewish community by putting them on par with judges, prophets, dignitaries, and warriors. 
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OP notably failed to address this in their response to previous users who brought it up.
Because Jesus has abrogated the Law, the standards that Saul and the Israelites were held to no longer apply.
This begs the question, however: If we aren’t bound by the Law, what moral code are supposed to live by? Are laws such as the Ten Commandments now invalid?
Of course not! If we as a community determine that parts of the Law are good and righteous, we are free to follow them. However, we are no longer bound specifically to the Mosaic code. Instead, we are called to live out the words of Jesus Christ.
Jesus sets out a simple test in Matthew 7 for us to distinguish between acts of good and evil:
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The Ten commandments are generally believed to produce righteous conduct (good fruit), and thus remain a standard that Christians are encouraged to live by.
We are called not to abide specifically by Mosaic Law but  simply to live in a manner which produces “good fruit” in accordance with the Will of God.
Now, what about the verses in Galatians where the Apostle Paul condemns sorcery? Or those in Revelations?
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It is no coincidence that ‘idolatry’ and ‘sorcery’ are grouped together in these lists, for in this time, witchcraft was synonymous with the Greco-Roman pagan religions. The influence of pagan religions on Christian thought is evident in the word choice of authors in the New Testament. For instance, 2 Peter 2:4 describes angels being cast into Tartarus and Revelation 20:13 states that “Death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them.” (NRSV) It is clear that New Testament authors had pagan culture (and thus pagan magic) on their mind when writing.
In the same way that Mosaic Law was given to Israel to promote unity and differentiate their tribe from other Near East cultures so that the Yahwist religion could take hold, Paul advises the early Christian churches against practices associated with pagan worship so that the Christian church could unify and differentiate from the pagan cultures surrounding them.
This advice served its purpose, establishing the Church as a distinct and long-lasting entity. However:
Total separation from mystic practices is no longer necessary to maintain the Christian religion.
Paul disapproved of pagan witchcraft, but numerous passages from the Old Testament indicate that God approves of, (or at the very least, tolerates) practices that fall under the umbrella of witchcraft so long as they are used for discernment and implementation of His will.
Numerous others throughout this discussion have explained the Biblical evidence for this, so I will only restate their points briefly:
Urim and Thummim - a pair of gemstones used as divinatory tools to discern the Will of God
Jacob’s folk ritual to produce more valuable livestock; it doesn’t matter whether the results were produced by the ritual itself or through solely through divine intervention, the importance of this passage is that Jacob performed what he believed to be effective folk magic and was not rebuked by God.
Joseph’s gift of oneiromancy (dream interpretation) and divination through the silver chalice
Priestly rituals utilizing curses, sympathetic magic, and divine invocation to determine guilt or innocence (Numbers 5)
(If you’re interested in learning more, I encourage you to take a look at responses to the original post.)
A close reading of Scripture shows that:
Witchcraft that 1) produces “good fruit;” 2) is used to discern and implement the Will of God; and 3) does not invoke deities other than God, is practiced in accordance with the Scriptures, and thus allows for someone to identify as both a Christian and a witch.
Here are some parting words from the Gospel of John:
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We are judged not by adherence to the Law nor by our particular path, but by whether we live our lives according to the teachings of Jesus Christ (who, coincidently says nothing about witchcraft). That means producing “good fruit” --caring for the poor, welcoming the immigrant, living a life of love, joy, and peace. None of those require adherence to a particular creed or church; it is a moral Law written on our hearts simply by virtue of having a conscience (Romans 2:15).
Finally, to the community of witches here on Tumblr, do not be disheartened by those who try to bully you, to put you down in order to raise themselves up. After all, those who spew hateful words in the name of Christ violate His commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself.” 
(Tags for blogs who might be interested in adding on: pastorwitch, christowitch, secretcatholicwitch, sweetcreamcoven, marymagdalaa, stained-glass-sins, alligorical-rodeo-clown, @spell-bound-life, @religiousdifferencesdating @witchesforjesus @witchylutheran @witchforgod @a-magic-floofer @episcopagan @the-witch-and-her-rosary @christian-witchy-business @witchpriest @lilelvenwitch @sagewolfsbos @tinychristianwitch @queerjesuswitch @minimalistchristianwitch @thesouthernmystic @secretcatholicwitch @thefeatherwitch @magickalwitchblog @herbs-and-nerds @witchyjesuswalk @eclectic-christian-witch @smolchristianwitch @spell-bound-life @the-holiest-witch)
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An Story:  Consequences
[Warning:  Blood, a bit of violence, not done in detail but it’s there.]
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A bit over one year ago... I felt my heart dancing in my chest though I could ill afford to let that show as I knelt before the woman I owed obedience to in all things.  Some would have kowtowed in this moment, but I did not.  I knew what my disobedience cost and I would pay the price willingly.  Too much pride would have been unseemly, better to bow my head in deference even if I would not beg for forgiveness and mercy I knew I would not be given.  Had it been worth it? I think it was.  Seeing Doma blossom as she found her freedom was a gift that I would not have been given had I not stayed when I was called back to the family.  The years spent kneeling at his side turned bitter until I found out why he left.  It wasn’t his choice, so the sweetness crept back in until the cherished memories were melancholy instead of reviled.  It was another act of sacrifice, albeit a personal one.  I hoped it would garner fruit, but alas his heart was not meant to be mine. I always hated it when she was like this, the years hadn’t changed anything at all it seemed.  I could feel her eyes traveling over me, judging everything from the angle of my bowed head, my clothing, waiting to see if I would twitch, if I would break the silence first.  I held tight to the other reasons as to why I stayed away, that the weight of her scrutiny drove me away as much as anything else.  As her only son out of five children I was always a disappointment, far too much like my sisters to be anything else. 
Once I tried to hide that, both for her and the one that I first gave my heart and obedience to.  That time was past.  I was not going to hide anymore, there was no reason to.  Father taught me that, time reinforced it.  It was a strength and nothing she could do to me would change that now.   My time spent away was well worth it.  It was hard not to look up at the clatter of something hitting the floor.  The silence broken not by words but by dissonance, the noise inordinately loud in the small chamber.  I didn’t see the first thing to contact the ground, only the fluttering of a white silk cloth that hid everything else from view where it rested. I didn’t need to look to know what was there.  A knife, hopefully sharp, and if she was feeling kind a strip of cloth for a tourniquet and maybe even another cloth to serve as a bandage.  It was time to pay penance for what I had done. Often, rituals were meant to be soothing.  This one was quite different in that aspect.  The only calming thing was that with the sacrifice, the disobedience is supposed to be forgiven.  The broken trust would take time to heal here in Kugane, time I had to give now.  However, if it proved to be unsalvageable there were other options.  I hadn’t survived this long without planing for a way out, Doma would be my net should this fail.  I spread the cloth out across the tile floor, it was always cold this time of year, a fact my knees were starting to protest with a dull ache.  A minor discomfort, but something to focus on as I unwrapped the white cord from the hilt of the dagger.  The knife did look to be sharp, but I dared not test it to confirm my thoughts.  It was awkward to tie the tourniquet just below the first knuckle.  It had to be tight to do its job, it wouldn’t do to bleed too much upon the pristine floor.   How absurd one's thoughts can become when pressed. It was difficult to move slowly, I knew I should turn my mind to my transgression, but what was the point?  There was no regret to mull over, this was a necessary evil to endure and nothing more.  Instead, a breath for each movement.  Each breath drawn deep within and released slower than it was captured.  Was this fear that caused my heart to thunder in my ears?  Strange.  I’d faced worse, welcomed worse.  This should be simple.   I needed to find my center, that meant I had to breathe. It was the only way to calm my racing heart and ensure that my thoughts did not follow the surge of adrenaline that threatened to show my fear to her.  I could tell that she was getting impatient, the soft sound of a silken clad foot barely brushing along the cold tiles was enough.  She’d never resort to tapping, that was beneath her.  Yet, she couldn’t control that fidget either even now.  Somehow that familiarity was reassuring, calming my heart and keeping my hand steady when I picked up the knife given to me for the task.  It was substantial, the weight in my hand of well forged steel.  Appearances could be a lie, but I didn’t think so.  It seemed she would give me some measure of kindness even in this moment.  The pain blinded me even though I expected it, teeth clenched to keep all but the barest whisper of sounds trapped within my throat.  The effort of doing so had my chest heaving to find the breath stolen from me.  All the while blood stained the cloth my hand rested upon, pinky now shorter the required knuckle and no more.  “Good, at least you appear to know your place now An.  Ensure that it stays that way.  You can deliver it to Shin-Ichi.”  That surprised me, I expected her to take it for herself.  Why all this if not?  Ahh.. of course. Another slap, even in this she would get that in.  It didn’t matter that I’d accepted my punishment, she hadn’t accepted the apology.  I choose Doma, not my father, but to try to convince her of that was akin to trying to talk a rock into flight.  Impossible.   Somethings never did, or would change.  
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yokefellows · 2 years
The Choice to Obey
Today's Saying
"The first thing God requires of His child is obedience." Charles Spurgeon
Today's Scripture
“And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands” (2 John 1:6).
Today's Sermonette
Charles Spurgeon once wrote, "The first thing God requires of His child is obedience." But human nature often rebels against obedience.
The Bible is full of examples of individuals who disobeyed God. Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. Lot's wife blatantly looked back to see the destruction of Sodom.
Jonah refused to go to Nineveh. Moses struck the rock, instead of speaking to it as God commanded.
We all can remember incidents when we have disobeyed —whether it was against an authority figure, a law of the land, or a biblical principle.
Most likely we even remember our punishment or the consequences we suffered. The act of disobedience brings guilt, sadness, and shame.
There is no long-lasting pleasure in getting our own way. It brings grief to our heavenly Father because He longs for us to walk with Him. Our disobedience separates us from Him.
Yet God extends His grace toward us even when we disobey His Word. Therefore, our response should be to seek His forgiveness with a repentant heart and to learn from the consequences of our disobedience.
When we face a hard decision to choose between what is right and what we want, how do we respond? No matter how you may be ridiculed or how hard it may be to follow God's guidance, obedience is its own reward.
Jesus lived a life of obedience. His earthly ministry was to do the will of His Father. Like us, Jesus had a choice, and He said, "Not my will, but yours" (Luke 22:42).
The Lord desires our obedience, but He never demands it. The choice is ours.
Today's Supplication
Father, I pray that my love for You would not be based on feelings, but evidenced by my obedience. Thank You for the grace and patience You show me as I learn to walk in obedience to You. Amen.
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
Scar (Tales From The Heart)
Fandom: One Piece Rating: Teen Warnings: None Characters: Shachi, Penguin
Everyone had their own share of scars on the Heart Pirate crew. Injuries were an occupational hazard, and while their captain was good, sometimes it was better to leave the scar than not. They served as reminders for their mistakes, and warnings against their recklessness. Some of the crew had their own scars from before they joined, the founding four chief among them.
Law's scars were well hidden, concealed under black ink and other techniques designed to draw the eye away from the slightly paler patches of skin he hated to see. There were some from his time as a Donquixote Pirate, too, and a couple on his fingers, flashbacks to a young boy playing with his parents' scalpels unsupervised, sneaking into the office when they were busy to admire the sharp edges and what they could do.
Similarly, fur covered Bepo's own scars, occasional odd tufts of fur the only indication that the skin beneath was not as unblemished as the pure white implied. His wounds were mainly from bullets; a hunted young cub lost in North Blue, where no-one knew what he was or what he could do. Where he was seen as a predator, or as dinner, depending on the human in question.
And then there were Penguin and Shachi. While neither were particularly self-conscious of their numerous scars, they didn't go out of their way to display them, either. The hail of bullets had pummelled Penguin's right arm and leg, hobbling him at the time but healing up well with time and begrudging patience. Shachi's were similar, temporarily-crippling wounds that had pinned him just long enough to watch his parents die but with no long-lasting affects.
For Shachi, the one that stood out the most was the one by his left eye, usually covered by his shades. That was one that was intentionally covered for much of the time, as much as he claimed the constant use of the shades was due to a case of snow blindness he'd contracted as a wilful child who refused to listen to his parents and wear snow glasses when he went out to play. It wasn't strictly untrue – he did have snow blindness, and while Law had offered to treat it once he'd finally learnt the nuances of his fruit, Shachi was too used to the sensitivity to accept, although the offer had been left open.
It was only after he'd been shot, the bullet grazing by his eye and gouging out a line that would never disappear, that he willingly wore glasses, as if his sudden obedience would bring his parents back, despite his snow blindness having nothing to do with the pirate attack. The scar left by the bullet was another reminder, how close he had come to death that day, and while that by itself rarely bothered him (he had several other scars, many from dancing on the edge of death and giving his captain conniptions over his recklessness), the placement did.
If he'd been wearing glasses, like Penguin, like everyone else, then he wouldn't have a scar there. It was a reminder of his constant disobedience as a child, a disobedience he grew out of too late to apologise for. Perhaps that was another reason he'd never taken Law up on the offer of a cure, putting himself through some twisted penance to ease the regret of his suddenly orphaned seven year old self.
Penguin didn't approve, one of the few things they disagreed about, but his best friend never forced him to see Law, to get things fixed. Instead, he would be the one to fish out a spare set when Shachi's shades were damaged in battle, or guiding him into the darkest place around until he could get them, letting him close his eyes and stumble along like a trusting blind man. And when Shachi got his new shades, Penguin always placing them on his face for him, he'd be there with a steady smile.
Maybe one day Shachi would take Law up on that offer, finally putting his regrets behind him. But until then, he'd hide that scar behind his shades and his nakama's kindness.
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detectivesebcas · 5 years
Promptober Day 28- Creator’s Rights
Requested by: Anonymous
Warnings: canon typical violence, references to brainwashing
Universe: Canon AU
“What is your mission?” Stefano asks, making sure that his tone carries the appropriate sense of authority.  He is standing squarely facing Sebastian, the way a superior officer might address a footsoldier.  And Sebastian is his soldier.
“To protect the Core,” Sebastian replies with no hesitation.  His eyes are a little unfocused, but his voice is strong, and Stefano can detect no deception in him, no weakness, nothing that will breed failure or disobedience.
“And to whom are you loyal?” Stefano says, looking Sebastian up and down.
“To you.”
Stefano frowns slightly at that.  There is nothing lacking in Sebastian’s loyalty, and in fact Stefano has been reaping the rewards of that loyalty for quite some time during the training process.  What troubles him now is that he knows his time with Sebastian is drawing to a close, and it doesn’t seem fair for him to be deprived of the fruits of his labor.
A creator does have certain rights, after all, and Sebastian is undoubtedly his creation.  Theodore provided him the raw materials- the flesh and bone, the thoughts and feelings and memories- but Stefano has shaped those materials to fit his vision, and in Sebastian’s case, he has outdone himself.
Sebastian was perhaps not the most psychologically balanced individual to start with, but that gave Stefano a lot to work with.  Sebastian was ruled by his emotions, but Stefano has focused them, channeled them for a very particular purpose, just as Theodore directed.  And even though he undertook all of this on Theodore’s orders, Stefano now finds himself resenting Theodore for threatening to take Sebastian away from him.
It would be a terrible waste, for one thing.  Sebastian has such potential, and Theodore will utilize none of that.  Stefano had high hopes when he provided Theodore with the Core, but Theodore is only interested in power for its own sake- gaining power and withholding it from others.  He is too unimaginative, too short-sighted to have any interest in the things he could accomplish with that power..
In addition, Stefano has taken a more personal interest in Sebastian.  The life of an artist is often a lonely one.  He typically prefers his creations- his photographs and his sculptures- to human interaction, but of course Sebastian is his creation as well, and he and Sebastian have had much more… satisfying interactions then he could ever hope to have with his other works of art.  Sebastian’s enthusiasm for physical contact is matched only by his eagerness to please, and Stefano has found both of those things quite enjoyable.
As a creator, he should retain the absolute authority to control his own work, to dictate how others can interact with it, if he allows them to interact with it at all.  He doesn’t expect Theodore to see it that way, but then, Theodore is a manipulator, not a creator.  Theodore is also drunk on his own power and laboring under the delusion that all of Union belongs to him.
To that end, when Theodore next summons him and Sebastian to his throne room, Stefano is prepared for a fight.
Sebastian looks mildly confused upon suddenly being teleported into Theodore’s realm, which is just as dull as Stefano remembers it- all fire and brimstone-, but he quiets as soon as he sees that Stefano is with him.  That trust, the docile acceptance that he is safe if he is with Stefano, causes Stefano’s protective instinct to flare up again.  Sebastian is his to use and his to protect, and he won’t allow Theodore to damage him.
“Stefano.”  Theodore’s voice booms through the cavernous throne room, and Stefano has to resist the urge to roll his eye.  He appreciates theatricality, but this is just excessive.  “When we last met I set you a specific task.  Have you completed it?”
“Yes,” Stefano replies.  It’s not a lie exactly.  He has successfully reprogrammed Sebastian, altered his memories, and changed his loyalties, but he has no intention of turning him over.
“Very good,” Theodore says.  “Now, come to me Sebastian.”
Sebastian looks at Stefano, and Stefano knows that all he has to do is give his permission, tell Sebastian to obey Theodore, but instead he holds up a hand.  “Wait,” he tells Sebastian.  Then he turns to Theodore.  “I can’t let you do that,” he says.  “Sebastian has become rather indispensable to me.”
“Stefano.”  There is a note of warning in Theodore’s voice.  “I expect nothing less than absolute obedience in my servants.”
Stefano is quite finished with Theodore, and he detests being spoken to as though he is a naughty child.  “I am no man’s servant,” he says proudly, “and Sebastian is mine.”
“Then it seems our business is at an end,” Theodore says.  He waves his hand lazily and in an instant, Stefano is surrounded by a ring of fire, or, more accurately, a ring of Theodore’s fire disciples.
Stefano realizes two things immediately.  First, he is going to be far outmatched in a fight against this many strong opponents, and second, it may not have been a good idea to anger the man who holds the power of the Core.  He reaches for his knife, preparing to make his last stand, but before he can do anything, Sebastian springs into action.  He shoots and stabs, bends time and space, uses all of the tools Stefano has given him, and Stefano is filled with a sense of pride as he watches his creation at work.
When Sebastian has cut down the last enemy, Stefano has the presence of mind to teleport them away from Theodore.  It’s a temporary measure, and considering how powerful Theodore is, there are surely much greater obstacles ahead, but at least he still has Sebastian by his side.
Speaking of Sebastian, he is looking at Stefano with a curious expression.  “Sir?” he asks tentatively.
“Does this mean I can stay with you?”
“Yes, of course,” Stefano replies.  It’s a rare showing of emotion, but one that he’s willing to permit.
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lroth690-blog · 4 years
A visit with Psalm1
For those saved by faith, there will always be two directions we go: away from God or to God.  Ps. 1:1-2 shows that a person follows unreliable sources on one path while the real way is with the Lord.  In the present age, spiritual disciplines lead us to spiritual maturity.  When we prepare ourselves in advance of attacks from the evil one, the less we stray, although that isn’t guaranteed.  For example, Adam and Eve spoke directly to the Lord continually in the Garden of Eden.  The cunning serpent then deceives the two in Gen. 3:1-7).  Whether the source of deception comes from Satan or one of his agents is not the issue. The seeds of this deception can occur in the past and continue their damage in the present. The key is that our opinions about God’s trustworthiness and whether He has our best interests don’t change during a spiritual attack.  That is the crux of verse 2 in our Psalm – we are fully satisfied with the Lord’s instruction.
Timothy Clinton points out that practicing spiritual disciplines is the training required to “cultivate a secure relationship with God.” Training requires discipline to achieve the relationship we long for with God.  When we allow anything else to replace God, then we enter the wrong path.  Ultimately, this leads to destruction (Matt. 7:13).  Remember the example in Genesis? God bans Adam and Eve from the Garden, due to their disobedience and the closeness that existed is no longer[1]. The author lists the following for “starters:” corporate worship, Bible reading, prayer, and fasting[2].  I would also add confession (in a non-liturgical sense) to this list.
Are you blessed?
Psalm 1 opens with a description of a righteous person (Ps. 1:1-2).  What is a “blessed” mean?  “Happiness” is often associated with the word “blessed,”[3] In this case, the concept is related to a favored individual (by divine grace). This person does not behave or live as do “wicked” people. Scripture warns about acting as the world does – as in, indistinguishable from non-believers. We are either on one path or the other.  The way of the wicked can take years away from serving the Lord and bearing fruit. We can understand the Old Testament idea of blessing with selected passages:
1. Deut. 28:2 – Verses 1-6 discusses the benefits that show the Lord has a hand in the events of our lives.  This passage says every necessary blessing comes to the obedient one. Again, this is the OT blessings and those for a restored Israel during the 1000-year reign of Christ.
2. Deut. 33:29 - Blessings extends to protection provided by the Lord.  1 Peter 1:3-5 echo this with a New Testament application.
3. Lastly, Ps. 32:1-2 – The forgiveness of our transgressions is the best blessing of all. Forgiveness is the Lord’s way in all dispensations.
4. This idea is also in Matt. 5:3-12. The Beatitudes are the Kingdom of Heaven focused.  They describe the comfort and mercy the believers receive after the Tribulation and before the Millennium.[4] Note the shift after verse 11, indicating the trials the apostles and other missionaries would endure before the Kingdom of Heaven appearing on Earth.[5]
What causes me to choose one way instead of another?
Everybody takes advice or direction from somebody or something (social media, for example).  Hopefully, this is the Lord (Matt. 16:24-26).  How often do we see our friends or children change their behavior when they start hanging out a “bad element.”  Enticed by something that proves that another direction is more fun or better can change the course of a vulnerable person’s life.  
Once lured from the path of righteousness, that life will sometimes damage relationships with friends and family. This Psalm applies today as much as it did in the past. Wiersbe shares some insight to understand the connection between the Bible as a defense:
• We should not allow ourselves to be contaminated by the world around us (Num. 23:9; Ex. 19:5–6; Deut. 32:8–10; 33:28). John 17:11-17 echos the concept of in the world but not of the world.
• James 4:4, Rom 12:1-2, and 1 John 2:15-17 give stern warnings about friendship with the world, and an example is in James 1:27 [6]. The NT application of Psalm 1 is behavioral.  We have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, so physical separation is not as important as the mental aspect to protect believers in fellowship with the Spirit. See 2 Cor. 101-6.
Back in Ps. 1:1, the text is talking about godless people (they could be saved) luring believers away from God’s way. These attacks can come from either inside or outside the church. Today we have more venues that Satan uses to scoff at God: Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, etc. What about hanging out with sinners?  It stands to reason that they, too, have been seduced by the Devil’s lie and follow his pathway. What does it mean to stand in their path?  The image is a walking trail that leads to a destination.  When a person stands in a specific trail, the person is committed to a particular goal.  That is the analogy of a person’s behavior.  Hang out with sinners, and their destination becomes your destination! These sinners could be life-long friends, but are they your friends if they are guiding you to the wrong place spiritually?  No. The text continues by adding the idea of sitting with those who scoff the Lord. Don’t do this.
An example of this idea of two sole directions is in Eph 4:25-5:10.  This passage cites the behavior for one path, God's, looks like in practice 4:25-5:5). The last five verses of chapter 5 illustrate the lure I mentioned above.  Consider also Gal. 1:6-10.
Verse two clarifies the first verse by stating what the believer should be doing. These activities should bring us extreme pleasure or satisfaction.  Those that use the spiritual discipline mentioned above to seek fellowship with the Lord behave differently with those in rebellion.  
Verses 3 and 4 give an agricultural contrast between the wicked and the righteous ones.  The righteous are like a tree with firm roots able to weather lousy weather and droughts.  These trees yield good fruit when those with weaker or exposed roots do not.  With Jewish Law, prosperity would refer to the earthly realm.  The new testament equivalents are the rewards we accumulate while on earth.  Prosperity preachers claim we can have both physical and heavenly rewards.  If you ponder this idea, why would you want something you cannot take with you to heaven?  In contrast, the wicked (verse 4) don’t do anything of value on earth or heaven. Chaff is defined below:
“Loose hulls separated from the edible grains by threshing and winnowing. In Bible times, the common sight of winnowed grain remaining when the wind blew away the lighter husks gave rise to the vivid image of good people or nations surviving judgment while the wicked do not.” [7]
You see, the wicked are associated with something useless in agriculture.
No matter what happens here on earth politically, the wicked will not be the ones judging the righteous (verses 5-6).  We can visit Matt. 13:30 and Isa. 2:10-21 to see that this verse refers to our future. In other words, it has not happened yet. The Psalm has already established that the wicked are chaff, useless.[8]
1. Clinton, T., & Sibcy, G. (2006). Why you do the things you do: the secret to healthy relationships. Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
2. Clinton, T., & Sibcy, G. (2006). Why you do the things you do: the secret to healthy relationships. Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
3.  Strong, J. (1995). Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon. Woodside Bible Fellowship.
4. Pastor Robert L. Bolender. (n.d.). The Life of Christ (Lk 6:20–49).
5.  Pastor Robert L. Bolender. (n.d.). The Life of Christ (Lk 6:20–49).
6. Wiersbe, W. W. (2004). Be worshipful (1st ed., pp. 12–13). Colorado Springs, CO: Cook Communications Ministries.
7. Elwell, W. A., & Beitzel, B. J. (1988). Chaff. In Baker encyclopedia of the Bible (Vol. 1, p. 422). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House.
8. Constable, T. (2003). Tom Constable’s Expository Notes on the Bible (Ps 1:5). Galaxie Software.
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