wolint · 7 hours
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wolint · 7 hours
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wolint · 7 hours
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wolint · 7 hours
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wolint · 7 hours
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wolint · 7 hours
Numbers 6:25
Grace is a divine fragrance or scent, generously bestowed upon all. It appears seventy times in the scriptures, primarily symbolizing Favor, and signifies the free and unconditional bestowal of God’s blessings on individuals who may not necessarily merit them.
The scent of God is marked by His kindness and warm courtesy towards His children, granting us Favors even when we don’t naturally qualify for them. The doctrine of grace is central to the Bible. It is the theme that links every book and the thread that weaves through every verse.
Acts 10:34 informs us that God shows no partiality; what He does for one, He’ll do for others. God’s scent of grace is what radiates from us and permeates our surroundings, demonstrating God’s grace at work in our lives.
According to 1 Peter 4:10, a grace is conferred upon us all to manifest the glory of God. It’s the grace that mends shattered walls, rescues the lost, and liberates us from bondage. God’s scent of grace enhances our appearance without any personal contribution or effort on our part.
The same grace God granted the ancient Israelites; He has bestowed upon every believer. His grace safeguards us. Grace causes God’s face to shine upon us and be gracious to us. Grace elevates His countenance upon us and enables us to thrive. Sin imposed a curse on humanity, but grace redeemed and adorned us.
Our countenance is our appearance, so when people gaze upon us, what do they perceive? Something distinct from what they observe daily in everyone else, or God’s grace?
Moses’s countenance glowed with grace in Exodus 34:30. While in God’s presence, the scent of grace was poured upon him. When God’s scent of grace is poured upon us, our faces never betray what we endured in our private moments when we emerge into the world.
The scent of grace poured upon Stephen in Acts 6:15 sustained him while he was being stoned to death, and he could still plead for forgiveness for his executioners: the scent of grace unveiled the glory of God in Stephen.
God’s grace equips us to confront whatever we encounter, and the scent of grace conceals whatever the enemy plans for us. Like the scent of grace poured out on the three Hebrew boys in Daniel 3, even when we emerge from the fire, we won’t carry the smell of smoke.
They carried the scent of grace instead of smoke because of the scent of God’s grace. God’s scent of grace also enables us to be bearers of that scent wherever we journey, as stated in 2 Corinthians 2:15.
I can personally attest and affirm that when we permit the scent of grace to be poured over us, it becomes apparent and detectable on us. God pours His scent of His grace on us when we are in the valley, masking the despair that accompanies the territory but wouldn’t glorify Him.
To receive the outpouring of God’s scent of grace, we must approach His throne boldly, as stated in Hebrew 4:6, believing that what He’s done for others, He’s willing and ready to do for you.
As Isaiah 30:18 states, He’s eagerly waiting and expecting to be gracious to us, to pour upon us the scent of grace. If you’re questioning whether God will fulfil those things you’ve asked of Him because you think they are too grand or simply unimaginable and impossible, remember that He’s done them before and is waiting to pour out His boundless scent of grace to make you appear and smell graceful.
Titus 2:11 declares that God’s grace has been revealed to us, allow it to flow in, through you, and let its scent shield everything the enemy hurls at you.
Prayer: Adorn me, oh Lord, and drench me with your fragrance of grace in Jesus’s name. Amen.
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wolint · 1 day
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wolint · 1 day
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wolint · 1 day
1 Thessalonians 4:11-12
Everybody is in everyone’s business; people stick their noses where they shouldn’t be as if they are meant to be there. Mind your own business! How does this concern you? How is this your business? This tells us to stay clear of other peoples’ business, respect others’ privacy and not stick our noses where it’s got no business.
Busybodies! That’s one name we call people who don’t mind their own business. And the scriptures have a lot to say about them, while 2 Thessalonians 3:11 call them meddlers. Wow!
There are so many people today "doing none of their own business yet overdoing in other people’s business”. They are busy and concerned about everybody’s business but their own.
An idle mind they say is the devil’s workshop, which means if you’re not minding your business and have time to meddle in other people’s business, you’re idle and have nothing better of your own to mind.
Jesus was having a serious conversation with Peter about his pastoral commission and obituary notice at the same time in John 21:20-23, but Peter was more interested and concerned with Jesus’s plans for John and what will happen to him. Jesus’s reply in verse 21 is saying to Peter and all believers “mind your business”! Jesus goes further to say, “if I want this or that, what is it to you”.
Yes! What is it to you?
What business is it of yours if God chooses to bless, favour, promote, admonish or discipline one person and not another or more than another? Mind your business!
So many of us leave God’s and kingdom business and in His name go about meddling in other people’s lives and businesses. 1 Timothy 5:13 puts it directly, when people are lazy and idle, they spend their time gossiping from house to house, meddling in other people’s business and talking about things they shouldn’t. How apt for our society today!
Are you one of those who can’t and don’t mind their own business? Are you more interested in what’s happening in other people’s lives and homes than in yours?
1 Peter 4:15 says we must not suffer for prying into other people’s lives among other things.
There are those within the church whose busybody or meddling is camouflaged as a compassionate concern for other brethren, even when they express concern, they secretly are gleeful at the misfortune of others. If that’s you, Jesus is saying, as he said to Peter “mind your business”.
It’s not anyone’s business when God blesses one person over another, more than another or grants them favour more than we think they deserve. We can’t ask the Lord to justify His actions and why He chooses one over another. Instead of us seeking the Lord, and interceding for others we busy ourselves by asking the Lord “what about him, her, them”? Jesus’s reply to Peter should make us focus on our commission and lives and not be preoccupied with what God is doing for other people because it’s none of our business.
Are we even qualified to involve ourselves in the Lord’s business? He said “follow me” in verse 22 and that is what we should concern ourselves with and be involved in, and not in others’ lives. Romans 14:10 says that we have no business meddling, condemning, and looking down on others. We must not be embroiled in other people’s business but keep our focus on the Lord as we follow Him. Mind your business!
PRAYER: Father, help me to yield always to your command to mind my business and yours and not be into other people’s business that doesn’t concern me in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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wolint · 2 days
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wolint · 2 days
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wolint · 2 days
Ephesians 3:12
Access is the means, place, or way through which we may approach, a doorway, or a passageway to admittance. Jesus said in John 14:6 that He is the way, which is the ultimate access in life.
Access to anything is a priority in life, we should be able to access services and facilities needed for quality of life. That is what life in Christ gives us, access to both an abundant life on earth and eternal life. We need access in every area of life, and someone is always needed to open that door to admit us and grant us access to where we need to be.
When a man gives us admission into a place we otherwise would not get into on our own, there is an expectation of reimbursement that may well be beyond our affordability.
It is only in Christ’s name we can come to God with no admission fee or someone representing or introducing us into places and things of God without expectations, only through Christ Jesus who has thrown open the doors of the temple according to Psalm 118:19, that we may enter and perform our vows unto the Lord.
We gain immediate access to God through Christ, who grants us significant privileges with our new life in Christ.  
Jesus replaced the complicated ceremonies and rituals of the past. Aaron spent hours preparing himself to meet God in Leviticus 16:2. How wonderful that we can approach God anytime says Hebrews 4:16. What a privilege! We are offered easier access to God than the high priests of Old Testament times! Still, we must never forget that God is holy nor let this privilege cause us to approach God carelessly. The way to God has been opened to us by Christ. But easy access to God does not eliminate our need to prepare our hearts as we draw near in prayer.
Proverbs 18:16 says a man’s gift will make room for him, meaning that in certain quarters, the quality of material, physical, or financial gift you offer, will determine which doors of society you can access and if you’ll be admitted into some places.
Esther had none of these (no family name, money, status, or talent) but the God of Israel, who by divine mercy and grace granted her access into the palace as queen.
On some occasions, we may need to cry for access and ask the Lord to grant us access to the places He’s already prepared for us, like Joseph in Genesis, who needed to be in the palace but until the grace for access was released, and his gift needed, he had to go through the period of crying, from Potiphar’s to prison until access was granted for admission into Pharoah’s presence. Pharoah’s butler gave him access, but it was joseph’s gift that ultimately admitted him into the palace.
The Lord gave Moses divine access into the palace as a helpless baby so that at the right time, he would be admitted into the presence of pharaoh.
There is nothing stopping anyone from coming to salvation, the sacrificial death of Christ has given everyone access to salvation according to Acts 14:12. Christ became the doorway to eternity when the curtain to the temple, and by implication, the throne of God was torn from top to bottom, granting us free admission.
Romans 5:2 says Christ grants us introduction and admission to grace and favour and it’s only through him these privileges continue. This access to God is an unconditional and lasting privilege, unlike the conditional and temporal access granted by humans.
Don’t allow fear, lack of confidence and ignorance to keep you from using the liberty of prayer and supplication, by faith in Christ to access what grace purchased and paid for on the cross, because Christ is our boldness and courage. You are graced for access, enter in.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, thank you for gracing me to access those doors that the blood of Christ paid. Amen.
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wolint · 2 days
1 Corinthians 7:17:
An assignment is the task or duty that has been given to someone. We are all called by God, and He has given us both individual and collective assignments. We should all walk in the path that the Lord has set for each of us, wherever our calling may be. Our heavenly calling does not negate our earthly ones.
A divine assignment is a specific responsibility or duty that can only be accomplished through the grace, strength, power, and resources of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit fully equips and perfects our calling, as stated in 2 Timothy 3:17, making us capable of handling our assignment.
An assignment should not be mistaken for an errand. An errand is a small task that involves a specific journey, such as running an errand for a family member, doing paperwork, or delivering items. The purpose of an errand can vary, but it usually involves completing something routine. An errand can be left undone, adjusted, modified, upgraded, or updated to meet a need.
According to Romans 14:12, we will all give an account of ourselves to the Lord, including an account of our assignment, its evaluation, resources used, time management, and the effect or impact of the assignment. To fulfil Isaiah 55:11, we must strive to use everything within us to carry out the divine assignment to a profitable conclusion for the kingdom.
With this in mind, it would be impossible to change, adjust, modify, and upgrade the divine assignment and calling as we wish without altering God’s will and purpose. We must follow God’s blueprint, just as Eliezer followed Abraham’s blueprint in Genesis 24 to fulfil his assignment.
We were all created for a specific assignment, and therefore, we cannot exchange our assignment or calling with someone else’s. The one who calls you is faithful, as stated in 1 Thessalonians 5:24, and He will faithfully provide all the needs for the assignment, as stated in Philippians 4:19. This way, we won’t need to look elsewhere to the wrong people and places to provide what is needed for kingdom business. Just like Abraham did for his servant, leaving nothing to chance, he provided everything needed to see the assignment concluded according to his instructions.
The Lord never asks us to do anything without providing what we need to do it. The anointing on us is a sign of God’s equipping us to fulfil the divine assignment He’s given us. When He gives us an assignment, a plan, or a strategy, He empowers us to carry it out, as stated in Ephesians 2:10.
Some people are blessed with one assignment while others are given more than one assignment, multiple at a time. Whatever God gives us to do, He says grace will be supplied, as stated in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10.
What’s your assignment? Do you know? Are you divinely assigned individually or are you part of a larger group? Whatever and wherever the Lord assigns you, be sure that your purpose is necessary, a piece of the puzzle to fit the bigger picture. It doesn’t matter what you think, your part must be done to complete the whole, as seen in 1 Chronicles 25:8, where lots were cast to divinely assign people and families to tasks.
Have you discovered your divine assignment and are confused about what the Lord wants to accomplish through you? Are you trying to accomplish your assignment based on your own power or God’s power? What difference does it make? A lot of difference! We need faith, as stated in Hebrew 11:6, mixed with grace and God’s power to see Philippians 4:13 become our reality.
Without these, we will try but it will be in vain, as 1 Samuel 2:9 says, we can’t do anything on our strength alone. Trust God to empower and grace you for the divine assignment.
PRAYER: Oh Lord, I pray that from your glorious, unlimited resources, you will empower me with inner strength through your Spirit to handle my divine assignment in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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wolint · 3 days
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wolint · 4 days
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wolint · 4 days
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wolint · 4 days
Romans 8:28
The bible is full of comforting words and scripture for everyone who searches in it, especially for those who love God, but none as generally comforting as our text. The persons who love the Lord is the one who all things work for. All things work for their good because of their love for God and living in the spirit of obedience.
It doesn’t say only good things, but all, including bad, unpleasant, disappointing and whatnots. It also doesn’t nor say what things are good or bad or that all things work together for all people. This great promise is that God will overrule and work through every terrible situation to accomplish His purposes in the lives of those who love and respond to Him.
All things work together; while they are working, God's providence is working, his Spirit is working, and they are working together with him and by Him, because He is the one doing the working according to John 5:17. God works behind the scenes, ensuring that even in the middle of mistakes and tragedies, good will result for those who love him. At times this will happen quickly, often enough to help us trust His principle. But there will also be events whose results for good we will not know until eternity.
Though God rested from creation, He never ceased preserving and governing His creation, because nothing can continue to exist, without the continual energy of God for then to eventually work for our good.
If you look back on your life, you’ll notice that God has always worked things out for you, even in difficult situations.
And whatever troubles, afflictions, or persecutions may arise, God presses them into His service to become a part of the general working, used to contribute to the general good of the person who loves God, and who is working by faith and love under the influence and operation of the Holy Ghost.
God works all things together for good—both for His and our good. So don’t worry about that out-of-control situation right now, for as God is glorified, you will benefit. Just love and trust His goodness, power, and will to work out all things for your good as you journey together with Him says Deuteronomy 31:6-8.
The promise that God works all things together for us does not mean that all things are necessarily good or bad. But whatever is good or bad for us, God can make them work together for our good. He sees the big picture and He has a master plan according to Isaiah 46:10.
Neither does the promise that God works all things together for good mean that we will acquire all that we want or desire, it instead, means that it’s all about God’s goodness and the confidence that His plan will work out as He sees fit.
God’s plan is always good says Jeremiah 29:11 and if we love and trust Him, we can be confidently assured that no matter the circumstances or environments, amid evil, God is active and will conclude things according to His good and wise design. So, be content for things to work for you according to Philippians 4:11.
If we abide in God and continue to recognize His sacrificial love poured on us through Jesus, then we can be at rest because our purpose is secure in God, especially in times of trouble, we should remember that God is good no matter the outcome. Whether it’s death, sickness, natural disaster, or even an internal battle, God is still good declares Psalm 145:9.
God orchestrates every event in life, even suffering, temptation, and sin, to accomplish both our temporal and eternal benefit through His providence according to Deuteronomy 8:15-16, and this promise is for God’s children. Are you His? Then it’s all working for you!
PRAYER: Thank you, Lord, for all things are working out for me, they all work for my good through Christ Jesus. Amen.
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