rabidwordjumbles · 21 days
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Sorry but if this isn’t two homos about to make out idk what is
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annabelle--cane · 5 months
completely off topic to anything I've been posting about lately but the "fusion is sex" take annoys me for many reasons, chiefly of which is that the show literally could not be clearer that the physical act that is most analogous to fusion is partner dancing. characters warm up into fusing by dancing together. if two characters can't fuse then they have an emotionally vulnerable dance scene as an equivalent. a central motif of the show is using music to symbolize shared personal expression. it's fucking dancey dancing.
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poisonous-lemonade · 1 year
The Demon Bro's Pact Marks
Demon Bro's Pact Marks: The Pros and Cons of each one in order of pact.
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When Mammon makes a pact with you, of course, it wasn't in the best circumstances
But after a while, your pacts become a symbol of companionship and trust
I think your pact would be in the palm of your hand because Mammon probably LOVES holding your hands
Along with that, I'm not gonna feed into the golden glow pact ideal, I would think the pact would be a shining silver that has a blue tint
A pro of this pact is that whenever you're in trouble or in need of Mammon's help, it burns his skin and it doesn't stop until he finds you, almost like a compass
You probably also find grimm or human money wherever you are due to it
Con's, if Mammon's in trouble, your pact mark will burn, but since you're human, it hurts a lot more
Luckily, you get a boost of luck, because, you know, greed
Okay, I don't want to feed into the propaganda, but what if his pact mark was near or on your ankle
Not for any real reason other than the fact that he loves draping his tail on top of it or wrapping his tail around it
I feel like because Levi is the admiral general, people can sense that pact and they stay the fuck away
I also like to think that his pact glows green with envy whenever you feel envious of someone or something
Now a major con of this is that now you feel envious of almost everything
Even if you don't care about it or like it or even know about it you just feel envious
But a major pro is that now you can interact with sea life and they won't immediately try to kill you
So if you like animals that's plus
You also feel a lot stronger with Levi pact, it's mainly thinking that you're strong so it's more of a mental thing
You feel a lot less hungry because you and Beel now sorta share that body part...if that makes sense, like a Belphie and Beel thing
Which I think is the reason why we give Beel our food so much
Beel's pact is right over your heart because he's your protector
Your pact mark is also really large compared to the others because he cares a lot about you
His pact also glows gold because he has a heart of gold and it only glows gold when he's around you
You're also definitely much stronger with Beel's pact
He simply gave you that so he'll feel better
You're probably his first pact so he's at least happy that you're his first
Pro: Your skin will look clearer than it did before
Con: Asmo is gonna throw a fit if it's better than theirs
Your pact is surprisingly tiny
Like unrealistically tiny
And it's hidden on the back of your neck
Could this be because of his underlying insecurities?
I'd say so
You also get a minor confidence boast when you're around Asmo
His probably doesn't glow more than it shines
Like a piece of jewellery or gem
Unlike everybody else's, his pact lets off a shock of electricity whenever somebody touches it, including you and himself
That neither of you can explain
I'm gonna go over this once and only once
If you are an easily irritable person or have major angry issues or have a problem with authority
My dear, we are one in the same, this pact is going to make you so much worse if you act on your urges
I like to think, similar to Mammon, whenever you are having fits of rage or need his help, he gets pulled towards you and it hurts like a bitch
I also think that is pact is very visible, like somewhere on your arm or on your shoulder
This one shines the brightest and it only shines when you are ready to kill someone, or at a mild inconvenience and is the only pact that'll glow through clothing so everybody knows
Oh and if you didn't act on those urges before, you sure as hell do now
Now hear me out!
And don't judge this!
His pact mark is TOTALLY on your ass
In the same way, you and Beel share a stomach, you and Belphie share a subconscious
Like, you're always awake because Belphie is always sleeping but when you both fall asleep together, you share dreams and although you don't remember them, Belphie does
And you both wake up so happy
Now, back to the pact mark, whenever you're tired, it alerts Belphie and he goes to find you, when you're tired, he's tired, always, so it's all good for him
Of course, now we have our Lucifer
I won't lie to you, if Belphie's on your ass and Satan's on your arm, his covers your back
And I'm talking about all of it
You (if you wear bikinis) will never be able to hide it when you go out (for our shirtless peeps, you were never trying to hide it in the first place)
I think his pact would be on your back just because of his trauma of losing a set of wings
Because I know it's gotta fucking hurt when you feel your appendages get torn off
I would also like to think that his doesn't glow at all
Which is strange but neither of you questions it at all
You 100% feel so much more proud when you accomplish something that you really wanted to do well, small things sorta have the same effect but not when you do something you really love
Drawbacks of this are major back pain, waking up in cold sweats, remembering Lucifer's memories, feeling 100% more disappointed if you did something not so well
You also have to keep water on you at all times
Lucifer told you to but you have no idea why
Diavolo and Barbatos share a pact mark
That's it
They just share one
Think of it like a synced period but for pacts
It's also gotta be like on your wrist
Or at least on your dominant hand
That is all, have a good day
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oddeyes588 · 1 month
Uh oh it's a little late but guess who's posting about Oshi no Ko again, courtesy of chapter 147~
I have no goddamn clue what Aka is cooking.
As if ANYBODY knows what Aka is cooking LMAO. At this point we're all just here going along for the ride, regardless of where it ends up. At the very least, I'm stubbornly keeping my faith in him... and also theorycrafting. That's what this post is. Buckle up, folks. Spoilers below... here are my thoughts and speculations on the latest chapter.
In any case, starting with the first part of the chapter, featuring Kamiki. Honestly? I kind of doubt that Ruby didn't recognize him. It's not even a case of anime sameface, if Akane could recognize the uncanny resemblance, then so should Ruby... especially considering her current feelings for Aqua (lmao).
Which does beg the question... being that if she DID recognize him and her romantic feelings for Gorou haven't dumbed her down (which is the worst case scenario), why would she talk with him like this? Well, it's made clear by Ruby herself... she isn't sure.
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Thanks to Aqua, she's abandoned the path of revenge, entrusting it all to him (without knowing just how badly he's doing mentally as a result). She's "poured out" her hatred so that she can move on, so that she can pursue the dream she's held in her heart throughout both her past life and her current life. To be an idol, to shine even brighter than Ai, one of the "stars" that kept her going when she was Sarina.
She's also learned, through acting for this movie, the unfortunate truth that nothing in this world is as simple as black and white. Hikaru Kamiki, her father, the one who killed Ai... he was never as simple as a malicious and unforgivable villain. He's a boy who has gone through severe hardships that sent him down the path to being the broken individual he is today.
But that doesn't mean she can forgive him. No matter where he came from or why he did it, the fact remains that he took Ai from them. She wants to pour out her hate, but that feeling stubbornly remains. Thus, she's at a dilemma. Is it right for her to continue hating him? Can she really move on if she does?
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I think that's why she talks to him, why she tells him all this, while acting like he's just a stranger. In interacting with him directly, she hopes to receive an answer on what to do. (God I will pop the hell off if I actually got this right. Give me this, Aka. Tell me I'm just as batshit crazy as you are.)
Now, obviously I can hear the cries about how that really isn't the smartest play. I mean, come on girl, you are dealing with a literal murderer. There is not a single instant during this interaction where she isn't in very real danger... but impulsiveness is one of Ruby's defining traits. I think we need to stop expecting her to do the logical thing. She was in broad daylight, so she must've figured he wouldn't have killed her THERE... but it's hard to tell at this point.
She took her opportunity to give voice to her thoughts to the very subject of her hatred, but revenge isn't her goal anymore. Aqua brought her off of that path, even if she doesn't realize the consequences of leaving it all to him. In any case, those are my thoughts on Ruby.
Now, for Hikaru...
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God he's so fucked up. God it's so interesting to me that his star turned white in that moment.
It couldn't be clearer where Hikaru's insane fucking headspace is at. He kills those with potential, those who shine the brightest, because by depriving the world of that light he can feel the "weight" of his own. Fucked up! Truly, not a single person in this family is okay.
But again, it's interesting to me that his star was white in this moment. We see him approaching Ruby as if to push her down the stairs, but it makes me wonder if he really was going to kill her. If he was going to kill her, wouldn't his star be black? The stars mean a lot of things symbolically, but murderous intent seems to be a theme with the black stars...
...or maybe he's just so fucked up that killing is, for him, what gives him those white stars. If feeling the weight of his life after killing is what he lives for, then maybe that's what gives him that light, even if only briefly.
For the moment, it's all speculation. Akane comes in with the save and gets Ruby away from him before anything can happen... and honestly, I gotta wonder what Akane's place is in all of this.
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As we know, Akane is trying to put a "stop" to Aqua's revenge. What this means exactly is up in the air... since I doubt she's here to make it so Hikaru gets away scot free. She was willing to kill him herself for Aqua, after all, and hell... it seems like even Hikaru is willing to accept Aqua's revenge.
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So it begs the question as to what "stopping" Aqua means in this regard. Is she just trying to stop him from "killing" Kamiki? Is she still planning to kill him herself to take that away from Aqua? What is my girl cooking?? Aqua's mental state aside I don't think you should want to help this guy, Akane.
But back to Hikaru... or actually, more specifically, the ending of the movie arc.
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Yeah we sure did rush through this, didn't we? But honestly... I'm actually not complaining, but not because I didn't like this arc.
Because I think it makes sense that we've rushed through all of this. Because in the end, though this movie is possibly at least 90% accurate according to Akane... I think there's much more to this than what's been written in the script. What we've seen of Ai and Hikaru was all written as a story... and that's it.
We don't know how much of it is true.
I think that's why we've brushed past everything so quickly. Stuff like all the scenes we didn't see, Ai's rejection, etc etc... I think those were skipped because Aka isn't going to show us that through the context of a movie where we can't tell how much of it is really true.
I think we're leading up to seeing the details of Ai and Hikaru's relationship through Hikaru's own eyes, and that's why we've skipped so much.
...alternatively, the next chapters will include the parts of the movie we've missed out on seeing, but I think my idea is better, actually—
In any case, those are my thoughts. If it turns out that I got ANY of this even slightly right, I'm going to be reblogging this to hell and back. Let me into your headspace, Aka Akasaka.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
Locked out of heaven
Yandere Demon (Nephalem) - Baron
[Little blurb exploring an idea for my demon boyo]
It's over isn't it.
His hands are stained in a liquid he can't even recognize - mind lost in the fog that's been casted since their departure. It mixes with his own black blood leaking from holes in his chest. The entire room is covered in the golden fluid. He's so tired.
Their gone... forever
His master. His mate.. Y/n. A kind soul who never caused harm to a single person. Who cared for a creature like him. Such an angel was too good for this earth, and it seems others would agree.
Why did they take you from him? You still had just a long life ahead of you - one that hadn't even ended when they stole you away. The laughter from the angels as they hauled you off to heaven told Baron just what they were thinking - he didn't deserve you.
His fist tighten - crushing the feathers in his hand to small wisps. How fucking dare they. Those rats with wings. Those flying maggots. They've already taken so much from him. His arms. The only family he knew before you. It pissed him off - anger the only emotion more powerful than his grief.
Baron pounds on the floor, slamming his hand into the symbol on the floor - the mark of the angels. It burns his knuckles, but he doesn't care. He needs something- anything to release the agony in his heart. He was pathetic; weak, and this was all that he could do. Tears pour down his face from all four of his eyes.
"Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!"
Baron hits the floor with each shout. He feels like a child throwing a tantrum, but he doesn't care. It hurts so much - like his heart was ripped from inside and spat on before being burned to ash. You were asleep the entire time they carried you away - oblivious to his screams. Your eyes opened just as the gateway to heaven was closing; locking with his as a spear went through his chest.
"God damn it!"
How noisy...
He slams both fists into the floor - a burst of white light crackles from the broken ground. Not just the ground, but the seal. The light increases in intensity, burning so brightly it causes Baron's arms to blister as he shields his face. The charred flesh chips away, revealing golden, oozing muscle beneath. Ribbons of white wrap around him, dragging him into the opening crater in the floor. He kicks, trashes, screams your name, but is powerless to stop as he's pulled under the glowing tide
Baron wakes to that bright light enveloping him. It's less saturated, allowing him to see his surroundings clearer. They're.. clouds. Baron sits cross legged on a fluffy, white cloud. Something zips from the corner of his vision as he turns his head. He rubs his eyes, the skin along his arms still burnt - and golden. A faint noise buzzes in his head. Like laughter.
"What the fuck?" Baron turns his arms over. The decoloration stops at his forearms, but the black markings that wrap around his entire body are now streaked with that same honey color. The hell? He places a hand to his throbbing forehead, something hitting him in his face as he shakes his head. A finger feather falling onto his lap.
"Huh-" He touches the sided of his head. Four, thin strips of feather cling to him, pain shooting through their nerves as he gives one a hard tug.
"Ow! What the shit is going on?"
Baron's questions are to be left for a later date as a spear is pointed to his neck. An angel stares down at him.
"Halt! Who are you, and what gives you the authority to stands at the gates of heaven."
The spear comes closer to his skin. "More importantly... what are you?"
Baron doesn't reply - slowly standing despite the guardian's protests. He easier towers over the angel, looking over at the golden gates behind him. He doesn't know what's going on, nor what to do next - but he can feel your presence behind them.
And he'll slaughter anyone who tries to stop him from getting you back.
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apocalypticavolition · 2 months
Let's (re)Read The Dragon Reborn! Chapter 2: Saidin
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I am running out of pictures so rapidly it's alarming. It's as if I've moved beyond the territory of the show and the comic books and so all we've got left is text, which is apparently terrible for engagement. Also terrible for engagement is warning people about spoilers, which is why I won't tell anyone who doesn't already know that this post contains spoilers for the whole of The Wheel of Time series. Come right in and make lots of outraged replies about how I've ruined everything for you instead.
This chapter starts with the dragon's fang symbol, probably because it's literally called "Saidin" and Rand will be fucking things up with it.
All the women who came insisted on speaking to Moiraine immediately, and alone. The news that Moiraine chose to share with the rest of them did not always seem very important, but the women held the intensity of a hunter stalking the last rabbit in the world for his starving family.
It's almost like they're working for an Aes Sedai, and not just any Aes Sedai but one of the few left who tries to live up to the old standard. I'd think that pretty important too unless I was literally dyingn of thirst.
Or ever, he added to himself. Moiraine had kept them there all winter. The Shienarans did not think she gave the orders, not here, but Perrin knew that Aes Sedai somehow always seemed to get their way. Especially Moiraine.
I get that you're stir-crazy bro but do you really WANT to be wandering the wilderness in the middle of winter, fighting battles that you can avoid by staying still? What alternatives do you have other than "Don't do what Moiraine wants because she's Aes Sedai"?
“The Tinker woman is going to die,” she said softly, eyeing the others near the fires. None was close enough to hear.
It's times like this you can remember why Min doesn't particularly want her powers. She's probably seen quite a few people who were going to die soon by this point, just because when you walk by so many people in a city it's bound to happen sooner or later.
“Is that her name? I wish I didn’t know. It always makes it worse, knowing and not being able to. . . . Perrin, I saw her own face floating over her shoulder, covered in blood, eyes staring. It’s never any clearer than that.” She shivered and rubbed her hands together briskly.
I wonder if these omens she sees are realistic enough to be as traumatizing as seeing the actual thing.
He thought of the wolves. No! The scouts would find anyone or anything trying to approach the camp.
Good job helping fulfill Min's prophecy, Perrin. Things might have been different if you'd used your resources to your fullest advantage.
She had told him; she had tried warning people about bad things when, at six or seven, she had first realized not everyone could see what she saw. She would not say more, but he had the impression that her warnings had only made matters worse, when they were believed at all.
Poor Min.
It had made him cautious and careful, and regretful of his anger when he let it show. “I am sorry, Min. I shouldn’t have snapped at you. I did not mean to hurt you.” She gave him a surprised look.
Really I think my problem with Perrin is that it's very obvious that he has completely over-corrected for problems in the past to the point where he's now too afraid to do much of anything on his own.
“Strange,” she said softly, “how you seem to care so much about the Tuatha’an. They are utterly peaceful, and I always see violence around—” He turned his head away, and she cut off abruptly.
And again, it's other women tearing Perrin apart with words much more than him hurting them physically or emotionally. Perrin's problem is that at heart he absolutely agrees that violence is damaging even in self-defense but he exists in an Age where that self-defense is very necessary.
She rolled her eyes at Perrin, a wry twist to her mouth. “All I wanted was to live as I pleased, fall in love with a man I chose. . . .” Her cheeks reddened suddenly, and she cleared her throat.
1. Min, almost no one chooses who they fall in love with. 2. You're lucky you're blabbering in front of Perrin and Loial and not anyone with an understanding of love because for all your "don't like to talk about your visions" thing, you sure are signposting it for everyone.
The Ogier looked at them, suddenly shy, his ears twitching. “Promise you will not laugh? I think I might write a book about it. I have been taking notes.”
Really, you could argue that Loial has hardly been swept up into the ta'veren stuff at all yet. If he'd met anyone so interesting as Rand and crew, he might have chosen to go traveling with them anyway. After all, his choosing to leave the groves had nothing to do with them.
Uno, who could hardly say a sentence without a curse, spoke now with the deepest respect. The others echoed him. “Honor to serve.” Masema, who saw ill in everything, and whose eyes now shone with utter devotion; Ragan; all of them, awaiting a command if it were Rand’s pleasure to give one.
While Rand of course dislikes this treatment, I do think that having to deal with this for a few months is the start of his arrogance. You can't be treated like this by every normal person you spend time with without it starting to rub off on you.
And aside from Moiraine and Lan, there were only the three of them—Min, Loial, and him—who did not stare at Rand as if he stood above kings. And of the three only Perrin knew him from before.
It's rather unfortunate that Perrin instinctively understands why Rand needs him here and tosses that aside much later on in the story. All three of the boys seem to backslide a bit as a result of what happens to them.
A man—a thing!—everyone was taught to loathe and fear from childhood. Only . . . it was hard to stop seeing the boy he had grown up with. How do you just stop being somebody’s friend?
Prejudices - even really rational ones like "Don't trust the dudes who can and will melt you in their sleep" - tend to have a hard time sticking around in the face of empathy, which Perrin to his credit does have a lot of. It's why he's a little better at dealing with this stuff than Mat.
He began to laugh mirthlessly, his shoulders shaking. “I have the duty, because there isn’t anybody else, now is there?”
Rand's not going mad from the taint here, but rather from the reality of his position finally setting in. The weight of the world is on his shoulders so it's understandable that he's cracking under the strain. And that more than anything is why Moiraine is right to have him wait - if he did go out onto the Plain in this state he'd probably snap in battle instead of thrive like he has before.
Perrin almost laughed himself, in confusion. “If you agree with her, why in the Light do you argue all the time?” “Because I have to do something. Or I’ll . . . I’ll—burst like a rotted melon!”
Like Perrin, Rand's big problem in this sequence is that he doesn't have any viable alternatives and just whines a lot instead. There's a lot Rand could be doing (more training with Lan, trying to learn politics from Moiraine, studying with Loial, etc.) but instead of dedicating himself to his fate he just laments all the deaths that are happening in his name instead. This is naturally only going to lead to more problems down the line.
Rand shivered; despite the chill, there was sweat on his face. His eyes were still shut tight. “Oh, Light,” he groaned, “it pulls so.”
Nope, this isn't taint madness either (I will be doing my best to demonstrate to you why NONE of his craziness in this book can be chalked up to that specifically). Remember: Rand is a wilder and he's still in that awkward "could easily draw enough power to burn himself out because he doesn't even know the proper exercises for starting out with the power" phase.
Rand stood with his head thrown back, his eyes still shut tight. He did not seem to feel the thrashing of the ground that had him now at one angle, now at another. His balance never shifted, no matter how he was tossed. Perrin could not be certain, being shaken as he was, but he thought Rand wore a sad smile. The trees flailed about, and the leatherleaf suddenly cracked in two, the greater part of its trunk crashing down not three paces from Rand. He noticed it no more than he noticed any of the rest.
The land and Rand are one, so he externalizes his temper tantrum out onto the world to avoid having to acknowledge his actual feelings.
Rand looked around as if seeing things for the first time. The fallen leatherleaf, and the broken branches. There was, Perrin realized, surprisingly little damage. He had expected gaping rents in the earth. The wall of trees looked almost whole.
And of course, Rand hasn't really addressed any of his internal issues so while he's a little disheveled, nothing has actually changed.
“They’re always there, dreams,” Rand said, so softly Perrin barely heard. “Maybe they tell us things. True things.” He fell silent, brooding.
Rand is of course also snapping under the pressure of Ba'alsy's TAR campaign. The lack of good sleep is already catching up to him here and it's not going to be getting better anytime soon.
Ah well. Next time: News!
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daaydreamy · 2 years
the sinful angel
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summary: sin.
warnings: coarse language, smut, humiliation kink (I THINK?), unprotected sex… in a church
pairing: harry styles x fem!reader
It was so wrong.
It felt so wrong, Harry could feel it deep in his bones. But he couldn’t stop. He couldn’t get his hands off of her. He was giving in, he was giving into temptation. But he couldn’t get the feeling of her warm skin off of his own, he didn’t want to. He loved the feeling of digging his nails into her soft hips, gripping them as he listened to her sweet whines and moans. He was giving into her and he was afraid he had gone too far deep now.
He could see the cross whenever he looked over her shoulder.
It even felt humiliating. It was humiliating because a being like him was being so sinful, so wrong. He was disobeying Him, but he didn’t want to stop. He was drowning in her and he couldn’t get back to shore. He couldn’t stop looking at the cross, thinking about what it symbolized, the thoughts never leaving his pretty little head. He knew he’d have to soon beg for forgiveness but that was the last thing he was thinking of at the moment, his gaze switching from the cross to the woman in front of him.
The pure definition of sin was on his lap, moaning and whining and letting his name slip past her lips. She was so wrong and he was addicted to it. She looked so utterly beautiful in a way he couldn’t describe and the way she felt, God, she felt fucking amazing. It was like she was driving him crazy, insane, and he was just letting it happen. Even the sight of her made him moan softly, eyes running over every single inch of her sweet body.
Y/N opened her eyes and saw Harry already looking at her, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She brought a hand up, pressing her index and middle fingers to his lower lip, leaning in.
“Look at it.”
He knew exactly what she was referring to and now he had an even clearer view of the cross.
a/n: umm god i’m so sorry
🏷: @crow-but-make-it-pigeon, @arziyaaan, @planetflos, @harrycanyonmoonn, @bxtchboy69, @sweet-as-lilacs, @harringt8ns, @lyricalniall, @venusincleo (couldn’t tag you!), @bxbun111, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @ambrosia-bloom, @goldenhrry, @cinnamongirlrry, @manifestrry, @drewandenyasfirstborn, @sad1esgf, @taylorsreputationsversion, @violetsandfluff, @purplefishingline, @a-strange-familiar, @moonlightbea-33 (couldn’t tag you!), @famedrs-blog, @coochiesteak
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krii-bolts · 1 year
OKAY, ITS TIME TO COVER THE LIKE. 3 SHOTS OF FLASHBACK THAT WE GOT Also big thanks to Physics Anon and @runitails for their science contribution on the last Post, Khan and the Nori Closet, when it came to the spirals and their Red Text Equations
Again, EP 4 Spoilers!! Even though its been a while by now..
I'll admit, the following screenshots were not done by me (Cause mine sucked in quality) SO KUDOS TO THE PEEPS I SNATCHED THEIR SCREENSHOTS FROM Caussee I dont remember em (My bad ;-;)
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^ OH boy her again.. and shes EATING A HUMAN HAND.
I see a lot of people refering her as CYN and honestly. I can't blame em, it fits (Especially with the Solver symbol as their right eye)
Ofc, I also see some simularities between This Drone and Nori (From the braided sides to similar swooped hair) but thats Lackluster Evidence at best and a mere coincidence at worst, so I dont believe in it... But might as well bring it up-
Orrrrr they could be sisters, i just realized. Making Nori 002 and This Drone / CYN 001.... uhoh.
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^ Even with a clearer Quality photo, I got not much to say off of this..
What I can say is that its a Human arm, weirdly blacked out, being carried on some... claw? Its weird. This whole screenshot is weird. Gonna wait on this one.
It does not match the DD vision that we saw in Episode 1 in either, I checked and it was far different then these flashbacks.
I may be stretching it when it comes to these Flashbacks, do keep that in mind lol..
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^ This. This scares me. And its where Physics Anon and Runitail's contributions come into play.
This is a fucking Black hole. And while I don't have Melanophobia (Fear of Blackholes), I know well enough the kinds of effects Blackholes can cause..
Apart from the jarring Blackhole, this is the FUCKING MANSION. THAT MANSION, and its being pulled apart so this blackhole is PRETTY DAMN CLOSE.
A blackhole that big and that close, can only spell bad news to the planet its nearest too, and in this case its Earth. That is if its a Regular Blackhole, and I don't its a typical blackhole...
I think Absolute Solver created this blackhole. From the [null] in the center aka "Nothingness" in a computers eyes to the lines of codes that flash behind it. Remember how Eldritch J collapsed in on itself and floated away as a "tiny black ball" in Ep 2??? It's hard to notice, but there's a Gravity Distortion around those balls... like what a Black hole would have.
Finally, lets bring in the Two Equations / Concepts that Physics Anon and Runitail brought it: Technological singularity and Artificial black hole. Artificial Black Hole concept adds more fuel to the possibilities of a Solver Created Blackhole but Technological Singularity?
To put the Technological Singularity concept into a """Shortened""" definition: A hypothetical Future where Technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, creating unexpected changes to human civilization... While Runi mentioned about Drone civilization becoming either Changed or Consumed, I don't think that's the case..
Human Civilization, more specifically JCjenson, goes and creates the Drone models. These Models are of Similar, if not the exact same, in intelligence to humans and were created for the need of a workforce thats expendable. Ofc like humans, not everyone wants to be pushed around and exploited by someone else, even if most don't or CAN'T realize this reality. And some rebel, even if its Futile... Some, whoever, were more successful and Dangerous then others. Experiments, Mutated Coding, who knows, but these Special Drones had the chance to rebel and succeed in it too: With a oily cost. Most of these drones were numbered with collars, so that JCjenson maybe could try and get things under control, for they knew what could happen if they didn't keep an eye on them.... They knew what would happen to Human Civilization if their Uncontrolled and Irreversible Technology ever reached earth.
Sorry this took longer then expected, I uh... was struggling a little on how to do this one cause N's Flashbacks are a little wack when it comes to stand alone theories. Did I stretch information on some? ABSOLUTELY, please yell at me at what things could be different or what I miss cause I probably did miss something.. (Also my brain is telling me to make Nori fanart woooo)
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silverislander · 2 years
man ok kind of obsessed w the way amanda overton talks abt writing fight scenes in that new bridging the rift episode! so i have thoughts about the vi/sevika fight
first off: i don't really think vi did that in order to win and kick sevika's ass. i think she's smarter than assuming she's just going to take her on no problem, and i think the reason is as simple as... that's kind of who she is what she does. we learn from her records (and the everything about her actually) that vi got into a LOT of fights in prison, but from arcane/context clues, it seems like when she starts it, it was always people associated with silco and his gang. vi beats up silco's crew. it's what she does.
i feel like that singleminded tunnel vision from stillwater is still super there (bc. when did she ever get downtime to heal it lol); she didn't get to have an identity for years in a literal sense. she didn't even get a name- just 516 or pink, which side note makes me Cry but anyways. she's not vi, not powder's sister or the leader/strength of her group. she's prisoner 516 who punched a man's eye out. she's the scary bitch down in the hole half the time. she's pink, who beats up silco's goons. that's all she had to define herself as for most of her formative years. this is what she is.
building on this, i think the meaning of the fight gets a lot clearer: this is vi trying to fight her past and all of its pain, and it's her beating herself up because of it. sevika isn't just a traitor that vi wants to fight, she's the idea of powder being taken away and it being all vi's fault (in her mind). she only ever did it out of that self-hatred and a need to somehow atone for that night anyway? vi goes up against her, already kind of knowing she won't win, knowing it's gonna fucking hurt, because she has to. it's like self harm (don't get me started on my hc of vi starting fights to punish herself-); she thinks she deserves to be hurt by her past just as much as she explicitly states she doesn't think she'll ever grow and move past what she did that night, how she wasn't enough for powder.
and it almost kills her. sevika is going to finish it and let her bleed out in an alley, that's pretty clear.
so then there's the best fucking part at the very end- caitlyn saves her, and that's the most obvious symbolism in this thing, and i fucking love it. she's even placed up above the fight and the lighter colours are behind her head like a halo- she's literally an avenging angel, it absolutely slaps!! but it's super clear what she represents in this scene, bc it's kind of what she always represents.
caitlyn is hope here. she always is- joining the enforcers to help the cities, solving a mystery nobody wants her to figure out that doesn't even affect her because it's the Right Thing To Do, later dreaming of a world where zaunites won't have to live the way they do and piltovans will make things fair again, and i absolutely love that about her- but here especially, because she's vi's hope for the future (their future!). vi is saved from her own self-hatred and pulled out of hurting herself via her own past by a force she doesn't expect or understand yet. things get better by themselves out of nowhere for her in a way they never have before, and maybe... that means that could happen again. she has hope now.
and then with this understanding, of course that's the turning point for their relationship, of course now vi can treat her as an equal ally (and maybe even more). vi has literally fucking seen the light and she's getting pulled right into it. here is a chance for things to get better: a girl she's supposed to hate who shouldn't give a damn who genuinely wants to help everyone she meets, including vi, despite all of her flaws and baggage.
and you get all of this in like... fifteen minutes or less, without directly saying any of it. fucking incredible.
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ruotsalainen-kettu · 2 years
So I visited Åbo Svenska Teater today and I gotta ramble about their Dracula production because I love analysing things but am too tired to do it IN Swedish rn. If you speak Swedish or any similar Germanic language - Or Finnish, because they have subtitles (!! Subtitles in theatre!! I was shooketh) Go there. Seriously.
Anyway: It's a musical. It's a comedy. Its all over the place but in the best way. Spoilers ahead. (Surprisingly.)
Last time I stepped into a theatre was in 10th grade and uh. Let's not talk about that.
This was... intense? Not just the acting but also the sets and props and all, it's super cool. On a technical level - they use confetti as blood, the lighting is incredible, the use of space is VERY well done, they even have a rotating part in the stage. The coach scene was FANTASTIC, as was the ghost ship. Super spooky! Not to speak of the choreography. It's not fucking Dance of the Vampires or whatever, but the theater is pretty small so what gives. Shit, they had more than one person drop from the ceiling both in a harness and with these sheet things. It was sick!
Everybody has a theme, which are VASTLY stylistically different. Van Hellsing is metal ofc whereas Dracula is a classical singer.
The color symbolism was prettt neat too. Vampires are the only ones wearing red, with Dracula being the only one wearing both on occasion. (And some killer heels.) Both Mina and Lucy get red accents on their black dresses once they are connected to Dracula and Lucy, once she was turned, wore white with red. This gets even clearer in the last scene, where the humans are all clothed in black and the vampires red. (And Van Helsing is olive but that's a different story.)
Anyway, I could write an essay about what they changed in relation to the book because it's a lot, least of all the weirdly indistinct setting of "jokes about excel and mansplaining but everyone's dressed like the 1880s in glitter" BUT it's for comedy, I didn't expect them to bust out period-accurate clothing. They left out scenes that would have been impossible or plain boring to translate to theatre and some of it was changed to give more interaction, such as conversations between Dracula and Lucy or Mina.
The only thing I have actual gripes with is that they took out Quicey Morris.
Well not took out. He's there in name, but they turned Quincey "Texas finest cowboy" into a shy dude who has one line in the first act (establishing he's the character and that he seems to have a crush on Lucy). His entire point in the story arc is that he's unremarkable and forgettable because that's the underlying conflict between humans and vampires (leaving traces etc... very philosophical). Like excuse me??? The original Quincy is a fan favorite because in a book made to be scary and menacing he's the one (albeit accidentally...) dude who's actually funny. He's big (in personality) and he's brave and important enough the Harkers name their kid after him. I see the logic behind the choice but that doesn't mean I have to like it 🤨
On the up side the dynamic between Dracula and Jonathan is super gay, but that's just accurate to the source. (Also... Dracula x Van Helsing anyone?)
Van Helsing was a bit of a dick, which is surprising considering he has like 5 lines total and just looks badass otherwise. Running off like a fucking diva after Mina rightfully questions him? Bruh. More "older bear Nathan Drake" than wise mentor. Oh well.
I have more thoughts but I'll leave you (the three people who actually read this lol) be. Go support your local theater.
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randomnameless · 2 years
About Wilhelm and the Lion symbol. Something interesting I have noticed is that in houses after Byleth and Sothis merge, AM Byleth is the only version of them directly being compared with Seiros while Dimitri is the only lord who is associated with Wilhelm (this is the only choice that makes sense) in the same conversation. Not even Edelgard has ever been associated with Wilhelm. In fact, I think Edelgard is bit resentful of him for accepting the Nabateans.
Dimitri and Wilhelm have even more similarities if we look closely. Wilhelm was also a holy knight who wields a lance while Dimitri is the only lance user among the three lords. Wilhelm took Seiros in and offered his full support to her and their war against Nemesis who was working with TWSITD. Dimitri gives Rhea shelter when she has nowhere to go and fights against the Adrestian Emperor who is working with TWSITD in CF and every route in Hopes.
Watch out, Willy was a loser, his statue doesn't have a lance, it portrays him with a steel sword!
You're not wrong about Supreme Leader, the jp text makes it clearer but she thinks "Poor Dumb Willy" was manipulated by the lizard lady - or at least she says so to Billy - but without the manipulation angle... he is the guy who helped those cruel beasts against fellow "humans" so....
The biggest hurdle to the comparison with Dimitri, is Willy's war to unify Fodlan.
Was it to civilise the world, to stomp out Nemesis and make sure no one like him would ever re-appear, your usual brand of Imperialism, everything bundled in the same package - idk
What is more interesting, between the two, is how I'm 99,57% sure Wilhelm knew what the relics truly were, and knew Rhea and other Nabateans were, well, Nabateans.
AU where Dimitri and Willy are swapped, or AU where Fodlan gives a fuck about Nabateans : What would Dimitri, AG or AM Dimitri do if a certain someone (or a group of people) wanted to slaughter randoms to craft weapons from their bodies, to become "might makes right" warlords?
Would he try to organise a parley with Nemesis'n'Dudes to ask them to stop warring around and stop hunting Nabateans?
Hope they won't try to bring out their circular saw next time they spot Flayn? Or won't smash a baby on the ground, because "the strong prey on the weak" and it's natural order?
I've commented earlier on the, imo, "acceptance" theme of AG and how it ultimately felt flat, because the mole people and Nabatean angle is completely dropped to instead have the "parley" discussion be about sandwiches, the general concept of war and "ideals" - but now we all know IS (KT) backpedaled on Supreme Leader and her, uh, opposition to lizards based on the shape of their ears because she needs to sell -
But if another studio wrote that exchange, and Supreme Leader's racial bias towards people with pointy ears came to the light (like what happened off screen and managed to convince Clout), could/would Dimitri still let her return to Enbarr after that exchange, knowing well that someone is jailed in Fodlan's Gritnea and subjected to "things" that makes her unable to walk, even if that someone is one of the strongest beings alive on the continent?
Would he be able to let go of his hatred?
Back to the WoH - can there really be acceptance of "something different" when that something is, well, unacceptable because no matter what redshit or some people in their echo chamber parrot, racism and genocide really really suck?
When Word of God said Nemesis'n'Dudes didn't see Nabateans as people, but as "things to be looted" to become stronger? Seiros the Warrior couldn't accept it (i wonder why) and came to the conclusion erasing Nemesis'n'Dudes was the only solution.
Did Willy reach the same conclusion ?
But took it further, and thought that if he became the "Supreme Ruler" of the world, then no Nemesis or Dudes could pop up in the land, so no even like this would ever happen again? And he naively thought his descendants would follow him?
Maybe we could have had a Willy mirroring Dimitri, but in the Watsonian POV, losing (kind of, like AG!Mitri) his way at the end because he isn't supported by Fodlan's messiah as to not, idk, alienate players who self inserted in Billy -
Doylist POV would of course notice that while Dimitri's archenemy Supreme Leader was scrubed of any heinous and racial prejudice, Nemesis cannot sell in a nightgown so Willy had to deal with him, and ultimately couldn't adopt Dimitri's AM's solution (which wasn't a solution anyways, since Supreme Leader inherited her stupid ancestor's "incredible will" and tried to kill him).
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goobergoeslive · 2 years
HeatherBlogging Part 8
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“That’s good. Have you done this before?”
I like the small pause and brief play of the harmonica after this line. I don’t think JD had done something like this before, given how he seemed to be at such a loss after Chandeler’s murder, but rather “what he had done before” is refering to writing a suicide note, or at the very least thinking about what to write on one.
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There are only two scenes of the teachers and principal’s meetings, but they are among my favorites. The deadpan and business-like way they are addressing what is believed to be one of the student’s suicide is obviously terrible, but a good bit of dark humor, and also maybe not that far off from how such situations are handled “behind the scenes” in real life.
At first, Miss Flemming seems to be the only sane and compassionate person in the entire room, calling out the others on how cold they are being, but then she comes out with this line:
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Which just shows that she is terrible in a different way. The others don’t even bother pretending they care, but Miss Fleming’s way of “caring” is to make a spectacle out of a tragedy, in an attempt to look enlightened and morally superior, which, in my opinion at least, is even more abhorrent.
Still, I like how they sneakily try to make us empathize with her more by making her the underdog in this situation, only for later to become even clearer that she is no better than the rest.
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No one really liked Chandeler, huh? McNamara appears to be mostly unfazed by the entire situation, and Duke is having her first taste (harhar) of freedom.
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“I’m just so… thrilled! To finally have an example of the profound sensitivity of which a human animal is capable.”
And then she proceeds to show the suicide note to the entire class. Classy.
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Aaand yet another shot that I think is interesting, even though I don’t see what meaning it could have. From what I know of common butterfly symbolisms, I don’t really see how they can apply to Veronica in this case. Maybe it’s just meant to look nice!
It is really fucked how everyone is suddenly seeing depth in Chandeler after her supposed suicide, and trying to spin it to something positive for themselves. I think it’s yet another moment that mirrors real life reactions to these kinds of tragedies and how deeply insidious they are. I think one of the reasons I like this movie so much is that, despite it being a dark comedy, it never really jokes about suicide itself. The one time someone does attempt suicide and is mocked for it, such mockery is treated as cruel. Instead, what the audience is invited to hold in contempt is how the media and society in general treats people who have commited or attempted suicide. It’s about exposing the glorification of such tragedies and how they are a massive disservice and disrespect for those who have died, and deeply damaging to those who are susceptible to go through them.
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Veronica and JD MST3King local new channels is pretty funny, I’ll give them that.
Also, those golden cobra statuettes by the fireplace sure are something.
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I like how it only takes 2 minutes for Veronica to realize that JD’s dad is really fucked, and just she makes up a pretty weak excuse to not want to stay for dinner (unless she really likes that spaghetti with oreganos). I think this scene captures the discomfort of “finding out that a lover/friend’s family members are massive creeps” pretty well.
JD and his dad’s back-and-forth where they essentially say each other’s lines is also simultaneously funny and unsettling.
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Ok, so this is the second scene with Veronica and her parents. The setting and shot composition is identical to the first one, and the tone of the conversation is pretty much the same, even though they open up by talking about Chandeler’s suicide. It just reinforces that, despite the media buzz surrounding the suicide, no one seems to genuinely care, and life goes on just as usual.
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legend-the-goblin-man · 8 months
The Ol' Velseb Smile: CH 1
Chapter One: Crimson Was The Devil and His Associates
I'm planning on uploading this to AO3 with time but I didn't have an account so I'm posting it here for now.
TW Heads Up: Character Death (multiple), Asphyxiation, Drugging (tranquilizers/sedatives)
Also I apologies in advance for poor Spanish, I'm not well practiced with the language. If I have grammatical errors feel free to inform me - I'm happy correct them.
Inside a decrepit mansion on the outskirts of a small town were seven figures in red hooded robes. There was the dim glow of ceremonial candles and the ethereal blue glimmer from the amulets around their necks. They stood around a pentagram in the middle of the floor. It was drawn in white chalk with strange symbols copied from ancient demonic tomes and alchemic symbols of days of old within the ring and star. Small currents of acrid black smoke that reeked of burning hair and hot metal sizzled from the corners of the ring. The wood underneath remained intact but it was clear the protective symbol was doing its job as the restrained demon within was trapped within the hellish smoke.
The demon had a crazed look in his eyes as it watched the cult members talk amongst themselves. They had restrained the beast in a straight jacket and a muzzle to match. Drool poured out of the holes of the muzzle as the devil panted with a sinister eagerness to rip into the flesh of those around him. As time went by and the cultists continued to talk and joke amongst themselves the sedatives in the demon’s system began to wear off and he slowly became more.. lucid. It’d be Bob’s first semi-lucid interaction in five years. When the cultists broke him out the past Halloweens to be a distraction for their annual ritual he always still had something in his system that the prison used to keep him more.. agreeable. However, despite his mind becoming clearer he still wasn’t completely awake to the degree he wished to be. He felt his brain actually start to fully understand what he was seeing and hearing. It wasn’t like a dream anymore. Despite the fog in his brain clearing words still appeared to escape him. All he could do was breathe and drool, his mind still stuck on the goal of satisfying its vile hunger.
“Okay so we got Bob restrained, but-” A younger sounding voice under one of the red hoods spoke up. Bob didn’t recognize it. Perhaps a newer member from his time in prison. The younger cultist gave a wary glance at Bob before speaking again. “-we don’t know how we’re going to release him without casualties.”
At the younger’s cultists uncertainty a more familiar voice began asking questions. “Does he even know what’s happening?” The tired voice was immediately recognized by Bob - Ignacio. A grumpy bastard that chatted with him around closing at his restaurant. The realization he recognized someone made Bob lurch against the ring of smoke trapping him with delirium, desperate for some familiarity with how altered his senses were.
When he couldn’t get past the barrier of smoke Bob thought more on Ignacio’s pondering. He indeed did not know what the fuck was happening. In the corner of his eye he could see he was wearing his devil horns that make up his costume. He doesn’t recall putting them on but then again he doesn’t recall the past five years all that coherently. However, he became acutely aware that he also can’t feel the headband that keeps the horns on his head…. or his hair for that matter. He was wondering if his semi-drugged state just made it difficult to sense the feelings he was more accustomed to until a strong feminine voice made itself known.
“Does it matter?” The words came up cold as ice. Bob stared a bit at the current leader as she made her verdict. “This is just a trial run. We’re just gonna let him do what he wants before he eventually gets caught again.” Bob just stared at her in disbelief. He wondered if this is what they did with him every year. If this is how they talked about him after his incarceration. He gave a lot to the cult to be able to live the life he wanted and they didn’t even have his best interests at heart in his lowest point. “Not like he can go back to his old life anyway.” The merciless voice’s words stung like a frozen dagger in the back of the skull. Bob was utterly shattered at that statement. He wanted it to be wrong but the more he thought about it there really was no way to get back what he lost. His family has moved on without him. His daughter has moved on without him. It only added more salt to the wound that the person that betrayed him - didn’t even let him explain himself - was the one to get to raise HIS daughter. His heart beat heavily with anger and despair at fully grasping what he’s lost in his moment of sobriety in five years. The drooling slowed and his eyes became misty. The continued conversation was lost to him as he drifted deeper in his memories within the imprisoning smoke, thinking about everything he didn’t get to do in the last five years.
“Shoot him with as many tranquilizers as it takes then unrestrain him. Once that’s done, toss him in the back of a truck and dump him on the edge of town.” The leader’s voice commanded the other cultists. One of the robed figures gave a curt nod and rushed up the stairs. Others mingled about the situation but one member, the most senior of the bunch, approached the proud leader.
“Perdon amiga.” The eldest member spoke up. As he approached the leader of the cult his head turned towards the demon in the pentagram. Sympathy filled his non-existent heart looking on at his former friend. “We were amigos. I could speak with him.” The eldest offered. He was not turned away by the transformation the cult has done to Bob. No, he is well familiar with the cult changing one’s appearance. “I lack flesh, so he has no reason to eat me.” He rationalized. He’s had to witness Bob’s life moving on without him for five years. Despite what the cult has done to his friend this would be the perfect opportunity to try to do some good on his friend’s behalf. Transforming Bob and dumping the demon was the cult obviously cutting ties with an apparent liability, so if the cult didn’t want the cannibal anymore it seemed like an ample time for the eldest member to save his friend from this cycle one more time.
There was a moment of consideration in the leader’s silence. However, the following words were crushing to the eldest member. “No. We need your access to finances. We won’t take the risk.” Her head snapped to one of their newer members walking down the steps with the accursed rifle in both hands, loaded with the tranquilizers. Pity swelled in the eldest’s non-existent heart for his friend knowing what’s going to come next. It would seem he would have to go back to his original plan. All he can hope for going forward is his friend’s cooperation.
“Understood senorita.” The eldest gave a respectful bow of the head before turning away from the inevitable sight. He felt his bones wince in empathy with each shot of the rifle and the growl of pain from the demon as the dart lodged into his new crimson skin. The eldest stood in place for a moment, readying himself for the next twenty-four hours. Everything had to go perfectly. He was never getting this opportunity again and if it all went wrong the cult would wipe away his free will and make him a mindless immortal servant. To have any excuse to get away from the scene he pulled the truck keys out of his back pocket and walked outside to get the vehicle started.
The newer scouts went along with him on the drive to the edge of town. They helped him drop Bob into the grass of a ditch on the side of the road. As the two scouts returned to the truck the eldest member kneeled down to the demon, looking down at him with remorse in his hollowed eyes.
“Perdonme, hermano.” Grief filled his words, uncertain what would become of his friend before the night was over. As he walked back into the truck he heard the shallow gasps of the demon. He turned his head back to get one last look at his transformed friend. The demon’s eyes were wide with some kind of horror, perhaps a hallucination from the tranquilizers. The breaths were shallow but had some kind of vigor to them, as if each breath required more energy than normal. Finally he entered the truck as the cultists drove back to the mansion to perform their annual ritual. The demon was now left to his own devices.
Bob continued to breathe while paralyzed on the cold grass. His breaths slowly got shorter. The blood in his veins started to feel cold. His vision went dark but his eyes were wide open. For a few moments everything vanished. It felt like he body didn’t exist anymore. Then suddenly colors came back and he let out a desperate gasp for air as a humming within his chest revitalized him. His amulet, he realized. His amulet was inside him and he felt the dull aching hum that consumed his body whenever it healed an injury. He was confused for a moment what part of him healed at first, but as he still felt himself paralyzed, ideas flooded his head. “Did I die!?” His mind raced to know what just happened to him. “It felt like my heart stopped!” He begins to recall the horrific feeling of his entire body shutting down. Then it started again. His breathing got shorter despite how much air he tried to suck into his lungs. Then he realized he wasn’t actually pulling any air into his body. It felt like he was using every muscle to suck in oxygen with his lungs but the organ actually barely moved, stalled heavily from the tranquilizers. “I CAN’T BREATHE! I CAN’T BREATHE!!” He screamed internally as he kept trying to force his lungs to pull in air to no avail. He could feel his heart slowing again, lungs collapsing from no air, blood going cold. “I’M GOING TO DIE AGAIN!” He realized in cold horror alone in a ditch. His paralyzed body and semi-drugged mind pleaded to undo what was in the process of happening but it couldn’t be stopped. As the sun set and the stars filled the sky the devil’s heart stopped and started a dozen times over before he could finally take a full breath.
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aceof-diamonds · 2 years
Care To Learn Of Our Lord And Saviour, The One?
Blood from their eye mixed with the rain dripping down from their soaked hair as they stumbled through the dark alleyway.
Wren tightly gripped their abdomen, white shirt staining pink under their hand. If any passers-by cared enough to stop and help, they would see someone who had been attacked - and someone who was still being followed.
Mocking laughs and taunts echoed off the walls of the shadowed alleyway, from what sounded like a group of two - maybe three - men. Men who could easily catch up, yet decided to stay back; taunt them, make them feel uneasy.
“Has the feral stray really given up?” The smirk was audible as one spoke. “So soon, too?”
Wren grit their teeth, groaning as they kept moving; hoping - praying - they could keep going long enough to find someone to help. And, as if on cue, their legs gave way from underneath them.
They winced as their knees made contact with the wet concrete, eyes closing while they came to terms with the fact that this was the end. They couldn’t deny that it was their time. Why would they live any longer? What was their purpose for being here anymore?
“Now, now, boys.” A new voice echoed through the alleyway from someone that stood at the opening just a few feet before them.
Footsteps that came from in front of them made them finally open their eyes and look up. White boots reflected what little dim light there was in the alley, vivid bloodstains curving up to the zips; as they looked further up, the image of the girl became clearer, her hands tucked into the pockets of pinstriped trousers - pale and thin-faced, she was sporting a bright grin, taking a moment to adjust the collar of a thin white shirt. Their eyes flicked to the other’s collarbone; with her shirt plastered to her skin in the rain, they could see some sort of symbol - a deep scar on top of her skin. She seemed - no, felt - familiar.
The ringing and pounding consuming their mind blocked out a lot of what was said. The words themselves were muffled, but they could tell some sort of interaction went on - between this new person, and the men hovering behind them. A moment passed; then they were retreating, the newcomer clearly convincing them to leave - or scaring them into doing so.
They remained frozen on the ground, their palms pressing into gravel as they tried to focus. The new arrival crouched down, a hand outstretched to help them up; they waved it off the best they could as they tried to push themselves up. Nothing - after running for so long with the injuries they had, it was clear they were forced to trust the girl in front of them.
“Who the fuck are you-?” Their voice was weak as they spoke, the words hesitant even as they asked.
A hand reached down towards them as the other smiled. “Call me Chosen.”
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Cult Girl: Doctorate (Hannibal x Pregnant!Female!Reader) pt. 14
Hannibal reads too much into Max's attempt to reconcile and cult girl revisits her past.
@wisesandwichshark @pearlstiare
Trigger warnings: discussions of death, abandonment, military casualties, emotional abuse
You soon returned to the opera knowing you had nothing to hide. Hannibal selected for you an off-white maternity gown so form-fitting it was practically painted on. He wanted everyone to see that you, his queen, empress and goddess, were carrying his child.
It only took that evening for the whole dynamic to change. Suddenly, you were an expectant new mother. Imogen had been a massive hit, you were planning to go again.
You were affixing your heavy cubic zirconia earrings when you heard a knock at the door. You hesitated, but hurried down the stairs when you saw who it was.
"Max?" You said, upon opening the door. He stood there awkwardly, holding a bouquet of flowers. "Hi?"
"Hey, [F/N]." Max greeted, eyes darting nervously around the porch. "I just came around to apologize in person. I'm sorry I was such a chauvinist prick."
You leaned against the door. "Oh?"
"You were right." He continued. "I don't know what it's like to carry a baby, and, unless something goes very wrong, I never will."
"Let's hope it doesn't come to that." You smiled.
"Anyway, these are for you." He said, handing the bouquet over. "They're chrysanthemums."
"Thank you, Max." You said, accepting the flowers.
"Archie and I-" He scratched the back of his head. "We thought that, maybe, if you'd still have us, that we'd name the baby Chrysanthemum. With your permission, of course."
"Like the picture book?" Your face lit up. "With the little mouse girl?"
Max nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, exactly."
You hugged the bouquet into your chest and considered it again. You looked back at Hannibal, who hadn't looked up from his expectant fathers' website for a second all day. He surrounded himself with books about child psychology, attachment theory, developmental behavior patterns and somehow found himself on a tangent about institutionalized misogyny in medicine.
"I'm sorry, Max." You said, sincerely. "I really do appreciate you coming down here and apologizing, but-"
Max put his hands up and gave you a disarming smile. "I understand. Plans change."
"I just really want to stress that it's not you." You assured him. "I've kind of... really grown to like the idea of being a parent. And I think that was Hannibal's plan all along, too."
"I believe a congratulations is in order, then." His voice turned up in delight. "I'm very happy for you. Both of you."
You clutched the bouquet to your chest. "Thank you."
"Well, I'd better get going." He stepped backwards down the stairs. "I've got three pints of Ben and Jerry's in the backseat and Archie'll have my head if I come home and they've melted."
"Max, wait." You stopped him before he could get down the driveway.
You leaned against the threshold and smiled warmly. "Don't be a stranger, okay?"
Max returned the smile. "Of course not."
You waved goodbye and shut the door. You hurried to the kitchen to put the flowers in water before you had to go.
"Who was that, love?" Hannibal asked, half-heartedly. He was still very fixated on his research.
"Max Thomas-Park." You answered, unwrapping the flowers from the decorative plastic.
Hannibal looked up from his computer, but left the room silent for you to fill.
"He wanted to make amends." You explained. You walked across the room to the china cabinet and selected a vase big enough to hold the ornate bouquet. "Brought flowers and everything."
"Chrysanthemums?" He asked, sniffing the air.
"I see your sense of smell is coming back." You commented.
"Interesting selection." He narrowed his eyes on the bouquet.
"Well, he said that was what he wanted to name the kid." You offered. "It was a cute pitch, not gonna lie."
Hannibal shut his laptop and examined the bouquet up close. "If he wanted to express regret, he would have done better to bring you blue or purple hyacinths."
"Well, like I said." You made a point to project a little more. "He said he wanted to name his daughter chrysanthemum."
"Mums are given to show sympathy for those in mourning." Hannibal continued, clearly having his own conversation.
"I think your cousin got her hooks in him and he's planning to--" He cut himself off, lest he speak the unthinkable into reality. "That's why he brought mourning flowers."
"Max Thomas-Park is conspiring with Anna to kill our unborn baby?" You said, flatly, to emphasize how insane he sounded.
Hannibal held a bloom between his fingers and looked closely at it. "It's the kind of hint I would leave. For courtesy's sake."
"I think looking at parenting blogs all day has made you a little paranoid." You observed, knowing full well that an overprotective husband and soon-to-be father of your child was not a bad problem to have. Nevertheless, you shut the laptop and touched his cheek. "Come on. We're going to be late for the opera."
You heaved yourself into the passenger's seat of the car, feeling the seat give beneath your heavy frame. Every time you got into the car, you remembered that you needed to shop for a car seat. The thought just as soon left your mind every time. 
“We need to look for a car seat.” You said as Hannibal shut the door, hoping that he’d remember. 
“I mean,” Hannibal blurted out, still lost in his own conversation. “Max is a cultured and well-educated man. He has to know the implications of his flowers.” 
You huffed, dreading to think that paranoid delusion was symptomatic of his parenting style. “Right. The twenty-seven year old data analyst who graduated with a finance MBA from UChicago is also proficient in the outdated and frivolous language of flowers.” 
“In Italy, mums are only given as comfort for loss.” Hannibal said with undeserved conviction. “Exclusively, [F/N].” 
You rolled your eyes and typed something up on your phone. You raised your eyebrows, feeling a bit proud of yourself for what you found. 
“In Korea, y’know, the country that Max’s family is from,” You corrected. “The chrysanthemum is a symbol of friendship.” 
Hannibal tensed up for a moment, tightening his grip on the steering wheel. It was as if he were trying to break himself out of a trance. “...I’m sorry, darling.” 
“I know you’re scared.” You stared at his profile, trying to make out an expression. “I’m also... pretty scared. But you can’t take it out on a guy who has nothing to do with it.” 
“I am scared.” He affirmed, but the way in which he did was a telltale sign that he wasn’t giving you the full story. 
“Of?” You raised your eyebrow. “Finish the sentence, Hannibal.” 
"I need to keep our baby safe." He answered. "And I cannot in good conscience let her come into the world knowing that someone wants to hurt her. To hurt you."
You sighed. "Hannibal, are you seriously still worried about Anna?"
"Don't underestimate the role privilege and entitlement plays in the decision to commit acts of violence." He enunciated carefully. "You of all people should know that."
"Anna has cultivated such a perfect victim image to project outwardly that even a hint of proactive violence would shatter it." You explained. "She's the poor girl who has things done to her. Her evil cousin ruined her marriage. Her evil cousin destroyed her career. And she's the innocent victim in all of it."
"Logically, I know that you can speak on her behavior with more authority than I." Hannibal admitted.
"No shit." You scoffed. "I had to live with her."
"Can we at least entertain the idea that she has something planned?" He pleaded.
"I'm surprised at you." You said. "You never really struck me as the overly-cautious type."
Hannibal shook his head. "With my own life, I'm willing to gamble. But not when it's you. And not when it's Imogen."
You tensed up. His admitted willingness to put himself in danger unlocked a core memory you had buried deep down. The only thing you knew about your own father was that he was willing to put himself in danger. To go overseas and die for fuck-all instead of live for the child he selfishly created then abandoned. He chose to give his life for oil. You didn't choose to grow up without a father and your mother didn't choose to raise a child without a partner. He made that choice for you.
"Now what are you not telling me?" Hannibal broke you out of your trance. "I know that look, [F/N]."
"Nothing." You shook your head. "You should really not plan on dying anytime soon."
"I promise you, I am not going anywhere." His voice softened. "Least of all, to Iraq."
"Okay, you're a pretty good therapist but you never told me you could read minds." You threw your hands up in defeat. "Are you a psychiatrist or are you Loki?"
"As fun as being the god of mischief would be," Hannibal smiled to himself. "I just happen to have a steel-trap memory and an admittedly quite obsessive fixation on the mental health of the mother of my child."
"I swear to god I never told you about him." You denied. "Not even in passing."
"You didn't have to." He assured you. "Beatrice did."
You were surprised for a fraction of a second until the information sat in your head long enough to realize it wasn’t surprising in the slightest. Beatrice took every opportunity she got to brag about her son's sacrifices. She never once mentioned the sacrifices he forced upon you. Only that her son was a hero.
"Did you get the 'don't believe anything [F/N] has to say about my son' speech?" Your voice flattened in complete non-surprise.
"It was a prepared speech?" Hannibal chuckled. "Pity. I thought I was special."
"She gave it to my first boyfriend." You rolled your eyes. "We were, like, fifteen."
"The root of your psychological issues becomes clearer every time we talk about Beatrice." He commented under his breath.
"I know." You conceded.
He pulled into the parking lot, turned the car off and placed his hand over yours.
"Your father was a coward." He said, bluntly. It was nice to hear what had been echoing in the back of your head out loud for once. "I know no country to serve. No god to glorify. I promise, you have the whole of me. My mind, body and soul belongs to you and our child."
You squeezed his hand. "I couldn't ask for anything else."
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songmingisthighs · 3 years
[14.01] hongjoong × roadie!reader × yunho
⇀ when hongjoong realized you've been spending quite some time with yunho, he felt threatened. you thought he'd appreciate you more than this, but boy did he have to prove you wrong once again.
⇁ tw : joong being an asshole
⇁ part 1 / 2 / 3
Feeling lighter than usual, you walked into Hongjoong's studio with a spring in your steps, obviously showcasing your happiness. Maybe it was the weather that day, maybe it was the favourite shirt you wore. Or maybe it was the fact that you were at a very lovely low-key lunch with Yunho.
Ever since the unfortunate event a couple of weeks ago (i.e. Hongjoong leaving you behind and Yunho rescuing you), you had been spending quite some time with Yunho. When you both went out to get dinner that day, he had somehow convinced you to give him your phone number.
You had your reservations initially, telling him that it wouldn't feel right for someone with your status as a nobody to have an idol's number. But he sweet-talked you by saying that he doesn't have many friends other than his pre-existing group of friends that he formed back when he was still just a trainee. He put on his best puppy eyes and guilt you into promising that you'd be his friend.
Of course, he kept his words even to a stranger. You had even met his friend group.
99z was everything you assumed and even more. You've got tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum, the tsundere who's secretly a nerd, the gentle giant, and of course him, the heartthrob with bad luck in romance.
Surprisingly, you made an immediate connection with them and they dubbed you the honorary member.
Yunho had never missed a day of contacting you. Even with his very busy schedule, he never missed checking up on you. Of course, the simple gesture made you feel all warm and fluttery, you felt appreciated and cared for.
"What took you so long?"
Your train of thought broke when Hongjoong called you, eyebrows furrowing as he stared at you with a weird expression. You smiled at him nevertheless as you put the food you bought him on the side of his desk, "Sorry, I got caught up a bit," you told him vaguely.
Hongjoong kept staring at you as if you had sprouted a second head.
"You were with him, weren't you?" he asked.
You turned your body to him, nervous about what to answer. But you nodded nevertheless, confirming his assumption, "if by him you meant Yunho, then yeah, I was," you said.
Seeing how happy you looked after a short lunch with Yunho somehow struck something in Hongjoong. He felt his left eye twitch as he scoffed, "You've really been neglecting what you promised to do around here," he complained.
Initially, you thought he was just joking or being sarcastic, so you shrugged it off by chuckling. It wasn't until a few moments later that you realized he was being serious.
With furrowed eyebrows, you decided to make sure that you weren't imagining things, "Are you serious? You really think I've been neglecting my duties? The duties I've been doing so splendidly with minimum pay since the beginning of your gig?" you didn't mean to sound harsh, but it just slipped.
Hearing your harsh tone seemed to irk Hongjoong as he stood to size you up with his hands on either side of his waist. If it weren't for the sudden tension, you would've surely broken into a fit of giggles by now.
"Yes, because if you haven't noticed, you've been nowhere around when I needed you to do things for me," he stated so daringly. You sighed in an attempt to remain calm, "Hongjoong, I don't think you realize that I do have my hours. I've always been present during working hours, more than other people in fact. Other than your manager who works 24 hours a day, seven days a week, four weeks a month, and twelve months a year, I work from eight to eight, sometimes twelve if things are crazy, six days a week. But I've never taken a day off because I know you'd need me," you told him.
Maybe it was the heat of the moment, or maybe it was his anxiety talking, but Hongjoong didn't know why he uttered his next words. By God, he could swear that he blacked out momentarily.
"Then maybe I don't need you," he spat. Your eyes widened, unable to believe what he just said to you. But he wasn't even close to being done.
Hongjoong looked at you with such intensity that you could take it as hate. "You said you wanted to be my roadie because you admired me and you wanted to be a part of my crew, but what are you doing now? You're slacking off to cater for a guy who you barely know. Isn't that just pathetic?" he scoffed.
At the mention of being pathetic, something finally snapped in you. You felt your left eye twitch, there was something bubbling in your stomach and you felt like you were going to puke.
Before you could even stop yourself, you slapped Hongjoong across his face.
When he registered the impact, he stared at you with eyes wide as saucers. The expression on your face was one he had never seen before. Around him, you were always bright and smiley, never had you showed him your anger or annoyance.
"Me hanging with Yunho is pathetic? PATHETIC!?" you asked, voice getting louder by the second. Hongjoong so wanted to reply with something snarky, but the slap you delivered seemed to have shocked him more than he would ever care to admit.
"You know what's pathetic, Hongjoong? Me following you around for two years. You had never spared me a glance, never thanked me for anything, and you even belittled me for literally EVERYTHING I do. THAT's pathetic, Hongjoong. I knew Yunho for like what, half a month? And not only had he thanked me even for small things, but he also asked me about my day and my feelings, Joong! I know! What a concept, right?" you told him sarcastically.
The situation was rather foreign to him. None of his staff had ever told him off like this. Or at all for that matter.
Hongjoong opened his mouth to defend himself but you raised a hand to stop him from saying anything else and continued, "I... I have always admired you, Joong. I never stopped. Not even when you humiliated me in the staff meeting by calling me an obsessive delusional fan, not when you called me a tone-deaf lay when I had an opinion about that one song your CEO didn't even let you release, and not when you left me at that broadcast station because YOU were pissy, so don't you question my loyalty when you're supposed to question your manners and actions towards the person who you know cares about you more than just as an idol but also as a person,"
You spoke at such speed that you couldn't even remember what you told him.
But saying all that felt like such a relief. It was such a rush that you never thought you'd be able to feel.
It was exciting, your mind had never been clearer, and your chest never felt lighter. There was a fluttering feeling in your stomach and your heart beat faster than before. Suddenly you felt like you could do anything you want, anything at all. Then a thought popped into your head, an idea that never popped into your mind until that very second, an idea that you know was right for you.
Without thinking twice, you blurted out.
"I quit," you told him.
Hongjoong's eyes widened and his mouth opened and closed like a fish. He never thought that you'd ever quit on him yet there you were, proving him wrong for the second time that day.
As you processed what you had just told him, you exhaled shakily and nodded your head, "I fucking quit, Joong! I-I-I- I'm gonna go out there and do something where I'd be appreciated, where I can make my own mark, you know?" as you spoke, you walked closer to him and when you were toe-to-toe with him, you grabbed his hands and gave him a gentle smile, "thank you so much for everything, Hongjoong. Without you, I don't think I would've gotten here in the first place, take care, okay?" you told him genuinely.
Before he could question how serious you were being, you leaned in and gave him a peck on his cheek. A peck that to you, was a symbol of you finally moving on to the next chapter in your life, whereas to Hongjoong it was a symbol of his screwup.
The peck you left him lingered for a bit before you pulled away. Your lips felt warm and comfortable on his skin, it made him feel fluttery inside. Which was why he was so dejected when you pulled away to give him one last goodbye.
"I hope you'll keep being great and you'd find the perfect people to work with, Joong," you told him as a single tear dropped from one of your eyes without you even realizing it.
As your hand left his, Hongjoong's chest suddenly felt heavy. As you turned your back and walked out, most likely forever, out of his studio and his life, Hongjoong's head suddenly spun. And when the door of his studio slammed shut behind you, Hongjoong felt like something cracked in him.
You left that day with much hope and excitement.
Whereas Hongjoong felt like the sturdy pillar that was supposed to support him was demolished by a wrecking ball and he didn't know what to do with the foreign feeling.
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