#Evil Sister
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It was inevitable, when there are two sisters and one is the Queen, who must be the source of honour and all that is good, while the other must be the focus of the most creative malice, the evil sister.
Princess Margaret
Princess Margaret Rose, Countess of Snowdon, was Queen Elizabeth II's younger sister. Admired for her beauty and glamour, she nevertheless drew the attention of the media for the struggles and controversies of her personal life. Nevertheless, it could be said that for all her misgivings, the princess had lived life the way she wanted it.
Portrait of Princess Margaret by Lord Snowdon, 1967.
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The only time we saw Evil Sister in EP9/10 was to learn 1. She has a son she totally ignores and 2. She will lose to Gu Won if he ever tries just because he's a guy. This is contrasted with Kang Da-eul who is shown phoning her daughter and buying presents for her even though she's only gone for a few days.
Evil Sister is extremely ruthless male coded: she's putting the business first, maintaining her marriage for show, and not spending any time with her kid(s?). She's more like Da-eul's husband than any of the female characters. And it kind of makes me feel sorry for her because she's twisted herself into this terrible person to be the heir (son) of the family, but it's all not going to matter in the end. She's sacrificed all her personal happiness for a job that will ultimately scorn her efforts.
But then maybe I shouldn't feel bad because it's just like what has happened to the employees she refuses to reward for their efforts...
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jessiquinn · 1 year
Justice league x ex(?) villain reader pt2 (batman x reader)
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This was so messy, I’m confused about what the hell happened here.. but I fixed it... I hope.
When they defeated you, Batman put you in the justice league, whether you like it or not.
1-bad writing, 2-bullying.
adjusting was hard... and it’s still hard especially when everyone around me is constantly judging me, I guess it’s the price of my actions but still... still it’s better being in The batman castle than being in the watch tower with all those heroes... but it’s strange how he gave me his trust this fast.
Batman gave me a chance to show my potential, for the first time this month he gave me access to the training room.
In the training room
“just in case, wear this watch, it’s just like an electric monitor but much more advanced, so don't even think about doing something” Batman warned, giving Nightwing a look before leaving.
“so how’s living with the heroes been doing with ya?” he said with a smirk
rolling your eyes at him, “not much of a talker I see, how about you show us your moves?” giving you a sign to attack, his smirk is starting to annoy me...
glaring daggers at him, finally launching an attack at him, he dodges it with ease, “wow I didn’t take you for a magician?” he seemed to be impressed about magic but disappointed at that shity hit.
attacking him once again, “woah calm down, I meant because you didn’t use it in the fight” still easily dodging those lousy hits.
finally speaking “fighting with magic in the war is highly forbidden” charging another attack
“you know, you need intense training with this kind of aim” he knows what he’s doing hehe
after a couple of hours of training, “it’s time for you to go to bed princess” putting his equipment back, leading you back to your room, this extra supervision is annoying.
in your bedroom.
of course, you can’t lock the door, villains don’t need privacy duh.
anyway they couldn’t catch this tho, the last piece I have of myself is this.. this book might be my last hope.
if they find it I’m doomed
suddenly the door opened to reveal Nightwing again, “oh hi sorry, I forgot to give you those essentials” he put them on the table “and goodnight” he closed the door. locking it, yes finally!
once I felt safe, I finally opened the book, writing in it “why did he take me?”
The book answered immediately
"isn't obvious they want to use you for their own good," the book said in a spiteful way. writing back “what should I do?”
"do what they tell you to do till they trust you, then we will contact again"
“wait! didn't the plan already fail? that means a new leader will continue the mission”, "we will take this as part 2 of the plan, I will write to you when the mission is ready to play" the book closed.
-sighing deeply- if I have to play this game so be it, for the first time in history they give a leader a second chance... and it’s me, how convenient...-lays on the bed- and I thought I will be finally free, I guess I’m the luckiest person in this world... my type of luck...
Next morning
"Miss... miss please wake up," opening your eyes slowly adjusting to the light, “what do you want” in a grumpy way.
“It’s morning and master... wants you to eat breakfast with us,” Alfred said, you finally get up. sighing...
Alfred casually walks you to a big dining room, you sit in the chair he chose.
they aren't wearing masks anymore, they must be nuts.. that’s the only logical explanation.
shit... it’s... the famous... Bruce Wayne, he’s looking at you too. you finally notice a familiar face sitting with you on the table, your dear sister.
I used to love her but all those years ago she didn’t come searching for me, made me hate her... call it jealousy, but I was wronged.
looking at her for a solid minute with a poker face then looked at Bruce. AKA Batman.
“You already know your sister is here with us...” looking at you and your sister, “will you just cut to the chase” already hating all of this.
I can’t believe it, she lived with Bruce fucking Wayne all her life. of course, she’ll forget about me.
“-sigh- of course, you know you can’t do much at the moment, once we trust you.. we’ll see how it goes -sigh- as you can see we all revealed our identity's to you, as a sign of trust. Trust me when I say this is the first time I’ve ever done something like this. so don’t mess it up. I won’t hastate on putting you down” his calm serious never seemed to relax you.
finally bursting out in denial “how could you do such a dumb thing, I’m a villain you can’t change the facts, how can you be so sure I won’t expose Bruce Wayne as fucking batman” he smirked “it’s easy really when you have this much money and power. I can shut you up easily, plus no one will believe a villain anyway” they all smirk at you.
“Why would I help you anyway?” feeling all of their eyes on me, “it’s either jail or be with us? choose?” he took a sip from his tea.
"Wrong move stick to the plan" a mysterious sound rang in your head, and your head immediately start hurting...
Every time I do something wrong this happens. as a punishment from the ‘gods’ let’s say that.
“Nevermind, what do you want me to do anyway?” finally feeling cooperative, he took a minute to respond, weirded out by your behavior “we will go in an hour to the watch tower so eat and get ready...” he got up and left.
Damian got up to your face “listen bitch be thankful that I didn't beat you to the ground! you were so rude, never heard of manners before?” Damian said furiously about what just happened
“I do what the fuck I want. I only listen to him, not to you”, “stop trying to start a fight y/n” finally your fake-ass sister talked.
in a serious manner quietly turning to her “mind your own business” and giving her a death glare, seems like she got disappointed “how are you even my sister” giving her a serious “sure”, and getting up before she can speak, “I'm going to get ready” Alfred follows you to your room to make sure.
Getting your bag, looking at yourself in the mirror.
I wish I won, “miss are you done?” Alfred said in the hallway, actually respecting your bounders.
The watch tower,
Everyone glaring at you with disgust, those stupid heroes think they are better than everyone. I never imagined heroes to be such divas'
suddenly black canary came and extended her hand... confused for a minute, finally getting it and you shook her hand back. she smirks at your response before throwing you to the other side of the room, earning laughter from everyone.
That actually hurt “wth...” confused and hurt from what she did, “you trust too fast, how naïve of you” smirking at you once again before handing you her hand again.
Getting up without her help, giving her a bitter look, and walking off immediately after that, I would’ve never done that to anyone in my life and I’M THE VILLAIN. anger filling your heart by the second.
stopping in your tracks to see your little sister laughing with shazam and booster gold... and a couple of other heroes, she must be popular or something eh.. she got the life I wanted her to get... everyone to their own in the end
walking again, searching for something interesting to look at, shazam approaching you
“hey you are the new member? the villain one” rolling your eyes “yup that’s me”
a weird hint of red covers his face “nice to meet you, I’m shazam” he extends his hand
“you do know I'm a villain, right?” confused at his kindness and kinda scared to do the same mistake...hehe...
“I know... but I believe everyone can change -smiles- “ he gives you a genuine smile, “don't mind shazam he's young and doesn't really understand life because once a villain always a villain,” your dear sister said.
“and who asked for your opinion, you're really getting on my nerves” trying your best to control yourself “I'm really sorry for Batman for believing in you... who knows what you’re planning now?” worry covers her face but deep inside you can see her smirk.
Everyone stopped what they were doing to listen, “Sweetheart why don't you go play with your hero friends” trying to act sweet but your anger is clearly starting to control you.
“You really didn't change one bit and I bet everything I have that you are planning something bad” she didn’t even bother hiding her smirk this time because she knows everyone on her side already.
what a bitch.
“what? I’ve always been like this? what did you tell them too? that I sold you to the villains? wow, you are worse than me... they should've taken your soul instead” really amused by this, who knew she was that evil? “as much as I like chatting with you dear sister, I have matters to attend to” waving goodbye to her.
silence roamed the room.
walking away searching for batman, that hurt, she wasn’t wrong I am planning something but when she was with me, I treated her with nothing but love and care... all of this was for her...
I might write a part 3 someday but now I’m trying to edit all the chapters I already wrote to ‘clean’ my book on Wattpad. once I finish with those I’ll start publishing the new ones.
if you like it please tell me, and reblog 🖤
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kenro199x · 2 years
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Studio Hamburg Enterprises Blu-ray 2019
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William Afton into the FNAF-verse
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flashfuckingflesh · 5 months
Never Trust a Script Written by an Egotistically EVIL "Scream Queen" reviewed! (Visual Vengeance / Blu-ray)
This Chainsaw’s Made for Cutting! “Scream Queen” on Blu-ray! Malicia Tombs, an acclaimed horror actress known for B-movies and bad attitude, bursts into a wreckage of flames when her car sudden explodes after storming off the set of her new movie, “Scream Queen,” in which she wrote and starred as the titular character.  Part of the cast and crew were devastated by the accident that had cut their…
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adarku · 5 months
playing resident evil is very stressful because there are monsters and hot people everywhere
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k-0re · 5 months
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wrong turn
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marissasketch · 7 months
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Lady Furbcina Dimitrescu and her daughters
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alonelywreck · 2 years
I remember that time in 3rd grade we were playing hide and seek. I hid in an empty laundry basket that was rectangular not much taller than it was wide. When my sister finds me she sits on top of me and now we are stuck. She isnt even trying to move and im trying to stand up and push her off. Im on the verge of a panic attack when im finally able to get off. I hate being trapped.
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twilidragonrin-art · 2 months
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Daniela would. -nod nod- Here's the reference
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kash-phia · 3 months
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baby pokemon trainers 🐣
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Who do you think wore it better 🤔
Based on this outfit https://x.com/omiza_zu/status/1779558932551291107?s=46&t=-hydmfs8IH9ElTio8mxU9Q
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quackysmackk · 2 months
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Another UCN crack comic lol
Inspired by a poll done on the discord server ✨
Bonus down below!
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team-avia · 10 months
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the sillies are bonding!! sure hope they're this happy all the time :)
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FNAF Circus baby or not, she’s still Michael’s little sister,,
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