#Event: Valentine’s Challenge
seven-circlllxs · 4 months
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗Countdown To Valentine's Day Challenge˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
(Meme template from @hymemena!)
5. Surprise a writing partner with a starter in which your muse gives their muse a Valentine's Day gift!
_- Lucifer -_
Lucifer had a habit of nosing around. It wasn't his fault that he was a naturally curious being, that blame fell solidly on His Father's Almighty shoulders, and it was one of the few gifts that Lucifer appreciated keeping from the beginning. Nosing around in Alastor's space wasn't a terribly good idea, he was well aware of that, but when someone was as elusive as the Radio Demon, you couldn't help but fan that little spark of curiosity into an overblown flame of need-to-know.
His footsteps were feather-light and perfectly spaced as he made his way through the newly reconstructed broadcast tower, his attention stolen by something that he had noticed was absent from the demon's appearance ever since the battle with the Exterminators.
.. He supposed it might be a good thing if the two strongest patrons of the hotel actually got along. For Charlie's sake.
Yep. Definitely the only reason he was doing this. Just for Charlie.
His claws grasped at the broken microphone stand, and the microphone's eye twitched towards him weakly. He could feel the straining energy that lingered in the two halves of the staff, and he readjusted his grip, settling the top and bottom properly against one another.
He squeezed his hands tight over the seam, a hazy golden glow flowing from his chest and through his arms, thin tendrils of light curling out and away from his palms, around the staff, inlaying it with glittering golden embellishments.
Lucifer loosened his grip, inspecting the healed microphone, admiring the golden apple (or was it a radio dial, that'd make more sense-) where all of the twisting turning carvings stemmed from, and smiling when the microphone squawked with feedback.
"Perfect. Now, why don't you point me in the direction of your broadcaster, huh?" He gestured down the hallway with the recovered mic, following its' little Morse beeps left and right and down the halls and into the lobby and-!
"Alastor!" The King of Hell called, tucking the microphone behind his back after shushing it gently. He strode across the main foyer to stand before the Radio Demon, bouncing on his heels with excitement.
"I've gotten you a little something-, well, gotten is a strong word, but-!" He revealed the microphone with a grand spin, tilting the speaker end towards its' proper owner
"I, uh.. Figured it might be nice to have the little guy back in working order, yeah?"
He hoped that this would go over well. His track record with giving gifts to people wasn't the best..
[ @ritzy-cervidae ]
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stevesbipanic · 3 months
@steddielovemonth Day 29: Love is going out of your way to do something you know will make them happy @forgottenkanji
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Eddie knew a lot of things about Steve. He knew he loved peonies more than roses and listened to folk music when he cooked. He knew he loved sledding in the winter and lake days in the summer. He knew every step of his hair care routine and loved head scratches the most. Above all he knew Steve loved Valentine's Day.
He remembered how Steve would always make sure every girl got at least one rose delivered to them in home room and loved decorating his locker. Always wrote his classmates cards to fill their love boxes and made sure the kids got plenty of chocolate. Watched some special girl get taken on a perfect date each year, wishing for a world it could be him.
He remembers there being no dates last year, Steve looking as forlorn as him. He would find out a couple months later it's because the golden boy had been harbouring an equally massive crush and they promptly got together.
Now this year he vowed to go all out for his sweet boyfriend and give him the Valentine's Day he deserved.
"Eddie you hate Valentine's Day."
"You said it was capitalist bullshit."
"You literally burnt a bouquet once."
Eddie glared at the other Hellfire boys, he'd asked them to the diner to help him plan the best day ever not be attacked.
"That was the old Eddie, a sad gay little teenager, adult Eddie has the prettiest boy in the world to please."
Jeff was looking at him fondly while Grant rolled his eyes and Gareth gagged.
"EW don't call my cousin pretty!"
"We literally perform a song where I do just that."
"Hush, Garebear, we have plans to make."
The plan began simple, Robin was to take Steve out for breakfast, well, Steve take her out after she begs. Convincing Robin of the plan was easy since she loves Steve and free food as much as Eddie.
Then, while the boys set up the final surprise, Eddie would meet up with Steve at the arcade with the kids.
"Can't wait til we're home and alone, Eds, nice to have someone on Valentine's Day again."
"Just you wait, sweetheart."
Max would then radio Steve asking him to drive her to the movies for her date (although she was refusing to call it that again) with Lucas. She was also easy to convince, liking free rides.
Eddie would quickly change and rush to Steve's apartment to make dinner, he'd told Max to delay getting ready til Steve got there to stall him. He figured he'd have just enough time before-
Eddie was only halfway through making dinner before he heard the keys in the lock. No, Steve was home early, the candles weren't even lit yet!
He felt caught and dejected, all his plans falling through his fingers.
Steve glanced around the apartment, rose petals and unlit candles and the dining table set for two with a bouquet of peonies in a vase. Steve's favourite, spaghetti bubbling away behind Eddie.
"Eds, did you do all this for me?"
There's a certain awe in his voice as he asks. Eddie turns, turning down the heat on the pot and steps towards Steve. He takes his boy's hands gazing at him softly, "Of course, sweetheart, you love Valentine's Day. You're always so busy making it special for everyone else, and you missed last year, I wanted you to get wooed for once."
Steve's eyes are a little misty but he's smiling so Eddie knows he's not upset, "You got home early tho, baby, I haven't even lit the candles or turned on the music," Eddie explained biting his lip softly.
"I'm guessing Max was meant to keep me busy? You didn't tell Sinclair and his mom picked her up," Steve laughed.
"Shit, I knew I forgot something."
Steve kissed his cheek, "I'm going to get changed, think that'll be enough time for you?"
"Knowing you'll take forever with your hair, yeah I'll be ready, angel."
Steve flicked him playfully, "Oi, you love my hair."
Eddie yelped but smiled coyly, "Love messing it up too," he said winking.
Steve blushed and went to his bedroom to change. Eddie quickly finished the food, turned on the radio and lit the candles hoping it all set a romantic mood. Like clockwork he plated the food just as Steve returned to the room.
"Smells delicious, baby, you made my favourite!"
Eddie helped him into his chair, playing up the gentlemen's act, "Anything for you, sunshine." He poured them wine and laughed together as Eddie explained the whole plan, including Gareth's protest which Steve's giggled at. They were now cuddled on the couch, not really watching the movie, more just looking at each other occasionally trading soft kisses.
"Thank you for today, Eds, it really means a lot."
"I want to make every day special for you, Stevie."
"I wanted to ask you something, was going to ask on our anniversary but no-one has ever seen me the way you do."
"You know you can ask me anything, love."
Steve took Eddie's hand, glancing down and playing with his rings, a habit Eddie knew he did when he was nervous, "I wanted to ask if you wanted to move in with me?"
A smile quickly crept across Eddie's face, thought about getting to come home everyday to Steve and wake up every morning to him. Thought about how home had become the boy sitting across from him, wherever he went Eddie always wanted to follow.
"I'd love to move in with you, Stevie."
Neither boy would ever have to spend another day, Valentine's or not, not feeling completely and utterly loved ever again.
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kiwizoom · 4 months
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Happy Valentines Day! 💕
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 4 months
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"What I see"
Pairing: Caranthir/Haleth
Themes: Soft | Fluff | Very Mild NSFW
Warnings: Insecurity
Wordcount: 500+words
Summary: Before an important feast Haleth feels insecure about the clothes she 's wearing, and how the others would react to her.
This ficlet was inspired by @thelien-art piece on Caranthir and Haleth
Minors DNI
Also available on AO3
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Haleth regarded her gown in the looking glass's reflection and despaired. The dress was elegantly made, but when compared to the robes favored by elven ladies, it looked like kitchen rags.
Too simple, she thought. Not enough rich embroidery. No gold. No jewels.
Her companion had offered her as many robes and jewelry and furs as she wished to wear for the feast, and she had refused it all because of her own pride. Now, as she regarded her choice of raiment, she deeply regretted her decision to refuse him. She would be formally introduced to the others as the consort of a high elven lord tonight, and she looked nothing like the sort.
What was I thinking? She lifted the hem of her sleeve and sighed hopelessly when all she found was simple threadwork and nothing more elaborate than that. Why did I not say yes?
“There is no cause for you to fret, my love,” Caranthir declared by the doorway, resplendent as always. The gold and wine of his robes went splendidly with his warm, ruddy skin. Rubies around his wrists and throat and ears caught the light whenever he moved. He was a vision made flesh, and he was hers. “You look glorious, truly.”
She turned to face him, her eyes bright with wicked humor. “And you, my lord, are as gifted a liar as your brother, Curufin.”
“High praise indeed,” he agreed, smiling. “I lie to a great many people, my love, and with great relish at that, but not to you. Never to you. Surely you know this.”
His lady blushed—a rare thing with her. Haleth would take on a hundred orcs, their swords and their arrows and their fell beasts without a moment’s hesitation, but when faced with sincere words of love and adoration, she was rendered speechless.
“The others,” she began after another glance at the looking glass. “The others will not approve. They will only see a daughter of the Edain, one who does not even possess a single trinket worthy of their regard.”
Caranthir smiled and came forward, slipping his arms around her and holding her in a loose embrace. “I will tell you what our guests will see,” he uttered, pressing a kiss against her shoulder. Haleth lifted her eyes, and found his gleaming with pride. “They will see what I see: a proud chieftess, a fierce warrior who defied death’s many efforts to claim her for its own, the one who opened my eyes to the great courage that dwelt within the hearts of those like her. And they will also see what I want them to see.”
“Which is?”
“My companion and my love. If they do not approve of you, I will be more than happy to show them the door.”
Haleth blushed, deeply moved. “As long as you do not call them choice epithets while you do so,” she counseled. “I know a thing or two about your temper, Moryo, and I urge you to curb it. Thargelion cannot afford the loss of your kinsmen’s support.”
“I shall be the embodiment of regal comportment,” Caranthir returned, his dark eyes sparkling. “Now come, my love. We must not keep the others waiting.”
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theferalalycatonao3 · 4 months
February Creative Challenge
As February is the month of love, we are hosting a creative challenge over at the Hard Deck! Do you draw? Do you write? Do you just enjoy supporting your creative friends? Why don't you come and join us for a drink? This event will be running for the entirety of February, so everyone has plenty of time!
Feel free to share to all your mutals, everyone is invited! Hope to see you soon!
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 1 year
That Yukari video...... It’s either P5X related or maybe we’re getting a P3 remake (or some other high end spinoff)... or god hates me and it’s a fake. I really hope it’s real to some capacity esp a remake (but I’m lowering my expectations right now TT0TT I don’t want to get hurt), they could add so much stuff to P3 (it has a lot of blank space if you play it a certain way, and esp on NG+). 
Maybe make Climax Theater a staple in all the games? TT0TT
I hope they remake all the games and add cool new things in each game. (Phone material games in P1/2/3, more climax theater in P2 at least, more Vision quest in P3, an Izanami SL/Ending and challenge mode stuff in P4, and so on). Best thing is if they could make certain stuff optional, so if people want to just experience P1/2/3/4 with upgraded graphics and new combat they can. 
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fatexbound · 4 months
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@epitomees said: Name: Kotone Age: 16 Do you like to cuddle?: Hell yeah I do! Can we make-out?: I...don't want to impose the notion on you if that's something you're not comfortable doing. If it happens, it happens, but it's not necessary. I just want to have a good time with you! A night in or dinner out?: I wouldn't mind grabbing something to eat other than our usual go-to places. We can do something a little different, switch it up and try new foods. It'll be like a food adventure! Whip cream or chocolate syrup?: Whipped cream!! Smooth, creamy, and it can go on anything! Chocolates and roses?: Naaaaah, that's a little excessive. I'm fine with just chocolates. What makes you a good Valentine?: Well I think I'm pretty good, lively company considering the times you asked me to get ramen with you. So this is like a bit of an upgrade from our usual hangouts. Plus, you seem to have a lot of things on your mind. I'd like to see your smile again, and hear your laugh too! Would you cook for me?: I can!! Would you let me cook for you?: So long as you don't add A LOT of meat or protein to the meal, I'm fine with you cooking too. Where would you take me on a date?: We can go to a movie at the theater then grab something to eat afterward. I'm guessing the restaurants will be full for this, so I can make a reservation for us too. And afterwards? Sweets!! Who’s paying?: We can rock, paper, scissors to see who pays this time! What did you get me for Valentine’s Day?: (There's a drawn winking face here). The folded letter fit perfectly through the locker's small openings. With no witnesses in sight, and no sign of the designated receiver, Kotone slipped it inside then promptly vacated the area before the next bell. (For Akihiko)
Valentine’s Day Application | Accepting
Being more focused on his club and training, only whispers of this day being special in a mostly romantic way reached his ears. Akihiko couldn't care less about that when there were more pressing matters to think about-- like the end of the world no one knew about. As much as he stressed about it and used boxing as a distraction, it was also important to live in the moment and make the most of it.
After returning from a jog in the school courtyard, clothes drenched in sweat, he walked by his locker to open it and retrieve his books for his next class when he found something else inside it tucked away safely from... Kotone by the name. Her handwriting too as he read it with an amused smile on his features. Though he wondered how she got it in there, that didn't matter.
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"A date with her, huh? She's lucky my schedule's open today." Mumbling that, he folded it back to the way it was and closed the locker. As if on cue, the next bell rang through the halls, and if he was quick enough... he'd take a shower in the boys' bathroom, and make it to class before the teacher arrived!
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asirenfgo · 4 months
So… Muramasa with an Ignore Invincible CE makes this Challenge quest really easy… I one-shotted it.
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Challenges and Chill
Come and join our Valentine's Day Bingo.
Link to discord here (optional - you can still participate without joining the discord).
The collection can be found here.
~ Open from 1st February - 1st March ~ No word min / max ~ Please put warnings where appropriate ~ Each person has their own bingo board, so no need to claim prompts ~ One prompt per fic ~ Please add stories to the above collection ~ Please remember to tag us if you post anything to tumblr ~ You do not need to be a member of the Challenges & Chill Discord in order to participate in Valentines Bingo
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seven-circlllxs · 4 months
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗Countdown To Valentine's Day Challenge˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
(Meme template by @hymemena !)
9. Would your muse be interested in marriage?
_- Zestial -_
With the right person, of course!
Zestial is an old-school man in most of his traits, and that includes his want to be a loyal and doting husband. He was never married in his human lifetime, which hurt him quite deeply. Being seen as an ineligible bachelor wounded his pride heavily, and he tried valiantly to stifle any romantic feelings that tried to form when he was first in Hell.
He has sense moved towards embracing romantic inclinations, and any who would be bold enough to attempt to woo him will have his respect simply due to the sheer nerve it would take to try.
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robynochs · 4 months
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Happy Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week! 💚🤍🖤 Celebrated the week after Valentine's Day, ASAW is a great time to learn more about aromantic identities and experiences, as well as the unique challenges aromantic individuals face.
Here's some basic information as well as links to further resources.
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What is 'Aromantic' (Aro)?
Aromantic describes people who experience little to no romantic attraction, or whose experience of romance is disconnected from normative societal expectations, due to feeling repulsed by romance, or being uninterested in romantic relationships.
They may or may not experience other types of attraction and many have any sexual orientation
Aro is a shorthand for aromantic that is also commonly used as an umbrella term for people on the aromantic spectrum
Aroace refers to someone who is on both the aromantic spectrum and the asexual spectrum
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The Aromantic Spectrum
While some aromantic people feel no romantic attraction at all, some people feel it rarely, experience it only under certain conditions, have trouble distinguishing between romantic and other types of attraction, or have some other pattern of attraction that doesn't fit the norm.
There are many different terms for these different patterns of attraction, but all fit under the broader term aromantic spectrum.
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Other Important Terms
Demiromantic - describes a person who only experiences romantic attraction after developing an emotional connection beforehand.
Grayromantic (gray aromantic) - describes a person who feels romantic attraction very rarely, weakly, unreliably or gains/loses attraction in unusual or unknown circumstances.
Queerplantonic Relationship (QPR) - relationships that don't fit into the categories of what is traditionally considered to be a friendship or a romantic relationship. They many or many not be sexual, involve living together, raising children, shared finances & life decisions, etc.
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About ASAW
Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week (ASAW) is a week meant to spread awareness and acceptance of aromantic spectrum identities and the issues they face, as well as a chance for the community to celebrate its own experiences and existence.
ASAW generally occurs the first full week following Valentine's Day; it began in large part as a way for those in the aromantic community who had difficulty finding space for their experiences in such a universally romanticized event to come together and celebrate their own unique experiences.
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More Info & Resources
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Happy Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week from Robyn Ochs and Alex Runion
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bookyeom · 4 months
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pairing: vernon x reader word count: 3.7k warnings: angst (she did it y’all!!!!), swearing, kissing, wet!vernon
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Author’s Note: this fic is part of the Thirteen Valentines event, but can be read as a standalone! also, i would suggest listening to the song listed below to get a feel for the vibe of the fic, but it’s not necessary. Happy Birthday, Bononie!
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kissing in swimming pools by holly humberstone
do you think we were made to last in the coldest of weather? maybe i don’t have to leave so soon you look heavenly in this shade of blue
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Vernonie [8:48pm]: finally back from dinner
Vernonie [8:49pm]: everyone’s gone btw, so i’ll come get u now?
Y/N [8:51pm]: yeye! Just text when ur outside 
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You hear his car before you see it. 
His parents must have kept his old, beat-up car from high school for when he came back for the summer, you muse, and it makes you smile. You’d spent a lot of time in that car, listening to whatever new indie band Vernon had “discovered” that week, or eating take-out in the department store parking lot after hours, or your personal favourite: with the engine shut off at the lookout Vernon had discovered on his way home from work one day, tucked away from most of the world as the two of you reclined in his car seats and looked at the night sky. 
You used to wonder if it was there that you fell in love with him, but the truth is that you loved him long before he showed up at your door at 1am, eyes wide with excitement over his new discovery, and brought you there in your pajamas. 
You still have the hoodie he’d leant you that night in the closet of your childhood bedroom.
Tonight, you shut the door quietly behind you out of habit, twisting the knob so it doesn’t make a sound. You’re long past the days of sneaking out, but your muscle memory won’t quit. 
It’s been eight months since you last saw Vernon. You only came home for two days at Christmas, claiming you couldn’t take that much time off from your part time job, and had managed to avoid him. You had still needed the space from him, then. December had only marked four months since he’d broken your heart, and you weren’t sure at the time if you’d ever be able to look him in the eye again. 
The months after Christmas break had finally begun to heal you. Your new semester had started, and you had decided to dive headfirst into both academic and social endeavors instead of wallowing away in your dorm room. You’d finally made new friends, your grades had improved, and while it still hurt to see his name when it popped up across your social media platforms, it wasn’t all you thought about anymore.
Right now, you kind of can’t wait to see him.
“Hi,” you say, breathless, and when Vernon meets your eyes, you know you’re not breathless because of the jog from your front door to his car. 
He looks good. His hair is a bit longer, curling at the ends and falling softly across his forehead, and you think his shoulders have filled out. His jaw is just as sharp, eyelashes just as long, and you immediately wonder how you’d gone so long without him. 
“Hi, stranger,” he says, and you’re terrified that the sound of his voice might tear you apart — but it doesn’t. You hold firm, despite the sound of your heartbeat roaring loud in your ears. It hurts, but it’s a dull ache instead of the sharp pain you’re used to. Seeing him sends a wave of relief through you instead of the dread you’d been half expecting, and you can feel the tension in your chest ease just the slightest bit. You can do this. Because it’s Vernon, and because life sucks without him. 
You stare at each other for a few moments, and then he raises an eyebrow as if in a challenge, and you can’t help it. You break into a smile, and then you’re surging across the middle console and pulling him in for a hug. He laughs against your neck, and you know he’s just as happy to see you as you are him. The hand that was on the steering wheel finds your back, and your eyes fall shut. 
“I missed you,” you say honestly, and you swear you can feel him exhale.
“Yeah,” he says before squeezing you tight, once. Brief, but enough for you to feel it, to understand, as he adds, “Me too.”
You pull back. Vernon puts the car into drive as you click on your seatbelt, and you fall into an easy, comfortable silence as he begins to make the familiar way back to his place. 
When you texted him a few weeks ago, your hands trembling but determined, you hadn’t been sure what he would say. You hadn’t spoken in months.
For a while, you didn’t think you’d ever get over the rejection of last August, but a year away at university had done you good. It was full of distractions; you’d even had a couple of flings here and there. Vernon had texted you a bit at first, because you’d insisted that you were fine, but it had hurt to see his name show up on your phone. You had responded slowly, using any and all excuses to explain away the days that passed without you answering. You’d texted sparingly throughout the year on birthdays and holidays, and you knew he watched your stories the same as you watched his. You knew he knew the real reason why you were distant, but he never pushed. After all, he’d broken your heart, not the other way around. 
Eventually, you had recognized that the distance was helping, and conversations between the two of you had become even more sparse after that. It had been hard — one of the hardest things you’d ever had to do — but you’d needed the space. So when his response to your text a few weeks ago had come quickly and enthusiastically, a Vernon-esque “bet :)” in response to your ask to hang out when you got home for the summer, you had been so relieved that you’d cried. Though you’d known he would never hate you, deep down a small part of you had still been afraid that you’d pushed him away for good.  
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The silence in the car tonight is comfortable, and you’re grateful. Vernon is tapping in tune to the beat on his steering wheel while you hum along in quiet contentment. After a couple of songs that you recognize play in a row, you turn to him in surprise. 
“Is this the playlist I made you for your birthday two years ago?” 
Vernon simply nods, eyes on the road as he makes a turn. “Yeah.” 
Vernon laughs. “Am I not supposed to listen to it?”
“Just surprised me, that’s all.”
”Okay, weirdo.” 
The conversation moves on, but you don’t forget about it, even as you pull up to Vernon’s childhood home. 
It looks almost exactly the same. You follow Vernon up the steps and to the front door, through the foyer and to the kitchen where you used to help his mom prep for their summer barbecues. He tosses you a bottle of water wordlessly before he’s slipping out the back door without warning, and you trail behind without question. His peculiar mannerisms don’t faze you, even after all this time apart, and that realization brings you a warm sort of comfort.
As soon as you step through the back door and into the warmth of the summer evening air again, you can’t help but smile. This, too, remains unchanged. The heated pool with its blue and white tiled sides; the metal table with its umbrella, a single tip bent out of shape so that it sags just in one small part; the overgrown trees whose leaves spill over the sides of the wooden fence. You’d spent many days and nights here, too. 
You join Vernon, who’s already sitting on the edge of the pool with his legs hung over the sides. 
“Damn, you didn’t waste any time, Sol.” The nickname falls out before you can stop it. It’s been so long since you’ve been around him, since you’ve even let yourself think of him as anything other than Vernon. If he notices your slip up, he doesn’t say.
”It’s hot out,” he points out, simple. “Why wait?” He takes a swig of his own water bottle, and you’re smiling again.
You join him without further comment. 
Quiet settles between the two of you again, which would be fine if you weren't suddenly itching to ask him a million questions. How was his first year of university? How are his parents, his sister? Is his favourite food still carne asada tacos? Does he still only own t-shirts and jeans? Is he… seeing anyone?
Is he happy?
Had he really missed you?
“I’ll be right back.”
You’re surprised when Vernon gets up, barely missing you with the water he sends splashing as he does. But you don’t question him, your legs swinging back and forth in the water. You watch the underwater lights distort in the ripples you make, distracted by the simple movements and your racing thoughts. When you hear him re-emerge, you turn to find him with two towels in hand. Your eyes widen and you frantically shake your head.
“I didn’t bring a bathing suit, Vernon.” And I am not getting into that pool with you in just my underwear.
He pulls something out from under one of the towels, and you recognize it as one of his favourite band tees that he’s had for years. He raises his eyebrows at you, eyes twinkling in a teasing challenge, and you narrow your eyes at him. The smile on his face briefly sends you reeling back — back to before that night last summer when everything changed. Back to when he was just your best friend who liked to tease you for fun, who brought you your favourite ice cream every movie night, who took you to your high school graduation dance even though you knew he would have rathered gouge his eyes out with a spoon. 
Back to when you were in love with him, but he didn’t know yet. 
“Fine,” you say. “I’ll get in.”
He grins, and your chest does a little flip-flop. You forcefully ignore it as you take the shirt from his outstretched hand. He turns around to give you privacy, and you keep your eyes on his turned back as you remove everything except your underwear and his shirt. Though he’s grown up now and wears things that fit him better — you had noticed the bomber jacket in his backseat, and the t-shirt he’s wearing that fits him just right — he used to love things that were three sizes too big. The old, worn shirt just brushes your thighs, but you don’t have time to think anymore about it when he moves to pull his own shirt up and over his head. 
You watch the muscles in his back contract, and you swallow. Don’t go down this road again, you tell yourself. It’s just going to hurt like hell.
If you’re honest with yourself, you’re starting to wonder if you’d ever really strayed from that path in the first place.
Because when he turns back to you with raised eyebrows and a smile, when he pulls you with him by the hand, it hits you with as much force as the cool water you jump into. And when you resurface and your eyes find him already looking back at you, his hair sticking up every which way and water dripping from his lashes down onto his cheeks, it hits you again.
That you don’t know if there will ever be anyone else for you but him.
You turn away from him, running your hands through your hair, trying desperately to keep your cool. You feel like you’re being punched in the stomach, like that sharp pain you’d felt since last August had never left. You thought you were ready to see him again, and you had been so, so wrong. 
You can feel all those months of mending, of trying desperately to get over your feelings for him so you could have him back in your life — you can feel them as they slip away. 
“I’m sorry,” was all he’d said that night, and your heart had shattered into a thousand pieces. You could tell through blurry eyes that he was hurting, too, because he loved you, you knew he did. Just not like that. He hadn’t said anything else, even though it looked like he wanted to, and you just didn’t understand. You thought for sure that he felt the same, because he’d kissed you back, because you knew him just as well as he knew you. 
And it really felt like you’d healed. Just an hour ago, you’d even been excited to see him again.
You will yourself to breathe.
“Hey. I’m sorry I pulled you in with me.”
You don’t respond.
“Are you okay?”
You don’t answer as his voice breaks through your racing thoughts, your back still turned to him. 
He sounds concerned, like he cares. You know he does — know that he always has. And it hurts.
You can feel the water moving behind you when you still don’t respond. You can feel it as he takes a step or two closer, and you can almost imagine the look on his face as he tries to figure out what he did wrong. You feel like you’ve been burned when he reaches for you, when his hand tries to find your arm to turn you back to him. You can hear his inhale when you flinch away, your skin on fire where his fingertips just barely brushed your shoulder.
He tries again, because he loves you. Because he loves you — but not like that. “Talk to me?”
Your eyes squeeze shut, and you take a deep breath. You know you have to face him in order to get through this, to leave here in one piece even if it’s by pretending. You have to. You don’t want him to know, don’t want him to know that you’re still the reason you can’t be close to him, that you still love him, that you probably never stopped. 
But when you turn to find him right there, find him so close, when you see that his eyes are full of worry, you can’t find a single word. He looks beautiful in the dim blue light of the pool, and it makes your heart ache.
“Y/N.” Your name is nothing but a whispered breath as he says it, his eyes locked so intently on your face that you suddenly feel warm all over despite the slight chill of the water. His gaze pierces through you, and you watch as it travels across your face, down to your lips, where it lingers. 
You’re not sure you’re breathing, not sure what to do, not sure how to possibly move on from what feels impossible. Why isn’t he moving away? Why is he so close? 
“I…” He tries again, eyes still on your mouth. Then he snaps his gaze up again. “I’m… I’m really happy that you’re here.”
Your eyebrows furrow. “You…”
“I missed you.” He looks hesitant before he says it, but he says it anyway, and your breath catches when you hear the tender, soft tone of his voice. It makes your head spin. “I really missed you. So much.” 
You take a steadying breath at the same time as he does. The air between you feels charged — charged with something you won’t let yourself name.
Then he’s stepping even closer, a hand lifting to your face, and you freeze. You can’t move — you don’t even know if you want to. You’re confused, but you don’t move, and all you can manage to say is a single word.
“Sol,” you caution.
He takes a deep breath in, and then he says, “You haven’t thought about it?” 
His hand is gentle on your jaw, thumb tracing lines back and forth across your skin. You feel goosebumps everywhere he touches. Your eyes search his, trying desperately to understand. You hate that you’re finding him extra hard to read right now — now, when you need to know what he’s thinking more than ever. 
“Thought about what?” Your voice is small, and you hate it.
Vernon’s other hand lifts to your face, tilting your chin up towards him. His eyes search yours as he speaks, his voice low. “Last summer.” He pauses. “Us.”
The words hit you like a truck. 
“What the fuck, Vernon?” You finally manage. You can feel the tears begin to well up, and you pull his hands away from your face. “Don’t you dare.”
He takes a step back, eyebrows knit together. “I’m sorry.”
You stare at him incredulously, frustration bubbling to the surface the longer you look at him. “Don’t be an asshole.”
He doesn’t say anything else, and all you can hear is the water gently hitting against the side of the pool. You frustratedly tuck a lock of wet hair behind your ear before crossing your arms.
“Why would you say that to me?” You’re hurt, and he knows it.
“I just…” He searches your face for a moment before he breathes out, “I think about you all the time. I miss you all the time.”
You can feel angry tears pricking at the back of your eyelids. You blink them away rapidly as you spit out, “You were the one who kissed me back and then pretended like nothing happened. You—“
“Would you have gone?”
You blink when he interrupts you, and it takes you a second to try and understand what he means. You wrack your brain, trying to figure out what the fuck he’s talking about. “What?”
“Would you have gone to school there if I had told you I loved you last summer? Or would you have chosen somewhere closer?”
You’re absolutely dumbfounded as you process what he’s saying. You’re blinking away furious tears, mouth agape as you try and settle on something to say. “Was that your fucking choice to make?”
“I was trying to make it easier for you. It’s your dream school.”
You can’t believe what you’re hearing. “What the fuck? I was in love with you, Vernon!”
“I was in love with you, too!”
The silence is deafening. You stare at him with wide eyes, your heart threatening to beat out of your chest. You wonder if he can hear it. Then you squeeze your eyes shut, your hands lifting to cover your face as you try and regain your composure. 
“I thought I was doing what was best for the both of us.”
His voice is quiet. You know he’s telling the truth. It hurts, but you know he’s being honest. That he thought he was doing the right thing. 
“I thought that maybe the distance would make it a little easier,” he continues, voice carrying softly across the water in the space between you. “But it didn’t. Not for me.”
Moments pass, and you realize you’re shaking. Your hands stay covering your face as you take deep breaths, waiting until you’ve recovered enough to say, voice low, “I have never been more upset with you than I am right now.”
He’s quiet for a moment before he responds. “I know, and I deserve it. I’m sorry that I made that decision for you. I really am. I shouldn’t have done it.”
You nod after a minute, after you force yourself to breathe, letting your hands fall from your face. You can’t look at him, though, eyes instead focusing on your fingers that begin tracing patterns in the water at your sides. “Okay.”
“And I'm…” He trails off, and you wait. He takes so long that you look up to find him looking at you, waiting, and something in his eyes has you stuck there. He searches your face, and then he says, “I’m sorry that I made you think that I don’t love you back. Because of course I do.” 
Your heartbeat has begun to roar in your ears again. “You do, present tense?”
Vernon freezes, eyes wide. He opens and closes his mouth a few times before he finally settles on something. “Shit. Sorry, fuck, I—”
“Is that a yes?”
He inhales sharply. “Yeah — yes. I don’t expect anything from you, though. I promise I’m not —“
“You are such a fucking idiot.” 
He doesn’t hesitate. “I know. I know. I’m—”
“I spent so long figuring out how to put myself back together,” you say softly, and he cuts himself off. You can feel tears pricking at the back of your eyelids again. “Without you.” 
Vernon’s shoulders sag, and he nods, looking down at the water. “Yeah.” 
Your breath catches before you steady yourself and you say, “It’s literally always been you, Sol. Even though you’re a fucking idiot.”
His eyes are wide when they shoot back up to meet yours. You inhale a shaky breath, watching as he waits, unsure. 
“It’s still you,” you add quietly, and you’re certain that you hear his breath catch.
“I’m in love with you,” he breathes out before you can say anything else. “I love you back. I did then, and I do now, and I’m sorry I didn’t say it before. I wanted to, I swear. I’m sorry that I hurt you. I’m…” He trails off, a hand running through his hair as he finishes, “I’m just really fucking sorry.”
“I believe you,” you say softly, because you do. You believe him, and you’re not sure your heart has ever beat this fast. Because he loves you — the same way that you love him. Vernon looks down at the water again, and you think you can see the faintest hint of a blush on his cheeks as he thinks. “Sol?”
Your soft voice makes him look up. He still looks uncertain, like he doesn’t know what he’s allowed to do. 
“Come here?”
You’re in his arms so fast you can barely process. He’s hugging you so tight against his chest that you can feel the warmth of him through your wet t-shirt, and it sends shivers down your spine. He doesn’t say anything else as he holds you, and neither do you. Your arms are wound around his neck, and you can feel the way his nose nuzzles into the crook of your shoulder. 
You pull back, your hands finding either side of his face. He blinks, slowly, taking in every part of you in the same way that you’re taking in every part of him. You brush away a stray drop of water that falls from his hair down onto his forehead, and you’re certain you’re dreaming. He’s so beautiful, a perfect juxtaposition of sharp edges and soft lines, so… Vernon. 
And he’s gazing at you like you hung all the stars in the sky — because he loves you, in the same way that you love him. 
For the second time in a year, you kiss him first.
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A/N: thank you so much to everyone for all the love on the other fics so far :) Here’s the sixth of our Thirteen Valentines in honour of Bononie’s birthday. Please please please reblog if you can to spread the word, and check out the Thirteen Valentines masterlist! If you want to be added to the taglist, send me a message :) Your kind comments and reblogs don’t go unnoticed, I promise.
Taglist: @waldau @wqnwoos @tae-bebe @gyuminusone@savventeen @eoieopda @minisugakoobies @wheeboo @lvlystars@darkypooo @christinewithluv @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @bella-l (Strikethrough means it wouldn’t let me tag you, sorry!)
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 4 months
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Pairing: Éowyn/Faramir
Others: Aragorn
Themes: Soft | Fluff  
Warnings: Nothing
Wordcount: 500+ words
Summary: Faramir speaks with Aragorn on the day of his wedding to Éowyn.
This ficlet was inspired by @thelien-art piece on Faramir and Éowyn.
Also available on AO3
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Aragorn came to his chambers at the appointed hour. “The others have all gathered in the Court of the Fountain. Come, my friend, let us not keep them waiting.”
Faramir joined his king as they made their way down the long, vaulted halls he once played in as a child. “Never would I have considered such a day possible, your grace,” he pondered aloud. “And with such a lady, no less.”
“The Valar have indeed blessed you,” the king remarked, smiling. “Éowyn is a fine woman and a fierce warrior. She will make you a splendid wife.”
The steward smiled in return, his sense of anticipation only growing when two sentries opened the high, wide doors to the gardens. There were guests aplenty: members of the new king’s court, nobles from Rohan, even the queen’s brothers. Elladan and Elrohir were to remain in the city for a while before they left on one final hunt to cleanse the lands of Sauron’s fell servants.  
And then they will join their grandfather and follow their father and grandmother on the watery path they took to the Blessed Realm. Faramir wondered if Arwen would miss her brothers dearly. He knew he missed his own, and fresh grief clenched in his heart when he realized Boromir did not live to witness their great victories or what came after.
I wish he were here, Faramir thought while he walked toward the White Tree. I wish Boromir was here to share my joy. Father too.
Faramir mourned his father as much as he mourned his brother. No one told him of Denethor’s end or the manner in which it came about until much later, after he had left the house of healing and was strong of heart.
“I wish you and Lady Éowyn nothing but joy in the many years to come,” Aragorn said, before turning to join his wife and the others that stood to bear witness to the exchanging of vows.
“My thanks, your grace,” Faramir returned, before turning to face the city elder who would preside over the exchanging of their vows. Then a minstrel strummed a soft refrain on his harp, a signal that the bride was making her way to the groom. Faramir found himself overcome with joy. It only grew when he turned to see Éowyn walking toward him, her arm around her brother’s.
She is as fair as the queen herself. Éowyn was garbed in white, with no other adornment save for a belt of pearls wrought in gold. Her eyes were fixed on her intended husband’s, as bright and warm as the summer sky. Faramir was enraptured.
“Greetings, husband mine,” the lady smiled, her face flushed with excitement.
“Greetings, my darling wife," answered Faramir, bowing respectfully to both her and her brother. Éomer bowed gravely before placing a kiss on his sister's cheek.
"I wish you nothing but happiness," the king of Rohan whispered, before he too turned to join the others. 
When she placed her hand in Faramir’s they turned to face the elder. He beamed at them while he wrapped a delicate white sash around their hands, binding them together in the sights of the Exalted Ones and all those who had gathered in the courtyard. Then the ceremony truly began. 
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destieldtiyschallenge · 5 months
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Hi fellow Destiel Fanartists! Are you looking for a fun challenge to start your creative year 2024? Are you up for getting to know some fellow fanartists on a deeper level? Then you are at the right place. Welcome to our first Destiel DTIYS Challenge!
What does DTIYS mean?
It means “Draw This In Your Style”. This is an art challenge where artists draw an already existing artwork, but in their own style.
So, how does it work?
There will be two Phases in this challenge:
Phase One: Secret Valentines
In Phase One, Artists will sign up to parttake and then get assigned a Secret Valentine. They will then redraw one of their Secret Valentine's existing artworks, reimagined in the Artist's own style.
Phase Two: Open Challenge
In Phase Two, everyone, signed up or not, can parttake in the DTIYS challenge. For this, a list of artists who signed up for it will be posted and you can redraw their art in your style.
When will this take place?
You can sign up for Phase One until February 9th. Posting is scheduled for February-March. You can sign up as a listed artist for Phase Two until March 10th. Posting is scheduled for March-April. For further details check under the cut.
Sounds cool to you?
Then you can sign up for Phase One and/or as a listed artist for Phase Two here.
If you are interested in participating, you can find the Schedule and General Rules for this event under the cut. For further questions you can contact us via DM or ask or via e-mail at [email protected]. Happy fanarting!
General Rules
You can use both digital and traditional media. You are not allowed to use AI tools in this challenge. If you have your own ideas, want to draw the character in a slightly different pose or change colors, you are free to do so. However the artwork should still be recognizable as a redraw of the original artwork. This challenge is open to participants of all experience levels.
This is an art challenge to celebrate Destiel fanartists and their diversity in style. Therefore, only Destiel fanart is allowed.
Both SFW and NSFW art are allowed, please mind the according Tumblr terms and conditions and post only a link to your art, if necessary. Minors are not allowed to parttake for this reason. If you sign up, you confirm that you are at least 18 years old.
Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and ableism will not be tolerated in this challenge.
Further Rules
Phase One: Secret Valentines
In Phase One, Artists will sign up to parttake and then get assigned a Secret Valentine. They will then redraw one of their Secret Valentine's existing artworks, reimagined in the Artist's own style.In Phase One, Artists will sign up to parttake and then get assigned a Secret Valentine. They will then redraw one of their Secret Valentine's existing artworks, reimagined in the Artist's own style and then post them under the tag #destieldtiys2024, a link to the original artwork and their Secret Valentine's @. Communication regarding this event between the Artist and their Secret Valentine is of course not allowed until the art is posted to keep it a surprise. The artwork will also be reblogged to this blog after posting.
Phase Two: Open Challenge
In Phase Two, everyone, signed up or not, can parttake in the DTIYS challenge. For this, a list of artists who signed up to be on it, will be posted. Everyone is then free to redraw their pieces and post them under the tag #destieldtiys2024, with a link to the original artwork and their @. Their art will be reblogged to this blog.
January 2nd - February 9th
Phase One Artist Sign Up
February 14th
Assigning of Secret Valentines
February 14th - March 14th:
Phase One Drawing + Posting
January 2nd - March 10th
Phase Two Artist Sign Up
March 15th
Posting of the Phase Two Artist List
March 15th - April 14th
Phase Two: DTIYS Open Challenge
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doumadono · 10 months
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KVITRAVN (viking!Dabi) - act I • act II • act III • act IV • act V • act VI • act VII
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BNHA boys confessing their love - headcanons BNHA boys & gn!reader dressed as them - headcanons Izuku, Katsuki and Shoto & s/o with a heat dizziness Study like Bakugo! - a brief guide to effective study methods Pro hero Dabi - headcanons MHA villains & their Hogwart houses - headcanons Boxer!Bakugo - NSFW headcanons MHA boys & Valentine's Day - headcanons Pro hero Dabi & intern Bakugo - headcanons Deaf!Bakugo & his daughter - headcanons Dabi & an albino girl - headcanons Corrupt cop!Bakugo - NSFW headcanons Bakugo with intermittent explosive disorder - headcanons Step brother!Bakugo - NSFW headcanons Armless!Bakugo - headcanons
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Carrying his child - Dabi x Reader Another round - Dabi x Reader (NSFW) His attention - Dabi x Reader NSFW Alphabet - Bakugo Katsuki NSFW Alphabet - Shoto Todoroki NSFW Alphabet - Endeavor Aftermath of the fight - Bakugo Katsuki x Reader Whispers from the abyss - merman!Dabi x fem!OC The haunting melody - Himiko Toga x Reader Whatever it takes - Bakugo Katsuki x Reader A missed call - Hawks x Reader The rain - Shoto Todoroki x Reader A little gesture - Bakugo Katsuki x Reader A snowstorm - Dabi x Reader A hostage - villain!Hawks x Reader Little kitten - Shoto Todoroki x Reader Christmas Jumpers - KiriBaku Intoxicated - Shigaraki x Reader x Dabi (NSFW) A birthday gift - Dabi x Reader (Dabi's birthday event) Happy birthday - Dabi x Reader (NSFW) (Dabi's birthday event) Heated argument - Dabi x Reader (NSFW) (Dabi's birthday event) Fitting room - Dabi x Reader (NSFW) An absolution - priest!Dabi x Reader (NSFW) Shoto realising he's in love The boss - Bakugo Katsuki x Reader (NSFW) A first tattoo - Bakugo Katsuki x Reader (NSFW) How to earn your orgasm - KiriBaku x Reader (NSFW) (Bakugo's bday event) Little slice of happiness - Bakugo x Reader (Bakugo's bday event) Surrendered to the hero - Bakugo x Reader (Bakugo's bday event) The alleway release - Bakugo x Reader (NSFW) Manhunt - villain!Bakugo x Reader (NSFW) Interrupted gameplay - Shigaraki x Reader (NSFW) Little heroine - villain!Bakugo x Reader (NSFW) Steamy shower - Dabi x Reader (NSFW)
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disclaimer: every link painted in hues other than the default is a blatant shout-out to the fics specially crafted for events/challenges hosted by fellow writers
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fishermanshook · 4 months
LOVELANGUAGE.com (Suvivors! x gn!reader)
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# day 6 w/ @philomena-propellente ‘s valentines event! , cut 4 length , grammar and spelling warning
You just started dating them, and now it’s your job to figure out just how they show their undying love for you.
꒰wc꒱ 1.4k
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The Prospector 
Norton doesn’t have the money to buy or get you anything fancy. It hurts his heart a little because he would love to splurge a bit on you, but also being stuck in a dangerous manor game doesn’t help either of your situations. (Especially when you are low on clues to get food…)
Norton’s love language is Physical Touch. This man is (already) all over you from the beginning to the end of your relationship. He just loves the way you feel in his arms and it makes him feel a tone better.
You should also make sure to reciprocate these actions. Norton will probably feel even more loved by you knowing that you want to touch him as well.
Please hold this man gently in your hands as he rests his head on your lap.
The Journalist
Alice most likely has her time slots filled with random things she has to get done, so as her partner, she would like you to understand and accept the fact that she can’t spend a lot of time around or with you. What she can do, are Acts of Service.
What she lacks in time management she makes up for in getting things done for you. Too tired to grab your laundry? She’s on it. Need a snack but you're too lazy to go and get it? She’ll be right back babe. And as a last resort, she would take your place in a match for you. ONLY if something bad has come up and the two of you have discussed every possible route you can take. (and only if you promise to heal her up + kiss her bandages.)
Alice adores every part of you and she seems like one to not fall very easily. So be thankful and glad to have someone like her in your life, and don’t take her for granted.
Please be gentle with her cuts and bruises as you heal her back up again.
The Mercenary 
Naib loves his alone time as much as he loves you, and he loves you a lot. Like Alice, you have to understand that he sometimes needs to be on his own for the time being. You search for him if you’d like, but he’d rather only wish you do if it’s an emergency. He will seek you out when he wishes for you to see you. (and that’s often.)
Naib seems like he would also dabble in Acts of Service. He’d do a lot for you, free of charge. Well, as long as you’ll cuddle him later. (Maybe make him something sweet?) The Mercenary would go as far as to kill for you, but would only wish to resort to this if necessary.
Naib is a man of few words and has his walls up at all times. (Like someone else I know… *cough cough* GANJI *cough cough*) You’ve managed to worm into his heart and he doesn’t plan on letting go any time soon.
Please hold this man in your arms when he inevitably wakes up from his recurring nightmares.
Lily can be easily described as a bundle of energy just waiting to be released. She’s a great company and fills any void of loneliness in your bones. She is bright, funny, and overall an amazing person.
Lily has been cheering on others her entire life. Encouraging her brother as she watched him climb the ranks is a fond memory of hers and is cherished deeply. For these and many other reasons, Lily’s love language is Words of Affirmation.
To think that Lily’s enthusiasm would lack or stop when it came to you is just silly. If anything, it grows even stronger. You become her motivation to take on the day and the challenges that come with it. To run for her life if it meant she gets to see you at the exit game waiting for her arrival.
Please cheer her on as well, she needs you just as much as you need her.
The Seer
Eli should have predicted this, should’ve known he would fall head over heels for someone in the manor. But at last, you can’t change the past, or the future. Eli’s learned that the hard way. So while you're here with him now, let him bask in the light you radiate.
Eli Clark is one for Words of Affirmation alongside Physical Touch. Your skin is warm against his and envelops him completely. The Seer has always kept you close to him. Whether it be his hand entangled in yours, an arm around your waist, or anything else, he enjoys keeping you close to him.
Eli knows how words can affect people, so he always tries to compliment you when he can. Your outfit, your match performance, anything, and everything gets a smile and a nice compliment from him.
Please let this man wrap his arms around your waist as he hums an unrecognizable song in your ears.
The Priestess
Fiona is a self-proclaimed devotee to her god, but nowadays, she finds her devotion slipping. Her faith, disintegrating into ashes the longer she’s stuck in here. It’s given her a lot of time to think, but it’s also given her more time to spend with you. To forget about the unknown wonders of the world and just embrace your presence in its entirety.
Fiona Gilman’s love language is undoubtedly Quality Time.  She enjoys nothing more than to spend time with you outside the games. She doesn’t mind what or who it’s with, just that you're there. She also seems like she’s a sucker for picnics. Just the two of you is best, but if you insist on having others then that’s fine as well.
The Priestess has spent most of her days devoting herself to her religion and belief, which you don’t shame her for. She knows that her beliefs may not align with others, but she appreciates that you don’t give her crap about it. If she ever does find her faith in her god restoring, she would love to show you some of her practices.
Please accompany her on walks long after your curfew with only the stars as your witnesses.
 Bloody Queen
Mary was born with wealth and nobility to her name, she knows the power money has over people and the influence it can make. So she more than understands the currency of this strange manor. Not that she’s complaining though, she has more than enough clues and fragments to last a lifetime.
Mary Kriegburg's love language is Gifting. She has the clues too, so why not splurge on a new outfit for her daring? It’s the best way for her to show you that no amount of money can compare to the love that floods her unbeating heart.
If you do end up gifting something back to her, handmade or bought, she will cherish it. It may seem that Mary doesn’t like the handmade doll you made of her, but she sleeps with it during the nights you can’t accompany her. Her bed does feel cooler without you.
Please cherish everything she gives you, as she will do the same for you.
 The Photographer
Joseph doesn't get to see you often, as the two of you have your respective matches you're forced to perform in. And for whom? You'll never know. When your games are done for the day, he'll choose to seek you out. While he does prefer his own alone time, he wishes to be with you.
Joseph Desaulniers's love language has to do with Quality Time. He spends his time wisely so that he can save more for when both of you are available. The Photographer enjoys afternoon tea parties with you. Talk about anything or keep your mouth shut, he won't mind either. Your presence warms his dead body and it's such a welcoming feeling for the man that he yearns for it.
Joseph has already lost his brother in an already tragic manner, the Photographer keeps you close to ensure you don't meet an unexpected demise while he's not there. No, he doesn't want you to go back to your dorm room yet. Just stay by him for a moment longer and let him know you're not going anywhere one last time.
Please soak up the sun with him as he takes another picture of you.
note: RAHHHHHH I LOVE THIS (don’t come at me if you thought different love languages for them okay 😭)
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(2024)©️fishermanshook — do not steal, translate, plagiarize, or repost my work on any other platform
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