#Eros/Psyche story elements
truly-hopeless · 6 months
Hi! That's impressive list! Can I pick two? I couldn't decide only on one, lol. So... Love Notes and vampire!L the undying detective? ^^
Sure thing; you are the first person to send me a real ask (all other times it was a bot advertising an adult website) so I'm happy.
Love Notes is an AU where, instead of a Death Note, Light gets a notebook that allows him to make two (or more) people feel infatuation towards each other. And because Light is Light, who is a perfectionist and a closet hopeless romantic in this universe, he's not content to just put random people together for one date, uses the Love Note to send detailed instructions to one or more of the lovebirds in order to make sure the relationship lasts. This earns him the nickname Eros (after the Greek god of love) and there's a mix of people who are either happy he's around and hoping that he can help them in their love life or pissed that he's meddling instead of letting relationships succeed or fail on their own merits (with a few people just being bitter that Eros isn't helping them find a partner even though Light knows they're trash). And things only get more complicated when L announces that he plans to capture Eros and that he knows he's in Japan and Light notices that there is a marking on his wrist that Ryuk (who is an actual love god in this universe instead of a death god) tells him it is a soulmate marking that appears on human Love Note users and their intendeds when they "meet." I'm still in the prologue/first chapter (haven't updated this in a while since it's one of the ones in the Dropbox folder and I feel I can't be bothered to fully retrieve it), but I see parts of the plot playing out like the Eros/Psyche myth, specifically a falling out that happens between Light and L (after they've become close) when L finds proof Light is Eros while he's asleep, while not being a one-to-one retelling (there is no abduction/marriage plot from Light [keeping a partner in a lavish palace and visiting them at night with the lights out is more something L would be more likely to do than Light, let's be honest], there is no Aphrodite equivalent, and I don't see any of the Wammy House students [except maybe Beyond] trying to ruin L's chances at love like Psyche's sisters did to her).
The Undying Detective is a bit more complicated. I started it a little before the other Vampire!L AU because I knew that I wanted to write a fic where L was a vampire, but was still trying to figure out the how and the why and I ended up leaving it after sometime (haven't deleted it because there's always a chance I'll pick it up again, but I haven't added to it or changed it in about two years). I will share what I wrote and then also share what I wanted to happen but could not find the words to convey it:
"Please Ryuzaki," Light begged. "If you're right and the thirteen day rule is false, then Kira likely meant for you to figure it out to have you killed the moment you challenge it."
"How would Kira kill me, Light-kun? Kira does not have my name. Misa Amane has not been allowed back into headquarters since she left and the only ones allowed in here are members of the Task Force and you. Unless there's something you would like to tell me."
Light's heart broke. This again? After all this time? "The Shinigami Rem seems very protective of Misa and she has her own Death Note. The only reason I'm no longer handcuffed to you and Misa was allowed to leave was because that rule 'proved' our innocence. With Kira being active again and no other suspects, suspicion would fall back on us if the rule is proven false and you would likely execute us. Rem might kill you to try to prevent you from killing Misa. But of course," Light let out a bitter laugh, "you don't care about that as long you're able to 'prove' I'm Kira once and for all. Why do I even--?"
He suddenly slipped on a wet spot and fell to the concrete, his arm scraping painfully against the railing.
"You're bleeding."
"Oh, really? Thank you for pointing it out to me, I never would have known." Light hissed in pain as he touched his injury. There was a lot more blood than he was expecting and it almost made him sick.
"Sarcasm does not suit you." L held out his hand to Light and helped him up. "Come on, we've been out here long enough."
He helped Light dry off and he started treating the scraped area. His bony hands were surprisingly gentle as he disinfected the cut and wrapped a bandage around it.
"I just want to know the truth, Light." Light took note of the dropped honorific. "I no longer believe you're Kira, but I believe that you have been keeping secrets."
"Like what?"
"Such as how you know my real name."
Oh no. "What are you talking about? I don't--"
"Please don't lie to me. You said my name in your sleep the night before Higuchi was caught. You did not say 'L' or 'Ryuzaki.' You said 'Lawliet,' my last name. The only living people who know that name are me and Watari. How do you know it?"
Light sighed. He'd been dreading this moment, knowing that by telling L this he risked either getting committed or earning the detective's scorn and he didn't know which was worse. But if telling him the truth would prevent L from killing himself, it would be worth it.
After checking to make sure Rem was no where in earshot, he confessed, "For as long as I can remember, possibly the day I was born, I've been able to see a name and a number over people's heads. The names are the true names and the numbers are when they are going to die. I cannot see when I will die, but I can see when my family and friends will die and knowing that has made me feel so alone. I was unable to tell anyone about it because I knew I wouldn't be believed. The loneliness grew when Kira started killing, with people suddenly dying before their time and me becoming your prime suspect. There was a brief time where I thought that I found someone who understood what I was going through--"
"Misa Amane."
"Yes. She was like me, she could see the names and numbers as well and also lacked her own number. She approached me and told me she loved me and I believed her. But I soon learned that she loved Kira more and that she had only approached me in the first place because she thought I was him. And then you locked both of us up because you believed we were the first and second Kira and when I next saw her she was no longer like me and couldn't even remember why she started dating me, leaving me feeling alone once again.
"I at first resented you for this, for taking away my freedom and somehow making Misa and I no longer have anything in common, and the sixty days of solitary confinement and having my father pretend he was going to kill me certainly didn't help endear you to me. But the more time I spent with you as we looked Kira and the more I learned about you as you started to opening up to me, I became comfortable around you and I... I fell in love with you, L. But I couldn't bring myself to tell you the truth before now because I was afraid. Afraid that it would serve as a confession to you that I was Kira and afraid that you would hate me for being so unnatural. But none of that matters now. You can arrest me and execute me if that will satisfy you. Just please do not throw your life away."
L was silent for a long moment after he tied off the bandage. He just stared at Light with those large dark eyes.
Finally, he said, "I appreciate your honesty and concern, Light. But I still need to test the rule. It's the only way the Task Force will understand and the only way to get closer to catching Kira. If you're not Kira and Amane-san has become Kira again, then she has to know by now who the original Kira is. We can try to make a deal with the Shinigami in order to learn his identity, but I doubt she will trust me. Promise me that you will make sure the rule is tested when I die."
"Don't talk like that! Like it's already too late!"
"It is. We will be parting ways very soon, I can feel it. But you have nothing to fear. I know that you can finish this case in my absence and if the Task Force refuses to cooperate, you'll have help from some friends of mine, friends that Kira does not know about. Will you promise to catch Kira when I'm gone?"
"I will."
L smiled. Then he leaned forward and pressed his lips against Light's. After a moment of hesitation, Light returned the kiss, his fingers tangling in the detective's hair as tears fell down his face.
"Everyone, the Shinigami--!" L then clutched his chest as if in pain, the spoon he was using to stir his tea slipping from his other hand as he started falling.
Light ran forward and caught L and looked down at him.
No, please no! Not like this!
L squeezed Light's hand, a sad smile on his face as he saw the younger man's tears.
"Sorry...it had to...end...like this." It seemed to hurt for him to speak. His eyes began to close. "You're...not Kira. I wish I..."
His heart stopped beating and Light saw the name "L Lawliet" disappear along with the remaining years he should have lived.
From here, I had in mind that the other Task Force members start dropping dead too until only Light is left. Misa enters, as does Kira (Teru Mikami, because he's my usual go-to for an alternate Kira), and they give Light a choice: join them or die. Light is horrified, but is also pissed off and heartbroken that he lost his father, several of his friends, and the love of his life, and calls both of them out, daring them to kill him. One of them strikes him, causing Light to stumble and hit his head hard enough to draw blood. Several of the drops land on L and, without anyone noticing, seeps into his skin.
The last thing Light sees before he passes out, believing that he will die, is L standing up and preventing Mikami from writing his name down by breaking his wrist. When he wakes up again, L tells him that the Kiras are in custody and awaiting trial. While Light is glad that L is back, he's still grieving the deaths of the other Task Force members and is concerned that he can no longer see L's name at all and that neither of them know why that is, or why L is hungry/thirsty all the time no matter how much he eats.
The rest of the story would be them figuring out that L is a vampire and trying to navigate everything from there. I might come back to this someday, but I have too much going on at this time.
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theangrypomeranian · 2 years
me at work furiously mentally figuring out every aspect of this story idea knowing damn well that not writing it down will fuck me up later on:
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ligbi · 9 months
The old parts of the ship of theseus that are replaced. What happened to them? Burnt in a fire to warm the family of sailors? Carved into furniture or toys for family members? Lost in the sea, or cast there as driftwood? Ropes replaced and repurposed for binding goods to a merchant's cart? Old sails patched for tents? Should the question not be what did the ship of theseus Become?
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hayatheauthor · 9 months
Things To Consider When Writing With Mythologies 
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Mythologies, often ancient narratives passed down through generations, hold profound cultural significance. They are not just tales of gods and heroes but windows into the beliefs, values, and fears of societies long gone. This is why it’s important to ensure you are culturally accurate and don’t accidentally offend members of the communities you are writing about. 
I personally am writing a WIP based around Japanese mythology, so here are some things I think you should consider when writing with mythologies.
Using Myths to Drive Plot and Character Development
Myths can serve as the very essence of your story's conflicts and themes. Imagine a tale where a young protagonist discovers they are the reincarnation of an ancient hero, destined to fulfill an ancient prophecy. The hero's journey in such a narrative would be profoundly tied to the mythological elements, guiding their growth and purpose.
Characters, too, can be shaped by the myths of their world. For instance, in Rick Riordan's "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" series, the characters are demigods, offspring of gods and mortals, and their quests are directly connected to the Greek mythos, intertwining their destinies with the larger tapestry of ancient legends.
Understanding Mythologies and Their Significance
Mythologies have been an integral part of human storytelling since time immemorial. They are not mere tales of gods and heroes but serve as essential cultural artifacts that mirror the beliefs, fears, and aspirations of ancient civilizations. Understanding the significance of mythologies can help us appreciate their profound impact on both the past and present, enriching our fantasy writing with layers of depth and meaning.
Mirrors of Cultural Beliefs
Mythologies offer a glimpse into the foundational beliefs and values of various cultures. These stories often revolve around the origins of the world, the creation of humanity, and the forces that govern existence. For instance, Greek mythology's creation story of Chaos giving rise to Gaia (Earth), Tartarus (Underworld), and Eros (Love) reflects the Greeks' attempt to explain the beginning of all things.
Archetypes and Universality
Myths are replete with archetypal characters and motifs that resonate with the human psyche. The hero's journey, the wise mentor, the epic battle between good and evil—these recurring themes transcend time and culture, connecting us to our shared human experience. As writers, tapping into these archetypes can make our characters and narratives more relatable and emotionally compelling.
Incorporating the essence of mythologies into our fantasy narratives allows us to harness the timeless power of these ancient tales. By honoring the significance of myths, we can create stories that resonate with readers on a profound and universal level.
Using Myths to Drive Plot and Character Development
Myths serve as powerful catalysts for driving the plot and shaping the characters in your fantasy world. By integrating mythological elements into your narrative, you infuse your story with a sense of wonder and connect your characters to something greater than themselves. Let's explore how myths can be harnessed to propel both plot and character development in your fantasy writing.
Mythological Themes as Central Conflicts
Incorporate mythological themes as the central conflicts driving your plot. Whether it's an ancient prophecy, a long-forgotten curse, or a divine mandate, mythological elements can set the stage for epic quests and high-stakes adventures. For example, in J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter" series, the prophecies surrounding the Boy Who Lived and the rise of Voldemort become pivotal drivers of the plot.
Character Identity and Mythical Lineage
Give your characters a connection to the myths of your world. A character could be the descendant of a heroic figure from ancient times, bearing the weight of fulfilling an age-old prophecy. This connection to the past can shape their identity, motivations, and personal journeys.
Quests Rooted in Mythology
Craft quests and challenges that are steeped in mythological lore. By sending your characters on quests to recover sacred artifacts, defeat mythical beasts, or seek guidance from divine beings, you not only enrich your plot but also create opportunities for character growth and self-discovery.
The Mythic Impact on World Events
Consider how mythological elements influence the world events in your fantasy setting. Wars, political intrigue, and cultural practices may be shaped by the belief in ancient prophecies or the legacy of mythical beings.
Character Arcs Entwined with Myths
Let your characters' arcs intertwine with the myths of your world. As they confront their fears, overcome challenges, and evolve, they may embody the archetypal hero's transformation—rising to greatness or succumbing to tragic flaws.
Symbolism and Allegory in Mythological Writing
Incorporating symbolism and allegory into your mythological writing adds a layer of depth and complexity to your storytelling. These literary techniques allow you to explore profound themes and hidden meanings, making your fantasy narrative more thought-provoking and resonant with readers. Let's delve into how to effectively use symbolism and allegory in the context of myths.
The Power of Symbolism
Symbols are objects, characters, or events that carry deeper meanings beyond their literal interpretation. In mythological writing, symbols can represent abstract concepts, emotions, or significant aspects of the human condition. For instance, a mythical sword might symbolize justice and valor, while a sacred tree could represent the interconnectedness of life.
Allegorical Tales
Allegories are narratives that use symbolic characters and events to convey moral, philosophical, or political messages. Consider crafting allegorical myths to explore real-world issues in a fantastical context. For example, George Orwell's "Animal Farm" uses allegory to critique political systems and human nature.
Symbolism in Creatures and Settings
Leverage mythical creatures and settings as symbolic representations of broader concepts. A mythical dragon guarding a treasure might symbolize the greed that corrupts societies, while a mystical forest could represent the unknown and the call to adventure.
Interpretation and Depth
Allow room for interpretation in your myths. A richly layered narrative invites readers to contemplate various meanings and draw their own conclusions, fostering engagement and making your story more memorable.
Balancing Allegory and Narrative
Remember to strike a balance between allegory and storytelling. While powerful symbolism can add depth, be mindful not to overshadow the narrative's flow and character development.
Through symbolism and allegory, your mythological writing becomes a vessel for exploring timeless truths, moral dilemmas, and the complexities of the human experience. This layer of meaning elevates your storytelling, leaving a lasting impression on readers.
Blending Myths with Worldbuilding
The seamless integration of myths into your worldbuilding can elevate your fantasy realm from a mere backdrop to a living, breathing entity. By infusing every aspect of your world with mythological elements, you create a rich and immersive setting that captivates readers and allows them to fully immerse themselves in the wonder of your creation. Let's explore how to blend myths with worldbuilding to craft a cohesive and enchanting fantasy world.
Mythical Origins and History
Incorporate myths into the history of your world. Legends of ancient gods or legendary heroes can serve as the foundation of your world's creation and early development. These myths not only add depth but also explain the origins of key elements in your world, such as magical artifacts or mystical locations.
Mythical Geography and Landmarks
Infuse your world with mythical geography. Sacred mountains, enchanted forests, and mysterious islands can be inspired by myths or even be the settings of ancient mythological events. The presence of these mythical landmarks makes your world feel magical and mystical.
Divine Architecture and Symbols
Represent the influence of myths on architecture and symbols within your fantasy world. Temples dedicated to mythical deities, sacred runes, or sigils used for protection can add authenticity to your setting, giving readers a sense of a world with deep-rooted beliefs.
Rituals and Traditions
Showcase rituals and traditions that have evolved from ancient myths. Festivals celebrating mythical figures or events can be an essential part of your world's cultural identity. These traditions can create vibrant backdrops for scenes and contribute to the sense of community in your world.
Legendary Artifacts and Items
Integrate legendary artifacts and items from myths into your world. These powerful objects can become central to the plot or wielded by characters of great significance. For example, the Sword of Excalibur from Arthurian legends or Thor's hammer, Mjölnir, from Norse myths are iconic mythical artifacts.
Creatures and Races
Inspire the creation of unique creatures and races based on myths. Drawing from various mythologies, you can invent fantastical beings like phoenixes, centaurs, or sirens. Alternatively, reimagine existing mythical creatures in new and intriguing ways.
Myths and Cultural Diversity
Explore how myths shape the cultural identity of different regions or races in your world. Diverse myths can contribute to varied customs, values, and worldviews. This cultural tapestry enriches your world and provides opportunities for compelling conflicts and interactions between characters.
Avoiding Cultural Appropriation and Stereotypes
As writers, we have the incredible opportunity to draw inspiration from a wide array of cultures and myths to enrich our fantasy worlds. However, with this privilege comes the responsibility to approach the task with cultural sensitivity and respect. Avoiding cultural appropriation and stereotypes is crucial in creating a story that celebrates diversity and promotes understanding. Let's delve into ways to navigate this delicate terrain while crafting a mythologically inspired narrative.
Research Extensively
Thorough research is paramount when incorporating elements from real-world cultures into your writing. Dive deep into the myths, traditions, history, and values of the culture you intend to draw from. Seek out diverse sources and perspectives to gain a comprehensive understanding.
Understand Cultural Context
Cultural context matters. Recognize that myths are deeply rooted in cultural experiences and may carry sacred or sensitive meanings. Ensure that you grasp the nuances and significance of the myths you're using, and handle them with the utmost respect.
Avoid Stereotypes and Exoticization
Steer clear of perpetuating stereotypes or exoticizing cultures. Respectfully depict characters and settings without reducing them to one-dimensional or caricatured portrayals. Create fully fleshed-out characters with their own motivations, strengths, flaws, and complexities.
Collaborate and Seek Feedback
Consider collaborating with sensitivity readers or cultural consultants who are well-versed in the culture you're representing. Their insights can provide invaluable guidance and help you navigate potential pitfalls.
I hope this blog on Things To Consider When Writing With Mythologies will help you in your writing journey. Be sure to comment any tips of your own to help your fellow authors prosper, and follow my blog for new blog updates every Monday and Thursday.  
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okayyeros · 1 month
Every once in a while I stop and I really just think about the story of Eros falling for Psyche and I'm filled with so much adoration. He loved her so much, and she loved him with the same fierce passion and it's just so sweet???? I feel the same way about a lot of gods and their lovers (Specifically Apollon and Hyacinthus + Dionysus and Ariadne) but something abt Psyche and Eros has me screaming.
also, the fact that their domains coincide with each other. Psyche is the goddess of the Soul and Eros is the God of Passionate Love. Esp when you bring alchemy into it, where the soul was often viewed as Sulfur, an element that is highly reactive. It makes so much sense for the Soul to love Passion.
Man, I just really love them both, it gives me faith that love is real.
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sea-owl · 2 months
So I made a part two to this. Hope you all like it!
AO3: Link
Felicity leaned into her sister, purposely laying her head on her shoulder. Her eyes narrowed on the oblivious Marquess Odysseus Rose of Winchester, who sat across from them. The interloper first came two weeks ago and has been here every other day since! Felicity was sick of him. What kind of cad courts a woman who is spoken for? Does he not know or care that Penelope has . . .what was that word that countess used? An understanding? An agreement? Does not matter. What matters is that the interloper is trying to ruin it!
"Have you noticed the similarities between the myth of Eros and Psyche and the story of the Beauty and the Beast?" Penelope asked the interloper as she flipped through the book her true intended gave her.
The interloper's face lit up. "Yes!" Quickly, he flipped through his own book, fairytales collected and published in 1812 by two men who call themselves the Brothers Grimm. Penelope had gushed when the interloper brought it with him today. "So many elements are the same! A beautiful woman whisked off to a magical castle where she learned she would be living with or had been married to a monster. The very same monster they later fell in love with!"
Penelope giggles and Felicity frowns. That interloper better not be getting any ideas. Being kidnapped is not romantic!
"Though I would not want to be Psyche," Penelope winced. "To be with child during those labors. . ."
Felicity looked up. "I agree! Penelope, never be like Psyche, please!"
The interloper chuckeled. "Though it does show great bravery," he added.
Felicity whipped her head around. Is this interloper plan to leave Penelope with child and have do some sort of test?! Will he leave like that George cad did to cousin Marina?!
Felicity stands, ready to throw all of her ten year old weight against the interloper when-
Felicity pouted. Drat, she gained the attention of their mama.
"Felicity why don't we give Penelope and Lord Winchester some space," Portia suggested. Though it felt more like an order.
Felicity does not want to give them space. That would only invite ungentlemanly behavior from the interloper.
The youngest Featherington found her reluctantly walking towards hwr mother.
"We must not interfere less the marquess change his mind and leave your sister with no options," Portia whispered to her youngest.
Felicity's jaw dropped. No options?! Penelope has another option! All the mamas talk about how they don't take Colin Bridgerton seriously as a potential suitor due to his. . .his. . .oh, what was the word several of the mamas used again? Understanding? Yes, understanding! No matchmaking mama saw Colin Bridgerton as a potential suitor due to his understanding with Penelope!
Portia waves Felicity off, her scheming face now in place. Felicity turns towards her father, hoping he would come to defend Felicity's favorite sister and future brother, but of course, Lord Featherington still hides behind his newspaper.
Felicity has to stop herself from stomping to the window, lest her mama acolds her again. Hopefully, her future brother will be here soon. He was almost over as much as the interloper.
Felicity crawled into the window seat and huffed when she saw no sight of her future brother. Was he that secure with his understanding with Penelope that he had no fear of the interloper? Well, Felicity will have to change that.
Thank all that was holy that marquess did not stay long after. But did he have to kiss her sister’s hand?! Felicity felt her hackels raise. No, this man WILL NOT break up her sister and Felicity's favorite future brother! As soon as she watched Marquess Rose drive off in his carriage, Felicity took off sprinting across the street with a quick word she was visiting Hyacinth.
The Bridgerton butler, Humboldt, open the door. "Miss Featherington, Miss Hyacinth isn't here at the moment but I can-"
"I'm here to see Colin!" Felicity blurted out, trying to catch her breath.
Humboldt stared at the ten year old girl for one moment then two.
"Please its important."
Just as she was afraid he was going to deny her the butler let her in and had her wait in one of the drawing rooms.
Felicity found herself pacing. Colin needed to hurry up that marquess could be thinking up ways to ruin her sister at this very moment! Colin needs to go court Penelope more than he ever has before! Should they get flowers? Yes, flowers are always nice!
"Felicity what's wrong-"
"We must make haste to the florist!" Felicity declared, trying to push Colin out the door he just came in.
"We must get something beautiful! But no yellow!" Felicity pauses. "AND NO ROSES!" Can't have Penelope associating the flowers with that stupid marquess.
Colin turned around, grabbing hold of Felicity's shoulders he kneeled down so they were eye level. "Felicity what is going on? Why do we need to go to a florist?"
Felicity huffed. Could he not ask on their way to the florist? "Marquess Odysseus Rose," Felicity spat the name, "has called upon Penelope yet again! He will not leave us alone and he is trying to take my sister away! Mama has hinted marriage between him and Penelope and we can not allow that to happen!"
Colin froze before Felicity finished her sentence. "Marquess Rose was at your house today?"
"Yes!" Felicity cried frustrated. "We can not allow him to out court you for Penelope's hand! Now we must make haste to the florist!"
Colin stiffly stood. "Yes, let's. Perhaps we'll also stop at the bookstore and maybe get Penelope a new handkerchief as well."
"Oh yes!" Felicity agreed, taking Colin's offered arm like she would do with one of her sisters. "Something with a pretty lace border! Also may I suggest the Brothers Grimm?"
There is no need for the interloper to bring the book over anymore if Penelope has her own copy, courtesy of her true suitor.
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ancientphantom · 1 year
Do you think the original Phantom of the Opera book has any sort of fairytale-like elements to it? If so, could you list some?
This ask is seven billion years old, but yes!
For one thing, the Phantom story is essentially a more specific version of the old Beauty and the Beast fairy tale - in both, a father "gives" his daughter to a terrifying monster who appears to be dangerous but turns out to love her, and she must find a way to love that monster in turn in order to keep herself safe and search for a happy ending. The Phantom story adds embellished elements, such as the heavy focus on music and the Phantom being a disfigured human instead of a cursed one, but the story is essentially the same, which means it carries over a lot of beats from the original fairy tale.
If you didn't know I'm a sucker for Aarne-Thompson-Uther, you do now, so let's go down a quick list of some of the fairy tale elements we see!
The Child Who Won't Leave Home: Lots of fairy/folktales have this element, where a child needs to leave home and make their way in the world or they will never truly grow up (which usually, in these stories, means they won't be able to be happy and/or they'll be a burden on their aging parents/community). Christine fits this trope, remaining somewhat locked in eternal childhood, focused on her memories of her father and his tales of the Angel of Music, until she is finally forced to see reality and make choices about her adult life.
The Girl as the Monster's Wife: This is a common fairy tale/folklore stock element: a beautiful young girl is given to a monster to become its bride. You see echoes of it in dragon/monster sacrifice tales, too, but the story usually uses its fairy tale themes to address real-life anxieties about women in earlier centuries having little to no control over who they married or how they were treated when they did. (And parents' fear over that for their daughters!)
The Animal Bridegroom: A subset of the Monster's Wife above, there are an absolute load of stories about young women being forced, either through trickery, blackmail, or magic, into marrying actual animals. Often, these animals can later be turned into humans through the power of her love and/or loyalty and devotion, but sometimes the moral is more about making the best of a weird situation. Obviously, the Phantom story inherits this from its Beauty and the Beast roots, even though the Phantom is no longer a literal animal.
The Dangerous Husband: The most common version of this is probably the tale of Bluebeard, but it appears in many stories and cultures (from the same anxieties as above!). In these stories, the husband is hiding a dark secret, and his innocent wife must realize he's evil and get out before it's too late or join others he has previously preyed on; in the Phantom story, Christine must realize that her "angel of music" is actually the murderous Phantom, and is in a constant state of discovering things like torture chambers and death threats until she and Raoul finally resolve the situation and escape.
Disenchantment by Kiss: In many fairy tales, the curse/transformation/evil is broken or defeated by a pure kiss from a loved one; in the Phantom story, it is Christine's kiss on his forehead (or mouth in later derivative versions) that causes him to realize that he has been behaving like a monster and end his reign of terror.
In addition to all this, there's also of course the mythology angle, which I mention a lot in reviews! Greek mythology is especially good with this - the Phantom story has heavy overtones of both the myth of Hades and Persephone, in which the god of the dead rises up from the underground to kidnap the beautiful young goddess of spring and everyone goes absolutely bonkers trying to get her back, and the myth of Eros and Psyche, in which the beautiful Psyche is forbidden from seeing her lover, who always comes to her in darkness with his face hidden, and when she breaks her promise and brings in a light to see him destroys the relationship and suffers as a result. The first has obvious parallels to Erik's kidnapping of Christine, while the second is a pretty clear comparison to the unmasking scene.
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winns-stuff · 1 year
As a Greek let me summarise the myths a little Lore Olympus kinda ruined:
The story of Persephone, the sweet daughter of goddess Demeter who was kidnapped by Hades and later became the Queen of the Underworld, is known all over the world. It is actually the way of the ancient Greeks to explain the change of the seasons, the eternal cycle of the Nature's death and rebirth, but also the harsh reality for women in ancient Greece who were in arranged marriages and had to be separated from their families.
the love story of Eros and Psyche (meaning "soul" in Greek), we can see the perseverance of a man even when he is possessed by passion and the effort of a woman to overcome many obstacles in order to achieve the happiness of love.
Zeus and Hera represented the ideal image of ancient Greek couples back then had and also it was a reflection of the society at that time (men would often cheat on their wives with no consequences but the women would be blamed).
And that's just a few 😅
Thank you for this information, honestly this solidified my feelings towards it since all of these myths have something in common. They’re all giving meaningful commentary on either the environment or society as a whole, that’s very impactful and it gives an amazing story to be shared with others. The elements of the myths are also something that is hard to take away (not exactly but like in this case you’ll need at least some aspects nodding to the original to get the meaning if that makes sense) without losing the impact and sadly Lore Olympus has gone to this weird route where they’re choosing to remove a lot of elements and strip them of their meaning all for soap drama that’s absolutely meaningless and tedious. It’s really disappointing.
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minthe-lover · 1 year
Chapter Analysis 219
I have extremely mixed feelings on this chapter, on one hand I fully hate Daphne and eros but I do like persephone showing some sort of lasting trauma in relation to the sexual assault sort of, I'll get into that later.
Now Eros has crossed over from annoyingly loveable to just.. annoying.
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Now this chapter has by far the dumbest fucking thing that rs has ever done in relation to the time skip. Eros and psyches relationship is the second biggest and most important after persephone and hades, it was set up in one of the first chapters.. and rs decided to have them get married OFF SCREEN.
I don't care if your a fan of lore olympus this is objectively a terrible fucking choice. You don't have big important steps in a relationship happen off screen.. and then don't fucking show us any of it???? Like even in the few panels we have we just get a boring shot of eros in the suit, and then him being 'tired'. WE DON'T EVEN SEE PSYCHE.
why did rs think this was a good idea???? is so easy to fit to! just have eros about to get married have him invite persephone!! Out of all the freaken chapters to not have a flash back why are you having it be the most fucking important part of eros story.. like holy shit.
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Next is gonna be covering... just all the stuff. My main annoyance is where Lore Olympus, self labeled 'deconstruction of purity culture' mainly only presents sex itself as a sexual option. We have all these comedic panels of Persephone saying how horny she is.. but we have no mention of masturbation? Like come on.. ya got the masturbating with the hades tree joke right there-
Instead you just get general "Oh I wish I could have sex!" jokes that feel.. really bland. They don't feel creative to the world, the closet we is the five years one. All of them could be said by any character in any story and it would be alright... it's just boring...
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Now tied to the whole sexual assault plot line and this episode, it's sort of like half way done alright. While it's shown that her worried is partly effected by her assault but most of it is just general worry that hades doesn't want to have sex with her. she talks more about worry that hades isn't horny for her but nothing to do with a fear of the sex itself.
Also again I do like that the sexual assault is brought up.. but it's done so gently. Its supposed to be this big heavy thing but it's brought up passively and moved on from so quicky
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Her worried are more with hades feelings and his interest in her, instead of her comfortablity with sex itself. Now as for hades nervousness.. I don't mind it, I like that lore olympus is showing a man being nervous to have sex. Alot of media does portray men as always 100% ready and okay with sex.. though I'm very cautious with how rs will write this... I'm very very worried about how it's gonna be handled.
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Also they all talk like highschoolers, like rs you are allowed to swear right? you can say dick.. you've said dick before. why is persephone talking like a highschooler that just dry humped someone for the first time.
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Now daphne and eros and.. very bad friends. They bring up sex first when they both know that persephone had been raped.. and continue to talk about it after Persephone expresses discomfort. If you didn't want to pressure or rush Persephone then why did you fucking faint when she brought up not having sex.
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The closest they get to be somewhat decent is with Daphne mentioning that she should go to therapy and communicate with hades. It's the closest thing that they get to being a good friend... cause yeah persephone desperately need more then a single therapy session.
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also like... why.. why the fuck is apollo running for president???? Like there has been no level of democracy in this whole goddamn story and now it's supposed to be this big element to it? Also I've said this before.. rs.. please please do not write it so that the people who vote for apollo are terrible/stupid etc etc.
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Now I just.. really hate the art in this chapter, it's nothing terrible it's just.. boring. It's three pink characters talking to each other in a pink background with nothing else to it. It's boring and just awkwardly blends into each other and doesn't really work well. Plus with persephone and daphne being in the same chapter there is just so many awkward boob anatomy and ones that look like their about to pop out.
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infjtarot · 5 days
2 of Cups. Mystic Spiral Tarot
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Themes and Keywords: Nurturing. Agape versus Eros. Preparing for pregnancy. Maternal care. Pledging troth. Entwining. Union of polarities and the result. Romance. Harmony of male and female. Partnership. Mirroring. Mutual attraction. Interest/excitement. Astrology/Element Cancer decan I combines the motherly moon as ruler of cardinal water sign Cancer, with feminine Venus as ruler of the decan. Cancer is a protective and maternal sign, associated with the womb and breasts. Venus is the goddess of love and attraction, encouraging harmonious union. Yet as a two, it is also associated with the supernal masculine, as well as with themes of polarities encountering each other. This merger of the sexes is bound to be fruitful. Agrippa’s decan image is appropriately feminine and Venusian, featuring a youthful crowned virgin in fine clothes. The signification speaks of acute senses, perhaps the feeling nature of Cancer, and mentions specifically the love of men. The Picatrix imagery is less clear, telling of a man with distorted fingers and head, perhaps a supernal reference to yod and Kether, from which the twos descend. His horse-like body could relate to the seas of Cancer, and his white feet and fig leaves are vaguely Venusian. The significations at least mention love. Dolphins are associated with Venus and the womb (Cancer); here they are paired as argent (silver) and or (gold). (Rosetta Tarot) Mythology/Time of Year Untainted love stories are appropriate here. Homer’s Odyssey tells of Penelope’s marital fidelity to Odysseus and her determination to preserve both her marriage and her son’s legacy despite Odysseus’s long absence. Venus’s maternal side shows in Aphrodite’s protectiveness toward her son Eros. The mortal Psyche had offended Aphrodite, who sent her son Eros to cause Psyche to fall in love with something hideous. But Eros fell prey to his own arrows and fell deeply in love with Psyche. After many trials from Venus, the tale has a happy ending when Psyche is made immortal and allowed to wed Eros. Silver (lunar) and gold (solar) cups, red and white roses: symbols of the alchemical marriage or union of opposites traditionally associated with the card. (Universal Wirth Tarot) Goddesses who protect children also apply. Hindu Parvati was the wife of Shiva, and goddess of love, children, marriage, and devotion. Parvati and Shiva are often portrayed as the Shiva linga, the conjoined yoni and lingam that represent the interdependence of the male and female forces in the regenerative process of life. Parvati’s prakriti (feminine nature) joins Shiva’s purusha (male consciousness). The decan begins at June solstice, when baby animals flourish.127 Susan T. Chang
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beautifulpersonpeach · 8 months
What do you think of new jean’s’ latest EP?
Ask 2 (quick ask):
Last year you said XG is a group you like. What do you think of their comeback? Grl Gvng is my fav from them rn. Then Tippy Toes. Do you still like New jeans btw? Ever since you said to watch how kpop stans treat NJ I've been checking the reactions and discourse and you've been right on the money. Again. You could make real dough from predicting how things play out in kpop fandoms.
Hi Anon(s),
Get Up by NewJeans is a solid 8/10.
Every song on the EP is an earworm and I've been streaming the album since it dropped. There's no other 4th gen girl group that gets me excited for new music lately, more than NewJeans. XG is a distant second (anon in ask 2, all they've put out so far is a couple of singles which I think are very good, but the actual comeback is in late September so we'll see).
The stand-out songs on the EP for me are Cool With You, New Jeans, and ASAP, but every song on the EP is doing very well (except ASAP that most people seem to hate right now. But I suspect that will change with time.)
My theory of NewJeans' overarching concept being Alice in Wonderland, was confirmed for me in their visual album as that's the throughline idea in all the MVs, despite their very different themes.
The Powerpuff Girls / New Jeans intro being the most obvious analog, starting the EP with taking bunnies inside the imaginary world of NewJeans' townsville, reiterating that they aim to "make you feel like you're in a game", that this sound and vibe is what to expect, etc.
Super Shy which follows the girls within their universe where they're already known and loved (the callback to Attention at the start of the MV which people are already dancing to)
ETA is the first obvious reference to the parasocial attachment that NewJeans continues to highlight in their music. Just as in Ditto, it's self-aware with a morbid and surreal undertone to it. The MV director Shin Woo-seok, has also said the MV plot lesson is centered on how rumours can be used and weaponized regardless of whether they're based in fact. Which... again, just brilliant considering everything about how k-pop stans operate in general.
Cool With You & Get Up are the climax of the EP in my opinion, and in them we see the most interesting and sophisticated expression of identity conflict and reconciliation in parasocial attachments, using the story of Eros/Cupid and Psyche. Get Up, according to Ador, is only an interlude in this EP but will serve as the sonic blueprint for their next album. And this also confirms another pattern I've noticed. Min Heejin has been using one song from each album to hint/tease the dominant sound for the next. So, what I mean is:
1 - In NewJeans (debut EP) Cookie was a slight departure sonically from the other songs on the album, but sounds very similar to OMG which followed.
2 - In OMG (singles album) Ditto sounded nothing really like OMG (the song) but its UK garage + Baltimore Club combo sounds more like the full fledged expression of D&B that we see in Super Shy, Cool with You, and other songs in Get Up.
3 - And now in Get Up (2nd mini album) we hear that their next album project will sound a lot like Get Up (the song).
ASAP is easily my favourite song on the album. It reminds me a lot of Close Your Eyes. As the outro, here NewJeans doesn't hint at it anymore, they show you that you're Alice, and that you're already well and deep within their beautifully fantastical wonderland. There's just enough horror elements in the MV to keep you alert even though everything about the song is meant to lull you into a dreamlike illusionary state. It feels childlike and nostalgic.
If it were up to me, I'd nominate Get Up for every Album of the Year award. And I have to give kudos to Ador for not just collaborating with PPG by borrowing their trademarked characters and visuals, (which is where most k-pop groups and companies would've stopped at), but by finding a way to incorporate even the PPG theme song into their music. Whoever realized that a nostalgic cartoon has one of the most recognizable beats in the Drum & Bass genre and thought to repurpose it in their music, that person should get a raise.
I'm aware k-pop stans have tabled their usual complaints, tried getting various controversies to stick, from claiming Min Heejin was pushing terrorism to claiming that Hoyeon (the respected South Korean actress most known from Squid Game) was involved in making porn in front of minors... thankfully, the facts won (in more sane corners of k-pop fandom) and none of that bullshit really stuck. Now the only complaint I'm still seeing around is that the songs are too short, but again, it just drives home the fact as I keep saying, k-pop stans really have no idea what they're talking about. It's one thing to wish the songs were longer for your own enjoyment, but one of the characteristics of the D&B and Garage genres is their length, because they are percussion-driven and repetitive, songs in those genres are typically shorter.
Also, aside from a handful of other girl groups, NewJeans is producing some of the most fun, interesting, and engaging choreographies I've seen in a hot minute.
My favourite still in the entire visual album:
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Hoyeon is built like a goddess, my gosh.
Ador needs to be given their due. They know what they're doing and I hope they continue having the freedom and cash to fully flesh out each of the girls' talents in NewJeans, because all five girls are incredibly talented. I'd love for Jimin to work with them somehow, Yoongi too (both as a collaborator and in a production capacity). I'm looking forward to seeing more from them in every possible way.
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novelmonger · 4 months
For the book rec exchange this year, I’m gonna give you a couple of options and let you pick, because I can’t decide (and I don’t know whether or not you’ve read the second one):
The first is Echo North by Joanna Ruth Meyer, which was my favorite book that I read last year. It’s a fantasy Eros and Psyche retelling that draws on a lot of elements from its derivative fairy tales such as Beauty and the Beast, but it’s also VERY much its own thing. The world is beautiful and fascinating, I really liked the main character, and the dialogue was pretty dang good. I wouldn’t quite call it Queen of Attolia-levels of exceptional, but it was one of the best fairy tale retellings I’ve read in a long time. (And I read The Goose Girl last year!)
The other is Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones—please please forgive me I’ve you’ve read this already, I genuinely can’t remember if you’ve said! What can I say about it? The writing is clever, it’s hilariously genre-aware, the dialogue is so funny, and the romance is just *chef’s kiss*. It’s an absolute classic, and if you haven’t read it already, I feel like you’d get a kick out of it.
Ooooh, that sounds interesting! I think the only retelling of Eros and Psyche I'm familiar with is Till We Have Faces, but I mean...that book is amazing and I love it; it's one of those books I can point to and say, "This book changed my life, but please don't ask me to put into words exactly how." XD And of course I love stories reminiscent of Beauty and the Beast, which is my favorite fairy tale! So yeah, I'm going with Echo North.
And yes, I have read Howl's Moving Castle, but that's okay if you didn't remember! What a great book. So much fun. I also love the Studio Ghibli movie, regardless of how many liberties it takes with the source material. Actually, my favorite book set in this world is Castle in the Air, and the protagonist of House of Many Ways is so incredibly relatable to me with her desire to just sit at home and read books and eat pastries XD
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prosebushpatch · 7 months
to be honest this push from media to "update" fairy tales for "modern" audiences is so frustrating to me.
Sure times have changed but the nice thing about fairy tales is that they are timeless. We don't need a modern edge. The whimsical elements is what make fairy tales great. And a lot of messages are way more simple than its made out to be. And I believe even a "modern" audiences can learn a thing or two from reading fairy tales and from some of the messages they have. How true beauty comes from the heart, how it's okay to keep a kind and positive way of thinking even when so much is stacked against you. How love can positively affect you. How a clever mind is able to overcome obstacles. There is so much to take away from them even if it is sometimes not too obvious.
And fairy tales are timeless! They continue to be told and rewritten and reshaped by those who engage with them! Eros and Psyche inspired the Beauty and the Beast we know but it's more like East of the Sun and West of the Moon! It's how we connect with each other! I do think that there's nothing wrong with a modern take on a fairy tale (Beauty and the Beast was once a modern take on Eros and Psyche that maybe even gives the beauty more agency in a way that might have seemed progressive at the time), but to poison your retelling with irony or to engage with theses stories in jaded bad faith means you're going to completely miss the valuable messages of love and humanity that are the fabric of these stories.
And, just as a disclaimer, it's totally valid to engage with fairy tales with a critical eye and think about how the elements might be working for better or for worse, but lately a lot of the "critique" comes from interpretations that are not founded by the text itself. Or that just seek to undermine the fun parts of the genre like slippers made of glass. There's literally no reason to nitpick the glass slippers and I think it's the heart of the issue.
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teddyoverthinks · 2 years
a conversation about borrowing ideas in literature
teddyoverthinks: hahha I just feel so bad for stealing the bucket thing. I purposefully didn't read any izzy/roach beach scenes while writing, but it must have stuck with me subconsciously, or something.
@bedalk: Haha but that’s the beauty of fandom! We can influence each other!
teddyoverthinks: Yeah, I definitely agree. I think I just get annoyed when its not conscious.
It’s definitely my favorite thing about fanfiction—that it’s a way for literature to be retold, which literature should be.
I hate that copyright and trademark put limits on retelling stories and changing only a little.
@bedalk: Yes exactly! I just love how fan fic builds off of other media. But yeah, it sucks how copyright Iimits people and stunts sharing creativity.
teddyoverthinks: That's a big reason why I made this account, actually. I think the retelling of stories is inherently sacred, whether it's connected to a religious faith or not.
Like, the formation of any canon of lore about one subject means it's important to a lot of people. I love to investigate those canons, whether they’re centered around the classic characters/tales like Heracles or Odysseus or Sherlock Holmes; or new ones like Harry Potter or OFMD’s version of Blackbeard & the Gentleman Pirate. I especially like looking into well established canon-fanon like Star Trek or Tolkien’s stuff*. 
*(Both of which have interesting idiosyncracies. Star Trek has had fanon become canon, and Tolkien wrote as if he was translating a canon of works coming from various sources.)
The internet speeds up the process of the canon-creation we see with Star Trek and it especially speeds up the process of creating canons in general. Fanfiction has something of a limited population, but writing a modern AU of the BBC Merlin telling of the story of King Arthur is faster than creating a remake of the movie version of the musical that was a modern adaptation of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet*. 
*(I here referred to West Side Story (2021)).
it was Tolkien who said
[Folklorists and anthropologists using fairy stories as a quarry from which to dig evidence about matters in which they are interested] are inclined to say that any two stories that are built round the same folk-lore motive, or are made up of a generally similar combination of such motives, are ‘the same stories.’ We read that… ‘The Black Bull of Norroway is Beauty and the Beast’ or ‘is the same story as Eros and Psyche’…  Statements of that kind may express (in undue abbreviation) some element of truth; but they are not true in a fairy-story sense, they are not true in art or literature. It is precisely the colouring, the atmosphere, the unclassifiable individual details of a story, and above all the general purport that informs with life the undissected bones of the plot, that really count. …To take the extreme case of Red Riding Hood: it is of merely secondary interest that the re-told versions of this story, in which the little girl is saved by wood-cutters, is directly derived from Perrault’s story in which she was eaten by the wolf. The really important thing is that the later version has a happy ending (more or less, and if we do not mourn the grandmother overmuch), and that Perrault’s version had not. And that is a very profound difference, to which I shall return.
—JRR Tolkien, “Origins” section of Tree and Leaf: On Fairy-Stories
Tolkien argued that a retelling of a story is a new story entirely, because the changes reflect the themes and emotions of the piece.
It is my belief that stories build on other stories whether we want them to or not. Authors who do it knowingly are more likely to create something of worth, because working with purpose to create a good collage generally ends better than battling to create a story that's simultaneously going to be marketable and 'unique'. So, I guess it stressed me out a bit to have borrowed unknowingly because I like the feeling of working with purpose.
Hm. I think this rant will be my next post.
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kes-au · 2 years
Student Life
The start of a new story in the same world as Calypso. Psyche - Student Life #writing #amwriting #ancientgodsinmodernlife
She was going to be late for class. Psyche saved the essay she’d been writing, stuffed her laptop in her bag, and grabbed the latest issue of Chic Obsession magazine from the coffee table as she ran. It had Eros’ latest photo shoot in there and she wanted to sit and drool over the glorious composition and sense of story in every element of his images. Looking through it would be her post-lecture…
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