#Edit: Why are you people roleplaying in my notes
corruptimles · 2 years
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I’m just saying
Edit: Why are you people roleplaying in my notes
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
Estimated Sexual Abilities of Austen Men
In no particular order within tier
Edits added in blue based on your reblogs and careful consideration
Top Tier:
Mr. Mainwaring: to have the near undying loyalty of the exceedingly selfish Lady Susan, this man must be a sex god
Henry Crawford: he knows he’s not handsome, he wants women to love him, he'd put in the work. Also one of the only men to be rated by a woman who has had sex before.
Henry Tilney: he cares about things women like, high emotional intelligence, and extremely kind.
Frederick Wentworth: passion and experience (I imagine), also has high emotional intelligence when he’s not being a dufus.
Colonel Brandon: passionate, thinks about other people’s feelings a lot, self-sacrificial
John Knightley: I think there’s a good reason that they keep banging out those kids
Admiral Croft: I cannot believe I left him off, obviously amazing in bed because he respects his wife as his equal and is very fun. You are telling me they spend all their time together and don't have amazing sex? No freaking way!
Good Tier:
William Price: athletic, cares about his sister a lot (good sign), and gives good presents. He’s only nineteen in the story which is why he has room to improve.
Captain Harville: Obviously
Mr. Morland: dude isn’t even on page, but in my head Mrs. Morland enjoyed making all ten of those children.
Colonel Fitzwilliam: I think he’d be good, but not awesome. He'll probably be wasted on a mercenary marriage.
Charles Bingley: I get the feeling he’d be on a race to the end, and maybe not the best communicator at first. Will improve.
Mr. Gardiner: Just because he’s awesome and seems to respect women
Captain Benwick: poetry and passion!
Robert Martin: seems like a pretty romantic guy, also works on a farm so probably athletic.
John Willoughby: Mostly because of experience, but he is also pretty passionate. He’s also super hot, Miss Grey knew what she was getting into. But this guy can only go downhill from here.
Reginald De Courcy: He’s a sweetheart, an occasionally dumb sweetheart
Mr. Bennet: Is he lazy in most domains of life? Yes. But Mrs. Bennet wasn’t just trying for that heir, I’m telling you folks. Maybe he's just trying to make her unable to talk 😉
George Knightley: Promoted to good tier, I do think he's very caring, but he also is always sure HE is right, which may be a problem.
John Yates: Maybe not the most selfless person, but he's got passion and he does love his wife. Probably very into roleplay.
Mediocre but can improve tier:
Fitzwilliam Darcy: he’s a bit stiff... I think it might take some time for him to get good at it (demoted to this tier because he will need time to improve)
Frank Churchill: He’s got passion, but he’s so darn selfish and doesn’t seem to send that much time thinking about Jane’s feelings
Edward Ferrars: I just see him being a nervous wreak the first few times, it’ll get better (Note: I think Lucy is way too smart to have had sex without a wedding date)
James Morland: Dude, I’m just disappointed with you in general. Being led by lust, not protecting your sister. I hope you grow a lot before you try to get engaged again.
Charles Musgrove: could be good, but Mary never seems to appreciate the effort he puts in so he kind of gave up
Tom Bertram: Selfish, never has to try for anything, but he did reform so maybe he can get better here too.
Edmund Bertram: Repressed and selfish. He needs to actually start listening to what women say if he’s going to improve and there is a whole book of him doing exactly the opposite...
Mr. Elton: selfish, full of himself, and low emotional intelligence, however, I think he does love his wife so he is willing to put in some effort for her.
Just bad:
James Rushworth: Maria was not impressed at all, despite how much “taller” he was
Captain Tilney: riding on good looks and money, selfish
John Thorpe: Selfish and he never shuts up. I have trouble imaging him getting a woman to sleep with him without paying her.
George Wickham: selfish and good looking, he’s not doing any work. He thinks you should be honoured to sleep with him.
Robert Ferrars: selfish and not even good looking. There is nothing here. Lucy did not win people.
Mr. Woodhouse: I can’t even imagine, if he didn’t have children I’d say he was a virgin
Mr. Collins: The woman he is trying to please is not his wife.
Mr. Elliot: cruel to his first wife and not even handsome!
Sir Walter Elliot: I don’t think any part of his personality would tend toward being a “giver”, however, if you like mirrors...
John Dashwood: exactly the opposite of a “giver”
Mr. Price: the guy had 11 children in 14 years so I wish I could say he was better in bed. My suspicion is that he started in the good tier and has had a very slow fall into just bad. And all that alcohol, ug...
Dr. Grant: Noted for being a whiney, selfish glutton. Hopefully he just falls asleep before he can attempt anything because I can't imagine him being that good in bed.
General Tilney: If you don't want to even try to imagine their sex life, they go in this tier. And he is so freaking controlling!
No Data: We interviewed Lady Bertram for information on Sir Thomas, but she confessed that with full consent, she has always fallen asleep during sex. Given her personality, we decided that this information has no bearing on Sir Thomas’s abilities. She did say that giving birth was, “Very disagreeable.”
Mr. Hurst: I really can't decide with him because while he does love the finer things in life, we don't know exactly why he and Louisa married. More info required.
Criteria: In the domain of F/M sex, communication is key, so we need a man who is willing to listen to what women say. Also, selfishness is obviously a negative trait when it comes to a happy sexual partner of either gender. Some of this is just vibes, but I think there is a fair amount of canon information about how much men respect women, especially their sisters. 
Feel very free to fight me in the reblogs. The only hill I will die on is that Henry Crawford’s rating is correct 😉
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cilil · 1 year
Hi everyone. I felt the need to make a general post to address and explain the issue with minors lying about their age. This is important, so reblogs are very much appreciated.
Dear minors/people under 18/people who fall under any sort of child protection laws:
Lying about your age is not harmless.
Look, I get it, I'm fairly young myself. I understand being a horny teen and wanting to enjoy all the fun adult content. I really do.
Because of this, it may seem harmless to you to just tell a little lie and say you're 18 and above when people ask, just like everyone clicks the "I'm 18" button on adult websites without a second thought.
But it's not harmless.
If you lie about your age to be admitted into adult spaces where nsfw content, especially of sexual nature, is shared/sexual conversations are taking place/erotic roleplays are happening/people are creating sexual content together, all the adults involved could potentially be liable for not-so-fun things such as dissemination of pornographic content (see for example section 184 of the German Criminal Code, paragraph 1 numbers 1, 2, 3a and 5 in regards to minors).
Going into legal details is pointless, since anything I may have to tell you is pretty useless for anyone who isn't subject to the same laws and justice system as I am.
So to be very clear: We are talking about potential crimes here. And I think I speak for most adults when I say that we don't have any intentions to do such things. It's also important to note that we usually don't have any means to verify anyone's age or identity beyond a shadow of a doubt; such is the nature of the internet and us being mostly anonymous users.
So what I need you, dear minors, to understand is that you lying about your age is not harmless and can cause serious issues for other people involved.
I understand you may be frustrated by what I'm saying here. But you also need to understand that these laws are designed to protect you and that those over 18 not only wish to protect you, but also themselves.
To be clear, I am not blaming any victims. Each case is unique and I have intentions of making any blanket statements to be applied to individual cases.
And I do realize I am talking to young people who most likely never meant any harm - which is precisely why I'm taking the time to explain this. I know no one just magically achieves wisdom the moment they turn 18, I know you guys are smart and empathetic people too and understand my point.
Thank you for reading. I appreciate everyone who is honest about their status and does what they can to be considerate of their fellow human beings out there.
Edit: Addition/clarification.
Tldr: There's no need to disclose one's exact age everywhere and at all times, especially since it can be a major risk, but there are situations in which the question is warranted/it's necessary for everyone involved to disclose their status and in these situations the minor should be honest about that so the adults involved can behave accordingly and appropriately.
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alexissara · 1 year
Play Thirsty Sword Lesbians
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So on bird app I talked about how many community copies of Thirsty Sword Lesbians there was and now 100s of people have claimed community copies of the game [Note Community Copies are free copies of PDFs which are on many itch.io TTRPGs and even community made TSL playbooks]. Since a ton more people now have access to my favorite game and one I've worked on for every edition so far as well as making a fan playbook, I wanted to talk about what is special about the system, what makes me love it so much, and why you might want to give it a try.
Thirsty Sword Lesbians is a simple game to understand but it refines even the most simple parts of it's design to make a better experience. In Thirsty Sword Lesbian's there is no failure or success. You roll d26 plus your modifier then you are either given a down beat, a mixed beat, or an upbeat. None of these mean you did what you intended. You can have a down beat where you knocked out the guard you had been trying to knock out but it turns out she was your girlfriends sister and without the context she just witnessed you assaulting her family. You may get an upbeat trying to do something and trip and fall and end up landing perfectly knocking away the sacred stone that the villain needs to turn the world into skeletons, with witnesses now thinking your amazing where in truth you have never quite been good at this.
Playbooks are designed with great intentionality to them each is designed with an emotional conflict at the heart. Where classes and playbooks can often be more like picking your powerset, in TSL your picking a struggle. It's not that other things might not be also bothering you but the conflict is something internally you are dealing with that's standing above the rest of the other conflicts you might have. This is an element that just feels very queer, we all have our problems, our traumas, and we work through them together. Each playbook also has a core mechanic that makes it stand out from the others, these have a narrative weight and a textual weight. These core mechanics typically take the form as some advantageous ability but are also deeply rooted in your conflict. They encourage you as a player to roleplay just by using the most basic aspect of your character.
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I have to be real though, the thing that first made me fall head over heels with Thirsty Sword Lesbians was how funny and cool the adventures were. When I was reading the playtest version of the game, before I was brought on to write Yuisa Revolution and later The Matriarch, I was just playing a one shot and thought the name sounded fun. I read Best Day Of Their Life and just knew, this game was gonna be utterly my shit. At first I was just skimming like I do with most TTRPGs at first glance, but I read the first couple lines of the setting and I decided "fuck, I have to read all of this." I read the whole thing, made a character for my one shot and right after that session signed up to run multiple one shots of the game so others could get to play it because I loved it so much.
I don't normally like to play in premade settings but each of these are simple enough to really build on with enough going on that made it easier to run if you didn't want to get super creative and make a bunch of new shit. It really made me fall in love with setting writing in a way I just didn't before. I had gotten asked to work on Mutants and Master Minds before I TSL but I thought it was so boring working on the setting I quit and left money on the table. However, when April approached me to write a setting, I said yes, right away, no hesitation and now I work in TTRPG design. I had done TTRPG design work before but I wasn't locked in after quitting comics, it was how exciting the settings were that got me so inspired to create.
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While many refer to Thirsty Sword Lesbians as a Powered By The Apocalypse game and by all means it is in a lot of senses, I think Powered By Lesbians is a very distinct flavor. It cuts out everything bad about PBTA and adds so much to the table. Chiefly among them is the smitten mechanic which is a mechanic I wish like every game had. It is one of the most clever pieces of game design ever convinced of. Being smitten has you do a moment of dramatic introspection, while I am one for more bright and cheery and less drama focused stuff, it's amazingly juicy hooks for a GM to get into. It not only allows you to put out your characters personal doubts about a potential relationship but it also says to the GM and everyone playing "I like this character, I want to see more of them, I want to explore where this goes." It's also in addition a way for players to tell each other "I want to be romantic with your character" and if they chose to get smitten back it's mechanically saying without even needing an out of game chat "Let's roleplay some romance."
Thirsty Sword Lesbians is really something special, I could gush on and on but already a lot given I worked on it and am currently working on it but I just wanted to talk about why the system is special to me. I hope I got you interested and I don't make any royalties on TSL sales [yet] so like I am not really biased here outside of the pages I worked on and that I made friends with a lot of folks who worked on it over my time working on it and after. Go clash swords and cross hearts.
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finalmemes · 9 months
RE-ANIMATOR. roleplay sentence starters of the 1985 film. feel free to edit according to scenario / pronouns. tw: violence, death, murder, animal death, medical.
you idiots! you'll ruin my notes.
i have to record his vital signs!
you killed him.
i gave him life.
charge up the paddles.
[ name ], we have done everything that can be done for this woman.
[ name ], your optimism is touching, but a waste of time.
a good doctor knows when to stop.
don't know why they keep locked doors around here. nobody wants in … and ain't nobody getting out.
oh, i'm sorry, [ name ]. i didn't mean to scare you.
i just didn't know anybody was here.
what were you researching?
this should interest you, [ name ].
i know your work, [ name ].
[ name ] and i would love it if you came to dinner.
i have to go.
be reasonable.
he's out of touch with the times.
that's just the way he is, the world's last living puritan.
back to square one.
what are you doing?
there's not a jury in the world that would convict me.
can i help you?
you're here about the apartment.
didn't we meet this morning? you're ...
excuse me just one sec.
i'm afraid the place is still kind of a mess, [ name ].
does this building have a basement?
i think this will be just fine.
there was no more i could learn there.
do we … have a deal?
we all want to retain our personalities in some idyllic afterlife.
we all pray for some miracle, some drug, potion, pill.
i suggest you get yourself a pen!
how can you teach such drivel?
these people are here to learn and you're closing their minds before they even have a chance!
what are you here for, [ name ]?
it's all right, sweetheart, you can drink up.
i have a study date.
would you join us for a glass of wine?
why don't you study here?
okay, what is it?
look, it's not you, really. it's just a lot of little things.
i told you, he's a little cracked.
i haven't seen him since we got here.
what are you doing in my room?
[ name ], what the hell are you doing in here?
it was dead when i found it.
you couldn't call, or write a note?
what would a note say, [ name ]? "cat dead, details later"?
i think you both better leave, now.
you know, i would not want to see a fellow student, especially one as promising as yourself, be thrown out of school, out of the profession … on moral ground.
that is none of your business.
[ name ], what is that?
there it goes under the stairs, it's under the stairs.
all life is a physical and chemical process, correct?
i've conquered brain death.
you are the perfect person to assist me.
we can defeat death.
you will help me.
god! why does it make that noise?
birth is always painful.
i hadn't expected such nonsense from you, [ name ], but i should have guessed it when you took up with [ name ].
you've involved [ name ] in your insanity?
i think you're being blinded by your emotions.
you gonna be around for a while?
oh, well, what will they do? embalm us?
let's go, we're not going to find anything.
he's been dead for hours.
something should have happened by now.
you can't stop me! i followed you here, and i'm gonna follow you until you listen to me!
i mean, someone could be coming any minute!
is [ name ] in there with you?
help me get him up.
[ name ], we can bring him back to life.
welcome back to life.
who's that over there?
i'm calling the police!
he can't hear you, or see you.
is that absolutely necessary, [ name ]?
please let me talk to him.
i want you to think of me as someone you can come to with your problems.
what did you do to him?
i'll tell you, [ name ], everything.
i don't have to talk to you.
interesting little laboratory you have here.
let us get to the point.
this is not magic, as you say, i am a scientist.
my work is gone.
enough is enough!
i guess i'm just getting paranoid.
you should go away. transfer to another school.
i must say, [ name ] … i'm very disappointed in you.
you steal the secret of life and death, and here you are trysting with the bubble-headed coed, you're not even a second-rate scientist.
who's gonna believe a talking head?
i will show you power, [ name ]!
i told you, i have a theory!
no response.
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lamonnaie · 10 months
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
Thanks for the tag @fiercynn !! This is a really lovely idea :)
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition!
name and whatever you want to share about yourself hi i'm mars, i use she/her pronouns, i live in australia and i've been into thai/asian bl for a little over a year now. i mostly just lurk and mass rb on tumblr lol, but i'd definitely like to get to know more people !!
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom? I was actually trying to track down the exact date recently (i failed), but i watched it for the first time around mid-september 2022, ended up binging it in a day and been a part of the fandom since
favorite ship(s) patpran <3
favorite character(s) pat !! he's one of my favourite characters from any media ever. I just love how selfless he is and how he transforms through the show, and how bright he is but knows when to stand his ground. i could wax poetics about him fr <3
favorite episode(s) Whenever i watch/rewatch bad buddy i tend to binge it so i can never distinguish betweens episodes lol. In general, ep 12 is definitely one of my favs because i feel like it ties things up nicely and i like seeing them happy :) i can probably give a better answer for favourite scene...
favorite scene(s) ...which is why it's great that this is the next question!
In no particular order: the staircase proposal scene, the bus stop roleplaying scene, the post-curtain bench hand holding scene (specifically that one face pat/ohm makes which imo is the single most most heartbreaking frame in the entire show), the ep 12 post-credits scene (wait was it actually post-credits, i don't remember ajksdjf), the screaming on the rocks at the zero-waste village scene, and the rooftop kiss (ofc)
Basically i just like to see them happy (most of the time) :)
one thing you would change about the show if you could the whole making-it-up-to-wai arc was not it for me. WHY was pran the one apologising and going after him??? still makes me mad to this day, but i think i'd have a lot more animosity towards wai if ep 12 didn't exist (also all the wai redemption arcs in fanfics have made me warm up to him :P)
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people? ahhh so many!! joy of stanning a show that's finished is that it stays going through fanworks, but also now there's too many that i absolutely adore to remember in the moment, sp here's some:
we both know you're my only dream (fic) by @fiercynn: one of my favourite fics ever that i constantly go back and reread whenever i'm having a bad day (or not)
yield strength (fic) by @dulosis: the physics analogies do something to my brain /pos
10 things i hate about you (fic) by @nobodynobodyno: this one's so cute and i reread it all the time
this fmv to tujh mein rab dikhta hai by @transpat: desi moots, iykyk. but fr this holds such a special place in my heart, the lyrics are so patpran and the editing and clip choice is just *chef's kiss*
this fmv to dandelions: IT'S SO GOOD. all the parallels, the dialogue overlaying is just perfect, and the TRANSITIONS (the one at 1:28 especially)
every single one of @hereforlou's art: i'm literally obsessed, i don't always see everything on my dash so i'll literally check their tumblr every couple days. is this stalker behaviour? possibly, but if you've seen their art i think you'd understand.
Also special mention to this one gifset of the staircase proposal scene which was my first ever exposure to bad buddy, it made me watch the show to begin with, but i didn't rb it when i first saw it so now it's lost to the times 😭😭
I have an insane amount of fanfic i wanted to put here but for the sake of length of this post, i restrained myself ajskdjf
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made? i do not (yet 👀)
a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol) pretty much every fmv/edit that i've rewatched a couple times set to a song will make me thing of bbs lol, so some are tujh mein rab dikhta hai and dandelions from above, emily by Jeremy Zucker and Chelsea Cutler because of this amazing fic, and gorgeous by Taylor Swift because of this gorgeous edit (y'all please go watch it it's amazing).
idk anything else you want us to know? It's the perfect timing for this because these are my nails right now ):)
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honestly not super sure who of my mutuals are bbs moots so i'm just gonna tag some people, feel free to ignore this if you've already been tagged/don't want to do it! :)
@nobodynobodyno @dropthedemiurge @justafriend-ql @cornflowershade @hometothecanyonmoon @7nessasaryevils
If you see this and you want to do it, this is is me tagging you as well !!
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sistervirtue · 5 months
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making a copy of this bc op disabled reblogs and i just got reminded it existed and would like to not lose it
ok so . im outing myself to the world but thats fine this is too funny to not share
so. ive run a roleplay blog for a few years. i keep it separate from my main, yknow, its just a side hobby and ive been doing it since i was like, 12. its cringe but hey yknow at least im not 30 and writing ya novels
now its pretty common for rp blogs these days to have rules. right? you dont want to just bag any weirdo on this website, and as you can imagine bnha roleplayers are batshit crazy (see: conversion therapy todoroki) so mine are pretty strict and detailed. because ive been doing it long enough to be exposed to what counts as carbon monoxide poison from a screen. one of those rules is "if youre mutuals with people who write porn of the kids even aged up im blocking you we're keeping a ten foot pole on this". because as a 20 year old man i have a healthy disinterest in seeing paragraphs of teenagers fucking
so the dash is astir with talk of a guy writing age up bakugou porn and im like ok whatever. make a post bitching about it . mutual likes those posts but then the mutual is turning around and being buddy buddy with this guy so i dm the mutual like hey whats going on here . mutual is like "well why dont you talk it out with him hes not as mean as he seems i prommy" and im like sure whatever i can have civil conversation and if it ends with One Less Person writing weirdo porn then i might be able to get into heaven
so i dm him and he loses his fucking mind. it lasted all of 10 minutes because he was sending paragraphs like this and i was too tired to give a shit
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(take note of my icon thats a special tool thatll help us later)
(also he goes by the name rxgelord. WITH the x. thats also important just because its funny as fuck)
so the guys clearly bothered by the idea that people might possibly talk about him without his permission and im a little miffed after being misgendered (which hed do again later) so i just post our dms. swing first and hey batter batter lets play ball i dont give a shit this is bnha roleplay
once again: loses his damn mind. he makes a psa post about me talking about how im just some pussy infant and hes too HARD for me and shit and also they do bakudeku muffin roleplay in the comments of that post which is fucking insane
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anyway. at one point while joking about the whole thing i called him a "wannabe bakugou kinnie" as a joke and apparently he felt a very serious need to address this
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and im like holllllllllllllly fucking shit
you may have noticed that his posts are incredibly over-formatted. this goes for everything he does he is pouring a LOT of time and energy into typing his 9 paragraphs about how im an insane bitch or whatever. (if theres literally one thing i can give him credit on its that his graphic editing skills are kinda good. i will be honest) his rules document is also just as insane and features gems such as:
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(this dude thinks hes pulling bitches on a bnha roleplay blog)
so we're just full on ragging on him at this point and hes getting MADDDDDDD MAD. he misgenders me again and when i point it out he has the following excuse:
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(art by @/pcktknife. anyways)
after a certain point i get dmd an old copy of a 130+ page callout he had a year prior and im like WHAT and it included his yugioh rp blog career and various allegations like having been involved in gang violence, doxxing, etc. also a picture of the hickies he bragged about leaving on his uwu pink glitter gf which looked more like he was trying to go for the killing bite but hey. yknow. apparently im a toddler idk how that works
along in this we also find his twitch account, which was under the name rxgelord, and it featured edited graphics of his real life face with bakugou. he posts selfies a lot too i wont share them even if theyre public but he has knuckle tats and a goatee and uses the greyscale filter. if this gives you an idea. he also had 5 twitch followers and detailed his desire to be a rapper/dj and im like holllllly fucking shit this guy cant be a real person. holy fuck.
anyways. skipping a lot of unnecessary bullshit and paragraphs of text with gifs from 2013 attached hes constantly going on about how we wont just "say it to his face" which i think is hilarious bc i was, the entire time. but im like ok fine you want me so bad
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so i send him this. he posts about how "he won when he got all might" (for some reason hes calling my ex mutual by the character name. i dont know) and then hasnt posted in 4 days. he deleted his twitch. im a little worried bakugou. dont say that. may have actually chased this man off the internet . to go have real life sex with his real life girlfriend so he isnt so mad
anyway we ended up turning one of his posts into an eminem uberduck
im honestly probably forgetting something this was so much and it was so fucking funny and honestly im glad to have been there
update: he has not in fact posted since last summer. god bless.
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caesarflickermans · 7 months
Twenty Questions: Fic Author Edition
tagged by the lovely @thesweetnessofspring and @bodyelectric77 (my heart is warm for uuu <3)
1-How many works do you have on ao3?
Two (+ a deleted one)
2-What's your total AO3 word count?
3-What fandoms do you write for?
THG. I’ve been writing in it for ten years (RP before fic), and I much rather go into publishing before I move to any other fanfiction tbh.
4-What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
She smelled like white roses
Burning bright in the city of the night
5-Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Absolutely! I try to, at least! Sometimes I get so excited about a comment that I’ll leave it in my inbox for a few days just to get excited again. Especially with my first fic that is very niche in this fandom, I get insanely happy about the fact that people are interested in it enough that they comment on it.
6-What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This is hard, as I’ve only really written two works. Burning bright comes the closest, even if the final sentence is more a relief than anything, but it is mysterious throughout. Depending on who readers think the stranger outside is, the entire story can either be very angsty or not angsty at all.
7-What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
SSLWR is technically not finished as it has a second longfic coming up, but it ends on a very happy note. I’ve had THE urge™ throughout the fic and even while planning to kill Virgilia off as a repeated circle notion, but it’s breaking the circle that is so vital. Even if she has succeeded in finding out the truth about the past wife (a mystery from the first chapter onward!), educated herself about our past, and found actual love that exists/is not a fairytale, it’s still not a character journey over. If anything, characters—and on a meta level people—like her deserve a happy ending. Even if just to show that there’s the chance to do a 180, no matter the situation. (Doesn’t mean the horrors aren’t awaiting her though 😊)
8-Do you get hate on fics?
No, and I’m kinda? Surprised lol? Like maybe it’s just that niche that you’d only click on it if you are at least semi-interested, but with the heavy subject matter I had expected some people being very critical of the content—the whole debate what belongs and doesn’t belong in (fan)fiction.
9-Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Sort of? SSLWR included a smut scene in ‘Queenside’. It was very flowery, though. So, yes, but it’s not a very descriptive scene. I wanted to stay true to V’s character and focus more-so on the emotional inner thoughts and meaning of having this moment. That said, of course this isn't the last time they will do it, especially with the next longfic including more romantic couplings, but I don't see the purpose of writing them out. The before and after seems much more important, so if I end up wanting to write it again, it will be similar to the first moment in what it did and did not mention.
10-Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not in fanfiction, but I’ve done a lot of AUs for Caesar and Virgilia in RP context. Caesar has really been in any kind of popular media from the past decade to roleplay with people’s characters there. He’s been a Tyrell in ASOIAF, and he’s been a former show host in TLOU-like verses. My most used one is a modern AU where he lives in NYC as a late night host. As for Virgilia, it’s been much fewer and I don’t really set her in other media anymore. But she has several modern verses, among those one where she grew up in a FLDS-like cult and escaped eventually.
11-Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12-Have you ever had a fic translated?
13-Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
14-What's your all-time favorite ship?
I don’t really do ships outside of the ones I have; which are Caesar/Cinna, Cressida/Fulvia, and Virgilia/Plutarch. I also have two ships with my rp partner, @beedelia. The first is Caesar/Bedelia Du Maurier from H.annibal, and the second is the sole victor I'm shipping Caesar with; a middle aged victor from 7 who lost his eyesight in the arena.
15-What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I only have one more WIP planned and it’s going to take some time, but I have confidence in it being finished. I do have some loose ideas about writing some one shots that detail more on tertiary characters, such as Paylor, but it’s nothing more than an idea. Would be in the same style as Tigris' one shot, so it's more a "once I really start, I don't think it will be abandoned".
16-What are your writing strengths?
I think I’m a good character writer. It’s a given coming from RP, but I think I can breathe life into the characters I write, and give them good story arcs. With Virgilia especially, I’m always baffled that people say they like her character or liked her journey, so I’d say that’s working quite well for me writing wise.
17-What are your writing weaknesses?
That I take a long time and overthink everything. I want my first draft to be really good, so I cannot settle for okay. I rewrite sentence and am generally slow because I want what’s coming out on the blank screen to be good. It doesn’t help that—obviously—I’m no native speaker, so my sentence structure or vocabulary is never going to be the best; I feel like both are fairly repetitive. I do try to use Merriam Webster a lot to spice it up, but it can only help so much. I’m also not sure how I’m doing pacing wise. Coming from RP, I was used a lot more to, say, 200-500 word replies where I was writing short scenes with someone else. Pacing was never a question here. But I feel like I’ve improved on this ever since I started writing longer stories.
18-Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
It doesn’t happen in Panem, anyhow. As @bodyelectric77 has said, some headcanon that Spanish is spoken in District 4, but I don’t believe that the fascist government would want to keep any other language than English in its country, because it makes surveillance so much harder. But for a more general approach: I find it unnecessary. If the character doesn’t speak the language, then it’s essentially just a blank for them. Why should they know what the other is saying? If they do speak that language, then don’t build on the reader being able to speak it (or being bothered to look it up. Why do I need google translate for a fic, grr!). Just give me indirect dialogue then (“He said XYZ in Spanish”).
19-First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter back when I was 12 or so. Both in RP and fanfiction.
20-Favorite fic you've ever written?
She smelled like white roses. It’s my passion project. Though I’ve got a feeling that Birds of the Capitol (current WIP) is going to be my magnum opus in a way. Really encapsulating 10+ years of writing (RP/fanfiction) in this fandom. I’m excited, scared, nervous, thrilled. Everything.
Tagging: @mollywog, @lemonluvgirl, @thesmileykate, @districtunrest, @petruchio
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thydungeongal · 6 months
I feel like there's no good place for me to add to the Fiction First discussion:
Im not 100% sure how my group reached this idea. We started back in like 2011 on 4e from the Red Box they did for it. Our understanding of the gameplay was you roll for everything that wasn't basic body functions, more or less. I don't think the books necessarily say to do it this way, but that felt like what we were suppsoed to do to play D&D.
I can't find my red box books, but the 4e players handbook i still have (full of notes and post its and such) says "Decide what you want you're character to do and tell the DM. The DM tells you to make a check and figure out your chance of success."
I think that's the part that we leaned on. As DM, I decided what success looked like and what it required. And to the players, that felt like they didnt have as much say in the story. That's why when i first read Monster of the Week i was blown away. The success parameters, or potential outcomes of the action, were already decided! I couldnt just arbitrarily say "thats impossible, so dont even try to roll for it" about something (17 year olds have strong opinions about a fantasy world).
But here's the the thing. We we're still doing the fiction. After two sessions of making plans and trying to follow D&D to the tee, i gave up on that. My player killed an important NPC immediately, and i didnt have the guts or anything to like have real consequences. Our game, which lasted like 30+ sessions probably, just turned onto a group of us goofing off and improvising a story while also using skills and rolling d20. We just naturally starting doing fiction first, and I've never really thought about that til this moment if im being honest.
D&D just has always felt like this game where your playing in the DM's story, which maybe speaks more to how i learned to DM than anything else (which was just by playing and reading tumblr posts in the year of our lord 2011). Nothing ever made me think of roleplaying as fiction first until i started branching out into other TTRPGS. And now your post made me reevaluate my thoughts on playing 4e as a teenager.
I think what's interesting here is that while I do see myself in a lot of this (although I started out with D&D 3e after first playing Rolemaster a bit, we still hadn't developed a good idea of how these games are best played) what stands out here is the idea that D&D is the GM's story, which does seem like the default way to run D&D these days, even though it's not the only way! I'm always a bit leery about claims made by people in the old-school scene that a totally emergent sandbox was basically the true way to play in those early days of the hobby (I think that while some groups may indeed have played the game like that, there were also an equal number of heavily authored campaigns where the DM simply presented their players with the dungeon of the week, week after week), but I do think it's good that people have been rediscovering older editions of D&D which are full of potential for emergent narratives as well as being introduced to games that encourage those emergent narratives.
Because, again, I don't think what's at play is D&D being any less "fiction first" (although I do agree that PHB 4e kind of leading with the idea that the player describes an action and the GM always demands a check isn't great) than MotW, but that the latter was more supportive of the type of play you wanted, where the focus is on an emergent narrative shared among the whole table instead of a GM-authored story.
But that's the thing, at least for me: that emergent narrative isn't in any way at odds with D&D (although the process of finding that shared narrative does look different in D&D) and certain editions of D&D are full of tools for creating emergent narratives.
And yeah, this is as good a time as any to clarify my intentions: my intention is not to pass judgement on either D&D or the various games that have been touted as "fiction-first." I know what I've written could be easily read as "these stupid indie games are actually no different from D&D" (that's simply not true, they are very different in their mechanics and approaches, but the way they sometimes get presented is like they're almost an alien language), but it's more to assuage D&D-players' fears that outside of their weirdly idiosyncratic dragon game lies a wasteland of games that are completely incomprehensible to the dragon gamer.
Anyway why did I write all that. Oh well.
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corruptimles · 2 years
Snom opinion
snom is one of the most up there in edibility as a non-food pokemon
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Edit: Why are you people roleplaying in my notes
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stardustprompts · 2 years
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before the devil breaks you  (  book 3 of the diviners series  )  -   libby bray  sentence starters change tenses/pronouns as needed !!  some lines have been edited for clarity / length / ease of roleplaying   tw ;  death ,  violence 
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‘the last thing we need is a panic. panic breeds danger.’
‘i’ve never pretended I wasn’t looking out for myself.’
‘we’ve got bigger fish to fry. bigger than you and me. can we agree on that?’
‘I hate to say it, but you’re making sense.’
‘what do you care? it’s not like you want me, right?’
‘incredible. you actually worked up a little angry spit in the corner of your mouth right there.’
‘i’d rather have you on my side than against me.’
‘I know what it is to lose someone. but when they’re gone, they’re gone. we learn to live without them. to let go. to move forward.’
‘i’m just not accustomed to trusting people.’
‘you know there’s a ghost after you, don’t you?’
‘don’t lose hope. you anchor me. if you lose hope, well, I might, too.’
‘rules exist for a reason. even within disobedience, we need order.’
‘I am my own person. and I wish you could see me, the true me.’
‘I didn’t tell you because I didn’t know what you’d think of me.’
‘not a day goes by that I don’t regret that choice.’
‘do you think I’m selfish?’
‘oh, I see. It only counts if everyone knows about it.’
‘don’t you get enough attention?’
‘if this kills me I’ll never forgive you.’
‘when did you develop a conscience?’
‘I hate having a conscience. very inconvenient.’
‘you can’t bring back what’s gone.’
‘you said you wanted the truth. well truth is complicated.’
‘it’s the truth. ignore it at your peril.’
‘it feels like there’s this hole in the center of me, and I keep trying to fill it but I don’t know how. like there’s a part of me that’s just been erased.’
‘I got no story. i’m making it up as I go along.’
‘i’m glad I’m part of your story.’
‘it was honest. that’s how much I love you.’
‘you wanna be real friends or pretend friends?’
‘from this day forward, you are a ghost to me. I don’t even see you.’
‘are you saying that to give me to heebie - jeebies? because if you are, it’s working.’
‘expect the worst is my motto. saves on disappointment.’
‘that’s how you behave like a human. take notes so you can remember.’
‘do you think some places just hold onto evil? that you can’t paint it or wash it away? it lives on, no matter what you build on top?’
‘I don’t know if I want to kiss you or kill you.’
‘I love you. I want to save us both. come with me.’
‘i’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked you to stay. I can’t expect you to risk your life for me.’
‘I don’t like basements. nothing good happens in basements.’
‘you’re sad and you’re lying about it.’
‘everybody lies. it’s how we get along in this world.’
‘I don’t talk about sad things.’
‘you’re not wicked. somebody is, but it’s not you.’
‘I thought you didn’t want to be with me.’
‘does that mean you do want to be with me?’
‘where’d you learn to do that? I wanna send that person a thank-you note.’
‘why be a man when you can be a king?’
‘do you imagine you can rid yourself of me? you have created me!’
‘will you always have to steal what you want?’
‘perhaps you enjoy going through life invisible, though I suspect you yearn for much more.’
‘where does power lie? in wealth? in titles?’
‘it’s so hard to know what the truth is. it shifts, depending on who’s telling it and when.’
‘that is a lie you tell yourself so you can sleep at night!’
‘stop telling me what I have a right to feel and start telling me the truth!’
‘there are choices you make, things you do, that you don’t know are wrong when you do them. only time gives you that perspective.’
‘I hate you for what you’ve done. i’ll hate you till my dying day!’
‘i’m so angry. so, so angry. I want to punch at the world and keep punching, but what good would it do?’
‘I think I’ve been clear. you and I are over. it’s been over for some time.’
‘you know what? when I said you could never hurt me, I was wrong.’
‘if it’s coming for one of us, then it’s coming for all of us.’
‘you don’t know what it’s like to take another man’s life. it changes you. you can’t ever get yourself back, not the same way.’
‘I believe in this right here. I got you. you got me. we got us.’
‘sometimes I think maybe I would like to burn it all down. start over. make different rules for the world.’
‘you can’t stop evil. you can only push back as hard as you can.’
‘I adore you. the truth is, i’d be lost without you.’
‘I know what a toll thinking takes on you.’
‘why do you have to ruin everything?’
‘I don’t know if I want to be touched in that way. I don’t know if my love is a physical love.’
‘the question is this: haven’t you been hurt enough?’
‘I was trying to protect you.’
‘I knew you’d come after me. I knew you’d try to make it right.’
‘you’re gonna make a fine mother / father someday.’
‘they say that those who don’t heed the lessons of the past are doomed to repeat them.’
‘you thought telling them the truth would make a difference. now they just hate you for telling them the truth.’
‘people want to be safe, not free.’
‘it feels as if nothing matters. truth, honor, trying to do what’s right. none of it matters.’
‘I just need something that doesn’t feel like a lie.’
‘i’m not perfect. i’m a handful. but you know what? so are you.’
‘what if I love you and you go away?’
‘I want you to hurt. I want to see you suffer. like you made me suffer.’
‘now you’re just trying to annoy me.’
‘it felt like the time for gallant speechifying. I rose to the moment rather well, I think.’
‘I won’t let you do this.’
‘no one listens to reason. they only pay attention to force.’
‘what you’re doing isn’t change. not the kind that matters. it’s anarchy. it’s terror.’
‘I don’t know everything, but I do know this—- bombs and guns and threats—- won’t make for a better world. just a more frightened and angry one.’
‘sometimes it feels like … like the world has given up on me.’
‘I should have stopped her. I should have done something,’
‘soon I will take all you love and watch you burn.’
‘you don’t know the fire you play with.’
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dekuprompts · 6 months
boku no hero academia, season one.
prompts taken from the subs of the first series of the anime. some lines have been lightly edited for roleplaying suitability. content warning for implied violence, mentions of injury, death, murder.
if you keep going, i’ll never forgive you.
even though you’re quirkless, you’re pretending to be a hero, [name] ?
all men are not created equal.
that was my first and last setback.
that’s a huge villain !
this is dangerous ! stay back, stay back !
man, turning into a monster’s an amazing quirk.
who’s fighting ?
you are the incarnation of evil.
show us something flashy, [name] !
a pleasure to make your ass-quaintance !
hey wait, you’re taking notes ? you wanna be a hero ?
it’s time for you to think seriously about your future.
using your powers at school is against the rules !
i’m not gonna be stuck at the bottom with the rest of these rejects.
that was uncalled for, [name.]
what the hell can you do ?
catch me if you can !
hey, let’s go to karaoke !
the incident this morning is all over the headlines !
we’re not done talking yet, [name.]
come on, you could at least say something back.
you’re pathetic. you still can’t face reality.
it’s too scary for me, i can’t watch it.
it’s fine now. why ? because i am here.
can i … be a hero, too ?
don’t worry, i’m just going to take over your body, calm down.
thanks for your help. you’re my hero.
i’m dying … am i dying ?
sorry about getting you caught up in my villain fighting.
can even someone without a quirk be like you ?
i think saving people is super cool.
i want to be the greatest hero, like you !
you went a little overboard today.
it’s your fault for getting in my way.
if we get caught, it’ll end up on my record !
a punk like you couldn’t defeat me.
the fight was not made public to the world. i asked that it not be made public.
i smile to trick the fear inside of me.
it’s not bad to dream, but you also have to consider what’s realistic.
you knew. that’s why you were trying so desperately.
help will arrive soon … someone … a hero will ...
you looked like you were asking for help.
there was absolutely no reason to put yourself in danger !
i never asked you for help !
don’t think you can look down on me !
it’s not like i accomplished anything or changed anything.
it was because it was none other than you at the scene that i was able to act.
you can become a hero.
you are worthy to inherit my power.
your quirk is something hotly debated as one of the world’s greatest mysteries.
you always start with denial, huh ?
i may hide a lot of things, but i don’t lie.
why are you giving me something so great ?
i’ve been looking for a successor.
you were more heroic than anyone else back there.
an unprepared body cannot inherit this fully. this limbs will come off, and the body will explode.
heroes these days are after the showy stuff. originally, being a hero meant doing volunteer service.
i’ve told you this before. it’s not something you can do without a quirk.
[place]'s the hardest hero course to get into.
frankly, this is a super hard schedule. can you follow it ?
did your encounter with the villain make you go crazy ?
you haven’t been sticking to the plan, have you ?
the mirage of it is just barely visible, but you have certainly become a suitable vessel !
i feel like i’m cheating.
we have to fix those leaky eyes of yours.
this is power that you earned because of your own effort.
eat this.
don’t stand in front of me, i’ll kill you.
it’s my quirk. sorry for using it without asking first.
it’d be bad luck if you fell, right ?
don’t look, i’ll kill you.
damn, now i can’t crush you.
you’ve been muttering this whole time. it’s distracting !
graduating from [place] is a requirement for being a great hero.
they have more than one of these on the school grounds ?
how can everyone be so confident ?
at the very least, we have one less rival to worry about, right ?
prepare yourself for the physical repercussions it’ll have on your body.
thanks for distracting it !
we made a good team, but i don’t think we’ll meet again.
the most important qualification of a hero is the spirit of self-sacrifice.
you were hurt this much by your own quirk ?
there was no way i could tell anyone, not even my family.
after you saw potential in me, i’m sorry i didn’t live up to it.
i did what i thought was right.
actually, i came to this town to work at [place.]
just so you know, i didn’t tell [place / person] about my connection to you.
my body broke with one use of my quirk. i can’t control it at all.
that’s cruel. do you truly aim to be a hero ?
i hate to admit it, but you are better than me.
what dirty tricks did you use to get in, huh ?
my future plan has already been torn to pieces.
i told you to go somewhere else !
if you’re going to become a hero, you don’t have time for such leisurely events.
go somewhere else if you want to play at being friends.
will you have an attitude like that the whole time ?
you’re not being creative enough. i’ll show you what it’s like to be allowed to use your quirk !
it doesn’t look good for you if you continue like this.
i’ve heard of you. you’re an underground hero.
from what i can tell, you can’t control your quirk, can you ?
[name], with your power, you can’t become a hero.
if this is my only choice, i just have to go all out.
it doesn’t hurt as much as before.
i came because i was worried, but what the heck, [name] ?!
hey ! tell me what’s going on, [name], you bastard !
by the way, i was lying about the expulsion.
tomorrow will be packed with even more rigorous tests. prepare yourself.
[name.] so you were watching ?
you cut those you judge to be without potential without hesitation.
there’s nothing crueller than letting a dream end midway.
you’re being kind in your own way, huh, [name] ?
you don’t have time to relax, [name.] the real thing starts tomorrow.
when you dozed off while studying, i happened to see your notebook.
i gave up back then. but you didn’t. you kept chasing your dream, didn’t you ?
in this society filled with heroes, truly intelligent villains hide in the shadows.
go all out. don’t be afraid to get hurt.
if things go too far, i’ll stop it.
you seem to be especially angry when it comes to [name.]
[name] is the one who makes fun of you, right ?
there are a lot of blind spots, so let’s be careful.
if i use this on someone, it will kill them.
i figured you’d come for me first.
good or bad, you were full of confidence, and i thought you were so cool.
[name] ! give me your status ! what happened ?!
i’m not asking about how you feel !
going off on your own like that … what is wrong with you ?!
you were always good at reacting quickly in a crisis.
was it fun tricking me all this time ?
you’ve got a flashy quirk there, don’t you ? try and get me with it !
i heard from [name] that you think well of yourself, but this is too much.
[name], you really can’t do anything, can you ?
hey, did you hear ? [name] doesn’t have a quirk.
are you all right ? can you stand ?
don’t look at me with that face !
are you underestimating me, [name] ?
i’m not scared of you anymore !
if i don’t hit you, you won’t die !
what in the world did you do ? explain yourself !
fine, then. let’s fight it out with our fists.
you don’t look like the type to think, but you’re more subtle than i expected.
those are not the actions of a hero.
i want to win and surpass you, you idiot !
i can’t use it because my body can’t handle the impact.
you’re a mass of pride.
there’s nothing more fragile than a heart that’s swelled to bursting.
the school year has just begun, and you’ve already been in here three times !
why didn’t you stop them, [name] ?
i know it’s not like you want to rest on your laurels at the top, but is this really that important ?
i don’t know what you were saying during the match but you were fired up !
you did terrible in the training.
what’s with those hands, anyway ?
hey, [name], you wanna grab a bite to eat sometime ? what do you like ?
there’s one thing i feel like i have to tell you.
my quirk is something i received from someone else.
one day, i will make this quirk my own, and beat you with my own power.
what are you trying to do, make me out to be more of a fool than you already have ?
wow, you’re scruffy. what’s your deal ?
i can’t believe you were able to work as a hero with all this.
[name], you’re talented, so don’t act like a kid.
you settled it by breaking your arm again, huh ?
as long as you fix the control issue, there’ll be a lot you’re able to do.
wanting to do it and being suitable for it are different issues.
this might be the first time i’ve seen you smile, [name.]
you think we could beat ‘em up ?
don’t do it, [name.] they’ll write up a bunch of half-truths about you.
if word gets out, it’s clear that the world would be teeming with those trying to steal this power from you.
my quirk’s strong against others, but unfortunately, it doesn’t look like much.
you have to think about popularity as a hero too, you know.
you do not have powers so you can harm others.
the trespassing the other day was the work of these scumbags after all, huh ?
i went through the trouble of bringing this whole crowd, too …
i wonder if [name] will come if we kill some kids ?
you can’t be a hero with just one trick.
i hate pro heroes. the masses don’t stand a chance against them.
you’re actually good at fighting by yourself against a lot of people, huh ?
this is no time for analysis ! hurry up and take shelter !
they were waiting to pounce, just like you said.
don’t you think they’re trying so hard because they have a way to kill you ?
i wonder if we’ll be able to hold out until [name] arrives.
i wonder if we’ll all make it out in one piece.
you shouldn’t react every time you hear of an incident !
you really haven’t changed at all, have you ?
i think you can stay here and relax for a little longer.
are there really idiots who talk about their plans in front of the enemy ?
i already kind of knew, but you’re pretty strong.
my quirk is totally unfit for battle !
i’m getting impatient. let’s end this quickly !
it’s weirder not to be scared right now !
rather than reflecting back, shouldn’t you think of what to do next ?
i think you overexerted yourself jumping into that crowd of villains to protect us.
we were under the illusion that our powers would actually work against the enemy.
on what basis do you think you can kill [name] ? what’s your plan ?
we need to figure out how we’ll get away from all these people.
even if we wanted to call for help, there’s interference jamming the signal.
right now, you can’t count on me, so i’m counting on you !
sorry, i thought it was a good idea at the time !
is this all of them ? they’re so weak.
you’re gonna act childish at a time like this ?
i’m sure you must be having second thoughts, right ?
we can’t win against dozens of pros. it’s game over.
i guess it’s true after all that you’re getting weaker.
how did you make a suplex look like an explosion ?
i’m the only one who knows your secret, and the predicament you’re in.
to tear you apart is my job.
there are still tons of things i want you to teach me !
move ! you’re in the way, [name] !
damn it ! i didn’t get to show off !
the symbol of peace cannot be killed by the likes of you.
do you not know how to hold back ?
it was to rescue my companions. i had no choice.
violence for the sake of others makes it admirable. isn’t that right, hero ?
you would’ve been in trouble if i hadn’t done anything earlier, right ?
my power has been declining faster than i expected.
if you can withstand me at one hundred per cent, then i’ll force you to surrender from beyond that !
they got us. we let our guard down completely.
you’re in great demand, right ?
i’m just wondering, why is someone like you a villain ?
if you don’t put up a fight, i’ll let this idiot go.
[name] ! we should get out of here now !
if i move even one step, i won’t be able to keep up this bluff.
if you and i work together, we still have a chance of killing them.
i wasn’t … able to do anything …
if it wasn’t for those few seconds you bought me, i would have been killed.
i can’t believe we let them escape after they made such a big show of trespassing.
i’m a fan of yours too.
man, you act recklessly every time, huh ?
if i didn’t act recklessly, i would have been killed.
we cannot move freely, which is why we need a symbol, like you.
next time, show the world that you are to be feared.
you were super strong. i was surprised !
this type of quirk is already very rare, but for a villain to have one, of all things …
investigating is what you’re good at. i’m counting on you !
i think i might’ve shortened the time limit of my hero form again.
have there even been any first years who experienced a real fight so soon ?
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xarrixii · 3 months
to those of inquiry,
my introduction
hello, fellow traveler of the hellscape that is this website (or app, if you happen to be on your phone using such)
my name is @xarrixii, and i am better known as "arri"
i have a separate blog from this one designed for reblogging other peoples' work. if that's something you're more interested in (my taste in writing), then i suggest you visit @the-arrikive
masterlists a long way under the divider
i have come from a land not so far away (planet earth) to share the nonsensical nonsense of my brain (my writing).
i write both longer, novel-like stories and responses to writing prompts when i'm feeling it (feel free to send me one, if you'd like). my brain is random, though, so i can't guarantee i'll get something out right away.
i am irregular. do not expect something like weekly uploads. you get a story when i remember to post one and have one available. i shall not rush the accidentally filled plotholes genius i breed.
sometimes i make edits. i've made a lot of edits recently, like layout/ease of access and also wording on some of the earlier chapters. (already read chapter one of cinder? i changed the beginning because i hated it and i personally would put down the book immediately if i'd found it in the library)
i still hate the first sentence but honestly, the noggin can't think of anything better so we'll cry about it later
also, grammarly hates me because i don't like its grammar rules and i don't capitalize my "i"s when i'm casually speaking. i hate grammarly because some of its suggestions are stupid. i just don't want to turn it back on every time i eventually end up needing it.
less important: i am cisgender. i identify with she/her, but i could really care less (not quite sure that counts as any). i am pansexual. (frying pans don't have enough personality, don't ask about them)
what i like reading:
i love, love love love love love love love it when a book focuses on its characters. there's nothing wrong with taking in the fantasy world they built for the people to live in, i'm all for that as well. it's just a trend i see that the more a book focuses on following its plot, the less it focuses on the people riding out that plot.
i'm a firm believer in characters "building a plot" based around their actions, even if that means an author built a plot and then designed the perfect character for enacting it.
also, i grew up a gacha kid (gacha studio/life/club). that means i'm familiar with cliches and love it when people throw them on their heel. it's also (unfortunately) made me enjoy love stories less (which makes things difficult since books that focus on characters almost always have some love plot that works out).
i'll read a hero x villain, sure. but sometimes i might think up the ending where they don't love each other (platonic and rival)
ask me any time about what i enjoy reading if i've confused you (it happens a lot).
what i like writing:
this one's a lot simpler, i like writing what i like reading. because if i wouldn't read it later, why would anyone else?
due to me being cringe once upon a time, i spent several years writing out roleplays (yes, i was the edgy roblox kid too) with some friends, so anything super long i write for a very long time from now will be my personal adaptation of something that's already existed before
writing prompts are the truest test of my creative abilities, though. making up new characters, a new environment, and a new plot based on the whims of a few sentences from time to time is what keeps my rewrites from being copy-pastes.
that also just keeps it fun for the friends who wrote it with me once and will read it from my fingers typing it again
also to note, i'm not afraid of writing about blood, gore, violence, and the like, and i'm also insensitive to what all needs to be tagged, so any help with that goes a long way
most of my writing prompts will be written with non-binary characters
if you find me fucking up pronouns please notify me where i diddled it up thank you!!
so about being a gacha kid
i suck at drawing. the physical descriptions of my characters are laid out in gacha apps, and yes i am mildly embarrassed about it. but putting their designs down somewhere means i have something reliable to refer to while writing.
thou shalt not judge me for it.
writing. i guess a bit obviously. i also still enjoy playing video games and listening to music. i like watching horror games, but can't bring myself to play them. i also make a lot of jokes about violence. i mean a lot. but i know when to take something seriously.
favorite roblox games including: entry point, scp: site roleplay, funky friday, robeats, 3008
i also play genshin impact occasionally, and no i'm not elaborating.
if you couldn't tell by now, i talk too much. moving on:
hey, me! i know you're reading this, because i know you're the most likely suspect for looking for these links all the time.
"Cinder" Masterlist writing prompts
looking for more? ask me! send me prompts! FILL MY INBOX!!!
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toxictoad · 1 month
Okay so as promised (By me, to me) I am writing about Deimos!
He's by far my favorite Durge and the first essay length bit of this is JUST for Act 1. Acts 2 and 3 will be in reblogs at some point
Also who knows I might make a post about his days in the dead three at some point (Read; probably soon because this boy has rotted my brain from the inside out).
You know the drill by now. ADHD ramble under the cut.
Deimos wakes up on the Nautiloid with a specific set of items on him. I don't feel like opening a save just to look at the starting inventory, but the thing that matters here is the book Paladin Oaths and Their Tenets;
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(Interesting thing- This book is nowhere on the wiki. I would put it on there myself but I don't understand how wiki editing really works)
This book, I kid you not, is the most important part of roleplaying Deimos for me. He wakes up with no memories, head pounding, covered in blood, but he has tenets, and he WILL follow them (He's Oath of Devotion btw).
In addition to the text of the book, I headcanon that there are little notes in the margins of the pages- doodles and little jokes. Just stuff you would do if you were bored and had an old book on you.
Waking up on the beach, his immediate priority isn't necessarily survival or taking in his surroundings, it's his fucked up brain. I think a lot of people downplay how goddamn TERRIFYING it is to not have any memories. Like I've had days where I was sick and couldn't remember anything, and it was genuinely distressing, and this is like... 100 times worse than that.
So he panics, a little, and goes through all the items on his person. He has armor and a Warhammer, and... this book. He reads through it, and his thought is "Okay, I'm a paladin. That's something" And he finds a symbol of Ilmater drawn in the book and goes "Okay, that's my god probably. So I know two (2) things about myself! Awesome"
Thing is; Deimos is an amnesiac with 8 intelligence. He can kind of guess what Ilmater's followers believe, but the specifics are lost on him. The result is the funniest paladin to ever paladin.
Just imagine you're like... Shadowheart. This dude saves you from a Mindflayer pod. He seems nice enough when he's not complaining about a headache, and he's a competent fighter. You ask him who his god is and he's like "Uh... Ilmater, I guess." And you're like "...Okay" because you're a secret Shar worshipper so you kind of get being weird about deities, but Ilmater is a very acceptable god to follow and you're pretty sure he's not lying, but then why is he being weird about it. This guy is extremely devoted to his tenets but he's not even 100% sure what they are. He makes every moral decision based off of a book in his pocket and a general idea of what paladins/Ilmater devotees are like that may or may not be accurate. He doesn't even know how to pray, but he's pretty sure he's supposed to do it. The only thing he seems 100% sure about is his name, but at this point, you wouldn't be surprised if he got it off of a roadsign somewhere.
He's so fucking weird.
Deimos is incredibly freaked out by the urges, because obviously. After Shadowheart the first person he finds is Gale, and their first meeting is wonderfully awkward because Gale is being himself and Deimos is distracted by the fact that he really wanted to chop off this guy's hand like 15 seconds ago.
And then... Astarion.
Look, Durgestarion is canon in my heart and you have to deal with it now.
Deimos is incredibly easy to manipulate but in the weirdest way possible. Basically, if you can convince him that doing something is morally sound, or even just morally neutral but you really want him to do it? He'll just fucking do it. The Gur scene was the first real test of this:
Astarion: Hey this guy sucks Deimos: No he doesn't be cool What's his face: I'm hunting a vampire spawn named Astarion Deimos (Internally): Hm... Astarion is Good... and hunting good people is bad... So hunting Astarion is bad... Astarion: Please can I kill him? Deimos: Yeah okay
(Note; Deimos' definition of a "Good person" is a person he likes and who hasn't done anything morally bankrupt in his line of sight. Astarion encourages him to do bad things but so does his brain so he just doesn't listen to either of them)
However; The Urges. My way of thinking is that instead of doing horrible violence and mutilation and cannibalism whenever the option presents itself he just does something funny and kind of rude (This is the only reason he has high approval with Astarion. Astarion is constantly getting him to do weird confusing shit for his own amusement. Baa-ing at the redcaps in the swamp? 100% Astarion's influence. Threatening a magic mirror? 60% Astarion's influence and 40% because Deimos is a little bit of a himbo and doesn't like it when things try to test his intelligence. He is not a riddle person).
I cannot stress enough how weird this man appears to everyone who meets him. Friend or foe everyone around who talks to him for more than five minutes is hit with confusion. He rolls up to the scene with Kagha and Arabella and ignores the Dark Urge, only to immediately go "Hey I'm a paladin I can cast judgment on things" (A thing he is not sure that paladins actually do but he says it with confidence) and instead of making any moral arguments he's just like "I don't fuck with you snake lady let the kid go." He has high charisma but only uses it for persuasion. Ragzlin is like "The squid man showed me ur face time to die" and he just goes "No, lol." Withers wakes up to the literal chosen of Bhaal in Ilmateri getup and asks what the value of a life is and he says "Idk it's based on vibes." Astarion convinces him that the extra supplies that keep appearing in camp are a result of his charm and that he's totally not stealing from traders and Deimos goes "Yes that makes perfect sense" while Wyll is losing his goddamn mind.
Pretty early on in the game I found a book (I'm pretty sure it's A is for Azuth and Other Gods 6? Can you tell that a lot of roleplay is based around books for me) That has Ilmater, and between this children's book and the general assumptions people make about him, he can guess that he's supposed to be a martyr. It isn't his natural instinct, but he takes to it surprisingly well (His fighting style is protection, by the way. It's useless in combat but thematically appropriate so I don't care). I also think that he would encourage Gale to ramble about Ilmater because the man is like Forgotten Realms Google and this is probably his most trustworthy source of information for a while. I think Deimos really likes Gale because he talks a lot and helps drown out the murder thoughts.
So Deimos keeps up the facade-but-not-really-a-facade of being a brave, kind, selfless person who puts everyone before himself, and he tells his companions that he has dark thoughts and impulses, but they tell him that it's normal, and who is he to question them? (Again, he is easily convinced by things in weird ways. He trusts basically anyone more than he trusts his own brain, right now)
...And then Alfira comes to camp.
OH BOY. Okay so I have done playthroughs where I knock out Alfira and kill the Dragonborn bard instead, but I've been trying really hard not to metagame in this run so sadly our lovely tiefling bard is no longer with us. Deimos' honest first reaction to finding out he gored her is... to laugh.
Not a happy laugh, mind you- He's horrified, but his first thought is that he's broken his Oath, and then that that is decidedly not the first thing he should be thinking after he killed an innocent woman. So he laughs at the irony, and then he cries, and then he vomits. He cleans the blood off his hands but not because he wants to hide what he did. He just thinks that if he has to feel the blood on his fingers for one more second then he's going to go insane.
He never really stops feeling the blood. It will always be there.
My party at this point was Karlach, Astarion, and Wyll, and... Ouch. I felt like physical pain the first time I played Durge and everyone was mad at me. I think Deimos has that experience, here.
He wants to cry but he knows that he doesn't deserve to be upset about this. He vows that no innocent will ever die at his hand again, and sequesters himself in the ruin with the magic mirror in it and prays. He doesn't know how,really, but something in him remembers what a prayer for forgiveness sounds like. He begs Ilmater to listen to his repentance. Deimos carries a permanent, bone-deep guilt, but this is the first time he feels it so keenly.
He must read his tenets a hundred times, that day. He asks Withers to bring her back, but he understands why he can't. This is a burn on his conscience. She's at peace now, at least.
He is not, but what he feels doesn't matter.
(He is still immensely relieved that his oath is still intact. Breaking his oath might as well be breaking Deimos, and there's no telling what he will do once he's broken)
But, while everyone else is horrified, scared, or maybe just annoyed with Deimos, Astarion doesn't hate him.
And, look... Deimos' moral compass is literally a book, and the book doesn't say that he can't like a guy who thinks it's funny when you tell kids they're gonna die. He just really wants someone to not hate him, so now his best friend is a guy with an extremely underdeveloped moral compass. I think he clocks pretty early on that Astarion is manipulating him. But also... he doesn't care.
Deimos has always been- pre and post lobotomy- loyal to a fault. He was loyal to his foster family until Bhaal made him kill them. He was loyal to Bhaal and Saverok and even Orin. He was loyal to Gortash and Ketheric. He is a paladin at heart, whether that be under Bhaal or Ilmater. He is loyal and dutiful and constantly wracked with guilt.
Guilt for disobeying his father. Guilt for caring about people. Guilt for his past. Guilt for his urges. He's catholic coded.
So just like he was loyal to Bhaal he becomes loyal to Ilmater. Just like he was loyal to Gortash and Ketheric (Yeah, I'm going there) he becomes loyal to Astarion.
And like, he sleeps with Astarion, and he doesn't mind it, and for all his manipulation they do actually like each other, and then the tiefling party happens...
And look... Deimos knows that Astarion is lying when he says "I love you." He knows and acknowledges that fact and he can fully see that Astarion is pulling his strings like a good little puppet.
...And he just doesn't care. He lets himself believe, if only for a night, that someone loves him, despite his hands that are stained with blood and death and secrets.
And he lets Astarion feed on him, and they travel through the Underdark, and Deimos tries to hold his broken brain together.
The Grym fight is a weirdly potent moment for him, because I think that's when it really hits his companions that Deimos... Just does not value his own life.
Because at this point my party was Shadowheart, Karlach, and Astarion. Astarion and Deimos lure Grym onto the crucible, and Astarion can disengage and jump away. Karlach takes out the last of the magma mephits, and Shadowheart is next to the crucible lever.
Deimos can't disengage, though, and he cast survival instinct on Astarion earlier. So he drinks a potion of superior healing, and he tells Shadowheart to pull the lever.
Astarion's "No, my sweet bloodthirsty friend!" UGH I love it.
But Deimos (barely) survives (Which in reality means "Yay I don't have to use a scroll of revivify" but I want my angst so shhh)
They long rest, and the next day it's up to the mountain pass. I... really don't have a lot to say about the Githyanki Creche? Except that I know that Deimos just follows Lae'zel's lead on this. He bows to Vlaakith, and he... mildly considers killing the Dream Visitor (Who, by the way, looks as close to Jaheira as I could make her look, because the boy needs a mom and the Emperor clocks that easily)
He also gets VERY angry about the Varsh's treatment of Varrl (That is a CHILD how DARE you. I wish there was an option to fight him without making everyone else in the Creche hostile I hate this man)
I turned on non-lethal attacks for fighting my way out of the Creche, because I think Deimos doesn't want to kill these people- For Lae'zel's sake, and for his own.
Okay so maybe I do have a bit to say about the Creche sue me.
That awful fight with the like death knights or whatever in the mountain pass sucks. I don't know why but it always makes me so incredibly angry. Maybe it's just because that was the first place I ever actually had a party member die idk. Not related to Deimos I just had a bad time.
Oh, the Elminster thing...
Unlike almost every Tav or Durge I have, Deimos understands Gale's want to sacrifice himself to save the world/earn Mystra's forgiveness. He's a martyr, after all. He doesn't judge- He knows that feeling. He tells Gale as much. He doesn't want his friend to die, but he wants his friend to feel like he has a purpose. (Semi-related; This is my first run where I'm free of the bug where Gale is in love with you no matter what, and his platonic Act 2 scene before the Illithid colony is just... So sweet? Like he just wants his friend to be there for him. I love that wizard. Yes I will watch the stars with you buddy)
But now we are on to the Shadow Cursed lands, and Act 1 is over. Wow, this was so long.
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brdpch · 1 year
{4} a game of cats, mice and hearts like ice
desktop: previous ✧ next mobile: previous ✧ next
synopsis: in the world of deadly games and their lives at risk, a very smart medical student meets a very cunning girl who claims his life as hers.
warnings: canon-typical violence, graphic descriptions of violence, sexual abuse, substance abuse, niragi, literally everything, you name it.
formatting: it's a glued-together dynamic roleplay between me and @bvrdel-mama, so the replies are separated by ♠♥♦♣, and the dialogues are written like — This. — yes, the symbols look horrible on mobile - we'll try to fix that in the future. or not. who knows.
statistics: 2,681 words 14,777 characters.
author's note: it's a mix of manga!chishiya with show!chishiya, and also i think so many people forget (and even the show creators lol) that the phones could record and take pictures et cetera - Chota discovered it in the first episode and recorded the game arena, which Arisu used later on for game clear. also! what's worth noticing - in this rp there are dice involved. the mechanic is called a d20 mechanic, and it's based on dungeons and dragons 5th edition. we also use other dice rolls for other outcomes, so future events might surprise both me and my roleplaying partner. enjoy!
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The blonde girl giggled at Chishiya's response, tucking a piece of her hair behind her pierced ear, finally resting her back on the carseat, giving Shuntarō well deserved space.
— [english] I have one more riddle for you. — she stated, ignoring his comments completely, a playful smile back on her lips. — [english] For now, you're the only Beach member I can recognise without any issues. Why is that?
Shuntarō didn't change his position at all, but was now looking closely at Unmei analyzing her shamelessly and smirking knowingly.
— [english] It must be because of attractiveness. — Shuntarō said matter-of-factly.
— [english] So close, — she said shamelessly. — [english] yet so far. That's just a symptom. How do I put it nicely… — she paused. — [english] You should think about the illness instead.
Shuntarō opened his eyes widely and touched his chest mockingly.
— [english] Am I sick, doctor? Is that the plague? — he asked, raising the sleeves of his hoodie and his shirt as if inspecting himself for weird bumps that a disease could cause.
Unmei giggled.
— [english] I like you.
— [english] Oh, just don't fall in love. — Shuntarõ commented, getting out of the car with Unmei.
The game arena Unmei and Chishiya were dispatched into, turned to be a large multi-story apartment complex, dimly lit up with orange light. At this point at night it was rather chilly, and so the fate tucked herself more in Niragi's shirt, scanning the surroundings with a focused gaze.
— I'm gonna check out the place. Won't be long.
She didn't wait for any permission to move out of Chishiya's sight, which she probably should have done. He was there to judge her performance, but he also assured Niragi (and Unmei herself) that he'll protect her to his best ability. Wandering around the game arena with various people gathering around wasn't necessarily the safest option, but she wouldn't take „no” for an answer - Chishiya deduced simply by her tone of voice, suddenly lacking its sweet aftertaste. Since arrival, something in her demeanor changed, and it wasn't just the way she focused on the task ahead. For now it was too hard to pinpoint what exactly.
They were far enough to hide possibly the only working car in the nearest area, and also to arrive at the entrance by themselves, and not as a group. That's why Unmei was the last of The Beach members to scan her face with a phone. She looked stressed, but Chishiya noticed a while ago it was just a façade.
She went in front taking the initiative before bravely exclaiming of her intentions of „checking the place out”. Chishiya shrugged because by the tone of her voice he deducted that there was no convincing her otherwise. Soon he followed her around some distance behind silently when she wandered around the arena scanning the area closely with her cold eyes that now had none of her previous sweetness left. She's actively thinking about the strategy instead of pissing about the main lobby - smart.
Shuntarō took two glances at the area and already picked up a couple of interesting places to situate himself, depending on the game. He then took out his hand-made stun gun and plugged it into a socket. You never know when you need to protect yourself, and there was nothing in the rules against bringing weapons, so he did take one with him. 
He stood by the wall, put in his earphones listening to some tunes on the old cassette player he found long ago. It calmed his mind before the coming task, though he probably looked suspiciously calm on the outside. Shuntarō also followed Unmei with his gaze, observing her every move.
Unmei soon disappeared into the distance, consumed by darkness of the Toei Sendagaya apartment complex, apparently taking a stroll around the area as well.
The players kept gathering, like moths to a light source - which meant not only the experienced ones joined, but also the noobs. Unmei observed people, staying far from Chishiya, playing a dumb foreigner role. She stared at her phone screen looking puzzled, playing with the edge of Niragi's shirt.
Other Beach members did not intervene, because even if they wanted - they simply couldn't, knowing very well it's Unmei's test. Soon enough there was chatter with hushed voices. Is she able to read the rules?, should we help?, oh no, a fuckin' beginner, good for us - a cannon fodder!. She hid her amusement with no difficulties, as well as the military knife attached to her belt, right under the black fabric of her shirt.
Players gathered concluded:
two girls dressed up neatly, standing near each other; one in a mint knee-high skirt, the other one in a loose white mantle with a flower print - and it looked like they posed no threat,
a man in purple shirt, a vest and with fedora on his head, looking shady, scanning others in search of potential allies,
an old lady with glasses, clearly stressed, but trying really hard to stay composed,
two older businessmen in suits,
a young woman with short brown hair, currently stretching and warming up,
two Beach members neither chishiya nor Unmei knew by name,
a guy in blue wearing a baseball cap, clearly lost,
and lastly, two newcomers, one in a navy hawaiian shirt, the other with longer messy black hair.
The man in blue shyly approached the sporty girl.
— Mm, excuse me... — he pointed to the phone in his hand. — Wha-, where did all the people in Tokyo go?
One of the businessmen interrupted their conversation, passing in between them to grab the phone. Sporty looked annoyed.
— This thing here-
— There's a lot of people here. maybe one's a doctor.
It was Shaggy who now interrupted Sporty and Blue. in the company of Hawaii, they reached for the phones.
one per person.
Blue approached another player, yet again, clearly stressed and lost.
— E-excuse me. What is this? — he pointed to his phone. — I was brought here... — he chuckled nervously. — and i... I don't know what's going on.
Poor boy, Unmei thought, biting her lower lip and looking as helpless as she could.
— It's a game. — Shaggy finally spoke, giving Blue the answer he needed. It was Hawaii who then scolded Shaggy, and Unmei turned her attention to them - they were speaking, and even if she pretended to not understand the language, she had to be curious about the sudden commotion.
— Shut up. Newbies will slow us down. they might hate us, but i think it'd be a good idea to do what Shibuki did.
registration has closed.
there are a total of 14 participants.
d i f f i c u l t y : 5 of ♠️
g a m e : tag
r u l e: avoid whoever is >it<.
c l e a r c o n d i t i o n : discover and touch the symbol hidden in one of the building's rooms within the time limit. you clear the game when this objective is fulfilled.
t i m e l i m i t : 20 minutes. after 20 minutes, the time bomb hidden in the building will explode.
the game will commence in two minutes.
— It's gonna be physical. — now it was Fedora speaking. — Only the strong survive.
Oh well, Unmei smiled to herself, barely visibly to others. No one paid attention to her now, anyway, besides her supervisor.
Shaggy, Hawaii and Fedora continued their conversation, Fedora explaining some of the general rules and bragging about the number of games he previously cleared. Unmei listened, now planning carefully how to proceed. Chishiya didn't know it, but could easily deduce that she wasn't really into any sports besides dancing, which did require some strength and agility, but not enough for these deadly lands. Also, she was wearing sandals. High heel and platform ones. Unfit to run at all.
Chishiya did observe his surroundings even though he had his hood on and looked busy with his music - he noticed more people gathering. Lot of them looked like newcomers barely situated in this new reality which surrounded them. Well, he thought, at least they will have their use as human shields if anything happens. There are a few which stood out - a girl with short hair who looked like she was prepping for a run, and two young men - one looking like a criminal, the other one like in his old life barely saw the light of day. They were talking about something, Chishiya couldn't hear them but he could read lips  - they were looking for a doctor. Shuntarō smiled, in his past life he would probably be eager to help them as he had medical training, but in the Borderlands everyone works for themselves or for people who they could use to their advantage later.
His contemplations were cut short by the ping of his phone. Tag, hm, that narrows down the places that are the safest by two options - the highest floor by either of two corners of the staircase, he thought. He took the headphones out of his ears and went up behind Unmei clearing his throat and looking at her expectedly. Let's see if she figured it out, he thought. She tried to hide behind the mask of a dumb foreigner the whole time, smart, make them underestimate you so that when things turn ugly they won't even see you as a threat. They had two minutes to situate themselves around the complex.
— Shall we? — he inquired.
When the players started getting up stairs, Unmei frowned and pushed the elevator button, not paying much attention to chishiya. as she entered, she moved aside, so he could use the ride up, too.
— Don't get in my way. — she stated coldly, pushing a button.
The building had seven floors. she pushed the button with number 6.
— Need an explanation of my doings to evaluate my performance?
Chishiya chuckled slightly and smirked.
— Of course, boss. — he snapped matter-of-factly.
Sixth floor, that's it. Unmei figured out almost the same thing he did. 
— I am here to simply observe passively and help you as a last resort, if your life or mine were in immediate danger. — he shrugged. — But if that happens and we'll still be alive and clear the game, well - your dream of becoming the executive will crumble. — he added coldly, smirking slightly.
— What makes you think you'll be much help? You're not a spades player, after all.
— I think I can handle myself just fine, worry about your performance, Unmei. Let's see if fate is on your side. — he stated coldly with a tinge of irritation, insulting his intellect was something he couldn't stand.
The door opened, and Unmei shivered under the cold night breeze's embrace.
She quickly took in her surroundings, or rather - other players' positions. No one chose the elevator, meaning they were slower, scattered now across the floors, some of them helplessly trying to open blue-painted doors.
— I am the fate. — she replied matter-of-factly, not even bothering with looking at Shuntarō. With no Beach members around, her mask fell off. Maybe she, too, recognized a wolf.
Unmei navigated towards a corner nearest to the elevator, taking off her sandals and placing them by the sliding door, making sure if the button is pushed, the machinery won't budge - the mechanism would simply fail due to being unable to close itself.
It was obvious she wasn't suited to walk barefoot, especially on the cold concrete; she embraced herself with her arms, checking the phone.
the game will now commence.
the time limit is 20 minutes.
commence now.
— In case you can't handle yourself, let me explain my thought process. — she started, putting her phone on the half-wall separating the hallway from the empty space beneath them. — So maybe you'll catch on in case of an emergency.
…and she pressed the record button. The phones had options such as „record” and „take picture”.
— If the „it” starts from the bottom, it's easier to corner all players to the top. But, „it” could start on the top floor, too, and now that the elevator is unusable, they would have to take the stairs. We could hear them and spot them if they chose stairs near us. If they do, though, run to the elevator. Got it?
It was colder than downstairs so Chishiya zipped up his hoodie exiting the elevator. Everyone was scattered and some were already running around panicking, he could hear their hearts pounding with fear and compared it with his own - it too was beating slightly faster but more in excitement and anticipation than fear and panic, although his face betrayed no emotions.
— You're repeating yourself. — he stated coldly, rolling his eyes.
The shoes were an interesting choice, they would only slow her down so getting them off was the only way, but the cold ground won't be easy to walk on either. Creating an emergency exit and preventing others from taking the elevator - smart, he thought and smirked to himself.
Chishiya listened to her strategy and nodded. He only assumed that the „it” will start from the bottom, he didn't think about the top at all. He raised his eyebrows slightly for a brief second as to express his shock but the gesture faded as quickly and as subtly as it appeared.
— [english] Sure thing. — he said leaning over the balcony and waving to the shaggy basement dweller he saw earlier. He and the criminal looking guy seemed panicked out of their minds, it was... amusing.
Unmei had her eyes focused on other floors, knowing well that the top one and the ones right below them were out of sight. She took the phone and put the camera below, screen tilted, so she recorded some footage of the hallways below. She then checked the video.
— If it's a game of tag, — she continued, quietly, alert to any sounds that might announce that someone is coming their way. — the tagger has to somewhat „catch” and „tag” their… ugh, [english] can't you stick to one language? — she rolled her eyes, briefly focusing her gaze on Chishiya.
— [english] Anyway, if it's a game of tag, the tagger has to tag its' victims. Do you think the creator of the game would like to run around? And if not themselves, then whom? — she asked rhetorically. — [english] It's the players who are supposed to run away, so the tagger has to have a way to tag them. Or maybe kill. — she shrugged.
Her words were followed by gunshots, but she didn't budge, like she was used to hearing such noise. Tatatatatatatata. She tilted her head slightly, hearing the screaming, observing as Fedora was shot on his back multiple times. Tagger started somewhere in the middle, unnoticed. He could have used one of the apartments as his starting point, then.
— [english] Machine pistol. — she stated matter-of-factly, putting the record button yet again, now - just the sound.
Horse-head was obviously visible right now, much to her…  impassivity.
— [english] The masks block their field of view. — she hummed. — [english] So their goal is to kill the opposing team. Ours, that is. — she explained, with a pretty bland tone of voice, but as detailed as possible, questioning or rather mocking Chishiya's intelligence and comprehension capabilities.
— [english] Otherwise they would have to leave the game arena before the explosion, giving the players extra time to find the safe zone. — she added, now turning her gaze to Chishiya, lowering her voice even more - she was recording sound, after all.
— [english] Do you believe in the morphogenetic field theory?
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hannukahmatata · 6 months
Study of play you say? I'm getting a degree in Psychology and play interests me as well, could I ask for some of the articles or general literature you've read, or even just your notes/thoughts on the topic?
Of course! So the book I've been reading for classes is Jesse Schell's "The Art of Game Design", and it's a great tome not just on the how of game development, but the why as well. Chapter 4 in particular is one of my favorites. (This is from the 3rd edition, I believe it's been updated since then).
In Chapter 4, Schell discusses what a game is, and what fun is. There's this marvelous rant in the middle discussing the academic expectation and recurring attempt at creating a singular, workable definition of a game, and a line that stands out to me is as follows:
"Usually, the people most concerned about this are the farthest removed from the actual design and development of games. So how do real-world designers and developers get by without a standardized vocabulary? Just like everyone else: when there is ambiguity, they simply explain what they mean." - Schell, The Art of Game Design 3rd Edition, 2019
I really like this because my degree sort of puts me in both positions. We are studying the methods and concepts of game development as academics, but we're also studying them as developers, so being able to stay on ground level is super important.
What really stands out to me, though, is another definition. I think it's super eloquent and encapsulates a lot of what is important in designing a gaming experience:
"Fun is pleasure with surprises."
What I like about this is that it's so versatile. Board games, gambling, roleplay, sports, hide and seek and tag... "surprises" can mean so much, and it doesn't enforce a ridiculous amount of structure onto such a malleable concept.
Another concept in the same chapter - one I was telling @starleska about - is the idea of the "magic circle". Initially coined by Johan Huizinga, the "magic circle" is basically the idea that when entering a game, people agree to follow its terms, thereby assigning boundaries and objects value they would not have outside of the game.
Folding Ideas does a great job explaining the concept in the video I hyperlinked on the channel name instead of here, for some reason (start at about 1:43:05), but basically, a game can act as a form of social contract, and it remains in power for as long as everyone abides by it - but Dan Olson puts it best:
"If, however, someone then karate chops the opposing goalie in the throat, the bubble bursts - the contract has been broken, the circle has been pierced, and the lines on the ground stop mattering real fast."
I have more thoughts about the magic circle, but that's for after exams. In the meantime, I also suggest you check out the GDC's Youtube channel. They make a ton of videos from different speakers and developers on all kinds of game concepts, so I'm sure you'll find some neat stuff!
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