naofaun · 8 months
i hate how much being disabled.. well, disables me.
i hate that i can't go to big events like prom or homecoming because it's too loud, too crowded, too much
i hate that i can't eat around other people because of all of the scraping and breathing and chewing, limiting what i can do with my friends and family
i hate that i can't shower, making me look gross and smell bad, making people not want to be my friend
i hate that im always angry
i hate that i can't be left alone for 2 seconds
i hate that i can't walk, that i can't drive. i hate telling my friends that no, i can't do this super fun sounding thing with you, because i can't fucking walk the 5 minutes it'd take
i hate that i can't clean
i hate that i can't feed myself
i hate that i can't be interested in things like a normal person is interested in things
i hate that i can't do my schoolwork
i hate that i can't take care of my cat
i hate that i can't touch or be touched without having a panic attack
i hate that i have this natural instinct to immediately defy perceived authority without even realizing that's what im doing
i hate that i can barely even do things i enjoy because im too tired
i hate that i can't sleep
i hate that i sleep too much
i hate that i can't take care of my cat
i hate that i can barely sit up or stand up
i hate that i can't read or write or watch tv or draw
i hate that im constantly in pain from something
i hate that no one believes me
i hate that people think im lazy or difficult on purpose
i hate that no one listens to me
i hate that people infantalize me
i hate that people burden me with expectations that i can't meet
i hate it
i hate it so much
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micah-has-fallen · 8 months
Dysautonomia Awareness thing
Day 7: Your favorite products to manage your symptoms
- I find it helpful to chew a hard candy if I need to stay conscious just a bit longer in class (ie. when doing tests or quizzes that have time restrictions). Of course the spell still comes to pass but it’s postponed a bit.
Day 8: Favorite way to hydrate
- I really like great value Watermelon Limade electrolyte drink pouches, but I’m not sure they’re actually doing much for me level wise.
Day 9: Your “saltcuterie” board/salty snacks
-I like salty crackers of basically any sort so those are my go to. But I’ve found buttered and lightly salted Ritz with cream cheese for extra sodium is also really tasty.
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aktionfsa-blog-blog · 18 days
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14.05.2024Der "Europäische Gesundheitsdatenraum"
Kniefall vor Big Tech und Big Pharma
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... schreibt Patrick Breyer, Abgeordneter der Piraten im Europäischen Parlament, zu den Plänen der EU einen EU-Gesundheitsdatenraum (EHDS) zu schaffen. In diesem EHDS sollen zu allen Patienten Informationen über jede medizinische Behandlung einschließlich Impfstatus, Medikamente und Schwangerschaften, Labor- und Entlassungsberichte digital gespeichert und europaweit abrufbar gemacht werden. Das schließt die in Deutschland bisher nicht von der elektronischen Patientenakte (ePA) erfassten Privatpatienten mit ein.
Das in Deutschland von der Bundesregierung versprochene Widerspruchsrecht gegen Datenzugriffe aus dem Ausland ist im EU Entwurf nicht vorgesehen. Mit 445 zu 142 Stimmen bei 39 Enthaltungen wurde der Entwurf vom EU Parlament angenommen. Patrick Breyer erklärte zu seiner Ablehnung des Entwurfs:
"Wir Piraten unterstützen die Idee eines EU-Gesundheitsdatenraums, aber nicht um den Preis der Aufgabe des Selbstbestimmungsrechts der Patienten und des Arztgeheimnisses zugunsten von Gesundheitsdatenabgriffen durch Regierungen, Big Pharma und Big Tech. Es gibt nichts intimeres als Informationen über unsere körperliche und geistige Gesundheit, einschließlich unserer Suchtkrankheiten, psychischer Störungen, Schwangerschaftsabbrüche bis hin zu Geschlechtskrankheiten und Reproduktionsstörungen. ... Diese Verordnung verrät im Profitinteresse der Industrie die Interessen und den Willen der Patienten, um mit ihren identifizierbaren Daten Produkte entwickeln und KI-Algorithmen trainieren zu können. Einer solchen Entmündigung der Patienten erteilen wir Piraten eine klare Absage!"
Nur durch die Initiative von Breyer und anderen Abgeordneten konnte immerhin ein europaweiter Zwang zur elektronischen Patientenakte verhindert werden. Laut Artikel 8h und Erwägungsgrund 13a der Verordnung ist das deutsche und österreichische Widerspruchsrecht gegen die Einrichtung einer elektronischen Patientenakte gerettet. Im Fall eines Widerspruchs werden die Pflichtinformationen nur beim behandelnden Arzt gespeichert.
Wer der elektronischen Patientenakte oder ihrer Auswertung nicht insgesamt widerspricht, ermöglicht damit zwangsweise auch einen grenzüberschreitenden Zugriff darauf durch ausländische Behandler, Forscher und Regierungen. Das von der Bundesregierung geplante Recht speziell grenzüberschreitenden Datenzugriffen widersprechen zu können, ist in der Verordnung nicht rechtssicher vorgesehen.
Über die Gründe, die gegen eine ePA sprechen haben wir bereits mehrfach berichtet, deshalb lohnt es sich, auch seine Argumente genau zu lesen.
Mehr dazu bei https://www.patrick-breyer.de/eu-gesundheitsdatenraum-kniefall-vor-big-tech-und-big-pharma/
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3Az Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8776-20240514-der-europaeische-gesundheitsdatenraum.html
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narcan-necromancer · 10 months
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justices-blade · 1 day
"I suppose this is a fitting place to find you again." A familiar voice rose from behind, drawing nearer. "Well met, Edward."
Ares stopped beside him, a sea of fireflies laid out before them. Their myriad lights were a lot easier for his eyes to handle this time around, even perhaps quaint. What a wonderful difference not being the size of a thimble made.
"…Might I count on you for something?" He held up one of his black feather brooches , along with the one that held those that he'd collected so far. "You understand a good duel, and this one demands I trade for more of these than a dear friend of mine."
Both stand awash in the dancing lights of the fireflies, shifting in ways flames couldn't dream of, perfectly preserving the refreshing cool of the night. Edward looks up from the ones that had alighted on his fingers, before his face splits into a smile at the sight of a rival and friend.
"Hey Ares!" He quips, about to eagerly hold out his little firefly friends for observation, when he realises the other's probably approached for a reason, and decides to wait, instead. The request is met with a bob of the head, a little wiggle of the fingers to gently dismiss the little critters, their lights drifting back towards the starless sea.
"Of course I can," he replies smoothly, unclasping his own brooch of pearls and hand it to the other with an encouraging pump of the fist. "You better win, you hear? Who's the friend, anyways?
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chaandkideewani · 2 years
"tu nahi saamne magar phir bhi,
dil mein tera khayal hota hai"
~ Rahat Fateh Ali Khan Sahab,
Ehd-e-Wafa OST
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twansgendew · 2 years
hi how r u guys !? i recently started using my new external hard drive. hopefully this one wont die so quickly. i need one of those like gummy cases ppl get 4 their kids ipads so that i can put it on my ehd and i need smth 2 like . make sure it does not get disconnected that happened twice 2nite nd i was sooooo scared files were gonna get corrupted bc both times i was downloading files 2 it nd idk how corruption works but i feel like interrupted downloads could get corrupted if they eere interrupted at the wrong time. OK im going 2 sleep now GOOD NIGHT have fun have a good day if it is not night where u r ^-^
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shafaque · 1 year
Wafa <3
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ایک دل ہے بچہ تھا پاس اپنا واہ بھی ہم ہار کے آئے ہیں۔ ایک تیرے ہونٹوں کے صدقے سب خوشیا وار کے آئے ہیں۔
ek dil hi bacha tha pass apne Wo bhi hum haar ke aaye hain ek tere honthon ke sadqay Sab khushiya waar ke aaye hain!
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foodresearchlab · 1 year
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It is particularly suitable for drying heat-sensitive foods, such as fruits and vegetables. An advantage with respect to the drying process includes a shorter drying time when compared to hot-air and solar dryers at low or ambient temperatures.
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thehuntingcompany · 2 years
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EHD is real! What a shame…😢 #deer #deerhunting #whitetaildeer #whitetails #hunting #buck #buckhunting #outdoors #ehd #tragedy (at Kentucky) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cinq7CuBmFk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wistfulclown · 5 months
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micah-has-fallen · 8 months
Day 16: Favorite dysautonomia-friendly activities/hobbies.
- I really enjoy crochet, and coloring, especially when watching a show or listening to an audiobook. Though depending on the day sometimes that much repetitive motion in the arms means I need to take breaks (that ppl are supposed to do anyways to prevent injury lol)
Day 17: Your go-to comfort show/movie during a flare
- Buckle in there’s a bunch.
Shows: She-Ra (2018), Avatar and the last Airbender, Arcane, Adventure Time, Hilda, Over The Garden Wall
Movies: Anything Ghibli, Children of the Sea, anything animated Disney, Kung Fu Panda, The Mitchell’s Vs the Machines
Day 18: Your support system
- My close friends, and my mom.
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tacticalhimbo · 8 months
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amsgpsdaily · 9 months
The Benefits of Ankle Bracelet GPS Monitoring
In recent years, ankle bracelet GPS monitoring has gained significant popularity as a valuable tool in law enforcement and criminal justice systems. This innovative technology allows authorities to track and monitor individuals who are subject to house arrest, probation, or parole by using a GPS-enabled ankle bracelet. While some people may view ankle bracelet GPS monitoring as intrusive, there are several compelling reasons why it can be considered beneficial for both offenders and society as a whole.
1. Enhanced Public Safety:
Ankle bracelet GPS monitoring plays a crucial role in enhancing public safety. By tracking the movements of individuals under supervision, authorities can ensure that they are abiding by the terms of their sentence or supervision. This enables law enforcement agencies to monitor the whereabouts of high-risk offenders, preventing them from entering restricted areas or potentially dangerous zones. As a result, the technology acts as a deterrent, reducing the likelihood of re-offending and contributing to the overall safety of communities.
2. Alternative to Incarceration:
Ankle bracelet GPS monitoring provides an effective alternative to incarceration for certain non-violent offenders. By allowing offenders to serve their sentence in the comfort of their own homes, the technology helps alleviate the burden on overcrowded prisons and reduces the associated costs. This alternative approach also allows offenders to maintain their employment, support their families, and receive necessary treatment or counseling, facilitating their successful reintegration into society.
3. Increased Accountability and Compliance:
The use of ankle bracelet GPS monitoring promotes increased accountability and compliance among individuals under supervision. Knowing that their movements are being monitored, offenders are more likely to adhere to the conditions of their release or probation. This heightened level of accountability encourages responsible behavior, helps individuals maintain their commitments, and reduces the chances of engaging in criminal activities. Consequently, ankle bracelet GPS monitoring can contribute to the successful rehabilitation and reformation of offenders.
4. Quick Response to Violations:
Ankle bracelet GPS monitoring provides real-time tracking, enabling prompt response to any violations or breaches of conditions. If an individual deviates from their permitted zones or violates curfew restrictions, authorities can quickly address the situation. Timely intervention can prevent potential harm to the individual, victims, or the community at large. The ability to swiftly respond to violations ensures that appropriate actions are taken, such as providing warnings, adjusting conditions, or, if necessary, revoking probation or parole.
Ankle bracelet GPS monitoring, despite initial reservations, has proven to be a valuable tool in the criminal justice system. By enhancing public safety, providing an alternative to incarceration, promoting accountability, and enabling swift response to violations, this technology offers numerous benefits for both offenders and society as a whole. While it is essential to strike a balance between individual rights and societal needs, ankle bracelet GPS monitoring represents a significant step forward in the pursuit of a safer and more rehabilitative justice system.
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justices-blade · 1 year
[ Fireflies ] - Also known as lightning bugs. Get it? ... Maybe you wish to catch the show, or maybe you want to catch the bugs - just remember that they’re not so small anymore.
First Ares was blindsided by the land transforming beneath his feet, and now he was literally being blinded.
No sooner had he made it out of that hedge maze did he walk right into another set of walls -- these being made out of eye-searing flashes of light.
"Tch..." Ares mumbled something sharp through his grit teeth as he brought an Earth-branded hand over his face. It was meant to give his eyes a chance to adjust, but his sight was still awash with faded colors mixed into a blinding white. Distance was the only cure he could think of now, carefully trying to inch his way through the cloud of fireflies without any collisions.
Naturally, he bumped into something almost immediately, and from the sensation of soft cloth and magic surging between them, he guessed it to be another person.
"Apologies," Ares said, having stopped the minute he felt them. "I can't see through these fireflies' lights."
"Whoa!" Edward stumbles a bit at the collision, but he's been doing that a fair number of times in the past few minutes — As cool as the oversized fireflies are, looking at one's already a bit like looking at an oversized lantern for too long, and the amount swarming around them right now is closer to a miniature sunrise.
Maybe it's for the better that the light's making it so hard for people to, y'know, actually see them in all their crawly, buzzy glory up close — Leonardo would have a full-on freakout if not for all the light, for sure. At any rate, consider him sufficiently flashbanged.
While Ares stays stock-still, though, Edward reaches out for purchase, the gloved hand not shielding his eyes gingerly feeling its way up to the other's head — Or, rather the hand shielding it. Earth and water meet, briefly, adding flashes of orange and blue into their peripheries as the flowers light up and bloom. The boy lets out a little 'oh!', and shifts his hand down to a more appropriate shoulder touch, just to anchor them both.
"Hey there," he chortles. "Sorry, me too. They're real bright, huh?"
The shoulder hand pats once, twice. "Don't think a blind man can lead another all that good, but you wanna try and pick our way out of this? I'd rather admire these guys from a little further off, myself."
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blogbyameera · 1 month
Na sawal e vasl , na arz e ghum , na hikayatein , na shikayatein
Tere ehd mei dil e zaar ke sabhi ikhtiyar chale gaye
- Faiz Ahmed Faiz
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