#Devils Bridge Station
old-transport · 1 year
Vale of Rheidol No. 9 at Devil's Bridge - Aug 1949 by Frederick McLean Via Flickr: One of a collection of 3" x 2" amateur transport photographs, all dating between 1947 and 1952. This one was taken on the 19 Aug 1949 and is of 1' 11 3⁄4" in (603 mm) narrow gauge Vale of Rheidol (B.R. Western Region when this was taken) 2-6-2T tank engine No. 9 at Devil's Bridge station. The photo reverse is annotated with "British Railways (Western Region) No. 9 on down line at Devil's Bridge, [19.8.1949] on train arriving 3.30pm". No. 9 was built by Great Western Railways in 1924 as No. 1213, it was renumbered as No. 9 in Mar 1949, and given the name 'Prince of Wales' in Jun 1956. It is currently being overhauled and when running will carry number 1213. Vale of Rheidol Railway on Wikipedia:- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vale_of_Rheidol_Railway If there are any errors in the above description please let me know. Thanks. 📷 Any photograph I post on Flickr is an original in my possession, nothing is ever copied/downloaded from another location. 📷 -------------------------------------------------
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mintmatcha · 9 months
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the pursuit of silence (and all the noise along the way)
nanami kento x reader
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part one: potential (and the lack there of)
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CW: cisfem reader, Space AU (vaguely Star Wars. Vaguely), reader has a cybernetic limb. slow burn.
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Out Station, Hosnian System, Core Territories
When you first arrived, the station's constant thrum would keep you awake. The slow, thrusting drawl echoed through your metal cot as the craft perpetually spun, the sound of gears and cogs drilling down to the marrow of your bones to eat at the edges of your mind. Night doesn't exist in space, not in the same way it does on solid ground. There's no physical marker for rest, no sun to rise to mark another day, so everything always trudges forward, with heavy, uneven steps.
 When you were young, the visitors to your planet's surface had told you that space was eerily silent, marked only by the sound of your vessel and your own thoughts.
"Nothing like here," One man -Simmons- had promised. He had tucked himself away into your Sun Dome, waiting for the thunder to calm itself, "Nothin' like this eternal rain."
He had left later that night, leaving only stories about the Inner Rim and an uneasy feeling in your stomach.
"Don't that sound make you wanna go crazy?" he said as he headed towards his ship, "Don't you ever want silence?"
It was funny, how you had never noticed it before, the tap-tap-tap that bore down upon the plexiglass. A frog born into boiling water: you didn't know you were being cooked in it all until someone else told you this wasn't normal.
You've been chasing that silence ever since.
You thought you had found it when you joined the station. Promises of flights to places you've never heard of, adventures you could never dream of: you didn't even bother to pack a bag before jetting off and leaving the rainy planet's surface behind. There, beyond the atmosphere, it was- stretches of ringing, perfect quiet.
Then you arrived and the noises never stopped. It was nothing like the storms you had grown up with, no rhythm, no comfort. Gone was the devil you knew, traded for another nightmare of soot and gears. 
Nothing changed. Maybe you did. The hourly chimes, the rattle of cargo leaving and arriving, the sighs and snores and sex sounds of fellow pilots that shared the dorm: you learned to live with it, allowed yourself to become a part of the drum. In fact, a part of you found comfort in it, like a cosmic lullaby, rocking you to sleep as the stars spun around you.
The sudden sharp, violent clanging of metal on metal is not a part of that lullaby.
You jolt from sleep, clutching at your side for where your blaster usually is, driven only by panic. It takes a couple bleary blinks for you to gauge the scene and realize there's no threat. A pink haired rookie is smiling up at you, his cybernetic limb still clutched against the steel of your bed frame.
"Nine!" Pilot 501-G grins, "Scared ya."
"Stars and Makers, Itadori." You soften your tone, but still kick away his hand. Your own prosthetic isn't as advanced as his; while his is covered in thin synthflesh, the metal of yours is exposed, covered only by sheets, "I just fucking fell asleep."
The younger man laughs, backing away from the wall sheepishly. The glimmer in his eye is what keeps him looking young, despite the scars that cut through his lip and over the bridge of his nose. Someone is snoring a couple bunks over, practically gagging on their own spit. Every now and again, the sound stops and Itadori’s head snaps to look in that direction, concern dripping from his features. You’ll tell him later that it’s just G’hil: he’s been snoring like that for years.
"Sorry, sorry - I thought it was funny!" He better be sorry - you're the one in charge of training his ass, "But they're looking for you, so you gotta get up."
You rub the grit of sleep from your eye. "Who could possibly need me? I just fucking landed--" you check your watch- “Four hours ago.”
"One of the guys with the offices," he shrugs, "They told me you'd know where to go."
You do, unfortunately. Only one commander gives instructions to the G Group. With a groan and stiff back, you throw yourself from the bed. As you slide into your fly suit, Itadori dips his head to the floor to avoid watching you dress. In a few months, he'll lose his modesty too; it's hard to stay pure in such a confined space.
Once you're dressed, you both head into the bustling halls. The paths divert and wind, dipping into ladders for the deeper parts of the station. Itadori still gets lost most days, so he follows you as you wind your way towards the loading bay. 
"Are you going on a mission?" he asks.The recycled air is extra stuff today and you swear it tastes like the slop dining served last meal. 
"It’s an assignment," you correct, "And probably."
"Dammit." Itadori kicks at nothing, practically skipping, "They make me clean engines when you're gone."
"Good, it'll beef you up a little bit."
The boy gawks at that, squeezing his biceps to prove he doesn't need any more. You laugh and mimic him, flexing your own muscles as you walk. He flexes harder then, bicep so coiled you fear he might hurt himself. The ball of muscle is bigger than you expected, easily larger than yours, but you blow him away with a raspberry anyway.  
“Okay, okay, Shrimp.”
“Maker, please don’t call me Shrimp-- I’m afraid it’s going to stick!”
He has a point. Nicknames have a funny way of gaining traction around here. As you both wind your way into the main level, the activity picks up. More bodies are roaming the narrow halls, rushing to-- well, you aren’t quite sure. The Station is 45 levels top to bottom with a couple hundred employees on hand at all times, some of which are stationed to pilot hypermatter crafts to places that need it. Other people did a variety of boring, overly scientific sounding jobs- stuff that went immediately over your head when they explained it to you.
“Itadori, we'll fly when I get back, okay? I'll take a cruiser and a couple credits and we'll get a good dinner. Something nice." You bump your hip against him and he almost staggers into an officer. "Something fresh."
"Real Caf?" he asks, "Not the powdered stuff?"
You’re not sure ‘real’ Caf exists, but you promise him anyway.  "Sure, whatever you want."
Itadori pumps his fist in the air with a woop. He goes to continue, then pauses as his eyes flit down the hall. Staggering out of an unknown room is a familiar face, much less bruised than you last saw it.
"Hello, hello," you croon, hands on your knees like you’re calling for a loth-cat, "Look who's out and about!"
"Ha, ha, very funny." Haibara hobbles on a crutch, the wood tucked under his arm's cast. His leg is set straight with chunky plaster, basically paralyzing his right side. The few people who pass clear the way around him, but a round little R2 Droid drives straight into his good leg and almost bowls him over. The round faced brunette wobbles and swears, waving it off with his good arm. 
"Do you know how hard it is to not have an arm and a leg?" he exclaims.
You and Itadori share a look, then gesture to each other's cybernetics.
"I know very well," you agree, "I have no sympathy. Don't steal an X-wing next time."
Haibara groans, sounding as pathetic as he looks. He’s actually a couple of years older than you, but he looks softer than Itadori in the face. “I just wanted to try it out. If they didn’t want joy riders, they shouldn’t have refueled here!”
“That’s awful logic,” you tease, clapping his shoulder. Unlike you, Haibara came into the station without any flying experience and has not proven himself to be a fast learner. Why he thought he could borrow an X-wing without the experience ending in disaster is beyond you. “Surprised they didn’t fire your ass. Thank god for unions, huh?”
He shoots you a deadpan look. 
"And I was coming here to tell you good news, Niney." Haibara leans on his crutch,  nose in the air, "But now I won’t.”
“Aww, Hai.”
“I won’t! Don’t give me those pouty lips!”
You bat your eyelashes for effect. 
“Ugh, be glad I like you,” he says so sweetly, “You-know-who is here." 
All humor immediately evaporates from your body. Both men notice and have polar opposite reactions: Haibara glows with a chaotic grin while Itadori sobers.
 "Oh, god," you whisper. A tightness has gripped your ribs. Maybe it's dread, maybe it’s panic. “The you-know-who?”
"I don't know who," Itadori interjects. 
“There’s only one you-know-who.”
"Oh, god."
"I don't know who!" Itadori says again.
Haibara throws his head back to laugh, then grimaces in pain. Good, he deserves it.
"Who's you-know-who?" Itadori stresses, looking between his two superiors. You throw a hand over your face to hide your expression, but Haibara continues.
"Niney-Nine, our fearless leader, our beloved pilot-” Haibara’s grin is consuming his whole face. If he wasn’t already stitched and taped up, you might punch him, “--has a crush."
"You have a crush? What?" Eyes snap to you, "On who?"
Crestfallen is written all over the poor kid's face, but you can only focus on your own burning cheeks. Oh, how your body has betrayed you. 
"Shut up.”
"She won't even talk to him." Haibara continues, "I try to call her over to talk to him and she shrivels up like a bug."
He brings his good arm to his chest and sticks out his tongue, then roughly mimics scurrying away in the air. Itadori’s jaw is slack, enthralled by his antics. 
“It’s nothing,” you insist, “He’s not even cute.”
It’s not nothing. Oh, you wish it was, but it’s not. You have the type of crush that makes your knees buckle and jaw ache and you haven’t even spoken to the man directly. Once, he nodded your way, just the hint of a smile on his lips, and you spent the following afternoon locked in a shower stall, shamefully jacking off to the memory.
Dread rises in your throat like bile.
"Oh, please! You're so smitten! It's crazy!” he turns back to Itadori, “She’s so smitten. Makes this dumb little face-" Haibara makes his eyes wide, “Once, she went to Coruscant to watch his speech-”
"We're leaving." You start walking, pace crisp enough that Itadori can barely follow, let alone your injured copilot, "Bye, Hai!"
"Oh, come on!" The linoleum squeaks under the rubber stopper at the end of his crutch, "I know for a fact that it'd go well if you just talked to him!"
"Goodbye!" you call back. You’re better than this. A stupid crush isn’t going to dominate your life, especially not one this unrealistic.
You click the heels of your boots against the floor with purpose, marching forward and away from that mess. 
But Itadori doesn’t have the sense to read the air. “So, who is it-?”
"Itadori," you warn.
Silence only lasts another couple of steps.
"You should ask him out," he continues, "You're really great. I know any guy would be-"
“Don’t,” you warn, a bit harsher than you really should, “Not now, Shrimp.”
As you arrive to where you need to be, a room marked ‘superior’, Itadori chews on his lip and hesitates, shuffling his feet unhappily. He’s still bright eyed and full of adventure, just like you used to be, so he must be upset about missing another ‘mission’. 
'Hey," you elbow him again, softer this time, "I'll probably just be toting cargo to the Outer Rim again. There's no reason to be sad or jealous or whatever." 
"I'm not jealous of-" Words fail him, then the rookie relents and retreats, "You're right-- have fun on your stinky old rocket."
 He waves you off, still a little down. "Still sounds better than sitting here."
You ruffle his hair. It’s unwashed and sticky enough that it stays in place when you pull away, so you wipe your palm on his shirt. Itadori steps back with fake offense, but his smile is returning.
“Sorry, shrimpy,” you say, “I’ll see you soon.”
You turn the door handle, then pause. “And take a shower, for Maker’s sake.”
.. . . . . . . . .
The office is essentially just an overlook of the bay, with ships and droids constantly twirling about. Today, no large freighters are reloading, so the space is rather barren, filled with only pilots and fuelers passing the time.  At the intercom, a tall, thin woman stands. Commanding Officer Mei Mei tilts her head with the coyest of smiles, like she's barely containing a secret. She greets you by name, a strange familiarity she holds with all pilots she deems worthy.
"Senior Pilot 333-G, reporting for duty," you say.
She wastes no time. Her eyes bore into you from behind the thick plait that covers most of her face.
"You're from a single biome storm planet, right?"
You hesitate to answer. Mei Mei is nice enough, but there's always an insidiousness behind it all, something you can’t quite put your finger on, but your gut can taste. Like the predatory bird, she perches herself against the edge of the table, primed to strike the moment you’re most vulnerable.
"I am, indeed," you admit. 
"And you've flown on your planet?"
It's where you learned, in between storms and pressure pockets, on the laps of men that promised to take you away and never did. "Many, many times."
"Good." She claps her hands together and turns back to her makeshift desk. The same papers are scattered around its top, in the same position as always, a charade that works on most. It’d probably work on you too, if you didn’t know how often she disappeared offsite. "It’s settled then. You'll be transporting our visiting senator back to his home planet."
Your heart stops for a moment. Neurons connect.
"Who?" you ask, even though you know better.
The OutStation is a part of multiple trade routes, so it isn't uncommon for senators to make appearances. Most of the time, it's to file complaints about efficiency or lost shipments (with piracy at an all time high, you can't blame them), but a certain senator seems to visit more often than others.
"That would be me.” The man in question stands up from his chair on the other side of the desk and you wonder how you didn't notice him before. Every hair on your body stands on edge as you process his presence, a Loth cat with its hackles raised. 
“This time of year, the storms can knock out the Nav and landing systems."  He adjusts his cuff link and smooths the sleeve back into place, always the picture of grace. Senator Nanami Kento, with perfectly coiffed blonde hair and chin never below parallel with the ground, adjusts his glasses and you catch his steely gaze directly. This time, there’s no hint of a smile, just a thin drawn line on his peach slice lips.
Your mouth goes dry.
It's not that you don't like the Senator. Oh. Quite the opposite.
He’s You-Know-Who.
You’re not sure where you gathered the absolute gall to develop feelings for the man. It certainly wasn’t a logical decision. The men you usually go after are in your league: other pilots passing through, engineers that can’t remember your last name, strangers who understand the game and how to play it-- it’s always people who see the Outer Rim Hick written across your face and treat you as such. You have no business falling for a man who dresses in ironed long coats, white collars that are never dirtied, with  a neck that’s never been burnt by the sun.
It doesn’t help that he’s simply attractive. Not a special kind of hot, with caveats and conditions, but genuinely, truly beautiful. It’s the kind of attractiveness that makes people kinder and life easier and you wish you were immune.
"Senator, I-" You're sweating. Your eyes won't leave where you've planted them on the floor. His boots are polished leather, so shiny you can see your warped reflection. It’s better than looking at him. "Wouldn't it be better to use an official transport? Or Haiba-- 299-G?"
Haibara grew up on the same planet as the Senator, so the two have been close since their teenage years. When Haibara left, Nanami went to work, climbing the political ladder. Their home planet used to be a bit more like yours, desolate and unknown, but in the past ten years Prixiyi has transformed into a vacation destination. The change is controversial amongst the citizens, but it undeniably has made the planet a gem in the eyes of the galaxy.
Maybe that’s what made you like him in the first place, that ability to rise. 
"There's no official transport in this sector and Haibara is currently… out of commission. I need to go home as quickly as possible and finish some work before the tourism season begins." Senator Nanami leans back, turning away to mutter over his shoulder. "Besides, I'd prefer to make it back in one piece."
Despite yourself, you blossom into a smile. Haibara doesn't have a very good track record of keeping his craft in the sky. It's a bad joke, but coming from him, it's everything.
From the corner of your eye, Mei Mei gives you a sideways glance. That immediately sobers you. Don’t forget yourself: you’re a grunt performing a job, not some schoolgirl with a crush. This isn’t some sort of fanfiction; there’s no reason to get excited.
“I just need someone with experience dealing with the hazards," The Senator reiterates. 
"I'll rise to the occasion, sir." You nod to both of the people in the room. Besides, you aren’t some rookie flyboy anymore: you, for better or worse, are considered a proper pilot. As an adult woman, you can swallow down a childhood crush for a couple hours.
Then, maybe, you can go home and masturbate about it.
“Wonderful,” Mei Mei says it in a way where you doubt she really thinks it's wonderful at all. She waits a moment, that crisp smile still pulled tight, "Well?"
There’s the moment, where your guard is down and the soft belly of your emotions is exposed. “Uh-”
“Our darling-” she stresses that word and the man in question seems stiffer, if that’s even possible- “darling Senator said as soon as possible. Start moving.”
You don't wait for any further instruction. In a bit of a scramble, you turn on your heel and leave, careful not to let the door slam. The lack of sleep is still tight in your muscles, but you push through and head towards the bay. There was no instruction of exactly where to go or what you’re flying, but that doesn’t matter.
As long as you know who is onboard, it’ll be a nightmare.
Masterlist | part two
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eepyuii · 5 months
frostbite — pt. 7
pairing ; childe x gender neutral!reader
content ; childhood friends to “rivals” to lovers, slowburn-ish
cw ; none
notes ; happy new year!! it’s story quest time which meaaans- its teucer town. a lot of the reader and teucer being besties and *some* tiny particles of romantic feelings (if u catch them). also just a really lighthearted and humorous chapter :3
previous | next | masterlist
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three knocks.
“hm? yes, ekaterina? come in.”
the secretary steps up to your desk, where you sit pitifully, head resting on your hands. it’s been some months since osial’s attack and you’ve mysteriously remained stationed at liyue, not that you mind, of course. the traveler and paimon have long since been on their way to inazuma and, according to news you heard from all around, seem like they successfully solved the crises surrounding the electro archon and the vision hunt decree. not only has there been word on the streets of their feats but you’ve also noticed a noticeable increase in inazuman immigrants by the harbor.
but- back to the matter at hand, today you find yourself incredibly more fatigued than usual, perhaps due to your struggles with getting even a good wink of sleep the night before. the sunlight creeping through the windows seems to sting your eyes harsher than normal for early morning but you still try your best to open them and read the letter ekaterina has just placed in front of you.
noticing the strain in your efforts to, well, be awake at the moment, ekaterina clears her throat.
“it’s a mandate from the doctor himself.”
now that gets you up, though not in a good way. the sheer reminder of that man’s existence is enough to shoot an icy burn into your spine, one that makes you flinch into full consciousness.
skimming more effectively through the lines, you find that the mandate talks about a ruin guard research lab here in liyue under his guise, obviously, that he is requiring you to briefly oversee in his absence. not as bad as you thought but also not entirely good. the doctor has never presently explained his affinity for ruin guard robotics to you- because truly, why would he? but it’s no less than apparent how big his interest in them is, in your experience.
with a long, heavy sigh, you nod.
“i see. thank you, ekaterina, you may go.”
she bows politely and turns to leave while you reread the letter to gather the full details of the research lab. once ekaterina is by the door to your office, you take note of the sound of as her heels stop abruptly as she yelps in surprise, muttering a small ‘hello, master childe’ and carrying on her way. the next moment, they very devil she spoke of is bursting into the room.
“good morning, doc!” he chirps with surprising energy for how early it is and places a closed cup on your desk.
“here! i got you some coffee, thought it might help wake you up.”
“thanks a lot… wait, how did you know i was tired-“
“and with that act of courtesy, i would like to propose my own favor to be granted by yours truly. and that is for us to sp-“
“childe, i cannot spar with you today.”
with that, the harbinger slumps into himself like a fussing child, ironic, and groans softly. he’s about to try his very persuasive best to convince you anyway when he spots the letter in your hands and raises an eyebrow curiously.
“what’s that?”
you sigh again, pinching the bridge of your nose. “a mandate from dottore asking me to check up on one of his ruin guard research facilities, here in liyue.”
childe seems to empathize with your disdain for the request and scoffs, mumbling about ‘that lunatic and his little toy robots…’.
“hm, well i wish you luck with that. i’ve also got myself some less than stellar debts to collect today, might as well busy myself somehow even if ekaterina thinks i shouldn’t.”
“good luck with that too.”
childe turns to leave, slightly less chipper than he was when he walked in, until he stops by the door to turn around. “you’re still owing me a spar for that coffee!”
grassy mountains, building ruins, ginkgo trees- minlin was just like any other area of liyue, though you’d never steal any merit from the relaxing scenery of the entire region. every new place you visited took your breath away with its beauty all the same.
it’s become an unspoken habit to deal with ruin guards at this point and you knew their patterned behaviors and limits like no other, maybe only the doctor himself. several of them sat inactivated in the ruins around you, as expected, and you took note of each one for your report diligently. as you’re approaching the entrance of the lab itself, you spot another ruin guard sat against a crumbled tower- except it was not the only thing there, there were people too. it’s not hard to decipher that it turns out to be the traveler and paimon and… someone else.
wait… surely it’s not him.
all three of them immediately turn around, except teucer lights up at the sight of you and jumps from his crouching position to run at you with full speed. despite being perplexed at his presence, you still kneel to welcome him with open arms.
“big sibling y/n!! you’re here!!” he yells out, elated.
you chuckle fondly and stand up with teucer clung onto your torso.
“it’s good to see you too, teuce’, but… what in the heavens are you doing all the way here?”
looking over teucer’s shoulder, you turn to the other two, who look just as confused about the entire situation as you do.
“and you two as well, weren’t you supposed to be in inazuma still?”
“mm-yeah, we were taking a bit of a break! we’re on our way to sumeru next and liyue’s the shortest way there so… might as well take some leisurely time off.”
paimon elaborates, until she and the traveler share a look and the two of them sigh.
“unfortunately, the millelith asked us to check out these rui- ahem, i mean mr. cyclops showing up around this area. and as we were doing that, we ran into teucer over here!”
you breathe out a laugh, pitying the pair’s lack of… well- time to take a break without any tasks given to them. ‘talk about leisurely…’ you mutter, quiet enough so teucer doesn’t hear. speaking of him…
“that still doesn’t explain how you were here at all, mister.” you poke the boy’s side with the hand that isn’t holding him up against you and he giggles uncontrollably, attempting to dodge your finger.
“ahahahahah! s-stop! hahah… i’m here to see big brother at the institute for toy research! you work there too, right?”
oh- is that what he thinks childe does? dear gods, that’s too funny. however you do understand why childe would lie about your jobs, you think you’d do much the same. still it takes everything within you to not burst out laughing at the revelation, even the traveler seems to notice so, somewhat understanding the reason but also somewhat not. you huff out a breath to calm the urge to cackle and turn to the two once again.
“listen, you guys don’t need to worry about this one anymore, i’ll take care of him. oh! and don’t worry about the- err, mr cyclops replicas, i’ll sort them out too. go take your break, you deserve it.”
“but- they’re my friends! they like toys like i do! a-and they made the pinky promise!” teucer retaliates.
gods damn the snezhnayan pinky swear.
“plus, he did give us this big bag of mora to take care of him…” paimon eyes the traveler, who returns the glance with a nod as if they’re silently communicating.
“and yeah- we’d much rather go see this ‘toy institute’ than deal with mr. cyclops right now.”
you nod in agreement and gesture for all of you to head back to the harbor, partially to avoid seeing the millelith soldiers patrolling the area.
“so- just out of curiosity, teuce’, what exactly did your brother say about me working with toys?”
“he said you’re a toy doctor! you take care of the toys who get hurt or sick.”
“yeah, that checks out.”
arriving back at northland bank, the first thing you spot is childe and ekaterina discussing something at the center of the room, oblivious to your presence for the moment. that is, until teucer bursts from your tired arms to run to his older brother.
paimon, somehow, remains oblivious enough to what is right in front of her enough to whisper. “huh? what’s he doing here…”
“yay, my brother! i found you!” exclaims teucer and childe immediately perks up, ceasing any doubts that paimon might’ve had.
“i know that voice… why, if it isn’t my little brother teucer! my goodness!”
the harbinger takes his younger brother into his arms, much like you did before, except he wraps him in a nearly bone crushing hug before setting him back down.
“haha.. what a nice surprise, teucer! i thought i would have to wait till i return home before seeing you again. how are the others, tonia and anthon? is everybody keeping well?”
“they miss you a lot! tonia prays for you every day at dinner.” it seems that only after teucer’s response is when the realization of the sheer absurdity that is teucer’s presence sets within childe, his face morphing into confusion.
“wait a second… what are you doing here in liyue, teucer? how have i not heard anything about this?”
that entire interaction, you remained merely watching from behind with an irrepressible fond smile on your face- you were so lost in their reunion that you almost miss the incredulous glare childe throws to you, like he’s silently asking if you had anything to do with this. you jump slightly once noticing it and quickly shrug, shaking your head to signify that you’re just as clueless as him.
“well, what happened was- i saw a boat that looked like it was selling toys, so obviously i thought you were on board. and then when i got off i just kept walking and walking… and then, i found a mr. cyclops!”
“mr cyclops scared off a bad guy, and then i found this nice lady and-and then y/n found us! so we came looking for you.”
childe seems to have another moment of realization, where another fleeting glance comes your way and he sighs, facing off to the side to mouth to himself ‘of course, the research lab…’.
“teucer…” he starts off and you seem to understand what he’s about to say right away, leaving teucer’s side to be right in front of him, beside childe. you kneel to teucer’s height and hold out your hands for him to hold, to make him feel less like he’s being scolded. his tiny hands are dwarfed by yours in a way that makes your heart swell.
“…teuce’, what you did was really dangerous. we’re both happy to see you, really, but please promise you won’t do anything like this ever again.”
childe nods in agreement and teucer sighs, letting go of your hands to put them behind his back sheepishly.
“okay, i promise… please don’t be mad at me.”
“we’re not mad at you. we just care about your safety, that’s all.” childe reassures.
“if you hadn’t met these nice people, and even more if y/n hadn’t found you, things could’ve been a lot more dangerous for you, teucer. i hope you said a big thank-you to all of them?”
“yep! i always remember my please’s and thank-you’s!
“oohh so you did notice we were here… you were just ignoring us, gotcha.” paimon adds sarcastically as she and the traveler look at childe through a sassy glare.
“haha… forgive me, it’s always family first where i’m from. don’t take it personally. i know we’ve had our differences up to now but.. a few minor quibbles aside, we get on quite well, don’t you think?”
the traveler’s incredulous reaction tells you that perhaps teucer shouldn’t listen to the conversation while they sort out their, erm, quibbles- so you gently take him by the hand and lead him off ever so slightly to the side, where you know he’ll be at least distracted enough to not listen. kneeling down, you once again take his impossibly adorable hands into yours and fiddle with them playfully, he only grins in oblivious amusement.
“so, teuce’, tell me more- how’re things back home? you’re not too bored without us there, are you?”
“mm-no, i’m just fine! anthon still plays with me a bunch and tonia always reads me the letters big brother sends us, she always tells such cool stories!”
“yeah? like what?”
the young boy thinks for a moment, rubbing his chin like he’s mentally paging through the deepest, most riveting tales he can recall.
“hmm.. oh! one time she told me the story of how big brother discovered a new version of mr. cyclops! he’s bigger and.. and stronger and he’s got huge horns, like a deer! he’s like mr. cyclops' big brother.”
well, at least childe is keeping his lies somewhat accurate. but the way teucer beams and hops excitedly as he talks about the bigger mr. cyclops, or a ruin grader as you know it, seems to justify keeping him in the dark. the way his big blue eyes shine with wonder is in itself a treasure worth protecting. you’ve practically long forgotten that you’re supposed to be stalling out a conversation to distract him.
“that’s so awesome, teucer!” you grin back at him. “what other stories does your brother tell?”
“hm..- oh yeah! he also talks about you in his letters.”
“does he?” you’re unsure if you should feel good or bad about the revelation, gods know what childe says to his siblings about you.
“yeah he does! he talks about how you take such good care of the toys when they get hurt and how smart you are and how…”
suddenly, teucer trails off as he turns to the trio still conversing near you, like he’s heard something that’s caught his attention. he entirely abandons the sentence he’d left unfinished to join their side again and you find yourself feeling the smidgenmost bit disappointed that he didn’t finish speaking. you only sigh to yourself and smooth your clothes down from the crouching position you were in, joining back in as well.
“that’s right, my brother’s the greatest! he’s mr. cyclops’ bestest friend!”
childe chuckles in somewhat faux delight, to satisfy teucer and make it seem like he approves of his brother’s message, before leaning over to the traveler and whisper, as you hear it,- ‘just humor me in front of teucer, if you’d be so kind…’
“ahem- ah yes! ekaterina, i will deal with the issue of the outstanding payment right away.”
“hey! slinking off, are we?” paimon accuses.
“but, master childe, would it not be improper to ask you to deal with… debt collection?”
“a bet is a bet, isn’t it? and if you lose a bet with an agent.. well, you might as well get some exercise out of it.”
“are you going off to sell toys now?” teucer interjects, partially with admiration for his brother and partially with disappointment that he has to leave.
“that’s right. as much as i’d like to catch up a little longer, teucer, duty calls! i’m sure y/n and ms. nice lady will keep you company while i’m out, though.”
childe implies with a pleading glance thrown to you and the traveler. you nod gladly while the traveler puts her hand to her forehead momentarily and paimon mumbles a complaint about having to babysit for childe.
“sure!” teucer confirms as well. “i really like y/n and this lady already! and anyway, the nice lady made a pinky promise to take good care of me.”
the harbinger ends up leaving the four of you with a hefty bag of mora to spend out in the city while he’s working and you firstly decide to take him to an elderly lady’s kite shop. she patiently explains how to use the kites and teucer asks for a mr. cyclops shaped kite, because why wouldn’t he- you manage to convince the lady to make a custom build for it with a shining pile of mora. next, you take him to wanmin restaurant, where chef mao graciously offers to make a special dish for teucer, who can’t eat spicy food. you don’t blame him, personally- snezhnayan dishes tend to steer away from spice specifically and lean more towards warm, filling meals to endure the cold temperatures. however, the food teucer asks for turns out sickeningly sweet and even paimon, the awarded food enthusiast, feels nauseated at the end. finally, he asks you to give the wharf a better look than when he was stepping off his boat. paimon proceeds to give a mouthful of an explanation about liyue’s trade port, which ends up too confusing for teucer to even care. instead, his attention is caught by a ship anchor left in the wharf.
“teucer, don’t run off!” you urge as he takes off to see the anchor.
“that metal hook is huge! and it gets bigger the closer we get!”
“this is an anchor. docked ships use it to hold themselves in position, to stop wind and waves from blowing them away.” paimon explains.
“hmm, an anchor… got it. but i think i might get it mixed up with commodore hook.”
“commodore hook..? is that another one of your weird toy names?”
“my brother always sends me a really big toy for my birthday- commodore hook, blacksteel jack, iron tony… we keep them all in your backyard!”
“are they as big as the anchor?” the traveler asks.
“yeah, and that’s why i can’t bring them with me all the time. it’s a shame…”
you choke on your breath at a realization. “i-is that what your father was keeping under a tarp in the backyard..?”
teucer nods cluelessly. you’ve seen tarped objects behind childe’s family house that had some absurd silhouettes hidden by the protective fabric and the snow, but you’ve only ever assumed they were left over building materials- not gigantic fucking robots because why would you ever assume that’s what he’d send a child for his birthday. you’ll have to have a talk with him about gift giving at a later time.
“but my favorite is mr. cyclops. even though i mostly came here to see my brother, the other big thing i wanted to do was play with mr. cyclops! oh- are they selling fish over there, let’s have a look!”
and just like that, teucer is gone again. paimon stomps her foot in the air as she heaves frustratedly.
“quit! running! off!”
you briefly go to see the fish on display as teucer tells you of the time when childe caught him an impossibly large fish just because he asked for it. somewhere in the back of your head, you find it endearing that childe has kept up the habit of fishing just like when his father would take you on his trips to ice fish as well. maybe you could get him to go fishing in liyue, just the two of you when you have some free ti- wait, what are you saying? you’re supposed to be watching out for teucer, who conveniently has gone off to see the boats and seems to have his entire good mood flipped around.
“teuce’, you look upset, what’s wrong? are you tired?” you coo.
he sighs melancholically and covers his face behind his hands. “i miss my brother…”
“what? but we were just with him!” argues paimon.
“yea, but for such a short time that it doesn’t even count! take me to see my brother, i don’t wanna play anymore!”
you sigh and look to the other designated babysitters. they look back with defeated shrugs- seems like you’ve done what you can to entertain him for the moment. turning back to teucer, you offer to carry him in your hold as you leave for qingxu pool, where childe said he would be, and he gladly accepts. from behind you, a low gurgle can be heard.
“urgh… paimon may never recover from that dish.”
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taglist ; @kentply @osaemu @rain-and-a-nice-nap
62 notes · View notes
sashaisready · 2 months
I'm Still Here - Chapter Five
Lee Bodecker (The Devil All The Time) x Femme Reader
In late 60s Meade, you’re married to Sheriff Bodecker, pregnant with your first child. On paper you’re the perfect couple – the respectable Sheriff and his homemaker wife. This should be one of the happiest times of your life…so why are the two of you living like ghosts? And is it too late to bridge that gap? Especially when your husband is playing a dangerous game.
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Strong violence, mild violence/threat towards pregnant woman, gun violence, knife violence.
This is the final chapter, I hope you've enjoyed! As always I appreciate reblogs and comments. This was a bit different for me and I enjoyed exploring it.
Wordcount: 3.5k
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You could hear the men downstairs, roaming around and picking things up, calling out your name. Lee let you use your real first name after you married him. After all, nobody would find you with Bodecker as your last name, and nobody knew who Honeybee really was, so there was no risk. It was Lee’s idea; he was very clear that you shouldn’t lose all of your previous self in order to make room for the new you. He still liked to call you Honey, a little nod to how you met.
You felt rage brimming within as they used your first name, as they moved around your house and pawed at your things. How dare they? Your name wasn’t for their mouths, your belongings not for their eyes. The audacity to come into your home, the first real home you’d ever had, shared with the man you loved (and soon shared with your child), and sullying it with their voices, their presence, their grubby hands. Your heart pinched as you briefly wondered what they’d done to Lee…if they had hurt him…if he was even still al-
…But you couldn’t think about him right now. You needed to concentrate on you and baby. There would be time for him later.
Your finger squeezed the trigger of the shotgun.
These men were not going to take away what you’d fought your entire life for. Yes, it wasn’t all smooth sailing right now, but it could be fixed. It could all be fixed. You could see that now, finally it was clear. This wasn’t their call to make. You didn’t know yet what they’d taken from you…but if it was Lee? Well. If you couldn’t save him, you would avenge him.
“You take upstairs, I’ll do the kitchen and the garage” you heard one of them say as they hovered at the foot of the staircase.
This was it. You had been flitting between strategies since you had pulled out the gun. You had considered fleeing, but you weren’t exactly agile in your current condition. Plus, most of the neighbours weren’t around, so where would you go? Even if you called the station, which wasn’t likely as the men would hear you first and corner you by the phone, the police wouldn’t get here in time anyway. Your only choice was to go on the offensive.
Them separating was good, much easier to take on one armed man than two. The question was whether you went in guns blazing (literally) and took out goon number one, knowing the sound would send goon number two straight up the stairs right to you. Or maybe you needed to dispatch goon number one more quietly, as not to alert suspicion of goon number two and retain the element of surprise. But a shotgun wasn’t exactly a subtle shot, even with a silencer. And there was more of a guarantee you’d take him out quickly if loudly, rather than with a quieter, more discreet method. The last thing you needed was two of them coming for you at once, especially if one is wounded and pissed about it. Lord knows you’d dealt with that enough times in the past to know it was best to avoid.
The careful footsteps up the stairs and then along the hallway meant the decision was made for you. You stayed perfectly still as he drew closer; he called out your name and you gave your stomach a final cursory rub as you watched the doorknob slowly rotate…
The door gently rolled open, and you could pinpoint the moment he saw you, his features pinging across his face in a look of surprise as his fist tightened around the pistol in his right hand.
But it was too late. You fired, your feet squatting apart to keep your balance from the inevitable recoil. It was much louder than you remembered it being, but maybe it just sounded that way in the cosy enclave of the spare bedroom. The noise thundered in your ears and the stench of gunpowder and heat hit your nose as you bounced backwards slightly.
You watched his expression change for a split second as he realised what was happening, but it was over quickly as the blood and tissue enveloped his fear. His heavy frame slumped to the floor with a sickening thud and just as quickly as he’d arrived, he was face down on the plush cream carpet. You were grateful not to see the full grisly aftermath of your handiwork.
“I promised I’d never do this again, but you left me no choice” you whispered regretfully to him as you pumped the weapon once more. But of course, he couldn’t hear you.
You toed the pistol out of his closed fist and kicked it under the dresser. It wasn’t like he was going to suddenly get up and start firing – but you could never be too careful.
You held the shotgun back up and tensed your ears through the slight ringing to try and make out the sounds in the rest of the house. The fact that his buddy hadn’t run up the stairs, or even called out to check on his friend, worried you. He was either a big rookie at this and was somewhere in the house cowering, or worst-case scenario – he was more experienced than that and was being more cautious than his departed pal as he waited to make his move.
You stayed where you were for a moment, listening to the sounds of the house. Nothing stood out. You could hear the low hum of the refrigerator downstairs and the distant song of a bird outside, but little else. The optimist in you hoped he had fled, but you would’ve heard the front door. After some time had passed, you took a couple of steps backwards while keeping your eyes on the door. You quickly glanced out of the window. Their van was still parked up out front. No sign of anyone outside.
You moved forward again, back to your post in front of the fallen man. If you glanced quickly you might think he was praying at your feet. The adrenaline was pumping hard as you steadied your breathing and kept the gun raised. You looked out into the hallway once more, seeing only the wedding photo of you and Lee affixed to the wall across from the doorway. You smiled. You both looked so happy.
And you had been happy. It had been difficult to transition to this new life, to give up thieving and fighting for pot roasts and furniture polish. To play your new role, to be a ‘normal’ wife, smile in the right places and pretend your mother had taught you to cook and clean and sew like everyone else’s had. There was an unspoken code all the other wives seemed to know that you could barely scratch the surface of. Every fibre of your being screamed that you didn’t belong.
However, falling for Lee had not been difficult. No. It was the easiest thing in the world. You supposed you were already halfway there long before his strange proposal in the woodshed that day. Part of you had always known. You imagined you would’ve found each other no matter which path you took. It was easy and effortless. It was the one thing you didn’t have to fake. There was no artifice in that wedding day smile. You’re not sure why he took a chance on you, but you were glad he did. You had cherished every moment with him. Every late-night conversation. Every handhold as you strolled in public. Every reassuring hand pressed onto your lower back when he knew you were feeling overwhelmed. Every groan in your ear as he slipped inside of you, every caress, every hungry kiss, every sweet embrace. The safest place in the world was in his arms when the two of you drifted off to sleep. He has saved you and given you a new start, and while it wasn’t always sunshine and rainbows, you were grateful. You wanted to make him proud.
And this was no exception.
Time passed and there was still no movement from the missing man. You were both in a stand-off, waiting the other out. It continued. The silence almost mocking.
After more time had passed (it felt like hours) you decided to take the bull by the horns and finish this. You would no longer be cornered in your home; you would tackle this how the Cypress gang used to. Finish it. For baby. For Lee. For you.
You took a deep breath and stepped carefully over the man’s body and out into the hallway, the shotgun raised, and your muscles clenched. You peered out tentatively. Nobody either side. Feeling emboldened you took another step forward.
Before you had time to plan your next move, the shotgun was unceremoniously yanked from behind, leaving your hands and tumbling you to the floor. Fuck. You looked up to a dark-haired man standing over you, the gun barrel pointing between your eyes. He was clenching his teeth in anger.
“You fucking bitch…” he growled.
He must’ve been hiding out in another room and waited until your guard was down. You should’ve caught that. Clearly, you were a little rusty.
“You’re gonna pay for that you whore” he snarled at you as he squinted over at the other man.
He sighed. “I’m sorry Bobo…” he muttered as he shook his head at the crumpled figure.
“Shut up” he barked, crashing the gun against your forehead. “You got lucky with your husband’s gun, but it won’t happen again”.
“Lee…Where…where is he?” you asked, your voice hoarse with fear.
“He’s alive” the man muttered. “Unfortunately.”
You thought you might throw up with the relief that flooded you. He was okay. Probably roughed up but okay. All the more reason to keep going.
“Please sir…I’m pregn-” you began to plead but he held up his hand and signalled for you to stop.
“I know. I’m not blind, sweetheart” he sighed, almost a hint of regret in his tone. “This isn’t personal, all right? Your fatass husband got you into this mess. I’m sorry”.
“You don’t have to do this…” you said quietly.
“I do” he sighed again. “I need to show Sheriff Bodecker who is in charge here”.
“What…what are you going to do to me? To us…?” you rubbed your stomach.
“Just get downstairs” he snapped. “Do what I say, and I’ll go as easy as I can”.
You nodded, your mind going a million miles an hour. Could you run? Try grab the gun off him? Scream?
“I’m going to stand up, alright?” you offered coyly, raising your hands to show you weren’t a threat.
He nodded and you slowly got to your feet. The little fall fortunately hadn’t been too rough. You were okay. Baby was okay.
All this man knew about you was that you were Lee’s little wife. He thought you got lucky with ‘Bobo’ or whoever that was. Don’t give him any reason to doubt that. Back in the gang, you used a similar routine all the time, all doe-eyed and flustered. Men always underestimated you. They simply could not fathom that you were anything less than meek and scared.
“P-please sir…” you mumbled tearfully, shaking a little.
Underestimating your enemy was the worst mistake you could make. He would soon learn that lesson.
He gestured you to go down the stairs and you cautiously descended, moving slowly. He followed close behind, the shotgun looming between your shoulder blades. He was muttering and cursing, clearly improvising all of this after unexpectedly losing his employee.
He led you to the living room when he told you to stop. Keeping the gun pointed on you, he rested it on his shoulder briefly as he used his free hand to dig around in a knapsack on the floor that he must’ve stashed when they came in earlier. You saw rope and duct tape spill out from the opening. You stood there, trembling.
Or he thought you were trembling, at least.
He pulled out a polaroid camera.
“First…I need to take a few ‘before’ pictures for the good Sheriff…” he murmured. “Really tell the story, y’know”.
Fumbling with the camera meant he lost his hold on the gun for a second. Knowing you might not get another chance; you seized the opportunity.
It all happened in slow motion.
You leapt over towards him and grabbed the shotgun barrel with one hand, punching his head away with the other. He was stronger than you, but the shock had thrown him. He managed to yank the handle and the trigger and fired, but your grappling with the barrel meant the bullet fired into the ceiling. You screamed into his face as he tried to pump the gun and reload, but you continued to wrestle the barrel away. He grunted with surprise but quickly regained his composure as he went to his pocket, and you knew he must’ve had a handgun there, just like his friend did.
In the ensuing tussle the two of you fell to the ground. He was on top of you as he cursed at you and went purple with rage, but you screamed right back at him. He pulled the handgun from his pocket with his free hand, and you grabbed at his wrist, trying to push it away.
“I’m going to enjoy this, bitch” he hissed between a clenched jaw as he raised the gun.
You slammed your hand down as hard as you could into his windpipe and as he choked and spluttered you retrieved Lee’s knife from your brassiere. You pulled it from its sheath and plunged it deep into his neck, twisting it to ensure it took. With your free hand you smacked the gun from his grasp as he moved his fingers to the knife handle. His eyes went wide as he fell forward, and you used the opportunity to roll away from underneath him as he hit the living room carpet, then pulled the gun away and unloaded it. He watched you in disbelief as he bled, stunned at what had just unfolded. You’d seen that look on men before.
“Yeah. Not what you expected, huh?” you taunted.
Panting and rubbing your belly you wiped the sweat from your brow as you took a second to recover. Baby kicked back in silent reciprocation. You noticed the blood on your hands and ruined dress. Just then, the man began to groan. He slowly moved himself up to his knees and began to crawl slowly towards the door.
You were overcome with rage as you sat up and sped towards him. Before you knew it you had pulled the knife from his neck, causing him to collapse as the blood poured.
“Motherfucker…coming into MY HOME. Hurting MY BABY. MY HUSBAND…” you screamed, punctuating your words with vicious strikes into his back.
He groaned and wheezed and begged as you continued to stab him, your anger a red cloud whipping you into a frenzy you couldn’t control. All your pent-up rage about what they’d tried to do, how they’d threatened you and baby, and Lee. Nearly losing Lee. And every bit of anger you had held onto – the injustice of the world, the unfair start you’d had in it, everything you’d either lost or never had as your own in the first place. How hard it was to slip into the shoes of a normal person because you’d never truly had the opportunity to try. Honeybee wasn’t dead after all, she was right here, and she would never fully leave.
Finally, exhausted, you dropped the knife and slid onto your back, panting. You cringed at the sight of the living room, crimson and stained with death, worlds away from the classically curated yet cosy space it was just a few minutes before. You panted, and just laid there.
Lee pulled the cruiser into the driveway so fast he knocked the mailbox over, crumpling it beneath his front tyre. Neighbours peeked through the curtains in horror as the Sheriff jumped from his car and high-tailed it across his front yard, shouting his wife’s name. He kicked through the front door, his voice booming with both anger and panic.
“Lee?” you called out from the living room, snapped out of your haze.
“Honey…” he yelled as he soared towards you. His eyes bulged at the sight of Leroy’s back torn to ribbons.
You reached for him, and he grabbed you and pulled you close, holding you so tight it almost hurt. You gasped at his black eye and the bruises on his face as you traced them carefully with your finger.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” he repeated in your ear like a prayer as he kissed your temple and kissed your face and tenderly held you.
“Are you alright? Is baby alright?” he asked desperately.
“It’s okay baby, it’s okay. We’re okay” you cooed against his forehead as you kissed him back.
You told him it was okay, and that you’d taken care of it. You told him he needed to stop the shady shit and he promised he would, and he swore on the baby’s life between peppering desperate kisses all over your face.
He took a second to go and tell the peering neighbours it was okay, to stay outside and asked them to call the station as his wife had been the victim of a home invasion. Then he came back and pulled you away from Leroy and into the kitchen where he kissed you long and he kissed you hard, feeling every inch of your body as if he couldn’t believe you were here.
“I’ve missed you Lee” you finally said.
“I’ve missed you too, Honey” he sighed. “I know I’ve been distant…I guess I’m scared”.
“I’m scared too, Lee” you sniffed. “I know I haven’t exactly been present either…this is a lot for me too. But don’t shut me out, okay? We need to do this together”.
He nodded.
“I’m gonna be better…I promise”.
He held a tentative hand out to your stomach, moving it slowly towards you. You took it and gently placed it on your belly. He gasped as his fingers made contact with the swell.
“Our little baby…in there” he smiled.
You smiled back. “Sure is”.
As if on cue, the baby kicked back against his hand, causing Lee to chuckle in disbelief. His eyes brimmed with tears as your heart sang, this was what you wanted. Finally.
“Strong little thing…just like mama” he laughed.
You grinned back. “And daddy”.
His expression darkened. “I’m sorry…you had to do that. Like this. And alone. It must’ve brought back some tough memories…”
You sighed. “It’s okay. They were bad guys. They were going to hurt me and baby. They’d hurt you. I did what I had to do. I know I said I’d never do it again…but I had to”.
He nodded again, his fingers stroking at the blood soaked into your dress. “I’ll fix it for ya Honey. Alright? Home invasion. Pregnant woman. Leroy and Bobo were known to be involved in organised crime, they put a hit out on the Sheriff’s wife. It’s open and shut. Don’t worry about none of it. I’ll clean it up good and you shouldn’t even need to go to court”.
He pondered for a second. “Gonna be tricky to explain the multiple stab wounds in the back though...”
“Pregnancy hormones” you giggled.
Lee rolled his eyes and laughed with you. “I told them they’d die in this house…They just didn’t expect it would be because of you”.
“Yeah…that was unlucky for them” you snorted.
You both just stood there for a little while, both grateful to have the privilege of being together in this moment in time.
“I’m sorry Lee…another mess of mine for you to clean up…”
“Oh Hell, I like cleaning up your messes. Keeps me busy, outta trouble…” he smiled.
He tenderly held your chin between his fingers and looked into your eyes.
“I can’t believe I nearly lost you” he said gravely, shaking his head.
“Well, you didn’”t.
“I know…but I coulda”.
“Lee…” you said softly. “It’s gonna take more than two thugs with guns to get rid of me, you know that…You’re stuck with me.”
You smiled at your joke, trying to lighten the mood, but he just looked sullen.
“Sometimes I worry…that I’ve put a bird in a cage, here” he told you, his eyes wide and vulnerable. “Maybe you’re stuck with me”.
“No…no. You saved me, Lee” you whispered. “I’m not a prisoner here. I’m your wife”.
He smiled. And you smiled. And you knew it would all be okay, now. You both found your way back to each other once more. You weren’t a caged bird at all, you were free. Truly free for the first time in your life.
“I love you, Honeybee”.
“I love you too, Sheriff Bodecker”.
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asphalt-cocktail · 3 months
Lead Us To Temptation- Chapter 3
Chapter 3- Hell Hath No Fury
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Summary: In the small town of Eden Ridge, you knew several things to be true: church happened every Sunday, the saloon served free lunch with the purchase of a drink on Thursdays, coal miners left work at 7PM sharp, and Bucky Barnes was a man sent from the depths of hell dangling the threat of temptation and sin right in front of your face. All you need to do is reach out and grab it.
Pairing: Outlaw!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Talks of crime, robbery, crime for hire, talks of violence and guns, kidnapping, talks of past smut, less religion than the previous chapters but its still there. Bucky is a criminal in this so idk what to tell you if you are shocked by the crime. There isn't any gore and nothing is described in graphic detail. Don't worry reader is a badass this is a love story with a happy ending.
Word Count: 2.9k
A/N: I just want to pop in and say how grateful I am for all of the lovely comments, reblogs, tags, and likes I have been getting over the last few weeks! You guys are the ones who keep me writing. I am not doing a tag list, but you can feel free to turn my notifications to get one every time I post a new chapter <3
Read me on AO3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
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Staying in Eden Ridge was probably the longest Bucky had managed to stay in a town and not do something to get run out or have another wanted poster with his face printed on it and slapped on every shop bulletin. 
It was making the boys antsy. They could only hold up so many stagecoaches carrying rich assholes on the outside of town before they got too bored. 
“When are we going to hit the bank Buck? We’ve been here so long the damn seasons have changed.” John’s voice had the uncanny ability of springing a sudden and painful migraine behind Bucky’s eyes anytime he spoke. 
Bucky pinched the bridge of his nose. John pissed him off. “We need to wait a bit before we hit the bank. The ticket seller at the train station mentioned something about a train coming in to transport coal from the mines and take it back east. I guess the coal company is sending some bonds with it because the owner made a deal with Union Pacific.” 
“So what, they’re taking the bonds to the train yard?” 
“I’m glad to see you’re using the brain in that big fucking head of yours John.” To be completely transparent, Bucky harbored a strong dislike for John. 
Their association was almost solely due to John being Steve’s cousin, and Steve’s endorsement was something Bucky didn’t have the heart to dispute. Steve saved his life on more than one occasion. They’d gone through the Civil War together, they experienced the death of both of their parents together. You couldn’t get much closer to a man than that.  
The other reason being was John’s uncanny knack for survival. Despite the dangers of their lifestyle, John seemed to evade death, Bucky reckoned it was because God sure as hell didn’t want him and well, the Devil probably didn’t either so they just left him to do his business in the land of the living until they decided what to do with him.
Bucky was aware that his disdain for John might be uncalled for considering John’s role as the enforcer in their party. John was the one they sent out to take care of the more unsavory business transactions. However, these factors didn’t compensate for the fact that he was just plain weird and unpleasant to be around.
But Bucky was having such a lovely time playing house with you so, naturally he kept his plan to rob your father's train car transporting bonds to the Union Pacific rail yard. Management needed to cash them in and finalize the deal stating they were to use the Eden Coal & Iron as their main supply source. It was a deal that would make your father a very, very rich man. 
Robbing trains was as easy as stealing candy from a baby. An old, half balding, rich, man baby. Bucky could do it in his sleep. He didn’t feel bad about robbing your father. In fact he felt kind of good stealing from that rotten son of a bitch. 
Stealing these bonds would only be scraping the surface of the vast wealth your father accumulated by exploiting the hard working people of Eden Ridge. He was as crooked as crooked could be and there was no amount of praying or church going that would save his soul from the depths of hell once he died, god willing. 
If only you knew how your father treated the hard working miners who toiled in the depths of hell for him. He squeezed 15 grueling hours of labor from them 6 days a week, their backs bowed under the weight of his insatiable greed, all while their families languished in hunger. 
He wasn't the benevolent savior of Eden Ridge, rather, he resembled a vampire, voraciously draining the life force from the Earth and the good hearted denizens of the town you called home. Once he exhausted every able bodied man here, he’d slither away to prey upon the next unsuspecting community. 
Bucky’s plan was simple: wait a day or two several towns away to intercept the train and get to work. But he had to be careful If he got too reckless with his crimes, he’d have to leave. The question loomed in the back of his mind, when he had to leave would you come with? 
When he told you he was leaving to work a job you felt sick, “What do you mean leaving?” 
He cleared his throat and licked his lips, “I need to take the boys to deal with something for a few days. I promise I’ll be back by the end of the week. Two weeks tops.” He said hugging you tight, it pained him to see you worrying so much.
“But what if you don’t come back?” The question punched him in the chest and stole his breath. 
“Now don’t go talking like that.” He scolded you, “I’ll be back I promise.” You swallowed his words like a brick of lead. 
So for seven days you did the only thing you could do and waited. You sought comfort in Sam’s sister Sarah and her friend Natasha, spending most of your free time practicing needle work, reading, and chatting with the women. Sarah was a familiar and friendly face from the local church. Tragically widowed two winters prior, she was left with the responsibility of raising two boys on her own. To your knowledge, she had embraced her brother’s motley crew of friends, offering them sanctuary with open arms.
After your second meeting with Sarah she introduced you to Natasha, the local Madame. It took everything in your power to not turn your nose up at the idea of a woman engaging in sex for money. Your pious thoughts took a back seat when you remembered you were also engaging in sinful premarital acts with a man. 
Not sex though. No. 
Every time you thought today was the day Bucky shut it down. As much of a filthy bandit he was, he was still extremely respectful towards you. He always said he wanted to wait, the moment never felt right.
The moon hung low in the inky black sky as Bucky and his crew of bandits moved like vultures closing in on their prey. They moved silently, night as their accomplice- the thick fog veiling their actions, the rhythmic clatter of wheels masking the sounds of struggle. No witnesses meant no loose ends, and Bucky knew it well. 
It was quick. Efficient. 
Kill everyone on the train and then set it back on course so some poor sad sack could clean up the mess left behind. 
When Bucky’s eyes laid upon the bonds, your father’s exceptionally neat handwriting looping on the paper, he grinned like a snake. Peter could easily get a few hundred for the bonds. Having such a young boyish face always made him seem more trustworthy than the other members of the gang. 
To make up for leaving you worried half to death Bucky bought you a lovely hair pin. It was copper with a small decorative flower on the end of it. “If you think all it’s going to take is a pretty hair pin to forgive you, you’re wrong.” You lied through your teeth snatching it from his dirty hands and pinning it into your prayer veil, because of course Bucky returned just in time to take you to Sunday mass and have lunch with your family afterwards. 
Since midweek, your father had been in a downright rotten mood. He’d spent the last few days late at work and when you showed up to the office to bring him dinner he was yelling at his assistant every time without fail. 
“Tell them to double the guards! Put a damn Gatling on the top of the roof! Send the Pinkertons! I don’t care what you have to do, get that money to the train yard.” 
“But sir-“
“I said figure it out god damn it!” The way he slammed his hands on his desk made you jump. 
It wasn’t often your father lost his temper, but when he did it was frightening. 
At lunch your father glared daggers at Bucky while your mother preened over him. It was nice to see things hadn’t changed during his week away committing crime. 
“James, dear, you should work for the mining company!” Your mother kindly suggested, “My husband is always looking for strong young men such as yourself.” 
It took every fiber of his being to not scoff at the thought of selling his soul to the company, “I rather like the ranch work I’ve been doing for Miss Wilson, but thank you ma’am. If I have a change of heart you’ll be the first to know.” 
On the record Bucky was a ranch hand for Sam’s sister, sure he helped out here and there for the woman but he wasn't getting paid for it, your family didn’t need to know that. 
“We have some friends that are ranchers down in Texas, let us know if you ever venture down there and I’ll send a telegram to them for you.” Your mother was a bonafide socialite. She knew people of all walks of life and thrived on making connections for people, “Your horse is trained so well, they could use someone with your talent.” 
“Alpine?” Bucky grinned thinking of his beautiful white mare, she was almost as stubborn as you are, “I have to say she’s probably my second favorite girl.” 
Your father hated seeing Bucky around the house. He hated how Bucky was always a perfect gentleman whenever he came around. It didn’t matter, no daughter of his was going to marry some rough neck, dirty ranch hand if he had any say in it. 
There was something just plain not right with James Barnes and your father was going to get to the bottom of it. 
As it turns out, it took very little effort to find out the history of a career criminal. This was worse than if Bucky was actually a ranch hand, not only was he a criminal, but he robbed the damn train your father used to transport the bonds not once, but twice in the span of two weeks. 
He couldn’t believe he let a man who stole from him into the safety of their home. He couldn’t believe he let a criminal court his daughter (not that he even approved of the courtship). Bucky was probably sitting in his room at the inn laughing and counting the dollar bills that belonged to in his pocket. 
And the image of that pissed him off to no end. 
It pissed him off so much that he paid off a group of bounty hunters to finally deal rid him of the man once and for all. Bucky wasn’t going to come gracefully, but lucky for your father, Bounty hunters had loose morals and business practices much like he did. When he told Brock Rumlow "I don't care how you do it, just get rid of him!" your father didn't know he opened up a new, lawless realm of possibilities.
The late summer sun hung low in the sky as you quickened your pace home, the two men behind you following relentlessly, footsteps crunching on the dusty streets. You couldn’t make out their faces as they stayed just out of your line of sight but the feeling in your gut only harbored malevolence and fear. 
Your path meandered through town, twisting and turning to ensure they truly were following you.
Two turns left. Three turns right. Then a detour past the butcher.
Dread settled inside you and you quickened your pace, ragged breaths gasping as you neared the outskirts of town and broke into a full sprint as best you could, bunching your skirts in your arms so as to not trip. The buildings thinned, and the darkness deepened as you drew further and further from the bustling center of Eden. 
Further away from anyone who would hear you scream.
Rough hands grabbed you, forcing a bag over your head as you fought, kicking and screaming. Hissing and spitting like a feral cat. Their powerful builds quickly overpowered you, sitting on your legs as you thrashed trying to squirm away, clawing at the dirt and wedging it under your fingernails and covering your fine dress. Then they tied you, bound your arms and legs and threw you on the back of a horse like a sack of grain.
When the horse finally halted you were dragged off, stumbling and disoriented. The hood was yanked off and you were roughly pushed into a small, dark room. You turned finally able to make out the face of your captors who reeked of sweat and malice. He was tall and broad, skin tanned by the sun, with dark hair and eyes. He would have been handsome if this were any other circumstance.  
Your nostrils flared like an angry bull as you exhaled and spat at him in defiance while he manhandled your still fighting body, “Let go of me!” You shrieked, anger overpowering your feelings of fear. 
How dare they! How dare these filthy men put their hands on you and soil a perfectly good dress. How dare they throw you on a horse with a bag over your head and force you into this filthy damp room. Your rage bubbled over, you’d never felt this level of anger before. But the sheer callous disrespect of a lady pushed you over the edge. 
You should have been afraid, fearing for your life even. But the type of men who did this? Well they were cowards. Lower than the lowest cretin to walk the Earth. 
“Well look at you, now I know why Barnes has taken such an interest in you Missy.” The man in front of you grinned like a snake. His hand trailing your jaw, fingers lingering against your skin, “you’re a little firecracker ain’t you?” 
You turned your head to bite him, teeth snapping together as you snarled.  Ordinarily, you epitomized the quintessence of a respectable lady—devout and pious, a paragon of Catholic virtue. Yet, confronted with this dehumanizing treatment, a primal instinct awakened within. If they insisted on regarding you as a beast, then, in the eyes of the Almighty, you would unleash the ferocity of one. “Let me go.” You hissed, “You… you cretin!”    
The man shoved you roughly away, narrowly dodging your bite, “Easy there ma’am, we ain’t gonna hurt you.” For some reason you had a hard time believing him with the kidnapping, the pushing, the bag over your head, “We just need you to bring us out cash cow.” He said and slid over a wanted poster with an uncanny portrait of Bucky on it.
Now it all made sense. 
You took the poster and read the script:
WANTED CAPTURED DEAD OR ALIVE James “Bucky” Barnes  For multiple accounts of murder, theft, and fraudulent activities. Known leader of the Barnes Gang, responsible for numerous bank and train robberies across the Midwestern and Western United States. This is a dangerous individual who will not hesitate to murder.  Mid thirties, brown hair, scar on left arm. Last scene heading west towards the Eden Mountain range.  If spotted DO NOT APPROACH; contact local authorities.  Bounty of $5,000
Of course they’d take you as bait to lure a man with a $5,000 bounty and his gang of merry bandits out from hiding. Something told you that these men thought taking down Bucky would be easy. But you knew this would probably be the hardest $10k they were going to make. They’d probably die doing it! And silently you hoped they would.
A man’s head isn’t worth $5,000 because it’s easy work taking him down. It’s worth that much because he won’t hesitate to fucking kill you in the worst way possible. You didn’t know exactly what Bucky was capable of doing, but you couldn’t help the shiver that crept up your spine when your eyes landed on the big, bold DO NOT APPROACH, “I think for your sake, you should let me go.” 
Perhaps there was a touch of madness in relishing the thrill that such a perilous man inspired within you. Yet, it was the very specter of danger that ignited a fervent blaze deep in your core. To you, Bucky was a flame dancing provocatively over a pool of oil—intensely captivating and inherently volatile.
The dark haired man scoffed, “Your beau ain’t the big bad man everyone seems to think he is. Not when he’s got such an easy weakness to exploit.” 
It was true, Bucky was having the time of his life in Eden Ridge playing house with you. He was living in utter domestic bliss.   “If it’s money you want, my daddy will pay you.” You offered. You had to exhaust all your options and if these men were money hungry then your father would be more than happy to give them the $10k for your life. You didn’t know how much money he had exactly, but you knew it was a pretty penny. 
“Sweetheart, your daddy already paid us.” He mocked you. 
You blinked, brain barely able to comprehend the words he said to you. What a weird thing to say. 
Unbelievable even. 
You were going to have to dissect that at a later date when you were in a better position. 
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06sunnybunny06 · 3 months
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-1 part (Aren't we friends?)
Today that asshole didn't come again!- it wasn't the first time Childe missed your meeting. He always came running after a few days of ignoring you. And what got you hooked on him? Only the eyes, empty as the abyss of the sea, had an eerie appearance. In fact, his cheerful personality was much nicer with red hair and barely noticeable freckles on his cheeks. He always talked about his travels. He had a special love for his family. A nice guy, just a little weird.
* Damn it. Well, I was thinking about him again and only about the good things. What kind of a brat is that? It doesn't even give you peace of mind!* - holding her head, she almost started pulling out her hair. You tried your best not to fall in love with him. He's the devil knows who and the devil knows where from. For Li Yue, the clothes didn't match well. And in general, there is talk of a dangerous organization from Snezhnaya, which haunts the locals. If such dangerous guys are hanging around the city. It's better not to deal with them at all.
Turning around, you screamed when the long figure of the redhead loomed over you- What the hell?!
- Hi baby - he leaned against the railing of the bridge as if nothing had happened before. - I see you don't miss me. And I had to work overtime to make sure I didn't miss our date. His smile widened as he looked at you.
You snorted-Three hours have long passed. I thought I wouldn't see you......again. I think my departure would be a good revenge for the frequent expectations. What kind of girl do you think would do that? If you had missed another meeting, you would have been replaced by a more competent partner.
His eyes widened for a moment, but his face immediately assumed its carefree look. "I think I need to apologize to my unfortunate lady." I have a good excuse. I was working, but the work didn't end.
- then you need to warn me. I have things to do, too, and they don't fit in with your shift schedule. She snorted again, turning away.
Gloved hands lay on your shoulders, squeezing them a little tighter than necessary - If you wait a little, then I can solve some serious issues, and then we can see each other at least every day! There was amusement in his voice.
- every day? What about your job?
- Oh, don't worry. I'm going on vacation soon. I want to see my family and invite you to join me.
This offer looked tempting. Child often talked about
his younger brothers and sisters. His family was portrayed as a small light out of love and warmth in your head. Unlike yours, which is angry and cold. Moving to Li Yue was a good opportunity to cut off all ties with relatives. They stayed in their small village. You've become interested. How are they doing? These thoughts immediately flew out of my head like a cold wind. It's none of your business anymore. They didn't care about your departure. I didn't care about you. There's no reason to think about it....
A hand flashed before my eyes - the station is calling t/i! How do you hear?
After blinking a couple of times, you came to your senses - everything is fine. I was just thinking...
He frowned at you. He didn't like your mood. The sad eyes made him homicidal for the reason of this sight. Nevertheless, he will deal with this issue later, but for now... - what about my offer?
Blinking, you remembered a recent conversation. - I'll be glad. I've always been interested in getting to know you and your family better.
A smile sparkled on his face-that's what I expected, but first..- his face is closer to yours. "first, I'm going to give you a little test.
You frowned - if it's something vulgar, then I'll pass.
His laughter was louder than usual-what kind of nonsense is this? A little pervert. But we'll come back to that later.
Your heart is pounding faster and your cheeks are flushed. I knew I should have been more careful with my words. He can turn anything into a joke.*
- Okay, the trials are like this. He pointed to the piece of paper in his hands. - this is a treasure map. You must use it to get to your destination. You will have a compass, water for necessities and a snack at your disposal. If you get hungry on the way. You have the eye of God on your side and you can actually fight.
You looked at the Cryo-pendant and nodded. "I'm curious where you're luring me to." If the road is so dangerous, then maybe I shouldn't go there?
"firstly, it's a secret, and secondly, you have no right to refuse or you won't get the treasure. - he knew how much you needed the money. By the way, who doesn't need them? That's usually what people do. And in the case of you, who needs to pay for housing and be able to survive without dying of starvation is just a great option.
With a snort, you snatched the card out of his hands- So treasures, right?
He stared at you happily. "you have until sunset, starting the next day.
"Isn't this the map of old Li Yuey?" Even the city here doesn't look like a modern one.
- I guessed right. This way it will be harder for you to navigate in space, which gives you a small obstacle, but what a reward!
— Okay. If that's all you have. I think I'll go get ready. But if this is another prank, then our friendship is over.
- I will look forward to seeing you at the end of the journey!
You nodded slowly as you left him. Childe waved goodbye to you. A moment later, his eyes narrowed, and his gentle smile took on an unpleasant smirk. This was the role of the harbinger of Fatua: to change the mask of his personality depending on the situation. It's a good thing you fell into his hands and not some crazy bastard's. Your innocence reminded him of his brothers and sisters. But they were his family, and you were the prey. What will this game bring him? He sighed blissfully and walked through the streets of Li Yuey, whistling.
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stuffman-main · 20 days
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furthest left: your CC serves as your HQ. these are airdropped in before a battle to provide the encrypted signals the AIs use to control their units. there is a running joke that the girls can't agree on what CC stands for (command center? control cube?).
left: assembler: builds your units. air and sea units as you know them work differently in this game, so there's no separate airport or harbor buildings; the assembler makes everything.
right: data center(?). your COs have something called "programs" which are single-target powers. programs cost data(?), which your CC provides a certain amount of each turn. capturing a data center increases your data per turn. this building mostly exists to scale up how much data you get on larger maps, but nothing is stopping you from placing a bunch on a tiny map for a chaotic experience.
furthest right: WE REQUIRE MORE MINERALS. although these mineral patches will most likely function the same as cities in AW, a devil is currently sitting on my shoulder trying to convince me to force you to manually carry them back to your CC each turn.
additionally: i am weighing the possibilities of having temporary buildings like in DoR, so that you can build things like repair stations, bridges across rivers, or maybe even manually constructed silos.
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sketchyonlooker · 2 months
Emergency Alert System :: FEMA Emergency Action Notification
[ This is an Emergency Action Notification. ]
[ We interrupt our program at the request of the White House. This is a national emergency. The President of the United States or his designated representative will appear shortly over the Emergency Broadcast System. ]
[ The president of the United States appears on screen. The usual White House office is not visible, and a more dimly lit area without windows is identified. ]
"This nation has come under attack by unknown creatures, mostly reptilian in apperance. They are incredibly hostile to all human beings and seek to kill whoever they attack. The creatures come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from the size of an average human to a small building. Some of them even have fantastical appearances such as dragons and dinosaurs. This may all seem unreal, but that is currently what is happening right now."
"The attacks are occurring worldwide. We do not know what the purpose is, only that the creatures are determined to eradicate humans. The military has been deployed to fight back against these creatures. However, their sudden attack and numbers make it difficult to mount an effective counterassault.
"Once again, these creatures are highly dangerous. It is advised that if you are already indoors to find the lowest level and stay there. Do not go near the windows. Do not appear visibly present from the outside. These creatures will attempt to break in if they notice you.
"If you are outside, it is advised to go indoors immediately. If you are travelling via public transportation or car, it is advised you stop and do your best to hide if no buildings are available."
"We will get through this. Our great nation will fight for its people. We will do our best to keep everyone safe. Thank you."
[ This concludes our Emergency Action Notification. The message will be repeated in the following languages... ]
Los Angeles City Hall - Revision: Town Hall Website
To those that still alive and can read this, the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, Los Angeles is a safe haven from the monster attacks. We have an angel here from god here that is combatting the monsters with all her strength, delivering justice with her mighty hammer and smiting these devils.
Many are currently taking refuge at the aquarium. Before our angel appeared, we are not sure why it has been left undamaged. Maybe it is because this is a holy place that hides us from the monsters' senses.
I repeat, if you are in the surrounding areas looking for shelter, head to the Aquarium of the Pacific if you can safely do so. Otherwise, stay where you are.
Honolulu Capital City Hall Website
All fights to and from Hawaii are grounded until further notice.
There has been severe disruptions to public transit and internet architecture.
If you are reading this, a safe zone has been established at the Daniel K. Inouye International Airport. We are however currently in the middle of a conflict between the sea monsters in the area and an unknown number of skeletal creatures. It is unclear whether these skeleton creatures are hostile to humans, though their actions have benefits us by combatting the definitively hostile sea monsters.
We advise to avoid the sea and air routes in the area until further notice.
Alameda Naval Air Station - San Francisco, CA - Military Orders
Memo: Golden Gate Bridge has fallen. Make appropriate accomodations.
A safe zone has been established at the Transamerica Pyramid. We have teams Metalhead, Seabound, and Crisis manning the defensive line. Reinforcements have been delayed due to the collapse of Golden Gate Bridge.
Small caliber firearms are ineffective against most creatures. Artillery and explosion munitions are required against medium-to-large monsters. Close combat is not advised.
There is currently an unknown entity that does not match the description of the reptilian creatures we are fighting. Allegiance unknown, and those who play the game Duel Monsters here are unfamiliar with the humanoid entity. As of right now, the entity's actions are benefiting us as they seem capable to take down a number of creatures solo. Do not engage if seen in the area and only assist if the entity appears to be in dire straits. If this entity's actions become hostile, let Baseplate know immediately.
Sacramento City Hall Website
The primary emergency shelter, the California State Capital, has been destroyed in the fighting. The secondary emergency shelter, the California Supreme Court, is currently full and cannot accomodate more people.
If you are in the Sacramento area, please stay put inside the building you are in. On top of the fighting between the military and monsters, there is an unknown green-glowing Duel Monster that is combating the monsters. A floating green skull marks his location. Avoid the area if you are currently in a safe place.
Domino City Museum || Domino City Hall
If you are reading this, there are designated safe zones established in Domino City. If you are close to either area, please either head for the Domino City Museum or the Kame Game Shop. Preferably the Domino City Museum given the lack of space at the Kame Game Shop.
Praise be to the King of Games.
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florentz · 11 months
last time i played through pathologic 2 i took note of every single time the game gave me an option to make sure people knew artemy was a surgeon or a doctor
here you guys go, in case you were wondering how many times the game makes it obvious you are one, during my second full run of the game
artemy “i’m a surgeon” burakh
day 12(prologue)
“i’m not just any civilian, i’m a doctor”
to Alexander Block
“artemy burakh, surgeon”
to Alexander Block
“you are artemy burakh, a surgeon”
- intro card
+ at least once to the fellow traveler
“you don’t need to lecture me, boy. i’m a surgeon”
to Lika (doghead at the train station)
“i don’t need it. i’m a doctor, remember?”
to Beak (train station executor)
“i’m a surgeon. a good one, too”
to The Bachelor (in rubins apartment)
“i’m a doctor. what’s the issue?”
to Ace (kid outside rubins apartment)
“actually, i’m a surgeon too, now. that’s why i went away, to study”
to Whistler (outside rubins apartment)
“i’m a surgeon. it’s like a butcher, but with a sharper knife”
to Dandy (in the soul-and-a- halves fortress)
“let me patch them up. i am a surgeon, after all. are your men still here?”
to Bad Grief (inside grief’s warehouse)
“everyone does. trust me, i’m a surgeon”
to Lara Ravel (at the shelter)
“sort of. i’m a surgeon”
to The Changeling (at the shelter)
“[i’m] a doctor. from bad grief. tell me what happened”
to Shiner (piecework questline)
“i’m a surgeon. it’s part of my job”
to Andrey Stamatin (at the broken heart)
“i’m a surgeon”
9 times
“i’m a doctor”
3 times
total day 1:
13 times
(15 if you count prologue)
“of course not. i’m a surgeon”
to Capella (at the lump)
“artemy burakh. a doctor”
to Yulia Lyuricheva (at the lump)
“am i banned because i’m a doctor? i should be free to do whatever i want”
to Manager (outside town hall)
“i’m a surgeon”
1 time
“i’m a doctor”
2 times
total day 2:
3 times
“you’re mistaken, pal. i’m not a worker. i’m a doctor”
to Worker (outside the lump)
“you’re not a doctor, khetey. i am”
to Aspity (outside soul-and-a-halves’ fortress)
“artemy burakh. surgeon”
to Eva Yan (at the stillwater)
“i’m a doctor. i need the full picture”
to Big Vlad (in the town hall)
“i’m a surgeon. and a damn good one”
to Bachelor (in the town hall)
“quiet now… i’m a doctor”
to Anna Angel (at the willows)
“i’m a doctor. microbes run from me like the devil from a holy flame”
to Anna Angel (at the willows)
“i’m a doctor, making my rounds. do as i tell you. there is an epidemic in town”
to Anna Angel (at the willows)
“i’m a surgeon”
2 times
“i’m a doctor”
6 times
total day 3:
8 times
“i’m not a butcher. i’m a surgeon”
to Kayura (outside town hall)
“i’m a surgeon”
1 time
“i am a doctor”
total day 4:
1 time
“i don’t know. i’m a surgeon”
to Victor Kain (at the crucible)
“because i’m a doctor and i said so. look at the light and let me examine your pupils”
to Murky (outside a pharmacy in the tanners district)
“no. it’s just that you have exeperience with this. you’re a scientist. i’m a surgeon”
to The Bachelor (at the stillwater)
“i’m a surgeon”
2 times
“i’m a doctor”
1 time
total day 5
3 times
“i’m a doctor. i’m here to check up on you”
to Maria Kaina (at the crucible)
“[i’m] a doctor”
to Maria Kaina (at the crucible)
“no. i’m a different kind of surgeon”
to Measly (at the train station)
“i’m a surgeon”
1 time
“i’m a doctor”
2 times
total day 6:
3 times
“i’m not a digger, either. i’m a surgeon”
to The Bachelor (inside town hall)
“let me see your wound. i’m a surgeon”
to Foreman Oyun (in shekhen)
“i’m a doctor, not a murderer”
to Foreman Oyun (inside Isidors’ house)
“i’m a surgeon”
2 times
“i’m a doctor”
1 time
total day 7:
3 times
“[i’m] a doctor”
to Soldier (at the bridge square)
“i’m a surgeon. artemy burakh”
to Alexander Block (at the town hall)
“i’m a doctor who’s making a cure for this plague”
to Alexander Block (at the town hall)
“burakh, doctor. at your service”
to Alexander Block (at the town hall)
^alternate responses for same dialogue
“artemy burakh, doctor”
to Manager (at the town hall)
“[i’m] a surgeon from the hospital. i came to get my pay”
to Manager (at the town hall)
“[i’m] an emshen”
(technically means doctor)
to Blood-Kin (inside the abattoir)
“i’m a surgeon”
2 times
“i’m a doctor”
4 times
bonus +1 for “i’m an emshen”
total day 9:
7 times
DAY 10
“i’m a surgeon, not a diagnostician”
to Aglaya Lilich (at the cathedral)
“artemy burakh, doctor. where’s general block?”
to Officer (at the town hall)
“i’m a doctor. let me examine the general”
to Officer (at the town hall)
“you paper-pusher… wake up! i’m a doctor!”
to Officer (at the town hall)
“i’m a doctor”
to Sentry (outside the theatre)
“i’m a doctor. sanitary inspection. any infected among you?”
to Officer (the steppe- only if you choose to escape with aglaya)
“i’m a surgeon”
1 time
“i’m a doctor”
5 times
total day 10:
6 times
DAY 11
“calm down, officer. i’m a doctor too”
to Loyalist (at the train station)
“this is beyond me. i’m a doctor, responsible for the town. it is in agony, but something can still be saved”
to Boddho’s Murmur (outside the broken heart pub)
“i’m a surgeon”
“i’m a doctor”
2 times
total day 11:
2 times
“no, vlad. i’m a doctor, not a manager. my job is different”
to Vlad the Younger (at the cape)
“i’m a surgeon”
“i’m a doctor”
1 time
total day 12:
1 time
“i’m a surgeon”
22 times
“i’m a doctor”
28 times
50 times (+2)
average 4 times every day
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darkness-and-books · 3 months
Indoor Catch
No particular pairing, gn!reader
⚠️: no warnings
word count: 357
Where the hell you got your hands on a tennis ball, Kirk and Bones will never know and Spock won’t care, but Chekov is all in for a game of catch on the bridge. It was a rare occurrence really, but nothing had happened today, on bridge, in the medbay, or anywhere on board for that matter. So you did what you do best, be bored and then cure boredom. At about 11 this morning you had run back to your quarters to grab a ball that you remembered you had stuffed away in a box. When you came back and waved the tennis ball around a bit, Chekov reacted like an excitable puppy, and even Kirk popped his head up for a moment. You and Chekov had enthusiastically been playing catch for an hour and a half, he had missed his catch a couple of times, but that was still better than Sulu who was sleeping at his station and just let the ball ricochet off his head (although was he really letting it happen if he was in such a deep sleep he was snoring???) A few times Uhura had even intercepted, meanwhile Spock spectated and occasionally asked questions. You could only play simple catch for so long though. It eventually devolved into seeing who could bounce it off the most things without breaking anything. The answer was you and the game was quickly put to an end by Scotty when Chekov broke his coffee mug. You don’t think you’ve ever seen the man more upset, there was still even coffee in the mug when it shattered over his console, which was another matter. Scotty made you and Chekov clean his console, when you asked why you had to help he said “because you started this devil game” You couldn’t really argue with that, well you could, but at your own risk. After that incident Kirk had confiscated the ball, with a few protests, then Spock confiscated it from him with even more protests because once Spock had it all hope was lost. Ah well, you would just have to hope for an emergency now.
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This is definitely a reflection of my own boredom
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rinny-rae · 5 months
The Commission part 1
lel I've never posted any of my writing before so here I go embarrassing myself to death.
Gortash x f!Tav/OC
NSFW, mdni
Part 1 of 3
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Solan (Tav) wants to paint the archduke like one of her french girls
This is a part of a much larger story but i don't expect anyone to give half a shit so just ignore the parts that sound like plot.
NSFW but relatively wholesome. Playful & bratty.
Gort is a big ol' simp who lets Sol do whatever she wants with him.
《Content Warnings》
Teasing, bondage, oral sex
《Word Count》
"You promised to pose for a painting, remember?"
Solan sat cross legged in the middle of the dining table, stirring cream into her steaming coffee. She wore a modest pink dress that cost as much as a merchant might make in a year. It was one of the cheapest things Enver has ever seen her in.
"So be it. I will set you up in the office," he said, flipping through the newspaper. "You can paint while I work."
Solan pinched the edge of the newspaper and pulled it away from his face. Enver watched, not letting her take it but not resisting either.
"I was thinking of painting in the bedroom," Solan said.
"Great, now I'm worried," he said, looking entirely unworried.
"It will be fun," She said and bit her lip.
"Fun for whom, Solan?" He asked, letting the paper go. Solan swung it in a wide arc, sending sheets fluttering up into the air.
"I didn't take you for a coward," she said, sliding across the table toward him.
Enver had long ago decided that this creature’s existence was his master testing him. The purpose of the test, however, remained a mystery.
Solan perched on the edge of the table and kicked him playfully. The hem of her dress rode up, exposing her pale thighs. They could use a few bite marks. Enver looked away, banishing the thought.
Solan took a sip of her coffee and winced, then blew on it and put it down.
"I'll even let you keep your little magic robe on if you wish," she said, trying to catch the laces of his shirt between her toes.
He rubbed the bridge of his nose and stood up.
"The scribe will get you all you need," he said, swiping her coffee. He sipped it, winced and sipped it again.
"Careful, it's hot," she called after him as he left the room, the drink still in hand.
"May I inquire what the rope is for?" Enver asked, unlacing his shirt.
With her fingers, Solan formed a rectangular frame, looked through it, then shook her head. She repeated the process several times before stationing the canvas at the foot of the bed.
"Nothing nefarious," she said. Chewing her lip, she moved the canvas to the left side of the bed. “Probably won’t even need it,” she added.
Enver shrugged off his coat, then sat on the edge of the bed and pulled off his shirt. Solan watched him, much like a snake might watch a mouse. Desire danced in her pale eyes, of that much he was sure. Beyond it lay an unfathomable void. A hollow, haunted emptiness. He picked up his coat and held it for a moment. Solan knew not the effect she had, why ruin her fun? He folded the coat and put it away.
"Get comfortable," Solan said. "These things take a while."
"I've had portraits painted before, dear," he said, fluffing up the pillows. Time in Banehold taught him enough tricks to deal with a little unease.
Solan took brushes out of a box, examining each. She flicked the bristles of each with her thumb, then checked the tips before placing them down before her.
"Gods, take off your boots when you're in bed, Enver," she said before moving on to examining the paints, "were you raised by the wolves?"
"The devils, actually," he said, kicked off a boot and tossed it in her direction. The second landed inches away from her bare feet. Solan threw the tubes of paints down.
"This is what the rope is for, Enver," she said and pounced on top of him.
It would have taken him no effort to throw her off. Instead, he watched with interest as she wrestled his hands up and tied them together.
"This won't be great for circulation," he said, looking his bindings over.
Solan yanked the rope, forcing his arms above his head. She paused, considering his words, but shrugged dismissively and tied them to the top of the headboard.
"Don't worry," she said and resumed her preparation.
He raised an eyebrow expecting her to finish the sentence but she seemed to have forgotten about him. There was a metaphor for gods and humans in there somewhere.
The rope only felt uncomfortable until your hands fell asleep. After that you forgot all about it. Enver relaxed into the pillows and waited. Solan placed the last tube of paint before her. She squinted, examining the composition.
"Missing something," she said, biting her lip.
"Perhaps if I wasn't so limited in my movements, " he suggested, foolishly optimistic.
"Hmm, that's not it, " Solan moved the canvas closer to the bed.
He watched in silence as she fussed over her workspace. After so many years, the girl arranged all the tools just as he had shown her. He huffed, pushing away the feeling of pride that began swelling in his chest.
"Aha, got it!" Solan snapped her fingers, hopped onto the bed and began unlacing his trousers. He shifted to get out of her grasp.
"Come on, take this seriously, " he said, smirking, and squeezed his knees, toppling her over.
"No, no, I promise I know what I'm doing," she said, giggling, and began pulling at the laces with her teeth instead. "It'll look far better than those portraits you have strewn about the city," she added, winking.
"I expect perfection," he said and lifted his hips to help her get the rest of his clothes off.
Once he was fully nude, Solan began sketching, pausing to adjust the pillows or his position. She had a habit of putting things in her mouth while thinking and soon a thick streak of graphite ran across her lips. She looked just like the first time they met, a hundred lifetimes ago.
"There, " she said looking from the sketch to her subject.
His hands had long ago fallen asleep.
"Don't take too long, " he said, "I've things to do.”
Solan ignored him, examining her work.
"This is all wrong, Enver," she frowned and bit the graphite stick in half, "it's missing something."
"I'm sure it's lovely, " he said, rolling out his stiff shoulders, "and I'm sure it will never see the light of day."
Solan’s eyes snapped to his, her frown deepening. Not breaking eye contact she climbed into the bed and knelt between his legs.
"Sol," he said, pulling away, "Solan, what are you doing?"
Solan ran her nails along his inner thigh.
"Let's focus on painting, shall we, dear?" he said, swallowing back an unwelcome pang of anxiety.
"The painting…" Sol said, in a low voice that broke no argument, "... is missing something, Enver."
She cupped his balls and gave them a gentle squeeze. He groaned, partly enjoying her touch, partly frustrated at himself for playing along. She brushed her lips against the tip of his cock, sending shivers down his spine.
"So eager, " she laughed and pulled her mouth away. His cock, now fully hard, slapped against his stomach.
Solan resumed her sketch. After several silent minutes, Enver relaxed, losing himself in thought. He ought to be flattered that she took such interest in him but did he enjoy the touch of danger that permeated their play time? The jury was still out.
Her voice, girlish yet commanding, snapped him back.
"No, Enver, you have to stay hard, " she said, grabbing his cock with far less ceremony than before.
"Deepest apologies, " he said and rolled his eyes. She dug her nails into his thigh and dragged, leaving red marks. Inexplicably, his body responded just as she wanted it to.
This time Solan didn't stop. She licked the palm of her hand and began stroking him, gently at first, then faster. Her hand didn't fit all the way around and, while generally pleasant, her efforts were ineffectual.
"Use your mouth," he suggested. She obliged and slid her tongue along the underside of his cock. He struggled against his restraints, yearning to lend some assistance.
"Are you trying to escape?" Solan looked up, flicking the tip of his penis with her tongue.
"Let me help," he said, "or we may be here a while."
Solan smiled, then took him in as far as her mouth allowed. He thrust his hips just right, hitting the back of her throat again and again. Her eyes welled up, she squeezed them shut but didn't resist.
"That's perfect, " he moaned, fighting against the ropes for a better position, "good.. good girl. You're going to make me.."
Just.. A few.. More..
Solan pulled away, letting his cock flop helplessly once again.
"I'm going to what, Enver?" She asked and wiped tears from her eyes.
He breathed heavily, eyes squeezed shut. His mind had not yet registered what his body already had. Enver felt the bed shift, then heard the sound of brush on canvas.
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nanshe-of-nina · 2 years
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Favorite Songs || Emilie Autumn, part I
Across the Sky Love goes on/ But time does not return again/ Across the sky/ I will come for you if you ask me to/ Demystify your uncommon dreams/ Stranger things have come true..
The Art of Suicide The art of suicide/ Nightgowns and hair/ Curls flying every which way/ The pain too pure to hide/ Bridges of sighs/ Meant to conceal lovers’ lies..
Chambermaid I’m not your chambermaid/ You’re not my lord/ All the fine games we played have left me bored/ I never want to see you come around my castle/ ‘Cause I just can’t afford to love you/ I’m not your chambermaid/ You’re not my lord...
Dead Is the New Alive Dead is the new alive/ A gothic play revival/ The last act of the show/ Give in, give in, give in, give in/ You play the game/ You’ll never win/ So take me now or take me never/ I won’t wait/ You’re already late/ So say goodbye or say forever/ Choose your fate/ How else can we survive?/ Dead is the new alive...
I Want My Innocence Back And I demand/ You put my heart back in my hand/ And wipe it clean/ From the mess you made of me/ And I require/ You make me free from this desire/ And when you leave, I’d better be the innocent/ I used to be...
Marry Me When dining on peacock I know I won’t swallow/ Through balls, births, and bridge games I know what will follow/ We’re coupled together through hell, hurt, and hunger/ Or at least until husband finds someone younger/ Yes, fertilization is part of my station/ I laugh as he drabs me in anticipation/ Of sons who will run things when I’m under covers/ But whose children are they? Why, mine and my lover’s!
Opheliac Studies show... / Intelligent girls are more depressed/ Because they know what the world is really like/ Don’t think for a beat it makes it better/ When you sit her down and tell her/ Everything’s gonna all right/ She knows in society she either is/ A devil or an angel with no in between/ She speaks in third person/ So she can forget that she’s me...
Rose Red Rose Rose Rose Red/ Will I ever see thee wed?/ I will marry at thy will sire, at thy will/ ... Rose Rose Rose Red/ Will I ever see thee wed?/ Only if you can capture me...
Shalott She’s locked up with a spinning wheel/ She can’t recall what it was like to feel/ She says, “This room’s gonna be my grave/ And there’s no one who can save me, “/ She sits down to her colored thread/ She knows lovers waking up in their beds/ She says, “How long can I live this way?/ Is there someone I can pay to let me go?/ ‘Cause I’m half sick of shadows/ I want to see the sky/ Everyone else can watch as the sun goes down/ So why can’t I?
Thank God I’m Pretty And when a gaggle of faces appears around me/ It’s lucky I hate to be taken seriously/ I think my ego would fall right through the cracks in the floor/ If I couldn’t count on men to slap my ass anymore/ I know my destiny’s such/ That I must stocking and curl/ So everybody thinks that I’m a fucking Suicide Girl...
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shirohige-pirates · 11 months
Just Like Fire
CisFem Reader x Portgas D. Ace
CW: angst, language, erotic, violence, serial killer, stalking, poisoning, over-bearing controlling parents, attempted forced marriage, possible dub-con, Munchausen by proxy (aka Factitious Disorder), wildly cute and fluffy despite the warnings. 18+ only
Summary: You're Sabo's biological sister in this AU. After college you moved in with your dear brother and his two sworn brothers in order to avoid going back home. You and Sabo despise your family equally.
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Chapter 5: Sick
Sabo pinches the bridge of his nose and takes a deep breath before letting it out slowly. You’d just got done telling him about how the date went, and the threat that was obviously in Inchiji’s words. You could tell he was trying not to lose his temper.
Ace was trying as well, and you were almost certain you could see flames flicker around him. You hadn’t asked how Ace or Luffy were cursed, such a question was often considered highly rude in the first place, but you figured the two would show you when they were comfortable enough with it.
“Are you alright, at least?” Sabo asks finally.
You nod. “He was polite otherwise.” You admit. “Honestly, if things had ended sooner, I almost think I would’ve voluntarily considered a second date.”
“You know how mother would’ve reacted.”
“Yeah, but the devil you know and all that.” You sigh. “I mean, he seemed almost reasonable. Reasonable in the sense that I could have possibly just been honest with him.”
You wave your hand as Sabo looks at you. “No, that option’s long gone.”
“Yes, well, we’ll just have to hope he doesn’t try to push for some sort of accelerated timetable.” Sabo grumbles.
“… What do you mean by that?” Ace asks, piping up for the first time since you and Sabo had started talking.
You hesitate to put it to words and Sabo picks it up for you. “Nobility and all, is nothing but traditions, right?” He starts to explain. The way he looks at Ace makes you think that your brother had been giving his brothers a primer on things prior to your moving in. “Courtship has its own traditions, and usually takes a couple years from first date to an engagement announcement. All the rules and bullshit must be done properly. But in some cases the time can be condensed.”
“Most notably,” you say in a very quiet voice. “When one person involved is chronically or terminally ill.”
Putting it to words almost makes you feel defeated. A heavy silence comes over the three of you and Sabo sits down across from you, his face twisted in frustration. Your condition wasn’t widely known – your parents mostly kept it under wraps as you grew up, but if it could be used to herd you into the result they desired, then you were certain it would come out.
“What if you weren’t sick anymore?” Luffy asks. Ace nearly leaps out of his skin hearing his younger brother directly behind him. You and Sabo look over at him.
“Holy hells, Luff! When did you get here?” Ace swears, hand on his heart for a second.
“Marco said you took off from the station in a hurry, and I saw Sabo’s car speed by afterward.” Luffy says plainly. “Usopp dropped me off. He an’ Zoro were worried I’d be distracted.”
“Do you mean some sort of deception?” You question.
“No, let’s get Chopper an’ Traffy to look at you.” Luffy asserts.
“But… it’s uncurable, that’s why I -.”
“Traffy’s cured the uncurable before!” Luffy interrupts, stepping past Ace. “He saved his hometown, and they told him it was impossible. Chopper’s amazing with medicines too, maybe he can improve your medication!”
“Luffy, I…” You aren’t sure what to say. He seems so sure and adamant, but you’re torn. If you hope now and nothing comes of it, it’ll be heavier to go forward later.
“We won’t force you,” Sabo says. “But it’s better than my idea.”
“Better’n mine too,” Ace admits quietly.
“I’m almost afraid to ask.” You glance between Sabo and Ace, putting your hands up before either could say anything. “No, I am afraid to ask, keep it to yourselves.” You say with a small laugh.
Sighing, you lean back into the recliner and consider things for a moment. “Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction.” You mutter, before looking to Luffy. “I would be honored to be assisted by your friends, Luffy.”
“Yes!” Luffy jumps up in a cheer before turning to Sabo. “I need your help getting Traffy freed up.”
“Yes of course.” Sabo says, getting up and following Luffy as the two leave the house abruptly.
You look toward where they left and back to Ace in confusion. “Are they… going to kidnap him?”
Ace laughs. “Nah, he’s busy, they’re just going to help him free up some time so he can see you. Sabo’s good with the paperwork, so he went with Luffy to untangle the red tape.”
“That’s a relief.”
“Hungry?” Ace asks. “I know you said you didn’t eat much, and if your stomach’s settled, I can make you something.”
“Yeah, I could go for something. I can-.”
“Ah-ah-ah.” Ace puts a hand on your shoulder before you can get up and gently pushes you back into the recliner. “Just… relax for a bit. I promise I won’t make it spicy.”
“Very well.” You agree, letting yourself sink into the recliner a little.
Ace brings you something warm to eat on a tray, and a cup of tea to go with it. You were almost upset by the fact that he could make tea so perfectly. You’d spent ages perfecting your skills because you enjoyed it, but you had to admit that Ace did it better.
You eat a few bites, and you realize how hard everyone is working for your sake. You haven’t even been living with them for a full month, and you’d think Luffy had been your friend for years. It was almost more comfortable around Ace than it was with your own brother, not that there was any discomfort between you and Sabo.
It would be more comfortable if he wasn’t so good looking. No, it wasn’t that he was good-looking, he was, but that wasn’t the problem. The problem was that smile. The freckles. The way his hair shifted when he tilted his head to get your attention. That glint in his eyes when he challenged you to a drinking contest. The ease with which he braced you against that hose so you could destroy the books.
It was how comfortable it was to be alone with him like this.
How much you wanted to just -.
“Whatever’s on your mind is heavy enough I can feel the weight of it over here.” Ace says quietly his eyes on the TV. He glances over at you with an apologetic smile. “If you need more space, I can go to my room.”
“Sp-space? Why would I need more space?” You question, genuinely confused. If anything, you didn’t want to be left alone with your worries – Ace was a welcome distraction.
Ace’s face goes a little pink and he rubs the back of his head. “It sounds silly to say it out loud, but I mean, a guy you thought you could trust basically threatened you. I thought, without Sabo here, maybe I was making you uncomfortable? Since, uh, I mean, you don’t know me that well…”
You blink a few times, processing his reasoning. “Ah, oh – no, no – I mean… I mean, I k-know I can trust you, that’s – it’s not the same thing. We don’t know each other that well, but we know each other well enough – and I mean, I, that is…” You stop and put a hand over your face before collecting your thoughts.
“Thank you.” You say finally, moving your hand away and looking over at him. There’s a little confusion on his face, but that smile’s already forming. “I didn’t thank you for earlier, so thank you… And please, um… stay. I don’t-,” you look away, that smile’s already too much for your heart right now. “Want to be alone right now.”
Ace leans back into the couch, giving you that damnably good smile. “Sure.”
As you eat a little more, and begin to relax, you feel yourself starting to drift off. You say something to Ace, and he takes the tray away as you fall asleep. The day had been exhausting, even if the most stressful thing had been a conversation, somedays your body just couldn’t take it.
But it was a lot easier to relax and rest when you could trust the people around you. Back home, sleep never really felt much like rest.
When you come around you aren’t sure how much time has gone by, but Sabo and Luffy are back. The noise of them returning had woken you up a little bit, but it was Luffy’s excitement that pulled you completely out of your nap. Ace was glaring at the younger man from the couch, but his expression softened when he saw you smiling as you stretched in the recliner.
“Sorry, (Y/N).” Luffy offers up hastily as Ace yanks him onto the couch.
Sabo smiles down at you. “Sleep well?”
“I think so. How’d it go?” You ask, sitting up properly. Sabo’s smile nearly answers your question before his words do.
“Thanks to Luffy’s network, Law and Chopper will be able to see you on Tuesday. It’s a good two weeks sooner than I expected we’d be able to manage, considering how in-demand Law is.” Sabo explains. “But Luffy’s, er, mentor Shanks is a friend of two surgeons, and he asked Hongo and Crocus to cover Law’s scheduled surgeries. Chopper was much easier, Marco’s covering for him on Tuesday. Now the only question is – do you want me to sort out getting you out of work Tuesday? Or do you want to handle that yourself?”
“I… hm.” You think about it for a moment. “I would love your help, brother dear. I’m not really sure what I should or shouldn’t say in that situation.”
Sabo smiles. “It’s your first job, I’m happy to help.” He sits on a chair across from you. “I’ll record it for you, so you can learn from it if you want.”
You laugh a little and shake your head. “No, I’ve seen your theatrics at work, I can’t really do things that way.”
“If that’s all then I’mma go back to work!” Luffy says, jumping up from the couch.
“Oh, Luffy, wait a moment.” You call out as you scramble to get out of the recliner before he dashes completely out of the house.
He turns toward you as you open your arms for a hug. “Thank you.” Luffy’s face lights up as he comes over and gives you a hug. The air is pushed out of you as he lifts you up in the excitement of his actions, but he doesn’t hurt you.
“Luffy!” Ace and Sabo yell as he sets you back down.
“S’alright!” You gasp, coughing a little. “It’s alright.”
Luffy crouches down to look at you while you catch your breath, and when you straighten up, he very carefully gives you a gentle hug. You chuckle a little as you return it and the young man beams at you before he dashes out of the house with an energetic, “You’re welcome!”
“(Y/N)?” Sabo questions, coming over to you, a worried Ace not too far behind him.
“I’m okay, truly. He pushed the wind out of me, but that was it.” You admit. “I was caught off guard more than anything else.”
Your smile fades even as you keep your feet, and Sabo gives you a gentle hug. “Nervous, lil’ Spark?” He questions.
You nod. “Yeah.”
“Whatever the result, it’ll be okay.” Sabo says reassuringly.
“We’ll be here too,” Ace adds. “No matter what.”
“I just… I don’t know what to think.” You admit taking a step back and walking toward the kitchen. Ace and Sabo exchange glances and you give them a weak smile. “If… I mean, if they can cure me, then what… what were our parents doing all this time? If they can’t cure me then I suppose nothing changes, but… this sucks, Sabo.” You say the words and tears start to run down your face.
“I know… I know I’ve been doing my b-best, but it’s always there. It’s always a factor in every. Single. Damned. Decision.” You take a step back as you see Sabo step toward you and put a hand up as you start wiping your eyes. “Sorry, I… I’ll be f-fine, I just…” The words die on your lips, and you start crying again.
Frustration makes it harder to stop, and you’re embarrassed to be crying in front of people. You’re glad you kept yourself together while Luffy was here, you were already being a burden for two of them as it was, and the youngest had the softest heart. It takes you a couple of minutes to get yourself calmed down. Ace is already in the kitchen making some tea, and Sabo’s giving you the softest smile he can, holding a small box of tissues toward you.
“It’s okay.” He insists. “You don’t have to be okay in front of us.”
Your breath hitches in your chest and you nearly start to cry again. Sabo gives you a hug before you can get your face cleaned up, and you brace yourself against him until you can get the new round of emotions under control.
“That was dirty,” you pout quietly as he strokes your hair softly.
“Perhaps.” He admits. “Feel better?”
“Perhaps.” You answer and the two of you start to laugh. By the time you step back from him you’re almost fully laughing, as you wipe your face with another tissue.
Sabo motions to the breakfast bar as Ace pushes a cup of tea toward one of the seats for you.
“You boys are like to spoil me.” You say with a smile as you sit down and wrap your hands around the warm cup.
“It takes far more than a few hugs and a cup of tea to spoil someone.” Ace offers with a smile.
“It’s been a hug and two cups of tea between us.” You correct.
“Already hugged my sister, huh?” Sabo questions. “Luffy lasted longer.”
“I gave her a ride home on the bike!” Ace’s face starts to go red. “I didn’t hug the air out of her lungs like he did.”
“Ah, so you didn’t even hug her correctly. Made her do all the work.” Sabo teases, and you nearly sputter in your tea.
Ace motions as if he means to strangle Sabo, a tight, irritated, toothy grin on his face. “Look here you little shit-.”
“I’m taller, and older.” Sabo insists.
“You’re – By a TECHNICALITY!” Ace exasperates, turning away to make more tea for him and Sabo.
“Technicality?” You question quirking an eyebrow toward Sabo.
“According to the story,” Sabo begins.
“Garp wouldn’t lie.” Ace huffs.
Your brother grins at you. “According to Garp – ah, Luffy’s grandfather – Ace’s month was pregnant with him for twenty months.”
You almost choke on your tea, setting the cup down hastily.
“Why – how?!” You question.
Sabo and Ace exchange glances and Ace sighs. “My dad was wanted by the government.” Ace says. “Right or wrong, well, it was over twenty years ago, so I try not to think about it anymore, but Mom and Garp were both concerned about some stuff.”
You can’t bring yourself to ask with words, but Sabo sees your expression. “You know how the W.G. gets. The concern was, that they would try to abort his child.”
“Ah.” You say flatly, nodding a little.
“So anyway, old gramps said mom just… refused to have me.” Ace says, setting a cup of tea down for him and Sabo as he sits across from you at the breakfast bar. “An act of will, a side effect of some curse no one knew about, who knows.”
“But, back to the more light-hearted part of all this, Ace insists he’s older because he was conceived before I was.” Sabo says, giving you a devious grin.
“But your birthday is -.” You start to ask and Ace grumbles under his breath.
“January 1st,” Sabo answers on his behalf.
“Then you’re about 9 months… Oh. Oh I see where this is coming from.” You admit with a soft laugh. “If you had been born 9-10 months after conception your birthday would’ve been just before Sabo’s.”
“Exactly!” Ace says.
“But you weren’t.” You say, a neutral expression on your face.
Ace sighs and slumps against the counter. “Siblings.” He grumbles.
“You’re older than me, if it makes you feel better.” You say with a smile as he looks up at you from underneath a mess of hair. “I’m three years younger than Sabo.”
“… I’m trying to sort out the fact that you’re Luffy’s age, and there’s no way I would’ve guessed that.” Ace admits. “I knew you were Sabo’s younger sister, but I thought maybe by a year.”
“Years of growing up in a noble household change one’s disposition.” You shrug. “I envy Luffy’s capacity to still act so young.”
Ace starts to say something and then stops. “Wait, you graduated college at twenty-two!?”
“Twenty-one…” You offer hesitantly. “My birthday’s next month.”
Ace looks at you agog and then turns to Sabo. “You said she was kind, you didn’t say she was a genius!”
“I graduated from college early too!” Sabo snaps back, his ears red. “Don’t tell her I said she was kind!”
You look back and forth between the two of them, feeling like the cat that just caught the canary. You let them bicker for a little bit, and even agreed when Sabo insisted the only reason the two of you completed college so young was because you’d had all kinds of tutors and professors to help you. Both of you had completed your general education when you were sixteen and had enrolled in college when you were seventeen – the earliest you could be on your own legally.
“Still, it’s amazing to me.” Ace admits after the conversation calms down again. “Luff and I barely completed our general education.”
“You and Luffy had spent years in the jungle in his grandfather’s wild drive to have you both enlist.” Sabo says, obvious irritation on his face. “Plus, you both have respectable jobs, don’t let it bother you.”
“Envy works in all directions,” you say as you push your empty teacup toward Ace. “I would love to be able to do the job you do. Everyone at the station is so much livelier and more interesting than the people where I work. Ah – not that anyone’s mean or anything, there’s just a very different energy.”
“We’ll have to find time for you to visit again.” Ace offers with a smile. “Everyone’s been asking about you since the day we destroyed all those books.”
You feel your face heat up a little, but you smile from the warmer feeling in your chest. It was nice to be appreciated simply for being you, and not because you were nobility or any other such useless designation.
“Oh! We could celebrate your birthday there!” Ace offers with a wide smile, and you nod in response.
“That sounds delightful.” You agree.
“It’s decided then.” Sabo says. “May the city refrain from any and all shenanigans on July 15th.”
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dviilcried · 3 months
˚₊‧꒰ა ♱ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ a devil with an angel’s smile.
a cry for : @johnnysslaughter
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     a pale hand rose from the portal within the dirt road, painfully gripping the dirt beneath it's claws as it heaved it's body upwards. there, vessel had emerged - or rather... amalthea, as she now called herself. sparks flew upwards from the crack within the dirt, a crimson aura bathing her flesh. her chin crashed flat on the ground, tattered wings sprawled out and tired eyes closed as she caught her breath. the bloodied chest of the woman’s body slowly rose up and down, the other half still within the literal fiery hellhole in the ground.
     after a minute, a smaller, fuzzier head belonging to a black lamb popped out of the ground using the devil’s back as a ramp. darcy, taking a second to adjust to the overworld’s surroundings let out a ‘ba-a-a’, expectantly staring at it’s owner with perked ears for a response. none came, as there was hardly any movement, nor did she seem very conscious - ants using her still fingers as a bridge toward their colony.
     impatient and ready to move, the lamb unhinged its jaw — releasing black tendrils that wrapped around amalthea’s exhausted form and slowly dragged her out. it let out an annoyed bleat, whipping her onto the ground as a wake-up call. the crevice closed behind them, sealing the portal and leaving a jagged and charred bump within the road. just as amalthea had lifted her head —  
     a car whirred past with laughing teens all too oblivious to what had been in the middle of the road. barely missing the crown of the she-devil’s head, amalthea watched as it sped across. her eyes squinted in confusion, mistaking their carelessness as an attack of sorts. what had i done to garner such anger ? is my weakness humorous to them ? eyes followed the tracks on the ground, lifting herself up and patting herself off.    ❝ they left us a trail darcy. we'll follow. ❞
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she didn't know just what she'd do if she ever caught up, but it at least meant wherever they were going — there had to be something ahead.
     TRUDGING HER FEET ONWARD, she held her lamb in her arms, tired, weak — and entirely out of place. they had travelled miles by now, with no luck in the pursuit. dirt road had turned to hot concrete, and the trail she had followed so closely before had been gone. there had been some saving grace now - a gas station - a shelter perhaps ? just up ahead . . . darcy had fallen asleep within her arm's, the lamb too tired to continue on it's own hooves. dirt caked her feet as she wobbled on toward the awning with heavy breaths.
     the lamb felt a presence amalthea hadn't quite caught onto. awoken, the lamb bleated in the direction of a stranger who seemed to have been sunbathing in a chair. amalthea turned her head weakly, her purple eyes meeting briefly with his —
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only for her to collapse just inches away from the shade. the lamb had fallen with her, awkwardly squeezing it's way under her weight and shaking off it’s body. sensing an opportunity, the little lamb limped it's way over to the stranger, bleating out as if it were calling for help on it's owner's behalf.
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sashaisready · 2 months
I'm Still Here - Chapter Four
Lee Bodecker (The Devil All The Time) x Femme Reader
In late 60s Meade, you’re married to Sheriff Bodecker, pregnant with your first child. On paper you’re the perfect couple – the respectable Sheriff and his homemaker wife. This should be one of the happiest times of your life…so why are the two of you living like ghosts? And is it too late to bridge that gap? Especially when your husband is playing a dangerous game.
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Violence, guns, mentions of crime - robberies etc, mentions of traumatic childhood, injury. This is the penultimate chapter, next part is the last!
Wordcount: 3.1k
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Back in the past…
“Looks like we have ourselves an old-fashioned standoff here, Honeybee”. He told you stoically as he kept his eyes on you. If he was at all anxious, he didn’t show it.
“Sure seems that way” you smiled back. 
The two of you remained still, pistols drawn and cautiously trained on each other. Both waiting to see what the other was going to do.
“Maybe you should put that down and come with me, Honey” Lee said softly.
His voice was smooth like molasses. Not like the other cops you knew. And you’d known many. You were intrigued by him, most of the rookies you got your hands on either trembled like schoolboys or went in too aggressively as if trying to overcompensate. Lee…he just seemed…interested? Amused?
Maybe you were interested, too.
You shook your head. “Sorry Lee, you know I can’t do that” you sighed. 
“I know Honey…but the boys are outside with your friends right now, roundin’ them up…and it’ll be better for you to come quiet. Don’t you think?”
You grinned. “I never come quiet, Deputy Bodecker”.
He just snickered at your double entendre. “You’re a piece of work, aren’t ya?”
You shrugged at him teasingly. 
“I meant it” he continued. “If you come willingly, it’ll look better for you. The judge might go easy on ya. You could tell him you were coerced…vulnerable…just a girl who got caught up in the wrong crowd and didn’t know what she was doin’. It happens all the time”.
A hollow laugh escaped you. “Nice try, Lee. But do you really think the judge and jury are gonna buy that the girl firing at cop cars during high-speed chases is vulnerable and clueless?”
“Mm. Worth a shot” he snickered again and narrowed his eyes.
“They’ll be okay, my gang. They always are. They’re slippery”.
“Oh, I don’t doubt that…but they only need to slip up once. Hubris is dangerous, Honey.”
“Don’t worry about me, Lee”.
“Well, I am worried. You strike me as the kind of girl who didn’t have no one worryin’ ‘bout her for a long time” he told you.
Your breath hitched. You knew this was a common cop tactic, them trying to empathise with you and lure you in with empty platitudes about how well they ‘know’ you…but his insight caught you off guard for a second just the same. You shook it off.
“I have Billy. And the gang. I do just fine” you replied curtly.
Lee nodded, studying you carefully. He kept the gun trained on you as his eyes bore into yours. “Mmm…if you say so, Honey. But I’ve met a lot of Billys in my time, and we both know he wouldn’t hesitate to sell you down the river if it meant saving his own ass. So maybe you should get the jump on him”.
That stung. You loved Billy, and he loved you too. This cop didn’t know you. Either of you. He knew nothing about you or what Billy would do for you. What you’d do for each other! He was just another pig.
Your face became an ugly scowl.
Lee watched, realising he’d pushed you too far. He felt a twinge of regret, not just at losing the opportunity to take a member of the infamous Cypress gang into the station, but strangely, he also didn’t like that he’d upset you.
“I told you, Bodecker, I do just fine” you told him angrily.
Before he had a chance to respond you fired the pistol, sending a warning shot into the wooden doorframe just above his head. He flinched and recoiled at the sound, and you took that moment of confusion to speed out of the front door.
Lee regained his composure and yelled after you, breaking into a run and pursuing you. He sprinted with his gun in hand just in time to see that damned VW bus belt it out of the property, with you sliding agilely inside through one of the windows.
The Cypress gang were loose once again.
Lee stood helplessly as Finlay and the squad approached behind him, some muttering obscenities and radio-ing back to the station. A couple of cruisers catapulted out of the driveway to follow the bus, but they all knew they were licked. Finlay clamped a paternal hand onto Lee’s back, assuring him that he’d get them next time.
Lee just nodded, staring thoughtfully out to the road.
That was the first time you met.
You met lots of times after that day.
Sometimes during busts. Sometimes on the road. Once even during a bank robbery. You and the gang always manage to evade them in the end, but there had been some close calls.
You and Lee always exchanged little looks or nods when you found yourself together again. Small waves. Eventually pleasantries. One time Lee surprised you in a barn you were laying low in after a particularly tiresome chase. He pinned you down against the dirt and the hay and you gasped a little at the feeling of his weight on you as he held you down and told you to be a good girl. You did your best to ignore the surge of electricity it sent through you. He even got one of the cuffs on you before you headbutted him and managed to speed away. Later, Cosmo had to cut them off using a saw and a file he’d stolen from a carpenter. Not your finest hour.
It was always nice to see him. You would feel a weird tingle in your stomach when he appeared. You’d find yourself searching the faces of cops during any showdowns and you’d feel a strange relief when you found him. You knew these feelings couldn’t mean anything good. You knew you had to move beyond it. But you couldn’t help yourself. As time rolled on you saw Lee grow from a rookie to eventually becoming Finlay’s right-hand man. He held himself more confidently, moving with more authority than before. His middle had softened, and his cheeks filled out as he rose through the ranks, but that was okay. He was still handsome, and there was something about his sturdiness that you liked.
You once had a blazing argument with Billy about him putting his own needs above the gang’s…it seemed to be happening more and more…and you’d stormed off to the gas station across from the sleazy motel you were staying in, eyes brimming with tears and jaw clenching in anger. You thought about how tiring this way of life was, how weary you were becoming.
You’d grown up with nothing, drifting between orphanages and group homes without so much as a doll of your own. You’d grown hard and distrustful, careful not to let anyway get too close lest they leave you again. You became tough, taking no shit from the other kids and establishing yourself as a figure not to be messed with. You stole from grocery stores to subsidise the measly food portions you were given, and that graduated to stealing more – a comb from the pharmacy, a make-up compact, a radio from the electronics store…and, eventually, cars. You found it all quite easy. You just had to push down any guilt you felt and remind yourself that you were the only person you could rely on.
You’d met Billy after you tried to pick his pocket on the street. Rather than turn you in, he pointed out where you’d gone wrong. You had thought he was beautiful with his blonde hair and intense eyes. He’d taken you under his wing and you followed him gladly. Of course you fell in love with him, how could you not? It was as if someone was seeing you for the first time, someone who saw the ugliness within you but didn’t flinch – if anything he welcomed it. He taught you everything he knew and introduced you to the others, and thus the gang was born. You had a warm bed every night, even if you moved around a lot, plus your belly was always full and you always had money in your pocket. Never before had these things been your reality. Yes, some of the stuff you got up to made you queasy, you remember the first time you’d shot a man and the sickening thwump of the bullet as it pierced his skin, but he was coming straight for you and it was you or him. And that’s what you told yourself. It was them or you. And you had to survive.
Billy had saved you and it was your job to save him too. So you looked out for him, had his back. You learnt to shoot and you got good at it, too. As long as you had each other you would be okay.
But after that argument, as you marched into the gas station with your heart pounding, you wondered if you were cut out for this life. Sometimes you questioned if you should just turn yourself in and give it all up. Hope for a sympathetic judge like Lee said. Jail would be tough but at least you wouldn’t have to keep running.
But it was too late. You’d gone too far now.
As you paid for a soda you caught a glimpse of yourself on the Wanted poster displayed behind the register. Billy’s was next to yours, then the others along from his. Fortunately, your hair looked a little different now and the picture quality wasn’t great. Still, you could never be too careful. You pulled your hat down and disappeared back out into the night. A ghost, like always.
Lee was dealing with his own confusing feelings. You were a felon, the opposite of everything his job stood for. It was his job to catch people like you and put them away, to protect the world from your kind. So why couldn’t he stop thinking about you? He so enjoyed the cat and mouse game with you, the excitement of catching you off guard and seeing the mischief across your face. As much as he wanted to capture you, he knew he would be slightly disappointed when that day came because it would be over. Strangely, he knew he’d miss you. Plus, the chase had ignited something in him, something primal and predatory. That day in the barn when he caught you, trapping you between his thighs as he watched the ‘o’ of surprise on your face as you realised, he’d bested you. He watched the glimmer of excitement in your eyes when he told you to be good. He felt the warmth of your body beneath him and imagined what it would be like to feel you properly. His rational mind screamed at him to stay away but he couldn’t help himself. Like a moth to a flame, you brought him back every time.
Of course, everything must end.
The shoot-out at Manville’s Farm had been bad. Really bad.
The cops had cornered you there after a robbery went wrong, it wasn’t a good spot to hide out, but it was the only option. Cosmo had been killed in the chaos and Violet had been captured. There was nothing you could’ve done to help them.
You and Billy were cornered in a woodshed, and you were bleeding from a bullet wound in your leg which you’d poorly dressed with a handkerchief. Billy was clutching onto the suitcase of cash he’d salvaged and was staring at it as if it held the answer to all your prayers. Things had been tough between you for a while now. You knew he was pulling away from you.
“Billy…” you uttered meekly.
“Shut UP, Honeybee” he barked. “I’m trying to think…”
He didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence as you both heard the heavy steps outside drawing closer. You exchanged a look, and you knew this was it. At least you’d go down together.
You turned to reach for his hand but to your horror he leapt to his feet and began to climb to the little window at the back of the shed.
“Billy!” you squeaked, unable to grasp the betrayal as he shimmied himself through the gap.
“I’m sorry, baby. I’m sorry…Really, I am…” he shot you a glance of regret and then he was gone.
You gawped at the window in horror, your heart in so much pain you thought it would burst. A few moments later you heard a wail of pain somewhere in the distance followed by a series of curses, but you didn’t have time to really react before the door swung open. You already knew who it would be.
“Hi Lee” you said glumly.
He stood in the doorway with his hands on his hips, eyeing you carefully. At the very least, you were glad it was him who would be taking you away. He looked handsome, as always. His hair was shorter. His middle a little wider. But he was still Lee.
“That must smart” he said quietly as he looked to the wound on your leg. “Guess that’s why you ain’t runnin’ no more”.
You nodded.
“But I’m guessing Lover Boy abandoning you hurt even more”.
Your eyes filled with tears, and you nodded again.
He sighed, dropping to his knees and tenderly moving some hair from your face. He moved to reveal Billy’s suitcase of cash behind him, giving it a tap.
“If it helps…we got him”.
You scoffed. He betrayed you, and for what? To suffer the same fate anyway? What a waste. All of it had been a waste.
“He got caught in a bear trap Old Man Manville had put out to catch the stray dogs who go after his livestock. He’ll live, just in a lot of pain. The boys are with him now waitin’ on a medic. They’re all so excited to have caught Billy the Kid that the heat’s off you for now, Honey”.
“Idiot” you scoffed. Although the fact he suffered was a small comfort to you.
“So…it’s finally time huh?” he said kindly, his voice softening.
“I guess so” you said tearfully. “I’m sorry, Lee”.
“It’s okay, Honey” he cooed. “You’re okay”.
“I just…I don’t want to do it anymore. You know? I’m so tired…”
He nodded. “Well…you don’t have to, not anymore”.
“Can I tell you something, Lee?” you whispered.
“Anything, Honeybee”.
“It’s silly but…I sometimes dream about having a normal life. You know? Just being somebody’s wife…somebody’s mother. Keeping a home. Living simple. Is that dumb?”
He shook his head. “Not at all, Honey. I think that’s what most of us want”.
You both sat in the silence for a little while before he sighed.
“You know…I been offered a job over in Knockemstiff, Meade. Few hundred miles from here. They want me to be their Sheriff” he told you.
You furrowed your brow, unsure what this had to do with you. “Uh…okay”.
He took your hand, gingerly.
“Honeybee…come with me”.
You scoffed in disbelief. “What??”
“You heard me. Come with me. Marry me. Start that normal life you’ve always wanted…”
You laughed out loud. This had to be some weird joke. But you looked into his deep blue eyes, and he wasn’t laughing. He stood once more, his hands on his belt buckle as he watched you with utter sincerity.
“I can take care of things here” he said gravely. “You can start over. Both of us can. Nobody will ever know. We’ll be far enough away from anyone who might recognise you”.
You blinked at him. “You’re…serious?”
“I’ll take care of you, Honey. I know we don’t know each other well, yet, but we can. I think…I know…we can be happy”.
“I don’t…what? We…We can’t”.
“You know we can. You feel our connection. I feel it too”.
He must be insane. But clearly you were just as insane as him because you found yourself actually considering it.
“If I did…if we did this…they’d find me…”
“They wouldn’t. I’d make sure of it.”
You shook your head in disbelief.
“Even if we could…I’ve done bad shit, Lee. Real bad. Don’t you want a nice little wife who knows how to make a good casserole? Not some crazy bitch who knows how to hot wire a car”.
He laughed. “No. I want the crazy bitch”.
You scoffed again. “And even if I agree…how do you know I won’t just run out on you?”
“You won’t” he said confidently.
“I…I’m not a good person, Lee”.
And then he leaned over and kissed you. And you kissed him back. And the world was still for a moment. Your leg didn’t hurt and your heart wasn’t broken and you felt alive and right. He held your face as his tongue found yours and his big hands clung to your waist and everything sang, and everything lit up and something within you awoke in a way it never had with Billy. You found yourself clinging to Lee and never wanting to let go. There was something safe, just something right about it all.
Maybe it was because you were crazy. Maybe it was because it was the only option other than jail. Maybe because your heart ached from Billy’s betrayal. Maybe it was because you and Lee kept finding your way back to each other. And maybe it would just be nice for someone else to take care of you for once.
As you pulled away, you held his face in your hands and told him your real name.
And you said yes.
And so the story goes that the notorious Honeybee of the Cypress gang died that day. She hid in a woodshed on the Manville property which unfortunately exploded when she lit a match for a cigarette without spotting the leaking gas can just a few feet away. They didn’t find much of her, just her jacket and her shoes and not much else. A tragic end to the troubled runaway, who got caught up in the wrong crowd after her difficult childhood. So much promise, snuffed out in an instant. She would later become a cautionary tale told to wayward girls threatening to go off the rails – don’t end up like the poor, tragic Honeybee!
Sheriff Lee Bodecker moved to Meade shortly after his success with the Cypress bust and subsequent investigation of Honeybee’s death. He married a pretty, young woman he met at a diner, and the two became pillars of the community. A few years later they were reportedly expecting their first child, and happier than ever.
Present Day…
You heard the men coming up the stairs and you knew it was time.
Here’s hoping you remembered some of your old tricks…
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I had great fun with it. As always I'm grateful for any reblogs or comments ❤️
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The Goatman: Maryland's Axe-Wielding Monster
The Maryland Goatman is a creature that appears to be half man, half goat. It is known for terrorizing lovers, chasing down teens with an axe, and decapitating dogs, as well as squealing and making goat noises.
There are many variations of how the mythical Goatman came to be, including an angry goat herder gone mad and seeking revenge on teens who killed his goats, something resembling a Bigfoot creature, the result of a genetic experiment, or even simply an old hermit who lives in the woods and wanders Fletchertown Road at night. 
The experiment myth is the most pervasive of them all, and it involves the nearby Beltsville Agricultural Research Center. Dr. Stephen Fletcher supposedly confessed to crossing the DNA of a goat and that of his assistant William Lottsford, which naturally went terribly wrong.The newly created Goatman then escaped and began attacking cars with an axe and roaming the back roads of Beltsville. Of course, the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center has outright denied any of this is true.
The first reported sighting of the Goatman was in 1957. Eyewitnesses reported seeing it in Forestville and Upper Marlboro in Prince George's County. It wasn't until the 1960s that the first violent encounter would take place. The story goes that a young couple went to Fletchertown Road and were suddenly startled by something in the woods. The young man got out of the car to investigate, but he never came back. When an investigation occurred the next day, his severed head was found hanging in a tree above where the car had been parked. His body was never found. Another unbelievably violent encounter supposedly took place in 1962. The Goatman was accused of killing 14 people, 12 of whom were children, with the other two being adult chaperones. The group was evidently hiking too close to the Goatman's home. Unidentified survivors claimed that the Goatman hacked the victims to pieces with an axe, making noises "only the devil himself" would make. When police arrived, they found half-eaten limbs and a bloody trail leading to a cave. As might be expected, there is no record of this event actually occurring. 
Searching for the Goatman was a local teen obsession, and "Goatman parties" were even held. It was also during this time that there were increased sightings of an "animal-like creature that walks on its hind legs" along Fletchertown Road. 
The Governor Bridge, otherwise known as the "Cry Baby" Bridge, is also known as a place for the Goatman. If one parks under the bridge at night, they'll supposedly hear a crying baby or a goat braying, or they'll even see the Goatman himself.
As far as more recent claimed sightings, the station WBAL-TV received two separate emails about an animal at Montpelier Park in Laurel, Maryland. One woman described it as looking like a "sasquatch with horns." Another man said he thought he saw a bear, "except it doesn't look like a bear." The article described the photo as looking like a goat standing on two legs.
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