#Denji chainsaw man x male reader
marksbear2 · 15 days
Headcanons- Platonic!
Hello!! Today I’m trying to work on expanding my writing by writing for characters that I never wrote for!! So I’m doing Denji from CSM! Feel free to request!!
⚠️Warnings!!- Basically fluff, death mentioned at the end, killing, comforting and etc. Could be read as Gn.⚠️
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— You was his gay awakening. Instead of falling for Makima he fell for you. He was attracted to your maturity and seriousness. Not really in the romantic way but he quickly moved on from Makima.
— He always tries to impress you by trying to kill devil’s in front of you and acting all high and mighty and unfazed whenever he just got his ass kicked. 
— Spending all of his free time following you like some lost puppy. 
— His love language is acts of service so whenever your in need of something he will get it done. You need a pencil? He’s there with all sorts of pens and pencils. 
— He’s willing to do anything for you. He puts you first before anyone else.
— The first time he saw you fight a devil, he was starstruck in awe as you fought the devil. He was amazed by your movements and skills.
— Whenever your back from a mission he always asks you how it went, are you okay, did you get hurt, asking about how dangerous or big the devil was. Like some little kid.
— He thinks your totally badass if you defat a devil with ease. Becomes some childlike fanboy whenever you do it.
— Your one of the few who treats him like an actual kid, and not some object who they can use him for. You treat him like his age. 
— Only really listens to you. Whenever the other hunters try to boss him around he ignores them but if you say something he’ll do it.
— You kinda became his father figure.
— He waits inside your office waiting for you too be done with whatever paperwork or assignments.
— He secretly hates the fact that your close friends with Kishibe. He’s confused as to how you two are friends, but he just guesses since your two are around the same age and maturity level.
— He hates getting lectured by you, and always storms off whenever your doing it just to come back a hour later.
— Whenever he turns back from his chainsaw form he leans on you support and mumbles an apology for getting your clothes dirty from the blood.
— You taking him out to eat and such so he can experience things without the others. 
— You calling out Makima out for her manipulative and evil behavior. You always took Denji away from her and try to keep him away from her.
— You and Kishibe teamed up to train him and power together.
— He would sit by your desk and tell you all his biggest and all the way to his smallest fears. 
— You being one of the few people he actually trust and comfortable around you. Always smiling around you.
— He hates seeing you hurt, it kills him to see you injured, he would drop the whole mission to move you to safety.
— If you ever die, say from getting killed by a devil he wouldn’t rest until the devil pats for it. He would slowly be consumed by anger and revenge to the point he would be willing to die for your revenge.
— Denji wouldn’t move on from your death. He would sit in your office just staring at the your chair.
— Accidentally calls people by your name. He doesn’t really catch himself doing it but the others noticed.
— He always freezes up whenever someone would say something that reminded him of you. Hearing a line you would usually say causes him to stop whatever he’s doing and his heart pounding in his chest.
— Denji hates it whenever would someone would use the brand of cologne you used before dying. He would kinda get angry and say “That’s Y/n’s cologne your using you know!?”
— If you had a devil contract he would ask about how you got it, what type of devil it is and if you got any cool powers from it.
— Accidentally called you dad one time and his face went red from embarrassment as he tried to clear up the accident.
— He isn’t ashamed to show his childish side around you. He feels safe and comfortable around you so he doesn’t feel judged.
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pastelclovds · 1 year
small drabble of corruption with denji?👉👈
(all characters are above 18 in this drabble)
denji felt like the happiest man in the world right now. in this moment, he was finally getting laid! by none other than his darling boyfriend (and your huge dick), you. before he meet you, denji was a bit disappointed that not a single women took an interest in him. and every year showed that the chances of his v card being taken by a hot babe with huge tits, especially if that hot babe was makima (since she was dead), were extremely low.
but then denji met you, one of the most kindest hot people he’s ever seen. he first met you when he visited a coffee shop that had just opened, and you were working there. you noticed denji was having a bad day, and gave him a free chocolate chip cookie to cheer him up. ever since that day, you both became close friends until he grew to have feelings for you. and he was ecstatic when he found out you felt the same, so it was only natural that you became a couple.
which leads to right now, you fingering his ass while he held onto your shoulders for support. you whisper gentle praises into his ear, saying that “he was doing a good job taking your fingers” and “he was a good boy, your good boy.” you wanted denji’s first time as pleasurable as possible, so you took your time prepping his hole for your cock.
denji grids against your fingers when they continue to play with his walls, he let out a surprised moan when they struck his prostate and denji’s cock spilled cum all over his stomach. “aww, you came just from my fingers? that’s adorable, my denji.” he whimpered at your teasing. he loved it when you call him yours, just like you were only his.
“are you okay to go again, or do you want to stop—?”
“don’t stop, please. i want your cock, pleasepleaseplease-” you interrupted denji’s begging with a soft kiss on his lips, “your wish is my command, baby.” you sighed when your dick was released from it’s tight confinements, you stroke it with the leftover lube on your hand and guide it into denji’s hole.
“whenever you want to stop, just say your safe word,” you try to explain to denji, he nods with his eyes closed, “fuuck, this is a hundred times better than fingers,” denji stares at you with lovesick eyes and a drooling dumb smile.
“fuck me ‘till i can’t walk.”
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 8 months
Denji Hayakawa - "Half Your Melon Bread"
In which a certain chainsaw devil man shares a sweet treat with a stranger at the park after shirking his devil hunting duties for the day. Or; In which you give Denji half of your melon bread out of sympathy poor hungry devil hunter boy. Part 2
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"Maaan, today was a long one"
Denji groaned out; stretching as he walked along the vacant street.
He had snuck off from Aki and Power not too long ago; ditching his assignment in favor of following a stray dog he'd spotted on the way. Unfortunately, he had lost sight of the dog soon after and now he was lost, wandering about the empty streets.
Just up ahead he spotted a park. It was one of those parks with a half playground; just a singular slide and a standard two-person swing set. There were also quite a few benches that littered the outer border and faced inward toward the playground.
But something caught Denji's eye or rather someone did. On a bench sat a lone person, a human, at least from what he could see at the distance he was standing from them.
Their back was turned to him, but he could see right off the bat that they had some kind of food given the way their arms and mouth were moving. From the ever-shrinking distance he found himself at, Denji believed it was a burger or something; he'd heard those were pretty damn good.
A nice, pillowy, sesame seed bun, melty cheese, crunchy pickles and onions, a thick juicy patty, and every condiment he could get his hands on... man, that sounds amazing right about now.
Shit, now he was hungry.
Unfortunately due to ditching the blood-loving psycho and cock blocking top knot that were his partners, he had no money to buy food.
But the person on the bench had come to a stop next to his food... would they share with him? Or at least give him some money to buy his own? Probably not, but it's worth a try. So, the chainsaw devilman took a seat next to the stranger and simply glanced at their food from time to time, looking away every time they looked at him.
The stranger softly spoke, catching the dirty blonde's attention.
In their hand was half of the packaged snack that they were previously holding; it looked like a bun but it was shiny with a criss-cross pattern on the top. Denji froze, not knowing how to respond; he didn't think he would get this far. Hell, he didn't even know what they were giving him.
"It's melon bread. I didn't poison it or anything; you saw it in the package already."
The stranger speaks again, this time standing up and holding the snack out the the devilman.
Hesitantly, Denji took it from their outstretched hand. He looked it over and lifted it to his nose, taking in it's fruity scent. Then he took a bite; and his mind was blown.
"I hope you enjoy it, you looked hungry. Well, see ya."
The stranger smiled at him gently, letting out a soft chuckle, before turning and walking away.
The dirty blonde-haired boy jumped a bit as he watched them walk away. Was it weird that he wanted them to stay here a bit longer? Should he tell them his name?
But, unfortunately for Denji, when he had finally made up his mind, the stranger was gone.
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ioveaether · 23 days
cw: gn!reader; reader has anger issues; char and reader are best friends, but is implied that they're crushing on each other
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It wasn't the first time of you ending up in cries and hiccups, just because you got angry at someone. And definitely it won't be the last as well.
This time it was with your parents. You just wanted to have a normal conversation with them, but ended up getting way too emotional and walking away angry, with tears running down your cheeks.
"Why are you crying now? We didn't even say anything mean."
"We didn't mean to make you cry..."
It wasn't people's fault that you get angry so easily. You always try to control yourself, to explain to people what you mean, but always end up yelling in frustration and then regret it at the end. Sometimes this anger even comes out in tears, making people think that they made you cry...
You hated it. You hated yourself for that. You hated how you lose your temper so easily. You hated how some people even think that you're not trying to control yourself. You just hated it.
"Hey, is everything okay?" A familiar voice said from behind.
You froze in place, before you sniffed slightly and wiped away your tears. "I'm fine." You answered, still not turning to face your best friend.
"It doesn't sound like that." He said back, concern obvious in his voice. "What happened?"
You stood quiet, not even daring to utter a word out, thinking that it'll come out in a shaky voice. You were even trying to hold back your hiccups, but failing miserably.
"C'mon, at least let me see your face." He said in a calm tone, now slowly approaching your form, before he sat down next to you.
"Did you get into another fight with someone?" He asked softly, his eyes finally seeing how red your face was from all the crying. His heart basically shattered at the view in front of him.
"I didn't fight anyone." You answered back, sniffing slightly. "I just..." Tears threatened to come out again, but you quickly wiped them away. You took a deep breath, trying to calm down your nerves, before you spoke. "I just got angry at my parents again.... For nothing."
"I-i didn't want to get angry at them. I just... wanted to have a normal chat with them about something, a-and i don't know what happened-" And the hiccups came back, the tears already falling down your cheeks. "I-i got super emotional at some point. I got angry, i started crying from anger and just walked away, so i can calm my nerves down."
He listened to your shaky voice, his hand slowly reaching to hold yours, to comfort you in some way.
He knew how easily you lose your temper. And he knew how you always try to control yourself, even if sometimes it was just too much. He was proud of you for at least trying, and he always told you that he'll be there to help with whatever he can.
"I hate myself. I hate how easily i get angry at people. I want that anger to be gone in some way." You confessed, squeezing his hand tightly. "I don't want to make people think they're at fault for me losing my temper. Especially people i care about."
"I even think that some people hate me, because of-"
"Okay, i'll stop you right here." He said suddenly, cutting you off. You looked up at him with a confused look, waiting for him to continue.
"No one hates you, because of your short temper, that's just your negative thoughts getting to you. And if there are people who actually hate you because of that, well fuck them! They don't know what you're going though, just to throw disrespectful comments towards you." He said in a serious tone. His hand squeezed yours, as he continued. "And i'm sure you're trying your hardest to control yourself. I've seen you. How you always clench your fists, bite your lips, pick on your nails and so many other things, holding yourself back to not explode in frustration... And i'm proud of you."
He gave you a soft smile, his free hand coming and ruffling your hair.
"Hey!" You let out a small whine, and soon giggles came out of your mouth. "Thank you..." You smiled up at him, before you plopped your head against his shoulder. "It means a lot coming from you."
"Of course. And like i said before, i'm always here to help however i can." He answered, his arms wrapping around you in a soft embrace.
You wrapped your arms around his form, burying yourself closer in the warm hug. He always had such an effect on you. Making you smile and laugh in just mere seconds. You didn't know why he was the one to make you feel like that, but you hoped it'll stay like that forever. Him being your comfort person till the end.
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© ioveaether
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niki-phoria · 9 months
⋆。°✩ csm hcs - little things about dating them
characters: aki hayakawa, denji, yoshida hirofumi
includes: devil hunter reader, lots of fluff, forgive me if denji and yoshida are a little ooc, written with male reader in mind
a/n: i think i'm gonna officially start writing for csm :)) i'm open to taking some csm reqs but they might take me a little while to finish so pls be patient with me !!
warnings: mentions of blood/injuries, mention of smoking
gn reader (they/them pronouns)
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⋆。°✩ aki hayakawa
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— i see aki as pretty inexperienced
— he’s had crushes before but finding the gun devil and working in public safety makes it pretty hard to go out on dates
— you met when makima assigned you to be his new partner (to help him wrangle power and denji)
— aki’s very slow to trust, and even slower to have feelings for someone
— he’s overly professional when you first meet
— doesn’t talk much unless it’s necessary
— it takes a lot of effort to get to know him beyond his somewhat cold persona
— after enough time (and probably saving his life once or twice) he’ll relent and start to open up to you
— either you have to confess or you just silently start going out together and being more affectionate
— denji is nosy probably sparks the realization for aki
— “what’s going on with you and y/n anyway?”
— “what do you mean?”
— “you’re all soft around them. it’s gross”
— a few days of very deep introspection from aki later and he’ll randomly bring it up
— during one of your balcony talks aki will take a drag from his cigarette and then look over and go 
— “are we dating?”
— you shrug 
— “i’d like to be”
— and congrats you are officially aki hayakawa’s lover
— aki isn’t super affectionate but he’ll make an effort if you are
— he’s gonna be super awkward about it tho lmao
— incredibly stiff the first few times you cuddle or hug but he’ll warm up to it
— he’s never really done this before give him a break
— he’s very protective but in a more subtle way
— puts his body in front of yours, keeps you away from danger, lets denji and power take care of devils to tend to you
— ^they 1000% tease him about being whipped
— aki is very cautious about letting you take devil contracts
— he doesn’t want you to get hurt
— his love language is acts of service
— make him dinner before he gets home or wake him up with a freshly made cup of coffee and heart will go boom boom boom boom
— probably gets all flustered and then gets embarrassed about being flustered
— (if you smoke) he shares his cigarettes with you
— you take turns passing a cigarette back and forth
— late night talks together on your balcony are some of his favourite moments with you
⋆。°✩ denji
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— denji is INCREDIBLY inexperienced
— he spent most of his childhood alone with pochita, slaying devils for money whenever he could, and generally avoiding danger
— he’s seen attractive people before and probably had superficial crushes but he had never seriously considered dating someone
— until he met you
— you met when you were assigned to work with aki as a new recruit into public safety
— your relationship is pretty lighthearted and playful at first
— denji is very dense
— doesn’t really recognize his feelings as romantic until you ask him out
— you have to outright tell him “i want to date you” 
— he’s like “oh cool me too”
— congratulations !! you are now officially together
— denji’s affection is probably a little awkward at first
— he likes cuddling and being affectionate but he’s a little clumsy at how he goes about it
— his only frame of how relationships work is from manga and anime so expect him to try and replicate the tropes he likes with you
— it gets better with time though don't worry
— just don't tease him too much he's genuinely trying his best
— kiss him first and he’ll lose his mind
— his eyes get huge for a second before he smiles and kisses you this time
— during missions denji isn’t overly focused on safety 
— yours or his
— i mean he literally turns into a human chainsaw
— he won’t let you be seriously injured though
— afterwards he scolds you for being clumsy as he poorly tends to your injuries
— he doesn’t know how to do stitches and his way of helping is to press a bandage over everything and playfully kiss the wound afterwards but it’s the thought that counts
— denji isn’t used to being vulnerable
— he’s incredibly nonchalant when he talks about his childhood but he’s still human
— sometimes the weight of being a devil hunter really gets to him
— give him some space and let him come to you naturally
— he probably won’t talk about his feelings in detail 
— let him lay on your chest and play with his hair until he falls asleep 
— he’ll feel better when he wakes up
— emotional intelligence is not denji’s strong suit
— you have to bluntly tell him when he’s doing something wrong
— he’s quick to change though
— he's a little emotionally constipated and he can be a little clumsy with his words and affection but he does really love you
— he just wants the best for you
⋆。°✩ yoshida hirofumi
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— i think yoshida has some experience with dating, but nothing overly serious
— you met in class
— ^either through denji or just because yoshida happened to notice you
— he’s incredibly charming
— puts all of his effort into cracking dumb jokes so you’ll smile when you first meet
— the type to lean in super close so he can “hear you better” and let friendly touches linger just a little too long
— i honestly think he could go either way with confessing
— he wants to date you but he also relishes in seeing you so flustered around him
— if yoshida confesses, it’s pretty nonchalant
— might be romantic and give you a flower or something
— if you confess, yoshida will smirk the whole time
— probably leans back against a wall or something and just watches as you stumble your way through an explanation of how you have feelings for him
— when you finish, he tilts your chin up so you’re looking into his eyes
— does that thing again where he leans in super close just to embarrass you
— “i like you too”
— boyfriend acquired
— congrats :D
— yoshida is definitely a hand holder
— he’s always touching you in some way
— his hand on your thigh underneath your desks, your fingers intertwined when you walk through the hallways, his arm wrapped around your waist as he walks you home
— he refuses to work on missions without you
— he says it’s to “make sure you don’t do anything stupid” but you both know it’s because he worries about you
— also the type to scold you while tending to any of your injuries
— yoshida is affectionate, but only on his terms
— he likes to be the one to initiate physical contact
— in public, he loves bragging about your relationship
— pulls you closer if he catches someone staring at you, introduces you as his lover, follows you around and refuses to leave your side
— he’s a tease
— he cups your face with his hand, slowly leans in, waits for you to start getting annoyed, and then pulls you into a kiss
— always smiles against your lips
— he can’t help it, you just make him so happy
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zzprompto · 5 months
☆ no homo, right?
denji x male reader [he / him]
sypnosis: denji starts to get feelings for [name] and he thinks of all the little things between them. it's not gay though, right? (meant to be viewed as romantic)
the lowercase is intentional !
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denji was always a fan of women and everything about them. he wasn't necessarily quiet about his preferences either. everyone knew about them. power did, aki did, yoshida probably does and asa too.
however, nobody expected denji to fall for a man, let alone one of his close friends. denji, the one who always talked about wanting to feel a woman, was now making goo-goo eyes at a man. it was unusual.
denji always reassured his friends (asa and yoshida) that he didn't actually like [name]. yet, they could see past him and his lies. they knew that denji was completely infatuated by [name] and no amount of 'no homo's was going to clear that off the fiend's name.
denji was walking about town with [name]. they usually spent their time doing such with their friends after school or when nothing was happening. however, fate seemed to be on denji's side. even if denji didn't want to believe that.
[name] and denji were alone. asa and yoshida had bailed on the two earlier, making weak excuses just to not go with them. of course, they did it all on purpose. they weren't going to tell [name] and denji though, it would ruin all of the fun and suspense.
the two men continued walking, their hands occasionally brushing against eachother as they walked past the busy crowds.
denji wanted to hold [name]'s hand. he wanted to hold it in his own hand and squeeze it. he wanted to feel how soft [name]'s hand would feel in his own, or how calloused it felt. denji wanted to swing his hand, in turn swinging [name]'s as they walked.
but, it wasn't gay right? it was normal to want to hold your friends hand, of course it was. denji had done that with power many times before, so it wasn't romantic or anything.
yet why did it feel so different when denji was facing [name]? why was his heart fluttering? why was his mind racing? he wasn't gay, and he didn't like [name].
eventually, the two settled down at a cafe. it was just the two of them, settling down for a meal to discuss.
but why did this feel like something else? denji felt like he was going on a date, like the time he had gotten reze some flowers on a date. it felt like he was on a date, with his friend.
denji wasn't gay though. of course he wasn't - he couldn't be. he loved women, he was quite the enjoyer. he felt nothing towards men compared to how he felt towards women.
but everything still felt different. denji's palms felt sweaty as he sat down across [name]. he felt his throat going dry too, so he immediately ordered an orange juice to soothe his thirst.
it didn't help though. nothing seemed to be helping when denji was around [name] and he couldn't stand it.
[name] then ordered for himself and for denji. being friends for a while meant that [name] knew stuff. [name] knew the food denji liked, the manga that he would read (or at least tried to), and the fact that denji was chainsaw man.
denji's whole body went hot when he realised this. he realised how much [name] knew about him and it honestly felt scary. were friends meant to know so much about eachother? of course they were, but everything felt so different and scary when denji was with [name].
if asa and yoshida were here, denji wouldn't have to be stuck in this situation. stuck being alone with [name].
once the food arrived, denji immediately tucked in. [name] had ordered him a cake, similar to the one denji had recieved when he first went to a cafe with yoshida. it was sweet, moist and overall perfection. denji couldn't help but want to scarf it down immediately.
"could i have a taste?" [name] asked denji, a small, innocent smile on his lips that made denji's whole body stiffen.
lips.. [name]'s lips. denji wanted to kiss them so badly. he wanted to feel [name]'s lips on his own and see how they'd melt into eachother. he wanted to see how their lips fit into eachother. he wanted to see how perfect they were together.
denji wasn't gay though. he shook away his thoughts by thinking a simple "no homo", something asa despised hearing from denji. she knew the truth that denji was constantly hiding from, and so did yoshida.
"oh.. sure.." denji smiled back at [name]. he took a fork, to be somewhat civilised and not to feed [name] with his hand. he put the fork into the cake and took a piece before feeding it to [name], his hand under the fork to make sure it wouldn't drop the cake before [name] could even get a taste.
wait.. feeding [name]? denji's brain was working on autopilot. he couldn't believe he had just done that. he had just fed [name] a piece of his cake. the cake that he was eating. the cake that he was shoveling down his throat with his bare hands. denji thought he was going to faint because of how hot the room suddenly felt..
[name] wasn't opposed to denji feeding him the cake. although he wasn't expecting it, he certainly didn't mind it. it was like a new change of pace for once in his entire friendship with denji. he wouldn't mind more changes in the future wither.
[name] finished the small piece with a hum, smiling at how good the piece tasted. was it better because denji fed it to him? nobody would know, only [name]
denji the looked away, embarrassed by his actions. he had just fed his friend a piece of his cake.. his mind was still on that.
and of course, denji's mind went into autopilot again as he continued to think about [name].
denji started to eat the cake with the fork, not even his own hands now. he was eating with the same fork that was in [name]'s mouth a few seconds ago. the same fork that he had just used to feed [name]. it was like an indirect kissA
the poor blonde yelped and he dropped his fork onto the table, hiding his face in embarrassment.
denji wasn't gay. he was just doing stuff that friends would do with their friends regularly. but why was his heart fluttering? why was his mind racing? why was his throat suddenly closed up and dried? why, why, why?
"i think i'm in love with you, [name].." denji mumbled into his hands, too scared to meet [name]'s eyes.
maybe denji wasn't gay, but he was surely into his best friend [name] and he now accepted it. he wouldn't hide his feelings behind a 'no homo' anymore.
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☆ author's note: 1st chainsaw man post! i was planning on posting requests but for some reason i can't edit my old-er drafts so i have to redo them 😪 sorry for those who are waiting!
☆ masterlist ▪︎ request
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unluckiestmember · 1 year
Chainsaw Man x Short/Shy! Reader
Characters: Aki Hayakawa, Angel Devil, Kishibe, Denji and Yoshida Hirofumi
Tags: Fluff, teasing, established relationships, fluff, tolerance training, did I mention fluff?
Warnings: None. SFW.
A/N: It should have not taken me this long to make this. *slaps self on the wrist*. One of my favorites!
Aki Hayakawa
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“Huh? I was laughing? Sorry. I just realized something about how short you are?… I’m not making fun of you. It’s just- Nevermind.”
Aki finds you to be kind of cute, but he would never say that in public, he has a reputation to keep of course. One thing he really loves about you is how short you are compared to him, finding it cute when you look up at him to ask questions or when you want a kiss.
He also loves how shy you can be, though sometimes he would prefer it if you weren’t so careful with what you want to say or do. At home, your nature was perfectly fine, but at work? He could tell it was something that could get you killed or force you to partake in missions you shouldn’t be participating in.
Aki can put up a front, but everyone knows that he cares deeply about you even if he doesn’t display PDA as much compared to his colleagues. Even Himeno makes fun of the fact that he’s so in love with you! All in all, he thinks you are the cutest and sweetest thing he’s ever met. But he won’t say that out loud. Nope. Never… But behind closed doors-
Angel Devil
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“Wanna get ice cream after this mission?… Huh? Speak up. I can’t hear you… Still can’t hear you.”
Angel Devil loves your shy nature, but he’s also someone who wants you to grow out of it. He feels that due to you being so bashful you could be taken advantage of by the Public Safety, including Makima. And if it isn’t by your coworkers, it will definitely be by the world around you. So he loves to ask you questions and hear you give him an answer loud and proud, even if that is a rarity.
When he isn’t trying to gracefully mold you out of love, Angel finds your height to be a bit comforting due to being one of the shortest males in his group of colleagues. He doesn’t make fun of your height or is the kind of person to say you’re cute when you get mad because of your figure. Instead, he treats you with a higher respect compared to everyone in Public Safety, viewing you not just as his lover and co-worker, but also as his friend.
Outside of your personality possibly being a target for foes, Angel Devil loves everything about you.
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“… Yeah. I’m gonna keep you.”
Kishibe is a bit of a weird man, usually keeping his emotions on lockdown and focusing mainly on his missions at hand in Public Safety. He seems like the kind of man who doesn’t have time for romance and lives deeply in the past, meaning his heart might still be hung on Quanxi.
But actually? He’s a bit of a sweetheart.
Though he’s a man of action, not a man of words. He doesn’t put his relationship with you in front of the world unless he feels threatened by someone in his Division. But even then, he knows how you can be around people and even himself, so he treads lightly in hopes of not scaring you off. It doesn’t make it any better that you are significantly shorter than him. So he just feels himself taken aback by your height difference and sometimes sees you not as a toy, but a plush that should be protected and kept at all costs.
Even if his communication skills could use a bit of tweaking along with his advances, he adores you and wants to protect you no matter what.
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“Hey, uh, wanna cuddle again?… No, work was fine, I just uh, wanna hold you again. I like how I can easily wrap my arms around you and how you fit against me and… Stuff.”
Short, tall, loud or quiet, Denji does not give a damn as long as he’s getting some love! And boy do you give him love!
He’s like a big puppy when it comes to you, loving you in any way shape or form. He adores how bashful you are, even if sometimes it makes him think he’s said or done something wrong. It doesn’t make it better that when you are affectionate with him, he just. Melts. He stares at you like you are the creator of the world around him, like a divine entity that must be loved and respected for eternity.
When it comes to being short, Denji finds this to be his favorite trait about you since he can easily do things he’s seen in movies, tv and manga he wants to try out on you. He’ll twirl you around when he’s happy. He’ll help you reach for objects to grab without ridiculing you. He’ll bend down eagerly to kiss you on your lips. And he will definitely hold you so close and tight to his body when you sleep together.
You are so precious to him. Words just can’t describe how much he loves you…
Yoshida Hirofumi
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“Can I get a kiss?… You missed… Oh, you missed again. Missed. Hey, what’s going on with your aim?”
Yoshida can be a bit of a goofball dating you. He thinks you are cute as a shy soft bean in his eyes, but he will try to push you out of your comfort zone gently with his actions.
He can be playful, pushing you to initiate some moments between you two and even forcing you to speak up. But trust me when I say he’s not just getting off to you having to take the first step. If he wants to hold and kiss you and partake in cute activities with you, he will.
Though he can be a comedian of sorts, he makes sure that you are safe away from his job. He knows because of your personality that if you were to get in the middle of his work you could get hurt. And if you ever got hurt? He wouldn’t know what to do with himself… As his lover, you mean so much to him even if he gives off casual dating energy. Just ask him. And he’ll tell you how special you are.
He loves you. Don’t forget that.
Chainsaw Man requests are currently open! :D
Likes and retweets are always appreciated! I love you all, be safe and have a good day! <3
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mackjlee9 · 1 year
Saw your NSFW alphabet post!
Uhh Denji(Csm), Reigen(ms100), and saitama(Opm) with the letters I, V, K, Y? If that’s not too much?
Also, can I be 🦑anon?
N$FW Alphabet Mini Event
So many 😍
Denji x Top!Male!Reader
Arataka Reigen x Top!Male!Reader
Saitama x Top!Male!Reader
I= Intimacy (how are they during the moment?)
Denji| not romantic at all. He'll just be whining like a baby that he wanted to have sex with a girl, but he calms down after you threaten him with leaving him like that on his own.
Denji is new to sex, straight or gay sex, he just doesn't know much, so he lets you do everything while he complains or holds in his moans.
After the first few times, he starts to get more into it and craves your touch, he loves it when you hold him close and he gets to press his face on your chest, flat or not.
Reigen| very, very shy. He's a blushing, stuttering mess.
He constantly whimpers and hides his face from your intense gaze, he starts tearing up if you keep telling him you wanna see him and hear his moans, but in the end, with tears running down his red cheeks, he moves his hands away and squeals when you pin them to the sides of his head, watching him come undone under you.
If you let him go, he gets really clingy and doesn't want you to move away from him, he loves the feeling of your body on top of his, crying against your neck.
Saitama| okay, when you're trying to hint at him he's definitely clueless, he has no idea what you're trying to do and why you keep getting so close to him.
He doesn't realize that your lingering touches mean something else, so it's a little frustrating on your end, so once you let out an "I wanna make love to you!" he finally gets it.
Now you're seeing a side of Saitama you've never really seen.
He gets shy and flustered, which wake his body more sensitive.
However... I do hope you have a body of steel because he can't measure his strength when he's overwhelmed.
V= Volume (how loud they are? what sounds they make?)
Denji| loud. Really loud. Even if you're covering his mouth, he's still too loud.
He's not doing it on purpose though, the movement of your hips against his has him releasing such lewd moans and whines, and he doesn't care if you press his face further into the pillow to quiet him down.
Reigen| well, it's one or the other, he's loud or he's quiet, and it depends on how you're fucking him honestly.
He tends to get more vocal when he's just too horny and needy, but then he's shy and quiet when you've been indulging him, but if you want him to be louder, he'll be a little bit louder for you.
However, once he gets into it, you're gonna have to be mindful of where you are fucking, because he will not quiet down.
Saitama| rather quiet. It usually just breathy moans and gasps, but on the occasion you get him to release a loud moan, he'll instantly cover his mouth and look away, embarrassed that he let out such a loud sound, of course, you wanna hear him more so you purposely fuck him hard, just the way you know it'll make him uncover his mouth to hold onto you or grip the sheets.
K= Kinks (one or more of their kinks)
Denji| for some reason... I feel like he's into breeding, something about feeling your cum filling him up is enough to make him cum untouched.
Size kink is also something he's into, he just loves looking down and seeing your cock pressing against his abdomen, or just the sheer size of your body looming over his. May have been that longing for someone to protect him when he was a kid, but he feels safe when you hold him.
(He's still unsure himself about what kinks he has but he's willing to try anything)
Reigen| pet play, I don't make the rules.
At first, he would call you master or sir as a way to tease you, but the moment you held his face and called him "bunny" he melted.
Along to go with the play, we have feminization. Who wouldn't want to see Reigen in a sexy bunny girl costume, wearing a collar around his neck? I certainly wouldn't mind.
Oh! Orgasm control, he loves it when ton control when he can cum, if you let him cum at all, the way his body shivers as he cums makes his eyes roll back and his mind goes blank.
Saitama| even though he could easily free himself, he loves how vulnerable he feels when he's restrained.
Bondage is something Saitama enjoys, mainly because he can take any kind of pain you inflict onto him, but when he can't see you and you're just being so gentle makes his body tingle.
Power play, he likes to act as such a tough, strong guy, only to get his ass handed to him when you have him pinned down, fucking into him roughly.
Ooh~? Food play~? Something about licking chocolate syrup off your cock makes his body weak, and if you do the same thing to him? He's done for.
Y= Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Denji| high. He's horny pretty much all the time, sometimes he gets touchy and clingy when you are having dinner/breakfast with Aki and Power.
Denji is pretty obvious when he honey and, even if those two know what you're gonna be doing, you'll rather have sex somewhere else, you find a love hotel nearby or just go to your house/apartment.
Denji just doesn't think he'll ever be able to get over how good sex with you feels.
Reigen| only when he's bored and has pretty much nothing to do, or if he's stressed and nothing helps him.
Those are usually the times when he's feeling horny, but anytime you are, he's willing to drop whatever he's doing to have you fuck him.
Saitama| never. You will not see Saitama actively trying to have sex or being horny at all, it is usually you who's the horny boyfriend.
Even so, you have to keep in mind that Saitama can go for a long time, he has too much stamina, and you are gonna have issues keeping up with him, so it's more of a "are you physically capable to keep up with him?" than just "I'm horny, wanna smash?" type of thing
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yakulin · 8 months
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Denji groaned as he stretched his arms while he walked alongside you, “Tough job?” You asked and he hummed in response. His arms soon wrapped around your body as he hugged you from behind, his face buried into the corner of your neck. The two of you stopped walking.
It was dark out, the cool breeze touching his warm skin. You tapped his hand that laid right above your chest, “We need to get home.. or well at least you do. You know how Aki acts when your late for your curfew” you stated.
“I don’t care about Aki, plus I’m not a kid! I don’t need to be following some stupid curfew” He whined, hugging you closer to him. So close that when you began to walk you could barely take a few steps before he’d forcefully stop you.
“Denji” you spoke up, he let out a whine before letting you go. “Thank yo- !!” Denji kicked the back of your leg causing you to fall, although he was quick to catch you into his hands. He laughed obnoxiously as he held you bridal style, “You should’ve seen your face!!” He said through laughs
“That wasn’t funny!” You replied, red from embarrassment. “Hell yeah it was!”
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chokenaine · 1 day
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gender neutral! reader, readers chest get called titis (1), loser + virgin denji (?), possible ooc??, no beta read
virgin! denji, the boy you meet in the first day school and is pretty much a loner and a loser.
virgin! denji who thinks he's a lesbian until you explain to him that's not how it works
virgin! denji who as you two get closer gets way more touch (ex: sitting on your lap as a ‘joke’ since other boys in class do it to their guy friends, holds your hands while you back to school and back, rubs his crotch against your behind whenever he hugs you from behind)
virgin! denji hasnt had his first kiss so when he told you, you had told you had a lot experience with girls and could teach him if he wants, which lead to you guys kissing as ‘friends’ so he can learn how to kiss girls.
virgin! denji who finally has his first kiss with a girl but isnt as exciting compared to kissing you so when he tells you, you end up making out with each-other just so he feels a little bit better.
virgin! denji comes home sobbing and calls you over and explains that he had confessed to his crush but he is ejected as she explains to him shes a lesbian, you hold him and whisper into his ear sweet nothings.
virgin! denji who complains that he will die if he doesnt touch a pair of titis, so like the good friend you are you let him touch your plush ‘tits’ which leads into him removing your school uniform and sucking on your sensitive nipples like a baby and leaving your poor chest feeling all sore.
virgin! denji who finally confesses that hes a virgin (which isnt shocking) and is terrified of dying a virgin knowing that hes a devil hunter and could die at any time!
virgin! denji who loses his finally loses his virginity to fucking his best-bro during the weekend
“so i just put it in?” he tilts his head as he looked at you, his brows frowned, you nodded. “yeah just put it in!” denji is hesitant hes never done anything sexual ever unless you count sucking on your best-bros chest or making out with them sexual but besides that he has zero idea on what hes doing! what if when he slides in it hurts?! you cup denjis face in your hands as you place a kiss onto his chapped lips “cmon denji.. dont keep me waiting!” you pout, his cheeks flush red as he slowly begins to slide into your tight entrance “f..fuck! youre so tight..!” as he begans to thrust in and out he feels like hes on cloud nine as he harshly slams his cock into your tiny hole, “fuck denji! f..faster!” you moan as your back arches, you tug on his blonde hair as he yelps, he holds onto your hips “ughh..okay!” he groans loudly, he feels himself getting closer and closer as your velvet walls hug his cock, with one final rough thrusts he begins to cum “c..coming! sosos g..good coming!!” he pulls you into a sloppy kiss, you can feel his warm cum fill you up. you pull away from the kiss to catch your breath “how did i do?..” denji mumbles as he looks away, his cheeks flushed. “you did good, such a good boy!” you giggle he just rolls his eyes “shut up!”
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krewekreep · 7 months
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1.5K Words. tags: Praise Kink, Male Sub, Sub!BF AU, Committed Relationship AU, I’ll fill the rest out later. (Is a Respect Kink a thing? Or am I just deprived?) ((asking for a friend…))
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Sub!BF who thinks you’re cruel the way you bend over to show him your welcoming pussy as he watches TV. Who can’t take the way you put him on his hands and knees, a drooling mess inches away from your noisy wet warmth as you finger yourself and play with your nipples. Who knows better than to touch you without permission or else he’s punished from touching you at all.
The submissive boy who gets nervous, pacing with sweaty palms when you text a slutty photo in your work uniform captioned: “they pissed me off at work today…be ready.” The Sub!Boyfriend that begins to clean and cook in preparation of your usually rough entrance. Who goes to the bathroom to freshen up so when you nuzzle against him it’s your favorite fragrances of vanilla, lavender, and bergamot. He who knows to use a little of your lotion for that added touch.
The Sub!BF that gloats to his other sub friends you can get him off by just kissing him. That his dom doesn’t leash him, or talk down to him. That his dom is the sweetest person in the world and takes care of him best. How you have to tell him it’s not appropriate to judge other dynamics and be a brat. How he doesn’t care cause that’s what he’s there to do…praise you beyond belief. How he holds your hands in his extremely sincere as he breaks his usual cooing to tell you how appreciative he is of you. How you allowed him to explore safely and feel fully loved. How you cry at his sincerity to which he grins widely, quickly rushing into the other room.
The Sub!BF that knows things did get out of hand. And you guys weren’t even supposed to get this far…and that’s why a black box with a ring adorned in your favorite jewel/metal is shaking in his nervous hand. How he tells you to close your eyes and at your protest pouting with an adorable “Pleasseeee?” When you give in and feel a soft velvet box in your hands. A promise ring. The Sub!BF that fell over in love with you when you said without a second thought: “Cock rings? A cock cage? I’ll only do that if you really make me mad…I’ll think about it. Your dick is mine, it is claimed. You do not need to be caged.”
How his previous experiences made him feel he had to submit a specific kind of way. He rests easy against your chest, sleepy, actually relaxed and feeling safe, as you tell him about your day. Who fights for the respect of your dynamic exclaiming: “This is my Dom! She is also my woman! But she’s only mine because I am hers, first. Don’t make me disappoint her by punching you in the face. She’ll deny me an orgasm!!”
The Sub!BF that asks permission so much you remind him in public to try toning it down…to which he then only shouts annoyed “What? I can’t ask if it’s okay? Who the fuck is gonna tell me I can’t ask my woman what she thinks? You have the final say!” In front of the cashiers who were previously side-eyeing you, now deep in registers or finding something to do.
How he asks if he can title you. As a new dom with somewhat of a respect kink you thought hard about it. Master was saved for especially salacious times. Ma’am and Mistress are too obvious, plus don’t suit you that much. You wanted something disguised, it turned you on to know when he’d say a certain term of endearment in public only he and you knew how you earned it. You thought on the time you first were dating, he was more overtly dominant but showing signs. You were ungraciously bumped into and huffed towards by a larger man you suppose had much to do. While annoyed being bumped into wasn’t the end of the world. You look around again with your new bae nowhere in sight…
“Hey, dickhead.” Your new bae was in front of the guy, hands in pockets staring a hole into him. You’d never seen him so protective and kinda sinister. You were so turned on. “You bumped into my girl. Say sorry.” The guy of course feels challenged and attempts to raise his voice. Before he could begin to cuss back your bae punched him in the face sending him flying. “You wanna disrespect my woman?” You leapt to him removing him as quickly as possible. You didn’t care at all about his defending you. It’s what he should do you thought. Having someone defend you like that was thrilling honestly. But you guys had to vacate as the scene brought attention and mall cops towards you.
You decided your title would be “my woman.” He looked at you confused. “Why that?” And as you elaborated, bringing his hand to your wetness. He understood. “Baby…” he cooed. “Can I please eat you?” He’d never asked outright for permission before. Newly dating for all of three months you both really agreed to take it slow. Hot headed as he was you could handle him and he never was that way with you. The title in public would make your thighs squeeze together. And depending on the conversation, like when you overheard him gaming bragging on you way too hard…that “my woman” sent you into the room. “Hi guys sorry to interrupt. I need to take him away for a bit. But he’ll be back.” Without a confirmation you hung up his headset, removed the controller from his hands, was nice enough to try saving his game to which he said it was auto…then turned the tv off, lights off, demanded he not move, nearing him to hit your knees and suck him off. His hand went to your hair to which you shook your head in disagreement. “Don’t touch. This for me. Not for you.” And how not soon after he came hard in your mouth leaning forward as his abs bent and tensed. “Oh my—baby I needed that. Thank you.” He says through labored breathing. How he raises you up to sit you in his lap. Purring and breathing heavy against your ear. How he peppered you all over in kisses that made you giggle.
You’d never tell him but you loved earning his submissiveness. Every time he unlocked himself to ask you to try something or let him try something the build of yearning was soon behind. You were attracted to him because of his masculinity which was still fully intact. How sexy it was for a man to take pride in being a sub. Overhearing him again mention he had been in some really unhealthy situations. How he was actually scared thinking he was a fucked up person for desiring that and that then he deserved to be treated unwell. How you had not known how many men in general wanted to pursue subbing. And how emotional you were knowing he really trusted you with his safety. How you’d likely eviscerate whoever had hurt him. And how you didn’t recognize the angry bubble of protection and ownership brewing in your gut.
You’d never tell him because you’d show him. “Here baby,” passing him meal preps for the gym you created in secret. “You love chicken, I get it, but you have to eat it differently sometimes. Plus you don’t moderate your calories enough. I know you want to build but don’t skip out tryna attain a certain physique. I’ll love you regardless and kill whoever complains.” You kiss him easily with no humor or tease in your statement. Kill? Who? Why? He was shook by your easy declaration thinking to himself how he’d kill anyone for you but that you didn’t need to know that. All he could do was watch you in love, never looking away. “Baby…I love you.” He says. It’s nothing to him. He loved you after your first date and really prayed to something unknown you’d work out. You look up at him beaming. “Really? I love you too baby!!” And as you kissed him you pulled away rushing him to the door. “Okay, okay, we’ll be all lovey dovey later.” He wants to protest but knows better. “You have to get to the gym on time so you can complete your routine on time so you can get to work on time!!! Bye bye! Don’t text and drive and you know I can tell.” Kissing him again as he holds his food against his chest like a kid dropped off at school. As you close the door you already are planning the meal he will eat when he gets home. As the door closes in his face all he could do is chuckle to himself before turning to start his day. “Hmmm, that’s really my woman isn’t it?”
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Who: Denji, Yuuji, Gojo (this Nigga a sub to me 110%, I’ll fight for it.), Ichigo (moreso Ichigo in the beginning of Bleach.), Eren (if you disagree be serious with yourself…he’s an angry sub.), + whoever else!!! Lmk cause I’m building a sub list of sorts.
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c-o-t-o · 4 months
hi! i love ur writing and am in desperate need of denji x m!reader fics lol, would you be able to do fluff 10 with nsfw 2?
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The Snow Storm
Author: c-o-t-o
Character: Denji x male reader
CW: s.fw, character aged up, descriptive kissing scenes
Misc: ~2.2k words. Requested by anon (getting stuck at their house and spending the night, their first kiss with you) thank you so much for the compliment and the request! I didn’t know how n.sfw you wanted this to go, but feel free to request again and I can continue the fic with another part and make it spicier~!
About: you end up stuck at Denji’s for the night and contemplate kissing him all night
*Do not remove info or credit from posts when reblogging or sharing!*
It was movie night at Denji’s again. Well, technically it was Aki’s house, but everyone was away on a mission except for Denji. He took advantage of that by having you over for another movie night. Usually Aki makes you leave early, but on nights like these, you and Denji get to stay up late hanging out.
You and Denji are walking back from the convenience store with your bags full of drinks and snacks. You’re both talking about what movie to watch when it starts snowing. You hadn’t realized how cold it was until snowflakes started sticking to your eyelashes. You and Denji both look up in awe, it had been forever since either of you saw snow. Not paying much attention to where you were going, your hands bump, making you both recoil a bit.
“Heh, sorry.” Denji smiles and looks back up at the snow, sticking his tongue out trying to eat the snow. Even though your hands only touched for a second, you felt your heart skip a beat and warmth flow to your face.
Back at the house, you and Denji have been watching movies in the dark. Sometimes chatting and laughing during the movie, sometimes both on the edge of your seat wrapped up in the plot. Every time Denji’s arm or leg touches yours, you feel your heart start to race. All you can think about is yourself pleading for him to not notice you getting flustered over how close he’s sitting to you. Did he always do this? You feel like you both used to sit at opposite ends of the couch, but here Denji was practically pushed up against your side.
Towards the end of the night, a few movies in, you both start getting pretty sleepy. You’ve started slouching down into the couch, Denji trying to fight his body nodding off. Every now and then his head jerks forward and you catch himself pulling it back up, eyes straining to stay open. Eventually, he starts leaning and slumps over onto you, his head on your shoulder. You freeze for a moment before looking up at the ceiling and swallowing hard. ‘I feel like I’m being tested tonight’ you think to yourself.
You can feel Denji’s hair on your cheek. It smells… surprisingly good. Kind of sweet, actually. You wonder if Denji intentionally picked the fruitiest smelling shampoo, because it was reminiscent of all the jelly he puts on his toast. Carefully turning your head to look at him, you see him sleeping. He looks so peaceful, and… all of a sudden your thoughts stop when you look down at Denji’s lips. Slightly opened with quiet breaths going in and out, you can see the tips of his teeth.
Your heart is beating so hard and quickly now that you’re afraid Denji will hear it and wake up. And he does- not because of you, but because of the music from the main menu blaring suddenly. The movie had finished and gone through all of the credits while you were admiring him sleeping.
Denji slowly wakes up, realizing he’s laying on you, and promptly sits straight up.
“Ehhheheh, sorry man,” he says with a nervous smile. “I didn’t realize I fell asleep.” Denji averts his gaze momentarily which throws you off. Why was Denji nervous? Or was he just embarrassed to have fallen asleep on his friend?
Denji turns the movie off, switching back to regular tv.
“…are advised to stay indoors during this storm. The snow is expected to continue throughout the night and into tomorrow morning. Officials are asking folks to stay off the roads and indoors due to extremely limited visibility…” the newscaster says while in front of a map.
“Storm…?” You question, looking at Denji.
“The snow!” You both shout simultaneously while going over to the balcony doors. Denji pulls the curtain back and turns on the light, seeing that the snow has already accumulated a LOT. Neither of you had realized it was going to be this bad. And without Aki there kicking you out early, it was already so late as well. You stare at Denji nervously for a moment before he closes the blinds and looks back at you.
“Welp! You’re not going anywhere tonight, you’ll have to stay here.” Denji says, rubbing the back of his neck, looking around the living room to assess where you’ll be sleeping.
“Umm, are you sure…? Is that okay?” You hesitantly ask. He’s right, you’re not going anywhere in this storm. On one hand, you start feeling excited at the prospect of sleeping over Denji’s place. But on the other hand… you'll be sleeping. At Denji’s. Alone together.
It’s not like you haven’t before, there were a few times where you stayed over. Being all guys, Aki had no problem with you staying in the room with him and Denji the times you did. But you’ve never slept over with Denji alone before. Especially not after a night of feeling more lustful for him.
“Of course I’m sure! Let’s set up here in the living room. We can watch the snow and have movies on all night. It’ll be fun.” Denji starts moving the couch to make room for the futons. He puts the two together, side by side. You gulp hard and help him set up to distract yourself at the thought of sleeping right next to him.
Later on, when you’re both laying down, the severity of it all hits you. Here you are, laying inches away from your crush, in his pajamas that he lent you, alone together. Denji seems super excited. And you do too, but you also were finding it hard to suppress your feelings for him in this situation.
The room is dark, save for the faint glow of the tv in the background playing a movie on low. It’s so quiet in the room that you can hear Denji’s delicate breathing as he sleeps. The snow continues to fall, and watching the flakes starts lulling you to sleep. Right before you do, you hazily move closer to Denji, smelling his sweet hair again. You fall asleep quickly, cozy, and heart aching for more.
You wake up to something tickling your nose. You sleepily rub your finger on it, but the sensation doesn’t go away. You open your eyes to see Denji’s sleeping face right in front of yours. His hair in your face because your foreheads are touching.
‘Did he move this close to me on purpose? Did he do it in his sleep?’ You wonder. The spot where your head meets his starts tingling. Your breath quickens and you feel your face getting hot from the blush spreading across your cheeks. You try to savor this feeling, this view, before Denji eventually wakes up again.
“Hm? Oh,” Denji covers his mouth with his hand for a second, then puts it back on the pillow. “I keep waking up close to you like this, don’t I?” He smiles awkwardly. Frozen again, you mean to move back to put some space between the two of you, but you can’t seem to move. You watch Denji’s eyes slowly look down to your lips, and he exhales nervously. ‘Is… is this really happening? Is Denji getting ready to kiss me?’ You think to yourself, but eventually your own thoughts become drowned out by the sound of your heartbeat in your ears. You feel yourself getting hard even at the thought of Denji kissing you here on your beds. ‘Damn, why does he look cute even when he’s sleepy? His hair is all ruffled, it’s adorable. I want to just run my fingers through it’ you manage to think to yourself.
Here it is, this awkward push and pull of your faces. The moment where you both know what’s going to happen next, but never know who should be the one to go all the way forward. But when your urges force you to be the one to slowly move forward, Denji slightly pulls back, covering face with his hand out of nervousness.
“I’m sorry…” he muffles through his fingers, eyes looking away. Not knowing what to really do, you say you’re sorry back, get up, and go out onto the balcony.
“What was I thinking?” You say out loud to yourself as you pace the balcony in the cold, rubbing your arms with your hands for warmth. “Why would he want to kiss me? I’m just some guy, just one of his friends. Ugh why did I do that…” you pinch the bridge of your nose out of frustration.
Suddenly you hear the door slide open behind you. Without turning around, you start apologizing to Denji.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me. It’s just that… well… I really like you, Denji. And tonight was so great. But I wasn’t sure why you were so close during the movie, and you kept falling asleep on me…” you start rambling when the silence behind you continues. “I’m sure you don’t want to be with another guy, I mean you’re always talking about boobs so-“
Before you can finish your rant, Denji has grabbed your shoulder and turned you around to look at him. The snow is falling slowly between the two of you, seemingly slowing down time as you both look at each other. Denji opens his mouth to say something, thinks, then closes his mouth. He does this one or two more times before shaking his head. He steps forward, looking you straight in the eyes. In the dimness outside you can’t tell if he looks angry or desperate, until his next move. Denji quickly reaches out to you, grabbing your head with both hands, pulling you in closely for a kiss.
The moment you feel your lips touch, you immediately begin to kiss him back. His lips are so soft and plush, seemingly melting when he pushes them into yours. When he slightly pulls back, your lips make a quiet smacking sound. Denji covers his mouth again, eyes averting yours.
“I’ve been wanting to do that all night,” Denji quietly murmurs. His entire face is bright red now. “But I didn’t know if you felt the same way. So… it’s why I kept getting closer to you. I wanted to see how you felt. I-“ Denji covers his face with both of his hands bashfully. “I really like you. We have a lot of fun together.” Denji musters up the courage to put his hands down and look at you. His face is entirely too red now, and the realization hits you that you’re absolutely freezing. Denji’s face must be so cold that the redness has deepened.
You both go inside and bashfully get back under the blankets, laying down facing each other again. You inch closer to Denji, noses touching. The tip of his nose is so cold that it makes you chuckle.
“I, uh, never really kissed anyone before. Not like, for real, anyway. Um. I hope it was okay.” Denji whispers. The two of you continue to whisper even though there’s nobody else home.
“Well, now you have kissed someone. We can, um… practice some more if you want. I’ll be stuck here all night, anyway.” You say bashfully, but it’s true. You wanted to take advantage of your night alone with Denji. Once again you lean forward, but this time, your lips find his. At first the kisses are incredibly soft and tender slow kisses. But after a few minutes, you find that Denji has picked up the pace a bit, turning you on.
You slide your fingers through Denji’s hair, kissing him deeply. Every now and then he pulls away to gasp or moan, his voice sending chills through your body. You both start making out pretty heavily. Denji keeps squirming and suddenly you feel his leg slide between yours, his knee gently pushing up between your legs. You unexpectedly let out a moan with your head falling back. Denji leans in and starts kissing the nape of your neck, making you cringe with pleasure. You grab his face, his tongue still somewhat sticking out, and lick it. Denji moans loudly this time. You feel his tongue slide into your mouth, massaging yours with it, saliva starting to seep out of the corners of your mouth. Denji stops momentarily to lick you clean, and then goes back to kissing you.
You start wondering how your soft, innocent kissing turned into this. You were both getting hot and bothered, but little by little you both started dozing off again. It was well past midnight now, and you both had been fighting off sleep for hours now.
“Denji, I’m so sorry, I’m falling asleep.” You whisper, placing one last gentle kiss on his soft lips.
“I am, too. We can, uh, maybe pick this back up another time.” Denji blushes again at the thought of another sleepover where you would resume your make out session. Denji sighs contentedly and slides in closer to you, once again falling asleep with his forehead pressed to yours. Your fingers interlock on the pillow between your heads, finally letting the lull of slumber overtake you. It was a great way to fall asleep. But all night, all you could dream about was continuing where you left off with Denji. And you just couldn’t wait to stay over again next time.
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 4 months
hiii i just read "your melon bread" fic of denji and IT'S SO GOOD (i smashed the follow button immediately lol)
and i saw your asks are open so can i request a part 2 of it where the next day when denji, aki and power are patrolling the town and they walked pass a bakery and denji remembered what happened yesterday and forced aki to get inside and buy him melon bread but was greeted by the reader who's family owns the bakery (this is my first time requesting so sorry if it gets confusing and feel free to ignore this if u dont want to or if it makes u uncomfortable :3)
and can i be the 🦈 anon thankksss hope u have a good morning/evening/night ^_^
Denji Hayakawa - "Half Your Melon Bread" 2
Hey 🦈Shark anon! Sorry for the absurdly long delay, but I've finally completed your ask. At first, I was just going to ignore it since “Half Your Melon Bread” was supposed to be a one-off thing, but the more I thought about it, the more I came to like it! —Benny🐰 Part 1
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Aki was… perplexed to say the least. The fiend(?) that he had been tasked to watch over hadn't so much as muttered Makima's name since yesterday; it was kind of unsettling. All the blonde idiot seemed to do was stare off into the distance and mutter something about bread.
While the topknot-styled man was a bit relieved that he wasn't being bothered by both of the idiots under his watch; he did grow a bit concerned. It seemed as though Power had as well, judging by the hard stare that she was drilling into the side of the Chainsaw Devil hybrid's head. The strawberry blonde hadn't uttered a word since they left the house; only staring at him in silence with a deep frown on her face.
Denji himself was deep in thought. That stranger… he never got their name; they left before he could ask. He did remember their face though, so he'll definitely thank them when he sees them again and maybe they'd let him touch their chest—
The dirty blonde walked right into a light pole while he was distracted by his thoughts. The boy groaned as he clutched his head in a futile attempt to soothe the pain and the ringing in his ears. As he looked at what he'd run into, he saw a soft yellow light in the corner of his eye. Turning his head, he saw that he, Aki, and Power were standing in front of a bakery.
A bakery… Baking… Bread is baked… Oh! Melon bread! He could get some of that here!
Quickly, Denji walks into the building, ignoring the annoyed protests of the senior devil hunter and cheers for food from the blood fiend. The smell of buttery freshly baked dough immediately permeated his nostrils as he walked through the door. It was a comforting but hunger-inducing smell that had likely not only him, but everyone else in the building heavily salivating.
“Welcome to Chubby Bunny Bakery; I can help you right over here, Sir.”  
A voice from behind the dirty blonde draws his attention from observing the bakery's interior and to the order station.
The devil man's eyes widen as he sees the figure standing behind the display case. It was the stranger from yesterday in the park! They were holding onto a sheet pan of cookies; sliding the display case glass backing to the side and putting the pan of cookies inside.
“It's you!”  
Denji exclaims as he, rather rudely, points at them; finger only inches from their face due to how close he already was.
The stranger stares at him for a bit before they chuckles and gently grab his wrist to pull his hand down. They grab a small menu card from a stack of them that sits next to the register and place it in front of him with a small smile.
“Yes, it's me, bread boy. Did you have anything in mind already? If not, you can look at our menu here to help you decide.”  
The stranger tells him, tapping the menu card between them twice.
“Oh! Uh– melon bread. Pl—”  
The devil man was interrupted by a firm grip on his shoulder flipping him around to face an incredibly annoyed aki. 
“And what money are you going to use to pay for it? Not mine.”  
The raven-haired man asked rhetorically as he glared at the younger boy.
While Aki was talking the stranger came back to the front with a beige wax paper bag in their hand and held it out to the dirty blonde. Denji gingerly took it in his hand, ignoring his superior's irate rantings, and pulled out the glazed treat. He took a hesitant bite and his cheeks flushed a soft pink as the sweet melon flavor washed over his tongue; ignoring the aching in a few of his poorly managed teeth.
The stranger smiled at him before turning to the top-knot-baring man with their hand out expectantly. Aki sighed as he realized that he would be paying for Denji's food after all. Shoving his hand into his back pocket; he takes out his wallet and reluctantly forks over the needed amount, though not before he throws a nasty glare the younger boy's way.
“So, uh, I never got your name. Or gave you mine, really. I'm Denji.”  
The dirty blonde shyly muttered between nibbles of his sweet treat.
The stranger chuckles at his timid demeanor, figuring that he was just feeling a little embarrassed by the fact that he had no money. They rest their chin in the palm of their hand as they look him up and down; thinking about how he kind of reminds them of a dog.
“Well, nice to meet you, Denji. I'm [Name].”  
They introduce themself lazily; taking his hand in theirs and giving it a firm shake.
Suddenly though, the baked treat was snatched from the dirty blonde's hand by a wild Power as she dashed to the door.
“Sharing is caring, henchman!”  
The blood fiend shouts as she is chased out of the door by both males.
[Name] stares at the door for a few seconds before letting out an amused chuckle. What a strange bunch, they thought with a smile.
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bobeni · 1 year
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  ⠀   ⠀   ⠀ ‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎O23 ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ፧ ‎ ‎EGGS AISLE ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏♡ ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎
✶ users! › denji, m!reader.
✶ synopsis! › it could no longer be simply considered a coincidence; with how denji always seemed to pop up at the same time, at the same little store, just to see you.
✶ wrdcnt! › 1,586.
✶ cw’s! › fluff, possible ooc here we go, simp denji, trio stuff in the beginning, this is probably unnecessarily long lmao. i used they/them for the reader for one line, btw.
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“Aw crap, we’re out of cereal and milk again! I’ma head out to the store to get some more!” Denji shouted as he zipped past two lazy bodies to the front door, snatching his hoodie off the rack with poorly disguised eagerness.
Aki sighed, looking up from the creased daily newspaper. “Again? That’s the third time this month.��� His orbs followed Denji’s haste movements to shrug on the clothing.
The blond barely spared him a glance as he tried to fix his bedhead, “Yeah, yeah, I know, right? It’s bogus how Power keeps eating it all.” He feigned understanding just as said girl squawked at the blame now delivered to her shoulders. “What the fuck? I haven’t even touched the cereal since two weeks ago!” She yelled, mouth full of her breakfast, unfortunately it was just amalgamation of bacon and eggs.
“Ya can’t fool me, Powy, I know you sneak around in the middle of night, scarfing that shit down.” The gobsmacked look on blonde’s face was one Denji could remember for centuries.
“You bi一” as she was prepared to scream her indignation, she was stopped in her tracks by Aki’s agitated groan, followed by Denji’s so-called reassurance.
“Don’t worry, though,” the boy flicked the lock open, stepping an inch outside the apartment with every syllable. “I’ll make sure to replenish your stash, so don’t wait up!” Denji grinned at that last part, officially saying his leave to the both of them, the door narrowly missing his behind with how fast he tried to shut it.
With the boy off and out, Aki’s eyes lingered on the door. But they began to narrow in suspicion, prompting him to rise from the coach and walk into the kitchen for further investigation.
However, his investigation ended as soon as it started. The man found not just one, but several boxes of cereal, moderately filled. As well as the milk, as far back in fridge as it was, half full. This made his face scrunch up in confusion as he shut the fridge and leaned against it to turn his attention to Power一who now had a lap full of Meowy, clearly had to have been ruffled by the morning ruckus and sauntered out of their bedroom.
“Power,” Aki started. She nodded in his direction, still stuffing her face. “We’re still good on breakfast一he’s not just ‘going to the store,’ is he?” He wondered aloud, sighing at the thought of Denji pulling some shit.
“Yes, see!” she jabbed a finger in the air, “He’s up to something. Something... I can assume is very stupid.” Then Power just pets a purring Meowy as Aki shakes his head at it all.
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Geez, that was close, Denji thought as he strolled down the sidewalk. It was getting real tiring having to think excuses pertaining to various foods they did or didn’t have. Many apologies and more to his family, but he couldn’t let them know the reason why he had those excuses for where he was going一especially not Power, god, he’d probably never hear the end of it.
Oh, what was the reason exactly?
He has a crush.
That’s right, the reason why he began waking up early in the morning and trying to make sure not a single hair was out of place一well, in his own unique way一was because someone is after Denji’s heart. And he’d so let them take it if they pleased.
One day when it was actually his duty to do some shopping, at this little grocery store a few blocks down from his apartment, is where he met you.
He was only there to gather the items on the short list that Aki handed over to him that morning, but when you stepped up next to him while he was eying two freaky looking fish, and the shy offer for assistance flew out of your mouth, he found himself a bit touched.
“But you don’t even work here, though?” was what he said back then, now eying you.
“Do I have to work here in order to help out some clearly indecisive guy?” The little chuckle that you ended your rebuttal with was unfortunately cute enough that it made his heart jump in his chest. When you leaned over to help him pick the better fish, his heart was absolutely drumming at how close you were and how easily his hand could slip into yours.
He didn’t say a single word of complaint when you offered to help him finish up his shopping; he just let his cheeks burn a bright pink while he trailed behind you with two baskets and hearts for eyes.
After that day, every other week or so he’d pop up at the store, yearning to see you, while also juggling his best attempts to make his appearances look normal and coincidental.
It was a flawless plan in his mind. Every day you two seemed to be getting closer and closer; then soon, he couldn’t deny the hope that lingered.
Even if it should’ve been embarrassing一considering how easily he fell for you after only meeting a handful of times. But he couldn’t really find it in himself to give a fuck.
Denji smiled proudly, maybe he could finally get to do all the things couples do with you.
Meanwhile the blond was gushing, it didn't occur to him that had already arrived at the store until he heard that familiar bell’s jingle giving him the signal.
Then he let his eyes wander, searching the store trying to pick you out of the bustling crowd of shoppers. He stumbled upon right when he almost missed you; you were crouched down by a vending machine, mashing away at the buttons.
With a little bit of pep in his step, he made a b-line for you.
“Good mornin’, [name].” Denji jostled the keys in his pocket when he tried to wave. You looked up at the approach and softly smiled at him. “Hi there, Denji. You doing some shopping again?” you made casual conversation as you were inserting money into the slot. Pink dusted his cheeks as he immediately responded with no, in his head. But in real life he stuck with a shy confirmation and told you that he just needed some cereal.
But as you were prepared to say something else, you were interrupted by two bags of chips spilling out of the bottom.
“Holy shit, what did you do?” Denji was cackling at the surprise you exuded.
“I don’t even fucking know,” you chuckled, pushing yourself up from the ground. “But how perfect is this?” the smile on your face was too warm, too soft, he almost ignored the next words that came out of your mouth.
“One for me, and one for you, Denji.”
You held out a bag for him and he stared in disbelief.
“You’re... gonna share with me?” He hesitantly reached for the bag, awaiting your next answer.
Still smiling you told him exactly what he wanted to hear, “I’ll always split stuff with people I like. Obviously.”
Obviously, you said. You also said that he’s one of the people you like. Obviously.
He was so glad it was obvious to you because he clearly missed a chapter or two一but he didn’t care, this was what he was hoping for the entire time. Maybe he’s got it.
“[Name]...” Denji called as you were already munching on your bag of chips. You immediately caught his eye, humming as you wait for the moment the boy was ready to speak.
“I... I just want ya to know that I really, really like you.” The blond laid his heart out on the table. “And I wanna date you and一nd take you out someday...?” He squeezed his eyes shut and focused on the chatter of civilians the longer you kept quiet. And he was actually so ready to bolt out of the store right about now if this goes down a road he hadn’t hoped for.
But there you go, exceeding his expectations again.
“I know,” is what you said.
Denji’s eyes snapped open at that and you laughed at the shock written all over his face.
“You know? Wha一Whaddya mean you knew?” Because of the shock, Denji’s voice also was getting louder so you took his hand and led him outside to avoid any suspicious eyes. Though you were laughing along the way, Denji was angry pouting as he tried to shush you.
Calming down a bit, you stuttered out apologies before confessing. “I’m sorry, Denji, but it’s not like you tried to hide it or anything一” his mouth fell open. “I coulda sworn I was being subtle!” That was one of his most natural build ups for a confession, like, ever.
“You have the subtlety of a puppy,” you covered your face as you snort. “But that’s okay because it’s one of the things I like about you.” He flushed red underneath your teasing gaze.
“So... ya really do like me then?” Denji didn’t take his eyes off of you this time. This new smile of yours formed cute little crinkles around your eyes and he thinks it’s one of his favorites.
“If I say yes, would you be my boyfriend?” The sly question had Denji’s heart doing flips. He’d love nothing more than to wear the title of your boyfriend and to have you as his.
So he answered with a kiss.
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✶ notes! › i actually completed this holy mf shit i did not have hope. i still think it’s literally too long for my original plan but whatever i’m kinda happy with what i came up with.
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lemon-muncher · 2 years
something with denji and his jealous!boyfriend? Maybe reader records them fucking 💀💀💀
I'm hoping you meant Denji from chainsaw man cause I've been waiting for this one
Enjoy this short Drabble
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How long has it been? You've had Denji here for what? Hours! His porcelain skin was now covered in bite marks and bruises. His usual toothy smile was transformed into a fucked out grin.
"PlEase keep f-fucking me!" Denji cried into his tear filled pillow. It was an amusing sight. The scary chainsaw man was reduced to a moaning mess. For the past hour or so, you'd been drilling into your boyfriend from behind. A black dog collar was firmly secured around his neck. Connected to it was a matching leash that was wrapped around your hand.
With a harsh pull, you pulled on the leash forcing Denji out of the pillows under him. "How'd you think Makima will react to me fucking her doggy? Look at you acting like a bitch in heat for a quick fucking!" You laughed at his pathetic form. Your boyfriend could only gargle as he chocked on his own spit.
"Tch! Fucked dumb already? You're no fun..." Harshly, you shove your boyfriend's face back into the pillows. His body trembled as he came for the nth time that night. It really was a sight to see...
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You continued to watch the video you recorded of Denji from the night before. His high pitched whimpers were almost heard through your earbuds. Your cheeks reddened from the memory.
You had multiple clips of the two of you. If you added up the minutes, it would probably be more than 5 hours worth of content. It was all you had to remind you of who Denji truly belonged too. With a sigh, you open the door to Makima's office. The familiar sight of Denji practically drooling over the woman made you clench your fist.
'I'm gonna have to make another video...'
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I did say I would try and include Twitter links so enjoy this 😗🫣
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cyberstrm · 1 year
his only comfort
aki hayakawa x gn!reader
cws: hospitals, character death, swearing, angst
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the buzz of the hospital was the only thing keeping you awake. if the noises from outside died down, you'd definitely fall asleep. then again, you were glad to be awake, you wanted to see aki wake up, to see his eyes open. you knew he was alive, but his unconscious self looked like a ghost, and you just wanted to see him awake again.
you were slouched forward onto his bed, your chin resting on the backs of your hands. you watched aki's chest rise and fall rhythmically, too afraid to look away.
his hand twitched suddenly, and you sat up. his eyes opened, and for a moment, before he realised where he was, he looked serene.
"aki." you breathed. he sat up shakily, rubbing his eyes. his black hair fell to his shoulders, and although this wasn't the time, you admired how much better it looked when it wasn't tied up.
"how much of the 4th division are alive." he asked. you winced.
"you, me, denji, power, that scared kid, and the guy with glasses. he resigned, though. it's just us and them left."
"i'm sorry, aki." you whispered. "it's so messed up, how we're the ones alive. apart from you, it should've been the rest of us. we lost good people."
aki said nothing as pearly tears glazed his cheeks. you stood up, assuming he needed time alone. knowing he was alive was enough for you right now.
you turned to go, but aki grabbed your sleeve.
"don't leave." he choked. "please."
"okay, okay. i'm not going anywhere." you said soothingly. "let me comfort you properly, budge up."
aki shuffled sideways and you got into the small hospital bed. he clung to you, as if you were about to float away. you and aki were close, but this was a first for intimate physical contact. if it weren't for the situation, you'd be over the moon at being so close to him.
he sobbed into your chest as you held him. he always cried whenever someone died, but never like this.
"shhh, aki. shhh."
"i'm sorry..." he croaked as he began to calm down.
"it's okay." you replied evenly. "i'm here."
"i'm so glad you're alive." his voice was strained with the effort of keeping in his tears. "i don't know what i'd do if i lost you."
you hugged him tighter and kissed his forehead, hoping to provide him at least some comfort.
"i don't know what i'd do if i lost you either, aki."
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