#Council of The Seven
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Some environment photos I took with the camera mod
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inquisitor-apologist · 5 months
Thinking about how, at the end of the day, at the fatal moment, the sunset of the Republic, it wasn’t Yoda, or Obi-Wan, or even the Chosen One himself standing in the way of Palpatine. It was Mace Windu.
Mace Windu, the inventor of Vaapad and Master of Form VII, the Jedi's strongest duelist, the only person to ever defeat Palpatine in combat. Mace Windu, Master of the Jedi Council and the youngest Master ever appointed to it, the revered leader of the Order. Mace Windu, who forgave even those who tried to kill him, who risked his life over and over again for his troops, who, after 3 years of desperate war, tried to negotiate with battle droids. Mace Windu, who knew the clones were created by the Sith and chose to trust them, who saw every Shatterpoint in the Republic, and loved it still, and fought for it until his last breath, until he was betrayed by Anakin, who he believed in and trusted despite everything.
Mace Windu, High General and hero of the Republic, the embodiment of the Light, the last and greatest champion of the Order, the best Jedi to ever live.
#I’ve said my piece goodnight#don’t play with me Mace Antis I have receipts for every last one of these#pretty much everyone agrees that he was the best duelist there was and he obviously won the fight#Anakin's choice wouldn't make thematic sense otherwise#also vader did not defeat palpatine in combat sorry he just grabbed him while he was distracted#it literally had to be a fair fight and Anakin had to be the one to choose to create the empire that's what the prequels are about#Star Wars databank calls him ‘revered’ shatterpoint tells us he was the youngest (real) member of the council#Boba Fett (tcw) and Prosset Dibs (comics) tried to kill him and he asked for amnesty and forgave them#literally just watch the Ryloth arc he spends most of his screentime saving his men#in tcw season seven he pleads with the battle droids to surrender hoping that no one else has to die#there's the part near the end of tcw where the council realizes that the clones were created by Dooku but Mace and the rest of the council#trust the clones so much they're willing to ignore it#the scene from Mace's POV in the rots novelization talks about how much he loves the republic and how he was blindsided by Anakin's betraya#because he trusted him!! we see in aotc that he has more faith in Anakin's abilities than Obi-wan#and he defeated the most powerful sith of all time single-handedly#BEST JEDI EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!#sw prequels#star wars prequels#prequel trilogy#sw prequel trilogy#star wars prequel trilogy#sw rots#star wars rots#revenge of the sith#star wars revenge of the sith#galactic republic#pro mace windu#mace windu#pro jedi order#pro jedi
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toxictoxicities · 8 months
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Finally got around to designing The Council. These three pretty much the top of Links Colony enforcing customs and traditions, breaking taboos had consequences <3
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yourmumsc0ck · 10 months
Princess Rizznyra Targaryen first of her name
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raya-rhaenyra-ahsoka · 4 months
The Mark of Athena except, instead of it being a coin given to Annabeth by Athena/Minerva, it’s a tattoo burned onto her forearm. Hear me out.
The tattoo has a tribal design of an owl, an olive branch, and the Greek letters A.Θ.E on it. And it's carved and burnt onto her skin. It glows red when Annabeth’s alone on her quest, and it would slightly hurt as the red glow would also be burning on her skin. It would look like a regular tattoo on her arm when it’s not glowing.
Their encounter would’ve been like:
Athena grabbed Annabeth’s right arm and dugged her nails onto them causing a burning sensation surging through her arm. “Follow the Mark of Athena,” She said. “Avenge me.”
“Mom…” Annabeth winced in pain as Athena’s nails dugged deeper into her skin. “What are you talking about? What mark?”
Then she saw the mark Athena meant. Her mother was placing the mark on her. On her skin, she saw a drawing of an owl, an olive branch and the greek letters, A.Θ.E. It looked like it was carved and burnt onto her skin.
“Avenge me or leave me.” Athena had said.
Annabeth had to pull herself from her mother’s grasp and ran without looking back.
She had tried scrubbing and washing it off, but to no avail. And ever since that day with Athena/Minerva at Grand Central, she only wore long-sleeved shirts to hide the mark on her forearm, as it would only remind her of her last encounter with her mother.
She didn’t tell anyone about it. Not the Head Counselors, or her siblings, not Jason, Piper, and Leo-her crewmates in the Argo II before sailing for New Rome, and not even Chiron.
Annabeth tugged her shirt's sleeve when Ella the harpy recited the prophecy concerning the Mark of Athena fearing anyone will know about it. Wisdom’s daughter walks alone, the Mark of Athena burns through Rome…
She discovered that the mark on her arm glowed a fiery red while she was at Fort Sumter in Charleston. There was also a mark of Athena that glowed on the walls when she became trap inside a dark room with the mark burning spiders away.
No one else knew about it until Piper asked her what the Mark of Athena was while the seven of them were in a meeting in the Argo II's mess hall. She pulls out her sleeve and shows it to the rest of the seven. Some of them were fascinated by it to the point where Leo says it’s dope and I want one! Others, particularly Hazel and Percy recognizes that it looked like it was burnt on her skin.
After the 2nd Giant War, the tattoo faded and now permanently looked like a wine-stain birthmark after the Athena Parthenos was returned to the Greeks and placed on Half-Blood Hill.
Her Dad, Frederick freaked out when he saw the birthmark-esque tattoo, and her cousin, Magnus basically snorted and said, Your mom placed a mark on you? Oh, my gods, Couz, what did you do?
So, yeah, just a thought. 😊
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jane-d-ankh-veos · 8 months
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The Manager doing The Seven Against Nidah quest but without the other six...
Presbyterate, then: there's some weird man at your gates and he's coming to get you no matter what
London, now: there's some weird man at your door and he's coming to get you no matter what
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tinyshe · 1 month
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padawansuggest · 2 years
Jaster: *while leading a small child out of a forest to the nearest space port to bring him back to Mandalore* …Ob’ika, this is the fifth tooka to try and climb into your robes this morning. Are you… do you normally take care of them? Like when I’m sleeping?
12 year old Obi-Wan, just met Jaster three days ago when their ships crashed on the same planet, was adopted within five minutes of meeting him: …no? They just. I mean. Animals just sorta… do that, ya?
Jaster: Oh. Do they always do that with Jetii?
Obi-Wan: …oh I mean… I guess not. They always do that with me. Master Yoda said I’m aligned with the cosmic force, which is why I give Master Windu an eye twitch when he sees me, but animals are sorta chill. They don’t care about the bad, they just think the cosmic force tastes good.
Jaster: !!!!!!!?????! What the kark does the cosmic force taste like??? What the kark IS the cosmic force????
Obi-Wan: Oh, um, it sorta tastes like sparkles, I think? Lil bit spicy, you know? It’s when your force attracts both unifying and living force to it.
Jaster: Okay, that last one makes a bit more sense and you could have lead with that. The living likes you because the living force likes you. And you taste like sparkles. Okay. Sure. You know what, you have a big brother, Jango, and he made about as much sense as you do now when he was your age. Arla was already in the ‘makes sense sometimes’ category when I got her. Idk why I questioned that.
Obi-Wan: *giving his most recent tooka cling-on a kiss* This one is really stupid, can we keep him? The stupid ones don’t last long in the wild.
Jaster: You know what? Sure.
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grimgummies · 6 months
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New creature just dropped
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halfyearsqueen · 6 months
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rhaenyra on dragonstone circa 123AC type vibes
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mejcinta · 9 months
I feel like this 4 month old 'leak' is a mix of accurate character dynamics and fanfic. The account can't be accessed for some reason despite of the post still being up.
But I heard rumors floating around about Aemond being 'cleansed' for kinslaying and did some digging to find the source and here it is.
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asoiafreadthru · 1 month
A Game of Thrones, Eddard IV
Grand Maester Pycelle looked to Littlefinger and asked, “Will the treasury bear the expense?”
“What treasury is that?” Littlefinger replied with a twist of his mouth.
“Spare me the foolishness, Maester. You know as well as I that the treasury has been empty for years.
“I shall have to borrow the money. No doubt the Lannisters will be accommodating. We owe Lord Tywin some three million dragons at present, what matter another hundred thousand?”
Ned was stunned. “Are you claiming that the Crown is three million gold pieces in debt?”
“The Crown is more than six million gold pieces in debt, Lord Stark.
“The Lannisters are the biggest part of it, but we have also borrowed from Lord Tyrell, the Iron Bank of Braavos, and several Tyroshi trading cartels. Of late I’ve had to turn to the Faith. The High Septon haggles worse than a Dornish fishmonger.”
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greenqueenhightower · 9 months
today's thought in the shower was "what if I write a fic with Alicent and Margeary" and my gosh imagine the possibilities
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sesamenom · 2 months
some funny snippets of a tentative timeline for the reverse gondolin au
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#silm#silmarillion#not art#reverse gondolin au#Gondolin-born Prince Elrond is a bit more active in numenorean politics#primarily attempting to keep them from self-destructing#numenor still Falls after sauron establishes his weird morgoth death cult#because having numenor around in the TA means there wouldn't be a war of the ring in the first place#but like 60% of them are still Faithful#they establish themselves in Imladris under Tar-Miriel & Elrond (Tar-hanotur? Tar-airatur?) btw#Prince Elrond is quite fascinating to write#also yes annatar is literally booted out under lomions advice#celebrimbor still struggles with his overly-trustingness#luckily for everyone lomion has no such reservations#lomion: tyelpe i know you dont trust yourself on this but. you trust me right#tyelpe: of course#lomion: okay then somethings up with that guy. get him out of your house asap#tyelpe: thanks will do#debating whether to kill off celebrimbor here? if he does die it would be in battle next to lomion so sauron doesnt learn of the Seven#also this tyelpe & lomion have been actively using the Three in battle since FA 500something#they're pretty experienced at the magical siege warfare stuff#so maybe celebrimbor makes it out alive but injured?#okay imagine a white council w assorted wizards; galadriel; cirdan; elrond; the numenorean king in imladris; lomion; and celebrimbor#i feel like lomion and tyelpe balance each other out well enough (lomion is still quite pragmatic but less actively distrusting than maegli#and tyelpe is constantly making an effort to be Wise and Understanding#he doesn't trust himself on big decisions bc of the whole feanorion baggage. but he does trust his bff lomion#so their dynamic is kind of like 'tyelpe has a Good Idea; lomion Validates his Good Conscience and figures out how to execute it'#btwn making the Three a few centuries ahead of schedule and them balancing each other out galadriel-and-celeborn-style they're kind of op#idk how sauron amasses that much power in the SA/TA of the au-verse
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rohirric-hunter · 2 months
Going mad thinking about the parallel between Galadriel founding the White Council and having that go wrong and Harmelak founding the Kindred of the Coins and having that go wrong. IDK how intentional this was or how direct it was meant to be if it is intentional but there's for sure something there
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orthodoxadventure · 7 months
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The conclusion of the Iconoclast dispute, the meeting of the seventh Ecumenical Council, the Triumph of Orthodoxy in 843 -- these mark the end of the second period in Orthodox history, the period of the Seven Councils. These Seven Councils are of immense importance to Orthodoxy. For members of the Orthodox Church, their interest is not merely historical but contemporary; they are the concern not only of scholars and clergy, but of all the faithful. 'Even illiterate peasants,' said Dean Stanley, 'to whom, in the corresponding class of life in Spain or Italy, the names of Constance and Trent would probably be quite unknown, are well aware that their Church reposes on the basis of the Seven Councils, and retain a hope that they may yet live to see an eighth General Council, in which the evils of the time will be set straight.' Orthodox often call themselves 'the Church of the Seven Councils', By this they do not mean that the Orthodox Church has ceased to think creatively since 787. But they see in the period of the Councils the great age of theology; and, next to the Bible, it is the Seven Councils which the Orthodox Church takes as its standard and guide in seeking solutions to the new problems which arise in every generation.
-- Kallistos Ware, The Orthodox Church
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