#Cat Spraying Robot
minhosimthings · 9 months
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Someone Older, Just a Little Bit Colder.
Summary: Yoon Y/N and Lee Minho. Perfect enemies. But when some guns and roses get mixed up with both of them, I wonder what the fates have weaved for their story.
Pairings: Fem!reader × Minho, classic Enemies to Lovers. Includes rest of Skz and other groups
Warnings: lots of violence, blood, murder, guns, swearing, mention of food, mention of dead bodies. There is a lot of violence so please do not interact if you are sensitive to these things.
A/N - I finished this finally. This took a lot of time and it is probably my longest work till date. I took inspiration from an edit I saw on Instagram. So here you go! Please enjoy this and feel free to give me feedback. I don't like some parts of the fic that much tho. Cause I was very lazy when I wrote them.
Song rec:
1: I need someone older
"No, no, no" Mournful voices were surrounding your frame. "No this can't be happening. Please Y/N!" Tears, not yours, dripped onto your skin as something red mixed with it to create a pretty little cocktail. "Fuck princess wake up! Fuck no....."
"Y/N! Come down quick! You've gotta get to school!" Another day of school. How mechanical was your life. In your final year of high school, you'd have thought that your life would have sugar, spice and everything nice. But instead, you got stuck with a robotic schedule, which consisted of waking up, going to school, coming back, food time, homework, checking to see if any colleges had sent you mails and then going back to sleep. But you couldn't really complain, because you were in Jeju Island. Literally everyone here had the same robotic schedule. Well maybe except for the richest people here. Your family was what was known as the middle classes. You lived comfortably, but not too plushily and your mom and dad both had jobs. Your elder sister Jinhee and you basically raised each other and now, with Jinhee, already graduated and married (since she was seven years older than you), you were left all alone in your turquoise room, with white borders and black finishes. It wasn't the fact that you weren't happy or anything. But, as a child of the Cosmos and as a ruler of the skies and tides, you wanted to feel that feeling that people had when they would roll around in the grass, or buy flowers from a sweet old lady, or wear ridiculous nail polish with someone, keeping the stories of the stars to yourself, whenever someone asks 'what did you do last night?'. But wasn't that why fairytales existed? To tell you that getting all those things was nothing but a mere dream? A dream which you hoped would come true? Which you hoped that the universe would understand your heart's desire and grant it to you?
"Be safe alright? Got your pepper spray?" "Yes ma don't worry. Im always safe aren't I?" Your mother kissed your forehead gently before letting to walk off to school, pepper spray in hand, knife hidden up the sleeve of your blue school sweater. The road from your house to your school was one of the safest ones. It was a suburban area, with families like yours lining up the street. You had no problem walking by yourself, and casually greeting the wakening families, with their toddlers and teenagers. You felt safe here and in the rare times there was some danger, you knew you could kick their asses (flashback to that one time you thought your dad was a stranger and accidentally kicked him hard in the shin. He still doesn't forgive you for that)
"Miss Yoon. Are you walking alone your highness?" That voice. That voice was perhaps the bane of your existence (not the object of all your desires. Sue me for using Bridgerton right now). A smooth black car pulled up next to you as you were just a metre away from the school. The windows were rolled down to reveal a young boy, your age with fluffy plum brown hair, cat like eyes, a sharp nose and a smirk on his stupid face. Lee Minho. Also known as the worst person you knew. And no this wasn't an enemies to lovers scenario. It usually is but this? Yeah absolutely not. Lee Minho had been your childhood neighbour since he was six. He lived with his grandparents since he was six, with his parents being in one of the richest families of South Korea and working in Seoul. He also went to your school, which was weird considering he was basically a billionaire and still chose to go to the 'middle class' school along with his his seven friends, who coincidentally were also from the seven richest families of South Korea.
"Oh no Minho. I wasn't walking alone. I have an invisible friend that you can't see from behind those stupidly pretty eyes of yours." You threw him a glare as his smirked just increased in size. "You think my eyes are pretty?" "Oh for fucks sake. What do you want?" "Language, princess." Minho chuckled and unlocked the passenger seat door. "Get in." You let out a chuckle and said "With you? Oh no thank you. I would rather go to Hell and dance with the devil." "Oh come on princess." Minho's face only widened even more to form the face of the devil himself. "You know people who die to even touch my car. You're lucky I'm offering you to ride in it." You rolled your eyes at him. So fucking cocky for no reason. You decided that you couldn't take it anymore and just started walking with a small 'I'll see you at school Minho goodbye now.'. Minho seemed to have taken the sign as he locked his doors, rolled the windows down and sped away to school.
Finally some peace. You breathed in the September air as you watched the Magpies fly around with their mates. You always loved Magpies, courtesy to your dad always encouraging you to birdwatch whenever you were free, with the pink binoculars you had. And today, in the serene September air, it felt good, watching two birds in love fluttering around, probably having a conversation about who knows what. There was that odd feeling in your chest again, that feeling which you pretended wasn't loneliness. People never understood the difference between alone and lonely. Yes you can be alone and you can enjoy it to your fullest. Some of your friends loved to be alone, eating chocolate, reading a nice book, sitting by the rain, all of those aesthetic things those Pinterest people do. You always craved to be like that too, but you never could. And you still had to learn to accept the fact that being basic wasn't a bad thing.
"Babe your foundation isn't blended properly come here. Hasn't Mama Huh taught you anything?" Your best friend Yunjin greeted you at the stairs of your school, with her bright unicorn bag and her perfect makeup as usual. "Sorry sweetheart. I really can't focus today." Yunjin gave you a sympathetic look as she blended the foundation on your neck with her hands carefully. "Is it Lee again? I swear to God one of these days I'm gonna go and tell him that you like him and then he'll confess to you and then this can be an enemies to lovers novel where I'm the sassy, amazing best friend who saves the day." You laughed at Yunjin's rambling. "And I thought Chaer was more delusional than you." "Do I hear my name?" A pretty girl with long black hair and perhaps the greatest jawline in the world came up behind you. Lee Chaeryoung, cousin of Minho and your second best friend, also your prettiest friend (sue me she's my wif- I mean my bias) "Hey Chaer. By the way have you guys completed Mr Hong's assignment?" Yunjin groaned at your words as she pulled out a red copy from her bag and opened it to reveal her messy handwriting. "I stayed up to finish this shit. Why do we need to analyse what a curtain means in Shakespearean language? Like I don't know. It could mean the heroine wants to be at an orgy for all I know." Chaer hit Yunjin's arm as you laughed at went inside the school to go to your English class along with Yunjin. Chaeryoung stalked off in the other direction, to her biology class, as you entered the class, where Mr.Hong wasn't present yet. You always dreaded English period, not because you weren't good in the subject, but because of the seating arrangement. Yunjin would always sit at the back of the class while you were stuck in the front with Minho. You internally groaned as you walked up to your seat, where Minho and Chan were talking to each other. Chan was a good friend of yours since your mom was the head of the Jeju Island branch of his dad's buisness. Curly haired, eyes filled with stars and the most gentle behaviour ever, he came straight out of a goddamn book. You always wondered how he became friends with Minho, considering both of them were as different as chalk and cheese. But then again, they has been brought up together, by their grandparents while their parents would stay in Seoul to run buisness.
"Hey Chan. Did you get those physics notes done yesterday?" Chan greeted at you with than omnipresent smile on his face as he nodded fervently like a puppy. "Yeah I got them done! It was really hard though. I really hope Mrs.Choi is absent today. So she can't call me out on my 'mistakes'." You smiled fondly at Chan as he took his seat on your other side, while Minho toyed with a blue hairband. Your hairband. "Minho where did you get that?" He turned to look at you and gave you that smug smirk again. "Why princess? Is it yours?" You scowled as you reached forward and grabbed the hairband out of his hands and stuffed it into your bag. "Yes it is mine! I think you'd know that considering I have been looking for this ever since the playground incident from when we were seven! Oh but I think you wouldn't remember that would you? Considering you're an ajhussi." It was Minho's time to scowl now and he scrunched up his nose like an angry bunny and stuck his tongue out at you, all while mumbling "I'm only two months older you know.", As Mr.Hong entered the classrooms in his pinstriped shirt and began asking for the assignments.
The rest of the day went as normal. You went to all of your classes, had a gossip-filled lunch with Chaeryoung, Yunjin, Miyeon, Sunoo and Jake, accidentally spilt water over Sunghoon from Chemistry, and got top grades in biology as usual.
Gosh September was good. September was lovely. People don't really get why September was so comforting to you. And to be frank, you didn't get it either. But there was this aura that September had that you couldn't shake. It wasn't just all pumpkin spice lattes or orange scarfs. It was..... Something else. Something you couldn't describe. You know that feeling when you bite into an ice cream cone? It crumbles all over you, but you love that feeling, that crunch combined with the sweet ice cream inside. That's what September was.
The bell rang loudly as school got over and you went over to the the basketball court. Being captain of the girls team, you always needed to stay back after school in order to train your team. "Unnie come quick would ya!" Chaewon, the team's greatest shooter called out to you. "Im not that late today Chaewon. That's a record for me!" Chaewon rolled her eyes as she adjusted her shorts. "Y/N are we gonna discuss some tactics for next week's game then? Cause I drew a lot of shit last night and I don't want it to go to waste." Wonyoung, the team's co-captain was nudging some papers into your hands. You gave her a quick smile as you looked over all the loopy drawings she did. "Oh and girls! Please remember to get your registration documents tomorrow! I really don't want to submit them late to Coach Kim." All your teammates nodded at your words and went on to the court, where to your dismay, Minho and his team were also practicing. You were annoyed. You had booked the court for today and has specifically checked with both of your coaches and yet again, your mortal enemy was playing with his team on what was meant to be your court. "Yah Minho! Get off the fucking court. We have it booked for today!" You gave him the biggest glare that you could muster, while he simply strode up to you, ball in hand, and that stupid smile on his face. "Aww princess. You booked the court for today? Well sad because I booked it earlier. I have a signed consent form from Coach Kim too. So either you can get off the court or we can have a practice game together." You felt like blowing up the earth below his feet right now but you couldn't do anything when he showed you the piece of paper on which Coach Kim had signed specifying that the boy's team could play today. "Fine then. But a practice game? Together? Boys versus girls?" Minho simply nodded at your words as you looked back at your girl standing behind you who were currently looking like they wanted to go to war. Seeing their determination, you extended a hand forward to Minho and in a assertive tone, said, "You're on then Lee. I wanna watch your pretty little face when you lose really badly. So what's the prize then?" You regretted asking that question when you saw Minho's face turning into that evil little smirk again. His team was assembled behind him and now you were a bit scared, considering that your tallest player was the size of their shortest one. "How about........ loser has to take the winner to that nice ice cream place that just opened down the street? And it'll only be us two. You know, captain to captain." Hearing that both your team and Minho's team broke out in high pitched 'ooohs' (yes even the Bois) as if you were doing something scandalous. You had no choice but to accept so you extended you hand again as Minho gripped it with his veiny hands and shook it firmly.
Chan and Chaeryoung were sitting by the stands since neither of them played and you smiled gently at them talking and giggling so fondly. The game started with one of the assistant coaches, Jungwon, refereeing. You were more determined now than you were at last month's regional games. You had to beat Minho and he had to take you to that stupid ice cream place. "Scared princess?" Minho asked as you assembled on the half line. You didn't say anything but threw him a smirk, hoping that it would catch him off guard. "Alright, ready set. Rumble!" Jungwon blew the whistle and threw the ball up in the air as you reached forward and managed to slap it onto your side of the court, where Wonyoung caught it and swiftly passed it on to Chaewon, who was standing by the hoops. You heard Minho scolding Jeongin, who was defending Chaewon, for not blocking her properly as you high fived Wonyoung for the quick pass.The rest of the game pretty much went the same way as you kept using witty tactics while Minho kept using speed and strength, which you knew was his greatest weakness. From time to time, his shirt would fly up ever so slightly and you would get distracted for a split second by his abs (which you scolded yourself for).
"Guys can you stop now please? It's 7:30. I'm going home now and you guys should too before they shut the school gate." Jungwon finally ended the game as you looked over at the scoreboard. You had won! You hugged Chaewon tightly before striding up to a very sweaty Minho who, not even in the slightest, looked defeated. "So, Mr Lee. You owe me ice cream now." He gave you a small smile, which made your heart leap, and said "Of course your Highness. Do you wanna get changed and then we can go? Or would you like to come being all sweaty?" You scowled at him and stuck your tongue out as you made your way to the changing rooms as he shouted behind you, "Meet me at the gate!" You quickly took a shower and changed into the tshirt and yoga pants you usually brought with you to change into after a sweaty game.
"Yah are you going to take me in your dumb car?" You questioned Minho as he pulled up by the gate. Chan had taken Chaeryoung home today so you didn't have anyone to walk you home, which was a plus point (for Minho). "Yes princess. Since the ice cream place is not at a walkable distance, atleast for my feet, we are going in my dumb car. And you don't wana walk home this late Y/N. It's dangerous you know? So get the fuck in and let's go. I'm hungry." You begrudgingly got in the car, silently admiring the sleep leather seats as Minho started the engine and turned the car. "Oh and Chan hyung already informed your mom and dad. They're not gonna come home tonight cause they're busy or something so I'll drive you back if you want." You snapped your head from the flying butterfly outside the window to Minho's concentrated face as you shyly mumbled a 'thank you'.
The drive to the ice cream was long and silent. You simply stated out the window while Minho stared forward, trying not to look at the way the rays of the setting sun fell on your skin or how your hair fell in that particular way that just felt good. Do the boys usually confess first? He didn't know. No he hated you. This is absolutely not fucking happening right now. You were Yoon Y/N, captain if the girls basketball team, annoying neighbour, beautiful mortal enemy. No not beautiful. Get out of it Minho!
"Uh is this the place? Looks cute." Minho's car pulled up near a tiny cafe like building called 'Jureimi's parlor', lit up in bright pink signs. "Oh yeah. I'll just park and we can go." You got out of the car as Minho parked nearby and got out too. "Is that boba flavoured ice cream?" You pointed at a brown coloured ice cream in ghe booth. The lady at the counter smiled at you as she nodded and gave you little sample cup. You offered a bit to Minho, who shook his head and went to find a table. "Get what you want. I'll pay." You rolled your eyes at him. He had to pay anyway for losing the game so badly.
You tasted the ice cream, which tasted like heaven and decided that you wanted this. "Can I get this in a cone please? Two scoops." The lady nodded and told her co worker your order, who went to the back to make it. You noticed some pudding cups on the shelf behind the lady. "Are those puddings?" "Oh yes. They're a new addition really. It's a favourite among all the grandmas here." You pointed at the vanilla one and asked the lady to give you that one, while you handed her the money and she handed you your ice cream and the pudding cup. You strode over to Minho, who was sitting with his legs wide open at the little round table in the corner of the store. "Is that for me?" He pointed at the pudding. "No dumbass it's for the Magpies." He gave you a sarcastic smile and grabbed the pudding cup from your hands. "I only got it for you cause this boba ice cream is expensive. So stop smirking at me." He looked up at you with those cat like eyes and slightly pouted, but remained quiet as both of you savoured on the sweet, sticky food.
"Dude how slow do you eat?" You watched Minho as he has halfway through his pudding, while you had already finished your ice cream. "Just slow enough to annoy you baby." You frowned at his words. "Do not call me that ever again. It's makes me wanna vomit." You made a gagging motion as Minho just simply chuckled. "Fine then. While I finish this amazing pudding, how about we play truth or dare hm? Because our impatient princess can't wait for five seconds without doing anything." You thought for a while before finally saying yes. "Alrightly then." Minho smiled at you. "Y/N. Truth or dare?" You picked truth, which seemed like the only viable option, considering the fact that you were in a shop, and Minho said, "How's your brother?"
Your heart dropped as you heard that sentence. How did he know about that? The blue shade of the shop spun around you as you tried to focus on anything else other than what just came out of Minho's mouth. Silence. Yes silence would work. Just give him a glare and it'll be over. "Oh come on princess. We all know what happened to your brother. I just wanna hear it from you personally." Your blood turned cold as your mind kept feeding you memories of that night. That faithful night. That peace filled night. That night when the Magpies stopped singing and September ran cold once more.
"Fuck you Lee Minho." Saying that, you picked up your bag and got up, slamming the chair to the ground, behind you. The lady at the counter looked up to see you walking about the door, pushing it agressively. "No Y/N wait!" Minho knew he had fucked up now. He had never meant to hurt you like this. He had learnt from Yunjin that you were already over your brother's incident. This was just supposed to be normal mortal enemy banter. How do you still remember? He quickly pulled out some cash and slammed it on the counter to the very shocked lady as he ran out after you. You wouldn't have gotten far. After all, you had to pass the school to get to your house. Minho quickly got in his car and started the engine with a blast. You had also left your headband in the carseat. So, that was another excuse for him to chase after you. He wasn't going to lose you again. Not now. Not when he was so close.
The street was dark and cold, lit up faintly by the wavering streetlights. This wasn't September anymore. You could feel December taking all the love out of September. And as you walked upon the concrete, you could feel the Magpies talking about you. You could feel the crescent moon feeling nothing but pity for you. You could feel all the plants with their bugs, looking at you and saying, "Yoon Y/N. You fucked up again just like you always do." You shouldn't have let your anger take control. But then again, when we deal with anger so long, she never tells us that her actual name is grief. Your brother was supposed to be a closed chapter of your life, but like a faded page of an Agatha Christie novel, he lingered on in your brain. All your family had far moved on, but you loved your twin brother, older than you by 8 minutes, too much to let him go from the dusty cabinets of your brain. You tried to forget his screams on that day and that cold, hard cackling but you couldn't. You were right there. Right in front of all the destruction, when your heart broke into a million pieces. Yet how could you forget such a memory?
"Y/N!" Minho was rolling up with this car next to you as you reached your house. The magenta coloured door was locked, your parents were still out on work. "Minho just fucking leave me alone. And I mean it this time. Don't even fucking talk to me." "Yn would you listen to me? Don't go inside the house!" What was this maniac saying? You stared at his figure getting out of the car and swiftly moving across over the lawn to your figure standing at the front door. "please just don't go inside the house." You noticed some figures behind him and you realised that Chan and his friends Jisung and Changbin were also there. "Minho what the fuck are you doing?" Minho looked at with what you thought looked like an expression of pity. "Just please don't go inside the house."
No you weren't going to listen to him. Absolutely fucking not. The last time you listened to him, you ended up in a mud covered ditch. Not today. "Fuck you and fuck your fucking existence Minho! I'm not listening to one word that comes out of that stupid mouth of yours." Before Minho could stop you and before Chan called out your name, you opened the door with gusto, only to be met, not with the familiar scent of Eau de Perfume but with the stench of iron. Your world came crashing down again. Your parents. Lying dead. On the floor. Of your house. Covered in blood. You were frozen. You couldn't move. A sense of familiarity came over you. You knew this feeling. This feeling of feeling like a thousand icicles had pierced your veins. All that came to your mind was him. No this can't be September. September was his birthday! It can't be this bad. No please don't let September be bad. "Y/N. Princess are you alright?" "Min- Minho. They're- they're not. No." The tears weren't coming. This wasn't sadness this was shock. "Chan hyung can you get her out of here? Jisung call the police. Now. Y/N. Y/N what are you doing!" You had strode up to your parents' bodies. Your mom was covered in more blood than your dad. Your dad looked like he was peacefully sleeping. Your mum's head seemed bashed in. Oh god the smell of blood. That night. All that remained was that night. You were too immersed in looking at your parents, that you didn't notice the creeping black figure in front of you. "So you're their daughter are you?" That husky voice was the last thing you heard before a gun shot, Minho's voice and the thud of your body. There was something warm on your stomach. And gooey. And red. This felt nice, you thought. Dying felt nice. If only he felt like this before....
Chan and Changbin slammed the man who had stabbed you onto the wall, destroying some photo frames in the process. Jisung turned on all the lights and went over to the two other men to get a look at the stranger. Minho, on the other hand, had rushed to your side, picking you up in his arms, towel pressuring the wound on your stomach.
"No, no, no" Mournful voices were surrounding your frame. "No this can't be happening. Please Y/N!" Tears, not yours, dripped onto your skin as something red mixed with it to create a pretty little cocktail. "Fuck princess wake up! Fuck no....."
2: Just a little bit colder
"Well well well, Mrs Yoon. How are the children?" Your mother cowered in fear as your elder sister and your dad were tied up next to the fridge in the kitchen. Your twin brother and you were in the clutches of some buff looking men. Eleven years. That's all you were. Eleven fucking years. "Mr. Wang I promise I won't leak the papers. I swear on my children. Please do not harm us." Mr. Wang or whoever he was striding up and down the carpeted room, white papers in his scarred hand. "It's ok Y/Nnie. I'm right here. It's just another November. September will come soon won't it?" Your brother, Doowon tightly held your hand and calmed you down, as your tears threatened to escape from their prison. "Mr. Wang. Please I beg you. Please do not harm me. You have the papers. What more do you want?" Mr Wang smiled at your mother. A cold smile. Shivering and undaunted. "Oh my dear Danbi. I have the papers of course, but you know how I do my work. I do not like bitches who butt their heads into everything. So I want your children to see how their mother is a little bitch." Mr Wang pulled your mother's hair as she screamed and cried out. "Hey don't do that to my mom!" Your borther screamed out as you but the hand if the man who was holding you. Both of you escaped from the clutches of the two men as Mr Wang looked on, slightly amused. "Or what little boy? You gonna beat me up?" Your brother stood his ground, not even daring to break eye contact. "Doowon get back please!" Your mum pleaded with Doowon, but he wouldn't listen. He stepped forward to Mr Wang and stepped painfully on his smooth black shoes. Mr Wang let out a cold laugh as he grabbed your brother by the neck of his shirt. "Grab the little girl too. Let her see how her twin meets with death." A man grabbed you from behind as your family pleaded and you thrashed around, trying to escape. "Let me go!" You screamed as the man took you upstairs while Mr Wang followed with your brother. You reached your bedroom door, which you shared with Doowon and Mr Wang slammed it opened pushing you and your brother inside. "Open that window, Brian." He spat at the man who grabbed you, while you and Doowon stood still. "Now boy. Come here. Come. Here. Now. Unless you want your sister harmed." Doowon looked at you and squeezed your hand before going ever to Mr Wang. And that was the last touch of your brother you had, before Mr. Wang pushed him out of the window on to the green grass below. Your screams had filled the neighborhood, scared the Magpies and threatened September to never come again. September's child,you told yourself. That's all he was. September's child, at the mercy of October.
"She'll be alright Minho. Just give her a few hours. She'll wake up." You were lying on an oak bed with grand purple bedsheets. You had a white sheet wrapped around your waist and your stomach, which stopped blood from coming out of your stab wound. Minho had taken you to his mansion outside of town, where all the sons of the mafias of Korea would hang out. Bang Chan, Seo Changbin, Hwang Hyunjin, Minho's brother Lee Felix Yongbok, Han Jisung, Kim Seungmin, Yang Jeongin and Lee Minho. Stray kids, they called themselves. Basically abandoned by their workaholic parents and brought up by relatives. "Hyung she'll be fine don't worry. Seungmin's aunt is the best surgeon in the country. She stitched Y/N up all fine." Changbin put an arm on Minho's shivering shoulder. Chan and Jisung were also there in the room, trying to comfort Minho and convince him that you would be fine. "What if she's not ok hyung? What do I tell her when she wakes up? Ho-how do I explain to her how I knew that her parents' bodies would be lying in her floor before she even got home? How do I fucking explain that?" Minho looked up at Chan with teary eyes. Chan was worried. Minho hadn't eaten or drunk water for the whole day, ever since you came out of that four hour long surgery. Never before had he seen Minho's cold face so filled with emotion. "Minho listen to me. You can explain everything to her once she wakes up. I called her sister and she'll be coming over in three days from Busan. Now please. You've got to eat something or drink water atleast. I promise you, Y/N will understand if you speak to her properly. Now come on, let's get some breakfast. It's 8 am in the morning. The boys would have woken up by now." Minho listened silently to Chan's words and simply nodded. Words weren't coming out anymore as he slowly got up from his chair and let go of your hand. Taking one last look at you, the boys left the room, all the while commanding two bodyguards to stand outside the door, making sure no one else can even come near you.
"Y/Nnie! Look what I can do!" "That wasn't a proper cartwheel Doowon, it doesn't count!" "Atleast I can do a cartwheel." "Yah don't stick your tongue out at me! Jinhee unnie! Doowon's making fun of me!"
'Do you remember? Twenty first night of September? Love was chasing the minds of pretenders.' "Happy birthday Doowon! I got a CD of your favourite song!" "Thanks Y/Nnie. Let's listen to this song on my birthday every year!"
Purple sheets? This was not your bed. Your bed had dinosaur sheets and made a rickety noise every time you moved. You noticed the white tape wrapped carefully around your waist and dared not touch it. You tried to remember what day it was and where you were as you slowly moved and leaned comfortably against the bed frame, groaning slightly as your stomach was hurting. Gosh what day was it? Was it still September? Or did October come to take you away again?
Lost in your thoughts, you looked around the room, trying to figure out whether you were still in Jeju Island or not. You noticed a drawer close to the bed. Curious, you opened the drawer, to find your phone, a bracelet and a picture of a you and Minho in your jerseys. That bracelet. It was the one which your brother had made for you. Which you hadn't seen ever since that day. And the picture was the one which was taken when you and Minho were elected captains of your basketball teams. You grabbed your phone hurriedly as you realised that this had to be Minho's house. You had to get out. Now. Your memory was coming back to you and you remembered the events that had unfolded the night before. Blood. The smell of iron. The blade of a knife. The tears of a plum brown haired boy.
You threw the sheets off of yourself and made to get up. Stupid decision, you told yourself as the moment your feet hit the floor, you fell down witha loud thud. "OUCH!" you cried out loudly, hoping that this was a soundproof house. Probably not, because five seconds later, you heard footsteps coming down to your door. The oak door swung open with a loud crash to reveal a panic stricken Minho, who had dark circles under his eyes, a worried looking Chan, who was clutching a half finished piece of toast and a very confused Seungmin, who was holding a cup of coffee in his hand. "I knew I shouldn't have left your clumsy ass alone." Minho grumbled as he made his way to you and gently lifted you up, taking care not to touch your injury. You should have probably thrashed around, but for the sake of not accidentally injuring yourself even more, you resisted, as Minho put you back on the head and flicked your forehead painfully. "Yah!" You exclaimed rubbing your forehead. "Ok first of all, where the fuck am I? Second of all, what the fuck am I doing here? Third of all, I know my parents are dead now, so what I am going to do?" You directed the last question at Chan, who scratched his hair and glanced at Seungmin, who was looking at you as if you were his hero. "You know noona, you can come stay with me if you don't wanna stay in Minho's hyung's house." Minho glared at Seungmin as Chan took him by the arm and forced him out of the room, before saying "Minho explain everything. And no I will not help you stop pouting." He slammed the door, leaving Minho and you all alone. All alone in this wood carved room. All alone to face September together. "Alright" Minho took in a deep breath. "Im going to explain everything to you princess. But you will not fucking interrupt me, got it?" You opened your mouth to fire something back at him, but you decided against it in the last moment and quietly nodded. "Alright here goes. First of all I am really sorry for bringing up your brother. I know it was an asshole move and I thought you'd have forgotten about it. Clearly you didn't so I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Second of all, yes your parents are dead. Im sorry Y/N but they are. We informed your sister, she'll come in a few days from Busan. And the reason I knew that your parents were dead and tried to stop you was because my cousin killed your parents." Pause button. Wait what?
"Minho what are you talking about? If this is some kind of joke I will seriously kill myself right here and right now." Minho looked at you with an expression of pure sympathy. "It's not a joke Y/N. You know your mom is the head of the Jeju Island branch of Chan's parents' buisness right? Well all our businesses are connected. And one day when you were a child, your mother had found some papers which proved that my family was in illegal work. My family was ready to forgive her but my cousin, Jackson, wasn't. All those papers were related to his dealings and he wasn't happy that a mere woman had found out about it. So one day, without my parent's knowledge, he found out about your family and well. I think you know the rest don't you?" Too many things. Too many things for your brain to process as it went back to that night. Mr Wang. Jackson Wang. Pretty name, you thought, as you tried to bring his face back to your memory. Scarred. That's all you remembered. Scarred face, scarred mouth, scarred hands grabbing your brother by the cuffs on his shirt. "Chan had found out first. You know him having contacts and all. And when he told me about it, there was this thing inside of me that told me that your parents were probably already dead. I know my cousin pretty well. And he isn't one for patience." "But what did my mom do now?" Minho sighed at your question. "She, she found out some more information about Jackson and she decided to step up. But we all know what happens to heroes don't we?" Your breathing had gotten more steady now and your hands had stopped shaking. Sadness wasn't arriving for you. Not yet. Was it September? Or was it because you never actually knew your mother and father? Because thinking about it, you actually never did.
"Y/N I think it's time to tell you what my parents actually do. What all the boy's parents actually do. We run an underground syndicate over the whole of South Korea. We own every piece of land in Korea. We have information about every person existing in this country. And I want to tell you that your mom was actually one of the most important people for our 'buisness'. She wasn't just some head of the Jeju Island branch. She was a personal spy for my father and mother, put here along with your dad, to spy against, uh, some people." Your head hurt even more with all the information that Minho was unloading on you. You held your head in your hands and massaged your temples gently. Minho looked slightly worried at this and nervously asked, "You ok princess? Want some breakfast?" Oh gosh his lips. "Or a doctor? You know what I'll get a doctor. Chan hyung will say no-" Those lips looked so kissable" "- but what if you don't feel well later on a faint and then you become even more sick-" Don't kiss him Y/N don't you dare. "-and then I'll have to marry you and take care of you foreve-"
Yep you couldn't keep it to yourself anymore. "I wanna kiss you." You blurted out, instantly cringing and regretting your words and Minho turned his head towards you, eyes wide and mouth slightly parted in surprise. "This is adream right? Oh shit I had too much coffee." You were surprised at his words. Wait did he dream of this in a regular basis or what? Or were in you in a coma and this was all in your head? You slightly moved in the bed and as your stomach slightly hurt, you thought, yes definetly not a coma. "Or you could just get me some breakfast? Im hungry and in pain right now." "O-oh yeah I'll just tell t-the guys to get you some. K cool bye Y/N! See you later definetly don't wanna kiss you haha bye!" You were in a state of euphoria as Minho left the room, a blushing mess. Did you just make the Lee Minho blush and stutter? Oh you could jump in joy right now. Well if you could jump. Was this wrong, you thought. Not feeling sad even though your parents had just died? Or were you too familiar with sadness, that meeting her wasn't a big deal anymore?
The door opened again after fifteen minutes to reveal a blonde- haired boy with the most prettiest eyes you've ever seen, carrying a breakfast tray, followed by a taller long haired boy, who looked like he came straight out of those anime comics you read. "Hey noona! Here's some breakfast! Are you feeling better now?" The blonde haired boy, who had a very deep voice, said in a cheery tone. You considered asking him if he was a pixie or an angel because God did he emit that vibe. That positive vibe that just made you wanna pick some flowers and braid them in someone's hair. "Oh hello there. Um thank you for the food. Im sorry if it was of any inconvenience to you." This time, the long haired boy responded instead, saying "Oh no Noona it's fine. Minho hyung would kill us, well specifically me, if, according to his words 'you felt any discomfort', so please eat up. Im Hyunjin by the way and this is Felix." "Im Y/N. Yoon Y/N. But I'm guessing you already knew that?"
"Well of course we know about you. Minho hyung doesn't stop talking to me about you." Jisung had just appeared at the door, dressed in a leather jacket with leather pants, making him look like a biker. "He literally talked to me about your favourite ice cream flavour for five house noona I'm not joking. So please would you tell him you like or something so that I can get out of this hellhole of listening to him?" You were slightly taken aback by Jisung's words and as he plopped and deflated onto the purple couch, you looked at him with a curious expression, "Oh I'm Jisung by the way. Minho's amazingly talented best friend." You heard Hyunjin mutter something along the lines of 'he forgot to add annoying'. "Um I have a lot questions that Minho didn't properly answer. May I ask them,if you don't mind?" You directed this question at Felix, who looked ecstatic at the thought of answering questions, as Hyunjin pulled up two chairs. "Yeah of course Noona! My brother is really vague so please forgive him for that." You smiled at Felix's words about Minho. "Ok first of all where are we right now?" "We're in the outskirts of Jeju Island. This is Minho's hyung's mansion. Well technically our mansion, but my parents are the ones who own it. It's really old and no one cares about it. So we carry out our, er, operations here." Seeing Felix say all that was like seeing a chick with a knife. "So do all of you have like different jobs here? Like in the books and movies?" Hyunjin chuckled at that. "Minho hyung told us you liked suspense literature. Well to answer your question, yes we do have different jobs here. Chan hyung is kind of like our leader. He basically gives all the contacts and manages our profile and connections. You know all the administration shit. Changbin hyung and this idiot over here-" He gestured towards Jisung who gasped dramatically, "-they are our muscle and also so the money work. Lix over here does all the hacking work since his parents trained him and also since he's obsessed with gaming." Felix turned red at that, "Seungmin and Jeongin are our snipers. They are really young but I mean none of us really had an actual childhood. I run the interrogation work. And Minho hyung basically does everything. He doesn't really have a designated position." The way Hyunjin said all of that in the most casual tone weirded you out. He talked as if he was talking about morning coffee, as if it completely normal and nothing suspicious. You smiled awkwardly at Hyunjin who simply stared out the window at the sunlight. "Are all of you so gorgeous over here?" You blurted out, to which Jisung choked on his own saliva, Felix blushed pink and Hyunjin blinked multiple times. "I mean unless you count Jisung out, then yeah all of us are really pretty." You laughed at Hyunjin's statement to which Jisung looked like a furious squirrel.
"Yah Yongbok, Hyunjin are you coming down?" You heard Minho shout from below. "Oh gotta go. Anyways it was nice talking to you noona! I think Minho hyung called the doctor to come in the evening, so you should probably rest up until then. Oh and-" Felix paused for a moment and pulled out a sketchpad from nowhere. "Don't tell Minho I have you this. He told me you like to draw so I sneaked this in here." With that, all of them left you in the room, with a sketchpad, your phone and September's tunes.
You wiled away the hours by drawing the room around you. You tried to draw Hyunjin, Felix, Jisung and Chan too. The house was quiet apart from the voices of whom you assumed was Jeongin and Seungmin talking very loudly. But something was distracting you. That bracelet. The bracelet lying on the bedside drawer. You knew that bracelet very well. It was the bracelet which Doowon had made for you when you were eight or so. And you hadn't ever seen it ever since that night. So what was it doing here? Minho had told you that his cousin and his family don't talk at all, so how was this bracelet here? Was Minho lying? No he wouldn't do that. Yes mortal enemy things but you didn't think this man would be crazy enough to kill. You picked up the bracelet and twirled it in your hands. It was pretty, with gold lining the thing.
You noticed something on one of the biggest pink beads of the bracelet. The bead was... Open? It had a line tracing it as if it was a Pokemon ball, ready to split at any moment to reveal your Pokemon. Curious, you dig your nails into it to open it up. After a few minutes of difficulty (and you almost giving up), you managed to open the ball up. Inside was a tiny piece of folded paper. It was so tiny indeed, that you wondered how someone had managed to fold it. You dug the paper out and unfolded its many layers of folds. This definetly wasn't there when your brother had so lovingly made it for you. The paper was faded, but still looked relatively new. There were some words on it typed out in red, black and blue. The words:.
Yoon Doowon
Birth: September 21, 2005 (Age: Unknown)
Job: Hitman, Ally, Possible heir
Status: Alive
3: Take the weight off his shoulders
'Do you remember 22st night of September? Love was chasing the minds of pretenders all while dancing the night away."
"God boss can you turn that off? It's been playing for an hour now." A stout man, dressed in tight black clothes, which fitted his muscles was sitting spread eagle on a nice blue cushion chair. Sitting in front of him on a much more bigger chair, was a man dressed elaborately in a white mink stole, a pristine white suit, with rings of all colours adorning his fingers, and a big black brooch on a golden chain stuck to his suit. "I won't turn it off until the chorus Brian. You know I love this song don't you? And you shall listen to it until your ears bleed out." Brian groaned and leaned back in his chair. "When is Mr Wang coming?" The man asked Brian. "It's possible he'll be arriving in a few minutes sir. But don't worry. I have intel that he got the job done well and good." "And the little rat? What about her?" Brian shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "Well she might have gotten away. Lee's gang was there." The man threw his long hair back and threw off the stole, a frown and a red scar decorating his handsome face.
They were in a large room, an office, but it looked more like a King's throne room, where there were chairs for the ministers and wine glasses all decked with pink fluid. There was no door, but a few handing blue beads, which tinkled every now and then. "How could she have gotten away? Who did you send to kill them?" "I sent our best assassin sir." The man scoffed. "Well, clearly he wasn't the best. Does he have family?" Brian nodded in response to the question. "Good. Kill them." "Of course sir."
The blue beads tinkled as a heavily scarred man came into the room along with two bodyguards. "Mr Wang." The white draped man bowed deeply to Jackson who bowed back, only a bit. "Well well well Doowon. You did good. Your parents are dead. This deserves a toast. Shall we?" Doowon smirked at the man and got a green bottle from underneath the table. "Only the finest whiskey for you Mr Wang." Jackson chuckled coldly, taking a glass from the table and extending it forward to Doowon. "But-" Doowon said as he slowly uncorked the bottle. "I do not wish for your bodyguards to be here. You know how the Lee Family works? Even the most trusted allies can turn into back stabbers when their money is involved. " If Jackson Wang was startled, he didn't show it on his face. Instead he motioned for his guards to leave the room, who followed suit, although with a little uncertainty. Brian also left the room, leaving the two scarred men alone.
"Well then a toast. To me and you. Buisness partners." Doowon raised his glass in unison with Jackson, who drank up the whiskey quickly. "Mr Wang I have something to tell you." Jackson looked up at the younger man and waved his hand as if to say 'go on'. "First of all I just want to thank you for taking me in that night, when everyone thought I was dead. You were so ever so good with your observations to notice that I was only playing dead. And then you trained me and everything so thank you for that. And for telling me the truth about everything." Jackson simply nodded. He felt a sharp jab in his stomach and his head started to stir. Doowon was going out of focus now and in what seemed like a split second, Jackson Wang rolled off of the chair, onto the floor. Dead. "But I wanted to tell you sir." Doowon spoke to the limp body on the floor. "That I would like to take over by myself now. You're getting too old and I don't want you to interfere in my personal matters."
"How do you feel now Y/N? Better?" A pretty older woman was checking up on you. She wore a doctor's coat with the nametag 'Dr Kim' on it. She was Seungmin's aunt, the surgeon who had saved your life. "Well the pain has subsided a bit Dr.Kim. I still feel a bit dizzy every time I move, but I think I'm good now." Dr Kim warmly smiled at you as she checked your heartbeat. "Well in any case, I think you'll be fine by tomorrow. You can even walk around tomorrow if you like. But for now, just get some more sleep. I'll tell Minho and the boys not to disturb you alright?" Dr Kim gently squeezed your hand and packed up her equipment. She spoke to you as if you were her own child, with such delicate words and a comforting voice, something that your mother never gave you. "Um Dr Kim? Could you ask Minho to come up here please? If you don't mind?" "Of course honey! I'll ask him. Take care now." She gently kissed your forehead and went out the door.
"You wanted to see me?" Minho was dressed in a blue shirt, slightly open at the top and white pants. He looked so.... refined. And hot, exactly like a K drama CEO. God damn he looked delicious. Don't lick your lips. Do not lick your fucking lips Y/N. "Yeah I have some questions." Minho groaned as he shut the door and came forward to sit on the bed. "What now?" "Where did you get this bracelet?" You held up the bracelet to Minho, who looked at you, perplexed. "That's my bracelet, for your information. My mother gifted it to me. It's been in my family for centuries." Wait what now? "Minho stop fucking lying would you? My brother gave me this as a surprise gift when I was ten. And it went missing ever since the day he fucking died! So could you please tell me where the fuck you got this? Or I'm getting out of this bed and asking Chan." "Woah there princess." Minho looked at you, worried at your outburst. "Alright don't get out of bed please. I don't want you bleeding out and dying. But I'm telling the truth. This is the bracelet my mother gave me when I was twelve. It's been passed on from generation to generation in the Lee Family. It's a special bracelet, because it has these tiny chits inside the beads, telling the person who opens it who the next leader of, well, underground South Korea is going to be."
Too much information again. Number one, you could not stop staring at Minho's pretty pink lips. Number two, why did the chit inside the bead have your brother's name? And why did it say that he was alive?" "Wh-who puts the chits inside of this?" You asked Minho, carefully hiding the chit inside of your hand. "Well my uncle Wang dies. Jackson's dad. His great great great grandpa was the one who made this bracelet. So he has the right to choose the heir." "Minho I think you need to see this." You handed Minho the faded chit. He looked at it for a solid fifteen seconds before looking at you, blinking rapidly, just like how he does whenever someone surprises him. "Y/N oh fuck. Shit come on get up. Quick. I'll help you." "Wait Minho what? What happened?" You asked Minho as he gently wrapped his arms around your waist, supporting you as you slowly got out the bed, and onto your legs. "Y/N we need to get to a safer place. If- if what this chit says is true, you're in more danger than I thought." "Wait Minho stop. Would you stop for a moment? Minho- Lee Minho!" You shouted his name, which made him stop in his tracks, arms still supporting your waist, even though you could still walk fine. "Would you please explain to me what's going on?" "Come down to the hall." Minho sighed and told you. "The boys, except Chan hyung, don't know either. So I can tell them and you at the same time. It'll be easier won't it?"
You nodded, not saying anything. Your mouth was dry and words were not escaping it. Gosh September was meant to be good. Why was it so full of surprises?
"Yah Minho Hyung! Auntie told noona can't get up until tomorrow." Seungmin said to Minho as both of you cam doen the stairs. All of the boys were pin the living room, immersed in their own work. Seungmin and Jeongin were playing chess and Chan was on his laptop as usual. "Chan hyung. I think I've figured out who the Mink Thief is." Chan's head snapped from his laptop to Minho so fast, that you swore you heard a cracking sound. The other boys' attention was also now on Minho. "Are you joking or are you actually telling the truth right now?" Minho smiled at Chan's words and set you down on the couch next to Changbin gently. "No I am not joking. Look at this." He handed Chan the bracelet and the chit, which Chan twirled in his gorgeous fingers, all the while looking at it as if it was some alien substance. "Oh fucking hell. Not him?" Minho nodded at Chan's exasperated words as Chan slumped in his chair, setting his laptop down on the table. "Can anyone explain what's going on please? Minho hyung?" Felix asked. "Alright bitches-" "language Minho" "Hyung stop being so old. Alright bitches listen up. So first of all let me introduce you to a man named Yoon Doowon, also known to us as The Mink Thief, who has been sending our families threats for a long time, also know to Y/N as her dead brother." "Yah! Rude!" "Anyways, one thing that Chan hyung found out a few days ago is that The Mink Thief has been in contact with my cousin, Jackson, ever since the day of Y/N's brother's murder. Also Y/N," he paused at looked into your eyes. "Whatever I'm about to say next will probably shock you so please don't faint out of surprise." You looked at Minho with the best offended eyes you could.
Minho then continued in a much more serious voice, "Yoon Danbi, Y/N's mom has been a spy for my family ever since I was born. Her and her husband had been placed here in Jeju Island along with their only daughter Yoon Jinhee, for an important mission. But soon, people grew suspicious of how both of them would act all the time, leaving their daughter alone for such long periods of time, coming home late at deadly hours and blah blah blah. So, in order to make their family seem much more 'normal', they took in two children. Choi Doowon and Jeon Y/N." "Minho what the fuck are you saying right now." Why were there so many surprises? Was your entire life a lie? Were you adopted for some stupid mission or something? What kind of Marvel shit was this? "Yeah this is why I said, don't faint out of shock." Minho slightly chuckled as Chan looked at repramandingly. "Look yes it's true your parents aren't your real parents. But the thing is your didn't even have parents. You came straight from the orphanage. So when my family took one look at you, someone with no background information which can be traced, they thought you were perfect for this mission. I mean, think of it Y/N, haven't you ever saw your parents hiding any documents from you or getting afraid when you asked for your birth certificate whenever you needed to register for your basketball games?" Yes, when you thought about it, they did do that.
"Hyung don't you think you should have had this conversation somewhere more private?" Felix looked from your distraught face to Minho's. "We probably should have but I have shit to tell all of you too." Minho said to his younger brother. "When Doowon supposedly died that night, Jackson Wang got a new partner in crime. Doowon was probably still alive. I know that no one can survive a fall like that, but I seriously don't know how he survived. So what I'm assuming from this tiny chit here, is that Jackson probably told Doowon the truth about his true parentage and all, and then like a basic villain, Doowon wanted revenge and now Y/N's life is basically a fantasy novel." "Ain't that right?" You scoffed. "My entire fucking life is a lie. I mean is my name even Y/N? Are we just living in a hallucination? What if all humanity is meant to do is just live our boring lives until a giant space turtle comes along and kills us all?" "That would be a cool way to die." Jisung said, not even a bit surprised by your rambling. "Jisung." Chan looked at Jisung with a glare. "Alright listen up everybody. Now that the sad backstory is out the way, we need to get down to buisness. First of all we need to get Y/N somewhere safe. Well safer. So Y/N, would you be willing to go along with Jisung, Jeongin and Seungmin?" You nodded at Chan, who looked very relieved. "Great. Felix, Hyunjin, would both of you search out if Vernon's mansion is still protected and everything? " Felix and Hyunjin replied 'yes' to Chan and quickly went out the room. "Um noona we should get going. Can you walk by yourself?" Seungmin stood up and extended a hand to you, which you gratefully took and got up. "Yeah I can walk don't worry. Um where are we going?" Seungmin smiled at you, revealing his braces. "Don't worry about that. Just follow me to the car."
Fifteen minutes later, you were sitting in the back of a Bentley with Jisung, with Seungmin driving and Jeongin stared out the window, sitting quietly in the passenger seat. "You're lucky Minho hyung gave us his car noona." Jisung commented. "He never even lets us touch it. But then again, we're with you, so I guess that makes up for it." You looked at Jisung's wavy hair and thought to yourself that how can a sweet boy like him, be Minho's best friend. "Jisung, when you said Minho doesn't stop talking about me to you guys, what exactly does he talk about?" "Oh noona I could write an entire seven book Series about that " Seungmin responded instead of Jisung. "He doesn't ever stop talking about what your favourite song is, or what you wore today or how your hair falls in such a perfect way. And when we tell him to just tell you that he is pathetically in love with you, he sulks and says that he would rather kill himself." Well that was certainly surprising. "Oh we're here." Jeongin said, as the car pulled up to a massive iron gate, which had the letters C, H and V on it. What it was guarding was a massive black mansion, which looked very much like a vampire's lair, covered in vines of ivy with a statue of bat hanging out in the big yard. "Chwe Hansol. Also known as Vernon. This is his mansion. He's a good friend of Chan Hyung's and he lets us use the mansion whenever we want. It's the safest place in Jeju Island so we'll be good here noona." Jisung told you, as you stepped out of the car. The mansion looked so ethereal and as you walked into the yard through the gate, you wondered if this was the mansion which was described in the story of the vampire Carmilla. You lived and breathed for that story and you were excited at the thought of hiding in a place which looked exactly like Carmilla's mansion, where she took the blood of her lover, weeping over her body, and complaining about her death.
The boys pushed open the big dual doors of the mansion with difficulty, but not before Jisung had entered a pass code on the tiny keyboard thing which was on the right side of the door. This was indeed Carmilla's mansion, you thought as you entered the big living room, which was decked from head to toe in gold and silver. There was a magnificent chandelier hanging from the ceiling, along with busts of some vague looking people.
"Gosh this is so pretty." You said to Seungmin, who smiled and said "Wait till you see the ball room." You were about say 'theres a ball room here?' when suddenly the lights went out. "Ah fucking hell. Guys stay here with noona. I'll go and see what's wrong." You heard Jisung's voice. "I don't think you need to do that, my dear Mr.Han." you heard a cold voice, which didn't belong to any of the boys. "Who's ther-" Before Seungmin could finish his sentence, you felt a hit to your head, and you blacked out, before hearing Jisung shout, "Noona!"
"Y/Nnie. Wake up." Doowon said in a sing song voice. The boys were tightly tied up to the chairs, with cello tape around their mouths. You were also tied up to the big blue cushion chair, with Doowon, standing in front of you, wearing a red coat and that mink fur stole. He had three bodyguards with him, all buffer than Changbin, all carrying guns and all looking scary as fuck. "Y/N wake up you stupid bitch." Doowon slapped your face painfully, which made you slightly stir. "Hey don't do that she's injured!" Jisung shouted out, having managed to chew through his cello tape. Doowon looked at Jisung with a sarcastic smile and said nothing, while one of the bodyguards punched Jisung. "Doowon?" You had woken up and the surroundings were appearing more clearly now. Your stomach hurt so much and your brain was still fuzzy, except for your dead brother standing in front of you, smirking. "Oh hey Y/Nnie. You miss me?" He asked you in a cold voice you didn't recognise. Never September. This was not September's child standing in front of you. This wasn't September's child, who used to chase butterflies and gift you cute little stones, standing in front of you. "Doowon you're alive." You managed to cough out some words, along with a bit of blood. "Ahh yes I am. I assume your stupid boyfriend already told you what happened to me. So I'm going to skip over the part where I explain shit to you." He let out a cold laugh which made you flinch. "Doowon this isn't you. What are you doing?" You asked him, tears welling up in your eyes. "This isn't me? No Y/N this is me. I've been lied to my entire life and Jackson Wang told me the truth. He taught me the way to survive in our world. He's dead now by the way. Just like our 'parents'." "Doowon please. Stop this lunacy! Atleast let the boys go they haven't done anything wrong!" Doowon leaned down to your level and lifted your chin with his finger. You shivered at his cold touch. "Aww Y/N. Always so fucking innocent. Baby the boys are leverage. Soon the rest of the boys will be here and then after some introductions, I can finally rule all of South Korea." Your tears had escaped now as you looked over at the boys, who were knocked unconscious by the bodyguards. You felt like the most lowest human being on earth, when you looked at Jeongin's bleeding lip, wondering what Chan's reaction would be when he arrived here. "Brian! Go check if the doors are open please. I want them all to waltz in here and call for these pathetic boys. And then we'll hit them where they don't even know it hurts. Maybe we'll start with this one." He moved over to Jeongin. The man named Brian laughed and winked at Doowon. "I'll get the door sir." He moved out the room swiftly.
Fifteen minutes had passed. Fifteen silent minutes. This was silence which you did not enjoy. Silence was sweet in September, when only the Magpies chirped. But now, as you watched Jeongin and Seungmin slightly stir, silence became bitter. "Is Brian not coming? You!" Doowon shouted at one of the guards. "Go out and see where he is! Does it take this much time for the rascal to come back?" The guard obeyed and made to get up from his seat on a rickety wooden chair. BANG! A bullet shot went through the guards head, and as he slumped to the ground, with a pool of blood around his head, Doowon screamed and grabbed Jisung by his chin. "You! What have you done!" Jisung merely smirked at him as Doowon lay frozen there, staring at the body. "Oh for fucks sake what are both of you doing?" Doowon spat at the two remaining guards. "Go upstairs and check if the rats have entered the house already!" The guards nodded their heads fervently and went off in opposite directions, only to be met with two gunshots. The door burst open, as Minho and the remaining boys barged in.
"Doowon." Minho said coldly to Doowon, who merely smirked, trying to hide the fact that he had peed his pants a bit. "Well you found me didn't you? Good job Minho. You know Mr Wang told me how your family works. So I'm honoured that I'm actually getting to experience a member of the great Lee family trying to kill me." You were disgusted by his words. Where did your sweet Doowon go? Where did the boy whom you had cried for day and night go? "Let the boys and Y/N go. Now Doowon. And we won't have any consequences." Chan said to Doowon. He looked furious. You hadn't ever seen Chan like this. "Oh you can take the boys first and then I'll give you Y/N." Hearing that, Changbin and Hyunjin hurried forward, untied the boys, who were concious by now and supported them on their arms, as they carried them back to safety.
"Now Y/N's turn. Give her back to me Doowon and maybe you won't end up choking on your own blood tonight." Minho's voice made your heart go warm. He had nothing but cold fury in his voice. If you thought you had seen his anger on that one particular basketball match in Busan, you were mistaken.
"Now why would I do that? Sweet little Y/N is all ok tied up to his chair aren't you Y/Nnie?" He pulled your hair and kicked you hard in your stomach, which made you cough out blood. Yep, the stitches in your stomach had probably opened up. Fuck no, not now. Don't die in September. Let me wait for October. October seemed more comforting now. The Magpies had their babies in October. Im October, you could get boba on discount. In October, you could hand out with your friends whenever you want. In October, Minho would turn a year older. Wait how did you know that? Why was this room so fuzzy? Hey Minho's face. His beautiful face. It was going out of focus now. Good way to die isn't it. You hoped death came to you, wrapped in white silk and picked you up in her arms like a baby and put you in a cradle. A cradle painted orange and yellow. A cradle with Magpies on it. A cradle which loved all the months equally. But especially October. Especially October.
"Doowon, stop that! Stop fucking hurting her!" Minho screamed at Doowon. You were blacked out now and as Minho looked at your gently sleeping figure, his heart dropped to the bottom of his stomach. "And what if I don't? What will you do oh great Lee Minho? I have her in my arms and I can do anything I wa-" That was the last thing Minho heard before all he saw was Doowon's dumb face, struck with shock, bullet hole in his big head, blood staining his already red suit and his stupid mentality finally gone from this world. "Good job Minho. Now come on let's get Y/N. Guys get Jisung, Seungmin and Jeongin to the car. We'll get Y/N." Chan told the others, while Minho had already strode over to you. He hurriedly untied the ropes around your arms and legs and got you to his arms, fingers looking for your wrists, to check your pulse. Tears were coming out now. Tears he never knew would come for you. He loved you. So much. So much it was honestly pathetic. The way you scowled everytime you saw him, the way your eyes lit up whenever you got a high test score, the way you cherished December for your birthday, the way you existed. He loved everything about you. And he can't lose you. Not now. Not ever.
"Feeling good kitten?" You had woken up in Minho's house again, with Dr Kim checking your heartbeat and adjusting your blood pump. "Minho." You managed to breath out weakly, making Minho's heart drop again. He was quick to stand up and cup your face in his arms gently as tears poured out of your eyes. "Hey hey hey don't cry." He said so gently, in a tone which he never used with you. "No Y/N. Shh. I've got you. You're safe. You're safe." He hugged you gently, supporting your head with his hands as you silently sobbed into his shirt. Once you pulled away, you noticed that his shirt was wet from all the crying and that his eye bags were more prominent. "Im sorry. I'm so sorry Minho. I-I really didn't know about..... about him and I caused you all this trouble. I am so sorry." "Hey hey princess. Y/N listen to me." You looked into his eyes, which were twinkling into yours. "None of it is your fault. You hear me? None of it. If anything, I should have told you all that I know earlier but I couldn't. Because- because I- I love you Y/N." That was it. That's all it took. That's all it took, for your eyes to widen, your hands to reach up to his jaw and for your lips to meet his, in a slow dance accompanied by the melodies of the Magpies outside, celebrating that you two had finally realised your love for each other. You pulled away after what felt like a very short time, but you were running out of breath. Minho and you stared at each other for a while and then burst into giggles. "That felt nice princess. You sure you haven't kissed anyone before?" You slapped his chest playfully as you said "Yah! Don't make me think back about being your girlfriend Lee Minho." Minho's eyes lit up and he stuttered out "Girlfriend? Yep I'm in a dream someone pinch me." You rolled your eyes as you pinched him and he let out a tiny scream. "Oh stop so dramatic. How long was I out by the way? And are the boys alright?" "You were out for two days now kitten. And the boys are good. Jisung is saying he finally got his 'Wattpad best friend gets kidnapped moment' and I think Chan told Dr Kim to double his dosage of sleeping pills so now he's crashed out. And snoring loudly."
"Noona you're awake!" Felix had come into the room, well more like bounced into the room along with the rest of the boys, Seungmin sporting a cast, and Jeongin having a pink band-aid on his lip. Felix hugged you tightly while Chan hugged Minho. "Lix let her go. She needs to breath." Chan said to Felix, who had been hugging you for a long time now. "Seungmin, Jeongin are you guys ok now? I am literally so sorry." Jeongin smiled at you sweetly, his fox like eyes forming crescents and said, "We're good noona. Technically we should be asking you that question. And it's fine please don't apologise." He bowed a bit to you and as you tried to bow back, whilst sitting, Hyunjin said, to Minho "So hyung. Have you finally got your ass together and asked noona out?" Minho glared at Hyunjin as everyone else in the room laughed. "You will be getting your mouth stuffed tonight Hyunjin. And yes I have asked her out. And now she's my girlfriend." "Yah who said I was your girlfriend?" You jokingly said. "Ok I'm gonna ask Jisung out then." Minho said standing up.
Four years later
You had been living with Minho for four years now, as his live-in Girlfriend. He had introduced you to his parents, who had been nothing less that kind to you. They had first apologized profusely for the whole Doowon incident, to which you told them that you really didn't care. You had Minho with you and all of your past had slowly faded away.
And every year as October and September came, you learnt to cherish ,not the month, but the memories you made every day. You learnt to forever keep memories of you, your boyfriend, your friends and everyone around you. You learnt how to let go of grief easily.
And when Minho proposed to you, on the twenty first night of December, you learnt, you just needed someone a bit older, and a bit colder, to teach you what it meant to love a person like you'd love a month.
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gn4wz-0n-b0n3z · 2 months
ithink this is what tumblr would be like in the dogman universe: a simulator
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😀 randomcivillian-956 follow
can those villain asshats get control of those goddamn monsters i have lost literally every single fucking thing thanks to those brainless pieces of shits last week a fucking T-REX SKELETON destroyed my fucking HOUSE and everything around it
🪻 inmylane-1999
how are you able to say those words
😀 randomcivillian-956 follow
what words?
🪻 inmylane-1999 the a word, f word, and s word
😀 randomcivillian-956 follow
oh i see you're one of the Collardale inhabitants. screw the fuck off your town is a CURSE
🪻 inmylane-1999
what did i do? :(
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🪰 greenweirdthingwithteeth follow
hnstly i dont get y Daryl hangs arnd that pig guy hes rlly mean & bad
🐊 piethrowingboss
didnt u help us go after him when he ditched us after the mini jail broke 2 bits?
🪰 greenweirdthingwithteeth follow
yeh butt hes still rlly mean & i was a lil moar concerned 4 Daryl
🐊 piethrowingboss
ohhhh kk
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🐕 zupabuddiezthezenutz
zomg did u guyz watch that new mini-documentary w/ Petey The Cat n Zarah Hatoff??? that waz tragickk..
#holy shart i have so much moar respect 4 him now..
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🔄 24hotdogsatyourdoorstep reblogged
🌆 icareforyou follow
still dont know why people are supporting Petey Duckhat just because of that documentary, didn't he terrorize the city for more than a month or two?? ntm he quite literally MUTILATED Officer Knight and Greg The Dog's bodies bad enough with that bomb to where they had to become that sick and horrible abomination i have to stomach through seeing on the news every week.
😀 randomcivillian-956 follow
i know right?? like hes genuinely a horrible cat but people are supporting him for no other reason other than "oh hes a victim!!" like shut the fuck up and grow up.
op i wouldn't say DogMan is sick and horrible, he seems to be in great condition despite such an accident and hard surgery to conduct, and looks perfectly happy. while i don't support Petey Duckhat either, you took it a step further and suggested that DogMan is currently in conditions horrible enough to render him an "abomination".
🌆 icareforyou follow
dont you post tips for fucking evil monsters on your blog.
#LMAOOO dude was SLAUGHTERED so hard they deactivated #redogs
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🌭 24hotdogsatyourdoorstep
walking on the street with a small can of living spray in my pocket and the nearest cop explodes into blood guts and viscera
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🦷 bigmonsterinyourheart
okay i get that Dr. Scum is a real and kinda sucky person and all that but his labcoat kinda fucks!!
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✨ lookatthestars
Hot take or whatever but I don't think we should trust a guy who gets really distracted by squirrels and balls and a kitten who could easily get hurt to protect our city. Lightning Dude IS one of the better options as they ARE a highly durable and strong robot, but The Bark Knight and Cat Kid maybe aren't our best bets, they could get hurt easily and aren't exactly professionals.
Don't get me started on the Friendly Friends, I don't think we can trust two guys who JUST left the same exact trio that was responsible for that marshmallow factory's destruction (which left many injured, some DEAD), what if they're pretending? Also the bugs could easily get killed, they're small and fragile, the most work they can do without a high risk of getting smashed is spying on villains.
Commander Cupcake's a different story, as I'm pretty sure that guy only helped out, like, 3 times.
#anti-supa buddies #anti-friendly friends #twinkle twinkle little star
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🪁 lalalalala89
dude imagine if we were in a book rn and ppl were posting on tumblr abt us
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🎠 supastarr
remember, calico trans toms are perfectly valid! even cis toms can be calicos, and fur pattern doesn't determine exact gender, especially with fur dying technology nowadays! :)
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whatwooshkai · 1 month
for the smoke & mirrors ask - have you had 16 yet?
"You do it! You're the leader!"
"I am not asking! Boulder, you ask."
"Actually, nevermind. This is stupid. I'll just use my hoses-"
"No! You are not spraying me in the face again, you almost broke my optics-"
"Oh shut up, you were fine!"
"Blades is correct, that level of pressure-"
"Stay out of this, Chase!"
"Seriously, guys, I don't mind asking-"
Cody sighs, lowering the lift all the way down before the rescue bots break out into an all out brawl. Five minutes of listening to them bicker and yet he still has no idea what they want.
"Hey guys!" he announces, and every helm snaps over. Cody is suddenly aware of the size difference. "Whatcha talkin' 'bout?"
The rescue bots' gazes flit between Cody and each other, seemingly having a silent conversation before Boulder pipes up and says, "We want you to wash our faces."
"Our faces," Chase repeats. "We would like you to wash them."
"Yeah, I heard," Cody says, giving them a lopsided smile. "I just wanna know why."
"Well, back on Cybertron you'd have to go to a detailer to get your face properly cleaned," Blades explains. "Lots of small seams, big servos, it's not exactly easy to do it yourself. But we figured, since your servos are so small...?"
None of the rescue bots are looking at him. Boulder is very interested in their hands, Blades is scuffing his feet, Heatwave is tapping a beat on his arm that makes Chase's finials flick in time.
Oh my god. Are they... embarrassed?
Cody coughs into his fist to stifle a laugh. His dad says it all the time: "For a race of advanced alien robots, they're just as bad as us."
"I can wash your faces!" Cody assures them. "Frankie'll be here soon, and she'll be happy to help too!"
There's clear embarrassment radiating off the bots, but Cody decides not to let them stew in it and runs to the storage closet to grab the supplies, fumbling with his comm link at the same time.
"Hey, Frankie," he says, pressing his cheek to his shoulder as he puts the car soap in a bucket with some sponges and towels. "How far are you?"
"Walking in now," her voice crackles over the comm line. "Why?"
"The bots asked for their faces washed, so we're doing that," he explains, grabbing a second bucket.
Cody shrugs, then realizes she can't see him. "Because they asked. Isn't that a good enough reason?"
Frankie sighs, but there's a smile in her voice. "I guess so. Coming down the lift now."
"Don't get off, we'll need some height." Cody carries his supplies out of the closet, past the bots who are currently greeting Frankie, up onto the lift beside her. He sets down their supplies and they divide them between each other, and Heatwave fills their buckets when prompted.
Boulder and Blades come forward first, sitting down and letting Frankie adjust the lift so they're at the perfect height.
Cody has been close to the rescue bots before. He sits on their shoulders, they carry him around in their hands, sometimes they sit him atop their helms! But he realizes that he's never been this close to their faces, and now he understands why they wanted this.
Boulder's faceplate isn't perfectly smooth, there are small grooves and seams and scratches and scuffs, there's little divots under their optics that almost look like tear ducts. Cody dips the sponge into the soapy water and starts on Boulder's cheek, but nearly drops it when the rumbling starts up.
Blades had slumped over immediately, leaning his chin onto the railing of the lift, and while Boulder was doing a better job of keeping themselves upright, twin rumbling rises from their chests, the unmistakable purr of an engine.
Frankie and Cody exchange looks, not wanting to ruin the moment. Like cats! Frankie signs excitedly, and Cody can't help but grin, because they are.
There's a shocking amount of dirt on Boulder's face, so it takes almost two hours to get the towel to come out clean when he wipes it across their cheek. Blades has fully fallen asleep.
Heatwave's tapping his arm impatiently while Chase has busied himself with a book, but his tapping foot is giving him away as well.
"All done!" Cody announces, clapping his hands together, and Boulder blinks sleepily, before giving him a big smile.
"Thank you!" they say brightly, standing up shakily and picking up Blades with them, making room for the other two.
Chase takes a spot in front of Frankie as Heatwave sits in front of Cody. He leans onto his hands to brings his face close enough for Cody to reach it.
Heatwave looks exhausted already, and far worse for wear than Boulder did. It almost seems like there's dark circles under his optics, there's dirt crusted into the scar on his cheek and in the seams of his jaw, and there's a dent just below his left optic.
He's asleep in minutes.
All four rescue bots' engines purr in time.
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For the DA AU, how are they with pregnant people? What if MC is pregnant? Maybe she announces to the staff that she had a accidental pregnancy, but decided to keep the child?
Red: With her permission, of course, he lets the kids know- he wants to make sure they understand to be gentler with her. Also, if she gets ill or tired, or doesn't show up some days, they'll understand why! He's just hoping the kids will stop asking where babies come from. That's for parents to explain. 
He always lingered around her, but he does even more- usually he drops a few terrible lines that make her go pink, but he now lurks around her well after he should, watching her go about her business and trying to help. He’s always offering to make her tea or get her a snack, eager to ensure she’s hydrated and well rested... but he’s always staring, it’s sometimes unnerving. He muses out loud about what she might name the baby... “are you gonna bring ‘em to the daycare? won’t that be fun!”
It’s sweet, at first. She likes having someone looking out for her. But... she does get a little concerned with how he starts acting with other adults. Not just staff- even parents. People come up to her and ask her innocent questions about the baby, and she can feel Red’s empty glare from across the room. If anyone ever tries to touch her belly he appears out of nowhere like a ghost, grabbing them and removing them from the room with a cheery “keep your hands to yourself inside the daycare!”
It probably doesn’t mean anything.
Sans: Being pregnant won't save her from his Mischief and Mayhem. In fact, he just seems to double down on plaguing her, stealing her keycard so often she's started carrying around a decoy card and a flashlight to beam in his face if he gets close. Her using a flashlight on him is the equivalent of using a spray bottle on an aggressive cat. It’s because he’s extra desperate for her time and focus- he loves babies, and the girl he likes is pregnant, he wants to be involved in everything she does. As soon as she’s not involving him, he acts out to get her attention again.
If she thought Red’s hovering was bad, Sans is a hundred times worse. He’ll literally hang over her shoulder like a clingy kid if she’s not looking at him, so close his eyelights light up her face- if he could breathe he’d be breathing down her neck. He’s always demanding she sits down, has a nap, eats/drinks something, stops working... he’ll steal her laptop and phone if she keeps working. 
To be honest, she kinda finds it endearing that regardless of which personality is greeting her, both daycare attendants want her to look after herself. She also finds it sweet that even though Sans is the clingiest, most annoying, and most boundary-defying robot she knows, he’ll always quietly ask permission before he touches her belly. And if she says no, he’s clearly annoyed, but he never pushes.
Skull: Skull is always listening. Red and Sans often ask her to rest because Skull is intrusive-thought-style saying it over and over again until one of them asks her. But he doesn’t make many appearances, especially if she doesn’t know him already... he doesn’t want to frighten her when she’s pregnant. That just sounds like a bad idea. But as she gets more pregnant, he can’t help himself. Even while trapped behind Red or Sans he constantly reaches out to touch her belly- luckily, she gave those two permission, so it’s not considered much of a problem. 
Something that might get him to come out is if she ever complains about her feet/back hurting. Says it’s very uncomfy where she’s sat. She makes a lighthearted complaint, and suddenly she’s picked up- she giggles, thinking Red/Sans just scooped her up as a joke...
... until she feels the second pair of arms.
“... comfy... now?” :)
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hificrush · 1 year
Hi-Fi Rush Chai Headcanons (Except I exaggerated his stupidity)
1) He can do a sick backflip but only when people aren’t watching
2) Couldn’t drive before the robot arm, still can’t drive after
3) Would cry (on the inside) if you told him you believe in his dream of being a Rockstar
4) Pets every dog/cat he sees, he has so many animal friends!!
5) His robot arm works in VR, idk how explain it but it does
6) Skates pretty good actually. Does a trick or two to impress people!! The third one usually ends with him getting too cocky and falling face down onto the pavement
7) Surprising resilient to pain. Guy fell through broken glass, fell from large heights, etc.
8) Took 808 to a cat cafe once so they could make friends, ended up being banned bc 808 tried using kung fu moves on a cat that pissed her off
9) Do not give him access to a hose, he will start spraying random things down. This includes, but not limited to, people, robots, drones dropping off packages, Kale walking by, CNMN (to help them get a clean slate for a new face), anybody 808/Peppermint is mad at.
10) WORLDS BEST BUTTON PRESSER!!! (He has blown up several facilities)
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yeets-ix · 5 months
Sonic Bad Guys AU Infodumping
@thefakehedgehogaroundhere pitched the AU and its roles, I went too far and fleshed it out a LOT.
Here's the first round, the basics of the characters:
The Bad Guys go by “Ms. Surge,” Ms. Metal, Mr. Rough, Mr. Tumble, Mr. Duo and Mr. Kitsunami (for fun.)
Backstory: While the AU is mostly just the self-contained plot of the movie, Eggman and Starline did exist in the AU… emphasis on DID. In a very very deliberately loose interpretation of Sonic canon setting up this AU, they created Surge, Kit and Metal, but were ultimately defeated for good, with their former creations and minions being left to form various random organizations including the Bad Guys, none of whom are nearly as much of a threat anymore. Sonic took all the credit for “beating” Eggman, though it probably wasn’t actually him in this AU considering this version of him is also a villain and has just been using his hero image for personal gain (hell, considering his Marmalade-assigned wealth, he probably bought out Eggman Industries after the Doctor was gone.)
Ms. Surge, instead of the “big bad wolf,” boasts about being an “evil twin.” A twisted and evil counterpart to a hero. Of course, she turns out to actually be the good one between herself and Sonic in this AU, but that’s beside the point. She still doesn’t remember her original life and has only experienced being compared to Sonic and seen as a monstrous, evil version of him, never being given any other chance. When Sonic gets exposed as the criminal he is and arrested, Surge, Kit and Metal recognize they’re fully free and able to go good, what with him being put away for good.
Ms. Metal was also originally designed after Sonic (that’s why she and Surge are best friends,) but being “the safe-cracker,” has modified herself with some help from Kit into a heist-focused robot with stealth tech, safe-cracking tools, and the ability to turn into a hyper-boost engine for the getaway car. She’s the “most evil” because she’s still programmed to defeat Sonic, even if she’s currently spending almost all of her time pulling heists with the Bad Guys. She comes around in the end and rejoins Surge and the gang, and stays with her as a good guy after finally taking down Sonic. She’s also kind of addicted to absorbing Wisps.
Mr. Mimic actually goes by Mr. Duo most of the time - he’s made the happy-go-lucky but still evil cat his public identity they think of when they hear the term “Bad Guys.” After genuinely befriending the others, he wants to move on from and forget the even worse crimes he committed as an octopus (even though not necessarily those of his canon self.) That being said, he’s still a shapeshifter and “the distraction.” Instead of Mr. Shark swallowing Mr. Snake when he annoys him, Duo can mess with Metal’s circuits since he’s “good with computers.”
Mr. Rough and Mr. Tumble are the flattest ones, but then again, they always are. They beat the shit out of people, make immature jokes, and Rough uncontrollably sprays when he’s nervous. Mr. Piranha is perfect for both of them (and also for Surge - she’d release catastrophic EMPs - if she wasn’t Mr. Wolf here.)
Mr. Kit is “Drippy” the same way Ms. Tarantula is “Webs.” His laptop has extra monitors and keyboards for his Hydro-Coils the same way as Webs’ does for her eight legs. He’s also still Surge’s younger brother for the feels. Owing to being around 13, he's less anxious and less formal, and with the world aware of his power, more confident in being scary on his own or at his sister's side.
Governor Rose’s backstory as the Crimson Paw Rascal is changed a bit. She, too, gave up just as she was about to steal the Awardy Award (the Golden Dolphin equivalent,) but it was because she realized she’d built her criminal career upon being a “sweet widdle hoggo” who nobody would suspect or believe could be a criminal mastermind, instead blaming more scary or ugly animals. Realizing that not only would some undeserving creature take the fall for the Rascal’s ultimate heist, but she fully knew and wanted to exploit this, just made Amy feel like shit, and she immediately hung up her cowl. Note that this same reason also leads to her despising Sonic for working under the same ideals, and makes her very happy when he’s the one who takes the fall for her crimes in the end.
“A wolf and a fox are not so different” becomes “A tenrec is just a false hedgehog.” Sonic later reuses this line to mock Surge, before Surge and Amy finally wreck him with it in the end.
Sonic as Marmalade? Take every bad take on IDW Sonic in the entire hatedom, make them completely true, and then sprinkle the resulting abomination of a Sonic with Scourge dust. He’s supposedly the same hero as his canon self, but in truth all he cares about is his own entertainment and his own reputation. Lying and manipulating people are what give him “the tingle.” He’s gonna scream “LET’S DO IT TO IT! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!” like in that one satire comic as he’s dragged off to S.U.C.M., utterly determined to the end to convince everyone he’s never done anything wrong in his life. Fuck him. He deserves nothing, he is the scum of the earth, I want to punch him in the face, and maybe call in a few other AU Sonics to punch him in the face too.
Heck, I have an OC named Shine who is basically “Sonic but Marmalade” already, and I’d be willing to donate her for this role if I didn’t want Sonic himself to get to chew some scenery.
We’ve agreed Whisper is Chief Luggins due to her power to be incredibly biased against these people, especially Surge with a good helping of Mimic on the side. Lanolin would work too, but I think Whisper being really angry a lot fits better. You poor wolf, you poor meow meow, you poor thing, how did you end up becoming a cop?... or she's just the face of what's left of the Restoration in this universe. Lanolin can probably be Tiffany the reporter, IDK.
To be continued.
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starheirxero · 2 months
I LOVE THE TWINS SO MUCH, THEY ARE SO INCREDIBLY HILARIOUS- Little fuckers are just knocking things over, throwing shit and demanding blood, while refusing anything given to them-
Foxy just casually being horrified about their diet is cracking me up- He doesn't know em, he's not aware of what kind of people they are- I honestly forget, that they'd be freaky to an outsider-
Though I am getting rather nervous👀 Frank's warning is almost here! My only guess is, that they could be separated, as it's worse than death to them! Though the question would be: how? Will it be Frank, or maybe Stitchwraith? Could it be a consequence of Ruin's plan, such as a glitch in the matrix? And if it's not separation, what the hell is gonna happen-?
AND FOXY YEAHAJAHSJAHC him asking Bloodmoon "is that real" WAS SO FUNNY TO ME LIKE AJSBSKDN he's already just gotten used to Bloodmoon's drama and threats that when he says he Literally Eats Blood he's like "uh huh yea okay are you gunna tell me something true and real now" HSKAHSJWND
BUT THE WHOLE THING WITH FRANK YEA OMS. I saw the comments saying that those 4 weeks are gunna be up in like, 3-ish days? Which simultaneously has me excited as all hell but also so nervous RHAJAHSJ
If its separation I will be SO insanely intrigued as to where that goes and how they'll handle it but like u said if it isn't, then. like are they just gunna explode lunarstyle whats gunna happen HSKWNSKSJ
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adhdchilles · 6 months
heyyy long time no see.
i feel like being a bit more transparent about this project because... well people keep visiting this blog so
my real fans will remember this poll i made back in October and. WELL! remember how I said I was just 'planning'?
not anymore
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well. sort of
ive detailedly outlined up until chapter 10 because i found myself stuck and decided, "maybe if I start writing now, I'll get ideas and I wont be stuck anymore when I go back to outlining"
and so far my theory has been proven true because I keep making shit up *as I write* that I did not plan so I'm like. maybe I don't really need to plan up until the end just now... I'll just... figure things out as I go
that screenshot up there? that's chapter 2. chapter 1 is done and has gone through a very brief second draft which is literally just me spraying it with some grammarly corrections. some. because this is a robot and it's tailored towards emailing so its a bit stupid when it comes to creative writing.
i will probably get a beta for this. most likely. was browsing @/needabeta and found some mythos folks in there which is great news!! then the beta reader edits will be the third drafts. at least that's how I want to do this dance
when will it be posted? uhhhh. when it's finished. sorry. I've come to realize that posting stuff as I'm writing makes me really stressed bc of the pressure that naturally comes with it so I think I'll preserve my sanity if I decide to only start posting after it's fully done. plus some beta readers prefer not to work with WIPs, so there's that too.
now here's a whole bunch of treats! of all flavors. angst, achilles being a jerk, discreet fluff, casual stuff. and a cat.
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this fic is actually very mundane. i read a fic like that and had an amazing time. makes the characters feel more like people, at least to me.
also, for the record:
nearly the entire iliad crew is present
nearly the entire hades game crew is present
several cameos from other myths (hyacinthus, icarus, etc)
some argonauts will show up too most likely
okay thats my update for today. see you in... however long
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kimryowo · 5 months
Our Not-So Happy Ending
prologue - part i.
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Before Otori Y/N came to this strange place, she was performing a show on the Wonder Stage inside Pheonix Wonderland, an amusement park owned by her father.
And now, here she was, banging on a box, panicked and confused.
Perhaps she fell asleep during a show or something, she should surely try to remember! What if her friends were waiting for her?
Putting all her strength into her arms, she sprang forward, leaping out of the strange box that kept her contained.
"Won… Won… Wonderhoy!" She exclaimed loudly, however, she quickly noticed her surroundings. There were so many floating coffins surrounding her, the room dim and quite eerie. In the centre, there was an ominous floating mirror. There was also a fountain which spat out a mysterious green liquid. The only source of lights were brightly lit lanterns, they had star patterns in them too. There was also a luxurious chandelier, with rows of beads connecting to the hooks which held the lanterns up.
It was like magic!
This was not Pheonix Wonderland, nor the SEKAI, or even Miyamasuzaka Girls Academy.
"E-Eh!?" She shrieked, glancing around frantically. 
She was not home.
She had no clue where she was, this was incredibly peculiar to the female for many reasons, though, only one thing crossed her mind. 'Why is this place so dark and gloomy!?'
To her right, the young female caught sight of a flaming blue cat mumbling to itself.
"I better hurry up and find that uniform before someone spots me..." It said quietly, potentially to hide its very suspicious position. "Urggghh... this lid weighs a ton! Try this on for size! Mya-ha~!"
"A talking kitty!" Y/N exclaimed loudly, looking at the creature with sparkly eyes. 
Her loud voice startled the firey feline, who had sprayed blue fire everywhere. The room erupting into flames, to which she let out a squeal. 
"EEP!" She shouted, her head swivelling around frantically. "There's so much fire!"
However, the magical feline took it as its sign to grab whatever it was it wanted and run. "Now to grab the goods..!"
A boy then tumbled out of the strange box -- which Y/N identified as a coffin -- beside her. “Uwahh..!”
“What!? You ain’t supposed to be awake!” The talking cat shrieked.
Y/N could only stare curiously, this was super weird! Could this be like a robot Rui made? She just stared at the creature curiously.
“A… talking weasel,” the boy who fell out of the coffin said, his voice full of surprise. His voice was surprisingly gentle despite how tough he looked.
“How… How DARE YOU! I am no WEASEL! I’m Grim, sorcerer extraordinare! Tch… whatever. You, humans, just gimme your uniforms and be quick about it!” The fiery feline named Grim barked, as silly as that was. “Cause if you don’t… you’re gonna regret it.” 
Y/N just looked at the creature and the boy with sparkly eyes. 
“Getting roasted alive by a weasel? What will I dream of next?” The boy sighed sarcastically.
“Well… Keep dreaming, cause I ain’t no weasel!”
As the boy grabbed Y/N’s hand, he began to drag her along with her as he quickly fled the room with the floating coffins.
Fleeing into what looked like a library, the two humans slowed to a stop. 
There were rows and rows of books, shelves upon shelves all stacked to the brim, like the creepy room from before, this one was also quite large and lavish. There were also many pictures of many things as well as more lamps. A few books were scattered on the floor too.
“What was that kitty thing? It was super-duper cute! Hehe!” Y/N said brightly, still smiling.
“…It almost killed us.” He muttered, a little surprised by your enthusiasm.
As they spoke of Grim, he did end up appearing before them. “Foolish humans! Did you really think you could slip away from ME? Now unless you wanna get burnt to a crisp, take off those— me-YEOW! That hurt! What gives!?”
A man appeared before the two humans and feline, standing tall and he seemed pretty irritated. “Consider it tough love.”
He then turned to the pair of humans. “Ah, I’ve found you too at last. Splendid. I trust you’re both one of this years new students?” 
Y/N and the boy just stared at the man, one more enthusiastic than the other. 
“Hello, mister! Wonderhoy!” She exclaimed.
The man just chuckled, “my, you were ever eager to make your debuts… and bringing a poorly trained familiar with you? That is a clear violation of the schools rules…”
Y/N didn’t really know what to say, and neither did the other boy.
Grim kept on yelling and screaming, throwing a total tantrum. “As if I’d serve some lowly humans!”
The man sighed again, “yes, yes… Rebellious familiars always say that. Do be quiet for a bit, won’t you?”
“Mmmrph!!” Grim’s muffled shouts only earnt a couple of laughs from the young girl.
“Dear me…” The man said, looking at the pair of humans with a tired expression, “of all the students I’ve dealt with, you two are the first with temerity enough to open their own gates and step out of them. Does the very notion of patience elude you both? No matter… Your orientations  have already begun. Let us return to the Mirror Chamber.”
Y/N stared on in surprise, she had no idea what exactly this Mirror Chamber was, or even where she was!
“Student..?” The boy beside her mumbled, confusion flashing on his face.
“You both awakened in a room full of gates, did you not? All of the students here at the campus arrived by passing through such gates. Although… typically, the students. have restraint enough to wait until I open them before waking up.” The man seemed a little dejected, his mouth tugging down into a slight pout.
“I think something blew the lid off mine…” The boy beside the girl said.
“I sprung out of mine! I was all BWOOM, POW! POW!” She announced with bright eyes.
The two males just stared at her, unsure what to say.
“You… You took the lid off all by yourself? That boy couldn’t do it…” The man muttered under his breath, to try to avoid the girl hearing, but, she did manage to hear.
“Yup! I do gymnastics and dancing and swimming and handball too!”
It was safe to assume that they were surprised at the amount of energy you had.
Though, the man turned back to the boy beside her, talking to him once more. “The culprit appears to be that familiar of yours. You’re the one who insisted on bringing it, so curtailing its behaviour is your responsibility! But… now is not the time for such prattle. You’ve both got a student orientation to ayyemd! Go on, now. Make haste.” He ushered quickly, though the boy didn’t budge.
“First, just tell me… er, us, one thing; who are you?” The boy asked, giving Y/N a side glance — who had been glancing around in fascination.
How exciting! This place would make a great show setting! She’d have to tell Rui, Nene and Tsukasa about it when she woke up from this dream.
“Hm? Have you not fully regained consciousness? The time space teleportation must have addled your memories… Well, these things happen, I suppose. I shall explain it to you while we walk. Truly, my magnanimity is boundless.”
…Huh? What did that mean!?
Soon, after following the oddly dressed man, they arrived in what appeared to be a courtyard.
He cleared his throat before he continued speaking, well, rambling more like. “This is Night Raven College. It is an institution for students the world over who demonstrate. a rare aptitude for magic. It is the most prestigious. academy of its sort in all of Twisted Wonderland. And I am Dire Crowley. Having been entrusted with its care by the chairman, I serve as the headmage.
Y/N thought that this were just like from the storybooks she used to read when she was little. This was pretty much every fantasy magic school ever.
She hadn’t even noticed she had spaced out for a moment, however, the boy’s soft voice met her ears.
Crowley simply smirked, “only those who the Dark Mirror perceives as having a talent for magic are admitted to the college. Those who are selected are summoned to the campus through those ‘gates’, which can appear anywhere. A black carriage bearing one such gate should have come to meet you.”
Y/N tried to wrack her brain for any memory of this, yet, there was none. The last thing she remembered was entering the stage to perform in Phoenix Wonderland… wait, could she still access the SEKAI? She’d have to check later on, it seemed.
“I do remember crossing a dark forest,” the boy beside her mumbled.
“That black carriage serves to receive a student chosen by the Dark Mirror. It too bears a gate that connects to this campus. And as you know, sending a carriage to meet someone on a special day is a time-honoured tradition.” Crowley stated matter-of-factly.
“So… what you’re telling us is that this carriage dragged us here against our own wills?” The boy beside her asked rhetorically.
“Mmmmf! Mmmmmmmmfff!!!” Grim whined, his voice. still muffled.
“Now, let us attend to your orientations,” Crowley said with a grin.
Her mind was a blur by the time they had returned to the Mirror Chamber. She didn’t exactly know why, but she felt like she was missing something, she wasn’t able to remember. But she had no idea what she had forgotten.
“We’re all done with orientation and dorm assignments?” A short boy in a dark hood asked with an attitude. He had shiny red hair and sharp blue eyes. They were full of scrutiny and seriousness.
Another boy yawned, “well, that ceremony was as boring as ever. I’m going back to the dorm. If you’re in Savanclaw House, follow me…” He looked like a lion! Y/N wondered if his ears were fluffy…
More voices eventually erupted from the spaces above, there was quite a lot of chatter.
“New students!” A new voice said, full of pride. “Allow me to be the first to congratulate you on your achievement. As dorm leader of Octavinelle House, I am honoured to have the opportunity to support you in what I hope will be a fulfilling campus experience.” He wore glasses. He seemed nice! 
“Hey, does anyone know where the headmage went? He disappeared midway through the ceremony…” Another voice asked, he was pretty handsome. Oh, he reminded the girl of Tsukasa with the way he looks, just with purple in his hair.
“Some headmage he is…” Somebody’s voice echoed from a small tablet.
“Maybe he had a tummy ache?” One boy suggests, he wore matching robes to the others too and had shiny ruby eyes.
“I most certainly did not!” Crowley snapped with a huff.
“Ah, speak of the devil…” The boy with red hair remarked under his breath, a smirk on his face.
“If you must know, I was searching for the new students who’d failed to show for orientation. You two are the only ones who has yet to. be assigned a dorm. Step up to the Dark Mirror, and be quick about it. I’ll watch your weasel.” Crowley ordered, pointing towards the floating mirror.
Grim, as usual, growled angrily.
Y/N thought that the mirror looked cool and thought that this would be good for a new show she came up with. She’d have to draw about it later to show her friends, maybe the Virtual Singers could see it too!
“State your names.” The mirror ordered blankly.
“I’m Yuuken Enma.” The boy, now known as Enma, stated.
“Won… Won… Wonderhoy⭐︎! I’m Otori Y/N!” Y/N stated, trying to stifle her giggles.
“Enma… and Y/N.” The Mirror repeated slowly, “the nature of your souls… are unclear to me.”
The room erupted into shocked gasps. Crowley was surprised too, “what did you just say?”
“I sense no magical power from these two. Soundless. Colourless. Shapeless. Utterly vacant. Therefore, no dorm would be appropriate.” The Mirror confirms.
“Are you suggesting that the black carriage went to receive people who cannot even use magic? But that is absurd! The student selection process has not erred once in its century of existence! How could this have happened?” Crowley asked, absolutely befuddled.
Grim, deciding he’d have enough, finally broke free of the constraints and began to exclaim, “unlike those humans, I can actually use magic! So let me be a student here! Look, I’ll show. you! My spells’re the cats meow!”
“Everyone, get down!” The short red-headed boy shouted as everyone hit the deck.
Enma ended up dragging Y/N down with him to avoid her being set on fire.
One student was not as lucky, “AHHHHH! HELP! I’m on fire over here!” It was the boy with ruby eyes.
Crowley was not happy and it was evident in his expression, “someone catch that blasted animal before it sets the entire school ablaze!”
The boy with lion ears just huffed, “ugh. Can I go now?”
The Tsukasa lookalike, who was also very pretty looked at the lion boy with a teasing look, “oh? I thought you fancied yourself a hunter. Go and help yourself to. that plump little morsel!”
“Too much effort,” the boy with lion ears huffed again, “do it yourself.”
“Allow me to handle this, Headmage Crowley!” The boy with the glasses announced.
“WTG Azul. Rackin’ up those participation credits.” The voice from the tablet exclaimed.
“Hey, um, my butt’s still on fire… could someone maybe put this out!?”
“I’m sorry, were my instructions unclear?” Crowley felt as if he were babysitting four year olds. It was an utter mess. 
The boy with lion ears sighed once more, “preeetty sure you can handle catching one mangy weasel all on your lonesome there, headmage.”
Grim didn’t like that because not only did the blue flames spread and grow even more, his attitude only worsened. “How many t times do i gotta say it!? I’m Grim, spell caster extraordinare! I am NOT a weasel!”
“Hmm, aren’t you a spunky little fellow. Riddle, would you be so kind..?” The boy with glasses said, amused by the whole situation.
The red haired boy, now identifiable as Riddle huffed and sighed, “furry miscreant. I will abide no rule-breaking. You will be judged by my hand.”
“Shall we make this quick, then?” Azul hummed.
Grim began to race around the room, fire spraying everywhere, making an even bigger mess.
“Must you relish playing with your quarry, Azul?” Riddle asked sternly.
So the boy with glasses’ name is Azul? What a pretty name!
“Heh… and here I thought we were both the sort to enjoy this.” Azul muttered.
“Please,” Riddle scoffed, their argument was pointless. “I’m not like you, so spare me your drivel.”
Though, in the end, he was backed into a corner.
“Myah! It’s a dead end!” Grim screamed, realising how he was trapped.
“Poor soul. Ran yourself into a corner, didn’t you?” Azul said with a fake pout.
“I suggest you surrender,” Riddle explained, “otherwise…”
“NO!” Grim shouted, like a toddler throwing a tantrum, “I’m gettin’ into this school, and that’s FINAL!”
Riddle sighed, “Stand aside, Azul!”
Maybe Y/N did get knocked out by one of Rui’s mechanical creations because this was a very insane dream. But when would she wake up?
But what if… Perhaps… perhaps this wasn’t a dream like Y/N initially thought?
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illarian-rambling · 28 days
🐈 and 🖌️ for the OC explorations game?
🐈 How do they react to being cat-called?
Izjik: Instant death. She's throwing hands immediately, unless it's a hot lady, in which case she'll pretend to be angry, but secretly be kinda into it. I'm not gonna pretend she has the highest standards in the world when it comes to women. Or standards at all.
Sepo: For such a generally angry guy, Sepo tends to get very flustered when he's catcalled (which happens the most often to him out of the group because the man's stunning). Usually, he's happy to let Izjik handle it with the power of a thousand, angry, bitch-seeking missiles.
Twenari: Her go-to is, "Sorry sir, I don't have any spare change."
Djek: Catcalls them back in a much worse way until they get uncomfortable and leave. Or he'll just point and scream as loud as he can.
Astra: I think she'd be a little confused at first because she's a bit hard of hearing, but once she catches on, she'll get right up in their face, even if she has to stand on her tip toes. She'd then proceed to thoroughly chew out the catcaller, insulting everything from their shoes to their dog. This is usually far more intimidating when Mashal is standing behind her like the shadow of death itself.
Mashal: I think he'd also be really confused at first, then really concerned because why is this person catcalling a robot? He'd probably just walk away and ignore them.
Ivander: He'd be astounded that anyone would talk to him in such a way. Just utterly shocked. I think he'd also just walk away, though not out of any desire for peace, he's just at a loss for what to do.
Elsind: If they're wearing a specifically attractive form, I think they'd just be pleased their disguise is good. However, if it's been a rough day or he's walking around in his true form for some reason, he'd probably put on the most horrifying visage he could think of to scare them off, then go have a cry about it.
Avymere: Jail, immediately. They'd honestly be impressed by whoever has the gall to catcall the heir of Salis, but not enough to not have them arrested on the spot.
🖌 If they spray-painted a city wall, what would they write / draw?
Izjik: A very messy catfish with a silly expression. She'd try to sign her name, but it'd be illegible.
Sepo: A beautiful and frightening oceanscape featuring a ship caught in a storm. In one corner, painted very tiny, would be two siren boys. There'd be no words, but it's in memory of Saius.
Twenari: A set of whimsical floating islands with runes that make them bob up and down faintly.
Djek: "D Wuz Here" written in black letters that spread out in tendrils. He'd strive to get his graffiti into the weirdest, most unlikely places he could.
Astra: Written instructions on how to make a runic engine and alchemical formulas for otherwise expensive medicines. She'd put them in the center of town and repaint them brighter every time they get taken down.
Mashal: If he was given express permission or Astra managed to talk him into it, he'd make an incredible mural featuring mechanical horses galloping across a field of flowers. Out of all these chucklefucks, his art would be the most technically skilled.
Ivander: He'd paint some scandalous revelation about an authority figure for all to see. He'd also probably sign with the name of a person he doesn't like.
Elsind: She'd do flowers or something else simple and cute. Under it would probably be a motivational quote about everyone being beautiful.
Avymere: If they could somehow be convinced to do this, they'd probably just do a star or other easy shape. Creativity is not their strong suit.
Thanks for the ask, these were fun ones!
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marxthedumdum · 2 months
Wait. Even better, too: WERECAT MIKE!!
- Mike is very catlike. Obviously.
- Ears on head in normal form?? OwO
- Baps Bill and Glitchy a lot for attention.
- Steven probably just up and cursed him during the Miki Ritual 🤣
- Mike hates that Bill brushes his fur 🤣🤣🤣
- Glitchy is confused as to why Mike hisses at the spray bottle
- Lots of money spent on cat toys, tuna, fish, all that. And he just sits in the boxes.
- Speaking of which, he probably is weirded out by having a niece at first 'cause this is Steven we're talking about, the werecat Champion/milkman probably had his own nefarious (abduction-centric) means of bringing a child (or adult child, whichever you prefer) into the mix.
- Chases Werecat Steven and his child away from the dairy farm/dairy room that Daisy casually has as well, which is ethical and takes excellent care of the cows 🐮🐮🐮
- Glitchy is a shapeshifter, so it pisses Mike off when Glitchy - or his niece - munches on his tail!!
- Won't. Leave. Bill. Or. Steven. Alone. On. Fishing. Trips!!
- Steven and Mike being all catlike and everyone's just going along with it.
- Then Glitchy feeds his new niece tuna because she needs her medicine :( And that's when he has to carry her in his arms (since she's probably in smol fluffy kitty form) as he casually RUNS AWAY FROM STEVEN AND MIKE, WHO HEARD THE CAN OPENER!!
- I bet Glitchy and Mike and Bill babysit their niece sometimes and Glitchy teaches her how to kill doppelgangers like a good girl :)
- Mike is not amused by the above point. And tries to keep his niece from killing doppelgangers....but she just wants to make her uncles happy!! 🥺
I'm literally giggling as I type this out 🤣
bill and daisy being the only normal people in the whole group sitting in one corner of their own and goes ‘this family (stevens and mikes) is FUCKED up 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥’ and exchange handshakes 😭
imagine if whenever bills at work mike just keeps fucking around the place…… can you blame him his hubby is literally kanto’s poke-einstein he just wants to see what stuff he works with :) (eventually broke the teleporter bill was working on and caused an error that turned him into a clefairy (like the main game 💀))
ALSO MIKE HAVING A DIY BOX ROBOT SUIT SOMEWHERE,,,,,, (he and glitchy built it and cuz of glitchys glitch bs itll never wear out 🙏)
(also x2 glitchy gets fucking raided by the entire house except daisy and bill everytime he’s trying to make tuna sushi/sandwich for himself, so he gets angry and gives himself Water Gun (like, the move) to shoo them away 💀💀💀)
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xzbat-loverzx · 7 months
could we get an info dump on Mella and Judas?
Tw for minor abuse
Judas -She/ They/ He
They’re Intersex!
She was actually born outside of Knighton. His parents weren’t some of the brightest tools in the shed and never really cared for they’re health, so they ran away when they turned 18 and now live in Knighton!
Not only does he make her own music, but they enjoy theater and are planning on making their own musical!!
Right now they are more into “indie music” and are waiting for their music to pick up before it becomes her profession! As of now, he works at a small movie theatre in Hollowood!
They have a LOT of tattoos and piercings! Mostly on their ears and face!
He knows how to play the guitar, piano, and ukulele!
They are autistic and have quite a few fidget toys!
I Personally HC that the Knights are somewhere in their early 20’s (20-24) so going off of that, Judas would be a few years older compared to them (25-27)
They probably have a dagger or something in their pockets, he just thinks it’s cool.
Mella - She/Her, and sometimes it/itself
I’ve stated this before, but, she used to be a nurse. However, that came to an end when an “accident” happened
She has this mechanism where she has these canisters in her chest cavity that are filled with this liquid melatonin-like substance, and when this mechanism is activated, they liquid is turned into this melatonin perfume/ gas that shoots out of her face plates( theses face plates are shaped like blush or rosey cheeks)
One day, while she was working, some juvenile patients began having an argument and it escalated into a fight, she couldn’t get them to calm down or break up the fight. So, in a panicked state, an emergency mechanism triggered within her system and she shut down, filling almost the entire building with this sleeping perfume and making everyone in the building(who wasn’t a robot) fall asleep. It took hours to fix and eventually the “spraying parts” in her face were replaced with bolts because of how clogged up they were. She was “let go” soon after.
She was able to get back up on her feet, but it took a while. Then she met Judas and the rest is history!
She can play percussion and chiptune!
When she worked at the hospital, she has a teeeny crush on one of the doctors she worked with, but it never really went anywhere.
When Judas is at work, she’s usually at home doing housework or getting groceries!
She was the one to suggest choreography for music videos because, even though she’s only made of metal, working as a nurse can make you VERY flexible!
Judas help it pick out a new wardrobe when they moved in together.
She sometimes packs Judas some fudge covered strawberries in his lunch, because it reminds them both of how they met!
She gets super overprotective of friends and has somewhat developed a “mama bear” instinct
She has a pink weighted cow plushy!
They moved in together pre-show and began Dating around the middle of season 1
They met at a little café in Knightonia
They have a friendly-music-rivalry with the Tighty Knighties(Jorah doesn’t like it though)
They’ve only been kidnapped by Jestro once, but that was to request they make him a “villain theme song” bcuz he and the book of monsters have little to zero music talent (J + M considered it, but they only had so little time before they were rescued by the knights)
Speaking of which, they do have a little bit of friendships with the knights!
They especially vibe with Aaron because of their music tastes!
Judas practically has to restrain Mella when it comes to Clay’s under-2-hour sleep schedule
They are the black cat and orange cat duo, except it’s very hard to tell who is who…
Mella, at one point, had a friendship with Robot Hoodlum. They both related to each other in a way(accident related damages as well as the overwhelming need to protect loved ones)
During S5 J + M would get separated and at the end of the season, Mella would get infected trying to help a few other squirebots
Infected! Hoodlum took a liking to her and took her under his wing, he would even give Mella access to some of Monstrux’s technology that other squirebots wouldn’t have
Eventually, during S6, Judas would be captured by RH, whom would find a proposal ring in Judy’s bag.
Robot Hoodlum, took pity on the two and their “forbidden love” so he would sick a facehugger-bot(idea by @merloksdigitaltoes )onto Judas, mind controlling them
Mella would find out about this “gift” and would rightly freak the f out.
She would go against the viruses programming and attack RH, and would find the knights to help J
However going against the viruses programming would greatly harm her and eventually M + J would be found outside of the Knights base in EXCRUCIATING pain
The facehugger and virus would be removed and everything eventually became alright in the end :D
That’s all I got for now, lol! Thank you for letting me talk about my Blorbos
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saltv2 · 4 months
(More multi)
1. They can all give the nastiest of side eyes (Nerika, Inari, Ian & Goldie)
2. Nerika repeatedly bops Goldie nose if he yaps to much for his own good
3. Got so fed up of all the fur that one of them just got those fur de-shedders for cats to use on Goldie
4. Nerika forces Goldie to shower atleast once every two weeks
5. Inari sometimes dreams that she working on her labs still
6. Ian enjoy reading and collecting comic books in his free time
7. Goldie was first intimated of Ian, and didn’t believe that he’s Inari younger brother
8. Goldie helps around the apartment doing chores
9. Inari collects tech from Goldie’s world, even if its way outdated in her terms, it peaks her interest
10. Nerika pokes people’s eyes with her robotic arm when in combat
11.One time Goldie dreamed of Nerika dying, that he immediately called her up sobbing
12.Ian sometimes feeds the the stray animals
13. Inari has chemical burns
14. The more time Goldie spends in Nerika universe the more chemistry he learns (mostly how to make drugs and explosives)
15. Goldie had a bullet hole in him and didn’t notice until someone from back home pointed it out
16. Nerika and Goldie play the video game pong together sometimes
17. Some of the animatronics are jealous that Goldie gets to experience more than just the pizzeria, Freddy tries to knock some sense to them afterwards
18. Henry has tried on multiple occasions to warn Goldie about Nerika and the outside, those conversations don’t really go anywhere or end well…
(When some girl from the future with history of violence & crime treats more decently than your own kind, am i right?)
19. when Goldie was able to experience the sun again after 10+ years of not being able to, even if it was in another dimension he couldn’t keep himself from crying— also couldn’t see shit for good few minutes, eyes were having trouble adjusting to brightness (Nerika just let him cry it out for a bit)
20. Goldie keeps a taser and pepper spray in his hat for good measure when in the subzone
21. Nerika: pulls up a picture of a bear during a argument, Goldie: screams
22. Inari has really cold hands
23. They’re afraid that one day they will no longer be able to see one other
24. They hang out on Freddy’s roof sometimes
25. Inari is curious and wants to exam Goldie’s powers but holds off from doing anything (knows it’ll probably upset Nerika)
26. Nerika once gifted Goldie a sweater, he only wears at the apartment he knows better than to have on in close proximity of red fox
27. Goldie began reading alot more having excess to more books in the subzone, reads anything he can get his paws on (except for lewd shit, bro all ready got traumatized from the sex talk)
28. Goldie sometimes wished he human so he could better experience things… and maybe not potentially outlive his new human friends.. (that one is a bit of a stretch but yk)
1-Canon!! Ian would probably look like that one homophobic dog doing it.
2-Canon!! And it annoys goldie so much
3-Canon!! Nerika had probably thought of completely shaving Goldies fur off at one point
5-Canon!! She also tends to pass out at her desk. Sad.
6-Canon!! He likes Invincible :-)
7-Canon!! I don’t think anyone would believe Ian is the youngest in the group, he’s only 18 and Inari is 21
8-Canon!! He believes it’s the best he could do for his new friends :-)
9-Canon!! She either tries to figure out how they’re made, or sell them for higher prices
10-Canon!! And it blinds her enemys, seriously the tips are sharp.
N: what the hell are you calling for it’s midnight- are you okay?!
G: (Ugly sobbing)
12-Canon!! He loves all animals :-)
13-Canon!! It’s on her design in the drawing i made of her doing crack :-)
14-Incorrect, i don’t think goldie would care much for chemistry, and he would probably quit before he goes anywhere
15-Incorrect, if goldie did get a would he would notice, because it would mess the part up.
16-Canon!! She probably introduced him to more games like: mortal kombat and pokemon :-)
19-Canon!! I imagine seeing a robot cry only intrigued inari more, imagine just bawling your eyes out and some girl only cares about the fact that you can cry.
20-Canon!! And Nerika gifted him a knife just in case.
21-CANON!! But just because it’s funny
22- I honestly think that spending hours creating and working with really hot chemicals have her the warmest hands. So incorrect.
23-Canon!! The thought scares the both of them
26-Canon!! The sweater probably had a bear on it.
27-Canon!! Ian would sometimes give him his comics
28-Canon!! Just sad.
(Come back soon!!)
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starkidblogs · 2 years
We'll Meet Again, Some Sunny Day
A/n: Y/n doesn't remember the white void. This to me longer because i had to find a new writing system. My old one was failing me and i wasn't getting shit done like before. There will be Headcanons later this weekend. Thank you all for your patience!
You and Sandy turn your heads to the city, now looking like ruins. Bull-like figures appear from the shipping crates. They crept closer to the ship, and the sounds of metal clashing against each other grew. You can see the form of these robotics bull clear as day, with blue screens for eyes and whispers emitted from them.
They soon began to pick up speed and jumped on board, crashing into the floor and creating craters. They turned towards you two but stared only at you for a moment before attacking. You knew the pepper spray you had wasn't going to work.
Two bull bots aimed at you, making you fall backward, letting them plunge into the floorboard. "Careful (Y/n)!" You heard Sandy shout as he threw three robots overboard. But they kept crawling back on the boat.
"What are those things?!" You shouted as you tried to regain your balance before feeling your body lifted up and over Sandy's shoulder. Moe jumped into your arms as all three of you guys ran. "SANDY!" You yelled as more chased after you guys.
"Sorry (Y/n), we gotta get to safety." He shouted as he was about to go to an elevator, but the junks of metal, were blocking it. He decided to run to a nearby speedboat. Somehow this blue man got the speedboat on land and breezed past the bulls.
It happened fast before you realized you were on the speedboat, as the blue cat in your arm patted your face to get your attention. It was a while till you reached your destination.
Pigsy noodle.
As Sandy got there, he landed on more bull robots. You three got out and met with the demon pig. He was with two others trying to figure out what was happening. You stepped off and caught their attention. You saw it was the girl with the dragon jacket and a man with glasses.
" Guys, this is my friend (Y/n). She was with me when the bull clones started to attack."Sandy explained to the gang before they turned to you. "Sorry again, (Y/n), for throwing you over my shoulder." You shook your head in response to his apology. "It's fine, Sandy. I think it was the best idea. my legs felt like jelly." You stated as Sandy introduced you to the others.
"(Y/n), this is Pigsy, Mei, and Tang!" He beamed as you waved at them. Pigsy sighed, "Hey there, sorry, but this isn't the time for introductions. Now is the time to prepare and find out what is happening." He was correct.
"It seems like DBK is trying again to conquer the city again. It's actually working this time." Mei said as she looked through her social media and newsletter. "DBK?" You asked, not understanding what it meant.
Tang cleared his throat and pushed up his glasses, "the demon bull king. He was one of the most dangerous and feared demons long ago. After he fought Monkey King, he became trapped by his legendary staff. But after recent events, he is released once again." He expressed as he posed dramatically. You remember about DBK through the last time he attacked. It nearly destroyed your boutique and home.
"Since mk isn't here to fight him, the city will be under his control in only a few moments." Tang sadly said. "Not unless we do something to stop him!" Pigsy said while you were putting the piece that Mk was the hero who fought him last time.
"Wait, You mean Mk was the one who defeated DBK?" You asked Tang, who nodded in response. He was about to speak, but Mei stopped him. "Yeah, don't you remember the not mayor giving him the key for saving the city?" She said, but you rubbed your neck. "No." You gave chuckled as she explained.
'mk is the new successor to the Monkey King, defeating DBK and his family. Especially red son! Save the world and learn to be the next Monkey King!' She said and showed images from Mk's battle, but something caught your attention.
"If we need Mk, isn't that him?" You pointed at 'Mk' walking out of the store. He appeared annoyed and indifferent about what was happening. Mei sighed and shook her head, "That's not mk." She hesitantly answered, pushing you away from him.
"Is he MK's twin?" You asked, but Mei ignored the question while 'Mk' scoffs, "I don't know what to tell you, guy." He said before heading to Pigsy's food truck. "Well, we better get ready before more of those junk of metals come," Pigsy warned, but it was too late.
A wave of Bull clones came out of nowhere. They stood around you and the gang, whispers growing louder. You heard a few words through the sound of unhinged metal jaws.
'another bump in the road of my destiny,'
'Your destiny hasn't changed just because you did.'
'You never learned your lesson, did you?'
'It seems I need to take care of this distraction,'
You felt the eyes of someone you knew. The same neon blue glow in your nightmares, but more aggressive and colder. If looks could kill, you'd be dead where you stand.
You stood there dumbfounded by the number of bull clones crawling on the buildings. One rushed to you, causing you to dodge its fist, only missing you by a few inches.
"To your right! (Y/n)!" You heard Mei order, making you hustle out of the way. Mei dug her sword into the clone, slicing it in half. More came charging at you guys, Mei was ready, but Pigsy's van was ramming into the and stopping in front of you two. Swinging the door, Pigsy shouted, "Get in! There's too many of them!"
You and Mei moved into the van quickly before more could reach you. Pigsy raced out of there, while bull clones were close behind. The gang drove for a while to shake off the remaining bull clones. "Where are we now?" Tang questioned, seeing the streets now vacant of life. You looked out the window and saw it was your home street.
"Hey, this is my street. Maybe we can hide out there for a bit. At least till the streets are clear." You said, making the gang agree because it was a sanctuary for now.
You gave directions to the shop. By the time you reached it, it was intact. Strangely enough, nothing seemed out of place. The buildings around it were crumbling, but not yours. You had an idea of who was keeping an eye on it.
You and the gang walked into the shop for a moment of peace. But it wasn't long till Pigsy asked you. "Odd, how come your place is in good condition, but others seemed to be deteriorating?" He looked at you, and you felt like they were knives.
You didn't know how to explain it! You were trying to understand the truth before all this mess! Even if you did, you probably made more enemies. "Uhm, I don't know, honestly," Your body felt like it was sinking to the floor underneath you. Sandy notices your expression and chimes in, "well, let's relax for a minute. I think it's just a coincidence." Pigsy sighed before moving on from it.
"Well, the city is now infested with these things. We'll have to wait out till Mk gets back." He said as Mei continued, "Until then, we will try and take out as many junk bots!" She beamed. Everyone agreed to this plan.
It wasn't long till everyone was doing their own thing. Mei was admiring your outfits, Tang documenting the event of what's happening, pigsy cooking some food, and 'Mk' not helping. Sandy, on the other hand, was worried about you and the new danger of these bots.
Meanwhile, you were doing something to calm your nerves and newfound dread.
You sew it had help when the dreams started, and you hope it will help you now. You continue to make the suit that Chief has a commission. But you were trembling and felt the needle prick your finger every time you stitched. You cursed under your breath before deciding to stop cause it wasn't helping. You had to take this moment to process everything going on. Or at least try.
Sandy sensed the stress you were going through as he walked into the back of the store to check in on you. He found you sitting down on the floor, trying to take a breather.
"(Y/n), you alright?" He whispered as he sat next to you. You nodded at first but soon shook your head afterward because it wasn't true. You weren't doing alright because of this. "No, I don't believe so," You answered. " First, finding out about my nightmares were my past life was a lot. Second, finding out my past love was the one who ended me and is still alive. Third, now this DBK is after me for some reason!" You vented it and felt your hands shaking.
"Sorry, it's just so much more. Just a couple of hours ago, I learned about Chief and him being my past love in my other life. Now, this…" You said as Moe walked from Sandy's shoulder to your arms. The blue feline helped you settle down as you took in deep breaths.
"It's okay, (Y/n). You have a right to feel like this and not know what to do next." Sandy said as he patted your back. "You also don't need to explain it to anyone else if you don't want." He mentioned, referring to Pigsy early. You chuckled, shaking your head. " I don't blame him. I would also be curious if somebody's place wasnt a mess during all this."
You felt better as you petted Moe, and the world seemed the slow down for a moment. "(Y/n), maybe it's a good idea to stay with us for a while after DBk is defeated. Just in case more things like this happen." Sandy said, breaking the silence. You thought about it. It was a good idea, especially with DBK coming after you for some reason.
"I'll think about it. Maybe when Pigsy isn't suspicious of me." You laughed. Sandy smiled, seeing you feeling much better than earlier. "I'm going to make some tea. You want some?" He asked, making you nod before seeing him leave.
Now, you're with your thoughts and a sleepy Moe. Moe kept grabbing your hand as you tried to get up but ultimately gave up and kept sitting down petting the blue feline. You sighed as your mind tried to piece together this newfound information.
"Now what?" You said out loud, " I have this huge revaluation of remembering my past life, dating my past love. Now this DBK guy wants me dead or something." You thought before your mind wandered to Chief and his peculiar smile.
You can feel your face turning pink as you recall your date with him. The fact that you still had the same feelings for him even after reincarnation.
"Is it okay to feel this way for him?" You question yourself before remembering the last few moments of your dreams.
"And is he still possessed by the 'humble spirit'?" You said. It wasn't long before you heard someone bursting into the room.
An excited Mei barged in and grinned. "(Y/N)! YOU'RE A DESIGNER, RIGHT!? MAYBE, WE CAN MAKE SOME COOL NEW OUTFITS! LIKE APOCALYPSE STYLED!" She expressed as you laughed. "Yeah, that sounds like fun. It can help get my mind off things." You said as you got up to see her ideas.
~hours later of Creating new outfits with Mei~
It was nighttime and had outfits on models. You and Mei decide to wait till morning to show it to the gang, but it's time to rest. You offered your home for them to sleep in and did your best to make them comfortable. Everyone was sleeping or was trying to. You went to the top of your building. Walking on the roof, you saw the city looking deteriorated but with fewer bull clones.
You stayed for a while before heading back until you heard the door close. You turned to see an envelope with a small box sealed with a blue bow.
Words: 2,053
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shylittlefrogg · 8 months
And now I'm picturing more animal shenanigans: Glowboo's Solar Boo abilities being distracting for the ghost siblings at first, seeing he can shoot small light balls, it's like following a dot you can actually touch. Krush restraining them from flying after it, his powers make a good cat spray ("BAD FURY, BAD MYST, BAD! NO TOUCHY THE LITTLE SUN" *lizard and feline hisses*).
But also considering lizards like to sleep when it's cold, I can imagine Fury has a tendency to lean on Krush's ice body when he's about to nap.
Thinking a bit that Glowboo can't connect to his ghost, but they still work together as one, with Glowboo being a summer robot-boi and saying the most to his ghost which only makes the glow and heat strong so much so that approaching Glowboo while he is in that moment of happiness can be dangerous.
A fairly common sight that ends in-
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On the one hand, Liv always sitting next to Glowboo whenever she can and Glowboo feeling happy because Liv relaxes with him.
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and on the other Andy and Mike somehow sleeping despite being in the worst possible positions
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emeraldspiral · 7 months
So in NASB2 Zim’s alt skins are his human disguise, engineer scientist disguise from the comics, and one other I can’t remember that was from the show, but surprisingly not the old man disguise. I think it might’ve been the getup from Germs, but he already uses the goggles and disinfectant spray as a standard attack.
I think everyone is supposed to have four options so if they added Dib, Gaz, and GIR (as a separate character from Zim) there’s a few different possibilities.
It looks like they already have a Gaz model with the show design, so Dib’s standard look would probably be his show design as well, and GIR’s would be his robot form. Dib and Gaz’s Florpus looks and GIR’s dogsuit are the most obvious second options.
For third and fourth options I’d say GIR’s little brother costume would be an obvious pick, but I feel like they might not want to go with such a different silhouette, so maybe instead he’d wear his dogsuit with the elf costume on top from the Xmas special as his second show look. My heart yearns for cat GIR from the comics as another option.
For Gaz, her options are pretty limited. I think the only outfits she’s ever worn in the show or comics besides her two default looks are her zip-up jacket from BPH and GS2, her pajamas from GToP, and the beaver suit from GToP.
For Dib you’ve got his ninja suit from NanoZim, spy suit from BPH, his Battle Dib suit, his look from the pilot, beaver suit from GToP, elf disguise from the Xmas episode, scientist lab coat from Mopiness of Doom/ETF, workout outfit from ETF, and a few others I think are unlikely options. I’d say pilot, lab coat, and Battle Dib looks are the most likely, lab coat being my favorite option.
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