#CAN he even go missing? i mean we know he can sneak away to be with his secret wife but like
jakesangel · 2 days
jake dating idol!reader headcanon ꣑୧ - requested
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we all know dating in kopop is seen as prohibited and w a passionate jake who is someone who loves w his whole heart it would be hard for him to make a decision between his love for you or his love for being an idol. but as you're an idol as well, there won't be a decision to do but just dating behind the cameras.
end of the year ceremonies
he is trying super hard to not look at you. you're all dolled up it's almost impossible so he just wouldn't look at your way. even when bowing he wouldn't dare to look up just aknowledging your presence tho in his body, his heart is going the fastest.
during your performance, his jeans will be bobbing a normal amount still wanting to show you support but not daring to catch date scandal. even tho he tries to not beam at you smile whne your face is on the screen, he can't help it but lose it whne you wink at the fans.
he would ask his company if he can do a tiktok challenge w you n is more than happy to see you backstage. he also tries to keep his compute as it's being recorded, but everyone can tell the soft eyes words he has for you.
would never fail to put one of your songs in his livestream, singing along w you.
would talk about the interaction w engene if they brought it up or even fake a comment so he can have an excuse to talk about you. would compliment idol you, saying that your veri talented n sweet.
i don't think he will talk to about you in weverse as he only talks about himself, layla n the members.
music shows
he is so happy when he realized the both of you have a comeback at the same time. that means for a month, he will get to see you everyday ᵎᵎ
he will be watching your performance on the tv's back room and will text you right away telling how good you were.
again he will ask for a tiktok challenge w you.
would sneak into your back room, your members/staff aware of your relationship, aww-ing at the both of you.
bring flowers when you win n he would be giving them to you
off camera
he would sneak out of his dorm quit often, not letting you come in his because 1. you're his princess n shouldn't be outside whne it's dark 2. he is living w 7 other men, meaning the dorm is never the cleanest.
he will text you lot of time, w lots of i miss you or you're so pretty today n he will send you your viral content saying how proud he is n how lucky he is to be dating you.
he would flirt w engene lots more to make you jealous so you can text him as well n he'll then have a reason on giving you more love n attention.
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notes : thank you anon for your idea >< i hope you like it <3
@imaluckygirl @luvj4key @stwrjvke @amouriu @neos127 @goldenretrieverjakezgirlbaby @jaeyunpinkyring @pockettwinzz @jwsdoll @heeheeswifey @sjylouvre @txnwvc @oopshee
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potatoesandsunshine · 11 months
if i was anakin skywalker i simply would not go missing
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a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
I had an alastor ask you can ignore this but what about an alastor x wife!reader where one day one of the readers old friends from their living days manifest in hell it can be angsty or fluffy but I just really wanna see how you think alastor would react to suddenly remembering that the reader had a whole different life before hell and before him
You're an amazing write and I wanna see your take on this, if not thats ok too !! Have a lovely day 🩷
Ooh this is just juicy-
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Alastor being sad, Alastor being jealous
Description: 👆⬆️
Look, Alastor is a smart man who knows you had a life before you met him, before you died
He knows this, he also had a life before you
A rather violent one towards the end there, but still...
But when one of your friends from when you were alive suddenly runs into you???? It suddenly feels like that previous life is coming to slap him in the face
"Y/N? Is that you?"
The way your face lights up with familiarity and you two rush to hug each other, obviously close
It makes him...feel something bad...
The conversation with your friend starts out simple and innocent enough, the two of you catching up with each other
You introduce your husband and Alastor can tell that your friend is surprised, probably not expecting you to be shacked up with the radio demon himself
He preens with your introduction, ready to hear your friend either gush about your amazing husband or shrink away in fear of him
Or at least that's what Alastor assumes the shocked look means
But then your friend mentions something about an old flame of yours and Alastor just kinda??? Gets a white hot flash of anxiety??
You get visibly upset at the mention of them, mumbling something to your friend that Alastor can't hear because he's not listening
You're scolding your friend for bringing up someone you hardly even thought about anymore, someone so unimportant in comparison to your husband
You had someone before him?? Someone you loved and cared about before you died and became stuck in hell?
Would you still go to them now if you had the choice? No, you wouldn't, he's one of the strongest demons in hell. Why would you leave him?
Because you loved people for more than that...
Then your friend is talking to him about your life when you were alive, telling him every stupid, funny, kind thing you did
Everything you enjoyed without him in your life
He's stuck in his own head and hurting his own feelings, the smile on his face painfully tight
"Alastor? Darling?"
Your concerned voice and gentle squeeze on his arm brings him back to reality, your friend having already left without his realizing
"Are you alright? You got quiet on me and that's not like you..."
And he's back to being his charming self, squashing down his ugly emotions
"My apologies my dear~! I just suddenly remembered I must meet Rosie today!"
He's gone before you can even question it, leaving you with a sinking feeling in your gut
The next few days after that Alastor is distant from you even though he's trying to play it off as being busy
Everyone at the hotel can see it and think that you two must be having a fight
You have to reassure them that no, mommy and daddy aren't fighting
He's been off ever since you ran into your friend and they brought up-
...your past...
Oh that stupid man of yours
It takes a lot of work to corner Alastor, he's stupidly clever and always has an excuse to avoid you
You however, did NOT become his wife by giving up easily
One time, he even straight up turned around and ran from you
And you almost fucking caught him if he hadn't cheated and melted away into the shadows
But you manage to catch him in his radio tower, using all your demonic power to sneak up on him
He jumps at the feeling of your arms draping around his neck from behind, feeling your lips on his temple
He's missed being so close to you, he really has
"We need to talk, darling one..."
This is exactly what he's been avoiding though, trying to get his uncomfortable feelings to go away so things can go back to normal between you two
"What is there to talk about, my dear~?"
He's pulling you into his lap, uncharacteristically enthusiastic about giving you affection all of a sudden, kissing up your neck and rubbing your thighs
You know he's trying to seduce you to get out of having to talk about his feelings so you stop him, placing a firm hand on his chest
"You've been avoiding me ever since we ran into my friend."
He visibly cringes at being so obviously caught, his smile strained, sharp teeth clenched tight
"I've simply been busy, I'm sorry if I've been neglecting my little wife..."
He's going in for another kiss, but you pull away with reluctance, you're attracted to your husband after all
You pull on his cheek and sigh, hugging his neck as you lean back to look at him
"Alastor, you know I hate it when you lie to me..."
Now he feels bad, he hates disappointing his wife like this...
"I suppose I have been a bit out of sorts..."
So he does his best to explain to you his uncertainty in your life, wondering if you've simply settled for him because you died
If you would choose your old life over him if ever given the chance, or leave him for a chance at heaven with people from your old life
He won't look at you the entire time he says this, leaning into you and hiding his face in your neck
Just run your fingers through his hair, maybe rub his ears a little, and listen to him vent
He doesn't like being open and vulnerable
"Oh darling, I didn't even know what love really was until I met you. Being here in hell with you has been more fulfilling than any life I had before..."
Not him making a little deer bleat before growling out of embarrassment, clutching you a little tighter
"You wouldn't-"
"Alastor, if anybody even tries to make me leave you, I'll kill them myself."
That makes him chuckle, leaning back to finally look at you
"Oh, you twisted wonderful wife~"
He's literally immediately back to himself after that, almost as though none of it ever happened
You're always surprised by how quickly your husband recovers
Maybe it's just because he trusts you so much, your words alone were enough to reassure him of his place in your world
You meant every word
When your friend comes back to visit you, Alastor actually engages with them this time
He wants to know more about who you used to be now that his confidence in his marriage has been restored
The dude is literally walking around like he got laid for the first time
Angel...shut up...
Holds you close to him the entire time, relaxed as he listens to you and your friend go on about old times
"Wait...you jumped out of a third story window? While being chased by a man with one leg?"
"And LIVED!"
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rafeandonlyrafe · 8 months
kinktober: caught in public
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words: 1.6k
warnings: 18+ only!, smut, topper gets traumatized bc of course he does, p in v sex, hot tub sex
you know you’re not actually in private, but this section of the yard is so quiet you wouldn’t even be able to tell that there’s a party going on. your head is rested against rafes should, hand absentmindedly stroking his thigh under the water, glad that he turned the temperature of the hot tub down so you could stay in longer.
“baby…” rafe says, tugging at your bikini top, not trying to loosen the string, but wanting to tease you.
“hm?” you pick your head up, looking at rafe with a soft smile on your face. you were both slightly buzzed, just having a couple of drinks before sneaking off to the hot tub to be alone.
“come sit on my lap, i miss you.” rafe says, making you laugh gently.
“how can you miss me, we've been together all night?” but you slot one leg over his lap, pressing your chests together as you wrap your arms around his shoulders. 
“mmm, just have.” rafe says, hands rubbing up and down your back. “you smell so good.” he breathes in your hair, even as it’s tied up to avoid getting the ends wet.
you smile and turn your head to kiss at rafes neck, taking his earlobe into your mouth and giving it a little tug. rafe groans and drops his hand to your bum, feeling how little of it is covered by your swimsuit.
“there’s no one around…” rafe says, glancing behind him. “we could…” you usually would shut rafe down, you think that’s what he’s expecting, but it truly has been quiet. you can hear the crowd of the party over on the patio, but you’re around the corner of the house, and you’re not sure who even knows the hot tub is back here besides maybe topper, who is the host of the party.
“okay, but we have to be quiet.” you say, sitting back so you could look rafe in the eye, glad that the water is clear so you can look down, seeing his abs pressed together from his seated position. you bite your lip and run your hand down his torso, all the way to the band of his underwear. you rub your hand over where his cock is starting to swell, eyes flicking back up to rafes face as his jaw becomes slack, mouth dropping open but not making a sound.
“feels so good, baby.” rafe says, bringing a hand to your breast and playing with your nipple through the fabric of your swimsuit, not wanting to pull it to the side and expose you but still wanting to give you some stimulation.
“touch here.” you say, taking his hand in yours and bringing it into the warm water, right to your pussy. rafe understands what you mean by this, you don’t want to take too long or do too much foreplay since this is risky.
rafe rubs over your clit, making you let out a soft moan. when you work rafes swim shorts down his thighs to pull his cock out, you connect your lips in a kiss, hoping it will help both of you stay quiet as you begin to stroke him to full hardness.
“let me just sit on it for a second, mkay?” you tell rafe when you pull away from the kiss, knowing that without him opening you up with his fingers at first that you always need a minute. rafe nods and you tug your bikini bottoms to the side, lining yourself up with rafes cock before sinking down. 
“that feels so good, baby.” rafe praises you as you sit fully down, leaning forward and resting your forehead against rafes, eyes closing as your pussy stretches to accommodate his size. 
“just… one more second.” you say, placing your hands on rafes shoulders.
“it’s okay, take your time.” rafe says, but you feel ready so you begin to slowly move your hips up and down, slowly building up a rhythm.
“there you go.” rafe praises, grabbing your hips with his hands but letting you keep control. you continue to glance over rafes shoulder, checking to see if someone was coming. it makes you excited to think someone could walk up and find out what you’re doing, especially if that someone is one of the girls that used to flirt with rafe before you started to date him.
you begin to bounce faster now, smirking when rafes eyes drop to your tits as they bounce right at the top of the water. you giggle and lean forward to give him a quick peck on the lips before returning to your position, grinding your hips down against him.
“fuck, baby, this is gonna be quick if you keep that up.” rafe says, hands now starting to help you move as you begin to tire out.
“want you to cum anyways.” you tell rafe, giving him another kiss. you get lost in the way your lips slide over each others, moaning into his mouth as he begins to thrust his hips up to meet yours, bringing you down against him, causing the water to splash around you.
“you gotta cum first princess.” rafe says, rubbing one hand over your clit. you press your lips against his jaw to avoid moaning, having to drop your head onto his shoulder as he flicks over your sensitive skin.
“hey guys!” you pick your head up when you hear toppers voice, heading towards the hot tub with just his swim shorts on. you react quickly, reaching to turn the jets on, causing the water to stir instantly and bubbles to cloud the top of the water, disguising what is happening below the surface.
“hey top.” you say as he gets into the hot tub, sitting on the opposite side of you and rafe.
you widen your eyes once topper can’t see your face, still fully sat on rafes cock. you go to get off, but rafe stops you, a mischievous glint in his eye.
“aren’t you supposed to be hosting this party topper?” rafe asks, thumbs rubbing over your hips.
“mmm, it’s fine. needed a break for a minute anyways.” topper says, leaning his head back against the rim of the hot tub, letting the jets massage him.
you go to pull off again, not wanting to be sitting on rafes cock with topper so close. rafe lets you pull off, but when you go to sit down next to him, he pulls you back on his lap, making you sink down on his cock again, just facing topper this time.
you lean back with your back against rafes chest, hoping topper doesn’t notice your movements too much or look under the water too closely.
“rafe…” you whisper, turning your head to skim your teeth over his jaw.
“shh.” rafe says, fingers moving back to your pussy. you grip his wrist under the water but don’t pull it away, letting him rub two fingers over your clit, moving easily over your skin in the water.
“so…” topper begins, picking his head up and looking at you, which you give him a quick smile before trying to control the emotions on your face. “were you not enjoying the party?” “oh, no.” you shake your head, trying to keep your upper body still as rafe begins to push his hips up against yours, his cock sliding in and out of your pussy by only inches. “we were having fun, just decided to get away from the noise a bit, right rafe?” “right.” rafe says, but his voice sounds strained, making topper furrow his brow and look closer.
“holy shit!” topper shouts, standing up in the hot tub, spilling water over the sides from his sudden movements. “you two are fucking right now!” “what? top! no!” you laugh it off, but rafes hands come to your hips, giving you a bounce as he’s unable to sit still any longer.
“oh my god, you’re actually disgusting.” topper climbs out of the hot tub, stomping back towards the party as you begin to move faster, rafes hips snapping up into yours.
“do not fucking get cum in the hot tub!” topper yells.
“don’t worry, i always cum inside!” rafe yells back with a laugh, making you clench your pussy tightly around him in disapproval, halting movement for only a minute before his fingers rub faster against your clit, making you too desperate to stop as you start to bounce again.
“rafe!” you shout out, arching your back as you move faster. “i’m close!” “close?” rafe asks with a dark chuckle. “did getting caught turn you on that much?” “fuck, fuck, just go harder.” you beg, and rafe quickly moves, switching positions so you’re kneeling on the seat of the hot tub while he stands in the center, thrusting his hips into you, not caring who sees at this point.
“god, yes!” you shout, holding your hand over rafes that rubs your clit, keeping it in place.
“fuck, baby, i’m cumming!” rafe warns, water splashing out of the hot tub as he thrusts into you as fast as he can possibly go, moaning and bending over your body as he cums, pushing it all deep inside you. upon feeling his release, your orgasm also rolls through your body. rafe keeps moving gently as you come down from your high, sinking back into the water as he pulls out, covering your pussy up with your swimsuit and tucking himself back into his shorts.
“come here.” rafe says, opening his arms, which you quickly accept and sit on his lap, resting your head against his bicep as you curl up into him.
“i think we scarred topper for life.” you giggle, thinking about the look on his face when he realized what was happening.
“tops a big boy, he’ll get over it.”
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thekissofaphrodite · 5 months
Clarisse La Rue X Daughter of Aphrodite!Reader
Summary: The history book on the shelf is always repeating itself.
Warnings: Making out, light smut, cursing, cheating (remind me if I missed one)
Being the daughter of Aphrodite and having a boyfriend from the Hephaestus cabin wasn't really appealing from others, some said that you'll cheat like your mother did to his father, But it wasn't all true, You love your boyfriend, He was the best, he forged every jewelry you asked, He kissed the back of your hands like a gentleman, he opened doors for you. He was perfect.
Not until six months ago, you found out that he was cheating on you with a girl from the Tyche cabin, It made you furious and confused, you thought that your relationship was perfect, You two never fought or argued. What made him cheat?
Then, you heard him in his workshop, forging a beautiful necklace, while the girl he cheated on you hugged him from behind, peppering his neck. Some kissed while the girl's lipstick left some marks on his neck.
You decided to not confront him about it and act like everything was normal.
That's when your relationship with Clarisse started.
You would make secret eye contact and touch hands every time someone wasn't looking. It made the Ares girl insane, She secretly liked you before, and the thought of you being with a boy she didn't like made her mad. She imagined all kinds of things like pining you to the bathroom wall and kissing you hungrily, not caring if the whole world— hell, even the Gods are watching.
"Do you think you can manage without me for a day baby?" Your boyfriend, Keith asked as you two walked back to your cabin, holding hands.
You nodded, thinking that he'll sneak out again to meet with his lover.
As you two walked past a group of Ares kids, You made eye contact with Clarisse, her eyes softening as you brushed your fingers to her rough palm before looking away.
You and your boyfriend reached the hephaestus cabin.
"This is my stop, I'll be back in a day, Lots of armours to do" Keith said.
You mean lots of that Tyche Girl
You swallowed your anger and nodded while watching your boyfriend disappear in his workshop.
You scanned the crowd for Clarrise but she was no where to be found, Sighing, You walked around until you reached an empty bathroom.
Then, someone grabbed you and pinned you against the wall, It was Clarisse.
Before you could even speak, she kissed you roughly, gripping the back of your head and pressing you closer.
"I missed you" She kissed you again.
You could barely even respond before she attacked your neck with her lips sucking it, making dark hickeys stain your neck.
"We can't— Oh gods, not here, Clarisse" You moaned and bit you tongue, preventing yourself for making a sound.
"Your boyfriend fucks his lover inside his workshop full of his halfsiblings, why can't i fuck you here in a secluded bathroom?" She breathes heavily, her hands slowly reaching on your inner thighs.
"Hmm..." You just hummed, waiting for the sensation Clarisse is going to give you, Sure enough you felt two fingers slip inside you suddenly, Making you moan out loud. She then quickly used her hands to cover your mouth, watching you roll your eyes in pleasure.
"I'm pretty sure he can't do this based in your reaction" You started breathing heavily, Resisting the urge to ask for more, because you know that clarisse would just tease you.
Her fingers started pumping in and out, you clenched your eyes.
You could've sworn you saw Clarisse smirk at your reaction, before you could even come, She pushed you inside a cubicle, your legs still wrapped around her hips, Sure enough. a group of campers entered the bathroom.
You sighed in relief, thanking the gods that you and Clarisse weren't caught. Yet she continued pumping faster while the campers started talking.
"Did you know that girl from the Aphrodite cabin?" Said one of the girls.
"Y/n? Yeah, i know her, I was partnered with her once in medical practice, I heard that she has a boyfriend..What's his name again? Kit? "
"You mean Keith?"
"Yes! that Hephaestus boy, He's sweet"
"Clarisse!—" You whisper-yelled as you came, The girls stopped talking after hearing a voice inside.
You became limp for a moment, Clarisse supporting your weight.
"Is someone there?" One of the girl's voice said, Echoing through the bathroom.
Quickly, You shoved your fingers in your mouth making you gag, As you faked vomiting, Clarisse swung the door open, Her eyes red with fury.
"CAN I HELP YOU!?" Clarisse's voice boomed inside the bathroom, The girls looked Horrified, not because they saw you, it's because they came face to face with a furious clarrise.
The girls stuttered before running away in panic.
You then made eye contact with clarisse before bursting out laughing.
"You should've seen their faces" You giggled softly to yourself as you got up, Clarisse wrapped her arms around your waist and pulled you closer.
"My heart is so full of you I can hardly call it my own" She whispered and pressed her forehead against yours before kissing you.
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Drunken night - Eddie Diaz x Reader Smut
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Summary: After a drunken night it leads to multiple one night stands with Edmundo Diaz, after he goes on a date you both realize what really matters
The first time you and Eddie Diaz ended up in bed together was truly a drunken mistake, you were Evan's twin and at first if Eddie was sober, he would've never even looked in your direction, but after that one night, you became like his drug, he'd purposely come over to your and your brothers apartment to 'help' with things, which would always in end with you two having sex somewhere in your apartment.
Tonight you were sure your guys' fun was ending, Eddie was on a date his Tia had set up for him, and you were lucky enough to be a babysitter for Chris. Unknown to you, Eddie wasn't planning on dating anybody except for y/n Buckley, and his plan to have you as a sitter? an excuse to have you over. As you laid on the couch staring at the ceiling, Chris being asleep for at least the last two hours, since Eddie left. As you felt yourself start to zone out, you jumped up, ready to swing the bat that was tucked under your crush's couch for safety. "You're gonna beat a man who's coming home?" Eddie gasped playfully, walking closer to the couch, frowning as you rolled your eyes plopping back down resuming your staring contest with the ceiling tiles.
"Hey, Amor..." He whispered teasingly leaning closer to you over the back of the couch "What's troubling you?" Eddie finally asked sitting down next to your legs. "How'd your date go?" You asked, not meaning to sound so cold towards him, but you cringed at the thought of another woman grabbing Eddie like you did. Eddie laughed softly resting a hand on your thigh slowly moving to hover over you, so you weren't able to avoid eye contact. Moving his arm to hold himself up from the arm rest, and using his other hand to hold your jaw straight to look at him. "You wanna know how it went, amor?" He whispered raising his eyebrows "We went to dinner, and the entire time I sat in that chair, I thought about how badly I wanted to get home to you" He whispered kissing down your neck making your entire body shudder in excitement "These last couple of weeks, mi amor" He continued, not stopping his trail of kisses towards the neckline of your shirt, which was actually his. "All I could think about was you. Wanting you here, I can see you everytime I got home, not sneaking around" He whispered before kissing you deeply, you could feel a knot forming in your stomach as he bit your bottom lip, sliding his tongue into your mouth as he let his free hand roam your body, taking in every inch.
Eddie took you by surprise as he easily lifted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as he carried you towards his bedroom, his lips never leaving yours "I love you" He whispered against your lips before dropping you onto his mattress, your legs still linked around his waist "I love you too" You whispered back, grabbing the sides of his jacket pulling him closer, taking your turn to kiss his jawline slowly "I've missed my Edmundo" You whispered tracing your hands up and down his chest as you left hickeys down his neck, smirking as you felt his manly demeanor falter, his knees buckling under him "Fuck, mi amor" He grunted grabbing the back of your neck, hovering over you again as he kissed you deeply, grinding against you. You bit down on his bottom lip trying to muffle your moan the best you could "E-Eddi-" You were cut off by him pulling away making intense eye contact with you, you felt nervous under his gaze, he looked almost dangerous.
"I've got you, mi princesa" He whispered softly, before pulling his shirt off of you, kissing down your chest, growling against your skin as you tightened your legs around him, grinding against the obvious bulge in his jeans. Grunting, Eddie undid his belt, tossing it to the side as he shoved his jeans down, stroking himself a few times, as he watched you squirm impatiently "te tengo princesa" He whispered as he pulled off your night pants, followed by your underwear. Eddie bit his lip hard, he couldn't help it, the way you looked so desperate laying on his bed, under him because you were his woman, and somehow you managed to make desperate look knee buckling hot.
You growled, growing impatient with him, you pulled him closer, squealing quietly as he pushed into you, you could feel yourself screeching around his size. "Lord help me" He panted as he leaned on his elbows, giving you the perfect opportunity to kiss his chest softly, leaving deep hickeys where you could. Eddie panted leaning his head down to look at you before starting to thrust his hips, you gasped digging your nails into his back, that just fueled him more, almost fucking you so hard the bedpost would occasionally hit the wall. "Fucking hell, Eddie, what's gotten into you?" You panted between moans, you guys had fucked, but he was never like this "You. All I fucking think about is you, anywhere I look. You've fucking ruined me" He panted as his thrusts never faulted, you were so worked up, you could barely hear him, moaning into his hand as he kept it there to keep you quiet. "I can't think of anything without remembering how you sounded cumming for me for the first time" He whispered in your ear, you whined loudly trying to pull him closer to you, wanting to feel him deeper, faster, harder.
"What, mi amor? Is this not enough?" He asked teasingly, resting his hands on your hips, turning you onto your hands and knees before fucking you again, this time at alot faster pace. "H-Harder, please Eddie" You begged tugging his hair, this triggered something in Eddie, his thrusts became a lot rougher, but never slowing in speed. You felt like you were going to explode, only being able to repeat Eddie's name like it was a prayer. You could feel Eddie's hip stutter for a moment, his knuckles tightening as his hold on the sheets and your wrists as you felt him cum, feeling the warmth flow inside of you. You moaned his name loudly as his thrusts returned back to his original speed, your legs quickly closed around his waist, you entire body shaking as an orgasm ripped through you. Eddie grunted, releasing your wrists as he kissed you deeply "That's it, baby, you can do it" He whispered against your lips, you whined loudly, overstimulated your legs tried to close to give yourself a break, but Eddie wasn't stopping, you two had an agreement, tap out (Saying stop, no more, etc) or knock out (Fuck till you can't take it anymore).
He lifted you back into his arms, letting you lean against his bedroom wall as he continued sliding in and out of you, watching as you threw your head back against the wall "Fuck, you look so fucking hot taking all of me like that, baby" He panted holding your throat gently, just tight enough to apply pressure "E-Eddie! I-I can't-" You stuttered pushing your hand between the both of you, your legs were shaking so bad from overstimulation, you didn't think you'd ever walk again, the knot in your stomach was almost painful, but Eddie's dick continued to brush against your cervix walls, you could feel his cum start to smear against your inner thighs. "Yes you can, you're my girl, you can take it, you know your words" Eddie grunted, bottoming out inside of you before rolling his hips, you dug your nails into his back again, your body shaking and spasming as your 3rd orgasm ripped through you almost painfully, but honestly? the pain just made you twice as wet.
You bit your lip, tears brimming your eyes from overstimulation as Eddie slowed his thrusts, but didn't quite stop "Fuck I'm almost there Mi amor, please baby" He begged, you could tell by his face he wanted to cum bad, so you slowly pulled him out of you, much to his disliking "Please, please baby, just need to cum, please baby" He begged, basically on his knees, taking to opportunity to lick a bold strip right across your clit, you almost fell to the floor as you moaned loudly "get up" you demanded, Eddie slowly stood to his feet as you slowly sat on your knees "you dont- Oh!" Eddie moaned out in shock as you immediately took his cock down your throat, his hand found it's way to the back of your head, guiding your head up and down as you swallowed around him. It wasn't long before you felt the warm substance starting to run down your throat. Looking up Eddie was laid flat on the bed, you could see his chest rising and falling rapidly as he attempted to catch his breath, as you slowly and shakily stood up, Eddie's hand was quick to gently tug you down onto the bed with him, pulling you close to his bare chest.
"You really love me?.." You asked after a moment, breaking the comforting sounds of Eddie's humming, his hand still running through your hair, trying to get any tangles out "I do, mi amor, more than anything in this world, other than my son, nobody can top him" Eddie whispered before chuckling "I really love you then too..and agreed, I love Christopher more too, he's a great kid" You smiled, resting your hand over the tattoo the wrapped around his forearm. "I'm really glad we got drunk that night.." He whispered pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head, you leaned closer into his touch as he continued humming quietly, Eddie adored you, no matter how messy your hair, or rough you look, he could never find a flaw, you were perfect in his eyes in every possible way.
Now only thing left is to find a way to tell your brother and Eddie's best friend.
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starillusion13 · 3 months
Hi! can I request an ateez 9th member poly au but the scenario is they make her feel left out, being mean and entertains another girl from another grp and she was painted as the villain by that girl! so they gang up on her, she suddenly left the group and now they’re chasing her back!!
Missing Piece
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Pairing: Ateez!ot8 x f!reader
Genre: Idol au, Angst, Mature
Warnings: ignorance, tired, mention of drugs( just a rumor), leaving the group, feeling left out, light arguments, anxiety, evil intentions(a pick me not y/n), a mess of emotions nothing more.
W.C: 6.9k
Note: please I want to thanks to people for reading and reblogging. Reviews are always appreciated. Spread love not hate. After writing this fic, I realized that I don't know how to write 9th member fics😔. I hope this what you wanted anon<3.
Network: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
Now let’s take a moment to appreciate my dear friend @dreamsoffanfics Thanks for helping me out and being my proofreader. A dear friend indeed <3.
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"Congratulations Ateez!"
Whenever this phrase echoed, you always felt proud and satisfied with yourself for coming a long way. It's obvious that your hard work and determination made it possible for you to stand strong and shine on this ground.
But, a wave of emotions was running inside you today because of the feelings that are itching your mind.
The scandals you are in lately.
The staff and other idols who are passing by while making your way towards the private room are constantly congratulating you and the members of your group. They all are having a wide smile across their faces but you just hesitantly smiled towards others. You know very well that everyone is aware of the scandal you are currently dealing with.
You excuse yourself from the washroom and Hongjoong notices you stepping away in another direction. He called out your name and asked where you were off to but you didn't reply or turned back.
All the members were gathered in front of their room to enter but when they saw their leader---the captain was standing in front of the door and looking in a particular direction. They all looked towards your fading figure into the hallway.
"Where is she going now?" San asked the captain but quickly noticed the anger on his face.
Hongjoong slammed open the door and others followed him inside the room, "I don't know. She didn't reply to me when I asked her. She is really becoming stubborn."
"What's her problem? Isn't she acting so childish all the time?" Mingi slumped down on a cushioned chair and closed his eyes when placing himself comfortably.
Jongho shook his head while removing the mic and earpiece from around his neck and placing it on the wide desk in front of the mirror. "What about the updates on her scandal? The way she is sneaking around here and there, I feel like believing those are not just scandals."
"No. I don't think that's possible. I don't see a sign from her taking any drugs." Seonghwa stated and looked at the leader who was leaning against the wall after removing all the unnecessary items from him. When he caught his eyes, the one standing sighed.
"But she didn't even deny it." Hongjoong said and raised a brow.
Yeosang nodded and spoke up, earning others attention to his words,"When the manager asked her to explain the matter she remained silent and was staring down as if she was high on drugs. Even when the company tried to answer the question about her on the internet, she refused to make a statement."
Some of them nodded and others had confusion visible on their faces.
Wooyoung pointed at your bag beside his and asked, "why did she bring this bag again?" He lifted the bag and found it to be the same bag which you're carrying everywhere, "it seems like she has a lot of stuff inside it."
"Open it." Hongjoong orders the younger one but he hesitated to the command. "I said open it. I am asking you for it and she has no say in this."
"But it's a girl's bag."
"Don't act like we don't stay together. Even if I ask her about bringing this bag, she won't reply. And if something inappropriate is there then we would apologize to her later."
The younger nodded but before he could open the bag. The manager entered. Hongjoong signaled to put the bag down.
It was always a bit challenging for you to be in a group where you are the only female member. All the fans accepted you very willingly and gave you lots of love on the day when it was announced you would be the last member of the debut line. Yeah, the competition had always included the five girls with the boys but you didn't expect back then to be in the lineup of the final showdown. As you were very sure of Minnie to be debuting with them. Her talents and looks are always remarkable and you admired her dance moves and vocals so much. And, you're sure others loved her more than you. They have a strong friendship with her even after her debuting in a different group 'Stray Kids'.
But your members never made you feel left out or different for being a girl. At first they were a bit hesitant to have you as the member but gradually you all became close and had so much fun together during the first MV shooting. Your debut was memorable with you all traveling to a different country and experiencing several new things.
Moreover, your members treated you like the baby of the group. They pampered you so much and of course, they won't leave a chance to annoy the shit out of you. You felt closer with Jongho because he was around your age so you were always paired up with him. And that's how the deep friendship started between you both.
Ateez are very close with Stray Kids and for that you all often meet them to dine out and hang out on off schedule days and after encore and promotion stages. You loved Minho's company a lot because you both clicked together perfectly. But there was something you noticed: San doesn't like you spending time with Stray Kids and sometimes, he and the others often drag you away with your members telling them that they need to hurry back to the dorm because something urgent came up. Only for you to get scolded later by Hongjoong that being so friendly with others would lead you to get into a lot of scandals.
What about them?
They often can be seen talking with Minnie after the performances or concerts and even two or three of them hanging out with her. Did you ever say anything? No. Then how come the dating rules only apply to you? You had enough one day and screamed at her and them, telling them that because of her Ateez would soon be under controversy but she quickly apologized to you and cried to them.
That was not the end. Because of her Hongjoong treated you really badly. He and other members used harsh words on you and others supported him on the fact that you had overreacted for no reason. They really started to go out alone without you - you were already used to it. But after the incident, they purposely made you feel left out. That didn't even stop them being friendly with her. They even did the new dance challenge with her and the way she was leaning on Seonghwa's arm made you glare at the video longer until the manager announced the practice time.
All these struggles really made you exhausted day by day and it's even showing in your performances and interaction with others. One afternoon, you were in the middle of the preparation for the comeback when you suddenly got to know about something trending under your name on all social media platforms.
'Is y/n really taking drugs?'
And the comments under the post - some supporting your side saying it's fake but you were shocked to see the amount of people believing the post and making strong comments that your recent appearances do look like you are under its effects. You ignored the news, you ignored everyone. You thought about the trainee days and then after debuting. You had lots of fun with Ateez. There are a lot of good memories and there are a lot more than just memories which couldn't be revealed everywhere. You tried to talk with others but never had the courage so you kept everything to yourself. Whenever you were asked to clarify on this matter, you remained silent.
One day, finally you had a talk session with your manager to discuss the ongoing situation. Many of your fans went against you and you accepted their opinions because you didn't make any strong denial statement on it so it's obvious for people to suspect you. You are being a bad influence on the industry.
"Are you sure about this?" the manager had concern and worry etched across her face but you just nodded and sighed when she kept staring at you.
"I don't want to change my mind. I have come up with this decision after thinking a lot."
She opened a file on her tablet before passing it to you to read, "read this. And, what about them? This is a big decision so please think carefully."
"I know."
"Will you be fine after this? People might blame you more."
"I don't have any other option. Even if I have, this is the only thing that seems right to me right now."
She just nodded in acceptance.
As the manager entered the room, she noticed Wooyoung placing your bag down to the side of the chair. Hongjoong stepped forward to greet her and she sent a quick smile to everyone present in the room, also noticing your absence there.
"You all don't have any more upcoming schedules this week so hurry up, we have to leave for the dorm. You guys look so tired. You all didn't got enough rest the last few days." She announced and stared at Hongjoong who seemed to want to ask her something.
"Do you want to say something?"
He nodded, "Y/n is not here since we came back from the stage. She went towards the stairs and I asked her but she seemed a bit lost. Where is she? Do you know about it?"
She sighed, "she is probably in the restroom, don't worry."
"Before the day of the comeback, she had a talk with you. What did she tell?" Seonghwa asked, who was now wearing a black t-shirt with just a washed face. He wasn't wearing his stage outfit anymore.
"You all will get to know about it tomorrow morning."
"What is it that you can't tell us now?" San asked her curiously.
She shook her head, "it's not like that. I can tell you but she doesn't want me to tell you. Don't get your hopes up. Just know it's nothing good." She handed over the food bag to them so that they could feed themselves inside the van while going back home. She asked the last two members to quickly change into a comfortable outfit and took your outfit to the restroom.
As soon as she handed you the outfit, you thanked her and asked her to wait outside. Changing into the comfortable soft fabrics made you sigh in relief. But you felt tears welling up in your eyes while staring down at the mic, earpiece and the stage outfit in your hand. A lot of emotions coursing through you but your mind was only focusing on the fact - this was your last stage performance.
You wiped your tears and put on a fake smile before exiting the door. the manager took the things from your hands but before you could step forward, she grabbed your wrist and looked at your face, scanning the smudged eyeshadow and liner. You were crying and she caressed your hand.
"Y/n, you are not okay with this. Please, I would suggest that you change your mind."
You shook your head before removing her hand. "Trust me. I will be okay without all of these problems." She watched your retreating figure until you took a sharp turn.
When you reached the door of the private room, it was expected to hear their loud laugh or them having weird singing competitions that could be heard from outside. But now, it's so quiet. Are they that tired? Or did they already leave for the dorm without you? That's not possible, the car was for you nine so it won't leave until nine of you have entered it.
You tightly held the handle before pushing the door open only to find them gathered around the couch but staring at you. You noticed Wooyoung holding a bag at the end of the couch.
A bag, wait, your bag. No!
You hurriedly went over to the couch to find it was your bag and the things were already scattered on it. You tried to pull the bag from his hold until Yeosang grabbed your wrist and turned you around.
"What is this?" he asked you in a demanding tone.
You licked your lips before prying his hand off from your wrist, "nothing. you don't have to know." You snatched the bag, "and why did you even touch my bag without my permission?"
"Since when are we asking each other to touch our things?" Yunho asked and got up from the chair to make his way towards you. You tried to pick up the things and place them inside the bag but Hongjoong blocked your hand and signaled Mingi to take the things away from you. The tall man finally stood in front of you, "and you better explain what all these boxes are for?"
Yunho exhaled sharply and grabbed your biceps tightly, "Y/n, what are you hiding from us? what is it that you can't tell us?"
Mingi was glancing between you and the things which he was putting inside the bag. Seonghwa stood beside the man holding you and stared at you sharply, "are these the drugs?"
"Please just shut up!" you screamed at them.
They slightly flinched at your sudden outburst but it was not noticeable by you as your teary eyes blurred your view. You put your palm over your ears and closed your eyes tightly.
"Please shut up. I can't hear any more of this. I know you don't trust me like before but please don't blame me every time. Because of me, this group is already under so much controversy and I'm really sorry for that."
You were going through a lot and having them all cornering you in the room, confined to a little space was too much.
San pushed Yunho so that he could hug your crying form, "It's okay, y/n. No one is blaming you. But why are there so many boxes containing various pills in your bag? You can tell me if those are distractions." he continuously rubbed your back.
You were crying in his hold, clutching his white t-shirt tightly. He didn't care that his fresh t-shirt was getting wet because of your tears when you were crying helplessly. It was breaking their heart to see you like this but what could they do. If you are doing something wrong then they must solve it and for that they need to talk to you but here you are not telling anything and always ignoring them since the incident happened between you and Minnie.
Realizing you were holding San tightly, you quickly removed his arms from around you and glared at him. Everyone observed your sudden change in mood and Hongjoong held your biceps to turn you towards him. At the tight hold you said harshly "let go of me."
"Y/n, enough. What's wrong with you suddenly?" His demanding tone was obvious and your glaring eyes didn't faze his expression. "Don't show me that look."
"Then leave me."
"Joong, leave her hand. We are all tired and we need to go to the dorm. We can ask her about this there." Seonghwa said calmly and placed his palm on the younger's shoulder. the latter sighed and you snatched your hand from him.
Everyone's eyes followed how disheveled you were looking while picking up your things and no one tried to stop you as you were all going to the same place after all. When you pulled the zip of your bag, Wooyoung stepped forward to offer you the food but you rejected it and went outside the room, slamming the door. They flinched at the loud noise but no one noticed your tears and emotions while exiting the private room backstage for the last time.
"I will be good without all of them." You have repeated this line to yourself a lot of times but still you felt the emotions to return back all over again.
Wiping your eyes, you raised your head only to find Minnie standing in front of you with folded hands and innocent eyes, the way she always looks at others. She was still wearing a faerie stage outfit and smiling at you. Ignoring her presence, you tried to turn around but her voice made you halt.
"Are you carrying those drugs in the bag again? So should I post it clearly that you are being spotted taking drugs?" she was smirking when you turned around.
"What are you saying?" You gripped the bag tightly when she glanced at it and chuckled. Stepping forward to you, her smirk grew wider, "it was me who posted that about you. and even if you say this to anyone, no one is going to believe you."
"It was...you." you watched her in disbelief when she lightly laughed and twirled a strand of hair between her delicate thin fingers. She pouted and blinked at you, "you shouted at me in front of them so I had to take my revenge."
"And it's just-"
"It hurts my pride." She made a disgusted face at you and bumped against your shoulder, "well, thank me for not doing something else but....I just ruined your career. Goodbye!"
You saw her walking like on a cat walk towards the corridor and smiling innocently to everyone in her way. She turned a little and smirked at you before taking a turn leaving you there in shock.
"Y/n...you're still here." You heard Jongho's voice and then saw others exiting the room but before they could ask you something, you ran towards the elevator and fortunately it just opened for the staff members queuing in front of it and you got inside with them. They were all glancing at you because of your weird behavior and you being alone with a sad look.
As soon as the ding sound indicated the arrival to the ground floor, you wasted no time and speedily walked towards the car. You got inside and sat in the far back, waiting for others to come.
After they got into the car, they found you sleeping peacefully at the back. "She is sleeping." Yunho told others and placed your head on his shoulder while adjusting in the seat beside you.
"Let her sleep. She is extremely tired." Hongjoong said and scolded Wooyoung who was about to say something loudly.
Seonghwa shook his head, "but she has to eat."
"I will feed her after we reach home. Leave her for a while. Let's not ask her anything more today." Yeosang started and closed his eyes while leaning back.
Yunho kept stroking your head so that you don't wake up and he felt you nuzzling into him and he smiled while looking down at you.
You stretched your arms, you heard their voices coming from a distance. You groaned and rubbed your eyes. Your body was aching so bad that you felt like going back to sleep again. But then you remembered your plans for this night.
You got up and stepped outside the room, their voices were coming from the living room and when some of them caught your sleepy figure entering the room they sent a smile towards you.
"Y/n come eat with me. Others have already had their dinner and I will accompany you while the rest keep doing whatever they do at the moment." Yeosang called you from the table and patted the chair beside him. You were hungry but you didn't feel like eating anything because of all the emotions you had inside.
Is my decision okay?
You shook off the feeling and walked towards the table. Some returned back to discuss the topic they were busy with and the youngest of the two joined you both at the table.
"So, as we don't have a schedule this week. How about we go on a trip somewhere?" Wooyoung suggested and Yeosang nodded before urging to start eating.
Your heart ached when you heard the joy in his voice and how they were planning for the week.
"But can we not spend time inside the dorm? I don't feel like going out." Jongho whined.
"What do you say, y/n?" Yeosang asked and you glanced at him to your side but remained silent.
He shared a glance with Wooyoung before the younger one spoke up: "Hey! Do you want to stay inside or go out? We will decide after what you say."
"I......whatever you all will agree on." You mumbled softly.
"I said whatever you guys will agree on! It doesn't matter what I say. You all will be off on your own." You stood up from the table and took deep breaths, "have fun without me. Whatever you guys do, enjoy yourself and live a happy life."
"Yeo I don't want to hear anything. I'm going to sleep. Goodnight."
The moment you had to pass the couch where others were sitting but their attention was on you after you shouted at the table, Mingi grabbed your hand, "Are you okay?"
You glanced at the grip and to the others.
"You all are always meant for each other. The eight of you are soulmates and I'm just an extra character who acted as a villain in the group and destroyed your success with my scandal."
Hongjoong stood up, "Don't think like that. We can sort this out together."
"No. People already hate me for this and even if I try to claim myself innocent then all the fame I have already lost is never coming back. I'll still receive more hate. It wouldn't have happened if you guys really cared for me." You whispered the last line.
San scratched his neck and spoke up, "But you have us. Even if they hate you, we will show them that you are the best."
"But you don't have me. I can't do anything in return so it's better for me to move away from the scene so that you don't have a problem on your way to success. There's still a long way to go and I can't stop you all from that."
Seonghwa shook his head, "You are not stopping us. You keep us motivated, Y/n. You'll always be with us like the final missing piece of the puzzle."
"Sometimes there's an extra piece to distract you and confuse you and I'm that extra piece. You are already complete without me."
"Why are you thinking like this?" Mingi asked you softly.
"Because you all made me feel like this." You sighed and turned back but before stepping forward, you said loudly, "Just remember that even if I'm not with you all in this journey you all will move forward and achieve everything. You deserve a lot and on top of that, be happy. Don't let yourself fall apart because of a missing piece."
Your quick steps led you to your room and you fell on your bed. Cries getting muffled by the sheet and you pushed your face into it more. When you were saying those words earlier, you stood strong but deep down, your heart was heavy.
Time passed and you didn't realize when you fell asleep. A figure stepped inside your room, he smiled at your sleeping figure, his dimples peeking out even in the dark and his sharp eyes staring at you softly. He adjusted your body to a comfortable position and pulled you closer to him, lulling you to sleep. You mumbled something in your sleep and he smiled and patted your head. Soon, he fell asleep with you in his arms.
Now, this is the secret that nobody knows yet. You're dating all of them. Since the day of the debut you all found comfort in each other's arms. This can't be mentioned in the public media and nothing can be obvious if you are really dating one of them - let alone all of them. They're always so protective and showered you with love, making your heart warm and a wide smile visible on your face.
In many shows and interviews, you've referred to them as your strongest pillars of life and that you would be always thankful to them for being with you.
But lately it turned into a disaster after you all met her again after a year at the show when Minnie introduced herself to them and they became friends quickly. You didn't mind the friendship at first but when they started to blame you on whatever she tells them, they started pointing out her right proving you wrong in every aspect.
She really had to destroy your career---even your relationship with them.
"You are here?" Yunho yawned while nodding his head and rubbed his eyes while making his way towards the table after greeting the leader. "I thought you're the one sleeping with her."
Yunho shook his head before gulping down the water, "No. San told me that he wanted to sleep with her." Hongjoong nodded and turned his attention back to the food on the table.
The rest of them soon started to gather around in the living room. Wooyoung saw San coming last into the wide space but all alone. He creased his brows and asked him, "Isn't she coming for breakfast?" He put down the plate on the table.
"It'll soon be lunch time." Jongho said and laughed. Yeah, it's true that they woke up so late that they have passed the morning and it's already noon but they're still preparing breakfast.
San, who was still rubbing his eyes, looked at him and then around the room, "She isn't here?"
"When I woke up, she was not in the bed."
Hongjoong stood up and took the phone in his hand before watching everyone in confusion,
"Did she tell any of you where she is going today? Does she have something to do?"
He dialed your number but the line was dead.
Mingi skipped to your room to see if you had left any sticky note but nothing was there. Wait. Not even your things were there. Only a few items were there but the photo frames with a few boxes were missing too. He went back into the living room to inform the others about it. They were so lost and confused about the situation when suddenly the doorbell rang.
Jongho quickly opened it to be greeted by their manager whose appearance was more serious than usual. She walked inside and looked at everyone before sighing and sitting on the chair near her, "Have you checked your phones?"
When they shook their heads and told her that they had just woken up. She turned her phone screen around to take a look at it.
'Y/n, the member of Ateez is leaving the group...'
San snatched the phone from her hand and scrolled down the whole post only to find out the news was announced by their own company and there was also an apology letter from your side posted. So many things happened just in the morning.
"What is this? Where is she?" Hongjoong demanded a clarification of this situation from her but she only shook her head before brushing some strands of hair back.
"She has already left the place. These past few days, you were busy and didn't notice her preparing for this day so I was there to help her collect everything. I tried to change her decision, make her understand but she had already lost hope in this. She was so disturbed with the whole scandal and all."
"Can't we contact her?" Wooyoung asked her while tears were threatening to fall from his eyes.
"No. Your company has banned you from having any contact with a former member. I don't think it's good for your image."
"I don't care about my image. I want her back. How can she leave the group? And she didn't tell us anything about this the whole time..."
Seonghwa looked at the leader and sighed, "That's why she was saying things like that last night."
And now, they realized how they have ignored you all these past months just to believe that girl whom they had befriended and trusted so much that they doubted you on taking drugs and being jealous of others too much.
But their career can't be stopped here. They need to move forward on this journey - even if that means with a missing piece in their group.
[2 years later]
"8 makes 1 team...Hello we are Ateez."
The whole audience in the arena cheered. Ateez with wide smiles and sparkling eyes were watching their fans from overseas greeting them by shouting out their names. They felt so loved at that moment that they forgot the pain inside their heart, not getting to be loved by you anymore.
They love their fans a lot but your love was the precious one and when Yeosang realized that you were not there beside him in the choreography, tears fell from his eyes. It's already been 2 years but still everytime he cries during this step where you are no longer smiling while spinning with him in the center.
The concert went for two hours and they quickly changed into some casual wear afterwards and decided on takeout for the day.
The next day, at night they planned to stroll around the city and take in the view of the new place overseas and enjoy the place. They were not given any schedules for the vlog so they were free to roam around.
"I have seen this place just across the street that has a good variety of foods. Let's try it out." Yunho stated his search for this place and others agreed quickly.
All of them entered the big glass door of the restaurant and eyes roaming around in appreciation of the new place. The things decorating the tables, shelves and each corner with the soft melody of the overflowing music with the right amount of warmth and light were a perfect setting. Many customers turned towards them, a table with four girls recognized them but the rest just watched them curiously as they were standing awkwardly until a waiter offered them a helping hand.
They opted for a table at the very end as it was a bit away from the other tables and a bit hidden by a wooden rack.
They all settled down and the waiter waited for them to order. After a lot of complaints, whines, bickers and scolding, they had decided on the menu to be ordered finally.
For the time being, they were waiting for the food to arrive. They gossiped on a lot of stuff, few scrolling through Instagram and taking aesthetic pictures of the place but they don't forget to see any update from your private account. nothing. Jongho sighed and switched off his phone.
"Here is the food!" A cheerful voice made them look up at the person with two others trailing behind her. The girl didn't look at their faces but the eight boys from around the table were staring at her. she was joking with the girl beside her while placing all the bowls down the table. the other two left her when she turned around, "is there some-"
her voice got lost in her throat when she finally locked eyes with the ones watching her intently.
"y/n. you are here."
oh. they're having tours in this country. you're so busy these past few days that you didn't notice that they have announced the tour dates. yeah, even if you have left the group and moved away to a different country, you keep yourself updated with them.
you just can't get over them and this kills you inside.
"uh...um...congratulations on the comeback."
"Why did you leave the group? You don't even contact any of us." Hongjoong asked you from just the opposite direction from where you were standing.
"Isn't it obvious that I left the group not to keep in touch with you all?"
"But why?"
"Now your group is free from scandals and under no controversy. You all are having comebacks and your fans even forgot about me and giving you all the love you guys deserve. So what's the point of me being there." You chuckled in an unamused way.
Wooyoung stood up and suddenly hugged you catching you off guard, "you don't know how much we missed you. Everyday we thought that you'll call one of us or will show up to the front door. But you totally disappeared."
"It hurt us, baby. It hurts to not wake up to your side. It hurts not to see your smiling face and you walking around the dorm. Heck! I watched all the videos of you to hear your voice." San bit his lip to prevent himself from crying.
It hurts me too...
You just curled your fingers, wanting them to stop or you might break down in front of them. You thought after joining at your friend's restaurant that you won't ever come across your past life but who knew after two years here, you would be facing them again.
Licking your lips, you pushed Wooyoung off from you and eyed him before turning to them, "but you all became used to ignoring me then why suddenly you all are acting like this."
"No it's not like that."
"Really Mingi? Are you sure you're not the person who blamed me that for me all your hard work will be gone."
The chatters around the place increased with the entry of some more customers. Little did you know, your friend noticed the current situation you were in and she told other workers to take your place and not mind anything at the end table.
Jongho glared at Mingi but still he also knew that the news got them all shattered because it was their first accusation after the debut and they knew very well the cause of any controversy regarding a group. They all feared for their dreams to be crashing down.
But they were also worried for you. They all asked you about it but you're not the outspoken type and you remained silent and refused to talk to anyone. You distanced yourself from them when they hinted their anger towards you and it really scared you.
and that girl Minnie really played her wicked games with them at their weakest moment. "I'm sorry. Please forgive us for not being there for you. We-"
"Jongho, there's nothing to forgive or forget. I had some great memories with you all and I loved every moment but for me I don't want someone's dreams to end."
You weakly smiled at them.
"But what about you? How are you?" Seonghwa asked you while he approached you and held your hands in his, he caressed the soft skin and stared down.
"Honestly, I don't even know about myself. I'm totally living a different life. People don't recognize me after dying my hair and not wearing makeup and I don't come out often to serve the customers but unfortunately today I did and...."
"And what about the......drugs?"
"It's okay Hwa. He is just obeying his rules being a leader." You bit your lip when retreating the hand from the hold, "those boxes in my bag were not drugs. Those were my anxiety pills. I used label-less boxes so that people won't know about my problems but that only led to some bigger problems."
Yunho stepped forward, "you had anxiety?" You nodded.
"What caused you this? I swear y/n tell me what happened to have this happen?" He was furious and you watched his impatient hand brushed his hair back.
"Yunho.....it's you guys. You all did this to me." After voicing out the words, you stared at them blankly.
"Us?" Yeosang asked you but also to himself.
"The ignorance. The blames and accusations adding up to the online comments on my posts were stressing me out and I had a consultation with my family psychiatrist." You sighed at the end of the sentence.
San suddenly asked you, "what about your dreams, y/n? You shared so many things with me with us. You planned a whole future with us. What about that?"
"I really wanted to spend my whole life with you all. To create so many memories together but I think those will just remain as dreams because of the rumors. Even if I want to get back. I won't because it would hamper your future and dream."
"But who spread the rumors on drugs?" Hongjoong sat down and held his head.
"It's-... it's..." you bit your lips and proceeded, "it's nothing. You don't have to worry about it now. I'm out of this whole thing and you are all free from all controversial posts."
You tried to smile but the tears falling from your eyes betrayed you.
"You are not coming back to us?" Yunho held your hand, he held it so dearly as if you were a delicate person. He didn't want to let it go but still somewhere in your eyes he saw the distance between you both.
There was no sign of love from you.
Jongho came in front of your view, "but please we need you. It's no more the same feelings without you. There's really a missing piece in our life." He gulped the lump of sadness and continued, "and, It's you, y/n."
"No you are a perfect team even without me. Eight makes a perfect team like you." You looked over all of them.
"And nine makes the perfect family." Seonghwa said in a hushed voice.
You shook your head, "then work on your teamwork and make it a family. I hope you will find a better girl for yourselves."
Wooyoung pushed aside Seonghwa and cupped your cheek and Hongjoong just stood behind him, watching you keenly.
"Please, y/n don't do this to me. I got to see you after two years and...and just for you to say leave me again?"
"Woo, people might be watching."
"I don't care."
"But I care. I have to work unlike you who will go back to your country after the tour ends. I have to stay back here and face these customers again and if somehow this scene got to the media then it'll be a new situation to handle. Please, I beg you. I don't want to be in a similar situation again."
You inhaled and continued, "and this time it won't be because of me but because of you. So stop before anything happens again."
" but you can stay with us. We can move out from the dorm and stay somewhere else. Also, you don't have to be with us for the sake of being a group member but as our girlfriend." Hongjoong said the words very precisely but you just laughed at him.
"You have lost the right to call me that way before. Don't say that word again. I hate it. I don't want to stay with any of you."
"The food is getting cold. They worked hard in preparing this."
San held your hand when you stepped back, "At Least eat with us. Last time, you didn't even eat properly with us."
"Y/n, I miss you a lot." Yeosang looked at you with a longing feeling but you just ignored it.
I miss you all too...
And I know I shouldn't...
You took deep breaths, "I'm telling this to all of you. And it's my final wish to you so please kindly keep it. Just forget about me. You all have a long way to go to achieve success. Don't get stuck in the past. Pretend I never met you all. I was never a part of your life."
San gripped your wrist tighter.
Hongjoong said in a low voice, "this is impossible for us to do. How can we forget you? How can we forget all the memories of us?"
You stared at the grip and glanced at his face. He had changed a lot in these two years and the maturity in his voice and demeanor was visible.
He stared at you helplessly and waited for your response. You removed the grip and turned around.
"Enjoy the meal!"
How can they just eat now? They all have lost their appetite after this and the way you didn't even turn back to them for the last time left them staring at your direction until you disappeared behind the door beside the desk.
You entered the door and tears slid down your cheek and whispered to yourself, "pretend I was just a missing piece of your dream."
[I just realized that I don't know how to write 9th member aus like what did I write here. It could have been better but still I tried so appreciate me🥹]
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Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @hwanring @sanwifesstuff @kiwiisnthereoops @kiwiraccoon @hyuukah @kazscara @aceofspadesbiofalltrades @nvdhrzn @meowmeeps @vtyb23 @haechansbbg
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dreamofbecoming · 1 year
listen i know we all love steve “completely ignorant of queer culture to the point that bisexuality is a surprise” harrington being roasted and educated in turns by robin and eddie, yadda yadda, good stuff. i read “they made a horror version of rocky?” in a fic recently and cackled. also a big fan of “he knew he was bi from the start and just never talked about it” as a trope, love it excellent well done
but what about steve who realizes after starcourt that the most important person in his life now has this thing that’s a major part of her life that he knows nothing about, and what if he fucks it up? what if he says something ignorant or rude by accident, and hurts her? what if he loses her because he didn’t know the right thing to say? what if he can’t keep her safe because he doesn’t know what to look out for? absolutely fucking not, this steve says
and listen she’d never say anything, because she can tell that he can tell how much she likes teasing him and teaching him things, so he plays dumb, and she thinks it’s very sweet. but she notices when the zines she keeps under her bed that she buys at that one secret bookshop in indy when she can sneak away on family trips start going missing, always one at a time, and replaced in a few days with another disappearing. and she finds the new ones he must have gone to buy the weekend she was at her aunt’s house hidden in the back of his closet when she goes to steal one of his sweaters. and she notices when he slips more of her queerer movie recommendations into his personal take home pile rather than the movie night stack when he thinks she’s not looking.
she doesn’t notice when he drives to indianapolis after she tries to explain to him why she can’t just ask out a cute girl, tries to impress on him the fear attached to every moment of attraction that he simply has never had to feel, but later she finds a crumpled receipt from a diner in one of his jacket pockets when she’s looking for his keys, and the address is across the street from the bar the gorgeous woman at the bookstore told her about, the one she memorized the address of but hasn’t worked up the guts to think about visiting, and she knows he must have gone looking for a place like that, must have been trying to understand, must have been scoping it out to make sure it was somewhere she could feel safe, after she told him she never had.
so when eddie nearly pops a blood vessel when they clock each other and she mentions that steve is the only person she’s ever come out to before, her hackles come up. because she gets it, she does, he’s only known king steve until recently, so it makes sense that he would be afraid, be concerned for her safety.
but steve is her person, and no one- no one- has ever made her feel as protected or as cared for as he does. no one has ever tried as hard to understand her, no one has ever put so much work into making her feel safe and seen and loved. and she thinks maybe even if no one else ever does, that’s ok. because she has steve, and more importantly steve has her, and that means no one gets to question his ally credentials in her presence without a dressing down to remember, no matter how well they mean or how recently they helped save the world.
(and maybe she’s not as surprised as she could be when he figures out bisexuality all on his own, because she’s been reading all the same pamphlets he has, after all. and she’s seen the way he looks at eddie, i mean come on. maybe no one else has noticed, but then, nobody knows steve harrington like she does.)
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birdiewriteslit · 5 months
OMGGG!!! i saw ur post abt luke requests and im so glad i did bc i have also had a terrible poseidons daughter!reader brainrott
could you write smth about luke and pd!reader sneaking out to go on a date and then getting caught and sassed out by percy?? 🫶
yes ofc! we love persassy here
luke castellan x daughter of poseidon!reader
warnings: just persassy and a make out sesh
for the sake of this fic let’s pretend that curfew and harpies don’t exist at chb
The knock came at 10:30 pm. You were feeling very lucky in that moment that Percy was a heavier sleeper than you. You tiptoed to the door, opening it slowly and as quietly as possible.
The moment you turned to face Luke after closing the door with caution, his lips were on yours. You pulled away before he managed to convince you to continue right there in front of your cabin.
“Luke!” you whisper shouted. “You can’t do that here.”
He grinned, bringing both hands to your waist, squeezing once. “What? I can’t kiss my girlfriend?”
“Your secret girlfriend, and no, not until we’re at least fifty feet away from the cabins,” you reminded him.
“Stop pretending you don’t want to,” he said, teasing.
He was right, you were pretending. You were flustered by the kiss, and he could tell. You kind of hated how good he was at knowing and how he was even better at making it worse.
“Let’s just go,” you said, not looking at him as you grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the beach.
You eventually made there, getting stopped by Luke’s advances on you every once in a while. He settled next to you on the sand, and tugged at the string on your hoodie. “Can we make out now?”
You gave him a look, one that he knew didn’t actually mean no, even though you tried to make it look like you were serious. “Damn, give me a second. Why’re you so desperate tonight?”
“Because I love you,” he said plainly, swinging an arm around your shoulders and pressing a kiss your cheek. “And I haven’t seen you all day. Is it a crime to miss you?”
You rolled your eyes even though you were blushing. “Stop being so sweet.”
“Stop being so beautiful,” he countered, wasting no time in dropping his head down to meet your lips. You brought your hands up to his face, cupping his cheeks and deepening the kiss.
He shifted your legs over his lap with his free arm, the other one pulling you even closer, his fingertips grazing over your hair.
You let your fingers tangle themselves in his curls, slightly tugging at them. He let out small noise, curling his hand around your neck and running his thumb along your jaw. “Oh, Luke,” you moaned into his mouth.
“So, I’m guessing this isn’t the way to the bathrooms?”
Your brother’s voice made you spring away from Luke, pushing him back with your palm on his chest.
Your face was burning as you made a large effort to not make eye contact with Luke. “Percy, you know where the bathrooms are.”
“That’s beside the point. What are you doing with this freak of nature?” he asked, quite seriously, as he folded his arms over his chest.
“Freak of nature?” Luke protested, but Percy held up one hand to silence him.
“Didn’t ask for your input.” He gave Luke a dirty look before turning to you. “Are you going to explain yourself? Hm?”
“We’ve been seeing each other,” you said, looking cautiously over at Luke. “For a while now.”
“A while? You’ve been settling for this pervert for a while?”
“Settling isn’t the word I’d use.”
“Pervert isn’t either,” Luke added unhelpfully.
“Well, judging by what I just walked in on, it’s the one I would use,” Percy said. “Come on, Y/n, let’s go to bed, which is where we’re supposed to be because it’s nighttime.”
“No buts! Let’s go.” He turned on his heel and started to walk away.
“And here I was, thinking he liked me,” Luke said despairingly.
You stood, wiping sand off of your pants. “He’ll come around,” you reasoned.
“Please, give me one more kiss before I have to say goodbye forever,” he said dramatically, taking your hand and rising to his knees.
You giggled. “You’re so weird.” But you still indulged him, leaning down to press your lips to his.
“Stop doing that!” Percy shouted in the distance.
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neouture · 11 months
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Admiring You
Pairing — Jaemin x Reader
Words — 3,530 words
Genre — 18+, smut, fluff
Warnings — Fem!reader, established relationship. Use of petnames (Jaemin is whipped about being called “baby”), dirty talk, cursing, oral sex (f. receiving), grinding/humping against each other, mild nipple/breast play, lots of praises, mild spanking, jaemin is enthusiastic about reader's ass for this one lmao, unprotected sex (don't do it !), creampie.
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The corners of your lips rise in a small smile when the mirror's reflection shows Jaemin in awe. He is sitting at the edge of the bed right behind you, but even in such a position where your back is facing him, he manages to find your reflection on the full-length mirror in front of you.
“You,” Jaemin sighs, licking his bottom lip while his eyes do a quick scan of you —from head to toe, he hopes his gaze doesn’t miss a single inch of the flesh in front of him. “God, you’re so-”.
He doesn’t even finish the sentence, yet he has you shying away from his words and eyes.
“Yeah, right,” you crack a small, timid laugh, “stop staring at me, I mean it!”
He's unlucky you're standing right next to the chair of your desk that, strategically, has a big, soft cushion on it. Because the minute you spot it, you throw it at him playfully. However, you're unlucky he is great at everything that involves physical activity, so the playful teasing does nothing to him because before you can tell, he has already caught the cushion with his hands. No impact, and no desired effect either.
Disappointed, you return to your previous task, and Jaemin seemingly does the same —you’re fixing your wet hair, and he’s back staring at you in awe.
“I was thinking we could order takeout,” you tell him, trying to fill the void of silence with anything.
Jaemin hums in response.
“I really don’t feel like going out right now, I just took a shower. Plus there’s this show I’ve been wanting to watch with you-” another hum from your boyfriend as a response, so your furrowed eyebrows find his reflection in the mirror, slightly annoyed. “Jae?”
It isn't uncommon for Jaemin to get lost in his trail of thoughts. “Mhm?”
When you turn around to confront him, you realize he isn’t lost in his trail of thoughts like he usually is. He is right there with you, his gaze is all over your figure, and his mind is there —he’s just planning something out.
“Take off the bathrobe,” he asks, without thinking twice —he might as well do so, because the bathrobe isn’t doing anything to hide your precious body from him. “Please”.
It looks good on you, he admits. But you look way better without it.
“Do you want to order take out yes or no?”
The sudden plea makes your skin feel hot, but you try to pretend it didn’t affect you at all for any reason. It’s a silly game you often play with yourself, where you try to drag out Jaemin’s desire until he is too close to the edge to bear it.
“I’m not hungry,” he tells you with half a smile, tilting his head. “I mean I am, but not for food”.
The way he is staring at you from head to toe tells you everything you need to know about his innuendo, but isn't it more fun to act clueless? To pretend you don't understand him until he's too desperate for you to keep on dragging this little game on?
“So take off your bathrobe,” Jaemin insists again, this time pulling you closer to him, trapping you between his legs while he sits at the edge of the bed. “Please?”
You stare at him, placing both your hands on his shoulders.
“Should I?” you tease your boyfriend with a cheeky smile peeking through the corners of your lips.
“I know you want to,” he sighs, sneaking both his hands to the back of your legs and hooking them around your inner thighs. He caresses them oh so sensually, dragging them up and then a bit down, making you wish for more. “Don’t you?”
You pretend you think about it, but his intimate touch makes it hard for you not to give in.
“You want it,” Jaemin drags the tip of his digits a bit too far up. Too close to your core that’s aching for him, too close to offering any kind of stimulation that it’s going to make you lose your mind. “Don’t think I didn’t notice how you kept staring at me the whole time. Your eyes were all over my ass”.
He feels his cock twitching when the words come out of your mouth, because you’re definitely not that far from the truth. He was, indeed, staring —how couldn’t he? The silk fabric hugged your body tightly and left nothing to the imagination; it sticks to your flesh like another set of skin, and it also lets Jaemin know you’re wearing absolutely nothing underneath it.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice how you kept bending over just for me to watch,” your boyfriend counter attacks, and suddenly you feel shy. You were teasing him, yes, but it's kind of embarrassing he brings it up.
“I wasn’t,” you say, shaking your head slowly. “I was just brushing my hair”.
“Hm,” Jaemin hums, finally dragging his fingers all the way to your naked core, rubbing the tip of two against your slit.
“Are you sure?” he asks, defiantly. With his penetrative and intimidating gaze all over you, like it's some sort of trial.
Like he has to prove something to you.
“Yes, baby,” you murmur, moving the palms of your hands from his shoulders to his neck. Your boyfriend tilts his head, just at the same time his hands move forward to the naked flesh of your ass. When you feel him squeezing it a bit too harsh, you know you’ve hit the spot.
“Baby?” he repeats with a hoarse voice, like he’s trying to remain collected.
“What?” a smile brightens your face, “you don’t like it when I call you that?”
You know the answer, but you still want to hear it from him. In exchange, though, all you get is silence and a challenging gaze, one that tells you you’re pushing him closer to the edge faster than expected.
“Hm, baby?” you ask again, tilting your head at him. “Cat got your tongue?”
With a sudden movement, Jaemin pulls you towards his lap —you’re no longer standing between his spread legs, but sitting on top of his throbbing bulge that feels tightly pressed against your wet pussy.
This time around, he doesn’t ask you to take off the silk robe. His hands do so delicately, untangling the barely-made ribbon at the front to reveal your naked body to him like you're some sort of gift he has to unwrap.
“Fuck,” he sighs when the fabric is discarded to the floor, leaving you completely exposed for him.
His gaze flies directly to your breasts, the sight of their perfect curvature and hardened nipples makes his cock twitch painfully under you, demanding your attention.
“You look beautiful,” Jaemin whispers underneath his breath, too quiet to be heard from a distance but you pick it fairly well. He places his hands on your hips and pulls you even closer to him, until his tongue latches and swirls around one of your hardened buds.
“God,” his soft lips and wet tongue feel heavenly on your breasts. Your skin gets covered in goosebumps quickly, and you soon feel your body trembling against him. “Don’t- fuck Jaemin, don’t stop”.
He smiles against your skin, but loses no time to provide you with even more stimulation. He drags his hands from your hips to your arse, and he grips it tightly while pressing his body against yours.
“So good,” Jaemin murmurs, caressing and squeezing your ass while guiding your hips over his lap. Your body reacts instinctively, and the more he touches you, the more you grind against his bulge.
“Yeah?” you ask with a deep sigh, wrapping your hands and arms around his neck. “I’m good?”
“Perfect,” he smiles, landing a soft and gentle slap on one of your ass cheeks. It isn’t painful, but the sharp feeling it’s enough to have you whimpering against his lips. “You’re perfect”.
You wish to stay forever like this, hugging him tightly with your pussy pressed against his cock. You want to feel his hands all over you, at all times —on your breasts, on your hips and on your ass. But you’re getting desperate.
Jaemin can tell, by the way you move your hips deeper and faster, trying to get more friction and stimulation. He can even feel how wet you are through the fabric of his shorts.
“I want to taste you,” he sighs, pressing a kiss on your chest, then on your neck and one on your lips. “Let me eat your pussy out”.
There’s something enticing about how dirty Jaemin can get with his words. You love how raw they sound, how the more turned on he gets, the more he stops thinking about everything too much.
So you stand up from his lap, and just when you’re about to get in the usual position —lying down with your back against the mattress and your legs spread— Jaemin motions you to get on your knees.
The position is rather new for this specific practice, but you don’t seem to hate it —your knees are pressed against the mattress, your back is arched and your ass is completely exposed for him. The only thing you dislike it’s the fact that you can’t see him or his face, but you completely become mindless once his tongue laps at your slit.
“Fuck,” Jaemin groans. Guttural, even animalistic.
The louder he gets, the more you melt.
He buries his face between your legs, and loses no opportunity to have his hands all over your ass. He often fantasies with you sitting on top of his face, grinding your wet pussy against his lips while you get off with him. Tonight, though, he wants to be fully in control of your pleasure, so he pushes that fantasy aside for a little while.
“Taste so good,” he murmurs, collecting all your wetness with his own tongue and smearing it along your slit. He’s messy with it, and neither of you seem to care. “Your body it’s- just fucking perfect”.
You moan at his words, and arch your back even harder at his ministrations.
“Shit, baby,” you whine, gripping the bed sheets with your hands in an attempt to hold on to something. Normally you’d do so latching your fingers along his long hair, but since the position doesn’t allow you too, the bed sheets will have to do for now.
“You have no idea how much I love it when you call me that,” your boyfriend hisses, offering you yet another soft spank to your ass cheeks. “I swear you have me wrapped around your finger, pretty”.
The more he praises you, the closer you get to your orgasm. Not only that, but his wet tongue feels heavenly in you —he knows your body like the back of his hands, and knows exactly what and where to touch.
“I’m all yours,” he coos, sucking on your throbbing clit and making your body jolt forward. “Are you all mine?”
“Yes!” you gasp without thinking it twice, feeling your orgasm approaching. “I’m all yours, Jae”.
Jaemin smiles against your pussy. He knows you’re close, judged by how you’re curling your toes and your body is becoming stiff. He can faintly taste your orgasm, and he isn’t going to stop until you’re coming all over his face, letting him know how good he is making you feel.
At the same time, he’s desperate to come too. You’re so made for each other, that he could just get off to the taste and sound of you —many times he has reached his orgasm untouched, just by pleasuring you. He fears tonight might be one of those days, but he’s trying hard to control himself.
“You’re about to come,” he tells you. It’s not a question, nor an assumption. Jaemin knows you’re seconds away from your high, he can feel it just as if your bodies are one. “Come for me”.
He has you weak. Everything about him makes you feel weak, and you can’t help yourself but do exactly as he tells you. He holds that much power over your body, and you’ve known it for a while now.
“Baby!” you gasp one more time, burying your head against the mattress while you try your best to remain in your position. The pleasure is too overwhelming to complete such a task, but Jaemin’s tight grip around your thighs and ass makes it easier for you.
“I know,” he murmurs, his silky voice feeling like a breath of fresh air in the midst of the overstimulating sensations. “It feels good, hm?”
You nod frantically, tears spilling from the corners of your eyes. It feels too good.
“Come, baby,” Jaemin encourages you, keeping you in place by hooking his arms around you. “Let me taste you”.
The way he grips and massages your ass, paired with the feeling of his lips against your core and the filthy words that are falling carelessly from his mouth, you finally reach your anticipated orgasm.
Your boyfriend tastes every single drop of it, and the lewd noises he makes against your throbbing pussy do nothing but increase your own arousal. You’ve always loved how messy and passionate Jaemin can get, and tonight it’s no exception.
“Shit- baby!” He gives you no time to overcome your orgasm, and continues eating you out until your body becomes limp. You have no strength on your arms or knees whatsoever, but you still manage to stay in place helped by Jaemin's grip on you. The pleasure it’s becoming too much, but you don’t want him to stop.
Not at all.
“That’s it,” Jaemin coos, smiling in victory when he’s done licking you clean.
He can’t spend another minute without being inside of you, and you’re weakly swaying your hips letting you know that you want him just as much as he wants you, so he loses no time before discarding his clothes to the floor.
“Baby,” you murmur, shifting your position on the mattress slightly. However, he’s quick to stop you.
“Wait,” Jaemin holds your hips firmly, making you stay still in the position you’re in —knees and palms against the mattress, on all fours with your back arched and your ass up for him. “Let me fuck you like this,” he tells you, and you can pick up the neediness of his voice. He’s desperate to come too, and he wants to do so with you. “Let me see how you swallow me full”.
You love watching him fuck you, but you can’t refuse —you know how much he loves this position and the best part is that he is very vocal about it. So you do as you’re told, and fix your body on the mattress.
It takes him barely a couple of seconds before you feel his hands guiding your hips all the way to his erected cock, the tip of it rubbing against your slit while coating himself with your wetness. You’re more than ready to take him, and he slides right in so easily that it makes him grunt.
“You’re so- tight, and warm” he hisses as he bottoms out, feeling his pubis hitting against your ass.
“Yeah?” you ask, doing your best to bear the painful stretch. He prepared you well, but the very first seconds are always uncomfortable until your walls get used to his girth.
“And you look- so good from this angle,” Jaemin praises you, and you smile. “God you’re so- I love how your ass looks while you’re taking me in your pussy”.
You sway your hips just a little, and that single motion makes him lose his mind for a while. He loves how good your ass looks, how it feels when he grips it with both his hands. He also loves to fuck you from behind and see how it bounces against his cock.
It’s such a pleasant view.
“Fuck me,” you plea, fucking yourself on his cock just slightly.
Any other day, Jaemin would love for you to take control and fuck yourself on him. But right now, he’s too desperate to feel you.
He places both of his hands on your hips and starts pounding himself inside you. He does so slowly at first, but the needier he got, the faster he starts to fuck you.
“Can you feel me?” Jaemin asks with hitched words, biting his lower lip to prevent being too loud. “Can you feel how hard you fucking make me?”
You cry both at his words and the feeling of his cock ramming inside of you. He’s going so deep, and particularly fast, that it gives you no time to respond.
“I can’t control myself when I’m around you,” he confesses through gritted teeth, leaning down to pepper a couple of kisses on your naked back. “You’re so- hot, can’t keep my hands off of you”.
There’s something enticing about how Jaemin looks at you, about how you always catch him staring at your body at any given situation. You love how he always checks you out, how he sneakily spanks your ass while you pass by him in a public place. You love how much he likes your body, and how good he makes you feel about it.
No one has adored your body as much as he does.
“I’m all yours,” you tell him, feeling the tension starting to unravel in your lower tummy. You guide one of your hands to your throbbing clit and start rubbing it almost at the same pace as his thrusts.
Jaemin can feel how hard you’re clenching around him, how your walls are squeezing him tight, begging for his release. He knows you’re close too, again, by how wet you’re getting.
So why wait? The whole night is ahead of you, and he still has the needed stamina to fuck you in every single position he knows, so he doesn’t want to waste any more time before coming with you.
“I’m close,” he sighs, closing his eyes and kicking his head back. You feel heavenly around you, but he wants to come with you.
At the same time if possible.
“I’m too-” you cry, feeling drool spilling from your mouth and staining the bed sheets.
“Come with me,” his voice and breath are shaky, his thrusts are getting sloppier and the lewd noises coming out of his mouth get louder with each second that passes by. You know he is also close, so you decide to give in.
“Won’t hold it-” you warn him, gripping the bed sheets while you do your best to stay still. “Fuck, baby- I’m-”.
You don’t have to tell him you’re coming because he is feeling it. He can feel your walls spasming, he can see your whole body trembling and he can hear how you chant his name over and over again.
It takes him one last look to your body fucking itself into his cock to come undone, all for you. The sight of your arse pressing against him, and his hand groping the flesh of it it’s what pushes him to the highest point of his arousal.
He loves to touch you and grope you like your body belongs to him, knowing that no one else gets to feel your body like this. He loves how perfect you are, how each part of your body drives him insane.
He loves everything about you, and the adoration he holds for you is equal to the lust and desire he feels towards you.
Jaemin comes inside you, whispering sweet nothings into your ear from behind. He fills your pussy up to the brim, until it is leaking.
“Fuck,” he sighs as he manages to overcome his high. He’s breathing loudly and heavily, his throat feels dry and his head dizzy. Jaemin is still feeling the ravages of his orgasm, from the tip of his toes to his crotch.
It’s an overwhelming feeling he adores, and one he can only achieve when he is with you.
“Thank you,” you finally tell him when he plops down onto the bed. You lay right beside him, not caring that his arousal is leaking out of you. For a reason, it feels too intimate.
“For what?” Jaemin asks with a weak smile, turning to face you.
“For all your words,” you return the smile. “You always make me feel attractive, beautiful”.
Jaemin pulls your body close to him, until your head rests at the top of his naked chest. Then, he places a kiss on top of your forehead.
“You are attractive, and beautiful,” he sighs, hugging you tightly. “Perfect, even”.
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Author's note: I hope you enjoy this one! I apologize if I fucked up the grammar or spelling, english is not my first language and I haven't proofread this so I hope it's okay! This is my first drabble/story here, and I'm very happy to share it with you. Please, if you enjoy it, leave a comment or a reblog. It would mean the fucking world to me istg. Love you all!
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1K notes · View notes
samandcolbyownme · 2 months
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Summary: Kooks and Pogues don't really get along, but reader and Rafe make it work.
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, fluff - Rafe is super clingy with you, secret relationship, flirting, secret texting, pogue!reader with possibly divorcing parents, kissing, lying to friends, sneaking off at a party, phone sex, masterbation, choking, biting, scratching, hair pulling, unprotected sex, filth 
Word count: 4.9k | unedited 
╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
You lay on your bed, smiling and giggling as you text back and forth with your very secret kook boyfriend, Rafe. 
Yeah, yeah. Kooks and Pogues, they don't get along, blah blah. 
But you and Rafe do.
Cannot wait to see you tonight, my beautiful girl. Did you pick out a dress for the party yet? 
You bite down on your bottom lip, typing back a response to Rafe, Wouldn't you like to know, lover boy. 
You tuck your phone back into your pocket and look up just as Kie walks in the door, "So tell me how we managed to get an invite to Sarah's party." 
You sigh, "Okay. But you have to promise you won't get upset or tell anyone I told you." 
She nods, "Ohh I like where this is going." She sits down on your bed, "Tell me." 
"John B and Sarah are secretly seeing each other." You stare at her and she laughs, "What?" 
You nod, "The only reason I know that is because I went over to hang out with John B and.. they must have lost track of time." 
"Oh Jesus." Kie shakes her head, "I actually don't like where this is going." 
You laugh slightly, "Yeah, I was actually shocked when I seen them, but honestly, after talking to them before she left." You shrug, "They seem to be really happy sigh each other." 
Kie rolls her eyes, "Oh yeah. I'm sure." 
You chew on your lip as your phone is one new message away from the secret you're hiding, too. 
"Just.. let him tell you. Don't tell him I told you." You laugh, "As crazy at it seems, it seems to work." 
"John B and Sarah Cameron?" She raises her brows, "That's just.. crazy to me. That would be like rafe and you." 
Your heart skips a beat and you quickly push out a laugh, "Please." You roll your eyes, "Me and Rafe? That would never work, even if I wanted it to." 
Kie looks at you and at this point, your heart is about to fall out of your ass. 
She tilts her head, "I mean, I can say that Sarah is better than Rafe, I mean." She laughs slightly, "he's a psychopath." You force a laugh because you know that isn't true, for you at least. 
Rafe is, literally on his hands and knees begging to see you. 
He's good morning texts and last person you talk to before you go to sleep. 
He's nothing like the Rafe they know. 
Polar opposite. 
"so I guess.. I'm just glad it's them two over the other option." Kie says and you look at her, "Oh yeah." You try not to seem nervous, "I'm happy for them, really." 
She checks her phone, "Shit. I gotta go meet JayJ." She stands up, "I'll pick you up later? We can go to the party together." 
You nod, "Okay." You watch as she leaves your room and you pull your phone out after hearing the front screen door shut. 
A smirk grows across your lips as you read, Please. I miss my girl so much right now. 
You get up, walking over to your closet as you type, Things been stressful lately? 
You always loved how fast Rafe answers you. 
No matter what he's doing, he makes sure to always answer. 
You have no idea, baby. I haven't seen you, I need to feel you. Fuck, I miss you. 
You have never seen a more softer side of Rafe. You honestly never really would, but to your surprise, you were the one who brought it out of him. 
You are the only Pogue he'd ever really associate with in any other way. You have a way with him that even had himself questioning the whole thing for a while, but he got into you having control over him, too.
He still, now jokingly, is mean to you when you're around your other friends, only because he's mean to them, but you give it right back to him. 
And he loves it, but pretends that he doesn't. 
You pull your dress out of the closet and set it down to undress. You slip it on, giving yourself a look in the mirror, fixing it to make sure it shows your cleavage. 
You snap a picture, typing a text before hitting send, Maybe you'll have to get me alone tonight so you can lift the back of this up, yeah? 
You smirk at your screen, waiting for his text to pop up. You giggle as you read it, Was already on my mind, Princess. 
You sit down on your bed and look at the time. You had to be ready in two hours. You bite your lip, shrugging as you start to type, Are you able to call me? 
A few minutes later, your phone rings and you bring it to your ear as you answer, "Hey babe." 
"What's goin' on Princess." Rafe asks with a laugh and you sigh, "Since you said you need me, too, I can't stop thinking about you." 
"Ohh." Rafe sighs, "I see. I see. You want me to talk you through it, hmm?" You nod to yourself, "I do." 
"Mm. Well you're lucky I got some free time." 
You can hear Rafe getting up to shut his door and you smirk, dragging your dress up your thighs with your fingers. 
"What are you doing right now?" Rafe asks, "Besides thinking about me." 
You laugh slightly and smile, "I'm just pulling my dress up my legs." 
"The one that I'm going to be pulling up later myself, huh?" Rafe asks and you sigh as you press your fingers onto your clothed clit, "Uh huh." 
"Mm. That dress makes your boobs look incredible." You can hear the smirk in Rafe's voice and you giggle, "Thank you, baby." 
"Are you rubbing that clit f'me, baby?" Rafe asks and you breathe out, "Yes." You slip your fingers into your panties and go back to rubbing. 
"can't wait to fuckin' have you tonight." He groans, "You're going to look so good." 
You slide your fingers down and dip them into your soaked cunt, "I'm so wet." You whisper out, a small moan escaping your lips. 
"Fuck baby, you sound so sexy." Rafe groans quietly, "Goddamn." 
You arch your back against your bed and squeeze your eyes shut, "I miss you." 
"I miss you, too, baby." Rafe whispers, "Tell me what you're doing." He pauses, knowing you're still kind of shy to dirty talking, "You fingering that pussy?" 
"Y-yes." You whimper out, looking down at your fingers slipping in and out of you, "Need you." 
"You'll get me baby, I promise." There's a softer tone to his voice. Him being so vulnerable with you turns you on even more, "Fuck, I can't wait to feel it."
You grind your hips even more and gasp out, "R-Rafe." You whimper out, "S-so close." 
"Come on baby." He sighs, "Just think about how good I'm going to feel inside of that tight little pussy tonight." 
You moan in response and he chuckles, "There ya go, baby. Just think of me. No one fucks you like I do, yeah?" 
"Fuck." You gasp out, knowing that he's right. 
"Go on baby, say it." Rafe encourages and you pause as you think you hear the front screen door open and slam shut. 
You gasp, whispering quickly, "Gotta go." 
"Love you." Rafe says quickly and you smile, voice still low, "Love you." 
You pull your dress down and stand up, locking your phone before walking towards the door, "Hello?" 
"Oh it's just me, honey." Your mom yells and you sigh, "Thank god." You whisper, you lean out yelling back, "Okay." 
You walk back into your room and sit back down on the bed, texting Rafe, Sorry. I heard someone come in. Wasn't sure who it was, but it was just my mom. 
You sit up, moving over to start getting around for Sarah's party. 
As you're doing your makeup, your phone goes off and you lean over to grab it. You smile as you see Rafe's name, Its all good, princess. Sarah came in asking me to move stuff right after we hung up. 
You let out a sigh, Perfect timing then right? 
You set your phone down and continue to get ready. 
As you finishes getting around, you get a text from Kie, On my way. I'll let you know when I'm there. 
You nod to yourself, I'm ready to go.
You stand up and walk over to grab your shoes. Once they're on, you make your way outside to wait. 
As Kie pulls up, the boys lean out of the windows and yell at you. You laugh as you walk up to the passenger side of the car. Jj climbs into the back, giving you the seat. 
"Aww." You say getting in and looking back at JJ, "How sweet of you." 
He shrugs, "Ehh. Don't mention it." 
You laugh and look at Kie, "Ready?" She asks giving you a thumbs up. You give her a thumbs up, "Hell yeah!" 
You arrive to the party, parking next to the other cars. You get out, walking around and you look at the others as they gather, "So, what's the plan for if we get asked on why we're here?" 
Your eyes move to John B and he shrugs. You nod, "Well just say that Sarah invited  Kie and I and she said we can bring the others?" 
They all look at each other and then back to you, "Sounds good to me." John B says and you all follow him towards the house. 
You walk in, looking around for Rafe. You don't see him anywhere as you follow Kie. You make your way to the back and outside. 
You managed to get drinks and you're finally able to get a sip. 
"This place is packed." You say as you look around, a smirk instantly taking place on your lips as your eyes land on Rafe. 
His eyes were glued to you, picturing what's under neath that dress. 
"It's not bad out side." Kie says looking around and the boys walk up to you, chatting amongst themselves. 
Kie scoffs, "Ugh. Rafe alert." 
"And just how in the hell did the Pogue princess and her dwarves get an invite to my sister's party?" Rafe asks as he walks around to face the group. 
His yellow shirt fitting tight again his body and the backwards head has you unable to fathom any thought that isn't dirty right now. 
"Sarah invited Y/n and I." Kie speaks up and you blink, "Yeah, Rafe." You roll your eyes, "We're not awful people." 
"My sister is in fact losing it." Rafe shakes his head, "Just don't get the fuckin' cops called, alright." His eyes move over you once more as he turns and he walks away. 
You vowed with the group to never fall for a pogue, just like Rafe did with his other kook head friends. 
But literally just one look and you were weak in the knees for him.
"Just don't get the cops involved alright." JJ mocks Rafe as he walks away, "Fuck off, man." 
"Hey guys." Sarah says walking up to you, "I'm glad you're all here." You nod and look at John B and look back to Sarah, "Yeah thank you so much for inviting us." 
She nods, "Anytime." She looks at John B and you knew that look. They were planning on sneaking off somewhere.
You smirk and lean up against the railing, "So is everyone invited or what?" Pope asks Sara with a laugh. 
She rolls her eyes, "As soon as Rafe found out I was having a party, he was also having a party, so now we're sharing the space." 
"What an asshole." John B rolls his eyes and you look behind Sarah, eyes locking onto Rafe. You tried so hard not to smile, you had to bring your cup to your mouth and look away. 
You feel your phone vibrate and you know that's a queue to excuse yourself, "I'm going to go find the bathroom." 
"I'll come with you." Kie says walking towards you. 
You walk to the bathroom and you motion, "You can go first." She nods and goes in. You pull your phone from your small purse and pull your bottom lip between your teeth, Baby girl. You look so fucking good. 
You tap back, glancing up at the door every now and then, Me? Let's talk about you in that shirt and backwards hat. You know that does it for me. 
You lock your phone, hearing Kie rustle around in the bathroom. The door opens and you switch places with her. 
You look down and lean against the wall as you read Rafe's texts, I know what it does to you babe. Partly why I wore it. 
You roll your eyes and shake your head, Can't wait to get my hands on you. You toss your phone back into your bag and fix your hair before walking out. 
You make your way down to get another drink and out to the backyard to find the others. 
You look around, sipping from your cup and you can't help but smirk as you walk right by Rafe. His eyes trail on you the entire time you move past him. 
You guys like fun little cat fights you do to keep things lowkey. 
"Hey, wait a sec.." Rafe calls out and you stop, slowly turning around, "Are you talking to me?" You point to yourself and Rafe nods, "Yeah, Miss Pogue princess." 
He steps towards you, "I'm talking to you." 
You bite the inside of your lip to keep from smiling. You knew he hates pretending to be mean, but it was still fun for you. 
If you're gonna ask why in here, ask your sister, Rafe. I already told you." You roll your eyes and he shakes his head, "Nah, nah. Nothing like that. Listen." He walks up to you and he leans in, voice really low, "Look, I'll try to hide it better, but we both know that I'm madly in love with you." 
He leans back and smirks and you purse your lips, taking a step back as you flick him off and smile before turning away. 
You make your way back to the others and you look around, "Where's John B?" 
"Said he was going to get another drink." Pope shrugs, "But that was like almost ten minutes ago." 
Kie looks at you and you tilt your head, nodding slightly. You basically confirmed you were thinking the same thing. 
"What was that?" Pope motions between you and Kie, "That girl thing you just did?" 
"You're losin' it Pope." You laugh and shake your head, "Oh here they come." You motion to JJ and John B, "Pope was worried." 
They laugh and sit down next to him on the chairs. You look down at your empty cup, "I'm gonna go get a refill." 
As you walk away, you pull your phone out of your bag and block the sides with your hands, I'm thinking about you right now. 
You smirk, glancing up as you make your way into the house, I don't blame you. 
You tuck your phone back into your bag and walk over to the drink table. You pour a drink and take a minute to stand where there really isn't anyone around. 
Rate responds, Do you think you can make it to my room without anyone seeing you? 
Your heart skips with excitement, I'll make it happen. 
You put your phone into your purse and set your cup down. You carefully make your way towards the steps and said a few seconds before you head up. 
You've snuck info Rafe's house just about as many times as you have snuck into his, so you knew exactly where his room is. 
You look behind you as you grow closer to his room. You stop and open the door, biting your lip when he turns around to see you. 
You walk in, shutting the door with your back to it. He walks over to you, "How's my girl doin'? Hmm." His hands slide up your hands and neck to cup your cheeks, "My fuckin' beautiful girl." 
You smile and purse out your lips. He presses his to yours, smooching them a few times, "I missed you." He pulls you in and wraps his arms around you.
You wrap your arms around him and let out a sigh, "I'm glad we can manage to sneak away like pros." You laugh and Rafe nods, he looks down at you, "Did you get off earlier?" 
You shake your head, "Nope." 
He smiles, "I can help you with that." He winks and slides his hand down to yours, grabbing it and leading you over to his bed. 
His eyes scan down over the dress that's hugging your body and he shakes his head, "I wanna rip this thing off of you." 
"Later?" You bite your lip and he tilts his head, "Twice in one night, huh?" You bite your lip and nod, "Lucky you." 
You lay back and smile up at him and he pulls the fabric up over your thighs, "Show me what you were doing earlier, princess." 
You comply, even though you want him to be the one touching you. 
You spread your legs and pull your panties to the side, your fingers finding their way onto your clit like before. 
Rafe's eyes are glued to your fingers drawing circles on yourself, whimpering and moaning as you press harder. 
Rafe inserts a finger into your cunt, slowly curling it and your eyes roll back as you moan, "Rafe." 
"This what you wanted?" Rafe sits down next to you, dinner slowly sliding in and out of you, "Hmm? You want me to make you cum?" 
You nod quickly, "Fuck yes yes yes." 
He leans down, pressing his lips to yours and he sallows your moans, "as much as I wanna hear them pretty little sounds, you gotta be quiet, okay?" 
You nod, biting down on your lip as he inserts another finger. You gasp, looking down at his hand between your thighs, "Fuck." 
You clench around his fingers, grinding your hips down as you rub back and forth on your clit, "Fuck fuck fuck." 
You whimper quietly, bucking your hips as Rafe guides you through your high, "Good job, princess." He presses a kiss to your forehead and stands up, "Now roll over so I can push this dress up." 
You smirk and roll over into your elbows and knees.
You lean over slightly and look back at him. You watch as he undoes his belt to his pants. You wiggle your hips and he smirks, shaking his head, "You know.." Rafe starts out. 
You tilt your head, "What do I know?" 
He smirks, "You're pretty fucking sexy for a Pogue." 
You can feel your cheeks turning red and you nod, "You're pretty fucking sexy for a kook." You smirk and he walks up, sliding his hands up under the fabric of your dress. 
"You're not good for me." Rafe squeezes your hips and you push them back towards him. He presses his hips against you, his hard cock pressing into you, "But baby I cannot fucking help but want you." 
Your lips part as he pushes your dress up over your ass, exposing it to him. He gives both of your cheeks a squeezes before delivering a smack to each one. 
You win, biting down on your lip. You look back at him and he leans up over you, "You got that best pussy ever." 
You smile and gasp as you feel your underwear get slowly pulled down. His fingers brush against your soaked cunt and he bites down on his lip, "you're fuckin' dripping for me princess." 
You take an excited breath, "Like I said, I've been needing you." 
"I'm not gonna make you wait any longer, baby. Okay?" Rafe pushes his hands down and rubs his hands over your ass cheeks. 
You rest your head against the bed when you feel the head of his cock press against your cunt. A moan is ripped from your lips as he pushes into you. 
"Ahh, baby.." he groans out quietly, "Don't wanna get caught now do ya?" 
"N-no." You whimper out, pushing your hips back to meet each of his thrusts. "fuck fuck fuck." You reach back and Rafe grabs your wrist, pinning it to your lower back. 
"So fucking right." Rafe pants out, continuing to slam his cock into you. 
"Fu-Fuck.." you whine, squeezing his cock, "Rafe, baby. Shit. Shit." You moan and squeeze his cock one last time before you let go. 
Your hand goes to your mouth as you try to muffle the moans you have no control over. 
Rafe pushes your dress up, moving it out of the way before he pulls out, spilling his cum onto your back, "Goddamn." 
You sigh, "Uh huh." 
"Alright, baby. Don't move for me, okay?" Rafe says and you nod, watching as he goes and gets you something to wipe you off with.
He comes back and gets behind you again, "So I was thinking." 
"Uh oh." You tease, "What were you thinkin' about?" 
He stands up to get dressed and you roll over onto your side to look at him.
Rafe looks down at you, "Run away with me."
You blink a few times and shake your head, "What did you just say?" 
Rafe laughs, reaching down to caress your cheek, "You heard me." You tilt your head into is hand, actually considering that it would be nice to spend at least one day together without getting any interruptions. 
"No." You shake your head, "We can't do that." 
Rafe shrugs, "Why not?" 
You stare at him as you try and come up with an answer, but you can't think of anything, "Fuck." 
Rafe walks up to you, "See." He chuckles, "Just imagine one week, some place where it's just you and I." 
You chew on your lip, thinking for a second, "Rafe, I gotta tell you something." You lay your hands on his chest, "I can't leave." 
He presses a kiss to your lips and Whines, "You won't regret this." 
You smile slightly but quickly frown, "I need to be here for my mom. They're talking divorce and I just need to be here incase he just decides to leave." 
"Oh baby." Rafe grabs your head and presses his lips to your forehead, "I'm sorry." You let out a sigh, "It's okay. You didn't do anything." 
"No I know, but if I had known, I wouldn't have been there more for you." He runs his hands through your hair and sighs, "Are you.. I mean not alright but.." 
You nod, smiling slightly, "Just you nonstop talking to me helps." 
"I can come over later and you can just talk? Yeah?" He looks at you and you nod, trying not to cry, "Please?" Your voice is low and it makes him frown, "Of course, baby. anything you need." 
He presses a kiss to your lips and you smile, "Then maybe once everything is settled we do that little thing you were talking about." You wink and he just smirks as he watches as you walk over to the door. 
As you open it to go out, you ear JJ and Pope coming up the steps. You step back in and push the door shut, "Shit." 
You look at Rafe and he gives you a confused look, "What's going on?" 
"Pope and JJ, I think they're looking for me." You cover your mouth to conceal your laughter and Rafe puts his shirt back on, "Closet." 
You look from Rafe to the open closet and sigh, "Okay." You walk over and step in, leaning forward to close the door. 
You listen and hear knocking on Rafe's door. He walks over and opens it, "Man you guys are actually searching to get your asses kicked tonight, aren't ya?" 
You smirk slightly and you hear JJ ask, "Where's y/n?" 
"Why the fuck would I know where y/n is?" Rafe shoots back and JJ, being JJ, "Because if she were to go missing you're the first person I'd look into." 
"Well, she's not up here. So good luck with that case, Detective Douchebag." Rafe says and you cover your mouth, trying not to laugh. 
Detective Douchebag. Good one. 
"She's probably just outside somewhere." Pope says urging JJ to leave. 
"Yeah, outside. Where you should be instead of bothering me." Rafe says, "Oh. And when you find her, tell I said she looks hot for a Pogue." 
"What the fuck did you just say?" JJ says and you can hear Pope calming him down, "Relax. He's just doing it on purpose. Come on." 
Rafe closes the door and you emerge from the closet, "Did you really have to add the last part?" 
He laughs, "I mean.. you are hot." He winks, and you know I have to fuck with them. I hate them, not you." 
You roll your eyes and walk over to him, "I don't hate you either." You lean up and press your lips to his, "See ya later?" 
His hands move to your waist and he tilts his head, "Um, that's a dumb ass question." 
You laugh, "I was just double checking." 
"I know." He smirks and kisses your cheek, "Let me check is the coast is clear." He peaks his head out and waves for you to come out. 
You peck his lips and smile, "I love you." 
He smiles, pinching your chin gently, "I love you." 
You quickly make your way down the steps and half way down you realize you don't have your panties on. 
You ignore it and make your way back to the drink table to get a new one. You pull your phone out, quickly texting Rafe, Do you happen to know where my panties are? 
You put your phone back in your purse and you make your way through the crowded house to find your friends, "Hey." 
"Where have you been?" Kie asks and you motion, "Oh I got sidetracked by-" you stop talking when you see Rafe walk out and you sigh, "I'm actually not feeling well. I think I'm going to walk home." 
"I can drive you?" She steps towards you and you shake your head, "No it's fine." 
"Are you sure? What's going on?" She leans in, "Are you okay?" 
You nod, "Yeah, yeah. I just have a lot going on right now." You swore you'd never use it at an excuse, but you really didn't want them mad at you for seeing Rafe, "My mom and dad got into it again today about divorcing and just tensions are high.." 
she nods, "Yeah, no. I completely understand." She lays a hand on your shoulder, "Call me if you need anything." 
You nod, "I will. Thank you." 
She smiles and your turn, walking down off the deck. You can hear Kie start to explain what you told her but their voices fade the further away you get. 
You get your phone out of your bag and smile when you see Rafe's text, Yeah, I do actually. 
You type the screen, Can I know where they are please?, resting your phone down as you continue to walk. your phone buzzes in your hand and you bring it up. 
My left pants pocket. 
A tingle courses through your body and you tilt your head, Not gonna lie. That's hot as fuck. 
You bite your lip as you look back towards the house. You look down at your phone, I'm actually walking home right now, so if you wanna meet me there? 
You hit send and keep walking. 
It hits you that since he knows about your parents along with your friends, they'll all try to come at once time and you really don't want to see that. 
you stop, going to text Rafe but a car pulls up beside you, coming to a stop. You look over and see Rafe as the window goes down. 
You quickly get in and look at him, "What are you doing?" 
He shrugs, "I don't need you walking home looking like that." He nods toward your body and you smirk, "So sweet of you." 
You sigh, "Actually. I can't go home." 
He starts to drive and gives you a confused look, "Why?" You laugh slightly, "Because my dumb ass told Kie that was my leaving for leaving, so they're probably going or, if not already on their way to my house now."
"And you don't want them knowing about us, hmm?" He lays a hand on your thigh, "I get it, baby." He glances at you, "Where do you want to go?" 
You laugh, "Anywhere that I can come up an excuse for tomorrow." 
Rafe gives your thigh a squeeze, "I know just the place." He bites his bottom lip and looks at you and you nod, "Let's go." 
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Hi thanks you so much for reading! I love you all! As always let me know how you liked this one!
Again, I wrote this high so if nothing makes sense I’m sorry lol
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated! 🖤
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bubblebaththoughts · 6 months
Beach Sex
Ao’nung x Fem!Metkayina!Reader
kinkmas masterlist
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warnings: 18+ MDNI, p in v, oral!male receiving, sneaking around, bit of fluff at the end. One use of Y/n.
“Bro, just come with me, Neteyam said no and I know Kiri won’t go.” Lo’ak begged “You’re my only other friend, please.”
Tsireya had invited him to go to a party with the other Metkayina people.
He didn’t want to go alone, that was the problem.
“I never go to these dumb things, even before you got here.” You poked Lo’ak’s chest “It just like… one big orgy.”
“Please?” He whined “It’s the first one I’ve been allowed at!”
“Eywa help me.” You rolled your eyes “Fine, just this once, after this you’re on your own!”
“Ha! Thank you!” He smiled, “After last light is what she said… so meet me here?”
“Yeah, sure.” You grimaced
Lo’ak doesn’t know how or when to shut up. That’s what you’ve learned in your time of knowing him. Ever since he got comfortable with you, he’s always talking. About literally nothing. You didn’t mind it though, he would talk and you would listen.
Like now, for example.
He was rambling on about Tsireya while you listened to him.
You led him to the secret beach, and it instantly reeked of sex and alcohol.
“Lo’ak!” Tsireya called out, she definitely had been waiting for him, she came into view with a smile on her face, “Oh! Y/n! You came?”
You nodded, almost scared of her reaction.
“That’s great! You never come!” She smiled, bringing you in for a hug
“Right well, I think I’m gonna go find a drink.” You break away, waving them off as they snuck away together
Another one of your friends, Oreya, found you a drink. You hadn’t had one in forever, it made you wince.
“Can’t hold your alcohol anymore, Syulang?” A teasing voice made you look up, Ao’nung
You roll your eyes, looking back at him with a nasty look. “I remember it was you that couldn’t hold his alcohol.” You sassed
Ao’nung merely laughed, his shoulders shrugged as he backed off.
“You know how it is, Syulang.” He smiled “Why’d you come tonight?”
“Brought your future brother.” You teased
“My futu- Lo’ak?” His jaw dropped “He is not my future brother.”
“Well… where are they?” You gestured around “Sounds like someone’s sister might be making-“
“Shut up!” He groaned
“You’re really upset?” You laughed at his pained face
“Forest people and reef people shouldn’t be together.” He shook his head “I couldn’t imagine the outcome.”
“Of their little babies? Oh they would be adorable!”
Suddenly you’re being shoved against a rock, “Thought I told you to shut up?”
You shove him off of you, “You’re such an ass!”
He mocks you, pissing you off further.
You couldn’t deal with him like this, so you stomped off and did what anyone else would do, you started drinking.
You found yourself sitting at a fire, next to a couple that was making out. You weren’t drunk, just sober enough to be aware if your surroundings while also not having to think about anything too much.
You hear you name called from across the beach, you look up.
Just by a small nod, that signaled you to follow him.
As soon as you closed in on him, his lips were on you.
“Syulang,” He groaned “I miss you. You don’t play with me anymore.”
“We’re not kids.” You chastised “Not anymore.”
“You know what I mean.” He laughed, his hand cupping your pussy
You gasp in surprise, “Ao’nung!”
You’re shut up as his fingers begin to rub tour clit in perfect motions “Hm?”
“I know you too well, Syulang.” He whispers to you, “Know this perfect body too well.”
“We shouldn’t be doing this.” You whisper into his ear as he kissed your neck
You feel his smirk grow against your skin, “That’s what makes it fun.”
“Ao’nung…” You whine
“What is it?” He mumbled, still working your clit “You wanna come? Is that it?”
“Ao’nung… I shouldn’t.” You breathlessly whispered
“Yes, you definitely should.” He leans in, capturing your lips in a fiery kiss
You feel the warmth of his body against yours, and you can feel the energy between you two. His lips are soft and gentle as he kisses you, his hands exploring your body. You can feel the intensity of the moment, and you let the passion take control. You're completely taken by him, and you can't help but feel the electric current between the two of you. You can feel your heart racing as he pulls you closer, deepening the kiss. You can feel the emotion in the air and you can't help but give into it. You let go, completely lost in the moment, and you know that you never want it to end.
Your heart races as he pulls away, leaving you wanting more. The world around you fades away as you stay lost in his embrace.
He pulls his hand away from your needy pussy, “Did you miss me Syulang?”
“Ao’nung… I see you everyday.” You mumble
“Answer me.”
“Ye-yes, I missed you.” You stumbled
“Mm, I missed you too.” He smiled
He stands before you, looming large and waiting for your next move. You take a deep breath and slowly move closer, a sly smirk playing on your lips. You can practically feel the anticipation radiating off of him.
Your hands reach out and slide around his waist, your fingers tracing the contours of his body. Your touch sends a thrill through him, and you can feel his muscles tense beneath your fingertips. In response, you press yourself closer, your body melting against his.
The next thing you know, you’re backed against the rock and his mouth is on yours, his tongue exploring your depths. His hands roam over your body, igniting a fire within you.
“Get on your knees.” He demanded as he pulled away from your lips
You obey with a nod, dropping to your knees in the soft sand of the isolated beach.
“You know what to do.” He pushes your hair back
Ao’nung untied his loincloth for you, revealing his hard cock.
Your heart races as you kneel before him, the scent of his desire intensifying with each passing second. You take him in your mouth, your lips wrapping around him like a glove. His gasp fills the air as you start to move, your tongue swirling around him in a way that only you know. You can feel him trembling as you take him deeper, your throat constricting as you feel him swell.
He moans as you continue, your hands running up and down his length as you work your way further and further down. You can feel his breathing becoming labored, and you can sense that he's about to let go.
You take him as far as you can, your mouth and throat feeling like they're on fire as you milk him for every last drop. His body quivers and shakes as he releases, and you swallow every drop of his pleasure.
“Damn, Syulang.” He moaned, his hand holding your face gently
You can feel yourself trembling as you pull away, the taste of him still lingering on your tongue. You look up at him, and the look of bliss on his face is all you need to know that you did a good job.
He gets down on his knees with you, and he pulled you into a passionate embrace. His lips were soft and inviting against yours, and his hands moved to cup your face as he deepened the kiss. His tongue explored and caressed, and you felt your body melting against his.
His hands moved to your waist, and he pulled you closer. His lips trailed down your neck, sending shivers of desire through you. He cupped your breasts, and you gasped as pleasure surged through you. His hands moved lower, and he tugged at your loincloth, eager to explore more of your body.
You untied it for him, and his hands roamed over your body, caressing, exploring, and arousing you until you were trembling with need. He moved you back to the sand, and you sank into it as he settled between your legs.
He kissed your throat, and you felt his hardness pressing against you. He teased you, his movements increasing in intensity until you were both panting with desire.
With one smooth motion, he entered you, and you gasped as pleasure surged through you.
He moved slowly at first, and then faster, each thrust sending waves of pleasure through you. You clung to him, and he groaned with pleasure, his movements becoming more urgent.
He began to rut into you at an unmatched, animalistic, pace.
“Rub that little clit for me, huh?” He brought your hand down for you
You listen to him and begin to stimulate yourself while he fucked you.
“Gonna make me cum if you keep clenching down on my cock like that- fuck!” Ao’nung cursed
“Ao’nung I, I’m gonna…” You whimpered
“I know, go on baby, do it for me, cum on my fucking cock, do it.” He relentlessly thrusted into you, making your eyes roll back and your hands dig into his arms
Your orgasm almost broke you, made you over sensitive. He fucked you through it with reassuring words of praise with small kisses.
Once you came down from your little high, Ao’nung picked his pace back up, his own personal goal was to cum in your sweet little pussy tonight.
And oh how he did.
Refused to pull out even after, but when he did, he watched his own cum dribble out of you with awe, and then used two of his fingers to push it back in you.
He lies there with you, holding you to him as close as you would let him.
“Missed you so much.” He mumbled
“Missed you too.” You tiredly answered
taglist: @danniackerman @loakslut
476 notes · View notes
theostrophywife · 8 months
kiss with a fist | chapter five.
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masterlist 💋 chapters 💋 playlist
pairing: theodore nott x reader.
song inspiration: me and the devil - soap & skin.
author's note: things are picking up. a little bit of angst, a little bit of smut and a whole lot of theo just being theo.
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After three consecutive brewing sessions without any incidents or explosions, Theo was fairly confident that you had mastered Angel’s Trumpet. All thanks to his supreme knowledge. His words, not yours. 
“Today’s the day,” Luna announced cheerfully as she hooked her arm through your elbow.
The two of you walked through the sun soaked courtyard, weaving through your fellow loitering students. “Let’s hope to Merlin that I don’t blow up the place.” 
“You won’t,” Luna said supportively. “Though if you do, you can always blame it on the wrackspurts.” 
“Wait up, Lovegood!” 
Luna slowed as Mattheo Riddle and Enzo Berkshire flanked your side. Mattheo smirked at you while Enzo waved politely. The former had a cigarette tucked behind his ear. 
You wrinkled your nose in disgust. “Smoking isn’t allowed on campus grounds, you know. I should dock points from your house.” 
Mattheo raised a brow. “Go ahead, little miss prefect, but then I’d be inclined to let slip that our studious little Ravenclaw has been sneaking into the Slytherin boy’s dormitory at all hours of the night.” You gaped, turning red as you fought the urge to clobber him right then and there. “The walls are very thin, you know. I could hear you and Theo giggling from across the hall.”
“We were just eating gelato!”  
Riddle appeared unconvinced. Even Enzo struggled to hide his grin. “Is that what the kids are calling it nowadays? Anyways, I’m not interested in who's eating whose gelato.” 
“You’re a menace and a pest.”
“I’ve been called worse, sweetheart.” 
“Anyways,” Enzo interjected. “Pansy wanted to know what snacks you prefer for the quidditch game after party, Luna." The Slytherin boy turned towards you and smiled. "You’re invited too, Y/N.” 
You raised a brow at your friend. “You’re going to a Slytherin party? Hosted by Pansy Parkinson? Who is apparently concerned about your snack preferences?” 
Luna blushed. “I meant to tell you about it, but I figured Theo had already invited you.” 
“Oh, I’m sure.” Mattheo said with a grin. “Notty boy probably asked her in between spoonfuls of gelato and pillow fights.” 
“Is there an actual point to your existence or are you just here to be a pain in my arse?” 
“One would argue that irking you is a purpose all on its own.” 
“Tell Pans that I’d love a bag of wotsits,” interjected Luna. Berkshire looked relieved to receive an answer. 
“Right, then. Mattheo and I will relay the message.” 
“But I wasn’t—” 
“Let’s go, mate. Before Snape gives you another detention.” 
Mattheo blew a kiss as Enzo dragged him away, which you returned with a classy display of your middle finger. 
“Pans?” you asked incredulously. Luna flashed you an innocent smile before pushing you towards the potions classroom. 
“We’ll talk about it later. After you ace Angel’s Trumpet!” 
You watched in astonishment as your best friend’s platinum blonde head disappeared into the crowd, happily bobbing up and down. “This isn’t over, Loons!” 
Luna giggled and gave you a cheeky wink as she rounded the corner. 
“What was that all about?” Theo asked as you slipped into your usual seat. 
“What do you know about this newfound friendship between Pansy Parkinson and my best friend?” 
“Oh, I’d say it’s much more than a friendship.”
“Luna…and…Pansy. How is that even possible?” 
“Well, when a mommy and mommy love each other…” quipped Theo. 
You raised a hand, flashing him a glare. “I mean, I know that it’s possible. Just not between those two. They have virtually nothing in common.” 
He shrugged. “Opposites attract.” 
“But Luna’s so sweet and nice and thoughtful and Pansy’s…” Theo gave you a warning look. Slytherins could insult each other all they wanted, but the serpents had some twisted code of loyalty to one another. “You know what I mean, Theodore. I know she’s your friend, but if she hurts Luna I swear to Godric I’ll shove a Nimbus so far up—”
“I think I get the gist, diavolina. Why is your first instinct always violence? Aren’t you Ravenclaws supposed to approach things with logic?” 
“The logical response to anyone hurting my friends is violence.” 
Theo’s mouth quirked. “Is it strange that I’m weirdly turned on by that?” You smacked his arm in response, which he yelped rather dramatically at. “Lovegood’s perfectly capable of holding her own, you know. She wouldn’t have caught Pansy’s eye if she wasn’t.” 
“Parkinson’s treating her well, then?” 
“Oh, more than well. I haven’t seen her this giddy since she abandoned the straight act.” You bit back a smile at that comment. “I mean, imagine having to pretend to be attracted to Malfoy.”
“I heard that, you twat,” Draco said from a few seats over. 
Theo blew his friend a kiss. “You were meant to, Dray.”
You almost let out a snort, but you caught it just in time. Theo grinned from ear to ear as you glared at him. He leaned in, nudging you with his elbow.
“That charming little laugh is supposed to be our little secret, amorina.”
You flushed as he winked at you. Fortunately, all conversations ceased as Professor Slughorn entered the room. 
“Good afternoon, students. As you know, we will be brewing Angel’s Trumpet Draught today. You will have ninety minutes to complete the assignment. Whoever brews the best draught will receive a special reward.” 
Slughorn clapped his hands, sending the room into a frenzy. “Best of luck, then.”
By now, the steps were so ingrained that you hardly had to think about it. You and Theo had poured over Alessandra’s grimoire for countless hours. The instructions and illustrations floated in your mind as you worked quietly. Your movements were sure and confident, executing each step with an odd sense of calm. Usually, you were tense while you brewed, but it was different this time around. 
Across the table, you looked up and found Theo hunched over his cauldron. There was an intense expression on his face as he brewed and his fingers moved with expert precision. It was such a stark contrast to his usual easy breezy attitude that it made you smile. Sensing your gaze, Theo turned and pierced you with those watercolor eyes. Finally, it dawned on you what they reminded you of. 
Theo’s eyes were like the Black Lake—deep and full of danger, but beautiful in a strange sort of way. 
The intrusive thought nearly broke your focus. You didn’t have time to think about what it meant—you didn’t want to think about what it meant. Instead, you fixed your attention to the task at hand. 
After stirring clockwise and then counterclockwise, you watched with bated breath as the draught simmered to a shimmery mauve color. The perfumed aroma wafted from the cauldron, catching the attention of those around you. Theo appeared nearly as anxious as you while the draught bubbled softly. 
Then, a puff of smoke billowed to signal your success. You had never felt so relieved and proud. All that hard work had paid off. 
“I did it,” you said incredulously. “I fucking did it!” 
Before you even realized what was happening, you were leaping into Theo’s arms. He chuckled, spinning you in the air with a huge grin. 
“I knew you could,” he declared proudly. “I’m so proud of you.” 
His words made you flush all the way to the tips of your ears. Since you were little, you thrived off of praise and recognition. Commendation had always been every Ravenclaw's drug, but with Theo it almost felt like an Achilles heel. The weak spot that may very well provide him with the perfect opening to your steel armor.
Suddenly, you were all too aware of how close you were. Theo seemed to realize this too because he set you down gently and scratched the back of his head like the moment baffled him too. Luckily, your classmates were too engrossed in their own cauldrons to notice the outburst. 
Theo cleared his throat. “Sorry—I didn’t mean to—just got a bit excited—” 
“No—it’s fine—perfectly understandable—” you mumbled, straightening your tie to avoid making eye contact. 
“Well, well, well, what do we have here then?” 
The two of you leapt apart as if electrocuted. Thankfully, Professor Slughorn was perfectly oblivious to the awkward tension. He peered into your cauldron, scrutinizing the color, smell, and texture of the draught. After a few moments, he gave an approving nod. 
“We have our winner,” the older man declared. Slughorn took a few drops of the draught and placed it into a vial. He passed it around your classmates. “This, my dears, is how you brew a perfect potion. When prepared properly, Angel’s Trumpet Draught is known to cause vivid hallucinations. A large enough dose can even result in psychosis. It is a poison commonly used by those who practice the dark arts to drive its consumer into madness, heightening their torture to a sadistic degree. Notably, the Dark Lord’s servants were overly fond of using this particular potion paired with the Cruciatus curse.” 
Beside you, Theo stiffened as several of your classmates glanced at him and Draco. You frowned, shooting sharp daggers at anyone who dared to meet your gaze. The lingering prejudice after the final battle still hung over Slytherin house like a malevolent fog, but you would’ve thought that your fellow classmates would have enough sense to realize that not everything was black and white. The world existed in shades of gray. Every Ravenclaw knew that. Still, even your fellow housemates regarded Theo with suspicion. 
Your fists curled at your sides. “Didn’t Godric Gryffindor invent the potion?” 
“Yes, very good Y/N.”
“I’d say it’s safe to assume that he was aware of the potential damage of the potion. Dark wizard or not, everyone is capable of creating weapons of mass destruction. Either that or good old Godric had a pretty wild acid trip planned with the rest of the founders.”
Behind you, Malfoy snorted while Theo bit his lip to keep from smirking. 
Professor Slughorn was taken aback for a moment before continuing his spiel. “Whatever his reasons, Godric created a rather potent potion. Our job is to deconstruct Angel’s Trumpet in order to counter its effects. Next class, each of you will turn in a list of ingredients for a possible anti-potion.” He waved his hand, dismissing the class. “Good luck.” 
One by one, students started filtering out of the potions lab. You followed after them until Slughorn called you back. 
“Miss Y/N, stay. There’s still the matter of your reward to discuss.” 
You walked up to his desk, fidgeting with the strap of your satchel. You were fairly certain that he was about to give you a dressing down for your snarky comment. Instead, Slughorn offered you a kind smile and a scroll of parchment. 
“A letter of recommendation,” the Professor explained. “While I am aware that you have already secured a spot at Oxford, I hope that this will help in your pursuits of being recruited by the Most Extraordinary Society of Potioneers.” 
Your eyes widened in surprise. It was widely known that Slughorn was a longstanding member of the society. Not only that, but he held sway in which applicants were eventually accepted as well. A letter of recommendation from him was basically a guarantee. 
“Thank you, Professor. Since first year, it’s been my dream to join the society.” 
“You’re well on your way, Y/N,” he said with an encouraging nod. “I must say, that brew of Angel’s Trumpet was even better than some of my fellow colleagues. You are an exceptionally talented witch and I am very much interested in cultivating talent like yours, which is why I’d like to extend a dinner invitation to you.” 
A letter of recommendation and an invitation to an infamous slug club dinner? Seventh year was definitely your year. But still, something niggled at your brain. 
“Thank you, professor. I truly appreciate it, but I have to be honest. I didn’t brew that potion on my own. I had a great deal of help from Theodore. He was the one who taught me how to brew it properly. If anyone deserves the credit, it’s him.” 
Even as the words were coming out of your mouth, you couldn’t believe you were actually saying them. It went against every instinct as a Ravenclaw to not use this opportunity to get a leg up in your academics, but it wouldn’t have been right. It wouldn’t have been fair. 
Slughorn was quiet for a moment. “Ah yes, I have noticed that Theodore is especially talented in potions. As was his father before him.” He gave you a pointed look before continuing, “Be that as it may, I couldn’t very well extend an invitation to Mr. Nott. His father is a convicted Death Eater facing a life sentence in Azkaban.” 
“I know,” you proceeded cautiously. “But Theo has been cleared by the ministry. He had nothing to do with his father’s service to the Dark Lord and has never once expressed loyalty to Voldemort or spread his pureblood propaganda.” 
“Don’t get me wrong, dear. I am not accusing Theodore of any wrongdoing. Mr. Nott is an exceptional quidditch player and one of the brightest young wizards of your year, but I’m afraid the optics aren’t in his favor.” 
The optics aren’t in his favor. As if public opinion and appearances were all Theo amounted to. 
You dug your fingers into your palms, embedding crescent shapes within your skin. It wasn’t right. It wasn’t fair. 
You were so angry that you wouldn’t be surprised if you looked down to find yourself bleeding. You needed to get out of there. To leave before you said something irrational. 
“Thank you again, professor. I should get going for my next class.” 
“Of course, dear. Do let me know about dinner.” 
You gave him a curt nod before departing. The dungeons passed by in a blur as you stomped your way through the crowded halls. Many of your friends called out to you, but you didn’t bother acknowledging any of them. You were too furious to even have a conversation right now. 
You didn’t go to class. Instead, you found yourself on the fourth floor of Ravenclaw Tower. The music room—your place of refuge. 
Particles of dust floated like snow through the air as you pulled back the piano cover. Your shoulders were tense, your spine ramrod straight as you sank down onto the bench. Without thinking, your fingers flew angrily over the keys. You channeled all your rage and fury into the song, allowing yourself to feel every surge of emotion with each chord. 
It wasn’t right. 
It wasn’t fair. 
The judgment in your classmate’s eyes. The cowardice in Slughorn’s words. The confusing swirl of emotions it made you feel. 
You weren’t used to feeling so much. You valued logic above all and yet here you were, taking out your frustrations on this grand piano like it had personally affronted you. 
What in the bloody hell was happening to you? 
“Beethoven,” a familiar voice drawled, startling you out of your thoughts. “Merlin, you must really be pissed to be playing moonlight.” 
Theo slid into the bench beside you. The piece ended on an unpleasant note with a slam of your fingers. 
You refused to look at him. “You should be in Charms right now.”
“So should you,” Theo countered. “Instead, you’re here abusing this poor piano.” He turned over, cocking his head. Then, in a gentler voice, he asked, “What happened, Y/N?” 
“Slughorn gave me a letter of recommendation and an invitation to a slug club dinner.” 
“Shouldn’t you be happy about that? It’s literally all you’ve been hoping for since first year.” 
“He only did that because of the Angel’s Trumpet.”
“Which you brewed perfectly.” 
“With your help,” you said with a sigh. “I wouldn’t have been able to brew it at all if you hadn’t helped me and I told him that. I told him that and he—” you inhaled sharply, feeling a million pinpricks in your lungs. 
Theo furrowed his brow. “You told him I helped you? Why would you do that?” 
“Because, it’s the truth. We both know I couldn’t have done it without you. I don’t deserve that letter of recommendation or the dinner invitation. You do.” You took a ragged breath. “I know it. You know it. Slughorn knows it, but do you know what he told me? He said he couldn’t offer either to you because the optics aren’t in your favor.” 
He remained silent, quietly watching you. Theo didn’t even look angry, which frustrated you even more. 
“Did you hear me? Slughorn says that he can’t invite his star pupil to dinner because of how it would look. He can’t reward a student’s hard work because it would tarnish his precious reputation.” 
Theo stared at you as though he were trying to work something out. He must have found whatever it was, because a second later, he was smiling. 
“My nemesis coming to my defense?” He teased, nudging you with his elbow. “Don’t tell me that you’re actually starting to like me, Y/N.”
You rolled your eyes. “You wish, Nott.” As determined as he was to treat the matter lightly, you just couldn’t seem to let go of it. “No, this isn’t about hate or like. Being judged for your father’s actions isn’t fair.” 
Theo merely shrugged. “Nothing in life is fair.” 
“How are you not angry about this?” 
You paused. “This isn’t the first time something like this has happened, is it?” 
“It’s not a big deal.” 
“Of course it’s a big deal!” you seethed, baffled that he wasn’t as outraged as you were. “It’s prejudiced bullshit! We’ve been rivals for years and you’ve never once brought up the fact that I’m muggleborn.” 
Theo grinned. “There’s plenty of things about you that annoy me that are completely unrelated to your blood status.” 
“That’s exactly the point. You don’t buy into this whole blood purity nonsense, but Slughorn is acting like you do.” 
“It’s been like this my entire life,” Theo said as if you were merely discussing the weather. “That’s not to say that my existence is some sob story. I am still rich and handsome, after all, but there are stains that even my devastating good looks and trust fund can’t blot out.” 
“But you didn’t make those stains.” 
Theo smiled sadly. “Neither did Draco or Pansy or Mattheo, but we all pay the price for it anyways.” His hands hovered over your shaking fingers. “It’s alright, Y/N. Since we were old enough to understand, we’ve all known and accepted that our family's reputations will always precede us. For better or for worse. Besides, I much prefer people whispering behind my back than facing a dementor’s kiss.” 
“It’s not fair,” you repeated, feeling your heart clench in your chest. “You’re not your father.”
To your surprise, Theo took your face in his hands and kissed you. It was a gentle kiss, his lips pressed softly against yours, noses brushing while he caressed the curve of your jaw. When he pulled away, something heartbreaking flashed through his features. 
“Thank you,” he said after a moment. “For caring enough to be angry.” 
The combination of the look of gratitude on his face and the soft way he said those words wrenched at your heart. Theo was grateful. Grateful to have someone who cared. 
You didn’t know why, but it felt like your heart was breaking. 
It must have showed on your face because Theo tilted your chin and kissed you again. This time, he didn’t hold back. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in closer. The kiss was a conversation—every peck and nip and bite littered with words that you were too afraid to say. His tongue slid against yours and the taste of him was intoxicating. You could’ve kissed him for hours and you would have if you hadn’t realized that the choir was set to be practicing in this exact room in less than ten minutes.
“We have to go,” you murmured against Theo’s mouth. 
“Don’t,” Theo whispered, stealing kisses. “Wanna.” His fingers tangled in your braid as he chased your lips. 
“We can go to my dorm.” 
Theo pulled away and stared at you. “Your dorm?” 
You nodded. “Luna’s in class, as are the rest of my housemates. The tower is completely empty. Why shouldn’t we take advantage of it?”
He smirked. “I like the way you think, my devious little Ravenclaw.”
On high alert, the two of you snuck out of the fourth floor and into the fifth. You quickly answered the eagle’s riddle to enter the common room. 
“Wait,” you said, turning towards Theo. “How did you get past the knocker downstairs?” 
“I offered to grease its hinges,” he replied salaciously. You snorted, which made him smirk. “I’m kidding. I answered the riddle, obviously. Honestly your constant questioning of my abilities would be rather offensive if I wasn’t made aware of your gallant attempt of defending my honor.”
You rolled your eyes and pulled him into the common room. As you predicted, the tower was completely empty. Theo surveyed the floor to ceiling windows, the four story bookshelves, and the star flecked glass ceiling with awe and admiration. He whistled, taking his surroundings in.
“No wonder you hate the dungeons. This is—excuse the pun—quite magical.”
“It’s even better at night,” you said, staring up at the domed ceiling. “You can practically touch the stars from this high up. If you’re good, maybe I’ll find a way to sneak you in again.” 
Theo smirked. “I haven’t even stepped foot in your dorm yet and you’re already thinking about next time. A bit eager aren’t we, dolcezza?” 
You rolled your eyes and dragged him into a narrow hallway. The dorm you shared with Luna sat at the top of the spire, offering you the best view in the castle. With a flick of your wand, you unlocked the door. 
“Come in before I change my mind, Nott.” 
Theo was just as nosy as you were back at his dorm, if not more. He took in the twin blue and gold canopy beds, the arched bay windows strung with enchanted fairy lights, and the built in bookshelves that lined the walls. Despite this, there were still stacks of books by your bedside table that were set to topple over at any moment. Theo gravitated towards your side of the room and ran his fingers through the spines of your beloved novels. 
He peered curiously at the pinboard by your desk, examining the variety of pictures—muggle and magical, the concert tickets, the pressed flowers, and even the framed photo of you with your mum and dad standing on platform 9 ¾ taken right before your very first trip to Hogwarts. Theo’s smile widened as he toyed with the hem of his jumper, which was currently draped over your chair. As much as you hated to admit it, the damned thing was so comfortable that you’d taken to sleeping in it almost every night. 
“Are you quite finished snooping?” you asked, flushing. 
Theo smirked and stalked over to you. “Why? Do you have other plans for me, diavolina?” 
“A few.” 
He walked you to the bed until the back of your legs met the edge of your mattress. Theo gripped your waist, dipping his head down so his lips ghosted over the hollow of your throat. You arched against his mouth and the low rumble of his dark laughter skittered over your skin. 
“Show me, then.”
You pulled him in by his tie and he grinned, leaning down to kiss you. Theo chuckled darkly as you flipped positions and pushed him onto the bed. He watched with hungry eyes as you crawled over him, his wandering hands roaming up your skirt. You gasped as he gripped your thighs, positioning you over him as his lips met yours in a passionate kiss. 
There was so much heat and tension between you that it felt like you might spontaneously combust. His touch was fire against your skin, tracing every curve and dip like he was committing every detail to memory. You unbuttoned his shirt and he watched carefully, those hypnotizing eyes locking you in place while he allowed you to undress him. 
The romps with Theo had always been frantic and rushed—stolen moments in cupboards, closets, and classrooms, but this time you took it slow. You traced over every mole and scar and freckle on his torso, feeling the heat of his skin underneath your fingertips. His gaze never left yours as he helped you shrug out of your blouse, watching your reaction as he cupped your breasts over your bra before taking it off in one swift move. Once you stripped out of your layers, Theo leaned down to kiss you again.
His lips moulded perfectly to yours, a perfect mix of give and take. You groaned as he nipped at your bottom lip, teasing at the seam. The pressure of his hand against the base of your throat made you gasp.
Theo’s tongue slid against yours as he gently laid you down on your back. His arms bracketed your head on each side and he kept his eyes on your face as he lined himself up at your entrance. The intensity of his gaze made your stomach flutter and when he pushed inside in one swift move, you nearly clawed at his back. The feel of him was so familiar and yet it left you gasping every time. Theo swallowed your moan as he thrust in slowly and your legs wrapped around his waist while your arms snaked through his neck so you could pull him closer. 
The sunlight caught in his eyes, the blues and greens and golds refracting like a kaleidoscope in the golden hour glow. “Keep your eyes on me, bella.” 
You opened your eyes, whimpering as Theo linked your fingers together. The kisses he gave you were deep, tender, and his lips caressed yours in a way that made you forget your own name. He groaned as you canted your hips against his, meeting his pace with equal hunger. 
“That’s it, Y/N. You’re taking it so well for me.” Theo pinned your arms above your head and thrusted deeper. “Breathe, baby. There you go, love. You like that, don’t you?”
Theo pressed his forehead against yours. The hand that wasn’t holding yours crept up your neck, resting at the hollow of your throat. He caressed the side of your neck possessively. 
“I need—I need—I,” you stuttered through the words, biting your lip to keep your eyes open. “Deeper, please. I need all of you.” 
A stream of curses flowed effortlessly past Theo’s lips. You were already well acquainted with his filthy mouth, but for Godric’s fucking sake, did he have to sound so bloody attractive while swearing in Italian? It was truly, honestly, unfair to the rest of the world. A temptation perfectly crafted to make your knees weak and your heart flutter. 
“Oh god, oh fuck, please—“
“You sound so pretty when you beg, but don’t worry sweetheart. I’ll give you exactly what you want.”
Theo hiked your legs over his shoulders and drove into you at a deeper angle. You felt him shudder as your walls clenched around him. 
He groaned as you raked your nails across his back. “Feels so good. Don’t stop, please. Just give me all of it.”
“It’s yours, Y/N. All yours.”
Your bodies moved in sync, skin melding against skin until you became a mass of tangled limbs and sex soaked desire. When you locked eyes again, it felt like Theo was peering into your soul. 
He brushed his thumb over your cheek. “Are you close, pretty girl? I can feel it.” He kissed your temple as he filled you over and over again. “Come with me. Can you do that, amorina?” 
You nodded as Theo’s fingers brushed over the sensitive bundle of nerves between your legs, pushing you to the precipice. Stars exploded behind your eyes as your body shook underneath his. Theo groaned as he finished, his hips stuttering against yours. He rested his head in the crook of your neck and kissed the hollow of your throat gently.
Instinctively, you brushed back his curls and traced soothing circles against his skin. Theo looked up, his gaze filled with loaded emotion. His eyes flickered over you as though he was savoring the rare display of vulnerability. The two of you laid there for a while, content to bask in the afterglow. 
“Dinner will be starting soon,” you whispered, half afraid to break the little bubble of bliss.
“I know.”
“We should probably clean up and get ready.”
You chuckled. “You know that means we both have to get up and out of bed, right?”
Theo sighed. “Fine.”
Slowly, he gathered his clothes and began putting them back on. You walked over to your chair and shrugged on his jumper before redoing your disheveled braid. When you turned around, you found Theo staring at you with an unreadable expression. There was a faint smile on his face as his eyes raked over the huge jumper covering your body.
“Come to my game.” 
You blinked. “What?” 
“That’s what I want in exchange for helping you with the draught.”
“I’m not going to cheer for you. In fact, I might cheer against you.” 
Theo smirked. “You really know how to deflate a bloke’s ego, don’t you?” 
You smiled. “Good. I don’t need your head getting bigger than it already is.” 
“That’s strange. You seemed to be enjoying my impressive size just a second ago.” 
Rolling your eyes, you tossed Theo’s shirt at his bare torso. “Goodbye, Theodore.” 
“I’ll see you on the pitch, princess.”
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Taglist: @annaisabookworm@marina468@yaraasthings @the0doreslover@bubybubsters@moony-artemis @natasha887@lucyysthings@criesinlies @bunnymallowo@niktwazny303 @letmedownslows @siriuslyalovergirl@wordsarelife@clairesjointshurt @daydreamingabthar @mishtay @cherry-hoe  @littlebookbengal @maybefoxysouls @nomup  @aliensknowmyillusions @cinderellawithashoe @starsval @kalulakunundrum @lucyysthings @siriuslysmoking @purplegirls-posts @unstablereader @lqclercs @whatsupb18 @rikirritated @psychedeliccc @jetblackpayne @clairesjointshurt @ama1a2 @omwtkydttfym @cinderellawithashoe @xeqr @txzii @goldenmagnolias @ilikefictionalmen @xxpeachyxo @dirt-cup-draco @willowecho25518 @shulipp @pompeygirl89 @lame-ferrum
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runningfrom2am · 6 months
leveling the playing field XII
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summary: with nowhere else to go after getting caught cheating to help lucy gray, you both make some desperately stupid decisions.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 3.2k
tags/warnings: capitol brat!reader, maybe slightly ooc coryo, idk i tried my best. do they love each other or hate each other? who knows (we do, kind of). use of a derogatory term (pr*stitute) implications and mentions of abuse, so read with caution!! also a little bit of swearing but that's neither here nor there. oh, and manipulation (both of them lowkey)
masterlists // nav // requests
a/n: nothing much to say other than thank you guys and i hope you like it :)
series masterlist
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"Coryo!" You grin, running out of the house and down the front porch steps, throwing your arms around his shoulders as soon as you can reach him. It had only been a few days since you'd seen him, but you had to do what you had to do. Truth be told, you did miss him, though.
He chuckles as he catches you, carefully letting you down after a moment. "Hey, Y/N/N, how's it going?"
"I'm good." You grin, turning back at the sound of people laughing inside the house. "You have to come in to meet Ash. He's gonna come with us today, and Lucy Gray is packing a picnic! It's gonna be so fun."
"Who?" Coriolanus asks, but you're already gone, heading back up to the house. An uneasy feeling settles in his gut as he follows you, shoving his hands into his pockets as he enters the home. The kids are trying to gather things into bags, and Lucy Gray is packing some food to bring with the group out to the meadow.
You, on the other hand, are wrapped around the arm of a boy who looks like he belongs in the Capitol Zoo. "Coryo, this is Ash. We met at the Hob the other night." You explain, looking between the two of them as Coriolanus clenches his jaw.
"Nice to meet you." He says through gritted teeth, reaching out out of habit to shake the boy's hand. He's got dark hair, and somehow darker eyes. Immediately, he doesn't trust him.
"You too, man. Love the peacekeeper getup." He chuckles, shaking his hand briefly and Coryo quickly recoils to wipe his hand on his pants.
"Oh, Coryo is a peacekeeper." You explain, smiling up at Ash as he drapes an arm around your waist.
"We're in the business of trusting those monsters now?" Ash asks, somehow maintaining a lighthearted tone. Like it was a joke, like Coriolanus was nothing more than his position.
"Only a couple." You laugh, shocking Coryo completely. Not so much as a word in his defense while this district trash said such horrible things about him. He was back to not even being able to recognize you. "Coryo is my best friend. We've known each other since we were kids. Sejanus too."
Best friend... That's it?
"That makes sense then." Ash nods, and Coryo stands up taller as Ash not so subtly sizes him up.
"You know, Sejanus has been awfully chummy with Billy Taupe and his friends. Ash is one of them." You say to Coryo quietly, taking up the rear of the Covey as all of you walk out to the meadow behind the house. "Have you noticed?"
He hums in acknowledgment, thinking it over. "It is odd." He agrees. He has noticed your mutual friend sneaking away on any nights out they could spare, and just generally being more cagey than usual. And it makes more sense that his name would mean anything to your new friend.
"Have you asked him about it?"
"No." He shakes his head. "You should, though. He trusts you more."
"That's not true." You laugh. "You are his best friend, after all."
"As are you." He raises an eyebrow at you.
"Oh, please. He throws that term around too loosely." You roll your eyes playfully.
"And you don't?" He asks, obviously referring to how you called him your best friend earlier. It's working. This was evidence that referring to him that way was driving him crazy- you had him wrapped around your finger, and you loved the feeling.
"Nope." You grin, bumping him with your shoulder. "Have I told you the haircut is really working for you? Because it is."
"Thank you. It wasn't by choice." He explains, smiling at the compliment but shrugging it off.
"I figured." You laugh, reaching up to run your hand over his shaved head. "I miss your curls, though..."
"Y/N! Come here!" Ash calls from up ahead, walking backward now as he waves for you to join him.
"Coming!" You call back, immediately ditching Coryo to catch up with him.
Coryo cringes at how his boots sink into the dirt and how you let Ash yell at you like that. Like you were a dog. You'd hardly known the guy for a few days and he's already talking down to you, Coryo is appalled at your taste. You run up to Ash, immediately reaching up and sticking your hand in his unbrushed hair. If Coryo was a brunette and didn't shower ever, that's probably what his hair would look like. It made him nauseous.
The following night, after Coriolanus complained endlessly to you about the birds he had to spend most of his days trapping, you had a stroke of absolute genius. He really, really hates those birds, just as much as you can tell he already hates Ash.
As the sun is setting over the field surrounding the hanging tree, you tell Lucy Gray you're going for a walk, and off you go into the woods with only your mind to keep you company.
They'd set so many traps it was unbelievable, and a good amount had trapped some of the songbirds inside. They were beautiful creatures, timid, too, for birds who were typically so vocal. They were products of the Capitol, so that would only make sense. You were careful not to make a sound as you opened every trap you could reach. You could just hope that by the time Coryo and his group arrived in the morning, they hadn't been trapped again.
You knew this was likely considered treason, interfering with government projects, but you didn't have a whole lot to lose, and seeing the frustration on Coryo's face when he ranted about how stubborn these birds were made the risk well worth it. It wasn't the revenge you were used to doling out to people who had wronged you, but you had been working on changing, after all.
After setting free no less than twenty birds that blew your hair back out of your face as they shot out of their cages, occasionally thanking you by singing your footsteps back to you or clawing at your arms, you made your way back to the street to head back to Lucy Gray's home.
You sucked your teeth over the stinging in your skin from the small cuts and scrapes that nnow littered your forearms. You suddenly understood why Coriolanus hated the creatures. They were beautiful singers, but clearly so inconsiderate. They'd be trapped again anyways, you were just delaying the inevitable to piss off your friend. They got scratches on you, but your people would still win the war.
You lift the excess fabric of your skirt to pat the beading and drying blood off of your arms as you walk. The town was quiet, only a few people scattered around very rarely. Either homeless or drunk, minding their business as you silently made your way down the dimly lit streets toward the seam. You recognize you're almost home when you pass the Hob, through the alley where Coriolanus graced you with his subpar apology. Squinting toward that same back exit as the door creaks open, you move across the alley to hug the opposite wall as you walk, trying to mind your business.
"Yeah, okay. I'll arrange for that. Thank you, yeah. We'll work it out. I promise." Was that... Sejanus? Your theory is confirmed when the speaker steps out into the alley. It was quiet, a weeknight. If the Hob had been open, it was deadly quiet by this hour.
"Sejanus?" You call out, speaking without thinking.
The boy jumps, slamming the door behind himself and looking toward you quickly. "Y/N? What are you doing here?" You can see the panic in his eyes as you get closer, tucking your bloody and exposed arms behind your back.
"Just out for a walk. I wanted to look at the stars." You nod up to the unpolluted and clear sky to accentuate your point. The sky didn't look like this at home. "What about you?"
"Oh! Uh, same." He lies. "It sure is beautiful out tonight."
"It is." You agree, looking up at the stars for a beat while you cross your arms over your chest in the silence. "Who were you talking to?"
As he panics you try and tuck your arms back once more, the stinging of movement reminding you of why you hid them in the first place. "Just, uh, no one. Myself."
You hum in response. Sejanus made his fake story hard to believe. "Why don't you trust me?" You ask, tilting your head at him. "I feel like after all we've been through, you should trust me more."
"I do trust you." He replies quickly. "It's less about that, more about... I don't want you to get involved. It's better for you."
"Is Coriolanus involved?"
"No. No, he doesn't know anything. Same as you."
You nod slightly, looking him up and down. "Well... If you need help or you're in a tough spot, come to us, okay? There are few people you can trust out here. We have to have each other's backs."
"No, no, it's not like that." He assures you. "But okay. If I need help, I'll ask."
You smile. "Well, you better get back. Don't want to get caught out so late."
"You too, Sage."
You chuckle, giving him a quick wave as you walk back away from him.
Even in the dim lighting, he could see the marks across your arm that you tucked away with your turn, sauntering away casually in the direction of your current home on the Seam.
Coriolanus was walking a beat alongside the market almost a week later, the one his bunkmate usually took, but today he was too hungover to crawl out of bed. Coryo didn't have the stomach to watch you drool all over that district boy today, so he decided to just take the shift for his new friend instead of bothering to see you. Maybe, this would result in Beanpole owing him a favour anyway, and that was always nice to have.
It was a Thursday, so not all that busy at the market. It was mostly just mother's gathering food and supplies, which left him incredibly bored for most of the morning. He was wallowing in his self-pity when something finally drew his attention. Your laugh. He would know it anywhere. He scans the street again, posture straight as he tries to track you down, which doesn't take long.
Of course, there you are with your new friend, his arm over your shoulder as you hold his hand against your chest. God, Coriolanus hopes you don't spot him. He looks straight ahead, chewing on the inside of his cheek and wishing he could disappear. You were torturing him, the fact that you couldn't see that, or you just didn't care, was driving him insane. It was worse than if you had just stayed in the Capitol.
Now, he can't help but focus on your voice on the mostly quiet street.
"No, I know!" You giggle, looking sideways at Coriolanus who stood at the edge of the street. You're sure by now he had seen you. You didn't know he would be here, normally he wouldn't, but it makes the task of agreeing to spend time with Ash more bearable. At least it was for a reason. "I've never touched a mandolin before, how could they expect me to pick it up in one night?"
"Well, I'd sure be surprised if you could. No one learns that fast." Ash replies, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. You hate it, you want to shove him off and hit him where it hurts, but you can't. At least Coryo was here to witness it.
"True." You nod, walking with him slowly past the stalls, browsing at some of the small trinkets and goods they had. It seemed to be all random things, which was foreign to you. Back home, every store had a purpose, even after the war the Capitol held onto this sophistication. "This is so pretty!" You smile, spinning out from under his arm to get a closer look at a dress someone had made. It was shorter than your skirt, typically one that would be worn by a child in this region, but it was oversized enough that you could wear it and it would land mid-thigh.
"How much is this?" You ask the woman sitting behind the wooden table, holding up the dress that she had clearly made.
"Forty." She answers, nodding to you. "It's steep, but I put a lot of work into it. It'll last your daughter a long time."
"Oh, no." You giggle, shaking your head. "I was thinking for me." You say, lifting part of the fabric to admire the stitches.
"For you?" Ash asks, raising an eyebrow at you.
"Yes, what do you think?" You reply, holding it up in front of you. "I like the red accents. It's beautifully made."
"You'll look like a damn prostitute," Ash replies without missing a beat. "That's what I think."
You bite your lip, face going red as you look down at it draped against your body. You're not sure if it's from anger or embarrassment. You sigh, folding it up again and turning to the woman who looks shocked. "I'll take it." You smile suddenly, placing it back down while you dig out some cash from your pocket, handing her fifty. "And don't worry about making change, I just hate carrying coins around."
"Thank you, dear. You enjoy." She smiles gratefully, taking the money and tucking it away in her pocket. You nod at her, and before you even turn around with the new dress under your arm you feel a firm grip on your skin, yanking you away from the stall and into a side street.
"Hey! Let me go!" You shout, trying to peel Ash's grip from your arm where it's digging in so tight it's already flushing the areas and opening your healed scratches from the birds, smearing the drops of blood across your skin.
"No, you listen to me." He says, dropping your arm in favour of pointing a finger right in your face as you're backed up against the wall. "If you're gonna be my girl, I'm not letting you walk around like some kind of whore. Do you understand?" He says, clearly fumingly angry by now.
You laugh, rolling your eyes. "You don't scare me, you're a district-born loser with no fucking job! How dare you try and tell me what to do with my-"
You're cut off when he smacks you. You take a shaky breath, instinctively holding the side of your face where his palm made contact. You feel your confidence faltering with the heat pulsing under your skin, and with your eyes closed in this back alley, suddenly you're back home. But you're not. You're not home, and he's not your father, and here, you're free. You're gonna kill him.
You open your eyes and stand up straighter, looking him dead on as your chest heaves with anger. You shove him back, pulling your arm back in his moment of shock to take a proper swing at him as he scrambles to push you back up against the wall. In your rage, you failed to account for the fact that he was much bigger than you.
"Hey! Back off her! Now!" Coriolanus shouts, clicking the safety off his gun before Ash can lay another hit on you, gun aimed unwaveringly at the boy as he quickly walks toward the two of you.
Ash panics, and you feel this as the forearm he had pressed up against your throat, pinning you to the wall loosened its hold and you shoved him off just in time for Coryo to push his way between the two of you, the barrel of his gun now inches from Ash's nose.
He raises his hands in surrender. "Hey, we're cool. I didn't do nothin' to her."
Coriolanus is fighting every urge to just pull the trigger on the loaded weapon in his hands. For you. For this asshole hurting you, for touching you, for the crime of even looking at you, he should do it. He breathes heavily, every muscle in his jaw constricted so tightly he's sure it'll ache for weeks.
You watch over your friend's shoulder, watching the gears turning in his head. Do it, you want to tell him, but even in your anger you can see that's irrational, so you keep your mouth shut.
Coryo sighs, lowering his weapon to use it to gesture to the street. "Get out of here." He mumbles, deciding to let him go. "And never so much as look at her again, understand?" You're almost a little disappointed as Ash spits on the ground at your feet, starting to walk away when Coryo turns the gun faster than you can process and jabs the butt end of it into Ash's face. A chilling crack echoes out against the crumbling walls surrounding you and he hits the ground, unconscious with an obviously broken nose.
Coryo is panting as he turns back to you, quickly throwing the gun back over his shoulder. "Are you okay?" He asks, reaching out and holding your shoulders, hands running down your arms quickly to look over the injuries. "Did he do this to you?" He looks over the scattered cuts and scratches. He could tell they were healing, and they were inconsistent with what could be done with a blade or a man-made weapon, so he deducts quickly that you must have fallen into the wrong bush or something. Maybe when you were gardening.
You shake your head quickly, eyes locked on the boy on the ground.
"Hey, no, look at me. Are you okay?" Coryo asks again, grabbing your chin and forcing you to look at him. He nods expectantly, waiting for you to answer.
"Yes. Fine." You whisper shamefully, giving a slight nod under his gentle hold.
"C'mere..." He mutters, pulling you closer to hug him. He sighs, holding the back of your head and gently smoothing down your hair. It shocks him when you start to shake, trying to muffle your crying in the fabric of his uniform. He shouldn't have waited so long. He took his eyes off you for less than a minute to maintain his own sanity, and this is what happened.
You knew you were safe with Coryo, this was your fault for straying from that over some petty anger. He had betrayed you, sure, but he told you it was because he only wanted to help. If you had listened, none of this would have happened. You should have known he was right. At least he hadn't abandoned you, he'd even saved you. You were lucky he was even around.
"He hit me." You sniff through sobs, gripping tightly onto the back of his grey uniform. "I didn't, I don't know why, I-"
"Hey, hey, hey..." Coryo shushes you, pressing his lips to the top of your head. "I've got you. You're safe now. I'm here."
"I'm sorry..." You sniff, overtaken by the foolishness of your own decisions. For denying your feelings for him in a way that only resulted in hurting the both of you.
Coryo has to fight back a smile as he takes in the familiar scent of your hair. "Don't be." He whispers, kissing your head. "I'll always protect you."
You nod against his chest, locking yourself firmly into his grasp. Even as your blood dried and stuck to his coldly grey uniform, you found it hard to let him go.
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taglist: @totallynotkaibiased , @stelleduarte , @klplynn , @secretsicanthideanymore , @bejeweledreverie , @gloryekaterina , @andrewgarfieldsbitch , @queenofspades6 , @pepperonipastas , @ladybug0095 , @lunamothwrites , @sbrewer21 , @mus-tbe-a-weasley , @splxtscreen , @unclecrunkle , @karmaswitch , @coconut-dreamz , @nekee-lilac02 , @ooooglymoooogly , @riddlerloveb0t , @lovedbalances , @notyourwildestdream , @snowlandson-top , @too-lit-for-fanfic , @utopiakys , @deafeningballoonnacho , @roosterschanelslut , @chmpgneprblem , @cosmoetik , , @urvampgfsworld , @carolanns-world @nan-nie , @shakespearseclipse , @iovemoonyy , @notyoursweetheart-honey ,  @xyzstar , @eatpizzasass, @slytherinholland , @queenofshinigamis , @elodiebeau , @soulessjourney
i've closed my taglist for coryo now!! sorry to everyone who wanted to be added, but unfortunately there was significantly more demand than i expected and i sadly just can't tag everyone. BUT! if you still want notifications when i post for this fic, please turn on my post notifs!!
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charliemwrites · 2 months
Three to Flee
Commission from the very sweet @ignoreprotocol
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Someone leaves the door open and the pets get out.
Content Warning: Established kidnapping situation, unhealthy relationships, collaring
Author's Note: This does not mean Keeper/Kept is back. As far as I'm concerned, that story is finished, but this was a special case.
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Shockingly, it’s not Feral that brings it up first.
The girls are having a little picnic at the edge of Johnny and Shy Thing’s yard, shaded by the tall trees. The men are chatting on the porch, sharing cigars and whiskey, far from earshot. Good behavior has earned them this bit of privacy, and so far, they’ve just used it to exchange keeper notes and offer bedroom advice.
“I can’t believe you don’t even have a fence,” Good Girl muses, glancing at the forest beyond. Her own yard is well fortified. It’s not just the sturdy, unclimbable fence, but also the monitors and floodlights connected to it.
Shy Thing sheepishly mentions a failed escape attempt several months earlier, a mad dash through the woods that ended with her dirty and disciplined. That prompts Good Girl to confess her own ill-fated getaway, a midnight attempt at sneaking out that resulted in a bruised ass.
Feral listens with her head cocked, nibbling at her apple slices. When their eyes turn to her, she shrugs.
“I haven’t tried to leave in a while,” she admits, “but I don’t think it would go well.”
Good Girl frowns. “How do you know if you haven’t tried?”
Feral snorts. “You’ve met Simon, haven’t you?”
All eyes turn to the boys on the porch. And there’s Simon, watching. Feral makes a rude gesture his way and they can see his shoulders shaking with a chuckle.
“Besides… it’s not so bad,” she muses. “Most of the time.”
Good Girl sits back, expression twisting. “I don’t want it to be ‘not so bad,’ I want it to be good. And I want it that way all the time.”
Shy Thing shifts. “What’s so wrong with John…?”
Good Girl huffs and begins picking at threads in the blanket. “He’s… fine. I mean, he would be if I could just leave. Don’t you miss being free?”
Feral hums.
“I… I miss going to the store when I wanted… or just… walking around town,” Shy Thing admits slowly. “I miss coffee shops and parks.”
Good Girl groans in agreement. “I miss the internet. It’s like being a fucking teenager again, having all my activity monitored.”
With a little more momentum now, Shy Things continues, “I haven’t been alone in months. Just… by myself. Doing whatever I want.”
“And not having rules,” Good Girl adds, sipping at the mojito John put in a little travel cup for her. “Fucking… sick of having a bedtime and chores and a fucking collar. Aren’t you sick of it?”
It’s directed at both of them, but Shy Thing nods, hands fidgeting.
“It gets to be a lot sometimes,” she mumbles, “I think I warmed up to Johnny out of pure exhaustion.”
Good Girl huffs again, worked into a proper fuss now. “And they’re so smug about it. Like we’re just these good, trained pets.”
Feral pipes up, “We could leave together.”
Both girls swivel to her with varying degrees of shock, hope, and disbelief.
“You said you didn’t think you could get past Simon,” Good Girl says.
Feral snorts and stretches out on her stomach in a mottled patch of sunlight creeping through the leaves.
“Yeah, I couldn’t on my own,” she explains, “but between the three of us…”
It’s uncomfortably simple when it happens. They just need to wait until the next big mission.
All three of them beg (or in Feral’s case, demand) to spend that time together while the keepers are away. It’s not unusual for the creatures to meet up when one or more of the men are gone. With all three off on a mission this time, they sniffle about being lonely and wanting company. That their houses feel too big and empty, that cooking for one is depressing.
Johnny caves instantly; John agrees on the stipulation that Good Girl is on her best behavior before he leaves. Simon, of course, is a foregone conclusion.
They go to Simon’s house. It’s the safest of the three homes and has the most space. Not to mention the girls will have some sort of access to the outside with the enclosed sunporch.
On the day of the mission, Good Girl and Shy Thing show up with fully packed bags, ready for their extended “sleepover” with Feral. The pets see their boys off, behave as normal for the cameras until Shy Thing gets the “heading out” message from Johnny. That’s the greenlight.
Feral has her own bag of things that she packs quickly and expertly. They fill a fourth bag with nonperishable provisions, just in case. Each of them has cash that they filched last minute from their keepers’ wallets – knowing they wouldn’t check them just before a classified mission.
The girls know it’ll be a day or two before anyone checks on them. Even Kyle is away with the team this time.
And then it all comes down to walking out the door.
The front door is, of course, locked. All the windows have alarms on them, and so does the garage door. But the sunporch…
“He didn’t lock the door,” Feral realizes as it swings open. And the alarm only engages when it’s locked.
All three of them take a single step out into the open air. And stop. Stare at each other a little moon-eyed.
They just left.
They stride at a quick clip around the side of the house and down the road. It’ll be an hour-long walk into town, but they have thick coats and each other for company. They chatter as they follow the pavement, just within the tree line out of caution. Pretend its giddy celebration at their escape and not a distraction from the creeping mix of dread and uncertainty beginning to simmer within each of them.
When they reach town, they blend into the crowds, weaving through the streets until they find a low-end hotel. It won’t be anything fancy, but at least it seems clean enough. Good Girl does all the talking with the receptionist (also a lady, thank god) since Feral and Shy Thing are jittery from so many people. They get a one-bed room with easy access to the fire exit.
 It’s only after they’re inside that reality sinks its claws in.
They’re free. For the first time in months, they’re outside with no one standing behind their shoulders or holding their arms. No one to appease, nothing to behave for.
And Shy Thing throws up in the toilet.
“This is scary,” she wheezes, eyes watering. “I’m scared. I want—”
Though she stops, the other two know what the end of that sentence was. Good Girl rubs her back.
“Don’t worry, they’re not going to find us,” she soothes like she doesn’t know why Shy Thing is really scared.
Neither Shy Thing nor Feral reply. The answer hangs in the air, unspoken. We want them to.
Feral, feeling restless, goes back into the main room and begins rummaging through her bag.
“What are you doing?” Good Girl asks, giving Shy Thing privacy to clean up.
“Looking for something to cut that off with.” Feral nods to Good Girl’s collar. “It’s probably chipped or something. We should have taken it off at home.”
She stops as the blood drains from her fellow creature’s face. They stare at each other across the tiny motel room, the weight of their successful plan pressing heavier and heavier with each passing second.
“I…” Good Girl rasps, “I…”
“You don’t want to.”
Her eyes well with tears. “No.”
Feral drops her bag and crumples to the ground, tugging her knees up to her chest.
“Why don’t I want to?” Good Girl whispers, curling her arms around herself. “This… this was my idea. I complain all the time. Why do I miss him already?”
Shy Thing appears in the doorway, sniffling. “I-I don’t know if I can do this. I can’t imagine life without Johnny. I… I don’t know if I want to have a life without Johnny.”
And Feral, still on the floor and trembling all over, just looks at them with huge tears running down her face.
Needless to say, when three rather miffed keepers in full combat gear throw the door open at 3am, they are not expecting armfuls of distraught creatures sobbing into their chests.
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jobean12-blog · 8 months
Feelin' Gourd
Pairing: Mob!Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 1,454
Summary: You really want to go on a trip to the farm but not with the girls this year. This year you want your husband to take you and even though he's the boss and busy a lot he always makes time for you, even if it means stepping out of his usual role and being soft and sweet...because for you, he'll do anything.
Author's Note: So I've decided that mob!Bucky is one of my kinks, especially when he's a big softie for his woman. And honestly, he's perfect! So here's my first kinktober '23 story featuring mob!Bucky and his softie side. Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always❤️❤️❤️ and Happy October! Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy! 🥰
Warnings: It's fun and fluffy and sweet and soft!
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Steve escorts the men out of Bucky’s office and down the hall. He smiles warmly at you before his face hardens into it’s usual work mask again as he practically pushes the men out the door.
With a soft goodnight to you he shuts and locks the door of your house.
Without waiting another second you skip to Bucky’s office, stopping in the doorway when you see him focused on his phone.
“There you are doll face,” he croons.
He looks up as he sets his phone down on his desk.
“Work done?” you ask sweetly.
“All done,” he says as he holds out his arms for you.
You rush into the room and around his desk, falling against his chest and nuzzling his neck as he drags you onto his lap.
“Mm,” he hums appreciatively as you wrap yourself around him.
He kisses your temple, taking your face in his hands before pulling your mouth to his. The kiss starts out sweet and soft but swiftly grows deeper as his fingers search for the bottom of your shirt, sneaking beneath to feel more of your skin.
“Bucky,” you breathe out, pulling away enough to look into his eyes.
“What?” he asks, slightly breathless himself. “Missed you today.”
He gives you his best boyish smirk, the one reserved only for you, and it makes your heart flutter.
“Missed you too,” you whisper, peppering his check with butterfly kisses, “but…”
His lips find yours again and your words are lost against his mouth, his hands dancing higher until he’s toying with the clasp of your bra.
He unhooks it with ease and starts to peel it off under your shirt.
“Buckyyyy,” you pout.
“Doll,” he groans as his hands roam over your newly exposed skin.
“I wanted to ask you something.”
He stops his caresses, giving you a disgruntled look.
Your expression falls and he immediately brushes his thumb across your lips, cradling your cheek and drawing you closer.
“No, none of that now baby doll. I’m sorry. Talk to me.”
You instantly brighten and he growls out a mumbled curse, knowing you totally got one over on him. With a bright and triumphant smile you toy with his tie, mindlessly adjusting it as you begin to talk.
“I want you to take me pumpkin picking.”
His eyes widen and he blinks several times. “Pumpkins? Like on a farm?”
You nod excitedly, bouncing in his lap. “YES! We can pick our own to carve and get some for the front of the house and even get apple cider donuts and hot apple cider and take home a pie or pick apples to make a pie and maybe even go for a hay ride!”
Your enthusiastic wave of words rushes out and he can hardly keep up and all the while you’re still fiddling with his tie and the collar of his shirt, smoothing out each until they’re perfect.
“Didn’t you go do this with the girls last year?” he asks softly but with a smile.
“I did,” you start, pouting a bit. “But I want to go with you!”
He opens his mouth to speak but you press a finger to his lips.
When you’re done with your pleading he grabs your wrist and holds you finger to his mouth, kissing the tip softly before pushing your other fingers up so he can kiss them all too.
“Of course I’ll take you,” he whispers.
You squeal in delight and kiss him, trying to pull away to tell him more about what you can do at the farm but he keeps you pressed firmly against him as he spins his desk chair and lifts you out of his lap, placing you on the edge of his desk.
When he finally releases your lips you nibble your bottom one, watching as he kneels down, spreading your legs and tugging on your panties.
“Thank you Bucky,” you whisper.
“I didn’t even do anything yet doll,” he teases.
“I meant for agreeing to go pumpkin picking with me.”
“You know I’d do anything to make you happy,” he murmurs, kissing along your calf, his fingers massaging your soft skin as he moves higher.
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Bucky struts out of your walk-in closet, adjusting the collar on his shirt before smiling at you.
“Ready doll face?” he asks.
You look him over from head to toe then sashay your way into his arms. “I am…but I think you might need to change.”
He frowns. “Why? I thought my red shirt was good…fall color and all.”
“Oh the red is perfect,” you assure him. “But I’m not sure you need to wear one of your three-hundred-dollar Prada shirts to the farm.”
“Huh,” he muses. “Am I going to get dirty?”
“The pumpkins are sometimes muddy or dirty with soil and there’s lots of dust and vines…if there are horses and other animals there might be…”
“So I should lose my Prada loafers too then?”
He grins, looking slightly sheepish.
“Definitely,” you giggle, giving him a soft kiss. “But the jeans are perfect.”
You step back to let your eyes roam over his thick thighs that are on full display in the tight denim.
He starts to unbutton his dress shirt but you stop him, slowly undoing each button yourself until it hangs open and reveals his tanned and toned chest and stomach. You ghost your fingernails down his skin, watching his muscles flex from your touch.
When you push the shirt from his shoulders you sigh, “why can’t you just go like this?”
He huffs out a laugh and adjusts his belt, drawing your attention to the trail of dark hair that lines his lower stomach and the disappears into his jeans.
“Still wanna go pumpkin picking doll?” he asks wearing an amused and smug smirk.
You slowly drag your eyes up to his and cock your hip out, placing your hand there and stealing your features.
“YES! Now find a tee shirt and hoodie and change your shoes.”
“Where are my hoodies. I thought you stole them all,” he says as he’s walking back into the closet.
“I left you one…maybe two!”
“What about a flannel?” he calls out.
“Perfet,” you reply.
Once he’s dressed in his soft tee and even softer flannel, his feet clad in leather lace up boots you head for the door.
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It’s still early when you get to the farm so there aren’t many people around yet. You and Bucky walk hand in hand under the warm sunshine toward the pumpkin patch.
“What are we looking for exactly?” he asks, eyeing the rows of orange squash.
“I want some really big ones for the front of the house! And then we need two for carving and some smaller ones for more decoration. And I want gourds too…they have a lot of different colors and shapes!”
“Am I supposed to carry them all?”
He looks suspicious and when you start to smile he takes you in his arms brushes his lips against yours.
“I will if that’s what you need me to do.”
You melt into him, sliding your arms around his waist. “As much as I’d love to see you trying to carry all these pumpkins, we can just get a wagon.”
You peek around him and point to the red wagons lined up along the fence.
“Phew,” he says with a laugh.
You walk through the patch, Bucky dragging the wagon behind him as you gush over every pumpkin you see, picking them up, inspecting them and asking for his insight. He takes his job seriously, examining each one with thorough precision before giving you his honest review.
“This one is perfect for carving,” he says, holding up the tall but still wide pumpkin with a good flat face.
“It is!” you cheer. “What are you going to carve?”
He stands there, looking from you to the pumpkin. “I have no idea!”
You bend over with laughter, loving to see your husband in such a relaxed state but also taking the pumpkin picking so seriously. He never does anything half-assed.
After he sets the pumpkin in the cart he looks over what you’ve picked so far. “One more?”
You throw your arms around his neck. “I love you so much. I’m having the best time.”
He wraps you in his embrace, nestling his face into your neck. “Love you more doll and me too.”
“Before we pick more can we get some cider and donuts? I’m hungry.”
“Of course,” he says, tucking you under his arm. “I hope they sell these donuts by the dozen. I have a feeling I’m going to want more than one.”
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@randomfandompenguin @book-dragon-13 @goldylions @blackwidownat2814 @buckysdollforlife @hiddles-rose @kmc1989 @lizette50
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