#But maybe another time
Celestial Beings
Chapter Two: Talking it Out
Characters: Reader, Molly Weasley, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black
Summary: After many, many days of dealing with Moody's visits, (y/n) get two new visitors, who seem to be much much nicer.
Word Count: 2,285
Warnings: Torture Mention, SA Mention (it's mostly glossed over, no major details), Child Abuse Mention
A/N: Just in case I forgot to mention previously, this is not completely canon-compliant. I also have made Moody more of an a-hole, if anyone wants to know my thought process on that matter go ahead in send in a quick ask. Actually, feel free to send in an ask about anything, I would love to answer! I'm enjoying writing this, and I hope that at least some people are enjoying reading this.
Torture and pain were nothing new to (y/n), actually, it rather reminded her of home. She wasn’t sure how long she had been in the small room, nor how many times she’d had her “visits” with Moody. They rarely lasted longer than a few hours. The longest time, from what little sense of it she had, was somewhere around 8 hours.
Speaking of home, she missed it quite a bit. Malfoy Manor was a lot more cruel on the inside than most people could even guess. Not particularly any fault of Mrs. Malfoy or Draco, but rather Lucius. The head of the household, and loyal follower of her father, obeyed any and every command given. Of course, most of those orders were on how to best “raise and properly train” (y/n), which typically involved some form of torture.
(Y/n) of course, followed along as well, it was easier than dealing with the consequences. Out of everything, waterboarding was the worst. Followed closely behind spending any nights with a few perverted men, less as a consequence, more so as a reward for their loyalty to You-Know-Who. She had the scars to prove the ordeals she went through, as much as she would prefer to forget.
Even though she acted nonchalant about it all, she was still a person. She just couldn’t afford to be seen that way. In her opinion, it was better to be seen as an object or a weapon, a mere pawn on a chessboard. Then at least she herself could pretend to have no weaknesses, no breaking point. She preferred that people believed the rumors and lies, that she was as deadly as her father and as crazed as Bellatrix Lestrange.
Mrs.Weasley opened the cell door, a tired look on her face and a plate in hand. She gave (y/n) a sad smile as she set it down near the entrance.
“Couldn’t you just give him something to go off of?” Mrs. Weasley pleaded with her. “Anything so you could have a break from it all? You look downright awful, I’m worried for you.”
“What could I give him that he would believe?” (Y/n) asked, slowly grabbing the sandwich from the plate and taking a bite. “After all, I imagine it’s been at least a few weeks if not a month or so? I haven’t uttered a single thing he’s believed, including that his curses and beatings won’t work. I’m used to it, it’s what I’ve been molded to be.”
“What about something small, something that no one knows about, well You-Know-Who?” Mrs. Weasley tries, leaning against the door frame. “From what I’ve gathered he hasn’t exactly been the most caring of-”
“Don’t.” (Y/n) said flatly, meeting the older woman’s eyes. “Truly don’t go there. He cares, just in his own way.”
Mrs. Weasley is quiet after that, unsure as to what to say. She sighs, picking up the plate and turning to leave. Once the door was shut (y/n) sits back against the cold wall, no longer having the appetite for her sandwich.
“He does care. I just don’t know if it’s about me or the results I give him.” she gathers up the blanket, draping it over her legs. “No, he cares about me, what father wouldn’t care about their children? Even Lucius cares about Draco, and he doesn’t care about much else than impressing my father.” (Y/n) sat in the dark, with nothing but her own thoughts to keep her company and the occasional bug scurrying across the floor.
This time when the door opened it was someone (y/n) had not seen before. Or rather two someones she hadn’t seen. Both men were tall, one with dark, long curly hair and the other with light brown, short-combed hair. (Y/n) recognized one of them as Sirius Black, the first person to escape Azkaban prison. The other took her a few seconds to place, it wasn’t until the light hit his face, revealing the scars that she knew it was Remus Lupin, a werewolf known to be heavily against her father.
“Well, isn’t this a treat?” She said, slowly getting to her feet. “A blood-traitor and a half-breed? What did I do to have you grace my presence?” Remus flinched at the mention of half-breed.
“I came down here to see who could possibly have Moody stumped,” Sirius growled, stepping in front of Remus ever so slightly. “Imagine my surprise when I see you’re nothing more than another idiot, too stubborn and ignorant for your own good.”
“I’m the idiot?” (Y/n) laughed. “Am I the one torturing the same person the same 20 ways over and over in the hopes something will give? No, I’m the one who is with-standing it because the consequences of giving in are worse than dealing with a little more pain.”
“What could be worse than everything Moody has put you through?” Remus mused. “He’s told us some of what he’s done, none of which we agreed with. The real reason we’re down here is because we took a vote.”
“A vote?” She took a step back, unsure now of the situation she was in. “A vote for what? Who gets first dibs?”
“What?” Sirius looked taken aback, holding up his hands innocently. “No, we took a vote over if Moody should be down here with you anymore.”
“We decided against it. You don’t have to deal with him anymore.” Remus conjured up a lantern and hung it on the ceiling. “From now on we’re just going to talk.”
“So we’ve moved on from physical torture to psychological, understood.” (Y/n)’s shoulder relaxed slightly. “I can handle that too.”
“No, no, no. I think you’re still not understanding.” Remus smiled, looking at Sirius. “That’s all we’re going to do from now on. Sirius has enlightened us on what you’ve probably grown used to growing up.”
“Enlightened? What would he know about any of that?” she sneered, feeling even more vulnerable than before. Somehow talking seemed more daunting than hours of Cruciatous curses and water-boarding.
“You’re forgetting what family I, regrettably, belong to,” Sirius grumbled, shutting the door. “I have a feeling your upbringing was at least somewhat similar to my own, if not worse. Your father seems to pay you the same amount of care my mother gave me, which is to say nothing unless you are their perfect doll.”
“I don’t know what you could possibly be-”
“Don’t lie, it doesn’t suit you.” Sirius glared at her, arms crossed. “Besides, you can give everyone else the whole “He cares for me, just in a different way” b.s. like you gave Molly, but it won’t work on me. I tried that too, now I realize how bloody wrong I was.”
“Sirius, we came to talk, not to therapise,” Remus warned, putting his hand on Sirius’s chest. “How about we start small, like cornish pixie small?” he glanced at (y/n) almost asking her for permission.
“Right, apologies.” Sirius took a deep breath. “Let’s just start small, right?” Remus dropped his hand and turned back to (y/n).
“I don’t see what actual choice I have,” (Y/n) sat down on top of her sleeping bag, bringing her knees to her chest. “What’s the rules then?”
“No rules, just talk.” Remus once again said, conjuring up some wooden chairs. “Would you like a chair as well, or are you okay there?”
“I’m fine.” (Y/n) watched as the two men sat down. “So, what would you like to talk about? The weather? To me, it seems the same every day to me.”
“Funny,” Sirius rolled his eyes. “But, to be completely honest I haven’t a clue.”
“What’s your favorite color?” Remus asks. “I prefer blue myself.”
“I like gold a lot,” Sirius mutters, still seemingly uninterested in the conversation. “It’s one of the few colors I can see both in my animagus form and human form.”
“It may seem cliche, but I like green.” (Y/n) admits after sitting in silence for a moment. “Not any green though, I enjoy deep greens, phthalo green is a good one, and so is forest green, and juniper.”
“You seem to know quite a bit about different shades of greens, is there any particular reason?” Sirius asked, sitting up more in his chair.
“Not really, it just comes in handy when it comes to potions and herbology.” she shrugged. The three of them were silent for a moment. “So, did either of you ever, um, I don’t know, did either of you ever find a way to sneak into the headmaster’s quarters? Because I did, plenty of times.”
“And you never tried to kill him for your dad?” Sirius seemed confused. “I feel like if you wanted his approval as bad as you seem to, you would’ve, well you know.”
“Answer my question first and then I’ll answer yours.” (Y/n) responded. “Have either of you snuck into Dumbledore’s quarters?”
“I, well, I tried to once, but not while I was still at the school,” Sirius smiled to himself. “It was after I escaped prison. I snuck into the castle looking for Peter and saw a rat head that way. Turned out to be a normal rat.”
“I never really even thought of the idea. I mean, he’s someone I imagine has a lot of security and spells cast around him to protect him from that sort of thing.” Remus admitted. “Your turn, answer Sirius’s question.”
“No, I never tried to kill him.” (Y/n) smirks. “The idea is quite intriguing though. Could you imagine how funny it’d be, if the daughter of the all and powerful Dark Lord, age 13, manages to murder the one person he fears above all else? Besides I liked school.”
“Why did you sneak in then?” Remus prodded, leaning forwards, studying her as she toyed with her fingers. “If not to kill Dumbledore, why bother?”
“To be completely and totally honest? I wanted to be the best at potions, and Dumbledore just so happened to be very close friends with a certain Nicholas Flammel. In order to be able to make a Philosopher’s Stone one would have to excel in both alchemy and potion-making.” she stood up, leaning against the wall. “He had a portrait of him in there, I would sneak in, ask him a million and one questions about potions, and then by the next time I came back I had tested and confirmed what he told me. I took great joy in Snape watching me get better at his own craft than he was.”
Sirius let out a gruff chuckle, which soon became a hollering laugh. Even Remus couldn’t contain himself, joining in with his own chorus of giggles. (Y/n) didn’t quite understand what was so funny, but watching the two of them laugh as hard as they were made her let out a giggle or two. The three of them talked, just talked for a time.
When the knock came at the door (y/n) stiffened, eyeing Sirius as he opened it. Much to her relief, it was Mrs. Weasley bringing dinner along with a small pillow. Sirius thanked her, taking the food from her arms and holding it out to (y/n), offering it to her. She cautiously took it, careful to not get too close as she retreated to her corner of the cell. Mrs. Weasley smiled and held up the pillow.
“It’s not much, but it’s better than what Alastor was giving you.” The older woman set it next to the door. “Whenever you’re ready for it you can grab it. No rush, dear.”
(Y/n) nodded, whispering a small thank you under her breath as Mrs.Weasley left. The soup and bread she had been given more than filled her up. Remus and Sirius continued talking to one another as she ate, everyone now slightly more comfortable with each other.
“I have to admit, she makes good food. Great food actually, Mrs. Malfoy has never been adept in the kitchen department, nor has anyone she’s hired either.” (Y/n) told them, licking the sides of the bowl as she finished her soup. “And as enjoyable as this has been today, I do have a serious question to pose.”
“What question?” Remus asked, stiffening in his seat. Sirius’s eyes seemed to darken as he looked at her as if he was ready to pounce if needed.
“Well, if I’m not to be tortured or forced to divulge any information, what do you expect to do with me then?” setting down the bowl she met their eyes. “You can’t possibly keep me in here forever, but you also can’t just let me out of here either. Which leaves very little option other than killing me or me somehow escaping and taking as many of you with me as I can.”
The men look both shocked and hurt, perhaps a dash of anger in Sirius’s eyes. Neither of them says a thing as they stand up and walk towards the door. (Y/n) smiles at them, pushing their now empty plate and bowl towards them.
“It’s only a matter of time as to which happens first. Personally, I’ve accepted dying in here. No resources will be wasted on a rescue for me, nor will there be anyone to mourn me. I suggest you make the decision soon before I find a way to slaughter the lot of you in your sleep.” she threatens, meeting Remus’s gaze. “Because you were right, Dumbledore does have plenty of security in his quarters, much more so than the barrier spells that get weaker day by day in here.”
~~{𝘌𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘛𝘸𝘰}~~
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morkiemcfly · 3 months
I think albw implied that albw Zelda was the descendant of alttp zelink, since the painting of them embracing in the castle implies they got married. So if they did something like that for wild zelink I'd go crazy. Would never happen, but imagine a statue of wild zelink somewhere in the next future hyrule. Or some book or painting. Or some offhand mention about a great hero from the past in the royal family that the next zelda looks up to or something similar that's juuust vague enough.
Knowing me though, all they would have to do is give the next zelda some vaguely wild zelink traits in her design/hobbies and I'd still get deranged about it. They so much as give her blue eyes and I'm gonna be like "that's my granddaughter right there"
Anon are we the same person?? Because I’ve had those exact thoughts too! Like I also would go absolutely feral if we got any kind of vague hint or Easter eggs. Probably unlikely, like you said, but hey, you never know! These games are always chock full of easter eggs and vague mentions of past characters so, fingers crossed 🤞🏻.
And yes, it would be awesome and I’d also get deranged if the next Zelda had any vague traits of wild Zelink, like if she was a geek with a huge appetite or something. But I’m getting ahead of myself lol.
I enjoyed this particular ask so thanks for sending it!
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lady-zephyrine · 2 months
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Been meaning to update my Drawcia gijinka, I tried to give her a bit more fat. Also, she has the same "gloves" that Dark Matter typically have, but she lacks the eyeball marking a Dark Matter would have on their belly (not that you can see it anyway).
I also tried to draw her "Soul"/weakened form. I wanted to make her look humanoid while still being made of paint.
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diorsbrando · 6 months
the way i’m slowly and extremely gradually treating my blog like my diary or just like….instagram or something is becoming increasingly concerning to me by the day. i just post and rb a bunch of stuff that i like or supporting other creators on here or screaming about my thoughts (that have so much range by the way). uncontrollable venting under the cut .
TLDR -> i am in my feelings and im feeling sad and wallowing in self loathing things because i want to write so so bad all the time but there are so many other factors discourage me from doing so, like im not good enough because i don’t publish things enough, & not many people read anything i write anyway
i really am trying not to hate myself because another 2-ish months have passed since the last time i have posted a fic, but it is so so hard not to. SO HARD. mutuals are doing kinktober events left, right and center, other moots post fics and blurbs as easy as sending a 5 sentence text and here i am. envious of them all. rereading and proofreading and staring at the same drafts i have had in my google docs for weeks. months, even!
i just get discouraged coming on here sometimes. it’s not that i don’t have the motivation to write because i do— i really do. i have so so many ideas that i want to share with everyone and my writing style keeps evolving and it makes me want to experiment with different tropes with my favs and see how well i can execute them. but the actual doing it….finding the time and trying to balance is just :( sob. it’s hard.
i internally cringe and silently scold myself at the wips i have and remembering how at the time i created them i was so excited to write them but then never finished for one reason or another. abandoned series make me sad :/ i feel guilt when people talk to me about how much they liked a headcanon i did and how i promised to expand on it, or multichap series i only posted the prologue and first chapter over a year ago. guilt bc i want to write everything but just can’t and i’m still struggling to accept that.
and in the process of struggling with this fact it turns into a self loathing cycle that then turns into disappointment when interactions on my writing pieces are low and have become stagnant, and the pieces are 4+ months old or something, and it’s like will i become irrelevant if i don’t post something soon? i have nothing new to offer at the moment, all the ideas im excited about and i have a feeling people will like im still working on or in the brainstorming phase so im like what do i do? idk. then i just close the app.
don’t even get me started on how admiration at just how good other people write makes me feel awful about my own writing…..
anyway sorry for boring you with my feelings but yeah :,) maybe i should stop being so hard on myself
if u read this far then….wow. thanks for listening 🤍
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prancingintheshadows · 6 months
Finally putting down the notes to this RWBY DnD thing that keeps me awake during work.
It's just basically what it would look like if the RWBY characters played DnD, or I guess Grottos and Grimm or whatever their equivalent is.
The DM of the game
I like to imagine she's been doing this for Ruby and her friends far before Beacon
Understands very well that the DM and the players are not enemies
Will definitely allow her players to do wacky shit if she thinks its funny or cool
But definitely knows when her players are trying to play her and will put her foot down if needed ever since a younger Ruby kept trying to fudge her rolls. Young Ruby's lie would've worked better if she remembered to roll the die before saying what she 'rolled'
Does voices and accents
Does not do accents well
Artillerist Artificer
Ruby doesn't want to be the chosen one nor does she want to be the normal person who stumbled into the fight with the big bad. Both hit too close to home, so instead of someone with magic or a person who just fights good, Ruby's just a girl who makes guns and things that blow up
Likes to give items to her teammates without telling them what it is
Ruby: Weiss! Take this!
Weiss: And this is...
Ruby: I stored a spell in it. Use it in emergencies
Weiss: Use it? On myself or the enemies?
Ruby: *winks*
Weiss: Ruby... Do I use it on myself or the enemies!?
Is responsible for Weiss going down at least 4 times
She really wants to show off her singing skills that she usually never gets to display.
When the game first started, she sang out every bardic inspiration
Now she just does quick song requests since the game grinded to a halt whenever Weiss had to figure out lyrics
Because she's new to the game, she didn't have a backstory in mind, so she's just Ruby's rich singer friend who funds all her shit
Weiss wanted to be the teammate who handles all the social interactions, however, she didn't understand how skills worked, so the only charisma skill she has is performance. This leads to a lot of this:
Weiss: Can you help us?~
Yang: Alright, roll for Persuasion.
Weiss: ... But I was singing. Shouldn't it be Performance?
Yang: Weiss, you're trying to persuade them, not put on a performance.
Weiss: ... It can be both! It's a performance I put on in order to persuade them.
Yang: ... Roll Persuasion but with disadvantage.
Has to constantly use class features to charm Ruby into telling her what her the items she makes actually do
Redemption Paladin
Of course Blake's would love playing a character whose ideals and morals are their strength, hence Paladin.
She of course has an extensive backstory that is outlined in a several page document that Yang's obviously read every page of. Unsurprisingly, it's taken over the plot of the campaign. No one's really complaining about it.
Uses her smite slots for spells for some reason
Yang sometimes tries to flirt with her character to varying degrees of success.
Yang: 'My hero~ However can I repay you~ ' The blonde woman winks at you as she traces a finger down your arm.
Blake: No payment is necessary. I don't do this to be rewarded.
Yang: .... *cough* The woman says, 'But I must do something. Even, say... dinner? A cup of tea inside?' She gestures inside. It's clear that there's no one else at home at this time
Blake: Well... if you must do something... I can see you live alone. Perhaps you can spread the good will and provide shelter to those who need it?
Yang: ... Blake, I want you to roll a Insight check.
Blake: Okay... I rolled a-
Weiss: Not very well, mind you
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donexmiras · 1 year
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Hakai makes a return!
(fusion of Alkai and @underfell-crystal ‘s Harp)
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erineas · 11 months
Do you take requests would die if you would draw my sans (he’s on my profile}allover{) in your style!!!
Actually, even if I want to take requests, I don't think I could do it (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
I'm struggling enough between work and commissions just to bring some doodles because I'm so hyperfixated that I need to draw some skeletons from time to time. But all my other non-undertale/deltarune related accounts are almost abandoned.
So... yeah, I'm not taking requests right now, but maybe in the future when my schedule gets better and I have more time to spend on my digital art? We'll see (•´ ⁠〰⁠ `•)
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sprawca · 11 months
Thinking about Edward again. About how he perceives himself. How his own mind tortured him with Roberts: him, the hawk and Edward, the jackdaw.
Edward doesn't want to be Roberts, but Roberts is also what he was striving to be, in a way. Roberts is rich, successful, cruel and lacking morality (Is it Aita corrupting his mind, or was he always like that? Did he really care about his crewmen as anything more than tools?)
Edward is empathetic, kind-hearted and connects with people like no one else. He has a strong moral backbone, strives for good and even in his lowest, he wouldn't hurt an innocent. Even in his lowest he was disguised by pointless murder, by unnecessary cruelty.
The audacity towards evil is what made Roberts more successful than him. Edward can see in him the same drive he has. To be what he "dreamed" of being he would have to be just like Roberts, and even the idea of it sends Edward into rage.
Edward hates being interior to Roberts, hates that he was played with but, most importantly, hates the image of himself he sees in that man.
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ghostoftheyear · 1 year
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a very kind person sent me an extra copy of a ren/tokiya doujinshi they had and I am now in a very rentoki mood. I really do need to draw them more
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youcancallmesina · 1 year
While usuk is my otp that I'm absolutely devoted to, Angel Pair (Engita) will always hold a special place in my heart.
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yes hi hello i need some help.
do i watch the mummy or john wick rn??
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jakeperalta · 2 months
I'm curious. what job would you do if money was no object (you just automatically had an income you could live comfortably on)? including work like volunteering, studying etc. please share in the tags :)
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feralplantwife · 3 months
Diversity win! The god that's tormenting your friends is a woman!
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araneapeixes · 3 months
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fuck it. sketch poast
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dianagj-art · 6 months
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@somerandomdudelmao Tello Bot is so cool and then @kathaynesart drew this and I couldn't just not animate that last image
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mobius-m-mobius · 7 months
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Sometimes our emotions get the better of us. You can say that again.
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