#Bungou stray dogs match up
pillow-anime-talk · 11 months
match up. {1}
request (match up) ; @ a23--un66-u77: i’m a 5’2 female with short brown hair that reaches my neck and with curtain bangs, i have hazel eyes and i’m a bit chubby in the lower body. i’m a sagittarius, an esfp and i tend to be an ambivert leaning to extrovert, i also tend to overthink a lot and often feel guilty and insecure but otherwise i’m really cheerful and dirty minded. my hobbies are drawing, watching anime, writing stories; bungou stray dogs characters + platonic relations
# tags: match up; platonic relations; mostly fluff; a bit of comedy; slice of life; compliments and hugs; sfw
includes: atsushi nakajima, edgar allan poe, gin akutagawa & nikolai gogol {bsd}
author’s note: my first match up ever so... i just hope it's okay for you! thank you so much :)
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↘ It’s hard not to be friends with Atushi. He really likes people and he really appreciates having a best friend like you. You are very similar in that you both think a lot about life, problems and not being enough for others. Nevertheless, you two are always very supportive and I have a vision in my head that you like spending time with a cup of hot tea in complete silence. You don’t need words to communicate, just the presence of the other person will significantly improve your mood.
↘ This boy is the most supportive guy we all know; he’s always praising your haircut and eyes, he’s always saying you look great in >that< outfit or make-up, he’s complimented your paintings and stories more than once... He is such a good and loving boy who knows well that such small things work best on another person. You appreciate it very much.
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↘ You both love to write, so Edgar really enjoys your company and you exchange ideas, opinions and comments about books together. You go to a coffee shop together and discover new places on the map of Yokohama or nearby towns. You are by far the best duo ever made! Oh, of course, let’s not forget about Karl, who senses human intentions perfectly – but luckily this adorable raccoon adores you so bad, so you don’t have to worry about anything. For a small and sweet pet, you are the second parent.
↘ God, I have the thought in my mind that you help each other with the smallest and often the stupidest requests/things like cutting your hair or choosing an anime you should watch tonight. There’s nothing better than a friend for better or for worse, and Poe is exactly that kind of buddy.
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↘ She’s a calm and graceful woman so having such a friend/sister/soulmate is really amazing for you and it’s damn reassuring. Gin understands your problems and listens to you carefully (she is the best at it). Her advices are the most important and valuable to you. When you have your silly moments and suddenly you burst out laughing, she’s also happy and smiles slightly. You really appreciate the time and the opportunity to spend it together.
↘ You like to go for walks and relax in your/her apartment. If you like shopping at the mall, she will certainly always accompany you (she loves to buy cosmetics and new hair products, I’m pretty sure about it). You always advise each other on clothes and makeup. I am also sure that these afternoons always end with a cup of coffee and a portion of cake, as well as a conversation (or rather gossips) about your friends, family or co-workers.
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↘ If you say you have extroverted moments, you like naughty jokes and anime in general, then Nikolai really suits to your person. You are like two lighters that ignite the wick of the same bomb. You always have huge fun together and do crazy things, sometimes betting on which of you will buy food or movie tickets (e.g. for the latest ‘Barbie’ movie).
↘ Even if you have worse moments, moments full of doubt and uncertainty – don’t worry. It’s only a matter of time before Nikolai comes to your house with a cat (or other animal) taken from the middle of the street and a bag filled with your favorite snacks/sweets and thus cheers you up for the rest of the day or even the week. You always evaluate the time spent in each other’s company as successful and used as much as possible.
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originalartblog · 8 months
pamper tiny chuuya tooo pleaseeeee (also can i see tiny verlaine and rimbaud) 🙏
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I tinified them :)
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anyanary · 1 year
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The birthday outfit was such a slay. Manifesting Bones doesn’t fuck up chapter 88
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sskklvr · 8 months
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Art requests ‼️
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sugutoad · 2 months
Welcome to Sugutoad Matchups! 
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Matchups will all be exchange! So which ever level you wish, you will write that back
What to expect (you can only select 8 options for this matchup out of these)
A ship
How you met
3 Ship tropes
Ship song
Best friend
Relationship with characters of your choice
Family and Children
Anything specific to that fandom (quirk, house, cabin etc.)
Personal/ship moonboards - send in either a character, a matchup or simply an aesthetic to receive a moonboard of your liking
Appearance Matchups - send a few pictures or picrews to figure out who seems to fit you based solely off looks
*all information will be kept private and you will simply be @/ on the post
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Zodiac and MBTI
A little bit about your personality 
Likes and Dislike
Love language
Ideal type 
Fandom of your choice
Any characters you don’t want 
Colour and aesthetic
The more information you send in, the more I can write for you. 
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etrevil · 8 months
they are not doomed by the narrative, they doom the narrative
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spacexseven · 2 years
Even if not a lot of people appreciate fitz as much as you if you want to write about him I definitely support it, while he isn't the first person I'd simp for I definitely see the appeal, I mean what's not attractive about a capitalist going on a coupon arc lmao.
Buuuut now imagine that same capitalist as the sort of 'leader' of a guild harem, if you will. He's the leader of the guild after all, so it makes sense he'd play a similar role when it comes to the guild's shared s/o. Well, "shared", it's definitely going to be difficult agreeing on things at the start.
You probably start out as someone just dating one of the guild members. Whether they wanted to hide you and keep you all to themselves or have been gushing about how wonderful you are to the others, eventually the rest of the guild finds out. And once they've gotten even the briefest of chances to meet you, they can't get enough. Soon enough, your original partner is barely getting any time with you because you're so busy with the rest of the group.
Maybe Mark is trying to show off just how good of a marksman he is, Louisa wants your opinion on what the best strategy for a successful date totally not with you is, or you've even got Lovecraft being... Romantic? In his own way, nobody's quite sure what he's trying to do but it's clear that, like all the others, he's developed an interest in you that is only growing stronger every day.
Naturally, conflict breaks out as they all struggle to get your attention. Quieter admirers like Louisa and Poe may feel they can't keep up with their more boisterous colleagues, so they start obsessing over how they can use their wits to get you alone and finally speak to you, or at least, stammer out a few compliments before they get overwhelmed. Meanwhile, more demanding figures like John and Mark are constantly butting heads, bickering right in front of you with no shame as they repeatedly beg you to just say who's your favourite, who do you love more, who will you choose - it better be one of them.
That's when Fitzgerald steps in to calm everyone down, if only because he's also struggling to win you over in the midst of all this chaos. Sure, he's doing this for his own gain, but he still wants his subordinates to be happy, so he'll make it his goal to get you to treat them as equally as possible. Besides, there's still a part of him that hopes you'll inevitably choose to only be with him over anyone else.
And after all the stress you've surely been under having so many powerful, probably mentally unstable figures vying for your attention, you just won't be able to help but be thankful to the man. You'll trust Fitzgerald, a trust that will be shared by the rest of the guild members. They know that he'll provide them all with a fair chance to win you over, and if he doesn't, even with his ability there's no way he'd be able to fight off all of them at once, so they don't feel much need to be wary of him right now.
- bestie (enjoy mr fitz enthusiast)
i'm seriously going to cry this is the best thing ever!!! you really are my bestie
i'm not sure if i want to involve margaret and hawthorne here (yet) so for now they're not here. also i believe the guild member you're likely to meet first is twain! the rest just strike me as too uninterested in things outside of work. fitz isn't married here ok!!!! let me indulge myself
this is guild x reader but with an emphasis on fitz x reader
cw yandere characters, obsessive behaviour, possessive behaviour, jealousy, stalking, implied breaking in
so being friends with twain is fun and all, and while you know he's part of some organization, you aren't aware of the ability users in it and how dangerous they all are until much later. the thing you don't know is that he's been telling everyone about his super cute s/o, avoiding pictures of you, but happily gloating about how perfect his relationship is. as much as he gets jealous, he can't help but want to show off a little.
he brings you to their hq one day while you're out together, maybe because he's been asked to stop by immediately to pick up something. twain tells you to wait outside while he goes in to talk to mr fitz—he doesn't think he needs to be careful here yet, he doesn't think any of his coworkers would find an interest in you.
of course, fitzgerald notices you outside and asks twain to bring you in, saying it would be rude to leave you on your own in an unfamiliar place especially since he's intruding on your time together, but that's really all bullshit. he just wants a closer look at you. fitz has a close eye on his employees, and he's already known about you for a while, even using the eyes of god to track you down whenever he finds himself wanting to see you. sure, it's not love, at least, not yet—he'd call it more of...his best interests to make sure you're not a spy sent to infiltrate them. definitely not because he thinks you look cute when you're strolling down the street. maybe it was a bit weird that whenever he saw you pick out something you really like, only for your face to fall when you see the price, he instantly makes a note to buy it for you. that wasn't how he was supposed to be treating potential spies.
seeing you impressed by his office and by his presence, something inside you already aware of how important this man must be, only made his grin widen. you better stop being so cute, or else, he might just have to steal you away from twain himself. twain notices how closely his boss is eyeing you and instantly regrets bringing you along. the two of you weren't dating yet, despite all his stories to others. at this point, anyone could sweep you away. his fear only grows when the older man grabs your hand and proclaims that he would be delighted to show you around the building and enlighten you on their mission. out of everyone, of course fitzgerald would be interested in you. the man wanted everything.
it just so happens that a lot more of the guild members pop in during this time. louisa, with the plans she had been working on for mr fitz in hand, poe, with yet another successful mission report, steinbeck and lovecraft coming to see why everyone seemed to be gathered there.
and they all see you, with twain's arm around your waist and fitzgerald's hand grasping your own, stopped in the middle of his charming speech.
apart from the fact that you were a stark contrast to the rest of fitzgerald's office, something about the way you were standing in between two key members of the guild struck them all.
twain clears his throat and begins to bring you away from the room, only to be interrupted by a barrage of questions from the others. questions about who you were and why twain was holding onto you like that, but one line that struck out most to you was a comment by steinbeck.
"i thought he was lying about his partner!"
"oh," you chuckle, "we're not...like that."
for a minute the room goes eerily silent before a huge sigh of relief seemed to break it. from behind you, fitzgerald laughs heartily, pleased to have his suspicions confirmed. twain had been deluding himself the whole time, thinking the two of you were dating.
"i had a feeling twain here couldn't possibly win over someone as darling as you," he smirks, "in that case, you should come for dinner with me sometime."
you shake your head nervously, feeling overwhelmed by the change of atmosphere. it was only fitzgerald who made such a request but...something about it felt off. something told you it wasn't much of a request as it was an order.
obviously, you reject and go on with twain, still confused by why he would make up such a lie. he placates you with an excuse you're not sure you believe, but choose to stop asking questions about once he stares at you coldly. you've never known him to be so harsh.
after that, things seem to resume to normal. you don't check out the guild again for a long time, but it becomes almost normal to see the members outside of it. steinbeck stops by twain's room way too often, greeting you with a hello before taking up all your time by talking to you about everything and anything. you get a letter in the mail that twain begs you not to open despite it being sent by his friend, poe. when you go for a picnic by a lake, lovecraft walks out and joins the two of you, silent as ever. louisa waves at you from across the floor in the grocery store, though you note she looks very uncomfortable. when you go to join her, you see stacks of paper and tea in her cart.
the most shocking incident is when you walk into a boutique after glancing at something from outside, only to be greeted by fitzgerald, who had just happened to buy the company and offers you everything inside for free. you say no again, but his smile doesn't drop.
what really convinces you to take him up on his offer is when you wake up one morning to find a cup of tea and a book on your table. neither of which you had in your home, but you knew where you had seen that cup and you recognized the author on the book. when you glance out the window, something about the trees outside and the lake a little while away sends shivers down your spine. despite tom and finn appearing out of nowhere to convince you otherwise, you find yourself reaching around for that card fitzgerald gave you, keying in the numbers he scrawled on top of the printed design.
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Hello so Idk if you still do match ups if you do please do this request i will really appreciate it. I wanted to ask for my bsd match up and for basic romantic and if possible nsfw that would make the really happy me😊
Appearance: I have dark brown(close to black) hair with dark brown eyes. I wear glasses and I am 5'6.
Mental issues: I have anxiety or call it trauma or whatever. Throughout my life I have been expected to live up to my parents and relatives expectations that I have forgot how my own personality was its like a facade now. I also have abandonment issues everyone I have ever given my best just used me and left me behind. I also lost my grandfather who was very close to me he die just after I left the house making me feel maybe If I was there i might have seen him for the last time. I also overthink a lot and it depends on the situations most of the times.
Personality: I'm quite the ambrivert I like to talk to people but only talks to the people I know most of the time or just go only to few new people. I an even temper person. I like adventures that will just make you scream fear though my parents rarely let me do them. I'm bisexual but prefer men more. I am bold and can control my emotions according to the situation. I love and absolutely adore murder mysteries and love weapons. I am goofy in nature or that is how friends describe me as. I care about those who are really close to me and I'm loyal to them as well. I love collecting black mail a out people and pranking them. I 'm also said to be a funny and dirty minded tease in my friend group. I'm very confident in what I can do and I remain calm in tough situations while thinking my plans through. My friends have told me that I am quite scary when I get mad which quite rare but they did said if I get mad all hell breaks lose. I'm also artistic. I'm am the chaotic mom in my friend group who does all the chaotic stuff and cares like a overprotective mom who will kill. I like to be alone when I'm sad but I love hanging out with my friends.
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Format: Headcanons
Warnings: Nsfw content cuz you asked for it bae, Spoilers from the novel "Storm Bringer"
Word Count: 1.1K (I'm surprised didn't think it would be this long lmao)
A/n: I read your info and let me tell you, you really are a Dazai kinnie🚶🏻‍♀️
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I match you with...
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Chuuya Nakahara!
Ok first if all, you're going through a lot of shit lemme just give you a hug🥺💕It'll be ok...
btw you're female right? cuz if you're not then all I wrote for you was just a waste of time🚶🏻‍♀️
But idk I think Chuuya would be a good match with someone with a personality similar to Dazai's, except for the mocking part cause it makes him insecure.
I think Chuuya used to be very anxious when he was a young, but he got over and learned to control it over time; So he relates to you. He knows what it feels like to constantly feel like something bad is about or happen, and he will try to help you feel better and learn how to control it like him, over time. He would tell you that it's ok and he's been there before, and you shouldn't overthink stuff cause you'll end up making a mess out of your mind. He will literally do anything to distract you from your problems, and would do all he can to help you solve them.
Abandonment issues? Well, Chuuya relates to you with his life. Almost everyone has left him behind, and it hurt him a lot though he always tries to hide it. His friends, Dazai, idk... They all betrayed him and he will never forget that. But Chuuya's loyalty has no boundaries. He will assure you that he'll stay by your side forever, through his words and actions. I don't think that you'll be scared of him leaving you once you spend time with him. He's loyal as fuck, so no worries on that. But please assure him that you're not going to leave him either; that you're different with those who used him and then left him behind like they've never knew each other before. He needs to know that.
If you've read the novel "Storm Bringer", you know that he relates to you about the death of your grandfather (I hope he rests in peace, I'm really sorry for your loss). Chuuya lost all his friends who were in a group with him in the mafia called "Flags" if I'm not mistaken. He didn't get to say goodbye to any of them... :")
You like adventures? So does he! Though you might not "Scream out of fear", because, well, you've got the strongest ability user with you. I see you guys going to multiple murder mystery parties on his day offs, and you'll definitely gonna Enjoy it because you get to see Chuuya's concentrated face which is rare to you cause he's always in a good mood, happy and smiling around you.
Lmao don't black mail Chuuya. He's a mafia executive girl. But I don't think he would know how to respond. I mean nobody dares to black mail him except for Dazai, and with embarrassing things, and also, you're his s/o; how is he supposed to react to this?
Ok when you're sad... Well, it is said that most girls want their man to comfort them even when they tell them to leave them alone, so Chuuya thinks you don't mean it when you ask him to give you some space and since he cares about you a lot, he tries to comfort you and ask you what's the problem, and that's when you snap out and tell him "YOU YOURE THE PROBLEM"
That's when you hurt his feeling and feel bad afterwards🚶🏻‍♀️
So time for my favorite part-
Ok you have a dirty mind and you're probably into teasing too since you're a Dazai kinnie, so you make A LOT of dirty jokes to get him all flustered. At first his face gets all red and looks away so you don't see how much of a blushy mess you made him, but after a while, he gets used to it and will act out.
so youre like "Hm Chuuya, I wonder how you'd react when I scream your name while cumming on your tongue. Not that you're able to do that, since you're not that experienced"
I'm sorry I suck at dirty talking :')
You expect him to blush and just tell you to stop as always, but you see his lips curl up into a smirk and the next thing you know youre landing on the bed and he's on top of you, staring down at you with a smug look on his face.
"Oh really? Let's find out then"
You're like WHAT WHAT?
Ok so I believe that Chuuya is a virgin and you're probably his first one, but the man knows stuff. don't ask how, but he knows. And he's also a fast learner. He knows which parts will make you moan a little bit louder and where he should kiss and all due to your past sexes; And now that hes familiar with your most sensitive parts, HE'S GONNA MAKE YOU REGRET SAYING THAT.
I mean, Chuuya's short but we all know where his height went🚶🏻‍♀️
You're in missionary position, he's pounding into you with an unbelievable speed, staring at you with lust in his eyes while whispering dirty stuff in your ears which makes you blush even harder.
"Look at you doll, all shaking and needy for my cock. Where did your brattishness go, huh? You still think I can't make you scream like a cheap whore?"
Ahem, yes, he's into light degradation🚶🏻‍♀️
Gives the best orals. He will try to see how loud he can get you to moan by focusing on your clit, sucking it hard as his fingers thrust into you <3
Anyway when youre having trouble walking the next day,boy hes just so proud of himself.that sly smirk never comes off his face lmao
"So, I'm bad at sex, huh?" "Sh-shut up!"
Has really high stamina. I mean his body is so muscular and the guy is powerful af so-
BTW loves marking you up. Wants other people to know that you're his as he's kinda possessive, and he just likes to see a reminder of the wonderful night you had every time he looks at you.
Lmao idk why but I think you'll have sex on money too if you're into that cuz the man's REACHY REACHY REACH-
Anyway good choice if you wanna date him, because Chuuya is literally the best choice out of bsd men. He's not one to leave you and will treat you like a queen so... You're gonna be with each other till death tears you apart :) or you break up with him but we don't consider that🚶🏻‍♀️
I hope you like this and tysm for participating! btw if you ever wanted to talk about anything I'm hear for you <:
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valyrou · 1 year
hi there, dear! i saw you were doing matchups 🙀🙀 if it’s alright with you, may i please have a bsd matchup? please take your time on this!
my name is ren and i use she/they pronouns. write this with either one! i am omnisexual, but my preference is men at the moment. i am an aries, as well as an intj 6w5!
personality: my personality really depends on my mood. i am usually hella awkward when i first meet a person, and before we really get close i will be quiet and polite. but once you really get to know me, i am positive and energetic, and objectively funny. i’m incredibly kind and sweet and caring i think are the words, and i always put others before myself. i’m what one would call “a gifted kid”, i am very intelligent. i’m very responsible and i am the “mom friend”. i’m very clingy unless you make me uncomfortable. i can usually mask my emotions but if i bottle them up for too long I’ll just break down. i have ADHD and have the shortest attention span known to man, so I’m always off in my own little world. i need someone who can keep me grounded. i LOVE to talk and if you give me a chance, i won’t shut up. i am very insecure and have severe trust issues, unless you have proven to me time after time i can trust you. i fear that people find me annoying and i cry very easily, especially if someone raises their voice at me.
hobbies: i love to read, especially classics and fantasy novels. give me a good book and i can finish it in a day if i work hard enough. i play piano and i do theater and honors chorus, so i love to act and sing. i love writing and always am writing something, whether it’s in my head or on paper. i am an amazing cook and baker and will housewife if i have to 😼😼. i love to have conversations on politics and world debates. i like to play chess (but i suck) and pool (i don’t suck at pool), and i play tennis.
likes: i love music and literature in general. i am definitely a cat person and will pick up a cat off the side of the road and bring it home. i love drama and am a bit of a gossip. i also love fashion and will have a heart attack if i am not wearing something that matches. i love shopping and video games (i am a smash bros and mariokart GOD)
dislikes: i HATE bugs. if there is a bug in my house, i will scream and jump onto the counter to get away from it. you kill a bug for me? you have my undying loyalty. i can’t stand scary movies, especially clowns. i am somewhat of a picky eater. i also hate second chances. it’s not worth it to give hundreds of chances to someone who breaks your trust and heart every single time. i also hate the ocean. you take me to the beach? i will be sitting in a chair under an umbrella reading, looking absolutely disgusted 💀💀
love language:
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A/n: THIS WAS THE FUNNIEST THING EVER LOLOL BUT NO WORRIES IT HAPPENS TO ME ALL THE TIME!! Also we are quite similar :0 thank you for requesting love, stay hydrated yourself and sleep a good amount <33
I will pair you up with…
Kunikida Doppo!
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(Bro looks soo majestic <33)
Kunikida isn’t patient with Dazai since Dazai teases him on purpose, but he would be incredibly patient with you
He understands the struggle that comes with ADHD so he’d make sure you don’t zone out to much, maybe take you places and let you talk as much as you want
He‘s a great listener
Distracts you with something to fiddle with, so you don’t zone out on him
Maybe physical touch isn’t his biggest love language, but Initially warms up to it. PDA maybe too, depends really
Hand holding sure, except you guys work together (If you would work in the ADA as well that is) then it’s just an initial squeeze on the shoulder or a kiss on the head
Kunikidas love language is quality time fr fr
Takes you out all the time, art galleries, museums, ancient library, the park etc.
You don’t have to feel insecure around Kunikida as well. He loves you for you, not for who you‘d wish to be
He would make sure you understood that
Compliments all the way, long talks
He has a literal description of his dream partner like?????
He loves you the way you are and he promises you every time you doubt yourself that he loves the current you <3
As loyal as you Are
Get a bigger beach chair, because this guy won’t play in the water either.
Please give each other book recommendations???????
Would start off very shy and akward in the relationship but once you two really get to know every detail about each other honestly anyone would be jealous
Idk if it’s canon or not, but I picture Kunikida a great cook (not so good baker) too, so DUO COOKING
Baking with him is more complicated tho because he has absolutely zero clue what’s going on
He‘d probably even mess up half finished muffins (yk the ones were you only need to put in the eggs and oil and then the muffin mix? Yeah that one)
Kills the bugs for you <3
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thesoleilla · 4 months
Hi i'd like to request a matchup, if possible one sperately for bsd, tomodoachi game and mystic messenger. If that doesn't bother u🥺🥺🥺
First thing first,
I'm a daddy and i'm badass. (I'm not 160 cm tall at all by the way i'm definitely... 60FEETS TALL AND SUPER STRONG, WE ALWAYS GET ALONG-)
Plz don't match me with akutagawa or mori from bsd they scawy ;;;;;;;;
I'm also very smart. 800IQ if you ask me. (I say i'm not but i am and sometimes i say i'm not and some other times i say i am but i like to pretend i am so triple confusion? I am probably the only one confused here...no actually i'm pretty sure i confused the whole audiance, yes ,there is an audiance)
I'd like to be matched with someone that can find a house for both of us where the toilet is next to the bedroom, because guess who wakes up every 2 hours or so to do their pee-pee needs? m e-
Also um i use any pronouns xP But when i'm Daddy please treat me like one 😏😏
I'm an ENTP and i misstyped my MBTI and thought i was an INFP for 2 whole years. Yick.
My astrological sign is a gemini if that helps
I kin funny suicidal maniac man from bsd and i kin hacker boi from mysme (i'm requesting in anonymous but now with this information... U know who i am, shi-)
Also i am very shy u//w//u
No, but i'm too lazy to use my brain to talk when there's new people around, because i don't know them and i don't know how i'm supposed to talk around them, and i feel lazy so i just don't talk
Well u know who i am so whatever
I put all the matchups in separate posts, I hope that's fine, check the bottom of the post for other fandom matchups <3
Matchup Masterlist - Matchup rules
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 TW: suicide mention in the last paragraph because...Dazai
・★ > From your request (and also from your kinlist, totally not from the fact I've deciphered your identity hahaha), I can tell you two are pretty similar, which, I believe, tends to help in a relationship
  ・★ > He makes fun of your height. Sorry, you probably rock it, but Dazai is Dazai. He'd try to stop if it made you uncomfortable, but to be completely honest, I don't think he'd last long at that.
  ・★ > On the topic of making fun of things, when you were both talking about moving in together, you kept pestering him about your intense peeing needs. Let's just say, he took that information and RAN with it for jokes. I mean, you're so tiny it's proportional for your bladder to be this small! That explains why, when he was putting the furniture for your shared bedroom, your nightstand got replaced with a toilet. To this day, you still haven't managed to remove it.
  ・★ > On a more serious note, this man may have made fun of Kunikkida's journal for his ideals, but the instant he met you he started having one for you. He might not even have realized it, and when you asked him about it, he said it was something the therapist told him to do (the therapist you forced him to see).
  ・★ >In that Journal, he also had guessed your right MBTI before you did. Don't ask how he did it, I don't think he himself knows.
  ・★ > However, he also noticed your introverted moments and he makes sure he makes up for it because when that dude starts to talk there's no stopping. Especially if he's poking fun at something (or someone, most likely you).
  ・★ >When you two met, the whole agency did everything in their power not to let you two be in the same room, as the thought of having to handle both your anthics at the same time made them rethink their life choices. So let's just stay, when you two got together, the agency started shaking in their boots
  ・★ > Strangely enough, Dazai never once tried one of his double s**cide methods with you. When you jokingly asked him about it, he simply said he didn't want to take the risk of a situation where you'd succeed and he'd fail, so he'd rather neither of you try, just in case.
  ・★ > All in all, despite your sometimes weird behaviors, you two make a surprisingly sweet couple <3
Mystic messenger matchup
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
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I used to play gacha games a lot when I was in highschool
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originalartblog · 1 year
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(domestic skk?? here???)
Sometimes it's hard to be vulnerable but they're working on it.
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revivivivify · 1 year
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bokutosbiceps · 7 months
[here for the matchup trade!'
fandoms i would like: same as yours, bsd and demon slayer. no preference as long as they arent too young!
prominent personality traits: passionate, levelheaded, contemplative, opinionated, honest (heart on my sleeve). realistic but optimistic about it. individualistic. i am an ambivert. sometimes my mouth runs and i trip up over what i am going to say, and i'm blunt. sx/sp. im a big person on wanting improvement and having ambition (mostly for myself, but i will encourage others).
hobbies/talents: i like to read and write and listen to music and taking walks. i draw too. i'm really good at explaining things in a very cohesive manner. my logic is really good, so my persuasion is extremely good too. im very efficient and creative, which i apply to many things in real life. i also have very good intuition.
-> appearance-wise, i’m east asian, with a wispy middle part and shoulder length black hair! i look more cute-sque than hot or whatnot.
thank you for this matchup exchange!
the PRESSURE !! after you wrote me that fantastic match up, i am feeling the p r e s s u r e … 😅 but i’ve got some spicy snacks + the motivation so here we go!! i hope you love your matches 😁
bungou stray dogs
i match you with DAZAI OSAMU 🖤
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you + dazai would just be two little peas in a pod. the thing he appreciates most about you is your appreciation for ambition, as well as how you can tell someone like it is! he hates people who beat around the bush, but he really revels in the fact that he’ll never have to worry about that with you. you guys rarely ever fight because every discussion is level headed + free of insults/trickery (on your part at least, we all know dazai can be a cunning man). dazai could sit + listen to you talk for h o u r s. he’ll be sitting there with his chin resting on his open palm, a small smirk on his lips as he listens to you talk about whatever you’re passionate about that day. after you’re done with your speech, he’ll just wrap his arms around your waist and give you a sweet smile and a kiss on the cheek.
getting to know dazai can be difficult, though, even if he loves you. he’s very closed off + protective of his feelings, so it takes a lot for him to be able to trust someone. when he met you, though, he could see that you were his twin flame. he felt as though you’d be able to understand the inner workings of his heart and mind, so he’d share them with you. you’re the one + only person he’d open up to like that, so be grateful! conversations with him can be so deep and provoking that you’ll both be left squinting at the sunlight streaming in through your windows, wrapped up in each other’s arms, after pulling an all-nighter just to talk.
dazai thinks you’re soooo intelligent, so he’ll often ask you for advice if there’s a situation at the detective agency that’s got him stumped. he’s so thankful to have you on his slide, because you truly can open his mind to perspectives he’s never seen. he also really admires the way you can bring things together to flow so smoothly, + he believes that this is truly a showing of just how smart you are! with that being said, dazai will constantly be trying to challenge your intelligence. whether that be with little riddles, pranks, games of chess/checkers, quizzes on random facts he’s picked up on—all of it, you gotta stay on your toes!
dazai’s favorite thing to do with you is to walks around downtown yokohama! he knows you love going for walks + he can identify with that, as walks usually help him clear his mind. you guys will stroll next to the river, in between the tall buildings, stopping at various food or knick knacks stalls just to see what there is to see. you guys pretty much have the entire city mapped out by heart from how many walks you go on. dazai tries to make it a nightly occurrence, only because he knows that work can keep him pretty busy, so being able to hear you, his favorite person, talk about your day while strolling around yokohama, his favorite city, is the best way he can think of to unwind after work.
demon slayer
i match you with RENGOKU KYOJURO 🧡
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rengoku love love LOVES your passionate + optimistic self! its something he admires so deeply about you, like he really couldn’t have chosen a better person for himself. he wouldn’t be able to get along with someone who’s closed minded or negative, but he always tries his best to befriend most people! he doesn’t have to try with you, though, it’s extremely natural for him. he also really admires that you’re always striving for improvement + that you have great ambition, because he can definitely relate to that. he loves that your relationship consists of building each other up + encouraging each other to do your best + give your all no matter what you do.
a relationship w rengoku would being by his side at all times. he never wants to let you out of his sight! whether he’s training, reading, sleeping, eating, he’ll want you to be there! on a cozy night, one could find you + rengoku cuddled up under a kotatsu, reading or writing, often interrupting each other to show off something one of you found interesting in your book or to get opinions on your writing. he’s the biggest cuddle bug in the world, so he absolutely loves any sort of physical contact or affections from you. in his perfect world, you’d always be underneath that kotatsu in the winter, or splayed out on a futon in the summer, with your fingers running through his fiery locks while he just listens to whatever is on your mind.
another thing about rengoku is that he always wants to make sure you’re taken care of. it’s always “have you eaten?” or “did you sleep well?” or “do you need help with anything?” he’s your number one fan + he always wants to make sure that you’re content in life. if there’s anything that’s upsetting you, he will coax you into telling him + then immediately figure out a way to solve it. if it’s something that he has no control over, the empath in him will take over + he will also be upset. sometimes even more upset than you are. we love showings of solidarity in a partner.
rengoku also really wants you to be safe at all times, even though he’s almost always around to protect you, he worries for the day that he won’t be around when you need him. with this being said, you two will spend countless hours training. he’ll teach you the basics + teach you special ways in which you can protect yourself until he’s absolutely satisfied. it’s a dangerous world out there, but rengoku will be damned if his girl can’t protect herself!
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a/n: idk how you managed to be matched w two of the hottest men in their respective franchises LOL it’s just what you deserve, what can i say 😉 anyways, i really hope you liked them !! thank you so much (again) for mine 😁
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fyodorz · 1 year
I'm back
Hii, after like... 3 years... I'm finally back. I graduated college and I'm in a good and safe place! I'd really like to get back into writing and for more than just BSD! I got hyperfixed back on Persona again, especially Persona 2 so... I'd like to write for that too. Maaybe Genshin, but that one kinda scares me.
I cleaned out my inbox because most people were deactivated so. Requests and Match Ups are currently open! I'm also gonna redo my rules so, please take a look at those (They'll be my pinned post).
I hope I can keep this active! I will be getting a job soon after I move, but I'll keep you guys updated on that front!
Thanks so much for being patient with me <3
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chuunai · 6 months
just reached 100 followers (THANKS YALL FOR THE SUPPORT! <3) so I wanna do an event for y’all! although I’m not sure if it should be match-ups or like a themed list of topics people can request (like the one with a prompt and scenario?)
so I like polls
also tetcho fic update I scrapped the first draft so it may take longer to come out TvT
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