#Best Selling Books
unbfacts · 6 months
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booksofdelight · 7 months
The Best Selling Books of November 2023
Check out The Best Selling Books of November 2023!
As November counts down and we head into the final month of 2023, now is a great time to see the best selling books of November. Find out which ten books were most popular this month. Even though it is November, new books are still making a splash. The year looks like it will end on a high note. This has been a fantastic year for new books. I know I will be reading books from this year for the…
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5shortstories · 2 years
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Battle Ships, Orphans, Gypsies, Wedding and a Con book goes INTERNATIONAL. THANK YOU!!!
Learn more: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B2QFKCPX/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_7QBKNNYFA66YX9FYEV5S
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hebrewbyinbal · 11 months
Hey! Come learn Hebrew with me!!
Alongside my online Practically Speaking Hebrew Course, lessons on Youtube, & daily mini-lessons posted across social media I teach Hebrew using my best selling Books available globally on Amazon. Click the link to learn more and start loving Hebrew today 😊
DM any questions
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laura230 · 2 years
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comicsage007 · 2 years
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Greatest Graphic Novels & Comics to Read before you Die (Part-2)
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lastdaysofus · 2 years
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Beacuse after everything this deserves a post of it’s own .
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bookswagononline · 7 days
Top 5 influential self-help books of all time
In a world driven by the benefits of positive thinking in all aspects of life.  One must read
Self- help books for Confidence.  Self- help books offer valuable insights on how to achieve setbacks, transform people and guide individuals on the path of success.  These books help boost morale and chart the path of personal development. From classic books to modern titles; these books have inspired many people to do the unthinkable and lead people towards fulfilling lives.
Best Personality Development Books
Here are a few recommended books on how to up the ante and change yourself. So, what are you waiting for? Read these self- help books for confidence and growth and to change your life.
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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People:   This is a New York Times Bestseller with over 250 million copies sold. It was also the most influential book of the twentieth century.  So, Dr. Stephen R. Covey emphasis on the renewal and understanding that leadership and creativity require us to transform our mental and spiritual resources. This book has transformed the lives of many presidents and CEO’S, teachers and parents.  The habits have become famous and also transformed the professional lives of the people.  Stephen R. Covey’s vision of habits can be used for many people and to change their lives.
Man’s Search for Meaning:  A prominent Vienesse Psychiatrist before the war, Viktor Frankl was uniquely able to observe the way he and other inmates observed the way he and other inmates coped with the experience of being in Auschwitz.  He noticed men comforting others and giving them their last piece of bread to make them survive the longest and what sort of person becomes is a result of an inner decision and not to concentration camp influences alone.  He also stated in his book that people should have an inner hold on their moral and spiritual selves to subside, became victims to the camp’s degenerating influence and those who conquer their experiences emerge victorious.
 The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom:  In the four agreements, bestselling author Don Miguel Ruiz reveals the source of self- publishing beliefs that may rob us of joy and create endless suffering. It is based on ancient Toltec wisdom. This book offers a powerful code of conduct for a transformation of lives to a new experience of freedom, true, happiness and love.
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living:   If you are constantly on the edge and worry plagues your mind and you end up struggling to conquer it, this book is all you need.  The secret is to bother about whether you are happy, or not?  This book introduces ways to beat fatigue, not to worry and have a mental attitude that will bring peace and happiness and to solve situations, where you will worry a lot.  This is the author’s own set of realizations and experiences.  This book will help to change your future.
Do it Today, Overcome Procrastination, Improve Productivity and Achieve More Meaningful Things:  Are you also tired of putting your dreams at a later date and tomorrow, never comes does it? So, the author tried to procrastinate and delayed the book at a later date, but time is limited and but we cannot avoid things and that is what this book teaches to leave procrastination.  Thirty best articles in this book will improve procrastination and achieve meaningful things in life.
 Click here for self-help books that could make your rich: https://blog.bookswagon.com/2024/01/best-books-on-how-to-make-money-and-become-rich/
So, if you wish to find more ways to become happy, remove worry from your life. Log on to Bookwagon.com to buy self- help books and live a great life of prosperity and solace. Bookswagon is the best online store for many categories of books for all kinds of readers, take your pick from books from other categories, or self- help books for motivation to become motivated and confident.
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theseoblogspace · 1 month
Top Picks: Best Selling Books of the Year
Summer is here, and what better way to relax and unwind than with a good book? Whether you’re lounging by the pool, soaking up the sun at the beach, or enjoying a quiet afternoon in the shade, a captivating story is the perfect companion for your summer adventures. As the days get longer and the temperatures rise, it’s time to dive into the world of books and discover the top picks and best…
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muhiuddinalam · 1 month
Welcome to an insightful journey through the '19 Top Stephen King Best-Selling Books,' written by Muhiuddin Alam on the book recommendations and reviews site, ReadingAndThinking.com.
Over the years as a leading Authority, I made countless articles many of which can be found on this site.
Here I recommend some notable best-selling Stephen King books including Dreamcatcher: A Novel, The Stand, The Dark Tower II, Desperation, Christine, The Long Walk, The Green Mile, Pet Sematary, The Shining, It: A Novel, The Institute, and Salem's Lot.
These aren't just the most popular Stephen King books. Below, you'll find 19 books with detailed descriptions of each of these outstanding resources, which are based on my in-depth study and testing in this field.
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bookswagononlinestore · 5 months
Must Read Best-Selling Books of All Time
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In this world, books have become one of our close friends to gain knowledge and feelings of their expression. These books can improve our readers’ views towards the world and make us responsible citizens. They also describe to us, the feelings and emotions of the writers and the information they want to convey to us in their style of writing. So, we need to improve our skills day-by-day by reading some books and need to implement the moral or the lesson from that.
 1. "Don Quixote" by Miguel de Cervantes
The literary work of "Don Quixote" written by Miguel de Cervantes plays a significant role in the Spanish language and is also considered as Best Selling Book in India. Serving as one of his first creations, this tale encompasses two separate volumes published during 1605 and 1615 respectively. It narrates the extraordinary adventure of an evolving gentleman who gradually brings his true identity as a moving knight-errant. It was regarded not only as a bestseller with millions of copies sold but also esteemed for its profound discourse, satirical elements, and manipulation of human perception, "Don Quixote" stands as a masterpiece within scholarly circles.
2. " The Ruler of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien's masterpiece, "The Ruler of the Rings”, was one of the bestselling books thathas excited fans with its incredible dreamland, rich folklore, and remarkable characters. The set of three, involving "The Association of the Ring," "The Two Pinnacles," and "The Arrival of the Ruler," has formed the dream sort as well as caught the minds of pursuers across the globe. With its mind-boggling plot and vivid narration, "The Master of the Rings" stays a perpetual #1, getting its place among the smash hit books ever.
3. " The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho
Paulo Coelho, a Brazilian, was the author of "The Alchemist". This is a philosophical and metaphorical novel that has touched the hearts of perusers worldwide. This story is the start of the explorer who plans to travel to Egypt for the exploration of Treasures. The main aim of the book "The Alchemist" is for everyone to follow according to their dreams and result in achieving their dreams, becoming one of the most mind-blowing selling books ever.
 4. “Oath and Honor” by Liz Cheney
Liz Cheney, a former United States representative, was the author of this all-time best-selling book. In this book, the author mainly talks about the attack caused on January 6th, 2021 for the capital of America. It explains the constitution of America and the law for ruling it. She tries to explain what happened on that day when Donald Trump and his team caused the effect of changing the rules in the constitution of the United States by making the people betrayed.
These all are the Most Popular Books of All Time in India which helps us to improve our insight into our country and to enhance our knowledge. We need to learn some new things from these well-known books and adapt them to our lives which makes us improve in our life.
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chicklitcafe · 7 months
Things We Do For Love by Vered Neta
Things We Do For Love by Vered Neta Daisy Bach, a therapist, has always been certain that she did not want to have children. Her childhood experiences with an overbearing and controlling mother, Verity, who tore the family apart, further cemented this decision. However, at the age of forty-five, Daisy finds herself reconsidering this choice. Unfortunately, her decision to try and conceive is…
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booksofdelight · 1 year
The 10 Best Selling Fantasy Books of All Time   
The 10 Best Selling Fantasy Books of All Time!
Fantasy books are some of the most popular books out there. The world-building and magical elements make them hard to put down! We decided to look at the 10 best selling fantasy books of all time to see which ones fans have loved the most over the years!  The 10 Best Selling Fantasy Books of All Time    Many of the books on this list will be familiar names to most readers. Who hasn’t heard of…
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youtubemarketing1234 · 7 months
Writing a book with the assistance of AI can be a creative and efficient process. AI can help with various aspects of writing, such as generating ideas, providing research assistance, and even suggesting content. In this video, we'll explore how to write a book with the help of AI.
This AI Just Wrote a Best-Selling Novel in 24 Hours!
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5shortstories · 7 months
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It is an international story that goes from one side of the world to the other, transcends time, and, along the way, ventures into kingdoms and introduces Kings, Queens, princes, princesses, prominent high society, love, war, and secrets. There are mysteries and clues in the details of the twists and turns. Royalty Among Us, Hidden in Plain Sight.
Royalty Among Us: Hidden in Plain Sight https://a.co/d/920pO06
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noam-easter-bunny · 8 months
Ghosts Searching Pascha Pumpkin
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