#Best Crystal For Reiki
thescrumwizard · 4 days
Was thinking about hitting up the Crystal and Psychic event happening in gp, but I can't fucking stand the thought of having to possibly have a conversation with a middle aged white woman who claims to be a starseed and can see auras
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tothehealingworld · 2 months
Manage and Excel with our Best Crystals for Students
Discover the ultimate guide to excel academically with our handpicked selection of the best crystals for students. Enhance focus, clarity, and overall well-being with these powerful gems tailored to support students' success. From aiding concentration during study sessions to promoting mental clarity during exams, these crystals are perfect companions for navigating academic challenges. Explore our curated collection and unlock the potential for academic excellence with the best crystals for students. Elevate your learning experience and achieve your goals with ease. Shop now and harness the natural energies to excel in your studies effortlessly!
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Discovering the Best Reiki Practitioner: Your Path to Healing and Wellness
Finding the best reiki practitioner can be a transformative journey towards physical and emotional well-being. A skilled Reiki practitioner possesses a deep understanding of this ancient healing art, using their hands to channel energy and balance the body's energy centers. The best practitioners often have extensive training and experience, allowing them to create a safe and nurturing environment for their clients. They can tailor their approach to address specific needs, from stress relief to pain management. Choosing the best Reiki practitioner means embarking on a path to profound relaxation, rejuvenation, and inner harmony.
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just-a-ghost00 · 3 days
Who's coming towards you and what do they bring to the table?
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Group 1 - Spider lilly
Who are they? In Japanese culture, the spider lily is believed to bloom near graves. It is associated with the afterlife and the notions of death and rebirth. This flower holds a very scorpionic energy. It is also a symbol of eternal love. This specific white lily shown in the picture is also a symbol of purity and innocence. If we take that into account, the person coming towards you can be viewed as mysterious and deep, somewhat cold. But once you get to know them, you realize that they are rather outgoing and pure, kind and childlike. They marvel at the beauty of life and want nothing but to love and be loved.
Looking at the different cards you got, there’s a lot of emphasis on communication and voicing one’s opinions or truth without fear. This person could have a beautiful voice. They could be a singer or a spokesperson, an advocate or any other profession that involves speaking to a large audience. This person seems to be shy and rather harsh on themselves. They take pride in what they do and the values they stand for. When their actions are not in alignment with their ideals, they tend to criticize themselves a lot. They are represented by Bismuth and Turquoise, both blue crystals. The throat chakra holds an important significance to this person, as well as emotions, intuition and water. Blue could be their favorite color. This person could burn themselves out often by being present for others more than showing up for themselves. They could get throat sickness quite often, especially when they are repressing their truth or telling lies. They have a sharp tongue. They use their voice to shed light on what is contradictory or what needs to evolve. They help people shift their perspective. Teaching could also be their career path.
What do they bring to the table? - Queen of pentacles, 7 of wands, 4 of cups, The Moon, The Fool, Judgement, White Numen
This person brings in major shifts in your life. Renewal is the best way to describe it. They will literally put your world upside down in order to help you gain perspective on what is going on. They’ll show you that there’s nothing wrong in standing for what you believe in. They’ll also teach you how to be the bigger person and choose your battles wisely. They’ll help you introspect and listen to your intuition, take a new start in life and get retribution by accomplishing what you were meant to do in this life time. This person will help you find your true calling and your voice in this global cacophony that is the world we currently live in. With them, you will create a reality in your image. They will also help you value yourself more and set yourself free from any dependence or addiction. They’ll help you detach yourself from people’s judgmental views. Significant zodiac signs for this group are Taurus, Cancer and Scorpio. You can wear blue or connect to the energy of Bismuth and Turquoise to understand this person better on a spiritual level and manifest them into your life.
Group 2 - Lavender
Who are they? Lavender is known to have soothing properties. It is often used in aromatherapy to ease the mind and release tensions related to anxiety, stress. Lavender is a symbol of devotion, serenity and grace. With its purple petals, it could be associated with the spiritual realm. This person is very delicate and kind hearted. They consider people with a lot of care and kindness. They have a pure heart and make people feel safe. They remind me of Taurus and their Venusian sensual and loving energy. This person is down to earth and wise beyond their years. Their crown chakra is highly active. It wouldn’t surprise me if this person already connected with you through your dreams. They could very well be a therapist, a reiki practitioner, a healer that uses alternative medicines or unconventional practices like crystal healing or sound healing. This is further confirmed by two cards of the Threads of fate deck that are related to air and ether : share wisdom and The Sage. This person is a guide and mentor to others. They could be a teacher, some type of guru or an important public figure, a coach, a counselor. This person is very powerful and influent. They could have published a book or a study or shared their experience and what they learned over time online.
They are represented by the hammerhead shark. They have a lot of determination and drive. They are also incredibly mature. They could very well be older than you. I’d say at least ten years older. Purple and blue could be their favorite colors. If they were a major arcana, I think this person would be the Hermit. So Cancer could also be relevant. They are also represented by Kyanite and Amethyst. Kyanite is advised to people who feel restless, who overthink or get caught in their mental space too often. This shows that this person is a deep thinker. They take things seriously and meticulously. Amethyst is often used in spiritual practices to deepen our connection to the spirit realm and gain clarity. To hone our psychic skills. This person feels very connected to their higher self. They know who they are, what they were meant to do and where they’re heading. They are focused on their mission and won’t lose their time with insignificant matters.
What do they bring to the table? - 7 of cups, 3 of wands, 9 of cups, Temperance, 4 of swords, The Lovers, 5 of swords Other significant zodiac signs are Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces. This person will teach you how to identify your needs and choose a path that is in alignment with your higher self and your highest good. They’ll help you find balance and emotional satisfaction in the projects that you pursue, the actions you take. They’ll teach you how to recognize the symptoms of anxiety and being overwhelmed by life so that you can retreat and protect yourself. They’ll teach you how to pick your battles wisely and ignore petty attitudes from your peers. They’ll help you handle the pressure of being your true self and choosing yourself over others. They’ll teach you how to love yourself and how to love, how to be in love and receive love. I can say here that this relationship has romantic potential. Surprisingly this part of the reading is the shortest but I feel like there’s no need to overanalyze this because this person will be pretty clear with their intent : they’re here to help and support you, "and that is all you need to know" they want to add.
Group 3 - Sunflower
Who are they? I associate the Sunflower with the bold and brave Leo. I heard in my mind "only the brave" which is the name of a perfume from Diesel. So this could be this person’s perfume. With it’s bright colors and relation to the sun, it is safe to say this person has a bright personality. They are outgoing and friendly, like to be seen and admired. They take great care of their body and appearance. Hence the fragrance reference. This person is cheerful and ambitious. They don’t like lying down and contemplating. They would rather act first and think later. They could have anger issues and sometimes be jealous. The signs of Leo and Aries could be significant. Blue and green could be their favorite colors. This person is represented by the whale shark and the octopus. They are very clever and resilient. They have a strong moral compass and always lead their life according to their values and principles. They remind me of Changbin from Stray Kids. This person likes to make their own mind instead of following others. They’re a natural leader and a loner. With The Creator card and the Withdraw card from the Threads of fate deck, this tells me that this person is creative and works independently. They could be a fashion designer, a writer, a producer, a webdesigner, an architect, a freelance artist in any domain. This person could be known on social media. On the withdraw card is a sleeping fox. This tells me that this person likes their solitude. They need time alone to recharge and create. They don’t like showing people their tricks. They like to surprise and impress. The creator card shows a hand holding a wand. This for some reason reminds me of Harry Potter. Maybe your person is a potter head. In this case, they’re the typical Gryffindor : athletic, loyal, thinks with their heart (or something else a bit lower when the heart isn’t functioning). They have a strong sex drive and are pretty sensual. Their body matters a lot to them. They go to the gym often.
What do they bring to the table? - 2 of cups, ace of swords, page of wands, ace of pentacles, six of cups, The Tower, 7 of wands
To put it simply, they bring love, sex and a whole lot of fun. But this will be challenging for you, as you are not used to this type of energy. Significant zodiac signs are Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces. They bring in new opportunities and a new start romantically speaking. They bring in new experiences and that includes sexuality. They will help you reconnect with the past and make amends with it. They will help you heal your inner child and release trauma regarding intimacy. They will challenge you and push your buttons to get the best out of you. That is their way of showing you love. This is the type of person that will wake you up one morning and get you out of bed to work out with them, and gently scream at you positive affirmations while you’re working on that "summer body" you always wanted. They’ll show you how to have fun with life and explore all the hidden parts of you that you were burying because you were afraid of rejection. They’ll cut through your walls and uncover your masks for you so that you can finally get the happy ending that you deserve. They’ll be your knight in shining armor except that instead of saving you they’ll get you to save yourself. If you ever try to push them away, they’ll only come back stronger and needier. You won’t get rid of them easily.
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fishnapple · 3 months
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CRYSTAL READING: What kind of career suits you best ?
This is a general reading meant for multiple people. Take only what resonates and leave out the rest.
Feedback is much appreciated ❤️
Buy me a drink or book a reading with me - KO-FI (Read this post : personal reading)
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1. Aventurine group
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There is a heavy emphasis on the theme of student and teacher.
A teaching or mental health care career would really suit you.
Especially teaching young children or teenagers where you guys are doing some creative projects.
It's not so much about the words that you say. It is your presence and care that give guidance and support to people.
You could appear to be an authoritative figure, stern but stable, be a rock to others.
You could deal with some troubled minds, someone with mental illness that needs your help.
The needs of community around you, of the society at large, would create a hidden, subconscious calling force to motivate you going into this direction.
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2. Agate group
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I see an image of water waves, something moving gracefully.
Immediately, I would think of dancing or something that would require practised movements.
At the core, this is a creative career, a career that brings beauty into the world.
It could involve some acting, could be in theatre, some kind of performance.
You would submerge your ego and your identity, then project out a fantasy, an image to the audiences.
So, there is a need to take precautions to protect your boundaries and your subconscious barrier in this job.
This job requires you to think deeply, to do extensive research to reach an understanding of the meaning of the subject.
And then putting in dedication to practice and perfect your craft every day, consistently.
This career would also move with the trends in society.
Some hidden obstacles or hostile energy would be present. So always keep yourself grounded.
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3. Lapis lazuli group
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Movements are also prominent in this group, but unlike Agate group with graceful movements,
this group seems to have lots of actions, moving around.
Something that requires force, strictness, and precision.
It could be law enforcement or health care, doctor and surgeon. Or, related to trading field.
Or something political and public. Where you need to capture a crowd with beautiful words.
You would need to speak and move around a lot. Some foreign travel would be there.
If you are a writer or a reporter, the subjects that you write would be quite practical, documentaries about current issues.
Honest or even harsh words would be needed.
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4. Citrine group
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There is something about uncovering, breaking something, and then mending it.
It could be physical, it could be mental, and it could be spiritual.
But the overall theme is to show the ugly truth then make something beautiful out of it.
The careers come to mind would be beautician, surgeon, relationship counsellor, reiki healer, massage therapist, something to do with shadow work, analyst.
You would need to use your hands and verbal skill to help your subjects uncover and release hidden fears or traumas to help unburden them.
Or creating something beautiful out of broken junks. To give life again.
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theawakenedstate · 1 month
5 Common Mistakes in Chakra Healing You Need to Avoid
Chakra healing is a powerful practice that can transform your life from the inside out. Let’s explore five common mistakes that many individuals make when it comes to chakra healing. Here’s How you can begin to enhance your Chakra Healing journey. I’m a big advocate for Consistency. Why? It not only helps me spiritually grow but it gets me results!
One area I’ve been consistent beyond spiritual practice has been my journey with the chakra Healing system. I’ve learned a lot over the years about how to properly understand energy work through Chakra Healing. 
However, just like any new ager out there, there are a lot of mistakes I’ve learned over the years. After 13-14 years on this healing path, I’ve personally refined my chakra strategy so I always get incredible results. 
I wanted to share some common mistakes that many people are making when it comes to energy work and the chakras that they might not be realizing. 
#5 is def my soap box I will admit LOL 
But In general – these are mistakes I’ve personally gone through and eventually realized there are stronger tools out there to help you heal easier. Likewise, in some cases even faster!
2 hour + somatic breathwork?  Not remotely Necessary when you’re dealing with the chakras. 
Here’s my tips and tricks on Chakra Healing to help you avoid these common Mistakes I see continuously in the spiritual community. 
Catch the full Episode on the Youtube or Season 3 of the Podcast: Awaken & Manifest your Best Life
1 – You’re Using Surface-Level Tools to Solve an Internal Problem
Ever caught yourself getting lost in a sea of crystals, essential oils, and sage, hoping they’ll magically fix your energy imbalances? While these tools are fantastic for boosting your vibes, they’re like the sparkly cherry on top. One common mistake in chakra healing is relying solely on surface-level tools like crystals and oils without going deeper into the root cause of energetic imbalances. While these tools can help aid in the process, (I call these amplifiers because they amplify the energy of that chakra) true healing occurs when we address the core issues within each chakra.
2 – Thinking That you ONLY need Yoga Asanas and Color Therapy
If you’ve been hanging your hopes on wearing specific colors, Eating certain foods or striking yoga poses to heal your chakras, hey, you’re not alone! Another misconception is the overemphasis on yoga asanas and color therapy as the primary methods for chakra healing. While these practices can complement healing, they should not overshadow the importance of addressing Your Beliefs behind your Mindset, Your Internal Programming, Emotional Health and internal energetic frequency for lasting transformation. It’s about balance, yo 😉
3 – Confusing Chakra Healing and Reiki as the same thing. Spoiler Alert: It’s not
 Reiki Healing and Chakra healing are completely different methods. It’s like comparing apples and oranges – both juicy and delicious, but with their unique flavors. While Reiki casts a broad energetic net for overall alignment, chakra healing zooms in like a laser beam on your individual energy centers. For Example, Reiki focuses more on healing the energetic field with symbols, chakra healing delves deep into individual energetic centers, providing a more targeted approach to addressing specific issues within the energy system. Chakra Healing also works specifically with your unique programming and Patterns that are looping in your nervous system.
4 – Listening to Sound Frequencies and Meditations to Heal – Yet Avoiding the inner work
Here’s the thing, sound frequencies and meditations can enhance your chakra healing journey, but they should not be the sole focus. It’s important to enhance these practices with adding internal work on Your Energetic Patterns. For Example, working on your Internal State of Consciousness surrounding your emotions, mindset, and habits to facilitate sustainable healing results.
5 – Only Focusing on Releasing and Clearing Work – Nothing Else.
Let’s chat about the shadow-side of healing – a vital but often overemphasized piece of the puzzle. While diving into your shadows is important, The real healing is when you empower your chakras. A key aspect of effective chakra healing is empowering the chakras through repatterning. This is the deep work we do inside The Ultimate Chakra Academy Simply releasing negative energies or even Shadow patterns is not enough; true healing occurs when we replace old patterns with new, empowering beliefs and behaviors.
Why are people not able to properly heal?
When we only do releasing work, we’re not actually shifting and changing the pattern. And what happens instead is it reverts. The entire pattern starts to revert and come back! Have you ever had that happen? This causes the entire script to change. (and maybe you lost money from that, all the same, right?)
Avoiding the Real Internal Work to Truly Heal
The hugest thing I want to emphasize here is you notice, all these mistakes aren’t actually working on your emotions or your patterns. They’re kind of, bypassing those emotions. Naturally, they’re energy tools, they help, but they’re not working with the emotion. If the tool does not work with the negative pattern or the emotion itself, Then it’s just like an amplifier. Instead, When we work with a Chakra, we’re opening up the Energy pattern that makes up your beliefs, emotions, actions, and even working on the habits that keep the pattern going.
We’re not looking at the actual programming itself. We’re not looking at the actual pattern or the framework of the pattern. We’re instead bypassing that and using different tools to try to access it. Chakra healing makes up a pattern. If you want to raise your vibe, heal, or manifest? Change the Energy Pattern, Change the Results.
In conclusion,
By avoiding these common mistakes and approaching chakra healing with an Empowering mindset, you can unlock the transformative power of this unique practice. Remember, true healing begins from within, and each step you take towards nurturing your chakras brings you closer to manifesting your best life. ✌️
P.S. Ready to enhance your chakra healing journey? Grab your Chakra Starter Kit for a look behind the scenes of Energy Vibrations, how to heal your Chakra Centers and my signature chakra detox Framework! Free access to sign up here:
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5 Common Mistakes in Chakra Healing You Need to Avoid
Chakra healing is a powerful practice that can transform your life from the inside out. Let’s explore five common mistakes that many individuals make when it comes to chakra healing. Here’s How you can begin to enhance your Chakra Healing journey. I’m a big advocate for Consistency. Why? It not only helps me spiritually grow […]
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ursulanoodles · 6 months
Random SDV Emily Headcanons Pt. 1
She has a popular ASMR channel (lots of reiki and personal attention videos)
Makes wire wrap jewelry
Aside from making her own clothing, she also cuts and dyes her own hair
She and Shane are best friends outside of the saloon. She had to wiggle her way into his life, but he has a soft spot for her quirkiness (even if he genuinely thinks she's nuts).
Was the artsy kid in school (drawing, photography, creative writing, choir, band, etc.)
Enjoys hooping in her spare time/for exercise
Smells like patchouli, lavender, sandalwood, and weed (and so does her house)
She's very into tarot cards, crystals, energy healing, sound healing (Tibetan singing bowls), reiki, etc.
Loves EDM but also listens to alternative, indie, and folk
Doesn't do as many drugs as people think she does. Yes, she smokes a lot of weed and doesn't mind doing LSD, Molly, or shrooms on occasion, but she's just naturally quirky, so everyone assumes she's high all the time.
Has synesthesia (can see music, taste colors, etc).
Neurodivergent AF
Sells the stuff she makes at local farmers' markets/flea markets/online (like Etsy)
Spiritual but not religious
Practices yoga/meditation every morning
Was bullied in school for being different (especially by Haley's friends), but she gradually learned to love and accept herself for who she is
*These are my ideas/beliefs about a fictional character, and you are in no way obligated to agree with them. If you disagree with my HCs, please feel free to keep scrolling.
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Hello wonderful people! I was wondering if the mods or anyone knows any AU fics where Aziraphale is Crowley’s therapist? Or vice versa? I looked in the therapy tag but those all seemed to be about them seeing a third party. I want the messed up “Oh no, I’m in love with my therapist/Oh no, I’m in love with my patient” scenario. I know it’s a problematic trope but I still find it fun! Thank you for any recs related to this!
Hi! I can only find a couple of therapist/patient fics, but I also have a few fics which deal with other kinds of professional/client relationships. You may also want to check out our #sex work tag, as these fics often explore the ethics behind these kinds of relationships.
Do Not Disturb by AppleSeeds (M)
Crowley decides to see a therapist, but the appointment doesn't go ahead as planned after he recognises a particular notification sound emanating from Dr Fell's phone.
DEFINITELY Do Not Disturb by IneffableToreshi (E)
A spicy follow-up to "Do Not Disturb" by Appleseeds
Crowley has just discovered that the guy he's been chatting up on Grindr is actually his new therapist. As it turns out Dr Fell may not be up for accepting him as a client after all, but it might be for the best. <3
How Two Hands Touch by thefoxandtherose (T)
Aziraphale didn't believe in reiki, or healing energies, or crystals, despite the thinly veiled implications and upsell offerings of this particular spa. But he believed in love. He believed in loving the people around him, and he believed in channeling that care into his work. --- Crowley seeks out a new massage therapist when his old injury starts giving him hell.
Lost and Found by Quefish (E)
Dr Anthony J Crowley is nearing the end of his shift when a patient with an unfortunate issue comes in for help.
The Pillow Fort by Kalimyre (E)
Chronically touch-starved, Crowley decides to try one of those "professional cuddling" places. Aziraphale volunteers there for reasons of his own. Crowley gets attached far too quickly, but it's not as one-sided as he thinks.
- Mod D
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thehazeldruid · 1 year
Elrond's Homely House
~A spell to create a space of peace, rest and healing~
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What you need
A room or space within your home
Quartz crystals for each corner of the room.
Incenses for peace and healing (chamomile, cedar wood, sage, or any you associate with those concepts)
White candles, as many as you deem necessary. I used pillar candles for creating the space and use tealights when I am actively healing within my space.
Gems or herbs you associate with healing and peace
White cloth to wrap each crystal in when not in use.
WARNING: Keep crystals and herbs up and out of the reach of children, first for their safety, and second so as to not disturb the magic.
What to do
Cleanse and prepare your space, by physically cleaning it, then whatever other methods you use.
Cleanse and prepare yourself. I shower before ritual work, then meditate to center and ground myself.
Light your candles and incense to raise the energy of the concepts you’re seeking to bring into the space. Open or close the windows, open the blinds, whatever you must do to make the space comfortable for the work at hand. Natural light and fresh air are best.
Arrange your tools. I set the white cloth out before the candles and incense, placing the crystals atop it to charge them in the light of the candles and the smoke from the incense.
Center yourself as one by one you pick up the crystals. Focus on your peace of mind, that feeling. As you find the inner peace, visualize that feeling seeping into the crystals and reflecting it back like the light from the candles, and imagine the healing smoke of the incense filling the crystals. As you hold each one say “Deep in the safety of the valley, all troubles be put at ease. Here find peace and harmony, and the healing which you need.”
Wrap each of the crystals in a piece of the white cloth, either with or without the other herbs and gems you’re using for the ritual. Unwrap them only when you’re actively healing within this space.
Place each of the wrapped crystals in a corner of the room out of the reach of pets and children. As you do so, envision an aura of light being strung up between the crystals, creating a space between them that is warm, full of light and peace. Say “Within this place, this sacred space, may only peace be had. And when you leave, feel renewed, smile, and be glad.”
Clean up, enjoy the peace you’ve made within this space. If you bring anyone into this space that needs peace of mind or healing, unwrap the crystals and light some of the white candles, make sure the space is calm and clear of negativity. Play music that soothes you or the person and relax.
Check the crystals as necessary, recharge them when you feel the space has become cluttered with negative energy or is no longer peaceful. There are many ways to tweak this spell/ ritual. Casting a circle or calling the elements for their aid in creating this space work as well.
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I worked through a version of this ritual with my friend who does Reiki at her gem store up the street and she does a variation of this before every session she does. For her, she doesn’t wrap the crystals, but places them on a table at the center of her store in beautiful crystal grids. I have only done a few healings for others, myself, and that is why I choose to wrap my healing crystals, which I keep up on shelves behind pictures, until I am using my space for any healing magic. My crystals are of course wrapped with (you guessed it) fresh sweet basil leaves, as well as sage, lavender and dried dandelions.
Good Luck and Happy Casting Witches!
The Hazel Druid
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harris-coopers · 2 years
Lili on the Jess Cagle Show
- She’s grateful for the press she’s doing right now because she doesn’t go back to work until October. She took the summer off but as a workaholic she’s wondering what to do with her days.
- She’s been waking up with a lot of anxiety because she doesn’t know what to do but is taking it as time to figure out how to enjoy the serenity of not working and who she is outside of work because they can become very intertwined.
- She really turned to self help books over the last two years and spirituality. She’s travelled to very spiritual places and had very spiritual adventures and experiences. She’s a ‘full on crystal loving, reiki, energy healing craniosacral girl now’
- She said she read the script and it was a beautiful story and hopeful, heartwarming tale of this woman and she was super stoked to jump into it.
- Had the best time shooting in Austin and would love to shoot there again.
- She likes to tell stories of very complex women and this was the opportunity to play two versions of the same woman.
- She appreciates that there isn’t a right or wrong path in regards to the two versions.
- Wanuri texted Lili when Roe V Wade was overturned saying she wanted to use the movie in support of the Pro Choice. Natalie in the movie chooses to have the baby and it was her choice to make. Gabe says to Natalie “I’m pro your choice” in the film.
- She was happy to have Andrea and Luke play her parents and thinks they’re funny and bring a lot of beautiful light to the film.
- She says season 3 when things started going a little more out of the box than usual, everyone was confused but they realised the show was on a train and it was going full steam ahead and then she stopped asking questions after that.
- When you stop trying to make sense of Riverdale you can enjoy the craziness for what it is.
- She says seeing KJ become a dad has been the weirdest thing in the world but also a beautiful experience and Vanessa has a beautiful baby boy and they’re all the Aunts and Uncles of the kids. ‘Damn I wish I was having a baby right now so you could treat me like a queen and cherish my child’
- She feels very lucky that they were all grouped together by David and that they all clicked. Knows she’ll walk away with friends that’ll be in her life for a very long time.
- Says she’s happy they got to explore Betty with both Archie and Jughead and has absolutely no clue what’ll happen in the final season.
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ener-chi · 18 days
Mini-Update Time! TL;DR Learning a bunch of super cool techniques at a Teishin Workshop at my school, getting a very interesting tool, and joys of the day (:
I went to a day-long workshop at my school today to learn about something called a Teishin. Basically, using a Teishin allows for a form of needle-less acupuncture, and is used for acupressure as well. For more information on the Teishin and its' history, you can visit this site.
Anywho, they were selling some Teishins on a major discount today and here's what I snagged!
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I got the copper one because I needed that length for my big hands, but also copper is anti-microbial, and I've heard that copper is able to conduct energy and qi better than other metals (gold is supposedly the best, though). Also, the short one is made of silver (not sure the carat). But the teacher sent in the order to his blacksmith, but something got screwed up somehow, and they were made like this on accident. However, they found that for some reason they are EXTREMELY sensitive to energy, and to Qi. It can with great accuracy help you find acupuncture channels and individual points as well.
I tried it myself, and I was honestly kind of shocked - the only time I ever felt a strong response to energy from something else like that was from strong crystals. This was like that, but like I said, this has an accuracy that crystals do not. There are apparently only like. 10 in existence. So I had to snag one ofc xD
But yeah! Learned some very cool techniques. Most of it is super gentle - you literally can barely even feel that there is metal there. There is some tonifying abdomen work that amazingly relaxes the whole body after some quick passes. And also there is a technique that we learned created by a Japanese neurosurgeon that is actually very pokey and stimulating, but is great for pain and numbness and regulation of the autonomic system.
Overall, I got what I came to the workshop for - I learned ways to work with and use acupuncture points, without needles. I learned how to tonify and reduce, and how to do that to channels, too. Being able to do it without needles means that I get to better experiment with points before I get my license (can't needle at home before then), but it also gives me a modality to treat people that can really be done anywhere, anytime, and is less invasive and painful for people that are needle-sensitive.
Other things from today - I also learned a technique to improve the sensitivity and energy capabilities in the hands - I will work on it and probably try and post it sometime. Also, my partner at the workshop is also a classmate that I've talked to basically twice in one of my other classes. Anywho, we chatted briefly and she casually mentioned that she does Reiki. I seem to be attracted magnetically to the people in the program that do Reiki haha that's so funny to me xD
While I'm at it, other Joys of the Day:
-Had Dave's Hot Chicken for the first time today, and it actually was really good
Got a really nice tall mirror, and another box fan! Just in time for the Summer months! I can't believe that so many wonderful and needed things have been finding their way to me, and I am extremely grateful for it (:
-Grateful for my partner and the love and companionship they provide
-A warm cup of tea in the morning (:
-TOTK! Definitely one of my favorite games ever. Love tucking into it at the end of a long day
I think that's it for now! Hope that everyone has a wonderful evening!
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The Power of Reiki Spiritual Healing Energies
Embrace the divine energy of Reiki spiritual healing. 🌟✨ Let the gentle touch and intention unlock your inner wisdom and restore balance to your mind, body, and spirit. 🙏🌿 Experience the transformative power as Reiki's universal life force flows through you, dissolving energetic blockages and nurturing your soul. 🌈🌺 Discover a deep sense of peace and harmony as you embark on this sacred journey of self-discovery and healing. Trust in the ancient wisdom of Reiki to guide you towards holistic well-being and inner radiance. 🌻💖 Allow the gentle miracles of Reiki to awaken your true essence and ignite a profound spiritual awakening. 🌟💫 #Reiki #SpiritualHealing #Balance #SelfDiscovery #HolisticWellbeing #InnerRadiance #DivineEnergy
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What is Reiki Healing
History of Reiki
The shortest version is Dr. Mikao Usui from Japan developed Reiki in the 1920's, Reiki translates into Rei meaning Universal and Ki meaning Energy.
It is said that Dr.Mikao refers to Reiki as healing energy. It has been used for many years and has gained much popularity over the years.
What can Reiki help with
Reiki is considered a meditative practice that promotes
Reduces stress
Reduces anxiety
Reduces chronic pain and inflammation
Can speed up the healing process.
What happens during a session of Reiki
The treatment will be given in a peaceful and private setting or at your own home. The client will sit or lie on a comfortable chair, sofa or bed fully clothed.  There are two ways in which the therapy can be delivered.
1 -Hands off therapy
2- Hands on therapy
If you are suffering from pain in a particular area, the practitioner will hold their hands just above the area, while this takes place an energy transfer takes place,.  The client may feel tingling, heat, coldness are the main feelings reported.  The practitioner will hold their hands in a particular position until the energy subsides, they will move on to other areas of the body ,moving through the Chakra's.  Some practitioners use crystals to aide the Chakras and also for distance healing.
A session will last around 30-45 minutes, the number of sessions will vary from person to person depending on their client's needs and the outcomes they with to achieve. 
Reiki is a non invasive therapy and can be used as a complementary modality with your current treatment plan with your GP or health care practitioner.
No reports of using Reiki alongside other treatments including medications is extremely unlikely to encounter any negative effects or any side effects of any sort. Consult your GP before agreeing to engage in any complementary therapy and Reiki should not be used in replacement of current treatment.
Reiki has a gentle nature and can be help clients to be calmed, relaxed and soothed.
What to wear at a Reiki session
Clean, loose and comfortable clothing, bring a pair of socks as shoes are removed.
Removal of necklaces
After a session of Reiki
It is advised to keep hydrated as the energy being received by the client also helps the cells in the body to regenerate, water will help replenish them
Go for a walk
Avoid alcohol for 24 hours
Very many people experience relief and may cry for a few days, this is normal. Let it out and let it go.
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About Helen
Helen Monaghan B.A (hons) has an active interest in Holistic and Alternative Medicines since 2006, where she started making her own chemical free, natural, and organic skin care products for her friends and family.
Since then, she has studied hard to become the best in her field of natural health and self healing.
Helen has worked with many other professionals across the globe where she has helped them to complete books that has inspired thousands of people across the planet and today she brings with her new ways of living,  using her knowledge and expertise where she encompasses a variety of different healing techniques.
This year she has created her Online Store and the Academy of Self Mastery self help learning centre, so that many more people have access to her natural health and wellbeing products, whether it be skincare, mini course, e-books or other ways of being and staying healthy.
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magickandmacabreco · 1 year
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Strike fear into those that wish you anything less than the best! Holographic & weather-proof vinyl sticker ready for to be stuck to anything you can think of! ⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ #metaphysical #crystals #crystalhealing #spiritual #spirituality #meditation #healing #witchesofinstagram #crystalshop #healingcrystals #spiritualawakening #love #tarot #witch #crystal #magick #minerals #reiki #magic #witchcraft #consciousness #energy #gemstones #chakras #valhalla #helmofawe #psychic #pagan #paganheathen #viking https://www.instagram.com/p/CokevNKO1GO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kaylatullz · 10 months
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Full Name: Mikayla Anne Tully
Nicknames: Kayla
Pronouns and Gender: She/Her, Cis Female
Age: 33
Birth place: Aurora Bay
How long have they been in town?: 33 years
Sexuality: Bisexual
Housing: Ocean Crest Apartments
Occupation: Attendant @ Luxe Crystal Shop
adopted & raised in aurora bay at a young age by two reiki masters - rock & andy tully - that traveled along the tri-state area for in-home treatments.
grew up wanting to become an actress by any means necessary and was prone to putting on shows for anyone who would watch, which got her into a ton of trouble as a kid - earning her a certified class clown title.
her adoptive parents were very much free spirited and encouraged mikayla to hone in on her creative side despite the trouble she got into at school. truthfully they didn't put much stock into her education, instead focused on allowing her to grow her social butterfly wings.
mikayla was always the first at the party and the last to leave. striking up a conversation with every person no matter where she was seemed to be her motive. all she ever wanted was to experience life and get to know every single person in it.
tw cancer: eventually andy was diagnosed with cancer when mikayla was 11 years old, causing a strain and struggle within the household. mikayla got worse with acting out. after a grueling year, andy was then given the ok-go with remission, which was a relief
around 13-15 is when mikayla started to write her own plays, acting in front of her home camera to record and send to studios that never got back to her.
goes to county college for a month as undecided and flunks out
thus began her constant rotation of jobs and getting fired/hired around aurora bay as a teen and well into her 20s. she was constantly seeking new opportunities with the intent on meeting new people.
tw death: unfortunately andy would pass when mikayla was just shy of her 20th birthday, leaving her in shambles.
for the next 13 years, she'd float around her hometown and get an apartment at ocean crest apartments once her father, rock, moved out of town - too reminded of his wife in the town they'd lived in. mikayla, on the other hand, refused to leave.
continuously getting in trouble with love, life, and the chaos surrounding her, mikayla anne tully has been frozen in time - and somehow has made it to her 30s.
she still wishes she could become an actress, but for now, she's working at luxe crystal shop in an attempt to feel closer to her tully family - finally embarking on a full-time job she actually believes in.
+ convivial, loving, spontaneous
- fickle, flippant, gullible
karaoke enthusiast
has an assortment of wigs that take up two drawer-fulls at her apartment
does not understand what personal space means
has a habit of stealing people's food from their refrigerators
also has a klepto habit of taking trinkets from house parties
almost joined at least three (3) cults in her lifetime
wrote a one-act play when she was 13 for a competition called 'shitty mcshitface: the memoirs of a janitor' - did not place to win whatsoever
has tried to apply for a job at the aquarium every year so she can steal a penguin, has yet to hear back
rocky ramirez - cousin (npc)
edie tello - friend
baz howlett - ex-husband
blake michaels - new friend
angel rojas - acting gig victim
samuel kane - ocean crest neighbor
paxton brady - childhood best friend (former); awk enemy
amelia evans - coworker
hometown childhood friends / family friends / co-workers / former co-workers from any of her many jobs / ride or dies / pseudo-siblings / long-lost biological siblings / friends / party friends / theater friends / new friends / go-getter influences.
ex-flings / friends with benefits / one time hook ups / tinder matches / unrequited crush (can be either way) / exes from high school / flirtationships
enemies / former (best) friends / former friends / exes on bad terms / frenemies / rivals / negative influence
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waywardfaerie555 · 2 years
The Wayward Grimoire
Crystal Series: II Clear Quartz
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Clear Quartz is one of the most commonly found crystals in the world.
However, don't let its abundance take away from its extensive crystal properties.
Clear Quartz is the most versatile healing stone amongst all crystals and is most often referred to as the ‘master healer’ or  ‘master crystal’. If you’re looking for a way to enhance the properties of your other crystals or manifestations, clear quartz is the best and easiest way to do so as it is able to amplify energies as well as boost the effects of other crystals. It can also be used to cleanse other crystals, helping to clear stagnant energy and charge them back to their optimum frequency (however my preferred method of cleansing with crystals is Selenite).
Clear Quartz is an extremely adaptable stone that can be programmed and used for just about any metaphysical purpose. When programming this stone, it will match the vibrations of one’s intentions and desired outcomes for inner or outer purposes.
During meditation, Clear Quartz will allow any messages projected from one’s higher self to become clear, allowing one to take a deeper journey towards their inner self. This crystal promotes general expansion of consciousness and will also allow one’s dreams to remain fresh in the mind upon waking up. It will stimulate the mind to reflect upon these dreams and assist in finding the potential messages and meanings behind them. Much like the physical appearance of the crystal, your mind and body will be able to see clearly and move towards the desired state.
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Crystal Care:
Salt Water
Dry Salt
Smoke Cleansing
Sound Healing
Some of the Main Traits of Clear Quartz:
Zodiacs:   All
Planet:   Sun
Element:   All
Chakras: All (especially Crown)
Colour: Clear & White
Physical Characteristics:
Hardness:   7
Mineral Species:   Quartz
Chemical Formula:   Silicon Dioxide (SiO2)
Luster:   Vitreous
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