#Ben wandering on Hans footsteps
irrfahrer · 1 year
why did it take you so long to tell me? how long have you been holding this in? {from smuggler!ben}
The second the airlock closed behind them, Ziv threw her back against the door, because for a moment, just a moment, it seemed to bend under the force of flesh crushing against it from the other side. By Bens hasty question the Tynnans head snapped up with a loud, bae teethed growl. A loud snarl that was almost as loud as the screaming dead flesh on the other side of the door: "Oh spare me the kriffing ' how long have you been holding that in' stuff, you did not asked any question when you dragged my out of the carbonite by the kriffing tail! Like 'holding in' What exactly? That I was raised in the kriffing Jedi Temple and than discharged to be a kriffing worthless farmer? That I melted a Clonetroopers face by Healing his flesh into speeding up the celldeviding until the cells started to rot? That there is a sentient Cub-Orchid hanging around my neck to which I am nothing but a mushroom of lifeenergy to eat from and which will die when its sepperated from me more than a metre, but which I can not leave alone because its kriffing sentient and I happen to want to serve all life? I mean seriously, its a kriffing baby-cub do you want me to leave and let die a kriffing baby-cub? Who would do that? Kriff if its a kriffing plant, its still a kriffing baby-cub!" Pelt bristled like fom electricity Ziv pushed herself away from the door and ran over to the transperisteelwall that allowed them to look into the hangar below this room- when they had landed in the stardestroyers hangar it had been empty beside a few thirty year old ships that ahd been standing in the dark hangar like skeletons. The cargoboxes had been still there, the starships had been still there, the emergency lighting had activated as soon as their ship had landed in the hangar, so the hangar had almost looked like it had not been changed in the last thirty yeas in which it had been abandoned. The client had said that the stardestroyer had been abandoned in deep space, floating through the vaccum like a dead fish in the vast ocean, but filled with every recource a suddenly left behind vessle of the empire had. Rescources that were good to make credits. Recources that would be shared fairly with Ben when he would fly to the coordinates the client had found out.
What had waited for Ben and Ziv had ben just what the client had told them- a whole stardestroyer left behind, floating through space with black scuttles like a meteroit made of durasteel, cold, unharmed, unmoving, dead, left behind. It had been the smell that had been strange. A smell that greeted them in the forgotten hangar. A thick, sweet scent that had lay over everything like a damp layer of wetness. The storm had still slept away from the hangr but was stilled awake with every little wave of vibration of lifeforce that was Ben and Ziv moving through the stardestroyers corridors. Now the hangar was nolonger empty but full of bodies moving and screaming.
A ocean of dead, rotten flesh searching for them blindly, ready to drown them.
The Orchid in the Pendant hanging around her neck shifted and twitched, pressing against the transperisteel of the pendant and against Zivs chest beyond it like a scared trembling child. Automatically she lay a small paw over the pendant. The tynnan did not needed to cure her bad eyesight to see that there was no way through the hangar back to their ship: "Or hat that Orchid is the ingredient to a Sith-ritual to archive kriffing immortality but also causes the outbreak of a kriffing sentient, highly telepathic virus that had been taken by the Empire thirty years ago and turned into a bioweapon? Like, seriously, maybe the orchid could have warned me before we came here, kriffing yes, but I am not the telepathic Kriffer of both of us, for I HAVE A MINDSHIELD THE SIZE OF A KRIFFING BANTHAS DICK SO DON´T COME AT ME WITH GETTING A WARNING FROM A KRIFFING TELEPATHIC FLOWER!" Along with the Tynnan rising her voice a loud crack filled the room as a cracked line suddenly ran through the transperisteel scuttles going out to the hangar below, caused by Zivs telekinetic outburst. The young woman flinched, looked at the crack startled and then, frustrated but more calm, added with a low hiss:
"My kriffing apologize I did not lay down my whole kriffing lifestory to you, you know, I DO try to keep the orchid a secret and its not my fault that this telepathic baby-cub stirrs around in your mind, why don´t YOU rise up your mindshield, hm?! Maybe you could have gotten the warning, if you would have listened more carefully?! But no, kriffing no, you come at me with 'how long have you been holding that in'! Thank you very much;thats so kriffing useless!"
[ @kylo-wrecked ]
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galacticwildfire · 1 year
Fire Meet Gasoline
Solo Original Character
Summary: An eight year old Hope Solo explores the ruins of Elphrona with Luke, Ben and Lor San Tekka only to discover the Knights of Ren. Follows the Rise of Kylo Ren flashback.
Warnings/tags: mild violence, solo family dynamics, mentions of snoke and ominous foretelling.
A/N: First chapter of the main story is up. I'll be publishing the multi chapter prequel I've been working on very soon which takes place during the bloodline novel/rise of kylo ren comics when she's 16/17.
19 ABY | Fifteen Years Before A Force Awakens
Dark force wielders had always been figments of stories told to me in my childhood, villains vanquished during the war, but little could I have known that these villains were very much alive and so close to home. 
Even as a child I knew what the Emperor had been, I knew it was Luke who had destroyed him while the Rebellion had destroyed the Empire. Darkness had supposedly been vanquished, a prophecy fulfilled, and yet it rose again and corrupted another Skywalker, or perhaps two. 
It would not be until that fateful night, or perhaps even until the years afterwards, that I truly learned that the darkness our line was prophesied to destroy had become part of us. That the darkness lived in us, in the blood we shared with the man who began it all. 
Anakin Skywalker. The hero without fear, saviour to some and darkest villain to others. A legacy Ben and I would carry through finishing what we each believed he began. 
Or so we were led to believe.
I shouldn't have been there that day on Elphrona, but I'd begged Luke to let me come with him on one of his adventures and he had reluctantly agreed for Ben's sake since I had hardly seen him since he began his training a few years prior. I'd always dreamed of following his footsteps, and it just happened to bring me to the temple where I first felt the touch of the darkside.
Ben was somewhat bored as we ventured to find the lost Jedi outpost, but still kept a firm grip on my hand to keep me from wandering off as Lor San Tekka took joy in telling me stories of his adventures and asking of what adventures I dreamed of.
"Master Luke tells me you want to be a pilot like your father," Lor San Tekka said, speaking to me with just as much importance as if I was a grown Jedi. "I trust you dream of exploring the stars as most pilots do."
"I already am a pilot," I told him and heard Luke chuckle to himself. "Even if Uncle Luke won't let me fly Dad does, he always lets me fly the Falcon with him."
"Is that so?"
I nodded proudly. "I want to go with him and see all the planets there are, fly to all the star systems and see them all, but I want to be a Jedi like Ben too."
Not like Luke, like Ben. I know Luke found amusement in that while Ben squeezed my hand and told me "Then you'll be a Jedi."
"We'll see," Luke said as we continued through the cavern. "The path of a Jedi is not one to be half treaded, you must devote yourself completely to its teachings and when you are old enough that will be your decision to make."
"But Ben became a Jedi when he was ten, and I'll be ten in two years," I said, unable to truly grasp the weight of the Jedi path at eight years old despite all those who came before me being far younger, having never truly been given the decision of whether or not to take it.
"I'm a padawan, not a Jedi," Ben told me, even as a child I could feel the disappointment in his voice. "Not yet at least."
"But you will be," Luke said with full confidence. "And I think Han would have a fit if I turned both his children into Jedi, he wants at least one to take after him, not to mention Leia."
"But Uncle Luke you were a pilot and a Jedi," I reminded him. "I can be too."
He smiled fondly. "That you can be."
"She has a natural curiosity for the force and her mother's spirit, certainly her father's need for adventure," Lor San Tekka observed. "She would make a great Jedi some day."
"Leia believes she's displaying skills with psychometry, although I'm not yet sure if it's such a rare skill or simple visions," he told Lor San Tekka. "When Han took her on a work trip to Tatooine she kept saying she could see me in the cantina with an old man who could have only been Ben Kenobi, even if she said I look quite old in comparison to then." I laughed and he shook his head. "But Han wants to think she has an overactive imagination."
"Truly?" Lor San Tekka exclaimed and asked me "And what was Luke doing?"
"Talking to Daddy," I answered, at that young age unable to differentiate my visions from reality. "Then the old man cut someone's arm off."
Luke's eyes widened in panic and R2 beeped at him. "Well, she's not making that up."
Ben shook his head incredulously. "You named me after someone who cut people's arms off in cantinas?"
"Your mother named you after the man who saved her from the Empire and its inquisitors when she was not much older than Hope," Luke corrected. "But yes, he was an eccentric type of man, and besides I doubt there lived a Jedi who fought in the Clone Wars who hadn't dismembered someone."
I made a face at that and Ben asked "What was Dad doing taking you into a cantina anyways?"
"I don't know, something about work, but he said not to tell Mom," I said, having only returned home from that trip a week before, a week spent playing co-pilot with Dad and Uncle Chewie in the Falcon and learning the ropes as he'd put it. Mom would often panic when he'd put me behind any sort of controls but when it was just the two of us he'd take all the time he could to teach me, even let me hold his blaster a couple times on the condition I didn't tell Mom. "Then we met an old man with green armour, he said he was an old friend of Dad's but Dad didn't look very happy to see him."
Luke nearly choked at those words "And did he tell Mom about that?"
"No," I answered, blissfully unaware as I went to chase after R2 who strolled ahead with Luke and groaned in frustration as Ben pulled me back. "I'm not going anywhere, I just wanna play with R2."
"Later," Ben said, trying to prove to Luke that he was responsible enough to someday be more than a padawan. Even at fourteen he aspired for more than what he had. "We're nearly there."
When Ben and Luke came home for a rare visit and mentioned they were travelling to a Jedi temple I begged to be allowed to come. I learned at a young age if I was defiant enough that I could usually get my way, and despite Mom's occasional frustration it was a quality she encouraged much to Luke's exasperation and Dad and Uncle Lando's amusement.
We had spent what felt like days in the four seated cockpit of Luke's starfighter that he refused to let my help fly, reminding me that unlike Dad he wasn't willing to risk Mom's wrath for letting an eight year old fly a ship. After walking for what felt like days with Ben being frustratingly serious under his masters watchful eye, nothing like how he was before he went away, I grew impatient.
Any other time when it was just us he'd happily use the force to lift me up but even I knew Luke wouldn't approve, still, I wanted to see some of my big brother who'd swing me about just to hear me laugh. 
"Can you carry me?"
He muttered under his breath and relented as he lifted me up onto his shoulders, I laughed happily and Luke smiled when he looked back at us. He carried me until we reached what Lor San Tekka had been searching for and he set me down so we could look in wonder upon the Jedi Temple outpost on Elphrona.
"Wow," I said as I took in the giant statues and symbols carved in stone, unlike anything I had ever seen.
"Do you know what that symbol is Hope?" Luke asked me, pointing to the one carved in the doors.
"It looks like the symbol of the Rebellion," I answered, knowing that one very well. "Except it's a little different, it has a star."
"You aren't wrong," Luke said and explained "That was the official symbol of the Jedi Order. The starbird of the Rebel Alliance is very similar but still very different, although they both stand for the same values which are to bring peace and justice to the galaxy, it's your duty now as much as it is mine."
I was confused. "But you and Mom and Dad already did that?"
"Yes but we must always be vigilant against darkness," Luke told me and Ben lowered his eyes. "Against corruption and tyranny, everything your mom has spent her entire life fighting. It's why she is still so busy now, she's still fighting it every day in the Senate."
I nodded, not quite understanding the work Mom did but knowing it was important, important enough to take her away from us as much as it did.
"Now let's go see what's in there," he said to Ben and I. "But Hope, you must be very careful and stay with your brother and R2, I don't want you to let go of his hand okay?"
"Why?" I asked out of genuine curiosity and he sighed after having endured a very long flight full of my questions while Lor San Tekka chuckled.
"Because although the temple is sealed there could still be dangers inside," he explained and didn't spare details. "I once found a lightsaber in a place like this once, but the whole thing was a set up, a trap, it almost killed me."
Ben held my hand tightly and said "We understand Master, we'll be careful."
"Which also means," Luke continued, his lecture pointed at me. "Do not touch anything, even if you see something interesting or if something calls to you, wait for me to come and make sure it's safe. Understand?"
"Yes Uncle Luke," I said, knowing just how much pleading it took to be able to come with him and Ben. "I understand."
Lor San Tekka smiled as we made our way through the large stone doors "Oh the curiosity of youth, hopefully you'll be one of the few who never outgrow it."
I smiled back at him and after a little while we came into a storage room filled with items that did indeed call to me and Lor San Tekka exclaimed "This isn't an outpost, it's a treasure trove."
I pointed to a cube and Luke seemed to ease a little once fascination took over. "Come look at this." He brought me over to it and let me touch it. "This is called a holocron, the Jedi used it to store knowledge." He called Ben over as well. "Pretty amazing isn't it Ben? Think of everything we can learn."
But then something different took my attention and Ben chastised me as I pulled my hand free to reach for a blaster rifle that was too high up for me to touch and Ben made a sound of wonder as he picked it up off it's stand and told me "This is a lightsaber rifle."
"Lightsaber rifle?" I repeated, having had Dad name every single blaster and weapon in the Falcon's armoury while I sat and listened in fascination, begging to touch them, but had never heard of that let alone seen one.
He bent down to show me it and explained "Here is where you'd put in your lightsaber to power it, it would drain the lightsaber's kyber crystal quickly but it would be really awesome too."
"Can I hold it?" I asked him. "Dad lets me hold his blasters."
"Does Mom let him though?" he asked, like Luke he feared Mom's authority more than Dad's and so I lied. 
He knew it was a lie but considering there was no way I could fire it without any kyber crystal he put it into my hands and watched in amusement as I struggled to hold the weight of it despite putting my entire body into it since it was as tall as I was but he'd learned the best way to manage my curiosity was through letting me experience trial and error.
"Is it too heavy?"
"No," I insisted despite struggling and he held back laughter at the sight. "Just wait, someday I'll be shooting bigger blasters than this."
"Maker help us when that day comes," I heard Luke murmur and Ben quickly took the rifle out of my hands.
"Master do you sense that, it feels-"
"Cold," I finished and Ben pulled me behind him as a group of masked men appeared clad in black, the sight filled me with dread but not necessarily with fear.  
"Hello there," the man said and I became more disturbed as I took him in, wearing a torn cape but no shirt, his chest covered with burns, a symbol burned into his metal helmet. "Everything here is ours, we're going to take it. But how we take it is up to you." R2 came to stand in front of me, my eyes peaking past his dome. "Your call friends."
"You're wrong," Luke said as Lor San Tekka took my other hand, the other masked men coming to surround us. "So, so wrong. This is a Jedi outpost, everything in it belongs to the Jedi Order, which at the moment means me." I never forgot how Luke introduced himself without any threats of power, he let the words speak for themself. "I am the Last Jedi." He then said under his breath as Ben held a hand over his saber. "Though not for long."
I looked at my brother and could tell he was afraid, only fourteen years old and prepared to fight a group of grown men, but he would have done it to keep me safe.
"Even if I had no claim to these things," Luke continued. "I wouldn't let you take them. I can sense the dark side in you, in all of you." I then heard a warning come from my peaceful uncle's mouth. "You will leave here with nothing but your lives."
"Alright," their leader said. "Let's show this old fool what's what and get what we came here for."
Lor San Tekka pulled me back in alarm as Ben defensively yelled "This is Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, he is a legend!"
The men seemed to take an interest in Ben. "Yeah? Well I'm Ren. These are the Knights of Ren, and we're legendary."
I gasped as a red blade ignited and R2 quickly brandished an electric rod as Luke ordered "Lor get back, stay out of the fight, and Hope that means you too. Ben, protect them."
"I will, they'll be safe with me," Ben promised, trying to keep a tremble from his voice while Lor San Tekka held me back by the shoulders as I tried to dash forward towards Ben, him and R2 standing between us and the Knights of Ren. "But Master what about you? There are seven of them."
I watched in awe as Luke ignited his green saber. "Oh I'll be just fine."
"The very last Jedi and my very first," the knight said curiously. "Almost a shame to see you go. Then again I suspect we have some serious ideological differences and this ain't that big of a galaxy."
Luke stood fearless as he said "Can we just skip to the part where you all run out of here crying?"
Ben yelled out as seven armed men attacked Luke at once and I was frozen in place as Lor San Tekka told me "Don't look, just focus on R2, he'll keep you safe."
But I couldn't tear my eyes away at the sight, the first time I would ever see a Jedi in true combat as he used the force to throw the knights back while dodging their attacks with ease, fear never once crossing his face despite Ben being all but consumed by it. 
"Take him he's just one man!"
"I am one man, but I am not alone," Luke said and I found myself looking to see if Lor carried a blaster I could use, but he didn't. "The force is my ally and it is powerful." Two of the knights were thrown into the wall through a simple push of a hand. "You're clumsy, untrained, you use the darkside like a hammer, but the lightside is a blade and so am I."
"Magnificent," I heard Lor San Tekka admire as Luke sliced one of the knights weapons in half, only their leader wielding a saber, and I nodded in agreement.
"Had enough?" Luke asked as the knights tried to recover but they were persistent.
"Ain't over yet," Ren said. "We've still got the numbers."
But their weapons were torn from their hands. "You sure about that?"
Luke shattered the metal weapons with nothing but the force as I continued watching in awe and their leader stepped forward. "Guess it's just me and my pretty red lightsaber huh? I'll tell you, this blade wasn't easy to get. If you want it you'll have to take it."
I had half a mind to ask how red lightsabers were made but thought it wise to hold the question until Ben wasn't shaking and Lor San Tekka wasn't worried I'd try to run into the fight. 
"You probably can," the Knight continued. "You're strong, that's obvious, but before you try there's something you should know." He holds out his red blade towards Luke. "I just flipped the kill switch. This blade leaves my hand it blows, and it takes you, me, the kids, your old explorer friend, all this fancy garbage with it." I looked at Ben who gripped his lightsaber tightly now. "What now Jedi man?" 
Ben turned back to me and said "When I tell you to run, you run to the ship and don't look back. I know you can figure out how to pilot it out of here with R2's help."
Only then did fear begin to set in and I nodded despite knowing I'd never leave Ben behind but I'd been taught how to use a ship's laser cannons and knew I couldn't fight them in the open, but I could fight from there with R2 by my side.
Luke remained fearless as he spoke. "Seem's like that's up to you, but I wouldn't assume it'll go the way you expect."
But then the Knight ceded. "Yeah, I can see that. Like I said you're strong, I think I'll take my people and go, let you have this one. Life's too much fun to die you know." Ben shared my look of confusion at his sudden surrender but it changed with the Knight's next words. "But one more thing. You said you could sense the shadow in all of us, that's right, we've all got it." He pointed his saber towards Ben. "But you know your apprentice does too right? Powerful, I can feel it."
But then Ren looked right at me and tilted his head, I didn't look away despite feeling that shadow then and refused to show any fear. 
"And the girl," Ren said curiously and Ben tugged me firmly behind him. "The girl is something else, something more dangerous. That shadow hasn't touched her yet but it will, I can promise you that much, and you better be ready when it does because that power.... all I can say is you better be careful Jedi man, you've got two special kids on your hands."
Luke's voice grew as grave as I'd ever heard it. "It's time for you to leave."
"Yeah, I know," Ren said and then removed his helmet to reveal the face of just a man, not the monster he would have us see and spoke directly to Ben and I. "Hey kids, you sure this is the life for you?" Ben looked purely stunned, at a loss for words as he was told "You do know there are other paths right?"
Luke had no patience left as he warned "Last chance."
"I hear you Jedi man, we're going," he said but I felt anger rise in me as he held out a hand to Ben as if he would take him away. "But kid, if you ever want to try something a little different, learn more about your shadow, come look us up. Bring your sister with you, I dare say she'll make quite the apprentice someday."
I reached for Ben's hand the moment I felt uncertainty in him and he was snapped out of whatever daze they'd put him in to look down at me shaking my head in protest and he kept his eyes low until the Knights of Ren had left and it was just the four of us and R2.
I'd never seen Luke like this before, afraid, afraid as he looked upon his apprentice and felt that uncertainty also. 
"Ben why don't you take that rifle you saw and head back to the ship," is all Luke said for the time being. "We'll talk about what just happened when your sister's asleep."
"Uncle Luke-" I began to protest but he raised a hand to cut me off.
"Not now Hope, you go find something as well," he simply says. "I need to have a word with Lor San Tekka."
I wanted to argue, but Ben was too afraid to even entertain the thought of defying his master in this moment and instead took my hand to bring me back into the treasure trove.
When we were alone he bent down and asked me "Are you alright?"
"What did they mean Ben?" I asked him, knowing he'd be the one person who'd tell me the truth. "What did they mean shadow, why did they want to take you away-"
"I'm not going anywhere," he promised me, and I could feel his pain as he said "As for the shadow... sometimes I feel lonely, angry, and a Jedi shouldn't feel that way."
I scrunched up my face in an attempt to force back tears, my voice frustrated as I tried to make sense of everything. "I feel lonely and angry too but I still don't understand what they meant, why won't Luke talk to me like Mom and Dad do, why does he keep treating me like a baby. No one else does."
He frowned and picked me up in his arms, sitting me on his hip as he always did when I was a few years younger. Before he was sent away after the incident when the bad men took Kadara and tried to take me too, when he would be the one to comfort me on the long nights when Mom would be working in the senate and Dad on the other side of the galaxy. Just Ben and I with only a nanny droid as true supervision if Chewie and Lando weren't there.
He looked over his shoulder to make sure Luke and Lor San Tekka were still talking to each other out of earshot before saying "You can't tell anyone this okay?"
I immediately nodded without a second thought. "Okay."
He sat me down and I leaned into R2, only to protest as Ben told R2 to go and get the ship ready, leaving just the two of us truly alone.
"Sometimes I hear a voice talking to me," he told me as I listened confused and alarmed. "A voice whose name is Snoke. He tells me there's a different path like those men did, that I could have a teacher who recognises our true potential and I think that scares Luke. I think Luke is scared of the fact we can do things the other's can't and that's why he won't tell us things." He was concerned as he studied my face and asked "Does that scare you?"
"I'm not scared," I answered defensively. "They didn't scare me."
"That wasn't what I asked," he said and asked me what no one else ever bothered to. "Do you want to be a pilot or a politician like Mom and Dad want you to be, or do you want to be a Jedi, or- or something else like they were?"
"They were scared, I don't want to be like them," I said, seeing my answer as obvious. "They were afraid of Uncle Luke, Jedi are never afraid, but they were."
I couldn't read his face but he nodded, confirming to me it was the right answer even if it wasn't the one he wanted to hear. 
"You might not be afraid of anything, but some of us are," he said and took the lightsaber rifle from its display as he told me. "You know I would have never let them hurt you right? That I will always protect you from that darkness."
I nodded with full belief in one thing, that Ben would always protect me, that even if he was terrified he would do anything to keep me safe. 
He gave me a pained smile before saying "Come on, let's go back to the ship."
I sat cross-legged on the ground beside the ship playing with R2 and the seemingly ancient rifle in silence while we waited for Luke. Ben was quiet in contemplation whilst I struggled to comprehend what I'd seen, as if it were all another vision, but it wasn't. All I knew was that I could feel a shadow now, and their words replayed in my head. 
The girl is something else, something more dangerous. That shadow hasn't touched her yet but it will, I can promise you that much, and you better be ready when it does.
Someday it would, but I could never have thought it would be Ben who'd drag me into it screaming after swearing he would always protect me from it.
Someday I would come to learn he'd do anything to keep from suffering alone as the darkness corrupted the brother who meant the words he spoke. Even if it meant watching me bleed alongside him in the name of making me strong, in the name of what he believed was protecting me. Even if it would kill me.
Few words were said on the journey home. Lor San Tekka tried to cheer me up but I couldn't shake the heaviness that felt like it would crush me if I so much as waned in my resolve for even a moment. 
It was only when I shut my eyes and pretended to be asleep that they spoke.
"Do you see now Ben why I am hesitant to train Hope?" Luke asked him. "Bad people, evil people, can and will try to exploit you for your powers and the moment I train her it will put a target on her back for dark force users like the Knights of Ren and others."
Ben couldn't keep the tremor from his voice. "Are you saying there's a target on my back?"
"You know there is," Luke said gravely, for the first time his own patience lapsing. "You and Hope both have a type of raw power that attracts dark things and I will do everything I possibly can to protect you from it, but I don't know if I'd be able to protect both of you."
"I would protect her," Ben said without any hesitation. "She wants to be a Jedi, you said yourself she has gifts neither of us do. She is meant to be a Jedi."
"We'll see," Luke said again. "Ren wasn't wrong when he said she's something else."
"What do you mean?" Ben asked and I felt Luke hesitate. "Master?"
"You've had a long day, you should rest. You did well in there, I'm glad you were with me. You did what I asked you to do and no one was hurt, that's the most important thing," Luke said to try to ease him. "Try not to pay too much mind to the things they said, dark force users like them know how to manipulate, always be mindful of that."
"Yes Master," Ben said quietly and that was the end of it.
I waited for him to mention Snoke, but he didn't.
And neither did I.
Perhaps if I did I could have saved billions of lives.
Including our fathers.
I might have saved us from falling to the dark side. 
Ben in the name of protecting his sister from the very darkness he would force down my throat, and I in the name of avenging everything he took from me in doing so. 
Perhaps if I had spoken that day, perhaps if the blood of Vader had not been so strong, we might not have destroyed each other and half the galaxy in our own madness, but it seems fate had other plans.
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Howdy there! Thanks for tagging me on the post. Could I get number 20 please? [voice trails off as I vanish behind a corner in awkward slinkiness]
This snippet introduces a couple of my OCs, Eleanor and Jesse, two definitely-not-in-love programmers in their mid-20s who you'll be seeing on here every now and then. They're a pair of cuties; I hope you like them.
Tap. Tap. Tap-tap. Eleanor was typing away at her computer when it started.
It was early afternoon at the office and she was editing a line of code, nose practically pressed to the screen, when suddenly, her vision went fuzzy at the edges. She rubbed at her eyes, thinking that maybe she had gotten something in them, but her periphery remained fuzzy. Lights and blobs of nameless colors started popping in front of her eyes.
“That’s weird,” she murmured.
Then came the pain.
A sharp, clear stroke of pain cleaved her forehead, like someone had driven a searing nail into her brain.
“Agh!” Eleanor took her glasses off and pressed her hands to her head, but it did nothing to abate the throbbing, aching pulse, the nail driving in further second after second.
“Eleanor? You okay?” Jesse’s voice floated out to her from the neighboring cubicle. Eleanor couldn’t even answer.
She heard footsteps approaching. Jesse’s hand touched her shoulder, the brush of a bird’s wing.
“Eleanor? What’s wrong?”
“Headache,” she gasped. “Really bad headache.”
More footsteps.
“What’s going on?” Mia’s voice. A pause. “Is… she okay?”
“I don’t know. She says her head hurts.”
Eleanor heard Mia bend down beside her, felt her feel her forehead.
“Eleanor, can you hear me? Look at me.”
Eleanor lifted her head from her hands and winced at the radiance from the fluorescent light above her. It was much too bright.
Mia was kneeling beside her, and Jesse and a few of her other coworkers were standing around her. She groaned a little. “Nothing―just―the head―and I can’t really see―it’s too bright in here.” She shivered and closed her eyes, pressing her hands to her head again.
“I think she has a migraine,” Mia said to Jesse. “She’s probably going to have to take the day off, especially if she’s got no meds for it.”
“I’ll take her home,” Jesse said immediately.
“You sure? I can take her if you’re busy with something.”
“No, I―I got it.” The others murmured their assent. Jesse’s hand touched Eleanor’s shoulder again. “Can you stand up?”
Eleanor nodded. Woozy from pain, she rose from the desk. It felt like she was underwater, her movements thick and slow. She opened her eyes a crack, looking down at the floor to avoid the fluorescent lights. Mia handed Eleanor her bag and glasses. Jesse offered his hand, and Eleanor took it, grabbing at the walls of the cubicle for support as he led her out of the office.
Jesse stopped and turned to face Mia again. “Uh, tell Ben I’m taking the day off.”
Twenty minutes later, Eleanor was huddled on Jesse’s couch as he brought her a cup of tea. The room was darkened, the lamps turned off to keep from hurting her head. The apartment was cluttered, but cozy--movie posters on the walls, CDs and books piled up around the coffee table and couches, not to mention the wealth of electronics scattered around.
Jesse handed her the cup and tried not to wince. He hated seeing Eleanor like this―her skin too grey, her hands shaking, her beautiful dark eyes dull with pain. He handed her the cup. “Drink this--my mother always made it when I was sick.” Eleanor took a sip, and Jesse glanced at her for her reaction. “You like it?”
Eleanor swallowed. “Yeah, it’s―it’s good. I just….”
Jesse knew that voice―she always had a little hesitation to her speech when she was afraid of inconveniencing someone. “What is it?”
Eleanor set down the cup on the end table. “Something cold sounds better, actually.”
Jesse nodded. “No worries, I’ll get you some ice water. Anything else?”
“And… a cool rag for my head sounds pretty good right now,” she admitted.
“Of course. I’ll be back in a second.”
Jesse dashed out to the apartment’s kitchen and poured a glass of ice water for Eleanor, then took a clean dish rag out of the cupboard and ran it under the faucet. He started wringing it out with more force than what was strictly necessary. The worst part of this whole thing was that there was absolutely nothing he could do to help Eleanor but keep her comfortable. His job as a programmer was all about fixing―tweaking the code, eliminating bugs, changing the programs to function exactly as intended. But this was a bug he couldn’t fix. He hated it.
Jesse returned to the living room along with the glass and cold rag. “Here you go, El.”
Eleanor took a sip and draped the rag on her head, brushing her dark bangs aside. Jesse took a seat on the other end of the couch and tried to let his mind wander. But he was still too fixated on Eleanor’s pain. He found himself looking back at her every minute or so, just to make sure that she was okay.
“You can go do something else if you want,” Eleanor said softly, after a while.
Taking care of you is what I want. “I’m staying here.”
Eleanor nodded.
The afternoon passed by and slowly changed into night, and Jesse’s stomach started to rumble. “I… kinda need some food,” he said. “How are you feeling?”
Eleanor gave a listless shrug. “Still hurts. And I feel a little sick to my stomach.”
Jesse took her hand and rubbed at her knuckles gently. “I’m sorry. Does food sound good or no?”
“I don’t really feel like eating.”
“Okay. Let me know if you want something later, though, yeah?”
“I will.”
Jesse turned on some classical music and thirty minutes later he sauntered out of the kitchen with a bowl of tomato soup.
“I’m sorry,” Eleanor said as he sat down on the couch again.
Jesse’s brows drew together. “For what? You haven’t done anything.”
“I... didn’t want to put you through this whole mess. I… I don’t want to be a burden on you.” She picked at the hem of her blouse.
Jesse set down the soup and looked her straight in the eyes. “Now, I want you to listen to me, El. You are not a burden. Don’t ever think that, okay?”
“Okay.” Eleanor nodded, then rubbed at her temples. “It just hurts so bad.”
“I know.” Jesse gave a sympathetic grimace. “Is there anything that can help take your mind off the pain? Any movies you like, or music? Or maybe… no, that’s a bit silly.”
Jesse felt his ears getting hot. “I was going to suggest I could read a book to you, but, you know, if that’s childish or whatever―”
“No, that sounds nice. Really,” Eleanor added, leaning forward earnestly. “You seem like you’d have a good reading voice.”
“Okay. What sounds good?” Jesse got up and walked over to the bookshelf on the other side of the room and started running his index finger down the spines of some of the books. “I have all kinds of novels--mystery, fantasy, a little horror but you probably don’t want that right now….”
“Any fairy tales?”
Her voice was so soft, a bird’s wing brush, that Jesse wasn’t sure he’d heard her correctly. “Sorry, what was that?”
Eleanor blushed and cleared her throat. “Sorry, I, uh, asked if you had any fairy tales.”
Jesse smiled. Look at her, all embarrassed about it. “I think I do, actually. Give me a moment.”
Jesse darted through the door on the opposite side of the living room and into his bedroom. It took a few minutes to locate the book, but eventually he found it stashed under his bed.
He walked back into the living room toting the huge volume and flopped down on the couch beside Eleanor. The cover was dusty, faded pink and green, and embossed with curly gold letters. Jesse rubbed the dust off the cover. “Hans Christian Andersen’s Compendium of Fairy Tales. My favorite as a kid, actually. Here we go.” He flipped to the first page and cleared his throat. “Once upon a time….”
Jesse had no idea how much time passed as he read tale after tale, keeping his voice lilting and soft as to not aggravate Eleanor’s migraine. Eleanor watched the pages turn with her lovely eyes, which seemed to grow just a bit brighter as he read. Eventually, Jesse realized that it was very silent, and looked over. Eleanor had fallen asleep against his arm, her head nestled in the hollow of his shoulder. Her breathing was deep and even.
Jesse didn’t want to disturb her, so he simply stayed like that for a while, listening to the sounds of the night, until the book slipped from his hands and he, too, drifted off with a head full of dreams.
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lovinnren · 4 years
comfort. / ben solo.
warnings: extreme fluff, sad ben
words: 1.7k
SUMMARY: you were kylo ren's best friend, you followed everything he did, for the longest time you tried to get him to fight in the resistance and leave this mask of kylo behind. the day leia died kylo finally left the mask behind and you were there for him.
you laid in your bed, the terrible news of leia had made its way to you. all you could do is sob, your pillow was soaked from all of the tears that fell from your eyes. you let out loud sobs, you were officially alone. kylo and you were close but things weren't the same once he chose the dark side, leia was officially gone. you grew up around han and leia, han's death hit you pretty hard as well but leia was there to comfort you. the day you heard kylo had killed han, you knew this wasn't ben, you knew a monster had taken over your best friend but you had hoped that you might be able to get him to leave this mask behind. your loud sobs continued on while you were alone in your bedroom, the sound of your sobs were interrupted by the sound of a knock on your door.
"go away!" you groaned, your voice was stuffy from all the crying you had done.
you just continued sobbing, nothing held you back, everything felt as if it was falling apart and you were officially alone. you heard the code to your door being put in, you jumped up and grabbed your saber. you made your way to the door to see a slumped over ben on the floor. you focused hard on him, your sight was slightly blurry due to all the crying you had done. you heard silent sobs coming from him as he was sitting there. something was different about him. he showed raw emotion and he wasn't wearing his mask or even his typical outfit. he was just in a black sweater and black, tight pants. you placed your saber down and walked up to him. you weren't sure what to do so you just wrapped your arms around him. he stopped sobbing for a moment, gasping for air, his eyes met yours. his dark brown eyes were bloodshot and around them were swollen and red from all the crying he had done. he wrapped his arms around your legs for comfort.
"come." you spoke, unraveling your arms from around him and holding a hand out for him.
he placed his hand in yours. suddenly, you didn't feel so alone, you didn't want to sob anymore, but you could see that ben was an absolute wreck and you were there for him. he stood up, letting his hair fall in his face to cover up all of the emotions he felt. you lead him to your bedroom,
"you can stay here." you spoke softly, your voice was stuffy.
ben let go off your hand and just climbed into your bed. he pulled the blankets over him and you heard him quietly sob again, your heart broke. you never saw him like this, not even pre - supreme leader. you walked over to your bed and climbed next to ben, you made sure you did this very softly so it wouldn't disturb him. you placed your hand on his back,
"i'm sorry ben." you spoke softly.
you felt him shift and place his head in your lap, you felt his tears hit your legs.
your eyes welled up with tears as you listened to bens soft sobs. you two were a mess together. you felt bens arms wrap around you as he continued lying on your lap.
"i'm so sorry i ever left." he spoke softly into your body.
"do not apologize." you snapped back.
ben looked up at you, his hair was sticking to his face due to the wetness from the tears. you reached to him and moved his hair from his face, looking into his dark bloodshot eyes.
"i should've never left." he spoke, letting out a small sob. you watched the tears fall down his cheeks.
"ben, please stop crying." your vision blurred because of the buildup of tears in your eyes. you wiped away bens tears.
"i am so sorry this happened, but you know your mother would want you to do the best thing for yourself." you sniffled and let the tears fall from your face, you caught them with the sleeve of your sweater before they rolled off of your cheek.
ben lifted himself from your lap and sat up next to him,
"you're right." his voice was stuffy from crying as well.
"we'll get through this." you looked at him, giving him a soft smile,
"you need to give yourself time to heal and recollect yourself." you stood up and looked at the wrecked sight of your best friend.
"you are more than welcome to stay here." you spoke softly in efforts to comfort ben.
you carried yourself out of the bedroom, bringing yourself to the kitchen. your heart broke at the sight of ben with bloodshot, swollen eyes. your ears hated hearing an upset, stuffy voiced ben.
you began making food for ben and yourself, you knew your cooking always comforted ben, so that's exactly the approach you took. you made a broth thinking about how the warm liquid would soothe both of your throats from crying all day.
you heard footsteps from behind then you felt arms wrap around you. you smiled.
"i'm just making broth with some noodles." your voice sounded raspy.
ben hummed into the crook of your neck. you stood there stirring the pot, waiting for the broth to warm up.
"ben, why don't you go sit?" you felt his arms unwrap from around you and heard his footsteps trail away.
ben plopped down on the sofa. you stood there by the oven, waiting for the water to boil for your noodles.
"thank you, y/n." ben spoke softly.
"ben you know you don't have to thank me. i'll alwayus be here for you." you turned to look at him. he sent you a small smile, you couldn't help but smile back. you walked over to him, grabbing him a blanket from your pile next to your couch. you wrapped the blanket around his shoulders. bens eyes wandered up your body to your eyes. you smiled softly at him. his arms wrapped around you with the blanket around his arms as he took you into a hug.
"how are you holding up?" you looked down at the top of his head as he continued to hold you.
"i've been better." he groaned.
"you'll get through this." you assured him. you walked away from him to throw the noodles in the now boiling water. the aroma of broth filled the air as you took it all in.
"it smells delicious from what i can smell." ben sniffled.
you let out a small laugh as you waited for the noodles to cook fully.
"it's nothing big, it's pre-made broth." you let out a breathy laugh.
you grabbed a glass and filled it with water for ben. you walked the glass over to him,
"you need some water." you looked down at him, holding the glass out for him to take.
he took the glass from you and took a sip,
"thank you, again." he smiled up at you. you couldn't resist but smile back at him. you had a soft spot for ben, but right now he was in such a vulnerable state, all you could do is be there for him.
you checked on the noodles you made, you removed one and threw it in your mouth. you strained the noodles and placed them in the broth. you made a bowl for you and ben, placing them on the table. you grabbed utensils for you two then grabbed yourself a cup and filled it with water then plopped down into your spot.
"ben the food it ready." you called out softly to him.c you watched him get up and make his way over to the table with his glass in hand. he sat down in the seat across from you.
the aroma from the broth hit the both of you. ben woent in for a bite and let out a small hum of satisfaction. you watched him and let out a small giggle.
you took some noodles and broth and ate it, the warm broth got your throat and you also let out a hum of satisfaction.
you two finished eating,
"that was delicious." ben smiled at you.
"thank you, it really was nothing." you stood up and made your way to the sink to do the dishes.
"ben you can sleep in my bed tonight, i'll sleep on the couch." you turned and smiled at him. you watched him get up and walk into the bedroom.
you finished up the dishes and made your way into your bedroom to grab pajamas. you walked into the washroom to clean up and change into pajamas. after cleaning yourself up you went and grabbed your pillow from your bed and brought it to the couch.
"goodnight ben!" you yelled from the couch.
“goodnight y/n!” ben yelled back softly.
you laid on the couch and tucked yourself in with the blanket you had wrapped around ben earlier. you laid there reading a book before you headed to bed. it was quiet, for a little, then you heard soft sobs coming from the bedroom once again. you frowned. you placed your book on your table and you stood up. you grabbed your pillow and made your way into the bedroom once more. you threw your pillow into your usual spot and crawled into bed next to ben.
“sweet boy, it’ll be okay.” you spoke softly, patting him and holding your arms out for him to crawl into.
the larger man looked up and crawled into your arms. his breathing calmed down and the sobs turned to a minimum as you held him. you ran your fingers through his hair, hoping it would relax him. soon, the sobs completely stopped and you just heard silence. you turned the light in your bedroom out and continued playing with bens hair until you fell asleep. you fell asleep with ben lying on you and your fingers tangled in his hair, you wouldn’t have it any other way.
a/n: i just finished writing this after like 3 days of writing and deleting to fix it. i just uploaded it on my wattpad [softdreaminq]. i hope you all enjoyed, once again. feel free to leave requests
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mandochlorian · 4 years
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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…
For over a decade, Y/N Y/L/N has been in a relentless battle with the sinister FIRST ORDER, never getting close enough to destroy one another. After a messy history with the boy who was once known as Ben Solo, he and Y/N had parted ways. Neither sides will rest until Skywalker, the last Jedi, has been destroyed.
TROKR masterlist
star wars masterlist
general masterlist
“Ren?!” You shout, standing up and walking to the barred door. “I’m going to give you five seconds to let me out… Kylo!”
Hearing shouting coming from the room, a trooper bangs his fist on the metal. “Quiet in there!” He shouts at you, making you narrow your eyes. Grimacing, you do your best to stand and walk to the door, eyeing the officer who stands with his back towards you.
“Walk to me.” You order, taking a deep breath as you control him via the force. Indoctrinated, his walks to your cell. “Unlock the door and hand me your weapon.” You state. He obeys, the door slides open and you grab the blaster from his hands. Suddenly, you’re being pushed to the ground, having all the air inside your lungs knocked out.
“Nice try.” Hux laughs, holding the lightning rod by his side, “Unfortunately for you, I’m not weak-minded.” He states, gesturing his hand for the troopers to place someone inside your cell. He slams the cell door, but not before he kicks you in the gut once more.
“Hux!” You gasp for breath, holding a hand to your stomach as you grimace through the pain, “I knew I should’ve killed you when I had the chance!”
“Well, you didn’t.” You swear you can see his smile from through the grates of the prison door, “And I sense you won’t be getting many more opportunities either.”
Pushing your hand through a gap, you grab him by the collar and hit his head against the cold metal. He cries out in pain, alerting the nearby troopers who rush to his aid. “Sir, are you-”
“I’m fine!” He shouts, holding his hand to his forehead in an attempt to stop the bleeding. Looking to the troopers who watch him awkwardly, Hux stands up straighter, “I’m fine. Keep an eye on her!” Pausing to give you a glare, Hux eyes you as he spits, “Wait until the Supreme Leader gets his hands on you. Snoke has big plans. And you’re not going to like them.” You don’t waste time in responding, you watch him leave instead. Gripping his keycard in your hand, you take a step away from the door.
“Smart girl,” the pilot comments, “if only you deserved to be free.”
“What happened to you?” You wonder, searching his mind freely. You see him inside the interrogation room, crying, shouting, losing his mind. You hear bits and pieces of information coming through quickly, as if the barrier holding it all together has been broken, and you know exactly by who, “Kylo Ren got to you.”
Poe Dameron doesn’t say a word. He doesn’t even notice you’re in his mind, listening to Kylo interrogating him. “Never lose hope… Come home…”
Looking to the keycard, you turn to the Rebel pilot. You look at his beaten face and his defeated expression. Stepping towards him, you crouch down to eye Poe. “I suppose you deserve to be free?”
“I don’t kill innocent people.” He glares up at you, his eyes burning with anger and with tears; no doubt for his old friend.
“No, you just kill whoever isn’t on your side.” You answer, heading to the door. With the keycard in your hands, you sneakily attempt to find the scanner, quickly pulling your hand back whenever a trooper turns to you.
Poe watches as you come to an abrupt halt, eyes cast on the ground. You turn to him, throwing the keycard on his lap, “Good luck getting out of here with your hands tied behind your back.” You tell him, facing the door once again.
Poe’s eyes are wide, not even he could predict this. “What the hell?” He mutters, giving you a perplexed look, “What’s this for?”
“Other than escaping?” You keep your eyes ahead, standing up straight and proud. “Something we both agree on; it’s time for Kylo Ren to go home. The Resistance and I may not see eye to eye all the time, but Kylo Ren is a threat to the galaxy… and to himself. And… And it’s not supposed to be like this.”
Poe pauses, thinking it over. Thinking over the ongoing war between you and the First Order. “You don’t care how he goes,” Poe nods, understanding, “just that he’s gone.”
You nod, watching the dark figure approach closer. You’re running out of time. “I can help you get out of here.”
“I don’t need your help.”
Glancing at him, you hold contact with his eyes for a second. “We both know that’s a lie. I’ll try my best to get you out of here too.”
Poe furrows his eyebrows, his mind coming to different scenarios where you could betray him. But he knows you’ll do as you say. After all, you need to know where BB-8 is if you want to find the map to Luke Skywalker. Footsteps approach the cell. Commander Kylo Ren enters, a hoard of troopers follow behind him, “Bring her to the interrogation chamber. 20 minutes and she’ll be broken. Restrain her.”
“Sir, she’s already handcuff-”
“Do as I say! I don’t care if she’s completely tied and gagged. Take as much precaution as required.” His deep voice booms as he stares at you through his mask, taking a pause as a few troopers get their hands on you, “ensure that she does not escape. I’ll be waiting.” He exits. The troopers who stay eye you, closing the cell door behind them and entrapping you all within the small cell.
They’re quick to grab you roughly but you speak up before they can gag you. Raising a hand, they pause awkwardly, “You’re unable to move or speak.” The cell is quiet and still, you struggle against the handcuffs they’ve already got on you.
Poe stands, “Maybe I do need your help.” Turning around slightly, he lifts his hands up and you use the force to unbind him from his handcuffs. You do the same to for your own, seeing small red marks in your skin already.
You watch Poe pause before the door, the keycard in his unsure hand, “How can I trust you?” He asks honestly, watching you through a sceptical gaze.
“Look, Pilot, I don’t want the Resistance dead, alright?” You frown, thinking about their leaders, “We just… have our differences.” Your mind can’t help but go back to all the memories you have with Leia, Luke, Han… and with Ben too. It hurts too much to think about it but your mind snaps through the memories quick enough.
The planet Corellia is nothing like the planet Jakku below. It’s not worthless or arid, it’s Eden full of life. It’s where you grew up. Corellia is beautiful; but what it has in nature it lacks in trust and love. It’s the closest thing to a home that you’ll ever have - even if you did ruin it. A mother and her daughter walked the streets of Corellia’s city one night, quietly, happily. The distant sound of an infant’s cry. A ship blasting off into hyperspace. The disaster that followed. It all stayed in your mind.
You tried your best to be integrated into a simple life in Corellia. The people surrounding you weren’t your real family, and they all knew this. Though it was nice to have family meals and pretend that they could be there for you, they didn’t fill the hole within you left by your real mother after you had found out the truth.
When you were young, you wished you had a better family; one that felt right. Living with the circus travellers who picked you up was nothing but draining. each night, they’d show you off to the public, labelling you as the last Jedi to ever live. But they’d narrowly avoid empire sympathisers looking to finish Order 66 once and for all. It plays before your eyes; the facade of a family is broken, the heartbreak that follows, the realisation that you’ve always known it to be true. Where do you come from? And where the hell are you supposed to go now?
You couldn’t go back to Corellia now, there’s nothing there for you anymore. Your ‘family’ died, helpless, in an alleyway behind the circus tent, grovelling for their lives and begging for your forgiveness for all the lies and all the years took from you. And at that point, you were located by Luke Skywalker. He was searching for children like you, children like his nephew so that he could train them and in turn carry on the Jedi legacy within his pupils. You remember him seeking you out, finding you wandering the streets of Corellia. And you remember when you saw the young boy hiding behind Skywalker’s legs and staring at you, you knew you were meant to be found by them. Thinking it over, you realise that not even the Jedi Academy had trust or love either.
There was fire surrounding you, smoke filling your lungs. The Jedi academy gave you the education that you had desired at your previous home. It was the driving force that fed your ambition and you excelled greatly in all areas of your studies there. You remember being top of your class… well, sort of.
Ben walked up to his uncle, showing him the holopad of class results with an annoyed expression. You watched on with amusement, knowing exactly what Ben was going to complain about. The poor eleven-year-old was annoyed that you, a ten-year-old girl, had gotten the same 93% as him on the most recent exam. Luke gave his nephew a lighthearted expression, patting him on the back before leaning down and muttering words of encouragement. Bens eyes drifted towards you as his Uncle said goodbye and left to attend to other classes and other students. You weren’t nervous as Ben walked up to you, you felt like you had met your equal. Your ninety-three per cent.
“How’d you do it?” He asked, his eyebrows furrowed as he watched you curiously. A million thoughts were running through his head - some things never change - as he tried to read you. But neither of you were that good at using the force back then. “How’d you cheat?” He rephrased his question, making it clear that he was not praising or complementing your abilities.
You frowned, wondering why he isn’t happy that someone else is succeeding. “I’m smart.” You responded harshly, crossing your arms defiantly. “Did your uncle get you that grade? Or are you not as dumb as you look.” You shot back, making Ben frown even more if that was even possible. You swear that kid never smiled.
He glared at you before marching away angrily. From that day on, the small childish feud began. You would both attempt to prove to one another that you were better. But it couldn’t be done. You were both just equals, always; in practical training and in written examinations. It was infuriating. Sometimes you would talk to one another, but mostly you would trash talk. It became an odd friendship - the only friendship either of you ever truly had.
The training grounds were vast and expensive in order to give students the best opportunity to succeed. Your need to succeed and be better than Ben meant that you were willing to do whatever it took to achieve this desire. One quiet night, you were around the lightsaber hall seemingly alone. But someone else was there already and you watched Ben completing different turns and swings with his saber.
“Your form is messy.” You called out, almost making him jump at a sound that was something other than the noise of his lightsaber swinging again and again.
He put his lightsaber down, walking towards you. He had to look up at you, angling his head in order to see you due to his short height. You remember you were taller than him then. “Like I would take advice from you.”
“Maybe you could get that 1% above me that you’ve been begging Luke for.” You shrugged, letting out a sigh before your eyes caught something in the distance, the glow of light.
“Shut up.” Ben groaned, about to begin another argument with you. But the door of the hall swung open and you grabbed his arm and pulled you both behind the wall next to the lavatories, out of sight from the adults. His eyes were wide as he listened, “Is it Luke?”
“I’m not sure.” You whispered back, peeking your head around the corner of the wall.
“Oh, it is.” You nodded back at him as you both proceeded to listen in to Luke and Leia’s discussion.
“I’m afraid,” Luke admitted, his voice low and hopeless. It startled you. You had never heard him speak like this before, he was always so full of light. You shared a look with Ben and for the first time you weren’t just competition, you were on the same page.
Leia sighed, looking at her brother with sadness in her eyes. “Luke, he’s just a boy.”
Now you were both really worried. “Afraid?” You repeated in a hushed whisper, “He’s never been afraid.” You both felt worried, wondering what could possibly be troubling your master. “What’s he talking about?”
“Let me listen and I’ll tell you!” Ben hushed you rudely, so you shoved him, causing him to glare at you, “Don’t shove me.”
“Don’t be rude!”
“Oh, I’m being rude? You’re acting like a child.”
“Says you!”
“What are you two doing here?” Comes Leia's stern voice. You and Ben turn to the side, frozen in your positions. Back then, Leia was someone to be respected. Or feared.
“Training,” Ben stated simply.
“In the middle of the night?” Leia eyed her son, crossing her arms over her chest. Looking back, you noticed Luke take one last glance at you before leaving the temple. Ben nodded at his mother, who held an amused look on her face. “You know it’s okay if you two want to spend more time together, right?”
“What?” Ben paused, not understanding what his mother had meant. Ah, to be young and blissfully ignorant.
She smiles, uncrossing her arms and looking between the two of you, “You don’t have to lie to your mother just to visit your crush, Ben.”
“My what?” Ben raised his eyebrows, feeling his cheeks beginning to burn. Looking at you and then his mother, Ben shook his head as you stood there embarrassed, “She’s not! We’re friends!”
Giving her son a smile, she just nods. “Alright, Ben. Get to bed. No more sneaking out, that goes for the both of you.” Leia points to the door, waiting until the two of you leave her sight. Adorable, she thinks to herself. Luke watches the scene, staying back.
Ben walked intently, never looking to you for fear of his cheeks becoming red again. “So we are friends then?” You grinned as you walked beside him.
“Shut up.” Was all he replied with, only glancing at you once as he tried to hide the smile that appeared on his chubby face. The rest of the night you spent wondering what his uncle and mom were talking about. But Ben took a glance behind him and he caught eyes with Luke. Luke gave him a look that made him shiver. Ben turned around quickly, focusing on whatever conspiracy you were concocting aloud. And after that, it felt as if the two of you were joined to one another. 
You had both grown up beside one another for 7 years. The sneaking out never stopped.
taglist: mitsuhkai antoniamarie1989-blog haylaansmi
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ehstarwar · 4 years
under thy own life’s key (2/7)
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Maybe the A/C wasn’t as useful down in the dungeon as the rest of the house. Maybe the flannel bed sheets were a little much. Maybe she was actually back in Jakku and the last eight years had all been a fever dream.
Or her best friend/bed buddy was a cuddler. A Big Time Cuddler.
Rey and Ben's sleeping arrangements lead to some interesting mornings. And even more interesting nights.
Rating: Explicit 
Word Count: 3.5K
Read on AO3
Notes: i wrote this while watching TRoS and as soon as started the ~fun~ part, Ben and Han had their moment and i felt like i was debauching him in front of his dad. i've probs done worse tho, so, enjoy!
Chapter 2: relieves the weary laborer and heals hurt minds
Chandrila is notoriously hot, or so the online articles Rey skimmed said it was. She felt confident that her upbringing in a desert would be sufficient preparation for the oncoming heat. Something that Coruscant blessedly didn’t endure too long of. Rey knew that suckers like Hux and Kaydel would have a hard time adjusting, but would eventually realize the benefits of said heat. (Well… Kaydel would.)
When booking the trip, Poe had assured the group that the cabin they would be staying had a well function air conditioning that his fiancé insisted upon. Rey may not have been the closest with Hux, but she knew enough of him to know he wouldn’t have spent money on a place without everything being up to his standards. 
So when Rey woke up Monday morning in, what felt like, a blistering inferno, she was a little shocked. Maybe the A/C wasn’t as useful down in the dungeon as the rest of the house. Maybe the flannel bed sheets were a little much. Maybe she was actually back in Jakku and the last eight years had all been a fever dream. 
Or her best friend/bed buddy was a cuddler. A Big Time Cuddler.
Ben’s arms were holding onto Rey, encasing her torso and clutching her to him. His tree-trunk legs were tangled with hers, one shoved between her legs making her core rest on his thigh. Ben’s face was resting against the back of her head so that she could feel his warm breath on the top of her neck. His chest rose and fell in time with his breath and Rey couldn’t help but marvel at the solidity against her, at how different it felt beneath her back than it had under her hands.
When she realizes the source of the heat, Rey suddenly doesn’t mind it so much. It becomes a comfort, like wrapping up in your favorite blanket when its fresh out of the dryer. She can’t help but think of the winter, when she’s cold and buried under blankets that still provide no heat, and how nice it would feel if Ben was there. Solid and warm and wonderful. How she could just turn around and nuzzle into his embrace and press her lips to-
And then Rey really wakes up. 
She slowly extracts herself from his embrace, moving gently so as not to disturb her sleeping giant. She ignores the painful stab in her gut, willing herself to not feel as if moving from his arms was like cutting off a limb. Trying not to think thoughts that are decidedly un-best friendly.
Rey makes it out of the bed and into the bathroom, checking behind her to make sure Ben is still sound asleep as she shuts the door. Part of her wants to take a cold shower, blame it on the July heat, but Ben would know. He always just knows. 
She resigns herself to splashing cold water on her face and brushing her teeth. The sound of footsteps above her tell her that her other friends are up and already starting with the festivities. 
That’s why she’s here. To celebrate her friends upcoming nuptials. Not to sleeping the same bed as Ben. Its just an (un)fortunate side effect.
Rey adjust her sleep shirt and shorts before creeping out the bathroom and up the stair, leaving Ben still sleeping in their bunk. When she reaches the top of the stairs, she’s greeted with a platinum-blonde blur quickly setting up what looks like a mimosa table. 
“Oh, Phasma. I didn’t know you were staying here,” Rey says, hoping to catch her attention. Phasma pays her no mind as she responds, not breaking for a moment.
“I’m not. I rented a cabin down the hill for myself.” How very Phasma of Phasma. “Armitage wouldn’t let me hear the end of it if I didn’t show, and this cabin is like one giant splinter waiting to stab itself into an unsuspecting guest. My place is a bit more… modern.”
While Rey and Phasma weren’t the best of friends, Rey found comfort in Phasma’s unyielding ability to be herself. She admired her really, and told her so at more than one social engagements. It’s always met with a slight huff and an excuse to go refill her drink, but Rey knows that it makes Phasma like here. Well, maybe not like, but just not hold her in complete contempt. 
“That’s… very wise of you,” Rey says. The little noise of acceptance and slight nod is as close as Phasma will ever get to smiling, so, Rey will take it. “Is that a mimosa bar?” Rey asks.
“And Bloody Mary bar. I wanted to give some options for the bachelors,” Phasma explained. 
“Any breakfast?” Rey asks, hopeful. Phasma sends her a sharp look.
“Yes; Mimosas and Bloody Mary’s.”
“Ah.” Rey tries not to look disappointed. She had hoped of waking up to a large stack of waffles drenched in locally sourced syrup, but that wasn’t really Phasma’s style.
To be fair, there were many things Rey expected to be different that what she actually woke up to, but that was neither here nor there. 
Rey hears the squeak of the door hinges behind her, and snaps her head around to see a disheveled Ben appearing from the stairwell. His hair was a perfectly tousled mess and she longed to run her hands through it. Maybe even kiss the sleepiness out of his lips. 
“Gwen,” Ben says to acknowledge Phasma. Her eyes flit over Ben and Rey, and if she notices that they came from the same place, she keeps it to herself. 
“Benjamin, why aren’t you wearing the pajamas I got you for your 30th birthday?” Phasma asks, not once breaking stride in setting up the table.
“I brought them. I just didn’t have the energy to change into a pantsuit last night.” Ben moves into the kitchen, brushing past Rey to get there. His hands gently bumps her arm, right where it was draped over, just a few minutes ago. “I’m assuming you want pancakes?” He shouts back and Rey knows its meant for her. She’s pretty sure Phasma doesn’t eat solid foods that don’t come from a restaurant Rey would have to save for a month to afford.
“Or waffles?” She asks, once again hopeful.
“No waffle maker.”
“Pancakes are fine.” She hopes she doesn’t sound ungrateful. She wants to point out that Ben hasn’t looked for a waffle maker so he can’t possibly know that there isn’t one, but Rey has learned not to bite the hand that feeds her.
An hour later, the rest of the house has woken up and wandered down to the kitchen. They’ve already gone through two bottles of champaign, (‘Chump change!’ Poe had shouted when he woke up and demanded another bottle be popped.) and questions of what to do were being tossed around. 
“I have a loosely structured agenda that we should all follow for this week,” Hux announces at the table, causing everyone to look at him in confusion.
“Loosely-structured?” Ben repeats.
“In an effort to be more… chill,” Hux abandons his glare at Ben to nod towards Poe, “I’ve decided to allow for a more clandestine trip. While I have ideas on how each minute should be spent, I’ve learned that doesn’t make for the most delightful of guest.”
“Sooooo, Armie has decided to let us collectively choose what we do for the day. Isn’t that so nice of him?” Poe pointedly looks at the rest of the table. Murmurs in agreement flutter around.
“Except for Wednesday,” Hux pipes up. “We’re scheduled to got to one of those tree-top jungle gym things. They have a zip line.” This earns some more enthusiastic hoots from the group. “For today I figured we could just enjoy the lake at the bottom of the hill. We have a private path to get down there.” 
The only time Rey could recall her friends moving as quickly as they did on hearing the word ‘lake’ is when Maz first announced her Three-Dollar-Margarita special. Within moments, Finn, Rose, Kaydel, Jannah had all vanished from the table, no doubt putting on their swim suits. Zorii sat beside Rey, giving a yawn that would rival a bears. 
“I’m gonna go sleep for a few hours. I’ll come down later.” She saunters up, heading back up the stairs. 
“Too old to be hanging out with the cool kids, Zor?” Poe calls after her. 
“Nah. Someones gotta stay sober long enough to make sure you fools don’t get eaten by Freddy Krueger.” The eyerolls are unanimous as she leaves the room. 
Ben and Rey leave the table to go change as well, ignoring the following gaze of Phasma as they go down the stairwell. Poe and Hux are too caught up in each other to say anything to them.
“So… last night was fine?” Rey says once they reached the room. Ben gives her a confused glance.
“You sound unsure.”
“It was fine, really. I don’t think we need to worry about disrupting the sleeping arrangements of everyone else. Since it was, ya know, fine. Unless you feel differently?” Rey is suddenly very aware that while she okay with their arrangement, Ben could potentially not be. Even if he doesn’t know how she woke up.
“No, no, no, it’s fine with me. Too. It’s fine.” Ben rushes out. Rey is sure her relief is present on her face, but Ben still looks a bit distraught.
“It’s okay to ask for things you want, Rey. No one will get mad if you say you want your own bed,” His voice is soft and something inside of Rey clenches. Ben is always the considerate one, even if his hard exterior begs to differ.
“Ben, truly, it’s fine. If I had a problem, I’d tell you. Trust me,” Rey assures. Ben doesn’t look quite convinced, but he lets it go.
A cool splash of water droplets on her face is what wakes Rey later that day. The pile of beach towels under her rub harshly against her skin as she turns over and comes to. Finn and Rose have jumped back in the lake, splashing around and looking every bit the love dazed couple they would both deny they were. 
Hux and Poe wandered off to the hot tub before Rey’s little cat-nap, and she’s sure they were both enjoying post-coital bliss right about now. Zorii, Kaydel, and Jannah were laid out on the dock, soaking up the sun, exactly where Rey assumed they’d be for the duration of this trip. Ben and Phasma were seated beside her, under a little alcove at the beginning of the dock, both reading books with titles that included words Rey had never heard. She was pretty sure Phasma’s was in Greek.
“Enjoy your nap?” Phasma asked, without looking up from her book. Rey just hummed in the affirmative and stretched her now tight limbs. Her bikini did little in the way of covering skin, so she was especially glad Ben brought the highest uvf-protection sunscreen sold. She was less than glad that she only went with one coat instead of three, like Ben warned.
“How long was I out?” She asked, voice groggy.
“About and hour and a half. You missed lunch,” Ben told her. Rey gasped in horror at herself. Her body was usually so good at telling her when it was meal time. To be fair, her body did think all times were meal times.
“Benjamin saved you a sandwich, though. So, not to worry,” Phasma’s voice was cool, but Rey could detect a hint of teasing. She decided not to press it and look for her sandwich instead.
“Just one more movie, you guys. Please! How can you watch Legally Blonde without also watching Legally Blonde 2. It’s… sacrilegious.” Rey’s protest fell onto deaf ears as the last remaining of her friends wandered off to bed. Jannah and Zorii mumbled their goodnights to her, Jannah even giving Rey’s head a good-natured pat, before leaving her alone in the living room. 
So she sat there, alone, black screen in front of her, looking out to the mountain side of the cabin, willing herself to be tired. Rey would’ve tried harder to stay awake earlier if she’d known that a little nap would cause her to feel this keyed up this late. 
Rey does have a surefire way of exhausting herself enough to knock out for a few good hours, but that way is usually done in a bed by herself. Not in a bed occupied by her best friend who she woke up tangled with.
Rey decides sitting up her by herself would probably cause her friends to question her, so she makes her way down the stairs and to her room. Well, their room. The TV that looks like it came straight from the set of I Love Lucy, is on, filling the room with some static noise. Ben is snoring lightly, body inclined like he was watching the static before passing out. Rey snaps a quick pic of the scene, only to immediately delete it. 
Rey shuts off the television, prompting Ben to wake with a start.
“Rey?” He asks, voice deep like he’s still asleep.
“I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“You didn’t. I was awake the whole time.”
“Sure, Ben.” She’s fairly certain he can’t see her eye roll in the darkness, but he can defiantly hear her snort. She sees the outline of him move over, giving her space to crawl into bed. 
It’s not awkward, Rey tells herself, You did this last night and it was absolutely fine. 
“What did you end up watching after I left?” He asks. She wonders why he’s making conversation even though he could very much just fall back asleep, but doesn’t question it. It’s nice in a very domestic sort of way that makes Rey shake her head.
“Only Legally Blonde.”
“Not the second one, too?”
“No, only because our friends are quitters who tap out too soon.”
Ben’s chuckle reverberates across the bed and it tickles her body.
Minutes pass and Rey tries to inconspicuously turn multiple times, trying to find a more comfortable position before Ben says anything.
“Rey.” It’s a warning, but with no venom.
Minutes later, after less inconspicuous tossing and turning: “Are you okay?”
“I’m not tired! I’m trying to be tired but my nap earlier fucked up my sleeping schedule and now I’m not tired.” Her voice is whiney, even to her own ears. 
“Just do whatever you normally do when you can’t sleep,” Ben suggest, making her scoff.
“I can’t.”
“Because I can’t.”
“What could you possibly do that so bad you can’t do it here, with-”
“I masturbate!”
The air around them goes deathly silent and Rey is pretty sure Ben is holding his breath.
“When I can’t sleep, I masturbate, and I’m fairly certain that you wouldn’t appreciate me doing that in a room the size of a phone booth. So if you’ll please-”
“I don’t mind.”
Rey holds her breath now and is tempted to ask him to repeat himself, even though she knows she heard him correctly the first time. 
“I wouldn’t mind if you masturbate, that is.” Ben repeats himself anyways. 
“I don’t-that is, um. I wouldn’t want- it would be inconsiderate of me, I think,” She says, searching for the right words and coming up empty. “For me, to do that, next to you would be… wrong.”
“I honestly don’t mind,” Ben says, with a forced casualness that makes her feel bad for even telling him. 
“I’d feel like I assaulted you, or something. Forcing you to be in the same bed as me while I get off.”
“You wouldn’t be forcing me to do anything.” Rey is tempted to just roll over and pretend to be asleep when he speaks again. “If it made you feel better… I could do it too. If you didn’t mind.”
It’s like all the air has been sucked out of her lungs. Her mouth is open, looking for literally any words to come to her. Literally anything. 
All that comes is ‘Bend and Snap!’ Not quite fitting for the situation.
“Just forget I even-”
Rey is surprised by her own voice. If Ben could see her expression, he’d see utter shock at herself. 
“You sure?” His voice is so low she almost doesn’t hear it.
“I’m sure.”
Neither of them make the first move. Both deathly still, waiting for the other one to crack. I got us into this mess, Rey thinks, might as well move forward. 
She pushes the blanket down past her hips, giving her easy access to slip past her sleep short and elastic of her underwear. She moves her hand slowly, trying not to seem over eager. She feels the bed shift slightly as Ben pushes down his boxer shorts.
It takes every ounce of self control Rey has ever had, not to let her gaze linger over to him. She promises herself that she’ll only eat McDonalds for a week if she doesn’t. She’ll actually wash all of her sheets instead of just her fitted sheet and pillow cases. She fix the shelf above the sink. She’ll do it all as long as she doesn’t look over to see what is probably a gorgeous cock that would make her mouth water. 
Rey’s fingers go to circle her clit, trying to distract herself from what’s happening inches away from her. When she dips below, touching the folds of her pussy, she finds she drenched. She prays it’s from anticipation and not the wet glide of skin she’s starting to hear. 
She doesn’t mean to, but when she hears Ben’s pace pick up, she matches it. Her hips twitch slightly begging for more friction. She tries to subtly buck into her hands without the bed shaking too much. 
A deep, guttural groan escapes from Ben and the wet slapping of skin quickens even further. Rey can’t help the little sighs and moans that escape her lips. Her body can only handle so much and not being able to look at him is taking a lot of effort. Too much effort. 
She’s bucking helplessly into her hand, two fingers deep in her cunt and one rubbing her clit. Her head is tossed back, her feet try to find purchase on the bed, her back is arched to the point of pain. All of this does nothing to distract her from the glorious noises Ben is making. 
His huffs, his pants; it’s like a drug to her. She really can’t be blamed if she starts picturing Ben above her, instead of next to her. Ben’s fingers pushed tight into her fore instead of her own. Ben’s hand clutching at her nipples for dear life. 
Its that thought, the one of Ben between her legs, body pressed into hers, that tosses her over the edge. If Ben just so happens to come simultaneously, that’s truly just a coincidence. Truly.
Ben is fucking his hand, bucking up in time with Rey, until her whole body stills. He groans, helplessly, one last time, cursing as he meets his peak. Rey’s vision whites out as she feels ecstasy flow through her. A fresh gush of liquid coats her hand as her fingers still within her. 
When she hears Ben’s heavy breathing resume, she knows he’s coming down from the high too. She feels her resolve to not look at him there, crumble, so she shuts her eyes and focuses on catching her breath.
Pulling her hand out of her underwear makes her wince and Rey is overcome with the question as to what to do now.
“I’ll get a towel!” Her voice is too loud after such a silence, and she quickly leaves the bed for the bathroom. When she finds the light switch, some inescapable force makes her look over at Ben.
He’s bathed in the partial light of the bathroom, sitting up further. He was able to put himself back into his boxers, so the only remnants of what they’d done lie in the white fluid coating his hand. Rey gulps and disappears into the bathroom.
When she exits, after washing her hands twice and gulping down cold water, Ben is shrugging a new shirt on, and she catches the hard plains of his abdominal muscles. Her mouth goes dry again. 
“I got you a towel,” She says bluntly, extending him a washcloth she’d found beneath the sink. She doesn’t mention it’s what she used to clean herself, but she’d honestly not thought of it until the words were out of her mouth. 
“Ugh, that’s okay. I’ll just… wash my hands.” Ben brushes past her towards the bathroom and Rey goes to sit on her side of the bed. She focuses on breathing for a few minutes until she hears the door open. Even in just a silhouette, Ben looks beautiful. 
“Are you okay?” He asks. Rey nods a bit too eagerly.
“I’m good, yeah. Better. I’ll be able to sleep now.”
“Good, good.”
“Yeah, I’m good. I’ll be able to sleep now, too.”
“You weren’t the one who couldn’t fall asleep.”
“I’ll sleep better now.”
Rey snorts her laughter, making him smile softly.
When they’re both settled on their respective sides, Rey speaks again. “Thank you, by the way. I know that could be… uncomfortable for others. So, thank you.”
“Of course, Rey. I’ll always help you, no matter what it is. You’re my best friend.”
It’s the only time he’s called her his best friend and her heart didn’t fill with joy. If anything, it stings.
“Yeah, you’re mine too, Ben.”
Minutes later, Rey falls into a dreamless sleep.
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anghraine · 4 years
“the jedi and the sith lord” - chapter four
I said it wouldn’t take me another year and a half to update! :D
Last chapter:
She didn’t understand. Lucy repressed a burst of aggravation at it all, the Force drifting from her.
No. Don’t leave. Please, don’t leave me.
The man tilted his head. Lucy moved forward, just able to make out a bit of red among the layers of his robe, and—
Darkness fell.
This chapter:
“Um,” Lucy said, “pardon me?”
The man inclined his head a little, without turning around. “Do you need to be pardoned?”
She thought of turning her father’s lightsaber over to Darth Vader, of leaving Yoda for Han and Leia and the Rebellion for Yoda, of those she’d seen die and those who lived on.
“I don’t know,” she said honestly. “But I think I’m supposed to meet with you.”
chapters: The Adventures of Lucy Skywalker– prologue, chapter one, chapter two, chapter three, chapter four, chapter five, chapter six, chapter seven, chapter eight, chapter nine, chapter ten; The Imperial Menace–chapter one, chapter two, chapter three, chapter four, chapter five, chapter six, chapter seven; The Jedi and the Sith Lord—chapter one, chapter two, chapter three.
Yet again, Tuvié, Tisix, and Ellex led Lucy to meet with Darth Vader. 
Yet again, she walked in the clothes of the woman who had helped Palpatine on his path to the imperial throne. The layers of under-skirts brushed against her legs as she walked, and she felt almost chilled by the inoffensive fabric. But Amidala had turned back. She couldn’t erase what she’d done, but she could fight against its consequences, and she had. Lucy was named for the later Amidala, the one who’d befriended Lucy’s father and helped kickstart the Rebellion. 
She’d lost her Rebel uniform, but—this was one, too, Lucy decided, and smoothed out a pleat with her free hand. Amidala would want Lucy to take strength from her memory, surely.
Lucy didn’t aspire to the gravitas of a senator, the sort that Leia had, but she could be strong. She lifted her chin, squared her shoulders, and walked unhesitatingly alongside Tuvié.
A door slid open, and Lucy immediately heard the unmistakable sound of Vader’s breathing. Fear rippled down her spine, but thinking of Amidala and Ben and Anakin, she refused to give into it. Instead, she reached for some scrap of the hard-earned calm from her training with Yoda, trying to slow her racing heart.
The currents of the Dark Side swirling around them didn’t help. Lucy focused; something here seemed less consuming than the rest, though it wasn’t the Light Side.
“Here she is!” said Tuvié brightly. “In quite good condition, as you can see.”
For several seconds, Vader just breathed. Lucy refused to shiver and stayed silent.
“Lucy,” he said at last.
She repressed a twitch, and he paused again.
“Leave us,” he told the droids, who promptly withdrew. Lucy knew better than to think any of them would defend her against Vader, but she still felt as if she’d lost some protection with their departure. 
She remembered Ellex saying that Vader valued Lucy’s life. And she’d guessed as much yesterday. He wanted her here as Anakin Skywalker’s daughter, and an ally, not another body at his feet. She could probably afford some risks.
“Are you just going to say my name?” she asked. “Or did you need something?”
Vader ignored this.
“I assume you have yet to see reason,” he said.
“I have yet to see anything,” said Lucy.
“Your vision will return in a matter of days,” he said dismissively. “It wouldn’t matter if you didn’t insist on cutting yourself from the Force.”
Her hands clenched. “If I—”
“The Force is strong here,” said Vader, “and strong with you. You could grasp it if you tried.”
“Grasp the Dark Side, you mean?” Lucy shook her head. “Yes, I’ve heard it’s easier. Not all of us choose the easy path.”
“It is many things,” Vader told her, “but easy is not one of them. Still, it is necessary for your progress.”
“No, it’s not,” said Lucy stubbornly. “And even it were, I wouldn’t turn.”
“I once thought as you do,” he replied. “Soon, you will understand the truth. Now, go.”
Despite her intention of presenting an implacable face to him, Lucy started. She wasn’t sure what she’d expected, but this was not it.
“That’s it?” she said.
“For the moment,” said Vader. “I have more pressing concerns right now. Leave.”
“Where am I supposed to go? I can’t see—”
To her horror, she heard the heavy thud of his footsteps coming towards her. Then, worse still, she felt two large, gloved hands grip her shoulders. If he wanted, he could break her neck with barely any effort. 
He doesn’t want to, she reminded herself. But how long would his patience last? Did he mean to put up with her refusals forever? It seemed improbable.
Regardless, his tolerance at least lasted for the present. 
“The Force is waiting for you,” Vader said. Then he simply turned her about and gave her a light shove in the direction she’d come from.
Lucy didn’t need to be urged more than twice. Trying not to trip over Amidala’s skirts, she fumbled her way to the door, then darted through once she found it. Once the door slid shut after her, she took several deep, gulping breaths.
All right. That had happened. And all things considered, it could have been worse. Honestly, she wasn’t sure why it hadn’t been. Maybe the trouble with Admiral Whatsit had distracted him? Regardless, it seemed hardly worth the trouble of summoning her for that.
Maybe there wasn’t any point in trying to understand how Vader’s mind worked. Obviously, it wouldn’t follow the tracks of any normal person. 
Still—it seemed odd.
Once Lucy had regained something of her composure, she peered around, straining to see any lighter or darker patches. Everything seemed an interrupted stretch of darkness. 
Well, there was nothing to do but head out. Hesitantly, she moved in the direction she thought she’d come from, trying to retrace turns and curves as she counted steps. More than once, she scraped her outstretched hands on walls or tripped on irregularities in the floors. She was going to be left with bruises just from trying to walk back to bed. And stains on her dress. 
This area of the castle must be isolated from the rest; she didn’t encounter any droids for a good hour, and then ones that only clacked at her in a dialect she couldn’t recognize. Probably laughing, she thought sullenly. 
Of course this was meant to be humiliating. Maybe overpowering. Well, she refused to be either humiliated or overpowered, much less both, but—she didn’t have to like wandering around an unfamiliar fortress in endless darkness, either. By the time two hours passed, she was starting to feel a trickle of alarm about ever finding her way back. She no longer trusted her memory at all, or her sense of direction, or the Force.
It would be easy to reach for it, whatever he said. Just for a moment, for a little thing. 
Lucy set her jaw, laid her palm against the wall, and wandered on. Soon, she could hear noises in the distance, mostly mechanical. But when she turned another corner, she made out a clear, familiar voice.
“Don’t be overconfident. There must be no—what are you doing here?”
“Ellex!” Lucy exclaimed. She’d never thought she’d be glad to hear her. “I’m lost.”
“Suspicious,” said Ellex. “Where is Lord Vader?”
“I don’t know,” Lucy said, her voice rising shrilly. “He told me to leave and I did! But I can’t figure out how to get back to my room.”
“Why didn’t he have one of us escort you?” Ellex demanded.
“You’ll have to ask him,” said Lucy. “Can you tell me which way to go from here?”
Ellex gave a grating clank that Lucy couldn’t help but interpret as menacing. 
“I doubt it would help you,” she said. “ZT-47, stay here and stand guard. Skywalker, come with me.”
Gladly, for once, Lucy followed after Ellex, too tired and confused to ask further questions. The path swerved in more directions than she could keep track of, but before long, Ellex came to a screeching halt.
“This is your chamber,” she announced, and the door whooshed open. 
Lucy had hardly taken a step forward when she heard more clattering machinery, and then another voice.
“Oh, Miss Lucy! I’ve been so worried!”
“It’s all right,” said Lucy, more relieved than she wanted to be. “I was just lost.”
“I’m supposed to watch over you at all times,” Tuvié said, with what passed for sternness with her. “The Maker said so. He—”
“Lord Vader can change his mind if he wishes,” Ellex told her. “But you’d better take charge of the girl before she turns nonoperational, or you really will be in trouble.”
“Oh! Yes! Yes, of course!”
A considerably more welcome hand touched Lucy’s arm. 
“You must be tired, poor thing. Come this way, Miss Lucy.”
Lucy didn’t see any point in repelling her. 
“Thanks, Ellex,” she said, receiving only a clank in return, and followed the little nudges of Tuvié’s hand until she reached the bed. She didn’t even resist when Tuvié whisked her out of her robe and gown, tsking over the dust and dirt on it, took her through another door to a fresher, and then pulled a nightdress of some kind over her head. 
“I don’t know what Lord Vader was thinking,” she said.
“I’ve got a few questions, myself,” said Lucy.
“Well, it’s all over now, and you’re safe and sound! That’s what really matters, isn’t it?”
“Sure,” Lucy said.
“Are you ready to … ah, I always—that’s it, sleep? You needn’t worry about further mishaps. I will remain on full alert at all hours and prevent any inconvenience until you are fully operational again!”
“Um, thanks, but I’m going to stay awake for a little bit,” said Lucy.
She did her best to meditate again, struggling against the waves of the Dark Side, and her own weary frustration. I must be passive, she told herself. Calm. 
Passivity here seemed inexpressibly dangerous. But Lucy did her best to settle into a mood of quiet acceptance, letting her thoughts come and go, pushing away anger and resentment. She didn’t know how long it took before she caught a familiar trace in the Force around her, a tiny chink in the Dark Side. She couldn’t seem to grasp it, but it was something. She wasn’t completely beyond the reach of hope here. 
Lucy opened her eyes, unseeing as ever.
Automatically, she said, “Goodnight, Tuvié.”
Tuvié gave a startled little click. 
“Well—goodnight, Miss Lucy.”
That night, Lucy dreamed she was in the desert city again. This time, she hurried past the stalls, prodded by a formless urgency. 
“Hello?” she called out. “Hello!”
Everybody continued about their business as if she weren’t there. Or as if it were a Holonet recording, every piece of it running along prescribed paths. Curious, she stopped long enough to pick up a fruit from a nearby stand; the seller didn’t respond, and the fruit disappeared from her hand.
Again, a mingled sense of loss and unreality descended on her. She turned around, breezes catching in her skirts and hair.
“What’s going on?” she asked, and heard nothing but the wind in reply.
Lucy kept walking, following the same path as before. And just as before, her gaze landed on a man in dark robes, turned away from her and evidently listening to something. Yes, the red sash was the same. He seemed an odd figure, ill-fitting in a way she couldn’t identify.
He didn’t move, perhaps not given the sort of limited paths that the others seemed to be on, perhaps even more absent than the rest. Yet she felt a presence there, decided and curious. 
“Um,” Lucy said, “pardon me?”
The man inclined his head a little, without turning around. “Do you need to be pardoned?”
She thought of turning her father’s lightsaber over to Darth Vader, of leaving Yoda for Han and Leia and the Rebellion for Yoda, of those she’d seen die and those who lived on.
“I don’t know,” she said honestly. “But I think I’m supposed to meet with you.”
“And who are you?” said the man.
Lucy looked around, as if the city would supply the answer, but it was gone. All that remained was a stretch of desert with crumbled rocks here and there, and a small oasis that the man sat by. His voice seemed to echo around and around: who are you? who are you? who are you?
Even in her dream, she felt a wave of exhaustion. Without a word of warning, the desert and the man disappeared, and she could see only shifting darkness all around her.
Who are you?
The next few days followed a similar pattern. Each morning, Lucy woke up, used the fresher, and stood quietly by while Tuvié draped her in Padmé Amidala’s clothes and brushed her hair into a braid. Then they explored more of the castle, which must be truly vast. Lucy ate portions of lavish meals—she wasn’t sure if those came from some command of Vader’s, or the cooks’ desire to show off their skills, but they were always delicious. She never encountered Vader himself until evening, when he always sent for her. But he only lectured her about the need to turn to the Dark Side, dismissed her irritable replies, and sent her away. At first, she wandered until some droid or another gave her direction, or summoned Tuvié. But Tuvié was so dismayed by these misadventures that she insisted on Lucy waiting until she fetched her.
The whole situation struck Lucy as so strange and inexplicable that she hardly knew what to think. She couldn’t imagine that it would continue like this indefinitely, yet everyone seemed to behave as though it would. There must be some explanation, some purpose she couldn’t yet perceive. But despite her better instincts, her fears began to subside as she accustomed herself to her bizarre imprisonment.
Perhaps that had something to do with the Force. She still couldn’t touch the weak flickers of the Light Side, but she felt its presence more and more distinctly. With it came more dreams of the desert city and the robed man—strangely tiring dreams. They always woke her up or shifted into more ordinary dreams before long.
On the fourth night, she reached the man in time to hear his voice again.
“What are you looking for?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” said Lucy. “There’s something I’m supposed to be doing, but I don’t know what it is. What are you looking for?”
“Nothing,” he said, with a quick laugh. “I’m quite at peace.”
He wasn’t lying, Lucy decided. There was an easiness about him, a serenity. Ben had felt more contained than really peaceful.
Then, for the first time, the man turned to look at her. Or rather, to face her, because his eyes were pale and milky, and fixed on a point to the right of her. 
“You’re blind,” she said, “like me.”
The city was almost swaying around her.
“Not like you,” said the man comfortably.
She tried to understand. Despite the difference from Ben and Yoda, he did remind her of them in some amorphous way. 
“Well, are you a Jedi like me?” asked Lucy. Then her lips thinned. “Not that I’m a true Jedi.”
The city had faded to an oasis again, the man sitting on roughly-hewn bench. He patted a space beside him. After a moment’s hesitation, Lucy clambered up onto the bench.
“Neither of us are true Jedi,” said the man. “But we are as near as anyone comes in these times. The Force is with us both, and you are a storm. Even I did not hope—but who are you? Why did you call me?”
“I didn’t,” Lucy told him, swinging her legs a little. “I don’t know who you are. I’m Lucy Skywalker, though.”
Unexpectedly, the man tensed, his eyes flying wide. “Starkiller!”
“No, Skyw—”
With no further warning, he relaxed again. “Now I understand.”
“Well, I don’t,” said Lucy.
He smiled again, and was gone.
The next day, as Lucy and Tuvié left the bedchamber, Tuvié took up her usual prattle at full speed.
“—and then M-72b said that the Maker would have me disintegrated, but he didn’t—obviously—and actually said I’d followed the correct course of action. Of course I did, but it was very nice to hear it from the Maker himself, and M-72b hardly knew where to look.”
Lucy, who was growing acquainted with the assorted droid dramas that permeated the castle, nodded.
“And the Maker—”
“Yes?” said Lucy.
Uncharacteristically, Tuvié said nothing at all. Lucy left her to process as she would, wondering what form Vader’s ineffectual demands that she turn to the Dark Side would take today. Maybe it’d be worse than usual? Or maybe better. He’d yet to threaten her—which, well, she might have done in his position, as much as she could imagine being in his position, but—
“Miss Lucy?”
Tuvié actually sounded nervous.
“Yes?” Lucy said again.
“How would you say it?”
This came so far out of nowhere that Lucy halted, her brows drawing together. 
“How would I say what?”
“Maker,” said Tuvié.
“I’d say Maker,” Lucy said blankly. Then her frown deepened. “Oh, you mean in Alsaraic?”
“The mystery language,” Tuvié replied. “Is that what it’s called?”
Lucy abruptly felt very uncomfortable. One word didn’t seem very important, but ... she didn’t know.
“Yes,” she said. 
“And Maker—”
“It doesn’t really translate.”
“Oh,” said Tuvié, plainly disappointed. 
For several more minutes, they walked in silence. Then Tuvié said,
“It’s interesting that there is no way to refer to the person who made you. It seems like it would make some interactions quite complex. How did one of your people address the person who made them?”
“Valiya,” said Lucy, without thinking. She bit her lip. But it couldn’t hurt, could it?
“Valiya,” Tuvié repeated. “So the Maker is Valiya Vader. Is that correct?”
Lucy couldn’t help laughing. 
“No, it’s—well, it’d be strange, because it’s more like … mother,” she said. Alsaraic hadn’t developed with droids in mind, though she wasn’t about to say so. “And it doesn’t have to just be the one who, um, made you. My aunt called my grandmother valiya even though Aunt Beru was only the fiancée of Grandmother’s husband’s son.”
“And this ... aunt of yours was your valiya?” said Tuvié.
Lucy thought about it. 
“No,” she said at last. “I loved her, but I wasn’t brought up to think of them that way, and I never called them that. My valì and valiya are dead.”
Tuvié managed to imbue her answering whirr with sympathy. 
“Now I understand,” she said. “You would say Valiya Amidala.”
Lucy blinked. “No. She’s my namesake, but I never knew her.”
“That is very probable,” said Tuvié. “Senator Amidala’s date of termination would have occurred very shortly after your period of functionality began, and humanoid memory banks do not usually develop until a significant amount of time and development has taken place.”
“That’s right,” Lucy said.
Tuvié clicked. “Unless I am misunderstanding you, however, it is the appropriate term for her.” 
Puzzled, Lucy asked, “Why?”
“Well,” Tuvié said, “she was your Maker.”
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romana73 · 4 years
WRITER: Romana73 TIME: One year after Star Wars. Episode VIII. The Last Jedi THEME AND FANDOM: Star Wars RATING: Explicit TITLE: Yin and Yan CATEGORIES: M/F COUPLES: Kylo Ren / Ben Solo and Rey CHARACTERS: Rey, Kylo Ren / Ben Solo, Anakin Skywalker (nominated), BB - 8, Knights of Ren, Chewbacca, Darth Vader (nominated), Finn, General Hux, Han Solo (nominated), Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Poe Dameron, Rose Tico, boys from Canto Bright, Snoke (nominated), various Resistance and First Order fighters WARNINGS: Star Wars characters, world and stories AREN’T MINE AND DON’T BELONG TO ME, but they are created and owned by George Lucas, Lucasfilm, Disney, J.J. Abrams and Rian Johnson and the actors who play the Star Wars characters and their stories. I’M NOT IN ANY WAY LINKED TO THESE PEOPLE AND CINEMATOGRAPHIC HOUSES. I DON’T KNOW NO ONE OF THEM and I’M IN NO WAY IN CONTACT WITH THEM
WARNINGS 2: violence, also in terms of language. The starting idea of ​​this story derives from a leaks I read last year and which struck my imagination CHAPTER I can be found HERE: https://romana73.tumblr.com/post/189784450126/reylo-fanfiction-yin-e-yan CHAPTER II can be found HERE: https://romana73.tumblr.com/post/189959876431/reylo-fanfic-yin-and-yan-part-2 CHAPTER III can be found HERE: https://romana73.tumblr.com/post/190301208881/reylo-fanfic-yin-and-yan-3-part CHAPTER IV can be found HERE: https://romana73.tumblr.com/post/190662591396/reylo-fanfic-yin-and-yan-chapter-iv
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- Thanks ... nothing ... yes, I know. No ... don't bother me - Rey heard distant, muffled voices breaking through sleep blanket enveloped her, until one voice became stronger and more distinct than others, managing to shake her completely. Kylo Ren had ordered someone don’t disturb him. His voice and footsteps seemed terribly close. She snapped her eyes open, tensing herself like a violin string. Sweating cold and standing still, Rey tried to focus on situation. Praying he wouldn’t notice her awakening, simulating sleeping breathing, Rey narrowed her eyes, trying to understand what condition she was in. First thing she noticed were her wrists free of anti-Force handcuffs. Under soft, shiny sheets, her feet were bare. Her body was stretched out on a hard but comfortable mattress. Rey wasted no time wondering who could have arranged her in that way, her memory worked all too well. By time Kylo had picked her up, frustration in her from situation had grown, causing her to rant slowly against him. She didn’t want to make scenes and show, giving satisfaction to new Supreme Leader and his men. Nonetheless, Rey could barely contain growing irritation animated her. After insults, she had changed tactics, also trying to kick and make sudden and sudden movements with her body, but nothing had seemed to scratch Kylo’s calm, ​​who had limited himself to absorbing her blows and tantrums, continuing to walk undeterred and in hush. Glancing behind boy's shoulders, Rey was startled when she noticed dirt road stretching endlessly. Rebel base had disappeared and landscape had lost its well-known outlines. Rey had felt tears burn her eyes once more. Memory of desperate expressions of Finn, Poe, Milo and Cleena as she gave them one last look, before Kylo took her away from them, Leia’s eyes full of love and tenderness... that time she hadn't been able to restrain herself. Before she could notice, loud sobs had come out of her mouth , filling her ears. Tears ran freely over her face. Her head had given way, touching Kylo's wide chest, sinking her face, until crying turned into deep sleep. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kylo Ren had laid Rey on his bed, pulling her shoes off and throwing them on the ground. Angry, he had raised a hand, using Force to slide covers from under girl's body and place them on top of her, without touching her. Kylo had snorted, touching his torn shirt, still wet with tears. At a firm pace, he had reached his private bathroom, nervously taking off his clothes and throwing himself in shower, washing himself frantically, as if an acid was burning his skin, ending up hitting wall in front of him with a punch. Panting, Kylo had stood watching wall pieces fallen at his feet. If there had been no Rey and intruders who had followed them since they left Resistance base, Kylo would have vented, destroying something and, perhaps, blowing some heads of those fanatics in his service, but he had imposed himself not to lose brackets, at least for moment. He had a plan and goals and was determined to carry them out, going all way, at any cost. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Vicrul, get ready. Let's go to Canto Bright. You have to hunt down some Force-sensitive kids. Scare them, exhaust them, but don't kill them. - Kylo had instructed succinctly three days earlier, entering quarters of one of his Knights. Blond man, with cold gray eyes and a square face, furrowed by various scars, had opened his mouth to speak, and then closed it again, merely nodding. It wasn’t up to him to investigate why their Leader had decided to show up in person, asking don’t to kill any more brats, while until recently he was wandering intolerantly for Finalizer, barely looking at them, ordering through Hux or sitting on throne to kill all Force-sensitive kids and anyone else who went against him. Ever since Jedi girl and Resistance escaped him, Kylo seemed to be swinging between being an efficient and cold God of Death and looking like a volcano ready to erupt. Vicrul had watched Kylo's tall and powerful figure on his back as he walked out of room. For sure, characteristic their leader wouldn’t have lost was gloomy. Vicrul shrugged and, reaching out, grabbed his shining vibrating scythe leaning against wall near his bed, started to fix it. Few vibrations of his weapon was enough to scared worst of monsters, let alone immature and inexperienced children...
Kylo had continued to walk down corridor, thowards Cardo's quarters, when he had met General Hux from opposite side. Pale, tall and thin, red hair combed back, small and pale eyes, he proceeded stiff, tight in his black military uniform, with puffy pants and high leather boots. While crossing Kylo, he stopped, snapping to attention and beating his boots heels together quickly. Kylo had folded his mouth in an annoyed grimace, irritated by sound of soldier's shoes. To tell the truth, he detested Hux and only man's dedication to cause made Kylo leave him alive. That feeling could come in handy. - Supreme Leader, excuse me for bothering you, sir - Hux had apostrophized Kylo, ​​holding one hand out to his temple and looking at an invisible distant point in front of him. Supreme Leader had stopped, turning only his head to look at his interlocutor, waiting for him to continue. -I heard you was ordering to head to Canto Bright planet ... - Hux had made a cautious debut. -Did you hear? Did you eavesdrop as usual, General Hux? - Kylo had cut short, frowning. Man’s embarrassed expression, mixed with irritation and anger he felt for what he considered pure insolence on part of young man amused Kylo, ​​although he didn’t let him shine through. -It wasn’t my intention, sir, I assure you... - Hux had swallowed strong desire to whip that attractive young face, despite oblique scar marked left side, starting from forehead and crossing cheek, neck and disappearing under shirt. Only power Kylo Ren had over him was sensitivity to what everyone called Force. If he had been a normal person, situation would have been very different and, perhaps, he would have considered boy just one of many ants to be subdued or killed with which universe seemed populated. Kylo kept his stoic expression, although he had sensed Hux's thoughts. Young Leader had felt itchy hands from desire to lift one his hand in Hux direction and strangle him using Force, without even touching him, as after Snoke’s killing, when General had tried to oppose his seizure of power and he had raised one hand towards him, bending thumb and forefinger as if he were really tightening his carotid artery. Hux's face had been tinged with a red similar to his hair and he had bulged his eyes, gasping and holding his hands to his throat in search of air. Kylo had released his grip suddenly and General had returned to breathe, following him in silence, like an angry dog, but too hungry to abandon master from whom he received brutal kicks, but also a decent and safe meal. Kylo had shrugged, giving up on suffocating Hux and had approached him, arranging stiff collar of his uniform with his hands. For second time in ten minutes, Hux had swallowed empty, looking straight in front of him, avoiding direct contact with Kylo Ren's dark brown eyes, at that moment animated by a sinister and amused light. -We will go to Canto Bright for a mission, let's say...crucial - Kylo had sighed, anticipating officer's questions. - Whatever happens, what you have to do, is send a handful of Stormtroopers to scare and confuse and, in my absence, follow Cardo and Vicrul's instructions - Kylo was done, leaving collar of Hux's jacket and peering at him, face with stern eyes. -Yes, but ... in Canto Bright there is a handful of children sensitive to Force and if Resistance came to save them? - Hux had insisted attentively. "I hope so," Kylo thought to himself. He had shrugged. -I don't see problem. I'll take care of it - he replied, walking away abruptly. Hux had remained motionless, moving only when Kylo Ren was at a safe distance. Soldier had cast a murderous look in boy's direction, gritting his small white teeth. Being unnatural, that's what Jedi, Sith and other Force-sensitive people were to him. They believed themselves superior to others, awarded with who knows what mission only because they possessed special faculties. He had always wondered what such individuals would do if they lost their precious skills. He doubted they would be able to combine something good and useful. Kylo Ren was one of worst specimens in that category. Not only he have great sensitivity to Force, but he was a direct descendant of one of the most important families, whose members had always enjoyed playing chess with life and destiny of galaxy, indelibly marking its history, but this seemed not enough for young man. Kylo had considered himself a victim of who knows what wrongs and stepped on his feet, until he became Snoke's pupil, stealing his power and bending entire First Order to his personal purposes. No. True superior being was common people like him who, without need of strange powers, were able to conquer, build and destroy. Normal people were natural, those with strength weren’t. Not for him, at least. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vicrul had only needed to appear in stables under Canto Bright Casino, face covered with his shiny helmet of mineral pastillion and long black coat of monstrous reptile skin, vibrating his shiny silver scythe a couple of times to make Force - sensitive children run away on all sides. Stormtrooper had invaded Casino itself, causing panic and confusion, so no one would notice boys'escape. Kylo had observed scene in a serious and shady way, flanked by a displeased and upright Hux who didn’t understand meaning of all that and seemed to tremble with the desire to intervene in first person. A smile shadow had appeared and immediately disappeared on Kylo's face when he felt Rey and Resistance arrival. He had extended his senses, letting her feel his presence, guiding her to where he was. Kylo had watched Rey use Force to throw Vicrul busy chasing a girl, then he intervened before she threw herself on his Knight. - Stay here, General - he had ordered Hux amused, before reaching Rey and starting to duel with her. Vicrul had taken opportunity to reach Hux on Finalizer, where he had exchanged a nod of agreement with Cardo who had immediately got off ship using a secondary exit. Cardo had hidden in forest beside battlefield, where he had remained silent and motionless, waiting. Kylo was blocking Rey's blows, when his head had been invaded by pain. He had breathed deeply, extinguishing lightsaber, planting his feet on the ground and stiffening his legs, in an attempt not to fall, but pain had been stronger. Taking his head in his hands, Kylo Ren had flown to ground, rolling in excruciating pangs, gritting his teeth. With narrowed eyes, Kylo had seen Rey stirring on ground, in equal condition. Kylo had tried to control, if not overcome, pain just enough to look around, until his fatigued gaze settled on an intense white glow. Supreme Leader had stretched out an arm in an attempt to use Force against annoying light, when a cold ring had closed around his wrist with a dull click, suddenly blocking his faculties. Kylo had folded his arm and, with a tug, had thrown his assailant away. He was fumbling with the cuff around his wrist when one foot had planted himself in center of his back, locking him on the ground. Kylo had folded her lips in a sarcastic smile...he could have blown them, but it wasn't his intention. Kylo had moved as if to shake off his limb when other rebels had landed on him. Someone had kicked him, others had hit him with blaster’s handle. One person out of all had pulled his arms firmly behind his back, finishing locking his wrists in anti-Force handcuffs. Kylo had spied out of corner of his eye to find out who had handcuffed him. Poe Dameron. Quite right. He had captured and tortured pilot, now Poe was returning favor. His smile had gone wild. Apparently, Resistance had lost some hesitation, taking hasty and less elegant methods, at least with him. Wandering around, sensing his darkening gaze and hearing a soft growl coming out of his closed lips, Kylo had had time to see FN-2187, who was carrying Rey suffering in his arms, away from him, when a kind of shiny, black and technological eye mask had descended on him, obscuring his sight. -Really?- He had grinned provocatively as they dragged him away. - Do you think I don't know where you're taking me? I know all your bases and tricks ... ouch! - A strong blame in abdomen had cut his breath in his throat. Kylo had coughed, without ceasing to smile. -Where did you get it? - Kylo had heard Rey's faint voice asking in vain. "Rey!" He had tried to call her telepathically with her, but she had already passed out.
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atamascolily · 6 years
A Natural History of Tatooine, part 26/?
In which Luke returns to Obi-wan's hut, but it's kinda a letdown. Tor is undeterred, however. 
(Previous installments)
(Oh, and the lyrics of the "Correllian shanty" are actually based off a sonnet from Rainer Maria Rilke’s Book of Hours (II,2) that I am fond of.)
Luke leaned against the thick clay outer walls of Ben Kenobi's hut and pulled his knees up against his chest as he strove to remain in the rapidly dwindling patch of shade. It was only a few hours after first dawn, and the heat was already fierce. Mirages of imaginary water flickered out of the corner of his visions - an especially cruel illusion for foolhardy travelers caught wandering without appropriate precautions.
Stay-in-the-shadows was a game he'd played constantly as a child, whether by himself or in the company of a reprogrammed maintenance droid on the edges of the Lars family compound. Later, as a teenager, he'd indulged in a slightly more refined version, loitering outside the general store at Tosche Station with Camie and Biggs and whoever else was around.
He dug a finger idly through the sand, tracing out simple patterns, only to erase them upon completion. There was nothing else to do except sit and watch the desert and wait for Tor to finish the errand that had brought them here. And brood, of course.  
He'd spent a restless night in Brother Amaeo's carved enclave in Beggar's Canyon, tossing and turning for hours after an unsettling dream in which he'd was paralyzed while Cray/Callista was dragged away by Tuskens loose on the <i>Eye of Palpatine</i> and Mara hovered over his shoulder in silent disapproval. An hour of silent meditation and prayers before first dawn calmed him before he joined his companions for a simple breakfast on the balcony overlooking the canyon where they'd dined the night before. Then he and Tor descended to the canyon floor, back to where they'd left the <i>Destiny</i> the previous evening.
Much to her disappointment, there was no further sign of canyon krayts about.
"Trust me, you don't want to mess with one," Luke assured her.
"But a <i>dragon</i>--" she protested, and he waved her off.
True to Luke's predictions, the flight to Ben Kenobi's hut was uneventful to the point of boredom. Whoever had chased them yesterday had given up, and no other ships appeared on the sensors to challenge them. Still, he gave Anchorhead a wide berth, emerging out of the Canyon onto the Benzin Plateau, bypassing the flat, featureless expanse of the Great Chott in favor of the endless monotony of the Dune Sea.
Even so, it was hard not to get lost in the stories, the memories that rushed back at him as he navigated. He did his best to remain focused on the controls and the coordinates, and Tor, sensing his mood, did not interrupt him with conversation.
Ben Kenobi's hut was unchanged since his previous visit, just before the Battle of Endor: a white rounded adobe dome, perched on the edge of the Jundland Wastes, overlooking the vast expanse of the Dune Sea. In the desert, with no rain, such dwellings could last for centuries. Inside, it was still the same mess of sand drifts and rubble, picked apart by scavengers and the vagaries of the wind.
The last time he'd been here, he'd nearly collapsed in a feverish sea of memories and visions. He'd made it out to his speeder, and had somehow ended up in the remains of the Lars homestead and watched the twin dawns from the ridge above the family compound. He braced himself for a similar flood of emotions as he entered the room for the first time in ten years... only to be surprised at how little he felt at all.
There was nothing here for him now. He'd laid all his ghosts to rest a long time ago--including Ben--and they'd gone wherever ghosts went when they weren’t pestering the living. Ben might have given Luke his father's lightsaber in this house, but he hadn't left any tangible inheritance for his last apprentice.
Tor fell to digging through the sand drifts with gusto, but Luke had only been able to bear twenty minutes inside the hut before retreating outside to wait for her to finish whatever it was she thought she could accomplish here. He didn't know why Tor had seized on this mad assumption that Ben had hid uneti seeds on Tatooine, but maybe once she was satisfied that they weren't--
Actually, he wasn't sure what would happen then. He had no particular desire to return to Yavin and continue the practice period. Callista was out in the galaxy somewhere, and Mara was unlikely to return any time soon. Neither of them particularly wanted to see him at the moment--not that he could blame either of them, given how badly he'd screwed up.
Here he was, the great Luke Skywalker, war hero, Jedi master, famous and respected throughout the galaxy for his mighty powers and courageous deeds--and yet he'd trade it all to have them back with him a heartbeat. One of them. Both of them. Anything he could get.  
He could go to Coruscant, he decided. It would be good to see Leia and Han and the children again, and they would be happy to see him; no questions asked. It was easy to talk to Leia, the way it was easy to talk to Tor, and Han, too, though in a very different way. Both of them would understand what had happened with Callista and Mara, and they wouldn't judge him for it. He would be safe there, sheltered. He could go down to the mid-levels and get some decent pilo-noodles, too. And if Tor continued to let him pilot her ship, he didn't see how she could object to him deciding the course for once.
She'd been right about flying, though. He missed it. Staying ground-bound in the rainy season was chafing at him. All those years, and he was still that eager hotshot, always looking for the horizon, always reaching for what was just beyond his grasp. But she hadn't thought it was a <i>bad</i> thing, the way Yoda had.
What had she said to him last night? <i>"You just have to find a way to make it work, that's all."</i> What did that even mean?
Even in the shadows, it was still hot. The heat didn't bother him much, not anymore. It was hot; that was how things were here. You accepted it or cursed it, but it was easier if you accepted it as a given and moved on with your life as best you could. He hadn't known things could be different until he'd set foot on Yavin for the first time with Han and Leia, flush from their escape from the first Death Star. And what a whirlwind his life had been since...
Since then, he'd had a lot of practice being uncomfortable, enough so that a little heat wasn't a big deal. And here he was again, back where it had all began, more or less. So much had changed, and yet--
Something flickered on the edge of his vision, a break in the monotony. He turned, yanked the macrobinoculars out of the sack next to him and fiddled with the focus to zoom in on the spot in question.
Tuskens. Absolutely <i>no</i> mistaking them. Confused, puzzled, but no sign of agitation or attack--
And then they were gone.
Luke stared, his mind racing through the possibilities. He wasn't worried, exactly - but his last encounters with Tuskens kidnapped by the <i>Eye of Palpatine</i> had been very unpleasant, and the one before that - chasing Artoo down through the canyons with Threepio in tow - hadn't been much better. He couldn't say he was looking forward to more fights should it come down to that. Now that he was aware of their presence, he and Tor could avoid them.
He heard footsteps crunching on the gravel, and jerked the macrobinoculars down more quickly than he'd meant to, even though he knew it wasn't a Tusken who approached him.
"You all right?" Tor asked, slumping down beside him in what little shade remained.
"Sand People," he said to where he'd spotted them. "On the far side of the canyon over there, watching us. They're gone now."
"Should I be concerned?"
"I'm not," Luke said, and meant it. "They were checking us out, but it didn't seem like they meant any harm. I have a feeling that they believe this place is haunted, even though it's been twenty years since Ben lived here."
"That'll do it," Tor agreed. "How does it feel to be back after all this time?"
"It reminds me of the old Correllian shanty, 'Widening Circles'," Luke said. "You know it?"
"'I live my life in widening circles,'" Tor sang. "'Ones that reach out across the stars. I may not complete this last journey, but I surrender to it.... '"
Luke joined in on the chorus: "'Millennia come and go, and I still don't know - am I a falcon, a storm, or a great song?'"
Han was especially fond of that song, and he and Luke had sung it often during the dark, cold, awful days with the Rebellion, when comforts were few and far between. It was, Han explained one evening when they were fixing up the <i>Falcon</i>, the inspiration for the ship's name--only he'd had to explain to Luke what a falcon was. There wasn't anything like those swift-diving avians on Tatooine.
"That strange, huh?" Tor said, when they had finished.
"Are you surprised?"
"Not especially. You have this look about you when you're brooding," she said.
He had to smile at that. She never failed to call him out on it. "Maybe you can write a paper on Jedi social behaviors instead of uneti trees. Or anti-social behaviors, if you prefer. Speaking of which, did you find what you were looking for in there?"
She shook her head. "No. No sign of any seeds or any surviving material that would suggest they were ever here."
Luke resisted the strong temptation to say <i>I told you so</i>. "What about underground?" There were additional living quarters undergrown, spaces for growth tanks and 'vaporator parts and all the necessities for eking out a relatively self-sufficient existence on Tatooine. He'd never personally set foot in them, but he knew they were there.
"Nothing down there except a nest of hive-spiders and a pseudoscorpion, none of whom were especially pleased to have me intrude on their living quarters."
"So, what now?" he asked, as diplomatically as possible. "I was thinking maybe we could go to Cor--"
Tor cut him off before he could finish the thought. "We go on to where the trees are," she said, as if it were obvious.
He stared at her. "Just like that?"
"I didn't think there would be any seeds here," Tor said patiently, as if explaining the obvious. "I was sure he planted them. But this place was on the way, and I thought it reasonable to check to make sure."
"What makes you think he planted them?" Luke asked.
The whole thing had the makings of a conspiracy theory, and he didn't understand it. He knew she loved the uneti trees, was determined to bring them back from their near-extinction--that was why he'd enlisted her help at the Academy, after all--but he wasn't sure why she had fixated so much on the idea of Obi-wan Kenobi establishing a population after the fall of the Old Republic. On <i>Tatooine</i>, of all places.
She was quiet for a while. "Call it a hunch," she said at last. "I know what it's like to be in exile, without any hope of return. I know what it's like to be entrusted with something important. He brought the seeds here, and he couldn't keep them in storage for twenty years if he wanted them to stay viable; he had to grow them out somewhere. That much I know for certain. The only question is if I'm right about <i>where</i> he planted them."
"You think so?" Luke was skeptical, but figured they might as well go and see, since they'd come this far.
And it wasn't like he had anything else more pressing on his schedule anymore.
"Shall we go and find out?" She rose to her feet, reached out a hand to him.
'<i>I live my life in widening circles, ones that reach out across the stars. I may not complete this last, but I surrender to it</i>--'
He accepted her hand, let her help him up. "Yes."
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meggannn · 6 years
Star Wars
ok i have seen TFA, but aside from that, nada. i do glean a lot from my dash though, i think.
there are currently three trilogies, and they’re in the third trilogy now, so eight movies out, with the ninth being made. the first trilogy is about…. padmé who is played by natalie portman and she is a queen of a planet, she is married to anakin who is a jedi, but actually evil because he felt like it. and it’s a big shock that when she gets pregnant, she has not one but two kids because twins have never been thought of in this universe! her daughter, leia, becomes princess of the planet and the son, luke, she doesn’t know what to do with so she dumps him on a desert planet somewhere. at some point she dies because anakin meanwhile is still being an asshole. and then he officially joins the dark side and becomes darth vader just to rub salt in the wound. oboe wan kenobi (?) is also involved but he’s an old man and probably dies at some point. yoda is around and says cryptic things but that may also apply to the second trilogy too. and that’s the first trilogy
the second trilogy features luke and leia as adults. luke is still on desert planet adn he answers the Hero’s Call when someone tells him It’s Your Time. “time to do what?” luke said. “i don’t know,” megan says, “but it’s probably important and involves leaving this shithole planet.” luke is very good at racing space ships, i think? like suspiciously good? and the tall thin robot tells him you should join the resistance i think.
darth vader shows up at some point and blows up alderaan while forcing leia to watch. it’s very sad. i think this is ‘the empire strikes back’. darth vader fights luke at some point, who has been training with the jedi because he has the Force which is basically like space magic, and darth is like “also because i haven’t been a dick in a while, i should also mention i’m your dad”
han solo is a sort of either bounty hunter or freedom fighter or wanderer sort of guy and he goes on adventures with chewbacca with no ties to anyone or anything. luke eventually meets leia and she’s princess of….. alderaan? (is that the name of the planet padmé was from?) and at some point they kiss bc they dont know they’re siblings. but also leia ends up with han eventually and everyone thinks luke is gay anyway so it turns out fine. and that was the second trilogy.
some time in the second trilogy rogue one happens. that’s a prequel and that one features jyn erso played by felicity something, also cassian andor played by a very good looking man, there’s a blind chinese guy, riz ahmed as himself, and NO ONE HAS THE FORCE THIS IS A VERY BIG DEAL, but everyone dies at the end anyway. and that’s important because it’s a plot point in another movie and saves carrie fisher’s life, or gives her hope and she smiles at the camera, i think.
the third trilogy has rey, finn, and poe, and since i’ve seen tfa (tho it was a while ago) i’ll write what i remember. rey is a presumed orphan on my part but there are many theories as to who her Real Parents are but anyway she was abandoned as a kid and grew up on jakku, the worst planet ever, and she has the Force and doesn’t know it yet. poe is meanwhile being captured and tortured by the first order/kylo ren who is secretly han solo’s and leia’s kid but defected to the dark side cause they weren’t paying him enough attention i guess or also he might’ve been brainwashed, i dunno, but he’s the leader of the order and condones killing and enslaving people so it doesn’t really matter how he turned bad anymore. finn is a stormtrooper who’s been brainwashed/enslaved his whole life and his first time in combat he realizes this is bullshit, so he runs away and brienne was his boss and she’s angry about this, presumably. he finds poe and breaks him out and they steal a jet and fly out of the base because poe is a Very Good Pilot. but the ship goes down and they crash land in jakku and poe is presumed dead but finn meets rey and they both fall in immediate BFF/love at first sight territory depending on your ship preference. then they’re being chased by the order because bb8 is poe’s robot and he’s around, cause rey was protecting him cause she can understand robot, and they fly out of there and run straight into han solo and chewbacca by sheer coincidence i guess. han solo is like “we need to probably go to the resistance or get you kids something to eat, or both of those things” and they go to a planet with an alien played by lupita n’yongo who tells rey she has the Force also your parents are never coming back so you might as well accept it. finn feels overwhelmed and is starting to feel he’s in over his head. at some point i thin kylo ben attacks this planet and takes rey and then finn is like Shit Well That Can’t Stand, so he and han solo and chewbacca plan to rescue her. while being held captive by ren rey discovers she has the force and escapes on her own but IT’S OKAY WE CAME FOR YOU, hugs were had, then ben killed his dad because all he ever wanted was in life was to follow in the asshole footsteps of his grandfather, then poe who is not dead i think shows up and leia leads an attack and finn fights kylo in the snow with a lightsaber, but gets knocked down, then rey fights him back and kicks his ass, and then they all kind of. shrug and leave i guess because that’s all i remember of the climax. finn is still knocked out from his fight but rey has to leave now, no she can’t just wait a day until finn is awake there’s Shit To Do, and that involves tracking down luke skywalker, who is angsting alone on a cliff somewhere, to give him back his light saber (OH YEAH LUKE LOST HIS HAND AT SOME POINT DURING THE SECOND TRILOGY…. BUT IDK HOW). and luke and his robot hand have aged very well.
tlj is about rey asking luke to train her as a jedi, luke saying no over and over again until finally he caves for like two minutes, then rey says ‘what if kylo ren isn’t entirely evil’ and luke is like ‘what’ and rey says ‘i’m gonna leave to follow this very vague and illogical hunch i have’ and she finds ren i guess and he tries to force her to the dark side to be His Princess because No One Else Understands Her, and rey is like “why did i do this, this was a terrible idea” and she leaves. and also i think ren’s boss dies.
meanwhile finn wakes up, kelly marie tran is there, Is Love Brewing?, her sister is the beautiful veronica ngo who is APPARENTLY DEAD???? UNBELIEVABLE, poe fights with a female commanding officer the whole movie, i don’t know what leia is doing, and luke battles his nephew in the end, oh wait no luke is dead, dies for real this time, i’m not really sure how that happened, fade to black.
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reylowriting · 6 years
Dancing: Chapter 1
She woke slowly, savoring the warmth that radiated off of Ben’s body. She could tell through her closed eyelids that it was still pitch black - no light was creeping in the small window in her room just yet. Good, she thought. He’ll be gone before the sun rises, and she wanted to lay in his arms for as long as she possibly could.
Glancing down at his sleeping figure, she almost laughed at how absurd he looked - almost twice her size, yet on his side and curled around her, his head resting on her chest. She wished she wouldn’t have to wake him soon. He was so peaceful when he slept, and peace was not something he had much of.
As she lay there listening to his breathing, she considered everything that had transpired in the last year. Almost exactly one year ago, Hux had led a near-successful coup that sent Ben running straight into his mother’s open arms. Leia had been able to work out a compromise with the other resistance generals - a drop in all charges against Ben Solo, in exchange for his participation in taking down the First Order.
He’d facilitated one brief, awkward conversation with Rey, and she had been so hopeful about what his return meant for the future. But then he had disappeared - shutting off the Force Bond that mysteriously connected them, only leaving his quarters to attend intel meetings and eat meals alone with his mother. She sighed. The man in her arms had come so far since locking himself away from her and the rest of the Resistance.
Her mind wandered, thinking back to when she had finally gotten through to him, almost four months after he had left the First Order, six months after he had killed Snoke to protect her.
Rey hadn’t necessarily woken early - more like she finally gave up trying to sleep and got up and took a shower. She decided she would go for a walk, maybe she could at least watch the sunrise if she was going to have to be awake for it. She dressed quickly, leaving her hair down and wet, put her shoes on, and opened her door to leave.
As she turned to slide her door shut, she noticed someone coming around the corner a few feet away. Probably Finn, she smiled to herself. It wouldn’t be the first time she had caught him sneaking out of Rose’s room before sunrise. She spun around to greet her friend, and instead found herself looking at Ben Solo.
He held her gaze for just a moment, looking all at once like he may throw up, pass out, or cry. Instead, he blinked, tensed his shoulders, and quickly turned to take an alternate route to his room.
“Ben?”, she called quietly. No response, just retreating footsteps.
Rey quickly turned and went in the direction Ben would have originally been walking, hoping to cut him off. She was successful, reaching his doorway right as he rounded the corner into the hallway. The look on his face told her that he wasn’t sure how he was going to handle this. So she spoke.
“Why have you been ignoring me?”
“I’m not.”
“Ben Solo, you are a lot of things, but you are not a liar.”
He furrowed his eyebrows at her. “Let me into my room.”
“Okay”, she replied, turning and using the force to open his door and walk into the room ahead of him.
He slowly followed her in, an unreadable expression on his face.
Turning to face him, she asked, “How are you keeping the bond closed like this?”
“It just requires a bit of extra concentration.”
“That isn’t what I meant.”
Ben stared at the floor. Rey took a breath, took a step forward, and pressed on. “You said I wasn’t alone.”
His eyes snapped up and met hers.
She continued, “But sometimes now I think I’m lonelier than I have ever been.”
“There are plenty of people here who care about you.”
“Ben, you don’t understand, I -”
His anger flared and he cut her off. “I understood perfectly when I woke up on the floor in the throne room and you were gone.”
Now she was crying. “Ben, please…”
“Please what.”
“Let me back in.”
“Why should I?”
“Because, Ben, I miss you.”
His eyes were wet. He broke eye contact with her, turning and sitting on the edge of his bed with his back facing away from her. When he finally spoke, his head was in his hands and his voice was thick with emotion. “You couldn’t possibly.”
“I’m not sure what you mean”, she said, tentatively taking a step towards him.
“Then I don’t know how to explain it.”
She knelt next to him, and held her hand out. “Show me.”
Slowly, Ben’s gaze met hers. His eyes were red and bloodshot, and she got the impression that he hadn’t been sleeping well either. He swallowed hard, nodded, and took her hand.
She was immediately hit by an onslaught of emotions, images, and noises, rushing through her mind too quickly for her to make out. It’s like a storm in there, she thought. Although she couldn’t focus on anything individually, she was picking up on a common thread that coursed through all of his thoughts and feelings. A deep and profound sense of fear, and shame. But why?
Almost as if to answer her question, his mind began to push forth individual memories. She was seeing, through his perspective, replays of things he had done as Kylo Ren. She wasn’t just seeing them, though. She was experiencing painful memories, and feeling all of his excruciating feelings that came along with them. She saw him striking down weaponless opponents, giving orders to slaughter entire villages. Using the force to squeeze the life out of people who dared oppose him. Then, memories she recognized - she felt his pain and conflict as he stood face to face with Han, and his anguish as he realized that killing his father had done nothing but rip him further in two. She experienced his rage and confusion as she kept up with him in battle on Starkiller base. Then, his punishment for his failure. The words, “you’re just a child in a mask” echoing in both of their minds.
The memories changed, giving way to images of her. She stalked over him as he layed in the snow on Starkiller base, a fresh wound carved out on his face. She was furious, teeth bared, surrounded by her power in the force. She was beautiful. She saw herself during their first time experiencing the bond. “You’re a monster!”, she told him, and she felt his agreement deep in his soul. She was sitting across from him in the temple on Ach-Two, holding her hand out, offering hope. The unfamiliar feeling blossoming in his chest, scaring him. They fought back to back, in sync, defeating Snoke’s guards.
The final memory he offered her, she didn’t recognize. A recounting of the first and only time he had attempted to eat in the mess hall on the Resistance base. He walked in and immediately saw her, smiling, glowing, and she felt his heart stop. She was surrounded by people who adored her. She couldn’t see their faces in his memory, but she could see how happy her friends made her. Faces in the mess started to turn towards him, confirming with their eyes a truth he still feared: you’re a monster. She felt his shame. Memory Ben turned to leave, to go eat with Leia again, and Rey was pulled out of his memories and back into the room.
Without realizing it, while engrossed in Ben’s memories, they had moved. He was on his knees in front of her with his forehead resting on her shoulder. Her free arm was wrapped around him, one hand still holding his, and he was sobbing.
Rey was at a loss. She pulled one hand up to the back of his head, into his hair, trying to comfort him. “Shhh, Ben, it’s alright. I’m here.”
He eventually stopped crying, but made no effort to move. “But you shouldn’t be. You need to leave.”
She broke away from him. That offended her, even though she wasn’t sure why it did. “I don’t want to leave.”
“Rey,” his voice was desperate and his eyes were pleading. She was reminded of their conversation in Snoke’s throne room. “They can’t know you’re here. They’ll hate you.” He took her hands in his. “You finally have a family, here. People who love you. If they knew you were in here… Please, you have to go.”
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notyetaskywalker · 6 years
Fanfiction: Life Days
Title: Life Days Rating: General Word Count: 4251 Pairing: Reylo Summary: Rey and Ben's Life Days through the years.
Can be read on AO3 or on FF.net or under the cut.  I accept prompts for this pairing. Just leave me a message in my askbox.
Rey awoke to the sound of two voices echoing through the corridors of her home. Her parents arguing were nothing special, she was used to it. Still, there was something about this current argument that was different.
She crawled out of the bunk bed that she slept in and tried to sneak her way into the galley of the ship they called their home, the most common scene of her parents’ quarrels. As creaky as their cruiser was, Rey’s footsteps had no sound as she made her way towards the voices.
“We can’t afford to feed her anymore,” the deeper of the two voices said. “She’s getting bigger and bigger, consuming more portions than we can spare!”
“She’s our child!” the higher pitched voice said. “See some reason. We can’t possibly just dump her.”
“We sell her.”
There was a heavy silence that followed. Whatever her parents were arguing about, it was settled. This was usually the time Rey would pop out and get her parents smiling at each other again, however something, a force, compelled her to stay put.
“To Unkar. He’ll treat her well enough.”
That was her mother. She sounded sad, like she was losing something. Rey couldn’t wrap her head around why her mother would be upset. Rey could piece together enough to understand that it was about food. They had enough to eat, barely. But they made do.
Her parents were scavengers. Whatever they can dig up from wrecks that were deemed valuable. Rey knew that it was a dangerous and difficult job. Her uncle was crushed to death by an unstable wreck. When she gets older, Rey knew that she’d join her parents out scavenging.
“Mama?” Rey asked as she peeked into the galley. “I heard voices.”
“Rey?” her mother said, startled that the child was awake. “It was nothing. Do you want me to tuck you back in?”
Her mother gathered her up in her arms and lifted her. Rey snuggled closer for a moment, then turned to her father who had an unreadable look on his face.
“Pa?” Rey asked, furrowing her brow at her father’s expression.
“It’s nothing,” her father assured her with a forced smile as he tousled her hair. “You should get some sleep darling, or else you’ll never grow.”
“I’ll grow,” Rey said through a yawn. “I’ll grow and I’ll help you and Mama in old wrecks.”
Her parents shared a look. Not that she had noticed. She was too busy fighting sleep. Promising to herself that her present to her parents for Life Day was to promise to eat less. They’d be so proud of her. After all, she was turning five that year, no longer a child, but a proper age to begin life as a scavenger.
Rey couldn’t remember being placed in her bunk. Nor could she recall her mother’s teary kiss, or her father’s shaking hand stroking her face as if to memorize its angles. She was already asleep by then.
She could remember however, the next day, Life Day, a day supposedly for people to be grateful for family and the life that was shared. It was the day her mother did her hair up in their triple buns as usual. It was the day her father gave her a full portion for her to eat all by herself with a glass of blue milk.
It was the day her parents sold her to Unkar Plutt for an unkown amount of portions and left her there to earn her keep.
Ben hated Life Day. For most children, it was a day spent with family, receiving gifts and whatnot. For Ben it meant being brought to several functions at different dignitaries’ houses and getting his cheeks pinched several times with remarks of how much he resembled someone in his family.
He knew he shouldn’t complain. His parents and his uncle, who were his only family, were Very Important People. He could barely finish introducing himself before people would ask him about them.
Ben rolled over in bed and checked his holowatch. Life Day was almost over, but his parents weren’t home yet. It was expected that they’d get in late, but his mother did promise him that they’ll try to make it back so they could spend at least a small bit of Life Day just by themselves.
There was a whooshing sound as the main door to their home slid open. Ben eagerly clambered out of bed to greet his parents. They had kept their promise all along!
“Mom!” Ben said as he flew out of his room. “Da—Uncle Luke?”
“Hey kid,” Luke said shrugging off his cloak. “Happy Life Day. Why so glum kiddo?”
Ben shrugged as he plopped down on the couch. It was just his Uncle Luke. Not that he didn’t love his uncle, he did, but he was expecting his parents. Uncle Luke was just a consolation prize.
“Don’t worry,” Luke tousled his hair. “I’m pretty sure Leia and Han would be back soon.”
“Yeah right,” Ben pouted. “You always say that.”
“You got me there kid,” Luke was the one to shrug this time. “Want me to wait up with you?”
“Mom told me to go to bed early,” Ben pointed out. “I’d get in trouble if they came home with me awake.”
“Really?” Luke asked, raising one eyebrow. “How ‘bout you let me handle your folks and we stay up watching old reruns?”
“Are you sure?” Ben tilted his head. “Mom was very specific.”
“Don’t worry,” Luke assured him. “I’ll take care of it.”
Ben gave his uncle a weak smile. They both knew that if his mother wanted to get mad, nothing in the galaxy could stop her. Still, it was a nice thought.
He jumped off the couch and ran back to his room to pull off his blanket and grab a pillow. If he was going to wait up for his parents, at least he’d stay comfortable.
“Are we really staying up Uncle?” Ben asked one more time, just to be certain.
“You bet kid,” Luke replied, patting the space on the cough next to him. “Get over here.”
Ben gave his Uncle an ear-to-ear grin and positioned himself on the couch. He arranged his pillow and blanket and snuggled up next to Luke. Luke responded with a grin of his own and turned on the Holo and found a channel which had cartoons showing on them.
Ben was asleep sooner than he expected to be. He really did want to wait up for his parents, but it was already late and he was tired from the day’s activities. He did feel it when his father lifted him up and gently tucked him into his bed. He also felt his mother kiss him good night.
But the last thing on Ben Solo’s mind when he went to sleep that Life Day was that his Uncle Luke was the best.
Life Days in Unkarr Plutt’s employ meant getting a tad bit more portions. The man celebrated the holiday, but only to the bare minimum. If you had nothing to turn over, he wouldn’t give you any portions at all. Not even if you were ill.
Even the littlest ones were expected to have something to show for their day’s efforts. Plutt liked having children scavenge for him. They were small and they could reach the areas that were otherwise inaccessible to scavengers.
Rey knew a lot of contemporaries who had perished, either by falling debris or by getting stuck with no way out. She felt a chill run down her spine as she remembered all the lost scavengers. Some of them she even considered as friendly.
She sighed as she lugged her haul up to the counter where Plutt was waiting. She’s been doing this for ten years now. Ten years since she last saw her parents. But they’ll return for her, she was certain of it.
In the meantime, she had been deemed ‘too big’ by Plutt, and he had turned her out. Good thing she had done enough work to earn a speeder, and she had even acquired a humble dwelling in the bowels of a downed AT-AT.
“What have you got for me today?” Plutt asked, snapping Rey out of her thoughts.
After their transaction, Rey stepped away with an empty net and a fair amount of portions that she could use for a trade. She knew that she had to be frugal with her earnings, but she couldn’t help but wander the stalls at the bazaar.
After all, it was Life Day, she deserved a present for herself.
Walking around, she decided to trade a half portion to a farmer for a bottle of blue milk. It was a tradition for her, a sad one, but every year, without fail, she would make sure that she had blue milk, even just a little bit. It served as a reminder.
She didn’t know what it was a reminder of. She wasn’t certain is it was to remind her of her parents. Or if it was to remind her that they left her behind.
Rey shook her head. These were not thoughts that she should have while she was wandering the bazaar. While generally a safe place, the bazaar had its share of pickpockets and ramble-raisers.
Something grabbed her attention out of the corner of her eye. She felt like there something was leading her towards a goal. She held her breath.
Perhaps it was finally the day when she’d be reunited with her parents?
She let out the breath when the feeling abated and all she found before her was just a staff. Rey examined the staff, reaching out as if to touch it, but not really.
The base seemed durable, as if she could build on it. She could probably give the staff a bit of a redesign. It seemed worthless, but Rey knew better than to judge anything by face value.
“You want that?” the stall owner asked. “It’s not much, but it’ll hurt if you hit someone with it hard enough.”
“How much?” Rey asked, not taking her eyes off of the staff.
“Three portions,” the owner replied. “But since it’s Life Day, you can have it at two.”
“Deal,” Rey said, rummaging in her bag for the portions. “I’ll take it.”
“Good, good,” she said as she handed over the staff.
Rey slung the staff over her shoulder as she walked to her speeder. There was a sense of rightness with the staff on her back. It was as if the staff was made for her. She smiled as she hopped on her speeder.
“Happy Life Day, Rey.”
She said to herself as she turned on her speeder and drove off in the direction of her AT-AT.
Life with Uncle Luke at the fledgling academy was different from what Ben had expected it to be. He knew that it meant a complete lifestyle change for him. He was General Organa-Solo’s son after all, and that meant that he was subject to certain standards. His days were planned out from the moment he stepped out of their home to the moment he returned to it.
There were still some who thought that the Empire was a better place to live in. He was told that there were those who sent threats towards his mother and their family.
In the academy however, days were less structured with only a few mandatory classes throughout the day. The rest of the time, the students were free to do anything they wanted.
Ben thought this meant that he should spend the time meditating. It was something he thought Jedi were supposed to do. But he found it difficult to meditate. His mind had no problem connecting with the Force, he actually felt like his mind was one with the Force. His problem was that there was something else, someone else compelling his thoughts, turning them towards chaos.
Ben shook his head. It was Life Day, he was supposed to go home and stay with his parents, but some last minute business came up and they told him to stay where he was.
So here he was, sitting under a tree, trying to meditate but failing miserably because of the horrible things that he could see in the Force. He knew he should tell his Uncle about the visions, but that same thing compelling him to turn his thoughts to darkness was also keeping him from confiding in his uncle.
That morning, his uncle was nowhere to be found, not that it was unexpected. Luke Skywalker was always called to one place or another for some urgent Jedi business. That just meant that Ben was stuck in the academy, with all the other force-sensitives who had no other place to go.
He hated how the other students treated him. Half of them were in awe of him because of his family. The other half hated him because of the same. It was annoying that they were judging him because of who his family was and not because of who he is.
Ben should have been used to it. After all, he had been treated that way his whole life.
He was about to head back to his quarters when he felt a presence approach him. It was a familiar one, a welcome one.
“Uncle,” Ben greeted, not even bothering to stand. Most days he had to address his uncle as ‘Master’, but Luke always let Ben call him ‘Uncle’ when it was just the two of them.
“Hey kid,” Luke said as he lowered himself to the ground. “Busy socializing I see.”
“Yes,” Ben snorted. “As you can see, I’m holding court.”
Luke gave a snort of his own. It was well-known that Ben lived up to his name, always solo. Luke thought that his nephew handled the situation well enough.
“Well if you’re done with your adoring public,” Luke joked as he turned to face Ben with a solemn expression on his face. “I’d like to give you something.”
“A present?” Ben nervously asked, his uncle’s facial expression turning the mood from light-hearted to serious.
“I guess you could call it that,” Luke said. “It’s more of an heirloom really.”
“Happy Life Day Ben,” Luke said as he held out a wrapped cylindrical object.
Ben knew from the hum of the kyber crystal that it was a lightsaber. An old saber that has seen many masters but whose only allegiance was to the Light. Ben also knew that this lightsaber was supposed to be missing.
“It was found,” Luke said.
Ben was certain that that wasn’t the whole story, but he let it slide. His uncle was going to tell him some day.
He stood up and unwrapped the present. The feeling of the cold metal against his hand for the first time was indescribable. He could sense the power of his grandfather and his uncle imprinted in the crystal.
Ben ignited the blade and went through a few basic forms. While he was using the saber he felt the peace that meditating was supposed to bring him. With every swing he felt more and more one with the Force.
When he finished, he was breathing heavily, his body was tired, but his mind was calm.
“You know,” Luke said, reminding Ben of his presence. “Old Ben told me that my Father was unusual in that he meditated better during sword practice too.”
“Yes,” Luke gave him the same reassuring smile he use to when Ben was young. “Don’t forget where you came from Ben, or you’ll never get to where you’re going.”
Luke flashed him a quirky smile and headed back towards the main building of the academy. Ben stared at his back as he let his uncle’s words sink in.
“Like Grandfather, huh?” he muttered, holding up the lightsaber. “Why not?”
The banging on the door woke Rey, but it was the banging in her head that kept her awake. They were finally at a new base. The Resistance’s allies had rallied, and as eager as the troops were to get back on the field and stop the First Order, General Organa had ordered them all to take the day off on Life Day. A day off meant a party the night before. Apparently, the Resistance had a lot of stocked alcohol and moonshine.
Rey was no stranger to alcohol, but she was at a loss to Resistance-style binge-drinking. The lack of a certain future made them all seize the day. And the members of the Resistance seized the day hard.
She would have wondered who would be awake so early the day after a night of revelry, banging on her door, but Rey had a clue.
“Rey! Wake! Up!” Rose’s voice yelled through her door.
Rose. Of course.
Ever since Rey had reunited with the Resistance, Rose clung to her like a lost puppy as soon as Finn had introduced them. He had explained that Rose had lost her twin sister recently, and while she and Finn were close, the mechanic verbalized that she wanted some girl time, whatever that meant.
“I’m awake!” Rey yelled as she slowly got out of bed. Her head was still throbbing when the door to her room slid open and revealed a very bubbly and not-at-all hungover Rose.
“Oh good!” Rose smiled brightly. She gave Rey a once over and pouted. “You’re wearing that?”
“What?” Rey asked, not quite following Rose’s train of thought. She was wearing her usual clothes sans her vest.
“It’s okay!” Rose said as she grabbed Rey’s hand. “Come on!”
Rey, in her current state, could do nothing but follow. She wondered how Rose could possibly be so normal after consuming the massive amount of alcohol that she had the previous night. It was either Rose was secretly strong in the Force and knew how to banish hangovers, or Rose had an iron liver.
“Where are we going?” Rey asked, trying her best not to vomit. Her head was pounding and all the walking was not helping her at all.
“To Poe and Finn’s room,” Rose replied. “It’s Life Day! We have presents!”
Rey allowed Rose to lead her through the corridors while her eyes were closed. Her head was beginning to spin again. She wondered how Finn and Poe were coping with their hungover. She felt Rose stop and heard her banging on their door.
“Finn! Poe!” Rose yelled. “Wake up!”
They waited for all of five seconds before Poe opened the door with a bright smile on his face.
“You don’t have to yell,” he joked. “Come on in. Finn isn’t feeling well.”
“Neither was Rey,” Rose said with a giggle. “They really need to up their game. Or lessen their intake.”
Rey walked into the room and collapsed on the nearest flat surface, which happened to be the bed Finn was in. She heard him grunt, but chose to ignore it and concentrate on controlling her nausea.
“They would be fine,” Poe pointed out, “If you didn’t keep refilling their drinks.”
“How was I supposed to know they couldn’t hold their liquor?” Rose replied in defense. “Either way, presents!”
“Right,” Poe snorted.
Rey struggled to get up and leaned against the frame of the bunk bed. Poe and Finn’s quarters were basically a bunk bed with two tables and two chairs. It was more suited to be a transient room, but they were working with meager resources. Rey was only assigned a room to herself because of her abilities.
“I didn’t get you all anything,” she said apologetically.
“It’s alright,” Rose assured her. “These gifts are from the General. With the war going on, none of us could really go out to get anything.”
Poe positioned himself on a chair close to the bed and began poking Finn’s cheek to get him to wake up. Rey watched the exchange with a mix of dread and amusement.
“I didn’t actually remember that it was Life Day,” Rose said as she picked up the presents. “Paige was the one who usually kept track.”
Rey turned her head to face the other woman. It was difficult, but even in her state, she could see that Rose fiddling with her half of the twin’s pendant, her face a picture of loss.
“But Life Day is about family,” Rose said, her voice a bit shaky. “Families are not just about blood.” She gave her pendant one last stroke and rubbed at her eyes.
“Families are also about choice,” she said with a shaky smile. “And you’re all my family.”
Rose handed Rey her present with a smile. She handed Poe’s his, then proceeded to prod Finn awake.
Rey watched her friends as Finn grumpily woke and caused a commotion. Even though her head was aching, this was definitely a better Life Day than most of the ones she had back on Jakku. For the first time in a long time, she didn’t feel so alone.
“Happy Life Day,” Rey said smiling at her friends, her family of choice. They all, Finn included, smiled back.
Her thoughts reached out to Kylo Ren. She wondered if he was also celebrating with friends, but one look at him through their bond told her everything.
He was lonelier than ever.
“Happy Life Day Ben.” She whispered.
Kylo Ren’s head snapped to attention, but it was too late. Rey had already closed their connection once more.
It was too early to be awake, especially for a holiday. But Kylo knew that Rey was an early riser. There were days when he was just getting to bed that Rey was already awake.
Not that he was spying on her or anything, but he did like poking around at their bond, just to check up on her. He never tried to find out where the handful of Resistance members were. It would have placed Rey in danger.
Now that he was Supreme leader, he couldn’t really go and carry out his missions. He had to rely on the Knights of Ren more for the legwork. He knew that they would be highly efficient if he sent them to destroy the Resistance once and for all, but he also knew that Rey would never go down without a fight and the Knights would not hesitate to cut down a hostile opponent.
As much as he desired that the Resistance be silenced once and for all, his desire for Rey to be safe was greater.
Kylo climbed out of bed and began preparing for his day. It was Life Day, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have a lot to do. The duties of Supreme Leader were endless.
He had no idea that the Supreme Leader was supposed to oversee so many factors. Kylo suspected that Hux had added some things, like the document entitled ‘Hazard Pay for Accidental Tantrums’. Kylo had all the right to have Hux suspended for insubordination, but Kylo knew that working under him was punishment enough for Hux.
Kylo sighed. It was lonely being Supreme Leader. It was even lonelier than when he was just the ‘Master of the Knights of Ren.’ Before, he was a high-ranking official in the First Order, respected and feared by most. But there were still a few who would interact with him. Like Hux and Captain Phasma.
When he became Supreme Leader, Hux had to limit his snark. It wouldn’t do to have instability in the ranks after all.
Difficult though the path ahead of him was, Kylo Ren would see it through. He squared his shoulders and held his head high. It might have been Life Day, but there was work to be done.
Chaos, yet order.
Rey kept reminding herself of that, chanting it as if it was a mantra. Really, the children in the Academy did test her patience at times.
They were all Force-sensitive nobodies from all over the galaxy. After the war, she and Ben had reached an uneasy truce, brokered by General Organa. They had to come together, for the good of the galaxy.
Five years down the line, and the academy was doing well, and the lessons from past Masters, Jedi and Sith, were being passed on to a new generation of Jedi, neither Light nor Dark, but Grey.
As for her and Ben, their bond may have been placed by Snoke, but they chose to keep it. When they were starting out, the bond was what kept them one step ahead of their young students. They chose to keep the bond for that purpose.
Nowadays, they got the hang of teaching and no longer needed the bond for that. But it served other purposes.
Rey could feel that Ben was aware of her current frustrations and he was sending her positive emotions through their bond. It gave her some semblance of peace, to know that she wasn’t alone. She spent most of her life alone, she won’t spend the rest of it that way.
She sent him feelings of gratitude through their bond.
They had both been alone for so long. But now, they were never going to be alone again.
“Happy Life Day Ben,” she said out loud, knowing that despite how far he was, he could hear her.
“Happy Life Day Rey,” she heard him reply. “We’ll have a private celebration later.”
Rey gave out a loud laugh. Happy Life Day indeed.
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the-jenny-haniver · 7 years
I just saw your Skywalker twins AU art, and I am a huge fan of Mortal Engines and now also your art. Could you give some backstory on where the twins were raised?
 Yes I absolutely can tell you some twin backstory!!
I haven’t exactly hashed out all thedetails yet, but the following is really just the fundamental chunks for these characters:
Luke is a mossie farmer who lives in a static settlement with Owen andBeru. It’s just as boring and sandy and dull as Tatooine, except thankfullythey can actually grow food instead of just harvesting water. Like ugh. It’s ina very remote location, and situated in a very craggy region so wanderingcities don’t tend to go near, but there is an incredibly technophobic group ofpeople (the Tuskens) living quite close to the area and pirate suburbs enjoyterrorizing the place, so there’s still plenty of danger to watch out for. Thenthere’s that weirdo Ben Kenobi who lives way, way out from the Lars’ farm, buthe’s kinda nutty and lives out pastTusken territory, so they tend to steer clear of him. 
The whole Lars/Skywalkerfamily are vehement anti-Tractionists, mostly because Shmi and Anakin havingbeen slaves in the gut of a powerful city, but also because they are like … technophobes. They’re happyto deal with airships and whatnot since they’re very useful in evading Tuskensand pirate suburbs, and they also have to sell some of their crops (usually inlocal Traction towns). But moving cities? Abominations, wastes of resources,and just a way of destroying what’s left of the Earth. Luke was also told thathis parents were aviators who were killed when their ship was attacked bypirates, and he’s extremely eager to follow in their footsteps (obviously like… not to death, but he wants to be a pilot, à la canon).
He only becomes more eager to leave the farm when news that the Empireis launching more divisive attacks on the Rebellion (anti-Traction league/Greenstorm) comes to town. The Empire is essentially an enormous alliance ofTraction cities, headed by Emperor Palpatine in the largest city, Coruscant.Luke’s sure it’s only a matter of time before the Empire’s suburbs find histown, and he’s very eager to join the Rebellion to do what he can to preventthis. Luke’s pretty much Theo Ngoni in this au, except the Rebellion isn’t bigon suicide bombers and the Green storm/Anti-Traction league really are the sameorganization; one’s not a fascist version of the other.
Leia is the daughter of Queen Breha Organa of Alderaan and Alderaan’sformer senatorial representative, Bail Organa. Alderaan is a member of theImperial Alliance and actually a raft city, but has beenfunneling away resources and top secret imperial info to the Anti-Tractionleague for years. Her position is a lot like Katherine Valentine’s, except inthis case she is in on all her parents’ plans. What gets Alderaan on theEmperor’s radar as a traitor is the city’s poor response to anti-Tractionistattacks, and an Alderaani ship’s presence during the destruction of Scarif (asecret imperial suburb dedicated to the collation and study of Old-Techweaponry).  
Leia is extremelywell-travelled, has contacts and allies in all Imperial Traction cities, and isvery good at her job as a spy in the frequent senatorial meetings on Coruscant. People don’t take her seriously because she’s so young and small, and that makes her perfect to sidle in, collect information, and pass it on to the Rebellion. Of course, she’s helped by two trusted employees: Thripeio, a hysterical retrograde amnesiac who doesn’t seem to realise that they’re traitors but is an incredibly gifted linguist, and Artoo, a silent, Stalkerised child built thousands of years ago as a remembering machine, with an odd sense of loyalty to particular people and organisations. 
Although Leia works for theanti-Traction league, she’s not really so against Traction cities. She ispersonally more invested in stopping the inhumane treatment of prisoners andthe labour forces in cities, and obviously doesn’t understand the point of viewof mossies, although she works to support their cause.
Long post I know, but this is really the basics for the twins! I have so many plans for other characters, especially Anakin/Vader and Han … that’s really where it gets more interesting …
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iamsithprincess · 7 years
Who's Kylo Ren?
My new fanfic - also posted on wattpad my @ is thesithprincess Kylo doesn't remember the past 12 years. POV- Kylo Ren My head was buzzing, it felt like it was about to explode anytime soon. I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't. "He's waking up, Rey!" I've heard someone say. Then I heard footsteps. The person walked away. A few moments later I felt a gentle squeeze on my hand. After another try I could finally look around me. It seemed familiar. I've seen those walls for a million times before. Of course! It was the Falcon! "Is my dad here? And Chewie?" I asked the girl standing by my side. She looked familiar too, but I couldn't figure out where I had seen her before. "Chewie is here. And you are joking about your father, right, Kylo?" Kylo? Who the hell was Kylo? I turned my head, but there was no one else with us. "Who is Kylo?" I asked. My look wandered down my body. Black? Why black? And what kind of outfit is this?  "And why am I dressed like this? Was this my mother's idea? Did I drink too much on one of her party for senators? Again?" I couldn't think of what was the last thing I remembered. Either I was drugged and kidnapped or I drank too much. The girl in front of me was frowning her eyebrows, she looked kinda cute. Her hair was coming undone and I had to resist the urge to pull it back behind her ear. She didn't act much friendly to me, but I had no idea why she was here. "Do we sleep together?" My question shocked the girl and she dropped my hand. If she wasn't my girlfriend why would she be here? Oh no, was she someone I am related to? Isn't this Uncle Luke's daughter? Oh, not another incest thing in the Skywalker family. No. Uncle Luke's daughter was only two years younger and besides, she knew me. This girl was a complete mystery. "Kylo Ren. Stop playing these sick games. I've saved you from dying, show me some respect," she said with disgust and turned to leave. I had noticed she had my saber on her belt. "Stop! You are mistaking me with someone else! I am Ben! Ben Solo! You know Leia Organa-Solo? She is my mother! And Han Solo, the smuggler or how'd I call him...he made the Kessel Run with this ship under 12 parsecs! And why do you have my saber with you? Did you kidnap me? If so, I have to warn you, I am a Jedi!" The girl stopped and looked back at me. I don't know if my words scared her, I didn't want her to be uncomfortable with me. I felt attached to her. My soul was craving for her presence. She came back to me and kissed my forehead. "So we do sleep together!" "You have no fever. And no, we don't sleep together. That will never happen. Ever." Her hands travelled on my back and I let out a chuckle.  "So why are you kissing me and trying to get me off these clothes? But I approve, this outfit makes me look kinda emo." She stopped to look me in the eyes. I felt it again. Something in me was changing....Was I falling in love? Because if so, I had to stop it. I am Ben Solo. I do one night stands, I don't do love. POV-Rey I was afraid that I gave him the wrong injection, with a glitterstim, or any other drug. He wanted to kill me and now he's trying to flirt? Force, fighting the Dark side will be even harder than I imagined, I thought. "The kiss? There is no thermometer in here, I wanted to make sure that you don't have fever. The clothes? You have pretty nasty wound on your back, I wanted to make sure that you don't have infection. Now stop playing a jackass and get out of your clothes!" Ah, this man will be the death of me. For a while he didn't move. Our eyes met and his dark eyes weren't that dark anymore. They were...different. Different from when he interrogated me or fought me. He was different. Could the near death experience change him? "Mhhmm, bossy, I approve. Will you spank me if I don't obey?" Ren smirked at me and I had to roll my eyes. Yeah, I wanted him to change, but this was too much and not normal, I needed someone to run the tests of his bloodstream. "BB-8?" I shouted and soon after the small droid rolled to the room with us. "Please analyse his blood." Seconds after, the droid stuck an injection in Kylo's arm and ran the tests. "You should eat less sugar, Ren, then what's this...midichlorians...now this is a high number. What the hell are midichlorians? I've never heard of it." Kylo tried to stand up, but failed. "Sit there and don't move," I said, my eyes still on what BB-8 was showing me. I found out that I gave him the right injection, old, but good enough. It was a mix of pain killers and healers. Could this be a side effect? "A person with high level of midi chlorians is Force sensitive. During the old republic, the Jedi were the people with the highest levels of midi chlorians." "We need a sample to compare your blood with. Punch me." I never imagined saying these words to Ren. His reply quite shocked me. He made this grimace of disgust. "I am a gentleman, miss. I would never harm a lady." Funny, I thought. A few hours ago you were trying to kill me. What a shame that BB-8 had just one injection to use. The second blood test required putting the blood in the Falcon's small medical computer. Chewie told me about it when I was doing Kylo an X ray. I looked at Kylo, or Ben, howerver he was calling himself now. Ben...I've heard it before. Han shouted the name when he was trying to bring Kylo back home! I knew what was happening. Ren did not remember he turned to the dark side. I had too keep it that way. He was staring at me and I shivered. Would it hurt? Stupid blood tests.  "I won't punch you, I have a better idea," Ren said and smirked at me. I knew I wasn't going to like it. "I won't like it, will I?" He smiled. This was going to be bad. I've never seen him smiling before, not like this. It was scary. "I am sure you will." Then he sat up, my breath was slowing down, but each inhale was deeper and each exhale was louder. He would not hurt me, as he said. I didn't know why, but I believed him. I've had enough trust to let him do anything to me. Why? "Don't panic, try to enjoy," was all he said before his lips joined mine. A kiss. I imagined various things but not a kiss. He was gentle, firstly, he sucked in my lower lip. I tried to not kiss him back, but I couldn't. I felt this sensation that drew me insane. I had to kiss him back. He slipped the tongue in, but just a tip, like he was waiting for a permission to go deeper. I opened my mouth to show him that I am comfortable. I really was, maybe too much. Still, I didn't know how he planned on making me blee-. Ouch! That was painful! The kiss ended as it began – unexpectedly. Kylo pulled away and I wanted to kill him for that, I admitted, but only to myself. I'd never tell him. "So?" he breathed in and waited for my response. "So what?" I didn't know what he was thinking about and I didn't know if I wanted to. He bit my lip! I carefully took a blood sample and handed it to BB-8. As the data was loading, I looked at Ren. He seemed to be okay. Like it was normal for him to kiss a woman and then not talk about it. "Aren't you going to write it in your diary? The best kiss ever?" "No, and you know why? Firstly, I don't have a diary, secondly, I had better kisses than this," I lied. The worst thing about the kiss was that it ended. I wanted it to last more "and lastly, this wasn't a kiss kiss. It was just to get the sample. Nothing more," I lied again. I hope that he didn't know. "Yeah, sure," he replied, but I felt like he wasn't telling the truth either. Soon after, there was a deep silence. I wanted to say something, but BB-8 interrupted me with the results. "Look at this, Ren," I said, completely shocked. "It's Ben," he muttered. My midi chlorians had the exact same level as did Ren's. "How's it possible that the numbers are identical? BB-8? Isn't this a system fault?" The droid seemed to be offende and together with the results it rolled away. Now it was just me and Ren. Or Ben, how he liked to call himself now. "No, I did not mean it like that, bud," I said, but I knew that the little ball of metal won't hear me. Now I had to figure out what should I do with Kylo. Author's note: Oh God I am so hyped for writing this story. As you are reading this, I have a few more chapters written ahead so don't worry of me not updating, I'll try to have a posting schedule. So until then...did you like this?! Also, I have no cover for this story yet so please be patient with me. Thoughts? -The Sith Princess (Darth Reney)
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