#also yeh
soosoosoup · 30 days
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Funk branch au
Au and branch design by @bbc-trolls
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irrfahrer · 1 year
why did it take you so long to tell me? how long have you been holding this in? {from smuggler!ben}
The second the airlock closed behind them, Ziv threw her back against the door, because for a moment, just a moment, it seemed to bend under the force of flesh crushing against it from the other side. By Bens hasty question the Tynnans head snapped up with a loud, bae teethed growl. A loud snarl that was almost as loud as the screaming dead flesh on the other side of the door: "Oh spare me the kriffing ' how long have you been holding that in' stuff, you did not asked any question when you dragged my out of the carbonite by the kriffing tail! Like 'holding in' What exactly? That I was raised in the kriffing Jedi Temple and than discharged to be a kriffing worthless farmer? That I melted a Clonetroopers face by Healing his flesh into speeding up the celldeviding until the cells started to rot? That there is a sentient Cub-Orchid hanging around my neck to which I am nothing but a mushroom of lifeenergy to eat from and which will die when its sepperated from me more than a metre, but which I can not leave alone because its kriffing sentient and I happen to want to serve all life? I mean seriously, its a kriffing baby-cub do you want me to leave and let die a kriffing baby-cub? Who would do that? Kriff if its a kriffing plant, its still a kriffing baby-cub!" Pelt bristled like fom electricity Ziv pushed herself away from the door and ran over to the transperisteelwall that allowed them to look into the hangar below this room- when they had landed in the stardestroyers hangar it had been empty beside a few thirty year old ships that ahd been standing in the dark hangar like skeletons. The cargoboxes had been still there, the starships had been still there, the emergency lighting had activated as soon as their ship had landed in the hangar, so the hangar had almost looked like it had not been changed in the last thirty yeas in which it had been abandoned. The client had said that the stardestroyer had been abandoned in deep space, floating through the vaccum like a dead fish in the vast ocean, but filled with every recource a suddenly left behind vessle of the empire had. Rescources that were good to make credits. Recources that would be shared fairly with Ben when he would fly to the coordinates the client had found out.
What had waited for Ben and Ziv had ben just what the client had told them- a whole stardestroyer left behind, floating through space with black scuttles like a meteroit made of durasteel, cold, unharmed, unmoving, dead, left behind. It had been the smell that had been strange. A smell that greeted them in the forgotten hangar. A thick, sweet scent that had lay over everything like a damp layer of wetness. The storm had still slept away from the hangr but was stilled awake with every little wave of vibration of lifeforce that was Ben and Ziv moving through the stardestroyers corridors. Now the hangar was nolonger empty but full of bodies moving and screaming.
A ocean of dead, rotten flesh searching for them blindly, ready to drown them.
The Orchid in the Pendant hanging around her neck shifted and twitched, pressing against the transperisteel of the pendant and against Zivs chest beyond it like a scared trembling child. Automatically she lay a small paw over the pendant. The tynnan did not needed to cure her bad eyesight to see that there was no way through the hangar back to their ship: "Or hat that Orchid is the ingredient to a Sith-ritual to archive kriffing immortality but also causes the outbreak of a kriffing sentient, highly telepathic virus that had been taken by the Empire thirty years ago and turned into a bioweapon? Like, seriously, maybe the orchid could have warned me before we came here, kriffing yes, but I am not the telepathic Kriffer of both of us, for I HAVE A MINDSHIELD THE SIZE OF A KRIFFING BANTHAS DICK SO DON´T COME AT ME WITH GETTING A WARNING FROM A KRIFFING TELEPATHIC FLOWER!" Along with the Tynnan rising her voice a loud crack filled the room as a cracked line suddenly ran through the transperisteel scuttles going out to the hangar below, caused by Zivs telekinetic outburst. The young woman flinched, looked at the crack startled and then, frustrated but more calm, added with a low hiss:
"My kriffing apologize I did not lay down my whole kriffing lifestory to you, you know, I DO try to keep the orchid a secret and its not my fault that this telepathic baby-cub stirrs around in your mind, why don´t YOU rise up your mindshield, hm?! Maybe you could have gotten the warning, if you would have listened more carefully?! But no, kriffing no, you come at me with 'how long have you been holding that in'! Thank you very much;thats so kriffing useless!"
[ @kylo-wrecked ]
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fortist166 · 7 months
A little late but Happy Halloween! My country doesn’t celebrate it so I’m kinda jelous of these guys 🥹
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obsob · 5 months
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once more around the sun!! :3
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nonomives · 1 year
Some Vampire Wally AU lore I did today
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(Dont judge a book by its cover btw, this isnt how Howdy and Eddie usually act in this au)
So a lil bit of infordump below:
In this AU mythical creatures interact with regular peeps on a daily basis. Theyre just people you'd see in your day to day life, but they are under extreme scrutiny due to how dangerous some mythics can get.
For this very reason, the Hunters Association was made. It's an international company that collects data about various kinds of mythics, and comissions mercenaries to either capture or kill dangerous mythics (a.k.a. monsters). While H.A. assists more on intel, and weaponry, they also, sometimes, provide manpower with their own trained soldiers, Eddie is one of them. These soldiers often work as support for mercenaries who need the extra hand in taking out monsters.
The Pillars (Howdy lmao) is one of the Association's longest standing collaborators, aiding in capturing and killing many, well known as heroes to many. Its a generational thing for family members to become monster hunters or work inside H.A. itself.
Oh! And another thing, a mythic is only labeled a monster if they commit any sort of crime, could be a single major crime (i.e. genocide) or multiple small crimes (petty theft and shuff). So yeah, mythical creatures can walk around in broad daylight and not get shot at so long as they dont have a criminal record in H.A's eyes lol--
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anemonet · 2 months
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has anyone here concidered listening to whisper by jack staubers micropop on loop
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recalled11 · 3 months
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Directionless Pt. 4
Pt. 1/ Pt. 2/ Pt. 3/ Pt. 4/ Pt. 5
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meru90 · 1 month
merch preview
some new stuff for the next shop update ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
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rennelelorren · 2 months
Obito lives AU! & early KakaObi with a lot of misunderstanding my fav.
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And a third page under a cut bc Obt personally asked to hide it out of embarrassmend.
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Yeah it`s hidden bc obt gived kks exacly what he wanted.
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spilledkaleidoscope · 10 months
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the skill talk got me thimking
Control: +3 Gearhead: +3 Processor: +2 Survivor: +2 Corpus: +1 A Weak Muscle: +1 Vice: -1 (Kim skills from my fic lol)
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beinganegg · 11 months
Just to be safe: spoilers for the In Stars and Time demo by insertdisc5 (you should go play it it’s very good)
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pinkkittycoffin · 3 months
"your stupid ass BETTER NOT be ponyfying roy harper when i get back THERE"
my stupid ass :
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fortist166 · 2 days
“I know that one day you'll be okay, and I'll have you.”
My gift to http_lovecraft under the Midsummer Dream Gift Exchange. Thank you for introducing to this wonderful song!
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thatnununguy · 7 months
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She mono on my bear till I kuma........ Not like YOU would care.......
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m-kyunie · 7 months
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marching forward through the Gates of Hell
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buckevantommy · 23 hours
tommy is the guy who stole a chopper and flew into a hurricane, of course he's kinky in the bedroom. and buck is the guy who stole a firetruck for hookups, he's always been kinky in the bedroom.
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