#Bella's Bead Supply
diyjewelry013 · 1 year
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silicone beads
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jungle-angel · 2 years
The Kitchen Incident (Miles Miller x Reader
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Summary: Small things can make big messes
Based off of a drabble I sent in to my dear friend @nobody7102​  Bella, you’re welcome!!!! (lol)
Miles looked up at the wall clock above the desk just long enough to catch the hour before the bell above the front doors rang, a woman walking in beside a man in dress uniform. Benny, your three year old son, was seated on the counter beside his father, scribbling away with the crayons on a scrap piece of the hotel map, his little feet kicking in the air.
“Welcome to the El Royale,” Miles greeted cheerfully. “What can I help you with?”
“Room to rent if you can sir,” the man said.
“California or Nevada?”
“Nevada if you’ve got any,” the man said. “My wife and I are on our way back home to Colorado and we’ll be staying for a week.”
“I’ll need ten dollars for the week,” Miles said. “Five dollars a night.”
The man drew the ten dollars from his pocket and began to sign the ledger when all of a sudden, Benny stood up and carefully walked over to the man, hugging his neck as though he were one of the family, Miles and the young couple laughing and melting all at once. “You’re just like my Daddy,” Benny chirped.
The man laughed and so did Miles as he hoisted Benny off the counter and onto his hip. “I’m terribly sorry about that sir,” Miles told him.
“Oh no it’s fine,” the man insisted. “You were in the service too I presume?”
“Yes sir,” Miles replied. “Sixty-six to Sixty-eight.”
The man shook Miles’s free hand. “I know you probably don’t want to hear it,” he said. “But thank you.”
Miles smiled a little, though still pained by his own memories of the war and returned the gesture. “Anything for you Sergeant Stone.”
Stone’s jaw nearly dropped. “Miller!!!!” he exclaimed. “By God it is you! Look at you! Running a hotel, married and with a boy of your own! I’m assuming he is yours, right?”
“The spitting image,” Miles said, his smile widening. “Here, I’ll get you your key, hang on.”
Miles opened up the key cabinet and pulled the Nevada key for Room Ten, handing it off to Sergeant Stone and his wife who bid him and Benny farewell before heading off to their room.
A gurgling growl reached Miles’s ears followed by a whimper from Benny who buried his face in the curve of Mile’s neck. “Is your tummy empty Benny?” Miles asked him.
Benny nodded.
“Alright,” Miles said, setting him down on the ground. “Go ahead and get some food in the kitchen.”
Benny took off in the direction of the hotel kitchen when Miles saw Dan Fitzgerald making his way around the corner, his apron littered with the food stains of the day and his dark skin coated in beads of sweat. “Yo Miles,” he said, his voice deep and booming. “Where’s the laundry bucket at?”
“(Y/n)’s got it near the supply closet,” Miles answered.
Dan loosed his apron before making his way to the desk. “I was gonna wait to ask till my shift’s over,” Dan said, leaning in a little and mumbling so only Miles could hear. “But you got a fresh one? There’s a big dinner planned for tonight and my nerves are so fuckin thin they might as well be my wife’s sewing thread.”
“I’ve got one of my old man’s hand rolled menthols,” Miles said, reaching into his jacket pocket. “Don’t tell anybody.”
“Oh thank you, my man,” Dan chuckled. “Ya’ll are a lifesaver.”
“Do me a favor first Dano,” Miles mumbled again. “You might wanna go and get the baby something to eat before he tears the whole place up looking for food.”
“Usual then?”
“Yep, ham on whole wheat, pepper jack cheese and a side of the ants on a log,” Miles answered.
“You got it,” Dan said, sticking the cigarette into his own pocket before heading off to the kitchen to scrounge up some lunch for Benny.
Miles sighed, relieved that he could finally catch a moment of peace while Benny was in the kitchens.
He was completely unaware that almost an hour had passed before he looked at the clock again. Two families had checked in, both with five children each while two businessmen had come in for the lunch hour. An elderly woman and her husband were given a room key for California before it slowed down and gave Miles a chance to check the key cabinet for any extra keys.
The approaching footsteps drew his attention away from the cabinet his eyes widening at the sight before him. “WHAT THE HELL??!!!!” he blurted out before he started laughing.
There was Otis, his father, holding the hand of little Benny who was covered.....COVERED......from head to toe in red tomato sauce, his denim overalls and little green turtleneck while chunks of tomato were noticeable in the tufts of Benny’s blonde hair.
“Miles I can explain,” Otis said, trying to conceal the laughter that wanted to get out.
“Dad, what’s there to explain?” Miles questioned laughingly. “My kid looks like he’s been in a back alley knife fight!”
Benny babbled something incoherent and when Otis saw you walking around the corner, he made a face that only showed when he thought he’d be in trouble for something.
“HOLY CRAP!” you exclaimed. “Otis what happened to Benny?!”
“Well,” Otis replied. “You know that newbie in the kitchen? That kid who’s got a summer job here?”
“Tripp?” Miles asked him.
“Yeah,” Otis answered. “He uh.....he slipped on some bacon grease that had gotten on the floor and the gallon bucket of spaghetti sauce went all over poor Benny.”
Miles tried to stifle a laugh but it was impossible. “Alright,” Miles sighed. “C’mon Benny boy, let’s get you cleaned up.”
Benny giggled as Miles clocked out and traded shifts with the incoming desk clerk before picking his little boy up into his arms and making his way back to the quarters he shared with you. Into the bathroom you went as he stuck Benny right in the bathtub, stripping off his work jacket before tending to Benny’s filthy clothes.
“Well,” you smiled. “Looks like we’re not eating spaghetti for a while.”
“I think it’s safe to say this is the last time the so-called spaghetti monsters fuck with the wild child,” Miles laughed, remembering Benny’s little story about monsters made of spaghetti.
“You thought the blackberries were bad,” you chuckled. “This has to be ten times worse.”
Miles turned on the hot water and let the bath fill up before be began scrubbing Benny’s face and hair. You promptly dropped his clothes in the laundry basket next to the bathtub and pulled a fresh towel from the cabinet.
“Anything I can help with?” Otis asked.
“Nope, all set Dad,” Miles replied before Benny splashed some of the water into his face.
“What about in the kitchen?”
“No but you could help clean out the bathtub when we’re done,” you told him.
“I.....ah jeez....you know.....?” Otis said rubbing the back of his neck.
“Ok, we’ll take care of the bath later,” you said with a playful roll of your eyes. “But you bet your ass you’re helping with the laundry later.”
Otis made an exasperated noise which caused Miles to snicker. “Papa’s something else, isn’t he Benny?”
Benny’s wet little hands reached up stuck a wad of soap suds in Miles’s cheeks before he rubbed them away and rinsed Benny’s hair, the little one’s giggling making the smile on Mile’s face grow broader each time he heard it.
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missellaneousworks · 2 years
La Loteria - Bella BIOSHOCK AU - Audio Dairies
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(During the Locate the Reporter quest line, Bella's audio diaries can be found during Subject Romero’s search. Some of these will give hints to her whereabouts or supply caches throughout the map. It also gives some insight into Bella's character. Pardon spelling errors.
Disclaimer: Bella is the only character I own and this is just me having fun with an AU.)
Diary 1- Sea Food
"If I have to take meager threats from another chef who went to culinary school in Paris, I'll show him what it means to be al dente! It's not my fault my review said that his bisque had the same exact flavor palette as the last three restaurants I reviewed! 
(Sigh) The point of Rapture was to exceed the limitations that men have been placed under on the surface, but when you're at the bottom of the Atlantic, there are only so many fresh ingredients you can get before you end up having the same meal three times a day!
Never thought I'd get tired of lobster bisque of all things..." 
Diary 2 - Investigative Journalism
"My editor-in-chief saddled me with an anonymous tip that was dropped off in our mail slot this morning, something about folks around our neighborhood disappearing. Said if I was so pressed for writing real news, I could do the leg work. I'm sure that hijo de puta was doing this as a punishment for refusing to write more reviews– (clears throat) 
Anyway.  It's not my usual field of expertise, but I can't deny there's definitely something going on around here. And if no one is touching this, well, who am I to refuse a challenge?"
Diary 3 - Meeting a Mermaid
"Bibles, rosemary beads, and other religious articles have been appearing in Rapture, which means there's a smuggling operation right under Ryan's nose! It’s not my place to judge anyone’s practice, but people are getting scared or attacked around the docks.  Now that is something I will judge. The chatter is pointing towards Fontaine, but if he hasn't been arrested yet, that means there's no legitimate evidence.  I may have poked my nose in the wrong crate last night… but as luck would have it, I had a guardian angel named Xochitl.
One of the singers at La Sirena caught me running in the back rooms. She could have told me to scram, but she actually pulled me into her dressing room and then made a loud enough ruckus to get the bouncer to notice.
Note to self: Buy Xochitl dinner sometime as a thank you."
Diary 4 - Deal With the Devil
There is someone down here whose motivations allude to me out of everyone. My mysterious informant, El Diablo. Well, that's what I'm calling him for now.  His parcels always come with a print of El Diablo from the card game I grew up with. How dramatic. But, his information is good. A lot of it has been centered around good folks going missing, or if one of the elite brass is shoving their boot where it shouldn’t be. It’s brought attention to the issues: good and bad. 
I tried asking Jaime if he’s heard anything about this… man… but for once in his damned life, he clamped up!  I'm going to try to leave my radio frequency at the next dead drop, behind Montoya's workshop. Maybe I can contact him to find out if this Diablo is truly a friend… or just an opportunist."
Diary 5 - Interview with El Diablo
"Tell me something, Diablo."
"I can't guarantee it'll be what you want to hear, but go ahead."
"Hmph. Despite the fact that we've technically never met, you entrust me with very confidential information. Isn't it odd to work with someone you don't know?"
"I know you plenty."
"Oh? How interesting, because apart from a few fleeting rumors, I don't know much about you. Weeeelll, I know you've been in Rapture for a while. The community simultaneously knows of you but prefers not to speak of you. And as soon as someone stirs up trouble within your district, it vanishes just as quickly. Fontaine avoids you, which is surprising.."
"Sounds like you've been busy. And nosey." 
"I don't need to remind you about my line of work. It pays the bills to be nosey and ask the right questions."
"Or dangerous. Especially in your case. You've hit a nerve with Fontaine. Others are taking notice as well."
"Yet I'm still here.  I'm a big girl, Diablo, I can take care of myself."
"...sure you can.  (Pause)  Don't forget to feed the cat."
"I– what did you say?"
"The stray that hops on your balcony every night. Next to the cosmetics store sign."
"H-how did you–?"
"(chuckles) I told you, I know you plenty.  Goodnight, kid."
Diary 6  - No Good Deed
(Sounds of chatter and clinking of glasses can be heard in the background, Jaime’s muffled laugh is heard in the background, too.  Bella sounds intoxicated.)
My last article was a magnificent success.  So much so that – (pauses to sip drink) some spliced up jockeys tried to get into my place. I can only guess who sent them because I pissed off their boss. I seem to be good at that (giggles).
Mama wants me to–hic!--wants me to stop. She said, “You’ve done enough good, surely you can stop now!”
‘Good.’ Heh. I don’t know about that. I got into being politicians’ and businessmen’s pain in the ass because I was bored to death with reviewing lobster bisque. I don’t believe that is a good enough reason… to be considered good. But… now I can’t unsee it.  I catch wind of little girls going missing and I can’t help but think is it Ryan’s people? Fontaine?  Or is someone else just as bad? How can I stop when I can’t unsee what Rapture is doing to its citizens?  I don’t think I can.  Not now.”
Diary 7 - The Last Headline
“Here’s the latest headline: Rapture is… it’s done. Diablo was right… he– he warned me something big was coming, then he went dark. He could be dead or– 
Could I… could I have even done something? There had to have been something more I could have done. Otherwise, this was all for nothing!  Why–
(Sound of distant gunshots, followed by screaming and a booming explosion)
–I can’t stay here. There will be time to contemplate how big of an idiot I am later.  I think there’s a safe room in the basement of my father’s office. Hopefully, he’s been too much of a lazy bastard to change the combination from my fifth birthday party.
…Mama, I’m… sorry we couldn’t make up with Dad like you wanted. Hopefully, you’re in the safe room already.  I’ll see you soon. 
…Xochitl, Jaime. If you can hear this, I’ll contact you as soon as I can. But if you are able to, head to Athena Tower as soon as you can, I’ll be in the basement. 
…Diablo, if you ever get a hold of this. You better not die, you smug bastard.”
(After listening to this audio diary, Subject Romero will find a picture of Bella as a young child, ‘Happy 5th Birthday, Bella!  XX/XX.  This number combo will give SR access to the bunker Bella is holed up in.)
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bellasbeads · 3 months
Unlock Your Creativity: The Beginner's Guide to Crafting with Acrylic Beads!
Have you ever wondered about the dazzling world of acrylic beads and their myriad of crafting possibilities? Look no further! Let's delve into the enchanting realm of acrylic beads and discover how to unleash their creative potential in your crafting projects.
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What are Acrylic Beads?
Acrylic beads are versatile and lightweight beads crafted from acrylic resin. They come in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and colors, making them a popular choice among crafters for various jewelry-making and crafting endeavors. From classic round beads to intricate faceted designs, acrylic beads offer endless possibilities for adding a pop of color and personality to your creations.
How to Use Acrylic Beads in Crafting:
Jewelry Making: Acrylic beads are perfect for creating stunning jewelry pieces such as bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and more. Mix and match different shapes and colors to design unique and eye-catching accessories that reflect your personal style.
Home Decor: Add a touch of flair to your home decor projects with acrylic beads. Incorporate them into decorative accents such as beaded curtains, lampshades, keychains, and more to add a playful and colorful touch to your space.
Mixed Media Art: Experiment with acrylic beads in mixed media art projects to add texture and dimension to your creations. Use them to embellish paintings, collages, sculptures, and other mixed media pieces for an added element of visual interest.
Kid-Friendly Crafts: Acrylic beads are a great option for kid-friendly crafting projects due to their lightweight and durable nature. Encourage creativity and fine motor skills by incorporating acrylic beads into activities such as beading, stringing, and jewelry making.
Seasonal Crafts: Get into the spirit of the season by incorporating acrylic beads into your holiday and seasonal crafting projects. Create festive ornaments, garlands, and decorations using acrylic beads in seasonal colors and shapes.
Whether you're a seasoned crafter or a beginner exploring the world of acrylic beads for the first time, the possibilities are endless! Explore Bella's Bead Supply's collection of acrylic beads at https://bellasbeadsupply.com/collections/acrylic-beads and let your creativity soar as you embark on your crafting journey.
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bellasbeads · 3 months
Wooden Wonders Unleashed: Explore Endless Creativity with Bulk Beads from Bella's!
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Get ready to ignite your creative spark with our fantastic selection of wooden beads in bulk! Designed for artisans and crafters alike, these beads are your ticket to crafting magic. From rustic jewelry pieces to charming home decor accents, the possibilities are endless with our high-quality wooden beads.
Explore our collection today at https://bellasbeadsupply.com/ and let Bella's Bead Supply be your creative companion on the journey to crafting greatness!
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I have a desperate need to ride Donna’s strap I am weak for her in so many ways
Okayy.. maybe not riding, but will being taken roughly on her sewing desk work for you, anon? 😏 I had way too much fun writing this 🤤 It was written as a little birthday treat for someone, but I hope you'll all enjoy it just the same! ♥️
“Mia cara… are you almost finished in here?”
You almost dropped the spool of thread you had been putting in its respective place when the warm tones of Donna’s voice cut through the air. The soft sound of simple fabric moving against itself as she slowly began to make her way through the large sewing room. You had been given the task of dusting and reorganizing all of her supplies - and had just about finished when she came calling for you.
“Yes, madam.. this is the last of it.”
You raised the small spool between two fingers before leaning over to place it in the small cubby hole that resided in the large wooden desk you had just been cleaning. A sharp gasp falling across your lips as the length of her met your backside. The faintest feeling of her favorite toy under the humble fabric of her dress as she leaned in closer.
“Shhh, diletta .. It seems you have not been honest with me.”
“I.. how do you mean, madam??”
“Seems today is meant to be a celebration of sorts.”
You took a moment to think, blushing fiercely as you realized what day it was. Of course the clever doll-maker had figured it out - always with a knack for knowing things. You smiled shyly before turning to face her. A hungry look - a single dilated pupil as your eyes met her gaze.
“I’m... sorry madam.. It must have slipped my mind.”
Donna hummed, her long fingers digging through one of the drawers closest to her.
“Seems… I owe you a tiny little present, then.”
A most delightful smirk curling across her lips as she brought up a hand holding a large pair of fabric shears. You knew that she could hear the hitch in your throat - the steady beat of your heart swiftly picking up it’s pace - and you also knew that there was no realm that existed where she would ever hurt you. But that didn’t stop the prickling heat that was now moving relentless across your body.
“I… madam.. Wha-?”
She stifled any words that were deemed to release from your lips as she placed the tip of cool metal against them, only making your heart race even quicker. A slick wetness building steadily in your core as she slowly dropped them, letting their sharpness trace down the front of your uniform.
“Hush, now... do you not trust me, mia cara?”
You swallowed back the thick arousal in your throat, whimpering slightly as sharp blades ghosted over the supple flesh of your inner thigh.
“Of.. of course I do, ma’am. With my life.”
“Mmh.. an appropriate response, diletta.”
She smiled wickedly as she brought the large scissors to the hem of your skirt, a single confident glint to her eye as her smile transformed into something darker. The distinct sound of metal cutting through fabric filling the air as smooth steel sliced up the center of your humble uniform with the utmost precision. You couldn’t stop the soft moan that vibrated deep in your throat as Donna placed the shears on the desk next to her - her experienced hands tearing the last bit of fabric that was closest to your neck - instantly leaving your flushed skin exposed to her.
There wasn’t a single part of your body that wasn’t filled with a stinging heat - that wasn’t engulfed in a fiery blaze so deep that it threatened to turn the whole world to ash. Her cool breath against your skin, the length of her body leaning in as she wrapped a single arm around your waist - lifting your body with ease while the other reached down to rip the thin fabric of your panties from your body. The cooled wood of her sewing table forcing a prompt shiver across your body as it met the heated flesh of your backside.
“Mia bella.. so stunning.. so eager for me.”
“Mmmh… my Mistress..”
You could count on one hand how many times you had ever heard the doll-maker growl, the low tones of it reverberating deep throughout her throat - immediately arousing you. Her strong fingers gripping into the soft flesh of your thighs as she pulled you roughly towards herself. The simple fabric of her dress dropping from her body within mere seconds as she held your gaze.
A late afternoon sun gleaming exquisitely off the shiny black toy that perfectly adorned Donna's hips - feeling your core instantly clench around nothing at just the sight of it… at just the idea of her driving it harder and harder into you. Her dark hair billowing freely over the fine lines of her face like the veil that normally hung there. A sharp cry forced from your lips as she pulled your hips even closer to her, allowing your dripping core to hang over the edge of the desk ever so slightly. The cut fabric of your uniform still hanging loosely from your body as her hands roamed eagerly over you, stoking the flame that bridled it to an almost unbearable level.
“Ah-! Please, Mistress.”
You whimpered as the warmth of her mouth found you.. as she rested the tip of her strap teasingly against your entrance.. as her teeth skated over your nipples and nipped indulgently at your eager flesh.
“Please what, mia cara?”
Kiss after kiss trailing along your jawline and collarbone. Her long tongue tracing up the side of your neck before her teeth found your earlobe, prompting a deep shudder as her breath ghosted over you.
“Tell me how badly you want me.. how much you need me.”
If there could ever be a tone of voice that could make you orgasm on the spot - that could unravel you in a way that you didn’t even know existed - it was the breathy and utterly disarming tone that had slipped so easily off Donna’s tongue, dripping from it like raw honey.
“Mmph, fuck! I need you, Mistress... I always need you.”
She hummed in certain content, placing a tender kiss to the soft skin under your ear before whispering into it one last time.
“Mmmh… Happy Birthday, diletta.”
You felt the world spin on its axis as her lips crashed into yours, blurring as the room around you began to shift - as her tongue danced divinely against you. Your desire spilling out from your aching core as she forced the length of the toy deep inside of it - taking you, claiming you - reminding you of exactly who you belonged to. The width of your legs wrapping securely around her waist as you invited her in - willing her to take as much as you as she could - to fuck you until you didn’t have a single thought left in your head.
And oh, the deep moans that sprang from her perfect lips as she picked up her pace, as the hilt of the harness rubbed generously over her clit. The firmness of her strap delicious against your walls as she forcibly drove it into you, ripping a sharp cry from your kiss swollen lips.
“Ah-! Fuck.. Mistress!”
She growled again, the melody of it rolling over her body like a wave of thunder, compelling the force of her fingernails deeper into the heated flesh of your back as she pulled your body up to meet hers - willing her feverous skin to slide sublimely over yours. Beads of sweat rolling down the curves and hills of your bodies - a most delicious sound of flesh against flesh ringing throughout the room as the pace of her hips picked up even more.
You weren’t even sure of how many moans had been muffled into her perfect lips, at how many scratches had been dragged down the landscape of your scorching back. With beads of crimson trickling down it… with streams of desire dripping down the side of cooled wood beneath you… as Donna’s warm juices pooled steadily within the black harness she wore, desperate to be released.
“Mmmh.. mia cara.. come with me. Let me hear you.”
That was all you needed to prompt the white hot pleasure to spill mercilessly over you - to force wave after wave of infinite pleasure to wash across your body. The length of her strap deep inside you, thrusting into your core at an unprecedented pace as the doll-maker’s hips began to jerk. Her name flying from your lips like a prayer in the night as she pushed you closer and closer to the edge. It was bliss - pure and unfiltered - a prickling heat that started at your head and creeped all the way down to your toes until it was begging for release - until you were certain you were about to lose all ability to function. The fireworks behind your eyes whiting out the room around you, forcing juices to gush for your core just as you heard your name ripped from your lover’s lips.
Her shaky breath against your overly flushed skin as she held you close, allowing your pleasures to ride out before slowly halting her hips. The deep scratches and bites that decorated your body prevalent in the profound heat that resided within them. Soft tender kisses making their way up your chest and neck until her lips found their home back at your own - kissing you deeply, softly - drinking you in as if you were the only other person that existed in the world.
“Mmmh… mia bella.. I trust I did not get too carried away.”
You smiled against her lips, kissing her once more for good measure.
“You could never, Mistress.”
She moaned softly as she returned your tender kiss. Her warm body soft against yours, holding you close as your breaths began to steady - as her long fingers gently cupped your cheek before her gaze met yours - the utter softness of it swiftly causing your racing heart to skip a beat.
“Tell me, diletta… did you enjoy your present?”
You laughed, amused at how she could even ask such a thing.
“Mmh.. Of course I did, Mistress!”
“Good.” She smirked, the undertones of it forcing a second wave of heat to roll unhindered across your body. “Now... if you could be so kind as to bend over, mia cara. I have distinct plans to wreck that exquisite backside of yours.”
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minshookie · 3 years
Petting Zoo.
Pairing | Stalker!Jungkook x reader
Genre | yandere,angst
Summary | “your secret admirer turned close friend wants to be more than just that, and he always gets his way.”
!warnings! | 18+ mature language, stalking , mentioned sexual acts, violence, sick pets, pet death...
| this is not in anyway shape or form a true depiction or representation of BTS, this is a work of fiction and is not to be taken seriously. For entertainment purposes only.|(this is my work, please don’t repost or steal)
Requested [closed for request] words: 2k.
A/N: another request done! I love taking a finishing request I just get so nervous in the end. Also trying something new. Any type of interaction is greatly appreciated! Edited, but please excuse errors. {should petting zoo be my first series?}
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He knew you’d love it, you’ve always had a tender heart. The bunny coo’ed as he gently placed her into the plush box. He knew you were lonely, your roommate recently left you for her boyfriend, he knew fully that you were struggling. He’d push his ear against the wall to hear you two bicker in the deep hours of the night. He didn’t mind, he’d save you...but only if you let him.
Knowing your financial struggles, Jungkook went all out to make sure your bunny had the best even providing a months supply of food. He fully planned on this being the light of your month, you’d never stop thinking of him. He secured the new pet under one arm and the equipment under the other, he pushed his door open checking if the hall was clear. Of course, nice and clear just how he needed it, he slipped through the door with stealth leaving the gift in front of your door. With care he pulled the note card from his pocket perching it on top of the punctured box. Heavily he knocked before slipping inside his rightful apartment.
Leaning against the wall he listened for you to open your door. Finally when you did, it felt like his heart was attempting escape. Expertly he creeped to his door looking through it cracked ajar, he heard you read.
“I’m hopping mad for you, take me in as a friend, from your lover.” Fearfully you opened the whining box. In awe you gladly took in his gift, without a second thought. His heart fluttered he felt like floating in love, like in the cartoons hearts in his doe eyes.
Shutting the door he skipped to bed, exhausted his mind finally at ease, he finally has a shot with you! His heart was racing. He rolls onto his bead, head full of sweet thoughts of you, the plans he had for you. Closing his eyes he knew, this is only the beginning.
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Overtime you’d grown fond of your new furry friend, inviting people over to meet your mysterious new fur ball of joy. With this new happiness and motivation, you started leaving your apartment more often. As a result Jungkook started seeing you a lot more and he loved it. He loved it so much that for some reason his schedule now aligned with yours almost perfectly.
You have a class? Oh so does he....would you like a ride? Time to head to work? How funny,him as well.....hop in!
Jungkook planned to be just what you needed, in a foreign place like this all you really needed was a honest friend. And he planned to be that and more. It isn’t hard to notice Jungkook loves it when you depend on him, you need him, your life would be in shambles without him. He knows it deep inside he believes it, but he knows you don’t. No worries for him though, you’ll see the truth soon...
Like any other day, like clockwork, Jungkook waited for you in front of your door like a royal guard. Today though he had plans for you, for days Jungkook perfected today’s schedule...big plans to tell you his feelings. Plans to pour his heart out to you, and to get yours poured to him, but something wasn’t sitting right.
you didn’t come on time, checking his watch like a mad man he paced in front of your door in anticipation. Your prolonged time inside threw off the agenda severely. Beside the settle irritation, he was worried something happened to you he was going insane. What if you left him? What if you died...what if someone kidnapped you?
Two seconds from ramming his fist against your door...Finally, while on the edge of his sanity your door creaked open. “Hey, running late today huh?” He looked your figure up and down. You weren’t dressed for the day, pajamas and Nikes weren’t your usual fashion choices.
“Oh, Kook it’s Bella she’s sick.” The whining animal sat curled into a ball inside of the pink carrier. Your voice floated to his ears, soft and worrisome. He crouched, looking into the dark cage. “Sick? Sick how?” He prodded his limber finger inside rubbing the frail animals head. “I-I don’t know she hasn’t been eating,her breathing is strange.” He could hear you on the verge of tears as he got up, slightly annoyed though he tried to hide it. “We’re late to class y/n maybe you should just leave her, she’ll be better later.” The way you batted your lashes told Jungkook he’d said something wrong. You griped the carrier locking your apartment door before begging to leave towards the elevator. “Wait Y/n where are you going?” You Kept walking carful not to rock the poor bunny too hard. “Kook, Bella is half dead and you want me to leave her? I’m taking her to the vet.”
He groaned coming closer as you waited for the aged elevator to reach you. “Yeah? Okay well wait for me I’ll take you.” The elevator stoped with a horrifying screech, you stepped in Jungkook was kicking your last nerve this morning. “I already had it planned for today.” He got closer barley missing the door, “Jin offered to take me.” The door closes quickly and you descend.
Jin? Did you say Jin? Like a angered child he almost stomped back to his apartment door. he threw his bag against it, crouching to search for his key inside. “If I knew she was going to bitch over the thing-” he cut himself off opening the door,kicking his bag inside. “ I bought the fucking bunny, who is he to take care of our bunny.”
He threw himself down onto his couch, unmotivated to go to class now, or do anything for that matter he decided to miss today, and maybe even tomorrow. He mentally facepalmed, of course Jungkook noticed you and the new older man downstairs getting closer. He didn’t think anything of it, until he saw him walking into your job when he came to pick you up. Handing you his cheap flowers and gifts whenever he’d see you around the building. Jungkook thought you were smarter than that, it made him fiery with anger thinking about him manipulating you. The only person that loved you was Him. How could you blow him off for some guy downstairs, some guy you didn’t even need.
He let his mind jump from one angering topic to another. Oh! And that fucking rabbit. Bella had been getting a lot of love from you recently, he didn’t mind he saw that pet as a connection between you two. But to suddenly you kick him to the side because the rodent refused to eat? From Bella to Jin, his head spun. He could feel his face heat up at the thought of Jin getting close to you in the car, touching you, playing with your hair. It made him sick, he could almost feel the bile in his throat. If it wasn’t for that walking ball of fur, you’d be in his car, getting touched and loved by him.
He sat up with a groan. “I’ll wait until she gets home.” He stood going to the kitchen grabbing a drink. “And I’ll talk to her, I’m sure she can explain, she’ll tell me the whole story.”
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It seemed like decades before your laughter was heard coming into the hall. He’d been sitting facing his door, waiting for you, his hair disheveled his mind distraught. “Thanks Jin, talk to you later.” Your voice so sweet to him he felt himself physically react, oh how he missed you today. He heard the creak and slam of your door. What am I to say? Maybe I should ask about Bella? He got up fixing his appearance before leaving and turning to your door.
He cleared his throat before letting his knuckles beat against the hardwood. “Coming hold on!” He took a step back painfully waiting. Thankfully you arrived quicker than expected. “Hey Kookie.” You answer in hushed tones. “Hey, going to work today?” You shook your head “no, I called out on emergency.” He nodded hands in his pockets. “How’s Bella?” You looked behind yourself quickly, “Uhm, she’s a bit better just weak would you like to come see her actually?”
He nodded enthusiastically following you in, “sit down if you’d like.” You left him to go retrieve the sickly pet. He stood admiring the room, everything from the pictures to the decorative items resembled you, not only did it look like you but it smelt like you. Jungkook could swim in this scent all day.
“Here she is, a sleepy little one.” The soft hum coming from her sleeping figure earned endearment from you. Jungkook came closer rubbing her back softly. “So, why didn’t you ask me to take you this morning ?” You looked up from Bella. “I thought that you were gonna to be in class.” Your head tilted adorably. “Mm no, I’ll always wait for you.” He took Bella from your motherly arms. “Oh how sweet of you.”
“Hm So, since when have you been taking to Jin?” He looked at you inquisitively. “Jin? Eh Jin is... We’re...complicated, I’ve known him since I moved here he’s helped me quite a bit.” You answered keeping a loving gaze on Bella.
Jungkook felt himself grip the rabbit tighter he looked at you with furrowed brows. “Huh?” “I met him in a bar with my ex roommate, we’ve been talking since then.” You explained lightly trying to not hurt his feelings, of course you knew how Jungkook felt, and it wasn’t mutual.
You plopped onto the couch patting the cushions inviting him to sit. “He moved downstairs to be closer, he’s making a good effort but I’m not sure how I feel right now.” Sighing you toyed with your fingers, unaware of the grimace on Jungkook’s features.
He couldn’t believe what he was hearing, he felt that he’d been lied to and he didn’t a appreciate that. “What do you think Koo, what should I do?” You asked, getting anxious at his sudden silence. He was upset and he was doing his best to hide it, with a sigh he sat next to you. “Don’t let him fuck up your mind y/n.” Confused you looked up to him, “we both know what you want.” You crossed your arms, curious. “What’s that?” Already being aggravated, he sighed deeply,letting the now awake rabbit escape onto the floor. “Me.” You were visibly taken aback by his unusual boldness.
“Uhm Jungkook.” Anxiously you rubbed the nape of your neck. “Y/n don’t pretend for Jin’s sake, I can hear you through the walls talking to friends about me.” Without noticing he started leaning towards you. “I’ve heard you in here being lewd with yourself, who was on your mind.” He could read the fear in your eyes, you grew uncomfortable at the personal information he was throwing at you. “Jungkook please wait-” “who was it?” You pushed a firm palm into his chest in attempts to get him away from you, the sweet dorky neighbor you’d befriended now lurking over you like a beast. “Who do you love y/n, c’mon?” “Kook-” “before you answer, know that I’ve always loved you it’ll never be complicated with me y/n you want better I can give you much be-” you pushed his muscular chest roughly to shut him up, your back now touching the arm of the couch. “I’m with Jin, Jungkook please leave I’m afraid.” A statement you thought would save you, turned to bite you right in the ass.
You could visibly see the anger play along his features, grimly he chuckled. “I’m not going any-fucking-where until you come to your senses.” He gripped the hand you had up against him. “Jungkook that hurts please I’m scared!” “You should be, how dare you use me, fucking whore I loved you!” He ran a finger over his lips, his emotions clashing harshly with each other. “I love you...but you probably let Jin fuck you silly, disgusting...but don’t worry you’ll learn.”
He proclaims pushing you to the floor, he rushes to slam and lock your apartment door. He turned and saw you clutching the coffee brown rabbit,sobbing. “Y-you fucking stepped on her Kook!” the whining of the pained animal began to creep onto his nerves. If that rodent wasn’t here you would’ve been going out with Jungkook today, and Jin wouldn’t stand a chance. He bent down pulling Bella from your clutch, with little to no struggle.
“You get what you want, and you run with it, you get what you want and you go snuggling under some other asshole huh?” He held the injured animal in a primal grip. Uncontrollable he’d held in his anger, his love,and his thoughts for far too long. “Kookie please...please...please no, l- I love you!” You desperately pleaded for your pets fragile life. “Never have I met a bitch that lies as much as you.” Coldly he responded, not appreciating your falsehood, he gripped Bella’s neck harshly putting the disturbed animal to death. “Jungkook!” You let out a shrill scream. “I bought her I can kick her to fucking curb if I want, go ask Jin for one, or did he lie and say he bought her.”
Silently all you could do is whimper and sob, the thud of Bella’s body made your throat constrict. His heavy steps near your quivering figure sending chills through you. “Say it like you mean it.” With no mental strength to look up, you collected yourself enough to speak. “I lo-ve you j-Jungkook.” He groaned. “Suck it up it was a fifty dollar animal, you’re pissing me off.” You’ve never heard him in this tone. “I love you so much, Kookie.” He gripped your chin forcing you to look at him. He pulled up his other hand slowly touching your face causing you to flinch. “Ah Ah don’t run.” He cleaned your glistening face.
“Now, tell me who we hate.” He looked into your eyes darkly. “J-Jin.” His once adorable smile, now made you want to vomit. “Good, and I’ll snap his puny neck if he gets in our way.” He brushed more tears from your features. Giving into his temptation he gripped the back of your neck, bringing his lips to yours before pulling back to whisper. “Now tell me, who were you thinking about during those lonely nights?” You shook swallowing thickly “and you better not lie.” Closing your eyes in defeat, warm tears spilled from you like a fountain. “You Jungkook.” Pleased he kissed you warmly, while you resisted the urge to react. “Keep being such a good girl, and I’ll get you a whole petting zoo of bunnies baby...would you like that?”
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Not my image
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ankhashiva · 3 years
War Of Souls Chapter 16
Heya! ~Yes.It’s here.After a year of this damned writers block.And of course I’m posting it right now, freshly made and translated.I hope you’ll appreciate it!If you like my Julius Novachrono x OC fanfic, please share, like and comment, it means a lot  🥰 War Of Souls: Synopsis:  Two worlds, two sides of the same coin and an enemy wanting to destroy them. It was by wanting to protect the Earth from this enemy that she found herself projected into this other world, gravely wounded, in the Clover Kingdom. A man, whom she took for an angel, saved her life. But what she didn't know is that she should save his in turn. Because the enemy doesn’t just want these two worlds. He also resents these two people who, together, could change fate itself.This story starts a few days before Asta joining the Black Bulls. War Of Souls Chapter 16 : Nightmares and Reality - HERE CW: Angst, lots of sadness, mental torture, LOTS OF FLUFF BE WARNED OMGGGGG WHAT HAVE I DONE???
Previously It is your feelings that give you this mission. Do not reject them.
"I don’t reject them. I just intend to... lock them up if necessary."
It’s a programmed leak.
"It's not you who live with voices in the head. If I don't make this stone, madness will carry me away before."
We are you. And you are us.
"I am Katerina Bella. I am myself, I never wanted to be more."
You have no choice, neither have we.
"That’s why I’m doing this fucking rock. 'Cause I’ve never had a fucking choice."
This is not the way to go. You’re going to hurt more people than you’re going to save.
"It is not up to you to decide. I WILL TRACE MY LIFE AND SAVE JULIUS!"
My fist clenches and plunges into the workbench, breaking it in half. The cut stones roll to the ground, the pain in my knuckles is sharp, the blood beads on the broken wood. I slide down on my knees, exhausted. I put the amethyst around my neck, the cold chain contrasting with my burning skin. I feel my mana calm. I sigh, relieved. My gaze is on pink quartz, polished to perfection in a sphere the size of an orange.
"If I have to seal my heart to save the ones I love, I will do it without hesitation. No one will steal my most precious thing anymore. I will succeed where you failed, ladies. I will succeed where I failed, for lack of guts."
If I am to become... No. To become again the monstrous goddess that I was, I will. But first of all...
The Underworld is waiting for me.
Six months.
Six months since my return to Earth, to my home world.
Six months, during which my time stopped. Since Julius' death in Clover. Where Patri gave him the fatal blow, aided by William Vengeance's betrayal.
And where I was forcibly sent home, while the man I love was breathing his last breath.
It ruined my life.
I couldn’t save him, let alone say goodbye.
So I took refuge with my mother and father-in-law, temporarily moving in with them in Lorraine. I found a normal human life there, returning to work as a perfumery consultant in a large company.
I did not want to fall into a daily "metro-work-bed" but, pushed by my mother, worried very much for my mental health, I gave in after a month. I couldn’t, and I still can’t go back to Clover on my own. My powers aren’t strong enough to cross worlds. Aether is missing, there is only Eros and his wife Daphne who are thirty kilometers from my home, to visit me often and to invite me to endless drinking.
The first month of my return, I don’t really remember much of it. The only thing that resonated in my skull was the perpetual hangover that I felt when I drowned my grief in ambrosia, and the echo of Julius' sweet voice.
Drunken parties followed one after the other, my best friend Erika holding my hair when I puked my guts in the bathroom, Daphne handing me water bottles so I wouldn’t die dehydrated.
Even though dying has become a luxury for me ever since I totally became a goddess again. A goddess unable to save the man she loves.
Chronos had won.
I had lost everything.
But what everyone was unaware of, except Eros and Daphne, is that at the end of this month, I had used my pink quartz orb to enclose my emotions. All of my emotions.
All my emotions and feelings related to Julius, sealed in a crystal that I had polished and enchanted myself after my arrival in Clover.
If I had done this sooner, could I have saved him?
That’s a question I probably would never have an answer to. Monday, January 4, 2021
Open the store. Open the cash registers, launch the cashing program, receive the re-supply of the shelves. Prepare online orders. Greet co-workers who arrive one by one. Advise customers, sell them items. Take the lunch break, smoke cigarettes on cigarettes. Look at the pictures on my phone, those of Clover. Smoking cigarettes again on cigarettes. Falling into a picture with Julius. Looking at him calmly, without emotions. Smoking a last cigarette.
Perfume yourself, go back to work.
Counting the register, closing the perfumery. Walking in the city to reach the car, music in the earpieces. Smell the scent of black musk and sandalwood. Stop walking, turn around to find the origin of this unforgettable fragrance. But not find anything. Tu-dum
Get back on the road after a moment of doubt. Enter the car, turn on the engine, drive home. Parking in the garage next to my stepdad’s car, Steve.
Go home, kiss my mom on the cheek, fist bump with Steve. Take a shower, think about the smell after work.
Sit on the couch, drink the aperitif with my family. Dinner, clear the table, go to my room. Being attacked by my two cats, Leo and JoJo. Let them sit on my legs, hidden under the blanket.
My phone is ringing.
Unknown number.
Do not answer.
Put the phone in "airplane" mode. Activate my alarm clock, fall asleep watching Steins Gate. Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Open the store. Open the cash registers, launch the cashing program, receive the re-supply of the shelves. Prepare online orders. Greet co-workers who arrive one by one. Advise customers, sell them items. Take the lunch break, smoke cigarettes on cigarettes.
Perfume yourself, go back to work.
Counting the register, closing the perfumery. Walking in the city to reach the car, music in the earpieces.
Feel the scent of black musk and sandalwood again. Stop walking, turn around to find the origin of this nostalgic fragrance. But not find anything.
Tu-dum Get back on the road after another moment of doubt. Enter the car, turn on the engine, drive home. Parking in the garage next to my stepdad’s car, Steve.
Go home, kiss my mom on the cheek, fist bump with Steve. Take a shower, think about the scent after work.
Sit on the couch, drink the aperitif with my family. Dinner, clear the table, go to my room. Being attacked by my two cats, Leo and JoJo. Let them sit on my legs, hidden under the blanket.
My phone is ringing.
Unknown number, like yesterday.
Do not answer.
Put the phone in "airplane" mode. Activate my alarm clock, fall asleep before the end of the Steins Gate season. Wednesday 13 January 2021
Open the store. Open the cash registers, launch the cashing program, receive the re-supply of the shelves. Prepare online orders. Greet co-workers who arrive one by one. Advise customers, sell them items. Take the lunch break, smoke cigarettes on cigarettes. Watch the videos on my phone, taken in Clover. Smile calmly, the heart still empty.
Perfume yourself, go back to work.
Counting the register, closing the perfumery. Walking in the city to reach the car, music in the earpieces.
For the umpteenth time, smell the scent of black musk and sandalwood. Stop walking, turn around to find the origin of this unforgettable fragrance. But find nothing, as usual. Tu-dum
Going back on the road, there is no place for doubt when madness has clearly insinuated itself in my mind. Enter the car, turn on the engine, drive home. Park in the garage, next to Steve’s car.
Go home, kiss my mom on the cheek, check in on Steve. Take a shower, think about the scent after work.
Sit on the couch, drink the aperitif with my family. Dinner, clear the table, go to my room. Being attacked by my two cats, Leo and JoJo. Let them sit on my legs, hidden under the blanket.
My phone rings, always at the same time.
The same unknown number, who never leaves a message.
Do not answer.
Put the phone in "airplane" mode. Activate my alarm clock, fall asleep in front of Steins Gate 0. Saturday 16 January 2021
Wake up without waking up. Pick up the phone, see a missed call.
It’s 10:30 in the morning.
Drinking coffee with the family. Eating an almond croissant. Take a shower, get ready, go to Luxembourg with Erika to buy alcohol and cigarettes for the evening at Eros and Daphne.
Go home to Erika, get on her 31, go to the mythical couple at 7pm sharp.
Being greeted by Daphne, always so stunning. Go into the living room, filled with familiar faces. Eros, my cousin James, Uncle Hades, my favorite cousin Persephone. Damien.
Ignore Damien.
Head for the buffet.
An appetizer for dinner.
Eat a few snacks, go to a contest of the biggest drinker with the girls.
Win the said contest.
To be completely drunk.
Smoking marijuana joints, being completely off the grid.
Isolate myself in the veranda to catch my breath. 10pm
My phone is ringing
I can’t stand it.
I pick up the phone. I’m about to scream, but a soft voice is ahead of me.
I recognize it.
"After more than a week, you finally decide to pick up your phone. It’s a long time coming."
I hold my hand before my mouth, trembling like a leaf. My knees slip away, I slide to the ground.
I feel the scent of black musk and sandalwood filling my lungs.
My heart is contracting painfully.
"Breathe... I’m here for you. I’ll always be here for you, baby." The bile settles in my throat. I swallow, then I manage to articulate gently.
"I saw you die... the dead cannot call the living..."
A little silence ensues. I must hallucinate. It must be that.
"Turn around and tell me what you see."
I obey mechanically, pivoting towards the bay window.
My vision is blurring.
White, red, gold and purple.
The colorful figure approaches me.
Tears leak from my eyes, my heart contracts painfully after more than five months of hibernation.
My phone slips from my right hand and falls heavily to the ground. A warm and familiar hand rests on my cheek, the thumb caressing the beading tear on the skin. The gold becomes a golden wheat mane by the sun, the violet glitters like an amethyst in the moonlight.
The shape is defined at the same time as my breath is blown.
The face that I missed the most in this world as in the other one finally appears to me and I can no longer rationalize my thoughts, already clouded by drugs of all kinds.
But this face so soft, so strong, so familiar smiles at me.
And the only thing I can do is throw myself into his arms. "Julius..."
I repeat his name again and again, like a litany, a prayer, a vow, to anchor this moment in reality.
His embrace tightens, his right hand on my neck, the other on my waist.
Then, after long minutes sitting on the ground, I step back to look him in the eyes.
Heterocromia eyes staring at his eyes holding the galaxy, the universe, in a purple hue.
My thumb caresses his lower lip, fleshy and soft like a ripe apricot. A wave of well-being overwhelms my heart whose time had stopped. I desire only one thing, to embrace him with all my soul, with all my being.
Julius perceives this desire, his eyes glow brightly and his smile widens.
His hand takes mine, he kisses it. "It will have to wait, my Princess. You don’t belong here."
My trance breaks after he utters this strange sentence. Before my perplexed face, he continues.
"Nothing is a foregone conclusion. Not even this reality. Get out of this prison now. Get up and get out of this house. I opened a path for you."
"But... Julius..."
Julius helps me up and heads for the living room.
"Chronos holds you prisoner. Get out. Ignore the people here. They are illusions. Even I am one."
I look at him one last time, the incomprehension in me. But I obey him. I begin to run towards the crowded living room of my friends... Illusions from my friends. Damien tries to grab my arm, I get rid of his hold. Then Erika tries to hug me but I flee again. I run again, reaching the entrance. I open the door, a blinding blue light floods the darkness. I rush into it.
I'm finally breathing.
Tuesday 17 September 2019, during the night
Somewhere in the underworld
Eros felt the Aether's magic fluctuate. It had been more than two hours since the Primordial God had entered the psychic prison in which Katerina was in and he was trying to save her. And as the Primordial God of Love, Eros lent a strong hand to his favorite couple... Or at least, future favorite couple. These two have an extraordinary temporality, the labels are not enough to describe them.
The blue sphere protecting Aether disintegrated and the man landed on his feet, exhausted. Eros rushed towards him, holding him with an arm behind his back. The God of Love sat the masked God on the bench, who took off his mask in order to breathe properly. "Did the Primordial God of Time manage to get his sweet and stubborn half out of this nameless mess?" Ask Eros, already knowing the answer. His pale pink eyes stared at the tall blond, who turned his lavender eyes towards him.
"It took me a few months in that time prison, but yes, I managed to free her."
Eros laughed warmly, tapping on Aether's back. He then handed him a cup of an orange drink that the God of Time swallowed with a blow.
"After that, if Katerina doesn’t understand who you are, I will feel compelled to parade around Clover completely naked, a sign in my hand saying TAKE OFF AETHER'S MASK YOU STUPID GODDESS!" Aether, perked up by the divine drink, leaned his back against the bench, pensive.
"I have already broken some dozens of time travel laws to redirect Katerina to a less bleak future. Her making that quartz sphere was somewhere a chance and a premature act, it created a time fixed point into which I could intrude."
"But in which Chronos could also interfere, and imprison her."
Aether nodded, the features of his face pulling as he thought of Chronos.
"Right. In this life... Kat is literally freewheeling. Her actions are almost unpredictable. I only see them a few days in advance, whereas before I could predict them up to a year in advance depending on gravity. Having created this sphere months before its initial creation disrupted the course of time and of course, Chronos felt it. He took advantage of her weakness to imprison her in her sleep and change her memories. It’s a low blow." Eros replied immediately.
"A low blow that could very well add oil to the blaze that consumes Katerina. She is the Phoenix, even human, every ordeal she has undergone has drastically made her evolve. I wonder how she will react when she wakes up."
Aether scratched his chin, thinking.
"We are at a time crossroads. Knowing her character, she can very well run away for days to put her ideas in order. This time, I can’t predict exactly what his next actions will be. '
Daphne, who listened to the conversation in the distance, joined the two men, with food in hand. Eros and Aether served in the bowl of fresh fruit. "Personally, and knowing Katerina differently from you, I rather think that she will join Julius, kiss him, and then run away for a few days out of shame for having just kissed the man she loves and who she had silently promised to maintain a certain distance." Daphne said, sitting on her husband’s lap.
Eros laughs while imagining the scene.
"You should replace Apollo as an oracle, my dear Nymph." "I have already married one god, I do not intend to replace another." Retorted the interested one.
A slight smile appeared on the face of the Primordial God of Time.
Tuesday 17 September 05h
Tartarus In this part of the Underworld, imprisoning the greatest criminals and threats of the magical world, resounded a guttural cry full of hatred. The deep pit keeping the evil Titan trembled at the echoes provoked by his rage. The seal resisted the attack on his aura, alerting his jailers.
Hades appeared above Chronos' prison, an apparent mocking smile.
The God of Hell felt satisfied. Proud of his niece Rhea-Tayet, Katerina.
Proud of Aether.
The two beings capable of putting his father Titan out of his hinges.
But above all, out of harm’s way.
A small hand caressed his short snow-coloured hair. Hades turned around and saw his wife, Persephone, floating at his height. He wrapped a lock of her pink fleece on his finger.
"Soon... things will soon be better for them." Whispers Hades, hasty.
"I hope so. They deserve to be happy at last." Persephone replied, loud enough for her crystalline voice to reach Chronos.
My eyes open in a heartbeat. I am dripping with sweat, my breath is erratic. I look at my phone and realize several things.
First of all, I’m still in Clover.
Secondly, it was only a few hours between my return home, my nervous breakdown in my father’s workshop and now.
Thirdly, this vision that I had.... This mental prison.... It was so realistic that I thought it was real. My reality.
Julius was dead. Killed by the captain of the Golden Dawn, who harbored an elf soul. I had returned to Earth in the same way I had arrived here, without warning. Chronos had defeated us. I leave my bed to take a shower, disoriented and the heart bruised. Everything around me seems to me attenuated, my brain is numb. My head hurts, and the weight of my wet hair doesn’t help. It seems that I unconsciously used my magic again during my sleep, my hair reaches my buttocks.
I dry myself, put on black jogging pants and a tee-shirt of the same color, put on my grey sneakers and run out of the house, passing in front of Papa in the kitchen, drinking his coffee.
I need to see Julius.
This sentence resonates in my head over and over again as I run into the nature slowly waking up, my lungs put to the test. I take an impulse to the ground and fly in the morning sky, towards the Castle.
I scan the cloister leading to the floor where Julius' office is and my heart misses a leap. Julius
He’s here... he’s really here...
I begin my descent to the cloister he is about to leave and, in a fiery volute, touches the ground, just a few metres from him.
The tall blond smiles at me and astonishment appears before my bewildered face.
I try to catch my breath, my rib cage in full effort, moving fast. The sounds are blocked in my throat.
Julius... you’re alive. you’re really alive. My gasping calms as the eyes of the Wizard King seek an answer in mine.
My body’s not responding.
And for once, I agree with my other two inner voices.
My right leg goes forward, then the left. One step at a time.
Then, my right hand grabs the white fur collar adorning Julius' cape. The left slips on his neck.
I feel the tension in his muscles, the surprise permeating them.
Time stops around us. I stand on my toes and, without understanding what I am doing, slip my lips over his, in a sweet kiss.
He doesn't repel me, though momentarily paralyzed by stupefaction, and wraps his arms around my shoulders.
The kiss becomes urgent, I dominate the dance, desperate, in a primary need to be reassured. My embrace tightens, his lips open, allowing me silently to pursue this unexpected kiss.
Our tongues dance harmoniously together, timidly then intensely. Everything seems right. Normal. Destined.
He tastes so sweet.
The only drug I need.
Time stops around us.
But it’s back in my heart.
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showfay · 4 years
best 20 Cheap Suppliers to Wholesale Costume Jewelry do not miss
best 20 Cheap Suppliers to Wholesale Costume Jewelry do not miss
I:  What Type of Costume Jewelry Should You Sell?
II:  8 Wholesale Costume Jewelry Suppliers from China
III:  7 Wholesale costume jewelry Suppliers from the USA
IV:  Sure-Fire Tips that Should Boost Your Costume Jewelry Wholesale Business
V:  Frequently Asked QAs
Are you a jewelry merchant looking for cheap suppliers of wholesale costume jewelry for resale? Well, you definitely are at the right place.
In addition to looking at top trendy jewelry suppliers in China, the US, UK and India, we shall also explore the products, business growth and finally common Q&As.
What Type of Costume Jewelry Should You Sell?
Let us explore the different types of jewelry that are available for wholesale.
 A. Gold/Silver costume jewellery wholesale
It belongs to the luxury jewelry category and comes at an expensive price. Nowadays it is rare to find jewelry purely made out of these precious metals. Rather most of it is ectroplated with a thin layer of this material to give a similar feel and appearance albeit at a lower price.
B. Original fashion jewelry Wholesale
Original fashion jewelry can be defined as a type of premium jewelry category made in original designs and quality materials. Most of this jewelry comes in unique brands such as S warzoski and fetch premium prices in the international market.
C. Cheap imitation jewelry wholesale.
Cheap imitation jewelry is identical to original fashion jewelry although the quality varies a lot. Most manufacturers make use of low-quality materials such as tin alloy, copper, nickel and brass. They go for very cheap prices and usually used for decoration.
        D. Antique costume jewelry
Various non-precious materials such as diamante, rhinestone, faux Japanese pearls, Bakelite, Lucite and Trifanium. Charms and lockets belong to this category of jewelry; they fetch high prices today due to their sentimental value.
E. Over Stock of Manufacturers for costume jewelry
Overstock wholesale costume jewelry is of low-price and derived from various sources such as customized products rejected by customers, leftover products from manufacturers and products with various mistakes. The go at a tenth of the original product price and some can be sold by weight.
  There are various factors that determine the kind of jewelry you need to be selling your customers. These include:
 ★  Purchasing Power- If your customers have a high purchasing power they will most likely want expensive and luxury costume jewelry. Clients with a low purchasing power may prefer imitation products.
★  Client tastes- What you sell can also depend on your clients prevailing tastes. While sophisticated clients may opt for vintage, gold/silver and original costume jewelry, those with simple taste may not have a problem with imitation and overstock jewelry.
★  The Region of Operation- Your choice will also depend on the region you operate in: developing regions of Latin America have different needs to developed areas such as North America.
8 Wholesale Costume Jewelry Suppliers from China
Wholesale Jewelry Suppliers
Minimum Order Amount
Delivery Times
China Brands
No Min.
24 hours
7 years
Xuping Jewelry
No Minimum
1 – 7 days
28 years
showfay jewelry
No Minimum
 3 – 8 days
28 years
No Min.
39 Countries
7 – 15 days
8 years
5 – 7 days
19 years
Guangzhou IO jewelry
Depends on the Product
2-5 days
12 years
Guangzhou Miss jewelry
Depends on the product
7-15 days
7 years
YLY Jewelry
50 Pieces but cost Depends on Product.
30 – 40 days.
19 years
Xuping Jewelry.
With over 28 years existence in the Chinese jewelry industry, Xuping jewelry is one of the more experienced wholesale costume jewelry suppliers in the country. The fact that they are a stratetigic partner to Swarovski: a household brand in the jewelry industry.
Xuping jewelry products such as pendant, earring, ring, bracelet, necklace, anklet, bangle and garment accessories. They guarantee customers affordable prices, and fast turnaround with their over 10 production lines and 3000 employees.
 showfay jewelry.
showfay jewelry main strength lies in its having its own manufacturing plant which makes delivery of product after order very fast. This also means they can have the advantage of customizing customer orders according to their specification no matter how complicated without any additional costs. Another exciting aspect of showfay jewelry is that they have quality inspection officers who ensure everything is of high standards.
Aliexpress is a conglomerate of small businesses from China and other south East Asian countries such as Malaysia and Singapore who offer various products to buyers all over the world. You can buy just about anything on Aliexpress with more safety and accuracy guaranteed.This site should therefore should rank highly as a top supplier of wholesale jewelry for your retail business.
Alibaba is an online platform that serves millions of buyers and suppliers all over the world from jewelry, apparel, consumer electronics and more. They are a leader in wholesale costume jewelry for resale whom you can trust when trying to import from China. Indeed their mission is to make it easy for people across the globe to do business.
 Guangzhou IO Jewelry.
Located in the Guangzhou region, IO Jewelry is one of the top jewelry manufactures in China. They mainly specialize in 925 sterling silver and 316L stainless steel jewelry. They are famed for they expertise in making skull designs, crystal jewelry, gem stone items and enamel jewelry kinds. With their strict quality control you can trust IO Jewelry to supply you with quality charms, rings, earrings, bangles, necklaces, pendants and bracelets among other accessories.
 Guangzhou Miss Jewelry.
Miss jewelry is a Chinese supplier for cheap wholesale jewelry. They have been in existence since 2012 and are located in the famous jewelry hub of Guangzhou. Not only are they a major producer of hip hop jewelry but also deal with beaded bracelets and beads, iced out pendants, gold-plated chains and rings. About 90% of their products are meant for export in overseas markets of North America, Europe, and East Asia.
 YLY Jewelry.
Established in 2000 YLY Jewelry is one of the most experienced wholesale costume jewelry suppliers in china. Indeed, it a leader in the silver and brass jewelry as well as widely acclaimed for its research and development ventures in this niche.
The company mainly produces cheap bracelet, pendant, earring, ring and jewelry set. Because YLY jewelry owns its own production facilities, they take custom orders on jewelry from clients. Additionally, their products are crafted from eco-friendly materials that meet European standards.
Import Cheap Costume Jewelry Now 
7 Wholesale costume jewelry Suppliers from the USA
Wholesale Jewelry Suppliers
Drop Shipping
Delivery Times
Fashion Bella
Jewelry & Fashion Accessories
1 to 2 Days
Contact for Specifics
Contact for Specifics
Cheap Wholesale Jewelry
2 to 4 Days
24 hours
Ruby Imports
Contact for Specifics
1 to 3 Days
Fashion Bella.
 Fashion Bella is a wholesale jewelry supplier that doubles up as a distributor of other fashion accessories such as women and kid clothes as well as bags. They have a variety of high-end wholesale costume fashion jewelry for resale, from earrings, bracelets, necklaces and rings.
The versatility of Fashion Bella is manifested by their wide range of clothes and bags of the latest fashion that are well complemented by the contemporary jewelry designs that they have in stock.
When it comes to high-end jewelry crafted with precious and valuable metals, Stuller is the place to go to. With jewelry from Stuller, you are sure to add luxury, elegance to your retail range of jewelry.They offer wedding bands and rings set in precious stones such as diamonds at crazy discounts of up to 50% off. They also have rare accessories.
 Trendy Wholesale
Trendy Wholesale is a company that deals in cheap wholesale costume jewelry located in NYC. They also have an online shop dubbed Trendy Wholesale.com where you can order for their products regardless of your location.  They deal with and globally ship a wide variety of jewelry accessories including bracelets, earrings, rings, and necklaces. This makes them one of the best wholesale jewelry suppliers in the whole of NYC and USA at large. $50 is the minimum order.
 Cheap Wholesale Jewelry.
Cheap wholesale jewelry is a USA based jewelry supplier, mainly specializes in exquisite fashion jewelry from premium materials such as Cubic Zirconia and Swarovski crystals. They also have a Gabby & Gia range of costume fashion jewelry that produces products entirely homemade in the USA.  
JewelryMax is one of the leading wholesale costume jewelry suppliers based in the state of California. They produce accessories such as necklaces, bracelets and earrings that are in line with the West-Coast’s holiday and beach culture. They have a reasonable flat delivery fee of $8 and also offer free delivery if you order for products going for more than $200.
 Ruby Imports
Ruby Imports is a popular jewelry wholesale distributor in America, mainly specializes in bling and other sparkling jewelry such as earrings, pendants and necklaces. They have a consistent and fantastic retail policy that entails: 3% Price reduction for purchasing 3 to 5 similar products. In addition to this, Ruby Imports also offers free shipping within the country for any order that is over $250.
This is another wholesale costume jewelry distributor in the USA. They have a large collection of trendy fashion accessories at cheap price such as jewelry pendants, necklaces, rings, earrings as well as pins and brooches. For any retailer who might like to utilize the company’s stock of original fashion costume jewelry, they offer handsome price discounts.
Sure-Fire Tips that Should Boost Your Costume Jewelry Wholesale Business
Nowadays, the fashion changes as times goes by. The young women always are finding trendy and personalized Jewelry. Keep in mind to focus on the trending factors in life, and always wholesale trendy costume jewelry at affordable price.
 1. Venture into diamonds
While natural diamonds are rare and beyond many people’s rich, industrial diamonds are a reasonable alternative. Their manufacture however also requires high technological processing capabilities. This means less competition and much higher profit margins if you venture into it.
 2. Go for Gold plated jewelry
Due to the expensive and rare nature of full gold jewelry people nowadays are opting for gold plated ones. Gold plating involves applying a thin layer of gold on another metal so as to give it the former’s luster. Due to its affordability, gold plated jewelry is sure to give your much higher profits in your wholesale jewelry business.
 3. Consider Leather Jewelry
Leather jewelry is a relatively new phenomenon in the cheap costume jewelry wholesale arena. The use of leather as a form of jewelry has just now started to gain traction and the possibilities are immense. It is a good niche to try out because of its novelty and low investment barrier to entry.
Import Cheap Costume Jewelry Now 
Frequently Asked QAs
1. Where can I find wholesale jewelry suppliers for my boutique store?
 There are various places you can find suppliers of wholesale costume jewelry for resale at your boutique store directly from china:
 ● Online wholesale website: such as showfay jewelry and Alibaba (B2B) are good place for any sice of business.
● Jewelry trade forums. You could visit local jewelry markets in Yiwu or Guangzhou where you will find different suppliers that match your needs directly if you need small amounts of product.
● For large amounts of product in bulk form, it would be wise to contact large jewelry factories who have their own designers and can even customize your jewelry accordingly.
● Visit famous Chinese trade fairs and shows such as the Canton and Hong Kong Global sources Fair to meet the different suppliers and source their products from there.
  2. What are the largest wholesale markets for fashion jewelry in China?
 The largest wholesale markets for fashion jewelry in China has got to be in the three cities of Guangzhou. Yiwu and Qingdao. 
By far the most sophisticated and largest of them all is Guangzhou with its myriad of wholesale jewelry markets at Liwan Plaza, Xijiao and South China International Little Commodities market. Commodities here are luxurious, high quality and pricy. 
Additionally, suppliers only allow bulk orders which makes it a bad choice for retailers looking to order small quantities.
Yiwu follows closely behind with its various markets such as XingZhong area, Yiwu wholesale market and the Yiwu fair. While jewelry here is generally less pricey than that of Guangzhou the quality is satisfactory.
3. Where can I wholesale fashion Indian jewelry?
There are various places that you can source for wholesale fashion Indian Jewelry:
      EIndiawholesale: This website specializes in traditional Indian jewelry especially those own during weddings. They also ship outside India with the minimum order going for RS 2000.
     TradeIndia.com: This is a jewelry trading platform that is home to various different suppliers and vendors with varying products. Some sell real gold jewelry while others deal with imitation ones.
     Silver & Gem: They deal with authentic silver wholesale costume jewelry as well other gemstones for people who do not wish to wear imitation jewelry. They can deliver anywhere in India and provide for cash on delivery.
    Kanhai Jewels: This website mainly deals with stocking various kinds of imitation jewelry which is of high quality and manufacturing. They have quite reasonable prices considering the standards of their imitation pieces.
     IndiaMart: It is a B2B trading platform that deals with many commodities including jewelry. Here you will encounter many suppliers who deal with real gold ornaments as well as the imitation ones.
  4. Where Can I find some trendy costume jewellery wholesale Suppliers in the uk?
 There is a list of quality  costume jewellery wholesale Suppliers in the uk that you can buy wholesale.
    Mainlysilver: Shipping to worldwide
    Miss Milly: Shipping to worldwide
    Jewelry World: only ship to UK and Europe
    Amber Jewelry: only ship to UK and Europe
In addition, you can find some verified wholesale costume jewelry distributors and suppliers in forum and directory, such as esources, the wholesaler uk.
Over to You
In the post ,we have showed you over 20 wholesale costume jewellery suppliers mainly in US and China, also in UK and India. No matter you want bulk costume jewelry wholesale or small quantity order wholesale, you will never disappointed to find cheap costume jewellery wholesale for your resale business.
Check here for suppliers who wholesale silver jewelry that are fashion and quality or wholesale fashion jewelry . 
I:  What Type of Costume Jewelry Should You Sell?
II:  8 Wholesale Costume Jewelry Suppliers from China
III:  7 Wholesale costume jewelry Suppliers from the USA
IV:  Sure-Fire Tips that Should Boost Your Costume Jewelry Wholesale Business
V:  Frequently Asked QAs
Are you a jewelry merchant looking for cheap suppliers of wholesale costume jewelry for resale? Well, you definitely are at the right place.
In addition to looking at top trendy jewelry suppliers in China, the US, UK and India, we shall also explore the products, business growth and finally common Q&As.
What Type of Costume Jewelry Should You Sell?
Let us explore the different types of jewelry that are available for wholesale.
 A. Gold/Silver costume jewellery wholesale
It belongs to the luxury jewelry category and comes at an expensive price. Nowadays it is rare to find jewelry purely made out of these precious metals. Rather most of it is ectroplated with a thin layer of this material to give a similar feel and appearance albeit at a lower price.
B. Original fashion jewelry Wholesale
Original fashion jewelry can be defined as a type of premium jewelry category made in original designs and quality materials. Most of this jewelry comes in unique brands such as S warzoski and fetch premium prices in the international market.
C. Cheap imitation jewelry wholesale.
Cheap imitation jewelry is identical to original fashion jewelry although the quality varies a lot. Most manufacturers make use of low-quality materials such as tin alloy, copper, nickel and brass. They go for very cheap prices and usually used for decoration.
        D. Antique costume jewelry
Various non-precious materials such as diamante, rhinestone, faux Japanese pearls, Bakelite, Lucite and Trifanium. Charms and lockets belong to this category of jewelry; they fetch high prices today due to their sentimental value.
E. Over Stock of Manufacturers for costume jewelry
Overstock wholesale costume jewelry is of low-price and derived from various sources such as customized products rejected by customers, leftover products from manufacturers and products with various mistakes. The go at a tenth of the original product price and some can be sold by weight.
  There are various factors that determine the kind of jewelry you need to be selling your customers. These include:
 ★  Purchasing Power- If your customers have a high purchasing power they will most likely want expensive and luxury costume jewelry. Clients with a low purchasing power may prefer imitation products.
★  Client tastes- What you sell can also depend on your clients prevailing tastes. While sophisticated clients may opt for vintage, gold/silver and original costume jewelry, those with simple taste may not have a problem with imitation and overstock jewelry.
★  The Region of Operation- Your choice will also depend on the region you operate in: developing regions of Latin America have different needs to developed areas such as North America.
8 Wholesale Costume Jewelry Suppliers from China
Wholesale Jewelry Suppliers
Minimum Order Amount
Delivery Times
China Brands
No Min.
24 hours
7 years
Xuping Jewelry
No Minimum
1 – 7 days
28 years
showfay jewelry
No Minimum
 3 – 8 days
28 years
No Min.
39 Countries
7 – 15 days
8 years
5 – 7 days
19 years
Guangzhou IO jewelry
Depends on the Product
2-5 days
12 years
Guangzhou Miss jewelry
Depends on the product
7-15 days
7 years
YLY Jewelry
50 Pieces but cost Depends on Product.
30 – 40 days.
19 years
Xuping Jewelry.
With over 28 years existence in the Chinese jewelry industry, Xuping jewelry is one of the more experienced wholesale costume jewelry suppliers in the country. The fact that they are a stratetigic partner to Swarovski: a household brand in the jewelry industry.
Xuping jewelry products such as pendant, earring, ring, bracelet, necklace, anklet, bangle and garment accessories. They guarantee customers affordable prices, and fast turnaround with their over 10 production lines and 3000 employees.
 showfay jewelry.
showfay jewelry main strength lies in its having its own manufacturing plant which makes delivery of product after order very fast. This also means they can have the advantage of customizing customer orders according to their specification no matter how complicated without any additional costs. Another exciting aspect of showfay jewelry is that they have quality inspection officers who ensure everything is of high standards.
Aliexpress is a conglomerate of small businesses from China and other south East Asian countries such as Malaysia and Singapore who offer various products to buyers all over the world. You can buy just about anything on Aliexpress with more safety and accuracy guaranteed.This site should therefore should rank highly as a top supplier of wholesale jewelry for your retail business.
Alibaba is an online platform that serves millions of buyers and suppliers all over the world from jewelry, apparel, consumer electronics and more. They are a leader in wholesale costume jewelry for resale whom you can trust when trying to import from China. Indeed their mission is to make it easy for people across the globe to do business.
 Guangzhou IO Jewelry.
Located in the Guangzhou region, IO Jewelry is one of the top jewelry manufactures in China. They mainly specialize in 925 sterling silver and 316L stainless steel jewelry. They are famed for they expertise in making skull designs, crystal jewelry, gem stone items and enamel jewelry kinds. With their strict quality control you can trust IO Jewelry to supply you with quality charms, rings, earrings, bangles, necklaces, pendants and bracelets among other accessories.
 Guangzhou Miss Jewelry.
Miss jewelry is a Chinese supplier for cheap wholesale jewelry. They have been in existence since 2012 and are located in the famous jewelry hub of Guangzhou. Not only are they a major producer of hip hop jewelry but also deal with beaded bracelets and beads, iced out pendants, gold-plated chains and rings. About 90% of their products are meant for export in overseas markets of North America, Europe, and East Asia.
 YLY Jewelry.
Established in 2000 YLY Jewelry is one of the most experienced wholesale costume jewelry suppliers in china. Indeed, it a leader in the silver and brass jewelry as well as widely acclaimed for its research and development ventures in this niche.
The company mainly produces cheap bracelet, pendant, earring, ring and jewelry set. Because YLY jewelry owns its own production facilities, they take custom orders on jewelry from clients. Additionally, their products are crafted from eco-friendly materials that meet European standards.
Import Cheap Costume Jewelry Now 
7 Wholesale costume jewelry Suppliers from the USA
Wholesale Jewelry Suppliers
Drop Shipping
Delivery Times
Fashion Bella
Jewelry & Fashion Accessories
1 to 2 Days
Contact for Specifics
Contact for Specifics
Cheap Wholesale Jewelry
2 to 4 Days
24 hours
Ruby Imports
Contact for Specifics
1 to 3 Days
Fashion Bella.
 Fashion Bella is a wholesale jewelry supplier that doubles up as a distributor of other fashion accessories such as women and kid clothes as well as bags. They have a variety of high-end wholesale costume fashion jewelry for resale, from earrings, bracelets, necklaces and rings.
The versatility of Fashion Bella is manifested by their wide range of clothes and bags of the latest fashion that are well complemented by the contemporary jewelry designs that they have in stock.
When it comes to high-end jewelry crafted with precious and valuable metals, Stuller is the place to go to. With jewelry from Stuller, you are sure to add luxury, elegance to your retail range of jewelry.They offer wedding bands and rings set in precious stones such as diamonds at crazy discounts of up to 50% off. They also have rare accessories.
 Trendy Wholesale
Trendy Wholesale is a company that deals in cheap wholesale costume jewelry located in NYC. They also have an online shop dubbed Trendy Wholesale.com where you can order for their products regardless of your location.  They deal with and globally ship a wide variety of jewelry accessories including bracelets, earrings, rings, and necklaces. This makes them one of the best wholesale jewelry suppliers in the whole of NYC and USA at large. $50 is the minimum order.
 Cheap Wholesale Jewelry.
Cheap wholesale jewelry is a USA based jewelry supplier, mainly specializes in exquisite fashion jewelry from premium materials such as Cubic Zirconia and Swarovski crystals. They also have a Gabby & Gia range of costume fashion jewelry that produces products entirely homemade in the USA.  
JewelryMax is one of the leading wholesale costume jewelry suppliers based in the state of California. They produce accessories such as necklaces, bracelets and earrings that are in line with the West-Coast’s holiday and beach culture. They have a reasonable flat delivery fee of $8 and also offer free delivery if you order for products going for more than $200.
 Ruby Imports
Ruby Imports is a popular jewelry wholesale distributor in America, mainly specializes in bling and other sparkling jewelry such as earrings, pendants and necklaces. They have a consistent and fantastic retail policy that entails: 3% Price reduction for purchasing 3 to 5 similar products. In addition to this, Ruby Imports also offers free shipping within the country for any order that is over $250.
This is another wholesale costume jewelry distributor in the USA. They have a large collection of trendy fashion accessories at cheap price such as jewelry pendants, necklaces, rings, earrings as well as pins and brooches. For any retailer who might like to utilize the company’s stock of original fashion costume jewelry, they offer handsome price discounts.
Sure-Fire Tips that Should Boost Your Costume Jewelry Wholesale Business
Nowadays, the fashion changes as times goes by. The young women always are finding trendy and personalized Jewelry. Keep in mind to focus on the trending factors in life, and always wholesale trendy costume jewelry at affordable price.
 1. Venture into diamonds
While natural diamonds are rare and beyond many people’s rich, industrial diamonds are a reasonable alternative. Their manufacture however also requires high technological processing capabilities. This means less competition and much higher profit margins if you venture into it.
 2. Go for Gold plated jewelry
Due to the expensive and rare nature of full gold jewelry people nowadays are opting for gold plated ones. Gold plating involves applying a thin layer of gold on another metal so as to give it the former’s luster. Due to its affordability, gold plated jewelry is sure to give your much higher profits in your wholesale jewelry business.
 3. Consider Leather Jewelry
Leather jewelry is a relatively new phenomenon in the cheap costume jewelry wholesale arena. The use of leather as a form of jewelry has just now started to gain traction and the possibilities are immense. It is a good niche to try out because of its novelty and low investment barrier to entry.
Import Cheap Costume Jewelry Now 
Frequently Asked QAs
1. Where can I find wholesale jewelry suppliers for my boutique store?
 There are various places you can find suppliers of wholesale costume jewelry for resale at your boutique store directly from china:
 ● Online wholesale website: such as showfay jewelry and Alibaba (B2B) are good place for any sice of business.
● Jewelry trade forums. You could visit local jewelry markets in Yiwu or Guangzhou where you will find different suppliers that match your needs directly if you need small amounts of product.
● For large amounts of product in bulk form, it would be wise to contact large jewelry factories who have their own designers and can even customize your jewelry accordingly.
● Visit famous Chinese trade fairs and shows such as the Canton and Hong Kong Global sources Fair to meet the different suppliers and source their products from there.
  2. What are the largest wholesale markets for fashion jewelry in China?
 The largest wholesale markets for fashion jewelry in China has got to be in the three cities of Guangzhou. Yiwu and Qingdao. 
By far the most sophisticated and largest of them all is Guangzhou with its myriad of wholesale jewelry markets at Liwan Plaza, Xijiao and South China International Little Commodities market. Commodities here are luxurious, high quality and pricy. 
Additionally, suppliers only allow bulk orders which makes it a bad choice for retailers looking to order small quantities.
Yiwu follows closely behind with its various markets such as XingZhong area, Yiwu wholesale market and the Yiwu fair. While jewelry here is generally less pricey than that of Guangzhou the quality is satisfactory.
3. Where can I wholesale fashion Indian jewelry?
There are various places that you can source for wholesale fashion Indian Jewelry:
      EIndiawholesale: This website specializes in traditional Indian jewelry especially those own during weddings. They also ship outside India with the minimum order going for RS 2000.
     TradeIndia.com: This is a jewelry trading platform that is home to various different suppliers and vendors with varying products. Some sell real gold jewelry while others deal with imitation ones.
     Silver & Gem: They deal with authentic silver wholesale costume jewelry as well other gemstones for people who do not wish to wear imitation jewelry. They can deliver anywhere in India and provide for cash on delivery.
    Kanhai Jewels: This website mainly deals with stocking various kinds of imitation jewelry which is of high quality and manufacturing. They have quite reasonable prices considering the standards of their imitation pieces.
     IndiaMart: It is a B2B trading platform that deals with many commodities including jewelry. Here you will encounter many suppliers who deal with real gold ornaments as well as the imitation ones.
  4. Where Can I find some trendy costume jewellery wholesale Suppliers in the uk?
 There is a list of quality  costume jewellery wholesale Suppliers in the uk that you can buy wholesale.
    Mainlysilver: Shipping to worldwide
    Miss Milly: Shipping to worldwide
    Jewelry World: only ship to UK and Europe
    Amber Jewelry: only ship to UK and Europe
In addition, you can find some verified wholesale costume jewelry distributors and suppliers in forum and directory, such as esources, the wholesaler uk.
Over to You
In the post ,we have showed you over 20 wholesale costume jewellery suppliers mainly in US and China, also in UK and India. No matter you want bulk costume jewelry wholesale or small quantity order wholesale, you will never disappointed to find cheap costume jewellery wholesale for your resale business.
Check here for suppliers who wholesale silver jewelry that are fashion and quality or wholesale fashion jewelry . 
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Twilight Kinktober 2019 Day Five
Disclaimer - All recognisable characters belong to their original owners. I do not make a profit from writing this; I simply do it for my own amusement. No copyright infringement intended.
High Heels / Deep Throating
As long as she was wearing heels, he was hard. It didn't happen with any other woman, just her. It was those damn heels.
He heard her coming before he saw her. She was wearing a navy blue lace dress that fell to her knees and navy blue high heels with a delicate strap that wrapped around her slim ankle.
The dress showed off her plentiful cleavage and shapely arms. The navy blue complimented her pale skin.
He was hard. Who was he kidding - he was always hard for her. As long as she was wearing heels, he was hard. It didn't happen with any other woman, just her. It was those damn heels.
She was the forbidden fruit he couldn't have. He was a junior doctor and she was a consultant; one of the best in her field. She specified in children's medicine and she was wonderful. She soothed parents and children alike and had saved more lives than he could count. She was his fantasy.
"Not daydreaming again are we, Doctor Cullen?" Bella, the nurse asked and Carlisle felt his ears heat up.
"Apologies, Nurse Swan," Carlisle responded as he stood and gave her some files he had been working on.
"Dreaming about a specific consultant?" she inquired and Carlisle felt his face heat up this time.
"You should just ask her out," Bella told him. Bella and Carlisle had been working together for the last few years and she was well aware of his crush on Esme. She couldn't understand why he didn't just ask her on a date.
The truth was, Carlisle thought she was too good for him. She was several years older than him and knew what she wanted from life. Carlisle… well, Carlisle didn't even know if he wanted to specialise in anything yet. He was quite happy going home to his crappy little one-bedroom apartment, eating a microwave meal and watching reruns of Frasier. Somehow he didn't think that would be what Esme saw as a good time.
"Forget it, Bella," Carlisle politely said, walking past her to go and get some more supplies that he would need later in the day.
Once he had got the supplies, Carlisle decided he would go for lunch. He didn't feel like taking the stairs and decided instead to take the elevator.
Stepping inside he was slightly surprised when it stopped on the floor below and Esme Platt entered, giving him a blinding smile and standing next to him.
"…What floor?" he asked in a shaky voice.
"The same as you," she responded, pointing to the control panel. "Ground floor - I'm hungry."
"Me too." Carlisle wasn't quite sure why he told her that and he looked at the floor, feeling incredibly embarrassed. The embarrassment was replaced with arousal when he saw her heeled feet. God - how did she make high heels look so attractive?
"What are you going to get for lunch?" Esme asked him in a pleasant voice, turning her body to face him.
"Me?" Carlisle stuttered once more. This earned him a giggle and Esme nodded. "Well… ugh. I quite like the meatball sub…"
"Oh! I love those!" she exclaimed. "You're Carlisle Cullen, right? You've been here a few years?"
Carlisle nodded, his voice stuck in his throat.
"I'm Esme Platt - it's weird that we've never spoken before." It's because you're too good for me, Carlisle thought.
"Shall we?" she asked, gesturing towards the doors as the elevator came to the bottom floor.
Carlisle exited after Esme and to his surprise, they got lunch together.
The more she spoke, the more Carlisle found it easier to talk to her.
Everything was going alright when he felt the need to ask her why she always wore high heels. He tried to fight the need to ask, but his mouth and brain were working in different directions.
"Why do you wear heels all the time?" When the words came out of his mouth, his eyes went wide and he began to apologise profusely. "I'm sorry - I didn't mean to be rude."
She waved him off. "Don't apologise. I like wearing heels because they make me feel powerful. Sexy, Beautiful. Some women wear lace underwear to make them feel good about themselves; I wear heels." Being a visual person, Carlisle could only think about Esme in lace underwear and heels.
"We should get back," Esme said, glancing up at the clock before she stood and they got rid of their trays together.
"Are you going to the financial meeting this afternoon?" Carlisle asked as they got back into the elevator together.
"Yep," she sighed. "I have to - the board want us to reduce our spending but they don't seem to understand that when we have ill patients, we have to treat them, we can't let them suffer." Was there anything negative about this woman?
"I'm going to the meeting too," Carlisle said. "Eleazar can't make it and wants me to go on his behalf."
She nodded her head in understanding.
"Carlisle?" Esme asked, his name rolling off her tongue. "I've seen you staring at me - do you like me?"
"Uhh… well… uhh…" His mind felt like it was melting in his head. How was he supposed to respond to that?
"It's alright," Esme cooed, stepping closer to him. "I think you're very cute." Carlisle was now stood at the back of the elevator with Esme stood in front of him.
He didn't know what came over him but Carlisle leaned forward and kissed her. His arms wrapped around her waist and held her close.
When he pulled back, Carlisle thought she might slap him, curse him or even knee him in the balls. But she did none of those things. She smiled and then pushed him back against the elevator, fisting her hands into his shirt and kissing him back hard.
It was glorious. Her lips were soft and tasted like cherry (why did they taste like cherry?). She smelled like disinfectant (something you couldn't get rid of when you worked at the hospital) but it suited her and she was so warm under his fingertips.
"You asked me why I wore heels," Esme panted when they parted. "I only told you half the answer." She leaned forward and kissed him again, lightly nipping at his lips. "They put me at the perfect height to do this." Her hand let go of his shirt and crept down to his slacks. She fondled him lightly, rubbing the fabric of his slacks against his underwear.
Carlisle moaned and she smiled.
His pleasure was short-lived when the elevator began to shudder to a stop. He began to panic, but Esme didn't even flinch. She turned slowly so she was stood in front of Carlisle, never taking one hand off his cock. She brought the other one behind her back and smiled at the nurses who entered.
When the elevator started to move again, Carlisle fully expected for Esme to remove her hand from his cock. She, however, had other plans.
The hand that was already on his cock, moved upwards and pulled his zipper down, her hand slipping into his trousers first and then his boxers.
Carlisle's eyes widened and he looked down, Esme's heels only bringing her up to his shoulder. He looked down and she turned her head slightly, giving him a wicked grin.
She slowly caressed his cock with her hand, the soft skin making his cock weep with relief.
Bringing her other hand to the inside of his boxers, Esme's worked him over, carefully twisting each hand in the opposite way to really stimulate him.
Carlisle tried to keep his eyes open but the pleasure was mounting. His knees felt weak and he wanted to throw his head back and moan with pleasure.
The elevator ding brought him back and he watched with relief as all the nurses got off leaving him with just Esme and her hands down his pants.
"Shit," he growled into her ear, causing her to giggle.
"Hold the elevator!" a voice called out as the doors began to shut and Carlisle was pleased that Esme couldn't do anything as both her hands were down his pants.
A good Samaritan had other ideas though and stopped the doors for her, smiling when she thanked him and got in.
"Esme - how good to see you!" the voice exclaimed and Carlisle could have cursed when he saw who it was: Jessica - the hospital gossip.
Carlisle tried to discreetly step away from Esme but when he stepped back, her grip on his cock tightened and he felt pleasure surge through his veins like a lightning strike. Okay he thought don't do anything to make her grip it any harder or you'll be coming quicker than a virgin during his first time at a strip club.
Esme moved backwards and slightly to her left, blocking even more of Carlisle as she increased the speed of her hands on his cock. Now she was blocking Jessica from seeing anything and the brown-haired girl was none the wiser.
She chatted with Esme about new hospital developments and Carlisle nodded along even though he had no clue where the conversation was going. All he knew was that he was going to blow his load - and soon.
"Well this is me," Jessica said, stepping off the elevator, giving Esme a wave.
The second the doors had closed, Esme turned back to Carlisle and kissed his neck.
"We've got one more floor - think you can cum for me in that time?"
Carlisle nodded desperately and let his head fall back against the elevator and a deep moan escape his mouth.
Esme attached her mouth to his neck and sucked, her hands swiping over the pre-cum that beaded on the head of his cock.
Her mouth kissed its way up to his ear and she began to whisper to him.
"Do you know how many times I've thought of this? How many times I've fantasised about having you at this hospital? How many times I've imagined you bending me over my desk?" It was that last image that did it. The thought of Esme bent over her desk, dress shoved to her hips as he pounded into her, high heels still on her feet that sent him flying over the edge. His poor cock dribbling cum all over her hands and the inside of his underwear.
When he had finished, his whole body leant against the back wall of the elevator. Esme pulled her hands out and then using a tissue she pulled from the pocket of her dress, she wiped his cum from her hands. But not before she teased him by sucking two fingers into her mouth and moaning.
She quickly pulled his fly up just as the doors opened and she led him out, his legs still weak.
"Well this is my floor, Carlisle," there was a teasing light in her eyes. "Thank you for a wonderful lunch."
"Thank you," Carlisle told her back. "I've not had a lunch that enjoyable in quite a while."
She bit her lip. "You're more than welcome."
Feeling brave and knowing that there was something between them, Carlisle tried his luck. "Maybe we could have lunch tomorrow? Same time?"
"I'd really like that."
"You should wear heels again." His eyes travelled to her feet once more and his cock began to stir to life. His eyes met hers and she smirked. "I might give you an enjoyable lunch tomorrow."
Her eyes widened and she grinned. "I'll see you tomorrow, Carlisle."
He resisted the urge to fist pump the air as she walked away, those heels making the signature clicking noise.
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bellasbeads · 3 months
Pamper Your Little One with Teething Beads & Discover Essential Beading Supplies at Bella's Bead Supply!
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Cherished comfort for little ones! Introducing our teething beads collection at bella's bead supply - a symphony of soothing and style. Crafted with safety in mind, these beads are perfect for your little one's teething journey. Explore our range designed for both comfort and cuteness at https://bellasbeadsupply.com/collections/teethers-pendants. For all your beading supplies needs, we've got you covered too. Shop the harmony of teething beads and beading supplies now!
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crane51henderson · 2 years
Ladies Basic Wedding Shoes, Bridal Shoes, Bridesmaids Shoes, Glitter Flats
Every step of the process is finished the standard means from skilled sample slicing to the meticulous slicing of every piece; intricate stitching and traditional hand lasting. The result is fantastically crafted shoes with a superior fit and unmistakable comfort. We want you to love what you've purchased at Kailee P.! We allow returns of unworn, unwashed, undamaged or defective merchandise within 14 days of delivery date. These delicate blue sandals are equal components timeless and comfy and might simply be worn long after your wedding weekend has come and gone. We love these paired with a leg-baring mini or mid-length frock. You can never go mistaken with a easy sandal like this one from ASOS. Its basic silhouette is timeless and may easily be worn to all your other parties and beyond. Leather, sparkles, or Swarovski crystals will adorn your favorite pair and provide you with a really horny, refined magnificence. If there's one thing you presumably can't discover here, be at liberty to get in touch with us directly. Save as a lot as fifty of your most wanted gadgets to keep an eye fixed on their availability and share them with your mates and loved ones. Find current shade trends like prints, neons, and sizzling reds! Even non-traditional styles like clog sandals and braided raffia slides we love for summer time brides! Anthropologie is where bohemian essence meets fashionable shoe fantasies. Jewel by Badgley Mischka pumps, $151, badgleymischka.comShop NowThese dazzling crystal-encrusted ankle strap pumps are the proper approach to dial up your wedding day sparkle issue. Complement your beaded wedding gown or an elegant bow in your bridal robe with Bella Belle Dorothy beaded bow wedding heel. However, there are so much of styles of cheap prom robes with well-liked designs and newest kinds and women are usually do not know to choose the most effective one which fits her most. After discussing with my friends when choosing our attires, we find some useful rules that for ladies who're confused in prom season. Choose ‘tartan – simply an example’ as a material on our online 3D Shoe Designer. In the notes section, let us know that you���ll be supplying the fabric in your shoes & we’ll get in touch to organise the rest. I have already got two date evening outfits picked out with them. We've obtained the perfect assortment for you - elegant and comfy with a splash of sparkle. You can choose from a broad assortment, from heels to flats, from crochets to sandals. The different materials embody leather, suede, crochets, and recycled supplies. As far as your bridal ensemble is worried, your wedding costume is the star of the present. But that doesn’t mean you want to slack in terms of your wedding shoes. bridal heels canada Shop in individual on the Charlotte Mills boutique in Manchester. A typical style fable is that reasonably priced shoes are always low high quality, but JJ’s House only present the very best high quality shoes and wedding accessories attainable. It’s our obligation to permit your wedding to be the most effective and most inexpensive day of your life. Weddings shouldn’t cost some large cash, and we’re decided to alter the marriage industry for better. Our merchandise are all guaranteed with a worry-free returns policy which implies if you’re not glad with the standard of the shoes, you presumably can ship them back to you. However, we all know you’re going to be impressed by both the price and high quality of the heels you choose. After figuring out where to purchase wedding shoes and discovering the most effective wedding shoes for you, make positive to bring them with you to decorate fittings and dancing classes as properly. This will ensure that your dress hangs properly and that you have found probably the most comfortable wedding shoes for dancing the evening away on your massive day. So how do you even begin to locate and buy one of the best bridal shoes for you? Browse the marriage galleries on our website to find the proper shoes to enhance your gown, yourfloral preparations and your overall decor theme. Taking shade swatches and photos of your gown to wedding shoe shops can help in making sure that your bridal shoes match the rest of your ensemble perfectly. Wedding shoes are an often-overlooked a part of your bridal ensemble. I had so many friends praise me on how unique they're. All our attire are made-to-measure by our skilled tailors to ensure the proper fit, only for you. We delight ourselves on being socially and environmentally acutely aware - our made-to-order mannequin means the fabric and other supplies used don’t go to waste. We work in close, truthful partnership with our tailors.
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euroman1945-blog · 6 years
The Daily Tulip
The Daily Tulip – News From Around The World
Friday 29th June 2018
Good Morning Gentle Reader….  from Estepona on the coast of Southern Spain where the continents of Europe and Africa collide, the morning sky is filled with a myriad of stars twinkling in the heavens, a warm wind blowing from the Sahara, and one can imagine too, the smells of Arabic foods cooking for breakfast… Which reminds me, I put the Colombian coffee on to brew before Bella and I set out for our constitutional walk this morning, so let’s take a look at what the archeological world has in the papers for us to discuss today…
2,000-YEAR-OLD GRAVE EXCAVATED IN SIBERIA…. ST PETERSBURG, RUSSIA—According to a report in The Siberian Times, archaeologists from the Russian Academy of Sciences have excavated a 2,000-year-old stone-lined grave containing the well-preserved burial of a woman wearing clothing made of silk and a beaded belt with a jet buckle, pottery vessels, and a birch bark box. “There was a funeral meal in the vessels, and on her chest a pouch with pine nuts,” said Natalya Solovieva. The birch bark box contained a Chinese mirror and had been placed near her head. The grave is located on the shore of the reservoir of Siberia’s Sayano-Shushenskaya dam on the Yenisei River, and has been covered with water at times since the dam's construction in the late twentieth century.
SHIPWRECK UNEARTHED IN DENMARK…. VORDINGBORG, DENMARK—According to a report in The Copenhagen Post, a well-preserved shipwreck has been found at a construction site near the eastern coast of the island of Zealand, in an area that had been under water up until the early twentieth century. The ship, made of oak some 500 years ago, was probably about 50 feet long and 20 feet wide. Archaeologists from the Museum Sydøstdanmark have recovered iron nails, caulking, and rope-work from the ship.
ARCHAEOLOGISTS INVESTIGATE WOODSTOCK CONCERT SITE…. BETHEL, NEW YORK—According to an Associated Press report, archaeologist Josh Anderson of Binghamton University and a team of researchers are investigating Max Yasgur’s farm, the site of the 1969 Woodstock Music and Art Fair, in preparation for the 50th anniversary of the concert. Grading of the hillside in the late 1990s obscured the location of the stage where Jimi Hendrix, The Who, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Janis Joplin, Joe Cocker, and others played to a crowd of more than 400,000 over a period of three days. So far, Anderson thinks his team has found a hole that marks a corner in the fence that kept the fans away from the stage. “This is a significant historic site in American culture, one of the few peaceful events that gets commemorated from the 1960s,” commented Wade Lawrence of the Museum at Bethel Woods. Boy! You know you are old, when archeologists start looking at things you were part of…..
LIMBS OF WOUNDED CIVIL WAR SOLDIERS FOUND IN VIRGINIA…. MANASSAS, VIRGINIA—According to an NPR report, a burial pit containing amputated human limbs has been discovered at Manassas National Battlefield Park. The bones in the “limb pit” were first spotted by a utility crew in 2014, and are thought to have been buried by field surgeons after the three-day Battle of Second Manassas, which is also known as the Second Battle of Bull Run. In all, two complete skeletons, 11 limbs, bullet fragments, and buttons from Union uniforms have been recovered from the pit. All of the limbs bear evidence of wounds and amputation cuts. Physical anthropologist Doug Owsley of the Smithsonian Institution explained that the striations left on the bones by the surgeons’ saws reveal their skills—the doctors started slowly to set the saw teeth, cut quickly through the bone, and then slowed again as they finished the cut to avoid further damage to the patient. National Park Service archaeologist Brandon Bies thinks the soldiers whose limbs ended up in the pit were wounded during a charge up a ridge called the Deep Cut, where thousands of Confederate soldiers were waiting to fire on them with rifles and muskets. Medical records and isotopic analysis of the bones may allow researchers to identify the soldiers and the surgeons who operated on them.
LARGE-SCALE WHALING MAY DATE TO IRON AGE…. UPPSALA, SWEDEN—A report in New Historian states that the practice of large-scale whaling may be several centuries older than previously thought. Andreas Hennius of Uppsala University and his colleagues examined board-game pieces dating to the Late Iron Age in museum collections in Sweden, and found that most of them were made of whalebone dating to the mid-sixth century A.D. The large supply and standardized forms of the game pieces suggest the scale of production was beyond the whalebone supply available from the carcasses of beached whales. Analysis of the game pieces with ZooMS, or Zooarchaeology by Mass Spectrometer, showed they had all been made from the bones of the North Atlantic right whale, or Eubalaena glacialis, which swam slowly and close to shore, and floated after it was killed because it had so much blubber. In Norway, archaeologists have uncovered evidence of large boathouses and features for processing blubber that also date to the sixth century. The researchers think the game pieces may have been crafted in Norway and transported to Sweden.
EVIDENCE OF IRON AGE BEER FOUND IN SWEDEN…. LUND, SWEDEN—Archaeobotanist Mikael Larsson of Lund University and a team of researchers have found evidence of large-scale beer production at Uppåkra, an Iron-Age trade center in what is now Sweden, according to a New Historian report. Carbonized, germinated grains, dated to between A.D. 400 and 600, were found near several ovens in an area without living quarters, suggesting the people of the settlement reserved the space for the large-scale production of malt. The grains would have been soaked in water so that they would germinate and produce fermentable sugars, then dried at low temperatures in the ovens. Larsson says processing grains into malt in this way is indicative of beer brewing. The beer produced at Uppåkra may have been used for feasting and trade.
Well Gentle Reader I hope you enjoyed our look at the news from around the world this, morning… …
Our Tulips today is a profussion of Yellow and Purple...
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A Sincere Thank You for your company and Thank You for your likes and comments I love them and always try to reply, so please keep them coming, it's always good fun, As is my custom, I will go and get myself another mug of "Colombian" Coffee and wish you a safe Friday 29th June 2018 from my home on the southern coast of Spain, where the blue waters of the Alboran Sea washes the coast of Africa and Europe and the smell of the night blooming Jasmine and Honeysuckle fills the air…and a crazy old guy and his dog Bella go out for a walk at 4:00 am…on the streets of Estepona…
All good stuff....But remember it’s a dangerous world we live in
Be safe out there…
Robert McAngus
#Archeology #History #Tulips #news #blog
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bellasbeads · 3 months
Unleash Your Inner Jewelry Designer with Bella's Bead Wooden Beads Accessories!
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In the world of fashion and accessories, there's something undeniably captivating about wooden beads. From their rustic charm to their earthy appeal, wooden beads have a timeless quality that adds a unique touch to any ensemble. At Bella's Bead Supply, we're passionate about bringing you the finest selection of wooden beads accessories to help you express your personal style with authenticity and flair.
Why Wooden Beads?
Wooden beads are more than just accessories; they're symbols of nature's beauty and simplicity. Crafted from sustainably sourced wood, each bead carries with it a story of craftsmanship and tradition. Whether you're drawn to their natural textures or their versatility in design, wooden beads offer endless possibilities for expressing your creativity.
Accessorize with Ease
One of the best things about wooden beads accessories is their versatility. Whether you're going for a bohemian chic look or a minimalist vibe, wooden beads can effortlessly complement any style. Create your own unique jewelry pieces with our selection of wooden beads in various shapes, sizes, and finishes. From statement necklaces to delicate bracelets, the options are endless when it comes to incorporating wooden beads into your accessories collection.
Beyond Jewelry
While wooden beads are commonly associated with jewelry making, their versatility extends far beyond just necklaces and bracelets. Get creative with your accessories by using wooden beads to embellish handbags, belts, hats, and even clothing. Add a touch of bohemian flair to your wardrobe with wooden bead accents that speak to your individuality and style.
Express Yourself
At Bella's Bead Supply, we believe that accessories should be more than just embellishments; they should be reflections of your unique personality and style. Whether you're a seasoned jewelry maker or a fashion enthusiast looking to add a new dimension to your wardrobe, our collection of wooden beads accessories has something for everyone.
Shop the Collection
Ready to embrace your style with wooden beads accessories? Explore our curated collection at Bella's Bead Supply and discover the perfect beads to inspire your next accessory creation. From classic wooden beads to intricately carved designs, we have everything you need to express yourself with authenticity and creativity. Let your style shine with wooden beads accessories from Bella's Bead Supply!
Wooden beads accessories offer a charming blend of nature-inspired beauty and versatile design. Whether you're crafting your own jewelry pieces or adding unique accents to your wardrobe, wooden beads are the perfect choice for expressing your personal style with authenticity and flair. 
Visit us today at https://bellasbeadsupply.com/ and explore the world of wooden beads accessories at Bella's Bead Supply and embrace your style with confidence!
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