#BIGGEST mistake of their lives
burning-sol · 1 year
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sorry thought about equestria girls again *sighs longingly* <- thinking abt the alternate universe where they let the eq girls have natural skin tones
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iiyarada · 6 months
watching fnaf with the gang and they’re gonna have to deal with my autistic ass
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scltbvrns · 2 months
homogenising something that has always been inherently diverse will kill us all one day.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 1 month
Kyoshi: Yangchen please guide me on how to be a better Avatar! Yanchen: Kyoshi, trust me, listening to your past selves all the time isn't always the right move. Kyoshi: So I should just try to make my own decisions? I guess I can do that....I'll keep trying. Yangchen: That's my girl. Kyoshi: But I'm pretty sure some of you guys have gotten really angry at some of my decisions. Yangchen: Don't listen to the haters. I'll hold them off.
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diableasura · 4 months
Netflix removing the sexism from sokkas character because they though it was an issue of the show instead of a mindset that sokka eventually grew out of and from which his character arc started proves that these live action Netflix adaptations do not prioritise actual characterisation and instead only work towards producing easily consumable and bland adaptations that will give them the biggest revenue.
Yes this includes the one piece live action show as well.
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scattered-winter · 2 years
the sheer amount of angst potential in carmen sandiego is INSANE
like. they’re fighting against a criminal organization that is so secret and covert, literally nobody knows about it (except ACME but they’ve been trying to find them for 20 years and turned up with nothing, so without Carmen’s intervention they probably never would have defeated them), but its roots are in LITERALLY every country. there are canonically VILE operatives that run nations and supercompanies. like. when you really get into it, VILE is ASTRONOMICALLY powerful. and the only people who both know about it and can actively fight against it are a handful of teenagers.
also like. the mindwiping thing??!!? it’s a kid’s show so it wasn’t really explored in depth but the implications are HORRIFYING. if they can wipe someone’s mind, they can completely rewrite a personality, or create sleeper agents left and right. they could kidnap random people off the streets, brainwash them, and then have an army of drones with the drop of a keyword. they manipulate and train their operatives to steal and kill without remorse or hesitation, and honestly the only reason why all the main characters made it through the show alive and unscathed was because of the rating because if it was a tv-14 or tv-ma rating, there’s no way everyone would have survived that shit
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fellhellion · 10 months
I have a rich inner world abt both iterations of Miguel and the relationship to fatherhood <- literally just hc
#90s miguel would explode on the spot if he spontaneously became a father shdjdjfjfjf he’s barely grappling through the emotional arc of#trying to become a better man AND he has the most hang ups ever regarding parents in general.#BUT. but. his biggest issue w being a dad would honestly be his own tendency towards self sabotage AND the fact Miguel is like. desperately#scared he’s bound to his own blood. he’d honestly probably fuck up being a dad not because he lacks the capability to be a kind man (all of#2099 demonstrates he DOES have the ability and desire to change) but because#he’d be scared he’d intrinsically fuck it up and in that fear. actually fuck it up. and then see those mistakes as further proof he just#isn’t capable of this.#not to mention like. given just how complicated his relationship with his family is I don’t think fatherhood would EVER have been something#90s miguel would’ve even THOUGHT of. he’s too busy been terrified he’ll turn into his OWN father(s)#atsv miguel on the other hand. difficult to draw too many concrete strands of analysis from because we don’t know how his past will be#conceptualised. BUT I personally like to think he’s very similar to the 90s counterpart except he sees a version of himself as a father.#and he sees that version of himself be HAPPY as a father. be a *good* father. someone who raised a sweet daughter. who lives with definitive#proof that you aren’t bound to enact pain upon your children. that you CAN be a better parent than the ones you had.#I think THAT would shake Miguel. and I like to think atsv Miguel didn’t know he wanted to be a dad - didn’t even THINK of it - until he saw#a reflection of himself that said this was possible. that you can go on and have a family of your own and you can choose to make it a good#and loving thing.#ANYWAYS. ✌️ she came. she posted a huge Miguel rant. she left ✌️#tunes talks spiderverse#tunes talks 2099
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halfyearsqueen · 4 days
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the father. you’ve made mistakes. you see them play out on an endless and nauseating loop whenever you close your eyes. If you could just interfere! somehow pass on what knowledge you now possess to the person you were then. of course, now you know, you know, YOU KNOW. but what’s done is done, leaving you behind, holding the shards of what you broke in your bleeding and calloused hands. they look at you differently now, so you smile bigger and hope it reaches your eyes. It’s okay though, because you’re going to make it better, you have to. and god knows you can’t be wrong again, you simply won’t allow it, can’t even entertain the idea. when doubt creeps in, you’ll stamp it down. when things begin to go wrong, you’ll turn a blind eye. there isn’t room inside of you to hold any more wrong.
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mirandabarma · 1 month
Male character: [commits awful crimes including genocide because his feelings got hurt]
Fans: oooh so nuanced and interesting! He did the right thing tbh everybody liked that :)
Female character: [commits crimes, NOT including genocide*, that are bad but like WAY less awful when given context/motivation]
Fans: she's evil and if you like her you are bad and dumb and i hate you. Also she committed genocide
* note! Mass murder is not genocide <3
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hella1975 · 2 years
i hate my town i hate the people in it i hate the shame that consumes us all i hate that every failure might as well be posted in the square because everyone knows everyone i hate that my grandparents are here and i hate that my mother came back for them i hate that the kids are dying and no one cares i hate that every good memory has a bad memory right next door like sam's house around the corner from my childhood home i hate the body they pulled from the river i hate the memory of hearing yellow by coldplay at my cousin's funeral because all i could think was that it was too modern for the situation but then he was only seventeen so it makes sense i hate that i was seventeen too and all the boys i knew were there his friends that were supposed to be the tough guys the scary guys i hate that i pretended not to see them sobbing i hate that everything smells of cigarettes here i hate the politics i hate the people i used to love that dont even smile at me on the street i hate that the girl who called me a slut works at my favourite bar i hate every alley and hidden shortcut and i hate that i know them like the back of my hand i hate the same fucking coffee shops i sat in when i was fourteen and scared and now im nineteen and scared and i hate that it's exactly what this town wants i hate that it wants anger i hate that it wants fear i hate that it wants shame i hate that i can give it everything
#thinking about how the two biggest things in my life rn - writing and my degree - are so punctuated by this fucking town#like my biggest fear with my degree isnt what id think of myself if i dropped out or failed#or even what my family would think bc they're nicer to me than i am#it's genuinely the thought of what my hometown lot would say that keeps me up at night#like the thought of my neighbour who told me id never accomplish anything bc my school was shitter than his fancy one#the thought of having to look him in the eye#or the thought of knowing my friends will tell their mums who are still on the PTA with old teachers who thought i was special#like small towns wrap you in this bubble of smallness and it suffocates you and you're so terrified and ashamed of every little mistake#and then my writing GOD i keep thinking about how tbos is probably the best thing ive ever written#and id publish it id genuinely try and get it published#but im just again so scared and ashamed and embarrassed like how do i explain to these assholes that im writing fantasy#and that's not even counting the gay angle bc that's the biggest part#i just am not brave enough for that yet and yeah maybe it's bc im still young but i shouldnt have to be brave to enjoy things to begin with#failure shouldnt require bravery when it's just a fact of life#and i think about if we'd lived in london like my dad wanted us to or if we'd gone to dublin bc my mum loves dublin#or even if we just hadn't come to this fucking town and we'd lived in ANY FUCKING CITY#my dad jokes about how in london he didn't even know his neighbours names and god i just crave that anonymity so fucking much#it's so frustrating and my mum takes it so personally whenever i say i hate the town and my sister says i'll grow out of it just because#she did but i genuinely dont think i will#and maybe that's the creative in me or the queer in me that she just cant relate to but i have always always hated this place#like a guy i have a VERY complicated history with messaged me the other day and we havent talked in TIME#and it was kinda sweet if not awkward just bc of our aforementioned rocky past but one thing he mentioned when i said i was at uni#was that he said really genuinely 'im so happy to hear that; i know you always wanted to get out of [town name]'#like he still remembers that about me even though weve been friends since we were 12 and i havent spoken to him since i was?? 17??#UGH i just hate it here and it's the fact that i'll never escape it either bc i cant totally abandon ship without also#abandoning my family and i refuse to do that and they refuse to leave so now im just stuck with all these CONNECTIONS#sorry to vent lol#ig this could be a poetry thing? we'll say it is instead of me just having another meltdown LMAO#hella goes home
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beeapocalypse · 3 months
rough idea. the beholder deliberately dreamed up a detached little slice of existence bc it never put much stock into the typical code of eldritch beasties (dreamed realities heretical bc they are viewed as attempting to escape the reality of the existence dragons rot even as it slowly kills them all) and it slowly fade out over a couple of centuries after its death. jane sometimes manages to wander into it while staying over at the falwell family home later on in his life and gets to hang out with the weird imprint of barenville falwell resulting from the beholders constant wistful reminiscing over his company
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drivemysoul · 7 months
lol my mother just told me that if i killed myself she’d book a holiday to darwin to celebrate
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seyaryminamoto · 1 year
Here's a simple art of Zhao turning his back to Ozai scene.
This was meant to be posted together with it's parallel scene because *insert "poetic cinema" meme* but due to reasons I don't believe I'd be able to finish the other piece any time soon.
Also revisiting the chapter made me realize Ozai's hair should look more disbehaved than that. 😂
That's one hell of a portrayal of that scene, love the way you worked with the lighting, makes it feel very dramatic (and it was indeed very dramatic, haha). And maybe Ozai's hair could be messier, but that it's messy altogether is VERY rare in Diva Lord x'D so I think his chaotic state of mind at this stage is conveyed perfectly here!
I'm really loving your Ozai art <3 his character arc in Part 3 is a rollercoaster that evokes sooo many fucked up emotions in me every single time I have to write him, as it should be when writing a guy like him, I'd dare say. He's complicated, he's messy, and I really thrive in portraying that because of how much work you can get done with a character like this. Seeing you making so much art about him really makes me think he's hitting the right spot as a complicated & complex character for more people than just myself, and nothing makes a writer happier than evoking other people's creations with their work! Thank you very much!!! <3
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stinkbeck · 1 year
u know i don’t think there’s a single part of me that’s untouched by trauma. like omfg me jokingly saying i wouldn’t get married unless it was at a gas station is literally bc the one time i saw my mom happy it was at a gas station with her fiancé a couple months before everything crashed + burned. the reason i don’t wanna date until i’m like 40 is because i want to prove to myself that i could fix someone before they lose all hope like my mom did. i’m so fucking transparent. i bet u could ask me why i do anything + i would legitimately have a real fucking reason for it.
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dirtytransmasc · 6 months
(personal vent about my sack of shit father ruining christmas again)
me, my fathers only "daughter"/child:
helps my grandmother for weeks to prepare for his christmas party that neither of us wanted (he goes way over the top. invites his friends that are all loud drunks. cooks food we don't like. keeps the whole house up partying into the early hours of the morning. makes a mess and refuses to clean up after himself. doesn't spend time with us and instead hangs out with his friends, even for family holidays and events. etc.
me and my grandmother are disabled, constantly in pain/have stomach issues, and generally just want to be left on our own for holidays, so the whole event is just awful for us)
has been up since 6* in the morning, continuing to prepare for his party so he doesn't throw a hissy fit, running on only a few hours of sleep*, running around from store to store, cleaning, cooking, decoaring, etc.
spends hours trying to wake him up.
after doing everything I am capable of skill/strength wise, I took a two hour power nap before guests come.
helps serve dinner, makes drinks, fulfills every task my father gives me to maintain the delicate peace in the household, cause my grandmother wants to murder him*.
does all of this with no complaint.
my father:
promises his full and undivided attention and help the day before the party (this is the only day he's offered the slightest help outside of making a huge dinner no one but he and his friends wanted), he then breaks this promise, does nothing, delegates every task my grandmother has given him to me, and then leaves at 6 at night to go party, ignoring the amount of cooking he needs to finish.
doesn't come home for almost 12 hours (he came home at 6am), waking me up*, sleeps till 1, leaving me and my gradnmother do 90% of the things that needed to be done today (as his guests are coming at 4).
invites more friends than he originally told us about, ditching us after dinner (which we served) to go hang out outside and blast music so loud it shakes the house.
and then complains that I "slept all day" and "did nothing" so now I need to clean the whole kitchen and all the dishes of over 15 guests, not him, the reason there's such a mess to clean.
he continues to demand this even after something he cooks, knowing I hate it and it makes me feel ill, and stinks up the whole kitchen, making me go lie down because it made me nauseous and gave me a migraine.
I then get to spend the rest of my christmas eve cleaning, doing dishes, while barely holding back tears.
thanks dad, for ruining an already awful christmas, you fucking asshole.
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akkivee · 1 year
i stopped watching the 5th live because i think the dvd cut of it sucks but i certainly don’t remember why i think that way after years of not watching it lol
anyway guess who fell in love with the bat seiyuu all over again watching the raw livestream version of the 5th live LMAO
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