#Among other mystery skulls songs
starstruckbaby · 2 months
thnking abt how my first fandom ever was the msa fandom... i thought it was mlp for a while and now it turns out that the first fandom i was ever in was actually the msa fandom.
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danimacaroni · 1 month
lightcannon shorts #3
She was a fantasy, and she, but an ordinary girl. The rumors spoke of a mysterious being singing lullabies in the forest. The elders warned of its seductive allure, sure to pull anyone in for their consumption, leaving naught but bones and waste in its place. For all the funerals that took place, Powder never quite got the fear hovering over their village.
"A siren," some spoke.
"A siren that lives on land? Do you hear yourself? It must be a witch out for revenge!" some rebutted.
Somewhere beyond these discussions, Powder strains her ears to hear more of the being and its horrors. The plague it has caused within was widespread and everyone feared for the fate of their husbands and children. In their family, she was no exception. But due to her nonsensical lack of fear, the warnings became a ringing in her ears, an echo that never placed its mark. Always entering one ear and out the other, so when one day Powder disappeared into the crevices of the forest, none were surprised. The hunt though, continues.
Unaware of the chaos she's made, Powder continues her journey, delving beyond the deep recesses of bush and trees. In her ears she hears a faint song of lullaby, alluring, yet contrary to the rumors, not at all seductive. It bewitches you to fall into its embrace and accept the relief, but Powder is far too stoic, emotional intelligence stagnated. She feels no such things, feels no such desires. So when she cuts down yet another bush in her path, seeing a lady clad in white, blonde hair flowing freely among the nonexistent wind, it is anticlimactic.
They stare within each other's eyes with curiosity, and here Powder understands everything is but a rumor. The mysterious being was a lady who bared no harm. Just a navigator, a tresspasser, a guide that would lead one to their destined end.
Powder steps on the dry grass beneath her feet. She ignores the crunch of the countless skulls. She hears the whimper of nearby lifeforms cowering in their shelters, then she extends her arms, wrapping them around the neck of the lady in white. Just as eagerly, her embrace is returned. They laugh happily among the death that surrounds them, as though that moment in time was paused into stillness for all eternity, until the light fades away from Powder's eyes, and the being presses a gentle kiss on her lips.
The last thing Powder hears is a whimper, a sob, and a plead. Here, Powder understands. There is no mystery, no witch, just a lady cursed to deliver relief for those whose time has come, unable to make friends, and unable to feel the joys of love shared between the bethrothed. With her last breath, Powder decides to spin a tale. The tale of the fairy in white, born as a child of Kindred. If it is not yet your time, she is nonexistent. If you hear her whispered lullaby luring you towards her, farewell is imminent.
When cure for the plague had been made, and the village was saved, the mysterious being of the rumors slowly but surely faded out of existence, her story never brought up ever again as though it were a passage lost in time, only remembered by those she put to sleep.
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denimbex1986 · 9 months
'Legendary pop star David Bowie was a man of eclectic pop culture tastes. The artist formerly known as Ziggy Stardust and The Thin White Duke was famous for his mysterious, otherworldly personas, but he wasn't actually all mystery all the time. Bowie passed away in 2016, but fans can still excavate lists of his personal favorites and influences online, like this one from Far Out Magazine that notes that he counted "Trainspotting," "Un Chien Andalou," and "Moon" (directed by his son, Duncan Jones) among his favorite movies.
Bowie may not have always been very public about his pop cultural interests, but we know about at least one television show that he loved prior to his passing: "Peaky Blinders." The BBC series turned Netflix original ended its TV run in 2022 (a film is still to come), but series creator Steven Knight revealed back in 2016 that Bowie was apparently a massive fan of the show. "We've had an amazing response from famous people for some reason," Knight told Radio Times (via The Independent), mentioning Bowie alongside other major celebrities like Steven Spielberg, Snoop Dogg, and Tom Cruise.
Bowie wanted a song from Blackstar to appear in the show
Bowie's love for "Peaky Blinders" isn't just an apocryphal story from after his death. According to Knight, he actually sent a sign of his adoration for the show directly to star Cillian Murphy. "He sent a photo of himself with razor blades in his cap to Cillian about a year ago," Knight shared in 2016, ahead of the show's third season. "I got in touch with his people who came back straight away and said he was a big, big fan." Knight even says a Sony representative visited him a week ahead of the release of Bowie's album "Blackstar," which was released just two days before the musician's death. As he put it, "It seems that his people were keen to establish that we could use it before he died."
The show ultimately incorporated Bowie's song "Lazarus" into its third season, underscoring a sequence in which Tommy Shelby (Murphy) slowly and painfully recovers from a skull fracture, numbing his pain with drugs in the process. The scene fits the lyrics and title of "Lazarus" perfectly, as Tommy is resurrected from a trip to death's door, sipping from a prescription bottle while Bowie sings "I'm so high, it makes my brain whirl." Murphy has also spoken about Bowie's wish to see one of his songs featured in the show, telling Spin 1038 in 2017:
"He was into the show and he wanted his music to be used in the show and it was very humbling, you know? For someone who grew up listening to David Bowie, that was a massive honor and privilege that he was interested in the show and keen to be involved. So we were all very humbled that he was."
Bowie's influence continues in Murphy's career
It's heartbreaking to think that Bowie didn't get to see his music featured on the show he clearly loved, or get to see how "Peaky Blinders" wrapped up in its final season. Still, crossovers between the actor and the show's cast continue today. A cover of his song "Lady Grinning Soul" by musician Anna Calvi appeared in the show's fifth season, playing during a scene in which Arthur (Paul Anderson) severely beats a man ahead of a Quaker meeting.
Murphy, meanwhile, has gained his own unexpected inspiration from Bowie as his career has continued. The actor revealed that Christopher Nolan actually used Thin White Duke era Bowie as a costume reference point for "Oppenheimer" protagonist J. Robert Oppenheimer. "In our story, he puts on the hat and picks up the pipe and it's him kind of creating this persona, kind of self-mythologizing," Murphy noted. The actor noted that it was important to him to get Oppenheimer's silhouette right, complete with a "very fragile" look to him. "Weirdly, Chris sent me a couple of shots of David Bowie" Murphy shared. According to the actor, the reference points were of the musician "around the 'Young Americans' time, with these massive trousers, and he was so emaciated but so f***ing cool."
"Peaky Blinders" is set for a film continuation sometime in the future; let's hope there's room for another Bowie tune on the soundtrack.'
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Its been a long time coming but here is the NEXT chapter of Death & Flowers. Im trying something new with posting the chapters on Tumblr as well as AO3 with a small descriptions so anyone new can check things out!
Let me know if you guys like that in the comments!
Death & Flowers
Chapter 10: More Secrets
Also available HERE on AO3! Haven't started? Check out the beginning HERE!
Below the cut for space!
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September 13, 1969
It was a warm September night and the city of Angels was thriving. Traffic, still steadily flowing outside the building sitting on the corner of Sunset and Clark. Just behind the closed doors was the sound of rock music heard billowing out from inside. The room was dark, lit with only the help of stage lights and tall black candelabras that boasted triplet candles on their tops. The crowd, waiting anxiously as they were surrounded in a cascade of smoke that no one seemed to come from nowhere. The head of an ominous ram staring out of over the crowd as the last evening’s band prepared to play. 
The patrons of the Whiskey a Go-Go were still cheering for the previous act as a man in skull paint walked out onto the stage. He looked magnificent in his clerical collar and fur-lined leather coat. The mysterious men behind him, shrouded in silver masks quickly began to play. The song was Kiss the Go-Goat and Papa Nihil, their suave leader, was the man. Belting out the lyrics as the crowd swooned with his dark charm. 
Ghost was playing their first night at the venue. There were go-go dancers a plenty and a palpable energy among the crowd that was now bathed in red light. Nihil was ready to rock and roll, knowing just how to work the crowd. Oozing sexual charisma and mystery, everyone entranced by him as he moved and sang—exactly what the Ministry asked for. 
Then there was her—breath held tight within her chest as she watched them from the balcony. Fingers tracing the rail as her lover performed for the masses. Spreading the word of the dark lord as he went. She was so excited for this first night. Wearing her favorite dress and her golden blonde hair pulled back behind a headband, and the dangling earrings that danced on her shoulders when she moved. 
She looked like danger, and she was—only soft for him. Her eyes locked on Nihil with an intense hunger and lust. He was her lover, despite some of the Ministry's best efforts to keep them apart. She couldn't help but fall for him, just as his audience did. "A lamb led willingly to slaughter" they told her. She didn't care, she was in love.  
She watched him work his magic. Hanging on every word, tightly gripped to the railing as he sang. Her heart pounding away in her chest as her hand traveled along her dress, the black sequin pattern feeling rough against her fingertips as she went. Her hand found its place to settle, resting gently atop her inconspicuous lower belly. She fanned out her fingers over it, as if she were protecting it from the outside world. 
She'd only known for a short time but was already well into the first trimester of her pregnancy. Delighted in the small life growing inside her. Elizabeth, still ever so anxious to tell Nihil that he was to be a father—again. As Papa and head of the Ministry, he had been made to produce heirs before. Ones he had spent maybe all of 5 minutes with at a time throughout their lives. 
He was never around for them. The still young, and hopeful, sister of sin convincing herself that it was because he needed to keep to his Papal duties. That things would be different when the child was theirs. She felt the warmth radiating from inside her, knowing that she already loved Nihil's baby more than anything and if the Ministry wouldn't let them be together, well then, they'd run away. Just the two of them and start over far from pious eyes.
Elizabeth came back to reality as another woman approached the rail. She didn’t give her much credence. As with most others, she was ambivalent unless it were someone needed to further her own aspiration. That was until the smell of smoke wafted over in her direction. Her rage, beginning to overwhelm her better judgment. Angry that her child was being subjected to this vile, disgusting habit—and she snapped. 
While her exterior remained cool and collected, she very calmly took the cigarette from its perch between the woman’s two fingers. The poor woman, having only barely noticed before Elizabeth had pressed the hot embers into her face. Teeth clenched tight and fury burning inside the sister’s veins as the woman struggled against her. Pulling and tearing at the feathers of her sleeves. 
She had managed to get a hit across Elizabeth’s bottom lip, only enraging her more as she fired back, lunging at her with full force. Her actions, causing them both to tumble on the floor. Elizabeth straightened herself up, finding that the woman had been knocked out cold. She was quick, shoving the evidence into a back storage closet before turning to watch her lover on the stage. Her demeanor, appearing as if nothing had happened. A way of carrying herself that would suit her well in her lifetime.
The song had come to its end, the sound beginning to die off, leaving nothing but a hum from the amplifiers as Elizabeth watched Nihil toss the mic stand to the side. Dropping to his knees as he reached out into the crowd and took hold of a woman, one he’d been eye fucking the whole song. He kissed her passionately as the set lights dimmed. Elizabeth was stunned—crushed. Her heart sank deep inside her chest, now just a battered piece of flesh that no longer wished to continue on. 
Nihil had only caught a glimpse of her as she stormed off. Knowing that he had done more damage than he could undo, he chose to finish his set before attempting to follow her out. One of many idiotic mistakes he'd made in his life. Elizabeth wasted no time in heading back to the California Ministry. Tears flowing freely as they painted her face in ribbons of black. The mascara, spelling out the pain she felt inside. 
There it was—they were right. She’d made a mistake thinking he could ever love her. She would never forgive herself and now there was a child. She walked inside, trying desperately to stifle her tears, quietly closing up the door behind her as she managed the noise of her heels on the title, but the sounds of her efforts alerted a shadowy figure that approached from the front office. 
“Well seems I ventured downstairs at just the right time Eliza. What’s got you all worked up at this hour?” Mr. Saltarian huffed, trying his best to appear unbothered. 
“Oh, shut up Abel.” she snapped at him, growling as if she were a wounded animal—cornered in her pain. Ready to lash out and anyone who dare approach her. The man softened, dropping his shoulders and his eyes now holding concern—this had been no regular fight. 
“What happened? Tell me?” he asked her, wrapping his arm around her as she wept. She was shaking, and clearly more hurt than he’d ever seen her. Elizabeth was a dangerous woman, especially when wronged—he had a mind to remind her of the position of her transgressor when she spoke. 
“You were right…he’s a fucking letch! I should have known. It's not like he didn’t have a reputation. Going through women like tissue, but—but I thought this was different.” she cried.   
“I warned you…we all did. He's reckless Elizabeth, and I tried to keep you away from him. Don’t you know that you could do so much better. Don’t you realize how much I lov—”
“I'm pregnant.” she blurted out. A secret that ripped a hole wide into Saltarian’s heart. He wasted no time in pulling her close, Elizabeth crying against his chest as he took in a deep breath.  
“Are you sure?” he asked her, fingers gliding over her hair as he held her close to him. 
“Yes, It was confirmed. I’m already almost in my second trimester.” she explained. Saltarian pulled back in haste, rubbing his head in his hands and pacing. 
“Sweet Lucifer Eliza—” 
“I would have told him tonight, but he… he…well let's just say his reputation was well upheld. I should have never…”
“Are you keeping it?” he asked her point blank. No sugar-coating or gentle tone. Just the harsh matter of fact words spilling from his mouth. Saltarian, tasting the poison of them on his lips as they left him. 
“It’s an heir to the Emeritus bloodline. What do you think the Ministry would do to me if I didn’t.” Elizabeth barked back. Angry for him even having asked. While she was right that the child had a rightful claim to the miter, she still wanted it regardless, but now she didn’t want anything to do with Nihil and having his child would make her bound to him for life.”
“We can make this go away Eliza. You’ve worked too hard for what you have here to throw it all away for some sorry excuse for a man whose only claim to power was because of blood and nothing else. Don’t do this to yourself…no one ever has to know—”
“I will know.” she said, her tone and the look in her eye explaining everything Saltarian needed to know. “I don’t want Nihil to have anything to do with him.” 
“Then we must send you back to Italy. He won’t know if you are out of sight. You can have the child and be back to do your duties before you know it. Nihil none the wiser.”
“What will come of him? I can’t raise him. Not at the risk of being stuck with that pathetic asshole. Please, I must know what we can do. You can NEVER tell Nihil.” Elizabeth begged. The first time Saltarian had ever seen her look so desperate. He held her face in his hands, watching as the fear in her eyes grew. 
“It’s going to be ok Eliza. I have an idea.” 
Present Day
Ollie had been quiet for days. A cold silence, filling the large Papal suite that her and her Cardinal now shared. She had seen the letter from the Keeper and Copia had confessed his sins. Her heart felt shattered for him having not only kept this from her, but from the realization that the nightmare of her circumstances was far from over. 
She was trapped in their bed. Forbidden to leave lest she take the chance of her child paying the price. All the comforts the Ministry could offer, only serving to feel like a prison. Unable to move like a sitting duck, waiting for the Keeper or whomever was responsible for Terzo’s death to get her and her child. The pied piper, coming to collect his dues. 
Copia had buried himself in his work. Choosing to give her space and not push her. He left early that morning, choosing not to wake Ollie. Though she wouldn’t acknowledge him even if he did. 
She was hurt and he knew that it was his fault. What comfort could he possibly offer her now? Watching idly by and unable to provide the protection she so desperately needed. If he could only find out who was behind it all—he’d kill them himself. 
He sat himself down at his desk, the chair letting out a creak as he got comfortable. Drinking from his cup of coffee, while attempting to finish up some work on the lyrics for the final song of the new album. He was proud of it, but he knew he had so much more to give. For now this will have to do, he thought knowing his heart ached too much to be giving it his all. 
As the morning dragged on, he felt his head begin to droop—repeatedly waking himself from the pull of sleep.  He surely wasn’t sleeping at night, worried that someone would come for Ollie and the baby in their slumber. The endless flow of caffeine, however, could no longer sustain him. Despite his efforts, he succumbed, dozing off at his desk. Awaking only to the familiar sound of a throat being cleared. 
“Seems someone has been burning the midnight oil.” Sister Imperator commented. Copia, quickly straightening himself out and wiping the spittle from his lip.  
“Sister! Oh, I am so sorry I—”
“It’s alright Cardinal at ease.” she smiled, placing her hand on his shoulder to encourage him back into his chair. Copia smiled back, nervous that her kind response was only a front, and that his infraction would be used against him at an undisclosed time. 
“Again, your Eminence I must apologize.” Copia began, Sister quickly cutting him off once more with the wave of her hand. She always had a way about her that both frightened and intrigued him, but something about her today was different. She had never been quite so—informal before. Even as a child, she spoke to him as if he were another adult, choosing only very rare moments to show a slight tenderness towards him he could never quite place. She sat down in front of him, making herself comfortable in the chair and crossing one leg over the other as she could see his discomfort growing. 
“How are you holding up Cardi? I mean with all this?” she asked him—from her lips a nickname he hadn’t heard in years. Copia tried to find his words. While the Sister was foreboding to be sure, he wished he had someone like her to confide in at a time like this. Someone who had real power within the Ministry, someone who might be able to help keep Ollie safe—but who could he trust? 
“I’m doing my best. Just worried about…well you know.”
“Of course, a man should always have his family on his mind. That is after all the most important thing—family.”
“Si, I will be happy when things are…uh…over.” Copia replied, forcing a smile. Sister placed her hand over his, the Cardinal looking up at her in confusion. 
“I want you to know, the Ministry and I are very proud of the work you have been doing on Prequelle. I truly believe that it will rival anything that has come before it.” she smiled, Copia’s face dropping down to his lap.  “I expect no less from you, you know? After all, you will soon become Papa.”
“Papa!” Copia exclaimed, the word leaving him faster than he could think it through. He could feel the cold sweat collecting in the small of his back, his heart pounding, the nerves firing off inside him. It had been one thing when Saltarian had hinted but this was Sister and what she said was as good as gospel. 
“Cardi…you deserve it. After everything I have seen so far…your album, the tour—I can’t see it not being a great success. Nihil of course would have to be on board, but I believe once he sees what you are capable of, then he won’t have any other choice.”
“Sister that is all well and good…but I am not his son. I am just a Cardinal in his clergy who happens to be able to sing. Had it not been for their death’s then I’d still be lucky to be Employee of the Month!” 
“No, Copia you are far more than that. Trust me on this. Don’t rest your worry on the fetid rotting course of your predecessors. They are gone, now nothing's standing in your way.” Sister Imperator explained. Copia suddenly felt an unease falling over him. Swallowing back hard as pieces of a puzzle he had been slowly working out, were beginning to fall in place. Creating a picture of which he couldn’t quite make out, but the possibilities were nothing if not horrifying. 
“Sister, what do you mean?” he asked her. His heart, continuing to pound as he waited for her answer. The glare he sent her, filled with curiosity and terror. His mismatched gaze, striking her with amusement as she began to speak.
“There is something I need to tell you.”
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essayofthoughts · 1 year
Ghost Cass and 13, please!
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
So... ostensibly I have a proper playlist for Ghost Cass but the fact of the matter is I also have a set of playlists and when the main playlist isn't doing it for me, I cycle through these other ones. There's also scenes way on I wrote ahead to that I wrote when listening to other songs on a loop, because sometimes something lodges just right in my head. But for the most part the Ghost Cass playlist is:
Animus Vox - The Glitch Mob
Twisted - MISSIO
Godhunter - Aviators
Brain Damage (Bonus Track) - Aviators
Kicks - Barns Courtney
Sinners - Barns Courtney
Champion - Barns Courtney
Roots - Swingin' Hammers
My Only Miami - Spewcup
Its Mine - Mystery Skulls
Rather Die - Barns Courtney
Oh Love - Phildel
Savages - Royal Deluxe
Rinzler - Daft Punk
Real Good Feeling - Oh The Larceny
No Limits - Royal Deluxe
My Time - Royal Deluxe
Bad - Royal Deluxe
Run With The Giants (feat. Built By Titan) - Sam Tinnesz
Moonlight Shadow (ft. Maggie Reilly) - Mike Oldfield
The Rifle Spiral - The Shins
The eagle eyed among you may notice that some of these songs are also on the given playlists for various other of my fics. What can I say, I'm consistent.
I do also tend to listen to a few other songs when writing Ghost Cass, and so, in no particular order:
In Hell I'll Be In Good Company - The Dead South
Gunslinger's Glory - The Dead South
The River - Blues Saraceno
Grave Digger - Blues Saraceno
The Devil You Know - Blues Saraceno
Devil's Got You Beat - Blues Saraceno
Holes In Your Coffin - Phildel
This Corrosion - Sisters of Mercy
Bullets - Tunng
Dark Heart - Tunng
The Devil You Know - X Ambassadors
A Thousand Eyes - Miracle of Sound
Faith (feat. X) - Koa
Have Faith - Aviators
Pick Your Poison - Black Pistol Fire
You may be noticing some themes. Percy feels damned for making guns, so that's a recurring theme but also just something otherworldly, lingering, a powerful purpose. These are all there in canon too, but Ghost Cass has him aware of Cass' ghostly presence so there's some freedom to go a bit heavier with it, which I enjoy and which also keeps my mind fixed on certain recurring themes and aspects of Percy - he never thinks he really deserves kindness because he's so sure of his own damnation and so while he's polite and never refuses kindness, he's always surprised by it and grateful for it. It's a fun tension and I enjoy writing it!
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starlightiing · 1 month
What type of music do you like? :)
Aww hello friend!!
I listen to a small variety but mostly crap from when I was a teen. But recently it's been a ton of Nathan Sharp (Natewantstobattle) though he literally just retired last week. His newest album is wonderful, though. I'd highly recommend it. It tells a story.
The Ready Set - Jordan Witzigreuter has me in a vice grip lately. If you're open minded, check out his album "Cherryland" and get back to me. My heart, man. My heart. Every song on the album is gold.
Otherwise it's a mixture...I'll pull some artists out of my music app ahaha:
Adam Young / Owl City, The Ataris, Big Time Rush (boyband aaaa), Colm McGuiness, The Cab / Bohnes / Alex Deleon, Cameron Leahy, The Exies, Fort Minor, Linkin Park, Paradise Fears, Panic at the Disco (old), Mystery Skulls (I love Luis so much), Stars, The Summer Set, Michelle Branch, and a shit ton of 80s rock that I'm not going to bother listing. This was only like 25% of what I have in my library, I have more boy bands, Britney Spears, TATU, No Doubt, and a few country artists as well (though I dont really like country) among hundreds of others.
That's just a little look, a tiny glimpse.
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imaginaryshorts · 8 months
The Enchantress of the Whispering Woods
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Once upon a time, in the depths of a mystical forest known as the Whispering Woods, there existed a legend of a woman whose ethereal beauty and captivating spirit attracted all who laid eyes upon her. She was adorned with intricate sugar skull makeup, a brilliant tapestry of colors and designs with deep symbolism within its enchanting patterns.
Known as Amara, the Enchantress of the Whispering Woods, she possessed an otherworldly aura that echoed throughout the forest, drawing wanderers from far and wide. Legends whispered that her origins were intertwined with the ancient magic woven within the enchanted woods. Some said she was a guardian spirit, protecting the forest's heart, while others believed she was an enchanting sorceress capable of bending the elements to her will.
As moonlight bathed the forest in its silver glow, Amara's presence would come alive like a radiant apparition among towering trees. Her dark, cascading hair was adorned with delicate flowers, and her captivating sugar skull makeup stepped gracefully through the moss-covered paths, embodying mysterious beauty. Her eyes, intriguing and deep, seemed to hold tales of forgotten realms and ancient secrets.
Whispers echoed among the woodland creatures, sharing tales of the Enchantress's powers. She was said to be able to communicate with animals, guiding them through the forest with her melodious voice. Birds would flock to her, weaving ribbons around her like a beautiful melody, singing of her enchantment.
It was believed that Amara, in her sheer kindness, protected the Whispering Woods from those who sought to exploit its mystical energy. She would appear before those who harbored ill intentions, her sugar skull makeup pulsating with an iridescent glow, a warning of the ancient forest's wrath should they dare to harm its delicate balance.
But amidst her magic and power, Amara yearned for connection. The Whispering Woods was her haven, her sanctuary, but it secluded her from the world outside. She longed to share the enchantment she held, to find someone to appreciate her ethereal grace and the stories carved beneath her sugar skull makeup.
One fateful night, as the moon reached its zenith, a curious wanderer named Eric ventured deep into the Whispering Woods. Drawn by the forest's whispers, he stumbled upon Amara, her visage an ethereal masterpiece framed by moonlight and shadows. With each step he took, the forest seemed to hold its breath, captivated by the moment.
Their eyes met, and a spark of recognition ignited in their souls. As if pulled by an invisible thread of destiny, Eric approached Amara with awe and reverence. In that instant, he knew he had discovered something far more significant than he could ever have imagined. The enchantress, sensing his pure heart and genuine love for nature, welcomed him into her world.
Together, they embarked on extraordinary adventures, traversing the Whispering Woods and discovering its concealed wonders. With Amara's guidance, Eric learned to understand the ancient language of the forest, unlocking its secrets and becoming an emissary for its beauty and magic.
And so, the story of the Enchantress of the Whispering Woods and her companion, Eric, spread far and wide. Legends were born, songs were sung, and artists painted their portraits, forever capturing their captivating bond. The woman with sugar skull makeup in the woods became a symbol of the harmonious connection between humans and nature, reminding all who heard the tale that within every magical realm, there is love, friendship, and a chance for extraordinary enchantment.
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thefirstknife · 3 years
I love being right and predicting lore correctly so let me make one addition to the whole Osiris=Savathun thing because this season dropped lore that explains some of the more controversial examples of evidence.
New autorifle, Chrysura Melo. It starts by telling us that Savathun knows that when you're engaging in trickery, the fun is to constantly throw hints:
There's a saying among con artists: "Half the fun is showing the mark which cup hid the ball before you take their money."
Savathûn understands. In her crystalline prison, she reflects on all her surreptitious winks and little nods. The risks taken and the boundaries pushed to keep herself entertained and her Worm fed.
And she has definitely been throwing hints at us for a very long time. These are the intentional ones only. The rest of the evidence is her just not caring about roleplaying Osiris correctly.
The lore tab then lists some of the examples (that involve her POV) from most recent to least recent:
Osiris stumbles as he walks through the Last City. Beneath his robes, something erupts in a frenzy of motion. He pauses to compose himself and then walks on, trailing careless spatters of black fluid.
Osiris watches the Crucible match unfold. He does not cheer for either opponent. When a Ghost appears to revive the defeated warrior, Osiris leans forward in careful study. When Saint places a hand on his forearm, Osiris holds impossibly still just to see what the other man will do.
Osiris sits by the campfire as Crow and the Guardian share a drink. Osiris watches them with rapt attention. Crow is laughing. He passes the bottle, and Osiris, hands numb, puzzles at it. His mouth hangs in a half-smile before he takes a long drink, slaking a bone-deep thirst.
Osiris takes a shaky step forward. The High Celebrant howls in the catacombs, and he hears his sister's voice buried in its roar. He feels his heart beating in his chest and is so enraptured by the sensation that he forgets to be frightened.
When the meat puppet was first made (implied shortly after Immolant 2 ends).
Savathûn, physical form a twisting instar, emerges from the shadows and crawls over the shattered pieces of the Ghost. She reaches toward the ruined man.
Directly after Immolant 2 ends.
Savathûn squeezes through the calcified channels of ascendant energy and manifests within the dangling Ahamkara skull.
The man standing below the netting senses her appearance. His Light flares as he draws his weapon with impossible speed.
She has only a moment: She pushes her face down through the ropes, opens her mouth, and sings.
The man stops, then slowly holsters his weapon. He turns, crosses his arms, and forgets.
She melts awkwardly back into the skull as best she can, though a tangle of spindly elbows, licorice-black, still juts from its sockets. She turns her attention to her quarry across the gap and hums her song softly to mask herself.
Soon, the man below begins to hum along with her.
She smiles.
Traveler's Chosen. This is from Arrivals, when we started speculating about Savathun intruding on someone in the City through the Ahamkara skull above Shaxx. This proves that it was both Shaxx and Zavala she was watching.
It also explains that she revealed herself briefly, which alerted Shaxx, but she sang her song and he immediately forgot about it and started repeating the song. Which means that people who hear the song are the ones who have seen Savathun and she used the song to make them forget.
This fits with Lakshmi (she must've seen Savathun slip as Osiris) and Crow as well. Possibly many people in the City too.
The best mysteries and plot twists are the ones you can solve yourself through the available text. This was set up perfectly and doesn't even detail all the moments when she messed up how to be Osiris. We were supposed to see it ourselves and many of us did. It's reflected incredibly in the one lore tab we got from his POV where he is desperately yelling and trying to tell people it's not him. Honestly, mood.
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“The poetess Uilvëre, who was imprisoned by the Enemy until the Cleansing of Angband, famously said of orcs, their minds are open wounds. For many years, especially in enclaves over the sea, the most common interpretation of this was of the orc as an affront to others. The wound was a tearing in the natural world, a blow to Arda. Only with the intervention of Nienna and the increasing openness that came with the reintegration of exiles from Mandos into Valinor did the concept of orcs as victims of grievous injury rise to prominence.
Among scholars of the Unmade there is a concept; the agony of existing. According to these theorists the most grievous harm done to those who came to be known as orcs was making it too painful for them to live in peace or rest among others. The physical manifestations of this change— sensitivity to light, an inability to eat anything but meat, claws and joint damage that impede fine craftwork, numerous pains of the body— are obvious to any onlooker. Damage to the fëa is less apparent but some degree of impairment in ósanwe was evident as early as the Second Age when The Lady of the Golden Wood commented that an incursion of orcs was never hard to detect as they had unquiet hearts. A more artistic interpretation comes from Eredh of the Greenwood in his ‘Song of the Spider Hunt’.
They have no skulls, these foolish creatures,
They hang their brains around their neck-
And think this collar their finest feature!
Though rude, the poem hits at one of the key points of the Enemy’s working. In his making of orcs he stripped away the natural protections of ósanwe available to all creatures, from dwarf to man, leaving their minds open and unguarded against all invasion. And though the skills of orcs were dulled somewhat from the natural capacity of elves they retained a great ability to read the hearts of others.
The combination of pain, unguarded minds, and a innate skill for reading those minds, in an environment designed for cruelty to begin with, led to the worst of outcomes. In their own words (as reported by Lady Nienna), orcs are constantly aware of the worst thoughts of their peers. Every nasty impulse and unkind thought, which ought to locked away in the privacy of ones’ mind, is instead left raw and exposed. More than any physical change, this innovation seems to defined the unmaking of Morgoth’s prisoners.
There is not, contrary to the suggestions of the First Age, a natural orcish inclination for disharmony. Rather, their fëar have been altered to make cooperation difficult. Neither are they particularly weak willed, their natural protections against such incursion have been stripped away.
This concept and associated testimonies from Nienna’s congregation also help explain the orcish distaste for elven company in particular, a phenomenon attested to in texts from all ages. To quote Lugorna of the Gorgû Historical Preservation Society ‘Elves hurt to look at, to hear, to be around. It’s hard to explain. They’re like greased glass, you’re constantly trying to grab at it but you can’t find any purchase. And all the while they’re burning like the sun.’ A decreased sensitivity to ósanwe-kenta cannot explain this awareness as a heightened vulnerability can, and so over the past few centuries the Open Mind Theory has become the foremost model for the Unmaking.
How the Enemy accomplished such a monstrosity remains a mystery, one of great interest to experts studying the nature of fëa and the bounds of Ilúvatar’s design. Torment alone can not account for the seemingly permanent changes made to countless spirits. And as hardline proponents of free will and the Flame of Ilúvatar point out, such an invasion upon the mind itself would come troublingly close to overruling the ideal of choice, held so close to Ilúvatar’s heart. Others argue that there was never any choice, that the idea of absolute will was off the table as soon as orcs were acknowledged to be both of elven nature and invariably twisted to Evil, for how could any group of creature with true choice make the same decision ten thousand times over three thousand years? Such debates are useful for academics but ultimately not the ultimate goal of unraveling our cousins’ hurt. Orcs and elves alike seek to learn more about their injury in the pursuit of healing- for what is the point of identifying a wound if not to make it better?”
— Except from Society and the Houses of Healing, 54th edition, published Epessë Books Valmar
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aerltarg · 3 years
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Targlingsweek 2021
Day 7: Rhaenys, Aegon and Jon
(ver. 1, ver. 2)
Headcanons under the cut
They're an amazing team where everyone complements other two. Rhaenys, the smartest one, skilled in so many different things. Jon, brave and feral. Aegon, the most charismatic and attentive.
Rhaenys overthinks things? Aegon and Jon are always here to remind her that not everything is that deep and serious. Aegon is looking for new ideas? Rhaenys and Jon can always suggest different plans, both smart and crazy. Jon is going to punch someone? Rhaenys and Aegon are always ready either to stop him or to help him both to fight this someone or to hide the body lmao
They're protective of each other. Practice shows that if you talk shit about any of them or their family, you'll mysteriously need the maester's help very soon. Like. Very soon.
Rhaenys started to read and write earlier than both of her brothers. She still does it better than them as well as math.
Aegon is the fastest one and no one could beat him at playing catch-up as children. Jon was the best at hide-and-seek, though. He hid and kept silence too well.
When they were boys, Aegon used to have long hair and Jon short. But when they grew up, they kinda switched hairstyles for their own reasons. Rhaenys thinks it's hilarious anyway.
Also in the AUs where Jon gets his Targ name he would be Aemon. We'd have best bros Egg and Aemon ver 2, where the first becomes a king too but the latter doesn't have to go to Night's Watch for this since he's younger this time.
Some people would be surprised by Aegon's and Jon's interest in plants but the truth is that they only want to please Rhaenys. Thanks to them her collection of rare plants grows bigger with each passing year.
When they were kids, they could spend whole nights long sitting among dragon skulls and telling each other scary stories with only a single candle in darkness. Their favourite one was, of course, the skull of Balerion the Black Dread, the biggest of all. They even tried to sit inside.
Their favourite hobby when they were little was harassing fangirling over Kingsguard. No one could escape them. Though Lewyn's always been quite fond of children, Barristan has been a bit awkward but still very patient around them, and others suffered but didn't complain. Except for Arthur Dayne who had to go through much more royal kids' attention as their father's best friend, a super famous knight and the Sword of the Morning who could show them the legendary Dawn. He sighed from time to time that no one had warned him about this when he was joining Kingsguard but everyone knew he was only joking. Arthur was like a second father to these adorable dragon kids, after all, and couldn't really get mad at them. And if he had to show them Dawn twice a week and go through all this noise every time, then so be it.
Dany is, in fact, like another sibling to them, the youngest one. They played, learnt and laughed together all the time, and they're still very close now, when all of them are adults already. If you want to mess with any of them, be ready to deal with the whole Targlings gang.
Because of the small age gap Viserys is also more like a brother than an uncle to them. His temper isn't the easiest one but they get on well anyway, thanks to Rhaella's care and efforts too.
Making Rhaella upset is a big no-no in Targaryen family. Both as kids and later adults they've tried their best to keep beloved mother and grandmother happy. Sometimes she looks so sad when thinks no one is watching and remembers the past. During these moments Rhaenys is always here with her plants, books and songs as well as Aegon with his funny stories about people he's met today, Jon with his silent but so sincere and warm support, Dany with her smiles and hugs, and Viserys too. Sometimes even Rhaegar when he's free of his duties. Not that Rhaella really needs all this. She always forgets about sadness around her beautiful children and grandchildren and can't help but smile.
When Jon got Ghost, the whole family got a new interesting hobby aka watching Balerion and Ghost interact. Balerion was older and acted a bit patronizing towards Ghost when he was only a silent and stubborn fluffy baby. Well, to be honest, Balerion still does act like that but now it's even more hilarious because Ghost is almost as big as a horse and Balerion hasn't changed at all. Dany and Rhaenys can't help but sigh how cute they are, a small black cat and a giant white direwolf being protective friends.
When they were visiting North, Rhaenys surprisingly found in herself a snow ball fighting talent. Aegon and Jon didn't stand a chance.
Once they travelled to the Wall with their family and spent so much time with Maester Aemon, their great-granduncle, plus-minus generation, so interesting and amazing that they didn't want to leave in the end. All of them, including Dany, write letters to him since then.
Targlings music band regularly gives concerts for their biggest fan Rhaella. Rhaegar joins them sometimes, Dany tries to sing and is pretty good at it, and Viserys tries this and that but never loses enthusiasm.
(In the Happier AU Dany hatches six eggs instead of three, and both generations of Targlings ride dragons together. RIP Others)
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bluefirewrites · 3 years
T.Rex, Velveeta, and Other Fun Names
A one shot I made, thanks to @lydias--stiles and @blush-and-books. 
We were talking about what Luke’s middle name could be and it sparked an idea for this quick little one shot (which is neither quick or little actually.)
Could also be read on AO3. 
Lucas T. Patterson
The madness of this week all started when Julie thumbed through Luke’s journal and found her songwriting partner’s messy scrawl inscribed in the behind the front cover.
Yeah, it was his name, Julie would have griped about how illegible it was and moved on to whatever song she and Luke had been workshopping the day before and thought nothing of it-
If it weren’t for the fact that there was a flurry of deep inset scratches of pen scribbling out the space where his middle name was supposed to be, leaving only the ‘T’ unscathed…
“So I was thinking, maybe we change the key. I thought I was feeling A Major,” Luke rattled off, playing the aforementioned series of chords on his electric, “But now, I think we could really intensify it by flipping to a minor key-”
“What’s the 'T' stand for?”
The ghost looked up, confused, “Huh?”
Julie held up the inner cover of the journal, pointing to his name, “Lucas T. Patterson. The ‘T’- what does it stand for?”
It was a simple question, but all color drained from his face.
“O-Oh. Oh that?” Luke stammered through, struggling to rid himself of his guitar, the skull and rose strap kept swatting his face in his hurry.
She nodded.
He was across the room in seconds, back facing her, pretending to fiddle with the amp settings, even going as far as inspecting Alex’s drums. Thank goodness the drummer wasn’t there right now or else he would be getting a thorough lecture. ("Tell him to stop touching my drums!" extended to his bandmates as well).
“It, uh, stands for my middle name,” he said, still not looking at her.
“I get that. So what is it?”
“It’s nothing,”
Julie rose from the piano bench, traversing the studio until she was right behind him. She forced him to pivot and face her, “No, it’s clearly something.”
Luke gave a dismissive wave and a weak nonchalant laugh, “It’s not a big deal,”
“It clearly is if you won’t tell me,”
Then his head cocked to the side. He cupped his ear, “Uh, what’s that? I think I heard Carlos!”
“What?” She couldn’t hear anything.
“Oh, you need help, Carlos? On my way!”
“He can’t even-”
In a flash of light and warp of reality, Julie was alone in the studio.
“- hear you...”
Oh boy.
Now what was that about?
Ever since then, Julie’s curiosity only grew. Why was Luke so evasive when it came to his middle name? What could possibly be the reason?
With all the secrecy and going great lengths to omit it from his journal, she was betting on it being insanely embarrassing.
Which made Julie want to find out even more.
Luke didn’t get embarrassed so easily, not much to weaponize against him whenever they all made playful jabs at each other from time to time, like the friends they were. Really it was stuff like ‘Beware, Luke this shirt has sleeves’ which basically translated to ‘Haha, you’re attractive’.
Which did not pack quite the punch.
She was determined to decode Luke’s middle name, if not to quench her curiosity then to humble the guy.
He couldn’t be attractive and talented. Something’s gotta give.
(And no, she didn’t often think about how attractive and talented he was… Nope. Not at all).
“Tristan?” she threw out while they were backstage at their next gig.
Luke tuned his guitar, “Nope”
He finally looked up, smirking, “You will never find out.”
The tech burst in, phasing through the ghostly forms of the boys, to lead her out onto the stage.
She inwardly cursed. Saved by the bell.
“Break a leg, boss,” Luke wiggled his fingers at her before she was practically pushed past the curtain.
Even when she sat down to play the piano, Julie could not get the image of Luke’s smug face out of her mind. Oh, he probably thought her attempts were just so cute.
Yeah, cute for now.
But she wasn’t done yet.
“Alright, guys. Help me solve the mystery. What’s Luke’s middle name?”
It was one of those rare occasions where Luke was out of the house, leaving her, Alex, and Reggie alone.
The boys had been present for her previous tries to weasel Luke’s middle name out of him, and they were amused for the most part- Well, never as amused as Luke ‘Thinks He’s All That’ Patterson (not a serious contender in her guessing, by the way).
With their reactions, and however many years of brotherhood shared among the three of them, Alex and Reggie just had to know.
They were all chilling in the kitchen, Reggie perched on top of the counter and Alex lounging at the table. Julie poured herself a juice, waiting on the answer.
The bassist straightened up, “Oh. It’s-” Then he stopped, face scrunched up in a frown of concentration.
Julie directed her gaze at Alex, who was ready to jump in.
“No, wait it’s…” He faltered.
The two boys’s heads snapped to stare at each other as they pieced it together.
“Dude, I don’t think-”
“No. He had to have. I’m just blanking,”
“Oh my god,” Alex uttered, pushing his golden locks back into his cap, “It took us this long to notice?!”
They were now on their feet, sandwiching Julie.
“We... don’t...know,” Reggie winced, admitting it out loud.
“How could you not know?”
“I don’t think he ever told us!” was the bassist’s defense, “He’s Fort Luke when he wants to be!”
He made the gesture of locking his lips and throwing away the key to which Alex nodded.
“Now I wanna know!”
“Me too!”
Now this was a development. If Luke’s boys had no clue, then it must be really juicy.
Taking a sip from her cup, Julie was all ready to recruit two new members for the noble cause…
Julie, Alex, and Reggie huddled in a circle at the studio, all bearing notebooks and furiously whispering at each other and scribbling away when Luke decided to make an appearance.
They dispersed, making their collusion all the more suspicious.
“Luke,” They all greeted, with the same level of enthusiasm… at the same time.  
The guitarist eyed them skeptically. Then he took in the notebooks, “You’re having a band meeting. Without me?” he asked, hurt flashed in his hazel eyes.
“No, silly. We’re having a band meeting about you,”
“Reggie!” Alex and Julie hissed.
That only added to Luke’s hurt and confusion.  
Sending him a reassuring smile, she guided him to an empty chair, placed right in the middle, just beyond the coffee table, “Sit down. Please.”
“Okay?” Slow steps and weird stares later, his butt plopped onto the seat, “Can someone tell me what’s all this abo-?”
“Lucas Theodore Patterson?” Alex leapt in front of Luke, reading his guess off his notebook.
Luke’s shoulders slumped, seeing where this was all going.
“Guys, really? You too-?”
“Is it or is it not Theodore?” Julie backed Alex up.
“God no,”
Reggie was up next, “Lucas Timothy Patterson?”
The nose scrunch answered for them.
“Lucas Tyrone Patterson?” as was Julie’s turn.
“No flow,”
And so they were stuck in a circle for the next 20 minutes, everyone taking turns guessing Luke’s middle name, their lists growing more desperate and random as they continued, even going as far as borderline yelling the names at him- that was how frustrated they were.
“Lucas Troy Patterson,”
“Lucas Trixie Patterson?!”
“That’s not even- that’s not even a guys name-”
“It’s Tyrannosaurus Rex. I’m telling you. It has to be!” Reggie slammed his notebook down, poking Luke hard in the chest with his index finger,  “Admit it! LUCAS. T. REX PATTERSON!”
“Boy, I wish,”
Their guessing game, once the last of the names have been recited, left all of them breathless (even though two of them were ghosts!).
On any other occasion, Luke would have been sympathetic, especially seeing how broken up and defeated they all looked collapsed onto the couch, glaring at him like he was the enemy.
But their fruitless attempts only made him all the more victorious.
“Nice try guys,” he patted each of them on the shoulder before heading out.
Best to give them a break.
Ya know, to deal with the defeat.
She was nothing if not persistent.
But Julie knew she might have been taking things too far when she had made the trip to Emily’s.
Look, she thought she could just pay the woman a visit, to check up on her, catch up-
Maybe ask leading questions in order to trick her into telling her her son’s middle name?
Yeah, the plan was flawed from the start because how could she so subtly direct the conversation to her dead son’s middle name.
Maybe get her to tell a story about Luke getting in big enough trouble that would have warranted the whole ‘yelling-out-your-full-name’ treatment? Which was a total stretch.
But she didn’t expect it to be the complete and utter disaster that it was.
If Alex and Reggie hadn’t gotten impatient and started snooping around Luke’s old room and digging through his things to find some sort of sign for his name, and if Luke hadn’t decided to intervene, creating all kinds of ruckus in other rooms for his mom to stop and check-
Then maybe they wouldn’t all be sitting on the Molina living room couch hours, getting read the riot act by Luke Patterson of all people.
“I had to tip over my aunt’s vase!!”
“Well, if it's any consolation, your mom always hated that vase?” Reggie chuckled before being promptly silenced by one look from Luke.
Alex spluttered, “But, like, you didn’t have to break it??”
“I did what I had to do,”
“Your mom was so freaked out!”
“Well, that’s on you guys,”
Julie just about had enough with all these games, she pushed herself up from the couch, squaring up against Luke’s unwavering gaze, “You’re being ridiculous!”
“Me?” he yelled, taken aback, “ You went to my house!”
“We just wanted to know!”
“Oh my god!” His hands gripped at his hair, “Why do you wanna know my middle name so badly?”
“I like knowing stuff about you, okay!”
Luke stepped back. Eyes wide.
That wasn’t meant to come out.
Especially in the booming, shrill tone she used.
Luke was playing with the sleeves of his oversized flannel, the air between them thick and brimming with awkwardness. It didn’t help that Alex and Reggie took this as the opportunity to flee.
Now it was just the two of them in the living room.
Breathing deeply to collect herself because it finally hit her- they were in a screaming match all because of a middle name . Like, Luke wasn’t the only one being ridiculous. It was her too. This whole quest to figure out what the T in his name stood for was so pointless.
They were fighting and Julie didn’t like it.
“And,” she cleared her throat, dislodging the unpleasantness, “there’s something clearly bothering you about it. Just… maybe thought I could help?”
Julie had been kidding herself. Messing with Luke might have been her initial goal, but what bugged her most about not knowing his middle name was the fact that even after all the time they spent together, there were things that Luke still wouldn’t tell her.
He was entitled to keep his secrets, yes, and she still felt bad for spying on him on his birthday. But, they were bandmates, writing partners, friends . She had confided in him a lot and he with her, and they just…
They always had this closeness. A closeness that she appreciated and didn’t take for granted.
And she had acted so recklessly because of it.
Luke nodded, taking it in. He didn’t look mad, but he understood. Julie could tell he was able to get more from her than the words she spouted at him.
“It’s, just,” his voice lowered into a self-conscious whisper, “It’s just something I don’t like a lot of people knowing...”
“I’m sorry. I pushed,”
“It’s okay,” the left corner of his mouth twitched, “You wouldn’t be Julie, if you didn’t” he playfully punched her shoulder.
She gaped at him in mock offense, “Hey!”
“Just saying. Tt’s not the first time you showed up on my doorstep, digging up my past,” she instinctively grimaced but Luke reached for her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers, “But I know it’s coming from a good place. Thanks.”
He really shouldn’t be so forgiving, Julie thought. But she was just happy that they could just leave this mess behind them.  
“I’ll get the guys to drop it,” she offered.
That made Luke laugh, “Good luck with that. Reggie’s wearing Alex down. Now he’s seriously considering my middle name to be ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’,”
“If it was that embarrassing, I’d see why you’d keep it a secret,”
It seemed like Luke wanted to say something but shook his head and thought better of it. Instead he tugged her by the hand to the door, “Come on. You never did give me your opinion on the key change…”
It was months later when it finally came out. 
They were in her room. She was doing homework and he was getting a jump start on their newest song, working side by side on the floor.
Her laptop was open, some randomly chosen Spotify playlist streaming in the background. All was well when the familiar chords of ‘Get Lost’ started playing, causing Luke to visibly tense up.
“Right. Sorry, I’ll turn it off-”
“No. That’s…” He sighed and moved into a kneeling position.
Pushing his already opened journal to Julie, Luke flipped it to the cover, where his name was written.
He pointed to the scribbles over his middle name.
Where only the T was exposed…
“My full name. Ba-da?” his jazz hands fell flat, betrayed by the quiver in his voice.
“I, uh, never liked how it sounded. And you know how I feel… about things that just don’t flow right”
Julie did. For sure. Scrapped lyrics and melodies were often what happened. Never to be brought up again.
He continued, “My mom would insist on writing out my full name on my notebooks for school- Luke Patterson is already so generic,” and the first genuine chuckle of the night huffed out, “Never used them for class of course. Just to write songs.”
“Tre-Bobby,” she corrected herself “He would have needed proof that he wrote everything...”
“My old notebook. That had ‘Get Lost’ and ‘Crooked Teeth’. Made the mistake of writing it in pencil. It’d be so easy to just-”
Slamming the laptop closed, silencing the song, Julie enveloped the ghost in a hug. He melted against her, hands gripping onto her shoulders from behind, for dear life, the weight of the reveal finally taking its toll.
“I didn’t like my middle name before. Now, I just- I just can’t stand it,” he whispered into her shirt.
“I’m so sorry, Luke”
“Were the songs not enough? He had to steal my name too?”
The ache carried by his voice made Julie squeeze tighter.
She had no words.
What Bobby did, what he took from Luke, was more than she could ever fathom. She didn’t know what to do, what to say to him to soothe the pain.
She only held him.
For as long as he needed.
"How come Alex and Reggie never found out?" she would ask him later.
"Didn't make it habit to show off my journal"
She frowned, "But you let me read it."
Luke, too, had no words in response.
“Hey, wanna go on a walk with me?” Julie asked him out of the blue one evening.
Luke could definitely use a break, especially from whatever row Alex and Reggie had just gotten into. He nodded and took her offered hand.
They took a stroll down her street, hands still joined but hidden in Julie’s hoodie pocket (as to not make it seem like she was grasping at air). The sun was beginning to set over the hills as they could see from their vantage point in the park, their set destination.
Julie seemed to have some purpose for this random walk because she was leading him around until they reached a tree in a more secluded part of the grounds.
Whipping out a pocket knife, Julie replaced her hand in her grasp with the odd tool.
“What’s this?”
“For a while, I lost all sense of what music meant to me. I thought music was my mom. That if she’s gone then there’s no point in going on,”
“Aw, Jules”
Her sunny disposition shone through in a smile, “It’s okay. I had to redefine music for myself. Give it new meaning. Music is not just my mom. It’s my family and Flynn. It’s you and the guys” she shrugged, “It’s me.”
“I would have told you that,” A tender touch to her forearm coaxed an even bigger smile from the girl, “You definitely are music.”
Momentarily distracted by the compliment, it took a moment for Julie to get back on track.
“What I’m trying to say is. I think it’s time for you to redefine yourself. There’s stuff in your old life that you miss, but there’s also stuff you want to leave in the past…”
It dawned on Luke what Julie was referring to.
“That ‘T’ is a placeholder. You could go by a different middle name. You could do whatever you want. You’re a ghost now. You can… move on. So,” she revealed the blade and placed it in his palm once more. She nodded at the tree.
“Go ahead. Go give your name a new meaning, Make your mark,”
Grinning, Luke picked up on her plan and began carving into the trunk, his initials, all three letters representing his name, with each mark easier to craft than the last, imbuing more love and meaning into them, just like what Julie said.
Once done, he admired his handiwork, floored by how cathartic it was, to have his name on something that was gonna last.
He was taking back his goddamn name.
He beheld it with pride.  
“I’ll ask again,” Julie leaned against the tree, tracing the letters with her fingers, “What’s the 'T' stand for?”
With no hesitation he said-
“W-What?” Julie choked.
He lost it at her reaction, “You said whatever I want. I loved that show as a kid!” he giggled.  
“Lucas… Thundercat… Patterson,” Julie so badly wanted to make a comment, Luke could tell. But she changed her mind, “You know what? If it makes you so happy then go for it. Who am I to stop you?”
“Nah, I’ll think of something else later on. But it’s my afterlife. I could go through as many middle names as I want, right?”
Luke returned her knife and thought she was going to slip it back into her pocket. Instead, she strode up to the tree and proceeded to carve her own initials right below his.
“There. So your name doesn’t have to be lonely up there,” she folded up the blade and put it away.  
“You know that, uh, couples usually do that kind of thing,” Luke couldn’t help but notice that, with the way their initials were oriented on the tree.
A rosy hue graced the girl’s cheeks, “Oh...yeah.”
A beat of silence followed, just the two of them staring at the tree.
“I like how our names look next to each other though,”
Luke nodded, a warm feeling settling in the pit of his stomach and rising, “Me too.”
Squinting, he read Julie’s initials, “ J.V.M. What does the ‘V’ stand for?”
A devious glint sparkled in her eyes,  “Maybe you’ll just have to guess.”
“Aw come on!”  
She raised an eyebrow, “Oh as if you made it easy for me?”
Ok. She had him there, “Fair enough.”
The whole walk home, Luke ran through all the ‘V’ names he could think of.
“Julianna Valeria?”
“Julianna Vanessa?”
“C’mon, songwriter. Where’s the flow?” she teased.
Luke snapped his fingers, believing he cracked the code, “Victoria. After your aunt,”
“No. But imagine how mad she was when she found out,”
“Venus, Vanilla, Vaseline-”
They were at her doorstep, and he bounded in front of her, blocking her path, “I won’t give up.”
“I don’t expect you to,”
“Velveeta. Like the cheese”
“It’s Valentina,” she finally said, pushing him aside, fishing through her pockets for the keys to open the front door.
“You got Valentina while I got stuck with Trevor?” She lucked out in the middle name department, that was for sure. 
Of course someone like Julie got shacked up with a beautiful name like Valentina…
“I could change mine too. In solidarity,” she said offhandedly.
“If I go with Reggie’s suggestion: Tyrannosaurus Rex then would you be Velociraptor?”
“T.Rex and Velociraptor?” she laughed in disbelief, finally walking through the threshold of her house. Thank goodness everyone else was already upstairs.
“From this day forth, I will be known Lucas Tyrannosaurus Rex Patterson!” he confidently declared
“And I’ll be Julianna Velociraptor Molina!” she repeated, taking much pleasure in the absurdity of it.
“Were you a dinosaur kid?”
“You saw my slippers and my PJs...”
Luke didn’t expect for them to take the whole new middle name thing so seriously.
But if they so happened to greet each other next time with prehistoric roars and with him tackling her onto the studio couch and pretending to bite her like the carnivore he was, then that was for them to know…
And for Alex and Reggie to remain confused about.
And after some years down the line and one magical reincarnation later, Luke decided to change his name again.
“Patterson’s okay,” he said to Julie, “But I think I need something new.”
“Oh yeah? What are you thinking?”
Luke went down on one knee, in front of the tree they marked up when they were teenagers, ring in hand.
“Molina sounds pretty good to me…”
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koutarousangel · 3 years
━ burn this world / ushijima wakatoshi.
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prompt : he was harsh to the world, but when you held his face in your hands, he softened.
genre : fluff, angst
word count : 3.2K
warning(s) : mafia theme, mentions of harassment, violence, mentions of guns
song recs : persephone ━ tamino, nfwmb ━ hozier, follow you ━ bring me the horizon, 
author’s note : this took so long to release because i just couldn’t get the right flow going, but once i finally did, it turned into a ‘mickey shut the hell up challenge’ but i just love the image of persephone and hades so much i could rave on and on and on about them.
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EPISODE TWO ━ hades.
the first time he stepped into the flower shop was for something innocent.
his mother’s birthday was that day and he didn’t know what to get her, so as soon as he saw your flower shop, he made no mind of it and set foot inside. the tall man looked lost, dark clothing sticking out like a sore thumb amongst the myriad of colours the flowers offered. it almost looked endearing how out of his element he looked.
despite the fluttering in your chest, you’d stepped forward and offered your help, asking him his mother’s favourite colour while sneaking glances at the rings decorating his fingers and the tattoo peaking at the edge of his shirt’s collar.
in the end, he decided to go with a white and lavender bouquet, consisting of tulips, carnations and roses. the man stood and watched as you delicately cleaned the flowers and brought them together, putting the utmost care into handling the flowers. he could see the passion seeping through your fingertips and the adoration in your eyes as you spoke about the different meanings the flowers had.
it was at that moment that he realised that he needed to know your name, and as you said it out loud to him with a shy smile on your face, he offered his in return.
“ushijima wakatoshi.”
as his name easily rolled off your tongue after you’d repeated it, it set his chest aflutter and he promised himself that he would see you again.
the second time he stepped into the flower shop, he swore was pure coincidence.
your eyes brightened as you heard the bell above the door ring, glancing over at the door and nearly melting at the sight of the mysterious, tall man once again. you nearly stumbled over a box of ribbons to watch him as he cautiously walked inside the shop, visible hesitation dancing on his face as he tried to figure out what he was going to look at to seem inconspicuous.
he looked incredibly calm as he carefully thumbed at the delicate petal of a white lily, brown eyes trailing along the different flowers, before he sneaked a quick glance at you. coincidentally, your eyes met because you were sneaking glances too.
you picked up a box and stepped out around the counter, going to the row of shelves parallel to where he was standing. due to his stature, you were still able to see his head and face, and how a slight smile rested on his lips.
“what brings you back?” you questioned nonchalantly, keeping your hands busy as you continued to glance up at ushijima trying to understand if he needed another flower arrangement or if he had an ulterior motive.
he took his time to formulate his answer, because how was he going to explain to you that he’d purposefully made sure that his lackeys were busy and wouldn’t bother him with talks of the next shipment or about a payment, just because he wanted to visit your flower shop, because he loved the way your eyes sparkled as you spoke about the flowers, or how you said that every human was blessed to be living among such beauty as you gazed down at one of the tulips, sharing the sentiment but only thinking about you as the subject of said beauty.
it was a breath of fresh air, an outlook filled with bright, beautiful life, contrasting the dark, bloody life he’d chosen to lead.
“i was passing by,” deep voice admitted, causing you to raise your eyebrow in scrutiny, because that was the oldest excuse in the book, “and i wanted to tell you that my mother loved the flowers,” it was a sight to behold, this man, dark and brooding, adorned in a black coat with golden accents on the shoulders, practically blushing.
you grinned and nodded your head proudly, “i’m glad she did, and i hope she had a nice birthday,” continuing to walk , you realised that he was walking along with you, your bodies separated by the shelves. the two of you continued to make idle conversation, and you were glad that it was a slow day, because his voice was calming, strong. the giddiness in your chest was something akin to a schoolgirl’s as she talks to her crush after school.
“i like your ring,” the comment was innocent, but it still caused heat to rush to your cheeks as soon as you realised the thought had come out of your lips, and you were quick to take his hand into your now empty ones, avoiding his eyes as you ran your thumb over the skull ring you’d caught sight of the other day.
ushijima chuckled, deep rumble in his chest causing you to glance up only to see a soft look on his face as he looked down at you. 
but at the back of his mind, a small voice was telling him over and over how innocent you seemed, how he shouldn’t involve himself further into your life, how the ring you were ghosting your fingers over had been used to bash in the face of people who had attempted to wrong him, just so that it would be more painful.
and for the first time, ushijima wakatoshi, the most feared man in what was called the underworld, allowed his heart to silence his brain and softly smiled down at you, allowing you to hold his hand as he nodded once, “thank you … it was my father’s.”
that was the first time in a long while that he’d spoken about his father, and he startled himself as the words came out so easily, but there was just something about you that made the high walls he’d spent many years building just crumble.
the third time he stepped into the flower shop, was with a purpose.
at that point, it was pathetic.
a week had passed since your last encounter with wakatoshi, and it was almost as if your days felt empty, filled with silent hope that he’d walk through the shop doorway again. every time the bell above the door rang, your head whipped around fast, hope dissipating from your chest as someone that wasn’t him accompanied you in the store.
maybe fate only wanted you to cross paths twice, and then never again, but fate had always been a tricky mistress.
you were busy fixing things behind the shop counter, kneeling on the floor as you made sure that everything was orderly, when the taunting sound of the bell was heard again, causing you to sigh softly, “i’ll be with you in a second.”
“please, take your time.”
the deep voice caused your head to reel back, painfully knocking into the shelving on your way up, causing you to cry out softly and fall back into a seated position on the ground.
wakatoshi appeared in front of you, ignoring the ‘employees only’ sign as he knelt in front of you, large hand coming to the side of your face and gently placing it there, “careful,” he mumbled, cautiously turning your head and inspecting the place you’d hit, “are you okay?”
embarrassment spread through your whole body as you sat there, face cradled in his hand as you looked up at him, head throbbing and tears stinging the corners of your eyes, but you nodded anyway, “that happens way more than i’d like to admit,” you admitted with a small chuckle, missing his hand on your face as he moved it in front of you, offering it to you to help you stand up.
“i’m sorry for startling you, it wasn’t my intention,” the look on his face was truly apologetic, a look that never really crossed his face in his line of work, but he never wanted to see you hurt even if it was a silly accident such as this one.
you waved him off, a small grin coming to your face as your heart fluttered, finally happy that the subject of your yearning was finally in front of you, and the situation had caused your hand to be sitting in his once more, and neither of you made any motion to pull away, “then what was your intention?” your voice was soft, tentative, not sure if you wanted to know why he was back.
that seemed to pull him out of the slight trance and he took his hand away, causing your eyes to sadden slightly, but you were quick to cover it up, head tilting softly as he held open his coat and reached into the inside pocket, pulling out a box and holding it out to you, clearing his throat, “i saw this and it reminded me of you … i hope it’s not too forward.”
your eyebrows pinched together as you took the box, opening it and gasping softly at the contents. a rose gold skull ring, quite similar to the one that he always wore on his pointer finger, only daintier, with small diamonds in the skull’s eyes.
“ushijima i can’t accept this,” your words were quiet, so much so that your voice cracked softly as you tried to make yourself louder, shaking your head softly.
the pride he was holding in his chest was quickly snuffed out. hadn’t you said that you liked his ring, while holding his hand and making his heart beat quicker than anyone or anything had before? had he been incorrect at the amount of times he’d seen you get flustered during your two encounters, or how he’d caught you looking over at him multiple times.
his mouth fell open momentarily, embarrassment trickling down his body like a cold shower, as he reached out to take the box back, “i apologise for making you uncomfortable, i didn’t mean-”
“i can’t accept this,” the box snapped shut and you held it against your chest, unwilling to part with the gift, “not before you take me out on a proper date … one where preferably i’m not wearing a green apron,” a cheeky smile crossed your face as you saw relief cross the man’s face.
a small, nervous chuckle fell past his lips as he nodded his head, “how’s 8PM tomorrow sound?”
the fourth time he stepped into the flower shop, you were in his arms, tears staining your cheeks and his coat around your shoulders.
it was a mundane task that you’d set for yourself, go to the convenience store and pick up some milk because the day at the flower shop was so busy that it hadn’t allowed you to go out at any point. 
no one expects to be backed into a dark alley by two men. 
you felt more than helpless, especially since you didn’t have anything to defend yourself with but the milk in your hands and your keys, which could’ve been turned into a makeshift weapon, but amidst the panic that’d settled in your chest, it slipped past your mind. 
 a choked sob slipped past your lips as you turned your head away from them, trying to kick out your leg to ward them off to no avail. you wondered if the skull ring adorning your middle finger would make a difference if you tried throwing a punch in an attempt to protect yourself, because you were sure that yelling out wouldn’t work, because people never liked to get involved in these sorts of situations, scared that they would end up on the receiving side.
but their hands barely grazed the sides of your body before a booming voice made them jump away from you, “shit ushijima, run!” one tried to tell the other, but the man in question gripped them by the backs of their shirt, shoving one of them towards the dumpster, a sickening clang reverberating through the alleyway as his head made contact with the metal.
you slipped down the wall, sitting yourself on the dirty ground as you grasped at the top of your head, trying to drown out the sounds of skin against skin as your saviour battered one of the men who’d even dared to lay their hands on you.
the sounds of your whimpers caused ushijima to stop his attack, low growl emitting from his mouth as he shoved the man away, and made his way to you, slipping his coat off and wrapping it around your shoulders tenderly, pulling you to your feet with caution. his heart broke as you refused to move, body shaking against his own. with ease, he lifted you off your feet, allowing you to cry into his chest as he cradled you in his arms and began to walk towards the shop, remembering that you’d said that your apartment was above it.
after setting you down on your bed and covering you with your blanket, he pressed a small kiss to your forehead, turning to leave even though he didn’t want to. in a silent promise, he swore that you wouldn’t ever get hurt, especially as he heard your voice silently plead, “stay.”
the fifth time he stepped into the flower shop, he collapsed in the entryway among the roses.
the rapid knocks on the flower shop door only made you think of someone who’d forgotten something significant in their relationship, desperate to mend it through a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates, despite the very clear ‘closed’ sign.
“i’m sorry you forgot your anniversary but i can’t stay open all throughout the night-” but your words were cut short as you saw ushijima’s towering frame leaning against the entryway, hand pressed to his side, pain evident on his face. you fumbled with the keys as you opened the door and let him inside, hand ghosting over his shoulder as you guided him, and as you were locking the door once again, a loud crash signified the fall of the strong man, staining the white roses red in the attempt to steady himself.
you were quick to be by his side, ducking your hand underneath his arm and using all of your strength to stand up, allowing him to use you as a crutch as you lead him to the backroom that lead up to your apartment.
more knocking on the door caused you to groan, setting the man down on the stairs and placing your hand on his face, worry painted across your face as his tired eyes looked up at you, silently telling you not to go answer the door but you were sure that they would bust down the door if you didn’t do something.
seeing as your apron and clothes had been stained with his blood, you were quick to slip off the apron and grab your jacket off the coat rack, slipping it on and tugging your hair up into a messy bun, making it seem like you’d just come out of the confines of your home.
you put a confused expression on your face as you went to the door again, opening it harshly as you look up at the men, courage sitting in your heart, wanting nothing more than to protect the man who was inside, “it’s late, i hope the attempt to bust down my door isn’t for some stupid reason,” the voice of a pissed off woman caused the men to reel back, “well, what do you want?”
“did you see a man-”
“i was upstairs, sitting comfortably on my couch eating ice-cream on a saturday evening, do you think i’ve seen a man recently?” discomfort crossed the mens’ faces as they apologised and backed away from you and the store, allowing you to close the door and frantically lock it again, rushing back to the man bleeding out on your stairs.
in some episode of strength, you’d managed to lead him up to the apartment, setting him down on the couch, embarrassment flying out of the window as you cut through his shirt and tended to the wound on his side, slightly thanking your mother for nagging you take that first aid course at the beginning of the year, in case of emergencies … maybe not quite like this.
you stopped the bleeding and wrapped the wound up securely, gently pushing him back onto the couch to allow him to rest and recover, taking a seat on the ground next to him with a washcloth in hand, swiping away at the dried blood on different parts of his body, unable to sleep as the thought of ‘what if he doesn’t wake up’ rushed through your head. at one point you’d found yourself crying, swiping at your face with the back of your hand frustratedly.
“i don’t like seeing you cry,” his gruff voice was heard from in front of you, making you sigh out in relief and bow your head forward, shoulders shaking as sobs wracked your body, “i’m okay.”
you nodded and sniffled softly as you lifted your head and looked at him, smiling sadly as he placed his hand against your face, swiping away the tears and causing your eyes to flutter shut for a second.
“you owe me an explanation,” your voice was small, tired … practically pleading.
ushijima’s face contorted with worry as he gave his head a slight shake, before shaking it more defiantly, “you’ll leave if i do explain … everyone leaves when they find out,” and he wasn’t ready to lose you, even though he knew that you deserved the truth.
you brought your hand up to press against his own, “but what if i don’t leave?”
and the first time you stepped into his office, a picture was painted so vividly in front of you.
he’d asked you to drop by before your date, apologising multiple times that he wasn’t able to pick you up at the flower shop, even though you assured him that it was fine, that you were a big girl able to handle yourself, especially since he’d gotten you to carry a small switchblade and pepper spray in the event that something did happen and since you know that the people who called him boss were always keeping an eye on you when he couldn’t.
you had never felt safer, even though the man you stood by was feared by and targeted by so many people.
as you stood in the doorway, you saw him sitting at his desk, chin rested on his fists as he sat in silence, black button up shirt straining against his strong shoulders, and the skull ring resting on his pointer finger, as it usually did.
a painting of hades, the ruler of the underworld was clear as day, two men sitting in front of him pleading for a lesser punishment for disobeying rules and regulations, hoping that they wouldn’t be sent to the depths of the underworld where no one wanted to go and when you slipped into the office after he’d dismissed them and went to stand beside him, setting down the bouquet of white lilies you’d brought as a gift, you were the his perfect persephone.  
as he looked at you, he swore he could let the world burn, but he wouldn’t ever let a flame touch you.
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phantoms-lair · 3 years
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]Mystery March 31: Ghost
On October 25th 2014 MysteryBen posted his music video for the song Ghost by Mystery Skulls, aka Luis Dubuc. It sounds like hyperbole to say this changed my life, but it's really not.
I had been a big fanfic writer until I tried to force myself to write on a schedule and burned myself out so badly I couldn't write for years. Ghost reawoke that part of me and I began to create again. And that's not even the best thing it did for me.
It gave me friends.
Through this fandom I met @arthurtristankingsmen who convinced me to get out of a toxic work environment and to get help when I was having a major depressive episode. @providentially-demonic who's become a dear friend and writing partner and it sometimes feels like the other half of my brain.
I've loved playing Final Fantasy with @idigihearts1x3, Among Us with @eagefree, Monster of the Week and Cats and Catacombs with @ectoimp, @huppupbup, @chantillyxlacey, and @arthurtristankingsmen
My life is so much better and happier for all the people I never would have met if not for this music video and the series it became. So from the bottom of my heart I want to say THANK YOU.
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Waiting For You Part Four (Ford Pines x Reader) Our Year
Before the twins arrived she helped Stan set up the attic for them. She also made sure there was plenty of food and snacks. Also, she helped make sure the shack was tween proof, and there were no signs of the supernatural or paranormals.
Stan had hired help in the gift shop for the summer, which was new. Besides Soos who had been around for a few years now. He claimed it was because you were both so close to getting Ford back, and the kids would be enough work.
Life wasn’t much different with the twins around, maybe more fun, but not too different. Mabel decided to call her their honorary Grant. The only difference being having to wait until the kids were asleep before she and Stan head down into the basement.
She tried to distance herself at first, allowing time for Stan to bond with his grand niece and nephew. When Stan told her he was going to take the kids fishing she decided to stay home and work. A few days after that there was a loud crash and Soos announced that he had found a random hidden room.
Everything in her started to panic that he had somehow found Ford’s room, but was relieved when she saw it was those creepy wax figures Stan had forgotten about.
“Why are these in here?” Dipper asks.
“They stopped attracting tourists so Stan put them away. Also,” She leans down to Dipper to whisper. “I think they were kinda haunted.” She only half jokes. They had always given her the creeps.
“I thought you didn’t believe in stuff like that.” Dipper quirked an eyebrow.
Stan and her had agreed to play off all the weird stuff in Gravity Falls to try and keep the kids away from it.
“I don’t.” She lies.
---------- When Mabel announces she has been spending time with Gideon she advies her against it. “Mabel, not to be rude, I know he’s only a child, but he’s kind of insane. Also, he’s kind of like your Gunkle Stan's nemesis.”
Mabel ignores her warning. A few days later however she came back to admit she was right.
“Mabel, I know you’re very boy crazy at this age. You’ll quickly learn that if a guy makes you feel uncomfortable or creeps you out you shouldn’t force yourself to be around them.” She offers Mabel a Pitt Cola which she happily accepts.
“He was really nice until he was really creepy.” Mabel sighs.
“Some boys are just like that.” She tells her.
“What about you? You’re so beautiful and nice. Why don’t you have a boyfriend?” Mabel sits up, excited for an answer.
Her thumb comes up to fidget with the back of her ring. “Well, Mable, I…”
“Oh my gosh!” Mabel jumps up. “Is it because you’re in love with Grunkle Stan?”
She can’t help but laugh, causing Mabel to frown. “I’m sorry, Mabel, but no. I love Stan, yes. But I have absolutely no romantic feeling for him.”
“Don’t worry, by the end of this summer I’ll find you a boyfriend for sure!” Mabel doesn't listen as she protests, and scurries off. ---------- For some reason unbeknownst to her Stan decides to throw a party at the shack. When she asks him a reason all he replies with is, “Money!” Which seems about right to her.
She avoids the party for the most part. Taking the opportunity to sneak into the basement to tighten bolts and detangle wires. It's really all she can do at this point until the other journals are found.
When the party is over Stan makes his way to the basement. “You been down here all night?” She nods. “I could use some help cleaning up from the party.” She agrees to help since there is nothing left for her to do.
She starts throwing cups in the trash can and sweeping up. She unconsciously sighs.
“What’s that for?” Stan asks.
“What’s what for?” She replies.
“The sighing, am I too boring for you?” He jokes.
She stops cleaning and looks at him. “What else can we do, Stan? I feel like I’m just sitting around twiddling my thumbs waiting for something to happen. I’ve spent hours in the woods looking for the journals, hours looking around town, in the shack, but I always come back empty handed. I just don’t know what to do next.”
Stan walks over to her and takes the broom from her hands and sets it to the side, then wraps her in a hug. She hugs him back. “All we can do is keep on living our lives. We’ve done all that we can. I’m not saying we should give up or nothing, but right now we just have to live in the present ya’ know?”
She sniffs. “I know. It’s just so hard to, when it feels like we’re so close.” She put her chin on his chest to look at him.
He smiles. “I know what you mean.” He pauses for a second. “But right now, how ‘bout a dance? Didn’t get one all night.” Stan moves to turn on a slow song, before moving back to her and taking her hands.
She laughs but doesn't argue, laying her head against his chest. They slowly sway to the music.
“This year will be our year, promise.” Stan whispers. ---------- She’s sitting on the dinosaur skull talking to Stan when the twins come barling into the room arguing about having separate rooms. She can’t but smile and wonder if Ford and Stan were like this as kids. Right as Stan is explaining there’s not another room there’s a loud crash and Soos announces, yet again, he’s found a secret room.
Everyone makes their way to go see, and to her dismay she sees it’s Ford’s room. She watches as Stan walks in and grabs Ford’s glasses and tucks them into his sleeve while lying about not knowing what the room was.
She’s so lost in thought that she doesn’t even remember experiment 78, and how she had spent the day in Ford’s body before they figured out they could switch back.
She's leaning against the door frame watching as Stan tells the kids he’ll give the room to whoever sucks up to him the most. Even though she’s feeling upset seeing this room for the first time in a year she can’t help but laugh at Stan’s antics.
As the kids are off scrambling to reshackle the roof she sits across from Stan at the table. “Really?”
He smirks. “What? Just a little friendly competition among siblings.”
She lets out a laugh. “Were you and Ford like that?”
Stan looks at her smiling, but frowns a little before pulling a fake smile. “We, uh, we were best friends our whole childhood. As inseparable as kids can get.” He thinks for a second. “Did you ever want to have kids?”
She looks down at the table wistfully. “I did,” she says with a sad kind of smile. “We did,” she corrects herself. “We had talked about having kids once we weren’t so busy with work.
Stan can’t help but feel guilty. Maybe if he had never answered his brother letter her and Ford would be happily married with a family of their own.
“Don’t think like that Stan.” She frowns.
“Like what?” He tries to play dumb.
“I’ve spent almost every moment with you the last thirty years. I can read you like a book, old man.” She smiles at him now and reaches across the table to hold his hand. He grumbles but doesn’t pull away. “You know I love you, Stan. I don’t hold anything that happened against you, I’ve told you before.”
She pulls her hand away as Mabel runs into the room and starts talking to Stan. She gives him a smile before leaving the room.
Later she finds Stan sitting in his arm chair in front of the television. His favorite show is on, but he’s focused on the object in his hands. Ford’s glasses. Silently, she walked to sit on the dinosaur skull beside him and wrap an arm around him. They both look down at the glasses in silence. ---------- At first, she finds Dipper’s Guide to the Unexplained charming. He reminds her a lot of Ford. Charming, until he starts to point the attention to her.
“She’s lived without Grunkle for who knows how long. They aren’t married or romantically involved, yet she wears a wedding ring. Could she actually be the ghost of a lonely widow who died in this house?” Dipper came up with a whole bunch of crazy theories. He followed her around with a camera until she finally had to tell him to stop.
She pulled him aside to talk to him. “Dipper, listen. Your grukle and I are friends, and roommates. We live together because neither of us want to live alone.”
“But your ring.” Dipper begins to ask.
“My ring,” she gives him a sad smile. “Dipper my fiance gave me this ring and he’s… no longer with us.”
Dipper’s face turned white as he began apologizing.
“Dipper it’s alright. I’m sure you’ll find a real mystery in this town if you keep looking.” ---------- A few days later she's reading in her room when Stan calls her and the kids to the living room. “I need you to laugh at this with me!” He motions to the little Gideon commercial on the tv.
Her heart sinks as the commercial shows the Mystery Shack being destroyed by the tent of telepathy.
Dipper asks if they should be worried about that but Stan assures him the only way Gideon could take the shack was if he snuck in and stole the deed. There’s a loud crash and Stan gets up and you follow to find Gideon had actually broken in. Stan ends up chasing him out with a broom but Gideon gives a grave warning about how when he gets the combination to his safe, Stan will never see the Mystery Shack again.
She stops Stan as he locks the safe again. “Is it really safe? Should we move it to the basement?”
He put a hand on her shoulder. “The combination is in my brain, sweetheart. There’s no way he can get it there.”
For a second her mind thinks of Bill, but he’s been gone since Ford disappeared. She decided against mentioning it to him and trusts Stan to know what he’s doing. Unfortunately, she's asleep in her room when Bill invades Stan’s mind and the twins and Soos enter his brain.
While in his brain Mabel opens a door to see Stan slow dancing with their ‘honorary Grant.’ “Are we sure they aren’t in love?” She questions before moving on.
She came into the living room to see everyone cheerful, Dipper had his grunkle in a choke hold, and she smiled. Suddenly there was an explosion knocking everyone backwards. Gideon walked in with the deed in his hands.
Dipper looks confused and says something about Bill. Her heart drops at the thought of the twins having to have had to deal with him.
They flee from the shack and all they can do is watch as a wrecking ball knocks over the sign for the Mystery Shack. ---------- The new living situation was less than ideal. Staying with Soos and his grandmother was only a temporary solution until they got the shack back.
While Gideon held a press conference Stan, the kids, and Soos watched from the front, she tried to sneak in the back. However they were both caught and thrown off the property.
Back at Soos’s house she stood in the kitchen with Stan while he called the twin’s parents. She watched as he blatantly lied to them. He hangs up the phone with a sigh and she walks over and pulls him into a hug.
“What are we going to do, Stan?” She whispers.
“We’ll do what we have to.” ---------- She was right by his side as he explained to the kids that he had to send them home. It broke your heart just as much as his to see how upset they were. She was surprised to hear him say Gideon won before he stormed out, she followed him out the door.
“You didn’t mean all that.” She confronts Stan when she catches up to him. “I know you didn’t. Stan we’re so close.”
“What do you want me to say? What can we even do? We’ve lost the shack, the kids have to go home, and we’ve lost the portal!” He shouts but not loud enough for anyone else to hear.
“We can’t just give up.” She sniffs.
Stan calms himself when he sees she's about to cry, and gives her a hug. ---------- She gives both twins a teary goodbye before boarding the bus. “I love you two. Thank you for making this summer so memorable. I’m sorry it got cut short.” She plants a kiss to each of their heads before they board the bus.
She stands with Stan as they watch their bus drive away.
Back at Soos’s house she scribbles down ideas on how to get the house back, while Stan sits on the couch to wallow in his self pity. He grumbles something about hitting rock bottom and having no friends, no family.
“What am I, chopped liver?” She jokes, biting her pen in thought. He apologizes.
He stares at the Gideon pin in his hand before announcing he knows Gideon's weakness and tells you to hurry up as he runs out the door. ---------- Stan exposes Gideon for the fraud he is. They get the shack back and the twins get to stay. Even better, Stan tells her he’s found journal number two. She can’t stop from crying when he tells her.
Stan checks on the kids while she's checking on the portal. She doesn’t come up all night, until Stan comes down with journal number three.
“Is this real?” She asks in disbelief. “All three? We have all three journals after one day?”
“We have them all.” He confirms and flips them open to the corresponding pages. She watches as Stan examines the pages and presses some buttons, and the portal lights up. “It’s working!” He exclaims. Running towards the portal and she follows.
“Here we go.” ---------- It’s not long until gravity anomalies begin to happen.
“It won’t be long now.” Stan stated.
She smiled wide and nodded. --------- The next day when government vehicles showed up she tried her best to keep her calm. Stan kept his cool and they left.
“I thought this would happen.” She confessed when they’re alone. “The gravity anomalies happened back in the 80’s when we got the portal working but the government was less observant then.”
“Don’t stress it. Soon we'll have Ford back and we won’t have to worry about the government.” Stan grunts.
She tries not to stress but it doesn't really work. She decided to help distract herself by helping Stan set up for the party. They deserved to celebrate getting the shack back. However, she can’t but notice Dipper sneaking off to Stan’s room. She goes to tell Stan right away.
She agrees to keep an eye on the party while Stan goes to check the portal. Everything is going well until the earth starts to shake. It’s not time for this yet, she thinks and checks her watch. Everyone runs off and she makes her way over to stand by Mabel, when Dipper comes running around the corner a hoard of zombies behind him. She orders everyone inside and keeps the zombies away from the kids the best she can without a weapon. They end up trapped in the gift shop and one grabs Dipper. Before she can do anything Stan shows up to save the day. When they are almost safe in the attic Dipper says there’s no way you and his Grunkle Stan can deny the thing that goes on in Gravity Falls anymore.
“Kid, I’ve always known.” Stan confesses. Dipper looks at you and you nod.
“We thought the best way to keep you two safe from it was to deny its existence. We see that was wrong now.” She frowns.
After the whole karaoke ordeal is over Stan has the twins promise not to go looking for problems, Stan lies and promises he has no more hidden secrets. ---------- She stands by Stan as he pours the fuel into the machines.
“Everyday it’s getting stronger.” He comments as his pen, mug, and notebook fly through the portal. She grabs his arm and steps back. Her eyes were wide.
“Haha, yes!” Stan shouts and raises his hand up. A stray metal bar flies up and hits him in the hand.
“This is so dangerous.” She sighs while bandaging his hand.
“I don’t care if it’s dangerous. I don’t care how long it takes. We’re gonna pull this off, and no ones going to get in our way.” He says determined.
She nods, just as determined. ---------- Stan and her work countless late nights. Finally Stan poured the last of the fuel into the machine. “That should be just enough to do the trick.” Just as he says that the timer begins.
The two of them put the final touches on the machine and Stan hits the button. The portal lights up and begins to whir into life.
“Yes! This is it!” His hat began to rise off his head.
She grabs on the nearest desk to keep herself on the ground. In a few seconds gravity returns and she lands back on her feet. “Just eighteen more hours?”
“Eighteen more hours and this will all have been worth it. Stan straps on his watch with a synced up timer. “Finally, everything changes today.”
They share a smile together. ---------- Stan says he’s going to spend the day with the kids, but she refuses to leave the basement. The kids ask where she is and he just says she’s not feeling well so she’s laying down in bed.
She's standing near the portal but at a safe distance. “Just ten more minutes.” She fidgets with her ring. While staring at the portal she doesn’t notice Soos and the kids. They don’t notice her right away either.
She checks her watch. “Two more minutes. Where the hell is Stan?” Looking around she looks back in the control room to see the kids and Soos. “What the hell?”
They walk into the portal room and gasp. “Kids, Soos, you can’t be here. You need to leave now.”
“There! Dipper yells and runs to the override keys.” Before she can run over and stop them, they turn them.
She moves to stand in front of the emergency off switch. “Stop! You don’t understand!” Soos grabs her and holds her to the side. She tries to wiggle away but can’t get out of his grasp. “Stop! Please!” She cries as Dipper almost hits the button.
Stan burts into the room and stops him before he does think. Dipper begins to argue with Stan when gravity fails.
They’re all lifted into the air. She's holding onto the timer as Mabel makes her way to the kill switch. She is frozen in fear, but Stan launches himself forward and convinces Mabel to trust him. There’s a blinding light and a figure steps out of the portal.
“The author of the journals. My brother!”
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breadboylovin · 3 years
NEW POST FOR MY 95060 PLAYLIST!!! complete with explanations of every song choice under the cut because i love explaining my own creative decisions for some reason (PLEASE DO NOT FEEL COMPELLED TO READ ALL OF IT IF YOU DONT WANT TO ITS VERY LONG LOL). i may add a few songs here and there later on, or more likely rearrange what i've already put in slightly, but for now i consider it done.
alright now heres a look into my twisted mind
Franz Ferdinand - Michael: It's a song about seducing someone named Michael. What more can I ask for (serious explanation is that it’s also very homosexually charged like you just have to listen to it… also feels taunting in a way where it’s like ‘oooooh you want me so bad’ and he’s RIGHT Michael DOES want him so bad). Also credit to this post for letting me know this song existed and inspiring me to make this playlist in the first place :-3
Mystery Skulls - Paralyzed: Just another song about how Michael is awestruck by David and feels compelled to follow him for whatever reason (the reason is that he wants him so bad)
TAEMIN - WANT: This is one of three Taemin songs on here because I think if David survived until present day he would fucking LOVE Taemin. Anyways this is a song about knowing you’re hot shit and everyone wants you and I think after seducing Michael through fucking?? Fatal motorcycle races and evil noodle mind tricks??? David deserves to feel that
Glass Animals - Gooey: OHGHGHGHFH THIS SONG… the vibes are impeccable on this one, Dave Bayley’s alluring voice feels like a slight remix of what David is going for and the way it feels like the singer is trying to convince the listener of something (even though it’s purposely vague) just FEELS like David with Michael. The line “I can’t take this place, I can’t take this place/I just need to go where I can get some space” especially fits when imagining how Michael is new to Santa Carla and may want a place to belong that David and the boys are happy to provide
TAEMIN - Impressionable: I see this as the moment that Michael downs the bottle of “wine”, where this song is David’s internal monologue reveling in how easy it was to charm Michael and get him to join. I always thought this sounded like a taunting villain song so it just fits. Also it’s like ridiculously horny which is a plus
MGMT - Me and Michael: In my head this is directly after Michael drinks the “wine”, and if it were an actual song in the movie, it’d play instead of Cry Little Sister in that scene. I already made art related to this but I really just love the juxtaposition between something that Michael will later see as horrible (becoming a half-vampire) and David seeing it as a perfect slow-dance moment. Also “Me and Michael, it’s not a question now” because the blood drinking has now linked them together… mmmmm. Credit to this post again for making me find this song!!
ALI - DESPERADO: This one is less about David and Michael specifically and more about how the night in the cave went down for everyone there, starting with a soft slowness as they ate and then descending into chaos as Michael downs the wine and they celebrate a new addition to the pack. The bacchanal energy is off the charts
Dorian Electra - Man to Man: This song is just one that I attribute to all of the boys because I think they do a lot of homoerotic sparring. Also the part of the movie where Michael punches David in the face and David just goes >:-3 back at him
Chase Atlantic - Friends: I don't know what it is about this one but it just Hits… The chorus kinda sounds like David and the boys trying to convince Michael to stay with them instead of coming back to human society after drinking the blood, in the same sort of taunting manner that they had when David (presumably?) made Michael hallucinate the bike lights and sounds outside of his house
Taking Back Sunday - You're So Last Summer: THIS SONG IS JUST REALLY GOOD. I don't know what it is about this one either… I guess the “Maybe I should hate you for this/Never really did ever quite get that far” part could represent the first glimpse of Michael’s more conflicted feelings about David. Also the second half of verse 2 not only fucks so hard but could also be indicative of Michael’s repressed gay feelings, lying to himself about how he wanted to be around David because he’s cool or whatever but he actually just has the hots for him and would let him do anything if he asked to
MGMT - Little Dark Age: Mostly here just for vibes. Have y’all seen that one edit set to this song? Yeah
The Neighborhood - Prey: I feel like this song captures the general unease that Michael feels right before he sees the boys kill for the first time, knowing that he’s probably turning into a vampire and something horrible is happening… especially with “Something is wrong, I feel like prey” just generally describing what it must feel like to be a human among vampires (though he’s not fully human anymore at this point)
TAEMIN - Criminal: YET ANOTHER TAEMIN SONG!!!! It’s all about realizing you're with someone who’s like, an evil manipulative villain and genuinely bad for you but you can’t escape just yet because you’re kinda into it. I don't think David is THAT bad of a guy, but Michael could be like “I need to get out of this situation because this man is a vampire but I feel attracted to him and it’s hard to really get away”. Also the line “My hands holding yours that stabbed me are not clean either” just HITS cus Michael hates David’s vampirism but HE’S a half-vampire now so it’s not like he’s innocent either. This is just a really good 95060 song AND a good song in general, listen to it even if you don't normally like K-pop cus it slaps
Glass Animals - Wyrd: This would be the moment where Michael snaps out of it and just starts running away, but to no avail, because he’s still a half-vampire (“You can’t run so you must hide” meaning that he can’t outrun his new monstrous nature, the best he can do is hide it until it eats him alive). Meanwhile David laments over how this is a stupid decision from his perspective (“So, my friend, our time is done/You and I could’ve had so much”)
Moonface - Minotaur Forgiving Theseus: This is a very veeeeery bitter song from Michael’s perspective about David being a vampire… with the “You’re just a hitman” repetition referencing how David. Y’know. Eats people. And the “I heard you're coming for me now” references both how David first approached him and the impending confrontation
The Neighborhood - The Beach: This song goes from the bitterness of the previous one to a pseudo-acceptance of the end of their brief friendship and what’s inevitably going to happen next. However, I think the bridge of the song illustrates the little bit of Michael that doesn’t want this to happen, that wants this relationship to somehow work out because he cares about David even if he is a vampire (unfortunately he ends up repressing this because he feels a duty to kill David now)
Gorillaz - Rhinestone Eyes: This is mostly in here because of the music video, the buildup to a battle just echoes in my head whenever I hear this song now. In the context of this playlist it makes me imagine David looking up at the Emerson’s house from the hotel (and Michael doing the opposite) knowing that something’s about to happen and it’s going to be horrible
Glass Animals - JDNT: This entire song feels like the climax of the movie. Verse 1 feels like the Emersons and Frogs getting ready to attack the cave (“I’m all armored up”) with “I feel that final poke” being when Marko gets staked, and the chorus right after is a tinge of regret that Michael feels once the plan starts to take shape. Verse 2 is the other boys waking up to see that Marko is dead + them dying themselves (“Where my funny friends gone?”) and the bridge is Michael and David’s fight before Michael finally gores David on the antlers. The outro of “You can’t breathe without me” VERY much feels like David taunting Michael from beyond the grave, knowing how much Michael loved him and how horrible what he’s just done is
The Brazen Youth - Burn Slowly/I Love You: Ooooooghghgh the conflicted feelings about their relationship is STRONG in this one… The “Burn Slowly” part being him trying to convince himself that he did the right thing by killing David while the “I Love You” part is him realizing that he really did love David and it fucking hurts
Sufjan Stevens - The Predatory Wasp Of The Palisades Is Out To Get Us: MAN. MAN… Everything past “I can’t explain the state that I'm in” is just so… it’s Michael realizing what he had even more and just how much it hurts that he’s lost it. He knows he was in love now and it fucking hurts SO MUCH!!!!!
Sufjan Stevens - The Only Thing: [head in my fucking hands] Michael moping around Santa Carla because it feels empty without David. All the “should I tear my eyes out now?/Should I tear my heart out now?” parts oh my GOOOOOOOOD sufjan stevens i'm going to slap you on the head.
Paramore - Tell Me How: THIS SONG HURTS SO MUCH ITS SO. It’s another one about conflicting feelings so theoretically it should be earlier in the story but I always envision something very morbid when listening to this (and have now written a fic about it so check that out)… Michael going back to the hotel where he put David’s body and musing to no one, asking how he’s supposed to feel now, the “And always coming to your defenses” where Michael keeps defending David and their relationship to his family who all think David was a horrible monster… this song fucking hurts. Also I unintentionally drew a parallel between JDNT’s “You can’t breathe without me” and this song’s “Do I suffocate or let go?” and now that I’ve realized that it hurts even more. Fuck this song
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helshound · 3 years
Hel Rosary (beads and prayers)
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I feel like the catholics are onto something with this so I wanted in on the action. all the prayers are under the cut.
Rosary prayers
(pendant) Lady, I come before you, ashen and unsteady, not to find my rest but to mourn. I mourn who I once was. I mourn what could have been. I mourn those who have no mourners. I mourn lives lost to madness and violence. When I began, I knew just what I was mourning. Each year that passes I know less. And yet I come before you, year after year. I come with offerings and song, marked as one of your people. And I mourn.
(first 3 beads + decade beads) Hail Hel, blessed keeper of our honoured Dead. Exalted among the gods, you are with us in many forms. Our Lady of Solemn Remembrance, we ask you to lead us through another long night. Light our way in this night and all the nights ahead. 
(4th bead/wooden skull bead) You are half a life in darkness, half a death in day. But those who love you will have you whole – and in our night you will lead us home.
(rose + the beads that divide each decade) Hel, my fulltrua. Hel, my Queen. Hel, my Mistress. Hel, my everything. Keeper of memories, bestower of lifetimes. Eternal twilight and stars. Hear my call and grant me your blessing.
(closing prayer after finishing the rosary) Night gathers, and so I call on you. I shall be with you till my death. I shall take no life, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die in your light. You are the lantern in the darkness. I pledge my life and honor to Helheim, for this night and all the nights to come.
Cultus Epithets
Cultus of Peace
Hel Feasthall - she of food, connection, community, and storytelling
Hel Gift-Giver - the generous Queen who cares for her people
Hel Honey-Laugh - she who seeks and values genuine happiness
Hel Justice - she who rules fairly and judges wisely
Hel Amity - she of peace and cooperation
Cultus of Opposites
Hel of Hard Roads - she of the difficult path we need to take.
Hel of the Lights - the lantern held out, the hope in the dark.
Hel of the Antler Crown - her fierce aspect.
Hel of the Flower Crown - her gentler aspect.
Hel Half-Dead - her paradox aspect, the mingling of her opposites.
Cultus of Transformation
Hel of the Hospices - lives that will soon no longer be.
Hel of the Veils - life, death, rebirth aspect.
Hel Conservation - scientific, environmental, spiritual.
Hel Hailstorm - she in her cold Hagalaz aspect, apocalyptic change
Hel Lepidoptera - metamorphosis, transformation, growth.
--------- credit and information -----------
The hail mary-like prayer comes from alaskanlesbian, but I modified it to suit me better. Similarly, for the prayer to be said on the pendant I modified this prayer. For the other bead's prayers, unfortunately I cannot find or remember where I got the inspo for them, so if any part of that rings a bell for someone let me know so I can credit. The closing prayer is modified from the night's watch vows from asoiaf.
Finally, I got the idea to imitate catholicism’s practice of meditating on those mysteries. For this, I used some of the cultus epithets from queenofswords (and added some of my own invention for the Cultus of Peace). There are many more than the ones I used here, so check them out!
If you decide to use this rosary format or if you modify it, feel free to let me know! I'm always interested in that kinda thing.
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