#Also im still gonna be watching Philza
smoke-glass · 28 days
So before I say my thoughts and feelings about all of this, I just want to say
It's okay to cry, it's okay to be upset, it's okay to wanna take a break for a while or leave, it's alright. Trust me things will get better, you just have to be patient and move forward.
And yes I know it's probably hard right now to be optimistic, believe me it took me a while, mainly b/c my feelings were in the way but trust me it's alright, it's gonna be okay.
Now that's out of the way, here's my thoughts
To Dapper/Shade, Pomme/Lumi, Ramon/Artea, Richas/Ricardo, Lullah/Amapola, and Chay/LittleMissSun -
Thank you for giving us characters that meant so much to me and to everyone in the community <3. You put so much hard work into your characters and lore, and it means a lot to me to see how much you loved playing on the server w/the other admins and CC's. Just know that we love you and appreciate you more than you could ever now. 💜
I hope whatever you have planned for in the future is prosperous and beautiful.
I started watching the qsmp on day 1, as a Philza main. I watched Chay and Lullah grow and become the eggs they are today. I will always miss Phil "waking up" and waiting for Chay and lullah to wake up. I will always miss lullah's books, Chay's boughts of excitement and joy, lullah's development, Chay's cooking, and their unconditional love for both of their parents.
I will always miss dappers occultist/madman self, Pomme's Warrior and loving exterior and interior, Ramon being the baby boy from heaven itself, made in God's hands, and Richas' gremlin/chaotic self. I will miss you all dearly <3
And with that being said, I'm probably gonna take a break for the qsmp for a while. Mainly to do with the fact that I main Philza and it looks like he's gonna be taking a break from the qsmp as well. (I might look at the qsmp fanart tag, here and there but I'm taking a break from the main tag for awhile)
So a good see you later and good night from me. Hope y'all have a good day! Love you lots 🥰
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rakkuntoast · 11 months
ok i got nothing else to do so here's a transcript of the whole trauma talk
philza stream july 22nd 3:26:06
Tallulah: if i think u were paranoid, he is even more. y'all need a break
Phil: i mean it's cuz we've like experienced some kind of loss with the eggs, right? so, we've had the nightmare, alright. Chayanne lost a life to neglect cuz of misscommunication. Tallulah, you lost a life to the code monster...
Phil: Like we've felt what it's like to have you guys dissappear from our grasp, right? you've like- you've dissapeared from this world briefly, and we know what it's like. Like i-i've personally know what it's like, for you guys to fucking dissapear entirely like, the nightmare happened and i thought that was it, i was like "fuck well, it's done" and i felt so empty, right?
Phil: I-I genuenly felt like i lost a hardcore world, like- the 5 year world that i lost? that's what it felt like, i was like fucking miserable. And then bad uh- lost dapper like- like in a weird glitch type thing, and that got reverted. But when it happened, you can hear it in his voice like, he was distraught like- theres like a bond that we share even if is playing block game, you know?
Phil: we're just hanging out like, i wanna protect you guys with everything i can. everything i have i wanna protect you with, you know? but... i understand that i can't protect you for everything, so i just try to protect you from that i can, so... (and ooc out-of-character, i think everyone watching is incredibly invested also -laughs-, we're in the same boat)
Tallulah: It's understandable, thanks for sharing how u feel with us i'll be more careful
Phil: that's okay, you- you- you're very careful already tallulah, it's chayanne that fucking dives head first into danger all the time. He's- he's a bit more reserved now, you can do that chayanne when like theres more people, its fine, cuz then we can look after you, we can back you up. But when its just me and you, or me, you and tallulah.... we gotta- we gotta stick together, alright? we've seen all kinds of strange things happen
Chayanne: i mean, gosh i'm bad with words!!!
Phil: yeah, its alright. im just gonna throw some blocks out of my inventory
Tallulah: i gotchu brother
Phil: awww -laughs- gotta back eachother up, back eachother up guys
Tallulah: you show more with ur actions chay, that's more than enough
Chayanne: i dont want to die, i wont die soon, i take everything you showed us seriously
Phil: (overlaps) guessing "super seriously", yeah yeah yeah yeah.
Phil: You know what i think makes it more stressful? Is that us players can't see your health, right? So like, we don't iknow how close you are to danger, we can't- you can't talk to us mid fight, alright? like, you talk to us throught signs and books and stuff but like, we have to go through body language alone to figure out how in danger you are... You can't tell us, you dont have like a button to press, you don't have- there's like nothing to indicate that you're extremely low on health or in peril, alright?
Phil: So it makes it more stressful for the players and the people watching cuz we dont know, so i have to just be super fucking careful... And just treat it like you're on like barely any heart all the time, just in case
Chayanne: Thank you so much for that, when the giant squid grabbed me i was shaking-
Phil: -laughs- Oh god
Tallulah: Thank you for being such a good mentor (and father figure) i can't promise i might not die, but i will fight if i have to-
Phil: Oh i absolutely believe you'll do your absolute best to survive tallulah
Chayanne: When the giant squid grabbed me i was shaking bc i thought that was the end of it
Phil: Yeah- that was terrifying yeah, it's so- it's so like stressful
Tallulah: -to still be here with you all. i promised my papa and i make that promise to you
Phil: Aww, thank you Tallulah, thank you.
Phil: I feel like there's enough counter-measures in place that- realistically um it shouldnt be- nothing bad would happen like- you souldn't lose a life but.. You know me, and I- you know how im- I just I know that multiple bad things can stack on top of eachother and cause a really bad thing to happen, so like we have to be just careful of that, you know? You can be prepared for anything but there's always gonna be ways that you'll be unprepared for something, alright Phil: so- as long as we just prepare as much as we can and just be extra safe and not put ourselves in unnecessary danger then.. These situations that could happen can't happen. The only thing we can't prevent against really, or we can prevent it a little bit- but we can't really prevent it is when the code monster decides to take the life from an egg cuz.. You've seen it first hand, it does not give up
Chayanne: So yeah, it's not a good feeling ;_;
Phil: Yeah... I'm glad you guys are in the same page
Tallulah: In conclusion: we need to go to tio Roier's therapy sessions
Phil: -laughs- Is Quackity paying for it, yeah? Quackity got that on lock, it's like and insurance- it's like a company insurance, like a benefit you have for working with the server. its like "okay so uhh, who needs to book a therapy session today" everyone raises their hand at the same time, good god. Yeah, we'll go to family therapy together, we'll work it out, we'll work it out
edit: minor spelling mistake </3
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de-n-i-al · 7 months
Out of context quotes
(qsmp red team)
Foolish: 'seems killable'
Cellbit: 'fucker shit cum balls, cum balls'
Jaiden: "we just need to camp them out for 1 hour and 20 minutes'
Slimecicle: 'I'm like a little rat'
Slimecicle: 'I'm just kneading dough in the backyard, I'm malewife-ing'
Foolish: 'let's kill him :D'
Slimecicle: 'I'm going to come drop you kids off your lunch'
Jaiden: 'they're calling you momcicle'
Slimecicle: 'sorry to make you wait, kids, moms gotta eat too'
Carre: 'very loud high pitched screaming'
Cellbit 'were fucked, it's joever'
Jaiden 'AAAA Etoiles is after me, I'm dead'
Slimecicle: 'Tubbo! How are you so fucking fast?!'
Foolish 'so what's the game plan? Run and hide or?'
Philza: 'I got everyone hats'
Jaiden: 'I want to be the king of pirates!'
Philza: 'should I just fuckin run for the thing?'
Slimecicle: 'we made a pool'
Slimecicle: 'I hope I melt'
Slimecicle: 'I'm going to verbally assault them'
Philza: 'they started it!'
Slimecicle: 'The bread for my beautiful children is here!'
Slimecicle: 'Hey Phil, my beautiful boy, I have something for you'
Slimecicle: 'phil this is fucked up, you don't do this to a roleplayer'
Slimecicle: 'they didn't even 'yes and' they 'no sworded'
Slimecicle: 'Phil, I just want to be a desirable male wife'
Slimecicle: 'Guys, let's remember to have fun'
Philza: 'I like how no one hesitated to turn on others'
Jaiden: 'he took my God damn straw hat'
Philza: 'were getting spawn camped by badboyhalo and tubbo'
Slimecicle: 'what to the right'
Philza: 'she's gonna kill you man'
Slimecicle: 'i hate everyone who isn't you guys'
Slimecicle: 'I don't think I can look fitmc in the eyes'
Slimecicle: 'We can't even place blocks on half of our land BECAUSE MY BODYS ARE ALL OVER'
Philza: 'the teams are so balanced'
Slimecicle: 'I don't know how to make a backpack'
Philza: 'Can we go back to adventure mode and roleplay'
Slimecicle: 'Please, I'll do anything, just get me off this island'
(Ngl at this point they all go crazy)
(Also charlie loses his fucking voice)
Slimecicle: 'hey cellbit want to beat the shit out of each other?'
Everyone: 'screaming'
Philza: 'Guys, I think we are the cursed team'
Jaiden: 'Do you think the admins are watching us and seeing what to change'
Slimecicle: 'This isn't purgatory, this is hell'
Jaiden: 'take the children!'
Philza: 'This is too much I'm dying'
Jaiden: 'Hey guys, want to huddle together for the last 30minutes?'
Philza: 'I'm light headed'
Slimecicle: 'i feel the right side of my brain hurting'
Jaiden: 'Philza, kill yourself'
Slimecicle: 'The most fun I've had is burning myself to death'
Jaiden: 'Look at the piles of bodies'
Jaiden: 'Untangle it like a spaghetti'
Slimecicle: 'Admins spawn herobrine'
Baghera: 'Can't wait for wilbur to join'
Slimecicle: 'Guys, let's all meet up and go to Disney land and send the pictures to badboyhalo'
Slimecicle: 'your happy? I'm thrilled baghera'
Philza: 'We become npc's'
Slimecicle: 'I can't tell if I'm having a great time or a panic attack'
Foolish: 'I'm tingly everywhere'
Everyone: 'weird ass singing'
Jaiden: 'singing gangnem style'
(Fucking kill me omfg I'm watching the stream and my ears are dying)
Cellbit: 'I want to go to purgatory in real life'
Philza: 'Guys i brought us a fidget toy'
Cellbit: 'This is a pretty fucking balanced team yeah'
(Continuous killing of eachother)
Slimecicle: 'let's hop in the other chats and see how they are doing'
Philza: 'Were going to roleplay a village, im going to make a school'
Foolish: 'I want to get burned by the sun, just to feel something'
Cellbit: 'What if we make a team to fight against the people who put us here and call it oder theorists'
Baghera: 'Philza, where are you? I'm going to kill you'
Philza: 'baghera come kill me'
Jaiden: 'IM BACK BITCH!'
cellbit: 'We ended up on second, green will never live this down'
Slimecicle: 'What do you want from us...'
Cellbit: 'maybe I shouldn't have killed all of those fed workers'
Slimecicles: 'Guys, I'm like clearly turning into a code'
Slimecicle: '3 months ago, I dumped 3 pounds of sand down philzas toilet, so foolish would think he clogged it'
(Cellbit and slime have lost their voices 0_0)
Slimecicle: 'I fucking sound like a dying goose'
Philza: 'dantdm is canonically dead'
(They all agreed to become more decrepit bro)
(They are going to have fucked up skins too bro)
(They are going crazy)
(God this is killing me, why am I doing this)
Slimecicle: 'fuck my arc I'm going on a cannibal arc'
(God dammit this has been the most fucked up stream I've ever watched)
(They are going to rebalance it thank fuck)
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smolsammichowo · 9 months
Theories I got on Q!Philzas current story/situation
1. He's still in that Birdhouse
A lot of people are worried saying "Oh he's gonna die from starvation or something" Well he first of all brought a little snack but also a STACK OF GOLDEN APPLES. Apples, especially 64 can last a very long time but given those are basically magical apples, given its been a week he's fine so far, but also if he runs out and has to get desprate, theres a shit ton of birds in there. If he really REALLY has to, theres those birds to eat in there as well (yea its messed up but survival in desprate situation can lead people do to messed up shit ) Hell he could even eat the paper of those books or whatever. Mentally will he be fine? He's already not so hell no, but he'll be fine food wise. Sanity is gonna be horrible of course. Besides people have been gone far longer than he currently has been , its only been a week so who knows how long he'll be gone for in the QSMP ;)
2. He went the route the eggs went that Forever said , Which is...
He escaped but ran away but at the same time is still looking for the eggs in his own way
So in the recent BBH stream, BBH did in fact use a codebreaker on Phil's chest, it revealed HIS BACKPACK WAS MISSING FROM THE LOCKED CHEST. Meaning
A. Federation took it and is going to use it for an Event or just has it for shits and giggles
Though you'd think he would leave a message, however at the same time given the federation does in fact has access to his base, they would know as well that he is gone from the birdhouse and would look for him. Meaning he could have secretly escaped , went back to his wall base, grabbed his bag and ran off because he realizes that Cucurucho is what the eggs more than likely ran from if they had ran and he is going far away looking for them . Besides, if I remember correctly , though I had not watched a lot of DSMP except for a few clips and summarys on what the lore was after it was almost over just to understand what it all was ( funny enough I really got invested the only time on DSMP of the Slimecicle and Quackity story ... and now look at whos smp Im really invested in lmao ) , Philza did Isolate himself far away from others in that server as well other than from technoblade.
3. He was moved from that Birdhouse and is being given the Baghara treatment (oh good lord anything but dadza :C )
For people unaware of what I am talking about , to put it shortly,
The federation themselves after breaking him down more mentally took him out of that birdhouse, put him into another place, and are currently experimenting on him and fucking him up even more .
Anyway these are all just theories I have on what could happen though these are just what I think, however other than the very first one I'm pretty sure these are all wrong.
Either way Im pretty excited to see what Phil and the qsmp has for us in store for the lore ( remembering his little "just you wait mate ;3 " when he was looking for sniffer eggs the other day responding to someones dono calling him the angst queen lmfao wHAT DO YOU HAVE PLANNED IM EXCITED ) Ive already loved the lore not just from Phil but from everyone on the server .
What do y'all think or what are some theorys y'all got?
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squidthechaotickid · 1 year
Heyyyy whats up me n @arandombee were talking and we made a lmk minecraft au (kinda sorta?) Originally it was screenshots but I'm just gonna copy/paste so it's easier to read :3
Lmk minecraft au:
Mk- The type of minecraft player that will never actually beat the game. Believes in herobrine. Watches speed runners and attempts to be as good as them. He gets distracted half way through.
Mei- builds a bunch of Redstone things and is really good at it. Makes mods.
Red son- He speed runs the game constantly. 100% has done the "GET OUT OF NY ROOM IM PLAYING MINECRAFT" to one of his parents at like 3am. Is comically bad at Redstone even though it's like 2 letters off his name.
Sandy- Also believes in herobrine. He has so many cats to the point you can't walk into his house without lagging out. Also is a good builder.
Tang- Has learned to read and speak minecraft enchantment table. Can understand the endermans. Is constantly looking for lore and making theories.
Pigsy- Doesn't play much. He's kinda the parent that just doesn't get the game. He has some stuff but he just doesn't see the appeal.
Macaque- Has been banned but somehow still gets on. He's actually like really really good at the game but only uses it to be a nuance. He's the one that is constantly pulling herobrine pranks on MK and Sandy. He's just there to steal things and pull pranks. He's really mad at wukong because wukong killed his minecraft dog.
Wukong- Is also really good but pretends he's not. "No I'm not in creative mode!" He was. Fake speedruns just to screw with macaque because he wants to be better. Is a really popular twitch streamer that mainly plays minecraft.
LBD- Got her whole Microsoft account banned because she hacked into wukongs account and started playing on his account. She threw away most his stuff.
Mayor- Also banned but keeps coming up with alts to get back on.
Bai He- She's like the little sibling that you just hand the disconnected controler to but its macaque. Is really bad at the game but she tries. Builds diamond houses in creative mode. Is the only one that's supposed to have creative mode.
Yin and Jin- They just go around griefing. They once mined one of Bai He's diamond houses. Macaque burned and destroyed all their things and only left a sign with his name behind.
Ink MK- Is actually herobrine.
Jade Emperor- Is literally just Mojang
Ne Zha- He's the Philza Minecraft. Everyone thinks he's the one that made mincraft.
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trenchcoatsbi · 1 year
ON A DIFFERENT NOTE I WAS JUST POKING AROUND AND SAW THAT MOD PHIL LISTENS TO BUG HUNTER? man us philza kins all share a musical braincell i guess because holy fuck i don’t think i’ve ever run into anyone else who listens to his stuff! i’m gonna have to politely ask you to hand over more recommendations for music because you’ve got TASTE. -🌾🪶
ARNJS i am staring at you soo hard I know like two other bug hunter fans and theyre fans because I commandeered the music bot and insisted on playing all of his songs during a music vc night... Anyway we are slaying so hard rn. us phils just have the best music taste 😎
OKAY anyway this took forever cause I tried to narrow down my list but ajfanfdk I listen to a lot of stuff. god there's so much music i enjoy that I could go on forever about random songs and stuff so uh yeah... I banished my bs to under a cut for the sake of not making a post that is annoying to scroll past. enjoy whatevr i did -za
Mickey Darling!! RAHGjsA a lot of his songs are like about breakups but they're all very upbeat and fun despite the lyrics. Honestly its so funny to me I literally found him because of a fanfic that used lyrics from say that you miss me (which like god yeah the author got me... it was extremely right for the character they used it for i know cause they're literally me). you were perfect & im so sorry is vry good and also I've had somewhere else stuck in my head since it came out...
Jukebox the Ghost. okay okay they just never miss! i adore like everything they've made but uhmmm I think the cheers album is my favorite still right now like dont get me wrong i love everything they've made but ajldnf how can I not like cheers. Brass Band and I Got A Girl are so good. I will say uh shout out to It's No Secret cause its inspired several pieces of self indulgent ship art I've made.
Streetlight Manifesto... The Hands that Thieve got me out of one of my weirdest music eras. I mean it's ska punk it's not too far from the uh protest songs I was listening too, but ska was more palatable than most of the shit that I was really into for a bit. Anyway listen to If Only For Memories too its good.
LyreLeTemps! god okay so i like electroswing a lot and ashutjak just fuck man Time Train is extremely mecore when it comes to a specific kin. A lot of the music i listen to gets shifted around depending to my shifts lol. Also listen to Nanana it's a close second for my favorite song by them other than Time Train
Groundbreaking, god i've listened to this guy for so long... I think all his music is great but the Anarchy I & II are my little guys I listen to them all the time still. They practically got me through quarantine... Uhm if I had to recommend a specific songs instead of just saying listen to the Anarchy Albums maybe VIP and Beautiful people. Those two were my favorites but jsut to get somthing from anarchy listed too uhm anarchy or media star
The Wrecks god another band I listened to a lot during quarantine... Fvck Somebody and Panic Vertigo are my #1s forever but I really like their new music too. Unrequited and Sonder came out at such a good time for me, unfortunately that means I have like four writings wips that have titles that are just the lyrics of those songs...
Air Traffic Controller is another band that made quarantine bearable for me god why have the last three just been quarantine time killers. Anyway I listen to Creature of the Night a lot because I love being thematic with my music when I pull all nighters. Uhhhh other than that Anybody got a light has quickly become one of my favorites from them too
Atarashii Gakko!! This is the only non english band I'm actively a fan of rn. My friends are like big into like Kpop and I'm more of a cpop or jpop guy but like even then I almost never find a band and get super invested. but raghg the choreography and vocals just everything really scratches my brain. I really like watching their dance practices idk its just so fascinating to me. uhm okay uh Fantastico and NAINAINAI yeah those i recommend them :]
AND because I cant help myself here's some things I wanted to talk about but uh 90% of it would just be me keyboard slamming cause I cannot articulate my enjoyment of them
Circa Waves: Your Ghost & Golden Days
Good Kid: Mimi's Delivery Service
Saint Motel: Sweet Talk & Slow Dance
Rare Americans: Walking N Talkin
Burn the Ballroom: Calm Down & Crazy
Bear Ghost: Haunt the Cartoon Heart & Sirens
Andie Schoen: the prophet (you love me) & loitering
The Happy Fits: In the Lobby & So Alright, Cool, Whatever
Hobo Johnson: Peach Scone & February 15th
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zathechaosgod · 2 years
Philza Stream highlights
Stremed on: november 14, 2022
BOTW mastermode stream! Part 1, of a series that will continue until phil finishes the game or isn’t having fun with it anymore.
Actual bulleted list of fun moments is below the read more!
(also warning for botw spoilers, obviously)
first dono of the stream: apparently the last time there were no people in space was halloween in 2000
phil got the controller to work, and the heart beat sensor working
kangaroos cant fart
donos are feeling Educational today
"should be fun, should be hell!" phil isn't sure which one it's gonna be, but we gonna be vibing
this man has played through the game like. twice. and is now gonna go do master mode.
this might end up another endless series until he completes it
this is your reminder that new philza merch dropped on ph1lzamerch.com!! its gonna be gone december 1st, so get it while you can!
the game double checks you actually, really, are you absolutely sure, want to play mastermode
this is your reminder that phil does have the dlc group selfie in a massive framed print in the bg of his room
"link isn't british, i dont think"
"link, pick this iphone 17, its the size of a tablet, idk why they kept making it bigger"
phil knows how to whistle run, thank god
also side note: botw is still the prettiest freaking game oml
back on track: imagine link just mooning all of hyrule in the opening sequence, just turning around and pulling his pants down
phil is very good at imitating the old man. surely not an indication of anything
phil died to the first enemy he came across :thumbsup:
got halfway to killing him the second time, threw him over a staircase, and decided to just continue onwards- nvm i lied he walked back
dono: watch out for the open spaces on the great plateau
phil, 5 seconds later, spotting the white lynel in the next field over:
i'd suggest a death counter but it'd be too bothersome. every single mob phil comes across kills him at least once
look on the bright side! your whistlerun might alert every single enemy in the area, but at least you can farm arrows while doing so!
bows are OP in this wut
"so... the play is headshots"
"the beast. her name's pauline"
phil putting his button mashing skills to good use (more than two lines of dialogue)
to a dono who mistook an uruhara cosplayer for a philza: "theres a clear difference! im a yassified uruhara!"
phil would like to throw up at the nintendo switch shirt
"ancient and decrepit" sabe the chatter: "just like you!"
old man on old man violence! phil wants to murder the old man
skeleton boy is politely waiting for phil to activate the shrine <3
he scammed the last surviving bokoblin living in one of those skulls. killed all of his friends and robbed his house
he also keeps dying to a bokoblin camp but he Needs to know what's in the chest
prehistoric people be like: "oh there's people down there and they have food i want."
the botw experience: whistlerunning through the entire snowwy area so he can get to the shrine (and pick up a dlc crate on the way)
stardew valley is like crack cocaine to phil and kristen. they'd play it from morning till well into the afternoon on any day he wasn't streaming, and spend the rest of their time thinking about doing things in stardew
kristin brought him marshmellows and he caught one with his mouth
also he forgor how many ice blocks he can make and drowned himself bc of it
phil has also lost track of what he's supposed to do
and forgor he can fasttravel
then fasttravelled and remembered the shrine is high up a ledge and a lynel is between him and there
hype music time for the lynel fight (aka phil dies over and over again until he's out of weapons)
phil has given up on the lynel bc his weapons wont last long enough
we're going for the final shrine so we can get the glider and just Dip
climbing the cliffside: nearly as difficult as the lynel /hj
turns out there is, in fact, an easier spot to climb up
phil is 100% going to the lovejoy newcastle gig if wilbur lets him in
imagine if the big rock balls were bouncy
finished the plateau shrines!
 gotta go back to the church first to get the glider L
chat is taunting about a shiny boy he’s gonna run into eventually
“the blue trails are ghost farts”
“he didn’t need to do this” about the old man pretending to be an old man and then having a magical girl transformation into the king
Urbosa best girl, real and true
paraglider time!! off the great plateau <3
“oh nooo the rock dudes- oh wait i have a hammer”
pov you catch a shrine solely bc you were bombing the bokoblins you were running away from
philza chatters, united in the ingrained need to name things “dave”
second tower complete! “~here comes the radiation! he doesn’t know his skeleton shows for a second or two! dududu slightly more poisoned~”
beedle!!! phil is dripping for him (with sweat!!!)
if the shirt sells for less than 100, he’s keeping it for stupid pictures
it sells for FIFTEEN?
duolingo haunts phil even on stream
[excited gasp] “oh chat, there’s a big woman around here isn’t there”
dono: big woman is rapidly approaching your location. do not run.
got the maracas, it was a pain, phil is probably not gonna do the dlc stuff in mastermode
impa!! the old woman we dont really care about
pov you attempt to murder the old woman with a sledgehammer bc you were smashing through the dialogue
phil will not wear clothes unless its too cold to go without
BIG LADY TIME  aka fairy fountain
do we have fairy fountain mumza with link!phil art yet
pov phil went to the bathroom and now his heartrate is over 150 (because the dude got tickled. i think.)
ph1lChef new emote!!
honestly most of this stream is just zelda and vibes
also tubbo is here to vibe for a bit in chat
lynel round two! the lynel is regenning his health faster than phil can hurt him!
we move on again (phil saved beforehand and reloaded to not waste all the weapons lmao)
“pot lid you’re gonna get me through this. rest in peace pot lid.”
pov potfriend is, in fact, a pot
hinox murder time! it’s most phil doing the murder, this time
phil is so good at the game -> gets slammed in the chest and off of a cliff by a goat
collective simping moment for sidon, who did the thing! “positively kicking my feet”
boy needs a lot of strength in his thighs to make those jumps
Tumblr media
4k, bonk.
phil is on a flying platform with one of the lizard guys and he’s just. straight up not seeing phil
phil wanting to know what’s in the chest vs the electric beams oneshotting him
moooooom, phil is bullying the wizard boy by repeatedly bashing him with a floating box again
the moment sidon appears on screen you can literally time stream delay by waiting for the flushed emotes to come in
anyway we’ve reached the water city!! i’ve forgotten the name
one last shrine in the city and then it’s end of stream time
phil is Hungry and wants noodles. which, mood.
he is also thinking Way too hard again, went through a (w)hole lot of trouble for the Wrong ball
big elephant!!!! a friend (phil will die next stream)
phil likes the music, characters, and the fact the power you get from this one is essentially a totem :D
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rains-pace · 3 years
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I'm so ready for MCC!!
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problemcore · 4 years
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I have 2 ideas so im am going to make them sperate lol
Can I get headcannons for a reader in a hype house with the dsmp? What would that be like?
Anyways I hope you are doing well!! Ily and have a great rest of ur day
Till next time we talk 💞
I really love this Idea. I already feel the chaotic energy without thinking about it.
I'm gonna limit it to 11 Persons, because I feel most comfortable writing about them and also to not let it get as chaotic as it already is.
I had too much fun writing this head canon.
Anyway, I'm doing pretty good. I'm grinding on my Minecraft world :) I hope you're doing great as well.
This is a little short but I still hope you have fun reading it
Living together with the DSMP
!Warning! Pure Chaos, Grammatical Errors (please just oversee them, if there are there)
Characters Mentioned Dream, Wilbur, Philza, Sapnap, Karl, Niki, George, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo
Word Count 517
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This is to 100% a Mr. Beast Idea and you were one of the first contestant he asked.
Why wouldn't you say yes to such an offer?
On the first day everyone would show off with a camera in hand, Volg already on going.
You would live in like a big mansion where everyone would have their own room.
Despite having an own room, Privacy isn't going to be top priority.
On a sunny day. Tommy would crash into your room and drag you outside to have a pool party.
Phil turns on the grill and makes everyone some delicious goods.
He would also be the more mature part and watches over everyone so nothing gets smashed, or broken.
Tubbo trying to push Ranboo into the pool.
The Feral Crew just sitting in one corner with sunglasses on. Checking out the food Phil makes.
Every two weeks, Tommy would upload a very chaotic Volg on his Tom Simons Channel.
As chaotic as it is, help would be just around the corner.
Having trouble with cutting a video? Ask right away. No need to google.
Problems with Technology? No problem. Philza, Dream or George are glad to help out.
Also... Cooking Stream on George's Channel with Dream sitting in the off throwing in some sassy or flirty comments.
Karl and Sapnap are just messing around with George.
For sure, some ingredients gets thrown in someone's face.
Ranboo watching from far behind, being disturbed by the scene.
No need to worry about Food.
Either someone is brave enough to cook something, or the delivery man is already on his way.
Cake made by Niki.
One calmer stream would be with Niki
You two just sit in her room and talk about various topics. Let chat send in some videos for a good laughter.
At some point Wilbur interrupts you both and make the stream a little more chaotic but he soon gets dragged out by Phil.
Before I get to the next stream Idea... Hear me out.
Movie Nights once a week.
At first, everyone argues about what movie to watch, but in the end You and Phil craft a wheel of fortune with a bunch of movie headlines written on it.
Where ever the pin lands on, the move will get shown this night.
Dream orders everyone's favourite Meal.
All are squished on one large Couch, munching on their food and watching the movie.
Another totally chaotic stream would be a Jackbox stream.
The Rap battles also get performed in Real-life.
Imagine Sapnap and George insulting each other face to face, with water bottles as microphones.
Niki roasts everyone without thinking twice.
Just Tommy trying to cheat by looking at other phones while playing until he gets caught and sat on a lonely chair.
There would also be days when it's silent.
On such days, everyone sits at their Pc playing some games by themselves.
From time to time you could her a faint scream from either Tommy or George when taking off the headphones.
Of course, every room is soundproof, so others can sleep when a loud child is streaming.
All in all together, it would be a very chaotic experience, but everyone has got their back in case something goes wrong.
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amazingphilza · 3 years
twitchcon :: cc!multiple x reader
fluff , platonic , gender neutral ! some mcyt headcanons if you were to attend twitchcon w them
cc’s included in order: tommyinnit , tubbo , ranboo , wilbur soot , philza , technoblade
cw: kinda lengthy for the minors (i think), not as much for the hags LMAO /hj
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this man is so excited to be at his first twitchcon & being able to hang out with all his best friends makes it a hundred times better
when he isn’t at a panel or doing meet & greets, he’s dragging you everywhere to see the whole convention center (clingyinnit)
he is just so at awe despite this not being his first convention to attend
you’d be surprised he gets tired pretty quickly & stops over to the partner lounge
you both rest for a bit against a wall in a pretty packed hallway despite it being an exclusive area to twitch partners
every time a famous streamer walks by he will yell it out and record it then vlog your reaction, even if they’re surrounded with bodyguards & trying to get to another place quickly
he’d zoom in his camera to their face at a horrible angle and be like
“oh my god it is THE ninja. ninja famous fortnite player, HELLO.”
but he gets completely ignored
then the camera pans out to you, still really zoomed in that the capture is blurry
tommy is so confused, forgetting the bit ninja did on his twitter where he renamed himself ‘ninjainnit’ for a split second
okay tommy isn’t that athletic but he will chase you and the rest of your group down a hallway if he had to
he’d probably find a toy gun from the artist alley/seller booths and shoot you and wilbur with it
but if tommy stumbles across any of the dream team, it’s about to be minecraft manhunt but irl
and he will def play his stream music while walking or smth when he’s bored (or trying to jump dream & sapnap)
oh my god,, now thinking about it he’s probably the one to open like random doors of empty rooms and steal stuff while you film him
like he will take a random empty glass, a bunch of pens, a freebie t-shirt, everything he sees he takes with him and you’re just panic
“tommy we’re literally not supposed to be here, and i’m stuck here filming you. it’s surely a felony in action”
“well, it’s their fault for leaving the doors open! plus this is great content. who’s the dirty crime boy now, HM?”
you’d tell wilbur about this and he’d scold tommy and threaten him with the same pen tommy stole
tommy probably would also drag you some weird event happening outside twitchcon along with tubbo and ranboo
“pokimane is giving out free pizza to everyone if we go to this one restaurant down the street!”
“we are literally gonna get bombarded. have you forgot you’re like three of twitch’s top streamers? i’d rather pay for all of our meals than try getting free pizza from pokimane against all her other fans”
“DEAL! let’s go to five guys then!”
you unfortunately end up paying for all 3 of their meals and picking on their food instead of buying your own
even with all of them making way more money than you, they still happen to be cheapskates
OR tommy will end up getting a burrito from a taco truck, immediately making a mess of himself, then proceed to complain how messy the food is to eat despite knowing what he was getting himself into before even ordering
“shit my clothes are all ruined now!”
“well that’s your fault you got a burrito, as if it’s your first time having one”
“i mean the food is good, i’m not complaining about that but i don’t think it’s that good that it’s worth costing my red and white shirt, im just saying”
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same with tommy, he is so excited
i don’t know why but i imagine him overpacking his suitcase and you making fun of him for it
anyway tubbo has his irl backpack on and streaming EVERYTHING
probably spends a lot of time at a bunch of different booths, checking out all the pointless gadgets he could buy for his stream
you’re the one to stop him from doing so
“okay theoretically speaking, how the hell are you going to even bring it home? which—let me remind you—is across the country for you and not to mention the giant ocean separating america and the uk”
“free ship-pang!!!”
“i hate to break it to you tubbo but there is no way you can get free shipping on a FIVE FOOT PC. it’s nearly as tall as you! what are you even gonna do on it, hack the government???”
the arguments are all lighthearted but eventually you give in and let him splurge over a thousand dollars in different devices he claimed he “needed”
i could honestly see him visiting the beaches in san diego and going for a swim or even renting out a boat to use for a bit :D
also he’d bring benson along with him and taking a bunch of scenic photos with it in them
i have a feeling he’s the type to schedule a spontaneous meet & greet because he was bored & gets in trouble for causing a mob in a certain part of the convention
he’s like “oh god, i did not expect this many of the bois to show up AHAHAH oops”
tubbo would def pull a lilypichu and bring his melodica or ukulele and play themes while following random people/cosplayers
at the end of the day, you’d find his bag just stuffed with crap he either got for free or bought in the convention
“how did you get all that stuff? i was with you all day??? and it’s only the first day of the convention, hello?? it looks like you’ve been collecting as if twitchcon has went on for a week already!”
“HA i have my ways, do not underestimate my powers”
lani would probably tag along for the vacation honestly
like whenever someone comes up to her giving her gifts/asking for pics, you and tubbo would tease her about how famous she is
and i dunno but something about tubbo just gives me this amusement park energy and going to legoland and spending the whole day there since it’s near by and because he can
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he is like a beacon in a sea of people, that’s it .
i honestly just see him causing as much chaos as the other two
ranboo would probably like take someone’s camera whether if they’re streaming or if it’s for the vlog, hold it up high, and point the camera directly above someone’s face
it did not matter how tall you were and if you had platform shoes on, ranboo was a skyscraper next to you
“HAHAH this is how i see you from this height, this is funny”
then he shows you the vid of the recording of him getting like an aerial view of your face
like you see your nose and all your pores and just overall a bad angle to be captured in
i dunno why but i feel like he’d jump scare every person that was cosplaying as his minecraft character from behind for some reason
“ranboo i’m not even remotely dressed as your skin—”
“don’t worry i’m practicing it’s fineee”
“you’re like the height of 2 people combined, i think you will be fine as is. you even intimidated the security at the front”
i feel like if he had his own panel he’d like pull up some undertale song in the middle of it and scare all the people in the crowd
“lore but in real life”
probably would get some matching keepsake with you from artist alley/the booths!
i could imagine like a cute keychain or smth :D
i feel like he’s the type to like randomly volunteer as a participant for those mini events in a booth thinking it would be funny but regrets it the moment he’s on stage
after introductions the presenter is like “okay ranboo, you will be given a random meme prompt above your head you won’t be able to see until after and you will have to make a random face to compliment it!”
and you can just tell by his facial expression he’s just thinking
oh god what have i gotten myself into
what is this game? who came up with this idea?
you’d laugh at him the whole time, even after he’s off the stage and finished with that small fiasco
“that was horrible. never again.”
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wilbur soot
honestly with wilbur it’s slightly more chill
he already experienced twitchcon before so he’s just glad to see his friends again after so long
insists that you explore the convention yourself rather than sticking with him the whole time but you do anyway!
wilbur would probably have like a mini concert and gets you front row seats with the rest of the group
but that doesn’t mean before it that you’re not helping him set up
“y/n please– my amp is so heavy, i can carry it”
“don’t worry! i’m strong” :D
and musically talented or not, he will probably bring you and the rest of his friends up to stage to just vibe and sing a bunch of random acoustic songs
it’s not like some big concert hall stage,, i imagine more like a casual thing w a slightly higher platform from the ground yk?
after spending a long day at the convention he’d also bring everyone across the city to la jolla or smth !
you’d all probably have dinner there and chill, watching the pretty sunset
“this place is really pretty but oh my god im gonna lose my breath hiking up this stupid hill, please slow down”
and wilbur is like ??? because he’s completely fine with his long legs and everything
“just walk faster”
“no, you walk slower”
AHAHAH and for context traversing through la jolla by walking around the town is a bit hard since it’s basically on a bunch of hills (walking up from the beach to a restaurant actually is actually sm work, trust me ive been there)
wilbur honestly doesn’t spend that much time in the actual convention center, he’s probably sightseeing a bit of san diego with you instead
but i could imagine him staying at the tabletop games area playing dnd or smth
“c’mon y/n, come join!”
“uhh i’m not sure, i’m not the best at roleplay and...”
“it’s fine don’t worry!”
he’d pull you in with him and end up enjoying yourself even if it was your first time
and if you’re of age, you’d be wilbur’s +1 at the twitch partner party and make sure mans doesn’t too drunk
if it’s not too late in the night, you two would chill at the beach after the party
it’s just a nice, calming moment after all the loud music mixed with hundreds of conversations at the party
also something about like taking polaroids pictures with wilbur just seems to go hand in hand for me
i’m not sure why but you will be taking lots of pics with wilbur for sure (not necessarily you both in the photo, but of sceneries as well while you’re together!)
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literally a dad on vacation with his children, it doesn’t matter how old you are
need sunscreen? surprisingly has it
want a snack? probably has a small granola bar somewhere in his bag
but same with wilbur, he’s more chill like this isn’t his first time at twitchcon
omg he’d def bring you to the artist alley and just buy a bunch of fanart and stuff tho
“oh wow look phil, someone made a giant poster of the dream smp and shit!”
“holy shit that’s so good what the fuck!”
and he’s like rushing to that artist’s stall to buy a poster or print
idk why but phil seems like the person to know where he’s going all over the convention center
he probably had a copy of the directory map but yk
you just have trouble reading it bc all the signs seem to be misleading to you
nothing really crazy screams out to me of what phil would do at twitchcon besides like go to a few events, spend a bunch of time w his friends, etc
HOWEVER i could see him wasting a lot of his time at the gaming area and testing new games that are currently on the works of being developed
like “woah y/n, this vr game is sick, you should try it out!”
ngl i feel like phil would plan a visit to disneyland for everyone, like he gets the tickets and everything but once you’re at the park it’s free reign, y’all go everywhere with not much of a plan
the minors would try to cheap out phil and pay less than the others even though everyone else fully paid phil back and everything LMAO
ok but if he’s feeling nice, phil will buy everyone cotton candy/pretzels :D
and if you’re not hungry, he’d at least get you a mickey balloon
just in general, best idea phil had for taking everyone to disneyland :D
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surprisingly techno is really calm despite this being like one of his first conventions
but when he finally settles in and gets comfortable, he’s showing the same energy
if you’re playfully yelling, he will yell back
however there’s still those awkward moments that are unavoidable
idk why but something about him makes me think that if you feel tired and want to go back to your hotel room, he’d go with you just to make sure you get there safe
he probably also needs a break from being around everyone else for a moment too LMAO
i could also see him searching far and wide in the artist alley for fanart of himself AHAHAH
walking around with him in the convention consists of someone yelling “BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD” every 5 minutes but you don’t really mind
something about him makes me think he’ll be forced into playing minecraft twitch rivals along with the rest of sbi or smth
and he’s like “oh god, i’m going to be on stage? and people will see my face while i play minecraft?”
“i’m sure it will be fun!”
“i mean i like being competitive and feeding my ego, but i’m not that desperate.. well”
do i imagine techno getting easily tired of being surrounded by a bunch of people and just going back to his hotel room with phil and watching some anime with him? yes
and will you watch even if you have no idea what’s going on? also yes
i feel like after a while of you guys hanging out in techno’s room, the rest of the gang will just slowly join you guys
like eventually everyone is there; you, techno, phil, wilbur, niki, tommy, tubbo, ranboo, etc
and techno is like “wha– where did you guys come from?” because his room is basically packed
and niki could be like “oh we can go if you want!”
then techno just insists that she’s fine “but who let the child get in?” clearly implying tommy’s presence
eventually techno gives in with the company and someone gets a bunch of board games to play from the front desk
lots of yelling and laughing for sure
when it becomes late at night, techno is like half conscious, you’re on your phone, wilbur is staring out the window & enjoying the night view, tommy is passed out on the couch from tiredness, tubbo & ranboo is still wide awake quietly talking, and phil & niki are helping clean up the giant mess
eventually everyone brings themselves to go back to their own room except tommy who won’t budge
you give techno a look and he immediately understands what you were thinking
he rushes to the bathroom to fill up two cups with ice cold water and handed one to you
“on three?”
“okay.. one”
then both of you pour the water on the poor child’s face
he jolts awake and saying a string of curses
“what the fuck techno? y/n too?”
“get out” is the only think techno says that before tommy rushes out with his stuff and you leave right after
a/n: i honestly can’t wait until conventions open up again though,, phil and ranboo were talking about vidcon earlier and omg.
also i kinda want to take in tommy requests but i’m not sure??? it would be both cc! and c! x gn!reader for sure tho. i love writing him to bits but who knows, maybe i’ll only stick to my ideas,, or not. send in a tommy x reader request, might do it, might not, but he’s my fav cc if you can’t tell so! :D (i dunno if i will keep it strictly platonic, but unrequited crushes and stuff are fun to write hehe,,)
edit: let’s hope i fixed all the grammar mistakes LMAO we love writing late at night :) /s /hj
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strawberry-jammers · 3 years
One Year
a dreamsmp x reader where a young (y/n) wants to rebuild an old old kingdom before they hace to be crowned to rule over their parents kingdom. with the help of their friends and a couple of servents, they hope to rebuild it all withought their parent knowing about it.
part 2
part 1/?
The lovely @acidicvolt edited this!
the pronouns are he/him till age 17 where they're they/them
word count:4,400
Age 9:
(y/n) ran around the castle with his friend Tommy, holding a bunch of flowers in our hands. 
“Where's he at!?” Tommy yelled, looking into every room. “Calm down! We’ll find him!!” he says, still running ahead of him. “Come on slowpoke!!” Tommy looked at (y/n), running quickly after seeing him far ahead of himself. 
“COME BACK HERE!!” (y/n) laughed, running further ahead.
(y/n) ran into the garden, coming across Techno and Wilbur. They were practicing with swords today, as to where they would normally practice hand to hand combat.
He ran up to Techno, who wasn't doing much as they were just starting another round. (Y/n) ran into Techno’s hip, making him wobble slightly. 
“Heh? What are you doing kid? Aren't you supposed to be with your parent?” he shook his head, grabbing some of the flowers that he dropped. 
“Nope! Mama Eret said I was allowed to hang out with Tommy today!” (y/n) says, smiling up at the tall man. 
“(y/nnnnn)!! You left me behind!!” he pouts, dropping some of the flowers (y/n) forced him to carry. 
“Tommy, you're dropping them!!” he says, running over to pick them up. 
“Well so where are you!!” 
The two friends bicker, picking up and dropping flowers as they talk. Wilbur walks over to pick up the fallen ones they can't seem to hold. 
“Both of you are dropping flowers. Why do you need them anyway?'' Wilbur asks, looking at the two 10 year olds. (y/n) smiled, running up to Techno again. 
“Techy we wanna braid your hair!!” he says, smiling up at him. Tommy runs over and smacks the other upside the head. 
“YOU wanted to braid his hair! Don't drag me into this!” 
(y/n) holds his head, nearly crying. 
“Tommy, don't hit your friends!!” Wilbur says, picking up the small child. 
“Put me down Wilby!!” Tommy says, thrashing his arms and legs. 
“Did you just call me Wilby!?” 
“Maybe I did!!”
Techno looked at (y/n) as the two brothers argued. He looked up at him as well. “This is why we don't have siblings.” (y/n) nods, dropping a flower or two. 
“So, you wanted to braid my hair?” the young boy smiles. 
“Wait can i!?''
Techno sighs, nodding. He smiles, walking over to the marble bench they had. The boy sat on the bench, ushering for Techno to sit in front of him. “Ugh, kids.” 
(y/n) laughed as Techno walked over to him, sitting in front of the bench. Techno took his hair out of the loose bun it was originally in, handing him the string that was holding it together. The younger smiled, taking it and sectioning his hair to start the braid. 
Tommy and Wilbur looked over to see them. (y/n) was peacefully humming a small tune that went nowhere, while Techno had his eyes closed humming a small beat.  Tommy thrashed some more, escaping Wilbur’s grasp. He ran over to the two of them, standing next to his friend as he braided Techno’s hair. Tommy leaned over and whispered to (y/n), “can i put the flowers in?” the other chuckled, nodding his head at his friend. Tommy smiled, grabbing the flowers he had once discarded, putting them in the braid as he saw fit. 
(y/n) braided the rest of Techno’s hair while Tommy put flowers in the already braided parts. Wilbur walked over to the three and watched as they worked. The two young boys put flowers in the braid as Techno talked about his week.
“Yknow, I’ve only kicked one orphan this week. Which is very impressive for me.” Techno says, nodding to himself slightly. (y/n) laughed, thinking what he said was absurd. “Techno don't tell the children that!” Wilbur says playfully.
 “Wilbur you're literally 17, you too are a child.” Philza says, entering the garden that they were all sat at. Tommy smiled, running over to his father. “Dadza!! Look what me and (y/n) did!” he says, pulling the old man over to Techno. (y/n) was finishing up the last of the flowers, making sure the braid was tied nice and tight. He grabbed one last flower and went over to face Techno, putting it behind his ear. “Perfect!!” he says, looking at his masterpiece. 
“Look, look!” Tommy says, showing Philza Techno’s hair. “Before you say anything, I was forced into it.” Techno says, standing up from his spot on the ground. Philza laughs at his friend, Wilbur, doing the same. “He's lying dad, I saw him humming with (y/n) as she braided it.” Techno lets out a “heh” as Philza starts laughing. “Betrayal! I didnt think my own student would do me like this!”  Techno says dramatically. Tommy and (y/n) start to collect the leftover flowers as the other three argue and laugh amongst themselves. 
(y/n) sat on the ground, making flower crowns with the leftover flowers. Tommy sat next to him, watching the boy work at the crown. “How do you know how to make that?” he asked, slightly amazed at his friend's creation. He didn't look up, still working on the crown. “Papa Eret showed me! They can make lots of things! Like clothes and such.” Tommy nods, watching his friend work, trying to memorize how to do it himself. Philza saw this, coming over to see (y/n) work on the flowers. 
“What are you doing kiddo?” he asked, crouching down to (y/n)s level. He smiled, gesturing to the flowers. “I'm making a flower crown!! It's for you!” Philza smiled, chuckling. “Really? Thanks kiddo.” he nodded, finishing up the crown. Once he did, he stood up, taking a Philza’s hat and replacing it with the crown. (y/n) smiled at their creation, putting the bucket hat on to his own head. Philza smiled, thanking the young boy. 
Time went on like this till it was sundown, messing with each other and using the many flowers they had for random projects. 
“Come on (y/n) we gotta go!” Eret said, coming by the castle to retrieve the young child. (y/n) ran up to Eret, hugging him. “ zaza!!” (y/n) says, standing back slightly. Eret looked at his young kid, smiling. “Hello sweetheart! Ready to go?” (y/n) nodded, grabbing his flower crown. “Yep! Lemme say bye to Tommy first!!” the boy says, running over to his friend. (y/n) hugged the boy, who looked very agitated from the hug. “Are you coming over to my place tomorrow?” he asked Tommy, who nodded his head. “Yeah, I can bring Tubbo as well!! He should be in the village tomorrow!!'' Tommy says, adjusting his own, not as neat, flower crown. (y/n) smiled, hugging Tommy again. “Okay, see you then tommy!” 
“That kid is so sweet” “Phil, you have poor taste in children.” “says the man who kills orphans.”
Age 11:
(Y/n) sat in the forest, humming to himself as he watched the bees and animals go around the forest. It was a bit past mid day, and the young prince had been out of there sense dawn, taking in the beauty of the forest. 
He was in the village close to their kingdom, wanting to spend time outside of the castle. He loved natur, especially flowers, plants and such. He also loved animales. (y/n) loved everything about the outdoors, enjoying the peace he had that day.
Tubbo was a village boy, moving from town to town, never really having a set home. He did love traveling and being with his guardian was amazing, he just wished he had friends and a set place to stay.
Tubbo walked along the forest, following the bees that would fly around him, wondering if he was a flower or not. He followed them distractingly, reaching a clearing in the forest. He looked around to see where he was, soon realizing he was lost. He had gone too far from a recognizable area, and now didn't know how to get home. He knew Puffy would be mad at him for getting lost, but he couldn't do anything about it. He had already committed the lame chrome.
Tubbo looked around to see some sheep run away from him, along with the bees buzzing around him. He also spotted a young boy, (y/n), sitting against a tree taking in the beauty of it all. Tubbo went over to the young boy, trying to be as kind as possible, like Puffy said. 
“Hello!! I'm Tubbo! Mind if I join you?” Tubbo asks the older boy. (y/n) nodded, moving slightly to show Tubbo he could sit down next to him. Tubbo smiled, following such. “Hi, im (y/n). I haven't seen you in the village before, you new around here?” he asks, picking at the grass around him. “Yeah! Me and aunty Puffy travel a lot, so I never really stay in the same place. Have you lived here a long time?” Tubbo asks, making the young prince chuckle. “No, I live in a kingdom nearby.” Tubbos eyes glisten, he gasps. “Wait, are you the prince!??!” Tubbo asks excitedly. (y/n) nodded, not minding the question. 
“Yeah, I lived there my whole life! What's it like traveling? I rarely leave the castle so I've never explored outside this village and the kingdom.” (y/n) says, looking at the young boy. Tubbo smiles. “Well traveling could be fun, yet very lonely. I haven't had a friend in years, having had traveled so much since then. I do love seeing all the cool sights and how different villages work though!” (y/n) nodded, enjoying the interaction he was having. 
The two of them talked till it reached dawn, the sun slowly disappearing. 
“Dang, we better get going! Do you know your way back?” (y/n) asked, standing up and dusting himself off. Tubbo stood up as well. “No, I kinda got lost…” Tubbo says. (y/n) nodded, grabbing the other boy's hand, guiding him through the forest. “Well, I know the way back! I'll take ya there!”
Tubbo nodded, letting the prince guid him back to the village. They continued to talk as they went through the forest. Tubbo talked all about bees, one of the few constants in his life. 
(y/n) and Tubbo finally reached the village, it officially being dark out. Thankfully, there were lights all around, so they were still able to see and get around easily. “Damn, it's too dark to get back...dads gonna kill me.” (y/n) says, looking around. Tubbo gaps, grabbing the prince. “You can stay with me tonight!!! Sleepover!!” he says, grabbing the prince and dragging him back to the house Tubbo was staying at. “You don't have to let me stay, I can find my way back!” Tubbo shook his head, stopping. “No, we’re friends now and you're staying with me and aunty Puffy!” 
(y/n) sighed, letting the young boy take them to his home. 
It didn't take them long to reach the boys home, for it wasn't too far from where they exited from the forest. Tubbo let go of (y/n)’s hand, knocking on the door before opening it and walking inside. “AUNTY IM BACK!!'' Tubbo says, making sure Puffy knew it was him coming home.
Puffy walked out of one of the rooms, walking up to the young boy. “Oh Tubbo! You made me worried there kiddo!” Puffy says, hugging the small boy. She looked over to see the young prince, noticing him standing awkwardly in the doorway. “Oh! Tubbo, did you make a friend?” she asked, letting go of the small boy. Tubbo nodded, going over to the young boy. “This is (y/n)! Is it alright if he stays here tonight since it's too dark to go back to the castle??” Tubbo asked, latching onto his friend. Puffy gasped, looking at the two of them. “The castle???” she asked. (y/n) nodded, smiling slightly. “Yep! So..can I stay here tonight?” he asked the older lady. 
Puffy of course agreed, letting the boy stay for the night. She even offered to take him back to the castle in the morning. He declined, not wanting to burden the lady more than he already has.
Tubbo took (y/n) back to his room, showing him all the cool things he had gotten from their travels. Apparently, Puffy was a pirate captain and would travel the seas and such. She would stop at different villages to get supplies and give their nephew breaks from being at sea all the time. It was a coincidence that they had stopped at the village closest to his mothers kingdom.
“Oh oh, this ones from a neighboring kingdom!” Tubbo says. Showing the prince something from the kingdom his friend Tommy lives in. “That's the minecrafts kingdom!! I'm close friends with one of the princes! Did you like it there?” Tubbo gasps, both of them getting overly excited. “Wait, are you friends with tommy!? I met him when I was there last month!!” Tubbo says, putting down the trinket. “You know tommy!? We should all hangout sometime!!” 
Puffy heard their conversation, happy Tubbo was finally making some friends. However, they would be leaving soon and wouldn't be able to stay longer than they already are. Puffy sighed, sad that this is how things had to be.
The next day, (y/n) left back to the castle, hoping to keep in touch with Puffy and Tubbo. Tubbo was sad his friend had to go back, but still happy he had made a friend. Puffy was just sad she had to tell Tubbo they would be moving again. She couldn't stay in the same place in fear his father would catch up to them and take the boy away. 
Of course, the three boys were able to meet up. It took them several months, but once Tubbo made his way back to the village he and (y/n) met up at, they were able to make a plan to see each other. 
The three of them hit it off, immediately becoming close friends with a strong bond. 
At one point, Puffy let Tubbo stay with Tommy in his castle for a summer, allowing the three boys to see eachother once more.
Of course, this came to an end when Tubbo had to eventually leave with his aunt, leaving the two boys, who hadn't been able to hang out after tommys schedule had gotten more and more packed. 
The three of them hadn't seen each other for years, hoping one day it would go back to old, where they were just kids and were able to hang out at least once.
Age 17, present day: 
“You're gonna have to rule the kingdom soon (y/n)” Eret says, sitting down in the said childs room. (y/n) turned to him, no longer focusing on the crafts they were working on. “But I don't wanna rule the kingdom. It's just not my thing…” they say, turning to their parents. “I know I know, but there's no one else that can take over.” (y/n) nodded, turning to the flower crown they were previously working on. “I get that...i just wanna go back to a time where i could just hang out with my friends..ruling the kingdom means that time is completely over..” Eret nodes, walking over to his kid. “I know, I thought the same thing when I was younger. Though Tommy is busy with a war and Tubbo has been travelling non-stop for years, they've already changed.” they sigh. “It's been so long, they don't even know who i am anymore! The last time I saw them I was still a guy. It's just frustrating…” They get up from their seats, hugging their mother. “I just wanna see them...” 
The next day was spent learning more about their kingdom, knowing when they turn 18 it would be theirs. They sighed, reading over some of the history books their ren (another term for mother or father) had kept for all these years. They opened a new book, wanting to read the contents inside. 
They opened it to see a piece of paper fall to the ground. "Didn't think the pages were that old…" They crouched down, picking up the fallen paper. They stood up, puzzled by the page. 
"It's not from this book," they looked closer at the piece of paper, "what's lmanburg..?" They sat down, reading over it. 
Apparently, lmanburg was an old kingdom, long since destroyed. It fought for peace, and independence. Unfortunately, a small group of people went and destroyed the kingdom, leaving nothing but a pile of rubble and long forgotten ideals. 
(Y/n) looked over it once more, seeing the kingdom's location on the bottom of the page. They shot up, running to their room. 
They flung open the door, running to their desk. They throw off the unwanted items from their desk, placing the paper in its place. They sit down, opening a drawer and grabbing some paper and a pen. 
They look over the page on lmanburg one more time, then proceeding to write a letter to their old friends. 
"Dear Tommy, It's been a long time since we've talked hasn't it? There's many things we need to catch up on, but that should be saved for a later date. 
As you know, I will rule my mothers kingdom soon. I will be crowned their majesty in 1 years time, and I wanted to do something fun before then. 
I found a story on an old, destroyed kingdom called lmanburg. I wanna go visit it and maybe even bring it back to its former glory. I know it's a lot to want to accomplish in only a year, but that's all the time I have. 
I would be grateful if you could join me in this adventure I'm pursuing. Here is where we'll meet and when. I'll be asking our old pal Tubbo as well. 
I hope to see you then
                    -your old friend 
They did the same for Tubbo, telling him of their plan along with where/when to meet them if he agrees to come on their journey. They sighed, knowing they might have to go on this alone. Nevertheless they wrapped both letters in separate envelopes, ready to be shipped to their recipients. 
(Y/n) walked out of their room, looking around the castle for one of their few servants. 
"Are they on break right now? I can't find any of them.." They say, going down different halls to find someone who could mail the letters. 
"Oh, (y/n)! What are you looking for?" Karl asks, one of the few servants in their castle. (Y/n) sighes, happy that they finally found someone. "Karl, I need you to send these letters. You know where to find Tommy, but Tubbo will be harder to catch. Can you send them please?" They ask, handing Karl the letters. "Of course! I'll send them as soon as I'm free!"
(Y/n) thanks Karl, going back to their room. Plopping on their bed they sigh, hoping their friends would accept their invitation. 
The next day they started packing for the trip. It wasn't for another week or so, but they just wanted to be prepared. They were also kinda excited as well. 
They hadn't told Eret yet, fearing what they might say. (y/n) knows she loves them, but they had been under alot of stress as of late and didnt wanna make it worse. 
“I do need to tell them…” 
“Tell who what?” (y/n) jumped a bit, seeing Eret in the doorway. He walked in, standing by the desk. “Oh, hey..” (y/n) says, standing awkwardly by their bed. Eret looked down at the bag they were packing. He had a puzzled expression on his face. “Why are you packing? You're not running away are you!? I mean, if so, you're doing a bad job…” (y/n) sighed, closing the bag. “I'm not running away...kinda.” they say, sitting on their bed. “I was planning on going on an adventure, actually. I'm gonna rule the kingdom in a year and I wanted to do something fun before I did so..” 
Eret nodes, smiling. He goes over and sits next to their kid. “What are you planning to do on your adventure? You seem very excited for it, seeing as you've actually packed for something.`` They both laugh slightly. “Well,” (y/n) gets up, going over to their desk, grabbing the paper they had found in Eret’s old history books. They walked back over and showed Eret the paper, “there's an old old kingdom called lmanburg. Apparently it was a thriving kingdom, but one day it fell to the ground. Fascinating isn't it?” Eret reads it over, frowning slightly. “(y/n) i don't want you going to this place.” (y/n) was baffled. They didn't understand why they weren't allowed to go to this place. It was super old, it's not like anyone would still be there. It was forgotten about. 
“What do you mean? It's long forgotten and I would be bringing my friends! It's not like I'd be alone and ill prepared.” Eret sighed, standing up. “(y/n), lmanburg is a breeding ground of monsters and such, i don't want you getting hurt.” they in response stood up, coming up short to the tall person in front of them. “I know that! I've been training for years, I can handle monsters! Also, again, I won't be alone! I'd have Tommy and Tubbo with me and their great fighters!” Eret looked at them quickly.
“Tommy and Tubbo are going??” (y/n) nodded, stepping back slightly. 
“I need to contact Philza and Puffy, you're not going on this adventure and that's final!” Eret walked out of the room, dropping the lmanburg paper on the ground.
“Wait what!? Mom you can't!!” they say, walking behind their father. 
“Because, I don't want you going to that place! You're not changing my mind on this.” (y/n) slows down, completely baffled by this. They knew there was a chance they wouldn't be able to go, but they didn't think he’d act like this.
“R-ren please! I need this, I haven't seen them in so long please!!” Eret turned to them briskly. “Sweetheart, this is final. I don't want you going to that place! Stop pushing it.” Eret continues his way down the castle as (y/n) stopps in their tracks. They were shocked, really looking forward to this trip as a last resort of still being young and free from ruling.
They looked around, running back to their room. They slipped at the door, running too fast and nearly falling. They fumbled to the desk, once again grabbing paper and a pen from the desks drawers. They sit in the desk chair, fumbling with the paper and closing the drawer quickly. They quickly write a letter to Tommy and Tubbo.
They write that there would be a change of plans. Their mother wouldn't let them go to the wrecked kingdom, so they wouldn't be able to tell their parents and would have to sneak to the old kingdom.
They added more to the plan, sealing up the letters in envelopes and booking it out of their room, grabbing their bag and paper on lmanburg. They ran down the hall, making sure not to run into Eret while looking for Karl. They looked around, still not finding the man they needed.
They looked in the smaller dining hall, spotting the brunette walking towards the entrance. “Karl, Karl! Have you sent the letters yet?” they asked, walking up towards the male. “No I haven't, I actually was about to send them out now! What did you need?'' I smiled, sighing. “Oh thank god...i need those letters back, My ren won’t let me go to the old kingdom of lmanburg, and i don't want him finding out im still going…” Karl’s eyes widened. “Your lying to the king? I know their your parent but thats the KING!” (y/n) shushed Karl, taking him all the way back to their room. 
Once they arrived, (y/n) closed the door, looking at Karl. “You cannot tell my mom! I'm trusting you with this, okay? I'm going on this trip, and i need those letters back so i can deliver them myself.'' Karl steps back. “Whoa whoa whoa, you're delivering these letters alone? No no, you're going with someone on this. Maybe you could bring Niki! I know she isn't busy since there are a few other bakers in the castle!” Karl suggests, handing the old teen the letters. (y/n) considered this, knowing they should probably bring someone along.
(y/n) nodded, agreeing to bring someone with them. “Okay, I could bring Niki if she would agree to go. Promise you won't tell him I'm sneaking out?” Karl nodded. “I promise! We’ve known each other long enough for us to keep secrets for one another! Want me to go tell Niki?'' Karl asked, heading towards the door.
“Yes, tell her to meet me here at midnight. I don't want ren knowing about this at all.'' Karl nodded, smiling at the prince and heading off to go see the pink haired baker.
The teen waited, taking a nap so they were able to sneak out at night. They knew it was probably too soon to start the expedition, and that their father probably knew where to find them. They just couldn't wait any longer.
The sun was slowly falling from the horizon, getting darker and darker by the second. (Y/n) had taken their place at the window, looking at the sky getting darker and darker, the stars showing more prominently as time went on.  They sighed, looking over at their door. 
It wasn't time for the two servants to show up, but they did wish they were able to just go out and seek out lmanburg freely. It wasn't like that however, they knew they couldn't do everything they wanted, they just hoped their mother would support them in this. 
They looked back outside, letting the time pass for when they would meet up with Niki and leave the castle for a whole year. 
So there they waited. Hopefully everything went according to the new plan. 
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
i just wanted to say, im currently re-reading clinic for a third time (twice to myself and the third is out-loud for a friend) and although i noticed this on my first read-through, i can’t get over how much detail you put into every single character for the world building. i can tell you’re someone who doesn’t watch JUST 2-4 streamers, and that you hop around various streams and create a lot of variety for what you watch, even when you have your own personal biases (as everyone does). I LOVE THAT SO MUCH. THANK YOU!!! or maybe i’m just reading too far into things and you somehow gathered a lot of knowledge about the various creators, but either way, it’s seriously appreciated!!!
like, the fic is mostly crimeboys/SBI/benchtrio centric, but i wanted to point out some of the details that a lot of other people who don’t watch a huge variety of streamers wouldn’t catch:
your characterization of foolish. you NAILED the mannerisms of his streamer counterpart and dsmp character PERFECTLY. i can *hear* how chipper and enthusiastic he is, despite the stress of working wayyy too many shifts for the cafe, similarly to how his dsmp character has reacted to the resurgence of the bloodvines. he still keeps a level of positivity in stressful situations, and the way you wrote him is just. so great. one scene in particular that really stands out to me is when tommy notices him injured with eret while in vigilante form. the whole, “to-toooonight? how are you doing tonight, random citizen?”. BRO. BRO I CAN HEAR HIM!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN HEAR IT!!!!!
second, the added detail that phil loves halo and has been playing it for years!!! a lot of typical philza viewers don’t really catch that he used to be a hardcore halo enjoyer, so i LOVE that that little detail was included :) i’m not familiar with the game itself, but the friend who i was reading the fic aloud to recognized the way you wrote how phil + tommy playing and said that he could visualize them playing a specific map and gamemode perfectly.
fran. you included fran. i am shaking your shoulders I LOVE FRAN!!! typically in fics that feature sam as a side character, they don’t really recognize how important fran is to sam. THANK U FOR INCLUDING THE SMP’S MOST BELOVED PUPPY <3 also, the added detail that sam used to be a hero but switched? his run-in and tension with ponk? amazing. perfectly parallel to his dsmp counterpart.
techno’s love for potatoes. him being completely engrossed in a documentary about polar bears and loving one named steve in particular. yes yes yes.
jack wanting to name himself and niki by being inspired by greenland and icelands’ tactics for “confusing the enemy”. niki thinks it’s silly but she goes along with it anyway and she’s still fond of the idea. a wonderfully accurate depiction of their dynamic :’)
clinic!george being apathetic as fuck. yes. exactly like his smp character. a lot of people seem to make george in fics more emotional/apathetic/generally aware of most situations, but this was a refreshing change to see. good shit.
your characterization of clinic!sapnap too!!!! also a mirror image of his SMP character!! the moral dilemma of seeing his friends do fucked up shit takes a toll on him both in clinic and on the SMP, and i love to think that if c!dream didn’t do the insanely fucked up shit to the degree that he took it, c!sapnap probably would’ve done something similar to clinic!sapnap. he would’ve stayed with him, because he’s his family (again, obvi this is if c!dream wasn’t as murderous/abusive/power hungry/generally cray cray as he actually is. a canon alternative).
and. and. and. for this last one i have to physically withhold myself from typing out too much because i KNOW i’m gonna gush a lot, but. THE ENTIRETY OF HOW YOU WROTE QUACKITY!!!! ALL OF HIM!!!! I AM SO NORMAL ABOUT THIS I AM SANE!!!!!!!
basically. basically. you have the most incredibly spot on interpretation of what kind of person AND villain quackity would be. you don’t understand. he’s my favorite villain of yours by far. the way that jester operates in being “a close business associate” with the syndicate and keeps his membership in this organization out of the public eye? oh my god. HE IS SO SLEEZY. HE OPERATES EXACTLY HOW C!QUACKITY WOULD. you have the best mixture of him being this funny, goofy dude that loves pulling jokes and being the comedy man, while also being an incredibly intelligent, resourceful, full of wits villain. he loved the chaos of things and fucking around, but knows how to get shit done. amazing. incredible. unbelievable. unstoppable. i want to take clinic!quackity/jester and put him in an oven /pos
AND. i must ask. is jester’s superpowers inspired by the fact that one of quackity’s go-to bits on stream + in mod videos is the fact that he changes his skin a shit ton? like he’ll hop from various bits and put on a different act/voice depending on the skin. ofc it’s not really the same, but was the shapeshifting inspired by that idea? idk if i’m reading too much into this, but major props even if you did that accidentally
ANYWAY!!!! i’m so sorry this is so long, this has been on my mind for a long time, and i just now got the energy to dump all of my passionate rambling on you. you are an incredibly talented author and i really really appreciate the details that you add for each and every character, it doesn’t go unnoticed and i appreciate it so much <3 i’m someone who watches a massive variety of streamers and it was so fun to catch all of these moments in the fic.
oh my god this just made me smile so so hard holy shit. first off, thank you for sending this giant essay to my inbox /gen i literally LOVE hearing stuff like this, especially when people notice smaller details like you pointed out! yes, I do in fact try to watch a lot of streamers! obviously I don't watch every single dsmp members lore streams bc i wouldn't have a life, but I try to watch at least several major lore streams for each person because I'm just genuinely interested in everyone's stuff going on on the smp?? and also I wanna be able to characterize them as best I can and I'm so glad that came through!
gonna talk about each of the things you pointed out but it'll be long so i'm putting it under a keep reading :)
i love c!foolish so much. i'm so happy you could hear his lines in his voice because he's such a chipper guy even when he's in a bad situation! he tries to make light of things even when he's panicking or super stressed!
and god yeah I didn't wanna make phil play minecraft in that scene because it felt just too... on the nose I guess? so since I knew that cc!phil has talked about his love of halo before i thought it would be a lot of fun to include! also, i'm very glad your friend recognized what I was referencing. I was never a super intense halo player, but I have fond memories of my dad and I playing a few maps on multi player together, and my go to thing was always to drive the 'ghost' vehicle I described. I loved flying as high as I could in it so I wanted to include that bit when tommy was playing it lol
also people who don't mention fran when writing sam have definitely never seen sam during the egg arc (which is a huge disservice because his egg lore was so good). mans had a whole manic episode destroying the vines and locking her away to keep her safe from the vines, fran is SO important to him so I always feel like i have to mention her when i write sam (and of course I had to mention ponk bc of how important they are to c!sam's development. c!sam is literally one of my favorite characters on the entire smp. I could go on for ages about him and I wanted to give him a really solid character in clinic even if he wasn't a big focus)
i love making techno love potatoes in all my fics. it's such a dumb bit but it's very funny to me
rocketduo are my beloveds oh my god. literally the reason i made an mcytblr account in the first place right around this time last year was because I desperately wanted to post my hot takes on c!rocketduos attempts to kill tommy. obviously they're less traumatized in clinic than they both are in dsmp, so they have a slightly lighter dynamic, and i loved getting to translate that to here!
literally i never understood why people always made george be some good guy in fics because c!george is literally the most apathetic guy around. he doesn't really give a shit about morality, he just does what he wants. there's so much wasted potential when people just use him to be part of dream's moral compass or whatever with sapnap. no! let george be dream's partner in his fucked up shit or just not care what dream's doing!
and then that ties into sapnap because if you make george apathetic as hell, it provides an even better foil to sapnap. c!sapnap is so good, i've loved seeing his shift in the dsmp as dream has gotten worse and worse. he's such a good and interesting character, and I'm glad you agree that if dsmp!dream was a bit less fucked up, dsmp!sapnap would probably still stick by his side. he's loyal! dream is his best friend! but he has limits, and in clinic dream wasn't as evil as dsmp!dream, so sapnap hadn't reached his breaking point yet. but it was still such a fun dynamic to play with and a great way for me to parallel him with tommy
oh my god yes quackity my BELOVED! every time my man quackity does one of his big lore streams i am sitting at my computer frothing at the mouth with popcorn because c!quackity is one of the best damn written characters on the dsmp. he is SO interesting, and i'm really glad i nailed that balance of humor and intelligence he has. he's charismatic, he knows how to make himself likable, but he's also grown ruthless over time and knows how to be a sharp businessman. i also want to put him in an oven. and yes you are spot on for why I made him a shapeshifter! i once saw a comic a long time ago that hc'd dsmp!quackity as a shapeshifter because of his constant switching skins for bits, and that just stuck with me. so when i was coming up with his power for clinic, i thought shapeshifter was absolutely perfect. so glad you caught that!
anyway tysm for this long message it really made my night :) I'm also so happy to hear you noticed all these tiny bits I included, I really love when people pick up on the small stuff I throw in there <3
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mini-melo · 3 years
hahaha im writing this as im working online, and while my doc said i shouldnt tire myself, i literally need to write this or im gonna burst.
this is more focused around the hermits and tommy's interactions before ghostinnit happened. also, the hermits here are the ones closest to tommy and also the most i could write at midnight and trying to fight off meds that mke me sleepy.
anyway, feel free to request any scenario or just tommy vibing with other hermits. i'll do my best to write it.
anyway, without further ado, i present a part of my hermit!tommy au that isnt angst, finally.
Tommy took to Grian like water off a duck's back. It didn't take long before both were wrecking havoc among the server.
For Grian's part, he takes one look at this tall gremlin, and practically adopts him. Gremlins of chaos should stay together, after all.
(He wants those haunted eyes of the newbie to be gone. He wants to help him just like Hermitcraft helped Grian in the aftermath of YHS and EVO.)
They start small, rearranging the contents of Lookie Lookie at My Bookie. Then they get pink carpets and covers the heart in Mumbo's base with it.
They grab baby Yoda from Scar again, and set up a treasure hunt filled with chicken canons and slime blocks in the most infuriating parts of the hunt.
(Grian introduces Poultry Man to Tommy, and then Pesky Bird is born.)
Tommy never thought he'd have any more brothers after DSMP happened, but here we are, with Tommy in full Pesky Bird attire, setting up a giant chicken above the Omega Tree and Grian—sorry, Poultry Man—makes poop made out of diorite until it touches one of the gigantic branches.
And, hey, if Iskall tried to stifle a grin as he complains at the laughing duo, then that's between him and his now-clean tree.
It wasn't Xisuma who actually emotionally adopted Tommy. No, no, it was Tommy who forced himself into the admin's life.
Tommy is a traumatized child from a server with a corrupt admin. A server with a fixed set of lives. A server with a ghost, with hybrids forced to hide themselves or limit themselves, or even cut off their extra appendages unless they want the admin to permanently kill them.
But Tommy is also smart. He started more than one nation, he led an army in more than one war, he fought two withers and came out alive, he's bled and died so much that he's lost count.
Tommy knows what corruption in a person looks like, but he also knows what a proper admin is.
(He has to thank SMPEarth for that, war-torn as it was. At least then, no admin abused their powers. At least then he could respawn and freely watch his dad Philza Minecraft soar in the sky with no care for the world.)
Because of this, Tommy can be seen around Xisuma if he isn't around his fellow gremlin. Tommy watched him tend to his bees, make more towers, make some redstone contraptions, and most importantly, learns about this unbelievable, utopic land that Tommy's found himself in.
When Tommy started making his starter base, he made it beside Xisuma's mega base. He tried to replicate the style of Xisuma's, and while not quite perfect, Xisuma hugs Tommy regardless.
(He's never be proud of his accomplishments before, no matter if he braided Techno's hair as a child, nor if he gave his most valuable possessions and a life to win a war.)
Xisuma, Tommy thinks, has been more of a father than what he remembers from Philza and his childhood.
When Cleo managed to save Wilbur's coat, Tommy all but clings to her. In the DSMP, you can't trust anybody with your valuables, whether they offered to fix it or not.
Tommy took a leap here, to lend the coat to Cleo and praying to gods he didn't believe that she'll fix it instead of burning it.
(It's the only thing Tommy has of his family. Or, well, the only family he acknowledges. Wilbur was more of a father than Phil ever was, when they were children. Granted the bar was pretty low, but Tommy liked to cling to even the smallest bit of affection.)
Cleo smiles and teaches Tommy how to stitch and pose armour stands. Tommy isn't the best, with his sloppily made leather armour and wonky amour stand, but Cleo still praises him, and Tommy thinks it's the prettiest thing he's ever made.
Perfection isn't the point of this, anyway. Cleo taught Tommy, however unconsciously, to be patient and be proud of his own work. Tommy thanks her with two armour stands hand in hand at the entrance of her zoo, Cleo and Tommy's head on each of it. There are sloppily made copies of their outfits, even his coat's own stitches and Cleo's tears in her own clothes are there.
(Tommy eventually makes armour stand stories in a room dedicated to it in his mega base, later in the season. Cleo will unashamedly admit she shed a tear.)
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sodadrabbles · 3 years
hear me out- one more littleboo but like if they were crying or like going through smt and ranboo just helps//comforts them if that makes sense? GEHDDH okay have a good day :]
Also, I wanted to address why I use ‘Ranboo’ in these fics, when referring to the actual CC- We don’t know Ranboo’s real name. I want to respect his wishes and not speculate, because that’s creepy. So, I just use Ranboo. A couple people were asking in my inbox. I know Tubbo said his name was Mark, but that was never confirmed, and, again, I don’t want to speculate on his personal information, that’s WEIRD.
LIttleboo IV: Hurt/comfort or bust.
Pairing: Ranboo x sibling!Reader (gender-neutral)!
Rating: Soft. Bad ending, I’m so sorry (NOT ANGST, IM JUST BAD AT WRITING)
Summary: Being a freshman sucks ass, but Ranboo bought taco bell, it’s all good.
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To say today was a bad day would be an understatement. It was probably the most terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day of your 14-year-old life. The whole day the universe would launch bad thing after bad thing at you, as if it was somehow testing you in your will to deal with bullshit. Like it was asking you ‘What are you willing to put up with today?’
Your answer was ‘Not fucking this.’
You woke up to your brother shaking you softly, telling you the power had gone out and you were both late. For an upperclassman this wasn’t a big deal- But you were a freshman. Your teachers were going to give you absolute hell for being late, and knowing Ranboo was going to get off scot-free made you a little salty. You had to skip breakfast and had to leave with your hair still a bit messy, barely able to comb through it with your fingers while Ranboo drove you both to school.
Then there was a pop quiz first period- English. You were never terrible at english, but being on the topic of the last three chapters of the book you were reading for class- Chapters which you had not read yet- The test had been a little difficult. Not to mention the hunger clawing at your stomach, and the strange fog that was settled about your thoughts.
You thought you could catch a break through second period and lunch, knowing Chemistry would be an easy day and you could grab something good with your brother, but fate had other plans in mind.
During Chemistry, you were tasked with picking a partner and completing an experiment afterthought worksheet, going over the experiment you had done in class the day before. You were paired with the nice girl sat next to you- At least you thought she was nice. As the teacher dismissed the class to begin talking amongst themselves, you turned to start asking her how her experiment went yesterday. You didn’t have a chance to ask, however, as the girl snapped at you harshly. “Don’t even bother! I’m not doing this assignment. Do it on your own.”
Her voice was pitched and loud, and it caused you to wince back. You tilt your head and try to ask her, but she cuts you off by flicking the paper in your direction. It sends both your papers flying, and you try to catch them, but fail miserably and fall out of your chair unceremoniously. As you fall, your foot comes up to counter balance and you nearly kick the girl in the head- Keyword being nearly. You were sure you were able to stop yourself, and hadn’t touched it, but still the girl screeches and begins screaming bloody murder. The teacher comes over to check what’s going on, the girl sobbing and holding her head.
And then she lies through her teeth.
“Sir, she just kicked me! I was just asking about her experiment and she kicks me!”
She’s sobbing dramatically, and though you’re clearly not at fault, considering it was clear you had fallen out of your chair. Even still the teacher sides with her, giving you a short and disappointing talk about violent behaviour in the classroom, ending with “I have no choice but to give you lunch detention and a zero on the assignment.”
You don’t try to argue- Exhaustion was already settling on your body and you didn’t want to just make the situation worse than it already was. The rest of second period dragged on like a snail. You sat awkwardly at your table, twiddling your thumbs and staring at the walls. You could feel eyes boring into the back of your skull with each passing glance at the students. A few whispers that seemed much too loud yet indecipherable hitting your ears, somehow knowing deep in your soul that the other students were whispering about you. By the time the lunch bell rang you were starting to feel tears prick at your eyes as your own thoughts betrayed you.
During lunch detention, you were at the very least allowed your phone. You texted your brother, alerting him that you had lunch detention. He promised to bring you food before your third period began- The gesture brought a smile to your face. Your third period was your favorite, because Ranboo was also taking that class. US History. You were able to push through detention with Philza’s stream, starting a TTS war with Wilbur in the time you were able to watch. Of course, mentioning you were in detention earned you a little rant from Phil, not doing much to better your mood.
When third period came down to bless you, you could feel the tears welling in your eyes at the happy sight of your tall older brother holding a taco bell bag in his hand. You basically tackled him, nearly knocking him to the ground. His arms flew around you for stability, and you gripped the back of his shirt as an involuntary sob came out of your mouth. 
Ranboo stared down at you with his brows furrowed with concern, his mouth pulled into a tight frown. He pushed you to the side to allow other students to get into the classroom, and released you from the hug to look you in the face. Your eyes were puffy and your cheeks and nose were red, stray tears still rolling down your cheeks. He wiped one away.
“(Y/N), what happened? Why are you crying?” He asked, your eyes avoiding him. You hated to cry in front of people- But the stress of the day weighed heavy on your shoulders. You had just gotten too excited. When you explained this, Ranboo shook his head. “(Y/N) it’s perfectly okay, you don’t have to apologize.”
He hugged you again, and you hugged him back. After standing there for a moment, the annoying ring of the school bell sounded overheard, alerting you that class was starting.
“Tell you what,” Ranboo beamed at you, picking up the bag of food. “We’re gonna go in there, annoy Mr. Anderson, and eat chalupas until we explode. Sound good?”
You smile and nod your head. God, your older brother is so cool.
The rest of the day was smooth as it could be. You spent all of third period messing around with Ranboo- The assignment given for the day forgotten as homework that you would sit down and do together before Ranboo had to stream. You feared that your fourth period, Algebra, would once again break you down into a ball of anxiety and terror. But to your pleasant surprise, you would be watching a movie with a substitute for that class.
Your mood had been significantly raised by the time the bell had rung, releasing you from the confines of the building. You packed your things quietly, the hustle and bustle of an emptying school occupying your senses. You had rushed down through the hallways towards to doors leading to student parking. Ranboo was supposed to be waiting for you at the car.
But before you could reach the door, you felt a hand grip your bag, pulling you backwards. Your feet flew out from under you as you fell to the ground, your bag being ripped from your shoulders. You felt you back collide with the cold, tiled ground, pain shooting through spine. 
Shrill giggling sounds from above you. You groan and roll onto your front, staring up at a group of three girls laughing at you. You recognized the one holding your bag from your chemistry class. By the looks of the other two, they were also freshmen. You try to get on your feet, but the girl swings her leg, knocking your hands out from under you. You feel something press against your back. 
The girl from your class laughs as she bends down to look at you. “You thought you could get away with that little stunt?” She sneers, her hand grabbing your face. Not able to think of anything else to do, you snap your jaws, nearly biting her. She screeches and backs away.
“DID YOU JUST TRY TO BITE ME?” She screams, her face twisted in disgust. You feel the presume on your back worsen, and you strain your neck to see who was standing on your back. You recognized the guy as a junior on the soccer team. You vaguely recalled the girl mentioned she was dating a guy on the soccer team. 
You squirm, freeing your hands from underneath you. Just as you were about to grab the guy’s leg, you hear a familiar voice shout. The three girls in front of you scatter like rats- But the soccer player stays. He turns to look at whoever shouted, his chest puffing out as if he’s prepared for a fight. However the color seems to drain from his face when he sees the mystery person- And he runs away like a dog with its tail between its legs.
As you start to stand, someone grabs you by the shoulders and helps you up. You’re met with the mop of brown hair and concerned gray eyes of your older brother. He helps you to your feet, handing you your bag. You thank him as you throw the bag over your shoulders, giving your older brother a tight hug.
You don’t even realize there were tears in your eyes again, until Ranboo tells you to dry your eyes. “Sorry…” You whisper, hand wiping away the water. “I don’t know why I’m crying.
Ranboo smiles at you again, his hand patting the top of your head. You smile at him too, and he leads you out of the school, asking if you’re alright or if anything hurts. You spend the walk to the car feeling grateful you have someone to help you out like that. It has you smiling to entire ride home.
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Whistle While You Work (Adrenaline Junkie Blurb)
(A/N): I don’t know how to whistle lmao
Anyways, this is indeed canon and takes place sometime between Chapters 13 and 14. Sorry this isn’t an actual update/chapter. Also, this is unedited
Warnings: none, all fluff : )
“How do you do that?” 
You paused and put down your wrench, sliding out from under the contraption you and Arthur were currently building. You sat up and wiped at the sweat that formed on your brow and gave the boy a confused look. 
“Do what, fledgling?” He furrowed his brows together, “that sound you were making!” 
At your blank stare, he crossed his arms and looked at you impatiently, “you know! Like… like…” he sighed in frustration before he crossed his arms and looked off to the side, “nevermind.” 
You stared at him for a moment before you shrugged to yourself and laid back down on the creeper seat, looking at him in reassurance, “if you figure out what it is, just let me know buddy! You’ll get it eventually.” 
Giving him one last smile, you slid back under the metal frame and got back to work. A few moments passed with you asking Arthur to hand you different tools and answering any questions he had while he worked on the exterior. When a few minutes passed without any questions or conversations, you absentmindedly began whistling a tune you had heard a while back. 
You jumped in shock only to yelp when your forehead directly hit one of the metal parts you were installing. Falling back onto the creeper seat, you rolled yourself out and clutched your head in pain. A soft gasp sounded next to you before you heard Arthur hurry over to your side. 
“Shoot, (y/n) I’m so sorry I didn’t...” He stumbled over his words before he stopped talking all together.
“It’s okay,” you took a breath in and removed your hands. Nothing besides coal and redstone residue stained your gloves, that was good. Your goggles didn’t have any cracks in them either. “Just make sure we keep the loud noises at a minimum.” 
“Are you hurt?” You could hear his voice shaking slightly, so you looked over to see him looking at you in slight horror. You shook your head, “no, it just surprised me is all. I’m not mad at you, you know. I could never be mad at you.” You pulled him into a quick hug before it dawned on you; he was talking about your whistling earlier. “Arthur?” He pulled away slightly and looked at you in question, a small shred of guilt still swimming in his irises. “Was this the sound you were talking about?” 
You whistled and watched as he perked up and nodded his head vigorously, a small smile replacing the slight grimace and the guilt being replaced with intrigue. “Yes!” 
You chuckled and pulled your goggles off from your head. Wiping at the sweat that had formed on your brow, you stretched your wing out. Satisfying pops sounded from your joints making you smile at the relief it brought you. You looked back at Arthur with a smile, “that’s called whistling. I can teach you how, if you want.” 
His eyes and his smile lit up like the stars in the night sky. If he could blind you with his smile, you would’ve been completely blind within seconds of first meeting him. His smile was contagious, never failing to brighten your mood. You found yourself smiling widely at his enthusiasm. 
You led him inside and got the both of you cleaned up. On the couch, you sat facing him with your feet folded one over the other. Arthur copied your actions, sitting up straight as he looked at you expectantly. 
“Well for starters I’ve never really taught anybody how to whistle, it just comes naturally to me because I’m a… well, I’m some sort of bird hybrid,” when you saw him deflate slightly, you were quick to reassure him. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t teach you though! You’re a fast learner, I’m sure you’ll catch onto it quickly. To start, you’re gonna want to put your lips into an ‘o’ shape, like this.” You pucker your lips into an ‘o’ and watched as he did the same, albeit a bit too large. “Er, a tad smaller.” 
His eyebrows furrowed and, without moving his lips, he asked, “‘ike dis?” He tightened his lips slightly. You nodded, a bit unsure of yourself, “...yeah? We’ll adjust as we go. Gently press your tongue on the back of your teeth.” 
You both sat there adjusting his mouth for a while and you could see that he was getting dejected at the lack of progress. “I don’t know, (y/n),” he sighed, “what if I just can’t whistle?” 
“You just gotta keep trying! You’ll get it eventually. Here, maybe try relaxing a bit more and blowing softer?” He pursed his lips before he tried that, a high pitched whistle coming from him. He immediately stopped and touched his lips with his fingertips in awe. “I did it,” he whispered to himself, shocked. 
You grinned widely at him and pulled him into a tight hug, “you did it! I knew you could, you’re my son after all. I’m proud of you.” 
“I’m gonna be just as good as you are one day!” 
He practiced non stop after that, always whistling as he did small things around the house. Philza, noticing this, jokingly told you that you were raising a clone of yourself.
Eventually, he got to the point where it was second nature to him and he could whistle different notes with a good tone. While you both were working, you would whistle a small rhythm and he would follow. This spiraled into the both of you making up songs and whistling together in simple harmonies. 
If Philza didn’t know where either of you were, he quickly learned that wherever there was whistling, there was (y/n) and Arthur. If separated from each other in public, all the other had to do was whistle a part of a song and the other would have no trouble finding them. Whenever you two were working together, whistling became a way for you both to further bond over; even the smallest of medlies was enough to lift the mood. 
Arthur was your little songbird.
General taglist (comment if you want to be added):
@crybabyjabby  @izzybobizzy13  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @bunnyz-pxstel  @averytiredfanfictionwriter  @dcml04  @sparkling-gayyyy  @bbigbbrainn  @thaticecreambish  @kiinokochii  @satansphatass  @bxkubitch  @bxmentchildxx  @roxy3457  @montygator17  @feverish-dove  @the-fictionwriters-hairdo  @jichuuchaeng  @404rynnotfound  @luluwinchester  @laura--444  @the-cult-classic-bitch  @youngstarfishdinosaur  @nottheotheruser  @ohworm-writes  @localwolfanon  @realitycanbeajerk  @v10dw4lk3r  @esylwen  @seraphsema  @boiled-onionrings  @smolgreenybeany  @louistommosnesquickmilk  @galaxios
Series taglist (comment if you want to be added):
@acecarddraws @ravennightingaleandavatempus  @dirtydiavolo  @yeiras-world  @immadatmostthings  @hee-hee-haw  @jackalopedoodles  @m1lkmandan  @vanhakirja  @im-a-depressed-gay  @coolleviauchihadreamerlove  @questioning-sanity  @camisascam  @bongwaterflavoredgatorade  @kakamiissad  @jayistrash4  @lifestylesleep  @speedymaximoff  @sun-shark-tooth  @appetiteofapeoplepleaser  @lestrangenymph  @kinismanditory  @dragons-lurk-here  @rinzyx05  @the-wandering-pan-ace  @angelic-scent  @shinipii  @dont-hug-me-im-a-fander  @izzydimensional  @used-avocado  @wing-non  @lovely-echoo  @i-am-scared-and-useless-bisexual  @mysteryartisticwriter  @momo-has-a-gun  @misfortunatem00n  @w-0-r-n-n  @v-kouya  @kusuinko  @cheybaee  @dulcedippers  @jaciahbabes  @prlan  @hummingbird-lightningstrike  @pog-sad-muffin  @prickypearpropaganda  @thegeekisheere  @self-righteous-dumbass  @solar-idiot  @yummychicknnugget
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