#A sword that might as well be just a club
parttime-creative · 2 months
I recently made a post about how I love gideons different depictions in fanart and on the cover (x) in which I mused about how I still wasn't sure if she was wielding a long sword or a great sword and several people have made good points of arguing that she is wielding a great sword not just a long sword.
Now that I've started to read Harrow for the first time (yes I am late to the party I am sorry. But I finally got the second and third book) her sword is more often described as a "two hander" or "great two hander" (which btw STILL doesn't make it clearer for me because Harrow is arguable so tiny and scrawny that she'd probably call a dagger "great" in comparison to her noodle arms... But that is beside the point xD) however the cover art (as I've not yet finished HtN) does look like another weird mixture between a longsword and a great sword and I remain confused.
The handle is much longer than for a usual longsword, however would fit a federschwert (a different type of longsword especially made for fencing, not so much for the battlefield. It's blade is usually much thinner tho, so I doubt it is a federschwert) it's crossguard also is kinda too big for the usual longsword, yet not entirely unseen. I did wield longswords with a crossguard like that.
However judging from nothing but the cover I do still think Gideon wields a longsword. Because the cover sword is just TOO SMALL for an actual greatsword.
I dont believe people realise HOW FUCKING HUGE an actual greatsword is. Like, yes Harrow is supposedly small so the sword on the cover DOES look big on her. But it is diagonally on her back and now reaches almost her knees. An actual GREATSWORD wouldn't even fit that way or her back (yes it's a fantasy drawing, yes usually swords like that can not be carried to draw on the back regardless if it's a long or great sword. We're gonna ignore that, cuz magic and necromancers and lyctors)
So I remain with my headcanon, that Gideon wields a longsword and not a greatsword.
To summarize:
A longsword is made for dueling AND for the battlefield
A longsword has several similar and adaptable techniques to a rapier in wielding.
A longsword is however heavier than a rapier, so a life long longsword fighter would have habits that would make their rapier fighting style uncanny ("you wield your sword like someone who is used to a two handed weapon")
A longsword CAN be wielded with one hand (a great sword 100% can't. It's just too damn big)
A greatsword is literally made to swing around yourself to makd room on the battlefield. Its slow if you want to hit something and it needs A LOT of momentum to be wielded. It was made to slay horses and break spears and knock people off their feet. If someone is used to wielding a greatsword all their life, learning the nimble techniques of a rapier in several days maybe a few weeks is.... hard to say the least. Their muscles wouldn't even be made for that.
A longsword is also called "zweihander" in german so harrow or gideon calling it a "two hander" is absolutely legit.
And last but not least, Harrow calling it a "great two hander".... Is just because she is DAMN tiny. I am 165 cm / 5' 4'' and my longsword reaches to my chest and it is not one of the big ones.
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johannestevans · 10 months
I came out as trans at about fifteen or sixteen, changed my name, and I’ve lived as a man since. As a young man doing my A-Levels, going to university, and working afterwards, I was out as a man, using he/him pronouns, using my actual name —
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Two pictures of me, one at age 16, the other at age 19.
To people who had no idea what a trans man looked like, it was pretty easy to give people a funny look and say, “I’m a man,” in a tone that made them suddenly flustered and nervous, because cis people feel extremely guilty about misgendering another cisgender person in a way they don’t when they know you’re trans.
I was thin, had a lower-toned but still not masculine voice, didn’t have much of a chest — I got gendered correctly automatically maybe 30 or 40% of the time, and maybe up to 50% if I employed shame in the right way, implied I was cis with a hormonal imbalance, or if people assumed I was still a teenage boy rather than an adult.
To people who did know what a trans man looked like but weren’t trans themselves, talking to them was fucking excruciating.
I remember once when I was selling house alarms and some hideous cis girl asked, “Are you transgender?” and I immediately told her, “Nope,” as she kept questioning the point. Another time, I was in the back of a taxi when a man asked if I was trans, although thankfully when I told him, “Nope, just low testosterone,” he seemed to immediately believe me and back the fuck off.
It’s one of the reasons I feel conflicted about trans visibility — it’s great for other trans people to see a variety of trans representation, but cis people knowing what trans people are is a double-edged sword, because cis people are entitled, invasive, and often just straight-up weird about gender, most of all when they think they’re being allies.
When I started working at a hotel, my immediate boss was a very abusive woman — she was petty, vindictive, and because she had poor organisational skills and frequently got flustered by her own workload, she would take this out on any staff around her, whether that was her juniors, other management, or sometimes guests.
Her being abusive in the workplace wasn’t that unusual. Now and then the managers would misgender me, and I’d correct them, and they’d brush it off as they apologised, that sort of thing.
Because this manager identified as an ally, she flipped her fucking lid.
She went off on a tirade for some ten minutes about what a great ally she is, and how much she knows about and cares about trans people, and how a lot of people wouldn’t hire a trans person, and she volunteers with local queer groups (she was at the time a mediocre DJ, and frequently DJed at a local gay club), and all this bluster.
Over one (apparently needed) correction.
All she needed to do was not misgender me — a quick “sorry” might have been nice. A ten-minute rant about how she was a saint for hiring me?
Not really necessary.
Cisgender people hate trans people — and I know some cis people reading this are immediately raising their hackles and about to go “well not ALL cis people — “ because they’re allies, and it’s important that I know that they’re a good one, actually, and they’re a real ally.
But the reason that cis people have a knee-jerk negative reaction to trans people, intersex people, and any person that they have decided is gender non-conforming, the reason they respond so punishingly to our existence or to mild misbehaviours on our parts — such as demanding respect or correcting their mistakes — is because our very existence is an interruption to their worldview, the ideologies and biases by which they live.
They should know what a man is just by looking at one, and if they get it wrong, that’s embarrassing for them — because to cisgender people the binary male-female divide is crucial to the way they respect or disrespect others, people that interrupt their thinking on it can trigger a lot of rage and upset. A trans person represents a frightening challenge — what if they accidentally treated a man with the casual disrespect that is rightfully allotted women? What if they sexually objectified a man thinking he was a woman, and it made them gay for a moment?
If they think you’re cisgender and heterosexual enough, any of these things are their fault, and they feel very bad about them.
But if you’re trans?
Well, it’s your fault for existing that way, right? You’re the one doing genders wrong — they’re not the one that made the error!
There’s a particular rage reserved for trans men, lesbians, and any other trans or GNC person that’s perceived as being “biologically female” — because society feels the greatest gender-based entitlement over these people’s bodies, in large part due to institutional misogyny, we’re perceived as gender traitors.
Cis men hate us because we’ve ruined what they perceived as a resource for them — a source of sexual gratification and aesthetic pleasure, a breeding vessel for birthing babies, not to mention a mother with all the domestic labour that comes with; cis women hate us because they perceive us as gaining all the privileges of being male, of gaming the system, and at the same time breaking what they sometimes feel is a sort of sacred trust of femininity.
In order to cope with institutional misogyny, some cis women effectively craft a further gender-based bioessentialism — if you have a uterus and are perceived as a woman by society, you’re not just physically capable of birthing a child. You must also innately have the traits of an ideal mother — you must be nurturing and lovely, you must be caring, you must have the correct emotions, you must be submissive in the right way. But also, a woman like this must be cleverer than a man, and if she effectively parents or cares for the men in her life, she just does that because she is so smart, and men are so stupid.
Again, trans people represent an interruption to that mode of thinking. If trans people are real, and we’re the genders we say we are, all of that ideology is nonsense.
If I, a trans man, can just “choose” to be a man, doesn’t that mean that every woman that experiences misogyny is just “choosing” misogynistic abuse?
The fact that as a trans man, I experience abuses that are linked to misogyny is irrelevant — that I’m at a higher risk of sexual abuse, that medical professionals dismiss my symptoms as soon as some of them realise I’m “really” a woman and cease my treatment or cease treating me with the respect due a man; that people dismiss me and dehumanise me, either because they think I’m transgender, and therefore a lesser being, or an ugly and not sexually available woman, and therefore a lesser being.
If I’m a trans man, I must experience male privilege — why else would I choose to be trans?
And if I don’t experience male privilege in every situation, because people don’t always consider me male or legitimately male, or if male privilege in any given situation I experience is actually complicated by other factors, such as race, disability, sexuality, and so on, then I must be lying.
Passing privilege isn’t the same as male privilege — passing privilege generally refers to the privileges a transgender person experiences because they reliably pass as cisgender.
I don’t think that it’s universal — “passing privilege” assumes that everyone passes in all situations, and while I would say that I pass very reliably in a lot of mine now that I’m several years on T and my second puberty has been very good to me, this doesn’t apply everywhere.
When I’m in the hospital, for example, or otherwise seeing a doctor, I get treated with even more hostility — partially because most cis doctors practice misogyny-based medicine and are more likely to dismiss women’s symptoms or generally give them worse medical care, especially male doctors treating women. In my experience, cis female doctors are more likely to punish me for being transgender than a cis male one is.
I’ve noticed multiple times going to see a doctor, being treated as a man with all my pain or symptoms being treated as a concern, and then abruptly there’s a sudden withdrawal of care and concern when the doctor either realises I’m transgender and/or realises I’m “really” a woman.
But the thing is?
I’m pretty sure that the reason I suddenly receive such aggressive negative response is because I pass so well. When cis people realise that I’m trans, they feel even angrier and more personally betrayed, because I’ve so thoroughly “tricked” them by being a man without their permission.
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Me at 24, about a year on testosterone; me at 25, about two years on testosterone. Same blouse, same vest.
But in general, day-to-day life — yeah, I’m perceived as a cis man.
Notably, a cis gay man.
Regularly, other trans guys and some butches tell me that as they began to present in ways perceived as more masculine, they noticed that women in public responded to them differently.
If they were out at night and a woman was walking alone nearby, she might cross the street to be a bit further away from them; she might choose to sit elsewhere rather than be near them on a bench; a woman alone might not want to share a lift with them.
I thought this was interesting the first few times I heard it — I hear it all the time, and it still strikes me as curious, because I don’t experience the same thing at all.
I’ve never had a woman walk away from me, or be careful not to be alone with me. Frequently, women strike up conversation with me in public, they chat to me on buses the way they might with other women — a little while ago I was waiting for my boyfriend to pick me up from the airport, and a young girl of 19 or so actually came up to me to ask if she could hotspot off my phone for a second and to ask me for directions.
It’s not that women alone shouldn’t strike up conversation with men, or shouldn’t be alone with them — but just to avoid any potential discomfort or risk of being harassed, many of them understandably avoid it.
But a lot of women see me in the street or in public places, and when they perform their internal risk assessment, I don’t prompt a red flag.
Part of it is that I’m skinny and white, sure — I’m not very physically intimidating in terms of my size, and I’m not racialised in the way many Black and dark-skinned men and boys are. Sometimes, I’m using a mobility aid like a cane, and that makes a difference, too.
But as a rule, I’m pretty. I wear make-up — I often wear face stickers and have visible “tattoos”. I’m fussy about my hair, and it shows. I dress in bright prints and florals, I wear silks and satins, I wear waistcoats and high-waisted jeans, I wear block heels.
When I walk, I sashay my hips. I hold my hands in a delicate way — I gesticulate freely, and I move my fingers when I do so in an effete way. If they hear me talk, people often guess from my accent that I’m English rather than Welsh, and that I’m more educated than I am, not to mention significantly posher.
The average cishet stranger in the street absolutely sees me as a man — and they exclusively see me as a gay one. No one ever mistakes me for a straight one, and that absolutely affects the way I’m treated.
I couldn’t possibly pose a threat of sexual harassment in many women’s eyes, because I’m obviously gay, and many cis straight women feel very comfortable with — if not entitled to — gay men’s companionship, especially white gays with effete mannerisms.
When talking about gender-based privileges for trans men and mascs, we don’t tend to consider any impact that perceptions of our sexuality can have, but because of the way gay men are sorted into a different subclass of cis masculinity than straight men, there’s a noticeable impact.
Straight people sometimes roll their eyes or look amused when they think I’m being particularly dramatic or gay; occasionally straight men wolf-whistle at me or make comments about how gay I look; people strike up conversations with me about RuPaul’s Drag Race, start chattering to me about drag, because they just assume that’s the sort of thing I would be into. I get looks sometimes on the bus if I’m chatting with friends or on the phone, or sometimes if I’m just there in front of them and I look very gay.
Most of this isn’t incredibly malicious — is it homophobic? Sure, sometimes. A lot of it is just straight people trying to understand what they think is gay culture the best way they know how.
Parents with kids actually make me the most nervous — not because there’s any danger posed by the kids themselves most of the time, but because parents can be the most vicious when it comes to homophobia. They’ll accuse gay men of being paedophiles just for existing in public and seeming a bit fruity, or they’ll get nervous about how gay someone looks in case their kids ask questions about it.
And kids do find how I look interesting — all the time, I’ll be out in public, and a kid will notice that my nails are painted or that I’m wearing high heels or that they see tattoos on my face, and they’ll ask their parents about it.
It’s anxiety-inducing for any parent when their child starts acting about a stranger’s appearance where the stranger can hear them, because they get worried about the potential impoliteness — when that stranger is a faggot, some of them get angry at me, because once again, even without their knowing I’m transgender, I’m interrupting their worldview of what the correct gendered behaviours are, forcing them to think about it, forcing them to explain aberrations to their kids.
A “normal”, “real” man is straight, after all, and does straight men’s things, like dress badly and sexually harass women and get ugly haircuts. It’s confusing, if I’m out on the streets looking fuckable.
The last time I was travelling, I was sitting in a restaurant in the airport, and some boys at the next table were staring at me.
“Dad, why is that man wearing makeup?”
“I don’t know, some men wear it.”
“How come?”
It is a truth universally acknowledged that wherever a faggot goes, little boys will be asking their mildly homophobic but well-meaning and liberal parents questions about that man’s physical appearance.
A classic response, and one that I overhear often, was this man’s retort: “Why don’t you go and ask him?”
Sometimes teenagers and kids laugh at how I dress, especially if they’re in groups together — and especially, too, if there’s a bunch of us visible queers together.
One thing I’ve noticed about wearing crop-tops is that some people get het-up about how hairy I am and the hair visible on my belly, or under my arms if I’m wearing a vest — because some straight people see a white twink and want to reclassify him as being part of the woman subcategory instead of the man subcategory (based on his assumed sexual availability to men), they then apply women’s rules of physical appearance to him.
After all, if I’m wearing makeup and high heels and high-waisted jeans and a crop-top, that’s like how a woman dresses — and if I’m going to dress like a woman even though I’m obviously a man, I should be held to the standards a woman would be too. I should be hairless and odourless, like a sexy child, because “sexy child” is the ideal for an attractive woman, right?
Some cishet women also hate how I dress and instead of laughing or grumbling about it in the way that cishet men do, they wrinkle their noses and get really quite scornful about it.
Some of those women’s husbands are secretly on Grindr (I know because I have sex with them), and I believe this is the closest they get to facing their suspicions as to their husbands’ bisexuality.
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A photo of me from earlier this month, age 26.
I started taking testosterone some months before the pandemic started, but experienced the bulk of my second puberty’s physical effects over the course of the following years.
Subsequently, when I went to a queer event being run after about two years on testosterone, many people there hadn’t seen me out in some time. I got a lot of looks and a lot of interest, especially from other queer men, in a way I never had before — I always got a lot of engagement and looks, but many cis gay men would take a little while to warm up to the idea of me as a man if they knew or suspected I was trans.
Maybe it’s just because I’m hotter, though, right? I’m hardly the only person to go through a glow-up on HRT, and I certainly feel more attractive.
Except that several of the older men looking at me were men I’d known casually for years — and a bunch of them came up and introduced themselves. Said hi, what’s your name, I’m x, it’s nice to meet you, are you new to the city?
Because up ’til then, they really hadn’t much looked at me in much detail. Many of these men had heard me give talks, had talked to me in queer bars, had met me at one event or another, and I just hadn’t stuck in their minds — they certainly hadn’t come up and spoken to me before, let alone with such enthusiasm.
And I do want to say, like —
None of these men would call themselves anti-trans — they’d try to use the right pronouns, they’d say that there should be trans events on, and so on. But there’s still going to be unconscious biases there — whether up ’til now they saw me as a woman (and therefore just looked past me) or saw me as trans (and therefore just looked past me), suddenly I was a fully realised human being. Maybe I was attractive and fuckable to some of them — but crucially, I was also another gay man, and therefore real and worth talking to.
And I will say that this isn’t all older gay men in my community or even like, a massive majority of them — but it was enough older gay men to be noticeable.
Even entering into new gay spaces, queer men tend to be friendlier to me than they used to, more outgoing in conversation, chattier, etc.
That’s obviously not necessarily because I’m trans — like I said, I’m also hotter than I used to be, I’m older, more educated, I dress better and more confidently, etc. There’s other factors at play, and I’m not comparing friendliness to cruelty or coldness — I’m comparing it to polite apathy, which was often mild enough that I wasn’t hugely affected by it pre-T.
Some men do treat me a little coldly, but from what I can tell it’s not usually because they suspect or know I’m trans — a lot of the time it’s actually because I’m so faggy and effeminate, or they just don’t trust that I’m gonna be cool because I’m so young.
Mixed queer spaces can be another story.
Other queer people my age have often found me intimidating — I’m a pretty outspoken person, my politics are more aggressive leftwing than many people’s, and as a autistic, I speak plainly and directly in a way that a lot of people don’t care for, or can find scary and overwhelming.
Now, though?
The response to my perceived aggression is a lot more dramatic and avoidant — because now they assume I’m a cisgender man.
People often interpret me as angry or aggressive when I’m not — I can sometimes be somewhat flat in my affect, I can be a very blunt communicator, I don’t tend to beat around the bush when it comes to my opinions. All of these are pretty standard as an autistic guy, and a lot of other people have experienced the same thing I have — the interpretation of those personality traits as aggressive or argumentative.
But it’s been interesting experiencing the negative response ramp up so much as soon as I’m perceived as “really” male, even by other transmascs, queer people, and trans men.
It can be strange at times navigating broader trans spaces as someone who doesn’t look trans in the way even other trans people expect you to, where they just assume that you’re cisgender, or that as someone who already passes and has therefore “finished” your journey as a trans person, there’s less reason for you to be in community with other trans people.
Especially when it comes to trauma like…
There is an assumption by many young queer people that cis gay people are just fine now, that homophobia doesn’t impact them in the traumatic way it did older generations, or that homophobia is no longer an active impact on people’s lives — I obviously am transgender, but to be brushed off with the assumption I haven’t experienced the same extent of bigotry or negative experience because I appear cisgender always strikes me as fucked up when of course a lot of cis men have had similar life experiences to me, or worse.
I will say that again, the negative responses are from a minority, just big enough to be noticeable, and the more people talk to me, the more they relax a little about the whole thing.
It’s still funny though, like —
I met some trans friends of a partner recently, and I came downstairs without a shirt on because I was hurriedly multitasking, and watched her do a double take at my chest.
I laughed and was like, “Did you not realise I was trans?”
And she went, “No!” and we had a giggle about it.
Most of the time meeting other queer people across the board, I’m extended care and compassion and love — it’s just weird, I think, being so aware of the gendered differences in how people speak with and apparently perceive me, and how things have and do change, especially because people assume transmasculinity means a one-way journey to Male Privilege, and all the benefits it can come with.
As with any and everything else, these matters come with nuance and layers, and nothing is as simple as A to B with no complications.
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nyx-is-missing · 4 months
Could u write one for clarisse where she's impressed with femR bc of how good she is at fighting and all and clarisse finds her incredibly attractive bc no one has challenged her the way R does?
And like a bit of pining until the two confess
Thank you!!
Breathtaking or taken
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Clarisse la rue x fem!reader
Summary: when Clarisse finds a opponent worth of her, she is breathtaken.
Warnings: none really, just fluff, not a descriptive fight scene on sight cause mama dont know how to write that, so just fluff fluff, and mutual pining fluff
(Do i need to say its not proofread? No? Thank you)
Here is one of the main benefits of being a daughter of Athena, you'll know.
DIfferent from other gods, Athena will let your parent know it is her who they are talking to.
And if letting them know beforehand isnt enough, she will let them know when the baby is brought to them, and if your parent is smart enough to live up to her choice, you'll have time to learn a thing or two before being thrown into this world.
If your parent cares enough about you, you'll have time.
And sure as hell my mom cared.
Always the intelectual woman, historian, researcher, writter, my mom knew many things about ancient greece, she knew all the stories by heart, and she, of all people, knew what she needed to do, to preserve her only daughter, her sacred gift.
She teached me all i needed to learn without compromising myself, stories, languages, art...and fight.
Little girls my age were doing dance classes, were trying to be good enough for drama club, were playing tea party with their dolls or making a mess with their mom's make up.
Well...i.. i was doing martial arts, i was fencing, i had my face in a book every free time i got.
I always asked her about it, why was she so strict about never missing a fight leasson, her answer always made sense, there and now.
"The world is cruel, especially for little girls, someday i might not be all the time with you, someday, you'll fight your own battles, you need to be ready"
Every word, every single word is true.
And that is how i ended up here, in a arena of camp half blood, sparring with Clarisse, and winnig, by two points, yes, but winning.
It is clear nobody expected that from me, neither did she actually, i can see in her eyes.
Understandable, they expect Athena kids to be calm, find a solution, not fight her way out.
Honestly their looks dont bother me, i dont even think much of it, but Clarisse's looks, they got something more to them, like a kid who finally got the dog she really wanted.
"Aaand break time Clarrise, we'll continue this tomorrow, id like to enjoy the rest of my afternoon thank you"
I dropped the sword down and started to undo my armor while walking close to the exit.
"Wait wait wait, now? Already? C'mon i didnt even had time to figure out how do you do that... all of that"
She stood next to me, still holding her sword and honestly.. she was beautiful, yes she was sweaty now and yes she was mean to everyone but.. now...right now, she was beautiful, shining, in her element really, flushed cheeks and a smile she only had when with a sword in hand.
"I practice, ever since i was a kid, everyday, well expect in weekends but yeah, almost everyday... how do you do all that? You are good...-want some water?"
I offered her my bottle also motioning for her to walk with me, both wich she gladly accepted.
"I practice too...and i never said this to anyone but, you are good, great even, and look breathtaking"
We stop walking, we stop all actually.
"I look what, Clarisse?"
"Breathtaken- you look out of breath, do you want the water back?"
Weeks later i found myself in the same scenario, sparring with Clarisse again, actually that is all i do when it comes to training, be with Clarisse
"C'mon curls, thats the best you've got? No need to go easy on me"
"Im not going easy, i already told you, you caught me distracted thats all- GIRL WIll YOU SUSH?"
She tried to block you with her sword, thankfully for her, a succeded attempt.
"How could i? You're so fun to mess with, gets all red n all"
"Oh you want to talk about getting red?"
In a moment i was on the floor, Clarisse on top of me, and i couldnt speak, all i could do was stare into her big brown eyes, who looked right into my soul.
"Cant speak anymore huh? Oh if you could see the red im seeing-"
Now this my ladies and gentlemen, this is what i call a shot of faith.
I raised my head a little and just..i kissed her, it was quick but I did it, and her face went blank.
"Now you are breathtaken Curls, how about that?"
"And you are still breathtaking"
"You...like me Clarisse?"
"You didnt knew?"
"Would you walk away if i kissed you this time?"
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calypsocolada · 7 months
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YOU'RE IN THE WIND | v. sanji
(this is part two, click here for part one)
synopsis: you try to give sanji the slip. authors note: hi :) sorry this took so long!! this part was inspired by chemtrails over the country club by mother lana del rey cw: angst, fluff, daddy issues wc: 3.5k
From your birth you were taught to observe. To see things and hear things. Things that you could carry back to your father, things he could use as blackmail. You were always quiet because you were told to be seen and not heard. Your father, if you could even call him that anymore, was a villain to say the least. He brought you up to be cruel. To make judgments after your sword impales their stomach. To never trust a soul but him. To sleep with one eye open at all times. Those things were so deeply ingrained into you they might as well be who you are. To strike first and ask questions last. 
But now… 
Now you were lost. 
The identity you thought you knew, the one that your father forced upon you was in pieces, scattered pieces in your soul. Who were you if not the cruel pirate daughter of Don Krieg. Who were you if not the one by his side?  
Who were you?
After the battle at Baratie where your father left you for dead you were swept into a new crew. The strawhats they called themselves. You didn’t bother learning their names because you were leaving them the moment they docked. They had their minds set on adventure. But yours… yours was on revenge. You were going to be the one to kill the fierce pirate Don Krieg. Your life was his for so many years, he turned you into a weapon. He ruined you. You’d like to repay him for all of it. 
The only name you did know of the Strawhat’s was Sanji’s. The one who had saved you, who pulled you out of the ocean, fed you and gave you water. Who stood by your side against your father and even nursed you back to health after your father tried to kill you. Sanji was a good person. A kind person. The first and only person you had ever met that you considered special to you. Sanji was all heart. He told you jokes and fixed you food. He danced you around up on the deck in the moonlight when nightmares awoke you from your sleep. In your nightmares your father, instead of getting ahold of you, got ahold of Sanji. Those were the worst ones.
 He was someone you felt very close to. Someone, despite all your training, you wished to fully trust. That’s why you’d do him the kindness of disappearing when the ship docked. Inevitably your father would get word that you survived. That would drive him back to you. To your waiting sword. And you needed no one else getting caught up in that, especially Sanji. You’d kill for him. 
“You feeling okay, love?” Sanji’s voice drove you out of your thoughts. You were sitting in your usual place, quietly watching Sanji cook. He was skilled, watching him cook felt like a magic show. Your eyes glanced up to his as you nodded your head. “Deep in thought then?” He asks as his knife slides quickly through an onion dicing it up.
“How’d you get so good at cooking?” You ask and the smile on Sanji’s face was bright. He loved when you asked him things, or just loved when you were around in general. 
“It’s quite easy actually.” He says bashfully and you shake your head.
“You might make it look easy but I've tried before, it’s exhausting.” You say as Sanji cocks his head.
“You must’ve had a shit teacher then. Here, come here darling.” He asks, as you push up from your seat, walking across the wooden floor to him. He pulls you close to him. He gathers the diced onions on the edge of his knife and drops it into a pan, turning on the heat. He then grabs something bulbous and sets in on the cutting board. “You know what this is?” He asks as you shake your head. “It’s garlic. So we're going to remove two cloves like this,” He breaks off two round triangular pieces of garlic and sets the rest of the garlic to the side. “Alright, now here’s my knife, I know you know how to use this.” He winks and you scoff out a laugh. “Take the flat side of the knife and place it on top of the clove.” He says as you do as told, looking up at him for confirmation. He gives you a smile. “Good, now make a fist.”
“A fist?” You echo and he nods his head. You clench your hand and hold it up. He takes your hand gently by the wrist and places it on top of the knife.
“Now give it a good thwack, but not too hard.” He says as you hit the knife, the garlic crushing slightly beneath the blade. “Perfect, now the skin should come off easily.” He grabs the cloves and pulls off the skin, tossing it aside. “Okay, love, hold the clove like this and dice with your other hand.”
“Like this?” You ask as you chop down, his hand slides onto your shoulder giving it a soft squeeze. 
“You’re a natural.” He winks as you roll your eyes, chopping up the next clove. He tosses the pieces into a pan as it simmers. You vault onto the top of the counter, sitting out of his way as you watch him stir the contents of the pan, flipping it with a flourish. “Are you sure you're feeling okay, you’ve been kind of quiet all day?” He asks as you give him a look, smirking slightly. 
“As opposed to?” You ask because you're always quiet. 
“I don’t know,” He laughs, his blond hair falling in his eyes. “You’re not nervous about going to Loguetown are you?” You looked away from him to your hands. No you weren’t nervous about Loguetown and you knew what he meant. He was asking more along the lines of are you nervous your father might find out you're still alive and in Loguetown. You shake your head. 
“No.” You answer simply, he looks up from his pan, you can feel his eyes on you but you remain looking down. 
“Love,” He says softly, stepping closer to you. Your eyes find his, his gray blue eyes. “You can tell me anything, you know.” You clench your jaw. You couldn’t tell him this. You couldn’t drag him into the dark. You nodded your head. 
“I’m fine, really.” You answer but your voice is unconvincing and you look guilty. But Sanji doesn’t force you to open up, that was one of the many things you liked about him. He grabs your hand, kissing your knuckles as you blush, pulling your hand away from him.
“Such a flirt.” You say, pushing off the counter. 
“With you, always.” He counters with a warm laugh.
You roamed the deck as night began to set in. The rest of the crew was inside, settling down for bed, but not you, no you leaned on a bannister overlooking the sea. It didn’t make you sick anymore to look at it after almost dying months ago. The sounds calmed you, the moon glinting on the waves beautifully.  You breathed in the salty air.
“Hello beautiful.” Sanji said to you left, you turned slightly as he walked up the stairs to stand by you. You gave him a smallish sort of smile as he settled beside you, leaning on the bannister. He smelled like wine and something vanilla. It was nice. “Nice night, huh?” He asks as he reaches in his pocket pulling out a cigarette, lighting it then taking a puff. 
“I met a man once that smoked a lot.” You said, remembering a burly man with white hair. “He did not like my father.” You recalled as Sanji looked over at you with a sort of ‘who did?’ face. You laughed slightly, taking the cigarette from his lips, pulling it to yours, taking a puff, blowing the smoke into the night air. He watched you in rapt attention. He’d never met someone like you. He was jealous of others that made you smile or laugh. He wanted to be the cause of your happiness. Once Usopp had made you snort and Sanji shot daggers at him the rest of the day. You handed him the cigarette back, yes peering at soft lights in the distance. 
A part of you felt something clench your chest, a deep sadness knowing this would be the last time you saw the first person you could ever consider a friend. Sanji stamps out the bud of his cigarette. 
“Come on, I’ll brew you some tea, maybe it’ll help you sleep.” He says, a hand sliding around your back. You let him lead you to the kitchen. You recall when he first found you on that little boat, starved and dehydrated. How he swept you into a kitchen much larger than this one and saved your life. You stopped, a guilty twist in your stomach. Sanji stopped, turning to face you. He read your face in seconds. “What’s wrong, love?” He asks. You clench your jaw, shaking your head. If you told him he’d want to come with you. He’d want to fight with you. He’d die for you. That’s the last damn thing you wanted. You forced a reassuring smile, one that was convincing enough. 
“Nothing, just curious about the tea,” you started walking again. You could tell he wasn’t convinced but you just kept walking. “Do you have some special pirate blend that will knock me out?” You ask and when Sanji doesn’t answer you turn to face him. He’s got this look on his face, like he knows something. “Sanji?”
“You’re leaving aren’t you?” He asks and it’s like a cold bucket of water is doused on you. You part your lips to lie but you can’t force yourself to do it any longer. You swallow and nod your head resolutely. “Love, I can’t let you go after him.”
“You can’t make me stay, Sanji.” You say and he takes a step closer to you. 
“Then I will come with you-“
“No.” You interrupted, your voice strong. “I’m going alone.”
“To do what? To kill him?” He asks as you stare at him. 
“Why does it have to be you?”
“Because he’s my family.”
“He’s no family of yours.”
“I want revenge, Sanji. He ruined me!” You argue, getting a little angry. 
“You’re not ruined! Don’t let him drag you into the dark, he almost killed you once already.” Sanji points out, he was frustrated. 
“I know that!” You growl. You sigh, turning away from him. “I’m leaving when we dock.” You say and start to walk away but Sanji catches your wrist and you hate how quickly you respond. A hidden knife on your hip slides like magic to your hand and you're pressing him against the wall. It was all ingrained in you. You weren’t made to be someone’s friend. Or someone’s something more. Your breath catches and you feel sick but Sanji doesn’t look scared or angry with you. You pull away from him and toss the knife where it sticks in the table. He catches you before you can leave and pulls you against him in a tight hug. You froze. You’d never been hugged before and something in you cracked. Your face flushed as a single tear slid down your cheek. You slowly wrap your arms around him. He brushes the back of your hair softly, pulling back slightly but still holding you in his arms. 
“Either you stay or I go with you.”
“Sanji please,“ Sanji just tightens his arms around you, there’s a slight shake in the way he holds you as though he was afraid of losing you. You give in to his touch and sigh. Nothing changed, if anything this solidified your need to leave. As long as you were alive and your father knew about it Sanji was in trouble. You were more stubborn than him. “Okay,” you intone. “I’ll stay.” You lie. 
Lougetown was busy. It’s pale lined streets with white pavements and buildings all blending together. You stayed mostly in the shadows afraid someone would recognize you because after all sure you were Don Krieg’s daughter but that wasn’t all. You did things for him that made you sick. You plundered and stole and killed and hurt people the same as him. Someone was bound to notice you even with the hooded cloak Zoro had supplied you. You pulled it closer over your face as you followed Sanji, his hand occasionally brushing yours. 
“Don’t you wanna enjoy the sun, love?” Sanji asks as you shoot him a glare. He raised his hands in defense, laughing slightly. “You do know you're a part of the strawhats now right? If Your father comes after you he’ll have to get through us.” Sanji says as you clench your teeth. That’s the last fucking thing you wanted. 
“Is there a reason we’re wandering around aimlessly?” You ask, shooting a glare at some man who was eyeing you.
“We’re relaxing, is there something you wanted to do?” Sanji asked as you tensed up. You wanted to give him the slip but that definitely wasn’t something you could say. When you opened your mouth to speak, someone caught your eye. A tall woman flanked by two smaller men. Your hand discreetly grabbed the knife at your hip because you’ve seen how people looked at your father and this lady was looking at Sanji like she wanted to kill him. Noticing your mood change Sanji looked at you. “Something the matter, Love?” He asked. 
“Sanji of the Baratie!” The ladies voice carries over to you two. “I have been waiting my whole life for this moment.” She says finally garnering Sanji’s attention. A pretty lady talked and Sanji lost his wits. Sanji swept through the crowd and gently grasped the ladies hand, kissing her knuckles. Your not sure why exactly but your stomach twists, irritation seizing your bones. As you watched them talk, Sanji overtly flirting, you realized then that he would be just fine without. He was so enthralled that he didn’t notice you take a step back and sink into the shadows. Your heart felt sick as you released your grip on your knife. You pulled the hood down some more and slinked back towards the port. The anger you felt melted into something worse as you realized it was the attention he paid the woman but it wasn’t like you two were in love or something. These feelings were obviously something else, something far less magical and you knew they’d simmer with time. Or at least you hoped they did. Sticking to the shadows you smelled the salty sea, the ocean waves crashing nearby. You ran to the dock, glancing back but no one had followed you thankfully. When you turned back a green haired swordsman stepped in your path. You gasped, eyes wide as you faltered a step back. 
“Zoro,” you breathed. He looked at you and raised a brow. 
“Going somewhere?” He asked, his arms crossed against his chest. You had already been caught, what's the point in lying. 
“I’m leaving, I think you know why.”
“Leaving without saying goodbye? You’ll break that cook's heart.”
“His heart will be fine, trust me.” You grumbled, rolling your eyes. 
“Don’t get me wrong, I don’t care about that stupid cook but if he’s all mopey over you his cooking will be shit.” Zoro said as you sighed. 
“He’ll be fine.” You insisted. 
“If you leave he won’t be.”
“And why’s that?” You remark snidely. 
“Because he loves you, it’s obvious.” Zoro says. You blink. Love? No, no he doesn’t love you. He probably pitied you, saved you and felt he had to keep staying by your side. 
“Move or I’ll move you.”
“You know I like your spirit, if you go I wouldn’t have anyone to spar with anymore.” Zoro says as your hand slips to your knife. You wouldn’t win against Zoro that was certain but you could escape him. He noticed your shift, a little slight movement to read your thoughts and he pointedly stepped out of your way. You let go of your knife and walk past him. 
“Your crew is… you all are good people.” You say as Zoro nods his head. 
“Then find your way back to us.” He says and your heart bursts at that, you turn to watch him walk off. You assumed if you left they’d never want to see you again. Clearly you were wrong. You hoped Sanji could forgive you one day if you could make it back to him as you tossed a few coins to a pirate and loaded onto his boat. Time suspended as you walked onto the wooden deck, the waves crashing against the side of the boat as the crew pulled up the anchor and set off from the dock. You walked to the railing, staring out at the vast sea. Your father was out there somewhere, probably causing havoc. You leaned down and placed your head in your hands, breathing out and in the salty air. 
“Y/n!” His voice carried over the wind to your ship. You were about thirty feet from the dock now as you turned. Sanji was running down a wooden dock, his blond hair sweeping back from his red cheeks, some strands sticking to the sweat on his forehead. You turned to face him. “Y/n!” He called again, the pain in his voice palpable. Your throat constricted as his shape slowly grew smaller and smaller as the distance grew between you. “Please!” He was saying something else but you couldn’t hear him. Something wet splashed on the top of your hand as you realized you were crying. His voice wasn’t carrying over to you anymore and the fact that you couldn’t hear him any longer seized your heart up in your chest. Everything about being on this ship felt wrong, leaving Sanji and the strawhats felt wrong. You remembered Sanji’s words from the night before, how he believed you weren’t past saving, that you weren’t ruined. To not let your father drag you down anymore. All of this seemed so futile now. Leaving the only people who ever treated you like a person. With tears on you turned towards the captain. 
“Turn this ship around.” You demanded and he looked at you with meek interest, shaking his head. 
“This isn’t a taxi service, woman, we’re leaving whether you like it or not-” His voice cut off as you pressed your knife to his neck. 
“Turn around.” You demanded and he conceded.
Sanji waited for you back on the dock, you slipped back off the boat and the moment your feet hit the wood Sanji was pulling you into a tight grip, his hand tangling in your hair on the back of your head as he held you. You melted into the hug, instantly hugging back.
“When I turned and you were gone- I swear,” His voice faltered, choked with emotion. You closed your eyes, listening to his erratic heartbeat in his chest. 
“I’m sorry. I was being stupid.” You say muffed into his chest. He presses a kiss to the top of your head before resting his chin there.
“No you weren’t.” He coos. You two stay like that for sometime. “Love?” He intones.
“I have to tell you something.” He says as you pull back just barely enough to meet his eyes. The way he looked at you made your knees go weak. He smiled just barely, it met his eyes. He leaned and pressed a kiss to your forehead, your eyes falling closed. He kissed your temple then your cheek and then his lips met yours. He was kissing you now and you're not sure either of you could stop at this very moment. That was until your lungs felt like fire. 
“Sanji,” You demurred out of breath. He hummed in response. 
“I love you, Y/n. If you want to go I want to be by your side.” He whispers. Your breathing stutters. 
“Sanji,” You sighed. “You love so many girls.” 
“Not love, that is reserved for you and you only.”
“But you’ll flirt.” You quip as he smirks at you. 
“I wanted to make you jealous, old habits die hard.” He says and you roll your eyes. His finger slides beneath your chin as he guides your eyes back up to his and he’s leaning in for another kiss, this one lasting longer than the first. “Say I can come with you.” He murmurs against your flushed lips.
“I’ll stay.” You say, not wanting to set off without the strawhats.
“You mean it.”
“I promise.” And you meant it. Sanji smiles against your lips, pressing another kiss to them before taking your hand. 
“Come on then, you still never told me what you wanted to do in this town?” 
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cyb3rtarot · 5 months
Pick a Pile: Self Care Advice
Disclaimer: this is not about self care in terms of skincare and the like, this is about improving your overall well being. Tarot readings are not replacements for professional advice. Take what resonates; don’t force a reading to fit. In this reading I used the Alice in Wonderland Oracle, Zerner-Farber tarot, Tarot of Mystical Moments, the Oracle of the Radiant Sun, and a recolored Smith-Waite.
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pile 1‣pile 2 pile 3‣pile 4
Pile 1: 
Cards: Curioser and Curioser rx, wheel of fortune, temperance rx, Organization (Mercury in Capricorn, 10th house), Dagaz rune|| I Wonder What Will Happen, Impossible Things, You Are Rare and Free, Optimism (Moon in Sagittarius, 9th house), five of swords, ace of wands, Uruz rune
Current State of Self Care: hello pile one! It seems like you guys really like routine. You do similar things everyday or when you practice self care, and this helps you stay on track and organize your thoughts. It’s comfortable, and you’re not too enthusiastic about exploring things that get in the way of this routine. I feel like this pile really likes spending time with animals and nature (some of you are farmers or gardeners), and you might feel disinterested with people and their “strange” activities as a whole. I also feel like you guys really like to do things during the day when the Sun is up. People might invite you out in the evening or night—maybe to casinos or clubs—but you’d rather not. You might prefer to do things alone, or to just spend your free time really peacefully instead of doing something that requires a lot of social energy. Totally understandable! However, there’s a feeling that rigidity or sameness is causing imbalance when it comes to other areas of your life.
Self Care Advice: you guys are encouraged to try new things that fall in line with your individuality. A large part of why this pile likes to stick to the familiar is because of past experiences when trying new things with others. I feel like you’ve tried to step outside your comfort zone before; you’ve been roped into the family vacations or group activities you didn’t want to do and it didn’t go well. Some of you have trouble meshing with the other people in your lives. So, instead of continuously ending up in uncomfortable situations, you’ve stuck to yourself and what you know. I see some of you feel limited due to your health or physical ability? However, there are things you can do in your home or in solitude to expand your world. Perhaps, you could try at-home hobbies, such as crochet. I see a lot of you would really enjoy solo travel. If you want to socialize, maybe you can do something chill with just one friend instead of 5, or do something online (an online event?). You guys have a sense of disbelief when it comes to new things, thinking if it can go wrong it will. But both great experiences and lessons come out of the unknown. You’re encouraged to allow yourself curiosity without compromising on your boundaries.
Extra Details: environmental activism, walking through the forest/woods (some of you that believe in God feel most connected to Them in nature), pet dog (a black one, red collar?), tea (some of you might really enjoy trying new teas? Or reading tea leaves), international travel, homebody, small house, lives with parents but isn’t close to them, stuffed animals, recent graduation, eagles, video call meetups/events
Pile 2: 
Cards: You are Rare and Free, Falling, Mortality, the moon rx, Exaltation (Moon in Taurus, 2nd house)|| Gebo rune, seven of wands rx, You are Rare and Free (again), Uncertainty, Impossible Things, the hierophant
Current State of Self Care: hello pile two! You guys came through with a very YOLO attitude; “I’m here for a good time not a long time.” You guys are hyper aware that you have a limited amount of time to experience this life and try to practice self care by living accordingly. This pile might like to do very experimental or impulsive things. Things that others are afraid of like zip lining or skydiving. Or, you might make decisions that others perceive as careless, like traveling on a random whim or suddenly moving. Many of you have already experienced living a limited life, or watched someone else spend their life without ever doing what they really wanted. You’d rather make security where you go and find what makes you happy instead of having external security with regret. 
Self Care Advice: a lot of you use a super-free and independent lifestyle (or mindset) as a defense mechanism. The less attachments you have, the less chance to be hurt or stifled. You have a lot of fun chasing freedom, but I’m getting that you do it to the point where it’s not fun anymore. I sense a curious energy towards some kind of attachment; maybe you’re interested in what it would be like to be in a committed relationship, to move somewhere permanently, or to get a job that would require you to be more stationary. Some of you view spontaneity and freedom as a way to get the most of what you want while giving the least. But in truth, no matter what we do we exchange something. If you are always doing something new, you exchange possibilities that can only come from being still. And when you don't do new things, you exchange opportunities to explore. You’re being called to care for yourself by sitting down and deciding what you’re really drawn to. Maybe you don’t think you could be happy unless you adhere to your current lifestyle—like this is how you can protect yourself. There are many possibilities outside of current habits that can bring joy. Your energy reminds me of Sandy from Spongebob when she’s trying to do every extreme activity she can before she has to hibernate. You are not being asked to compromise who you are (the cards strongly emphasize that your uniqueness is amazing!), but instead to be open to what your soul is calling for—even if you’re not sure how it will go. The cards also emphasized your security ultimately comes from -you-, not the world around you. 
An extra message wanted to come out with the king of pentacles, strength rx, and queen of cups: you’re prompted to be vulnerable with your feelings! You’re encouraged to face fears and apprehensions so you can emotionally appreciate your blessings. And as a lot of you are in relationships, this includes vulnerability with the other people (or person). Examine what in your life has made you feel the way you do today, and if it’s necessary to bring these mindsets forward. Your extra advice is to be real with yourself and know you have the strength and courage to express yourself authentically.
Extra Details: experiencing death of loved ones at a young age, feeling life is unfair or you have to make your own fairness, revenge or vigilante mindset, you might feel like you’re on a timer? Anxieties about health, confident demeanor but anxious inside, wanting to settle down, being at crossroads, feeling really ready for something, being in nature or gardening (tomatoes?), you could write a lot of movie reviews or fanfiction?, you could also write fantasy stories, environmental or social justice, catching feelings for a casual partner is significant for some of you (aww it feels like they give you butterflies :] )
Pile 3: 
Cards: Use Your Time Well, Curioser and Curiouser, Nonsense!, I Wonder What Will Happen Next, Ace of Swords, Mortality rx|| Clock time, Acquisition (Sun in Taurus, 2nd house), Flirtation (Venus in Sagittarius, 9th house), Bluff (Jupiter in Gemini, 3rd house), the hierophant rx, Protection (Moon in Aries, 1st house), three of hearts rx, the chariot rx, Berkano rune
Current State of Self Care: hello pile three! I feel like your self care right now is not what most people consider self care. Your cards emphasize being in a period of life that’s closing or feeling like you soon have to make a decision about something. You’re trying to get serious with yourself so that you’re able to transition into the next chapter. This is manifesting as more thought-based activities like researching, studying, meditating, brainstorming, and the like. You’re organizing your thoughts and trying to be informed for whatever is approaching you (for some this is literal with final exams coming up). I did get this stifled, antsy feeling when I connected to your energy; you might feel overwhelmed with your own brainstorming or with reality. Many of you are comforting yourself by dragging through this phase. You may keep telling yourself you have a lot of time or that you can do something later, so you keep procrastinating and lengthening the process.
Self Care Advice: you’re being called to be realistic with your time pile 3. I think you’ve enjoyed toying or flirting with ideas and not committing—and for a chunk of you this is literally about stringing someone along. What would be beneficial now is a re-evaluation of how you’re allocating time and energy. Eventually procrastination does become harmful—especially if other people are involved. I don’t feel this is necessarily the case for most yet; I see you've been able to bluff your way through life and take it day by day. But the time is coming where you’ll have to choose a path to take. I see many of you getting overwhelmed due to a lack of support and guidance. You might be surrounded by people who make you feel more confused, either because they can’t help you or because their advice doesn’t resonate with you. Some of you aren’t actually as unsure as you come across. You may be drawn to something already but it feels unconventional, and this instills doubt in you (or you might be afraid of financial instability too?). Whatever your situation is, protecting your energy will be helpful. When you feel pressure, you can redirect this into productivity instead of procrastination. You may have to draw back your energy from draining sources to better channel it into yourself. This includes protecting yourself from being swayed by what is not authentic to you. Even though you feel the weight of your life upon you, know that taking one path doesn’t mean you have to walk it forever. A very specific note for some people in this pile is that there are better ways to protect your feelings and vulnerability in relationships than just ignoring important conversations!
Extra Details: Northern US (New England or close to the Canadian Border), graduating, final exams, researching real estate for a move, this is so random but you might like catching or eating crab? You might’ve played a browser game called Catch a Crab bc that’s what popped in my head 😭, or you might feel nostalgic about your youth—wanting life to freeze forever. Maine, Orlando, Louisiana, feeling insecure, eating muShrooms, a new phase of life, not telling your plans to everyone, plants and plant medicine are very specific for this pile. Spending time in nature—with trees specifically, being more in love than you admit (waay more lol), wanting to be a musician, listening to ariana grande, liking someone with blue eyes. Wanting to move with a partner, unhelpful advice from parents/guardians, procrastinating study sessions
Pile 4: 
Cards: Falling, It’s Always Teatime, King of Swords, Elk rune, six of swords rx, the empress rx|| Messages for a Rabbit, Set Your Course, death rx, I Wonder What Will Happen Next, seven of swords
Current State of Self Care: hi pile four! This pile’s goal is to cope with the lack of control over their life. There’s a sense of feeling stuck in a free fall where you’re constantly pushed around by crazy, external forces. There could be a sense of repetitiveness too. For example, maybe you go to school or a job everyday, but there’s always an extreme deadline to meet. Or when you’re finally getting a grip on the last major life event, another one barrels you over. It seems like you’re constantly in a reactive state or tower moment. To cope, you might like to engage in the same things repeatedly for comfort. I’m also getting this pile might like to read up on their interests a lot in their free time; there’s emphasis on mental activities. You’re quite aware you need to balance constant stress with self care, but physically taking care of yourself may be difficult. For example, knowing you need extra sleep, healthy food, or exercise, but feeling like these are outside your capacity. Some of you may be drawn to pile 1; there’s very similar themes and details.
Self Care Advice: first of all, if you have pets, you’re encouraged to spend time destressing and cuddling with them as self care. But your main advice here is to plan. You may currently be in a space where it’s not easy to go and do new things. So, use this time to really lay out what you want. Don’t let yourself be discouraged by your current restraints. Think about what in your life you’d remove if you had the chance, and what you would pursue if you could. Writing it down could be helpful. This way, even if you can’t currently obtain those things, you’ll be ready if an opportunity comes your way. Instead of ruminating over whether you should or shouldn’t and miss it, you’ll know which path in the crossroads to take because you’ve done most of the thinking. Many of you may also feel tied down by people or duties around you. You’re being reminded that you don’t have to let everyone know your every plan. It’s easy to be influenced when you’re already under stress—or literally controlled by others. It’s ok to keep your thoughts to yourself or protect your future wishes from those who aren’t aligned with you. If you’re in a tough spot, maybe you have to do this planning kind of on the secret side. For example, if you’re trying to escape a family situation, maybe be extra careful about browser history if you choose to research at home. Overall, you’re being asked to think, plan, and be smart with your current situation and resources.
Extra Details: special interests, neurodivergence, executive dysfunction, some of you experienced several huge shifts in life or family one right after the other, Europe, church (mainly getting Roman Catholic), stuffed animals, feeling controlled by family or society (perhaps being pressured to perform traditional gender roles), Australian accent, animals as signs, a pet or multiple, wanting a humanitarian or environmental job. You may feel like your life has been the opposite of a fairytale, like Cinderella with no ball or carriage. Social isolation. Some of y’all really like fanfiction lool
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canary3d-obsessed · 2 months
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed, Episode 40 part two
(Masterpost) (Pinboard)  (whole thing on AO3)
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Warning! Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
What a Relief
After spending a few weeks in Gusu doing...stuff, our trio comes to Jinlintai for the discussion conference. Unusually for a CQL stair-climbing scene, nobody is planning to murder anyone once they get to the top.
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Our crew walks up the stairs past 3 massive sculpted reliefs featuring Jin Guangyao.
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First and most important, I have to point out that the sculpture version of Lan Xichen [edit: Nie Mingjue actually, whoops] is wearing a sash that looks like this:
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Meanwhile, for the picture with the sword and flames, qhanzi.com tells me that the written characters are 伏殺, fú shā; Google translate tells me this means "ambush." Specifically Fu=conceal, Sha=kill. Ballsy to have a monumental artwork on your front steps announcing that you're a backstabbing turncoat, Jin Guangyao.
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Speaking of balls, Jiang Cheng jumps at the opportunity to bust some when the Lan bros arrive with Wei Wuxian in tow. He pretends not to know who Wei Wuxian is, but obviously does know something, given how bitchily he asks to be introduced. Lan Wangji continues his 13-year-long silent treatment of JC while Lan Xichen tries to figure out which bland smile he's meant to be deploying in this situation.
(more after the cut!)
They're all rescued by the appearance of Jin Guangyao 3.0, who has discarded his Nie braids and his Wen hotness in favor of Jin ostentatiousness.
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He's no longer wearing the v-neck robe and topknot crown that we associate with the cultivation sects. Instead he's wearing a hat and a round-necked robe with a big embroidered design on the chest, that resembles the clothing style of a court official.
Some people see JGY's bureaucratic wardrobe as signaling that he's an unassuming administrator, someone who is not threatening to the power structure or is not ambitious. I see it more as conveying that his ambition reaches beyond the cultivation sects into the realm of dynastic/imperial politics.
Anyway, Jiang Cheng turns his ire towards his nephew, and Lan Xichen relaxes again. Possibly he is a little too relaxed, judging by how he's ogling Jiang Cheng.
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I'm high as a kite, I just might stop to check you out
Party Monster
Fanfics are often accused of giving us an out-of-character (OOC) Wei Wuxian, but no fanfic Wei Wuxian is as OOC as the Wei Wuxian who attends this banquet. Normally Wei Wuxian is a mildly annoying flirt, but as soon as soon as he arrives in Koi tower he is (presumably) possessed by the spirit of Jin Guangshan, and becomes a gross sex pest.
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He goes out of his way to hit on the wife of the clan leader and make googly eyes at all of the maids, whose social status doesn't allow them to be rude to him. And he does it in front of his date! What the hell, possessed Wei Wuxian.
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While oblivious to Lan Wangji's jealousy, Wei Wuxian does check in with him to make sure it's ok to put on his "crazy Mo Xuanyu" act. LWJ replies with a certain amount of salt, but once Wei Wuxian makes it clear he's thinking about Lan Wangji's public face, LWJ chills out and answers him normally.
Side note: in no universe would this cute lil maid be making eyes at heavily-masked Mo Xuanyu when unmasked, radiant, filthy-rich Lan Wangji is right there to be smiled at.
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Jin Guangyao greets everyone and some dancers start doing their thing; mercifully, possessed Wei Wuxian refrains from hitting on the dancers. As soon as Jin Guangyao starts to circulate through the room, Nie Huaisang has an epic nervous breakdown all over him, which is even better entertainment than the dancers.
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This gives Wei Wuxian the cover he needs to slip out of the hall unnoticed. Well, as long as nobody notices Lan Wangji's obvious pining.
Fight Club
The prophecy foretells that into each generation of Jins will be born one douchebag cousin. Jin Chan is the douchebag cousin of his generation.
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Jin Chan accuses "Mo Xuanyu" of being a sex pest, and Wei Wuxian suddenly understands why the plot made him act so OOC at the party. Mo Xuanyu wasn't really a sex pest; he was a regular pest, trying to get information out of Qin Su, not trying to seduce her. But he doesn't know that yet. In other adaptations Mo Xuanyu is gay, but CQL exists in a strange censorship-created realm in which gayness is pervasive but never mentioned, and therefore there is no homophobia. So nobody would care if Mo Xuanyu was gay.
When Wei Wuxian realizes what Mo Xuanyu did, he thinks "Mo Xuanyu, do you want to die?"
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Nice choice of idiom, Wei Wuxian. I believe we have firmly established that yes, Mo Xuanyu absolutely did want to die.
The show is kind of vague, verbally, about whether Wei Wuxian 2.0 has a golden core. But there are a lot of moments that strongly suggest he does, at this point, have a functioning core.
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This rock attack is, I hope, one of those moments, or else Jin Chan is a total pussy, getting knocked back by landscape gravel.
Next, Wei Wuxian shows Jin Ling the super-secret move known as "arm twisting," which Jin Ling, as an only child, has never encountered before.
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Anyone with siblings is very familiar with this move.
Because this is The Untamed, this move should be executed with extra spinning whenever possible.
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Jin Ling learns the move right away, and uses it to win the scuffle.
After the fight, Wei Wuxian sits with Jin Ling for a chat, and gives him the classic uncle advice "have as many fights as possible while you're young, because when you're older you'll have to be mature and get along with people."
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I love Wei Wuxian so much.
For contrast, Jin Ling says that Jin Guangyao tells him not to get in fights. This makes Wei Wuxian seem like the cooler elder, but it also has a more sinister element, of Jin Guangyao holding Jin Ling back. Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian grew up constantly fighting with each other--sparring as well as informal fights, presumably. And their cultivation was super strong, partly as a result of that.
Wei Wuxian takes the opportunity to tell Jin Ling that he's not in love with Qin Su any more, because he's transferred his affections to someone else. Obviously Hanguang-Jun is the someone else, given that they've been inseparable for weeks. To keep Jin Ling from yelling while he explains, he clamps his hand over Jin Ling's mouth.
The thing is, in order to effectively clamp your hand over someone's mouth, there has to be something behind them--a wall, the mattress, your own torso, or something else solid. Otherwise they can just jerk their head backwards to get away from your hand. Or they can stand up and walk away, even.
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Jin Ling, hilariously, does not realize this, and spends a ridiculously long time sitting still and making angry faces while Wei Wuxian rests his hand on his face.
Spy Game
Later that night, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji get ready for some shenanigans.
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Not the sexy kind, alas, just some paperman snooping.
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Wei Wuxian, because he's facing serious danger, is feeling extra playful and cute, and he takes time to goof around with Lan Wangji before getting down to business.
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In paperman form, he's able to do some things that the censors overlook, including tugging on Lan Wangji's headband and apparently blowing him a kiss. In the book and the donghua, he catches onto Lan Wangji's lip on his way down his face, too.
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One thing that's kind of muted in the live action as compared to the novel is how much Lan Wangji enjoys Wei Wuxian's childish and playful behavior. Lan Wangji never got to be playful as a child, but with Wei Wuxian he can cut loose--which he does mostly in the sack or when they're drinking together. But even when he stays in control of himself, he likes Wei Wuxian's silliness.
He tells Paper-Xian, tenderly, to be very careful, before he sends him on his way.
The Adventures of Paperman
The CGI department outdoes itself with paperman, making an animated character so adorable I'd be happy to watch a whole episode of him.
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Paper-Xian sneaks into JGY's study and pokes around, finding an empty envelope. Then he listens and watches while Qin Su stumbles in, retching.
She's followed closely by Jin Guangyao; they proceed to have an absolutely fucking endless argument in which the words "sister," "brother," "incest" "rapist dad" are never said, instead using vagueburger phrasing like "this matter."
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Jin Guangyao does freely admit to killing their kid, though, and wants to know who told Qin Su about it so he can kill them, too. She won't tell him, shockingly.
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Jin Guangyao ends the fight by putting a paralysis spell on his wife and then making her go to sleep with another spell, which is the cultivator equivalent of saying "I've said what I had to say and I need some space."
He takes her into a secret room where he is also keeping a bunch of talisman-protected stuff and a shockingly small number of books.
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Seriously, as a person who has way too many books, I am personally offended by the way Jin Guangyao wastes shelf space in his secret room.
As Paper-Xian sneaks around the room, Jin Guangyao helpfully pulls aside the curtain covering the shelf with Nie Mingjue's head on it, so he can grouse at NMJ for (figuratively) haunting him. Seriously? Dude, you keep a guy's head on your bookshelf, he gonna haunt ya.
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The episode ends with Paper-Xian bowing (adorably) to Nie Mingjue, and then sitting laying on his face, which would make BOTH Lan brothers jealous if they found out.
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Soundtrack: Ring the Alarm, by Beyonce; Blister in the Sun, by the Violent Femmes
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batbabydamian · 3 months
DC April 2024 Solicitations - Comics Featuring Damian! 🦇
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Written by Joshua Williamson
Art and Cover by Simone Di Meo
Variant Covers: Kael Ngu, Ejikure, Jim Lee, Nikola Čižmešija (1:25)
As Batman finds himself in the clutches of a new cult that worships Man-Bat, Robin continues his own investigation into his High School's connections to Shush! Can the father and son dynamic duo uncover Man-Bat and Shush's master plans before Gotham pays the price?!
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Written by Tom King
Art by Daniel Sampere and Belén Ortega
Variant Covers: Julian Totino Tedesco, Pablo Villalobos, Joshua “Sway” Swaby (1:25)
Wonder Woman vs. The Sovereign! After being captured by a team of villains, Diana finds herself at the mercy of the scariest of them all. Unbeknownst to our hero, the Sovereign has been pulling her strings since the very beginning of our tale, and now it's time for her to see the world his way as she falls under the influence of the Lasso of Lies! Plus, Trinity visits the past and unexpectedly changes the future!
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NIGHTWING #113/Legacy #300
Written by Tom Taylor
Art by Various
Variant Covers: Bruno Redondo (original cover+1:25), Dan Mora, Jim Lee (Artist Spotlight), Jamal Campbell, Serg Acuna
Since the 1940's, you've seen him go from acrobat to orphan; from Dick Grayson to Robin; from Robin to Nightwing. You've seen him work alongside the universe's most powerful heroes, against existence's most sinister villains. You have seen Dick Grayson do so many things, but now, in his 300th issue, you will see him.. well, you'll just have to pick up the issue and find out. Join us for this legacy 300 milestone!
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*Cover feature - Damian hang gliding in the bg :)
Written by Meghan Fitzmartin, Cameron Chittok, Joey Esposito, Morgan Hampton, Patrick R. Young, Tom Krajewski, Mike Barr, and more!
Art by Kenya Danino, Vasco Georgiev, Paul Pellietier, Nico Bascuñan, and more!
Cover by John Timms
Variant Covers by Dan Mora
Spring has sprung! Flowers are blooming, bees are buzzing, Harley is breaking King Shark out of Belle Reve prison. all is right in the DCU as both heroes and villains face all sorts of different spring breaks. Breaking out of a coffin? Lex Luthor has that covered. Spring break training? Send in Superman! Breaking out of your shell? Batman and Mr. Freeze explore that possibility through a connection in their shared past. Breaking down a worthy adversary? Katana and her sword of souls might just be able to tackle that. And it wouldn't be a spring break without a Teen Titans beach trip! All these and more in DC's Spring Breakout! -eight breakout stories to put a spring in your step (is there a zit breakout story? You'll have to read to find out!)
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Written by Kami Garcia
Art by Gabriel Picolo
Kori Anders' summer job at a ritzy Santa Monica beach club is fun, but she doesn't care about keeping up with the current trends, and she's not interested in rushing around to all the parties. She'd rather explore her inexplicable draw to the stars or hang out with her new friend, Victor Stone. Her sister, Kira, on the other hand, is the most popular girl around. With the hottest clothes, an even hotter boyfriend (the Tate Fairweather), and a take-no-prisoners attitude, she's Kori's opposite in every way. Their summer heats up when Tate's uncle asks the girls to participate in an EDS study his pharmaceutical company is running. During treatment, Kori develops some strange powers she never had before...and she might not be the only one. Can Kori persuade her sister to trust her before it's too late? And when a carload of teens with their own powers come looking for her to warn her about a creepy stalker, she'll learn that trust is a two-way street!
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arammies · 1 year
pac: what's next in your romantic life ?
ू take a breath and focus on the question. then pick a pile that stands out the most to you. you may pick more than one pile. if nothing catches your attention, then there is simply no message for you here at the current moment.
ू many many thanks to my guides and your guides for helping with these messages :)
ू decks used; crystal unicorn tarot , typo multicolor daily affirmation cards
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from left to right; pile 1, pile 2, pile 3
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pile 1
[ eight of swords, nine of pentacles, affirmation take a moment out of your day just for you ]
your love life might be really stagnant right now and you're left here wondering and wondering when is the next thing going to happen? well buckle up my dear pile 1. because for your love life to start moving to the next phase, the change has to come from you. there's a message of sitting down with yourself and really be aware of what do you need and want in your love life (though i get the feeling that majority of you already did) and if you've done that, now's the time to put it into action! whatever it is you're thinking of trying, do it. putting yourself out there, going on dates, manifestation, etc. after all the reflecting, now's the time to do it! maybe you didn't think you had it in you but really you have it all right there within you. share your love, stand up for yourself, don't isolate yourself from the love life pile 1. i feel like whoever's on the other end of your relationship is waiting for you and misses you so dearly :( you've got this, pile 1! i'm rooting for you!
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pile 2
[ strength reversed, four of pentacles, affirmation sit in the sunshine for 10 mins ]
i feel like this is the already have something with other people(s) pile; whether that be relationship, situationship, courting etc. if you're single, don't worry, this pile is still for you. hello my lovely lovely pile 2. it seems that you've done all the necessary things to be done in your love life and now you have a solid foundation to stand on, congrats! you're probably just here thinking "and now what?" lmao. this is the time to venture yourself out there and enjoy the outside world :D if you've been thinking for signing up on a class or club, or going on a picnic, this is it! the cards are telling you these stuffs, as in spending quality time, will help strengthen your love life whether that be leading you to your s/o(s) for the singles or just greater bond for the non singles. but yes, go out there! it's kind of funny for the coupled ones, your guides are telling me you stay in home too often and they're just 'tsk tsk'ing you guys lmaoo anyway, go have fun!! and be safe pile 2, that's all i got for you :)
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pile 3
[ the star, ace of pentacles, affirmation phone a good friend today & check in ]
oh precious pile 3. my sweet and hardworking pile 3. so many good things are awaiting you and not just in your love life but in your general life as a whole as well. i am so so proud of you pile 3. the cards are telling you to hold your faith and do not lose hope, if you've been putting in the effort, they see you pile 3. a new cycle is coming and with it, comes tons of great things because you deserve them pile 3. you deserve to be loved just as you are. to be loved simply because you exist. keep doing what you're doing and many things will flourish in your love life. you'll get that happy ending pile 3. this is the confirmation that you're looking for. it's coming very very near so please hold on a little more. i love you pile 3 🥺 also the affirmation card states friend but i get the feeling that this "friend" is actually you yourself pile 3 so please take care of yourself lovelies.
extra; you might also feel attracted to pile 1
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mylittlesecrethaven · 1 month
Facts About the TWST Boys You Might Not Know: Heartslaybul
Like I don't have enough multi-part posts right now. (Correction, I don't actually)
Anyway, I'll be doing this one house/dorm at a time.
So this is gonna be seven parts.
(You might already know some of these facts, but it's whatever. Also, my source is just the wiki)
This one's probably well known, but he became housewarden after only a week of being at NRC. Like, he got there his first year and a week later, he was the big boss.
He likes crossword puzzles (grandpa) (That's an insensitive joke for those that enjoy crossword puzzles, I know..... but my point still stands)
He thinks men keep growing into their 20s, pfft
His horse's name in the Equestrian club is Vorpal, like the sword from Alice in Wonderland
He apparently takes tests by doing the questions in order instead of going to the easiest ones first? That's a strange fact....
So, we know Trey's a dental nut. But did you know he owns several toothbrushes of different shapes for different parts of his mouth?
He's bad at singing
Apparently he's the same height as Azul and Silver
Riddle says he has a great sense of balance
His family moves a lot apparently
I could only get one fact about him, and it's fucking hilarious so it's going in a paragraph.
So, apparently, dear Acey here dated a girl in middle school, but got bored of her and ghosted her. He started getting called out about that and decided girls were too much trouble, so now he hangs out mainly with boys to avoid going on dates.
This little fucker..... I fucking can't with him.... He's ridiculous....
He owns a bright pink leopard print suit
He's good with machinery
He's not very good with basic math. Poor boi...
He gets nervous around women (Better than that fucker Ace)
He wants to be a magical enforcement officer (He's so adorable...)
(Can you tell I love Deuce more than Ace?)
I feel like Cater and Trey got no love from this.
But I couldn't find much for them.
Anyway, I'll do Savanaclaw next.
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amourdivine · 2 months
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Hello, lovelies. I hope you're doing really well this Valentines season and if not, I'm sending you some big hugs! Today, I bring to you a more general-style type of reading. Let's look into how this person views you, shall we? If you liked this reading, please consider tipping me at @ [email protected]! xo ♡
paid readings are closed as of february 2024
none of the images are mine unless stated otherwise!
pick a card masterlist & information
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how to choose your pile.  take a few deep breaths for and look at each and of the piles separately. see which one brings you to a feeling, a place or a memory. take your time and feel free to come back to it later!
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amourdivine | 2021 - 2024 © do not copy, redistribute or edit my content.
knight of swords ✧ the sun ✧ king of pentacles ✧ five of cups ✧ five of wands
This pile feels like you're either in a new relationship or some kind of situationship. Take what resonates for you! Honestly, from what the cards tell me, it will be a little chaotic, rushed and different from what you expected. It's nothing bad, but you may feel like you or your Valentine didn't plan it in its entirety. There may be too many unpredictable events.
You'll have fun, surely. It seems like you may go some place very beautiful and expensive, but it may not fulfill yours or your partner's expectations. I think either one of you may feel really upset about it, like a date gone wrong or maybe some sort of petty argument takes place instead of enjoying one another's company. Like I said, I don't think it'll be necessarily awful, it feels more like a series of unfortunate events taking place and not going according to plan.
If it's an expensive restaurant, you may find the food kind of sucks or, alternatively, if it's a carnival ride, it may rain and you might have to cancel it. Or- maybe your partner gets called at work and you can't spend it together.
There's a feeling of crying over spilled milk, of a lost opportunity. However, this day will highlight what's really important to the both of you - the relationship or perfection? I think both of you will have to weigh in and find a solution or some kind of compromise. It's an opportunity for the both of you to truly prioritize each other and pursue happiness.
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three of pentacles ✧ knight of pentacles ✧ three of cups ✧ the tower ✧ ten of swords
I don't see a lot of romance here, pile two! I don't think it's what you're looking for. You look like you're someone who's recently single and ready to mingle. It's likely you're approaching relationships from a more practical and slower pace, scared to rush into anything after someone broke your heart really badly.
Either you'll work and enjoy the day with your work colleagues (I see people eating candy and treating themselves to all the pink food in the world) or you'll spend it with your friends, partying, going out and clubbing, mayhaps? You seem more focused on your career and friendships than love right now. That's okay! You'll have so much fun, just be mindful of excesses and remember to treat you body kindly.
I don't see you interested in anyone either. I get the feeling you might reject potential suitors over being heartbroken, emotionally unavailable or just... focused on yourself right now. This pile has more of a #girl boss feeling, but not in a bad way or anything. I feel a lot of Earth placements - Capricorn and Virgo standing out the most. It's okay to have high standards, pile two. You don't have to set the bar low just because other people have nothing to bring to the table. Good for you!
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ace of wands ✧ ace of cups ✧ page of cups ✧ nine of pentacles ✧ seven of swords
This pile almost screams "self care" to me. The term could signify wildly different things to each of you, but I see someone planning and enjoying a relaxing, self-indulgent day ahead. Lots of facial mascara, skin treatments, maybe a mini spa day for yourself. You're replenishing your energy this Valentine's day and tuning into yourself, calling your vitality and strength back to you.
You may buy yourself flowers, spoil yourself with an expensive perfume, maybe makeup products or something you've had your eyes on for a while. There's a luxurious feel to it, a feeling of peace and calm. You may spend it somewhere nice - like a nice hotel room or maybe near a body of water, somewhere beautiful and expensive.
This pile feels very independent, but open to love. I think you're sort of.. preparing your life to accommodate love in it. Most, if not all people from this pile are single, but I think you are in a place where you feel ready, with a stable sense of self and in a fruitful phase for a new, loving relationship. I also feel some of you may be polyamorous, for some reason.
It's a very self-loving energy here regardless. I smell roses and chocolate, nice candy, jewelry and I see someone dressing up solely for themselves, putting makeup or perfume on to look and feel good for themselves.
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page of cups ✧ the empress ✧ eight of pentacles ✧ three of pentacles ✧ six of pentacles
You're celebrating love in all of its forms, pile four. This is the only pile where I feel that your relationship status doesn't really matter as much. It's gonna vary very wildly for most of you, but the underlying theme is the same: making room for all relationships to flourish in your life.
I see someone texting their friends, family and loved ones wishing them a happy Valentine's Day. It's quite loving, lighthearted and carefree. You'll also feel the love around you. It gives me Disney princess vibes, when they sing or dance around town and everyone seems enchanted by it, lol. It's very cute!
Maybe you're not really focused on romance or you just love love in all its forms and it seems like it's coming back to you tenfold. I could see someone strolling around town with a big smile plastered on their face. You will likely celebrate in small, but meaningful ways. I don't see partying here per se, but you may grab coffee with your friends or enjoy a heartshaped muffin. Valentine's Day is everyone else's excuse to wear and use all things pink, and I can see you doing that too.
There's a prominent Venusian feeling with the Empress here, like being in love with life and taking this day as another moment to remind the people around you how much they matter to you. You may even give or receive cute Valentine's Day cards.
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amourdivine | 2021 - 2024 © do not copy, redistribute or edit my content.
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cheolsfae · 2 months
Hii would you be able to do a reading on how skz members will meet their fs? Thank you
They all pretty much start off the same, from current to future, to distant future, didn't intend for that but here we are lmao. Except for I.N.'s!
Minho's...I really love his! fgkndfiodsno
*Disclaimer: solely for fun! Please do not take this seriously. For entertainment purposes only!*
𓆦 Chris
*9s could be very significant for him
Past: 9 of pentacles, 9 of swords
I'm assuming this actually isn't the past but this is what's currently going on because this doesn't feel like he's met them yet. He's currently just focused on himself and those around him. He's very anxious about what's going on in his life. Like the responsibilities of his job could be keeping him up at night. This feels like he's just carrying around a whole lot of weight but he's refusing to ask for any help or even to just reach out and vent to someone else. Right now, it's like a crushing weight on him, he could be making it a bigger deal than need be, but that's not my place to say that lmao. He's valid in how he feels about this situation.
Present: ace of swords, the sun
At some point in the future, he's going to end up coming to the conclusion that he needs to tell someone. This ends up being his future spouse. I think they might start out at friends, like they met at a bar and just kind of took things from there. He could end up just venting everything out to this person and that's kind of how they meet. He might end up going to this bar/club with a friend or they could meet through a friend. Just some type of social atmosphere.
Future: the hanged man (reversed), 9 of cups
This person is definitely going to challenge him. He's going to be stubborn about wanting to expand on his thoughts about marriage, relationships, etc. He doesn't want to change how he feels about it. He has his own ideas on it and this person is brining forth new thoughts about it and it's very frustrating for him. He seems like the type to want to stick to what he knows in terms of certain topics like romance, etc. Very rigid in those values.
Bottom of the deck: the fool
He needs to take a leap of faith and just trust the process with this person. He needs to know that this person isn't going to intentionally harm him. It is safe to trust this person. They really mean well and they only want what is best for him, nothing more!
𓆦 Minho
Past: king of wands, 8 of cups (reversed)
Okay, he's recently healed a little bit from a past connection. He was finally in a place where he found the courage to leave that person. He did it in a way where it wasn't toxic, so this might have ended amicably (or this person signed an NDA). He's happy that the situation is over. He no longer has to deal with this person's shit anymore. He could have been warned that this person wasn't going to be doing him any favors. He should still be worried a little bit about this person. They could do something, who knows what but he should be careful.
Present: page of swords, the lovers
He's presently creeping on his future spouse. He's a very observant person. He's paying attention to what they have to say rather closely. He's just friends with this person right now, I don't think he's made any sort of romantic move towards them yet. He's trying to be strategic about how he goes about moving closer to this person, like the weirdo he is. He's just trying to feel the vibe out first, I think (I hope, lmaoo).
Future: 3 of swords (reversed), 8 of pentacles (reversed)
His future spouse has some healing to do but I don't think they are really wanting to. They are refusing to work on themselves. They kind of just want to stay as they are for right now. They could still be holding onto past hurt and not willing to trust Minho with his intentions. They could be thinking he's coming across rather snake-y. Them holding back from healing is going to stall the connection and do more harm than good.
Bottom of the deck: 2 of cups
Again, he's probably friends with his future spouse right now. He could be trying to figure out a plan as to how to further progress this connection. He could be planning to do it as a surprise and just hoping to sweep this person off their feet. A true romantic!
𓆦 Changbin
Past: 4 of pentacles, wheel of fortune, 9 of cups
Before meeting his future spouse, he's busy off completing things on his bucket list career wise. He's making his dreams a reality. He's trying to make sure he is in a good place before even thinking of dating anyone. He's kind of sticking to himself and not really focused on his romance life. Changbin needs to work on loving all the parts about himself before he even thinks about bringing in a romantic interest into his life, mainly, accepting the more unlikeable parts he feels about himself.
Present: knight of swords, 7 of pentacles
It feels like they meet through work. Like he's working his ass off for his future and then all of a sudden someone comes in to kind of sweep him off his feet. Yes, Changbin (like the little princess he is) is getting swept off his feet. He's not making the move, this co-worker is. But because he is so focused on what he's trying to accomplish, he's being a little bit oblivious to what this person is actually doing with him. He's so cute, I can't! This is a fated connection, obviously, but he won't know that, I feel that the other person will definitely have some type of clue. They will feel it in their gut, their intuition.
Future: the tower (reversed), 2 of pentacles
When it finally clicks with him what this person is doing, he's going to be kind of stuck between wanting to seriously pursue this person or keep working towards his career goals. He's going to have to strike a balance between the two. He can't be giving more energy to the other, it's not going to work that way. Again, this whole thing is going to feel like a bigger issue than it is. He just needs to find the correct way to fix it and figure out a balance that works for everyone involved
Bottom of the deck: the lovers
Overall, at some point, it will all align for him and it will all balance out but he needs to find a way to manage it as best as he possibly can when the time comes for him to meet this person. It's really gonna throw him for a loop when they come into his life and I'm so excited for them!
𓆦 Hyunjin
Past: the emperor, 4 of wands
So, he wants to be in a place where he's stable enough to support another person. He wants to be that kind of person. I get the impression he isn't exactly all that expressive with his emotions all that much. At least, not in big groups of people. Maybe with like his members one on one. And when I say expressive with his emotions I mean verbally. Physically and every other way 100% but to verbally say it? Nah-uh. He wants a future, he wants harmony in his "marriage" (future spouse in my mind doesn't necessarily mean marriage, it means for your forever partner).
Present: death, 10 of cups, 6 of swords
Future: the hierophant, 3 of wands
He wants to be someone one's wish fulfillment in a partner. He's making changes to himself to become an ideal partner so he can attract his ideal partner. He could meet this person during this change, maybe at a coffee shop or something. It feels like it's a meet-cute thing. I feel like he shoots his shot pretty much right away, unlike the previous members who take their time
He ends up getting to that place of being that ideal person, now it's a matter of "popping the question". I feel like when he does this it's going to be very romantic. Very much corny. This is the most expressive I think he's been outwardly to anyone and it's so cute!
Bottom of the deck: king of cups
Again, he's currently trying to expand himself emotionally so he can be that type of person for his future partner. It's very cute and he's really trying his damn'd-est. It's a really sweet energy over all and I love it! I'm eatin it up!
𓆦 Jisung
Past: 3 of swords, 8 of swords
Starting out, currently, he's going through some type of heart break. Some type of romantic connection might have just recently ended. I get the feeling this was a situation-ship. This person could have left him, I don't think he left them. He's in his own head thinking about all of the what ifs. What if he's done things differently? What if he did x instead of y? That type of thing. He's keeping himself in this unhealthy repetitive thought process.
Present: 10 of swords, the moon
When he meets his future spouse, he's going to still be in his feelings. He could meet them at like some kind of outing. Some type of party, maybe with friends could be a company party but more than likely a friend's party. But anyway, he's still going to be holding onto all of this stuck energy. The thing is, there isn't anything he could have done differently to keep this person. Nothing, this person just wasn't meant to. When he meets his future spouse, he isn't going to be in the best place mentally still. He's also tied up with work, so initial communication between the two could be sparse.
Future: death, the hanged man
He needs to change his thought process before he starts to seriously pursue his future spouse. Otherwise, he's setting the whole thing up for failure. He needs to move on past what has happened with this person old person. He knows what he has to do in order for things to progress, it's just that he's kind of refusing to. He wants to continue to love in this type of negative mentality. It's mostly out of fear but he still needs to change it this future spouse is for him, it feels like they were made for one another, completely
Bottom of the deck: page of wands
There is potential here for him to really learn his lesson with this passed person but I don't feel that he really even wants to at the moment. He just wants to be stuck here in this bad train of thought for a while. Yes, mourn the loss of this relationship but do not dwell on it for too long, better things are coming for you!
𓆦 Felix
Past: the moon, king of pentacles
So, he does already know future spouse. He's trying to be the man they need him to be but I don't think he's feeling very emotionally fulfilled at this time. They may not be giving him the kind of affection he needs. His emotional needs are not being met by this person. He's really trying with his whole heart to be the kind of person they need him to be but he feels kind of crappy being with this person because they are not doing the same for him. Everything is very one sided and he hates it!
Present: 2 of pentacles, justice
He's going to be debating if he should leave them or not. He wants it to be equal give and take with this person but things are not balancing out the way he wants them to. He just wants them to be doing the same for him. What he's putting out he isn't getting in return and I feel like he's just like okay, this isn't what I want but I do care about this person a lot, should I leave? Should I tough it out? If you are not receiving what you know you deserve, leave! If it's meant to be it will be! He's kind of holding out hope that this person will change but I don't think that they are willing to just yet.
Future: strength, temperance
He's going to end up leaving this person for a while. He's going to find the strength to leave this person and work on himself. He's being told to stay patient with this person when he does leave. He might want to lose his cool on them but he has to remain calm. He's also being guided to kind of wait for this person, meaning keeping the door cracked for them, just a little. This person will eventually come around and be who he needs them to be once they realize that they screwed up with him.
Bottom of the deck: 4 of cups
He regrets putting himself in this situation. He just wants to be happy with this person but they aren't ready for anything real. He sees a real future with this person. But it's like this person isn't willing to really give him a second glance.
𓆦 Seungmin
Past: page of pentacles, the moon
So, he already knows his future spouse. Seems like they have been friends for a quite a bit of time already. Maybe a few months. He already has developed some feelings for them already. He's debating making a romantic offer toward them. He's nervous about doing it though. He wants to but at the same time what if he gets rejected? If he keeps thinking the worst, he's only going to get what he's "asking for". He needs to be more positive if he wants this to work out!
Present: 3 of swords, 4 of cups
Well, his fears are correct because I do see that he ended up making this offer towards them and they shut him down. They might end up taking some time away from one another until he can get his feelings together or they can figure out what they want. But he does regret even coming forward and saying anything about his feelings. He really shouldn't. There is no shame in being honest in how you feel! He felt like this person was his soulmate! They were his other half (and they might be)!
Future: page of cups, the lovers, 7 of cups
He doesn't take long to get over it because he gets right back on the horse and tries again with this person! This time things are a little different. This person is trying to come to terms with trying something serious with him. And it looks this works out because this person ends up getting "delusional" (Not really delusional because it happens) about a future with him! This feels like a breath of fresh air for them both!
Bottom of the deck: 2 of cups
Again, it does feel like he's already acquainted with his future spouse. Feels like this was guided entirely by his ancestors, which I think is kind of funny. They want the man to see him so happy! His spirit team is truly rooting for them both! It's really cute!
𓆦 Jeongin
Past: 7 of swords (reversed), 9 of cups
He, too, might already know this person. He might have recently decided to take his mask off and be vulnerable with this person because he sees them as his wish fulfillment. Someone who he's been asking for. He could have been misleading this person about how he felt towards them because he could have felt like they weren't into him as much as he was into them. They may not have been giving that many hints to one another about how they felt towards each other.
Present: the star, judgement
He feels like this person is his person. Like 110%! He has complete hope that this is going to work out the way he wants it to. He might have already made an offer towards this person. The ball could be in their court, right now and he's just hoping that they agree. He feels really good about this person. He's currently feeling really anxious about it but he knows whatever happens, he'll be fine. He'll be good but he's really hoping it works out!
Future: 10 of cups, 8 of pentacles
It looks like he's going to get what he wants from them. They are both going to be so happy about how this goes. They both are willing to put in their whole hearts into this. They are both fully invested in this! There is just a whole bunch of love-y dove-y raw happy energy around these two and I absolutely love it!!
Bottom of the deck: knight of swords
He's just charging into this whole thing and doing what he can to get this person. He really wants this to work out and he's extremely happy about it. He feels like this person will accept him, there isn't a doubt in his mind for a second!
*Oracle deck was also used!
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msgexymunson · 1 year
Kickstart My Heart Part 2
Switch!Eddie x Switch!Fem!Reader
Description: Eddie's certainly met his match. As you look to take your relationship to the next level, can you be vulnerable with him?
Warnings: NSFW, reader uses she/her pronouns, hella smut, loads of fluff, Minors DNI or I'll shove crayons up your nose, marijuana use, slight switch/kinda dom from both a bit? Fem!fingering, Fem!oral receiving, M!oral/hand job receiving for like a minute, p in v protected sex, I think that's it?
A/N: something about Eddie falling hard and fast just gets me. I'm working on a pt 3 but that will probably be it. If you want to be added to the tags let me know!
5.5k words
Masterlist Part 1 Here
Eddie's in the cafeteria, grinning to himself, being unusually quiet. Every time he closes his eyes there's an image of you ingrained on his eyelids it seems. Your frame; lacy underwear and soft skin juxtaposed against the demon like wings of your tattoo. He is well and truly smitten. It had taken him a while to sleep that night, he just couldn't stop looking at you laying in his arms. You two had spent the next day together, taking turns picking the music, sometimes making out, sometimes just chatting, until it was late and he had driven you home. Not that he had wanted to, but you insisted. He hadn't seen you since. Two whole days. It was driving him crazy. Tonight was Hellfire, he was supposed to be running the D&D club but he had no idea how he was going to focus.
"Eddie, what's up?" Dustin is waving his hand in Eddie's face, trying to get his attention. He pulls himself of out his revelry and sighs.
"Nothing big guy" and smiles a tight lipped smile, gripping Dustin by the shoulder.
"You didn't tell us, did you find her, in the end?" Dustin smiles at Eddie hopefully.
Eddie grins, his face flushing slightly "You could say that Henderson." Oh you've got no fuckin' idea buddy.
As if on cue, the door to the hall swings open and you walk in, lunch in hand. Breath catching in his throat, Eddie stares. It was hot today so you had opted for a short denim skirt, a black tank top and sneakers. You look around the room, searching, when your eyes land on him. You both look at each other, idiotic smiles on your faces, oblivious to the chaos of the lunch hall around you. Everything drops into background noise as your eyes make contact. It all seems irrelevant.
Walking over you look for a seat. Eddie manhandles Dustin, pushing him, making him move up. Dustin's visibly confused; then he looks up and sees you. "Holy shit." Then looks at Eddie. You take a seat next to him, smirking at Eddie. He's lost, looking into your face.
"You gonna introduce me or what Munson?" You chuckle.
"Fuck yes, sorry. Guys, this is y/n."
You're introduced to to group, and the chatter continues. Eddie's hand hesitantly lands on your knee. You smile, sneaking your hand under the table, and move his hand higher up your thigh. His brows raise and his eyes go wide, and you giggle.
'So boys, what's with the matching t shirts?"
As if you flicked some imaginary switch, you're bombarded with several excited teenaged voices all at once.
Eddie's voice cuts through the cacophony.
"Woah don't scare the lady!"
Dustin speaks. "It's Dungeons and Dragons, a role playing game. We're part of a club, Eddie's our Dungeon Master, it's so awesome." You smile at Dustin, genuinely pleased. He even plays D&D, now that's something. You hadn't brought it up before, thinking Eddie might think you're a nerd, but you loved that fantasy game. It gave you an escape.
As you were eating your lunch, Dustin was speaking with Mike, saying how they needed to defeat Vecna.
"And how you gonna manage that, what you got the sword of Kas or something?" You smile sweetly, with as much innocence that you can muster.
"You play D&D??" Both Eddie and Dustin exclaim. Jaws around the table drop.
"Play it? I ran it. Was a DM myself in Chicago before I came back to Hawkins."
Eddie's hand grips your thigh as he looks at you. "You're... you're fucking perfect."  He can't take his eyes off you, huge doe eyes blinking at you.
"God get a room!" says Dustin.
Mike rolls his eyes. "I told you, she's basically you!"
You both laugh at that. You lean over to Eddie and whisper in his ear, "fancy a smoke Dungeon Master?" He almost whimpers and immediately gets up, dragging you up by the wrist, and you both tear out of the cafeteria together, giggling as you run.
Almost jogging out of the hall, you run over to the bench that's hidden in the woods. Eddie chases you, grappling you as you laugh. When he catches you he suddenly lifts you up in the air by the waist and pretends to bite at your stomach. giggling and squealing you try to wiggle free. He sets you down on the bench, his bites turning into kisses, palms pressing into your sides. 
"Where were you yesterday, I missed you."
"Its been like, one day!"
"Two days!" He pouts, then pulls you in for a kiss. You press your lips against his, all of a sudden feeling light headed. Pulling away you attempt to compose yourself.
"Ok two days! Sorry, I had detention at lunch. Something about a shoe connecting to a certain face?"
Eddie kisses you again, his lips moving to your neck. "Jesus princess, you really are like me."
You laugh at that, but your laugh turns into a moan when he starts biting and sucking at your neck.
"Your fault princess." He says into your collarbone, in between nips. "You go around calling me dungeon master."
"Oh, did you like that, master?"
"Mmph" Eddie makes a sound into your neck, hands falling to your thighs, his thumbs rubbing soft circles onto your skin.
"And this skirt, I mean, what's a guy to do?" He continues to rub at your thighs, thumbs massaging you.
"Oh that feels good baby." You tilt your head back, enjoying the feel of his fingers on you so much you're partially grinding into the table. I wish the bench was his thigh.
"Carry on like that and I wont be able to control myself." He says hotly.
Rubbing higher, one of his hands reaches under your skirt. "Tell me to stop." He stares at you with a serious face, all joking forgotten.
You lean forward at his touch, realising how much you missed it, chasing it.
"No. I want you to touch me Eddie." He smiles at you, a dark glint in his eye.
He moves his hand higher, stroking your pussy through your panties making you groan. The pressure that builds in your stomach is almost comical; no ones ever made you feel this good this fast.
"Really princess, at lunch, at school? Filthy girl." He gives you a lopsided smile.
"Eddie... oh fuck." His thumb rubs on your clothed clit, tracing lazy circles.
His fingers run down the hem of your underwear, stroking your bare skin. Your breath quickens; you feel a pulse deep inside your cunt, crying out for his touch. His fingers graze your bare clit and you moan out loud, clinging onto his shoulders.
Eddie is enjoying every second of this, staring at you, drinking in every sound you make. This is what he's wanted to feel ever since he saw your face. His hand moves your panties out of the way and starts rubbing at your bare clit. You moan with pleasure at the naked touch, your back arching, tingles running all over your body. Pressing a finger to your entrance, he smirks at your sudden intake in breath. It pushes in. You're so wet his finger glides right in to the hilt, grazing your g spot. You gasp, feeling the warmth of his hand, and the cold of his ring touching you as he pushes his finger all the way in.
"Eddie!" You moan, rocking into him.
"Easy princess, I've got you." He whispers into your ear. You reach out, kissing his neck, running your hands into his hair. It's so soft under your curling fingers. You grip into him, riding his touch. He pushes another finger in to the hilt, curling into you. The feeling is electrifying. You moan in response "fuck yes Eddie right there!"
He chuckles, almost mocking you. "Kay, sweetheart, right here?" He curls his fingers into you, faster, harder. Arching your back you quiver in his grasp, the amazing feeling pacing through your every nerve. His thumb reaches out and touches your clit and you become putty in one of Eddie's hands. You can't help but think, this is just one hand, imagine what the rest of him can do?
The pressure is building, you rock into his fingers, feeling your climax begin.
"Eddie I'm gonna, oh fuck..."
"Cum for me baby." You feel his hot breath on your neck, his command driving through you.
You tense up and the feeling explodes out of you in a loud moan, head snapping back, toes curling. The heat pours out of you, its palpable, coming hard around his fingers. The squeeze is immense. You feel your wetness squirt out, coating him, soaking him. He keeps curling into you with his digits gently, coaxing your orgasm out as long as he can. You sit there, breathless, unable to move, coming down from the amazing feeling. Steadying your breathing you gaze at him. There's a look emanating from him that you can't quite place, a sparkle in his eyes.
"Fucking hell Eddie!" You moan breathlessly.
He grins at you, pulling his fingers out. The feeling drags against your insides, making you bite your lip. You pull him in for a kiss.
"You're a filthy girl, you know that?" He smirks, damn pleased with himself.
"I-I mean, fuck Eddie, that was... wow." You grab at him, pawing at him, taken away by the moment.
Holding your jaw, he looks deep into your eyes. His nose nuzzles yours. "I missed you."
"I missed you too." You admit, smiling at him, hand stroking his neck.
"I think I'm falling in love with you." He stares into your eyes, all mockery forgotten.
"Fuck off." Laughing at him, you push him in the chest. Deflecting.
"I'm serious!" Almost offended, he grabs your hip and kisses you on the cheek.
"Eddie...." you don't know what to say. No one ever wants you. Ever.
"Its ok, you don't have to say anything just... just be mine, ok?"
"What, be your girlfriend?" A lump pushes into your throat.
"Yes, please?" He looks at you, pleading, staring at you with puppy dog eyes. Some resolve inside you melts, never to return. A wall that you had built up had dissolved with those two words.
"Well, I suppose. If you want me." You say back. Please want me.
"Of course I want you, look at you! You're incredible." He kisses your neck again, leaving marks in his wake.
"Eddie, I... just not used to anyone, wanting me." You mumble. You aren't, its true.
Eddie holds your hands in his, eyes making contact with yours. "You are perfect, and beautiful, and just incredible sweetheart, why wouldn't I want you?" His eyes bare into your soul.
You grin, a flush rushing to your cheeks.
The bell rings in the distance. A reminder of real life; one you would both rather forget right now. "We better go baby unless you want to be kept back another year."
"Ok princess." He presses a hot kiss into your mouth, sending shivers down your spine "One for the road!" He winks.
It was Friday evening and you were so excited to see Eddie; in every thought of yours he was ransacking your brain. He had invited you to Hellfire earlier in the week, but he was so close to the end of the campaign, you didn't want to jump in at the last minute. It wouldn't be long until a new campaign was started after all, and honestly you weren't sure about him having all the control.
He was picking you up from your house at 7pm, and you were in your room in the basement trying to decide what to wear. You did enjoy having the space to yourself, foster parents were hardly ever there, and you basically had a self contained apartment, minus a kitchen, with your own door in and out. You had told Eddie to knock at the back door since no one else was at home.
Standing there, looking down on your bed in a tartan kilt skirt and your bra, trying to decide what top to wear.
It's literally two band t shirts, why is this difficult.
You finally decide on the Poison T shirt and slip it on, tying it at the waist to accentuate your figure. Stepping over to the small shelf and precariously balanced mirror that serves as your vanity, you attend to your curls, spraying hair spray and singing along to the music you had playing. The song changed on the cassette and you hear Bad Company, Can't get Enough start to play. Smiling to your self you start to sway to it, singing along. Pretty soon you start dancing around the room, singing breathily, "well I'll take, whatever I want, and baby, I want you..." Really getting into the music, you're dancing away, oblivious to your surroundings, singing aloud as you love to do, hips swaying. "Well its late, and I want love, love that's gonna break me in two..."
"You mean that princess?"
You let out a shriek, feet nearly leaving the floor as you jump at the unexpected voice. Eddie's sitting at the top of the stairs to the basement, giggling like a kid, having sneaked in from the back door.
"Fuck Eddie, you scared the hell out of me!"
"Sorry princess " He chuckles, "but I heard singing and I had to listen. Didn't know I was gonna get a private show." He wiggles his eyebrows at you mischievously.
He stands up and walks over to you, grinning from ear to ear. You blush, realising you had been gyrating your hips in such a carefree manner, blissfully unaware of his presence for a moment. He takes your hips in his hands. You wish you could bottle the look on his face, the want in his eyes is intense, the chemistry between you palpable.
"You don't need to be embarrassed sweetheart, that was really something." He says lowly, kissing you, need written all over his features.
You almost forget you are supposed to be mad at him for coming in unannounced, enveloping yourself in the feel of him, the taste of him. You break from the kiss reluctantly, trying to tear yourself away from his magnetism.
"You should really learn to knock Munson."
"You should keep your door locked. Lots of weirdos around here." He pulls a manic face at you, tongue hanging out.
You laugh at him and kiss him again, swinging your arms around his neck. Eddie smiles at you, "so this is the princesses castle, huh? Your parents home?"
"Foster parents. No, they're out."
Eyes widening, Eddie looks at you but you look away, not quite ready for that conversation. He presses a kiss to your temple.
Breaking from your hold he walks around the room, looking at the posters on the walls, the books on your shelf, a tower of precariously balanced cassettes. He runs his hands over your meagre belongings, your life. You cant help but stare at those large hands of his, thinking about them on your ass, your thighs, your throat. A flush threatens to creep up your neck.
"So did you mean it?" Eddie asks, his face serious for a moment.
"What?" You shake yourself out of your revelry and stare at him in confusion.
"You seemed quite certain about it a minute ago, 'love that's gonna break you in two'?" He grins at you wolfishly, but there is a questioning edge to his voice.
Embarrassed, your cheeks flush again, but you smile back at him, "today might be your lucky day Munson."
Eddies face is a picture. He picks you up and spins you round, yelling excitedly. You giggle and cling to his neck.
"Well what are we waiting for?"
It was a couple of hours later and you were laying next to Eddie in his room on top of the covers, having just eaten what felt like your entire weight in pizza. Eddie was sitting up cross legged, shirtless, rolling a joint. You don't quite know how he had lost his shirt, but you certainly weren't complaining. Sneakily you were gazing up at him, looking at his lean frame, watching the muscles knot in his shoulders. Your gaze transferred to his face, that look of concentration that warmed your heart, his tongue sticking out the side of his mouth. A movie was playing, an awful horror b movie but your view was much more interesting. God, he's mesmerising.
He finishing rolling and handed it to you.
"Well what an honour good Sir!" You say back, taking the joint and putting it to your lips, motioning at Eddie to pass you the lighter. He flicks the lighter and holds the flame close, then pulls it away at the last minute. You huff at him, joint hanging from your mouth. He leans forward, and does it again! Pushing at him playfully you grab for the lighter as he holds it up in the air away from you.
"Aw come on Munson, no fair!" You jump up then and crawl in his lap, extending your arm to reach. He laughs at your feeble attempt, and you stand on the bed in front of him to grab it triumphantly and look down at Eddie.
He is not paying the slightest attention. His focus has been taken by your very short skirt at his eye level. You go to sit down again but he grabs the back of your thighs and leans into you, starting to kiss and lick. Moaning at the sensation, his hands wander up your skirt, onto your ass. He groans then. Eddie's utterly enthralled by you. Transfixed.
"You're wearing a thong, what are you doing to me sweetheart." Flipping your skirt up and cranking his neck, he tries to look at your ass.
You giggle and wiggle free, sitting on the bed cross legged in front of him, lighting the joint. "You are such a joker baby."
"And you are a tease." He smirks. A point we made. You take another drag then hand the joint to him.
Passing it back and forth, you enjoy a  comfortable silence, when he suddenly jumps up, surprising you.
"Shit I forgot. I got you a present!" He rummages through a drawer. "Here." Thrusting a small bundle of fabric at you. You open it up, intrigued. It's a Hellfire T shirt. You grin, looking at the design.
"Dustin will not shut up about you, so you have to come to the next one." He beams at you.
"That's adorable." You grin back, cheeks flushed.
"Turn it over, come on, look at the back!" He's practically bouncing.
You do. In smaller print, across the back in a cursive script, was the word Princess.
"Seriously? You are an ass." He laughs and drags you towards him for a kiss, pulling you into his lap.
"Are you trying to brand me Munson?"
He clings to your hips, enjoying the feel of you in his lap. Never want to let you go sweetheart.
"Hardly a brand, wait til I get a tattoo gun." He wiggles his eyebrows at you, "got to let everyone know your mine."
You look into his eyes and sit back a little on his legs, undoing the knot you had put in your T shirt, pulling it over your head. Your black lace bra is on display and Eddie is mesmerised, swallowing hard. Pulling the Hellfire t shirt on, you notice it's a little shorter, exposing just a sliver of midriff. You can faintly see the outline of your dark bra through the material.
"Its a little tight Eddie."
"I bet it is." He runs his finger across the exposed skin on your belly, biting his bottom lip.
"Eddie!" The grin on his features looks dipped in sin.
He leans towards you and runs his tongue where his fingers were, planting soft kisses, slowly lifting the hem of your top, planting open mouthed kisses on your midriff. His palms press into your hips and you feel the bite of his cold rings in your flesh, the feeling you've been waiting for.
He picks you up and lifts you, placing you on the bed on your back, beneath him. His head is between your legs as his hand starts rubbing up the inside of your thighs whist he is trailing kisses down your body. You moan low in your throat. Tendrils of arousal creep over your skin, blossoming from each touch from his rough hands.
Eddie groans into your legs. "Fuck, I really want to taste you sweetheart."
He looks up at you for confirmation. You smile and nod at him.
He carefully lifts up your skirt, taking in the sight of your little black panties. He gently runs his index finger down the front of them, rubbing softly. "These are pretty."
You moan back, moving your hips, trying to get more contact. You need to feel his touch desperately. He reaches under your skirt with both hands to pull your underwear down as you lift yourself up to help him. For a moment he just looks at you, taking it all in.
He moves towards you, leaning in and you feel his breath on your pussy. You nearly shake with anticipation and nerves. He plants a kiss just above, and stops.
"Is this still ok?" He looks up, searching your eyes.
You look down at him, slightly breathless, biting your lip. "Please Eddie, I want this." Eddie wishes he could take a picture and preserve the way you look forever.
You immediately feel his tongue run all the way up you then, starting to lap at your slit. You whimper at the feeling. It's so intense. He starts sucking on your clit with fervour, massaging it with his tongue.
"Holy Shit Eddie!" You cry out.
He grins into you, moving his thumb to replace his tongue, tracing patterns over you. "I've been thinking about doing this all day."
"I've never, fuck, I've never let anyone... do this before." You manage to say, enjoying the moment but embarrassed at the same time.
"Well I must be the luckiest guy in the fucking world." And he buries his face into you, licking and sucking, eating you out like you were his last meal. You're dripping wet, from your own juices as well as his tongue, you cant help but writhe on the bed, your back arching, the dirtiest moans exploding from your mouth.
He pushes two fingers into you suddenly and you gasp, your pussy clenching down on them, eager to have something inside of you. He sucks at your clit whilst he curls his fingers into your sweet spot almost immediately, and you are so overwhelmed by the glorious feeling that tears spring into your eyes.
There's no warning. You are suddenly riding your climax like an enormous wave, crying out his name, the pleasure coursing through your every vein. The only word you seem to know or want to say is his name, over and over, as if you were praying. It certainly feels like a religious experience. His fingers stay inside you, curling up to the hilt, and he's on his knees, watching you orgasm. You finally sink back down into the bed and he removes his hand from you, sitting back onto his heels, eyes shining.
Definitely falling for her.
"That ok princess?"
You manage a breathless nod, still gripping onto the pillow with your hands, pink faced and gasping.
"I could watch you cum over and over. Shit you are loud. Beautiful." he chuckles, his breath taken away by your reaction to him.
You babble something, incapable of words just yet. He grins at his handiwork and wipes his mouth, reaching over for the half a joint in the ashtray. He takes a hit and puts it to your lips. You take a long toke, hold it in, then breathe out.
"That's my girl. You want another one?" You still cant speak, just nod feebly and pucker your mouth. He laughs and puts the joint back in and let's you take another hit.
After a few minutes you manage to sit up a bit. He's smiling smugly at you.
"I don't think I've ever cum that hard in all my life." You say to him truthfully. He beams at you, so proud of himself, and lays next to you, cuddling you. He looks at you, brow furrowed, like he has something on his mind.
"You know you said you hadn't done that before... are you...." the question lingers in the air.
"No. I'm not a virgin if that's what you mean."
"Oh, ok, just skipped a step?"
"Yes. No. I mean, it's just, that is really..   intimate."
"And fucking isn't?"
You giggle at that. "Not in the same way. Going down on me, I don't know it just makes me feel, vulnerable. It's intimate in a different way, you know?"
"I can understand that." He nuzzles into your shoulder.
You turn to him and start undoing his belt and pulling his jeans off. He kicks them off his feet like they offend him and you feel his bulge through his boxers whilst you are kissing at his neck.
"You're really hard."
"You're really pretty."
Smiling, he pulls your top off, then your skirt. Unwrapping you slowly, like you are a gift. He holds you close, undoing your bra. It falls away, leaving you naked in his arms. You look up at him through your lashes, suddenly feeling shy. He lifts your chin and stares into your eyes. "You are really pretty. You look incredible right now." He kisses you full on the lips. Eddie's looking at you, his heart brimming. Is this even happening Munson?
"You're the pretty one, my pretty boy." You stroke his face. He beams at you.
'Ya think so?"
"Yep, super pretty."
You kiss him back, a long lingering kiss. Could this feeling go on forever? He strokes your hair and pulls you in tighter. You could stay like this for hours, held in his arms, the world around you melting away, insignificant compared to his touch. He runs his hands over you, stroking your skin, making your hairs stand on end.
Starting to kiss his neck, you leave little kitten licks, and move your way to his earlobe. You take it into your teeth and bite it gently, one hand tugging at his hair. He groans at that, leaning his head back, reaching to your exposed breast, tentatively rubbing your nipple.
"Oh fuck, Eddie," You run your hand slowly down his naked torso, lightly scratching with your nails, making your way to the band of his boxers. Your other hand scouts into his hair, entwining into his locks.
"Seems unfair, why aren't you naked?" You whisper in his ear.
"Because I'm clearly an idiot" he says to you, and pulls the boxers off in one swift motion, clearly very eager. You giggle, until you look down, frozen.
"Eddie, that's... impressive." You say to him, taking his dick into your hand, feeling the sheer girth of the thing. Its smooth, and rock solid. You can see the veins throbbing. You roll it into your hand slowly, rubbing lazily over it, examining it, unaware that he is unravelling underneath your careless touch.
"Fuck princess... I- fuck."
You look up and see his face, head tipped back in bliss, mouth open. Without thinking, You lean forward and take the tip of his cock into your mouth, running your tongue around in circles.
"Princess holy shit you're gonna kill me!" You laugh as he pulls you away, his stomach muscles clenching. "Seriously if you do that I'm just gonna cum right now." He looks at you hungrily, as if you were a meal for him to devour.
"Now that would be a damn shame. Do you have a condom?"
"Of course Milady, can't have you riding the knight without your steed!"
"Oh my God you nerd!"
You giggle as he jumps up and grabs them from his bedside, ripping one open with his teeth. He takes it out and rolls it down his length, rubbing it a couple of times.
"Lie back princess."
You snort and push him against the headboard.
"I thought you said I was riding? You lie back." And before he can say a word you're straddling him, his thighs between your legs. You hold his length and spit on it, rubbing your makeshift lube over his dick.
"Fuck that's filthy sweetheart." Eddie doesn't think he's ever been so turned on in his life.
Cockily you smile at him, moving onto his lap, your slit rubbing against his swollen member.
You look into his eyes, searching. "You sure you want this?"
"Aren't I suppose to be saying that? Of course I do, look at you, you're perfect."
You look deep into his eyes and slowly take his throbbing member into you, inch by inch, grapping his shoulder tightly for balance. You both moan in unison. He's stretching you, and you cry out softly. You keep pushing down until there's no more to take, utterly full.
"My God, Eddie..." tears start to form in your eyes.
"Hey, princess what's wrong?" His face is a picture of concern, holding his hand to your cheek.
"You're fucking... big Eddie." He cant help but smirk at that, stroking your arm.
"Its ok, it's ok, just, wait a minute. Just relax."
You feel your walls relaxing slightly, and you start to slowly rock into him. He feels incredible inside you, impossibly deep.
"Sweetheart, you feel, amazing. You're so fucking tight, wow." His voice is rough, heady, filled with lust. He grabs you by the hips and increases your pace. You squeal, grinding into him, your sopping wet pussy making downright pornographic noises. You join in, moaning and mewling, crying out his name.
Full on bouncing on his dick, Eddie looks so fucked out underneath you. Hair is plastered to his face, sweat covering his brow. He can't decide between staring at your lust blown eyes, watching your tits, or watching your pussy suck him in on each bounce.
You ride him harder, faster, grinding down so your clit is rubbing against him, adding to the pleasure. You feel fireworks, intense explosions of pleasure rocking into your body, crashing all around you. You scream his name, tears falling from your eyes, coming hard. Looking into his eyes, his face is pleading with you. It's a moment you wish could stretch on forever.
"Princess you're squeezing so tight, I'm gonna...fuck."
"Its ok Eddie, fuck me. I want to feel you cum." He moans loudly at that, holding you to him.
"Sorry princess, I just need to..." he pushes you down so that he's on top of you, and pushes your knees in the air. His pulsating member is pushing into your sweet spot making you see stars as he rolls his hips into you.
Your hand finds his, interlocking fingers as your other drags nails across his back. His movements start to become sloppy and you move your hips up to meet his thrusts, feeling him quiver above you, thrusting twice more before collapsing on you with a low groan, utterly spent.
You lie there, wrapped around him, arms, legs, just holding on. He looks at you, raises one hand to move a stray hair out of your face.
"That was... "
"Intense?" You supply, smirking at him, slightly breathless.
"Yeah you could say that, Jesus Christ." He moves and slides out of you, so he can dispose of the condom, then re-joins you in a tangle on the bed. He turns again to look at you. "I was gearing up to be all soft, I should have known you were gonna be a freak." He grinned. You hit him playfully on the arm.
"You have absolutely no idea Munson."
"Mmph" Eddie's laying there, grinning, eyes closed, stroking your side, thinking if there is a heaven, this is it.
"So you have a license for that?" You ask, smirking to yourself.
"For what?" Eddie asks, his eyes still closed.
"That fucking weapon you have between your legs." You tickle his side gently.
Eddie laughs and pulls you in closer, smelling your hair. "Now you can come over more often sweetheart, just to boost my ego." He kisses you on the forehead. 
Yeah, feels like heaven. 
Tag List- If you want to be tagged please comment/reblog with a note thanks ILY
@toobsessedsstuff @tayhar811 @latenighttalkingwithgrapejuice @somnobun @emiluvmybf @muzic-1d-luva @damon-loves-pie @wonderful-outcast @micheledawn1975 @persephone13 @alana4610 @alwaysbeenfamous @eddiesprincess86
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c-art00nish · 9 months
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Oh no Kai died!
So. I saw a post here on tumblr (I didn't save it :c) saying "what if kai died trying to provide for nya and she took his place in the series" and smth took over me and I drew this
More info below
So I took the premise of him dying and Nya taking his place but that's it, bc the og post said Nya would inherit his elemental power, but since Morro kept his being dead I'd imagine Kai could too.
So this changes a lot of stuff, in this au Kai "discovers" his elemtal powers early on, but they just manifest as being inmune to burns and fire which helps since this kid works at a forge.
One day he goes deep in the town to buy food, but there is an accident and a house is set on fire, he was just about to go home and ignore all the chaos when he hear someone still inside, against his better judgement he went in and helped knowing his resistance to fire. He saves the person trapped inside.. but instead of a 'thanks' the whole townspeople just go 'A witch!' since he didn't suffer any burns.. And you can imagine what happens next
Either way Kai does not arrive home, when Nya goes to town to ask where he is she is told he ran away by lady and that she should leave aswell (Quick tangent. The lady told Nya that to avoid explaining that they basically unalived her brother and so Nya doesn't get the same fate)
She moves away and years down the line she meets a nice old man saying he is looking for something special.
Okay so here goes the timeline from Nya's side all up until season 5:
• Pilot:
She works in a small shop doing repairs and is very agrressive towards Wu since instead of asking where are her parents he asked if she had any siblings, so yeah open wound. Anyway there is no kidnapping motivator here, the skeletons steal the map and destroy the only home she had, she goes with Wu in order to get revenge. He sees she is lost and in need of family so he trains her, everything goes about the same, Jay's line changes to inmediatly be "Do you like blue?", and she proceeds to ignore him since letting people in her life hasn't been an option in a long time (also here Wu assumed she must have the fire element). They get the weapons and Garmadon still tricks Nya with Kai's voice, when she arrives she is so mad she attempts to lift the sword to attack Garmadon, but she can't, seeing she has no use to him he sends some skeletons to attack, but apparently out of nowhere the sword lifts itself up and lands in Nya's hands (she was fighting the skeletons at that). From there Wu arrives, leaves, Garmadon is free all that stuff.
Nya wants to leave since she feels she failed since she is not the master of fire, but everyone just doesn't care and want her to still be part of the family. And so we go on to rise of the serpentine
• Rise of the Snakes:
Okay so here everything goes about the same, Samurai X is still Nya but it isn't a secret (she does this bc still feels like she can't be a ninja). Jay's true potencial happens bc he is like "I can't show you who I am becaussse you're ssso cool! I mean you are Sssamurai X and a Ninja!" which to she responds that she likes him as he is and even if she didn't he shouldn't change for others.
And the fangblades stuff is bc if Nya can't be tha master of fire, and samurai x isn't a ninja (she wants to but feels useless without an element) she might as well be the green one right?
She still saves Loyd over the fangblade, creating a dome of water from seemingly nowhere, unlocking her true potential as the master of water. And everything carries on the same
• Legacy of the Green Ninja & Rebooted:
Everything is pretty much the same.
Nya loses another brother
• Tournament of Elements:
All the ninja are split up like in the series with Nya doing vigilante stuff instead of fighting in an illegal fight club. Loyd attemps to reunite his family and everything goes about the same.
Skylor and Nya definetly flirted much to Jay's dissmay
Nya "betrays" Loyd just like Kai did with Nya in the series except Garmadon is left alone with the snake pet and Loyd is taken to the ritual. When Nya lifts the staff she does go a little power crazy, not for wanting to be the green ninja but bc she wants this power to protect her family.
Anyways season ends. RIP Garmadon
• Possesion:
All goes the same for the first 5 minutes. Then after fighting a possesed Loyd a ghost with fire in his hands arrives to the Bounty, asking- no, begging, for the Ninja to help him
Nya recognizes him and the world stops
Gonna do the Kai timeline in other post with Morro art :)
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rendy-a · 10 months
I’m so excited! I loved your last event can’t wait to see all the ones for this one!
Could you do asking for a dance, self-aware, with Jade? I hope you have a great day!
I’m glad you have enjoyed my events!  Here is your request.  As a reminder, the Self-Aware AU is a yandere AU.
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You had never pictured going to a school dance at NRC.  For one, it didn’t really seem like the sort of event they’d hold.  You’d seen the sort of thing NRC did instead; hunting each other down with bean blasters or hosting events with the townspeople like Halloween.  So, this dance had caught you completely off-guard.  So much so that your first instinct was to panic about who you’d ask to the dance as though it were a normal school dance in your world.
You’d turned to Deuce after hearing the news from your homeroom teacher Prof Crewel and exclaimed, “Oh my gosh!  Who should I ask to go with me?”  That one innocent remark had a profound impact on your class.  Deuce’s eyes got wide as saucers, and you heard a gasp from the seat behind you.  You looked around to realize that the entire class’s focus was on you.  That’s right, you were like a bizarrely famous celebrity here.  “I mean…I think I’ll go alone.  Just…hang out with everyone equally.  You know?” you finish lamely. 
From the sighs and laments you heard your declaration prompt; you knew you’d made the right call.  It really would have been a big thing if you asked someone to the dance.  And that was just with the students of NRC who were used to you!  You weren’t sure what to expect of the students of the other schools; would they know you as well or is this phenomenon limited to NRC? 
On the night of the dance, you’d dressed in the formal wear you’d purchased from town with your friends.  Then you tied a special bow around Grim’s neck and declared yourself ready to depart.  Grim in tow, you headed to the main campus down Main Street.  When you passed the first group of students from Royal Sword and Fair Maiden Academies, you saw some poking and hushed whispers.  Then the stares started.  Yes, it appeared you were just as famous across all of Twisted Wonderland for whatever mysterious reason.
No worries, you thought, as you met up with the First-Year crew at the entrance to the lunchroom-turned reception area.  You had found that your reputation kept people away as much as it made them stare, so let them stare so long as they kept their distance.  You stayed in your group as you sampled the treats you had worked on with the Second-Year class to prepare, smiling at how it had all turned out.  When the First-Year group started to break up a bit to mingle with friends from their dorms and clubs, you held back; choosing to be a wallflower instead. 
You smiled from the back of the room, just enjoying some people-watching until you jumped from feeling a tap on your elbow.  You turned to find Prof Crewel had garnered your attention by tapping you with the riding crop he carried in place of a pointer.  “Pup, I see you understand the situation you are in,” he replied calmly, “However, I hope you realize everyone will expect you to lead the first dance later.”  Your expression must have confirmed the Professor’s suspicions as to your ignorance.  Crewel cracks his crop on his hand for emphasis and goes on, “it has always been custom for royalty and other dignitaries to be the highlight of the first dance at a ball.  And you…” he trails off then, no one being quite willing to discuss your unique situation.  The implication was clear though; the Player would hold a place equal to royalty in TWST and that included leading the dance.  You were going to need a partner after all.
You immediately ruled out those that you thought might already be invited to join in the tradition; Leona, Malleus, Vil; all the seniors who’d helped you learn to dance were famous in their own right.  Then there were your friends who were just a little too casual for such a thing; you needed to make sure you upheld the dignity of your school to your rivals!  Who did you think could dance but also have that air of dignity?  Riddle?  You saw him speaking to Ace across the room.  He certainly could dance and was the most proper person you knew but… Even now, you can see his face turning red as he yelled at Ace.  No, maybe not Riddle.  Your gaze traveled further and landed on Jamil.  He could dance.  Then, as though feeling your gaze, Jamil turned to meet your eye and a very knowing expression crossed his face.  Sometimes, Jamil just sort of creeps you out with that scheming look.  Perhaps not him…
A clack of a cane echoes around the hall.  “Attention please!  Attention!” a voice calls from the dais, “We would like to welcome all our distinguished guests to NRC!  I hope you have enjoyed this fine food and symbol of my generosity!  Now, please, head out to the courtyard where we will start the dance!”  The attention Crowely had commanded at the speech slowly drifted from him and towards you.  No one moved to head to the courtyard.  Everyone was watching and waiting; waiting for the main character to lead the way.  And somehow, that was you.
Panic.  You look around rapidly for anyone nearby you know who could possibly do this with you.  Forget standards, you need someone now!  That is when your eyes alight on Jade standing just a few steps away.  Proper and professional Jade who always seemed to effortlessly complete any task.  Plus, he could easily be convinced to help a poor soul like yourself for the trade of a favor.  When you meet his eye, he places a hand to his chest and offers you a shallow bow.  You smile at the gesture and hurry to his side.
“Jade,” you begin breathlessly, “I realize this is rather abrupt, but won’t you please be my partner for the first dance?”  He smiles at you gently.  Then, as though he cannot contain his excitement, his smile grows until it displays an alarming number of sharp teeth.  You hesitate and the action seems to spur him to reign in his enthusiasm.  He resumes a mask of calculated politeness and bows again, “Apologies, Prefect, I appear to have gotten a tad exuberant over the thought of sharing such a moving custom with you.  Please do allow me to escort you in this traditional dance.”  You might have backed down if Crowley, at that very moment, hadn’t cleared his throat as though to say, ‘Let’s get a move on, Prefect!’  So, you returned Jade’s feigned smile and placed your hand in his own.  “Shall we?” you asked.
He was an ambush hunter by nature.  Being in the right place to create opportunities for yourself was just a part of living as an eel.  Rarely though, did he hunt as rare a query as you, the Player themselves.  When he followed silently behind you, he had merely hoped for the opportunity to hear your voice and perhaps learn something new about you.  For this to happen, it was a success far beyond what he had hoped.  So much so that he’d nearly forgotten himself and frightened his prey away.  That wouldn’t do at all.  He’d need to be more prepared in the future for when he’d certainly catch your attention again. 
For now, he’d have to satisfy himself with this small moment of your regard.  When he brought your hand to his lips and pressed a chaste kiss on the back of the hand, your eyes raised to his own.  For that brief moment, he had every last drop of your attention focused entirely on him.  It was enough to make his heart beat quicker and the only price he required of you.  For now.  Someday though, he’d bind you tightly enough that he possessed you mind, body and soul.  “Let’s begin with this dance, Prefect,” Jade says.  Both a plan and a dance beginning with a single step.
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thegoldenavenger · 4 months
Who's gonna write me the Liu Qingge / Shen Jiu kismessitude I deserve. That they deserve. Come on fated rivalry romance for the ages.
Liu "Stop sullying yourself you're better than that" Qingge. Liu "You could be so great if you worked on your cultivation" Qingge. Liu "I've never lost a fight but I still want to fight you" Qingge. Liu "give him a shred of kindness and he'll return it two fold" QINGGE
Shen "you're everything I wish I was" Jui. Shen "you've never once experienced something you cant recover from" Jiu. Shen "ambushes you even though ive got no chance of winning" Jiu. Shen "I hate you I'll kill you, I won't just leave you to die on your own by yourself even if it condemns me" JIU
Like???????? They loathe each other your honor. To the death.
(Yue Qingyuan, world's least effective and most annoying club. Yue Qingyuan, world's most vacillating quadrant smear, he might as well be club lights for how quickly he swaps between ♧ and ◇ and ♡ for shen qingqiu)
(yqy who is the one who TOLD sqq to treat lqg kindly. To get him on sqq's side. Yqy who wanted to slip the (metaphorical) hilt of lqg's (metaphorical) sword in sqq's hand. To watch sqq weild lqg like a weapon instead of fight against each other.)
(Liu Qingge dying destroys Shen Qingqiu's life in a way not even YQY's does? Lqg dying is what dooms sqq. It is the pin on which his whole trial rests. Sqq couldn't save him, and in the end couldn't, wouldnt, save himself either. What is that if not soul mates in hate!!!????)
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broken-clover · 8 months
(Over)Analyzing the Cards in Johnny’s Joker Trick (Part 2)
Part 2 of 2. Here’s the original post for the sake of a more fleshed out explanation and for the Joker/King cards, but to keep it simple this is just for analyzing the cards used for every character in Johnny’s Joker Trick Overdrive to see if there’s any sort of symbolic or spiritual meaning that might be behind the use of that particular card. A lot of this uses cartomancy, which isn’t always as straightforward and clear-cut as something like tarot, but this is jus all in good fun
Queen of Clubs- Shared between Sol Badguy, Ramlethal Valentine, and Bridget. And, first of all, let’s be real, Sol’s was first and foremost made for the reference. Queen is about 80% of his personality, if they didn’t use a queen card I’m sure he would have come to life and burned down the office. Outside of the Jacks, Sol is the only character who has a card that doesn’t match the character’s gender. Character-wise, Sol and Ram do have a bit of an overlap, being aloof, struggling socially, and having their interests fixate on a few things, but Bridget is a bit of an outlier here. The symbolism varies a lot, but generally is appears to lean into themes of self-confidence and self-reliance, as well as change. That is something that fits all three quite well, being powerful, independent and experiencing life changes (Sol attempting to settle down, Ram discovering more about being alive, and Bridget’s transition). In the Paris pattern, the Queen of Clubs is the only one not directly modeled after a historical figure, only being a generic queenly character. This may indicate a bit more open-endedness, as all three do care about identity and who they really are. In a more literal suite motif, Sol and Bridget do both primarily fight with blunt weapons, which could be seen as a metaphorical ‘club,’ and while Ram has swords, they often remain sheathed in battle instead of revealing the sharp ends.
Queen of Diamonds- Curiously, no character appear to be assigned to this one? Perhaps it is being saved for someone in the future.
Queen of Hearts- Shared between May and Jack-O Valentine. This is one of the more commonly-seen cards in this sort of motif, likely due to its inclusion in Alice in Wonderland. Because of this, it can have some dual symbolism, being a heart card that’s associated with a cruel, loveless, domineering figure. In a more general motif, both characters fit as being associated with romance and tying a lot of their character and plotline towards love and relationships with men (Johnny and Sol, respectively). The Paris pattern has the Queen of Hearts designed after the biblical Judith, a widow who saved Jerusalem by charming and killing a general that had previously sieged her city. Both characters have attempted to take the initiative to save a group of others (May running away from home in Xrd to keep her family from getting sick and Jack-O attempting to stop I-no at the cost of herself in Strive) which may also contribute. Both also command underlings in battle, which may contribute to the overall ‘queen’ motif
Queen of Spades- Shared between Millia Rage and I-no. This card has some symbolism directly from card games, as it is often viewed as being unlucky. It’s also given such flattering names as ‘the bitch’ in seven card stud poker and is often used as the old maid card as well. Both are characters who are frequently commented on for their beauty, yet have complicated issues with relationships in different ways. As a card it also tends to lead towards level-headed intellectualism and practicality, but is often less associated with emotions than the other queen cards. Both characters are often seen as cold and distant, intelligent and capable but lonely and closed off. The Paris pattern is designed after Pallas (Athena), goddess of war strategy and wisdom. In Greek mythology, the ‘Pallas’ epithet likely referred to the goddess’ battle proficiency, as it can be translated as ‘to brandish (as a weapon’) and while it is a fighting game, the two of them narratively encounter a lot of conflict with others
Jack of Clubs- Shared between Axl Low, Anji Mito, and Sin Kiske. Jack cards, in general, tend to have less symbolic meaning, but the Jack of Clubs tends to mention witty intellect and memory. All three characters are defined by personal memories that they treasure, though to varying degrees, and have a playful, trickster wit to them at times. It can pertain to luck and charisma that may also prove dangerous, and, at the very least, Anji does tend to his his glib words to cause trouble. On a note of consistency, Sin is of the same suite as Ky and Sol, making them collectively a three-card straight flush
Jack of Diamonds- Shared between Nagoriyuki and Giovanna. Curiously, both are newcomers to the series. This card tends to have an association with messages and messengers, which in a meta sense may refer to the newness that they bring to the game. There also seems to be repeated mention of a lack of loyalty and an unfaithful assistant, which could fit both in Giovanna’s blase attitude towards her work and Nagoriyuki’s role as an unwilling underling to Happy Chaos. 
Jack of Hearts- This card has the most people sharing it, being a four-way appearance between Faust, Goldlewis Dickinson, Testament, and Asuka R. Kreutz. This one also has a lot of heart-based themes similar to the King and Queens, often mentioning traits like kindness, good intentions, and sincerity. Though all four of them vary in many ways, their characters tend to involve sincere intentions towards others, though it might not always pan out the way they would have hoped (especially for Asuka). All four are definitely willing to show their emotions, especially when it comes to trying to bond with others, such as Faust with Ramlethal, Goldlewis with Bridget, Testament with Dizzy and Johnny, and Asuka with Raven. There is also a poetry motif with the card that depicts the Knave of Hearts as a trickster, and while all four are not necessarily trickster figures, Faust is known for his peculiarities, Goldlewis for his alien causing mischief in fights, Testament for being unpredictable in earlier games and mysteriously surviving several near-death instances, and Asuka being a mysterious and indecipherable problem-causer for most of the series. Also, in another consistency of the suites, Testament shares the heart suite with Johnny and May
Jack of Spades- Held solely by Baiken. Spade cards in general seem to veer towards more aggressive interpretations, and that definitely suits her just fine. It often mentions violence, though there is also mention of intense passion and ruthless determination, which also fit pretty nicely. It also tends to mention riskiness, either in the form of violence or unhealthy habits like drinking. Aside from the Joker and the King of Diamonds, Baiken is the only character to have a card all to herself, which may reflect the solitary nature she held onto for many years. Though, similar to the club and heart suites, she has a connection with Bedman and Delilah in the spade suite.
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