#030 I had fun writing this
genmaichafan · 2 months
Hello hello bestie, I heard you wanted some writing requests so here's one! <3
Vampire Donna/fem!reader but it's professor Donna >:) Maybe this particular student needs tutoring but oopsie, they're failing because they're so distracted by Donna or something XD Something short, have fun with it <3
I KINDA ENDED UP FORGETTING YOUR PROMPT… ANYWAYS small thang under the cut. 030 its short and sfw
You always considered yourself a decent student. Turning up early. Asking and answering questions. Doing the homework, as well as your part in group work. Paying attention.
On the contrary this particular professor of yours has you acting strange.
You do turn up early and you most certainly do pay attention, albeit not on the work, but the rest has flown out the window.
today: donnas was wearing a tee-shirt and cardigan with the long sleeves rolled up her toned arms.
this ascended you into dreamland for the rest of the class, where you just seemed to doze off into donnas brown hues, which would occasionally gaze back at you softly, even if for a brief moment.
Class was a cinch, but leaving felt like a 100 mile walk between your seat and the door.
“Please” you thought to yourself. “Don’t let this end just yet.”
something must’ve heard you because:
”[y/n]?” Donna called to you, her raspy voice called out from the crowd.
perking up you stammered out your answer.
“Yes professor?”
Hearing her say your name made you feel fuzzy inside.
“Can you please stay after class? Alone.”
”yeah of course.” You answered nonchalantly trying to keep cool.
‘Everyone cleared out pretty quickly today.’
Normally there would be people who asked her many questions, but she made quick work of them today. Simply waving them off with a sentence and a flick of her hand. It would make you think she truly had a way with words.
Donna was a kind soul but there was a suaveness to her that [y/n] couldn’t place.
You just chocked it up to her being an older woman.
“[y/n]” donna called out to you once everyone had left. Her cold hands absentmindedly touching your arm, guiding you to a chair next to hers. For the first time you truly processed the emotion on her face that she looked at you with today.
you awkwardly laughed as you felt you knew the question that she was going to ask.
”are you okay? Am i doing something wrong?”
The first half maybe you expected, the second half hit you like a meteor. Gawking a bit You hastily answered in haze.
she blinked. Then blinked again. Cheeks tinging with purplish red before she broke out into a giggle causing you to do the same.
You probably couldn’t be more obvious about your affections, but donna didnt seem to mind. Her eyes pushed up from the lower lids as her cheeks raised into a small smile.
”ah. It seems I have misjudged the situation.” Seemingly relieved.
”your grades were slipping but only in my class. I thought I had been doing something wrong but I guess I was mistaken.” Donna leaned back into her office chair, Lounging back at a debonair angle. Arm propping her head up from her desk. Legs crossed. Shirt starting the ride up her stomach.
[y/n] eyes couldn’t help but catch the skin on her stomach which made your face flush. You were pretty much caught red handed but you had no idea what to say.
your brain practically disconnected from its source.
donna on the other hand was eating your reaction up. Her eyes became lazy and her smile toned down into a smirk.
before she broke the silence.
”would you like to come over to my place tonight la Mia preda?”
The use of Italian was not uncommon for her.
nonetheless you couldn’t help but get this sinking feeling about saying yes.
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slimeybones · 1 year
-inspiration for how you rp?
-fav meal to cook?
-what're you doing this weekend?
-do you have any wips (drawing or writing)?
-favorite shirt?
I don't really have an inspo for my rp stuff! I've kinda just had a thing for writing since I was really little (starting 2nd-3rd grade I think? I used to write mermaid stories when I was little. That's all I remember tbh) and roleplaying is a fun thing for me
I don't really cook as often but my most favorite thing to make is tied between stir-fry and hot wings. Both very good, I wanna try to mix both at some point (Except the wings will probably be boneless because I don't think bone-in wings would be very good in stir-fry x) )
I don't actually know what I'm doing this weekend. My mom's going to a grad reunion tomorrow and I've got no clue what we're doing this weekend afterward :p
I have a LOT of wips but I only have a few I'm willing to share. I also have writing wips but I'm a bit shy with those 030
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I have this shirt somewhere in my room and I absolutely adore it. If it were socially acceptable I'd probably wear it every day tbh. XD
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Thank you sm for sending these Autumn 🫶 hope you're havin a great day
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 2 years
Character writing is P3'ss huge flaw. Or the game's greatest strength. I say flaw because a lot of them fail to grow up up until October. It took Mitsuru's dad dying for her to grow up.
While I can see where Answer!Yukari came from but she still have some many problems Journey!Yukari, she assumes a lot. She assumed that she had this deep connection with MC but she does not [this is discounting the infamous romance-only route for all female slinks]
I'd argue, that grief enhanced all of the flaws J!Yukari has in A!Yukari.
Agreed anon.
On one hand, P3's character writing does have a set patter of supposed character growth. I say supposed because.....I don't think some of them really "mature" (Junpei/Yukari are big ones, or I guess “Completely mature past all their issues/flaws” cause Junpei is still wishy washy through and through), but it's there nonetheless and tied to the story. The issue/flaw is when you start to closely examine it.
Not sure how I feel about the phrase "grow up" (I'd say "mature" but, esp with Mitsuru who already is pretty adult with her responsibilities, feels like it belittles her). But personally I can't think of another word besides those two.....other than “finally works through her issues”. But yeah it takes till her dad dying for the character to quickly spiral into character growth and reach out to other's. Actually, now that I think about it......she turns on a dime. Like it's no secret that Mitsuru is closed off and wanted to do everything herself....but....about two weeks and a slap later she does a 180? No slowly opening up? lajsldfja;f DX I dunno, feels weird for a sudden shift for a char that’s been with us since the beginning, as opposed to Ken/Shinji (they appear fast and they leave just as fast). Not bad just.... “huh.” 
Oh yeah it's easy to see how J!Yukari became A!Yukari. *adds that Yukari is an assumer to my list of what Yukari is* As for the romances, to be fair..... Vanilla P3 the devs never expected players to SL everyone at once (and thus a lack of OT). And the jealousy mechanic seems to be in place to discourage cheating. This, coupled with Atlus pulling a “version of a game we never got to play” before with P1, aka P2 quotes both routes from P1 but we never get a chance to go from SQQ to SEBEC in one go. I wouldn’t be surprised if Atlus was like “Canonically we follow a route where he either doesn’t SL Yukari, or he doesn’t SL her romantically with a friendship route YOU never get to play! :)” So disconnecting or not....it’s highly possible that.....there is a disconnect from a player’s version of the Journey vs the continuity of the Answer. DX Fun fact, the P3P additional ending scenes were made cause of the FeMC (guess Kido thought some people can’t handle a little bit of yuri but ok 8U Still didn’t stop you from putting Liz/Aigis in the way they are and coding Saori and not changing a lot of Mitty’s SL 030~ I see you), anyway that was mostly cause of FeMC, and as a bonus fun thing for fans who want something new. But they made it available only after NG+ so that the game didn’t feel like a dating sim.(interview where I keep pulling these things from), but anyway this shows they highly value the original ending....and that’s probably always going to be the one we follow continuity wise. 
But yes I agree, A!Yukari is just J!Yukari’s flaws on steroids. Was always there, but now she’s cranked up to full antagonist now rather than a minor one (before she was a thorn in Mitsuru’s side, now she’s a thorn in everyone’s side!). But grief or not, still doesn’t excuse her poor behavior. orz
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athyrabunlord · 7 years
Yoshi and Riko 16
“If you want, we could go together?” [Prompt List]
A/N: Aaaand I got carried away again XD;;; Loosely based on SIF’s Angel Set, with some Guilty Kiss tooWords: 1,610
“Checking up on Yohane-chan again?”
Riko quickly hides the binoculars under the cloud pillow, ready to deny it. One glance at Mari’s knowing smirk tells her that it’s futile to argue. Sighing, she sheepishly takes out the binoculars again and resumes her observation.
“Now now, don’t ignore me, Rikocchi~! Talk to me.”
Riko scowls but refuses to answer.
“Riko. How is she?”
Mari’s playful tone now gains a soft quality, the same concerned tone that she uses whenever she inquires about their former friend. Riko’s hand subconsciously tightens on the binoculars as she tries to keep her voice from trembling.
“Yocchan is doing alright. She seems to be having trouble with rain, and various odd misfortunes keep happening to her but overall… she’s doing alright. She’s happy.”
The pang in Riko’s heart is somewhat soothed by the sight of the raven-haired girl, grinning and chatting with her two friends.
“That’s good to hear.” Mari gingerly lies down beside her and reaches for the star pillow. Riko glances at her friend, watching the latter whimsically play with the fluffy cushion. Mari then switches her attention to the open book between them, eyes glinting in recognition at the cutesy demon caricature on one of the pages.
“You know, you could go visit her.”
“I can’t,” Riko says immediately, reflexively. She’s toyed with the idea countless times, to just enter the mortal realm and speak to Yoshiko. But no, she must not break the rules. She must not endanger Yoshiko, not when she’s already suffered because of her once.
She cannot sin again.
“Yes you can,” Mari smiles, appearing rather exasperated. She nudges the star pillow against Riko’s face, giggling when the latter blushes at her next words. “After all, you still love her, don’t you?”
“It’s okay,” Mari’s majestic angel wings spread behind her as she stands up and gazes at her with resolution. “I’ll help you, both of you. Last time… I was only able to help you, while Yohane-chan…”
Riko closes her eyes, unwilling to recall the painful memories. “She’s not one of us anymore, Mari-san. She’s a mortal now. She doesn’t remember me, and she doesn’t have to. She’s perfectly fine there-”
“But you’re not fine.” Mari’s voice is low, half-pleading and half-irate. “You may think her fall from Paradise is your fault, but I’m just as guilty as you. I could not save her then, and if I continue to let you be like this, it would’ve put her efforts to waste!”
Taking a deep breath, Riko also unfolds her angel wings and gently places the binoculars to the side. “…you’re right. I should do something, instead of just moping around. I’ll go see Yocchan and… well, perhaps afterwards, I’ll finally be able to move on.”
“Don’t be so pessimistic, Rikocchi~” Mari winks, holding out her hand. “You’re going to the mortal realm, ne? It’s where life is full of shiny possibilities!”
Riko returns the smile and places her hand in the blonde’s.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Ruby, Zuramaru!”
Yoshiko waves her two friends goodbye as they part ways at the intersection. Humming, she skips down the road and tries not to dance along too. Today is the day! After a long time of searching, she’s finally found the perfect spot to do her ritual.
She knows that she’s different than everyone, that she’s special with hidden powers. She’s a former Angel who fell from heavens, one must have committed a terrible sin and was thus cast out from Paradise!
This is the only explanation for her string of bad luck and her dreams about this exotic realm above the clouds!
No one, not even her parents, believe in her identity as a fallen Angel. While her two best friends are supportive of her, she could tell that they do not believe her either. That’s fine, all of this shall finally come to an end when she opens the portal connecting the two realms!
Her excitement, however, is dampened by the series of misfortunes that delay her journey. A bird that flew by poops on her shoulder; when she goes to clean up the mess in the public washroom, the pipe bursts and drenches her like a rainstorm; after drying herself with a spare towel she always brings in her bag, she stumbles into a deep puddle that she swears wasn’t there moments prior.
“Why does this keep happening to me!!” Though irritated, she is also unnerved and frustrated. Her karma seems to be worse than usual today. Is the divine power really that reluctant to let her achieve her goal?
The ache in her heart, something she’s gotten so good at ignoring, churns fiercely as if to reflect her predicament. Whimpering, she crouches and covers her head with the towel.
“Are you okay?”
Yoshiko wipes her tears away as discretely as possible and pretends to be drying her wet hair before peering up at the stranger. The pretty girl appears to be her age, maybe a bit older, and she has cascading burgundy tresses and a pair of warm amber eyes. She looks oddly familiar, though Yoshiko couldn’t place her anywhere in her memories.
She wants to reply with ‘do I look like I’m okay’, yet she finds herself shrugging. “Yeah, I’m fine, I’m used to this.”
The stranger’s inquiring gaze coaxes her to elaborate. “Bad things tend to happen to me. Heh, I’m probably cursed.”
Rather than the dismissive reaction she usually receives, the taller girl simply crouches down beside her. “How so?”
Maybe it is the stranger’s sympathetic voice, or the fact she genuinely sounds intrigued, for Yoshiko finds herself sharing her life story, about her being a fallen Angel, and her theory on opening a portal that connects the two realms.
“Erm, you probably think I’m weird huh?” She folds her arms in embarrassment, unprepared to have the stranger’s complete attention.
“Not at all. I think it’s very interesting. Who’s to say it’s not true?” The girl has a distant look as she gazes at the sky. “So… you’re on your way to open this portal?”
“Yeah. I found this obscure, abandoned park in the woods over there. My instincts tell me that must be the place!” Yoshiko clenches her fists and lowers her head. “But, I’m kinda nervous. Like I said, the bad luck is worse than usual, so maybe something terrible will happen if I really go there…”
“If you want, we could go together?”
Yoshiko blinks at the girl, both startled by her kindness and a strange prick in her mind. Suddenly, images of places she has never visited before flash across her vision, like an old broken movie.
Paradise was infinitely wide, full of countless places still unexplored and unknown to even the most ancient of Angels. Therefore, she considered it an amazing feat that she managed to locate an ethereal garden, where its exotic flowers felt holy enough to purify any onlookers. As mesmerized as she was, she also sensed a foreboding aura and that compelled her to leave the area in haste.
However, she’s been unable to get the garden out of her head and her heart yearned to explore it again to her heart’s content. She was unsettled by that foreboding aura and thus hadn’t acted until now. Finally making up her mind, she sought the opinion of someone she deemed special above all others.
“If you want, we could go together?”
“Are you sure? Like I said, I sensed something off about the place-”
“More the reason to go with you.” The other Angel’s gaze was unwavering. “You shouldn’t go there alone.”
Unable to turn down her crush’s offer, Yoshiko agreed and brought the burgundy-haired Angel to the Secret Garden. They explored the breathtaking place together, admiring its beauty and relishing its soothing ambience. That foreboding aura was nowhere to be felt, for she was so blissful to be in the company of the person she loved, far away from the scrutiny of others.
There, beside a spring of crystal-clear water, she confessed to her amber-eyed companion and kissed her whole-heartedly. Before the other Angel could respond, the water abruptly turned murky and a heavy fog descended upon them. Intangible ropes, seemingly made of shadows, burst out from the fathomless spring and flew towards them.
Yoshiko managed to push her loved one out of the way before she was captured and her senses became muffled. Even then, she could see that the Secret Garden was crumbling and that several Angels have arrived at the scene. She could feel a shiny presence reaching for her.
“No, save Lily! She shouldn’t have to suffer with me!”
She acknowledged what was happening to her. She had sinned after all, so her punishment was to fall, to fall from the heavens and into the mortal realm. This was all her fault, and hers only.
Let her beloved Lily stay in Paradise.
The dark ropes pulled her down into the abyss and she knew no more.
“H-Hey, are you okay?”
Yoshiko blinks, shaking her head and breathing raggedly. “Lily…”
The burgundy-haired girl flinches, her eyes widening. “What did you just say-?”
The overwhelming sensation alleviates like a deflating balloon and, with it, the images vanish into thin air. Yoshiko furrows her brows and rubs her temple. “Nothing. I just… no, it’s nothing. Anyways, you said… you want to come with me. Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.” Those amber eyes are determined and just a little bit hopeful. “You shouldn’t go there alone.”
Yoshiko grins and takes her hand. “Yoshiko. Tsushima Yoshiko. Thanks for keeping me company.”
“Riko. Sakurauchi Riko,” the girl’s smile is just as pretty as the one in the fading memory. “Pleased to meet you… Yocchan.”
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obeyme-sinners · 4 years
MC finds a spell that can transform her to look like a cute angel so she puts on cute white lingerie and waits for the boys on their bed and asks if they’ll make her ‘dirty’. (Sullying kink ya know~) With bros + Diavolo and Barbatos?
Eheheheheheh, I had more fun writing these than I thought I would~ forgive any typos, it's 1am at the time if writing this so... Whoops
Ohhhohoho. You just hit like, every one of his turn-ons at once, you naughty little thing. Get ready to be absolutely ruined, you won't be walking straight for days once he's done with you. He'll make sure to get you just as dirty as you want, and then some.
Honestly he's 90% sure he just combusted and actually died. Or maybe you did? How the hell did you get turned into an angel? Clearly he's not thinking straight, but fuck. If you're going to be tempting him like this, prepare yourself for one hell of a dom Mammon.
*Halo announcer voice* Headshot. Like, full on anime nosebleed. Give him a second to reboot because this boy is b r o k e n. He's going to be half convinced that he's dreaming even while he makes sure that you're just as satisfied as you can be.
Mmm... oh, what a sight you are. He's going to be all over you just as soon as he gets his fill of just looking at you, seeming just as pure as a true angel. He's always been fascinated by angels since he never was one himself, so this will be... enlightening.
Three seconds flat and he is on top of you, grinning wide as he pins you down. Oh, you want him to make you dirty? Your wish is his command, and he is sure to not disappoint you~ he'll have you screaming in no time, don't you worry.
Oh... oh, boy. That's quite the sight to see in his bed, your legs already spread for him and even as he blushes he really can't wait to get his hands on you. If you really want him to dirty you up... well, that he can do. (And maybe he can clean you up after, too.)
Heh, you're a funny little thing. A funny, sexy thing. You better be prepared for what comes next, because he isn't going to be going easy on you. It's one of the rare times where he's guaranteed to be on top of you, and things are always interesting when that happens~
Honestly for a few moments all he can do it smirk at you as he sees your form in the middle of his stupidly massive bed. You're so adorable as an angel, even when there's filth coming from your lips. He can't wait to see what he can do to you.
Oh...? An angel, all for him? How exciting. You'll have to work for it, though. If you want him to make you dirty, it's going to take a bit more than you asking, but he'll be more than pleased to do so once you earn the treatment he'll be giving you. 030
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
I would like to know more about your ChrysiJacks Moulin Rouge AU 030 I've never seen it but I'm vvvv interested
OKAY, SO FIRST OF ALL—I SHOULD START OUT BY SAYING, IF YOU GET THE CHANCE TO WATCH IT, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE WATCH MOULIN ROUGE. Ewan McGregor is the perfect Christian and he has such good puppy dog eyes, and Nicole Kidman has the prettiest outfits. AND OF COURSE BAZ LUHRMAN IS A FANTASTIC DIRECTOR. I ADORE his directing style (though it is really strange, so keep that in mind!!! If you’ve seen The Great Gatsby with Leonardo DiCaprio, think of that style of directing. It’s the same director.) AND THE MUSIC!!!! Sooo good—in fact, I actually prefer the versions of those songs than the actual pop songs! (since it’s a jukebox musical—with the original song Come What May, which should honestly just be this blog’s theme song.)
ANYWAYYYYY. OKAY. So, I’m currently working on this on the backburner, so I expect to post it here EVENTUALLY, but it starts out with Jacks coming to Paris to visit his good friend, Mistress Luck, the proprietress of the Moulin Rouge. He’s visiting for no reason! None at all! Certainly nothing to do with his break up with Tella (dude…).
Well, Mistress Luck sends him a letter, telling him to very kindly please not visit at all, because he always brings trouble with him (he tends to choose a courtesan at random, kiss her, then slow her inevitable death long enough for him to have fun for a week. It’s awful. He’s awful. I love him.) Unfortunately for her, he can’t read <//3 he’s staying in a ratty hotel that’s basically across the street from the Moulin Rouge.
Interestingly enough, an acting troupe trying to pitch their new play to Mistress Luck (through her top courtesan Chrysi Solstice) is staying in the suite above Jacks’s. He’s mostly irritated with the noise that comes from overhead at all times, but he’s dealing with it as best he can.
Until one day—what do you know!—a certain man from Rangus6 (if… that’s even remotely how you spell Pleck’s home planet, but for the purposes of this, his hometown) comes crashing from his ceiling. The room is obliterated.
Then Jacks is mobbed by the acting crew of the Bargearian Jade, led by Bargie (… oh god, I just realized I get the privilege to write this scene. I never considered the horror of Bargie meeting Jacks. Everyone else, I know how they’d interact with him, but oh no…), and followed very closely byyyyy you! The writer of the play at hand!
One thing leads to another, and Jacks suddenly finds himself roped into a scheme where he’ll pitch the show to the lead courtesan for them (since they’ve been thrown out on multiple occasions at this point, and Pleck really wants his wife’s play to succeed in any way possible).
(I should probably clarify some things: the Moulin Rouge is essentially a high-end prostitution place, where people will put on a show and then take their clients to their rooms later for… yeah. Yeah… but it’s more of an escort place in my AU, just for some class, if that makes sense. There’s still some Yikes™ (pronounced similarly to the goddess Nike) stuff, but more class.)
Well, in the meantime, the Count Elias Bloom (feel free to boo and throw tomatoes. In fact, I encourage it.) comes to the Moulin Rouge to seek the hand of the famed beauty of Chrysi Solstice. Mistress Luck has had a huge hand in making Chrysi very famous, even though Chrysi has expressed that she wants to leave this business to become an artist herself :’) Alas, that is not the case.
((Another clarification: YES, magic exists in this universe. The Fate rules still apply. Chrysi can see ghosts. She has faetelle. It’s a fun mishmash of random magic systems in a story originally written without magic, and I like every second of it :)))
Chrysi is to have a meeting with Elias Bloom (as per Mistress Luck’s request) so they can get the funding for the Moulin Rouge (as they want to become more legitimate in terms of being a theatre establishment.)
UNFORTUNATELY, there is a mixup with Chrysi’s understanding as to who is the Count. Mistress Luck points out the Count being the person that is being bothered by Pleck (long story, but he gets threatened with a gun and it’s not good :))—which transitions from being Elias Bloom to Jacks to Elias Bloom again. During that brief window of Pleck asking Jacks for help, Chrysi looks over. And so begins the trouble of the first act.
Chrysi ends up taking Jacks back to her room. Which is great for the crew of the Bargerian Jade!!! They’re so happy that this little plot of their’s is working out! (C’s a little skeptical, but even he can’t resist Pleck’s wholehearted excitement).
Now comes the most awkward and terrible scene in the story—Chrysi thinks. Jacks is there. To have sex with her. For money.
Jacks thinks. Chrysi wants him there. To pitch the plot. Of the Bargerian Jade’s play.
Horrible, awful, terrible, BUT in my AU, it’s not at all as awkward and cringable the movie scene is. Chrysi merely flirts with Jacks, and he’s happy about it because, okay, she’s pretty and he’s always open to having a fun fling with a girl that’s going to die within the week anyway (since his kiss would’ve killed her).
Things get a little dangerous (meaning only that Jacks almost kisses her and ruins the whole charade) and then he lets it drop that he’s there to pitch the new play of Filly’s.
Chrysi stops.
“You’re not the Count.”
“No, clearly not.”
“The Count’s going to kill you. And if he doesn’t, I will.”
Meanwhile! Elias is knocking on the door, asking her to let him in!!!! Like!!!! Bad!!!!! Bad, bad, bad, evil, horrible, bad!!!!!!!!!!!
Chrysi’s freaking out, she hides Jacks, she lets Elias Bloom in, it’s a mess. She doesn’t want to sell herself to him while another man’s in the room, so she’s like, “Great! I’m feeling a little faint, but if you want to go out for lunch tomorrow, that’ll be awesome.” And she kisses him and pushes him out of the room. Elias Bloom is a little put out, but he’s essentially been promised to Chrysi for the time being by Mistress Luck, so he’s not too upset.
Jacks is mildly offended Chrysi would’ve rather kissed Elias Bloom than him, but before he can be too pissy, Chrysi actually gets a little faint. Her face goes white and she almost passes out in Jacks’s arms. 
Now, Jacks is concerned. He is not one for comforting people in the first place, but nursing them back to health? He is not good at that at all. 
He manages to get her to lay down on the bed, which is right as Elias Bloom walks in again saying that he accidentally left his coat. A horrible time for him to walk in, I know. 
Chrysi, her head spinning (because her faetelle is bothering her significantly rn), comes up with a lie saying that something Elias Bloom said made her think of the play that Jacks is writing, so she simply had to get a meeting with him immediately to write it. 
At this point, Elias Bloom thinks this is all bullshit (rightfully so…. which is not something I thought I’d ever say about him), but the entire crew of the Bargerian Jade pours in (they were listening in to see how well Jacks was doing btw) to add to the convincing nature of the lie. Mistress Luck sees this mess and bursts in, frantic.  
Chrysi is doing damage control as best as she fucking can right now. Her head is killing her, she was about to pass out literally two minutes ago, and she has to drag all of them out of this mess they’ve found themselves in.
Long story short, she confuses Elias Bloom into verbally agreeing to invest in the show that Filly wrote, but actually everyone thinks that Jacks wrote it, and now she’s basically in a contract marriage with Elias. It’s great. She’s dying, both physically and emotionally.
She kicks Jacks out along with everyone else. It’s been a long night for her. 
Well, Jacks sneaks back in later and Chrysi’s act has all dropped. She essentially says that she’ll never be flirty like that again, unless he wants to pay for it in the future, and that she won’t speak to him in the same way. In fact, she doesn’t want to see him unless it’s in the practices and meetings for the new play (since now they all have to act like Jacks is the writer. Hell situation. Awful.) Jacks is like, “Understood, thanks, I’ll leave you alone” (hint: he will not.)
Mistress Luck and he then catch up, which really just means that Mistress Luck is pissed at him for showing up when she told him not to, but she might have a room better suited for him than before. 
So now he’s rooming with Simeon St. Claire. Both of them hate this set-up. Simeon was just fine living alone as the tailor for the girls of the Moulin Rouge (he and Luna Rune are saving up money to run away and get married), but now he has this bastard to account for. 
But Simeon’s petty, so he locks Jacks out of the apartment on a particularly rainy evening. Jacks, unsure of where to go, wanders around until he finds Chrysi’s place (actually a really nice place, just off the street of the Moulin Rouge). She first closes the door in his face, but when she doesn’t hear him leave, she opens it to find him sitting like a drowned rat on her porch, and she lets him in. 
Here they have a wonderful conversation where Chrysi’s talking about the men she has to be the escort for and she’s mean about it. She states that “in the business of loving people, you learn to like them a lot less” and Jacks is immediately smitten. He just doesn’t know it yet. 
Then comes all the rehearsals and rewrites (so much interaction with the Bargerian Jade’s crew and I’m loving all the snippets I’ve written thus far), where, regretfully, Chrysi and Jacks fall in love. Actually, initially Jacks was just some guy Chrysi went to when she was getting sick of Elias Bloom. Now she has feelings for Jacks and she hates it. 
Now they use the excuse that Jacks is the writer so they can meet up in secret. Chrysi’s the happiest she’s been in years. 
But one of the girls is jealous of Chrysi and she lets it slip to Elias Bloom that it’s strange that the writer and the lead actress spend so much time together without the rest of the crew. Elias immediately says he wants to change the ending of the play (written to emulate Chrysi and Jacks’s budding relationship, complete with a secret song for the lovers) and that he wants Chrysi to join him for dinner that evening.
Jacks is getting insanely jealous at this point. He begs Chrysi not to sleep with him, begs her to find any excuse not to go—but unfortunately, Mistress Luck has spoken with Chrysi and informed her that her “secret fling” with Jacks isn’t quite as secret as she might imagine and that she needs to make Elias happy if she wants the Moulin Rouge to succeed. 
Chrysi pleads with Jacks to understand (”You promised me you wouldn’t get jealous.” “How can I not be?” Both are crying :’’’)) and sets out to join Elias Bloom for dinner. 
Unfortunately!! Chrysi starts having a flare up and she faints before she can manage to get there. Mistress Luck gets a doctor to nurse Chrysi back to health and informs her that she must make it up to Elias Bloom in any way possible. 
Meanwhile, Jacks is being tormented by jealousy and he will not stop pacing around like a caged tiger. Pleck is trying his best to calm him down. Nermut’s making things worse by doing the same. C’s not saying anything, and Dar’s actually rather insightful, if also not getting through to Jacks, and Filly’s the only one that actually manages. 
Jacks calms, if only slightly, and waits for Chrysi to join him in the morning. 
When she does, she’s pale and sickly, but she plays it off as best she can. She informs Jacks that no, she did not spend the evening with Elias Bloom—but she’s going to have to, because she has to make it up to him.  
Jacks is heartbroken, but he allows her to. This feeling thing that mortals have to go through is awful and he doesn’t like it at all. 
But as Chrysi’s up there, Jacks is being needled by that same jealous girl and he blows up. He almost kills her by stopping her heart, and then he’s dragged off by Simeon, who tells him that he should’ve never fallen in love with a woman that sells herself. “The jealousy will drive you mad,” he says, and Jacks wanders off in an agitated state. 
He finds Chrysi standing on a balcony with Elias Bloom and they make eye contact and both of them can feel their hearts cracking in their chests. Chrysi immediately pulls away from Elias Bloom, but he sees Jacks and immediately realizes that Chrysi’s been running around with Jacks every time she makes excuses to leave. 
He basically assaults her at this point, and Chrysi’s a sobbing mess. Fortunately, Simeon was in the area after dragging Jacks outside, and he knocks out Elias Bloom. Both Chrysi and Simeon are stunned by what he did, but he then grabs her and returns her to Jacks’s flat (which is also Simeon’s, but whatever. Semantics.)
There, Jacks comforts a crying Chrysi. He comes up with the brilliant plan to run away with her and that she just needs to pack up her things and they’re gone. 
Chrysi does as he requests, but Mistress Luck is there. She tells Chrysi that it’s cruel for her to run off with Jacks when Chrysi knows she’s dying. Chrysi replies by saying she doesn’t care if they’ll only have a year, a month, or a week—so long as she can be with Jacks. Mistress Luck then tells Chrysi that Elias Bloom is obsessed with her—and that he will hunt Jacks down to kill him. There’s some extra guilt thrown in here, because Jacks can only be killed due to the fact that he loves Chrysi. She’s his greatest weakness. 
Chrysi’s stunned and realizes… she probably should save Jacks. So she returns to him and informs him that, regretfully, her greatest wish was to become an actress (a lie) and that she’s going to stay at the Moulin Rouge. Jacks is shocked and confused and hurt, but he’s manhandled out by Elias Bloom’s bodyguard and thrown into a puddle of icy rain water (my poor little drowned rat :(….) I think the stress gets to him, because he just passes out. 
When he wakes up, he feels like he has a fever, but Pleck and Filly are standing there, basically saying it doesn’t make sense that Chrysi would leave him like this—there has to be something more happening. Chrysi loves Jacks a lot. She wouldn’t just leave him.
Jacks tells them to leave him, but their words bother him—and so he returns to the Moulin Rouge on the opening night of the play with a lot of money. He finds Chrysi’s dressing room and insists she take the payment. After all, why should he get her services for free when everyone else has to pay? She’s done such a good job that he almost thought his heart was beating again. 
Meanwhile, Chrysi’s panicking.  She knows that if Elias Bloom sees Jacks, he’ll kill him. She’s trying to push Jacks out of the room, and she’s not accepting the money, and come on, she’s a gifted courtesan, she might as well accept! 
Her heart’s breaking. Her faetelle is acting up. Jacks knows that something’s wrong, because she looks so pale and fragile, but he can’t comfort her like he used to. 
She essentially runs from him to the stage, where the curtain opens on both of them. 
Elias Bloom is in the front row. 
This is bad!!!!!!!
But Jacks throws the money at Chrysi (who’s on the floor, crying and trying not to) and says he’s paid his whore. Then he walks down the aisle to leave. 
But that forgotten song between the lovers? The one Elias Bloom forced them to get rid of? Come What May? Chrysi starts singing it for Jacks and he stops where he is. 
Then he turns around and rushes up to her and hugs her and kisses her for all the world to see. Elias Bloom’s bodyguard is knocked out by Dar. All is well! The show ends and everyone loves it!
But Elias Bloom has a gun of his own. He aims it at Jacks and when he shoots, Chrysi steps in front of it and takes the bullet straight to the heart. 
Elias Bloom starts screaming and wailing, panicked that he’s just killed the woman he was obsessed with. Jacks, on the other hand, looking pale and drawn, just cradles Chrysi close to him as she dies. He’s crying silently and begging her to stay, please stay, and she’s just smiling and stroking his face. 
She dies in his arms like that. 
Yep. That’s that. That’s sorta just… It. That’s the end. Jacks leaves flowers at her grave and curls up by her gravestone and it hurts. I care them and my heart hurty :((((
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ray-the-fanatic · 3 years
Your opinion on: Darkwing Duck and Oddworld uwu
I like how you asked me for two things im just uttering in love with. I'll do oddworld first though cause I kond won't shut up about it around others pft.
So kezzie is fully at fault at getting me intrested in this game series. Showed a photo of the mudokon pops and me being me said of eat the ones where it look loke the mud head on a pike cause I never really out grew my goth phase lol so I love all things spooky. Fun spooky scary spooky Halloween is my favorite holiday for a reason and I look like I celebrate it 25/8.
This game is just so investing i love the world its set in i adore Abe hes gotta be one of my favorite charaters of all time and game protagonist. His empthay for others just makes me love him so much he is best boi ;3; and also needs a nap for all he's going through in these games. The design of the game has the early 2000 Xbox game aesthic i love and the humor is just so stright forward i can't help butnlaugh at how dry cut it can be at times. Bonus stuff for like the creatures of oddworld has me sucked in as well. I saw sligs and I love them forever even have an oc now who just took a bunch of they are thier new mommy now! Oc has a name now btw Marsh (like Marshall/ like swampy areas too so marsh) he just watches over the babies ;3;
Legit I spend a good part of my day taking in odd world content now cause I just want more of this world!!! I watched the cute scenes of game and i have like a few times now always laughing at the same things that happen haha. I bought the games and I cant wait to play them 030 I've definitely become waaaaay to invested into this series lol
Even the side game strangers warth I found a lot of fun cause I just wanna be immersed into the oddworld universe
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Darkwing duck
Is forever and always gonna have my heart. I legit was born a fan lol one of my earlier memories as a small tot is laying on my moms bed watching darkwing duck with her. I constantly just would go through phases of focusing on it as well. Darke Mallard is my favorite charater forever I just find him unique and interesting and I find it funny just how kind of different the series its self is, Its a big comfort show for me. When even I'm down I just watch it I own some VHS of the show to this day and compared most series this is something I've spent year invested in but I love seeing others thoughts on the series. When DT 17 did the darkwing epsiode I legit lost my shit at the end and still do everytime haha.
Its hard to full write how much I llve this series and the impact its had on me i think the best part is years later I wound up meeting some cool people because of this show and the resurgence it has just make me giddy because well I love this show the main cast, the side charaters the villian man do I love the villians! I play jackbow bearly every weekend with some friends and one time a darkwing duck promt came on and I'm still mad I didn't get the prompt u_u.
I can honestly go on forever about darkwing duck because it jjst one of those things I grew up with and have a strong attachment to. I'm aware of some negatives course its not perfect but the stuff I love it for are what I celebrate the most out of the series. I wanna hope to go back to cons next year so I really wanna make a darkwing duck cosplay for that haha also I legit have a crush on Drake mallard and my god of people saw the hours spent on head cannons and such I have typed out before they would likely never look at me the same again haha I once stayed up a full night jjst dishing out headcannons on a discord once. I have thoughts and more on everything darkwing but I'm so bad about sitting down and writing or else I'd likely have way more fanfiction out there for the series haha.
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dynamesvirtue · 4 years
I got tagged by @insomniac-pens for another music meme!! 
Imma change it up because my top 10 songs do have like uber importance to me so, here we go! 
Also I tag @cruisingheightswithdragons @musicaldoodler @creepy-skull-arts @cloudchaser2000 and whoever else wants to do this! :) 
1. Shiny Happy People by REM:   This is my all time favorite song. Literally been listening to this since I was 4 and my go to song whenever I am sad or happy. This song makes me verry emotional. 
2. Homecoming by BOND: I wish more and more people knew about BOND. sure they mainly do cover songs with electric violins but they are just so awesome!! Tho If you watched Good Omens you might have heard their newest song! Homecoming is my absolutely favorite song of theirs as I had so many random adventures (in my head lol) with this song. I believe when I was younger I’ve played this song on iTunes over 300 times. 
3. Jukebox Hero by Foreigner: Lou Gramm. UGH him and this song is (for me) the epitome of the 80′s. I love all the songs of Foreigner but Jukebox hero always gets me pumped up (and kinda reminds me of magnus 030 ) 
4. Know Me by Marshmello:  ANYONE that knows me personally knows I am OBSESSED with Marshmello. I’ve met him twice and been to all his LA concerts. My ringtone is this Lalapalooza remix where he says Mello gang instead of marshmello :P His music always bring joy and happiness I’ve never had anything negative about him to say lol Know me kinda reflects my personality and one the first songs I love when I first found out about him/
5. When I watch the World burn all I can think about is you (Demo Ver.) by Bastille: TBH I first fell in love with Bastille with Happier (a song they and Marshmello made together) I went to their one of their concert where they first perfomed the song (Happier) live and fell in love with the band!! At the concert I met a group of lovely people who I still talk to this day. We have been to several more concerts together. We even saw them 3 TIMES in one day. First was a private radio concert, then a vip pre show concert before the actual concert. Tho this song make great inspiration to write.
6. Upside down (bouncing off the ceiling) By A*teens: DUDE A*teens were a HUGE part of my childhood with Teen Spirit probably being the biggest album during that time (at least where i lived everyone at my school KNEW of the album and was a huge hit) The song is catchy and definitely brings back my childhood innocence. Sadly never saw them in concert :/ 
7. Big time rush (theme) by BTR: Ahh ah ahh ahhhhhhh! As much as I love BTB nad N*sync BTR was MY boy band in my teen years. This show helped me and my sister get along and they CAME TO MY HOME TOWN for a concert!! I didn’t have to drive (well at the time my parents) To LA or San Diego.. they were playing in the OC!! I was so lucky to see them in concert. Seriously the best theme song ever. 
8. Running by No Doubt: No doubt and Gwen Stafani were a HUGE part of my time growing up. A fellow Orange County girl, I was so proud to grow up in the same city/area as Gwen. The video running was shot at Laguna Beach which I’ve been to millions of times .3. My mom always loved this song and still does. Reminds me of all the car rides I had while listening to this song. 
9. Electro World by PERFUME: I will always bee a weeb at heart. Though PERFUME was my expose to Jpop/jrock/jelectronic outside the OP and ED anime artist, I would always try to sing along though I had no clue what they were saying Electro world has a special place in my heart. Even learned the dance by heart. Sooo sad I wasn’t able to see them at coachella last year! T_T
10. Random Access Memory by Daft Punk: As a Robosexual I couldn’t leave my boys out of this list. The whole album of RAM is just a funkadelic trip of good soulful music. I would listen to the entire album on road trips, plane trips or just for fun. I have a lot of wonderful RAM with this album. If hot chocolate can warm the heart then RAM is the music equivalent. 
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kg2hub · 5 years
oh these are a lot of headcanon questions omg,,,
Tagged by: @kindcrgartcncxup
Tagging: anyone who sees this and wants to do it!!! :D
001. When is their birthday? - may 31 002. Do they do anything to celebrate their birthday? - he... celebrates felix’s birthday 003. Does your character like coffee better, or tea? - out of the two choices, he’d pick tea at the moment. he’d probably develop more of a taste for coffee as he gets older though 004. Do they prefer being alone or with others? - he desperately wants to be with others, but also finds himself alone a lot so it’s like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 005. Are they in good health? - mmh physically, yes. mentally? debatable. 006. What sense do they most rely on? - touch ig? 007. Is your character an optimist or a pessimist? - optimist :’)c 008. What is their favorite fairy tale? - cinderella 009. Do they believe in happy endings? - yep! 010. Do they believe in love at first sight? - yeah but he hasn’t experienced it
011. How would your character court the person of their dreams? - he’d shower them in affection and also thoughtful gifts 012. What makes your character embarrassed? - being wrong, which is often around felix 013. Have they ever been bullied or teased? - oh yeah definitely 014. Detail one secret shame your character feels. - he has thoughts of. sort of. ‘rebelling’ against his family. he’d never go through with it, and he’s ashamed of thinking of it because family’s supposed to stick together, right? no matter how bad it gets. no matter if they’re the ones making it that bad. 015. Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? - tongue 016. What is their choice of weapon? - anything he can use to his advantage 017. When does your character think that violence is justified or deserved? - if it stops more people from getting hurt if the other person can and will continue to hurt others. also, in self defense. 018. Your character wakes up to find that war has been declared. What do they do? -he’d. freak out and hide in bed 019. If they could have a superpower, what would they choose? - healing powers, mostly to use for other people,, 020. What are their hobbies? - singing, playing the uke, reading, doing whatever his brother is doing 021. How do they display affection? - physically and verbally. he’ll hug anyone, brush his hand against theirs, hold hands, etc. and constantly says ‘i love you’ and compliments people a lot! 022. What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen? - the,, sunrise once when he was having a bad night and ended up being unable to sleep so he snuck out. he looked up for a moment where he was hiding, and being away from the house and most of the light pollution, made the colours of the sky that much more pretty 023. What do they consider beautiful in others physically? - smiles! 024. What do they consider ugly in others physically? - nothing 025. What do they consider beautiful in others personality-wise? - compassion, sympathy, patience, confidence 026. What do they consider ugly in others personality-wise? - apathy, cruelty, aggression, remorselessness, shallowness 027. What is their idea of perfect happiness? - being loved by the people he loves 028. What makes them laugh out loud? - stuff,,, that makes him laugh out loud if it’s funny enough i guess,,,,,,, 029. What sort of sense of humor does your character have? - usually light stuff, probably internet memes and vines, but also self deprecating stuff 030. Do they believe in the afterlife? - yeah a little 031. Are they superstitious about anything? - no 032. Does your character believe in ghosts? - yeah kinda 033. Do they keep their promises? - yes!! 034. What’s their view of lying? - it’s. useful when you absolutely have to. if it’s to help someone, or allows someone to avoid getting harmed especially if it’s for yourself. lying for no reason, or doing that to hurt people is a big no no though 035. What is the most important rule your character lives by? - stay kind despite everything 036. How honorable is your character? - he’s typically pretty honorable i guess?? 037. If your character saw someone drop a large sum of money and  knew that they could probably take it without anyone noticing, what would they do? - return it to the person,, he’s already loaded he doesn’t need More, and also it’s mean to just steal it 038. What bad habits do they have? - tends to internally beat himself up every time he does one little thing wrong. apologizes for literally everything. 039. What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person? - being manipulated and have their emotions played with 040. What is their obsession? - music! 041. Are they comfortable with technology? - yeah ofc,, he grew up surrounded by technology, especially since his father owns a company that deals with technology 042. What is their greatest achievement? - he tried writing a little song on the uke once, and he kinda proud of that,, his greatest achievement would be something that made his family proud of him, but that probably hasn’t happened yet 043. What will they stand up for? - his brother, parents, and friends 044. What disgusts them? - really rude people, people who are spoiled, mean things, also being handed chewed up gum is Gross 045. Does your character have any chronic medical conditions? - not really? 046. How do they handle getting sick? - he just Deals With It and tries to get better as fast as possible so he can stop being so useless 047. What was the last medical problem your character had? - probably just a common cold 048. Do they have any allergies? - no 049. How does your character feel about growing old? - hopeful. maybe things will get better when he and felix get older. 050. How does your character feel about their own mortality? - s. scared,, 051. If they knew they would die tomorrow, what would they do today? - probably cry for a while and cling to felix and tell him he loves him,, same @ his parents and also his classmates even if he doesn’t know them all too well 052. What is your character’s worst flaw? - his passiveness 053. What is your character’s greatest strength? - his resilience 054. Does your character want power or authority of any kind? - lol definitely not 055. Is your character an introvert or an extrovert? - i,,, feel he’s an extrovert forced into introverted situations?? 056. Has your character ever struck someone in anger? - nope 057. Has your character ever killed anyone? - indirectly, only in other timelines 058. What is your character’s idea of a perfect day? - just one day where he’s happy and he’s with his family without any hostility or coldness between them. no yelling, no comparing, no scolding, just love. 059. List several phrases your character is fond of uttering. Where did they pick them up? - there’s,, not really anything specific he’s fond of saying? he does tend to say stuff like “yes, felix.” after being told to do something and “sorry, felix!” a lot. mostly after being berated by felix, obvi 060. What is your character’s attitude toward education and learning? - he enjoys it! it’s fun learning stuff, whether he does well with it or not 061. Does your character prefer adventure or safety and security? - he... lowkey wants adventure but he’s much too scared to step out of line from what his parents want so he remains safe and secure, being the obedient boy he always is. though, he does sneak out Occasionally, and that’s a bit of his rebellion coming to the surface 062. What sort of legacy does your character wish to leave behind? - he doesn’t really want to leave behind anything. he just wants to be known as a good, kind person. and he just wants his family to care about him and be proud of him; he doesn’t care much about what Other people think when he’s gone 063. How well does your character handle difficult people? - he endures them,,,,, 064. In what ways does your character annoy others? - by being himself. by screwing up. by apologizing too much, and never disagreeing with his brother. 065. Is your character better at leading or following? Which do they prefer? - following, to a fault. he prefers it more than being a leader, but something about his situation makes him feel Pretty Bad despite that,, 066. Does your character prefer city life or being out in nature? - nature 067. Does your character believe in fate or destiny? - kind of, but not too much 068. How strong is your character’s sense of responsibility? What kinds of things trigger it? - it’s pretty strong. he feels like he has to own up to his name, being heir to applesoft, and has to make his family proud of him. being told how useless and stupid he is can Sometimes trigger him to Try Even Harder 069. What about your character is heroic? - his sense of morals, and ability to keep going despite lack of support most of the time 070. What about your character is cowardly? - the fact that he’d follow anything his brother says. he’s much too passive, and his morals can be swayed just to prove a point. he allows things to happen even when it’s bad; he’s a bystander to himself 071. How kind is your character? - he tries to be kind whenever he can! being mean makes him feel awful,, 072. In a Dungeons & Dragons game, which class would your character be? (wizard, fighter, bard, priest, ranger, etc.) - bard or paladin 073. In a novel, what plot role would your character fill? (hero, anti-hero, sidekick, villain, etc.) - sidekick probably. either that or literally a tertiary/background character, is what he thinks he’d be 074. What is your character’s favorite game? - ,,,anything that’s felix’s favourite game 075. Is your character ticklish? - yeah lmao 076. How do they express anger? - being standoffish, heavy sarcasm, calm and collected on the outside while he’s seething on the inside 077. How often do they cry? Over what? - he cries a lot,, over a lot of things, mostly about seeing himself as a failure and disappointment. also when felix berates him he’ll usually cry after that 078. How emotionally stable is your character? - hmm he’s,,, getting worse,,,,,, 079. How easy is it for them to read the emotions of others? - pretty easy honestly! 080. How easy is it for others to read your character’s emotions? - it can vary; some days he’ll be pretty good at hiding his feelings and appear perfectly fine, others he Just Can’t Do It 081. Is your character religious? - nope 082. What are your character’s sleeping preferences? - sleeps on his side, curled up, with Many pillows and a heavy blanket,, he probably has a stuffed animal (or many?) and hugs All of them 083. What is the first thing they say and/or do when they wake up? - he just gets up, gets ready, does whatever felix wants him to, etc 084. Describe your character in one word. - trapped 085. Describe your character in three words. - full of potential 086. How would your character describe themself in one word? - disappointment 087. How would your character describe themself in three words? - kind, trying, loving 088. Is your character quiet or loud? - quiet 089. How vocally expressive is your character? - he’d be more expressive if he wasn’t silenced all the time by felix. that being said, not very 090. How bodily expressive is your character? - not very 091. What type of music does your character like? - pop, indie, acoustic music, anything else if it Sounds Good 092. What emotion does your character evoke in others? - i mean. a lotta muses i’ve been rping with feel sorry for him so-- 093. What is your character’s goal in life? - to do something that will make his brother and parents proud of him,, 094. Name three things most would not expect your character to be able to know. - how to avoid all the security situated in his house?? he, sometimes, literally breaks out of his own house without anyone knowing - how to read, how to do smart kid stuff mostly because he’s always painted as the “dumb twin” - the secrets of applesoft? i guess? why tf does he and felix just carry around the chemical used to make applegate’s pills lmao,,,,,, anyway bottom line, ted knows that chemical was used to make the pills. he probably knows more things than he lets on too.
095. Name three things most would not expect your character to be able to do. - he’s capable of sarcasm - planning the demise of one of his classmates - can play the ukulele Pretty Well for his age
096. How do they move and carry themselves? What energy do they project? - passive, unsure, meek, unconfident. he Tries not to slouch, but he doesn’t quite stand up straight enough either. constantly seems to subconsciously make himself small, always stands a little too off to the side, usually comes off as nervous and anxious. moves quickly to try to not waste time. 097. How well do they adapt to change? - not too well, but he doesn’t let that show 098. Does your character like animals? - yeah! 099. Do they talk to inanimate objects? - sometimes, mostly just his stuffed animals. or apologizes to stuff he bumps into. 100. Does your character dream? If so, what do they dream about? - yeah, usually random things. sometimes it’s happy, and a good escape from his actual life. sometimes it’s nightmares. sometimes he doesn’t remember.
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yanderefantasies · 5 years
Yeah it the anon who ask for the pretend couple, I LOVED IT!! so perfect
Aw thanks! I had so much fun writing it! Giyuu always will be my husbando❤️❤️❤️(and Sabito cause he’s a precious bean, but we don’t talk about that 030)
But either way, thanks so much for the request! You can always request for more if you’d like anyways
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darling-wednesday · 4 years
dare u to do all the hc question memes
Your dares are no match for my power. Let me know if you want elaboration for any of these. :* 
100 Random Character Development Questions
Under a read-more due to length.
001. When is their birthday?
September 17th
002. Do they do anything to celebrate their birthday?
Absolutely! The Addams family celebrates life as well as death! Cake is mandatory, and the family makes a point of spending some special time together, whether it be a fun outing or a game night at home. Gifts are present, but generally not the focus as gifts are often given on random days as well. 
003. Does your character like coffee better, or tea?
Tea! When she gets older, Wednesday doesn’t mind coffee, but Thing makes wonderful tea, they know just how long to steep it. 
004. Do they prefer being alone or with others?
In the right company, being with others, but it’s very much with the right people. Wednesday doesn’t mind being alone, but family and friends always make for a better time. 
005. Are they in good health?
For an Addams, absolutely. It may not be good health if someone outside the family would follow her diet, but she’s a bit different. She’s in no danger of major illness, and is by all means in a rather athletic shape. She practices Judo and is quite skilled. 
006. What sense do they most rely on?
Sight. Wednesday is generally rather good at using all her senses, but sight is really just the most useful. 
007. Is your character an optimist or a pessimist?
An optimist! Things have a way of working out for an Addams. 
008. What is their favorite fairy tale?
Her and Pugsley’s version of Red Riding Hood. The wolf is okay in that one. 
009. Do they believe in happy endings?
010. Do they believe in love at first sight?
011. How would your character court the person of their dreams?
Well, her family has lots of advice on this. She’d wear pretty dresses, keep her hair down, learn to dance, and pull a nice long face. If that doesn’t work, though, she’s been given plenty of backup options. 
No, but really, she would likely change her appearance somewhat, but would largely offer her affection as acts of service and time spent with the person of her dreams. If it truly is a person of her dreams, then they will want to court her as well, and she imagines things will fall naturally into place. 
012. What makes your character embarrassed?
Remembering the terrible crushes she’s had on people that wouldn’t even play with Pugsley’s octopus. 
013. Have they ever been bullied or teased?
Yes, she didn’t mind much so long as they were just insulting her. 
014. Detail one secret shame your character feels.
She wants her Marie Antoinette doll to be period-accurate. Even though the clothes she wears are beautiful, and the period-accurate ones are horrific, Wednesday would rather it be light and frilly. 
015. Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue?
That depends– not much aside from insulting her family will make Wednesday resort to physical violence, but when words simply won’t do….
016. What is their choice of weapon?
If a weapon is to be used, a nice knife. 
017. When does your character think that violence is justified or deserved?
As mentioned before, when someone insults her family. 
018. Your character wakes up to find that war has been declared. What do they do?
019. If they could have a superpower, what would they choose?
020. What are their hobbies?
Writing, raising spiders, painting, ballet, etc. 
021. How do they display affection?
A loving look, or (as a child) excited hugs. Occasionally thumps on the head. Sharing of possessions. 
022. What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen?
Her mother’s garden
023. What do they consider beautiful in others physically?
A lovely pallor 
024. What do they consider ugly in others physically?
A penchant for bright clothing
025. What do they consider beautiful in others personality-wise?
026. What do they consider ugly in others personality-wise?
A sense of superiority
027. What is their idea of perfect happiness?
Family and the means to decorate and provide for her family in the way that will make them most comfortable.
028. What makes them laugh out loud?
Uncle Fester’s dynamite caps
029. What sort of sense of humor does your character have?
Dark & Gloomy
030. Do they believe in the afterlife?
Yes, though her idea of the afterlife is not conventional or definite by any means.
031. Are they superstitious about anything?
Yes. Imagine most superstitious, reversed (ex. lucky number 13, breaking a mirror is 7 years of good luck, etc.)
032. Does your character believe in ghosts?
033. Do they keep their promises?
Most of the time.
034. What’s their view of lying?
Reputable people don’t lie. That said, sometimes she doesn’t feel like she has to be reputable. 
035. What is the most important rule your character lives by?
Family first and family last and family by and by. 
036. How honorable is your character?
Depends on when you catch her. I’d say mostly honorable. 
037. If your character saw someone drop a large sum of money and knew that they could probably take it without anyone noticing, what would they do?
Give it back. Depending on the sum, possibly slip in a little more for charity. Money’s a strange thing, for the Addams family. 
038. What bad habits do they have?
Using her family’s possessions without permission
Proclaiming when she knows a secret
039. What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person?
Isolation from loved ones
040. What is their obsession?
Raising pedigreed spiders
041. Are they comfortable with technology?
Depends on the type. 
042. What is their greatest achievement?
Though no one knows it’s actually her art (as they believed it was Sam Picasso’s), her paintings have been critically acclaimed. She’s most (un?)known for her trees with human heads. She’s more proud of her spiders, though. 
043. What will they stand up for?
044. What disgusts them?
Non-consensual sadism (deriving joy from hurting someone that doesn’t want to be hurt). (while I HC the Addams Family are neither sadists nor masochists, there’s no judgement of those who are, unless it hurts those who do not want to be harmed)
045. Does your character have any chronic medical conditions?
046. How do they handle getting sick?
Her father will typically call Dr. Mbogo, but he’s usually busy and by the time they’ve run off another doctor, the illness will have run its course
047. What was the last medical problem your character had?
Her temperature was very oddly low for a few days. 
048. Do they have any allergies?
049. How does your character feel about growing old?
Well, everyone must
050. How does your character feel about their own mortality?
What of it? It’s unconcerning
051. If they knew they would die tomorrow, what would they do today?
Spend time with her family
052. What is your character’s worst flaw?
A shocking refusal of awareness that her family is in any way “strange.” Also her undying loyalty.
053. What is your character’s greatest strength?
Undying loyalty. Also her refusal to think of her family as “strange.”
054. Does your character want power or authority of any kind?
No? Yes? She’s happy to have it but does not demand it.
055. Is your character an introvert or an extrovert?
056. Has your character ever struck someone in anger?
Yes. Harold Pomeroy. 
057. Has your character ever killed anyone?
058. What is your character’s idea of a perfect day?
A nice storm staying at home and curling up against Kitty. Lurch would play the harpsichord and her parents would dance, she would play with dynamite caps with Pugsley and Uncle Fester, Grandmama would tell her about Marie Antoinette again, she’d play hide and go seek (and Thing would help her cheat), and at the end of the day her Mother would read her a lovely bedtime story.
059. List several phrases your character is fond of uttering. Where did they pick them up?
“It’s so nice and gloomy” - How she’s always described her house. Echoed from her mother’s words. 
“It’s Marie Antoinette” - Whenever people ask about her doll
“No.” She’s a very stubborn girl, and knows exactly what she said.
060. What is your character’s attitude toward education and learning?
She’s extremely intelligent… but may have the system a little backward. She’ll fail to spite her teachers, unless she’s very interested in the subject. Even then she doesn’t like answering tests. 
061. Does your character prefer adventure or safety and security?
062. What sort of legacy does your character wish to leave behind?
That of a true Addams
063. How well does your character handle difficult people?
She’s undeterred. 
064. In what ways does your character annoy others?
Wednesday is very set in her ways at times, and will keep at her argument without escalation (and without deescalation) when it comes to minor differences. 
065. Is your character better at leading or following? Which do they prefer?
It entirely depends on the situation. 
066. Does your character prefer city life or being out in nature?
067. Does your character believe in fate or destiny?
Not in the way this question makes it sound. 
068. How strong is your character’s sense of responsibility? What kinds of things trigger it?
You may have guessed it now, but very strong. Particularly to her family or any group she is a part of, she feels she has the responsibility to show her worth and care for those within. 
069. What about your character is heroic?
She will defend her family until her death and beyond. 
070. What about your character is cowardly?
If there’s something she doesn’t want to deal with, she simply won’t. This isn’t really a problem for smaller things, but sometimes....
071. How kind is your character?
I think she’s actually rather kind, but it may not come across that way, always. She has a very good heart for those she cares about. 
072. In a Dungeons & Dragons game, which class would your character be? (wizard, fighter, bard, priest, ranger, etc.)
Oooh... this should not be as hard as it is... I want to say warlock. 
073. In a novel, what plot role would your character fill? (hero, anti-hero, sidekick, villain, etc.)
Strange mysterious character that ends up giving you a cryptic, true answer but you don’t realize it until the end
074. What is your character’s favorite game?
Dolls (when young), poker (when older)
075. Is your character ticklish?
Not that anyone knows.
076. How do they express anger?
Violently and vindictively. Wednesday isn’t truly angry often. 
077. How often do they cry? Over what?
Not too often. When she was younger it was because of those awful tales where knights slew the poor defenseless dragons. Nowadays it’s just a nice cathartic cry every now and again. 
078. How emotionally stable is your character?
079. How easy is it for them to read the emotions of others?
080. How easy is it for others to read your character’s emotions?
081. Is your character religious?
082. What are your character’s sleeping preferences?
On her back, perfectly still, under two light blankets with a hard mattress and pillow.  
083. What is the first thing they say and/or do when they wake up?
Yawn, then make the bed.
084. Describe your character in one word.
085. Describe your character in three words.
Child of woe
086. How would your character describe themself in one word?
087. How would your character describe themself in three words?
Wednesday Friday Addams. 
088. Is your character quiet or loud?
Quiet, except when she gets to use fresh dynamite caps. 
089. How vocally expressive is your character?
She says what she thinks.
090. How bodily expressive is your character?
Very, if you know how to look. But it is rather subtle 
091. What type of music does your character like?
Instrumental. Her favorite artist is Lurch, on the harpsichord. 
092. What emotion does your character evoke in others?
Unease, sometimes. Who on earth could know why?
093. What is your character’s goal in life?
To support her family, and someday have her own.
094. Name three things most would not expect your character to be able to know.
The works of  Edgar Allen Poe, Dante Alighieri, and William Shakespeare.
That B-O-O-Z-E spells booze (at six) 
Approximately how many heads were chopped off in the French Revolution.     
095. Name three things most would not expect your character to be able to do.
Advanced mathematics
Be the unintentional cause of several law enforcement officers’ resignations.
096. How do they move and carry themselves? What energy do they project?
With confidence, poise, and grace. Wednesday projects a strange, dark energy, but one that is assured of itself and uncompromising. 
097. How well do they adapt to change?
Fairly easily. Sometimes she’ll become a bit down if it isn’t as gloomy as she’s used to, but she can get it there. 
098. Does your character like animals?
Yes. She has a spider named Homer and a lizard name Lucifer, among others. She adores animals! Though dogs and bunny rabbits are a bit… weird. 
099. Do they talk to inanimate objects?
That depends on what you consider inanimate. In the Addams home, those lines get blurred. 
100. Does your character dream? If so, what do they dream about?
Yes. Usually just about daily life-- playing, going to school, talking to her family, etc.
0 notes
i back. now do if ur self insert an their friends were stuck in an elevator for a while, what would happen + BSD friends, whos the sun and whos the moon in your selfship + fukuzawa, dazai, expresso man n ann, + any aus w dingdornroomba + bsd. let us indulge 030 -🍣
Okay let’s start with part one; the BSD Elevator Nightmare.
So this would involve me, Ryū, Atsushi, Ranpo and Gin. Yeah. So. This is curaed snd we best get out fast XD the only thing I could see happening is Atsushi and Ryū getting into a massive fight, something I can’t really stop because it just. Never ends with them. Gin would likely try and help her older brother, but I’d tell her to stop since it’s pointless and will just end once the elevator starts up again anyways. Then Ranpo, Gin and I would just be eating snacks (IF I can convince him to share… >_>) while watching the whole thing go down. No doubt about it.
Part Two: The ☀️ and the 🌙
-I would say that I am the moon and Yukichi is the sun. He’s the head of the ADA, that watches over the day in Yokohama. He’s always been the sun in that regard, and with us, even if he can be cold and seem aloof I know better- not to mention his smile is just ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎ y’know. THAT kind of perfect. Meanwhile I’ve always felt like the moon.
-Dazai is still the sun to me. Many would say the moon but he’s my sun, without a doubt. He always brings light into my day and puts a smile on my face, so often without even trying. He is my sun that brings light into my life. Meanwhile as the quieter, sometimes called the more ‘serene’ one, I am the moon. Bringing back my own kind of light.
-You are LUCKY that’s our meme and I know you mean Chūya XD I still say sun- it’s trend to seek out my sun, what can I say? But while he’s the more fiery and passionate kind of guy, that warmth in itself always brought that comparison to mind for me. It’s different than the other two, though. He’s a more vibrant, volatile sun. The kind that is always burning at full brightness, and is willing to burn all others but you. Like a star of security.
-Betcha can’t guess… yep you’re right XD Ann is my sun! I can’t lie! Her optimism and cheerful attitude always made her the sun in my sky, and she’s said I’m like the moon to her. We’re so different, but that’s what makes me love her so much. Her smile and cheer overflows into my day, and she’s so sweet and caring, she’s like a warm, but more subtle sun than the others. Always there, always shining, but her light is misunderstood. That’s why she’s a phantom thief, though.
Part Three: Some AUs
-Danganronpa I tend to like doing ‘non-Despair’ or ‘despair-free’ AUs. Basically there was no tradegy, there was no killing games, everyone just makes it through Hope’s Peak- healthy, happy, and as friends. That way I can write everyone there together! So that tends to be my favourite. Although I also do enjoy anything to do with fantasy AUs for DR for some reason. I have no clue why, but me and my DR f/os going on a crazy adventure in what basically ends up as DnD is the best thing. Especially if I can be a princess and get rescued ♥︎ I have a love for that trope, sorry XD
-For BSD it’s always soulmates, mixed with living in separate worlds. Namely soulmates, but I have a particular thing for this one I mixed together. It’s where everyone has a ‘red string’ only they and their soulmate can see, tied to their finger, and is linked to their soulmate. Meanwhile I’m stuck in this world, so our strings lead up into the sky, showing we’re in different universes. Eventually I get dragged into their world and we unite, since I’m the biggest sap in human HISTORY, but it’s interesting to write the different reactions with different f/os from BSD. Dazai always makes me sad when I do, though… :( it always ends up as PAIN but it’s still fun. Honestly someone’s probably done it somewhere (I honestly wouldn’t even be surprised at all if someone had already written this for Dazai in particular, I just haven’t seen it anywhere) but I do love toying around with this idea.
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r0astet0aste-blog · 7 years
001. Real Name: Justin 002. Nickname: Songbird 003. Zodiac Sign: Pisces 004. Gender: Queer 005. Primary School: Boulder Creek Elementary 006. Intermediate School: Southers Hills Intermediate 007. Secondary School: New Vista High School 008. Hair Color: Dirty blond. Sometimes purple 009. Long or Short: I try to keep it short 010. Loud or Quiet: Very quiet around people 011. Sweats or Jeans: Sweats! 012. Phone or Camera: VideoCamera 013. Health Freak?: Not a freak but conscious 014. Drink or Smoke: Drink occasionally 015. Crushing on Someone? ...maybe 016. Political Orientation: Democratic 017. Piercings: None 018. Tattoos: looking to get one eventually HAVE YOU EVER [BEEN IN]: 019. Airplane: yes 020. Car Accident: yep 021. Fist Fight: yep 022. First Piercing: yet to be determined 023. First Best Friend: No idea where she is now 024. First Instrument: drums 025. First Award: best sport. lololol I never win anything for real 026. First Crush: a girl I met online. We still talk sometimes 027. First Language: English 028. First Big Vacation: We went to LA when my grandmother died. Not that great LASTS: 029. Last person you talked to: Talking to my mom on the phone while I fill this out. She says hello. 030. Last person you texted: Lil’ sissy 031. Last person you watched: I just watched people pass by on the street through my window 032. Last food you ate: turkey on rye sandwich 033. Last movie you watched: Rented HHGttG 034. Last song you listened to: Daft Punk, “Get Lucky” 035. Last thing you bought: Instant coffee 036. Last person you hugged: ...I don’t remember... excuse me *immediately goes to find someone to hug* FAVES: 037. Food(s): Fried rice 038. Drinks: Coffee 039. Clothing: I love hoodies! They’re so cozy! And you can hide in them <3 040. Book: I really loved the Percy Jackson Series. 041. Color: purple 042. Flower: violets 043. Music: Panic! at the Disco 044. Movie: Lala land was beautiful! The cinematography made my film nerd heart happy~ 045. Shoes: Converse 046. Subjects: Film production IN THE LAST YEAR I….. 047. [] kissed in the snow 048. [x] celebrated Halloween 049. [x] had my heart broken 050. [] went over the minutes on your cellphone 051. [x] someone questioned your sexual orientation 052. [] came outta the closet 053. [] gotten pregnant 054. [] had an abortion 055. [x] did something you’ve regretted 056. [x] broke a promise 057. [x] kept a secret 058. [x] pretended to be happy 059. [] met someone who changed your life 060. [x] pretended to be sick 061. [] left the country 062. [] tried something you normally wouldn’t like and liked it. 063. [] cried over the silliest thing 064. [x] ran a mile 065. [] went to the beach 066. [x] stayed single CURRENTLY: 067. Eating: rye chips 068. Drinking: water 069. Getting ready to: find something for dinner 070. Listening to: Ultimate Beast Master on Netflx 071. Plans for tomorrow/today: Gonna answer all my drafts and write three more starters 072. Waiting for: end to come (anyone know the song?) YOUR FUTURE: 073. Want kids: Yes. 074. Want to get married: Yes 075. Careers in mind: I want to direct movies or TV 076. Lips or Eyes: Eyes 077. Shorter or Taller: Taller I hope 078. Romantic or Spontaneous: Romantic 079. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms: Arms. You see them more. 080. Sensitive or Loud: Sensitive 081. Hookup or Relationship: Relationship 082. Troublemaker or Hesitant: hesitant HAVE YOU EVER: 083. lost glasses/contacts: oh lord so much 084. ran away from home: nope 085. held a weapon: yep 086. killed somebody: the last person who asked me that is dead now (no just kidding. Of course not!) 087. broken someone’s heart: yes 088. been arrested: almost DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 090. Yourself: For the most part 091. Miracles: I do 092. Love at First Sight: no 093. Heaven: I want to believe in it. 094. Santa Claus: nope 096. Magic: not really. But I do believe there are things that science can’t yet explain
ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: 097. Is there one person you want to be with right now?: no. I’m happily by my self 098. Are you seriously happy where you are with in life right now?: Well I’m not entirely unhappy 099. Do you believe in God?: I do. But in like a spiritual sense and not in relation to any religion 100. How much do you hate me for tagging you in this?: This was fun! Thanks @starsgivemehp
Tagging: Anyone
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nyappyforeverbr · 5 years
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100 Questions&Answers: Yuuki MEMORIAL ARTIST BOOK
In addition to several photos AN CAFE Memorial Artist Book also brought an interview and a special questionnaire of 100 questions with each of the 5 members. Here is the translation of the 100 questions with Yuuki’s 100 answers.
Translate: Japanese>Portuguese by Hiyori Portuguese>English by Shiro 001 How many sushi can you eat? 15 002 Which sushi's ingredient do you like? Breaded shrimp, tuna, corn and salad 003 If you have to eat something until you die, what it would be? Mochi 004 Which kind of lamen do you think has the strongest flavor? Tenkaippin 005 What do you in like in a hot drink? Bergamot Orange by Earl Grey 006 Which mixture do you think most matches rice? Shogayaki 007 What flavor of chewing gum do you like? Blueberry 008 What flavor of candies do you like? Milk-based 009 Soba or udon? Udon NOTE: Soba is a pasta made from buckwheat and udon is made from wheat only 010 Of your whole life, what was the most painful experience you've ever faced? (referring to physical damages) When I fell in the show 011 One part of body that demonstrates more confidence? Nose 012 What do you think about old times? Sloth 013 If you had won 100.000 yen what you would make? (Around 900 dolars) Renovate the furniture of the house 014 And about 100.000.000 yen? (Around 900.000 dolars) I would buy a house for me and my family and put the rest into the savings 015 I know this is kind out of reality, but if you could have a wild animal, which would be? I would be the capybara, they are very cute 016 To Cook, wash clothes, clean the house. Which one do you do better? Cook 017 If you were going for a walk with your girlfriend, where would you go? Hot Springs 018 Where would you spend your last days of life? (If you were an old man where would you want to live?) and why? Somewhere in a countryside, I think because I would have more social contact and I would do an exchange program 019 Is there anyone you consider to be the strongest person in the world? Of course it’s the candies 020 An anime character, manga, etc. that you consider to be the strongest?Deadpool 021 If you could turn into some anime character or something like this, who would you choose? The spiderman 022 First CD you bought? The album of Morning Musume 023 Your preferred winter song? “Yuki no Hana” 024 Your preferred xmas song? Meri Kuri 025 Forgetting that you were part of a band, if you were about to start one, what would it take? And why? A bass, they play fast and I can barely hear 026 And what would be the name you would choose for the band? Sweet Sweet 027 If you went to a desert island and could only take three things, what would it take? 1. Survival Knife2. Solar battery3. Cellphone 028 Do you know how to swim? Yes 029 Something you would never want to happen? Bungee jumping 030 If you were a child, how would you like to be called? At that time I seriously wanted to change this, something like Ramune, I even thought in DQN 031 Do you speak when sleeping? If yes, talk about something already happened to you.For now there is no information to prove this 032 If it was your last day of life, what would you do? I would like to stay with the person I like 033 What was the longest time you could stay awake? I guess it was about 60 hours or less? 034 If you could become someone important in history, who would you be? I don't admire anyone in particular... 035 Do you use a lot of emoticon on LINE? Have you been using LINE lately I’ve been using! The emoticon is Tsukkomi Kuma 036 What's the biggest lie you've ever told? "Hm? This? Afro? Yes Yes! It's my natural hair!" 037 Write the kanji that you think represents 2019 and why? 探 Because I'm looking for my new “me” NOTE: kanji's meaning is: to feel around for; to fumble for; to grope for; to search for; to look for 038 The most expensive thing you bought this year? On Kanon's birthday, I bought him an automatic machine to prepare several types of egg NOTE: If you’re interested in know how this looks like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zk0dfEiiBS8 039 The most convenient thing you bought recently? A cardcover for the Suica card, I bought this year NOTE: Suica (スイカ Suika) is a rechargeable contactless smart card, electronic money used as a fare card on train lines in Japan. 040 A number from 0 to 9 that you like more than others? 04 41 Your longest finger without the middle finger, is it your index finger? Ring finger? Or are they both the same size? Ring finger 042 The word you most speak? “I don’t know, but…” 043 At what time do you think "I'm being bourgeois"? When I prepare a dish and the ingredients are all very expensive 044 If you could have powers, which one would you choose? Power to make barriers 045 If there was a magic word that said things would happen, what would it be? Oh, yes! 046 If you have to choose a follow up for the curry what would it be? Cheese 047 Some kind of punishment game you'd like to avoid? Need jump from somewhere high 048 Do you like of a specific hour? Why? The night. Because I prefer night-time habits 049 How much would you pay for a T-shirt? 2.900 yen (Around 27 dollars) 050 Tell something you would say to you 10 years ago.Are you living!? Are you happy with this!? 051 If it was 50 years ago, what would you be doing? I would be happy... I guess? It would be all right... I guess? 052 How could you imagine yourself 10,000 years ago? I think the language would be completely different... 053 What is the first impression you have of each member of An Cafe? Miku: A handsome guy; Takuya: A reserved stylish dandy; Kanon: Ha? He scares me? He scares me?; Teruki: has a high voice 054 If underwear could have another name, what would you call it? “what you wear underneath” 055 A live that you can not forget? The first live in Shinjuku 056 During those 15 years which member has changed the most? I would not say one in particular. Other than me, if it's just about them, I think their feelings have changed. 057 Do you prefer the traditional breakfast or bread? I don't eat breakfast 058 A teacher you always remember? He was a teacher who was always angry 059 The most fun song in a live? "Darling” and “Hatsumitsu + Lemon = ?” Look like happy songs to me 060 Where do you most like to do a live? Shinjuku Reny 061 A thing you most buy at a convenience store? Jasmine tea 062 If you were not an artist, which career would you choose? A confectioner ... I guess? 063 Which city goes through your head before a live? After I joined An Cafe,, the first city we come back, Kagoshima 064 A stationery item that you like? Ruler 065 An electronic device that you like? Electric oven 066 A person you think is erotic? A friend from high school age 067 What do you think of the vocaloids? Incredible. They are conquering the world, no? 068 A TV show that you like? Ame Talk 069 What's the first live you've been? Precisely in Bou's last live 070 How many pairs of shoes do you have? I think about 3 pairs 071 What is your average time in the bath? 30 minutes, I think 072 A mobile app you liked right away? LINE 073 Do you use a computer for what purpose primarily? I want to use at the same time I use my cell phone 074 What have you found funny lately? Those funny things that happen on TV 075 Who would you most like to meet? My best friends of long time ago 076 When you were a kid, who was your superhero? It was a Power Ranger (I just can't remember which one) 077 The flavor of Umaibo that you like? Mentaiko (Pollock roe) NOTE: Umaibō or "delicious stick" is a small corn cylindrical snack from Japan. 078 An entertaining artist that you like? Tokyo 030 79 First time you did a makeup? After I joined An Cafe 080 Talk a little bit about your first live. I didn't understand very well what I could do and always was standing without doing anything at all (lol) 081 Do you prefer night or day? Night! 082 When you can't sleep what do you do? I watch lives about games 083 Not counting your part in the band, which musical instrument do you like? Guitars, because they're so stylish, no? 084 The oldest memory you have? When I was a kid, I asked them to buy me a gumball machine 085 What color do you like? Black and white 086 What is your favorite mascot? Kanon 087 Where do you usually buy your clothes? GU! 088 Are there any manga or magazines that you buy frequently? One Piece 089 How long you already waited for a person who did not show up? I calculate the exact time of things, so it was about 3 hours and 24 minutes 090 How many times can you do sit-ups? Lately I'm not counting, so I don't know... 091 At this exact moment how much you have in your wallet? When I saw it was 534 yen (Around 5 dolllars) 092 Which Cocoichi curry do you think is the most spicy and the topping? Level 2 and cheese topping NOTE: Cocoichi is a Japanese restaurant franchise specialized in curry 093 Subject at school that you was better? Physical education and music 094 Subject at school that you was worst? Apart from those I’ve mentioned now... 095 What do you do before each live? I get worried about the setlist and keep reminding myself over and over again 096 What is the essential item for a live? Cell phone and recharge batteries for backup 097 Are there any objects that you can not throw away? Things that make me have memories, even just a little bit, I can't throw it away 098 What do you usually buy at McDonald's? French fries! 099 What do you use at bedtime? For over 1 year I have been wearing a jersey shirt 100 Leave a message to Caffekos. Thank you very much for your support! From now on I want us to continue living supporting each other!
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nyappyforeverbr · 5 years
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100 Questions&Answers: Miku MEMORIAL ARTIST BOOK
In addition to several photos AN CAFE Memorial Artist Book also brought an interview and a special questionnaire of 100 questions with each of the 5 members. Here is the translation of the 100 questions with Miku's 100 answers. Translate: Japanese>Portuguese by Hiyori Portuguese>English by Shiro 001 How many sushi can you eat? Around 25
002 Which sushi's ingredient do you like? Thread-sail Filefish (a type of fish)
003 If you have to eat something until you die, what it would be? Sushi
004 Which kind of lamen do you think has the strongest flavor? Tonchan no Tsukemen
005 What do you in like in a hot drink? Chai tea latte of Starbucks
006 Which mixture do you think most matches rice? Mentaiko (Pollock roe)
007 What flavor of chewing gum do you like? Mint
008 What flavor of candies do you like? That ones with flavor of energetic drinks
009 Soba or udon? Soba NOTE: Soba is a pasta made from buckwheat and udon is made from wheat only
010 Of your whole life, what was the most painful experience you've ever faced? (referring to physical damages) When I was in elementary school, I participated in the multi-sport gymnastics and had those gymnastics formation, I fell from above
011 One part of body that demonstrates more confidence? Eyes
012 What do you think about old times? Mice
013 If you had won 100.000 yen what you would make? (Around 900 dolars) I would put in saving
014 And about 100.000.000 yen? (Around 900.000 dolars) I would have fun with friends.
015 I know this is kind out of reality, but if you could have a wild animal, which would be? It would be a gorilla. They look like good companions.
016 To Cook, wash clothes, clean the house. Which one do you do better? Cook
017 If you were going for a walk with your girlfriend, where would you go? The night view is beautiful on the edge of the beach
018 Where would you spend your last days of life? (If you were an old man where would you want to live?) and why? In a countryside. I hate places with too much people
019 Is there anyone you consider to be the strongest person in the world? My mom.
020 An anime character, manga, etc. that you consider to be the strongest? Son Goku of Dragon Ball
021 If you could turn into some anime character or something like this, who would you choose? Toma Kamijo from Toaru Kagaku no Railgun
022 First CD you bought? Koigokoro of Nanase Aikawa
023 Your preferred winter song? You of Kumi Koda
024 Your preferred xmas song? None
025 Forgetting that you were part of a band, if you were about to start one, what would it take? And why? Guitar. I would also play some instrument and some girl (s) in the band
026 And what would be the name you would choose for the band? Dark into the dark
027 If you went to a desert island and could only take three things, what would it take? My puppy, water filter, instant noodles.
028 Do you know how to swim? Yes
029 Something you would never want to happen? To have contact with death
030 If you were a child, how would you like to be called? Seira-chan
031 Do you speak when sleeping? If yes, talk about something already happened to you. It seems I do this frequently. A lot of people already got irritated with this (lol)
032 If it was your last day of life, what would you do? I would enjoy a great meal
033 What was the longest time you could stay awake? 48 hours
034 If you could become someone important in history, who would you be? Toyotomi Hideyoshi
035 Do you use a lot of emoticon on LINE? Have you been using LINE lately? I use a lot of colorful letters
036 What's the biggest lie you've ever told? I never lied like this
037 Write the kanji that you think represents 2019 and why? 成 (turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach)
038 The most expensive thing you bought this year? A house
039 The most convenient thing you bought recently? A light epilator
040 A number from 0 to 9 that you like more than others? 3
041 Your longest finger without the middle finger, is it your index finger? Ring finger? Or are they both the same size? My index finger
042 The word you most speak? Dangerous
043 At what time do you think "I'm being bourgeois"? When I only eat things I like it
044 If you could have powers, which one would you choose? Power to shrink people
045 If there was a magic word that said things would happen, what would it be? I can
046 If you have to choose a follow up for the curry what would it be? Breaded pork
047 Some kind of punishment game you'd like to avoid? Ippatsugyagu (short joke games)
048 Do you like the time zone? Why? I like when it’s 10 o'clock in the morning. The sun in this part of the day gives a feeling of comfort
049 How much would you pay for a T-shirt? Up to 2,000 yen (Around 18 dollars)
050 Tell something you would say to you 10 years ago. Are you going to be prominent?
051 If it was 50 years ago, what would you be doing? Would have a grandson and an amusement park
052 How could you imagine yourself 10,000 years ago? It seems that I would not exist
053 What is the first impression you have of each member of An Cafe? Takuya a chihuahua; Kanon a penguin; Yuki the Usopp (one piece) and Teruki a fox
054 If underwear could have another name, what would you call it? Delicate
055 A live that you can not forget? The birthday live at Tiara Koto
056 During those 15 years which member has changed the most? Takuya
057 Do you prefer the traditional breakfast or bread? Traditional
058 A teacher you always remember? Teacher Takeno
059 The most fun song in a live? Seishun TRAIN
060 Where do you most like to do a live? Takadanobaba AREA
061 A thing you most buy at a convenience store? Black Coffee
062 If you were not an artist, which career would you choose? Artist Businessman
063 Which city goes through your head before a live? Nakasu
064 A stationery item that you like? High-tech mechanical pencil
065 An electronic device that you like? Electric shaver
066 A person you think is erotic? Yuki or Kanon
067 What do you think of the vocaloids? I did not understand the question
068 A TV show that you like? Ariyoshi Hanseikai (TV Show)
069 What's the first live you've been? Of Kagerou band
070 How many pairs of shoes do you have? I think about 20 pairs
071 What is your average time in the bath? 1 hour
072 A mobile app you liked right away? Google Maps
073 Do you use a computer for what purpose primarily? Work
074 What have you found funny lately? The strange faces actors make in essays
075 Who would you most like to meet? My grandfather
076 When you were a kid, who was your superhero? My dad
077 The flavor of Umaibo that you like? Salad flavor Note: Umaibō or "delicious stick" is a small corn cylindrical snack from Japan.
078 An entertaining artist that you like? UN-JASH Oshima
079 First time you did a makeup? When I was in middle school
080 Talk a little bit about your first live. I was very nervous and could not do the MC, so everyone laughed at me, except the members who were angry
081 Do you prefer night or day? Night
082 When you can't sleep what do you do? Drink
083 Not counting your part in the band, which musical instrument do you like? Guitar
084 The oldest memory you have? When I was a child they had just bought me a toy and I soon broke it and my father became very angry
085 What color do you like? White, black and pink
086 What is your favorite mascot? I don't have
087 Where do you usually buy your clothes? Paul Smith and TAKEO KIKUCHI
088 Are there any manga or magazines that you buy frequently? None in particular
089 How long you already waited for a person who did not show up? 1 hour
090 How many times can you do sit-ups? Around 300 times
091 At this exact moment how much you have in your wallet? 300 yen (around 3 dollars)
092 Which Cocoichi curry do you think is the most spicy and the topping? The standard curry with sausage topping Note: Cocoichi is a Japanese restaurant franchise specialized in curry
093 Subject at school that you was better? Mathematics
094 Subject at school that you was worst? Japanese and sociology
095 What do you do before each live? I go to the stage and ask for everything be fine
096 What is the essential item for a live? Hearing protection
097 Are there any objects that you can not throw away? A plush I won
098 What do you usually buy at McDonald's? French fries
099 What do you use at bedtime? When it's not cold just a underwear
100 Leave a message to Caffekos I'm so grateful that we found each other. You are the treasure of my life, I love you all.
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nyappyforeverbr · 5 years
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100 Questions&Answers: Kanon MEMORIAL ARTIST BOOK
In addition to several photos AN CAFE Memorial Artist Book also brought an interview and a special questionnaire of 100 questions with each of the 5 members. Here is the translation of the 100 questions with Kanon’s 100 answers.
Translate: Japanese>Portuguese by Hiyori Portuguese>English by Shiro 001 How many sushi can you eat? I get worried about the price and I never go to my limit !! (this is sad) I'm sure it would get around 1000 easily 002 Which sushi's ingredient do you like? With omelette and dried ginger flakes 003 If you have to eat something until you die, what it would be?CalorieMate NOTE: Is a brand of nutritional energy bar and energy gel foods 004 Which kind of lamen do you think has the strongest flavor? Kara tsukemen by Mita-Seimenjo 005 What do you in like in a hot drink? Corn soup 006 Which mixture do you think most matches rice? Shogayaki 007 What flavor of chewing gum do you like? Grape 008 What flavor of candies do you like? Muscat grape 009 Soba or udon? Udon NOTE: Soba is a pasta made from buckwheat and udon is made from wheat only 010 Of your whole life, what was the most painful experience you've ever faced? (Referring to physical damages) When I fall from the tree 011 One part of body that demonstrates more confidence? Nose 012 What do you think about old times? Cave Cricket 013 If you had won 100.000 yen what you would make? (Around 900 dollars) I would buy a car 014 And about 100.000.000 yen? (Around 900.000 dollars) I would do something like the Mutsugorou Okoku did. NOTE: Masanori Hata is a Japanese zoologist, essayist, and filmmaker. Establish the Mutsugorō Animal Kingdom nature preserve, where he and his family live with over 300 wild and domestic animals. He is the author of over 100 books, including collections of his Mutsugorō essays on nature. In 1986 released the highest-grossing film of the year in Japan, Koneko Monogatari, filmed at the Mutsugorō Animal Kingdom. 015 I know this is kind out of reality, but if you could have a wild animal, which would be? It would be a mini pig. Because cuteness is the justice. 016 To Cook, wash clothes, clean the house. Which one do you do better? If you mean one that requires more of you, then wash clothes 017 If you were going for a walk with your girlfriend, where would you go? We would go to the circus 018 Where would you spend your last days of life? (If you were an old man where would you want to live?) and why? In Okinawa. Because if not, I think I would die of hypothermia 019 Is there anyone you consider to be the strongest person in the world? Yoshikazu Ebisu 020 An anime character, manga, etc. that you consider to be the strongest? Characters of mangas with jokes for students 021 If you could turn into some anime character or something like this, who would you choose? Nobita Nobi 022 First CD you bought? “Kaze ni Asobarete” by Aki Okui 023 Your preferred winter song? “winter fall” by L'Arc~en~Ciel 024 Your preferred xmas song? None in particular 025 Forgetting that you were part of a band, if you were about to start one, what would it take? And why? Guitar. They stand out 026 And what would be the name you would choose for the band? I'm accepting names at the moment 027 If you went to a desert island and could only take three things, what would it take? 1. Hoeing 2. Water filter 3. Potatoes 028 Do you know how to swim? I swim very well 029 Something you would never want to happen? Having to eat my own faeces 030 If you were a child, how would you like to be called? Those names that you need to guess based on writing or pronunciation NOTE: In Japan names are usually written in kanjis, however it’s possible change the reading of an ideogram to pronunciations not so well known, making it difficult to read the name 031 Do you speak when sleeping? If yes, talk about something already happened to you. No 032 If it was your last day of life, what would you do? I would be sleeping 033 What was the longest time you could stay awake? 36 hours 034 If you could become someone important in history, who would you be? Osamu Dazai 035 Do you use a lot of emoticon on LINE? Have you been using LINE lately? I'm not using too much because of my lack of time. However, when i use it's only with family and close friends. 036 What's the biggest lie you've ever told? I don't remember telling such a big lie. 037 Write the kanji that you think represents 2019 and why? 生 because it never dies NOTE: The kanji meaning is life, genuine, birth 038 The most expensive thing you bought this year? Having to pay the repair fee of the rented car 039 The most convenient thing you bought recently? Pocket Wifi 040 A number from 0 to 9 that you like more than others? 7 041 Your longest finger without the middle finger, is it your index finger? Ring finger? Or are they both the same size? More or less the same size 042 The word you most speak? “What?” 043 At what time do you think "I'm being bourgeois"? In metropolitan hotels 044 If you could have powers, which one would you choose? Power to stop time 045 If there was a magic word that said things would happen, what would it be? "Indeed" 046 If you have to choose a follow up for the curry what would it be? Pork 047 Some kind of punishment game you'd like to avoid? Eat stinky things 048 Do you like of a specific hour? Why? Around 18:00. If you just woke up at this time there's still a lot of things that you can do. 049 How much would you pay for a T-shirt? 3.000 yen (Around 28 dollars) 050 Tell something you would say to you 10 years ago. Congratulations 051 If it was 50 years ago, what would you be doing? I already would have incarnated 052 How could you imagine yourself 10,000 years ago? I would not exist 053 What is the first impression you have of each member of An Cafe? Miku: nervous, shy; Takuya: miss contest; Yuuki: "I don’t remember"; Teruki: Wear cool clothes. 054 If underwear could have another name, what would you call it? Panchu NOTE: "underwear" in japanese is "pantsu." Kanon only changed the "tsu" to "chu" which is also used in a much more informal language. 055 A live that you can not forget? At Budokan 056 During those 15 years which member has changed the most? Miku 057 Do you prefer the traditional breakfast or bread? I usually prefer bread058 A teacher you always remember?Tokoyoda Sensei 059 The most fun song in a live? “Laugh Song” 060 Where do you most like to do a live? Hibiya Open Air Concert Hall 061 A thing you most buy at a convenience store? Cigarette 062 If you were not an artist, which career would you choose? Japan Self-Defense Force, Tokyo Electric Power Company, (Stockist) in Sano, the agriculture company, CD seller, police officer, chief of a Buddhist temple, novelist writer, screenwriter, employee of a small candy store or some net cafe 063 Which city goes through your head before a live? Yamaguchi 064 A stationery item that you like? Those set-square that have a hole in the middle 065 An electronic device that you like? Lighting Fixtures 066 A person you think is erotic? Dean Fujioka. It seems that when they showed him, I was enveloped by some kind of sensation 067 What do you think of the vocaloids? I am very grateful to all the people involved in this 068 A TV show that you like? Goddotan and Yushaaaa 069 What's the first live you've been? Namie Amuro Chiba Marin Estadium 070 How many pairs of shoes do you have? I think about 10 pairs 071 What is your average time in the bath? 30 minutes 072 A mobile app you liked right away? Clipbox 073 Do you use a computer for what purpose primarily? Compose music 074 What have you found funny lately? A TV show where the artist of the show "Desu yo" says his climax phrase and Jiro Hachimitsu said that it is fun when people do it without caring about how they seemed ridiculous, the result at the end of the program, really was fun 075 Who would you most like to meet? None in particular 076 When you were a kid, who was your superhero? Kamen Rider BLACK 077 The flavor of Umaibo that you like? Takoyaki Note: Umaibō or "delicious stick" is a small corn cylindrical snack from Japan. 078 An entertaining artist that you like? Banana man, Ogoyahagi, Gekidan Hitori, Matsumoto Club, Aruko & Piece, Asozan Daifunka,Ucchannanchan 079 First time you did a makeup? First year of high school 080 Talk a little bit about your first live. As I had gone after (my work of) hand out letters on the evening, I didn’t participate of the rehearsal 081 Do you prefer night or day? Night 082 When you can't sleep what do you do? I don’t sleep 083 Not counting your part in the band, which musical instrument do you like? Guitar 084 The oldest memory you have? Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony 085 What color do you like? Blue 086 What is your favorite mascot? Funnashii and Nekkoro 087 Where do you usually buy your clothes? I don't have any in particular 088 Are there any manga or magazines that you buy frequently? Weekly Shonen Jump Magazine, Young Magazine and Big Comic Spirits 089 How long you already waited for a person who did not show up? 5, 6 hours 090 How many times can you do sit-ups? 50 to 100 times 091 At this exact moment how much you have in your wallet? 460 yen (around 5 dollars) 092 Which Cocoichi curry do you think is the most spicy and the topping? Level 0 is already spicy; pork topping Note: Cocoichi is a Japanese restaurant franchise specialized in curry 093 Subject at school that you was better? Japanese 094 Subject at school that you was worst? Math 095 What do you do before each live? I enjoy some candy 096 What is the essential item for a live? Cigarette 097 Are there any objects that you can not throw away? Protective Amulet 098 What do you usually buy at McDonald's? Double cheeseburger patties big size (is a limited edition available only in the evening) 099 What do you use at bedtime? T-shirts and jersey pants 100 Leave a message to Caffekos. It was great we met each other
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