#...todd? tom?? the one with no eyes
doodlboy · 1 year
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missglaskin · 1 month
“You’re such a perv!” 
Aka DC Superheroes as pervs; Dick, Jason, Tim, Roy, Wally
Please don't put a community label on this (it will only shadow ban it)
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Surely your friend and confidant is not some peeping tom right?!
Warnings/tags; SMUT, female reader, vigilante!reader, Perv shenanigans, panty stealing, masturbation, dirty thoughts, corruption kink, invasion of privacy
Dick Grayson has always been your closest friend; he's the leader, the guy that everyone either wants to be like or wants him for themselves. But the boy wonder had his eyes on you, his oblivious friend. He has always been there, aiding you in missions; always saving the day, or praising you for a job well done. So how could you ever possibly know of his intense desire just for you. Dick knows his actions are downright disgusting, that small voice inside his head filling him with guilt, but his desire is just stronger. 
Missions with you are the worst. Watching you be so confident and just kick ass has him feeling all sorts of ways. Trying to turn away from your line of sight so you won't see his hard-on, his cock rubbing uncomfortably against his suit. Dick will use any excuse to get away, jerking off on the side of a rooftop, a hand against a wall and another stroking his cock, while he imagines it was your hand instead, and that alone pushes him over the edge. 
He'll find a way to make you want him too, Dick knows you're not immune to his charms. Will it be too obvious that when he goes for a hug, it's a little too tight. Is it when he places a hand on your waist pretending to keep you in place, daring his fingers to go further down. Will you push away the hands that place themselves on your thighs to pretend he's comforting you. You won't. Just as you refuse to shove away the fingers that inch closer and closer between your legs. Is it really so bad if you want him too.
Jason Todd knows he's a sick fuck. What kind of friend is he to even think of such things. But they are just thoughts, right? As long as he doesn't do anything creepy that is. Surely anyone dreams of fucking their best friend-that is, imagining your lips wrapped around his dick while he fists your hair, forcing you to take all of him. The guilt returns when your voice reaches him, asking him if he heard you, interrupting his brief moment of fantasy. He's relieved that the mask doesn't allow you to see how intensely he's staring at you.
It becomes a line he knows he crossed. When Jason found himself staring at your apartment window - he didn't intend to, he was just patrolling and happened to come across your apartment. Knowing you were safe and well should have been his reason to leave, until you started undressing. Seeing your tits exposed made the blood rush to his cock and when you bent slightly to remove your panties, Jason was sure he could have come right on the spot. 
You went to take a shower as Jason entered your apartment. Surely you must know to keep your window locked. Finding himself creeping toward the bathroom as if you were beckoning him in, instead, he stopped and stood over the disregarded clothes; reaching for the panties. Jason would have beaten anyone to a bloody pulp if they had done that, but it was his own reflection staring at him. He is a sick fuck, he thinks as his finger brushes over the damp spot and how he shoves it into his pockets. He's not sure if he should return your panties later, given that he eagerly rubbed his cock with it, leaving it cum stained.
Tim Drake is a wolf in sheep's clothing; he is the one person you never suspect of thinking such perverted thoughts. Tim is aware he can never justify the things he's doing. He just tells himself that he merely lacks the courage to approach you, not that it's a good reason, but it's enough for him to maintain that tiny sliver of morality. There are moments when he wishes he could just concentrate on his patrolling to keep you off his mind, but you are always there, at the back of his mind. 
Tim realizes he just can't get off without thinking about you. Tim tries watching some porn, but he keeps imagining your face instead of the actress, and he hates how it helped him reach his orgasm. Or in the mornings, when his boner is becoming too much of an issue and he's in the shower trying to rid of it. His thoughts wander to picturing you in front of him, bare and wet, with your back against the glass walls and you moaning his name. 
If there was ever a time that Tim was made known that he was really sick was that day. Him laying in bed stroking his cock and seeing the phone ringing in the corner. It's you. He ought to have just let it ring or decline, but Tim didn't know what possessed him to answer the call. Your voice is heard as he bites his lip to not let his whimpers be heard, tasting copper on his tongue. Tim moves the phone further away when he reaches his high, cum covering his hands and stomach as he continues the conversation, hoping you don't hear his ragged breath.
Roy Harper was the one person you could always confide in. He had a way of cheering you up, your tears dried as your laugh echoed throughout the room. How you consider him to be your closest friend and best partner in crime as you speak to him, while Roy thinks of how the low cut of your shirt gives him a good view of your tits from an angle. When you call his name to get his attention, Roy gives you that smile of his as he uses an excuse to use the restroom. 
Roy loves taking pictures of you. You knew Roy had them, just never imagined he would have them in his sights while he jerked off. Pictures of you with a skirt had Roy fantasize about wearing em while he's railing you from behind. Your face pressed against the pillow while you bubble nonsense, too drunk on his cock. Pictures of you looking up, had him fantasizing of you staring at him with those eyes of yours as you use your mouth, bobbing up and down on his dick.
Unaware too Roy had 'private' photos, all thanks to a few hacking tricks. Roy was occasionally tempted to send you a nude photo of himself, see how you react, and cover it up by saying it was a 'mistake'. Would you perhaps return one or get jealous wondering who it was intended for. Roy gets up, cleaning himself as he’s planning to you meet you later that day. He eyes the slightly crooked tile above his ceiling, storing all the belongings he's taken from his visits to your place. Roy thinks when the two of you are official, he should hide it in a better place.
Wally West had plenty of opportunities to hint at his feelings toward you. He liked making flirtatious comments, complaining when he wasn't paired with you during missions, and placing an arm over your shoulders. But you just assume it's Wally's typical self, not noticing his hurt look when you claimed to be "just friends". Then again you never noticed his hurried departure and quick return, where he avoided making eye contact at all costs.
Wally feels the guilt the most. He could have just confessed to you like a normal person. Guilt consumes him when he sees your gullible smile, unaware of the horrible things he did behind your back. It's not his fault really; he was invited to your place and was simply looking around until he found a certain drawer. Wally reassures himself it's not that bad if he only takes one. But it gets to a point where you're complaining to Wally about how your clothes disappear (not telling him which kind).
A point comes where Wally reaches his breaking point. The sneaky pictures, lying on your bed when you weren't around, face in the pillows to inhale your scent could do so little. As he stares at you speaking, Wally makes a move expecting to be rejected, but you kiss him back. He was in heaven, the dreams he had in every waking point coming true. He was where he wanted you to be, on top with you full of his cock, your eyes nearly blacked out as he slams his hips repeatedly into yours. Can you blame him for moving too fast when he has been holding back for so long. 
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sanguineterrain · 20 days
your most recent jason fic has me in a bit of a chokehold and its bc you do so well with the dialogue and the banter!!
HONEYLOVE???#?*×& i need to be physically restrained (i appreciate your fics respectfully)
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anyways, the fic has me thinking: imagine it's the same reader, but they know Jason's alive and they're back to being friends again (skipping over the drama of "YOU'RE ALIVE?!?" "yea lmao sorry ily tho") but there's this tension now. and since Jason's not working with a mask anymore (and he's slightly more vulnerable with r), it's him who gets flustered and it's r who does the flirting playful banter. maybe it ends with a kiss (˘ ³˘) ?
i'm such a sucker for a flustered Jason and there's something that tells me he gets really weak in the knees for someone he adores >:) anyways, you can always choose to write this or not but a very big, fat thank you if you do
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the reaction pics are SO FUNNY i'm glad you enjoy this au <3
jason todd x gn!nocturne!reader. pt 3 of vigilante reader. this is basically reader just being feral over jason :> they speak for all of us, really. love confessions, tension, somewhat flustered jason, more sparring lols.
pt 1 / pt 2
Jason Todd is alive. Jason Todd is sitting two feet away, talking about a case.
You can't quite believe it. You went home two days ago and expected to wake up to the whole thing being a dream or the result of a Poison Ivy hallucinogen.
You can't stop staring at him. It's weird. You're being weird. But you can't help it.
Every time you see Jason, you want to look at him for as long as possible. You don't want to forget his face. This new face. Scarred and hardened, but still good. Still loved.
And, well. It's not like Jason's bad looking. Sure, you thought he was cute when you were teenagers. Resurrection makes the heart grow fonder, et cetera.
But now? Now, Jason makes your heart stupid. You can barely contain your desire. It's been two weeks since he revealed himself, and every time you see him, you have to dig your nails into your palms to keep yourself from showing him what he does to you.
Sometimes you think he sees right through you, but if he does, he never acts on it.
"—listening. Yo. Ground control to Major Tom. Are you with me?"
Jason waves a hand in front of you. You blink.
He's unmasked and in a Fleetwood Mac t-shirt and dark jeans—the most comfortable you've seen him, actually. His hair is still wet from his shower.
"Sorry," you say, suddenly zeroed in on the three droplets of water sliding down his neck. "I'm listening. Just looking at you."
"'Cause I'm so pretty?" Jason asks, batting his lashes.
You reach over without thinking. He freezes when you wipe the water off of his neck. Then you tuck a curl behind his ear.
"You should let me blow-dry your hair," you say, taking your time in dropping your hand. "It'll take ages to dry in this humidity."
Jason's eyes have gone wide. Pink splotches bloom on the apples of his cheeks.
"Uh." He swallows. You watch his throat bob. "Thanks. Maybe... next time."
"I'll steal Dick's. He's got the fancy sixteen setting one."
That makes Jason smile. "Hm. Some things never change."
His eyes crinkle at the corners. Fondness swells swiftly in your chest.
You stay like that for a moment, caught in each other's orbit.
Jason breaks it first, leaning away. "Right. You should probably get back to the Manor. Br–the others'll probably think I kidnapped ya."
You shrug. "I quit."
"Bruce was getting on my last nerve. I can't work with someone like that."
Jason snorts. "Join the club. Look, I can't say I'm not thrilled that you're stickin' it to the old man. But if this is 'cause of me... I wouldn't be mad if you kept workin' with him. Honest. If that's what you wanna do, don't let me stop you."
"Jason." You rest your hand atop his. "I joined this life because of you. To honor you. You taught me how to help people, not Bruce. You taught me what it meant to be kind, to be a part of something bigger than myself."
To love, you don't say.
"I..." He shakes his head. "You became Nocturne for me?"
You close your eyes, then open them. You've cried so many times. You don't want to stay in your grief any longer. Not when he's right in front of you.
"When you died, I..." You take a deep breath. "Nocturne was something to ground me. I think Bruce recognized that. I think he knew how much you meant to me. He didn't have to take a chance on me, and I appreciate that he did. But I've realized that he doesn't know everything. Can't see what's right in front of him sometimes."
You squeeze Jason's wrist. He sighs.
"God, I'm sorry," he says.
"What're you sorry for, Jay? You came back. That's all I ever wanted."
Jason chews his cheek for a moment. Then he stands, chair scraping the floor.
"C'mon," he says.
You follow him to the living room. He moves the armchair, the couch, and rolls up the rug. He disappears down the hall and returns with two thick mats. He tosses them onto the floor.
"Uh..." you say. "What're you—"
"'M gonna show you what y'did wrong that night on the roof."
"Wow. Can't believe you're still single. Being reminded of my shitty combat skills gets me so hot."
Jason rolls his eyes. "Alright, smartass. Just 'cause you quit the Bats doesn't mean you won't go out there and keep helping people. I know you. The least I can do is pick up where Dickface left off in your training."
"The least you can do, huh? I think you just wanna pin me against the floor again," you say, smirking.
He clears his throat. "That—no."
"No?" You step closer and look at him through your lashes. You're so close, you're touching his chest. "What happened to tying me up 'cause I was out when I shouldn't have been? Isn't that another educational technique?"
Jason's throat bobs. "That wasn't—I was just saying things."
"Hm. That's too bad."
You skip right past him, onto the mat, and hold out your arms.
"Okay. Put the moves on me, J.P."
It takes Jason a moment to craft his usual poker face. When he does, he groans. "'M not an evil Gilded Age financier. Still don't like 'J.P.'"
"But you like me-ee," you sing-song.
He shrugs. "Sometimes. Until you give me a heart attack and run into a burning building."
"Wish I could've seen your face for that one," you say as you steel your shoulders and secure your feet.
"Better you didn't. I'm sure there was a vein or two popping outta my forehead." Jason cracks his neck. "Ready?"
"Lay it on me, big guy."
"You first. Attack me like you normally would."
So you do. You step forward and throw a punch similar to the one from your rooftop spar. Jason catches it, of course. But this time, he locks you in a hold. One leg is between yours, and your arms are twisted behind your back with one hand. Humiliating.
"Dude!" You wiggle. Jason doesn't yield. "Jay, come on. No petty criminal is gonna know how to do all that."
"I know. The point of this is for you to know how to use someone's size against them."
Jason presses his cheek against yours. You tamp down your shiver. You can hear his heartbeat.
"Take a breath," he murmurs.
You close your eyes and breathe. Jason's grip doesn't hurt, but you're frustrated by how predictable you are. How he knows your body. A part of you is missing in not knowing him the way he knows you.
"Alright," he says. "Think. What part of me is exposed?"
"Not the important parts, I hope."
You can feel his eyeroll.
"You're hilarious. C'mon, focus. What can you attack?"
"Um... your legs. You trapped my arms, but my and your legs are free."
"Good." The praise warms you. Being this close to Jason will never get old. "What else?"
"What else? Do you have a tail I don't know about?"
"Sucha wiseass," he says, mouth close to your ear. "Your head. You're still able to move your head, and you're close to my face."
"Yeah, I'm not headbutting you. Out of the kindness of my heart."
"I appreciate that, sweets. Sweep my leg."
So you do. Jason goes down easier than he normally would for your benefit.
"'Kay," he says, once again underneath you. Now you have his hands pinned. "Good. Remember what went wrong last time?"
"You bucked me off like a Clydesdale."
He smiles. "Yeah, okay. So what'll you do different?"
"I'm not in my suit," you say. "I don't have extra weight in my boots."
"No, but you don't need it if you keep my legs apart."
"So that was your plan all along, huh? Perv."
Jason coughs. "Ah-hum... I—c'mon, lock my legs."
You grin and spread Jason's legs, using your knees to keep him immobile.
And then you just stare. This time, it's not because you're thinking about the miracle of resurrection (though what a miracle it is). No, you're just thinking, once again, about how your best friend got really, stupidly pretty.
And how you really, stupidly wanna kiss him.
Jason still looks young, but his jaw is now defined. He's got a five o'clock shadow coming on. His lips are full and pink. Freckles dot his cheeks and nose. The nose that still has a bump from when he broke it during a fight with Riddler.
You remember how he played it off for weeks. Bruce said that didn't even cry. But when you asked if it hurt, Jason had said yes.
You wonder when the last time Jason cried was. You wonder how much pain he's suffered since.
You wonder if he knows he's got your heart in the palm of his hand.
"Hey," Jason says. His voice is soft. Shy. "I lose ya again?"
You shake your head. "No. Never."
"There somethin' on my face?"
"You're a lot to look at," you say. "Pretty, pretty boy."
That gets an undeniable reaction. Jason Todd has never been able to take a compliment. You've been exploiting that all day.
Perhaps you know him better than you thought.
He exhales sharply, like you've sucker-punched him. His eyes dart to you. Waiting.
"Your eyes are green," you say. "Like, mixed. Blue and green."
Jason nods. "I—yeah. The Pit. Changed 'em. Changed me."
You lean in. His gaze flicks to your mouth. You watch his Adam's apple bob in a hard swallow.
"They're still pretty," you say. "Always had pretty eyes, Jaybird."
"Heh, right. Even with this shit?" He points to the scar that crosses over his right eye, stopping at his lip.
You let go of his wrists—not that you were holding them that tightly anyway. If this were a real fight, you would've lost ten times over already. Considering how much of you is touching Jason, you happen to be winning hard.
You trace the puckered white flesh with your thumb. Jason flinches but doesn't pull away.
"Your face could never turn me away," you say. "Never."
He closes his eyes and shudders. "Y'too nice to me. Always so nice t'me. Even when we were fighting. Why're ya so good?"
Your lips are a hair from his now. "I don't know how to make it more obvious, Jaybird. I'm absolutely insane about you."
Jason's eyes fly open. He sees your mouth and his breathing increases. You smile.
"Yeah, want you bad. No place I wouldn't follow you. Do anything for you."
Jason makes a strangled noise in his throat. You grin.
"C'mon, big guy. I'm right here. Come have me, Jay. I'm yours."
Jason soars up and kisses you. Swallows you, really. His hands hold your waist for dear life. You wrap one leg around his.
You nip his lip. Jason whines softly. Delicious.
You grab his face, fingers tangling in his curls. Jason sits up, slotting you against him. One hand supports you on your back, the other on your side.
"God—" He breaks away, just barely. "You're way too good for me. Had sucha... sucha crush on ya when we were kids. Y'so sweet."
You blindly find his throat and bite, hard enough to leave a mark. Jason makes a guh sound. You lick the bite to soothe it.
"Missed you," you say into his skin. "Missed you so goddamn bad, Jason."
"Yeah. Yeah, yeah," he babbles, clinging to you as you kiss up his neck. "Yeah, missed you too."
"Not letting you go," you say, almost snarling. You're angry with want, angry at the world for keeping this from you for so many years. "It's you and me now, Jay, mkay? Gonna be mine?"
"Always been yours," he says, panting. Jason finds your lips again. The kiss is messy, uncoordinated. Full of love. "No one but you."
You haven't fallen behind. You're starting anew.
"Never been anybody but you."
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just-jordie-things · 1 year
PLSS DO prompt 3 and 26 with Megumi 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
my favs yes. yes. yes. also threw in 53 :3 3: Drunk/Sloppy Kiss 26: Jealous Kiss 53: Against A Wall Kiss
**aged up characters!!** ___
megumi didn't get jealous, to make one thing perfectly clear. it was a silly insecurity that he had no business to feel. especially seeing as you weren't his to be jealous of. you were your own person, you could talk to, flirt with, hang out with whoever you so pleased.
what was he supposed to do? walk over to where you were talking to one of yuuji's friends, tell you that you weren't allowed to talk to him, and whisk you off to ensure that for the rest of the night, your attention would be on him and only him? that was pathetic. no, worse, that was toxic.
but from his spot on the couch, he could see clearly through the crowd of people at this lame house party that you actually seemed... happy. whoever this guy was, you seemed to be enjoying yourself. smiling, laughing, leaning in close to hear what he had to say when the music got a little too loud. he took a swig of his drink, barely even wincing as the bitter liquid went down. he wasn't normally a drinker, he usually only came to these things because you asked him too.
(yuuji and nobara did too, but it was only when you'd latch onto his arm and tell him how much fun he'd have. you'd give him your best pouting face and it was actually quite terrible but he was so amused by it and so enamored by you that he'd give into anything you asked)
and now here he was, with a nearly passed out yuuji on the sofa behind him, nobara was off dancing with a bunch of strangers, and you were chatting with this... guy.
"hey," megumi gently prodded the side of yuuji's head until the boy's eyes fluttered, displaying at least a little consciousness. "who's that guy?"
"heh?" yuuji squinted one eye open, keeping the other closed for some semblance of darkness to sleep through.
the party was in full swing, with flashing colors from the led strips all around the house, the music blasting was heavy in bass, and anyone talking had to holler to hear one another. and yet, yuuji cursed megumi for disturbing his rest.
"that guy," megumi repeats, nodding his head to where you were. "who is that?"
"talking to (y/n/n)?" yuuji rubbed the back of his head as he tried to focus his vision on you. "woah, she likes him, huh?" he let out a whistle as he watched the way your body language said more than he needed to know.
megumi's teeth grit as he glared back at his friend.
"that's todd. or tom. might be tom. thomas sounds right," yuuji struggled to put a name to the guy's face, and shrugs his shoulders. "think we had a couple classes together. don't remember him much. think he was nice though"
"you think he was nice?" megumi's brows furrow in displeasure. he casts another glance towards you.
this time, you catch his gaze, and you send him a beam as your eyes meet, but the moment is short lived, as you're turning back to todd or tom.
"i dunno," yuuji yawned, stretching his arms about his head as he settled back into the couch cushion. "(y/n/n's) fine though. so if you're so jealous, you should probably just do something about it"
" 's not like that" megumi mumbles, deciding to turn around and face forward on the sofa so he didn't have to watch you flirt and be flirted with any longer.
"i think it's kinda like that" yuuji's head rolls to it's side so he can give his friend a look.
megumi frowns, but doesn't say anything else on the matter. he'd like to go home now, but he can't ditch any of you. so he figures it's a night of pouting on this couch with only alcohol to soothe him.
yuuji's head falls to his shoulder, and his soft snoring is audible.
alcohol and yuuji, he corrects himself mentally.
before he can get too lost in his bitter thoughts, a pair of hands plant themselves on his shoulders from behind, and he tilts his head back to see none other than you leaning over the back of the couch, grinning down at him.
"want me to save you?" you tease, eyes flickering over to the sleeping yuuji.
megumi smiles at how you even look pretty when he's looking at you upside down.
"please" he replies, and you sound the couch, only to gab him by the arm and insist he follow you.
"good, cause i missed you. i wondered where you went" you told him as he carefully got up in the hopes of not waking up your sleeping friend. you both chuckle as yuuji seemingly has no issue staying asleep.
you have a drink in one hand and the other is wrapped around megumi's elbow in order to keep him close while you guide him through the crowded house.
"what was this party for again?" megumi asks, tossing his empty cup into a trash as you walked past. there were countless cups among the mess of the floors already, but he just couldn't bring himself to abandon his trash like that, even if he was intoxicated.
"i think it was someone's birthday," you ponder as you pull him into the kitchen so you can both make a fresh drink. "originally, anyways," you continue as you shovel ice into two cups. "but word got around it was at a big house, someone said they could get booze, and now here we are"
you loosely gesture to the crowded, trashed space around you. talk about crashing a party, megumi thinks. he can smell the tobacco and pot in the air, and judging by all the trash on the ground, whosever birthday it was, would surely have one hell of a morning tomorrow.
when he looks back at you, you hand him one of the cups with a sweet smile, before taking the other for yourself.
"are you having a good time?" you ask, leaning your back into the counter as you take a tentative sip of your drink. it might've been a little stronger than your last, but you could use some liquid courage.
"yeah, one friend passed out on me and the others ditched me to go find hookups" megumi replied honestly.
you gape at him in mock offense.
"i did not go looking for a hookup!" you argue, smacking your free hand against his chest. "what made you think that?"
"i dunno, probably that guy you were flirting with" he replies. he's smirking at you partially because a blush is starting to bloom across your cheeks, but his lip twitches with some other emotion you don't recognize on him.
"ted?" you laugh, and megumi's brow furrows.
"so you admit to flirting with him?" he asks, raising his cup to take a long drink.
"i admit to no such thing!" you laugh at him while you shake your head. "i was friends with his sister in grade school, he was telling me about how she's studying abroad in france right now," you explain, before raising a brow at him. "not that i owe you an explanation," you add, leaning in closer to him and tilting your head. "but if you're so jealous you must know, that is all we talked about"
"tch," the alcohol in his system was strong enough that it gave him the confidence to hold your stare. "so he was flirting with you then?"
you pause for a moment, unsure of what to tell him. truthfully? yeah, ted tried to lay some lines on you. did you respond to it? no, but he wasn't a creep, and you didn't really care.
"maybe" you shrug a shoulder, your eyes locked on his, trying to read the odd expression he wore.
megumi had never shown any signs of jealousy. he'd never said anything to you to make you think it would bother him if you were flirting with anyone. and you did find it a little funny, because he was so irritated and reserved all the time that you didn't think he could feel pesky things like jealousy.
but on the other hand... it excited you.
megumi was clearly annoyed that you were giving your attention to that guy, and whatever his reasoning was, it had your heart racing with anticipation to figure it out.
"but it's a party," you speak again. "a lot of people come here just to flirt and find a hookup"
"that so?" megumi raises a brow at you.
so with a puff of your chest and a bright smile, you nod back at him.
"it is," you confirm. "in fact i think i'll go chat with him some more" you declare, and megumi rolls his eyes, calling your bluff.
but sure enough you're heading off towards ted again, a saunter in your hips and a gleam in your eye as you approach him. megumi stands in the kitchen, his hand tense around his drink, keeping a watchful glare on the two of you.
he can't hear what's being said, but he can read body language pretty well. so once you're giggling and laying your hand on ted's arm, he's decided he's had enough of the little charade.
next thing he knows he's throwing back the rest of his drink and stalking over to the both of you.
upon his approach you give him a pretty smile, but ted completely pales as he watches the taller, angry looking boy come to stand behind you, his hand wrapping around your hip and pulling you into him in one fluid motion.
"megumi!" you cheer as though you hadn't seen him all night. your eyes hadn't left him since he'd approached you, but he didn't notice. his eyes were too focused on ted.
he bore no expression, but somehow it was worse than a nasty glare. ted winced at your new company.
"megumi, this is ted," you introduce, pretending to ignore the awkward tension that had just been created. "ted, megumi" you finish, gesturing between them.
"uh, hi-" ted sticks his hand out in an attempt to be polite, or maybe just to diffuse the tension, but megumi's pulling you away without a word, leaving the man standing alone with his hand still outstretched.
his stride is fast as he practically drags you alongside him. you're not sure where he's taking you, but you don't protest in the slightest as you follow along.
"well i thought he was nice" you remark, a coy smile curling on your lips.
"you're being ridiculous," megumi mutters, finally stopping you both in a hallway that wasn't as crowded as the rest of the house, so you could at least hear each other speak. "is that why you wanted me to come? so you could walk around and- and-"
"make you jealous?"
you lean back against the wall, folding your hands behind your back as you grin up at him.
"i'm not jealous" megumi rolls his eyes.
"you dragged me off like you were jealous" you shrug nonchalantly.
"well i wasn't"
"and if he gave me his number?" you tested, tilting your head at him challengingly. "would you still not be jealous?"
"he didn't" megumi replies as casually as he could.
"but if he had?" you ask, leaning on the tips of your toes to be closer to him, just to make your point. you watch as his eyes flicker between your own, then down to your lips, then back to your eyes.
he turns to look away, but just to his luck, there's ted, standing just across the room, and his eyes are perfectly glued to you. that is, until they see megumi's caught him red handed, and suddenly he's interested in the floorboards.
megumi scoffs, shaking his head, before looking back down to you.
you're still trying to be a tease, and he's about had enough of this whole party.
his hands are firm as he places them against the wall on either side of your head, leaning over you and caging you in quickly, just to make his point.
your eyes are wide now as you watch him, curious to see what he'd do next, your heart racing in your chest.
"he's still watching you," he mutters, lowly, and with more bitterness than you've ever heard him speak with before. your brows crinkle, starting to feel just a little bad for upsetting megumi this much.
you thought it'd be fun to mess with him just a little, maybe in the hopes of getting him to flirt with you a little bit, but you'd never imagined he'd react like this.
"you're here with me, and he's still got his eyes on you"
you offer him a small smile at his words, and then you're reaching out to him, your arms hanging loosely over his shoulders, before you bring your hands into his hair. your movements are slow as you begin to curl an unruly strand of hair around your fingers.
you draw closer to him, so close your nose almost collides with his, and your breathing is a little shaky against his lips before you speak.
"and i'm here with you" you repeat his words back to him softly.
megumi's eyes flicker between yours wildly, as this was completely new territory for the two of you. in a huff, he turns his head to see if your shadow is still lingering across the room, but you're quick to take hold of his chin between your thumb and forefinger, turning his attention back to you.
he licks his lips nervously.
once you're the center of his focus again, a small smile lifts on your lips, before you're tilting forward and capturing his lips in a soft kiss.
it's quick, over just as soon as it began, but it leaves him bewildered, wide eyed as you pull away and stand flat again. only a second passes before he's seizing forward to kiss you again, his hands coming off the wall to hold the back of your head, fingers tangling into your hair as your lips meet his passionately, and a bit drunkenly.
you forget your surroundings completely as you pull him against you until your back is against the wall and he's completely pressed into you. still, you continue to tug and pull him closer as your lips map each other out sloppily. you're panting in between them, both of your hands flying about, wanting to touch and grab at every part of each other you could reach.
had you been sober, you would have been so embarrassed by this public display, but the thought doesn't even cross your mind. in fact, you hum in utter delight as megumi eventually wraps his hands under your thighs, and lifts you against the wall so that you were at an even height with him, making it easier to kiss you. ithe house may have been stuffy, but his body is hot against yours in a way you enjoy just a little too much.
"i didn't know you got so jealous," you sigh out while megumi unashamedly begins to kiss down the column of your throat. "we should-" you're cut off by your own lack of your breath as his mouth works delicately over the full explains of your throat. "we should go to parties more often"
"absolutely fucking not" megumi mutters into your skin, but he seems to relax again as you comb your hands into his hair, tilting his head back and admiring how swollen his lips look.
you smile at him lazily before you're drawn together like a magnet and your lips are crashing together again. your hands are moving so wildly through his hair it's somehow more messed up than normal, and you both delight in the feeling.
"oh shit," a familiar voice snaps you both out of your lust-blinded haze, and you release megumi's bottom lip from your teeth with an audible pop! as you both turn to see nobara standing (well, staggering) before you.
she let's out a giggle of amusement, her eyes crinkling and her grin drunken.
"i didn't know you guys were together?" her words are slurred, but she doesn't seem all that shocked, or weirded out to catch her friends furiously making out with each other.
"uh... surprise?" you say weakly, adjusting one of your legs around megumi's hip to get more comfortable.
nobara nods, and gives you wobbly thumbs up.
"yuuji's asleep on the lawn," she tells you the reason she'd come looking for you both. "i'm gettin' us water and snacks for the walk back. meet out there in ten?"
"uh," megumi blinks rapidly to try and clear his mind enough to understand the new information and plan. "yeah, yeah that's fine"
"a'ight, see you out there lovebirds" nobara clicks her tongue and then disappears in search of the sustenance.
you and megumi turn back to each other, frozen for a moment before breaking out into grins and laughter.
"so, ten more minutes?" you suggest.
his grip under your legs tightens as your lips meet again, this time even more hurried than the last, since you had a passed out friend to carry home soon. ___
xoxo ~ jordie
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igotanidea · 1 year
Told ya! : Jason Todd x fem!reader
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request: why was it so hard to believe she had a boyfriend? Why was her friend constantly teasing her about it? At least until he finally decided to show himself and said friend were forced to listen to some action......
Warnings: sugestive at the end, but nothing explicit, swearing, sexual tension and teasing.
Italics are flashbacks in the first part and sounds in the second.
„Let’s go out and party tonight” Leah was splayed on the couch on her back, facing the ceiling and  absentmindedly fiddling with her hair. Y/N could almost see the wheels in her friend’s brain turning as she was masterminding a plan. “Maybe you can finally meet someone to actually become your boyfriend.”
“Leah….” Y/N sighed deeply rubbing her forehead, leaning on the kitchen counter nearby “I told you already, many, many times, that…..”
“That you have a boyfriend” the other girl lift herself up, facing Y/N with a raised eyebrow, teasing smile and a twinkle in her eyes “Sure, I heard you loud and clear. A boy in another state? A Canadian? That one? The one I never get to see or meet?”
“Oh, come on, Y/N. You know you don’t have to lie to me, we are friends. No shame in being single. You just gotta you know…..” Leah shimmied her chest a bit “bite the bullet, baby. Get some action.” now she also buckled her hips a bit in a very suggestive gesture.
“STOP IT!” Y/N could feel her face becoming bright red and burning. God, Leah was her best friend, but she could also be a bit too …. emancipated, leaving Y/N flustered and ashamed.
“god, you’re so cute and innocent when it comes to talking about sex” Leah smiled brightly “like a little girl. I know, I know, it can be scary when you’re a virgin, but it is in fact quite pleasurable and ….”
“I’m done with you! I’m out! I …. I gotta get to work, so …. Have a good day or whatever, Leah.” Y/N threw her hands in the air in frustration over her friend’s behavior, grabbed a jacket and a backpack and left the apartment, banging the door.
“Don’t be mad at me!” Leah yelled after her “I only mean the best for you! I love you, Y/n!”
“Screw that.” Y/N thought, gritting her teeth. At this point she should already be used to Leah’s teasing. The girls knew each other since their high school years and she was always like this. Like two sides of the same coin – Leah always got the fire that pushed her forward, making her a shining star, always on the spotlight, while Y/N preferred staying in the background, shy and easily intimidated, not really wanting any attention.
The matter of the fact was that she did have a boyfriend.
In the same state. In the same city, to be honest.
He was just ….. busy.
Busy with being a vigilante, fighting crimes at night and yeah, you guessed it , former Batman’s sidekick. With the breath of danger constantly on his neck, there were never a good time to bring him into contact with her friends. Not that any of them wanted that, but it gave Leah plenty of arguments to call Y/N a liar, a confabulator and storyteller. Damn it! That wouldn’t be so frustrating if it wasn’t for the fact that to up the teasing, Leah would constantly put Y/N into other man’s arms and the shy girl being himself had absolutely no idea how to oppose. Sometimes it resulted in a highly awkward situation.
“It was supposed to be a casual coffee!” Y/N hissed at her friend, dragging her away from the table in the café. “What the hell were you thinking?”
“Um, not what, but rather who” Leah corrected “Tom.”
“Why did you bring him here?!”
“To show you how fun boy’s company can be. We got together a couple weeks ago and he is just so good at making me feel good.”
“Chill, sunshine. I’m just giving you a taste of what you can have. There’s no need to thank me. Now, can we please go back to the table? I don’t think I can last long without his hands on me….”
“I hate you…..” Y/N muttered, but putting on the brave face, smiled and approached the guy.
“Tommie…..” Leah sat as close to him as possible, almost on his lap “Please, forgive my friend. She has no real experience with boys and hence the shyness and strange behavior.”
“It’s all right, love. Not everyone is as …. bold as you. it’s actually quite cute so see a girl standing on the other side of the barricade. I heard a lot about you, Y/N.”
“You did?” Y/N’s eyes went wide at the simple thought of what words Leah could use to describe her.
“nothing wrong, I swear.” Tom raised his hands in defensive gesture and smiled sympathetically
“Just about giving you a little show of hugging and kissing and …..”
Oh my god…… Why?
“Jace?” the ringing of the phone woke her up in the very early morning(though some people would call it very late night). She swore she would stay up, knowing he was dealing with a  particularly hard patrol, but cramming for exams and burying herself in the textbooks did nothing to help her keep that promise.
“hi, baby…..” he mumbled with that hoarse voice and her sleepiness was gone in a second.
“Are you all right? Are you hurt?” she was already one leg out the door, forgetting being dressed only in pajama shorts and old T-shirt.
“I’m fine, princess. Just needed to hear your voice.”
“I miss you, Jason. Where are you?”
“I’m actually outside your  apartment.”
“What?” she let out a scream, but immediately put a hand over her mouth, not to wake Leah “Where?”
“Right here” a gentle tapping on the glass  got her attention and once she spun around she noticed Jason in his civilian clothes.
“Jay!” she rushed to open the window, longing to have him in his arms, wanting nothing more than to hold him, kiss him, touch him.
“What are you doing?” the door opened suddenly and showed Leah with disheveled hair, blurry eyes and print of the pillow on her cheek. “I thought I heard you talking to someone?” she yawned widely
“Yes.” Y/N smiled, her gaze flickering to her friend and then back to window, noting Jace already gone. “My boyfriend.” There were zero chances Leah would believe it in her current state, so Y/N did not risk any exposure to Jason’s presence and alter ego.
“Mhmmmmm.” Leah mumbled “that’s quite the imagination you have there, Y/N. You truly are desperate if you’re using Camila Cabello song as an excuse….”
“He comes alive at midnight…..”
“I don’t….”
“damn it girl, you need to get laid.” Leah laughed a bit “I wouldn’t mind a bit of sounds coming out of your room, you know. Anyways, I’m going back to bed. And you should do too.” She closed the door and went to her room, leaving Y/N alone.
“Why didn’t you tell her that you do have a boyfriend?’
“Are you trying to give me a heart attack?! I told her, she just doesn’t believe it. Not that I blame her. You are practically a ghost to everyone I know. “
‘I know it’s not ideal, but …..”
“I don’t care, Jace. That’s the whole point. I can handle the teasing as long as it keeps you safe. As long as you are only for me.”
“I am. But it’s not fair and you should not go through this shit only for my benefit.”
“Are you gonna kiss me or not?” she interrupted him, pouting and crossing her arms.
“Thought you’d never ask.”  He grinned and dragged her out to the emergency exit, enveloping her in his warmth, shielding from the cold night air.
She meant what she said that night. She did not mind the teasing. And that was why Y/N finally agreed to go out and party with Leah. Knowing exactly what to expect.  
She never planned getting the attention of one of the snippiest guy on the campus and spending the night running away from his sticky hands.
“Don’t hide from me, pretty one!” he yelled chasing after her, while Y/N was swinging between the partying people, desperately searching for any kind of shelter. That was until she bumped into someone’s chest and a pair of arms wrapped around her waist, making her squeal and struggle out of instinct.
“Relax, princess, it’s me.” Familiar voice made her look up, meeting with those angel green eyes.
“Jason….” she whispered, clinging to him, immediately feeling safe in his arms.
“Who is this fucker?” Y/N’s chaser came into view and eyed Jason with a stern expression “Are you bothering my girl?”
“Your girl?” Jason laughed viciously “You should really be careful with words. And who the fuck are you calling fucker?”
“Um…. I don’t know? You?”
“You want a fight?” Jason took a step forward leaving Y/N behind. None of the boys realized that the crowd already circled around watching the scene. Some people has already started recording. “Want me to remind you how many bones you have in your body? Cause I swear if you laid a finger on my girl, fuck, if you did as much as throw a glance her direction I will break each and every one of them.”
“Jason……” Y/N tugged at his jacket desperately “Let’s just go home. Please. There’s no need to make a scene.  I’m tired, please, Jace….”
“I got my eyes on you, you piece of shit.” Jason hissed, relenting to his girlfriend pleas “And if I ever hear you came near her.” He dragged a finger on his throat before turning around, grabbing Y/N’s hand and leading her out the party, straight to her apartment. They both forgot about Leah, but that girl knew well enough how to take care of herself. She came into the flat half an hour later, demanding explanation.
“Leah! Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I left you there!”
“Fuck that” Leah shook her head “who the hell is this guy?” she peeked behind Y/N’s shoulder and eyed Jason “hi, handsome. I’m Leah, Y/N;s roommate.”
“I know.” he mumbled, without any smile or friendly expression.
“You did?” Leah’s voice turned seductive “how?”
“My girlfriend mentioned the teasing you gave her.”
“Wait, girlfriend? You mean….. Y/N…. what?”
“Yeah. Apparently I’m very real. And honestly, quite pissed that everyone decided to torment my little princess.”
“Y/N…. I …. I ……” Leah mumbled, her face screaming shock and dumbfoundedness “I’m sorry… I ……”
“It’s all right, Leah” Y/N put a hand on her shoulder “I told you. Guess next time I say something you will believe me.”
“Yeah…. I …. I guess.”
“good.” Y/N smiled brightly “now if you excuse me, I would rather take care of my boyfriend once I have him. Or maybe…..” the girl shot Jason’s a glance and his eyes sparkled, blown with lust “let him care of me…..”
Neither Jason nor Y/N waited for Leah’s response, disappearing inside her room and closing the door tightly.
What was it that she once said?
I wouldn’t mind a bit of sounds coming out of your room?
“Jason…..” she moaned, the door doing nothing to muffle the sounds and Leah prayed to whatever god or other entity were up there to make them stop. “Yes, please, more…..”
Her whines and ragged breath was subdued for a moment. Maybe they were done for the night?”
“Yes! Yes! Right there! Give it to me!”
“Princess.’ Great, now his deep silky voice joined hers and embarrassingly, Leah started getting wet. God, this Jason guy was so hot and sexy and now she was forced to suffer, imagining things that she would never have. “you feel so good. Mhmmm” he groaned and she whined much louder “so tight.”
“Please, Jason….. Baby…. Please, I’m so close. So close. Don’t stop.” The bed cracked and Leah clearly heard the slap of skin on skin and the sound of banging the headboard. “Ah!!”
“Come for me, baby. Cum on my cock, I want to feel you.” judging by the sounds he thrusted into her more and more and more and ….
“JASON!!!” holy fuck, her scream must have been heard on the whole campus. Her orgasm definitely was intense, and that assumption was quickly proven by ragged breath and panting.
Hopefully, that was it. After all, Leah had her fair share of guys and none of them lasted more than one round…..
“got another one for me, princess?” he asked and Leah heard him loud and clear through the thin wall, not that he was keeping his voice quiet. It was like he wanted to be heard. Apparently Y/N nodded because they started going again. Moans, whimpers, whispers were going to keep Leah up all night.
 “Good morning”a few hours later, Y/N full of energy came into the kitchen when Leah was currently eating breakfast. Hickeys and marks all over her body and Jason’s shirt draped all over her speaking for itself. “Did you sleep well?” she teased
“oh, you are just so cute and innocent when it comes to sex.” Y/N ginned watching her friend turning red, for once in her life the situation turning around on Y/N’s benefit.
“He….. he’s good isn’t he?”
“Oh, my dear friend…… Let me tell you all about it…..”
Now, finally, it was Y/N’s turn to tease. And Jason’s getting up and coming into view, shirtless showing his perfectly sculptured body was enough to make Leah shut up for quite some time.
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batbabydamian · 3 months
DC June 2024 Solicitations - Comics Featuring Damian! 🦇
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Written by Chip Zdarsky
Art and Cover by Jorge Jimenez
Variant Covers: Woo-Chul, Homare (1:25), Gabriel Dell'Otto (1:50), Yasmine Putri, Skylar Patridge (DC Pride Variant)
“DARK PRISONS - FINALE” It all comes down to this: Batman versus Batman! With Damian's life - and the future of Gotham - hanging in the balance, nothing can prepare either version of the Dark Knight for what's about to happen!
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Written by Chip Zdarsky
Art by Michele Bandini
Cover by Jorge Jimenez
Variant Covers: Belen Ortega, Dan Panosian (1:25), Steve Lieber (1:50)
“DARK PRISONS - EPILOGUE” When confronted with the totality of your life, and all the choices that led you to where you are, do you build on the ashes, or rise from them? The Batman who is left standing will have to answer this question quickly, as someone is already sifting through those ashes, with an eye toward saving the world!
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Written by Joshua Williamson
Art and Cover by Simone Di Meo
Variant Covers: Gleb Melnikov, Guillem March, Sergio Acuna (1:25)
SHUSH RISES! Man-Bat's plans have been unleashed on Gotham. The only person who can help Batman and Robin save the city is... SHUSH?! Can she set aside her hate for the dynamic duo and help, or will she let her quest for revenge overcome her?
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Written by Juni Ba
Art and Cover by Juni Ba
Variant Cover: Chris Samnee
Jason Todd is the exile prince of Batman's kingdom, stalking Gotham's darkest alleys and eternally turning his face from the light of day-all because he cannot quench the burning flame of anger and retribution that consumes his heart. Can Damian learn from Jason's mistakes? Or is the reflective mask of the Red Hood doomed to be a mirror held up to his own future?
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Written by Tom King
Art and Cover by Daniel Sampere and Belen Ortega (Backup Story)
Variant Covers: Julian Totino Tedesco, Daxiong, Jeff Spokes (1:25), Phil Jimenez (DC Pride Variant)
This cat has claws! Cheetah enters the fray as the Sovereign recruits Diana's greatest foe to deal the killing blow! Meanwhile, the Wonder Girls may have promised their mentor that they'd stay out of her fight, but well-behaved heroes seldom make history. Will they reach Diana before it's too late? Plus, Trinity takes to the skies...literally!
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Written by CRC Payne
Art by Starbite
Cover by Vasco Georgiev
Collecting the finale of season two of the smash-hit WEBTOON series! When your superhero life is just as busy as your personal life, there's never a dull moment in the Bat-Family. Bruce Wayne's young heroes are still learning to fight and live side by side, but they always have each other's backs. Whether it's teaming up to fight a massive villain or a massive head cold, Nightwing, Robin, Oracle, Spoiler, the Signal, and the rest know what it takes to smash that problem in the face! Collecting episodes 98-116 of the massively popular WEBTOON series, optimized for a brand-new reading experience in print!
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Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Simone Di Meo, Nikola Cizmesija, Mikel Janin
Cover by Simone Di Meo
The Dawn of the Dynamic Duo Isolated from their friends and allies, Batman and Robin have moved into a Gotham City brownstone to rebuild their lives, reconnect with one another, and, of course, fight crime. No sooner do they settle in when they are attacked by their most monstrous villains, led by the mysterious Shush. Whispering from the shadows, she is intent on revenge with a plot to turn one of Batman's greatest assets against him! With his father incapacitated by Shush, can Damian help solve the case before it's too late? Can he survive the tribulations of high school at the same time? A brand-new fun and exciting adventure begins for comics' greatest father-and-son duo, from DC Comics architect Joshua Williamson (The Flash, Knight Terrors) and superstar artist Simone Di Meo (Batman: White Knight Presents: Red Hood)! Collects Batman and Robin #1-6!
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ms-nesbit · 10 months
Empire records (jason todd x reader)
Rating: 18+ (minors, fuck off)
Warnings: masturbation, reader is female, reader is bisexual, Jason Todd is not red hood, plus size reader
Summary: Jason is a cam model and is killing it, so he heads to the record store where he sees y/n.
Notes: honestly, i loved the idea of this one. Let me know if you want me to continue with an additional chapter or something.
“God…” Jason exhaled, a slow flow of cum spurting from his cock and onto his hand. Breathing labored as he came down from his orgasm, Jason revealed the mess he made to the webcam. “Fuck, that’s so much cum.” he spoke half-heartedly, the tone masked by faux sensuality and confidence. “What do you want me to do next, hmm?” he sat up in his computer chair and bit on his bottom lip. “Let me know, Babe. I’ll be here again next week. Till next time.” Jason ran his fingers through his hair, his tricep exposed to the camera. He flashed his signature winked before ending the livestream, shutting off the comment section and logging off from his administrative account.
Wiping his hand clean on a nearby napkin, he remained silent, his presiding persona crumbling with each minute after the stream ended. Jason hadn’t bothered to glance at the comments - only the tips, which he gratefully appreciated; they accounted for his rent and utilities, above other expenses, including the impromptu trip to Vanity Records he was getting ready to make.
After a quick shower (graphic details spared) and his skincare routine consisting of serum and spf moisturizer, Jason adorned his already-attractive figure with dark washed jeans and a simple black tee, which was layered by his black and red-striped leather biking jacket.
Once he tied his boots, he set out the door to the record store, walking to the parking lot - riding helmet in tow - to his motorcycle.
“I’ve told you how many times that we don’t carry that bullshit?” y/n spat into the landline phone, wrapping her cord around her finger. “Seriously, Joe, I don’t give a rat’s ass that your old town carried Tom Petty. We don’t do campy bullshit. Got it?” Before she gave the voice on the other end to even respond, she abruptly hung up, rolling her eyes and wiggling her finger free from the twisted cord.
She crossed her arms and sat back in her velvet mustard lounger behind the register, pulling an inventory sheet from the cluster of papers scattered on the surface. Clanging of bells attached to the entrance door temporarily distracted her enough to drone, “Vanity Records: if we don’t have it, your music taste sucks.”
“Well, I hope it doesn’t. Do you have Foo Fighters?”
The voice was sardonic, but it didn’t stop y/n from giving a judgemental look to… a tall man whose black tee matched his (mostly) black hair, the white patch in the front pairing fondly with the low white collar on his leather jacket. He awaited her answer with playful eyes, though they seemed heavy. “If you’re talking about Nirvana, yes.” y/n began, crossing her arms in front of the keyhole cutout on the chest of her long-sleeved black blouse, which was coupled by black and red plaid pants, and a scowl on her face. “If you’re talking about the Louise Post-worshipping Foo Fighters? Also yes.” she stood from her seat and leaned over the clutter of paperwork, ignoring it completely in an attempt to flirt with the handsome stranger. “But if you’re talking about the mock-punk, dads-in-a-cluttered-garage-with-a-pipe-dream Foo Fighters? We don’t carry it.”
The man smiled down at her. “Could you show me?” he tilted his head ever-so-slightly, as if he wasn’t a regular customer already.
With a click of her tongue, y/n left her station, showing the man to a collection of vinyl organized alphabetically. She scanned at the waves of albums, distraught by the poor penmanship of the poor schmuck who had a stroke labeling the aisles, but made her way to the ‘dad rock’ section, reaching over and thumbing through different albums behind a poorly-enunciated letter ‘F’. In between all this, she failed to notice the man - who had been walking behind her - ingesting her outfit, and how the blouse accentuated her.
“Ah! Here we go.” She pulled out a plastic-slipped album titled The Colour and the Shape, and handed it over to the man, who grinned at her. “Anything else?”
Biting the inside of his cheek to prevent him from commenting anything creepy, he chose safer words instead. “Is there anything you recommend? I’m kinda new here, and I don’t really know what to listen to.”
Y/n pondered for a moment, before asking a series of questions: “What do you like to do on a Saturday afternoon? What’s your favorite comfort food? Do you have any siblings? And…fight or flight?”
The man was taken aback by the questions, confused by the randomness of the inquiries. As he thought carefully about his answers, he zoned out, unaware of the chewing of his lip that allowed a dimple to present itself to y/n. If she wasn’t committed to her shrewd demeanor, she would have swooned. “If it’s sunny, I like to watch tv, but if it’s raining, I’ll read and take a walk; I fucking love an unhealthy amount of baklava, but I will settle for eclairs if necessary;” the man began rambling, passion strong in his voice, “I do have adopted siblings, but no blood relatives that are living, and; I suppose fight. I don’t really know when to quit.” the man smiled embarrassingly at his own confession.
Responding with a hum of affirmation, y/n skimmed over the vast selection in the compact shop. She then briskly walked to a middle aisle, dusty tile floor scuffed by her combat boots, before stopping at an unmarked section, fingering through the untouched vinyl. She pulled one out and whipped around, presenting the album cover to the man on the other end of the crates. “Human Bloom. They are fusion jazz from Chicago, but have a nice tone to it. I would give them a try if I were you.” she handed the man the record. “Need anything else…?” her question hung on a cliff, dangling in hope for a name.
“Jason.” he replied, “and no, I think that’ll be all.” he tried to look for a nametag, but found a newfound attraction to chest-placed keyhole cutouts instead.
“Y/n. The checkout is something I’m supposed to take care of with a register, not with you and your eyes.” she admonished, quirking a brow before heading back to her post behind the counter, hips swaying with each step she took.
Jason watched, unable to speak by the way he was called out. He took larger steps to the checkout, head down as he did so. “Yes. Right. Sorry.” he stammered when he finally reached the register, patting his jacket pockets for his wallet before finding it in his pec pocket (or, as he calls it, tit patch). “How much would those be?”
Y/n clacked at the old register buttons, its labels washed out from abuse. “$52.75. Cash, card, or number?”
“Pardon?” Jason opened up his wallet.
“Y’know, you could tender with cash, a credit or debit card, or your phone number.”
Jason smiled widely at y/n, finally acknowledging her forward attempt at flirting. He set his wallet down on the counter and asked quietly, “Can you do that here?”
“For you? Sure.” y/n remarked, her ‘sure’ accompanied by a survey of Jason’s tall figure with her eyes. She tore a piece of paper and opened a drawer by her hip, grabbing a pen and jamming it shut before sliding the pair to Jason.
Pen in hand, Jason jotted down his number and passed it back to y/n, who already removed her phone from one of her pockets and entered the number into it. Jason watched her every move, impressed, albeit flattered, by her determination; until, of course, his phone vibrated in his back pocket. He checked it briefly: new text: you are as tall as you are hot, buddy.
Jason gaped at the text before looking at y/n. “I must be pretty short then.” he snickered, earning a scoff from the woman on the other end of the counter.
“Short on time? Patience?” she dipped her voice an octave. “...Self-control?”
Before Jason could respond, y/n’s coworker, Jade, greeted him. “Hey, Jay! How was work today?”
Jason stopped in his tracks. Y/n dropped her seduction tactics, returning to her guarded expression. “Yes, Jay, how was work today?”
Both employees stared at Jason with terribly different intentions, one with genuine curiosity, and the other with vehemence. “It was okay, I guess. Made some tips, so that’s why I’m here.”
“Good.” Jade chirped. “I would have stopped by on the livestream, but I dunno…camwork really isn’t my thing. Wish you all the best though!” She finished with a beam before walking away from the counter and to the back of the store, away from whatever tension she sensed.
“I can explain-”
“Over breakfast. Tomorrow.” y/n decided Jason’s fate for him, which he was happy was spared. It was rare he was forgiven for white lies, something that he was awfully rung out for. He accepted his dues with a nod and snuck out of the record store with his tail tucked between his legs.
Jason and y/n exchanged details on their confirmed date, so it was rather disappointing to Jason when he arrived at the Gotham Diner to…nobody. He checked his phone when the waitress seated him at a booth, and again after she poured him a cup of coffee. Nothing.
“Good morning, Jason.” y/n greeted out of nowhere, bringing Jason’s attention from his desolate thoughts to the woman now scooting herself on the abrasive booth cushion. He must have smiled, because y/n added, “Got your uppers for today?”
He rolled his eyes at her. “Good to know your chipper attitude isn’t just your customer service voice.” he critiqued, to which y/n stared at him. “You look nice today.”
“Thanks. I think I stepped on dog shit on the way over.” she glanced underneath the table at the underside of her boot.
The silence between them was too agonizing for Jason to handle, despite it being short. “So, about yesterday, I didn’t really mean to lie like that, and I just wanted to say I’m-”
“Seriously don’t worry about it, man. I like that you’re not put off by me, y’know? A lot of guys are; usually it’s the chicks I hit on that admire my decisiveness.” y/n tore open a few packets of stevia, shaking its contents into her coffee before stirring it with the wooden stick. “Jade gave me intel on your job though.” Jason frowned, awaiting the imminent rejection he expected with the acknowledgement of his unconventional line of work. “I’m all for sex work, dude, so don’t sweat it, but camwork? Really? Isn’t that, like, outdated now?”
Jason allowed his shoulders to slouch as his nerves settled, pleasantly surprised by y/n’s reaction. “To be honest, I know a lot of people do shit like modeling, but it feels so…forced.”
“And camwork is different? I’m not sure how it is for guys.”
“No, you…you have a point.” y/n saw through him, and saw something he hadn’t quite noticed in himself; it was, to a degree, a facade. He didn’t want to jeopardize his vulnerability to the dark caves of the internet, so he simply hid behind something he wanted to be, rather than completely himself. Perhaps that was why he admired y/n so much, despite knowing so little of her.
The pair was interrupted by a waitress, who took their orders. “An egg-white only omelet, please.” Jason politely asked.
“And could you get me a large stack, please? With extra blueberries on top.” Y/n asked with wide eyes, clearly ecstatic by the antioxidant properties of the garnish.
After the waitress left, they returned to their conversation. “I do pretend to enjoy some of the stuff I’m requested to do, but I dunno.” Jason hid behind his cup of coffee, an absurd sight for y/n seeing a tall, broad figure hunched over. “To be honest, I’m kinda turned on by the idea of someone watching me. Plus it pays the bills.”
Y/n mirrored Jason’s shrug in rapport. “I see what you mean. If I had the body, I think I’d do the same, but there isn’t much of a market for stocky punk chicks.” she stated, a sliver of disappointment in her voice.
“I’d watch.” Jason blurted, before covering his face with his large hand. “Sorry, I-”
“One omelet, egg whites only.” the waitress returned, huge tray balanced in her palm. She distributed the plates and utensils. “And a large stack for y/n, our favorite regular.” the waitress beamed at y/n, who returned the sentiment. “Hope you two enjoy.” she left with a wink.
“Thanks, Wanda!” y/n called from her booth, giddily dancing in her seat when returning her attention to the stack of round, golden pancakes in front of her.
“You come here often?” Jason inquired skeptically, offended that she hadn’t indulged him in the information prior to their scheduling.
Y/n nodded and gave a “mmhmm” that was muffled by pancakes in her mouth. “You know, I used to come here in my college days.” y/n explained once she swallowed her first bite of the delectable breakfast treat. “I’d stop by with my study group - which was usually just me - and I’d sometimes order a few rounds of the stacks. Wanda there joked that my veins are probably pumping syrup more than blood, and I’m afraid I have to agree with her on that one.”
Jason let out a chuckle while cutting his omelet with a knife and fork with minimal scraping. “At least the vampires will get a tasty dessert if they bite you.”
“Maybe you’re right!” y/n stifled her laughter. “Maybe they’ll pour my blood over some waffles or something.”
Hand over his mouth to prevent omelet from flying all over the table and y/n, Jason chortled and mocked Dracula, “Mmm! ‘Vou must try this breakfast! Ze blood is vunderful!”
Y/n gasped jokingly. “How dare you mock vampires? They don’t all sound like that.”
They each took turns smacking the table and giggling, exchanging niche vocal impressions until Wanda returned with a warning. “You two are causing a distraction to some of our other patrons here. Try to keep it under control, okay?” she gave them a lambasted look. “Here is the check, since I know you two will probably want to continue your date.”
Date. Y/n blushed at the word. “Thank you, Wanda. And tell that rigid couple in booth twelve that we’re sorry, and we’re not real vampires.”
“But we will bite if needed.” Jason added with a cheap smile.
Wanda sighed and walked away, murmuring something incoherent.
As Jason was about to snag his wallet, y/n slipped a couple of bills in the receipt card. “I’m holding you hostage, so I’m paying. Don’t worry, pretty boy.”
Though the action was assurring, it was confusing when paired with y/n’s nickname for Jason. He found himself amused at the woman, and had to ask: “What are your answers, by the way?”
“Your answers. To the question you asked me yesterday. You never gave me yours.”
Y/n grinned innocently, sincerity splayed across her face. Jason wished he could have taken a photo of it - her eyes were just pretty. “Gimme a sec to think,” she sat back in the booth, head hitting the backrest with a thump. “So I usually don’t do anything except listen to music and read, I have two siblings - but three if you count the imaginary turtle I had when I was six, I love a good bowl of soup and some tamales, and I’m not wearing any.”
Jason cocked his head, perplexed by the final answer. “Not wearing any? Any what?”
“Underwear.” y/n blinked innocently, despite being well aware of her suggestion. “You asked if I’m wearing underwear, right? I’m not.” her smile grew bigger with each word, and her eyes dimmed darker with lust.
So did Jason’s. “Oh, uhm.” he was indecisive, unable to choose how to respond. It wasn’t that Jason was inexperienced the art of flirtation, it was that he hadn’t quite been this interested in someone in a long time, and it showed by the way his cheeks reddened (and cock hardened in his pants) at her reveal.
He refused to indulge, his pride in the way. “Thank you for this.”
“No problem.” It wasn’t the reaction y/n was hoping for, and her tone fell with it.
They stood and exited the diner together, loitering in the parking space where Jason had left his motorcycle. Jason noticed that y/n’s spark died off when he hadn’t taken her bait, and although he felt guilt, he knew he wanted to explore the relationship more prior to sleeping together. He feared that y/n took it personally;
She did. “I’ll text you.” she said, backing away before she gave a brief wave of her hand and disappearing into the crowd of Gothamites.
“Jesus, what is wrong with me.” y/n sighed when she re-entered her loft, littered with old clothing on the ground, and walls decorated with mismatched posters. As she untied her boots, she replayed the rejection in her head: Jason’s nose twitching, eyes shifty, and mouth open, pausing to choose whatever denial he believed was appropriate.
Her phone chimed in her pocket, but she neglected to check it; instead, she hovered to her bed on the other end of the studio flat, and tumbled onto it, her sheets making a punched ‘oof’. Deep breaths calmed her worried mind buzzing with defeat, and she wondered if perhaps she was, in a word, bamboozled.
It didn’t make sense: the flirting beforehand, way his eyes wandered too freely on her body like a dog to a treat, yet he rejected her…why? Was it what she wore that day? The borderline offensive vampire impressions? Or was it, in the end, her determination that hammered the final nail into the coffin of the potential of their relationship?
Heels digging in the sand, y/n set off on her research, beginning with Jason’s business venture. She sat up in her bed, fixing the pillows to better suit her needs, and reached over for the laptop on the ground. Y/n opened it and waited for the startup operation sequence, the fan vibrating over y/n’s lap as it whirred.
“Alright, Todd, let’s see what camwork you’re doing.” y/n murmured as she entered the site info, creating an account to access the lewd media. “A $7.99 subscription? I didn’t know these cost money nowadays.” she chortled at the virtual pricetag while entering her card info, reluctant to provide sensitive information on her archaic device.
Upon granted access, y/n’s eyes widened, blurred images revealing themselves to her, and she was, well, intrigued, to say the least. The first uncensored media on the site feed was Jason in a public dressing room, unclothed; his hooded eyelids and smirk enhanced his smitten look; his chest was naked, gleaming from the shop lights, and his shoulders were broad, leaned back into the wall of the dressing room; his torso was chiseled, the contour of his muscles shaping into a v near his pelvis, almost as if they were a sign from god for y/n’s eyes to point to his carefully trimmed pubic hair, which failed to hide the base of his thich, uncut cock.
Y/n hadn’t even looked at the caption, so when she finally managed to strip her eyes away from his holy figure, she grinned at the words, “Imagination - life is your creation, Doll.”
A fucking Barbie reference, and she dropped the ball? Y/n scrolled to drown her distraught, searching for a video she could watch.
A notification popped on the page: Robin Hood started a livestream. Click to join. Y/n scrambled to find her dreaded wired headphones, shoving the plug into the jack on the side of the laptop. She then clicked on the notification, instantly refreshing the screen to bring her to a livestream starring the man she had just joked with about Transylvanian vampire genitalia.
The irony. “This is unreal.” y/n muttered to herself as she stared at the tall man sat back on his bed - different than his usual post in his computer seat - as he flicked open a cap of lube, applying it to his hand before he spread it on his erection. He exhaled as he did so, toned chest rising as his fingers moved along his sensitive flesh.
“Fuck, this feels good.” Jason moaned, hips bucking into his hand as his eyes remained closed. Y/n rubbed her thighs together at the sight. “I’m already so close. I wanna come so bad.”
Y/n let out a low moan deep in her throat, mouth watering at the filth transmitted through her earbuds. She watched as Jason’s hand moved from the base of his cock to its head, his wrist twisting. He searched for a speed, but was indecisive with the way his hips shot up sharply, thrusting into his hand. The wet skin sound filling y/n’s earbuds was fucking dirty, and she knew she had to shower right after finishing the livestream - she wanted to see him come, hear the euphoric, obscene noises leaving his mouth.
“Fuck” Jason grunted, holding his cock with one hand, and the other roaming his torso and thighs. “Oh, shit, you feel amazing.” his words were so intent, sincere, as if he imagined someone actually riding his cock - or it was y/n who was projecting her desires onto him, wishing she could straddle his lap and be the source of his pleasure, bouncing on his dick until she milked him dry.
“Oh,” Jason barely pushed through gritted teeth, “Keep going, y/n” he whispered, brows furrowing. Y/n stopped and blinked at the screen, doubting what her senses told her she heard. “Please, please, y/n…” he said it again, this time in a plea that sent y/n’s mind reeling into another dimension as she wanted to touch herself, but wanted, more than anything, to drive Jason over the edge.
His breaths fell staggered, jerking at his cock hard as his bottom lip trembled. “God, I wanna come. Your pussy is so good,” he admitted, eyes screwed shut, “so fucking good.” his speed became erratic, frantically searching for God in a moment’s release, and y/n was right there with him, her panties soaked from the heavenly torturous sight in front of her. She wanted to tell him to come, tell him how good he feels driving his cock into her, continuously, and how badly she wanted to sit on his pretty face until she screamed.
“Shit! Oh, fuck, god.” Jason exclaimed, profanities slipping him like a ghost leaving his vessel as spurts of cum erupted from his cock, body stilling. He thrusted into his hand once more before finally relaxing, catching his breath in a laugh. 
He looked down at the mess of cum he made on his pelvic bone and torso, a splash landing all the way to his neck, and he shook his head. “Wow. Hadn’t had that much in a long time. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. See you later.” Jason smirked, propping himself on his elbows and biting his lip before the livestream ended.
Y/n sat in front of the computer screen with glossy eyes. She was his spank bank. She was. The reality set in, and it finally clicked.
But before she could allow herself to feel relief, free from the shackles of rejection in which she imprisoned herself, y/n quickly moved to her feet and grabbed her phone from the other side of the room to check the notification she dismissed earlier:
Jason. Hey, I hope I wasn’t too rude, but I don’t want to pursue any- (½) Y/n opened the message, careless of the read receipt that would be sent to him. -anything sexual, since that’s my job, and I’ve been used before. I hope that doesn’t ruin anything with you, because I do think you’re special, but I understand if it does. I’m here if you want a second date.
Y/n skimmed over the text, and reread it to check if her senses failed her once more. I hope that doesn’t ruin anything with you, she repeated. I do think you’re special. Y/n smiled widely as she opened up the keyboard to reply:
I thought I was too much. Usually am.
She rested her back against the wall, waiting for a response. Already, it shown as read, and the bubbles appeared at the bottom of their chat.
It’s not your fault, I should have clarified from the start. Are you free this weekend?
Y/n felt the melting of the glacier in her chest, and the cooling of the heat between her legs. She gathered her thoughts for a response:
I think I am on Sunday. 
Jason’s reply was instantaneous, and y/n was thankful games were off the table for them.
Meet me at the Gotham library?
Y/n smiled. Fuck yeah.
It’s a date. Jason replied, the three words launching y/n into orbit.
So much of an orbit that she hadn’t proofread her response. Btw, saw your livestream.
Y/n regretted it instantly, eyes blown wide and apprehension rising in her.
The bubbles came up on the phone screen before disappearing, then reappearing again. Y/n cursed to herself as she waited. Finally: Good. You looked absolutely stunning at breakfast. Wanted to eat you instead of the omelet.
Maybe y/n could get used to this, after all.
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olderthannetfic · 2 months
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Haha. Yeah, a lot of these are from similar parts of fandom, so if you don't hang out there, they'd sound very unfamiliar.
Here's a quick attempt at a breakdown. Some of these have multiple media types.
Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku - BNHA
Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic - BNHA
Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou - BNHA
Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku - BNHA
Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku - BNHA
Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto - BNHA
Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks - BNHA
Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto - BNHA
Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya - Bungou Stray Dogs
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi - Bungou Stray Dogs
Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi - Haikyuu!!
Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou - Haikyuu!!
Mikage Reo/Nagi Seishirou - Blue Lock
Getou Suguru/Gojo Satoru - Jujutsu Kaisen
Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto - Naruto
Roronoa Zoro/Sanji - One Piece
Mitsui Hisashi/Miyagi Ryota - Slam Dunk
Other Animation:
Craig Tucker/Tweek Tweak - South Park
Kyle Broflovski/Stan Marsh - South Park
Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug - Miraculous Ladybug
Amity Blight/Luz Noceda - The Owl House
Donatello & Leonardo & Michelangelo & Raphael - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Sirius Black/Remus Lupin - HP
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter - HP
Regulus Black/James Potter - HP
Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy - HP
James Potter/Lily Evans Potter - HP
Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley - HP
Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley - HP
Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort - HP
Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson - Percy Jackson
Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard - All For The Game - Nora Sakavic
Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Eck - Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo
Kim Dokja/Yoo Joonghyuk - Omniscient Reader - Sing-Shong
Huā Chéng/Xiè Lián (Tiān Guān Cì Fú) - Heaven Official's Blessing
Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn - MDZS/The Untamed
Porchay Pichaya Kittisawat/Kim Khimhant Theerapanyakun - KinnPorsche
Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham/Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun - KinnPorsche
Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V - BTS
Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin - BTS
Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin - BTS
Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin - BTS
Han Jisung | Han/Lee Minho | Lee Know - Stray Kids
Bang Chan/Lee Felix (Stray Kids) - Stray Kids
Choi Soobin/Choi Yeonjun - TXT
other music:
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson - 1D
minecraft streamers:
Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit
Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson | Philza
Clay | Dream/GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF)
Technoblade & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF)
Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit
Technoblade & Phil Watson | Philza
Video games:
John "Soap" MacTavish/Simon "Ghost" Riley - CoD
Simon "Ghost" Riley/Reader - CoD
Sans/Sans (Undertale) - Undertale
Astarion/Tav (Baldur's Gate) - Baldur's Gate 3
Alhaitham/Kaveh (Genshin Impact) - Genshin Impact
Tartaglia | Childe/Zhongli (Genshin Impact) - Genshin Impact
Cyno/Tighnari (Genshin Impact) - Genshin Impact
Blade/Dan Heng (Honkai: Star Rail) - Honkai: Star Rail
Link/Zelda (Legend of Zelda) - Legend of Zelda
Akechi Goro/Persona 5 Protagonist - Persona 5
Kamishiro Rui/Tenma Tsukasa - Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE!
Western superheroes:
Dick Grayson & Jason Todd - Batman
Tim Drake & Jason Todd - Batman
Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne - Batman
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers - MCU
Peter Parker & Tony Stark - MCU
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - MCU
James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader - MCU
Miguel O'Hara/Reader - Spiderverse movies
Western live action:
Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) - 9-1-1
Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) - Good Omens
Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens) - Good Omens
Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter - Hannibal
Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring - Heartstopper
Daemon Targaryen/Rhaenyra Targaryen - House of the Dragon
Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen/Lucerys Velaryon (Son of Rhaenyra) - House of the Dragon
Lucy Carlyle/Anthony Lockwood - Lockwood & Co.
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) - Merlin
Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet - Our Flag Means Death
Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Israel Hands - Our Flag Means Death
Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor - Red, White & Royal Blue
Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Hob Gadling - The Sandman
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson - Sherlock
Castiel/Dean Winchester - Supernatural
Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester - Supernatural
Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester - Supernatural
Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren - Star Wars
Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker - Star Wars
Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson - Stranger Things
Robin Buckley/Nancy Wheeler - Stranger Things
Will Byers/Mike Wheeler - Stranger Things
Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington - Stranger Things
Olivia Benson/Elliot Stabler - Law & Order: SVU
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski - Teen Wolf
Ellie & Joel (The Last of Us) - The Last of Us
Tim Bradford/Lucy Chen - The Rookie
Wednesday Addams/Enid Sinclair - Wednesday
Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion - The Witcher
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feelinmatcha · 6 months
mentions: self deprecation, gn! reader, sobbing, angst?? word count: 185 inspired off of black friday by tom odell
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sometimes, you wished you were better.
you wanted a pretty face, a decent amount of fat on your body instead of too much, and no acne scars that undoubtedly made everyone stare at your face for a second longer. the dread you feel when getting up from your bed, already wanting to itch and peel at your skin because of how much you despised it.
but he would pull you closer, cradle you in his bigger arms, and whisper that you were already better than anyone. you were his type of pretty, wasn't that enough?
the kisses he would litter on the apple of your cheeks would feel heavenly but the pit in your stomach still caved in on itself. you oh-so wanted to believe every word but you felt ugly and ashamed of yourself in every possible way and all you could do was cry on the bathroom floor as he waited on the other side of the door, every second of your stuttering sobs shattering his heart into pieces.
in his eyes, you were pretty like the sun.
yet you wouldn't allow yourself to stray that close to one.
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─ (jjk) nanami, itadori, (hk) hinata, kuroo, iwaizumi, matsukawa, bokuto, atsumu or osamu, akaashi, kageyama, kenma, tsukishima, daichi, sugawara, ASAHI (op) SANJI, zoro, usopp, trafalgar law, luffy (gi) neuvillette, wriothesley, zhongli, ITTO, DILUC, cyno, tighnari, KAZUHA, aether, alhaitham, thoma, xiao, (dc) jason todd, dick grayson, tim drake, AND ANY OF YOUR FAVS!!
authors note: i would have wrote a lot more if it wasn't almost one in the morning TT sorry everyone!!
borders: saradika
© feelinmatcha 2023
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Here's the BatFam Warriorsonas!
Dividers by cafekitsune
Darkflight/Bruce Wayne
Darkflight is a pale gray tabby and white tom with gray eyes and black spots on both sides of his face that run down his back to his tail.
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Darkflight was a kittypet who lost his parents who were euthanized in the pet shelter. He was adopted by another family and raised by their family cat. As a kitten, his parents had stories of living in the forest, inspiring him to run away. He is one of the cats who traveled to the Clan territories. On his way there, he found a box with two kittens inside and adopted them, Nightkit and Robinkit.
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Alfred is a is a gray flecked tom with yellow eyes
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Alfred is the kittypet who raised Darkflight and went with him to the territories. He's taken the role of medicine cat.
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Dick Grayson/Nightwing
Nightwing is a dark gray tabby and white tom with dark blue eyes
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Nightwing was the oldest of the adopted litter and was Darkflight's first apprentice. Sometimes he visits the Twolegplace.
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Jason Todd/Robinwatcher
Robinwatcher is a heavily scarred, gray and white tabby tom with  blue eyes
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Robinwatcher is the second oldest, but was separated from the Clan after one of the tunnels under the Thunderpath leading to a sewer system nearly killed him. He was still Robinpaw when this happened. He's returned to the Clan, but is a bit bitter.
Tim Drake/Specklebird
Specklebird is a gray and white tom with blue eyes and black fur covering his face, neck, and tail.
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Specklebird was born to two loners who were hit on the Thunderpath near the territories. He is Darkflight's third apprentice
Damian Wayne/Sharpsight
Sharpsight is a small black and white tom with green eyes
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Sharpsight was born into a group of rogues chased out by the Clan, in the commotion, a small kitten was left behind. He is the younger of his litter. He's recently been made a warrior.
Barbara Gordon/Peaches
Peaches is a Ginger tabby she-cat with white spots and green eyes
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Peaches is a daylight warrior from a shelter in the Twolegplace, she's helped plenty of the Clan cats numerous times, such as sneaking them in and out of the shelter. She has not given up her kittypet name
Art is from this generator
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bracketsoffear · 11 months
Here's my TMA playlist/songs I associate with each entity:
The Eye:
Busted from Phineas and Ferb
Welcome to the Internet by Bo Burnham
Aha! by Imogen Heap
The Lonely:
Mister Cellophane from Chicago
Drift Away from Steven Universe: The Movie
Eet by Regina Spektor
The Vast:
Major Tom (Coming Home) by Tom Schilling
Superheroes from The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Waiting for the Drop from Ride the Cyclone
The Buried:
Why We Build The Wall from Hadestown
Pressure by Billy Joel
Sixteen Tons by Tennessee Erie Ford
The Dark:
Come Wayward Souls from Over The Garden Wall
The Night by Aurelio Voltaire
Snuff Out the Light by Eartha Kitt
The Stranger:
Mr. Roboto by Styx
Brass Goggles by Steam Powered Giraffe
Doll Parts by Hole
The Spiral:
Crazytown from 35MM: A Musical Exhibition
Who's Crazy?/My Psychopharmacologist and I from Next to Normal
Discord by The Living Tombstone
The Slaughter:
Ballroom Blitz by Sweet
Three Five Zero Zero from Hair
Poisoning Pigeons in the Park by Tom Lehrer
The Hunt:
Catch You by Sophie Ellis-Bextor
One Way Or Another by Blondie (obviously)
A Confession by PhemieC
The Flesh:
We Started this Op'ra Shit from Repo: The Genetic Opera
A Little Priest from Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
64 Little White Things by Cake Bake Betty
The End:
The Fall Fair Suite from Ride the Cyclone
Memento Mori: the most important thing in the world by Will Wood
Dust and Ashes from: Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
The Extinction:
We Will All Go Together When We Go by Tom Lehrer
The End of the World by Skeeter Davis
How Bad Can I Be? from The Lorax
The Desolation:
That's Not How the Story Goes from ASOUE
Arsonist's Lullaby by Hozier
Burn It Down by Daughter
The Corruption:
Sweet by PhemieC
Sticks and Stones by The Pierces
Entomologists by Ghost and Pals
The Web:
Mastermind by Taylor Swift
Red Right Hand by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
Kiss Me, Son of God by They Might Be Giants
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nnycore · 6 months
Hunger was one of those annoying, unavoidable things about being a human.
Even though Johnny C. was pretty confident that he could survive on sheer force of will if he had to, living hungry was uncomfortable, and while there were plenty of sacrifices Nny was willing to make for the sake of becoming a feelingless, empty husk, hunger (at this time at least) was just a pointless preventable discomfort. 
And so he took to the kitchen.
To say that Nny’s kitchen was barren was an understatement. His fridge contained exactly four items: a carton of milk that expired a month ago (why did he even buy that? he’s lactose intolerant), a tupperware full of something unidentifiable (he really didn’t want to know what was in it), a jar of pickles (great for snacking!), and a single cucumber. His pantry wasn’t much better; all he had there were some cans of tuna (also expired, he accidentally bought them in oil instead of in water and refused to touch them), a bag of chips (only the crumbs were left), and three cans of spaghettio-s. There was also the matter of his lack of tableware. And proper cutlery. He had the basics: ice cream scoop, pizza cutter, a fork, and of course, knives. Lots and lots of knives. Nny was like a magpie when it came to those things. Any time a new knife caught his eye, he just had to have it. Whether it was the design of the handle, the curve of the blade, or the way it caught the light, something about them just drew him in. Of course he didn’t need it. He knew that. His set of kitchen knives could get the job done just fine. Hell, he could probably do his job with a spoon if he had to (actually, that’s not too bad of an idea… maybe that ice cream scoop would come in handy? FUCK that’s why he bought it! damned memory problems…). 
That’s not the point, though. The point is, Johnny’s living space was absolutely abhorrent, and he had nothing to put his fucking spaghetti-o’s in and the screams from the basement were getting loud enough to be annoying. Fuck he didn’t have time for this, he had things to do! People to kill! Walls to paint! Well, one wall. Regardless, he was a busy man.
Nny grabbed a can and a knife and headed down the stairs. While he walked, he worked the blade of the knife around the edge of the can, cutting the top off with a horrible screeching noise. He really should just invest in a can opener. Once the top was hanging on by just a shred of metal, he ripped it off with his teeth and gulped the pasta down. A glob of sauce missed his mouth and landed on the stairs with a plop. 
“God… DAMMIT!” he screamed. 
“Are you gonna pick that up?” a high, croaky voice asked him.
Fuck, on top of this, he had to deal with a stupid disembodied rabbit corpse following him around, squeaking out useless suggestions. Well, not useless, he supposed. He just didn’t want to hear it. 
Nny glared at the floating head. “Fuck off, Nailbunny. I’m not in the mood today.”
“You’re never in the mood, Nny.”
“And why do I have to be, huh? Who am I trying to impress? Because it isn’t you, it isn’t the doughboys, and it sure as hell isn’t the people down in the basement.”
The rabbit pouted. “Alright, I see how it is… but what about that little kid, huh? What’s his name… Tom? Todd?”
“Yeah, him. Don’t you want to be a good example for him?”
“If Squeegee is looking to me for an example of anything other than what not to do, he’s already too fucked to be helped.”
“Aw, come on, don’t say that! You have plenty of good qualities.”
“Well… uh…” the rabbit faltered. “You’re very polite.”
“I kill people, Nailbunny,” he deadpanned.
“Well, when you’re not killing people, you’re always very nice. Even when you are killing people you can be polite.”
“Like hell I am! Name one time I’ve ever been nice to someone I killed.”
“There was that one guy… Almost a year ago, remember? You two had a nice chat right before you killed him. Very enlightening. I could see you being friends with him if things had gone differently.”
“Yeah, if things went differently. Which they didn’t. Now are you going to let me clean up my mess or what?”
Nailbunny said nothing and drifted away in response.
Nny sighed. Conversations with his head-voice-entity-things were always exhausting. Why were they so adamant on him questioning everything about his existence? Why did every conversation have to be deep and thought provoking? Was it not enough to simply chat about the weather? Or how ironic the death he planned for his latest victim was? Honestly, he put so much thought into the way he killed and there wasn’t even anyone around to appreciate it. But then again, he might just be talking to himself, and if that was the case, he didn’t even want to think about what subconsciously psychoanalyzing himself meant for his already nearly non-existent mental health.
“Nobody fucking helps me in this house,” he grumbled as he retrieved the cleaning supplies from under the kitchen sink.
Returning to the scene of the mess, Johnny realized just how small the glob of tomato sauce was. He had gotten his heavy duty stuff (yellow gloves instead of his usual black ones, a mop, and some windex) out for nothing. “I guess I’ll just…” He paused, dragging his hand down his face in exhausted frustration. “...get a towel then.” As he turned to slink back up the stairs, the steel toe of his boot caught on one of the steps, sending him tumbling down into the basement. Johnny C. landed in a heap at the bottom of the stairs, his mop and cleaning supplies scattered around him. He groaned, annoyed at the unexpected turn of events. As he struggled to get up, he heard a soft, timid voice from the corner of the basement. 
The source of the disembodied voice stepped into the dim light, revealing a young boy with wide, fearful eyes. It was none other than Squee, the kid from the neighborhood who always seemed to cross paths with Johnny in the most unfortunate situations. "Uh, hi, Mr. Nny. Are you okay?"
Johnny C. scowled, attempting to save face despite the embarrassment of his fall. "Of course, I'm fine. Just testing the structural integrity of the stairs, you know, for safety reasons. How did you get down here, anyways?”
Squee looked skeptical but didn't press the issue, instead fidgeting nervously with his fingers. "I-I heard noises, and I thought it was safer down here. But then you fell, and I didn't know what to do." He hesitated before asking, "Um, why were you screaming and making a mess upstairs?"
Johnny sighed, realizing that the evidence of his spaghetti-o mishap was still splattered on the stairs. "Just hungry, Squee. And those damn voices in my head won't leave me alone."
Squee furrowed his brow, clearly concerned. "Voices? Like, in your head?"
Johnny waved his hand dismissively. "Yeah, don't worry about it. Just annoying chatter. Happens all the time."
As Johnny started to gather his cleaning supplies, Squee tentatively approached. "I... I could help you clean up. If you want."
Johnny blinked, genuinely surprised by the offer. He was used to people running away from him or, at the very least, avoiding any involvement with his chaotic life. Squee, on the other hand, seemed genuinely willing to assist.
"Well, kid, you might regret saying that, but sure. Why not? Just don't get any blood on you," Johnny replied with a smirk.
Squee hesitated for a moment before nodding nervously. Together, they began to clean up the mess on the stairs, and Johnny couldn't help but notice the mixture of fear and curiosity in Squee's eyes.
As they worked, Nailbunny floated into view, watching the unlikely duo with a bemused expression. "Looks like you found a cleaning buddy, Nny."
Johnny shot a glare at the floating rabbit head. "Shut up, Nailbunny. It's just a one-time thing. I don't need help from anyone."
But deep down, as he glanced at the timid yet determined Squee, Johnny C. couldn't deny that maybe, just maybe, having someone around wasn't the worst thing in the world.
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lambsouvlaki · 11 months
For the Hell of it 4 - Pillion
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Character: Jason Todd x civilian! Fem!oc
Rating and Warnings: G, mention of vomit, mention of past abuse.
Word Count: 1,292
Summary: Jason takes Andy on his bike for the first time.
Jason laughed at her. Andy did not care. 
“It’s not ‘doing movies wrong’,” she replied with her chin lifted up while she held the door out of the movie theatre open for him. “It’s a passive activity, you can’t do it wrong.”
“You’re doing this one wrong, who sees Mission Impossible for the plot?” 
“What were you here for then?”
“The stunts, obviously.” He buried his hands in the pockets of his jacket and strolled beside her out into the warm afternoon. They both blinked at the brightness. “That’s the whole marketing campaign. Most dangerous stunt ever attempted by a human. Don’t know how they’re judging that exactly, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen youtube videos of Nightwing pulling stupider tricks two hundred feet over concrete pavement.”
“How would they know that anyway?” she said. “‘By a human’. What, are they DNA testing the crew?”
He frowned thoughtfully. “We’d know if Tom Cruise was a Metahuman.”
“Yeah, but what if the stunt coordinator was prescient and just never told anyone. Maybe the guy who checks the ropes and harnesses got that job because he’s got the power of tensile strength detection.”
Jason snorted a laugh. “They walk among us, doing safety checks?”
“Metas gotta pay the rent too.” She suddenly wished she’d kept her stupid mouth shut. “I assume.” 
Jason didn’t seem to notice, frowning at the tinted windows of the Italian restaurant they usually went to after catching a movie. They weren’t dates, of course, because they’d agreed they weren’t dating. They were just hanging out.
She followed his eyes to the windows but couldn’t make out anything more than vague movement through the glass.
He stepped ahead of her and pushed open the door, putting himself between her and the interior. She heard glass smashing and a lot of yelling before she saw a large man in a chef’s jacket punch a man in a suit in the stomach. He threw up spaghetti and red sauce all over the floor. 
She made a face and stepped back outside, chased by the acrid stench and a chorus of yells. Jason let the door swing shut again. 
“I’m suddenly not hungry for pasta,” he groused. 
She sighed. How quintessentially Gotham. Or maybe just Crime Alley. “There’s that Greek place on the next block?”
“I had Greek food for lunch.” He looked at her with his eyes slightly narrowed. His scheming face, she called it. “How do you feel about Afghan food? There’s a great place in the Narrows.” 
“I’m not walking to the Narrows.” 
He jerked his head at his bike, parked in front of the theatre. “It’s a quick ride. And I can drop you home afterwards.”
“Oh, okay. Sure, let’s try that then.” She followed him towards the gleaming black motorbike that she was honestly a little surprised nobody had tried to steal. She paused awkwardly a couple of feet away while he got his gloves out of his back pocket. 
“I’ve never ridden pillion before. You have to tell me if I’m doing it wrong.”
Jason sent her a curious look. “You’ve ridden a bike yourself?”
“Curse your attention to detail.”
He laughed. It was a warm and loud sound, and all too rare. She counted anything more than a snort as a win. 
“Never ridden pillion.” He swung a leg over the bike and patted the seat behind him. “Come on, daylight’s burning and I’m hungry.” 
She hopped up behind him, straddling the seat. It was a far more… close seating arrangement than she’d thought about in advance. Jason was tall and broad, she couldn’t see anything except his back from this position. He was so warm too, even without actually touching him. She could feel her cheeks warming a little and hoped he didn’t notice. She didn’t know where to put her hands. 
“Try to keep your leg away from the exhaust, it’ll get hot. Like that, perfect,” he said, pulling her knee slightly forward. “Now hands on my waist and try not to lean too much with the corners.”
She settled into the seat more comfortably and placed her hands on his waist. She could feel his rib cage expanding with each breath. “Like that?”
“Uh-huh.” He pulled his helmet on. “There’s gonna be a test at the end.” 
“Is the test Not Falling Off?” 
“I promise to circle round and scrape you off the road if you do. After a kebab or two.” 
“Asshole,” she said, but it was drowned out by the sudden roar of the bike. She knew he was smiling under the black helmet, she could sense it.
The bike vibrated between her legs much more than she expected, like some kind of angry beast. He wheeled it round, and then took off from the curb with a smooth acceleration. The force of the burst of speed startled her anyway and she leaned into him with a yelp. She cured around his back as they moved faster and faster, giving up on embarrassment. 
The cold air whipped past, a kaleidoscope of sounds and smells rushing by, but she was safe in the lee of his figure. He was so big and stable, it felt like wrapping herself around a column. A warm, breathing column. He smelled like leather conditioner and something smooth and earthy she couldn’t name. She tried not to lean out too much as he took corners, and found herself moving with him. It was such a tactile experience, overwhelming physical in a way she was unused to.
She shocked herself with how much she was into it. She leaned her cheek against his back. The leather of his jacket was soft. Before she met him she would have been shocked to think she’d gotten onto some man’s bike to go wherever he decided they were going. 
After the last time… in her darkest, loneliest moments she didn’t think she was ever going to trust anyone ever again. Certainly not a man, let alone one so intimidating. But she didn’t feel threatened by Jason, not in the least. 
She felt safer around him than she had in a long time. 
“Okay?” he called over his shoulder as they slowed to a stop at some lights.
She wondered if her instincts were leading her astray. She wasn’t stupid, she had seen his discoloured and ripped up knuckles, the scars lining his arms. He didn’t habitually find the exit in every room he entered due to a fear of a fire suddenly breaking out. Private security, he said his job was. In Gotham that could mean a number of things, some of them were even legal. The 200 something pounds of man between her legs was very dangerous. 
But he treated her so carefully, so gently. Like a little bird in his large hands, delicate heartbeat fluttering a mile a minute. 
Her pride raged at just how much she liked it. She hadn’t fought so hard to be in control of her life just to gamble with it now. She held on like a limpet as they pulled away from the lights. 
No. Bad Andy. Remember the last time you put your trust in someone you thought you knew? 
But Jason was nothing like Kieran. Kieran, insecure little insect, who needed someone to hold down just to reassure himself he was a man. Jason didn’t need any reassurances. He knew he was dangerous and spent more time making people feel comfortable and safe than trying to throw his weight around. 
When she was looking, that was. Just because he wasn’t the type of snake she’d encountered before didn’t mean he wasn’t going to turn around and bite her anyway. She didn’t know. He could be an all new variety of bad news. She held on a little tighter. 
City streets flashed by, and then they were shooting across the bridge, nothing but water and sky around them, dyed magnificent red in the sunset.
It didn’t matter of course. Because they weren’t dating.
Next >>
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melancholyandfrogs · 2 years
Things that Jason Todd has said about/to Tim Drake:
"You need sleep, Tim-bone, you're looking a little... deranged."
*carried Tim to his room after finding him passed out face-down into his keyboard in the bat-cave* "You need to learn how to take care of yourself." He tucked him into bed.
"I didn't die just so that—" *points to Tim, who's under eye bags are a deep purple while he chugs a large cup of cold coffee. "—could be Bruce's favorite."
"When I'm around you, I want to die again."
"That's sweet, Jay, really."
"Why aren't you offended? Be offended!"
"You haven't eaten in a week! Shouldn't you be dead or something? No, shut up—I'm making you dinner."
*after Damian practically mauled Dick when he suggested that he needed to make friends* "He's my little brother, but he still pisses me off."
Duke: "Nobody on earth can anger you like your siblings can."
Jason: "Then you clearly haven't met Tim."
"Short ass."
"You're not bulletproof Timmy, stop acting like it. You can't hind behind your screens and weird tech forever."
"Says the guy who hid behind a red bucket for a month."
*voice cracking* "That's got nothing to do with this! You could get hurt."
"Says the guy who died." then Tim ran away because Jason pulled a pistol out, ready to either shoot someone or scream
"My bad, Tomathy," Ruffles hair. "I didn't realize I was talking to a nerd."
"You singlehandedly have more mommy issues than Bruce does, and that's really saying something, just so you know."
"You might want to look into therapy, for that, Timbo."
"Did you get therapy after you came back?"
"Then shut up."
*Tim stubbed his tone in the Manor's kitchen* "That's what you get, you sleep-deprived weirdo!"
"Eat that, bitch!"
"People say I'm the emo one, but you look like you just crawled out of a ditch to hear My Chemical Romance one last time."
"You stink." So Tim would take a bath.
"Awh, my baby brother—" Cut himself off, and mimics shooting himself in the head. "I must have gone crazy for a second, sorry."
"I can tell you're exhausted, your shoulders are all hunched up and you're dragging your feet. Go to bed."
"No, fuck you, you just listen to Cass to much."
*about Tim's new tracking tech* "I'd rather shoot him than wear this."
"Geek alert." Because Tim quoted Stark Trek.
Calling him literally anything other than his actual name.
Replacement (endearment at this point)
Jason 2.0 (the worst one)
Alfred's Least Favorite (insulting)
Bruce's Favorite (Tim likes this one)
Red Bird
The Other One
That Guy
The Kid (not Damian)
this is for the people who think that Jason is just an jerk, that he's just a dead Robin who can't be nice / Jason Todd has compassion / he's a lovable douche / he doesn't know it though / fuck you
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Bruh I’ve been wanting a smut between saloonantics red bandit, Edward, and Thompson! Edward and Thompson are having smexy time but red bandit wants to join in, so letting this happen once, he’s allowed to join in!
I really love saloonatics I'm very excited to write more of it for this, I hope you like it (nsft past this point, proceed at your own risk)
They had just been down at the bar, and as Thompson got more drunk he got more handsy. Edward mostly stuck to his cola, maybe taking a few sips of Thompson's drink here and there, but not much. He would laugh and tell Tom to quit or wait till they got home, but he definitely didn't seem upset with him, cheeks and ears bright red.
It got a bit later and Edward said goodbye to Todd,he attempted to pay the bill but was stopped "No need, it's on the house for tonight" the bartender gave a small smile as he pushed Edwards hand with the cash away, confusing the other a bit. "Really? That's sweet, you don't have to do that" "I insist, just go before I change my mind" Edward laughed and nodded "ok, have a good night then"
He took his boyfriend's hand and led him out the door. They went back to Thompson's, Edward was staying with him anyway. He led his lover inside and chuckled softly as he sort of wobbled through the door, taking his coat off and throwing it down. The detective just smiled to himself and took his hat off as he shut the door.
Though nearly the second he set it down and went to turn back to Tom he was pressed against the door, looking up at now with wide eyes and red cheeks. "Thompson-" he laughed a bit, putting his hands on the other's chest. The sheriff sighed and just pressed a bit closer, hands on the door on either side of him "you said to wait till we got home" he sounded impatient, and smelled like vodka and cologne. Honestly, not a terrible combination to Edward's surprise.
He kissed the brunette deeply, the shorter melting into it right away, moving to wrap his arms around Thompson's neck. He had been getting a little ancy himself by now, admittedly having been looking forward to it since his lover was grinding on him in the bar, even if it was a little embarrassing.
Weirdly enough Todd didn't seem to mind at all, just playfully shaking his head while Edward told Tom to get ahold of himself. The kiss was a little messy and uncoordinated, but very heated, like Thompson couldn't wait another second, so the detective didn't mind a bit, just clinging to him.
He gave a soft breath as the kiss broke, whining as his boyfriend kissed down his neck. Edward held onto him a little tighter, giving soft noises as he felt rough hands grabbing harshly onto his hips and yanking his closer before moving to unbutton his shirt and rather roughly pull it off. He moved away from his neck to look at him, giving a soft breath and grabbing him again.
This time he put him down onto the bed, taking off his own shirt before getting on top of him. Their lips connected again in a more precise but just and hungry kiss. Thompson grabbed his legs, squeezing and groping his thighs as he started grinding on him. The smaller broke the kiss with a little gasp, biting his lip and pushing his hips forward as he moaned.
Things were quickly progressing, Edward panting and drooling as his neck was bit and kissed. He heard Thompson taking his belt off, undoing his pants. "D-do you want me like this, or on my knees?" The brunette asked softly, gently holding onto his shoulders as he looked up at him.
"this's good, wanna see your face" Thompson mumbled as he took his jeans off, making his lover blush deeply as he mumbled "ok" but before they could go any further, the door opened...
After they left, Todd rolled his eyes. It was ridiculous that they were the ones who were supposed to be keeping the town safe. It had been almost a year since he'd stolen anything, and he bet even as rusty as he is he could get away with it with those two on the case.
Still, they were his friends, and Edward was such a little sweetheart. He felt a little bad, England sounded so tame compared to Spitbucket, he must be way over his head. Todd had to admit he didn't necessarily dislike watching him get all flustered and embarrassed trying to get Thompson to calm down.
The way he'd blush and gasp when it caught him off guard, having to stop whatever conversation he and Todd were having to push Thompson's face out of his neck, quietly scolding him then squirming and wiggling in his seat trying to act like he wasn't getting excited... Maybe he should go pay them a quick visit, make sure they got home safe.
No one would care if he closed up an hour or two early. So that's what he did, giving the last call, serving a few more drinks, then telling everyone to go. He locked it up then headed up to Thompson's flat by the sheriff's office.
He was a little in his own head at the moment, so he didn't think to knock, just twisting the handle and stepping inside. He stopped and his steps sort of stuttered in surprise "Oh-"
He cleared his throat, Edward looked incredibly embarrassed, Thompson on the other hand seemed annoyed, and reluctant to stop.
"my apologies, I should have knocked, clearly you're... Busy" sure, they probably should have locked the door, but it was clear that had probably been the last thing on their minds. For God's sake Thompson was already only wearing his underwear.
"I-it's... Ok" the detective spoke softly. He felt this weird warmth in his stomach at Todd seeing them like this, the bulge in his pants only getting more noticeable. He spoke up when the bartender reached for the handle "W-wait, um, I think it'd be ok if you... Wanted to stay"
Todd seemed a little surprised, and Thompson raised an eyebrow. The little brit blushed a little deeper "if... That's ok?" He was looking at Tom, trying to see what he thought. Thompson thought about it for a few seconds before shrugging.
"why not" and then he went right back to pulling Edward's pants off and throwing them aside, surprising the shorter considerably. Todd locked the door this time, after all four's a crowd. He untied then slipped off his apron, just setting it on the ground. Thompson had apparently changed his mind, having the detective get on his knees before gently taking his underwear off too.
He looked at Todd and gestured for him to get in front of Edd. He took and gently stroked Edward's drooling cock, listening to the way he whimpered, instinctively spreading his leg a bit more for him. Todd took his short off then unbuttoned his pants to take his own dick out, Edward being more than happy to take it into his mouth.
While Thompson grabbed the oil off the bedside table he continued pleasuring his sub, Edward giving soft moans and gasps as he gently kissed Todd's dick. It was an absolutely gorgeous sight, and he was completely hard in seconds. He took a hold of the rich brown hair and gently guided him to still.
Edward complied immediately, just opening his mouth and letting Todd slowly put it in, just the tip, he let him do the rest himself. He seemed happy to do it too, taking a little more than half and gently sucking, whining a bit as he felt one of his boyfriend's fingers push inside of him.
As he added more and pumped them in and out, Edward was moaning and mewling sweetly around Todd's cock, taking more and bobbing his head. He seemed so content sucking and licking the shaft, he just enjoyed the way he could feel Todd flinch and hold his hair tighter when he did well, sometimes giving him instruction or telling him how good he was doing.
Soon though he felt the fingers slowly be pulled out, and instinctively prepared himself to take Thompson's dick. He was never exactly gentle, but had the tendency to be especially rough when he was drunk. Edward gave a half moan half whine as he felt it push in, pretty much the whole thing all at once. He could feel it so deep inside of him, his dick twitching uselessly between his legs as he just let Todd fuck his throat.
The ex-bandit was huffing softly with a slightly raspy voice, holding Edward's hair tight in his fist and looking at his adorable little face as he tried his best not to choke.
"Fuck, doing fantastic doll" he chuckled a bit, voice shaking only slightly and Edd whined, moaning around him as Thompson started moving, giving full hard thrusts right away.
He was holding his hips so tight there might be bruises, Edward whining softly in pain and pleasure. Thompson loved looking at all the little marks and bruises he left on his boyfriend after sex, he looked so cute. The boy was moaning lots, only getting louder as Thompson pounded into him.
"ah, look at me dear" he spoke softly, and Edward looked at him with his teary eyes. He was still jerking and whining every time Thompson would thrust in and it made it so hard to focus or do anything with the repeated rushes of pleasure. Todd pressed the tip of his cock against Edward's tongue as he jerked himself off, only taking a few moments for him to give a wince as he came.
Edward was happy to take it into his mouth again so he could swallow, giving soft moans as he did. Thompson leaned forward a bit, kissing Edward's shoulder and neck mumbling "good boy, look how well you did, didn't even have to tell you to swallow" he started going a bit harder as he spoke, the sub moaning out loudly and blushing deep red when the cock was removed from his mouth.
His own dick twitched and throbbed, he was beginning to get close, feeling the heat pooling in his stomach. The sheriff moved back and shoved him down a bit as he started going significantly faster, the brunette cried out. The man was more than a little drunk and also more than a little close to orgasm. He huffed and panted as he got harder, the sound of skin on skin loud as well as Edward's moans and mindless broken sentences.
Edward looked like he loved it so much, his blissed out expression spoke for itself, not even to mention all the noises he made. Todd couldn't help feeling a certain warmth seeing him enjoy himself.
His voice cracked and he nearly screamed when Thompson came inside of him, still panting and slowly thrusting as he filled the boy. Soon he stopped, giving a small sigh before looking at Todd and giving a little odd as if it was obvious what was next "ok, your turn, put him on your lap I wanna help" he moved out of the way a bit.
Todd didn't argue, having their shaken up and slightly disheveled sub sit up, then moved him onto his lap so he could cuddle him a moment. His hard dick was between Edward's legs, pressing against his own as the barkeep kissed his neck, reaching down and moving it to be pressed against his hole instead.
"ready?" Edward just nodded, leaning back to look up at him with his big golden brown eyes. He slowly pushed inside, and it felt incredible. He was so tight, and his walls felt so good.
Thompson shuffled a bit closer on his knees to his once again panting partner and gently had him spread his legs. He kissed the smaller sweetly for a moment, listening to him whine and mewl into it. Todd started moving while they kissed, holding Edward's hips and starting off gentle.
The detective gasped the first time he pushed it back in, moaning and covering his mouth when the kiss broke. Thompson kissed his cheek one more time before leaning down and grabbing his soft plump thighs, thumbs making slight dents in the detective's light tan skin. He knew he'd need to keep them open since his boyfriend always got so squirmy when he used his mouth.
He placed a small kiss against the tip of Edward's cock, electing a whine from the blushing brunette. It sounded embarrassed, as well as desperate and impatient. He licked it as he gently moved back the foreskin before taking it into his mouth, getting a full moan that time.
Todd started moving again as Thompson started bobbing his head. The sub was an absolute mess, moaning and drooling. He kept twitching and whimpering their names, little half baked sentences full of "please" and "oh God"s. The bandit was giving hard thrusts, not going too fast, and holding Edward close to him as he did.
Edward swore and let his head fall a bit, his whole face bright red. He held onto Thompson's hair, just needing something to stabilize himself. He was so close already, he didn't last nearly as long as Todd had, it was too much.
Thompson pulled off of his dick but continued quickly jerking it as he leaned up to kiss the shorter deeply. Edward moaned into the connection, kissing back right away and wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's neck. The kiss soon broke and the sheriff kissed his cheek, using his free hand to hold his face while he panted.
"Sorry Eddie, I couldn't help myself, you just looked so cute" he coed watching Edward blush and whine softly, bucking his hips a bit as he gave heavy breaths. "Are you gonna cum for us sweetheart? Go ahead" Todd pressed hard into his prostate while his lover squeezed causing him to cry out, tears of pleasure falling down his cheeks as he came, nearly screaming.
He panted softly, his head falling back on the bartender's shoulder as cum spilled over Thompson's hand. He gave a pleased sigh as he took his hand away, wiping it off as he watched the way Todd's thrusts got a bit shorter, slightly frantic in nature.
He was less focused on Edward's pleasure now that he had gotten to climax, just chasing his own release, giving harder quicker thrusts and biting onto his shoulder and listening to his little noises as he enjoyed himself.
It was so tight around his cock, he wanted to cum inside of him and fill him up so bad, but he didn't wanna stop. One of Edd's hands gently grabbed into Todd's arm for some comfort and stability. It didn't take long for him to cum, pushing deep inside of the smaller listening to him gasp and moan softly.
He felt so stuffed and warm, he just stayed out on Todd's lap, giving soft breaths. His head was so fuzzy still, he just whined and snuggled into Tom when he wrapped his arms around him, shuddering as Todd pulled out.
He kissed the top of his head, running his fingers through his dark brown locks then looking at Todd "you should just stay, it's late" Edward gave a small gasp and sat up a bit, looking over at Todd, as if he just remembered him leaving was an option "yeah, stay, the beds big enough"
The ex-bandit gave a small chuckle and nodded "ok, just for tonight since I don't feel like walking home" Edward smiled happily as he got comfy in the covers "good, get the light" he was followed by the sheriff, then finally Todd after turning the light off. They all got comfortable, cuddled up in the blankets.
Edward was so tired already, he really did feel so beyond satisfied after all that. "This was just a one time thing, alright?" Thompson sort of mumbled, sounding tired as well. Both nodded, looking at him in the barely lit room. "Mk, good" he buried his face in the pillow, and went to sleep. That was also what he said though the first time he and Edward slept together.
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igotanidea · 1 year
First choice : Jason Todd x fem!reader
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Summary: you don;t know what you have until it's (almost) gone.
A/N: this is lightly based on one particular scene from "little women". If you watched it, you'll know.
Warnings: usual Jason ones - swearing and a bit of angst. Apart from that fluff.
„Don’t leave with him.”
„I’m sorry?”
“Don’t. Leave. With. him.”
“And why exactly shouldn’t I?” Y/n crossed her arms over her chest, putting down the t-shirt she was folding before packing it into the suitcase. She was supposed to leave Gotham. Most probably – for good.
And she was not doing this alone.
She was about to go with Tom, the guy she met a couple months ago at work. At first, there was nothing but friendly feeling between them, but he clearly wanted more. So once he got a promotion and was posted to the branch of the company, he went as far as asking the CEO to second Y/N with him. And that got the girl slowly falling for Tom as well and convinced her to give him a chance. Since then, they have been on a couple dates and shared some innocent kisses but this acquaintance was promising. Finally Y/N found someone who would treat her right, who would give her peace, unlike the bats. Of course she loved all the Waynes , but it was a nervous lifestyle and it was slowly taking toll on her health.  
And that’s how Y/N ended up picking up her clothes, getting ready to take off and leave everyone and everything behind.
Leaving Jason.
“Why Jace?” she repeated scanning his face “Tom likes me and I like him. Maybe we can work things out between us. Shit, I hope we work things out, cause he might be my only chance for getting in a good relationship.”
“That is bullshit!” Jason exclaimed “You know that! That fucker is doing nothing more than encircling you like a prey! You mean nothing to him.”
“How dare you?!” she took a few steps towards him raising hand, almost slapping him across the face but stopping in the last second. “Nah.” Her eyes flashed “that’s what you want, isn’t it? You play your games, you want to mess with my head. Well, it’s not gonna work.”
“You’re gonna die out of boredom with him.  He doesn’t know a single thing about you. For your last birthday he bought you a ticket to the rap show! You hate rap! And one time he took to the restaurant with sea food, which you are allergic to! He’s ordinary! And you know you need thrill! You need night actions! You need working with Babs, with bats, with Red. That’s who you are. ” Before she could move away he grabbed her wrist in an iron clad  grip. “
“Let go of me.” She hissed warningly
“I said…. Let. Go. Of. Me.”
“And I said no.” their eyes met and this war of nerves and tensed gazes made them both shiver. It was like a lightning between them. The question was, who was going to give in first. “I can’t do that……” he whispered
“Why?!” she cried out “Why are you trying to destroy my only chance for happiness?!”
“Your …. Only chance? Fuck! Y/N are you serious!?”
“YES! For God’s sake, you do nothing but cause havoc! It’s been like that for our whole life!” she yanked free of his hold and moved a few steps back.
“You deserve someone better!”
“Huh. Really? Someone like you, Jason? Someone who will give my heart attacks every night? Someone who will make me worried and creating scenarios of getting hurt, injured, captured or killed? Someone who will ignore me, cut me out, won’t talk to me, keep me in the dark?”
“Stop calling me that….” She sobbed and started punching his chest. “Why can’t you just let go?”
“You know why….”
“You are being mean. This is not fair!”
“How am I  being unfair here?!” he shouted “ME? How can you even say that? I’ve spend half of my life loving you and yet, I’ve always been a second choice for you! How do you think that feels?!”
“What…..? But….?” She stuttered but now he was on the roll.
“Let me remind you. You were 20 when the first guy broke your heart and …..”
“You broke my heart first!”
“What…..?” now it was his turn to stutter
“I cried at your funeral, Jason! I mourned you after you got buried! I was in deep depression for months. Don’t you think that leaves a scar?!”
“But I came back. I came back to you!”
“It doesn’t mean anything!  It’s in the past. It’s too late. And don’t say you care, cause you are just acting selfish, as always.”
‘No. No princess. This is not how this Is gonna go. If you need a memory refresher, here we go. When your first boyfriend broke your heart, who was it that hold you, hugged you and did not let go for the whole night you were crying on the couch? Who was there for you? Say it!”
“You were.”
“Yes. And then the next day you were just acting like nothing happened. You run back to him the second he called to apologize. Don’t you think that hurt me?”
“And every other time when you were broken, scared, worried, shaking in fear or pain who was there for you? Who picked up the pieces? And even then you were always looking up to Dick! My freaking brother! Tell me something, Y/N” he came closer, and she had no way to run, cornered, “why am I always second best for you? Why?”
“Fuck!” she yelled and without any hesitation pushed herself into him locking his lips, letting all the anger, passion and craving for him out. At first he was taken aback, a bit, and the first thought that came to his mind was that he was going to end up alone and played by her again, but the way her body aligned with his, so damn close, so damn perfect got him crumbling. Out of instinct, he took a step forward, trapping her between the wall and his body, grasping her neck and tangling hand in her soft hair, the other gripping her hip pulling her closer. “you were never….” She gasped pulling for air “you were never second….. fuck, Jason.” Y/N fisted his jacket with a mix of anger and frustration.
“Don’t leave with him” he begged caressing her back, desperate to keep her with him, desperate enough to swallow his pride and get on his knees “I don’t want  you to leave. Please Y/N. Stay. Stay with me.” He nudged her nose with his, mouth hanging open, brushing over hers, so damn close,  wanting nothing but to kiss her again, but at the same time unable to.
‘I’m tired of playing games, Jace…..” she whispered closing her eyes.
“This is not a game, you know it….”
“Then say it. Say it to prove it to me.”
“I love you. I’ve always loved you. But I was so scared of this feeling. For so fucking long.”
“And now….?”
“Now I want you. If you’ll take me…’ he couldn’t hide that pleading tone in his voice. He was begging her to want him, to need him.  So desperate to not be tossed away like a used cloth, to not be forgotten and abandoned, not again. He begged her to love him back.
“I will.” Tears started falling down her cheeks. “I…. I will….I love you too, Jace…..” She sobbed and her whole body shook because of that. “But….” She swallowed hard and took a sharp inhale “Promise me you won’t hurt me. Promise me you won’t break my heart. Promise me you’ll love me right and won’t hide things from me….. please….I don’t want to be hurt again…..”
“Oh, baby….” He wrapped his strong arms around her, engulfing her in his warmth, hiding his own tear-stained face in her hair, kissing her head repeatedly. Only now he realized that they were both equally broken, life in Gotham and their past making them so similar. They were both scared of being alone, unloved. Having that belief that all life would offer them was scraps. “I swear. I swear to you……” he struggled to say those words because of the lump in his throat. ”you are my first choice too….” Jason added and her arms tightened around his waist. “will you stay now?”
“Yes….” She pulled back and looked into his eyes, filled with hope, relief, love and care, just like hers. “I’ll deal with tom later, but now… can you just hold me like this more? I need this. I need you.”
“You have me, baby. I’m yours. And don’t worry about a thing. I’ll take care of the man who wanted to take you away from me…..”
“I seriously hope that’s not a death threat, Red.” She laughed lightly and it was the prettiest sound Jason ever heard.
“Can’t make any promises on that…..”
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