#(i didn’t think i’d post this but the more i look at it the more i like how it turned out)
inkdrinkerworld · 3 days
i love your writing so much, thank you for everything <3 (especially for post!prison spencer and sunshine!reader!!!) i was thinking about spencer and r are hanging out. still, no one from the team knows yet. she saved his contact as “cutie pie” or some other pet name (and maybe even he doesn't know it yet), and he calls, but someone from the team picks up her cell phone before she does and answers like “uuuuh who are you, 'cutie pie?'” and the spencer was "what???? who's cutie pie???"
Spencer’s at home sick. He’d come over before his fever set in and he’d been delirious by the time he crawled into your bed. 
You wanted to stay home too, to take care of him and make him chicken noodle soup that would’ve been too spicy or make him take his medicine- he can be a bit of a baby about the liquid stuff. 
Instead, you had to come to work. 
You left medicine on your bedside, a large glass of water and a couple sleeves of saltines for Spencer. 
At work you’d been texting back and forth when he woke up, giggling and smiling much to Luke and Matt’s confusion. 
“Who’s got you smiling like that?” Luke asks and you lock your phone, holding it against your chest. 
“Just someone I’m talking to.” 
It’s the wrong thing to say because just as the words leave you Penelope is in the bullpen and you look up at her like you’ve been caught red handed. 
It’s not that you and Spencer are trying to keep your relationship a secret. It’s that you’ve only just started dating- maybe a month. You know Penelope will feel betrayed for a few minutes before asking for updates. 
“Who is this someone?” She asks and you shrug, not wanting to say too much. 
Your phone pings again and Matt raises his eyebrow- he’s come to be like a protective brother to you. 
“Is it serious?” He asks, watching you bite your lip to hide your smile. 
“Yeah, I’d say so.” 
Penelope squeals, your phone rings. You freeze for a moment when your phone announces, “Baby.” 
She lunges before you do, snatching your phone from your hands and then answering. 
“Who are you, ‘baby’?” Penelope says and you bite your lip, hoping Spencer is at least a bit coherent. 
“Put it on speaker, Garcia.” Luke says and you shriek, apologies already circling your head for Spencer. 
Penelope does as asked, and repeats her question. “Well mystery Baby, who are you?”
Spencer’s voice is hoarse and confused as he repeats, “Who’s baby? Penelope is that you? Where’s Y/n?” 
The entire bullpen goes quiet, a crippling sort of silence that is longing to be shattered. It goes unshattered and stretches till the tension makes the room taut. 
“I’m here, I’ll call you back Spence.” You say quickly, body hot as you rush to hang up. 
“So, the boy genius huh?” Penelope says, a chuckle breaking through your group. 
“I knew it!” Matt said, opening his hand as Luke fishes out his wallet. 
“What did you know, Simmons?” You ask, watching Luke place what looks to be a couple hundred dollars in Matt’s hand. 
“That you and the good doctor were seeing each other.” He says like it’s no big deal. “I knew it from the second day when you guys started doing your crosswords together.” 
You blow a raspberry, not even you knew you were going to end up with Spencer. 
“Rossi’s going to love this gos!” Penelope says, rushing out with a wave of her arm. 
“We are happy for you, you’re cute together.” Luke compliments, laughing when you hide behind your hands. 
When the drama dies down you text Spencer, I think everyone is now aware that we’re together. Oops 
Spencer texts back, more coherent than you’d thought he’d be given the temperature of his fever: That’s not so bad. At least now I can kiss you between the crosswords. 
You roll your eyes, You already do that, genius. 
Spencer’s response has you a mess of emotions. So, baby huh? I didn’t think you’d be fond of that one. 
Go take your medicine and get some rest, Spencer.
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thedisc0spider · 2 days
Could you write Spenser Agnew fluff? Could it possibly be Reader and Spenser have been hiding their relationship and basically pull a Shourtney??
Out of hiding
Summary: you and Spencer come out as a couple
Warnings: mentions of Covid, pre-established relationship, this is really short I’m sorry
Genre: fluff
Point of view: Second person
A/n: this is such a cute request I love it. By the way, I’ll be getting to my other requests really soon, just busy!
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You and Spencer have been dating for almost 5 years. Your relationship had moved rather quickly, you started dating a few months before lockdown and you decided to move in together because you didn’t know how long Covid was going to last. This wasn’t that crazy because it had felt like you’d been dating longer than you had due to the fact that you worked together years prior and always secretly wanted more.
Since the beginning of your relationship you told each other that should you make it to your five year anniversary, you would tell the world then.
Time flew by and the next thing you know, you’re only a day away from the world knowing why you’ve been so happy this last half-a-decade.
As it was getting closer you guys started teasing it on your stories
First spencer posted this on his story, tagging you:
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Then it was your turn, you posted this on your story, this time tagging him:
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People were starting to speculate now.
You and Spencer are laying in bed, you’re still asleep as he watches the rise and fall of your steady breathing. You wake up to the feeling of a hand running up and down you side. You turn, humming softly, to see spencer intently watching your every move.
You chuckle, running your hand through his hair. “You look like you’re about to murder me.”
He smiles, “sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up… I just like the way you look while you sleep.”
You smile, turning back around so he’s now spooning you. “Okay, creeper.”
Spencer laughs, wrapping an arm around your waist as he nuzzles his face into your neck. “You know what I mean, idiot.”
You lay in silence for a few seconds before Spencer speaks again. “Guess what?”
He kisses behind your ear, “tomorrow we go public.”
You sigh, nodding.
“You know we don’t have to if you don’t want, I know we said 5 years but-“ you quickly turn around to face him, sitting up.
“No, no. Of course I want to. I’m just… you know, nervous.” You fidget with the end of his shirt.
He cups your face in his hand, sitting up with you. “I know, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared too… but after we do this we don’t have to hide at all anymore. Just imagine..” he kissed your forehead.
You have to admit, the thought of being able to talk about him, to have him to yourself publicly, for everyone to know he was yours. You’d be able to kiss him, flirt with him, you smiled just thinking about it.
You grab the wrist of the hand on your face, leaning into it. “Yeah, you’re right.” You leave a kiss on his palm, “I love you, S.”
“I love you too, baby.”
The next day, you posted:
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Caption: chat, is this a hard launch? Happy 5 years!
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delwrites · 2 days
HI HI james is my pookie rn too and I'm craving fics so !!!!
consider. James with a really studious kinda reader (I'm thinking Ravenclaw but house doesn't have to be specified), academic rivals to lovers? like reader gets the best scores in most subjects but just can't manage to beat James in transfigurations? perhaps one day they find themselves struggling so much they just HAVE to ask him for help (as much as they hate to admit it) and they realize he's actually not as insufferable as they thought he'd be... then study sessions (cough dates cough) get more frequent and I think you can imagine where this is heading
hope you understand what I'm trying to say ^_^ you don't have to write this if you're struggling or don't feel like it but thanks in advance if you do 💋💋
an- i have to be honest, i didn’t write this alone… @koishua posted a list of prompts for academic rivals and i used a few, big shoutout to them thank you so much, they helped a bunch <3 this request was amazing, thanks babe!
James Potter loved to get on your nerves.
The smug bastard had seen how good you were in all your subjects, so he just loved to hold your greatest shame over your head; transfigurations. That bitch.
His annoying attitude paired with his holier-than-thou perspective vexed you to no end. But what irritated you the most was how genuinely gifted he was, when you could barely understand the simplest of spells. It was unlike you, and he knew it, and gosh he loved to rub your face in it. You dreaded every upcoming test, and no matter how hard you studied, it made no difference when it came to putting the theory into practice. You hated him and his smug fucking face.
His smug, handsome face. 
Before you had spoken to him, you almost could’ve sworn your heart jumped in your chest a little. Before he had opened his fat gob, you’d almost thought you actually found him sufferable. Oh how wrong you’d been. 
“Exam coming up, sweetheart. I can’t wait to rub my superiority in your face, again!” You rolled your eyes as James took his respective seat next to you. Regrettably, you’d allowed him to be your seatmate, the first day of lessons your eyes following him as he smoothly slid down on the shared desk next to you. You didn’t realise, at the time, just what you were getting yourself in for.
“Oh shut it, Potter, this time is the time I get you back, just you wait.” You spat his name out with as much venom as you could fathom, before he let out a surprisingly loud laugh at your words.
“Please, oh I’d love to see that!” The bastard. You’d show him, you just had to.
The next day was the first time where this pointless rivalry had faltered, it almost made you like him. Almost. You were sick, in bed all day with a flu that was going around. It was hardly anything serious, you weren’t exactly bedridden, but you didn’t want to pass it on to any of your respective classmates (although you wouldn’t mind poisoning a certain one). 
It was late afternoon, just after last period, when a certain displeasing bespectacled boy was at your dorm room door, rasping a melodious knock that tore a groan from your throat. 
“Come in!” He peeked his head around the door, a cheery expression faltering at your state, before coming back tenfold, a detail you missed having your arm thrown over your eyes. 
“You had no right to get sick!” He all but whined. You looked at him incredulously, baffled by his sudden outburst.
“Who am I supposed to annoy now?” 
“Well I didn’t mean to get sick!” You reply, exasperated by his antics, and the annoying tone his voice was piercing your brain with.
He smirked at you, happy you still had your argumentative nature with him, even in your state, before handing you a bundle of parchment.
“Uh, here.” He gives you a lopsided grin, best he could muster for you right now, before clasping his hands behind his back, rocking himself back and forth from the balls to the heels of his feet.
Upon reading the parchment, you instantly knew what he’d done. You furrowed your brows upon glancing over his notes (in aggravatingly nice handwriting, might you add).
“What, and the joke is they’re all wrong or something?” you say, clearly irritated, waiting for him to get to the point, hit you with the punchline. 
“No! No, I just, um, want my win to be a fair one, you know? Can’t have you falling behind, can we?” By this point, his feet had planted firmly beside your bed, hand going up to scratch the back of his neck awkwardly.
“I, uh, used my best handwriting and everything. I know you always complain about how ‘illegible’ it is so I, y’know, wanted to make sure you could read them…” he says, his hand then gesturing to the aforementioned papers in your grasp. All you could do was stare at them, trying to figure out his real intentions. James Potter wouldn’t just do something nice for you, would he?
Upon your silence, his brain scrambles to fill it, “You can read it, right?”. You feel a smile fighting onto your face, a genuine, stupid smile trying to unabashedly show itself. 
“Uh, yeah, yeah I can read it, idiot. Um seriously, I- thank you?”
“Wow, don’t have to sound so genuine.”
“No, James, seriously, it, um, it means a lot…” your eyes stick onto the post at the end of your bed, your duvet suddenly feeling suffocatingly warm. 
James can’t help but feel stunned at your use of his actual name. It felt silly, but he could feel your resolve crashing down before him, it made his own rear its head into the room, before he heard your door open, signalling his departure.
“Right, well I’ll, uh, see you later.” He gives you his best grin, teeth and all, before scooting past your friend to go back to his friends, a confusing blush covering his cheeks. Shit.
Your next lesson back, you couldn’t help but feel your anger tenfold. You had read over his notes and, for fucks sake, they were amazing. You already had a better understanding of the subject just after two, maybe three sides of parchment. I mean wow, what a dickhead. A super smart, super hot dickhead. You took your spot next to him, not daring to give him a glance.
“Woah, you’re awfully quiet. Finally realise I’m so much better than you at this?” He turns to you, smug smirk on his lips that you just wanna smack (kiss) off his stupid face. You turn to him as well, so suddenly that he almost flinches. 
“Teach me.” 
It certainly wasn’t what he was expecting you to say, but if it led to you here, now, like this, then boy was he glad. You were sitting practically thigh to thigh in the library after school, you requesting his help right up until dinner (or however much of it you could take until then). 
After around two hours of his help, you hated to say that you were already seeing improvement on your behalf. You’d never seen him so serious, not shy to crack jokes of course, but you could tell he was genuinely trying to help you. There were points where you couldn’t help but get distracted, watching his hands run over the pages, using them to further drive his points home, not shying away from the proximity like you desperately wanted him to. Every time you asked him to repeat himself, he’d poke your side, asking if he’s going too fast for you (not quite as teasingly as you’d expect him to, though), before repeating himself in a way that he deemed would make things more clear for you. It’s his fault, anyway. If he hadn’t been so close, so touchy, you wouldn’t get distracted in the first place. Hell, you could practically feel his breath on your neck. Despicable. You could only pray he couldn’t feel your heart rate speeding up, body temperature rising. If he knew the reason for your getting distracted, he sure as hell wasn’t showing it, at least having the decency of saving you the embarrassment. 
It all came to an end (sadly) when Remus came into the library, looking for a particular book and finding more than he bargained for. A smirk overcame his face, before walking over to you both, bending next to James’ ear to mutter a quick “Sirius has been looking for you,” and leaving you both to your devices as he continued scouring the library for his book, discreetly eyeing you both up. 
“Thanks again for, y’know, everything.” You say awkwardly, wringing your hands together in a manner which had his eyebrows creasing, lips in a straight line before sucking in a sharp breath, replying with a genuine, “Hey, I get it. Having a reputation to uphold and what-not, it can be a lot…” You just nod, eyeing up his face for any indication of him not meaning what he was saying, sniffing out any traces of a potential trap. 
“No really, you make a great teacher.” You beam up at him, the closeness of him making your breath catch in your throat, faces so close you could almost…
“I am brilliant, aren’t I?” Moment ruined. 
You let out a genuine (albeit, surprised) laugh in his face before gathering your ink and quill, putting all the parchment used into your bag and holding out a hand to him. 
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daistea · 2 days
the thought of mithrun in traditional elven attire makes me go a little bit feral like ...
SPOILERS ❗️sorry I know you didn’t ask for this, but I wanna talk about it
Elf fashion looks kinda Greek/Roman inspired(I may be wrong idk) like flowy fabrics and.. toga-esque, almost But in history, togas were mainly worn only for special occasions I think. So I’m leaning more towards a chiton-like style. Ruching, pretty simple, pretty gender neutral.
Though we only see Mithrun in a flowy chitan-ish garment when he’s in rehabilitation post-demon.
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His caretakers are all wearing white longish dresses/robes too, and even the tall-man is wearing robes. Get these guys like a fashionable belt or something, they need a pop of color
Otherwise he’s either in uniform or wearing high necked, long tunics, pants, and boots.
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High necked collar (got that fancy embroidery ohhh he fashion)
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Idk what to call this. A tunic? A dress? I think technically it’s a tunic. I like his boots tho I want them
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Same here. He seems to cover his neck, even before the demon ate his desires. Though there’s an image of his brother wearing a similar high necked thing. Like us all, elves probably dress in many different ways, and Mithrun just preferred to be covered up. Covered up like… his heart… not willing to be exposed… hmmm
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Sooo idk I don’t think we can pinpoint an exact inspiration for their clothing, it’s prob just a blend. The Canaries uniform, at least Mithrun’s, kinda calls to mind a pteruges, leading us back to the Greek inspiration theory
I would like to think that there’s a version of the canaries uniform that’s for formal events? Something without the uncomfortable spider silk stuff
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Poor Mithrun, taking off his armor must feel like taking off a tight bra at the end of a day 😩 relief (not that he rly cares tho)
But anyway yeah it would be cool if they had formal wear, something without the armor but still signifying their position (the wardens are prob the only ones that would have it though) It’s canon that Pattadol and Mithrun have attended things held by the Queen so I wonder how they dressed….
As for traditional wear, I’d think it would just be fancier versions of the flowy outfits. Maybe add a nice fibula and another layer.. idk 🤷‍♀️
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otomehonyaku · 1 day
Diabolik Lovers Lost Eden Stellaworth Tokuten Short Stories スペシャル特典小冊子 ☽ Shin ver.
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This short story booklet was part of the Stellaworth set for Lost Eden! Keep reading below the cut for Shin's version.
S ☽ [Ayato’s version by @kyouxa] [Laito’s version by @kyouxa] [Shuu’s version] [Reiji’s version] [Kanato’s version] [Subaru’s version]
M ☽ [Ruki’s version] [Yuma's version] [Kou’s version] [Azusa’s version]
TK ☽ [Carla’s version] [Shin’s version] [Kino’s version]
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
As always, special thanks to @karleksmumskladdkaka for providing the scans ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝ Please do not reuse or post my translations elsewhere or translate my work into other languages without my permission.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
When Brother took up his duties as the King of the Founders, I came to know what a great man he really was. I had already respected him before, of course, and while I had been jealous of him all the same, I truly realised how difficult it must be to reign over a country as the King of the Founders now that I had taken over my brother’s former tasks. 
He had to keep careful track of everything, from the relations between Species to the state of the castle. To make matters worse, the Demon World was still in a state of disorder. It was an extremely uncertain time. If he were to slack off, the different Species would perish in no time. Such a grim fate must be avoided at all costs—if it was not, we would be beyond saving.
As I sat brooding about this in my room, I suddenly heard footsteps coming near. Judging from the scent, it was her. I opened the door before she could knock.
“What’s up? Do you need me for—”
Before I finished speaking, she took my right hand in hers and gripped it tightly. In her other hand, she held a brown basket. My eyes widened at the sight of a water bottle hanging from a strap around her neck.
“Shin, let’s go on a picnic!”
A smile was plastered across her face as she spoke, only increasing my surprise. How many years had it been since I’d last gone on a picnic? The weather was certainly nice today, and I wanted to spend the day with her. However, documents were piling up on my desk.
“But I still have a lot to…”
“Do you really have to do all that today?”
I swallowed my reply when I saw the worried expression on her face. I almost wanted to say that yes, I wanted to get it done today, but as the thought formed in my mind, I knew that I didn’t need to.
I briefly turned over her invitation in my head before nodding and walking out the door.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
We left the castle behind us and spread the picnic mat on a low hill. I watched as she joyfully unpacked a variety of snacks and drinks. My face had unconsciously broken into a smile as well.
“Here, Shin, this is for you. I made many different kinds, so have some!”
I took a bite from the sandwich she held out to me. I’d known she was planning something from early this morning, but to think she’d been cooking… 
A pleasant taste flooded my mouth. I’d been way too busy lately, and I only now realised how long it had been since I got to spend time off like this. 
Maybe I’d been more anxious about my brother’s position as the King of the Founders than I thought. In my constant worrying about wanting to grow closer to him, to surpass him, I had neglected myself.
She had the rare talent of making me notice what’s truly important. No matter how bad things got, she remained by my side… and yet I had failed her as her partner.
“…I’m sorry.” 
When I quietly muttered my apology, she turned to look at me with a surprised expression.
“I became engrossed in my own stuff… and I didn’t spend enough time with you,” I continued.
“…That’s not true.”
She quietly grabbed my hand. The warmth of her body spread to mine through her palm.
“Shin, I know you always think of me dearly. But… I just want you to take care of yourself, too.”
I could never compete with her and her gentle smile. She always put me first. Her support is what got me to where I was today. 
I loved her from the bottom of my heart… and I wanted to make her happy.
“Thank you.”
As I stroked her hair, I leaned in and kissed her. Her shy smile, her extraordinary kindness… it made me want to make her mine forever.
“You made a lot of sandwiches, right? Feed them to me.”
“Hehe. Alright… Which flavour would you like?”
“I’ll eat all of them, so any will do… After I’ve eaten this one, I’ll feed you next.”
“Ah…! Y-you don’t have to…”
“You’re saying that, but I know you want me to.” I whispered, making her face turn red. 
I planted a kiss on her cheek, and took another bite of the sandwich.
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qveerthe0ry · 2 days
Lions Ain't the Kind - Part 3.5
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Summary: Frankie asks you about transitioning Pairing: Frankie Morales x NB/Gender-fluid! AFAB! Reader Rating: 18+ Explicit Warnings: 18+ mdni, talks about gender non-conformity, talks about gender dysphoria, mentions of transitioning, mentions of HRT and gender affirming surgery, chest binding, use of packers A/N: I said I wasn't going to post anymore of this series until July but I was WRONG! I wote this for @romanarose 's Pride Event. Week 2: Transitioning. I realized that writing this little snippet would actually add a lot of depth to reader and explain more about what their gender identity means to them (while also reiterating that Frankie is a perfect little sweetie pie)
“Do you ever want to get surgeries? You know, like, gender affirming ones?”
You pause Netflix to turn to Frankie, shirtless and looking at you with genuine curiosity. 
“Why do you ask?” 
His brows draw up.
“Just wondering. This is all kinda new to me, I guess, and I’ve done some research… I just know it’s an option and— yeah, I mean— I really am just curious.”
The backs of his knuckles trace your arm, and goosebumps form there. 
“That’s a bit of a loaded question, honestly. Do you want the short answer or the long answer?”
He smiles, soft, and you swear he’s an angel with that halo of curls framing his head. 
“I wanna know whatever you wanna tell me.”
You smile too, tangle your legs with his under the sheets and get relaxed for the conversation you’ve never been so comfortable having before now. 
“So… basically, I think the pros and cons completely stalemate each other. You know? There are things about hormones and surgery that I’d enjoy. But… because I’m so fluid, I’d also sometimes not enjoy them. Does that make sense?” 
Frankie nods, “I think so, yeah.”
“And that’s the thing— Right now, there are things about my natural body that sometimes I like, and then sometimes those same things make me uncomfortable.”
“Dysphoria?” He asks, a timid and sad tone weighing down the word. 
“Yeah— exactly. Look at you, Mister Research.” 
A bashful dimple appears as he ducks his head. 
“So, there’s things I have that help. They’re temporary… but… so is the dysphoria. I think, for me, the best decision is to lean into those temporary aides. I mean for one, it’s cheaper. And much less invasive. Why go through all of that just to be in the same boat, y’know?”
“Yeah, I get that. I’m sorry you have to compromise, though. Sounds… Not easy.”
You shrug, but you’re smiling, because it’s quite thrilling to have someone so understanding in your corner, and your bed, and your life. 
“Thank you. You’re right, y’know, it isn’t easy. Especially when it comes to dating. So it’s really nice that you’re… Well— that you’re you.”
A surprised breath leaves him as his eyes light up. 
“It’s nice that you’re you, too. I like you, everything about you.”
It’s silent for a moment as you stare at each other, smiling, sunny, giddy almost. 
“What— umm… What are those things that help? You don’t have to tell me, but… If you want to, I’d like to know.”
You nod. 
“Yeah okay.”
You take a deep breath and debate on what would be easiest to start with. 
“You know how you asked me what those marks were on my back yesterday? In the shower?”
“Yeah, you said it was just indents from your blanket. Were they not?”
You shake your head. 
“I use this stuff called transtape. It’s used to bind your chest, you know? So it looks flat? Sometimes it leaves little marks— like a bandaid would.”
“So it’s like a binder? But… tape, instead of a garment?”
“Exactly. I was wearing it that day you… it’s why I haven’t really let you touch, yet. It’s kind of unsexy to explain in the moment.”
“Why didn’t you wear it in the shower? Should I not have looked?”
Worry creases his brow, but you huff a laugh and grab his hand. 
“No, it’s okay. I wanted to shower with you, and I needed to replace it anyway. It— I mean, like I’ve said, sometimes it bothers me and sometimes it doesn’t. I felt like we were in a rush, and it wasn’t… sexual. And I felt comfortable with you like that. I knew you wouldn’t gawk or… comment, or anything. I liked being able to just be myself with you, and having you still see me as me.”
“Oh, okay. I mean… I liked what I saw. Is that… okay to say?”
You roll your eyes and laugh.
“Yes, you’re allowed to like my tits, Pretty Boy.” 
He flushes, but his eyes glance down to your chest in a brief flicker. 
“You’re wearing the tape, now?”
“I am. Do you wanna see?” 
“I— I mean, yeah. If you wanna show me.”
So you do. You slowly slide your shirt off, and you bare yourself. You feel confident, which is new, in a situation like this. 
He stares, like he’s studying you. His eyes take catalog of the different pieces, the way they’re shaped, the way they hold everything up and back and flatten. 
His fingers twitch under yours, and you squeeze them before letting go. 
“You can touch,” you whisper. 
He does. In an instant, his fingers gently trace the edge of the tape, then his palm covers it all, right over your heart that’s pounding. 
“You’re so… fuck, I’m sorry, I don’t wanna be weird. You’re just really hot.”
You do preen a bit, even if you don’t want to admit it. He makes you feel so good about who you are. 
“That’s not weird. I think you’re hot too, so it’s good we’re on the same page.”
He hums, traces his middle finger down the center of your chest, so light it tickles. 
“What else?” 
“There’s more, right? More… aides?”
You nod slowly. 
“You know what a packer is?” 
He nods slowly. 
“I’ve read about them. I haven’t seen one.”
“I haven’t worn one around you. It could be confusing at first, right?”
You feel sweat start to prickle at the back of your neck. 
“It could be, yeah. I get that. You can, now. You always could have, you know?” 
“Yeah, I know, now.”
He clears his throat, and gives you a signature Frankie grin, and the room starts to feel a little less stifling. 
“If you want to show me, I’d like to see. I wanna know everything about you, when you’re ready for me to.” 
You debate for a minute, how to show him, which one to show him, before you get out of bed and duck down to grab the box that’s under your bed frame. 
“I have a few, they’re all different,” you start to explain. 
You set the box next to him, then crawl into bed too, and unhook the latches on the lid. 
He sits patiently as you open it, and you’re afraid to look at him when they’re revealed. 
“That’s a lot of penises. Peni?”
You choke on an awkward, startled laugh and shake your head. 
“I know, I know.”
“No, it’s cool. I wish I could have a different dick for each occasion.”
And he’s laughing with you, not at you, and you finally brave a look at his face. 
His eyes run curious circles around the inside of the box, but when he notices you watching him, his gaze falls on you again. 
“Tell me about them.” 
So you do. 
You explain that the smaller one is easiest to wear in public without feeling awkward, but still feeling euphoric. The mid-sized one is usually for the odd occasion where you go out to clubs or bars or other queer spaces. The biggest one, you tell him, is for when you’re just at home, and you want to be able to look in the mirror and see you, on those days where you need to be as masculine as possible. 
“What about this one? It’s smaller too.” 
“It’s uhh… well, it’s a 3-in-1.”
“What does that mean?”
You pull it out of the box to show him the back of it. 
“So this is like— so I can pee standing up. And then this” you say, grabbing the rod that’s lying in the box, “is to make it hard. So I can penetrate, or ‘jerk off’ with it. I don’t wear it out much, except for maybe when I’m gonna be out all day and I don’t know the bathroom situation.” 
You look up to find his eyes and mouth both wide. 
“That’s sick,” he says, then swiftly adds— “in a good way. I didn’t know that was a thing.” 
You hum and nod. 
“Do you… wish you were wearing one? Right now?” 
And it’s kinda weird, the way he asks so innocently, but you really do. Especially with the way you’re shirtless and taped up right in front of him. 
“Kinda, yeah.” 
“Can I see it? You can say no. But— how does it work? Like, is it secure?” 
You place your 3-in-1 back in the box, and grab your medium sized one. 
“Let me show you.” 
You’re already wearing your favorite briefs to pack with. You have a lot of pairs and they’re comfy with or without. So you shed your sweatpants and get up on your knees to show him.
“There’s a secret pocket in here,” you tell him, “these aren’t good for the 3-in-1, since the pocket is between the packer and my skin. But I have different underwear for those.” 
He nods, and watches you pull the waistband down to show him the pocket. 
“You could keep snacks in there, too.” 
You laugh at the silly look in his eyes. 
“Not sure they’d be that good, all pressed up against my crotch.”
“I’d eat ‘em,” he says, and wiggles his eyebrows for good measure. 
“Noted,” you joke, “so— yeah, I just, put it in here.”
And you do, sliding the packer into place and fiddling the waistband back.
“I mean, usually I look in the mirror to make sure it looks right, adjust it so it doesn’t pinch anything when I walk.” 
He nods as he stares at your crotch, and his hand reaches out to wrap around your thigh. 
“And it feels good? To have that there?” 
“Yeah, when I’m dysphoric. Just having that weight there, it feels real and right.” 
He smiles at this, so wide, so sweet. 
“Wear it around me. When you want to. I want you to feel that way, always. Okay?”
Your throat feels a little thick, and your eyes sting a bit, but you still smile. 
“Okay,” you whisper. 
“C’mere,” he whispers back. 
You close your box and place it on the floor, as quick as you can. He pulls you to him tight, and it feels incredible, to have all of your bare skin against his own, finally, nothing but your tape in between you. 
He kisses you without a bit of urgency, just lax and syrupy. His hand is firm against your spine, pressing you to him, and you feel dizzy when he pulls away. 
“Thank you for showing me everything,” he says.
“Thanks for… just… being cool.” 
He chuckles, then coaxes you on your back, so his head can take its coveted position back, over your chest. Your naked, flat chest. You hold the remote toward the TV, intent on unpausing your show, but he stops you. 
“Can I hold it?”
“The remote?”
“No— your dick. Just to keep it warm? No funny business.” And he’s looking up at you with those damn eyes again, and how could you say no to that?
last part/next part
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🎉 Sims Build Challenge: Redesign Our First House!
Wow! Even with the poll not being up for 24 hours, there’s already so much interest! Y’all are awesome! 💖 (Maybe I’ll think about making requests more often—but more on that idea later! 😉) More details about the challenge are below the cut!
The Guidelines:
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I don’t want to restrict anyone’s creative process too much! Just because something isn’t our style doesn’t mean it won’t inspire us! So consider these more like guidelines to spark your creativity!!! 🌟
If someone could upload just a shell of the house (no cc) to the gallery so others (like myself) who aren’t builders can play around and join, that would be awesome and sooooooo appreciated! 🏠✨
My husband and I aren’t flippers or DIY people for major construction on a house. This means we won’t be doing any major overhauls like taking out walls or adding walls. So that would be a restriction in this building challenge. 🚫🔧
Our house definitely has a lot of potential, so feel free to renovate things! If you want an extra challenge of decorating it as is and making an older home look adorable and loved, please do so! We won’t be able to renovate all at once, so I’d love to see what y’all come up with. 🛠️❤️
Feel free to use CC or no CC! Again, I don’t want to restrict your creative process! 🖌️🖥️ I'm personally a fan of no CC homes in my personal gameplay. However, for this particular challenge go ham!
Use whatever iteration of The Sims franchise you would like to participate! I personally will be using TS4, I don't want to exclude anyone who enjoys playing the older version of the games!
Use whatever Sims 4 expansions/packs/kits/etc you have! If you use something I don’t own, well… I guess I have a reason to buy it! 😉
Use the following tags so we can find your home on TS4 gallery and here on tumblr! #PleasantTalesSimBuild #PleasantTalesChallenge and #KaityBsHouseChallenge! Please tag me on any post you make sharing your design!!
Our Home!
Wonderfully spacious and updated 3 Bedroom, 2.5 Bathroom Home with a large backyard and deck. Large living area with an open concept floor plan. The square feet of the house is 2070! 🏡✨
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The Exterior - Click me for more reference photos!!!
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The First Floor - Click me for more reference photos!!!
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The Second Floor - Click me for more reference photos!!!
Interior Inspiration💡:
We both really like nature and natural light. We love minimalism, boho feel, clean, bright spaces with neutral or warm colors, and cozy vibes. Unique or character touches and warm lighting are a big plus! 🪴🌞 There’s a little book nook in the home that I’m very excited about! 📚 My husband is most excited about the backyard and landscaping! 🌳🌸 We have 1 dog and 2 cats! So go ham in making sure they feel the love too! Nova the dog is most excited about the dog door the house comes with (located in the kitchen)! 🐶🐱🐱 If I didn’t include any details that y’all may need or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to message me! Unfortunately, I don’t have a floor plan of the house; otherwise, I’d include it for y’all!
Happy building and I can’t wait to see what you come up with! 🎨🛠️
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fujii-draws · 2 months
OKAY! Chatot rant in tags below! Read at your own discretion.
#okay starting from the beginning of where ppl usually dislike him. apple woods chapter.#he doesn’t give hero/partner the CHANCE to explain themselves despite them being relatively good recruits up until that point.#and that legit might be my only gripe with that chapter bc!!! stories need conflict! I LIKE the conflict in apple woods!!!#hero and partner being punished so something they didn’t do!#the misunderstanding! how team skull (Skuntank) actually outplays the main duo with a clever yet rotten trick. I LOVE that it segways into-#one of the more sweeter scenes of guild members looking out for eachother. I LIKE APPLE WOODS CONFLICT.#but chatot just. not giving them a chance. is so dumb.#I’d personally fix this by having a lil montage of hero/partner fucking up on jobs. A LOT. and chatot giving them a pass every time.#and let the perfect apple incident BE the one where he puts his foot down and doesn’t listen to them. bc he’d given them loads of chances.#and doesn’t want to hear any excuse.#but yeah. I legit dont mind him during that chapter except for that really stupid and frustrating moment.#NOW. CHAPTER 17.#UGGGGHHH WHERE DO I BEGIN#Him not believing hero and Partner about Grovyle and the future being in ruin? FINE. ACTUALLY GOOD. BC CHATOT WOULD BE SKEPTIC.#IT FITS HIS CHARACTER!!#BUT WHAT DOES SUCK. IS HIM GOING ‘Dusknoir isn’t the bad guy. he didn’t do anything wrong’#WHEN HE LITERALLY KIDNAPPED HERO AND PARTNER RIGHT I N F R O N T OF HIM.#(​NO LITERALLY. HIS CHARACTER IS IN THE FRONT ROW WHEN IT HAPPENED.)#and him. having the GALL to tell hero and partner they must’ve been ‘seeing things’ and downplaying the HELL they went through.#despite them being missing for hours/days. his own guild recruits. and his angry sprite showing up.#like. I think that’s when I genuinely despised him.#that and him going ‘OH I BELIEVED YOU THE WHOLE TIME HEEHOO :)’ shit was so fucking annoying.#just playing it off as a joke the second the guild started to believe hero and partner.#IMAGINE IF HE W A S ACTUALLY TESTING THE GUILD’S TRUST. SHOWCASING HIM AS THE MORE RESPONSIBLE AND RESPECTFUL RIGHT HAND OF THE GUILD.#and yes. Brine cave he saves hero and partner. but at that point I just didn’t care anymore.#he fucked those two over so much. that I didn’t care what ‘valiant’ sacrifice he had.#and he grills Team Skull for what they did OFF SCREEN. they couldn’t even give us THAT.#<<< THAT or him outright saying sorry would’ve been nice. IKIK his ‘actions’ or whatever but.#eughh again this is all imo. I’m not trying to make people hate him or change their mind.#I’ll get into positives in the second post cause I’m running out of tags
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alangdorf · 2 months
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Sorryyyy for dropping off the face of the earth; got kinda shy after that last post but mostly I’ve just been writing though I cannot guarantee that any of that will ever be finished (also I’m very insecure about my writing AAAH). Figure I might as well post the valentines I had done (like two months late lol); interestingly this turned into more of a hand lettering exercise than I was expecting lol
#len’en#yabusame houlen#suzumi kuzu#tsubakura enraku#haiji senri#art#digital#there was one more but I’m not confident it’s like. funny? and I have stuff I’d eant to change abt it#and these four have pretty good comedic timing as a set so I’ll just leave well enough alone#also had plans for a Kuroji and uhhh Xeno a but those haven’t panned out#you’ll have to excuse me I���ve been going off the rails and also have not fixed the meds situation (I’m completely out atm)#started like four fics; yes they are all suzutsuba and there is. so much sex (not described/on screen but STILL)#didn’t manage to stay away from Hamal Cine Bad End either jfhshsjfb#too nervous abt talking yo pol rn to leave comments but zaranthropy if you’re reading this I owe you my life#also I think I said I was inspired on something by dissociation constant and then when chapter 2 came out I relized it was something I had#completely misinterpreted but I’m too embarrassed to actually go and check lol……#*talking to ppl sorry I had to turn off my autocorrect cause it was being compeltely unreasonable#OH YEAH also this Haiji design was a little bit inspired by a redesign of them from uhhhhhhh who was it. idk most of their blog is gone but#I’ll go check my likes#anyway I like how they tuned out also that joke came to me several days after valentine’s and gave me the idea for this whole thing#edit: can’t find the post anymore for some reason but I think yhe name was like chiosu or something?#did somebody go delete their blog while I wasn’t looking
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askamnesiamoonjumper · 2 months
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me after editing the aau prologue for the bajillionth time
#First chapter I changed the opening bc I always thought it felt off/abrupt and wanted to have it be prince pov from the start#I wanna get in his head more ok sue me#Beyond that tho it was just some wording edits#Specifically with the internal dialogue moments I helped them flow more/feel more like thoughts#Also mj gets a bit more of their usual edge/pessimism bc the prologue they always felt a bit too “ówò sad poor smol bean” or whatever#That’s it tho chapter 4 I didn’t change bc it’s peak#Did add some teases to later things tho like snatch senses mjs soul at the end of his chap but doesn’t realize it#Or like I added the Not Now running thing in the earlier chapters bc it was more of a chapter 4 thing so I wanted 2 set it up more so boom#I think that’s all the notable edits ig like I said just description additions the only actual new thing is the opener for chap 1 👍#Also also I got to include a hc that I have that I neglected to do before but I hc a!prince used plural internal dialogue#Because lol we love dramatic irony in this house#Grace post#this reminds me tho one of these days I should look through heart strings chapter one to look for editing things#Bc I think I did that recently but I don’t remember it much tho#Mostly just when the Hat stuff starts that was the parts I never directly rewrote I just edited them so they feel out of place in my brain#Also I’d wanna edit her dialogue bc it *was* in character (after rereading her diary’s to confirm) but I wanna have her be a bit more snark#Hat is Hard bc i Need the balance of cute little kid and also smug little shit (affectionate) like she is a pain to write man cries#This is just me rambling lol ignore it I just wanted to spam aau thoughts#In other news I made shapes redesigns but I’m on the fence on posting them bc idk if I wanna spoil or not hhhhhhhhh#Nowadays I’m more chill w spoiling things than I used to be#But there are a handful of things I’ve kept shut about (ex being princes name or mjs species stuff etc)#So I’m not sure if this thing with shapes i should keep secret or just post bc I used to spoil it but idk now#Shrugs#maybe I’ll do a poll later I dunno#Ok yapping over byeeeeee
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floofysmallbob · 3 months
just a rough little doodle of some cute sapphics
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Cup of China 2023 - Adam Siao Him Fa and Shoma Uno during the men’s victory ceremony
#this photo is everything to me I want to frame it put it on my wall stare at it forever#i’ve been lowkey hoping for something like this the whole off season watching adam’s ig and following him posting about his training#I love this boy and I love that he’s the kind of person who keeps quiet and works hard to get what he wants (like shoma)#and I do love his skating - his two programs were my favorite last season after shoma’s#but he really clicked for me at worlds on that first monday of practice (ik I will never shut up about this sorry)#was it the last group of men? it was pretty late and adam went in the group after shoma#and I was already shaky after seeing shoma practice with my very eyes#the way shoma practices is really like a machine - relentless and single-minded and unstoppable#and that night he was really hitting it (and popping a lot of jumps but he was still not holding back)#I think it was the night shoma did more jumping passes than the rest of the other men put together#and then adam’s group came out#and I ended up being unable to look away from adam because I saw much of the same qualities in him#and it went through my mind that of all the guys I’d seen there he was the one that reminded me the most of shoma#(lol it’s always shoma in the end isn’t it)#(and I love that shoma had already recognized his qualities too)#(I was so devastated when worlds went the way they did for adam sdghjkk)#but last season he still didn’t have what it took to fight at the same level with the guys at the top - or the consistency#that’s why this win feels so precious and meaningful#adam kept it together and delivered once more - it wasn’t just another one-time win in france#and to do it like that! tired from back to back assignments jetlagged and with boot issues!! On bad ice!!!#he knew that if shoma went clean it would have been hard or impossible for him to win#but he went for it with all he had and fought hard - i teared up towards the end because I was so worried he’d let his sp mistake get to hi#can’t wait for gpf but no matter how adam does there I’m so proud of him 😭#this was hard for me to watch because I also wanted shoma to win but I think Adam needed it more and it ended up being a deserved win#and I think it will motivate shoma for nhk and I’m so here for it! or literally: will be so there for it afsghjjfghgdh aaaaaaaaahhh#adam siao him fa#shoma uno
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iristhedeadflower · 1 year
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lesbianlenas · 8 months
went to see the aces yesterday which first of all they were amazing it was my first time going to a concert w lesbian music and it was very special to me (also the lead singer was so sexy btw js 😩) but ANYWAY. i asked my friend if she wanted to go w me & she had never listened to them before but she said she would and i sent her some of their music to listen to etc etc. so like we went to the concert it was great and afterwards she told me she thought it was boring and she didn’t like the music. which was kind of crazy to me bc it’s like indie pop/rock music and like as someone who does not enjoy the majority of indie music bc i find it boring their music is not boring 😭 so first of all i find that offensive. second of all she was like well if you find a concert from x artists then i would enjoy that and she listed like three artists to me one of which was taylor swift and i was like. yeah where am i gonna get taylor swift tickets lmfao. but the other artist she listed (i don’t remember the third one she said lol) i just looked up his music and i’m legit like 😭😭😭 first of all this man looks like he just finished hibernating for the winter and crawled out of the cave into the sun for the first time in months. second of all. that’s also what his music sounded like. my point being that going to this man’s concert while he strums a single guitar in a flannel shirt and jeans would be a million times more boring than watching women having fun on stage and singing abt lesbianism idk call me crazy………it’s like i would find it more understandable if it was at LEAST interesting music………
#michelle speaks#& i said to her well you prob would’ve enjoyed it more if u knew the songs#& she looked at me like i was legit crazy & was like i knew the lyrics they repeated them#i was like. just bc you get what’s being said doesn’t mean you know the song like that’s not what i mean…..#like i’m sure i’d enjoy a concert of that man if i knew his songs at least even if i didn’t really like them#at least somewhat even if it wasn’t the best time of my life#bc part of what makes a concert fun is being able to sing along…..like ur going to at least enjoy it more if u do#also she did not like violet by hole. how do you as a woman not enjoy violet by hole. omggggggggg#but like u know if she didn’t like the music that’s fine like w/e but she was making it so obvious to me that she didn’t#like i was like what did u think and she was like um. it was good. u know. and i was like oh so you didn’t like it#& she immediately was like i didn’t want to say but it was so boring and i was like. ok. u didn’t have to actually.#it did just annoy me bc it’s like i really enjoyed it and she like immediately took me out of it w that…..#like instantly lost my post concert glow 😔#anyway tho she was wrong it was actually great & someone threw a lesbian flag on stage at some point & she was holding it#while singing a love song abt another woman & it meant so much to me 💞 my friend simply cannot understand……#also if u think i’m joking abt this man i was so shocked when i saw his spotify header i legit said no fucking way out loud 😭
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no1ryomafan · 5 months
Sometimes I wish I was into getter sooner because the curse of “being in a small fandom of a series that’s been around for decades” is there was always fans before you even if the difference is only by a couple years yet those people do eventually stop talking about it. Not leaving the fandom persay but they got different interests so they don’t feel inclined to stick to this one thing, they’d still talk about it if someone brought it up to them it’s just something that isn’t on their radar a lot until something new comes out. Which is why so many people came back when arc aired but either choose to stay or just left after it died down. I missed out on a lot even if it’s only because I’m younger and a lot of earlier fandom days would’ve been bound to have some doom posting about the mangas ending-there’s still people arguing arc anime didn’t technically “resolve it” bc some people are that salty how it turned out but I don’t wanna imagine how it was prior-and it sucks I’ll never get to know some of these people-
But I also not only realized I still have more than enough getter friends as is to make up for that, if I was exposed to this series in my early teens I think the results for how I would’ve turned out as a person would’ve been far more worse so it’s probably good it didn’t happen💀
#meg text#getter robo#for reference I only know wtf getter was because of my bf (who was just a friend at the time)#I specifically got dragged into around arc but didn’t watch arc first due to needing more context#and also my ass could not keep up with seasonal anime so even if my bf convinced me I’d be slow#so he started me with arma and I got honey trapped by fucking ryoma (my bf planned this too)#I probably saw getter stuff in passing without realizing it likely just people’s pfp with a character or the robot#but I have no idea how I would’ve discovered it otherwise unless something else got me down the mecha rabbit hole#which- seems unlikely bc I didn’t even know mecha was a GENRE until getter somehow#none of the mainstream animes that were mechas I knew were mechas and I only watched one ep two of them💀#I was likely gonna be stuck being into whatever if I didn’t get dragged like this and be clueless to mecha#but god if I discovered it if I was like- 13 or younger? I fear for that version of me#would be more traumatized would draw more crusty ryomas then I first did because I couldn’t anatomy back then#still can’t but at least I can make a body look like a body#probably would get more sad about it’s current state then I did with fucking mm#people would also probably think I’m older like how mm fans assumed I was bc I posted about the ds games G O D#yeah getting dragged in by 2021 was the best choice even if “fuck knows what we’re getting” is up in the air still
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thebrandonross · 8 months
Found a name in the margin of a hand written draft poem, and its driving me insane right now.
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