#(darling guess whos back from jail)
I'm sorry, I couldn't resist
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tardigrade-skeb · 23 days
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We got powdered donuts yuri before gta6 😭
This is kinda 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 sorry… I won’t do it again
Ranpoe Lesbians return!
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‘darling guess who’s back from jail’ guy is so Barty core even how he looks
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arre-yaar · 3 months
i am part of the carrington fandom
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xervoxs · 3 months
- darling
- guess who's back from jail
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horus-unofficial · 4 months
hello hello welcome welcome. welcome 2 the HORUS guide 4 HORUS tech aka horus-unofficial.tumblr3.un gives you extremely comprehensive and very useful insight into its "pattern groups" and "licenses". we are your host harold HORUS here today to talk to you about our beautiful darling cunt of a child, the LICH
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nobody knows how the lich came 2 be. some buddies of ours say they invented it 9989 years from now which is weird bcos anyone normal would wait another decade before sending that shit back in time to hit that sweet 9999 and keep people guessing as to whether these files actually are from that far in the future, or if the lucky terminal receiving this code just stopped bothering to count the years after 15015u. either way, the lich is here now, and back then, and most certainly at some point in the future, and it kinda looks like we probably did invent it so that means we are in the clear to act like we're the ones who made it!
the lich sucks! its terrible! with glass bones and paper skin and a reactor that overheats at room temperature, a gust of wind could leave a dent in this PG's plating, which is made from samples of styrofoam and bubble wrap warped straight from the insides of pre-Fall packages labeled "FRAGILE, HANDLE WITH CARE" (a perfect bumper sticker for your lich, should you find yourself piloting one sometime within the next -50 to 250 years). you can tell no former members of harrison armory's R&D department were involved in the designing of the lich because the only thing those fuckers know how to do is create industrial microwaves, and the lich's reactor is the most slipshod, poorly-coded shit in the known universe. the only code regulating the lich's reactor is "reactor = cool" and not only are neither "reactor" nor "cool" defined anywhere in the system code, but HOR_OS doesn't even use = signs.
you may ask us, "if the lich is so shit, why do people pilot it?" and we are so glad you asked! generally speaking, answers to this question fall into one of two variations: - "it's a funny mech" - "why is everyone saying i pilot a lich??? i pilot a nelson!!! what do you mean that's my lich frame in the mech bay and i've had it for years, i literally don't have a single HORUS license, @horus-unofficial please advise"
the lich's victorian orphan-esque constitution aside, its biggest strength as a frame is likely its ability to send itself to the seaside for a much needed mental health break should it encounter the slightest hint of adversity on the battlefield. its no wonder the lich is so frail, the entirety of our nonexistent R&D budget went into making this thing the most annoying roleplayer on the playground. "you hit me with your sword? nuh-uh, i dodge. oh you run me through on your spear, killing me instantly? well it turns out that that body wasn't actually me, i've been dramatically looking down upon this duel from up there on those cliffs the whole time!" <- words most commonly spoken by future lich pilots at 11 years old
this allows it to be unexpectedly versatile in combat- with a refundable get out of jail free card and a maximum speed comparable to most of SSC's catalogue, it can weave through dangerous zones in combat with unexpected efficiency, allowing it to support allies from virtually any range, and instigate the occasional skirmish if its pilot is so inclined. we dont necessarily advise that you choose violence as a lich pilot, only that its a more viable choice of function than you might initially think
the lich plays with the timestream with the same enthusiasm as a preschooler in a sandbox, both in regards to itself and anything (un)fortunate enough to be within its sensor range. for every timeline where the lich is playing support for its allies and being so kind and niceys, there's another timeline where it gleefully tears into its adversaries until it overextends and dies respawns in another timeline, and it's through this universal law that an unusually principled lich pilot might find themselves taking a hit for its allies before immediately redeeming that get out of jail free card we mentioned earlier. of course, "principled HORUS pilot" is an oxymoron, so if your squad has a lich pilot what actually happens is more along the lines of being teamed with the biggest fucking nuisance on your planet, who pretends to toodle about the battlefield all combat because the truth is they've been stuck in a time loop for 7 years, and are well beyond the point of caring.
bottom line: if you encounter a lich in combat, dont even bother targeting it. it's unkillable except for when it isn't, and its banned from every omninet roleplay forum in the known universe for a reason
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faux-ecrivain · 5 months
Yandere Darling
Yandere Darling x gn reader
(Eighteenth Official Post)
(This isn’t my best)
(Yan’s name is Amos)
Yan Darling that used to be kidnapped, that thought he would never escape.
Yan Darling who fought everyday to keep his Kidnapper from hiring him (regardless of how much they claimed they loved him).
Yan Darling that almost gives in after months and months of torture and mind breaking, who almost believes the Kidnapper when they say no one’s coming for him. (“Give up Amos, sweetheart, no one’s looking for you, no one wants you.”)
Yan Darling who cries tears of joy (and anguish) when you rescue him (completely by accident, you just wanted to rob the place).
Yan Darling who panics when you leave his side to talk to the police officer, he’s afraid that’ll he’ll get hurt again if you aren’t with him. 
He tugs on the back of your shirt, your turn your head to look at him and are met, briefly, with teary eyes, and pouty lips. “Please don’t go, I’m scared..” He mumbled, his eyes cast to the ground  and his hand clutching your shirt like a life line. You can’t help but feel the urge to protect him, to watch over him and it’s only because he reminds you of your little brother. “Alright, I’ll stay, but I’ll have to talk to the policemen eventually.”
Yan Darling who’s eyes light up when you tell him you’ll go with him, his heart pounds when you ride in the ambulance with him and then when you sit beside his bed he can’t help but cry again.
Yan Darling who cries even more when you try to sooth his cries, he apologizes over and over again. He feels so terrible crying in front of you like that, he shouldn’t do that, but he can’t help himself.
Yan Darling who starts giggling when you begin to panic over him, he giggles even more when your face contorts into confusion and you don’t know how to help him.
You were fussing over a crying Amos when he started to giggle, you didn’t know what was so funny and asking him didn’t help. He just kept giggling, then when your face shifted into confusion he began to full on laugh. (It was kind of creepy) He only stops when he starts coughing and his throat feels sore, it’s been a while since he laughed like that. Amos smiles when you hand him a glass of water, you’re so kind to him.
Yan Darling who pouts when you have to leave, no he doesn’t care if visiting hours are up, he just wants to spend time with you.
Yan Darling who makes you swear to come back tomorrow, or he’ll never talk to you again, and feels delighted when you agree.
Yan Darling who can’t wait for you to come back and when you do return, he greets you with open arms. 
Yan Darling who chats with for hours and hours, occasionally bursting into tears if you show him an inkling of kindness. Each moment spent with you is a moment he cherishes.
Yan Darling who looks forward to you visits and even dreams about visiting you.
Yan Darling who was upset when you didn’t come in on your usual days, then he got even more upset when his family visited instead of you. He doesn’t like his family, but they don’t seem to care.
Yan Darling who gives you the cold shoulder when you do eventually come visit, regardless of the reason you give him (or the apology).
“Amos, I’m really sorry, I just got caught up in work and by the time I got off visiting hours were over. (Actually you were in jail and just got bailed out)” You apologize again, trying to get his attention and you even go as far as to place your hand near his own hand. He takes notice of this and can feel his resolve crumbling, he really wants to hold your hand. “Hmph, liar, I bet you were just avoiding me!” 
He grumbles, his lips pulled into a cute pour and his eyes narrowed in a heated glares. “No, I wasn’t avoiding you. I could never avoid you, I care about you too much.” You smile softly and his resolve wavers, he gives into your kindness, and cautiously grabs hold of your hand. “Hm, fine, i guess I’ll forgive you, but don’t do it again!”
Yan Darling who is so excited when he’s finally released, now he can go over to your house and spend more time with you!
Yan Darling whose mood quickly drops when he’s released to his family and not you. He didn’t want to be with them, he wanted to be with you..
Yan Darling who gives his family the cold shoulder, no matter how much they try to care for him (he knows it’s all an act).
Yan Darling who begins to lash out when his family forbids him from visiting you. (“I’m not a child, mum! I can make my own decision and see my own people!”)
Yan Darling who runs away from his family and wonders around until he comes across you. Actually, you had saved him once more when he had been cornered by a group of thugs and almost beaten up. 
Yan Darling whose heart races when he sees you defending him, protecting him and his mind runs back to when you first rescued him. You care about him so much, you must love him.
Yan Darling who readily nods when you make a joke of being his bodyguards and following him 24/7. He gets so confused when you become concerned for him, did he say something wrong (yes, he said you should stalk him).
Yan Darling who begins to cry when you ask him why he’s out so late and so far from home, he reluctantly informs you of his troubles and is overjoyed when you invite him over.
Yan Darling who finds your house fascinating, it’s so lived in and it’s so.. you!
Yan Darling who eagerly listens to the tales you regale him with tales of your exploits and stories about your childhood. 
Yan Darling who gets upset when you compare him to your younger brother, he doesn’t want to be your brother! He wants to be your lover. 
He pouts and glares at you, he doesn’t want to be your brother. “I’m not your brother! I’m not related to you at all!” He gets so confused when you giggle at his response, he’s being very serious right now. Don’t laugh at him!
Yan Darling who pouts and tells you to take him seriously, he’s a person too! 
Yan Darling who becomes relieved once you reassure him that you do indeed view him as a person (and essentially a man).
Yan Darling who whines when you tell him it’s bed time, but relents once you promise to tuck him in and kiss him good night.
Yan Darling who gets all flustered when you do actually tuck him in and kiss him good night. Ah, you must really love him!
Yan Darling whose face is all red when you kiss him, he’s never felt this way before..
Yan Darling who struggles to fall asleep and can’t help but think about you, think about a future with you.
Yan Darling who gets angry when he thinks about the prospect of you leaving him or finding another to dote on. His little heart couldn’t handle having you leave him and it definitely couldn’t handle you loving another!
Yan Darling who catches himself before his mind wanders into dangerous territory, he shouldn’t feel this way, especially not after what he’s gone through. He doesn’t want to hurt you like he was hurt, he wants to love you.
Yan Darling who apologizes when he sees you in the morning, which of course confuses you. Why is he apologizing?
Tears stream down his face as he confesses his thoughts and begs for your forgiveness, meanwhile you’re still trying to process that weird dream you had last night and this situation doesn’t help. You put down you mug and try to reassure him, surely whatever he’s feeling is normal, and he shouldn’t feel so guilty over such thoughts. After all, he seems to have no intentions to make his dreams come true.
Yan Darling who feels so much better after you accept his apology, that’s so kind of you and after he’s caused you so much trouble. Oh, he just wants to hug!
You’re surprised when Amos entraps you in a hug, you didn’t expect this to happen. You awkwardly pat his back and then wait for him to quit hugging you. He’s seemingly oblivious to how uncomfortable his unexpected hug makes you, he seems to take your reluctance to respond as you being shy. He smiles and hugs you tighter.
Yan Darling who whines when you manage to escape his hold, he just wanted to share his love with you.
Yan Darling who almost throws a temper tantrum when you prevent him from hugging you again.
Yan Darling who’s only placated when you  offer him some warm food, although he’s sure to kick up a fuss if you don’t cuddle him later this afternoon.
Yan Darling who becomes overly clingy and affectionate throughout the passage of time, each moment around him is spent in his hold or with him hanging off your arm.
Yan Darling who’s scared you’ll leave him alone and does whatever it takes to keep you happy.
(you can probably tell, but I lost motivation halfway near the end, when I started this fanfic i was half asleep and had stayed up all night. So, it wasn’t the best and I apologize for that.)
(Also, you could expect another post later today, but don’t get your hopes up!)
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allyeardepression · 2 months
@jegulus-microfic | april 12 Amortentia | words: 683
DARLING, GUESS WHO’S BACK FROM JAIL (not jail but a hospital, same thing really). I missed writing and maybe some of you missed me so here’s a cute one. enjoy;3
tw: alleged poisoning, swearing
"Have you seen that green shirt Regulus wore to the party last week? He looked so beautiful in it,” James mused, laying down on the floor next to Remus’ bed. “And his hair, oh Merlin, his hair...”
“What the fuck, Prongs?” Sirius snapped at him, sitting straight on Mooney’s bed. Oh, right, he forgot his best friend was in the room.
James looked at Remus, a bit terrified, hoping the tall boy would come up with something to save his ass. With the smirk Remus gave him, James knew he was doomed.
“Oh boy, are you okay, James?” The taller boy asked with feigned concern. “Pads, I think someone poisoned him.”
At the comment, Sirius’ face turned from pissed to concerned.
“What? With what?” he started, running to James to check on him.
Remus hummed, looking at the two of them with a mean grin.
“Some Slytherin must’ve added amortentia to his tea in revenge for the last prank,” he said, acting as if he were terrified. “We should take him to Slughorn; he probably has an antidotum.” With that, Sirius picked James up and led him out of their dormitory.
Padfoot looked determined to help him as they walked to the dungeons, while Remus kept sending him amused glances. In response, James just farrowed his eyebrows, mouthing  you’re dead to his friend.
When they finally reached the potions professor’s room, Sirius started banging on them like a madman. Not even ten seconds into it, the door opened.
“What are you doing here?” Regulus asked, looking at all three of them. James could see his eyes softening as they reached his own, and he smiled gently at Regulus, the younger boy's cheeks turning slightly pink.
“What are you doing here?” Sirius asked, reminding James of his presence.
“Well, I’m brewing a potion,” Regulus started. “But you still didn’t answer my question.”
Sirius frowned at his brother, and he pointed at James. “Can you see him? He’s looking at you like you’re the world’s eighth wonder; somebody poisoned him with amortentia!”
Regulus and James locked eyes again, the younger boy smirking this time.
"Oh, really?” he started, still looking at James. “What gave you the idea?”
“Well,” Sirius began, “he started rumbling about how pretty you looked last week, and how he likes your hair, and other shit like that!” That was just Sirius being dramatic, but Regulus seemed more pleased with every word. “Is Slughorn here? We need to fix him right now!”
Regulus shook his head, turning to face his brother. “He went to Madam Pomfrey; he should be back soon," he said with a pause. “But maybe you should go back to the dorm; it's almost curfew. I’ll take care of that moron.”
James looked at Remus with pleading eyes, hoping this time his friend would actually help him. Thankfully, Moony seemed like he had enough of torturing him for one evening.
He grabbed Sirius’ shoulder, turning him so they stood face-to-face. “He’ll be fine, honey,” Remus said gently, leaning closer to Sirius’ ear. As the black-haired boy’s eyes widened, James assumed the two of them would be taking advantage of the free dormitory. Good for them, James thought. Just don’t destroy the room. Again.
“If he starts being insufferable, give him a sleeping drought or bind him; I don’t care. Just... be safe,” Sirius said to his brother, getting a dismissive yeah, yeah in response.
As the two Gryffindors left them, Regulus pushed James into the room, slamming the door behind them.
“So, amortentia, huh?” Regulus asked with a teasing smile, putting his hands on James’ chest. The older boy grabbed him by the waist, pulling him closer.
“Yeah,” he began, rubbing his hands up and down Regulus’ sides. “I think Barty wanted to get back at me for turning custard creams into Canary Creams.”
“Perhaps yes,” Regulus said, nuzzling at James’ jaw. “And you think I’m pretty? Evan must’ve helped him with the potion if you talked so nicely about me,” James chuckled as the younger boy grabbed him by the neck and pulled him down for a kiss. 
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epiclamer · 2 months
Part 2
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“You’re finally awake~”
Sidekick barely registered the voice over the pounding of their heart in their head. They stretched their neck up to try and see whomever had tied them spread eagle to a bed, but could hardly get a glance from their restrained position.
Footsteps resounded through the room until they stopped somewhere near the foot of the bed. The hero-in-training gulped, they were terrified.
“W-Who are you?”
Their capturer huffed a laugh, stepping over to the side of the bed and into the sidekick’s view. “You’ve yet to meet me, darling. I’m a friend of your friend.”
The sidekick pursed their lips in an awkward frown, masking their unease. “By friend, you mean enemy… right?”
The other, presumably Villain (the sidekick guessed), smirked. “I guess you could say that.”
Hot sweat ran down the sidekick’s back and into the soft sheets below them, for some reason their whole body felt hot. Were they drugged? Truth serum-ed? Maybe even poisoned?
“You might have a concussion, I hit you quite hard over the head.” As if on queue, the sidekick felt a sudden sharp sting at the back of their head and for a sickening moment they realized the sweat coating their hair wasn’t actually sweat at all. “I didn’t think you’d be that easy to take down, if I’m being honest.”
The villain shrugged, somewhat amused as they watched the sidekick’s pale face distort in a mix of unresolved emotions. Eyeing their prisoner up and down from their jail cell of a bed with a look Sidekick had only ever been warned about by Hero before.
Sidekick’s mouth opened and closed, searching for something to say, toying with the idea of talking their way out of a torture session. “Y-You know, Hero is still out there. If you’re looking for them, I-I mean you just missed them—”
“Do they teach you to sell out your superiors immediately in hero school? Or is that just your own last ditch attempt to get away scott-free as a coward?”
Sidekick shut up. Villain had a point, they weren’t exactly painting the best picture for their reputation.
The villain grinned, leaning over the bed and placing a hand against the sidekick’s chest. They let their fingers wander as they spoke, “I will say though, coward or not, you sure are putting this body to waste working for that rat of a hero you call your mentor.”
Their second hand crept up along the sidekick’s torso and the criminal didn’t hesitate to begin slowly unbuttoning their dress shirt. Both of their eyes focused on the bits of skin that were carefully being revealed as they worked the lower buttons apart.
Sidekick’s breath hitched, was Villain seriously hitting on them? What were they doing? What was happening? None of Hero’s master classes could’ve prepared them for this moment.
The further down the villain’s hands went the more the sidekick’s heartbeat picked up. They convinced themselves it was because of the torture that was increasingly impending and not the fact that someone as breathtaking as the villain was, was stripping them down.
They began to struggle, pulling subtly—or so they thought—against their bonds, letting the burn from the rope digging into their skin distract them from the villain’s fingers exploring their body.
Pulling back the fabric of their button-up, Villain revealed the hero-in-training to their hungry eyes. Going straight to teasingly tracing their nails into the sidekick’s skin, relishing in their goosebumps and gasps.
“Sweetheart,” Villain’s eyes flicked to Sidekick’s, digging their nails into their fleshy shoulders hard enough to draw blood. “Don’t pull on the ropes, okay? I guarantee you that my knots are more than strong enough to hold, so be a dear and don’t hurt yourself any more than you already have.”
For some reason, Sidekick stopped, they didn’t fight back harder like they were taught. The villain’s eyes were entrancing and their voice was soft but stern, guiding the sidekick’s actions and thoughts with every word they spoke.
Hero had warned them of that.
Villain smiled, pleased with their captive as they continued their soft tracing of skin. Leaving behind angry, red, crescents on the sidekick’s shoulder in their wake. “Hero spoke of you, but they never mentioned how good you look… What a shame.”
Sidekick’s face burned a beet coloured red. “W-What?”
“Well, I would’ve kidnapped you a lot sooner if I had known~” Villain drawled as if it were obvious and Sidekick cursed their lucky genes.
“But enough chit chat,” the criminal brought their hands back to their sides. “Let’s get back to the real reason you’re here…”
And in a second the sidekick’s heart lurched into their throat at the ‘snap’ of switchblade flipping open.
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novasdarling · 1 year
since asks are open: maybe trying to escape from yan nobunaga? love all ur works btw <3 ur a rlly skilled writer
See, I picture him as a love sick yandere who is extremely delusional. He acts so tender yet will kill if someone looks at his darling wrong. So I can only imagine how hurt he'd be when you try to break his image he has of you two.
Also, thank you so much!
Just Try
TW: Kidnapping, Forced Relationship, a Chase, Mentions of Isolation.
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The wind was harsh against your face as you ran. Trying to put as much distance between you and that miserable jail cell he had the nerve to call home. Picking up your feet you made your way through the streets. Trying to avoid tripping on anything and slowing yourself down. This was the first time, and if he caught you, the last time he'd make a mistake in locking the doors. This was your only chance to run, to get away from that monster. There was no telling when he'd be home when he'd notice you were gone and you didn't want to be anywhere near when he found out. Nobunaga wasn't sane. You remembered the last few times you disobeyed him and broke his image of a loving couple. It still haunted your dreams.
The streets were barren, with only broken street lights and abandoned buildings. You weren't sure how far this place was from any help, or where the roads would lead. You could figure that out later, all you needed to do was put as much space between you and him until you came up with a plan.
You must have run for over 30 minutes straight before your body began to get tired. It didn't matter, it wasn't far enough. You tried to push yourself to go further, switching to walking now. Your legs would only carry you for another half an hour. Your body was begging you to stop, to take a break. Especially your legs and lungs. You needed to rest. Looking around you hoped there would be someplace you could hide while you caught your breath. There was a plethora of abandoned buildings, but which one would have the least chance of you falling through the floor? Taking a look, you decided on a four-story building down the street. It was the most intact building on the outside so hopefully, it would be too on the inside. Gathering some strength, you made your way to the building. The front door was mostly off its hinges. Just barely hanging on, allowing you easy access to the building.
You had guessed right. Luckily the inside of the building was also in better condition than probably most on the street. A few cracks along the walls and broken tiles were most of the damage. Step by step you went further inside. Trying to gauge how safe the floor really was while trying to find a place to catch your breath. The first floor was mainly open-concept with tons of windows. A poor place to hide. Looking to the stairs, deciding you would take your chance with them. Step by step you went up. Holding onto the railing with all your might. Both for support in case your legs gave out and in case you fell through the stairs.
The second floor was no better, only having a few rooms to it. Looking in them you saw they were once bathrooms. Now filled with black marks along the walls. You hoped they were just mold as you went on. Taking your luck with another set of stairs. Making your way to the third floor. It was much better. It had multiple rooms that didn't seem to be covered in mold. That looked like you could be in them without contracting something. There was a small room at the back of the floor plan. It was simple, with a closet and one window looking onto the side of the building and some of the street. Pushing open the cracked door, you made your way into the room. It didn't seem to be as dirty as the other rooms. Taking a seat by the window. You let yourself relax. Stretching your legs out. Trying to get them comfortable. Running your hands along your thighs and calves. Running had drained you, the adrenaline was leaving your body now. You could breathe now. You felt a bit more relaxed not being out in the open. If he got home and realized you were gone, surely he'd think you were still on the run. Not hiding in a building relatively nearby.
The minutes ticked by. Your body finally finding some peace and being able to relax. You hadn't realized your body was begging for some sleep. Some rest. It needed it. You had been locked away in some small room for months, barely moving even when he brought you around the "house". This was the most movement you've gotten in so long. Your body was screaming for a long-needed break. For sleep. You use to sleep when he was gone to pass the time or to get away from him. Before you knew it, your eyes closed. At first, you simply told yourself it was just to let them rest for a bit, but the rest lasted longer than you expected as you drifted off.
It must have been a few good hours before you began to wake up. Looking out the window you saw how the sky was now dark, the stars littering the night sky. The panic began to set in. Oh god, how long had you been out? Did Nobunaga already make it home? Did he realize you were gone? Panicking you began to get up, ready to start moving. Maybe the darkness would make it easier, you could hide a lot better. Using the shadows to hide in, moving behind the buildings instead of on the road. Though, so could he. You were prepared to begin your journey again before you heard it. It sounded like footsteps, faint, but you could still make them out. They were coming from outside. Freezing for a second you listened. Listened to them get closer and closer. There was no mistaking what that sound was. Footsteps, human footsteps. It couldn't be him, there had to be another reason. Perhaps some teen looking somewhere to graffiti or smoke. Or some lost tourist whose car broke down. The steps were too calm to be him, to be a man looking for his victim. There had to be a reason that didn't lead back to him.
Making your way to the window, you looked out. Trying to stay near the edge, stay hidden as you looked out. Some of the street lights still worked, but most were out. Keeping the street mainly dark, you could see a shadow getting closer on the street. Making its way to you. Standing there, you stared. Waiting and hoping it was just some random stranger and not him. Second, by second the shadow was getting closer, getting smaller under the light. Until the person was right by your building. You could see feet, but the body was mainly blocked by the neighbouring building. Craning your head further towards and out the window, trying to get a better look. From the bits of the body you could see, it defiantly was a man which didn't ease your worry. You waited for them to move, but they just stood there. Out of sight, playing with the shadows to hide them. Trying to ease your worry, you made up scenarios. Telling yourself it was just some teen or some random man with a broken-down car. Right? That seemed plausible. Even though your common sense told you otherwise. Nobunaga wouldn't pick a place to keep you that was high traffic. Sure you had made it pretty far, but you knew him. He wasn't an idiot. No one came around here. Meaning it had to be him.
"I know you're in there."
You were right. It was him. His voice was calm and relaxed like he always was. While you were the opposite. You were sweating, scared beyond belief. The most fear you've felt since the first day he took you.
"Come out, sweetie. It's late and" Nobunaga let out a tired laugh. "I'm exhausted. Work has been rough today. So please, please make this easy."
Like hell, you would. Running out of the room, you made your way to the stairs leading to the last floor. There had to be some kind of fire escape or something. After all, buildings were usually supposed to have more than one kind of exit. Running up the stairs, not giving a damn for safety this time around. You picked up your feet faster when you heard a loud smash from down below. It was him breaking down the front door. Not caring to dive under its opening like you had. He was in the building with you.
You searched frantically around the building. Hoping there was something, that you were right about a second exit. Tearing open every door, looking inside before moving in. Your search became more desperate as you heard his steps making his way up. Nobunaga was taking his time moving, letting the sounds echo throughout the place. He was on the second floor now.
"This is getting tiring, please let's just go home."
You moved to another room, but this time there was not even a window. Moving to a new room, seeing this time there was a huge window. Looking out it, you realized there seemed to be a ladder leading down. It was narrow and looked like it was one of those maintenance ones. Sliding further down when you got closer to the second floor. Nobunaga was moving again. Making his way up the stairs that led to the third floor.
"I'm tired and hungry. Let's just go home. I'm not in the mood to play this game anymore."
You could hear the change in his voice. The cheerfulness or indifference he held with you was gone. Rather, his voice was lower than normal. You could tell he was on the verge of freaking out. He was trying to keep his emotions in check. Something he was horrible with.
You tried to push the window open and get to the ladder, but the window wouldn't budge. You tried again and again. Silently begging for it to open. Pleading to any god out there to let you get away from him. Your panic skyrocketed when you heard him at the bottom of the stairs leading to the fourth floor.
"Get down here now."
The window was beginning to give in. Slowly opening with each push you gave it. It had rusted horribly and been painted shut.
"I'm not asking. Get down here now."
He was shouting now, not just so you could hear him. He was pissed. This was worse than the time you managed to land a hit on him the first few days he had you. He had freaked out, asking how you could hurt him when all he did was love you. He had shut you in a windowless room for what must have been days. Taking the comfort of a bed or entertainment away.
"I've been good."
He took a few steps up the stairs.
"I've been patient."
He was getting closer causing you to push the window more.
"I've tried so hard to love you properly."
You gave one last push for it to open so you could fit out.
"And this is how you thank me."
He was at the top of the stairs. Making his way to the room you had been in. You were trying to fit yourself out of the window.
"You ungrateful little-"
The door was slammed open. Knocking it off its hinges. There he stood, Nobunaga. His sword slung over his shoulder going down his back. He looked dishevelled. His hair was a mess, not neatly in a ponytail like usual. He looked at you with wide eyes. Taking in what he was seeing. You, halfway out a window, taking your chances with a shady-looking latter rather than being with him. You were breaking the little fantasy he had of you two. Of a picture-perfect couple in love. A couple who were simply just having a normal fight. Forcing him to see reality. An image he never wanted to see.
"Get over here now."
You didn't. You both just stared at each other. Nobunaga took a deep breath. Trying to steady himself. He wasn't acting like the normal man you knew. Like the man who would bathe you. Even as you screamed and kicked. He would still hold you down in the tub. Trying to be as gentle as possible. Apologizing over and over as he scrubbed your skin clean. Even then he showed compassion in his eyes. Even if there was hunger and greed mixing with it too. Now though, now there seemed only to be anger and hurt.
There was no time to react to him. Without any warning, he launched towards you. Yanking you out of the window and towards him. His hands gripped your arms. Holding you in place. Nobunaga was looking down at you. Wide eyes, searching your face. You weren't sure what for. All you do was cry though. Cry that your plan failed. That you lost your chance to get away. You could have been so much further if you hadn't rested if you hadn't slept. It was your own fault why you were back in his clutch. You knew him. He would figure out how you got out and make sure it never happened again.
"Oh, sweetheart." Nobunaga was now brushing your tears away instead of clutching your arms. "Did I scare you? Because you scared me."
A hand was placed at the back of your head. Pushing your face into his chest. One hand held your head in place while the other roamed your back. Like he was trying to soothe you.
"Shh, shh, I'm here now." He placed a kiss on the top of your head. "We can talk about your punishment when we get home." His words just made you cry harder. Soaking his top. "I know, I know, but you did leave the house. I told you it's not safe, That I was protecting you and look what you did."
Nobunaga grabbed you and carried you bridal style. Probably not wanting to take a chance of you running again, hurting his feelings even more. Pushing your face back into his chest. He always hated when you cried. Said it made him feel bad like he was the bad guy.
"If you're good on the way home" Nobunaga started his way down the stairs and out of the building. "and say you're sorry. I promise I'll be easy. I'll even give you options."
This was it. You were going back to that jail cell. Likely just to be locked back up in that room again. Spending days and days in there with little food or water. No real contact or conversation with him. Until you were begging for anything. Praying for any kind of affection, even from him. Nobunaga wanted you to play house, wanted a good little partner. One way or another, he was going to get you to play your role.
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beskarandblasters · 3 months
Prison Boyfriend!Joel x Reader
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Summary: Your boyfriend, Joel, calls you while you’re in an Uber to let you know he’s out of jail.
Word count: 360
Warnings: this is not only a crack fic but it’s also incredibly fucking stupid and probably won’t be funny at all unless you get the reference 😭, roleplay, violent language/possessive behavior, no outbreak AU, pet names, no use of y/n
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You’re sitting in an Uber, face against the cool glass window as you try not to fall asleep. That would be risky. It was a successful night out and even though you’re exhausted, you’re excited to see your boyfriend, Joel. 
Your phone vibrates in your purse so you unstick your cheek from the window and glance at the screen. It’s an incoming call from none other than Joel. You answer it and accidentally put the call on speaker. Huge mistake. 
“DARLINGGG!?!?! Guess who’s back from jail???”
“Oh my God?? You’re free??” you say, scrambling to take the phone off of speaker. 
“That’s right, baby!!! Daddy’s home from prison!!!”
“Yay!! Welcome back, my king!!”
“I’ve been dreaming about this moment for the past sixteen years!”
“Well, you did commit horrendous tortures…”
“Yes. Yes. Yes… And I missed you too, my love!” he says, ignoring your comment about the terrible crimes he committed. 
“DARLING?! What is your location? What are you doing right now?! Tell me right now!!”
“Calm down, you barbarian! I’m in an Uber.”
“Put your Uber driver on the phone!! Put him on the phone!!”
“No, please stop! I won’t let you hurt him.”
“Okay, darling… Your location will do.”
“I oblige, my lord.”
“Okay just know daddy’s back from jail and he’s coming for you,” Joel says before hanging up.
You glance up from your phone and see your Uber driver looking at you in the rearview mirror with a raised eyebrow.
“Um… Is everything alright?”
“Don’t worry about him! It’s just some… roleplay.”
“...Got it,” he says. And with that, your driver doesn’t say anything to you on the way home. When he drops you off you make sure to leave him an extra large tip for having to put up with… that. 
Joel opens your front door and greets you on the pathway as you walk to your front door. You playfully slap him on the chest with the back of your hand and say, “Too real that time! Pretty sure I just got banned from Uber…”
You walk past him and head inside. As you’re taking your shoes off you hear Joel say, “Don’t worry, darling… There’s always Lyft!”
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Main Masterlist | Joel Miller Masterlist
If you don’t get the reference just search Carrington Uber/Lyft safety on TikTok 😭😭
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kateksmallcuteowl · 3 months
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A small wip for a new vetvimes comic.
Try to guess why Havelock looks at Sam like that🌚🌝
/enters tumbler with “darling guess who’s back from jail” sound/
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
I need you to analyse all your ships with who’s “darling” and who’s “guess who’s back from the jail”
And who is “killer Queen” and who is “good old fashioned lover boy”
Idk if you say ships in general or OP (bc let's be honest, 90% of this acc is One Piece) so I'll do OP ships because I want to- And also I have too many ships so I'll just do my favs:
Sanuso: It could go both ways with the songs tbh. Pre-ts Sanuso? Sanji is Killer Queen and Usopp is Lover Boy. But post-ts? Sanji is Lover Boy and Usopp is Killer Queen. In this essay, I will-
Yamace: I feel the need to mention that Yamato would be Lover Boy BUT Ace would be Bohemian Rhapsody because I can't choose another song for him.
Kidkiller: Now I can't stop picturing Kidd going DARLIIING GUESS WHO'S BACK FROM JAIL and I'm losing it. This happened in Wano, actually.
Crocbug: Same thing I said before but Crocodile says it in a "DARLIIING (threateningly) GUESS WHO'S BACK FROM JAIL" mode and Buggy knows he's probably about to die idc about the original meme
Sabosan: Going insane with Sabo being Killer Queen and Sanji being Lover Boy. Only mentioned this bc I wanted an excuse to talk about Sabo.
Namivivi: Nami would actually record a video saying "Darling guess who's back from jail" for Vivi and Vivi would not stop fucking laughing on her way home listening to that
Shuggy: Buggy is Killer Queen and Shanks is Lover Boy, I think this is obvious. I adore them.
I wanted to mention Zolu but I can't think of any Queen songs for Zoro-- However, Crazy Little Thing Called Love is very them
I probably have more ships with these tropes but It's late and I want to go to sleep ngl--
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lucyshreddies20 · 3 months
idk if you guys have seen that sound on tiktok that's like 'darling! guess who's back from jail?!' but that sound give me severe Badaboom vibes and it's all i can think about when i hear it 😭
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starkkawajiri · 3 months
darling guess who's back from jail
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humanized Genshin!Cloak of Levitation (Astirfae) no way!!
(idea from @nekojetto!!!!!!)
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(still dont know which color palette to stick to)
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strange and astirfae mean best friends that convince each other to make very bad decisions
and pspsp,,,, let me know if i should write some lore for her
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small doodle of tonio and sufian with matching lil star face tattoos before you go
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theyre so stupid i like them a normal amount
theyre lucky theyre in genshin where main characters dont die, it means i cant kill either of them
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wendigoonupdates · 3 months
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