#(also reminder that he will shamelessly play the ‚my brother is in the house of lords‘ card whenever necessary xD
lenzimanot · 1 month
important monty headcanon: post-nobleman‘s guide/post-wedding he will definitely use the name henry newton at any given opportunity where it’s safe to do so. I also feel like he will publish his newspaper stories as monty newton (specifically monty, bc he still hates henry & if he‘s using a pseudonym he might as well go all in)
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jymwahuwu · 7 days
I said I'm not interested in AU but this is what popped into my head… HSR retro AU. No more space technology.
Basically you are a college student 🙈🙈🙈 Depending on whether you are an extrovert or an introvert, you may go shopping and play with your friends during the holidays, have a party, or stay comfortably at home listening to music with MP3 and cassette tapes, or reading novels on the subway.
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You use a bulky computer to click on the Windows XP system, and spend hours downloading music and opening chat software. Your MSN friends list is as follows:
Jing Yuan:
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Your mysterious neighbor is much older than you. You have never understood what the Xianzhou Alliance is. It is said that he kept a lion named Mimi in the yard, but every time you passed by, you thought it was just a cute cat. He'll stuff you with sweets and prepare you milk and afternoon tea, giving you advice. Well, he can also write ancient poetry. You shamelessly gave this old man your homework.
(You lie on his lap and sleep, breathing quietly.)
Aventurine & Ratio:
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These two live together, are also your neighbors, professors, friends... You are not sure what their relationship is, but they quarrel every day. Aventurine is a high-level executive in IPC. Every time you visit a department store, you will whisper in your heart that this is also an IPC. He takes the bill in your mailbox every month and pays it off, very weird. His car is the most talked about in the community.
Ratio is your college professor...he is very strict about grades and academic performance. You cursed him one time and he heard you and he took you back to the office for an OTK spanking...unfortunately, it was legal. You have since become his target in class...
Sunday & Robin:
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They still have halos and wings, share the same MSN account, and even the same pager. They have no privacy from each other. They are well-known brothers and sisters of the Xipe Church. They are very popular and eye-catching, attracting people's attention wherever they go. So if you are an introvert, the difference is even more pronounced haha. But both of them will approach you, in the name of kindness, with a look of concern on their face. Robin picks out clothes for you and lends you homework to copy. In return, you agree to go to church on the weekend… and help her sell cookies at the church charity sale.
Sunday provides insight into your life and schedule in the name of "for your own good". You don't know why you wrote your schedule in a notebook for him… He shows up in front of your house and listens to music with you (using the same MP3 player). You share with him a few things you learned in the sex education class, and he says that he has signed the commitment card (you: ? what is this). Promise to remain chaste until marriage… That card has an inexplicable printed pattern, with a photo of a couple holding hands, leaving you speechless. But you don’t know why you signed this commitment card under his supervision…
Dan Heng:
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Your nerdy college classmate, with dragon horns (don't ask me why). He reminds you of class and exam times and lends you notes, leaving you with the last piece of cake. You always tease him until he blushes and gets angry.
Dan Feng:
Dan Heng's brother. He seems to be very traditional. You haven't seen him much and you only added him as an MSN friend.
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The mysterious old man. He seems to have a grudge against Dan Feng and Dan Heng. One time you were playing cards with Yanqing and Dan Heng. He suddenly broke into the yard, said something incomprehensible and then started fighting with Dan Feng. This scared you to death. Kafka appeared to stop him. You added Kafka friends to avoid being attacked by Blade.
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The mysterious woman who can control Blade. You don't know who she is, but she seems to know you well and be gentle to you.
Silver Wolf:
Your college classmate has designed several computer games and won many awards at a young age, and occasionally plays cards with you. For some reason, she is very close to Blade and Kafka.
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vivienna-vivid · 1 year
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I posted 24,364 times in 2022
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#casual reminder that karna mames a great villain in the mahabharata because his more extreme awful side is contrasted with genuine kindness
My Top Posts in 2022:
Kafka's Metamorphosis shows the true nature of humanity for without crushing capitalism weighing on us we would be skittering up the walls and ceilings like the little weirdos we truly are
38 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
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In this house, we commit to jokes
39 notes - Posted April 22, 2022
Okay okay okay okay hear me out.
I think it's fair to say that Saber!Hektor would be buffed by Apollo just like babie!Paris is. But unlike the lad, be won't be kiddified and I can give you a lore reason for it.
In the Iliad, Apollo has this line to Hektor:
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The way he speaks here makes it sound like he sees Hektor as an equal; as a partner. Apollo is willing to play second fiddle to Hektor and he keeps his word! This is a stark contrast with how he blessed Paris with the Achilles-killing shot by basically possessing him.
With Paris, Apollo takes his free will — shown in FGO with how he forces Paris to take a cuter form. With Hektor, he honors his free will. If anything, "Phobus Apollo of the golden sword" would become Saber!Hektor's weapon, fusing with the golden sword Durindana.
48 notes - Posted January 19, 2022
Arjuna's weakness is his family.
Arjuna can go through life as this distant, cold, but capable prince but that projected image crumbles easily when in the presence of a family member — for better or for worse.
With his brothers, he is an endearingly flappable middle son who teases and is teased often. He almost seems bratty in their presence.
With his elders, he is a soft and shy boy who cannot help but gaze at his own feet and fidget in their presence. Tense as he is, his smile radiates nothing but genuine adoration.
With his lovers, spitfires as they are, he is relaxed and somewhat clueless. In the presence of people so sure of themselves, so unlike Arjuna (and yet they chose him), he can't help but play second fiddle and try his best to keep composed as he basks in their passion.
With his sons, he is an attentive father. There's no use in projecting an image, he only wants to hold them close. There is an audible spring in his voice anytime he speaks with them, eyes bright and his smile genuine.
And with Karna, the brother he never knew he had... Well, we know that answer.
Which makes it all the more sadder when Arjuna Above Gods, the Final Lonely God, cannot crumble so easily. No endearing brattiness, no shy fidgetings, no awkward smiles, and no gentle attentiveness.
140 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I know that Arjuna is designed to be young and prince-like so he can have that boyfriend-like quality to him so his kids are never mentioned, but honestly it'd be fucking HILARIOUS if FGO explored Arjuna as a dad.
Cuz, Arjuna is a fuckin chuuni. And he also tries his best to be a good dad but he's also a deep overthinker so if — say — Abhimanyu gets to Chaldea you bet your ASS Arjuna is gonna hide every chuuni part of him.
It'd be an inverse of the "I need to hide my cringe side from my parents". Arjuna desperately hides his cringy chuuni nerd side from Abhi because he doesn't want Abhi to judge him.
And meanwhile, Abhi is just shamelessly being a normal cringeass 16-year-old so really Arjuna has NOTHING to worry about but he's fucking overthinking dumbass and just suffers in his foolishness.
239 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Dad/Family headconons
Aizawa, Taishiro, Toshinori, Sir Nighteye, and Hawks
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Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead
Despite him being that kind of nonchalant, I don’t give a shit about anything kind of person.....he’s a family guy
Loves kids
He just wants you to have a huge army of kids following alongside you hand in hand to visit him at work.
Looks forward to being able to relate to someone else with his quirk
Doesn’t care if they are all girls, all boys, a mixture of both, or even fostering or adopting, he’s for everything
Was kind of afraid to open up about that side of himself when you two got married, but you are all for it too
Feels that he can handle it with your help thanks to having some experience with dealing with his students
Is slapped in the face with shock when you two have your first 2 or 3 kids because infants are, you guessed it, nothing like teens who are all emotional about becoming a prohero
Guess he would be prepared for whenever they would get to their teenage years
Except for periods because he didn’t know anything about them but he’ll probably take the time to learn about it from you
Still happy over his growing army though
Still loves the chaos of it all, plus it’s good to have Aizawa to control their quirks when they start to develop
The chaos also reminds him of his own time in school with his few friends he had....they were always so vibrant and loud unlike him and he kind of envied it (secretly)
Yamada and Kayama (Present Mic and Midnight) loves to visit his little army and spoil them with toys and snacks even if Aizawa disapproved of it
You helped hand out the toys and snacks.....Aizawa could suck it up
Napping piles are normal in this household, so don’t be freaked when you see all of your children curled up or around Aizawa under a pillow fort in the living room.
It breaks his heart everytime though when his kids beg to take a stray cat home and he has to say no....but he’ll end up going back on patrol to feed it and then probably cave in and bring it home anyway
He’ll just shrug off his children’s accusations of him being a ‘hypocrite’ for saying no to their pleas earlier and say something like ‘Well I said you couldn’t do it, nothing about me though’
The tea parties are lit and he’ll crush anyone at a video game
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Taishiro Toyomistu/Fatgum
Really never thought about having his own kids until meeting Kirishima and Tamaki
Life was changed FOREVER since meeting them, now he would like to have his own family
It was kind of confusing to finally have the talk of having kids a couple of years into your marriage, but your views on having kids were changed too after meeting the two UA students
He let you on thinking just one or two kids were great, but you didn’t know if you should have been surprised that you were in the hospital room pushing out your 5th child
It was kind of funny to see Taishiro freaking out even if it was his 5th time next to you in labor
Your kids were so use to it they just sat out in the hallway doing their schoolwork or playing games on their iPads as Kirishima and Tamaki watched over them (your labor would always catch them while they were out on patrol)
I picture that all his kids are girls
He uses the excuse “just one more kid, maybe this time it’ll be a boy”, It’s NEVER a boy
I feel that he’s the dad to sneak home McDonald’s fries or ice cream to his kids despite you not liking it
Will take the blame when you catch one of your daughters munching on fries on the way back to her room (daughters will also try to take the blame, but how the heck could girls 13 and younger sneak out all the way to McDonalds)
He’ll also get all his daughters together to bake a cake and also decorate it. The creativity shown by his daughters will always amaze him.
He and his daughters would even clean up the kitchen together...mostly so that you wouldn’t get mad upon seeing the kitchen as a disaster
Gets way into watching Barbie’s Life in the Dream House and secretly really loves our queen Raquelle
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All Might/Toshinori Yagi
Just wants one little girl
To spoil her ROTTEN!
Seeing his friend David Sheild’s daughter Melissa grow up and look so happy always made him envious. Young Midoriya also played a huge role in his desire for at least one kid
One child was enough for the two of you and thankfully your first and only child was a girl
Gran Torino will also spoil her rotten along with Sir Nighteye
Will not be embarrassed to be caught sprawled out on the ground with your daughter playing with dolls
He’s actually quite proud of the fact that he doesn’t mind getting down and dirty when it comes to playing with ‘girly’ things with his young daughter unlike other dads
Loves to play Studio Ghibli movies for your daughter.....but Yagi is way more into it
I say this because Toshinori will try to hide his tears while watching My Neighbor Totoro as your daughter is fast asleep on his lap.
He will also sneak in a rated pg-13 hero movie from the United States in when your gone too....and then he’ll act surprise when your daughter would repeat the fowl language she heard in the movie
He would and WILL spend hours on YouTube to learn how to braid hair and put bows in and ribbons
He would bring her to work a lot too to see class 1A in action
Daughter will forever be his ‘baby’, so he HATES the thought of her starting to date and get married.
So when she admitted that the boy ‘Todoroki’ in his class was handsome while heading home one day from his work, he swore off boys....
He wasn’t surprised though, she was always managing to get Todoroki to hold her hand while Toshinori would have class 1A doing scenarios in teams and showing off her hair to him and asking if he noticed anything different.
Todoroki is a good sport, he held her hand and always complimented her hair...
Yeah she was mad at Toshinori and you made him unswear off boys, especially Todoroki
Brings your daughter to work just to brag about how he did her hair to EVERYONE
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Mirai Sasaki/Sir Nighteye
Eh....he didn’t want kids, never had the desire tbh
Though something about UA students’ charming personalities making these heroes want families. Mirio got him thinking one kid couldn’t be so bad
You were shocked when he asked to have a kid, but you agreed....after discussing it for awhile to make sure he wanted this
I picture him having one cute, little shy boy
Like the cute little boy with glasses who wears those cute shorts with a bug related shirt that just wants to search for roly-poly in the dirt and grass in the back yard
Very quiet and a bit shy around new people, but is literally the most polite little boy in the WORLD
Nighteye will use his quirk on his son when out looking for bugs to just see if he missed something in the grass or dirt, but that’s as far as he’ll use it
The reason why Nighteye thinks he’s so funny is because your son (and you of course along with mirio) are the only ones who laugh at his jokes, especially your son
Your son finds ANYTHING his dad says or does hilarious. His dad made a gasp of excitement along side his son upon finding a millipede? Instant laughter will follow
Those bouts of laughter from his son is the best feeling in the world to him
Tried to make your son an expert on All Might, but gave up when he came to his conclusion that your son just wasn’t into it.
It was kind of weird at first to find out his son was just simply NOT into heroes, but now he just loves the fact that his son likes what he likes and doesn’t let himself get swayed by others, even his own mom and dad
If you can’t make his little boy, his pride and joy, laugh? Sorry, but don’t talk to Nighteye or his son ever again
He will sit and listen to his little boy go on and on and on and ON about anything and never get bored (or show it). He will sit and listen intently about the cool facts about the bug he found or a plant.
He’d even listen to the longest explanation about a tiny little squiggle on a piece of paper that he drew on if it was being told by his little boy.
Will even put a meeting on hold just to answer a FaceTime from his son from your phone just to listen to him talk about a leaf he made a pressing of....and will sit there with the volume all the way up on his phone too so the others in the room can hear as well.
Will spend all night pinning bugs to a board to frame and label just for your son
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Keigo Takami/Hawks
He didn’t even want to date tbh
Though when he met you? The cliche ‘love at first sight’ happened and soon the two of you were married pretty quickly and boy was he a happy man
He didn’t really even want kids either. He just didn’t want to have kids and somehow they end up with a childhood like his that’s not the greatest or most normal, plus he was happy with the little domestic life with you.
But then IT happened. You know, when a mommy and daddy love each other very much and poof, a baby? Yeah....
He was TERRIFIED, but once your first child came into the world, a new sense of happiness sparked within him, like his own eyes opened for the first time to the world
This happened twice more, ending up with his happy family consisting of you, his two boys, and his little girl.
He’s the kind of dad to have his wallet FILLED with pictures of his kids and you. He will shamelessly show them off to fans while on patrol and also to Endeavor....even if he’s seen them a trillion times. Also his office is filled with framed pictures too
He also gets in trouble a lot along with his two boys for playing to rough and loudly within the house by you, especially for flying and being too competitive with video games and ANY activity he would take part in with them.
What can he say? His sons were like the best friends he was never able to have as a kid, he wanted to take in the beauties of having an energetic family
He doesn’t play favorites, but when it comes to his little girl? Sometimes he’ll catch a feeling of her feeling like she’s the odd one out when it comes to her two older brothers and he can relate to that feeling.
So he’ll set aside some dad and daughter time to do the things she likes, like read, color, and draw
He would even let her do his hair with tiny braids and color pieces of clip in hair and many butterfly clips. Keigo would also then wear it out proudly on patrol and check his reflection MULTIPLE times to make sure everything was in place.
He would then shout to the press and paparazzi that his daughter did his hair, showing it off in the process
When the picture would come out with the headliner ‘Hawks’ New Look Thanks to Daughter’ for the news the next day, the look of pride and awe on your daughters face upon looking at the front cover of the magazines and newspapers at the store you and his family would shop at would absolutely melt his heart melt
He’s the first one to pull back the covers to let his children climb in when scared by a thunderstorm or the spooky shadow in their room even if they may be getting ‘too old’ to be doing that...according to Endeavor however, so that information might be wrong
Bribes his kids not to tell you that he entered the house through the window and not the front door
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madamedevien · 3 years
Infernal Heat
Hey! It’s been a while - I really miss you guys.  Anyway, I know that a lot of you were keeping up to date with my Mammon x GN! Reader fic...while I’m updating it regularly on my AO3, I thought that I’d post the chapters that I’ve got here as well. I’m planning for it to be a 4 chapter fic, but let’s see how that goes! Warnings in tags (both here and AO3) - monster fucking comes into play much more come Chapter 3 and 4. The biggest thanks to @mawwart for their inspiration and @popcherrypop for reading over what I had all those months ago and actually helping me find direction. I’ve got a bigger/cheesier spiel on AO3, but anyway. Fingers crossed that the ‘Keep Reading’ line shows up here...
Chapter 1: Embers
The Great Mammon had woken up in a mood. He'd felt this creeping up for days now and he wished that it would just come and go already. It was hella distracting to have a constant tug of warmth and want in your gut, y'know? And it was annoying to feel the incessant need to primp and to add to the nest of pillows, blankets, sentimental and decorative items that now overtook most of his bed. But he was due a heat cycle. Annoyingly, he felt that it was probably going to settle in properly on that particular day and he'd been wrangled into going shopping by you. And for whatever reason he'd agreed. Not because he had a crush on you or anything. Damn, he couldn't even remember what you two were meant to be shopping for, that's how addled his mind was. Mammon really just wanted to stay put and perfect his nest. Maybe show it off to you. Although he wasn't sure if you'd appreciate the fact that he'd stolen a few items of yours while on laundry duty to tuck into said nest. Or that he wanted to maybe do something kind of nasty to a piece of your clothing. If not you. 
But would you want to? To see his nest? To lay in it, lay with him, to mate with him? He wanted you to. So very, very badly. He didn’t feel like he deserved you but, oh, to say that he wanted you was a vast understatement. Fuck. 
He groaned and threw one of his tanned arms over his eyes. The silveret realised that he was going to have to partially dislodge his beautiful nest to pull out Goldie (he couldn't go shopping without her - the very thought was offensive!) and that he was going to have to get rid of his raging boner before he faced you. 
So into a cold shower he trudged, loudly cursing the whole time.
Longest shopping trip in fucking history. 
It seemed like you were in need of freakin' everything imaginable. He wasn't to know that you were actually just taking your time because it'd been a while since the two of you had some time to yourselves. The demon had been acting strangely around you the past few days, although he was completely oblivious to just how weird it’d been for you.
And today, the Avatar of Greed just wasn't engaging. Questions went unanswered, as if he hadn't heard even when clearly looking at you, no boasting or sulking occurred, no bets or harebrained schemes hatched...he didn't even take you up on your offer of Hell Sauce Noodles! The demon was completely disinterested in all of this - the only thing he was interested in was you. He was also trying very very hard not to let his thoughts slip into anything inappropriate. Which was probably the single most difficult thing he’d had to do in all of his many years. Mammon wanted to take your hand and lace your fingers together; to shamelessly nuzzle your cheek in front of everyone on Silent Avenue. The thought made his heart swell. Better yet, if you were mated, he could kiss you in front of the whole crowd before publicly mounting you and-
Damn, it was hard to keep lewd thoughts at bay. He could feel his cheeks burning and looked away when your concerned expression turned to him. 
On the trek home (finally!), he fell into a lazy pace behind you and Mammon couldn’t help it as you walked together. His cerulean gaze raked over the beautiful curve in your neck - the space was perfect. In his mind, he could see how perfectly his head would fit and how the mark he could leave there would only accentuate the beauty of your skin. It’d be a gorgeous brand that would loudly proclaim to all, ‘I am mated to THE Great Mammon, the Avatar of Greed and Second of the Seven; don’t you dare even think to touch me’. The very notion only caused the flush of heat over his skin to worsen and his breath to hitch; he wanted to tear into his flesh to relieve himself of the insufferable and fiery itch.
The same thoughts washed over his brain again and again like some cruel tide, even once you'd passed through the doors of the House of Lamentation.
It took only a scant moment. He didn’t even think. The silver haired demon was aware that he was losing his mind due to his damned biology, but he didn’t realise that he was so far gone that he would do something so stupid. It was only your screech that alerted him to the fact that he had pulled you tight to his chest, that he was actually in the process of sinking sharp fangs into your supple skin. The sudden realisation made him tear off of you in surprise. 
Beel had been the first to burst through a doorway and into the corridor. The redhead stopped dead in his tracks and stared wide-eyed at the two of you; you with your hand clamped over the section of your neck that had been bitten, and Mammon an arm’s length away from with a look of abject horror painted over his handsome features. Stupid Mammon, indeed. The next to burst in was Lucifer, who looked ready for a proper melee. The sound that had come from you had genuinely startled the older brother, not that he’d admit that if asked. As his garnet gaze took in the scene before him, his mouth twisted unpleasantly. “Mammon…” Lucifer’s voice was dangerously low. Mammon shook his head urgently in response, “Nonono, Luci, it didn’t - I mean, yeah, it is what it looks like an’ I didn’t mean ta, but it...it’s not deep enough. Y’know?” The second brother sounded desperate. Mammon anxiously twisted his rings around his tanned fingers and had to fight back the tears that threatened the edges of his vision. He could have hurt you. “Oh, I think you’ll find that it’s more than deep enough.” Lucifer stalked toward you and put his hand on top of the one you were using to cover your wound. “Let me see how much damage the fool inflicted on you”. Mammon could see the frown that pulled at your mouth as you revealed the bite mark to his brother. No proper damage - the indents might linger, but no blood had been drawn; no skin had been broken. 
“It was more from the surprise than pain, Lucifer. I just wasn’t expecting someone to bite me, you know? That’s the kind of thing that I’d expect more from a very hungry Beel.” Your attempt to lighten the mood only made the Avatar of Pride’s expression sour further - but Beel muttered a small, “Fair”. Lucifer sounded positively glacial when he spoke again. “Beelzebub, please take our brother to his room." The Avatar of Gluttony nodded solemnly, gently taking the second eldest’s shoulder. Mammon stared miserably at the floor, guilt clearly written on his flushed face although he couldn’t bring himself to say anything. He didn’t trust himself to. Not after such a stupid stunt. As the other two made their way up the stairs, Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose. 
This wouldn’t be pleasant.
It was no surprise to Mammon that Lucifer texted him shortly after the whole ordeal. He was just thankful that Lucifer hadn’t decided to come up to his room and literally tear into him after biting you. Of all the people to bite in the entire Devildom, it just had to be you didn’t it? Lucifer: Mammon. I have strictly instructed the household that you are not to be disturbed until I have given the all clear. You will stay in your room and I will bring you provisions at regular intervals. If you need anything, you will let me know. Are we clear? Mammon: Yes. Lucifer: Good. He waited, hopeful that Lucifer would provide an update on you. After an eon of waiting (which was actually all of seven minutes) he decided to ask. Mammon: Are they okay?
Lucifer: They are. And they will continue to be so long as you stay in your room and do not venture out. Ensure that you lock your door and remember to take your pheromone blockers as well or the whole house will reek of your mating scent. What were brothers for, if not a good motivational speech? --- Chapter 2: Flames Even with Lucifer’s reminder, Mammon had forgotten to take the pheromone blockers and to lock the door. He’d been far too distracted; worrying about your state of health, whether he’d damaged your relationship beyond repair, still trying to keep the lewd thoughts at bay, his instincts fretting over the piece of nest that had been dismantled earlier… It was a lot to be preoccupied with, okay? Without the pheromone blockers, the corridor outside of Mammon’s room was thick with the sweet perfume of a demonic male in heat. It was rich and cloying, the kind of scent that would cling to one’s clothes much to the annoyance of the other residents (Asmodeus excluded).  Mammon, however, didn’t care. He was too busy now attempting to cool the heat in the pit of his stomach and to regain some clarity of mind. An attempt at sleep had been made once his nest had been repaired and Goldie tucked into her rightful place, the lights turned down low and his clothes discarded to some far corner so that he could crawl into the nest in a comfortable state...but how could he sleep when obscene images of you kept popping into his head?  At first, he had tried to keep some semblance of his mind. The demon didn’t like to lose control during his heats. If he could keep his mind, he would keep to his more humanoid forms - and that was what he wanted. Because if you did, by chance, happen upon him...well. He didn’t want to scare you. Before he allowed himself to spiral into the anxiety of your imagined reaction, he reached for his ridiculously large bottle of lube. If he was going to dwell on the thought of anything, it was going to be how good he knew you’d feel… --- Mammon wouldn’t have been able to say how much time had passed. He had brought himself to orgasm more times than he could count - but it only seemed to just take off the edge. A demon’s heat was never an easy thing, but why was this time around so damn difficult?  Satan would have been able to answer that with ease, the smug bastard; if a demon chooses a mate they will, naturally, be most inclined to couple with said mate for optimal breeding. To not couple with a chosen mate could make a heat worse - but to withhold coupling at all? Well, it would be a foolish endeavour.  The Avatar of Greed hadn’t realised just how he was slipping ; wings and horns had appeared without him even registering and his fangs had dropped to a predatory length (which he only noticed when he had apparently attempted to put a mating mark on a pillow covered in one of your stolen shirts that he’d been desperately rutting against, much to his embarrassment).  His breathing was rough. Mammon was equal parts exhausted and invigorated. He wanted nothing more than to let his knees fall out from under him so that sleep would hopefully take him - he wanted to stalk down the hall and into your room and fuck you senseless. And if Lucifer found out? Well, Mammon would love to see him try to pry you from his arms.  The very thought made him snarl, his grip on his cock tightening. It was enraging to even think that his brother would dare, a thought that had him so preoccupied that he didn’t hear the door click open.  His blue eyes slipped over to you and the wet sound of him furiously fucking his fist stopped abruptly. It was impossible to tell which one of you was redder. This was not what he had been expecting. “Uh-” A rasp of your name interrupted you. “Didn’t Lucifer tell you not to come?” He watched as you nodded dumbly, “Yes”. Heavy breath was the only noise to pass between you several beats. The demon in front of you was wondering whether this was fate; you weren’t running, you looked interested and, fuck, you smelled so good. You smelled aroused and it made him growl; “C’mere then”. The way that you slammed the door and scampered toward him practically had him preening in pleasure. Just as eager, Mammon scrambled over to meet you, flustered yet excited, and hauled you up close to him. He bumped your foreheads together. From here it was easy to see how incredibly blown his pupils were, to feel how desperately ragged his breathing was. You were dangerously close. “Now, see here, I'm gonna give ya one chance to go. ‘Cause if I kiss ya, I’m not gonna be able to stop. I won’t be able to let ya go. You’ll be stuck with me for the whole fuckin’ ride, ya hear?” Holy shit, his voice was so strained. “Then kiss me, you dummy.” No repeat was necessary. Mammon threaded his fingers into your hair, hesitating for only the briefest moment before pressing his lips to yours. When you responded in kind his fervour, his deep rooted greed, quickly followed. He’d wanted to kiss you from day one and not a moment had gone by since  without him imagining it. This felt so incredibly right. But he couldn’t ignore the heat curling in his gut. He needed you, wanted you. And as far as he could tell, despite the dark whispers in the back of his mind saying otherwise, you seemed to feel the same.The way that you returned his greedy kisses, how your fingers had twisted sharply in his hair, how you didn’t seem to mind the messy clicking of his elongated fangs against your blunt teeth as he tried to figure out how best to navigate your mouth in this form - how could he deny that he was wanted?  Mammon's only regret when looking back on this evening with you would be not savouring your body laid bare for him for the first time. His mind was too heat-addled to appreciate it; he was unable to slowly peel off your layers and to have the sentiment returned in kind as he had previously fantasised about. In his mind’s eye, he had a whole big romantic gesture planned if you had decided to sleep with him. Previously, he had imagined how he would make love to you and treasure every moment of it...but alas… Your clothes were quickly stripped from you, sharp fangs nipping at new skin as it was exposed. There was no delicate treatment here and he paid no heed to the sound of torn material. When he next plundered your mouth, it was far smoother than the first time - he was a fast learner, after all.  The only complaint that he had about kissing you was that it muffled those beautiful noises of yours. When he broke the seal of your mouths it was to gently toss you back toward the top of the bed, deeper into his nest and into the comfort of a ridiculous amount of pillows - to properly secure you into his nest. To see you like that felt...good. It felt right. It was clear that was exactly where you belonged. The very image had him growling in satisfaction as he took the opportunity to crawl over your body, his fingers gripping at the meat of your thighs and hips as if ensuring that you were truly there with him. Thankfully, his nails had not yet turned into talons or they would have pierced through you with ease at the way that he handled your flesh.  Mammon had to take a deep breath when he looked at you this time. He needed to make sure that he didn’t hurt you while doing this - it was the last thing in the world that he wanted. It was unusual for the Avatar of Greed to put the needs of others before his own...but you weren’t just some ‘other’. You were you. His very own treasure, his very own mate. Reluctantly, a hand left your body to fish for something buried within the nest. “You’re fuckin’ gorgeous,” He coated his fingers generously in lube, desperate to ensure that he would cause as little pain as possible, “Just fuckin’ perfect”. Two fingers slipped into you as Mammon spoke, his tone low and hoarse. Never had he imagined just how difficult it would be to hold himself back like this, nor could he have been prepared for just how much desire he felt in that moment. The sensation of your hot core wrapped around his fingers had him shamelessly rutting against your thigh, a poor attempt at taking the edge off of his lust.  A human really had no business wrecking him like this. His heat cycles were normally pretty boring - desperate rutting for a day or two and then back to normal life. You had no right to set his skin aflame like this, no right to have him feel like he could cum just from the noise you made once he had three fingers fucking into your heat. The way his blood was rushing in his ears was deafening...and he wanted more. It didn’t take too long for it all to get too much. Even all of the dark hickies that he had furiously littered your neck, chest and shoulders with weren’t enough to distract him from the wet sound of his fingers preparing you or the stunning sounds he managed to pull from you when he got the angle of his hand just right.  Mammon would never admit it, but he kind of missed his target. The point of removing his hand from you had been to slip himself right in. Instead, as he kissed you he rolled his slick cock against your sex...which, to be fair, had felt better than your thigh. And if the sound that you’d made in response was anything to go by, you thought so too.  He liked that noise. A lot. So he rolled his hips against you again, groaning in response to you. Ever eager to please, the greedy demon found a rhythm that you both seemed to enjoy in the interim. “Ya like that, huh?” Mammon wasn’t sure where the cockiness in his tone was coming from when internally he felt so nervous. It was those very nerves that quickly had his hand moving to guide his cock to your entrance and thrusting into you before you could retort. Mammon didn’t realise it would silence both of you.  By no means was he a virgin. The Great Mammon would have it known that he was a proper Casanova type, thank you very much. He just didn’t realise how different it would feel coupling with someone that he truly and deeply loved. The heat causing that deep need to breed the closest thing with a pulse didn’t help things, of course.  It was...incredible, for lack of a better word. Divine. Mammon choked on an Infernal curse once seated completely in you and had to literally bite his tongue to keep an anchor on his self-control.  All of that hard earned control was thrown out the window when his name passed your lips.  There was no hesitation in how his hips pistoned, fucking into you relentlessly. His hands manoeuvred to cradle the back of your knees and he pushed your legs back to allow him more access to your body, his fingers gripping hard enough to bruise. The noises that left him were snaps and snarls of Infernal praise, not that he realised. The only thought on Mammon’s mind was his primal objective of breeding you until neither of you could move ; it didn’t matter whether you could actually fall pregnant or not. No logic or worry clouded his mind with these thoughts. All he could focus on was filling you with his seed until he couldn’t any more, the thought of your stomach tender and round because of his affections toward his mate... Mammon’s first orgasm came with an embarrassing quickness. When he spilled inside of you, his teeth sinking into the tender flesh of your chest, he was quickly filled with a relief and warmth that he hadn’t felt in ages. For the first time since his heat had set in, there was true clarity in his mind. While his natural instincts weren’t completely quelled, it was enough for him to actually think with something other than his adamantly pulsing dick. His relief quickly fell to mortification, the shadows of which were clear on his features when he pulled back to look at you. His cheeks were tinted red both from exertion and embarrassment ; he hadn’t paid enough attention to get you to climax. He was quick to stutter out your name, mouth tripping on the words that were trying to get out of his mouth as his sluggishly content brain tried to supply words just beyond reach. “What, isn’t The Great Mammon going to make me cum?” Your sass fanned the flames in his loins. A playful snarl was made in response, “Oh sweetheart. I’m going to make you cum so fuckin’ hard you black out. You won’t be able to feel your legs by the time I’m done with you”. And so The Great Mammon set to work. --- Mammon hummed contentedly as you lazily played with the hair at the nape of his neck hours later. This was perfection. Strong fingers stroked your thighs as he enjoyed the sensation of you wrapped around his hips, the pleasure of you sat on his lap while cuddled up together in your nest. The demon toyed with the thought of pushing his hips up just to make you gasp from the overstimulation, but decided against it. Although he was loath to admit it, you needed rest - because Mammon had been good to his word, ensuring that you both had more than your fair share of orgasms.  But this was good. The fire in his gut had died down to crackling embers, although he knew it would flare up again soon - but you would be there to help ease him through it. And you even seemed to like helping him out. What was the phrase… ‘mutually beneficial’? Somethin’ like that. His eyes fluttered open when he heard your chuckle. He couldn’t help but wonder if you knew how freakin’ stunning you were when you smiled like that. “What?” When your eyes met his, he was pouting frowning. The laugh that you let out only made his brow furrow more, “I said what. What’s got ya laughin’ like that, huh? You should be out like a freakin’ light by now”. It wasn’t until you replied that he realised how obvious it was, “I didn’t know that demons could purr”. Mammon squawked loudly and attempted to divert your attention - he sounded like a damn motor! It wasn’t fair! He wasn’t even able to control the way he was going off… It was embarrassing. “Well, yeah, y’know, sometimes. We’re incredible ‘n mysterious creatures us demons, y’know! Demons are capable of things that your human mind couldn’t even comprehend! Anyway, ’s not like ’s all the time or anythin’ like that…” He tried to occupy himself and forget about the heat radiating from his face by playing with your hair - but he could feel you smiling against the crook of his neck. “Yeah?” “Yeah.” The incredible and mysterious demon sounded more like a petulant child (well, a purring and petulant child). “So, when do you normally purr?” “I dunno. When we’re happy, I guess?” “Does that mean I haven’t made you happy before?” The way that he spluttered was definitely worth teasing him. “Who said that ya haven’t made me happy?! ‘N besides, this is different!” Even Mammon couldn’t deny that he was now pouting, but he tried to focus on the feeling of your fingers running along his shoulders. It was nice; soothing, even. Until he felt a sharp tug on the back of his neck.  “Ouch! You gotta be more gentle than that!” The look of surprise on your face made him want to curl in on himself. “Mammon - are those feathers?” “Phffft,” The greedy demon rolled his eyes and tried to deflect your query, “Shaddap. You dunno what you’re talking ‘bout”.  When your mouth opened again, he did take the opportunity to thrust sharply into you. At the gasp, he lurched forward with a passionate kiss. Simply to shut you up, of course. No hidden agenda. His pleased purring melted into a deep rumbling, the fire in his belly stoking itself back to life. It was impossible for him not to roll you over to allow him to bask in more of your shared passion. The laughter that ensued, laughter that he was sure was aimed at him, only made his heart swell as much as his cock.
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rumblelibrary · 3 years
Snap Snap [Gomez!Daniel x Morticia!Reader]
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Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: people that easily talk about macabre stuff? Two sentences are quoted by the original 1991 movie.
Author’s note: Inspired by @sokoviandelights and @lafemmedezemo​ here
The English professor stood in front of the gothic house, all of sudden that weird Wednesday kid not troubling him anymore.
I mean, the little girl was weird, feisty, fixated on matters like murder, so the idea to talk to her parents seemed natural at first, but when the door opened and the tall butler welcomed him. Well, he was regretting it.
He handed his coat and hat nervously staring at all the armours and weapons hanging on the walls.
A soft lump forming into his throat when you suddenly appeared.
He raised his eyebrows in surprise, such a beauty, the dark clothing making your complexion shine, the red lips looking juicy and ready to be kissed.
Once again he changed his opinion, to come to this place has been the perfect idea.
“Professor Smith, what a surprise to see you come to our house, perfectly in time for our tea time” you said to him offering him your hand as he awkwardly squeezed it. He never found himself subject of a stare like yours, all of sudden he felt like a teenager again.
“Yes, Mrs Addams, I wanted to talk about Wednesday”
“Oh, my baby, she is in that phase all about organising funerals and planning to murder her brother” you giggled “isn’t it adorable? You must be used to it due to your profession” you said as he blinked absolutely lost of words.
“What, I mean, what???”
He asked again as the gigantic butler brought the tea in a large tray reducing him to silence only by his presence.
“Oh, please get comfortable” you offered him, the black dress fitting your body like a glove, his eyes shamelessly travelled over you, sensuality brought to life no matter the macabre colours.
“Mrs. Addams” he begun “You see, I have been meaning to pay you a visit to talk about Wednesday ways, I mean, she is a bright girl, but I am under the, lets say impression, that her interests are taking her away from ..mh..I mean a more, conventionally healthy kind of study that..”
“Querida!” A voice called in, a man with tiny moustaches walked inside, a suit draped perfectly over his figure as he brought a bouquet of more than twenty roses.
“Oh, my darling Daniel” you said, by the pronunciation of the name with accent on the e giving away his Spanish upbringing even more clearly “look, we have visitors! Can you believe it?”
“Astonishingly dreadful my beloved, terrible to share our time together with a third when kids are playing and we could unapologetically enjoy each other” he said to you taking your hand and covering it with kisses making his way up onto your wrist and arm.
“Darling, darling, the guest!” You reminded him and he groaned when he was just reaching your neck.
“Oh, so ready to torture me every time” he complained softly but like he was happy to be tortured, his smile growing bigger and creepier as he handed you a big bouquet of red roses “I picked only the ones with the sharpest thorns” he informed you a your smirk welcomed also a giggle.
“You know me so well” you said moving aside to pick a vase.
Daniel sat with a little bounce beside the professor patting on his back picking a little  silver cigarette box from the pocket inside his jacket “want one, old sport?” He asked.
He shook his head as Daniel smirked lighting it up with a match, his eyes staring at you as you placed the roses carefully into place, the professor doing the same.
“A beautiful creature, mh?” He smirked puffing some smoke out of his nose waving his hand to die out the match.
“Well, I-“ “Oh, please, don’t get ashamed now, I understand a normal appreciation, I still remember the first full moon I saw her, her dance burning bridges in the wildest sabbath of the season, she makes me feel every day like her spell is going to burn me alive on the inside. If I ever wake up without her body gracing mine first thing first, I am sure I will die of the most dreadful death, turn to dust, become old all of sudden. I loved her not for the way she danced with my angels, but for the way the sound of her name could silence my demons.” Daniel said with his eyes never leaving you, he couldn’t stop staring and the professor, once more, felt aroused and out of place at the same time.
“So, what bring you here professor?” Daniel asked as you joined in sitting on the other side of the guest while serving the tea.
“He was just telling me about what a creative instinct our girl has” you said and Daniel chuckled proudly and nodding touching on his chest with his thumb while his index and middle finger supported the cigarette. His girl took it all from her proud dad.
“Yes, it is a way to say it” the professor murmured now contemplating how to be stuck between two hot but very creepy people was going a bit too far into his mind.
“But, I was thinking that maybe she needs a bit of more of common occupation, like sports or painting, something that brings her attention to more…”
His voice dying into his throat as Daniel’s head moved on side, a puzzled, confused and threatening look taking over his features. Once again he pushed the smoke out of his nose, a scary smirk playing on him.
“…more apt to her own kind of interests” the professor concluded.
“I knew it” you said”I am so glad to hear so, it is not easy to move in a new town for such a young girl, but her sweet demure would be always an ice breaker” the way you said it, without an hint of sarcasm, was more scary than anything else.
He couldn’t forget the sweet demure of the girl staring at him during class asking him if he finally found out the day of his death or making nooses during the arts class and gifting them to him.
“Oh, look at my Devil spring” Daniel said turning off the cigarette in the ashtray and opening his arms as Wednesday rushed to him, bouncing on his lap.
“Hello professor” she said staring deadly in his eyes. Damn the creepy girl, did her mother was so creepy too at her age?
“Your professor came to tell us how proud he is of you” you said with a nod and she didn’t seem effected, just slowly turned at him staring and then at her mum “But he still doesn’t know the date of his death, can I trust him?” 
Daniel laughed out loud and you chuckled softly touching her braids “It is not a thing for everybody to learn it so soon in life, my gifted child” you’d assure to her.
She kept staring at him before slowly taking a biscuit from the tray standing up from her father’s lap.
“Have you already strapped your brother to the electric chair?” Daniel asked casually but also very curiously “yes, I bettered my record!” The girl answered making him look up at you as you smiled back at him “they grow so fast” he said to the professor who was by now feeling like he was stuck in some creepy alternative universe.
“Why don’t you try with the guillotine, my darling, that’s harder to do this fast” you suggested as she thought about it and a big smirk, much similar to her father’s, creeped onto her lips as she nodded vehemently am rushed off wordlessly.
Daniel suddenly pushing the professor aside with an hand on his chest, literally slamming his back against the couch as he stared at you intensely, pupils blown, one hand on your thigh as the other kept the poor man still and stuck in the middle. 
“Is that French?”
You smirked, your voice lowering “It is”
A sound like a strangled moan surging from the very chest of the man took over, his eyes burning onto you.
“Mi amor precioso” he growled, hands creeping down to tug onto your skirt before standing up with urgency.
“Professor, I think our meeting has coming to a very desired end, old sport” he said standing up and helping him up with an incredible strength for such a small framed man.
“Please, count on us for everything, all the stuff, Lurch! Bring the professor to the door” he shouted pushing him away as you leaned on the couch sensually staring at the scene
The butler arrived hovering over the poor man that was trying to do his job, the oversized Frankenstein pushing him away with the only strength of his deadly gaze, but not without some words reaching the poor man’s ears. A simple request you made to your husband between kisses.
“Last night, you were unhinged. You were like some desperate howling demon. You frightened me. Do it again.”
Tagged @cazzyimagines @lieutenantn @handmaiden-of-mischief@thesunflowersutra @zemomybeloved​ @fictionlandslanddreams @charistory @greeneyedblondie44 @apparrio
Let me know if you want to get tagged too <3
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startanewdream · 3 years
Shotgun wedding
Harry and Ginny will have a quick wedding, though not for the reasons people would expect.
@constancezin this silly piece of family fluff in a Jily Lives AU is for you 😘
Read on AO3 or below the cut:
The ring seems to sparkle even if the two diamonds there are really tiny - or maybe it’s just the fact that Ginny can’t help but look at it every now and then.
It doesn’t seem real yet. They are engaged, she and Harry.
It’s a little bit silly, because it’s not like anyone is actually surprised by their engagement. They’ve been dating steadily for four years now, surviving the long-distance relationship of her in Hogwarts and him on Auror training, then the mismatched turns when she was training for Holyhead Harpies and he was a Junior Auror and their time together was limited. And they live together.
Still, ever since she began her career as Quidditch Player, there was not a game where a reporter didn’t question her when she and Harry would tie the knot. She always ignored any question about her personal life - even learning that her Bat Bogey Hex didn’t seem to discourage people from asking. It was the only annoying thing in their lives.
It was no wonder that Harry had taken her on a short trip to a faraway place before kneeling in front of her - all classic like probably his dad had told him - and asking her if she would give him the huge honour of marrying him. Ginny had laughed happily - she hadn’t realized she wanted to properly marry him until that point - and had hugged and kissed him and assured him she very much would like to marry him.
After the celebration, when they were lying together in bed and Harry was playing with her hair absently (in a way that GInny feel they would still be like together sixty years in the future), they had talked about how they both wanted a quick wedding. Two weeks at most. A small wedding, only for family and close friends, in two weeks.
As far as Ginny gives a thought about it, the reporters can find out they have married when her new uniform says Potter instead of Weasley.
And fortunately for her, planning a wedding in two-weeks seems easy when she has the help of her future father-in-law.
‘Finally!’, James sings when she and Harry apparate in the Potter’s house. James was clearly expecting them in the porch. ‘So?’, he looks from one to another, his hand passing nervously in his receding hair.
In answer, Ginny beams and raises her hand, showing the ring there.
‘YES!’, James cries, and then he is hugging them both, almost lifting them up in the air, and Harry laughs amusedly.
‘Come on, Dad’, he says, when James lets them go. ‘You are embarrassing me. It’s like you didn’t think she would accept.
‘Maybe he thought I had more sense’, Ginny teases, winking at James.
‘You dated me for years now, it’s obvious you don’t have’, Harry answers playfully, kissing her forehead, and Ginny sees James is beaming at them, his eyes almost teary. He looks like he is stopping himself from swooning at them.
‘This is like the happiest day ever’, he declares, opening the door to inviting them in. ‘Come on, Lily is - well, maybe we should tell you together -’
‘You mean we should tell her the news?’, Harry asks, sounding confused. Then he smiles. ‘Let’s hope Mum is not as surprised as you’.
They find Lily sitting in the living room and Ginny sees she is knitting, singing to herself with a soft smile on her lips; Ginny had never seen her knitting anything before. It makes her think of her own mother.
She thinks there is something else different with Lily since the last time she saw her, more than two weeks ago; Lily has always been pretty, but today there seem to be something shining in her, as if she has an aura around her, like Fleur sometimes has.
It’s ethereally beautiful.
‘Harry, Ginny!’, she cries when she sees them, leaving the knitting aside and raising to greet them. James is at her side instantly, supporting Lily as if she needs help, though for what Ginny can see Lily looks perfect well. ‘I would ask, but James’ cry could be heard in France. Come here, Ginny, let me see it!’
Ginny smiles, approaching Lily with her hand already raised.
‘Oh, it’s really beautiful!’, Lily says, looking at the ring. Then she hugs Ginny warmly. ‘I am so happy for you two!’
‘Yeah, yeah, we are all very happy’, James says, waving his hand dismissively. ‘Now, the important thing, have you thought about dates?’
‘Oh, yes’, Harry smirks. ‘Two weeks from now’.
‘What?’, James looks nervous. ‘Harry - we can’t rush perfection, a big party in two weeks... there are places to see and I have thirteen options of buffet for you two to choose -’
‘We just want a small celebration, really’, Ginny explains, watching the smile freeze in James’ face.
‘Yeah, we are already in the spotlight too much’, adds Harry, coming at her side and embracing Ginny. ‘We want something more intimate, just our closest friends. We thought of something at the Burrow, it’s spring so -’
‘But - fireworks and one thousand red roses and the Weird Sisters singing -’
‘James’, Lily interrupts him. ‘That’s their wedding, not yours’.
‘Oh, yeah, true’, James nods, still looking crestfallen. ‘I guess I can take only the basics of my wedding planner’.
‘You have a wedding planner?’, asks Ginny, not bothering to hide her chuckle. Harry rolls his eyes.
‘Don’t ask, but I think he keeps one since we first kissed’, he says. ‘Well, as long as you can organize in two weeks, we will accept your help’.
‘Hang on’, Lily looks from one to another, raising her eyebrows. ‘Why the rush?’
Harry shrugs.
‘It’s no rush, we just don’t want to feed gossip’.
‘There doesn’t seem to be much sense in a long engagement’, Ginny agrees. ‘A quick wedding, hopefully without any reporter knowing’.
‘And is there any reason for all the secret?’, Lily asks, exchanging a knowing look with James, who also raises his eyebrows, his mouth now open in an ‘oh’, clearly understanding what’s on Lily’s mind.
‘Yeah’, Harry says slowly. ‘I mean -’, he points at his own scar. ‘I don’t want paparazzi at our wedding’.
James and Lily breath out together, as if they are relieved at something, and Harry throws a confused look at Ginny, who giggles.
‘They thought we were having a shotgun wedding’, she explains amusedly. ‘You know, as if you had knocked me up’.
Harry laughs now too.
‘People can marry just because they are in love, you know?’, he says playfully. ‘Don’t worry, no one will be pregnant at the wedding’.
He turns to his parents, obviously expecting them to share the joke, but neither James or Lily are laughing. Now that Ginny looks at them, she sees they have the same expression: a mix of happiness and embarrassment, with a touch of pride in themselves.
There is something different there, that she knows. Ginny frowns, trying to the understand - there is the fact that Lily is glowing for some reason, and the way James seems overprotective of his wife and how their hands are clasped together in front of Lily’s belly.
Also, Lily’s cleavage seems really great, now she notices it.
‘OH!’, she exclaims without controlling herself. ‘Don’t tell me -’
Lily nods, grinning more than ever, with a sparkle of mischief that it suddenly makes sense for Ginny, considering what Lily is carrying right now. Or who she married.
‘Congratulations!’, she says, letting go of Harry’s hand to hug again both Lily and James. ‘Oh, God, this is so amazing!’
‘Gin?’, Harry asks, bewildered, looking from one to another. ‘What’s going on?’
Lily and James exchange an overjoyed look.
‘Well - we have some news too’, James says, his voice shaking with undeniable satisfaction. ‘You are going to be a big brother’.
Harry just blinks.
‘Harry’, Ginny calls him, coming again at his side, but he doesn’t seem to notice her for once. He looks so lost that Ginny takes pity on him, so she says gently: ‘Your parents are having a baby’.
‘But - how?’
‘Oh, James!’, Ginny laughs now. ‘I thought you gave Harry the talk’.
James nods, looking at Harry with evident amusement. ‘The usual way, Harry. It was not an immaculate conception, you know’.
‘But -’, Harry still looks like he is not understanding a word of what they are saying. ‘You - you two are old’.
‘So kind’, James notes, rolling his eyes.
‘Your parents are barely in their forties, Harry’, Ginny remembers, but that doesn’t seem to clarify anything for him.
‘Old’, he repeats. ‘They couldn’t have - you know - made a baby’.
That makes Lily let out a sparkling laugh.
‘You are so innocent, Harry’, she says fondly.
‘I am pretty sure we could have’, James says confidently. ‘In fact, we already did. Six months from now you will have a little sister or a little brother’.
Harry gasps.
‘I will?’, he almost smiles, until he blinks fastly. ‘Wait, you really are three months pregnant?’
Lily nods, beaming once more. Harry is frowning.
‘So - three months ago - that trip to Italy -’
‘We did tell you it was like a second honeymoon’, James reminds him shamelessly.
‘But I thought you would do old people stuff - visit museums and cathedrals -’
‘We did all of it’, James shrugs. ‘And at night - some glasses of wine -’
‘We didn’t need much wine’, Lily says teasingly, turning to James and winking at him. He smiles mischievously, kissing her softly in the lips - and then, when they seem to deepen the kiss, Harry coughs loudly.
‘Ok, I get it, you two have a … life’.
‘I think you meant sex life’, Ginny can’t help but tease, making him look at her with his eyes narrowed. She just blinks innocently. ‘Come on, you still didn’t say anything about it’.
‘About what?’
‘The fact you are going to be an older brother’.
‘Oh - I didn’t think about it - I -’
Harry seems lost at words. James and Lily exchange a look.
‘Maybe we should have broken into him slowly?’, she whispers to him. 
‘I don’t know, I was an only kid too’.
‘We should have started by saying we will always love him and that love only multiplies, not - ’
‘He is twenty-one, Lily, he knows it by now -’
‘Harry’, Ginny calls him again. ‘You are scaring your parents’.
‘I - I just -’, Harry bits his lips, looking nervously at his parents, before meeting Ginny’s gaze that he seems to deem as safer. ‘I don’t know how to be a brother’.
‘Oh, Harry’, Lily sighs, looking at him with fondness. ‘You are going to be an amazing brother, we are sure of it’.
‘Besides’, Ginny notes. ‘You have been taking care of my brother for ten years now, a baby will be much easier’.
‘Oh, yes’, James agrees. ‘Changing diapers, you’re going to love it’.
‘Teaching things’, says Lily, shaking her head at James, though she has a smile on her lips. ‘Helping learn to walk. Hearing the first words. Seeing him or her growing up’.
‘Training for the future’, James adds, winking at Ginny, who blushes and rolls her eyes.
‘Get a grip, you two. Your baby can’t wait a few years until we think about turning them into an aunt or uncle’.
‘As long as it doesn’t take you too much -’
‘Unlike others, I think we will plan it’, Ginny notes, raising her eyebrows and, just as she expected, they both blush. She laughs. ‘I can’t believe you two had another unplanned kid’.
‘We did plan’, Lily says with dignity. ‘We just had planned for twenty years ago, but there was this dark lord problem -’
‘Mum?’, Harry asks very softly, drawing all their attention. ‘Am I really going to be a brother?’
There are tears shining in his green eyes. Lily looks at him tenderly, her own green eyes sparkling too, and she opens her arms.
‘Yes, son’, she whispers, and then Harry is hugging her. James comes to their side, his hand on Harry’s shoulder, and Ginny feels happiness flooding her at the sight of them together.
It’s - or it will officially be in two weeks - her family too.
Perhaps they seem to think so, because Lily opens her eyes, her hand motioning to her, and Ginny hugs them too.
‘Now’, James says when they break away, wiping away his tears. ‘Let’s plan your wedding, shall we?’
‘It’s good we are having a quick wedding’, Ginny teases. ‘Imagine how outrageous it would be if we took longer’.
‘The mother-in-law pregnant? Oh, very scandalous!’, James agrees, grinning. ‘I’ll be back with the wedding planner, just a moment!’
‘The second good thing is that Dad will have to keep things modest’, Harry notes, sitting right next to Ginny.
‘Ha!’, James laughs. ‘You wish. I have things rented for years just waiting for the right moment’.
Harry throws a look at Ginny that seems to say ‘What did I tell you?’, but she just grins. She never expected anything less of James Potter.
‘So -’, she begins, turning to Lily, who is back at knitting what Ginny thinks it will be a baby bootie. ‘Did you think about names yet?’
Suggestions of names will be accepted by James and Lily 😉 😂
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asteriismos · 4 years
toxic - bill denbrough
request :
ok great! so can you write something about being Stan's sister and liking bill and at a sleepover at the readers house bill sneaks in the readers room and  they have some fun? -💒
words : 3.1k
»»————- ★ ————-««
the first time that you noticed your older brother stanley’s friends checking you out was in your junior year of high school. richie tozier called you hot, which earned him a giant smack on the back of the head from stan. that was a year ago, right when your brother and his friends graduated and were getting ready to go to college. 
you had to admit that senior year sucked without your brother at home to keep you company. all you had was your mom and dad which got a little annoying sometimes because there was no one your age in the household. but it was summer and stanley was coming back for it, finally curing your boredom and helping you slowly pack to make your own adventure towards college.
the second that stanley was home, you jumped on him, tackling you into a hug that you’ve never given your big brother before. he was happy to be back home, and neither of you would admit it, but you two missed each other a whole lot. he asked you how senior year went since he last saw you during winter break and came down for a day for your graduation. after you two caught up, he said he needed to get ready to go to the diner with the rest of his friends that got in town. 
you sat on the bottom of the stairs, texting your friend group chat about some party that was going on in a week just a little outside of derry. the doorbell rang softly and you sprung onto your feet, taking a few steps towards the door and opening it. 
standing right outside the door was bill denbrough, standing at least a few inches taller than you dressed in a black t shirt and jeans. and damn did he look good. you always had a little bit of a crush on bill mostly because he was the nicest to you out of the friend group and didn't always treat you like a little kid, and because he had a massive growth spurt his freshman year. now he wasn’t the same looking bill that used to play toy action figures with your brother. bill was hot as hell.
you bit your lip, smiling up at him and leaning against the doorframe. “hey, bill,” you greeted, taking in his sculpted jawline and his messy auburn hair. he gave you a grin and his green eyes met yours, nodding a little bit in greeting, “hey, y/n. you l-look good.”
“so do you, denbrough,” you said, pushing the door open all the way to let him in the house. “stan should be down in a few minutes. I think he’s just getting dressed or something, you know how he is.” 
bill laughed, “yeah. makes s-sense. how was derry while n-none of us were here?” he leaned against the now closed door and for a moment you saw his eyes dart along your body, taking in your appearance. you shivered a little bit. 
“it was okay. glad that I'm going to college. how was your year?” you asked him. 
“better than here.”
you hummed, opening your mouth to say something else but being cut off by a door opening upstairs. stan appeared at the top of the stairs, waving his hands at his childhood friend and walking down with a little jump in his step. he pushed past you and hugged bill, making you roll your eyes as stan said something about how much he missed big bill. you sat back down on the bottom step. 
stanley motioned over to you. “hope she didn’t annoy you too much.”
“screw you stan,” you said with a laugh, shaking your head. 
bill shook his head, walking with your brother to the door. stan walked out first and before he walked out behind him, bill winked at you, closing the door. you felt yourself redden a small bit, shaking your head and trying to cleanse your mind of any naughty things you were thinking about doing with your brothers best friend. 
a few days went by and the more you tried to not think about bill, the more you felt your mind drift to him. you didn’t know where these thoughts were spurring from, especially because you knew that if you ever did anything with bill, stanley would kill both of you. still though, the thoughts of bill didn’t subside. 
you were sitting in your room when you heard the door open from downstairs, the laughs and voices of several people filling your house. now you understood why your parents had told you to just order takeout. stan was having all of his friends over. you decided to hide in your room, mostly because you weren’t the closest with stan’s friends ( you hung out with bev and richie a few times ). and also because you didn’t want to intrude and piss stan off. you knew that he needed his alone time with his friends. after all, he hasn’t seen them in almost a year. 
bill, on the other hand, was looking forward to seeing you. he didn’t know why, but he had always liked you a little bit more than a person should for their best friends sister. he knew that stanley would have him castrated if he ever did anything, which is why he kept his hands off. 
that didn’t mean that he couldn’t stare at you though. 
and bill did stare at you a lot. shamelessly and without hesitation because well, you were hot. and you weren’t like the other girls in derry who started throwing themselves at him once he started playing baseball freshman year, you were just the same with him. sweet. innocent in a way. 
stan’s innocent sister. he had to remind himself of while he sat on the living room couch. bill was thinking off into space, not tuned into the conversation at all. but you weren’t really that innocent. he knew that. there was a rumor that went around school for a while that he caught wind of, something about you with this other guy on his baseball team. bill remembered the way that his hand clenched up and the slight anger that bubbled up inside him when he heard it, and he also remembered dropping his baseball bat ‘accidentally’ on the guy’s foot later that day. 
while upstairs, you could hear bill talking in the living room, and you felt yourself get a little bit too excited at the idea of him in your house. it wasn’t hard to imagine him in your room, in your bed, under the sheets with you . . . the overwhelming feeling made you clench your thighs together to alleviate the pressure that was building up. 
you wanted him. 
you wanted him so bad. 
and you were determined to get him. 
dressed in one of stan’s old baseball shirts that he gave you when he initially moved into his college dorm, you started walking downstairs to the kitchen. the shirt reached just to the middle of your thighs, enough to keep suspicions of ulterior motives from your brother, but also enough to catch the attention of a certain auburn haired best friend of his as well. 
the kitchen was left of the stairs, meaning that whomever was in the living room would only see you for a few moments until you turned the corner. your feet padded on the wood flooring of the main floor, taking a chance by glancing into the living room. you saw bill sitting there, initially laughing and looking at whatever richie seemed to be doing in front of the tv. his head tilted back in another fit of laughter and when it came back up, his eyes landed on you. it didn’t take long for them to wander elsewhere, and you just gave him a sweet smile, turning your back to him and sauntering into the kitchen. 
the second you grabbed a glass of water and made your way back towards the stairs, you knew that bill was waiting to see you again. you didn’t even have to turn and look at him, only taking your time walking up the stairs and back into the confines of your room, watching the minutes tick away on the clock. if you had played your cards right, bill may pay a visit to your room. 
it was torture having to wait for the hours to pass by, until finally you started to hear less and less talking happening downstairs. there were only a few of them up, and from the voices, you deduced that it was mike and stan, you didn’t hear bill at all. perhaps you were thinking too fully of yourself, bill actually didn’t want you in that way. 
the voices stopped, you were seemingly the only person awake in the house. 
you slid to the edge of your bed, just about to stand up to turn your lights off when you heard a light knock on your door. it was so light that for a moment you weren’t even sure it was a knock at all. a few seconds passed by and there was another knock, and you realized that someone was indeed at your door. 
with a small ‘come in’ from you, the door opened, bill walking into your room. he was in checkered pajama bottoms and a shirt with his college logo on it, closing the door softly and leaning against it. you gave him a small smile, uncrossing your legs and cocking an eyebrow up. 
“you know, s-stan is very protective of y-you,” bill said in a soft voice, keeping his focus on you. 
you shrugged. “he’s my big brother, what do you expect?”
bill laughed, getting off of the door and walking closer to you. for a moment you thought that he was going to get on top of you right then and there with no further talk, but instead he only stood before you a few feet away. there was a dramatic height difference between the two of you because you were sitting down. the sight of him towering over you made you squeeze your thighs together again, which you thought was discreet. but by the looks of it, bill noticed your little motion. 
“it p-pisses me off t-though,” he went on to say. 
“why’s that?” 
“b-because you’re h-hot”
you smirked, leaning in just a little bit towards him. he was just standing there in front of you, his eyes so intense that you knew any movement you did wouldn’t go undetected. so in a surge of confidence, you opened your mouth to say, “is it driving you crazy?”
there was no response with words, only bill leaning in to close the gap between you two and kissing you. it was harsh, the force enough to push you back from your previous sitting up position. your hands moved up to cup his cheeks and his kept himself up while he pushed his body against yours, your back pressing against your soft mattress. 
his lips moved against yours while one of his hands came up to your sides, but you pulled away. just for a moment, so that you could push yourself up from the edge of the mattress, your head falling onto the pillows. bill moved with you, grinning like a kid at a candy store when you pulled him by the neck to kiss him again. 
it felt good, more than good really . . . it felt like the best thing in the world. you’ve been with only a few people like this before, and bill was the first one that really made you feel something more than just the usual hornyness that came with a hookup. this felt real. 
you hands moved down his sides, pushing under his shirt and squeezing the taut skin that was below your fingertips. his knee came in between your legs and pressed up, making you breath heavy into his mouth, keeling towards him for more of that feeling. you knew that you couldn't make much noise, because the only thing separating you two and the rest of his friends downstairs was your door. you didn't know what you would say to stanley if he heard something and came in to investigate. 
bill sat up and pulled his shirt off, hands reaching down to do the same to yours and throw it down onto your floor. your skin felt hot against his hands, while they ran up your sides and to your shoulders to meet your bra straps. soon enough he was reaching behind you and unclipping it, and with your help, your chest was fully exposed to him. 
he ducked his head down and kissed at your neck, teeth grazing along while he stopped and sucked a little bit in a few spots. they were only the lightest of marks, easy to cover up when you would need to. he made his way south, stopping and paying attention to the valley of your breasts, teasing you. your hands carded through his hair, pulling on it and arching your chest up to meet his mouth, telling him to go ahead. 
bill laughed. “you’re so irresistible, you know that?” he said against your skin, moving left and catching one of your nipples in his mouth. you gasped out, taking in the feeling and closing your eyes. you never wanted this to end. bill made you feel so good. his other hand grabbed your other tit, softly kneading it and then switching after a minute or so. 
the sounds that you were making was enough to make bill go crazy, he could stay and be with you forever if he could. he couldn't believe it took him this long to realize truly how beautiful you were. all those years the losers teased stanley about his hot sister, bill just thought that they were doing it to get under stan’s skin, though bill knew now that it was more than that. he wasn’t just with you to get under his friends skin, he really liked you. 
in fact, bill was so in over his head that he didn’t even hear you call out his name to get his attention. it wasn’t until the third time you said his name that he noticed and stopped what he was doing, looking up at you from your chest, that was now red and kiss swollen. 
you smiled, grabbing him by his jaw. “they could realize you’re gone,” you said. as much as you wanted to spend the entire night with him and draw this out as much as you could, you knew that someone could wake up. and the second that they didn’t see that bill was downstairs, they would get curious and the possibility of getting caught increases drastically. 
bill nodded, reaching in his back pocket and getting his wallet. from there he pulled out a condom, making you laugh.
“what? it’s good to be prepared,” bill said. 
“you’re such a dork,” you joked, pushing down your pants and underwear, waiting for him to get himself together. you watched him do the same, taking the condom out of the package and putting it on himself.
there was a brief pause in between movements where he was just sitting there in between your legs, looking at you in the eyes. you kept eye contact and he said in a whisper, “you know that you’re really beautiful, right?” 
you felt your face heat up, suddenly turning a little bashful in front of him. no guy ever really called you beautiful before. sure, you’ve been called hot and pretty, but never beautiful. especially in the way that bill said it, like he meant every word. 
you responded by kissing him, pulling his body as close as it would get to your own. the burning desire you felt for bill grew with every passing second. 
he pushed into you, not slowly, but not fast either. he eased into it, both of you stopped kissing each other to get used to the feeling. you felt him push in inch by inch, filling you up like no other person could. and you just felt too good around bill, it was like he was in a dream. a few seconds later, you rolled your hips against his, prompting him to start moving. it didn’t really hurt, and the uncomfortableness went away and you were ready for more. 
the pit in your stomach was already starting to form as continued to move, thrusting in and out at a steady pace. your hands found their way to his back and your fingers dug into his skin, arching yourself into him.
your moans were hard to keep quiet, bill was making you feel so good and you wanted nothing more than to just moan out his name as loud as you could. but instead you tucked your face into the crook of his neck, trying to stifle out your moans as much as you could. 
bill kept one hand on your hip so he could steady himself, but the other stayed next to your head, keeping him over you and getting a deeper angle. you pulled your legs up, wrapping them around his waist, causing both of you to moan out loudly. he stilled inside for you just a moment, as if he was waiting to hear any movement downstairs. 
but there was none, and bill continued. 
“fuck, bill,” you moaned out, skin hot and sweat was starting to form on your brow. 
bill took that as a sign that you were getting close, so his hand dropped down and toyed with your clit, sending your head to slam down into your pillow. your hips rolled against his own and his hand, stars were seen in your vision and you were cumming below him. it was the strongest orgasm you think you’ve ever had before in your life. 
not even two thrusts after, he was coming undone too, pulling out and plopping down next to you. each of you slowed your breathing, your hand came to grab his own and you two stayed like that for a long time. 
soon enough, bill was sitting up and getting his clothes back on. you whined, grabbing him by the arm as he was putting on his shirt. “can’t you stay?” you asked, batting your eyelashes and pouting. 
bill leaned over and kissed your forehead, pulling the covers up over you. “you know I would if I could,” bill said, taking a glance at the closed door. “but if stan wakes up and sees that im with you in your bed, he’ll kill me.” both of you laughed and you just nodded, watching him as he walked to the door. 
before he left, he looked at you and gave you a wink. 
“I'll see you tomorrow then?” 
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badbhye · 5 years
feels like summer (m)
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You only have one question on your mind this summer: when did Jeon Jungkook get abs?
pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: neighbor au, smut, fluff, angst (if u squint)
warnings:  alcohol mention, drinking, explicit sexual content; voyeurism, masturbation, fingering, dom/sub-themes, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, oral sex (m/f receiving), throat fucking, cum play, grinding, gagging, oc has a muscle kink, jungkook’s character doing a whole 180 halfway through the plot
word count: 16.6k
A/N: This was originally written for the BSC Drabble Exchange and obviously I’m two months late...but also....this spiraled out of drabble territory so fast. But to the person who originally requested this, I hope you see it and enjoy it! Please don’t forget to send in some feedback, and I apologize for any mistakes!
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"You're drooling a little there," Yoongi mumbles, nudging your arm.
"Will you shut up," you glare, trying to focus on the article you're supposed to be reviewing but it's difficult. How can you focus on Market Upheavals when Jeon Jungkook is doing pull-ups in his backyard.
You don't know how it happened but when you came back home from college one fine day, Jungkook had just changed. He wasn't just the kid who stuck to your brother like a second skin, following him around like a lost puppy anymore. He had grown up. A little too much, you think to yourself when he lifts his shirt to wipe the sweat that had collected on his forehead. You think you're mistaken, but you catch him looking right where you're sitting, and when he does, you have to hold back the jolt of shivers that threaten to go down your spine.
"Hey, hyung," he calls, waving his hand to Yoongi before making his way over the short fence. "I wanted to ask if I could go over some of my compositions with you later."
"Yeah, stop by sometime before 8, my shift starts at 11," Yoongi responds without looking up from his phone. Jungkook lets out a non-committal hum in acknowledgment before he leans over to you, invading your personal space so all you can see is his sweaty torso. Your eyes budge at the way his muscles flex and follow the way a drop of sweat trails down the side of his jaw, down to his neck. He's so close you can feel his breath on your skin, his eyes noting your reactions and you swear you see a corner of his lips twitch. "Noona," he says, voice lower than normal. Your eyes jolt to meet his own, mouth suddenly very dry.
"You're sitting on my towel," he points towards the offending cloth placed snugly between the dock chair and your thighs.
"Oh," you let out, voice uncharacteristically weak but you comply nonetheless, moving so he can slide it out from under you. He grazes the skin of your thigh lightly, and you know he's doing it on purpose. You don't know when he got so bold, last time you were home he'd barely even look at you for more than a minute before he was reduced to a blushing, stuttering mess.
But that was two summers ago and the scrawny, awkward boy you used to know is no longer there.
All too soon, he shuffles back as if the interaction never happened. You're ashamed enough to peek a glance at Yoongi, who is still focused on his phone. If he noticed anything, he's feigning ignorance which you're thankful for. When Jungkook's done obnoxiously drying off the sweat off his body, going as far as to take off his shirt completely and flinging the flimsy cloth on his shoulder as he finishes drying his hair. You're left in utter shock, shamelessly ogling his movements, especially the way his shoulder blades flex with every shift of his arms. When he bids goodbye to Yoongi with a promise to meet up later, he turns once more to catch your gaze. His expression dancing with playful mirth, "Bye, noona!" He calls, almost sweetly, and you gulp. When he's gone, you feel like you can finally breathe again, you turn towards the dreaded article you should have been done analyzing by now when you notice Yoongi's eyes on you.
"What do you want?" You say, not sparing him a glance.
"You know..." he yawns a little, almost bored. "I really didn't need to see you and Jeon eye-fucking each other like that," moving to leave his spot on the adjacent dock chair.
"I don't know what you're talking about," you try to busy yourself once again but the flush of your cheeks gives you away. Plus, it's Yoongi. You could never hide anything from him, even if you wanted to.
"Please," he rolls his eyes. "Cut the crap, you think I don't know about your little crush on him?"
You can't help but sputter at his blunt words though it shouldn't be surprising to you anymore. He doesn't wait on you to answer him before he makes his way back inside and you try to focus on your work again — the keyword being try.
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 The list of work you'd made when you were feeling especially productive glares at you from your desk. Clearly, the thought of being ahead in your classes, or even catching up to your current courses was not something you'd be able to pull off this time. The reason for this belated realization: Jeon Jungkook. It wasn't as if you weren't used to him being at your house all the time, you'd practically grown up together. Well, in the neighborly sense. He never spent too much time with you, opting to accompany Yoongi instead. You always wondered whether the boy had an issue with you, maybe he just didn’t like you. It never bothered you too much, you had eventually brushed it off because you had your own thing going on. It wasn't until high school that you and Yoongi's social circles merged but Jungkook still kept his distance.
But now, it's like he's always there. Always in your field of vision. It's not like you try to seek him out (you tell yourself) but it's like he knows where you'll be. It's almost domestic seeing him help your mother bring in the groceries or mowing the yard for your father. And when you pass by him, he always makes sure to acknowledge you, and boy, do you. Ever since he's grown out of his lanky body and filled out a bit more, he's started wearing more form-fitting clothes. Like the white shirt, he's wearing right now. He's been watering the plants in his backyard and because of the heat today washed himself off too. You're conveniently sitting on your porch, laptop in tow but you're not working. How can you when you have the perfect view of how the material of his shirt sticks to his abdomen. The only question in your mind right now is when did Jungkook get abs? You haven't been away from home for that long... or maybe you just didn't notice before. Just then, he lifts his wet shirt over his head and you find it impossible that you couldn't have noticed. And you swear he maintains eye contact with you when he does it, the fucker even has the audacity to smirk.
The silent staring contest is shattered when Yoongi comes out, probably trying to sneak a smoke before your mom gets home.
"I really can't get a moment of peace, can I?" He settles against the porch railing, fishing a cigarette out of his pocket.
You and me both, you begrudgingly think but you keep that thought to yourself, forcing your eyes away from Jungkook to look at Yoongi instead.
"What's up?" You ask, concern evident in your voice. Yoongi wasn't one to complain.
He takes a long drag. "They're giving me overtime for the entire week...won't have time to compose."
You frown, Yoongi barely had any free time on his hands. He worked at the local radio station during the dead hours of the night along with helping out your mom with any housework and composing music whenever he could on top of it all. You feel terrible because you're barely home because of college and you know that's affected Yoongi. You're aware that he most likely regrets dropping out but you know it wasn't his calling. He was wasting his talents by sticking to studying business so you still support his decision. But, maybe staying home wasn't as good as you thought it would be for him. If you could take his place, you would in a heartbeat but you know he'd never let you. He was always like that.
"If you need any help..." You offer, but you know your attempt is futile, "I can take mom out for errands when I'm here."
"Do you think she'll let you drive Petunia?" He laughs, putting out the cigarette before he's even done smoking half of it.
"I'm good at driving," you defend yourself. You admit you were never the best driver but you had gotten your license fair and square.
"I'm happy you want to help," your mother says placing heaps of food onto a plate she especially prepared for Jungkook. "But I'd rather you not drive my car."
You glare at Yoongi when he laughs at your expense.
"I have a license," you remind them quickly but all it does is give a non-committal hum from your mother. It’s rather embarrassing to have your family ridicule your driving skills, especially when Jungkook’s joined you for dinner tonight.
“I’m happy to help out,” Jungkook meekly pipes in. “I drive my dad’s truck for errands all the time, so it won’t be an issue.”
“You’re such a helpful young boy, any girl would be lucky to snatch you up,” your mother coos, ruffling his hair causing him to let out a small laugh, briefly meeting your eyes before he’s too busy trying to keep your mother from adding even more food onto his plate.
The subject on your part, unfortunately, is dropped for the moment and you angrily eat the rest of your dinner.
A couple of days go by and you've forgotten about the whole thing altogether. You find yourself busy with yet another reading you had until you hear your mom come through the front door.
"Just set these here, sweetie," she motions towards the counter in the kitchen. And in tow, you see none other than Jungkook carrying three big bags of groceries with such ease. You don't know if you're jealous that he can carry that much in one go when it probably would take you two trips, but you can't lie and say you didn't just ogle at the way the muscles of his arms flex.
"So, they said the shipment of those Torx screwdrivers were coming in at 4, so they should have them by now," your mother informs him while she's unloading the fresh produce.
"Ah, I can go now then," Jungkook responds, putting the cereal away. By spending so much time here, he'd become to familiarise himself with how things were in your house. He probably had a whole system set up by the way he was moving so quickly. You manage to bring your focus back to your work successfully, although it proves to be a difficult feat. It isn't until you hear your mother call out your name that your focus breaks once more.
"___," she repeats, coming into the living room where you're seated. "I need you to go run some errands with Jungkook."
Your head whips up so fast you almost give yourself whiplash. "H-huh? Didn't you just get the groceries?"
Your mother pins you with a look that indicates not to ask questions. "You said you wanted to help out around the house."
The complaint that threatens to spill out is quickly stopped in its tracks when you see the expectant look on Jungkook's face when he peeks in from the kitchen. Your resolve is so easy to break. You huff, roughly putting away your books before you go to put on some shoes — you can't look too eager now.
It's silent in the car for a couple of minutes, but it's a long drive. Leave it to your mom to stay loyal to the hardware store that's all the way across town. It's a little awkward sitting in close quarters with Jungkook after the way you've been thinking about him these days...you almost feel guilty. So, you focus on the radio instead, listening to whatever mindless pop song that plays next. It's when Jungkook clears his throat when he's stopped at the red light, slowly lowering the volume of the radio that you're reminded of your situation. You're alone with Jungkook.
"So," he begins, eyeing you briefly, "How have you been, noona?"
You peer over at him, "Oh...um same old, I guess."
He hums, "...Are you still seeing uh, Joonho?"
"Junho," you correct him. "And no, we split after he graduated."
"Oh good," he mumbles under his breath but backtracks immediately when he realizes you heard him. "Ah, I mean I hope you're doing good after the split..."
"Nice save," you chuckle as he rubs the shell of his ears nervously. "I'm fine," you clarify, eyeing the radio. "It was a mutual decision."
When he doesn't respond, you sigh, moving to turn up the volume again so you don't have to deal with the silence. Jungkook's just doing your mom a favor anyway, it's not like he wants to be alone with you.
Soon enough, you become hyper-aware of the fact that Jungkook is in the car with you and god, why did the hardware store have to be all the way across town? You stare at him from the corner of your eye but have to stop yourself when your thoughts start going south once again.
"So," you clear your throat, talking loud enough so he can hear you over the radio. "How have you been?" You redirect his question back to him. "How's college been?"
"Oh, um," Jungkook stammers a bit as if he's embarrassed. "I'm thinking of dropping out..."
You shut the radio at that and turn to face him completely, "Why?"
He looks over to you at your bluntness. "Huh?"
"Jeon Jungkook, please don't tell me you're dropping out because Yoongi did," you accuse, sounding almost angry.
"Noona, how could you think so lowly of me?" He pouts. "It was just something I was thinking about," he admits, turning to park the car.
"This isn't something you can just do, Jungkook," you explain. "It's a big decision that has real consequences...have you talked to anyone about this?"
"No..." he mumbles, "You're the first one to know."
You sigh, putting a hand on his knee. Immediately, he stiffens under your hold so you begin to move away but he quickly takes a hold of your hand before you can. There's silence for a minute until you very awkwardly clear your throat.
"Jungkook," you begin, "Are you happy?"
"What do you mean?" His eyes widen at your very personal question.
"I mean...are you happy with what you're doing, is it your own decision or did something happen?" You switch your words around because you realize Jungkook probably wouldn't want to tell you something as personal as this.
He stays silent for a while, contemplating what to say, his eyes not leaving your hands, he intertwines his fingers with yours without thought. Your breath hitches but you don't pull away...it feels nice.
"I don't know," he admits, a little wistfully.
You frown and wait for him to continue, thumb rubbing soothing circles on his hand.
"I just think I'm doing something wrong, wasting my father's money...especially after-" he catches himself before he can tell you the extent of his problems. Clearing his throat, he looks away but doesn't let go of your hand. "It's nothing," he concludes.
"It isn't nothing," you defend him. "Jungkook, I understand if you're uncomfortable with me because we've never been close, but I want you to know that I'm here for you, okay?" You pass a reassuring smile at him. "I care about you a lot, you're like a...brother to me."
You feel gross lying to him like that but you need to put your needs aside, Jungkook's wellbeing is way more important than some sexual fantasy. But to your surprise, he doesn't respond the way you thought he would, at most you expected him to shyly laugh. Instead, his brows furrow, and he frowns. He doesn't say anything, just lets go of your hand and moves to get out of the car. You don't dwell on it too much because just then you receive a text from your mother.
 Honey, I forgot the coffee your brother likes, would you please grab it on your way back?
 "Hey, I'm going next door," you call out to Jungkook as you get out of the car. You're a little thankful that you don't have to be next to Jungkook because, right now, all you can think of the way he reacted. It was probably the most aggravated you'd seen him react in such close quarters. You quickly grab the brand of coffee Yoongi prefers and continue to browse the aisles of the store, not really paying attention to what you're looking at.
"Can't decide between boxers or briefs?" Jungkook chuckles and you flush a deep crimson.
You hadn't realized you were staring at men's underwear.
"...It's for Yoongi?" You grimace, already regretting your words as you're saying them.
Jungkook bursts into loud laughter, nose scrunching and all. You can't help but smile at that, glad that the tension has ebbed away.
"Okay, the jig is up!" You raise your hands in surrender. "...I wear men's underwear."
"That's sexy, noona," Jungkook grins leaning down so the two of you are eye to eye.
Your laugh dies in your throat because, once again, you find Jungkook in your personal space. You can't stop the way you inhale sharply, eyeing at how close his lips are to your own. He's so close, you can feel his breath on your skin, and you're sure he can feel yours on his too. It feels like forever before he moves back, but not before his own eyes fall down to your lips. The corners of his lips lightly lift in a smile smiles before he breaks the moment and walks towards the counter. You meekly follow behind, clutching the coffee tightly in your grasp, mind still reeling from what just happened.
You're dazed. The ride back doesn't even seem that long compared to the ride there. You lean back on your seat, head leaning against the window, focusing on the low hum of the music.
"You're wrong, noona," Jungkook says after a couple of silent minutes go by. You peer at him in question, silently urging him to continue.
"I'm not uncomfortable with you," he turns to look at you before eyeing the road again. You hum in acknowledgment, "That's nice to hear, Kook."
It's silent again but you hear Jungkook mumble something so softly you think you might've been mistaken.
"I care a lot about you too."
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 After the whole grocery store ordeal, you notice Jungkook begins to spend a little more time with you. He still retreats to Yoongi like before, but it's still progress in your books.
You're lounging around when Jungkook comes by and takes a seat close to you, he doesn't say anything but smiles in lieu of a greeting.
"What's up?" You ask, eyes not leaving your phone. Not that you're doing much on it anyway, you'd just gotten done feeding your virtual cats. "If you're waiting on Yoongi, he's out...probably with Namjoon," you continue.
"I wanted to spend time with you," Jungkook admits, a shy smile playing on his lips.
That's one thing you appreciate, as much as Jungkook has weakened your resolve a significant amount, there are still moments where you see the same lanky, shy boy you admire so much. Or maybe you just like to see him squirm.
"Sure, what do you wanna do?" You look away from your phone to smile at him. The two of you had hung out a handful of times after the car ride, and it ended up being quite nice. You realized that you two had a lot more in common than you originally thought.
"It's nice out today so why don't we go out for a walk?" He suggests.
"You trying to get me to exercise more, Jeon?" You tease, peering out the window to assess the damage you'll be suspecting yourself to.
“Come on, noona, you've been cooped up in here ever since you've come home,” Jungkook whines, poking at your side. “You're getting lazy.”
“Hey, I am not cooped up in here, and this is my vacation, I deserve to be lazy,” you playfully glare from your spot on the couch, laying back further so your legs are spread on his thighs.
He laughs but doesn't make you move your legs off him. Instead, he places his hands on your knees and slowly begins to massage them. You try to feign ignorance to his touch, to keep your eyes glued to anything but him or his hands but it becomes so difficult when one of his hands moves up to your thighs, fingers putting light pressure on the muscle as they slowly begin trailing up your legs.
You don't move, eyes transfixed to the way his fingers ghost the skin of your thighs, leaving goosebumps in their wake. Even though you try to act like his touch doesn't affect you, your body immediately betrays you when a shudder wracks through you. And you swear you see the corners of Jungkook's mouth lift a little before you awkwardly cough, disrupting the moment.
"The only way you'll have me outside is if you carry me the whole way," you decide.
"I'll happily carry you, noona!" Jungkook laughs, grabbing your hand to pull you up. You greatly misjudge his strength and in a blink of an eye, he has you sitting up and trapped in his grasp. Your eyes widen in shock at your sudden close proximity and you nervously clear your throat before scampering to your feet.
"Let's go then," you briskly walk towards the entrance to put on your shoes.
 Once you're standing on the street you grew up in, you turn back to Jungkook who had wordlessly followed your lead. "So, where are you taking me?"
Jungkook laughs nervously before taking ahold of your hand and dragging you towards the park at the end of the street.
"Are you seriously taking me to the park," you laugh as you let him drag you. His pace is faster than yours so you have to move quickly to keep up with his long legs.
"Jungkook! Hold on," you pant, pulling at his wrist to make him stop in his tracks. He looks back and flushes. “Sorry noona,” he responds, slowing his pace to walk in sync next to you but not letting go of your hand.
It’s when you reach the middle of the park that you let go and take a seat on one of the swings.
“God, I haven’t been here in so long,” you say, sitting limply on the swing.
“You haven’t been back in so long,” Jungkook says, taking a seat on the swing next to yours.
“Okay, that’s fair,” you quip, giving him a side-eye before smiling. “I had different plans for the future back then.”
“With Junho?” Jungkook asks, a little cautious when you don’t respond immediately.
“...Yeah,” you say, kicking your legs so you start swinging slowly.
“What happened between the two of you?” He asks, “I mean, you don’t have to tell me unless you want to,” he stammers, backpedaling a little.
“It’s okay, Kook,” you reassure him. “We just grew apart. Fell out of love, I guess,” you try to explain. “It was a good relationship but we were in different places in our lives, so we decided to break up. Simple,” you shrug.
“What about you, though,” you peer over to him. “You got stuff out of me, it’s your turn now.”
“That’s fair,” he chuckles, kicking his legs so he’s swinging too. “What do you want to know?”
“Why are you considering dropping out?” You turn to face him once the swing stops.
“Wow… you’re blunt, noona.”
“I don’t beat around the bush,” you sniff and wait for him to continue.
Jungkook chuckles, ruffling his hair, “I think I’m gonna end up being a disappointment.”
“Jungkook…” you begin, actually surprised to hear those words from him. “I don’t think you can be more wrong, you know Yoongi’s been telling me just how talented you are for years. He barely calls or texts when I’m not home and when he does, it’s always to tell me how proud he is of you.”
He’s silent for a while, letting the swing stop on its own before he looks up at you again. “Have you heard any of it?”
“I haven’t,” you respond, moving to get off the swing. “Come on, there’s a place I want to go to.”
You two walk towards the trees that line one side of the park, leading to a clearing surrounded by a thicker layer of foliage. It’s a comfortable sort of silence that sits between you as you make your way through the path. When you reach the familiar tree, you smile, moving to sit where you used to spend most of your evenings as a child, Jungkook gingerly taking a seat next to you.
“You remember this place,” he says after a few moments.
“Uh, this is my spot,” you clarify, pointing towards the tree bark where fourteen year old you had carved out your initials.
“Sorry to say, noona, but you’ve been gone too long,” Jungkook sniffs, motioning towards another carving on the tree trunk. You follow his movements and see another dull indentation of the initials “JK”, not far from your own.
“Jungkook, how could you!” You say trying to sound angry, even though the telltale signs of a smile started ghosting your lips. “How dare you not follow the sacred rules of finders keepers losers weepers!”
Jungkook laughs, shrugging. “It’s free real estate, plus I hung out here just as often as you did.”
“Oh yeah, this is where you’d follow me to and then ignore me all day,” you laugh, remembering all the times you’d sit by the tree to read whatever trashy romance novel you’d stolen from your friend’s mom’s closet and he’d come by, sitting on the opposite end, doing whatever he always did. You’d barely talk, you’d sometimes offer him a juice box and he’d sometimes place a peanut butter sandwich next to you before scurrying off. The both of you chuckle together, reminding each other of memories you’d shared there until you fall into another comfortable silence.
 “I want to, by the way,” you say, when the sun starts to set, painting the sky in shades of orange and pink. “Listen to your music,” you clarify when he raises a brow in question. “I know it’s a very personal thing to ask for, and even Yoongi barely lets me listen to his pieces, but I’d like to,” you smile, resting your hand on the plush grass, watching the way your fingers are swallowed by the long blades. “If you’d let me.”
Jungkook smiles, cheeks dusting a light pink before he places his hand on yours. “I’d like that.”
It's dark out by the time you get home but it feels like barely any time had passed. You're fairly certain that nobody's home but that doesn't stop you from calling out when you slip off your shoes.
"In here," you hear Yoongi's voice from the living room.
"Don't you have work tonight?" You ask when you spot him lounging on the sofa. You stop in your tracks when you notice Hoseok's presence.
"When did you get here?" You gush, running to crush him in a hug.
"Picked him up an hour ago," Yoongi responds before Hoseok can answer you, though you doubt he'd be able to because you still have him tight in your grasp.
"If you missed me this much, babe, why don't we take this to the bedroom?" Hoseok chuckles, swiftly dodging the pillow Yoongi throws his way. You laugh, used to Hoseok's incessant flirting, almost missing it.
"Why don't you take me right here, right now," you challenge, taking a seat.
"God, if you guys were gonna be fucking gross, I wouldn't have brought him here," Yoongi groans, grimacing at your shameless flirting.
"It's been a while, hyung," another voice calls, and that's when you remember Jungkook was here too. He's still standing in the doorway, face impassive, a clear contrast to how he was smiling at you just moments ago.
"Jungkook! How've you been?" Hoseok goes to give him a hug, you don't miss the way Jungkook's eyes meet yours in their embrace.
Hoseok promptly takes a seat next to you, grabbing your ankles so your legs rest over his lap.
"How long are you here for, Hobi?" You stretch your legs a little more.
"Hmm, probably for two weeks? I'm giving a class in the studio, also have to visit my sister."
"Oh, is Jiwoo still married?"
"Thankfully," he huffs, "Otherwise she'd be stuck up my ass all the time."
"That's a shame," you hum, "Let her know whenever she's ready to leave that husband of hers, I'll be waiting."
"So, you're gonna cheat on me...with my own sister?" He jokingly accuses, already closing the distance between the two of you.
“How else will I bring drama into my life?” You justify as he pulls you closer to grab hold of your waist and begin his attack.
Your cries are violent as you immediately thrash in his hold, tears streaming down your face as you can't hold back your laughter. In the midst of all the chaos, nobody notices Jungkook leave.
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  A couple of days go by and you don't see Jungkook as often anymore. Sure, you catch him doing some chores here and there but it's not the same. Shockingly, you've been significantly more productive these days with most of the list crossed out already. So, there's not much left to do. So you decide to do the first thing that comes to mind — barge into Yoongi's room. Surprisingly, he's awake and flinches when he hears the door burst open. You ignore his curses and ungracefully flop down on his bed.
"What do you want?" He sneers from his place on the desk, headphones propped away from his ears so he can hear you.
"I'm bored," you sniff, turning to face him.
"The fuck should I do then?"
"When did you get so boring?" You whine. "Let's get drunk or something...since Hoseok's here too," you reason.
"Yeah, we could..." he says, eyes going back to his laptop screen. "But I think I've seen you and Jung hook up enough to last me a lifetime."
"You know he'd blow you before he'd as much as kiss me," you challenge, laughing when he bristles at your words.
"Get the fuck out of my room!"
You easily dodge the balls of dirty socks he flings your way, laughing as you make your way out of his room.
It's a pleasant night and you find yourself sitting in your backyard once again, drinking wine you swiped from your mother's stash. It's quiet, and you're humming to yourself, enjoying the buzz of alcohol in your veins. That's when you see Jungkook in his own backyard and you wave him over, showcasing the bottle of wine as temptingly as you can.
"You know I got that for your mom," Jungkook takes a seat next to you, but still takes the bottle from you.
"Are you trying to woo my mother?" You raise an eyebrow, trying to bite back a smile.
"I plan on becoming your second dad by the end of the year," he takes a swig, grimacing at the bitter taste.
"Well, I'd suggest you get Pinot Noir and I guarantee you'll have her by the end of the month," you wink, taking the bottle back.
He laughs and the two of you settle into a comfortable silence, passing the bottle back and forth until it's half empty. The headiness of the wine finally gets to you and you begin to sway a little.
"Where were you?" You ask rather bluntly.
"I was here," he responds, confused at your sudden question.
"No," you sigh, pushing the stray hair out of your face. "I mean...were you avoiding me or something?"
"N-no," he stammers, rubbing the back of his neck. "...Okay, maybe a little."
You scoff, appalled at his answer. "You know you could have just lied so I wouldn't feel bad," You sniff, turning away from him. "What did I do?"
"You didn't do anything, I just..." he clears his throat, and it feels like you're back at square one when he couldn't hold a conversation with you for the life of him. "I just needed some time."
"Oh," you respond, taking his words a little differently. "I get it, Kook, everyone needs time."
"Noona, I don't think you do," he sighs, not looking at you. "I've actually been meaning to talk to you for a while...I just-" He pauses when you put a reassuring hand on his knee, you would've aimed for his shoulder but you're practically slumped in your chair. He pauses, staring at your hand for a moment before he threads his fingers with yours, soothingly rubbing patterns on the back of your palm. You take the time to look at his face then, the way his hair bounces over his eyes, you can't help but follow the slope of his nose and direct your attention to his lips. You must be blatantly staring because he notices when you begin to sit up straight. You can't help yourself when your drunken mind can only focus on how beautiful he looks in the moonlight. His eyes also soften looking at you and you swear you catch his gaze drop to your lips.
"Noona," he whispers, "I-"
You swear he's moving closer and you can't help but lean in until you're only inches apart. Your breath hitches. "Yeah?" you ask, peering up at him. He gulps at your sudden close proximity, his eyes falling down to your lips before he catches your gaze once again.
"Noona, I-" He begins again but he's cut off by your blaring ringtone which somehow is still Apple Bottom Jeans like it's been for the past eight years. You almost fall back trying to answer the call, cheeks flushed in embarrassment.
"H-Hoseok!" you shout. "Shit, I was gonna call you later, wait, Jungkook's here too let me put you on speaker!"
"Kook! Where've you been?" Hoseok's voice drifts over, a little static from the signal.
"Ah, just busy, hyung," Jungkook meekly replies.
"Don't work yourself too hard, kid," Hoseok chuckles, "Enjoy your youth!"
"Stop talking like you're an old man, it makes me feel old," you tease, "Jungkook's a good kid so the last thing he needs is you to influence him." You reach out to ruffle Jungkook's hair affectionately but he doesn't return your affection with a smile as you expected, instead, you see his jaw clench before he lets go of your hand.
"Oh, so you think I'm a bad influence?" Hoseok asks, trying to sound appalled. "When you sound drunk, ___, did you give the kid alcohol?"
"No," you hiccup. "Technically he gave it to my mom and I stole it from her!"
"Who's really the bad influence then, babe," Hoseok laughs.
You lean back in your chair, drunkenly laughing.
“But listen,” Hoseok continues once you've calmed down. “I’m calling because I heard someone can't get enough alcohol in her system.”
“So drinking my problems away is wrong when I do it?”
“Aw, you can drink as much as you want, babe,” Hoseok chuckles. “Namjoon and I are throwing a party at your request.”
“Wait,” you jolt up. “You got Namjoon to agree? Mr. I have a 9 to 5 job and too many Bonsai tree children to feed.”
“Well...it’s more of a hangout,” his voice changing in pitch at the last word. “But I’m sure I can pull some strings for you...I can do anything for you, babe,” Hoseok adds, still laughing at your Namjoon impression
“Mm, that sounds hot Jung,” you coolly respond, moving to take another swig of wine but you can't find the bottle. When you turn to ask Jungkook, you see him taking a long swig, finishing off the remaining wine.
“Jungkook that doesn’t come cheap, you know?” You berate, frowning at the lack of wine in the bottle.
“I know,” he huffs, leaning back on the dock chair. “I am the one who bought it."
"Will I be expecting to see you there, kid?" Hoseok's voice calls out. "Because it seems like you need a drink too."
"Yeah, sure," Jungkook responds. "See you later, hyung, I'm heading out."
"Wait, Jungkook," you call out with a playful lilt to your tone. "You're leaving after you buy a girl a drink? That's not how it goes!"
To your dismay, Jungkook doesn't turn back or even acknowledge you as he walks back to his side of the fence.
"Don't tease him, ___," you hear Hoseok's laugh from the static of your phone, making you flinch at your forgotten company.
"So it's okay when you do it but not when I do it?" You repeat your earlier words. "You know what they call that, Jung? Sexism."
"No, you dumbass," Hoseok groans. "I mean don't lead him on."
"Wait what?" You sputter. "How are you calling me a dumbass when you're the one saying something like that!"
"Come on, ___," Hoseok sighs. "The kid literally wears his heart on his sleeve, it's harder not to notice."
"Why do I feel too drunk for this but also in need of a drink after hearing this," you groan, leaning back. "Don't play tricks on a woman when she's drunk, Hoseok. You should know this."
"That's called alcoholism," Hoseok easily responds. "And ___, trust me, everyone can see it. But I guess you're just not ready to have that conversation."
You're at a loss for words after hearing that. What the fuck? You're brought out of your panicked thoughts when your phone vibrates in your hand, only then realizing that Hoseok had hung up on you.
"That damn Aquarius," you mumble to yourself as you scroll through your phone to check the aforementioned text message.
 Hoseok [23:18]: Everyone can see you too, but you aren't ready for that conversation either.
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“___,” you hear your mother call. “Can you give this to Jungkook before he leaves?”
"He's here?" You peer over your mother's shoulder as she packs dinner for him inside some tupperware. "I haven't seen him around."
"Oh he mentioned coming by to see Yoongi, as usual, he should be in his room I suppose," she hands you the box before making her way out of the kitchen. "And remind Yoongi to eat something, he's been cooped up in his room all day!"
You begrudgingly make your way to Yoongi's bedroom, knowing well that he dislikes it when you barge in when he's working so you decide to do the decent thing, and barge in.
"What the fuck do you want now?" He seethes, whipping his head around to glare at you. You mindlessly peer around his room and huff. "Jungkook's not here?"
"No," Yoongi says, turning back to face the glowing screen of his computer once more. "He didn't show today."
"Huh," you hum. "Well, don't rot away in front of your computer screen, take a shower," you scrunch your nose in disgust. "And eat something so you don't die before you get to drunkenly make out with Hoseok."
You're quick to make your exit before you can hear Yoongi's retort. You end up busying yourself in your room for the next couple of hours, humming the tune you've heard come out of Yoongi's room for the past two days as you work, happy that you're actually getting something done for a change. It's when you lean back to stretch your stiff back that you realize that the sun is close to setting.
"So you showered," you grin at Yoongi when you enter the kitchen. Leaning down next to him, you steal some food off his plate. He passes you a glare before shoveling more into his mouth. "Jungkook still not here?" You ask, looking for the tupperware your mom had given you earlier.
It's Yoongi's turn to smirk now. "Why do you care so much?"
You snort at his words, "I'm just asking because mom told me to give him some dinner. Guess I'll have to go next door."
"Yeah the only dinner you'll be serving him is your —"
You've shut the door before Yoongi can finish that sentence, grateful that he doesn't get to see the growing blush on your cheeks.
You peer over to Jungkook's backyard, hoping to see him outside but it's empty. Huffing about the fact that you'll have to go to his house, the conversation you had with Hoseok still running in the back of your mind.
Shaking yourself out of it, you trudge your way across the fence but you once again find yourself nervous. Nervous that you're going to be seeing him.
You hadn't seen Jungkook much after the night you'd gotten drunk together. You'd think he was purposefully avoiding you, but you also know that he'd been helping his father with work for the past few days and had seen him through the window once or twice. Other than that, you'd had no contact with him.
You frown, standing outside the back entrance of the house, unsure of what you should do.
Confused about whether you should go to the front door and ring the doorbell or just go through the backdoor, leave the food in the kitchen and make a prompt exit. You snort, what the hell were you doing? This nervousness was so unlike you, you're always the one with the upper hand, you're an adult for god's sake, and you're far above this coy behavior. With a sudden burst of confidence, you push back your doubts and quickly find yourself inside the kitchen. Peering around, you don't spot Jungkook anywhere, not even his parents but that's not out of the ordinary, they're usually not home around this time anyway. You decide to leave the food out in the living room instead, where he'll spot it quicker. Deciding to send a quick text letting him know that you stopped by, you're about to leave until you're stopped in your tracks.
It's a dull thump that causes you to pause, making you peer in the direction of the noise in confusion. It's repetitive, coming from down the hall. Jungkook's probably working out, you think to yourself. His muscles didn't just pop out of nowhere after all. Deciding to walk further, you're met with a sliver of light falling on the floor, faintly lighting up the otherwise dark hallway.
 That's when you hear it.
 You're far too close when you realize — you would have never come if you had known (you tell yourself). Though you don't stop walking until you see the girl who's caught your attention. Her wails much clearer now that you're closer. "F-fuuuck, Jungkook," she cries, voice breaking at every syllable.
Jungkook is towering over her form, legs propped on his shoulder as he pushes into her. His occasional grunts taking away your focus, his voice reverberating through the walls and sending shivers down your spine. It takes all of your strength to keep standing at the scene, your mind screaming at you to make a move, to leave but your body stays rooted in place, taking in every detail of the scene in front of you. You're too shocked to take a breath as you see the way his muscles flex at every movement he makes, the way he so easily contorts the girl's body, drilling into her as she shrieks in pleasure. Soon enough, he has her flipped over on all fours with great ease, her head pushing down into the mattress. Your eyes barely rest on her until your eyes find their way back to him. A wrack of shivers goes down your spine once again when you notice the way begins plowing into her, with even more vigor than before. The way his jaw is clenched, letting out a grunt every time his cock is deeply lodged into her. Your eyes follow the sweat dripping down his forehead, down to his neck, following down until you see the ridges of his built form. When you look up to him again, it takes all your power not to fall down to your knees when you realize that he's looking right at you.
You gasp when he pushes her head further down into the mattress, her moans now muffled by the linen underneath. His grunts are the only thing you can hear now, sounding deep and guttural every time he pushes back in. His pace is faster, stronger and it feels like you can feel the way his cock pushes in. The way he's looking at you, it's like he's fucking you and not the girl who's currently blubbering underneath him.
Your thighs rub together at the sudden need for friction. Jungkook's eyes follow your movements, a smirk filling his features. "You like the way I'm fucking you?" He asks through clenched teeth, pushing into the hilt and pressing his pelvis into the back of her thighs.
"Mmf, yes," the girl grits out. "I love the way your cock is fucking me!"
Although she's the one answering him, you know the question was directed to you as his eyes haven't left you yet, even for a second. His hum of approval has your knees shaking and you swear your panties are sticking to you uncomfortably. You're shocked you haven't made a sound even though your breathing is labored, heart-rate accelerated. You must have gone completely insane to still be standing here when you know Jungkook is aware of your presence.
"Jungkook!" The girl cries, her legs shaking. "I'm gonna cum!"
"Come on, baby girl," Jungkook grunts, pushing into her even further. "Cum all over my cock."
It's like you're in a trance, following the way he moves his hands between her legs, making her cries get louder and shakier. At this point, its Jungkook holding the poor girl up as he drills into her. Her moans increase in pitch and it would honestly bother you but you're far too distracted looking at Jungkook that you don't even notice her cum. It's only when his own hips stutter and his head falls back that you get ahold of yourself.
As quietly as you can, with shaky knees, you make it out of his house and back to your room. Your heart hammering in your chest because you just saw Jungkook fuck the life out of some girl. Oh my god, you just saw Jungkook fuck the life out of some girl! Jungkook, your neighbour, the kid who idolizes your brother. Jungkook, who was always too shy to talk to you, who'd always get red-faced when you were around. Jungkook, who works out in his backyard. Jungkook, who sometimes holds your hand. Jungkook, who apparently can fuck the soul out of you. You shudder at that thought, your mind reeling from what you just witnessed, the wetness between your thighs still evident. You shake yourself away from wandering thoughts, you can't, you chastise yourself as you bury your face into your pillow. But the image of him doesn't stray from your mind and you feel like your body is working on overdrive, your nerves so sensitive that you can't help but shakily place a hand between your thighs.
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"Yoongi's been complaining that you've been inside more than usual," Hoseok takes a seat next to you when you find yourself lounging around your house yet again.
"I've been busy," you quip, eyes not leaving the textbook in your lap.
"Come on!" Hoseok laughs, "Your lack of flirting is worrying, what's up?"
At your non-committal hum of acknowledgment, he yanks the textbook, prying it away from your grabby hands.
"If it takes me longer to graduate, it's going to be your fault, Hoseok," you groan, folding your arms across your chest after a feeble attempt to get your book back.
"___, why are you studying when you're on vacation," he raises an eyebrow. "More importantly, when I'm here?"
"Clearly, you've mistaken me for someone who gives a shit about you, Jung," you retort, "I've been using you to get to your sister this whole time."
Hoseok scoffs at your refusal to comply before bringing a backpack to his lap. That piques your interest as you raise your eyebrow expectantly.
"What's in there?"
"I was going to give this to you as a peace offering, but you're being a little bitch," Hoseok sniffs, taking out a bottle of vodka from the bag.
"I think you're the one pushing me towards alcoholism, Jung," you snort but pause when he takes out a carton of cranberry juice.
"Don't act like you're not the one who got us all booze with your fake ID in high school," he laughs, raising the bottle in his hand. "So let's commemorate and drink cranberry vodka like a bunch of freshmen."
You stare him down for a while before a smile slowly creeps up on your lips.
"God, I really need to stop using alcohol as a crutch," you grin before taking the bottle from his hand.
It's after you've drunk almost half the bottle between the two of you that Yoongi comes home, groaning as he takes off his shoes to announce his arrival.
"Get in here, you toad," you drunkenly giggle, almost sliding off your couch in between. "I have two surprises for you!"
Yoongi slowly makes his way into the living room, a scowl on his face at your obvious inebriated state.
"I'm here. Now give me a drink," he says, making you move so he can wedge himself between you and Hoseok.
"Surprise number one!" You say, handing him a haphazard mixture of vodka and cranberry juice. "And surprise number two!" You shove him lightly so he's even closer to Hoseok. You giggle as he nudges you with his elbow.
"Hoseok's helping me drink my problems away," you say, moving to the adjacent couch when Yoongi won't let you drape your legs across his.
"What problems, noona?" You hear from the doorway and immediately stiffen.
 There is none other than Jungkook, standing at the entrance, innocently smiling at you before he makes his way into the living room.
"Oh yeah, Jungkook's here too," Yoongi says, sipping on his drink and grimacing before shooting you a nasty glare for not putting in enough juice.
"I hope you guys don't mind," Jungkook says before sitting on the couch you're on, a little too close for comfort.
"What were you guys doing?" Hoseok asks, taking Jungkook's attention away from you.
"Yoongi hyung was treating me to dinner for finishing a song," Jungkook says, showcasing his teeth while smiling.
At that moment, you decide that Jungkook is the devil incarnate. He has the audacity to look like the sweet, innocent, helpful Jungkook you've known your whole life. But you know the truth, you know how he is anything but that. You can see through his facade easily, how he has everyone fooled.
He shifts in his spot, causing him to bump his thigh with yours and you immediately clamp your legs shut and move away from him, leaning as close to the corner of the sofa as you can get. You hear him huff but he maintains his distance. Even though there’s about a person’s gap between the two of you, you can still feel the heat radiating from his body.
"You know glaring at your empty cup won't put more alcohol in it," Yoongi says, finishing his own drink before moving to make himself another.
"Uh, yeah," you say, distracted still as you pour a hefty amount of vodka in your cup.
"Slow down, babe," Hoseok snorts at your antics. "What's got your panties in a twist."
"Please don't talk about my sister's panties when I'm here," Yoongi groans.
"He means don't talk about my panties when you can talk about his panties," you smirk, settling back down on the sofa.
"What if I want to talk about your panties, ___?" Comes Jungkook's whispered voice next to you, his breath hitting your neck and you almost choke on your drink, coughing loudly.
"Are you okay, noona?" Jugkook asks, loud enough for everyone to hear this time. "Here, drink some water."
You begrudgingly accept the offered cup and gulp it down so you don't have to look at his face and just recall the way he was looking at you the other night.
"Look at Jungkookie taking care of his noona!" Hoseok drunkenly giggles, slapping Yoongi's arm to get his attention. Hoseok's intentions are as clear as day and you're not amused. You feel even more on edge now, knowing that even Yoongi was in on it — if the smirk on his face was anything to go by.
You hear Jungkook laugh beside you and put an arm around your waist. You jolt up at the contact, feeling extremely sober suddenly.
"Uh...I'm going to the kitchen. Bye," you stammer and run towards your safe haven.
He's the devil, you can't believe you hadn't noticed it before.
"It really is all men," you mutter to yourself, pacing in the kitchen.
"I take it either you and Jungkook finally fucked or that you and Yoongi are fighting...which isn't new or exciting so please tell me you and Jungkook finally fucked," Hoseok says casually as he leans onto the kitchen island.
"No we did not...and will you keep your voice down?" You whisper-shout, peeking into the living room to make sure nobody heard him.
"Then why are you here talking to yourself like a madwoman, are you trying to prove that there are ghosts in this house again because that's not funny and I will scream."
"God, I wish my ghost boyfriend was still here...I miss Taemin," you groan, taking Hoseok's cup and downing it in one go. "He wouldn't torture me like this...why did he have to cross over?"
"You really need to get laid," Hoseok dryly comments. "Especially if you're pining over a clearly non-existent boyfriend."
"Oh my god, Hoseok!" You say, eyes wide as you quickly turn to face him. He flinches ready to get hit with the plastic cup in your hand but instead, you grab both of his shoulders and pull him closer.
"You're right! I do need to get laid...that explains everything," you let go of him and start pacing again. "But the question now is...who?"
"That's easy-"
"Don't you fucking dare, Jung Hoseok," you interrupt, pointing an accusatory finger at him. "Don't even try."
"I'm just stating the viable options here."
"I would take this from you any other day, but right now, I need you to help me set up a dick appointment."
"God, we're both not drunk enough for this conversation...and I'm pretty sure I'm seeing double right now," Hoseok slurs a little to accentuate his drunken state.
"It can't be you...because Yoongi would annihilate me," you begin to mutter your thoughts out loud, "Obviously Jungkook is a no go, that's just my sex-deprived brain malfunctioning."
"So you admit it!" Hoseok excitedly shouts, pointing at you with his eyes wide.
"No, shut up!" You gape, pausing in your tracks.
"Something happened, you don't do that weird saying your thoughts out loud thing unless something happened," Hoseok grins. "And don't think I didn't hear that little panties comment he made."
Fuck, it really be your own that betray you, and for you, it's your stupid inebriated self.
"Okay, if I tell you what happened," you begin, inching closer to him. "You have to promise not to laugh at me."
"You know I'm a whore for gossip," he smiles, leaning back to the counter.
"Okay..." You begin, nervously peering at the entrance to make sure that you're both alone. "I may have seen..." You purposefully keep your voice as low as a whisper, as a further precaution. "Jungkook...fucking a girl... and I can't stop thinking about it Hoseok, so you understand the severity of the situation."
He stares at you blankly as his drunken mind processes what you had said to him before, his eyes comically wide, and he barks out a loud laugh.
"Hoseok you promised you wouldn't laugh!" You sniff, looking at him with pleading eyes in hopes that he'll take pity on you.
 He doesn't.
 "Okay, you can't tell me something like that and not give me details... How much did you see? Did you see his dick? What's he like in bed?"
Hoseok's busy listing out detailing questions but you can't hear him anymore as your cheeks heat up at a significant pace when your mind starts to wander...
"Oh my god!" Hoseok balks at you. "You saw all of it didn't you!"
You don't respond, only gulp nervously when your mouth gets too dry.
"Shit, ___, not gonna lie... That's so hot." You see his eyes beginning to crinkle and scamper to shut him up before the man in question hears that you're currently talking about him getting his dick wet in front of you.
 Unfortunately, luck hasn't been on your side for the past couple of days.
"What's hot?" Jungkook says as he peeks his head in the entrance before making his way to where you are awkwardly holding onto Hoseok.
"Kim Taehyung!" You shout the name abruptly before you can even think of an excuse.
"Huh?" Jungkook tilts his head and you have to inhale deeply at the way his hair flops with his movement. Demon, you remind yourself.
"I invited Taehyung to the party this weekend, ___ thinks he's hot," Hoseok winks at you before looking back at Jungkook.
You look between the two of them before quickly stammering, "Uh, yeah! He's really hot... totally fuckable!"
Jungkook looks at you, his face blank before he hums. "I see," he says, before turning to Hoseok. "Yoongi hyung was calling you."
Hoseok passes you an apologetic look before grinning wildly and making his exit — effectively leaving you alone with Jungkook. Fucking Aquarius bastard.
 You awkwardly clear your throat when you notice Jungkook silently looking at you.
"So, Kim Taehyung?" He asks, slowly stepping closer to you.
"Yeah," you stutter, "...Kim Taehyung," backing away from him until the back of your legs hit the counter.
"What about him?" He smirks, eyeing you down and you have to peer up at him to maintain eye contact. Fuck when did he get so tall?
"You know..." you begin, "he's a good looking guy...what can a girl do?" You grimace at your words as they leave your lips but Jungkook doesn't react, just keeps his lazy smirk.
"Hmm… what can a girl do?" He grins, leaning down so he's face to face with you, his breath hitting your face. Your eyes widen before they fall to his lips and your mouth goes dry. You subconsciously lick your lips and his own eyes follow your movements before he moves towards the left to grab a spare mug that was sitting behind you on the counter.
He doesn't wait for your response before he's making his way out of the kitchen and back to the living room to Yoongi and Hoseok... and alcohol. God, you need more alcohol but you really can't make yourself sit in his presence anymore.
"Fuck Jungkook," you angrily mutter as you make your way back to your bedroom before groaning at the choice of words. You slam the door in the midst of your frustrations before launching yourself on the bed.
"I can't believe booze has failed me," you mumble into your pillow before falling into an alcohol-induced sleep.
"You can cancel your party," you say over the phone, in lieu of a greeting right as Hoseok picks up. "I'm quitting alcohol."
"I'm guessing you didn't hydrate last night," Hoseok responds, sounding much better than you.
"I couldn't and you know it!" You seethe, soothing your aching head after downing two pills of aspirin. "Anyway, how do you sound okay, I'm sure you drank way more than me."
"I may or may not have puked my guts out an hour after you left," Hoseok admits, sounding a little ashamed.
"It's what you deserve," you remark blandly, making your way out to the backyard where the warm sun welcomed you. You groan in appreciation of the warm dock chair as you get comfortable. It's only when you open your eyes again, you see Jungkook working out in his backyard once again.
"If there's a god," you mutter to yourself, "When will you let me catch a break?"
"What's up?" you hear Hoseok ask over some crackling, probably making himself breakfast.
"The bane of my existence this summer..." you whisper just in case Jungkook doesn't over-hear even though he's clearly out of earshot — but you can never be too cautious.
"Our little Jungkookie's working out isn't he," Hoseok snickers, "Why don't you just sit back and enjoy the show?"
You hum, "You know what, Hoseok?" you say thoughtfully. "Maybe you're right... maybe I can get some sort of sexual gratification by just staring at him... doing those pull-ups... and then I'll get it out of my system" You silently watch the way his muscles flex every time he does one, getting a full view of those godly pectoral muscles because he decided to forgo a shirt today.
"Clearly, it’s working," Hoseok snorts.
You groan loudly, "It's not fair Hoseok! When did he get the upper hand, how did I let this happen?"
"Come on, ___, you seriously thought Jungkook was gonna stay coy this whole time? The kid's got game, you'd know if you’d come home more often."
"Don't say that! Don't call him a kid when I saw what I saw!" You angrily whisper into the phone.
"Don't act like you didn't enjoy the show." You can practically hear the god-awful smirk accompanying Hoseok's tone.
"This is why men don't deserve rights," you mutter, still angrily staring at Jungkook finishing up his work-out. "Anyway," you sniff, "you owe me a favor."
"And what is that?" He chuckles.
"Call Taehyung to the party for me."
"Oh? So now you're coming to the party?" Hoseok asks. "I thought you swore off alcohol...well you lasted ten minutes, I'm proud of you."
"Just invite him, will you?"
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 You’ve managed to successfully avoid Jungkook, occasionally seeing him around the house but your plan was foolproof: flee. But it’s the day of the party and your otherwise foolproof plan is going to fail, because he’ll be there, and you’ll be there, in the same space.
Hoseok [9:45]: I won’t let u in unless u have at least one bottle of booze with u.
Hoseok [9:57]: That was Namjoon but yeah, the rule still stands.
 “I thought this party was for me,” you mutter to yourself as you make your way up the stairs, pulling on your dress nervously after every couple of steps.
You pause when you reach the apartment, a dull throb of music cascading through the walls, staying still for a while before kicking the door once to announce your arrival.
A few seconds go by and you’re ready to kick again but the door swings open to a clearly drunk Namjoon, cradling a bonsai tree close to his chest.
“___!” He grins, pulling you into a tight hug but he misjudges and proceeds to stuff your face in his pit. You awkwardly stand in his grip, letting him hug it out because it’s been a while since you’ve seen him
“Thank god you shower regularly,” you grin at him when he lets you go. “I come bearing gifts,” you hold up the lone bottle in your hand. “So, please put my coat in Hoseok’s room for me.”
“Tequila...” Hoseok slithers his way in at the mention of alcohol. “Someone’s here to make regrets!”
“It’s silver so you better have lemons in your kitchen,” you push past him and are met with enough people to be considered a party and not the hang-out Namjoon had planned.
“So I take it your persuasion worked,” you look at Hoseok as you make your way into the kitchen.
“I told you I’d do anything for you, babe, do I ever disappoint?”
“Okay, get off your high horse,” you jab, rolling your eyes. “Alcohol please,” you cup your palms in front of your chest.
“___,” Hoseok rolls his eyes. “It’s like one foot away from you. Make your own drink.”
“I don’t have my research on me right now but I have proven that your drinks get me drunk faster,” you sniff. “So, alcohol please.”
 Once you’ve downed two shots of tequila and now nurse once of Hoseok’s special drinks, you happily stroll to the living room where you’re met with Yoongi and Namjoon, bonsai plant still in hand.
“What is he doing?” You ask Yoongi in lieu of a greeting as you wedge your way between the two of them on the sofa.
“I’m cradling my daughter,” Namjoon sniffs, gripping the plant closer to his chest. “She can’t fall asleep otherwise.”
You pass Yoongi a look who just shrugs. “I think you have more pressing matters at hand, ___,” he says cocking his head to the side. You follow his line of sight and curse under your breath.
 Lo and behold, Jungkook is already there, surrounded by a bunch of people you recognize as his friends, not like you could recognise anyone besides Park Jimin...and the girl you saw him fucking who is busy clinging onto his arm and laughing at something he just said.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you say taking a large gulp of your drink. “Anyway, is Taehyung here?”
“Oh god,” Yoongi groans. “Don’t tell me you got Namjoon to agree to a party just so you could schedule a booty call with Taehyung, you know you could just text him instead of orchestrating a giant ruse.”
“Hey, this ruse is for you and Hoseok to get down and dirty too, I’m doing you a service,” you sniff, downing the rest of your drink. At the rate you’re going, you’re pretty sure you’ll blackout but sneaking a glance at Jungkook again, makes you forgo your concerns and move to get yourself another drink.
“Long Island iced tea?” You hear and turn around, drink sloshing in your cup. “You haven’t changed,” Taehyung smiles, eyeing the drink in your hand.
“Kim Taehyung!” You smile, tipsy already, and move to hug him, burying your head in his neck. “Why did everyone go through a growth spurt and not tell me,” you sniff when you fall back onto the heels of your feet.
“I like towering over you though,” he easily says, taking ahold of your waist and pulling you towards him. “Come dance with me.”
You easily agree, letting him move you to the living room where a couple of people were dancing to the music. You’ve never been a good dancer, always the one with two left feet but get some alcohol in you and suddenly your body just knows. Sure, you can’t call what you’re doing dancing, moving more towards fucking with your clothes on, if the thigh Taehyung has wedged between your legs and the way he’s gliding you on it has anything to go by.
You thank alcohol for giving you the confidence that surges through your body when you feel a twitch against your own thigh, making you smirk. The two of you dance to the music for a couple more minutes until he bends down, lips touching the shell of your ear. “Meet me on the balcony in five, yeah?”
“I thought you’d never ask, Kim,” you pull away. “Let me go grab my coat.”
 You’re quick to whirl around, moving towards Hoseok’s room, giggling to yourself at the prospect of your plan coming to fruition. Maybe this will let you see clearly and not drool thinking about Jungkook anymore. Clearly, you just need to get a good dicking down and Jungkook will be Jungkook again. 
Thankfully Hoseok’s room is unlocked and empty, you peer around the dark in search of your coat.
A hoe never gets cold but she does need her jacket when she has to make a quick run for it, just in case.
You aren’t there for long when you hear the door open again.
“I thought you said to meet on the balcony,” you laugh, turning around but your laughter dies in your throat when you realise it’s not Taehyung standing behind you.
“Jungkook?” You stutter, “what are you doing here?”
“You know, ___,” Jungkook tongues the inside of his cheek as he stalks his way towards you. “Hoseok I kind of understood… but Kim Taehyung?”
“Wh-what are you talking about?” You stutter, all the alcohol running through your veins suddenly evaporating. 
“I’m tired of playing games, ___,” Jungkook responds, ignoring your question. “I don’t want to hear any excuses anymore.”
“What do you mean, Jungkook?” You shrink under his gaze. He looks so different right now like a whole different person.
“I mean,” Jungkook chuckles, stepping closer as you inch back, the back of your thighs hit Hoseok’s desk. “I’m going to fuck you now.”
“Jungkook!” You shriek, “Don’t be ridiculous, you don’t want to f-fuck me.”
Jungkook closes his eyes, takes in a deep breath and immediately bends down so his face is a mere inch away from your own. “Oh, you have no idea just how much I want you, ___,” Jungkook says, his eyes falling to your lips. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted you. And I know you want me too.”
In a blink of an eye, he’s lifted you up and seated you on Hoseok’s desk.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you let out, eyes wide when you see the look in his eyes, the way his eyes roam your body with this innate hunger.
“Stop kidding yourself, ___. Don’t pretend like you didn’t see anything,” he says, leaning so close to you that he’s all you can see. Everything about him is so different now, it’s surprising that you just recently noticed the raw sexual appeal Jungkook exuded. You nervously lick your lips when you find his gaze drifting down once again, trailing your body with hunger you now recognize as the look he gave you when you found him fucking that girl a couple of days ago.
“It’s okay, noona,” he chuckles, the word sounding nothing but condescending coming out of his mouth this time. “I like being watched.”
"J-Jungook!" you gasp, shocked at his obscene words. He's so close to your vicinity that you're unable to think straight.
“And it looks like you like to watch, don’t you noona?” He teases, his hand gripping your waist to hold you into place.
“Tell me, noona,” he asks, licking his lips and you shudder when you see the wet sheen of saliva coat his lips. “Did you touch yourself that night? Did you get off to me fucking her?”
Without thinking, you find yourself nodding to his words, eyes wide, breathing hard and shallow. He groans, separating your legs to wedge himself between your thighs. He’s so close, pressing his body into yours, and you let him, gripping his shoulders to press him even closer to you.
“Do you even know what you do to me, ___?” He groans into your neck. He presses his hips into your stomach. “Do you feel what you’re doing to me?”
You whimper, feeling the thick shaft of his dick pressing into your skin. All too soon, the feeling is gone and he’s standing back looking at you with half-lidded eyes.
“Take off your clothes.”
You don’t even hesitate and slip your dress off, left only in a pair of lace panties. Jungkook groans at the sight, palming himself through his jeans. His eyes roaming your body, from the swell of your breasts down to the lacy material of your panties.
“Didn’t even wear a bra, you’re so naughty noona,” Jungkook smirks, shamelessly eyeing your breasts.
“I want to know what you did.”
“W-what?” You ask, peering up at him with confusion.
“I want to see how you touched yourself thinking about me.”
You shudder under his watchful gaze and you let out a shaky breath.
“Go on then.”
You slowly inch your hands down your body, sliding down your panties gently enough that they stick to the wetness of your core. You hear Jungkook curse under his breath at the sight.
“So wet, and I haven't even touched you,” he looks entranced, the way his eyes widen at the scene between your legs.
“You did this,” you mumble, swirling the wetness of your folds and spreading it across the expanse of your pussy. Biting your lips when your finger grazes your clit.
Jungkook moves to take a seat on the chair, getting a better view of your fingers working on yourself.
You ghost your fingers across your clit, breath shuddering every time the movement sends small a small wave of shock through your body. You should feel embarrassed, being watched so closely but the fact that Jungkook is here, watching you so intently just eggs you on. You circle your finger along your entrance as another gush of arousal flows through, glistening the tips of your fingers, and you gather the wetness, shoving it back in. A small moan leaves your lips when you curl a finger inside yourself.
"You're doing so well, noona," Jungkook whispers. His jeans are unbuttoned but he doesn't bother touching himself, too busy watching you. And you're in awe of him yourself, biting your lips as you slowly begin to grind onto your finger, slowly adding another digit. You shudder when you scissor them inside of yourself, your legs beginning to close into themselves but Jungkook pushes them apart, so he doesn't miss a single movement.
"Fuck, fuck! Jungkook," you gasp, "It feels so good!"
Your movements begin to get more erratic, faster as you start to lose yourself to the pleasure. Your thighs twitching when you press onto your clit. You sputter when you add another finger, slowing down your movements to get used to the pleasant feeling of feeling so full.
"J-Jungkook!" You moan out, your other hand reaching to grab ahold of the one that's grabbing your thigh, "I'm gonna-"
"Are you cumming already, ___?" He tilts his head, looking at you with a teasing smirk. "Did you enjoy the show that much?"
"Yes!" You grit out, biting your lips as you fuck yourself. "Wanna feel you so bad!"
You groan, hips lifting off the desk when you crook all three fingers inside of you, thumb rubbing against your clit. "Jungk- fuck, I'm cumming!" You cry out before your words taper off to strangled moans. You keep fucking yourself until you've ridden out the waves of your orgasm, panting by the time you come down from your high.
When you lazily open your eyes, you find Jungkook's eyes wide, staring between your legs.
"Fuck," he says before he peers up at you. "That was the hottest thing I've seen in my whole life." Before you can respond he's shoving his head between your legs and licking a long stripe up your slit before he latches onto your clit and begins to suck gently.
"Ah, Jungkook," you groan, head falling back and hitting the wall behind you. "It's too much Jungkook," you whimper, feeling oversensitive from your orgasm but he doesn't listen, eagerly lapping up your release like a man starved. He groans when his tongue probes at your hole, fucking it with shallow thrusts, sucking up the wetness. "Noona, you taste so good," he groans before diving back in. The oversensitivity has you sobbing, tears falling down your cheeks but you still find yourself pressing yourself against his tongue as hard as you can. The fact that it's Jungkook’s head between your legs has you tumbling towards a second orgasm at an embarrassingly fast pace. Without warning, the tight coil snaps once more and you're coming undone, grinding yourself onto his tongue, moaning out his name. This only spurs him further as he licks into you with even more vigor, lapping up whatever dribbles out of you like it's his only life source.
When the waves of pleasure settle down, you slump against the wall, utterly spent. Your thighs still twitching at the intensity of your orgasm.
"Fuck," Jungkook mutters, looking up at you, his breath hitched. You gasp when you notice his lips, cheeks, and chin dripping with your release. "You're so fucking hot," he mutters before moving to stand up. He strips himself of his shirt quickly, and your eyes widen once more over how toned his body is. You shamelessly ogle his body, eyes following the ridges of his muscles.
"When did you turn into such a muscle pig," you scoff when he flexes.
"Feels good when you cream yourself watching me work out in the backyard," Jungkook chuckles. You bristle at his words, flushing a deep crimson.
"You noticed?"
"Why do you think I put on such a show, noona?" He winks before he's standing close to you once again. "Now be a good girl, and suck me off."
You're quick to pull his jeans down, grateful that he had undone the button earlier, you're sure you would have fumbled with it the way your hands are shaking in anticipation.
The moment his cock is free from its confines, your eyes widen. It's a mouth-watering sight. His cock beautifully glistens as precum leaks out of the tip, sliding down the curved shaft and you lick your lips, following the trail with your eyes. Gingerly, you grab the shaft, spreading the wetness on the head and he hisses when your thumb digs into the slit. At his reaction you grow more bold, kissing a line on the side of his length, licking his skin more and more after each kiss. When you reach the head, you press another kiss on the tip before encasing it between your lips, swirling your tongue before you suckle on it lightly.
"F-fuck, ___!" Jungkook hisses. "Be a good girl and take it all in, okay?"
You easily comply, slowly sinking on his length, inch by inch you swallow his length as far as you can go before going back up to catch your breath. Once you get used to the length and the thick girth, you loosen your jaw and eagerly stuff him in your mouth, hollowing your cheeks as you take him in.
"Oh god, you're doing so well, baby," Jungkook grits, taking a hold of the hair that falls onto your face. His praise just makes you more eager and you go even further until your nose touches his pelvis. You stay in that position, nose hitting the base of his cock, and you inhale deeply, groaning when the heady scent invades your senses. Tears stream down your face as your throat constricts, jaw aching from the girth but feeling the weight of his cock on your tongue makes you moan. Jungkook's head falls back when he feels you moan around his cock, and when he finds you peering up at him with wide eyes, teary from the abuse of his dick, his cock twitches in your mouth.
"I'm gonna fuck your face now, can you take it?" He asks, pulling your face back by your hair and you nod eagerly.
"I didn't know you were such a cockslut, noona," Jungkook grins before he shoves his length down your throat. You immediately choke but he doesn't relent, shoving it down until you're pressed against him. You swallow wildly around his length, making him groan.
"Fuck, you're such a sight, noona,” he rasps, “With my cock stuffed down your throat."
He pulls out a little before thrusting back in, abusing your throat and you enjoy every minute of it. You gag every time he has you pressed against him, your eyes trained on the way his muscles go rigid.
"Look at you, getting your throat fucked like a whore," Jungkook says, enthralled by the way you swallow around his cock. "You're gonna have me cum before I've even fucked your pussy."
You hum, hips beginning to grind on the desk at the prospect of Jungkook fucking you.
Jungkook pushes his entire length into your mouth once more, letting it sit there as you sputter, the sides of your mouth dribbling with a mixture of your spit and his precum, before he pulls you off completely, his hand replacing your mouth as he slowly fists his cock.
You're breathing hard, gasping to catch your breath but your eyes don't leave how he's slowly working his shaft, hissing when squeezes at the base. You eye the way his abdominal muscles clench every time he thrusts into his hand.
"Can I-" You begin but stop, a surge of shyness falling over you and you avert your eyes.
"Hmm? What was that?" Jungkook asks, bending down so he's in your field of vision.
"I...I've been fantasizing," you explain, turning towards him again, slowly lifting your hand to have it trail down his chest. "About riding your abs... can I?" You ask, peering at him with your eyes wide.
"And you ask me why I work out so much when you have such a muscle kink, noona," Jungkook teases but moves to make you stand on your feet. You wobble on your feet a little but catch your balance quickly when Jungkook takes your seat on the desk, leaning back against the wall.
You quickly scamper to straddle him, his face so close to yours. Without thinking, you close the distance between the two of you and catch his lips with your own. He moans into your mouth, grabbing ahold of your waist to push you onto him, tilting your head to lick into your mouth. You start slowly, experimentally rubbing your abused pussy on the hot skin of his abdomen. You moan loudly when your clit rubs against the flexed ridges of his muscles.
"Mmm, as much as I love the sounds coming out of your mouth, ___, you have to be quiet," Jungkook says, kissing down your neck. "Unless you want the whole party to hear what you're doing."
You nod eagerly, biting your lips to muffle the sounds of your moans but the idea that anyone outside could figure out what the two of you doing sends a jolt of excitement down your spine and only make you move faster against him.
"You're so dirty noona," Jungkook bites your neck, making you whimper. "You want everyone to hear you, right, you want them to watch me fuck you."
You shiver when he slides a hand down your back and whine when he makes you sit up. At your dejected expression he chuckles, "Noona, do you want me to stuff you full of my cock or not?"
At his words, you move at lightning speed, standing on your shaky legs in anticipation. He's quick to stand up, moving behind you. You watch him sift through his jeans until he brings out a condom but you shake your head. "I-I'm on the pill," you clarify. "Want to feel you inside me."
“Fuck,” He groans, fisting his cock, "I can't believe how perfect you are, ___."
He moves behind you again, grabbing you until he's had you bent over the desk. "Now, you have to be a good girl and keep quiet, okay?" He says, smoothing a hand on your back and you eagerly nod, spreading your legs so he can stand between them. He drags his cock over your entrance, slowly sliding it down without adding any pressure so it slips down your entrance and nudges your sensitive clit. You yelp as streams of pleasure zap down your legs.
"I thought I told you to be quiet, noona," Jungkook chastises, "I bet you want Taehyung to walk in and see, don't you? Or is it Hoseok hyung, want him to see me fucking you in his room?"
You moan loudly at his words, eyes falling towards the door, where anyone could walk in an see the state you're in.
"Or should I stuff your panties in your mouth if you can't listen."
Unable to answer, you let out a breathy moan when his cock slides down your slit again, biting your lips to hold it back but ultimately fail.
"Guess, I have no choice," Jungkook says before stuffing the black lace into your mouth.
"Can you taste yourself, ___?" He asks, nudging your entrance with the head of his dick and you let out a muffled moan, nodding when your flavor hits your tongue.
"Do you taste how sweet you are, noona?" He pushes the head in and you groan, your walls clenching down, making Jungkook hiss.
"Fuck you're so tight, noona or is my cock just too big for your tiny pussy," Jungkook grits out, pushing in until half of his dick is lodged inside of you. Your legs are shaking at this point, walls convulsing at the intrusion but it feels so good to have a cock — Jungkook's cock —  inside of you. There's no guilt to the realization like you had been expecting, it feels nothing but right, like you were meant to have him filling you to the hilt. The sudden realization has you pushing back on his length, silently asking him to stuff you full, and he easily complies, pushing in until his length seated completely inside of you. Both of you still for a moment, you're left a whimpering mess, feeling so utterly full that you could just snap in half. Jungkook is no better, he shudders when he feels you convulse around him, cock twitching inside of you.
"F-fuck," he grits out, voice wavering. "You don't know how long I've wanted this for," he groans, leaning against you until his body is molded perfectly above yours.
You peer up at him and are shocked to see how fucked out he is, sweat beads his forehead, slowly sliding down the side of his face as he bites his lips raw.
"Noona," he groans, burying his face into the crook of your neck. "I can't believe I'm inside of you."
You shudder when he presses himself even further inside of you, and you feel like you might explode when he hasn't even started moving yet. You clench down on his length once more that has him break out of his thoughts and he pulls out before he's slamming into you again. You shriek into the lace at the brute force of the pace Jungkook's fucking into you. He's relentless with his thrusts, his thick cock filling you to the hilt before he's pulling out again. It's obscene, the way he's grunting and the way the slap of skin against skin reverberates through the room. You're lucky that the music is loud enough that nobody can be privy to what's going on inside.
You moan and drool against the fabric, hands desperately finding purchase onto the desk. You feel like the whole table might break apart against Jungkook's monstrous pace. His hold on your hips is so strong that you're sure he's leaving bruises on your skin, and that only makes you groan in delight at the prospect of having his marks branded on your skin.
"I won't last long," he grits out, voice deep and tinged with a guttural groan. You nod against the wood, eyes watering, letting him know that you're in the same state. Even if you didn't have your mouth stuffed full, you're sure you wouldn't be able to make a coherent word leave your lips. It's like every cell in your body is on fire, igniting every time Jungkook furiously fucks into you. Even after having this on your mind all summer, nothing could have prepared you for the sheer pleasure of actually feeling his cock inside of you, the way pushes into you. Without even having the realization of your impending release, the coil snaps and you're hurtling headfirst towards the strongest orgasm you've ever had in your life. Every muscle in your body goes rigid as you clench down onto his length with all the strength you have, stars glittering behind your eyelids as your walls flutter and convulse relentlessly around his cock. The feeling has Jungkook moaning, his forehead resting on your neck before spurts of hot cum begin to fill you up even more. He fucks you with even more vigor until you've milked out everything from him. He fucks his cum back into you one last time before he stops in his stuttering pace and collapses on top of you.
The two of you stay like that for a while, catching your breath. His body encases you in a sweltering heat, crushing you but you relish in the feeling of the sticky heat between the two of you. He presses chaste kisses on the base of your neck, his breath still heavy. It's silent but you feel complete, like a part of you had been missing and you just found it. You feel perfect.
Before he moves to get off you, he takes the lace out of your mouth and meets your lips in a deep kiss. Helping you stand up, his eyes follow the way his cum dribbles out of your pussy before he's quickly stuffing it back inside.
"Keep that in there, okay?" He says before he's kissing you again.
 Both of you change quickly and in silence, you tie your hair back haphazardly, hoping you can play it off as being far too drunk to care about your appearance.
When you look back at Jungkook, you notice him shoving the ruined pair of panties in his back pocket. Raising an eyebrow in question, he chuckles. "It's my souvenir for waiting this long to get to fuck you."
You scoff, looking back at your reflection to look at your ensemble once more before you're heading towards the door. Jungkook stays back so you can make your exit first. The music is still loud, even though the crowd has thinned out since you were last out there. You move towards the kitchen and grab yourself whatever cup you see to make your lie more believable. Peering out into the living room, you don't spot Hoseok or Yoongi anywhere, though you do notice a passed out Namjoon, bonsai tree still clutched tightly against his chest.
You don't move from your spot, even when you see Jungkook emerge from Hoseok's room, and he doesn't come to you either, opting to move back to his group of friends where the girl he was with eagerly clings onto him again.
You frown, even though it hadn't bothered you before, seeing her with him leaves a heavy feeling in your chest. You watch on as he easily laughs and blends into the crowd once more until you can't ignore the feeling anymore. Shaking your head, you're quick to move towards the entrance, suddenly feeling the telltale signs of an oncoming headache.
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The following day, least to say, goes by seemingly uneventfully. Unless you count the fact that you catch Yoongi and Hoseok sitting in the kitchen when you make your way down the stairs. He’s quick to greet you with a playful wiggle of his eyebrows.
“What?” You squint, taking a seat next to him on the kitchen island.
“So you and Jeon finally get to do the nasty or what?”
“W-what?” You blanch at his words, choking at the piece of toast you'd stolen from his plate.
“Come on, don’t even try to hide it, I saw him go into my room after you, gotta admit, I really thought you'd end up with Taehyung last night but I guess I was wrong,” Hoseok shrugs, taking the stolen piece of toast back from you.
“If you thought she’d end up with Taehyung, why'd you bet on Jeon?” Yoongi grumbles, shoving a couple of bills in Hoseok’s open palm.
“Wait!” You snap, “you guys actually bet on it?”
Hoseok completely ignores your dramatic exclamation and turns to Yoongi. “Call it my own personal spidey sense, I can sense when people fuck…like I sensed that you were getting fucked yesterday.”
Yoongi’s quick to smack Hoseok across the back of his head.
“So… my grand plan worked out,” you pass a smirk to Hoseok, and hold out your palm.
“Wait you guys bet on me?” Yoongi looks between the two of you, eyes wide.
“Hey, gotta make a living and stay jobless at the same time somehow,” you shrug, counting the bills in your hand.
“Don’t think I haven’t forgotten about you and Jungkook,” Hoseok points his fork towards you. “You still have to tell me the gruesome details.”
“I’m not telling you any details, that ship sailed when you started bumping uglies with my brother.”
“Hey, I’m willing to spill, you’re the one who was so against it,” Hoseok shrugs, “Plus, I need to know if I have to burn my sheets or not.”
You pause, giving him the side-eye before you smirk. “Not your sheets… but you may want to get yourself a new desk.”
The next few days followed by slowly. You find yourself finishing off all your assignments with little to no distractions — unless you call watching the entirety of Instant Hotel a distraction. By the third day, you’re back to your normal routine and you decide that the whole thing with Jungkook was the cause of your lack of sexual gratification, and you’re totally over it. It kind of sucks that you had to literally fuck it out of your system to stop lusting over your dongsaeng, but it happened and there’s nothing you can change about it. That’s what you decide —  that you were completely okay.
Except that, you’re not. On the fifth day, you have a meltdown over the whole ordeal, and even Hoseok can’t make your anxieties go away. You avoid the backyard at all costs and don’t even turn to steal any more alcohol from your mother’s stash because, just as you blame your lack of a sex life that landed you in this situation, you also blame alcohol. This time, though, you’ve truly quit alcohol.
It’s on the seventh day that you actually see Jungkook, he doesn’t see you but that’s mostly because you duck out of sight before he gets the chance. It’s not like he was on his way to seek you out either, you see him jogging towards his dad’s truck, probably out on his way to run some errands. At least he hasn’t been hanging around your house these days, which makes the whole thing less awkward. Now, all you have to do is go through two more months just like this and you’ll be back in college, far, far away from here.
A week. It’s been a week and approximately three hours since you had gotten a glance at Jungkook. With your more recent research, you declare that you are indeed not okay. And to your luck, you have no effective distractions — Yoongi —  to your disposal. You’re home alone, having exhausted your last remaining brain cells by watching reality tv for seven hours straight. You’re casually perusing through Netflix once more because one more episode couldn’t hurt, when the doorbell rings.
You huff, wondering if you’d ordered a pizza and had forgotten about it, which seems quite impossible, but still, you don’t cancel it out completely. But what you find after opening the door is even more shocking than a forgotten pizza delivery. None other than Jeon Jungkook stands outside your front door, sheepishly smiling at you.
“Yoongi’s not home,” you say, immediately grimacing at your harsh tone, not expecting it to hold that much malice.
Jungkook’s eyes dart to the side before he nods, “Uh, yeah I know,” he clears his throat before looking back at you. “I came here to see you.”
“Okay...” you say, moving to the side so he can walk in. You make your way into the living room without waiting for him, trying really hard to appear casual but end up standing in the middle of the room with your arms crossed. “Why’d you ring the bell?” You ask once he’s inside, “And why’d you come through the front door?”
He rubs the back of his neck nervously, “I-it’s because I wanted to do things properly,” he shifts on his feet, “And I don’t think barging into the room will do us any good.”
It’s not difficult to understand what he’s referring to, making you frown at his choice of words. “Listen, if this is about that night, it’s all good okay? You don’t need to worry about that, we were drunk and these things can happen to anyone so you don’t need to bother yourself over something like that. I don’t expect you to do anything about it, I’m a big girl and I can take it,” you ramble on even though your mind is screaming at you to shut up!
“It’s not about that!” Jungkook blurts out, “Uh, I mean, is it technically about that but not what you think,” he reassures right after.
The two of you stare at each other in awkward silence for a few seconds before he breaks. “Listen, ___,” he begins, sighing. “I just wanted to apologise—”
“Like I said Jungkook, you don’t need to,” you interrupt him.
“Will you let me finish, ___?” Jungkook asks, smiling at you and the look alone has you shutting up. “As I was saying, I’m sorry for how I left things last time. I should have been more clear about my feelings.” The more he talks, the more he flushes. It’s so strange seeing Jungkook stammer around you now as if he didn’t stuff your own panties in your mouth a week ago to get you to shut up. But you can’t complain, you’ve always loved to watch him squirm.
“What I mean to say is, noona... I meant what I said that night,” he continues, “About how long I’ve waited to-” He clears his throat awkwardly. “How long I’ve waited for you.”
You still blankly stare at him, not sure where this is going at all. Was he trying to have another round? He’s probably figured out that no one was home, and honestly speaking you wouldn’t be opposed to it either…
“I like you, ___,” he blurts out. “I’ve always liked you but I never thought you even saw me as a... man… until recently. And I know we, uh, have done it, but I still wanted to formally tell you.”
A smile starts lighting up your face as he continues to stutter and stammer out a confession.
“Jeon Jungkook!” You exclaim, “Are you… asking me out?” You ask, fully grinning at him now, even though you know the answer already.
He’s bashful under your gaze, moving to rub at his red ears, “Um, yeah I am,” he says before handing you a paper bag you hadn’t noticed before. “It’s the end of the month, after all, so I guessed might as well shoot my shot.”
You take the bag, peering at it curiously until you take out what’s inside: a bottle of Pinot Noir.
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Parasite (Prologue)
I watched Venom last night, and now this exists. I have co-opted the plot for fanfiction with some added occultism and Halloween flavour for Spice™ .This is part one, basically works as a prologue, and then it’ll split into a chapter for each brother.
tw: implied drinking, occultism and demonic possession
‘Twas Spooky Season and you were dressed as a shitty zombie because Halloween parties have the best snacks. A girl with long acrylic nails painted to look like candy-corn passed you a bright green jello shot. It tasted like limeade and cough syrup, yet somehow worse than both of those. She laughed at the face you pulled and passed you a can of lemonade to chase the taste away. When you cracked it open, it fizzed over slightly - not enough for you to suspect foul play, but enough that you were going to have a sticky hand. Still better than another jello shot though. It was quite crowded inside the house and the loud music was starting to get on your nerves a little bit, so you pointed out the door and mouthed ‘I’m gonna go outside!’ The girl gave you a smile and a thumbs up before turning back round to the shots table.
Outside the air was crisp and cold and full of the smell of woodsmoke and apple cider. A small gathering of people were sat around the bonfire nursing steaming mugs and chatting by the firelight. You wandered over to the punchbowl and scooped yourself a mug of cider, pulling the sleeves of your ratty, zombie-fied jumper over your hands to hold the hot mug before heading over to the group and settling yourself down next to them. 
‘- but when she left the tent, she realised that it hadn’t been rain dripping on the tent, it had been blood,’ one of them was finishing a scary story and you settled in to hear the end of it, ‘and above her tent was her husband’s dead body.’
‘What killed the husband?’ You quietly asked the person next to you.
‘Demon,’ he replied.
You nodded and took a sip of the apple cider. It was delicious - not too sweet, well spiced, and the perfect hot drink for an autumn night (though you did have to strain small pieces of cinnamon bark through your teeth).
You leant over again to whisper: ‘Who summoned it?’ 
‘The wife.’
‘That’s one way to collect the life insurance,’ you mumbled back, causing him to laugh into his drink.
Someone flopped down next to you, ‘he’s not telling that stupid demon story again, is he?’ You looked over to see candy-corn nails roll her eyes at the storyteller before giving you a smile - ‘he’s a one track record.’
‘Any good story is just as good during a retelling as it is during the first,’ he huffed.
‘That’d be a fair point if you’d been telling a good story,’ she replied.
The group ooo-ed at that.
‘Well, you tell one then, if you’re such an expert.’
She ignored him, ‘Demons are just such a cop-out! The story’s always the same - you summon them, they go on a rampage, then someone sends them back to Hell. It’s too predictable!’
‘What are you talking about?! That’s still a great story!’
‘I refuse to be scared of a monster that can be beaten by a nun.’
‘Oh please - you’d be terrified if you ever met a demon.’
‘No I wouldn’t!’
‘Yes you would!’
Their argument rather revolved from there into bickering, which no-one bothered to interrupt because it was as entertaining as a scary story. You leant over to your neighbour again - ‘my money’s on her to win.’
‘You’re on,’ he said with a grin.
‘Then prove it,’ the challenge grabbed both of your attentions, ‘go get that ouija board from inside,’ the guy said.
‘Ouija boards are for ghosts you idiot,’ she replied.
‘We need to draw a pentagram,’ your neighbour said.
‘Oh, don’t get involved, Solomon!’ Someone sitting across you said, but he just smiled in reply. Well... this was going to be an interesting evening.
‘I got candles from the kitchen!’
‘Excellent!’ Solomon replied, ‘we need them at all five corners of the pentagram.’
You watched on as Solomon instructed people on what to do for the summoning spell and he seemed pretty confident for someone attempting to summon a demon on Halloween. So someone could win an argument. Some of the more superstitious people had left to go back to the party, but it’s not like you believed in demons and anyway - this was more interesting than jello shots and loud music.
Candles were being shoved at the points Solomon had drawn with a stick from the bonfire - five points, with the bonfire in the centre. It was certainly very theatrical, you had to hand it him.
‘Okay, now you stand here,’ Solomon said, positioning someone behind a candle, ‘and you stand here.’
He turned to look at the other points of the pentagram. There were two left. his eyes fell on you - ‘What was your name again?’
‘MC, you stand behind that candle for me?’
You obliged, making sure not to kick it over, and Solomon walked over to the final candle next to you.
‘Do we hold hands or something?’ You asked.
‘Why?’ Solomon asked, smirking, ‘Are you scared?’
You rolled your eyes, and Solomon started murmuring in what sounded like Latin, but is was very faint and it wasn’t like you were fluent enough to know if he was faking of not. You turned to look at the bonfire at the centre. Just beyond it you could see candy-corn nails flipping off her storytelling friend, but then something in the bonfire caught your eye. Or maybe it didn’t? The bonfire didn’t look any different, but it had captured your attention fully. Probably Solomon’s showmanship. Was it bigger? A log collapsed inside and a shower of sparks and woodsmoke plumed out to stain the night sky - the wood inside popping and snapping like breaking bones and for a moment you thought you could hear strange music...
Your vision felt hazy and you tried to clear the smoke from your throat - your overactive imagination and those gross jello shots were mixing together poorly. And the heavy smoke wasn’t helping. You felt queasy and dizzy and no longer in the mood to play pretend for the sake of someone else’s argument. You scrubbed your sleeve over your eyes - not caring about the Halloween makeup - you just wanted the smoke out of them long enough to feel steadier. But it didn’t work. In fact, you felt decidedly unsteady.
‘I think I’ve had too much,’ you manage to mumble out, before everything went black.
When you woke up, you were in an unfamiliar bedroom, the sound of the party still going slightly muffled. The girl with the candy-corn nails was sat at the foot of the bed, she had put a pair of small costume horns onto a teddy bear and was half-heartedly playing with its little paws. You shifted and she jumped slightly, looking at you and breaking into a grin -
‘You’re awake!’ She said, sighing in relief, ‘How’re you feeling?’
‘Still a bit dizzy, but a lot better.’
‘The wind was blowing the smoke right into your face - I probably would have passed out too. I got you a glass of water, by the way,’ she said, pointing to the bedside table.
‘Thanks,’ you said, talking a long drink - your throat still felt itchy from all the smoke.
‘I’m sorry, by the way - it was all because of me and Jessie, I shouldn’t have let Solomon drag us into that whole ritual, not without making sure everyone was safe.’
‘You scared of demons all of a sudden?’ You asked with a half-hearted grin.
She snorted, ‘No. Demons aren’t real. But people getting hurt - that’s real.’
‘Apology accepted.’
‘Can I call you cab? I’m guessing you want to head home. I’ll pay for it - it’s the least I can do.’
‘Yeah, okay,’ you said, finishing that water - you still felt kinda dizzy, ‘thanks.’ 
Who’d you get possessed by?
(Links will be added as the chapters are written - be patient, I have no concept of time, and also university work to be getting on with, but feel free to send me a reminder if you feel like it. I shamelessly thrive off of audience engagement)
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Heya, congrats on the new blog! Can I ask, how would the brothers react to MC blaring 'The Ketchup Song' outside their window at 2AM on random days without any warning beforehand? (Also, all the best for your blog!!)
I believe this is the song you're referring to? If not sorry!
Las Ketchup Song with the brothers!
• As they say, third time's a charm. More like a charm to break Lucifer's nerve of steel.
• Poor guy just wants to get some sleep so he can be well rested and finish his paperwork.
• First time he played it off as a one time antic, but that proved wrong. After the third random play, he marched to your room. He knocked against the door his lips pressed in a thin line. His pride refused to show how truly ruffled his feathers were.
• After no answer, he opened the door ready to fully reprimand you. However he softened seeing how vibrant you were as the music controlled your moves. The song was one that begged its audience to sway their hips.
• He smirked as he spooked you with a soft shoulder tap, and paused the song. He chided you for being awake still, and turned his argument more toward your health than his annoyance.
• Boy was confused, poor thing.
• At first he thinks it's Amso blasting his tunes making him lose count of his money counting.
• He goes down the halls and is surprised that the music is coming from your room instead.
• Wait is Amso in your room?! Listening to music or worse without him to protect you?!
• He slams open the door ready give whoever an earful, but you both stare at each other in awkward silence. He had caught you dancing shamelessly in the privacy of your room and well he had slammed open your door.
• You didn't let him live it down how his jealousy could rival Leviathan's, and offered to show him the moves of the chorus. He scoffed saying how The Great Mammon already knew the movements. He wasn't some pleb! But uh ya know if you wanted to show how you did it, he wouldn't mind.
• It honestly took him awhile to notice. 2AM was prime anime streaming and video gaming time! His headphones and audio system made sure nothing interfered.
• However one night, he had severe lag causing him to throw his headphones down in anger. It was then he actually heard the song.
• Normally he wouldn't have bothered to leave his room and check, but it was 2AM? What in Devildom would cause music to be playing that loud? If it was a party in the House of Lamentation, Lucifer surely would have forced him to attend. So what was happening?
• Curiosity killed the serpent, and he hesitantly followed it to your room. Puzzled he opened the door just a crack to peer in. It would be just his luck to not be invited to a private party thrown by his IRL Henry. Looking in he blushed watching you dance with glee to the song in private. Its not like he was watching something wrong!!! But... He still felt flustered.
• Unfortunately you noticed however and opened the door wide, exposing him. The noise he gave wasn't remotely human, but you struggled to keep from laughing. He looked so adorable with his red cheeks and humiliated expression as he cowered.
• Instead of punishing him for his intrusion, you pulled him in for a dance of two and showed him the moves. He was awkward about it, but happy beyond belief to share this dance with you.
• It kinda became a secret handshake between you two, no normies allowed!
• He was used to tuning out noises while he read. Living with 6 other rowdy brothers trained him for such things. Be it Leviathan's anime idol music, Asmo's beauty guru video's echoing in the bathroom, or even the rare practice speech from Lucifer ; has managed to always stay in his head space.
• However... The same song.. Randomly played at 2AM exactly? He had to investigate. This was what all his Detective stories and shows had prepared him for!
• "Only one version of the events is ever true!"
• He starts to make rounds hoping to be around whenever the music starts. He already created a list of possible suspects, and a list of facts about the style of music, time played, and any other possible variables.
• One night he manages to be on foot when the music blasts at 2AM, and runs to the source. He blinks surprised that's its coming from your room however. While you were a suspect, you were low in his list. Well this just makes things more exciting!
• He knocked on the door and waited for you to open it. He smiled his usual 'polite' smile, and gently interrogated you. Why now? Why this song?
• Once he has his answers, he offers to research similar music to expand it to a playlist than just once song. Plus he has read extensively over the Latin language, and would love to share that knowledge ~
• A roommate after his own heart!!
• It might have taken him a while to notice as well. He's often out on the town at The Fall nightclub or getting his Beauty Sleep™
• But tonight he was organizing his wardrobe with his latest additions from Majolish when he heard the song.
• This demon was most likely the muse for all passion dance styles, and this felt like it was calling him.
• He didn't care as he got dressed like he was going to the club, and followed the music to your room.
• Once you heard his knocks through the music, you opened the door only to be swept away. He took your hands and danced through the entrance, entrancing you as well.
• You two shared laughs and smiles as you did the chorus dance, same as it was in the music video. Though Asmo did it with his own flair making you giggle with glee, making his own smile glow brighter.
• The dancers of the music video and performers had nothing on Asmodeus as he showed what he could do. He offered to take you to his room where he had a pretty little outfit just right for you if you wished to dance the night away with the muse of passion ~
• It was another late night/early morning snacking when he heard the music blasting. Tonight he had made finger food so he might as well eat and check it out as the same time.
• He followed it to your room and knocked. It sounded like it was fun, sorta like party music.
• And parties meant food.
• You opened the door and smile grinning like a happy fool. You let him in and smiles. He was about to offer you some of his food, but he surprised himself realizing that he had already swallowed it all. All that was left was half a paper plate, with some of the plate stuck to the corners of his lips.
• He asked what was up, and you explained you were listening to The Ketchup song. He was already drooling before you could even explain that it wasn't about the condiment. You couldn't help but pet his hair as he sulked at the real meaning. What was the point of it being the Ketchup Song, if there wasn't any Ketchup?
• He made his way back to the kitchen as he was still hungry, but gently reminded you of the time and how your weak human body needed 8 hours of sleep to function properly.
• It was another sleepless night as he had spent the whole day sleeping. What a curse. He had already exhausted his horror movie collection, and was about to go see if Beel was done snacking.
• Then he heard the music.
• He texted the group chat to see if anyone else knew about it. He was comfy with his pillow, no way was he gonna get up.
• " Yeah it's an MC thing" replied Mammon, proud of how he knew more about MC than anyone else. Belphie rolled his eyes at Mammon's inferiority/possessive complex, and texted MC.
• " U up?"
• " Oh yeah! Nights like these I just feel restless ya know?"
• " I can't sleep either, can I call? #
• " Sure. I'll put you on speaker!"
• He called you, and together you listened to the music, and kept each other company through the night. He was glad you two were talking through the phone. He could smile at all the silly quirks you humans had without anyone being the wiser ❤️.
This was my first ask! I hope you liked it, and thank you for requesting!
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Hurt, pt. 12 (E.D.)
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Summary: Ethan’s therapy session is filled with memories of his progress with Y/N as time goes by, unaware of the trouble looming on the horizon.
Warnings: ANGST, fluff, talk of depression and anxiety, mentions of sex
Word Count: 2900
A/N - We’re getting closer to the end guysss! I’m not sure how many parts there will be yet, but I know the story is ending soon, so be ready for anything.
Hurt - Masterlist
“How does it feel being back home?” Ethan’s therapist questioned, her hands folded in her lap as she observed him like she could tell everything that goes through his mind just by one careful look.
“It’s been…It’s been an adjustment.” Ethan fidgeted, his fingers spinning an invisible ring – the place his wedding band used to belong in. If it were up to him, he’d wear it again, but he didn’t want to put pressure on Y/N or make her uncomfortable.
But he didn’t lie. It’s been an adjustment.
Sleeping alone in the house he shared with Y/N proved to be a difficult feat. First of all, Ethan couldn’t bear to be in the bed where he used to make love to her. Hell, he couldn’t even look at the damn bed anymore. So, he stayed in the guest room. Second of all, the problem with their guest room is that the window looked out to the guest room in Grayson’s house and that meant every move made in the room had captured Ethan’s attention.
It was torture to be so close yet have no right to touch her or hold her or even tell her he loved her. He never knew there was something so cruel in this world as distance - not in the actual sense, but emotional distance.
However, by the time morning rolled in, Ethan was ready to eat. Breakfast was usually Grayson’s specialty and so, without thinking twice about it, Ethan set off to his brother’s house to eat.
The moment he crossed over the bridge, Ethan’s heart dropped. Quickly, he hid behind the closest tree, looking at his beautiful wife get into someone else’s car. He couldn’t tell who it is, but he noticed a man behind the wheel.
Watching her drive off in a car he didn’t recognize, Ethan felt his chest shake before it spread to his arms and legs. Grayson told him she might be moving on, but he didn’t know it was happening so fast.
But what could he do? He had done the same thing if not worse. Saying anything on the subject would only push her away and he needed her close…he needed her to stay. Ethan knew he couldn’t be a hypocrite and call her out when he was the reason why all this happened in the first place.
No…Ethan knew he had to be smarter than that. He would have to play this game of chess with strategy and patience, not brute force.
“So, uh…I just saw Y/N leave with some guy.” Ethan decided to strike up a conversation with Clara, knowing she’s the only one who has a reliable source of information. Y/N would have told her if there was something to tell.
“She’s going out for breakfast, to schedule her ultrasound and she’ll be back soon.” Clara wasn’t trying to hide anything, but she didn’t want to betray Y/N in case she wanted to keep her and Edward’s relationship a secret.
Ethan saw right through her though. Instead of making a fuss, he just placed his hand over Clara’s.
“Clara, please.” The desperate plea had toyed with Clara’s heartstrings. She had always loved how perfect Ethan and Y/N were together. Their relationship was like a million piece puzzle - rare and beautiful. Some pieces didn’t fit at first, but they found a way to bridge those differences and Clara already saw them as the happy, grey couple their grandchildren would boo about whenever they kissed, shamelessly in love fifty years later.
“Fineee. She’s seeing someone and it’s nothing serious, but I think the guy is really into her. It’s more of a friendship with mutual feeling involved that aren’t developing on her behalf because she doesn’t want relationships.”
“How does that make you feel?” Ethan nearly rolled his eyes at the question, annoyed with just how open she’s asking him to be. It’s one of those things he’d rather lock in a small box and push it as far back in his mind as possible, but then he remembers…that’s exactly how he got to this point.
“Like I want to cry.” Ethan chuckled, rubbing his palms together forcefully tight, aware his therapist easily picks up on these tells and he was oozing anxiety.
“It’s not a pleasant feeling to know that I’m sharing her with someone. It’s not pleasant knowing she’s not mine to share at all. That I’m a footnote of her life and not a priority anymore.” Sighing, Ethan bit his upper lip, dragging his teeth across the soft, plump flesh with such anguish that any fool could see how hurt he is.
“I suppose I deserve it, though. I did the same to her. This is just a taste of my own bitter medicine.” Chuckling, he shook his head.
“You feel like you deserved this? Ethan, we’ve talked about this. Depression is an illness. You didn’t ask for it to happen to you. You certainly didn’t want to burn your life to the ground, but you were barely in control.” But Ethan snorted, letting out a heavy breath.
“Yeah. I know. And most times I can differentiate what thoughts are mine and what stems from depression…but I don’t understand how I kept it at bay for so long. When Y/N was with me, I was…managing. But a horrible, dark part of me wanted to rid of her. And I did.” Ethan rubbed his chin, his hand sliding down his neck, the veins in his arms prominent from constant anxiety-filled muscle tension.
“You told me you felt best in the morning and evening.” She reminded, smiling softly. “You also said it’s when you two would be intimate which is quite impressive for a couple. It explains a lot – from how close you two used to be and it explains those moments of clarity too.” Leaning forward, she rests her elbows just above her knees, her kind smile never relenting. “Sex leads to orgasms and orgasms cause a massive release of happy hormones – endorphins, serotonin, and oxytocin. Those hormones allowed you those moments of control and clarity. When she left, you had lost them and you tried to recreate them with Bianca but that failed. That’s why you spiraled so fast.” Ethan couldn’t believe this. But it made sense. Y/N had given him a high and he felt like himself when they were making love, when she was wrapped around him and he didn’t know where he begins or ends because all his senses were aware of only her existence. But after highs come the lows and he’d get lost in the darkness consuming his mind.
“You’re telling me Y/N was my shield against darkness?” He spoke quickly, a little bit of attitude and disbelief in his words. He couldn’t believe that all the times his mind tricked him into thinking Y/N might be the reason why he’s miserable were all lies, that it was a way to chase away the one good thing that kept him afloat. And he had ruined it. He succumbed to the evil voices inside his head.
“Precisely. Which is why it’s so hard to see her be that shield for someone else now. But you need to learn to be your own anchor Ethan. She can’t be your light, even if she does forgive you.”
“Yeah. But I can’t help but feel giddy whenever she grants me some mercy and does something nice for me.”
“Hey.” Y/N made sure she had a genuine smile as she spoke to Ethan, especially because the reason why she wanted to talk to him was a joyous one.
“Hey there! You’re glowing!” Ethan exclaimed, and not just because the sun was shining literally right above her head. She had truly never been as beautiful as she is now and he may be partial considering she’s carrying his babies, but he’s also learning to value true beauty in the world all over again and she was by far the most enchanting.
“Oh Gosh, stop that. I’m already showing as if I’m a month ahead than I really am. I’m only halfway there and it feels too much.” She complained, her forehead wrinkling in worry, self-consciousness. It’s definitely something he used to help her with. Ethan would kiss the wrinkles away until a smile replaced her scowl, then he’d tell her just how stunning she is and how he’s the luckiest man in the world.
But he couldn’t do that now.
“You’ve never been more beautiful.” That didn’t mean he couldn’t compliment her and watch a deep pink tint appear on her cheeks as she looked away shyly, smiling softly at his words.
“I wanted to thank you for being so hands-on lately.” She changed the topic, not wanting things to get awkward. Thing between them have been running smoothly and she was happy to know she could count on him.
Every chore she needed to be done, he’d accompany her. If it was grocery shopping, he’d be the one rushing around the store with the full cart, reaching all the high shelves because he refused to risk her and the babies. It was a nice reminder of their routine from before, except they used to race in the carts before and considering Y/N’s state, that was out of the question.
Every craving she had, Ethan made sure it was satisfied. He’d be sneaking into Grayson’s house at all times, delivering things she texted him about.
And they do text. All the time. Mostly at night. It helps them both – Ethan to feel less lonely, Y/N to fall asleep easier. While she does wake up frequently to pee, so does Ethan. It feels like they barely sleep, but it’s allowed them to rebuild. Nothing better than eating together at 2 am to bond.
“You know I’d do anything, right? Anything you need, baby-related or not.” Ethan adds for good measure because he needed her to know she could count on him. He never even mentioned any of the times he had noticed her slip away in the same strange car. But he didn’t want her to depend on someone who she had just recently met. No matter how bad things get, Ethan would still go the distance for her.
“I know.” She stepped closer hesitantly, standing in such proximity that Ethan could see that small freckle inside her eye, the one she never noticed until he did. God, he loved that freckle so much.
“So, I was thinking…If you’d like…You could accompany me to the ultrasound?”
“It’s the first time I got to see them. I cried like a baby and it was humiliating but so worth it.” Ethan smiles softly at the fond memory, his eyes trained on a small crack in the wooden floor.
“And she’s been pretty comfortable with me touching her belly after that which makes me just as happy. It’s especially important because I was with her for the first kick.”
Leaned up beside her belly, Ethan continued to talk to it. He always used the smallest, gentlest voice to coo at his babies because he claimed anything louder might scare them. It made Y/N laugh endlessly, rewarding him with that sweet sound on top of everything. He was never quite as sure why she was giving him this because it was more than he thought he deserved. But he was grateful for it. Endlessly grateful.
“OH MY GOD!” Y/N jumped at the weird sensation, instinctively grabbing Ethan’s hand to place his palm against her stomach only for his previously confused look to turn gleeful when he got a small kick for his effort.
“We both cried then. Cried and laughed at each other as we sat on the porch swing with her half draped over my lap and my hands all over her pregnant belly and I can’t remember the last time I was so blissfully happy.” Ethan lifted his gaze to his therapist, feeling she’s got her eyes on him.
“It’s good that you’re getting closer, but I have to ask. Have you been drinking since you’ve been out?” Her questioned had weighed on him. He had started drinking to numb his pain before he had lost Y/N, but it was a few times a month really. He didn’t want to scare his wife at the time. But when she left, Ethan began drinking in hopes of feeling something because he had numbed himself into submission by then. Submission to a cruel mistress – depression.
“No.” Ethan was proud to say that and have it be true. While he did feel the itch to do it, he knew it would be stupid, especially with the medication he’s on. He didn’t want to risk the progress he’s made with Y/N either. It wouldn’t do him any good.
“And have you actually tried to talk through things with Y/N?”
“We’re getting there. She’s six months pregnant now. I’m working on her time, not my own. I can’t be so selfish and ask her to talk to me all the time.” Shrugging, Ethan did have something to share though.
“But we did agree on a Katniss – Peeta thing.”
Furrowing her eyebrows, his therapist seemed to be dumbfounded by his reference. “Katniss – Peeta thing?”
“Where do we even begin?” Y/N’s voice is small and laced with insecurities and Ethan hated when she’d get that way, especially if he was why she got that way.
“Remember when Peeta had his mind messed within the Capitol and he and Katniss decided to fact check his thoughts and memories by stating something and she’d tell him if it’s real or not?” Ethan spoke fast, excited to present this idea that stemmed from a long weekend of watching movies and having sex on the couch between each part – sometimes more than once. They used to be so insatiable, so needy for each other.
“Yeah.” She spoke a little too slowly, a little unsure where Ethan was going with this.
“We could do a similar thing. No question is off the table and we get to ask each other something based on what we’ve been thinking and how correct that thinking is. It would avoid any future misunderstandings for sure.” Ethan could tell when it clicked for her, noticing her eyes widen a little and her lips curl into a small smile.
“So…If I were to ask something as scandalous as…You didn’t run into me by accident that day on the beach when we first met, you’d say?” She rose her left eyebrow in question, her lips pursed in a sassy-looking pout, knowing she had gotten him in a checkmate position.
“True.” As soon as he admitted to it, Y/N broke into a giggle fit, managing to squeeze in an accusatory “I KNEW IT” in the process. Ethan laughed as well, more because he had been denying that for years and she had finally found out the embarrassing truth.
“Yeah, but I saw you and you looked like a goddess. Grayson told me not to even bother but when he sent a ball a little too far I decided to ‘run’ into you. I never meant to put you in the hospital that day, I’m so sorry!” Ethan apologized again as if he hadn’t apologized a thousand times that day when he managed to dislocate her shoulder. He tried to do it the safest way possible too! He had wrapped his arms around her waist and threw himself onto the sand first and her on top of him. How could he know she’d wrap one of her arms a little too far around him and that it would pop her shoulder out like a Barbie doll in the process.
“Doesn’t matter. I’m glad you did it. Everything…the good and the bad…it’s gotten us here. We’re laughing about it all.”
“As long as it works and you two are honest about everything, I’m fine with that.” Standing up, she ended the session, allowing Ethan to leave.
It’s been a long time since he felt good about a therapy session, but he truly felt like he came a long way from where he was that nothing mattered anymore. It’s not always rainbows and butterflies, but he felt his heart is full and his door was always open for Y/N to come if she wanted to be home. To his utmost pleasure, she used the door more often than he expected.
Getting in front of the elevator, Ethan’s phone vibrated. Fishing it out of his pocket, he smiled when he saw Y/N’s face light up his screen. He missed her already and he was always happy to hear her voice.
However, his smile was erased once he picked up the call.
“Hey! I was just –“, he didn’t get to even tell her that he was thinking of her as her panicked voice interrupted him. His heart dropped with her words, his insides twisting.
“I ne-need you. Ethan, it’s bad. Th-there’s b-blo-blood and no one, no one’s home.”
Tags: @melodiesforari​​​​​​​ @brittttneyyyy​​​​​​​ @beautorigin​​​​​​​  @dolandolll​​​​​​​ @xalayx​​​​​​​ @godlydolans​​​​​​​ @heyits-claire​​​​​​ @peacedolantwins​​​​​​ @dolanstwintuesday​​​​​​ @accalialionheart​​​​​​ @ethanhes​​​​​​ @lanadeldolans​​​​​​ @ebbach-03​​​​​​ @dolangels​​​​​​  @xxaamzxx​​​​​​ @cutestdolans​​​​​​ @yaren-ates​​​​​​ @dolansmith​​​​​​ @vintagebitttch​​​​​​ @primadolangirl​​​​​​ @caqsicle​​​​​​ @jjustjoy​​​​​​ @justordinaryjen​​​​​​ @graydolan12​​​​​​ @imaginashawnns​​​​​​ @graysonslovie​​​​​​ @fandomsfeministsandothershit​​​​​​ @bdsmdolan​​​​​​ @graysavant​​​​​​ @ethanspillow​​​​​​ @dopedoodes​​​​​​ @anything-dolan​​​​​​  @sugarfootdolan​​​​​​ @joyrivh​​​​​​ @reblogserpent​​​​​​ @jonesana​​​​​​ @emiemille  @herewegoagainandagainandagain​​​​​​​ @adventureswithmell
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lassluna · 5 years
Let the Stars Remind You (20/20)
“It’s ok Papa, you don’t have to worry. We can trust her, she’s just like me,” She says holding his hand. “She can hear the stars. She’s just like me.” she repeats, a look of wonder on her face, pure belief in what she’s saying. Killian looks down at her. His little girl, his Starfish, and isn’t sure. He still isn’t sure if rescuing Emma Swan is the best thing he’s ever done, or their undoing.
AN: This is the last chapter, and honestly it's been written for weeks but I was holding on to it. Didn't want it to end, then had to work on my CSRR. Honestly, I'm going to miss this story a lot. But all good things come to an end. :)
Six weeks later…
Emma’s dress was pink. That was the first thing Killian saw when she opened the door for him. She looked surprised to see him, or perhaps it was surprise at the suit he was wearing. He’d wanted to surprise her.
Her hair was up; she had a gold chain on her neck. She smiles.
“Hey.” She says. “Are you ready?”
Killian nods. “Of course.” He throws in a smirk, presenting her a rose. Emma smiles at the sight of the flower. He loves seeing that unrestrained joy on her face. It had been a common thing ever since they decided to move to Storybrooke.
“I told you, you needed a flower!” Alice announces behind him, a book bag filled with her pajamas and favorite books. She always tells him he needs a flower, so he never disappoints.
“You look really pretty Emma.” Alice says, looking at her dress with wide eyes. “Is pink your favorite color?”
Emma brightens when he sees Alice. “Thank you, kid. It is today. Are you going to be good for Zelena?” She asks, inviting them both inside. Alice nods enthusiastically looking around the small living room, before she bolts past Emma. He hears her yell for Robin.
“Don’t run in the house!” Killian calls after her.
“Don’t bother.” Zelena drowns from her seat on the couch, a martini in hand. “Those two are wild children apart, together they’re walking tornados.” She takes a sip of her drink. “You should be thanking me for my last minute babysitting.”
Emma rolls her eyes. “You know you love them.”
She did. Zelena mostly kept to herself, so having the added entertainment of the girls plus Emma seemed to always brighten up her mood.
It didn’t take long for Killian himself to notice how much Zelena appreciated the girls’ spirits. It was a little odd at first getting to know the red head, she was quick tempered and rather snarky, but he’d warmed up to her. She loved Alice so that was enough for him.
Especially since it was her who called in reinforcements to get all of Eloise’s ex-coven to the sea side town; under the supervision of Mayor Nolan they got everyone reunited with their loved ones. The ones who had no loved ones looking for them were introduced to Mother Superior, the head nun at the orphanage who matched the young ladies with families who wouldn’t bat an eye at their magical talents.
It helped that Mother Superior was in fact a fairy, and said mayor also had a magically gifted young son.
Apparently the town was a little bit different than most towns. It made it special, it made it home.
“How was the farm?” Emma asks, breaking through his thoughts.
“Good. Some of David’s pigs escaped so we had a good time rounding them up.” He says with a laugh, closing the door, leaving Zelena to the girls.
He could hear Zelena threatening to turn them both into monkeys, then a round of giggles.
“Leo and Alice worked pretty well together when they weren’t arguing.” He murmurs, hooking his arm around Emma’s.
The Mayor and her husband had taken them all under their wings since the moment they met. Mayor Nolan had invited them all into their home, wanting to make them feel as comfortable as possible. It wasn’t long before their son; Leo Nolan had butted heads with Alice.
It started with him telling her that the tooth fairy wasn’t real and had gone downhill from there.
“Did Alice make Leo levitate again?” Killian nodded.
“But it was only after he turned her hair blue.” That made Emma laugh, leaning into his side ever so slightly.
Her perfume smells of flowers.
“How was the station?” Killian asks.
“Good. Someone broke into Elsa’s Ice cream store; they got drunk at Bullseye and came in looking for something sweet.” Killian nods in understanding.
Most of the refugees and their families ended up starting new lives here in Storybrooke. It wasn’t a hard decision for most, given how understanding most of the residents were to the unusual. Everyone here either had magical talent or related to someone with such abilities. The families, after having lost their loved ones for so long relished the opportunity to make them feel at home.
Everything just fit here. It was the perfect place to settle down. After everything that happened, Killian had no intention of returning Alice to their solitude.
Not to mention that Robin was moving here, thus a perfect friend for Alice.
“Ready?” Emma asks. He gives a nod before she snaps her fingers, whisking them in front of the town square right by their favorite Italian restaurant. Emma’s magic was now nearly—if not completely—under control.
Once everything settled down, they were finally able to talk about everything, about Emma’s magic, about her fears of telling anyone, about her dedication to both him and Alice.  
“We could have driven.”
“I want to share a bottle of wine.”
“I’m guessing no drinking and poofing isn’t a thing?”
“Not that Zelena’s mentioned.”
“Do you think Zelena would have mentioned it?”
“Not a chance in hell.”
He smiles, leaning forward and kissing her, kissing Emma Swan shamelessly in the middle of the street. She giggles, pulling him in for another kiss. He feels elated by her, by this, the life they’re building. He picks her up; the fabric of her dress is soft in his hand.
“I love you Emma Swan.” He tells her. He never thought he’d have this, have her, have a home again.
“And I love you Killian Jones.”
They’re nearly bursting when they head inside the restaurant.
He orders the chicken picatta, Emma orders the lasagna. She gets tomato sauce on her cheek. He kisses it away.
They do in fact drink the whole bottle of red wine. He’s learned that red wine makes her gigglier than usual.
“Can we go see it?” She asks as they stroll out of the restaurant. His jacket was snug around her shoulders. He smirks.
He knew she was going to ask that.
“Of course Swan.”
He once wondered if rescuing Emma Swan was the best thing that ever happened to him or if it would be their undoing.
He was glad she was both.
She changed everything that day. She still changes things every day. Like this morning when Alice came home with braided hair, talking a mile a minute because Alice loves braids now. Emma had done it in a booth at Granny’s before school.
She takes his hands, and they teleport. The landing is rocky, courtesy of a bit too much wine.
“Sorry.” Emma says, swaying slightly, but smiling regardless. “Maybe coming here was a bad idea…” She says uncertainly. He steadies her, pulls her against him and walks her inside.
“It’s never a bad idea.” He takes out his key; the one Marco had given him when he made the down payment.
The door opens to a deserted house, free of furniture, the kitchen in the midst of being gutted. There were half painted walls, the stairs missing a step. It was in far worse condition when he bought it, nothing remotely safe enough to live in. Thankfully Marco, the local contractor, offered his services to remodel it at a discount.
Killian wanted it perfect.  
“How long?” Emma asks. She’s been practically counting down the days since he signed the paperwork.
It doesn’t help that while they waited, he was staying with David and Mary Margret Nolan. Emma was crashing with Zelena.
They had felt it was a good way to both not impose too much on one person as well as gain some healthy distance to properly explore their relationship. It wasn’t like they had the most ordinary of relationships to begin with.
It meant meeting up for lunch, talking on the phone, sneaking make out sessions in the car. It felt juvenile and sweet and perfect for a pair of people who had been on the run from the world for so long.
“A few more weeks.” He replies. “Alice still hasn’t picked out what color she wants for her room.”
“I thought she picked pink?”
“Apparently pink is lame, now she wants rainbow colors.”
Emma laughs. He grips her hand. “Want me to give you the tour?”
She does. She always does.
“There’s the living room, where we’ll have a TV for family nights, a large coffee table where we can play games like Monopoly.”
“Alice is totally going to cheat at that.”
“Wouldn’t expect anything less.”
“Are we going to have a lumpy couch?” He nods. He thought about getting their couch from the Lighthouse, but decided against it. He wanted to create newer happier memories.
“The lumpiest of couches.”
He takes her towards the kitchen. “We’re replacing the worn out appliances, getting some new stainless steel ones.”
“There’s going to be a small kitchen table and an island.” He adds. “And granite.”
“Granite.” She repeats. “What about upstairs?”
He takes her in his arms, so her back is snug against his chest and he just hold her. “A master bedroom.” He says pointing, “It has big windows overlooking the docks, a master bathroom, plenty of closet space.”
“Sounds like a lot of space for one person.” She teases.
“It is. Perhaps you know anyone who’d like to share it with me?”
“Perhaps.” She hums.
“There’s the guest bedroom for Liam, Alice’s room, even an office.”
“Where’s Liam at these days?” Emma asks suddenly, turning in his arms. He’s honestly not sure. Things with Liam had been tense once the initial shock of everything had faded. It had started with a few biting comments he threw Emma’s way, and ended with a blowout fight that he is absolutely not telling Emma about.
He did not need to tell Emma that Liam didn’t approve of her. It would break her heart.
He hadn’t heard from his brother since, just knew from Zelena that he was off in search of more lost souls looking for a place like Storybrooke.
Liam will come around. Killian knows. He always does.
“I think in New York, last I heard.”  
They show up the next morning bright an early at Zelena’s door.
The woman looks grumpy when she opened the door. Her red hair in a messy bun, an emerald green robe tucked tightly around her body; he can see Robin sulking from here.
Robin’s usually grumpy in the early mornings. “Finally.” She muttered impatiently, letting them inside.  
“Hey Little bird.” He says with a smirk.
“I’m not a little bird.” She replies instantly, arms crossed even tighter. “I’m Robin.”
He laughs, going over to pat her head. “Of course.” Robin shoots him a glare.
“Why does Alice always have to go to breakfast? Why can’t she have breakfast with us?”
Emma takes a seat at the table. “Because family time is important.” She replies. It does nothing to fix Robin’s sulking.
“Alice! Your dad’s here.” Zelena calls. “Is it me or does she take longer to get ready every week?” Killian shrugs. He’s not sure, and he doesn’t want to think about his little girl growing up.
Thankfully, Alice picks that moment to skip into the kitchen, glitter in her hair and her bag around her shoulders. “I’m ready for pancakes!” She announces. “Can Robin come over for dinner? Mary Margret says she’s making apple pie!”
“I hate apple pie.” Robin says back.
“You’ll love it.” The little blonde assures her. “Plus with you around Leo will stop being a jerk.”
Killian shares an amused look with Zelena. “Come on Starfish, time to go, Granny is expecting us on time.” Alice nods in agreement, and follows him and Emma out the door.
“How did your sleepover go?” Emma asks once they’re in the car. It’s only a short drive to Granny’s, and while they could teleport freely, it’s always nice to bring a little normalcy into their lives.
Things were good. Things were right, they were home. They were together, they were a family. He reaches out for Emma’s hand; she gives it gladly, squeezing tightly. He wonders what her ring size was, it’s a distant thought, something to think about after their house is ready, but a thought none the less.
“Papa?” Alice asks out of the blue. She’s looking out the window thoughtfully.
“If boys give girls flowers when they like them, what do girls give girls when they like them?”
Will there be a sequel? Perhaps.
Tagging:  @hollyethecurious​ @therookshiningthrough @branlovestowrite​ @celestial-fire-writer  ​ @winterbaby89​​​ @kmomof4
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dat-town · 5 years
No Speed Limit | Chapter 7
Summary: Some people live to race while others race to live. When an uptown girl’s and street racer’s worlds collide, their lives are bound to change. For the better or worse, it’s hard to tell. In-between rivalry and unwanted sparks, there’s definitely a bumpy road ahead (with no speed limit).
Words: 2.6k
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Soyeon fell into the rhythm of Hanbin's life quicker and easier than he would have thought. She really wasn't the typical Gangnam girl anyone would have pegged her. She was fierce, witty and a lot more cooler and less rigid than the stereotype. Of course she had her moments though when she pouted and thought she could get anything but her life didn't revolve around designer bags and throwing the money out of the window. She didn't look down at him at all despite knowing that his living conditions weren’t the best. And what started out as mere physical attraction between them soon evolved into something more as they got to know each other day by day.
Dating Soyeon involved a lot of car rides, stolen glances in the rear mirror, half made-up excuses in front of her parents, so she could accompany him to the weekend races and well, a bunch of dumbfounded friends. When she first visited him at the car repair shop on one of his off duty days as her driver, whispers followed her figure. Every head snapped up hearing the click-clacks of her boots echoing in the garage, some guy from the corner even whistled Soyeon's entrance.
"Are you looking for something?" Yuna stood up from her chair where she was doing some finance calculations as soon as the girl stepped over the threshold. She might have recognized her from that night when Hanbin defeated her arrogant brother, Seungyeon, maybe she didn't but her tone wasn't as lovely as usually it was. She was pretty obviously judging the newly arrived girl in shorts and tank top even if she didn't dress any less provocatively.
But Soyeon wasn’t easy to intimidate. She raised her chin high up.
"Yeah. I'm looking for Hanbin," she replied and her voice didn’t waver even one bit. Her amusement of seeing the annoyance on the other’s face was barely a flash of glint in her chocolate eyes.
"And why exactly..."
"Hi babe," Hanbin cut off the complaining Yuna as he stood from the cover of an old Hyundai. Wiping his palms into the dirty rag by his side, he walked over to the newcomer, pressing a quick kiss on her cheeks.
He had been listening to the whole conversation and the radiating confidence of Soyeon filled him with pride. His fingers dipped in oil slid to her waist like they belonged there, a subtle reminder for everyone around what was his. Hanbin wasn’t a possessive person or a show-off - okay maybe he was when it came to cars - but after they discusses their mutual feelings, physical closeness to Soyeon was addictive. Whenever he had her around, his fingers itched to touch, to claim, to hold tight and feel her heartbeat against his. So it’s not that he was afraid any of his friends would try something with her but rather because he liked the sight of the faint blush on Soyeon’s cheeks whenever he was being touchy. Well well, it was her who complained about him not touching her enough back then, so now he made sure she didn’t get such stupid thoughts into her head.
“Babe?” Yuna echoed more puzzled than ever with her elegant eyebrows stick to the middle of her forehead. She scoffed as if it was so unbelievable but she didn’t know Soyeon, none of them did like him. In their eyes she was still the chick who became the prize of her brother’s stupid game.
“Dude, are you really fucking your boss’ daughter?” Someone whistled in disbelief from one corner and Hanbin wanted to throw something hard at Jinhwan for his obscene words. But he knew he didn’t mean anything bad by it. They had been friends for half a decade, they had had each other’s back in the most difficult times, so he knew the elder guy was just teasing shamelessly.
“What? Are you jealous?” Hanbin played along and based on the laughter that erupted around them everybody knew it was all chill. A few went back to work immediately, while others gathered around them curiously eyeing the first girl Hanbin brought back here.
“Guys, this is Soyeon. She’s nothing like her brother, so don’t get ideas,” the guy started off with introductions because he wanted to avoid any malicious comments about her being here to spy on them or any ridiculous claim like that. While working for her family, Hanbin had clearly seen that Soyeon despised nobody like her brother. He treated her like a fool and used every chance to get back at her. He was the reason why their circle of people, the rich kids were wary of Soyeon. Her brother made sure nobody approached his sister but luckily he wasn’t able to bribe or scare off Junhoe and a few university friends like Miyeon at least. Unlike her Hanbin was lucky enough to call a bunch of people his friends, almost like family and one of the reasons why he invited her over was so that the most important people in his life could meet. And if Soyeon was able to make some friends along the way even better. “She is also my girl, so show her some respect.”
“She can have all of mine if she’s able to put up with you,” Bobby, another teasing shit, hollered but Hanbin was used to this kind of behaviour and he just rolled his eyes with a huge grin on his face. Of course his friends wanted to make fun of him before Soyeon.
“Let me introduce these idiots to you,” he turned his head and whispered into her ear, mouth grazing over the dangling earring she wore. He felt the tremble the little action sent through Soyeon’s body and he was glad he wasn’t the only one affected by their newfound intimacy but this wasn’t the time, nor the place to venture into a new territory. First, she had to meet the fam.
After the small bumps and initial awkwardness of the first meeting, Soyeon became a frequent guest at the shop. She visited him regularly in-between races and after Hanbin’s official working hours. Eventually she got along well with everybody. Bobby treated her as if she was his fierce, long-lost younger sister which was stupidly endearing. In the meantime Jinhwan shamelessly encouraged her to bring her ‘ridiculously handsome’ friend along next time she comes. She laughed and promised she would, exchanging a secret look with her boyfriend because they both knew that their friends had the hots for each other. Haesoo gladly welcomed another girl in the gang and adored her fashion style which she never failed to compliment. Hanbin even jokingly complained once that he felt like a parrot repeating after her because he always missed his chance to be the first one to comment on Soyeon’s look when the younger girl was in the shop, too. His girlfriend just laughed hearing his whining and told him she didn't mind hearing it again.
Since Soyeon herself knew quite a bit about cars, she got a hang of their inside jokes quickly and was able to really be a part of their gang. The last one to let go off her prejudice was Yuna who refused to believe she was anything more than a silly rich chick playing with Hanbin’s heart until their little bet. It took only a few visits to reach the end of Yuna's patience and hostility. Soyeon merely suggested a bit of a change in the torque of the car for better performance but it made the other girl scoff.
“Are you speaking from experience or just running your lipstick mouth about something you have know idea of?” she grimaced clearly not giving enough credit but Soyeon wasn't one to let things like this go. It wasn't the first time to prove herself, so she didn't even hesitate pushing herself away from the currently fixed car, getting into the personal space of the other.
“Well why don't you find it out? Wanna hit the road?”
The little crowd around them hollered, it was an invitation for waltz but not the elegant kind.
“Are you for real? Sure, it's so on.” After her initial surprise, Yuna collected herself quickly and threw a challenging glance at the girl before turning on her heels, heading over her car. Soyeon turned to Hanbin one last time and flashed a bright, confident smile that looked better on her than any accessory. He gave her thumbs up and moved together with the crowd of people who all moved outside to the border of the road to see them getting lined up.
“Yuna has even raced in the Ring, she will demolish Soyeon-ah,” Bobby shook his head in a sad, sympathetic voice as he reached Hanbin's side. Next was Jinhwan to catch up with them.
“If she's able to keep up that's already enough to earn her respect,” he said eyeing the expensive car the politician's daughter had neck-to-neck with Yuna's older but race-trained car.
“Why are you letting her do this?” Bobby pushed his shoulder but they both gave the guy a disapproving look. However, getting between them had never crossed Hanbin's mind. The corner of his lips turned upwards.
“Because it's her fight and because she's going to win. She's a natural, believe me.”
He really didn’t get why the Jeon parents insisted on her having a chauffeur when she was an excellent driver herself. It might had had something to do with her schedules being monitored this way or that with a personal driver and car for each member of the family, they could show off their wealth. Or maybe they didn't want to give her that much control. But since he would have never understood Mr. Jeon's decisions regarding his family, Hanbin gave up pretty early on analysing his reasons.
The rules were easy: till the end of the street and then back, the signal for the start was given by Haesoo. Then everybody cheered for their favourite, screaming from the top of their lungs. Races were always a liberating way of having fun, a kind of hedonism, pumping their adrenalin levels up even if they were just small, in-house ones. They could show themselves, putting their talents on display and even if Hanbin had already seen Soyeon drive, he anticipated the race.
Both cars accelerated quickly shooting into the distance ahead and it was impossible to tell which one of them would be the winner. The U-turn in the dead end of the road was the trick. Whoever manages to take that faster will most probably gain enough leverage to secure their first place. From this distance the two cars seemed like nothing more than colourful patches but it was easy to tell when they arrived to the turning point.
Everybody screamed and shouted gathering around the vehicle that got back first and they exclaimed their congratulations loudly as soon as Soyeon opened the door.
“Oh my gosh, that was so sick, girl!”
“Never knew you had it in you, damn.”
Hanbin smiled proudly and endeared seeing her shyness at all these compliment. He made his way through the small mass of people.
“Congrats,” he said with a grin and welcomed the girl in his arms gladly, the nice, sweet scent of her lotus shampoo filling his senses. Her head was just by the crook of his neck, the perfect height to hug if you asked them. He could forget about time and place in serene moments like this.
The gathering around them slowly dissolved, the guys going back to work one by one.
“Let’s go for a ride,” Hanbin suggested because he knew the perfect place he wanted to show his girl.
“Stay safe, kids,” Jinhwan singsonged while leaving and Hanbin really threw his dirty rag at him. Luckily, Soyeon didn't care or at least she didn't comment on it as she walked around the car. She threw her car key at him and he caught it on instinct.
The drive was a pleasant one talking about everything and nothing, reminiscing old memories and speaking about making new ones. In these moments they forgot about the obvious differences in their lives, about the almost inevitable end and they were just living in the moment.
“Wow,” Soyeon breathed in awe when they arrived to the parking lot of one of the most popular lookout spots outside of the busy city life. On a weekday, this late there was barely anybody around and they had a first row view on the illuminated, neon jungle of Seoul. It was like staring at million stars fallen on the ground. “It's beautiful.”
“So are you,” Hanbin blurted out no matter how cheesy it was because he enjoyed the sight of the blush creeping onto the girl's face all to much. Slowly he leaned over the gear shift, watching every small reaction of her, the way her eyes flattered close, mouth slightly parted and he closed the distance between them. At first it was slow, exploring each other but with every flick of tongue and hands on skin the temperature had risen around them and it wasn't enough.
“You were so hot challenging Yuna,” the guy whispered into the seam of her mouth, voice rough and raspy.
“Just then?” Soyeon asked teasingly, eyes glinting in the dark like cats do and Hanbin's breath hitched when her soft, little hand found the zipper of his full body uniform at his neck.
“No, you're hot now too,” he admitted with a gulp, sneaking a hand over the naked expanse of skin by her waist. The girl seemed to approve his answer with a hum and painfully slowly she pulled down the zipper revealing a simple white tank top under it. Sneaking her hand between the two materials they resumed kissing but it became pretty uncomfortable after a while.
Hanbin unbuckled both of their seatbelts and pushed his seat farther back between heavy panting.
“Come here,” he mumbled against her swollen, strawberry-flavoured lips and with a hand firmly on her thigh he helped Soyeon over the middle of the car and pulled her into his lap. She sighed satisfied when she could push off the uniform off his shoulders finally revealing his biceps and tattoos peeking out from under the shirt.
It was the first time they advanced from simply kissing to something deliberately hot like this, so it was all new and exciting and even if Hanbin knew his way around girls, Soyeon seemed to drive him crazy. His hand found its way under her crop top getting  firm grip on her side, thumb stroking the edge of her bra as he kissed down on her jaw pressing open mouth kisses onto her swan neck and he worked on leaving a lasting mark on her skin, a reminder of his presence there. Hearing the girl moan when he sucked on the skin particularly hard was music to his ears and he relished in the feeling of her nails digging into his arm.
It felt like they made out for an eternity because they knew it's not safe going any further out here in the open, at such a public place but they didn't want to stop either.
“I wish we could stay here forever,” Soyeon whispered once they cooled down, her breath hitting the sweaty neck of Hanbin in a way that send chills down the guy's spine but he agreed with a hum and pulled his girl even closer to his chest.
They could worry the day after, that night he didn't want to care about anything.
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codenamed-queenie · 5 years
Titans: A Summary Part 2
Goth Child has a Serious Talk with Professor Omelet, because, like any whiny toddler trapped in a shower stall***, he throws a fit and says he’ll Only Talk To Her. And what he wants to talk about is her Future. He thinks she should go into the medical field. To demonstrate this point, he plays with a thermometer. But his demonstration goes awry when he Accidentally slices his throat open On Purpose. Luckily, she heals him. Unluckily, he knows where her mom is and it Could Be A Trap.
Goth Child wants to go after her mom, but Tired Motor City Cop says its too dangerous and Could Be A Trap. He didn’t say No but he didn’t say Yes either, proving that he’s already stepped fully into the Father Figure role. Magenta Girl backs him up. So does Tiger Boy. But it turns out Tiger Boy was lying all along because of his previously slightly-abusive-situation-that’s-not-really-discussed-in-depth.They decide to Sneak Out together and steal Magenta Girl’s Uber and also her phone. The Uber driver doesn’t seem to notice, but Magenta Girl surely will. They flirt shamelessly. Goth Child says that Magenta Girl is going to kick Tiger Boy’s a**, and Tiger Boy Lovingly tells Goth Child that she smells. This is an Accurate representation of middle school romance.
They arrive at the Evil Lair. And last literally thirty seconds before being tasered. It turns out that It Was A Trap After All. They are Not Good At This.
Meanwhile Tired Motor City Cop is in the middle of his Daily Freak Out Session because his kids are gone again. He thought that his vague answer and fatherly pep talk would be enough to keep them from Doing Something Stupid. He was Wrong. Magenta Girl drives him to the Evil Lair, probably because he is Hysterical, and they last much longer. Meaning that they last five minutes.
Cue the classic Superhero Team Torture Montage. And because the show is rated MA now, they can get Gratuitous. Doctor HBIC plays Operation with Magenta Girl, and Magenta Girl discovers that she does Not like this game. Tired Motor City Cop is tied down. Literally Not Figuratively (but also Yes Figuratively, because he is a Father Figure now), but that’s beside the point.Tiger Boy is put into a zoo cage and tasered by Doctor Trigger Happy, who everyone in the audience collectively wants to yeet off the nearest cliff. Meanwhile, Goth Child has another heart-to-heart with Professor Omelet, who wants her to Join the Dark Side And Get Her Friends To Do It Too, because apparently Peer Pressure Always Works, especially when joining Evil Lab-coat Cults. Goth Child decides to let her Inner Demons out, and Unheals Professor Omelet. Now Professor Omelet knows how his eggs felt.
Goth Child finds her Real Mom and shows off her tattoo. Real Mom takes it pretty Well.
They hurry off to rescue everyone. They find Tiger Boy, Tiger Boy eats Doctor Trigger Happy, and decides that the vegan life is better after all. (Okay, for real though, this scene broke my heart...poor gar...) They hurry and find Tired Motor City Cop, who is busy fighting Acrobat Kid inside of his head. Acrobat Kid is beating him to death with a metal pole, which is funny because that’s not supposed to happen to Bird Boy. It’s supposed to happen to Bird Boy The Sequel Later On. The audience knows this but apparently Acrobat Kid does not.
The kids manage to Snap Tired Motor City Cop Out Of It by reminding him of something scarier than his own demons: Parental Responsibility.
They rush off to find Magenta Girl, and beat up Doctor HBIC and her minions. Luckily, Tiger Boy knows how to remove the tube from Magenta Girl’s throat and Magenta Girl is Understandably Distressed.
They make their escape. Tired Motor City Cop is on the verge of a mental breakdown. This is not Unusual for him, but it is understandable, because confronting your middle school self is something No One Wants To Do. To cope, Tired Motor City Cop blows up the entire building and sets fire to his birdsona. He watches it burn and thinks its The End. But everyone knows that birdsonas have a way of catching up to you.
Goth Child makes everyone breakfast. She opts for scrambled eggs, because omelets Bring Back Bad Memories. Tiger Boy comes to help, and the two have an Uncomfortable Discussion about their parents sleeping together. This is a traumatizing subject for any child to think about, so they choose to instead Focus On Making Pancakes. A Wise Decision.
Speak(ing) of the devil, Goth Child’s Real Mom comes in and they bond.
Tired Motor City Cop and Magenta Girl have just finished their own kind of bonding. Magenta Girl is starting to get Flashbacks, and sees herself in a Place That Is Probably A Spaceship. But that’s not important because Tired Motor City Cop has just decided to leave.
Since Goth Child and Tiger Boy are Now Safe, Tired Motor City Cop decides that His Job Here Is Done. Since his birdsona is now ashes, he decides that its time to do a little Soul Searching. The others will be perfectly fine at Real Mom’s Abandoned Little House On The Prairie. So he’s free to Find Himself. And he Finds Himself by going to bug his Big Sister, Wonderwall.
Wonderwall takes him to a photo-show and tells him to Make Friends. This prospect terrifies Tired Motor City Cop, because he was Not Raised That Way. No Friends, Only Justice. Wonderwall, like any good big sister, tosses him to the wolves. Tired Motor City Cop is forced to Make Small Talk. Turns out, he is Not Good At Small Talk.
Meanwhile, Wonderwall has made her escape from the photo-show, and gets kidnapped by Generic Thugs Dressed In Black. The leader of the Generic Thugs Dressed In Black flirts with her shamelessly, much to her dismay. She does not have time for chauvinist advances. Only for Her Job. And it turns out that Her Job is actually with National Geographic: Special Victims Unit. She takes pictures of murdered zebras and giraffes. Generic Thug Leader wants her to shoot Pooh Bear. With a gun, not a camera. But Wonderwall tells him no, she only shoots animals with cameras and not guns.
Tired Motor City Cop descends from the ceiling and beats the crap out of the Generic Thugs Dressed In Black, until only him and Wonderwall are left standing. Wonderwall is ticked. This is a regular thing for any Big Sister. She tells Tired Motor City Cop to take a picture of her Playing Dead with the Generic Thug Leader. Tired Motor City Cop is Hesitant. Isn’t photography Wonderwall’s Thing? But he does it anyway because it is a little brother’s Job to take Unflattering Pictures of his big sister.
Then they go home to chat about their childhoods. In order to do this, they must consume alcohol. Given their childhoods, this is Understandable.
Wonderwall’s mom was Offline Amazon. Tired Motor City Cop’s dad was Problematic Father Figure. They had different Parenting Techniques, and that explains why Tired Motor City Cop has very clear Commitment Issues. Wonderwall tells him about her life. How she can do so much more good as her humansona Tronna Doy. But Tired Motor City Cop doesn’t know if he is Tired Motor City Cop or Bird Boy anymore. He doesn’t really want to be either. Wonderwall tells him he needs to pick a new persona. But, frustratingly, he does not Actually Do This in this episode.
All of a sudden, Tronna Doy uses her Big Sister Skills to go through her little brother’s phone. Then she uses her Wonderwall Skills to tell him that she speaks Sumerian-But-Not-Really-Sumerian-Just-An-Offshoot-That-They-Use-On-Amazon-Island.
Meanwhile, Goth Child and the others have settled into the Little House On The Prairie. Magenta Girl is beginning to get her memories back, and it is unclear whether she was an actress on Star Trek or Just An Alien. Goth Child wants to help her find out. She tries to heal her brain the way she healed Professor Omelet’s throat.
Tired Motor City Cop and Wonderwall hurry to find the Little House On The Prairie. Wonderwall is Frantically Translating. This is for Dramatic Effect, because one should never try to do academic reading whilst speeding down rural country roads in a second-hand minivan. Especially in Life Or Death Situations. And it turns out that this is That Exactly, because Magenta Girl’s real name is Firestar, and she is here to kill Goth Child. (Either That or ‘take her’. The Sumerian-But-Not-Really-Sumerian-Just-An-Offshoot-That-They-Use-On-Amazon-Island is a bit unclear)
Goth Child restores Magenta Girl’s memories. Surprise, surprise, Magenta Girl tries to kill Goth Child.
(***Please don’t trap your toddlers in a shower stall. This has been a PSA. Thank you. :) )
Part 3′s on its way! 
Part 1
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Can I request the RFA+Minor Trio reacting when they find out that MC is actually still in highschool (17-15 y.o.) but only finding out at the party
Hi there!!
I mustadmit I debated quite a lot whether to take or not this request. It’s quite a lot outmy comfort zone but  since I believe noneof them would take advantage of their MC after discovering this I decided Ishould give this a try… thought I must admit I felt quite uncomfortablewriting most of this because I’m around the age of the characters and duringthe days prior to the party they tell the MC things I would be scared/disgustedto know were told to a high school girl by someone my age.
They are ofcourse all platonic or a little romantic but always considering it as a futureoption.
Also Iwrote as they founding out about MC when they meet her on their respectiveroute (except for Vanderwood of course, for him I assumed something similar toSaeyoung’s but with more involvement of Vanderwood) rather that at the partysince the only ones that don’t meet her before the party are Yoosung andJaehee.
(Btw…if youplayed Dandelion you might get some Jieun’s route vibes because I love whatcheritz did there)
RFA+Vanderwood discover MC is still in High School
-Probablythe less surprised one.
-Also thesmallest age gap…4-5 years are a lot when you are on your early 20’s but not somuch when older.
-Still ablushy mess… he quickly remembers a few things he told you both in the chatroomand through phone calls that definitely weren’t ok. He apologizes a lot.
-Afterembarrassment dies out he doesn’t know how to talk to you…on one hand if hestarts treating you any different you may feel offended but on the other hecan’t keep treating you like you were his age.
-He is veryconflicted about his feelings for you so you two talk it out and decide to keepit at just friends at least for a few years.
-He ispretty ok with that settlement actually; it allows you to develop a long slowdeep thrusting relationship that you both know would eventually become romanticbut there is no rush for it… you guys are fine with things are they are.
-the exactopposite from Yoosung….Zen freaks out big time.
-He feelslike the worst human being in the world; how could he shamelessly flirt likethat with a young girl?
-He can’teven look at you into the eye.
-Big bro!zen mode: Activated
-He drivesaway every single guy that tries to get close to you, regardless if they areyour age or not. That includes himself…you’ll never catch him standing lessthan ½ meter away from you.
-During theyears to come he remains a fellow RFA and a good confident in case you arehaving problems…especially family problems. He makes sure you know that if youfind yourself in the need to run away like he had at your age his doors areopen.
-Also youmay want to be extra careful about being seen with him because you knowpaparazzi can be merciless and they may misinterpretate your relationship withZen.
-Sheseriously can’t believe her eyes. The girl that helped her pull her life togetheris just that, a girl.
-Since herroute is non-romantic she has less weight over her shoulders but she feels badfor burdening you with her problems.
-She stilloffers you to be business partner but she states she’ll take over till you tofinish your studies (both high school and college if you decide to do so) alsoif you want a part time job she needs the help.
-Also BigSis! Mode, she becomes the best adviser/role model/ confident/ emotionalsupport you can dream on. You know she is always there for you and that it’sinfinitely comforting.
-If yourrelationship evolves into something less platonic it won’t be till you are25-ish or something like that and even so she would be very doubtful.
-Now it’swhen things get complicated….
-give him aglass of wine…scratch that give him a bottle.
-He wasn’texactly flirty with you in the chatroom but he knows he treated you like youwere his age, maybe a little younger but definitely not 11-13 years younger… hefeels awful.
-He mayhave pushed out his life entirely if it wasn’t for the situation you two metin.
-It waslate when you showed up at his house (it wasn’t Jaehee’s fault she didn’t knoweither) and it was way too dangerous to send you back to the apartment…he couldsend you home… wait a second…you’ve been staying at the apartment for days, doyour parents even know what you’ve been up to? Have you been missing school? Whyin the world did you follow Unknown in the first place?
-theinterrogation lasts what feels like ages. When he finally calms down you are a little annoyed and he apologizes forbeing so harsh but as the situation is so dangerous he offers you a room forthe night and to take you home in the morning.
-He remainsvery protective of you on the years to come but he ends up deciding that whathe felt for you at the beginning wasn’t love. He just cares for you as a fellowRFA member.
-Heprobably won’t question those feelings again till you are 26-27 y/o. and evenif he does it would be very difficult for him.
-He is amess, like more than usual.
-He feelsawful that such a young girl gets involved in all the problem with Mint Eye.
-Hisprotective instinct kick in.
-It’s alsopainful…you are about the same age Saeran was on those photos he has…too youngto be going through so much pain.
-He pushesyou away with even more decision than in his route, you should be happy leadingthe normal life of a school girl, not worrying about the him and the mess ofhis life…also when he comes around and decides to put his faith in you he feelseven guiltier to burden you with his life story and to rely that way in theperson he should be protecting.
-Aftereverything gets resolved he distances himself a little, I mean he’d always beavailable to answer your calls and help with any problem you may have (anything…from“I had a fight with my friend and I need somebody to listen” to “Can you hackmy school’s system to make pass sports class?” and even “I argued with myparents and ran away, can I stay with you?”) but otherwise you wouldn’t see himmuch.
-Same asfor Yoosung, the age gap isn’t huge so I can see having no problems falling inlove with you after you reach adulthood and he puts his life in order.
-What thefuck did Rika do this time?
-The firsttime he sees you talking with Ray at Mint Eye he can’t believe his eyes…I meanhe is barely able to see but he is sure you are High school student, definitelyyou have nothing to be doing at that place.
-He feelseven guiltier than he is in his route. You are far too young to be involved withMint Eye let alone comforting him and helping him solve his problems.
-Tbhbesides that I don’t see much difference with his route because with all theshit going on there is not much flirting on his side on his route, if somethingis usually MC who shows affection to V.
-If the MCshows any romantic feelings for him he’d kindly remind them that he is too oldfor them but of course he’d be so sweet about it that you’d barely feelrejected.
-Same asfor Jumin, it’d take a lot of years for him to develop romantic feelings foryou
-In allhonesty the first thing he felt upon seeing you in person was pity.
-You arearound the same age he was when he had been brought to mint eye, so young andinnocent and full of hope in this cruel world  –insert more Mint Eye bulshit here-
-As Ray hetreats you as a fragile princess and pampers you big time.
-AsDark!Saeran he is even crueler because he sees himself in you; the way in whichyou claim Ray will come back and how you refuse to give up on him reminds himtoo much of how he used to claim his brother would come rescue him.
-once heregains control over himself he can’t believe how someone so young can be sostrong… he is also very ashamed of the way he treated you both as Ray andSaeran.
-He’d bevery doubtful of how to treat you on the first few days after escaping mint eyebut in the end I don’t see the age being a huge problem for him… he’d be reallyrespectful of both you as a person and of your age, also if you show romanticfeelings for him he’d be pretty clear that you are too young and he is toounstable for a relationship yet.
-But the bond formed during the time you spendin mint eye is strong; with time he starts understanding his feelings, you bothmature more and I can see him still falling for you a few years later.
-What thefuck did 707 do this time?
-Like thesituation wasn’t bad enough; that “harmless” fundraising association of Seventurned out to be a bigger mess than their agency, his partner’s long lostbrother came back to destroy him and everybody associated to him and of top ofthat they have work to do if they didn’t want the agency to dispose of them. Hehad so many worries in the meantime, so when he met the RFA’s newest member? Itwas just too much.
-He took alook at you, lit a cigarette, took 2 deep breaths and then turned the cigaretteoff because he was in front of a minor.
-He takes itup to him to keep you safe from the crazy situation you are in.
-He talksto you about how dangerous is to take orders from an stranger in your phone, heteaches you self-defense techniques and is around you all time till the problemwith Mint eye gets solved.
-He won’tbe patircularly nice to you and his presence is always rather intimidating buthe does his best to not scare you more than you already are.
-He’d alsocontact your parents and school to give them a believable excuse of yourdisappearance so to no light up any alarms.
-If Zen andJaehee become your older siblings this man goes a step further, his yourofficial new dad.
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