#(I'm 95% sure that's where the quotes are from)
marinafanning · 2 days
batfam incorrect quotes (from perchance)
*talking on the phone*  jason: Remember how I said that cass and I were gonna have a calm night out for once?  silena: Yeah…  jason: Well, we’re in jail.  silena: *hangs up*
damien: dick, you risked your life to save me!  dick: And I’d do it again! And perhaps a third time! But that would be it.
tim: Yeah I'm LGBT.  tim: cuLt leader.  tim: God hates me personally.  tim: cowBoy hat.  tim: *sniffles* Trying my best.
cass: I like to play this game called nap roulette. I take a nap and don’t set an alarm. Will it be 20 min or 4 hours? Nobody knows. It’s risky and I like it.
steph, about cass: Can I tell them they look nice?  dick: Sure.  steph: Can I tell them I respect them?  dick: Maybe, if they ask.  steph: Should I show them an oil painting I made of us surrounded by our three cats and four dogs?  dick: …  dick: I’d save that for later.
tim: So what’s the plan?  jason: I don’t know. You’re smart, *points at cass* they’re mean, come up with something.
*at 3am*  cass: *runs into silena’s room and turns on the light* Wake up sleepyhead!  silena: *wakes up* Dude!  cass: *cackles*  bruce: *sits up from where they were sleeping behind silena* What the fuck, cass?  cass: *jaw drops* Wait WHAT-
silena: So, kate is no longer allowed to take the trash out at night.  babs: Why?  silena: Because I've caught them trying to train raccoons to fight five times in a row.  kate, arms crossed and pouting: You'll be thanking me when the third raccoon battalion saves your ass.
kate: Never gonna make you cry!  dick: Never gonna say goodbye!  kate: Never gonna tell a lie—  damien: I will hurt you.
steph, driving and singing to the Little Einsteins theme song: We’re going on a trip-  harper: In our favorite piece of shit!  babs: Doing 95!  tim: We’re gonna fucking die!
harper: I have an idea.  kate: A good idea?  harper: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
harper: babs, how do you feel about lifting heavy things?  babs: My doctor just said I should avoid—  harper: Being a wuss? I agree.
jason: Where is everyone?  damien: silena had a nervous collapse, alfred is looking after them, kate is trying to kill steph, so I’m in charge.  jason: Oh my god!  damien: I know, right?
babs: If you ever feel stupid or weak or powerless, just remember that I am not. I am out there, very dangerous, and I am looking for you. Good luck.
bruce: babs won’t wake up, what do I do?  steph: Did you try kicking them?  bruce: Yes.  steph: I’m out of ideas.
bruce: I feel like everyone on this island is suspicious, babs. Except you!  babs: But bruce, I think you're suspicious!  bruce: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
*when the Squad drops food*  alfred: Eh, oh well.  cass: FIVE-SECOND RULE!  harper: FUCK!  kate: *just gets more food*  tim: *drops to their knees and mourns the food*  jason: *eats the food off the ground*
tim: dick, please calm down.  dick: I asked for two large fries!  dick: *dumps fries onto table*  dick: But all they did was give me a MILLION FUCKING LITTLE ONES!
tim: I'm not superstitious... But I am a little stitious.
harper: Thanks for not telling bruce what happened.  dick, dumbfounded: I wouldn’t even know where to begin trying to explain this.
cass: How do I make a date really romantic?  silena: Be mysterious.  cass: Okay!  *later, while on a date with steph*  steph: So where are we going?  cass: None of your fucking business.
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windvexer · 4 months
What counts as a spell? Is intent all you need or do you have to do something before to get it all juicy and stuff.
Hi Anon! What a fun question, because there is no answer except this CAN OF WORMS you just opened.
There is no consensus anywhere as to what constitutes a "spell."
There is even LESS consensus as to what makes a spell go.
Intent is a good starting place. It is probably where you should start for all acts of practical magic.
But I find that in it's common form, the idea of intent + willpower = magic has been diluted past the point of utility for most people.
Like if we're talking about "intent is everything" I'm reminded most closely of Chaos Magic. But Chaos Magic is not a school of "just set your intent and you've worked magic!". It's a very rigorously developed system.
In Hine's Condensed Chaos, he lists the third Core Principal of Chaos magic as technical excellence, and I quote:
One of the early misconceptions about Chaos Magic was that it gave practitioners carte blanche to do whatever they liked, and so become sloppy (or worse, soggy) in their attitudes to self-assessment, analysis, etc. Not so. The Chaos approach has always advocated rigorous self-assessment and analysis, emphasized practice at what techniques you're experimenting with until you get the results you desire. Learning to 'do' magic requires that you develop a set of skills and abilities and if you're going to get involved in all this weird stuff, why not do it to the best of your ability?
Later in the book, Hine likens "magical powers" to the concept of achievements, and goes on to say:
Something which is an achievement is the result of practice, discipline, and patience.
Shortly after:
Chaos Magic is not about discarding all rules and restraints, but the process of discovering the most effective guidelines and disciplines which enable you to effect change in the world.
(In above quotes, all emphasis my own)
But these ideas get taken - and I'll give a big nod to the LOA which is just the worst kind of brainrot for encouraging the "intent is all that matters" mindset - and the ideas get diluted so much that people are literally out here saying, "so all those people who spend years studying magic in order to get results are buffoons? All I have to do is imagine what I want and it will be delivered to me? All humans since the start of history just have to decide they want something and it will happen in a miraculous manner?"
(Not you, Anon. I'm just in a mood)
In my mind, yes - something beyond intent must occur in order to make spells go.
But what?
Anon, have you ever heard that dumb belief floating around that all herbs in a spell can be replaced by rosemary, and all stones in a spell can be replaced by clear quartz, and these two things are "universal substitutes"?
I am 95% sure that this nonsense was based on two very popular dictionaries Cunningham wrote in the 80s, the Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic, and Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs.
In the very long entry for Clear Quartz:
Quartz crystal is used as a power amplifier during magic. It is worn or placed on the altar for this purpose.
And from Rosemary:
Rosemary is generally used as a substitute for frankincense.
And I believe that someone somewhere got the idea that since clear quartz amplifies all other powers, it therefore somehow magically Ditto-copies all other powers, and like a shapeshifter somehow becomes something it is not nor ever was.
And, you know. What's the difference between subbing out frankincense and blackthorn between friends?
These beliefs have become so popular that sometimes when unscrupulous blogs rip off entire Cunningham encyclopedia entries and paste them into tumblr posts (without credit), THEY INCLUDE THE EXTRA MADE-UP BIT ABOUT ROSEMARY BEING A UNIVERSAL SUBSTITUTE.
Anon, your question is "is it just intent or do we need other stuff to make it go," but sadly,
IMO common beliefs about the stuff that makes spells go have also been diluted past the point of utility for most people.
Because if I sat here and said, "hey Anon, it's not just intent, you also have to use correspondences ^-^/" then the very first thing you are likely to run into is absolute nonsense about correspondences. IMO, effective utilization of correspondences is a skillset based in research, theory, and technique.
Or if I said, "you also have to raise energy! 👍", this may be mistaken to mean, "set intent but also visualize white light inside of a candle," because the concept of raising energy and visualizing has been (IMO) diluted past the point of utility for most people. I believe that effective utilization of energy work is a song composed of many notes and chords, several of which you must practice before you can utilize it.
And to complicate all of this, which non-diluted things in which combinations you need to make the spell go depends on what paradigm you operate off of, because while there are approximately one billion ways to do magic that works, my currently very dim worldview is that most people who are talking about magic are doing magic that doesn't work,
and in my opinion the actual basis and reasoning, like the rationality behind the magical systems is really important. Because you need that shit to understand what it is within that system that makes the spell go.
And you need to understand what makes the spell go to make the system fit into your life without breaking it, and in order to troubleshoot problems without making things crumble further.
Because when people don't understand the basis and reasoning you end up with "rosemary is a universal substitute" and "imagining white light makes the spell go."
There are a few circumstances where you can totally strip technique from theory and be successful, but there are also a hell of a lot of people out here feeling shit about their practice because their spells never seem to work.
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I really just recommend choosing what school of magic you would like to learn about and participate in, and reading an introductory book on it.
This is because it is the job of introductory books to explain the principles and theories behind a system of magic, and most importantly, what makes the magic go, and a step-by-step primer on what you, the practitioner, are supposed to do to make that kind of magic go.
Despite above rambles I'm really not a Chaote, so I can't recommend a strong primer. As far as I'm aware, Liber Null & Psychonaut by Peter J. Carroll is a core text.
For Traditional Witchcraft, try The Crooked Path by Kelden.
For something more Wiccan, I can't recall having anything bad to say about Psychic Witch by Mat Auryn.
If either of these things are too Witchcrafty for you, try Six Ways by Aidan Wachter, which is still witchcraft, but it hits different.
For a general primer on helping your spells go, try Elements of Spellcrafting by Jason Miller.
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hypermania · 10 months
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transcript of the full thread:
"A very long thread: To the League fans, We found out this news along with you on Friday. I see the pain and anger and worry out there, which for the LGBTQIA+ fans of the show is of course compounded by what’s happening across the country right now. #ALeagueOfTheirOwn
So the first and most important thing to say is: Before anything, before you fight for the show or each other, please take care of yourselves. Reach out to your community and ask for help if you need it. You aren’t alone. Please be kind to yourselves.
As I’ve been thinking about what’s happened, I come back to a quote from Penny Marshall’s film: “The hard is what makes it great.” Making this show is so hard and so great. There’s quite a bit to say about what’s been hard, but at this point that’s in the past.
Of course, if we have an avenue to do it well, we will continue the show, and I love seeing the noise you’re making in support of that. The noise matters!
And it’s hard for me to imagine there wouldn’t be a home for a show that thanks to you was in the Nielsen Top 10 for three weeks, was the top show on Amazon for a month and in the top five for six, that was recognized by critics as something special, that’s been recognized…
…with awards from GLAAD, HRC and a million other organizations, that was on a million year-end top ten lists, and that has a built in and deeply passionate audience.
Amazon is pursuing different kinds of programming, but to the rest of the world this show is a hit and has huge value and even greater potential. But first things first, we have to win this strike and get a fair deal before we can explore what comes next.
But for a moment, I want to talk about what happens if the world didn’t quite change quickly enough for you to have all the seasons of this show that we want to give you.
If we don’t find a good path forward, I will still know that League did what it came here to do and, in its own small way, changed the world.
And that’s because of all of you, and the light you continue to shine on the show — How you let it matter to you, how you let it become a mirror, how you let it change you.
I’ve never experienced a response to a show that’s as deep, personal, creative and meaningful as what the fans have done with League. When we were making the season 1, we all wondered and worried about whether people would accept it on its own terms next to the film.
They have, and you did that, and so much more. You lit up the internet on your first watch throughs of the show, when you realized where it was going (and made all of us laugh in the process).
You wrote enough fan fiction for 100 novels and created an outpouring of art and creativity that could fill its own museum — I’ve truly never seen anything like it.
You lifted up a 95 year old who had just come out of the closet and made her into a celebrity who gets recognized wherever she goes. Every time any member of the cast appears at anything, you turn it into a convention.
You stop Abbi wherever she goes, and though I’m a happily inconspicuous person, and you constantly find me and stop me and give me gifts that now have a shelf in my house.
When thousands of you appeared to see D’Arcy at the stage door of The Thanksgiving Play over its run, you turned it into the hottest queer bar in New York. You made Max’s suit and Chante’s beautiful performance into a movement.
A mob of you went to Pittsburgh and saw all of our locations. You dressed as the characters and made our characters into one of the biggest halloween costumes of last year.
You came out, you changed pronouns, you started living more openly, you gave sermons in church about the show, you opened bars, and you got a truly mind boggling number of tattoos that say “to the five” and “rob the bank.” What else am I forgetting? I'm sure you'll remind me.
But most importantly, you made a community, you found each other and found joy, which of course is what the show is about. In many more ways than I would ever have let myself imagine while we were making it, you literally bring the show to life every day.
Thank you for making our work mean something bigger. We’ve heard from so many different kinds of people around the world who are watching League.
But, in a time when all queer people are personally and politically under attack across the country and HRC has declared a “state of emergency,” my biggest fear is that the many queer fans of League will take this reversal as one more invalidation, one more blow, one more…
…effect of the general politicization of our identities. Most of us grew up feeling invisible, and as we gain strength, the predictable backlash forces are trying their hardest to get us to go back underground.
In case anyone needs to hear it: You are not small, niche, modest, off-putting or marginal, and neither are your stories. You are multitudes, you are building, and your stories are universal. You are the most rapidly growing audience and consumer group in this country.
You are powerful. You are the future, and the people who don’t recognize your importance now will feel be clamoring to catch up in a few years. As Chante said so beautifully when we received the Human Right Campaign Visionary award, you are the main characters. Be proud.
Be angry if you that’s how you feel, but know that we are going to win, and don’t ever let this moment or any other make you small. The biggest lesson of the characters in this show is that, in a world that had no space for them at all, they LIVED. (Continued)
They found love, they did the things they loved, they won. You’re doing the same thing, and just like them, you are heroes. We are still fighting for League. But whether we win or lose this one, I’m so proud.
From the time when we began working on the season, Abbi, Deta and I said to each other — Let’s not hold anything back, for as long as we get to be here, let’s do this the right way.
We got so many notes wondering if the exploration of the queer world of the 1940s or Max’s world would be better saved for season 2, if people needed to start somewhere a little more familiar. I’m so glad we didn’t listen, cause now I’m sitting here without any regrets.
And no matter what happens, the people behind League aren’t going anywhere. Give us a minute, we will be back with more for you to watch and read and feel. We’re going to win.
And you’re not going anywhere either, because what you’ve built and what you are is bigger than this show. It’s the story of our community, that comes to us through the hidden history that League shows just one small part of: The bars got raided and shut down.
But the people didn’t go anywhere, and they opened a new bar, and out of those spaces came music, cinema, dance, culture — What we now see as mainstream was birthed from the spaces our predecessors were forced to hide in. They made joy there."
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franklyimissparis · 4 months
who’s who in “let ‘em in” by wings (1976)
and some other thoughts on the song
prefacing this by saying that paul himself has changed his own interpretations and offered many explanations up for each name mentioned in the song! i don't necessarily think there's one right answer about what's about who - paul is known for writing about multiple things at once and having many layers of inspiration behind his lyrics. i will mostly be focusing on the names paul lists off within the song, in the order they appear, starting with:
- sister suzy: suzy was linda mccartney's alter ego within her own band, suzy and the red stripes which was active at the time this song was written. paul has stated on many occasions, including in “the lyrics”, that sister suzy is a reference to linda.
- brother john: a lot of articles reference brother john as being john eastman, linda's brother, while others reference john lennon. paul himself said it could be either. but if we're being honest, the first person paul's gonna think of when someone says “john” is lennon, hands down.
it's worth noting the use of sister when describing linda, paul's wife. while it could make sense in the context of the line brother john being john eastman (john and linda being actual brother and sister to one another), i think it's valid to examine the other potential meanings as well, particularly if we think of brother john as john lennon. it places paul's relation to them both as, firstly, familial and implies an equality in the roles they've served within paul's life. starting the list of people with linda (placing her as the most important as the lot) and then john second is interesting as well. we've seen countless examples of paul and john both comparing their relationships with their wives to their relationships with each other and i think it's striking that paul does this here, whether consciously or not.
(nowadays, paul's brother and sister in law via his wife nancy are actually named jon and susie, coincidentally enough.)
- martin luther: paul writes in "the lyrics" that this is about MLK which i'm sure it partially is but also there is an account of the other three beatles jokingly calling john "john martin luther lennon" in the early days though i couldn't find a solid source for this. there is the infamous 1985 hunter davies quote from paul's off the record phone call with him where he called john “martin luther lennon" but that was obviously years after let 'em in and in a massively different context (though potentially this could suggest that it’s a comparison he’s mentally made before but that’s a bit of a stretch, evidence wise lol). i’ve also heard people say martin luther could potentially be a reference to george martin as well, which is possible. others have speculated that this is a reference specifically to martin luther and the 95 theses (“knocking on the door" i.e. nailing the theses to the door) which paul says may have been true on an unconscious level but wasn't purposeful.
- phil and don: the everly brothers, one of paul and john's earliest and biggest influences as young lads. they were heavily inspired by the everly brothers when they performed as their duo, the nerk twins. they also referred to themselves as the foreverly brothers on other occasions.
- brother michael: paul's brother mike, unsurprisingly. though paul also states in “the lyrics” that this might have been a reference to michael jackson as the timing works with paul and linda meeting the jackson 5 around the same time as well but i think realistically he probably mostly had mike mccartney in mind with this one.
- auntie jin: paul’s real and favourite auntie from liverpool. saw one very rogue take that it’s meant to sound like ‘antigen’ but, quite frankly, i think that’s a bit horseshite.
- uncle ernie: in “the lyrics”, paul mentions that he has a cousin called ian who was sometimes referred to as "ern". but also states that at this point he was just playing with words and sounds and this probably wasn't his intention. previously, paul has attributed the line as a reference to keith moon, who was close to the mccartneys in the 70s prior to his death and played the character of uncle ernie in the film tommy (1975). it also could refer to ringo starr as well, as he voiced uncle ernie in the LSO's recording of tommy. ringo himself referenced let 'em in ("someone's knocking on the door/someone's ringing my bell") in 2003 in the song "english garden" which suggests that, at the very least, he felt as though there was some connection to him there.
- uncle ian: like previously stated, paul has mentioned his cousin ian as potentially inspiring this line but personally i think uncle ian could be a reference to paul himself. "ian iachimoe" (meant to phonetically sound out "paul mccartney" backwards) is one of paul's many pseudonyms, thought to have been created around 1966. he signed the lyrics of paperback writer with "yours sincerely, ian iachimoe" and it is also said that in order to distinguish themselves from the rest of his mail, paul would tell his close friends and family to address letters to ian iachimoe so he would know to read them.
paul referred to "let 'em in" as the musical equivalent of a "stocking stuffer" in “the lyrics” which i'm sure it was in his mind but me and my tin hat will be reading deeper into it as usual! this song reminds me quite a lot of “call me back again" in the sense that i think (subconsciously) it may be a bit of a poke at john to get in contact with him.
it's important to note that the album was written/recorded/released around the time of the infamous “it isn't 1956 anymore” incident where, according to john, paul kept showing up at the dakota with his guitar after sean was born without calling ahead. john would let him in but would be a bit put off about it until one day he gave paul a bit of shite for it and paul took it quite personally. while the actual incident is noted as happening in april of 1976 (according to the beatles bible) if it's true that, as john says, this happened a few times there could have also been some tension with paul appearing at john's in the prior months before paul recorded the song in february of 1976.
paul has spoken of the song as reminiscent of a typical party in liverpool where there's sort of a constant stream of family and friends coming through the door - this could be something paul is nudging john to remember (especially with the references to their teenage musical influences and acquaintances and paul's family members that john himself once knew personally.) something along the lines of "oh come on, john, you've gotta just let people into your life, you can't shut out the people who love and miss you. this is how it used to be with us, don't you remember those days?" ... but that's just my interpretation. anyway sorry this was so long but i just thought i'd share in case some of you hadn't heard all the possible interpretations of the lines :))
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phoenixyfriend · 8 months
Ko-fi prompt from Becky:
I actually would love to hear where ticket/concession/merch money for concerts go. If someone has already asked about that, can you do something similar for a sports game of your choice?
Already got a request for concerts, but I can do the sports game!
So, let's go with... baseball. I've been to professional baseball games ('twas the Ducks), even if it's been a Very Long Time, so that's the one I have some perspective on. Who is in control of the money any given game (as in, who owns the stadium and the home team) varies by place and sport, so let's use the Mets and Citi Field as our example when we need a specific.
Mostly, this is because I'm in New York and so it's down to either them or the Yankees, and between the two... the Mets, through a wholly owned subsidiary, Queens Ballpark Company, are the ones that actually own their ballpark, which makes a few things easier and includes a Fun Fact about the naming. It also means that I can treat the team and the stadium as one singular entity instead of waffling over who gets to be the Main Character of this simulation. It's not exactly uncommon for teams to own their own stadiums, but it's not most of them.
(The Mets, btw, are owned in large part by a hedge fund manager. Like, 95% of the team stock is owned by this one guy. Why can't more sports be like the Packers and just belong to the city.)
In this case, I will be referring to the Forbes article on Citi Field's revenue for 2022 as a guide or framework, as they have an actual image of the financial report; they don't do much explaining of the actual data, though, so my part will be explaining the less-obvious things and doing some maths. A few other articles will also be cited as they come in useful.
I'll also note that the Mets are a very expensive team operating at a loss, but they still work for our purposes.
Tickets, most obviously
To quote the wiki article on Major League Baseball:
"MLB is the second-wealthiest professional sport league by revenue after the National Football League (NFL). [...] MLB has the highest total season attendance of any sports league in the world; in 2018, it drew more than 69.6 million spectators."
I didn't know that until I started researching for this post, but it makes sense. After all, baseball is "the American pastime." The Forbes article cites average attendance of 33,000 per home game. The stadium seat about 41,900, so we're looking at roughly 79% attendance. This is fine, because attendance is not the only stream of revenue.
If you have seen a professional sports game in the past however many years, you have seen that, depending on the type of court, they are plastered in advertising. Let's take a look at Citi Field:
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(Image Source: MLB website)
The Forbes article states that the stadium makes about $48.5 million per year from advertising. About $28.5 million of that comes from the various 'temporary' and long-term ads, the Nikon and Geico and Toyota and Coca Cola, etc.
$20 million of it comes from one company. I'm going to quote Wikipedia again:
The naming rights were purchased by Citigroup, a New York financial services company, for $20 million annually.
This is not uncommon! ESPN has an article about it, and some standout examples are Bank of America Stadium, Coors Field, Delta Center, FedEx Field and FedEx Forum, General Motors Place, Gillette Stadium, Heinz Field, and the list just goes on. I'm not even sure if the list is up to date, because I'm seeing even more articles elsewhere with higher figures.
The financial report that Forbes cites has $22mill in concessions. This is not entirely surprising. Going by this page, we're looking at... 84 home games in that 2022 season. Let's assume that 33,000 average cited earlier. That's 2,772,000 attendees over the course of the season. So, what, a little under $10 per attendance tick? Entirely plausible. A hot dog plus a soda is $15, so... that tracks.
Apparently parking is, collectively, about $13mill annually. That's... genuinely a little concerning to me, for uh. Reasons. Also parking is $40.
(A lot of people go to games via train, if anyone's interested.)
Luxury Suite Premiums
I had to google this one, but uh. Turns out those fancy private box seats are even fancier and more private than I thought, bringing in over $10 mill a year.
Other Revenue - Stadium, undefined
"Other Revenue" and "post season revenue" are not given any further information, but they're about $16.5 mill so. They're definitely doing their part? Wish we had more information.
One guess is that there are events in the vein of the Citi Field Spring Carnival that contribute to the revenue through either fees to the stadium (if this is a carnival that rents the parking lot) or concessions and tickets (if the stadium rents a carnival).
Other Revenue - to the team that is not direct operating income of the stadium itself
Not counting the "other revenue" section of the financial statement, the Forbes article tells us that:
National broadcasting deals with Fox, ESPN and TBS that pay over $60 million a year to every MLB team, as well as the local cable fee the Mets get from SNY, which is over $80 million a year.
That's another $140mill in addition to the $244mill that the financial report cites.
Merchandise - not direct stadium revenue.
Get your Mets hats here! And your jerseys! And your logo bats! And your commemorative plushies! And--
This one's easy: you have to pay wages to your employees, from the players themselves to the food sellers to janitorial to security to field maintenance, etc. Also, you have to pay for utilities (those billboards and floodlights aren't cheap), product to sell (frozen hot dogs), supplementary materials for products you sell (plastic cups, paper for the ticket machines, bags for garbage cans, and so on), and repairs/maintenance for the stands themselves (can't imagine they get through a season with all 41,900 seats intact).
Player salaries (and a few others, like the coach) aren't actually included in stadium revenue, but since the stadium is owned by the team, we're bundling them together for the sake of this case.
Payment in Lieu of Taxes
So this is an interesting one, and while the Forbes article does touch on it, there's a bit more detail to the story.
Citi Field was built in 2009, and the process cost $850 million. Of that, $615 was public subsidies. A lot of this was municipal bonds, which the Mets have to pay back with interest for the lifetime of the park; those municipal bond repayments are an offset, and in return for paying tens of millions in municipal bond repayments each year (the 2022 report shows about $43.5 mill), Citi Field does not have to pay property taxes.
Wikipedia only cites property taxes, but the financial report doesn't include any other taxes, so I'll assume the only other taxes they're on the hook for are sales and payroll, which aren't displayed in the financial report.
Right, so, parking as a bundle is about $7.5 mill in expenses, which means that parking alone has a marginal profit of about 42.3%, given the earlier figure of $13mill in parking revenue. I'm not finding any solid information on where that money goes, but it seems very like that New York City's taxes on land use for parking is not included in the property tax exemption we discussed above, and that most of the $7.5 mill is in that regard.
Post Season Expenses
I'll be honest, they don't define this $1.8 mill, but given what is and isn't included in the other sections, I'm going to hazard a guess that this may be about upgrades (more than maintenance) or replacement of physical billboards that are also not included as regular maintenance but require a lot of manpower to get up and set if complicated enough.
General and Administrative
This is the other possible allocation of the utilities and related payments. This is also where back of house activities like accountants, lawyer fees, payroll clerks, facilities managers, and so on are bundled in. It's about $5.5 mill.
Publicity and Promotions
This one's easy, it's just marketing that doesn't fall into General Mets Things and is rather for home games specifically.
Depreciation and Amortization
Bit trickier, but you know how a car loses value the second you drive it off the lot? That is depreciation. You paid $20,000 for a car, but two years later it's worth $16,000; on a financial report, you put that down as a $4,000 loss to depreciation. Amortization is similar, in that it lowers values of various assets in relation to time and relative value to what it was when new.
Interest Expenses
Expenses related directly to interest rates tend to get their own line separate from regular debt repayments. This isn't really relevant beyond 'loans are more expensive than when you first get them.'
Travel and League Expenses
Since this is a traveling team, being professionals, and a Major League Baseball Team in particular, money has to be spent on the plane rides, team bus, and of course, the league fees. I wanted to end that a bit more pithy, but it turns out it's not easy to find league fees for the MLB.
(A new team joining would have to pay about $2.2 billion, according to one article, while previous new additions were a couple hundred mill, so... 100 mill? Maybe?)
Hope that answers your question!
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aijamisespava · 27 days
List Of Opinions: Semi-Final 1
Before I begin, I released a statement over a week ago saying that I had taken a brief break to recover from a traumatic event at my school. I want to say that I am feeling a lot better now, and look forward to closing out the Eurovision 2024 season with you.
Similar to the announcement of the Running Order for Both Semi Finals, I will be giving my report as quick bulletpoints to talk about various things I felt while the first semi-final...well...happened!
For the first time since 2018...IRELAND HAS QUALIFIED FOR THE GRAND FINAL! Bambie Thug's performance was not a performance. It. Was. An. EXPERIENCE. You have to see it to believe it.
RAMONDA MADE IT TOO! One of the things that made me mad when the ROs came out was Serbia starting 2nd. That didn't end up being an issue as Teya Dora brought Serbia to their 6th qualification in a row! (this was good for me personally because Ramonda was the song that helped me the last couple of weeks)
Luxembourg returns after 31 years, and with that, makes the Grand Final! This makes me happy! (also can someone give me Tali's haircare routine?)
While we won't know about who finished where in the Semi until the contest is over on Saturday, I think I'm like 95% sure that Croatia won Semi-Final 1.
There really weren't any big shockers this semi. I know in my hot takes post I said Moldova would shock Q (I stand corrected), but a lot of predictions were right from what I've seen around.
I'm gutted for Poland being an NQ, especially since that was the first ESC 2024 song I heard when I turned Spotify on after I had dinner. (because of dinner, I missed the reveal...which tbh a good idea because I don't know if my heart could handle it...she says though her semi-final 1 winner was announced first)
I also find it super cool that the first five countries in the running order made it to the Grand Final!
Iconic quote from my sister (19F): aRE THE JORTS DESCENDING FROM HEAVEN?
Okay, that's it for now. I can't wait to do this again on Thursday! I'm sure there will be PLENTY to say for that one!
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anti-endo-haven · 1 month
We know your on break for a bit ans feel free to delete this we just have to get it off our head
Cw: fake claiming, doubting sys validity, r/syscringe mention, religion mention, religious trauma mention
We occasionally go scrolling through r/syscringe. Not because we agree, we whole heartedly HATE it. But sometimes for shits ans giggles, you know?
We were clicking through the pictures on a post and number 3. A number we already have a fuck ton of trauma with due to events and things happening with that number.
A post from our main. We were making a joke because lately, our boyfriend's been asking what fandoms we know. And we've been busy and been blurry so not everyone knows names. Hell I suck on names. So we'd describe shit weird. The movie Wonka?
We called it the candy fucker. He was like wtf? A reasonable response. So, who we're 95% sure now was like Le, went "hey he could've been!" So our bf, worried a bit, asked who was fronting. So, I quoted it and posted it.
We were being laughed ar especially because well, no real system would do that. This part was a little funny, they said that came from a blog like plural culture is or trauma holder culture is. No it's our personal kinda shit posty.
I've been doubting how valid we are. We've got some who think they were split because of religious trauma and our grandfather scaring the life into us through the Bible. And I know it's bad but I kinda doubt them because it wasn't as bad as others.
I've been doubting because it's like I'm perma frontstuck. I'm never not fronting. The rare times I do is when I have a blackout because, as Le explained, for some reason I'm not really ready to remember what inside is like. I know the basis but not details. This didn't help any
We hallucinate already, at least I do. It's usually Lu, Le, or Al who have to tell me I'm seeing things that aren't real. What if I'm hallucinating us being a system? What if we are but I'm not sure on things?
I'm sorry for venting Shining, really. Feel free to delete this we just had to get it off our chest
Not deleting it, you’re here and I hear you. I see you. You’re valid in your experiences.
r/systemscringe does not give anyone a right to tell you how you can or can’t act when the majority of them don’t even believe in the disorder. Systems can act in a variety of ways and you posting a funny moment from your own doesn’t make you any less real.
The thing with your religious trauma, it is and was bad enough. Don’t compare it and say that it wasn’t bad enough when it was and is.
I know that I can’t diagnose you, but you are still valid and are a system. If you’d want, I can send a PDF for the DSM-5-TR and you can scroll through that for the dissociative disorders as a means of reminding yourself of what’s there.
It was bad enough. You aren’t any less of a system. You are valid. You’re not fake.
Don’t let a subreddit try and make you think that you’re not. It’s extremely hard not to let it get to you, but avoid the subreddit for as long as you can. I know it might be compelling to look there, but it has already caused you harm.
Take care of yourself. You’re important. I don’t believe you’re faking. If the denial is bad, try and do some things to help ground yourself and see if you can make a list of what happens to further help you know that you are not faking.
Even as someone who has hallucinations (and a lot of them), we have it to where we try and say when something is an auditory hallucination or not. It doesn’t feel like something we say. The crying and screaming and any whispered voices don’t sound like they’re coming from any alters or from us/the body at all, it feels detached in a way that isn’t dissociation detachment. I know it can be different and/or hard for others to do that.
It’ll be okay. Put yourself first and make sure to take care of yourself. I’m sorry that everything has hit you suddenly. I’m here for you. 🫂 /wc
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appalachianapologies · 3 months
okay so I was tagged by @lailuhhh and @rosieblogstuff and I think one other person (i am so sorry i forgor) many days ago and i am finally doing the first sentence of ten works thing. I guess the general consensus is no one knows whether or not this is for WIPs or posted things so like many others I'll just do a combo of both :D
From a wip that is uhhhh 22k and counting long, titled in my google docs as simply "fuck it desi lore," starting off strong with a sentence that I don't think is actually grammatically correct but you know what sometimes the vibes matter more than grammar and you can quote me on that: Later, Desi will feel guilty for it.
From chapter one of Remittent Distress, we have a line that sounds like it's going to be macriley WHICH IT IS NOT- (PS she's just out on a little mini mission she's not dead or anything) During the three days that Riley has been gone, Mac's been coping poorly.
Another chapter one first sentence, we have the first line of what's shaping up to be my next book! Cue the school intercom noise... "Good morning Ravens, happy Tuesday, and happy first day of school!"
Next we have chapter one (not the prologue) of False Dawn, which is a WIP that keeps me up at night and makes me feel far too many emotions at once: Bozer has a strange affinity for sending physical letters.
We have a bit of a secret fic that's up next- set in Tender Mercies universe, except this is set approximately 10 years in the future from Aground, the most recent fic in the series. Mac makes it a single step into the visitation cell before freezing on the spot.
Next up we have the first line of one of my favorite fics of mine, where we get some Sam Cage! (sam my beloved). Get ready for the first sentence of Episteme! Samantha Cage, despite her evergrowing want to be out of the life she threw herself into, isn’t exactly sure how to stay out of it.
Okay so this is the first line at the moment, but might not be if/when I finally get around to writing the vast majority of this fic. After drafting out an entire fic on a plane ride about a year ago, I only actually fully wrote out a few paragraphs. Here's the beginning of it as of right now: “Arriving in forty-five minutes,” comes the eventual answer through Mac’s earpiece. 
Now we have the first line from Past + Fire + Present, purely because I think it's a fabulous addition to the whole point of this post (and also this does happen to be a fic that i am quite happy about how it came out). The first sentence is a little bit lack-luster though... Hands.
Changing things up a bit, this next sentence is from my 95% finished The Martian fic that has been 95% finished for over a year at this point. I really just need to write two more paragraphs and post it at this point, but here's the start! Sneaking out of Beck's quarters as soon as he stepped out to talk to the rest of the crew was probably not the brightest of plans, but I can’t take it back now.
And to end things off, we're going to hop back to Remittent Distress, but this time in the form of the first sentence for chapter three! (Currently working on it, fear not) It’s to be expected.
I'm fairly certain that at this point everyone that I know has been tagged in this (and I'm also like a week or two late at this point), so if you see this, assume you're being tagged! (and also if you write your own please tag me somewhere in it so I can read your sentences :D)
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onlyonewoman · 4 months
Life's still a little bitch to me right now. (And not the charming kind of little bitch like Xue Yang, Vegas or Wen Kexing.) Frankly, I'm exhausted from a number of real life shit happening that's draining me inside out. Nothing horribly serious, thank fuck, just... a lot. The weather where I live, is extreme for the season and unfortunately shifts from one extreme to another in the matter of a day or two right now, and since I work 95% outside, my body and mind both feel extremely wornout. The fact that I'm 40+ sure as hell doesn't make it easier. I have no energy left to write or answer comments or read new stuff at all. I'm basically in constant, lowkey pain and wish I could go to bed and sleep until May. BUT it makes me happy just to scroll around in here and see the awesome art, gifs, incorrect quotes, weirdness and all other fandom related stuff even if I don't really interact. And for some reason, answering comments and reading new stuff is one of my main difficulties (thanks ADHD!), meaning I postpone it for ages... Just wanted to say I'm grateful for all the nice things people comment on my fics and that I look forward to be able to just sink into the reading and writing again. (Also, Xue Yang did nothing wrong and deserves all the candy and daozhangs he wants!)
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lizadale · 1 year
MIss, do you remember the Simentio misadventures? Well, I've started playing Miitopia, that can be just as wacky.
Sadly neither Dimentio nor Luigi are the protagonist. You see, at first I've decided to do Lena from Ducktales because i thought it would be funny.
But when came the time to make the second Mii i remembered that i would need to make 9 more cartoon ducks, on the emulator and I'm not that dedicated to the joke.
Anyway God (the actual name of the character) brought Luigi, Dimentio and Nastasia to this world to help this tini cartoon duck to defeat the Dark Lord (her father that i forgot the name) with only the clothes of their body and no coin or magic abilities to their name.
Luigi found a frying pan thrown outside a Inn. Dio found a magic wand "laying around" and Nastasia is hitting everything with a stick. (Luigi's a chef, Dio's a mage and Nastasia is a cleric.)
On their first day together, because they were also yeeted to different places Dio gifted Luigi a Box, an actual empty box, Luigi was moved.
The morning of the next day Luigi told Dimentio that he didn't sleep well because he talks, loudly, in his sleep, according to Luigi, he kept saying "It's going to be ok" over and over.
When they fight together if they aren't praising eachother every turn they are helping eachother, and i think that's so sweet.
Speaking of fighting, Dio is as frail as a wet paper bag. He's also Dio. Like there was a boss fight where he got hit by a slime and got down to half HP, and he was going to be hit by the boss, but Luigi took the hit for him, Nastasia tried to heal him and he said "no thanks I'm fine >:c" in the same turn Luigi went like "come on dude, here's some special healing food" and he was like "omg, that's delicious, thanks a bunch <3" then he got one hit by the boss who did 20 damage for his 15 max HP the next turn. (That's when i got the tutorial to the life sprinkles)
Also, can you believe that he knows a move that can one hit everything that hit everything, but allies, and he refuses to use it? He also knows lightning and it's his favourite move (or maybe it's Luigi's favourite, because 95% of the time he uses it, Luigi assists it)
Luigi on the other hand is hard carrying everyone. He heals double of what Nastasia heals and he does an equal amount of damage as Dimentio, the assigned hitter. When Dimentio (or anyone, but only Dimentio gets the chance) praises him, he gets a damage boost too.
But Nastasia is not just there. She have a ability that let her one hit anything she wants. She doesn't want to that much :v but there's nothing i can do. The quote that she says when she kills a enemy is "And Fuck you."
Anyway, Dio and Nastasia doesn't stop bickering. It's hilarious. He commented that there's a hole in his shoe and she told him to "cease complaining" he said that his legs will hurt when i press the run button and she told him something like yeah sure. She once told he wants a cat and he said after a bit i want i dog. (Luigi told me too for both, he's precious)
Nastasia got into a fist fight with Lena the cartoon duck btw. It was a random event that got both mad at eachother.
Sorry for babbling. But it's wacky and very fun. (Btw, do you have any ideas for the killing quote for Dio?)
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(he'd probably say something dumb and flirty. maybe just "Ciao~<3", emphasis on the ~🖤)
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ace-oreos · 7 months
Dar Reads Lady Knight: Ch. 4
I decided to test out a new system of reading the chapter in full and then making this post, which worked out really well until I forgot to go back and make the post. So! Here it is at last.
I always love the title of this chapter: Kel Takes Command. She finally gets to put the skills she learned into action.
aalkdfljasf Kel's flag! I feel like this is such an underrated emotional moment. I know it makes me Feel Things when the camp posts her personal flag since she is now the commanding officer.
Lots of description of the camp's layout and the surrounding terrain. Props to Tammy for including this and knowing which features are important from a defense standpoint.
"Wyldon had given her no advice about how to actually take command, and this man seemed determined to dump everything in her lap at once" (pg. 81). Poor Kel, lol.
Another little nod to her role as the protector of the small when she's talking to the captain. "His manner itched her, though. He didn't talk about others as if they were human, only animals to be driven" (pg. 84).
I love how Kel has grown to the point where she doesn't bother listening to what the men say about her. She knows they'll either respect her or they won't, so she's not going to waste her energy trying to convince them she deserves it.
Dom's back! At least for a little bit.
I love her camaraderie with Wolset and Fulcher, too.
"It was me that thought of it,' Corporal Wolset said. 'And you what nearly ruined the embroidering,' retorted Corporal Fulcher" (pg. 89). I forgot about this little exchange about Kel's flag. It made me laugh.
I love when she addresses her men for the first time. She's so nervous but she's going to give it her best shot or die trying.
Her feelings re: the convict soldiers are really telling about who she is. Her predecessor treated them like dirt and gave them only the minimum they need to survive, but Kel intends to make sure they're fed and clothed properly. Bless her.
Her conversation with Gil Lofts about the raid on the bandits when she was a page is another favorite moment of mine. The fact that one of the convict soldiers can vouch for her does wonders for her reputation with the others who don't know her.
"I'm not sure that being known for gutting a man is exactly a recommendation for a commander" (pg. 95). I love her humor and how she chooses to look at things.
"You all know why we're here. You know the enemy. He will be on us soon. When he comes, we will fight not for some glorious cause, but to survive. The gods have given us time to prepare, and we must take advantage of every moment of it" (pg. 95). I know I already talked about this quote in my first post, but it's one of my top five Kel quotes. It's just her. Pragmatic, straightforward, doesn't patronize the people she's addressing. Brilliant.
Haven! The mudpit now has a name! Once again, naming it that is another prime example of a Kel Moment.
Chapter five post coming soon! I've already read through it, so ideally I'll get the post squared away shortly.
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bnhaobservation · 8 months
BNHA Observations, speculations and assorted info: Todoroki Mansion (Part 2: Genkan)
So, in order to write my fic, I spend much time observing canon scenes, comparing the manga and the anime version, take note of details, translations and info in them as well as finding out how are some things called.
Since what I noticed/speculated/found out can be of use for other fic authors I thought to share as well.
Chap. 44 “Relaxing Day Off” (休め振替休日 Yasume Furikae Kyūjitsu) Chap. 95 “End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End” (始まりの終わり 終わりの始まり Hajimari no Owari Owari no Hajimari) Chap. 249. “The Hellish Todoroki Family” (地獄の轟くん家 Jigoku no Todoroki-kun-chi) Chap. 252 “The Unforgiven” (許されざる者 Yurusarezaru-mono) Chap. 301 “The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire, Part 1” (火の不始末 前編 Hi no Fushimatsu Zenpen) Chap. 302 “The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire, Part 2” (火の不始末 後編 Hi no Fushimatsu Kōhen)
Ep. 25 “Todoroki vs. Bakugo” (轟VS爆豪 Todoroki vs Bakugō) Ep. 50 “End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End” ( 始まりの終わり 終わりの始まり Hajimari no Owari Owari no Hajimari) Ep. 105 “The Hellish Todoroki Family” (地獄の轟くん家 Jigoku no Todoroki-kun-chi) Ep 106 “The Unforgiven” (許されざる者 Yurusarezaru-mono) Ep 130 “The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire” (火の不始末 Hi no Fushimatsu)
What's a Genkan?
To quote Wikipedia: "Genkan (玄関) are traditional Japanese entryway areas for a house, apartment, or building, a combination of a porch and a doormat. It is usually located inside the building directly in front of the door. The primary function of genkan is for the removal of shoes before entering the main part of the house or building."
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Genkan has always two levels. The first, lower level whose floor is called Tataki (三和土) is where you step onto as you step through the front door. It may be made of tile, concrete, stone, (or packed dirt in a very old traditional house). This is the level where a person steps with his regular shoes, never in bare feet or socked feet, or while wearing inside-the-house slippers.
The second level of the genkan is the higher level (I've seen it being called Genkan Hall (玄関ホール) but I'm not sure this is correct), one or two steps above the lower part of the genkan. This is the level a person steps onto once his shoes are off.
Shoes should be left on the lower level, turned so that the toes are now pointed towards the front door, possibly on the side so as to make room for the others who will come after.
In the anime Enji hardly bothers placing correctly his shoes, and does so only when he decides he'll live in his house alone... though he places them with the tip towas the inside.
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In the manga we see Enji misplacing his shoes only once, when he came back home very angry. We don't know if, in the manga, he normally places them correctly.
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Inside the house one either goes barefoot, with socks only, with house slippers (ハウススリッパ) or with Uwabaki slippers (上履き), a type of Japanese slippers worn indoors at home, school and certain workplaces.
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In present time, Enji, Fuyumi and Shouto (and, in the anime, Natsuo) seem to go for house slippers though in the flashbacks only Rei seemed to use them and the rest of the family was shown going either barefoot or with socks only.
Manga and anime seem to paint the Genkan in a mostly similar manner.
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The entrance door or Ōdo (大戸) is a sliding one which, for unclear reasons, in Episode 150 is opened on the opposite side compared to the manga and to previous and future episodes... though maybe this is okay for entrance doors. I don't really know.
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Both versions show how the Todoroki have a Getabako (下駄箱), a shoe cupboard where the Todoroki likely place the other shoes they have...
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...though the one in the anime is longer than the one in the manga... and even have a shikidai (式台), a low broad step or platform of timber, in front of it.
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While the manga places on the opposite wall to the Genkan what looks like two windows and an umbrella stand...
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...the anime has different ideas and preferred to put there... what seems to be a painting? Honestly, I'm not sure.
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The manga was more interested than the anime to show things on this side.
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In the manga we can see that there's a Kutsunugi-ishi (沓脱石), a shoe removal stone shaped like a step on the lower part of the Genkan. The same goes for the anime...
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Both of course have an Agarikamachi (上がり框) step, which is higher than the tataki floor and leads to the upper part of the Genkan.
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The Todoroki house also have a Tsuitate Shōji (衝立障子), a partitioning screen which was often used in traditional style mansions between the Genkan and the front hall or to partition a section of a room.
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Right in front of the entrance, behind the Tsuitate Shōji, there's what seems to be a Mairado (舞良戸), a wooden sliding door constructed of a single wooden panel, the Wataita (綿板), and set into a timber frame, the Kamachi (框). It is characterized by the addition of thin parallel crosspieces, the Mairako (舞良子) set horizontally on both sides of the panel.
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Now, since the bathroom is generally close to the entrance, it's possible it's a door that lead to the bathroom.
We also see on the wall a marumado (円窓), a circular window with a flat bottom edge.
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In the manga it seems once you pass the Genkan you can only go to the corridor at the right, which is supposedly the one which leads to the training hall...
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...or to the corridor on the left, and this would be the corridor which leads to the dining room.
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In the anime instead there are three corridors, the one on the right that leads to the training hall...
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...the one straight in front of the entrance...
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...and the one on the left which leads to the engawa first and then to the dining room.
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So yeah, again manga and anime paint a different picture of how the Todoroki house is.
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swordofazrael1992 · 2 months
Jpv 2, 7, 14, 27!! Shatterstar 1, 20, 23, 28 >:) go autism on me!!!!!
okay okay so
jpv 2) probably after reading sword of azrael '92. i had a mutual who was posting a lot of jpv stuff and i had previously read tynion's writing of her in tec 2016, and then my lcs had a trade collecting soa 92 + the first seven issues of azrael '95 so i went "fuck it" and bought it. i can't remember if i read what was available of watters' stuff at the time before or after soa 92 but that was definitely where i started to really love jp/az and it's stuck with me (as you can tell by the url)
jpv 7) FOREVER AND EVER the "perhaps this azrael does both" quote from sword of azrael (1992) #3. technically it is alfred talking ABOUT jp/az in response to nomoz saying that azrael punishes, and doesn't/shouldn't think. and then there's also the soa '92 #4 of azrael straight up telling nomoz "no" when nomoz says they need to leave, because azrael only avenges, not rescue. either way i think those are really interesting and have Stuck With Me
jpv 14) i know i'm an soa 92 type boy but....this one is definitely a hard one and i don't think soa is in my top two choices. i'd have to say his no man's land arc, i'm a huge fan of it and his dynamics with other bat charas (esp babs and cass!). my second choice pick would probably be soa '22--i just love it so much and it's so beautiful. so while soa '92 might be my favorite, i don't think it's his absolute best. but it's top 3 for sure
jpv 27) the most fun, for me particularly? i think castiel from supernatural. i have no idea what the fuck would go down, but it would be entertaining. other than that, probably vash or knives (or livio/razlo) from trimax specifically, or sister lilith from warrior nun. lets just get all those religious imagery bitches in a room together and see what goes down
star 1) so i THINK my first impression of star was in young avengers: children's crusade, WAY back when i first started reading comics. like young avengers '05 was my first comic, and ya:cc my second. i think i just looked at him and rictor on panel together and, knowing nothing about them, was like okay yeah they are DEFINITELy gay. i probably thought he was a little weirdo (affectionate) but i didn't become a fan of him and rictor for another year or two i think
star 20) star is the only person in the world who actually MEANS it when he says "i listen to a little of everything" about his music taste. he really genuinely listens to everything, and everyone who knows him HATES when he's on aux because listening to his playlists gives them whiplash. seriously, he goes from mid 1800s orchestral music to hyperpop to 90s hip hop to 00s top 40 to 1960s bluegrass to music you're not even sure is from this dimension and that you're pretty sure is from some future timeline. star sees no problem with it, though. also i think he takes really long showers and uses up ALL of the hot water + has a really extensive hair/skin routine. so you go into the bathroom of his and ric's apartment and you see the shower and sink counter practically overflowing with all these extravagant and fancy products and then in the corner there are like 4 or 5 things that belong to rictor and it's just shampoo/conditioner/body wash/other essentials
star 23) i want him to live happily ever after with ric in a cozy house with weekly therapy appointments and dinner with his parents every month + an actually good/existent relationship with them where they aren't just kinda coworkers and maybe a dog or a couple cats and a garden in the backyard and a giant tv in the living room and a good relationship with life and maybe a couple college degrees or maybe he just learns so much about the things that interest him and everything else without feeling the need to have a degree to show for it and andand. but i don't think that will ever happen because marvel hates me personally
star 28) stabbing himself in the stomach that one time. and the other time. and the next time.
and being his own grandfather. that was really unnecessary of him
(+ i know you didn't ask but songs i've been associating with them recently:
jp/az -
star -
w/ jp/az's being about how they are pretty impulsive and need to get from point a to point b as fast as possible and star's being about the entire "raised as an arena slave to fight to the death for other's entertainment" thing. also on second thought i might put nothing lasts forever on my shatterstar playlist)
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charmed-asylum · 2 years
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PROMPT THE BREAKS Prompt List: (starter kit)
Remember you can choose as many as you want or even pick from other places just remember to add on to your story and tell me.
1. "Come over here and make me."
2. "Wait a minute. Are you jealous?"
3. "| almost lost you.?
4. “Wanna bet?"
5. "Don't you ever do that again!"
6. "Kiss me.?"
7. "It could be worse.?
8. *Looks like we'll be trapped for a while..
9. "You need to wake up because I can't do this without you."
10. "I've seen the way you look at me when you think I don't notice."
11. "Just once."
12. "I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified."
13. "If you keep looking at me like that we won't make it to a bed."
14. "You heard me. Take. It. Off.?
15. "You fainted.…straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn't have to go to such extremes.
16. "You did all of this for me?"
17. "| swear it was an accident."
18. "YOU DID WHAT?!"
19. “If you die, I'm gonna kill you.”
20. "It's hard to get used to.. «what is?" "Being someone that someone cares for.."
21. "The first time you smiled it felt like the universe aligned."
22. "It hurts..." "What?" «Loving someone who doesn't love you..
23. "Let me do this, please."
24. you're not as funny as you think you are
28. I'm just getting comfy
29. just because you can doesn't mean you should
33. you are such a nerd
34. why are you so cold?
35. stop laughing at me
37. you're ticklish
38. can we go home yet?
39. you are a terrible influence
40. one of us is clearly smarter than the other
41. you need some sleep
42. how have you survived this long by yourself?
43. are you just quoting song lyrics?
44. sleep is for the weak
45. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
46. "What? I have never-"
47. "I do not have an answer for you.
48. "In my defense, I really wanted to."
49. "At least I didn't break any laws."
50. "What did you do this time?"
51. "How do we get out?
52. "I don't hate you."
53. "Don't call me that."
54. "Just marry me already."
55. "Did I stutter?"
56. "Did I just say that out loud?'
57. "H-How long have you been standing there?"
58. "I've never felt this way before and I'm terrified to be honest.?
59. "Is that what you call an apology?"
60. "Is there anything you want to tell me?"
61. "There is no way this much stupid can fit inside one person."
62. "I'm never leaving.../ promise."
63. "Uh, am I interrupting?"
64. " like you, like like you like you"
65. "Stop being a fucking prick.
66. "Do you want me to stay?"
67. "You're my everything."
68. "I love seeing you smile."
69. "i've been thinking about you all day.?
70. " i can't get enough of you.
71. « like being close to you. you're warm."
72. I’ m not wearing any underwear. thought you'd like to know."
73. "this is a one time thing."
74. "you know where to find me."
75. "you're really good at that.
76. "don't be shy now, sit on my face."
78. "If I ask you to kiss me in front of all these people, will you do it?"
79. "Don't go on that date." "Why?" «You know why." "Say it."
80. "i think i might be in some kind of love with you?
81. "say you want me, and i'm yours." "you need a place to stay for the night"
82. "i want to taste you"
83. " love it when you talk dirty
84. "if you interrupt me one more time- so help me god'
85. "if we weren't in public right now i'd have my head between your legs"
86. " don't know what to do" "then let me teach you"
87. "this feels dirty" "that's because it is"
88. “don't cover you're face, i want to see you"
89. "are you sure about this?"
90. "ive never wanted to fuck someone as badly as i want to fuck you rn".
91. "do you want help with that?"
92. “im going to fuck you until you forget that assholes name"
93. “bend over the desk love"
94. "is that a drawing of me?"
95. “i didn't mean to say that but yeah, i love you."
96. "you weren't supposed to hear that!"
97. "this isn't adrenaline, i want to spend my life with You “
98. "do you think of me when you touch yourself?"
99. "I'm not going anywhere"
100. "fuck you. - "when?"
101. "no one's ever made me feel like this."
102. here, let me help you."
103. "we're quite literally fugitives of the state." -"so no pizza?
104. "you're insane." - "people keep telling me that."
105. "you're pretty." - "you're drunk."
106. "i'll keep you safe."
107. "i'll spend a thousand lifetimes coming back to you."
108. didn't think it was possible to love someone this much."
109. "Touch yourself for me.?
110. "Shut up and take your pants off.
111. "Wanna see what I'm wearing underneath all this?"
112. "Do you know how beautiful you are? It's truly distracting."
113. "How are you this perfect?
114. "I've waited so long for this!"
115. "Would you just shut up and kiss me already?"
116. "Tell me what you want."
117. "Could he make you feel as good as i do?"
118. "Are you trying to turn me on or are you really just that oblivious?"
119. "Just let me finish this/this level and I swear ill go down on you until you cum at least three times.
120. "I haven't even touched you and you're already this wet."
121. "Were you just masturbating?" "U-uh.no, I was just." "Want some help?"
122. "I really want to kiss you right now." "Then do it."
123. "I don't care what you do just fuck me."
124. "Stop distracting me."
125. "I saw you last night..you looked beautiful."
126. "God, you have no idea how amazing you are, do you?"
127. "I don't wanna hurt you, baby"
128. "You think that I'm watching you? Don't flatter yourself..."
129. "This world doesn't deserve an angel like you."
130. "I think they might be a problem. Don't worry, love, I'll take care of them for you."
131. "I'Il do whatever it takes if it means we'll be together forever, my sweet."
132. "You will do what I ask."
133. "If you just do what you're fucking told then we wouldn't have a problem, would we?"
134. "Where's that smile I'm looking for, sugar?"
135. "So…do you want your underwear back?"
136. "Sweetheart, I have to mark you. How else is everyone gonna know you're mine?"
137. "You've been so good lately, my pet. Don't make me have to punish you.
138. "I fucking need you more than I need to breath."
139. "If you leave me, I'll die!"
140. "I know you liked them, sweetie, but they were keeping you away from me."
141. "You're mine, do you understand? You belong to me”
142. "Cry for me, baby."
143. "I know it hurts, honey, but that's what happens when you don't do what I say.?
144. "I just want to show you how much I love you..
145. "Don't worry, my love, I'll protect you."
146. "The next time they touch what's mine, I'll cut their fucking arm off."
147. "You're so cute when you're struggling."
148. "If you don't take your clothes off, I'll take them off for you.
149. "Just give into me, love."
150. "I'll lock you up and throw away the fucking key if you ever even think about doing anything like that again, do you hear me?"
151. "I wish you would just let me have you..
152. "I just want us to be happy. I had to kill them."
153. "'I do whatever the fuck I want to you, got it?"
154. "Is it so hard to love me?"
155. "I hate it when they look at you…so fucking much.."
156. "You know you're mine, don't you?"
157. "Do you really think you can get away from me?"
158. "You know you're mine, don't you?"
159. "Do you really think you can get away from me?"
160. “l know everything about you, darling, and you're so perfect."
161. "I'm madly in love with you.?
162. "You're all I ever think about."
163. "If you don't kiss me, I'll slit your fucking throat."
164. "You're such a pretty little thing tied up like that, baby."
165. "Tell me how much you love me."
166. "I'll carve my name into your back if that's what I have to do to let you know you're mine."
167. "Why're you crying? Aren't you happy to be with me?
168. "I'Il kiss away the pain, doll."
169. "I'm sorry, honey, but you made me jealous. They had to die."
170. "Do you think I like hurting you? Because I fucking love it.'
171. "You don't even know how lucky you are. I protect you and provide for you. Don't act so ungrateful.
172. "It's okay to love me. Please love me."
173. "I could fucking kill you right now, you know that?"
174. "Don't test me, darling."
175. "You think I'm jealous? Trust me, buttercup, you haven't even seen jealousy."
176. "I want to tell you I love you until my throat bleeds."
177. "I imagined my life without you and it was better. I was happier"
178. "I knew you were capable of this, but I never thought vou were
179. capable of doing this to me.
180. "It was never me. It was always them/her/him."
181. "I don't love you anymore, goodbye"
182. "Stick a knife in my chest, it would hurt less."
183. "Don't say that. That's not what I want."
184. "You're not who I thought you were."
185. "Leaving you will hurt, but staying with you is more painful."
186. "People change."
187. "I look at you and I don't feel anything anymore."
188. "I can't carry on like this."
189. "Just because you're angry, it doesn't give you the right to be cruel."
190. "I can't trust you anymore."
191. "You left like I was never a reason to stav"
192. "You have to forgive me" "I can't"
193. "If I could go back in time and change loving you, I would"
194. "You've ruined my life."
195. "I know you're trying, but it's just not enough."
196. "You'll forget about me, just like I'll forget about you."
197. "You're a fucking idiot!" "Yeah, I know."
198. "You've hurt me for the last time."
199. "'m tired of fighting."
200. a pretty little house-pet who just follows you around all day and cries when you have to leave
202. "You look really good in my clothes"
203. "This reminded me of you"
204. "Your hands are warm"
205. "I just want to relax in your arms"
206. "Let's go home" "I'm already home"
207. "Make a wish!"
208. "I could just stare at you forever" "Creep"
209. "I'm so lucky to know you"
210. "You're the most beautiful being on the earth"
211. "Hold me"
212. "You smell amazing"
213. "I wish you could see the way I see you"
214. "What are you doing?" "I was trying to make pancakes but it didn't exactly work”
216. "This isn't just a(n) [object], it's a promise"
217. "Sing to me again"
218. "Come back to bed"
219. "You're the only person I want to spend my life with"
220. .. sorry, I talked too much" «No no no not at all. Keep talking"
221. "Oh my god you never told me you could cook"
222. "Our kids are gonna be *mwah*!"
223. "Come on. I'll show you how to dance"
224. "I can't believe I never heard you sing before"
225. "I know you had a bad day, so I made you cookies"
226. "Let's go and look at the stars"
227. "Is that... is that a dog?"
228. "I'm gonna need someone to kiss at midnight"
229. "I can't stop thinking about you"
230. "Get on my shoulders, you'll see better"
231. "Is be a great parent, I'm just saying"
232. *Fogs up mirror and writes a message*
233. "I never thought I could miss someone this much"
234. "Not to be drastic, but I would jump off of a cliff for you"
235. "You're breathtaking"
236. "You're my new pillow"
。* 🎀 𝐸𝓃𝒿❁𝓎 🎀 *。
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charmedojamajo · 5 months
Chapter 1.
So history lesson: when this was first published, it was on @pippelulu's account. Which means the published date (27/12/13) is actually incorrect! For some reason we then reposted it to my account??? Then we grew enough brain cells to make a joint account and eventually reposted it there. I... don't remember the login details to that account 😀👍
Yabu is our beloved son.
And PippElulu adding in-text author's notes in the FIRST scene. Absolutely iconic of her. Also love how this first scene just immediately went to Onpu's engagement without any context of how the FLAT4 are back, where the hell Yabu fits in, and why they are living in a sharehouse.
Ok in FAIRNESS right after it refers to the girls' house as the "manor" which is hilarious because that was entirely because I was also obsessed with Charmed at the time. Like to the point where I would constantly send PippElulu Charmed quotes where I had just replaced the characters with the Ojamajos. And I am not lying in the slightest when I say I always imagined the Ojamajos as living IN the Halliwell Manor from the show whenever we wrote WAOF.
"Don't tell me! Doremi-chan fell in the toilet again?"
Ok I laughed at this.
Oh, God it is so obvious I had started writing this next scene with the FLATY5... why can I vividly remember writing this:
"You + Onpu-chan = something I can't imagine . . . well, if you were married anyway" Fujio said, Leon tried not to laugh.
And I also remember that I have been cringing over this line for years...
lmao our ordering of events makes absolutely no sense. So... Tooru proposes to Onpu, Onpu goes home, calls him, and then asks if he's sure he wants to marry her? Hilarious.
Momo-chan! Don't you dare walk away from me!
I'm not walking! I'm running!
I am like... 95% sure these lines were inspired by a season 8 episode of Charmed... the stolen quotes start early.
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Completely pointless dialogue exposition my beloved.
Why did Tooru choose who Onpu's maid of honour will be???? And why did we make this a whole ass argument between Aiko and Momoko? If anyone would care that much about it, it would obviously be Doremi...
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We thought this was the FUNNIEST shit ever when we wrote it. And on my last Charmed rewatch I realised there was a really similar scene so did I just steal this from there too?🧍‍♀️
The end of chapter notes that there won't be any lemons <3 yeah we were literal children, I hope not.
ch2 >
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slurp-imagines · 2 years
Random Word Prompts: Luffy & Sanji
(ask meme link)
written as platonic headcanons but prob can be taken as romantic as well.
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Soot: Could they survive on their own if they had to?
↳ Imagining some random "stranded together on a deserted island" scenario...
↳ The answer is yes, but dysfunctionally. Sanji does like 95% of the work. He does the cooking, he sets up the shelter and keeps it tidy, he works on finding a way to get back to the rest of the crew. He's the caretaker in this relationship for sure. He can assign Luffy tasks of course but only within reason. Luffy is also extremely lackadaisical about everything and it stresses Sanji out a little
↳ Btw Luffy's 5% of the work is 1) hunting, and 2) emotional labor. He drives Sanji a little nuts, but also keeps him from getting lonely. Every now and then, he'll say something that Sanji finds incredibly, stupidly sweet. "I couldn't do this without you!" "I'm glad you're the one I got stranded with :D" "We should do this again sometime!! And bring friends!!!"
↳ And Sanji is just very grumpily endeared by it. He's like... you idiot... you little dunderhead... if we bring other people it won't be "doing this again"... also, why would we want to get stranded a second time?!
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Thunder: Do they argue with their S/O each other - if so what about?
↳ They bicker all the time when Luffy is too impatient for food lol. But in a serious way? Hardly ever, and especially not since the Whole Cake Island fiasco.
↳ I think the closest they'd come to arguing is if/when he hears Sanji talking bad about himself. Because Luffy just doesn't get it. Sanji is kind and skilled and strong, so why does he treat himself so harshly?
↳ He'll contradict every point Sanji makes against himself. Sanji thinks it's almost laughable, in a way, how his captain can accept everything about him so easily. It makes him ridiculously happy just as much as it makes him ridiculously frustrated. Because no matter how much he proves himself through loyalty and hard work, deep down Sanji doesn't always feel like he deserves to be accepted like this– so wholly, so genuinely– or to be viewed in such a forgiving light.
↳ I don't think Luffy would get upset in return, unless WCI gets brought up... and specifically if it gets brought up in a way where Sanji hints at any feelings of guilt he carries over it.
↳ Because nope, Luffy is not having any of that. He doesn't hold grudges over WCI, and more importantly than that, he doesn't regret a single thing that happened there. He doesn't regret enduring for Sanji, he doesn't suffering and hurting for Sanji, he doesn't regret risking his life for Sanji, he doesn't regret choosing Sanji and loving him. And for Sanji to ever imply that, however indirectly, would be a deep insult in his mind. Luffy does not and will not ever think that accepting help from a friend is something to feel guilty over.
↳ It’s hard, though, because Sanji can’t forget how far his captain had to push. It might not be something he ever forgets about, but he hopes to everything in him that it's something he's grown from.
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Bell: Song lyrics or a quote associated with them?
世界じゃそれを愛と呼ぶんだぜ (The World Calls That Love) - Sambomaster
What connects our hearts' voices Are the things that we really fear. We say together that we'll sing like the past never happened!
Flowers can bloom even within sadness!
The world calls that "love"!
↳ This is my favorite song by Sambomaster. It's so sweet, and I feel like it really encapsulates Luffy & how he treats his loved ones.
↳ Something really special about Luffy is that he gives people the strength to admit their dreams and all their deepest desires they've held inside because they were afraid of what'd happen if they let it out. And Sanji's "I want to go back to the Sunny" scene is all of that, completely undiluted. That scene is burned into my memory istg
↳ The way Luffy had to fight and claw to get that confession out of him. I'll stop here to avoid getting repetitive with the previous section lol, but the way Luffy accepted it all in stride & treats Sanji no differently for it. Beautiful
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