#((i'll need to do that soon because the letters will be rubbed off of these things within a week lole....))
mementoasts · 2 months
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i've acquired a problem
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ceilidho · 8 months
okie dokie I think I might become a regular in your ask box (I sent the lap nap ask) Imagine for one reason or another you want a tattoo and your bestie Johnny who has had one decides to give you tips and advice, after you get it done he tries to convince you to get another, like maybe his name? he will get one too don't worry, it's normal to get best friend tattoos! maybe a tramp stamp, or something on your thigh so he can lift up your skirt "accidentally" to scare off anyone who has an interest in you. Some people are just toxic and don't like opposite gender besties 🤷 (also if available I'll sign off as ☢️, your writing is sooo good 😩🥺)
Johnny who's been practicing stick and poke and he begs, begs, begs you to let him give you one and you finally relent, but you're like, "I don't even want a tattoo - what would I even get?" and he pretends to think about it for a few seconds, like really makes a meal out of thinking of a tattoo for you before he suggests that you get his name. You know, since you're best friends and all. Best friends always do things like that - get matching tattoos, get each other's names or birthdays, that sort of thing.
You're so sceptical at first because like. You've heard of couples getting each other's names but not friends. Certainly not when you're friends with someone like Johnny, who's flirty and cocky and constantly squishes your face when he's drunk and says you have pretty cocksucking lips and snorts when you tell him that's inappropriate before popping a little peck on them. Just friendly drunken behaviour from your flirt of a best friend, but maybe a reason to avoid having future potential partners think there's something going on between the two of you.
But you finally give in because, why not. Especially if it's only a little thing. It'll be a good memory and surely your future partner will understand - it's not like you plan on not being friends with Johnny any time soon. You two are practically attached at the hip. So you tell him sure and then ask him where he's going to put it.
And your heart practically jumps into your throat when he kneels in front of you and spreads your legs to make enough room for himself, hiking the legs of your shorts up a bit until there's a little space made on your inner thigh. You try to be firm and tell him no, but he says that anywhere else would be too noticeable. You'd get tired having to constantly explain to people why you have a man's name tattooed on your body (even though it's normal, friends do that).
It hurts when he gives you the little stick and poke of his name written in his messy handwriting. So close to your pussy that he can probably smell you, and you can't help getting a little wet with his face so close to the space between your legs and the pain that hurts but sends tingles up your body. And the constant living reminder of Johnny now embedded in your skin, stuck on you for the rest of time. Your shorts also tugging against your clit and rubbing whenever your legs so much as twitch because of how high they've ridden up.
Johnny just staring at his name when he's done, licking his lips absentmindedly. Eyes hooded, staring at your inner thigh like he wants to take a bite so bad, even though it's tender and pink and needs to heal. Wants to trace the letters with his tongue. Eyes dragging up your body to find you panting and embarrassed, fists clenched at your sides.
"C'mon, kitty - let's get ye out of those shorts so they dinnae mess up all my hard work, yeah?"
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moodymisty · 10 months
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Author's Note: Loosely based off my personal experience struggles learning Spanish and Portuguese. I wanted to do something sfw to work on König's character and get a feel for things with CoD. I'll make some filth soon lol
Any German used is one or two very easily understandable words, and anything more in-depth is just implied via italics. Far easier than making an arse out of myself with Google translate because we all know how that works.
Summary: You've been studying German in secret from König for weeks now, hopefully it pays off.
Relationships: König/Fem!Reader
Warnings: I do not know German so I apologize, Fluff, Reader is implied foreigner but from where is not specified, Fluff without plot
Word Count: 2016
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Closing the book in your lap you take your hands away from the pages and rub them over your face, feeling the way your eyes almost burn from overuse. Squeezing them shut helps, but it almost seems like the letters are burned into the back of your eyelids.
No more information can be shoved into my brain; Not tonight.
It's late- the sun has long since set and if you start another section, you might end up hearing the birds outside start chirping by the time you finish and go to bed. With König gone and it being the weekend you can at least sleep in, to cover up your late night of studying.
Getting up off the couch and taking your notes and textbook, they both come with you to the bedroom; Where you hide them underneath the cushion of the window seat. It was a place that he would never look, at least not without good reason.
That was part of the plan after all, for him to be surprised by all this.
As for all the time you've known König his mother tongue has remained a mystery to you, unable to understand whenever he mumbles it under his breath while fixing himself something to eat, or yelling at a door frame he hit with his shoulder or head by accident. Which happens frequently, as unfortunately the apartment isn't exactly built for a man of his size.
You’ve picked up words and small sentences over time; Maus, danke, bitte, ich liebe dich; Scheisse as well, much to König's playfully faked distress. He's always tried to refuse teaching your swears, but you've picked up on them anyways. He thinks they sound too cute to take seriously when you say them. They just make him laugh.
But none of it is enough to hold any length of conversation. König is sweet and always helps whenever you need something translated, but you know sometimes words just don't cross over one to one. Not to mention you don't want to always rely on him. So you decided to learn as much as you could, but keep it a surprise. At least for a bit. There was only so far you could get without speaking it, using it- but for now you could at least try and listen.
''Can you help me?' You stumble out in practice before sighing, slipping into your nightclothes as your bed remains unmade and calling out to you.
Could really use some of that right now.
You keep mumbling to yourself, the words floating through your head, hoping they'll stick to the image of an object or scene that follows in tandem. It's such a silly, impossible goal, but you want to impress him. You slip into bed and begin relaxing, hoping you'll be able to sleep before light starts bleeding through the curtains.
The ring of your phone however distracts you from any further thoughts, grabbing it off the bedside table where it had been charging. Only one person will call this late, and since you’re already in your nightclothes, you answer without even checking the caller id. It would just say 'Unknown' anyways, if it was him. You answer and speak up.
"Good evening. Or morning? Afternoon?"
König chuckles and even if it's hundreds or even thousands of miles away, it still makes you smile. When he's gone you usually don't hear much from him at all, so it's always a wonderful treat when he does manage to find a moment.
"Evening. The sun is just about to set." You're sure he can hear you rustling of the blankets as you pull them over your body, laying down with your phone on speaker right in front of the pillow.
"Keeping busy, Liebe?"
"As busy as I can, it's really late. Was just about to sleep." König hums, and you can hear the scratch of him rubbing his head.
"Ahh, am I keeping you up? I don't want you tired because of me." Just as you go to answer him back someone must enter the room, asking him something. You can hear the question and König's extremely curt and irritated response to it, and it's a struggle to not laugh when you realize you understood enough of it to put the pieces together.
So all this studying wasn't for nothing!
It's nice to finally see that you've been making at least some sort of stride. Once he finishes grumbling a reply at whoever had interrupted him- ignoring how cute you find it that he's so feverishly defending what tiny bit of time he has to talk to you- You answer back.
"Don't worry, I want to stay up; I miss you. I miss hearing your voice before I go to bed." You hear König let out a shy cough, rustling around. Sometimes he still gets a little bashful when you're particularly overt with how you feel about him.
"Then I will stay with you as long as I can." You know that's asking a lot of him; To even get a few moments time while he's deployed in the middle of god knows where is asking for a miracle. A damn good miracle at that.
"I miss you too, liebling."
His voice sounds so quiet when he speaks; You don't know if it's because of there being someone else in the room with him, or that he's just still not used to saying things like that.
The bed is warm and the blankets are soft, but it's still nowhere near as pleasant when König is here beside you. Neither of you have any idea how long he's going to be gone this time, but you always prepare as if it's going to be a long while. Hopefully however, it wont. You're not going to last very long without having him here with you. Just the feeling of being stuck in his arms because he's dead asleep and his grip is so strong- you miss it. You miss him kissing you on the cheek to wake you up in the mornings, and the feeling of his hand on the dip of your waist. His voice always sounds so gruff and sore in the mornings, whispering in English or German or a mix of both as he hides his face in your neck.
The sudden increase in background noise from the other side of the call jolts you out of any sort of fantasizing you were in, thankfully before it went down a path perhaps a bit more appropriate for such a late hour. König speaks up before you have a chance to ask if he needs to leave.
"I have to go; I promise I will try and find another moment to talk to again, ok?" You can hear the sudden rustling around in the background; Some of it from him, some clearly from elsewhere in the room.
He whispers again; Unsure under his breath 'I love you', the words still a bit shy and experimental on his lips. You return it quickly before the line goes dead. You have to reach a hand from under the blanket to lock your phone, staring at the lock screen for a moment.
Now the room feels almost, eerily quiet.
You turn over to set your phone down on the nightstand and turn off the last of the lights, heading to closing your eyes and trying to get some sleep.
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When König returns, it's usually not without a fair share of eventfulness.
Normally he spends a day or two somewhere else first before coming back to you, which you understand; He doesn't want to bring 'that side of him' back home. Doing what he does isn’t a 9-5, and it’s not something that’s easy to leave at the front step.
After having a bit to decompress he's finally returned, having just closed the front door. He finished unlacing his combat boots and putting them beside your own shoes, as you shuffled off to get him something to drink after already tackling him. You had nearly jumped on him the moment you hear his key hit the lock, feeling him mumble a surprised but happy greeting against your lips.
Leaning over he goes to pick his pack back up off the ground to move it, but it either gets hooked on something, or the fabric finally gives. Either way the contents then spill out all over the floor, from clothing to whatever else he has stuffed inside.
"Damn it! You fucking piece of-"
The stream of swears he lets out makes you nearly winge, between about how he's going to damn the thing to Hell or set it ablaze. Either or. You try not to smile and quickly go to help him clean up the mess of his belongings that's now scattered all over the floor. You shoo his hands back a bit.
"Here, let me help, instead of you yelling about trying to set it all on fire."
König quickly stops what he was doing, and watches as you come closer. He looks confused for a moment, brow furrowed as if trying to see if you’re just being silly, or got lucky guessing what he was saying.
“...Did you understand me?” He experimentally says; As If in disbelief. You can’t help but smile and respond back.
“Are you surprised?” You cover your mouth and laugh, while cringing.
"Oh god my accent must be terrible, I haven't spoken it to anything other than the-" König bursts up from his awkward squat on the ground and wraps his arms under the crease of your bottom, lifting you off the ground. "-Wall!" Your arms wrap around his neck trying to keep yourself upright while he eagerly kisses your cheek. Over and over again, until it’s nearly red.
"Meine Liebe you sound perfect, how long have you been keeping this from me?" In any other context he probably would've been upset you were keeping secrets from him, especially big ones, but he seems too happy with the outcome to even care.
"A couple months. Long enough that I was scared you might catch me." The idea of him 'catching' you seems to make him laugh, but he still refuses to put you down.
"You made my terrible day so much better, I hope you know." He gives you another kiss this time on the lips, made easier from you being lifted to his height. Your arms snake loosely around shoulders as you giggle against his mouth, fingers tangling in his messy, soft hair. He's long since abandoned his mess on the ground at his feet, finally putting you down only to awkwardly bend over with you and kiss you again. His lips feel soft against yours and his hands cup your jaw so gently, before his lips leave yours with a soft pop.
"I hope you know you don't have to do this for me, liebling."
His eyes are tired from spending so long awake, hair messy and unkempt. You know the moment the excitement is all over he's just going to want to take a nap.
"I know, but I wanted to." You awkwardly try to hug him around the shoulders. "You're dedicated to helping me now, though." König lets out a quiet laugh.
"Of course, but can we take a nap first?" He always says we, as even though you're probably not tired in the slightest, he quietly hopes you'll join him for his own piece of mind. You help him sleep better, he confessed one night.
"Go lay down; I'll pick this all up." Listening to you he leans up to his full height and sluggishly walks off, retreating to your bedroom as you pick up his belongings. You stuff them all in the bag for him to go through himself later, before you follow and find him already face down on the mattress. He barely even bothered to change; Only his trousers are swapped to something more comfortable.
The moment you climb onto the bed with him he's trying to drag you into his arms, wrapping them tight around you and tugging you close to his body like some sort of stuffed animal. He feels so warm, your hands softly laying against his back.
You hear him mumble sleepily; Something about you being his little 'stuffed bear', before he's out like a light.
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makeitmingi · 8 months
Cause Baby You're My Muse [Chapter 48]
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Genre: Romance, Idol!AU, Music, Slight angst
Pairing: Mingi x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Producer!Reader, IdolLyricist!Mingi, IdolProducer!Hongjoong, Idol!Seonghwa, Idol!Yunho, Idol!Wooyoung, Idol!San, Idol!Yeosang, Idol!Jongho, cameo(s) by other celebrities
Summary: You always preferred producing underground, having an unknown face and governed by your own rules. But when you start freelancing for idol groups, you say goodbye to your lone wolf lifestyle as you learn to work with idol producers and lyricists.
Word count: 3.3K
Two weeks passed really quickly with you going into the studio early in the morning and coming back late at night, juggling multiple projects at one go. Sometimes, you would work from your home studio just to be around Mingi. But he too would occasionally go to his studio to work and write lyrics.
Today, Mingi told you he would be coming home late since he was meeting some old friends for dinner. Lucky for you though because or else he would ask where you currently were.
Which was the police station.
"Miss (y/l/n)?" The familiar face of the officer came out. You stood up, pulling your hood tighter around your head.
"Your phone call sounded urgent. What's the matter?" She invited you to take a seat in the private room. You sat down and she sat adjacent from you.
"I-I..." You couldn't even form the words to begin to explain to her what happened.
"It's okay, take your time." She smiled softly, speaking patiently. She reached out to put her hand over your shaky, clamy one.
"I got this... I-it was delivered to my house... M-My new house..." You took a thick envelope out from your hoodie pocket and slid it over to her. She cast you a confused look and was about to open it when you stopped her.
"It's... from the person." You gulped. She immediately withdrew her hands. Standing up, she went to a cabinet to grab a pair of gloves. She wore the white gloves and opened the envelope.
Your bottom lip quivered as she flipped through the photos. Photos of you coming in and out of the building, different Ateez members as well. And the threatening letter.
"W-What should I do? Is there nothing that can be done?" You asked, fear and panic in your voice.
"I'll submit this to the evidence box. We'll try to get fingerprints off it." She said, putting the photos back into the envelope.
"I'll look at the footage in the building vicinity. But this person is careful, never actually doing the deliveries themselves." She sighed, giving you a pitiful look.
"Please, I don't want your pity. I just need something done about this, anything. The packages that have been coming into KQ, have been getting from bad to worse. Even the security guards are getting freaked out by the contents of it." You begged with deperation laced in your voice.
"I'm sorry, (y/n). There's just not much I can go off on now. I wish there was more I can do." She rubbed your arm.
"It could be a group, it could be an individual. But we've seen cases like this before, those crazed fans are relentless." She said. Was that supposed to make you feel better?
"I can't keep moving houses or keeping myself cooped up in my apartment. This isn't going to go away." You wiped your tears.
"Yes, it's not fair to you." She passed you a tissue box.
"Officer Yoon, this isn't just some crazed fan. All evidence points to an inside job, this person is inside KQ. Isn't that something you can use to launch an investigation?" You asked.
"I promise to keep working to launch an investigation as soon as possible." Her empty promise wasn't enough.
"Actually, another thing I wanted to ask you about. I saw that there was another case filed. Against a Mr Lee Seyoon? For assault. Can you tell me more about what happened?" She asked, pulling up the file on her iPad.
"Yes. He assaulted me while we went overseas for a film project. The company knows about that." You replied.
"Do you have any suspicions at all that he may be connected to the person or people that are threatening you?" She cleared her throat. You shook your head.
"He was too obsessed with himself or the fact that I wouldn't submit to him. Then he wanted to unmask me. Nothing to do with my relationship or what the threats have been about." You informed.
"Have you told your partner about this yet?"
"No. I don't want to drag him into this. Especially since we haven't got anything to go off on." You hung your head.
Of course, it hurt you to admit that you were deliberately hiding this from Mingi. It hurt you to imagine how it would be like if he knew that you were hiding this from him. You knew that it would break him and break your relationship. But you couldn't tell him, knowing the guilt and remorse you would cause him to feel.
"You shouldn't bottle this up, (y/n). You should tell him what's going on." She adviced. It was easy for her to say. You stood up and bowed before walking out.
"(y/n), wait." She called out but you were already out of the police station. You kept your head low as you rode the cab back.
"Hwa?" You whimpered on the phone.
"Indigo? What's wrong? What happened?" Seonghwa's voice indicated the sudden panic he felt when he heard how broken your voice was.
"Are you busy? Can I see you, please?" You tried to keep it together in the back of the cab.
"Of course. I'm not busy, I'm in the dorm. Are you home?" You heard some movement and shuffling on the other side of the call.
"No but I will be home soon..." You said and hung up. When the cab pulled up in the driveway, you paid the driver and got out. You rushed into the lobby, now worried that someone was always watching you wherever you were going.
When the lift door opened, Seonghwa was waiting outside your front door with a worried frown on his face. You tried to hold it together as you unlocked the door and invited him in.
"Hwa..." The moment the door closed, you let out a choked sob and hugged him.
"It's okay, it's okay. I got you. I'm here." He said, wrapping his arms around you securely, rubbing your back.
"It's okay, little star. It's alright." He whispered. You lost feeling in your legs, causing the both of you to sink to the ground. He kept his secure grip on you.
"Are you hurt?" That was what Seonghwa was worried about the most but he didn't get to check you for any injuries. When he felt you shake your head against his chest, he let out a sigh of relief. At least you weren't hurt. But he still didn't press you to tell him what happened, he wanted you to calm down first.
Seonghwa moved you to the couch, closing his eyes as you heard his wrecked sobs against his shoulder. He lifted your face and wiped your face with a tissue.
"Oh, Indigo..." His heart hurt seeing how distraught you were and the fact that he didn't know how to help you.
"What happened? Tell me, hmm?" He coaxed, tucking your hair behind your ear.
"I got these... these photos... They were sent here... To this address..." You said between sobs, continuing to wipe your tears with the ends of your sleeves.
"And this person...T-They... T-They threatened to hurt... A-All of you... Especially M-Mingi." You looked up at him with fearful eyes.
"Indigo." He hugged you again.
"We'll be okay, nothing will happen to us or Mingi." He assured. But you knew there wasn't a guarantee. Idols get hurt by crazy sasaengs all the time, there was never 100% guarantee of safety, no matter how many bodyguards or precautions there were.
"I don't care... If they hurt me... I'll take it... But I don't want them to hurt any of you... Oh God, I can't even imagine it." You heaved, feeling your stomach churn uncomfortably.
"No, don't say that. Don't think that. You think Mingi would want to see you hurt? Or any of us? Would I want to see you taking all this hurt on your own?" He frowned, holding your wrists in his hands.
"What should I do, Hwa?" You cried.
"What did the case officer say when you gave the photos and letter?" He asked, his tone soft and patient again.
"S-She said she'll try to p-push for an internal in-investigation. But that's all she can do now. T-There are no clues." Your breaths were shaky and wrecked.
"H-Hwa..." You gulped and looked back up at him. He raised his eyebrows slightly as he listened.
"T-There was something... That s-scared me... even more." You said.
"What's that?"
"There were pictures of Haneul." You told him. That was it, you burst into another round of sobs. Seonghwa reached over to gather you in his arms, as if trying to prevent you from falling apart even more but it was too late. He pressed his cheek to the top of your head as he rubbed your back to try and comfort you.
"I'm sorry, Indigo." That was all he could say. Seonghwa couldn't imagine the fear that you were feeling now. Haneul was your world, your treasure, your reason. Everyone knew that.
Now that a threat was directed at her, Seonghwa could only try to understand how you must feel so defeated and hopeless.
He couldn't even promise you that she would be safe. Because how could he make that promise? That nothing will happen to her when even he didn't know.
"Indigo, you should tell our CEO about this. He might know what to do or offer you some security protection until an investigation is launched." He said.
"I will... I informed Eden earlier..." You nodded glumly.
"Also, I know you don't want to but you should tell Mingi and Hongjoong at least. Hongjoong has more brains than me when it comes to giving advise like this." He rubbed the back of his neck.
"No... Hwa. You and Jongho have been helping me so much... Mingi's going to think that this is his fault, that he caused this to happen... He just finished his home leave after the incident, I don't want something similar to happen again." You shook your head.
"Alright, alright. You don't worry about that for now." He placed a hand on your head then tucked you under his arm.
You fell asleep like that, mentally and emotionally exhausted. Seonghwa only managed to move you so that you laid your head in his lap. He couldn't bear to leave you alone.
"Baby, I'm ho- Hyung?" Mingi stood there, shocked.
"Shh." Seonghwa put a finger to his lips to shush the taller male. Mingi blinked, wondering if he drank too much and was hallucinating. He only had two drinks.
"What are you doing here?" Mingi whispered, seeing how the older naturally stroked your hair like you were a cat.
"I came down to accompany her. We watched a movie and she fell asleep." He lied smoothly.
"I'm glad she wasn't alone then." Mingi bent down in front of you. His hand must have been cold because when it made contact with your cheek, you shivered in your sleep. He couldn't help but smile softly and leaned in to press a kiss to your forehead. That was when he noticed how puffy your eyes were.
"Did she cry?" He looked up at the older, eyebrows furrowing in worry as he caressed your cheek.
"She insisted on watching a sad movie..." Seonghwa acted exasperated, shaking his head to make it more convincing.
"Typical. Shall I move her to the room? Then you can go upstairs and sleep in your bed more comfortably." Mingi offered. To be honest, he wished you were sleeping in his lap now.
"Be careful." Seonghwa cautioned. He knew you would want comfort from Mingi now, even asleep.
"I will." Mingi carefully slipped his arms under you and lifted you up. Seonghwa trailed behind, watching Mingi lay you on the bed.
"Mings...?" You stirred, opening your eyes slightly.
"Hey, baby. Go back to sleep, hmm?" Mingi cooed, stroking your hair to coax you back to sleep. You leaned into his touch and fell back asleep. He tucked you in and walked out to see Seonghwa standing there, ready to head back.
"Thanks for accompanying her, hyung. I'll see you tomorrow?" Mingi bowed his head. Seonghwa nodded, offering a small smile and a pat on the shoulder before leaving.
Standing outside the closed door, Seonghwa let out a small sigh. Although he was concerned about leaving you, he couldn't do anything that would rouse Mingi's suspicion so he had to act and lie.
"Sorry, Mingi ah." He was riddled with guilt for lying to Mingi when he knew it wasn't right.
Meanwhile, Mingi went to take a quick shower and joined you in bed. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you to him.
"I love you." He kissed the top of your head.
You left the house before Mingi woke up. You were not able to face him after what you went through yesterday, a part of you scared you might cry if he spoke to you.
"You can't avoid him forever, can't you?" You sighed to yourself, resting your head against your hand as you stared blankly at the screen in front of you. Since you came in, you haven't been able to get any work done. There was just too much going on now in your head now to do work.
"Coming." You pushed yourself to stand up, already knowing who was here. You opened the door to let Eden in while you walked to your desk to get your phone and coffee glass.
"What is that?" Eden asked as the odd coloured liquid you were drinking. It definitely wasn't just coffee.
"Coffee, energy drink and ginseng extract." You replied.
"Okay now I may not be a nutritionist or doctor but I know that can't be healthy." Eden took the glass from your hand and placed it back down on the coffee table.
"Just thought it would help me focus a little." You ran a hand through your hair, wearing your beanie.
"It'll be okay, Indigo. I'm glad you're doing this." He smiled softly. You nodded your head, not really saying anything. Was everything really going to be okay? Was this really the best option for you now? Your head was muddled with different thoughts.
"Let's go." That was all you could say. Eden nodded and walked out of your studio with you. While you took the lift up together, you closed your eyes for a brief second and took a deep breath.
"You can lower your mask to take a few breaths, I'll face the other way." Eden offered.
"It's fine." You shook your head. When the doors opened and you stepped out, you gulped. You looked at the all the offices.
"It's this way." Eden guided you. You wordlessly and thoughtlessly followed him. As you stopped in front of the door, Eden knocked and opened it.
"Indigo, Eden. Come in." The male stood up from his desk.
"Thank you for agreeing to meet me, I mean, us, on such short notice CEO Kim." You bowed as you walked in. Eden walked behind you and closed the door once the both of you were in. The suited male nodded with an understanding smile. He gestured for you and Eden to take a seat opposite him.
"So, what can I do for you?" CEO Kim leaned on his hands. From a expectant tone of his voice, you knew that he was hoping you were here to tell him that you would be staying on with KQ.
"It's not good news, I'm afraid." You said, setting his expectation. He hummed, nodding his head.
"Go on." He encouraged nonethless.
"I... There's no nice way to say this... So I'll just come out and say it." You gulped. You watched as his eyebrows raised slightly in interest as he leaned back in his chair.
"I've been in a relationship with Mingi for a few months now." You winced as you said it.
"I see..." Was all he said, his face void of any emotion.
"My deepest apologies, sir. For causing this much trouble. I'll take full responsibility on this, not Mingi." You stood up and formally bowed to him. He sighed.
"You're apologising for being in a relationship?" He asked. You were stunned by his question. Of anything and everything that he could ask, you were not expecting that. You thought he would tear your contract to shreds right in front of you.
"N-No, of course not. I love Mingi, I still do, with all my heart. I don't think I've ever loved someone like that before." You said firmly.
"Then? Yes, it is minorly inconvenient but the boys don't have a dating ban. It's been announced since Day 1 so I don't exactly see the issue here." He cleared his throat.
"That's not the issue per say, Mr Kim. Actually, Indigo's been getting harrassed by someone." Eden spoke.
You were still reeling from the shock of the CEO's reaction to you telling him that you were dating Mingi. Wa he truly okay with it?
"Harrassed? By fans?" That made him frown.
"No... I've been receiving threats. It started with harmless emails and server messages but I was followed home, I've received threatening packages and letters here. And yesterday, photos were sent to my new apartment. Photos of me, the Ateez boys and the child under my care." You nearly cracked at the last part.
"Alright, I see that that's an issue. Well, have you and Mingi been seen in public alone? Or gone on dates outside? Anywhere fans could have spotted you two?" He asked.
"No, sir. We're really careful." You said.
"The police have been informed, Mr Kim. The reason why we're bringing this up to you and not the legal team is that there's suspicions of this being an inside job." Eden informed.
"Wait, someone who works here is the culprit? A KQ employee?" CEO Kim was in shock and disbelief.
"Everyone hired goes through a rigorous screening process, Eden. Accusing a KQ employee is a big claim." He cautioned.
"We know. But evidence points to it. The only other place where people might have seen Mingi and Indigo together is here at the office." Eden reasoned.
"And this person knows I moved. The only people who have access to my new address would be someone with access to internal data since the KQ team was the one who found my new apartment for me." You added.
"Who else knows about this? Mingi, I'm assuming. And Hongjoong, given your close relationship with him." CEO Kim asked.
"They don't know. I haven't been able to tell them. Besides Eden, Jongho and Seonghwa know. Jongho guessed and Seonghwa saw one of the threatening emails." You told him.
"I see. Good that the news doesn't spread then. The media might catch wind of it." He thought out loud.
"Say that it is someone internal, what's the next course of action then?" CEO Kim asked.
"With enough evidence, the police want to launch an internal investigation." You chewed on your bottom lip. He nodded his head, knowing he would have to agree to the internal investigation.
"I'm not trying to scare you but I have to be honest with you. This can become very bad, very quickly if word gets out, which we all know it will. The media will have a field day spinning stories and tearing the company to shreds. And that also means your identity might also be leaked, Indigo." He sighed.
"I am aware. This could also cause the boys' comeback to be pushed back. Therefore, I've spoken with Eden. And the best option would be to leave KQ." You said, swallowing the lump in your throat.
Series Masterlist
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Sirius Black x gn! Reader - Burn
A/n: This is a song fic from the song burn from Hamilton, this also isn't by best work because I wrote it so long ago but I thought it would be a good way to kick of heartbreak week because it the least angsty out of all them!
Heartbreak week masterlist?
Summary: You were warned but you ignored them in favor of love, now look where that got you
Warnings: Cheating, heartbreak, implied abusive black family (just barely,) I think that's it? You have been warned!
The three P's:
[Pronouns used: you/your] [Pov: 2nd person] [Parings: (romantic) Sirius x reader, (platonic) unnamed sister OC x reader]
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I saved every letter you wrote to me
From the moment I read them
I knew you were mine
You said you were mine
I thought you were mine
"Y/n you have another letter!" Your sister yells at you as you run down the stairs to tear it from her hands.
You ignore her, ripping open the letter your eyes racing over the paragraphs, and memorizing each and every word. You drink in the pages, and pages of words and your heart had learned to love the smell of ink and parchment.
You love Sirius, perhaps you were too young to know but you love him. It was harsh sometimes your relationship, mostly due to his parents but you two dealt with it fine. You were in love, what more could you need?
Do you know what Angelica said
When we saw your first letter arrive?
"You should run Y/n." Your sister whispered to you as you cradled the letter in your hands like it was the most precious jewel there was to behold.
"You should run far away before he breaks you."
She said, be careful with that one, love
He will do what it takes to survive
"He wouldn't!" You snapped, aghast at what your sister had even the guts to say. How could she think that!
"Sirius is caring and loving! He would never-"
Your sister just shakes her head and takes your hands into hers. The look in her eyes was sad, terribly sad.
"Just be careful is all I'm saying."
You consider her words for second before nodding, with this you could agree with her. You would guard your heart with your life, but you would also wear it on your sleeve. You were a fool in love.
You and your words flooded my senses
Your sentences left me defenseless
Your hands intertwine with Sirius's as you look at him like he's a star. When you looked at him like that he was, he was a bright star and you were just a lonely moon that was in his orbit. Not even significant enough to matter.
"I'm going to have to spend Christmas away again."
He sighs pulling away from you rubbing his hands over his face.
"Do you have to?" His voice breaks a little as he peaks at you with his twinkling grey eyes.
You built me palaces out of paragraphs
You built cathedrals
For a split second you almost say no, you nearly slip into the habit but you can't. You had to spend Christmas with your family, even if it meant being away from your boyfriend for a couple of weeks.
He sighs yet again, he seems to be doing that quite a bit lately before he pulls you into a long loving kiss.
It ends too soon as he pulls away from you, you miss the heat that he brings and the certain happiness that could only come from him.
"I'll be okay love." He says but there's a particular way he says it, almost like he's relived that you're not staying, yet you brush it off. It was just nothing... Right?
I'm re-reading the letters you wrote to me
I'm searching and scanning for answers in every line
For some kind of sign
And when you were mine
You scrambled through the Hogwarts corridors, you could see your lover again! After all the time spent away, you could see him again! You seemed to be glowing as you ran around Hogwarts looking for him, only for the sight you see to be the worst thing your eyes have ever laid upon.
He was kissing someone else. In front of everyone.
The world seemed to burn
They just kept on kissing as some foolish students would cheer them on and he would grin cockily pulling away from the person before they would pull him right back in.
You published the letters she wrote you
You told the whole world
How you brought this girl into our bed
In clearing your name
You have ruined our lives
You couldn't take it anymore you ran out of the hallway crying your eyes out. Why would he do it? Why!
So you ran to your sister.
And as soon as she saw your eyes filled with tears as some already flooded down your face she dreaded the words you were about to say. Ultimately though, she knew just as you opened your mouth what you were about to voice.
"You were right."
Do you know what Angelica said
When she read what you'd done?
"He's a fool." She said as she cradled you in her arms.
"He's a fool for losing you." She whispered into your ear.
She said, you've married an Icarus
He has flown too close to the sun
"I had to do it Y/n!" Sirius hollers at you as you try and find a way to escape the room you were in.
He had cornered you in an empty classroom, as he's been trying to talk to you for weeks now. You've been avoiding him like the plague, with good reason.
You and your words obsessed with your legacy
Your sentences border on senseless
"My family was getting on my ass for dating you! So I had to make them happy and I thought-"
The crisp, clear clap of your hand meeting his face echoes throughout the room as you gaze upon him with angry eyes. You weren't sad anymore you were furious and burning with rage, the flames consuming you and everything else around it.
And you are paranoid in every paragraph
How they perceive you
You, you, you!
"If you wanted to please your family so bad you aren't the Sirius I know and love." You snare at him.
You take a step forward backing him into the wall behind him.
"If you ever think anyone or even your family is going to see how I was a fool to be in love with you like before, you would be wrong!"
I'm erasing myself from the narrative
Let future historians wonder how Eliza reacted
When you broke her heart
You have torn it all apart
Taking the letters out of your pocket you look at them once more, reading them all and sometimes even smiling slightly at the versus. You loved him, you still do. Some part of you would always love him.
So it had to burn.
I'm watching it burn
Watching it burn
You don't even need a wand, you don't even move your hands the letters just burst into flames in front of you.
Sirius gasped as he lunged for the letters (they must have been dear to him too) but you just kept on feeding the fire with them, as you tossed one after another in the flames.
The world has no right to my heart
The world has no place in our bed
"Y/n, please! I needed to find a place to stay at-" He throws a hand through his hair but you don't stop the distress that is going through him. In simple terms you don't care anymore it's not your problem.
"My family had threaten to kick me out! I just needed to find a place to stay! But I didn't have anytime so I kissed them thinking if the information reached them in time they'd let me off the hook!"
They don't get to know what I said
I'm burning the memories
Burning the letters that might have redeemed you
Looking over at him with a blank face you just shrug your shoulders uncaring.
"We both know you could have asked James."
You forfeit all rights to my heart
A trace of fear flashes in his eyes and you know the truth.
"What did you think I'd really fall for that trick?" Your voice is monotone but it hides an underlying threat. Or maybe in was a very real threat, that was very real now.
You forfeit the place in our bed
"Y/n please don't do this! Don't burn those letters!"
"So? So!" Finally your voice has fury in it and suddenly Sirius is flown back across the room and more papers, and desks, light on fire. But it doesn't spread unless you want it to.
"So you can be the good guy? Ah!" You laugh as you throw more letters into the fire.
You'll sleep in your office instead
Sirius looks at you affronted, and some part of you wanted to ruin his life in exchange for breaking your heart. Though, that part was the angry, hot ice and it was slowly dripping away. Now the furious rage was gone and all that was left was the cold flames.
"Y/n! This will ruin my life!"
With only the memories of when you were mine
"Y/n! N/n..." He attempts to comfort you through his manipulative words as he goes to softly reach for your hand.
"You wouldn't want to ruin someones life would you?" He says in his sweet, charming voice that he used to use on you.
You wrench your hand from his grasp and open the door and look back at him once before walking away.
"You did that yourself."
I hope that you burn
Words 1252
Hp Taglist: @regulusblackswhorecrux
Heartbreak week taglist: @igotanidea @hawkinsbaby
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growthgoddess · 1 year
The Biggest Hit Attraction
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Daisy had always dreamed of being a clown in the carnival. From a young age, she had been fascinated by the bright lights, the exciting performances, and the joy that it brought to people's faces.
So, when she finally landed a job at the carnival, she was over the moon. She worked hard, practiced her routines, and put on her makeup with care.
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She was always punctual on the podium. Eager to welcome guests into the carnival and hand them balloons to hype up the attendees.
But despite her best efforts, she could never seem to win over the crowd. They would snicker at her clumsy moves, poke fun at her oversized shoes, and toss her withering looks as they passed by her booth.
Daisy would try her best to brush it off and carry on with her performance, but every insult she received chipped away at her self-esteem.
When the carnival master gave her a letter to reconsider her position as the carnival's front mascot, she began to wonder if she was really cut out for this job.
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One day, as she was wandering the carnival grounds, feeling low, she came across a mysterious fortune teller's tent. The fortune teller was an old woman with a kind smile, who listened patiently as Daisy poured out her heart to her.
"I just don't know what to do," Daisy said. "I feel like I'll never be good enough."
The fortune teller nodded sympathetically. "I have just the thing for you," she said, reaching into a small box and pulling out a shiny gold coin. "This coin will give you the confidence and energy you need to be the best show this carnival has ever seen!"
Daisy took the coin, feeling a little skeptical, but also hopeful. She rubbed it twice and slipped it into her pocket, she thanked the fortune teller and went back to her tent to prepare for her performance that night.
The grand tent was silent with anticipation. The drumroll kicked in and a spotlight shone upon the ringmaster.
"Ladieeees and gentlemen, boys and girls! I have for you a show that will leave you gasping in awe and wonder. Tonight, we bring you a spectacle of gigantic proportions, an extravaganza that will astound and amaze even the most seasoned circus-goers. Get ready to witness feats of strength and skill that defy the laws of physics, performed by the most talented and daring performers in the world. Prepare to be transported to a world of excitement and magic, as we unleash an unforgettable show that will leave you breathless. So hold on tight, because the show is about to begin, and trust me, it's going to be big!"
The crowd went wild and the show began. Strongmen lifted barbells and threw them in the air. Elephants stood up and performed feats of wonder. With every show, the stakes went higher and higher!
Soon, it was time for Daisy's intermission to calm the crowd down for the next big show. She was just supposed to go there and act silly to make the crowd laugh and renew their wonder.
However, as she began her act, the audience laughed and jeered with insulting tones at her. They threw tomatoes at her as she was juggling balls. Daisy felt dejected, but the show had to go on.
Suddenly, she accidentally juggled the coin given to her, and with the chaos, swallowed it as it fell. Daisy choked and circled around the stage looking for help, the ringmaster had to stop the crowd and check up on Daisy's condition.
Then it struck her. It was like a sudden surge of power, and she felt more confident than she ever had before. Her eyes widened after swallowing the coin, she stood up straight and smiled.
The silent crowd was at awe at the change in tone.
"Daisy, are you alright?" Asked the ringmaster. And Daisy simply nodded and gave him a thumbs up. The elderly man smiled at her and patted her back.
The fanfare continued and she continued her performance. It was still far from perfect, but she found herself laughing at the jeers and heckles that came her way, and responding with quick-witted retorts that made the crowd laugh even harder.
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But then, in the middle of her performance while balancing atop a giant ball, she felt a little sick, could it have been the coin she swallowed?
Something strange began to happen to her body. Daisy felt a rumbling in her stomach, and then she felt her clothes shifting around her form particularly around her chest and hips. She tried stay balanced atop of the ball, but she felt an additional weight around her bosom and thighs that she fell off.
Her impact on the ground tore her colorful costume top open as she started to grow. Her already feminine form emphasizing further with every spurt.
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Mothers had to cover their cheering children's eyes at the sight of the growing woman onstage. Daisy was confused when she saw her perspective of the crowd and her carnival friends rose higher and higher.
Share barely felt the tight cling of her tightening clothes around her as she grew and grew until she was towering over the crowd, and her costume couldn't contain her anymore.
The crowd gasped and cheered, thinking this was all part of the show. They watched in amazement as Daisy lifted tore the carnival tent apart to use to cover herself. She lifted people and animals up to gauge her newfound size and strength.
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Daisy was elated. She had never felt so powerful and alive. She struck poses and did feats of strength such as lifting elephants and bending entire steel bars.
The ringmaster improvised a show and a costume for her to keep things decent. He let her be the highlight of tonight's circus and allowed people to interact with her after the show.
She would let them slide across her giant body, or have them sit in ferris wheel cars as she'd carry them around. She was no longer just a performer of the carnival, but also a ride!
The formerly meek Daisy had become the carnival's biggest attraction, and people came from far and wide just to see her perform and take pictures with her.
She has become the carnival's iconic mascot - Dazzling Daisy!
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And yet, even as she basked in the glow of the crowd's adulation, she couldn't forget the fortune teller who had given her the magic coin.
She went back to the tent, hoping to thank her, but found that the tent was empty. In fact, the fortune teller had disappeared without a trace.
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Daisy looked around, feeling a little bewildered. But then, as she looked down at her massive form, she realized something. She had been given a gift, not just of size and strength, but of confidence and self-respect. And even though the fortune teller was gone, she knew that she would always carry that gift with her.
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elvisslut · 1 year
She || Elvis Presley || pt.1
A x reader
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A story and a relationship built off of sex, love always being as a second option to Presley, a fool he was. Y/n won't put up with what she's witnessed as a woman behind him with the Memphis mafia, and a woman who was under him during his unfaithful marriage.
Warnings- smut, lots of smut, cheating, divorce, heartbreak, kinky stuff, talks of death, brake ups, child loss, miscarriage, fighting, strong language.
Elvis had just got back from Hollywood, recording for the 68' special. He wanted to show B.B. the leather suit they let him wear. So he bought it off Steve and took it home. He made sure that Lisa and Priscilla were dead asleep before he and his Memphis mafia set out for club handy, you sat at a booth near the back sipping on your fourth drink of the night. You've always hung out at club handy the atmosphere made you happy and confident and not much places did that. Long screams came from outside and B.B. who was sitting across the booth from you talking looked out the window a big smile landed it way on his face.
"Ep's here" he said getting up and running to the other window yelling to Elvis. B.B. never told you about 'ep' but when B.B. yelled Elvis. It obviously clicked, Elvis Presley was about to be in the same room as you. The man you've admired since you first heard him. As soon as B.B. left for the front door you broke your haze. You scooted yourself back in the booth farther, your confidence disintegrated completely. B.B. and Elvis walk in a few men coming in behind them. He was in a leather suit that clung so deliciously to him.
You sunk in your seat as B.B. made his way over here. He slide into the seat he was prior talking to Elvis before adverting his attention to you. "You don't mind if E.P. Sits by ya do ya?" He asked with a smile. You shake your head and scoot a bit more. Elvis looks down at you with his half lidded bedroom eyes and a smirk that made you want to have him over this table. He sits down holding his hand to you "I'm Elvis Pretzel" he says with a laugh his sharp k-nines showing. You take his hand and laugh with him nervously "I...uhm- I'm y/n y/l/n" you say the nerves leaking from every letter in that sentence. Elvis smiles at you and lays a hand on your arm rubbing it reassuringly. "No need to be nervous, gorgeous" He says making your nervousness wash away but gain in intensity all the same, you've never felt like this but you've also never met someone whom you've idealized and had a crush on since you were young.
Elvis and B.B. continued their conversation till B.B. had to go do something leaving you and Elvis alone. You glanced at Elvis and smiled shyly as you caught his eye. "Ya sure are shy for bein' as pretty as ya are" he says placing his pointer finger and thumb on your chin making you look at him. "I like to be looked at when im talkin'" he says with a smirk growing on his face. Your mouth was cotton, you had no chance in speaking a word. All you could do was clench your thighs, the action didn't go unnoticed by Elvis and his hand landed on your thigh. "I'll do this for ya if ya come with me when I leave." He whispered in your ear. You hesitated a nod but only because you had the process everything, you only just personally met the man and his fingers were about to be inside of you under a table in public, your luck really paid you a visit tonight. B.B. came back handing you and Elvis a drink before he got called away again. Elvis sipped his coke as his fingers inched closer to the place you wanted him most. He sighed as his coke bottle came off his lips.
"I don't like the taste of alcohol." He says randomly trying to get you to talk, finding it amusing you couldn't. You smile and gave him a nod. The mist of the nod you give him, his finger pressed on your clothed clit. A gasp fell from your lips and you gulped hoping no one heard it. "Well honey if ya ain't goin' to be quiet I can't help ya" he says before placing a kiss on your cheek allowing himself to go to your ear then your neck, the absolute worst and best thing for you right now. The noise's hardly controlled. He slipped his hand inside your underwear bunching up the end of your dress for better access. His fingers massage the bundle of nerves making you grip his arm like you were dying. The smirk on Elvis' face was big, he knew what he was doing and he loved it. You were sure you left nail marks on his leather arm sleeve.
possibly could in your body. He curled his fingers in and out of you vastly till you hugged his arm and bit his arm to keep yourself quiet, it most definitely wasn't the most desecrate thing but with how hot it was to Elvis and how you were cumming on his fingers neither of the two of you cared. Elvis slowly pulled out his fingers as you let go of his arm and stuck the two fingers of his in his mouth humming at the taste. "You taste so good" he whispered to you looking over at the table of his friends. "I'm going to let one of the guys take you out I'm trying to not be seen with any girls right now." He Chuckles before getting up, he walked to red and had him be the one with the privilege to walk you out after he told red what to do he went to the phone, knowing he can't take you to Graceland since both his wife and kid are there he calls the nicest hotel, that of which being the Peabody.
After red had taken you to the car and was out there for a moment him and his mafia left. He slipped in the car by you. Red left with a nod to Elvis, Elvis drove off and laid a hand on your thigh massaging it. "We can't go to my house right now so I called a hotel you okay with that, honey?" He asked, you were not reluctant to nod "it's perfectly fine Mr.Presley" you say making him laugh. You quirk a brow confused. "Doll i just got done fingering you under a table at a club I think we're on a first name basis" he says making you blush at his boldness to talk about what happened, "okay Elvis" you say sheepishly making him smirk, he pulled into the hotel and the two of you made your way to the room so fast that it was like a cut scene.
You were immediately against the half walk that separated the couch and the large bed. Bending over it backwards basically, it wasn't uncomfortable but if it was you would let him do as he wanted anyway. His hands roamed everywhere feeling you up exploring everywhere. His hands found the hem of your dress and it was immediately off, you were not complaining except for the fact you were infront of Elvis Presley and he could see all the imperfections of your skin. He immediately kissed your neck and grabbed your thighs surprising you as he lifted you up and carried you too the bed. He rubbed himself against you. "I'm..married..can't...fuck..ya" he say's in between sloppy kisses on your neck, you full well knew he was married but you didn't care.
With a nod you figured he would stop but he thrusted against you. "Fuck" he groans as a moan escapes your lips. He uses one of his hand to rip your bra off and kneed one of your breast. You moan loudly as you scrap the leather. Your slick was most definitely on the front of his leather pants, the dry humping was erotic and something you've never tried but it sure was doing something to you, and Elvis. "Oh fuck" he grunts as he sucks your neck. Moans and grunt explode from the both of you as you near your climax's. "E-Elvis!" You moan making him speed up his paces the leather heating up on your pussy and thighs. Your thighs slightly burn from it as they had no liquid barrier protecting them. With a few grunts and moans you were coming undone underneath Elvis Presley. He followed not long after. His sweat beading down his face as he huffed for breath.
That night you don't know how many time you came or how many different things you did without penetration. When you woke up Elvis was still there to your surprise so you got up ordered breakfast and went to the bathroom hopping in the shower, after a few minutes the shower curtain opened and Elvis got in with you with a smirk. "Mornin' sweet girl" he said in your ear his morning voice making you weak in the knees. His large hands rubbing at your sides and the water fell on the both of you. He grabbed the hotel shampoo and poured it in his hand humming "I'll buy ya better shampoo next time sweet girl" he says before he rubbed it in your hair. Next time you though as he rubs in the shampoo then lets it run out before adding conditioner. "Next time?" You finally question. He chuckles at the delayed question. "If ya will.. I wanna see ya again" he says in more of a questioning tone. You smile to yourself and nod. "I'd like that a lot Elvis" you say as he washes out the conditioner. After he's done with his hair you step out just in time for the food to be at the door. You smile at Elvis and grab a towel rushing to grab your clutch you wrap the towel around yourself and pay the man as he wheeled in the meals. Elvis walks out with a towel on his waist quirking a brow. "Hey ah ah, she ain't payin' for that." He says to the man. You look at him and mouth 'run' he rushes out and you go to the door and close it looking back at Elvis. "You're gonna get it now" he says going over to the bed and grabbing a pillow making you quirk a brow. He goes back over to you striking you with the pillow, not hard but enough to push you a bit. You giggle as you run away and go to the bed grabbing a pillow as well. This concluded in a 20 minute pillow fight till you both get dressed and ate. He writes down a number on a hotel note pad. "I have to go sweet girl..but call me. If someone other then my voice answers say you need to speak with me about a upcoming show okay?" He says getting up and sitting the paper in-front of you as he kisses your head. "I'll have a car come get ya at 5 to take ya home be ready." He says before leaving you alone in the hotel. You looked at the paper not knowing this is what would cause a very close friendship with the rockstar.
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sleep-can-wait · 11 months
Flowers For Her - Hirynne ~ College AU Part 5
Another note. Mixed feelings swirled through Brynne as she gazed at the card placed on the table.
It was a pale brown with very faint white clouds blooming here and there. Vintage, probably, she thought to herself.
On one side was a tiny pressed flower. A matte green stem with a white flower gilded with pink on the top. On the other side were tiny, black words written in cursive, forming a small paragraph.
For two weeks Brynne had been getting these anonymous notes, each like this but with a different flower.
She quietly slipped the paper delicately into her backpack and went to serve a different customer.
Brynne really tried to focus on work, but she couldn't take her mind off of the anonymous letters. Not for even a second.
Not while doling out cups of coffee. Not while she rode home on her bike. Not even while lying down staring dazedly at the ceiling.
Brynne held the card high over her head so she could reread it while remaining in bed.
Gladiolus. It is mainly used to show the strength of the character. This is a quality I admire in you.
Strength. Something that was of value to Brynne. But it wasn't talking about how large her muscles were, (though they were quite large) it was talking about her personality. Stubbornness was a quality she had as well.
She sucked her breath in sharply as her mind drifted to the one who wrote this.
It was a girl who was a year younger than her, who went to the same college as she did. Brynne had seen her a few times in the hall and would occasionally wave to her. She would wave back.
But that was it. The girl would also frequently visit the cafe and leave the notes with a big tip before rushing off and Brynne never had the time to ask her about it.
As she drifted off to sleep, she decided to finally do something and confront her.
Tomorrow she would come again. As soon as Brynne came home she hurled down her bag and made for her laptop, for once not bothering to make a snack first.
She wasted no time, frantically tapping away at the keyboard, finding just the thing she was looking for, before running off again out of the door. This time snagging an apple on the way out. What? all this running was making her hungry.
"How may I help you, miss?" Brynne held up a hand to signal that she needed a moment to answer, and inhaled air rapidly to catch her breath.
"I'll have one of those." She said after making sure she wouldn't faint from lack of oxygen.
"Right away, miss."
She was back.
"I'll have a cappuccino, please." Brynne jotted it down in her notebook and opened her mouth to say something, but immediately chickened out.
"Here." She handed the drink over and took a deep breath, slapping her cheeks to focus herself.
You are Brynne Tvarika Lakshmi Balamuralikrishna Rao. And you are not weak. You are a master of many things, such as playing the harp. You have wrestled people three times your size to the ground, and you can absolutely ask a girl to-
She was walking away. Shit. Brynne ran after her.
"Wait!" The other turned and looked at her questioningly. Oh wow, she's really pretty. Brynne skidded to a stop before her.
"Um, I just wanted to... give you something. For all the other times." She shoved her hand forward, holding a bundle of bright yellow sunflowers. Her eyes were squeezed shut, too embarrassed to see the other's reaction.
"Thank you." She took them with a grateful smile. Brynne opened her eyes and felt heat rushing to her cheeks and she quickly averted her gaze to the ground.
Otherwise, she might start staring at the other's brown hair that fell prettily in curtain bangs, or her warm hazel eyes, or her-
Stop it, Brynne.
"You know," She gently rubbed the flowers' soft petals. "Sunflowers mean-"
"Friendship. I know. I bought them because I would, you know, like to..." She trailed off nervously. The other beamed, clutched the sunflowers in one hand, and held out her other.
"Hira." She smiled shyly and took it.
"Hold on, I forgot to give you this." Hira took out another letter and placed it gently on Brynne's palm.
She read it and smiled at the irony of it.
Blue Iris. The symbol of hope. Something I wish we could all have in life. Maybe for us, too.
Huge thanks to @burntchickennugget2468 for this!
(On Ao3 and Wattpad as well)
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thetwelfthcrow · 1 year
For 4433/3344 omegaverse : Okay, so I'll propose 3 ideas to you, and you'll see if they are garbage 😅
So first one is the following :
- The FIA gala this year is mendatory. Even if you couldn't care less about it every single team personnel was invited and requested. Meaning also the drivers and their team principal. Especially them. So they will all have to witness Max getting his third championship. The thing is while the trophy was about to be awarded, suddenly there's a scream and the roof breaks under the weight of two bodies. The corpse drop onto the scene dressed as Red bull and Mercedes drivers, with helmet on. The bodies starting to move and when the helmets are removed, it's a shock. Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen are those two person. Except that Lewis is rocking a Red bull drivers suit and Max a Mercedes one. They look at each other before Max is doing a check up on Lewis. The whole room is confused especially Max and Lewis on their dressing suit. How the fuck does these clones of them appeared here? And then they heard Red bull Lewis purr. Like an actual cat and they are so taken out by it when Mercedes Max start to rub his nose into Lewis Neck. (Then you can go wild with this)
- Second idea : Lewis is a hidden omega and never got off his suppressants but he knows that he need to soon. The thing is he miss calculated the window and it fall during the one week break before going back to racing. The thing as it's gonna be his first heat since a long while, he knows it can potentially last for a week or two. He doesn't know what to do. He was trying to hide in his appartement, but he knows he had to take care of roscoe and making him go out. So even if he can feel his heat coming, he chooses to go for a walk with Roscoe and he runs into Alpha Max. He can usually ignore Max scent but now he can't do it and Max discovers quickly Lewis's secret. (It's up to you to see what you want to do with this)
- And lastly, omegavers! Hybrids AU. Where this one Max is the Lion!Omega and Lewis the Panther!Alpha. The two shouldn't be able to work together but they get a chemistry and are regular hook up. But Lewis start to get feelings for Max. So he decides to distance himself. Max is confused but not worried about it. After all he can get anyone he wants. But Lewis even after all his efforts can't forget about Max and he protect him from afar. He did good because Alpha Checo lost control one day and tried to get Max. And when he refused he threatened him to report him to the FIA for not reporting who are his sexual partner. The F1 wants to know to have the best next drivers being breed. If Max always said he was a virgin, the moment the F1 figures out that the world champion is a whore (because an omega should remain, virgin until his family get him an alpha), he is done for. Sold to F1 and being the grid whore.
I tried to stay soft? But if you want to go further with it you can. Or just ignore this.
HELLO HELLO HELLO my god i get happy from your big-ass message. i already love it.
i'm always more fond of a/b/o universes where there's a lot more beta's (/where alphas en omegas are rarer) than one where everyone is assigned or whatever. so, imagine a world where not everyone's an alpha or omega and maybe in some worlds the whole alpha omega thing is even less known.
these all turned out to be alpha!max/omega!lewis but i'm also suuper open for alpha!lewis/omega!max!
i. fia gala
this feels like an alternate universe comes crashing into the current one. be sure that your setting are right and you can see the colors of the letters!
so they're at the FIA gala and these alternate versions of themselves come crashing into the scene. they're holding hands, mating marks in their necks, and just generally close to each other. they don't look identical to 2023 max and lewis, there's something off. despite the obvious team gear switch, lewis also has slightly different tattoos, his conrows are just a bit different, max also has a slightly different haircut... as it turns out, in 2013, lewis joined red bull after mclaren and became reigning world champion right after seb. max, instead of joining red bull junior programme, joined the merc academy and they've been having rough title battles year after year. not one of them has three consecutive championships. that's all cool n all, but the most important part about it is that they're also together. they have been for a long time. and as max meets max and lewis meets lewis, they learn all about these alternate versions of themselves.
the fia quickly calls the gala off, not seeing how they could continue with this situation, and max, max, lewis and lewis find their way to a calmer place to talk. the alternate drivers just talk about the choices they made and the history they've created. all seems fine, albeit strange, until... until lewis purrs softly, and both max and max's eyes are shooting toward it. max feels tingles all over his body, like he's supposed to do something with this information, like he knows what to do. it awakens someting inside him that he didn't know he had before. other max politely takes lewis away and out of earshot, but within eyesight, max and lewis see how max consoles lewis. first a hug, but then... then lewis starts kissing max's neck, and max has to sternly put lewis back into his place, keeping his homones in check. and max can somehow smell that, though he never could before. lewis looks at max like there's something max knows and he doesn't. he leans closer to max and whispers, 'are you just as confused as i am?' max nods, 'hearing them talk about their relationship is one thing, seeing them, us- whatever, kiss is another. but there's something else. i just can't place my finger onto it...' lewis mutters a me neither as max and lewis come back to the table. lewis excuses himself once more, this time to go to the toilet, and max mutters a soft, 'omega's, right. at one point it just gets too much, shall we get the check?' max and lewis look at each other, and then back at max, 'i'm sorry,' asks lewis politely, 'what was the first part?' max looks at max, at lewis, back at max, 'omega's? like, the type of person he is? the gentles omega of them all, i'm so lucky with him. it isn't always easy, to get an omega that challenges you but also really likes to follow your lead. i never thought i'd be dating my rival, but you know, he's just that perfect for me.' max seems to dream away for a second, then looks at max, 'but you know how it is right, you're an alpha too.' max feels lewis' eyes burn into him as he frowns, 'a what now?'
they pay for the check upon lewis' arrival, then wave each other goodbye. they agreed to meet up the next day and see how they can help max and lewis back to wherever the fuck they came from. in turn, max and lewis head to the hotel that the fia got for everyone who was invited. lewis wordlessly follows max into his hotel room to discuss the evening. max is silent at first, letting everything work in on him. lewis is on his phone, googling alpha and omega and finding tiny bits of information. he shares what he reads with max, mostly that only a handful of people worldwide have experience with this. at one point, max says, 'what are you reading?' when lewis had fallen silent. max can't help it, he just.. something is off. he can smell it.
lewis gulps in response. he meets max's eyes for the briefest of moments before he turns back to his screen, 'well, it's a big thing in... sexual relationships. being an omega or an alpha... it impacts your hormones and some even say that the alpha's can smell-'
max finishes his sentence, 'when the omega is horny.'
lewis chuckles, strained, 'here it says in heat, like some sort of animal.'
max moves a bit closer, looking over lewis' shoulder to the screen. he reads a few words, but then softly takes lewis' phone and puts it away. 'lewis,' he starts, 'do you-'
'can you smell it?' lewis asks instead, not letting max finish. max only slowly nods...
counter suggestion (but im not sure how to make this a/b/o):
max and lewis from our universe somehow (after a crash maybe?) enter another universe. as max is seen as The Max and lewis as The Lewis, they get dragged to their respective garages (max to merc, lewis to rbr) and they're SO confused about it. christian is there and he's nice to lewis and he's asking lewis how he recovered from the crash (bc the crash happened in this universe too) and that he'll get back at max thru the stewards for him. lewis feels the sudden urge to protect max, and the weirdest part about that is that... christian understands. he makes a comment about them being lovebirds and lewis just smiles it away but notes it down in his head. max, similarly, gets welcomed into the merc garage where toto is checking up on him to see if he's okay and then tells him he won't be too harsh on lewis considering their situation but he'll get red bull a penalty because that's what they deserve. max is in too much of a paralyzed (by confusion) state to do anything about it but follow. a few hours later, max and lewis are driven seperately to their hotel, only to find out they share a room. max is confused, but lewis stops him and goes, 'i think the only way to find out what's going on is by checking google'. max can't get into his phone because the code's wrong, lewis does get into his and soon enough google tells them that they're engaged...
ii. supressants
lmao i toootally meant to do the roscoe thing but somehow my brain forgot all about that as i started typing this.
lewis can't believe himself. he is always so structured and he never forgets to take his surpressants. he's forgotten it once, back in 2013, which lead to an interesting run in with his teammate, one they rarely spoke of years later. and now he does it again, unbelievable. he's reluctantly grateful for the little driver changes the past year. it's mostly the same people, and lewis knows how everyone smells. he knows that not everyone is an alpha or omega. as long as he just avoids alpha's like pierre, fernando, and max he should be fine. they have a reputation, okay?
but of course, shit starts to go wrong the second he sees he's in a press conference with max. all of the others are fine, he doesn't worry about alex, despite knowing he's an alpha. alex is in a committed relationship and usually those in committed relationships are less annoying with their scents. calmer. so when he walks into the press room and sees alex in front of him, he sits down next to the williams driver and just notes for himself to focus on the journalists and not on anyone else. max walks in later, the presser has already started. and of fucking course, max sits down on the other side of alex. fucking hell, could've sat literally far away from lewis, but noooo.
lewis makes brief eye contact in lieu of a greeting, then turns to the journalists. but- something's off. alex's scent is calming like a hidden restaurant that still uses grandma's recipe for tom kha kai. on lewis' other side are zhou - who smells like dior perfume and nothing else - and oscar - who smells like deodorant and fresh shampoo. and yet the room smells like a forest, with a pond inhabited by frogs, fresh breezes and pine trees. there is no way that max smells like nature. lewis takes one more breath through his nose and thinks he starts seeing butterflies all around. his body tingles with warmth and he feels it low in his belly. there's nothing he'd rather do than stay near this smell forever and live in it. but he closes it off, as much as he can, for he feels his heart beat faster and his dick twitch in interest. he crosses his legs and answers a question thrown at him. when the press conference is over, he books it. but before he can fully leave the building, there's a hand on his elbow and that smell of a waterfall stopping him. he takes a breath before he faces max.
max looks gentler than he's ever seen him, 'are you okay, i thought you looked like you were about to faint in there, do you need some water?'
lewis doesn't know why max suddenly cares about whether or not he'd faint. frankly, sometimes lewis thinks that max will hold a celebration party when lewis announces his retirement. he takes a sip from max's water, partly because he's polite and partly because he knows he can't say no. max's arm is still on lewis' elbow. max swipes his thumb over lewis' skin and lewis tries his best to swallow his own whimper. max hears it though. max says, 'follow me,' as he leaves to a more hidden corner in between big trucks. 'lewis, talk to me, what's going on?' and as lewis scepticly scans max's eyes and finds nothing but genuine worry, he lets out a deep breath - and with it, pheromones. max's eyes can only widen as he gulps. then he says, 'did you- uhm, i never knew-' 'i'm an idiot,' lewis answers, chuckling helplessly. 'do you have an, uhm, a mate to help you?' not in, like, forever, lewis thinks, but he just shakes his head instead. 'will you let me take you to your hotel room? you should be done for today, or call in sick with a massive headache or whatever.' max straightens his back, opening his phone to send someone a message. 'yeah, okay,' lewis agrees, feeling that he can't say no to max, it just doesn't feel like an option. he also doesn't think he wants to get away from this forest scent. max nods briefly, then wraps an arm around lewis' shoulder to pat him on the back, 'let's go then.' and as they walk, lewis can only smell max's scent getting stronger, wielding off anyone who might want to ask them a question. as they walk side by side, lewis feels the smallest of touches from his arm to max's as if they're lighting his entire body on fire. he looks at the sky for a second and prays that he can behave when they're back into the hotel room. if this walk is anything to go by, he doubts it.
iii. hybrids
ok gonna be honest and say i do not really understand where you're going with this one and also i am not certain how hybrids work. is it like shapeshifting? i loooove shapeshifting stories. tell me more about it and i'll brainstorm with you!
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kagedbird · 8 months
TESSDE AU (+ Taliesin) Continuation from this
Allora: *out and about in the marketplace, chatting with Fralia Gray-Mane about the weather when she's tapped on the shoulder* Hm? Yes? Courier: Got something for you- your eyes only. Let's see here... ah, a letter from some interesting fellows in Riften. Paid me quite the coin for it. Here you are; have a nice day! Allora: Ah, thanks, you too! *takes the mail and carefully opens it, reading the text, 'She came. Hurry.'* ...Fuck. I need to get the others. *** Allora: *hurries and gathers everyone in the house, showing off the mail* We need to go. I don't want us to be here if she comes looking for us, and I need to know if the guild is in danger from not having captured me. Taliesin: Why bother with them? Those riff-raff started this problem in the first place. Allora: It's just as likely she just needed intel and can easily destroy them. We don't know what she can do, or those men that were with her. And I made a deal. I will uphold that. Lucien: Wouldn't going back just put you both in more danger? Allora: More danger than being unprepared and kidnapped? I have all of you with me now. I want us to stick together at all times- and someone with Kaidan and I should something happen. Taliesin? Taliesin: *standing tall* At your side? I suppose I can- Allora: No, love. I need you with Kaidan. Taliesin: *splutters* Absolutely not, I- Allora: You're a face that can blend in with any Thalmor representative, you can think quickly on your feet and lie to get yourselves out of anything, and you know magick. I need that sort of person with him in case Kaidan is in trouble. Taliesin: I... but... Allora: I'll have Lucien. He has healing spells, destruction magick, and conjuration spells. He has ties to his family and can think of any big names to link to me should anyone ask if we need an out. Lucien: I will do my best! Inigo: And myself? Allora: If we're separated, you go with those two. I can teleport you to me if I need you, so stick with them and be ready to swap. But you deny the spell if there is even a modicum of a chance that those two are in danger, do you hear me? Inigo: *frowning, ears falling flat* But, if you are to need me... Allora: I'll try again. If I do it more than once, you'll know I need you. Inigo: *sighs and nods* I understand. Kaidan: *scowling sharply* I don' like this. They took you from us because you were alone. I don't want t'give them another chance! Allora: They won't. Because I won't be alone. This is worse case scenario. If we need to split up, that's what we do. I won't take any arguments on it- and I refuse to let this woman get to you. She was after you, Kai. Just using me as bait. I don't want to know what she wants with you. Please don't offer yourself up for me. Kaidan: You can't ask that of me. Allora: I can and I will. I've all ready seen you tortured in front of my eyes, god damn it, I won't have that happen again! This is what we're doing. Now get packed, we're heading out soon. *turns and stomps up the stairs to grab her weapons* Inigo: *watching her go up the stairs sadly* Do not be too upset with her Kaidan. She is very scared right now. Kaidan: And I'm not? Taliesin: It's just as likely, and more accurate to say, that she does not want to feel incapable of protecting you like that again. Something you both share. Don't hold it against her, you imbecile. It just means she cares. *goes upstairs to gather his things as well* Lucien: *nervously watching Kaidan as he rubs his face angrily* ...I certainly don't get the best feeling from all of this... I hope this all goes all right. Inigo: *pulling his gear on from his pack* You and me both.
[Next one here]
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nix-fics · 10 months
Rocket's Little Girl
I don't think there's anything to mark as a tw-
Chapter Three
When the group had made it to their ship, each being had gone to their respective rooms and After getting the woman a change of clothes, Rocket took Phoenix to the main area.
He had then explained how his group had crashed on this planet after they forgot to make a pitstop for gas, How the crew was now looking for little jobs here and there and how they were the Guardians of the Galaxy. 
“I got somethin’ I need to work on in the engine room and it gets hot as heck in there so you're welcome to check out everywhere else here on the ship. ” he stated, hopping off of his chair. “ It's good to have you back, Kid. ” 
A small smile spread across the woman’s face, “ It's good to be back.” she admitted. 
Rocket padded out the door, but not before Phoenix caught a toothy grin spread across his furry face.
“Oh, Yeah!” he stuck his head back in the room, “There's another person here, Nebula. She's a real charmer. Don't piss her off. And stay away from Quill. And if you need anythin’ let me know.” 
Phoenix chuckled quietly, the racoon was never one for being sentimental. 
Being alone now, Phoenix’s eyes swept over the messy room. 
There was a layer of grime on many of the pipes. It also covered the walls and she didn't even look at the floors. The smell of alcohol and engine grease were the only smells she could distinguish. 
“ Makes sense, It’s mostly a bunch of guys living on one small ship. Of course it was a disaster.”  she snorted to herself.
Peeking out of the room she could hear a clunking and beeping coming from far below her feet. Taking a breath she stepped into the hallway. The ship wasn't as stuffy as she expected, cold oxygen filled her lungs. But the hallways were dark and small, putting her on edge slightly.
“Yeah, I'll just stick in here.” Phoenix mumbled to herself, not wanting to have a second episode today. 
Turning back to the cockpit, the woman stepped back to the windows. Unfortunately because of her unawareness she didn't see the divot on the floor until it was too late. 
Her ungraceful flailing resulted in a loud crash that rang through the ship, jarring her head and making her bite the tip of her tongue. 
Phoenix winced at the flaring pain in her joints and mouth. 
" I hope no one heard that." She muttered tersely at her ignorant exploration.  Slowly standing up and rubbing her knees and elbows trying to soothe the sting, she kicked at the divot. As if to get payback on the inanimate object. 
 Looking around once more, she noticed a stack of crates along the wall next to her crash landing area, a flash of orange deep within caught her eye.
 Crouching down, Phoenix placed her hand on the side of the bin. The metal chilled her scarred fingers. Despite how warm it was in the room, the woman felt a shiver run down her spine. 
 The orange object was hidden away under quite a bit of rubble. But soon enough, after moving the countless batteries, blasters, and miscellaneous out of the way, she could safely pull out the strange contraption. 
It was some sort of foam piece attached to a few wires, the wires seemed to be buried deeper beneath more junk so, Phoenix kept digging. Her interest grew with every piece of trash moved from the crate.
Reaching her treasure she pulled out a blue box with buttons. 
She sounded out the word, tracing her fingers over the letters printed by the little window.
“Saw-ney?” she sounded out, silently wondering how to pronounce the strange word. 
" Actually, it's Sony. But good try." A voice from the doorway made the woman jump and drop the box on her lap. 
Phoenix whipped her head around to see Quill leaning against the frame staring at her, she felt as if she had been caught doing something she shouldn't be doing. Until she realized he had spoken to her and was expecting a response.
" Right, thank you, Quill" She bowed her head hoping the man might go away. 
Incoming footsteps shot that wish right out of the sky. Phoenix stayed completely silent as Quill sat down next to her.
" So, d'you know how to use that? " 
The woman looked at the leather-clad space pirate in confusion " not really?" She said it as more of a question than an answer. 
The man laughed. It wasn't a loud guffaw, it was warm and caring and Phoenix found herself becoming more and more entranced by it. 
 "  well. if you want?" Quill was looking at her expectantly.
" Crap. What did he say" She thought wildly. She had gotten too lost in the sound of his voice to notice that he had been talking to her. 
" Oh, um. I- sorry. Well, That sounds interesting… " 
Quill's grin made her feel as if there were a hundred butterflies in her stomach but that wasn't the weirdest part. 
The weirdest part was that she actually enjoyed them. That was, until, Quill breached into her personal space, she yanked her arm back ready to punch him while backing up in alarm.
Peter could tell the woman hadn't been paying full attention when he was talking, most females didn't and he was okay with that. 
Unfortunately, this chick could kill at least three people in a matter of fifteen seconds and she now was very ready to make that list four, it seemed.
"WOAH, Listen!" Peter put his hands up, surrendering to not escalate the situation. " I'm not gonna hurt you, okay? I'm just showing you what these do." 
He saw Phoenix's eyes flashing between him and the headphones 
"Just put your hand down. I'm not in any condition to attack you sitting on the floor here anyways. Actually-" Peter put the headphones in front of Phoenix. " You can put those on yourself. " 
Lowering the clenched fist, the woman glanced down at the speakers in suspicion,   
" What do they do exactly?"
Peter stared at the brunette in disbelief. " They're headphones. You listen with 'em…  Aren't you from Terra? "
The woman scoffed " I'm no longer from anywhere. I live where I chose, Quill. " 
Peter rolls his eyes " God, are all Terran women this full of sass?" He quipped internally.
"Listen, just put the dang headphones on so I can show you the coolest thing literally ever. " He ordered, thrusting the headphones onto Phoenix's lap. 
He grabbed his walkman and opened it up checking which one of his tapes were in.
 Awesome Mix Vol. 2 
"Perfect. She looks like she'll know these." He thought giddily. 
It had been quite a bit of time since he met someone who appreciated music like he did and finally popping the tape in, he turned to Phoenix. 
"You ready?" He asked, his eyes sparkling with joy.
She held the headphones on her ears waiting for whatever it was Quill was going to do. 
A quiet melody drifted through her ears before gaining volume and quickening its tempo. 
' Listen baby, ain't no mountain high, ain't no valley low, ain't no river wide enough baby-'
Phoenix's eyes widened with excitement, she knew this song. She had no idea how, but it was familiar. Every note was perfectly sung, the horns were surrounding her, the crash of the symbols gave her chills. she couldn't remember the words but the melody was embedded in her brain like concrete. The world slipped away, the smelly ship, the leather-clad man in front of her, even the sunlight through the window felt different as the song played. 
Humming along quietly, the woman had forgotten that she wasn't alone and soon enough was brought back to reality. Glancing up, obviously embarrassed that she had completely spaced out
Phoenix's eyes caught Quill's and a small smile graced his face in response. She slowly removed the headphones.
"So… ?" The leather-clad man asked expectantly, as if daring her to say something against the song. 
Phoenix let out a genuine chuckle "I really loved that song way back. I don't remember why exactly but thank you For sharing with me, Quill." 
" Aw! Hell yeah. It's a classic. Of course I would show it to you! You're the only other human I've met for quite a long time out here-" Quill rambled on animatedly, waving his hands around for extra effects. 
Phoenix couldn't help but be taken back at his openness. She was never that open with others and others were never that open with her. "It wasn't an issue, it was her lifestyle." She would repeat to herself. But then here came this music loving space man who completely turned her day upside-down. 
Phoenix chewed the inside of her lip lost in thought.
A snap in front of her face bright her back to reality. 
"So, spacing out seems to be a thing for you." Quill smirked at her rosy cheeks.
Phoenix fiddled with the headphones in front of her, setting them to the side she replied slowly
" Sorry… I'm honestly not used to having long conversations with anyone really. It can be a waste of time with a lot of people… " Phoenix looked down at her lap self-consciously. Playing with the hem of her shirt, her head was panicking. 
"Why did I say that… I shouldn't have said that.. He probably thinks I'm talking about him.." 
Quill got strangely quiet at her proclamation. He placed the walkman by his side and straightened his posture " It's not a waste of time. Everyone needs somebody." He stated firmly. Although his expression told a different story. It was almost as if he agreed with her. 
Phoenix felt extremely guilty at this, she obviously brought up something he would rather not talk about and she barely knew the guy. 
The atmosphere felt awkwardly quiet now. Phoenix fumbled with the headphones before setting them in front of Quill. He took them and messed with the contraption before opening his mouth. 
But instead of Quill's cocky tone, a deep, sonorous voice cut off the leather-clad man. 
“Oh! I do hope I'm not interrupting anything.” Thor chuckled, stepping into the room. 
Phoenix breathed out a sigh of relief at the god's arrival. Hopefully she could find an excuse to get out of this embarrassing encounter. 
“Nope, yeah. No. Of course not.” the woman rambled while stumbling to her feet. 
Quill was still silent, as he stood he seemed to be weighed down. The change in personality was a complete difference, like day and night. 
“Quail, I think the Rabbit is in need of assistance.” Thor announced while 'Quail' rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, well. First off, it's Quill. And second, Did he ask for help? ” Phoenix could feel the opposite energies from the men clashing like oil and water. 
“Yes, that's what I said. And of course! That's why I came to find you! ” The god's cheer-y attitude seemed to agitate Quill even more and he stormed out of the room muttering curses under his breath. 
Phoenix let out the breath of air she was holding and fiddled with the hem of her shirt. The god kept walking to the windows of the cockpit and slumped down in one of the seats. 
 “I hope he wasn’t making you uncomfortable, ah, feel free to take a seat,” he motioned to the seat across the aisle. 
“Thank you. ” She quickly sat in the squishy leather seat “ No, I think I just said the wrong thing. He was being quite nice. ”
Thor gave the woman a look of concern, before hunching forwards to rest his elbow on his knees. He took a deep breath and slowly let it out.
“Don't judge Quill too quickly, he lost a great deal and-... You do know about Thanos and the saving the world thing..? ” he questioned tentatively.
Phoenix shook her head, confused at his hesitant tone. She hasn't heard of her old planet needing saving. “what's a Thanos? When was Terra or in danger?” 
Thor froze, she could see the bears turning in his head. “Maybe trying to find a way to explain?”  she thought to herself. 
“Where to start… ” the god mumbled under his breath. “ Well, a huge purple guy came down to earth and he had these powerful stones, super powerful, and all together he could erase half of all living things. He wanted to balance the universe and he did, he beat all of us and some lost more than others. ”  he took a breath, it seemed he was trying to keep control of his emotions which made Phoenix's heart ache, this poor man had lost a lot more than what he let on. She was sure of it. 
“Everyone who was dusted came back in the end though, Those who didn't come back were killed by Thanos himself. Quill lost his partner, The earth lost three of its mightiest heroes, I lost my brother, and Nebula lost her sister. ” Thor had his head ducked to hide, what Phoenix assumed were, unfallen tears. The thought of these kind people losing so much made her eyes water, she sniffled slightly which seemed to remind Thor of what he was doing and he quickly wiped his eyes and straightened up.
 “So! You know, a few people are gone but we're learning to live with it. They will always be here in our hearts.” He ended with a saddened tone, a tone that betrayed the loss and grief he had dealt with. 
The man was in such a vulnerable state that Phoenix couldn't help but reach out to place a hand on his shoulder. The amount of emotion swirling through Phoenix's heart was overwhelming. She hurt for this man, she barely knew him but he immediately broke down her walls and was crying with her within hours of them meeting. 
She knew what it was like to be alone, to wish someone were still there. How that heavy feeling pulls oneself down till you can't even imagine what happiness feels like. 
“I'm so sorry,” she whispered, pacing her hands in her lap. “I have an idea of what you're feeling and I know it's draining and hollowing but it gets better. ” 
Thor looked at her, with a bittersweet smile “Thank you. I'm sure it will, I'm sorry that you've had to bear the same weight. ” 
Phoenix let out a small smile, before turning to the windows in front of them “Thank you.”
The two sat in silence for a few minutes, staring out the windshield at the planet in front of them. The dust and faint noise of the city was still noticeable through the glass.
The peaceful silence was broken by a question that made Phoenix tense. 
“Do you mind if I ask what happened to you? ”
She swallowed thickly “I'd rather not talk about it. It's something I'd rather leave behind. I've been working on starting over again and thinking about it isn't going to make any changes in my life right now."
 “Of course, you shouldn't feel pressured for something like that. ” he replied consolingly while nodding his head. 
Phoenix let out the breath she was holding, She felt at ease with this man.  He was pleasant to talk to and was extremely welcoming.
“Please God, higher power, source energy, whatever you want to be called. Please help me make this group work. I really would love to stay… ”
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ladylooch · 11 months
Letters in Your Last Name - Chapter 10
Tumblr media
A/N: Okay I love this one too!! I know I got off my posting once a day train. I'll do better and learn how to do a figure out the que soon 🤪 K love you, thanks for reading my two favs, and bye.
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: Bullying, Swearing, lil angsty
When I awake the next morning, the weak winter sun is streaming into the windows of Kevin’s bedroom. I rub at my face, feeling the dryness in my eyes and want desperately to stay in bed all day. I glance at the clock on my phone, seeing a message from Felicia.
My parents are coming to spend the day with the kids, so I won’t need you today. See you at the event tonight!
Well, that works for me. I quickly text a response, then roll onto my back and begin my morning routine of checking social media. I notice instantly that I have over 20 messages from my friends to filter through on Instagram. That’s certainly not normal. I glance over at Kevin, seeing him on his stomach, pillow crunched in his arms as he sleeps. His breathing is lightly even and his 5 o clock shadow has seemingly filled his jaw line overnight. I reach out and lightly run my hand through his hair, pushing it back from his face. God, he is gorgeous. With one last smile, I return my focus to Instagram. 
I open the most recent message from my high school best friend, Rachel. 
Are you okay? These comments are uncalled for.
My eyebrows furrow at her words, having no idea what she is talking about. I scroll to the next one from Lauren, Ryan Hartman’s girlfriend.
Ignore the comments on that picture of you and Kevin. People are jealous and want what you have. Don’t let it get to you.
The next one is from Danielle Spurgeon.
Girl, these fan girls just get worse every year. You’re gorgeous. Tune them out!
“Um, what the fuck?” I whisper, navigating out of messages and heading to the picture Kevin posted of our date night yesterday. I smile as the picture of Kevin sweetly kissing my cheek pops up. Damn, we look good. Last night was pure magic- filled with carbs and some good loving. Our faces perfectly reflect the wonderful night we had.
I click on view all comments and begin to scroll. The first few scrolls are nice- full of heart emojis, bless hands, and heart eyes. I see a few comments from our friends, Wild teammates and their ladies. I smile at their recognition, but know there must be more to have so many messages. I get to the first one and my eyebrows furrow.
Noooooooo. He could do so much better than this girl.
I mean, no one asked for your opinion wildhockeygurl22, but okay. I shake it off and keep going. 
Something about her face just isn’t right.
I wrinkle my nose. What kind of comment is that? That’s just mean. I keep going though, determined to see what other comments there are. I should learn to leave well enough alone.
Holy shit, this girl is fat as fuck 🐋
Ick, you should be with me instead, Kev
When are you going to tell her about us?
I don’t approve.
This girl is the worst kind of puck bunny: ugly and trashy.
He could have any girl in the world and he picks that? Disappointing.
When you’re ready to upgrade, DM me.
My glow from last night is instantly popped. Tears prick my eyes and I throw my phone down onto the bed. What the fuck? Why are people so mean? I’m a human being and these comments are treating me like less than because I’m dating their favorite player. I swallow the lump in my throat as two tears splash out. I wipe them away quickly as Kevin begins to stir next to me. His arms release his pillow and reach for me. He pulls himself into my lap, moving my hand to his hair. I mindlessly run my fingers through his brown locks. The comments replay like a movie in my head and I frown.
“I think you might want to take that picture of us off Instagram.” I say quietly. He flips over and looks into my face. 
“Why? What’s wrong?” He asks me, his hand wraps around my wrist resting it on his chest.
“I guess the world doesn’t approve.” I shrug and laugh, trying to add humor even though the situation feels like anything but funny. 
“Oh, did the fan girls come out?” The way he says it is so nonchalant and expected.
“You could say that.”
“What did they say?”
“Oh, just the typical trash about how unworthy I am for you.” I roll my eyes and give him a small smile. I’m trying to play it off like it isn’t bothering me, but I’m not sure if it’s convincing to me or Kevin. He is quiet for a minute before he slowly rises, reaching for his phone. He wipes the sleep from his eyes as the app loads.
I watch his face as he scrolls through the comments. His scowl gets deeper the longer he goes. 
“What the fuck.” Kevin whispers. “I’m sorry, babe. I’m not sure why they are being so mean. Geez, why do they act like they know anything about either of us?” He shakes his head. “Are you okay?” He wonders, looking concerned.
“Yeah!” I lie brightly. “They’re just trolling to get your attention.” I shrug. “If anything, it’s probably best to ignore them.” I nod. Again, I wonder who I’m trying to convince with these words. Because it feels like more than that to me. Maybe they’re seeing something about me that I can’t. What if they are right? What if they know I’m an imposter in this life of his?
“Sam…” Kevin begins but trails off. I give him a sparkling smile that is meant to be reassuring. His brown eyes watch me for a few breaths and I resist the urge to squirm under his gaze. Everything is fine. And even if it isn’t right now, it will be. I’ll grow thick skin. I’ll delete my Instagram. I’ll ask Kevin to never post another picture of us again. All normal, manageable things while I hide from the deep insecurity blooming within my heart. 
“Come here.” Kevin finally says, pulling me into his bare chest. He grabs his iPhone, flipping it to selfie mode. I close my eyes and bury my face as much as I can into him while trying to seem cute. His lips connect with my hair and regardless of how it looks, it feels reassuring. He snaps the picture and shows it to me for approval. I nod my head that it looks okay. Actually, it looks better than okay. He looks hopelessly in love with me.
“You really don’t have to post that.” I tell him.
“Do you not want me to?” He asks sincerely. “I’m going to post it to my story. No one will be able to comment.” I think about that, figuring if the comments are the worst part of it, maybe it is okay.
���Okay.” I say to him. He begins typing then posts the picture for all the nasty trolls to see. When it’s out into the world, he gives me his phone to look at what he said. 
The only one for me.
A small smile makes its way onto my face as he pulls me in for a sweet kiss.
“That should end things.” He kisses my nose. “Now let’s get breakfast going so I can get to practice on time. I don’t need your brother up my ass again about why I’m late.” He winks and crawls out of bed. 
“Okay.” I say to him as he disappears down the hall to the kitchen. I go to his Instagram app again, looking at the story he just posted. The warm bubble returns to my chest and I feel the insecurity slowly easing away. Then, a notification banner pops down of a DM from a follower. 
Kev, she ain’t it.🤮 Let’s meet up next time you’re in New York.
- - - 
The moment we walk into the Wild Meet The Fans event later, all eyes seemingly turn to us. Kevin holds my hand as we begin to wade into the crowd. His teammates, fans, team officials greet us warmly. After Kevin’s recent play, his popularity within Minnesota has grown significantly. I force a smile on my face even as the discomfort washes over me every time someone stops us for a picture with him. My brother is an NHL player and has been for awhile, I can count on both hands the amount of times someone has stopped us to ask for a picture. Now, with Kevin, it seems to be a daily occurrence. Even though it’s an event for the team to mingle with the fans, this is still so weird.
“Can you take our picture?” A tall, redhead asks me, handing me her gold and glittery iPhone. I look down at it, then at Kevin. He gives me a knowing smile and then his eyes dip to my cleavage suggestively.
“Sure!” I exclaim, not entirely positive that I really have a choice in the matter either way. 
I watch as the redhead slides up close to him. He wraps an arm around her and smiles this gorgeous, wide smile that has my knees weak, even though I’m the one who came here with him. I click the button a few times, then hand it back to her. She is warm and delighted as she skips away from us and back to her friends.
“I think you just made her entire month.” I smile at Kevin, trying to keep it light even as my skin tightens in response. 
“Well, you know I love to please.” He winks at me, placing his hand on the small of my back as we continued to push into the crowd. 
I spot my brother across the room with Felicia. He tips his beer at us in acknowledgement, then continues his conversation with Zach and Alisha Parise. We find ourselves immersed in a group with younger Wild players- Ryan Hartman, Matt Dumba, and Carson Soucy. We reach the group as Lauren, Blair, and Shyla, their respective girlfriends, are leaving. They give me a quick wave and yell that they’re going to get drinks. 
“They’re already lit and they’ve only been here for an hour.” Lauren laughs as she pauses before joining them. “Do you want something?”
“Ah, no I’m okay.” I assure her. She nods and heads off with the other girls. 
“Kevin Fiala.” A  light, female voice comes from behind us. We both turn in acknowledgement. Our eyes fall on a gorgeous blonde in a shimmery pink dress who looks like she literally just walked off the runway at New York Fashion week. “ich bin ein großer fan von dir.”
Kevin’s face breaks out into a big smile as he responds to her in German. She extends her hand to him and he shakes it enthusiastically. The music changes from a slower song to a high energy beat and Kevin steps away from me towards the blonde. Likely to hear better, but my brain takes it as a slight. I cross my arms over my chest. I can feel myself beginning to overreact to the situation. But I’m already in a fragile state after this morning and right now, it’s hard for me to not feel like the dumb American who wishes she had given a little more crap about foreign language classes in high school. Why did I pick Spanish anyway?
High school aside, German is nothing like Spanish and I don’t even try to figure out what they’re talking about. Instead, I focus on the universal human language: body. His smile is bright, his tone is warm, and they’re close. Too close for a guy who came here with someone else. The blonde is loving his attention, laughing at all the right moments, fluttering her long lashes that frame her beautiful blue eyes. And her dress. Gah. Why did I put jeans on today? I should have worn a dress. Never mind that the weather is cooler than normal tonight. I look down at my burgundy top, shrugging because at least my boobs look great. 
The conversation seems to last hours, but was truthfully maybe 2 minutes. Finally, the blonde slides away but not before asking me to take a picture with my boyfriend. She tosses the phone to me like I’m his assistant, not his girlfriend. I grit my teeth against the unkind words threatening to spill out. After the picture, she reaches her hand out for the phone without even looking at me and continues her conversation with him. After one last flirtatious smile, she wanders off to the other German speaker on the team, Nico Sturm. Kevin, still smiling, walks back over to me. His smile drops when he takes in the scowl on my face and crossed arms.
“What?” He asks me, reaching out and rubbing my arm. 
“What was that?” I ask, voice rising a bit at the end.
“A… conversation… in German.. with a fan?” He shrugs his shoulders, shaking his head inquisitively.
“Looked like more than that to me.” Kevin sighs exasperatedly and runs a hand through his hair.
“Sam, it wasn’t anything more than that. We were talking about hockey.”
“Whatever. Now, I need a drink.”
I move around him and weave my way between the clusters of people. The bartender finds me immediately and I ask for a vodka soda. That should help calm my nerves. Or at the very least, suffocate this feeling of unworthiness inside of me until tomorrow. How could we have had such a great night yesterday, where I felt so loved and wanted by Kevin, only to have it all go to shit this morning?
I can feel the heat of Kevin before he touches me. He places his hands on either side of me on top of the bar, then gently uses his hips to push me against it. I close my eyes as I feel his strong chest against my back then his growing erection pressing into my butt. His lips come close to my ear, making a slight, delightful shiver roll down my spine. 
“You’re the only one who’s getting any of this tonight. Those jeans make your ass look so damn good.”
He pulls my ear lobe into his mouth, sucking slightly as he moves my hair away. I resist the urge to moan and force a sigh out of my mouth. Kevin, slides a hand up my stomach and pulls me tighter against him, moving his hips slightly against my butt.
“Baby.” Kevin tries again as the bartender places the vodka in front of me.
I grab it, sucking down a gulp as quickly as I can. I turn in his arms, looking into his liquid brown eyes. He wants me. I can see it, I can feel it, yet the insecurity has taken over me. The blonde just now didn’t even glance in my direction. That’s how plain I am. Kevin walks into a room and commands attention. What business do I have with this smoke show of a man? A hockey player who is coming into his prime more and more every day.  His superstar potential is within his grasp and I feel inadequate for this role being thrusted upon me.
Kev, she ain’t it. 🤮 Let’s meet up next time you’re in New York.
“This is harder than I thought it would be.” I blurt out to him. His shoulders tighten a bit as he pulls his hands back.
“What is?”
“Being an NHL Player’s girlfriend. I never would have picked this life for myself, Kev. I just fell into it and after those comments.. I just.. feel like I don’t belong.”
He tilts his head to the side as I speak, shifting his weight from side to side. He blows out a sigh.
“I get it. It’s a lot.” He agrees with me, which makes me feel worse. “But the place that you belong the most in this world is next to me."
“It feels like everyone wants a piece of you right now. They’re falling all over themselves to get to you. I don’t know how to compete with that.”
“You don’t need to, Sam. You’ve already got me. And I think it’s an exaggeration that everyone wants me. There are plenty of guys out there too.”
I roll my eyes at him, looking away from him. He brings my face back to his, brushing my lips briefly. 
“What about the girls in your Instagram DMs?” My eyebrows pull together in pain.
“What about them? I don’t read them. I’m not interested when I have you in my bed.” He gives me a large grin, trying to ease the tension between us. I respond by shaking my head and looking away again.
“Hey… as far as I’m concerned, you’re the only person in here tonight. I know the comments on Instagram hurt, but the only opinions that matter in this relationship are yours and mine. You’ll learn to tune them out.”
“Why should I have to get used to women throwing themselves at you?” 
“I don’t mean that. I mean the entire concept of… fan girls. I’m not saying that it’s fair. I’m just saying that it’s a shitty part of being with me. I’m sorry it is that way. I know it’s frustrating to take the high road, but it’s the reality of being in the spotlight.” His tone is gentle and he grabs my hand, rubbing his thumb over the back of it.
I glance around at the other women close to us. All glossy, put together, and vivacious and despite my extra effort tonight, I feel so lacking compared to them. I think of the stupid message from earlier in the day and I can’t help the tears that fill my eyes. And that was only one message. How many more does he get like that? I swallow hard, trying to get rid of the lump in my throat. God, this is so embarrassingly needy and pathetic. I’m not this girl. I hate how insecure I feel.
“Sam,” Kevin calls me back to him, turning my face. “Look at me.” He stares into my eyes with sweet brown pools that are willing me to listen. “You are everything to me. I don’t need anyone else in this bar, or this country, or the rest of the world for that matter. I have what I need right here in my arms. Fuck everyone else.” He leans down and captures my lips in his. His tongue instantly tangles with mine and I feel all the worries of the last few hours melt away into his mouth. Nothing matters anymore but the connection of our lips. I moan softly into his mouth. I feel him smile against me as he pulls me in tighter. He slowly drags back, placing several soft kisses as he goes.
“There she is.” He whispers as I smile with my eyes still closed. I open them, my body tingling from the connection. The look in his eyes makes my stomach twist in anticipation. 
“Holy shit, Sam, your tits look hot as hell tonight. Kev better be touching those later!”
I whip my head to the left and burst out laughing at Shyla, Carson Soucy’s girlfriend.
“Wow, Shy.” I say, shaking my head in embarrassment. I look around at the people next to us, glad they seem immersed in their own conversations. 
“It may have been crazy, but it worked.” She grins, poking my shoulder. “That sour puss look is gone from your face.” She grabs her drink from the bartender, saluting him with it before taking a pull. “Plus, Kevin was totally thinking that during your kiss just now.” I laugh, looking back at Kevin.
“She’s not wrong.” He shrugs innocently.
“Oh my god.” I laugh, putting my hands on my cheeks which I’m sure are extremely red at this point.
“Have a good night you two.” She winks as she saunters off back to Carson.
My eyes find Kevin and I grin at the look on his face. He looks as guilty as Shyla insinuated. I bite my lip and suck in a deep breath, trying to steady myself. Kevin grabs my hand again and tugs me from leaning against the bar and into his arms. His face lowers to mine, but he pauses a breath between my lips.
“I’m sorry this is hard, but I won’t be sorry that you fell in love with me.” He whispers against my lips, tugging my bottom lip in his mouth. His hands dip from the small of my back and enter into the back pocket of my jeans. He gives my ass a tight squeeze. His chest rumbles with a moan that has my scalp tingling. Damn, I want him. I’m convinced I’ll never get enough of him. We pull apart for air, gazing into each others eyes with a fierce need that has the entire event fading from reality.
Then, my brother appears.
Alex slaps Kevin on the back and firmly grips his shoulder as he slides up to the bar next to us. I clear my throat and look at a point beyond Kevin’s head, trying desperately to not appear guilty.
“Woah.” Kevin exhales quickly and pulls his hands from my back pockets.
“Just wanted you to know that I am here, Kev. Watching you grab handfuls of my sister’s ass. Thinking of all the different ways I can make it look like I accidentally knocked you out next practice. Have a good night.” He toasts us with his Budweiser and walks away with a smug smile on his face. I giggle as Kevin shakes his head and blows out a puff of air.
“Funny, you never imagined this life, and I never imagined being afraid of a goalie.” I tilt my head back and laugh. When I righten my head again, Kevin’s lips find mine. “We should be considerate of your brother and take this home.” He whispers to me. “The team doesn’t need me like you do tonight.”
“Okay.” I tell him. Kevin grabs my hand and we weave our way through the crowded bar to the door. Several people reach out for Kevin, but his only focus is on me. He pushes us through and gives polite smiles, but doesn’t slow or stop for further interaction. The cool, winter air hits our faces when Kevin opens the door and I feel instant relief at being alone with him now.
I smile to myself as we begin to walk hand in hand to his car, knowing tonight, in our bed, will be anything but cold.
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Tales of the Heart
Previous chapter
Genre : fanfiction, fluff, angst, slow burn, romance
Chapter 12 : Dinner
Words : 682 words
Verena's whole body shook as she was ushered into the palace by the maids. She was wearing a very pretty dark blue dress, and she had only a simple braid in her beautiful hair
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As he entered the dining room, she saw Thranduil and his father talking together. Verena felt even more nervous, because there was only herself, Thranduil, and the Elvenking Oropher in the room.
She gives curtsy to both of them
"Aah Verena, my child" King Oropher greeted warmly "come, little one"
Verena walked slowly, Oropher took Verena's hand, and he gave Oropher a deep curtsy.
"Now I understand why my son chose you. You are the perfect girl" Oropher complimented
"Thank you, Your Highness. You compliment me so much, I'm just an ordinary girl"
"Sit down, my child"  King Oropher offered
They all sat down, and the food began to be served
"So, Verena. How are your parents?" King Oropher asked
"They're good, but it's been quite a struggle in Lindon since several ports have been closed. And Númenor has cut off trade ties," Verena replied
"That's what I was just talking about with Thranduil. These Numenoreans.... I don't know what got into them to believe in Sauron. For the sake of the cursed Valar they are" King Oropher said angrily
Verena smiled
"And by the way, Verena. Have you told them about the wedding plans yet?"
Verena nodded "I wrote them a few days ago. Maybe they will arrive tomorrow" Verena answered
Suddenly Feren rushed in
"What's wrong, Feren?" King Oropher asked
"Forgive my impudence, Aran Nin, but you are urgently needed in the council room. it's urgent" Feren said
Thranduil and King Oropher looked at each other "Tell them I'll be right there" Oropher replied
Feren nodded and left the room
"Excuse me, I have to go. You both go on without me" Oropher stood up, but Thranduil held his hand
"Adar, is there something urgent?" Thranduil asked, worried
"I can handle it. You keep Verena company, show her around after this" With that King Oropher hurriedly left the room Verena and Thranduil looked at each other with worried eyes.
       Thranduil took Verena to his chamber
"This is your room?" she asked
"And soon it will be ours" Thranduil answered
Verena sits on Thranduil's bed, she sees a sketchbook on his bed "what is this?"
"THERE NOTHING!" Thranduil wants to take the book
Verena quickly stood up and opened the book.And how surprised she was when she saw the book was full of paintings of her face. "You painted it?"
Thranduil hugged Verena from behind "do you like it?"
"I look ugly. I'm embarrassed"
"No. You're perfect." Thranduil buried his head in Verena's neck
Suddenly there was a knock on the door
"Who?" Thranduil asked
"It's Gallion" He replied
"Gallion? What's wrong?"
"Apologize, Ernil nin. I was ordered to take Lady Verena home, and you were told to meet Aran Nin as soon as possible in his private chamber"
Thranduil and Verena looked at each other, they were both worried
"What is it?" Verena asked
"I'm afraid, I don't have the right to answer"
"Fine. You go and meet your father. I'll go back and rest" Verena rubbed Thranduil's face
Thranduil nodded.
   Thranduil entered his father's chamber, and he saw Oropher holding a letter in his hand, and his face showed concern.
"Do you summoned me, Adar?"
"Ion, come in" Oropher invited
"What is it?" Thranduil asked
"Numenor. They all perish under the power of the Valar"
Thranduil glared "what happened?!"
"Valar drowned all the cities of Númenor, and now Sauron has flown and declared war on the Eldar. Gil Galad needs us"
"But, Adar. What about my wedding?!"
Oropher sighed "if you can't wait, ask her to marry you in two days and after that we meet in lindon. Ask Verena if she will"
Thranduil confused "adar...." He slumped in his father's chair
Oropher approached his son "forgive me, we are on the verge of war. I have no other choice" Oropher hugged Thranduil's head tightly "let's finish this. And live in peace together after this"
@lady-of-imladris @queenmeriadoc @jordie-is-definitely-sane @jordie-your-local-halfling @sotwk @estel-elrondion
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death-to-posers · 10 months
Pairing: (2015 era) Abbath Doom Occulta x fem! reader
Title inspired by:
The absolute lack of Abbath fanfic (black metal fics in general) has always pissed me off so it's only fair that my first ficpost on this account is an Abbath one.
Plot: a roommate au because I love the sexual tension roommate trope. You (reader) are his roommate. You two have never gotten along well but you rely on each other to pay the rent. When you're short on rent one month, Abbath offers to cover for it, if you repay him somehow...
Word Count: 8,171 (short, I know, but it's late and I'm moving house in a couple hours so I'm pressed on time)
Warnings: smut, blowjobs, throatfucking, cum swallowing, basic nsfw shit I guess. I'd advise against reading if you're a minor or just a pussy.
(Very cliché and unoriginal but that's just what I'm going for right now lol. Also this story is written in the third person)
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She stumbled into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes groggily. She was suddenly alerted to the presence of another person. "I thought you were out of the house today," she sighed. The man, her roommate, sitting at the table sipped at a mug of bitter smelling coffee. "Change of plans, not that it's your business," he replied stiffly, not looking up. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes, reminding herself that she was a grown woman and not a twelve year old girl. She could now choose between making a snarky comment in response to his cold reply, or say nothing and keep the peace. She chose the latter. Sitting in a chair, she turned her back to him. She opened a letter that came in the post this morning, her expression changing from one of mild annoyance to a grimace. She was a couple hundred short on rent this month. Reaching a hand up to her face, she rubbed the bridge of her nose and sighed. She rose, retiring to her bedroom. Abbath spared a glance at the letter, which she had left on the table. The corners of his mouth twitched upwards slightly as he rose from the table, discarding his half drunk cup of coffee in the sink.
"Short on rent, huh? By quite a long shot might I say..." She glanced at the entrance to her room, her deadpan expression morphing into a scowl. Abbath leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed. "That's none of your damn business," she spat. "Come now there's no need to be so rude," he retorted. She remained silent for a few seconds, then: "I'm still waiting for you to fuck off". He smirked. "You know I was ah, going to make you an offer but you don't seem to be interested," he clicked his tongue, sighing in mock disappointment. She was about to retort again, but paused. She sighed. "What do you want?". He stroked his chin thoughtfully. "It just so happens that I have a couple extra pennies to spare this month, I could pay the amount you're short on. But you'll owe me, big time," he smirked, looking down at her smugly. She desperately wanted to say no, she hated accepting help from anybody, let alone him. "What do you mean I'll owe you "big time"? What do you want from me?" she asked suspiciously. He waved his hand airily. "Ah, we'll come to an agreement later. Do you accept my offer?". She sighed deeply. She could either swallow her pride and accept his "help", which she was still very suspicious of - there had to be a catch - or, she could decline, and get evicted for not being able to pay her share of the rent this month. "I accept".
She laid back against the chair, feeling relieved. Her rent was paid for this month. But her relief was soon replaced by frustration. Now she owed him a favour, a big one at that. Swallowing thickly, she stood up and walked down the hallway, rapping her knuckles against the thick oak door. It swung open. "Yes?" he peered down at her, being a little over a head taller than she. She exhaled through her nose. "I'd like to repay whatever favour I owe you as soon as possible. I don't like being indebted to people, especially you," she grumbled. He chewed on his lower lip thoughtfully. "You could give me a blowjob or something in the very least," he said teasingly. She narrowed her eyes, trying to gauge if that was humorous or a legitimate request. He raised his hands in defence. "It was a joke," he said hastily. "Well you're hardly funny, cut to the chase and tell me what you want so we can be over with this." He folded his arms. "I don't know, I hadn't put any real consideration into what I wanted from you when I made that offer," he explained. "Well think of something," she snapped. His face hardened. "There's that bitchy attitude I hate so much," he sneered. Before she could respond, he held a hand up to silence her. "You know what, I wasn't joking earlier. Well I was, but now I'm not. Get on your knees," he grinned wolfishly. "You can't be serious?" she raised an eyebrow, taking a step back. "Relax, I'm not forcing you into anything. But you have my answer," he turned around, closing the door. She stood in the doorway, dumbfounded.
She sat on the edge of her bed, deep in thought. "Why am I even considering this?! I'm going to say no, of course.." she scoffed. 'But it's really not that bad, it's quick and easy. I can get it over and done with and put this behind me'. No! She held a strong dislike towards him, a hatred even. She'd never in a million years agree to that.
(Nsfw begins here, read at your own discretion)
She glanced at the clock in the hallway, it was one in the morning, would he even be awake? She shuddered and knocked once. The door opened. She inhaled sharply and glanced down, refusing to make eye contact. "I'll do it,' she muttered. Silence, then: "Are you sure? I don't want you to agree to anything unless you're entirely willing." She thought for a moment. "I'm sure," she mumbled. He stepped aside, inviting her into his room. She entered, finally making eye contact with him. A light pink dusted her cheeks as she quickly looked away. "Don't go all shy on me now, where's that snarky attitude of yours?" he grinned, placing a hand under her chin. She bit back a smile. "Shut up". She took a deep breath and reached forward, making to undo his belt. She glanced at him for permission and he nodded, leaning against the wall. He reached into his pocket, taking out a packet of cigarettes. He lit one and placed it in his mouth, resting his other hand on her head affectionately. His belt came undone with a metallic *clink*, she slid to her knees in front of him, tugging down on the waistband of his jeans. He took a long drag from his cigarette, keeping his eyes fixed on her, his left hand still entangled in her hair. She hooked her index fingers over the waistband of his boxers, slipping them down his thighs. He gave a small nod of encouragement, exhaling a cloud of smoke. She spat into her hand, wrapping it around his length and giving it a few pumps. She stuck her tongue out, giving the tip a hesitant lick. A mildly salty tasted filled her mouth. He inhaled sharply, continuing to stroke her hair. She rested a hand on his thigh, taking the first few inches into her mouth slowly, running her tongue along the underside of his shaft. He let out a soft, breathy moan, bucking his hips slightly, he took another long drag from his cigarette. She slowly took the rest of his cock into her mouth, moving her head back and forth at a steady pace. His grip on her hair tightened as his jaw clenched. "It's taking everything in me right now to not - ugh - fuck your damn throat until you cry," he grunted. She pulled back swiftly, glancing up at him. "I haven't got anything against that," she replied, taking his length back in her mouth. "Oh you like rough, huh?" he smirked, placing his hands on the sides of her face, he held her head in place and bucked his hips violently. She made a startled gagging noise, but didn't show any distaste towards his sudden mood change. He thrusted into her mouth repeatedly, picking up the pace, he moved one of his hands to cradle the back of her head, using the other one to hold her hair back. He kept a steady pace, slamming his hard cock into the back of her throat, it was sure to leave a nasty bruise back there. A bit of drool dripped down her chin and onto his thigh, prompting a smirk from him. He kept humping her face like a rabid animal, snarling and grunting, occasionally moaning. He let out a sudden groan. "Gonna.." he trailed off, as ropes of thick, white goo filled her mouth and throat. He gave a satisfied sigh, removing his length from her mouth. She swallowed his seed, somewhat appreciating the bitter-salty taste. She stood up, wiping her face with her sleeve. "That was... You did very well," he said sincerely. slipping his boxers back on. She faltered and blushed, not sure how to respond. He wrapped an arm around her waist, leaning down to give her a quick peck on the lips. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" he asked. She shook her head. He was silent for a while. "Would you maybe want to go for a walk together, tomorrow?" he asked hesitantly, looking sheepish. She glanced up at him in surprise but nodded quickly. "I would".
Christ almighty that was fucking terrible, but in my defence I ain't really done any writing like this so to speak of let alone smut in like two years so give me a break 💀☕️
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nix-rose · 1 year
Rockets Little Girl (CHAPTER 3)
When the group had made it to their ship, each being had gone to their respective rooms and ater getting the woman a change of clothes, Rocket took Phoenix to the main area.
He then explained how his group had crashed on this planet after they forgot to make a pitstop for gas and how the crew was now looking for little jobs here and there and how they were the Guardians of the Galaxy. 
“I got somethin’ I need to work on in the engine room and it gets hot as heck in there so you're welcome to check out everywhere else here on the ship,” he stated, hopping off of his chair. “It's good to have you back, Kid. ” 
A small smile spread across the woman’s face. “It's good to be back,” she admitted. 
Rocket padded out the door, but not before Phoenix caught a toothy grin spread across his furry face.
“Oh, yeah!” He stuck his head back in the room, “There's another person here, Nebula. She's a real charmer. Don't piss her off. And stay away from Quill. And if you need anythin’ let me know.” 
The woman chuckled quietly, the racoon was never one for being sentimental. 
A few minutes passed.
Being alone now, Phoenix’s eyes swept over the messy room. 
There was a layer of grime on many of the pipes. It also covered the walls and she didn't even look at the floors. The smell of alcohol and engine grease were the only smells she could distinguish. 
Makes sense, it’s mostly a bunch of guys living on one small ship. Of course it was a disaster. She snorted to herself.
Peeking out of the room she could hear a clunking and beeping coming from far below her feet. Taking a breath, she stepped into the hallway. The ship wasn't as stuffy as she expected, cold oxygen filled her lungs. But the hallways were dark and small, putting her on edge slightly.
“Yeah, I'll just stick in here.” Phoenix mumbled to herself, not wanting to have a second episode today. 
Turning back to the cockpit, the woman stepped back to the windows. Unfortunately, because of her unawareness she didn't see the divot on the floor until it was too late. 
Her ungraceful flailing resulted in a loud crash that rang through the ship, jarring her head and making her bite the tip of her tongue. 
Phoenix winced at the flaring pain in her joints and mouth. 
"I hope no one heard that," she muttered tersely at her ignorant exploration.  Slowly standing up and rubbing her knees and elbows trying to soothe the sting, she kicked at the divot. As if to get payback on the inanimate object. 
Looking around once more, she noticed a stack of crates along the wall next to her crash landing area, a flash of orange deep within caught her eye.
Crouching down, Phoenix placed her hand on the side of the bin. The metal chilled her scarred fingers. Despite how warm it was in the room, the woman felt a shiver run down her spine. 
The orange object was hidden away under quite a bit of rubble. But soon enough, after moving the countless batteries, blasters, and miscellaneous out of the way, she could safely pull out the strange contraption. 
It was some sort of foam piece attached to a few wires, the wires seemed to be buried deeper beneath more junk so, Phoenix kept digging. Her interest grew with every piece of trash moved from the crate.
Reaching her treasure she pulled out a blue box with buttons. 
She sounded out the word, tracing her fingers over the letters printed by the little window.
“Saw-ney?” she sounded out, silently wondering how to pronounce the strange word. 
"Actually, it's Sony. But good try." A voice from the doorway made the woman jump and drop the box on her lap. 
Phoenix whipped her head around to see Quill leaning against the frame staring at her, she felt as if she had been caught doing something she shouldn't be doing. Until she realized he had spoken to her and was expecting a response.
"Right, thank you, Quill." She bowed her head, hoping the man might go away. 
Incoming footsteps shot that wish right out of the sky. Phoenix stayed completely silent as Quill sat down next to her.
"So, d'you know how to use that? " 
The woman looked at the leather-clad space pirate in confusion. "Not really?" She said it as more of a question than an answer. 
The man laughed. It wasn't a loud guffaw, it was warm and caring and Phoenix found herself becoming more and more entranced by it. 
 "Well, if you want?" Quill was looking at her expectantly.
 Crap. What did he say, she thought wildly. She had gotten too lost in the sound of his voice to notice that he had been talking to her. 
"Oh, um. I- sorry. Well, that sounds interesting… " 
Quill's grin made her feel as if there were a hundred butterflies in her stomach but that wasn't the weirdest part. 
The weirdest part was that she actually enjoyed them. That was, until, Quill breached into her personal space, she yanked her arm back ready to punch him while backing up in alarm.
Peter could tell the woman hadn't been paying full attention when he was talking, most women didn't and he was okay with that. 
Unfortunately, this chick could kill at least three people in a matter of fifteen seconds and she now was very ready to make that list four, it seemed.
"WOAH, Listen!" Peter put his hands up, surrendering to not escalate the situation. "I'm not gonna hurt you, okay? I'm just showing you what these do." 
He saw Phoenix's eyes flashing between him and the headphones 
"Just put your hand down. I'm not in any condition to attack you sitting on the floor here anyways. Actually-" Peter put the headphones in front of Phoenix. "You can put those on yourself." 
Lowering the clenched fist, the woman glanced down at the speakers in suspicion,   
"What do they do exactly?"
Peter stared at the brunette in disbelief. "They're headphones. You listen with 'em…  Aren't you from Terra? "
The woman scoffed. "I'm no longer from anywhere. I live where I chose, Quill." 
Peter rolled his eyes. God, are all Terran women this full of sass? he quipped internally.
"Listen, just put the dang headphones on so I can show you the coolest thing literally ever."  Quill ordered, thrusting the headphones onto Phoenix's lap. 
He grabbed his walkman and opened it up checking which one of his tapes were in.
 Awesome Mix Vol. 1
Perfect. She looks like she'll know these. He thought giddily. 
It had been quite a bit of time since he met someone who appreciated music like he did and finally popping the tape in, he turned to Phoenix. 
"You ready?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with joy.
She held the headphones on her ears waiting for whatever it was Quill was going to do. 
A quiet melody drifted through her ears before gaining volume and quickening its tempo. 
'Listen baby, ain't no mountain high, ain't no valley low, ain't no river wide enough baby-'
Phoenix's eyes widened with excitement, she knew this song. She had no idea how, but it was familiar. Every note was perfectly sung, the horns were surrounding her, the crash of the symbols gave her chills. She couldn't remember the words but the melody was embedded in her brain like concrete. The world slipped away, the smelly ship, the leather-clad man in front of her, even the sunlight through the window felt different as the song played. 
Humming along quietly, the woman had forgotten that she wasn't alone and soon enough was brought back to reality. Glancing up, obviously embarrassed that she had completely spaced out
Phoenix's eyes caught Quill's and a small smile graced his face in response. She slowly removed the headphones.
"So…?" The leather-clad man asked expectantly, as if daring her to say something against the song. 
Phoenix let out a genuine chuckle "I really loved that song way back. I don't remember why exactly. But thank you for sharing with me, Quill." 
"Aw! Hell yeah. It's a classic. Of course I would show it to you! You're the only other human I've met for quite a long time out here-" Quill rambled on animatedly, waving his hands around for extra effects. 
Phoenix couldn't help but be taken back at his openness. She was never that open with others and others were never that open with her. It wasn't an issue, it was her lifestyle. She would repeat to herself. But then here came this music loving space man who completely turned her day upside-down. 
Phoenix chewed the inside of her lip lost in thought.
A snap in front of her face bright her back to reality. 
"So, spacing out seems to be a thing for you." Quill smirked at her rosy cheeks.
Phoenix fiddled with the headphones in front of her, setting them to the side she replied slowly
"Sorry… I'm honestly not used to having long conversations with anyone really. It can be a waste of time with a lot of people…" Phoenix looked down at her lap self-consciously. Playing with the hem of her shirt, her head was panicking. 
Why did I say that… I shouldn't have said that.. He probably thinks I'm talking about him…
Quill got strangely quiet at her proclamation. He placed the walkman by his side and straightened his posture. “It's not a waste of time. Everyone needs somebody." He stated firmly. Although his expression told a different story. It was almost as if he agreed with her. 
Phoenix felt extremely guilty at this, she obviously brought up something he would rather not talk about and she barely knew the guy. 
The atmosphere felt awkwardly quiet now. Phoenix fumbled with the headphones before setting them in front of Quill. He took them and messed with the contraption before opening his mouth. 
But instead of Quill's cocky tone, a deep, sonorous voice cut off the leather-clad man. 
“Oh! I do hope I'm not interrupting anything.” Thor chuckled, stepping into the room. 
Phoenix breathed out a sigh of relief at the god's arrival. Hopefully she could find an excuse to get out of this embarrassing encounter. 
“Nope, yeah. No. Of course not,” the woman rambled while stumbling to her feet. 
Quill was still silent, as he stood he seemed to be weighed down. The change in personality was a complete difference, like day and night. 
“Quail, I think the Rabbit is in need of assistance.” Thor announced while 'Quail' rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, well. First off, it's Quill. And second, did he ask for help?” Phoenix could feel the opposite energies from the men clashing like oil and water. 
“Yes, that's what I said. And of course! That's why I came to find you!” The god's cheer-y attitude seemed to agitate Quill even more and he stormed out of the room muttering curses under his breath. 
Phoenix let out the breath of air she was holding and fiddled with the hem of her shirt. The god kept walking to the windows of the cockpit and slumped down in one of the seats. 
“I hope he wasn’t making you uncomfortable, ah, feel free to take a seat,” he motioned to the seat across the aisle. 
“Thank you.” She quickly sat in the squishy leather seat. “No, I think I just said the wrong thing. He was being quite nice. ”
Thor gave the woman a look of concern, before hunching forwards to rest his elbow on his knees. He took a deep breath and slowly let it out.
“Don't judge Quill too quickly, he lost a great deal and-...You do know about Thanos and the saving the world thing..?” he questioned tentatively.
Phoenix shook her head, confused at his hesitant tone. She hasn't heard of her old planet needing saving. “What's a Thanos? When was Terra or in danger?” 
Thor froze, she could see the gears turning in his head. Maybe trying to find a way to explain? she thought to herself. 
“Where to start… ” the god mumbled under his breath. “Well, a huge purple guy came down to earth and he had these powerful stones, super powerful, and all together he could erase half of all living things. He wanted to balance the universe and he did, he beat all of us and some lost more than others“ He took a breath, it seemed he was trying to keep control of his emotions which made Phoenix's heart ache, this poor man had lost a lot more than what he let on. She was sure of it. 
“Everyone who was dusted came back in the end though. Those who didn't come back were killed by Thanos himself. Quill lost his partner, the earth lost three of its mightiest heroes, I lost my brother, and Nebula lost her sister.” Thor had his head ducked to hide, what Phoenix assumed were, unfallen tears. The thought of these kind people losing so much made her eyes water, she sniffled slightly which seemed to remind Thor of what he was doing and he quickly wiped his eyes and straightened up.
 “So! You know, a few people are gone but we're learning to live with it. They will always be here in our hearts.” He ended with a saddened tone, a tone that betrayed the loss and grief he had gone through. 
The man was in such a vulnerable state that Phoenix couldn't help but reach out to place a hand on his shoulder. The amount of emotion swirling through Phoenix's heart was overwhelming. She hurt for this man, she barely knew him but he immediately broke down her walls and was crying with her within hours of them meeting. 
She knew what it was like to be alone, to wish someone were still there. How that heavy feeling pulls oneself down till you can't even imagine what happiness feels like. 
“I'm so sorry,” she whispered, placing her hands in her lap. “I have an idea of what you're feeling and I know it's draining and hollowing but it gets better. ” 
Thor looked at her, with a bittersweet smile “Thank you. I'm sure it will. I'm sorry that you've had to bear the same weight. ” 
Phoenix let out a small smile, before turning to the windows in front of them. “Thank you.”
The two sat in silence for a few minutes, staring out the windshield at the planet in front of them. The dust and faint noise of the city was still noticeable through the glass.
The peaceful silence was broken by a question that made Phoenix tense. 
“Do you mind if I ask what happened to you? ”
She swallowed thickly. “I'd rather not talk about it. It's something I'd rather leave behind. I've been working on starting over again and thinking about it isn't going to make any changes in my life right now."
 “Of course, you shouldn't feel pressured for something like that,” he replied consolingly while nodding his head. 
Phoenix let out the breath she was holding. She felt at ease with this man. He was pleasant to talk to and was extremely welcoming.
Please God, higher power, source energy, whatever you want to be called. Please help me make this group work. I really would love to stay… 
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Just want to see baby Esme sowing some chaos. What was Aymeric's first time looking after a baby Esme like? I bet she missed Bapa and Mama alot
"Her bottles are in the icebox--" Agnes said to a nodding Aymeric.
"I know, my dear. Her overnight bag is in the guest nursery." Why yes, I had a guest room renovated to be a nursery. Anything for my goddaughter!
"And try to feed her shirtless so she can get to know your scent and shit." Estinien explained, still holding his babbling daughter. "Or is that only supposed to be for the father?"
Aymeric sighed. They showed me this already. Told me everything. I even had an esteemed governess teach me how to change diapers and carefully trim a baby's nails. I can handle one infant for a night! "I'll think about it, but you two need to get going."
"He's right, love. I realize we haven't been apart from Esme overnight yet, but she's in good hands." Of course she's in good hands. I'm her godfather! She took Esme from Estinien (who is pouting for Fury's sake) and handed her to Aymeric. "Be a good baby for Uncle Aymeric, okay Esme? We'll see you tomorrow." She kissed her daughter's head and gestured to the door. Estinien grunted (as is his wont), kissed the baby, and gave Aymeric a look.
"If anything--"
"I know. Now, go! Enjoy your evening!"
As soon as the door closed behind the couple, Esme began to cry.
Oh dear. Aymeric kissed her head and rubbed her back. "Tis alright, Esme. They'll be back tomorrow." After a few moments she quieted down. "See, all is well. Shall we set you down for a nAAAAAAAAAP! ESME NOT MY EARRING!"
The baby laughed!!!!! LAUGHED!!!! Esme tugged on Aymeric's blue crystal earring and seemingly has an iron grip! LET GO!
"My dear sweet child, pray release my earring!" He said in his most official Lord Commander voice as he tried to pry her little fingers from the earring. Ah, this is why Agi rarely wears earrings anymore.
Aymeric stared at the ceiling in his room and then looked at the chronometer. 3:17. What started with trying to rip my ear off devolved into Esme being very fussy when eating (I did end up having to remove my shirt and then she calmed down), Esme doing the largest shit I've ever seen, and Esme whining until Aymeric held her. Constantly. She just wants to be held and cuddled. Not unlike her father when he's inebriated... It was only until near midnight she finally fell asleep, and Aymeric placed her in the ornate crib in the guest nursery.
I suppose...she's better at home because she's with her parents. Has a routine. All that's been disrupted. Despite all that, I do enjoy spending time with her. I believe she liked it when I read stories to her, even if she can't understand yet. She is a delight.
And yet I cannot help but feel sorrow. I long for having a partner and children. But my duty...my duty to Ishgard...must always come before mine own wants. Perhaps someday I shall find someone to love and cherish. Perhaps we will have our own children. Until then, I vow here and now that I will be the best godfather I can be to my dearest friends' children. For Esme and those to come...you may always come to me. I will forever be by your side. And someday perhaps the fruits of mine own labor in making Ishgard a better place, a more tolerant and open nation, will mean your parents will make their home here.
I am so lonely. I miss them so much. Letters are not the same as cooking your darling mother or playing billiards with your father. I would love to take regular walks with Agi again. I'd love to get shitfaced with Estinien. I miss them...so very much.
Aymeric had not realized he had started crying and wiped his tears.
He chuckled, rising from bed and grabbing his robe. Duty, as ever, calls.
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