#(( please welcome and say goodbye to my henry
just-bendy · 1 year
Hey hows henry doin?? he hasnt been on the blog enough can we show him some love?
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BENDY: Ya wanted him, so here he is (for just this one ask)! These are the folk I've been tellin' ya about, Henry! Ain't they just an... interestin' bunch?
HENRY: Very interesting. Hello, nice to meet you all. I'm Henry- well, I'm sure you already know that. Thanks for humoring my little demon. I... had no idea anyone wanted to meet me.
BENDY: Yeah, and maybe if they behave, they'll be able to!
HENRY: Behave? Oh my.
BENDY: Thanks fer stoppin' by, Henry! You can get back ta whatever you were doin' upstairs.
HENRY: Haha, okay. Well, if you ever need me for anything, Bendy, just give me a holler and I'll be right down. Bye bye now.
BENDY: Yyyyyessir, will do. See ya!
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BENDY: Ya best skedaddle before they start tryin' ta point a gun at 'cha again.
HENRY: ..... I... What?
BENDY: Don't worry about it, just go. Shoo shoo!
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blackphanto · 2 months
Chucky predictions
I wanna make Chucky theories so bad, but I can't think of any! This show is so crazy that I can't even predict or speculate on what could happen next. There are some people teasing on twitter though and all they've been doing is making me even more hyped for how this season is going to end. So here are some of my predictions based on everything that's been teased so far.
Jake will enter the spirit realm:
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I don't think he's necessarily going to die, but he's so fixated on ending Chucky for good to the point where he refused to run away from it all like Devon suggested. And we've heard the doctor, the only way you get to the spirit realm is by dying, but what if you didn't need to die? I believe that thanks to all the supernatural shit occurring there, the White House will become some sort of passage between the two realms. Jake will cross it to try and destroy Charles' soul, but if he will fail or succeed is still debatable...
Caroline helps Chucky get young again:
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If Jake fails in permanently killing Chucky, Caroline will come to the rescue. We know she'll be back, but what role will she play in this mess? When she'll return, all hell already would've broken loose and she'll just make it worse. Her sudden entrance at the White House will cause quite the emotional reunion for Lexi and her. Yet, Caroline didn't come alone. Armed with the Voodoo for Dummies book, sure, but she brought another friend, who's none other than the Good Guy Doll creator played by John Waters. He came with a new doll, a new vessel for Charles and with Caroline's newfound knowledge of Voodooism, she'll get Damaballa's blessings and give Chucky a new body, a new chance to not disappoint the almighty Iowa and if he plays his cards right, he might even become forever young.
Grant will survive:
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I don't have any evidence to back this up, I just like him and think it's unfair that Lexy always has to say goodbye to someone she loves each season and I just don't want it to happen again. From a psychology standpoint it just desensitized her and would lead to her not getting attached to anyone else besides Jake & Devon next season, in fear of someone else always having to die because of her. And from a writing perspective it just gets repetitive, predictable and boring. So please Don Mancini don't kill him, also I love Jackson Kelly.
The past will haunt everyone:
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Charles Lee Ray isn't the only ghost the Terror Trio will have to deal with in the newly supernatural possessed White House. We've seen the past of the Collins family haunt them time and time again, we've seen Henry talk about ghosts and fearing what they told him almost every single episode. Why would that stop at Joseph or Charles? Wouldn't it be horrible for our trio to be faced with the lives they lost thanks to a doll they couldn't stop? How would Jake react upon seeing his father again, disappointed at him for being gay. And Lexy, the poor girl, facing Junior, the boy she watched die, trying to save her... Not making at least one ghost of the past come back would be a wasted opportunity.
Tiffany will survive, but Jennifer's body might not:
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Tiffany's possible death has been brought up in every interview Jennifer Tilly made following the comeback of Chucky season 3. At this point it even became a ‘will they, won't they’ situation. Does Mancini really have the guts to kill off a cult favorite character and actress he loves so much? Or will we just say goodbye to seeing Tilly on screen and welcome only her voice? I mean the trailer kinda made it clear for me that this isn't the end of Tiffany's story, but maybe that of Jennifer's body.
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willowmosby · 7 days
I have over the last 5 months watched all 15 seasons and the immortality special of the original CSI. I have no plans to watch the reboot anytime soon so I thought I would info dump my thoughts, and if love to know how others feel. I will now present a very very long post with breakdown some quick thoughts on the seasons, more thoughts on most of the characters and a few ships.
Tldr: I really enjoyed CSI as a whole and I'm sad to say goodbye to a formula and some characters I've really grown attached to. ( And If there is a good Nick Stokes written into immortality fic please lmk)
I do think the early seasons the most fun/ light hearted, which feels weird to say when it literally opens with Sara investigating Warrick for negligence. I kinda wish I had blogged along or something so I could be more detailed in my response about them.
Like a lot of shows I think it really hit its stride in the middle seasons. If I had to pick a few seasons to watch it be 5-7. It also helps that I had finally gotten used to the lighting.
I think the 9- 11 stretch is too serious, don't get me wrong there were some bangers but overall not great
12-15 they were better and back to a little more fun, and I think the series kept its footing pretty well in its final innings. It was no golden era and I felt really bad that Catherine got demoted but I really enjoyed it. ( Well ok I really wasn' a gig harbor arc fan)
Immortality was a fine special, although I don't really feel like it stuck the landing. Part of that will probably become obvious when I talk about my character and ship takes but I also just felt the case could have been better. It's the freshest in mind, obviously, so I will say I really loved having Catherine and Grissom back and if anything I felt like it gave good closure for them and to a lesser extent Sara.
Characters( kinda in the order of their exit):
The lab rats: Bobby, Mandy, Archie icons every one of them. There is a world where Wendy, Hodges and Henry get their own sections but I feel like they would appreciate being in this group. Never pushed into too much melodrama their characterization, always great at their jobs. I would love to grab drinks with any of them
The cops: Brass will get his own sections but to summarize my feelings on all the others. They did their job and I love that for them. They almost never overstayed their welcome but they also aren't the reason I'm watching this show. The only two I would want to get drinks with are the should have been lesbian Sofia Curtis ( she almost got her own section but then i got lazy) and the best uniform in the business, the man, the myth, my man officer Mitchell.
Warrick Brown: My smooth talking gambling king. He was definitely missed after his death. While I didn't love his characterization in the greda Arc, I usually really enjoyed his dynamic with the team and his drive to the job. His death was the closest I came to stopping my watching. His skills with kids are underrated ( probably cause Nick and Catherine are so good) and I do have a say on top of all his intelligence and skills at the job he is so handsome. I think he might go a little too hard for me to enjoy getting drinks with him but I would still do it.
Gill Grissom: My second favorite Dr. Bug ( sorry no one can beat Jack Hodgins) he really is the smartest person on the show. You can always feel his passion for science which is lovely. While sometimes out of touch or oblivious he is usually incredibly kind. I liked his tie to the deaf community. You can pull the fact that he is Demi from my cold dead hands. In a lot of the ways he was the heart of the show and it definitely shows when he left. His relationships with Catherine, Warick, Nick and of course Sara were well developed. I would kill to get a drink with him just to listen to him talk science.
Riley Adams: she gets a section as it is rude for me to not mention a character who was in the credits but she's fucking white bread milk toast. Would not bother getting drinks.
Raymond Langston: I love his relationship with Robbins and I think he's incredibly smart. But I just think the show gave him way way too much too quickly. I mean just compare it to the fucking effort Greg put in to reach CSI or that as new CSI 3 there was a long stretch where Nick didn't get his own cases. I appreciated his complex background but he brought with him the Haskell arc which was just too fucking long and serious. I would get a singular glass of wine with him.
Catherine Willows: What a girl boss. And I mean that is all the best and worst ways. I really love her at her best but man some of her lows are just.. no fun. She is absolutely vital to the show's success and 9/10 times she is out there taking no prisoners and careing for her team. Just you know wish she hadn't shown her daughter a dead body or faked a crime scene with a new guy to name some examples. She could drink me under the table no doubt.
Jim Brass: While never my favorite character I always appreciate seeing him on my screen. Competent enough to hang with the scientist and still be a good cop. I appreciated how dedicated he was to his daughter but Just not personally my vibes. I would get a drink with him but uhh maybe make it non alcoholic cause it's unclear if he needs sobriety help.
Julie Finlay: She's sweet and very very good at her job. If she had come earlier on she might be one of my favorites just my top 3 was already filled. She brings a good balance back to the team, and she has a weird level of breaking and respecting the rules that I enjoyed. She very quickly had such a good dynamic with all the returning favs that there are moments I forgot she was so new. She's got big Bi & Poly energy. I know the actress wasn't coming back but I would've paid to see her interact with Grissom. Sad that she died off screen but also kinda glad they didn't end 15 with her completely dead. I would absolutely get drinks with her, probably mimosas despite my dislike for them.
Morgan Brody: eh shes fine. I feel like despite everything she still comes off as naive. I love her relationship with Eklie and Hodges but overall she left something to be desired. Nothing that I super disliked but I do kinda wish some of her screen time went to Sara or someone else.
D.B Russell: he was honestly a breath of fresh air, well until he wasn't. I think I just love Ted Dansion for one but also I felt like Russell was a beautiful balance between caring and professional. It was nice to have a supervisor who was actually kinda good at politics. I love that he actually cares for his kids and loves his wife ( although I was informed by my mother that he is divorced in Cyber). I do kinda wish the kept the bit where he laid on the ground as a body but mostly cause I found it way funnier than it is. I really hated the gig harbor killer arc and I felt like a large reason is it made him too serious. I would get a drink with him, but honestly I'd love to have a full meal with his family
Super Dave: what a lovable but weird dude. Genuinely a great example of how you can blend strange comments with kindness and consistency to create a great character. I would love to grab a drink with him.
Doc Robbins: What an honest man and in the running for the best M.E ( up there with Ducky and Cam). I'm glad he mostly stayed out of the drama and appreciated that he was always thorough, even when people were occasionally questioning his own work. Not kind to a fault but definitely empathetic. I would 100% grab a drink with him.
Now to the top 3, the best of the best, the ones who were in for the long haul.
Nick Stokes: Whether it's the sweet Texas accent and big bown eyes or the fact that he's the longest running main cast member I do think he is my favorite. Empathetic and kind, almost to a fault, he is also a man's man who can hold his own against the worst criminals. The show put him through the absolute fucking ringer but he still leaves with a smile on his face. Even when he clashes with other characters I feel like he resolves the problems better than other people. He definitely could have benefited from good therapy but I still love him anyway. His skills with kids are so nice and grounded in his backstory. Loved that he became the new big guy. Occasionally they try and paint him as a bit of a player but given he sleeps with like 2 women over 15 seasons it doesn't super add up. This is definitely the queer in me talking but he gives huge repressed Gay energy. Like a lot of his early arc is about graining confidence in himself. Not to mention,his relationship with Warrick and Greg are so filled with undertones and honestly let that man get fucked and some of his problems might go away. Anyway. So I guess more power to the actor for not coming back for even a cameo but I really really felt the lack of him in immortality. So If anyone knows a fanfic where he's there lmk I would read that shit in a heartbeat. Would get drinks with him, would die for him.
Greg Sanders: I love rave going lab rat Greg. I love the new CSI trying to prove himself to Greg. I love mob history author Greg. I mean he's got to be one of the most intelligent characters on the show- he's good at science and history- and it never makes him come off as rude or entitled. I think his shift from lab rat to CSI, whether intentional or accidental, is well built. He is criminally oh I mean so so so criminally underutilized in immortality. I dislike when he's angry and there are certainly episodes where he feels off but overall he's just so lovable. Disgusting hair choices but hey at least that was a consistent trait. His relationship with Nick and Sara throughout the whole show are really great and after 15 seasons they really do feel like they've been a team for 15 years. He gives Huge Bi energy so I would take him to a gay club for drinks and dancing.
Sara Sidle: You can call her a problematic fav all you want but she's a bad bitch and everyone should love her. She is so great at her job and she never lacks humanity. The show kinda lost track of her exact backstory at some point but I don't care too too much as she stays strong willed and passionate the whole show. Her will to never quit and iconic smirks will stay winning forever. I have thoughts on her relationship with Grissom but bottom line she knew what she wanted and got it. Her friendship with all the main cast, particularly Greg and Nick, is really lovely and shows how she has grown and changed over 15 seasons. Because I actually care about continuity I would not get an actual alcoholic drink with her but non alcoholic drinks aplenty would be had if I could meet her.
Listen I don't have a real finger on the pulse of what ships are popular as this show finished airing 10 years ago and I was trying to not be super spoiled.
That being said
GSR: I'm not super into Grissom/ Sara ( side note I know the Internet was a different place 20 years ago but who picked GSR as their ship tag), but I'm also not against it. I think they have a big "match my freak" energy which is nice but. I don't know I just feel like by the end of it Sara could do better. Like she gave up the lab director for the guy who asked her for a divorce. I still think it's better than some other options just you know not like my otp. 8/10
Catherine/ Warrick: I think that the flirting was all fun and games and then if became too much. Let's be honest neither of them are built for committed relationships. Probably would have been better then whatever the fuck was happening with Warrick and Tina. 5/10
Catherine/ Vartann: its canonical and like they were fine I didn't hate it didn't love it. Probably better for Catherine in the long term than any other of her potential ships 6/10
Nick/ Greg: idk if this is super popular but it's my otp for the show. They seem like they bring out the best in each other. Nicks more clean cut natural could balance out the more chaotic ature of greg. Obviously with the era the show was made in I don't think that there tension was intentional but it's still there. From the name that chemical compound game to working together until the end of really think they would be great. 11/10
Nick/ Warrick: I had to mention for the just two dudes who have homoerotic tension energy but ehh Warrick dose really read straight to me in every other context. 3/10
Wendy/ Hodges: ehh they give straight white couple who should have just talked about their feelings. 4/10
Hodges/ Henry: is this a real ship? idk man, But it's an friends to enemies to lovers I would love to read. 6/10
Morgan/ Greg: ok part of this is the my ship bias( see above) but I did not like them together. Their flirting is not good, his anger at her kidnapping too extreme, idk I Just really feels like they operate in different levels. 0/10
Morgan/ Hodges: I actually thought this was really sweet and was super said they went with the parents dating thing. I think they understood each other on a really fun level and that they brought out the best in each other. I loved how supportive they were of each other even in seemingly poor decisions. 8/10
Finn/ D.B: I would assume that this is the popular het ship for the them but uhh D.B is so happily married and Finn ( much like Warrick and Catherine) doesn't really give monogamous relationship. 0/10
Finn/ Sara: 100% queer women projection but uhh just imagine post divorce Sara figuring out her identity with Finn and they try friends with benefits but then need more. 6/10
If you made it this far thanks so much for reading and id love to hear others thoughts as I do a deep dive into this show. I Will be reading plenty of fanfiction and may start CSI: NY to appease the new hole in my heart.
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Obligatory Introductory Post
Hello all, I am Engineer GunzelPunk. Pronouns They/Them. By my name, I'm an Australian railfan (a ''Gunzel" is a Australian term for a railfan used a lot in Victoria; it used to mean something similar in implication to 'otaku', ‘foamer’ or even "Queer" in the LGBT sense, but it's changed a bit since then), and think way too much about trains and the Railway Series/TTTE. Here is where I will dump all my odd train thoughts, art (OCs, redraws and other things), some videos and generally engage in nostalgia.
I simp really hard for Henry, the green Black Five. If there is a bit of an excess of Henry content, that is the reason why. I also simp for Victorian Railways locomotives. I do not apologize.
I may also indulge in a bit of TTTE AU (monster/demonic- Ironclad, human-This Is Sodor: The Age of Iron)/ Red and Black Steam On Southern Metals (Victorian Railways RWS/TTTE AU/Extended Universe)/headcanoning from time to time.
I will tag all "adult" topics appropriately for the benefit of everyone, as there will be some topics discussed on my blog such as death, funeral culture and its associated practices, criminality, obscure and bizarre magical philosophies, disability and other such things that may offend or trigger.
Some of my fiction is spoken in my native tongue (liberal use of the word "c**t" will be the least of it). It will offend or be incomprehensible.
There may be gore, violence or drug references.
This blog is LGBTQIA+ allied. NO APOLOGIES. All in the Queer community are welcome at Casa D'GunzelPunk.
It should go without saying but I'm going to anyway... NO TERFS, NO SWERFS, NO FASCISTS.
I don't want to single out Ace/Aros but all sexual content will be marked for your convenience, if you wish to proceed.
This is for your own safety. There will be adult content here. Minors DNI.
Otherwise I just wanna have fun posting stuff. No Drama.
Now with all that out of the way, I shall introduce my GunzelVerse under the cut:
This Is Sodor: Iron Age (Gunzelverse human/transformation AU/EU branch)
“All things pass into the night...
Goodbye Horses! I’m flying over you…”, Q Lazzarus
The name the “Age Of Iron/Iron Age” is supposed to evoke the Ages of Metal in Classical thought, with the Golden Age being the best and the age of Iron the absolute nadir, a Dark Age. (Such phraseology is used in steam enthusiast culture with the term ‘Golden Age of Steam’ being a well worn phrase, so the reference to the ‘Iron Age’ is a darkly ironic answer to that.)
It's grimly ironic considering the primary metal that steam locomotives are made of and the fact that during the Lokodammerung ("Twilight of The Locomotives", my term for the mass locomotive scrappings during the Beeching Axe/Operation Phoenix), they were being reduced to this base component.
Given as the AU occurs during that particular Dark Age for locomotives, the 60’s and early 70s, I thought it would only be appropriate as a subtitle for it.
The locos when they become humanised start becoming wise to humans, what it is to be human and messing about with subcultures in vogue at the time (in Britain; Mods, Teddies, Rockers, Skinheads, Greasers, Hippies, Punks, etc, and in Australia; the Mods, Sharpies, Bodgies and Widgies etc.), for them its a second sort of adolescence where new info, new sensations flood their conciousness, new modes of being... and a potent new weapon in their survival against the scrappings.
#GunzelVerse# This Is Sodor: Iron Age#ttte humanisation#ttte gijinka#thomasallgrownup
Red And Black Steam On Southern Metals (Victorian Railways AU/EU)
The Island Of Sodor isn’t the only place with non-faceless vehicles.
On the other side of the world, on a railway network the size of Great Britain and every Victorian human is no more then 25 kms away from a railway line; the steam locomotives of the Victorian Railways live and work.
They breathe and suffer and love like humans; from Newport Works where many locomotives were built, to the notorious soot-caked North Melbourne Loco Depot and the 1-30 slopes of the high country at Cudgewa, known as ‘K-class Country’, and the ever stylish Spirit of Progress and The Overland; when the Oz version of the Beeching Axe and Lokodammerung strike their Broad Gauge fiefdom, their world is upended forever.
And the survivors must carry on as best they can.
This is an Extended/Alternative Universe existing parallel with the Island of Sodor and overlapping with This is Sodor: Iron Age, though the sweep of time is longer. It will feature humanisation.
The 'Red and Black' of the title refers to two common liveries, black for goods work, red for passenger work during the active days of the VR (with plenty of variation such as the blue and gold "Spirit of Progress" livery of the S-class Pacifics).
It will feature OCs of mine based on real life locomotives like VR Pocono H220 ‘Heavy Harry’, Hudson R707 ‘City Of Melbourne’ (but here called ‘Cerberus’), A2 4-6-0 No 986 (in this universe, ‘Pluto’) and others. And there will be some reference to real life personages.
These are fictional representations of locos and humans and no comment is to be inferred from them, or offense intended in their depiction.
There will be very heavy coarse language (like I said in my intro, the word ‘cunt’ being used will be the least of it) and adult themes, and be written in the Australian vernacular.
A lot of it will jump time as the mood takes me. They will be dated if possible.
OC Profiles below:
VR A2 4-6-0 No 986 "Spirit of Warrigul" aka "Pluto"
VR H-Class Pocono H220 "Heavy Harry"
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chineselanguageblog · 2 years
100 Common Chinese Phrases in Hotel
To learn spoken Chinese, we must improve in various topics, not only basic oral Chinese but also the oral Chinese of other topics.
Here, we have compiled 100 common mandarin Chinese phrases for you in the hotel to help you improve your spoken Chinese.
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1, Say Hello (打招呼)
1, 早上好, 先生(小姐) Good morning, sir (madam)
2, 下午好, 女士们, 先生们。 Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen
3, 晚上好, 普莱丝小姐。 Good evening, miss Price
4, 你今天好吗? 布朗先生。 How are you today, Mr. Brown?
5, 我很好, 谢谢你。 I‘m quite well, thank you.
6, 再次见到你真高兴, 先生(小姐) It’s good to see you again, sir (madam)
7, 见到你真高兴, 先生。 Nice to meet you, sir.
2, Titles (称呼)
8, 你是贝丝特夫人吗? Are you Mrs. Best?
9, 你一定是福特教授。 You must be professor Ford.
10, 我可以知道你的��字吗?先生(小姐)。 May I know your name, sir(madam)?
11, 怀特医生, 这儿有你的一封信。 Here‘s a letter for you, Dr white.
12, 史密斯船长, 有你的电话。 you‘re wanted on the phone, Captain Smith.
13, 欢迎来到我们酒店, 享利小姐。 Welcome to our hotel, miss Henry.
14, 我能为你服务吗? 贝克先生? May I be of service to you, Mr. Baker?
15, 我能帮你吗? 布雷克小姐? Can I help you, Ms. Blake?
16, 请坐, 小姐。 Would you take the seat, young lady?
17, 我能帮你吗? May I help you?
18, 您需要帮助吗? May I help you?
19, 我能为你作什么? What can I do for you?
20, 我可以为你拿你的手提包吗? May I take your bag for you?
21, 我能帮你拿你的箱子吗? May I help you with your suitcase?
22, 你需要我为你叫一辆出租车吗? Would you like me to call a taxi for you?
23, 非常感谢! Thank you very much.
24, 麻烦你了! Thanks for the trouble.
25, 你真是太好了! You are so kind of you?
26, 不用了, 谢谢! No, thanks.
3, Answers to Thanks 对感谢语的应答
27, 不客气! You‘re welcome.
28, 不用谢! Not at all.
29, 没关系! That‘s all right.
30, 别提了! Don‘t mention it.
31, 这是我的荣幸! It‘s my pleasure.
4, Expressing welcome 表示欢迎
32, 欢迎光临, 先生(小姐) Welcome, sir(madam).
33, 欢迎光临我们酒店, 先生(小姐) Welcome to our hotel, sir (madam).
34, 欢迎来我们西餐厅。 Welcome to our western restaurant.
35, 我们很高兴你来到这儿。 We‘re glad to have you here.
36, 随时为你效劳, 先生(小姐)。 I‘m always at your service, sir (madam).
5, Apologies 表示道歉
37, 对不起, 先生(小姐)。 I‘m sorry, sir (madam)。
38, 非常抱歉。 I‘m very sorry.
39, 对不起打扰你了。 I‘m sorry to trouble you.
40, 对不起占用你太多时间了。 I‘m sorry to have taken so much of your time.
41, 对不起让你久等。 I‘m sorry to have kept you waiting.
42, 原谅我打挠你了。 Excuse me for interrupting you.
43, 我希望你能原谅我。 I hope you‘ll forgive me.
6, Answers to Apology (对道歉语的应答)
44, 没关系。 It doesn‘t matter.
45, 没什么。 It‘s nothing.
46, 别放在心上。 Never mind.
47, 没什么。 That‘s nothing.
48, 别再想它。 Don‘t bother about that.
49, 别担心。 Don‘t worry about it.
50, 别道歉, 这是我的错。 Don‘t apologize, It was my fault.
7, Good wishes (良好祝愿)
51, 祝你们玩得愉快! Have a good time!
52, 祝你晚上愉快。 Have a nice evening!
53, 生日快乐。 Happy Birthday!
54, 圣诞快乐。 Merry Christmas!
55, 祝你成功 May you succeed
56, 再见, 祝你好运。
8, Goodbye and good luck (再见和祝福)
57, 希望你旅途愉快。 I hope you‘ll have a nice trip.
58, 祝你旅途愉快。 Wish you a pleasant journey.
59, 祝你安全抵达。 Happy landing.
60, 一帆风顺。 Bon voyage.
61, 希望再次见到你。 Hope to see you again.
62, 晚安。 Good night.
63, 明天见。 See you Tomorrow.
9, Self-Introduction (自我介绍)
64, 我叫享利, 来自金湖酒店, 我是来接您的。 I‘m Henry, I’m from Golden Lake Hotel, I‘m here to meet you.
65, 我的名字是艾琳, 我是管家部服务员。 My name is Irene, I‘m the housekeeping Department waiter.
66, 我是这儿的接待员, 欢迎来到我们酒店。 I‘m the receptionist here, welcome to our hotel.
67, 预订部, 我能帮你吗? Reservations, May I help you?
68, 送餐服务, 我可以进来吗? Room service, May I come in?
69, 我是享利。亚当斯。 This is Henry Adams speaking.
10, Affirmative Responses (肯定回答)
70, 当然可以。 Surely.
71, 当然可以, 先生(小姐)。 Certainly, sir (madam)。
72, 是的, 先生(小姐)。 Yes, sir, (madam)。
73, 是这样的, 先生(小姐)。 That‘s true, sir (madam)。
74, 非常好。 Very well.
10, Negative Responses(否定回答)
75, 不, 先生(小姐)。 No, sir (madam)。
76, 我不这样认为。 I don‘t think so.
77, 当然不。 Of course not.
78, 恐怕, 那个主意不好。 I‘m afraid that’s not a good idea.
11, Useful Questions 常用问句
79, 你喜欢什么? 茶还是咖啡。 What do you prefer, tea or coffee?
80, 请在这儿签名好吗? Would your please sign here?
81, 两人的一张台吗? A table for two?
82, 你计划住多久。 How long do you plan to stay?
83, 请拼一下你的名字吗? Could you please spell your name?
84, 你要哪类房间? What kind of room would you like?
85, 我可以看你的护照吗? May I see your passport?
86, 我可以知道你的电话号码吗? May I have your telephone number?
87, 你怎么啦? 先生。 What‘s the matter, sir?
88, 我为你叫一个医生吗? Shall I call a doctor for you?
89, 你喜欢这个节目吗? Do you enjoy the play?
90, 你喜欢这首歌吗? Do you like this song?
12, Useful Chinese expressions 惯用表达语
91, 请享用你的早餐, 先生。 Enjoy your breakfast, sir?
92, 给你菜谱。 Here is the menu.
93, 服务指南在桌面上。 The service guide is on the desk.
94, 游泳池在那边。 The swimming pool is over there.
95, 请接着讲。 Go ahead, please.
96, 线路正忙。 The line is busy.
97, 你看上去真棒。 You look great.
98, 请翻阅点歌单。effort Please consult the song list.
99, 这是一个非常感人的故事。 It‘s a very touching story.
100, 如果没有音乐, 这世界将会变得很沉闷。 Without music, the world would be dull.
The above is for you to organize the hotel’s commonly used 100 oral Chinese phrases, hope to be helpful to you. The improvement of spoken Chinese requires suitable materials and more effort to improve to achieve good tools. More, If you want to learn some basic Chinese phrases, you can refer to these survival Chinese phrases.  
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archiveikemen · 1 year
Amamiya Henri Main Story — Chapter 13
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by downloading and playing their games.
read this before interacting with my posts
Henri: Oh that was awkward.
After we found the little girl’s mother, we had another problem.
Little Girl: No—! I want you to come home with me—!
Mother: Hey! Cut it out.
(I can’t believe she’s crying because she doesn't want Henri to leave.)
No matter how her mother tried to stop her, the little girl grabbed tightly onto Henri’s arm.
Mother: You’re bothering big bro. Come on now, let’s go!
Little Girl: He’s not big bro! He’s a prince!
Her words reminded me of just now.
== Flashback Start ==
Henri: Come here, little princess.
Henri: Don’t cry. You’ll look more adorable when you’re smiling.
== Flashback End ==
(He treated her like a princess, of course she would see him as a prince. Anyone would react the same way.)
As I was thinking about that, I glanced at him and he spoke in a gentle voice but with a serious look on his face.
Henri: I appreciate the invitation, but I’m sorry I can't go home with you.
Henri: I…
He crouched down to look into the little girl’s eyes and pointed at me.
Henri: I’m a prince who only belongs to that big sis.
When Henri declared with a smile…
Little Girl: Whaat!
The little girl and I exclaimed in surprise at the same time.
After laughing at our reactions, Henri gently grabbed the little girl’s hand.
Henri: There will be lots of princes waiting for you in the future, and they're all more handsome than I am.
Henri: Okay?
The mother, little girl, and I turned beet red when Henri winked.
Henri’s words succeeded in getting the little girl to stop crying and she went home with her mother.
After I waved them goodbye, I looked up at Henri.
MC: Henri.
Henri: Yeah?
MC: Here. Your juice.
Henri: Ah, thanks.
Henri took the bottle of juice from my hand and took a sip.
Henri: I’m glad we could reunite that little girl with her mother.
MC: Me too. But…
Holding the juice bottle in both hands, I mumbled.
MC: … Henri, you don’t actually belong to me, right?
(I know that was a lie to convince the little girl to go home with her mother.)
Henri chuckled and closed the lid of his bottle.
Henri: Well… yeah. But…
Henri looked into my face and asked,
Henri: MC, you said that you’ll fill my heart from now on, right?
Henri: So it's the same as me belonging to you now.
(Those words…!)
== Flashback Start ==
MC: I’m going to fill the void in your heart, and you’ll never say that it's empty again.
MC: I’ll make you the main character of my song.
== Flashback End ==
Being reminded of what I said at the cafe made me so embarrassed that I quickly looked away.
MC: That’s not what I meant.
Henri: Oh. But can I interpret it that way?
MC: Uhm…
MC: D-Don’t ask me something like that.
When I was looking away, I heard Henri giggle.
Henri: Since you didn’t say no, that means I can, right?
Henri: Am I yours now, MC?
MC: … Don’t ask me.
Henri: Hahaha your reaction is so cute.
(He’s definitely having a blast!)
Henri reached his hand out towards me again.
Henri: Well then, since we’ve settled that situation already… shall we go on?
Henri: With our date.
When I turned my gaze back to Henri, he was giving me the same dazzling princely smile he gave the little girl.
MC: … Yeah.
(I feel like he’s always leading me on.)
I realized that a smile had naturally appeared on my face, and I gently interlaced my fingers with Henri’s.
Afterwards, we went to Henri’s favorite restaurant and time flew past quickly while we were eating delicious food…
We headed back to the Sakuragi at night after our date.
Henri • MC: We’re back—
When we went to the living room together to drink water…
Kyoichiro: Welcome home.
Kyoichiro and Kanade were seated side-by-side on the sofa.
Henri: Huh? It's rare to see the two of you here at this hour.
Henri: Kyoichiro usually studies hard even on his off-days, and Kanade works in his room.
Kyoichiro: Yeah. But today…
Kyoichiro glanced at Kanade.
Kanade let out a small laugh and raised the glass in his hand.
Kanade: I want to drink, Henri.
Henri: What? Drink?
Kyoichiro: It’s been a while since the last time three of us had a drink together. I have a lot to ask you about.
Kyoichiro gave a meaningful smile and shook his glass that was filled with ice.
Henri thought about those words for a moment.
Henri: Ah—... have I been worrying you guys? It's okay. There's nothing unusual going on with me.
Henri smiled brightly.
Henri: But it’s indeed been a long time since I had a drink with you guys, so I’m glad you asked!
Henri: Come join us, MC!
MC: Me? Um…
I cast Kyoichiro and Kanade a puzzled look.
(I do want to drink with them, but…)
(Kyoichiro said that he has some stuff to ask Henri about, and I feel like I should give them some privacy.)
I looked at Henri and responded with a smile.
MC: I still have some things to do, so I’ll be going back to my room.
Henri: Is that so? That’s so sad.
After having a drink of water, I left the living room, while Henri continued sulking.
As soon as I exited the living room into the hallway, Otto walked towards me.
Otto: Nya—
MC: Hello, Otto.
Otto meowed when I crouched down to stroke Otto’s head.
An image of Henri flashed into my head while I was petting Otto.
(I can’t wait to get back to my room and start working on that song.)
(Henri’s song.)
MC: Let’s go!
Otto: Nyaa?
I balled my hands into fists, stood up, and went straight to my room with Otto.
After returning to my room, I was so focused on making Henri’s song that I didn't realize it was already midnight.
MC: … Sighhhh
I took off my headphones in front of my keyboard and sighed.
(What kind of song would fill the void in Henri’s heart?)
(What should the melody sound like? What about the lyrics?)
I thought about the things I said to Henri earlier today.
== Flashback Start ==
MC: I’m going to write you a song that will change the world!
MC: I’m going to fill the void in your heart, and you’ll never say that it's empty again.
MC: I’ll make you the main character of my song.
== Flashback End ==
(... I could write something like a ‘tanka’, I guess?)
(But I think I need to get to know Henri better first, before writing a song for him.)
Keeping that thought in mind, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.
I decided that I needed a change of environment, so I gathered my music sheets and headed for the soundproof music room.
Right when I left my room and reached the staircase…
MC: Ah…
I heard the living room door open, and I turned around to see Kyoichiro coming out into the hallway.
Kyoichiro: You’re still awake. Your eyes are a little red.
I rubbed my eyes when he said that.
MC: I’m not very sleepy. Perhaps just a little worn.
Kyoichiro: … By any chance, are you going to the music room?
Kyoichiro’s gaze was on the music sheets in my hand.
MC: Yeah. I just thought I needed a change in environment…
When I answered honestly, Kyoichiro pointed at the living room behind him with his thumb.
Kyoichiro: Hey. Before that, why don’t you stop by the living room for a while?
MC: … What? But—
(Will it really be okay for me to intrude?)
While I was searching for an answer, Kyoichiro patted me on the shoulder.
Kyoichiro: I know what you're worried about, but it's alright now.
Kyoichiro: I need your help with those two guys.
Kyoichiro gave me a wry smile, and I smiled back at him in response.
Kyoichiro invited me for a drink, so I put the music sheets back into my room and came back to the living room.
Kanade: What? I thought you were cooped up in your room making songs.
Kanade’s question caught me off guard.
MC: Y-Yeah I was. But I wanted a change in environment, so…
That's when I realized,
MC: Huh? Henri…
Kanade was alone on the sofa, and Henri was nowhere to be seen.
Kyoichiro: He should be in his room. He’ll be back soon.
MC: Oh, I see…
(Maybe I’ll finally get to hear about that!)
I quickly sat down on the sofa, causing Kanade to give me the side eye.
Kanade: The look on your face tells me that there's something you want to find out.
MC: What!?
(It was that obvious.)
I was left speechless. Kanade laughed at my reaction and slowly crossed his legs.
Kanade: I’m in a good mood tonight. Shall I help you out?
Kanade’s lips curled into a smile.
Not long after that, Kyoichiro brought me a cup and sat cross-legged on the carpet.
Kyoichiro: Kanade. No more drinks for you, got it?
Kanade: Mm… did you say something?
Kyoichiro sighed. I leaned forward and asked,
MC: Well then, if it's alright with you, can I hear about Henri and your trio!?
MC: Please tell me as much as possible.
Perhaps it was the effect of alcohol on him, Kanade looked sexy leaning against the sofa and chuckling.
Kanade: Okay.
Kyoichiro: Anything specific you want to hear about?
MC: Hm… I want to hear about your high school days.
MC: I heard that your band was formed in high school, but… how did it all start?
Upon hearing my question, Kyoichiro narrowed his eyes, feeling nostalgic.
Kyoichiro: Kanade and I stayed behind after school to play our instruments in the classroom, and Henri came to peep at us.
MC: Peep!?
Kyoichiro: He heard the rumors about Kanade and wanted to see for himself.
Kyoichiro: As soon as he heard us playing, he burst into the room saying “let me join!”.
MC: Sounds exactly like something Henri would do.
Just imagining a smiley Henri saying something like that was enough to make me smile.
Kanade was also feeling nostalgic, and he said in a clear tone.
Kanade: Henri told us to let him join, and we did. But he’s still the same as back then…
Kanade: He would always step away and watch us from the sidelines.
Kanade: It’s as if he’s putting himself in the audience’s shoes.
Kanade shook his ice-filled cup.
Kanade: That bad habit of his has stuck with him from those days, all the way until now.
MC: Oh gosh…
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shxdowsofombra · 2 years
Hope’s B-day Weekend
Zach had planned a few days for them to both get away from everything that was going on. It was a surprise for Hope since there was a lot going on with the whole prom thing and the drama at the castle that they were trying to stay out of. “Are you all packed and ready?” He asks as he turned to look at her. 
“Hm are you sure now is a good time to go? I mean there is a lot going on. Charlie said my parents are fighting again so maybe we should just wait. Besides, Eli has never been left alone this long and Emmett is still ghosting this family. Hallie will take the whole break to be with her boyfriend and I swear if we come back and she’s pregnant, I will kill her.” 
“Your parents are always fighting to be honest. Eli will be okay it is only like two days if anything? Emmett…we at least know where he is so that’s not that bad. Hallie knows better than to become pregnant again. They have DJ to be concerned about anyway so they can’t get too carried away.” He reassures her.
“Yeah I know, but eventually people get tired of fighting Zach. And I am just worried.” Hope says before smiling at his words. “We had Emmett to worry about and you got me pregnant with Hallie so that is the opposite of reassuring.”
“Yeah but they always come back together. It might take them having a break from each other for a bit but then they make up somehow and they are the longest standing couple on this island.” He tells her. “I mean…listen Hallie…definitely we wanted him to have a little sister for sure.” 
“Hm I guess, their breaks always suck for the rest of us though.” She said as she zipped up her luggage. “You didn’t even want kids, so I don’t think you planned for that but it’s cute you are trying so hard to reassure me.” She laughed. “We can go before I change my mind.”
Zach finished zipping up his bag before helping carry her bags as well. They made their way downstairs where Zach thanked Tommy for coming to watch Eli. “You know that only you can get away with calling me cute right?” He jokes with a laugh. 
She walked with him downstairs before seeing Tommy. “I didn’t know you asked my brother to babysit. Hi Tommy, how have you been?” She asked before hearing Zach’s words. “You know I’m not the only one that calls you that. All those mom’s at Luna’s birthday party called you cute. I thought it was adorable.” She smiled teasingly.
“I have been okay. And don’t worry I don’t mind coming here to spend some time with my nephew. I don’t get to come around all that much so it’s a nice change in pace. Just make sure you make it back in one piece please. I heard that Eli can be a bit picky like dad.” He teases.
“Ew, why are they calling me cute. No more soft Zach around the parents. It might get to their heads.” He shakes his head before greeting Tommy as well. “Thank you for offering to come and watch him for the next two days. And if you need anything just let me know.” 
“Maybe they were calling you cute because you did everything Luna asked you to.” She smiled before turning her attention to Tommy. “You know you don’t have to hide away. I mean I know the reason you do, but you are always welcome.” She told him. “Henry and Hallie will probably be stopping by as well, they don’t start school until we get back. And Emmett most likely will stay at the castle so you should have some help.”
“I know we don’t but it’s just nice being in our own little bubble you know? Away from all the drama and things…it’s just…nicer.” He tells her. “But I will keep that in mind.” He smiles. “Now off you two go. I know there are instructions in the kitchen so I am going to go and read those.” 
“I was doing everything that was asked of me from the birthday girl.” He tells her while looking at her with a smile. “He is right though, let’s get going.” Zach says before taking her hand and leading her out the door.
Hope said goodbye to her brother before following Zach outside. “So where is this cruise going? Is there a specific destination or no? I feel like I know nothing.” She said as she helped him with the bags.
“Mhm there is no specific destination but it is a private cruise so we can go wherever we want technically speaking.” He says before putting the bags into the trunk of the car and opening up the door for her to get in. 
“A private cruise? You didn’t want to share me with other people?” She asked teasingly as he opened the door for her. “Aw, how sweet.” Hope kissed his cheek before moving into the car.
“Of course I didn’t want to share you with anyone else. It is your birthday so I figured you could spend your time doing whatever it is you want.” He shuts the door and gets in on the other side and starts the car. “Plus I figured you would want us to have some privacy since it is your birthday after all.” He winked. 
Hope buckled herself in as she smiled hearing his words. “Hm being in public never bothered me, but I do think I will have more fun with it just being you.” She said before resting against her seat. “Thank you for the trip.”
“Of course baby girl. It will be nice to get away, just the two of us.” He buckled himself up before starting the car and driving to the dock at the beach. Once they got there, the ship was already there so one of the deckhands helped him bring the luggage onboard the ship. “There might be like one or two people for the crew but other than that it is just us.” 
Hope watched one of the crew members flirt with Zach as he moved the luggage on board. She just smiled to herself before seeing Zach coming up to her. “That’s fine baby.” She hummed at his words before wrapping her arms around him and kissing him deeply. It was definitely a lot more intense than normal but she was sending a message.
Zach figured the crew member was just being nice and he smiled and thanked them. He instinctively wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her just as deeply. “Mhm we haven’t even made it to the cabin yet baby girl.” He teases as he takes her hand and leads the way. 
“I couldn’t help myself.” She purred in his ear before following him through the ship. She looked around as they headed to the cabin before letting his hand go and looking at the cabin. “This is very nice. Much better than your cabin on the ship.” She teased.
“It is a lot bigger, I can tell you that for sure. I made sure to get the best accommodations while we are here. Besides this is a cruise ship not just a normal pirate ship. This ship actually has standards.” He teases with a small laugh. “Plus it has a nice view of the ocean due to the reinforced windows and floor being made of magical glass that won’t break. You can literally sleep with the fishes around us. I thought it was pretty cool and that you might like something like this.” 
Hope couldn’t help but laugh at how Zach explained everything. “You are so cute.” She teased as she sat on the bed. “I love it. It is very nice. And the floor is also nice. But you know mermaids do swim around too. So…they might see things.” 
“You might think they would be able to see us but this is actually one way glass. We can see out but all they see is just the normal bottom of a ship. That is what is so great about the magic here.” He smiles as he shuts the door and locks it behind them. “The bathroom also has a tub and hot tub as well so…the more fun the merrier.” 
“You’ve thought of everything.” She smiled as she watched him. “Hm I’m guessing we can order things as well? So we spend more time having fun and not having to worry about everything else?” She asked as she stood up and moved to her suitcase.
“Of course I did. I wanted everything to go smoothly and be as stress free as possible. We can order things as well, they do have a chef on board.” He nods before getting his own suitcase and starting to unpack. “Plus if we enjoy it enough I could see us coming back here quite a lot to escape from everything else.” He smiles. 
She started to unpack and pulled out all her bikinis and smiled. “Well I think we will have a lot of fun.” She said as she kissed his cheek and started putting things in her drawers. “Also, for the day of my birthday I have a surprise for you.” She said playfully.
Zach bit his lip as he watched her unpacking all her bikinis knowing that they would be going back with them in pieces. “You have a surprise for me? Isn’t it supposed to be the other way around baby girl?” He teases as he continues to put his things away. 
“What’s the fun in that? I wanted you to get something special this weekend too and it’s my birthday so you can’t say no.” She smiled. “You are really going to like it. It was hard to hide it from you so I am happy to finally show you.” She told him.
Zach smiled at her words. “Of course I can’t say no to you on your birthday, that would be rather mean of me wouldn’t it?” He jokes. “Mhm, having to hide something from me? Now that is some dedication.” Zach teases with a smirk as he finishes unpacking and puts the suitcase away. 
She finished unpacking and placed her suitcase with Zach’s as she turned to look at him. “Maybe if you weren’t an assassin I wouldn’t have to go out of my way to hide things. I could do what normal wives do and place it in the closet.” She giggled. “Can we go swimming?” She asked.
“Mhm that was what made me all the money and those rings on your fingers dear.” He smirked. “Of course I course we can go swimming. The pool is up top near the balcony.” Zach smiles before grabbing his swim suit. 
“Hm I do love my rings.” She teased back before grabbing one of her bikinis and changing into it. She left her hair down as she left her phone on the bed. “We should agree that we don’t use our phones this weekend. I trust Tommy can handle it and hopefully if Tommy is with our kids, Ellie is with my parents.” 
Zach threw his suit on as he listened to her words. “I agree with no phones on this trip. They are too distracting and this weekend is just about us.” He reassures her as he walks over and wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her close to give her a kiss. “I am sure they will be fine. If he needs help I am sure he will call her.” 
“I believe you.” She said before kissing him back. “You look really sexy.” She smiled as she grabbed his hand and led him out of the room.
“mhm you look even more sexy in that bikini baby girl.” He purred as he followed her out of the room as they made their way to the pool. 
“Oh really?” She asked teasingly before seeing the pool and getting inside. She turned to look at him. “I brought a lot of them in case my husband wants to rip them off…” She smiled as she let her arms come up and playfully tugged on her strings.
“Good because that is probably what will happen.” He smiles before getting into the pool as well. “I would say we could just walk around naked on the boat but we don’t need anyone else getting distracted by your beauty now do we?” 
“Hm, that does seem like a problem.” She teased. “I would agree with you but we have both come to realize how incredibly possessive you are and if you kill everyone, what was the point of bringing them in the first place?” She asked.
“Oh that is true. Well I am sure everyone knows to stay away from where we will be though. We can give them blindfolds or something. They should be able to rely on their other senses perfectly fine.” He tells her as he pulls her onto his lap in the pool. 
Hope felt him pulling her into his lap and she wrapped her arms around him. “But then they’ll still be able to smell us. I won’t be able to hide how turned on I am if I’m walking around naked.” She smiled. “Is that a rule you gave them when you hired them? Stay away from us?”
“That is true…well I gave them the rule that if we see them I will kill them. So they need to take care of things when we aren’t around. We wanted to have as minimal exposure to everyone else as possible so I figured that was the best option.” He smiles. 
She smiled before kissing him softly. “I am sure they will stay away. They aren’t here now.” She pointed out as before, running her tongue over the sensitive part of his neck. “I’m always so horny when I’m pregnant.”
Zach couldn’t help but let out a moan as she ran her tongue over the sensitive part of his neck. “mhm I know you are, baby girl, that is why I got us this private boat so that we can definitely take care of that for you.” He purred. 
“Aren’t you clever?” She teased before pulling away and swimming away. She looked around and saw the crew getting some drinks ready for them and couldn’t help but laugh as they fought over who would bring it to the couple. “You scared them Zach.”
“Of course I did. They know to only come when I tell them otherwise they stay away.” He smirked before motioning for them to bring over the drinks. Once they set them down, he thanked them before shoo-ing them off. “I know you can’t have alcohol so I have the closest thing to it for you without it being actual alcohol so we can still have some fun.” 
Hope waved at the person that brought the drinks before watching them basically run away. “Hm…thanks baby.” She smiled. “Do you know Luna called for you yesterday?”
“It’s so funny watching them run away.” He smirked before turning his attention back onto Hope. “She called for me? Why? I thought she was spending time with Charlie or something?” 
“She wanted you to fly her around.” She says before swimming over to him as she leaned close to his ear. “You remember. You were downstairs training and I called you upstairs and asked you to use your dragon tongue on my favorite place? That’s when she called.”
“Mhm oh that was the phone call? I think we had a lot more fun though instead of me leaving. Besides, she can get Henry to fly her around. He could use the practice.” He says as she swam over to him. 
“Do you know how hard it was not to moan on the phone when your tongue is deep inside of me.” She asked as she pulled him closer to her. “I enjoyed it a lot more than having you leave.”
“Mhm it was very interesting to watch. I loved seeing you get all worked up while on the phone. I would hope you would want me around more instead of leaving.” He teases before giving her a kiss. 
Hope pulled away before he could kiss her and smiled. “I always want you around Zach. I love you.” She says smiling.
“I love you too. Why are you pulling away from my kisses baby girl?” He pouts before giving her ass a squeeze. 
She smiled happily before feeling him squeeze her ass and she let out a soft gasp. “Are you pouting? Is my assassin pouting?” She teased before kissing his cheek. “There you go. Aren’t you cute?”
“The fuck you dodging my kisses? MY kisses? Rude.” He says before turning his head away. “Nope, you didn’t want my kisses, that is your loss.” Zach smirked. 
Hope couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh wow, you definitely aren’t the bad boy I dated. You are soft now.” She teased as she poked his stomach. “I should tell the staff you didn’t mean to threaten them.”
“All soft? Are you kidding me?” He says before feeling her poking his stomach. “The fuck…I will go eat them right now just to prove my point and you know I would.”
She giggled as she heard his words and bit her bottom lip, “Aw but you are soft. All the moms love you and the kids are obsessed with you. Even Waddles loves you.”
“I am not that soft. Only for you and the kids that is it.” He tells her. “Everyone else can go away.” 
She couldn’t help but smile as she pushed her hair behind her ear. “I know Zach…and that means a lot to me.” She told him honestly.
Zach held her close to him as they enjoyed
 the water around them. “I am glad that it means so much to you. I know it’s been hard but I have been trying to…you know control the other side for the sake of the kids and yourself.” 
Hope felt Zach holding her tighter and was confused by his words for a second, “Oh, Zach you know I don’t care about that. They don’t care. You are who you are and if that’s the other side then we love that. You know I will always love you.”
“I know but I just want to be a good father to the kids and a good husband for you. I never really thought about all of this before I met you and now it is all that I can think about. I wouldn’t change it for the world.” He smiles before giving her a kiss. 
“But you are. You are a great father and you would know if I was upset with you. I don’t like when you put too much pressure on yourself. I just want you to be you.” She replied before kissing him back.
“I know baby girl, that is one of the things I love about you.” He smiles. “Happy Birthday Hope.” Zach gives her another sweet kiss. 
She giggled as she looked at him, “It’s not my birthday yet, but thank you Zach.” She said as she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back.
0 notes
spencessmile · 3 years
Conversations In The Bullpen
Pairing - BAU x Fem!Reader
Summary - You and the team exchange stories from past and present times.
Warnings - Fluff, Swearing & slightest mention of injury and talks about clowns.
Word Count - 1.6k
And all imagines/fanfics/blurbs are written solely by me so please don't steal my work and/or post it without my consent. Feedback and Comments are welcome. Happy reading!
Requests are CLOSED!
“What about you Y/n?” You hear Morgan’s voice as you finish up your last report, adding it to the finished pile. You slide your chair towards his desk, Morgan’s foot stopping it before it hit Garcia’s legs. “Craziest thing you saw or dealt with in LA before you quit your job as a cop? Go.”
“Oh, um,” You chuckle. “I could probably go on forever. A lot of weird shit happens in LA.”
“Top 3?”
“Top 3? Okay, first I had a case where a woman killed her husband because he refused to leave their cottage in her name. When my partner and I investigated we found out that she buried him within the walls of their house.”
“Oh my god, no!” Garcia groans.
“Second has to be when I had my right hand inside a man’s chest for nine hours. He was in a really bad car accident and he wouldn’t have made it to the hospital in time so I had to open him up in the middle of the street in order to stop him from bleeding out.”
“That sounds so cool,” Emily beamed, her chin resting on her right hand.
“There goes my dinner,” Garcia spoke.
“His sternum was severely messed up which caused his heart and one of his big blood vessels to start bleeding into his stomach.”
“Wow! It sounds just like that episode from Grey's Anatomy where Meredith had her hand inside that guy's chest. Remember the one who had the bomb inside him? How did it feel to have your hand in someone’s chest?”
“One of my favourite episodes. Uh, it was umm sor- It was bloody and it got worse,” You shrug. “I passed out on the OR floor.” You chuckle thinking about the whole situation and how ridiculous it sounds saying it out loud.
Morgan and Emily crack up laughing as you shake your head. “Yeah, I remember that whole week being so chaotic but that took the cake.”
“Third?” Spencer asks.
“Oh, this one is top on my list. In 2016, there were killer clowns on the loose in Los Angeles.”
“Nah uh. Nope!” Morgan shakes his head as you notice him tense up at the mention of clowns.
“Morgan has coulrophobia,” JJ said giggling at Morgan.
“What really?” You asked, JJ nodded.
“Oh yeah, Morgan’s not a fan of Halloween, people in costumes or masks.”
“Listen,” Morgan put his hand out. “Costumes and masks give me the hibbie jibbies. Just no.”
“Hey everyone knows you're terrified of clowns but no one here knows why exactly you're terrified of them. What’s the story behind clowns?” Emily asks.
Morgan puts five fingers up. “I had evil older cousins.”
“Oh!!” Everyone laughs.
“Morgan,” You pat his shoulder. “I was traumatized by my older cousins too but don’t worry their all going to hell.”
“I just don’t like the way they look, with the red nose, and all that face paint and masks,” Morgan explains.
“You know the fear of clowns usually stems from the feeling of not knowing what’s going on underneath the mask or costume,” You still remember the words of your captain.
“I just don’t care. If I were to see a clown I will hands down punch it.” Garcia and you just laugh at how passionately Morgan seemed about his hate for clowns.
“2016 was a fucking weird year for LA. It started out as a harmless prank but people just took it too far. I think the LAPD arrested close to 2,000 clowns,” You sounded so ridiculous saying this out loud.
“I just glad weird fucking shit doesn’t happen here in Washington.”
“What would you do if a clown showed up at your apartment?” Spencer asked as
Morgan glared at him. “Why would you ever say such a thing?” Morgan spat, getting upset. “I’d probably kick its ass.”
“Morgan you're scared of like,” Emily waves her hand around. “Everything.” She laughs. “Remember that case we had NYC, and it was Halloween? You were so annoyed that people had decorations up.”
“Oh,” JJ faces lights up. “I remember that and the woman's husband who we were trying to find had a cage full of birds! Morgan, you were terrified of those birds!”
“Okay, can we not do this right now?!” Morgan looked annoyed.
“What’s your problem with birds?” You ask.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Well, actually one time Mor-”
“Baby girl, don't you dare say a word!” Morgan warns her as Garcia puts her hands up.
“Hey! That’s not fair, how come Garcia knows the story but not the rest of us?” Emily asks.
“That’s because I was there,” Garcia sips her tea, looking over at you.
“What type of person is scared of birds?” Spencer asks, shaking his head as Morgan sat up in his chair.
“Reid, Reid don’t move but there’s a spider on your shoulder!” Morgan yells as Spencer jumps up from his chair, violently wiping his shoulder.
“GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF! EMILY!!” Spencer continues to move around as you all lose it watching Spencer running around frantically.
“Emily, is it gone?!” He asks, as Emily is holding onto her sides, JJ leaning into her as Garcia was wiping away tears. Morgan's face was tomato red from laughing as you felt like you couldn’t breathe. “Guys! This isn’t funny! Is it gone? Where is it? Please, ser-” You could hear the panic in Spencer’s voice.
“Spencer!” You called. “There was nothing there,” You say, giggling.
“Morgan was just pulling your leg,” You playfully smack the back of Morgan’s head as he continues to laugh at Spencer distraught condition. Spencer glares over at Morgan as he grabs the small hand exercise ball off his desk and throws it, hitting Morgan in the face. Everyone bursts out laughing.
“What was that for?”
“For what you just did to me,” Spencer says, putting a hand on his chest.
“Why are you scared of spiders, pretty boy?” Morgan questions.
“I just don’t like them. All their legs and fu-” Spencer shutters at the thought of them.
“Did I ever tell one time Spen-”
“Morgan don’t!”
“Spencer called me over one time because there was a spider on his bedroom ceiling. When I got to his apartment, he was wearing doughnut and smiley faces boxers while trying to kill a spider with a mop.”
“Shut up, your lying!” Emily looks over at Spencer.
“That didn’t actually happen,” Spencer’s face was flushed red with embarrassment.
“Didn’t it?” Morgan holds out his phone, playing a video of Spencer trying to kill the spider.
“This is the best thing ever!” Emily exclaimed.
“YOU MADE A VIDEO?!” Spencer shrieked.
“And I’m not ashamed to admit that I watch it at least twice a day because that video right there is pure gold, baby!” Morgan cheers.
“Who else have you shown that to?” Spencer asked.
“Oh just you guys,” Morgan replies. “My sisters.”
“Oh my god.”
“My mom loved your smiley face and doughnut boxers.”
“YOU SHOWED THIS VIDEO TO YOUR MOM?!” Spencer exclaimed as Garcia kept replaying to the part where Spencer runs behind Morgan.
“Look at his face!” She yells as you and Emily grabbed onto each other from laughing so hard.
“One thing is for sure after watching this video,” JJ says. “Both Spencer and Morgan radiate so much chaotic energy off each other.”
“Yes!” You say, giving her a high five.
“Hey Y/n, did I ever tell you about the time Morgan showed up at my apartment drunk?” Spencer asks and you shake your head. “While wearing nothing but briefs.”
“I don’t think so.”
“Oh you wouldn’t!” Morgan threatens.
“Watch me!” Spencer leans over and whispers in your ear.
“OH MY GOD MORGAN! You look over at him. “Seriously?”
“What’s going on out here?” You hear a deep voice from behind you, turning around you see Hotch walking down the catwalk.
“How come I didn’t know about Morgan's dirty past?” You ask, folding your arm. Without even asking Hotch knew exactly what you were referring to.
“I’m unfriending you all,” Morgan points to everyone as Garcia leans into him, giggling.
“Everyone here knows a little bit too much about Morgan’s sex life,” Hotch points out.
“Hotch, not you too man,” Morgan groans.
Hotch leaned against Emily’s desk as he looks around at you all teasing and laughing with each other. Though Hotch could hear the laughter from his office, he couldn’t help but walk out and join the chaos. It was times like this, that Hotch was beyond thankful to have you all apart of his life. He could always count on you guys to add the sweet and spice to your guy's solemn life.
“What are you all still doing here? Your shift ended half hour ago,” Hotch looks down at his clock.
“Oh shoot!” JJ said, quickly grabbing her bag. “I gotta pick up Henry from my moms.” She bid her goodbyes and headed out.
“What about the rest of you? Don’t have any plans?”
“I have a date but that’s not until Wednesday,” Morgan says as you all just stare blankly at him. “At 7pm.” You smirk at him. “What?”
“Today is Wednesday you dumbass,” You said. “You just stood up your date by a half-hour.”
“Oh shit!” Morgan scrambled for his things, beelining for the elevator. “If I don’t get laid tonight, it’s all your guy's fault and drinks are on you guys for a whole month!” He yells behind him.
“Twenty bucks say his date going to cuss him off for being late, leaving him hanging,” You say.
“Forty bucks say that Morgan is going to get laid and that we’re all going to hear about over coffee tomorrow morning,” Hotch said dropping forty bucks on the table, walking away leaving you all in shock.
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
No. 19 “Why are you wearing that? We are at a wedding!” with female reader
Once again congratulations 😄❤️
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In The Doghouse
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Content/Warnings: fluff, slight argument, garvez
Word Count: 0.7k
Spencer pulled the car up to the wedding venue. You ran out to meet him in your pale pink silk bridesmaid robe with your makeup half done.
“Finally! You guys are so late!” you exclaimed.
“Charlotte woke up on the wrong side of the bed today,” Spencer explained, getting out of the car.
“Why are you wearing that? We are at a wedding!” your eyes widened as you pointed to Spencer’s outfit choice, a panda onesie.
“This is the only way I could get her to leave the house!” Spencer opened the back door and picked up your 5-year-old daughter out of the back seat in a unicorn onesie.
“Please tell me you brought your changes of clothes,” you asked.
“Yes, of course, love. I’ve got my tux hanging right there and-” Spencer paused, “…So here’s the thing…you know when we got married and in your vows you promised to love me no matter what.”
“Spencer Walter Reid,” you gritted your teeth, “Did you forget our daughter’s dress?”
“Yes,” he squeaked.
“I’ll go back and get it!” he scrambled to find his keys again.
“There’s no time! You have to get ready. We’re not going to be missing a groomsman and a flower girl,” you stated, “You go get ready. I’ll take Char and explain the situation to Penelope and Luke and see if we can have Jack or Henry fill in as ‘flower boy’.”
You knocked on Penelope’s bridal suite door, holding Charlotte’s hand, “Come in! Unless you’re Luke! Cause I already told you a million times I can’t see you until the wedding!” she called out.
“It’s just Y/N and Char,” you replied, opening the door slightly, “We have a bit of a situation due to my genius husband with an eidetic memory,” you sarcastically emphasized those words.
You opened the door all the way, revealing Charlotte in her glittery pink unicorn onesie. Penelope burst out in joyous laughter.
“Do you want me to go see if any of the other kids can fill in?” you asked.
“No! No! I love it! Perhaps even more than her original dress,” she giggled.
“Are you sure? It’s your wedding, I don’t want to ruin anything.”
“No, it’s perfectly perfect,” she smiled.
“Say thank you, Auntie Penelope,” you told Charlotte.
“Thank you, Auntie Penelope,” Charlotte repeated, running over to give her a hug.
“Oh you’re welcome, my dear,” Penelope accepted the hug.
“I’ll go inform Luke but I’m sure if you approved, he won’t have any objections,” you waved goodbye, “I’ll be back to help you into your dress in 5 minutes.”
You knocked on the groom’s suite door.
“Come in!” Luke called out.
You opened the door to see all the men in their tuxedos, “Oh, so handsome, all of you!” you smiled.
Your smile flattened when it came to Spencer, “Spencer, explain to Luke what you have done.”
“I forgot to pack Char’s flower girl dress,” Spencer admitted.
“Penelope was fine with it. Luke, are you okay with this?” you asked.
“Yes, that’s quite alright,” Luke chuckled.
“Okay, thank you,” you turned to Spencer, “Don’t get it twisted, Spencer Reid, you are still in the doghouse.”
“Yes, love,” Spencer nodded.
“Someone is sleeping on the couch tonight,” Matt chuckled.
After the wedding was over and you had gotten out of your dress, you walked out to the living room where Spencer was setting up a makeshift bed.
“What are you doing?” you asked.
“Sleeping on the couch?” he furrowed his brow.
“Spencer, I’m not that mad,” you laughed, “It was just a mistake.”
“Oh good,” he let out a relieved sigh, “I don’t fit on this couch.”
You grabbed his hand and led him to bed. Spencer was in his panda onesie once again so you put your tiger one on.
Once you were all snuggled up under the sheets, Charlotte came running in, still in her unicorn onesie.
She settled herself right in between you both.
“Well this turned into a giant cuddle pile,” you grinned as Spencer wrapped his arms around you both.
submit a blurb prompt request for my 750 celebration here! (closes on friday 7/9 11:59 P.M. EST)
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Peter Pan
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Peter Pan when... he is in Henry's body and you try to tell everyone in your family because you two are twins and you realize that Henry is not Henry.
Part 1 // Part 2
After about 1.5 weeks you get a message from Peter out of Storybrooke that your family has finally found out that Peter and Henry have somehow switched bodies and now want to kill him. He also writes that you might want to see him die and the reaction of your family. You think about it for two days and then decide to return to Storybrooke. But what you didn't know is that when Henry found out that none of your family believed you, how you felt that Henry wasn't Henry, he was very angry with everyone and wanted to find you, but they all stopped him. He feels very bad towards you although he can lead the least there. 2 days later you are standing in front of the border of Storybrooke and again you are singing softly to yourself "I think, I think, your song will be the key!". A small kind of protection spell is created around you and you can simply walk through the invisible barrier. You keep running until you get to the clock tower and see nine people. You walk ahead and stay a little behind them all. You watch everything closely. When Rumpelstiltskin's shadow gives him his dagger and he rams it into Peter Pan's back. Peter still sees you and smiles at you as he transforms back and then both of them disappear. Suddenly the nine people in front of you can move again and Belle collapses. Henry looks around a bit puzzled. His twin sense are calling to him and he feels that his sister is here. But you turn around again, because you don't want to be with these people and need your distance. You set yourself in motion when a too familiar boy's voice calls you. Henry turns around and sees his twin sister. He is very happy about it, but also sees that she wants to leave. "Y/N!!!" the boy shouts and not only the girl but also the entire family of the two turn around.
All of them except Henry feel guilty and look at the floor, which looks very interesting for them. On the other side Henry runs to his sister and hugs her who lightly hugs him back.
"I'm so sorry they all didn't believe you, but they do now. Please come back home.", Henry tells his sister, who releases the hug and looks at him monotonously. You shake your head and take a few steps backwards. The other family members walk toward the siblings with their heads slightly raised. "We're sorry," Emma wants to start but is immediately interrupted by you. "Didn't I say I would never forgive you for this? You didn't trust me so why should I trust of you anymore. You have all rode yourselves alone into your doom, so get out of there alone. I'm not here for that. I'll be going. Have a nice life," you tell them and say goodbye again. All the adults look at the floor, but Henry runs after you, saying something about twins needing each other. You know what he means and tell him that your family first has to admit what they did wrong and not only admit but they have to make an effort to regain your trust and build up a trust in you. When the two of you reach the border of Storybrooke, you hug your twin brother and then say goodbye to him.
Here you get to the first part: Part 1
I hope you liked the second part of my first Peter Pan/ Once Upon a Time GIF Imagine.
You are very welcome to leave me your opinion and feedback.
This is a story from another account of mine, which I have re-posted here.
Have a nice day or evening 😊🥰 (depending on when you read it).
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The Only Woman
Pairing: (Henry Cavill!)Sherlock Holmes x Reader
Requested: Yep - “Hello Ma’amMay I request a Sherlock Holemes x Redaer?That when they were younger she was BSF with Sherlock and Mycroft. And all of the sudden they disappeared and never wrote to her a letter or nothing. And she got closer to Enola and when Edoria disappeared she reunites with Sherlock and Mycroft and Reader is Mad and Sad that he left without saying nothing. She always was in love with him and at the end she finds out he also was in love with her! And lots of fluffThank You so MuchAnonymous (she/her/hers)”
Summary: Basically just the request
Warnings: Probably some swearing, some 20th century misogyny, pining, fluff, angst, denial, all that fun stuff, probably ooc Sherlock but we vibe with it because he’s soft af
A/N: My first full length Sherlock fic! I should mention that my requests aren’t actually open right now, especially not for full fics but I was inspired by this request and so decided to make it into a full one! I hope you guys enjoy, please remember to reblog, comment or send an ask letting me know what you think and if you want to see me write more for Sherlock (and Henry and his other characters for that matter) in the future!
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Y/N had been essentially another resident of the Holmes household her whole life, having been introduced to the family through the two boys - Sherlock and Mycroft, whom she had run into while out playing in the woods. Her family lived in the house nearest to the Holmes residence, technically making them neighbours.
Sherlock and Mycroft didn’t exactly do ‘friends’, that much had been clear even to Y/N’s young mind after meeting them. She was a year and a half younger than Sherlock and yet she still knew more about interacting with other people than he did. Not that either of the Holmes boys had ever seemed interested in other people, they had their brains to keep them occupied, and when they failed to find entertainment in learning, they had each other.
Despite this, they took a shine to Y/N when they found her playing make-believe on her own in the woods and insisted that she come over to have dinner with them and their family.
Mr and Mrs Holmes had gone out of their way, following that initial visit, to make Y/N feel as welcome as possible at Ferndell Hall. At first this was simply because they were astounded that their sons had actually made a friend and seemed interested in maintaining this friendship, but then it was partially as a result of the somewhat turbulent relationship that it became clear Y/N had with her family.
Eudoria in particular had ensured that Y/N knew she could always come and visit, that there was a spare bedroom that could be set up should she require it, which Y/N only began to take advantage of as she grew up and the rows with her parents over her future became more frequent.
However, it was always Sherlock that she was closest to. While she considered Mycroft a friend, and he had grudgingly returned the sentiment, they had never clicked in the same way that Y/N had with Sherlock. Occasionally Mycroft would storm off midway through a game, frustrated by Sherlock’s intelligence which so trumped his and Y/N’s, or he would simply decide that he was ‘above’ having friends.
Sherlock never much minded Y/N hanging around though. Truthfully, now that she was grown, Y/N looked back at their years of friendship and couldn’t help but wonder if perhaps his reason for tolerating her company was because she gave him the awed reactions that he secretly desired from his intelligence.
She had fond memories of her childhood with the Holmes. At Ferndell she never felt the need to pretend to be a young lady ready to be married that her parents so desperately wanted her to be, even as a child. Mr Holmes encouraged her to continue her studies beyond what her Governess would teach her, and Eudoria actively tried to teach her all that she could, going so far as to teach her alongside her sons on occasion - Mycroft wasn’t exactly fond of that, though Sherlock appeared to enjoy her company.
And then there was Enola, a surprisingly timid child considering the family that she had been born into - though Eudoria was convinced that her shyness was a trait that she would soon grow out of. Enola adored Y/N.
While Sherlock and Mycroft paid their little sister no mind, too caught up in their own lives to acknowledge their baby sister’s, Y/N was fond of Enola. Having grown up in a male-dominated household with only brothers for company, she had always wanted a younger sister.
It was Mr Holmes’ death that changed everything.
Not long after his death, Y/N was saying goodbye to her two closest friends as they left for Boarding School. Y/N had promised to write to them and had been encouraged to do so by Sherlock, who seemed thrilled by the prospect of their continued communication and Mycroft had also seemed somewhat in favour of the idea.
Y/N wrote to the brothers for a year after they left. Her letters to Sherlock in particular were long and full of detail about both her life, her parents continued attempts to interest her in marriage and her attempts to further her education, as well as the lives of Eudoria and Enola.
After a year of these letters, however, Y/N had yet to receive word from either brother and thus, with a heavy heart, she had halted her letter writing and turned her mind away from the Holmes brothers. 
Eudoria had ensured that Y/N still knew that she was welcome whenever she wanted to come over, however, and so Y/N’s life at Ferndell continued even with the absence of the boys she had considered to be her closest friends.
Y/N had been the first to be informed that Eudoria had disappeared, Enola having ran over to her house the day of her sixteenth birthday in a state of distress, imploring the older woman to help her. They had agreed that it was best for Sherlock and Mycroft to be contacted at once, with Sherlock’s career, Enola had been certain that her brother would make himself indispensable.
Y/N had been less keen on writing to the Holmes brothers, dreading having to see her old friends again, still far more hurt than she could care to admit about their silence following their departure. Every time in the past week that Enola had brought up the topic of her brothers, Y/N had been quick to change the subject.
A decision that she was coming to regret now that she approached Ferndell to find an automobile parked outside of it. Y/N bit back a groan, aware that its presence more than likely meant that Sherlock and Mycroft would be waiting inside.
Y/N didn’t knock before she entered, she never had as she had basically been a part of the family over the past few years.
She could hear the low mumble of voices coming from the drawing room, which were becoming steadily louder and Y/N’s expression dropped into a deep frown as she stepped towards the room, recognising Enola’s voice, breaking with emotion, even through the closed doors.
Before she could place her hand on the knob, however, the door was flung open and Enola rushed out, crashing into Y/N, who almost dropped the bags she was holding.
“Enola?” Y/N breathed, her hands gripping onto the young girl’s shoulders, steadying her. 
“Y/N!” Enola embraced her tightly, though not before Y/N caught sight of her face, flushed red and eyes shining with tears, her expression the picture of distress.
“What’s happened? What’s wrong? Why are you… in your undergarments?” Y/N asked in a rush as Enola pulled away. The teenager wiped fiercely at her face, clenching her jaw.
“My brothers are here…” Enola seemed to struggle with herself for a moment before shaking her head. “I wish to be alone.”
With that, Enola pushed past her and shortly after Y/N heard footsteps on the stairs. Y/N looked back to the door to the drawing room and caught a glimpse of a man holding a book, chestnut curls falling over his forehead, his brown eyes just visible, his brow furrowed as though he were frowning.
Sherlock was recognisable immediately. His eyes moved over to the door, away from the chair Y/N knew to be facing him in the room which she assumed seated Mycroft, and his book lowered, his head raising and his lips parting in slight surprise - an expression that Y/N had never seen on him in the entire duration of their friendship.
Before he could say anything, however, Y/N turned on her heel and walked towards the kitchen.
“Good morning, Miss Y/L/N,” Mrs Lane said from where she was kneading bread dough on the kitchen counter.
“Morning, Mrs Lane - I see that Enola’s brothers have arrived.”
“Yes, they got here yesterday,” Mrs Lane confirmed as Y/N placed down the bags of food she had bought and began to unpack them into the pantry. Knowing how overworked Mrs Lane had been, staffing the house alone, particularly since Eudoria’s absence, Y/N had taken to doing the food shopping for them.
“Enola seemed very upset,” Y/N said, unable to conceal her worry.
“Yes - Mr Mycroft has been less than impressed by both the state of the house and Enola herself.”
“Why?” Y/N demanded, her frown deepening, the beginnings of anger festering in her stomach.
“He doesn’t think Mrs Holmes did a good job of raising her,” Mrs Lane looked equally disgusted by the words even as she spoke them. “He wishes to send her to a finishing school to turn her into a proper lady.”
“But can’t he see that she’s happy here?”
“I don’t think Mr Holmes much cares,” Mrs Lane admitted.
“What does Sherlock think of all of it?”
“He has been rather silent on the matter, Miss Y/L/N,” Mrs Lane said, shaking her head and sighing. “I fear Enola has been rather disappointed by the brother she so idolised.”
“She said she wished to be alone for a while,” Y/N said, leaning on the counter and rubbing her forehead, wanting to ease out the deep concern she was feeling for the girl she had come to think of as a sister. “I’ll try and talk to her in a little bit,” she decided and Mrs Lane nodded her approval.
Y/N ventured out into the garden half an hour later, figuring that that was ample time for Enola to think it over for herself. Y/N knew exactly where the Holmes daughter would be, she knew that Enola had a favourite tree in the garden where she would go, should she want to get away from the house for a little bit.
What she wasn’t expecting was to find Sherlock walking back from the direction of the very tree Y/N knew Enola to be hiding in. He looked deep in thought, but there was no denying the very slight smile that lifted the corners of his lips.
Y/N allowed her head to fall, her eyes on the ground, hoping against hope that there was even the smallest chance that Sherlock may not notice her.
“Y/N - it was you I saw,” there was an edge of something like delight in his voice as he spoke and Y/N wanted to look up, to see his expression, to confirm that he was smiling as he acknowledged her.
Instead, she chose to ignore him and attempted to continue walking.
“Y/N!” Sherlock called, and reached out a hand to gently take hold of her arm, pulling her ever-so carefully back to stand in front of her.
“Mr Holmes,” Y/N returned his greeting, lifting her head to watch his features fall into a slight frown.
“I wasn’t aware that you would be here,” Sherlock said, his eyes searching hers.
“I was always welcome at Ferndell,” Y/N responded stiffly. “Now I must go and speak with Enola,” she said, turning ready to leave him.
“Y-” Sherlock cut himself off from saying her name. “Miss Y/L/N,” he corrected, and Y/N risked a glance at her old friend over her shoulder, seeing his brow crinkled in confusion, an expression that she had rarely seen during their childhood.
“Yes, Mr Holmes?”
“How have you been?” Sherlock was floundering, that much was obvious. All the articles about him that Y/N and Enola had read, all her memories of him from her younger years had always portrayed him as being calm, collected, ready with his words. Seeing him now, in this state of uncertainty, caused by seeing her for the first time after so many years, it brought her a sense of satisfaction.
“Fine thank you, now if you’ll excuse me,” she didn’t give Sherlock a chance to respond, walking away from him as quickly as possible, though she could feel his eyes burning into her back as she left him behind.
Enola was sitting on the grass at the base of the tree, her back pressed up against it, her sketchbook balanced on her lap but her eyes were glazed over and looking at the scenery rather than at the pages.
“Can I join you?”
The teenager started, her eyes widening in slight shock but then she relaxed as her eyes landed on Y/N, who she offered a small, tired smile and nodded her head. Once Y/N had seated herself on the ground, Enola scooted over to rest her head on her shoulder and let out a long sigh.
“I’m glad to see you’ve put on clothes now,” Y/N finally broke the silence and the younger girl laughed a little.
“Apparently my proportions are incorrect,” Enola informed her.
“Yes, I often find myself thinking that,” Y/N teased and Enola giggled again, playfully elbowing Y/N in the side. “Are you okay?”
“I don’t want to go to Miss Harrison’s Finishing School for Young Girls.”
“Finishing school is the worst,” Y/N agreed. 
“I remember when you went,” Enola murmured. “Mother said you hated it.”
“I did,” Y/N confirmed. “I begged my parents every holiday to not send me back, I think I even asked your mother at one point to adopt me so that I wouldn’t have to go,” Y/N chuckled at the memory, shaking her head. “It was a source of great amusement for my brothers.”
“Mine too,” Enola said darkly. “Mycroft is an utter pig, you know.” 
Y/N laughed again at the choice of words.
“Family reunion didn’t go quite as planned, I take it?”
“I didn’t have a hat or gloves,” Enola sighed. 
“So off to finishing school?”
“The only logical course of action,” Enola agreed, her tone biting. “You were friends with them, weren’t you?”
“Yes,” Y/N said, wary of where this conversation was going. “But I stand no chance of changing their minds. Mycroft was always stubborn, even when we were children, and I haven’t seen them since they went to boarding school.”
“I know.”
“I’m sorry, I wish I could help,” Y/N said, her heart aching for the young woman.
“It’s okay,” Enola murmured. “I was just wondering, though… Sherlock was talking about me as a child - you must have known me at the same time as him, yes?” Y/N nodded her confirmation. “I think I have more memories of you than him or Mycroft.”
“I spent a lot of time with you,” Y/N shrugged.
“He said that I used to drag a pinecone around with me.”
Y/N couldn’t help herself from laughing as the memory struck her.
“Oh yes - a little pinecone, wrapped in wool that you dragged around on a string because of Queen Victoria’s spaniel. Called… Dash? I think?”
“That’s what Sherlock said, yes,” Enola straightened up, a slight grin on her face. “So it’s true?”
“Yes, you were rather obsessed with the thing,” Y/N confirmed, still chuckling a little. Silence fell between them, comfortable and thoughtful.
“What were my brothers like growing up?”
Y/N thought hard before answering, her mind going back to her childhood.
“They were fun,” Y/N said at last. “They both knew that they were smarter than me, and I think that that was at least part of the reason they kept me around. Sherlock would teach me things - things that my Governess wouldn’t have thought I ought to know…” Y/N trailed off. “They were kind,” she admitted at last. “Albeit a little aloof at times, a little arrogant, they were always kind to me. I think Sherlock could tell immediately that I was unhappy with my family, and that was why they brought me to Ferndell,” Y/N confided.
“Mycroft was kind to you?” Enola asked, staring at her wide-eyed. 
“He didn’t know any better until he went out into the world,” Y/N replied, smiling a little.
“I won’t let him send me to Miss Harrison’s Finishing School For Girls,” Enola stated defiantly.
“No,” Y/N agreed. “I don’t think that you should.”
Y/N was reading outside when the maid came to see her.
“Miss Y/L/N, there’s a Mr Holmes here to see you,” Freya spoke, her eyebrows raised just a tad in a teasing way, indicating that she thought it was a romantic house-call. Y/N frowned in return.
“Mr Holmes?” She repeated. “Not Enola?”
“If it’s Enola then she’s certainly changed a lot since I last saw her,” Freya said. “Mr Holmes is in the drawing room.”
Y/N closed her book and stood, following the maid inside, through the house and into the drawing room. She pushed the door open, still confused as to why either of the Holmes brothers would feel the need to make a house call to see her.
Sherlock was standing in the drawing room, his back to her as he stared at the painting hanging above the fireplace. She closed the door as quietly as she could, but the soft sound caught the attention of the detective anyway. Sherlock turned and offered her an unsure, gentle smile.
“Good morning, Mr Holmes,” Y/N said, bowing her head just slightly towards him. She thought she saw Sherlock’s smile falter just a tad before he returned her greeting. “What can I help you with?”
“I’m afraid I bring some bad news,” Sherlock said, walking away from the fireplace. Y/N stepped further into the room and indicated a chair. “Thank you,” he said as he sat down, Y/N seating herself in the armchair across from him. “Enola has run away.”
“Is that really all that surprising?” Y/N sighed, though his words did immediately cause her to worry for the young girl.
“Were you aware of what she was planning?” Sherlock asked.
“No. It just doesn’t surprise me.”
Sherlock looked at her for a long moment, seemingly analyzing her expression and finally he gave a slow nod of his head.
“So I take it that she hasn’t contacted you at all?” He asked.
“I haven’t heard from her since yesterday when I left Ferndell,” Y/N confirmed, attempting to keep her features as neutral as possible.
Sherlock frowned at her, his brow furrowed in concentration.
“Even if she had, you wouldn’t tell me, would you?”
“No,” Y/N admitted, shrugging her shoulders. “But you can’t blame me for that. We both know that Finishing School is not where Enola’s time would be best spent. Besides, from what she told me Miss Harrison seems a foul woman.”
She thought she saw Sherlock’s lips twitch as though he wanted to smile, but then he schooled his expression into one of neutrality again.
“You know, there was a time when you would tell me everything,” he reminded her.
“And there was a time that you found me utterly insufferable for that,” Y/N countered, her words sounding like she was spitting venom at him.
“I never found you insufferable,” Sherlock said, a chuckle in his voice. 
“Is that so?” Y/N mused, quirking her eyebrow at him.
“Perhaps a little slow at times, but I wouldn’t take that personally,” she hated how teasing he sounded, as though nothing had changed since he left. Sherlock clearly picked up on the anger festering in the pit of her stomach and spoke again before she had time to lash out. “But I never found you insufferable.”
Y/N made a noise conveying how unconvinced she was by his words and she stood from the chair.
“If that’s all…”
Sherlock’s eyes flashed with something similar to disappointment before he, too, stood and adjusted his suit jacket slightly.
“Yes… that’s all,” he said. “I thank you for your time.”
Y/N nodded and watched as Sherlock crossed the room to stand in front of the door, reaching out a hand towards the doorknob. Before he could turn it, though, Y/N was hit by a sudden wave of concern.
“Mr Holmes?”
The man paused and looked back at her over his shoulder at her.
“You… if you find her, or here anything… could you let me know? She’s only young… I worry about her.”
Sherlock bowed his head in a sign of consent.
“I will keep you updated, I promise.”
“Thank you… Sherlock.”
Just as Sherlock had promised, he kept her updated on the situation with Enola as best as he could and she received letters from him every other day, even if he had found no new leads.
On the days that he had nothing new to report, his letters were filled with updates about his own life, general musings, his theories about both Enola’s whereabouts and other, unofficial cases that had caught his eye. 
In short, they were the most un-Sherlock-like letters that Y/N could have ever imagined receiving and every time the post came she felt her heart lift in hope that there would be another one for her.
The only letter that Y/N had replied to, however, was one dated about a week and a half after Enola’s disappearance, in which Sherlock told her that he had asked Mycroft to pass over his duties and to make Enola his ward, filing Y/N in on the details about what had happened with Enola and the case of the missing Maquis. Sherlock had also let her know that he had attempted to make contact with his sister via newspaper and that she had indeed come to the meeting spot but had been disguised.
From the tone of that letter, it had been clear to Y/N that Sherlock truly cared for his younger sister, and that he knew that she would be capable of taking care of herself despite the worry that he so clearly felt over her.
After having received a response from Y/N after that letter, Sherlock had implored her to keep replying, but Y/N had not. She was afraid of falling into the same trap that she had when they were kids - of allowing herself to get too close to him, to feel something for him, when it was never going to go anywhere.
Y/N had allowed her heart to be broken by Sherlock Holmes once before, when she was too young to truly understand matters of the heart. She wasn’t going to do it again.
About a week after receiving the letter recounting the tale of Enola and Tewkesbury, however, Y/N got another surprise in the post. A letter from Enola herself, detailing Y/N with much of the same information that had already been given to her by Sherlock, though with more detail and far more reassurance that she truly was safe and secure and comfortable in her newfound lodgings in London.
In the final paragraph of the letter, there was a plea from Enola, imploring Y/N to go and visit her in London - she had attached a date for the following week and the address of a cafe that she said she thought Y/N would appreciate.
And so Y/N found herself boarding a train the next week, ready to meet Enola in London, agreeing to stay with her for a couple of days so that they could properly catch up.
Just as she was settling into the carriage, the train about to leave the station, the door slid open again and a familiar face appeared.
“May I join you?” Sherlock asked, a somewhat nervous smile on his face. Y/N returned it and nodded her head.
“Of course,” Sherlock entered into the compartment, closing the door behind him and placing his bag onto the overhead luggage rack and taking the seat opposite her. “I wasn’t aware that you were back here?” 
“Only for a night - Mycroft demanded my help,” Sherlock explained. “I thought about visiting you, but I was unsure of how much it would be appreciated,” he added. Y/N bowed her head a little, finding herself unable to maintain eye contact with him. “You didn’t reply to my letters.”
“Yes I did.”
Y/N risked a glance up and saw Sherlock’s lips quirk a little, holding back a smile.
“I apologise - you replied to only one of my letters.”
“That’s one more than you replied to of mine,” Y/N pointed out, raising her eyebrows challengingly. Sherlock didn’t even attempt to keep his smile at bay, grinning at her in the familiar cheeky way that Y/N remembered from their childhood.
“I wasn’t aware of how good you were at bearing grudges,” he mused, leaning back in his seat.
“Well perhaps if you’d come to visit you would have realised,” Y/N muttered, opening her bag that rested on the chair beside her and pulled out the book she was reading.
Before she could open it, though, Sherlock’s hand pressed down on the cover, preventing her from doing so.
“I'm sorry, Y/N,” he whispered and when Y/N met his eyes again they were so filled with genuine apology and concern.
“I wasn’t aware that you knew what an apology was,” but she smiled a little, seeing how Sherlock’s eyes brightened 
“Well I’ve been attempting to catch up on them as of late.”
“I have yet to find her to give her one,” Sherlock confessed, leaning back at last. “You’re going down to see her, aren’t you?”
Y/N knew there was no point in denying it, Sherlock was always capable of telling when people were lying. He had always been particularly quick at picking up on Y/N’s lies as well when they were children.
“Yes - she wrote inviting me down last week,” Sherlock nodded slowly.
“Would you… would you let me know that she’s safe - that her lodgings are comfortable?”
“I’ll let her know you asked,” Y/N said instead, her voice quiet and full of understanding.
“Thank you,” Sherlock swallowed hard.
Silence fell between them. The most comfortable silence that had existed between them since their reunion.
“I did miss you, you know.”
“I’m sorry?”
“When I left home - I did miss you. I know you think I didn’t, and it’s understandable, but I did,” Sherlock confessed.
“Why didn’t you reply?” Y/N asked and she hated the desperation in her voice, the plea to understand why so many years had passed in silence. “Why didn’t you come and visit?”
“I don’t have a good reason for why I did - or didn’t - do any of it. And I’m so sorry,” Sherlock sighed but Y/N frowned at him, noticing how his gaze briefly dropped her own as he spoke, how his fingers fidgeted slightly on his lap.
“I know you’re the detective of the two of us, but I know when you lie, Sherlock Holmes,” Y/N didn’t know what made her do it, but she lent forwards and grabbed one of his hands between her own. “Tell me the truth, Sherlock.”
Sherlock studied her hard for a long minute, his eyes sweeping across her face, taking in every inch of her features and there was an emotion that Y/N couldn’t quite place lingering in his eyes.
“Mycroft used to… make fun of me, when we were children. Because he knew how I… how I felt about you. I’ve never quite… understood why he did, he always liked you, even if he never admitted it, but I hated it. I hated Mycroft making fun of me, it made me feel like he was smarter than me…” Sherlock’s cheeks reddened. “I did not mean for that to sound as conceited as it did.”
“To be fair, you were quite a conceited child,” Y/N teased, squeezing his hand and Sherlock chuckled. “But… what do you mean, how you felt about me?”
“You really want me to spell it out for you?” Sherlock asked, cocking an eyebrow.
“You said it yourself, I always was a little slow,” she grinned, “at least compared to you.”
Her heart was pounding out of her chest, she could barely breathe from the excitement at the idea that Sherlock was hinting at what she thought he was.
“You have to know by now that you are the only woman who I have ever held a place for in my heart.” He paused, shrugging his shoulders bashfully. “Or you were.”
“Of course,” he confirmed. He lifted her hand tentatively up, pressing his lips gently against the back of it, keeping his gaze lowered. “I just hope that you know you never left it.”
The rest of the journey passed in a blur, the two of them having the final catch up that had been missing for so many years, everything feeling as though it was falling back into place, just like everything had been when they were kids.
By the time the train pulled into the station at London, Y/N had no desire to say goodbye to Sherlock Holmes, and by the way he loitered with her on the platform, it appeared that the sentiment was returned.
“Where are you headed?” Sherlock inquired. “I know Enola wouldn’t want you to tell me her address, but…”
“I’m actually meeting her at a cafe,” Y/N told him, adjusting her grip on her bag and smiling at him.
“In that case… would you allow me to escort you? London can be rather confusing at times, especially for those used to the country lifestyle,” he suggested and if Y/N didn’t know any better, she would have thought he was blushing a little in embarrassment.
“I would appreciate that yes, thank you Sherlock,” she agreed and Sherlock offered her his arm.
Enola did not seem overly surprised at Sherlock’s presence beside Y/N. There was a slight raise of her eyebrows, a knowing smile on her face and a gleam of amusement in her eyes as she walked over to them, her arms laden with a bunch of yellow roses.
“It’s so wonderful to see you again,” she said, completely bypassing her brother and embracing Y/N as carefully as she could with the flowers in her hands.
“I was so happy to hear from you, I was so worried about you,” Y/N told her, pulling away and examining her surrogate sister for any trace of hurt.
“I promise I’m fine,” Enola laughed, holding out the flowers for her. “I bought these for you, though.”
“They’re beautiful, thank you.” 
Enola’s eyes slid over to Sherlock at last, who was standing awkwardly to the side. Y/N could sense how his own gaze was flicking continuously between herself and his sister, clearly overjoyed at seeing her again but also wanting to continue the conversation he and Y/N had been holding on the train.
“It’s more of an apology, actually,” Enola mused. “I’m afraid that something has come up and my assistance is required… elsewhere. Perhaps Sherlock would take my place?” She raised her eyebrows at her brother.
“Fantastic!” Enola cheered, hugging Y/N once more and giving a nod to her brother before rushing away.
“Did your sister just set us up?” Y/N asked, turning to face the younger Holmes brother.
“I think so,” Sherlock confirmed. “For what it’s worth, she hasn’t gone far, I believe she has every intention of snooping on us.”
Y/N laughed at that piece of knowledge, rolling her eyes affectionately at Enola’s antics before placing her hand once more in Sherlock’s arm. He reached across her to take her bag to allow her to hold the flowers.
“Well we wouldn’t want to disappoint her, now would we?” Y/N said, nodding towards the door to the cafe, not missing the affectionate smile it brought to Sherlock’s face.
As he held the door open for her, Y/N reached up onto her toes and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
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Good night, Mr Cavill
Part 10 - Good morning, Mr Cavill
Pairing: teacher!Henry Cavill x plus-size teacher!reader (3rd person)
Word Count: 5,748
Warnings: rpf, language, oral (male receiving), vaginal sex, dirty talk, fluff
Summary: After the rather eventful visit to the club, Miss Y/L/N and Mr Cavill are about to face the last night of their trip together.
A/N: Well, this is it, I guess. At least for now we have to say goodbye to Mr Cavill and Miss Y/L/N. But don't worry, I made sure it will be a proper goodbye. 😈 And don't be too sad, please. I have some one shots planned for them already. I'm not sure when I get to write them though because 'Worship' is on my agenda first and that might take some time since I want to do it justice. On the other hand, knowing myself and all the love I hold for Teacher Henry, it probably won’t take too long. 😉
So, let me thank you now for your patience and your willingness to stick with me through this whole series. I enjoyed writing it more than I can possibly say and I simply adored all your comments and reactions. Seeing you become so invested in this story means everything to me and kept me going in times when the words just wouldn't flow.
And the biggest thanks goes out to my lovely @ashesofblackroses again because I cannot stress enough how important you were for the evolution of this story. You're the best. 🐻❤️
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Picture by Justine Camacho via Unsplash
If you like my story, you are very welcome to like, comment or reblog. Please don’t copy, repost or share my work on other platforms.
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The door hadn’t even fallen shut behind her yet, but she didn’t care. Sluggishly she trudged over to the bed, sending her shoes flying through the room as she kicked them off on her way. With a thud, her bottom hit the mattress and she could feel the tension finally leave her body when she let herself sink down onto the cool cotton sheets.
She hissed as the soft fabric of her dress made contact with her lower back, the throbbing pain reminding her of the angry, hot skin that she had carefully hidden underneath, but she was too exhausted to care. A frustrated grunt echoed through the room when she checked her watch before she stretched her arms above her head. It was way past midnight already, just as she had expected.
Henry still hadn’t returned from the interviews with the police. He had insisted that he would stay with Steven and the other students who had witnessed the events so that she could go upstairs and take care of the remaining children. And so she had seen them all to their rooms, stayed with some of them for a while who were still a bit shaken by the events of the night until she was convinced they would be able to sleep.
Although she had witnessed everything first hand, it continued to remain a little hard to believe what a turn this evening had taken. Especially as it had started out so promisingly. After her almost meltdown at the beach, she had sworn to herself to get her act together and end this school trip with all the dignity she could muster. If he wanted to keep things friendly between them, she would try her best to meet his desire. But then he had taken her hand and when that darn song had come on, something had just broken loose inside of her.
It was also partly his fault really, especially the fault of that dark blue peril of a plaid shirt that hugged his torso as if it had been made solely to drive her insane. And as if the two open buttons that revealed a puff of his rich chest hair hadn’t been enough, she had been condemned to stare at his wide shoulders that seemed to form an impossibly delicious triangle with his hips as he had dragged her through the sweltering heat in that hellhole of a club, giving her all sorts of ideas about how she would peel it off of him if he’d let her.
She could feel a feverish wave of desire roll through her and settle deep in her core while the memory of their bodies pressed together in a touch of passion on the dance floor resurfaced. She could still feel his possessive grip on her hips, pulling her back against him and what she had sensed through the thick fabric of his jeans had told her unmistakably that, no matter what he had said at the beach, what he wanted from her was a little more than friendship. A moan fell from her lips when she realised that it was hopeless to deny it any further. She was his, body and soul, and if he really wanted her, she wouldn’t hesitate any longer.
Through the half open door, her ears picked up the faint steps of a man that seemed to be equally exhausted as herself, dragging his feet tiredly across the carpet. Somehow she couldn’t muster the strength to look up, but from the noise that reached her ears he closed the door behind himself, slipped out of his shoes and walked over towards her. The dip of the mattress proved her right, and with a deep sound of satisfaction he came to rest next to her.
“Are they finally gone?” she asked without bothering to tear her eyes away from the ceiling.
“They are. The students are back in their rooms, hopefully keeping a low profile for the rest of the night. It seems Steven really had more luck than sense tonight. They most likely won’t take further action because he was so cooperative.”
She sighed. “Hm. Let’s hope he learned his lesson anyway.”
A tired silence settled over the room, and it would have been so easy to give in and let it lull her to sleep, but there was something she needed to do first, a matter so pressing that it couldn’t wait until morning. And so she gathered all the courage she could muster to break the silence.
“I know you’re tired and you’ve probably answered enough questions for the rest of the year, but can I ask you one more?”
“Sure, I guess one more won’t hurt,” he gave his permission freely, totally unsuspecting.
“Well, um, this morning some of the girls told me that you seemed to be very interested in finding out more about me.”
“You’re aware that technically that’s not a question.”
“I know, I know,” she couldn’t help but giggle a little. Idiot. “The question is, why didn’t you ask me all those questions?”
From the corner of her eye she could see him shrug. “Didn’t want to seem nosy.”
His words made her head turn towards him and she found him staring up at the ceiling just like she had done. “You wouldn’t have. And more importantly, I would have liked to be the one to answer every single one of them for you.”
His head shot around, eyes finding hers and holding on to them for what seemed like an eternity. “Can I ask one now?”
There was something in his eyes that she had seen before when he had talked to her about their kiss this morning and she couldn’t help the uneasy feeling that began to rise from the pit of her stomach. But to her surprise, she felt herself nod anyway.
“Will you go on a date with me when this mess of a trip is over?”
There was silence for a moment. Not because she didn’t want to, but because she needed some time to repeat the scene in her head. And when it played for the fourth time, she finally allowed herself to believe that he had actually said what she thought she had heard.
“I would love to.”
He answered with a beaming smile, his eyes shining brighter than they had ever done before. And suddenly she could feel his fingers glide between hers before he brought their joined hands to rest on his chest. His heart beat violently underneath the back of her hand and for a second she feared it was trying to break free from its cage.
“I would also like to ask another question.” She needed a moment to gather some courage. “Can we maybe do that kissing thing again? I kind of liked that.”
His smile grew an impossible inch wider, making her feel as if she was sitting in a pot of boiling water. Propping himself up on his elbow, he smirked down at her face.
“Kissing, eh? Tell me, where do you want me to kiss you?” Slowly he lifted her hand to his lips, making her watch as he pressed them softly against the inside of her wrist. “Here?”
“Then maybe here?” His face came closer and her eyes fell shut in anticipation to finally feel his mouth upon hers again, but instead she could only feel a slight tingle in her brow as his lips brushed across it.
“No,” she chuckled when her eyes flew open again.
“Hm. You’re really picky when it comes to kisses, aren’t you?” His eyebrows knit together in fake indignation, coaxing another chuckle from her chest. “Now, let’s see. How about here?”
Her heart sped up again as his face drew closer. This was it now, she could feel it, his lips mere inches away from her own, his breath already mingling with hers, when he turned his head last minute and dove down into the crook of her neck. She gasped in surprise, her free hand digging into his biceps as another powerful wave of desire pulsed through her the moment his lips found her pulse point. Encouraged by her sensual reaction, he took his time, sucking and biting the soft flesh until she couldn’t hold back the heady moan any longer that had been dying to break free.
“Mmmmmh,” she sighed as he finally drew away. “But no, this is also not where I want you to kiss me. Keep that spot in mind though, maybe you want to come back to it again later.”
A deep chuckle rolled from his chest, his eyes sparkling with a silent promise when they came to rest on her lips.
“Very well. That makes me wonder if maybe—”
“Yes?” she whispered hoarsely, his lips now so close to hers that she couldn’t think clearly anymore.
“Maybe here?” Cupping her cheek with his large hand, his thumb drifted lazily across the exact spot where she wanted to feel his lips right now. Well, if the mountain won’t come to Muhammad… And so her fingers dove into his lush curls, half pulling him down, half pushing herself up, until she could finally feel the silky smooth, pink pillows on hers.
Their eyes fell shut as they gave themselves over to the sensation. It felt like magic, just as it had the first time they had wordlessly exchanged the confessions of their shared affection down at the beach. But this time it was him who moaned against her lips, the vibration rolling temptingly over her tongue all the way down into the depths of her core where it nourished the fire he had sparked a long while ago.
But all too soon his movements slowed and when he finally lifted his lips off of hers, a loud whine of frustration rose from her heaving chest.
“Wait. Don’t pull away. Not yet.”
Her hands fisted into his shirt, she held him close before he could retreat any further. But he just looked down at her, eyes wide with mock surprise.
“Oh, do you want more? You really are a naughty little teacher, aren’t you?”
She rolled her eyes at him, pulling him closer. “Stop teasing me and start kissing me again.”
“Shame, because I actually love teasing you.” He pressed a quick kiss to the tip of her nose.
“I know. How could I not, after you have apparently made it your number one task to stir me up over the last three days?”
Slowly he came closer, his lips already ghosting over hers as he whispered, “And did it work?”
“Hell yeah.”
And when his lips crashed down on hers again, she engaged him in a frantic mess of tongues and teeth and moans while her fingers set out to wrestle with the buttons of his shirt. And as soon as she had succeeded in creating enough room, her fingers slipped into the still narrow opening to rake through his chest hair. She had been wanting to do that ever since he had strutted around the room half-naked, and now that her chance had finally come, she couldn’t tame her own desire any longer. Shamelessly she moaned into his mouth when the pads of her fingers finally found the rich fur.
And his answer came promptly, when, without a warning, she could feel his hand on her thigh, moving up with a sure touch to vanish underneath the hem of her dress. He had almost reached her opulent behind, eager to dig his fingers into the supple flesh, when a knock on the door made his hand freeze on the spot.
For a second nobody moved, keeping quiet as if they hoped the intruder would just vanish if they didn’t make a sound. But a second knock shattered all their hopes for some interrupted alone time.
“This better be important,” Henry growled as he pushed himself off of the bed and she had just managed to sit up and make herself decent when he yanked open the door to reveal a very contrite Steven. The boy was whispering, making it impossible for her to understand a word, and Henry shot her an apologetic look before he stepped outside for a moment.
Immediately, a flush of uneasiness settled in her stomach, making her get up and take a few steps towards the door, ready to deal with whatever those little rascals chose to throw at her now. But instead, Henry pushed through the door again, an annoyed look on his face.
“What did he want?”
His right eyebrow shot up suggestively. “To avoid more trouble.” And when he realised that she couldn’t make sense of his cryptic words, he added with a sigh, “He wanted to hand in his phone for the night since we forgot to collect them.”
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, her eyes only snapping back open when she heard the treacherous clicking of the lock.
“I swear if one more of those little monsters shows up here tonight, I’m gonna call their parents to fetch them immediately. Bloody kids have been cockblocking us since the beginning,” he grumbled, his forehead wrinkling in frustration and she couldn’t hold back a gleeful snicker.
“Why Mr Cavill, I didn’t know you could be so unforgiving.”
He growled lowly in the back of his throat upon what she had just called him and in an instant he closed the distance between them.
“Now where were we, Miss Y/L/N?”
His arms wrapping around her back, he pulled her into his chest, but instead of earning a lustful moan, he made her hiss in pain as his hand pressed down on her sunburned skin.
“What is it? What did I do?” His voice sounded just as pained as she felt when he loosened his grip and took a step back.
“It’s more what you didn’t do.” She shot him a crooked smile, but that didn’t really seem to ease his tension.
Gently her hands glided over his chest to soothe his troubled mind and she could already feel him relax under her tender touch.
“At the beach this morning. Remember that I refused to let you apply the sunscreen?”
And finally he seemed to understand, the wrinkles on his forehead vanishing upon the realisation. Carefully he brought his fingers back to her dress, making sure that the fabric didn’t touch her irritated skin as he pulled down the zipper. And even without laying a finger upon her, he could feel the churning heat radiating off her back.
“Jesus, love, you really should have let me help you out with that.” But then an idea seemed to cross his mind, she could tell from the mischievous spark that lit up his eyes. “Will you at least let me help you out now?”
“What? How?”
He didn’t need a single word to make her understand, rather choosing to shoot her a wink that made her walls clench violently around agonising nothingness. Thankfully he took her hand since she suddenly wasn’t so sure anymore that her legs would continue to carry her much longer. Walking backwards, he led her over to the bed, keeping his eyes fixed on her like a predator that had caught sight of his prey. She almost wanted to protest when he let go of her hand, but when she saw that he needed it to resume the task she hadn’t finished earlier, she bit her tongue. Like the teasing troublemaker he was, he took his time as he leisurely flicked open one button after the other, baring his immaculate abs to her hungry stare. She could feel his watchful eyes on her and she was pretty sure that she would find the smuggest smile on his lips if only she could have found it in herself to tear her eyes away from the spectacle that played out a little south of his face.
All she wanted to do was touch him, run her fingers over every inch of his skin, feel the rippling of his muscles underneath her fingertips and yet she found herself petrified in the face of all this godlike glory. Slowly his shirt fell from his shoulders, pooling around his feet and when her eyes wandered up again, her breath hitched hysterically in her throat. His fingers had closed around the dark leather of his belt by now, teasingly unbuckling it before he made short work of the button and zipper of his jeans.
She had allowed herself to blink, only once, but when her eyelids lifted, she found him in nothing but another pair of outrageously tight boxer-briefs, tipping her already dizzy mind over the edge. Like a faint memory she remembered that she had wanted to say something, but before the words could resurface from the depths of her troubled brain, his hands cupped her cheeks again and pulled her in for a searing kiss.
With a gasp, he parted from her, pressing another chaste kiss to her lips as a little encore before he let himself sink down onto the bed. His back finally resting against the headboard, he offered her his hand.
“How about I help you out by letting you go on top tonight?”
“I…I,” she stammered half-heartedly, “I don’t think we should—”
“Oh yes, we definitely should.”
And with that he grabbed her hand, tugging her forward and next thing she knew, she found herself on top of his lap, his bulge pressing into her promisingly and she could feel the last resistance melt away.
“There you go,” he smirked as her hips pointedly rolled over his on their own accord. “Now let’s get rid of this annoying dress, shall we?”
And he hadn’t even finished his sentence when she could feel his hands tighten around the hem to pull the dress up above her head.
“Gosh, look at you,” he moaned, his lips pressing a fervent kiss into the valley of her breasts, right next to her heart, the place where he hoped to live from now on, “putting even the Venus of Milo in the shade with those sinful curves. I can’t believe Mosley thought I wouldn’t fall for you.”
She couldn’t help but chuckle. “Guess the jokes on him now. Although he will probably fire me when he finds out about this.”
“I’d like to see him try,” he threatened lowly while he made it his task to free her breasts from their restraining prison and when he finally succeeded, he forgot to breathe for a moment. “Can’t believe you hid these two from me during the entire trip.”
A giggle was about to fall from her lips when she wanted to tell him that she hadn’t been able to hide them ever since they had started growing, just as he pulled her closer, his lips closing around one of her buds, mouth pressing down into the peerless softness, and banished the puny rest of her sanity from her mind.
With a sound lewd beyond comparison, her head tipped back from the pleasure his lips and the sudden pressure between her legs promised. She couldn’t help it, his eager licking and sucking and massaging too much for her senses to handle, forcing her hips to roll over his hardened length in the hope of release.
Eliciting a dark growl, he broke away, looking up at her with a defiant grin. “Now who’s being a tease?”
But instead of a flustered expression, her eyebrow shot up in a silent challenge, the corner of her mouth following its movement. “Oh, Mr Cavill, if you think that was teasing already then you’re gonna be in for a very pleasant surprise.”
For a second he feared she might pull away, but when his clouded mind realised what she was up to, he couldn’t believe his luck. Kisses as soft as the stroke of a butterfly’s wings trailed down his chest, so light that he might have questioned their existence altogether if his eyes weren’t hypnotised by her every move. She held his gaze while she drifted south, her fingertips following her lips down his stomach and just as her mouth reached the prominent trail of hair that vanished underneath the hem of his briefs, her fingers hooked into the dark fabric, sending a violent shiver down his spine. He could feel the hunger for her spiral into infinity as he watched her peel the obstructive piece of clothing away, her eyes lighting up with carnal desire as his hardened member sprang free. Eagerly she licked her lips and he couldn’t wait to feel her tongue glide over his length instead.
But her fingers found him first, enclosing him with an agonising pressure. Slowly she pumped him, tightening her grip, then loosening it again, on and on, until the shine of a creamy pearl of pre-cum caught her eye. Her thumb gliding carefully over the head of his cock to spread the precious bead, she took her time, watching him intently while she worked him. To her great disapproval, he didn’t make a sound, but the heavy rise and fall of his chest gave him away. She could see that he wanted to say something, and yet it took him another moment before he drew in a sharp breath through his nose and finally spoke up.
“Please,” he whined desperately, trying so hard to gain her mercy, but all he got was a wolfish smirk.
“Please what?” And to emphasise her demand to voice his need, the pad of her thumb drew another pointed circle across his tip.
“Please,” it took him a second to compose himself, “let me feel your lips around me, love.”
He was so pretty when he begged and the shimmer of desperation in his eyes made it impossible for her to let him wait any longer, forcing a deep grunt to roll over his full lips as she obeyed his wish. Taking him down even deeper, a strained breath rose from his chest. He was already rock hard and she couldn’t help but moan from the sensation his velvety smooth dick left on her tongue. Looking up at him with hooded eyes, a wave of pride washed through her as his face clearly couldn’t hide the effect her mouth had on him.
His eyes glued to hers, it was unmistakable that he was fighting a battle with himself, undecided whether he should give in to his lust and take control to fuck himself with her pretty little mouth, or give himself over to her completely. And just when he seemed to decide for the latter, she took his hand in hers, giving her silent permission to do as he pleased by guiding it into her hair. Not hesitating for a second, he lead her deeper, his head sinking back against the headboard with a snarl as he hit the back of her throat.
His primal sound still echoing inside of her, everything became secondary to her urge for pleasing him. Her pussy was already dripping with anticipation, soaking her panties in no time, her desire only fuelled further by the sheer feel of his big hands guiding her, making his thick cock slide in and out of her mouth in a steady rhythm.
His chest was practically heaving by now, his noisy breaths mixing with heady groans and grunts that grew louder with every bob of her head. Too loud, considering where they were and so she had no choice but to pull away. Reluctant of letting go, she gave his shaft one last thorough lick, the tip of her tongue trailing the prominent vein all the way from root to tip before she placed a soft kiss to the most sensitive part of his manhood.
Blue eyes, dark with desire, took her in hungrily as she sat up, pushing her panties down her sturdy legs until there was nothing left to shield her from his view. Licking his lips, he held out one hand to her.
“Come here,” he ordered and as soon as she laid her hand in his, he pulled her up against his body to kiss her deeply. Strong fingers digging into the soft flesh of her thighs, he manoeuvred her gently around until he could feel her throbbing wet heat on his length. Shamelessly he moaned into her mouth when a roll of her hips glossed him with her rich juices.
“And now what, Mr Cavill?” she mumbled against his lips.
But instead of an answer, he just smirked, his left hand leaving her skin to pull open the drawer of his nightstand and after some rummaging he produced a small plastic package.
“You planned this?” she spat unbelievingly, yet not too slighted as he noted with relief.
“A good teacher is always prepared for the unexpected.”
“As if you didn’t expect this to happen.”
Her eyebrow shot up and as soon as it reached its peak point, his sly smile fell a little.
“Honestly, I didn’t. I may have hoped for it though.” Wiggling his brows at her, he hadn’t foreseen her next move in the least and so he didn’t offer any resistance when she snatched the condom out of his hand.
“Well, then let’s reward your foresight, shall we?”
Passionate lips moved with his to distract him for a while, but when her narrow entrance finally pressed down onto his tip, he broke away with a long, sinful moan. She was quick to pull his mouth back to hers and silence him with another kiss while she sank all the way down on him. But he just couldn’t help it, her tight walls squeezing him so enticingly that his brain refused to restrain his noisy appreciation until he was fully seated inside of her.
“You need to keep it down, Henry,” she whispered against his lips, her trembling voice making it more than obvious how much she had to hold back herself. “If you don’t, the students will tease us for the rest of our lives.”
“I promise I’ll try.” He laid his forehead against hers and squeezed her butt for emphasis. “But you just feel so damn good around me.”
A violent twitch inside of her made her whimper as her hips began to move on their own.
“Fuck,” he growled, sucking in his lips and shutting his eyes tightly while he tried to concentrate on keeping his promise. Yet it seemed as if she didn’t trust his willpower and so her movements were starting to slow. But he wouldn’t have any of that, grabbing her behind firmly and guiding her along his shaft.
“Keep going, keep going. Don’t stop,” he gasped, before he pressed his lips together again to stifle his groans. He had no idea how she did it, but there was no way he could be silent while she moved on his lap. He could feel her walls clench around him, her body pressing up a little further against his and when her head dove down into the crook of his neck, a waft of her delicious scent bemused his senses. Their bodies were moving in perfect sync now, allowing him to let his hands run up and down her sides. Careful to avoid the sore skin on her back, he dug his fingers into the soft flesh next to her shoulder blades and as a response, her teeth sank into his neck to muffle her moans.
She had to be close already, judging from the rising volume of her sweet moans and the tightening of her walls around his shaft. On instinct, he knew what it took to make her come undone, clutching her cheeks tightly again to increase the speed of her hips.
“Oh my God, this feels so good. So, so good,” she whisper-shouted as her head resurfaced from its resting spot. But that was all the noise she allowed herself, her lips crushing down on his in a determined attempt to silence herself. Eagerly her fingers dove into his curls for support, and when the violent fluttering and clenching couldn’t hide anymore that she had passed the point of no return, her head tipped back, mouth wide open in a silent cry.
“Yes, that’s it. Come on my cock, love,” he had wanted to cheer her on, but he somehow managed to stop himself just in time, teeth biting down on his clenched fist hard to stop the shout halfway up his throat. Shit, her high felt amazing, driving him to the edge without effort while her hips refused to slow down. Maybe she could sense his nearing release as well, otherwise he had no explanation as to why she kept going so relentlessly. Her hands now gripping his shoulders, she even sped up her pace, her gaze finding his again.
He just hoped that his eyes could convey everything he did not dare say out loud, afraid he might end up shouting it at the top of his lungs. “Fucking ride that cock,” he wanted to request and top it off with a praise she genuinely deserved, “Just like that, baby. You’re gonna make me come so hard.”
And just as he had uttered the words of passion in his mind, he felt the familiar pull in his stomach, making him tense up underneath her tender touch, before the sparks of his high rushed through him, setting his whole body afire as he surrendered everything he was into her loving embrace.
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Golden shadows danced across closed lids, a chilly breeze from the sea caressing naked skin, rested limbs entangled underneath cotton sheets. Her mind still fought against slumber’s sweet pull while she softly stirred awake. Lids heavy with fatigue, they refused to open, wanting to hold on a little longer to the sweet dream she must have had, making her feel unusually complete, but which she couldn’t quite grasp anymore.
Another gush of the early morning breeze made her shiver, causing the arm that rested around her middle to tighten on instinct and pull her closer. And it was only the slight uneasiness of her still sensitive skin that rubbed against his soft fur which made her finally remember where she was—and who she was with. Gradually, he had to be gaining consciousness as well, groaning softly behind her back. A sound that conjured the sweetest memories from her mind, memories of moments full of passion she never wanted to forget.
“Good morning, Miss Y/L/N,” his deep, raspy voice filled the peaceful silence of the new day and she could hear the placid grin on his lips before they pressed onto her shoulder with a warm, velvety touch. Not able to resist the prospect of his adorable smile anymore, she turned in his arms, and a familiar warmth rushed through her as her eyes found his smushed face on the pillow next to hers. The unruly curls of his morning hair framed his unrighteously handsome features, his baby blues still tender from sleeping while he took her in with such intensity as if he was seeing her for the very first time.
“Good morning, Mr Cavill,” she whispered back, her fingers busy with brushing a lock of his hair from his forehead.
A blissful grin, easily the widest she had ever seen, spread across his sinful lips, and she revelled in the genuine beauty of his smile. They didn’t need any more words, not yet, both still holding on to the sentiment of last night, eyes and hands enough to communicate everything that needed to be said. And so she softly cupped his stubbly cheek, caressing it lovingly while he pulled her closer again. One hand hooking behind the back of her thigh, he brought it up across his hip, making her feel him in his entirety.
She moaned when she found her common sense betrayed by desire again and he was quick to silence her with his lips. Tenderly they moved with hers, keeping her quiet enough for attentive ears next door. But soon, the insatiable hunger for more made her press her body impossibly closer to his, hands drifting from his cheek into his hair, pulling a dangerous growl from his heaving chest. Not impressed by his warning in the least, her hips rolled over his and the sensation of the unmistakable effect she had on him drove her almost insane with want.
“Okay, that’s enough,” he panted heavily as he finally managed to break away. It took her a moment to come to her senses again, but when she did, the full extent of her reinless behaviour hit her with full force.
“We’re officially the worst teachers ever,” she whined, her cheeks heating up violently.
“Why would you say that?”
He drew away a little further to look at her as a deep frown decorated his forehead.
“Well, let’s see. First, I almost jumped you on the dance floor in front of minors. Second, you almost roughed up a dealer in the gents, and now this.” Frantically, her index finger pointed back and forth between him and herself.
“Whatever do you mean by ‘this’?” He repeated her gesture, the faint hint of an amused smile on his lips.
“Really? By ‘this’ I mean we were so noisy last night that there’s just no way they didn’t hear us. And by ‘we’ I mean mostly you.”
“Hey!” he spat in mock infuriation. “And besides, I don’t think we were that loud.”
But a raised eyebrow and a pair of pursed lips made it pretty clear that self-perception and external perception didn’t go hand in hand here.
“Come on! I almost choked on my own fist to hold myself back.”
“You call that holding back?”
And there it was again, the smuggest smirk she had ever seen on a man. “Now you’re wondering what not holding back sounds like, right?” He wiggled his eyebrows at her which earned him a roll of her eyes in feigned annoyance. But she couldn’t fool him anymore, she was just as eager to let herself go as he was. And to remind her of the pleasures he intended to make her feel until she screamed his name because every other thought would be cleared from her mind, he dug his fingers into her lush behind and squeezed her cheek in an emphatic promise. “Can’t wait to finally get home and show you, my darling.”
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omgrachwrites · 3 years
After Forever - Prince Hal
Pairing: Prince Hal x Reader
Summary: A year after your marriage to Hal, you reflect on all the adventures you’ve had together and wonder whether his abdicating of the Throne was the right thing to do.
Warnings: fluff, lil bit of angst, mentions of death
Words: 1342
A/N: This is the sequel to 'Her Prince', thank you so much @emmamooney for requesting! Hope you guys enjoy this and please let me know what you think, I love you all! xxx
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Soft perfect light filtered through the thicket of trees as you waded through the long grass with your husband to reach the top of the hill. The light washed over Hal’s handsome profile, causing him to glow like a fallen angel and it caused you to gape at him as your chest filled with love and awe. He must have felt your gaze burn into his profile because he looked at you, trying and failing to hide the smile on his face.
“What are you thinking of my love?” he chuckled as he pulled you close and kissed your cheek.
You smiled up at him, “you, I’m always thinking of you,” it was true, even for that year that he’d been away from you, you had thought of almost nothing else.
A few months after Hal had abdicated the Throne for you, he had had an attempt made on his life, which made you feel extremely guilty. The would be assassin was angry that Hal had given up the Throne and thrown England into disarray. As a result of this assassination attempt, the both of you stowed away on a ship headed for Italy. The people of Italy didn’t much care that an English prince had given up his rule, so the both of you were quite safe.
Shortly after, you and Hal got married and after a few unsuccessful tries, you discovered that you were expecting your first child. You and Hal were able to live a comfortable life due to the money you had earned in England and Hal was able to make off with some of his inheritance.
Hal cupped your cheek and kissed you lovingly before he sat with his back against a tree trunk, pulling you in between his legs. He wrapped his strong arms around you, resting a protective hand on your round stomach, “I love you, Y/N,” he kissed your cheek and you could feel his smile.
“I love you too, my darling,” you beamed as you watched the sun set over the hill, turning the sky from a perfect, cloudless blue to a misty pink colour.
Hal’s soft fingers weaved through your hair, gently untangling the knots, “is everything alright, Y/N? You’re quiet today, what’s on your mind?”
With a sigh, you turned to face him and found his gorgeous blue eyes looking into yours, you smiled at him as you cupped his cheeks, feeling the roughness of his growing stubble beneath the pads of your fingertips.
“I’m just thinking that it was over a year ago that you abdicated the Throne for me.”
Hal nodded, polite interest on his handsome face, “yes, my love. What’s your point?”
You busied yourself with pulling up blades of grass, “if it wasn’t for me, you’d be the King of England right now, instead the Throne is being passed around Europe like a collection plate. Was this whole thing worth it?” a couple of months ago, you’d gotten word that Hal’s father had died and despite the fact that he hadn’t been close to his father, Hal didn’t talk for days.
Hal rested a gentle hand on your chin, “Y/N, look at me,” he whispered lovingly and you glanced up at him, your eyes filling up with tears, “my angel, you and our child are the best things to ever happen to me. If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t do a thing differently. I love you, Y/N, I would never want to be King if you weren’t beside me as my Queen. We’ve got a good life here and I wouldn’t change a thing.”
You sniffed, your cheeks feeling wet, you had no idea when you had started crying, Hal kissed your forehead as he wiped the tears from your cheeks, “I love you too, Hal.”
Hal grinned and pulled you into his chest, “then let’s talk no more of the past, I brought you here so we could watch the stars, it’s a clear night, my love,” and so you did, you threw your arm across Hal’s stomach and watched the stars, listening with delight as Hal told you every story he knew behind each constellation.
Years Later….
The tension was so thick in the bumpy carriage that you could cut it with a knife as you glared over at Hal. You couldn’t believe him; he could be putting your whole family in danger.
“Is everything alright, mother?” your beautiful 17-year-old daughter, Isabella asked as she glanced up at you from the book she was reading.
With a tight smile, you nodded at Isabella, “everything is well, my darling.”
That was a horrific lie, you and Hal had argued awfully the previous night. The King of France - and now England – had heard talk of you and Hal being alive and he somehow found where you were living. It seemed that in the past 15 years, there was a full scale rebellion in England. The common folk were calling for the daughter of their once beloved Prince Henry, even if you were a peasant.
As a good King should, he listened to his people and had sent for you and Hal to bring Isabella to court to meet his son, Francis. The King wanted to make a love match. You had been very much against it but Hal quickly agreed, his reasoning was that if you rejected the invitation, the King would come after you.
Isabella nodded at you with a small smile as she went back to her book, she was so excited to meet the Prince, blissfully unaware of the possible dangers. Hal had a sorrowful guilty look on his beautiful face that you couldn’t bear to look at. You settled on gazing out of the window at the rolling English countryside. You felt Hal take your hand and he lifted it to his lips to press a warm kiss to your knuckles. You were angry with Hal but you still loved him, you loved him more than anything.
Finally, you arrived in the courtyard of the Palace. As you got out of the carriage, you glanced over at Hal to see him looking up at his old home with a saddened look on his face. You felt awful that he never got the chance to say goodbye to his father.
“Are you alright, Hal?” you muttered to him as you were escorted to the Throne Room by a guard.
A muscle fluttered in Hal’s jaw as he smiled tightly at you, a glimmer of sadness in his eyes, “of course.”
The Throne Room was more beautiful now, there was gold everywhere and portraits lined the walls. Where there was once a wooden floor there was now a wine coloured velvet carpet, leading up to a golden Throne where a smiling handsome older man sat. The sun beamed through the windows, creating tiny little rainbows in the air. The sweet perfume of incense filled the room.
Hal nodded at you and Isabella, and as one you begrudgingly bowed before the King. The King chuckled jovially as he got to his feet and made his way over to the three of you, “please, you need not do that,” he shook Hal’s hand, “welcome back,” he smiled at you and Isabella as he kissed your cheeks and gestured over his shoulder, “may I introduce my son? Prince Francis.”
As you glanced over at the handsome young man, you heard Isabella gasp with delight as the Prince strode towards her and kissed the top of her hand, “charmed, Mademoiselle.”
With a smile, you watched your daughter and the Prince gaze at each other with longing in their eyes. It seemed to be love at first sight, the dread in your heart seemed to evaporate.
Hal pulled you close and whispered into your ear, “are you still angry with me, my love?” he chuckled, pressing a kiss just below your ear.
“You are so lucky I love you,” you laughed, gazing up at him. It seemed like the perfect happy ending to your family’s story.
@ladyblablabla @smiithys
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houndsofcerberus · 3 years
Lament of a Father
Technoblade was a lot of things. In whispers passed along as he walked through the market he was a monster. In quiet reverence after turning the tides of a war he was a hero. In loud jeering after the tides of war had been changed he was a villain. In stories passed between families of a man on trade routes at midnight he was a benevolent spirit, a god even. He held many titles but the one he cherished, the one he would wear like a badge of honour until the day he died? Well he had only worn that one for a year, maybe less. He would never speak of it to anyone, never share that vulnerability to anyone. Except of course for the one who had tenderly taken the title from him. He was eternally grateful and indebted to Philza for what he had done, but chat occasionally disdained him for stopping them.
Tommy, despite looking so much like his dad, despite sharing his blond hair, his sapphire blue eyes full of life and curiosity, was well aware of the fact he was not his biological child. The only biological child his dad had ever had was his older brother Wilbur. Though it was easy to assume the opposite. Wilbur had taken after his mother, who had long since passed, her presence only existing by the picture pinned up on the fridge. She had been gone long before Tommy’s arrival, though his dad often spoke of how it was because of her invisible influence on him that made him take Tommy in. The story Tommy had only ever known was that his parents had left him behind. His brother, jealous of the time and the care his dad seemed to pour into Tommy but give him sparingly, had once told Tommy his parents didn’t want him. Had left him to die in the woods. He had never asked his dad because as far as Tommy was concerned they had. It didn’t matter to him how they had left him, it mattered that they left him at all. It mattered every time he heard the other kids whisper about how Tommy was a bastard child. Unloved. Unwanted. Out of place.
Tommy had been content never meeting his biological parents. That would be fine by him. Philza had been adequate. He had a roof, a home, a bed, food. Despite his brother’s occasional jealousy or the common squabbles between the two he was happy to have his brother. He wouldn’t have it any other way. Besides, his parents must have been terrible people to leave him behind like they did.
Tommy stared from behind Wilbur at the stranger in their door whom their dad had been welcoming warmly. Tommy frowned, trying to look past the improvised mask made out of a hoglin skull, wondering if the slight tusks coming from the mans mouth were also not his own. He noted the long pink hair, the way he smelled strongly of blood despite the fact that there was none to be seen on this stranger. Tommy could see a crossbow on his back, a weapon his own dad didn’t wield but he’d seen occasionally used, shown off in weapon shows in town. People around here didn’t use crossbows. He also took note of both the axe and the sword on the man as well. The axe was not the woodcutter’s axe outside, but a battle axe. A mean looking thing, but the soft glow of it was mesmerizing and what little of the blade he could see was sharp, definitely for fighting. The sword was sheathed at the man’s hip, but the hilt he could see under the man’s red cape was ornate, a beautiful gold glinting in the light along with the rest of the man’s jewelry. There was a ruby at the bottom, looking like fire in the candlelight. Tommy froze as he looked back up at the man’s face, making eye contact. He frowned and stuck his tongue out indignantly.
“What’re you lookin at?” He snapped.
Technoblade had to suppress a soft chuckle at that. He was so small, hidden behind his brother, but he said it with such fire in his belly that Techno was half convinced that had he heard it on the battlefield he might have looked away. He looked back at Phil, who smiled fondly.
“Long time no see mate, we should talk,” he said softly.
“We should,” Techno replied, eyes flicking back to Tommy. In that moment though he wasn’t a young man, nor a child. He was an infant, held so tenderly in Techno’s arms.
He remembered the day as if it were yesterday. He had remembered it since it happened, he relived it over and over. Tommy’s mother had died. He wished he had known her longer. They hadn’t been married when Tommy came along, and she had been the opposite of Techno. She hadn’t lived long after Tommy was born. As was Techno’s luck seemed to be. She had known it and she had held the tiny golden haired baby who had her eyes and his father’s smile. So rarely given but a treat to be savoured. The tiny child had squealed and grinned at her once his crying had stopped, his eyes fixed on her until his father gently lifted him from her arms after they had gone limp. Techno had promised many things. But above all he promised that no matter the price their child would live the best life he could live. 
Technoblade had spent a little under a year with the title of father. He had cherished every second. He hadn’t believed he wanted to be a father, not until he was. He didn’t believe attachments were a good idea, but he would never regret this. Never. He had named the small child Theseus, he wanted his child bearing the name of a warrior. Of a man who had carried hardship and walked tall yet still. He wanted Theseus to be strong, he wanted the name to fit the man he knew his son would one day be.
He had spent the entire year carefully taking care of the child, despite the voices in his head screaming to rid himself of the danger. The danger someone would use this tiny bundle of giggles and straw blond hair and watery blue eyes against him. They insisted this helpless baby would be his demise. They chanted for blood but Technoblade would not concede. At least for that year. He would hold the child, speak softly of great heroes, of gods and of monsters. He would fall asleep, arms around this tiny life that had been left for him to care for, protecting him. He still believed wholeheartedly it was the best year of his life. The year he had replaced his old titles, the title of monster, of god, of hero, of villain. He would maintain for the rest of his life that father was the only title he would ever want.
“Please Philza,” came the strangled sob as Techno held out the bundled up child. “Please.”The rain had soaked through Techno’s clothing long ago, his hair soaking, though when Philza took the child into his arms he noted that there wasn’t a drop on the sleeping baby.
“Techno, are you sure? This is the greatest gift you could receive, are you positive you want to give it up?” Phil said sadly, looking up at Technoblade, soaked in rain. His crimson eyes were bloodshot and Phil knew his old companion well enough to know he had grown fond of the child he held. Fond enough to weather the storm.
“No. I’m not sure. I don’t want to give him up, if we lived in a perfect world I would never. I would hold him until the world burned around us. But you know damn well why I can’t.” Techno said, looking away, eyes landing on a framed image of Philza, his long gone wife, and his child. Theseus would be safe here. Theseus would be loved. It didn’t matter that Technoblade felt his heart was being ripped from his chest. He had come so close. He wouldn’t risk it again.
“Mate...” Philza said, face falling. “You can’t help it, you know you wouldn’t dare,” he said softly.
“I wouldn’t. They would. They tried. I am not putting him in danger by simply being alive in my presence. Please, please I am begging you. Take him. Take care of him like I can’t. He deserves better than to grow up to fear his own father.” Techno begged, holding back the tears that were stinging his eyes. 
“...okay...” Phil agreed, relenting. He offered the bundle back to Techno, offering a moment to say goodbye. Techno took the chance eagerly, holding the child close.
“I love you, more than you could ever understand. You are my heart and soul Theseus. Be a good man,” Techno whispered, the tears he’d been choking back betraying him and falling down his face. “I will always love you.” He added solemnly, taking another look at his sleeping son. So peaceful, so blissfully unaware. He handed Theseus back to Phil. “He gets nightmares, often. He doesn’t sleep well still, but this-“ Techno pulled out a stuffed animal, a simple plush toy his son adored, a stuffed cow, floppy and well loved, handing it to the other. “Warm milk and Henry help him sleep, he prefers to be held though, it makes him feel safe. He doesn’t like to be alone,” Techno rambled. Phil nodded, taking note of everything said until Techno reluctantly took his departure.
Tommy and Wilbur sat outside, pretending to play as they kept an eye on the window, watching the strange man inside talk to their dad. They were sat at the table, their expressions confusing for Tommy. Smiling but...not happy. Their dad had made the two of them tea after shooing the kids outside to play. The grass rippled around Tommy in the breeze as he ripped some of it up and let it fly away in the wind.
“What do you think they’re talking about?” Tommy asked, staring at the back of the stranger’s head.
“Dunno. Maybe they’re finally taking you somewhere they’ll teach you to have manners,” Wilbur joked, tossing a dandelion he’d picked at Tommy.
“Shut up, if anything you’re the one who doesn’t behave,” Tommy replied easily, rolling his eyes and tossing the flower right back at Wilbur. Things hadn’t always been so easy between them. Tommy had been treated like he was precious cargo by their dad. Neither knew why, Wilbur didn’t care why. His dad was paying attention to Tommy not him. He didn’t like it. As they got older it got easier but there had once been a time where their ‘fights’ hadn’t been in jest. Where they actually meant it when they said they hated one another. Tommy could still tell Wilbur didn’t like that their dad clearly had a favourite but he no longer blamed Tommy. His relationship with his dad had soured mildly though their dad hadn’t seemed to notice.
“Phil I can’t tell him.”
“He deserves to know. I never told him anything, he’ll start looking one day and if he finds out that I never told him who you were when you were right here? When he could’ve asked questions? He’ll not only never forgive me, he’ll never forgive you.” Phil said. “He’s a stubborn little shit, he got that from you.”
“Phil he’s better off with whatever story he’s come up with in his head. He may not want the answers to the questions he has.” Techno said softly. “No child deserves to know their own father tried to kill them.” 
“Techno that wasn’t you and you know it. You’ve gotten a handle on chat now, you’re not the stupid kid who runs headfirst into battle without thought anymore. If what I’ve heard is right he’d be proud. You’ve won multiple tournaments, that’s something he’d find interesting.” Phil said.
“Phil please. You and I both know this won’t last. I’m not a person who stays out of trouble for long.”
“You’re going to regret this.”
“Don’t I always?”
Technoblade’s name had become well known by the siblings after that conversation. Phil hadn’t yet introduced them until years later when Techno showed up for one of Tommy’s birthdays, giving Phil a book and telling him to wait to give it to Tommy. Then came the Pogtopia vs Manberg war. Techno had played a major part in the war though his efforts were wasted once the president of Manberg dropped dead in front of them. Since that day Lmanberg had rebuilt the damage caused by both Wilbur and Techno. Phil had come back. But Techno’s reputation for being ruthless and dangerous hadnt faded. Nor had the knowledge he was a private person. Which is why when he found a certain young man in his house he had been shocked.
“What are you doing in my house?”
Tommy froze, looking up at Techno from where he was still climbing the ladder, head poking out from the hole he thought he’d hidden decently. Tommy tried to scurry back down but Techno caught him by the back of his shirt and easily lifted him off the ladder and set him on the ground.
“Why are you in my house?” He asked again.
“Well...someones clearly woken up on the wrong side of the bed!” Tommy said. “You’ve got to fix that temper big man, or else nobody will want to hang out with you,”
“I don’t want anyone to hang out with me. That’s the entire point. Get out.”
“God this place is ugly. You really should hire a decorator. I know someone who could help y’know, I could call them. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind helping you out. A charity case if you would. She’s great really.” Tommy rambled.
“Theseus.” Techno said firmly. For some reason this was what made Tommy shut up. It sent a chill down his spine and he felt like someone had poured ice water down his back. “Why are you living under my house?” Tommy couldn’t respond. He didn’t know why but the nickname Theseus that Technoblade had given Tommy made him falter every time without fail. Tommy attributed it to the speech Techno had made all that time ago, yelling for him to die like the hero he wished to be. Since then Techno had almost exclusively used that name in their few interactions. Sometimes it would be sternly, fewer times it was affectionate, though the name gained positive meaning the longer Tommy stayed with Technoblade. Techno spent time training Tommy, and soon even just spending time with him. Technoblade taught Tommy how to make his own weapons and how to make them near perfect after realizing how woefully terrible Tommy’s current weapon was, especially for his fighting style. 
Tommy had always been mesmerized by the way Techno fought. It was like he was dancing, every movement was muscle memory, every step rehearsed, measured. The way he locked his eyes onto his target but seemed to be oh so aware when eyes were on him. Watching Techno and Philza fight was a real treat. It was like watching a performance. Technoblade had clearly learned from Tommy’s dad, and Tommy wanted to hear the stories of their old adventures, though neither would give up the goods. Phil’s movements were airy, near effortless. Though he lacked the power Techno threw into every swing, and Techno lacked a lot of the effortless grace that Phil seemed to have a birthright to.
Tommy sat, transfixed as he watched his dad’s wings flare out, though unable to carry him now due to the large chunks burned away he still used them, catching himself as Techno shoved him back. Phil had a grin on his face as they sparred, though Techno’s face was as it always seemed to be, stony and unchanging. Tommy could’ve sworn that he saw the smallest glint of excitement in those wine red eyes. Techno had a tendency for nonstop movement, and redirecting his momentum. Techno had said, quite hypocritically, that it was a stupid move however. It took a lot more energy to redirect and change momentum and still have enough power for your hit. Though it seemed that Techno wasn’t lacking in power as the sparks flew between Phil and Techno’s swords, illuminating their faces briefly before being extinguished in the snow. Phil was considered better by many, but for whatever reason Tommy found Phil all too predictable. He liked the unbridled power and erratic movements that Techno made, the way he seemed to keep his eyes fixed on you as you sparred, attention unwavering and unyielding. It was intimidating and Tommy had never wanted to be on the other side of the sword when Techno really meant it.
He had never wanted it. Never wanted this. Lmanberg was crashing around him, exploding constantly, the crater going deeper as the noise of the explosions mixed in with the screaming of the withers. Tommy couldn’t take a breath without the acrid smoke stinging his lungs, couldn’t move without the raging fire below the platform he stood on warming his skin to a near unbearable extent. But somehow nothing hurt him more than the look of pure sorrow and rage in Techno’s eyes as he stood behind the crossbow, firework loaded, ready to kill Tommy. Ready to end him where he stood. Tommy cowered behind it, his voice ever steady despite the tears cleaning trails of soot off his face betraying him.
“Do it.” He said. “Prove me right.”
Techno took a breath and for a moment Tommy thought he was going to actually pull the trigger. He flinched as he heard the click of the trigger, and then the explosion of the firework. But he was fine. He opened his eyes and saw Technoblade reload his crossbow before putting it away. He pulled out his trident and looked up, holding his free hand out as the first raindrops fell.
“We part as we did the first time. I’ll miss you Theseus.” Techno said softly, pulling his arm back before launching into the air with his trident. Though Tommy swore he heard something he couldn’t decipher it over the loud roar of the withers, the pattering of rain, and the ever insistent booming of the explosives digging ever deeper. Tommy stood, rain soaking his hair and washing his face of the soot and ash of the country he once built with his brother. He once took back with his uncle. The country he had staked everything on from the beginning. It was gone. For good now. There was no rebuilding. Tommy exchanged a look with Tubbo, the two of them locking eyes. Neither said a word but they both knew, they both understood that it was over. Dream had won, and Technoblade and Phil had helped. Tommy was surrounded by people but he had never felt more alone in that moment. Not even in exile. And he couldn’t tell you why. Though maybe it had something to do with the red fur trimmed cape he still had hanging up at home and the axe that had once been a gift and was now stolen property in his enderchest.
Techno had stopped paying attention to any and all news regarding Tommy. He told Phil it didn’t matter. He didn’t care. He didn’t want to know. But they both knew he was lying through his teeth. He cared. A great deal. But that was the problem now wasn’t it? He had his son. He had an optimal time to tell him. And he was going to. Until Tommy charged into the community house. And Techno had watched in that moment as Tommy chose the corrupt government that had just prior ordered his execution and had imprisoned Phil. Tommy chose them over Techno, who had once more thought about retrieving the title of father. The title he missed every day of his life since he handed it to Phil.
“Tommy is dead.”
Techno’s blood ran cold. There was no way. No way. Phil turned and stared at Techno. Phil loved Tommy, he had. But they had grown estranged. Techno however? He had been attached to Tommy since the day he showed up under his house. Techno had grown close and lost Tommy but he still cared. He still loved his son. Techno didn’t love many things or people, but his son was one of those things.
Phil relaxed slightly as Techno joked, but he didn’t miss the way Techno rushed through the meeting, the way he bolted out of the room into the ever winding maze outside. Phil said his goodbyes before darting after Techno, going through the halls. He found him leaning against a wall, looking queasy. Phil didn’t even get to Techno before he heard him retch and a splatter. Phil saw him turn and wipe his mouth, face ashen and colourless, he was shaking violently and Phil could see how distant he was. Chat. Again.
“You good mate? Come back to me Techno. We can figure this out. Just breathe,” Phil said. “You’ll be o-“
“Do not finish that sentence.” Techno snapped, glaring at Phil. “He’s dead. I am not going to be okay.” Phil had seen Techno angry many times. But he’d never seen this look. The look of a man with nothing left to lose. It wasn’t even like he was looking at Technoblade anymore, not in the way he knew his beloved friend. It was more like staring a wild boar in the face. A very angry, very hungry wild boar. Phil stepped back, knowing very well he could find his throat ripped from his neck if he chose to move forward.
Techno took many long hours to calm, and by the time he had he was empty. It was like everything had been drained from him. Every ounce of Techno had been ripped out and all that Phil had left was the shell. His heart broke because he knew exactly how it had felt. He knew what it was like. After he lost Wilbur Phil had disappeared into the woods for days, he remembered killing anything that moved, hitting the trees until his knuckles bruised and bled just to feel something other than the all consuming sorrow and despair. Anything to stave off the feeling of emptiness. And it was like that until Techno set off. He said he was going to go train. Except he didn’t come back for what felt like years. Tommy had come to visit. As had Wilbur, newly revived from the dead. And Phil had nearly lost it, so relieved to see his son even if his son wasn’t thrilled to see him. It didn’t matter. Wilbur could tell him a million times that Phil no longer mattered, that he wasn’t family, and Phil would still just be relieved that he was okay. That he was alive.
He saw the way Tommy looked at them. Saw the jealousy in his eyes. He had tried so hard to stop him from feeling that when he was a kid but things were different. Things had changed. They didn’t talk much, they weren’t family like they had been. And Phil wanted Tommy to know he had family. But it wasn’t his story to tell. Not yet.
Techno had come back oh so very briefly, a week maximum. They celebrated his birthday, and Techno received a letter summoning him to the prison. Phil was apprehensive and when Techno didn’t come home that night, or the next day, or the day after that Phil started to worry. He had read the will. He knew the plan. But he didn’t like it. Too many things could go wrong. The next time Tommy visited Phil was a wreck. Tommy did his best to comfort Phil but honestly Tommy was worried too. He knew Techno could handle himself. He knew what Techno was capable of but he also knew what Dream and Sam were capable of. 
Phil however was worried about several things. He had faith Techno would be fine, he always was, but… there was a nagging in the back of his brain. He needed to tell Tommy. No matter what he needed to tell him. If Techno died in the prison Tommy should know, and if he got out as planned then Tommy should get to be allowed to know his father. He shouldn’t know before it’s too late, especially when it might already be too late. 
“Yeah Phil?” Tommy replied, picking up the two mugs he had, each with tea in them. He set one down in front of Phil at the table and sat nearby, looking at him. Phil looked like a fucking wreck. There were deep circles under his eyes, he looked exhausted and he seemed older in that moment than Tommy could ever remember him looking before.
“I need to tell you something. The truth.”
“It’s okay, don’t worry about it right now, you can tell me later,”
“No. I have to tell you.” Phil said adamantly. He knew if he didn’t say it now he never would. And Tommy might never get to know Techno as his dad instead of a friend or mentor. He wanted Tommy to have a dad. He owed it to him after he had suddenly stopped being one. “I knew your parents. Your mother and father, they were friends of mine. Your mom is… she’s not around…” Phil said quickly. He kept going before Tommy could react. “Your father. He’s a friend. He’s still alive.”
“…what?” Tommy asked, voice quiet. 
“I’m sorry. I wanted to tell you.”
“Why didn’t you? I spent years wondering what the fuck was wrong with me or my parents that they dropped me in the middle of nowhere, why the fuck didn’t you say anything?” Tommy asked, rage and pain clear in his voice. Years of self loathing, of wondering why he wasn’t good enough, why he was abandoned. Why he didn’t get to have a family. Why he didn’t get to know his father at the very least.
“There’s a lot you don’t understand, I wish I could’ve told you but I couldn’t Tommy,” Phil answered.
“There’s a lot that you don’t understand! I’ve been wondering every day of my life why I wasn’t good enough! Why I couldn’t be happy, why I didn’t deserve to have my own family! You had the answers and you just didn’t give them to me!” Tommy yelled, standing up and banging his fist on the table. “Who? How many times have I met my father and you didn’t say a word? How many interactions did I have where you didn’t tell me I could’ve asked him questions? How many times was he right there?” Phil looked down and sighed, shaking his head. He didn’t wanna say it.
“Tommy….” Phil sighed softly, looking at Tommy. He was right to be pissed. Phil knew that. But he wished he wasn’t. 
“Tell me! For once in your fucking life be honest Phil! You’ve been lying to me for years, you owe me this! You owe me this cause I died and you didn’t bother to care!” Tommy screamed, tears running down his face. “Owe up to it for once in your life.” 
“It’s Technoblade.” Phil choked out. He swore, Tommy almost lunged for his neck to choke him. In that moment he looked so much like his dad. He was so angry. He’d never seen Tommy this angry before, not even on doomsday. Phil would’ve let him strangle him, he’d deserve it. But Tommy didn’t. He slammed his fist into the wall.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He yelled. It was so loud and Phil could hear his voice almost giving out. “He was right here! This whole fucking time! What the fuck is wrong with both of you? You had months, months to tell me!” He screamed, his voice quavering. “You’re both full of shit!” He screamed, turning around and storming out. The door slammed and Phil flinched, hearing the pictures on the wall rattle. He didn’t think it would go this badly. Granted he didn’t know how it would go when he said it. Phil sighed and put his head in his hands. He fucked up. He was gonna regret this.
Techno regretted going into that prison. By the time he got out thanks to the stasis chamber and an ender pearl. He felt himself teleport and stumbled as he found himself in the syndicate’s meeting room. He felt someone grab him and he flinched away.
“Calm down mate, it’s alright, it’s me,” Phil’s voice said softly. Techno looked around confusedly, breathing quickly and seeing it was in fact the syndicate room, not Pandora’s Vault. Phil pulled him along and had him sit down at one of the chairs. “You alright?” Phil asked, stepping back and looking at Techno. He looked like shit. He was thinner, he was pale and shaky. He looked like he didn’t know which way was up. “What the fuck happened in there mate?” 
“It sucked. The syndicate has a responsibility to take it down, it’s as corrupt as anything could be.” Techno sighed.
“I can see that mate.”
“They don’t really feed you in there… Tommy was in there wasn’t he?” Techno asked. Phil paled.
“Yeah… he was.” Phil said, sighing. “Listen I…I have to tell you something Techno. It’s about Tommy.” 
“Is he okay? Did something happen to him?” Technoblade asked immediately, looking terrified.
“No, no he’s fine. I fucked up though mate. I’m sorry, I told him. I didn’t know whether things would go as planned or not, he deserved to know while you were still alive.” Phil said quickly, not looking at Techno. He heard the other sigh.
“….I suppose we owed it to him. Better sooner than later.” Techno sighed, shaking his head. “How’d he take it?” He asked, looking at Phil and leaning back in the chair with a groan.
“Bad. He was….angry. Angry we didn’t say anything earlier. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so pissed.” Phil replied, sitting on the table. He left out just how much like his father he had looked for that moment. Tommy looked like his mother but he certainly had some of his father in him. Techno’s face had fallen more. Phil hadn’t seen Techno cry in ages, but he looked close. Tears in his eyes that he was too proud to let fall. Techno shook his head as if it would shoo them away and stood.
“He’s not wrong to be angry.” Techno said softly. Phil nodded and walked with him up the staircase to the igloo concealing the entrance. “I was going to tell him. Why didn’t I? I should’ve told him. Things were good. He deserved to have my honesty,” Techno muttered under his breath. Phil opened his mouth to respond before closing it. He had a feeling Techno’s words weren’t for him. 
They arrived to their conjoined cabins in silence, and Techno told Phil that they would convene the syndicate later on, and that he was tired. Phil knew it was a lie but he didn’t push, he knew Techno would appreciate him leaving him be more than he would prying. Techno spent a few days in his cabin alone, trying very hard not to be angry with Phil. But who was left if not Phil? He couldn’t be angry at Tommy. Tommy was in the right. Theseus had every right to be pissed, to want nothing to do with him. So the only person left to blame was Technoblade. He spend hours muttering to himself, talking back and forth with chat. Chat seemed to be divided. Half believed it was the better thing to do, to keep it secret, the other said that he should’ve told Tommy ages ago. They weren’t wrong. He had a chance. In Pogtopia he had a chance. Before doomsday, before the community house he had a chance. Tommy had been through hell and back, and Technoblade could’ve prevented it, but he didn’t. His own son died because he had stayed silent. Techno slammed his fist into the wall before letting out a soul shattering scream of frustration. How could he have been so stupid?
Tommy stood outside the houses, staring between the turtle shell helmet in his hands and the cozy inviting cabin he’d once called home. At one point it had been entirely alone, nothing but Carl in his stable outside but now it was busy. The house stood facing Phil’s own cabin, a small pond below the bridges connecting them, beacons shining nearby, Ranboo’s house not so far, a large herd of cows in a pen, polar bears inside and outside the house, a dog kennel and several dogs lounging in and out of it. It was nothing like the desolate and lonely house Tommy had last seen it as. He took a breath and shook his head. Clearly Technoblade was fine. He had Ranboo, Phil, his animals. He wouldn’t be alone. It was a bittersweet thought. On one hand he didn’t want Technoblade to be left entirely alone. He was angry but…Techno had been kind to him. Given him gifts, a home, hidden him. But on the other hand…it felt like Tommy was being abandoned, replaced. Ranboo had taken his spot as Tubbo’s best friend. Hell they were married and raising a child. Now Ranboo was living happily alongside Technoblade and Phil. Tommy wasn’t a fan of the pattern he was seeing. But unfortunately Ranboo was disgustingly pleasant. He considered turning back, maybe even just tossing the shell onto the porch by the door and making a run for it before anybody saw him, but in his moment of hesitation the decision was made for him. Techno closed the door behind him and turned, freezing, bow slung over his shoulder.
“…you weren’t supposed to see me here.” Tommy said hesitantly when he realized Techno wouldn’t say anything first.
“Your helmet,” Techno said, pointing at the turtle shell clenched in Tommy’s hands. 
“Yeah. I was going to return it to you.” Tommy said, shrugging awkwardly.
“You know why. Don’t act stupid.” Tommy said glaring at Techno. “You can’t expect me to not be upset after finding out you abandoned me and lied to me my whole life. I know you’re not good with people but you can’t be that stupid.”
“I’m sorry, I know, I was just… you should keep the helmet Theseus-“
“Don’t call me that. Don’t use that stupid fucking nickname!” Tommy yelled.
“…I’m sorry. I know it doesn’t make up for it, but I promise you I didn’t want it to go the way it did.” Techno said, sighing.
“You’d take it back? Fat load of good that does now.”
“No. I’d do the same. Not this part. Not keeping it a secret.”
“Thanks. Makes me feel so much better to know you still don’t want me.” Tommy said sarcastically. 
“What? Of course I wanted you.” Techno said, frowning and walking down the steps to stand in front of Tommy.
“Then why did you get rid of me so easily? Why didn’t you want me to know you?” Tommy asked, rage boiling in his chest.
“Giving you to someone else was the hardest thing I ever did. I spent a year as your dad, your first word was papa, you were my heart and soul.” Techno said softly. “I had to give you to someone else. I had to give you a better home Tommy.”
“Why couldn’t you have kept me?” Tommy asked, the venomous tone in his voice dying down slightly.
“Come, I’ll tell you everything. It’s too cold out here and you don’t have a coat,” Techno said, walking back up the stairs. Tommy was going to refuse, but his legs moved automatically, and he followed Techno inside. Techno gestured for him to sit at the table and filled the kettle with water, setting it on the wood stove and pulling out cups. “Usual?” Techno asked, looking over his shoulder. Tommy nodded and watched Techno pull out the sugar and milk. The tea was done quickly and Techno set Tommy’s cup in front of him, sitting across the table from him. “How much do you want to know?” Techno asked after taking a breath. 
“Everything. I want you to be honest with me.” Tommy replied curtly.
“Alright. I suppose I should start with your name. Theseus is your actual name, Tommy was a nickname. Your mom called you Tommy, so it stuck.” Techno admitted.
“It…wasn’t just a stupid nickname?”
“You have terrible taste in names big man.” Tommy said, a hint of a smile on his face.
“Yeah, you may be right on that,” Techno replied, laughing. 
“My mother…what happened?” Tommy asked.
“She died a few hours after you were born. There were some issues, we knew she wasn’t gonna make it weeks before, so she decided that she would just hold you until she went. And she did just that.” Techno sighed. Tommy couldn’t figure out the look on Techno’s face. He seemed to be both sad and happy at the same time. It was odd, he hadn’t seen Techno look like this before. 
“Did you love her?”
“Absolutely. The only person I ever loved more is you.” Techno replied easily. “We didn’t get married, but it didn’t matter much to us.”
“What was she like?” 
“She was…like you actually. Everything I could only hope to become. She was kind, happy, she was always smiling. She saw the good in everything and everyone, and she stood up for what she believed in regardless of the cost. You look just like her, you have her hair and her eyes. You’re more her than me, that’s a good thing.” Techno said, smiling fondly on the memories of her. He saw so much of her in Tommy and he was unbelievably grateful for it.
“So…why did you give me up then? If you were so happy to have me or whatever?” Tommy asked, not looking at Techno. He heard him sigh deeply and almost retracted the question but decided not to. He had a right to know.
“You know about chat? The voices I hear?” Tommy nodded in response. “Well… sometimes chat is too hard for me to handle. Sometimes they take over. Sometimes they win. And one night they almost did.” Techno reached out and held Tommy’s jaw loosely, thumb running over the scar there. “They almost won and I almost lost you. You deserved a dad who didn’t try to kill you. You deserved a stable family, I didn’t want you to grow up not feeling safe cause I couldn’t control myself. So I gave you to Phil.” Techno pulled away and sighed, leaning back in his seat.
“Did you ever wish you hadn’t?” 
“That’s…hard. I wish I didn’t have to. I wish it wasn’t what had been best at that time. I wish I hadn’t needed to do it, but I don’t regret it. I would’ve loved to have been your father for as long as I lived. But I wasn’t about to risk your life for my happiness.” Techno explained.
Tommy had wanted to stay angry. Some pet of him still was, deep down. He still wanted to hit and scream and throw a tantrum, but the other part, the larger, more rational part, the part of him that had been through everything including death and war, felt the anger wash away. He hadn’t been abandoned. He was wanted. He was loved. He was cared for. It had been out of necessity, not because Techno just didn’t want him. Tommy couldn’t remember the scar, or getting it. Some part of him was scared but he remembered doomsday. Techno had a clear chance to kill him. To end it there. But he didn’t. He knew Techno wouldn’t hurt him, even if he was pissed. 
“…I died.” Tommy said quietly. He heard Techno draw in a sharp breath.
“I know.”
“Did…did you care?”
“It destroyed me. I almost killed Philza. There’s a grave site on a mountain a few hours from here. I carved the headstone and planted the flowers. I cared.” Techno said quietly. Tommy let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, and with it came a river of tears. Sixteen years of anger, frustration, misery, loneliness, isolation, all of it, came rushing out as he nearly choked on his sobs. He wiped at his eyes quickly, trying to stop himself but he couldn’t. He kept sobbing and the tears kept coming. He felt arms wrap around him and let them pull him onto the ground. He leaned into someone, sitting on their lap. It took a few moments for him to realize it was Techno.
Tommy turned and buried his face into his shoulder, sobbing freely into it, soaking Techno’s shirt with tears. He felt Techno gently rubbing his back and quietly mumbling as he kept crying, encouraging him to let it out. It felt like forever before he stopped, head pounding, eyes burning and exhausted. He drew in a deep shaky breath, sitting up again and laughing pitifully.
“This is your fault,” he said lightly, not actually angry.
“I’ll try to stop messing up,” Techno replied, laughing and smiling. He gently brushed the hair in Tommy’s eyes behind his ear and smiled at him. “I’m sorry. I should’ve told you. I was going to but I just…didn’t.” Techno added, sighing.
“It’s okay…well it’s not but… I forgive you,” Tommy said. He paused for a moment. “I wouldn’t mind if later you were my dad again,” he added tentatively. Techno’s face lit up.
“You mean it?” He asked.
“Yeah…we can try again.” Tommy said, nodding.
“I’ll do better,” Techno said sincerely. He paused and thought. “Can I call you Theseus?” He added.
“Yeah…I’m okay with that. Only you though. It’s a dumb name,” Tommy replied, smiling. Techno laughed and nodded.
“Fair enough. Thank you for giving me another chance kid,” Techno said softly, holding Tommy close to his chest.
“Thank you for wanting to give it a shot,” Tommy answered, letting himself lean into Techno and relax for what felt like the first time in ages. It felt like home.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
Matthew + Henry - A ficlet
Matthew stood outside the laboratory.
It was highly unlikely that his father would notice if he knocked. But Matthew did it anyway – manners maketh man after all.
As soon as walked in, he scanned the space for possible signs of a fire. It might seem a tad unnecessary for anyone else but not for him, Matthew thought as he put out a candle that was dangerously dancing next to the tapestry.
“Papa!” Matthew called, but expected no answer.
It wasn’t easy to get his father’s attention. It had bothered him at first. But Matthew had turned into a little game.
He would bet on the number of times he would have to call his father before he noticed Matthew’s presence.
Four, Matthew thought now.
Matthew smiled to himself and propped himself up on the windowsill.
“Matthew!” his father grinned at him. “You’re home!”
But see? Even though he had placed the wrong bet, he still won his father’s attention. There was no losing in this game.
“Yes, I am,” Matthew replied. “And I’m not going back.”
“Going back where?”
“The academy,” Matthew answered patiently.
“Not going back?” his father frowned, his attention focused on the little device in front of him. “Did I miss your graduation? Matthew, I’m awfully sorry!”
“You didn’t miss it,” Matthew chuckled. “I got expelled.”
“Expelled?” his father asked. “What on earth for?”
“I…I may have exploded the south wing of the academy.”
“Was it an experiment?” his father sounded interested.
“More of a strategy,” Matthew shrugged. “I gave Christopher charcoal, sulfur and some other material. He made the explosives for me.”
“Smart boy,” Henry chuckled.
“He is,” Matthew  agreed, despite the tiniest stab of jealousy.
“I meant you, Matthew,” his father corrected. “I didn’t know you knew how to blow things up.”
Matthew gave him a smile, a genuine one. “I’m your son. It would be rather odd if I didn’t know how.”
Henry hummed and tinkered with the device. Matthew bit his lip.
“Papa,” he said hesitantly. “There is something I wanted to ask you.”
“About explosives?” his father looked up. “Well, the key is to cho-”
“Not explosives,�� Matthew interrupted. “Something else.”
“I’ve asked James to be my parabatai,” Matthew said quietly.
“Really?” his father looked very much surprised. “But isn’t he a silent brother? Besides, he already has one. If you want to be his parabatai, then you will most certainly have to fight William.”
“Not uncle Jem,” Matthew giggled. “James. James Herondale.”
“Oh,” his father looked less surprised, but also a little pleased. “He is such a sweet boy.”
“He is,” Matthew agreed. “But…But do you think this is a good idea?”
“It’s a brilliant idea!” the man beamed at the device as it opened up. “Not as brilliant as Siemen’s idea for electric trains. But still brilliant!”
Matthew looked outside the window. James was thousands of miles away right now. He missed the other boy. They had only said goodbye a few minutes ago before Matthew had portaled to Idris. But Matthew still missed him.
“I just worry that I won’t be a good parabatai,” Matthew said, looking at his own reflection on the window. “James is different. He is shy and quiet. We are such different souls. James does not care for fashion at all. I’m certain he doesn’t even own a proper waistcoat! What a heinous crime!”
Matthew knew that parabatai did not have to be alike. But they had to like each other, didn’t they? James had agreed. But what if he only said that because of his father? What if he eventually changed his mind?
“Papa, I worry that I might be too much for him. I am admirable of course. But what if he begins to get bored of me when we spend time together? What if he prefers someone else? Someone less chaotic? Like Thomas?”
He looked at his father for a response. But the other man was now carefully applying a dark power into the contents of the device. Matthew smiled. He hadn’t come into the laboratory looking for words of comfort. He had just wanted to talk - even though he knew his father might not listen.
He hopped off the windowsill. It was getting dark. He should check on dinner and bring something down for his father.
He cared for his father so much. Sometimes his heart wondered if his fathered reciprocated those feelings.
It was foolish to wonder on such things. His father was a brilliant scientist. An innotivative inventor. He had more important things to think about. His mind was reserved for bigger and better concerns.  
Not on something trivial like Matthew.
“Did you tell your mother?” his father suddenly asked.
“About James?”
“About the explosion.”
“I…I haven’t,” Matthew pushed his hair back. “She doesn’t know I’ve been expelled.”
“Do you think she would be mad?” Matthew looked at his shoes. “What if she doesn’t agree for James to be my parabatai? What if she thinks I would be bad influence?”
“Why would she think that?” his father’s eyebrows knit in confusion. “He’s a Herondale, Matthew. He would learn to set things on fire in his own time.”
Matthew chuckled.
The little device suddenly caught on fire. Matthew, who often carried a spare handkerchief in his pocket, quickly sprang forward and put it out. 
“Well, that’s disappointing,” his father pouted.
Matthew quickly scanned him for injuries, but his father seemed alright.
“You’d be a good parabatai,” he smiled at him.
“You think so?” Matthew asked, his voice soft. “Even if I explode buildings and set things on fire?”
“You rarely set things on fire, Matthew,” his father said staring at the device. “But you always put them out.”
“I don’t like the smoke,” Matthew simply shrugged, even though his heart soared at the praise. “It ruins my hair.”
“Oh,” his father’s eyes beamed. “Oh. I have something for you.”
He picked up a small vial from the table and placed it in his palm. It had some sort of transparent liquid.
“I was tinkering with cationic polymers as one does,” his father explained. “It didn’t work out. The beaker actually burst into pieces.”
“Not to worry,” his father shrugged it off as usual. “But some of the liquid landed on my hair and I must say, it felt rather smooth. So, I added a couple of more ingredients and made this for you.”
“Oh,” Matthew said softly.
“It’s a hair ointment of sorts,” the brilliant man said with a brilliant grin. 
Matthew had once told his mother over dinner that shadowhunters should wear some sort of headgear – to protect their heads of course, but mostly to keep their hair in place. Matthew hadn’t fought in a battle. Not yet. But one had to look their best when saving the world, didn’t they?
His brother had laughed at the suggestion and his mother had fondly rolled her eyes. His father hadn’t said anything of course. Matthew had assumed he hadn’t listened as usual, or even cared.
But he had listened. He had cared. 
Matthew had always assumed that his father wasn’t a listener because he wasn’t a talker. He had assumed that his father didn’t care for him because he spent more time in the laboratory working than playing with Matthew outside. 
But maybe he was wrong.
Matthew laughed, his fingers gripping the vial tightly. “Thank you, papa.”
“You’re welcome,” his father smiled and focused back on the little box. “Just don’t use it excessively. It’s still experimental. Too much of it might set your hair on fire.”
Matthew hoped it was a joke. But his father rarely made jokes. Intentionally. But he put the vial into his pocket anyway. It was a gift. He would hold it close no matter what.
“Are you leaving?” his father asked when Matthew stepped outside. “Is James upstairs?”
“No,” Matthew chuckled. “He is in London, papa. At the institute.”
“Ah,” his father said. “Perhaps we should pay him a visit tomorrow? We could take him to Knightsbridge?”
“Knightsbridge?” Matthew asked. “Whatever for?”
“If he is going to be your parabatai, then he should have his own waistcoat, don’t you think?”
Matthew grinned at him them. 
He was definitely wrong. Papa did listen. Papa cared so much. 
- For annie, sorry I had a himbo moment and accidentally deleted your ask ;)
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stxrrywildflower · 4 years
pairing - bau team x teen!reader
summary - you have to protect henry from an unsub
warnings - mentions of case, violence, injury
word count - ?
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when you were sixteen, j.j. and will hired you to be nanny for henry due to their demanding jobs as an fbi profiler and police detective. obviously, you had agreed as you would need the money for college soon.
the two parents were incredibly welcoming, immediately treating you as one of their own. henry loved you too, always being such a good kid when you babysat for him.
however, you knew that with both of their jobs. you were at some risk. j.j. and will planned ahead, giving the code word of ‘echo’ incase you were ever in trouble. one text to them and they would instantly go into full parent mode. it was only to be used in emergencies, such as if henry got seriously injured or some criminal threat.
tonight, for the first time ever, you had to use the code word.
it was a fairly normal friday afternoon. j.j. had called and asked if you could babysit henry while her and will worked the same case. the exact details weren’t revealed but you knew it was bad judging by the news as well as the fact that two separate divisions were solving the case together.
after being dropped off at the families home, you slung your backpack on your back and walked through the gates up to the front door. you first knocked on the door before stepping back. will opened the door a moment later, greeting you with a slight smile, “hey y/n.”
“hey will, is j.j. already working?” you asked, spinning around when you heard thumping on the stairs.
henry rushed in and immediately ran into your arms. you grinned at the young boy and picked him up, placing him on your hip as you ruffled his hair.
“yeah she had to head in early. i just have to grab my bag and then i’m heading out,” will informed you before leaving the room to get his stuff.
you had been babysitting henry long enough that you didn’t need instructions from them. everything was already memorized. henry jumped out of your arms and ran into the living room.
will walked in with his bag and kissed henry on the forehead to say goodbye. “i’m not super sure when we’ll be back. you already know everything and where your room is if you stay over. thanks again,” and with that, the police detective left the house to drive to quantico.
“alright henry,” you started, “you ready for lunch?” henry’s giggle was answer enough.
for the next six or so hours, you and henry played games, colored, and finally watched tv. by eight pm, he had finally settled down to watch a movie.
while henry’s eyes were glued to the tv, you slipped out of the living room and grabbed your phone so you could watch the local news without scaring or distracting him. the breaking news made you extremely uneasy.
“the local killer who has been terrorizing washington d.c. has been reported to be roaming the streets. all residents have been advised to stay inside and lock there doors. a picture should be showing up on your screens now. if you see this man, please contact the police,” the news anchor reported.
you slipped your phone into your pocket and made your rounds around the house to double check that the doors were locked. just as you were locking one of the windows in the front, you noticed a strange van outside of the house.
at first, you thought that it might have been one of the neighbors or some utility truck. but, after the man inside stepped out, you filled with panic. standing outside of the house, just seconds away from walking up, was the killer on the loose. he seemed to noticed your figure in the window and grinned wickedly.
he was targeting you. he was going to storm in this house and kill you. he was going to kill you and then kill henry. oh my god, henry.
you were on autopilot as you ran through the house, picking henry up in one swift motion and only putting him down when you hit the stairs.
“remember when we would play hide-and-go-seek?” you started. upon seeing the young boys nod, you continued, “i need you to go upstairs and find the best hiding spot you can. stay quiet and don’t move until i come and get you. there’s a man outside who wants to hurt us. i love you henry. now go hide.”
“i love you too,” henry replied before running up the stairs and down the hallway as fast as his little legs could take him.
you slipped behind a wall, thankful that you kept your phone with you. after taking a deep breath, you opened the messaging app and clicked on j.j.’s contact. it was a simple four letter word that you sent that could potentially save your life.
‘echo’ you typed before pressing the send button.
by now, all the lights in the house went out. you ditched your phone on the ground just before the front door slammed open. you shut your eyes, a stray tear slipping down your face. it was now or never.
at quantico, j.j. sat at her desk surrounded by the team at their individual work stations. will remained next to his wife while many of the other cops were out on the street. just as j.j. finished going over one of the files about the unsubs past life, her phone buzzed.
j.j.’s furrowed her eyebrows as she noticed it was a message from you. one four letter word was displayed across her screen. ‘echo’ she read.
“oh my god,” j.j. spoke as she jumped out of her chair, grabbing her bag and making sure her gun was on her hip. “hey,” will called, grabbing her wrist to prevent her from going anywhere.
“echo will, echo,” j.j. repeated. after those words processed, will stood up too, his eyes going wide.
hotch and rossi both emerged from their office and walked down into the bullpen. “what’s going on?” the unit chief asked.
“i think the unsub is at my house. y/n sent a text with our code word she only uses in emergencies,” j.j. ranted as she ran her hand through her hair. hotch pondered for a split second before turning to the room.
“let’s go,” was all he said.
meanwhile, back at the house, loud footsteps walked through the house. a million different scenerios flowed through your mind. if you stayed put and hoped j.j. was on her way, you could just hide and hopefully wait it out. but, there was always the chance the man would discover you. the second option was that you fought back. the only con is that he had a knife and you had just barely above average fighting skills.
after choosing the later decision, you went into full stealth mode to find the best vantage point. as you slipped through the rooms and behind various furniture, you held back a smirk as the killer looked around randomly.
finally, when the mans back was turned, you striked.
the first attack was a solid kick to the back of his knees. the mans knife clattered across the floor as he stumbles slightly. you held your hands up in fists as the killer turned around. he charged at you, pushing you back into the wall. a hard punch was landed to your nose and eyes. your lip managed to split in the process too along with your injured ribs from the tackle. you managed to get out of his grip and kick him in the crotch. when he doubled over, you elbowed him in the back causing him to cripple to the ground.
you were honestly slightly proud of yourself for making it this far but you still had a long way to go. after kneeling down beside him, you punched him once in the nose to add to the pain. the final blow, which knocked him out, was a hard kick to the head.
with shaky hands, you rushed out of the main room and into the connected garage. as fast as you could, you rummaged through the cabinet trying to find something to further prevent the man from causing anymore harm. you stumbled upon zip ties and let out a sigh of relief.
you fastened the zip ties around his wrists and ankles thus preventing him from moving if he did wake up. you left the man on the floor and ran to the stairs.
“henry!” you called, your voice echoing up the stairs, “it’s safe, you can come out now.” maybe that last part was a slight lie but you needed henry to know that it was okay.
the blond-haired boy peered around the railing before running down the stairs and into your arms. despite the pain it brought your ribs, you picked henry up and placed him on your hip as you hugged him. after moving into the main living room, you leaned against the back of the couch and shut your eyes.
for the second time that night, the door slammed open. in stormed the bau team and you could hear other sirens outside. you winced at the lights being turned on so suddenly but still turned to face the group.
j.j. and will immediately rushed over to where you were with henry. will took his son out of your arms and lead him away from the scene. j.j., however, pulled you into a hug, cradling your head with her hand as you began to cry. you were sure that the blood from your nose was definitely getting on her vest.
“i’m sorry,” you choked out.
frowning, j.j. pulled away and placed her hands on your cheeks. yours, in contrast, moved to hold her wrists.
“hey, don’t even say that. you saved henry and for the most part, saved yourself. did you take him down all by yourself?” j.j. questioned.
you nodded as you used the back of your hand to wipe away some of the blood on your face. “i am so proud of you.”
the man was all but thrown into the police car as hotch walked over to where you and j.j. were still standing. “ambulance it waiting,” the man spoke. she turned to you, “we need to get you to a hospital to look at your injuries. i know your parents are out of town and i’m already down as an emergency contact. is it all right if i go with you?”
j.j.’s voice mirrored the one she used for henry. after shaking your head yes, j.j. wrapped an arm around you before leading you out of the house and to the driveway.
with one final smile to will and henry, you both climbed inside, j.j. holding your hand the entire way.
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