#( convo: dorcas meadowes )
adharastarlight · 1 year
Barty, in distress after having a dream about james: and I don't need to see him shirtless! I really really don't!!!
Reg: can I see him shirtless?
Reg: ...what?
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70swizards · 1 year
sirius: so… i’m seeing someone
rem: dating or hallucinations?
rem: it better be hallucinations
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lilyofthevalleyys · 6 months
Regulus: How much was your spotify listening minutes?
Dorcas: Uh 57,502 minutes
Regulus: Weak
Regulus: *proudly flashes his 300,000+ minutes*
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
Barty: I didn't wanna do this, but I do know one way we could get the money.
Dorcas: You'd make a decent prostitute.
Barty: I'd make an amazing prostitute.
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risetherivermoon · 1 year
How To Not Die Young - Chapter 4
"It's comforting this way to Barty, having something to tell him that Evan is right there for him. That someone is there and they aren't leaving anytime soon."
“If Evs’ out, so am I.” Barty says, patting Evan on the back.
“Don't patronize me,” Evan says.
“That is not how you use that word,” Barty says, ever the academic. Evan rolls his eyes.
“Pandora uses words that aren't even real all the time.” Evan says.
“What counts as a real word, anyway?” Pandora asks.
“If it's in the Oxford Dictionary, then it's a word.” Barty says.
“I will not allow the Oxford Dictionary to hold me back from my dreams. I shall no longer be a prisoner bound by words in a book written by people just as I, I will prosper in my own language. I need not be limited by a dictionary!!” Pandora stands dramatically, hands in the air. Evan and Barty laugh hysterically.
“All of those are in the Oxford Dictionary,” Barty points out.
“Fuck off you Shnuffle-pucker!” She points at him, a type of fury in her blue eyes. Evan and Pandora almost look exactly like gender-bent versions of each other if it wasn't for their eye color. Barty scoffs, his mouth open in shock with a hand over his heart.
“I- I have no idea what that means but I’m offended!” Barty stands as well, Evan sighs exasperatedly and shakes his head.
“PANDORA!! BARTEMIUS!! I WILL HAVE YOUR HEADS I SWEAR TO GOD!!” They both turn their heads to see Dorcas yelling from the bottom of the bleachers. Evan starts laughing hysterically as Barty and Pandora share a bewildered look before starting to run up the bleachers to get away from her as Dorcas starts to chase them.
Little bit from chapter 4!! rosekiller!
the skittles get all my love,
hope you all enjoy this!
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ednamode1 · 1 year
My Harry Potter Headcanons ft. The Prewett Twins and Dorcas Meadows (mainly)
Dorcas Meadows was in the same year as the Prewett twins. They were BFFs. Gideon and Dorcas were in Ravenclaw, and Fabian was a Gryffindor.
Gideon and Dorcas became friends after she helped him get away with cursing a kid for implying that Fabian was the dumb twin.
The twins would constantly swapped houses. No one besides Dorcas knew. She realized it in their 4th year and hates that it took her so long to figure it out.
Dorcas asked the twins how come they ended up in different houses. Their constant house-switching proved they were both intelligent enough to be in Ravenclaw (or brave enough to be in Gryffindor). They shrugged and said, "Thought it'd be funny."
When the Prewett Twins + Dorcas are in their 3rd year, Molly Prewett joins her brother Fabian in Gryffindor as a 1st year. 
Arthur Weasley is sorted into Gryffindor in Molly’s 2nd year
Twins + Dorcas are in their 6th year when Frank Longbottom and Alice Smith enter Hogwarts as first years. They’re both in Gryffindor. Alice develops a tiny crush on Fabian after he helps her find her way -- “The attractive 6th year helped me when I was lost and now I'm in love.”
Dorcas is Frank’s idol.  
The Meadows and McKinnons are old family friends. Dorcas and, after she introduced them and they became friends, Fabian (yes, Fabian, the Gryffindor twin) like to raid their library to learn more about the different types of magic. The McKinnon's don't mind. They believe knowledge should be free to anyone and everyone. Gideon has a more practical approach to magic. Besides, Fabian briefs him about everything he learns (and vice versa).
Though it was Marlene’s family that dabbled in obscure magic (dark and light), it was Dorcas who first suspected that Voldemort created horcruxes.
She mentioned it to Dumbledore + the twins. The spy overheard the following convo “I suspect You-Know-Who has done something with his soul.” He couldn’t listen further cuz Remus and Sirius arrived for the Order meeting at that time. After this particular meeting, Order members started dropping like flies.
The fact that Dumbledore suspected Voldemort of dabbling in soul magic made him paranoid. He enhanced the security on the ring and the locket and entrusted the remaining two horcruxes with his most trusted Death Eaters. This paranoia also caused him to seek and believe in prophecies. Eventually leading to his downfall.
Voldemort couldn’t risk anyone else finding out and went to kill Meadows himself. He underestimated her a little. The battle lasted for a while before Voldemort was able to kill her. She never told him any secrets. 
Voldemort would’ve liked to kill the twins himself but unbeknownst to anyone he was injured after his duel with Dorcas. So with Pettigrew’s help, he set up a trap and sent 5 of his best Death Eaters after the twins.
Everyone assumed Gideon was the hot-headed one (in Hogwarts he cursed anyone who implied his siblings were dumb), but out of the two, it was Fabian who lost his temper quicker. The Twins might’ve won if a Death Eater hadn’t cast Sectumsempra and injured Gideon. Fabian lost all rationality + objectivity in his rage, making it relatively easier for Dolohov to kill them.  
Voldemort ordered the McKinnons to be exterminated because he couldn’t risk anyone else figuring out his secret like Dorcas had. 
The twins couldn't meet Ron before they died. They never knew about Ginny.
These are a few headcanons I have feel free to use them (I'd appreciate it if you gave me credit or shared your work if you use these ideas). If some of these ideas are repeated/similar to someone else's, full credit goes to the og author.
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theblackfamilysheep · 4 years
“  i swear to god i’ll kill whatever bastard did this.  ” angry feisty little post-grad dorcas
injury/hurt prompts bc reasons
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“Come on, Doe.. It wasn’t like I left the other guy untouched you know. Go easy on my pride for once.” But even he had to admit that had the short end of this fight, busted ribs and a rapidly swelling face made him release all ideas of hiding this. Couldn’t keep pressure on his ribs and hide his face at the same time. 
“You want to kill anyone, I vote the guy’s friend who broke a bottle on my head. The rest of the fight after that wasn’t really going in my favor.” His head didn’t hurt so much as feel numb, but he could tell that it was still sluggishly bleeding by the tickle at the back of his neck. Still, he’d made the walk here, so he couldn’t be hurt all that badly.
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lilyevansgf · 3 years
marlene: HOZIER IS STRAIGHT?????
dorcas: YES??
marlene: WHAT THE FUCK
marlene: i cannot believe i’ve cried to a straight man’s music
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Secret Ingredients
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((OOC: The wonderful Marlene McKinnon played the extraordinary @masksofmickey ! Based on this text post.))
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heartcndsoul · 5 years
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“So I need your help Lupin, and if you play your cards right you’ll have a favor from one miss Dorcas Meadowes and I should let you know that those are hard to come by.” Doe started off with her sales pitch as she plopped down next to the other.
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merrymcdonald-blog · 7 years
'Cause this life is anything but certain when they close the final curtain
Mary married Amos Diggory when she was barely seventeen. She hadn’t known him all that well before their drunken encounter, but he she was pregnant and Amos was the noble sort. She agreed because she felt empty inside and Amos was just as good as anyone else. She still remembered the look in Regulus’ eyes when Amos announced their engagement. He’d stared at the Diggory family ring on her left hand. He bore holes into it and left the Dinning Hall. He never spoke to Mary again. She kept his scarf in a box, hoping to preserve his smell.
Dorcas Meadowes didn’t arrive to their wedding. Amos wasn’t surprised, but Mary could tell he was disappointed. Mary knew why. It was the same reason Reg didn’t show up. It had nothing to do with what was proper. It was just hard to watch the person you love marry someone else.
For those first few years, Cedric was all they had in common. They weren’t a bad couple. They became friends and didn’t demand much of each other. Together, they made good parents. But they slept on separate sides of the beds. Every morning Amos would work at the Ministry and Mary would head to St. Mungo’s. They were comfortable. Fine.
Mary still loved Reg. 
She remembered how he held her hand beneath the table as they studied. She remembered the first time they made love and how she buried herself in his chest afterwards. Every moment between them was quick and hidden, but in that moment everything stilled. They were just two people in love who plunged in too fast because it was all they had. Moments.
Her heart tore open when he went missing. She didn’t get out of bed for months. We were friends. No one believed that. They would certainly not have believed the truth. Dorcas married a Blishwick. Then she died. The night that happened, Mary and Amos made another child. A second grief baby. But they began to pull themselves together. Maybe they could love each other. Somehow, pretending for their kids turned it into a reality. It wasn’t as passionate, but it was stable. 
Mary still loved Reg, but Amos was a good husband and father. And she did love him. It just took time.
They had more children. Cedric was their overachiever. He was the Triwizard champion for Hogwarts. The real one as far as Amos was concerned. He won. They should have been happy. Instead, he was murdered by Voldemort. Mary and Amos broke down. They blamed each other for months. Mary filed for divorce. Then, his father died and Amos broke down again in grief. Mary comforted him. The two pulled the papers and chose to remain together. Their family remained intact, if strained.
Reg and Cedric. The most important men in Mary’s life, taken too young. She opened the box for the first time in a long time. It still smelled like him. It was no more than a memory, but she clung to it like a life preserver. She put it back until Amos passed. Then, it was her turn..
The first face she saw was his. Maybe it was selfish. It should have been her son or even Amos, but she hadn’t seen him in a long time. She smiled. Reg smiled back softly. He reached out and grabbed her hand. He pulled the scarf tighter around her.
“I love you too.”
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lilyofthevalleyys · 8 months
Regulus: I’m going to fail. I swear I’m going to fail. I didn’t even write finish the essay well. I’m so gonna fail-
Pandora: You won’t fail, Reg
— Received the results —
Regulus: I got an A??
Dorcas: Told you
— Next day —
Regulus: I’m going to fail. I swear-
Barty (sick of hearing this): Alright, listen here you little shit-
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tragcdysewn · 5 years
okay, i lied i’m not limiting these bc there’s too many convos i want with y’all so just like/reply with literally whoever lmao
davina claire
ella tremaine
anastasia romanova (dimitry)
ahsoka tano (leia organa)
mal fae (evie grimhilde & jane darling)
claire novak (ben braeden & lizzie saltzman)
clary fray (jace herondale & emma winchester & marlene mckinnon)
cassie lang (mary & morgan stark)
viserion (lily luna potter & drogon)
lyanna stark (jon snow & rhaegar targaryen)
darcy lewis (christian)
rose weasley (dorcas meadowes)
renesmee cullen (lyanna mormont & esme cullen)
belle beaumont (killian jones)
marinette dupain-cheng
michelle jones (peter parker & morgan stark)
jane hopper (will byers & mike wheeler)
rapunzel corona (rory flanagan & flynn rider & alice kingsleigh)
gamora titan (conner kent & peter quill)
natasha rogers (nathaniel barnes)
elphaba thropp (satine & eliza schuyler)  
lilo pelekai (boo harper & tommen baratheon)
hallie parker (lyra silvertongue & ginny weasley)
tyene sand 
rose hathaway
christine daae
thumbelina (tinkerbell)
mya stone (gendry barastargaryenworthters)
ariana dumbledore (albus dumbledore)
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lenemckinnon-blog1 · 7 years
A veces era increíble ver como los años habían pasado y las cosas habían cambiado. Habían sobrevivido una guerra, todos ya eran adultos y todos ya tenían familias formadas... casi todos. Marlene también disfrutaba de ver qué cosas habían permanecido igual, como el cariño y la cercanía con sus amigos, y bueno, ella en general. La misma alocada, divertida, ruidosa y espontánea Marlene McKinnon, sólo que mayor. No era sorpresa que se apareciera fuera de la casa de su mejor amiga, sin avisar previamente, simplemente porque quería ponerse al día luego de días en los que no se habían visto, y para ver también a la hija de esta, a quién McKinnon consideraba su sobrina. Llamó a la puerta con una mano mientras con la otra sostenía algo que le traía a Dani, como siempre que les visitaba “¡Doe, soy yo!” llamó como si aquello fuese a hacer que Dorcas abriera la puerta con más rapidez.  ( @dorcasdoemeadowes )
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thegoldenyearsrp · 5 years
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                       VELORIO DE MARLENE MCKINNON
Marlene McKinnon murió la noche del 22 de septiembre de 1982, asesinada junto a su familia por mortifagos. Para honrar su memoria, sus seres queridos y aquellos que le conocieron se reúnen en el jardín de la que alguna vez fue su casa. 
¿Cómo se realizará el evento?
Con la muerte de Marlene, viene su remembranza. Su cuerpo será velado para sus seres queridos y conocidos en el jardín de la casa que compartía con Mary MacDonald y Dorcas Meadowes. Los parientes fallecidos de Marlene serán velados en privado en una ubicación diferente. Se podrá asistir al evento mediante invitación, dado que el lugar estará protegido por conjuros y aurores. 
Pueden rolear en el interior de la casa o afuera del jardín, en threads o paras.
¿Es obligatorio?
En lo absoluto. Sólo aquellos que no sean puristas podrán asistir al evento, dado que el resto no será aceptado de ninguna forma.
¿Podemos rolear fuera del evento?
En efecto. Pueden rolear fuera de él y contestar/abrir starters o convos externas.
¿Alguna duda? El ask está abierto.
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dorcassing-blog · 7 years
hello !! i’m mar, but i also respond to linda belcher, because she’s my inspiration in life, tbh. i will gracing ur dashes with the ?? nerd who goes by dorcas meadowes. under the cut will be some rambling && i cannot wait to talk to u all abt our charas eeee
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DORCAS MEADOWES ? oh, you mean the TWENTY ONE year old MUGGLEBORN. they’re working as an SHOP ASSISTANT AT NOLTIE'S BOTANICAL NOVELTIES now, aren’t they ? I’ve heard they’re really ALTRUISTIC, but i know for a fact that they can be UNREALISTIC at times. No wonder they’ve decided to SIDE WITH THE ORDER.
LINKS: bio, pinterest 
it’s been a hot second since i’ve played this nerd so? here goes nothing. the bio above is more of an overview of her life and this is more a ?? RAMBLE. yolo!!
um dorcas is basically? a walking inferiority complex. literally. she has so little self worth it’s a miracle she hasn’t disappeared yet. people don’t Really know about this though, as dorcas is v extraverted and bubbly generally and doesn’t mind putting herself out there, which makes her come off as pretty confident. she’s Not, though. don’t be fooled. it’s part of the reason why she’s good at being an order member --- she values her life v little & will take on the most dangerous missions and take big, selfless risks. 
is under the dumb impression that she’d not mind dying for the cause, which in truth, she would not. she does romanticise the hell out of it though --- to her, dying for the revolution sounds beautiful when it’s? not. it sucks. she will find that out tho !! lol !!!!
is an adopted muggleborn ( her dad’s a muggleborn, too, and her mum’s a pureblooded witch / blood traitor ) and comes from a warm nest of adopted kids. really loves her fam. will fight anyone over her blood status. really. TRY HER. her being adopted does fuel her inferiority complex tbh and it’s something she has tried to let go off, bc she Has a family that she Loves, but she just? cannot let go that someone didn’t want her. is not trying to search for her parents though.
has a few siblings too, that are open to app for! they can be any ethnicity/age and stuff so yeah this is lowkey a plug for that lmao. just hmu if ur interested!
as a person she’s, as i said up there, pretty bubbly. dorcas loves surrounding herself with people (unless they’re a-holes, then she’ll ... be annoyed w you) and likes having fun. is also here for genuine convos altho she doesn’t like opening up herself a lot bc ... she’s emotionally constipated af. will listen to u for 6 hrs while drinking liquor or tea or both though. um? likes making puns. 
also really likes herbology. is a nerd when it comes to plants, tbh, and will talk abt them if granted the opportunity. works in a store that sells plants!! loves it!! idk man if she wasnt in the order and occupied with that, she would have gone on to become a herbologist and that’s lowkey still a dream of hers. she just has Priorities rn and thinks fighting the good fight is more important than having a career
drugs tw // sidenote: also loves a plant called hemp and smoking it. lmao.
was sorted into hufflepuff bc she’s One Loyal Son of A Bitch. also a hard worker tbh. at hogwarts she was rly into clubs and a few subjects ( read: dada, herbology & potions ) and didn’t put much effort in anywhere else. tried out for the quidditch team a few times but she fell off her broom the first time she tried out and they just never ... forgot that. which, tbh, is fair. was a loud presence tbh, really liked talking about ANYTHING that caught her interest ( one week it was cars, the others it was the environment ). was a flighty, loud idiot who was known for tumbling off stairs and crying during her first transfiguration lessons. um? idk. just a mess. never changed. 
dorcas loves girls and identifies as a lesbian. will make a lot of gay jokes. identifies as a demi girl and switches between she and they, as will i when writing abt her --- she has days where she feels more femme than the other. 
idealistic fuck who likes to talk abt her convictions re: a lot of stuff. goes to muggle demonstrations a lot and wishes there were more in the wizarding world tbh because the world is FUCKED!! activist child, tbh. 
loves punk. a lot. calls herself a punk, too, and is not just a fan of the music but also a POLITICAL PUNk and she’s the kind of punk who’s like ... u cant like punk if u dont also do the political stuff it’s a combination! it’s not just a way to dress or something! it’s a lifestyle!!!!! ( did i base this on my dad, who was a punk during this time? mayhaps. )
feels things deeply. loves easily, but hates easily too. tbh she just flies from emotion to emotion so dont try to make sense of it bc i cant follow it either? dorcas meadowes voice: im just so angry that i’m happy that’s why im crying!!
wants to learn how to play the guitar but her guitar has been gathering dust ( #relatable ) and she just knows the g chord at this point it’s tragic.
eats a lot of take out. 
currently residing in muggle london in a shithole appt. i’m up for a roommates plot aye!!
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