#'John with a bat' time..... ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
inafieldofdaisies ยท 9 months
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WIP Wednesday | Tagged by @direwombat โค๏ธ
This week's snippet is on the longer side and full of misadventures, but I promise the ending is so freaking worth it, I have never laughed so much while writing a scene and it was at 2 am... All I'm going to say is: John and a bat.โค๏ธENJOYYY.
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John stared at his phone as the car neared Portland, the unmistakable rumbling of his stomach quickly convincing him to grab lunch first before moving onto solving his flight and hotel issues. He knew it was the perfect excuse to text Sabrina, a foolproof way to continue their earlier conversation. Deep down he had hoped she'd recommend a place to eat, maybe offer to join him considering the fact he was all alone. Detectives have to eat, too, after allโ€ฆ Instead she had given him the most emotionless answer possible, like he was asking Google for a good lunch spot and not the woman that had captured his interest. The last part of one of her texts had taken an infuriating hold over his thoughts. "I won't be your girl." He hated the wording, even though she hadn't meant it that way. And since his 'thank you' she hadn't replied anything else, letting him to wonder if she had even gotten the hint. His fingers began typing out a new message, deciding to throw away all caution and subtlety to the wind. Fuck it. What if she refuses?
John: Feeling like grabbing lunch? I'm almost back in town.
There. Spelled it out for you, Detective. All you need to do is say 'yes'.
"Where are we headed, Mr. Duncan?", his driver pulled him back to reality and away from overthinking why she wasn't responding to his invite. He explained away the restaurant's general location to the man, leaving him to figure out how to get there. His phone finally chirped and he tried to not think about how fast he had unlocked the screen, expecting Sabrina would have texted him back, instead it was a message from Penny's work number.
Ms. Hastings: How did the meeting go, Mr. Duncan?
John looked down at the question that would be innocent enough coming from another person, but after the photo incident he just knew he had to keep her at even greater distance than before.
John: Good.
He kept his reply as short and reserved as possible, deciding against asking her to switch his flight back, telling himself that for once he would do it on his own and save on more interactions with her that day.
Minutes later, after finally caving in and asking his driver about his name (Ryan) and him agreeing to be on call for the day, he found himself in front of the small Italian restaurant. The bell above the door drew the attention of some of the customers seated towards the entrance while he made his way to an empty table near one of the windows overlooking the street. He couldn't deny the place had a homey charm with its red brick walls and old wooden furniture, and was different from the spots he usually ended up having lunches or dinners at. The moment he sat down, an older graying woman, wearing a red apron and a small metal tag spelling "Sofia" sent a smile his way as she grabbed a menu and headed in his direction. "Welcome. Always nice to see new faces stopping by.", she began in a friendly tone, a rarity for him in the last couple of days, "A menu, I will give you some time to choose what you'd like." "Thank you." She set a leather bound menu in front of him, making a move to retreat when an idea occured to him.
"Excuse me.", he mumbled quietly before he could change his mind while his fingers ran over the restaurant's name on the front cover. Gentle dark eyes settled back on him, "Yes, honey?" She had uttered the word out so naturally, like she was addressing her own grandson, not a stranger. "I wasโ€ฆ I was told about this place by a detective and was wondering if she stopped by a lot." Instead of telling him his question was strange, Sofia just let out a small laugh before saying, "We get a lot of detectives as customers with the precinct being so close by. You'd have to be more precise." "It's hard to miss her.", he ignored the look she gave him at the simple observation, "Brunette, gray bangs-" "Beautiful?" He nodded, "Yes." "I know exactly who you mean. What did you want to ask?" "It might be a strange requestโ€ฆ but I was going to order whatever she would usually get." It was a way for him to figure out what Sabrina was like and feel like a part of her was present at the lunch, that he wasn't sitting alone in the middle of a city that hated him. Pathetic? No. Simple curiosity. Sofia accepted the menu back when he handed it over, "Coming right up, honey. And what would you like to drink?" "Water. Thank you."
As he waited for whatever dish he was going to be surprised with to arrive, John occupied his time with trying to get in touch with the airline over the phone and spare a trip back to the wretched airport. Distorted generic hold music sounded in his ear, playing on repeat for the third time when Sofia reappeared and set a plate of bow-tie pasta, covered in sauce and mixed with other vegetables and meat. "Enjoy.", she whispered, noticing he was on the phone and left with that. He sighed, when the song looped again and reluctantly picked up his fork, deciding he wasn't going to let his lunch get cold and he knew he had made the right choice the moment his lips closed around the cutlery, the food melting on his tongue. You have good taste, Detective. He had finished half of his plate by the time a male voice interrupted the melody he feared would be stuck in his head for far too long. "Hello,", he cleared his throat, "I need to change the date of my return flight." "Alright, sir. What name is the reservation under?" "John. John Duncan." "Thank you. And you will be flying to?" "Atlanta." "From?" The question gave him a pause, "Portland."
"Date?" "Anything available after this coming Monday." "I will need your credit card details, sir. And then I will take care of each and everything." That did it, "What company do you work for?" "Uh-", the man on the other line started, taking way too long to respond and when he did it was the wrong airline. "You, scammer.", John gritted out, hanging up and cutting off the man insistence he had it all wrong. He bit back the string of curses that threatened to escape, knowing the other patrons wouldn't appreciate him losing his composure while they were having lunch. Hell. This must be hell. He was glad he had caught up with what was actually happening before getting his bank account drained as a grandiose finale to the week. After paying for his meal, and Sofia asking him to promise he'd be coming by for a meal again, he called Ryan to drive him to the airport.
"Friday.", the woman at the ticket counter announced matter-of-factly as she stared at the monitor in front of her. "As in two days?", John asked slowly, hoping somehow she had misunderstood his request and was offering him a seat on his originally planned flight. Reality was he was in complete denial about what it would actually mean - staying a whole week in Portland. "As in next Friday, sir.", the clicking of her mouse and whispering somewhere behind him on the line of customers was starting to get on his nerves, "The current booking you have is for this Friday." "Nothing else? Just Friday.", he repeated, then drummed his hand the counter, "Please check again." The woman sighed, "Sir, I said-" "Check again. Could be in first class, for all I care, the price isn't an issue." She shook her head, "Either way, all flights before Friday are sold out." Like hell they are. He tuned out her explanation about him choosing to fly in the month where multiple conferences, expos and galas are taking place. "Fuck.", he blinked as the word slipped out, a frown appearing on her face before she recovered. "If you're in a rush,", her voice lowered as she leaned forward, "you can check with other airlines. But chances are the answer would be the same. They might have openings in economy-" "No.", he basically hissed out, "I'm not flying economy ever again." Her lips pursed, "Would you like me to book the Friday flight for you then?" "Fine."
With his new ticket secured, John left the airport, dialing Penny before he could focus too much on the ever-growing list of reasons why avoiding phonecalls with her was a must. It took one dial ring and she picked up, her sultry voice filling his ears and making him pinch the bridge of his nose in frustration, "John, baby." "Ms. Hastings.", he gritted out in warning, and Ryan's gaze shifted to him in the rearview mirror. "Sorry. Sorry. How can I help you, Mr. Duncan?" "I need you to clear my schedule for next week and get me a ticket out of Portland before the end of it. Find anyone willing to sell their seat, I don't care what you have to do and how much they ask for. Anything that's earlier than Friday would do." "John,", her next words were but a hushed whisper, he could imagine her cupping a hand over mouth as she sat behind her desk, "Are you in such a rush to see me? Did you like the picture?" "Get me a ticket, Penny. Goddamn it. I'm in no mood for whatever game you're trying to play. I warned you about this.", his voice rose as his hand formed a fist against his knee. He was very close to punching Ryan's headrest and doubted the man would like that, especially after having done nothing to warrant his anger. "I-I will see what I can do.", her tone grew serious, "Did something happen with Mooney? Is this why you don't want to talk about my text? I was certain you would like the picture." "Focus on your job and get me the ticket, Ms. Hastings. And I... will pretend you sent me nothing.", he hung up with that before she had a chance to go on a dangerous tangent that would most likely result in another argument.
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John: Feeling like grabbing lunch? I'm almost back in town.
"So, I was right, after all.", Leslie mumbled behind her completely dressed to head out, almost making Sabrina jump as she finally opened John's texts she had successfully avoided throughout the day, thanks to the family members interviews and additional questioning they had to conduct for their latest case. At his height, he could easily glance over her shoulder while she read the replies, making her wish she had waited until she was home to check them. She quickly shoved her phone back in her bag and put her jacket on, feeling glad it was just the two of them in the room, that Oliver wasn't live texting details about her personal life once more, "Don't start." "You're not even going to respond?", he asked in amusement. "No." "It must sting. Poor fucker has been waiting the whole day."
She was the first in the hallway with Leslie hot on her heels as she set for the elevator, then at the last moment she took the stairs, prompting him to pick up his pace so he could keep up, "I was just joking. No need to try to ghost me, too." Sabrina forced a laugh, "I'm not ghosting him." "How long have we known each other, Rina?" She finally slowed down when they reached the lobby, and he fell into step beside her, "Way too long." "Exactly. Which means you can talk to me." "I know." Leslie held the door open for her as usual, allowing her to exit the building first, and when she turned to face him and wish him goodbye, he pulled her in for a quick hug instead. "Don't ignore him if you like him.", he said when she moved out of his embrace. "I thought you were suspicious of him. Now you're my wingman?" He gave her a shrug, "I saw how you smiled at his messages at lunch. All I want is for you to be happy. Who cares if it's because of some schmuck attorney." "Goodnight, Leslie.", she ignored his insinuations and took a step backward, then another as she sent him a smile before she turned and headed for her car. The whole time, she kept her hands in her pockets, telling herself it was because of the cold when in truth it mostly so she wouldn't reach for her cellphone. His laugh paired with a "Goodnight" echoed behind her, and she had no doubt if she was to turn she'd find him still standing where she had left him, that he was waiting to make sure she got into her car safely, just like he did every time they left work together.
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John unlocked his hotel room and hung up the garment bag, containing one of the replacement suits he had bought after his stop at the airport, the rest of the clothes were supposed to be delivered directly to the hotel in the morning. Another shopping bag held a second pair of shoes, underwear, sleep pants, his favorite fragrance, and other little things he'd need if he were to actually end up staying for an extra week in Portland. A part of him believed that Penny would find a way to get him on an earlier flight, always being someone to go above and beyond for his approval. He settled for ordering room service for dinner, already feeling too drained and on edge to attempt eating out. The TV across him was on, filling the silence in the room as he ate an average tasting steak with butterโ€“grilled vegetables on the side, yet his eyes remained on his phone that he had sworn to stop checking regularly by then yet still hoped would light up eventually. Just making sure I don't miss any news about my travel arrangements. I don't care that she didn't text me back. His conversation with Clive had turned out to be uneventful, with him affirming the fact that set-backs were to be anticipated with a client like Mooney. As he was washing up in the bathroom after finishing his dinner, he heard his phone ringing and picked up the call in a rush, anticipation of good news and disappointment at the name displayed on his screen mixing simultaneously.
"Yes?" "John.", Penny began in a strange tone, then corrected herself,ย  "Mr. Duncan. You-you,", a hiccup turned into a muffled sob and swallowed her words. Jesus. "Ms. Hastings, are you drunk?", he snarled. "You think I'm-", she took a deep breath, "lesser than you- that you can just treat me like garbage because I-I like you. Well, you know what?" He sighed in exasperation, wondering what had possessed her to call him and if he should just hang up. "Fuck you, John Duncan. I'm better than this.", her voice rose and something clattered on the other side of the line, "And you-" "Ms. Hastings, last chance-", but she was on a roll, set on finishing her piece, her anger bubbling over before his. "You can fire me, it's not going to change anything or who you are as a person. You're heartless. And you're happy to be that way. You enjoy talking down to people and then you'd just smile at them like nothing had happenedโ€ฆ" His hand rubbed at his forehead, regret at picking up her call swooping in. "Well, you can get yourself a ticket, Mr. Duncan.", Penny gritted out his name, "Have fun in Portland." Before he could reply anything the line went dead.
John blinked, staring at his homescreen and wondering if he had imagined the last couple of minutes. For her time as his assistant, Penelope Hastings had never drunk called him, no matter how many passes she would make at him at work, or how many times she'd be turned down. "She's unstable on top of being obsessed.", he noted with a frown, dreading the idea his first task upon returning in Atlanta would be to find a new PA when the last time had been nothing but torturous.
Minutes later, John found himself in the bathroom, sentenced to another freezing shower despite the hotel's claims everything had been fixed. He couldn't deny that he felt not only cold but also miserable and absolutely restless as he quickly soaped his body, rinsed, and stepped out with a towel around his waist. He made his way back to the bed without a glance at his reflection and put on a pair of sleep pants, sprawling on top of the sheets while he unlocked his phone, praying that Penny's drunken state hadn't given her the courage to cross the line again.
Sabrina: Sorry about today.
He didn't bother typing up a reply, instead directly dialing her as he rose to a sitting position and leaned against the headboard, his bad mood seeming like a distant past at her smile. "Hey, stranger." "Hi." "How's Portland been threatening you?" He shook his head as his gaze strayed to the window and the darkness outside before returning to hers, "I had a long, long day." "Long as inโ€ฆ you want to talk about it or is it a case of 'don't make me reminisce'?." A chuckle ripped out, despite the sore subject, "Where do I startโ€ฆ my client stabbed another inmate with a fork.", her eyebrows rose in surprise at the last part, "so now not only do I have to rearrange my whole schedule for him, but I will be stuck here for another week." "Good God. A fork, like for real, you're not pulling my leg?" "Yeah." Her eyes narrowed in consideration, "Did he use a spork? Because it's what they're allowed to have for meals, Johnโ€ฆ", a giggle left her, and she slapped a hand over her mouth, "Sorry, I shouldn't be laughing. But that visualโ€ฆ" He couldn't help his smile, "Fuck it, if I know. The deputies wouldn't tell me anything. But at least my misery is amusing someone." "I'm sorry." "The wonders of being the defense."
She nodded, eyes still shining with mischief, "On the bright sideโ€ฆat least he didn't stab you." "Were you worried about me?" The way she bit her lip made the cold shower forced upon him completely useless, "Maybe." His smile was a full-blown smirk by then, "Careful, this might be just what my bruised ego needed." "Worrying about civilians is part of the job, Mr. Duncan. Especially considering the luck you've been having quite consistently." Good try, Detective. Sure, a "civilian". "How was lunch?" "Lonely.", he ran a hand through his hair, "But I have to admit, you do have a taste." "Sorry for going dark on you. I was already at lunch and then got stuck in hour-long interviewsโ€ฆ What did you get?" The question took him aback, seeing how he had no idea what the dish Sofia had served him was named, "This delicious bow-tie pasta with meat and-" "Veggies?" "Yes." "John?" "Mhm?", he swore he could fall asleep just listening to her voice, the last couple of minutes making him feel more at ease despite how unsure he was about where the call would go. "You ordered it?" "Yes. It was hard to pick from everything they had listedโ€ฆ"
There was a long pause, then she muttered, "It's not on the menu." His eyes widened, "I-", he coughed while she quietly chucked on the other side, "It's not? I'm pretty sure it was." I'm sure she bought it. He couldn't understand why, but anytime it got to having a conversatiion with Sabrina, he ended up turning into a teenager navigating his first crush rather than one of the most sought after attorneys in Georgia. "It used to be, back when the restaurant first opened doors, and nowโ€ฆ it's like a "secret" menu item for old customers." John chose the strategy of keeping his silence, hoping she'd change the subject on her own, suspecting otherwise she would see through whatever excuse he'd make up. "Well?" "Yes?" Her eyes narrowed playfully, "How did you know about it?" "I'd rather not explain that one away, Sabrina." "Why not?" "Because I like my current odds more. Plus,", he announced matter-of-factly, "I can always invoke my right to remain silent, Detective." He felt like the last part was a complete mistake simply for the images it concocted in his mind, especially after her mention of interviews. He hadn't exactly missed the handcuffs hanging onto her belt when she finally stripped off the wretched coat as she took his incident report, either. He swore her voice dipped, "That so, Mr. Duncan? Look at me, forgetting who I'm dealing with."
"Any news from the elusive Detective Stockton? Because I'm yet to hear back from him." "Maxwell is one of the best, John. They're just drowning in cases, but I know for a fact he's taking your case seriously, not only to catch whoever that guy is, but to recover your things." "I appreciate that.", he shifted on the bed, "Speaking of whichโ€ฆ you don't have to worry about me being cold anymore." "Oh?", she quirked an eyebrow, then made a circular motion with her hand as she scrunched up her face, "I was getting a different impression from your lack of shirt." "By choice, mind you." "Lucky me. Soโ€ฆ what does this attorney wear to bed?" His lips twisted into a smirk at her question, "Are you asking what I think you're asking?" Sabrina shrugged, "Quid pro quo, John. You saw my unimpressive nightwear, it's only fair you show me yours." "Quite the opposite, your nightware left an impression." The shirt was making a return that night, though if he was there like she had joked during their previous call, it wouldn't have stayed on her body for long.
"Are you stalling?", she challenged. "No." He absolutely was, knowing his sleep pants were absolutely going to leave an impression as well. A part of him was wishing he had put on underwear, an extra layer that would attempt to conceal his hard-on. Like that would help. Her melodic laugh wasn't doing him any favors, too, "I'm waiting." He doubted that trying to buy more time would have any positive effect, especially with the twinkle in her eyes as she regarded him. What would she do? Hang up? After asking for a look? He sighed dramatically, "So impatient." Before he could talk himself out of it, he switched to the back camera of his phone, strategically cropping out as much as he could. Still not enough, judging by her silence. "I'm dealing with aโ€ฆ situation." Her expression was unreadable, "I can see that." "Roughly estimated, how much did my chances sunk with?", he asked, flipping back to the view of his face. "Who says they did?" She rested her head against her hand, drawing his gaze to the side of her neck that he couldn't help but imagine running his lips all over. "It's a good thing my shower is completely broken and only has one option for temperature: freezing." A small laugh left her, "Now I'm truly worried about you catching a cold. I'm shocked you haven't made them fix it, had the lawyer in you come out to play." "I'm being told they've fixed it." "Hell." "Yes. Portland hates me. Can you imagine me surviving a whole week here?" "You will be fine.", she waved him off. "I doubt you'd say the same if I list you all the things I've been through already."
"You know where to find me if you end up getting yourself in anything but legal trouble. That, I'm sure you can handle on your own." John smiled, "Noted. I will make sure to mention you as an emergency contact. So, about tomorrowโ€ฆ" She gave him a confused look, "Tomorrow?" Here goes nothing. "Go out with me.", the words left him in a rush and he rubbed a hand over his chest, wondering why his heart was suddenly racing. The last thing I need is a hospital visit. Sabrina was back to chewing on her lip, shifting against her pillows, her hesitation putting him on edge. He was used to women quickly making their intentions known upon meeting them, rarely having to work hard on convincing them to agree to a dinner, taking them to bed after always felt like the natural outcome, inevitably becoming a monotonous routine he'd turn to when he would find himself unable to push down his urges any longer. "I'm not sure what you're asking-" Come on, Detective, we both know that's not true. "I'm asking you out on a date, Sabrina. What else do you think my lunch message meant?", his fingers gripped his phone while his heart kept up the same dreadful pace. She tucked a stray piece of hair that had escaped her bun behind her ear, "And here I thought you just didn't know how to use Google and then felt obligated to invite me along." "Go out with me.", he repeated, "I'm asking you out as a woman I'm interested in, no obligation in sight, only the fact you're the first good thing to happen to me in this wretched city and no matter how much I try, I can't get you out of my head."
More than he intended had spilled out in the confession, but it wasn't like he could take it back, and a part of himโ€ฆ didn't want to. "I-", she shut her mouth, stopping whatever answer was about to escape. "Say 'yes'. One date.", his tone was bordering on pleading. Desperation. Never a good look. "I guess I just want to know one thing firstโ€ฆ", there was a somber look in her eyes as she considered asking whatever was holding her back from agreeing to a simple meal. "What is it?" "The text. The one you sent on accidentโ€ฆ what's the story there?" Are you jealous? Wondering about potential competition like I was the second you handed me your phone? "My assistant. She's,", he knew he had to choose his next words carefully as he held Sabrina's gaze, "been showing interest in me for a while. It's one-sided, I assure you. And when she saw the usual passive remarks didn't do the job, her strategy became bolder." Her nod urged him on, "She sent me a picture today. I had to remind her she's crossing the line. Are you worried about her?" "No.", she pursed her lips, "I guess all I wanted to know was what you see me as, if I would be one among many women in line." "I meant what I said- you're the only one I'm interested in, no matter how many unsolicited pictures Penelope decides to harass me with. Not to mention, you saw exhibit A of that attraction.", his last words cracked at her serious facade, making her let out a laugh, "Help a man out here, I think I've had enough embarrassing moments to last me a while."
"Okay.", she matched the grin that took over his face, "Yes, John. What else do I say after that, really?" His heart did another crazy flip the second she actually said 'yes', giving him a straight answer, "When?" Her fingers rubbed at her mouth absently, not at all helping with his situation below the belt, "I'm not sure where the cases I'm working on would take me, my time is mainly divided between work and well, my sister." The child she was raising on her own. He had read enough on her thanks to the file that one of the firm's investigators had provided for him, and yet he couldn't help but want more. "Wherever you can fit me in.", by then, he had given up on trying to sound even remotely like he wasn't desperate, "Lunch?" "Sounds good." "Tomorrow?" Sabrina smiled, "Depends on how my morning goesโ€ฆ I could perhaps text you?" "Okay, Detective." "I probably should leave you to it, turn in for the night." John didn't let his expression fall despite the disappointment he was experiencing even after his small win, "Goodnight." "Goodnight.", she paused, index finger running over her lips again when she said, "John?" "Hmm?" "I hope you know there are other ways to address matters than a cold shower, especially at this time of the year. Sleep well and try not to sleepwalk into trouble."
She hung up with that, not giving him any time to reply as he slumped against the pillow behind him. Reluctantly, he turned off the lights and crawled beneath the covers. As he lay in the darkness, the air around him felt electrified by her words, too heavy for him to breathe freely. The sheets stuck to his skin, eventually forcing him to crack open one of the room windows to let the cool night air in. He tossed and turned for a good hour, and no matter how much he willed himself to sleep, his body felt high-strung, craving her instead of rest. Her parting words inevitably pushed him to leave the bed and head back to the bathroom, discarding the constricting pants on the floor in front of it. It seems, this "matter" won't be going anywhere, Sabrina. No cold showers, you say? The idea that she was suggesting a "solution" and had a perfect understanding of what he would be doing the moment the call would end teased his senses when the door shut behind him and he grasped himself. His breathing grew labored, bouncing around him while he leaned his head back against the wall, imagining her being the one behind each stroke, because in a way she was. His legs buckled the second his release hit him, his free hand that was braced on the counter providing much needed support. Who would I be to go against your advice, Detectiveโ€ฆ He cleaned up, then swug the door open, ready to go back to bed, sleepiness creeping in now that he had finally caved in.
As he navigated the darkened room, he swore he registered a strange noise somewhere towards the far end of it, but he told himself his imagination was running wild. Then he heard it again. Flapping ofโ€ฆwings? A crash. Both made him dive for the bed as he blindly searched for his phone and the switch of the lamp on the nightstand beside it. The second light illuminated the space, his eyes anxiously scanned around him for the source of the previous sounds. I'm imagining things thanks to exhaustion. Yes. There's nothing. It was what wholeheartedly wanted to believe until he saw it. A bat. Big one at that. His nude form felt exposed and in imminent danger as the wretched creatures flew at him. In his panic, John slid off the bed, hands still clutching his phone like a lifeline as he crawled under like he was a goddamned commando it in attempts to avoid the attack.
What met him next was dust. A 5-star hotel? 5 stars. When did they clean this fucking room last? He tried to take a couple of calming breaths, feeling a sneeze building up as he unlocked his phone with shaky hands. He was dialing Sabrina before he could think better of the late hour, the idea of having to go back out undoing all the process he had made through controlled breathing. Something about the animal that had chosen to make his room its new home put him on edge more than usual, and he had faced criminals, ruthless attorneys, and awful prosecutors. The dial tones sounded in his ear, each new one convincing him he'd be put through voicemail soon enough and would be on his own. "John?", her sleepy voice called out in confusion at the exact moment a sneeze racked his body, "Did you actually catch a cold?" A sniffle was followed by a quiet, "Fuck." "John? Are you there?", she spoke out again, sounding more alert, "What is it?" "There's a bat.", he whispered like the creature would hear him and put an end to his game of hiding. "A rat?", she echoed incorrectly. "Sure, Detective,", he hated how his voice shook even as he spoke quietly, "but the type with fucking wings." "John? I can barely hear you." "A bat.", the word was loud enough this time, making her exclaim a small 'oh'.
"Where?" "I-I don't know. Fuck.", he screamed out the curse. "John?" "I'm underneath the bed, Sabrina. Hiding away like a goddamned child while it's flying around." His free hand slapped at the wooden underside of the bed, pain shooting across his wrist and doing nothing to dissipate his anger or bubbling panic it mixed with. "I-" "The floor is so filthy, just what you need when you're butt naked. Portland hates me. I can't go home and-" "John, listen to me,", her soothing tone interrupted his frenzied speech, "it got in somehow, and you can help it to get out, too." "No.", he gritted out. "Yes." "Did you not hear the 'I'm as naked as the day I was born' part?" A laugh ripped out of her despite the situation, "Good God, you sure know how to keep a woman entertained." "Sabrina.", her name was a warning. "Sorry. If it's any consolation, the poor thing is probably more scared of you than you're of it." A groan left him, "I'm not scared. But I'm sure glad to hear you're worried about my attacker." "John.", she sighed, "Did it actually attack you?" "Not yet." "You're going to be fine, I promise." "I-, he took another deep breath and inhaled god knows how much collected dust, "I have no idea how to make it leave."
"Are any of the lights on?" "Yeah. I heard a noise and couldn't see a damn thing without them." "You will have to dim them." She proceeded to list off instructions, slipping into resolution mode, her calm voice keeping his panic from rising. "Have you done this before, because it sure sounds like you haveโ€ฆ" Sabrina chucked quietly, "You mean, have I talked a nude man into taking on a bat he's definitely not afraid of?" "Very funny." "Sorry. And to answer your questionโ€ฆ I have. Dealing with critters is inevitable when you live alone." "I haven't.", and he wished it had stayed that way. "Soo..", she began slowly, "why are you without pants? Don't tell me they got stolen while you sleptโ€ฆ was it the bat? Should I call Stockton? Though, I think crimes committed by animals are out of his jurisdiction, you can probably vouch for that." He held back a laugh at her playful remarks, reminding himself he was angry. "Seriously?" "Just trying to take your mind off things." "A challenging task with my doom looming on the horizon." "So why were you?" "Why do you think?", his voice dipped despite his predicament, desire slowly stirring up. "Did you at least manage to finish?" "Really?" "Hey, I'm just making sure I have the whole picture in case another report is needed."
To his dismay, her words were working, making him feel less alone. "Now, come on, Mr. Duncan, time to crawl out of there. Remember the steps?" He huffed, "Dim the lights. Make sure there's only one exit route. Is killing it an option?" "John." "Kidding." Not if decides to attack any sensitive spots. Especially before our date. "Open any curtains in its way and just keep an eye on it. Okay?" "You're going to stay on the line, right?" And what about that date? Still finding it appealing as an idea? "Of course. For moral support, to keep your fear at bay and all that." "I'm not afraid.", he insisted with a frown, "I was just making sure there would be someone present. You know, in case it kills meโ€ฆ at least there would be a witness to tell the story." "I will do you justice with the report, promise.", her laughter teased his ear as he shuffled out from underneath the bed and dimmed the light spilling out from the lamp he had previously turned on in his panic. "Will you avenge me?" "Does opening a bat sanctuary count?" "Absolutely not.", his eyes zeroed in on the bat. "I will think of something else then." "I'm out. I see it. Bad news is, I've left the bathroom door open." "Okay, so close it. Stick near the walls." "Copy that." John moved slowly, every U-shape round the bat made around the room, putting him on edge despite Sabrina's presence on the other line. He was becoming very aware of how exposed he was anytime it dipped lower towards the middle of the room while it sought a way out.
"Closed.", he whispered as he shut the door to the bathroom. "Excellent.", she crooned, and in another scenario he had no doubts about the effect the sound would have on his body. He gingerly went around the bat's flight path, aiming for the open window and pulling the curtain away the second he reached it. He plastered his body to the nearest wall as he watched the animal continue circling. "It's not leaving, Sabrina.", he complained in a hushed voice, knowing any loud noise could spook it further and make his situation worse. "Have patience." "Hard to, when every part of me is on display and within its range." His hand covered his lower regions on instinct as he watched it near the window, but he didn't dare speak his hopes out loud in fear of his usual luck kicking in. "I think it's working, Sabrina." She hummed in response. And then it finally happened - the bat zoomed out of the room, the sight making John rush forward and slam the window shut with a battle cry that most likely woke up his neighbors. "John?", Sabrina asked in amusement, "It's out, I pressume?" "Yes.", the breath he was holding left him as he fell back onto the bed, his body relaxing into the sheets when the adrenaline began to leave it. "Amazing! See, I knew you would manage it." John threw a hand over his eyes, the last couple of minutes replaying in his mind, "Thank you. For the help, I mean." "Of course. A civilian was in dangerโ€ฆ it was my duty to assist." A smile finally broke free, "Just because of that?" "Well, you also promised me lunch, soโ€ฆ just making sure you don't die on me before that." "I'm sorry for waking you up." "It wasn't like I was asleep for that long either way.", with the issue resolved successfully, her voice was back to sounding nonchalant. The revelation gave him a pause, a smirk forming slowly as he pushed for more, "What were you doing up so late?" "A girl has to have some secrets, John."
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I also finally got around to making an AU themed edit for them, if you have missed it:
Tagging, @socially-awkward-skeleton @thesingularityseries @corvosattano @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @g0dspeeed @fourlittleseedlings @voidika @madparadoxum @poisonedtruth @nightbloodbix @stacispratt @jillvalentinesday @cassietrn @chazz-anova @simplegenius042 @purplehairsecretlair @adelaidedrubman @dumbassdep @theelderhazelnut @strangefable @trench-rot @aceghosts @wrathfulrook and anyone else with something to share this week โค๏ธ
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willyoubemycherryy ยท 2 months
โฃ๏ธŽ๐™น๐š˜๐š‘๐š— ๐šก ๐š๐š’๐š›๐š•๐šข๐š™๐š˜๐š™ แดแดแด…แด‡ส€ษด แด€แดœ!
แดกแด€ส€ษดษชษดษขs: ๐š˜๐š๐š-๐š”๐šŽ๐šข ๐š–๐šŠ๐š— ๐šŒ๐šŠ๐š› ๐š”๐šŠ๐š›๐šŠ๐š˜๐š”๐šŽ๐Ÿ˜ญ, ๐š•๐š’๐š”๐šŽ ๐š™๐š•๐šŽ๐šŠ๐šœ๐šŽ ๐šœ๐šŠ๐šŸ๐šŽ ๐š‘๐šŽ๐š› ๐š‹๐šŒ ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ ๐šœ๐š˜๐š—๐š ๐š’๐šœ โ€™๐šŒ๐šŠ๐š•๐š• ๐š–๐šŽ ๐š–๐šŠ๐šข๐š‹๐šŽโ€™, ๐šŒ๐šž๐š›๐šœ๐š’๐š—๐š, ๐šœ๐š˜๐š–๐šŽ ๐šœ๐šž๐š๐š๐šŽ๐šœ๐š๐š’๐šŸ๐šŽ ๐š•๐š’๐š—๐šŽ๐šœ, ๐š™๐š๐šŠ, ๐š๐š•๐šž๐š๐š ๐šŠ๐š—๐š ๐š™๐šž๐š›๐šŽ ๐šƒ๐™พ๐™ผ-๐š‚๐™ท๐™ด๐™ฝ๐™ฐ๐™ฝ๐™ธ๐™ถ๐™ฐ๐™ฝ๐™ด๐š๐šˆ, ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ ๐š๐šž๐š— ๐š… ๐š‹๐šŠ๐šœ๐š’๐šŒ๐šŠ๐š•๐š•๐šข๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’•
โ€œ๐‘ฒ๐’†๐’†๐’‘ ๐’๐’ ๐’‰๐’๐’‘๐’Š๐’โ€™ ๐’„๐’‚๐’Œ๐’† ๐’ƒ๐’š ๐’•๐’‰๐’† ๐’๐’„๐’†๐’‚๐’...โ€™โ€™
เฃช๐–คเน‹เฃญ เป’๊’ฑโœง. โ€ข ๐™šห™โ‹†.หš. .
If someone told you that youโ€™d be stuck in traffic with 6 of the most adoringly irritating men youโ€™ve ever met, fiancรฉ included, you would punch them in the fucking chest for jinxing you like that.
Because thatโ€™s exactly the type of circus you currently found yourself in.
โ€œLetโ€™s go, letโ€™s go, letโ€™s goooo!โ€
โ€œBucky, turn it up!โ€
โ€œNo but like the way this song still EATS to THIS DAY?!!!โ€
Rolling your eyes behind the steering wheel at what apparently was your group of middle-school girls, you take a deep breath at what was about to occur.
Ah yes.
The beautiful vocals of John Egan. Off tune as ever as he shouts the words, the others getting so rowdy that their bouncing shakes the car while they grin and dap each other up.
โ€œDONโ€™T ASK ME, Iโ€™LL NEVER TELL!โ€ Curt scream-sings louder than John, moving a piece of imaginary long hair behind his ear before looking up to the side, batting his eyes dramatically. Itโ€™s all so completely ridiculous that before you can help it, youโ€™re laughing and smiling with them. You know to other cars, you all probably look crazy as fuck but stranger things honestly.
They bounce line after line at each other, playing it up to absurd proportions by running their hands through their hair, fanning themselves like Victorian ladies seeing forearms for the first time, shaking each other, and firing off every over the top โ€˜come hitherโ€™ stare known to man.
At this point even you canโ€™t help but to bop your head because the song really was catchy as hell.
โ€œBUCK GO!โ€
โ€œYEAH this is you!โ€
Oh dear god.
Now in his defense, Gale at least had the decency to look slightly embarrassed, given that he was the only one who hadnโ€™t gone and joined in yet but now the pressure was on with Bucky, Curtis, Rosie, Bubbles, and Douglass all looking at him. Practically daring him to ruin the mood.
โ€œIf you donโ€™t-!โ€
The hoops and hollers get so loud that you have to roll the windows down. Gale gives in and sings with them and not surprisingly at all, his voice is hot and beautiful not bad compared to the others.
But as good a mood you may be in, you refuse to entertain their foolishness too much or else itโ€™ll go on forever and after being held in traffic hostage for almost an hour and a half, thatโ€™s something you just canโ€™t risk. Luckily you donโ€™t have to because the song ends a minute and change later with them all yelling โ€œso call me maybe!!โ€ out the windows, all crowding each other as they try to get their heads through like a bouquet of golden retrievers.
Bucky leans over to press a sloppy kiss on your cheek, making the skin heat up under his sudden undivided attention.
โ€œBabydoll cmon, why donโ€™t you sing with us?โ€ He asks, tapping the underside of your chin.
โ€œBecause~ noโ™ก๏ธŽ. I donโ€™t think Iโ€™d sound too great.โ€ which is a complete lie, you sound just fine but you donโ€™t feel like it right now. More than wanting to sing, you want to get back and eat a turkey sandwich (sorry vegans).
However, your fiancรฉ being who he is, canโ€™t help but voice his opinion on your voiceโ€ฆin the most mortifying way possible.
โ€œWell I think you sound better than great when Iโ€™ve got you singing underneath me.โ€
The collective gasps from the Peanut Gallery in your backseat makes the heat rushing up the back of your neck almost unbearable as you snap your head sideways to look Bucky in his face, eyes wide in shock because oh no he didnโ€™t.
โ€œI beg your utmost pardon?!โ€ Screeching as your hand flies to your chest, jaw dropped. He laughs, shrugging like he didnโ€™t just end your honor.
โ€œWhat?? Iโ€™ve said worse to you!โ€ The โ€œoohโ€™sโ€ from the backseat egg you on as you two start to argue.
โ€œImmediately no, because be so for real! My pearls are clutched to the finest degreeee right now like what is wrong with you?!โ€
โ€œBabe what! Whatโ€™d I say?!โ€
โ€œDude you DO NOT say shit like that in front of company!โ€
โ€œWeโ€™re not in the house though!โ€
โ€œThe rule still applies! Do I talk about your d-โ€œ, while in the middle of your back and forth, Gale interrupts.
โ€œI feel like this would be lessโ€ฆwhatever is happening, with some background noise. Could you turn the radio back on, hon? And if it helps, we didnโ€™t hear anything.โ€
Heโ€™s so sweet, truly. Smacking Curtis on the back of the head when he looks like heโ€™s about to disagree with what he knows he definitely did hear, he smiles at you. So, turning to shoot one last irritated look at John, you turn the radio on.
The intro of an almost electro-80โ€™s pop song fill the car and almost immediately the excitement starts again but Galeโ€™s reaction catches you completely off guard, mouth dropping open as he sings,
โ€œMy silhouette is in the frame of your shades again~โ€ฆโ€
Hillside boys??!!!!
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soaps-mohawk ยท 1 month
hiii!! Hope ur doing well and feeling better after everything that has been going on w/ u! ๐Ÿซถ pls take as much time as u need before the next chapter ur health comes first, and weโ€™ll wait!!! Weโ€™ll still be here when ur ready
until then take my musings about pack 141
I feel like the reason why the pack works well together (glancefd at ghost) is because reader is actually pretty used to being around men.
like, until presentation, she lived with multiple brothers (who ended up being alphas no less) so I feel like sheโ€™s just accustomed and used to Guy Habits. She knows how to get the upper hand when they play-fight and sheโ€™s good at video games and she is just not phased by some of the off putting or weird habits boys tend to have. Sheโ€™s just used to it lol
Hello anon!! I am feeling a bit better today, but it is early still for me so we'll see how long that lasts. I actually think the chapter will be coming out as usual tomorrow because I did manage to get it done and edited this morning.
Oh, that absolutely does play a role in it. Funny enough, I do touch on the reader's kind of relationship with her family a bit in Chapter 19 and her dynamic with her older brothers briefly. That's absolutely true though. She grew up with big brothers, and while she does have younger siblings, of course you want to be around your cool older siblings more. Of course, they bring their friends over and her dad probably brought over his military friends too and she was just kind of surrounded by dudes most of her childhood lol. She's very used to men and while she probably still finds some of their habits disgusting, it's not really that big of a culture shock to her lol. Does she wish there was another woman in the pack to kind of help balance things out? Probably sometimes. But she's just kind of used to being in male dominated spaces, and honestly the institute was probably more of a shock to her than anything else, since they separate by gender when it comes to private spaces and also some classes/events.
But yeah, that definitely was an advantage for her to settle in with them so easily. Nothing they could do would really shock her at this point lol. John picks his nose and eats it? Her dad did that and her brothers picked it up from him too. (Why is that such a guy thing though because all the men in my family did it and probably still do ๐Ÿคข) Johnny dutch-ovens her in bed? That's just a normal Saturday morning. Ghost does the man hacking early in the morning when he gets up? It's like white noise to her. Kyle is the least gross obviously, but he definitely watches videos with the sound all the way up. Reader doesn't even bat an eye at it. ๐Ÿ˜‚
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johnwickb1tsch ยท 3 months
Rambling time again because-โœจ late night thoughts โœจ
So with each new chapter of bittersweet, (and the tex+john collab, which I could also ramble on for hours probably ๐Ÿ˜‚) it's becoming more and more clear that John and the reader's relationship is currently like a stretched out elastic band. They're both very clear on what they want, they're both very stubborn about it, and aside from little sweet moments - or not so sweet moments ๐Ÿ˜- here and there, they're basically getting pushed to the limits of their patience and sanity.
And it especially struck me with John, because let's be honest- The man is terrified of letting us go, letting our leash go in a metaphorical sense, in terms of something getting our of his control. It makes absolute sense with the life he lived, and especially with the amount of people he lost, Helen being the most relevant. Despite working for Ruska Roma and serving the Director during his early life, John has been in control for the most of his existence. He usually stays very cool and controlled from an outsider's view, but someone like Winston can easily see through him, and knows that he's anything but. He's calm, sure, but he's also impatient when it comes to things, hotheaded even if you look at the second movie - or any of them really - and what he did to Santino (who fucking deserved it, and I wanted to tap-dance on his corpse ๐Ÿ˜‚). He's stubborn as a mule, and most importantly, he's not afraid to break the rules. Ever. Due to his skills, there really isn't many people who could hold his responsible if he does happen to break the rules either, and this also plays hand in hand with the fact that he was born and raised a morally dark/grey character. While all of this helps him a lot because he's practically unstoppable if he puts his mind to something, it also means that he is irrational, maybe even slightly delusional.
Have I mentioned that he's also very emotionally driven??? Look at him during the first 2 movies. The man went fucking bat-shit-crazy after people NOT disturbed him, but disrespected his late wife's memory, and pretty much ripped everything away from him that still tied him to Helen, - aside from their memories and his feelings - the very person who prompted this emotionally driven action from him to actually get out out of the life he once lived.
So now.. We have this extremely stubborn, and also extremely emotionally attached person, who lost pretty much everyone close to him, and is in fact very much so aware that his reputation means a death-sentence to pretty much anyone who interacts with him, INCLUDING little ol' us. So on a basic level, he is rightfully cautious and terrified, because people will not stop to consider whether they're bringing an innocent into this or not, they just want leverage over him.
This, combined with the fact that we, the reader, are also extremely stubborn (too), with a great amount of self-respect, an incredible display of self-esteem, and a set of although grey, but also pretty strict moral code, - where the lines do blur here and there depending on who does what, and why they do it - which he LOVES, however it also means that we're unpredictable. Attracted to him? Sure. Emotionally attached to him? Absolutely. But we're a strong individual and a free spirit, and that definitely made him doubt whether we would stay with him early on, (jealous!John intensifies ๐Ÿคค) and is in fact actively making his paranoid that if he slips up, let's his defenses down, or maybe even becomes more lenient, we might be able to just slip out of his grasp, not that he'd ever allow it of course.
Buuuuuuuuuut- All of this is playing against him, against both of us really. While we might be able to get some kind of leverage over him the more he reveals, and the more time we spend learning the game, if there is to be a genuine relationship in the future like he wants there to be, like both of us want there to be really, he's doing this the wrong way, because he's basically trying to force it on us, and cage a free bird, thus the elastic band being stretched. And as we know, you can stretch an elastic band quite far, maybe even past it's limits sometimes, but at the end of the day, it will rip and it will snap back three times as hard, which is what I imagine will happen. Maybe not today, or not even tomorrow, but there is a limit to everything, including the patience of both characters, not to mention that John is already showing the signs of being tired with our constant stubbornness, (latest chapter ๐Ÿคค) and if say.. He were to snap instead of us, it may very well snap us out of our helpless emotional state, in case he maybe were to overstep a line that he definitely shouldn't have.
Same goes for the reader. Poor girl is extremely strong, so, so strong, with an incredible sense of self-worth but there is a limit to that as well. She still hasn't quite processed that her family and friends practically abandoned her, and it's not like John's back and forth, their little cat and mouse games, or being punished for not behaving a certain way - which makes John an absolute hypocrite because unless he wants to change our personality completely, he should not be punishing us for showing signs of what he fell in love with, of who he fell in love with in the first place - are helping.. So honestly- I await whatever you have in store for us because it is going to be WILD.
Spooooky! LOL once again I have to ask if you've been rummaging in my WIP??? ๐Ÿ˜‚ You make so many excellent points!
Especially that John's excessive enemies would definitely fuel his paranoia for keeping this girl under lock and key, after EVERYTHING he's lost. ๐ŸŽก๐Ÿน It's like it's just not enough to be John Fucking Wick. These idiots keep testing him, even though they should absolutely fucking know he's going to kill them all in the end. BUT that doesn't help you if you're the collateral damage...
AND he IS such a hypocrite because of course he fell in love with her for her independent nature, but he wants to be the one to bring her to heel, for his own peace of mind? I think she's into it to a point because she's never really met anyone who could do it (and still retain her love). It's new and mysterious but once the shine wears off and she gets her feet (because shit what are we on? Like day 2? 3? He's going to find out how stubborn she can really be. You're right, something's going to snap.
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darlingian ยท 6 months
๐ŸŒฟw e e k l y ๐Ÿ„ t a g ๐Ÿ•ฏ๏ธ w e d n e s d a y๐ŸŒ™
hello forest dwellers, star gazers, and dream weavers. let's reveal a little bit of ourselves to each other and experience the joy of being known. (Or keep your secrets, Gandalf, idc.)
which character from any media would you like to have as a father?: Bob Belcher. Omg that man. ๐Ÿฅน
if money, laws, time, and effort were no object, what animal would you want to have?: a skunk. like obviously I'd have a lot of money to figure out the smell issue. But have you SEEN THE BABIES?! ๐Ÿ˜ญ (everyone google a baby skunk rn. you won't be disappointed.)
what is your Chinese takeout order?: I like ginger beef, honey garlic veal, all the dim sum, and mango pudding.
what's your favourite emoji?: โœจthis one. I held myself back from adding it to the title but couldn't resist adding it somewhere apparently lol
would you rather have a library, greenhouse, or home theater in your house?: a library. Hands down. The library from "A Marvelous Light" specifically would be lovely
what childhood tv show do you think of the most fondly?: Arthur. Oh my gosh I am still so in love with that show.
what was your tumblr like when you first joined?: I joined in June 2010 according to my archive. It was a much different place. Lol my blog was just a bit of everything. But leaning more on the aesthetic side because I was in highschool and wanted people to think I was cool.
what clothing style do you love but don't feel compelled to replicate yourself?: Fairy-kei and goth lolita! So unique and beautiful.
if you were plopped into a fictional world, which one would you know the layout of the best?: I think I'd know my way around Stars Hollow pretty well.
what is your favourite piece of art?: Ophelia by John Edward Millais
do you have a water bottle? what does it look like?: I have a venti white pearlescent Starbucks cup. I need a new one though. Those owala ones are tempting!
what fanfic trope is a quiet fave?: I don't shout about it, but sometimes a slow burn is sooooo good. The yearningggg
do you carry a daily bag? what does it look like? what's the weirdest thing in it?: my current bag is a leather crossbody satchel purse. I thrifted it and I love it. I have a hospital bracelet and a packet of Mrs dash from the psych unit in there. Lolol
If you had to ship Mickey with another Gallagher, who would it be?: Oh lordy. Carl. Lol I think Carl has similar dufus energy to Ian and Mickey clearly likes that. Ahaha ๐Ÿซฃ
what is a fanfic trope you didn't expect to like and then very much did?: AUs. I was so determined that all I wanted to read was canon compliant, post-canon, and filler.
Do you think s11 Mickey can still carry s11 Ian?: Yes. And I think he tests it all the time. ๐Ÿ˜‚ (Maybe that's part of the reason he wanted to get swole. Ian has bulked up and it is getting harder. Lol)
who got custody of the killing bat when they sold the house?: I think Lip just assumed he could have it. And Debbie stole it at the soonest opportunity. "Because I'm a vulnerable, single mom, Lip!"
Thanks for playing! I'm gonna tag all these fine folks: @deedala @michellemisfit @suchagallabitch @jrooc @mybrainismelted @gallawitchxx @gardenerian @heymrspatel @thepupperino @mickeysgaymom @milkmaidovich @creepkinginc @too-schoolforcool @tellmegoodbye @metalheadmickey @heymacy @iansw0rld @callivich @energievie
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jaynovz ยท 7 months
copying my reply verbatim to do the thing Properly:
hello public use silver ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€
I decided to answer the first one and just tag the others who asked heheh ๐Ÿ˜‚ @hms-tardimpala @etoilesombre
So a very long time ago, in 2021, I was sort of batting ideas around with various folks about ship's whore of the Walrus John Silver instead of ship's cook. As in, to make up for stealing the page he would be thrown into the fuck tent because he can't cook anyway and he can't sail so what good is he ahem, except for certain things? And historically sailors were all very gay about getting needs met while at sea ESPECIALLY using pretty little boys like John Silver bc uh. Look at him?
Around that same time then I read a hazing fic by @asterofthevoid which was particularly inspiring and I wrote a lot of notes down in my concept doc but then went on to other projects for a while.
And so anyway I was starting to think about it again recently and about how no one even made any crass remarks about fucking him and that's not very historically accurate, is it? Like even if they didn't actually go through with it, sailors are pretty vulgar and need to blow off steam by making ribald jokes which is a thing they do all the time in other representations of this period and they would ABSOLUTELY make mention of how pretty Silver was it's frankly NOTICEABLY ODD how Black Sails avoids it.
Anyway all that to say I started drafting a Silver messes up with the pig during careening ep somewhat alt canon where they don't immediately go after the Andromache and the crew are Done with his shit and want a piece of his ass to soothe their tempers. And so instead of having it forced he sets it up all snakey scheming but still very dub con.
All of this is of course a setup to make Flint very possessive and have weird feelings about it and then a funneled into a borderline fetish hurt/comfort with its own FASCINATING powerplay/power imbalance sort of scenario after the actual public use Silver part comes in with the entire Walrus crew.
Some prelim dialogue notes for your viewing pleasure --
(Silver gathering the crew in the galley, addressing them very 2.2 style, dramatic, flourish-y, sultry, showman) "I humbly apologize for joining under false pretenses. And I wish to make it up to you. All of you. By offering myself as a gift as apology for leaving you unsatisfied in your suppers. But I will improve and in the meantime I guarantee full satisfaction for every man in this ahem, particular endeavor." -- (Flint reaction during the act, hissing at Gates) "You have to stop this, it cannot be allowed to continue." (Gates eyeing Silver and the crew publicly fucking him, all cheering etc, with calculating expression, then makes a face, shrug) "Nah, the lad is right, Captain. It would have happened one way or another. Pretty little thing like that on this ship? He's a good lad, good that he knows it. Look at him, it's like he was made to take it." "If I were a few years younger I'd give him a go myself." (ironic chuckle, completely unfazed by this) "It'll keep the crew happy, even more so that he's doing it willingly. Unless you're keeping him all to yourself, might as well let it play out." (Flint turns to Billy with wordless rage/frustration but he agrees) (Billy distasteful expression but resigned) "Hate to admit it Captain, but they've been restless since the disastrous careening. It'll stay another mutiny attempt."
Anyway!! this will probably get written in a fugue state one weekend (because I'm finding it very hard to write things during the week when I'm working.) But I have basically the whole thing outlined so it'll just burst out of me like a flood of... Well. ๐Ÿ‘€
Thanks all three of you for asking!!
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ageless-aislynn ยท 3 months
Aislynn's Rumble Jumble of Random Thinky Thoughts on Halo s2 ep 5 "Aleria."
Spoilers, natch. ๐Ÿ˜‰
I was holding out a little bit of hope, especially given that Riz went back for Vannak, that we were going to get some sort of last minute reprieve to save the big fellow. Sadly, no. ๐Ÿ˜ญ
John's guilt that Riz went back for Vannak's body because he had been pushing her so hard was understandable but I don't believe that was the whole story, if it was even a part of it at all. I think she went back for him because because he was one of them and they don't leave one of their own behind. More than that, she went back for him because she loves him. Call it the love for a brother, for a comrade, a friend who has been at her side since they were children, she loved him. Of course, you're also welcome to call it romantic as well, you know how I support my fellow shippers 117% at all times ๐Ÿ˜‡ (she says, as if she hasn't totally written Vannak/Riz shippy fic ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‰)
Poor John, of all the trauma he's been through, this has been by far the worst of it all: he's been abandoned by the UNSC, he's lost his armor, he's lost his identity as Master Chief, he's lost Reach, has lost Cortana, lost Admiral Keyes, lost Kai, lost Vannak and then now Riz. That moment when he tells her she's all he has left just about broke my heart. When she hugged him, he did a brilliant job, IMO, of showing how for a moment, he just wanted to close his eyes and collapse onto her, then pride makes him withdraw and try to pull a facade together like it doesn't matter. *sniffle*
I obviously hope this isn't the last we see of Riz but, at the same time, I'm happy for her. She deserves some peace after the terrifying amount of physical and emotional violence she's been through. Just seeing her smiling at the end made my heart feel a little better. Love you, Riz. I hope we see you again having a great life, bb, you deserve it. ๐Ÿ’–
Okay, so I was NOT expecting Laera to go all Negan with a barbed wire bat. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ But was it satisfying to watch the quiet menace growing larger and larger, while that shopkeeper dude clearly realized that he would've been better off taking a beating from Soren? Yes, that was very satisfying, indeed, lol! And why I wasn't expecting the UNSC to have taken Kessler is beyond me because of COURSE they know about him (Halsey called him by name, after all) and of COURSE they're going to want a son of a Spartan. Will any of Soren's enhancements have been passed down genetically? Will Kessler be more likely to survive the process if they put him through it? Will they not even have to put him through it at all? I would imagine they have a lot of questions they'd like answered. And Laera and her bat would be very happy to answer them all, I'd imagine... ๐ŸฅŠ๐Ÿ˜ ๐ŸฅŠ๐Ÿ˜‰
Now, the three most important things about the scenes with Makee, Cortana and not!Thel!Arbiter whom I shall try to now call Var 'Gatanai since that's his name:
I still don't care for Cortana's makeover. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธI liked the bit of camaraderie between her and Makee, especially with Makee's line about what happens when a useful thing loses its use. I see a forced alliance in their future, if not an actual friendship.
I still keep staring at Makee's eyebrows, wondering if they're more blonde because she dyed them or is it from whatever she went through to bring her back to life after last season. Yes, this is the important thing to keep worrying about. ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜œ
I had to struggle so hard not to loudly exclaim, "ARE YOU BLINDED BY ITS MAJESTY?" when Cortana showed Var the Halo lands Makee and John frolicked through in season 1. ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‰
And fourth place runner up, I didn't get as many shippy vibes this week between Makee and Var, whom I can call by his name or by not!Thel!Arbiter but not just "the Arbiter" because I'm a card-carrying member of the Fangirls of Arbiter Thel 'Vadam Fan Club and I'm not going to risk losing my membership. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‰
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My bb boi. *draws sparkly hearts everywhere* ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ˜‰
I'm of two minds about them pretty obviously giving Var the Arbiter storyline here. However, if they would've called the character Thel 'Vadam(ee) but not had him voiced by Keith David? Um, HERESY. I don't say that sort of thing often when it comes to new adaptations but, c'mon, he IS the Arbiter when it comes to voices and considering that Thel would be CGI or whatever they're using to create Var and the other Elites, it's not the same sort of prospect as I've heard other people say, that they should've dubbed Steve Downes' voice over Pablo Schreiber's. (Yes, I saw that pop up a couple of times in the earlier days.) I mean, clearly Steve Downes IS Master Chief when it comes to the games but dubbing a live action actor is never going to look smooth, IMO.
Anyway, I think this means we won't be meeting Thel in this series, since his storyline is currently going along without him. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ
Now to see what's in store for us next week. I am both looking forward to and dreading Kai and John's inevitable reunion. He's going to feel utterly betrayed, I'd think, and as I've said before, if she's not utterly devastated by Vannak's death and feeling guilty over not being there when Silver Team needed her... I'm going to have to super-duper fix that with fic. *nodnods* ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜‰
PS - Am I writing something utterly fluffy for Vannak right now? OF COURSE I am! C'mon, Vannak, jump in the AU Party Warthog, where you'll always be safe and happy!
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artistmarchalius ยท 4 months
My headcanon for John is that he lives like a Hermit but is Secretly a millionaire having Multiple businesses that he does not run. I imagine The secret of him being a millionaire will come out When He starts collecting Large amount of March. from both Floyd's and Branch's respective bands Spending a whole lot of money should be concerning But John not batting an eye... The review was shake His brothers to their core.
This is just something I see as a possibility because Brozon's success Is largely due to John Dory's management so why can't he be a millionaire Who prefers a tiny home lifestyle?
This is giving me big late series Greg Universe vibes! I love the image of Rhonda being crammed full of merch from his brothers bands. Like, the last time the bros were in there is was fairly empty but the next time itโ€™s full of Kismet and Floyd things ๐Ÿ˜‚
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reineydraws ยท 1 year
op. op pls i devoured your fic rec list. do you have. perchance. more to share. pls. (if you want ofc) jason requires All the hugs. esp when he gets to be Safe in bruce or dick's arms again like they're protecting him even though hes all grown up now and doesn't need protecting but that's his Family and they Love Him op im having emotions (tone lighthearted i just think you have good taste in fics and am wondering if you would want to rec some more? no pressure LOL)
anon, this has to be one of the best compliments ive ever received in my life lmao thank u for saying i have good taste in fics ๐Ÿ˜‚
ive got 10 more recs for ya! i tried to centre it on jason with bruce and/or dick but there are a couple that have an even focus on other siblings too. those will still have the good jason stuff in it tho. ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ
also this time not all of them are h/c lol soz some of them are just fluff ๐Ÿ™ but they do all have good family feels!!! and im pretty sure jason gets hugs in most of them too haha.
anyways, onto some (more) good jason todd family feels gen fic! once again: word count rounded to the nearest thousand, and listed in no particular order.
The Cave by lurkinglurkerwholurks | 4k
jason and dick get stranded on an island and dick is injured so jay goes to explore the island on his own and finds a sketchy cave he goes to explore. shit happens. as a younger sibling myself, i found it pretty accurately captures the complexity and the depth of sibling feelings and relationships (esp dick's older brother-ness) in a situation thats been dialed to 11.
through the valley of the shadow by Goldmonger | 10k
jason gets captured and tortured and inadvisably makes his way out of the building even though he's exacerbating his wounds bc he doesnt want to risk waiting for a father bat that will never come. bruce does get there in time and jay recovers at the manor, to his great annoyance and reluctant warmth.
Ornaments by haunt_the_stars | 2k
it's the holidays & bruce is counting kids (checking in on them) when he finds jason crying by the christmas tree bc bruce buys them all a new ornament every year and jason doesnt have any after his death and it's not fair he missed out on so much of his youth. i cried reading this but it was also cute. (tbf, literally any time jason contemplates the teenage years he missed out on due to his death etc., i cry lol.)
and if only i could make a deal with god by foreverstudent | 21k
one of the ones with a more even focus on everyone. id actually say it's about bruce. feels are good tho, and jason does get a hug. the bat boys get sent back in time and find a bruce that just started being batman standing in front of his parents' graves and wondering if he should stop being batman to find happiness in marriage. the boys unanimously decide to convince bruce to give up the bat so he can be happy, even though it majorly risks their own futures (and in dami's case, his actual life).
Tap Out by coyote_nebula | 8k
jay's at a gala and gets poisoned and as he struggles to breathe (and his family panics), he contemplates all the other times he felt like he was gonna die. focuses heavily on the concept of tapping out as a way to practice boundaries, esp in his relationship w bruce.
You, Me, and the Humanity in Between by JUBE514 | 66k
this is kind of fantasy realism? and this is another fic that focuses more evenly on everyone. bruce keeps finding these kids that arent really human, adopting them and giving them a childhood (and family!) anyways. it's sweet and my favourite thing about it is that the boys all pass around bruce's gotham knights sweater for comfort clothing. also there's a part where john constantine is like "h o w do you keep finding them?!?!" it's good lol. ah and i just love when stories explore what it means to be human.
The 70 Days After Groundhog Day by Ptelea | 44k
this is a dick pov fic that goes through the aftermath of a time loop only jason remembers. it's not often you get to read about the after effects instead of the time loop itself, which i thought was cool, and it goes into the way jason and his relationship to the family has changed bc of this thing only he remembers. focuses most heavily on dick & jay.
Commencement by ivy_and_ivory | 3k
jason invites bruce to his uni graduation :') what i like the most is that jason's not just thinking of how he feels now, he's thinking about how he'll feel in the future. he might still feel weird about bruce now but in the future he thinks he'll have wanted b to be there. it makes me so soft to read about this jason that's looking toward the future again, instead of focusing on his death and his past.
The Bedtime Chronicles by SillySunshine | 5k (series)
the rule is, as long as bruce can pick you up, he can still ground you. ๐Ÿ˜ค the first fic is robin jason and it's all v fluffy and adorable. the second fic is red hood jason so it's angsty and then hilarious (obvs b can still pick him up) and then fluffy. we love sappy father & son fic in this house!
pantry by envysparkler | 4k
one by one, jason's siblings congregate in his apartment to get away from bruce/seek refuge after a hard day/generally annoy him. jay-centric, tho all the siblings + bruce star pretty equally. fluff & humour! spoiler alert: eventually he escapes to the manor lmao.
103 notes ยท View notes
Dan don't be so casual!!! Your brother is worried about you!!!!
Goddamn Jessie please don't actually go sacrifice for your brother out of guilt.
Dan stop being so fucking casual!!!
Okay side note that has nothing to do with anything. But you can leave bullets inside people, it really depends on where they are. Usually the worst thing is the damage they caused moving. Though I assume the fact that they are silver does mean you should remove them from a werewolf.
Far be it from me to call Jessie a liar, but I do not believe for a second that if Lola tells him it's an unfair deal he is not still gonna take it.
"you wanna eat my ass, fine." tell me there were now kiss motions made on that please!
Why do we need fucking cop to convince everyone they need to get healed. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
John just being rational is once again the thing that works on Lola and her freak out and refusing medical attention.
๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Aviva getting medical help out of pettiness.
Aviva, John would do anything for you, making a bit of ectoplasm is probably the least.
Oh John, my precious emotionally repressed baby, just casually using up dead bodies like you do.
The goblins taking good care of turkey tail. ๐Ÿ˜ญ
All this magic is crazy but really cool!!!
This fucking mouse though. His little hat is cute, but he is a LIAR!!!
John once again knowing exactly what to say to get to Lola.
๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ The mouse wants to save her! I take it back lil moussy.
Me and Aviva are on the same page! The cop wanting a drink with Lola!!! It's the grenadine, it has to be.
Grenadine with energy drink shots. This sounds like the idea you have once you're already way too drunk to function normal the next day and then you think this will stave off a hangover.
They're both going upstairs. ๐Ÿ‘€ They are gonna sleep in the same bed!
Fuck me, John. Why are you so good at talking to everyone for their benefit??? Like no offense but you're so bad in dealing with yourself.
Ohhh Jessie Jessie Jessie. Seems like a bad idea to insult an owl.
I love it when they role exceptional successes!!! Especially when it is when they're doing smth for someone else.
It's so interesting to finally see some stronger emotions with John. The excitement you hear when he talks about smashing his mom's signs is rare.
Sword in the stone-ing that bat into the windshield with everything that's going on, so petty. ๐Ÿ˜‚
"Carl, this man is a werewolf, do you think he's gonna fuck off?" ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ made me laugh out loud, and people looked at me like I was crazy.
He just ended Carl in one shot!
Sure, not feeling pain and going numb is definitely the healthy thing to do after cold blooded murder...
They're extra giggly today, are they nervous?
Also Tim is the irl Miles of that group, telling everyone to focus. ๐Ÿ˜‚
Oh my God!!! They are not fucking around, Aviva just chopping a dead man's legs and hands off. (btw why just stop at the hands at this point and not go full arms?)
You know if you hear about a matter wizard and a wizard of space and time the matter wizard kind of sounds like a dweeb, but actually it's fucking badass.
I am screaming! Fucking Ramona, really thinking giving him a dad will stop him from this. Like she's smart, but she's fucking stupid.
Oh no Lola's worst moment is so awful, and so sad.
The sound of rolling dice is so good.
I hate Ramona so fucking much. She is delusional at this point thinking she's doing the right thing and all creepy calm. Why are parents the fucking worst?!?!
To be fair I like to hate Ramona though, I love hating awful parents.
This fucking magic dagger tho! And Dan himself too obviously but omg.
"I only remember things that are important." yikes!
We love a villain that believes they working for the greater good.
"Consequences are for lesser beings." woooooooooh I hate this bitch.
Oh no of course she's not.
The fact that John really doesn't feel pain rn is really so much like his mom. He's on the edge.
Noooo Aviva can't die. ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Not the look of confusion, that is kind of sad.
Nope nope, I am in a store rn I cannot listen to this. Will continue listening when I get home
Jesus fuck! I was right to not listen to the last 15 minutes in the store. Good lord. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
I'm laughing and crying at the same time at Jessie just being gone.
Rob shut your fucking face ๐Ÿ˜ญ (said lovingly obviously)
John casting a spell to finish all this, while having Aviva in his arms. STOP ๐Ÿ˜ญ
What??? *insert jlaw gif of what does it mean?!?*
What what what??? Ernie???? NOOOOOOOO Rob stop!! This is illegal!!!! What are you doing???
Okay... But this means there is gonna be a sequel right????
I will post some more thoughts later maybe, but I need to center myself because fuck me.
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mimbotomy ยท 1 month
Shuffle your โ€˜on repeatโ€™ playlist and list the first 10 songs that play, then tag 10 people
Thanks for tagging me @two-hands-toward-the-sun! I did one of these like maybe a week or two ago but there was no Meat Loaf for some reason which is not representative of who I am as a person so Iโ€™m doing it again lol
The Promised Land by Meat Loaf (finally!) These Are Days by 10000 Maniacs Kashmir by Led Zeppelin Zombie by the Cranberries Bat Out of Hell by Meat Loaf (my dude!) King by Florence and the Machine Me & Magdalena by the Monkees In the Woods Somewhere by Hozier Prize Fight Lover by Meat Loaf (there he is again!) Jack and Diane by John Mellencamp
Even if thereโ€™s two songs from this century on this list, Iโ€™m still probably not beating the middle aged white man allegations lol. But at least thereโ€™s some Meat Loaf on the list this time. Not going to tag anyone since I did this not too long ago and was lowkey doing this out of spite for my Spotify shuffle ๐Ÿ˜‚
But if you see this and wanna do it, consider yourself tagged!
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reefer-reelz-n-reviews ยท 7 months
John Dies at the End (2012)
Smoking: Splatter
This movie is listed as Horror, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and a comedy. Iโ€™ve seen this movie so many times in the past 11 years. Definitely one of those What The Fuck did I just watch? movies. Something to watch when youโ€™re baked, or even if you just like the strange and unusual, as Lydia describes herself.
I made myself a fancy cup of coffee with whip cream and chocolate sauce in preparation for this movie. Wanted something delicious to go with the creepy.
We follow Chase Williamson, Dave, around as he is on a drug called "Soy Sauce" and trying to find out what happened to his friend John, played by Rob Mayes.
One of my favorite things about this movie is that they got Paul Giamatti to play a role. Like what are the odds heโ€™s in this movie. I donโ€™t even think that this movie went into theaters. I found out about it from a guy I was seeing at the time it came out and it is based off of a book he read so Iโ€™m not sure if it went straight toโ€ฆ you know whatโ€ฆ lโ€™ll just leave this hear. It isnโ€™t important. What is, a girl just burst into several snakes and a door knob turned into a dick!
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Now we have this meat man, literal man made out of different meats (whole turkey, ribs, sausage links).
There is the randomest band. They sing โ€œCamel Holocaustโ€ its definitely not s song like Iโ€™ve ever heard before. The beat is really good though. We are seeing this band as a background to how they got Soy Sauce.
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We Meet Robert Marley, played by Tai Bennett. He does a really good job of playing someone reaaaaaally creepy. He is going about proving Dave that his abilities are real. All I have to say is high or not, a lot of what happens in this movie makes a lot of sense. Makes you think.
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Love that the dog in this movie has a punny name. itโ€™s Bark Lee ๐Ÿคฃ
Yes, let me put a syringe that has an unknown drug in out pants pocket. Yes yes, that sounds like a smart idea ๐Ÿ™„
Idk what it is about CW. He just cracks me up through this whole movie. When he first gets injected and is talking to the priest. Itโ€™s some freaking/funny shit ๐Ÿ˜‚
If you know anything about Doug Jones, it should give you some insight into the level of creep factor he brings to this movie.. I swear in Buffy itโ€™s the creepiest.
Pause! Time to refill ๐Ÿ˜Š
Okay so this next part. The dudeโ€™s mustache just comes ripping off of his face and then flies around like a fucking bat!! Like WHAT?!
Iโ€™m like not even half way through the movie and at 500 words. What are yโ€™all going to do with me? Lol. I just run off. Wonder if more than my bestie actually reads these.. hmmm. Oh well. I enjoy it so thatโ€™s all that matters ๐Ÿ˜
RM is proving a point to CW about how he is able to hear him so you just have CW walking around town with a bratwurst on a bun up to his ear.
Get high, start acting like an advanced rain man ๐Ÿ˜‚
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Bark Lee saves the day!! He sure can drive ๐Ÿ˜‚
Now I do have to say that the ghost door and using someone who is an amputee to open it was a pretty unique thing. We have Amy, played by Fabianne Therese. She is missing her left hand and she uses it to turn the doorknob.
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They enter this other world to destroy their next enemy. Korrok.
Bark Lee saves the day again. What a good boy.
Iโ€™ll leave the rest of this for you to watch. It is definitely all it is described to be. If youโ€™re wondering where to watch it, you can buy the DVD like me, or rent it on Prime. At least as of this posting it is on Prime Video.
Toke on ๐Ÿ˜ถโ€๐ŸŒซ๏ธ
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blueeyeddarkknight ยท 2 years
Hello! I'm Val's fan from Korea. Sorry to bother you, but I'm new in this fandom and you are like the only Val fan I knowโ€ฆ I wonder if you can help me - or you know someone who can help me to take down words of this interview(The Daily Show),
because I can't figure out what they're saying exactly in some parts. I used to use language exchange community to write down actor's interviews but I feel so out of place there.
Hi! It's no bother at all! I'm happy being mother hen to all of you new Val fans.. It's so sweet of u to think of me..
English isn't my favorite language either so I feel u.. I'll try to translate as much as I can ๐Ÿ˜„.
Val : what's it like.. Being a dork like this?
Jon : no.. They were applauding you ๐Ÿ˜„.. Look at u cleaned up, man.. Where are u coming in from..
Val : umm
Jon : u don't remember do u ?
Val : no ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
Val talking to himself : why am I here ๐Ÿ˜‚
Jon : your new movie.. How you've been.. I haven't seen you in a while
Val : I've been working a lot.. That's why..
Jon : and when you're working u gotta clean up?
Val : no.. not necessarily
Val looks at the paper in Jon's hand curiously ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘€
Jon :U don't wanna a piece of this.. Let's just start off the bat.. U don't want any of this this a hundred forty five pounds of asthma.. U know what I'm sayin? I'll bring it! ๐Ÿ˜‚.
Val : I wanna know what damn sacular logic means tho?
Jon : damn sacular logic?
Val : that's what u yelled earlier.. Wasn't it? ๐Ÿค”
Jon : no no.. Circular!
Val : I'm embarrassed ๐Ÿ™ˆ
Jon : u know what we should do? We should fix the volume control.. Don't be embarrassed tho ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ˜Š
Val : Yeah...
Jon : you're looking at your watch
Val : no!
Jon : yes! I've seen u lookin at your watch๐Ÿ˜‚
Val : I wanna start over * runs away to the behind of the stage *๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
Jon : NO! Sit down ๐Ÿ˜‚ I've never seen that before
Val : see? ๐Ÿ˜ƒ * goes away again *๐Ÿ˜‚
* comes in. Waves to the audience like it was the first time * shakes Jon's hand and hugs *๐Ÿ˜‚
Val : let's talk about Spartan ๐Ÿ™‚
Jon : what? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ U wanna a piece of this? ๐Ÿ˜‚
Val : *laughs nervously*
Jon : what's Spartan.. Let's talk about Spartan.
Val : no ๐Ÿ™‚.. I just wanna hang out for a while
Jon : is that really true?
Val : no ๐Ÿ™‚
Jon : you're welcome to hang out with me btw... You're welcome to stay
Val : is it lie down ..or lay down.. I can't think today! It's because.. I'm working now.. That's why.. I Just got on a plane
Jon : this is work?
Val : no.. I'm working in the movie.. This is fun! ๐Ÿ˜‚
Jon : you said that like a six year old ๐Ÿ˜‚.. U said you're working on a movie like u don't even believe it.
Val :๐Ÿ˜‚ yeah.
John : what movie are you working on now?
Val :uuugh.. It's a movie with Robert downey jr.. La detective..
Jon : did u get into his juice?
Val :what? No?
Jon : detective caper? What's that
Val : uuugh.. I can't really get into that
John : seriously? Is it top secret? ๐Ÿ˜‰
Val : Yeah
Jon :Can you say it like in the movie Spartan?
Val : Yeah.. U wanna talk about Spartan?
Jon : not really
Val : no I do!
Jon : I wanna talk about your life.. I think your life is fascinating.
Val : did u see it? Spartan?
Jon : are you kidding me? I'm not going to pay ten dollars for that piece of c**p๐Ÿ˜‚ ( I kinda hate that part.. Seems rude)
Jon : *joke attacks Val* ๐Ÿ˜‚ let me ask you this.. Where do you live?
Val : *laughs * I live in New Mexico.. So does she ๐Ÿ˜‚(audience)
Jon : oh u brought her! That's not fair! ๐Ÿ˜‚ That's a ringer
Val : I live in New Mexico ( audience cheers ๐Ÿ˜‚)
Jon : I'd like to get land.. Like a farm
Val : well u can't.. U live here.. There's no land here, Jon ๐Ÿ™‚
Jon : ๐Ÿ˜‚it's very difficult
Val : and there are big bears in New Jersey actually tho
Jon : that's not the case.. The bears I see in New Jersey are tiny!
Val : that's the zoo ๐Ÿ™‚ humble little bears in the zoo.. U gotta get out a little
Jon :๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ I didn't realize there was more than that to new jersey! I was only there for 20 years ๐Ÿ˜‚
Jon : u know it's called the garden state because they plant enormous amounts of a#s ๐Ÿ˜‚have u smelled it as drive.. It's just waving fields of a#s ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
Val : *laughs * yeah..
Jon : tell me the biggest bear you ever saw!
Val :uuugh.. The polar bear in Central Park
Jon : that's a big bear.
Val : that's a BIG bear
Jon : did he attack or perform a trick on you..? Cause sometimes they..
Val : no but he waved ๐Ÿ‘‹ ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
Jon : oh u speak polar bear? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿป
Val : I wanna start over again now ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
Jon : don't start over again now
Val : why not? ๐Ÿ˜ข
Jon : Spartan.. Don't climb at the end of the interview!.. Spartan... * jon forgets *
Val : everywhere on Friday? ๐Ÿ™‚
Jon : yes! ๐Ÿ˜‚
Our favorite Val Kilmer!!
Val : is that it?! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
Jon : that it! ๐Ÿ˜
Phew that was long.. Anyway I hope u understand my translation.. I tried to translate as much as I could.. And thank you for asking me.. Any questions don't hesitate to ask .. Happy to serve the old and new huckleberries ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜Š
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inafieldofdaisies ยท 8 months
13, 18, 20, 24 for the OTP asks, please and thank you!
For everyone if that's okay I love them๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ–ค
Questions from this post.
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13. A little personalโ€ฆ butโ€ฆ Hot and Steamy or Soft and Tender? Both.
18. Evening rituals? Making dinner (John would mostly help around, making her and Savannah laugh), hanging by the fireplace (while Sabrina shoots daggers at Joseph's portrait... one day she'd get actual darts and throw them, or straight up use her throwing knives and watch for his reaction) or outside while Sabrina plays her guitar, shower (with John butting in everytime, "We're saving water, Deputy" -> "I though you were rich, Jonathan.").
In the AU, she'd also probably force him to watch a TV show and he'd complain how she keeps guessing the bad guys ("You must have seen it before, Detective."), dining out whenever they could.
20. Most cuddly?ย Both? John ain't one to pass on a chance/excuse to touch her and be in her space.
24. What do their texts look like?
AU: Total banter, full of chaos, John cringe-failing at acting normal. A totally real example:
Sabrina: Sav chose her Halloween costume. John: Oh? Sabrina: A little trigger warning, though. Sabrina: *picture of Savannah in a bat costume for Halloween*
The bat thing absolutely becomes an inside joke.
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13. A little personalโ€ฆ butโ€ฆ Hot and Steamy or Soft and Tender? Both, but scales are tipped more towards hot & steamy.
18. Evening rituals? Mer pretending she's throwing Jakey out/not wanting him to stay the night (he might have forced his way back into the house once after she jokes he won't do it), arguing over what they would have for dinner and her looking for new buttons to push.
20. Most cuddly?ย Mercedes, but if you ask she would deny it until her last breath, and then insist it's just an act anyway. Deep down, she grows attached to his hugs/him holding her close.
24. What do their texts look like? Assuiming the old man even has a phone, I don't imagine he would text her, probably straight up call her every time instead. Mer: spicy photos, pictures of random things that made her think of him (as a joke, totally!, because she ain't thinking of him for realsies), little updates throughout the day just to be annoying when he's not seeing her in person (he'd be eating those up).
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13. A little personalโ€ฆ butโ€ฆ Hot and Steamy or Soft and Tender? Both.
18. Evening rituals? They'd eat whatever Casey has decided to try as "new dish" at the bar, be left mosty hungry, then one of them would decide to cook for the other (Cal ain't too bad at it).
20. Most cuddly?ย Cal, he's a good hugger, too.
24. What do their texts look like?
Cal would be texting her memes and jokes like crazy, thirst trap worthy shots, voice memos dripping with innuendos. Mary May would be more reigned in about hers/act annoyed by his, but deep down look forward to whatever dumb shit he would send her next.
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sansaorgana ยท 3 months
You are giving the joy of Buck fics ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป How about Buck with a gal who is more extroverted than he is and it shocks the other guys?
hi, love! thank you so much ๐Ÿ’œ this fic takes place before they all went to Europe and Bucky's a bit of a grump and asshole in the beginning because he is jealous that some woman will steal Buck from him ๐Ÿ˜‚
my inbox is open for blurb/short fic requests for major cleven ๐Ÿค—
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Buck was known to his friends as a quiet and stoic man. He didn't gamble, he didn't drink, he didn't even like sports so they couldn't discuss matches and championships with him. He was valued for his loyalty, bravery and skill. Buck was that kind of guy you could ask for advice or for help when you were about to renovate your house. He wasn't boring nor a party spoiler, no. He just wasn't very loud and extraverted like Bucky for example โ€“ who happened to be his best friend.
So when Buck announced that he had found a girl that he was serious about and would like to introduce to his friends, they expected someone more-less like him. A quiet, well-mannered girl who would sit in the corner.
"Have you met her?" Curt asked Bucky when they were waiting at the pub. They were there with Major Veal and Harry Crosby and all men were sipping on their beers, not wanting to get drunk before getting to meet Gale's girl.
"No," Bucky shook his head and looked down nervously. He didn't want to admit it but he was jealous. Not of the fact that Buck had a girl and he didn't โ€“ he had many girls whenever he wanted. It wasn't about the girl at all. The thing was, Bucky's girls were usually for one night only and Buck wanted to settle down with this new woman. Bucky felt stupid but he didn't want to lose his friend to her. He expected Buck's girl to be boring but interesting enough to completely steal his friend's attention and time.
Of course, soon the boys would go to Europe. But Gale and John planned to come back alive and then Bucky always imagined his life to be somewhere near Buck's. What if that girl wouldn't like him, though? What if she becomes Mrs. Cleven and tells Gale that guys like Bucky are not worthy of his friendship? She'd be right, Bucky thought, but he still dreaded that day.
"Here they are," Crosby pointed at the couple walking inside the pub. Buck helped the girl to take her coat off and hanged it on the hook on the wall. She fixed her dress and looked around the room, trying to guess which table belonged to his friends.
Her dress was polka dot red, her hair looked like on the pinup pictures โ€“ with victory rolls and a small white bow โ€“ and her lips were bright red. She pointed at one of the tables and the boys noticed her nails were also red. Buck smiled at her and shook his head. She didn't guess his friends correctly. She pouted and he put his arm around her and pointed his finger at Curt who had been waving at them.
She mouthed an "oh" and smiled widely before approaching the table.
"Fuck me," Curt whispered and Veal pushed him to shush him.
"Well, good evening, y'all!" The girl greeted them loudly and extended her hand for all of them to shake one after another. "(Y/N)," she introduced herself. "What a beautiful weather, isn't it? What you're drinkin' there? Is there one for me, too?"
Bucky moved uncomfortably in his seat. She wasn't what he had imaginedโ€ฆ she was worse. She could completely take his place in Buck's life. He didn't want that.
"It's not a drink for ladies," he mumbled.
"You're right," she sighed and rolled her eyes before sitting on an empty chair that had been prepared for her. Buck sat next to her. "I'll have a shot of vodka with coke, please," she batted her eyelashes at Curt.
Curt was a bit taken aback. He looked at Buck as if he waited for his permission to order that very thing. Buck nodded his head and Curt stood up immediately.
"Yes, ma'am," he saluted and walked up to the bar.
"Funny, that one," (Y/N) giggled and put her hand on Buck's thigh. Bucky gritted his teeth at the sight of that possessive manner. "And what about you? Aren't you thirsty?" she asked in a sweet voice.
"I'm fine," Buck shook his head.
"So, you're my Buck's friends?" she looked at the other men again.
"I'm Major Bill Veal," Veal introduced himself, "that's Harry Crosby, the navigator. And that grump is Bucky."
"Ah, Bucky!" (Y/N) laid her eyes on the man with a smile, "I've heard a lot about you!"
However, he didn't smile back and gave her an ugly stare. She moved a little uncomfortably at that and he could feel Buck's angry eyes on him.
"That's funny because I haven't heard much about you," Bucky raised an eyebrow at her as if he was challenging her to a duel.
"Why are you saying this?" Buck asked in a calm but serious manner. "It is not true."
"Where did you two even meet?" Bucky asked and leaned back on his chair.
"Is this an interrogation?" Gale shook his head. He didn't recognize his friend.
"I'm back!" Curt places a glass in front of (Y/N). "At your service, ma'am."
"Thank you, darling. And your name isโ€ฆ?"
"Curt," he nodded his head and sat on his chair. Then he looked around and noticed that the atmosphere had changed drastically while he was gone. "What's going on?"
"Bucky's being mean," Crosby explained.
"Come on, man, why?" Curt pushed Bucky gently but Bucky didn't react. He kept staring at (Y/N) like she was a German spy.
"We met in the cinema," (Y/N) answered. "I dropped my purse and Buck picked it up," she batted her eyelashes at Gale and caressed his cheek lovingly with her fingertips. He smiled at her as his eyes warmed up. "We started to talk and he invited me for a coffee, isn't that right, darling?"
"Yes, it is," Gale nodded.
Bucky rolled his eyes and stood up to leave the table. Everyone looked at each other awkwardly, not understanding his problem.
"Excuse me," Buck stood up to follow his friend, leaving his girl behind with Curt, Harry and Bill. They started telling her funny stories from the trainings.
"What's wrong with you today?" Buck grabbed Bucky's arm and turned him around.
"Where did you find that harlot?" Bucky squinted his eyes and Buck clenched his fist at that.
"Take that back, I swear to Godโ€ฆ"
"No, but really, she looks like she's very well known in this town, if you get what I mean," Bucky remained being rude. He saw Buck's clenched fist but he also knew he would deserve that punch. It was like, deep inside, he wanted to be punched. It would release some tension for sure.
"Why are you so cruel to her?" Gale asked, visibly confused. "I was sure you'd adore her, in fact, I was scared of you two meeting because I thought you'd want to steal her from me," Buck admitted.
"You think I would steal a girl from you?" Now it was Bucky who seemes hurt. "I value our friendship more than any woman, you know."
"I value our friendship, too. And it hurts me to see how you're treating my girl," Buck took a deep breath in. "So, what's exactly your problem?"
"She's nothing like youโ€ฆ"
"You're not either and we're best friends," Buck shrugged his arms.
"Are you sure she's not a common harlot?"
"Jesus, yes, I am sure," Buck rolled his eyes. "You are right, she is known in town. Known for being colorful and loud and extraordinary and annoying and too much. People don't like her 'round here, they're as mean to her as you are right now. She was made for the big world, not this little shithole," Buck turned around to take a look at (Y/N). She was in a middle of telling some story and making all sort of faces and gesticulations. He sighed dreamily and Bucky chuckled at that.
"You're in love, man," he pointed out.
"So be fucking nice to her," Buck gave him a deadly look and went back to the table. Bucky followed him, this time with a much nicer expression on his face.
"Bucky wants to say something," Gale interrupted (Y/N)'s story as he took a seat next to hers.
She looked up at Bucky, intrigued.
"I'm sorry. I had a bad day, it wasn't personal," he lied quickly and she seemed to realize that. However, she only gave him a triumphant smirk.
"It's okay, Major Egan," she said, "you see, Buck wasn't my only source of information on you."
"Oh, really?" Bucky sat down and sipped on his beer.
"Really. You've fucked half of the girls living down my street," she batted her eyelashes in an innocent manner and Bucky coughed as he choked on the beer.
"(Y/N)โ€ฆ" Buck hissed but he couldn't hide his smile.
"Oh, you boys are going to Europe to kill Jerries but can't handle a woman saying fuck?" she laughed.
"My mum says that all the time," Curt winked at her.
"I like her already," (Y/N) raised her glass. "For Curt's mum," she made a toast.
She emptied her glass and took a deep breath in before putting it down.
"Can I have another one?" she asked Buck.
"One more," he nodded.
"Every couple needs an alcoholic. Usually, it's a man," Bucky teased.
"Oh, you want to compare my two drinks to what you did to my friend Olivia's place when her parents were out of town?" (Y/N) teased and Bucky blushed.
"Wait, what?" Harry asked.
"Bring me another one and I might tell you," (Y/N) pushed her empty glass in his direction with a wink.
Bucky smiled at that. Perhaps it was better to have her as a friend than an enemy. And he could already picture Buck, (Y/N) and him having fun together. Maybe by then he'd have a wife, too. They could all go on vacation together and throw parties. He was sure (Y/N) would be a great companion to cause all the mischief Buck would never agree to.
And seeing the way Buck was looking at her, he would forgive her everything. He would resemble of a grey rainy cloud sometimes but she was the rays of sunlight creeping right through.
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suhstaste ยท 10 months
behold my top 6 predictions!!!
1) Arsenal, something tells me that that dream will be come a reality this year (plus a certain Belgian man being out for 3/4 months). Integrate Kai and Declan well and if Saka, Martinelli, Odegard, Zinchenko and Jesus keep performing as well as they did last year and this is very much a title contenting and winning squad. also if they avoid injury ๐Ÿคฃ
2) Manchester City, itโ€™s time they lose ๐Ÿ˜‚ the only other team going head to head with them was Arsenal so thatโ€™s why Iโ€™m going to bat for them but all eras and reigns must come to an end and i so DESPERATELY want it to be Cityโ€™s time. But alas, with the likes of Ruben Dias, John Stones, Bernardo Silva, Rodri, Kyle Walker and last but most definitley not least, Erling Fucking Haaland still being in their prime and deadly (lmk if Iโ€™m missing anyone) you would be a fool to think these guys would have a terrible drop off. In our dreams maybe.
3) Now weโ€™re getting controversiallllll. I think Liverpool could do it. Yes they need a DM, but in this market, especially if they look outside of England, i believe they can find one. Ask the Brighton scouts for advice guys. But other than that they have a solid squad. That partial midfield revamp looks good, Szobozlai and MacAllister look like they can definitely deliver solid performances for the reds, but theyโ€™re just missing that DM (and they thought it was gonna be Caicedo ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚) and once they get itโ€ฆthe Merseysiders will be back once again. The performance against Chelsea was worrying and if I was Liverpool fan over the last week I would be stressed and depressed but I have no doubt that theyโ€™ll turn it all around, on and off the pitch. They always find a way
4) Again, Controversial but Newcastle. They are my sleeper pick guys omg. Theyโ€™ve been so solid and deadly for so long but yet people look over them like they donโ€™t exist. 5-1 to a GOOD Villa team???? They terrify me. Newcastle are not here to play and theyโ€™re here to make a name for themselves. Iโ€™m excited to see them perform in the Champs League. But lemme say this. Last year was not a fluke, Newcastle United are here to stay.
Donโ€™t eat me United fans. I have just been disappointed with what Iโ€™ve seen from the Red Devils. Nothing has pointed to a another potential title contention, or even a solid top 4 performances. Waltzing into the new year with a Casemiro, Fernandes and Mount midfield is a choice. At least they dealt with the GK situation, Onana is an upgrade from De Gea ๐Ÿคฃ but this team just doesnโ€™t strike fear in me. I still believe they can compete at a high level but there just isnโ€™t that thing, that key component there that would have me putting them up higher. That first game against Wolves was abysmal and shouldโ€™ve ended in a draw due to stupid refereeing choices and the fact that you couldnโ€™t even string a solid performance against WOLVES on week ONE?? Not a great foreshadow for the season i wonโ€™t lie
6) Up the Mighty Chels!!
Did you think theyโ€™d be any higher?? Couldโ€™ve been 5th but I havenโ€™t seen Caicedo, Lavia and Fernandez play together yet so I will reserve my judgment until then. This rebuild has been generational. This midfield will be the coldest midfield in the game in a couple years I promise. I see a lot of promise with this team and if Reece James can keep fit oh we are so back. The back line is cold, Colwil, is a gem and only 20. The only thing people can hold against Thiago is his age but even at 38 heโ€™s still amazing. The attack still needs work, i donโ€™t think a front pairing of Sterling and Nico Jackson will work long term (Nkunku we miss you bae) but it can work for now. Letโ€™s not even forget about Madueke and Mudryk, to wingers just ready to unleash their potential. Chelse is a team of what ifs and potential right now and I just have a feeling itโ€™s going to be a great few years at Stamford Bridge ahead of us. :)
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