#'And now... you're mine' the growl at the end. sir !!!!
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"Got you! Ha ha ha ha ha!"
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moonydustx · 3 months
Crocodile x F!Reader
warnings: a little smut at the end.
The first time you caught him looking at you it was just curious irises on top of the scar that adorned his face. Despite how little time you had been working at the casino, it wasn't uncommon to notice Crocodile's curious gaze roaming over all the employees, except this day was different.
"Good evening sir." you simply responded as he approached the bar counter. "What do you want to drink?"
"If I remember, this isn't your place." he said. Even with a long counter separating you, the shine of his hook almost stole all your attention.
"Yeah, today I traded with Sirah."
In your response, it was possible to perceive the fearful tone. He was your boss and as much as you hated being there at that moment, you still needed a job.
"Are your red eyes related to this?" he asked, the hook resting on the counter as he seemed to analyze your every expression. "Are we having any problems with guests?"
"No, it was just bullshit." You tried to put on your best smile and put the topic out of Crocodile's mind, from the way he was looking at you that wouldn't be enough. "I caught my ex cheating on me with someone else this week, they both work here and today they seemed more concerned about throwing shade at me than anything else."
Only an indecipherable growl left the lips of the infamous man in front of you. He turned his back to you and began to observe the rest of the casino.
"I'm sorry I bothered you with that." Your voice was lower than expected, but it didn't go unnoticed.
"Bring me something to drink, please. Something strong." he ordered and within minutes the glass was next to him on the counter.
In the first sip he could smell whiskey along with some citrus notes and something else that he couldn't immediately decipher. Strong but tasty.
"Make yourself a drink too. I recommend the same as mine." he said and left, leaving you alone with your own thoughts.
The second time you saw him look differently was shortly after you had spoken at the casino bar. It was the second time you had consciously realized this. Other people had already told you that the most feared look in the casino seemed to follow you for a while.
That night Crocodile had some of his business partners around a betting table along with some members of Baroque Works. You didn't expect that and you also didn't expect Miss All Sunday to come find you and tell you that according to Mr. 0's orders he wanted you to command his VIP gaming table.
"Let's see..." you waited for everyone to turn over their cards, analyzing the deck. "Looks like Mr.0 won, again." Crocodile's laugh echoed through the room as you dragged the chips towards him.
"This is unfair." one of the men complained, amidst a disbelieving laugh.
"I bet that little girl over there is helping him." one of the others grumbled, frustrated at losing all his money. Before he could continue, Crocodile interrupted him.
"Be careful with the next words you say." your body shivered completely when you felt his hand touch your waist. "Don't blame the lady for my streak of luck. It's not her fault she's my good luck charm tonight."
His eyes searched yours, a mischievous smile on his lips brought a slight laugh from yours even though you felt your body burn - and weren't so sure why.
The third time you could barely meet his eyes. Every time I opened your eyes the image was too intense to be able to stand firm.
His eyes remained fixed on your body in front of the mirror. His hook holding your legs open as you squirm on top of his lap. His hand fingered your intimacy, tracing circles on your clit while he admired the scene against the mirror. In addition to your moans in the background, you could hear your ex knocking on your door and calling you without the slightest idea of ​​what was happening.
"I bet that bastard didn't make you feel like that, did he?" Crocodile slid his fingers to your entrance, just teasing you. "I'm proud that you're mine now, my good girl." he slowly licked your neck making you squirm even more
"Please Sir." You asked, turning your face and finding his lips. Crocodile was intense in everything he did and taking your lips to him was no different.
Before you could recover from the lost air he slowly penetrated you with a finger, the cold touch of his rings against your sensitive intimacy made you scream.
"Keep it up my dear." he increased the speed soon giving space to one more digit. "Be loud let him know who you belong to now."
. . .
a/n: just an idea that popped into my head this weekend and I wanted to write it quickly. Perhaps, among the many lost wip, I will write the complete story.
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archer-fb · 11 months
Dabi has some hold over my mind rn - dabi x fem!reader
Tw: choking, cock warming, use of slut, smut obvi, Sir kink (is that a thing?), begging, and dabi goodness
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Dabi comes home from a botched mission, to find you pleasuring your self while calling out his name.
"Well aren't you a naughty girl, and such a fucking slut for me," he says undressing, walking to you.
"S-sir, I'm sorry! I-i just missed you so much and craved you so bad, Sir!" you say pleading to him.
"You know the rules, doll, you know you aren't allowed to do this... Such a dirty fucking slut, couldn't even wait for me," Dabi says towering over you.
"P-please I'm sorry, sir! I'm so sorry!" you say tearing up.
"On your hands and knees right now, slut. And don't make me tell you again." he says menacingly.
He saunters over to you, immediately shoving his dick right into you. Setting a brutal pace, never letting up. He grabs your neck and pulls you up to him, "Who do you belong to? Who's the only one who gets to make you cum?" he asks.
"Y-you sir! Only you!" you say with moans pouring out of your mouth.
"You're such a perfect little cock sleeve just made me for me. It's like you were made for me and me alone. You're my perfect little slut, doll." he whispering into your ear.
"God I fucking love you, sir! I belong to you, I'm all fucking yours! Your little slut!" You say chanting to him.
"That's right, doll, my little slut. All. Fucking. Mine," he growls into your ear.
You end the night cock warming him with a smirk on your face feeling more than satisfied.
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God dayum I'm kinda proud of this
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cemeteryry · 1 year
Hope you're having a good day today.
I would love to request a headcannon (with some smut if you don't mind) of a male reader being super flirty with Miguel. Like the minute you meet him you're immediately flirting and he's a blushing mess. He acts all mad and grumpy when you flirt but in reality he loves the attention and wants more from you. He also gets super jealous when you flirt with others and he ends up riding you till the sun shines so you know that you're his.
jealous miguel o'hara x flirty male reader headcanons
cw/includes: amab terms for reader, jealousy sex, possessiveness, marking and biting, slightly implied dubcon? but very consensual, power bottom miguel, sub top reader
⭑ when you met, you were fighting a villain from another universe that ended up in your own. the guy had just sent you flying into a wall when the most handsome man you had ever seen dove in from a portal up above.
⭑ you mumbled something about how fine he was to yourself, not knowing he'd hear it (with his incredible hearing) and whip his head in your direction, an eyebrow raised under his mask (and a blush developing as well).
⭑ impressed by your skill and strategy, miguel offered you a watch and invited you to join the spider society. accepting, you smirked up at him, "how could i say no to you, pretty boy?" and that had that same red flushing his cheeks once again.
⭑ it started with you calling him names like "pretty boy" and "handsome." then you were accepting orders with "yes, sir" and "anything for you, big boy." he'd grumble to himself or yell "just get on with it!" but you knew he secretly enjoyed it.
⭑ that night, he got off while thinking about you calling him "big boy."
⭑ you'd flirt with him and crack a dirty joke at any chance you got. you loved responding to him with sexual innuendos, that always got the best reactions out of him. it always felt like a win when you'd see the eyes on his mask widen.
⭑ you had ended up quite dirty after a nasty fight outdoors with another villain. when you walked back into headquarters, miguel looked at you and immediately went "you're filthy" to which you responded with "that i am" and a wink, before turning and walking away before he could say anything else.
⭑ those three little words had him thinking about just how "filthy" you were. he spent the rest of the evening locked in his room, telling lyla to make sure no one bothered him until the next day.
⭑ there was also the time he let you into his office with a "come inside" and you went "i'd love to." he groaned and acted like that wasn't exactly what he wanted.
⭑ one day, he was about to approach you when he saw you place a hand on the shoulder of another guy and laugh. then he heard you make a flirty joke with the guy and that was he lost it, grabbing you by the shoulder and ordering you to follow him as he dragged you away from the man.
⭑ you were a bit confused, but let him drag you to wherever it was that he was taking you.
⭑ the two of you arrived at what you assumed to be his room and he opened the door, nearly throwing you inside.
⭑ you opened your mouth and began to comment on his roughness, but he cut you off by pushing you against the wall. his eyes were bright red as he growled in your ear, "you think you can just tease me for months, then go and flirt with some other man?"
⭑ you tried responding, but miguel didn't let you speak as he continued, "no, you're mine and i'll make sure you remember that."
⭑ he once again dragged you off, this time to his bedroom. he pushed you onto the bed and crawled on top of you, immediately beginning to take off your suit. he let his own disappear as he threw yours off to the side.
⭑ he straddled your hips and brought his mouth to your neck, biting and sucking at the sensitive skin. he wasn't satisfied until there were bite marks and bruises littering your neck and chest. he leaned in close to your ear and whispered, "now, everyone will know who you belong to."
⭑ he positioned himself over you and sank down on your cock before you could protest (as if you hadn't been dreaming about this since you had met him).
⭑ he set a brutal pace from the very start, slamming himself down onto you. you went to rest your hands on his hips, but he took both of your wrists in one hand and pinned them above you as he rode you.
⭑ throughout all of it, he was repeatedly telling you that you're his and that you better remember that after this.
⭑ when you were close, you tried warning miguel that you were about to cum but he already knew from how you were shaking. he said nothing as he somehow moved even faster, encouraging you to fill him up.
⭑ after you had cum, he continued to ride, chasing his own high. he found pleasure in overstimulating you, enjoying the way you were shaking and begging him to stop.
⭑ when he cums, he throws his head back in ecstasy, moaning your name over and over.
⭑ you go to lift him up off of you so you can help clean up, but he stops you, "whoa there, did you think we were done?" he smirks, "we're far from done, mi príncipe."
⭑ the two of you don't stop, or he doesn't let you guys stop, until he's sure you know you're his and his alone.
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ghostofthemost141 · 6 months
Chapter 3
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Gif credit to @eurodynamic
Ch.1. Ch.2. Ch.3. Ch.4. Ch.5. Ch.6. Ch.7.
Pairing: Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish xF!Reader
Word Count: 2,615
About: You were on vacation to the beach and you think you're about to die when you're caught in a riptide until an unlikely hero comes to your rescue. Precisely a Scottish man that bores a tail.
!Warnings!: Sexual Harrassment
Italics means Third Person POV
Notes: This chapter is mostly about your home life and backstory but the targeted enemy in this story is a popular character in the series but just cause I make him an enemy doesn't mean I hate the actor who portrays him. He plays the character well and is a great guy. Also, your uncle is another character that is a favorite character of mine in this series, guess who 👀, regardless of what nationality you are. Anyways, hope y'all enjoy it!!
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“I'll see you den, Dove.” His words echoed into your mind over and over again. The second you left that beach two days ago, you were craving to see him again even though you just got done seeing him at that moment. And now tonight, you would meet him again at the time he said. You were just praying he would be there. Praying that he kept his promise. Praying that he- 
“Dove!” A booming voice woke me from my daydream. 
I looked up to find my professor peering his eyes at me. 
“Yes, sir?” I sheepishly said, knowing I was busted for daydreaming. 
“Were you paying attention at all?” He asked with disappointment in his tone. 
“No, sir I wasn't.” 
You knew it was best to tell the truth with your professor versus lying to him cause he knew you would be lying just by your body language. Your professor tsked at you, showing his disappointment in you. 
“See me after class.” He demanded. 
“Yes sir.” I answer, feeling my guts drop to my stomach. 
Anything but that. I am not sure what it is about my professor but he has this weird tick to him. He's not necessarily giving ‘pedophile vibes’ but there is definitely something off about him. And no, him being a near red head blonde has nothing to do with it. Guess I'll find out later. 
You wanted to find some kind of excuse to not meet with your professor after class. That nerve grew more and more in you the closer the clock ticked to the end of class. Gem and Pixie were not in this class with you so you were basically screwed. You're supposed to meet them after class but you had to race to the shore for only one person. As the final bell rang, you started to rush pack your belongings so you could disappear in the crowd of students. Just as you stood up to leave, your professor was already at the front door, saying goodbye to the students that passed by. You froze in your spot, feeling your heart race. You just did not have a good feeling about all of this. Once the last student left, your professor shut the classroom door, letting it slam loudly. 
“Professor, I need to be going.” 
“Just, just wait a second, Dove.” He said with a chill tone, but for some reason that unnerved me the most. 
Your professor approached you, standing a little too close for comfort. 
“Why weren't you paying attention in my class?” He asked. 
“Just..have a lot going on, sir.” I half lied, trying to maintain eye contact but it was hard when he unnerved me so much. 
“So much that you can't pay attention in my class?” 
“I'm sorry, sir, it won't happen again.” 
You snared your tone to hopefully get your point across but he just chuckled at you, letting you know that he wasn't intimidated by you at all. 
“Professor Graves, I need to be going now.” I snared once again, hoping he'd move out the way. 
“You've certainly matured a lot.” 
“Excuse me?” 
You nearly shouted at him as his eyes were starting to wander in places it shouldn't. You felt gross and disgusted with not only him but yourself. Is this truly how men saw you as a person? For your body? 
“Out of my way.” I growled, shoving my professor to the side with my shoulder and hustling outside. 
You didn't stop running until you made it to your car. You wanted to throw up, knowing that your damn professor saw you in that way. You managed to keep yourself from throwing up by doing deep breathes in and out, while trying to keep yourself from shaking too much. 
“Shit.” I mumbled, trying to pull myself together. 
Besides Johnny, there was only one other man in your life that you could trust. Your uncle that you live with. He was your greatest support system and you loved him deeply. You needed him, his support. You immediately texted Gem and Pixie and told them you were sick and couldn't meet up with them and you were going straight home. You were still going to go see Johnny later but that wasn't until dark had befallen. You had two hours until then. You saw your professor walking out of the campus so you immediately started your car and peeled out of that parking lot immediately, rushing home. The further you were from campus, the calmer your nerves got, even though the event still lingered in your head, making yourself sicker and sicker, both mentally and physically. The lingering nerves even remained when you parked in the driveway of yalls house. 
“Oh Remi ain’t home..” I said, taking notice of the absent car in the driveway. 
She must be doing a class. I took a deep breath in and then out, with my hand resting on my door handle. Before I could even step out, my uncle beat me to it. 
“‘Ello?? Anyone there?!” He called out, flashing his phone flashlight at me. 
I laughed as I stepped out of my car, shutting the door behind me. 
“I’m here!” I announce my presence. 
Once I got closer to the house, my uncle stopped flashing his phone at me, opening the front door for me. I stepped through, as he shut the door behind me. 
“You doing okay today, kiddo?” He asked me. 
“Yeah, Uncle Alejandro.” 
“You sure? I think you’re lying to me, estrella.” Alejandro, or Ale as I like to call him, said, peering his eyes at me. 
“I mean..” 
You paused, not sure how your uncle was going to take this. You knew he was going to be supportive and believe you no matter what but you were worried at how angry he would get about it. 
“Talk to me, estimada.” Uncle Ale reassured me. 
I sighed deeply as I went and sat down on the couch with Ale following me. 
Ale sat down next to me, staring at me with lots of concern. He could read me like a book and know that something was wrong. Very wrong. 
“Um, so, you know my professor? Uh, Graves?” 
Ale’s face immediately churned. Yeah, this is not gonna blow over well. 
“Hmhm.” Ale said, wanting me to go on. 
“Well, he caught me daydreaming in class.” 
“Cariña, we’ve talked about that.” Ale jumped in with. 
“I know, Ale. I’m sorry.” I apologize, feeling guilt that I disappointed him even though I know I didn’t. 
He just wants the best for me. I am his niece after all. 
“Continue.” He said. 
“Well he made me stay after class-” 
“Made you?” 
I felt chills go down my spine, hearing that near growl come from my Uncle’s throat as he said that. Shit. 
“Yeah, he did. And well he was just sorta getting onto me for daydreaming in his class. And then he made a comment.” 
“What kind of comment?” 
I almost don’t want to tell him just by the reaction of saying he made a comment at me. 
“He said: You’ve certainly matured a lot, while looking at my breasts.” I mumbled that last part, hoping he didn’t hear me but he did. 
Your uncle went silent, but he was fighting the urge to find out where this man lived and beat the daylights out of him. Yes it was just a comment, but it was still harassment. Especially since this wasn’t the first time this has happened. Finally, your uncle spoke. 
“I want you to go to the Dean tomorrow and report him.” Ale told me. 
“I-I will.” I said. 
Ale immediately brought me into a hug. You know like those kissing booths they have in movies? Instead of a kissing booth, Ale needs to open up a hugging booth because he gives out the best damn hugs. I hugged back, trying to hold the tears back. 
“You know I say that because I love you right, Dove?” 
“I know.” I croak through my tears, completely overwhelmed with what happened. 
Ale rubbed my back in comfort, letting me cry on his shoulder as I have many times before. 
“You’re going to be alright, Dove. Uncle Ale’s got you. And Remi too.” Ale mentioned his lady. 
I chuckled in response. 
“I know.” I said, pulling away from the hug. 
I wiped the tears away, hearing a car pull up into the driveway. 
“Speak of the Devil.” Ale said, wiggling his eyebrows at me. 
“Stop! You’re so weird.” I exclaimed, playfully hitting him. 
Remi and my uncle have been dating for about two years now and I love her. I consider her to be my Aunt even though they aren’t married. Yet. Remi entered the house and Ale immediately ran up to her, embracing her in his arms. 
“Bienvenido a casa mi amar[Welcome home, my love]” I heard Ale greet her, followed by many kisses. 
It warmed my heart to see my uncle in love and be with someone he loves so much. 
You could only hope that it will be you one day. 
“Where are you off to, Dove?” Ale asked me as I grabbed my coat. 
Your heart raced as your Uncle stopped you, with concern filling his eyes. Night has befallen and you knew Johnny would be waiting for you. Your uncle doesn’t even know what happened on your vacation due to Gem and Pixie pushing you to keep it a secret, for you knew your uncle would want to wrap you up in bubble wrap after hearing about it. 
“Just going to the shore, for a walk.” I told him. 
“It’s dark out.” He said. 
“I know, I’ll be okay Ale I promise.” I reassured him. 
I could tell Ale was a bit unsure but he trusts me. 
“Okay, well be back by ten pm okay, estrella?” Ale told me. 
Two hours was plenty for me. 
“Yes, sir. See ya.” I said, walking out the door. 
“See ya.” He said back as I shut the door behind me. 
You hurriedly jogged to your car, jumped into it, started it and pulled out of the driveway within two seconds. You were so excited to see Johnny again. He had you possessed in a weird way. He was always on your mind, especially those dreamy bright blue eyes of his. Little did you know, he felt the same about you. Even when he was with his best buddy Simon in the deep, deep sea, you were on his mind. The way your hair flowed in the wind, and how sparkly your eyes were, had him possessed as well. They are cheesy thoughts sure, but it was truly how he felt about you. Quick as a flash, you were at the New Orleans beach, relieved there was no one else here. You figured there wouldn’t be but you just had to be sure. You wanted Johnny to be your secret. You left your car and started walking along the shore until you got some miles between you and your vehicle. 
“Johnny? Are you there?” I call out to him. 
A big splash from the shore confirmed your answer. You turned to see a beaming smile and bright blue eyes appear on the sand. 
“Hello, Dove.” 
“Hey, Johnny.” I greet him, feeling a deep blush creep onto my face. 
Johnny pulled himself out of the shore and propped himself up against a big sand dune that would block your vision of Johnny. That’s smart, you thought. Johnny patted a spot next to him beckoning for you to sit next to him. You nod as you came and sat next to him, feeling the wet sand hit your pants, causing you to cringe. 
“You alright, lass?” Johnny asked. 
“Yeah, just wet sand.” I said. 
Johnny just beamed his eyes at you, watching every little movement or expression you were making. He was completely infatuated with you, he just wished he could find the right words to say to you. But he could tell you were acting off. Something happened. 
“What’s wrong, Dove?” 
“Oh uh nothing.” I lied. 
I didn’t want to put my bullshit onto Johnny. I am sure he has a lot going on already. 
“I can tell something is amiss. So what’s up?” He asked me again. 
I sighed deeply, seriously debating whether or not to tell him. 
“I just..have been having issues with my professor at school.” 
“How so?” 
“He has been advancing onto me so to speak.” 
Johnny immediately furrowed his eyes, understanding what you said. 
“Bloody wanker..” Johnny mumbled and I had to suppress my giggles from hearing that insult. 
“What class does he teach? And what campus?” Johnny asked. 
“Oh, it’s no big deal Johnny. I’m handling it, I promise.” I reassured him, but I could tell he was pretty angry. 
“He didn’t ‘ouch you did ‘e?” He asked. 
You shook your head in response, seeing Johnny’s face relax a little but still angry. 
“You know I can still turn into a human righ’?” 
“I know Johnny and I appreciate it but I don’t want you to get hurt.” I said, leaning on his shoulder. 
Just from that comment alone, Johnny knew how you truly felt about him. And he was happy. 
“You feel somethin’ for meh, bonnie?” Johnny asked smugly. 
“Maybe.” I returned the same tone. 
Your hand ended up grazing over his tail, feeling the bumpy yet smooth scales. Johnny watched as you did that, knowing you were doing that with good intentions. 
“Your tail is so pretty, Johnny.” I said, seeing the scales shimmer within the moonlight. 
“Not as pretty as you, Dove.” 
You giggled hearing Johnny’s comment, feeling absolutely flustered. 
“Oh stop.” You joke. 
“I mean it though.” 
“Do you though?” You question. 
Johnny gently grabbed your chin and moved your face to were you were looking deep into his blue eyes. 
“I do.” Johnny sincerely said. 
You felt your heart race quicker and quicker the longer you stared into Johnny’s eyes. It was as if he was hypnotizing you with those dreamy eyes of his. You wanted to do something, so badly, but didn’t want to spook Johnny, even though he was worried about spooking you. 
“Can I kiss you?” I ask, immediately cursing at myself  for even asking, but he just smirked in response. 
Without saying anything, Johnny leaned in and connected y’alls lips together, immediately feeling your heart flutter at the action. You shut your eyes and placed your hands on Johnny’s chest, while Johnny wrapped his arms around you, bringing you even closer to him. He pulled away for a second to get some air but immediately connected them back together. You didn’t want this to end, you wanted it to go on for forever. Despite him being underwater 24/7, Johnny’s lips were soft and nowhere near being chapped like you expected them to be. Johnny rubbed your back passionately as you could feel the tension in the air get hotter. You wanted to keep going, go even further knowing he can turn into a human, but you held yourself together. Not yet, soon, but not yet. You pulled away from the kiss first, but remained up close. 
“You enjoy that, Dove?” Johnny asked. 
“No, not at all.” You sarcastically reply back with. 
Johnny chuckled back, loving your style of humor. The two of you embraced in another long kiss and even though the tension was in the air, the two of you held your composure for each other and just kept y’alls lips together, not knowing there was a pair of eyes watching the two of y’all from the far distance. 
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Kinktober day 14- Double penetration
Hangman x rooster x f!reader
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Warnings: vanginal fingering and anal fingering, semi public sex, dp, 18+ minors DNI
Once again sorry I missed a day I needed a mental health day yesterday
Taglist: @lovelybucky1 @discoseal @cyrene-world @harper1666 @marchingicenotes7 @itmejado @rafemfcameron1 @hangmandruigandmav @uwiuwi @iluvweasleys
Kinktober masterlist
Main masterlist
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Jake was already feeling up the sides of your hips as you bent over the pool table; you smirked at his slight choked sound, already noticing you were not wearing any underwear.
“You're such a dirty girl,” he whispered before you took the shot. You weren’t subtle with how you slowly went back up, ghosting over his crotch and making him hiss. You could make Jake’s perfect persona crack, but what’s the point? His poor little ego would be so wounded and hurt. He gave his usual cocky smile before slowly grabbing your wrist and pulling you towards him.
“Bathroom…now,” Jake’s voice was low and gruff as he eyed the bathroom; you just rolled your eyes before walking over there; you could feel Jake’s eyes on you, staring so intensely. It was a slow walk as you closed the door behind you. You waited a few moments before you heard Jakey silently open and closed the door.
“Up against the wall, sweetheart.” He was wasting no time, yet you frowned at him.
“You're going to make me do it on the bathroom floor?”
“I'm not the one getting dirty,” He teased before cornering you against the wall, his hand falling on your waist as his lips slowly met yours. Your arms wrapped around his neck as his hands went lower and lower. You squealed when you felt him grope your ass.
“You’re so fucking dirty, not wearing panties, trying to embarrass me” Jake slapped your ass, making you yelp. Your lips were going to be bruised by the end of this. Soon only one hand was on your ass, the other tracing along your entrance, “you want me to fuck you?”
“Why do you think I wasn’t wearing panties?” you pull away from his lips yet nearly buckle over as his fingers enter you. He gently caresses your g spot, making you whimper.
“You’re so fucking wet,” Jake groans as he keeps fingering you. His other hand is massaging your ass, slightly playing with your hole. Jake is getting impatient, so he growls before pulling down his pants and sliding in. Your nails dig into his shoulders as you both stand there. Jake doesn't hear the bathroom door open behind him; he freezes slightly when he hears a familiar voice.
“Am I interesting something?” Bradley's voice is light and teasing, making your heart start to race.
“Stay out of this, Bradshaw!” Jake hisses out, making Bradley laugh. The two men bicker as you whine in Jake’s arms, you need movement and suddenly the idea of being full from two holes crosses your mind.
“C-can he join?” They both look at you; Bradley smirks as Jake looks at you confused, “You said we can do whatever I want when you get back, and this is what I want,” you huff
“Are you sure?” You were a little shocked Jake didn't outright refuse it, but you were very excited now.
“Alright, Bradshaw, “ Jake shimmies slightly, still inside you, “get over here”
“Sir, yes, sir,” Bradley locked the door behind him as he waltzed over, “no moving until I'm inside.”
Bradley got on his hands and knees and began to lick your puckered hole. You whined into Jake’s chest as he tried his best to hold you up; it was slightly embarrassing to do it here, but having both of them inside you was so exciting. You hissed as Bradley put one finger in; your whole body shook as he scissored your tiny hole. How were you going to fit him? You had no idea that you hoped your practicing with Jake would help.
“So pretty for me, baby,” Bradley said, gently kissing your hole.
“She is mine, Bradshaw. Back off.” Jake glared at Bradley; he harshly thrusts inside you, making you mewl.
“I thought we agreed you wouldn’t move until I slid in?”
“Then hurry up.”
Bradley rushes to prep you, but you’ve accepted it’s not going to be enough not to be a little painful. He tried his best, yet you knew Bradley was big. Bradley was huge. Bradley peppered your back with kisses as he stood up, his hands on your hips.
“Deep breathes, baby,” Rooster reminded me as he pulled the waistband of his jeans and boxers down. You felt the tip of his cock poke at your asshole. He grabbed onto you as he slowly pushed in. You buried your face in Jake's chest at the painful stretch, and it took several minutes before you were accustomed to him. You felt so full, incredibly full. It felt like you were high on ecstasy as the two men held you up, even more so when they started to move. Jake groaned at feeling Bradley through your ass while Bradley growled, feeling Jake; it felt like you were going to burst, and maybe you were. You couldn’t even think as Jake aggressively thrust while Bradley just marked your neck up and down. You three were drowning in pleasure before Jake and Bradley's hips started to stutter.
“Need to be filled,” you whined as Jake just chuckled
“Is that what you want, baby? You wanna be full of our cum” Jake whispered as you just nodded, “then you better hang on, sweetheart, because I don’t think you're going to be able to walk tomorrow.”
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widowbitessting · 8 months
Hey I have a question, what was Carols title before the flight lessons? Was she just Carol or was it like something else? Also another question, you mentioned that baby is Wanda first sub but you also mentioned that they had others in the past so was Wanda just not a Dom for them?
I love these kind of questions!! Thank you for asking it I never considered it before!
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So, pre Captain days, I feel like Carol's title would have been something like "Sir".
It's something she enjoyed hearing but it never fully felt right to her.
Not until their last submissive begged out Captain to her as she towered over them, that the iconic title became to be.
She even had Wanda use it one night in bed - just to make sure the title fit - and it made Carol cum so fucking hard that she officially decided there and then that Captain would be her title.
(Carol much prefers you, Wanda and Natasha calling out Captain, so don't feel jealous that their previous submissive was the one to Christen her with it. There is still plenty of time for you to bring your own titles to them, different headspaces for you to go).
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Now, Wanda.
Our Switchy Witchy.
Always new she was a switch, always wanted to give the domming aspect a try.
But could never find it in her until you came along.
Previous subs came along and Wanda just felt like she couldn't dom them.
When she tried to with the one before you, they laughed and patted her on the head and told Wanda to remember her place as a fellow submissive.
They just weren't the right one.
And that was an instant end to that dynamic.
So when that submissive left, with swear words and harsh words flying from their mouth, Wanda was hurt but not crushed.
Because they just weren't the right fit.
Carol and Natasha tell Wanda that the right person will come.
Someone willing to let them all in.
So after one night of looking through SugaBabes, scrolling through different accounts and rolling her eyes, Wanda spots a brand new profile.
And decides to click on it.
It's the first time she sees you and her jaw hangs open.
You're stunning.
Breathtakingly beautiful and something deep within her growls, "mine."
She looks at your profile and looks at the different pictures that you've posted.
It catches Natasha's eye and she asks what the matter is.
With her bottom lip between her teeth, she shows Natasha her phone.
And that is how it all started...
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A Steel That Went Through Hottest Fire: Chapter VII - Crystal Clear
Chapter Summary: Kirigan reveals his plans to the world. He tries to use his and Alina's powers to bring the world to his heel. Things don't exactly go as he planned. What will you choose? Your morals… or your heart?
Pairing: Aleksander Kirigan/Reader, Alina Starkov/Mal Oretsev
Characters: Aleksander Kirigan, Reader, Ivan, Zoya Nazyalensky, Alina Starkov, Jesper Fahey, Kaz Brekker, Inej Ghafa, Feliks
Word Count: 3861
A/N: This chapter contains plot and dialogues from eight episode of season one. Inspired by prompts: https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089797846/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089958427/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389090332681/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089798508/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089798536/
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added or removed):
You shiver, looking at the Fold around you. You wonder why you were so stupid to come here voluntarily. Oh, yes. Your idiot. Aleksander, who is currently standing next to you is the reason.
'Can you feel them?' he asks after you pass the fifth mark.
'No heartbeats yet, sir,' Ivan, to whom the question was directed at, answers. He's holding his hands together, acting as your radar against the Volcras. You really hope you won't encounter them. But you don't count on it.
Of course, at that moment you hear them growling. You glance nervously at Aleksander.
'They're coming,' Alina says.
'Yes,' Kirigan confirms.
'I should just tear this down now,' Starkov says.
'And what can you really do on your own?' General asks, putting his right hand on his chest. The hand with the amplifier. Both you and Alina look at it, then at Kirigan.
'Besides, it would be a monumental waste of power,' he says, glancing behind you at other passengers.
'[Y/N],' Alina says quietly, looking at you pleadingly. You glance at her and look at Aleksander.
'You want to show off, don't you?' you murmur under your breath to him.
'No, I want to demonstrate our power,' Kirigan denies.
'That's the same,' you argue. 'Also- Oh. Zlatan.'
'Smart girl,' General praises you. You think about what's going to happen.
'I hate this plan,' you say after a moment.
'I told you not to come,' Aleksander says. You elbow him on the side. Discreetly. But so it would still hurt.
A few moments later you can hear Volcra's screeching becoming louder and closer. You glance nervously at Ivan.
'Do something,' Alina pleads Kirigan urgently. He doesn't, so she brings her hands together.
'No,' Aleksander stops her, putting a hand on her shoulder. 'Remember who's driving.'
A burst of light comes out of Alina. It creates a protective tunnel around you, all the way to the end of the Fold. Kirigan lets go of Starkov and her shoulders slump. Ivan drops his hands as well. He doesn't have to search for Volcras anymore.
'Your power is mine now,' General says to Starkov.
'Okay, I feel a bit safer,' you murmur. But around you people are whispering, wondering what is the meaning of this. For a moment you sail in peace.
'Why this half measure?' Alina asks Aleksander at some point. 'Why just… carve a tunnel? You have me. You have this. Destroy the Fold. You said we could.'
'And why would we destroy the Fold?' Kirigan asks. 'It's the greatest weapon that we've got.'
Alina looks at him, betrayed. She tries to catch your eyes. But you're too busy looking at the Unsea with unease to notice this.
Finally, you can see Novokribirsk and people waiting for you there. General Zlatan and his men. You stop just at the end of the tunnel.
'Why have we stopped?' one of the diplomats asks.
'One more demonstration,' Aleksander says, turning to others. 'You've seen what the Sun Summoner can do. Now bear witness to what I can do… with her power.'
People send him confused glances. Alina tries to move, but can't. Kirigan walks to her.
'Whatever it is you want me to do, I won't do it,' she hisses.
'You've done your part,' General says, facing the end of the Fold. 'Now I shall do mine.'
He brings his hands together and concentrates. The air whooshes as… the Fold expands. You watch with horror as the people in Novokribirsk run with panic, screaming. Zoya shows up next to you, shocked and horrified as well, and grabs your hand. You squeeze it.
'What have you done?' Alina asks. She concentrates and raises her hand, using her power to create a protective barrier around the city.
'No, you don't,' Kirigan says, turning to her. He grabs her hand and forces it down. Alina grunts and falls on her knees and her barrier disappears, leaving only the one around your skiff. Aleksander crouches in front of her grabs her shoulder.
'They are traitors who tried to kill you,' he says. 'This is retribution.'
Starkov pulls herself from his grasp and falls back. She stares at General with disbelief. He looks at you and other Grisha. Zoya takes a few steps back, shocked, and bumps into Feliks. She walks around him, turning her back to you. Kirigan looks you in the eyes. Your heart cries for all those people… but you give him a slight nod. You're with him till the end. You can see the relief in his eyes. He quickly masks it, though, and stands up to face the diplomats again.
'Today, we redraw all the maps,' he says, walking around the skiff. 'With the power of the Sun Summoner at my command, I control the Fold. And its monsters. I can move it to any border I like. Engulf any harbour. Consume any city. Take what you have seen back to your home countries. Tell the Fjerdans. Tell the Shu Han. There will be no more war with Ravka. All countries will answer to us. For who would oppose us now?'
He gets his answer very quickly, because suddenly Mal pushes his way through the people, shooting at the guards. You want to put yourself in front of Aleksander, but Ivan grabs your shoulder tightly.
'Mal!' Alina shouts. The tracker fires again. Kirigan nods at Ivan. The Heartrender lets you go. He brings his hands together and takes control of Mal's body, forcing him to fall.
'Mal,' Starkov pants, panicked, trying to crawl to him.
'Keep him alive,' Aleksander says. 'He could be useful to us.'
'Alina,' Mal grunts. Kirigan nods at you. You bring your hands together and focus on Mal's gun that lies on the deck. It stirs, then flies in the air. You throw it overboard.
'Focus,' Aleksander says harshly to Alina, forcing her up on her knees. 'You put your attention on the light that's keeping us all safe, or your friend dies now.'
Starkov looks up and sees the barrier going down. She focuses, glaring at Aleksander, and spreads her arms. She raises them and with that the barrier becomes brighter and goes up again. Once she's done it, she collapses again, while the Darkling gets up.
'General Kirigan, this will only turn the world against you and all Grisha,' the diplomat from before says, bravely stepping forward. 'You'll be seen not as a saviour, but a heretic.'
'She does have a point,' you say quietly. Aleksander glares at you. You stare at him calmly. He ignores you and looks at Ivan.
'Don't-' you start, understanding what's he about to do. Same as the diplomats' guards, as they cock their guns and point them at you three, standing protectively in front of the diplomats. But Ivan stands in front of Aleksander… and stops everyone's hearts. They fall on the deck with groans.
'Shame,' Kirigan says, standing next to Ivan and looking at the dead. 'I'll have to give that speech again now.'
You almost scoff. You stare at the dead people and wonder how low have you fallen. And how lower you're going to.
But your thoughts are interrupted by the skiff moving. You all look up. Aleksander walks toward the main sail.
'Zoya?' he calls but she doesn't react. 'Zoya!'
Suddenly, a gunshot is heard and Ivan falls to the side. You quickly notice the two thieves from Ketterdam. When the first one fires the second shot, you turn the bullet around. They both have to duck.
Too late you notice the third thief. She throws her dagger. You can't bring your hands together in time. So, you jump in front of Aleksander. You gasp when the blade lands in your chest.
'No!' you hear Kirigan scream behind you. You calmly stare back at the shocked woman. You grab her dagger and pull it out of your chest with a grunt. You throw it on the deck. There's no blood on it.
'New kefta,' you explain. 'Still have to do something about it being so heavy… hence while I was grunting so much if anyone's wondering… but it appears it efficiently protects against sharp things being thrown at you.'
You turn to Aleksander. You're not sure whether he's more relieved or angry. He decides on the second one, apparently, because he brings his hands together and covers you all in shadows.
'You stay in the dark,' he says. You look around nervously, hearing the Volcras. Soon the first attacks Zoya, causing her to fall a bit.
'Zoya!' you cry her name and rush forward a bit. You watch how the thief tries to protect herself and the Squaller. And how the second one saves her.
Suddenly, someone stumbles on you and you fall on the railing. You turn your head and see Alina standing, Ivan on the ground and Aleksander trying to regain his balance. His amplifier falls in front of you on the deck. Oh. When did that happen?
'Your first words to me were, "What are you?"' Alina says to Kirigan, who's cradling his injured hand, and brings her hands together. 'This is what I am.'
She spreads her hands and light bursts from her. Far brighter than ever before. You can't help but watch with awe as she forces the Fold back from you.
'Beautiful,' you whisper and immediately look at Aleksander. He takes out the dagger from his hand.
'How do you claim such power?' he asks, his voice strained from pain because of the wound. 'I am the one who killed the Stag.'
'I didn��t understand before, but I do now,' Alina answers. 'You cannot claim what was not given to you. The Stag chose me.'
She brings her hands together again. Aleksander stands up.
'You chose to betray our people,' he says with venom. 'I was trying to save us.'
He raises his hand. But before he can do anything, Mal throws himself at him, causing them both to fall overboard.
'No!' you and Alina cry out, bending over the railing. You worry for Kirigan, she for her tracker.
'Mal!' she shouts.
'Aleksander!' you shout at the same time. The men stand up and start fighting. You think how to safely get down there, when Alina's eyes suddenly go wide and blood runs from her nose. She grabs her chest and turns around. You do the same and see Ivan with his hand outstretched toward Starkov.
'How dare you?' he asks her, as she groans in pain and falls on her knees. 'He gave you everything. Remember your place.'
The light arounds you go out. You look up in panic.
'Ivan, stop,' you say. 'Stop or-'
You're interrupted by another gunshot. Ivan falls to the side and Alina on the ground, out. The Heartrender starts fighting with the first thief. It ends with the rogue shooting Ivan again… causing your friend to fall overboard.
'Ivan!' you shriek.
'Still couldn't shoot the pretty face,' the thief sighs. 'I've got to stop doing that.'
He turns to you. You eye each other.
'Are you with us or against us?' he asks, pointing his gun at you. 'Come on, don't tell me you approve all of that.'
He's right. You don't. For a brief moment you consider joining the people trying to stop this madness. But that would mean betraying your best friend. And without him… you're alone.
'What did I tell you?' you ask quietly, clasping your hands together. The man groans, as the gun in his hand becomes incredibly hot. He drops it and waves his hand around. When he looks up, you're standing on the railing.
'Okay, what are you-' he starts but you jump and don't hear the end of the sentence. You fall on the sand with a grunt. You lift yourself up just to see Volcra attacking Aleksander. Your heart stops.
Mal turns around, ready to run back on the skiff, but freezes, seeing you getting up. Your eyes meet.
'Help Alina,' you say. 'She needs you.'
You start running toward Aleksander. Mal is about to stop you, but decides against it. It's not like you have a chance against a Volcra. So, he leaves you behind to die and runs to the skiff.
He can't go down like this. Not by Volcras that are his creations. But no matter how hard he tries he can't control them. The Volcra opens its mouth to bite his face… and shrieks in pain.
Aleksander's eyes go wide, as the monster falls from him on the sand, revealing you. Your hands are brought together and you're glaring at the monster with fury in your eyes.
'Not. My. Best. Friend,' you say through gritted teeth. The Volcra shrieks again and blood spurts from its mouth. It doesn't move again. Kirigan stares at you with shock.
'[Y/N],' he says, stunned. He reaches his hand to you. You're about to grasp it… but you suddenly gasp and you freeze, your eyes going wide. You're raised in the air and it turns out another Volcra has attacked you from behind.
'No!' General screams, grabbing your hand in panic. 'No, not her! Leave her! Take me! Please!'
Tears form in your eyes at those words. You smile sadly at your best friend and gasp, when the Volcra's claws dig into your back.
'Aleksander…' you gasp. 'Let go…'
No. Never. Not you. The only one that's stayed with him until the end. There must be a way to save you. He'll do anything.
Pain seizes him, as he feels merzost feeding on his body. He watches, stunned, as a creature of shadows seems to be leaving his body. It groans and throws itself on the Volcra. It kills it before it can screech.
You fall down limply, unconscious. Kirigan, who's let go of your hand when the creature threw itself at the Volcra, thrusts himself forward to catch you. But the creature is faster. It catches you and gently lowers you down. It hands you to Aleksander.
'[Y/N],' he says, shaking you gently. '[Y/N], please. Come back to me.'
'General!' he hears. He looks up and sees Ivan trying to get to them. A Volcra is chasing him.
'Kill it,' Aleksander orders. Another creature forms itself from him and quickly kills the Volcra, allowing the stunned Heartrender to reach them. He falls on his knees and looks at you.
'Help her,' Kirigan orders. 'Now. I need her.'
Ivan brings his hands together, trying to find the source of the problem. He feels the wounds on your back and tries to heal them as best as he can. You grunt and stir. Your eyes flutter open. General exhales with utmost relief.
'Aleksander…' you whisper.
'I'm here,' Kirigan says softly and scoops you up in his arms. 'Let's get you out of here.'
He and Ivan walk. The Heartrender checks on you every now and then. But you seem to come back slowly to yourself.
Finally, you stumble out of the Fold. You all exhale deeply. Aleksander turns his head.
'Follow,' he barks and starts walking. His two shadow creatures get out of the Fold and follow you three, growling. You look at them with wide eyes. Somehow you didn't notice them in the Unsea. Maybe because they seem to be made from the same substance as it.
'What did you do?' you ask in a horrified whisper. Kirigan doesn't answer. He just takes you away from the Fold.
Some time later you're all huddled in front of the fire. It's night. You're exhausted and scared. Because everything is going to be different now. There's no way you can just come back to the Little Palace as if nothing happened back in the Fold.
'I'll take first watch,' Ivan grunts and gets up. He walks away from you two. For a moment, you and General sit in silence.
'It was very foolish what you did,' Aleksander finally says. 'You could have died.'
'So could have you,' you retort. 'But I guess you'd create that… creatures to save yourself. But I couldn't know that.'
'I didn't either,' Kirigan says. 'Thank you.'
'Right back at you,' you say. You tear your gaze from the fire and look at him. He has a haunted look in his eyes.
'I thought I can finally end this,' he says. 'That we could finally be safe. I had… everything, all that power. And now… no Sun Summoner. No army. No way of transport. Nothing.'
You look at him with pain in your eyes. You reach out to him and grasp his hand tightly. He looks up at you. Your eyes meet.
'You have me,' you say. 'Until every star in the galaxy dies… you have me.'
Aleksander looks at you closely. He turns his hand to be able to answer your grasp.
'You could have stayed,' he says quietly. 'With them. The only thing you did against them was saving me. You didn't agree with what I did. Miss Starkov knew that. If you stayed… you'd be safe.'
His eyes urge you to say something. But you stay quiet. Because you know he's right.
'And now?' he asks and scoffs. 'You're going to be hunted if they find out you're alive. You already almost died because of your decision to jump. You risked so much for me. Why would you do such a thing?'
You turn your head to the side. In the corner of your eye you see Ivan trying very hard not to listen in to your conversation. But he still looks at you, giving you a pointed look. Urging you to tell him. Your heart skips a beat.
'We do terrible things for the people we love,' you say, your voice void of any emotions. You notice Ivan stiffening, waiting with anticipation for General's answer. You turn your face to look at your best friend. He's looking at you with a frown.
'I don't deserve such a loyal friend,' he finally says. Your heart breaks. You almost hear Ivan groaning in frustration. You look down, not wanting Aleksander to see how much his answer hurt you.
'I almost betrayed you,' you admit. 'On the skiff. Before I jumped. I was horrified by everything that's happened today. My moral part wanted me to indeed stay. I went to war with myself. For you.'
'You shouldn't have,' Kirigan says. 'I… I've done terrible things. For the Grisha, yes, but like you said, things that horrify you. You shouldn't follow someone who's done them.'
'Aren't we all sinners?' you ask, looking at him again with a small smile.
'I doubt any sin you've committed makes you doomed enough to force you to stay with me,' Aleksander says.
'Well, it's a good thing then I don't need to be forced, right?'
'Leave. I mean it. It's not too late for you. But if you stay… you may do things you don't want to do.'
'You're risking everything for all of us. Let someone risk the same for you.'
Kirigan frowns at you. You're still a puzzle he can't figure out. His heart is moved by your words and actions. He quickly shuts it up.
'We should sleep,' he says after a minute. 'Ivan won't wake us up later just because we didn't get enough sleep.'
'No, he won't,' you agree, a bit amused, with a sad smile. Aleksander lays down with his back turned to both of you. Your face falls. Sadness flashes in your eyes.
'[Y/N]-' Ivan starts when he's sure exhausted General is asleep.
'Don't,' you interrupt him. 'I don't need your pity.'
'You know it's not a pity,' the Heartrender says softly.
'Just… please,' you say, blinking away the tears. 'I can't allow myself to be weak today.'
'You're anything but weak,' Ivan says after a moment. You don't say anything to that. You lay down, your back to Kirigan, and close your eyes. Almost immediately you fall asleep.
An hour later Aleksander is woken up by a scream. He sits up straight, thinking they're under attack. He looks around with a wide look in his eyes, calling for his creatures.
'Wake up!' he hears Ivan's voice. He turns his head and sees the Heartrender shaking you. You're trashing around on the ground, tears streaming down your face, whimpering.
'[Y/N],' Aleksander says and throws himself at you. '[Y/N], wake up. It's just a bad dream. You're safe. You-'
He's interrupted by a fist meeting his nose. He falls backward, bewildered. He touches his bleeding nose with wide eyes.
But at least you're awake. You sit up with wide eyes, breathing heavily.
'W-what?' you ask, looking around in confusion.
'You had a bad dream,' Ivan explains, caressing your back soothingly. 'We had to wake you up.'
'O-oh… thank you,' you say. Your eyes fall on Kirigan. They go wide when you see what you've done to him.
'Saints… General, I'm so sorry,' you say and attempt to reach out to him. Ivan stops you and goes himself to fix Kirigan. The wounded grunts. The Heartrender is not a Healer after all.
'Aleksander,' General says. Ivan freezes. You frown. Kirigan looks at you.
'I don't think there's any point to sticking to formalities,' he says. 'Not in your case.'
'And what makes me so special?' you ask quietly.
'You're my best friend,' Aleksander answers. 'My most trusted Grisha.'
'Now you're hurting Ivan's feelings,' you say.
'I'm alright,' the Heartrender quickly says. You glare at him.
'Ivan is close behind you,' Kirigan says and looks at you. 'So, from now on, even when we're not alone, you address me by my name. If anyone's earned that right, it's you. Understood?'
'Alright,' you concede and look at him with guilt. 'I am still sorry for your nose.'
'It's fine,' Kirigan says and pauses. 'But tell me… what did you dream about?'
Your eyes darken. You dreamt about you not getting to him in time. You saw him being taken away. Dying. You shiver.
'Volcras,' that's all you say. Aleksander nods.
'I imagine almost dying by their claws is nightmare triggering,' he says.
'Yes,' you say and look at Ivan. 'I'm not going to be able to fall asleep for some time. Go get some rest.'
'Forgive me, but I'm too tired to protest,' Ivan says and goes to lay down.
'Are you going to be okay?' Aleksander asks softly.
'Sleep,' you say. 'I won't let you when it's your turn, just because you didn't get enough sleep.'
Kirigan cracks a smile and lays down. He's exhausted, too. Soon both men are asleep. You hug yourself, as you sit in the place Ivan's been not long ago.
You think about your future. It's going to be so much different than you life until now. You're going to fight, you know it. Probably with people you were living with. Alina. Zoya. Maybe Fedyor, David, Genya… This whole country is going to be now against you.
But it's alright. They haven't shown you much kindness before. Only Aleksander did. Ivan in some way, too. So, if someone's going to hurt them, especially Kirigan… you're going to make them bleed on the inside. Every one of them.
A/N: Thank you for reading! Let me know your thoughts! Reblog, like and comment if you could.
This can also be found on Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52696933/chapters/134069857
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brinxxxx · 9 months
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A Bang Chan FF (content warning 18+!!) (smut)
Whipped for you:
Chapter 4: Little Sub
Jesus Christ that was a very close call. What the fuck was I thinking! The man's soon to be married and I'm letting myself slip into a delulu spell. God no. I need to stay focus. I need to plan ahead and....oh god. I need to see him again tonight! God I hope his fiancé isn't pissed.
I go back to my little desk and finish the work I was wanting to but. But every 10 minutes I kept getting message alerts from Mr Bang. Some saying " we have a meeting in 3 hours. Here is the details."
To " ;) see you 2nite :p"
I swear he's a child. I ignore them but every message was giving me flashbacks to his office. The tight bulge in his trousers, the growls and moans, call himself daddy. The whole thing was insane and enchanting. I didn't want it to end but I'm glad it did. Reality is he isn't mine to play with like that it's not fair on him or his soon to be wife. What was I thinking.
Time skiiiip to 3 hours later.
I was about to get ready to go home until I forgot Mr Bang wanted to have a meeting! Oh shit. I run down to corridor and knock lightly at his door. "Come in miss Y/N"
I opened the door thinking other staff would be there but no. Alas. It's just me and him. Again. I had sudden flash backs of our encounter today and I subconsciously squeeze my thighs together. Fuck.
He looks at me up and down "are you going to take a seat or are we standing?"
I bow and sit down. "How can I help Mr Bang?"
"Miss Y/N I've told you. Call me chan. It's just me and you. Relax. You're not in trouble. I just wanted to give you the plan for tonight's dinner. That's all."
I nod and keep quiet trying to forget the images and sounds going around in my head with my legs tightly clutched shut. Trying to suppress the sensation for now. "So I'll pick you up at 8 as agreed we will get to the restaurant with the other boss's including JYP himself is joining us. There's a karaoke bar as well we are attending to so now ducked ie spect you singing and dancing with us. Let your hair down and relax. I've given you the day off tomorrow so let loose. Got that?"
"Yes mr Bang..."
I wanted to test the waters see what he would do if I didn't call him Chan.
"Babygirl. Stop disobeying me. That's not how this works. Now go home and I'll seeyou at 8"
"Yes Mr Bang...see you later"
"You'll be punished if you keep this up miss Y/N!"
I ran out the door as quickly as possible. I got in my car drove off and before I knew it was home. Thank the lord. I run upstairs, undress and run a bath. In the meantime I allow those images flash through my mind, his moans and growling loud and clear. I decided as it's safe in my own home to release the tension that was built up all day.
I grab my vibrator and go to town with it. Get it out as much as I can before seeing him again. I need to contains my urges and fantasies. This is the best way to cope. As I was in the middle of a heated mess my phone goes. I ignore it as it was my work phone. I'm off duty if they need me badly they can call on my own phone.
They did. It was Mr Bang. I take this opportunity to listen to him as a use to get my high.
"H-Hello Mr Bang...?"
"Oh Miss Y/N. When are you eve going to Learn haha. It's Chan. I was just calling to *hears vibrating noises and a slight whimper.*
Miss Y/N am I interrupting something? Are you okay?"
"Oh y-yes. I'm okay. Just watching...TV"
*bath running water echoing in the phone*
"Continue sir"
"Oh, uh...yes erm im calling to ask why you left your belongings in the office? Didn't you need them to go home?" *vibrating noises continue along with small whinpers*
"Oh-h, Sh-shit. I didn't realise I left my bag. Just bring it to the dinner I'll g-geeeet it there. See you at 8!"
I hang up. That was a close call. I stop what I'm doing and gather my things for the bath. I couldn't concentrate to reach mt high but a bath will help with that. As I'm about to enter the bath my door goes. I run down stairs with a towel wrapped round me and open the door to see...Mr Bang.
"Oh! Miss y/n! I was interrupting something. Clearly. Look here's your bag I pass your place on my way home so it just made sense to do it now than later."
God he's so hot. I feel a little vulnerable the fact I only have a towel wrapped around me whil he looks like he could rip it off me just makes me weak ass.
I lightly bite my lip and look him up and down. Again testing the waters. Just for my own fun. Not for him. "It's okay Channie. I'm just going for a long hot bath. Just to relax before a very sociable evening. Thank you for the bag. I would
Offer you to come in but think that would be a step too far in the wrong direction"
He steps closer to me. He lifts my chin up "what's wrong with me coming...in.? May I?"
I'm so whipped for him fuck sake. I let him in and get him seated in the couch. "Let me get dressed and we can chat okay...?"
"Orrrr you can just sit in chat. I don't  miss Y/N"
"Sir. Not being funny but I'm but ass naked. That isn't very professional of me. And just call me y/n if I'm calling you chan"
He leans closer to me. His eyes full of mischief yet they are soft. "We aren't professional babygirl. Don't think I didn't hear you on the phone call or In my office today...you're not very subtle now are you?"
Shit. I look down embarrassed to even look at him now. What do I do. "I'm not sure what you're talking about..."
"I know you do, don't lie to me. I see the way you look at me. Trust me."
He tilts my head up and softly kisses me. He let out a little whimper signalling he wanted me to kiss him back. I can't do that right? He's engaged.
My impulses take over and I grab him closer kissing him back a little rougher than he intended. I lie back on the couch with him ontop of me. He breaks out kiss "god your so beautiful Y/N. You've got me trapped"
"Channie. I need to get ready"
"I can help you if you want..."
*Chan's phone rings*
"Hey babe are you still at work?"
I kept quiet. Sunshade of guilt started to form in my pit. I can't do this with him. It's selfish. He's in a relationship and I'm n the middle
Of it all. "I'll see you soon okay bye bye"
"Chan you should go. I'll see you tonight. I think it's best we don't do this. You have a fiancé. That ain't fair on her. Please leave. I'll see you at 8."
"It's okay Y/N it's not what you th..."
"Mr Bang. Please."
He got up and left. I don't know why I just started balling my eyes out. I think back and decide if I can't have him the maybe I can show him what's he'll be missing. Can still have fun and tease him whilst I can...right?
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cresent2003 · 7 months
Pavi Largo x Fem! Reader
18+ content
Marina's legs burned as she ran around the streets like a spooked rat.
She didn't have the money for her payments.
Not after her mother hacked her account and took everything she had.
She paid everything until now and that was easy to notice on the vulture's end and now she was running from them.
The repo man was dead but that didn't stop the fear.
It was worse now.
The Gene Co guards did the chasing for the family that sat in golden chairs watching the world scream in fear when they slip up.
She ran to a wall before collapsing as her heart raced in her ears.
It was all too much as she tried to stand back up.
She couldn't.
They were getting close and she couldn't move.
Their heavy footsteps got closer as Marina prepared for what was going to happen to her.
Suddenly someone grabbed her causing her to scream.
"We got her sir" A deep female voice filled her ears as a much stronger person held her in place.
One of them suddenly injected her with a mysterious drug causing her to hiss before falling limp in their arms.
She couldn't think or see as everything around her slowly faded away.
Time passed as Marina groaned before trying to sit up only to be tossed back by chains.
She tried to look around but everything was black.
Tears rolled down her face as she started to feel to chill of the room around her.
She didn't know where she was but knew she wasn't in the streets anymore.
She suddenly heard voices.
All were male but one was more high-pitched and silly-sounding.
The only one she could make out was the deepest.
It was Rotti.
She knew that voice from his many public appearances.
Suddenly the bag covering her head was torn off.
There they all were.
Rotti and his two sons.
They looked at her with three different threatening eyes.
Rotti's was calm, the brown-haired one was angry and the one wearing a mask from one of their other victims was calm but lustful.
"You were so good with your payments Marina.
I thought I would never see you here" Rotti said before taking the cloth from her mouth.
"She took everything I had," Marina said.
"Who?" Rotti asked.
"You know who.
If you know so much about me you know her too" Marina said as her voice trembled.
She didn't want to die.
"Your mother I presume.
Well, that doesn't excuse your missing payments.
Your beauty belongs to me darling" Rotti said as he lifted her chin.
"Please I don't want to die," she said.
"That's too bad" the brown-haired one growled into her ear causing her to flinch.
"Luigi," Rotti said.
"There has to be something I can do.
This isn't my fault" she said.
"I could think of a few," the one wearing a mask said.
He grasped her shoulder causing her to hiss.
"And what is that?" Rotti asked.
Luigi laughed.
"Leave her to me, father.
I'll make her pay each missing payment" he said.
His voice was crooked and needy.
All of a sudden she realised she was sitting there only in her bra and panties.
He snaked a hand down her body giving her chills.
"Fine," Rotti said.
Marina looked at him with wide eyes.
"What?" she asked as her voice broke.
Why did he give in that easily?
"Take my mercy and don't question it," he said before he and Luigi left the room.
"I remember you.
Your mother used to bring you here.
I never should have let you leave" he said before taking off her bra causing her to tremble.
Right away she knew what his plan was.
"So beautiful darling" he said before squeezing her breasts.
"So soft," he said before kissing down her neck causing her to feel the chill from the mask's cold lips.
She tried not to give in but failed the minute his sharp teeth dug into her neck.
She moaned as she moved her head to give him more access to her neck.
"That's it," he said before licking the blood running from the fresh bite.
"You're Pavi's.
All mine forever" he said before standing in front of her revealing the clear tent in his trousers.
He bent down before kissing her.
The sensation was strange as it was his lips she was kissing.
He then walked away before coming back with bolt cutters.
"I'll make sure you walk out of here limping darling but only if you play nice.
I don't want to have to wear your pretty face because of a little mistake" he said.
"I won't get out of the building alive if I try something," she said.
"Such a smart girl," he said before cutting the chairs and holding her in place.
She rubbed her wrists before looking up at him as he stood close to her but not close enough to scare her.
He wanted her to want this as much as he did and he didn't want to force her to get to that point.
"So pretty," he said before unbuttoning and unzipping his trousers.
He pulled his hand cock out before pulling her close.
"Suck it, Amore," he said as he caressed her face softly.
She looked into his eyes before taking a deep breath.
She placed a kiss on his tip before wrapping her hands around him.
One was at the case of his cock as the other was squeezing his thigh feeling the fabric of his trousers.
She took him into her mouth as she breathed through her nose to stop herself from gagging.
She created a rhythm as she used her tongue to send him to the heavens.
He hissed before grasping her hair.
"So good Amore," he said.
She closed her eyes as she tried to ignore the arousal soaking her panties.
It had been a while since she had done anything like this and the way he spoke to her was incredible.
She sped up slightly as he let out a groan that sent electricity down to her cunt.
She was tempted to touch herself but didn't know what would happen if she did something he didn't tell her to do.
Suddenly he began to throb on her tongue causing her to realise that he was going to cum.
He was so close.
She sped up as the noises that he made became a melody.
She then gagged softly as his cum shot down her throat.
She pulled back slowly before leaving her lips on his tip before licking his slit.
"Lay back Amore.
Relax" he said.
She looks at him before lying on the cold floor.
He sat beside her before putting one of her legs over his shoulder spreading her.
"You must be so tired after all that running darling.
Let me help you relax" he said before ripping her panties.
He then put two fingers inside her causing her to let out a pornographic moan.
"Oh god," she said as she tossed her head to the side.
"Yes, princess.
Call me god" he said before curling his fingers.
She arched her back as he hit her G-spot.
He then leaned down before licking and sucking her clit.
"You're tight Amore.
So tempting.
I might not be able to hold back from taking you properly" he said.
"Then do it.
Please" she said.
"Don't tempt me Amore" he said.
"I need more.
Please" she said before throwing her head back as he sped up.
Please" she moaned out as her body begged to be filled.
He knew each spot that made her a babbling mess as he was losing self-control from that.
"You want me.
My cock?" he asked.
"Yes," she said.
"Who would I be to refuse you?" he said before moving.
He spread her legs before running his tip around her entrance.
She waited patiently before moaning loudly from the pain and pleasure as he pushed himself in.
"So warm.
You were made just for me Marina.
No one will satisfy you as I do and the same for me" he said before placing his arms beside her head as tears ran down her face.
He rolled his hips as she clung to him.
He felt euphoric as he thrusted in a pattern he had perfected after years of exploring women.
She could feel each vein as her walls moulded around him.
"So warm and perfect.
I never want to leave this pretty cunt Amore" he said.
"Faster" she said as he loved movements started to lose electricity.
He smirked behind his mask before speeding up.
She threw her head back as she squeezed her eyes shut.
Her abdomen warmed up and tingled as she got closer to her release.
"Close already.
I guess I am skilled" he said before laughing.
She looked into his eyes before pushing him into a straddled position.
She sat on him before bouncing her she wrapped her arms around him.
Her thighs were burning as she moved into the crook of his neck as he trusted into her knowing she was starting to lose rhythm.
Death surrounded them but all she cared about was him.
She threw her head back as sweat ran down her chest.
She then looked at him before letting out loud moans.
"Pavi" she moved out his name as he watched her in awe as his release got closer.
"Me too Amore.
Let's cum together yeah" he said.
She nodded.
He groaned before slamming into her; kissing her cervix with each powerful thrust.
She then screamed out as her orgasm rushed through her.
He continued his now sloppy movements before shooting his cum inside her.
They then sat there out of breath as his cum ran out of her onto his trousers staining the fabric.
"All you're payments have been completed little mouse.
Try to miss the next one so I can come for you personally" he said.
"I have no more money," she said as she placed her head on her shoulder.
"I can take care of that.
Remember me and come back here when you need me Amore" he said before kissing her shoulder as he held her.
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itjazzbicch · 1 year
What's His
Pairing:  Kensei Muguruma x Fem Lieutenant! Reader 
First time writing for Kensei so I hope I did well! 
Summary: Taking charge for the day, the reader hopes to end her days of duties with some self care, only to be interrupted and when Kensei comes to see her, she has more business to attend to...
Warnings:  SMUT! (18+ ONLY! MINORS & AGELESS BLOGS DNI! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!)  (Swearing, spanking, rough sex, unprotected sex)
Word Count: 960 
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"Come on! You mean to tell me that's all you kids got?!"
There could never be too much fun while training, leading for the day while Kensei was attending a meeting and handling some business, the others not fond of my ways as Shuhei was on the ground, panting and complaining:
"Give us a break! We've been at it forever!"
"Forever?!" Scoffing with my arms crossed, I turned my nose and cut them some slack, "I wouldn't say forever, but fine! We can call it a day for combat training."
"Thought I'd never see the day," Shuhei whispered under his breath, not thinking that I heard, till my voice had him running out the door along with everyone else:
"It's not too late to change my mind!"
I don't think I've ever seen him move so quickly, managing to get a laugh out of that, then heading back to my room in the barracks. Stepping inside and stripping, ready for the shower, holding a towel to my chest as my door suddenly whipped open:
"LIEUTENANT L/N-" One of the squad members had the nerve! Just standing there frozen, "I am so sorry!"
"What the hell do you want?!" I groaned, staring into his soul with hellfire eyes filled with annoyance.
"Captain Muguruma-"
"No need, I'm right here," Kensei flash stepped, blocking me from his vision, an intense glare in his eyes too, commanding, "Now, beat it."
"Y-Yes sir!" Kensei had the poor guy stuttering, earning my attention too as he spoke no words, only staring at me, eyebrow beginning to twitch.
I could always read him and have a general idea of what was going through his head, noticing that he seemed to be upset with me somehow.
"Gosh, can't even take a shower," I mumbled to myself, sighing and speaking up to him, "Alright. What did I do to piss you off now?"
"I actually came to make sure you kept up with training while I was gone," Now, he was staring down at the towel that only covered my breast down to the middle of my thighs, barely covering me.
"Then why the look?" I groaned, getting a new set of clothes, explaining, "Everything went just fine! I swear, sometimes you are never satisfied with anything."
"A squad member comes over and you just stand there like that?"
"Hehe," His attitude made sense now, laughing at him more, even being a bit sassy, "I'm wearing a towel!"
"One that barely covers you," He groaned, a swift spank having me on my toes, sucking in a breath at the sting, how his hand squeezed so much of me, growling in my ear, "And what are you laughing at?"
Biting my lip while breathing slowly, the next thing I knew, my breasts were smushed against the wall. He was in the zone already, taking the time to listen to my excuse:
"What does it matter? He wasn't man enough to take a peek anyhow."
"What does it matter?" He mocked, irritation overtaking him and adding another slap on my ass, having my jaw drop against the wall with a gasp, his hands cupping my ass and spreading, "It matters because you're mine."
The way he could just manhandle me, the tone of his voice, the strength that I could feel just by the way he grabbed me; The wetness between my thighs showed how much he turned me on, feeling the tip of his cock nudging my entrance, using his tight grip to pull me back onto him till my ass met his hips.
"You understand?" He'd never kissed me so possessively, hips ramming into me to make sure the tip of his cock smacked into my stomach every time, aching from the stretch, meanwhile, I only grew tighter around his girth.
"Don't be so serious, baby-" I choked out, finding the strength to pick myself up a little, leaning my head back to return his kiss with a hot tongue, "You know that I only need y-yo-OH!"
Our lips popped and my cheek was sweating against the wall, mouth hanging from the raw strength sent through his hips that rippled through my body, kneels buckling at the sting of his slicked thighs smacking into my ass, his tip kissing every sensitive bump along my walls up to my cervix.
"Kensei-i!" My eyes found the back of my head, hands needing some kind of contract and so, tracing the wall, whining while fighting the gravity trying to make me crumble down, just to feel every muscle tense up, Kensei taking my hands and pinning every part of me to the wall, practically fucking me into it.
"Practice wear you down, huh?" He knew that my orgasm was close, of course needing even more out of me before I reached that point.
Not that I didn't want to play this game, but my body just couldn't handle much more.
"You know I'm about to cum!" Right as I finished my sentence my back snapped into its arch, working his hips so that he still hit the sweet spots, sending me into a euphoric bliss, surely needing a shower after the mess I made between the both of us.
"Fuck," He didn't even stop, but let up some, hips creating a slow burn, chasing the last bit of distance for his own pleasure.
"Good thing I didn't get in the shower before you showed up," I joked, head fuzzy and slowly regaining proper feeling in my legs.
"I need one now, thanks to you," He was really trying to sound angry. That only made me laugh, leaning to grab another towel, throwing it over his shoulder with a peck on the cheek:
"Oh, shut it and get in the shower with me." 
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tomboyjessie13 · 15 days
DIO seduces Medea Part 1 or 2
A remake of this post I made on Feb 5 2023: Link And a prequel to this: Link
Coffin Room, DIO's Mansion Sunset, June 1988
DIO: *Asleep in his coffin* Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......
Nukesaku: *Opening the coffin's lid* Lord DIOOOOO....It's time to get up nooooow.
DIO: Zzzz... *Waking up* ....Wrrrrrrry...
Nukesaku: *Pushes lid off* Good evening, my Lord.
DIO: *Rubbing eye* Mmmm.... Good... evening...
Nukesaku: Your "meal" is residing in the third-floor bedroom, my Lord. She's very eager to meet you.
DIO: Of course... *Stretches* Mmmmm!... *Leaves in the coffin* ....Hm... The air feels off... did something happened while I was asleep?
Nukesaku: *Panicking* Oh that...W-w-well it's a long s-story, but Medea sh-sh-shirked her work today.
DIO: *Raising eyebrow* Oh? And why is that?
Nukesaku: I don't know, it all happened on the first floor during the day so I couldn't hear! But D'Arby was there when it happened though.
DIO: Hm, then I guess I'm going to have to ask him.
D'Arby's game room(in the form of a 1960's Livingroom) A few minutes later
T. D'Arby and Vanilla Ice: *Sprawled on the couch, exhausted from overworking, they then hear someone enter the room*
T. D'Arby: Pleeeese, no more....
DIO: Relax, D'Arby, I'm not here to give orders.
T. D'Arby and Vanilla Ice: *Perks up* O3O!?!?!? *Gets on their knees*
T. D'Arby: Evening, Lord DIO.
Vanilla Ice: My Lord, how was your rest?
DIO: It's quite alright. *Crosses arms* So then, I've been hearing some things from the small one, and I want to know why Medea is avoiding her responsibilities today?
T. D'Arby: ......... *Points at Vanilla Ice* He started it.
Vanilla Ice: *Growls at D'Arby before hanging his head* .... Yes, My Lord... It is true, the fault is mine. I showed the SPW Documents to Medea and she wasn't pleased with the results.
T. D'Arby: *Rolling eyes* It had her ex-boyfriend on there.
DIO: *Interested* Really?
T. D'Arby: She had a meltdown when Vanilla Ice showed the documents *glares at Vanilla Ice* even though I told him NOT to *looks back to DIO* and she left us to do her chores while she hides in her room.
Vanilla Ice: She had to know sooner or later.
T. D'Arby: You did it to spite her!
Vanilla Ice: *Angry* Since when did you start caring about her?
T. D'Arby: *Angry as well* I don't, I just don't wanna do her chores!
T. D'Arby and Vanilla Ice: *Shuts up and hangs their head* ..................
DIO: *Recomposes himself* .... Alright, now where are the documents?
Kenny G: *Pops out of the crawlspace with a folder* Here you are, my Lord. *Gives it to him* I kept it safe for you.
DIO: *Reads through it* Hmm.......... *Sees Jason Lennon's profile on there* Oh?... *Reads it*............ *Smirks* Well well... This is an interesting development.
Vanilla Ice: ......My Lord?
DIO: Where's Enyaba?
T. D'Arby: She's out visiting her son; she won't be back for a few days.
DIO: *Puts folder down* Good, good, that's one less person to worry about. *Takes out his checkbook* Here you three. *Writes the money on them* Go and have fun in the city, you're all dismissed for the night. *Gives them the checks*
T. D'Arby: *Eyes sparkle* Ooooooh. *Starts floating away happily*
Kenny G: Aw sweet! *Hides in [Tenore Sax]*
Vanilla Ice: *Confused* Thank you, but why?
DIO: You all worked hard today, go enjoy yourselves.
Vanilla Ice: Y-Yes sir. *Goes away to*
Nukesaku: *Pops up* What was that for, Lord DIO?
DIO: Nothing really, I just wanted them out of the house for a while. I've found another chance of getting closer to Medea and I don't want any interference... *To himself* Maybe I'll be able to have a taste of her blood finally.
End of Part 1
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aspenmissing · 11 months
𝙴𝚟𝚎𝚗 𝚒𝚏 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝙳𝚒𝚎 (𝙿𝚝 𝟷)
Golgius holds his hand out for Elizabeth to take, only for Hawk to step in front of her, looking up at the Holy Knight.
"Hey! Not so fast. Your gonna have to go through the captain of the Order of Scraps Disposal, first!" Golgius kicks Hawk, making him bounce all over the room
"Hawk no!" Elizabeth shouts.
"Now then" Golgius grips and moves it to show Meliodas's sword. Y/N's tail lays limply over the sword as if trying to conceal it from the Holy Knight. He harshly moves her tail, which makes her growl; and grips the sword, lifting it. But Meliodas doesn't let go "Seems to come quite pointless for you to keep this sword any longer. So I shall take it with me" Golgius then grips the sword tighter as both Meliodas and Y/N lay motionless.
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---12 Years Ago---
"Come on Captain, what's the big deal?" Ban asks, sitting opposite Meliodas, while Y/N sits between the two, Meliodas having a mug in hand "Just show me your sword already"
"Why are you so interested in looking at this hunk of junk?"
"Besides, he said no" Y/N adds.
"Well, last I checked you were the captain of the eight deadly sins," Ban says "So~ Why the hell are you walking around with a sword as that" Ban stands up, walking behind Y/N and around to Meliodas, who just sips his mug "I mean did you think I wouldn't be curious about it?" Ban puts one of his hands on Meliodas's shoulder, the other on his sword "Come on~ Just let me have a little peak" Meliodas drops his empty mug, grabbing the sword before Ban could pull it out.
"Let go, Ban" Meliodas warns. Diane, who wakes due to the noise, sits up and looks at the three.
"Hey you three, you still up?" Diane questions, rubbing her eye.
"Just step away, Ban" Y/N warns, standing up and grabbing Ban's wrist, pushing the sword back down "You don't wanna make him angry"
"Make him angry?" Ban asks, looking to Y/N before back to Meliodas "Are you serious? You and I have been hanging around for a lot of years now. And in all that time, I've never seen you get mad once"
"I've known him longer, and when he's angry, it ain't pretty. So just back off" Y/N says, gripping Ban's wrist tighter, but he doesn't take notice.
"I mean it," Meliodas says.
"That reminds me, I'm also interested to know how you ended up getting called the Dragon Sin of Wrath"
"That's enough, Ban," Y/N says. Her hair covered her eyes.
"Same for you, Y/N. How did a girl like you end up being called the Wolf Sin of Death" Ban taunts the two, Y/N and Meliodas however remain unfazed and keep their hold on the sword.
"Ban?! Just what do you think you're doing to the Captain and Lieutenant?" Diane asks, now fully awake. Ban then uses both his hands to grip the sword, trying to pull it up while Meliodas keeps a hold of his word, pulling it back down. Y/N grips Ban's wrist harshly, also pushing downwards.
"If doing this means I'm gonna get to see what you like when your angry, then I wanna see it even more. No, I wanna steal it" A slashing sound echoes the cave, as blood spills onto the floor. Ban jumps back while Y/N stays where she is, her head tilted up. Blood splatters her face as Ban has blood all over his neck and face.
"We warned you, Ban," Y/N says, looking to him with cold eyes, a wound running down her lip. The wound already beginning to close, leaving behind a scar. Ban laughs, placing his hand on his wound.
"What do you know, looks like I just saw a hidden side of you, cool~"
"Sorry about that, Ban. But this sword is-"
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"Stop! What are you doing to Sir Meliodas!" Elizabeth shouts as Golgius manages to get Meliodas's sword out of his hand, his hand dropping back down.
"It's mine now. You've no use for it" However, a hand grips the sword, and said hand belongs to Meliodas. He's now stood up, facing away from the Holy Knight. Y/N, however, lays still.
"Impossible! No one can survive after that much poison!" The Doctor says.
"Too stubborn to die I see, but you will release this sword"
"Even if I die, this sword is the one thing I'll never let go," Meliodas says, his eyes covered by his hair "It's the only thing I can do. The only way I can ever atone"
"Sir Meliodas"
"Spout all the nonsense you wish," Golgius says "The Princess and your weapon will still be mine" Meliodas then turns his head, a strange marking on his forehead which makes the Holy Knight move back slightly before jumping over Y/N and out the window, running away.
"He got away," Hawk says, looking outside.
"I'm sorry, but- Is it you standing there. Sir Meliodas?" Meliodas turns around, his eyes returning normal and his normal smile upon his face.
"It's me. Hey Elizabeth, hey Porky" He looks over to Y/N, smiling "Get up you lazy dog" Y/N shuffles around, rolling around on the bed; stretching. She gets up and pads over to Meliodas, sitting down beside him.
"Oh, Thank Goodness, your back to your old selves again" He pats her on the head before holding his hand out to her snout. She opens her mouth and out drops the pill that the Doctor had given her. He pats her head, smiling.
'Even when your unconscious, you still can smell Poison from a mile away' He thinks, crushing the pill in his hand.
"Except that he called me Porky for some reason?" Hawk says. Y/N poofs into her human form, stretching her arms, a fresh bandage around her wounded arm. Her steel protector is still on her non-injured arm.
"I mean, I could go for some pork right now," Y/N says, smirking at Hawk. He begins trembling in fear.
"Hey? Where are we right now?" Meliodas asks, looking around.
"The town of Dalmally, which is right by Baste Prison"
"Who was that weirdo?" Y/N asks.
"A Holy knight who said his name was Gorgeous. From the looks of things, it's pretty clear that he's after Elizabeth and that broken sword of yours" Hawk says from the windowsill "That kwack over there was working with him to" They look to where the Doctor was, only to see a wide-open door.
"He was?" Elizabeth asks, seeing no Doctor.
"He high tailed it, come on!" Hawk says, about to run out the door.
"Wait!" Elizabeth shouts, gripping Hawk's ear, stopping him "Sir Meliodas and Lady Y/N's injuries haven't healed yet!"
"Elizabeth, that hurts" Hawk whines. Meliodas begins unwrapping his shoulder to reveal a large scar over his shoulder. Y/N however keeps her's on, blood speckling her bandages.
"Looks okay, now," Meliodas says.
"I-It can't be" Elizabeth stutters, before placing her hand over the scar "No way"
"What's with you?" Meliodas asks "Your being real aggressive today, you know that?" Elizabeth jumps back, realising what she was doing.
"I-I'm sorry, that wasn't my intention!" Elizabeth stutters, blushing.
"It's not like I mind you feeling me up, you can touch me all you want," Meliodas says, hands-on hip. Y/N smacks his head.
"Stop. Just for 5 minutes. Stop" She says with an irk mark.
"That's not what I was doing," Elizabeth says flustered.
"Whatever, just get dressed already," Hawk says.
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Golgius walks through the abandoned and destroyed town.
"I narrowly escaped there. So that was Meliodas, the Dragon Sin. And that mutt must have been Y/N, the Wolf Sin. I chose to make my exit and precisely the right time then" He says, hand in the chin in a thinking position. He chuckles "Fascinating indeed"
"Gotcha," A voice says. Golgius turns to see Meliodas, Y/N, Elizabeth and Hawk. Meliodas has his hand on his sword, which is leaning on his shoulder. Meliodas now has his top half covered.
"Heya, weirdo" Y/N says.
"Impossible! How did they find me?!"
"My nose can sniff out slop from a mile away, so you better now underestimate it," Hawk says.
"Is that honestly true?" Elizabeth asks.
"Yup, disgusting huh"
"Try 3 miles," Y/N says, shivering "The things I smell"
"We're gonna have you give up the name of the person who ordered you to swipe my sword and the princess," Meliodas says.
"Otherwise, we'll have to beat you black and blue" Y/N adds, cracking her knuckles.
"Of course! I surrender" Golgius says, placing his hands up "To be honest, I'm very much a coward by nature. Combat isn't to my liking. Particularly when my adversaries are the Captain and Second in Command on the Eight Deadly Sins" Meliodas suddenly deflects two blades with his sword, while Y/N moves her head slightly to the left, missing yet another two blades "I release those blades when I raise my hands. You were able to see me do it?"
"Our eyes can spot panties and booze from a mile away, so you better not underestimate them," Meliodas says.
"Y-Your kidding, right?" Elizabeth asks, asking more about the panties rather than the booze.
"Of course, he is," Y/N says.
"There you are, Sir Golgius," A voice says. They turn to see the doctor that had "helped" Y/N and Meliodas "I've been looking for you"
"Hey, it's that quick!" Hawk says.
"I know I wasn't able to end the boy and his dog's life alright. But I still poisoned them as I was told!"
"Not me" Y/N mutters.
"But I did what I was told. A deals a deal. Please return my daughter as promised" They hear a wooshing sound from behind and turn to see Golgius gone.
"He's gone!" Meliodas says.
"Whoah, where'd he go?" Hawk asks.
"You need to stay close to us, Elizabeth," Y/N says.
"And come to think of it, when that guy first showed up in your room it was from out of nowhere too" Hawk explains.
"No need to shout, I shall reunite you with your daughter," Golgius says. The doctor turns.
"Thank you, sir. She means everything to me" Both Meliodas and Y/N sudden turn, feeling something.
"Doctor! Get away from there!" Meliodas shouts.
"I shall send her to join you in the afterlife," Golgius says, appearing behind the doctor. The doctor is suddenly stabbed from the back right through and blood squirts out. Elizabeth gasps, covering her mouth.
"He got him bad" Hawk says. The doctor falls to his knees before onto his stomach, blood seeping out and spreading.
"We can't have you ruining the holy knight's good name by revealing that we ordered you to poison a boy and his mutt, now can we?" Golgius asks before disappearing again.
"No!" Elizabeth shouts, running to the Doctor.
"Elizabeth, wait!" Y/N shouts.
"Hey, just forget about that guy" Hawk shouts. Elizabeth gets to the doctor and pushes him onto his side.
"Dr Dana, hold on" She cradles him.
"It isn't safe here," Meliodas says "We don't know when or where that guy's gonna show up next"
"We can't just stand here and watch this man die" Golgius then appears next to Elizabeth, his 3 pointed sword raised.
"I have you now!" Golgius brings the sword down, only for Meliodas's sword to stop it. Y/N then jumps next to Meliodas and punches Golgius away from them.
"He vanished again! Is this guy teleporting or what?!" Hawk says, running around Meliodas and Y/N. Golgius chuckles.
"Indeed, what a clever pig you are," Golgius says, no source of noise "Despite your strength, it is no match to my powers of teleportation" Golgius then appears behind the two and Y/N uses her arm, with the steel protector, and pushes against Golgius sword. Golgius tries to attack from behind Elizabeth before Y/N once again deflects it with her protector. Meliodas then grabs Elizabeth's wrist.
"Let's get out of here!" Meliodas says, pulling Elizabeth away from the Doctor. They begin running before Golgius appears behind Elizbeth and strikes before Y/N picks Elizabeth and Meliodas up, wrapping her arms around their waists, and dodging his constant attacks.
"Damn it, he's leaving behind a metallic scent trail, but now I don't have enough time to track it with him attacking cause at the same time!" Hawk says, running behind them.
"A metallic scent trail?" Meliodas says. Golgius strikes his sword, barely missing Y/N's head before Meliodas uses his sword to deflect it, still being carried by Y/N, and Y/N kicks him away from them. Golgius chuckles.
"No matter where you hide, I will always find you," He says. Later, the three-run into a destroyed house, Meliodas and Elizabeth on their own feet.
"What exactly are we doing hiding in this run-down building?" Hawk asks as Elizabeth, Y/N and Meliodas walk up the stairs.
"Think it through, do you want to get the townspeople caught up in this?" Meliodas says. Y/N walks over a floorboard, making it creak. She looks down at it before sharing a similar look with Meliodas.
"Well, I guess you have a point there," Hawk says.
"Why don't we just try staying here and see if we can wait him out," Y/N says.
"I'm surprised this place is still standing," Hawk says as Elizabeth falls to her knees "man it's musty" Meliodas swings his sword "What are you doing there?"
"A little spell to keep him from coming inside"
"A little spell" my pork butt. Since when have you been able to use magic?"
"Well, how do you know he can't?" Y/N says, standing on the other side of Hawk "I mean, would you believe me if I said I could"
"Well, people call you an old hag so I won't be surprised if you were secretly a witch" An irk mark appears on Y/N's head.
"Watch it porky, or you're my next meal!" Y/N says while Meliodas shakes his head, amused.
"Is it safe here though?" Hawk asks "We're stuck on the top floor of a cramped, dump of a building. There's nowhere to run here. At least close the door if your tryin' to hide"
"Doors don't have much effect on someone who teleports," Meliodas says "And you never know, he could just pop up between us out of the blue"
"Don't say that?" Hawks says, his voice squeaky and scared.
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m-twst-ocs · 11 months
🎃  ─  turn into a talking pumpkin - Hiei / Liam and Clover - Hiei Meant to Hit Ilya as she was Asking too many Questions it was a misfire
"Yes, but what else can oni do?"
"Ask Shu. You're irritating me."
"Mr. Hiei!"
Ilya rushed after Hiei, jumping on him, making him growl and try to pull him off. Two students passed them, Clover and Liam.
"Oh great, Ilya's bothering someone again..." Clover sighed and went over to pull her off. "Ilya-"
She was suddenly shoved off and she collided into Clover's chest. He looked up and saw Hiei's eyes glowing red and he held out his pen.
"I said you're irritating me!"
A sudden blast of magic was shot at them and Clover flew back, landing on the ground with a hollow thud. Liam rushed over to him and crouched down, looking at his body. But something was... off. His pants, shoes, and socks were limp and there was a lump under his shirt.
"Ugh... what the fuck happened..."
Liam slowly reached under shirt and pulled out a pumpkin. He stared at it for a moment, and it seemed to look up at him.
"Liam... why are you looking at me like that. And how are you holding me?"
"Prefect?!" Ilya ran over to them and gasped when she saw what Liam was holding. Hiei hesitantly walked over and cringed at the sight.
"What? What happened to me?"
Liam cleared his throat and sighed. "Ah... you're a pumpkin."
Clover was silent for a few seconds before saying, "It's always some new shit, isn't it? Isn't it?! Change me back, now!"
Hiei rubbed the back of his head. "I... don't know how."
Liam shrugged. "All I can do really is my signature spell and a few basic spells. I was taught with a knife, not a wand."
Ilya chimed in, "I'm from the same place you are, Clover, so we're both on the same power level, kinda."
Clover was silent again. He slowly took in a deep breath and he screamed loudly, making the other three lean away from him. Liam held him up.
"You think we can just drop him off at Heartslabyul and find our answer in the library or with Crewel or something?"
"Don't you-"
"Great idea, Liam! To Heartsl- oh no you don't!"
Ilya jumped and grabbed Hiei's leg as he was attempting to walk away.
"Hey- get off me-"
"It's your damn fault I'm stupid-ass fucking pumpkin! Help me too, you asshat!"
Hiei looked at the pumpkin before sighing. "Yeah... okay."
"Alright! To Heartslabyul!"
They made their way over to Heartslabyul house and soon found Ace, Deuce, and Trey talking with each other.
"Ah, hey, you three." Trey greeted. "It's rare to see you three together. What's the pumpkin for?"
"Fucking Hiei turned me into a goddamn pumpkin!"
They then turned to the pumpkin and Ace began laughing timidly.
"Uh... huh... did you all make the pumpkin talk... is Clover playin' a joke or something...?"
"Ace Trappola. Am. I. A. Joke. Player."
"No, sir."
"Okay then. Then... AM I PLAYING A JOKE?!"
"No, sir!"
Liam tossed the pumpkin at Deuce. "We're going to the library for help. Watch over him and make sure he doesn't end up stabbed."
They walked away, leaving the three confused and Deuce looked down at the pumpkin.
"My boyfriend is a pumpkin..."
"Damn it all! Not a single answer!" Ilya slammed her book on the table.
Liam sighed and pushed his book aside. "Yeah, mine didn't have any answers. Hiei?"
"Nope." He dropped the book on the desk.
"Hey, what do you three think 'quiet' means?"
They looked up and saw Simon standing there, glaring down at them.
"Oh, Simon!" Ilya stood up. "Can we have your help?"
"With what...?"
"Hey, we don't need his help. He'll just make you repay him."
"I want his help. I don't care if he'll make me repay him!"
Simon looked between the three. "On second thought, no way." He began to walk away before Ilya grabbed his wrist. "What the hell-"
"I know your relationship with Mr. Crewel!"
He paused. "...He's my adoptive dad, so what?"
Ilya swore before grabbing his other wrist. "Listen, we need your help! Please!"
He rolled his eyes. "Fine. What."
Hiei walked over to him. "How do you change a person back from a pumpkin?"
Simon stared at him. "...Perhaps it would be easier if you just showed-"
"I found a spell." Liam walked over to them. "We don't need his help. Let's go."
"Oh! Nice Liam!"
"Yeah, nice job."
They walked to find the reception desk, leaving Simon there. He scoffed and walked to where he was going, cursing under his breath.
"We found a spell!"
The three ran over to Ace, Deuce, and Trey, holding the book above their heads. Or at least, Liam and Ilya's head.
"Thank fuck..." Clover muttered.
Deuce set the pumpkin down and they stepped back before Hiei blasted a spell at the pumpkin. A puff of smoke blew up and there was coughing.
"Dammit... Ah... Ah!" Clover sat up. "I'm a human again!"
"Nice job!"
"Nice, Hiei."
"Thank god we got that..."
They all looked towards Clover... who wasn't wearing anything.
"I guess his clothes did fall off..."
"Did we leave them in the hall...?"
"You bastards!"
@missputotyra I meant to finish this way earlier than I did, but I did finish it!!
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the-crow-binary · 1 year
Taking place in this same AU, for context :3 (@beevean ;p)
A hiss of pain escaped Isaac's mouth. His body was covered with wounds, and all of them were like little flames, burning his skin. If it wasn't for his apprentice supporting him, we wouldn't even be able to walk.
"Damn Belmont..." he cursed under his breath. "I can't believe i've let him get to me so easily...!"
"Please don't be too hard on yourself, sir, it was a sneak attack... even I..." the words died in Benedict's throat before they could even form. He still couldn't believe, after all this time, that he had just met with his father again. And nearly died from it... again.
Putting his own feelings to the side, the young Devil Forgemaster focused instead on his mentor. He was in pretty bad shape, but nothing he wouldn't survive from. Now that they were back to the ruins, everything was going to be fine. They were safe.
"Just let me rest here." ordered Isaac, leaving his student's side to sit on a small, damaged wall. He let out a satisfied sigh, but as he raises his hand in order to summon a fairy, one suddenly appeared in a little flash of light.
"Go to the river and bring us a bucket of water, please." the young forgemaster asked to his pig devil. When did he summoned him ? Isaac wondered. But it wasn't what was bothering him the most, right now.
"Little Belmont, call your fairy back. I'll just use mine to heal."
Benedict looked back at him, a frown on his face. "But sir, you're badly hurt... you need to rest and not use your powers for the time being if you want to recover quickly."
"Are you disobeying my orders now, kitten ?" he growled.
"I... I guess I am. Please, sir, it's for your own good-"
"Do NOT pity me, little Belmont !"
It was only a matter of seconds before the Chauve-Souris appeared in Isaac's hand, and his tip threatened to cut through Benedict's throat at any moment. Even though he gasped a bit, Isaac had to admit to be a bit impress. He didn't even flinch.
"Even in this state, I can take care of myself. What do you think I have done, all of my life ?"
"Sir Isaac, I promise I don't pity you in the slightest. I, just... I want to help."
"I don't need your help."
"Of course you don't. But wouldn't it be more pleasant to have, nonetheless ?"
Isaac raised an eyebrow. "What are you saying, now ?"
A deep growl alerted Isaac of the return of Benedict's devil. He looked at it from the corner of his eyes, and, visibly, it wasn't quite happy with how he was threatening it's master's life. He noticed the only reason why it hasn't attacked him yet. Benedict's hand was raised, preventing his beast from trying anything dangerous. How cute.
"Sir... please."
Slowly, Isaac began to lower his weapon. It was never in his intention to hurt him, anyway.
"I am begging you. Let me be of use to you."
He watched, as the boy kneeled on the ground, his devil placing the bucket of water next to him. Not once have his eyes looked away from him.
"Let me tend to you..."
Isaac remained silent, feeling like his heart was in his throat. He let Benedict plunge a piece of his cape in the bucket, and barely flinches as he clean his skin and wounds with it, coupling his work with his fairy's healing powers. The young forgemaster was so overly tender with him, it reminded him too much of a certain someone. Another man, sharing the same kind of powers as them. A man he used to be so close to...
Somehow, even if his heart ached at the thought of him, Isaac could feel his shoulder relax. Benedict was right, in the end... letting him help did felt pleasant.
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casspurrjoybell-24 · 2 months
My Unwanted Mate - Chapter 15 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
Calvin Frey
My wrists were cuffed behind my back for the first time since I had been detained.
The hand on my back kept me moving throughout the halls of the Surez pack house.
The three guards surrounded me.
One in front leading the way, another keeping a hand in the center of my shoulder blades and a heavy hand on the cuffs and the third following close behind.
I wondered if this was necessary.
Did they expect me to go on a rampage?
Attack the council members and anyone else nearby?
The guard in front opened one of the large double doors before stepping aside.
The hand on my back pressed me forward.
My brother and Robby were in seats by the door.
Torin jumped up as soon as he saw me but was pulled back down into his seat by Robby.
Alpha Shiloh Surez stood in front of the long table the three council members had gathered at.
He gave me a single nod in greeting before stepping away.
"Calvin Frey, Beta of Robert Killian and pack member of Killian pack." the old wolf in the middle read off the paper in front of him, his hard eyes meeting mine once he had finished.
I guess he was the one in charge.
He was older than the other two, his hair white and his skin wrinkled.
"You're being charged with the deliberate, unlawful murder of pack Alpha, Malore Surez."
My lip twitched as I fought off the initial smirk.
"Do you have anything to say for yourself?"
I stared at the three council members.
Each of them was an Alpha but they gave off some strange aura.
Maybe that is what allowed them to be in the council.
Whatever it was made my muscles stiff and my wolf anxious.
"I..." I cleared my throat, glancing back at Torin who looked scared.
"He was abusing two Omegas."
"An Alpha has the right to treat their Omegas, however they see fit."
That did not make it any less wrong but I would not win that argument today.
Judging from the council's unfazed expressions, I know my brother and best friend have a long, hard fight in front of them.
My jaw clenched, teeth grinding.
"They are my true fated-mates."
That made them pause, all three of them looking at each other before back to me.
Nathan's words were stuck in my head.
His want for freedom through my pack.
I understand now.
With all the transfer requests from families with Omega pups and single Omegas wanting to leave their birth packs, it made sense now why there were so many.
I stupidly thought they were escaping minor prejudices, no longer wanting to be held by the hierarchy of old traditions.
I was wrong.
They were not running from being expected to clean up after packmates, they were running from abuse.
It was worse than I thought.
I was blind in my blissful ignorance.
I never left my birth pack unless it was to visit my Mom's but they treated their Omegas okay, they never treated Torin any differently.
I never knew the full extent of what others were going through.
Robby knew, he tried to tell me.
"That cannot be proven," the old wolf challenged.
He met my eyes and I realized, he was who wanted this.
He wanted me charged and sentenced for killing that piece of shit Alpha.
"Our law allows a male to claim his mate or mates, however necessary," the giant of a male spoke up for the first time.
"By our law, he had every right to kill Malore Surez."
The old wolf bared his blunt teeth.
"That cannot be proven," he repeated his words ending in a growl.
"His word is enough. This meeting is over."
I guess I had been wrong again, in thinking the old wolf, was the one in charge.
"Calvin Frey, you are free to go and as your mates, the Briar twins are permitted to return to your pack."
The guard behind me moved to unlock the cuffs from my wrists.
"Any questions?"
"No, Sir."
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