#🍪the cookie tray🍪
libertys-lovers · 2 years
Hello, hello! :D *gently places [Cool off 🍹], [Shaved ice 🍧] and [Fishies 🐠] on the counter*
I'm placing an order for Sparkling and Roguefort cookie, though the other cookies are MORE than welcome to join♡
OOOHOOHOOOOO!!! Look at YOU being willing to buy drinks for the entire bar! I think I’ll just let Sparkles and Rogue join me for this round, though. Things might get a tad bit chaotic if the whole tray joined us at once; perhaps I’ll make a part 2 to this and let the others answer!
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🍹Cool Off🍹 ~ When was the last time we’ve made each other laugh hard enough to make the other cry?:
🍇: Let’s see… I don’t really cry at the hardest I laugh, but I still tear up? That’s what they mean anyway, right? Well, I do remember when Twinkletoes and I were having our usual “compliment each other until we see who quits first” competitions. Of course, I laugh when I’m flustered, and you (Sparkles) ended up making me flustered enough to laugh myself to tears- As for Rogue… OOH!! I remember this one time during a huge party, Roguefort made themselves known with one of their cards, and of course Almond was at the party because he knew Rogue would show. Well, Almond ended up cornering Rogue, and I saw the entire thing because I followed Almond to the room. He said that there was nowhere for Rogue to go, BUT there was a window right behind them. So ROGUE, they just smirked at Almond and let themselves fALL OUT THE WINDOW. They were okay, of course, but the sheer AUDACITY to do that nearly kil-… crumbled me! I had to leave the room and laugh my head off-
🧀: Hmm, I don’t believe I’ve ever laughed hard enough to cry; I merely wasn’t baked that way. That’s not to say these two never make me laugh, however; the truth is that they make me laugh quite often! Faux Berry Cookie always makes me laugh with how expressive she is, and Sparkling Cookie can get me to laugh with a story from his job. I suppose the banter we all have together makes me laugh as well, at least a giggle. It’s why I fell in love with them, after all~
🍾: What’ve they done that’s made me cry laughing, huh? Well, I remember a time when Faux Berry Cookie was hanging out with me after closing. I decided to have some juice, seeing as no customers were going to be coming in. Anyways, Faux Berry Cookie was explaining some of her story ideas to me, but she explained them in such a weird and… I guess “out of context” way? It might’ve been the juice getting to my head, but I laughed a bit too hard at that. And then she started laughing, and then I started laughing more, and I’m sure you can imagine how that night went. With Roguefort Cookie, I remember a night when we were hanging out together. I asked them about their disguises, and since we were good enough friends at the time, they decided to show me some of them. Now, of course, most of their disguises were of cookies we knew, and they decided to start imitating the cookies. I’m pretty sure they even imitated Faux Berry Cookie at one point. The whole night was spent poking some innocent fun at everyone; it was real fun!
🍇: ?!?!?!? Now what on Earthbread we’re y’all saying about me? 🤨
🍧Shaved Ice🍧 ~ What’s something we do that the other finds oddly attractive?:
🍇: Whoo! Alright! Well, Twinkletoes, I love it when ya stumble over your words a bit! It’s just so darn cute; it adds even more charm to ya! And Rogue… I just like it when you commit crimes. You’re always really pretty when you do, though, you’re pretty all the time. Keep up the good work 😉👍
🍾: Ah- Faux Berry Cookie! Shouldn’t we be… you know… not supporting their crimes?
🧀: My my~ Those are quite the words from someone that’s helped me escape before, aren’t they~? Let’s see though… Well, Sparkling Cookie, I certainly love seeing you a bit disheveled sometimes; it just lets me tidy you up a bit~ And Faux Berry Cookie… I must admit, you are quite cute when you’re annoyed. Only when you’re light-heartedly annoyed though; I’d never wish genuine ill-intent towards you, dear. So, Sparkling Cookie, what quirks of ours are on your mind~
🍾: Ah, well… let’s see here… Well, I really like Faux Berry Cookie’s laughs. You know, those loud, unapologetic ones. It’s like you can feel the joy from them; as contagious as they are, they also make me feel relaxed. You know, it’s like a sign that I don’t have to be so formal at that time. As for you, Roguefort Cookie… I guess I like hearing you mutter things under your breath. You know, like when you’re inconvenienced by a situation and start talking to yourself a bit. It’s honestly pretty funny when you do it… and maybe a bit cute-
🐠Le Fish🐠 ~ What’s something we’ve done for each other that nobody else ever has?:
🍇: Mmmmm, well~ Rogue’s practically thrown me into this noir-drama lifestyle that, honestly, is a lot of fun!… even if it DOES get me real close to having beef with my friend’s boyfriend (shout-out to Almond Cookie). But no, for real, having our lil staged chase-downs is always so fun… sure doesn’t help that they’re flirting with me through banter half the time during it 👉👈. And Sparkles… well, he single-handedly crafted a public environment that I actively look to for comfort. I’m usually so intimidated by new places, but stepping in Sparkling’s bar for the first time just felt like home. And it wasn’t just because of the aesthetic… it was also because of how sweet and caring and cute and silly he is!!
🧀: Hmm, well Sparkling Cookie certainly provides drinks that nobody else can… but that’s such an easy answer; it certainly isn’t fun, now is it~? No, Sparkling Cookie, you’ve provided me with a glimpse at my former self. Well off and surrounded by good company, reminds me of my family before…. mmm, never mind. Anyways, I don’t mean this in a sense that I’m only using you to relive that life. I mean it in the sense that I enjoy seeing you live that life; your love for life and those around you is quite contagious, after all. I hope that made any sort of sense, though perhaps it made no sense at all~ As for you, Faux Berry Cookie, you’ve given me a sense of security. It’s not everyday that a cookie willingly lets me hide in their home, after all. But I suppose you were one of the first ones I felt I could trust… with everything. Ever since the day we met, I knew you were a genuine personality. I have yet to see that falter with you.
🍾: Well, Faux Berry Cookie’s given me this newfound purpose of sorts... but maybe that sounds a bit dramatic. See, Faux Berry Cookie’s always praising me and my work, and she always gives these new perspectives on how valuable my work is. It’s… certainly a confidence booster, haha! And Roguefort Cookie has always made me feel so spoiled. It sometimes feels like I’m out-classed by them, but I honestly enjoy that! It’s almost like all the energy I put out into the world is given back to me, by them!
Yours Truly, Sparkling Cookie | 🍇Your Host, Liberty Faux Berry Cookie! | Phantom Bleu~
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bittersweet-folder · 6 days
hiii, could you do the light forehead kisses with minghao or vernon? like really domestic and soft 🥺
Yess ofc love🌷[I'm so sorry for such a late response btw. Please read a/n in the end. Thank you♡]
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🍪 Cookies and cream
Pairing: Vernon× gn reader[they are in an established relationship].
Genre: fluff, very domestic scenario, baking with Vernon basically.
Warnings: none. Word count:739
Note: you call Vernon by his first name Hansol. Also idk why I kept that title but okay 💀 .
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"Nooo, you're supposed to coat them in flour, Hansol" you exclaimed as you saw him directly adding the blue berries in the cake batter.
"Uhh okay okay but why?" Vernon asked, nonchalantly.
"It's because of the batter. When you coat the blueberries with flour they automatically don't sink to the bottom of the baking pan." You explained while looking at him and continued "and when you add them to the batter and mix them lightly okay?"
"Yes ma'am!" he smiled. He bought extra flour in a bowl and coated the blueberries in flour. He looks very concentrated for someone who's assisting you to bake for the first time.
There wasn't really a special occasion to make Hansol some cookies and cake. In fact he loved any desserts made by you. But this time you were also going to send a batch of cookies to his family. So you asked for his help. Looking at how concentrated he is, with what you've instructed him to do made you happy. You took a glance at the clock. It was almost the time for the cookies to be done so you slid the cooking glove on to your hand and took them out of the oven. The delicious smell of chocolate and a sugary essence filled the kitchen. You set the pan on the table for the cookies to cool down. Hansol automatically left what he was doing and waddled back to you and hugged you from the back, settling his chin on your shoulder.
"Can I take some break please babe?" he murmured. His focus was still on the cookies.
"Hansol, honey I know your tricks. Just say that you want some cookies right now" you said nonchalantly as you pressed in the center of the cookies lightly. Nice and fully baked. You picked up the big ones.
"Wow, am I that obvious?" he questioned, his lips now pressed in a thin line,blinking at you as if in disbelief. You placed the big cookies on a plate.
"Yes and here's your cookies, the big ones because I knew you'd want some" you handed him the plate with a smile on your lips.
"Thank you babe" he said as he flashed his toothy smile at you.
"Mention not honey" you said.
Then you started searching for the jar in which you were supposed to store the cookies in.
"Hold on, where's the jar" you thought while going through the lower cupboards. After a little bit of searching you found it in the upper shelves. "This must be his doings" you thought as you sighed outta annoyance but then you saw two hands on either side trapping you to the kitchen counter. You turned around, the jar still in your hands and looked at Hansol. Your eyes meet his.
"I've put the blueberry batter in a different baking tray and put it in the oven, darling. The choco chip cookies were delicious" he said and smiled softly. You couldn't help but feel the blood rushing to your cheeks because of the pet name he just called you.
"Okay then what about my kisses?" you mumbled with a pout, your eyes looking down at the jar, breaking eye contact. It was silly how you wanted some kisses in the middle of all this mess in the kitchen but at the same time it still made sense why. He cradles your face with his hands, making you look at him. He can now take a good look at your blushy face. He slowly leaned in and placed his soft lips on your lips. A soft and warm kiss with a slight lingering essence of cookies on his lips. After breaking off from the kiss he pressed soft kisses on your forehead. It made your heart swell with a mushy feeling. He did take another look at your flushed face before removing his hands from your cheeks.
"Vernon quit staring like that" you whined and continued "and move aside babe, gonna store the cookies in this jar" you walked past him.
He followed you for a few steps and then said "by the way love it would be great if I can get another-" before he could finish the sentence you cut in stating "noo you're not getting any more cookies Vernon" you chuckled knowing the fact that you will end up giving him one more cookie while storing the cookies in jar.
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A/n: yes I love baking so I was like why not write about this, baking with Vernon so yeah. I did proofread once lemme know if there's any mistake though.
I was very much emotionally exhausted about some things going on rn so that's why requests are closed. ALSO THANK YOU FOR 500+ FOLLOWERS 😭😭.
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luna0713hunter · 3 months
I just found your blog rn and I immediately fell in love with your works(especially sukuna ffs).
I love the way you write sukuna and reader's relationship.
And if ur ok with it, may I request a sukuna x reader angst? Maybe where reader is a sorcerer and she got badly injured and got into a almost death situation during a fight and sukuna is smh guilty for it??
You can ignore this if u want to<3
Author's note : Hi hi ( ꈍᴗꈍ)oh my gosh im so happy to hear that!!!thank you so much darling!it makes me super happy
Mhm,i love the smell of fresh angst with happy ending in the midnight lmao. I'll gladly write it!! Hope you enjoy this,Cookie-chan!
Warnings : Sukuna Sorcerer au!,angst,injury and blood,happy ending!
You knew this would happen,and you were happy to rub it in your idiot boyfriend's face with a big "i told you so."
That is,if you make it out alive.
The curse before you lets out a loud noise, something akin to cackle,as it watches you with it's multiple eyes. You glare,but even you know it's lost all heat;with blood oozing out of each part of your body,you can barely even keep your eyes open. Your body feels weak,and all of your joints hurt like hell. Your eyes drift to where you broken phone is laying and you just hope that your help signal has gone through before it was damage for good.
"ah," you mumble as you spit a mouthful of blood on the ground below; watching as it drips down on your hands, "today sucks. Its all Ryo's fault."
Your hazy eyes turn up and you watch as the curse dances around;each one of it's disgusting eye spinning around wildly as it looks at you with glee.
The son of a bitch is having fun killing you.
"you're lucky, y'know," you giggle slightly from how slurred your words sound; the blood lose making you lightheaded, "If Ryo was here,he would've torn you to pieces. But, he's an idiot."
Because he really was; starting that morning with the message from the higher ups about your new mission, you had told Sukuna that it would end badly. You had told him more than twice that something smelled fishy;that the higher ups were out to get you. But Sukuna,had dismissed your worry,and with a small scoff had said you're paranoid. At least,now with you dead,he would be proven wrong.
You grin maniacally at the thought;serves him right.
Leaning your back against the tree,you watch with bleary eyes as the curse steps closer;you dont even care. You're too tired to fight back. So you just sit there, thinking about all the things you'll miss;your friends and family,that one bakery with those delicious coconut buns,your boyfriend Sukuna,and most of all-
"i never got the chance to hear him say i love you..."
Maybe out of everything, you'll regret not dating your boyfriend sooner.
You're so lost in your thoughts,that you dont notice the sound of the curse has been faded away. And when you hear a small shriek,and hurried footsteps running your way,you just close your eyes and drop your head. You're fully expecting the curse to rip out your heart,when gentle,but frantic hands,take hold of your bloody cheeks and raise your head slightly. With a pained groan,you open your eyes just enough to see a heap of pink,and a familiar pair of red eyes.
"yeah,yeah babe. Its me," his voice is steady,like always,but you can hear a small undertone of worry and it brings a smile to your lips.
"told ya..."
The hands on your cheeks rub at the corner of your lips to wipe away the blood.
"yeah,i know. And I'm an ass for not believing you." You feel yourself shift,and with foggy mind, realize he has lifted you up in his arms, "I'll make it up to you. Promise."
You giggle and rub your head against his chest;his scent already soothing your mind.
"can i have those sweet buns then?with hot chocolate?"
"whatever you want. First, let's get you fixed up yeah?"
You mumble your agreement and close your eyes. And when you wake up the next time,its to a tray full of your favorite sweet buns and a warm mug of hot chocolate.
Your boyfriend embraces you tightly,and kisses your forehead.
"i love you."
And maybe getting almost killed,was worth it after all.
P.S : I love coconut buns and im currently craving some so i had to add them lmao.
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sweetsndreams · 29 days
A young woman with glasses and pigtails greets the baker with a small smile "Evening, Charlotte. How's Business?" - 📘(Ava)
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🍪: "Oh Ava! It's wonderful to see you again! Everything has been going swell on my side dear!"
- Charlotte gave a kind smile before turning to Ava and offering the tray of freshly made cookies
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🍪: "Oh- before I forget; Would you like one? This batch of cookies are fresh out of the oven!"
((Part 1))
((part 2))
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aphroditeinthesea · 2 months
can you do another one?? pretty please with cherries on top? 😭
“ life is short, make it sweet ”
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travis stoll x fem!reader 🐍
travis and y/n are not eligible for the great british bakeoff, but they’re still cute
tw none but fluff
˚。 ⋆ ᡣ𐭩 🍪 ᡣ𐭩 ⋆ ˚。
“Do you have vanilla extract?”
Travis stared at her, “yes…?”
“Better question,” y/n looked down at the recipe, then back at him, “do you know what vanilla extract is?”
“I know what vanilla is?”
She walked over and placed her hands on each side of his face, “you’re so helpful.”
They were staying at his mom’s house for the weekend, and were currently attempting to bake cookies.
She sarcastically squished his cheeks before looking back to the book, “so next, the recipe calls for two eggs-”
“Sorry, I have to get this,” Travis interrupted, mimicking a fake phone with his hands.
Y/N raised her eyebrow, “what?”
“Yeah,” he nodded, “okay, I’ll tell her.” He pretended to hang up the phone, “sorry, that was the recipe-“
She threw a handful of flour at him, “you idiot.”
He wiped some of the powder off his face, although it still dusted his eyelashes and eyebrows. He huffed, “it was funny.”
She glanced up at him, smirking, “you’re such a dork.”
He walked up and wrapped his arms around her waist, burying his face in her neck, “but you love me.”
She laughed, “go get me the eggs, Trav.”
“Fine,” he walked to the fridge, grabbing two eggs and handing them to her.
“Thank you, sweetie,” she smiled before pressing a kiss to his cheek.
He grinned, watching over her shoulder as she cracked the eggs. He stayed silent, just watching with his lips upturned as his fingers danced across her spine.
She grabbed a whisk, beginning to mix the dough. He wrapped his arms around once more, intently watching as she did so.
“You’re doing it wrong.”
She raised her eyebrow, “what?”
“Let me show you,” he smirked. He placed his hand atop hers, turning circles in the bowl, “it’s easier when there’s two hands.”
“Is it really?”
He met her eyes, “you bet.”
She giggled, “you must be right then.”
“I’m always right.”
“Sure you are, my love.”
After a minute or two of this, she paused, dipping her finger in and holding it in front of him, “wanna try some?”
He took it off her finger, “it’s perfect,” he put some of the dough on his finger, “you should try some too.”
“Ew, I don’t know where your finger’s been.”
“Hey!” he laughed before placing the dough on her nose.
“Oh my gods,” she quickly swiped some on his cheek.
He chuckled, leaning closer and kissing it off of her nose, “sorry.”
She wiped it off of his cheek with her thumb, “I hate your guts, Stoll.”
“You don’t mean that,” he whispered.
“I don’t,” she dramatically sighed, “unfortunately.”
He just chuckled, pulling her into a kiss, with her hands holding onto his face as his were by her hips.
“Ew, get a room,” was announced from the doorway.
They quickly separated to find a disgusted Connor standing in the doorway. Y/N blushed awkwardly while Travis just brushed off his younger brother.
“Say that again when you actually get a girlfriend.”
Connor scoffed, walking over to the fridge, “I do have a girlfriend for your information.”
“Who is she?” Y/N added.
Connor closed the fridge, now holding a bottle of water, “you wouldn’t know her, she’s from Camp Jupiter.”
“You know Connor,” Travis joked, looking toward his girlfriend, “can’t get enough of those Romans.”
“Exactly,” his brother responded before leaving the room.
She giggled, “nothing sets the mood like getting caught making out by your little brother.”
“Yeah,” he laughed. He turned to the stove and sprayed pan on a tray to put the cookies on. Y/N moved the bowl to the stove and began making small balls on the tray.
“Here,” he grabbed a spoon, “I’m gonna make one.” He placed down a giant glob onto the tray.
He licked the spoon, “I just think that my beautiful girlfriend deserves a beautiful giant cookie,” he smirked.
She snorted, “fine,Trav,” and put the tray into the oven. She then sat on the counter, holding the rest of the cookie dough. He then stood in front of her, he leaned up to kiss her, but was met with a mouthful of cookie dough.
He swallowed, “it’s good.”
She took another scoop and ate it, “hm, it really is.”
“We should go on the Great British Bake-off or something,” he commented.
She smiled, “yeah, I’m sure they’ll love having two very American demigods on their show.”
“I think they’d make an exception if the Americans were good looking enough.”
“So, I’d get on it,” she teased.
He gasped, “wow, babe, I thought you were better than that.”
She leaned down from where she was sitting to softly kiss him, “I’m kidding.”
“I knew that.”
“Sure you did,” she paused, “what’s that smell?”
He helped her off the counter before turning to the stove. They both rushed over to open it, only to find a napkin set on fire in the oven.
“Damn!” He ran to the sink and filled a random cup of water, throwing it onto the napkin.
Y/N took a deep breath, “I think we’re disqualified.”
“Just a little.”
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morallyinept · 6 months
CHRISTMAS COOKIES - A Marcus Moreno Christmas One Shot
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Summary: You and Marcus get creative with some left over icing, after he spends the morning baking Christmas cookies with Missy.
Pairing: Marcus Moreno x F!Reader (No name or physical description of reader. It’s you, bub. Although, Reader has hair long enough to be brushed aside/over shoulder. Images just for aesthetic, no reference to Reader.)
Word Count: 4.3k
Scoville Smut Rating: 🌶️🌶️🌶️ "You tell me I'm doing well, and then, you try to kill me."
Check out my Scoville Smut Ratings here.
Warnings/triggers - Established relationship/oral both M & F receiving/food porn/competency kink
NSFW. MINORS DNI! OVER 18’s ONLY. YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU READ. ☝🏻Don’t come at me; you’ve been plenty warned.
If this story isn't for you, that's fine. Just slip quietly out the back door. No need to make a fuss. It's just a work of fiction.
Author’s Note: Baking cookies with Marcus?? Yes please!🍪 There's a tiny bit of Marcus Spanish, but you can Google it. Reader doesn't understand it so I wanted to keep it authentic by not providing translations.
Enjoy & Happy Holidays! 🎄🖤
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“Morning, you. I made some Nog.” Marcus smiles. 
Those perky lips of his twitch into a full blown beam as he winks at you from behind the dark frames of his glasses playfully.
He puts the hot tray down on the counter and picks up a mug and hands it to you.
“Thanks,” you say, smelling clean and hopefully looking not too dishevelled. 
“Dad and I are making Christmas cookies,” Missy says with a toothy grin at you. 
“I can see that,” you grin back at the state of the kitchen early in the morning.
"Watch it, kiddo. They're hot!" Marcus instructs his daughter as she eagerly helps scoop them off the tray.
“Try it.” Marcus coaxes you, when he sees you staring at him with wide eyes and possibly a mouth the size of a swirling black hole - and getting bigger and wider by the second.
Rows and rows of snowflake shaped cookies are on cooling racks on every visible space on the counter tops that you can see.
Utterly stunned and bewildered, you’re unable to take your eyes off him as he scurries around the kitchen, familiar with where everything is from muscle memory, juggling bowls and utensils through his thick fingers.
You turn the mug up to your lips and almost pass out. It’s your favourite; nutmeg and chocolate flavourings laced within the strong, punchy Nog. And it tastes incredible. It leaves a Noggy moustache around your top lip.
“Oh my God! That’s so good.” You exclaim, looking at him in astonishment.
Marcus places a plate down in front of you. He’s even managed to make you some breakfast.
He simply pads up to you and runs his thumb slowly across your lip, wiping away the remnants and sucks his thumb whilst his eyes stare into you with a cheeky, burning glint.
It makes your whole reproductive system whine desperately at you. 
“You spoil me.” You smirk, taking the cutlery from him he’s already holding out to you as he stirs a bowl beside him with a whisk. 
“I like to look after my girls.” He says with flushed cheeks. 
Smiling, you tuck into the eggs and crispy bacon. He twists the piping bag up after he fills it and proceeds to frost a batch of cookies on the counter top, which has already cooled. Missy then tops them with candied silver balls. 
They work in tandem; precise, unspoken teamwork as they chatter and laugh together. You smile as you watch him finish icing the rest of them; all the while his eyes keep flicking up to you, and you remember that same look in them from last night, running them over your naked body. 
Marcus bites his lip as he concentrates; a nub of icing has somehow managed to work its way across his right cheek, just above that dimple, and he clearly has no idea it’s there - and what it’s doing to you.
You feel your tongue begin to throb, sucking on it hastily inside your mouth and wanting nothing more than to walk on over there and lick it off his face crazily.
“La abuela está aquí.” Marcus says to Missy as he wipes his hands down on a dishtowel after checking his watch.
A knock, and then the sound of the back door in the kitchen opening to the cooing sounds of an older woman with a walking cane entering, stirs your heated reverie.
They converse in Spanish as you stand to greet the woman looking over at you with twinkly eyes and a beaming smile. 
“So pretty,” she cups Marcus’ face approvingly and she takes your hand and pats it gently as you say hello tentatively. 
“Mamá. Por favor deje de.” He’s all a blur as he simultaneously hands Missy her scarf and fishes out some bills from his wallet to hand to his mother. But she refuses. 
“You’re not paying for your own Christmas gift, Dad.” Missy corrects him as both of them stare him down into submission.
“Alright, smartass.” Marcus grins much to the dismay of his mother who sighs and berates him in Spanish for cussing in front of his daughter. 
Missy reaches up to give him a kiss and so does his mother, and he finally ushers them out of the door and turns to face you, his back resting against it and breathes out in some relief. 
You chuckle. “I still can’t get over all this.” You say.
“What?” His features pull into a mild panic.
“This. All of this. You.” You say, your eyes scanning around the organised chaos of the kitchen and the sight of the lounge in the corner of your eye decorated like Santa’s Grotto. 
Christmas garlands are draped over the mantle, complete with two stockings hanging above it; both Marcus’ and Missy’s names are stitched onto the front of them delicately.
The Christmas tree has grown in height and width, seemingly overnight - you don’t recall it being that big when you stumbled in giggling with him in the early hours - and is covered with candy canes and twinkling lights in all the Christmas colours.
Underneath there are presents galore stacked up in little cluster’s and tied in pretty, neat bows. It’s like stepping into all your childhood Christmases - the nostalgia, the romance, completely flooring you.
And then there's him, handsome with dark eyes. Muscular in his black t-shirt and looking at you as though he's hungry.
“I thought guys like you only existed in superhero movies.” You say, flippantly. 
“Funny you should mention that,” Marcus simpers at you and you smirk.
“You definitely had some super powers last night.” You say, as he pushes forward from the door towards you. 
“Oh yeah?”
“Mmhm…” you nod as he reaches you. You reach your finger up and scoop the nub of icing off his cheek and suck it into your mouth.
He blushes as he leans in, hands on your hips as you stay seated on the stool, and kisses you gently. 
“It wasn’t too much, this morning?” He presses, tentatively.
He doesn't want to scare you off, you can sense it. Doesn’t want to come on too strong. But the fact you just inadvertently met his mother and his daughter, both in the same morning and both incredibly briefly, pulls at his gut. 
He wanted it to be different. But he couldn’t resist holding you in his arms all night either. Whimpering for you to stay, your legs wrapping around his waist as he drove deeper into you.
Grunting into your ear about how good you felt, how he wanted to come so deep inside of you, and he did after what felt like hours of him pulling orgasms out of you first, with fingertips that crackled and buzzed all over your nerve endings.
It’s only your fifth date with Marcus, and you already feel that pull; that magnetism between you that becomes more solid the more time you spend with him.
Learning about him and his secret talents. He was upfront with you over dinner on your first date, that he had a young daughter and was widowed. He still wears his wedding ring and you don’t feel threatened by it. Instead, it comforts you to know that this man is a man that can love hard and forever. And one that is incredibly adept and resilient.   
You shake your head. “No. I really like this side of you. Competency kink activated.”
Marcus blushes behind his spectacles and you smile. 
There’s so much he wants to tell you, to reveal to you. You’ve no idea that he really is a superhero, and that his hands can do so much more than leave you gasping and panting his name into his bedroom walls.
And there’s so much more that he wants to hear about you too. You’re only beginning to scrape the surface off, but it feels so right regardless. 
He feels right. 
“I’ll help you clean up.” You say gathering your plate.
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I want to.” You give him a peck and shimmy over to the sink. He watches you go wondering how the heck he got so lucky. 
He reaches for the piping bag of icing and there’s still loads of it left in the bowl too. 
“What should we do with this, it’ll be a shame to just waste it?” You say. 
“I could make more cookies.” He suggests, and then looks at you as you look at him and it’s apparent to you, that you both just had the same, illicit thought rearrange the wiring in your brains. 
The same thought, that quickly turns to reality, where you’re dipping your fingers into the bowl and bringing them, smeared with the white icing, up to his lips. 
Marcus doesn’t hesitate to open and suck them into his mouth and groans with delight. You watch, enthralled as his tongue slips between your digits as he cleans the icing completely from them.
“Tastes good.” He sighs.
“Yeah? Let me try.” 
He does the same for you with his own fingers, but as you lean forward to catch it, it plops down your front. 
Chuckling, you go to wipe it away, but he stops; his fingers twisting inside of your own, sticky and wet, and relishing the feel of his thumb rubbing against your skin.
You both glance at your intertwined fingers; smooth and slightly adhesive in their stickiness, neither one of you pulling away.
Marcus leans in closer into your intimate space; those brown planets of his penetrating into you. “I’ll get it…”
He bends forward and his tongue makes sweet contact with your skin, sending shivers immediately bleeding out of it.
Your nipples come alive with electricity as it snaps and crackles around you. He licks it away; sucking it out of the fabric of your shirt that’s resting on the top of your bare breasts, which he’d noticed the moment you had sat down at the breakfast bar, and his pants had felt a size smaller ever since.
You couldn't help it, you couldn't actually find your bra when you dressed, searching for it. Deducing that it was probably stuffed down the side of the bed somewhere. All you remembered was him unclasping it and sucking your nipples into his mouth as you writhed on top of him.
Marcus runs his tongue up your clavicle and collarbone, stopping when the milky, sweet remnants of the icing is gone.
“Tastes really good,” he confirms, lingering just inches in front of your face. You can smell the sweetness on his breath; feel the warmth of it on your face and see your wanton reflection back inside his lenses.
He snaps his head back, reaching for the bowl and spoons out another blob, although this time he takes it in his own mouth, much to your dismay.
The way he fucks. 
But then Marcus leans forward and simply presses his lips to yours, dribbling the icing all over them as you’re taken back by his carnal boldness.
Something you know he possesses under the somewhat nerdish outer shell he presents. It’s in the way he moves, the way he kisses.
You can feel it pooling in the corners of your mouth; the cool, velvety texture as it begins sliding over your lips and down your cheeks. 
“So sticky.” He muses with a brilliant grin. 
Marcus hoists you up onto the counter top easily, muscles straining around his biceps. Your legs now dangle off the edge of it and he parts them, standing in between. His immense hardness presses into the inside of your thigh and it feels marvellous.
You remember it, still feel the ache of him from being buried deep inside you for the first time last night. 
He licks the icing off of your cheeks and chin, taking his time in cleaning you up, eyes crinkling around a subtle smirk. 
“You’re enjoying this far too much,” you tease. 
“I am. Hard not to when you’re delicious.”
He then darts his tongue into your mouth. The taste of him; the taste of the icing makes your head spin in a syrupy mess.
He claws for the bowl once more, and this time dunks all his fingers inside it, bringing them up to your face dripping with sugary goodness.
He inserts them slowly into your mouth, but not before rubbing them over your lips in a way that would make the Devil himself blush.
You suck them clean, all the while holding his eyes; those gorgeous chocolate eyes that drink you all in. He bites down on his plump bottom lip, watching as his fingers swirl around your tongue and begins to fuck your mouth slowly with them as you suck on them eagerly.
“Does that taste good?” Marcus questions, through clenched teeth.
You nod as you suck his index and middle deeply like they’re his cock, popping out of your lips like a lollipop. He feels it wiggle inside his boxers and you can feel it throb against your thigh.
He looks down at your shirt collar; the damp patch from the previous dollop spilt there like an unfurled rosebud. He strips his fingers fully from your mouth; a luscious blend of silkiness and slight tackiness envelopes them.
He slowly begins to unbutton your shirt, but you stop him; clasping it together preventing him from going any further.
“What if they come back?” You say with a brewing grin. 
He shakes his head. “Trust me, Missy is shopping with my mom. They won’t be back for hours.” He reassures and you drop your hands as he continues to unbutton. 
It’s agonisingly sweet, and as he opens it, your bare, supple breasts greet him, and Marcus audibly groans. Pert, with swollen areolas, looking like a juicy and inviting meal for him to gorge upon to his heart’s content. You rest backwards on your palms and they perk up further for him.
He runs his tongue all across your breasts, licking up the icing and leaving a sticky residue of both his saliva and the icing cooling on your skin. 
He picks up the bowl and pours the icing down the middle of your chest and you can feel it running; making that slow, sweet journey towards your navel.
He reaches a nipple and takes it fully into his mouth; the hard, perky bud of it tasting sweeter than the cookies he’s iced. You can feel it dripping down your stomach and it begins pooling at the waistband of your jeans.
After he’s done a delicious and sinful number on your breasts; each one having their fair turn with his attention, Marcus runs his tongue down the track in the centre of them, looking up at you with those bewitching browns.
You run your hand through his hair, ruffling it up and tugging at the roots inside your grip. He pulls your hips further to the edge of the counter top and slides his tongue across your skin just above your waistband.
“I do.” You agree with hooded eyes as his fingers linger on your button.
“I know you taste better than this,” Marcus says, licking his lips.
You pulse as you recall his face between your legs last night, expertly eating you out as you clawed at the sheets.
You raise your ass off the counter top momentarily as he tugs off your jeans revealing you in a black thong. The same one he took off with his teeth only hours ago. 
He rolls off your socks; bending down so his nose just brushes past the apex of your thighs, the heat emanating from it and the smell of your sex driving him wild.
He tosses your fuzzy socks over his shoulder casually; one lands inside the sink and you giggle.
Marcus picks up your foot and presses his lips to the side of it, all the while watching you. You have to remind yourself to keep breathing as he kisses up the entire length of your leg.
You lay back on the counter top as he stands; resting upright on your elbows as he hooks his thumbs inside the thong and pulls it off slowly.
He stuffs it inside his pants pocket with a wicked glint inside his eyes. “Mine now,” he grins. 
Your pussy is glistening at him and it smells incredibly inviting. The stickiness of the icing has stuck to your skin right above it and that’s where Marcus starts. Kissing you right there, his chin inches from your clit.
His smooches are light and give you goose pimples again. The anticipation of when he will brush against your opening makes you utterly mad.
He runs his tongue around the outside of your mound, all around the skin inside your legs, parting them further to reach inside the crevices. Prolonging the agony before he’ll glide that warm tongue of his all inside your gooey folds.
His head is seen buried in between your legs and unable to escape the view of him no matter where you look.
“Mmm…” You groan, throwing your head back.
You catch your reflection in the chrome pots and pans hanging above the counter top; dangling above your head bearing witness to this incredibly tantalising deed.
It’s shiny with your slick and he bears down on it with his mouth, sending your legs into a frenzied twitch as he gorges.
His tongue finally finds you, darting into the puddle of your sopping core and out again; slipping all over you and lapping you up like a starving dog craving raw meat.
It makes you pant as he spreads your folds open with his sticky fingers, revealing that pert nub of your clit on show to him.
“Oh... God!” You hiss.
“You taste so sweet, querida.” He purrs around your pussy looking up at you, his eyes framed by the thick, black rim of his glasses that get knocked slightly askew as he pushes his mouth onto your cunt. 
He dives in for more; flicking his tongue back and forth over your swollen bundle of nerves. He suckles hard on it, sending you buck wild. Spread wide open before him, you look down to see his eyes meeting yours whilst he licks and sucks.
He reaches his fingers up towards your mouth, still clamped on that sweet spot; his cheekbones flexing from sucking on you hard, and slides them inside your mouth. They taste sticky and sweet from the icing remnants still on them.
You bite down on them gently and see his eyes twitch, driving you further into the walls of insanity.
“M-marcus, I’m gonna come…” You utter, his fingers slipping out of your mouth and fondling your breast; pinching your nipple between his fingers as your legs shudder uncontrollably.
You want nothing more than to press them together, unable to handle it anymore and deny what he’s doing to you; how he’s unwinding you so. It’s too much... too intense - fuck, it’s too-
You begin squirming; the feeling beginning to spew out of your pussy where he drinks like he’s parched from you. Your clit buzzes and ricochets under his lips and tongue as he intensifies on you, swirling quicker, sucking that nub harder.
“Oh, don’t stop! Marcus!” You pant, throwing your head back more and arching your back as the feeling begins drowning and pulling you under, twisting you from the inside out.
And he never wants to stop, never wants to stop hearing you moan for him and gasping his name like this.
“Marcus!” You cry out as you release into his waiting mouth, and he swallows the saccharine juices pooling around that sweet cunt of yours.
He rises, his lips shiny with you and licks them frantically like a man possessed. Not wanting to miss any trace of you.
You look up at him, legs still spread wide and eyes like you’re on some kind of drug binge; high as a kite, soaring in the euphoria of the blast that zapped out of your body.
His glasses are smeared with you, a clear gloss across one of his lenses and he smirks as he takes them off. 
Marcus then begins frantically pulling his t-shirt over his head; staring you down with an intense hunger as you sit upright under your shaky arms.
He unbuckles his belt once he’s dropped the t-shirt to the floor, revealing those toned abs that shape above the small swell of his tummy, and tanned skin you’d glimpsed before; the perfect dad-bod.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Marcus asks in a voice that drips gold honey, as he unzips his pants.
The coil of dark hair around his belly button draws you in, screaming out at you to lick it.
You slide off the counter top.
You simply smirk and pick up the bowl and approach him.
“I’m hungry.” You reply.
He feels you stroke the firm trunk of his swollen cock as you reach inside his boxers. You run your hand around in there whilst slowly tipping the icing down his chest and he shudders.
He pushes his slacks and boxers to the floor, stepping out of them whilst your hand clamps around his thick shaft, pumping him.
He grips onto your ass cheeks, pulling you into him as the icing slides down his torso between you both; coating your breasts and smooshing it against you both, squelching.
Marcus whines, as he watches you take his icing covered cock inside your mouth and suck up and down the length of him; the icing pooling in the corners and dripping down your chin, pelting your breasts.
You lick his chest and run your tongue down the length of his body, all the way down until your eyes are level with his bulging cock inside your hand.
You simply take the bowl and dunk him inside of it and he hisses out between his teeth, jaw clenched.
“Oh, mierda. You’re so good at that.” He mewls, arching backwards; his hands thrown over his head completely beside himself at the feel of you sucking him off in the middle of his kitchen, which is easily a chef's wet dream.
You work his shaft, running your hand up and down, pumping him as you suck deeper and harder. He can feel himself expanding inside your mouth; the feeling amazingly rampant on his dick.
“Oh God.” He growls as he feels your mouth constrict around him. You release him and take him deep again and he begins to clutch the back of your head, greedy for your divine deep throating.
“Take me all in,” Marcus pleads, watching as you swallow him deeper, feeling him at the back of your throat. Feeling like he’s as deep as he can go without choking you.
But you continue to take him further; all the way down until your lips make contact with the base of him and your nose is pressed into the soft fat of his groin. 
He’s gasping; his legs feeling like they could collapse under him at any given moment as you suck him deeper, over and over again. When he feels like he can’t take anymore, you do it again.
Of all the times he had glanced that pretty mouth of yours, he’d never once imagined it could do this and do it so incredibly well.
“I’m going to fuck you so hard after this…” He breathes, losing all his sweet, polite composure as you continue with your momentum, settling into a steady, deep rhythm around his cock.
He feels you giggle; the vibrations of your hum against him feels wondrous. It makes his brain explode, feeling your hunger for it - for him.
Marcus is grabbing at your hair now; winding it around his fist tightly and controlling your depth with his arm, bringing you back to the base of his cock and on tip toes almost as he flexes and rolls his hips into your face as he fucks it.
He feels your hands clamp onto his buttocks and your nails begin to dig into him.
“That’s it… like that. Oh, I’m gonna come!” He whines, feeling himself begin to bubble.
He yelps out in garbled Spanish, as he begins to buckle; his legs spasming as he pumps that creamy foam into your willing mouth and you swallow it down, deep down; savouring his salty taste, cutting through the cloying of the sweet icing. 
He pulls out of your mouth; his come and the lingering sweetness mixing together inside of it, creating a pleasing cocktail that you would willingly drink forever from him with eager enthusiasm.
Marcus marvels at you, helping you up onto your feet and kissing you instantly; his body subtly trembling as he floats back down to planet Earth.
He can taste a faint descry of him on your lips and it makes his cock twitch in satisfaction.
“Well, that was unexpected.” He confirms as you pull apart.
“Mmm, tasty too.” You smile as he kisses you.
“You’re incredible, you know that?” he says, pushing your hair over your shoulder.
“Why, because I just gave you the best head ever?" You smirk.
He nods, considering it. “That, sure, and the fact you’re beautiful. And that you want me. And all this… mess.” He says, waving around the kitchen, but you know what he really means as you watch him blush again.
“I think I’m always going to want you, Marcus.” You confirm, your skin sticking to his as he wraps his arms across your lower back.
“Good, because I think I’m going to always want you too, querida.”
He nuzzles his nose against yours before you kiss him, tasting remnants of sweet icing as he holds you closer against him.
Marcus surveys the kitchen; your clothes in sticky heaps. The counter top flooded with icing. It’s a fucking wonderland of edible kink he never wants to leave. Although he’s dreading the clean up. 
“What was that you said about kink earlier?” He queries. 
“Why, do you think you’ve discovered a new one?” You say, reading his mind. 
“Most definitely.” He nods, licking his lips.
“Food kink activated.” You say, punching the air. 
You run your hands over his chest, smirking and he feels clammy and sticky to the touch, much like you do. 
“Shower?” Marcus murmurs, kissing your shoulder.  
“Mmm, sounds delicious.” You smile latching onto his lips again. 
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𝓘𝓽’𝓵𝓵 𝓫𝓮 𝓸𝓴𝓪𝔂…
(Muichiro x Reader)
Genre: Comfort🍡
Warnings: Mention of throw up, heavy storm setting (ofc characters are inside), mention of injuries and surgery
NSFW or SFW: 🟢
Word Count: 432
Author Note: Feel better soon, i rewrote this 3 times actually!☺️
Requested by: @larz-barz
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The rain patters outside, the wind thrashing against trees and shaking bushes. The clink of the tea tray being placed on the table breaks you out of your trance.
“[name].” Muichiro says as he sits on the tatami mats, picking up one of the cups of tea, “You’ve been acting different on our missions, day by day you get more and more submissive. More nervous. I do not want any of us to die because of your lack of attention to important missions. Our battle against Kibutsuji is near, and I do not want you to die without giving any help to the defeat against him. A demon’s mind set is to find a simmer of submission and use it against you.” Your brows furrow and you slam your cup down on the chabudai table made for two, a few drops of the tea spilling up from the cup when it’s slammed down. “I am not being submissive, and I have every right—“ “Tut.” He raises a hand, silencing you. “First of all, do not interrupt me, and second of all, do not speak to a hashira that way. Now, I am not trying to make you mad, or feel small. I care for you, [name], and don’t want you to suffer or die soon because of something going on. And pray you didn’t get a drop of tea on the tatami mats, because you’re going to be the one paying if you did.” His last sentence almost sucks a laugh out of you, but you bite your tongue. “Yes, Tokito-San. Now, like I was trying to say, I’m just worried. I’m having a surgery this Wednesday, and I don’t want anything to go wrong. What if the doctor is rude, or a kid hurls on the floor.”
He stares back at you with dead eyes. “There is nothing to be worried about. Me and all the pillars, including Tanjiro and the lower ranks will all see you the same. Also, unless a child does vomit on the floor, you have nothing to fear. You won’t have to live in pain or discomfort of any injury or disability you have on your body. I wish the best in your surgery. I only want you to live a long life, and be happy, doing what you want. I’ll wait outside the operating room in the waiting area for you, and after we can go bird watching. How does that sound?” He smiles, a smile that’s one in a million. A smile that you wouldn’t trade for a thousand dollars.
“Yeah. Let’s do that.. Tokito-San.”
𝙰𝚗𝚢 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚐𝚛����𝚊𝚝𝚕𝚢 𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍| 𝚍𝚘 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚕 𝚖𝚢 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔 𝚘𝚛 𝙸 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚙𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚘𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚙𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠|
Thanks for reading, have a cookie! 🍪
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schumi-nadal · 2 months
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Casper Ruud - Monte Carlo Masters 2024 🇲🇨
Another cookies tray for the collection 🍪
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annymation · 3 months
A fluffy Asha x Star Boy scene??? I'm begging you T-Tv the shipping thirst is not quenching 😭😭😭😭😭
I wrote a lot of Magnifico and Amaya content lately so let's answer some Asha x Aster asks before I talk more about the villains
Both because you guys miss them and I miss them too lol
So here's two lil cute stories I came up with the help of @uva124 and @emillyverse
Library Date
Asha and Aster go visit library for the first time since Aster turned into a human, Asha can't wait to show them her favorite books, and Aster can't wait to learn even more about human history.
Once they're in there, Asha takes him to the fairytales section:
"This one is my favorite! "1001 Nights", one of the tales is about a boy who finds a genie that grants him 3 wishes and- OH you know that flying carpet I drew? I got the idea from this book." She shows him the book excitedly
"Have you read aaaaall of these?" Aster looks in awe to all the other fairytale books
"Hehehe I don't think I even could, both because time and I can't reach those more high up" She points to the books on the tallest shelf
"I can get them for ya-" Aster jumps up with a smile, but when he lands back down he remembers "... Oh yeah hheheh I can't fly anymore" they looks embarrassed but not sad that he can't fly, just getting used to it.
Asha giggles a little
"But hey, thats fine, I can reach them like this" Aster starts climbing the book shelves
Asha is startled and holds him by the shirt "A-Aster no! Get down! You don't have to get them!"
"SHHHH" Some people around shush them.
Aster get's down and they just laugh quietly.
They sit together and Asha hands Aster the book for him to read, he opens it excitedly but as soon as he sees the words his smile deflated as he realizes
“… Oh… I don’t know how to read…” Aster says a bit embarrassed.
Asha is surprised for a second, but it does make sense he wouldn’t learn how to read living up in space
Asha smiles reassuringly and sits closer to him
“That’s alright, I can teach you. Here, let me show you”
And from this day on Asha and Aster go to the library everyday so Asha can teach him ho to read, like Jane and Tarzan or Belle and the beast.
Baking Chocolate Cookies 🍪
Aster wanted to make a surprise for Asha, so he asked for help from the 7 teens.
They suggested they should bake cookies. While the girls distracted Asha outside of the house Aster and the boys naked the cookies.
“Are you sure you guys can handle this? Maybe I should stay to help” Dahlia said, not trusting them alone in the kitchen
“Pfft relax! You’re the one who knows Asha the most, so you know how to distract her better than anyone, besides, it’s just a simple recipe, what’s the worst that could happen?” Aster says, pushing the girls out the kitchen
5 minutes later
The boys are running around panicking because there’s a huge fire coming out of a pan that Aster was cooking
“ASTER, HOW THE $&%£ DID YOU BURN THE WATER!? BOILING WATER WASNT EVEN IN THE RECIPE!” Gabo yelled trying to extinguish the fire coming from the pan
Asha and the girls are talking outside and Asha has her back turned away from the house, while the girls can see it from behind her, and they see the smoke coming from it, they try to hide their panic
“Do you girls smell that?” Asha asks, smelling smoke coming from somewhere
“NOPE!” They answered
Eventually the boys put out the fire and continue to make the cookies, that turned out…
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Disappointing, but hey, at least they managed to make something.
Asha comes back with the girls soon after they finish baking, she looks around in shock with how the kitchen is a mess, Dahlia looks like she wants to kill the boys then and there
“Asha! You’re just in time!” Aster says excitedly going to gab the cookies “Look what we made fo- YAAOUUGH!!” Aster touched the baking tray without gloves and for the first time got himself burnt.
Later, Asha bandaged up his hands while eating one of the cookies
“They taste great!” Asha said with a smile, she was being honest, Aster felt really happy with that besides his hands still hurting.
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prayingshirleybennett · 3 months
Shirley's Chocolate Chip Cookies!
As promised, (@ask-vanessa-wright ) my chocolate chip cookie reciiiipeee hehee!! 🍪🙏🏾💕 Everyone looooves these in my church so I know it'll be a hit at yours tooooo! (or just your homes. Looking at you athiests.) ✝️
-These cookies are chunky NYC style (@askingbrittaperry approved! heheeee!) You're all so welcome I shared the recipie out of the goodness of my hearrrrt 💟💕
125 g unsalted butter
100 g light brown sugar
75 g white granulated sugar
1 medium egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
300 g plain flour
1 + 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1/2 tsp sea salt
150 g dark chocolate CHUNKS (If you can't buy them, roughly chop a bar!!! Even betterrrr!)
Ideally with a stand mixer blend the sugars and (softened) butter together until creamy 🧈
Add in egg, vanilla extract and beat again! Get all those school grievances out on the mixing, mhm. 🥚
Add in plain flour, salt, baking power and bicarbonate of soooodaaa! And then mix until you get a rough dough!
Before the dough is completely together, add in the chocoooolate chuuuunks (chunks over chips anyday, and has to be dark, you hear me??) Mix until well distributed 🍫
Make balls of the dough - I like to eyeball these to my liking, I usually get at least 17 good-sized cookies out of this. But you could weigh them for accuracy, going no higher than 120g (makes roughly 8)
After rolling them, store in a tub IN THE FRIDGE overnight. Yes, you heard me - overnight! Overnight cookies will always be the best and anyone who tells you otherwise clearly needs the help of G O D. ✝️ If you really need them on the day, an hour or two in the fridge before baking will still give beautiful 🍪 cookies
Preheat oven to 180C Fan, or 200C regular! If you know your oven gets crazy hot crazy fast like some scheming jezebel at Greendale then maybe go for 160-170C instead 🔥 🔥 👽🍃
Line a baking tray and place your cookies on. The bigger the cookie, the less you place on the tray, they WILL spread slightly. Trial and error will teach you how many you can fit!
Bake the cookies 12 minutes minimum. Check them after 12 minutes. If they still look uncooked/uncoloured, give them another minute or two. With cookies, EVERY SINGLE MINUTE COUNTS!. One minute overtime, and you might aswell have baked that poor thing in the pits of H E L L .
Once baked, leave on the tray for at least 30 minutes, they'll still be cooking on the tray as they cool!!
Now you take your masterpiece and you share it with good, honest people. Don't forget to utter a prayer together before eatttttiiiing!
Pairs well with milk before bedtime, too. Good for kiiiids and monkeeeyyyss 🥛 🍪 🐒 👶🏿
Well, there's my first baking interweb blog poooost I suppossseee! 🍪✝️ Ask me if anything at all is unclear, ooookkaaayy?? 💕🎵💖🙏🏾
Happy Baking, interweb!
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libertys-lovers · 2 years
Hello, hey, hi! I hope you're well☆
I am using my one(1) free gush pass - bare with me i've never done this before so i don't know what i'm doing aaaAA-
Firstly, i haven't played CRK or CRO in a while, so re-installing has me clenching my heart, o u g h, i missed my friends!! It's so good to see everyone again (and to help them out a bit more in my kingdom.. sorry everyone *sob*)☆
And secondly - *slaps roof of my heart* this bad boy can fit so many crushes in it!!♡♡
I feel a bit embarassed leaving all my thoughts in this ask, so i will simply name them for now, in no particular order:
-Spinach Cookie
-Amber Sugar Cookie
-Rye Cookie
-Twizzly Gummy Cookie
-Espresso Cookie
-Affogato Cookie
I'm seeing a bit of overlap between some of them haha..!
Ah well, i just wanted to tell you and perhaps ask if any of them have visited your kingdom, and if you or your beloveds have any thoughts about them? 👀
A u g h, this was supposed to be a gush but here i am rambling!! I must leave immediatly, lest my face gets redder than B.A.D 4's outfits..!
My citizens better not tease me, i will explode!
🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟 *throws more gush passes at you*
My friend, you are welcome to come in here and gush at ANY time! I’m sure all of your friends (and potential loves) are extremely excited to see you again! I’m doing quite well, thank you, and I hope you’re doing well too.
But OOOH!!! We have an entire LIST tonight!!!! Yes, yes, my beloveds and I have met quite a few of them!! Lemme just snatch them all real quick.
🍇: Ah! Spinach Cookie!! I think I might’ve met her once or twice? Every time I see her, she gives me cucumber slices ☺️. She seems like a real sweetheart! I know Herb Cookie’s met up with her a good amount of times too; I’ve heard him tell Sparkles about how they’ve exchanged gardening tips before.
🍾: Ah yeah! She hasn’t come to the kingdom yet, but Herb Cookie always talks well of her. If she ever stops by the Kingdom, then I’ll happily serve her a drink!
🌸: Ooh, just look at her outfit! Her dress is so pretty~! And her energy is just wonderful~ Dearie, if you date her, the two of you must simply join us for a picnic!
🍇: I don’t think I’ve met this dude yet! Like I’ve heard of him, I’m aware of his existence, but I haven’t stumbled into him. He’s certainly a hard worker though. And this labyrinth he’s in is mega cool… I wanna visit it- But no, he hasn’t stopped by the kingdom yet.
☠️: FINALLY!! Another cookie that understands how VITAL perfection is! Yes… yes I like the sound of this one! Though if he starts bossing me around, then it’s ALL over!
🍇: RYYYYEEEEE COOKIE!!!! Oh she’s SO cool!! She’s at the kingdom rn, and I heavily enjoy that fact.
🍾: She always stops by my bar whenever she has free time! She orders a classic rye juice every time she comes in. She… can get a little intense sometimes, but she’s great at keeping my bar orderly! I appreciate her.
🧀: I’m incredibly lucky that she hasn’t been able to pursue me. If both Almond and her were after me… perhaps it’d be the end of Phantom Bleu~
🍇: Man… you don’t mean that-
🧀: Oh, not at all~! But it’d certainly be much more difficult.
🍇: TWIZZLES?!?!? Yeah, she resides at the kingdom… at least when she’s not in the hands of the TBD. But she’s great!
☠️: Uhm?! Faux Berry Cookie?!? Wasn’t that the cookie that, you know, almost destroyed our entire universe? Or… dimension? Or, whatever you call it?!
🍾: Yeah… I thought you considered her your rival?
🍇: I mean y e a h, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like her! If I didn’t have to fight her for the fate of the entire multiverse then we could totally be besties… I think. And besides, I think Slepster would definitely be a good partner for her! You could definitely keep her a bit more… non-homicidal- If y’all need help escaping the TBD, just come get me 😉
🍇: Even if I can’t comprehend how he does his magic, I’ve gotta give him some mad respect for the effort he puts into it!
🍾: He’s… incredibly picky with what he drinks, that’s for sure.
🍰: He’s surprisingly resourceful in battle. His magic is quite impressive, which is only complimented by how calculating he is. Even if he is not fighting along side me, I have to at least respect his willpower.
🍇: Not to mention that his banter with Madeleine is just absolutely hilarious. The amount of sass in that man’s dough is unbelievable, and I mean that in the best way possible.
🍇: oh boy- Don’t mind him… there’s just… a bit of a grudge he has towards him-
☠️: But… but my sweetness! Can you BLAME me?! I went ALL THAT WAY, back to that… that DREADED Licorice Sea! And I summoned these AMAZING minions!! And for what? NOTHING! All because he failed! Well, him and Dark Choco Cookie, but still!
🍇: Yes yes dear; your minions were very cool and you’re a very talented and powerful man. Don’t worry though, there’ll be another time where you can show off your skills properly, I promise!
🍇: In any case… ugh… that’s such a cute lil concept though. That whole thing about “treating your partners like royalty…” can be so much more literal now… that’s so cute~
🍇: As for what I think of him though, his silver tongue definitely scares me lmao, but I’d love to get to know him better! Something tells me we could be friends, should a proper time come. When that time will come though? Who knows.
🍇: Alright!! Final thoughts?
🍾: Well, no matter who you decide to be with, or if you decide to be with any of them, I wish you great luck in your endeavors!
🧀: It certainly sounds like quite an enticing romance~ I’m curious on how this will all turn out.
☠️: Hmmmmm, well a lot of them seem… like hard cases… But, if Faux Berry Cookie trusts your tastes enough, then I guess I will too! Go… go get them!
🍰: I suppose I share Sparkling Cookie’s opinions on this. I hope all goes well for you.
🌸: Oh, you all will just be the cutest together! Please keep us updated, dear!
🍇: Well, I’ve been trying hard to not start entering wingman mode… though I’ve definitely failed. I think you with any or all of them would be just the cutest! I can’t wait to hear more! Again, please invade the ask-box at any time! I’d certainly be happy to share my thoughts on how I think y’all’s relationships could go, if you ever need more fuel~
Your Host, Faux Berry Cookie! | Yours Truly, Sparkling Cookie | Phantom Bleu~ | The Almighty Licorice Cookie | Red Velvet Cookie | Sincerely, Cherry Blossom Cookie!
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💖 If You Give A Monster Man A Cookie 🍪 (A short chibi fic / script piece that's based on this commission art).
The short begins with a close-up of a February calendar displaying a red heart on February 14th, which is today.
When the camera zooms out, it reveals the calendar hanging on the pantry wall of an elderly chibi Camila's kitchen.
She happily smiles at the date as she wears a pink bow in her hair and a white apron adorned in hearts, along with a heart pin on her chest.
Retrieving a book filled with cookie recipes from behind her back with one hand, Camila grins buoyantly, showing off her teeth while raising a small determined fist in the air.
Emerging unexpectedly from below on Camila's left and right are an adult chibi Luz and her friends, who excitedly raise their hands in the air in a 'yay' fashion.
The stock sound effect of children cheering can be heard in the background.
The screen then begins to fill up with heart-shaped chocolate chip cookies, which Camila intends to bake.
When the cookies are quickly consumed by an unseen force, the scene transitions to the next one.
Luz and Co make the decision to leave to look for Belos as Camila waves them off.
Once the group walks down the walkway, Camila heads back inside, closing the door.
After everyone is completely gone, one of the green shrubs in front of the house produces green and brown antlers.
Chibi Monster Belos suddenly pops his head up from underneath the shrubbery.
Just when the sludge beast is about to go after our protagonist and her pals, he halts when he smells a delicious scent traveling through the air.
As he turns his head towards one of the opened windows on the front of the house, he witnesses the vapors of the scent emanating from inside.
Monster Belos sneakily creeps over to said window and pokes his head inside to discover Camila in the kitchen.
The mother-of-six proudly plated her freshly baked heart-shaped chocolate chip cookies on a purple plate while wearing her favorite pink oven mitts.
As she turned and tossed the sheet tray she was holding into the sink, she felt a big shadow begin to tower over her.
Slowly shifting her body back around, Camila turns to see Monster Belos standing there with an angry but adorable expression on his face.
He unleashes a fiercely cute roar.
Camila's eyes soon become dots as a sweat droplet appears on her temple.
She proceeds to blink twice with her new eyes.
What should she do?
Despite being startled by the giant guest who was now in her house, Camila still chooses to be kind as she gives Monster Belos a closed-eyed smile.
Monster Belos is startled by her sudden smile toward him.
He blinks.
Camila, still smiling, gives the monster a simple gesture to lower his head.
When he slowly follows her command, she pulls out a pink hair bow and places it in front of his long hair.
Next, Camila picks up the plate of cookies on the counter and holds them up for Monster Belos to take one.
He reacts with shock to this offer as he slowly directs a decaying finger at himself.
Camila answers him with a nod of her head, letting him know that it was okay.
As Monster Belos reaches for a cookie and takes one, a tender smile forms on his bony face, his cheeks tinting with slight flush.
He hasn't experienced this much kindness in quite some time.
Meanwhile, at the opened window, Luz and her friends were revealed to be watching Monster Belos and Camila's interaction the entire time with utterly shocked faces.
They all soon fall backward simultaneously in a dead faint, ending the short.
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oonasvegankitchen · 4 months
Vadelma-valkosuklaakeksit jäätelöllä / Raspberry white chocolate cookies with ice cream 🍪
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Recipe in Finnish and English bellow👇
Ainekset: 100 g juoksevaa margariinia 50 g maapähkinävoita 2 dl sokeria 1 rkl vaniljasokeria 1 dl soijamaitoa 3,5 dl vehnäjauhoja 1/2 tl suolaa 1 tl leivinjauhetta 1 tl ruokasoodaa 80 g vegaanista valkosuklaata murskattuna 50g mantelimurskaa 125 g vadelmia
Valmistus: 1. Sekoita margariini, sokeri, vaniljasokeri ja maapähkinävoi kulhossa. Lisää soijamaito. 2. Lisää joukkoon jauhot, leivinjauhe, ruokasooda ja suola. Sekoita hyvin. 3. Sekoita valkosuklaa, mantelit ja vadelmat taikinan joukkoon varovaisesti. 4. Laita taikina jääkaappiin noin tunniksi. 5. Lämmitä uuni 180 ° C asteeseen 6. Tee taikinasta pieniä palloja ja laita ne leivinpaperilla vuoratulle uunipellille. Jätä paljon tilaa taikinapallon ympärille, sillä ne leviävät kypsyessään. 7 .Paista keksejä uunissa noin 13 minuuttia. 8. Tarjoile viilenneet keksit jäätelön kanssa.
Ingredients: 100 g running margarine 50 g peanut butter 2 dl sugar 1 tablespoon vanilla sugar 1 dl soy milk 3,5 dl flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 80 g vegan white chocolate 50 g crushed almonds 125 g raspberries
Method: 1. Mix margarine, sugar, vanilla sugar and peanut butter in a bowl. Add soy milk. 2. Add flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Mix well. 3. Carefully mix in white chocolate, almonds and raspberries. 4. Chill the dough in the fridge for about an hour. 5. Preheat the oven to 180° C. 6. Roll the dough into small balls and put them to an oven tray lined with parchment paper. Make sure to leave room around the cookie dough balls because they expand while baking. 7. Bake the cookies for about 13 minutes. 8. Serve the cooled cookies with ice cream.
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chibimochii · 2 months
It's been too much since I've barged here unannounced, sooo...
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Have a HUGE load of cookies! 🍪✨️
So many that they completely invaded my kitchen... I didn't know where to put the trays anymore 😭
Wahhh!!! So many~
I mean... I can.. take a tray or two at my place- heck I'll help you eat some too (♡3♡)
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ygodmyy20 · 17 days
🍪 the audience (me) demands an answer……..i need to know which row you go in on the variety cookie tray
I’m boring as hell. I really like just….basic chocolate chip cookies. If baked right they are amazing and I could eat them forever
I shall be basic choco chip
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gyudiarys · 1 year
쿠키 굽기 🍪 baking w beomgyu
genre. fluff, romance, txt, beomgyu x gn reader, no warnings
synopsis. beomgyu bakes cookies w his s/o ,, short oneshot
As you and Beomgyu stood side by side in the kitchen, you felt a sense of joy bubbling up inside you. The scent of warm, sweet dough filled the air as you stirred the ingredients together in a large mixing bowl. Beomgyu had insisted on making his special recipe for chocolate chip cookies, and you were more than happy to help him.
As he measured out the flour and sugar with a look of intense concentration, you couldn't help but admire the way his brow furrowed and his lips pouted in concentration. You took a step closer, unable to resist the urge to lean in and press a soft kiss to his cheek.
Beomgyu's eyes sparkled with amusement as he turned to face you. "What was that for?" he asked, a playful grin on his lips.
"Just because," you replied, reaching up to ruffle his hair affectionately. "I'm happy to be here with you, making cookies."
As the two of you continued to mix and measure, the kitchen filled with a warmth that had nothing to do with the oven. You laughed and chatted, enjoying each other's company as you worked together to create something delicious.
But just as you were about to pop the tray of cookies into the oven, disaster struck. With a sudden clatter and crash, the jar of flour that Beomgyu had left precariously balanced on the edge of the counter toppled over, spilling its contents across the floor in a powdery white cloud.
You both stood there, frozen for a moment as you took in the mess before you. But then, without a word, Beomgyu grabbed a broom and dustpan and began to sweep up the flour. You joined him, wiping down the counters and mopping up the stray bits of dough and sugar that had somehow managed to make their way onto the floor.
Despite the setback, you both found yourselves laughing and joking as you worked to clean up the kitchen. And as you looked over at Beomgyu, his hair dusted with flour and his cheeks flushed from the exertion, you couldn't help but feel a deep sense of love and admiration for him.
In the end, the cookies turned out perfectly, and you both savored the sweet taste of victory as you shared them together.
© gyudiarys '23
likes and reblogs are appreciated ♥︎
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