#○ sorry; i'm in a rush here! || ﹝ queue ﹞ ○
jewish-vents · 3 hours
Yesterday (5/14, I know the queue is probably pretty large so I'll mark that down for reference) I found out the little old lady who runs my favorite thrift store didn't get anything for Mother's Day. No texts, no calls, no cards, nothing. So I rushed out of the store to get her some flowers, so she would have something. At first it went like I'd hoped - she was happy, she smiled - and then she noticed my Star of David necklace. The smile slipped off of her face. She asked me if I was Israeli. She asked me if I supported Israel. She asked me why I shopped at a thrift store when "your people have money". This is going to sound pathetic but I'm 16 and neurodivergent and I get overwhelmed easily. I ended up crying and apologizing. I apologized to her for getting her flowers and she told me as I rushed out that she stands with Hamas. (Not Gaza, not Palestine. Hamas, specifically.)
I cried until I threw up. Then I drove home. I sat down, and I tried to tell myself I'm okay. But I'm not. There's a hole inside me now. I feel guilty and wrong and bad. I've never lived anywhere other than this one town in Kentucky my whole life. I don't have Israeli relatives. My family has lived here since the 1890's. We should be some of the "good ones", right? We meet all the criteria for not being hated according to the "I'm not antisemitic I'm antizionist" crowd. On paper, it should have been okay.
In practice it wasn't. I was guilty of being Jewish. And instead of making her feel better, all I did was make this woman feel even worse. I just make everything worse by existing.
I keep crying. I don't really know why. I can't make sense of the world anymore.
Anon, I'm sorry this happened to you, but you did not do anything wrong. It is not your fault that this woman is hateful-🐞
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mistydeyes · 1 year
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a panacea
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pan·a·ce·a noun
a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases.
summary: In pharmacy school, patient interaction was a core part of the curriculum. You tirelessly remember long, coffee-fueled nights going over your notes for each Professional Practice Skills class. The 141 boys make sure you can exercise these communication skills daily.
141's medical file reference
pairing: Task Force 141 x pharmacist!Reader
warnings: medical/pharmacy terminology, medical inaccuracies, swearing, depiction of wounds and needles, fluff, flirting, and mutual crushes
a/n: i'm an american pharmacy student so sorry for some inaccuracies about how pharmacy across the pond
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As you walked into the pharmacy and began your shift, you paged through a few recent scripts and checked in with your technicians. Your graduation from university, years of clinical experience, and now your more recent military training seemed like a distant memory. You would constantly see a variety of service men and women every day without much thought. Yes, there were some repeat individuals but overall everything seemed to blend. 
Despite this, you still attempted to form a meaningful interaction with each patient regardless of what they’d be picking up. Doctors were constantly bothersome with questions about the recommended treatment and asking for a drug not listed on the formulary. Patients were different though, you would always try to have a friendly conversation and wonder what missions they would be deployed on once they left the queue. As you prepared to work through today’s prescriptions and tackle a new medication supply, you reminded yourself that today was filled with a new set of faces to meet.
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The members of 141 were all too familiar with a distant employment in a foreign country. It was part of the job description, something you do without question. However, some countries had the luxury of also having medication to take for the duration of the trip. Malaria is no joke and you always had to ensure you ordered an abundant supply of antimalarials for the soldiers constantly going around the world.
Today was no exception, your new order had literally been flying off the shelves. It was the post-breakfast rush and you had a few boxes left of atovaquone/proguanil (Malarone). Although the frequency of taking these was a pain, you loved the easy verification and packaging of the box.
As you continued to provide the queue with their prescriptions, a familiar face and hat made its way to the front.
"Ah Captain Price, back again?" you grinned as he approached the counter.
"Back too soon," the man chuckled, the deep baritone of his laugh bouncing across the walls. "I believe I have a couple of things to pick up from you, love."
With that, you pulled his file up and confirmed his array of medications. Generally, nothing out of the ordinary you noted and acknowledged the new addition of Malarone.
"Yes just give me a moment," you replied as you went to grab his bag.
As the bottles rattled around in the bag, you took a peek and counted the correct number of bottles/boxes, and verified their appearance.
"Now are you going for leisure or work? I saw the newest order for an antimalarial." Secretly you knew the answer but there was always the possibility that the Captain was going on leave.
He let out another small chuckle, "I think you know the answer to that one, doll. Duty calls."
You smiled back, the small inclusion of pet names brightening your day. "Alright then, and I'm assuming you know the regimen. This isn't your first rodeo."
"Yeah, take one for the next day, every day there, and for the week when I get back." You hummed in agreement with his response and he gave you a quick thanks before turning to go.
"Oh but while you're here, any interest in some smoking cessation recommendations!" Like before, you knew the answer. This man was loyal to his country and even more loyal to his cigars. The air filled with the fragrance of musk and cigar smoke whenever he came in definitely made an impression on you.
With this last comment, he let out a final, breathy laugh before responding, "You are many things, Captain, but that's a fucking miracle I don't believe you can pull off."
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Infections were no surprise to you. Especially working in the military, there was plenty of incidence for it. Most of the time and even after the doctor patched them up and directed them on proper care, there would still be a select few that would return with an infection.
The rest of the morning was quiet, you were able to catch up on some documentation and had time to pop into the medical wing to provide your pharmacist expertise. That's why when everyone's favorite Scot came by to pick up his antibiotic you didn't mind the company.
"Hi gorgeous, I'm here because of some doc's slipshod job stitching me up." He beamed as he raised his forearm to reveal new stitches and a clearly red, inflamed area. You quickly pulled up his file and your suspicions of an infection were confirmed.
"Sure, MacTavish. I completely believe that the medic specifically botched yours out of the whole team," you sarcastically replied. You served multiple tours with the "guilty" medic and knew they were of equal expertise to you. There was a reason they were performing surgeries while you provided insight and the medication. "I also trust you managed to keep the wound clean and didn't do anything stupid like, I don't know, training instead of resting," you finished as you raised an eyebrow.
He looked like a child who got caught with their hand in the cookie jar. "Ah good one, Doc, I guess nothing is getting past you."
"Mhmm, I'll make you think twice about negatively referring to my colleagues. And again, you know I'm not a doctor. If I were, you know I wouldn't be so willing to stitch you up and send you on your way" you jokingly threatened. He shuddered slightly, he wouldn't want to imagine a world where you were his medic on the battlefield. But then again, his constant injuries would mean frequent visits.
"But I would get to see that gorgeous face of yours more," he joked and you could feel your face flush. His flirty antics and your eye rolls were a staple of this relationship.
"Do you talk to everyone this way?" you countered, "I bet your superiors love the constant flow of compliments and just blush at your tone."
"Oh yes, they do. My Lieutenant turns into a giggling mess underneath his mask. Do you know he's bloody handsome under that? You should try flooding him with pet names and admiration to see for yourself." He responded, a clear sarcasm in his voice evident even with his familiar accent.
"Will do, MacTavish. Now will you let me get your medication so I can return you to your loverboy?"
"Of course, Captain" he saluted exaggeratedly as you walked to the rows of shelves.
You opened the bag and then placed the verified medication into his hand. "You know the routine and for the love of God, please finish the amount in here. I don't want to be seeing another order for Augmentin from you any time soon!"
"Yes, love, but nothing can stop this machine from gathering more illnesses and wounds requiring your expert care." You rolled your eyes as he explained and gave a cocky gesture showcasing his chiseled injured body.
"Don't mess with me, you know I can easily sneak my way into the med ward and make sure you go nighty-night." You were bluffing, the Hippocratic oath painfully engraved in your mind. But it didn't hurt to joke back.
"Oh I'll be sure to watch out for you, scary legal drug dealer." With this last jab, he walked out and left you chuckling to yourself at his antics.
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The flowers and trees were in full bloom around the base. It reminded you of the days studying outside and crying over learning your Year 2 immunology coursework. However, just like immunology, pollen just made your job more difficult. It seemed like the scripts for nasal sprays and allergy medication were endless. Day after day you would go to work with your technician as you helped their workload by filling the myriad of prescriptions.
Following the quiet lunch hour, the pharmacy quickly became flooded with people. As a younger soldier presented to your counter, you could immediately guess what they were here for.
Although he was not one of your repeat offenders, his watery eyes and the constant flow of sniffles made it clear that he was another victim of the unrelenting pollen.
“Garrick, Kyle,” he said and you couldn’t help but feel bad for him as he stood there a sniffling mess. You typed his name in and checked his credentials as he turned to sneeze.
“Ah yes, you have a nasal spray and another prescription here. Just give me a moment.” You walked away from the counter as you heard him chuckle and call out, “You wouldn’t happen to have a panacea back there would you?”
“Unfortunately I do not,” you said and frowned upon your return, “But just take these once a day with water and use the nasal spray as needed. One puff in each nose should do the trick and don’t forget to shake it!” You explained. Holding the small container of pills you noted, "Plus this is Piriteze, so you won't feel tired after taking but I usually recommend taking a half hour before you know you're going outside or having any interaction with pollen."
He nodded in agreement and took out a tissue to blow his nose for the hundredth time today. This action didn't relieve his congestion. Allergies were really the bane of everyone's existence and you felt for him as he let out a couple of sneezes and apologized.
As he took the bag you gently said, “Sometimes something spicy really clears everything out. Spice has the benefit of being both delicious and working as a decongestant. You’ll definitely need some tissues but it’s worth it in my opinion.” With that, you offered a wink and sent him on his way.
"You're truly an angel. I'll be sure to update you, love," he beamed at you with a dashing smile. You would be flattered if it had not been for his subsequent barrage of sneezes.
A few days later, a pleased Gaz returned to you and explained your life hack had worked. One half bottle of hot sauce later and he had been congestion free. Brushing your astonishment at his spice tolerance aside, you explained that it had been just the medicine. However, Gaz would soon be giving everyone an earful of your non-conventional methods. Although his mates constantly joked about the image of him drowning in snot (a picture gracefully captured by Soap), he was thankful for you, the pretty pharmacist, and the help.
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You could feel the headache forming from the fluorescent lights and the busy day you were currently having. This morning new missions called for you to enforce the regimen of taking antimalarials and in the afternoon, returning soldiers required pain medication and antibiotics (although you were thankful these were tablets and not through IVs). However, this was no challenge to you and you were further encouraged by the recent positive interactions you’d been having.
Just as you stepped away for a water break, your desktop notified you of a patient awaiting their prescription. You sighed and walked over to see the patient file as well as what medication they’d be receiving today.
You read the name carefully and slowly, partially because of your tiredness as well as your irrational fear of giving the patient the wrong medication.
“Riley, Simon” you mumbled and kept repeating the name as you walked amongst the rows of bags to retrieve the medication.
Just some routine painkillers. You examined the container to verify the oval, white pills of paracetamol.
As you notified the waiting soldier, your computer showed a reminder that they were due for a flu shot. You smiled, immunizations were often done routinely through a clinic but sometimes, you would get a break from your day and be able to administer one.
You acknowledged the reminder just as the soldier walked up. Tall, brooding, and donning a unique balaclava, you presumed this was Simon Riley. Your earlier conversation with Soap made you realize that this was the man who put up with all of his antics. You wondered if the paracetamol was for an injury or his raging headache from his Sergeant.
Recognizing his rank, you greeted him warmly and went to verify his patient credentials. He was a quiet man, only replying to your necessary prompts. This further added evidence that the medication was because of Soap, the chatterbox that he is. As you handed over his prescription, you let him know the bad news.
“Unfortunately, you are due for a flu shot but I can have you out of here in less than 15 minutes if you’d like?” you smiled, "or you could always just have me refer you out to get it while you're on leave."
"I'll do it now, don't know the next time I'd be returning," he spoke lowly. You wondered where he would be off to next as he pocketed the medication and nodded in agreement.
You motioned for him to sit in the designated area and prepared the necessary materials. As you walked over to the vaccine area now occupied by the large man, you positioned yourself to the side of him. You performed your typical routine of verifying the prescription and noting the necessary numbers before you felt the need to break the silence.
“You know, I used to be terrified of these as a child. I hope you didn’t have the same experience, Lieutenant,” you chuckled as you began to clean his bicep. You admired the tattoo on his right arm, so intricate and beautiful.
“I’ve had much worse, trust me,” he replied and you could almost hear the smile in his voice. Well, I guess the man of few words has a sense of humor.
“That’s good to hear! You wouldn’t imagine the number of recruits that squirm even before I’ve begun to prep their arm. I thought all that training taught you guys to be tough.” With this, you both laughed and you began to position your hand ensuring the needle was going into the proper area.
You felt him slightly tense under your touch but you gave him a reassuring pat on the hand. You knew as a child that the best way was to finish the vaccine before they even had time to react.
“You can hold my hand if you’d like,” you joked, not realizing that he was pink under his mask. "Or you could be a good little soldier and I might give you a lolly" you continued further, teasing the man. He was so glad to have the safety of concealment as you were really rubbing it in. He waved you off with his other hand and you went about a quick administration.
“See that’s not so bad,” you smiled and you went to apply a bandage. Unfortunately, you realized you were out of your typical issued bandaids and quickly grabbed a colorful, neon star one.
He glanced down and responded with a low, “What the hell is that?”
“I’m sorry it’s the only one I have at the moment, but you should be able to take it off before bed tonight!” you apologized and you fastened it onto his strong bicep.
Little did you know that your small talk and neon bandage had endeared you to the Lieutenant. Your reassuring touch and soft actions made him believe you’d be a better fit for a position in pediatrics than here. Although he would have to explain the ridiculous stars, he found himself wanting to get all of his vaccines from you.
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first time writing and posting here in like forever! hope you enjoyed this mw2 content :)
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soap-ify · 5 months
nsfw below , mdni.
YOU'RE AN ANGEL, I'M A DOG | simon 'ghost' riley x reader.
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02 — you believe me like a god, i destroy you like i am.
chapter summary — after chaos broke out during your work, simon attempts to comfort you in his own way.
tags / cw — angst, reader almost has a panic attack, reactions from bad anxiety, reader is yelled at, verbal assault, violence (simon beats someone up), tending to wounds i don't know how that thing works, just reader and simon being awkward, simon is very self aware, smut 18+, outercourse, grinding through clothes, p in v. [3.8k words]
☆ reader written with afab anatomy but gender neutral terms.
masterlist | ao3 | prev | next
If you had the choice to disappear into the void, you would.
The cafe was quite crowded, which was a good thing for the place but not so welcoming for you. The customers kept on rushing in, rambling out orders while you hastily gave them their stuff while trying your best to not mess anything up. You knew the others were working just as much as you, and you didn’t want to seem selfish by thinking that you were having it the worst out there.
Though your brain truly was horribly overwhelmed with the amount of faces in this small cafe. The heat made your head throb, causing you to rub your hands over your face and take a few deep breaths, afraid that you’d break down in front of everyone, feeling your palms getting clammy. It was so hard to keep your voice controlled and polite while talking to the others, making sure that it didn’t crack.
You despised busy days.
Simon was sitting alone at the far edge seat inside the cafe, a cup of bitter black coffee on the table while his brown eyes blankly stared at you, observing your struggles that you seemingly masked quite well in front of others, but well, not for him.
The rest of the taskforce wasn’t here today since it wasn’t a weekend, and normally Simon himself would have never willingly come over at a crowded place like this. But he was feeling too restless in his apartment. Maybe he just needed fresh air. His mind kept on making dumb excuses, even though he was fully aware that he just wished to see you.
Plus it was always somewhat comforting knowing that he would keep you safe.
You were aware of him, aware of his eyes on you and words couldn’t describe how grateful you were. It was as if his familiar presence was the only thing keeping you sane during this shift, knowing that once this was over, you could talk to him if he’d let you.
You had just given the person standing in the front of the queue their coffee, watching them leave before the other person came at the front — some guy who was probably around your age, looking at you with a wolfish grin plastered on his lips that sent uncomfortable shivers down your spine.
“What would you like, sir?” You asked politely, fumbling with the fabric of your apron behind the counter, thankfully hidden from everyone’s sight. Inhale, exhale.
“A large cup of espresso, sugar.” That man replied, the pet name causing you to internally grimace. Fucking disgusting.
You silently nodded and went back to go over to the coffee machine, only to find out that one of the ingredients had run out. Today truly was your unlucky day.
A wave of panic shot over you as you walked over to the counter once more, facing that man. “I-I am sorry, sir… It seems like the espresso can’t be made due to the shortage of some stuff…” You were unable to hold in the little stammer in your words this time, your breath hitching at the way some anger began making its way over to that man’s face, his mood taking a huge swing. Volatile.
It scared, no, terrified you to see someone angry over something you said. It reminded you of your own parents, reminded you of things you no longer had wished to recall at this point.
“Fuck you mean shortage? What kind of cafe is this?!” The man snapped, pointing an accusatory finger at you, his seething rage causing you to freeze on your spot. Fuck, everyone was looking. You hated this — hated the way you flinched at his loud voice, hated the way everyone was staring at you, silence taking over the cafe before soft murmurs could be heard here and there. Gossiping about this.
As if this was just a joke to them, as if all of this was normal.
“I-I understand your anger, sir… But—” Your words were cut off by his impatient slam on the counter. Your eyes widened and everything for a second seemed too silent, too unbearable. Don’t panic, don’t panic…
“You useless slag. Why don’t you just quit this job and—”
“Fucking get off her, you bastard.” A large hand grabbed the strange man’s collar and shoved him out of your sight, snapping you out of your thoughts.
Simon. You had almost forgotten that he was here too. Another wave of humiliation and helplessness hit you as you just stood there, feeling like a weak idiot.
You didn’t even have to speak, not that you were going to, before Simon pulled the man back up on his feet. “You. Come with me.” He growled and dragged the man out of the cafe, leaving behind an unsettling thick layer of silence caused by the commotion. Over a fucking coffee.
Everyone saw it. Everyone saw you getting yelled at. Everyone saw you being fucking useless.
You soon realised that tears had begun blurring your vision, causing you to hastily undo your apron and scurry off into the staff room.
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Simon had that horrendous man thrown into an eerily quiet alley with no one in sight except them both.
“Who do you think you’re messing with?” He growled under his breath, fingers curled up into fists, knuckles a bit bruised and bleeding after having repeatedly punched the man on his face, resulting in a broken nose and some broken teeth. Honestly deserved worse.
Simon didn’t know why he was so angry. He just hated seeing you already on the edge before this man just came in and messed everything up. How dare he yell at you? Scumbag. Simon wanted to spit at him and throw him in the bin like the fucking garbage he was, but he knew that someone could always walk by even in an isolated alley like this and he definitely didn’t want unnecessary attention.
Adrenaline was coursing through Simon’s veins and he could hear the blood rushing into his ears. He looked scary above the man, brown eyes wide and deadly. The fact that his face was covered in that balaclava made him look all the more inhuman.
Thank goodness you weren’t here to witness this.
In Simon’s mind, this was who he really was. Roughened up and turned into this rageful mess after years of brutal training and even worse missions. Trained like a fucking dog. Maybe that was what he was. A dog. Not a human, just a pathetic dirty thing who only knew the worst, who only knew the wrongs.
He was his own poison, killing himself on his own.
With one last kick on the stomach, Simon left the man to weep alone in the alley. He didn’t have to deal with someone like that anymore, all he could think was of you and how you probably were feeling right now.
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Your manager had luckily let you end your shift early today, albeit still having scolded you for creating such a ruckus inside the cafe. For ruining a nice busy day. It made your throat tighten, making you feel as if everyone was blaming you for this. Maybe it really was your fault.
You silently stood outside the cafe, staring down at your hands that were clasped together, your fingers visibly trembling. You closed your eyes and took a few deep breaths in an attempt to clear the fog in your head. Your moment of silence was broken by the familiar sound of soft footsteps nearing you.
Yes, you had memorised his footsteps. You knew everyone’s, actually. And his were your favourite — oddly soft and quiet, juxtaposing to what you initially expected from someone of his size. He was probably very skilled in sneaking up behind the people.
Simon silently stood besides you, not uttering a word. For a whole minute, it was just silence between you, your eyes nervously darting around before landing on his hands that were uncharacteristically not covered in his usual gloves that he wore all the time except for when you both were all alone.
And that’s when you noticed it, his bleeding knuckles.
“Simon…” You breathed out in panic, voice laced with concern as your eyes repeatedly shot back and forth between his face and his hands. What the fuck happened?
“Didn’t want my gloves getting dirty.” He mused gruffly, his eyes slowly looked down at you, causing you to knit your brows even more.
“He’s not gonna bother you again, love. No one is.” He finally mumbled after a few seconds, one hand of his reaching out to gently ruffle your hair. He really wasn’t bothered by the mild cuts on his knuckles. In fact, he really didn’t care. He wasn’t even thinking of bandaging it.
“Let’s go to my place.” You urged him, lips a bit pouty while worry was etched over your face.
He couldn’t help but find you adorable.
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Once you both reached your apartment, you were quick to push him onto the couch and hastily grab a first aid kit, scurrying over to sit beside him on the couch.
“Show me your hands.” You mumbled softly, causing him to reluctantly let your gentle hands hold his callused, larger hands. What a contrast. He felt guilty for making you hold such a dirty, damaged thing.
You were quick to clean up his hands, carefully touching the cuts with the cotton pads. You didn’t even want to imagine what Simon was capable of. Your eyes scanned his hands carefully, admiring every scar on his skin.
You never really thought much of it. Sure you knew that he was in the military, always doing some sort of highly dangerous work. But you never really saw that side of his — scary one. So it was fairly easy to forget his real strength until moments like these came to remind you. Though you never really disliked him for it.
You don’t think you could ever dislike him. He was just… everything.
Ever since you both have come to your place, all you could think about was how he stood up for you. You didn’t like pity, but the fact that someone cared, especially if that someone was Simon, made you feel all the more warmer aside.
He did care for you, right? Were you too fond of him? Too in awe of him?
You dabbed some antiseptic on the cuts before applying some cute panda bandaids on his knuckles. He stared at them questionably, brows furrowed though an amused scoff soon escaped his lips behind the mask. “You don’t own normal bandaids?”
“These are normal!” You grumbled, blood rushing to your cheeks in embarrassment.
“Just kiddin’... They are cute like you.”
You got up to put the kit away and wash your hands before coming back to sit besides him, pulling your knees to your chest, silence filling the room up once more.
Simon could see how you were still shaken up, the frown etched on your face accentuating the storm of thoughts raging inside your head. It made his heart ache, though he didn’t move a muscle at all, silently staring at you from the corner of his.
He didn’t know how to comfort you at all.
All he knew was how to handle guns and beat up people. All he knew was how to ignite a sense of terror within people.
Simon didn’t want to think of himself as a monster, the word alone making him think of no one other than his father. He wasn’t that man, he wasn’t.
He sighed behind his balaclava after a while and shuffled a bit closer to you on the couch, his arm brushing against yours.
Your body tensed up for a second, and he was just about to back away once he sensed it before you eventually relaxed and leaned into him, a trembling sigh escaping your lips. He was warm, and you couldn’t help but think of him as a blanket that was shielding you from the world. A protector. Though he really wasn’t that, right? What even was he to you?
You didn’t want to think of that right now, not when your brain was already so exhausted after everything that happened today, the little bit of confidence you had already shattered.
Simon’s hand slowly snaked behind your back, drawing lazy discreet circles on your waist through the fabric of your shirt. You could make out some of them — a circle, then a star, then some random incomprehensible shape that he probably just made up on the spot and then a star again. This act of his made you smile a bit, your eyes fluttering up to look at him, only to find him looking back at you.
You had caught him staring at you multiple times before, but this moment felt so different — more cozy and intimate. It made your heart skip a beat, your brain feeling all foggy due to the sudden wave of happiness shooting within you.
Simon probably noticed the change in the air too since his hand was quick to pull back and settle on his lap, fingers drumming on his thigh, pretending as if nothing happened. It left you confused, disappointed even, but more so at yourself then at him. Why were you making every little interaction with him such a big deal? He didn’t like you the way you liked him.
Simon was silent for a while, multiple thoughts going on within his head. His large hand slowly drifted towards you once more, this time towards your thigh, fingers absent-mindedly caressing you. Well, he could comfort you in the way he knew of.
Your body was quick to react to his touch, your breath hitching while you were simultaneously a bit embarrassed of how you were so used to his touch, used to the way his caresses would make you squirm. You could already pick up on his intention behind this, to somehow get your mind off whatever happened in your job today.
“C’mere, love…”
His callused hands pulled you onto his lips with ease, holding onto your hips, your face facing his, eyes meeting. You swear you could feel the world slowing down every time your eyes would meet his, his stare alone coaxing you to lean into him, your head nuzzling into the crook of his neck while your fingers curled up into the fabric of the large grey hoodie he was wearing.
“I’ll take care of you. I promise.” His gruff voice came out as a whisper, making your heart swell yet ache at the same time. Yes, please take care of me, these words repeated over and over in your head while you sheepishly nodded against his neck.
His hands were quick to work, not letting you do a single thing, lifting your hips up gently as he slid down your pants, carefully removing them all the way down, letting it drop to the ground. Your hands reached down in attempted to undo his pants, though he just lightly smacked your hands away and shook his head, huffing softly as he unbuckled the belt and unzipped his pants on his own, tugging them alongside his boxers just a bit so his cock was free from the restraints, already semi-hard.
Your mouth watered at the familiar sight that always made you all heated up and blustered, blood rushing to your cheeks while your eyes stared down at his cock, admiring the veins that adorned it. It was just perfect — girthy and uncut.
“Simon…” A meek whine left your lips while your eyes literally pleaded him to do something, anything to just somehow make your mind empty, to let you forget about everything, to let you pretend that everything was fine. Pretend that you were with him.
His cock twitched at the noise you made, one hand of his tight gripping your hip in position while his other hand gently grabbed the base of his cock, beginning to rub the head against your clothed cunt, watching the way a wet patch was forming on your panties.
“D-Don’t tease me like this!” You grumbled, nibbling on your bottom lip as you felt the swollen head of his now hardened up cock bumping against your clothed clit, making your hips bucking towards him, desperate for more.
“Don’t nibble your lip like that, love. You’re gonna bruise it.” He breathed out, his eyes falling onto your lips that looked so kissable, making him clench his jaw behind that balaclava of his. No, he couldn’t kiss you.
He continued to play with you like this, rubbing and smearing his precum on your panties, continuing to grind against your clothed cunt, ruining this pair of panties. You mentally noted that you should buy some new ones this weekend.
It wasn’t until a few moments later that you started to feel the familiar tight knots building in your abdomen, a soft whimper leaving your lips while your fingers tightened around the fabric of his hoodie, desperately grinding back against his clock. “P-Please, please, Si… So close, pl—”
He stopped, gently pushing you slightly backwards on his lap so his cock was no longer touching you. A frustrated sob left your lips as you glared at him in confusion, eyes all glossy and he couldn’t help but grin behind his mask, noticing how adorable you looked like this. He already knew that he had successfully distracted you from your thoughts. He knew this wasn’t the ideal way. Hell, he should have actually cuddled with you and shared some comforting words. But fuck, he can’t. He shouldn’t. He is already being selfish enough with this whole thing you two have going on, and he definitely doesn’t want to risk progressing into something more.
He was a fucking asshole, he knew it. He knew of how he didn’t deserve you, and you definitely didn’t deserve a broken, fucked up in the head man like him. You deserved better.
But you two were already so far into this, weren’t you?
“Ssh, don’t worry. Gonna make you cum properly.” He assured you, gently pulling you into him once more, his fingers pushing your panties aside and giving your throbbing clit a few sweet rubs before positioning the head of his twitching cock in front of your entrance, looking at you while you were looking down at the spot your bodies were about to be connected at, literally swooning.
“Please…” You pleaded, feeling his cock gently smear your slick all over your folds before beginning to gently push into your tightness, a quiet grunt leaving his lips at the way you clenched around you, still struggling to fully get used to the way his girth would stretch you out. Your head fell onto his shoulder, panting softly as you tried to relax, feeling him slide into you slowly, inch by inch until he was fully snug inside your tight cunt, the cloth of your panties gently grazing against the side of his shaft.
“Takin’ me so well, aren’t ya? Always do. That pretty cunt of yours is so perfect.” He praised hoarsely into your ears, his affectionate words driving you over the edge, feeling him begin to lazily fuck his cock in and out of your fluttering cunt, hitting the spongy spots inside you with ease, as if having them all memorised within his head. Shaky moans would leave your lips at the blissful feeling, eyes rolling back into your head once you felt the head of his cock slam against your cervix, him making sure that it wasn’t painful at all. His hand massaged your hip gently, fondling the flesh and gently guiding you to grind against him while his other hand slid in between your connected bodies, caressing the moist skin of your thigh before moving in between to lightly rub your clit, feeling you clenching around him tightly.
You felt fuzzy, leaning into him fully to let his warmth relax you, feeling the rise and fall of his chest against you while your eyes fluttered shut, head fully nuzzled into his neck. You felt the knots building up again, even stronger this time, leaving you with no time to warn him before your orgasm washed over you hard, your walls spasming around him while a muffled moan left your lips, his fingers rubbing your clit just heightening up your sensitivity. He breathed heavily, his eyes filled with adoration at the way you cummed around his cock, his shaft having a white ring around him, filling his heart with a sickeningly proud feeling at the realisation that only he was capable of making you cum so hard, of making you get rid of all those thoughts.
His own orgasm flooded within him soon after, balls tightening up as he pulled his cock out of your cunt and gave it a few pumps, spraying the thick strings of his cum all over your sweaty, trembling thighs.
Both of you were breathing heavily, tingles spreading through your skin that made you smile at how full of pleasure you felt right now, all floaty as you fully collapsed onto him, clinging onto his tight while his sticky cock rested against your inner thigh, his hands rubbing soothing circles on your lower back.
“Si… Thank you so much…” You sleepily babbled, your breathing getting calmer.
He wished that he could show you the stupid smile that was spread on his face right now.
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“I am goin’ to go for deployment after two days.”
He randomly announced that night, causing you to freeze and look away from the movie you both were watching and towards him, eyes all wide. What the fuck? And here you were being happy that he had decided to stay with you tonight, having agreed to spend some time with you.
You were making it all up, all this happiness and whatever feelings and signals you thought you were getting from him. Deployment. God, you hated that word and the way it filled you with dread, the way it always left you all anxious during the weeks he’d be away, fighting god knows who, literally a mistake away from walking on a bridge from life to death.
“How long…?” You quietly asked, trying not to seem so fazed by his sudden words, fingers fiddling with your shirt while your eyes looked away.
“Dunno… I believe it won’t be longer than two weeks. Don’t worry, love.” He mumbled after a while, subtle warmth lingering in his voice as his hand reached to gently caress the back of your head, causing you to sigh softly and lean into him, frowning a bit.
“Okay… Stay safe, Si.”
You trust him. Of course you do.
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Liar. Fucking liar. It had been three weeks, three weeks without any contact from him, or any news from him. He wasn’t on this mission with Kyle as far as you knew, so there was no point in asking him.
Was Simon safe? Was he wounded? Did he get captured? Did he get tired of you? Is he finally getting rid of you? Is he… abandoning you?
You tried to shake these thoughts off your mind, trying to remember that his job was a hard one. Still, you stupidly kept grabbing your phone, desperate for any notification or noise.
Only to be met with silence.
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notes : thank you so much for the support on the previous chapter :( !! i feel truly grateful. also... feeling evil i love fucking stuff up for simon.
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teyamsgrl · 8 months
Hi Jade! Do you think you'd be up to do Neteyam fic where he and the reader are sweet on each other but because she's younger than him and friends with Lo'ak he doesn't wanna go that route with her so he distances himself from her and he starts vetting available girls in the clan as a distraction and this makes the reader decide to put her needs first and she starts thinking about future mates since Neteyam isn’t seemingly worried about her. But then a rumor starts that either Lo'ak and reader are to be mates or someone else is courting her and this pushes Neteyam to stake his claim and make her his.
❗️MDNI ❗️
hi!!!! oh my goddddd this idea is amazing, everyone say THANK YOU ANON 🗣️ jealous and in love neteyam woowowowowo i'm dead already - also this gif is so fucking crisp and clear holy fuck he is so fine respectfully
p.s: sorry it took me forever to get this completed! had some writer's block along with uni starting again 🥲
just a distraction ✧ neteyam
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°˖➴ warnings: fem omatikaya reader, agedup!neteyam, dom!neteyam, jealous!teyam, younger!reader, sub!reader, friends to lovers, slow burn??, dirty talk, oral f & m receiving, missionary 😮‍💨 - paskalin: honey
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despite being lo'ak's age and his best friend, you and neteyam got along extremely well. this 'getting along' also included a lot of unsaid feelings and the romantic tension between you both was unbelievably visible yet neither of you ever said a word. your actions showed enough though; the extra long hugs, the touches as you pass each other, the undivided attention as you teach each other new skills, the looks you share throughout the day. you were so obviously in love with neteyam and you figured he maybe felt the same; that is until he started to avoid you a week ago. it hurt. it hurt so bad.
what made it even worse was that he was going around the village and chatting up all the girls, showing off and being touchy. it made your blood boil as you watched him because that should be you. as you watch him speak to kai'ra, a very skilled hunter, you start to snap out of it. clearly neteyam doesn't want you so why are you sitting here pining over him? what's the fucking point? sure, it sucked to accept that you would never be with neteyam like you had anticipated for a long time but there was no point in sulking about it. there were many other desirable men in the clan and you figured that you'd find the right one eventually.
"i heard that y/n is being courted, is that true, lo'ak?" neytiri questions as the sully family sits together in their hut eating an evening meal. neteyam almost chokes on the food in his mouth, eyes wide and jealousy rising in his chest. "yeah, by ät’uk and i think someone else too" lo'ak responds to his mother nonchalantly before continuing to eat. there are other men attempting to court y/n? what had he done? neteyam couldn't deny his feelings for you, they were almost overwhelming. it was hard for him to put distance between you both, but he felt that it was right due to the fact that you are younger and best friends with his little brother. this was clearly a mistake. the pit in his stomach was haunting, just knowing there were other men chasing after you had him anxious and on top of that, angry. neteyam set his bowl down and stood up abruptly, telling his family that he just needed some air and to walk by himself. he rushed out of the hut, turning left to head to where he knew you'd be; tree of voices.
you went to the tree of voices every night before eclipse to visit your late father, the visits always bringing you peace. just as you detach your queue from the tree, you hear someone approaching. you rarely saw others approach the tree of voices at this time of night, so you got a bit startled naturally. "it's just me", you hear that familiar voice you love so much. your heart swelled as he came into the light expelled by the tree, you had missed him despite his actions. "neteyam.." you say, nervously shifting to stand up and face him. "is ät’uk courting you?" he asks matter of factly, a glow of jealousy in his amber eyes. "uh... he has been trying, yes, so has tar'ete" you answer him, observing the way his nose scrunches at your words. "well, that's not gonna happen" he takes a step closer to you, now chest to chest. "and you get to decide that for me? that's funny, especially since you've been avoiding me" your tone is harsh, but it was true, what right did he have to state his opinion when he left you in the dust?
"look- i just thought that since you're younger and lo'ak's best friend it would be better to not initiate something with you, but" his hands move to grab your hips, butterflies fluttering in your stomach. "it was a mistake. i talked to all these other girls and i felt nothing, then i heard you were being courted and i just- you're mine and i won't let anyone else have you" he breathes out, pressing his forehead to yours and allowing his lips to ghost over yours. "i've always been yours, neteyam. it killed me to watch you with all those other girls.." you whisper softly, your own hands gripping his shoulders as though he could slip away any second. "i know, it was just a distraction. i'm sorry, paskalin.." the pet name effortlessly falls from his lips, said lips slowly inching closer to yours. you nod slightly, breath tickling his lips. before you can act first he presses his lips to yours, moving in sync with yours as though you had done this a million times before.
you hum into the kiss, hands running to weave into his braids as his tongue slips into your mouth, gliding along your own tongue. his hands on your hips pull them against his, bulge pressing against you and bringing more wetness between your legs. "neteyam" you whine out softly, grinding into his bulge and pulling out a moan from him. "y/n..." he sighs as he watches you sink to your knees, hands untying his loincloth from his tail that is swishing around in excitement. your eyes widen slightly as his cock bounces out of the confines of his loincloth, hard and leaking already. you lick the tip softly, his head falling back from the sensation. "wanna be yours..." you murmur, kissing along his shaft. "you are, i promise" he moans out as your mouth engulfs his tip, sucking and gradually taking in his entire length.
you start bobbing your head up and down, gagging slightly as his tip hits the back of your throat. "that's it, fuck..." neteyam's hands hold your head as he thrusts gently into your mouth, your mouth his to use. he moans as he continues, the whining and choking sounds turning him on even further. he pulls you off of him and you gasp for air, hand wrapping around his length to stroke him. "no- it's your turn, paskalin" he holds out his hands for you and you grab them, standing up and facing him once again. he is now the one to drop to his knees, hands swiftly removing your loincloth in seconds. he grabs your left leg, hoisting it over his shoulder so your glistening hole is on display. his arms keep you steady on one leg while he leans in, tip of his tongue gently flicking over your clit. you shudder at the touch and whine out his name softly, bringing a smirk to his lips. he leans in again and brings your clit into his mouth, suckling on it like there's no tomorrow.
neteyam moves downwards, tongue plunging into your hole and lapping at your wetness while he leaves marks on your thighs from how tight his grip is. "teyam-" you whine, hands holding his head not only for stability but out of pure pleasure. he hums against you, vibrations shooting through your body as his mouth continues it's assault on you. his one hand moves back to grab the plush of your ass, lightly spanking as he shoves his face further into you. "feels good" you squeak out, hips bucking into his mouth frantically. "yeah? wanna cum on my cock babygirl?" he mumbles between licks to your clit. "please yes" you gasp and lock eyes with him, allowing him to lie you flat on your back.
neteyam crawls over top of you, one hand beside your head as the other lines his cock up with your entrance. the pressure of his tip at your hole has you mewling already, hands reaching for his biceps as he begins to push in. the stretch is intense yet the most pleasurable thing you had ever felt, your back arching in an instant. his breath is shaky as he bottoms out, pulling away slightly to ram right back into you. he leans to press his forehead on yours as he settles on a rhythm, breath grazing your lips as your rock back and forth together. "shit-" he groans as your walls squeeze him on each thrust, his fingers pressing into the dirt below you. "oh eywa..." you whine, nails dragging down neteyam's toned back.
"so good.... you're mine, aren't you?" he hums, hips jerking continuously and causing squelching sounds to fill your ears. "yours, all yours" you moan, nails digging into his back further as your orgasm begins it's fast approach. "that's right- fuck, i'm close.. where do you-" "inside, please" you beg, legs tugging him in by the waist as you begin to quiver. "okay- oh babyyy.." he groans as he pumps you full, your own orgasm releasing simultaneously. both of your breathing is heavy as you come down, bodies pressed together.
"you're amazing" he whispers, hand stroking your cheek as he lies beside you now. "so are you" you whisper back, placing your much smaller hand on top of his, staring into his amber eyes. "be my mate?" he asks, other hand resting on your stomach. "yes, of course yes" you smile, throwing your arms around his neck and pulling him close. he chuckles and wraps his arms around you as well, his strong arms keeping you as close as possible. "all we need is tsaheylu" he mumbles, smirk plastered on his face. "are you saying you want a round two?" you giggle, kissing along his jaw. "maybe..."
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writing-house-of-m · 9 months
Falling for you
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: Natasha is in love with you and decides to tell you
A/N: I was so impressed with myself when I came up with the title lol The request can be found here. Comments, reblogs and likes are appreciated!
Prompt: "Oh, I'm falling in love."
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"It was when I saw you giving flowers to Wanda once. I saw the gesture and it hit me like a ton of bricks. The way you looked at her. I wanted someone to look at me like that. I learned afterwards not 'someone,' I wanted you to look at me like that.
"It was as if my mind held up a queue card telling me how I felt about you. I realised, 'Oh, I'm falling in love,' but the more I thought about it the more I realised I've been in love with you for a while and I didn't know what to do."
Natasha started speaking after you made a joke about her playing hide and seek. Nobody knew where she was when you noticed her missing for a while and got curious where she might have been. She was looking out at the view motionless before you got there for you don't know how long.
You regret making your joke.
"I don't even know why I'm telling you all this. Maybe because I'm sick of holding it all in.
"In the red room it was always 'love is just something used to brainwash childish minds', 'A chemical reaction, nothing more' and for the longest time I agreed. I have never experienced it before and didn't think I ever would…
"Until you."
She looks at you emotionally. It's the most vulnerable you have seen her. The 'Black Widow' on the verge of tears because of you,
And there is nothing you can say to make her feel better.
"I do love you, just not in the same way. I'm really sorry," you see in the way Natasha drops her head, the devastation she is feeling, "but my heart will always belong to Wanda."
She lets out a sad laugh, looking out at the setting sun in the horizon, orange and pink painting the sky, "Figures," she scoffs, "the person I fall for, already taken," she says, sniffling.
There are a few moments of tense silence before you decide to break it, in hopes to lighten the mood a little, "Well, if it's any consolation Wanda aspires to have your 'hot bod'," you jest, then raise your hands and eyebrows innocently, "her words, not mine."
It does make her laugh but shortly after, silence prevails and you both bask in it. You stay there in each others presence long after darkness takes over and white dots fill the night sky.
Shortly after your conversation on the roof you move out of the compound. It was something you and Wanda had been discussing anyway but you thought it would be easier for Natasha if you weren't there. To you it would have felt like you were rubbing your relationship in her face after her confession. But for Natasha, she missed seeing you everyday.
As always life continues, work takes over. Your time together is reduced to when you are assigned to the same missions. Natasha realises quickly her feelings for you will never falter. So she makes the most of the time she gets with you.
It doesn't take long for that to be taken from her as well.
Natasha felt your presence missing from this world. Prior to everything that happened, you hadn't been at the compound for the longest time but at least she knew you were out there and happy. But now? There was a gaping hole in the shape of you that was missing and it was unfair for everyone, not just herself.
It is why she makes the decision to go to Vormir.
The world is better with you in it.
Even if she won't be here to witness it.
As she is falling to her demise, the sound of wind rushing past her ears she closes her eyes to see your smiling face.
The memory of you stood on the rooftop trying to make her laugh. The picture can be compared to a piece of artwork with the way the warm setting sunlight hits off your skin and makes your eyes shine.
Natasha is glad to have such a picturesque image of you in her final seconds that she can find comfort in behind her eyelids.
Despite the cold climate and the circumstances her body is filled with warmth knowing she is the reason there is the possibility to bring you back. At least then you will have a chance at starting that family you and Wanda announced.
As that final image slips away along with her consciousness, Natasha thinks about the fact that even though she could never have you. You always had her.
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the-last-f2p · 11 months
teenager Reader who feels insecure about their scars for (yandere) oda ( yandere) ango and (yandere) dazai ( together platonic ofc and I would like for reader to be fem or gender neutral)
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TW: Gender neutral reader, swearing, yandere behaivour, implied kidnapping, I feel like Dazai was close to manipulating reader but bbg Ango saved the day.
Oda has been increasingly getting worried about you. Maybe it was just a teenage thing? But Dazai never acted like you were doing so queue worried father figure.
Ango on the other hand could care less are you dying? No? Then it doesn't really matter. He does care though he's too sleep deprived to give any fucks .
Dazai knows exactly whats going on. He knows everything about you and it's absolutely not creepy! He just really likes you to the point of not obsessing over you.
So when they all gather around to figure out what the hell is wrong with you well Oda and Ango try and figure it out Dazai is trying to brainstorm ideas on how to off himself. But he'll occasoinally put in some input.
And after 1 painstaking hour Dazai finally speaks up
"Oh is that what you're trying to figure out? Oh they're self concious cause of their scars." Dazai just smiles like he wasn't messing with them and that he deffintly only figured it out at that moment.
Absoulte shock and then aggressive calling of you they were practically screaming for you to come to the Lupin.
You rushed there obviously thinking that something horrible happened but oh? But the trio where all there looking perfectly fine well as fine as they usally are.
"Why didn't you tell us? Do you not trust us?" Ango started giving you a worried mom look what is he talking about.
"I-" You were slightly confused but Ango continued "Is it because of Dazai?" You mean depending on what it was it could be but you decided to just say.
"Why would it be because o-"
"If it's cause of me I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you self concious about your scars Y/Nnnnn..!" Dazai says in an over dramatic tone.
"Be quiet." Finally someones on your side "They're obviously not gonna tell us." You were about to thank Oda but you got bandages chucked at your head. Wait..
"Here. Maybe you can use these? Out of sight out of mind.. Oh that was stupid sorry.." Oda smiled at you awkwardly it was nice of him you guess?
"But thoughtful~" You add on to what he said. "GASP Y/N has bandages are you gonna match with me are you are you are you?" Dazai picked the bandages out of your lap and started to unravel them "Can I put 'em on? I'm an expert y'know?" Dazai grins.
"Well I haven't decided yet..." "C'mon pleeeaasssee.?" "LEAVE THEM ALONE DAZAI" "Pleeeaaassseee Ango?" You tuned out the rest of the conversation but you felt a little more comfortable now with yourself , your friends, your everything. That's great anything to make you feel comfortable in one of their houses unable to leave. For your saftey of course.
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churipu · 5 months
rules !
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I.) basic dni criteria , do not go into my ask to excessively hate on me or my writings ★ my blog is a sfw blog, so please refrain from requesting anything related to nsfw or 18+ topics.
II.) (feel free to block me and do not interact with me if you support isr@el) // you like reading and writing shit like incest, stepcest, p links post (especially with minor characters) — in other words, i'm telling you to go seek help. ty.
[ ✓ ] i write my requests based on who requested first, so if yours is taking long, just know that i'm not ignoring nor deleting your request (sometimes i accidentally put your requests on the queue list — and i don't know how to edit it, so your request will still be posted in the form of a screenshot! sorry) -> update: i finally know how :D !
[ ✓ ] if your request hasn't been posted for a long time, I apologize but it probably means that i'm not going to write it. but for specific reasons, either i didn't know the prompt you're referring to or i just didn't know how to write the prompt. i'm sorry :(
III.) my works are completely sfw, suggestive at most. they are appropriate for people 16+.
I.) i absolutely hate blocking people, but i'm setting boundaries to my blog and i as a person, so please respect that.
blocked ! i will not hesitate to block the accounts who are as the following criteria:
[ ✓ ] if you make and post porn links, HARD BLOCK. idk why they're even a thing, no offense lol. i don't mind if you write / reblog nsfw works (as long as they don't contain illegal things) bcs that's up to you really, but porn links are different and they're a big ick.
[ ✓ ] blank blogs. blank blogs. blank blogs. at least put your age, please. convince me that you are not a bot.
[ ✓ ] if you're here to hate on my writing — especially when you decide to hide behind the anon feature to do so. i mean, if you have anything to say to me, the least you could do is to have the balls to say it directly to me without hiding behind the anon feature, thankies <33
[ ✓ ] incest/step-cest, that shit is weird as hell. don't even try lol, i'm not even asking anymore atp, i'm implying for you to go get help if you write + read those.
[ ✓ ] i hope you know the difference between constructive criticism and straight on hating. i appreciate constructive criticism of my writing and how i can grow my blog — but i do wish you won't straight up blow hate on me and hide behind "constructive criticism", because honestly, that's just embarrassing :(
[ ✓ ] plagiarism. plagiarism. plagiarism. pretty self-explanatory. just no.
I.) my first language is not english, i apologize for any grammar mistakes or typos! do tell me if you see any mistakes so i can immediately correct it, thank you.
II.) my blog and i am pro palestine. i reblog support to palestine a lot, block me immediately if you support isr@el in any kind of form and way ! thank you very much.
III.) i do not want to write smut for this blog, so please do not send in requests that contain smut for any characters in any kind of way. i'm honestly fine with a little suggestiveness, but full on smut is just a big no to me as of now (bcs i can't write them lmao), sorry :((
IV.) i try to keep the reader in my fics gender neutral, but if they're not, the gender of the reader will be said at the top.
V.) i don't have an updating schedule, i try to update at least once after a day. i'm currently in my fourth semester of uni, and things are currently a little hectic — but i'm trying to fit in updating daily into my schedule, so please refrain from rushing me to update. thank you!
VI.) DO NOT spam like please. tumblr will probably think that my account is a bot and possibly put me in the shadow realm :/ likes + reblogs are very appreciated, thank you :(
VII.) hate anons / cowards who hide behind the anon feature will be deleted (or posted) none in between lmao
VIII.) mutuals that want to cut contact with me -> keep in mind to HARD BLOCK my account, don't soft block me or unfollow me and just leave it at that. HARD BLOCK ME.
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( 𝐃𝐌𝐬 )
I.) if you have a problem with me, i appreciate if you reach out to me through my dms :)
II.) i am open to talk about anything as long as you're respectful, but please don't interact with me if you are under the age of 16.
I.) i hope you enjoy my writings, do tell me and educate me nicely if i do anything wrong! thank you.
[ ✓ ] i do appreciate it if you tell me about problematic blogs whose works i have reblogged or am currently associated with too, i don't really keep up with a lot of things and tend to follow up really late and i would usually find out WHEN things appear in my dashboard. if my ask box is closed, please reach out to me through my dms ! thanks !
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© CHURIPU 2024 . hope you follow my rules before interacting !
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finished reading? you can now proceed to my masterlist !
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pure-jeff-ward · 7 days
Infinity Con BLISS ! Looking at you Jeff Ward!! :D
Hi dear Jeff Wardians! I also wanted to share my Infinity Con experience with everyone. This was my fifth Con in general (one of them being NYCC!), but this one was genuinely the most chill and best organized one I have been to! When I was in line for the picture with Jeff, I loved that he had Bon Jovi and glam rock music on in the background (although he said he was into Hip Hop also); and I knew he wasn't particularly tall but then again, I'm from the North and men here are around 6.33 or 190m, hehe. So, he looked so dashing in his red sweater and I LOVED his very dark brown, tousled hair, which make his green eyes stand out. I could hear him speaking with people and he was very professional, but also "loud" like the American that he is. Hehe. He said "thank you" to every single person. Such a cutie. When it was my turn, I asked him if he would mind me standing on his other side and he said: Oh yes, of course. Naww. And then the picture was taken, but the photographer checked her camera to see if it was usable and I thought, he would let go immediately after the click, but he kept his arm around me for those 5 seconds more until the photographer nodded her okay that the picture came out usable. And those 5 seconds. Oh boy. How very approachable and sweet of him. He felt soft and smelled absolutely heavenly. Haha. Sorry for the graphics here. Then, there was the autographs. And I must say, each person would have had the time to talk that they needed. Yes, it always feels rushed with the queue/line behind you and I always try to be polite and be quick, because everybody wants a turn. So the guy in front of me had Jeff sign like seven boxes of FunkoPops and Jeff was such a good sport about it and used every pen that the fan handed him etc. I also heard Jeff say to a fan, as I was standing in line, "how can I help, what can I do in whatever way you want" - or similar. Naaw. And when it was my turn, he greeted me and I asked him, if he could write a sentence on my picture and he said: Of course. And I told him what to write and I said: If you remember the lyrics? And he paused and then it hit him and he BEAMED at me and said: Ohhh yeaaah, she is great, isn't she?? (He meant Bat For Lashes, the singer. He was in one of her music videos and I made him write a line from the song on my picture). He told me that his friend directed the video. And after he said the second time: She is such a great artist. I replied: So are you. :) And he looked abashed and said thank you, then I left. <3 What a charming guy. So open and chatty and he asked everyone who came to the table: Hey, how are you? Naaww. And he looked so handsome! I could watch him a bit as he was signing and believe you me, he has a very sharp jawline. And here is something I would like to add. During the Panel someone asked Jeff, if he was feeling better. And told him that a rumor went around that he had been ill and looked it, too, but also looked "fine". I thought that was extremely unnecessary and rude and also a bit dumb to be honest. The way that Jeff replied indicated that he actually had been a bit under the weather, but not ever in a million years, would I speculate on someone's well being, assuming something according to their LOOKS and then saying it to his face! The hell?! I thought he looked absolutely, genuinely healthy and exactly like I imagined he would look like from on screen/pictures. And I felt for him when he tried to ridicule the "you look fine" comment, because that man has humour (!), but it was still unnecessary and I thought he was beautiful. And the Panel was like a 40 minute stand-up comedy show. I think I loved Jeff even more after that, because the energy he had with Taz was so intimate, it was like looking in on an evening they may have had at a bar, joking around. And Jeff had the entire room in stitches! I laughed so hard the entire time. He ripped one joke after the other, he was on fire. Love how quick witted and eloquent he is. Thank you for reading! <3 Oh, and do follow me on Insta, please: bendarkling_fiction
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cogglebee · 2 months
Portal Zombie AU
I'm more of an ideas man, so actually writing out my ideas into a full story is stupid difficult. But I still want to share while I embark on the painfully long process of turning this idea into a full fic. (sorry if any of this is formatted strange or if I'm somehow posting wrong, I don't really understand tumblr all that much)
Portal Zombie Apocolypse AU!! (I started this before infection aus started popping up if that gives you any frame of reference as to how long ago I started this)
Summary: Instead of Caroline being put into Glados, she's poisoned by a jealous coworker with a strange substance from one of the labs (Cave is still alive and healthy, he's just not relevant to this story)
She goes home to her fiancé Chell (queue the gasps and cheers) Who is worried that she appears so sick and cold. Caroline brushes her off and goes to rest, insisting it's just a bug. So Chell leaves and visits her friend and former coworker Mel (queue more gasps and cheers)
It's here where we learn a bit more about Chell, she's a former test subject that left quietly after witnessing the death of a fellow test subject due to the unsafe testing conditions of Aperture. She hasn't reported anything for fear of ruining Caroline's career.
While Chell is away, Caroline begins to change, her body begins to decay, her hair loses it's color and turns white, her brown eyes shift to a haunting yellow. In a distressed state, not remembering that she pushed Chell away, begins desperately searching for her. This is when the infection spreads to other people.
By the time Chell leaves Mel's house (the next day) the entire city is desolate, she rushes home, encountering several zombies on the way. She's desperate to find Caroline again, but she doesn't find her. So she gathers a couple weapons and goes back out to search for her fiancé, on the way meeting Doug Rattman, the scientist that was working on the serum that caused all of this, he's trying to find a cure (he also has a large therapy dog simply named "Companion" that accompanies him) the two team up and travel together, eventually meeting Wheatley, whom they have to save from a small horde. Mel probably dies I haven't decided.
Angst and apocalypse shenanigans ensue, the crew travel together till they find Caroline, now Glados, (Genetic Lifeform Amplifier Destitute of Soul) (idk man I needed to get the name change in there with a new acronym) Emotional moment, Chell has to kill her, world begins to heal.
Some other information: Caroline is the patient zero in this (obviously), so she's got some abilities to kinda mimic Glados in the game. She acts kinda like the head of a hivemind, she's able to tune into any infected and see what they see, hear what they hear, etc. She uses this to spy on Chell, as she is now hellbent on killing her (I'll work out a proper reason, it's mainly because her mind is very corrupt right now and all she knows is that Chell makes her feel very upset, because when she was first getting up again while Chell was gone she found her ring on the counter)(She doesn't know that it was temporary so that she could wash her hands and just forgot to put it back on)
This all also means that killing any infected won't do much to end the apocalypse, they have to kill Caroline.
I have some other little ideas but thats about the jist of it. The idea was inspired by Brand New City by Mitski and California Dreamin' by The Mamas and The Papas
If anyone has any advice on properly executing an idea like this PLEASE share, I'm almost desperate here (I'm very desperate, writing is a tricky mistress)
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sharedramblings · 10 months
Amiss II
Author's note: I know it didn't need a second part but I already wrote this silly short thing so why not post it too? If it reads choppy, it's because I can't make up my mind (Anyway, the first part wasn't supposed to be posted that day because I was still checking it but I forgot that I already had it on queue lmao)
Parts: Part I
When Larissa heard the rhythm of your signature knock the next day, she stopped typing immediately, eyes anticipating to see you cautiously peek in.
You startled when you locked eyes with her, your eyebrows shooting up in your forehead.
"Hey" you wave at her as you close the door, your back resting on it. It was silly, really, but you weren't expecting to meet her rather intense gaze when you peeped in so your mind went blank and your body decided that that was the right reaction and follow along with it.
"Hi, darling" She purrs, her lips breaking in a smile that makes you all fuzzy inside.
That little change in the routine had truly taken you aback, and the all too familiar feeling of your blood rushing to your cheeks was all you could focus on. Whatever Larissa does guarantees some lovesick-like reaction out of you, and this one, where she's sitting at her desk and has her piercing gaze locked in on you, all prinicipal like and very her, is one of those times where you're simply overwhelmed by the gay panic, because Larissa Weems.
Larissa chuckles silently, her shoulders shaking as you stay still on the back of the door. You were adorably flushed while you maintained the eye contact with her. So taking matters into her own hands, she lifts her arms and opens it for you, nodding her head in invitation. "Come here"
That kick-started your system, springing you back into action. Running excitedly to her open arms all giddy, the taller woman pushed her office chair out of her desk, waiting for your body to connect with hers.
The kiss that you placed on her cheek in greeting was accompanied by a loud smooching sound, making her laugh a bit as you giggle while you adjust in her hold.
"Were you planning to stay all night near the door?" She teases you affectionately, squeezing your skin that's under her touch.
You huffed playfully in return, "You caught me off guard is all. It won't happen again" Larissa can only chuckle when you cross your arms in your chest, finding your display of retaliation adorable. She's heard that line before, multiple times, from you. She knew the freezing and blushing would most certainly happen again. And again. And again.
"I simply looked at you, love."
Rolling your eyes, you shake your head in endeared exasperation. You've always been upfront with this particular thing about her, but Larissa still either doesn't fully believe you or just doesn't get it.
"Well, I'm sorry that your gaze does things to me. And don't even lie! You didn't "simply look at me", you greeted me with that voice" You defensively rambled, voice firm while confessing the truth unabashedly, which made the butterflies in Larissa's stomach flutter around wildly. You don't shy away from confessing just how much she truly and wholeheartedly affects you, but no matter how many times she heard you say it, her heart will always skip a beat and her cheeks will always be warm to the touch.
"I was only doing–"
"Oh, shut it. Stop reasoning out when you're aware of the effect you have on me." Your statement was made to end the discussion that you're having, and Larissa conceded with a shake of her head. She embraced you tighter for a bit then, kissing your stomach before shuffling away.
"Off you go"
You rolled your eyes playfully when she did the thing with her voice that you were pertaining to, giving her one last kiss before finally heading to the bedroom.
Ever since then, Larissa has set aside a few minutes to greet you and make sure she gets the kiss on her cheek, noticing that that short dedicated time in actively welcoming you home gives her renewed strength to finish the last of her work faster. Not to mention that she absolutely loves the way you light up (much more now) in a very visible way every single time that your eyes would meet.
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glowingbadger · 11 months
Hey remember all those things I said I had on my queue and was working on? Yeah this isn't one of those- it just, like, arrived in my brain fully formed and here it is. Far be it from me to turn away from something that breaks through my writer's block lmao. Askr's godly bull-cock got me feeling some kinda way these days I guess.
Once again this is one that I wrote almost entirely in one sitting, so I'm sure I'll spend my work shift tomorrow fixing type-os, weird phrasing and word repetition lmaooo
CW: Mating, "in heat," size kink, like, kind of unrealistic levels of size kink tbh his cock is fucking absurd and I don't care fight me
Askr (FEH) x Reader/Summoner (AFAB, no pronouns)
NSFW 18+
Askr, the God of Openness himself and namesake of the very land that the Order of Heroes calls home, is not at the bottom of the list of heroes you'd expect to run into during a clandestine midnight snack-run, but he's certainly nowhere near the top. Though, as you head from the pantry with pastry in hand, colliding with a hard wall of towering muscle does help to narrow down who you'd guess you had run into. Your face flushes just slightly as you glance up at him, still very much sharing personal space.
"Oh- Askr! Sorry, I-"
"There you are," he says, an odd note of relief in his voice. You frown a bit, confused, and instinctively move to step away. To your surprise, a strong arm wraps firmly around your waist, pulling you decisively back to him.
"Askr, what-"
His lips are on yours in an instant, the pastry in your hand tragically falling by your feet in the rush of shock, confusion, and hot, insistent arousal. A shaky moan escapes you as his tongue enters your mouth. Your hands are trembling, clenching tight around the front of his clothes, though you can hardly feel them; in fact, for some time, you can't seem to feel anything but body warmth and Askr's deep, impassioned kiss. His tongue toys with yours, firm, but never overly rough. He's a surprisingly adept kisser- it's your last coherent thought before the cavalcade of sensations washes your mind clear. At some point, he's pressed you to the closed pantry door, trapping you between it and his powerful frame. In the dizzying frenzy, it's as if you can feel his hands everywhere- fingers in your hair one moment, then his palms running the curve of your breasts, your hips, then grabbing firmly at your ass to keep you flush against him. At this, you realize that he's even lifted you a couple inches from the ground, and yet he supports you effortlessly. It's only when you notice him beginning to tug away your cloak- hastily thrown on over your sleeping clothes for this errand -that you manage to part from his lips with a ragged breath.
"What- what are you doing?!" you gasp out the words, though you can't bring yourself to even try to escape his embrace. If anything, Askr seems perplexed by your question, his brow furrowing and furry pointed ears twitching curiously as he replies,
"My Heat has begun, Summoner. I have need of a mate," your heart leaps at the words, and he nears your lips once more, warm hands sliding up your thighs and along your hips, "And I desire you far more than any other."
"Oh..." when he begins kissing you again, it's gentler- at least to start. You get the sense that he's gauging your reactions, eager to earn your little whimpers and sighs of encouragement. As you subconsciously allow yourself to melt back into him, it's not long before you feel his breath coming heavier, his hands gripping you tighter against him. It's maddening- his heat?? You'd heard that some of the other beast-folk in the castle experience similar fits of need, but you'd never considered that this land's God would be subject to the same. And to think that he wants you as his mate. Not to say that you had never considered sharing his bed, but this is all so sudden-
The thought finally occurs to you that you're pinned to the outer pantry door still, tongue tangled with a god in full view of anyone else in search of a late-night snack, and you break from him with a haggard, panting breath.
"Askr-" your hands are resting on his warm, firm chest, your body flush to his, "Not- not here."
At first, he looks about to protest. Then, he nods with an accommodating smile.
"Ahh, that's right, humans prefer a measure of discretion when mating, correct?"
"Uh, yeah, typically- woah-!"
Just as you've finally caught your breath, you're swept into Askr's arms, carried with ease down the hall towards your quarters.
The second you're beneath him on your bed, Askr begins undressing you, seemingly exerting enormous self-control to avoid damaging the seams. His own clothing comes off in bits and pieces between frantic kisses and caresses, the last of it even simply vanishing as though it had been merely manifested by his power alone. He hardly gives you time to consider the mechanics; the moment he has access to your bared upper body, his strong hands hold you close and his lips are at your breasts. His mouth is warm on your skin as he kisses you firmly, his teeth grazing just harsh enough to mark you more than once. Your fingers weave through his hair, as soft and thick as the fur of his ears, and you murmur his name,
"A... Askr, have you... been with a human before?"
"Several- it is a joy to bond more deeply with the mortals of the many realms," he says with a smile, his lips brushing your stiffening nipple as he speaks, "Though there has been none other that I was quite so fond of as I am of you."
This nonchalant response sends your heart thudding rapidly. Still, it is a comfort that he seems to understand that he must prepare you, and what's more, he seems to revel in the process. His tongue circles your nipple, and your head turns to the side with a pleasured sigh. He's practically nuzzling your breasts, his hips shifting subtly between your thighs as though he simply cannot help wanting to rut against you.
"Ohh..!" You feel the heat and pressure of his rigid cock pressing to your warmth, and the sensation sends a jolt up through your center. Askr may be in the throes of his Heat, but you're quickly finding yourself every bit as needy.
As his lips travel lower, sparking tender nerves down your torso as his hands adore your hips and thighs, you run your fingers through his hair and softly whimper his name. Then, his kiss sinks between your thighs, his fingers part your lower lips and his tongue immediately finds your clit. Now, his name is a desperate cry between breathless moans. With slow but firm strokes, he rubs and massages the little nub until it's stiff and aching for him, and your body arcs up from the bed. Without thinking, you grab hold of one of his horns and tug, hips rolling against him, grinding onto his tongue, and you feel him laugh through his nose.
"If I didn't know better, I would say you appear to be entering your own Heat."
His breath is hot against your skin, and the moment he's done speaking, his mouth is hard at work once more. Askr possesses none of the hesitation or timidity of some other men; he happily buries himself between the plush wetness of your folds, long passes of his tongue lavishing your most sensitive nerves with affection. From the flat of his tongue to the more pointed and focused feeling of the tip, he tastes you any way he can, spoils you with every kind of sensation, groans unabashedly against you when you tug at his horns. When your climax nears and your thighs begin to tremble around him, he grabs them in his hands and doubles down, kissing and sucking your quivering little clit until, with a gasping cry of his name, you feel it. The tingling heat of your orgasm rushes through you, tightening your nerves and then leaving you breathless and boneless as you slump back onto the bed. You're panting softly, your hand still fondly combing through his dark cobalt hair.
Despite the urgency of his needs, Askr allows you a few spare moments to rest. He occupies himself with kissing the softness of your inner thighs, caressing them in his large, strong hands, until it seems he simply can't delay any longer.
When he rises to kneel over you, your legs parted around him, you blink your eyes back into focus and get your first clear look at his frame. Every inch of his body is carved to perfection, his brown skin smooth across flawless muscle that flexes subtly with every movement. His tail whips impatiently behind him, though his eyes on you are warm and affectionate still. Then, your gaze lowers, and your eyes widen. His cock towers between your thighs, the shockingly thick shaft punctuated with veins leading up to a bulging head with a prominent crown that you can't help but imagine rubbing you inside. It's hard to determine whether his length or girth is more impressive, and his balls are large and heavy enough to match. You catch your breath, feeling the heat surge through your nerves.
"Oh, wow, you're uh... big..." your voice is barely audible, but he smirks at your words.
"I will start slow," he assures you, leaning down to kiss you once more as your bodies begin to move together. The moment the swollen head of his cock is nestled between your lower lips, just beginning to push into you, you gasp softly, then whimper his name as you feel each inch start to stretch you open around him. He's panting hard- you wonder if from the stimulation, or the effort to restrain himself. Likely both. His muscles are tight, his brow deeply furrowed as he drives deeper still, yet retains a slow and careful pace.
Your nails drag down his powerful arms, yet he hardly seems to notice, certainly doesn't flinch even for an instant. When your eyes catch his at last, they appear hazy and unfocused, and only become more distant as his hips begin to move.
"Oh--!!" You breathe out as his cock pistons into you, steady and firm, filling you deeper than anyone has ever reached before. You feel a jolt of pain in your belly, but also, the warm bliss of absolute satisfaction. Drooling with arousal, your cunt is wrapped tight around his length, filled utterly and completely with each sway of his hips. Just as you'd imagined, the ridge of his crown massages a thousand different tender spots with every thrust, like some sort of erotic toy- like Askr's body was made for this pleasure.
Before long, he's bucking into you faster, harder, and you're not sure he even realizes it. Without a word or a thought, he lifts your legs up onto his shoulders, never easing his pounding, punishing thrusts. His massive length is coated in your juices, allowing him to stuff you full again and again despite his overwhelming size. The only sounds he offers are occasional grunts and moans. His eyes are glazed over, lost in his drive toward relief, and it finally occurs to you how he must have strained to contain himself until now. Now, you're not even certain if he would hear you if you spoke his name, though you gasp it out into the quiet of the night all the same.
Your head tilts back on the pillow at a sudden deep and decisive thrust. If you weren't bent into a mating-press, you even wonder if you'd be able to see the bulge of his immense member throbbing within you. A particularly fierce groan of pleasure draws your focus, however, and you feel Askr's pace stutter as he fucks desperately into you. You only have a moment to wonder if he's reaching his climax, before the potent twitching and swelling of his cock catapults you towards your own.
"Ah... Askr!!"
Your toes curl, your thighs shake, your eyes roll back. It's only when you feel a tell-tale heat dripping from your cunt and down your ass that you realize he'd cum as well, all without easing his pace for even a moment. Even the rush of his orgasm doesn't slow him in the slightest. Askr holds firm at your hips and slams into you just as vigorously, even as you feel the last throb of the aftermath of his release. The only concession he offers is to lower your legs from his shoulders, but the moment they're out of his way, he presses his larger body down onto you and his lips are at the crook of your throat.
"Mmmh, Summoner... my beloved mate..." his voice is low and lustful, the relentless sway of his hips still pounds him into you, "You feel perfect... I... I need more-"
His teeth press to your skin, quickly marking you, and it's all you can manage to run your shaky hand up his neck and into his hair. Briefly, you imagine yourself emerging from your room tomorrow morning, unsteady on your feet and covered in Askr's love-bites. If your mind had room for anything but sexual bliss, you might have felt bashful about the idea. Instead, your fingers curl, nails dragging along his scalp as his lips travel back to your breasts. Between panting breaths and bruising kisses, he groans out,
"You... take me so well, my Summoner," you feel yourself tighten around him at the word 'my,' squeezing around his rock-hard cock, "Your body... Nngh-" he throbs, grinding deep within you, "So good... I-I need... Mmmh-!"
In the throes of his mating frenzy, you're shocked he can still coordinate himself to manage it, but he slides a hand down your body to rub his thumb firm against your clit. You gasp aloud, throwing your head back and scraping your nails down his arms. Your legs tremble around his hips, still bucking and swaying against you, and in the intensity of this whirlwind of sensation, you're almost embarrassed by how quickly you cum. Slick covers his thick shaft once again, welcoming him into you still.
Gods above, are you going into a Heat of your own, just as he'd said? You can't imagine how else you've managed to take this- you're swept up into his pace, more than happy to give yourself over to his seemingly endless appetite.
"Fuh- Fill me, Askr," you moan out, barely able to meet his heated gaze, "Give it to me- muh-more! Ohh!"
His cock throbs from base to tip, stimulating your every aching nerve. The sound the utters could only be called a growl, and his grip at your hips is nearly painful.
"I- I can take it..!" you're breathless, but force the words out, "Cum for your mate, Askr!"
This time, when he cums, it shakes him from his pace. His hands slam down on the mattress on either side of you, and he sheaths every inch of that incredible bull-cock in your abused but soaking wet pussy. It hurts, yes- but gods, the pressure is mind-numbing, all-consuming bliss. As he unloads volley after volley of hot release into you, you feel your entire body tingling and your mind going white. And at last, he moans your name- not 'summoner,' not 'mate,' but your name.
The moment he's ridden out the wave of his second climax, Askr exhales heavily. Then, still fully inside of you, he wraps an arm around you and cradles you to his sturdy body, kissing you slowly and deeply. A pathetic little whimper escapes through your nose, and if you could feel any of your limbs, you'd have liked to hold him in turn. Instead, he gradually parts from your lips and eases you back down, then turns you onto your stomach.
"You should not make a habit of tempting me with such words," he says as he moves to mount you from behind, "If you indulge me, I will have no choice but to take you until sunrise and then some."
Strong hands grab roughly at your backside, spreading you open to receive him once more. The new angle awakens nerves that had begun to acclimate to your prior position. It's like he's stretching you all over again, fitting you around him in a new way that as you panting and whining beneath him, fingers clenching hard around the sheets. Askr draws close, the warmth of his body surrounding you as he fucks into you once more, your cum and his both slickening his manhood, making a mess of your inner thighs.
You lose track of time after this- how long does he take you, and how many times? There's no telling, it's all a blur of hands down your body, lips at your neck and shoulders, and his member rutting into you until he's spilled another sizeable load or two of his release into you- perhaps more, as he's proven fully capable of fucking you through his orgasm. By the time you gather yourself to speak, you're a wreck of flushed and bitten skin, disheveled hair and trembling limbs.
"Nh... Askr, you... feel so good, I-I'm not sure... how much more I can take..."
Askr gives a short and gentle laugh, holding you against him for a moment to kiss the shell of your ear.
"Rest, then- and we will continue when you are ready."
He eases his cock from you, which you note is barely any softer after all of this time. Thick and veined, its contours rub pleasurably against you even as he pulls out, and when you speak, your voice is breathy and weak,
"Are- are you sure you don't, uh, need more?"
You rally your muscles just enough to turn and look up at him, and he smiles that sweet, charming smile that you know so well.
"You are far too generous, Summoner- to all of us, I fear," he rises from the bed and takes his lower garment in hand, tying it around his waist as he gazes fondly down at you, "I will not claim to be fully sated- but I would much rather savor you than simply exhaust you," With a good-natured chuckle, he brushes a lock of your hair back into place, "I will have my fill of your pleasure- but there is no need to rush. My needs have been curbed for long enough to allow you that much, at the very least."
You smile back up at him, heart leaping at the handsome sight of him still mostly exposed and smiling with such open warmth.
"Now then," he says, turning towards the door, "You will need water, I imagine- and something to eat. Wait here, I won't be long."
Before you can say a word, he's out the door, and the thought immediately strikes you- he's simply strolling around the castle like that, with a mere sheet of fabric that doesn't even wrap all the way around his hips for cover. How many heroes might be wandering about the grounds, even at this hour? You envision Gaius on his way to raid the pantry. Linhardt or Lute on their way back from a late-night study session. Volke or Hubert doing... whatever it is that those sneaky sorts get up to at night. What are the odds that this night could stay strictly between you and Askr? Not high, with him waltzing about nearly nude, very obviously leaving and entering your bedroom. Aside from which, from the sounds of it, you have several more intensive rounds of 'mating' to come. Your face warms and your lower body aches at the thought.
"Gods..." you mutter up at the ceiling, though you can't help a weary, blissfully happy smile.
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kxjbr · 1 year
STOP NAGGING ME!┆Nijiro Murakami x GN! Reader
Requested by: Anon
Characters: Y/N, Nijiro
Summary: Nijiro starts acting weird and keeps ignoring you
Word count: 534
Me and Nijiro were best friends. We'd hangout a lot but when I texted Nijiro if we could hangout at the park nearby like what we usually do after we were done filming. He said he was busy again...weird, but he's an actor, he's busy with practicing the script and movie requests. You have to get used to it. After all, he's still your best friend, right?
3 days go by and its night
I'm starting to get more and more concerned with Nijiro, he says he's busy but I passed by him having a drink at the café. Was I  not good enough anymore? Did he find a new best friend? I'll just go back home for now. I'm tired from filming. I'll talk to him tomorrow when I see him.
The next day
I got ready to go to the set like usual. It was another day of filming, nothing can go wrong today right? Besides, I just want to talk to Nijiro, that's the only change.
“I’m finally here” you say, leaving the car. You thank the driver and leave. You entered the set and spotted Nijiro. You rushed over to him and said hi but he just ignored you and walked away? What kind of greeting was that? You followed him, asking what was wrong, but he just kept ignoring you and walking away.
‘This has gone for 2 hours, when is he going to stop?’ you thought, still nagging him. He finally stopped walking and turned around. “Will you stop nagging me! I’m trying to get a moments peace here! Will you ever shut up?!” He snapped at you, annoyance in his eyes. You were hurt at what he said, he knew you were hurt but he didn’t care. He was too annoyed. “Can’t you just tell me what’s wrong?! It’s been 4 days, you keep saying you’re busy!!” you said, tears prickling your e/c eyes. “I told you, I was busy!” he yelled, thankfully you were somewhere private. “Busy with what?! With your new best friend?!” you yelled back, tears slowly going down your cheeks. “What are you talking about? What new best friend?” nijiro asked. “Isnt that the reason you’ve been ignoring me?!” you started sobbing at that point.
Timeskip cause I have no motivation to do the rest
You finally calmed down, you were about to leave till he grabbed your hand. “Look I’m sorry I just..” he stops himself. “Look I’m sorry okay its just..um..I like you....?” Nijiro said shyly. You were shocked. Yes, you had a small crush on him, but you didn’t expect him to like you back?! He was way out of your league! You stayed silent, not knowing what to say. “I-It’s alright if you don’t like me back.” He lets go of you and turns around to leave but you stop him. “Wait! I uh..I like you too...” you said, he turned around with his eyes lit up. “So what are we now?” he asked, slightly blushing. “I guess we’re a couple now...” you shyly said, suddenly feeling lips on yours. You parted and smiled at eachother warmly.
◈The End
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crystalsnow95z · 8 months
Edit: oh gosh I just realized my queue never posted on Namjoon's birthday!
A story made for Namjoon's birthday written at 3am in midst of me being stressed by my big move in five hours. It's a bit short and only includes Namjoon no other members. Might do a part 2 but don't have the time.
Tw: Vomit.
Namjoon plopped down onto the bed in his parents house, wanting to try to sleep off his headache before dinner with him. He still felt jet lagged from his trip to Japan for a photoshoot and thought maybe if he slept until dinner he'd feel better.
He only had a few days off and planned to spend it at home with his family, but he was too tired to even share a meal with them. "I'll just sleep until dinner.. we can catch up then.." He murmurs to himself, hugging one of the pillows to his chest. It only took a few minutes for the rapper to fall asleep, exhaustion hitting him hard.
"Jooni Mini.. it's almost time for dinner." His father gently knocks on the door, not wanting to wake him if he was still fast asleep, the door pushing open from not being properly latched.
Namjoon was curled up laying on top of the blankets instead of under them, face down on his pillow.
He didn't close the window.. I told him to close it when he got home.. it's getting colder..
Mr. Kim enters the room to close it, going to the closet to get an extra blanket to cover up his son, gently placing it over his body.
"Appa I-"
"Aiish! you scared me." He jumps at the sound of Namjoon's voice. "I thought you were asleep.."
"I was mostly asleep when you came in..Sorry I didn't mean to startle you.." Namjoon speaks softly, his nap doing nothing to ease his headache, and now his stomach felt like it was knotting up making him feel queasy.
"It's okay. I'm sorry I woke you up. I was coming up to say dinner is ready." Mr. Kim rubs Namjoon's shoulder. "Are you feeling okay?"
"I just got a headache. I'm okay.." Namjoon sits up, not wanting to worry him. I haven't eaten since Japan since I slept most of the flight. That's most likely why I feel nauseous..
"I'll get you some medicine. You should try to eat. You already slept through lunch." Mr. Kim leaves the room.
Namjoon stretches, his stomach complaining about how empty it was with a high-pitched gurgle. He slowly rises to his feet, going to the kitchen where he mother is setting the dinner table. "Let me help."
"I got it baby, just take a seat. I'm almost done." She gestures to a chair, going back to getting chop sticks from the drawer.
"Here Joon." Mr. Kim returns with two small pills, placing them in Namjoon's palm.
"Thanks, Appa.." He bows, getting himself a bottle of water and washing the medicine down with one gulp.
"Are you not feeling well, Namjoon-ah?" His mother places the chop sticks down to rush over to Namjoon, placing a hand on his cheek. "You do look a little pale."
"I'm fine, Omma. It's just a headache and the time difference messing up my body.. I'll be fine by morning."
"Alright honey, but if you get worse, tell me, okay? I'll take you to the doctor." She places a kiss on Namjoon’s forehead.
The three sit down for their meal, Namjoon feeling a bit better after a few bites of kalguksu. "Thanks mom. It's delicious." He smiles, taking a piece of pork belly.
"I'm glad eating perked you up. Do you want some tea?"
"No, I got water. Thanks, though." Namjoon jumps when he feels his phone vibrate, not realizing he fell asleep with it in his pocket. He checks it quickly.
Did you make it home safely? You looked exhausted when you landed.
"Aaish.. sorry. It's Hoba. I forgot to text him I got here safely."
"You can answer him." Mr. Kim tells him, aware of how worried the members get over one another. "Be sure to tell the others too."
"I will.."
Namjoon texts the group chat.
I made it to my parent's house. I fell asleep right after all these flights lately are killing me. Eating dinner now.
He puts his phone back into his pocket after putting it on silent.
"So how was your trip to Japan?" Mr. Kim asks.
"It was great. I went to a museum after the photoshoot but I didn't get to stay very long because it was close to closing. A met a fan while I was there.. she reminded me how bad my Japanese is. I really need to practice more, she had to really simplify the way she spoke for me to understand her." Namjoon continues to tell his parents about his trip, smiling fondly at the memory.
He thought everything was fine until he stood up to put his plate away in the sink, his stomach churning. He drops the plate when he wrapped his hand around his aching middle, the other quickly covering his mouth as a wet burp escapes.
"Namjoon-ah are you okay?" His mother rushes over to him, gently pulling him back away from the broken glass.
"I..I don't feel well all the sudden.." Namjoon pulls away from her, running to the bathroom and dropping to his knees in front of the porcelain bowl.
Namjoon hardly gets the lid up before his dinner rises into his throat,hitting the back of the bowl. "I'm sorry.." he apologized when he heard footsteps approaching.
His father enters the bathroom, gently rubbing his back and Namjoon starts gagging, another spray of sick pushing its way up. "You don't have to be sorry if you aren't feeling well Jooni-Minie. It's okay.."
Namjoon felt guilt tightening his already ailing stomach. It's been several months since he had the time to visit home. This wasn't what he had in mind as a bonding experience.
Despite his wish to have a nice evening with his family, more sick came up, splashing into the bowl. "Omma..." He whines his stomach lurches, another mouthful coming up gripping the side of the toliet tightly as a wave of dizziness washes over him.
"I'm here baby.." Mrs. Kim enters the bathroom sitting next to Namjoon heart aching to see him in such a vulnerable state. His body was glistening with sweat, tears streaking his cheeks as more sick pours from his mouth and nose. "It's okay, it's okay.." she gently rubs his shoulders, feeling them tensing up, rising underneath her palm.
Namjoon goes to speak, but a burp of sick comes out instead, resting his head on the lid as the last bit of energy he had ebbs away. Despite being exhausted his body doesn't relent, pushing up more sick.
I wish I didn't eat so much..
Namjoon whimpers as another heave comes, less and less coming up each time until he's left only dry heaving. His body trembled with effort as he tried to keep himself upright, not wanting to risk anything actually coming up and causing a mess on his parents floor.
"You're finished Joonie, take deep breaths baby.." Mrs. Kim gently pulls him to her chest when she hears nothing coming up, pulling soms toliet paper from the roll to wipe up Namjoon’s face. "Relax.. it's okay.. deep breaths.."
Namjoon wraps around her waist, obeying his mother's instructions despite the burning pain in his sides with every deep breath, letting his breath go ragged again when his body finally accepts that he had nothing left.
"That's it.. you're okay.. I got you.." Mrs. Kim smooths down Namjoon's hair, gently scratching his scalp. "Can you blow your nose for me honey?"
Namjoon nods, reaching for some toliet paper. "I'm so gross right now.." he coughs before clearing his nose, putting the soiled tissue into the toliet. "I'm sorry.."
"Stop apologizing. You have nothing to be sorry for. Here, wash out your mouth Namjoon-ah.." Mr. Kim holds out a small cup.
Namjoon takes the cup in both hands, not trusting himself not to spill. "Thanks.." he rinses out his mouth, trying to rid himself of the acidic tang, spitting it into the toliet and flushing it down. "This isn't what I had in mind.."
"It's okay. I'm still happy to have you home. You're my son. No matter what I'll be here for you. Let's get you to bed baby. Do you think you can stand?" Mrs. Kim asks, rising to her feet, offering her hand to Namjoon.
"Yes, I think so.." Namjoon's voice comes out hoarsely as he got to his feet, stumbling into his father. "My knees are just a bit weak.."
"You poor thing.."Mr. Kim puts an arm around him to support him. "You're smaller than last time you visited.. are you eating enough?"
"Last time I visited, it was in the middle of winter." Namjoon didn't want to explain he was eating less because of his ambassador work. He wanted to lose weight, so he changed his diet, only eating once a day for the past month."I'm fine, appa. It's normal."
"I'll get you some tea to soothe your throat. Honey take him to bed." Mrs. Kim leaves to the kitchen, letting the boys go to the room.
"I'll find you something lighter to wear. Lay down for now Joon." Mr. Kim gently helps Namjoon to the bed.
"I don't want to change, I want to sleep.." Namjoon whines softly curling up underneath the blanket.
"You should at least change your shirt." Mr. Kim insisted, knowing his shirt was damp with sweat. "Come on, it'll just take a minute." He goes to his son's suitcase pulling out a plain white tee.
"Alright.." Namjoon sits up, gently pulling off the sweater he wore on the plane, letting his father help him into the T-shirt.
"There, all done."
Namjoon curls up on the bed again with a yawn, his father covering him up with the blanket.
"Do you want me to leave so you can sleep?" Mr. Kim asks softly, noticing Namjoons eyes were already closed.
"Could you..stay until I fall asleep?" Namjoon asks softly.
"Of course." Mr. Kim smiles as he gently rubs the tension out of Namjoon's shoulders. "I'm surprised you aren't asking for your mother to sit with you."
When Namjoon goes to reply a white dog pushes the door open, jumping onto the bed, laying against his sour stomach. He opens his eyes in surprise when he sees the canine. "Rapmonnie..?"
"It looks like he wants to comfort you." Mr. Kim smiles fondly when Namjoon reaches to pet his furry companion.
"I thought you didn't like me anymore.." Namjoon smiles brightly when Rapmon didn't move away from his touch. It was the first time in years he approached him without Namjoon needing to bribe him with treats.
"I got you some tea Joon-ah." Mrs. Kim enters the room with a cup. "Oh? Rapmon came to make you feel better. How sweet." She takes out her phone to take a photo of her three boys.
"I'll drink it later.. I don't want to move right now.." Namjoon says softly, falling asleep from the combination of the warmth of Rapmon against his abdomen and the massage from his father easing the pain.
"Alright baby. Rest well..I love you." She smiles, relieved to see him looking so peaceful after his awful bathroom icident. She motions for her husband to follow her out of the room when she heard Namjoon's breathing slow.
"Love you joon." Mr. Kim places a soft kiss on Namjoon’s head before leaving the room. "Get well soon."
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general-klumpp · 9 months
What if The Mr. Men Show went through with Season 3?
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I was a huge fan of The Mr. Men Show when it came out, but I drew this to practice my character design skills, and to give the DuckTales posts a break.
Here are my ideas for the characters below:
Little Miss Fun: Merch-exclusive character. Very short attention span, one must watch over her. Very similar to Spinel from Steven Universe.
Catchphrase: "Boring...here, give me a try!"
Little Miss Splendid: Cancelled character (Fabulous didn't exist back then so I assume a name change). A better mayor than Mr. Scatterbrain. Nicer than Mr. Fussy, but more insensitive.
Catchphrase: "What? Was it something I said?"
Little Miss Twins: Cancelled characters. They call each other Miss 1 and Miss 2?? One is cocky, the other one is shy. They can argue or team up when the plot demands.
Catchphrase: "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
Little Miss Fickle: Cancelled character. Not many people want to be behind her in a queue. I'd imagine it would be hilarious watching the less nicer citizens of Dillydale react to her personality.
Catchphrase: "Hold on a second!"
Mr. Rush: is focused on being more panicky than fast in this adaptation. Can get on Mr. Bump's nerves. Loves talking to himself!
Catchphrase: "Sorry, didn't see ya there!"
Mr. Slow: A very senile and patient Mr. Man. However, Mr. Slow finds everyday tasks difficult, and usually needs the help of his next-door neighbour Mr. Rush. Similar to the train from DHMIS.
Catchphrase: "It's just my condition!"
Mr. Daydream: Mr. Nervous' calm, yet carefree friend. His thoughts can manifest in reality.
Catchphrase: "Woah, dude."
Mr. Stingy: Usually in charge of the big businesses in Dillydale.
Catchphrase: "This is a business!"
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stupot · 2 months
When it's this busy at work I have to enter "extremely frank" mode. Which is tantamount to assault if you work in a service position. But I'm sorry, there are several dozen people in our lobby because it's a beautiful Saturday and there is an event taking place directly outside. No I cannot skip your order to the front of the queue because I have no reason to prioritize you over everyone who ordered before you. No I don't know why your app isn't working, I am not the IT department. Yes you do have to go to the register to ask for a water instead of going up to the bar and asking me to make you one in the middle of rush. No, I cannot answer any indignant questions about this company's business practices, that is obviously above well my pay grade and I am very obviously not a corporate suit. Here is your receipt you may pick your drink up in hell
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hgduo · 5 months
Hey guys, sorry for vanishing suddenly I just needed to take a bit of a break- I think I'm going to continue to take some time off from here and at most will just lurk around for a bit, not sure how long that'll be.
I'm going to talk a bit about the current situation under the read-more and another post about it scheduled after this one. I'll be using the tag 'the forever situation' for blacklist purposes.
As of right now I don't feel comfortable commenting on it because this is a situation that needs to be handled delicately and I don't want to rush into it. I've been busy with work the past two days and (during the time of me writing this) am about to go into another shift today in a few hours- so I haven't had as much time as I'd like to read about what's going on.
I'm not fluent in Portuguese so I'm going to primarily rely on information provided by Brazilian's in the fandom and their thoughts on the matter- I highly recommend other non-Brazilians do so too- especially regarding anything related to what the victim has said about this. It's important to not be dismissive of what's going, but so is taking the time to understand what happened before commenting on it especially if you don't speak Portuguese.
It's also just a topic that can be hard for me to focus on. I don't feel right discussing why on this blog, all I'll say is that it brings back memories that sometimes make my mind go all blank and foggy. I'll be fine, I just want to take in it at a pace that doesn't cause my brain to shut down every 5 minutes.
I hope you guys understand, I'm terrified of coming across as if I'm ignoring or don't care about what's going on when I very much do. I just don't want mishandle it and it's something that's difficult at times for me to speak about. I have tomorrow off, I'm gonna use that day to look into this all more after getting some rest.
I think there's like an event going on in the server today, but I just want to take today 'off' from qsmp including on Tumblr. I just feel all over the place right now- we'll just have to wait and see how things go I guess. I also just wanna say you guys have been a bright spot in a very rough time of my life, thank you all for that.
I'm writing this very early in the morning. It'll be posted sometime in the afternoon for me. I won't know if anything else has come up since then until tomorrow- I really do hope by the time I log back i we'll have a clearer picture of it all by then...
I'm putting my queue on pause for now too. I don't know for how long, I just want to take a break from here for awhile. Take care <3
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