#‘it is that simple to be respectful and mindful of other people's fandom spaces’ — hi sorry i think you mistyped
flowercrowngods · 1 year
fandom etiquette on ao3: tagging every relationship relevant to the story and potentially explaining “endgame x/y” in the additional tags
people: this isn’t [ship] fanfic. please remove the tag. people search through the tag to find fanfic of them.
me: ??? but??? they’re a huge part of the story, their relationship drives the main conflict, they literally almost get married, i— ???? *explains long and hard why i won’t remove the tag and how it is relevant to the story*
people: i don't care what happens in your fanfic because i don't care about your ships. ao3 fandom etiquette says you don't tag the ship if it's not a fanfic about them. as important as you think they are to your fanfic, to your plot, to your ships, ultimately the fanfic isn't about them, and it has no place in the ship's tag. you don't need additional tags to clarify anything, nor do you need to tag it as a friendship, you simply need to not tag it as [ship]. it is that simple to be respectful and mindful of other people's fandom spaces. don't invade other people's space because you feel like it, be nice to people.
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my royal roomie pt. 3 *sneak peek*
fandom: Aquaman
pairing: Orm Marius x Reader
part 1 part 2
summary: As time passes, Orm begins to see you as more than his surface dweller host. Much to his surprise, you’ve captured his attention, which in turn makes him notice just how physically affectionate you are with everyone except him.
Warnings: light cursing, touch starved!orm, light angst if you squint, comic lore inaccuracies, slow burn, divorced parents!reader, dead parent mention, mentions of being smaller in comparison to orm, flora inaccuracies??
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The dynamic between you and Orm didn’t make a complete 180 after your late night talk - in fact, it was quite awkward for the first few days following. Orm, although now deciding to actually be in the same room as you for longer than five minutes, didn’t talk much when you were in each other’s presence. The Atlantean favored just observing you in your natural habitat - when you cooked, when you read, when you talked with people on the phone. You often extended invitations to him to join in your activities, but a silent shake of his platinum head was what you were regularly met with. You tried not to take offense, understanding that small steps forward was better than leaps backward, but you couldn’t help but feel a little unnerved by his probing gaze. 
Your expressions when meeting Orm’s eyes were always one of the three - confused, apprehensive, or downright shy. Orm liked playing a silent game with himself whenever he would wait in the communal areas of the house for you, guessing which one would take over your face that day. However, what the Atlantean liked most of all was when you would deviate from all three and bless him with a sheepish look that teetered between flushed and guilty. Although there would be no evident redness behind your cheeks, your flitting eyes and soft smile gave him a new type of satisfaction. Orm wasn’t blind - he could tell you were attracted to him. His heightened senses could pick up on your increase of breaths and the quickening of your heartbeat whenever his eyes would be fixed on you and it made pride swell in his chest. Even with how apparent your interest in him was, you never overstepped - you were always respectful of his space, never even entertaining the fine line between roommates and not just roommates. You had remained awfully friendly, though….
…friendly enough for Orm to realize that the way you interacted with him was vastly different to how you would with others. 
Orm had assumed humans were quite simple - easy to understand due to their lack of brain capacity and advancement in comparison to Atlanteans. However, watching how different you were in your shop - witnessing you change from the selectively quiet, sarcastic little thing you were at home to a vivacious, charming young woman here - it had confused him greatly. His father had told him many stories of the treacheries of humankind, but the one point he drilled relentlessly into his head was that humans were simple, dull creatures undeserving of their people’s knowledge. 
Other sea clans felt that when the time came to reveal themselves to the surface that it would only be to educate them - his father had other ideas. The infamous King Orvax wished to utilize the wrath of the seas in order to overpower the surface world, his son at his side as they rebuilt the world in their image. His teachings were the foundation of Orm’s belief system for the majority of his life, yet you had managed to topple those mind palaces within a matter of weeks. You, with your soft knits and quick wit, had the Atlantean prince questioning whether his father had simply been misinformed. His father couldn’t have possibly known how complex humans could truly be because he never met you.
(to be continued in the full part 3 coming soon!)
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zafirosreverie · 5 months
Their reaction to you defending them (Bungo Stray Dogs)
a/n: First time writting for this fandom, let's go!
Doppo Kunikida:
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He was used to Dazai and Ranpo's constant teasing, and although he usually ignored them in favor of his paperwork, he couldn't deny that today both geniuses had been especially cruel. He tried not to let it show, after all, there was no reason to make a scene over a simple joke.
Unfortunately, he forgot one small detail: you knew him better than anyone and you could notice the moment when a comment from Ranpo crossed the line of what was acceptable, so it was your duty to intervene in the most mature way possible: unleash hell.
Listen, Kunikida is no fool, he knew what he was getting into when he started dating you, he knew the strength of your ability and your wits, but until now you hadn't had any missions together and he didn't expect you to be so fierce in defending him. If Fukuzawa was wondering why there was a Dazai-shaped hole in the wall while Ranpo was having an existential crisis in his office, he certainly preferred not to ask.
H.P. Lovecraft:
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"Human...human what are you doing? Human, put the gun down"
He was a god, a being beyond time and space, why should he care what anyone said about him or the human disguise he used? He never paid attention to that nonsense, he just wanted to finish his work and go back to sleep.
That's why he didn't care when a couple of people made fun of him, or rather, of his "human" appearance, he simply continued walking with a slow but firm step, until he felt a tug on his arm. Confused, he turned to see that you had stopped walking and your hand was tightly squeezing his as you looked at those people with murderous hatred.
You didn't even give him time to react before you pulled out your gun and pointed it at their heads, effectively stopping their laughter as they looked at you in fear.
"Don't try me, bitch" you growled.
Lovecraft only cared about four things: offerings, sleeping, finishing his work (so he could sleep), and his human. You were his human. He was supposed to take care of you and protect you, not the other way around, but it wouldn't be the first time you confused him by doing something you "shouldn't" or that at least didn't make sense to him. Like defending him. Are you sure you're a human and not a gremlin?
Edgar Allan Poe:
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As a writer, Poe knew that not everyone would like his novels, it hurt him every time someone told him that, but he was used to it. Of course, there were people more educated than others and sometimes it took days for the pain in his chest to go away, but in the end he learned to live with it.
You were another story. To you, the man was the greatest writer in history, and while you respected other people's opinions (no matter how wrong they were), you drew the line when critics were rude to Edgar.
"I understand if the novel isn't your taste" you told the reviewer "But there's no need to be rude about it. If you don't have anything nice to say, shut the hell up"
"And who are you, beautiful? His babysitter?" he scoffed
Poe squirmed in his place and played with his hands as he lowered his head and let his bangs cover his eyes. He could feel people's eyes on the three of you and it made him more anxious. He was about to ask you to leave the matter alone, but you didn't give him time to react. Before anyone could stop you, you used your ability to send the other guy flying across the room, making him crash hard into the wall. A twist of your hand and a table flew as well, straight into his stomach, suffocating him.
"The only one who can call me beautiful is that cutie over there" you said, pointing at Edgar "say something about him again and you won't live to tell about it"
Poe swallowed hard as you turned and grabbed his hand, leading him out of the place. His mind raced as he tried to understand what had happened. You defended him, and you were terribly fierce, he really didn't know who he was most afraid of anymore, and- wait, you called him cute?!
Nathaniel Hawthorne:
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Nathaniel knew he wasn't exactly people's favorite person, but it's not like he cared much, honestly. He would only focus on his own business and ignore any rude comments towards his person. With a skill like the Scarlet Letter, he was more than capable of defending himself when necessary, so why bother with meaningless words?
But you, you took it personal. It was a big surprise to him, because since you had joined the guild, neither of you had done much for the other beyond some friendly greetings and a couple of pleasant conversations, so seeing you so upset on his behalf took him with the guard down.
He watched as you continued to defend him, but he had to jump into action as soon as you showed signs of activating that dangerous ability of yours that always drained you past the point of collapse and left you in bed for at least a few days. He was able to stop you and honestly didn't even care about his attackers as he carried you back home.
"Don't do that again" he scolded you "I'm not worth your own safety."
"No" you agreed and smiled "you're worth more, Nathaniel"
He couldn't help but smile back at you and feel a soft warmth spreading across his chest.
Herman Melville:
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When you have already lived as much and been through as many things as he has, it is inevitable that wisdom and resilience will seep into your bones. Herman was not a man who lost his temper easily, and a couple of brats making ill-intentioned comments was the least of his worries.
However, he couldn't help but smile softly as he silently watched your attempt to defend his name. It was cute, if he was honest with himself, not just because of how your cheeks were slightly tinted red with anger, but because of the simple fact that you were willing to go a step forward for him, something he couldn't exactly say about the rest of the guild.
"I'm sorry for that, Mr. Melville" you said once you managed to shoo away the people who had insulted him "I'm sorry that they interrupted our walk in such a rude way"
"Don't worry, little one" he laughed and ruffled your hair gently "why don't we go get a coffee? It's on me, it's the least I can do for my savior"
He winked at you and started walking, waiting for you to follow him. You just laughed and ran after him, not caring about people's stares.
Louisa May Alcott:
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She knew that in a confrontation, she had the disadvantage, always. She was small, clumsy and shy, her voice left her easily and her brain slammed shut, leaving her paralyzed with fear. So when a pair of men cornered her in an alley at night, with sinister smiles, Louisa could only close her eyes and expect the worst.
It took her a while to notice the small commotion around her or the men's grunts and screams. It wasn't until she felt a pair of warm arms gently hugging her, that she was able to react and finally open her eyes, only to be met with your worried gaze.
"Are you ok, Lu?" you asked softly
Louisa could only nod and snuggle deeper into your arms. It took her the entire trip back to the Guild building to catch up with everything and realize that you had saved her life. Once safe, she wasted no time thanking you as many times as she could, not stopping even when you told her it was fine.
Expect her to be attached to you from that moment on, not wanting to go out on the town unless you accompanied her and offering to help you in any way she could until you tell her it's not necessary (she still will, tho).
Bram Stoker:
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"Do not do that again"
You looked at the vampire with disbelief. You just defended him and that's how he thanked you? Damn insensitive being, you didn't even know why you bothered (you knew, but you weren't ready to admit it).
Bram wasn't really trying to be rude, he just didn't care about the situation at all. It wasn't unusual for Fukuchi to yell at him, for Gogol to make fun of him, or for some other member of the DOA to insult him, but he didn't care, all he wanted was to rest.
That's why he hadn't said anything when the clown had opened his coffin to mock him again, nor when you had jumped into action to defend him, he had simply watched indifferently as you tried to defend his honor.
But even he had to admit that you had guts, not everyone would stand up to a person like Gogol, who had no trouble hurting people no matter who they were, moreover, you had come out of it unscathed. And all in his name.
Bram had to admit that you had been passionate in your defense of his person and although he really couldn't care less about the incident, he supposed it would be only right to acknowledge your effort.
"Thank you" he said, stopping your steps.
"You're brave" he admitted "…but don't do it again, I'm not worthy of you getting hurt."
His face showed no emotion, but his eyes told another story. You smiled softly at him and nodded. You both knew you weren't going to listen to that warning, but you didn't need to say it out loud.
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"If I find out that any of you bothered Sigma again, the "Decay of angels" will become the "Graveyard of rats'" you growled.
Sigma barely had time to blink before you grabbed his hand and led him out of the room, ignoring the dumbfounded looks from Nikolai and Fyodor. The 3-year-old was used to Gogol's jokes that bordered on torture, or Dostoyevsky's cruel, manipulative and cold comments, he didn't like them, and he was always left with a feeling of fear running through his veins, but it was what it was and there was nothing he could do about it if he wanted to continue living.
But you, you were not afraid of either the clown or the devil. Damn, you weren't even afraid of Fukuchi, you were simply with the DOA because your ideals aligned with the organization's ultimate goal. You usually didn't pay much attention to the rest of the members, but you used to spend time with Sigma at the casino.
He thought that maybe you wanted something from him, just like everyone else, but in the time he knew you, you had only been nice to him, asking how he felt or how his day was, and now, you had defended him from Nikolai and Fyodor? He…really didn't know what to think.
"Don't let them bother you" you told him once you got to his office. "And if they do, just tell me, I'll take care of it" you promised.
Sigma nodded slowly and you gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek before walking out of there. The poor boy could only touch his cheek before tears began to form in his eyes. You hadn't asked him for anything in return, you hadn't blackmailed him, you had really defended him just because you cared about him and nothing else.
He'll probably need a couple of hugs and won't leave your side for the next month.
Nikolai Gogol:
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“Have a nice day, sir” you smiled and walked away.
You didn't notice how the only visible eye carefully followed your every movement until you were lost in the sea of people. Only then did the man's mind seem to wake up and race to catch up with what had happened.
Nikolai had been away on errands for Fyodor. It hadn't really taken him long to finish the list, but it was one of those days where he didn't want to go back right away, so he calmly strolled around the city, trying to find the perfect victim to torment, just for fun.
It was at that moment that a couple of people pointed at him and started whispering. Nikolai didn't really care, but then one of the boys came up to him and started teasing him, making fun of his extravagant appearance. It was evident that the poor unfortunate soul didn't know who he was messing with, and the clown smiled evilly, having found his victim.
However, before he could do anything, you showed up, punched the other guy in the face, and started yelling at him for insulting someone just because of his appearances. Nikolai didn't really know how, but you even managed to get the guy to apologize to him before turning to ask him if he was okay. When he assured you that he was alright, you simply smiled and continued your way.
He was very confused. He was Nikolai Gogol, he didn't need to be defended. He knew it, the DOA knew it, everyone knew it! Except you, apparently. He assumed you didn't really know who he was or all the atrocities he had committed, which only confused him more. You had simply defended him because you believed that he was a normal boy who liked to dress extravagantly and that's it.
It was nothing special for you, but for Nikolai it was the beginning of an obsession. No one had defended him before, not even Fyodor (especially Fyodor, tbh). It felt strange, like something warm and soft was spreading across his chest. It was a nice feeling and he desperately needed to feel it one more time. So he started chasing you.
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sleepingdeath-light · 3 months
shy s/o hcs ; aizawa
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requested by ; anonymous (31/05/23)
fandom(s) ; my hero academia
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; shouta aizawa
outline ; “Okay! Could you do headcanons for Aizawa (My hero Academia) with a shy s/o? They're quiet unless they're around people they know”
note ; sorry if this is a bit shaky characterisation-wise, i haven’t really written anything substantial for this character in a while so i’m not as used to his voice as i would be otherwise — hope you still enjoy these headcanons, though ^^
note 2 ; (related to the first prompt) this is also quite short as i wasn’t sure how to expand on the prompt given any more than i have, but hopefully the quality makes up for the quantity hahaha
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
your shy nature wouldn’t impact his relationship with you too much honestly, if only because his treatment of you as a partner isn’t dependent on your intro/extroversion or how personable you act around others — if he cares about you then he cares about you and it’s really as simple as that
for example, your shyness won’t stop him from introducing you as his partner without any sugarcoating or beating around the bush with labels (he’s too old and too tired for that crap), but it would make him more likely to speak up on your behalf when meeting new people so that you’re not uncomfortable or otherwise put in a bad spot that could have been avoided
and he’s certainly not going to stop being blunt or honest with you because of your wallflower-esque demeanour, but once he knows your limits and boundaries he’s going to do his best to respect them whilst also not treating you like some damsel like figure to be protected from anything slightly uncomfortable because he respects and loves you too much to pull a stunt like that
(not that he’d ever treat anyone like that, mind you…)
your quietness isn’t going to put him off and he grows to appreciate it the longer you’re together — it’s a welcome break from the loudness and sheer chaos he experiences during his workday and he makes sure you know that whenever he gets the chance
really, it’s just nice to have a partner that doesn’t need him to talk to them all of the time and is happy to just exist quietly in the same space — so never feel the need to apologise to this man for your quiet and shy demeanour
he’s no more or less likely to stand up for you if you’re shy or not, but your introversion does definitely encourage him to be slightly more personable on your behalf when you’re around strangers that you can’t just avoid outright — he’s not the most extroverted and energetic person himself so he gets it and will help you out (you’re his significant other, after all), but that doesn’t mean that he won’t encourage and push you to try and leave your comfort zone every now and then (not to the point where it’s like he wants you to be a completely different person, he loves you as you are obviously, but he’ll hand over the reigns of social interaction to you whenever his battery is well and truly drained but neither of you can really leave the situation you’re in)
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i-might-write · 1 year
Kuchiki Byakuya: insecurities
Fandom: Bleach
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Kuchiki Byakuya is a man that grew up under immense pressure. From a very young age, everyone's eyes had been following his every move - both inside and outside of his clan.
Some of his more superficial insecurities are rooted in that very scrutiny and constant judgment too.
His every word and gesture had been an object of scrutiny for long enough to forge the perfect clan head and then also a captain. Dealing with nobility is a headache even on a good day, but it becomes a true battle of wills when one of Byakuya’s decisions isn't up to their liking.
It is a given that the nobility is going to use every single insecurity and vulnerability in Byakuya’s facade just to prove a point. But even if he eventually became better at dealing with them, sometimes their words and scheming just finds a crack in his armor.
Every once in a while Byakuya faces a situation that brings out the things he is careful not to think about. Regardless of his completely unreadable facade, they are still difficult to get out of his head, though. He is prone to overthinking his decisions, trying to find any possible mistakes or things he might've overlooked initially. The amount of responsibility he has on his shoulders is immense, and makes him feel insecure in his own skills and understanding. He knows that every single mistake he makes will be used against him by the opposing nobility.
Many times he was left alone with his thoughts after a meeting. Drowning himself in the never-ending paperwork could only work for so long before it failed too.
It's not an easy thing to notice the subtle change in Byakuya's mood, even for his significant other.
He'd never mention anything bothering him, so it's up to his spouse to notice the slight tension in his shoulders that doesn't leave him throughout the day, and the deeper than usual frown between his eyebrows. Byakuya holds his spouse close to his heart and values them greatly, but it's also out of that respect that he doesn't want to bother them with his personal issues, especially the ones rooted in his very sense of self.
He appreciates his spouse's support, no matter how small. On some days, even a simple gesture is enough to break him out of the prison of his mind.
He enjoys the kisses you press over his face or the top of his head when you walk past him in the manor. His expression wouldn't change, but some of the tension in the line of his shoulders would be released.
Byakuya has never denied you a hug, even though he's rarely the one to initiate one. He appreciates the way you always seem to know when he needs them the most. Despite his calm facade and stoic demeanor, Byakuya wouldn't be the first to let go.
Sometimes, it would be difficult for Byakuya to finish the day and mentally get rid of the accumulated stress enough to fall asleep. He'd sit on the veranda and drink some tea in hopes of clearing his head. He'd appreciate it if you decided to join him, but wouldn't force you to witness his sulking. Byakuya doesn't have a lot of space to pull down his walls and be honest with himself without anyone else watching. As his significant other, you'd be one of the very few people that could see him in that state.
He'd question himself a lot, both internally and with you if he decided to open up about his aggravated insecurities. He doesn't expect pity or an impromptu therapy session out of you, nor does he want it.
But it does feel better to voice the things that hurt and have someone else acknowledge and dismantle them one by one. A voice of reason is no less powerful when it comes in whispers and soft touches, brushing away any insecurities left.
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
because I refuse to keep this going any longer than it needs to, this is my last post addressing this whole thing. Mainly because the disrespect to myself and other black writers on this app has been completely unwarranted and far out of hand. First off, this entire situation could have been avoided had certain opinions been kept in the drafts or amongst themselves because regardless of how you feel about someone’s writing/portrayals of a character, we all are different, we all have to find our niche and grow into it. I’ve been writing since I was 13 and adult me would laugh at the shit I used to put out. And hell, vice versa. The entire take was rooted in anti-blackness, jealousy and respectability politics. Plain and simple. Which is hilarious considering that said character in question didn’t abide by the respectability politics in his own verse. The boy’s daddy is a doctor and he runs around picking fights he can’t win, sticking guns to his head and all that other shit. Rather than accepting that yall’s form of expression is not the status quo nor is it the only way, you chose to attack an entire subset of other writers to make yourselves feel less inadequate. To tiptoe and tap dance for an entirely different audience who we’re not even writing for. Nor trying to appease. (side note: I have hella mutuals who don’t look anything like me and may not be able to relate to what I write about and STILL love it. And vice versa.) As someone who’s had to deal with harassment and hatred on every other facet of the internet, simply for existing, so much so I’ve given up on a lot of other passions I love. I’m not doing it here, sorry. In a community that I finally felt accepted and free to express myself, as well as met an amazing group of people who I look up to, feel close to and love more than anything. I’m grateful for this space and the people in it. I’m grateful to log in here everyday and see so many creative minds of all races, backgrounds, etc. on here just sharing their love for fandom and their favorite characters. Without people being worried about names and followers. At the end of the day, if y’all want to keep beefing and throwing subs about figments of Hajime Isayama’s sick imagination, then you will be doing it on your lonesome. Talking to your damn selves and fighting the wall because this is ridiculous. None of us deserved to be treated like this and talked about so horribly. None of us deserved to have our already tiny community even more divided and to have all of our amazing work pushed to the wayside for drama. I’m over it, my mutuals are over it and I’m sick of it. Thank you and have the day y’all deserve.
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darlingkirstein · 19 days
jean or mikasa 🫶
i'll do jean since he's one of my favs (love mikasa too ofc but it's probably fairly obvious from my username which one i gravitate to more LOL). can happily do mikasa too if someone wishes <3
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
i like how realistic he is!!! 🫶 like he's very relatable for me personally which sometimes is a good thing and other times is bad. i have always enjoyed that he's supposed to represent the everyman and doesn't have special abilities or anything but still excels anyways!! and it's such an obvious answer but his development 🩷
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
i love how he acts selfish and like he doesn't care about anything but actually really cares about great deal 😿😿 it's so endearing to me ugh
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
i guess when he yelled at his mom LMAO but also he was 15 and i was an awful teenager so that would be hypocritical. idk jean is so dear to me im not really sure if theres anything i dislike???
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
my first instinct was resident evil simply because it would be kinda funny but in actuality he deserves a nice calm rom-com movie 🧸
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
gonna go with please, please, please, let me get what i want by the smiths simply because i imagine it for him just wanting to live a simple life amongst all this hardship 😿
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6. What's something you have in common with this character?
man where do we begin LMAO. there's a reason i had this man on my kin list back in the day 😭 the blunt honesty, being doubtful of situations, easily frustrated/overwhelmed, acting like im apathetic about everything but deeply caring too much 💔
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
making him a shipping bicycle
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I generally HATEEEE indulging in discourse but i hate how people sometimes reduce him to a teenage crush and ignoring everything else about his character and villainizing him like he's super evil 😭😭 he's a really great character with wonderful development and i wish that could be focused on a little more. BUT i also dislike some of his stans and the way they conduct themselves with people that don't like him. feel very much like That one girl from mean girls 🇨🇭🇨🇭 feel like the discourse kinda clouds a lovely character:((
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9. Could you be roommates with this character?
yes maybe he could cook me dinner and cure my picky eating. idk i feel like he's a good cook. we could watch movies together. i feel like he'd make a really good roommate.. keeps his spaces clean and is pretty respectful and such 🫡
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
i think so definitely!!! we'd probably annoy each other sometimes but we'd get along well. maybe we're too similar sometimes?? feel like we'd get into silly arguments over differing opinions on a show we were watching LMAO and we both end up pouting but forgive the other eventually... even tho it takes a while since we're both stubborn
11. Would you date this character?
in a heartbeat LMAO
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
bisexual (this one is pretty universal) 🏳️‍🌈. but i also imagine him to be a very good cook, as i said earlier... idk i find that so sweet like he isn't always the best with words so if you're upset he tries to make you feel better by cooking/baking 😿
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
obsessed with the idea of him responding to any text from sasha or whoever asking him to do something with the 🫡 emoji idk it's funny LMAO
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
i wish i knew anything about fashion unfortunately i wear the same three sweatshirts every day of my life so im not qualified
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
anyone who knows me well is familiar with my not-so-guilty affinity for erejean UGHHHH i adore them they might be my favorite aot ship. definitely top three at least i love them sm. but ofc naturally i love jeanpiku a lot for post-canon i think they would be so great together 😿 they're so very fun to write too like aw so lovely
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
jean/annie irks me badly for irrational personal reasons. like seeing it annoys me horrendously and puts me in a bad mood im sorry to its 10 shippers but i cannot do it 😞
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
jeanhitch/dreystein. it's just Fine. like i dont hate it but i dont personally like it either. but shipping it doesn't annoy me or anything. i just prefer them as unlikely best friends who talk mad shit. i tend to like most jean ships he's very shippable. jeanmarco used to be my main ship LOL
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
obviously sasha and connie 😿 like my silly little trio they're so fun they deserved happiness. jean and connie as the fun uncles to niccosasha children idk i can yearn a little 💔
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
i cant really think of any??? idk i think his dynamic with the others is pretty good all around
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
he already has his ideal best friends but ofc Sasha died LMAO. this is silly since he's older but idk I kinda like to imagine him and onyankopon being absolute pals especially post-canon after all the fighting. i just want onyankapon to have nothing but happiness and companionship 😿😿
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
making him submissive in bed 👍👍
but in all serious i like making him kinda snarky and super stubborn LOL. my silly boy im always putting him into mildly embarrassing circumstances bc it's funny to me
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
don't really read enough fics to qualify!
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
this probably doesn't match very well but just because i ALSO adore him im gonna say leon kennedy (specifically re4 version because re2 is a little too idealistic for jean). just hardened from the experiences and snarky/jokey but still willing to go the distance to help people. i find leon's attitude and subsequent personality change following the rc incident comparable to jean's shift following marco's death. also him in infinite darkness just bears a strong resemblance so the comparison is low hanging fruit there LMAO
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25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
can't fully remember but i remember finding him kinda embarrassing but in an endearing way LMAO like that's my favorite boyfailure truly. and now ofc i adore him he's fighting with erwin for the spot of my favorite aot character
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
hey I just read your post abt where you answered an anon abt how even tho u kinda hate him u don't shit on him intentionally but would if promted or asked .that you would put it under percy hate tag and I just.....I respect so much rlly Ily and I'm can be like rlly pity sometimes and I wanna like u teach me ur ways
oh. wow. uhm. Thanks for your compliment, I guess? 😳 LOL I just think that letting people enjoy things was the least respect I can give to other media consumers.
Actually no. I just think that I don't have to waste my time hating something when I clearly can be dedicating my time and effort to those I love.
I hope I can teach you my ways but to be honest, since the day I came to know of the fandom culture, I've been instructed to respect others' choices of consumption. It came as a way of life, I think? Like basic manners in fandom space. I suppose it does have something with the fact that the Asian fandom, where I come from, has always been more lenient, dare I say respectful, and open in comparison with the Westerners, by which PJO thrives.
If I have to give you any advice though, I think I have a few that would help:
Before you send any hate, ask yourself if this is really worth your time, and if you'd be really feeling better if you engage with what you dislike.
Most of the time, it's just not worth it. Yeah maybe at that time, shitting on something you hate might sound fun, but at the end of the day, you'd only have burdened yourself with a sense of frustration and ruined others' fun. Try scrolling away the second you feel like you're not enjoying yourself. Pretend they don't exist. You'd forget about it like three minutes later. It helps a lot.
This is not real life. You can hardly (if ever) change someone's mind by arguing with them online. There's no need to trouble yourself, right?
Accept that whatever you like, there's always someone who dislikes it; and whatever you hate or feel disturbed at, there's always someone who's into that.
Because we're humans. and humans are self-centered at birth. we're not saints. we love and we hate as we'd like. it's just how we are. And it's fictional anyway. Who caressss. Let us love and let us hate.
This is... really a very simple thing in the Asian fandom, actually, but somehow the Westerners miss out. I've seen Twitter accounts condemning those who support pairings they disapprove of. I find it stupid and meaningless. Just. Don't. 😔😔😔
Which also means acknowledging your dislikes btw. You might figure out your reasons, but don't try justifying them. You hate whatever you don't like, that's all. Rant as you want. just avoid the fan's space. Don't jump into their sanctuary and commit blasphemy.
As I usually do, I might dislike Percy as he is, but I'm aware half of the fandom's in love with him, and that's okay! I know I don't like him though, so I stay away from his tag, and if I'm ranting I'm putting it somewhere fewer Percy fans can see. You wouldn't want to see hate in your blorbo tag now would you? It's just respect in its simplest form.
Fictional characters don't have rights. The only right they have is copyright. Just remember that the next time you feel offended in your blorbo's place.
However, I'm aware most of these just... don't apply to the wester fandom. yeah I don't know why either, everybody has this need for justice (their justice) somehow...
I suppose it'd be hard for you, but if you'd like to change your perspective to have a better, more peaceful fandom experience, I strongly recommend following the above.
I hope you have great experiences in this fandom culture. With love.
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