#|| so I'm 2 followers away from a milestone ??? ||
spidernuggets · 2 months
Hi Micah!!! It’s missy (@indulgentdaydream. You can’t ask questions with a side blog :( oh well)
Something I’m always thinking about is jason falling for reader so hard, only to realize she’s never actually been in a relationship before/never had any romantic experience
I’m on the fence of whether he would immediately just try and shower her (sparingly, of course, not to overwhelm her) with affection, giving her flowers, buying her gifts, taking her all on kinds of dates, kissing her silly, following her lead on how fast she wanted to go with the relationship, etc
he immediately just takes all his feelings for her and folds them into a neat little box inside himself (like he does with every other feeling of his, i feel) because he feels like she deserves someone better than him to be all her firsts
OKAY, as a person who has no romantic experience whatsoever and the only relationship I've been in was with a psychopath (quick storytime: Few years after i broke up with her, i coincidentally worked at the same place as her brother. mind you, i was working there before him. Then she started telling her friends I WAS A STALKER?!?!?) Anyways. I THINK ABT THIS ALL THE TIME TOO
I know that in all universes, Jason has a significant amount of love interests. But I don't actually think that he's the best at expressing his emotions even when in a relationship. But at the same time, it takes him time to really fall in love, so when he falls, he falls HARD. Like face first into concrete.
He would notice quickly or right away that Reader has never reached this far into a relationship - As in, she never felt anything like this with anyone else. Like, it's a milestone.
Since Jason isn't good with expressing how he feels, I think his love language would be gift giving and quality time.
First, he'd take Reader out on a date and give her a small gift. Maybe like some sort of accessory. He doesn't get anything designer or really expensive, so he doesn't freak Reader out or try to be an extra asshole and flaunt his (Bruce's) money
He very closely observes Reader's reaction. Every twitch, blink, and breath.
Reader would probably give an incredibly cringe worthy and awkward thanks. But it actually means, holy shit, you're so nice, first date and you're already the best boyfriend ever.
BUT Jason doesn't see that. Jason likes to know what's going on at all times, and he seems to be straightforward. So when he drops Reader home, he asks if she's ready to be in a committed relationship or if she wants to take things slower. He's so obsessed with Reader, like if Reader says she doesn't want to kiss him until marriage or something, he'd shrug and say, of course, anything else?
So Reader admits the obvious saying she doesn't know what she's doing. She really really enjoyed the date and also wants to do all that cliché boyfriend girlfriend stuff but doesn't know where to start.
And Jason literally submits himself to Reader.
Like the fact that she enjoyed the date that HE planned? And Reader wants to do boyfriend girlfriend stuff with HIM?
To be honest, if Reader hated anything about that first date, Jason would've buried himself AGAIN.
So he tells Reader that it's okay. That they can do the things all couples do, test things out. See what Reader likes and doesn't like and build their way up from there.
I think it would be the moment returns to his own home that he thinks "What the fuck am I doing? Dragging this poor girl down to hell? Maybe I should tell her I'm not ready. Or ghost her." Poor baby goes through all possibilities. He even comes with the idea of setting Reader up instead with his friends or even his older brother.
But in the end, he promised Reader that they try this relationship thing out. So they do!!
Maybe within 2 or 3 months, Jason is really starting to doubt his role in the relationship. Like every time Reader sleeps over, he's scared of waking her up just because he's having a nightmare, or he's scared he might have an outburst for no reason.
To be honest, it's most likely he'd self-sabotage on purpose and make himself look bad so Reader would have a reason to break up with him because he knows she can find someone better.
Either that, or he'd restrict himself of his emotions, replying or talking to her in a monotone voice, showing no interest.
But Reader would look through his facade and have a little chat with him.
Through the couple of months they've been dating, Jason and Reader have discovered what they like in a relationship. And Reader has discovered how incredibly touch starved Jason is, and that he's a sucker for words of affirmation.
So after their little chat, Reader is just perched on his lap, pressing feather light kisses all over Jason's crying face, telling him what a good boyfriend he is, how perfect he is, and that he's worth more than he thinks.
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flowerandblood · 3 months
Exactly one year ago I posted my first chapter of the My Best Friend series. Nowadays I think it's something awful and I don't even try to edit it because I'd have to write everything from scratch, but I've left it for people who feel attached to the story. I remember getting about six likes and one comment on the first day and that huuuuge interest made me eager to create chapter 2 and then all the others.
I remember the excitement with which I waited and then replied to comments, not believing that people were actually waiting for the next chapter. At the time I was literally not following anyone, which was good because I wasn't comparing myself to anyone.
Eventually I felt I was ready to try writing other series and a few were successful enough that I decided to stay here permanently and create because it made me happy. Up to that point, everyone had been very kind to me and I started following more and more blogs, wanting to feel part of the fandom, to make friends with everyone. Now I know that was the biggest mistake I made.
Seeing things that didn't interest me, fanfic's whose way of writing couldn't draw me in, I felt frustrated, while at the same time fearing that if I stopped following someone, that person would see it as an affront. At the same time, The Impossible Choice, my biggest project until The Fall from the Heavens (which I'm currently editing and re-editing, while inserting on AO3), began to be written.
Just when I thought I had reached the pinnacle of my abilities (which wasn't true), I also started to clash with anonymous hate messages, probably the worst of which were those vilifying me and my husband, and those regarding my one-shot with Micheal Gavey. I know now that taking it personally and getting involved was my big mistake, and the fandom was shaken by drama that got out of hand.
I was a few steps away from deleting my blog at the time, but my husband talked me out of the idea (thankfully, as my stories aren't saved anywhere else − I'm only now moving them to AO3).
That's when I first realised that some people here I don't even like, and they probably don't like me. I wondered, why are we following each other then? Why are we pretending to have any courtesy? It was only later that I realised that to be considered someone's friend, you have to reblog their work and preferably agree with them even when they write hurtful things.
Since I've depleted my circle of those I follow to about 20 people, since I've blocked dozens of people and tags, there's been blissful silence (with the exceptions of when I write about behaviour in the fandom that I find toxic and someone accuses me of causing drama, but I'm used to it now). I've also never written happier than I do now.
Ideas come to me on their own, I don't feel uptight about what other big people will think of me, whether they reblog it, approve of it or not. I don't give a shit and life is beautiful! Although I can be emotionally unstable, I'm only 70 people short of crossing the next milestone of 3,000 followers, and that's BIG for me. It amuses me that I keep getting messages that someone is going to block me or stop following me, and you guys keep coming. It's gratifying.
I'm going to keep writing for you guys, and I'm sure during season two you'll also see my posts describing my impressions after the episodes in which I hope to involve my husband. I'll also keep you updated here on how I'm doing with my book I'm creating in my private life.
Ange. I know that sometimes I'm fucked up, but I want you to know that you've made this place so much more bearable for me that I can't imagine it without you. What I appreciate most about you is that you can talk and discuss, that you always try to understand the other side, that you are empathetic, warm and kind. I feel that, like friends in everyday life, we can also tell each other about things we disagree about, and there are not many people like that here.
On top of that, you are very talented and your stories are always a pleasure to read, even when they are short, you are able to build the plot and atmosphere perfectly, something I have always admired. Thank you for every kind word and understanding.
I still remember your first message to me via ask, referring to the fact that I didn't want to write a pairing with a mermaid because someone else was writing about it at the same time. My heart melted then, it was so nice!
Liz, Queen of Angst! Your calmness and composure puts me in awe. You're disgustingly talented when it comes to writing and you have a super-sweet personality. When you started following me I began to squirm with delight, and when you started reblogging my stuff? My goodness!!!
You've been engaging and reblogging my stories for as long as I can remember. Always involved, your thoughts make me smile. Thank you for being with me for so long!
You've been here with me since the dawn of time. You know that I love you. Your support from the very beginning really makes me feel like I have a friend here.
I am so proud of you! I remember your asks when I wrote Glass Cuts Deepest, your illustrations for me and your uncertainty about whether you should start writing yourself. I'm so happy for you and that you are so successful! You deserved it.
@black-dread & @aegonx
You are my favourite gif makers. Your work always leaves me in awe, you are amazing! I know how much work you put into it and somehow you make even the worst lit scenes look wonderful!
@summerposie; @0eessirk8; @melsunshine; @immyowndefender; @bellaisasleep; @kckt88; @thedamewithabook; @happinessinthebeing; @queenofshinigamis; @travelingmypassion; @mefools; @fan-goddess; @toodlesxcuddles; @ammo23; @troublesomesnitch; @mariahossain; @out-of-life; @apothe-roses; @heavenhatesme; @whitearemydarkestnight; @liv-cole; @blackswxnn; @echos-muses; @watercolorskyy; @at-a-rax-ia; @tssf-imagines; @snh96; @hiatuswhore; @exitpursuedbyavulcan; @darylandbethfanforever9; @the-dendrophile-bookdragon; @opheliaas-stuff @zaldritzosrose
Your comments and reblogs make me want to keep writing. You make me laugh, you comfort me and you support me. I know I'm definitely forgetting someone, but I want you to know that I love everyone who comments on my stories and there is nothing better for me than responding to your reactions and questions! I have known some of you for so many months that I truly consider you my good friends!
lottie-blue-star; aveatquevale-; aemondtargaryenwifey marvelescvpe; alphard-hydraes-blog; herejusttostan; li0nn3stuff; alexandrawho; vilmakamunen; angelinap09; theloveablestargirl; rose-blue-19; xxxkat3xxx; flosaureum; mandiiblanche; librawh0re; jasminecosmic99; ivvypg; rojocarnation; killmanduh; tokkiiidoll; wolfdressedinlace; angelofvivianne; nina2697; starwarsgirlsimmer1; katsucker; ipostwhtifeel; aemondsdelight; ilswemoon; tigrigri; pasta-rask; roselibrary; lystargs; gemini-mama; nikstrange; tempo-rary-fix; coffeeobsessedtrencher; gwuinivyre; dreamerbythewayx; diiickbrainn; mothmankit
And everyone else I missed and whose icons I would recognize from afar. I know that you have been with me for many months, often in silence or communicating anonymously. Your silent support and presence is something wonderful for me, knowing that you have been with me for so long and read all my posts!
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huggybearluvr · 7 months
milestones | tz11
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pairing:trevor zegras x drysdale!reader
summary: You and Trevor have been dating for almost 6 months now and have mostly been in the honey moon phase of your relationship. You have yet to get into any fights... until you go out to the bar with the team after their first win of the season.
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You were stood beside trevor at the bar happily celebrating with the team. He was focused on his conversation with John Gibson. You tapped his shoulder to which he brushed you off with his hand.
You huffed walking to the bar to get yourself another drink. You then stayed there for a bit, not long after a large bearded man came over to you, "Hello there darling."
You simply waved to be nice before getting up to head back to the group. The man was quicker though, grabbing your arm.
"leaving so soon?" He asked with a a god awful smirk on his face.
You desperately tried to get Trevors attention but to no avail.
"I have a boyfriend," You said trying to free your arm from the mans grasp.
"Yeah, i've heard that one before, hasn't stopped me," He smirked even more.
"Let me go!" you argued. When the man only gripped your harm harder. You stepped closer to him, kneeing him in the groin. He quickly hunched over relieving your arm.
You went back to the group grabbing Trevors arm, "Trev!"
"what babe," He said annoyed.
You looked him dead in the eye about ready to slap the attitude out of him, "Can we please leave, that guy over there won't leave me alone and I feel so uncomfortable!"
"Maybe in an hour just stay over here," He said turning back to his conversation.
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" You had raised your voice at this point. You angerly walked away. You spotted your brother at the bar getting a new drink.
"Jamie, will you please take me home," You said as your eyes began to slowly gaze over.
"Of course, what happened?" He asked as he led you over to the table to get your jackets.
"I don't wanna talk about it right now, please can I stay at your house tonight?"
He nodded taking your hand and leading you out of the bar.
Once you made it to Jamies apartment you explained what had happened to him.
"I swear, Trevor is a fucking idiot." Jamie said angered by his best friends actions towards you, "I'm gonna call him."
"Please don't Jaim," you looked at your older brother with pleading eyes.
"Alright, you sleep in my bed, I'll take the couch," he spoke softly.
"Thank you," You smiled hugging your brother before heading off to Jamies room.
It had been about 2 hours before a wag mentioned your disappearance to Trevor.
"Hey, do you know where y/n is?" The wag asked Trevor.
"I don't know, she's around here somewhere." Trevor responded.
"We've all been looking for her, she's not here Z." The wag said in a serious tone this time.
"What do you mean she's not here." Trevor now began to worry.
He called you and texted you no answer.
He called Jamie and on the 5th ring it answered.
"What do you want Z?"
"Do you know where y/n is? No one has seen her."
"It took you two hours to realize I took her home? your an asshole Z you know that?"
"Why'd you take her home? Why is she at your place?"
"Are you that fucking clueless? She came to you with a legit problem and you ignored her, you ignored her the whole night."
"I didn't mean too" Trevor tried to defend himself but it was no help.
"Sure you did bud." and with that Jamie hung up.
Trevor quickly called and uber to head to Jamies and talk to you.
Once he arrived he knocked rapidly on the door til Jamie answered.
"She doesn't wanna talk to you." He said sternly.
"Please can I just see her?"
"It's okay Jaim." You said softly standing in the living room facing the door.
"Fine," Jamie rolled his eyes but followed your wishes letting Trevor in.
"I'll be in my room," Jamie said leaving to head to his room.
"baby, im so sorry, you know how I get after hockey games," Trevor argued.
"So your making excuses?"
"No forget I said that, Im so genuinly sorry I didnt listen when you told me about the guy, It was fucked."
He stepped closer to you, grabbing your hands, "Baby im sorry, please forgive me," He said looking at you with pleading eyes, "Let me take you back home."
You rolled your eyes before smiling, "Fine."
"thank god!" Trevor said before leaning down and kissing you. You pulled away smiling.
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Sundae Tropes - Milestone Event - CLOSED 🍨
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Well, hello everyone! I can’t believe it’s finally happened but we’re celebrating a milestone! 300 followers?! Like what? I want to thank each and every single one of you for supporting my little blog. I love the interaction and going forward, hope to have more engagement with everyone. To celebrate, I thought I’d throw together a little event. This is intended to be an 18+ event, so minors MDNI. Welcome to Sundae Tropes! Open to all my followers and moots!
Give it up for the talented @actuallysaiyan for the super cute banner!
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🍨 Make your sundae!
1. Pick a flavor of ice cream 2. Choose 1 or 2 toppings - One per group 3. Pick a man (or woman) from either Bleach or JJK 4. Please note the waffle cone option if none of the toppings appeal to you
So for example, your request could look something like Chocolate with whipped cream and caramel with Renji.
🍨Please note: Since this is meant to celebrate my moots and followers, I will not be accepting anon requests. Anyone who follows me and wants to submit a request, but are shy to have their name show up, please DM me, and I will add your request to the list and reach out to you separately when I’m done writing, without responding to the ask publicly. 
🍨 The reader will by default be written as female unless specified otherwise. Please have a look at my rules for characters I don’t write. All characters are either written as adults or aged up.
🍨Also, since each fandom has certain characters more popular than others, I’m capping the number of requests I receive for these characters. 
🍨This will be open for a week (closing April 12th). 
🍨I will be writing a good number of these and will be feeding all requests into a random generator to pick what order I’m writing these in. 
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Vanilla - High school sweethearts 
Chocolate - Boss/secretary
Strawberry -  Enemies to Lovers 
Rocky Road - Teacher/student
Cookie dough - Strangers in a foreign city
Coffee - Friends to lovers
Moose Tracks - Fake dating
Mint chocolate chip - Soulmates
Butterscotch - Forced proximity
Cookies and Cream - Marriage pact
Fudge - Captor/Captive
Peanut butter - Secret Billionaire
Butter Pecan- Love Triangle (pick 2 characters)
Birthday cake- Amnesia/Mistaken identity 
Cotton Candy- Secret Admirer 
Cherry- Return to hometown/reunion love 
Toppings (pick up to 2 - one from each group)
Group 1
Sprinkles - Threesome (pick 2 characters)
Whipped cream - Creampie, Breeding Kink
Crushed Oreos - Clit spanking, Nipple play, Bondage
Marshmallow -  Teasing, Edging, Toys
Kit Kats - Exhibitionism, Dirty talk, Hair pulling
Maraschino Cherries - Praise kink, Lingerie, Blowjob
Strawberries - Passionate/romantic sex, Emotional bond
M&Ms - Virginity loss, Soft sex, Sweet talking
Group 2
Banana - Doggystyle
Reeses Pieces- Cowgirl
Chocolate-covered pretzels - Missionary
Nutella - Butterfly Position
Caramel - Thirst Position
Gummy bears - Facesitting
Brownie bits - 69
Chocolate chips -  Lotus position
Kinks and fetishes not your thing? Want something fluffy and SFW? Add a waffle cone to any flavor! Pick a waffle cone prompt from the list below:
A waffle cone request could look like: Vanilla waffle cone #4 with Gojo
"I'm going on a blind date." "In hopes of them actually being blind?"
"Is there something I can do to make it easier?"
“Don’t you dare walk away right now!”
“Do you miss us?”
"I trust you with all of my heart."
“I have the feeling that you’re trying not to kiss me and I give you permission to just do it.”
“Do you want my jacket?”
"You're all my favorite things about the world concentrated into one person”
"You hugged me like your personal pillow."
“Oh, just shut up, I’m not blushing!”
“Morning cuddles are the best part of the day.”
“Of course I know the way you like your coffee.”
"My heart dances every time I look at you."
Why is your stupid face just so kissable?”
“Your laugh is contagious.”
"I never believed in love at first sight before I met you."
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all dividers by @/ cafekitsune Prompts from @/ creativepromptsforwriting
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genericpuff · 7 months
The Extended Mishandling of LO's S3 Midseason Finale Premiere (Pt 2)
Alrighty, I promised a part two back in the first part of this analysis, but found myself busy with Rekindled and my day job, so I'm finally sitting down and finishing this up. If you haven't read that first part yet, please go check it out!
We left off with Hebe and Apollo roleplaying that one scene from The Lion King, albeit with a lot less sense or nuance. Literally all the "drama" so far feels purely manufactured for cheap plot progression and tension and it hardly feels authentic. But now we gotta talk about the second half of this episode, where we finally address the cliffhanger that the FP midseason finale episode left off on - Persephone causing winter.
And what better way to kick it off than with a completely off-base Persephone monologue?
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Now, what's shown here is actually a flashback to the job interview scene from S1, when Persephone asked to see the snow in the Underworld. But it's written as if Persephone has some intimate relationship with snow as a whole, as if she's experienced more than this one time which... she hasn't. There was nothing "romantic" really about that scene following the job interview, she literally just wanted to go out and see something she hadn't seen before.
But that calls into question - why does Persephone constantly act like she has an intimate relationship with snow when it doesn't occur in the Mortal Realm? She even says in the honeymoon episode that it's hot all the time in the Mortal Realm, and the temperature only drops every now and then during rainy days... and she somehow makes this about Hades when it literally has nothing to do with him lmao Persephone monologues are some of the worst /r/im14andthisisdeep moments in the series because she's constantly using word salad to describe feelings we never saw or scenes that never happened.
And this scene is no different. She says that snow is something that's interwoven with her most 'treasured moments' but all the visuals have to show for is that one scene from S1 that, again, didn't even come across as a 'treasured moment', it was just her seeing the snow for the first time, there was nothing 'romantic' about it in a vacuum. All the moments from the series you could call ACTUALLY TREASURED milestones of Hades and Persephone's relationship - and Persephone's supposed "love" for the Underworld - are scenes where snow was completely absent (ex. the scene of Persephone and Hades talking about Sicily in Zeus and Hera's garden, Persephone and Hades spending the night in the cabin during the trial arc, etc.)
But then, to make it even more confusing, she goes on to describe her losing her powers and causing winter a "betrayal". As if the concept of winter owes her anything. As if Erebus owes her anything.
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The allusion to Erebus itself in the visuals implies that she feels "betrayed" over this happening, as if it wasn't made ABUNDANTLY CLEAR TO HER that she would have to sacrifice something. She's gone SO LONG without knowing or caring about what she could have possibly given up, that by the time it finally revealed itself, she's acting all shocked Pikachu because there's finally something she can't just have. Everything that could make her seem imperfect has been washed away, from her SA trauma to those pesky green hands. Now we finally ARE seeing her affected by her own choices and she's basically waxing poetic about how sad it is that her actions have consequences.
That said, she does seem to have a moment of self-awareness here... but I can't be confident it will actually amount to anything seeing as how all the past attempts at 'growth' have been overshadowed by her vanity and ego.
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This line is really confusing / weird in the way that it's written but I think she's trying to say that the source of the cold is from her, she can't pin it on any sort of 'big bad' like she could with Apollo and Kronos. It's just her.
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And again, this could be a moment of realization for her that her actions are her own regardless of whatever she wants to pin it on-
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But she rejects it instead. She's still not capable of acknowledging that her choices affect others, that her actions have consequences, that she's finally paying the price for something she knew had a cost.
If this were any other comic, I would accept her rejection of this, I would have confidence in knowing she may recognize it eventually. But this is LO and we're three seasons in, she's technically already gotten her happily ever after in the form of becoming Queen and married to her 'true love', so all of this feels like a very last-minute attempt to paint Persephone as this "struggling" character. But she's not "struggling", she's just finally experiencing karma catching up to her and as expected for a person like Persephone, she's already cracking under the pressure of realization that she can't have everything she wants.
Again, in any other comic, this would feel satisfying or endearing to see her fall on her own sword, but to me it just feels frustrating in the context of LO because we've spent five years seeing her get everything she wants with barely any real struggle that wasn't manufactured - with all of it painted as a GOOD THING - while still getting away with treating the people around her like shit.
And when I say she rejects this concept of having humility, I don't just mean through her monologuing, but also through her actions.
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If I were to critique LO the same way I would an actual functional series, I would say that this should be the point of realization, the point where we see her crumble under the weight of her not being perfect, not being able to "fix" everything. It all stems back to her entitlement as a bratty main character, someone who can't fathom not being the main character or the "hero".
Because she's not the hero. Demeter is - or at least, she tries to be.
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Again, it's hard to know if this is intentional or if this is yet another attempt to present Demeter as an "overbearing mom", but Persephone here looks and sounds like she's been reduced back to the state of a child crying for her mother in the face of her own failures. Despite now technically being a mother herself (through literal babynapping sigh) Persephone is still not a mature adult. Aging her up 10 years and giving her a husband and baby will not make her an actual functional independent adult who's capable of taking care of themselves or making the right decisions... unlike Demeter who is still, ultimately, more skilled than Persephone. She is an actual experienced and mature adult who's capable of rationalizing and decision making, and knowing when it's time to put aside your ego, walk away and let someone else who's far more qualified take care of things.
What Demeter has is something that one can only gain through true hardship, failing, learning from one's own mistakes, and experience, all of which Persephone does not have because she transitioned from a cage of her own imagination where hard work and responsibility was a virtue, into a gilded cage where true hard work can be passed onto someone else whose efforts she could take credit for while sitting on a throne and buying anything and everything she could ever want.
Despite everything Persephone and the narrative claims to have 'earned', she's still a child. The adults have to take over.
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And like a child, she doesn't let them.
This is not an 'anime moment'. This is not a moment of redemption. This is immaturity and irresponsibility in its most visible form for Persephone - refusing to let go of her ego and shortcomings to "prove herself", even if it means making things worse.
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And Hades enables it.
I want to make it clear there is a massive difference between not being controlling over someone, and actually enabling them.
This is not some small hill to die on. Persephone is literally causing winter, which could very well kill the Mortals. As we've seen in that prior Hebe scene from the first part of this essay, the snow is showing up in Olympus. This isn't something that's happening in the isolation of this single scene, this is happening everywhere and instead of taking the L, Persephone is trying to make things 'better' by simply 'trying harder' which is just not the solution here, Demeter knows this, but Hades is playing the "girlboss" version of a "good husband" by not even bothering to try and convince her to do otherwise. Hades above everyone else should be the one stepping in because he'd likely be the only one she'd actually listen to, but he's refusing to because he has to be the "good husband" who doesn't control the actions of his wife.
So he flat out enables her instead by not even bothering to try and reason with her, to help her see that what she's doing is not helping. Not even so much as a "Persephone, I know you want to help but it's clear something is wrong and if Demeter can figure out what to do to fix this, we should let her", just him saying to Demeter who wants to stop her that he can't stop her from trying... ignoring the fact that he should at least try.
And that's the difference between being controlling and being an enabler. He's not keeping her from doing something that benefits her and doesn't harm him or others. He's not micromanaging her decisions or trying to tell her she's not capable. Now, don't get me wrong, there are definitely things that make Hades a walking red flag especially when it comes to him being a groomer, but when it comes to directly controlling Persephone, most of the time she's doing things of her own accord convinced that it's "the right thing" (which is still just a side effect of the obvious grooming because I really doubt S1 Persephone would have done this shit lmao).
Here, he's not stepping in to even try to reason with her because "well I'd be a bad husband if I stepped in", completely ignoring the fact that it makes him a terrible person, period, to not at least try to calmly reason with his wife and explain to her that her 'help' is not going to help here. Just like when he rewarded her with sex for abusing a nymph in her own home, he's completely complacent to Persephone's actions and doesn't step in to try and help because, according to Wattpad and TikTok, a "good husband" is someone who looks the other way while his life partner does whatever she wants regardless of the consequences to herself and others. "Happy wife, happy life, who cares if the wife wants to be an actual piece of shit to people if it makes her happy".
And thus she makes things worse in her pursuit of "happiness", while Hades stands idly by, watching it all unfold as if he's just an innocent bystander who can absolve himself of any responsibility in this situation. As if she didn't become this way because she ate the pomegranate to be with him and a part of his world.
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Now, there's one other sort-of-blatant smoking gun that I want to talk about that I haven't really seen anyone else mention since this episode went up. Granted, this might be me reading far too much into it, but hey, that's what this blog is for and I think it's something that absolutely needs to be mentioned.
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Persephone goes on about how her powers aren't just gone, they've been replaced, all she can create is decay, and more specifically-
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Now... think of the context of LO's narrative, what it's told us both literally and through subtext, intentional or not.
What does this sound like?
Hades lost his ability to produce children when he ate the pomegranate. He can no longer "create life".
And now, Persephone is finding herself in a similar situation, unable to "create life" the way she knows how. I'd like to think this isn't literal, but it really feels like there's a metaphorical implication here that Persephone losing her ability to create life is meant to be taken literally, that she not only can't create flowers and plant life anymore, but she's lost her fertility entirely. You can go even further back in this when it was established Persephone didn't eat six seeds, but nine, which originally felt like a weirdly random choice, but now seems intentional. I know some people have theorized that it has to do with her possibly being pregnant, but I don't think that's the case, I think it's the opposite - that the 9 months was a metaphor for the 9 months of childbearing that Persephone can no longer do.
And if that's the case... LO truly is no longer a "feminist" piece of work. It barely was before, but if the point of all this winds up being an attempt by Rachel to give Persephone a "flaw" by taking away her ability to bear children... that'll be a punch to the gut.
That said, if it does go somewhere, maybe the point will be Persephone learning she doesn't need to be able to reproduce to have value as a woman. But considering LO's track record with these sorts of plotlines, I can't be confident in the slightest that's where it'll end up. What I can be confident in is that Persephone will likely not stay this way. Like her green hands, she'll likely get her powers back, maybe after the resolution that she's still a real woman deserving of love even if she can't reproduce. I can't possibly know at this point where it's going, all I do know is that LO hasn't done a great job at resolving these sorts of deeper narratives so this just feels like another dart on the wall of bad ideas. Because it's, again, all being framed through Persephone being the "perfect woman", without there being any actual subtext throughout the narrative to imply that this may be a flawed ideology to have, it's just what Persephone has to be and it's sold in the narrative as a positive.
There's one term to describe this with that's rather consistent throughout LO when you peel back the layers of both the comic and Rachel's past work - white feminism. Despite LO's attempts to be "feminist", it's still ultimately being written through a heteronormative male gaze, that women are only "valuable" so long as they're youthful, that any goals or dreams a woman may have should be dropped as soon as they fall in love with a rich and powerful man, and that "other women" who don't fit into that mould of being rich, white, and heterocis are not worthy of love, empathy, or understanding. It's hard to trust that LO will actually challenge these norms when it's been practically enforcing them for five years.
But ultimately, that's a very loaded topic and right now, we don't know where this is going... I'm just not so sure I want to see it after all the missteps the series has pulled over the past half a decade. Like the miracle of childbirth, it's gonna take a miracle for LO to actually stick this landing.
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Now, I'm assuming you read this line of dialogue, and you understood it. Yes? You positive? Okay, great. Why am I asking you this question as if you're an infant who doesn't understand what being "passed out" means? Well, you'll see what I mean in a minute.
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Now, again, like with the whole "I can't bring life to anything anymore" thought process I just went through, I can't know exactly what they're trying to do here, but Demeter is fully in the right. I want to make that abundantly clear that Demeter was right the whole time and it's pretty telling that even a lot of the people reading the comic in good faith are pointing this out in the discussion circles they can actually access.
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Now, in case anyone hasn't noticed, it's clear that Demeter herself is drawing upon the fertility magic of Gaia or Rachel is just alluding to Gaia for some reason. At first I thought it was supposed to be her form of "wrath" until I remembered that (unfortunately) Eris was the only reason for Persephone's wrath, so this is clearly meant to be some allusion to Gaia. Considering the fertility powers were passed down purely through Gaia and Ouranos, this means Demeter is a descendant of Gaia, which... calls into question Rachel's attempts to "remove the incest" from LO, but that's for another topic.
Either way, Demeter is fully in the right here. Hades is a fucking idiot - a useless lump - for not only enabling the shitty actions of his shitty wife, but for not taking even any amount of accountability for the fact that Persephone found out about the pomegranate through him.
"But Puff, she had to eat the pomegranate to beat Kronos!" Did she? Or was that purely manufactured for Rachel's sake because she just had to have an MCU Evil-Robot-Jeff-Bridges villain despite the fact that this FANTASY ROMANCE series didn't need one? The fact that it was written purely to 'force' Persephone into doing something she already wanted to do was completely redundant, it wasn't a 'sacrifice' she made, it was made pretty clear in Episode 165 that she wanted to eat the pomegranate as soon as she found out about it and while that decision is certainly her own, that does not absolve Hades of responsibility for not questioning his future wife's fascination with it or realizing that he unlocked the inner Pandora's Box of Persephone's mind.
And so, Demeter holds him responsible. As she should.
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Okay, you read that, right? But remember that line I asked you about before? We should all know Demeter doesn't mean this literally. We have brains and we should all have a minimum amount of media literacy to understand that Hades was telling the truth when he literally said Persephone was "passed out".
We finish the episode on this panel, which I swear to christ I couldn't tell you in all of my own divine wisdom of the arts what in the world is going on in this panel. I'm literally looking at salad.
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Is it Demeter and Persephone? Just some dying plants? I have no fucking clue, your guess is as good as mine.
But we're not done. Because we have one more glaring issue to talk about with this episode, and it comes in the form of an author's note that was inserted at the end of the episode. It is truly, despite EVERYTHING we've talked about in both parts of this analysis, the dumbest, most airheaded and egregiously pretentious thing I've seen in this entire episode.
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Rachel quite literally put in a fucking disclaimer telling her audience what Hades already told us point blank in the comic - "Don't worry, audience members, Persephone is not literally dead, it's a metaphor for her spring powers being dead!"
I literally can't even express to you how pretentious and shitty this is of her to do. I can't tell if it's legitimately her thinking her writing is "too smart" for even her older audience members to grasp, or if she just wants to dispel the theories that people would want to make about this, or if she completely misconstrued the criticism about her writing not being "clear enough" and thinks that THIS is what people meant. Pardon my tone because I've kept it together relatively well throughout this post, but this is some 2009-era Fanfiction.net level of author's note bullshit.
If she thinks her writing is "too smart" for her audience to grasp, I'm sorry Rachel, but you're just wrong and this is incredibly shitty of you. You think the 14 year olds in your community aren't also reading other webtoons that have deeper writing than LO? I read Death Note when I was fucking 14 and I knew exactly the point of what the story was getting at by the time it was over, despite all the other stories I read at that age that completely flew over my head. And you think LO is somehow more complicated than Death Note, baby's first introduction to the grey areas of morality and justice?
If she's trying to dispel the theories... that actually holds some merit because not only is Rachel notoriously bad at not letting her fandom just talk about their theories without her swooping in to "um actually" them (even if it means killing the fun of theorizing), but the official FP page on FB was closed to new submissions in the hours following this episode and it since hasn't posted any new content. Is it because people aren't posting? Absolutely not. The mods are quite literally holding these posts hostage through the submission and approval system. People are legitimately trying to submit only for the mods to block it entirely from going through. If this is Rachel's attempts at trying to "protect herself" from the criticism this episode has surely earned, then all she's really doing is punishing her own fans who want to talk about it. It doesn't matter anymore that the discussion groups are finally back from 3-4 months of being shut down over the hiatus, they're still not being allowed to operate. The best there is now is the Discord and it's undoubtedly just as heavy moderated as the FB groups.
And as for the third possibility, this also feels like an attempt at Rachel trying to make her writing "more clear" without actually putting in the work of writing a good story. She's undoubtedly seen the criticisms towards LO as a whole that it doesn't express itself clearly, that it constantly flip flops on character motivations and information that has been established, and that any monologuing that's done implies things or events that we've never seen unfold on screen (case in point, the Persephone monologue from the start of this episode) but she seems to have either misconstrued or ignored the point of that criticism entirely by solving it with a quick and shitty author's note at the end explaining her intentions with a scene that was already clearly laid out to us. Instead of putting in the work to write a concise story to explain the things that are a bit more under-developed, she's slapping in a spoonfed explanation for scenes that literally don't need explaining and that ultimately cheapens the scenes that are TRYING to have impact, bringing them down to the same level of mediocrity as the scenes that never had the impact they intended to have to begin with. "You've killed the Goddess of Spring" was plenty clear after Hades said she was passed out, Rachel. Taking the time to explain it in a note at the end is just sad and it really goes to show what you think of your audience, especially when it comes to how you treat your fans in regards to community accessibility in the official discussion groups.
"The haters" didn't set this comic onto the path that it's on or ruin the fanbase experience, Rachel - you did.
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Anniversary with Scaramouche
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(From the 6th to 30th April, I am having a mini 100 follower milestone event!)
Tags: Fluff Summary: It's in the title, really.
Scaramouche has been sneaking peeks at you for the last 2 hours as you walk around the market. It's not that you mind it, of course, but you're just worried that he might get bored. With that though, you turn back to him.
"Hey, can you tell me why you've been looking at me?" You look at him curiously.
He looks away to hide his burning cheeks and mumbles, "Jus' wondering if there's anything you want for our anniversary…"
You feel so happy that you blacked out for a moment.
"All I could ever want from you is your presence, really!"
He smirks, "My presence, huh…"
Scaramouche walks closer to you and suddenly pulls you in for a hug, the smell of his perfume envelopes you, making you feel warm and safe. After a while, he lets go, gives you a kiss on the forehead and walks away quickly, the tips of his ears bright red.
"Happy anniversary, [Y/N], thank you for being with me for the past year and I…," he pauses, "I'm not going to let you leave me in the future, even if you get tired of me."
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sev-on-kamino · 11 months
Oh my gosh!!! Congrats on the follower milestone!! It's so amazing to see your blog grow and you deserve so many more followers 💕
I think I'm gonna go with 🧐 but I'm gonna be super boring because you mentioned it in your example and now I have to know!! how did Hunter figured out that the reader's attracted to them in “Absence//Fonder” 👀👀👀
Thank you so much, Deeja!!! You continue to be a major and amazing part of my time here, and you inspire me so much! Also coming up with all kinds of wild adventures for Rex’s scalpel jockey and the 501st is *chef’s kiss*, grade A+++++, good soup, 5 stars, ask for seconds 🤩
So there were several different incidents where Hunter noticed something was definitely up. Here are 2 of those times because I don’t have an ounce of self-control:
Warnings: incredibly suggestive, thoughts about marking, thoughts about fingering, Hunter’s senses doing what they do when your body does what it does 👀, if I missed something lemme know.
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The time when your datapad landed you in a cold shower:
After dinner, you, Hunter and Tech had decided to relax in the barracks instead of joining the others in the range. You sat cross legged on the table, as you so often did when Crosshair wasn’t there to stop you, while you fiddled with your holopad. You’d been trying to download a game before dinner, and it still wasn’t finished. You stopped the download, restarted, and ran through the whole process again only for it to stick in the same place.
Releasing a noise of irritation, you ran through the process again, your face scrunched in frustration. You were about to give up and fill out a requisition form for a replacement when Tech came up behind you.
“You are making an uncharacteristic amount of upset noises. What appears to be the trouble?” He asked.
“This blasted thing won’t complete my download, and it keeps giving me an error message.”
He peered over your shoulder, his chest pressed gently to your back.
“Oh, that’s an easy fix,” he said, as he reached around you. His face just barely brushed yours, and you could feel the slight twitches in his muscles, as he began tapping away on the screen.
Hunter looked up from a twirling his vibroblade to watch the pair of you. Once again, your heart was dancing in your chest, and the scent of your body wanting, needing to be touched was driving him insane.
This wasn’t even a new level of intimacy. None of them really maintained physical boundaries with you anymore, save Crosshair, and even he wasn’t as stringent about it as he used to be. The Marauder wasn’t very big, and you’d stopped being precious about space, privacy, and nudity pretty quickly.
The knife continued to move through his fingers. Twirling up, as he watched you swallow. Spinning down while you worried your bottom lip between your teeth.
Forward in time to your fingers tapping along the back of the device clutched in your hands. Backwards, as you shifted your hips. Hunter knew without a doubt that if he could slide his hand beneath the waistband of your body glove, you would be slick and ready.
The knife moved faster, practically on autopilot while Tech continued to hold you in place, working on the screen in your hands until the error message was cleared out, and the download you’d been attempting completed.
“Thanks, Tech,” you said in a soft, breathy voice.
“You’re welcome,” he replied, moving around the table to sit down and work on a project of his own.
Hunter sheathed his knife with a click, noting the way you watched Tech a moment before turning your attention to the game you’d downloaded. Your breathing pattern remained irregular, and the smell of your desire was permeating the room. He was almost relieved when you announced you were showering and practically fled the room.
After the door shut behind you, Hunter swallowed, and exhaled slowly.
“Did you do that on purpose?” He asked, sliding out of his bunk to take a seat at the table with Tech.
“I was helping you test your theory. Was I successful?” Tech replied without looking up.
“Her heart was pounding so loudly, I could barely hear what you were saying,” Hunter said.
“I’ll take that as a yes. You’re welcome.”
“Don’t act like you didn’t enjoy it, Tech,” Hunter said in a teasing tone.
“That was never in doubt,” Tech replied, continuing to focus on his project.
The time when you definitely didn’t fuck up the Marauder with your lack of piloting skills:
“You know, if you weren’t such a hot shot, we could do this less often,” you grunted out as you strained to loosen a bolt on the Marauder.
“Technically, the current repairs were necessitated by your need to be ‘hot shot’ as you so eloquently put it,” Tech replied.
You heard Echo’s muffled chuckle from somewhere to your left, and your face burned. You were glad Tech couldn’t see the look on your face from his position farther aft. You didn’t have your bucket on, so your lack of a poker face would be a true disservice to you here. In fact you didn’t have any of your armor on.
It was absolutely sweltering on the backwater planet you were stuck on for the time being, so you were stripped down to your underwear.
The boys were equally undressed, and you’d slathered them all down with skin protectants to prevent them from burning. Mostly Crosshair. He was already prickly, and the last thing you or anyone else wanted was to deal with him sunburnt and peeling.
Wrecker had you up on his shoulders, so you could reach the necessary panels, and you couldn’t believe how hot he was beneath you. Clones ran hot, but Wrecker was a damn sun.
“Wrecker, I’m gonna have to check my thighs for burns after this. How are you this hot?” You asked.
“You’re the doctor, you tell me,” He replied, chuckling.
“Fair point. Pass me the spanner wrench please,” you asked with a smile. “With any luck we’ll be done soon, and we can get out of here.”
“You could try focusing on medicine and not piloting, and we can avoid things like this in the future,” Crosshair said, placing a toothpick between his lips.
“You know, Cross, it’s amazing how you have the best eyesight in the galaxy, and you still can’t watch your mouth,” you snapped, the heat having sapped every ounce of your patience.
Crosshair looked absolutely stunned, and scoffed before disappearing into the ship. Clearly it was too hot to bother bickering with you this time.
Wrecker buried his face against one of your thighs to muffle his laughter, and a jolt shot through your core. His lips and teeth pressed against the sensitive skin, if he wanted he could bite down, mark your skin. Only the two of you would know.
Don’t go there. You chastised yourself. It was not right to think of him like that, right? Besides you were in a terrible position to get aroused. Think unsexy thoughts, you thought taking a deep breath, as you began reciting all of the bones in the human body.
Hunter had been content to focus on inventory while you all worked on repairs, but he couldn’t ignore your heartbeat pounding in his ears like a war drum. He strolled down the ramp of the ship, under the pretense of stretching his legs, easily finding you perched atop Wrecker’s shoulders.
Wrecker’s hands had a light grip on your bare thighs, and Hunter could hear the strain in your breathing. Deep inhale, shaky exhale.
His nose caught the faintest hint of your arousal, and he had to retreat back into the ship. He’d tried his best to get used to it, as it was bound to happen every now and then, but it still hit him like a rampaging rancor every time. His body reacted as quickly as yours these days. You didn’t even know what you were putting him through.
“Did Dr. Brat annoy you too?” Crosshair asked from his bunk, as Hunter made his way back to storage.
“No, she saves that just for you, Crosshair,” he said with a smirk, nearly laughing when his brother’s heart skipped a beat.
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tagging: @dystopicjumpsuit @iamburdened @sunshinesdaydream @dukeoftheblackstar @rexxdjarin @wolffegirlsunite @sleepingsun501 @808tsuika @wings-and-beskar (think you’ll enjoy this too!)
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qtboni · 9 months
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Hi bunbuns !! So we reached 1K FOLLOWERS on this blog, and I can't express how grateful I am for the support from everyone. Honestly, I never imagined this blog would ever reach this milestone. A few years ago, I had a Haikyuu-centered blog dedicated to writing fanfics and omg. like. wow. so much has changed since then! I'm overwhelmed with emotions right now, and I just want to say thank you for sticking with my work and showing so much love and support. I know I've been absent from this blog for a while and I admit, I've been missing writing fanfics. After a few weeks of reading other people's fanfics (delulu), I gained so much motivation and found the passion to write again <3 I want to clarify on how to make a REQUEST based on this drabble collection: Please provide a brief outline of the story you want me to write (please keep in mind that each story will be a one-shot), the character/s you want to feature, and you can either choose one of the drabbles or let me choose one for you. As always, please have manners and say ‘Thank you’ <3 Here are the drabbles, or like prompts if you may call it, I've written specifically for this celebration! I know I still have a long list of requests waiting in my inbox, and I want to apologize for not getting to them sooner. I really appreciate everyone's patience and support. Writing for you all has been such a rewarding experience, and I'm excited to continue sharing more stories with you all in the future. Much love 💕
── ◜✧◞  MASTERLIST ﹕ᶻz
STATUS || 2/24
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• ULTIMATE SACRIFICE — "He would do anything to protect you, would even give his life in return to yours. He had already lost so much, he wasn't going to lose you too."
• HEART'S KNOCKS — "He hesitates to ring the doorbell, his hand trembling slightly. But he can't just leave without at least talking to you."
• SUCH TEASE — "He leans against the wall, a sly smirk etched across his face. His gaze then have gone travelling down your body before settling back on your eyes."
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• HEALING TOUCH — "He wakes up to the sight of you by his side, your gentle fingers inspecting the dressings on his wounds."
• ANGEL BABY — "You were the only one he felt he could truly open up to. All the trauma, all the nightmares, you were the first one who truly understood him."
• CONSEQUENCES — "He couldn't bring himself to admit it, but the truth was he was terrified. He had fought in countless battles, but nothing had prepared him for this."
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• TENDER CARE — "He grimaces from his injuries, but despite the pain, he gives you a small smile, thankful for your constant care and concern for his wellbeing."
• TIME'S TICKIN' — "He nervously looks around while waiting for the elevator, hoping he'll make it in time."
• LONELY NIGHT — "Rain pounds against the windowsill as he sits alone, lost in thoughts of you, wishing you were by his side."
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• DELICATE FLOWER — "He gently wipes away a strand of hair from your face, his fingers trembling slightly as they brush over your skin."
• REMINISCING — "He felt a wave of tense as he entered the room. The scent of flowers and sunshine filled the air, reminding him of all the memories you shared together."
• HERE WITH ME — "He catches you off-guard with a kiss in reuniting after a long deployment."
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── ◜‹3◞  COL.L KÖNIG :
• HEARTBEAT — "As you place your head down on his chest, you relished in the comfort of his uniform and the heat of his body."
• AFFECT ME — "He leans in closer to you, his deep voice sending shivers down your spine, as he whispers sweet nothings in your ear."
• RUINATION — "He couldn't shake the feeling that he had done something wrong, that he had ruined everything. He didn't know how to make it better."
── ◜‹3◞  SER.T HORANGI :
• SLEEPY LOVE — "He holds you in his arms, planting kisses on your forehead as he lays you in bed together."
• BELOVED'S TOUCH — "He lays on your lap, his soft hair brushing against your thighs as he looks adoringly up at you."
• SHY HEART — "He stares at you with a loving gaze across the corridor of the barracks. He should probably go before you find him out."
── ◜‹3◞  COL.L ALEJANDRO :
• AFFECTION — "He gently touches your cheek with his thumb, a small, sweet gesture of his affection."
• HIS PRESENCE — “His fingers pause, his gaze fixed firmly on the phone with a single message displayed on the screen: ‘I'm here.’"
• A CHOICE — "He couldn't believe he was really doing this. He was given the choice of betraying everything he stood for, just for you."
── ◜‹3◞  SER.T RODOLFO :
• FIRM HAND — "He tries to get out of bed despite his injuries, but you promptly pushed him back down, reminding him that he must rest to heal."
• SHINING SALUTE — "He stands to attention in his dress uniform, saluting proudly as he looks across the field at you, his sweet lover."
• GREAT CARE — "Your capable hands massaging his aching back, after a long day of training and fighting."
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sabrinahawthorne · 3 months
JUMP! Devlog, March 11, 2024 - Name Change | Artist Position Filled | Crowdfunding Announcement
This one's a big update announcement, so let's tl;dr up top, and the details will be below the read more.
JUMP! is officially being renamed to CLASH! Shonen Battle Roleplay. Largely for copyright reasons.
We have an artist! Thank you to Elise @ispybluesky - I'm ecstatic to be working with them.
This is my official announcement of a crowdfunding campaign, due to launch in April! I'll be advertising it and posting links when and where appropriate.
1. Name Change
It was a long time coming, honestly. When I originally made the prototype for the game, the idea of expanding it into a full book was sort of a distant idea - I had other games pressing more fervently at my attention, and I was burnt out from a year of making a lot of games. So I ripped assets from official anime & manga and named the thing after a real shonen manga magazine - classic internet. And besides, I was posting it for free. No harm, no foul.
But as my plans for the year solidified and I decided on this game as the project to focus on in 2024, it became quickly apparent that I simply couldn't get away with toeing the line that enthusiastically. It's a fun idea, branding your game after the most well-known shonen publication out there, both creatively and as a marketing strategy. But of course, that's just asking for trouble. So, better to change it, and give it more of its own identity in the process.
So after a bit of thought, I landed on the obvious and perfect answer: CLASH! Shonen Battle Roleplay. I mean, come on. Who's complaining about that? Certainly not me.
Going forward, I'll be tagging devlogs with the old #JUMP! Shonen Battle Roleplay tag, as well as a new one befitting the change - just to keep things together.
2. Artist Found
I was astounded at how many inquiries I got when I put out that call. I suspect I have @lighthouselio and @monsterfactoryfanfic to thank for that, so thank you both. Really, that was cool as hell to wake up to.
After some deliberation, I've decided to work with Elise @ispybluesky, who has been a delight to talk to so far, and whose style I fell in love with instantly. We're already working on the first couple of pieces, and I'm beyond excited for you all to see what they can do. Give them a follow.
Elise wasn't the only person I talked to though, and wasn't the only person whose work shone. In particular I'd like to give a shoutout to Anh Huynh @acesartscape. While it wasn't as strong a style match, I'm enchanted by their work, and am probably going to commission them for one or two things on my own time. Give them a follow too.
3. Crowdfunding Announcement
I mentioned it in my call for artists post - but I never made an announcement, so here's that: The CLASH! Shonen Battle Roleplay crowdfunding campaign is coming this April!
The Campaign is currently slated to last through June, and my goal i to put together something nice to look at and interesting to read by the time we launch. As you can probably imagine I've been working hard on this game, and it's thrilling and terrifying all at once to be coming up on this milestone. Let's see how it goes, shall we?
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marymary-diva17 · 7 months
new life with her (2)
captain Rex x reader
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It has been two years since you and rex had left the republic had started a new life on neutral planet away from the war. It was a struggle at first but soon life had become good for the both of you, rex had been able to get a identity he kept his name but was no longer seen as clone trapper but a citizen of the galaxy. You were able to change you life as well starting over and finding new happiness. Now the couple had reach a new milestone and year in their lives, since they arrived here they kept in contact with ashoka to hear how everything was going even due they knew not that much has changed, Until now changed had come into the couples lives that will change everything forever.
Rex " ........" rex had never been this worry and nervous in his life then he had ever been even when he was fighting in war. He was standing in hospital waiting for any news about you, and your guys unborn baby. You had become pregnant and now you were in labor rex had about you to the hospital and now was waiting for any news.
rex " I have gone into battle for most of my life and that didn't scare me as that much as this right now" rex was not allowed into the room as doctor and medical droids are attending to you.
????? " rex" rex soon looked up and saw ashoka making her way towards he had called her and it seems like he, got here right away to be supportive of the couple.
ashoka " how is she doing"
rex " I don't know the doctors haven't come out and updated me, now im nerves wrack"
ashoka " it going to be okay rex you and y/n are the most toughest people I know and you have handle everything, that has come your way and now this a new battle or mission for you to experience"
rex " thank you ashoka" soon a cry had been heard that had gotten the duo attention, they soon looked towards the door and soon a doctor came.
rex " doc"
doctor " congratulations sir the labor had went well and your wife have delivered two health babies"
rex " twins are you serious twins" a bright smile had grown on rex face when he heard the news, ashoka was happy as well with the twins.
doctor " yes sir you can go see her now family and friends can see her now and once again congratulations"
rex " thank you doc"
ashoka " well go see her" rex soon went into the room to see the medical droids are with you, they were checking up on you and the babies. They soon made way for rex so he can be near you and the twins.
rex " hello my lovely wife"
y/n " hello my husband I will like you to meet our sons"
rex " we have sons"
y/n " yes two sons healthy and strong will you like to hold one of them" rex had nodded his head he soon took one of the twins and sat down in the chair.
rex " my boys hello my boys"
y/n " it looks like we have a family of our own now"
rex " yes we do and thank you my love for give me to wonderful children" rex smiled towards you and after a while ashoka had came into the room to see the boys.
ashoka " congratulations the both of you on your twins and start of a family"
y/n " thank you ahsoka and thank you for coming it good to have friends here"
ashoka " you two have always been there for me and now I'm here for you two"
rex " what should we name them"
ashoka " I say we should chose a R name so they can match with you"
rex " what about this one here Rowan and his brother Ryder"
ashoka " those are wonderful names welcome to the galaxy town and Ryder, cant wait to see what you two will be in the future"
y/n " I think they will be amazing and follow in their father footsteps"
rex " maybe your footsteps but whatever they do we will be proud of them" ashoka couldn't stay for long as the jedi council and anakin will be wondering, where she she had gone she did give a small gift for the twins and promised to come see the couple again. Later that night the couple had return to their home with their twins, rex making sure to be there for you and the twins. That day the couple had started on their journey of parenthood, as you both had become happy with your new lives here and wouldn't change it for anything.
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sflow-er · 7 months
Some thoughts on writing and posting fic
In the last few days, there have been some lovely posts by fic writers, encouraging an anon who was thinking of posting their first fic but worried about readership. That kind of got me thinking as well, especially as my magnum opus just reached a bit of a milestone on ao3:
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Those 50,000 hits (and 1,151 kudos) blow me away, and I'm forever grateful for each and every one of them - but this isn't a post about that. It's a post about how there is no point in comparing these stats to my latest fic, which will take a while to even break 500 hits (and hopefully 50 kudos). Or any of my other fics, for that matter.
Below are some of my personal thoughts on fic writing, the factors that I believe affect the popularity of a fic, and the motivational impact of engagement. My perspective is obviously that of a niche writer, but I think these observations could also be of interest to new writers or anyone struggling with such comparisons. I'll put a cut here because this got very long, but the TL:DR is this:
I write for myself, not for my readers. I post for my readers, not for the numbers.
A quick bit of background info: I have a pretty long history of sharing my writing. When I was little, I used to make comics & picture books for my younger brother, and in secondary school, I used to write stories in my English notebooks that only my teacher ever got to read. In my teens, I wrote fanfic in a couple of obscure fandoms and even a novel-length original story. The readership was just a handful of people, including my closest Internet and IRL friends, and I was very happy with that.
Before YR came along, I had not managed to write a creative text in over a decade. My studies and work had put out the spark, and I thought it was gone for good. So when YR reignited it, I very much started writing for myself. I'm sure every writer knows that feeling of something taking shape in your head and begging to be let out, as well as the satisfaction of seeing it all come together on your screen. At least I really hope they do.
Still, I knew right off the bat that I wanted to share the fic. I didn't care how many people read it, I just really hoped someone would. I missed the feeling of seeing people get joy out of something I created and connecting with them through it. Especially as I didn't have any other outlet for my YR thoughts and feels at the time. I also wanted to contribute something to the fandom that helped me regain this long-lost part of myself - and of course I could use some encouraging feedback too.
So that was how my magnum opus started out, and because of the timing, it became more popular than I imagined. The fandom was young (I started posting in August 2021, S2 wasn't even confirmed until September) and everyone was just really hungry for more. The vast majority of fics were focused on Wilmon from the start, but people were interested in pretty much anything exploring the rich and still largely undiscovered world of the show. My fic was niche and I had neither the guts nor the platform to promote it, but many people still found it.
I consider myself unbelievably lucky to have started posting at such an opportune time. The fandom has evolved in these 2+ years, and things are quite different for authors starting out now.
For one thing, the chorus of writers has expanded as more people have discovered the show and been inspired by it. As wonderful as that is, it does make it harder for any single voice to stand out. I think promoting one's work in fandom spheres such as tumblr and writing compelling tags and descriptions on ao3 has probably become more important, and of course it also helps if you've got some existing readers who follow your work.
Because for another thing, the readership has changed. Some fans have either left entirely or only follow their favourite writers now, while others have joined. New fans tend to start with the fandom classics, other wonderful recommendations, or the fics with the most kudos or comments. Which makes a lot of sense when there are thousands of fics to choose from, but it inevitably puts newer and more obscure writers at a disadvantage. Furthermore, it feels as if the number of readers who prefer completed fics may have increased, as people have seen some fics get abandoned along the way (and they now have more completed works to choose from). Again, that's very understandable, but it can feel discouraging to multi-chap writers.
I also can't help but wonder if there's been a shift in the fandom's interests, especially since S2. There's more canon to follow or disregard now, and people have had more time to develop fanon and their personal headcanons. All that affects what they want to read.
For example, the developments in S2 may have put some people off certain characters/ships/dynamics or made them fall in love with others. They may have started curating their reading to their hopes and expectations for S3. Some might even favour AUs to avoid speculation or guarantee Wilmon endgame, or they might long for fics solely focused on Wilmon and their love after they spent so much of S2 apart. There's nothing wrong with any of these approaches - but they do curb the already lower interest in fics focused on other characters, gen fics, rarepairs, unusual takes, and so on
To circle back to the example of my first fic, it would not get that kind of engagement if I started posting it now. It might be more popular than my other fics thanks to Wilmon featuring prominently as side characters, but it would still be outsider POV. In fact, even readers interested in the characters I focused on might be deterred by, say, the slow burn and lack of sexual content (now that those characters are a more established non-canon side ship and there's more fic available).
In a lot of ways, it's paradoxical to even speculate on this. If I started my first fic now, it would either be a totally different story (compliant with S2), or it might not be finished at all. What those 50,000 hits don't tell you is that a large portion of them were people checking for updates. The project completely took over my life for 10 months, and I doubt I would've got through some of the rough patches without the wonderful readers who were excited to follow it as a WIP, even when my updates got sparse from all the stress. My other fics would either not exist at all or have far less engagement if it wasn't for the loyal readers left over from that first fic, and the first fic wouldn't have as many reads without all the people who have reread it (as I know some have). And of course it is now also benefiting from the large number of existing kudos.
Anyway. My point is that comparing stats is neither fair nor useful, and that doesn't just apply to my own fics or niche fics in general. Every fic is published at a certain point in time or over a certain period of time, in a fandom that is always in flux. The things that inspire us as writers may not align with the interests of the readers - or even if they do, the readers might not notice or be aware of it.
So the question is, how to reconcile the need to share your work and connect with people with the ever-changing odds of those people finding your work?
I'm not going to lie, sometimes it is extremely hard. I often feel really low and doubt myself a lot after posting, but I think I've made it to a point where I don't get too caught up on it anymore.
One key thing is to draw a distinction between the writing and posting. The writing itself should always be primarily for me, because it's my creative energy, time, and effort that goes into it. I should be able to retain that feeling of satisfaction and pride in the story itself, because if I hang my hopes on the audience and they simply don't find the fic, I will just feel like it was all wasted. The value of the fic and especially my value as a writer cannot be tied to anyone else's reaction or lack of it.
Still, the two distinct parts of the process are never completely separate for me. I'm sure they can be for some writers, but I do need that feeling of connecting with people through my creations, and the extra motivation to stick with the effort (to get through longer projects, or to start new ones).
So the second thing I do is, I try to hold on to the mindset I used to have as a kid or teen writing for my brother, my teacher, or my friends. To internalise that my readers aren't numbers on a screen, but real, human people who have taken an interest in this thing I've created. They've allowed me to share it with them and had thoughts on it (whether they put those in a comment or not). Maybe it was just a moment's diversion for them, or maybe it actually moved them. Either way, we connected for a while.
Here, I must acknowledge again that I am incredibly privileged. I've got a handful of regulars who have been reading me since August 2021, and another handful who have jumped on board along the way. Many of them not only read but also comment on what I post. Even that latest two-parter I mentioned at the start has 19 comment threads, and I'm fully aware of how rare and precious that is.
But the fact remains that the contrast to my first fic has still been an adjustment, and I find that thinking about engagement in terms of people rather than numbers has helped me put it into perspective.
I could never find a room full of people to read my writing in real life, but there they are, reading it on their phones or computers and leaving twenty hits on my fic. Every person leaving kudos is basically equivalent to my teacher returning my notebook with that single check mark that meant "I read this and I enjoyed it." As for the individual comments, they aren't too different from my very small group of friends in high school telling me they loved something and couldn't wait for more. In a way, they're even more amazing, because these people don't even know me, but they are still investing their time and emotions into my fics!
Of course this mindset also has its pitfalls. I often feel like I'm letting people down by not writing faster, for example, but that's just one more thing I need to work on. All in all, I feel like I'm definitely on to something here, so thank you for letting me share these thoughts with you!
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marslovesdaisies · 7 months
Look what you made me do || P.SH
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Minors do not interact.
WC: 3.9 k
Pairing: Mafia!Seonghwa x Mafia!OC
Warnings: Death, murder, violence, gaslighting, manipulation, mafia themes, weapons, angst, gore, eventual smut.
A/N: This is not a single parent!au, rest assured.
Chapter 5
A child.
Hundreds of pictures of a young little girl lined up her phone's vault. It was encrypted, but they were still there. The kid became younger and younger the more I scrolled down to reach the end, and there was nothing else in it. Only the girl. Fuck. Every milestone was there, recorded forever. There were videos too, probably of her first step, her first words, and whatever shit parents liked to record of their children. Iseul was still sitting across me on the chair, pale faced and looking defeated. Her eyes were shining, and she was probably going to cry. She hadn't moved ever since Yeosang had come in. There was nothing else on the phone, he had confirmed. No wonder she didn't want to give her phone away.
I kept staring at the child, trying to look for any facial similarity between Iseul and her. There weren't any stark features, though I couldn't help but think about her eyes. I had seen those eyes. I turned to the stunning woman sitting in front of me, horrified beyond end. "Iseul, you have a child?"
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Seonghwa kept staring at me. I didn't answer. I didn't want to. After a moment's pause it was Yeosang who spoke. "Well, I'll leave you both to it then. Remember you're supposed to be down in the meeting room in ten." The door shut behind us, heavy, expectant silence returning. I got up unsteadily as well, fully ready to follow the man out. Not two steps later my hand was wrenched back, legs hitting a small table. Glasses shook with the sheer force of the contact, rattling hard.
"Where do you think you're going?" Seonghwa stepped even closer, invading all the space in front of me and peering down into my face.
"The meeting room, as your boss told us to." "Like hell you are. Answer my question Iseul. Who's the father?" Anger blossomed into my chest, deep and burning. I pressed forward, almost snarling into his face. "That wasn't your question now, was it Park?" "Don't fuck with me right now Iseul. Answer the damn question." "What if I say yes? Huh, Park. What if I say yes? It's my child. I'm the mother. I gave birth to that little bundle of joy." I let it sink in, seeing his expression lose a lot of his anger. "But that isn't what you want to know, is it Park Seonghwa. Why don't you ask me your actual question? Go ahead, admit it. Say it out loud. Ask me what you really want to ask." I jabbed at his chest with my finger. "Ask me, or I won't tell." He quietly stared at me, not a muscle moving on his face. Then a very soft, uncharacteristically vulnerable sound from him. "Is...is she-" "Is she what, Park. Be loud. I can't hear you." His jaw clenched. "Is she mine?" I looked at his face. He looked so fragile and in pain, like he didn't want to hear the answer. "And what if she was?" His face lost all remaining colour. "Fuck, Iseul. Don't fucking kid arou-" "Shut up, Park." I snapped. He actually shut up. The Park Seonghwa actually listened. "What if I say she isn't?" His expression darkened, his grip on my hand tightening. "Don't lie to me Lin." I twisted my hand to shake his grip off, but he held on even more. "Hands off, Park." "Tell me the truth, Iseul. And be very mindful of what you're saying." "Because you won't like it? Can't bear the thought of me sleeping with someone else? Maybe I did. I fucked someone who wasn't you, while I was fucking you. How does it feel, Park? Knowing I opened my legs for someone else? Imagine me screaming their name-" He snarled. Actually snarled. "Shut the fuck up, Lin. Stop fucking talking." He grabbed me by both hands and shook me once, the small table hitting me below my knees as he did. I was heaving, my outburst leaving me without air. But I wanted to see his reaction. I wanted him to lose his cool. I wanted him to feel the terror. I peered at him, and then I laughed. Laughed at his face, his expression, his confusion that was now his main emotion.
"No, Park. She isn't yours. How lucky for you, huh?" "Iseul if you're lying I swear I'll find out and-" "-and then what? Ruin my life? Ruin someone else's life? Ruin her life?" "Don't test it, Iseul. What we had was simply a mutually beneficial arrangement. And it was you who broke it off, might I remind you. Three years later you bring a two year old girl who looks eerily similar so don't you dare be mad at me for thinking I was the father." "As if I'd have a child with you." I quipped. "And shut up, Park Seonghwa. The world doesn't revolve around you, as unbelievable as it may sound." "I'll ask this once. Who is the father, Lin?" "Why do you want to know?" "Just asking." "No thank you. She isn't yours, its one burden off your shoulders. It doesn't affect you in any way who it is, so drop it." "No." I seethed. "What the fuck is your problem, Seonghwa? I said she's not yours. You made it clear that we weren't anything more than and I quote, 'a mutually beneficial arrangement.' She does not concern you. So fucking leave it at that. Take my word for it that you aren't involved, it is someone else's problem. Now leave me alone. I have bigger problems than this." I breathed deeply, pausing my outburst. "Your biggest problem right now is me, princess. I suggest you don't forget that." And he was back to his cold, unforgiving persona. "Don't think that Hongjoong's fake hospitality will save you, Iseul. He isn't a giver." I jerked out of his hold, and this time he let me. "Suggestion duly noted." I massaged my hands a bit, applying pressure on all points that had suffered in the last few hours. He walked to the chair, picking up his suit jacket that he had dropped off earlier in one hand. I stood where I was, waiting for him to get ahead. Seonghwa had suddenly gone unusually quiet, taking quick steps across the long hall while fiddling with his phone. I walked behind him, lost in my own thoughts. There was a ping on his phone that made him pause. I took a step ahead of him outside when an arm suddenly pulled me back in.
"What the fuck, Park?" I yelped as I crashed into a solid chest, feeling the heat radiate off him. He twisted me back so I was facing him, and I was ready to go at him again when I caught his expression. His eyes had darkened, jaw set, face triumphant as he held his phone held in one hand.
"You aren't the mother, are you Iseul?" I took a step back as he walked closer to me, ready to bolt at any chance. "What?" He looked terrifying in his cold, merciless, beautiful smile that spanned his face. My hands tried to reach back, finding the door knob, my flight or fight response choosing the former. "I said, you aren't the mother of the child. She isn't mine, but she's not yours either, is she?" I froze. "Why would you think-" "Shh. Just shh." He whispered softly, his tone sending shivers down my spine. His breath caressed my neck as he walked closer and closer into me. "Don't talk, Iseul. Not right now." He breathed in a low tone as his lips crashed into mine, hands caging me completely as the sheer force made me go flat against the wall.
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The meeting room Hongjoong had ordered us all into was more of a sitting room, sofas lining up in the center and similar chairs scattered in strategic positions. I walked behind Seonghwa. Neither of us had said a thing since leaving the chamber. I could still feel the ghost of his touch on my lips, which I was trying my hardest to forget. I had spent the walk here collecting and reorganizing myself, trying to think of a plan of action. Given my current state of mind and inability to look at Seonghwa after what had happened, it was safe to say that I was miserably failing in my attempts.
We had been the last ones to enter the room. Park hardly gave me a glance as he picked a spot, pointedly away from his boss. I claimed one as well, six sets of eyes on me. Seonghwa wasn't looking at me, and Kim Hongjoong was looking at his underboss.
"Where are we?"
"Still in the city, rest assured." A new yet familiar voice spoke up as Jaemin entered, glancing at his watch. "I apologize for being late, my lady." My lip curled. "Bang! You had me believe that you'd died in the hallway." Jaemin laughed. "Aah Lin. You don't give me enough credit. Remember what I told you back in the holding room?" I did. His warning hadn't left me, though things had changed a lot now. "Sure. So do you answer my questions today or...?" I froze, hoping nobody would notice. I turned my attention back to the eight. "Well?"
"How long before the twins are unleashed?" The little humour left my face. "Do you mean the twins, or do you mean my uncle?" The question about Daesung and Daewon had been asked by Yunho, meaning the others were also involved now. His face didn't change. "Isn't it the same?" No, it wasn't. But they didn't have to know that. "Depends. How long have I been here?" "You don't need to know that to answer the question, princess." "Watch it, Jeong. You're taking it too far." He stared back, one second. Two seconds. Three. "Answer his question, Lin. You can be out of here sooner." I looked at Seonghwa, who still hadn't said anything. "Alive?" I taunted. His muscle twitched, sign that he was indeed aware of what was happening. The twins hadn't probably been alerted yet. Especially since that dickhead Renjun was involved. He must've done something to delay their response. I cursed internally. That little shit had taken it too far. You are taking it too far, his voice echoed back. Maybe I was, who knew.
"Lin." This time it was Seonghwa. "You can do it the easier way by cooperating, or the hard way." He reached into his pocket, getting a flashdrive out. "This has all instances of your family and their men following my members. Proof and footage of your cousin discussing deals with port operators on our territory. One of your fuckbuddies picking up informants off the street. Footage of you trespassing on Lee's property, listed under sealed government zones. Do you want me to go on?" "What proof do you have that you haven't done the same?" I raised my brow. "Well, I am not the one caught red handed being in places I shouldn't be in." "He sent me an invitation." I shot back. "You forged it." "What? No why would I-". It all clicked in place for me in an instant. It all made sense now. Why those men outside the door yesterday hadn't been surprised to see me, the crispness of the text. Seonghwa had forged it all on my behalf, including the text. "You fucker-" I seethed. "You're blackmailing me. Surely that's an offense in everybody's book, regardless of which side you are on. And my only crime is being in the wrong place at the wrong time. You can't hold me here for that. You don't have any proof against me." "Sure. Lets propose an exchange offer then. Tell your family to give up the culprit. I'll let you go in return for having the actual perpetrator in this chair." I almost blanched. Seonghwa knew he had got me. In no alternate reality was my family going to give up one of our own. He'd planned it all. It sounded ridiculous, even in my head. Who was going to propose a swap? If I was innocent, my family could demand retribution. But Hongjoong could simply use the flashdrive to demand other culprits, mainly Jun. I gripped the chair harder. Maybe I should give him up, he'd survive. I glanced back up. "How do I know that the drive isn't empty?" "Are you denying the contents then?" "That wasn't my question. What if it's a bluff from your side? I don't really trust you, given the circumstances." An emotion passed his face, quick to vanish underneath his mask. "It is filled, I can assure you. Getting proof of your lies is easier than you'd think, as you have already found out." I clenched my teeth. "I have years worth of material, Lin. You don't have the upper hand here." "We'll see about that." I muttered. But he was right, I was most likely stuck here. Especially with the proof attached, uncle and father both would be stuck trying to figure out how to deal with it. I couldn't concede more ground than we already had. "Why me then? You could've gone after anyone. You could've taken one of the twins, even both. You could've taken even Jun. Surely he's a more attractive catch than me." "Downplaying yourself, Lin?" My eyes turned to Wooyoung. "Woo, come on. You must know of all people that I am not involved. Tell your second-in-command here," I motioned at Seonghwa, "that he's grossly overestimating things here." Soenghwa's face twisted with malice. "Woo?" He turned to Wooyoung. "Come on Woo, tell me what she wants you to." Wooyoung gave him a blank look. "If you have something to say, out with it Hwa." Hongjoong still was looking at Seonghwa. They clearly weren't seeing eye to eye right now, but that was a fact I was going to exploit later.
"You didn't answer my question. Why pick me?" Seonghwa finally spoke to me, still not looking at his leader. "Do you remember the enchantress?" I shuddered at his question. "The broker? Of course. Who doesn't?" Seonghwa nodded. "How much do you know about her?" This was clearly a bait. "That she was guessed to be a woman. Apart from that, as much as the other person. Nobody knows much about her." I looked at Jaemin. His warnings had started to make a lot of sense. Fuck, I hadn't realized that the woman was involved in this. "What does she have to do with this?" "You already know, most of Jong In's confidence in himself came from the sheer amount of information he could obtain." It was true, but I waited for him to continue. "Well, his confidence grew with each passing day, and he made a gamble he could not sustain. He faced a lot of fallouts and had to give up some especially heavy leverage, breaching a lot of his contracts including yours and ours. Then there was the 'incident' with his son. But you already know all of this." I nodded slowly, seeing clearly where this was heading.
"Now, Iseul. " Seonghwa's voice deepened even further. He was almost growling at me, his face reflecting an unknown victory. Warning sirens played in my head like ominous music. "Your uncle decided it was adequate for the traitor to be tried for his dishonour. But he never managed to live till his judgement, did he?" I kept my face blank. "What are you implying? I did something? I can swear on my life that you had ordered a hit on Lee Jong In before I even found out where he was that night, Park Seonghwa. You wanted him dead, whatever the method might have been." He pursed his lips. An awkward silence had engulfed us, all of them giving surprised glances towards the man of the moment. It was however Jongho who spoke up, the youngest man having been silent the whole time I had been here. "How do you know that?" I didn't want to think about how I knew. Seonghwa and I knew each other years ago, under very different circumstances. I'd happened to overhear a phone call that he did not know about. However, I wasn't telling them that. "It is my job to know everything about a potential hostility." "Is that how you really found out?" Hongjoong sounded silently amused, his gaze occasionally darting back and forth towards Seonghwa and me. "What does the Enchantress have to do with this?" "Patience, princess. I was getting to that. Tell me, your uncle wanted Lee to be stripped of his credibility, a sort of character assassination. But someone from your upper ranks wanted it to be more brutal and final. Was that Renjun or you, and more importantly, why?"
I kept silent for a moment. This was no longer about me. "You have some balls, Park Seonghwa, for assuming for one fucking moment that I was going cooperate with you, proof or not." I hit back at him. "Do whatever the fuck you want, but I promise you this. I'll enjoy seeing you try to get answers out of me."
"You mean none of you went after him as an organization, but you took him out on your own."
San had spoken up. Of course he had. He must have been bidding his time, trying to find an opportunity to fuck me up at the worst possible moment. Now that he had started that line of questioning, Seonghwa would soon find out about Mirah. My hand started trembling slightly and I gripped it tight to stop it from showing. There was no doubt that Seonghwa had noticed it, along with the others. Thankfully, for the time being he didn't comment on it.
"As I was saying," Seonghwa continued, seemingly ignoring San's jab, "the Enchantress disappeared soon after Jong In did. Can't say I miss that demon, but the incidents are clearly related. Word on the street-" he pulled his sleeve down on his wrist in a theatrical manner. "-is that he was her last contract, after which she left. Or got killed. Whichever. Nobody knew how she looked like so it was even worse. But you, Iseul, you know who she was didn't you?" I was going to have a heart attack. Just how much resources had he spent spying on me? Nobody knew. Nobody could have betrayed me. But he wasn't yet done speaking. My stomach dropped. "But it is expected of you isn't it, Lin Iseul, as the third in command?"
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"How long have you known?"
Seonghwa looked at me. "An answer for an answer." "Oh I'll give you an answer-" I half rose from my chair but Jaemin's hand gently but firmly pushed me back down. "I suggest you don't fight this one, my lady." I kept glaring at Seonghwa, who was smug and gleeful in this stature. There had been a few involuntary gasps when he first gave away my identity but all of them had recovered fairly quickly, now eyeing me as a threat instead of a prisoner. His taunting eyes had flames dancing in them, not taking his gaze off me.
"Let me get this straight, Park. You spent years worth of organization's resources tailing me, hunted down my methods, collected evidence for blackmail, forged a plan with a dead man to lure me into a trap, all because you couldn't be careful with your business in the first place, and right under your boss's nose? " I laughed. "Park Seonghwa, are you in love with me? I can see why you wanted to have this conversation alone. Getting all vulnerable, admitting mistakes, your ego could never."
"You'd like that, wouldn't you princess?" His voice brought back memories. Memories of him when he was a bit more kind. No, scratch that. He'd always been ruthless. He'd been kinder to me. Kinder and closer, but I had lost all of it when I'd lost Mirah. I pursed my lips at the memory of her, haunting images of broken skulls threatening to undo my composure. Seonghwa had walked closer to me while I was lost in my head. He picked up a spot and lounged on a chair, head thrown back. His neck muscles strained, the column of his throat exposed. He looked just as delicious as I last remembered him. I shook my head internally, realizing I was staring. He looked back up.
"But no, that is not why I took the efforts of dedicating so much time to you. I did it because you, my darling Iseul, went rogue." "Huh?" "Don't play dumb now. You went off the rails after the son died. You went after anyone and everyone at random, starting with Lee. You sabotaged deals under truce on your whims. Your father and uncle protected you, but that wasn't your greatest strength, was it? You had the Enchantress doing all your dirty work. Nobody else could get in and out of such situations without leaving a trace. And then the demoness disappeared. Most people still believe that the broker took one last stand before going down, but it wasn't her at all. It was you." He stared at his nails for a second before continuing. "Now, I'd like to believe that someone as smart as you wouldn't just forget her senses in a hotel room, so I did a bit of digging. And guess what, I found something very interesting." I think I had already dissociated from reality. I looked up at him, and for a moment I could see surprise lighting up in his eyes. Not being able to bear eye contact, I looked away again. Of course he had found out, and of course he'd be disclosing it. There was no point asking him to shut up.
"A buried report."
My world tilted on its axis. My stomach felt like it was upside down. Lee's son had died for that bundle of papers. I had died for that bundle of papers. Seonghwa had made a grave mistake. I was going to come at him, even if it cost me my life.
"A report that you spent a fortune making sure did not exist, along with the existence of the person who filed it. A report on the supposed car accident of one Cheon Mirah, declared dead on the way to the hospital." There was a sudden spike of another presence in the room. I knew who it might have been, though I just hoped that Wooyoung would manage to calm San down.
"Upon further enquiry, you made them declare her dead prematurely, while in actuality she had been alive for a few hours after the said time of death. Sadly, another woman had to die in the same night later on, but she didn't even exist, did she?"
Seonghwa moved towards me, getting a small bunch of papers from his jacket again. But he was interrupted in between, the copy of the file I supposed snatched from his hands by a seething Choi San. Pure, unadulterated fury marred his face as he read and reread every page in his hands. And then he looked at me.
"How, dare you." Was all he said before his gun was out in his hands, aimed straight at my head.
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A/N: I'll edit this later. Happy reading!
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
Redemption | Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Request: no - for @madame-wilsonn ‘s Grand Ball
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: When a woman comes to the Shelby brothers seeking help, Tommy first finds intrigue in her story. Then he finds himself needing to make sure that she stays safe.
Warnings: language, smoking, threats of violence, weapons, violence (typical to series), death
Word Count: 5914
A/N: this fic had a mind of its own. I had already started a different fic for this celebration, but then lost interest in it, so I came up with this idea. I couldn’t stop writing once I started it. Although this doesn’t really follow canon of season 5, I could really see this happening within the show/season.
A/N 2: congrats on your amazing milestone, Anna! I hope everyone enjoys the story! :)
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future stories similar to this one!
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The line of people waiting to get into the small room tucked into the corner of the Garrison seemed endless, but (Y/N) still made the choice to wait in it. She had something dire to ask of the man who presided over Small Heath and represented the city in Parliament.
"Next!" the youngest of the Shelby brothers called, and (Y/N) stepped forward. She smiled at the man as he opened the door and let her inside.
Immediately to her left, she was able to see the two eldest Shelby brothers and to her right was an empty chair that she guessed she'd be sitting in. Arthur and Tommy were quiet as the latter motioned for her to sit down in the chair. She nodded and took the seat, setting her purse in her lap and holding onto it tightly. "Good afternoon," she felt the need to greet them, a small smile forming on her face in an attempt to alleviate the nervousness she was feeling. She watched as they nodded their heads in a silent greeting before she took a deep breath: "Mr. Shelby, I have a problem," she started, ringing her hands together as she waited for a response.
"And what may that problem be?" the younger of the two Shelbys, Tommy, asked, his hands clasped over his abdomen as he leaned back in his seat.
"There are men who are coming for me...for my family, and..."
"We don't deal with those problems here anymore, love," the other brother, Arthur, cut her off, about ready to dismiss her for the next person.
Tommy held his hand up towards his brother, a silent gesture for him to stop talking. "Continue, please," he then said to the woman as he leaned forward in his seat.
(Y/N) took another deep breath before continuing. Half of her nerves had been washed away when Mr. Thomas Shelby O.B.E, M.P decided to listen to what her problem was. Now all she had to do was explain it. "There are men that are coming for me. They had business with my brother but now they're coming after me since he’s died."
"Do you know who these men are?" Tommy asked her, his eyebrows raised in intrigue.
"I...I don't know, and I'm sorry for that. I just know that they're dealers, and that my brother was going to them for drugs to help manage the pain he was feeling. He had this pain from his injuries sustained in a factory accident, and he recently passed away from those injuries. I've found out that he owes them money, and now those men are coming for me," she explained, feeling bad that she couldn't provide specifics. At least she had some background information though.
She watched on baited breath for the brothers' responses. After what felt like hours, Tommy nodded his head. "We'll look into it," he assured her.
"Oh thank you, Mr. Shelby," she breathed a sigh of relief, almost wanting to reach forward and grab his hands to physically show her praise, but she restrained herself.
"What is your name, ma'am?" he asked her then.
"It's (Y/N) (Y/L/N)," she happily gave him the information he was looking for.
Tommy nodded again. "Ok, Ms. (Y/L/N), I will send someone to your house soon," he informed her.
"Thank you," she expressed her gratitude again as she stood from the chair to go to the door. Tommy only nodded, his way of accepting her kind words.
(Y/N) sent both men a smile before she opened the door and exited the small room. She walked out of the pub and began the trek back to her home. There was a sense of relief that washed over her as she entered the dwelling.
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Later that evening, there was a knock on (Y/N)'s door. She hurried to open it, and gasped when she saw who was waiting for her. "Mr. Shelby," she greeted in a surprised manner.
"I wanted to come speak to you about the men," he told her, clearing his throat after speaking.
"Of course," she nodded her head before stepping aside so that he could enter, "I didn't think that you yourself would be showing up," she commented as she led him into the sitting room.
"Your problem is important to me," Tommy responded as they sat down in chairs across from each other, "and this is my city."
He then asked her to tell him everything she knew about these men, and why she thought that they would be coming after her now. She was able to recount what she'd told him back at the Garrison, along with adding the encounter that she had with the men just a week ago. Two men had stopped her outside the seamstress shop where she was employed and told her that she had now inherited her brother's debts to them. She knew about her brother's drug use; he'd been using because of the accident that ultimately took him from this world, but she didn't know that he owed these people so much money. The men used intimidation and told her that she'd also meet a violent end if their debt was not paid.
Tommy listened intently to everything she told him, and when she was finished speaking, he took a deep breath and leaned forward in his seat. "If you see these men again, please let me know, ok? If they come to you either at work, or here, or anywhere else, you need to tell me right away. I will have men on your street, but they could still find a way to..."
"Mummy?" a child's voice cut into Tommy's statement.
Both (Y/N) and Tommy's heads turned to the girl who was standing in the archway of the sitting room. Tommy watched on as (Y/N) stood up and walked over to the child. "Yes, Mia?" she asked in a soft voice.
"I woke up and now I can't go back to sleep," the girl explained the reason behind her presence.
"Would you like a warm glass of milk?" (Y/N) asked her, knowing that it always did the trick in getting her back to sleep. The child nodded, a sleepy smile on her face. "Ok, go back to your room and I'll bring it up to you," she instructed her, then watching as the girl peered around her side, her eyes falling onto Tommy. "It's ok," (Y/N) assured her, noticing that her eyes had widened slightly at the sight of the unknown man.
She watched as the child made her way back up the steps before turning to face Tommy once more. "I'm going to warm up some milk for her. I should only be a few minutes," she told Tommy, who nodded. She then hurried into the kitchen and made quick work of putting the milk-filled kettle on the stove. She didn't want to have him sitting by himself for so long while she did this. The milk was soon finished, and (Y/N) transferred it to a cup so that she could quickly take it to her daughter.
Once she'd done so, she joined Tommy in the living room. "May I smoke?" Tommy asked her once she was sitting on the chair she'd been occupying earlier.
(Y/N) only nodded her head, watching as he fished a tin out of his suit jacket's pocket and took a cigarette out of it. He offered it to her and she accepted it, leaning forward so that he could light it. She then sat back, took a drag, and watched as he went through the motions of lighting one for himself.
"She's your daughter?" Tommy questioned then, breaking the silence that had fallen between them.
"Yes. Her name's Amelia. She's six," (Y/N) explained as she exhaled some smoke. She then watched as Tommy's eyes dropped to analyze the hand that was sitting on her lap. "Her father was a traveller," she began to explain, knowing he was searching for her wedding ring, "he promised me love, pulled me in and then left. You must think I'm a fool," she finished her statement by dropping her head slightly in embarrassment.
"Not a fool, no," Tommy shook his head, making her look back up at him, "everything happens for a reason," he continued, taking a drag from his cigarette then.
"She's the reason why I came to ask for help. It wouldn't matter if it was just me...but I can't have her get hurt or end up alone," (Y/N) admitted, exhaling a deep breath, "you must understand…surely you have family, Mr. Shelby," she then looked to him, waiting to see what his answer would be.
"Not anymore no," he shook his head while fiddling with the cigarette between his fingers, "My wife left me and my two kids decided to follow her," he gave her some background into his life. It was only fair in his eyes...she'd been so transparent with him that he felt like he could be with her.
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, I..."
"No," he stopped her, shaking his head slightly, "everything happens for a reason," he repeated the mantra he'd uttered earlier. (Y/N) didn't know what to say to his statement, and thankfully she didn't have to fill the void with words, because Tommy had leaned forward to stub the cigarette out in the ashtray sitting on the coffee table. "I will find these men, (Y/N). I'll keep you and your daughter safe," he told her with sincerity in his voice as his eyes found hers.
"Thank you, Mr. Shelby," she expressed her gratitude as they both stood up to walk to the door.
"Like I said before...let me know if you see or hear from them again," he reminded her as he stepped onto the home's stoop. (Y/N) nodded her head and took his business card, making a mental note to put it in a safe place for if she ever needed it.
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A week later, another knock sounded on (Y/N)'s door. She glanced out the front window to see a familiar man with a peaked cap on, so she moved to the door and opened it.
"Good morning, Mr. Shelby," she greeted him with a smile, "to what do I owe the pleasure?"
"May I come in?" Tommy asked, gesturing to her home. (Y/N) nodded and allowed him to step inside, the two then walking into the sitting room.
"Pardon the mess...Amelia's working on an art project for school," she commented on the papers and crayons that were scattered around the coffee table and surrounding floor.
"It's not a bother," Tommy waved it off as he sat on the same chair he used last visit. (Y/N) sat across from him and waited expectantly for him to share news with her. "We believe that we've found the men who are targeting you," he started off, and (Y/N) almost wanted to let out a sigh of relief just in hearing that, but she let him continue: "they used to work with your brother. They're on the same factory's payroll...names are Wes and Henry," he paused for a moment, "we have not made contact with them yet, but we have insight into the factory and know their jobs, schedules, and whereabouts. Using that, we will be able to keep eyes on them from a distance first, and move in if necessary," he finished his explanation of what they'd learned and where they were with everything so far by leaning back in the chair and lighting a cigarette.
(Y/N) was about to answer, but the door to the home opened just as her mouth did. "Mummy! I'm home from playing with Sidney!" it was her daughter. She let out a breath of relief in knowing that.
"Oh, that's good, sweetie," (Y/N) nodded while still trying to calm her breathing. Tommy noticed this and turned his head to watch as the young girl entered the room.
"Who's this, mum?" she asked, her eyes on the man who was unfamiliar to her.
"This is Mr. Shelby, Amelia. He's our MP, and he's here to talk about the city," (Y/N) explained the reason behind Tommy's presence without delving much into the real details.
"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Shelby," Amelia smiled over at him, "I would like to let you know that this city has a great number of stray dogs and cats that I believe you, as our MP, are responsible for. You need to find them homes, Mr. Shelby," she then laid out a grievance with him.
Tommy cracked a smile at the child's request. "I will certainly look into that, Miss (Y/L/N). Thanks for bringing the issue to light," he nodded his head at her, "and please feel free to call me Tommy. Mr. Shelby's too formal for this type of meeting."
(Y/N)'s cheeks heated up at the fact that her daughter had addressed this powerful man like it was nothing. She also couldn't ignore the swelling of her heart at how kindly and attentively Tommy had responded to her. "Why don't you take your art things up to your room and continue working so that Mr. Shelby and I can continue our conversation, Mia?" she suggested.
"Ok," Amelia nodded her head before she grabbed her tools, "it was nice meeting you, Tommy," she sent him a smile before she exited the room.
(Y/N) let out a breath once they were alone again. "I'm sorry about that, Mr. Shelby. She always needs to speak her mind," she immediately apologized to him.
Tommy waved her off. "It's not a problem. She's got important things on her mind," he said with a slight smile. "You could also call me Tommy...as this meeting really shouldn't be formal," he added, and (Y/N) nodded as she tried to keep her blush from being noticed.
"Back to what we were speaking about earlier...thank you for finding those things out for me. It relieves me to know that you know who these men are, and that you have eyes on them," she called back to their earlier conversation.
Tommy nodded his head, "we'll work to the best of our ability to keep tabs on them, but I need you to know that they can still contact you. If that happens, please let me know. They might want to escalate things, and if they do, we will be there to protect you," he told her, stressing his final words to ensure her that he'd keep her family safe.
"I still have your card. You will be the first that I call," she agreed with his plan. "Would you like some tea?" she offered him then. She felt like she needed to offer him something for him coming to address the problem himself.
Tommy thought about it for a moment before nodding his head, "please," he agreed to her offer and she smiled before standing to go and put a pot on.
She brewed up enough for two cups and then brought them back to the sitting room; handing one to Tommy before she sat across from him again. What ensued was a good hour of the two of them talking about what Tommy saw as his plans within the Labor Party. (Y/N) knew a lot about factory life (being that her brother worked, and got injured, in one), and she had some strong views on how to improve workplace safety. Tommy agreed with her points, and ensured her that he would find a way to bring them up to his party members. Then the conversation steered in the direction of (Y/N). They spoke about her past, to which she found some comfort in knowing that his upbringing was much like hers.
She didn't know much about Tommy before they'd had this conversation, and it felt good to get to learn about him organically rather than through the grapevine. Tommy also liked to know that his influences and past actions hadn't quite reached her. It was nice for him to be able to speak to her like an ordinary person would.
Time passed by quickly as they talked, and at some point, (Y/N) had noticed that it'd gotten dark out. "I've kept you here far past your desired time, I'm sure," she said as she reached forward to grab the empty cups so that she could take them to the kitchen.
"That's not a problem," Tommy waved her concern off for the second time that day, "I quite liked spending the time with you."
"That's very nice of you to say, Mr. Shelby," (Y/N) couldn't help but feel flattered by his words. She returned to the entry hall and smiled at the look he was giving her. "Tommy, sorry," she corrected herself, a soft giggle escaping her lips. Tommy nodded at her change, a smile on his face also.
"Please let me know if anything happens," he reminded her, bringing their conversation back to a more serious topic.
"I will, Mr. Shelby," she assured her, laughing now as he pulled the face again, "it's gonna take some getting used to, I'm sorry," she said between her giggles, holding her hands up in defense.
Tommy just shook his head at her statement as he stepped onto the stoop. "Have a nice night, (Y/N)," he bid his goodbye to her.
"Good night, Tommy," she smiled at him before he placed his peaked cap back atop his head and began walking down the sidewalk.
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(Y/N) tried to keep her breathing steady as she rushed through the marble corridors of the House of Commons. She clutched a paper in her hand as she began walking even faster, knowing that her destination wasn't far.
"I need to speak with Mr. Shelby, please," she quickly announced to the man sitting in the receptionist's desk as soon as she entered the atrium. She'd almost called him 'Tommy', but caught herself when she remembered that this indeed was a formal environment, unlike the times they've met in her sitting room over the past few weeks.
"Do you have an appointment with him?" the man asked, his eyebrow quirked.
"I don't, but I've called him, and I..."
"I'm sorry, ma'am, but I cannot let you back to see Mr. Shelby without an appointment," the man cut her off, his statement almost making her jaw drop.
"But I...I need to see him and get this into his hands. It's important," she stammered, trying to keep her voice steady.
"You need to have an appointment, ma'am," the man held his stance, "I can take the..."
"Let her back, Percy," Tommy's voice cut in from the door to his office, making (Y/N)'s eyes snap over to him. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw him, knowing that she may just be saved.
The newly named 'Percy' turned to look at Tommy with wide eyes. "But sir, you have..."
"Let her back," Tommy stopped him again, his voice sounding more demanding now. It was all that was needed for Percy to nod and then wave (Y/N) on to walk past his desk and to where Tommy was standing. (Y/N) thanked Tommy, and he nodded as he allowed her to walk past him into his grand office. "You said you have something?" he wasted no time in asking.
"I do," (Y/N) nodded as she raised her hand. "They came to my house," she told him, her shoulders shuddering as she took a deep breath and got ready to recount her encounter with them. "They brought this. It's the record of my brother's debts. They...they told me that I had a week to collect everything, and that if I sought out any legal assistance, it would only get worse for me and my daughter," her voice broke at the mention of Amelia. "They know about my daughter, Tommy," she said, tears running down her cheeks as she spoke in a whisper.
Tommy felt his heart leap into his throat at the display of emotion in front of him. The fact that these men were bringing in her daughter did not sit right with him at all. It made him want to hunt the men down and finish them off himself, but he knew that he couldn't do that. He had a reputation to uphold. His men were trying hard to track them down, but these two were smarter than he thought. So, for now, he needed to find a way to calm her down.
"I'm willing to bet that they're bluffing, (Y/N)," he told her, his words making (Y/N) look up.
"Bluffing?" she repeated the word, hoping that he'd elaborate.
"They've brought this on all of a sudden. My men have been watching them. They don't work with any haste. Odds are, they're just trying to scare you into bringing them the money so that they could put it into more products," he explained his logic to her.
"And if they're not?" (Y/N) couldn't get the possibility out of her mind.
"I'll have men sitting on your house as well as watching them," Tommy assured her, hoping that his plan would make her feel more safe.
(Y/N) nodded her head as she listened to what he had to say. There was something about him and how he spoke that made her worries dissipate. She didn't know what she'd do without his steady hand on her shoulder. "Thank you, Tommy, that means a lot," she said, sniffling back her tears.
"You are not going to be harmed by them," he assured her, his eyes boring into hers. (Y/N) nodded along with his statement before she found herself collapsing into his chest and wrapping her arms around his body. This caught Tommy by surprise, but he returned the embrace, his one hand finding her back while the other settled against the back of her head, keeping her tight against his chest. "You're not going to be harmed by them," he assured her, his voice soft as he held their embrace.
(Y/N) nodded against his chest, allowing his steady heartbeat and strong arms to calm her down significantly. She took a deep breath before pulling away from him. "I'm sorry for that, Mr. Shelby," she said as she wiped the remaining tears from her eyes.
"Don't be," he shook his head, "and call me Tommy, eh?" he reminded her, a hint of a smile on his lips as she laughed at his statement.
"I should let you get back to work...to more important things."
"Your problems are important," he stressed to her, allowing her to go to the door.
"Thanks again, Tommy," she sent a smile in his direction as she reached for the doorknob.
"You're welcome," he nodded his head, the corner of his lips curving upwards as she then opened the door and left his office.
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Tommy exhaled a deep breath as he walked through the halls of the Shelby Company Ltd.'s main offices. He opened the door to the office he was looking for and entered it without asking permission.
"Do you need something, Thomas?" the woman behind the desk asked without even looking up from the ledger she'd been studying. Only one person would ever walk into her office without knocking.
"I have a problem, Pol," he stated as he fished out his cigarettes and stuck one between his lips before striking it.
"And you've decided to come to me with your problems again?" Polly was now looking up at Tommy, her one eyebrow raised.
Tommy exhaled and stared at the ceiling, as if he was taking a moment to compose himself before speaking: "with this matter, yes," he huffed, not needing a lecture from her.
"Let me hear it then," she said as she leaned back against her chair.
"I have this woman, (Y/N), and she's in a bad spot. Some men are after her because her brother owed them money, and since he's now passed, that debt has fallen onto her. They've recently made contact with her, and they're threatening her with consequences if the debt isn't paid back within a week," he laid his dilemma out.
"And what have you told her?" Polly asked.
"I've told her that they're bluffing; that they're just wanting the money," Tommy paused and sighed before taking a drag from his cigarette, "but I don't know that for sure, and I can't have her get hurt because of this...because I told her that I'd keep her safe," he then outlined his worries.
Polly pursed her lips for a moment before speaking: "you're seeking redemption."
"What?" Tommy was confused by her words, his eyebrows furrowed.
"Redemption," Polly repeated.
"From what?"
"From Grace," she was quick in telling him.
"No, Pol..." Tommy trailed off, squeezing his eyes shut as he shook his head.
Polly was able to see that she'd struck a chord in him, but she kept going, "you couldn't control those circumstances when she died, but now you can...and you're doing to make sure that this woman stays safe. You're going to do that because you care about her."
"How can you be so sure?" Tommy questioned, now feeling like he was in defense mode.
"Because I'm never wrong in affairs of the heart..." Polly trailed off, gauging her nephew's reaction before continuing, "and I can see that you've let this woman get into your heart...whether you've expressed it to her or not, she's there, and you're going to do whatever you can to keep her safe."
Tommy took a pause and let her words sink in for a few moments. Maybe she had seen what he hadn't. "So what do I do?" he asked.
"Be there for her. Follow through on your promises of keeping her safe," she laid the groundwork for him before continuing, "and then let her know. Let her know your heart...because you wouldn't be beating yourself up like this if she wasn't any other ordinary woman."
Tommy nodded as she spoke. It was time for him to come to grips with what he'd been pushing away. Each time he visited (Y/N), he started to care more and more about who she was as a person, rather than just the situation that she was in.
"Thank you, Pol," he finally said after a few silent moments. Polly just smiled at him, one of those knowing smiles that graced her face whenever it was clear that she'd gotten through to him.
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Tommy walked through the rain to get to (Y/N)'s door. He had other obligations that he needed to attend to, but he had just gotten some important information that (Y/N) had to be told as soon as possible. He knocked on her door multiple times before she opened it, clad in just a nightgown.
"Tommy?" she spoke in shock, clearly not expecting him. She stepped aside and let him in anyway. "What's the matter?" she asked him then as they stood in the entryway.
"I've gotten information that Henry has been killed. My men were able to move in on him and take him out earlier today," he relayed the information he'd received only several minutes ago.
(Y/N)'s jaw dropped slightly as she heard what he had to say. "He's dead?"
"Yes," Tommy nodded, then taking the soaked peaked cap off of his head as he noticed the water dripping from it.
"That's good news, right?" she still wasn't sure how to react to it.
"Yes. I have men out now looking for Wes. He wasn't with Henry at the time, but I believe he's close," he assured her, nodding his head again. His breathing still hadn't slowed, and it felt like his nerves were frazzled. "I have to go now," he said as he began to walk to the door.
"Wait, Tommy, I..."
"What?" he spun to face her, his question coming out a bit more harsh than he wanted it to. "I can't stay today. I've got obligations to get to. I'm sorry that I'm leaving so soon,” he softened his voice as he continued speaking.
(Y/N) was a bit taken back by his mood shift. She'd never seen him this on edge before. "Why did you come here then if you had other obligations?" she dared to ask him.
"Because I care about you, (Y/N)," he didn't yell his declaration, but his voice was certainly raised.
"Mum?!" Amelia called from upstairs, surely because she heard Tommy's voice.
"Don't worry, Mia!" (Y/N) called back, her wide eyes not leaving Tommy's.
"I care about you, (Y/N). I wanted you to know about Henry because it may have given you some comfort. I want you to feel safe, and I keep coming here because I feel like only I can provide that safety for you," Tommy explained the reasons behind his previous declaration, his eyes not leaving hers.
Much like last time, (Y/N) couldn't stop herself from stepping forward and wrapping her arms around Tommy. She didn't care if he was soaking wet, she needed him to know that she was touched by his words and that he hadn't scared her off.
Tommy accepted the embrace, his arms wrapping around her securely. "You've found a way into my heart, (Y/N). I can't let anything happen to you now," he told her, his voice soft as he came right next to her ear.
(Y/N) pulled back to look at him. She searched his eyes for a few moments before reaching up to take his face into her hands. She then stood on her toes and closed the gap between them. Tommy met her in the middle, their lips finding each others' for a kiss that held all of their emotions, said and unsaid, wrapped up into it.
They pulled away seconds later with breathless smiles on their faces. "Go on and do your important work, Mr. Shelby," (Y/N) said, her smile widening as she looked up at Tommy, "but please make sure you find your way back here," she added, her words making Tommy's smile grow.
"I will," he promised her, unable to stop himself from leaning down for another kiss before he broke their embrace to go to the door. "I will keep you safe," he told her one more time before opening the door and exiting the house.
(Y/N) tried to keep down her giddiness as she walked into the sitting room and continued reading her book. She didn't think that her interest in Tommy would be reciprocated, and that it would instead stay a companionship. That's why she wasted no time in making a move when she learned his feelings.
Only a few minutes passed before another knock sounded off of her door. (Y/N) jumped from the couch and hastily went to open it, thinking it was Tommy again. Her smile dropped when she opened the door, as the person on the other side was the last she was expecting it to be.
"You thought that I wouldn't find out, huh?" Wes questioned with a wicked smirk as he forced his way into her home, "you thought that you could have Henry killed, and that this would go away...that I would turn tail and run?" he continued as he backed her up further into the house. "Well it doesn't work like that, sweetheart."
"Wes, please, no," (Y/N) stammered out, fear in her eyes as she thought the worst.
“You better have that fucking money, or it’s your life now,” he continued, pulling a gun from the back of his waistband. (Y/N)’s eyes widened at the sight of the weapon, and immediately she began thinking of ways out of the situation. Wes was one step ahead of her though. “You scream and you’re dead,” he told her, waving the revolver around in a taunting manner. “So where’s the money?”
“I...I don’t have all of it yet,” she managed to say as she looked around the room for an escape. After finding nothing promising, she realized that the door was still wide open. Her only hope now was that Wes was just bluffing and that he wouldn’t shoot her the second that she screamed out. She just hoped that Amelia would stay in her place if anything did happen instead of coming down to investigate. “Help!” she screamed at the top of her lungs before squeezing her eyes shut tight.
“You stupid bitch...you’ve signed your death note now,” she heard Wes say before a gunshot rang out throughout the house.
“(Y/N)?!” she heard a frantic voice call out, making her realize that she was still breathing and very much alive. “(Y/N), are you ok?!” the voice asked again, and upon opening her eyes, (Y/N) saw Tommy rushing over to where she was laying on the ground.
“I...I’m fine,” she struggled to get out as she watched him drop down to the floor and scramble to take her into his arms.
“Are you shot, love?” he asked her, his hands and eyes roaming around her body in hopes that he’d be able to see any apparent injuries.
“I don’t think I am...I think his bullet hit the wall,” she answered before she saw Wes’ lifeless body out of the corner of her eye. “How did you...?” she trailed off, unsure of what to even say.
“Everything happens for a reason,” Tommy told her instead of giving any details. He didn’t want to tell her of how he was still in earshot when she screamed out, or of how he ran like a bat out of hell to her house to manage to shoot and kill Wes before he shot her. He was just happy that he had her in his arms.
“You’ve saved me,” she said then, a smile forming on her face.
“I told you that I’d keep you safe,” he said, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead before (Y/N) reached up and matched her lips with his.
They shared a kiss that was cut short by her daughter’s worried voice coming from the stairway. “Mummy’s alright, Mia,” she told her before coaxing the little girl over to where she was in Tommy’s arms. “Tommy’s here. He’s made sure we’re safe,” she assured her.
Amelia glanced between her mother and the man whom she had perceived as someone who’d protect her family from the first moment she saw him. “Thank you, Tommy,” she said quietly, but Tommy heard her.
Her gentle nature instantly brought a smile to his face. “You’re welcome, darling,” he responded to her before the little girl dropped into (Y/N)’s open arms. (Y/N) effectively hid her daughter’s eyes from the body that was still in the entryway as she held her tight against her body.
Tommy couldn’t help but wrap his arms around the two figures he had resting against him. Polly was right. He’d now found his redemption in (Y/N) and her daughter. He had them in his arms now, and he wasn’t planning on letting go for as long as he lived.
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Tagged: @alreadybroken-ts @magicalxdaydream @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @golden-hoax @elenavampire21 @peaky-cillian @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @easilyobessedbutflighty @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings
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yuyusuyu · 10 months
yuyusuyu's 100 followers milestone event!
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thank you so, so much for 100 followers! as a thank you, i wanted to make an event wherein you can request a drabble with a lyric from a wave to earth or mitski song and any member of ateez!
rules: you may select one lyric from the list below and chose a member! every member only has 2 slots open, and i will not be adding more slots! be specific if you want me to write for a fem reader or gn reader! also include the specifics of how you want your request to be (include type of au, what scenarios you'd like, if it's fluff or angst, etc)! send your quest in my inbox! reqs will also be on first come first serve basis!
extra: i am willing to write suggestive scenes, but nothing smut (i cannot write smut! i'm sorry). updates for this will be slow (hopefully not too slow!) because a new semester will be starting! if you have any questions, please send an ask in my inbox!
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(1) my small heart and the good things in it break and harden melt and fall away
(2) you always had me
(3) you are my sea, you are my sunshine
(4) my small heart, like small waves inside, break and push towards you
(5) i can't be your love
(6) if i could be by your side, i'll give you all my life, my seasons
(7) there are waves in your eyes
(8) when you spoke to me, the words are like a flowing star
(9) lately, i've been crying like a tall child
(10) so please, hurry, leave me, i can't breathe please don't say you love me
(11) you're coming back, and it's the end of the world
(12) i just need a quiet place where i can scream how i love you
(13) if you would let me give you pinky promise kisses
(14) you tell me you love her, i give you a grin
(15) it would be a hundred times easier if we were young again
(16) someone who loves me better than you
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slot one: closed! | slot two: closed!
slot one: closed! | slot two: closed!
slot one: closed! | slot two: closed!
slot one: closed! | slot two: closed!
slot one: open! | slot two: closed!
slot one: closed! | slot two: closed!
slot one: closed! | slot two: closed!
slot one: closed! | slot two: closed!
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requests !
01. yunho — i like you so, so much. . . "if you would let me give you pinky promise kisses" (situationship. angst to fluff. non idol au.)
02. mingi — wish to be with you. . . "i can't be your love" (angst with little comfort. college au.)
03. san — hey you! yeah, you! i like you!. . . "i just need a quiet place where i can scream how i love you" (fluff. little angst. college au.) ⇢˚⋆ COMING SOON!
04. seonghwa — time and time again, it's always been you. . . "you always had me" (non idol au. childhood friends to lovers. fluff. a tad bit of angst.) ⇢˚⋆ COMING SOON!
05. wooyoung — let me in once more. . . "if i could be by your side, i'll give you all my life, my seasons" (exes to lovers au. fluff. suggestive. a little angst.) ⇢˚⋆ COMING SOON!
06. yunho — love. . . "my small heart, and the good things in it, break and harden, melt and fall away" (idol au. childhood friends to lovers. fluff.) ⇢˚⋆ COMING SOON!
07. jongho — sunshine. . . "you are my sea, you are my sunshine" (hurt with comfort. fluff. non idol au.) ⇢˚⋆ COMING SOON!
08. hongjoong — wish it were me. . . "you tell me you love her, i give you a grin" (hanahaki au. college au. non idol au. angst. hurt/little comfort.) ⇢˚⋆ COMING SOON!
09. mingi — by your side. . . "if i could be by your side, i'll give you all my life, my seasons" (non idol au. hurt with comfort. angst. fluff.) ⇢˚⋆ COMING SOON!
10. san — i love you. . . "my small heart, like small waves inside, break and push towards you" (non idol au. established relationship. fluff.) ⇢˚⋆ COMING SOON!
11. yeosang — pretty eyes. . . "there are waves in your eyes" (non idol au. fluff. more than friends but not lovers.) ⇢˚⋆ COMING SOON!
12. hongjoong — the star and its moon. . . "so please, hurry, leave me, i can't breathe please don't say you love me" (idol au. angst with comfort. established relationship.) ⇢˚⋆ COMING SOON!
13. seonghwa — let it all out, i've got you. i'm here. . . "lately, i've been crying like a tall child" (non idol. angst with comfort. more than friends but not quite lovers.) ⇢˚⋆ COMING SOON!
14. jongho — if only. . . "it would be a hundred times easier if we were young again" (idol au. angst. right person wrong time.) ⇢˚⋆ COMING SOON!
15. yeosang — our end and beginning. . . "you're coming back, and it's the end of the world" (pirate au. angst. fluff.) ⇢˚⋆ COMING SOON!
16. wooyoung — a better and brighter love. . . "someone who loves me better than you" (non idol au. angst. fluff. f2l.) ⇢˚⋆ COMING SOON!
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perma taglist: @asjkdk
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silvermoon424 · 11 months
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Um, wow. Okay.
12 years on Tumblr and now 25,000 followers!! This is so unreal. I know a lot of these followers are inactive/bots but a lot of you are still real people and still engage and I deeply appreciate all of you 💖
To celebrate this huge milestone, I'm planning on doing a giveaway! I will be giving away some goodies and picking 3 winners out of the group of people who reblog. The winners will then each pick an item from a pool of prizes. I did this 2 years ago for my 10 year blog anniversary if you want to see what that looked like! I'll try to get the post up this week/weekend.
Again, thank you all so much!
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numbuh-72 · 7 days
Artist's Message/Update
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Hey everyone! Artsy_Lexi here!
Hope everyone has been doing all right and staying safe out there!
I have some stuff I would like to say in regards to Numbuh 72's blog and the plans for what's to come in the future, so buckle up and grab a can of soda!
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First off, I wanna thank the people who've been around to support me and my work ever since I returned to Tumblr under Numbuh 72, you guys are all amazing and I've been having a blast starting to know some of you guys, through my fellow mutuals~. I will say, ideas continue to develop in my head for stuff to draw and interact with you guys and have some fun with our characters!
With that in mind, I'm already almost to 25 followers on here! I do plan on doing a small celebration for this milestone that's already about to be achieved, so once I hit it, stick around for a DTIYS art challenge and be on the lookout for a new hashtag that I will put for my oc, Gianna Chavez!
Aside from that though, allow me to give yall an update for what I plan to do to...better organize this blog;
So I have a lot of ideas for this blog that's been running around my head for ages now and I've been struggling on what idea to do first; This would include
Alternate Universes (FNF, Roblox, Little Brother, etc.)
Finishing up OC Ref sheets, well, updated versions of them-
RP Doodles for RPs that I'm doing as we speak
LOG Data (I've been typing away for days on some of these to catch up on the stuff-)
Creating my own Headcanon for Sector V and other canon characters (Basically a universe for Gianna-)
And so much more!!!!
Don't worry though, I'm gonna be taking as much time as needed to be able to properly organize all of these awesome ideas, though I think for the meantime, I'm gonna try and focus on Gianna's main storyline that involves her improvement on the Treatment Program and how she will successfully get out of it!
Most of her adventures she will have, I plan to maybe do them via roleplays or from doing asks with all my moots and at one point, involve them in the main storyline for Gianna! (That is of course, I get consent for those that see this~)
So the LOG Data you see, those are actual reflections from roleplays that I have completed or in progress that I think are considered worthy for Gianna to report, for this is part of her program to see if she has been improving or not during the course.
I might even at one point ask for help now and then from my friends to gib ideas and of course properly credit them since they are all amazing~
As far as how I will tell the story on here, I have some ideas of doing Arcs with chapters, following with illustrations now and then, or maybe attempt to do a comic series. Who knows, we shall see~
I'm hoping though to try and get more asks in her inbox since sadly it's been empty for the most part and I was hoping people were curious to know her more while I work on some stuff on the side.
Don't worry though! Everything's all good! I'm just pushing a gentle reminder that the Asks are open for Gianna and the ocs listed that are open for questions~ <3
Now inspired by the lovely @kandykatz's way of their organizing their master posts, I might go for that way of organizing my stuff properly, or might do some twists, who knows, still gotta figure that out-
I...think that's all I have for now in what's the plan for this blog, if anything comes to mind I will edit this post or maybe do a part 2.
Thanks guys for taking the time to read! I hope to continue cooking up in the kitchen with yall and have some fun here~
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