#< that’s the tag for all of them ohkay ohkay
peachsukii · 3 months
Okay I’m back I’m sorry your writing is like cocaine to me idk you’re awesome-
Bakugou x reader where they’re on a mission and it involves a teams of heroes to dress up like Dynamight to confuse the enemy??? Just like Bakugou’s reaction to seeing his girlfriend decked out in his gear like 😭😭😭
but like picture like reader trying to fit Bakugou into a version of her costume too-
Ohkay I’m going even further now- Bakugou and reader wearing formal wear modeled after each other at a Hero’s gala to debut their relationship to the world???? I can just imagine after the mission they just really like wearing each other’s stuff-
Anyways you’re amazing have an amazing day!!
I’m so so sorry this took me so long to get to! You’re the sweetest!! 🥰 thank you so much for rec and coming back! I’ve enjoyed the ideas you’ve suggested so much and hope you like this one. 💖✨
Substitute Gear
『 ♡』  k.bakugo x fem!reader ꒰ pro-hero au | age 24 | lovers (bf/gf) ꒱ ⇢ bakugo and reader are joking around in their apartment one night when they decide to try on each others costumes! this leads to a fun inspiration for the upcoming hero gala as their agencies recommend for them to reveal their relationship officially. Why not do it in style?
꒰ tags & warnings ꒱ no cw minus cursing | fun & fluffy ꒰ cross posted to ao3 | wc; ~1.1k ꒱ -`✧ katsuki bakugo masterlist
“Ugh, what an ugly shift,” you complain as you’re walking through the front door of your apartment. You’re kicking off your dirty boots in the entryway when Katsuki comes to greet you.
“Long day?” He asks, analyzing how filthy your hero suit is. It doesn’t stop him from giving you a light peck on the lips to welcome you home.
“More like what didn’t happen today. A kid threw up on me, and when I washed that off, some asshole bled all over me when I cuffed him! To top it all off, I tripped and fell into the mud while in pursuit of a robbery. Head first!”
As you’re rattling off the laundry list of shitty things that happened during the day, Katsuki’s silently instructing you to take the suit off. He spins you around, unzipping the neck piece and carefully removing all of your components and accessories.
“I broke my damn helmet in that fall,” you groan, wiping dried dirt from your cheek.
“Better than your head, dumbass,” Katsuki counters. “Ya got extras, no use cryin’ over one of ‘em.”
You shimmy the suit off of your shoulders and pull out of the material one limb at a time.
“You’d think as heroes, there’d be a professional laundry service or something,” you complain, letting your suit crumple on the floor. It comically puffs out a dried cloud of grime.
Katsuki stifles a laugh. “Weird way of sayin’ I do all your laundry. Get your ass in the shower, you reek.” He smacks your barely-covered ass to get you moving, continuing to snicker to himself as you waddle down the hallway.
After a long and hot shower, you emerge from the bathroom with a dramatic haze of steam following you.
“Ya done yet, peach? Dinners done,” Katsuki calls from the kitchen, dishes clattering as he’s prepping plates for the two of you. You scamper down the hall to meet him in the kitchen, a delicious aroma filling your senses when you approach the stove. He hands you one of the plates of beef and peppers stacked high on a bed of rice.
“Mmm, you even made me extra peppers!” You chirp, flashing him a cheesy smile. He grins in response and slips past you to sit on the couch.
The news channel is droning in the background during dinner, the news anchors excitedly discussing the upcoming annual Hero Gala - the glitz and glamour side of it, anyways. The Gala itself is an enormous event to celebrate Japan’s hero society and to announce the year’s hero ranking; however, everyone treats it as one extravagant event, red carpet and all.
“I’ve never been to the gala before,” you say before taking another mouthful of rice. “I never qualified to attend until this year. I’m kinda nervous to be…debuting us, if I’m being honest.”
Your agencies had caught wind of your relationship - rather, Katsuki’s assistant accidentally caught you two kissing in his office - and wanted to use you as an opportunity to introduce the “new hottest hero couple.” Agencies care about appearances and tabloid drama just as much as actual hero work. What's hotter than a top hero dating a lower - much lower - ranked hero?
The gala is in two weeks and the two of you haven't settled on what to do about it.
“Th’ agencies wanting to use us as an attention grab is fuckin’ stupid," Katsuki mumbles, brows scrunched in frustration. "Who gives a shit who we're dating? Doesn't affect my ability ta do my job."
He had a point, of course, but that didn't make you any less nervous about it. You were being pressured to have an extremely public date and let "fans" know that Dynamight was off the market. The thought of fans metaphorically bashing your head in wasn't ideal, but whatever gets "ratings," right?
"We might as well just show up in each others' costumes," you joke, rolling your eyes as the news anchor shifts topics to the latest update on another nonsense story.
"That's...not a bad idea!" He shouts, putting his plate on the coffee table and excitedly jogging down the hall to the bedroom. "Where's your backup suit?"
"In the closet, why? There's no way your muscular ass is getting in that tight suit."
"No, dumbass! C'mere!"
You place your plate next to his and get up from the couch, waltzing to the bedroom to see what he's on about. Both your hero suit and his are laying on the bed next to each other.
"What if we swapped colors?" He asked, pointing to the suit designs. "You wear mine and I wear yours. That'll give the media somethin' to yap about."
That's actually...a brilliant idea! The media would absolutely eat up the "bad boy" Dynamight strutting into the gala with his partner's color pallet, especially because your colors were pinks and purples.
You raise an eyebrow to him, smirking as you begin to imagine him in a sharp pink and purple suit. "You do look good in pink, the few times you've worn it."
Katsuki cackles and winks at you. "Course I do, I make anythin' look good."
He immediately calls his agency to request the garments - they agreed wholeheartedly and offered to fund both outfits.
The night of the gala has finally arrived! There are plenty of news crews from all channels present, huddled around the main red carpet entrance. The scene is bedazzled with flashing camera lights, the shutter sounds of multiple cameras capturing photos in tandem. Your complimentary custom outfits are pristine and Katsuki's hand is in yours as the limo pulls up to the gateway, giving you a soft squeeze to gather your attention.
"It'll be fine, sweets. Jus' follow my lead, 'kay?"
You nod while taking a deep breath to calm your nerves. "Thanks babe."
The limo attendant outside skips to the door, opening it for the two of you and ushering you to the entrance. You're both standing in line behind other heroes awaiting their turn to enter the building, attention already building in your direction. A few minutes go by before one of the hosts motions for the two of you to proceed to the entrance.
Your heart is racing, threatening to burst right through your ribcage as the hot spotlights are covering the two of you. Cameras are flashing rapidly, waves of unintelligible shouting invading your senses - "Dynamight! Over here, look this way!" "Just one this way, you two!" "To the left, please!"
Katsuki's jaw is tense as his eyes are roaming around to satisfy multiple camera men, the resting glare he normally sports on patrol adoring his features. Your attempting to keep a soft smile, posing and waving gently. Suddenly, you're tugged into Katsuki's side, his hand leaving yours and wrapping around your waist, pulling you into his personal space. He spins you to face him, cupping your chin and dipping you backwards as his lips grace your own, holding you in place.
The world around explodes with surprise, the peanut gallery clamoring with questions about the two of you - "Are you two an item?" "Oh! A higher ranked hero and a brand new one!" "What a scandalous amount of PDA!"
When you part, he pulls you back to his side and keeps his hand on your waist while the two of you continue into the gala together. The paparazzi outside are tailing the two of you as they're stopped at the door, shouting for answers as he flips them off over his head.
"Told ya it'd be fine. Now let's fuckin' eat and enjoy the damn night."
thanks again for the suggestion @queenpiranhadon ! ✨
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sushisocks · 10 months
11 for the ask thing ^_^
From the Get to know your fic writer list!
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
Ohkay, oh my god, I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume these aren't my own fics bcz besides the ones I wrote back in like 2018, I only have 3 out, and one isn't even finished jnbhvghbjbh
I'm also gonna limit myself to RDR2 ones bcz how many of yall are here for Drarry and Klance fic recs these days anyway?? I thought so, lmao, SO
1) OBVIOUSLY I have to start out with Faithless, by my dear friend Necromantic AKA @absolutedisaster69 !!! RDR2, Charthur, Unreliable Narrator, still ongoing, and REALLY FUCKED UP SO FAR, I am simply in LOVE with it okay. If you're looking for a completely different take on Charthur, and the VDL gang as a whole, this is IT!! AND, lol, if you look through the comment section of that fic you WILL find me in there analysing the shit out of nearly every chapter, it's WILD and I'm WILDIN'!!
2) Is one I genuinely think needs more attention -- Burn Like Whiskey Flames by Lysandra_Lewis AKA @ithinkthiswasabadidea is still my FAVORITE MacSummers fic to date. Imagine me, STARVED for content, going into the Sean/Lenny tag only to find this TREASURE of a fic buried among fics that only really list them as a sidepair. It is funny, and wholesome, and so sweet it will rot your TEETH out. It's Francesca's only RDR2 fic and it is a GIFT to the fandom, okay, and thusly SEVERELY underappreciated. When Sean comes into the lodge and starts "wooing" Lenny? Bro I've read this fic so many times and I am STILL giggling and blushing EVERY TIME!!!! They are SO dumb, and I'm genuinely obsessed with them and this fic okay!!!!
3) I mean, come on, we've all read Lost Country by iridian(ryehouses here on tumblr), right? If you haven't, it's Charthur, and don't be fooled by the coffee shop au tag because there is SO much more to this fic. It's been a while since my last readthrough of it, and I'm nearing a point where I'll want to reread again for sure, but I'll leave you with my bookmark comment to give you an idea of how I feel about this fic: "this fic changed me irrevocably. i was and am obsessed with everything about this fic. i listened to the playlist for months. certain songs still make me go feral. ill never forget how this fic made me feel." DEFINITE recommend, always!!
(Honorary mention to Strange Visitor by Necro, which I was very autistic about in its final months of posting, and is where I decided I wanted to be his friend!! One year later and I am a pest in his DMs all the time <3)
I know this just said to list them, but who in their right mind doesn't GRAB at the chance to gush about their favorite fics whenever they can? Give me a break, and go read these fantastic fics if you haven't already!!!
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wolfstarhaven · 2 years
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(Road trip / camping / vacation)
Summer is here! Let me therefore present some wolfstar!road trip recs! There’s just something amazing about these kinds of marauders-on-vacation types of fics. I don’t know what it is, I just love them. So here we go!🚘🏕
Hard To Find, by accioromulus (13k)
The air conditioning is already broken, Sirius's back has been effectively glued to the leather seat via sweat, and this road-trip may have been a Very Bad Idea.
Definitely my fav road trip fic EVER. This is just sooooo beautiful, in every way. It’s so soft and sweet and cute and perfect and I love it. READ IT!🚘🚘
Harmonicas, Hinky-punks, and Heather, by @squidgilator (23k)
Sirius and Remus get stranded in Scotland on Order business, and decide to walk to Hogwarts. Featuring the Brontës, a harmonica, a shrinking tent, and some self-discovery.
A post-Hogwarts (first war) fic with absolutely no angst. This is incredibly sweet and funny, clever and well-written. Read it!
All Your Glory In Your Form, by ohkay  (2k)
In the aftermath of Sirius leaving the Noble and Most Ancient Mausoleum of Black, things go a little sideways, and Mr. and Mrs. Potter think the beach will cure all ills.
Super short but such a sweet fic. In which after Sirius has been disowned, the boys go on a little vacation. Well worth your time!🌊🌊
Going As Planned, by lionturtles (2k)
Camping, drinking, awkward kissing.
Oh I like this one! I’ve read it so many times😍 It’s a very marauder-y fic (basically the boys being the idiots they all are). A campfire, marshmallows, a game of never have I ever - what more could you need? 🔥⛺️
One for the road, by rojohbi (4k)
Piling into the car was uncomfortable and cramped, but there was something oddly satisfying about sitting on ratty blankets in the backseat, a box of fresh comfort food at his feet and Sirius’ legs splayed over his lap as the other backseat-inhabitant nestled himself into the corner and almost immediately began snoring. James met his eyes through the rearview, and this time when he saw the knowing smile, Remus smiled right back.
This fic was such a pleasant surprise! It’s a short fic, but at the same time it kinda feels like a longer fic. Gorgeous! A little angsty (but ofc with a happy ending), with a lot of Remus doubting himself. It also has so much feeling - it’s beautifully written, and kinda makes me wanna go on road trip. And the pining! Sweet lord, it was wonderful! I definitely recommend this fic🚘
Heat, by LadyAmina (2k)
The summer air is too warm. The campfire isn't helping. Neither is Sirius's head in his lap. Neither is the burning blood in his veins. Remus is overwhelmed and something has to give.
A cute little camping-fic in which Remus gets a li’l jealous, when James and Sirius discuss girls (how could that be???)🥰🔥🏕
June, And Other Natural Disasters, by montparnasse (6k)
Sirius talks, begs, and bribes Remus into a spontaneous trip to Brighton the summer of their graduation. Remus loses all sense of direction; Sirius loses his shirt; Remus kisses the last moth-eaten vestiges of his sanity a long, sloppy goodbye.
This is not as much fluffy, as it is sexy🔥🔥 Honestly, it’s a little too smutty for my taste - but it’s still very good! If you’ve read anything by montparnasse before, you know that they write really well. So, if you’d like to read a well written vacation-fic full of sexual tension, then this is the fic for you!🏖
Camping, Comfort, and Clichés, by oliverdalstonbrowning (5k)
Remus goes on a camping trip with his friends, and discovers all the comfort and clichés that go with it.
Very cute!! I just love a fic in which Remus is pining - it’s everything I need in life. Go read it!⛺️⛺️
the private kind of purple, by greenscape (6k)
Post-grad summer. They are reaching for things they cannot name.
Or, it's four days out of Hogwarts and Sirius and Remus go wild camping in Scotland.
This. Is. Beautiful. Quite painful, to be honest, but so damn beautiful. It’s tagged with the very appropriate tag “light on the camping heavy on the angst”, which I’d say is very fitting. But oh, you have to read it! Just... the prose! Everything! I don’t know what more to say except give you this little snippet:
“But now Sirius is asking, not telling, and Remus is tired, and the tent is dark, so dark, and they are the only two people in the world, surely. And Remus wants Sirius more than he wants to be back at Hogwarts. More, even, than he wants to be fully human.”
tomorrow, when the world is free, by waynebruce (2k)
Sirius, in a tour-guide voice: “The White Cliffs of Dover, part of the North Downs formation, is the region of English coastline facing the Strait of Dover and France. The cliff face, which reaches a height of 110 metres, owes its striking appearance to the composition of chalk accented by streaks of black flint-”
“Padfoot, mate, you never told us you could read,” says James. Sirius whacks the back of his head with the guidebook.
Such a beautifully written road trip! A pre-slash fic in which Remus pines a lot.
There Is a Light That Never Goes Out, by @wanderingbandurria (2,4k)
Sirius might have a plan on the summer before seventh year that might not be completely legal. And he might invite Remus to partake in it. And Remus - he might says yes and find himself being Sirius' getaway car in an unexpected road trip through the countryside.
Or, a summer road trip leads to Sirius and Remus to review their feelings for the other.
A different kind of road trip! In which the boys are friends with benefits, and thus are pining away because of their inability to communicate… stupid lovely little boys! This little fic is absolutely wonderful.
That’s it, friends! I hope you enjoy, and that you’re having a lovely summer so far<3
xx Elliot🌸
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meganelainelovee · 9 months
She’ll probably tell her next about the way one of my nipples indents sometimes, or the way my bun was always slightly askew and to the side. She’ll probably laugh with her about the way my sports bras were always twisted, and the tags always sticking out.
I’m sure she’ll tell them about how I couldn’t dress before her, how I got better looking the longer we were together. How I had no shoe game before we met, and at least now I can tolerate certain air maxes.
She’ll tell you all the things she couldn’t stand about me, and how these were all the earlier warning signs and red flags she ignored and dismissed because “love”.
She won’t tell you how I cooked every meal she wanted and made sure she was never hungry. She won’t tell you the way I sang her to sleep over FaceTime when we were thousands of miles away. or the way I’d read to her, and she would read to me, just so we could hear one another’s voices for a minute longer.
She won’t tell you about the bass guitar I got her, so she could learn an instrument and we could be our own little band. And she won’t tell you the way I never let her hand go cold, even on the days I was upset or angry.
She won’t tell you why she stayed for three years, and she won’t tell you why I was so unhappy for 2.5 of those years.
But that’s ohKay. Her and i were two corner pieces of a puzzle that never matched up where it counted. I Hope you fit her better than I did.
she deserves that.
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10.23.23 Monday
12:34 am
Will take my shower, still having windblow... Still,mastering the song "Kill Bill" and I got shocked I checked the video that tagged as "official video of Kill Bill song of SZA, it is kinda weird for me....Not sure if that is the official video like on Lady Gaga's Judas, it has 2 different versions of videos but recently they removed the first version...
I got curious on this song "Kill Bill".... Then, I found out it is a movie....Interesting movie... I haven't seen it yet and I wanna see the movie, in a lil while...
12:54 am
Before showering....
I really wanna cry thinking of money....I look so calm right? But I'm not ohkay, I'm really panicky so you won't believe it that I'm panicky...
Whew! God will provide--Matthew???
Weird,remembering someone from the gym but not sure where I saw Glenn... But it was really a decade and more years ago...
He gave his beloved son to human race--John?? JOHN FUENTABELLA??? It was weird it suddenly pop-up in my head.
My future is damage...
2:29 am
Done,showering... The leopard ;) joke! Hahaha
I need to get a bf who can assist me,this is serious. Still,having windblow...
I want a black penis? But he is gone here...I wonder where he is now...
7:36 am
Still,have windblow... Still,thinking of money... Nobody in the family can help me on money, angels....I'm not ohkay....I have to do something...
Do I have to ask other people? You can't tell who are fake and real in this family...
Since 2007 Betsilogz gang with Eusebio's family always on the upper stage or had have their events in life....I'm always just an observer of their success....
10:29 am
Here in "Pag-ibig" Volets processing my requirements... Went to the bathroom and paid 5 pesos for the tissue and for using the bathroom... After using the bathroom the lady attendant on that particular bathroom suddenly commented "bagsak or failed in English" huh? I ignored that woman... Huh? Some people are strange...
I need money and job and trainings for 2 years and will go to Sand-Dunes plastics...
I need to get a bf, I want the black-penis???
Hmm....Dread-locks/Miles??? He can't lift me for now... :(
2:20 pm
My Uncle Chipoy DD... About the fundings here... I feel stress-out about his question which is important water or food? Hellowie! Both! Of course...
They didn't help me on my toiletries or my job starter fundings. They are not mature angels... They don't know how to be a family on me or how to be a parent on a portrayal role.
I don't have fundings for myself... I need to get a bf who can assist me and live with him, I mean live with him then go here for my nana and son-dog John and stuff that I need to do here...
I wanna a mature bf where I can have my peace of mind and can assist me to get back on my feet... I need some assistance but I have to work I know...
Where is that black penis???
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6:04 pm
Uncle Jun is here, all are fakers and still hating them all, like my fakers Biological Mother that I wanted to kill like Uncle DD.
They are not helping me on money... Still, panicky and I don't know where to get a bf who has a maturity but the one I like, such as a "black penis"! A strong black penis...
Anyways, done watching "Kill Bill Volume 1" it is interesting, it is all about revenge of Black Mamba on people who have wronged her most specially his Xbf "Bill".
8:04 pm
Hmm... Something is missing here one of my spray colognes the "lemon verbena"... hmm..
8:13 pm
Hmm...Did Uncle DD got it here from the living room table?
The lotion is here but I also have the cologne, the cologne bottle is missing...
I'm putting Bench Lemon on the spray cologne of my "Lemon Verbena"...
It is as stress for me if there are missing stuff here... We should be family here... I feel stress again.
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8:23 pm
Oh! I got it here on the back table in the living room...
I put Lemon Bench there... But if I have money I wanna buy a new bottle of "LEMON VERBENA"..
It is around 500 to 800 pesoses...
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8:42 pm
I feel bitter... I'm thinking of money and I can't get a bf who can assist me and nobody wants me...
I feel bitter... I can't get a group that I'm gonna be the center and I have to float...
I feel bitter and I feel boring...Super self-pitying... I wanna buy starbucks everyday but I'm still waiting for rewave and I will really cry if I can't get the certification in Iqor and I really wanna beat that fucking call.
I feel super boring angels... I wanna have sex but I want someone sweet and loving and mutual that I like him and he likes me and sensitive enough to assist me not just on money but emotionally coz I have complex. I need a physical touch now, I have that kind of emotion... I feel ugly,fat and wrinkled but I'm not ready to get pregnant coz I feel ugly... I'm thinking of money... I hate my "deep smile lines"...
But I really wanna have sex with someone who really likes me ( mutual thing and someone clean ) and mature and will just assist me at my back coz I have emotional breakdown, it is a mixed-up!
9:30 pm
I feel insecure now on my body, on my skin, on my looks... I have complex in life now, my own future,my stability, my money, getting a bf, getting friends, my job and I feel that I can't get success... I still have windblow...
I can't get sex for 16 years, I can't get sensitive souls that will be mutually attach with me.... I feel hurt and out of place... I want a black penis now..
I feel hurt on Miles or dread-locks that our chance was not on the right timing... I feel irritated coz the situation can't be pushed on my wants and needs...
I still wanna meet a new soul that hoping will be mutually attach with me with maturity...
9:42 pm
I hate being here in Cavite coz they are murderer of people's right to have sex and get some relief in life...
Wait, will tell more...
9:58 pm
I have windblow... It is just weird there is no hotel here in Cavite that is cheap,clean and affordable that we can freely express our inner struggles or inner expression of love on someone or to simply have a quality time or family time or bonding moments...
The room for sex here is not balance on the salary that people earned for their living. The basics needs of human are food, water, oxygen, clothes,shelter and 6th SEX!
We all know that our body is holy, it is given... But a being you and You and you will not always be perfect! I mean you wanna be holy but sometimes you have to give some relief on your inner struggles coz it is part of you as human being...
I mean, I checked some of the room for rent here or sex hotel... On my xpartner we were in hotel, we were always on a "family hotel" as well as my other friends.
The "family hotel" are always considered a 3 stars,why and why???
A family hotel is 3 stars cheap coz they are the reality of our lives....Actually let me just change the word to affordable not cheap! Why is it affordable? First, it is a family hotel that hotel wanna give some shelter and care for any emergencies cases, 2nd the strategy of those owners are reaching out to the reality of people's lives, 3rd it promotes freedom of rights of people to express their sexual needs.
The family hotels that are affordable are SoGo, Eurotel and the latest Go Hotel... These 3 stars family hotel are "affordable,safe and clean"... But they are somehow "strict"... Sometimes, they will ask if you are married or what? Coz they want to promote decency.... Go in decent, go out decent! Gets!!!
Those family hotels advantage they portrayed the 5 stars hotel in a way,they gave the freebies of free steam room slippers, a steam or virus free towels, steam new viruses blankets and steam new virus free pillow cases...
It was just really a funny experience for me....I've learned it on my growing-up years... The food are so funny but the service are just like on 5 stars...
When you grow-up if you can reach the 5 star hotel,the food are totally different and yummy! But somehow same routine service that you got from 3 stars or family hotel.
But if you stick to 3 stars then it is better than 2 and 1... That's still LIFE and RIGHTS! ;)
10:47 pm
It was a funny thing the day that I planned to have sex with dread-locks or Miles the day that I bought the TRUST orange condoms pack of 3 ( still,complete until now... ).
I had my back-pack coz we are in a call center but same thing that I had way back but a big bag or travelling bag... No comparison but it just reminds me of something. So,funny Miles or dread-locks guy told me you have so many things and stuff with you. Like on my xbefore I had my blower and panties and my toiletries. But I wasn't able to tell him that night coz of he wanted to charge or he needed to charge his mobile meaning he is kinda tired... Ooppss...
11:03 pm
In short, I really wanna have sex... I want something mutual meaning with love and care and support...
Whew! It is just depressing if you can't get sex that you are trembling to have it coz you need it now... But I can't find him... The one who is willing to love and care... I feel bitter!
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ohimesama · 1 year
12.11.22 Sunday
12:42 am
I'm trying to set-up my live but it feels weird and sad can't go on live coz the sound can't sync on my mobile... I don't know,probably I need a new jack? Or it can be controlled by alien or some Filipino's hacker... I don't know...
I checked youtube or google trying to get some answers and I watched this Filipino vlogger named "Gil Galang" that I should download this "open camera app", I did and tried but still no progress so, I uninstalled it again... Weird!
I feel irritated,numb coz I was angry and feel like giving up on feeling irritated... I don't wanna stress myself that much,I guess....So, sad....The energy is so mean to me now...
I still have this windblow trap and I feel irritated... It is already December 2 dreams are impossible... I told myself I have a time limit on trying to get the attention of the "Crowning Prince of Dubai" I told on people who came into my station that everything was just accidental that I just saw him and I thought was just one HIM... Then,it became a big question in my head, that probably he grew-up and grew taller or grew big... Or probably it was just on another angle but funny it became "them" these Al-Maktoumz...
Whew! I don't wanna stress myself... I came from being dead but still alive... WHEW! It doesn't matter anymore if this force wants me to embarrass or put me into shame stage... But this is LIFE! Giving-up but moving on... But I still need a self-fulfillment in a lil while... Heavy heart I have but my old self inside is telling me that I still should FIGHT! Though the force is so negative, put me into an embarrassment, I don't feel embarrass anymore... Still, panicky on money and future... My own future and bebeh John's future...
1:32 am
So,sad... I posted that I have a heavy heart then I went out in our old garage,the newborn blacky died... So,sad... It is just sad...
It is just sad... It is just weird... Uncle Jun went out awhile ago while I'm trying to fix my set-up to do live but it didn't work... Weird!
Blacky was I guess ohkay awhile ago....Weird... I hope Blacky will be happy wherever he is now and for sure will go straight to heaven...
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8:26 am
Uncle Jun went to his baranggay office...
Thanks to RV again for the item of:
Additional of 6 sachet of Latte.
I feel bad, I couldn't go live... Whew! In a lil while it will be christmas. I wanna leave the hometown... Weird dream I had, it is just weird that someone wants to fly my soul out of me... Wanna see donkey and camel... I wanna buy starbucks everyday... I need money, I feel so bitterish and frustrated aside from I feel fat and ugly these days...
8:50 am
I feel hurt and hating the cult of ManaloZ....15 years! I feel hurt!!! That fucking cult is not taking my hurting emotion, seriously...
I wanna have my own self-fulfillment... I'm not happy! I wanna leave the hometown...
1:05 pm
Done, watching this...
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It is so good to be a Princess or Queen.... I hate some people on TV,I know some are part of cult of ManaloZ...
I hate feeling that I'm ugly... I streamed in Tagged they just copied me and made themselves better and me being wasted here... They portrayed but I'm the one who is becoming wasted...There is mystery behind the camera,behind the screen and they just put me at the backstage since 2007 now that they know all about me...
7:04 pm
This Uncle Jun vented out awhile ago before he went to sleep,now... He said "No where to borrow money". I said to Uncle Jun why Uncle? Why,you need money? Are you planning to buy a house? He was quiet and went to sleep... hahah
I still hate the cult coz they need to be responsible for themselves... The cult of ManaloZ are buncheZ of selfish...
7:54 pm
John's body spray or his aromatherapy mist...
Hello Kitty is the Lavender and Doraemon is the Lemongrass... Me & John ;)
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About my personal case, I still wanna be with the arab man... I hope the good old people that I met on my past roads, you know yourself, whoever you are I hope you can lead me to that road with a genuine friendship ...Or I hope Doraemon will be actually here and give me the door that I wanna open...
Do you know Doraemon? He is a japanese cartoon cat who has the power to give you his magical doors, wherever you wanna go... Like Genie or Alladin of arab men...
I know I'm a good person, being spotted it doesn't mean I'm wicked probably it is God's way to enlighten me that I should love myself and put some barrier...
10:48 pm
I feel fat and ugly...Hating the windblow trap...I'm not a kind of person who is enjoying dropping someone's vagina since 2007... Unless, you read the above theory...
I'm a gentlewoman unless...but it is not my character to drop someone's balls at the back stage...
Back to reality:
I still wanna leave the hometown & super self-pitying... I'm really hurt and bitter coz of this windblow trap... I want starbucks everyday...
To be continued...
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hottubraccoon · 2 years
incorrect quotes tag game
tagged by @mel-writes-with-her-dragons​ 
using this link: https://incorrect-quotes-generator.neocities.org/
*Hannah's helping Diana out after they get injured, while the others are watching* Mila: How does Diana look? Jaylee: A little better than you, actually. 
This is.. so close to accurate. If only Jaylee and Mila didn’t lie so much.
Mila, setting down a card: Ace of spades Diana, pulling out an Uno card: +4 Jaylee, pulling out a Pokémon card: Jolteon, I choose you Hannah, trembling: What are we playing 
If Bad Influences was a card game anime...........
Hannah, banging on the door: Diana! Open up! Diana: Well, it all started when I was a kid... Mila: No, they meant- Jaylee: Let them finish. 
Hannah: Wake me up… Jaylee: Before you go go! Mila: When September ends… Diana: WAKE ME UP INSIDE- 
Ohkay I altered this one to have them fit the characters. Idk if that’s cheating but there was no rules supplied so I’m doing it anyway :D And example of Hannah’s POV of the others.
this is pretty fun and different !! Im gonna have an open tag for anyone who wants to try this <3
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thirstyandbeautiful · 4 years
Hoe Fairy stay inspired by Megan thee Stallion, so here’s this week’s drop list all inspired by songs from the album “GOOD NEWS” - want a preview of what’s gonna be dropping? listen to the songs!!!
circles: Esteban cheated on you and now you’re gonna fuck Pierre in the club to get back at him.
cry baby: filth with Pierre, think aggressive fucking where you give him the best pussy he ever got and now he can’t stop hitting your phone but you dgaf
do it on the tip: you’re fucking Esteban and Pierre and you’re unbothered by their drama and don’t tell them you’re fucking both of them
sugar baby: sugardaddy!Lance filth oh yes hunny + sugababy spinoff fic
movie: you make a movie with Mick
freaky girls: calling Lewis out on the good dick he boasts and giving all that good kitty at the met gala after party.
body: Daniel love that body
what’s new: You work for the FIA and its kinda known you be riding all the dicks (drabbles in a drabble) ((including a certain team principle oh yes))
work that: Daddy and Papi love going to Texas, and they love taking their little cowgirl with them even more 
intercourse: beach sex with Lewis
go crazy: you get high with Lando and fuck for hours since he can’t get it down
outside: George wants to lock the pussy down but you don’t need those strings attached  (ft. everyone’s favorite frenchie)
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loliwrites · 2 years
i’ve become so invested in addi and alex’s story, im lowkey obsessed, it’s the only alex fics i read haha. i am curious since i haven’t been around long, have alex and addi tried anal? it’s no easy task and maybe addi suggests it and alex is like are you sure, just cause she already has a bit of trouble normally due to his, ahem, size. but she’s adamant, maybe some lingering insecurities about being inexperienced? something hot and lovey for my faves
HUNNI BUN 🥺 You are too sweet. This site has been getting me a little down lately because I feel like interaction has kind of dropped off the map in a lot of ways (as a whole, not like y is no one talking to me 🥲) so it's been hard to feel motivated to write. But then something like this makes me feel like even if one person is enjoying this, and it's helping them escape from whatever they want to escape for a little while, then it's worth it.
okay OHKAY so their introduction to buttsecks has been... unique. We started with this fic which went horribly wrong. And then we graduated to this one which also didn't go great. That was partially due to the fact that I was trying to formulate how their first time goes, but I am happy to say that the first time they actually do it is in the works. I'll make sure I tag you, hunni bun.
In the meantime, deffo go read Charlie's fic (@hausofobsession) about Gustaf/Reader buttsecks because it's honestly what got me over the hump and ready to write the upcoming fic. Actually you should read all her fics if you haven't already, because they're AMAZING.
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Tag your moots
Cute one
Hot one
Wholesome one
Most protecc one
Needs a hug one
Horny one
Would help you hide a body after you kill your physics teacher by stabbing them in the eye one
oHkay this is fun I love this
@brekkercookie cute one
@ me lmao (ew narcissism but I don't wanna seem like a creep please I'm so weird)
@confused-as-all-hell wholesome one your v i b e s have me whipped
@kctniss @cressjacquine @wolfnzy01 most protecc always ready with weapon ones
@black-like-my-soul @wafflesandschemingfaces @grishaverse-wrayth but wait don't we all need hugs smh
@inejghafasupremacy hOrNy biTch (but who is my hypocritical ass kidding)
@aleenaaalii physics and maths and geography teacher thanks you idiot [but who are we kidding I'll be a doing you a favor as well ;) ]
...i think that about sums it all up-
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Hi! I don't want to be a bother.You are a brilliant writer! I was wondering if you can give me some tips on writing. I've just started my blog (the-wife-of-an-orc) and have uploaded two works. I know I shouldn't get viewers right away but I really want it to work. My name's Lee btw nice to meet you.
Okay wait—
Just sent me an ASK- asking for writing tips???
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Ohkay back to being normal—
Hi there Lee! Tis a pleasure to meet you! You're not bothering at all. In fact, I welcome any ask sent to me <3 it gets lonely here so everything, even a simple greeting is much appreciated!
I'm still a beginner writer myself, so I don't think I'll be able to give you some "amazing" tips in writing. But I can share a few things I've learned in the past month.
1. Purple prose/overwriting!
We've been made to think tht to be a writer, we need to use all those big fancy words...
Well, no. Not really. Simplicity is best! It's okay to repeat some words but again, don't go overboard. Moderation is key! Those big fancy words are alright too, but you don't have to use a different word everytime they do the same thing. Make sure to use a word that really correlates or is a synonym to your former word.
Also, don't use too much flowery words, aka adjectives with -ly suffixes. They're great, but don't overuse, it'll make your work amateurish. Use them in moderation!
2. Tense shifting!
Present tense, past tense, future tense, and the lot. Don't use multiple tenses! I mean, I use at least two tenses in my works but I shift according to grammar, and I did that only 2-3 times within the whole work. Be consistent. Pick one tense and stick to it. Don't go "I walked around the empty room, pacing back and forth as I wait for someone to come. I stop and sit on the chair that was my only companion. " Tense shifting galore!
Instead, go "I walked around the empty room, pacing back and forth as I waited for someone to come. I stopped when I tired myself out and moved to sit on a wooden stool that was my only companion."
3. Info-dumping~
Pretty self-explanatory. Avoid writing paragraphs and paragraphs of infos and facts like they've been copied from wikipedia and bang-slammed right in your story. That's one way to put it. But these also count; explanations of backstories and context.
Be concise! Be brief but also giving the reader a clue on what could've happened instead of detailing every single event of their past, like traumas or perhaps rape scenes. Please don't :D
Imply and let the readers' imagination run wild to figure that out. And then somewhere down the road in your work, your character will perhaps drop a sentence that confirms they're suspicions, make them go "I knew it!"
4. (Definitely the most useful advice I've got ever since and I still am working on it) TELLING!
Basically, a writer writes, and tells the story, but! Some of us tend to tell too much, and not let the reader experience the story. Quoting "Show don't tell." which most writers advice to amateur writers. Telling is info-dumping, telling is too much descriptive stuff, excessive adverbs and dialogue tags. Filtering is part of telling; which is the usage of words like: feel, see, hear, know, decide, assume, think, and all of their related tenses (e.g felt, saw, heard...)
Be direct. Though its okay to use them, but again, moderation is key!
Hope these helps! I'm still learning a lot everyday! I do suggest watching some videos in YouTube. I learned those from Alexa Donne. She's a professional writer and makes videos about amateur writing mistakes and writing tips! I'll leave you a link to her channel here. I'll try reading your posted works and see if I could give you little tips!
Goodluck Lee!
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fangirlxwritesx67 · 5 years
Fine. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.
If no one will write me sexy Jody Mills fanfic, I will write my own.
Call Me Jody
Tags: 18+, smut, sex, fingering, oral (woman receiving), cougar x younger man, condom, consent, language
"Hi Sheriff Mills!" greeted Jody as she stepped into the gas station on the corner closest to her house. She shook her head, a smile curving her lips.
"Brendan, I've told you before- you can call me Jody."
"Oh-ohkay," he stammered, a little flush highlighting his cheeks above the blonde stubble on his jaw.
Jody knew Brendan well. Every day, often more than once a day, she stopped into this gas station for coffee. He had been hired on at the beginning of summer. Apparently he remembered her from a safety talk she gave at Souix Falls high school before he graduated? She wasn't sure. But they had seen each other most days for several months.
"Coming or going?" asked Brendan, recovering his usual cheer.
"Headed home," replied Jody, "and I am so ready for bed."
Brendan gulped. Finally he raised his big blue eyes to meet her gaze. "Do you-" he stammered, "do you want company? I mean in bed?"
Jody arched her perfect dark brows. This was not something she had expected, but she didn't mind. Leaning over the counter, she let her lips graze his ear as she whispered, "are you propositioning me?"
Brendan blushed again, and lowered his big blue eyes. Gathering his courage, he looked at her again. "Yes, please," he stammered, "If you like, Sheriff Mills?"
"Call me Jody," she said, "and you know where I live. When do you get off?"
"Thirty minutes," said Brandon.
"I'll see you in 35," promised Jody, "and you'll get off again."
When she got home, Jody took off her tan sheriff's uniform. Shedding her bra, she changed into yoga pants and an oversized tank. "Wayward AF," it said; it reminded her of the Winchesters.
She made herself a mug of coffee and took a big sip.
Just then, the doorbell rang.
It was Brendan. He stood at her door in blue jeans and a uniform black polo.
"I brought you coffee," he said hesitantly, handing her a cup. "And I've got condoms."
Jody chuckled, low and sexy, then stepped back to let him in. As she closed the door behind him, she said, "Oh that's cute." Jody leaned into Brendan, pressing him against the door. With her full lips next to his face, she said, "Is that how you think this works?
"Please- please," he was stammering again, "I'd like it to, Sheriff Mills. I mean, I mean Jody."
Jody nodded, a smile lighting her face. Yes, she would like this too. Holding out a hand, she led Brendan to the couch. They sat down together and she lowered her pale lips to his. He kissed her eagerly, hungrily, jamming his tongue into her mouth.
"Wow," said Jody, pulling away from him, "no. Follow my lead." Leaning in again, she kissed him, slow and searching. He kissed back the same way. She slipped her tongue between his lips.
"It's like ice cream," she murmured. Brendan understood, and soon their kisses were full and deep.
"I want you, Jody," said Brendan, "pulling her hand to his crotch, "I want you so much. I think about you when I-"
Jody shushed him with a finger on his lips. "No one needs to know that, kid." But she stroked him thru his jeans.
Brendan grabbed for her breasts, cupping them gratefully. Jody sighed.
"Please," he said, "please Jody, take off your shirt?" She did, and he said, "oh!" Lowering his head, he kissed one breast, then licked her, then flicked her nipple with his tongue.
"Yes," sighed Jody, "that's good." While he worshiped at her breasts, she undid his jeans and slipped her hand inside.
"Oh!" cried Brendan. He ground against her touch, and then he came.
"Wow," said Jody again, "Glad to know you enjoyed that. But its time for you to learn how to please a woman."
Taking Brendan by the hand, Jodi led him to her bedroom.
"Take off your clothes," she commanded, while she tossed aside hers. He stood in front of her, naked and golden. He was so young, so fit, and- wow, hard again already.
Jody lay back on the bed and pulled him in to lie next to her. "There's more to a woman than a hole to fuck," she instructed, guiding his hand between her legs, "find what pleasures me."
His broad young hand explored between her legs, hesitantly. It didnt take long before he found her sweet spot, and Jody gasped. Brendan stroked her with his fingers until Jody writhed against him.
"Brendan," she said, "what do you want?
"To fuck you, Sheriff Mills, I mean, Jody, please" he was a stammering mess, "I want to please you and make you come." 
"Oh," said Jody, "you're going to make me come, all right. Eat me out and make me come."
Brendan flushed violently.
"What," she said, "you've never given oral sex to a woman?"
He shook his head slowly.
"Wow, okay. You've gotten it tho, right?" He nodded, and Jody scoffed. Typical boy. "Well, its like you did with your fingers, but use your mouth. The point isn't to get off but to enjoy it."
Brendan knelt between her legs and spread her knees tentatively. This was literally straight out of his dreams, but even in his wildest dreams, he had no idea how to please a woman like Jody. He leaned in and kissed her pussy.
Oh," Jody sighed, "it's like ice cream..." her voice trailed off but Brendan understood. Lowering his face, he licked her. Then he kissed her. Then he stroked her with his fingers and his tongue.
He was awkward, but eager. Jody hadn't expected him to learn so well and soon her hips were shaking. He swirled his tongue and she moaned.
"Keep going," she commanded, and he did. Taking a deep breath, Jody let herself go and came, quick and wet.
Brendan moaned. She pushed his face away
"Where are those condoms you brought?"
Brendan looked sideways, then dashed out of the room.
While he was gone, Jody lay back on the bed without a stitch of clothing on. When he came back, Brendan couldn't believe his eyes. It was like all of his fantasys come true- Jody, naked on the bed, just waiting for him. Her long legs were spread apart invitingly.
Brendan put on a condom. "Jody. Please-" he said. She nodded. He stroked her with his fingers first and she sighed.
Then he slipped into her. Jody gasped. He thrust his hips, hard. This was what she loved about younger men- their eagerness to please, their ability to last and last during sex.
She slid her arms around his neck and whispered in his ear, "You don't come until I do." Drawing back, she locked her gaze on him. Her dark eyes flashed.
"Okay, Jody," Brendan breathed.
She arced her eyebrows. "Then fuck me." He did, hard and fast- so much energy! Jody had had better, but this was good. She let her mind slip away, until all she felt or thought of was him inside her. Riding his enthusiam, she felt her climax building.
"Oh," she moaned, and then she came, slamming her hips up into his.
Brendan felt her lock on him, hot and tight. He looked into her face as she came, and he shuddered with desire. Quickly, he came too.
Jody pushed Brendan off of her and he rolled back against the pillows.
"Jody, I, I-" he started
"Oh, no," she said, placing one hand on his cheeks. "Thank you, that was good. But no. I'll see you tomorrow for coffee."
Brendan got up and pulled his clothes back on. Jody was still lying on the bed, her face flushed with pleasure. Suddenly, he was shy.
"Thank you, Sheriff Mills," he murmured.
"Oh Brendan," she threw back her head and laughed. "After that?! Call me Jody."
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The Gift // Shannon Leto Fic.
It’s early as shit, but I wrote this for @meghan12151977 because I thought her birthday was the 5th. It’s not. I was 10 days early. I know me and I’m gonna forget to send it later, so here you go!
Tagging: @auntiemama1, @miss-shannanigans, @iraniq, @nikkitasevoli, @gottalovetheletos, @msroxyblog, @babiiface16, @anxiouslyyoursdidi, @jletolove4eva, @shannonfreakingleto, and all my other filfthy Shanimals. 
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Shannon followed his best friend into the lab, aggravated as they approached his brother.  “Jared. HELP ME OUT HERE!” Tomo was still laughing and Shannon could tell by his brother’s face that he wasn’t in the mood. 
“What?” Jared rubbed his temples. 
“What do you get a spoiled baby girl who spoils herself?”
“RIGHT! She is her own baby girl. She’s a sugar mama and a sugar baby!”
“So like a strong independent woman.” Jared said softly and Shannon nodded. He was grateful his brother even understood it. “Then I don’t understand the question. Sex.”
“I don’t wanna give her sex!” Shannon exclaimed. “I want to make her feel special. Appreciated... Loved.” He shook his head as he sat in the chair closest to the sound system his brother was sitting at. “She likes all these guys’ photos on Instagram and she’s got four different relationship goals THINGS on whatever the fuck Pintrest is.”
“Look at him.” Tomo teased. “He’s stressed. Look at that vein is his forehead.” Shannon slapped his hand away.
“She’s got enough guys trying to get into her pants and make her an object. I wanna be different.” He ran his hands over his face. “Nevermind. It’s stupid. What are we working on?”
“I’ve got it.” Jared shrugged a shoulder. 
“The melody we’ve been missing?!” Tomo demanded, voice heightening in both surprise and excitement. 
“No. The gift. You don’t wanna give her objects and you don’t wanna give her sex.. You want her to have.. The experience.”
“Oooo.” Tomo clapped his hands together loudly. “I didn’t think of that.”
“Of course you didn’t. Think with your little head next time.” He winked at Tomo who took a second before he got the dick joke and playfully blushed toward the younger Leto brother. 
“What’s ‘the experience’ mean?” Shannon glared at them, already exasperated he had to ask his bandmate and his brother for advice. 
“Trust me.” Tomo grinned. “Leave it to me. You go do something with your hair.. Your face... Everything.” He stuck his tongue out and Shannon tossed a drumstick at him as he rushed out of the room. “I swear sometimes Tomo is the annoying little brother I never had.”
“I’m sitting right here.” Jared narrowed his eyes and Shannon chuckled as he clapped a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Hey. Don’t stress it. Tomo’s got this.”
“Yeah, that’s partially what I’m worried about.”
It’s 6pm when I arrive at the address Shannon gave me. I didn’t know for the life of me why he thought I was going to agree to being “sent for” by a limo, but I wasn’t. There was nothing wrong with my car. Plus, I liked driving. 
I climbed out, and with each step, I felt the power underneath my feet. Proudly, I walked through the lobby of the hotel, greeting the front desk lady before catching an open elevator. I took a deep breath and smiled when I realized it was Shannon standing to me.
“Hey. You came.” He hugged me quickly. 
“Of course I did. You said it was urgent.” He chuckled before he shoved his hands in his pocket. “What’s up?” He lifted an eyebrow. “You’re acting nervous.”
“No I’m not.”
“You totally are.” 
“You’re assuming things. How about you just relax?”
“OHKAY Tough Guy.” I rolled my eyes and stared at the lights blinking.
Shannon could feel his palms sweating and his heart hammering. She was right. She knew him so fucking well that even when he tired to play it cool around her, he couldn’t. She was cunning. He had to do something fast. 
He slowly pushed his arms out.
“Are you pushing me, Tough Guy?”
“Seems more like you’re getting pushed.” He pushed me playfully and I turned and shoved him so hard his back hit the wall. He grinned slowly when I advanced on him, letting my purse fall to the floor and wrapping my arms around his neck. “I missed you.” He lost himself in the kiss we shared. Nothing else mattered in that moment. 
I moaned as his strong arms wrapped around my waist and he pulled me closer as the kiss became more passionate and he squeezed my butt, humming his approval against my lips. I gasped as he trailed his kisses down the side of my neck and I nearly lost balance trying not to lose feeling in my knees. 
The doors opened and I looked away quickly. “Shan--”
“This is the sixth floor.” 
“Is it?” He groaned out before he slowly but surely released me from his arms. “I guess we should uh.. Yeah.” He scratched the back of his neck before holding his hand out to signal that I could walk ahead. 
I scoffed as I started toward 626, feeling his eyes on my butt as I walked. 
“You know, you could just hold my hand, Tough Guy?”
“Is that my nickname for the rest of the night?” his arms wrapped around my waist and clasped together right beneath my belly button. He kissed my shoulder as we arrived at the room and he slid the keycard out of sleeve and held it out for me to take. 
“All yours.”
“Ooo. I feel like A Princess.” I grabbed the keycard and placed it into the slight. The light turned green and I grabbed the knob. He tensed up briefly and I looked over my shoulder. “You sure you’re okay?”
“I will be in about thirty seconds.” he bounced on his toes a bit and I shook my head before walking inside. 
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The sight before me... made me tumble backwards. “Shannon fucking Leto.”
“Good?” He lifted an eyebrow as I turned back to him. 
“What is this?”
“My...” He chuckled. “Mine and Tomo’s way of making you feel special.”
“Tomo’s in there?” I looked over my shoulder. 
“Fuck no.” He slowly eased me into the room before kicking it closed. “It’s just you, me and..” The lights went out and his head arched up quickly. I turned around, noticing it was completely pitch black but in seconds the floor was illuminated with candles. I frowned as I watched them lead to the bed where rose petals were strewn around it but not on it. On it instead, was a big bag of Doritos, some dip, and a brand new Playstation 4.
“Is that for me?”
Shannon paused when his phone vibrated and took a look at it. 
Hope the trick lights didn’t scare you too much. You owe me $400 for the PS.. Nevermind Jared says he’s got it. Also, it’s got CALL OF DUTY in it. Get your ass kicked. I know from experience that kicking your ass is the best git that keeps on giving. - T.
“Shannon.” I repeated and he looked up. “I said, you ready to get your ass kicked or do you wanna shower in that bubble bath I can already smell. Also.. Is there Fuel in here? I can smell the Woodley Blend--” 
The fact that she knew the smell of each Black Fuel Blend separately just off a whiff. God, he loved her. 
I cried out as if he lifted me up by my legs and threw me into the bed, burying me in kisses as he tossed the Doritos away and slowly placed the PS4 onto the floor. 
“All that can wait. Right now. I just need you.” He wrapped his arms around me and kisses me breathless. 
Needless to say, it was such a great time.. I forgot it was my birthday. 
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macgyvrs · 6 years
( the struggle when i made this days ago yet i still wonder why i haven’t gotten any i/ms yhet... *sighsz* ) what it do peeps ! i’m l. i’m a 21 yr old foodie from the est timezone who loves laughin’, watchin’ movies, sleepin’, and ofc food ! i’ve been in the rpc for a few good years now but i’ve never done 1x1 before. i’ve always seen tons of people talkin’ bout it in the tags but never really knew what it was about. since i’m currently an english major whose transferin’ to be a journalism major, i’d love any chance i can get to improve/hone my writin’ skills. if anythin’ below strikes your fancy don’t hesitate to hmu ! p.s: for the moment, i’m still kinda iffy with headcannons and such since i don’t watch like any shows that are runnin’ aside from macgyver and the flash bc coincidentally i’m behind on both... i’ve actually caught up with macgyver and i’m mad i did bc i love lucas till sm rn (but please let me know if i got anythin’ wrong in the ‘ships i’d like to play’ section.. i’ll love you a dozen)
● you can find all my muses here. their musings here here and here. click on the lil pencil to read their bio and stats. really excited to play these muses because some of them are new and some of them haven’t been played in a moment or haven’t been played to its full potential-- so you can see my excitement ! some of these muses i have used before in rps so you may have seen em... or ya have not. either or that’s get crackin ! also i have to add that since some of these muses are new they may need some adjustin’/tweakin. if you have any questions regardin’ on my muses or would just like more info on ‘em please don’t hesitate to message me !
fcs i’d like to play against (there currently aren’t any most wanteds bein’ that i’d like to play against all of these suggests fcs below at any given point):
● shelley henning
● robbie amell
● chris wood
● tessa thompson
● danielle campbell
● nate buzolic
● chris zylka
● jessica parker kennedy
● matthew daddario
● sophia bush
● virginia gardner
● sebastian stan
● alex pettyfer
● cody christian
● taron egerton
● matt barr
● max theiriot
● nico tortorella
● claire holt
● dylan o’brien
● grant gustin
● nathalie kelley
● freddie stroma
● tristin mays
● lucas till
● avan jogia
● aisha dee
● camille guaty
● bianca a. santos
● kylie bunbury
● (really need some more male fc(s) for my jenna dewan-tatum muse SO pls rec some !)
● candice patton
ships i’d like (bold is the chara i’d play):
● faye chamberlain/diana meade (the secret circle)
● veronica mars/logan echolls (veronica mars)
● katrina straford/bianca stratford (10 things i hate about you)
● marti perkins/savannah monroe (marti’s my badass kween but ava’s too much like savannah) (hellcats)
● more to come when i watch some shows/movies !
plots i’d like:
● pls give me somethin’ based on 10 things i hate about you bc classic !!1
●  gimme gimme some sixteen candles or pretty in pink pls !
● ok but someone give me that cute bartender storyline though? like this guy tends bar at a restaurant or a pub or something and always sees this cute girl hanging out there, but she’s always either with friends or with some guy so he never really gets the time to talk to her BUT ONE DAY she walks into the place alone and orders so many drinks until she’s so bloody drunk, screaming about how her boyfriend cheated on her, that the bartender had to bring her home himself. she wakes up with a horrible hangover, stumbles out the room to find the bartender cooking breakfast and rolling his eyes, laughing. “first of all, you’re an idiot. second, we didn’t have sex if that’s what you’re wondering. third, breakfast will be ready soon. sit.” and fluff commences HELP PLZ ( x )
● i’ll take that platonic ship where muse a and muse b come from different worlds and hang out a lot bc both of them fit comfort in the other. muse b’s pretty much comfortable with spillin’ their guts on a silver platter while muse a just quietly sits back and listens-- offerin’ advice in the process bc it’s the nonjudgmental breakfast club. however, one day, out of the blue, muse a has declined all of muse b’s calls, sendin’ them to voicemail. in a panic, muse b rushes over to muse a’s apartment (w/ food in hand bc they know how much of a foodie muse a is). “you weren’t answerin’ my calls, so i just wanted to see if you were ohkay.” and muse a’s eyes are hella puffy w/ makeup smeared all over and all she can do is smile. pLS stop ME !
● i just wanna play this plot again (dear lordty) i need this f/m plot in my life one more time. muse a was brought up in a religious house hold. all her life, she’s had to abide by her strict parents rules, and the regulations of the bible. bein’ that she grew up in a very judgmental and secure environment, she never had a social life because everything that didn’t involve god was considered worldly, which her parents (mainly her mother) never approved of. seven days a week, 2-4 hours a night, church was her life. after high school she did the whole college thing; attendin’ a religious based alta mater to please her parents. yet, she wasn’t satisfied with her life as it was. one day, she had an epiphany, to live her life for herself instead of livin’ it for others. eger to want to complete that change, muse a moves to a smol lil town in hopes of resettin’ the last year of her life. to make endsmeat, she gets a job as a waitress at the towns local cafe. muse b is a campaign manager (or does something in politics) and always orders food from the cafe where muse a works. whenever muse a delivers muse b’s order, they have an interestingly awkward conversation (seein’ as how they’re two people who’d never in a million years interact with each other) until they meet again. everything is peachy keen until muse a jokingly agrees to volunteer in this event muse b’s office is organizing. a few hours into the event (think of like nature or somethin’ involvin’ outdoor/physical activities) something happens to muse b that causes muse a to kiss muse b out of an abrupt fear for their life. and bam ! everything’s awko taco now because it’s like ‘we kissed. but you still annoy the shit out of me with your cocky, egotistic attitude yet at the same time i love how easily it is to talk to you and how you can make me laugh” and someone pls come and take my computer away from me ! ( x )
● any set plots for any of the muses could be great as well !
● pls hit me with a macgyver-esq plot. i’ve been hella obsessed with my mans lucas till lately that i need a plot that doesn’t just occur in my head. muse a is a secret agent workin’ at a foundation that’s cover is a think tank. muse b is muse a’s significant other (possibly workin’ at said job as a secretary or somefing). due to the capacity of muse a’s job, muse b rarely sees them since they’re always gone for days at a time. just gimme me the ‘i just miss havin’ you around.’ ‘i love you so much’. gimme me da fluff !
● i wanted to say something else but i forgot so i’m outie !
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6969ville · 7 years
part one / part two / part three
Merle works at Home Depot and is the one keeping most of the plants alive
Magnus is a carpenter. He's got his own lil business going.
Taako works at the gas station and has seen A Lot.
They're all roommates and live together in [Town 1]
Magnus wants a dog but the landlord says no :(((
I feel like Taako still does a bunch of witchcraft-y stuff
At first, Merle does most of then cooking because Taako hates cooking for others but at one point he slowly starts getting back into it and then he's just the only one who cooks.
No one else is allowed in the kitchen. No one. Get out.
Taako used to work for a fancy restaurant but one day a bunch of people got rlly bad food poisoning and some people even died and he quit and he's been at the gas station ever since
However at one point when Merle and Magnus were watching tv, something about the restaurant came up, new evidence on the case, Sazed's arrest.
“Taako you should come see this”
“I hate the news fuck off?”
“Dude I think you'd actually be Very interested in this come here”
“Uuuggghhhhh- holy shhit my dudes that's my old manager- what the fuck. What the fuck?”
After that he gets back in the swing of cookin' for his friendos.
Merle has two kids and an ex wife
He sends money back to them often enough.
They were kept a secret from Taako and Magnus until one Christmas- i mean Candle Nights in which he got a letter from them and Magnus and Taako got ahold of it
It's fine no one is too ‘Holy shit what the fuck’
Prior to THB living together, Magnus lived with his wife, and his father-in-law & mentor, Steven.
They were killed by an explosion planted by the old mayor. Magnus was out of town at the time.
They were expecting a child
Merle and Taako were unaware of this part for a long while. They had to use context clues at first but that gave them the wrong answer and when they confronted Magnus about it, Magnus gave them the fuller story.
They were at Goodwill or something and Magnus got caught up looking at baby shoes.
Merle and Taako added that along with the few times they'd seen Magnus with small child and he got hella choked up and decided something like.
“He's probably just upset he'll never get to have kids y'know.”
“I mean he probably could.”
“He's way too devoted to his dead wife i dont think so pal”
“alright true. so hes sad he can't have kids and grow old with the lady he loves.”
They corner him in his room and talk about it. He's carving something and he mostly stays focused on that when talking until he gets way way way too choked up and has to put it down.
“We- we've talked about... Julia before, yeah?”
“Yyyep.” “Mhmm.”
“Well. Um. Be- before she, she died, we...” shaky hands strike the wood and maybe this isn't a good idea. “We were... expecting. A baby. She was pregnant, and,” he almost cuts his thumb so knife gets to go down now. “...yeah.” 
this is officially worse than what Taako and Merle thought.
It's not a great day.
They'll get better, though.
There's still bad days but they get more manageable.
Flash forward, Taako gets himself a boyfriend.
I need to find a way to work in “Hey thug whats your name” bc thats. how i physically need them to meet. idk how tho.
Anyways they go on their first date at the fuckin' Chug and Squeeze and at first Kravitz isn't entirely sure that it's a date and not just like ‘Two bros, chillin at the Chug&Squeeze, three feet apart cuz they're not gay!’ but it becomes abundantly clear that this is a date
Also followed up when they're walking home, Taako gets a call from Lup that literally just starts out 'hey slut whats up' 'im on a date why are you calling me'
“You're on a DATE? With who? Do I need to beat them up? HEY SKANK WHAT'S YOUR NAME TOUCH MY BABY BROTHER AND DIE“ “LUP WE'RE THE SAME AGE GOODBYE sorry about her anyways um walk me home?”
Kravitz, his face very red because Lup is a very loud girl and most of that conversation was in fact audible to him: ok
What is Merle's relationship? With anyone? It's assumed he's dating Davenport. He also is fond of Lucretia.
“Are you dating Davenport??“ Magnus asks, eyeing him suspiciously.
“I think so.” Merle shrugs.
“Ohh my god. Oh my god.” Taako says from the couch. “Incredible.”
Magnus is the third wheel of forever.
Not just in his friends romantic settings though sometimes Lup and Taako will go on lunch dates and 'hey wanna come' 'yeah sure' flash forward 'ohkay ive said about six words this entire hour'
He'll tag along with Carey and Killian from time to time
Killian isn't. Toooo entirely fond of this but its not often enough to be like 'nope this is too much'
He went with them (the second time) to visit Carey's new [niece/nephew] and got to hold them and he started crying
(Killian later told Taako and Merle about this and it was part of their Clues For Sad Magnus)
(In reality he was just super happy for them because look at this tiny beautiful baby!!! so healthy!!! you made this!!!!! he's a weeper)
(Magnus is a total weeper and you can take that from my dead gay hands)
Both Taako and Merle are allergic to cats
This does not keep Taako from petting street cats though.
Taako is allergic to peanuts and will avoid using them in his cooking if he can get away with it.
The only pets they have is Steven the Fish who lives in a giant tank with some guppies and a sucker fish.
Merle has a few of his plants named.
“This is Beth, Abigail, and Petersburg.” They're well loved.
Taako has a number of herbs and stuff which also have names.
“This is Shub-Niggurath, Yig, Cthylla, and Nyarlathotep.” They're also well loved, but mostly by me.
Taako and Lup sibling dates though.
They happen constantly too. They’ll go to other restaurants together and rant about boyfriends and friends and life.
Sometimes they’ll go shopping together and they’re definitely the most obnoxious customers in the store
THB have like two restaurants they’ll go to like at least once a month
They have an order to tell who’s paying 
One of the restaurants they go to has a gumball machine. Some of the gumballs have Nerds in them.
They’re very passionate about Nerds gumballs.
This is also where Leon works so every few weeks the boys come in and his happiness dies because they’re so loud and yell about the fucking gumballs 
[I wrote a thing about it here read it]
Magnus runs his own little carpentry shop with a few employees who frankly mostly just deliver the stuff and run the money and all that shit. Magnus is mostly the only guy workin’ the wood.
When the time came, he helped Carey propose to Killian. Actually it was a little bit of all three of them, but Magnus and Carey came up with the plan.
He also literally carved her a fucking engagement ring
He was her best man at the wedding.
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basegamesimblr · 7 years
uHHH ANOther of these get to know me things!! I just don’t understand why people would just remotely wish to know something about me but it’s so cute Or maybe they keep tagging me by mistake  I don’t know I’m doing it anyway Thank you a lot for tagging me @ohkai-sims!!! ♡ Name: Sara Zodiac Sign: Ariesss Height: 150 cm im short i know Orientation: Ehm? Ethnicity: European? Italian? Don’t think Italian is considered an ethnicity ahah? Favorite Fruit: Peaches & apricots cause theyre soft Favorite Season: Summer!  I hate wearing too much layers Favorite Book Series: I don’t really read book series? I’d say Toby Alone by Timothee de Fombelle that is a children’s novel that I read long long ago, but still love. They’re 2 books, can be considered a series? ahah Favorite Flower: Chrysanthemum Favorite Scent: Cinnamon, pepper, rosemary Favorite Color: Orange, Burgundy, Dark blue-green, Black Favorite Animal: I don’t know, i could get overly affectionate even to a stick insect? But I find pygmy jerboas rlly cute Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa: Coffee Average Sleep Hours: 6 hours normally Cat or Dog Person: Maybe more of a cat person Favorite Fictional Characters: I hate this question. Last time I said Scrooge McDuck, this time I say Ema Shepard that is my commander Shepard in Mass Effect because she’s the most badass commander Shepard ever existed  Number of Blankets I Sleep With: Like, 4 in winter, 1 in summer Dream Trip: Iceland? New Zealand? I don’t know! There’s too many beautiful places.  Blog Created: This summer I think Number of Followers: Ummm we’re about 52 or something and almost 49 of them are porn blogs!! luv u all thx for following me Now I should tag someone aaand I’ll tag @pxelello & @simlystrawberry & I don’t know who to tag so I’ll end that here ahah Do it just if you want to!! ♡
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