sunnyclownn · 1 year
fantroll / fankid godtiers
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natashaandeyi · 2 years
Crossed Paths
At times I hate life for our crossed paths,
For if it weren't for them,
I'd be peacefully crushing on the new face that is just as angelic as yours.
But for these crossed paths,
I can't help but believe there's no prettier face than yours.
Even when I meet a prettier face than yours,
You're the image that is portrayed in mind.
Eventually it's just as tormenting as it would have been had we not met.
I just wish it was later than now,
Because I now have to deal with image of the one meant to cross your path before me,
And darling does it hurt.
I guess this is what it means to be human,
Choosing who'll cross our paths at what time and place is not within our abilities.
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azzysecondary · 3 months
Finally finished all of the protag stories!!!!….. now I just need to get to the crossedpaths and ending~ will comeback with thoughts soonish (within the week ´▽`)
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petnews2day · 3 months
'Lucky' Black Cat Leads Texas Officials to 'Trail of Kittens' After Panhandle Wildfires
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/Lssn2
'Lucky' Black Cat Leads Texas Officials to 'Trail of Kittens' After Panhandle Wildfires
The baby animals were rescued after the “lucky black cat” crossed paths with game warden Sarah Wennersten near Lubbock, Texas Texas Parks and Wildlife/ Instagram; Texas A&M Forest Service via Getty Texas Game Warden Sarah Wennersten A black cat helped save a “trail of kittens” after the devastating Texas wildfires. On Tuesday, the Texas Game […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/Lssn2 #CatsNews #CrossedPaths, #GameWarden, #Lubbock, #LuckyBlackCat, #SarahWennersten, #Texas, #TexasAMForestService, #TexasParksAndWildlife
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sppottdatingapp · 3 years
Sppott is the best free local dating app to find best matches at your nearby location. Its use its deep algorithm to find best match to your profile. Sppott dating online app helps you to find best match, find nearby people and also can find people who crossed your path. Sppott dating app crossed path feature is very interesting it will find the latest and most of the crossed path people. You can chat with person who you crossed path daily, so you find best match nearby and your romance never end.
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viewoflife · 4 years
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#manzil #destination #fate #believe #hope #life #lifequotes #daily #dailymotivation #dailyquotes #paths #crossedpaths #path #partner #find #meaning #meet #seeyouagain #friends #people #time #poetry #poetsofinstagram #poetryisnotdead #poetrycommunity #poetsofig #poetsofindia #poemgasm #poetrysociety #followforfollowback https://www.instagram.com/p/CEXHFe5hDIa/?igshid=1cnquhexnd1xv
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thetarotman · 4 years
FREE Wednesday Night Tarot Readings
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More great stuff from Kaylyn, who is not only a very kind soul, but quite brave, also. Randomly crossing paths at Starbucks, I asked her to take a ride with me and be my model. Thanks for the opportunity, Kaylyn, for being friends and saying, “yes!” #crossedpaths #raremoment #opportunity #takeachance #youneverknowuntilyoutry #introduceyourself #takeoff #carpediem #dosomethingnew #thinkoutsidethebox #kindsoul #goalgetter #defineyourself #friendship #trust #cooperation #goodstuff
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howcanimodel-blog · 5 years
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#highcontrast #dress #crossedpath #devon #California #dirtpath #outdoors #portraiture #photoshoot #bootsforwalking https://www.instagram.com/p/BxjMMD8g0FI/?igshid=z3vof4y4tk5r
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bookwhoreunleashed · 5 years
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My #Top15 #2018 Reads 😍📚💗 and some of my discoveries 😄: ❤ 💗 #Gorgeous - #KristyMarie ❤ 💗 #CrossedPaths - #AutumnRuby ❤ 💗 #Blackwood - #CeliaAaron ❤ 💗 #Disorderly - #HazelGrace ❤ 💗 #DirtyLaundry - #LaurenLandish ❤ 💗 #TheHunted - #ChristyAnderson ❤ 💗 #TheTest - #TawnaFenske ❤ 💗 #VertoVeneri - #AutumnArcher ❤ 💗 #EvenMoney - #AlessandraTorre ❤ 💗 #UnjustifiedDemands - #JordanMarie ❤ 💗 #PeepShow - #IsabellaStarling ❤ 💗 #TeachMeDaddy - Demi Donovan / Isabella Starling ❤ 💗 Strong - #KylieScott ❤ 💗 #MeltForYou - #JTGeissinger ❤ 💗 #BadHabit - #CharleighRose ❤ ❤ 💙 Shifters ❤ 💙 Madison Faye ❤ 💙 Skye Warren https://www.instagram.com/p/BsIg4dnAQ8j/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ghzww6d7v4m7
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sunnyclownn · 2 years
meteors are heading towards you and ur still trying to edate ?!?!?!
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i was gonna add a blackrom tier since jestix and kain do kinda almost get hate crushes on eachother but it never really ends up happening sooooo
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kaktus-tajam · 4 years
Crossed Paths: Yang Perlu Diyakini Sebelum ke Luar Negeri
Ini bukan tulisan per-jodoh-jodoh-an ya. Dan iniiii bukan untuk promosi tulisan sendiri kok tapi aku habis meleleh dengan kebesaran-Nya ketika mengingat-ingat ini. Semoga ada hikmah yang sampai!
Aku pernah menjanjikan seri #crossedpaths yang ternyata sampai saat ini masih jadi utang. Yaitu, kisah-kisah dipertemukannya aku dengan saudara-saudara seiman. Hah? Apa uniknya? Hehe. Karena dari jutaan probabilitas di negeri minoritas: Aku berjumpa, lalu terikatlah hati tanpa banyak basa-basi.
Melbourne, penghujung 2019
Pertautan hati yang meruntuhkan tembok bebal: warna kulit, mazhab, asal, latar belakang ekonomi mau pun pendidikan, dll. Hanya karena: identitas kita muslim! Justru ketika menjadi minoritas aku bisa cicipi rasa ukhuwwah itu. Dibuat malu, karena jadi penerima bukan pemberi. Sesama muhajirin, tapi mereka berbesar hati menjadi anshar. (Kalau kata ustadz.. kaum Anshar itu, passion-nya menolong orang)
(yang di-bold itu asal negaranya..)
Indonesia: Dokter peneliti neurosains yang tidak 'kuat' makan minum berdiri tiap konferensi internasional (click)
Somalia: Diantarkan sampai depan pintu rumah padahal baru berkenalan (click)
Jordan: PhD candidate dari bumi yang diberkahi, (click)
Indonesia: Pemilik toko muslim pertama, 'meninggalkan' demi belajar kalam-Nya (click)
Turki: Setelah ibunya meninggal, malah menguatkan aku yang sedang sedih (click)
Afghanistan: Hampir terlambat ke airport, disapa kakek supir taksi (click)
Dan lebih banyak lagi, yang tidak tertulis! Istri dari pasien stroke yang tegar (India), kasir museum dengan wajah bersinar (Uzbekistan), dokter-dokter alumni FKUGM yang sabar menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan bocah (read: aku), anak-anak FKUI ‘sejawat negeri kangguru’, ibu ‘kost’-ku dan keluarganya (semoga Allah merahmati beliau sekeluarga) partner diskusi semalaman, mbak-mbak perawat muda yang PhD, sekelompok orang indonesia di majelis ta’lim surau. Dsb.
Semoga Allah menjaga mereka.
Lebih lucunya lagi?
Setelah sekian lama kuliah di FK-KMK UGM, gak kebayang jalan-jalan bareng bu dekan dan tim cochrane. Bahkan untuk naruh itu di bucket list aja ga kepikiran, karena.. what are the odds? (click)
Sekilas geli sendiri bacanya, tapi juga.. kok bisa ya? 
Karena beberapa kali nge-post di instagram waktu itu, jadi dapat pertanyaan demikian. Mungkin mereka heran, karena ini pertama kali aku ditinggal sendiri di negeri orang. Dan aku di sana ‘seorang diri’ (teman laki-laki sekampus yang berangkat, beda flight, beda departemen, beda tempat tinggal..) 
Ku tidak bisa menjawabnya selain...
Numpang di doa ibu. Doa ayah. Ibu, yang mengajarkan aku konsep..
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dan Dia (Allah) yang mempersatukan hati mereka (orang yang beriman). Walaupun kamu menginfakkan semua (kekayaan) yang berada di bumi, niscaya kamu tidak dapat mempersatukan hati mereka, tetapi Allah telah mempersatukan hati mereka. Sungguh, Dia Mahaperkasa, Mahabijaksana (QS 8:63)
So untuk kamu yang hendak berpergian, merantau di tempat asing: jangan takut dan jangan bersedih. Menggantungkan nasib diri bukan pada uang, koneksi, atau pun jabatan seberapa pun zhahir-nya demikian.
Seperti surat dari sahabatku di LDF dulu, 
Habibah + Allah = enough
Seseorang bersilaturahmi ke Buya HAMKA. Ia bilang, “Pelacur di Arab itu memakai cadar dan hijab”.
“Oh ya? Saya barusan dari Los Angeles dan New York, Masya Allah, ternyata disana tidak ada pelacur,” kata Buya HAMKA.
“Ah mana mungkin Buya, di Makkah saja ada kok. Apalagi di Amerika, pasti banyak lagi,” kata seorang tamunya itu.
Maka kata Buya Hamka, “Kita ini memang hanya akan dipertemukan dengan apa-apa yang kita cari.
"Meskipun kita ke Mekkah, tetapi jika yang diburu oleh hati adalah hal-hal yang buruk, maka setan dari golongan jin dan manusia akan berusaha membantu kita untuk mendapatkannya...
“Tetapi sebaliknya, sejauh perjalanan ke New York, Los Angeles, bila yang dicari adalah kebajikan dan kebaikan, maka segala kejelekan akan enggan dan bersembunyi” tutupnya.
yang dulu setiap harinya kalau keluar apartemen deg-degan 
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sohmay-blog · 7 years
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xmonday-mintx · 5 years
trying to come up with SaiSasuke headcanons. 🤔 theyre in the same line of work.. (investigation/intel gathering) with Sai based in Konoha.. and Sasuke outside Konoha. and sometime they crossedpath (Mujina bandits arc-Kara investigation). i feel like theyd work well together in terms of chemistry... as Sai with the rest of the Ss (shika, Shino) or maybe just some silly unexpected moments. (Sasuke walking in on SaiIno nurse playtime in one of the hospital rooms.) what would yours be?
“Sasuke walking in on SaiIno nurse playtime in one of the hospital rooms”cough*Sry my eyes suddenly feel focused more than usual( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) cough*      Anyway, SaiSasuke. I think this is a pair(not as romantic but as interaction) I hv never thought much into it but I think I really would love to see. Even in canon, their interaction could had been explored further. But Sai and Sasuke was seen to be never interacted again after the Orochimaru hideout arc. 
Do you know what I want to see more in Canon?
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THIS (Naruto Chap 635 Page 14+15)
Think about it.  It’s about SAI, It’s about SASUKE, It’s about SAKURA!! THIS IS MEANING SOMETHING and yet Kishimoto dropped this foreshadowing out and never seen to be having any satisfying resolve for Sakura’s and Sai’s thoughts  afterwards .
JUST LOOK AT THAT SMILE. She’s faking it(this is already second time) and Sai was the one who understand that. Sakura never wanted to hurt her love ones but She was always holding back her feelings in. Her distrust, her anger. Of course! she was wary about what Sasuke could have done in this war. HE could have killed Naruto. HE could have Betrayed the village.  But Sakura didn’t want to hurt Naruto and She wanted to “believe” in Sasuke. So she was forcing herself again. And Sai gets that! Sai cares for Sakura and Naruto a lot too. So Sai’s distrust towards Sasuke would have just grow in my opinion.       It’s not like I am saying I want to see them  “fight” during Boruto era. It’s good to know that they are getting alone and working together. what I wanted to see is Shippuden/ Pre-War/War  interaction of Sai and Sasuke(+and Sakura).
 And totally not this
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I know she doesn’t wanna hurt Sasuke . I know it is easier said than done sometimes. But sakuraaaa , gurlllllllllll , you can do a lottt more than you think you can.AND  I also know it isn’t that easy to go close to someone who is consumed by hatred and totally pushing you away. But I still believe there could have been other way round for Sakura to approach to Sasuke. Maybe it is because of Shounen Manga, girls’ feeling aren’t put in as prioritize as boys.  But yeah
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  I just wanted this smile to be resolved and handle with care. This could have been a major play in the last arc of the war. This could have meant something during Naruto and Sasuke ‘s fight.
whew it suddenly become the topic about sakura
Well Sai could have been played as some major role too Just think about it. What Sasuke (who is anti konoha) wanted is Revolution and he hated the village’s elders and Sai is Danzo’s dog (who is pro konoha). The man who manipulated Itachi! This two connection could have played further. Why would Kishimoto just bluntly drop that idea.   I really like overprotective Sai to his teammates over Sasuke (thou it isn’t even headcanon but canon!). And wishing to see lowkey rivalry and certain annoyance/ grudge that Sai would hold towards Sasuke. Sai doesn’t particularly have anything against Sasuke but Sai just doesn’t like him at all xD I don’t know if you have seen the Fanfic called “Sai’s Recovery List” My fav fic so far…and u guys must have seen thousand times I said that fic name That is exactly what I want Sai and Sasuke chemistry. (the lowkey rivalry + distrust  towards each other).   
 That’s why I just wish Kishimoto would explored more on how they develop and gain trusts towards each other among new and old team 7 members . Sai and Sasuke that’s it. Oh but I would totally stan the hell out of Deidara+Sasori  interaction to Sai but i will never get over the fact that blonde deidara brat commented on Sai that he can never be sasuke =-=like i said why would Sai wanna be like Sasuke . ANd Sasuke,himself didn’t freaking care about It  and why the freak narrative keep doing thatAnd the interaction between Kankuro /Omoi and Sai is great too. wait..now I think about it…It’s Shikadai and ChouChou’s Uncles.  Cool
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victoriaviveskhuong · 3 years
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This picture is from one of my favorite photoshoots and guess what? I don’t remember the name of the photographer!! Sometimes I take for granted how having things on IG helps me keep track of connections and friendships and that is one of the reasons why I love it! Today, let’s continue Thanksgiving weekend keeping in our hearts the amazing people we crossed paths with and never ever take that for granted! . . . . . #photos #beautyphotos #photographers #photoshoots #rememberthename #headshotportrait #neverforgranted #victoriavives #victoriaviveskhuong #happyweekend #thanksgivingweekend #happysunday #igfriends #gratefulforyou #inspiration #inspirational #dailyinspiration #dailyinspo #throwback #amazingpeople #crossedpaths #favoritephotos #notforgranted #remembering #memories #favorites #beautypic #beautyphotoshoot #beautyshot #goodmorning (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CW07MzPPYJH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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polygonatic · 7 years
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