#//but it either works or it doesn't to him. He doesn't want to fail. xD
Request: Yandere Silver and Yandere Sebek in love with younger sister with Yandere Platonic Malleus.
Yandere Sebek Zigvolt
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Sebek's feelings would be really complicated.
He would love and admire you a lot.
But at the same time, you are also his master's younger sibling.
And he would never want to disrespect you.
Sebek would rather die.
Sebek knows that he would never be good enough to be your partner.
But at the same time, he doesn't think anyone else deserves you either.
He would first try to suppress his feelings.
Sbek would try really hard.
But he would fail.
Maybe eventually Sebek would try to talk to Malleus.
He is your big brother after all.
Sebek knows he could lose his job because of this.
His actions are definitely not professional.
But he would be willing to take that risk.
That's how much he loves you.
Malleus, surprisingly, would not be against this idea.
Like any yandere big brother he would want to keep his sister safe.
And what better choice than his bodyguard.
A person who would be loyal to him.
That way Malleus would be satisfied and Sebek would be satisfied.
The only one who might not be happy would be you.
After all, you are not asked.
Yandere Silver
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You and Silver would have known each other since childhood.
Silver would surely have had a crush on you ever since.
It would inspire him to become a knight.
So that he could keep you safe.
And he would train hard.
Or at least would try.
After all, a brave knight has a better chance of marrying a princess.
His chances wouldn't be so good otherwise.
Because he would be human and not royalty.
Mostly bc he is human.
Silver yandere tendencies don't start out strong.
But they get worse over time.
Soon you're the only thing Silver can think about.
He would dream about you every night.
He thinks he can keep his feelings a secret but there is one person who sees right through him.
And this person is Lilia.
Lilia would definitely try to help him.
One of the most important things is that his son is happy.
Lilia would try to talk to Malleus.
And oh boy would she be good at it.
"10 reasons why Silver is a good husband" powerpoint presentation XD
And it would indeed work.
Surely you wouldn't have anything to say back either.
You wouldn't want to go against your brother though, would you?
After all, doesn't Malleus know what's best for you?
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ofallthingsnasty · 1 year
heyy omg it's so fun to read your manipulator post!! can I please get when they become a total mess without you? like when they regret and all.. I know that kaiser won't ever regret something due to his superiority complex. so I wanna know what will he do without reader, I'm sure he somehow got little attached to reader right? AND PLEASE LET READER GO FOR GOOD NOT COMING BACK TO THAT BASTARD xD (thank youuuu! I know that I'm asking to much *sigh*)
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ah I'm so happy it resonated so well with so many people!! I really like the more hopeless, mean side of yanderes and I feel like Blue Lock really provides us with so many fucked up little guys who can really make your head spin -- it's the same reason reader will always end up with them but let me give you some food for thought haha. References this post. Requests are open!
tags: yandere, baby trapping, reader can get pregnant but no pronouns are used, emotional manipulation, noncon mention
word count: 0.6k
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We talked about you escaping Kaiser as a foreign darling here and I still think that at first, Kaiser will be seething. It takes him a good while to calm down again, to mend his broken ego at least a little bit. He does have feelings for you - he isn't cold, doesn't only view you as something to possess - but he wants to be worshipped. That anger is definitely born out of a sense of superiority and entitlement but also hurt feelings. That man loves you more than he likes to admit and your absence hurts him in ways he hasn't experienced before. It’s a confusing mix for him.
All things he does during those initial weeks: (subtly) dragging your name through the mud in the public, pulling strings to make life as hard as possible for you, having Ness talk to you - if they all fail, if nothing can make you crawl back to him on your hands and knees, I can see that anger slowly turning to desperation. It’s absolutely ugly. He doesn’t know what to do with the feeling, too used to getting what he wants, to winning. Ness will bear the brunt of it, no doubt. Moody, even more easily irritated than he already is, he’ll all but terrorize his team mates. Even the media picks up on it and they’ll have a field day with reporting on the subject. People around him are incredibly concerned for him and it will only drive him further up the wall.
In the end, he’ll turn up at your door on his own, no middlemen needed.
You’ll barely recognize him. Hair disshevelled, face pale with too little sleep and eyes red, he looks pathetic as he stares at you from his place on your doorstep.
It’s hard not to feel at least a little bit of pity for him when he looks like this. And maybe because he only ever emotionally abused you - never really kept you, never hurt you physically - your memories soften and you see his raw, vulnerable innards, see that big soccer star as some genuinely hurt young man, small and desperate. It isn’t really an act but the words he weaves aren’t all that truthful, either. It won’t take long for you to let him back into your heart: Being so close to him, remembering how you did love him, how he could be so sweet when he wanted to- that and the heartfelt talks you two are having even make you forgive him for the stunt he pulled with Ness. Everything is just too easily explained away with desperation, with him being beside himself after you left. One tiny part of you wants him to change, wants that initial magic of dating a pro athlete, back. You want to believe that he can and will change, that’s why his little spiel works on you in the first place. You still have too much love for him, in the end.
Kaiser is obsessed with control, we know as much - and what is one way to really bind you to him? Oh, it’s almost too easy. Marrying you is a no-brainer but today’s marriages are easily broken apart. No. He needs something entirely different - a child. Just one. A tiny little bundle of joy, the spitting image of the both of you, something that irrevocably keeps you with him, makes you think twice before leaving again. And he wouldn’t mind a child, even if he doesn’t feel quite ready yet - it doesn’t matter, as long as you stay with him for as long as you both live. Getting you so drunk you puke up your pill and don’t even remember him fucking you while you’re half-conscious is a breeze. Happy little accidents happen all the time, don’t they?
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Since Eclipse is back how would things go out in Automaton Heart Au?
I could see Eclipse pretending to be Solar but imagine this. Moon and Solar are dating but didn't tell anyone yet even though it's very obvious. Not to Eclipse though, he just knows they understand each other well.. And wants to take that as an advantage to get into Moon's room as he pretends to be Solar, Moon pulls him aside to talk to him and give him a peck. Eclipse is in total shock while Solar comes back only to see his "clone" and Moon is confused.
I find that prospect so amusing, because in Automaton Heart AU, Eclipse IS alive.
He's been hiding under Sun's bed.
Yup This whole time.
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(slightly related IZ gif cus I couldn't find the specific one I wanted)
And yeah, Sun knows he's there. He just hasn't told Moon exactly about it yet. They have an arrangement.
I guess I'll say some juicy details while being tumblr-appropriate. XD
Sun's room we know exists in the show, as it's been mentioned a few times, but it's never shown. (likely cus they can't think of anything in VR that makes logical sense)
So we know Sun's room is the only place that doesn't have any cameras.
In Automaton Heart AU.
Eclipse didn't die.
He believed to by Solar, and Moon because the blast that destroyed the star in his chest cavity. That would have destroyed nearly anyone.
But it knocked parts of him back. A majority of him was destroyed, but a torso, a hand, and a head/faceplate (with the rays/spikes blown off) managed to lodge deep into the ball pit.
When Moon traveled back to his own dimension, away from Solar's (After Solar yelled at him and punched Moon for not letting him sacrifice himself) Eclipse got teleported back to the main dimension along with Moon.
Waiting at the bottom of the Ballpit.
He wasn't biding his "evil time" or whatever.
He was completely knocked out and his systems failed. He was dead for all intents and purposes.
A few Days later, as Sun is disinfecting the Ball pit, he nearly trips over something.
Sun and Moon never noticed him, because they openly admit on the show to have their Olfactory sensors off, because they're working with Stinky Kids all the time. So they didn't even notice the smells of burnt metal deep within the ballpit, despite parent complaints because they just thought it was "Karen's being Karens" or them having issues with Fazbear or something.
Sun disturbing the charred broken frame of Eclipse (back to SolarFlare's body, because the Eclipse Body was entirely on star power. Just without the head spikes, a torso, and a pretty mangled hand with half his fingers missing) The machine whirrs to life.
Something that Sun is terrified of and didn't think would be physically possible.
Eclipse is motivated simply by anger and spite. As if he was his own ghost in the machine possessing his very being. He is 100% motivated by spite, as he is in all aspects of his life. He has nothing left to give. And he crawls toward Sun, weak, barely able to keep his head above the pit.
He wants to hurt them. He wants to kill them. They did this to them. It's all their fault. It's always been their fault hasn't it?
Eclipse lacks his proper monologuing skills. His voice box is charred. He can't speak but garbled sounds. His mind is too fractured to think properly. All he wants is to cause harm.
He collapses, his damaged claws tearing the edge of Sun's slipper.
And Sun doesn't know what to do.
He could just... Kill him again, but Eclipse is like this now. Sun doesn't even know how the fuck he survived any of that.
He could just kick him into the pit and have the Computer send him to another dimension...
But that doesn't sound right to Sun either.
He could tell Moon, but Moon would just like... find a gun and shoot him point blank at this point. Like putting down an injured animal.
That also doesn't sit right with Sun.
(Sun's Bloodmoon hallucinations/intrusive thoughts are going rampant as he tries to make a discission.)
Sun decides he'll figure out what to do with Eclipse later, and locks him in his room, away from the cameras and away from Moon.
He will tell Moon....
Sun and Eclipse reach a mutually beneficial agreement from this... as Sun agrees to fix Eclipse and give him a new body, as long as Eclipse plans to not hurt his family anymore.
Eclipse hated this, but he "agreed" his logic being that, since he can't make a verbal agreement, he can double cross Sun and kill them all once he's fixed.
But, it takes a long time for Sun to repair him and get parts.
It would go faster with Moon, since Moon has the more logical mind....
But Sun doesn't exactly want to tell his brother yet, as Moon is distracted with Solar, and he seems happy for the first time in a long while. He doesn't want to ruin that by saying "oh you didn't kill Eclipse by the way"
Also, Eclipse Also agrees that he doesn't want help from Moon.
Cue Slowburn in the background of Sun, tenderly taking care of Eclipse. And warming Eclipse on the idea of second chances.
Cue Eclipse not understanding why Sun is bothering with a lost cause of him at this point...
The two actually listening to eachother and enjoying eachother's company.
They don't talk about the past.... not yet.
Eclipse certainly can't...
but he is forced to listen, he can't move... and have someone genuinely caring and looking out for him....
and then they kiss.....
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pageofheartdj · 4 months
Lucifer would for SURE have that insecurity. Pulling away? Not wanting to make the first step towards communication? Feeling out of place and like he doesn't belong? I bet the other's would catch on and they'd all develop their own approaches into encouraging Lucifer out of his depression cave, so to speak.
Alastor would probably annoy him out of it but if that didn't work would probably ask Rosie or Lilith for help? He's got a reputation as the Unflappable Radio Demon to uphold (headcanon: Alastor is awkward with emotions and doesn't quite know what to do so he sorta.. either doesn't say anything when he has to deal with emotions with others or is snarky because he at least knows how to do that. He develops his own way of showing appreciation and comfort though)
Alastor and Rosie ABSOLUTELY would have gossip sessions. Lilith might join in just to hear the updates about some big drama (ugh Susan) and offer tea and biscuits or something? Lucifer popping in with a snarky comment but wanting to just sit back and enjoy their company is sweet!
I could see Rosie's insecurity maybe coming from wanting to help everyone and feeling sorta guilty that she isn't in cannibal town there to help 24/8? Like, she might get worried that she'll miss something or something could happen to the town while she's gone?
Lilith uhhh. Maybe she feels out of place? The rest either did something to piss off god (lucifer) or actively earned their spot in hell, meanwhile she just.. didn't want to be a servant to an asshole of a man. Like, absolutely fair but probably doesn't feel equivalent to literally gifting humanity freewill and whatever Al and Rosie were up to. She's in between a fallen angel and human but didn't really live the life of either?
Charlie would be SO supportive and Alastor would take such joy in flexing that he has some of/literally the most powerful demons on "his side" (they love him despite being showy sometimes).
Maybe there'd be some tension between Luficer and Alastor because Al is more like the stereotypical devil than Lucifer is?
They're all so silly and quirky and have such potential xD honestly relationship goals tho? In a polycule (queer platonic, in my case) where everyone can get along in different ways and support each other and be comfortable being themselves?? Goals xD
Yeah the feeling of shame and guilt will keep appearing and therefore 'who would want to someone like him, cant even create anymore' TT
Oh I absolutely believe being geniunely open and vulnerable is extremely hard to Alastor! His smiles and sharp behaviour is not just a mask but a protective comfortable layer! And even if he tries to be more close it's still the default that is hard to pass by. I believe he can muster something actually real if the other person will be so crushed they aren't reacting to anything else anymore!!
Honestly Rosie and Alastor are a nice tag team xD He deals with the depressed king when he is too inside of his head, he can be manhandled by Alastor xD And when he is actually responsive, Rosie can step in and gently reassure him. And Lilith will give this 'do you love us? respect us? we would never stay with someone we dont care about and you know it'. This harsh love xD
I really like how in terms of dealing with stress and trauma Alastor pushes forward and Lucifer pulls away😭
I've read Rosie likes cooking! Like Al!! Imagine them preparing food for private lunches! I hc Lucifer is a decent cook, but there is not point in trying when these two are amazing XD And Lilith can watch over and make sure they aren't slipping something more fleshy XD So in the end they just sit there and Rosie gives all the hot goss with Alastor and Lilith joining in and Lucifer chilling while following their conversations and occasionally commenting <3
OH she might! She is very envolved with her community and she probably takes to heart when she fails someone while she expected not to! I LOVE characters that put too much on their shoulders!!(she is just like Charlie fr fr)
I don't know with Lilith. It seems she got all she wanted: got away from Adam, got an awesome new home where she 'thrived'. I do wonder if she is... vengeful? SHE got it all good, but her husband was crushed and he never properly recovered. She might be furious with Heaven for this. And for exterminations.
Oh Alastor is truly an attention seeker, he would always flex his partners in public(but never be actually intimate with them because it is for HIM to see only!)
It may be at the beginning? But it would be fun if Lucifer will actually use Alastor's scariness xD Oh you want a scary devil? I can give you something scary xD And Alastor enjoys it, intimidating and jumping people is his favourite type of fun xD
*sigh* All their dynamics are so fun it's a treat <3 (Rosie and Lilith having ohoho mean gossip sessions with their 'pathetic' looks on others(ugh Susan), Rosie and Alastor going on hunts and cooking together, Alastor and Lucifer having improvised lighthearted musical competitions(full blown dance numbers), Lucifer and Lilith going to concerts and theatres incognito, Lilith and Alastor having violent and fun radio podcasts, Rosie and Lucifer going to hellborn balls and Cannibal Town gatherings)
(for me it's only QPR cause everyone else can mess around and I'll jump in for a short smooch and be out jkhj XD)
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thenovelartist · 1 year
IkePri headcanon - childhood friends
I'm getting cross-eyed from editing a novel, and this plot bunny started ravaging my brain. I had to take a break and write it so it would shut up. XD
IkePri Headcanon - what if the eight princes knew Emma in their childhood, only to reunite when she came to the palace as Belle?
(Long post under the cut because I don't write short things LOL)
They were neighbors growing up, so Jin had known her since they were babies.
Then his mom got sick and passed, and he was determined to make it to Rhodolite castle.
Her family was aiming to move in hopes of finding a better life, so Jin rode with them towards the capital of Rhodolite kingdom.
They felt pity for him, so they would help him out as much as they could if the king turned him away. Not that that happened.
However, Emma's family happened to find an opportunity to settle in the city, so Jin still crossed paths with them on occasion.
As they got older, they kept in touch less, but Jin always knew where to find Emma when he needed someone to talk to. She was always good for giving out everything from encouragement to scoldings to blunt advice.
That, and she made the best chocolate spice cake he'd ever known. He loved chatting over sweets with her.
Then came the bloodstained rose day. After that bloodbath, the torment in his mind grew too loud for him to handle alone. He ended up confiding in her what he did.
And then he cut off their friendship entirely.
He felt guilty. Dirty. Shameful. Why would a girl who had her act together want to be friends with a failed prince like him?
Besides, she was too bright, too full of love to give. They were both at the age that looking for marriage partners was reasonable, and he wanted her to find a good man without anyone getting the wrong idea about the two of them.
On top of that, he wasn't looking for true love the way she was. Although...
No, his position meant he couldn't make an exception for her, even if he wanted to, which he didn't.
Fast forward, and a Belle is chosen.
And that devil really brought Miss Pure-of-Heart into the castle.
Jin wouldn't leave her high and dry. Seeing as they were old friends, he would take responsibility for making sure she was taken care of.
But she only let him help her after she finished chewing him out for cutting her from his life.
(His brothers had a field day listening to that conversation.)
It wasn't long before they grew inseparable again, falling right back into their easy comradery they had built as youngsters.
It surprised him that she had remained unmarried. He would have thought she'd be settled with a family by now.
But he couldn't make any moves on her. She was a pure-hearted true love believer. And he... was not.
Yet his resolve snapped after seeing her at the graves on remembrance day.
Because she'd made it there before him, and that's when he realized she'd been here, laying flowers on those graves for years.
The way she looked at him when he arrived... it was like she'd never held those deaths against him. Like she'd forgiven him.
And when she leaned against his side, sliding her hand into his to hold as they stood there in mourning, he knew she still supported him, still believed in him, even after all these years.
Maybe there was such a thing as true love. And she made it mighty tempting to find out.
Her parents worked in the castle library, meaning she grew up in the castle.
Of course everyone had heard of the brutal beast child who isn't even human.
And it's not like Emma didn't see it, either.
Chevalier doesn't waste time with anyone, no matter what age. They were all terrified of him, anyway.
Except this infuriatingly incompetent simpleton who spent her days following her father around the library and dared to start conversations with Chevalier, of all people, over books.
He has made her run away in tears more than once.
But finally, she has the last word.
"You're just saying your a beast so you can pretend you're not human, but you're human as the rest of us!"
He makes it his mission to prove her wrong.
And she never accepts any answer. Even if it takes her a day or two, she will always find a retort.
It takes a while, but he finally accepts her as the amusing library simpleton.
And it's like that for years.
By the time they're teenagers, they've created a quasi-acquaintanceship. Which is the closest thing to a friendship Chevalier has ever had.
However, there comes a time she feels the need to grow up and leave the castle. To find her own job. Hence why she ends up working for a bookstore.
Chevalier now almost exclusively orders books through her.
However, that's all. Their relationship shifts strictly to a business one as Chevalier doesn't see the reason to waste time corresponding despite how saddened that makes him feel.
Then comes the time she is chosen for Belle. Despite Sariel knowing her already (he remembered everyone who had worked in the castle. He especially remembered the one girl that wasn't afraid of the brutal beast.) he feels she would be the perfect person to fill the position.
And when Chevalier discovers who was chosen, he's amused.
(His brothers almost have a heart attack upon seeing Chevalier, of all people, smiling. At a woman.)
Chevalier even dares to instigate conversation with her and teases her as much as he can. But he also invites her into his private library whenever she wishes.
In that month, he comes to realize that he is surprisingly upset by the prospect of her leaving again, only to never reappear.
Which only grows worse when he's chosen as king.
So he uses his authority to keep her there in the castle.
Now, they have all the time in the world to explore just why he feels this way.
She was his first target ever.
She just had such fun reactions when he pulled a prank on her. He couldn't help but want to pull more and more.
You know the adage of "boys pull a girls' pigtails on a playground because he likes her"? Yeah. It's like that with pranks.
It's only because of a gentle warning from his loving mother that he stops pulling pranks on her and starts pulling them with her, instead.
He finds her yelling at him highly amusing. But not as amusing as her laughing along with him while trying to pretend it wasn't funny.
He soon finds himself clinging to her because she's the one person who is always there to give him the validation he needs.
Unfortunately, it's a double edged sword as she also just so happens to be there every time he's a failure. Every time he's a mess. Every time he's worthless and pathetic.
Yet, she never laughs at him. Never mocks him.
Instead, she's there to patch up any injuries (or just sooth his injured pride) and encourage him. And occasionally yell at him that he's an idiot for thinking he's a worthless fool.
She's one of the select few people who's seen him at his lowest. And he's learned to become okay with that.
As they grow up, they grow apart. But they never really lose touch. Clavis is very loyal to his people, you see. Particularly his favorite people.
So while he might not see her every day, he knows she works at the book shop and what exactly her hours are.
She always greets him with a scowl and some version of "what do you want, Clavis?"
Then Sariel ends up picking her as Belle.
Ohhh, this just got amusing.
They spend every day together, him taking it upon himself to show her around the castle and be her guide to all things about his brothers.
She'll never admit just how happy she is for that.
But then she chooses a king, meaning it's time for her to leave.
After having spent a month together attached at the hip, Clavis finds he's very opposed to letting her go.
So he finds a way to get her to stay.
She publicly laments over this.
Privately... she makes sure to tell him just how happy she is to be with her lovely lover.
She was a friend of the fourth prince. Officially, she was the daughter of the fourth prince's doctor, so she was around quite frequently.
Leon didn't hit it off with her right away. But they grew closer over time.
She was often there helping Leon with his studies, alongside the fourth prince.
What made them grow close was that Emma read off books for Leon to listen to. It was the greatest help in helping him learn and stay awake for long periods of time.
Then came the day the fourth prince passed, and everyone who knew that secret was slaughtered.
It broke Leon's heart, believing that Emma was among those gone. She was the closest thing he had to a friend. She treated him no differently than she had the prince. In her eyes and hers alone, Leon felt like an equal.
It made her loss a little harder to bear than others.
Fast forward several years, and he finds a woman in town that resembles her.
And that spice this woman has, slapping that man in the middle of the street square.
Absently, Leon runs a hand through his hair. Why does the back of his head hurt with that familiar sting of being smacked with a book, his mind lingering back to being yelled at by a fiery little girl for slacking off.
And then this woman was brought to the castle as Belle.
It's her. It has to be. But it takes Leon a few days to really accept that fact.
He absconds with her one evening, allowing him the privacy needed to confirm that fact.
Which she does. "You've gotten cocky."
He just laughs. Whole and hearty. It was her. And he couldn't be happier.
As they talk about the past, he learns that she had escaped death by accident. She had been running an errand and had gotten lost, effectively hiding her from the hired assassin.
She'd had to struggle finding her footing again, but she got taken in by the bookstore owner and had worked there ever since.
But now, the problem lies in the fact Leon is not going to let her go. She's the one person he can open his heart to, and the relief that gives him is not one he's going to give up any time soon.
She was the daughter of his wet nurse.
Literally raised together. For many years.
She was older, and bolder, so Yves used to follow her around.
And she was the one who paid the most attention to him when everyone wanted to stay away from the Half Obsidian prince.
He loved playing with her hair growing up. And she always let him.
They'd been seen more than once sitting in the garden, Emma showing Yves how to braid her hair and Yves decorating it with flowers.
They always snuck into the kitchen for treats and whatnot.
When they got old enough, he made his first dessert with her: a batch of cookies.
They pinky promised to make cookies together all the time.
But that promise could only last so long.
When Emma and her mother left the castle to pursue a job elsewhere, Yves was once again left alone.
He didn't like baking cookies for the longest time because of their pinky promise.
But an older brother has to take care of his younger brother when he looks sad and comments that he wants a cookie.
Fast forward, and Emma is brought in as Belle.
She notices Yves stalking her right away, but decides she'll pretend not to notice.
But after the third time of glancing his direction with a smile, he'll appear. Only to be teased by her that even as an adult, he's still following her around.
He gets all blushy, and fervently denies how happy he is about seeing her again.
She's the same as ever, judging him on his character instead of his birth and encouraging him like she used to.
But it's when they finally bake cookies together again that Yves realizes that he can't let her go. That he's scared to.
After all, who could love a half-obsidian monster?
(Well, the answer is not her, because she's sure to tell him he's not an unlovable monster. He's just a handsome, hard-working prince whom she loves very dearly.)
She was like him: the daughter of a songstress. The reason she was in the castle, though, was because she was also the daughter of the gardener.
He didn't always pay her much mind, but there was one thing that always stuck out about her.
She sang. Often.
And Licht liked to sing, when he could sneak away from his studies.
So he ended up singing along with her at times.
Nokto sometimes joined, but not always. He liked listening to Licht sing. Particularly with Emma. They always sounded so pretty.
And Licht lit up like the sunrise whenever he sang with her.
They sang together whenever they could. Up until the "incident" when Licht went silent.
Occasionally, she'd sneak through the castle and sing to him through his door. For the longest time, he buried his head under the covers and cried at the sound.
And just when Licht thought he might start singing again, she was gone, having moved out of the castle.
He regretted not singing with her one last time, but he supposed he deserved it for his actions.
Fast forward many years, and Belle is chosen.
Licht didn't recognize her right away. In fact, he didn't recognize her at all.
He just ignored her for the time being, finding a private moment to sing in the garden like he sometimes enjoyed doing. Only, this time a female voice joined him, harmonizing to his own.
But that voice sounded familiar, as did the way their voices blended together.
He couldn't help but start searching for the owner, actually growing excited as he did.
And then he spotted Belle. That's when he finally recognized her.
After that, he quickly warmed up to her. For once, he didn't just sing with her but actually spent time talking with her.
Beyond that, he spent time not talking with her. Instead, sitting silently as they shared sweets she made for him or walked around town.
And it scared him how much he wanted her to stay. He didn't deserve her.
But she'd been there when the incident happened. She knew everything, and she never judged him.
It didn't take long for him to surrender to her outpouring of love and decide he was going to steal this happiness for himself. But only this happiness, he'd never ask for anything more than her, his perfect harmony.
She was the daughter of the palace doctor.
She was a few years older than the twins, actually. Which was why she felt responsible for watching out for them.
Particularly when she noticed they hid their injuries from their "punishments"
She forced her care on them quite frequently. And if they went into hiding to avoid her smothering hand, she would sneak bandages and salves into their rooms.
She always knew when they were hiding injuries. She was like Sariel that way, but nicer.
Which is why the twins soon surrendered to her treatments.
It wasn't anything special, per se, but Nokto and Licht both knew she was someone who was safe to be around.
And they loved when she let them hide in her room from Sariel. She could stand up against the devil, which earned both their respects.
But Nokto was the one who learned from her smooth tongue.
He found it impressive, the way she could slip her way out of conversations or get people to talk based on her words alone.
He didn't fully realize it might have just been her personality as well. He was too young to realize he'd been charmed by her, too.
After the incident, she was the one to check up on the twins, who each locked her out.
She knew right away that both the boys had trouble sleeping after that. Which was why she made tea for both the boys to help them sleep.
Nokto was the one who relied on it the most. He just wanted to disappear from the world. So even though the tea she made him was bitter, it would make the world go away, just for a little while.
But then Emma left, finding work in town and taking that tea with her.
At first, he was disappointed he didn't get her recipe. But it wasn't long until he realized he missed her safe presence, as well.
The world really was crumbling around him, and he accepted it.
Until she came back as Belle.
At first, he didn't want her close. He used that sly tongue he'd acquired to push her away.
Not that it worked.
He'd charmed so many women in his life, but as always, she never was blinded by the lies.
Which made him back away as he felt so vulnerable in front of her.
But just as she had growing up, she never let either twin hide his injuries from her. She hunted him down until Nokto was tired of running.
In the end, he rediscovered that feeling of safety she carried with her. And he basked in it.
The fox had found his den to hide in, and now he wasn't going to let anyone take it away from him. For once, he was going to prove he could be a protector, instead of just letting others do the protecting.
She was Luke's neighbor growing up. So she knew his sister, and she knew how Luke was treated.
Being a little older than him, she wanted to take care of him.
She was always sneaking him food. Which he was very grateful for, but it always made him feel indebted to her.
Soon enough, Luke basically accepted her as an older sister, protecting her as much as he did Leyla. And Emma was sure to smoother the two siblings in as much love as she could.
Since Luke is such a good brother, he swore to protect Emma too. He even made her a teddy bear.
Then came Bloodstained rose day.
Emma was with Leyla when the chaos descended, and she'd gotten injured as well, but when Luke came, she left Leyla with Luke and ran to find help.
She was the one who got Jin's attention before passing out at his feet.
He handed her off to a different soldier before going to rescue the two kids she'd pointed out.
That day, Luke lost both his sisters. His torment was hellish.
Time passed, and Luke was eventually invited to the castle.
He was going to find the prince that took his two precious sisters away from him.
And then Belle was brought in.
The moment he saw her, Luke's world turned upside down. Because he'd never forget her face.
At the first opportunity, he cornered her alone. "Emma?"
And when she gave him the sweetest smile, tears welling up in her eyes, he felt like his knees would give out from under him. "I knew that was you, Luke."
This broken man breaks into tears with relief. Yes, he'd lost one sister, and that torment still ravaged his heart, but his other one was still here, still alive and well.
Turned out that Jin had brought Emma back to the capitol where he'd allowed her to work as a maid until she was old enough to find a job on her own in town. Though he would have allowed her to stay, she didn't want to take advantage of his kindness anymore.
Learning everything tears Luke in two. Jin took one sister away from him, his little sister, but saved his other one? Why? Why, why why?
It's a long road, but the reappearance of his wonderful sister throws Luke through such a loop he can't even make out which way is up anymore.
Emma talks Luke out of revenge. It's a hard path to tread, but it allows Luke and Jin to start reconciling.
While Emma is at the palace, she encourages Luke to start up prince lessons right away. Because heaven forbid that Luke allows his sister to see him slacking.
Er... maybe... not his sister? The more time they spend together, the more un-sisterly thoughts Luke has about her.
And by the time Emma has chosen a king and is preparing to head back into town, Luke is adamant about not letting her go.
Which inspires Emma to confess her own growing feelings.
Congratulations: they are now inseparable.
Despite feeling unworthy of her, Luke is never letting her go again. Ever. His world revolves around her, and his only goal in life is to make her proud.
And if that means being a prince, then so be it.
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dangara2610 · 8 months
(4/10) Child and Teenager Ulla - Part 2
Quick fanart made in hurried moments xD
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Let's continue were I left uvu
< Before :
1.- Okey, Faber family stayed the night at the metal kingdom, on a cheap hostal, was this a bad desition?, maybe, was people there waiting for them to sleep to rob them? maybe, why should they think the worst from these people ? That's unpolite and prejudiced , they should have some faith on people.
2.- Either way, dad (let's call him Tenax, latin word for tenacious) stayed awake the whole night while his wife and twins were asleep, and it was curious, he catched how much the door and window was softly forced open until he softly closed it back , even a "secret" entrance on the closet were there was supposed to be a safety box (maybe stealed and broken before then came here of course), also de bathroom drawer had a secret entrance he gently closed time to time.
3.- It would had be funny, like a comedy book about a thief failing all his tries, but he was nervous, what if this was not a sole thief but a group? What if they get tired of playing soft and prepare a stronger ambush ? What if he has to figth or surrender in front of his kids and wife ?
4.- None of that happened, and the light of the day reached the room, thankfully, whoever wanting to enter the room was tranquil enough to not call out a fight.
5.- The rest woke up and got ready to search something to breakfast, daddy doesn't look sleeping but kind of in high alert, he says they shouldn't stay too much, so better have breakfast in the next town, in their way to the rich wall separation, they got greeted by a child beggar and were asked for some coins.
6.- Dad said sorry and encouraged his family to keep walking, the child beggar insisted and started to beg, so, mom (let's name her Holda, germanic female name meaning "hidden" ) took some coins from her purse to give them, the beggar thanked her and walked away, gave a signal and more beggars started to walk/run to them asking for more coins.
7.- That felt like an ambush done by kittens, now mom had to give away all the coins on her purse , trying to give only one to each kid, but the disorder started when one of the beggars wanted more than one, and next, when the purse had no more money, dad wanted them to keep walking and ignore the beggars, they had enough, but one of them accused the lady for lying and having more money saved .
8.- And then this became a true ambush, the beggars started to try and rob her purse, next open up their suitcases, and try to rob them too, but between beggars they were fighting over who got coins first, the twins tried to ask politely to stop but they wouldn't, dad told them to leave the things and follow mom to the door.
9.- They obeyed and mom took their hands to walk away, then run because they felt how street teenagers got out to watch what the fuss was about, they needed to get out of here, and as she feared, another group of people started to get closer, they were making fun of her and her family, typical foreigners.
Anddddddd why am I too especific with this xD??? This is supposed to be a Summary I should had posted last week
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10.- They got out safely, well, the dad, without his family on sight, used a little excess of strength to retrieve the bags and suitcases the beggars were ... Robbing? , lots of years of work on them, the coins were lost , but the other stuff , trinkets , maps and tools , were left behind and retrieved.
11.- The family agreed , they would go back sometime to search the trial , starting with the borders and not the city and not the downtown, they have lots of progress thanks to a kind of soil scanner mom created years ago, she also teaches her twins how to operate it (the same Varian would use years after to research the path of the red rocks)
12.- There is a curious girl, older than the twins , who wants to try and join their search, her name is Donella, not very social, but she was welcomed, of course, the parents were wary, but the twins were euphoric about adding a new friend, she would ask if they were archeologists, but the answer was that they all were alchemist.
13.- Donella supposedly goes back home every day and next morning visits them again to keep helping searching the trial temple, but later they discover and she confess she doesn't really has a home, in Ingvarr downtown, as soon as a child reachs 10 years old, they are kicked out the house to search a job and live in their own, why? Maybe because money is not enough, thypical families there only can afford school until the kid reaches 8 or 10.
14.- Faber family kind of adopts her, during they stay on this kingdom, she sleeps with mom and Ulla, Ulf is confused, why suddenly he isn't allowed to sleep with his twin ? , dad explains the best way he can, how come girls and boys are supposed to be on separated rooms since the beginning, but they spared them from that lots of years, now they are hosting a girl, separation is a must.
15.- Ulf since this day, is resigned to get more distant from his twin and more closer to his dad, he becomes clingy to Ulla and she becomes clingy to Ulf during free time after dinner and before going to bed, but they also maturely (or they think they look mature) accept they have to go to separate tents for sleeping.
16.- Now Ulla and Donella are becoming close friends, like water and oil, very different but together, they finally find the temple and start the excavation until the whole door entrance is visible, everyone is happy, except Don , who doesn't get how come this is supposed to be a big discover.
17.- They assumed the desire of discover antiques was something global, but they wasted no time and infodumped her about how this was a big deal, and her eyes started to shine at the implications of this, fame, glory, MONEY and power.
18.- If course, they would give more priority to the knowledge and the use for this in order to improve the whole civilization around them, high quality services and happy people surrounded by innovation, Donella wouldn't share that desire, she has no love for the community who send everyone to the mines with no care just for having the money for their self sustaining and self pleasure.
19.- After they -
Oups , I have to go, thanks for reading 🌸🌺 see you around
Next >
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fareehaandspaniards · 7 months
Damian headcanons
I need to put everything I have about him in one place! So let's begin.
First of all, he is a VERSATILE, MULTIGRANEOUS person, as the CANON shows us! (I swear it shows us)
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*simping sounds*
His childhood. Damian comes from a big family, as it seems to me, and is not distinguished by noble blood. His desire to care for others began while he was a child growing up within the walls of his family’s noisy house. He was one of the eldest children (and had like 8 siblings. But not all of them survived in the end). And while his older brother and sister were firstly jealous of their younger siblings and then simply lost their feelings for both parents and siblings as they plunged into adulthood, Damian tried to take care of everyone - older siblings and younger, and the parents. I won't say that love reigned in his family. Rather, his sensitivity and care was seen as a flaw, and given that I see his parents as exceptionally practical and cynical people - I don't think anyone could understand Damian. Perhaps his mom sometimes did. (I should add that often if a child grows up neglected and left to themselves, they unconsciously putting themselves in opposition to surroundings. And it doesn't always lead to good things! But in Damian's case - he grew up to be a decent person) I also headcanon that one of his younger brothers, who died of an illness while still young, was very much like Micolash. Which was the beginning of their contact – in Byrgenwerth Damian noticed a young student with a thin, smiling face and black curls, and his heart ached with painful memories. There was the first desire to get to know him better, perhaps to help him in some way (Micolash had always been VERY thin, even skeleton-like, and I believe Damian was sincerely trying to "fatten" him up). But that was all back when Damian was watching him from afar.
Youth. Damian got into Byrgenwerth, partly because he showed promise by being well-read and educated and also had a passion for medicine, partly because one of his wealthier relatives (let it be his uncle, so often happens in romantic novels! Rich uncle appears out of nowhere xd) funded his enrollment, because I headcanon that Byrgenwerth is too elite a place to get in without money. But there were also situations where someone got in thanks to the help of the faculty. I think Willem never belonged to the "self-serving" people and was happy to accept into his alma mater those who ACTUALLY had an aptitude for sciences and an extraordinary mind. So Damian studied at Byrgenwerth, long before all the events of the Fishing Hamlet. He was good at his studies, but didn't want to go back home after graduating. The medical field didn't pull him in either, because Damian was too afraid of making a mistake. Afraid of failing. He worked one year in a Yharnam hospital where he learned the basics of patient care (I won't specify what his specialty was. I'll put it down to Victorian England and experimental medicine in general) Saw indifference, deaths, despair. For a doctor he loved people too much, burning out his heart when something was wrong. So he went back to Byrgenwerth. And Willem found him a position as an archivist with assistant functions. Damian had proven himself during his studies, so Willem entrusted him with the library section, documenting his own research papers and keeping his office in order. And by the time Micolash/Laurence/Rom/Yurie and etc got there, Damian was a grown man. (I believe the time of apprenticeship at the Byrgenwerth is from about 18 to 23-25. And when Micolash was 18, Damian was 28 or so)
Research Hall era. I picked up Katy's headcanon about Micolash working as a doctor there and doing bad things in an attempt to connect with Kos, and Rom being a patient. Since almost all of Byrgenwerth's students and staff moved to the Church (the most qualified and trusted), many characters ended up there one way or another. Damian also tried to start work there, but he couldn't. He couldn't be a doctor or even assistant. So he found another job and became one of the first Tomb Prospectors under Ludwig's leadership (Also helping sometimes to protect important persons of the Church and Research Hall). Along with Gremia, Olek and others. This job was considered heretical by Damian’s relatives, because they lived on old ideas and religion, and desecrating ancient tombs is not good! But Damian still stayed in his place. He wanted to be closer to Micolash. And also the deadly work distracted him from his horrible thoughts and from what the man dear to his heart was doing (I believe most of the experiments on Adelina were Micolash's doing). Damian kept silent about everything he saw and knew because he couldn't betray the one he loved. And… He was too weak to override his affection. With all his humanity, Damian couldn't, and that was his vice. His path that he had chosen. Also while serving as a Tomb Prospector, he became very close to Gremia, which I will talk more about. Very often during expeditions Damian could die. And somewhere he was saved, and somewhere he demonstrated the skills of an assassin himself. Gradually, his will to live faded because of constant anxiety for Micolash, lots of secrets that he had from Damian and those awful things from Research Hall that Damian knew but couldn’t tell anyone. Damian became a semblance of his former self, giving all his feelings to Micolash, hiding his own, and no longer trying to protect himself when he was attacked by the dead of the catacombs, what made Gremia very angry.
The time between the Research Hall and the Choir. Oh, I'm going to single this snippet out as my favorite. It's probably one of the most important points of Damian's formation as a person. Micolash was then faced with a dilemma - he knew - what he was doing was wrong, that Damian could die every time he went for a mission to dungeons, that Micolash’s distance from him was slowly killing him. And he didn't want to lose him - Damian was the most loyal person to him, who also loved him. So Micolash decided to try to reveal all his secrets to Damian and explain his interest in Kos. He let him look into his already blue eyes, which had changed after seeing Kos. And Damian, too, beheld the Great One. But if Micolash saw in his dream an angry deity seeking revenge and grieving for his child, Damian saw the true embodiment of maternal love, a goddess from the depths, protecting women and children, a true idol of warmth and love. And that was what he had been missing all along! He had found his faith. And realized why Micolash was willing to do literally anything to find a way to Kos. After that vision, Damian changed - he became calmer, more confident, he decided what he wanted from life and what he would devote himself to. Even in his missions to the catacombs he became more cold-blooded, tougher, but at the same time even more caring than he had been - arcane magic became surprisingly easy for him, and he used everything to protect and defend his comrades.
Choir era. Again, I mention that I'm actively using Katya's vision of the timeline - it fell into my soul, especially regarding Rom and Micolash. So in my headcanons, Rom is the head of Choir (which fits her so muuuuuuch). When Damian and Gremia retrieve the Chalice of Isz from the depths of the dungeons that allowed to meet Ebraitas, the Choir was founded. Micolash becomes one of the first scientists of the new institution, but is very skeptical of everything. During this period, Damian loses the last strings of his connection with Rom, as she goes to Ebraitas and keeps in touch with her. He forms an amusing bond with Yurie (though the two knew each other since Byrgenwerth), as she feels about the same way about Rom as he does about Micolash. Yurie and Damian are interested in each other, but are too busy with their lovers to take each other seriously. However, some kind of connection between them remains, whether it's rivalry or mutual understanding. I don't think they have realized what it is!
The School of Mensis. When Micolash takes everything he needed from the Choir, he leaves. Damian doesn't hesitate to go after him, abandoning his service as a Tomb Prospector, which made Gremia angry. Many scientists follow Micolash. He and Damian manage to drag even Caryll with them, for whom there was a fight between Laurence and Micolash (and Caryll himself despised both of them lol). I have to say that I will never, ever believe that the only members of the School of Mensis are Damian and Micolash themselves as people like to say in the fandom! Really? Two people did ALL this amount of work? Took control of the village? Get a building for the School? Made a bunch of cages? Etc? Two people did all of this together??? Too much! So here we are. Damian became Micolash's right-hand man, which makes sense – he has been with him all his life. And I believe it was Damian that he left all the communication with the Yahar’gul elders, accepting new recruits (Hello, Edgar!), providing the School with food, water and all the necessities! (Damian started working as a manager. 7 days a week, 25 hours a day, salary - a kiss from Micolash, bonus - according to the situation y’know xD) Getting back to the serious narrative, I believe that in the School of Mensis Damian fully revealed his faith in Kos, and that's where his and Micolash's paths started to diverge. Katy mentioned that Micolash was the wrath of Kos. So I headcanon that Damian is her Love. If Micolash stubbornly went to his goal, not shunning cruelty, horrors, experiments and violence, Damian tried to minimize the victims, finding victims himself for Micolash’s experiments among the "scum" of Yahar’gul (I won't go into details about what kind of people they were. The worst kind, most likely. I trust Damian in his choice!), used force only where it was necessary, and saved the students of the School from the approaching madness. I'm sure there were a lot of recidivists and heretics among Micolash's followers, as well as the insane, so Damian had time to deal with them. He quickly gained a reputation as the "father" (or "mother") to all the students. (Even Edgar! I believe that after learning of Edgar's true origins, Damian did not try to eliminate him. Edgar was suffering too. And he felt sorry for him). Also, Damian invented the Mensis Cage. As a way to protect and keep Micolash safe.
The sunset of the School of Mensis. Caryll left back to the Church, feeling awful things to come. Micolash moved forward steadily. And gradually the children were drawn into his experiments.
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Actually, Micolash started to go insane, but you couldn’t say that just seeing him or even knowing him as Damian knew. No, he changed in a term of his desire for knowledge and lost his last moral borders. He used kids and told to Damian his last project – to summon a Great One, using a cord and children, almost as Laurence did. Ritual could destroy almost erhh everything, and Micolash himself, but did Micolash really care? I don’t’ think so. He cared about mind more than about physical body and didn’t actually care about other people anymore, even a bit. (He is not evil despite all my telling. He just saw his goal too good. And couldn’t be stopped) This was the last straw for Damian. It was here that their conflict occurred, after which Damian left the School. Even though Micolash had changed a lot, losing his past self, it was still painful for him, even too much for his aching mind. So much so that he almost came to the state we find him in the game. He had literally lost his mind! And he was left without the only person he trusted (with his paranoia alone) and loved in his own way. Almost immediately afterward, Micolash throws all his energy into preparing for the Ritual. Yahar’gul people were dragged out of their houses, tied up and sent to "fuel" of Ritual by chaining them to chairs (including kids. Micolash used a trick to make them follow him using an arcane magic and voices from beyond that they could hear. So kids followed him «by their will» (no))
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Damian was the one who reported everything to Rom, making his way to her through Choir and Yurie to try save Yharnam from Ritual, since Yahar’gul is already a lost cause. After that, the barrier sheltered Yahar’gul, hiding everything that had happened. (I didn’t mention how Edgar was left there, but it’s absolutely another topic, as I made a huge headcanon about it)
After a time, Damian returned to Yahar’gul. Almost nobody could do it, since Rom gave herself to shield Yahar’gul, but Damian had his way with some arcane tricks. He found what was left of the School of Mensis and found Edgar's corpse. As I wrote in the post about Eileen and Bloody Crow, Damian buried him, hoping his soul would find peace. And that's what helped Edgar finally TRULY die in Nightmare, which eased his suffering. Damian dared not do the same with Micolash’s corpse. Nor could he (Micolash wouldn’t like it as Damian knew) He wished to end all of Yharnam's suffering, so he helps the player all the way. But he couldn't raise a hand against someone who he loved. So all he did was light candles in the room where Micolash's body was left. And helped the player come to his goal. When the mummy of his dearest man stopped exuding sparks of soul presence, and the Nightmare was defeated by the Hunter, Damian was gone. I don't want to think how exactly, I've never considered suicide something romantic. But he died without waiting for the new dawn of Yharnam. After all, his purpose was fulfilled. And his love was waiting for him on the other side. (There is an interesting thought that Micolash is trapped within his dead body after Hunter defeats him. But I don’t like it. Micolash doesn’t need extra punishment. He is already punished by himself. He didn’t ascend and he knows it. He desperately calls to Kos and Great One of the sea doesn’t answer. He has lost everything already. I think he actually hates himself for a failure and for losing those who were dear to him. Maybe I am too romantic but even monsters have their own philosophy and feelings. Everybody needs love in their special way and Micolash is no exception. But he lost it. So let him rest in peace)
Now I'll go through all the character relationships, charting them in more detail!
Micolash. Micolash in young age was a fairly innocent, but flighty young man, and quickly found an adventure during studying in Byrgenwerth, which Damian pulled him out of. That's how they met. (In detail, Micolash was trying to get the answers to an exam, but in addition to them he accidentally got the key to Willem's office. When he secretly got in there in the night, he was spotted by the local cleaning lady and Damian, the archivist. Damian covered Mico’s ass as he saw that all Micolash was interested in was not the Master's personal belongings, but his writings related to the exploration of the ancient catacombs. Micolash was so interested in Willem’s researches that sneaked in his cabinet just to READ. Such selflessness touched Damian, and he helped him out of the whole situation by taking the trouble to hide everything on himself). Gradually they grew closer, and Damian helped him in many ways on his life path, and Mikolash appreciated it very much, trying to respond in kind, but sincerely not understanding why so much kindness and affection for him. If we add the romantic side to it (hehehehe, well, I can't live without it), in my vision, Damian was a man that Micolash had his first time with, and with Laurence Mico had his first kiss, which happened on a bet, was very awkward and they didn't talk for a very long time afterwards (gay disaster). (Actually, I could write a separate post about who had a first kiss with who, what it was like and how it affected the formation of their personalities xD Forgive me for that!). All his life, Damian followed Micolash wherever he went, being his sort of "guardian angel", and Micolash trusted him with literally everything. Micolash was not the kind of person who would give all of himself to another. And often Micolash's behavior made Damian burn up, gave him headaches and tears at night. But our future mad scientist did his best to be better for Damian, scoping out a birthday present for him (and it was really hard, because Damian almost never talked about his own wishes), spending as much time with him as possible, and being affectionate (I believe Micolash is very tactile, so no matter how he feels about a person, he needs touch to express his emotions). I spike them so much that it's my personal canon, but that doesn't mean there aren't other pairings for me with Damian xdD
Damian: Babe you are about killing the entire town and yourself. Pls stop.
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Rom. Their relationship has always been something of an oddity. They are both sympathetic, kind individuals. And Rom often found comfort during the Byrgenwerth years in Damian's hug. They never tried to cross the line and become something more, they had a sort of father-daughter bond. Rom may have liked him as a man, but Micolash quickly made it clear that this was his territory xD At one point Rom was the cause of intense jealousy on Micolash's part, and when he was jealous it was just awful (he was capable of almost anything). Although Damian did eventually make his choice towards Micolash, he and Rom maintained a good relationship and friendship. So in the days of Choir, as Rom grew up and became a strong medium and a confident woman, she and Damian found time to occasionally chat and exchange gossips. When Damian found his faith in Kos, they understood each other even better, for he too could Feel.
Caryll. Since Byrgenwerth, he's only made two friends - Damian and Rom. They (and Willem!!!) were the only ones who were unselfishly kind to him, and also never forgot his birthday. One day the two of them surprised him, preparing a gift, small cake, his favourite sweets and a tiny candle that they found specially for him. They made for him a really good evening just to make him a bit happier, which made Caryll cry then, a first time for him in years. As Caryll grew older, his visions and ability to read Runes became the most important discovery for the entire Church. So at one point, the fight for Caryll between Micolash and Laurence began. As I said, he couldn't stand them both! But Damian persuaded him to follow Micolash to the School of Mensis, for there he would find peace, quiet and solitude to continue his studies. So, on his own terms, Caryll ended up there, occasionally forcing Micolash to fulfill his little whims and chatting sweetly with Damian! In general, I believe that Caryll is an extremely caustic, witty and inventive person. So he often made Micolash do things he doesn't want to do - like carry him coffee xd And he had a strong friendship and respect with Damian. Just Caryll:
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So he was always nice with Damian, call him «Damie» and asked him to move his wheelchair (as I headcanon that Caryll was stuck to his wheelchair since youth, then could stand due to healing blood and then used a wheelchair again because of his own decision not to use blood) around the room lol Caryll never understood why his friend would follow a madman and love him as well. And often made fun of it xd He left School of Mensis before the catastrophe, letting only Damian know about it and hoped that he will do the same.
Yurie. During the Byrgenwerth years, they were sort of rivals for Rom’s heart (according to Yurie. Damian didn't know that xdd), but when Yurie discovered that Damian's heart was occupied, she calmed down, and that also paved the way for a small friendship (of the two main simps. Brador was too far away back then to join them :^)). Damian was a librarian and archivist, as I said, and Yurie often visited him for advice or just to chat. She was always "grown up" compared to other students, and she was comfortable with Damian. I should also note that they could very well have been a couple. And would have been a great husband and wife together! But hard simping got in the way xd And to think, talking seriously… The range of emotions Yurie felt when Damian cames (albeit in the form of a phantom) to help the player with killing Rom can't be described in words.
Sir Gremia. I've recently discovered just HOW interesting is this character! I think their relationship started during the Tomb Prospectors years, when a blood mess was just beginning. And it started terribly well - their battle tactics were opposite, their outlook on life too. It was incredibly difficult for them to work together, with Gremia rushing forward and Damian waiting and attacking from afar. (they could help each other and complement, but they became sort of rivals – who is better) They both almost died like that if not one of other Tomb Prospectors who saved the two. It even came to a fight sometimes! They were basically like the cat and dog from the cartoons, which annoyed all others xD bitches be like:
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When Damian changed after getting the vision, he became different, and now he was the one who was rescuing and pulling Gremia out of the clutches of death, which awakened Gremia's feelings. Gremia hid it, but he fell in love with Damian like the opposite of the opposite. Damian, on the other hand, was not only uninterested, but also extremely surprised. I headcanon Gremia as a VERY open, like "what I think is what I say" kind of person, so over time the arguments and fights turned into light flirting, teasing and compliments to Damian, which always went unrequited. (Actually, why not? The pairing is really good! And Gremia/Damian has taken up its place in my shipping heart. Their relationship could be something incredible, given Gremia's masculinity and Damian's masculine-feminine attitude and motherly care. I think Gremia would have seen him as a girl, generally having an interest more in women, and Damian would have had a hard time revealing his feminine side and his desire to BE protected rather than protect himself). When Damian quit the service, they severed their friendship and all that it had been. Gremia remained angry with him, for Damian had traded all their companionship of several years for Micolash, going into science rather than battle.
Laurence. Laurence and Damian rarely interacted openly (mostly Micolash was against it and prevented them from communicating in every possible way), but mutual respect was maintained by the one time when Damian stopped young Laurence and protected Rom from him (he punched him, when Laurence was too excited to leave her alone. Laurence was really angry back then, bur later realized that Damian did the right thing). Laurence would like to have someone as loyal as him by his side (I can just imagine him sitting at the window, like "I wish I had someone as loving and understanding!", and Brador in the background, "Am I a joke to you????", and you can hear Gehrman’s cursing from Hunter's Dream xD).
Eileen. They were good acquaintances, occasionally having a drink together. The thing that connected them was that they both dreamed of children, only Eileen had a little Crow, and Damian took care of the whole Mensis School and Micolash. A very warm, gentle understanding.
Edgar. I'm currently working on a fanfic on this topic! And rather than explain the whole biography of Edgar as I see it, I'll just say about him and Damian! I think Damian didn't immediately realize that the boy was a spy of Choir, it rather came to Micolash first. But by the time the truth was revealed, Damian had learned that Edgar was actually a child abandoned by everyone, forgotten by the Choir and surrounded by enemies, with no faith in heart. So do I headcanon that he "adopted" him? (You can go into the pairing here, and I like it, but I'm still more in favor of family relationship). Damian has finally found a pure soul, a child he can take care of. And that helped Edgar find himself, choose a path. But unfortunately, it didn't save him from his fate, because Mikolash ended up taking him for himself. Like a piece of property or even a toy. His and Damian's story together is a terribly sad one.....
Willem. Master of Byrgenwerth trusted Damian a lot, if only because he was an excellent judge of character and saw that he wouldn't deceive him even if he wanted to. Damian was his personal assistant, but no more, I mean Willem kept him away from his researches about the Great Ones until he decided to make public the information about what was found in Fishing Hamlet. Trust, respect, friendship, a little bit of everything. When Willem was alone in Byrgenwerth, and Damian and Yurie were around, Willem spoke to him. Only they were already incoherent sets of words that Damian couldn't understand.
Gehrman. Damian and Gehrman both befriended with the Byrgenwerth students, being noticeably older than them. Gehrman is not as sensitive, but is also very romantic like Damian, and I think they would have a lot in common. All in all, Micolash and Laurence could use them as their support while arguing xd I think that Damian could be a bit jealous that Gehrman has a young apprentice that adores him (and in my hc fell in love with her), because he also wanted someone who would adore him :^(
Maria. Maria would find him an interesting person I think, as in my hc she likes gentle and sensitive men, not only romantically but as good friends, because they are more comfortable to talk with. But in Research Hall era… Oh Kos, she could even try to kill him, and Damian couldn’t blame her for that. Damian was silent about Micolash and didn’t tell anyone, letting him to do everything he need with poor Adeline (I hc that Adeline didn’t mind because fell in love with Micolash BUT it’s another topic xd). Maria’s death was under a secret, that Laurence kept, and Damian knew too late, that she killed herself. Shock was awful.
Little headcanons!
- Damian loves citrus, and fruits and berries in general. His favorites are oranges and figs. Caravans from Loran could theoretically deliver some local goods to Yharnam once a month, and Damian would be a regular customer there!
- Damian creates coziness literally everywhere he finds himself. He loves luxury goods, a fireplace, beautiful kitchen appliances, jewelry looking like a rose and more!
- Micolash gave Damian his ring with the family monogram, all that was left from Micolash's mother. It was a gesture of trust and love, and also a small token for everyone else, because Micolash was extremely jealous. Mico be like (in any ship):
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- Damian gave Edgar a sedative left with him in the Nightmare of Mensis.
- He and Gremia had crossed paths several times since Damian had left for the School of Mensis, and those encounters had not been pleasant! Damian had become too self-sufficient to feel guilty, and Gremia was still angry (but hinted that if the latter was suddenly alone, there was one willing to spend their last days together hdddd Sorryyyyyyy)
- When Micolash forgot that human like himself needs to wash, eat, and generally take a break from books, Damian would take care of it - shaving, cutting his hair, dressing him and so on.
Some local memes becuase iit is TOO funny. Imagine Gremia visiting therapist
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Damian is a kind-hearted man, a gentle, warm person, in whose company almost anyone would enjoy being. He gave all of himself to Mikolash, and it almost killed him until he met Kos. After finding his goddess, Damian became stronger person. He began to appreciate and love himself. He became more solid in character. At the same time, his care became boundless, and he began to draw strength from it, rather than losing it by giving it to others. His weakness - his unending loyalty and his need for Micolash had played a cruel joke on him. His life could have been completely different - there were opportunities to be happy with someone else at every step, but he chose the path of his beloved. Damian had always dreamed of children. Wanted his own child, dreamed so much that he dreamed about it and woke up with tears on his eyes. Children in general were his greatest moral value. He had killed men and women, cut up flesh, experimented on his own while creating the Mensis Cage. But he could never do that to a child. Nor with Micolash, who had become both brother and child to him, and also lover – his only family. Perhaps he would have done more good for Yharnam if he had never met Micolash. But to give himself to him and spend his life that way was his complete choice (he could have been with any person around him! Almost everyone liked him!).
I didn't even think I would like him that much! xd But this is my favorite archetype. The protector, the guardian angel who gave all his good soul to one single person.
Thanks for reading whoever you are!! He became really important to me, my comfort character, so all my blah blah now here.
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ichika27 · 4 months
OnS Chapter 131
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Okay, not gonna lie, I was too lazy and then stuff happened and I ended up having to read this chapter in another site cause I was too late to read it in mangaplus. (;-;)
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Yuu-chan and Mika are hunting bears to eat. I don't know how to feel about this at all since it feels weird to think about people eating bears but I'm just gonna ignore it.
They took down 3 bears, by the way.
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While the two are getting ready to cook, they reminisce on the past on the last day Mika was human. Specifically, the day of their failed escape from Sanguinem. Mika wasn't at dinner time with them, if you guys remember, as he was at Ferid's gathering items and so they ate without him.
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Yuu-chan tells him the kids wished that Mika was there to enjoy the food with them and Mika teases him that of course the others wouldn't enjoy it as much without the main character lol.
Mika is surprisingly being optimistic now, as Yuu-chan have noticed. He says once they bring the kids back to life and he's back to being human they can all eat curry together again.
Yuu-chan asks for help in butchering the meat and Mika declines as he has some strategizing to do haha.
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The two talk over dinner about what they know. Their plan is to get all the sinful keys and bring back to life angel Mikaela. Guren and Ferid have the same plans but instead, Guren just wants to just bring everyone else back except Mikaela.
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lol I needed to save this screenshot here. They're wondering what Ferid's plan is and Yuu-chan says nobody knows what goes on in Ferid's head and it might be something really weird. XD
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They also discuss the reality of the situation that the Mikaela that Guren wants to keep dead is actually Yuu-chan cause he and homonculus Yuu just switched places before. It means if Guren wins, Yuu-chan might have to die.
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With those information in mind, things have changed. Mika is no lon ger hesitant about what he should do and no longer thinking of sacrificing himself since the one the others need to sacrifice is actually Yuu-chan. Mika says he doesn't really care about anything else except protecting Yuu-chan so it's all good.
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Mika has become the happy, not-giving-up guy now between the two of them and the one who has to reassure Yuu-chan that he'd be protecting him. Previously, this was Yuu-chan's attitude in convincing Mika back when they didn't know the truth. Mika is acting more like himself when he was a kid.
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Mika was surprised Yuu-chan didn't offer to sacrifice himself and Yuu-chan replies that he's still confused about which of them is which. They also noticed that angel Mikaela was smart back then but Yuu-chan is-
Yuu-chan cuts of Mika and says he's smarter now. Mika sacrcastically agreed lol. Come on, we all know he lost braincells when he locked away his memories as angel Mikaela but to be fair, he was in a hurry at the time and probably didn't have enough time to keep some important stuff.
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The confusion keeps going and so are these two's identity crisis. Who is who and which one dies when they finally get their goal? Is Yuu-chan gonna keep being himself once he's back to being angel Mikaela? Yuu-chan doesn't mind but Mika doesn't want to lose his Yuu-chan. And Yuu-chan wouldn't want Mika to disappear either if it's the other way around.
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The First Progenitor's goal is to bring all of the angels back. Guren's goal is to bring all of humanity back. Angel Mikaela's goal was to save the First Progenitor which means they have to help the guy with his goal as well. And it would all end with someone getting punished by God.
Yuu-chan's new goal: not let that happen. Yes, like an rpg protagonist, he'd be opposing God now.
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Of course, Mika has to get the reassurance that Yuu-chan is counting himself in the people he's planning to save. Yuu-chan says he's not going to sacrifice himself and he knows Mika could find a way to make things work out.
It'd be very hypocritical of Yuu-chan if he decides to die for everyone's sake when several chapter ago, he's the one trying to convince Mika to not do that exact thing.
Anyways, the two of them make a promise to each other that no matter what happens, neither of them would sacrifice themselves for everyone else. At least, Yuu-chan is making it sound like that. He's letting Mika do all the talking and when it comes to his part in making the promise, he changes subjects and Mika doesn't notice...
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Yuu-chan asks if Mika could come up with a plan since all of their enemies are pretty smart: there's Guren, Mahiru, Shika Madu, Saito and Ferid (I'm surprised they knew exactly which other people are leading their own little operation). Mika says it's fine since they have someone smart on their side, too! And Yuu-chan says that would be him lol.
Since angel Mika gave his memories to homonculus Yuu to keep up the ruse, he probably also gave away his braincells. Yuu-chan should just accept that Mika has them now lol.
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They know that right now, they're the only two who knows of the switch. They need to sacrifice angel Mikaela and none of them knows that Yuu-chan is the real one. Mika and Yuu-chan have to use this to their advantage.
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What would the first part of their plan be, you ask? Going to the Demon Army HQ to talk to Saito, it seems.
Holy shit what the fuck is happening in the end there? Are they collaborating? Yuu-chan and Mika's goal have a bit more in common with Saito's and the Progenitor team so this kinda makes sense? They plan to save humanity, kill all vampires (the progenitors just want to die right now after all), and not let Shika Madu do exactly as he pleases.
I am excited to see where this would be going. Mika and Yuu-chan don't plan on letting anyone know the truth after all.
Aaaah!! Mika's acting like his happy and mischevious kid self again. His depression seem to have left since he found out that he's not the real angel Mikaela and therefore not the reason all of this shit is happening. Yuu-chan on the other hand doesn't smile as much anymore. Kind of sad this is how things are going as I want both of them to be happy. I'm glad they still have their silly moments and stupid banter though. They're so cute!
Knowing the switch doesn't confuse me but these two and their discussion made things seem so complicated. I'm now feeling half as confused as I was when I watched Patema Inverted and couldn't tell which is up and down anymore hahaha.
Yuu-chan's goal was to bring back everyone who died and then he adds bringing Mika back to life as a human, and then saving everyone, and now he's fighting God. It's escalating! It sounds so ridiculous but this is how it be. Yuu-chan is not Yuu-chan if he doesn't aim for a miracle.
Angel Mika's switch with Homonculus Yuu makes Yuu-chan and Mika's personalities feel trippy. The happy and smart angel Mika locked his memories away and sort of gave a copy of them to homonculus Yuu so they could properly act out their new roles. Purposely reincarnated to who they are now, Mika as a child was happy and smart and you really would think he's the real angel. The failed escape happens and Mika as a vampire is just quietly observing things and just wants to be with Yuu - just like how his past self as a homunculus was. Now that the truth is known, he's back to having the persoanlity of hius younger self which is a sort of copy of the real angel Mika's personality.
Putting all that in text made me understand why those two are confused.
Excited for the next chapter! I'm so glad there's another site I could read these on and they have the chapters I could backread as well! I'm still gonna read the new chapters in mangaplus to support the original creators and official release but at least I don't have to worry about missing anything just in case something happens and I miss a month.
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coffee-in-veins · 5 months
Give me some ThanZag - misc_Than wings please
hullo hullo, thanks for the ask!
it's so sweet of you to ask something about Hades! <3 then again, i think you've seen everything DD i have already, so... xD
this is the part of one of the future chapters for Chained butterfly which is currently on hiatus due to RRR. in the fic, Than (and any other Incarnation, really) is an eldritch primordal monstrocity and only looks like the hot boy we see in game because they have an outer "shell" which looks like it, to make it easier to deal with Gods.
the premise of the arc was, Than got really injured as he was helping Zag, it all became obvious that he was going behind Hades' back, and everyone got punished. Zag tried his best to stay in the House when he healed, but you know Zag, he has an antsy ass, so he tried to calm Than down and have a run out of the House again.
he fought through the first location with ease, but before the first boss room, he meets a surprised Charon who offers him a suspiciously free advice of not going forward. Zag laughs it off, thinking it's a joke, rushes in and sees the boss room empty. in a moment, he hears a familiar toll, and Than appears, while diligently looking down at his feet. and i had the following dialogue written down:
"Than? What, you got too worried about me? Or have I activated Mort accidentally? Sorry, if I did, there are no enemies here, and I dunno where Meg is"
"There are. She's working"
"Working? Isn't her work to stop me? She must be late, for the first time. I kind of feel insulted"
"She isn't. She has a replacement"
"What do you mean a repla-- No. No. No! No, he wouldn't!"
"Lord was livid for me messing up like I did, and doesn't take kindly to slackers in the House"
"Slackers? You're still injured and didn't have rest for what, past hundred, thousand years? More, even?"
"It matters not when you fail to meet his expectations"
"That sounds like Father alright. How did he even-- Why Nyx wouldn't say anything?"
"Don't talk ill of her. Looking over Thartarus was as soft as Pact of Punishment she could get me"
"Why would you sign something like that?"
"Some of us don't have the luxury to choose whether they sign those or not, Zagreus"
"So... so what now? You're actually going to kill me? Because if so, you're taking your sweet time!"
"Death is inescapable, it can wait. And Mother was most unpleased with my past actions, so as additional condition of my Pact I am forbidden to attack first"
"Oh. I... I need to thank her later"
"You sure do"
"Well I won't attack you!"
"You fought with Meg"
"It's... different. I knew she'd get out of the Pool just fine, and with you I... Can you even...?"
"You can find out"
"Have no intention to, you know!"
"The choice is yours"
"You honestly think I would do something like that? Thanks for vote of confidence in me!"
"You're very welcome. And I never said you would"
"Okay... okay this... this I don't.... ugh! Well. I don't know, I... you say the fight won't start unless I attack you?"
"I'm bound to my contract. And I wouldn't even if I had to, for as long as I could stall myself"
"I.... Thanks, Than. So. Huh. So all we have is time here?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, only one of us could leave, and I have to intention to kill you to get out, neither do you, apparently. So all we have now is time. A rare commodity between us, I must admit. Um... I was... how's... how are your wings, Than?"
and it becomes their routine, for a time. i dunno how it could happen, but i wanted Zag to be returned to the House of Hades at least a couple of times my thoughts were either - Styx could've flooded those chambers after some time since the Underground moves around constantly - add dick moves to daddy dearest and add summons to Than's fight after some point in time later (like it's with Meg and Alecto), so Zag either allow himself be killed by wretches, or start the fight proper, but then Than is no longer bound by "you no move first" rule and just... KOs him in one soft touch, probably, so that it won't be "violent death" and Keres won't have any saying in this (yeah, those still exist) so Zag is back in the House, Than is still recovering and has it worse in the House (because of added chaines), and Zag runs off, fighting to the Thartarus boss.... so they could sit and talk, and just spend time together
but of course it wasn't that sweet and easy and had a drama twist in there :D
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animeomegas · 1 year
I think Ino will try to get Choji to confess. She will hook up all friends, make Shikamaru come up with the perfect plan, persuade Choji's parents to help. Perhaps she will come up with a plan with Alpha supposedly leaving on a dangerous mission, or she will start saying that Alpha is very popular and many families want to arrange a marriage. Or vice versa, she will start walking around Alpha, telling something about Choji and pushing Alpha to confess. One way or another, she will do everything possible to get Alpha and Choji together.
Oh yeah, Ino is a matchmaker alright!
I feel like all her plans fail for ages. She tries to make Chouji jealous by telling him that she saw alpha out on a courting date will only make Chouji sad and withdrawn. Pep talks don't work either, because Chouji doesn't really believe anything she says. Chouji's parents are very sweet and want Chouji to be happy, but they won't go along with plans, believing that the best thing to do is to wait. Chouza was the same as Chouji at that age, incredibly dense, so he knows that Chouji has to figure things out in his own time.
Eventually Ino gets so frustrated that she throws subtlety out the window and confronts the alpha, telling them everything about how Chouji is madly in love with them but thinks he'll get rejected if he ever says anything. She almost begs the alpha to just ask him out and put an end to this painful pining.
Let's hope alpha agrees XD
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wickedfangharpg · 15 days
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A little thing I made for something I'm doing with a friend!
I don't know why lamia eyes are so hard to make look good??? Like, why are they weird? Oh well XD I think I know how to make it look nicer next time I draw my bois, so it's all good 🙌
This is my lamia boi Daros, I don't think he's made an appearance on this blog before so I'll put a lil introduction for him below ^w^
Daros is a hunter; he'll track down and kill most anything that moves for the right price, and will pursue his prey to the ends of the earth if he must. Be it big game, supernatural creatures, or normal humans.
He's not like your typical 'monster hunter' however; as a lamia himself and one who works for and lives with a demon, Daros doesn't give a damn who is what species, as long as they're not a perceived threat to him or his allies. He exclusively hunts whom and what he is specifically hired to; with the exception of beings who're problematic to him, and the occasional beast he brings down to feed his associates.
This can sometimes lead him to hunt down other hunters, as those who would kill him or his many non-human contacts are a common issue to deal with. In such a case, he will wait for them to set out on a hunt of their own if he can, tailing them until he can get them alone and make their deaths look like an accident - a lethally failed hunting attempt. He will then proceed to seek the fallen hunters' patron, either to offer his services in their stead or to take them out as well if they're being an issue.
(I hate the term 'lethally failed', it sounds so weird - but literally, I cannot think of anything that sounds nicer with the wording I wanted to use 😭)
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honestlyvan · 1 year
any polyboros thoughts?
Many. I think every iteration through the group has something unique going for it, but because out of the six of them, five have learned to socialise strictly in-context with each other, they keep inadvertedly referring back to those relationships in the way they approach each other, and it ends up blending everything, forming this web of connections that make the group adhere as a whole.
For example, I've mentioned in the past that I think Lanz' treatment of Taion parallels the way he treats Noah, and the way Eunie treats Sena parallels the way she treats Lanz, and that both of these are the wrong approach -- Sena is far more sensitive than I think any of them realise, and the prodding and stress-testing Eunie does doesn't make her feel like they're connecting, it makes her feel like she's failing to give her what she wants; likewise Taion is far more grounded and dispassionate than Noah, so what is meant to be a brake on him being led by his feelings comes across like second-guessing his reasoning.
And just like Sena had to step in to remind Noah that he's not dealing with Lanz and Eunie when he's dealing with Mio, that her way of communicating and her way of showing she loves him is not gonna be the way he's used to receiving other people, there's gonna be a lot of meddling occurring from the Ouroboros partner of one or the other participant in a relationship trainwreck for it to all work out, y'know?
So Taion has to keep reminding Eunie that even though he likes her because she's a bitch, he can also literally read her mind, lol, and it took Noah and Lanz years to get to that point with her; and Sena needs to bond with Lanz to feel comfortable approaching Noah and Eunie even though both of them have very standoffish vibes to her at first, to realise that Noah is just a nerd and Eunie is just a jerk, and she's better at being a person than both of them.
Likewise, the dynamic of uncomplicatedly being half of a person with someone else changes the way they approach relationships to each other -- less so for the Agnians, who have always been more distant and standoffish with each other, and have had to work on communicating more, but seeing the parts that their Ouroboros partners draw out of the other makes Noah, Eunie and Lanz far more aware of what they don't know about each other.
Neither Lanz or Eunie has ever been able to get Noah to be at ease the way he is around Mio, Eunie is far more trusting with Taion than she is with either of them, like. There's a lot of little things that would start nagging at them, witnessing those interactions, the three of them are so used to being each other's whole world. They would need to get to know each other again, properly, rather than relying so heavily on always having been together, being boxed into a comfortable dynamic with each other.
Having other people there changes things for them -- I think that's the only way they can really cope with the way they now have these memories and feelings and opinions about these perfect strangers in their lives. They have to interrogate those feelings somehow, to figure out what parts of them are real and what parts of them are coloured by their soulmate, which will also give them better insight into their soulmate. If they want to retain their individuality, they have to ask those epistemological questions about their own feelings, which incidentally is a really good way to make yourself fall in love with someone XD
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signediza · 1 year
Step By Step EP 2
It felt awkward going from flirty Jeng and Pat last week to today's harsh criticism, pressures, work overload, tears, and underappreciation. But, I hope EP 3 would bring back the mood. I'm still in love with the premise and development.
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Hugs to dear Pat - I feel he somewhat struggles to accept correction, & that's due to the tone it's delivered to him. So I don't blame him. Looking at the way Nan corrects him and the way Jeng does, the difference is clear. Jeng keeps explaining, rather than showing. I also think Pat's workload is too much. He's making presentations and delivering them, taking notes, attending events he's probably shouldn't.
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Jeng, CHILL. Employ another staff if the boy can't do all that you want. I know you're under stress too, but putting pressure on those who are helping as much as they can isn't helping. I'll accept the excuse for Jeng cuz, he was supposed to shut down the marketing depart. & lay off everyone as suggested by his father, but he doesn't want. So while he's trying to make it work, he's keeping them all employed. He's under pressure. But, he needs to tone it down and work with Pat as a team (trust his input and his words). I don't know how it works, but I feel he's assigning too much for Pat. For an employee still on trial, what does he expect? And the boy is enthusiastic about his job in a toxic workplace environment with no encouragement or assistance to improve in areas he's failing till Nan took an interest in helping him more than she was assigned to
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Kudos to Jeng though for reprimanding Ying and making Pat feel seen and understood, with a bit of advice - but no one is truly calm or finds it easy to be calm when they've had it and in that state. Emotions are high at that time. He could have gone further in lashing out. Jeng is also under a lot of pressure from his father who's the CEO of the department's struggle. So, he's lashing out his frustration at Pat too. But, he would have gone further in investigating what goes on with Ying and her crew
Get you a bestie like Ae ready to throw hands for you & have your back - they better not let her come in contact with Ying.
"Mr. Jeng has a really bad mouth"
"Seniority is so annoying"
"He made my baby bro cry so many times I need to teach him a lesson." She was even ready to fight her husband for not supporting Pat fully, LOL
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Oh, Honey, that doesn't look like an anonymous review enough, you just reviewed or described you and your boss's working atmosphere/relationship, and he will know. He also started the review with "My Mnanager." Plus, you're drunk my darling, LOL. You're either getting fired or commended for your guts, cause he lowkey might like it and his diligent contribution in the department. He wrote that review in English. He's the only one fluent enough to write in English amongst his colleagues, and no one else would write a review in English other than him. XD
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convexicalcrow · 10 months
Love how Pharaoh Cub and Scar's relationship is in your stories. Defiantly want to see Scar being smug when he wins against the Pharaoh, only for it to vanish when he still gets dominated by that man. lol. (Side note, can I ask for some details on the Pharaoh's personality vs Cub's? And in how they differ in treating people?)
Oh yes, when I have the last chapter of the first part of the Lost Prince AU posted tomorrow tomorrow, I'll have to get back to the Pharaoh TCG fic, now that Scar's finally won. I have a few ideas brewing. >:D
As for the Pharaoh vs Cub, I have some thoughts. Here I'm talking just about them as characters and how I tend to write them. And this does touch on shippy things and D/s dynamics but more to illustrate the differences, just as a head's up for ppl not comfy with that kind of thing. <3
in the context of the Pharaoh as his own separate being, he's very... domineering, in a way. He's a god, of course he's better than everyone else. He knows his own power and how to use it. This is not to say he's just a tyrant, because he's not. He just demands respect and will punish anyone who fails to give it. In his land, in his pyramids, the Pharaoh's rule is absolute and you will obey him. But he will be sweet to those he cares about and loves. Even in submission to, say, Beef, it's a choice, a command, he's setting the rules of their engagement and their dynamic so he gets what he wants out of it.
also ofc he possesses Cub, he IS Cub, he knows what that boy likes ffs. XD
Cub isn't like that. He's more of a brat. Maybe he'll obey, but maybe he won't. He does his own thing, but it's not coming from a sense of divine authority, of being over everyone else. He's just entertaining himself. Cub's the 'seek forgiveness rather than ask permission' kind of brat (most of the time anyway). He's also not a mouthy, loud brat either. He's the quiet type, the ones you don't really notice until you realise the mess they've caused lol. Not really interested in leadership; more interested in building secret tunnels and stealing artefacts lol. He's a sneaky boy. :D But he also cares a lot too. He knows their boundaries and where to draw the line, because he's silly but he's not stupid.
Unlike the Pharaoh who is in control when he submits, for Cub, he really isn't. At least, obedience is earned (or taken) by higher powers, whether that's King Ren or Scar or the Vex or the Pharaoh, it doesn't matter. For the Pharaoh, there is no higher power than him; for Cub, that isn't the case. Lack of control is what he likes.
You can contrast this nicely with Cub and Scar and their relationship with the Vex. For Scar, there's a more business-like feel to their arrangement. He doesn't kill Vexes bc he's not allowed, and they give him all the riches he could ever want and place him in positions of power like the Mayorship. For Cub, it's totally different. It's subservience to a higher power, a possessive power, something deserving of worship and respect. It brings power too, and magic, and prosperity, as long as he gives his body to the Vex to do with as they please.
This is why Scar is the Power, and Cub is the Vessel. Scar represents the power and magic of the Vex, and Cub is what that power fills and is channelled through. Adding False as the Will gives that magic purpose and direction. She makes their work more effective, though they've done plenty on their own.
The Pharaoh would never bow to the Vex the way Cub does. He has his own magic that is just as powerful, if not moreso, than that of the Vex. He sees his Vex magic as useful, but he has better tools at his disposal, so he uses them instead. After all, he is a god. Gods do not bend their knee to silly creatures like Vex. But he does lean on it a little with Cub, because Cub is weak to it like Scar is.
The Pharaoh's magic is also very hot and fiery, whereas the Vex prefer ice and coldness. They are opposites in that regard. The Pharaoh's magic simply burns all the effectiveness of Vex magic away, which is why he doesn't really use it himself. He's the son of Ra, the sun god. Ice magic is useless against him. The Vex can't possess a god either; he's not a player, in the way Cub was a player before he was Pharaoh. I mean, he IS, but he also really isn't. The Kingly Ka, the divine soul of Horus that makes someone Pharaoh, is what makes him divine. He's no longer simply human after that point.
The Kingly Ka was never passed on to young Cub tho. It's not young Cub we see as the Pharaoh in the TCG arena, but old Cub. Pharaoh Cub. The one who is divine. It's on the card, too. Cub is not the Pharaoh, he's a separate being now. He died at the end of s7 after building a pyramid, which is traditionally the tomb for a king, and s8 is Cub's metaphorical journey through the afterlife before he returns for s9. This is me getting back on my Book of Caverns bullshit, but it is the title of a real Ancient Egyptian book of the afterlife, and what did Cub spend s8 building? A canyon filled with caverns! The moon crashing into the earth can be seen as his way of understanding his death and transformation/rebirth into his young skin in s9. bc that's how I'm dealing with the whole 's8 was a simulation' lore from RenDoc.
Anyway. I think that's enough brainrot for now. I don't want this getting any more unhinged than it already is lol. :D If you have further questions, please do ask! I'd love to ramble about this some more. <3
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shadowsong26fic · 4 months
Coming Attractions!
Yes, I'm aware it's Tuesday not Monday but shhhhh XD
Just a quick one this month. Not even going to split it up by fandom as I usually do, just kinda blitz through.
So I ended up...essentially taking January off from writing, apart from a scattered few sentences here and there. Which on the one hand was probably good for me but on the other hand I'm behind on projects lol. Ah well.
Priorities for this month: 1. SWBB I'm picking up the project I had to step away from last year. Anakin was not found at age nine and never became a Jedi; we're handwaving that TPM ended roughly the same way anyway because Padme and Obi-Wan are very good at what they do and one of the other pilots got lucky on the droid control ship. Fast-forward to like a year and a half/two years into the Clone Wars, Ahsoka ends up briefly stranded on a planet that's neutral mostly because it's a black market hub. They click pretty quickly, hang out for a while, stumble into a Separatist plot to test a chemical weapon and blame a limnic eruption for the deaths, and Deal With It. Hondo and Bo-Katan are briefly involved because I said so XD 2. P&J We're getting to the part where Ari actually finds stuff out, lol. Getting to Europe and talking with other researchers, etc. There's some interesting stuff in Marseille, and Calais is important. And Ari and Phil continue to be cute in the background. 3. The Other Battlestar Baltar ends up on Pegasus; there's a bunch of stuff built up around the two OCs who fill the plotholes he left behind...I need to get more text down in general, lol. And also figure out how I want to structure it? Like...I do need to establish the new people (including a few on Pegasus, like the senior medical officer, a marine officer, there will also be a Four who gets pulled from the civilian fleet...) and also clarify why Baltar ends up in a different position (and why Helo doesn't because he and Athena still need to meet). And it would probably make the most sense to just go linearly and handle all the miniseries exposition in order. But then again would that actually be Interesting; or would it be better to pick up later and jump back and forth in time...yeah, you see my problem lol. 4. Acheron Javert Groundhog Day fic; looping the last 36ish hours of his life. (from right before he heads to the barricade to his death). 5. Maybe get back into Precipice or write some origfic if I have time/brain.
Longer-range projects: 1. Percussive Maintenance is still hanging out in my head, so I'm tentatively planning on that for GBB (aka the one where the at least two concussions Sam gets during Downloaded unlock Enough of his memories) 2. Or maybe I'll jump back to The Blood of Angry Men, we'll see. (aka a Zarek character study; looking back on his life (and the allies/friends/tools that he's led to their deaths) from the night before his execution) 3. What I'm definitely not doing is any of the crossovers floating around in my head; either the Star Wars ones or the WoT ones. (the one I talked about the other night; and a fusion is actually sort of building in my head because of course it is. Mostly because of the Kara-as-Mat thing I pinged onto the other night; but also Baltar would be an interesting Logain; possibly Zarek as Taim? I think I'd leave Rand as Rand and just fill in the roles around him. Lee also lines up really well with Perrin...and since this would derail pretty early on I feel a little more Flexible about love interests/etc. lol. For reasons of Tuon, Moiraine, and Lan, mostly. Also Faile. Also I'd still want Caprica as a sul'dam, I think, but Logain doesn't have a canon love interest IIRC sooooo that's easier to sort out XD ...although now that I think about it, Athena as Nynaeve and Helo as Lan could work...) 4. Incinctus/other Castlevania things. 5. I'm doing pod_together again once signups open. I need to refine my fandoms list, haha. Not that I haven't had interesting times the last couple years, but it'd be nice to get matched based on something that Isn't a very secondary/tertiary fandom for me again. 6. AtLA may come floating back into my head enough to pick up some of the projects I wandered away from there, we'll see.
Not writing, strictly speaking, but there's some admin/modding stuff for this year's GBB that I should get a move on, especially since the event is moving to May-October, plus helping out with SWBB the way I do every year.
...yeah, that's pretty much where things stand. Hopefully I'll hit a nice groove this month!
What about you guys, what are you working on?
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egg-emperor · 1 year
Badniks as they are punted into the incinerator on Scrapnik island : "Noooo Eggman-Sama nooooo! I could still serve you! I've served you for years!" Done in by ones own master! Ouch.
I can imagine Eggman punting them into the chute of the incinerator himself when he's particularly pissed off with them and wants their demise to be particularly harsh. Maybe he has his boots made to be tough enough and that combined his natural strength would lower the chance of kicking metal from hurting. XD He just smirks like a big jerk as he hits them with a big swinging kick or throws them and they go flying down into the chute and he feels a lot of catharsis to dump them in there.
And if they're still active, he'll just keep smiling as he looks down on them on the way to their doom as they plead and beg him to spare them. But they'll find that they're nothing but scrap to him to be melted down and repurposed now. They've served their purpose or failed him and when he's had enough and made his decision, he's not going to change his mind and no attempts at making him care and feel guilty will work on him at all. He looks down on them sternly and then grins even wider.
Their creator becomes their destroyer and Eggman is delighted to have the power to bring them into the world and then take them back out of it, in total control of their "life" from start to finish. And as he watches their horror and dread, he just waves at them by wiggling his fingers with a cheery "buh-bye!" and laughs as he watches them slip away into the first drop to send them into the heart of the incinerator before turning his back on them and walking away without regret and only complete satisfaction.
And whether he's present or not, as much as he can enjoy trashing them personally and watching them succumb to their doom, he's the last thing they see before entering the heart of the incinerator either way because of his egotistical design choice of having it modelled after his face in IDW. I love how it also serves as a reminder of the one they let down or even served their purpose well with loyalty but he doesn't have any need them anymore, so he throws them away and destroy them like they were nothing.
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