#//because of course people will spend money on a service they like and know instead of a stranger insulting them. sorry to say.
spectrumspace · 9 months
staff: *makes awful decisions* users: maybe if we all give staff tons money for making awful decisions, they'll stop making awful decisions! staff: *receives tons of money* staff: *continues to make awful decisions* users:
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mypimpademia · 10 months
— Passenger Princess
Izuku x Black! Fem! Reader
Synopsis: Headcanons of what it’s like to be Izuku’s passenger princess
TW: Slightly (but briefly) suggestive towards the end
Bakugo version here!
⇶ One of Izuku’s primary love languages is quality time, so you being his passenger princess is inevitable
⇶ He loves to be with you all the time, and he feels like running around town with you rather than by himself is the perfect way to spend his day
⇶ Riding around with Izuku is something you do at least once a week, normally over the weekend when he has to run errands
⇶ Shoots you a text first thing in the morning, telling you good morning and asking if you wanna come spend the day with him
⇶ He’s an early riser, usually waking up around 5 AM and starting his day with a good workout, so you don’t respond till hours later and he’s okay with that
⇶ He keeps his notification sound on just to make sure he doesn’t miss it when you text back, happily agreeing to come with him
⇶ Izuku immediately puts down whatever weight he’s lifting, or stops his push ups or sit ups, and replies in an instant, telling you he’ll be over in an hour
⇶ Finishes up his workout then takes a quick shower and gets dressed in some sweatpants and a random hoodie before heading out
⇶ You always tell him that he doesn’t have to, but Izuku was raised a gentleman and everytime he comes to pick you up, he’d much rather come to your apartment door to get you instead of just making you walk out to his car
⇶ Always thinks you look the prettiest in a casual outfit, and little to no make up. His heart melts everytime you greet him with a glossy lipped grin, smelling like your favorite perfume
⇶ Never fails to get a kiss from you, despite your protests and whines about how you just put on lip gloss
⇶ On top of quality time, Izuku is alllll about acts of service
⇶ Before you even go anywhere, he asks if you need anything from anywhere
⇶ Won’t take no for an answer, even if you truly don’t need anything
⇶ Takes you to breakfast before anything if you haven’t eaten yet, and pays for the both of you
⇶ Izuku then proceeds to take you anywhere either of you need/want to go
⇶ He may be the one driving, but he still follows whatever you want like a lost puppy
⇶ If you even slightly mention something about going to Target, the beauty supply, Sephora, Ulta, or even IKEA, you can bet that’s where you’ll end up next
⇶ He’s got zero self restraint, and although he’s grown out of letting people walk all over him, he’s still a people pleaser to an extent, and will try and make his loved ones happy by any means
⇶ Especially you.
⇶ Throws anything that you even glance at into the cart
⇶ Don’t even say “Aw, that’s cute,” to anything, because he’ll offer to buy it for you on the spot no matter the price
⇶ Because he grew up with a single mother who did what she could to make sure he lived well, Izuku can be hesitant to spend money
⇶ But that only applies to him spending money on himself and others spending on him
⇶ No matter how much he loves something, if that price tag isn’t pretty, he’s not getting it.
⇶ But when it comes to you? You could drag him into every luxury store on Earth, and he’d swipe his card on every item you ring up without even looking at the price.
⇶ You never make him spend crazy amounts on you of course, but he denies you everytime you try and deny him buying you things
“What? You don’t love me anymore?”
He was exaggerating, of course. He knows you love him, but he gets pouty when you don’t let him show affection the way he wants to.
“Don’t start with that, Zuku,” you rolled your eyes. “And put that back, you are not getting me that. I wouldn’t even buy that for myself for that kind of money.”
Izuku kissed his teeth in response. He could be so sassy sometimes, only he would get this riled up about not being allowed to buy someone a necklace.
“Okay? That’s you,” he argued. “I’d buy it for you, you know I will.”
Emphasis on the ‘I will’, and not ‘I would’. Izuku has always been the stubborn type, and not even you could change that about him.
“Izuku, absolutely not,” you shook your head at him.
He sighed, walking up behind you and placing the gold rope chain against your collarbone.
“C‘mon angel,” he whispered. “You were just talking about how beautiful this was and how you love it so much. Lemme buy it for you.”
He was sweet talking you now, and it was working. You hated it.
“Izu, baby,” you started, but he cut you off before you could protest again.
“You’d look so good with it,” he put the necklace on you, clasping it and turning you towards a mirror. “See? And I could get you a pendant for it, maybe put your initial on it.”
Izuku pressed a soft kiss behind your ear.
“Or even mine.”
Your face was burning up, and you huffed in defeat.
“…How much is it, again?” You asked.
Izuku smiled at you threw the mirror.
“Don’t worry about that, princess.”
⇶ If the man ever went bankrupt, it’d be because of you, but he wouldn’t even complain
⇶ As much as he loves to spoil you on your shopping trips, grocery shopping is his favorite
⇶ It feels so intimate and domestic, he seriously considers proposing to you then and there
⇶ Picking out veggies that look fresh, seeing which fruits are ripened to your liking, and buying extras of things just because they’re on a good sale
⇶ Groceries are always your last activity of the day, just because you always run around doing so much, Izuku doesn’t want to have fresh food sitting in his car for hours on end
⇶ But he always loves walking around with you from aisle to aisle looking for what you need and checking off the grocery list
⇶ Once again urges you to get anything you need or want, and still won’t take no for an answer
⇶ Sometimes, you just pick up a pack of gum or some candy at the register so he stops asking
⇶ Izuku never wants to leave you when the day is coming to an end, so you always go back to his place to put away groceries and cook some dinner together while he convinces you to stay the night
⇶ He’s lucky he’s a pretty boy that’s got a way with words, otherwise, all his sweet talking would never work
⇶ You already have everything you would need at his house. Shower supplies, your usually lotion and other moisturizers, clothes, and more bonnets than anyone needs
⇶ And of course there’s two of every bonnet, just so he can match you
⇶ After dinner, you take a shower together
⇶ Aside from Izuku not knowing how to keep his hands to himself when he offers to wash you, showering with him is relaxing and endearing
⇶ He holds you whole hot water runs over you both, fixes your shower cap so your hair doesn’t get wet, and lets you wash his face for him
⇶ On top of your matching bonnets, you have matching pjs as well, and a lot of your sets are hero themed, naturally
⇶ Izuku lights up a vanilla scented candle, then gets an assortment of snacks from the kitchen while you pick out a movie or a show to binge watch
⇶ And after a long, hard, and oh so draining day of sitting pretty in Izuku’s passenger seat while he buys you anything and everything, you fall asleep on the couch with him, curled under a blanket, and wrapped in his arms <3
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Hey, I've been reading through your posts about how tourism and digital nomads and expats are gentrifying all kinds of cities and places in Spain and price out the locals and don't respect the culture and only put money in the hands of the wealthy.
I completely understand where you are coming from and what you're saying makes a lot of sense, but as an extranjero who wants to visit Spain, what are some things we can do to support the locals and also celebrate your culture while visiting?
Kaixo anon! Thanks for your message ^_^
I know that we all travel on a budget and are very much used to low costs in everything, and many of the suggestions I'm gonna write are quite more expensive than maybe other alternatives. This is another issue: affording ethical tourism is a privilege not many visitors have.
avoid big hotel chains and AirBnB. Instead, choose little, family-owned hotels. They usually are in villages not far from the big touristy town and also provide a calm space out of the noisy crowd.
avoid restaurant chains and fancy ones, since 99% of the times they're owned by a board of investors. Run away from those with menus displayed on blackboards written in English, they're usually unauthentic tourist traps with poor quality food. Instead, choose family restaurants offering homemade, real Spanish food. There are maaany of these, and they're a terrific experience.
if you're willing to buy some groceries, avoid supermarkets. Choose any good-looking fruit shop, or butcher's, or fishmonger's. Go to local markets and buy local produce.
if you're moving around, use public transportation or a bike. Avoid renting a car or boat and polluting our hometown and seas. If you're moving between towns, choose the train if possible instead of booking a flight.
And regarding the celebration part, some simple pieces of advice:
unless you're Latin or Mediterranean-looking, you're gonna be spotted as a guiri at first sight. You can do nothing to stop being a guiri, but don't behave like one. Since you're an easy target, be especially wary with your belongings and with people that suddenly approach you, they might be thieves. Don't walk with your map in hand 24/7. Leave your valuables at home or at your accomodation. Don't think Spain is your playground where local law doesn't apply to you because you're spending your money there. Behave like you would normally do at home.
many foreigners don't understand Spanish service. Waiters and waitresses won't be all smiles, sweet as candy, asking you non-stop how everything's going. That doesn't mean they're being rude to you and want you out, it's just a different culture: their job is to take your order, get your food, and give you the bill when asked for it. That's all the interaction you'll get. If you need more drinks or bread, you'll just have to politely attract their attention and they will help with your needs.
flow with Spanish schedule. Many tourists are entitled enough to ask for lunch at 12 or for dinner at 7. Of course this won't be a problem in tourist bars and restaurants, but everywhere else this just won't happen. Make sure to ask for the kitchen's working hours if you're interested in having a meal in a certain place and don't ask Spaniards to follow your guiri schedule.
use basic words in Spanish to be polite: buenos días, gracias, hasta luego. You don't need a Spanish proficiency certificate to leave a good impression after you leave and avoid that everyone thinks putos guiris again.
Learn about the different nations inside Spain before your visit. Don't expect flamenco shows in Donostia, or sangría in Santiago. Respect our pride: dressing up as a matador, donning a hat with the Spanish flag, or wearing it as a cape may be very unpleasant and rude for the locals in Catalunya, Euskadi, Galiza, etc. Do your homework prior to your visit and you'll enjoy it much much more, since you'll be able to appreciate all the different cultures that live together around here and what each of them has to offer you.
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Man, I like Daily Wire in concept but Matt Walsh needs to shut the fuck up about video games. The same guy who tried to resurrect the tired old "violent video games are harmful!" crap is now acting like he's the first person to notice that video games are pushing woke nonsense (even though there are about a hundred channels and outlets that have been talking about this for years) but his solution is to, of course, for the right to stop playing video games.
No. Just, no.
This is the same "bury our head in the sand and pretend pop culture doesn't exist" mindset that got us into this situation in the first place. You can't win a war (and there is a culture war going on, no matter how many people on both sides want to pretend otherwise) by retreating from every battlefield. You win by raising awareness of a problem and then offering a real solution.
And it's especially stupid seeing this cultural retreat mindset from someone working for DW because DW actually knows exactly how to fight this battle. They created their own media company to fight against woke Hollywood. Are all their movies and shows good? No, not at all. But they still did the right thing. They put their money where their mouth is, and created an alternative.
A much better example is Angel Studios, which is probably the only Christian movie studio I've ever seen that puts out top quality content with great acting, writing, and production values. They're raking in money and getting their content onto mainstream streaming services as well as theaters. In other words, they're taking their message to the people who need it the most. The ones who aren't already in the echo chamber. Unlike Daily Wire, which only offers its content on its own website through a subscription service to its own audience, and never advertises anywhere.
Another successful example outside of movies is Eric July's Rippaverse. He's been killing it with his comics, with every single one of his campaigns raking in over a million dollars, every cent of which is reinvested back into his business, helping it grow, creating more content, and expanding his already impressive roster of writers and artists. Mainstream writers and artists, by the way. Like Chuck Dixon, the guy who co-created Bane and wrote the seminal Tim Drake Robin comics, among many other credits, and Mike Baron, who wrote some of the best early Punisher comics. Eric had a following before he started the Rippaverse. He runs a successful YouTube channel and he's a regular contributor to The Blaze. He could have walled himself off with his fanbase, wrote comics about ancaps saving the world from the evils of government, and made some money while pandering to the people who already agreed with him. Instead, he went big. He invested his own money, runs his own distribution center, owns his own business with zero outside investors, hires the best talent he can, and offers a product that focuses on story and characters over messaging. His work isn't even "anti-woke". It's just not woke.
And that's what we need in video games. We need alternatives. We need to roll up our sleeves and wade into the deep waters and actually contribute our ideas and our talents. Offer an alternative. Hire people who know what they're doing, who care about quality content first and social engineering never. There is a huge untapped audience who would pay hand over fist for good video games free from microtransactions and woke nonsense.
But retreating is not an option. It's not brave or moral to hide in our echo chambers and scoff at anything fun. Entertainment is necessary. And maybe more importantly, it's not going anywhere. We will never live in a world where people go to work and spend time with their families at home and do nothing else. We need to engage with the world as it is. Not wait around for whatever our idea of a perfect world is to magically form so we can finally interact with it. You can't change society if you keep pretending large swaths of it don't exist.
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finelinevogue · 1 year
take a break
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summary - you and harry arrive at your nyc hotel for a little getaway
warnings: swearing? alludes to sex but nothing much, bit of kissing, just fluffy really?!
word count: +1.9k
pairing: boyfriend!harry x reader
It had been a long flight to New York City, but you’d made it.
The first getaway of the year and you’d chosen the city that never sleeps as your destination, because not a minute of this trip would be spent not immersed in the wonders of New York.
"You don't know where you're going, do you?" You asked condescendingly, as Harry walked you down a street you'd walked down twice now. 
"H, baby, you're so main character that there are about 10 million fanfics written about you with many people fantasising that they were me." You told him, hoping he would understand that you couldn't be arsed to aimlessly walk around anymore. 
"H, baby, you're so main character that there are about 10 million fanfics written about you with many people fantasising that they were me." You told him, hoping he would understand that you couldn't be arsed to aimlessly walk around anymore. 
"Ok that's weird." Harry turned to face you with a scrunch of his nose in distaste.
He hated being reminded of who he was to millions of other people that weren't you. One night he'd even told you that he was considering running away from it all - building his own island if he had to - just to spend the rest of his life loving you and embracing normality. You'd told him he was crazy, but when he asked whether you'd run away with him you had not hesitated in saying yes.
"It's true. I’ve read some." You chuckled as you remembered those that you had read. Harry as a gang leader. Harry as a painter. Harry as a tattoo artist - that one, you had to admit, had been hot.
"'Course you have," he laughed at you and pulled you a little as he prompted you to cross the road, "You just love me sooo much."
"Obviously." You rolled your eyes at how he could think anything else of you.
It was twenty minutes later that you were stepping out of the lift with all your belongings.
You were so looking forwards to room service and bed, beginning to think about what you could have to eat; toast, eggs, raspberries. It was the kind of hotel where if you ask, no matter how bizarre, you receive. 
Harry, after much persuasion, had offered to pay for a room in a luxury hotel he knew in Soho called The Dominik - more specifically the penthouse. You felt terrible for Harry to be spending so much on you, you also knew your budget wouldn't even let you stay in NYC let alone in a nice apartment in Soho. You had asked Harry what you could give him in return, which ended in you dropping to your knees and giving him something to remember. 
"After you, love." Harry used the key card to swipe the door before letting you in first, like the gentleman he is.
"Thank you." You gently replied, walking into the grand room and immediately feeling small at the top of the city.
It took no time to notice the sparkling lights of New York shining up at you through the floor-to-ceiling windows at the far end of the room. You were higher than any building around, getting the perfect view of the city as its heart beats.
You wheeled your suitcase to the foot of the neatly made bed, leaving your bag next to it and jumping onto it to be absorbed into its fabrics. You smiled, face down in the bed, at the thought of you finally being in the one city you'd forever dreamed of visiting. Work commitments and money had been cruel to you and you'd given up hope in ever being here, but alas here you were. 
Not expecting Harry to jump on top of you, you let out an ugly squeal as you felt his body flatten against yours. 
"This is nice." Harry sighed happily, finding comfort in having you so close and paying no attention to the fact your insides were soon to become your out.
"Get off, y’fucking lump." You struggled to speak against his weight, but laughed nonetheless. He didn't listen fully to your request and instead just dropped his head off your back and onto the mattress beside you. Your felt his breathe against your neck and so turned your head carefully. 
Met by the eyes that captured your heart so long ago, you smiled.
Waking up each day you had to remind yourself that he was even yours, like you were his, because it seemed so fantastical. The perfect man beside you smiled when he caught sight of yours, always saying it was his favourite feature about you.
He moved the mess of hair off your face so he could lean in to kiss you once, twice, three times. You hummed as his lips melted against yours like butter. His hand snaked around to cup your cheek and force his lips deeper onto yours, making you lightly moan against him. 
"Harry?" You whispered as you pulled away, kissing the small cross inked onto his hand just the once.
"Yes, m’love?" He didn't look into yours eyes, solely focusing on your lips and how plush they looked after him leaving his mark. He even kissed you again, not being able to resist himself. You were too divine for him to not cherish every moment. 
"Thank you for making me happy." You said, getting all mushy on him for a moment. New York felt like a good place to tell him that he was your source of happiness - something you would be forever grateful for. 
"Thank you for letting me make you happy." He replied, to which you knew he was talking about those moments that he would humbly pay for things, when you couldn't, and all those moments that didn't involve money and instead, just his love. "Now shush and let me love on you a little."
He smiled and moved to lean in closer to you, but you stopped him with your hand.
"No, I want food." You said, pushing his face fully away so you could move yourself up and off the bed. You watched as he groaned in frustration, like a baby, and huffed as he flopped his back down on the bed.
"You're choosing food over me? Unbelievable." He tutted, moving his head away from you in pretend annoyance. He had been with you long enough to know it would always be food over him. No, seriously.
"Shut up you big baby," you laughed and picked up the menu, flicking through it to try and choose what you wanted, "you want anything, H?" 
"I want you, is what I want." He grunted again, making you chuckle under your breathe.
"Alright, go hungry then." You rolled your eyes at his childlike attitude, punching the numbers into the phone to order.
"I wouldn't go hungry if I were allowed you, now wouldn't I?" He smirked at his words and looked over to see you blushing red like a fresh Pink Lady's apple. He and you both knew how flustered you could become by just his words.
"I will cut off your bal- oh hello?" You were surprised as the person from reception suddenly picked up, stopping you from threatening Harry's private parts. "Yes, thank you I would just like to order some room service please? Um, can I have the loaded nachos please but can I swap the olives for extra bacon please? Thank you, yeah. And a portion of your fries? A bowl of strawberries and a jug of water please. Thank you so much, okay, yeah!"
"You ordering for the thousands, love?"
"No. I just know that you'll eat half of my stuff anyways."
Harry was notorious for claiming that he wasn't hungry, or he wasn't in the mood for food, and then would proceed to eat half of whatever everyone else was eating. You both had big appetites for food but even bigger appetites for each other.
Harry reached into his bag and pulled out his phone charger with the adapter already attached, before walking back over to the bed and plugging in his phone. 
"Can't eat too much, though." Harry told you as he pulled his t-shirt over his head, exposing his gorgeously tanned bare chest littered with pretty pictures created from black ink. 
"And why's that?" You asked, curious to see where this was going.
"Gotta save myself for you later." He was so quick in reply, shimmying off his trousers and socks and throwing them on the bed to take care of later. He grabbed a towel off the bed and it was now clear that he was getting ready to go have a shower. He walked to his phone to check his notifications as you stood there flustered red. 
Whilst he was preoccupied, you took your t-shirt off too and wriggled out of your leggings that you'd worn for comfort on the plane. You picked up a towel, walking straight past Harry and into the bathroom.
"Um, what do you think you're doing?" He asked, putting his phone back down on the bedside table and watching you walk further into the bathroom. 
"What do you think i'm doing? Room service could be up to an hour, the lady said, so i'm joining you for a shower. Problem?" You asked, frustrated beyond reason now. He looked too fine standing there, with his boxers exposing his v-lines and hairs running down his tummy. He was so hot without even trying and it made your heart pound loud against your chest you were worried next door could hear it.
Harry shut and locked the door behind him, dropping his towel, and then his boxers, onto the sink beside him. He walked over to you, watching how you were stuck to the spot.
You were waiting for him to initiate something - anything. He pushed some hair behind your ear and kissed it softly afterwards. Your head was so close to his chest that it would've been wrong not to place a kiss against it. He hummed in appreciation, before moving his hands up your arms to help remove your bra straps from your shoulders. As he was delicately removing your more intimate clothing he whispered close;
"No. No problem at all." Harry smirked, knowing he had won this game. 
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wintersbitterfly · 1 year
sorry if im spammin but can i req yandere j-line
yandere j-line | misamo hc
cw: intentions of harm, kidnapping, manipulation, guilt trip, obsessive behavior, stalking
Hirai Momo : Love Bomber
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momo is one to give her all into something she cares about
that includes people
so when it comes to you, oh, she goes above and beyond
but maybe a little too much..?
momo loves to come home with a bouquet of flowers in her hands that are just for you
or your favorite dinner, anything really
she’s an acts of service type of gal
but she’s goes to the extremes
showing her affection for you makes your heart beat so fast with love that you don’t even see the evil intent in her eyes
from the compliments of calling you so beautiful to simple gestures such as holding the door open for you
buying you gifts, such as a necklace she bought for you coming home one night leading to you having a smile on your face
holds you like it’s the last time she’s ever going to, but she knows you’re under her control now
pda? of course. over the top.
buying you those new shoes you wanted but you said you could never afford? you’ll never know the price
threatening to end the relationship over being late for a date? hmm…
but, she knows you’re her good girl, you’ll rarely ever make her upset
she has such an effect on you
so much so that you even go against your own initial instincts and do something you wouldn’t normally do
you guilt trip yourself into feeling bad if momo doesn’t agree with what you may do
“you haven’t been on a night out in forever y/n.” “yeah but..momo spends a lot of money, and she got me something today. the least i could do is return the favor and give her a date night.”
it’s definitely not like this happens every single day…
so you just avoid the conflict all together and do what pleases momo
out of nowhere you’ll even get random presents shown up at your job, and when you confront momo about it, she only convinces you to accept
and of course, you’d never take say no because you love her
she wouldn’t take no for an answer anyway :)
and now momo doesn’t have to worry about that one customer that just couldn’t seem to take the hint
what? she had to take matters into her hands of course, she loved hearing their screams…
because your relationship with momo feels like you’re on cloud nine
being spoiled like this to death makes you feel as if momo is the only one who knows how to take care of you
it seemed too good to be true! momo really is the only one who knows you, she’s the one for you
and she’s got you wrapped around her finger right where she wants you
good. because she’s the only one for you.
Minatozaki Sana : Gaslighter
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she loves you so much
but you love her too, right?
enough to stay with her forever?
you might as well because she's not letting you go
and if you do leave, she knows how to use her doe eyes and histrionics to her advantage
this girl is so in love with you that she hates the idea of someone else even getting too close to you
she just wants people to know when to read the room and back off
you do everything to keep sana's happiness at bay.
it's more so you catering to her needs instead of her
but she does treat you with the kindest and wholehearted love anyone could ask for, and she would also do anything for you
even if that meant using her behavior on you
if you're meant to be going out with some friends that day, she'll be dramatic and try to convince you to stay
"why are you going out tonight? don't you want to spend some time with me? i'll be all lonely and i'll be missing you so much."
when you'd only be gone for two hours at most
stalking you is a must of course! she has to know where you are at all times to make sure you don't run off somewhere she doesn't approve
so when she asks randomly how your steak was tonight, you answer with no hesitation
not even realizing how she specifically knew what you had at the restaurant
things get more extreme without you even realizing it
your friends point out how any time they want you to come out with them, you'll give them the same excuses
"Sana said she wants a movie night" "Sana said she doesn't feel that well, so i'll skip" "Sana is making dinner tonight."
all the while sana smirks hearing you blow off your friends at the door
you don't listen to your friends when they tell you sana has been threatening them to stay away from you
because your girlfriend would never do that; she's too sweet
now you only have sana and she has you trapped in this house holding you in her arms with a bright smile on her face and you remain clueless
it definitely helps that you trust your girlfriend enough to know that she definitely didn't kill those no good friends of yours
Myoui Mina : Silent Treatment Giver
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oh mina, mina, mina
this woman knows exactly how to get you begging on your knees pathetically for forgiveness
you're so blinded by this love for her that if you were to make her upset, you instantly want her reciprocation instead of the cold shoulder
she loves you, of course she does
but sometimes she needs to put you in your place
and if that means not feeding into your pleas, then so be it
she knows what she’s doing and has no shame in how she’s manipulating you
while sana and momo believe what they’re doing is the right thing, mina knows it’s not
she’s just pure evil; but no one knows this
and she knows just how to get you right where she wants you
if you do something she doesn’t agree with, she straight up ignores you once you get home
you’ll come home and greet mina with a warm smile and greeting
but nothing comes from her; she’ll continue to scroll on her phone or the tv she’s watching
not bothering to even glance from the corner of her eye to look at you
then it begins; the begging
“mina? what did i do wrong? i’m sorry if i did something to upset you, but please talk to me. i’ll do anything. please?”
all that comes from her is silence with an upset facial expression
it’s only until you leave her alone for a few more minutes that turn into an hour that she acknowledges you
she won’t even tell you if you’ve done anything wrong, you just assume at this point
you continue useless apologizes until she tells you to stop and she forgives you
you can’t even go out with your friends because you’re scared mina will ghost you again
it just makes you crave her love and affection more and more any time she decides to do so
which is what mina wants
you continue to do what she wants and when she wants so your reward will be a loving and caring mina rather than a silent and cruel mina
she’ll make up lies about your friends talking badly about you, ending up in you only needing mina because it seems she’s the only one on your side
brainwashing you into thinking she’s the best and she only has your best interest at heart
this results in hardly any silence from your girlfriend
and if someone doesn’t give up on fighting for you, she’ll take matters into her own hands
which is why you were confused as to why mina was up at three in the morning in the kitchen
“oh! don’t worry about it, sweetheart. i forgot to wash a cup i used. sorry i woke you, go back to sleep.”
and without you looking, she quietly slips the knife back in its place with the other cutlery before heading off to bed with you
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Why increasing public sector wages won’t cause inflation.
One of the current Tory arguments about wages is that if they increase public sector wages, inflation will go up. Even by their own logic, this is clear nonsense, and there’s a reasonably strong argument that increasing public sector wages could actually stimulate the economy too.
So, where does this idea come from? Well, it comes from business, where the idea is that if you increase wages, some or all of that price rise gets passed on to the consumer, and prices go up. Of course, even this is false, because in many cases the consumer will say “fuck that” and not buy the product, or choose a cheaper alternative. Thus, the company must instead reduce profits to retain consumers (and let’s not be fooled, a lot of companies are still making huge, untaxed profits right now). Or they cut hours and provide a less good service.
But this doesn’t apply in the public sector. Increasing wages of people in education, or in healthcare or in the civil service etc has no direct impact on the price of anything, because the public don’t directly buy our services.
However, it may actually stimulate the economy more widely.
In general, when you give rich people more money, they save it, or possibly “invest it”- meaning it basically goes out of circulation and doesn’t further benefit anyone.
If you give people right at the bottom more money, then they almost inevitably spend it right away, usually on essentials- which benefits the economy because more money is being spent, so companies have more money to pay wages, etc etc. But this doesn’t work soooo well, because people always need essentials, and will find some way of getting them, generally, if they possibly can. Of course, we want a world where everyone has access to these essentials easily, but we’re trying to think like an economist right now.
Most public sector workers are somewhere between these two extremes although some are definitely in the second category.
Right now, however a lot of people like teachers, nurses, junior doctors, junior civil servants etc etc are “feeling the squeeze”- caught between high housing prices, rising bills and stagnating wages, there’s less and less money to spend on “luxuries”. People might cut back on eating out, on take aways, on buying new clothes, on buying presents, on “treats”, on non-essential travel, on buying things like books and nice stationery, on make up and toiletries, on haircuts and getting their nails done- the list goes on.
These things aren’t essential to survival, you can do without them. So if you can’t afford to buy them, you don’t. But of course, if a lot of people stop buying these things at once, it hurts the economy. Companies that make or sell these things see profits go down, perhaps reduce hours or lay off staff, which in turn gives them less money to spend, and it all becomes a vicious cycle which shrinks your economy- i.e. the worst possible thing if you’re a Tory, supposedly.
(Investing in education and health also has long term pay off, but anyway).
If the people at the bottom and the people a bit above the bottom had a bit more spare cash, there would be more spending, and more businesses would see a proportion of that spending. And so they can offer staff more hours, pay higher wages, employ more staff. There’s more money going around and it’s a virtuous circle. The economy grows.
Would some companies then put their prices up? Maybe. Companies will often raise prices whenever they can. But the pressure to increase prices tends to come from increased costs, not increased custom. And it would matter less because everyone or nearly everyone would be earning more.
Cutting and cutting just leaves everyone poorer. We know this.
So why do the Tories keep going on TV and spouting bollocks? It might be because they don’t actually understand the economics of the situation (scarily likely) but it’s also likely to be ideological. They’d rather “win” the fight with the unions than do something that could actually help everyone.
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Love Languages (Marius, Artem, Vyn)
Honestly, it's very difficult to do romantic hcs for the Tot guys. Mostly because the game doesn't leave much to head canon about. I should really come up with some fics instead of relying on hcs. (Also, I have a HSR version in drafts too)
Some of these may be spit into giving and receiving, since I don't always think those are the same
CW: non really. Maybe a smidgen of angst in Vyn's, but not bad
Marius x Reader, Artem x Reader, Vyn x Reader
It's fairly obvious right from the get go that Marius's love language is acts of service. Ok Acts of service and gift giving, though I could make an argument that his receiving love language is words of affirmation.
He doesn't have much time on his hands, so as much as he's probably love to spend a ton a time with you, he has to settle for other methods
But his penchant for acts of service is pretty well established fairly early in the game. Not Marius von Hagen measuring Rosa's shoe size by sight and sending someone to get a pair of flats. He's a little shit, but he's a definite sweetheart
He's the kind of person who lets his actions speak for him. But he also has a habit of letting his money speak for him. That meme that floats around about him buying Netflix? Yeah, he'd totally do it.
Marius is of the opinion that he's part of one of the richest people in the city, why shouldn't he make sure that his s/o has the best of everything.
This all being said, his receiving love language is a bit different. He wants to do things for you and give you things, but he wants words of affection. As many as possible.
I mean, he's always seeking praise and comfort, frequently resorting to puppy dog eyes to get them. This guy does not know how to be upfront about what he wants from people. I mean, look at the world he lives in. I don't envy him
Sweet, loving, very awkward Artem. I love him so much.
The guy is definitely a quality time guy.
I would say acts of service is his, but Artem is someone who does things for people. That's just a general behavior of his. So I'm not sure it counts as a "love language" as much as it's a fundamental aspect of who he is.
So we're going to go with quality time and, to a smaller extent, physical contact.
I would say that quality time is his primary love language, both giving and receiving. If he's not working he wants to e around you. He wants to do things with you.
And sometimes that quality time also includes plenty of physical contact.
His desire for physical contact is often a very subtle thing. Brushing knuckles, running his hand over your cheekbone. An arm around you when you're cold. As soon as he's aware that you're ok with casual touch, he's more touchy. But subtle touchy.
Of course, in private, it's less so. He absolutely love to cuddle while watching movies or in bed after a long day.
Vyn, why are you so hard?
Vyn is so self contained and so damn aware of his behavior. And elusive as fuck .Everything he does is intentional. So I see his giving love language reflecting yours to a large extent.
He's keenly aware of what you need and desires to fulfil that in any way he can. Which I suppose counts as acts of service.
As far as receiving...again he's elusive as fuck, so trying to figure this out is not easy. In a lot of ways it matters less how you go about it but show this poor man some love. Like, lots of it.
Spend time with him, give him compliments, and tons of hugs not me being convinced that hugs fix everything. You're going to have to show the man that he's lovable and fine even if he isn't totally perfect. But everything you give him, I see him returning tenfold.
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ryuichirou · 7 months
Hey ryuichi, as an artist, how do you feel about Ai art? Do you think that Ai is going to replace artists? Do you think that Ai artists are real artists?
I'm curious to know your opinion on this matter.
Sorry for the late reply, Anon! I wanted to give you a more or less nuanced reply, so it took me some time to think about this topic.
I’ll start with the easy one: no, AI art isn’t going to replace all artists and it’s not going to completely eradicate art as we know it, because art doesn’t exist solely for the practical purposes. As long as people enjoy and feel passionate about making art, art is going to exist in one form or another. But that’s just stating the obvious.
And while there are people who are better or worse at coming up with prompts for the AI, as long as they don’t do any additional work based on the AI-generated image, I don’t consider it being art. I think art is about skill, taste and personality, and this simply isn’t it.
Are people going to lose jobs because of AI art? Unfortunately, it already happens, but it also doesn’t mean that artists are doomed and this is some kind of apocalypse. It’s very important to consider the scale of things, the possible developments, etc. Here are some points to consider…
First of all, if we’re talking about personal commissions and clients that opt to use AI instead of commissioning an artist for their project (or personal use), I wouldn’t say that it’s too much of a loss. I feel like this is exactly the type of clients who don’t tend to appreciate artists’ work and pay them fairly anyway, otherwise they wouldn’t even consider AI as an option. Many of these “clients” would never commission an artist anyway, so they’re not even a part of this client pool. I know that money is money, and some artists would gladly take even a low-paying job from a customer that often doesn’t treat them well (I’ve been there and speak from my personal experience back when I started to offer my commission services), but I am an idealist and think that we shouldn’t spend our time and energy on someone who doesn’t see any value in our work anyway. Not everyone has the luxury of throwing away people who pay you at least something, of course, these artists still need to eat, so that last statement remains an idealistic take from me, keep that in mind.
And if we’re talking about corporations that use AI instead of hiring artists, while it is a problem, I also feel like it’s going to backfire somehow – it kinda does already. Not necessarily in terms of the company getting backlash, but in terms of the lack of quality control over the AI art (if you don’t have any actual artists on board, how are you going to know if the art works or not?) and some other unexpected reasons that are definitely going to pop up.
AI is definitely going to transform the way we think about art and art-related jobs in general. Some jobs might get lost forever, but it happens all the time – there are other brand-new types of art-jobs that are going to start emerging out of thin air. Just like photography and Photoshop influenced the market and art in general, AI is going to do just that.
I’ll note that I don’t think companies are going to stop using AI altogether at any point of the near future though; it’s a very powerful and cost-effective tool, there is no way they are letting it go. AI is absolutely here to stay, and it’s going to evolve and become better and better, scarily better. But this is how I think we should approach it:
People whose work is used for the AI’s learning pool should abso-fucking-lutely give their consent to their work being used, or even better, be compensated for their participation. If there is a new AI that makes a point out of the participation in the learning process being voluntary and well-paid, I think it’d change the dynamic between artists and AI – so far it’s just stealing from them.
Ideally, AI should be used as a base and not the final product. Actual artists could get inspired by it during the brainstorming stage or work over it.
Whoever posts, produces or distributes content that was created with the help of an AI, should absolutely mark it accordingly. In my perfect world, there’re going to be laws about this lol In general, the whole thing needs to be reflected in law, so far it’s way too easy to abuse.
Not only marked, AI generated images should be banned from being sold lol You can press that button and type all the key words all you want, but the result is just a free image that anyone can use and cannot be monetized. I believe this final point would make the majority of AI users just abandon their desire to use it in general – if there’s no profit for them, they’ll drop out, and AI art can be used as a tool like it’s supposed to be.
As you can see, I have avoided saying that people who use AI art are “artists” because I don’t consider them artists. If they don’t transform anything and don’t bring anything new to the table, I, the most important person on this planet, will refuse to give them that title lol
As far as I know, actors and writers have achieved some guarantees against the use of AI during their strike..? I haven’t looked into it, so I don’t know. Also please, keep in mind that I’m mostly talking about illustrations, because this is what I do. AI affects other types of art too, and there might be nuance there that I’m not mentioning here.
In general, I don’t want to demonize AI, because I feel like it’s not a problem on itself, it’s the way people use it that’s brings problems for all of us. This is a very new technology, and we don’t know how to handle it just yet mostly because for the lack of the law system regulating it, this is why there are so many opportunities to abuse it.
Also also, when the novelty of the AI art wears off, we might end up with the resurgence of appreciation for “real human art” or something. We are waaaaay too prone to nostalgia not to go “god I miss it when actual people designed logos” one day, and believe me, whenever it happens, the companies are going to market their stuff as the REAL HUMAN ART by the REAL HUMAN PEOPLE so much that we’re going to get sick of it in 5 minutes lol. But hey, maybe it’ll end up being a reason to pay artists more.
Thank you for reading such a long reply! I don’t want for my blog to turn into a discussion board, so sorry in advance if you address this topic in future asks to give me links or examples and I won’t reply to you, but it depends on the number of asks. I’ll look through everything on my own.
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pechayfiles · 1 year
On a hiatus for now.
Hello guys I'm sorry if I'm currently unable to post updates.
Right now I'm busy with work.
I'm also trying to set up my own company/consulting firm. It's a digital marketing firm and we will offer social media services, email and calendar management, project management, etc... Setting it up is a slow process because I also have to work full-time as I do it. I already have a team and some of the basics. I just need a few more things and I'll be set up. Currently, one of the difficulties I'm facing is funding.
My aim is to establish my own consulting firm so I can have more free time to do what I want while still having a decent amount of income. Since I'm also currently a single mom, the fact that I'm always too busy with work constantly weighs down on me. I hope to spend more time with my son. And this is why I have to succeed with the firm no matter what.
That being said, I would like to ask for the support of my Sims 4 community. I hope to raise money to fund my firm.
Of course, I don't want to ask for free money. Instead, I'm hoping you can buy from our Etsy store instead.
For now, I'm offering a T-shirt and a canvas tote bag. I honestly have no idea what to sell for now. Let me know what I can offer so I can set it up.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Here is the link to the store:
ETSY STORE Again, I don't want free money. Please just buy from our shop instead so you can get something in return at least. If you want a custom t-shirt design, please contact me - I will make it for you. I can offer mugs or mousepads or desk pads if you guys want. For full transparency, I need to raise about $5000 to successfully set up my company (employee salary, tech (CRM, hosting, hiring people to set up these things), and tools that I need to cater to clients, for ads and subscriptions - the rest will be cushion until we're able to land a decent number of clients to the point where the firm can run itself. ) Thank you so much Sim fam. I know I can count on you.
FOR THE RECORD: I'm new to the Etsy thing so if there's something wrong with your purchase, let me know and I will refund you. I'm not looking to take advantage of people. I just want to raise funds in an honest way.
Again, thank you for any type of support you can offer. I will appreciate it whether it's purchasing from my store or reblogging my post or telling other people about it or liking it. Any form of support warms my heart. Thank you so much! I appreciate all of you supportive people.
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nonuggetshere · 1 year
PV in this AU is named Flower, which is what I'm gonna use instead of the acronym. Gonna use a read more because Holy Shit there's a lot once again
So like I mentioned in this post, their relationship was rocky at first. Pale King and White Lady were crushed by guilt and regret, and not only did they not want to deal with these emotions, but they were also under the belief that their child didn't want them in their life after everything that happened. So, they became distant and while they made an effort to be pleasant and respectful to them, it was nothing more than that. It was awkward, and Flower's insistence on continuing to act emotionless and only giving them short responses with either a nod or a shake of their head just solidified their idea that they didn't want them as their parents. Meanwhile, Flower thought they were angry with them and didn't love them anymore, so they started to avoid them too whenever they could to deal with these feelings of abandonment on their own. Communication is not this family's strongest suit.
But they do have to work together to get home or even to raise geo for supplies and to pay the stag that so graciously offered his services. So, whenever they arrived at another civilization, kingdom or otherwise, they'd split up and try to get the odd jobs to raise money and buy supplies. White Lady would default to selling the flowers and plants she grew, while Flower got an odd job here and there usually where somebody needed some muscle to help. Meanwhile, Pale King dusted off his hunting skills and would make tools and leather from the things they didn't eat to sell (he eventually taught Flower how to hunt as well). They'd spend a few days at any given place before moving on again.
At some point, Pale King and White Lady decide to try and at least bridge the gap somewhat between them and save up for a gift for them. It's a little rose made of gold with a light blue ribbon tied to its stem. They thank them and put the rose in their pocket before simply walking away.
They of course cherish that gift and almost cry from it when they're alone, but they would rather die than cry in front of their parents at that point so they quickly evacuated themself from their presence. Meanwhile, the Pale King and White Lady think they didn't like their gift and Pale King especially proceeds to have a mini-crisis about it, like "Oh God, what if they think we think their love is something we could buy?! We're so stupid!". Once again, like 99% of their problems would be resolved if any of these assholes just talked to each other.
But regardless of what their parents think, they keep that rose close and cherish it more than anything.
Enter trouble, stage left.
As I mentioned in the previous post, Flower has a near-death experience courtesy of One Motherfucker.
His name is Norel Stillbreath (people in this AU have surnames simply because I love picking surnames, especially fantasy ones (PK's and his family's surname is Palelight, go figure.)), a grapeleaf skeletonizer moth (when I made him I didn't consider the fact that he's a moth that important but now I find it hilarious that the source of their problems always seem to be moths.)
He's been obsessed with gaining immortality for ages and has eventually set his sights on void after meeting an escaped vessel years ago. Since then he's been studying this substance and hunting down any vessels to experiment on, many of which ended up dead as the result. He's managed to worm out information from a few of them so he knows about the Baby Pit and has been keeping track on Flower for a bit now, whom he's very interested in thanks to their status of a God. He's an absolute scumbag who only thinks to further his own agenda and I think he's a pretty fun foil to PK, though that part was completely accidental (didn't meant to make him a foil, I just thought "hey you know what'd be fucked up?" and made him).
When he learns that they're away from Hallownest he pounces on that chance right away and begins tracing their steps, eventually setting a trap for them with the help of an ant queen and her army whom he managed to manipulate onto his side. When they arrived at her kingdom and Flower was alone, they cornered them. It took a lot of manpower because they were a god, after all, but eventually, they brought them down, even if it took a lot of casualties on their side.
They're bound in chains and dragged away. Norel plans on keeping them pacified by keeping them just on the brink of death, where they need to use SOUL to regenerate constantly and so can never get enough strength to break out of their chains and not enough SOUL to cast spells or focus. He clips their claws too short and muzzles them as well, before they're thrown in a small, cold cell.
Their parents realise something was wrong when they don't show back up to meet up with them. To keep a long, boring part short, they manage to track down where they were after a week and broke into Norel's hideout to break them out.
Facing his imminent demise at the hands of two very angry gods, Norel decided to twist the knife just a little bit. A last hurrah before he plunges into the waters below after he flew too close to the sun.
"Where is our child?!" "Oh, it's your child now, is it?"
He mocks them, calls Pale King a hypocrite and says he's even worse than he is. Sure, he might have killed and hurt the vessels, many of whom were children, but at least he wasn't their father, somebody who should have protected them from the very evil he embodied. He ends by throwing that golden rose to them, now covered in blood and void and the ribbon torn.
They're shocked, they didn't think their child kept it.
"The brat wouldn't let go of the damn thing. Like a petty child refusing to let go of their toy."
They're clearly distressed, so he pushes it further. He mentions how they wouldn't stop crying and screaming for the two of them, putting on a childish, mocking tone.
He actually managed to get away, injured but alive, just because I want Flower to be the one to kill him later on. They deserve to go apeshit💜 Pale King wanted to follow, but his queen pulled him back and said that finding their child was more important
Pale King and White Lady find them barely conscious in their cell and break them out, and are taken outside and patched up. Their father hands them back the rose and their face lights up just a little. They keep it closer to themself, then pass out shortly after.
They immediately head off to the nearest kingdom with healing springs and try to make them feel as comfortable as possible on the cart. The two of them proceed to break down over this entire situation. They wonder if what Norel said was true, if they really cried for them for help and called them mum and dad. At that moment they decide to be better parents to them (plus, seeing Norel was almost like looking in the mirror, and PK Did Not Liked That. It did slapped some (more) sense into him)
They finally arrive at the kingdom and they help Flower get to the springs. Pale King sits with them while White Lady goes to get some food for them. He lets them lay their head on his lap and they almost doze off, they're so exhausted from everything. Then their mum returns with some sweet buns and they let out that soft "mmrp?" cat start-up sound (killing both their parents on the spot). They just rest and eat, and afterwards, the two finally apologise for everything and promise them they're going to be better people and parents.
That's pretty much THAT scenario, will make more posts and answer any asks y'all would like to send later but I've been writing this for a long while know and I need a break fkfbfjf
Some side notes though!
Flower/PV didn't take this beating laying down, the entire time that they were in captivity they fought back and gave Norel and his followers quite a bit of wounds. They're strong and resilient, and that bitch if a moth didn't manage to break them.
Also, I didn't make Norel just to make Pale King look better by comparison, I don't vibe with these types of characterizations. I just love a fucked up man 💜 Also when I first made Norel, PK was admittedly way more of a scumbag before I decided to rewrite FaaF (and by extension Wayward Royals) to make it sadder for me, aka the whole "they shouldn't have been loved and they shouldn't have loved back, but they were and they did anyway" thing I mentioned in the FaaF post. I also have AUs where PK is a complete asshole, because I love all shades of grey for this morally grey little rat. Just mentioning it so that people don't get the wrong impression about Norel, he's like that because I love complete scumbags that are unapologetically evil, not because I wanna make that wet tissue of a man PK look better by comparison
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Blood Of The Covenant
Chapter one
Hi it surprises absolutely nobody that Noah is back on his bullshit! Any of you miss Chzo Mythos? I miss Chzo Mythos. I don't think I'm going to rewrite m+ap anymore, it no longer feels like the right way to tell the story I want to. But I've started something different, so here's chapter one of that! 1,500 words of Chris Quinn having a very bad no good awful time! Enjoy! Tw for death, transphobia, homophobia, and interrogation? I guess
It takes a second to realize what he's done.
A second to realize that the disappearance of that damned thing means it's finally dead, that it's finally over.
He laughs, he laughs and falls to his knees and laughs and cheers, and cries and slams his hands against the concrete and screams.
Because he's won, but he's alone.
He's won, but who's to know if there's any humanity left? If this zombie bullshit hadn't done to the rest of the world what it'd done to England and America? And if there were still humans, if they'd accept someone who technically was a zombie amongst them?
So he laughed and cried and screamed and cursed the very world for what it'd done, cursed the virus and the mental hospital, and both his parents and their killer, and cursed more and more until he realized the zombies who's wandering became aimless and confused once their master fell were starting to collapse into truly lifeless heaps.
And he realized his body was starting to feel heavier, breathing was feeling harder.
He got to his feet unsteadily as the panic set in, as that urge to live that he could never quite shove all the way down rose with new urgency.
He almost made it to the exit, his stumbling body gave out a few meters from the door, and he tried with shaking arms to drag himself the rest of the way, as if he could run from his body realizing it truly was a corpse.
And then he knew it should've all went black. And for the life of him he couldn't recall what color encompassed him instead, he knew it wasn't the awful rotting purple of The Evil.
It was something warmer, unsettling, but warm.
And he could recall the tolling of bells in the distance, whispers of people he couldn't see but could feel. He could recall the feeling of running through the invisible crowd as they collided with him and he felt fingers grip his shoulders and arms, trying and failing to hold him still, he recalled the ground having broken glass scattered randomly, and having to stumble and weave to avoid it. The feeling of a billion unseen eyes boring into him before he came to something great and awful that blurred to nothing in his memory and had a conversation with him he couldn't recall.
Except for one piece.
"... This type of thing can't come without a price, can it?"
"You're smarter than those who came before you. Yes, you'll pay your debts in time mortal, be sure of that."
"What would I owe?"
"To fight. To persevere. You'll know the time when it comes. I believe you can afford that, can't you?"
Regardless of the certainty of death, Chris Quinn would wake with a start on a park bench back in England, with stars blinking overhead and the moon as bright as ever.
And the world would no longer be made of corpses.
And it did not take long to realize two things:
That he was still wearing the blood and viscera stained clothes he'd died in, and everything before the night his parents died was an uncomfortable blank in his mind.
Of course the world waits for no man, not even an undead one, and he had to keep moving. So he did. Even if he didn't know what to do or how to do it, he kept moving. He went back to his parents' house, or his now, even if he didn't want to say that. He went back to his mom's library, and he learned what he could from the collection of occult texts, and did what he did still know how to do.
He killed monsters.
And it worked, it worked for a while. He'd find someone who needed his services, do the job, and spend the money on booze and drugs to blur out the nightmares and flashbacks and horrifying ever present feeling of being watched.
And then there was that awful night. Where he had a bit too much of a bit too many things, and he wasn't sure what exactly set it off, but suddenly in his mind he was back, back in the hordes, the smell or rot in his nose and adrenaline in his veins.
He didn't mean it.
He didn't mean it and he didn't know what he was doing but that didn't take a bullets out of an innocent man, it didn't clear the drug charges, and it didn't make the prison sentence any less. Especially when he knew the alternative was likely going back to that god awful mental hospital. He'd rather face his sentence.
He wasn't sure what was going on when he was lead out of the prison by guards he didn't recognize, put in a vehicle that didn't belong to the prison, and driven to a building that took government looking key cards to open even the entrance door.
He was lead into an interrogation room and handcuffed to the chair, and a well groomed man in a button up and slacks would come in and sit across from him. "Hello there Mr.Quinn, I'm sure you must be confused on why you're here, correct?"
"You found the drugs I stuffed up my arse?" A beat. He realized snark probably wasn't great when talking to someone who had to be some sort of fed, "... That was a joke, mate. I swear."
"... I'm going to believe that for both of our sakes and just explain." The man already looked exasperated with him, good, he didn't want to be here.
"I'm listening."
"This place is an organization that specializes in researching and containing the occult and supernatural, something it's come to our attention, *you* have experience with."
Oh. They knew about the monster hunting, or worse, The Evil. Did anyone actually know about it? Chris saw all the signs and scars like it was plain as day, but it seemed the rest of the world was blind to the atrocities that haunted him.
"... What's that supposed to mean?" Well. It'd do him no good to give up more by not knowing what they were already aware of.
"It's not every day a man disappears from a mental hospital, and is deemed dead in time with disappearance of hundreds, Mr.Quinn. Especially when that man goes on to hunt monsters one could assume he previously knew nothing about."
Chris stared at him with a look akin to bewilderment, that probably looked more like a dog that forgot how to close its mouth.
"It's an event that we have yet to find explanation for, and my employers believe you may be the piece we're missing. From the look on your face I'm going to assume they're correct."
"... Can I go back to jail? I'd love to go back to jail right now-"
"You haven't even heard what we want from you yet-"
Chris tugged at the handcuffs, "Mate I don't want to, just take me back, alright?"
"We just want to hear what you know, and offer you a job position."
"I don't want any fucking job-"
"If you take the offer we'll have you released from prison, your criminal record will be wiped, you'll be given a place to live that isn't where your parents died, not to mention we have extensive benefits, including medical insurance that covers things public healthcare would make quite difficult." The man gave him a pointed, maybe disgusted, stare that made him squirm in his seat. He wanted to leave. He wanted out. He didn't much care what they were offering, they knew too much, they wanted information he didn't want to tell, wouldn't know how to.
"What the fuck are you even talking about? Why would I need health insurance-"
"How much did you pay them to put you in a male prison, Charlotte-"
"Don't call me that! What the fuck mate-"
"We have all of your public records, all of your medical records, we know your parents went through loopholes to have your gender marker changed and switch your high school, that you were treated for homosexual tendancies in the mental hospital, we could revoke your hormones, tell the world who you really are, you wouldn't be such a loved author if the world knew you were a-"
"I'll take your fucking offer! Shut up!"
The man leaned back, a smug but content smile on his face, "That's about what I thought." He slid a few papers towards Chris, "Fill these out please."
"I can't."
"... Quinn, did you not-"
"I'm left handed. You have my left hand handcuffed, I can't write with my right hand."
"..." The man sighed, and got up, bringing in two guards. One held Chris down while the other switched the cuff, not that Chris dared to struggle. He was utterly and completely fucked. And he had no real idea what he was getting into as he filled out these papers, signed up to become part of this 'Ministry of Occultism'. His stomach churned as he signed away what little freedom he still had and slid the paperwork back across the table. He wished he could wipe that stupid grin off that bastard's face.
"Someone will be sent to collect you from the prison and bring you here for orientation as soon as this is processed. Welcome to the ministry, Quinn."
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bteezxyewriter12 · 1 year
Soulmate/ 10
Pairing- Hobi x Named Reader
Word count- 5.8k
Includes- Fluff, sex, oral, pussy eating, blow job, deepthroating, cum eating, riding, multiple orgasms
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxxmine @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@borntowalkaway @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @seokwoosmole
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📝 BTS Masterlist 📝Hobi Masterlist
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Hobi POV
I haven't seen Joanne since I went to the hospital five months ago
I want to give her time with Kiara and get used to being a mom before I talk to her
I noticed that Namjoon has been spending a lot of time at the studio instead of at his home with her and Kiara
I actually thought that things would be different
In the beginning when he came back from the tour, he was excited about being a father
He'd brag about Kiara and talk about her all the time
He'd also brag that Joanne was the best mom
Like I didn't know that already
But then he started staying at the studio late
He stopped talking about Kiara
He went to do shows for a week
He hasn't mentioned Kiara or Joanne for two months
So I caved and texted Joanne
I got no response
So I called her
And was shocked when I heard "The number you called is not in service" in an automated voice
So I decided to talk to Namjoon the next time I see him
"Hey Namjoon!", I yell as I see him head to his studio
He turns, "Oh hi Hoseok."
He looks tired the closer I get to him
"Um so how's Kiara and Joanne doing?" I ask, not bothering to make small talk
"How's Kiara doing? She's gotta be what, five months now right? How's Joanne handling being a mom?"
"Oh. Uh I don't know.", he mumbles
"What do you mean you don't know?", I ask, confused
"Uh we're not together anymore, so I don't know how they are."
I stare at him incredulously
He doesn't know how his baby is?
"So you don't know how your daughter is?"
"She's not my daughter anymore. Legally anyway.", he sighs
"What the hell does that mean?"
What bullshit is he talking about now?
"I signed my rights over to Joanne. Kiara is hers"
"Why would you do that?", I gasp
How could he give you his baby?
Doesn't he love her?
"Because I'm not ready for this. I'm not ready to be a dad. I can't take care of Kiara like she can. I can't put them first right now. I did what's best for Kiara and that's letting Joanne have her.", he explains
"I can't believe this. What did Joanne say?", I ask
"She was upset of course. But she told me that when I'm ready I can be in Kiara's life if that's what I want."
"Is that what you want?"
"I don't know. Maybe? Probably eventually. But I can't now", he sighs
"Where is Joanne now? I called her but her phone isn't in service."
"You called her?", he asks surprised, "Why?"
I roll my eyes, "Because you haven't talked about her or Kiara in months. I was worried."
"Uh huh", is all he says
"Where is she?", I ask again
"She's not here. She moved back to New York. She's with her mom."
"She what? When? Why?", I stutter
How could she leave?
Why didn't she tell me?
I would have helped her if she needed help
"She left three months ago."
Three months?
Three months?
"She's living with her mom. She said she couldn't afford to live here alone with Kiara. I offered to give her money but she refused."
Again, I'm not surprised
She doesn't like to take things from people, especially money
She's always says she's not a moocher
"Her mom offered for her to live with her and help with Kiara. So she went.", he says
"And you don't care?", I shout
His eyes narrowed at me, "Of course I care. But I have no say when I signed my rights over. I trust Joanne one hundred percent with Kiara. If she thought that moving was the best thing to do for Kiata then I accept it."
I actually can't believe what I'm hearing
"Now I have work to do so I'll see you later"
He turns and walks into his studio
What am I going to do now?
Living with my mom isn't so bad
She helps with Kiara a lot and teaches me a lot about how to care for her
But I miss Korea
My mom was wrong
Korea is my home, not here
I just can't be there right now
Kiara is growing so fast
She's turning on her own, she's making sounds, she laughs, she smiles
Now she's trying to sit up
She still needs help to get up but she can sit up for about a minute before she topples over
It's so funny and when I laugh, she laughs too
I cried when she started to reach for me when she wanted me
It was the best feeling in the world and it still is when she does it
I have to watch out though because she goes for my lip and eyebrow piercings
She can rip them right out if I'm not careful
I love just laying with Kiara, watch her play with her toys
She started to grab my arm with the tattooed sleeve and just looks at it I think it's because of the bright colors in it
She always goes for the bright color toys
I think she had started teething now because she gets cranky easliy and keeps on biting everything
I found a great doctor here for Kiata who is very knowledgeable and sweet
I found a job in my field and I'm working part time
I don't like being away from Kiara for a long time
I go to work in the morning and I'm home by 1 p.m. and spend the rest of the day with Kiara
Honestly she is the only thing that makes me happy
She's my number one priority
When she's sleeping I don't know what to do
I have all this time to think and I don't want to
Because Hobi is what I think about
All the time
And I can't do this to myself anymore
I have to let him go
But I don't know how
A few weeks later I'm at home with Kiara
My mom went out food shopping
We're playing with her portable baby mobile when the doorbell rings
I sigh
It's probably packages for my brother
He orders a lot of shit
I don't even know where he gets all this money from, he's still a teenager
I pick up Kiara, place her on my hip and she puts her head on my shoulder
I walk to the door, opening it
And gasp
Hobi POV
God she's still as beautiful as ever
Even with messy hair, a tank top, sweatpants and holding a baby
Especially with the baby
She's standing there wide eyed, her mouth dropped open
"Hi Jo.", I say
"Hhh...hi Hobi. What are you doing here?", she asks
"Uh I came for you."
"For me?", she questions
"Yeah..I Uh have been wanting to talk to you."
We stand there for a minute, Kiara pulling on her hair
"Shit", she says, "Sorry come in. I'm sorry"
She moves aside and I come into the house
"Uh come this way. We can talk in the living room."
I follow her to the living room, that's filled with baby toys
There's a play pen in the middle of the room and a baby blanket in the floor with some kind of mobile toy
There's a baby swing and a little walking roller with toys on it.
"Sorry about the mess. Uh Kiara and I were playing with her mobile toy She loves that thing."
"Oh no it's fine.", I say
She goes and puts Kiara in the baby swing
She gives her a toy to play with, then presses a button and the swing starts to swing gently back and forth
"Maybe she'll take a nap."
Then she laughs
"Probably not. She's very stubborn"
"Like you.", I joke
"Yea I guess", she smiles
I miss her smile
Then she goes to the play pen and gets a stuffed animal.
"I almost forgot", she says, "Here's you wow wow, Ki"
I laugh, "Wow wow?"
"Yeah its a spanish thing. We call dogs or wolves that for little kids"
She tucks the stuffed wolf I gave Kiara the day she was born right next to her
Kiara puts her head on the wolf, laying on it
"You still have that?", I ask, awed
"Of course. Kiara loves it. She can't sleep without it.", she answers
My eyes start to tear up, "Really?"
"Yeah. It's weird. It's like she knows when it's not there and I have to get it so she stops crying and goes to sleep"
"Oh", I say rubbing my eyes
"Yea. Uh you wanna sit?", she asks moving to the couch
"Yeah, sure, ok", I nod, going and sit next to her
"So what did you want to talk to me about?", she asks tilting her head
"Um well I'm here to ask you to come back to Korea with me"
She shakes her head, "I can't Hobi. I can't live there on my own with a baby. I can't make enough money and I don't want to get a baby sitter. I want to be with her and raise her. I'm the only one she has. Why do you want me to come back anyway? There's nothing for me there."
"I'm there.", I say
"I know. But I have to do what's best for Kiara. She matters most."
I nod then ask, "But Jo, why didn't you tell me you were leaving? Why didn't you say anything?"
"What was I supposed to say?", she throws her hands up, "Namjoon walked out on me. I had to make quick decisions. The best decisions out of a whole lot of crappy ones. What would you have done anyway? You'd just try to get me to stay. And I couldn't."
"I would of helped you", I tell her
"Help with what? You know I don't just take things from people. Kiara is not even your baby. Why would you help? No guy wants to take care of anothers kid.", she argues
"That doesn't matter. I would of helped you."
"Why?", she demands
"Because Joanne, I love you.", I finally say
She blinks in surprise
"What?", she whispers
"I love you. I never got over you Jo. I'm still madly in love with you. You know why it didn't work with Hae? Because she wasn't you."
She just stares at me in disbelief
"I should of said this a long time ago. I should of listened to your mom when she told me to talk to you."
"My mom?", she gapes, her jaw dropping, "When did you talk to my mom?"
"When you were giving birth to Kiara. I was there in the waiting room. Yoongi came to me to ask if I could get in touch with Namjoon because he wasn't able too and neither was I. So I went to the hospital and waited all night.", I explain
"You were there?", she whispers, her eyes watery
I nod
"Thank you"
I smile
"Of course Jo. I saw them bring you to the delivery room. I hid until you went in. I thought your mom would go in with you but she didn't. And I wasn't leaving. So I sat down and she recognized me. We talked about what happened with me and you and she told me I should talk to you."
"Why didn't you?"
I shrug, "You just had a baby. I wanted to give you time to get used to being a mom. Then I heard you left and I came to find you."
I look at her and tears are falling from her eyes
"I love you Joanne and I came here to take you and Kiara back to Korea with me, if you feel the same. If you don't then I'll leave and won't bother you again."
"I do Hobi", she says through tears, "I love you so much. I missed you. I'm still in love with you too. I've always been. I thought you didn't feel that way for me anymore when you started dating again. I thought you moved on. Which was why I gave Namjoon a chance."
"I'm sorry Jo. I tried dating because my manager talked to me and suggested it. What he said made sense at the time but all I kept thinking about was you when I was with her. So I ended it.", I tell her
"It wasn't working with Namjoon.", she says quietly
"No?", I ask
She shakes her head, "I was going to break it off but then I found out that I was pregnant. And he wanted to try to be with me and help with Kiara. And I stayed because I wanted Kiara to have her father in her life. I did like him but I didn't love him. But it started going wrong before she was even born. He changed after the tour for a few weeks and actually was a great dad. But then it went back to the way it was and it fell apart."
She closes her eyes, "My life is so messed up."
"No, it's not. I know its been hard but Kiara's here."
She opens her eyes, looks over at Kiara and smiles
Kiara is chewing on the toy Joanne gave her and when she sees Joanne looking at her, she smiles too
"She the best thing that's happened to me. She's the reason I get up everyday. I love her so much."
I understand
Joanne is a great mom
I always knew she'd be
"Jo, please come back with me.", I ask
"Hobi, I want to but with everything that happened before...", she starts
"About that", I interrupt
She looks at me, "What about it?"
"That's another reason I wanted to talk to you."
"After we broke up, months later Dam-Bi wanted to do another collab but I refused. So she came to see me at big hit."
She's silent, just raising an eyebrow
"She wanted to know why I said no and I basically yelled at her, that she was the reason we weren't together."
"Hobi..", she says
"I know Jo. I know I kept things from you and I'm so sorry about that but she is the reason all this happened."
"And how is that?"
"She set me up."
She blinks rapidly, "She what? What are you talking about?"
"I asked her how you got those messages when Yoongi didn't send them. I had a feeling it was her and it was"
"And how is this her fault and not yours too?"
"Because she had her security take a picture of the the first time she kissed me. I told you I pushed her away and I did. She said she wanted me and got pissed when I told her to fuck off. She said nobody has ever told her no and she gets what she wants. She actually kissed me those other times and held my hand, having her security take pictures", I explain, remembering what she said, "She said those kisses were her giving me chances to change my mind. I swear I pushed her away everytime. Since I wasn't going to give her what she wanted, she sent you the pictures from a website where you can input anyone's name as the sender. That's why it looks like Yoongi sent them to you."
Her mouth is hanging open, disbelief on her face
"She deliberately broke us up."
"How do you know all this?"
"Because I asked her. I told her I knew she had something to do with it and she told me."
"I..I...I don't know what to say."
I look at her and see she's crying, "I'm so sorry Hobi. God, I'm such a fuck up. I should of listened to you. I should of believed you. I should of talked to you."
"No Jo. No. It's my fault. I kept it from you. I didn't tell you when it happened the first time. I'm not denying that. I'm sorry. I really am. That was the thing that caused you not to trust me. And I understand where you were coming from. I get it that you can't be with someone if you don't trust them. But I swear I will never do anything like that again", I promise, "I was hurt too but I couldn't imagine what you'd must of felt seeing those pictures. And I'm sorry about saying I didn't know if I liked kissing her. I really didn't like it and just wanted her off me. So much was happening and so many things were running through my head that I said something stupid. I'm sorry."
She nods, "I know. My mom told me I was stupid for holding on to that, given the situation you were in."
"Your mom knows her stuff.", I say and she cracks a smile through her tears
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?", she asks
"We hadn't talked in months and I was afraid you wouldn't talk to me. I didn't know if it would have changed anything. I was scared."
"It would have changed things Hobi. It wasn't you're fault. She used you.", she shakes her head, "It doesn't matter now. I'm glad you told me."
Kiara starts whining and she gets up to go get her, wiping her eyes as she get to her
"Hi baby girl.", she coos, "You wanna come out? You don't wanna nap huh?"
Kiara makes some whining noises and starts to cry, reaching her hands up to Joanne
"Ok, ok, lets go.", she stops the swing and takes Kiara out
"I'll be right back", she says to me
She comes back in a few seconds later with Kiara chewing on a frozen toy
She grabs the wolf, makes her way over and sits with Kiara in her lap, the wild next to them
"Better?", she asks Kiara
Kiara just makes a baby sound
She smiles, kisses Kiara's head and cuddling her in her arms
Namjoon was right
Joanne is an amazing mom
"Sorry if she cries. She's teething now and she's chewing on everything.", she tells me
"Yea it's fine. Her crying doesn't bother me.", I say
"Hmm. You're so different from Namjoon. He couldn't stand when she cried.", she comments
Kiara drops the toy on Joanne's lap and makes another whiny sound.
"Jeez someone's cranky", she says and giving Kiara the toy back
Kiara drops it on her lap again
Then she reaches her little arms out to me
"Ki, you silly baby. What do you want?", she says as she picks up the toy again, looking back at Kiara
Her eyes widened when she sees Kiara reaching for me
"Oh uh..I think she wants you", she says softly
Kiara pushes her self a little bit forward on Joanne's lap, still reaching out for me and now she's squealing
"Uh ok...um Hobi you don't have to..", she starts but stops when she sees me shaking my head.
"I want to, if it's ok with you.", I say
"Oh yea of course."
She hands me Kiara and I stand her on my legs
Kiara looks at me, makes a gurgling sound and smiles
I can't help but smile back
She's adorable
She reaches out a chubby hand and touches my face, squealing again
I fix her so that she's sitting on my lap and lying in the crook of my arm
I put the wolf next to her then, gesture to Joanne for the frozen toy and she hands it to me.
"Do you want this now?", I ask Kiara, holding it out to her and she reached for it with her hands
I give it to her and she immediately puts it in her mouth
"I...uh...I guess she likes you", Joanne says
"Yea well what's not to like?", I joke and she laughs
"And anyway, I like her too", I say
We're both staring at Kiara as she chews on the toy in my arms
I look up at Joanne and she looks at me
"Joanne, come back with me. Please. I love you and I don't want to be without you for another second. These past few years have been torture and all I've ever wanted was just you. Please", I beg
"Hobi...I can't...what about Kiara? I'm not leaving her here."
"What are you talking about? Kiara is coming too.", I say confused
"Hobi...I can't ask you to raise someone else's baby.", she says sadly
"You don't have to Jo. I'm telling you I want to. I don't care that she's not biologically mine. That doesn't matter to me. She doesn't need to be biologically mine for me to be her dad. And I want to. Be her dad.", I confess
"You do? Why?"
"Because she's adorable. Because I've only seen her twice and I already love her. Because I love you more than anything. Because I want both of you with me.", I tell her
She looks at me with tears in her eyes again, "Are you serious? Are you for real Hobi? Because I was promised that we were wanted once and that promise was broken. I can't take that from you. Not you."
"Yes I'm serious. I love you, I never stopped. And honestly I never will. This time we've been apart has definitely proved to me that you're the only one I could ever want. I always felt that way but now I have proof. I will be in love with you for the rest of my life.", I finally, tell her what I've been wanting too all these years
She smiles at me, eyes her beautiful brown eyes shining
And my heart soars as she nods and tells me, "I love you Hobi. So much. I'll always be in love with you too. You were all I thought about all these years, the only one I wanted. And still want. I don't ever want to be without you anymore. So yes Kiara and I will go back to Korea with you"
She smiles so widely at me and I can't help but smile back
I look down at Kiara in my arms, noticing that's she fell asleep in my arms
I can still do this holding her
I slowly, stand, reaching into my pocket, taking out a box
Then slowly, so I don't wake Kiara, I kneel down on one knee.
She gasps as I hold out a ring to her
"This is not how I thought I'd do this, while holding a baby but it doesn't matter", I smile, "Joanne I love you. I don't want to ever be without you again. Now that I have you back, I'm never letting you go. I want to spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you. And how much I love Kiara."
Taking a breath I finally ask her,, "Joanne, will you marry me?"
"Yes", she answers immediately through tears
She kneels down in front of me and comes straight into my free arm
God I missed hold her so much
It feels so good to have her back in my arms again
I can't hold it in and I start to cry
Her face is buried in my neck and she's holding on tightly to me.
I lean my head over and tell her, "I missed you so much"
"I missed you too Hobi."
We stay like that for a few minutes, with me holding the two most important girls in my life
Kiara and I went back to Korea with Hobi seven months ago
My mom was ecstatic when I told her Hobi and I were back together and getting married
But she was sad that Kiara and I were leaving
"I'm happy you finally talked to her.", she told Hobi, "You take care of my two girls ok?"
Hobi smiled and nodded, "I will."
That wasn't the end of the surprises Hobi had though
When we got back to Korea, Hobi told me not to unpack all my stuff
"Why?", I asked
"Because we're moving.", he said
"We are?"
"Yea. You, me and Kiara are going to go look at houses and find one we love"
"But..", I started
"No buts baby. We're doing this. I want to do this for the two of you. I told you years ago that I wanted this for us. So please don't argue.", he said gently
I smiled, "Ok Hobi."
"What really? You're not going to fight me?", he asked,shocked
I grinned, "No Hobi. There are more important things than houses and money to argue about. If you want to do this then ok. But you know I will help you pay for the bills and stuff."
He opens my mouth but I keep taking
"So please don't argue", I finished
He chuckled, agreeing, "Ok Jo. If that's what you want, then ok."
Hobi and I spent a few weeks looking at houses until we finally picked one we both loved
Within that month Hobi had bought it and we moved in
Kiara had her own room next to ours
Even so Hobi put a crib in our room too
"In case she gets lonely", he said and I'm so happy he thinks of everything
He's seriously the best
Hobi and I didn't want to wait to get married
He surprised me with the location of the wedding
"Italy?", I say incredulously
"Not just Italy, but Venice. Your favorite place in the world.", he smiles
"Really?" I asked, tears pouring from my eyes
"Yeah baby. Anything for you.", he says
I jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly and whispered "Thank You" over and over while he held on to me just as tightly
We had a small wedding with just his family, mine and a few close friends
It was beautiful and I was so happy.
I watched as Hobi held Kiara and danced with her
He's the best dad ever and he loves her so much
They both are my world
Hobi's mom was kind enough to take Kiara for a few days so Hobi and I could spend time together, just me and him.
She took Kiara right after the wedding
They were staying in a hotel a few blocks away so she's always near us.
We'd all fly back to Korea together in a few days
Hobi and I go back to our amazing hotel suite that he got for us
As soon as the door closes we're all over each other
Hobi and I haven't had sex when we got back together
He wanted to wait til the wedding, to make it special
It was killing me but now the day is finally here and I get to be with him again
He breaks away from me and mutters, "Take that dress off before I rip it off"
I see passion and lust in his eyes And I know he sees the same in mine.
"Help me take it off", I say playfully and turn around so he can undo the corset strings
As he's untying the dress, he kisses my neck, my shoulder, my hair
He slides the dress down and I step out of it, now just in my panties
I turn to him and kiss him while taking off his suit jacket and unbuttoning his shirt
Then I pull on his belt and undo it, pulling his pants and boxers off at the same time
God he has way too much clothes on right now
He makes growls, then grabs me, picking me up
My legs go around him and he walks me to the bedroom
While kissing me he lays me on the bed, him on top
He kisses down my body slowly, giving me shivers and making me moan
He goes farther down, until he gets to my panties
Then he pulls them off and continues kissing me down until he gets to where I need him to be
He looks up at me, smirks and does exactly what I want him to do
He puts his tongue on me, licking so slowly up my pussy
I moan out loud and I hear him chuckle while he continues to use his mouth and tongue on me
"Hmmm. You taste so good baby.", he murmurs, "Fuck I missed you so fucking much"
His tongue touches me everywhere, sliding between my lips, the tip poking into my hole, his tongue rolling over my clit
I'm in such amazing pleasure
Pleasure that only Hobi can give me
His mouth moves around my clit, sucking softly at first then becoming fast and desperate
Waves of pleasure runs over me as I cry out for more
He sucks more and I can't hold it
I haven't had sex in so long and his skilled mouth is bringing me right there so fast
He sucks once more and I scream, my orgasm washing over me, the most intense pleasure hitting me hard
His tongue moves down, slipping inside as I cum and I gasp, clenching his tongue hard
He moans, swallowing, my eyes not moving from watching him
After, he licks me a few times, then pulls away
"Fuck I missed how good you taste baby. My favorite", he smirks
I sit up immediately, pushing him on his back
"Someone's excited", he teases
I look down at his hard straining cock, that's leaking so much cum and raise my eyebrow
"Look who's talking"
He just smiles and I bend down, immediately taking his cock in my mouth
I miss sucking on him and I want to give him an amazing blow job
Deepthroating him right away, I bob on his massive cock, moving my head fast, sucking on him as much as I can
"Joanne! Fuck! Aegi!", he cries, his body shaking
His hand moves in my hair, holding on tightly as I pleasure his dick
He's the best thing to suck on, I love the feeling of his cock deep in my throat
I bottom him out, staying in him, swallowing over and over
"Fuck, so tight baby. Oh god", he whines, "Suck baby. Please. I'm so close"
I listen, sucking as fast as I can, so much spit falling from my mouth but I know Hobi likes it messy
His cock throbs and I know he's right there
I'm so excited to taste him again
"I'm gonna cum. Fuck I'm gonna cum down your throat", he yells, doing just that
As my throat fills with his cum, I swallow over and over, getting all of it down, savoring the taste of him
Once he finishes, I stay on him, sucking to get him hard again
"Yes baby, suck my cock. Fuck"
Once he's hard, I move off him, looking at his hard dick standing straight up for me
"You want it baby?", he teases
I climb on top of him, leaning over and kissing him, hovering over his dick
"You want it, Hobi?"
He nods over and over and tries to move his hips up to get in
I giggle and move my ass up higher out of his reach
He whines and I smirk again
"How much do you want it", I tease
"A lot. A lot." he pants as he continues to try to lift his hips high enough but he can't
"Tell me you want it", I continue to tease him
"I want it Jo. Give it to me. Please. I want your pussy", he begs, "So bad baby. I miss being wrapped up in your cunt. Please give me"
"Ok baby.", I say and slam myself down on him, taking him in in one stroke
He fills me perfectly, his cock mean to be inside me
I start moving, up and down, bouncing while he moans
"Yes baby! Fuck. Oh god I missed this pussy. Fuck your pussy is the best baby"
I love how loud he is
He watches me ride him, his eyes in my cunt swallowing his cock
"Fuck yeah baby. Eat up my cock. God your pussy's starving for me?"
I nod, "I missed you baby"
"You have me baby. I'm not going anywhere. I'm gonna fill this pussy every fucking day. I was meant to be in your cunt and that's where I'm staying"
"Yes baby. Stay", I moans
He grabs my ass and slams me down on his me length, hard
"Ahh", I yell as his cock smashes my spot hard
He lifts me up almost completely off him, then slams me down again and I scream
It feels so good
He continues to do this over and over, while I scream his name
"Ahhh Hoseok! Hoseok! More baby, don't stop"
I know what my screaming his name does to him
Upon hearing his name he moves me even faster and harder than I thought he could move
"God, Jo, You feel so good" he says breathing heavily, "Fuck so much cream all over me. Like a fucking waterfall"
"You feel so good, Hobi", I murmur trying to focus on my words and failing miserable
He keeps going and I'm almost at the breaking point, gasping for air and moaning over and over, sweat all over my body
"Cum for me baby. Cum on me. Please", he begs and that sends me over the edge.
"Hoseok! Oh god Hoseok! Hoseok!", I scream as I do what he wants, cumming on him and him moving faster
I know he's close too and he still feels so good, that I feel myself immediately ready to cum again
As he moves, I see him shudder and yell my name
"Joanne! Joanne! Joanne!"
He pulls me down on his cock, his head hitting my spot and I cum with him, both of us screaming each other's name
This man knows how to work my body like no one else
He slows down until he stops and I slide off him, laying next to him on the bed, both of us breathing hard
"Sss....sorry", he pants, "I just haven't felt you in so long and I could hold it back"
"It's ok baby", I say turning to him, smiling
He smiles at me and says, "I love you Joanne"
"I love you Hobi. So much", I tell him
He rolls on top of me and I feel something poking me
"Really Hobi?", I laugh, "You're hard again?"
"Again? Nope, it never went away", he replies smiling.
He kisses me passionately, going on his knees
Hd opens my legs and puts them on his shoulder, aligning himself into position and asks "Round 2?"
I nod, "Then 3, 4, 5 and more"
He smirks and says, "That's what I wanna hear"
Then slams himself into me and we both scream in pleasure
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oswednesday · 8 months
that library posts reminded me of a while back, idk if you saw it but there was a popular post making rounds where someone was lamenting the fact that shopping malls, as public spaces, are dying in favor if ubiquitous online shopping and there was this reactionary commentary about how malls are just capitalistic crap there to sell you stuff they arent any better than amazon why don't you visit the library instead, and it's like I get the sentiment of like yeah it's a place to sell you stuff but once again I can tell you don't Go Places because malls are in fact, "free" public spaces in the sense that you DON'T actually NEED to spend money to enter, use the restrooms, congregate and socialize, especially ones with food courts, one of the few places teenagers can kinda freely hang out too and not get booted out for "loitering" (ymmv depending on the mall ofc, shrug), people also go there like deliberately to do around for exercise and stuff, and like comparing malls to libraries is apples to oranges like these aren't the same thing serving the same purpose, just because something is there to sell things doesn't make the entire entity a waste of space, idk?
i wish people got more into like understanding the monetary drive of a lot of libraries in our present day too and like how libraries treat loitering tm and stuff like that, like libraries can be a life line for unhoused people but anyone who is or was in that position can tell how it was a life line like wrangled out of the hands of the staff there, and like yeah its not like malls were/are any better for that but its like these two separate problems like exactly no one can just occupy their space and chill anywhere thats the point!!! like libraries where you cant bring food (you can do this but you know theyre like Rules and stuff to ignore), be loud, have to have forms of id and often money to use services? like, its just isnt a proper third space, its a civil academic space with rules and targeted services
i know its kind of the quintessential idealized third space in discussion but it isnt the 1980s anymore (the height of malls where this comparison exists in flesh and blood like go to the mall why not try a third space) but like what you've said malls are mostly husks now except for like world famous ones where people go to jog or rent out spaces to have a dentist office or film an urbex building, theyre over policed like everywhere, even more so than ever tbh of course, back to your point its a weird kind of like urban pastoral thing people do, like in the present day these things are different than they were and things arnt like, as clear cut tv perfect, theres a reason theres like queer libraries and anarchist libraries and its okay not to have any deeper understanding than libraries are dope but like asdfghj
like hey? a lot of libraries have you grovel to the librarian for keys for the bathroom but you can piss anywhere in the carcass of a mall i think people from big touristy places dont really understand hfhgf
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serendipitous-mage · 5 months
i don't want to derail the post but was thinking this morning about the bar kid comic and how despite my father being a complete and utter bastard he didn't do that to me-
but then i realized
he *did*
not at a bar, but at the church. my family was very religious when i was growing up and we always went on sundays. my father worked a lot, and when i was younger i still liked him because i didn't know things and he was my dad, of course i would want to spend time with him, right? so sometimes after church, instead of going home with everyone else, i would elect to stay with my father while he chatted with friends that he never really got to see anywhere else probably
it would be fine for a while, i was—and i cannot stress this enough—a *very* easily amused child. i didn't make friends until middle school i was very used to keeping myself entertained all day and had an extremely active imagination, so i'd hang around by his side for a while when there were still people filtering out of their seats, but once the place was mostly empty, i'd start running around and crawling under seats. checking cushions for loose change or buttons or paper, anything i could stack or toss or play with. sometimes there would be another kid or two and we would play tag or something for a while, but they always left after not too llong
not my father though
hours.. and hours..... and HOURS he would stay there. i don't even know what he was doing. i would eventually run out of energy and get hungrier, and hungrier, and he'd say we would leave soon. i would eventually lie on some of the seats staring at the ceiling a short distance away from him and whoever he was talking to, kicking my feet and Waiting to be able to go home (it was a short walk, but i wasn't old enough to cross the street by myself). i would eventually realize thaat this was always what was going to happen, and not stay behind...but not for a while, because i still believed him
this was before cell phones were common, and we were too poor for me to have one anyway. i couldn't message anyone to come and get me, i just had to wait until he decided to leave
sometimes on a rare Lucky day, i'd either find in the seats or be given a few cents to go spend at the little candy store ... which in hindsight, might've been illegal (although where it was a church, let's be honest, i'm sure there's some way they get around it). they would have individual reeses or hershey kisses and other little candies for like 5-10 cents, and after service the place was always flooded with kids loading up on sweets with their paper bills. we usually didn't have the money, so any time i actually had a few little coins for myself i would look around Very Carefully and Think Hard to try and maximize my chocolate acquired for the amount of cents i had
but the little store was never open long after service, so if we were there for hours, it's not like i could really go anywhere else. just rows and rows of seats and my father aand a friend talking in the corner. sometimes if it was an especially long stay, i'd start wandering the hallways. there was a cafeteria downstairs used for events and holidays, and if we were there long enough all the lights there and in the halls would be out, and it was dark and spooky and quiet. i liked it, but not enough to be stuck there and starving for as long as i was
we're quick to slap a big old 'addiction' label on people who have problems with alcohol or drugs, people who get sucked into video games or shows, but religion is always seen as normal, as healthy even, regardless of the extremity. the reason i would stay with him even though i knew i would be bored after the first few hours is because that man poured *all* of his free time into the church. volunteering, nursing home ministry, *giving money away when we didn't have enough for food*, he was 'charitable' to a fault, and the entirety of the negatives of that fault came back on his wife and children.
he was always there, and back then i still wanted time with him because i didn't know any better ... even if that time was just spent in the same big room a world away while he kept promising just a few more minutes, and i sat hungry, waiting
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devilsskettle · 1 year
i can pretend i’m doing pretty good for a few weeks and feel really optimistic and positive - like i’m working, i don’t hate my jobs, i’m living independently, i’m planning the next steps in my education/career, etc - and then someone or something will completely shatter this perspective. like someone derisively said to me recently, i’m working “three part-time low level jobs” - dead ends that have nothing to do with my degree, and i can’t even get hired full-time at one of them in the fucking entry level customer service position that i have already been doing for months that they’re currently hiring for. because the directors of my department who i hardly ever interact with have decided i’m too quiet. to do literally the exact same job, just with more hours so i can maybe not be broke all the time. and people keep dragging up my past academic failures acting like my entire degree doesn’t matter because i have two Fs on my transcript. like big fucking deal. but i guess if i want to go back to school even just for a certificate program it matters. absolutely no faith in my other grades, my degree, my work experience, or the strength of my writing and interviewing skills for the application for a program to prepare for a job i KNOW i would be good at. but now have little faith in because i’m seeing myself the way other people see me now and it’s like. not great. how am i ever going to justify to anyone that they should admit me into their program or hire me knowing that this is what i am to people. anyway i literally took my diploma out of the frame and tore it in half the other day because it is such a useless piece of shit that will never get anyone to give me any credit or respect and it’s not something i’m even allowed to feel proud of anymore (despite people trying to convince me for months that i should even though i didn’t feel anything about it. but they wanted me to care about it) because my transcript isn’t fucking pristine. and then going to this fucking funeral where a bunch of people i don’t know want to hear about everything in my life and none of it is impressive enough for them and you can just see them failing at hiding how judgmental they are. and then you think you’re doing something nice for somebody else and it’s suddenly all turned around on you as if them ALLOWING you to help them was such a nice thing for them to do for YOU and actually you don’t appreciate all the things that they do and you’re ungrateful and mean, as if you didn’t drop everything the day after working the overnight shift to be there for them and also the entire weekend which you had to call off two days of work for. which of course was basically mandatory but still. god forbid i show an ounce of negativity right before going to a fucking funeral. and then there was that kidney stone i got that was definitely my fault because i drank nothing but alcohol for like a week straight leading up to it. not to mention all of the other parts of my diet that are unhealthy. anyway. 
all of that optimism and positivity feeling like i’m getting my shit together is crushed and it’s like suddenly, instead of living in a great neighborhood! with such an easy commute! that’s so beautiful this time of year! i’m in this awful house with these perfectly nice people who i fucking hate in this tiny dirty room that is clearly inhabited by a very mentally unstable individual who can’t handle basic household chores, i have to spend money to get on the dirty crowded bus every day to go to a job where people are dismissive and rude to me even though i am so polite and pleasant and helpful and friendly and everything that i’m told to be and i do all my work and i’m good at it and it’s still not enough because i’m not out here begging for attention for just doing my fucking job. and suddenly, instead of feeling like i have this Future where i’ll pursue a career that i might actually have a chance at succeeding in, it’s just like. well “you’ve been interested in other things in the past, how do you know this time will be different?” great question, thanks. i don’t fucking know. i probably will lose interest as soon as things get hard and give up and have wasted everybody’s time once again not to mention all kinds of money and energy, and i’ll be even more lost than before and i’ll probably just kill myself. is that what you want to hear? fuck. i don’t know, man, i just want enough money to live by myself and dress well and eat well and do some things that i like. actually i’m realizing how much of what i do is just to try to earn some kind of leverage to get people to show me just a little bit of basic human respect which of course they are never going to give me. anyway. not to mention that all of my friends are in different parts of the country and nobody here wants to hang out. to be fair i haven’t reached out recently but i tried really hard for a couple of months to be more social and i was the only one trying and it was too fucking hard and most of the time i just wished i’d stayed home. and i think there’s just something about me that people can tell is just kind of off and they don’t like me. and then a lot of times i drink too much. but it was a lot easier to feel like i didn’t need anyone and i was happy just being by myself because i liked my jobs and i was working all the time so i was busy but now. i don’t want to say that the illusion is shattered because it’s not really an illusion, but it’s like i was seeing the surface of a smooth pond reflecting all the light and now all i can see is the mud and algae and dead fish. literally i had to radio facilities to get a dead fish out of a fountain the other day, it was fucking gross 
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