#Artem fluff
tahdashi · 1 year
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✦ ft: the tot boys x gn!reader
✦ a/n: v suggestive!! just some needy lil guys. forever thinking about luke’s back.
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✦ ARTEM isn't direct with his intentions, but on the occasion that he's feeling a bit needy, he'll let his actions do most of the talking. when you two are laying in bed after a long day of work, the legal technicalities long gone from your thoughts, artem's fingers slide underneath the fabric of your shirt. they linger there before he's rubbing soft, delicate circles into your skin. he tucks his face into the crook of your neck, basking in your warmth and scent, and even though this should be comforting, he only finds himself wanting you more. "love..." his voice trails off in a whisper. anyone else would mistake it for fatigue, but you know the meaning underneath the deep timbre of his voice. it's hypnotic — the song of a siren. you pull his face out from the juncture of your neck and shoulders, looking deep into his eyes. a glint of lust and affection sits atop his irises. placing a gentle kiss to your lips, artem pushes himself up to hover over your body before melting his lips against yours once again. “i need you,” he whispers into your skin — and you’ll give him all that you are. he kisses you with fervor, his hands dance along your waist and he pulls you closer until you can feel the pounding in his chest against yours. the night ahead is long and ardent, but it's just what he needed — the perfect distraction.
✦ MARIUS never shies away from riling you up, whether you two are in public or not. he has this habit, an annoying one, really, of whispering how needy he is right by the shell of your ear. and if you weren't surrounded by tons of a-list celebrities and other important people that marius obviously has in his contacts, you'd yank him by the ear and tell him not to do that. and marius thinks he's smooth for wanting to get a reaction out of you at one of his own galas, but little does he know — you're used to this. "you look really pretty in that, baby, give me a spin?" he slides his hands lower so they sit right below your waist, and his fingers pull at the shiny silk he picked out for you. twisting the material around his finger, he leans in again. "or you can give me a private show later." you look up to see his signature smirk. you scoff at his words, knowing he’s only saying this to rile you up, but the warmth of his hand bleeds through the fabric. the rest of the night passes like a blur, and the only thought marius has on his mind is showing you how beautiful you truly looked tonight.
✦ LUKE knows the easiest way to get you flustered. it’s simple, because when he walks around the apartment with just his sweatpants on, you’re always at a loss for words. his body is toned; the countless hours he spent working out didn’t go to waste. you stare at the way his back flexes when he reaches into the cabinet for a cup, and when he turns back to ask if you want something to drink, he catches you staring. “what? you’re looking at me like i have 3 heads,” his fang peeks out as he laughs. “or are you just impressed?” he flexes a little and you catch the way his abs tighten, his arms swell even bigger. you feel your cheeks heat up, and luke comes even closer, encasing you in his arms. pressed against his chest, you think you might just melt. he presses a kiss to your cheek, cooing at your flustered expression. “you’re annoying,” you try to push him away, but he only tries to kiss your cheek again, reveling in the sound of your laughter. “says the one that’s trying to burn a hole through me. tell me, babe, are you gonna let me kiss you properly now?”
✦ VYN is always deliberate with his actions, delivering his message smoothly and nonchalantly. he lowers his voice, the timbre of it dark and intoxicating. and paired with subtle glances at your lips, he’s got you in a trance. he does this out of the blue — when you’re telling him about your day, you’ll notice the way he hums and focuses on your lips. he encourages you to go on, “hm? what else, sweetheart?” and when he looks at you so intently, with so much ardor in his golden eyes, you lose every syllable that once crossed your mind. he’s got you in his trap (as if you’d ever pull away from his honeyed gaze). his lips move towards yours like a gravitational force, and you lean in instinctively. at the very last moment, before your eyes flutter shut, you see that vyn’s still looking at you through heavy lids, as if he’s trying to commit the sight to memory, as if he’d never get to look at your lips ever again. you both know that’s impossible — he’s insatiable, and you’re under his spell.
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reblogs are appreciated!
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byizoyas · 1 year
tears of themis ; drabbles
sfw. ✩ the type of hugs they give you featuring: artem, marius, luke, vyn
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⸻ ꕥ ⌎ artem hugs you good morning pretty much everyday. his hugs are always quick, but so soft and comforting, and since he initiates it everytime it feels like he’s offering you his love through that daily embrace. and to be honest this is one of his ways to express his love. he’s pulling you so close that you can almost feel his heartbeat and then he drops a kiss on top of your head. he’s so gentle that if you ask for another one he’ll just keep you against him for as long as you want.
⸻ ꕥ ⌎ marius is super touchy. he just can’t help but pulls you in for a hug whenever he sees you. he stares at you for a few seconds, admiring how pretty you are and then he just rushes towards you, almost forcing you into his arms. ‘i love you’ he whispers against your ear, and he gets you smiling everytime. it surprised you at first how easy it was for him to speak these words so often but now you can’t see a day without hearing it, because it genuinely warms your heart everytime.
⸻ ꕥ ⌎ luke loves to hug you from behind while you’re doing something casual. you’re busy and he’s busy staring fondly at you. he looks at you for a few long minutes which seem to be a few seconds to him. you don’t even notice it because you’re too focused on your actions and he finds it absolutely adorable which is why he eventually comes towards you, grabs your waist and buries his face into your neck, dropping a few soft kisses on your skin.
⸻ ꕥ ⌎ vyn isn’t that much into initiating physical contact because he prefers when you do it. still, sometimes, when he craves attention and you don’t give it to him, he’ll take you by the hand and slowly pulls you in for a gentle embrace. and he remains unmoving, keeping you close to his heart and humming your delicious scent. he always tells you compliments while rubbing your back softly. his hugs definitely are the best despite it not occurring a lot making them really precious to you.
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Love Languages (Marius, Artem, Vyn)
Honestly, it's very difficult to do romantic hcs for the Tot guys. Mostly because the game doesn't leave much to head canon about. I should really come up with some fics instead of relying on hcs. (Also, I have a HSR version in drafts too)
Some of these may be spit into giving and receiving, since I don't always think those are the same
CW: non really. Maybe a smidgen of angst in Vyn's, but not bad
Marius x Reader, Artem x Reader, Vyn x Reader
It's fairly obvious right from the get go that Marius's love language is acts of service. Ok Acts of service and gift giving, though I could make an argument that his receiving love language is words of affirmation.
He doesn't have much time on his hands, so as much as he's probably love to spend a ton a time with you, he has to settle for other methods
But his penchant for acts of service is pretty well established fairly early in the game. Not Marius von Hagen measuring Rosa's shoe size by sight and sending someone to get a pair of flats. He's a little shit, but he's a definite sweetheart
He's the kind of person who lets his actions speak for him. But he also has a habit of letting his money speak for him. That meme that floats around about him buying Netflix? Yeah, he'd totally do it.
Marius is of the opinion that he's part of one of the richest people in the city, why shouldn't he make sure that his s/o has the best of everything.
This all being said, his receiving love language is a bit different. He wants to do things for you and give you things, but he wants words of affection. As many as possible.
I mean, he's always seeking praise and comfort, frequently resorting to puppy dog eyes to get them. This guy does not know how to be upfront about what he wants from people. I mean, look at the world he lives in. I don't envy him
Sweet, loving, very awkward Artem. I love him so much.
The guy is definitely a quality time guy.
I would say acts of service is his, but Artem is someone who does things for people. That's just a general behavior of his. So I'm not sure it counts as a "love language" as much as it's a fundamental aspect of who he is.
So we're going to go with quality time and, to a smaller extent, physical contact.
I would say that quality time is his primary love language, both giving and receiving. If he's not working he wants to e around you. He wants to do things with you.
And sometimes that quality time also includes plenty of physical contact.
His desire for physical contact is often a very subtle thing. Brushing knuckles, running his hand over your cheekbone. An arm around you when you're cold. As soon as he's aware that you're ok with casual touch, he's more touchy. But subtle touchy.
Of course, in private, it's less so. He absolutely love to cuddle while watching movies or in bed after a long day.
Vyn, why are you so hard?
Vyn is so self contained and so damn aware of his behavior. And elusive as fuck .Everything he does is intentional. So I see his giving love language reflecting yours to a large extent.
He's keenly aware of what you need and desires to fulfil that in any way he can. Which I suppose counts as acts of service.
As far as receiving...again he's elusive as fuck, so trying to figure this out is not easy. In a lot of ways it matters less how you go about it but show this poor man some love. Like, lots of it.
Spend time with him, give him compliments, and tons of hugs not me being convinced that hugs fix everything. You're going to have to show the man that he's lovable and fine even if he isn't totally perfect. But everything you give him, I see him returning tenfold.
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slimearchon · 10 months
Artem x Gn Reader Paper cuts and tea cups
You sighed as you flicked through the massive mountain of papers on your desk. You had taken on a case that came with a lot of technical details and it was also heavy on a topic you had no knowledge of so your paper work was doubled due to the research you were also doing to fully understand the case.
You settled into your office chair, thanking the executives that provided the whole floor with an office chair each. You had loved the chair since it was pulled out of the box and researched the brand in hopes of buying your little desk at home a new chair.
The two thousand dollar price tag had sent you running to click the exit on the tab. Way out of your budget. So you settled for simply appreciating the one you had at work that got you through the long hours.
You shuffled through your desk to look for the finger grips that helped you flip through the page’s easier. You only spotted a hygiene balm that replaced the need to lick your finger tip to flick through the pile of pages. You used it a few times before you grew tired of the waxy feel on your fingers.
You closed the drawer closed with more force than needed but the soft close mechanism on the drawer prevented your fellow coworkers from hearing it slam in anger.
There was an office thief around and they had taken your finger grips.
You trudge on through the paper work bare handed. The clock on the wall ticking away, making your last hour of work seem to last longer.
You were unaware of Artem peeking at you from the office kitchen. He had seen how you were diligently working away and wanted to brew you a cup of your favorite tea to help you through the later half of the workday.
His hands were warmed by the mug, his hands somehow transferring the warmth to his face as he gazed at you from afar.
You truly put him under a love spell.
He took a deep breath before making his way over to you, nearing closer he said your name. “I made you some tea.”
He picked up a pile of papers and moved them to the side to be able to set the mug down onto the desk. He peered at the vast amount of papers.
“Let’s hope this court case is over with soon. I can’t have my employees overwork themselves.” He commented, his voice soft and warm.
“Thanks for the tea.” You smiled, reaching to take a sip from the cup.
He didn’t have anything more to add so while he wanted to linger around you and your bright presence he slipped away from the desk and walked back to his office, he left his door open in case you wanted to come to him for some questions you might have.
He was curious when he heard a knock on his door not even a minute later, you two were the last employees on the floor. Even without the workplace being vacant he would be able to recognize your unique knock anywhere.
“Do you know where the bandaids are?” You leaned your head over the doorway, half your body behind the doorway.
He stood up, pushing his office chair back with force. “What happened? What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” His blue eyes darted around your form, frantic.
You smiled and lifted a finger, “Just a silly paper cut.”
“An injury isn’t silly. Let me see.” He rushes over to your side and lifts your hand to his eye level.
Beads of crimson pebble on your fingertip. He tutted his lips, his brow pinching. He leads you to the communal kitchen and opens a draw along the way.
Quickly grabbing a bandaid from the box and closing it shut with his hip. He led you to the sink and held your hand under the faucet.
He turned it on and watched as the blood washed down the drain. He gave you a half grimace and smile when you hissed that it hurt a bit.
He had also plucked up some healing ointment from the drawer. He got a napkin and spread the cream onto your cut before carefully wrapping it in the bandaid.
You would think he was performing surgery with the way he was so focused on wrapping the bandage so delicately around your finger.
“You can’t wrap it too tight or else you can cut off the blood flow in your finger.” He said, as he smoothed down the bandaid.
You just nodded at his words, trying to stop the warmth from his body heat and the breath that fanned your hand from sending warmth across your chest and cheeks.
Artem seemed like a stern man but he was always so gentle and kind with you.
“Thanks.” You finally found your words, your hand still clasped in his even after he was done helping you.
He looked down at your intertwined hands and abruptly dropped your hands. “No problem, anything to help out a fellow employee. I have a few papers to look over. Let me know if you need anything.”
He skirted past you and down the hall into his office. Just as he was out of your sight he instantly grabbed at his chest.
His face boiling hot. His feelings for you were just getting stronger, he only hopes you might return his feelings one day.
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satorugojooo · 2 years
If you're ok with it, could you do tears of themis (artem specifically) calming down mc after she had a panic attack? I just got over my second one today and i just want to be taken care of
A/n: Aww I hope that your feeling fine now :( please rest and get well soon!! Thank you for requesting, artem is literally my favorite ToT character and I'm so glad to write for him, I hope this will help you as much as possible!
Pairings: Artem x fem!reader
Warnings: mentions of panic attacks, but mostly fluff
You tried your best to stay calm, but in situations like these it seemed that nothing could calm you. You saw some minutes ago that an accident occurred at your parent's workplace and you were very worried for them.
Even if you were a part of the NXX investigation team you weren't as worried for yourself as for those around you.
While you kept calling your parents with no answer, the door from Artem's office at themis opened.
As artem turned to look at you and saw your condition, he rushed to your side enveloping you in a hug.
You buried your head in his shoulder while he caressed your back.
"It's okay Y/N, try to calm down... I don't know what happened but I'm here for you." Artem whispered softly and you looked at him trying to breath.
"M-my parents..." you tried to say but he looked at your phone and saw the news you were looking at. His face became serious as he looked at you.
"Did you call them?" he asked and you nodded.
"They won't answer... Well they usually can't answer my calls because of the project they are in, but I'm still worried for them..." you confessed and he looked at you.
"It's alright to be worried for those that you love, but try to calm down, in this condition your just harming yourself, we will keep calling them till we hear that they are good okay?" he said softly as he nuzzled his face in your hair.
You nodded embracing him tightly. After calming down, Artem took you to his office so you could rest without anyone watching you.
As you looked on your phone you saw a message from your mother.
'Sweetie me and your dad are currently busy working but I'll call you once I'm free okay?'
As you read everything you smiled. Artem was currently busy doing some paperwork so you went behind him and hugged him from behind. He left out a little gasp in surprise but then placed his hand on top of yours that was enveloped around his shoulders.
"How are you feeling Y/N?" he asked and you smiled.
"I'm doing way better, they are okay actually, thank you for being here when I needed it the most Artem!" you said and he smiled.
"Why of course Y/N, I will be always here for you." he said as he pulled you on his lap while he hugged you.
"Thank you." you said and he touched his forehead to yours.
"Oh by the way, do you have any plans after work?" Artem asked and you looked at him surprised.
"No... Why are you asking?" you said and he smiled.
"Uh actually mother wished to have dinner with you as well so I was wondering if you could come to my place." he said and you smiled.
"you know already that you don't even have to ask me, of course I want to have dinner with you and auntie~" (from what I know that's the way Mc calls Artem's mom from his second personal story SSR card!) you said as he smiled at you.
"Okay then well leave after work together to pick her up and then head to my home." he said while he kissed your cheek and you smiled.
"That's fine by me!" you said giggling.
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Introduction, Requests, Masterlist.
Call me Grape, I go by he/they ^^. I'm aroace and I like to write (English isn't my first language, I apologize for any grammar mistakes.)
I will only write my faves. [Diluc (Genshin), Mammon (OM), Artem (ToT), Sebastian (SDV).]
I only do x Male!Reader Fanfics (Oneshots).
I can also do headcannons ^^.
I can do fluff and smut (not explicit), preferably fluff.
AU's are okay, I might not write them well since I'm not used to writing AU's.
Might take long due to academics.
That's all, for questions feel free to message me. :)
[ 🍃 - Smut 🍂 - Fluff]
Diluc x Male Reader :
Others (Requested by my friends):
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queenie-avenue · 7 months
Before the sun rises, stay.
—> every part of you is beautiful, so let Artem cherish this moment more.
⤻reader is gender-neutral, fluff, mornings with artem, clingy artem, established relationship, sfw, no content warnings, reader can be seen as Rosa if you want to
🦋 ⤻ archives.
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Artem was usually the early bird. Even during the weekends, he would get up at six o'clock right on the dot, not a minute less nor more. People called him a robot because of it, but he didn't see the value in dwelling on others' opinions, but yours? Artem felt on edge every time you glanced at him, and he could not help but wonder what was going on in your pretty little mind.
Do you find me too emotionless?
Do I show you I love you enough?
What would you like me to do?
Shall I do this? Shall I do that, instead? Will you love me more if I do?
Such thoughts plagued Artem Wing's mind often.
Which was probably why he was being like this right now, waking up a few minutes earlier than usual just to stare at your glorious face. It had become a habit.
A bit of sunlight pooled in through the cracks of the curtains that did not cover the window fully, illuminating your glorious face. Even now, as he lay in bed with you, Artem could not believe that he had gotten you — the love of his life — to fall in love with him. What did you see in him?
He reached out to your face in reverence and laid his hands on your soft cheek, caressing every bump or scar you could possibly have as he smiled. Once again, he could not help but wonder what he had done to deserve this.
He leaned in closer, observing every bit of your face; from your lashes to your lips that were chapped from the air conditioning, every part of you was perfect in Artem's eyes. He let out a shaky breath as he lay his head closer to yours, seeking comfort in the crook of your neck desperately. He breathed in your scent and let out a small groan, he really really hoped this was not some sort of dream or fantasy he would have to wake up from.
Suddenly, the alarm for six o'clock rang, and his eyes widened as you stirred in bed, eyes slowly fluttering open to Artem's bewilderment. He watched as your countenance shift from tiredness to adoration as your eyes met his.
Artem quickly shifted to turn the alarm off, never once leaving your side.
"Did I wake you up?" His raspy morning voice asked softly, not wanting to startle you too much so early in the morning.
"Good morning," you greeted first before answering him. "No, you didn't. The alarm did." You joked to him, to which he chuckled back and shook his head.
"I need to remember to turn off that alarm when I wake up next time." Artem scolded himself.
"No, no, it's fine. I need to get up anyway." You yawned, preparing to rise from the comfortable sheets of Artem's bed.
Surprisingly, though, two lean arms pull you downward.
"We don't need to arrive in the office so early today." Your eyes widened at your darling's words. Never before had you seen nor heard this disciplined man suggest the idea of being a tad bit late to the office, even if he wasn't required to clock in early. It seemed that Artem sensed your shock and blushed a deep shade of crimson. "I just thought that..." He started, his arms loosening on your body.
Upon realising the insecurity you inflicted onto Artem, you quickly wrapped your arms around him, returning his bear hug with a goofy grin.
"I just thought that we could spend more time before the sun properly rose." Said Artem, looking up at you for approval.
"That works." You smiled back as you eased into his hold.
This time, it was Artem's turn to flash a goofy smile as his grasp tightened again; not too harsh nor too soft, just enough so you would not be able to escape. He leaned in, his hot breath hitting your nape which caused a shiver to travel down your spine and before you could say anything else, Artem was already assaulting your neck with soft kisses and sweet words to your ears.
"I love you." Artem said as his laps dragged up from the side of your neck to your jaw, peppering excessive kisses — he didn't view it that way — against your skin. "I love you." He repeated again as his lips finally met yours.
"I love you too." You replied and Artem felt like all the weight on his shoulders just dispersed.
Artem looked down at you. You were perfect, that [e/c] shade of your eyes, the way your cheeks felt in his tough hands, the warmth of your body compared to his and the way you looked up at him with so much want yet with a hint of bashfulness.
It was like you were beckoning him to fall deeper into the rabbit hole that was you.
"I love you." He repeated breathily onto your lips as he pressed against them once again.
Not that he minded. He would gladly fall deeper for you if that was even possible.
"I love you more than anything." He promised.
"I love you, too." You giggled back, holding him closer to you. "I love you so much."
He wished that time could stop right now, just so he'd be able to cherish this moment — cherish you — for a longer period of time.
For now, as long as the sun was not fully in the sky, you were his to worship.
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rhenuvee · 2 months
All I can think about is how Neuvillette is like Artem Wing in the way that when he realizes his feelings for you, he gets all awkward because he doesn't know how to approach human emotions. He's too embarrassed to approach anyone for romantic advice- so imagine someone close to him also giving him the book, "Introduction to the Psychology of Love and Attraction" and him actually reading it just to try and be closer to you.
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hecalledme-jagi · 3 months
Can we just take a second to talk about how Artem looks at Rosa?? Like this man clearly adores her long before they started dating and it’s so obvious, that it hurts.
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LOOK AT HIM! ROSA HAD BARELY STARTED FEELING ANYTHING FOR ARTEM AT THIS POINT AND HE JUST!!! _| ̄|○ He looks at her with so much tenderness and all the while he’s under the impression that he’s struggling to communicate how he feels??? Sure, he’s a clumsy dork when it comes to romance, but his eyes say so much more than any romantic gesture he could possibly conjure up or whatever poetic words he might want to say. Those eyes express a very deep longing to treasure and cherish. He wants, and is content with, experiencing the mundane things in life at her side and it KILLS ME 😭 he’s happy, beyond compare, watching the waxing and waning of her expressions and feeling her warmth.
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AND DON’T GET ME STARTED ON HIS BIRTHDAY INVITATION! Out of ALL the First Birthday invitations, Artem’s was my absolute favorite(and it’s probably my favorite invitation of all time). For one thing, it’s stunning, but it’s so unbelievably soft T^T!!!!!! The gentle way Rosa shifts closer to Artem, the way he gently holds her hand and blushes when she gets closer. The adoring look on his face and the soft smile on hers! UGH!! And it only gets better when you think about how she spent DAYS recreating an iconic scene from Artem’s favorite movie!? As a movie buff myself, Rosa’s actions spoke volumes! She dedicated so much of her personal time to get Artem a gift she knew he’d love. I wouldn’t be surprised if Artem fell in love with her all over again after that!
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And after they start dating, he just continues to be more loving!? Some how his gaze becomes EVEN SOFTER!? HOW!? TELL ME! HOW!? If a man looked at me the way Artem looks at Rosa, I’d actually die. Out of all the leads, I think I love with way Artem looks at Rosa the most. It’s such a gentle and adoring expression that is 100% content with just looking. Just observing. The way he looks at her makes you think he’s committing every micro expression to memory and tracing every contor of her face, so that if there ever comes a day that he can’t see her face, it’ll be permanently seared into his very soul.
AUGJRVWWejtbegw AND IT GETS BETTER! They revealed, during the Cue The Champion Event, that Artem keeps a polite distance with Rosa when they’re in public, meaning he’s probably pretty shy about PDA, so he makes up for it through his loving gaze(thats how I’m interpreting it anyway :3). Artem and Rosa, in my humble opinion, create a very warm atmosphere around each other without having to express their affections verbally or physically. Any bystander could tell the two love each other just by seeing how they look at each other. Just by seeing how Artem looks at her. UGH JUST LIKE IN THE MYSTERIES OF BAKERLON EVENT! He’s composing a wordless love letter (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)
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I’m mostly adding this card just for fun, but there’s just so much affection Artem carries for Rosa and as much as I love the other leads, Artem holds a very special place in my heart that I just can’t ignore 🥺
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byizoyas · 1 year
tears of themis ; drabbles
artem wing x gn!reader.
sfw | this is basically jealous/drunk artem confessing his love to you, college au?? CW!! mentions of alcohol
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you knew artem for a pretty long time now. both your parents were friends so you could say you kinda grew up together.
he listened to your stories as you always loved to tell him everything you judged important enough for him to know about it. and he always had these sparkles in his eyes. he never looked away from you, he always supported you and gave you advices for the few times you mentioned a crush to him.
his advices were the worst, and he wasn’t even confident in his own words; always blushing and looking away begging to whatever god for these times to be shortened. yet, you liked to listen to him.
you never really asked yourself whether your feelings were more than friendly, because it became a routine anyway. he was a dear friend to you. things had always been the same way: him and you. you and him. everywhere together, always. and you wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.
but the artem facing you now was slightly different. his eyes were shining with the same sparkles inside. yet the whole aura surrounding him was different when he spoke up.
‘don’t go with him.’ his cheeks were flushed red. it was 1 am and he had already drank a lot tonight. enough for him to be drunk. yet he said before that he only came to this party with you so he could make sure you got home safely later.
but now here he was, drunk and pretty much confessing in the clumsiest way ever.
the intoxicating scent of alcohol in his shirt was driving you crazy. he got closer, locking your chin between his fingers.
‘artem, what does this mean ?’ you only managed to say, too shocked by the current situation you were in to say anything else.
‘don’t leave… stay with me y/n..’ he added.
he insisted several times on the idea that he needed you now. that he’d always need you.
you couldn’t deny the feeling of your heart beating faster in your chest, almost threatening to come out. you rested your head against the wall, looking straight into his blue eyes.
‘you’re beautiful…’ he added.
his face approached and you closed your eyes, completely forgetting about that other guy you were supposed to join outside the house where the party was occurring.
it only took artem a few seconds to seize the opportunity to finally do what he’s been thinking about for months.. years even.
you felt his lips delicately touch yours. he was obviously inexperienced, and you guessed that this was his first kiss.
you grabbed the two sides of his pretty face, guiding him for the kiss since it wasn’t your first. but it was his and you wanted it to be memorable. artem had been your best friend, your rival even sometimes at school.
he also gave you shorty advices for boys and now you were sharing a kiss. a long desired kiss; to artem at least. and as much as you never expected this to happen between the two of you, you just had to admit that it felt good. you liked it. you liked him.
perhaps you’ve been liking him all this time and you simply never realized it. but something was sure, you heard artem whisper the three words you’ve been craving to hear.
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tahdashi · 2 years
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✦ ft: the tot boys x gn!reader
✦ a/n: the 2nd anniversary cards have taken over my life >:(
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✦ ARTEM can be shy with kisses, only kissing your forehead or lips sparingly when in public, but when it's just the two of you in the comfort of your shared apartment, artem indulges a bit more. on nights when he's finishing some work up in the living room, his feet propped up on the coffee table, he'll play with your hand as you lean into him, taking in the scent of his freshly washed hair and eucalyptus body wash. and even in moments of deep focus, artem will bring your palm to his lips, leave a few kisses to the skin, and trail his lips up to your wrist and forearm. and although his actions are a bit mindless, you can't help but feel warmth rush to your cheeks — his casual affection catches you by surprise. and when artem's feeling a bit more spontaneous, he'll snake his hands around your waist, pulling you into his chest before placing several kisses to your jaw and behind your ear.
✦ MARIUS finds himself being drawn to you the second you're in his line of vision. whether you're preparing something in the kitchen, or working at your desk, you'll feel marius' fingers dance across your waist before feeling his breath linger on your skin. he starts with a whisper, usually a "missed you," even though he's been with you all day. he'll hover his lips over the shell of your ear, placing a quiet, featherlight kiss behind it before moving towards your neck — his haven. and sometimes, marius will do it casually, telling you about his day as he places kisses to the skin of your neck as punctuation. he can't get enough of your scent, your warmth, the way you adjust to give him more room to kiss your collarbones. his plum-colored hair tickles your skin, and he revels in the sound of your laughter.
✦ LUKE has a habit of kissing you as a distraction. the second he sees a wrinkle form between your brows, he's turning your face towards his ever so gently, flashing a soft smile with earnest eyes that look as if honey is dripping from them. and maybe, luke needed this kiss, too. you're both smiling into it, your hands always end up in his soft locks. his favorite kisses, though, are when you two are being lazy on the couch — a movie's playing in the background, but neither of you care enough to pay attention. somehow, you always end up on his lap, his fingers gripping your waist just enough to keep you in place. he jokes around a bit, telling you to pay attention to the movie, but he's looking straight at your lips. and when you make the first move, he's a goner. he kisses back lazily, his tongue meeting yours gently before pulling away to move to your jaw. when it comes to having his lips on your skin, luke pearce is insatiable.
✦ VYN always starts with an innocent kiss to the cheek, his lips linger for a quick second before he’s pulling away, smiling at you with sincerity and heart shaped pupils. but the innocence doesn’t last — he knows just how to make you melt for him. his kisses are intense, as if he’s pulling all the air out from your lungs, taking in all that you are. he pays attention to all your little movements — the quickening of your breath, the way your chest rises and falls, the way your fingers look for something to grasp onto. and he doesn’t stop until he hears those pretty sounds fall from your lips. you’re both gasping for air, looking at each other with something that looks like lust and love. he readjusts his clothes quickly, smoothing out the wrinkles from your roaming hands before he puts his glasses back on and swipes his thumb across your lower lip.
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feedback & reblogs are appreciated !!
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totromanticfool · 1 year
It's you and me this summer
Hcs for the nxx boys going on holiday with you (order: Luk - Marius - Vyn - Artem) maybe a bit ooc? (its been a while) Enjoy!
If you travel by plane, he will offer his shoulder for you to sleep on. He will wake you for snack time though!
If you travel by car, you will switch with driving, and he will have a full playlist with music to keep you both in vacation spirits.
Cannonballs in the pool every single time, then shakes out his hair like a really cute dog. (a golden retriever prob)
Probably burns easily, you will have to remind him about sunblock.
Makes you join karaoke with him out of the blue.
Will take you to little local places to eat, might get a food poisoning from it, but it will be worth it, to see his beautiful genuine smile.
First class travel everywhere. Marius is used to it, so you should, too.
By car, he hires someone to drive, so you can both relax closely together in the back seat
Splashes you with water when you try to ease into the pool.
If you are both in a good mood, he will pick you up and throw you in the pool. Has you piggyback ride him in the pool as well, to keep you close.
Probably has staff around him (and you!) For all your needs. Miss wants a drink? It's there within a second. Some shade? Parasol building on the spot.
But the one thing Marius will do himself is apply your sunblock.
He might write something like ♡Marius on your back, so it will be visible agianst te rest of the colored skin.
Traveling by plane? He picked out a few books you both can read, while you can choose the music.
By car? He drives. He wants you to relax as much as possible.
He's it the pool on a big floaty with a cup holder. Has a cocktail in it and maybe paid off a waiter to refill it every time he puts the empty glass in the air. (Fight me for this one! I see him as a diva on vacation, canon in chibi lounge 'member?)
Offers to help put on sunblock just to be able to touch your skin.
If there is a wine trip, you will take it. Vyn will have all the knowledge on it and tells you about it with that sparkle in his eyes.
Traveling by plane, first class. It is expensive but he wants you to relax to the fullest. Even he will close his eyes for a nap.
By car? He drives. He doesn't want you to worry and relax.
Does laps in the pool early in the morning.
Reminds you every few hours to apply sunblock. If you ask him to help, he will turn red, but do it, with a very serious face.
He will do his research before the trip. Knows all the food spots and cultural trips are already planned (only if you want to)
Will act like your personal butler. He will not relax until you are.
You will have to remind him to sit down and enjoy the view every once in a while. (You're his view, obviously)
If you ask him what he really wants to do, he will tell you he wants to visit that super romantic couples spot. (All the while sporting his signature red ears and cheeks)
This has been sitting in my drafts for a while, but i never had the feeling it was 'done' now i know i cant put more in it for now, it was time for me to post it.
until the next drabble!
Love, Hann ❤
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rinstrumental · 10 months
masterlist, baby!
suggestive = $
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$ lookin’ at you got me thinkin’ nonsense | ellie
ellie gf hcs | part 1 part 2
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willow (tanthamore unless specified otherwise)
tantha(more) notes | one two three four
ao3 links
kiss it better? | kit x reader
and it feels good to be known so well
so kiss me
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hazel callahan headcanons
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x reader
when you sleep | genshin men
under the mistletoe grapevine | diluc
kisses | childe & diluc
how much he loves your waist | al haitham
cyno and his feelings
cyno hcs
lisa hcs
reader who’s never seen snow | childe
sweet nothing | diluc hcs
thoma hcs | modern au
crushing + how they confess | thoma & childe
childe hcs | modern au
you got a 9-5, so i’ll take the night shift | kavetham
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tears of themis
tot boys at karaoke
$ false god | vyn
guitar lessons | luke
academic rivals | luke
muse | marius von hagen
tears of themis (taylor’s version) | midnights reputation lover
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if you want to | connie springer
the moon is beautiful tonight | megumi, maki, nobara
all the wrong places (zutara) | part 1 part 2
forever and always | eremika
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andraxicated · 2 years
you only call me on the weekend
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Pairings: Luke, Artem, Vyn, Marius x f! reader
Synopsis: what is it being like fuck buddies with the tot men?
Tags: suggestive | smut | angst | fluff | hurt-comfort
a/n: so this is the end of the milestone event thank you so much for the likes, reblogs and comments! please continue to support me in the future <33
im living for tot angst coz the game storyline updates like every two months wtf
milestone event masterlist
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we all know luke is very loyal to his childhood friend and crush, perhaps a part of his recruitment agreement was to protect the girl he loves . he knows it's wrong; the way you're writhing underneath him as he thrusts harshly into you, your sprawled hair and open mouth looking so beautiful, he thinks you've invented some sort of love potion to enrapture him. after all, you two didn't exactly like each other during the secret nationwide project.
you're an arrogant, bratty, and know-it-all student who often gives subordinates the most trivial orders and unfair comments. luke finally put a stop to your reign of terror and brought peace to the laboratory full of shy introverts who were afraid of you. this got to the higher-ups and you got a good scolding by your relative who recommended you to join. luke's and your paths crossing doesn't end there, in fact, it just started when you were paired to support each other in missions and inventions; continuing for years until the project was partially done.
you've been through a lot together; you were there undercover in his first mission and witnessed how cool this bastard was, you were there running in the hospital because luke was sick, you were there when everyone got told the illness shortened your colleague's lifespan, and you were there when he was making a ring for his beloved.
he dared to try it on you, the feeling of the ring cascading down your finger made your heart flutter. it was an intimate moment between you two that you and luke momentarily caught glances, then looked away awkwardly.
the ring on your finger looked right, it felt right. the whiplash of time spent with you hit luke as he gazes at your moaning state in his bed. he does the unthinkable of intertwining fingers with you as he pistons and deeper into you. groans fill the room and you moan as you hit the edge and release. luke lifts and embraces you like a lifeline to bury himself deeper when he cums.
this was right, it was right to spend the rest of his life with you. his time with you may not be long but he certainly has enough to create another ring. this time it's for you.
if you're having sex with artem wing, no matter how casual he will always give you aftercare. he presses a light peck on your forehead before standing up to get a towel and clean you up, leaving you dazed from his display of affection.
at first, artem was against your proposal since he doesn't want to use your body for filthy pleasure. he's the type of man to wait and give his body in marriage.
yet, you would visit his house when no one's around, go up to his bedroom and pull each other for a hungry kiss. he would give gentle motions to your mouth as you take off layers of clothing. during the first months where you were copying what others did to destress, you would also teach artem what you heard from vulgar mouths.
sunlight would peek through his thin curtains as you gently move back and forth on top of him. his flushed face and little moans make you feel powerful, like the artem wing was worshipping this woman on top of him. so you ride him faster and bring a hand to one of your breasts, his member inside you twitching when you instructed him to knead it. in times like this, he would often think he's making the right choice of giving his everything to you. if the woman he's with now is the one he wants to marry; then sex just came a little sooner and he would throw his past principles.
artem would break the arrangement when both of you start working, he would say "we're not in school anymore" as he doesn't mix business with pleasure. that's when he doesn't see you reciprocating his feelings, but if he could feel that both of you like each other; then artem would take the next level with you.
once he finds a home in someone, he would want to be together with them 24/7. as celestine would say: "artem gets gloomy when you're not here, it's like the office got darker!" and he would hear the conversation, embarrassed, even though he knows it's true.
it's taboo to fuck your teachers but nobody said it's taboo to fuck your therapist. on days when his special client was visiting, he would lock the door and greet you with a kiss. vyn hoists you up on the sides of his leg while you kiss him passionately and lock tongues. paper falls to the ground as he sits you on the table, thinking of punishing you later by picking up the fallen documents naked.
the thought of doing this makes him so hard that he can't wait to unbutton his slacks. two fingers brushing your clothed pussy to check if you're wet enough to take him in; a second later and he would push himself inside to hear your pained scream. your contorted expression appealing to his sadistic side as he provides a delicious kind of stretch to ease his darling. definitely will finish inside you because he trusts the pills you're taking.
from the moment it started, vyn already calculated what would happen if he continued this. he analyzed every possible outcome of what would happen in these kinds of relationships, his self-checks would become more rigid and long. vyn would never dive without knowing what he's diving into, he has to have a safeguard in case things spiral out of control.
you saw a lot of contradicting traits within him, you could read him too. he's manipulative along with gentlemanly, a passionate lover yet rational, he spews assuring words then leaves the next hour. vyn never stays.
it's all to keep a good distance between you and him; people often catch feelings in casual relationships and get brokenhearted due to unrequited love. vyn has already given up on familial love, but he knows that a person cannot live without it. humans are social creatures constantly looking for what's amiss in their lives. but he realized that love left him, then decided to come back in the form of you.
so when your phone beeps on a weekend afternoon, seeing the sender is 'dr. richter', you'd think it's the usual dick appointment. but little did you know that it's the more romantic kind of meeting, that has vyn taking out his fine china and scrambling for table decorations.
anything you want he will give it to you and after that, you got to repay him somehow. whether through a blowjob, sex, food, or just a simple conversation for him to hear your voice; nothing in this relationship comes for free.
you see, marius is tired of business, it's what his life has been revolving around since rising to the position. a money-lined monochromatic world where he only finds solace in his cozy studio. but suddenly, this ambitious girl appeared in his life with an unusual glow. your eyes were tired, face done, hair messy, yet marius felt a tug from you. it was funny hearing this from him as you sat across from him on his penthouse deck.
he thought your eyes held a special meaning behind them but it was just you fascinated by his designer apparel. coming from a girl who wanted to climb the social ladder, the urge to make him yours was strong. you could suddenly see yourself standing by him; attending fancy galas, vacations in the french riviera, and...a functioning family. it was all you ever wanted and dreamed of, and so you made use of your feminine charms.
that daydream eyes of yours were what marius spent hours capturing on his canvas. sparkling eyes, parted lips with an iridescent splash behind her. he won't sell this masterpiece though, it's only for his eyes.
marius von hagen falls in love easily and will follow you blindly. he hates transactional relationships but he finds himself pleasuring a girl that's not even his girlfriend. he feeds your fantasies when he fucks you against his glass walls while inserting a finger into your mouth. moans against your ear as he presses your lower tummy to stimulate your orgasm. after many rounds, he rests you on his soft, dark sheets and turns off the lights. one look from your begging eyes telling him not to go, and he will helplessly stay.
upon opening his eyes did he find out that he fell asleep looking after you. his head snaps alarmingly to the ringing phone and silenced it in fear of you waking up. marius peeks at your snuggling figure and heaves a sigh of relief; he checks his phone and saw it was just an irrelevant grubber which he deliberately ignores. he then places the phone back on the nightstand, presses a kiss on your forehead, and lets the fatigue take over him.
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nagisadelune · 1 year
Headcanon: Cooking For Artem
(Definitely not edited)
Okay, so I wanted to write something for Artem's birthday that is coming up (April 26th) because why not? Anyways, I know that I haven't written anything in awhile, but I hope that this kind of makes up for the sudden increase of workload. Either way, I hope you enjoy this one!
For our timeline, you can basically imagine any timeline. Whether you want to be dating, married, engaged to him; imagine this however you would like to. Also, I would like for you to imagine that you're working at Themis as Artem's partner if you decide to not be Rosa.
"How come you're yawning so much?" Kiki asks you in the middle of her story. With the new case that you and Artem received a couple days ago, you two are both swamped with work, trying to sort out the paperwork and known evidence. As much as you love working here, it definitely needs a lot of time and effort to get it done.
After taking a sip of your fresh coffee, you look at her to explain, "Mr. Wing and I just started a new case, so we needed to put in some overtime to get through what we wanted." Kiki only nods in response before taking a sip of her coffee. Suddenly, you notice the confusion in her eyes.
"I don't think that explains why you're so tired though?" she asks, staring into the reflection of her coffee to put the pieces together. "Even if you and Mr. Wing work overtime, he would make sure that you two get home decently on time," she continues before squinting at dark circles, "and you seem to be yawning more than the previous times that you two worked together into the night." You look back down at your coffee cup to hopefully hide your face a little; you didn't want her finding out about your plan and blurting it out to the entire office.
"Y-Yeah, I just didn't sleep well," your voice trails off before you take another sip of coffee. Although you can't exactly see her face, Kiki's studying eyes seem to bore a hole into your forehead. When you finally pull the coffee cup away from your face, Kiki's eyes seem to widen, seemingly putting the pieces together.
"Did you prepare something?" she asks teasingly, poking at your arm. With the blush in your cheeks, you realize that she knew your plans. With a sigh, you can only nod at her response where she excitedly places down her cup and claps her hand like a child who just figured out the hardest math problem in the homework. "What did you prepare? A gift? Or something more?" she begins bombarding you with questions, trying to figure out more about your little surprise. Suddenly, her voice seems to cut off, and you watch her freeze up in front of you. "G-Good morning Mr. W-Wing," she greets, stuttering on her words. Confused, you turn around for your eyes to meet with a familiar chest.
"Good morning," Artem greets with a slight nod. "If you don't mind, I would like my partner for the new case we're working on." Kiki can only nod and excuse herself awkwardly before escaping the senior attorney's gaze. You look back at Artem confused before he looks down at you. "Sorry to disturb your conversation, but I think I found another clue for the case," he explains briefly, catching your attention. The two of you start walking back to his office as you discuss the details.
"Does it regard the testimony of the main suspect?" you question, your thoughts returning to the case. Artem nods to confirm your suspicions before explain his train of thought. While you try to keep your mind on the task at hand, you feel the drowsiness catching up to you, making your steps slow down. Before Artem catches you lagging behind, you try to catch up to him again, but you awkwardly trip over your own feet, causing you to yelp slightly. Closing your eyes to brace for the impact of the hard floor, you feel yourself hitting a softer surface, hands on your arms and a familiar scent hitting your nose. Opening your eyes, your eyes land on the fabric of a suit, making you rush to stand.
"Are you okay?" Artem asks worriedly, looking over your body to visually check everything. Feeling the blood rush to your cheeks from the situation, you can barely give him a verbal response and look at him, making you choose to nod instead. With a sigh of relief, Artem appears to relax a little before checking you one more time. "Did you not sleep well last night?" he wonders aloud, and you're sure that he noticed the dark circles under your eyes.
"I slept well, but I guess I didn't sleep enough," you answer carefully, your voice small enough for only Artem to hear. Artem shakes his head helplessly before you two step into his office. The thud of the door shutting wakes you up slightly, but you can't help but to yawn and take another sip of coffee.
"It is nearing the time for lunch, so maybe you need some energy?" Artem pieces together before grabbing his phone from his desk. "Let's order some food, so we can eat twelve. Do you want your usual order?" he asks, scrolling on his phone screen. With your tired brain, you just process the situation, making you wake up instantly.
"A-actually, I don't think we need to order anything," you suddenly state, making him looking up from his phone confused. Without another word, you walk towards your bag and rummage through the contents from the specially packaged items. With your back facing towards him and his eyes on you, the nervousness finally hits you; you can only hope that he likes your little surprise for him. Your hand brushes against a familiar fabric texture and holds onto it. Carefully, you begin to dig it out of your bag, making sure your wrapping doesn't get too ruined. When you lift the two surprises out of your bag, you turns towards him, and his eyes stare at the two items in your hands confused.
Before you get the chance to explain yourself, Artem suddenly pieces the clues together, "Did you wake up early to cook for us today?" When he completely figures out, you can only nod at his response.
"I decided to cook today since you always cook for us and handle my meals even though that's supposed to be my responsibility," you explain quietly. With a small pause, you realize how the air in the office turned awkward, making you explain yourself further. "W-well I technically didn't really cook much; I only made the rice, cut up some vegetables, cooked it together with some meat, and arranged it. It really isn't much compared to what you do, but I just wanted to return the favor after everything you've done for me," you ramble quickly before realizing that you just made the situation even more awkward. In an instant, you try to hide your face and clear your throat. "W-we don't have to eat it if you don't-" you shyly start again before Artem cuts you off.
"You cooked for me?" Artem whispers, his tone reflecting his touched and confused feelings. You nod again at Artem before you hear his steps approach you. The load in your hands seem to lighten, and you see one of the lunch boxes you packed in Artem's hand. "Let's just eat here then," he softly offers, a small smile on his face. You nod with a smile on your face, feeling slightly relieved that he accepted your gift. After unwrapping and reheating the food, you two are seated on the couch and eating the meal you prepared. However, there's a slight problem: you messed up the seasoning; you only realize it after you take a bite and realize how bland the meal is. Sadly, Artem already had a couple bites while reading the document on his tablet, making you cringe at your mistake. You can only await his comments about the food, making you try to distract yourself by reading a document for the case.
An awkward silence lands over you as you nervously scan through the lines of the document. Although you feel like you need to break the silence, you know that it would still be too awkward for you. The most you could do was to shovel your bland stir-fry into your mouth and to cry internally about forgetting to season your own food. Seriously, how do you forget to season vegetables and meat? While you're mentally kicking yourself about this, you manage to not hear Artem trying to call your attention to the point that he needs to tap you on the head. When you realize what just happened, your cheeks burn red from embarrassment. Trying to compose yourself, you look up to see Artem staring at you blankly.
"W-what is it? D-did you f-find anything?" you stutter out, making you internally scream at yourself again. At the worst possible moment, your tongue slips on the syllables of your words, and you can only hope that Artem notices your nervousness.
"Not yet," he answers softly, "but you have been awfully quiet. Is everything okay?" Of course, he would notice; the top attorney of Stellis would definitely notice any abnormal behavior out of his partner.
You only sigh in defeat before you admit your mistake: "I forgot to season the food, so I just gave you bland food." You want to bury yourself into the ground, so your embarrassment can disappear. However, Artem's reaction catches you slightly off guard.
"The food was fine," Artem responds in an attempt to ease your feelings. "Yes, it was bland, but that's an easy fix compared to cooking it incorrectly." While honest with your cooking, you can't help but feel him picking at his words to not offend you. Because of this, you still feel upset about your lack of memory and don't notice him watching your face twist at your cringe. He carefully sets down the empty container and gently places his hand over yours. Not expecting his warm hands on yours, the blood suddenly rises in your cheeks, and your heart pounds against your chest. "Bland food is better than burnt food. I'm just glad that someone even tried to cook for me, alright?" Artem comforts you as his fingertips slightly press into your skin. You can only nod at him and not make eye contact, slightly relieved by his reaction.
"Next time, I'll make you something better then!" you promise out loud, finally making eye contact with him. With a bright smile on your face, his eyes widen in shock before a moment before returning your smile. His hand squeezes yours for a moment before letting go and turning his body towards you.
"Maybe you should try to cook when we're not overloaded with a case. I know you forgot to add the seasoning because you didn't get enough sleep last night," Artem reasons, patting your head. In shock, you stare at him, trying to piece together how he figured it out.
When you get stuck, you finally ask, "How did you know that?" Your eyes try to blink the tiredness away from your eyes as he stares at you with a smile on his lips.
"I know the work we have to do, and we're partners. Do you really think I wouldn't be able to figure out that you didn't sleep enough after seeing you get more coffee?" he asks. Trying to figure out how he knew you grabbed more coffee for yourself, he awkwardly clears his throat to cut off any questions you have, "I mean, you rarely get coffee around noon since I tell you that I'm going to order lunch soon." Understanding his logic, your cheeks grow red from embarrassment as he seems to read you like a book. Hiding your hands in your face, you hear Artem move off of the couch for a moment and walk to somewhere near his desk. You look over at him as he searches for something in his closet.
"Do you need any help looking for something?" you ask cautiously before standing up. You are about to walk over to him when he finally pulls out a folded blanket from the closet. Glancing over at you, he shoots you a small smile before closing the door and walking towards you.
"Lay down," he tells you, and you can only warily relax your body on the couch. He sits down beside you before unfolding the blanket and covering your body, adjusting the edges of the blanket to cover the entirety of your back and shoulders. "Take a rest. I have energy because of your food, but you must be exhausted from cooking in the morning," Artem quietly explains as he carefully tucks a pillow underneath your head. Before you can protest that two minds are better than one in the new case, he cuts you off, "Not having enough sleep will impede your logic and thinking. It's best if you sleep and let your mind process it for a bit." While you acknowledge that his explanation makes sense, you can't help but feel like you're not doing your part of the work for the case.
"But I want to finish another part before I rest," you complain quietly, almost feeling your lips pout. Although you want to keep working, your body feels warm under the blanket, slowly lulling you to sleep. "I should at least finish reading the document," you mutter out as you curl up under the blanket. Within another minute or two, your mind already eases your thoughts into silence, and you're sleeping soundly with the blanket covering half of your face. When you stop talking, Artem glances over to see you sleeping peacefully like a child and chuckles at you. His hand carefully brushes your hair away from your face, and his voice quietly mutters something.
"Thank you for today. Sleep well."
Okay, I'll admit that this one is really sweet. I swear someone is going to get diabetes from reading these sort of things lol. Anyways, I hope you liked this one! I know that this isn't exclusive to Artem's birthday, but I still wanted to write something sweet because it is his birthday. Anyways, I hope to see you in the next one!
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herdecisions · 1 year
I just realized that artem, marius and vyn’s character models are pretty much the exact same
Only luke is diff (more rounded eyes)
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