#// mod: thank you fire anon you always pull through
duke-wrio · 1 month
Worcestershire, I haven't forgotten you :3
What's poppin, my G?
🔥 (Yes, I am aware of how cringe I sound rn)
I know what those words mean individually, together I don't.
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aziraphales-library · 3 years
For the anon looking for bookverse content, I have to recommend a few absolutely wonderful Book Omens works by riwriting! Some of the best fanfic I've ever encountered, and definitely some of the best bookverse content specifically. I recommend Here At The End Of All Things; The Lines Drawn Between Us; and The Problem With Normal. (The other fics by riwriting are all excellent as well, but do also incorporate show canon.)
One more book!omens rec: Come Live in the Country (With Me, My Darling) by KannaOphelia!
Thanks for the recs!
Here At The End Of All Things by riwriting (T)
“What if,” Aziraphale said, “We were always meant to have choices? We just...didn't imagine we could. What if Heaven and Hell are just, are just choices? You're the one who's always saying that it's just names for sides. What are the sides even about anyway?”
Crowley's muffled voice came from the pillow. “I feel like I'm the one who's supposed to ask that stuff.”
Aziraphale and Crowley, after leaving Tadfield and before meeting at St. James Park at 11:30 on Sunday, work through what it means for the world not to have ended and what might come next.
The Lines Drawn Between Us by riwriting (T)
Crowley has always acted as if demonic summonings are not a big deal. Aziraphale discovers the truth.
A trio of humans stood in front of a Circle, brightly lit. Inside the Circle, hanging suspended in the air, was a human form. The figure appeared to be a thin male. His long limbs twitched as if he could not control them, and he made a soft, choking noise. Not a human, Aziraphale determined. A human would be dead the moment they stepped into the Circle. And not an angel. An angel would be on his way to Heaven. Which left...demon. Aziraphale studied the wretched creature as his body spasmed again. The movement caused his dark, chin length hair to further cloak his face. It was clear from the noises that came from the demon that he was in pain. With what looked to be considerable effort, the demon took a shuddering breath and pulled his head upright.
It was Crowley.
The Problem With Normal by riwriting (T)
The night before Warlock's birthday party, Crowley calls Aziraphale. Something is wrong. The kid is too normal.
The thing was – the thing was – the thing was – between him and Aziraphale, they had control over everything dealing with the Antichrist for the last eleven years. Either they or their teams had been around that kid since day one. They should know all the variables. They should be able to identify whatever this wrongness was. Instead, everything was spinning, spinning, spinning...and it felt like the next rotation was the one that would send it all out of control.
Come Live in the Country (With Me, My Darling) by KannaOphelia (T)
Aziraphale's brows were drawn in confusion. They were pale and beautiful. The wrinkles at the corner of his frowning mouth were beautiful. His double chin was beautiful. His bloody prissy hands like some camp Oxford queen were beautiful. Crowley could write a poem to Aziraphale's ankles, thick and stable in their heather marle socks.
"Gosh, I like your body," Crowley said hysterically. "Just as much as the old one. Good love-handles."
"Are you feeling quite well?"
"No. I've gone mad. Come and live in the country with me. You can read all day and I'll tempt the village ladies into short-changing on the White Elephant."
After their conversation was interrupted by Death, Crowley and Aziraphale's minds were wiped of certain salient events from the last eleven years. But shadows remain. And Crowley is possessed by the conviction that the bookshop is a very dangerous place for the angel to be, and some worrying nightmares about fire.
- Mod D
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angelicimagines · 3 years
hello hello mod shuichi! thanks for answering my earlier question :)
so here is a request for you mod shuichi!
i was wondering if i could get headcannons for tendou, sugawara and kageyama with an s/o who likes to spontaneously take them out for dates doing random things. like s/o needs to go to target to get something? boom target date-
thank you <3
It was no problem anon, thanks for the request. First Haikyuu request, I'm pumped. The request was very fun by the way, thanks for requesting!
–Mod Shuichi
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Tendou Satori, Sugawara Koushi, Kageyama Tobio going on a spontaneous date, courtesy of their S/O
Tendou Satori💜
💜 Mans was ready. I don't know how he does it, but he was ready to leave as soon as the word "date" left your mouth. 💜 Y'all were going thrift shopping as a date? He was pumped, stoked, excited, you name it. 💜 Apart from the presentable clothes you got, you also decided to make a fashion show. You choose a theme and then present an outfit following said theme. 💜 Y'all came up with the wackiest outfits and got a huge ego boost when the other praised you. 💜 Y'all also played a guessing game. You would hold up some clothing options and he would guess which one you would choose. 💜 You were dumb enough to bet money on it and you ended up being broke. Was that all part of your plan to get him to pay for you, yes. Did you succeed, yes because you got him wrapped around your finger. 💜 You probably ended up with a whole new wardrobe, lucky you. 💜 The next step was, naturally, food. So here you were at the food court sharing a milkshake like in the movies. If he took a picture, let him be you looked adorable. 💜 It was pretty early in the day still, so what better way to continue than to ogle at the sales for a while. 💜 Stay with me here, this man could entertain you in the most boring of circumstances. And that he did. As a thank you for loving him, he bought you merch from your favourite show. 💜 Y'all recreated the spiderman meme here because you also got him something. You got him a figurine of the main character of the manga we has currently reading as well as a tube of chocolate ice-cream. 💜 You knew about his insecurities and being called a monster his whole life, so you explained that he was more like the main character, the hero of the story; someone worthy of love. 💜 He cried, in the middle of the mall but he cried. He just loves you so much and then you pull this shit and,,, ugh, how dare you be so thoughtful he wants to hug you. 💜 Brags about it to his teammates basically all the time, "Oh yeah Semi-Semi, well did your S/O get you a figuring symbolizing how they don't view you as a monster? Yeah didn't think so." No shame, no shame at all. 💜 You parted ways with a hug and a kiss…and a plethora of photos of the experience that he took even though y'all looked silly, the perfect way to end your date <3
Sugawara Koushi🧡
🧡 Caught off guard but very excited when you announced y'all were going on a date. 🧡 Screw whatever he had been doing previously, y'all were going on a date to target. Hell yeah. 🧡 In his mind, any time spend with you is a good time, plus it's target, he can buy whatever he needs and spend time with you, double whammy. 🧡 You decided on doing a competition once you were in, whoever got the weirdest thing that reminded them of their lover won…something. You don't know what the price is, but y'all don't care it is all in good fun anyways. 🧡 And so the quest began. Scanning the isles looking for the most random thing that reminded y'all of each other. 🧡 You ended up finding a cloud (are you a god?) and a wine bottle and figured that that was enough (you're jesus). He always acts like both of those things, somehow. 🧡 He ended up choosing a cinnamon roll and a little plastic fire thing. His justification, you were sweet like the cinnamon roll and "you're hot hon, smoking!". 🧡 Y'all had a few laughs and definitely pretended to get offended at what you bought. Overall, it was a fun experience. 🧡 After that, you decided that the fun wasn't over just yet. What better way to continue than to play hide and seek in the clothing section. 🧡 It would be fun, but you got lost in the process and he had to spend a good 20 minutes looking for you. You didn't care, victory was yours. 🧡 He decided that staying there and risking getting lost again was not worth it, so ya'll went on a mini car ride just driving aimlessly for a couple minutes before going home. 🧡 The ride was very fun, but oh did your eardrums suffer. This man was singing (read: screaming) along to whatever song was on the radio, even if it was in a different language. Sugawara: YO TENIA UNA ESPERANZA, EN EL FONDO DE MI ALMA! 🧡 You loved him anyways (and did the same because the song's a bop). 🧡 Y'all ended up at Daichi's place for some reason, and then passed out on his couch (Daichi is seriously questioning if he should kick y'all out but his morals won't let him). 🧡 You ended up cuddling with him on Daichi's couch…not noticing that he ate your cinnamon roll earlier <3
Kageyama Tobio🧡
🧡 Thoroughly confused the moment you burst through the door and announced you two had a date. 🧡 A date? Since when? Did he forget, was there a special occasion, were you planning something? 🧡 "Get ready bubs we're going to the grocery store!" 🧡 A-a grocery store, for a date... Listen he might not be the best at this but a grocery store date doesn't sound like a very entertaining date. 🧡 Did he complain? Well he didn't really have a choice in the matter so no. 🧡 You got there and, of course, made him push you around in the shopping cart while you got the groceries. He'd never admit it but he thought you looked adorable. 🧡 Still confused as to why you chose the grocery store of all places for a date, but hey he was having fun so he can't say anything. 🧡 You bought him some yogurt/milk cartons and his face lit up, it was cute. In return, he bought you some of your favourite snacks and gave you a few kisses for good measure. 🧡 He doesn't know what he's doing, but he's sure this is a step in the right direction. 🧡 Once you're done paying and on your way home, he got an idea. 🧡 You were peacefully chilling in the cart when it started…going faster? What is happening? 🧡 You look up and the fucker was smirking at you while running down the street with you in the cart. 🧡 Homemade roller coaster, neato. You couldn't help the giggles that escaped you as you traveled down the street all the way to your house. 🧡 If you listen very very closely, you can hear his chuckles and a small "I love you" full of admiration. 🧡 To top it all off, he left one final kiss square on the lips…as he stole some of the meat buns you bought <3
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forbidding-souda · 4 years
hey there, if you’re still doing the prompts, could you do 4 and 19 for souda and reader, I love this boy so much he just needs some love
4: “Tell me, I have to know” | 19: “What if I love you?” Kazuichi Souda (fem reader)
Anon added: “Ps I forgot to mention in the 4 and 19 prompt for souda and reader if you could make the reader female, ok I’m sorry bye”
No need to apologize! We love the boy here :^D no seriously I just checked my masterlist why is there so much souda stuff ya’ll oh my god we stan a lack of versatility LMAAO
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-Mod Souda, writing this at 0:30
“Uhm, hello!” Once again he repeats, knocking you out of your thoughts.
“Yeah, oh, I’m sorry, Souda, I’m listening!” Innocently you respond, waving your hands in front of you to excuse your behavior.
He pulls his beanie down, a bit flustered. “I told you to call me Kazuichi.”
Yet again, in the middle of another conversation, you were caught dazing off while staring directly at him. You couldn’t help it. You are not the fastest thinking person, and not even a week ago did you come to terms with your huge crush on him.
Even calling him by his first name made your cheeks feel like they were on fire.
When you don’t respond immediately he continues.
“Man, you need to stop doing that, it’s starting to get on my nerves. If I’m boring you, you can just tell me!”
A response, still, doesn’t come to you quickly. All you can find yourself doing is leaning back in your school desk and crossing your arms.
There’s only one thing plaguing your mind. Over and over your thoughts ring out.
You can’t look at him without smiling. His silly dancing, his charming smile, the way he does impressions of your classmates, his ability to answer any question. You admire it all.
Jeez, why can’t you be cool like him?
“You’re not boring Kazuichi, I’ve just been thinking.” The words pour out of your mouth slowly.
“Thinking?” Suddenly, a tinge of concern laces his tone. “Can you tell me about it?”
“Ehm - no.”
“Tell me, I have to know. Especially if it’s bothering you this much.”
In your mind, there’s nobody else on the planet except you two. And when he stops talking, there is silence. Every noise seems to die down. All you can hear is the heartbeat in your ears.
“It’s stupid anyways. Something that shouldn’t even bother me.” 
His demeanor switches. No longer playful, he moves his chair closer to yours.
“Nothing is stupid to me.”
He’s close.
Anxiety fills your body, dripping to your fingers and clenching at your heart. You hate the feeling. Anything to just send it away. Why can’t you just skip this part?
“I - I -it’s just...” Playing with your fingers, you slowly put together words.
Speaking has never been your specialty, which is why you like talking to Kazuichi. Even if you mutter out a string of nonsense, he will always understand what you are talking.
So he’s patient with you, letting you think for a second before finally you speak,
“What if I love you?”
His eyebrows pop up immediately.
Of course, because you know him so well, you know no matter his feelings towards you the response wouldn’t be negative.
But he was practically vibrating with happiness.
“You do?” He squeaks out. 
Before retreating a little. “S/O, you’re not messing with me, are you?”
You exhale through your nose, turning to face him. “I’m not. I’m literally trembling.”
The smile on his face is as goofy as ever. Kazuichi Souda, though he is a sucker for romance, is not confessing his love with seriousness.
“I love you so much, S/O!” He scratches the back of his neck. “I was waiting for you to say something, if I’m being honest.”
“Oh shut up, no you weren’t.”
“I was, I swear!”
You smile an uneven smile, the soppiness of seconds before seeming like a distant memory. This is all you wanted. All you daydreamed about before you slept.
Even the times you said stupid stuff, accidentally offending him, he knew that it wasn’t your intention. He was always nice, exclaiming his love for you. That’s why it was so hard to tell him. What if it was all platonic? What if that’s how he talks to all of his friends.
“Thank you, Kazuichi.” You sigh in joy.
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monomonomagines · 4 years
If its not too much trouble, could I ask for the monster AU with the sdr2 guys? I love monsters and I love the monster AU you did for v3
Howdy, Anon! I hope you don’t mind, but Mod Kokichi and I tend to get very excited with our Monster AU so we ended up having to split these into three parts this time thanks to the inclusion of Izuru. Now that my short explanation is out of the way, I hope that you’ll enjoy part one, and thanks so much for enjoying our V3 Monster AU. I plan to post the next parts tomorrow if possible so I hope that you’ll look forward to them. 
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Part 1 (Part 2 here) (Part 3 here)
Twogami (shapeshifter)
You were on an evening stroll through the neighborhood when it happened.
With nothing but the marmalade light slowly fading in the distance and sound of birds chirping in the distance to keep you company.
That serenity seemed like it would last for ages that is until an inhuman screech pierced your ears.
Within an instant, you lost that peaceful moment and in another you're legs were carrying you towards that sound before you could think to do otherwise.
Now out of breath and confused by your own lack of forethought you ended up laying your eyes on a strange shadowy figure with a nasty bite wound on its leg.
It didn't seem dangerous or that it would attack you though as it lay there with sad eyes looking at you. If anything, you felt bad for the guy so you took him home with you carrying the shadowy form, feeling it's warm and weirdly fuzzy form.
Soon enough you were home though with your new "friend" in tow. Now was the time to get him some medical attention though.
You quickly grabbed some supplies and got to work. Then by the time you were done, you sent him off on his way.
It was at least a week ago since your encounter but you still wondered at times how he or it was doing. It was hard to tell really if a shapeshifter had a gender in its truest form but even then there was no use worrying about it.
Today you had to focus. There was a charity ball being held by none other than the Togami family and as your family was the one that catered the event and you being the only one with free time, you were sent to act as a representative.
Pushing open the doors you take a deep breath as you enter immediately noticing the Byakuya Togami going absolutely ham on the food your family provided.
You wouldn't have guessed he was such a big eater but even then you shouldn't stare probably. You take your eyes off of him rather embarrassed by your own lack of manners when he called out to you.
"You're S/o are you not? I must thank you and your family for most humbly procuring all this food for us. It's sure to make our event a great one."
His eyes seemed to be looking you over rather analytically yet his words were gentle as he continued.
"I know you're not accustomed to dances such as this with your status most likely but I was hoping that you would join me for the first dance tonight."
Wait, he was asking you!? Despite any protests you gave he admonished you with equal amounts of passion, insisting that he, the Byakuya Togami, the Ultimate Affluent Progeny was to dance with you and there was no convincing him otherwise.
What you didn't expect was to even be close enough to Byakuya to interact with him but by the end of the night, you were both already planning on going out together again.
It had been like some fairy tale meeting, the way you two met was special and the relationship that quickly bloomed between you two was just as much.
That's why as months went by you decided you wanted to take things further. You ended up buying yourselves matching rings, they weren't similar to wedding rings but they were their own unspoken promise that you two were each other.
You were excited to propose the idea to him as he arrived for another one of your rendezvous but at the sight of the ring, he seemed nervous.
"Of course...I-I'd love to accept, it's nothing...just hand it over."
Despite his unnatural and obviously suspicious reaction you carefully drop the ring into his larger hand only to see him become a familiar shadowy figure before your very eyes. The rings, the gold in them must have turned him into his true form!
"I'm sorry....I'm not the real Byakuya Togami, S/o." he speaks up before you can react looking at you sadly as he admits. "I just wanted to be someone you could like and everyone seemed to like that Togami fellow so I tricked you. I know that it's unforgivable though, for me to think that we could continue like that forever so, I'll leave if that's what you please."
He seemed so genuine and yet it was hard to formulate a response. What he did was wrong, you knew it but he meant so well and you couldn't turn him away then.
Telling him to wait, Togami or Twogami turns to you perplexed by your response. Confused or not though, you reached down to pick up his smaller, plump, shadowy body.
"S/o I...thank you."
Teruteru (Incubus)
When Teruteru applied to join you in the kitchen at your family dinner you didn't think anything much of him at first.
Sometimes he'd make perverted passes at you or tease a bit but overall he was kind and a reliable coworker. You both would spend many days and nights in that kitchen just chatting as you cooked and cleaned after a hard day of work.
However, as you both continued to close your shop together you couldn't help but find him alluring in some way.
Alluring and yet there was something odd about him. Teruteru always seemed to have some new girlfriend or boyfriend to spend time with after work whenever you tried to invite him out.
Maybe his flirting meant nothing after all but even then it felt so real that trying to convince yourself it wasn't was even more painful.
You were tempted, his flirtations were sweet as honey but what if you'd regret indulging in your own sweet temptations. He could be some player or heartbreaker for all you know after all.
Pushing those thoughts to the back of your head though you decided you had enough of being lead on by the fellow chef.
You waited until it was just you two and the remains of your labor left in the kitchen.
Per usual, he started with his usual small talk when you hushed him up with all the questions that tormented you day and night. Did he like you, did he hate you, was he messing with you, and most of all why? If it wasn't anything then why, why bother!?
He was shocked to say the less and thrown off guard for sure as he leaned onto a counter covered by flour in a moment of clumsiness to steel himself.
"I...I do have a reason for my flirtin' n' all but I just...yah need to promise y'all won't fire me if I spill the beans!"
Huh? So first he admits to lying something but then what's with the sudden accent too!? As much as you wanted to laugh at his nervous mistake of coating most of his sleeves in flour, you decided to urge him to go on.
"Well, I do like yah a whole lot but...but I'm also a...I'm an Incubus." He admits, showing off his normally hidden demonic form as though to emphasize his point.
"I want to be with yah really, but I don't wanna take anythin' from yah because of these dang powers a mine."
Sucking in a shaky breath you make your way towards him, disregarding his warnings against getting close and pulling his short frame to your own. You didn't care if he was an Incubus, even if you couldn't have his body you wanted his heart far more and would do anything for it.
"Oh S/o, how could'ja take in a guy like me?"
Nekomaru (Stone Golem)
You were taking a hike on a trail through the mountains. Your plans were to make it to the top in order to look out at the beautiful scenery before your eyes but those plans surely changed when you noticed a weird statue standing at your goal point.
It wasn't too odd for a statue to be somewhere like a mountain top your supposed but something about it made you feel unnerved.
Maybe it was because of how the statue looked as though it were mid-scream or maybe because of how eerily alive it felt. However, around you, it didn't move what so ever, the only other point of interest now the large piece missing from the side of the statue.
At this point, it felt a bit awkward being up there with this thing silently screaming at you forever so you decided to focus on searching for the piece you noticed missing and sure enough it wasn't far.
Picking it up in your hands wasn't too difficult despite the obvious weight to it and with trembling hands, you were easily able to place it in it's allotted slot.
That was when that silent scream of his turned into a roar, loud enough for you to feel it shake you as his large arms came to wrap around you, pulling you into an embrace.
"GAHAHAHA! I'M FREEEEEE!" he yells out, once loud enough for anyone nearby to hear him a second time.
Now setting you down he smiles at you, finally addressing you this time. "Thanks for saving me, I knew someone would have to find me eventually!"
He gives another hearty laugh at your own confused expression, not even bothering to give you time to process what's going on as he speaks up once again.
"I guess that means that I owe you now but don't you worry. I always pay back my debts," he scratches around his nose, adding, "Though all I can offer is to protect you from now on. Tell you what, I'll be like your bodyguard even!"
Despite you opening your mouth he only continues to go on, taking this proposition far more seriously than you thought he would.
"With me around NO ONE will touch you for I am NEKOMARU NIDAI!" he cheers, picking you up again despite your protests.
"No way am I letting you walk! It's my job to protect you so just tell me which way to go!"
Despite his kindness, he really was far too insistent, but even then you could tell you weren't getting out of this so you relented, eventually arriving home in his arms.
It's been about a month since that day that Nekomaru came to live with you. With the two of you growing closer each day it wasn't surprising for you to have developed feelings for the kind golem, but you did worry about what would happen when you'd confess.
Would he leave if he didn't feel the same? Despite your fears, you wanted to face him and to lay all of your feelings bare for him to see.
You two were planning to revisit the path that you met at and so you planned to then, bursting into your confession as soon as you arrived.
You hadn't meant to be so hasty but with Nekomaru it's hard not to be, you wanted to just rip the bandage off and be over with. You were prepared for the consequences of your actions but you didn't suffer at all like you might've guessed.
No, the only suffering you were enduring was from the lack of air when Nekomaru wrapped his arms around you again just like he did when you met.
"I was wondering when you'd say it! I love you too, S/o!"
Wait he knew? As soon as you questioned him though all he did was laugh as usual.
"GAHAHAHA! I thought you knew I did too already. I mean we lived together after all!"
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pokemagines · 5 years
claude & seteth + jeralt being overprotective
anon asked: “Hi! I really love your writing, so I was wondering if could you do HCs for Claude or Seteth (I'm torn between the two at the moment) in an almost-relationship with F!Byleth, with Jeralt (I like to pretend he's still in the picture because DAMN IT, Fire Emblem, stop breaking my heart!) being all protective of Byleth in a similar way that Seteth is with Flayn? Thanks! :)”
a/n: whY do i always write such long paragraphs for claude dkfjsfd my bias is SHOWINGGG anyways. hope you enjoy i love... this prompt sm !!! --mod touko
spoilers for seteth & flayn’s paralogue!
claude has a reputation on campus, that’s for certain. when you choose to teach the golden deer, the first thing the other knights tell jeralt is how much of a troublemaker claude can be. jeralt isn’t too worried, if anything dealing with him will be a bit of a challenge, but he knew you could handle most things.
many months had passed since you had decided to teach the golden deer house. jeralt, being off duty for the knights for once, decides to join you in a training exercise to fraldarius territory to route some bandits. he sees how happy you get, telling him that he is going to be so proud of how strong your students have gotten. he’s already proud of you -- of course -- but he’s excited to see everyone in action. 
he notices how claude sticks by you in battle, the two of you bantering despite all the chaos going on. claude flirts with you in the same breath that he shouts out orders for his classmates. jeralt rolls his eyes, moving up more on the battlefield to where he can be closer to the archer, making sure he knows that he is right there. claude’s flirtations are much quieter after that.    + after the battle jeralt makes sure to squeeze him real tight on the shoulder and tell him good job, a thinly veiled murderous smile on his face. claude laughs it off, but makes sure to make a mental note to be more cautious around jeralt.
when the two of you are out, he watches how claude sometimes will put an arm around you, or lean in closer than he should to listen. puppy love, he realizes, he used to be the same around his wife. he wonders if you even realize that claude likes you, but the smile on your face says it all. he’d never seen you smile as lovingly at anyone as you did at claude. 
so, he waits outside your classroom before it starts. claude, being the “diligent” student he is, makes his way in a bit early. seeing jeralt leaning beside the door, he feels the urge to run away, but it’s too late. jeralt tells him that he needs to talk to him for a second, and again, grasps his shoulder a bit too hard. 
   “so, what are your intentions with my child?” jeralt gives claude a look that could kill. 
   “captain, i have no idea--” claude attempts to play dumb, hoping that he’ll just think he’s stupid and leave him be.
   “don’t bullshit me, son.” the captain is obviously more smart than he lets on, claude realizes. “i can see how you look at them, how you... flirt with them. i’m not stupid. i hope this isn’t you just toying with their heart because if it is so help me sothis i’ll run you through with the end of my lance.”
   “duly noted sir.” claude looks away, trying himself to reason with himself what it is he felt for his professor. if he was honest, he wasn’t sure himself -- they were his most trusted ally, his closest confidant, and... well, he’d be lying to himself if he didn’t find them as beautiful as the goddess herself. for a moment, he feels his face grow hot, but jeralt’s piercing glare snaps him back to reality. “i promise you have nothing to worry about. i would never lead them on, they’re... too precious to me.” 
   jeralt hears the vulnerability in claude’s voice. he had heard claude be described as many things, but vulnerable was never a word that was used. either he’s the best actor to ever grace the earth, or he was telling the truth. jeralt loosens his grip.
   “is that how you feel?” jeralt smiles a little, “well, i hope for the both of our sakes you’re telling the truth. i know that... they care about you a lot.” jeralt’s grip on claude’s shoulder eases, and he steps back, crossing his arms. “but that threat still stands. if they come to me cryin’ just know i’m hunting you down.”
   “me? make your kid cry? i would never. i mean, look at this face, do i look like a heartbreaker to you?” claude’s mask is back up, and he shoots the captain a wink, before excusing himself to go to class. 
flayn finds it hilarious because, for once, her father is getting a taste of his own medicine. ever since you had told jeralt that you and seteth were together, he had been wary. he didn’t trust rhea in the slightest, and seteth was her right-hand man, in his mind he wasn’t sure of the intentions seteth had for his child, but he sure as hell was going to find out.
he knows you’re grown and are strong enough to make your own decisions, but it didn’t mean he didn’t still worry about you. you were just now getting used to your emotions, he didn’t want your heart to be shattered and for you to go back to how you used to be. 
whenever he sees you and seteth eating together, he plops himself right beside you. you, always happy to see your father, welcome him, bringing him in on the conversation you were having with seteth. jeralt listens to you talk happily, but whenever seteth speaks his glare turns menacing. you don’t seem to notice, much to seteth’s chagrin as he has to grin and bear it.
because seteth is around the knights often, instructing them on their duties for the week and such, jeralt gets his chance to make snide comments his way. “you lookin’ sleepy seteth... surely you weren’t out last night with my kid?” seteth stutters out how inappropriate that suggestion is, and retorts that it’s because he was in the library sorting through books. “staying out late like that is awfully suspicious... where did you go after the library?” and the grilling continues from there.
   “captain, if i’ve done anything to upset you, i would like to know what it is so i can apologize.” seteth manages out as calmly as possible.
   “it’s just so odd to me that you were so rude to them at first, and now you two are together?” jeralt asks, arms folded across his chest. 
   “...are you implying something?” 
   “i would hope that you’re not using them, seteth.” his tone is ice cold, “you know how naive they are with their emotions, if you broke their heart... it’d kill ‘em. and then i would have to kill you.” seteth understands jeralt’s fears, as a father himself, if anyone broke flayn’s heart he’d do the same thing. even thinking about it made anger well up in his chest. 
   “i understand how you feel... i have a little sister i would do anything to protect as well.” firm. he knows the only way to convince jeralt was to be sincere, because his feelings towards you were just that. “but i would never think of using [name], because i love them. i swear this to you on my honor.” jeralt’s expression seems to change into one of amusement. 
   “i don’t want your honor, boy.” he stretches his arms above his head. “but, you seem to be sincere in your feelings, so i’ll leave you be for now. know that i’m still watching you, though.”
   “of course, captain. i would do the same for flayn.”
that night, seteth knocks on your door and doesn’t wait to pull you on the bed and cuddle up to you. you blush at how forward he’s being, it’s so unusual for him to be this way. you ask him what’s come over him and he just mumbles “your father” into your neck.
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ehehe hello can i get a fluffy scene with ethan pinning a super shy mc against the wall while confessing? thanks!!!
Enjoy, Anon! Sorry it took so long x
Skittish Kitten - Ethan x Reader
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* image from LucyDreams
Word Count: 813
You rested your head on the window frame, watching the sun set over the quiet city skyline. A vivid array of violet, orange and red lit up the room. You and Ethan were on patrol and had decided to search for anything that would be useful or valuable in one of the classrooms.
Ethan approached you quietly and enveloped his arms around your waist, propping his chin on top of your head. You squeaked and jolted from his casualness; stepping away promptly - a vibrant blush painted on your cheeks. You tucked your hair behind your ear shyly, avoiding the gaze of the indigo-haired male.
Ethan watched you with hurt in his eyes, “Why do you avoid me?”
You pursed your lips and began fidgeting with your fingers as you continued to stare out the window, unsure of how to answer him. To be honest, you were a shy little being who had a massive crush on a friend and you didn’t know how to approach him without turning into a skittish kitten!
“I’m not avoiding you,” You lied, “Umm… Lets go check out another room.”
Just as you were about to head to the door, Ethan grabbed your wrist and pinned you to the wall. He kept his grip on you, his other arm pressed up beside your head as he leaned in close; he was at his wits’ end with your excuses. His intense turquoise irises searching for answers in your (e/c) ones, “Do I make you feel that uncomfortable?”
You blushed again, anxiously biting your bottom lip, “No, it’s not that at all…”
“Then why do you keep running away from me?” This was the first time you’ve heard him sound so desperate.
You finally met his gaze, feeling guilty at your timid behaviour.
He let go of your wrist and cupped your bright pink cheeks, “Talk to me.”
Your heart hammered in your chest as your words trembled, “I just… You… make me nervous.”
Looking a little shattered, he dropped his hand from your face.
“Wait!” Without even thinking, you grabbed his tee - pulling him in towards you.
“I mean… Not in a bad way… You make me nervous because I…” Your eyes suddenly widened, realising that he was flush against your breasts. You let go of his tee and covered the embarrassment on your face with your clammy palms.
His usual nonchalant expression was replaced with a look of concern. He wanted to understand you… get to know you… he wanted to hold you and never let go. Ethan ran his fingers through your (h/c) hair, fixing the stray strands into place, “I don’t think I’m intimidating…” His whisper was soothing and he thought hard about his next move. He gently peeled one hand off your face and raised it to his lips. You could feel yourself swoon as he gave feather-light kisses along your knuckles, attempting to ease the tension.
You kept your eyes covered with your other hand, “Ethan! That only makes me more…”
Alright, girl! Calm your nerves! This is your chance to let him know how you feel!
Inhaling deeply, you let out a staggered sigh and finally uncovered your crimson-coloured face, “Youmakemenervousbecauseilikeyou!” Shyness took over once more and you averted your gaze.
Eyes wide, Ethan was taken aback by your sudden revelation. He placed your sweaty hand over his chest and you felt the rapid beat of his heart. You kind of knew that he felt the same; he was always very bold about his actions. However, you didn’t think that YOU could make his heart pound so ferociously like this.
“This is how you make me feel too.” He began, hooking a finger under your chin to guide you back to his gaze. Your breath hitched as you saw fire in his beautiful eyes; burning with untold desire.
“I like you too…”
Captivated by his confession, your knees gave way - overwhelmed by emotions. Ethan caught you in his strong, athletic arms and brought you into a warm embrace, your back still pressed against the wall. He cupped your heated cheek, leaning in so your lips were brushing one another; his eyes locked onto yours with conviction and need.
A tiny smile finally graced your blushing face and you wrapped your arms about his neck, ultimately giving in to your own desires.
“Can I kiss you?” Not once did he lose focus on you as he held you tight.
You lingered your half-lidded eyes to his soft lips, anticipating your first kiss with him.
You nodded.
All of your anxiety and timidness vanished instantly as Ethan captured your lips in a romantically slow, sensual kiss; the type of kiss you would only dream of in fairy tails. You relaxed in his embrace; allowing yourself to be swept away by the love and adoration his lips conveyed.
x mod bambi
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While I can relate to this in a way, it’s not exactly like this, anyways I hope everything is okay anon!
-Mod Shuichi
potential trigger warning 
Shuichi Saihara
He had a hunch that something was up
Wearing long sleeves almost all the time, having a habit of crossing your arms....
It was just a thought that floated in the back of his mind.
He noticed your sleeve falling down as you went to pick up something and saw the gleaming contrast of stark white lines against darker, fleshier skin.
He...looked away once he saw you looking, awkwardly fidgeting with his hands and his gaze downcast.
“You can ask.” You said.
“About my arms, I’m sure it’s been killing you.”
He frowned. “Yeah, but I don’t want to make you uncomfortable...”
 “If you are I’ll let you know, okay?”
He sighed, but nodded, leading you to sit down.
It’ll be a long conversation, with Shuichi trying his best to paraphrase some...touchy questions.
Ex: what made you do this, are you still doing it- and most importantly-  how can he help.
Please be patient with him, he has your best interest in mind. 
Amami Rantarou:
When it comes to Rantarou’s problems he’s always very secretive and unwilling to speak about whats going on. Almost like Ouma.
But when it comes to his s/o’s issues, he’s got that covered.
But when he realized you had self-harm scars he....didn’t know how to approach this.
He could always just bite the bullet and ask up front but...he feels like that 
would end badly for the both of you.
He decides to hint at it occasionally, and every time you questioned him about it he immediately let off of the pressure.
This back and forth cycle continued on for a couple of weeks, before you finally did’t let any more of it slide.
“Just say it to my face, Amami, what do you want to know?”
“Why you’d decide to scar yourself.”
You falter for a split second, and Amami is already apologizing when you shush him.
“Its fine, you deserve to know.”
So you tell him why, or when and how it all started, where you’re at right now and what’s on your mind about the future.
“I really was concerned about you, and I wasn’t sure of how to bring it up, sorry.” he places his hand on yours, comfort evident.
He makes an oath to help your out anytime you need it, so you won’t have to suffer anymore.
Kaito Momota:
At first he asks, “Hey s/o! What are those scars you have on your arms from? They like from a fight or something.”
Your face whitens, “Uh...something like that?”
“Well when did it happen?” Kaito over here has no idea that these were caused by 
“It...Kaito I really...” you sighed. “It’s not like what you think.”
“What is it then....?”
You explain it to him, and as you keep talking you can see the confused yet excited look slide off of his face like a greasy egg in a pan.
And he just, psychically can;t say anything, he’s actually breaking out in a sweat.
“Doesn’t that...hurt..?”
“In more ways than one.”
He starts blaming himself, asking if he wasn’t good enough, if he couldn’t make you happy.
He’s not happy about it, he has to leave the room because his emotions are getting the best of him. 
Things are....awlkward, needless to say, for a while.
He does want to help it just...he feels weird about it, the idea of you hurting yourself...it sends a shiver down his spine.
He’s a bit selfish during this, and he knows and he hates it, because you should be the one being afraid if anything, not him.
But it’s new to him, and he’s terrified of this new way he has to think about you (because it is, he;s always thought of you as happy and cheerful) 
It’s a change of his perspective, and it’s rocky at first but you two will work through it together.
He’s confused when he first sees them, and asks if you’ve been in contact with any gerbils or cats lately.
A really, really feral gerbil or cat.
Because what else could cause so many scars and marks?
Due to his misconception you just...let him think what he wants for a while, until you’re comfortable with telling him 
And so for the longest time Kiibo goes around telling everyone that you’re being attacked by wild animals daily.
Unfortunately, Ouma eventually finds out about this, growing quiet when you enter a room, vague hinting at it sometimes.
You’ll be having a conversation with him just a normal, before his demeanor changes and he says. “How long are you going to keep lying to Kiibo?”
He then reverts back to his bubbly self, pretending like nothing happened.
From Ouma’s “encouragement” and your guilt from not telling Kiibo, you decide to tell him once and for all.
And at first he’s confused, until you bring up you’ve done it to yourself.
“Oh, self-harm and hatred, usually caused by anxiety or depression.”
He takes it surprisingly well, reassuring (or boasting on his part) that he was always searching for causes from external parties, not internal.
He isn’t very...delicate, when it comes to talking about emotional subjects like depression, etc, but he understands it, and knows the steps to take in order to help you.
Just...call him out when you feel uncomfortable, and tell him what he needs to do, he’ll adapt very quickly, and if anything, you’ll be closer by the end of it.
Ouma Kokichi:
He always had a hunch that something was up, but for the life of him he could never figure out what.
He’d try and pry the information out of you, but when you don’t even know what you’re asking someone to confess it makes things difficult.
So he sat, and schemed for a while, helplessly waiting for a clue to pass by.
When he does get this clue, it’d from another person, Kiibo, Maki, Kaede- someone who’s close to you.
And he’s shocked, and feels betrayed.
Not because you didn’t tell him, but because you told someone else before him.
He know its petty for him to think like that but he’s too busy being jealous to think of anything else.
His whole meaner around you will change, hawk-eye- staring at you as you walk into the room, giving hints that you should probably just tell the truth to him, basically everything he can do physically without actually having to straight up ask you.
This method takes too long, so finally he just decides to ask you “Do you not trust me enough to tell me the truth.”
He’s a big walking hypocrite, god knows that he’s not one for telling the truth to anyone. 
He’s fed up with the situation , and mostly himself that he just gets up, makes an excuse and leaves.
The next time you talk to him it’s to talk things out and explain why you told others before him.
He’s angry, but it’s not anger at you, at himself for not being able to protect you, to make you think you couldn’t tell him.
He’s crying, actually fucking crying because he thinks of the pain you’ve gone through just because he was stupid enough not to put two and two together.
You reassure him it’s not his fault, that you didn’t want him seeing you so broken, he’ll still blame himself.  “I love you, I don’t want you to ever, ever fucking forget that.” He clenches his teeth. “Okay?” his voice quavers, and the night is spent close together, tears being shed and bodies shaking.
Korekiyo Shinguji:
He’s a calmer, quieter reactor.
He never wanted to pry into it, as he knows that there are things people just want to keep to himself.
When you do tell him he thanks you for trusting him enough to share him with that information
He gently asks what was the cause behind all of this, and suggests other methods to vent your feelings.
Like painting or drawing on yourself, slapping yourself with rubber bands, he even discuses the idea of going to a therapist.
And if you want other methods of pain, there’s pleanty.
(Aka, more sexual, and delivered to one by another person, not drawing blood or a lot of it at least)
Overall he’s very supportive, willing to do about anything if it means helping you.
he adapts very quickly, and nothing has changed between the two of you.
Gonta Gokuhara: 
Just like with most things, he’s clueless and can’t wrap his head around it.
He’s just always assumed those marks were from an animal or thorn, some outdoor elements.
The first time he actually considers that it might be something else, he assumes someone has hurt you, and freaks out.
When you get him to calm down, and reassure him that no one has hurt him, he’s relieved,  but still a little puzzled.
When or if you do tell them that the marks are self-inflicted he honestly doesn’t understand why someone would want to hurt themselves.
You have to teach him that there’s people who...are in a lot of pain and do things because of it.
By the end of it he doesn’t understand the psychological element behind it, but understands that you’re in pain, which makes you do it.
So, to help out , he asks you what he can do to help you not be in pain.
They range from mundane things, making sure the bed is comfy, that your shoes are the right size to more complex tasks, talking about your feelings and giving gentle head-pats, telling you he loves you.
Ryoma Hoshi:
He tapped your arms and thighs. “You too?”
You looked confused, he clarified, biting his candy cigar. 
“You have so much pain in your life that you need to cut it out of yourself to numb you, fight fire with fire as they say.”
You gulp, he releases your arm. “It’s alright.” 
He pulls up the sleeves of his jumpsuit. “I know that you’ve been through.”
Tears well up in your eyes, biting the bottom of your lip, quivering.
He opens his arms, and you dive into the, letting all your dark thoughts and releasing it.
He coos into your ear, doing his best to hush your cries.
He stays with your for as long as you need after that. 
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Yay! The ask box is open!! You all are such fantastic writers! Thank you for all your amazing work and making Droughtlander 3 more bearable! Can you imagine a complete and utter fluff moment when Jamie or Claire might have given the other a kiss on a cheek while they were still at Leoch as "friends" before the rent collection?
Mod Note: I took the ‘utter fluff’ and ‘Jamie and Claire might kiss’ parts and added them to a new AU idea I hope you enjoy, Anon.
In this AU, Claire is about a year younger than Jamie.
Chain of Command: Part One.
Mrs Crook had never played Claire false, she’d always known that she’d been found late one evening, abandoned deep in the underbrush. It hadn’t stopped her from becoming a fully integrated member of the Fraser household. From a young age Claire had begun to learn the intimate workings of the house - putting her skill as a healer to work as she learned to clean and bake.
The youngest of the children in the house, she’d grown alongside the Fraser’s three children; Willie, Jenny and Jamie. Her position as Mrs Crook’s adopted daughter had no effect on her relationships with any of them, and as they’d been put to task on their education - learning how to read and write - so had Claire, in between her chores.
It was only during Willie’s sickness and subsequent death that she started to notice the minute difference between them. Ellen, Brian, Jenny and Jamie mourned between them leaving Claire to co-exist solely with the maids. Her schooling ceased for a long while and she found herself working hard in the kitchens.
From that loss came the evolution of her relationship with Jamie Fraser. Having been close friends for a good long while, all of a sudden he would come crawling into her bed late at night, tears streaking down his pale face.
Remembering those dire times, she then recalled the moment Ellen had lost her fourth child. She’d bled a lot during that birth and had almost lost her own life. Had it not been for Claire’s quick thinking, Ellen Fraser may have not pulled through at all.
Sneaking up behind her, tall even for his twenty-one years, Jamie wrapped his arms around Claire’s waist, startling her as she kneaded the dough for the next batch loaf.
“I can almost see yer thoughts, mistress,” he cooed, running his lips along the exposed expanse of her neck, causing Claire to forget those memories forged years ago and concentrate on the very prominent figure of Jamie behind her.
“J-Jamie,” she shrugged, shifting her shoulders as she tried to shake him. “Anyone could walk in, we’ll get into bother…”
But she didn’t really want him to stop, Jamie could sense it in the way she rolled her hips backwards whilst fighting, externally, against her need for him.
Jamie had been sent to Paris to finish his schooling at nineteen. There he had come across Annalise de Marillac, an incredible French aristocrat’s daughter. She had been besotted with him and another young man. But every slight touch she’d gifted him had only reminded him that she wasn’t Claire.
Upon his return, unbeknownst to Claire, he had begun his mission to court her properly. He was in far too deep now to ever let her go.
“There’s nobody else here, Claire,” he whispered, his cool breath wafting over the damp patch he’d left on her neck, “but ye ken–”
“No,” she moaned, feeling his hand roaming under her billowing skirts. “We can’t…Jamie…you know we can’t…”
He didn’t truly understand at all, but if the price of his submission to her will on keeping their intimacy from the rest of Lallybroch was Claire’s embrace, then he would give it freely.
Claire saw, with great clarity, the social divide that lay between herself and Jamie. She’d foolishly believed in her younger days that she could overcome it. But recently there had been hushed talk of Jamie’s betrothal - to a lass, it was claimed, he held great affection for. These rumours shattered her illusions and brought her crashing back to earth with a bang.
But that didn’t stop her from wanting him. And it hadn’t stopped her from letting him touch her. Slowly but surely Jamie had been getting closer to her. Touching and teasing in those private moments when the house lay empty. Sometimes, even though she instantly regretted it, she would ensure that her work in the fields coincided with him coming home.
Until now they’d managed to stop themselves, but neither were pulling away from the other and Claire could feel her will slipping by the second.
“They’ll be back soon, Mama Crook will…Jamie, we have to be careful.”
Stilling his hands against her warm thighs, Jamie forced himself to cease, though he desperately wanted to continue - to have her at his mercy against the long wooden preparation table.
He could picture her, wanting, moaning and writhing beneath him as he laid himself over her…
…shaking his head, he leaned his head against her back and rested for just a moment.
“I’d ne’er disrespect ye, Claire, by doing something ye didna want. But I want you so badly that I ache for ye,” he sighed, feeling the subtle ripple that rolled down her spine at his words.
She was holding back from him, hiding her desire for some ridiculous reason. But if time was what she needed, then time he would give her. That and his undying affection and attention.
“Oh, Jamie,” she keened, her legs shaking with the pressure of feeling him *there*.
“Come to me, Claire,” he begged, he wasn’t above going down on his knees to plead with her, “tonight when everyone is abed. I’ll leave my candle alight and ye’ll ken I’m awake and waiting.”
In a moment of weakness she nodded, her heart hammering in her chest as she felt him leave her, a distinct breeze swirling his scent around her as he left as quickly as he’d arrived. Castigating herself, Claire cursed her weakness, but she knew, no matter what, she would go to him. He’d asked and she’d agreed…and she wanted him, too. Badly.
The boards creaked beneath her feet as Claire tried to make her way up through the house.
Usually she slept in her own wee study, a room Brian and Ellen had gifted to Mama Crook for her very own private education. In time she had added her own bed, saving her earnings to fit out a private place of her own. But tonight she was intent on sleeping somewhere new…
Jamie’s room lay aside from the others, along the hall, towards the end of the narrow corridor. It was the larger of the three that remained besides the master suite and Brian had seen it fit for a laird-in-training.
She didn’t knock, her hands shaking far too much for her to trust herself. Knock too violently, even by mistake, and she could wake the whole house. Instead she slid her fingers around the brittle wood and shimmied herself through the gap.
Her heart thundered as she turned to find Jamie almost nose to nose with her, a fire blazing behind his irises.
“You came…” he sighed, his lips pressing quickly against hers, not waiting for her to reply.
“We shouldn’t,” she whispered, writhing against him as she ran her fingers through his loose red locks, “I should go. I shouldn’t be here.”
“Aye, ye should,” Jamie pressed, between kisses, his nimble fingers tugging at her tight laces as he made to remove her of her clothes.
Pressed as she was, back against the door, Jamie’s weight solidly between her thighs, Claire couldn’t find it in her to argue. Her head was fast losing the debate with her body and her heart had been lost for years.
The soft fabric of the sheets surrounded her before she’d even realised Jamie had moved her, the skin of her back rubbing pleasantly against the smooth cotton of the linens. “Have you…?” She asked, her legs parting as she leaned up on her elbows to watch him undress himself now, awareness slowly making her conscious and competent once more.
“Nay, have ye?” He looked at her and knew she hadn’t, the shy tilt of her chin and the sudden fear and wonder alight behind her eyes.
“No,” she replied, not wanting there to be any ambiguity to their amorous intentions. Their relationship - if you could call it that - was complex enough. This, she realised, could be simple.
Jamie’s kilt hit the floor with a small thud, a double beat that echoed in time with Claire’s pounding heart as she shimmied her bottom back a little on the comfy bed.
Licking his lips languorously, Jamie bent forward, his eyes focused on the soft rise and fall of her breasts as he took one under his palm. His thumb circled her nipple slowly, its small peak rising under his ministrations.
“So beautiful, Claire,” he whispered, his breath washing over her chest as she bit her lip to stop herself from moaning too loudly.
She’d no notion of physical acts, so when he leaned forwards, his mouth opening slightly to allow his lips to suckle gently at her breast, she had to squeeze her eyes shut. The sensation rocketed through her, sending shockwaves through every nerve as he slowly ran his teeth over her sensitive flesh.
“Did I hurt ye?” He sighed, his tongue licking the tip of her nipple as he posed the question, his worship of her and act of attrition.
“No, no you didn’t…” she responded, breathy and light as she tried to stay focused. Her legs were spread wide now, her knees touching the mattress as her hips thrusted lightly upwards - seeking out the friction she so desperately needed.
Steadying himself, Jamie continued, lowering his arse now so that he came into direct contact with Claire.
She was warm, almost unnaturally so. And wet, so damp that he could feel her stick to every inch of his taut flesh in preparation.
“Do you want me, Claire?” He groaned, knowing it was possibly far too late for that now - but he was still a gentleman, he still needed to hear her say what she needed, what she wanted.
“Y-yes, Jamie. Always yes,” she sighed, a moment of weak abandon causing her to answer him with complete honesty.
Spurred on by her candid words, Jamie thrust forwards, his body encased comfortably within Claire now, just as the lads that worked the Lallybroch lands by his side had told him.
Feeling an intense pressure at this foreign intrusion, Claire solidly gripped Jamie’s bottom as he forced his way, albeit gently, inside her. It hurt for only a tiny moment before that sensation gave way to something else, something infinitely more pleasurable. But it seemed beyond her reach for the moment, a twinkling light in the sky just a little too far away for her to completely understand. Arching her back, she pressed her sweat-coated chest to Jamie’s as he moved above her, her eyes parting just enough to watch as he scrunched his face, the feel of her driving him to his own blissful ending.
Panting in a few rather large breaths, Jamie sealed his lips to Claire’s as he felt the telltale pull of oblivion beckon. His thighs shook and he cried out as Claire swept her tongue across his bottom lip.
In seconds it was over and he lay spent above her, the subtle tang of sex and love hovering in the air.
Cradling him to her breast, Claire allowed herself another luxury, rocking Jamie calmly as they both fell asleep in one anothers arms.
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diegoismyson · 7 years
Oh my god, that fictional world anon was a genius. I'm a huge slut for two things: dio and real people in fictional worlds. Tonight I will combine both of them. Headcanons or scenario for pb dio straight up being smittened with this mysterious new peasant girl that starts working at the mansion and as the years go by he begins to notice strange things about her. Why is she so friendly towards Jonathan but cold towards him? Wow she knows a lot of stuff before it happens? (1/2)
(2/3) As the years go by, he just starts to really fall in love with her? And she starts to open up to him bit by bit? She stops being tense around him and doesn’t straight up reject his advances but doesn’t accept them either? Then after several years and Mr. Joestar is being poisoned and the Mask is found, everything changes. She KNOWS and Dio doesn’t know how she knows but too late fate takes it’s course- She rejects him in full even though they definitely love each other
(3/3 last one for real) Its the “final battle” (of course she knows it isn’t) and she decides to go to Dio’s castle because she knows this ISN’T the end and she has to do SOMETHING. To make sure she still has some influence over the story. Dio let’s her in. Does she tell him the truth?
i think im gonna try my hand at a scenario bc this is deserving of that and i feel like writing tonight 👀
under the cut purely for length
   ~mod blake
When a new servant shows up to help tend to the joestar estate, Dio thinks nothing of it; they get new servants every now and then but it’s still nothing to bat an eye at. However, Dio notices that this new servant acts strangely, she is all sunshine towards Jonathan but to Dio, she turns a cold shoulder. Sure, the servants are always kind to Jonathan since he’s nearly impossible to dislike but Dio is used to others being vulnerable to his charms. Because of this, Dio starts to develop an interest in such a unique person. Someone that can see through him is so strange, Dio even has both Joestars fooled yet this simple servant girl knows better.
He starts following her around and asking her questions, under the guise of wanting to learn more about her but the girl just gives him clipped answers and almost sneers at Dio. This is one of the most frustrating things, having to appear kind while wanting to snap; how dare she disrespect him, Dio?!
As the years go on and Dio starts sneaking around, she always knows exactly where to find him and Dio is further intrigued by this, why does she know so much? Once she had even chastised Dio for something he was about to do which mystified him to no end. She makes him want to learn more about her, his curiosity getting the better of him as he approaches her time and time again.
Today, the servant is fixing some books Jonathan had left out in the library when Dio says, “only a witch would know half as much as you do yet someone so refined as yourself could never be one, despite your enchanting looks. Care to share how you seem to be so omniscient?”
She stares at Dio, as though picking him apart before replying, “and why would you care about it?” in her typical harsh tone. She continues doing her work which annoys Dio, someone so lowly should know their place and give him their full attention.
He puts on his most charming smile, “come now, there’s no need to be so cruel. I have shown nothing but kindness to you, have I not? The last thing I’d want is to offend you so tell me if i do so.”
“Your lies amuse me but I’d appreciate a little more honesty from you,” she scoffs as she finishes cleaning and begins to walk away.
Taken aback, Dio goes after her and continues asking the servant questions of why she believed he was lying, wanting to pry the answers out even more than before.
Time passes and the two grow closer but she never tells Dio how she knows so much. Eventually, she does begin relaxing, her eyes softening when she turns to Dio and her voice taking on a gentler tone as well. Dio finds that her allure has only increased as they age and begins flirting with her in earnest, telling her that he’d give her his world for only a kiss. She’d always laugh and say maybe one day but Dio was taken with her and the feeling of warmth was new to his heart, which had been neglected for so long.
It’s when Dio is poisoning George Joestar that she begins to get distant once more. She seemingly avoids him, and when Dio turns his head only to find her staring at him with apparent disgust, he feels dread weighing down on him. There’s no way she could know what was happening, Dio had covered his tracks all too well but the seed of doubt had been planted in him and he was worried; he was worried that she would tell someone, he was worried of what she knew, but most of all he was worried that he was going to lose the love he had worked so hard to acquire.
Then the day comes, that fateful day where Jonathan would finally catch on to Dio’s doings, but he doesn’t know that. The servant girl he so loves does though and pulls Dio aside, with eyes wide.
“Dio, I can’t take this anymore, I can’t stand by and let you do something as despicable as this,” she gestures to the medicine he’s taking up to his adoptive father and Dio realizes exactly what she means. Once more she knows of this, just as she had known countless other times of everything Dio and Jonathan had gotten up to in their youth.
But Dio keeps his composure and knits his eyebrows together, “but I’m doing my best to tend to the man that saved me from poverty. These doctors nowadays are only after money so we have to help Mr. Joestar as best we can.”
“Cut it out. I know you’re poisoning him just like you did your own father. You have to stop this now or I can’t promise anything’s going to work out.”
For once in his life, Dio is at a loss for words and simply says “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Then I’m sorry but I can’t do this anymore. I will never love you if you can’t change.”
Upon hearing these words, Dio feels something in him tear and pauses for a second. This was what he feared most and now what can he do? Ultimately, he brushes the servant girl off and continues on silently as though no words had been spoken at all.
It would only be later that Dio learns of the letter she had tucked away to expose Dio to Jonathan and thus extend George’s life even if only by a little bit. After this, all contact with Dio’s former love is cut off. He can’t stand it and so only becomes more merciless in an effort to keep his hurt at bay.
Later, as Dio is preparing to have his final fight and face his dearest brother Jojo in battle for the last time, he hears a commotion at the front of his castle and goes to investigate. The mindless vampires he creates are good guards but they’re absolute halfwits when it comes to anything that takes more than two brain cells. 
When he arrives, Dio is greeted with a sight he never thought he’d get to cherish again. The servant girl who had won Dio’s heart is standing there, practically daring his guards to come forward as she stares them down.
He laughs, half amused and half in disbelief, “so, you couldn’t resist someone so perfect as I, Dio?”
She rolls her eyes but still gives him a smile, “I came to… talk. That is all.”
“You came many days’ ride and through my vampires just to talk? It must be something dire in that case,” Dio grins with all the warmth of a snake, “follow me to my quarters then and leave these creatures behind.” And with that, Dio turns and confidently strides back to the room he came from as she follows.
Along the way, Dio feels his heart begin to race, he hadn’t exactly been subtle about where he hid but once again this seemingly simple girl surprised Dio with how easily she navigated and got to him. Had it not been for the hordes of his undead, she could very well have waltzed into his room by herself. Right now though, he was trying to calm himself once more as he turned to let her in and shut the door behind.
She stood just inside the doorway afterwards and stared unwavering at Dio, “I don’t know how much I can tell you but I need you to trust me.”
Dio’s laugh is mirthless and his reply to her request is, “speak first and we’ll see if the devil has your tongue or not.”
She takes a shaky breath, “Dio I know- I know what I said what feels like forever ago but I didn’t come here to make amends. I just wanted to warn you that this fight with Jonathan might not go as you plan.”
“Oh? I see your all-knowing nature hasn’t failed you and while I must thank you for the concern, I assure you this fight is well under my control.” With these words, Dio can see a fire alight in the servant girl’s eyes. Those eyes he had once admired for being so soft only become more enticing with her resolve.
“Dio you know I know more than I let on and I need you to hear me out. I know you will lose, I know your body will burn, I know these things because I’ve seen it all. I can’t tell you how but I want you to at least have some inkling of what’s to come.”
Dio thinks for a second, her words are true as always and seeing her again is something he could only have dreamt of so he decides to trust her, saying “fine then. Tell me more.”
And with that, she spills as much as she can without telling Dio what exactly will happen. She doesn’t want to give him a total rundown of what’s to come but at the same time she fell in love with this ill intentioned, fiendish man because of those rare times when he shared his true self with her and she could see the person he could’ve become if he hadn’t been in such poor situations. When she was finished sharing all this with Dio, he only nodded and thanked her.
As she turned to leave though, Dio stopped her to say, “I promise I’ll find you when this is over; like the rose to sunshine, I cannot help but look in awe of your radiance. However, this time it’ll be my turn to speak with you. Now find somewhere safe to go until this is all over.”
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tkreactions-blog · 7 years
Their Reaction to an Unexpected New Year’s Kiss (Mag 7)
I wanted to do one similar to the request Mod K got from the awesome anon! I tried to do some research to keep it within historical constraints and found an interesting tradition that they did in the West for New Year’s day so I decided to roll with it. – Mod T
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Sam Chisolm
You and Chisolm were riding through a small town, headed to find a man with a warrant out for him. You still had a few days to ride before you’d be where you needed to be. In the meantime, you were amusing yourself with the thoughts of festivity. While you and your associate were riding through town, you couldn’t help but notice the bustle forming in the streets and the visitors going into the homes of friends and other townspeople. You couldn’t help your smirk as you glanced to Mister Chisolm. “What time is it?” you asked. The man glanced upward to the sky, his eyes narrowing at the brightness of the sun. 
“I’d say it’s about noon,” he answered and looked to you.
“And what day is it?” He shot you a questioning look before chuckling some and looking forward. 
“New Year’s Day,” he answered. You gave him a single nod. He pulled his horse to a stop and you followed suit, a grin spreading apart your lips. “But you don’t have a house,” he stated. You rolled your shoulders into a shrug and leaned a bit awkwardly closer to him.
“I would want more than oysters and champagne anyway,” you retorted. Without allowing him a response, you put your lips to his in a kiss made only awkward by your position. After breaking off the kiss, Chisolm returned his attention forward, barely masking the grin that threatened to creep along his face.
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Joshua Faraday
You happened to no longer have a home and traveled with Faraday, who seemed to get kicked out of just about every town he ever set foot in. Due to this, you and he were bringing in New Year’s Day in a saloon. It was oddly empty, due to the celebrations. Most men were off to visit ladies and make their callings. An odd tradition but something you’d spent the better half of your years doing and now that you couldn’t, you felt almost empty without it. Faraday didn’t really seem to notice though, simply downing shot after shot of his chosen poison.
You watched him for a boy, an idea brewing in your mind. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was the lack of anything else to really due or maybe it was even that you two were practically alone in the saloon. Either way, you decided to lean a bit closer. Faraday noticed and set his glass down, the start of a smirk tugging at his lips as if in anticipation of what you were going to do. You almost decided against it, but instead went for it. You kissed him and he eagerly returned it.
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You know you had no one else to blame but yourself for giving up a proper life. Most days, you had no regrets; it was entirely worth it. You got to run around with an attractive man who spoke with a just as attractive accent, you were free to do whatever you felt like, and no one was there to bring you down. There were days like today, however, that you almost wished you were back in your previous life. 
You’d been keeping track of the days, too used to things like holidays and birthdays and other such things to let them go, and you knew today was New Year’s day. And instead of being home to greet gentleman callers, you were sitting on a log in the woods with a fire crackling in front of you. You’d been complaining for awhile, which Vasquez just let you do. He seemed to not really care and you wondered if he understood that it was quite a bit change. Eventually, though, he looked you square in the eyes with that adorable grin on his face. “We can still have some fun,” he stated. You stared at him for a moment before deciding he had a point. You moved over to him and kissed him, which he returned with pleasure.
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Goodnight Robicheaux
You hadn’t heard from Goodnight or Billy all day. Then again, you also slept in later than usual thanks to the partying the night before. Everyone in town knew what today was and only the likes of Goodnight, Billy, and similar minds had the lack of decency to get drunk on New Year’s Eve. You hadn’t even remembered to make your New Year’s Resolutions; perhaps to stop drinking should be one. You were about to head out of your hotel room and find the other two when a knock sounded on your door.
You answered without hesitation and saw the Goodnight leaning against the wall. He studied you briefly as he pushed off of the wooden barrier. “How’re you feelin’?” he asked.
“Ready for more festivities,” you replied. The old man grinned and laughed a little.
“That can always be arranged.”
You held out your hand. “Calling card, please.”
“Doesn’t work that way in a hotel.” 
“Well in that case…” You leaned forward and kissed him, just a soft one on the lips, before pulling back.
“That it?” he asked, still grinning as he took a step closer.
Billy Rocks
You and Billy sat at the counter of a nearly empty saloon. You were both partially watching Goodnight as he tinkered away on the piano. A few lonely ladies were leaning against it, giggling and talking amongst themselves. You let out a sigh and nearly rolled your eyes; it was as close to a New Year’s celebration as you were going to get, without a house to call your own and a way to actually partake on the regular celebrations. Deciding you’d prefer conversation over the silence, you look to Billy.
“Have any New Year traditions?” you asked. He glanced to you.
“It’s not my New Year,” he answered.
“Oh.” You let out a small sigh and glanced to your drink. He mentioned it before; that they celebrate New Year at a later date, but it completely slipped your mind. You looked back to him. “Want to start a new tradition on this not your New Year’s day?” you asked, a smile twitching at your lips. He shrugged slightly. 
“Sure,” he responded. Your smile grew before you leaned in and gave him a kiss. He stared at you as you pulled away and you paused, not quite sure how he took it. “That’s limited to this day?” he finally asked and you couldn’t help your small laugh.
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Jack Horne
You weren’t particularly thrilled by the thought of this New Year’s Day. It was a decent way to not spend it alone, you supposed, but living alone required you to prepare all of the food and gather all of the calling cards. This also meant you were going to be the one to clean everything up. All of this just so some gentlemen could come visit you and eat and talk, and maybe have a chance at something more.
It was around three in the afternoon when you got an unexpected visitor. Mister Jack Horne walked through your door. You couldn’t help your small laugh as you made your way over to him. “I don’t believe I got your calling card, Mister Horne,” you teased. The man looked toward the floor slightly and nodded a bit.
“No. You don’t,” he responded. “I just wanted to stop by and make sure no one was givin’ you a hard time is all.” You grinned some.
“No one yet. You’re welcome to stay and make sure no one does, though,” you replied before leaning up and kissing his cheek. You watched as his cheeks turned pink and he tried to keep from smiling.
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Red Harvest
You had spent the day trying to explain to Red Harvest about the tradition of men going to homes to call on women. He didn’t seem to understand the significance of the tradition and why anyone would do that. To be honest, you weren’t sure why either. You knew why there were New Year’s Resolutions; to become a better person and overcome your sins from the year before. You could kind of see the point of having gentlemen callers on New Year’s Day but at the same time, it seemed kind of ridiculous.
“Do you have any New Year traditions?” you asked.
“It’s not New Year yet,” he answered. He passed you a glance. “My people have a ceremony.” You nod and the conversation falls into silence again. He pokes at the fire with a stick before glancing off into the mountains. You moved closer to him and he looked back to you with a silent question.
“Anything like this in your ceremony?” you asked before giving him a quick kiss on the lips. He stares down at you, a slight twinkle in his eyes before he looked back to the fire.
“For some,” he answered.
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Emma Cullen
Emma didn’t have her house open, mainly because she was married. Previously, before Bogue killed Matthew. She opened her house to you, though, and you made sure to prepare the meal and keep her company. Over the course of the day, her spirits began to lift and you even got a laugh at one point. Things seemed to be getting better, even with the hustle and bustle going on outside.
You ended up staying much later than you should have, but Emma seemed completely revived by the time the sun set and you were leaving. You stopped in the door to say your good-byes before deciding to take your chance. “This is for you; since you missed out on the festivities,” you said before giving her a quick peck on the lips. You turned around much too quickly to see the pink rise to her cheeks despite the silent question in her eyes.
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Teddy Q 
You were originally going to open your house up to gentlemen callers but decided against it. After everything that happened in Rose Creek, you didn’t really feel very festive for the New Year. Right around noon, when the festivities usually start, unless a family plans otherwise, you heard a knock on your door. When you answered it, Teddy Q stood outside with a shy smile. You let him in without hesitation.
He removed his hat as he stepped in and turned to look at you again. “Happy New Year,” he greeted.
“Happy New Year,” you answered. “I didn’t really plan on visitors,” you stated.
“I know. But I didn’t think you should be alone today,” he responded. His eyes moved around as if avoiding yours for a reason. And then the next thing you knew, he was leaning in and giving you a warm kiss on the lips. You paused for a moment, taken by surprise by his sudden boldness, before feeling the warmth swell into your cheeks.
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Bartholomew Bogue
It was New Year’s Day and almost six o’clock in the evening. Your mother already scolded you for looking so glum; why she wouldn’t let you stay at your own house for this tiresome day, you didn’t know. She invited your sister over too, and all the gentleman callers seemed more interested in her and the conversation they could have with her, leaving you shut off at the corner of the table, laughing when it was polite to and nodding as if you actually cared. You were both excited to see six o’clock roll by and the visitors finally leave you in peace for the rest of the day, but you were also disappointed that you hadn’t seen the one man you had hoped to see. Your mother had hoarded all of the calling cards away, so you had no idea if he even intended to show.
Finally, around 5:45, the door opens and you hear your mother greet someone from the entryway: Bartholomew Bogue. She sounds less than enthused, having differing opinions from the man, but you nearly leap improperly from your seat at the dining table. You pause in the doorway to make sure you don’t upset your mother any further and make your way over to him. Your mother watches you two like a hawk as you pass pleasantries before you lean up and give him a kiss on the lips. Ignoring the look from your mother, you grinned at Bogue. The man had a mixed look of secret enjoyment and indignity at being taken by surprise. “That’s for not getting me a Christmas gift, Mister Bogue,” you say before turning to head back into the dining room.
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Could I maybe... get a saucy fic for my boy Lawrence? Reader is in on his plan to murder everyone and they make a deal not to kill eachother and the deal is sealed with saucy time in a closet? Please and thank.
I enjoyed writing this one, Anon. Hope you like! x
Sealed with a Kiss - Lawrence x Reader
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* image from LucyDreams, Dangerous Fellows
Word Count: 1,376
Warning: Smut . Profanity (18+)
A/N: based loosely on the final critical point
Panicking, you scrambled to pick up the bat lying on the floor. Before you could launch your attack, the hood of the mysterious male slipped down and revealed that it was Lawrence.
You knew it!
“You? How could you?” You stood up and glared at him in disbelief. “Are you trying to kill me or something?”
You were always suspicious about Lawrence from the beginning but you had hoped that maybe you were wrong about his intent… you liked him after all.
“I wanted to scare you to stay, (Y/N)…” His voice dark and cold; Lawrence walked towards you reaching out his hand to stroke your cheek. “Will you stay, with me?”
You stiffen with fear and searched his honey-coloured eyes, looking for answers. “What are you planning?”
A slight manic grin broke out on his face that sent chills throughout your body.
“This school needs to be… cleansed. It needs to be a safe haven for the strong and intelligent. There is no room for weaklings and we currently have five. I’m still deciding about the sixth person…”
You narrowed your eyes at him; your body trembling with nerves, anger and dread. Letting him continue, you stayed quiet.
“You see,” He closed the gap between you and you straightened up, putting on a stern brave face, not once did your eyes leave his.
“The sixth person needs to say ‘Yes’. She needs to say ‘Yes’ to being the queen of my utopia!”
Lawrence’s thumb traced the curve of your jaw and then the bottom of your lip. His stare was intense, hungry from your reply.
You took a quick step back away from his hold and swiftly swung the bat at him.
With surprising strength and speed, Lawrence caught the bat and yanked it out of your grasp before grabbing you by the arms and pulling you in towards him once more.
He grit his teeth and glowered into your determined (e/c) eyes; you held your ground and stood strong.
“Don’t make me regret my decision, (Y/N).” He leaned over and licked the edge of your ear. “I like you… I always have…”
His confession sent shivers down to your core and you gasped from the heat of his tongue, yearning for it to be elsewhere.
Lawrence brought his gaze back to yours, a fire lit in his crazed orbs through his glasses.
“So… if I say, ‘Yes’ to staying with you, you won’t kill me?” Speculatively questioning his offer.
He nods, smiling smugly at you as his eyes now lingered to your lush parted lips.
“Only if you behave, my sweet.” He leans in, lips brushing against yours, breath hot with eagerness.
“And what if I don’t?”
Lawrence did not like the challenge in your tone; he towered over you and grabbed a fist full of your hair, yanking it down so your eyes would meet again.
“You will be punished…”
His lips crashed into yours; desire present in his kiss.
Breathless, you tried to keep up with him. Lawrence growled as you bit down on his lower lip and plunges his tongue into your mouth. A tango of lust danced between each others kisses as he kept his grip on your hair.
Lawrence abruptly pulled away, leaving a bridge of saliva from your now puffy lips. His eyes darted to the door of the classroom you were in.
“Someone’s coming. Quick, in here.” He drags you into the storage closet of the room and quietly shuts the door.
It was cramped and dark inside. You could just make out your surrounding with the light coming from under the door; there were stacked up chairs, spare desks and dusty old cleaning equipment beside you and you barely had any space to move.
Lawrence brought his index finger to his lips, eyeing you threateningly and then spins you around to press your chest to the wall. You braced your palm on the wall in front, the other was pinned down behind your back by a pair of rough hands.
You heard footsteps and male voices outside the door.
Was that Harry and Zion?
You could just make out the two talking about the Safe Zone until you were distracted by a sharp pain around your wrists. You winced as you felt Lawrence’s grip grow tighter. He then spreads your legs apart and grinds his body into your back. He whispered into your ear, sending shivers up your spine.
“You haven’t given me an answer, (Y/N). Tell me you’ll stay with me.” 
A moan escapes your lips as Lawrence rubs himself into your ass. You could feel his hardness through his trousers which made you dampen with need. Your sense of will and rationality wanted to stop him but your body was betraying you - your avid heart was betraying you.
“Shh, my love. I can’t have them discovering our little tryst.”
Lawrence unzips your jeans and then shoves his right hand down into your panties. His dexterous fingers were spreading your labia apart as his middle finger stroked your clit, dragging your wetness up to coat your sensitive bud. His left hand slid underneath your black crop, fondling your breast and tweaking your hardened nipple; he was panting heavily into your ear.
Your knees began to buckle and you could feel your body burn up with pleasure, your pussy aching for penetration.
Finally, you heard the classroom door shut.
“Lawrence, please…” You couldn’t believe that you were begging for him but here you were, under his lethal spell. “Fuck me…”
Lawrence chuckles and kisses your neck, sucking and lapping, hoping to leave his mark on you.
“In due time… For now, you can have this.”
You gasp as he whirls you around to face him. He forces your jeans off, moves your panties to the side and slides two fingers into your soaking cunt. Lawrence lifted one of your legs up to finger-fuck you deeper and you mewled lustfully, forgetting about the company outside of the closet. You clenched your hands onto his jacket as he pumps his long digits into you aggressively, lewd sounds of your panting and juices filling the tiny space around you.
Lawrence slams his lips onto yours once more, shoving his tongue deep into your mouth to mimic his thrusting fingers. You welcomed his tongue with yours and began your dance of dominance. His kisses were wet, heated and greedy, and you could feel your core become hot… ready.
“Say you’ll be mine… Say you’ll stay… Say yes…” Lawrence groaned in between your erotic embrace, fucking you harder. You could feel his knuckles hitting your pelvis and you knew you’d be feeling sore a little later.
“Just make me cum already…” You whined, rocking your hips into his hand.
“Say it…” He hissed, slowing down his pace, “Say yes and I’ll make you cum.”
“Yes… yes… yeeaass…”
Lawrence teased you a little more, sliding his fingers out of you and then ramming them back in forcefully.
Soon, the tempo and speed of his fingers sent you into an orgasmic daze. You bit down into his shoulder to stifle your wanton moan as you released all over him. You quivered from the sensation spreading throughout your now tired form and you clung onto Lawrence’s neck, collapsing into him.
He withdrew his fingers from your dripping slit and holds you tight. His embrace was warm and protective, and you knew that in this time of chaos, all you needed was to survive; and Lawrence was your key to making it out of this shit-hole alive.
He sticks his fingers into your mouth and you sucked them up obediently, tasting your sweet essence.
“So it’s a deal, then. I won’t kill you and you won’t kill me.”
You nod as Lawrence removed his fingers and kissed you gently, reminding you that this sweet-side of him was what you fell for. He caressed your cheek tenderly and gazed into your eyes with affection.
“My beautiful Queen… Know that this will be your punishment if you misbehave.”
Your clit throbbed at his forbidding words and you looked forward to ‘misbehaving’ at your next salacious rendezvous.
“Meet me at the broadcasting room tomorrow morning. The cleansing will begin then.”
x mod bambi
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pokemagines · 5 years
gauis, chrom, inigo, ricken, & henry + their s/o being possessed by grima
anon asked: “Can I get um Gaius, Chrom, and another Awakening character of your choice reacting to the avatar/their S/O being possessed by Grima?? Thanks!!”
a/n: yES omhgggg grims angst i LOVE!!! also had a hard time narrowing the awakening boys down bc i legit love all of them,,, mod touko did gauis, chrom, and inigo n mod hikari did ricken n henry! --mod touko
tw: character death :0
gaius would freeze. for the first time in his life he doesn’t have anything smooth to say or any way he can work himself out of this situation. his wife’s eyes were now cold and glazed over, red eyes piercing into his frightened brown ones. 
he calls for you, feet instinctively moving forward despite the fact that he knows it just isn’t you anymore. for a moment, you soften at his voice, and your eyes appear normal and soft, just how he remembers them to be. in the back of his mind he knows it’s futile: that it’s just grima exploiting his weakness for you, but he really doesn’t care. it’s over now, grima had gotten a hold of you. if he dies, it might as well be with your blade.
as he makes his way into your arms, the warmth they once held now ice cold despite the facade that grima puts up. his friends shout at him, but it falls on deaf ears, he knows what he has to do, for you. your words ring in the back of his head: “gaius... promise me... if grima ever... takes control of me that you won’t hesitate to take me out”.
he mutters words of apologies as grima stabs him first. the pain registers in his mind, but he pushes on, a silver dagger piercing into grima’s gut. grima merely laughs maniacally, holding gaius’s weak body up. grima sneers, the wound hardly doing anything to the fell dragon. “always so loyal... even to the end.” grima’s callous voice mocks, as gaius closes his eyes, hoping that he’d see you in the afterlife soon.
chrom feels his world shattering, as his chest tightens and he struggles to keep his emotions in check. for the first time since emmeryn, your plan hadn’t worked. grima had taken control of your body, and he was helpless to stop it. he couldn’t kill you, falchion of course could take you down but... no matter how many times he had promised you that he would, grima was still you. you were alive in there, somewhere. 
remembering that lights a fire in him, as he calls for all of the shepherds to call out to you. maybe, just maybe, you could shake off grima’s influence. morgan and lucina are the loudest, both of them begging you to come back to them. for a second, grima hesitates, grabbing her head and yelling at you to be silent. you don’t, continuing to fight harder and harder against the gods power over you until it feels like your whole body is splitting apart. surely, the bonds you shared with your friends were strong enough... right?
then, you hear morgan and lucina and chrom and you’re determined, even if it kills you, you have to split apart from grima. you couldn’t die being the monster that your kids told you about, if you died you’d be your own person. you manage to push grima to the back of your head and charge up a bolt of lighting. this is it, you think, as the char surges through your body, effectively felling yourself and the dragon. the watery voices of your husband and children are drowned out as you smile up at them, finally in peace. chrom grabs your hand and you whisper: “don’t worry, i’ll be back”.
inigo would break down, he can’t handle this. he had lost again. it wasn’t fair, he had done everything right, and yet grima had taken you into god knows where, all of his allies wounded and bleeding. smile, smile, he tries to tell himself, but with you gone how could he.
despite all his anxieties, when chrom starts leading the chant of rallying together his allies for you, he’s the loudest of them all. inigo was never a bold man, but when it came to you he felt he could do anything. even in the void where you were, alone with grima as they try and bargain for you, you hear his voice, clear as day. his loud and bold statements of love and belief of you instill a type of courage you hadn’t ever felt. boldly, you reject grima’s offers of power and safety for your comrades -- she was lying through her teeth anyways.
once you come back, the fell dragon roars and enemies cover the battlefield (which was just the back of the dragon’s neck). inigo grabs you, pulling you close into his chest, and kissing you passionately. “thank you... now, let’s beat this and get home, eh?”
there was never going to be a universe in which henry could hurt you. and yet, he couldn’t just stand behind and let grima kill the people you had tried so hard to protect. was there any way in the world for him to keep both you and the others safe? he wasn’t sure he could bring himself to choose between you and the world; he wasn’t even sure what he would choose.
so if there was even the smallest chance he could see you again, he would take it. even if everyone warned him it was impossible, even if he knew it was foolish, he would try. he would not lose the person he loved most in the world without a fight.
so he put one foot in front of the other, until he reached you. come back, he says softly. i believe in you.
Y/N, i love you-- there is the slightest hesitation in grima at his words. your hand stretches out to him, and he takes it-- and you pull him close-- and grima shoves their hand mercilessly between his ribs, straight to his heart-- and the last thing he sees before he goes is the sight of tears streaking down your face.
ricken wasn’t cut out to be a hero. not ever, not really, not even if he dreamed about it and tasted victory every time he stepped onto the battlefield.
the only thing he tasted now was blood, and more blood, as his friends fell like wheat under grima’s vicious strikes, and the floor grew too slick to stand. 
that was you, he thought desperately. you. you had to be in there, somewhere. you had to come back-- but there was nothing in what once to be your eyes, nothing but flat emptiness.
he loved you. he loved you so much. he couldn’t force himself to hurt you. all his spells seem to falter, and he could never force the words past his dry mouth.
failure. he was a failure for this. you might not forgive him for letting your friends die. but that probably wouldn’t matter, not when it seemed grima had destroyed every trace of who you once were and what you loved.
he hoped, at least, there might be a happier ending for you and him, in another life, in another world. he closed his eyes as grima’s fire consumed him, and he could almost hear your screams as he died.
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pokemagines · 6 years
fire emblem villains + protecting summoner from valter
anon asked: “(I'm having trouble wording this right…) Could I request the FE villains in heroes overhearing Valter's creepy yandere-stalker type plans for the summoner and basically after that whenever they see him within 20 ft of her they just kinda automatically pick her up and carry her out of there?”
a/n: this isn’t poly but it’s basically all the villains have a crush on the sumemer :^) tw: valter being creepy lol
nine o’clock am
   you lifelessly stir your porridge, too tired from last nights planning to have the motivation to lift the spoon to your mouth. sharena and anna are talking at you, but you only respond with nods of your head or little “mhm”s to let them know you were sort of paying attention. 
   “you need to eat, [name].” lyon says, and you lazily shift your gaze to the purple-haired boy. a small smile grows on your face.
   “can you feed me? i’m too tired to feed myself.” you tease, and you see lyon flush pink, his eyes dropping down to the floor. 
   “y-you don’t m-mean that-!” he stammers out of nervousness, and you just chuckle quietly to yourself. lyon was adorable when he was flustered. but he was right about eating, so you take his advice and eat a spoonful of the now-cold, flavorless porridge. you shoot him an ‘are you happy’ look, but then feel someone tug at your hair. you see anna and sharena visibly stiffen, and lyon sits up straight. you knit your eyebrows, thinking that it’s probably just nowi, but when you turn around you see it’s valter, a wide grin on his face.
   “hm... you smell good today [name]...” he continues to stroke your hair, wrapping a few strands around his slender fingers. “delicious enough for my taking.” you open your mouth to curse him out for being such a creep, but instead lyon stands up, stepping in between you and the wyvern knight.
   “leave her alone.” he says, voice wavering but still standing firm. your hand is on breidablik just in case valter tries anything, but instead he just laughs.
   “you send your pup after me?” he’s still laughing, puffing himself up to look down on the shorter man. “oh, i know you, you’re the prince of grado. you’re more pathetic than i remember.”
   “i said leave her alone.” you curse, knowing lyon’s voice dropping an octave meant only one thing, that the demon king was now in control. “or i will have no choice but to put you down like the dog you are.” valter looks amused, gripping his lance tighter, but you realize this has gone too far, so you use breidablik to teleport valter to the training tower where he could actually kill something. you sigh, leaning back against the table. lyon looks at you blankly, his eyes wide and dark unlike their usual pale purple color. 
   now you had a different problem on your hands.
twelve o’clock pm
   “there you are!” you freeze, hearing the familiar voice of valter. “you sent me away this morning, i suppose you’re not as daft as i first thought.” his voice is laced with venom. you want nothing more than to teleport him away, but feeling your hip you realize that you left your divine weapon in your room. 
   “i’m full of surprises.” you pull your coat tighter over yourself, trying to conceal the fact you don’t have breidablik with you. “now, please leave me before i send you back to where you came from.” he sneers, grasping your chin roughly and pulling you to look up at him, a sickening grin on his face.
   “i don’t think you will, little girl.” he looks you over like he would devour you at any moment, “i went by your room and i saw that blasted weapon that allows you control of me.” a few hairs fall in front of his face, making him look even more wild than he looked before. you try and pull away, but despite how strong you are, he’s even stronger, and his grip tightens to the point you swear a bruise will form. he lets out a tutting noise, and your eyes start to water. 
   “aw, are you going to cry, kitten?” he mocks, and you glare up at him, “maybe i’ll let you go if you beg in the way i like... so let me hear those sweet cries from you.” 
   “you lech,” you feel someone grab you from behind, and you instinctively burrow yourself into their chest, trying to get away from valter. “your filthy hands are not worthy to touch her, leave now and i won’t skewer you to the walls.” it’s then you realize it’s berkut’s voice, deep and rough and you know those threats are true. 
   “this another one of your dogs, [name]?” he grins, his eyes staring down berkut, who’s weapon is pointing right at him, you tucked under his arm like a baby bird. “very well. but don’t think this is over, you will kneel to me, one way or another.” and with a last threat, he walks out of the library. when berkut hears the doors close, he sets down his lance, gaze softening as he looks at you.
   “he didn’t hurt you did he? i’ll kill him if he did.” you sniffle, wrapping your arms around berkut’s neck, letting out the scared tears that you had been holding back. 
   “no, but thank you for saving me, berkut.” you whisper, “i owe you one.” berkut chuckles lightly, slowly encircling his arms around your waist.
   “that you do.”
five o’clock pm
   “is he still staring at me?” you ask grima, purposely facing him/her so that you didn’t have to look at the man whose been following you all day. grima turns his/her gaze to valter, who is indeed watching at you. 
   “i can pluck his eyes out if you want.” grima whispers back, no intent of humor evident in his/her voice. 
   “thanks for the offer but i’ll pass.” you sigh, alfonse clearing his throat and looking at the two of you, like a stern mother trying to keep her kids quiet in church. you probably should’ve been paying attention to anna’s speech about how tough the next battle was going to be, but you couldn’t bring yourself to focus, as you can practically feel valter’s gaze piercing into the back of your head. 
   “switch seats with me.” she/he says, already getting up. you oblige, earning a few odd stares from the other heroes in the room, but not caring. instantly, grima spreads his/her wings, effectively blocking valter’s view of you. you hear him cackle from across the room, but you could care less. you smile gently up at grima, mouthing a ‘thank you’ to him/her, and grima shrugs, trying his/her best to remain their uncaring attitude. he/she then proceeds to flip off valter, and you hear valter scramble to fight grima, only to be held back by a few of the other heroes.
   war meeting were supposed to be peaceful.
twelve o’clock am
   stifling a yawn, you open up your notebook to go and check to see if all the wyverns were in their place at the stable. usually, you would have done this much earlier, but considering how your day went, it was a surprise that you even got to it at all. you had only recently started counting the wyverns, as they usually behaved, but after cherche’s went missing one day and she caused an uproar (you have never been scared of anyone more in your life), the job had fallen on you.
   opening the stalls, you hear the loud screeches of the beasts, and you wince, the noise piercing your ears. you walk to the first few stalls, reaching your hand in and letting the wyvern’s nuzzle into your palm. you check off the two ‘minerva’s’ aka gerome and cherche’s wyverns. 
   then, you see your favorite wyvern, that belonged to one of your favorite people, michalis. you smile softly, grabbing some treats out of your pockets, and walking into the pen. 
   “hey buddy,” you coo softly, walking closer to the beast. it jumps up, its tail thumping against the walls of the pen. “i got something for you.” you stick your palm out flat, a few strips of dried beef for her. it quickly eats it up, nuzzling against your side, sniffing your familiar scent. at first, the wyvern would try and kill you when you got withing ten feet of it, but after getting to know the beast, it had warmed up to you. 
   “all alone i see?” comes a familiar erratic voice. a chill runs up your spine, and michalis’s wyvern growls. “well, this is a treat for me...”
   “valter, please,” you plead, stepping behind the wyvern. “can’t you just leave me alone?” 
   “oh, are you scared of me, kitten?” he sneers, “good. it’s always more fun when my prey is cornered.” his lance glimmers dangerously in the moonlight. you know he isn’t going to kill you, he’s told you that much before, but otherwise his intentions were unknown to you. thankfully, michalis’s wyvern snaps at him, cornering him against the opposite wall, and you take the opening to run out of the pen. you step backwards, forgetting about the step up into the pen and landing on your ankle awkwardly, falling to the floor, your ankle throbbing. you cry out, seeing valter step out of the pen, a feral grin on his face as he sees you laying on the ground holding your injury.
   “you know you can’t run from me for long, [name]...” he kneels over you, breath fanning your face. you screw your eyes shut, turning from his gaze. this is it, you think, he’s going to enact whatever thing he had planned to make you submit to him, none of the options pretty. “i want to hear you grovel... come on now! let me hear you beg!” it’s then you hear a THUD, and you open your eyes. you see michalis standing beside you, an axe in his hand and valter laying beside you, seemingly unconscious. you breathe a sigh of relief for having been saved for the second time today.
   “i really need to train with an actual weapon,” you say, smiling weakly up at him. he peers down at you, looking you up and down. the only thing keeping tears from flowing is the familiar pump of adrenaline coursing through your veins. 
   “...you okay?” he asks, his voice low. you shake your head, laughing bitterly at the question. 
   “honestly? not really. valter’s been stalking me all day and i’ve had to be saved multiple times, i haven’t had a good night’s sleep for the last week, and now my ankle’s messed up.” you let out a sigh, “sorry... i’m just tired is all.” 
   “hm...” he almost seems to smile, “guess you won’t have to worry about that insect anymore.” he taps your head with his clawed gloves. “can you get up?”
   “with some help, maybe.” you hold your arms out for him to help you up, and he grunts. instead of helping you up, he scoops you up in his arms, bridal style, and starts back towards the castle.
   “tell anyone about this and i’ll end you.” he says, but you’re not listening to his words. instead, you cuddle into his chest, letting out a yawn, your adrenaline high crashing and you start to feel overwhelmingly tired. your eyelids feel heavy as you start to fall asleep in his arms, a small smile on your face.
   “thank you for saving me,” you whisper, “you really aren’t as mean as everyone thinks. i know you can be nice...” before dozing off to sleep. michalis chuckles, wondering how you could have possibly have this sort of effect on him. 
   “only for you.”
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What if Claire made Jamie's first time amazing?
[Happy to oblige, anon, but lbr, is there any universe in which Claire *doesn’t* make Jamie’s first time amazing?  ; ) -Mod Bonnie]
Hail Mary, Part X 
[Quite NSFW]
Premise: What if Jamie and Claire had 1) been more openly affectionate in those early days, and 2) not *had* to get married?
Part I  Part II  Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII Part IX
When I awoke, I was startled to find that I wasn’t on Jamie’s horse, but tucked up snugly in a blanket under a rowan tree. 
“Jamie??” I bolted into a sitting position, scanning the darkened clearing, feeling my senses reeling as they struggled to place me in space and time. The air when we’d handfasted had been moist and deliciously cool, not this warm, dry stillness that was making the silence of the wood resonate so ominously; and I could have sworn the elevation had changed—that I was up very much higher indeed than any other time on our journey from Leoch. And most terrifyingly of all, the horses were tethered nearby, but there was no sign of Jamie or our baggage anywhere. 
“JAMIE?” I called again, panic starting to gather as I staggered to my feet. “JAMIE??” 
I whirled as hasty footsteps came crashing through the underbrush behind me, but thank God, it WAS Jamie. “Och, so she’s awake, at last!” he said, grinning. His face fell as he saw my expression, and he caught me up tight against him as I threw myself into his arms. “Oh, lass, ye didna think I’d ever leave ye?”
“No, you brute, but you could have been captured—” I gasped out against his neck as I kissed it, not crying, but my heart thundering even as I tried to hide my lingering panic, “I thought Dougal had caught up with you.” 
“No’ a chance, a nighean,” he promised warmly, holding me close. “All safe and sound.” 
I leaned my head against his shoulder. “How long was I asleep, then?”
“Nearly a full day,” he said, confirming my suspicion. “Ye fell asleep on the horse wi’ me last night and havena woken once, ‘til now. Had to wake and check on ye every few hours to make sure ye hadna up and died!”
“You smell good,“ I blurted.
He laughed and stepped away, doing a little turn to show off. “Had a wee bath in the burn. Cold enough to freeze my bollocks off, but glad to hear it was well worth it.” 
He showed me the way to the stream, just through the trees to the south. Cold or not, I was dying to get the Eau de Two Days of Horse and Panic-Sweat off me.
“When ye get finished,” he said, sounding tentative, “ye might…come join me up at the top of the hill?” 
“What’s at the top of the hill?” 
He shrugged, far too casually. “I’ve…made a sort of place for us, for….ken?”
I’d like to get started wi’ worshiping your body. 
For one wild moment, I wanted to forget the bath and have him right there, right then. But I really did smell atrocious, and there is nothing less romantic than being the filthy one when being intimate with a squeaky-clean partner. 
“I’ll be there soon,” I promised, my voice trembling just a touch; but he heard it, and I could have sworn he quivered.  Jesus H. Roosevelt CHRIST.
Finding the small stream, I washed quickly. I would have loved to wash my hair, but waiting for it to dry would have been a two-hour ordeal for which I wasn’t willing to make Jamie wait—or myself, to be honest. Despite that, the ice-cold water, and even the fact that I hadn’t any soap, it was heavenly to scrub off the worst of the filth and stink, and I came out shivering, but distinctly refreshed. I bent for my discarded clothes, then thought better of it, walking naked back to the horses and wrapping myself instead in the same blanket I’d slept in. No use putting clothes back on, dirty or otherwise, given— 
I wolfed down some cheese and bannocks that Jamie had left for me, then—with a deep, bracing breath—began my barefoot walk over the soft grass up the hill. I didn’t have to guess the direction, just followed the smell of the woodsmoke that floated on the warm air. It was a bit of a steep climb, and when the grade finally evened out I could see despite the darkness of the terrain beneath that we were very high up indeed; but it was the sight straight ahead that took my breath away completely.
It must have been a mountaintop chapel, once, though there was no longer a roof of any sort atop the three half-standing stone walls. It would have had a vaulted ceiling, high for its tiny size, with tall, graceful windows. The pale stone—overgrown in places by creeping, floral vines— must have had some sort of quartz in the grain, for the firelight and moonlight together seemed to illuminate the sanctuary all-round like phosphorous, casting the place in a warm, twinkling glow. 
Jamie was there, smoothing out the pallet of blankets he’d made overtop a makeshift mattress of heather and soft grasses in the far corner. Bless him, he’d even gathered flowers to grace the sill of the glassless window above the bed. I should have laughed. I should have teased him, but…but it was too breathtaking to say anything but an awed, “Jamie…” 
He whirled, his expression a little wild and startled, until it softened into a warm smile. “Hello, Sassenach.”
“Jamie,” I said again, gawping in wonder at the haven he’d appointed for us as I came around the fire toward him, “this is… absolutely beautiful.”
He nodded shyly, taking in the surroundings himself. “Murtagh said it was where my parents came, ken, for the first few days after they were marrit. He thought it would be verra peaceful. Private.”
As well it was. It was almost a shame—if Jamie had desired to be married in a church, this would have been an exquisite substitute. True, it would have taken Murtagh too far from the route to follow the post rider, which was too important to risk. What we would do here, though…yes, it would be an exquisite setting for that, too. And hopefully not a sacrilege. 
“But are ye cold, Sassenach?” my husband asked suddenly, seeing how tightly the blanket was wound around me from chin to toes. “I can add more wood to the—”
“No,” I promised, laughing a bit, though feeling as though all air had been sucked from the mountaintop.  “I’m not wearing it for the cold.” I let the blanket drop, just slightly, just enough to let him see my bare shoulders underneath. 
His face slackened, his nostrils flaring as he dropped his head and breathed carefully. “Aye…well…”
Somehow, I sensed he wouldn’t make a move before I did; so I gripped my blanket tight with one hand and came forward to lay the other on on his chest, my fingertips just grazing the warm hollow of his throat. I could feel it bobbing under my hand, hot, alive. “I think you’d better get out of these clothes,” I said, my voice husky. 
His eyes went wide, but he obeyed. He turned his back to me, pulling off his shirt and making a to-do over folding it into a pillow for the pallet. I came a few steps closer, wanting to see him. The scars shone in the moonlight, full of the memory of his pain, but taking away none of the beauty of him or his body. 
He was moving slowly; very slowly, in fact. Was I only imagining that he seemed loath to begin? 
As he rose back to his feet, I stepped even closer and pressed my cheek against his back. He tensed instantly, and I laid a kiss on the deepest scar. “Is everything alright, love?” I said, running a hand around to his stomach, the other still clutching the blanket.
“Aye– well…Claire, I need to tell ye something.”
What could possibly be relevant to tell me RIGHT NOW? He’d murdered someone? He was…impotent? No, I’d had plenty of evidence that Jamie Fraser was capable of an erection. “Tell me,” I said with no little trepidation. 
He turned to me, and he looked positively wretched as he admitted, “I’ve never—done this, before.”
He’d expected her to laugh; to grin and tease and ask how on earth he’d managed THAT, and was there something about his anatomy that had frightened the lassies away for so long??? He’d not have minded, to be honest—perhaps humor would have eased the tension he felt stringing his back as tight as a bow. 
But what she did do—what his wife did, erasing his fear at the root—was make a small, tender sound deep in her throat, run her hand up to rest on his cheek, and say, “Then this will be all the more beautiful.” She rose on her toes and kissed him, deeply, and he melted into her, bringing his hands to rest on her blanketed hips.
“How do you want it to be?” she asked, breathing heavily, all of the sudden. 
”…How?”  How many ways *were* there? 
“Your first time,” she said, carefully. “Shall I be gentle with you?”
His wame dropped. 
His mouth went dry. 
And he felt the growl of need tearing from him as he reached for her: “No.”
And she growled back just before her mouth crashed into his: “Thankgod” 
They were going to devour each other. She was against him and her blanket was gone. She was grappling with his belt and he felt the plaid fall to his ankles. He gasped and groaned in the same breath as he felt the length of her naked body pressed full against the naked length of his. “Wait,” he whispered raggedly, “wait….wait…” 
She was reaching raggedly but she stilled without question and waited, holding him close.
He held her, too, savoring her despite the roaring in his blood, the aching in his cock as he whispered. “I want to see you, mo nighean donn, before….”
She smiled and nodded, kissing his chest right next to his heart. “I love you, Jamie,” she whispered, happily, sweetly, softly as breaking dawn.  
“And I, you, mo chridhe.” 
 She tilted her chin up so that her golden eyes shone up at him. “Together?”
Always. “Together.” 
They each stepped back; and Jamie felt as though he’d been shot through with a javelin. 
There was a statue in one of the Sorbonne gardens, he remembered: white marble, and lovely, a likeness of a mythical goddess that stood radiant and beautiful; a work of true art. But Claire was the original; Artemis, shining in the moonlight, perfect in every seamless, curving inch of her; every dark curl; every quivering muscle, poised for the hunt. Her hips were wide, her breasts fuller and rounder than he’d ever dared imagine. Her lips—those soft, flushed lips were parting. “Dear God,” she was whispering, seemingly awestruck, herself, “Jamie, you’re beautiful.”
ME? A Dhia, look at YOU, he meant to say but couldn’t manage even a syllable. 
She shivered and gave a little smile at his muteness. “Have you ever seen a naked woman before, love?”
“Not up close,” he admitted, feeling foolish.
“Is it…?” she started, then shook her head and broke off, smiling in embarrassment. 
“It IS,” he vowed, and meant it with all his being. “You are.” And it seemed she couldn’t help but glow a bit brighter.
He had seen glimpses of women before, of course, but nothing like this; nothing like the glory of his wife. It seemed so idiotic, to be so undone by superficial beauty; but he deemed it a blessed surfeit of unmerited riches, that his sorcha, the light of him, was also the most beautiful person he’d ever beheld.
Before he could voice that he didn’t know how to begin—should he just… turn her around and bend her over? Would the windowsill be of help to keep her from toppling forward?—Claire was stepping past him to the bed…lying down on her back…spreading her legs…  
“Jesus,” he moaned, dropping to his knees harder than he’d intended. It felt fitting, though, to prostrate himself before her. He crawled closer and ran a hand down her thigh from the knee, so cool and so soft. 
She shivered at his touch. “Come here,” she whispered, firelight in her eyes as she reached for him, beckoning him to come kiss her. Face to face? Aye, he could see how that would get things properly aligned, but he couldn’t tear himself away, yet. “May I touch you?” he begged.
From the way she blinked, she hadn’t expected him to say that, but she nodded, and as he reached for her, she rolled her hips slightly to meet him. His fingertips met the soft, hot flesh of her, the moisture there, and the choked, “Oh—GOD,” echoed in his chest and around the walls of stone. To his shock, though, it had come from Claire. 
He looked up at her in utter astonishment and delight, grinning like a fool. “It feels good, lass?” 
She moaned in what must have been assent, for she moved closer to him, seeking more. He moved his fingers again, gently tracing the delicate folds of her, and could have died to hear her groan his name like that. 
He felt drunk—he was drunk on the euphoria of feeling her arousal coursing through his blood. She liked to be touched…and even HE could give her pleasure, it seemed, in whatever small way. He’d heard most women didn’t enjoy the deed itself, overmuch, but —Claire liked his touch, between her legs—Maybe she would like—
Heart thudding, he moved to the proper spot—dear God in Heaven, he *hoped* it was the proper spot—and slid a finger inside her.
He’d been gentle about it, he thought, but she arched immediately and cried out as she sat halfway up and looked at him in wide-eyed shock. “Oh, Christ, lass, I’m—” He snatched his hand back, mortified, “Forgive me, that wasna–”
But she grabbed his wrist, hard—and she met his gaze with what he swore was lust as she pressed him back inside her, until his palm was cupping her. He moaned to feel her tighten around him, feeling the silky-wet heat of her, all rough and smooth and alive against his skin. Her eyes fluttered shut as she began rolling her hips forth and back against him. He understood and he took up the motion himself, moving slowly in and out of her. She fell onto her back again, making the most exquisite sounds Jamie had ever heard.
Well, this *certainly* makes me feel more at ease about my own chances, soon to come. If just one finger can—
The next time he withdrew from her, he replaced two fingers. She cried out, throwing back her head and arching her back, her hand darting between her legs. He thought she meant to push him away, but she was only stroking herself at a spot just a bit higher up from his own hand that seemed to heighten her sensation. He could feel the difference of it around his fingers. He’d have to ask her about that spot later, whether or not it was something that he might help her handle in some fashion, the next time; but he wouldn’t interrupt her pleasure for the world, and he drank in the gift of it. 
He trailed kisses down her leg and up to her hipbone, watching her with fascination, not knowing what to expect or when to stop—Christ, he would go on with this bliss forever, if she wished it.  “Faster,” she moaned, as if hearing his thoughts. The sounds of her grew and swelled as he obeyed instantly and moved faster, hard enough that he thought surely he would break her in some way; and just as that thought crossed his mind, suddenly she was breaking, clenching tight around him, fast as a flutter of wings around his fingers, but hard and strong as a vice as she cried out so loudly it made the walls of the church resonate…with the sound of her. 
He lay there, draped between her legs and over her heaving belly, shuddering under his own aching desire and with delight at what hers had just shown him. It was what he had felt that cold night on the road, when she’d woken and moved against him in sleep, that iron-hot blaze of her need reaching out for him—but no Hail Marys, this night; only desperate cries of thanks and joy—and pleas for more, more, praise be to God, MORE.  
Her breaths gradually slowed and she opened her eyes. “Oh, lass,” he groaned to see her so, glistening and panting, so ready and— “Mo chridhe—” 
His fingers within her were shaking and she pushed them free of her. “I need you, now.” Her hands were strong and urgent as she reached for him. “Now—now—now—”
“Take me, Claire.” He barely heard his own desperate words, completely in the thrall of her, the cry of his body moaning, “—Show me.” 
With unbelievable strength for someone of her size, she flipped him onto his back and the sight of her moving to straddle him, the feel of her thighs on either side of his hips as she poised herself above him, was—
He moaned her name, begging her—
—and it was her name, again — curse and prayer together  —that sent countless wings skyward from the treetops as she took the whole of him inside her with one sure movement. 
He gasped for air over and over before he could form more words. “You feel—”
“You too,” she breathed, her face exquisite with sensation and something like relief. “God, you too.” 
“—Sassenach—” He moved in her, and it was all the leave she needed. 
Jamie thought the entire world would come apart from the way she made every inch and every fiber of him sigh and scream from pleasure in the same instant. He grabbed her hips in both his hands to feel the power of her, the power of her over him. And the sight of her—the goddamned sight of her—her head thrown back and her eyes closed but her face alight with triumph and furor as she leaned backward and writhed along his length was—
“Claire—I canna–” he gasped out, his fingertips surely bruising her as he gripped her harder. “I willna last—verra much longer—”
She fell forward and somehow his body knew what hers wordlessly commanded. They rolled together until she was under him. 
“Wait,” she groaned, and she was slipping her hand down between them to touch that place again, and the sight of it, the feel of her touching herself practically against him was so arousing that—
“Jamie, *now*—” she gasped with an intensity that nearly undid him in and of itself as she grabbed both his shoulders, “—now—now—Hard.” He thrust in to the hilt, over and over, hard and fast, every stroke absolute, blazing joy; and when he heard her cry out and felt that iron tremor beginning around his cock, he let her take him, body and soul, let her drag him into an explosion of pleasure and color and sound that enveloped them both and vanished the world in flame and breath. 
He had fallen forward, at some point; had her head cupped in his hand; was still sheathed in her.  Every few seconds, a wave of sensation jolted through him and he shivered and moaned from it. He leaned his forehead against hers, his voice a broken shell. “….I want…to die like this.”
“Please don’t,” she laughed weakly. She was slick with sweat underneath him, heaving, running her hands along his back, his face.
“I want….to do this wi’ you…” he amended, smiling with every once of strength left to him, “….every possible moment… for the rest of my life.”
She glowed as she kissed him and whispered, “It’s a bargain, Jamie.” 
[one more chapter to come]
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