#/ ur not getting HIM caught up in ur bullshit hes already feeling crazy for being on the sidelines!!!
moonrevolutions · 5 months
₊˚ʚ₊˚✧ ゚.☾ new verse: death note! a starry ink in the cold dark.
aka we're out the hospital again and we're boppin' to a new verse!
medicated tl;dr? virote has owned a death note for a very long time that he acquired right outside of his home in a hydrangea bush one night, accidentally put there by a shinigami named enya. he found his about eight years before the events of the manga / show. never used it much. he only killed the people that personally hurt him when actual forgiveness didn't work. though, he ended up feeling guilt over it and decided to stop. but he does hold on to the death note for safekeeping+not wanting it to get into the hands of someone truly reckless and because he had become companions with enya at that point.
when the kira killings start, virote immediately knows what's up because he's been there before... though on a much smaller scale. light killing pages worth of people in 5 days vs virote killing about ten people in the span of about two years is a big ass canyon that can't be compared.
anyway, events unfolding, he definitely tries to be a voice of reason in a, ' bro, it's not even worth it ' kind of way. but, virote also knows that sort of power could run someone insane very quickly.
virote had to ego check himself early on because he knew if he kept using his own death note, he would've been in the same position.
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I Remember (Malcolm Bright x Reader)
Request: uM hi saw ur request post while i was scrolling through malcolm bright x reader tag lol so may i request an x reader w malcolm where reader's gil's niece or smth so she and mal know each other before he joined the team- and one day where mal was being a dumbass and reader was told to drive mal home and when she was securing his restraints he jokingly asked her to sing to him aNd she did sing and fell asleep on the bed by opposite mal aND he got a good amount of sleep like no night terrors and next day he accidentally slipped that reader ''slept'' w him and gils just like excuse me wtf?? Djkdkdlsjsjs idk i got this idea when i was staring at the ceiling at 4 am instead of doing my essays that were due in the morningxD sorry its p long. Thanks and have a good day/night (by @iwillboilyourteeth), [Prodigal Son-Masterlist]
Summary: Malcolm got hurt again. What a surprise. And, as always, you were right there to take care of him. Tonight, though, things took a turn. For the better or for the worse? Only the future would tell.
Words: 2,142
Warnings: language, love me some sarcasm, fluff, so much fluff, I love writing for Prodigal Son (keep the requests coming)
Song used: “I Remember” by Jason Manns
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
You were sitting in your apartment when your phone started ringing loudly, interrupting your movie marathon. Sighing exaggeratedly, you checked who decided to annoy you at this time. It was not too late but you liked your alone time a lot. Gil. Oh no. That could never be good.
“Uncle Gil. I hope whatever you’re about to tell me is more important than Harry Potter.” pausing the movie you were currently watching, you did not even give him enough time to greet you. A loud sigh could be heard over the phone. One, that made you laugh.
“(Y/N).” his voice was stern & you knew better than to mess with him. Yet, you could not help yourself.
“Yeah, that’s me. You called me, after all.” joking to ease the tension, your giggling was cut short by his next words.
“Malcolm is a dumbass.”
“What a revelation.”
“He’s hurt.” Gil stated. Throwing your head back in frustration, you knew he only called you if he knew it was not too bad. But bad enough to need your help. “I need you to come get him.” it was not even a question, more like an order. Immediately, you grabbed the stuff you needed & headed out of your apartment towards your car.
“Can I yell at him for being reckless?” opening the door, you got inside but before you started the engine, you waited for the call to end. Could not risk getting youself hurt. Malcolm was the stupid one, not you.
“I already did that but I’m sure he’ll appreciate to hear it again.”
“Drive safe.” Gil noted.
“See you in ten.” & with that you drove to the precinct where he would most likely wait for you.
Growing up, you spent a lot of time at Gil’s. Malcolm was there almost always, so you got to meet each other pretty early on. Deep down, you cared for him. More than you should care for a friend. And because of him being a profiler, you were sure he picked up on that as well. Malcolm was just nice enough to not comment on it. Besides, he would tell you that he was too broken anyway. The thing was that it never scared you away. It did the exact opposite, actually. It only made you want him more.
Did you ignore almost every speed limit? Possibly. Your knuckles were white because you had gripped the steering wheel so tightly. One of these days, you would kill Malcolm. He kept getting himself hurt & you were tired of being the one to drive him home afterwards. Of course, you knew Gil only called you because Malcolm trusted you enough but that did not change the fact that you were exhausted.
“What happened?” approaching Gil, your eyes looked around for a sign of Malcolm. “And where the hell is he?”
“Bathroom.” his finger pointed over. “He didn’t call backup & thought dealing with it alone would turn out fine.” Gil was, you could tell, almost as tired as you. Not only of Malcolm acting recklessly but also because of a long day at work.
“What a surprise.” your sarcasm got the best of you. But it helped you coping with your feelings sometimes. “Uncle Gil?” his head snapped up when you said his name.
“Go home & get some sleep. I got it from here, promise.” your sweet smile was convincing enough & with a nod, he turned around & walked away.
“(Y/N)?” Malcolm noticed you when he walked out of the bathroom. His face was covered in bruised & by the way he was limping, you were sure that his entire body had to be sore. “Where’s Gil?”
“I sent him home.” shrugging as if it were nothing, you gave Malcolm a look. He knew what it meant but apparently, he wanted to play dumb.
“What?” his head tilted slightly & if it were not for his damn puppy eyes & for the fact that he was hurt, you would be the cause of his bruises. Not quite literally but still. Rolling your eyes at him, you crossed your arms over your chest.
“You’re stupid, I hope you know that.”
“I do, but we caught the killer, so it was worth it.” he casually stated.
“Is it really worth risking your life, Mal?” shaking your head shortly, you were not in the mood to discuss this any further. A simple gesture of your hand was enough to show him that you wanted to get going. “Come on, I’m gonna bring you home.”
“You’re mad.” Malcolm noted when the both of you walked outside back to your car. Sighing loudly, you stopped for a brief moment.
“Yes. I’m mad because I can’t even count how many times we’ve been in this exact situation anymore. And it sucks. Because every single time Gil calls me, I think he’ll tell me that you didn’t make it out like you always do.” Malcolm’s eyes widened when you explained how you were feeling. Your body brushing past his made him turn around & follow you without another word. It was silent between you two until you arrived inside Malcolm’s apartment.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N).” he spoke up, his voice much softer now. When you saw him struggling to pull off his coat, you walked over to him to help him out.
“You don’t owe me an apology, Mal.” your back faced him when you went to put his jacket away.
“I do. You always take care of me when shit like that happens. And I wanted you to know that I don’t take that for granted. If I were you, I would’ve stopped caring a long time ago.”
“You know as much as I do that this won’t ever happen.” & it was true. Malcolm could mess up over & over again. Could get himself hurt & all that. But you would always be here to catch him, no matter what.
“I don’t deserve you.” his eyes bore into yours & by the look he gave you, you knew he was not talking about you taking care of him when he was hurt. He was referring to you as a person. Basically, he wanted to make you understand that he was not worthy of your love. Which was bullshit to you.
“You deserve so much & it hurts that you don’t see it.” the conversation dropped for the time being. Navigating your way through his apartment, you looked for something he could wear to bed. Soon enough, you found something suitable & when you walked back into the room ,you found Malcolm already sitting on his bed, head hanging low. He stopped you when he noticed your hands grabbing the shirt he was wearing. Sending him a confused look, your eyebrows raised in question.
“I think I can handle it from here on.” taking the clothes from you, he went to strip himself out of his workwear. Surprisingly, he could not move his body enough to achieve anything.
“Yeah, I can see that. Come on, don’t act like that, Malcolm.” it was not the first time you had helped him undressing. As mentioned earlier, the two of you had been in this situation too many times to count.
It did not take long & he was wearing comfortable clothes. After asking if he needed anything else, you went straight to his restraints & helped strapping him in. It amazed Malcolm how you were not weirded out by the fact that he had to be held down in order to have at least a few hours of sleep.
“(Y/N)?” his voice was barely above a whisper but your humming let him know that you heard him. “Can you sing something for me?” it was meant to be a joke, he simply wanted to ease the tension between you guys. Thinking about it for a second, you came to the conclusion that it would not hurt to do that. Maybe it would help him fall asleep? Malcolm eyes widened when you actually started singing quietly. It was soothing & he closed his eyes to focus solely on your voice.
Hey you, when I saw you walk in there
And I couldn’t help but stare
At the way you move your hands
‘Cause it’s the little things you do that drive me crazy
And now, let’s forget about the crowd
And just concentrate on us
So that you can know what I want you to know
 I remember how it started
You had everything I wanted
I was helpless to resist
But I didn’t want to
 Only if you would hold me tight
As we talked all through the night
About those things you won’t tell no one else
I know that we’ve got long ways to go
But I want you to know
That I’ll be there till the end, so don’t you worry
 I remember how it started
You had everything I wanted
I was helpless to resist
But I didn’t want to
‘Cause I fell in love with you-ou-ou
 After you finished, Malcolm still had his eyes closed, he just laid there for a while, recalling the words of the song. He knew what you were trying to tell him but if he had to be honest, he was scared. If the two of you were to try something, he thought you would leave him the moment you realized his demons were too much for someone to handle. Malcolm did not hear you leave his apartment, neither did he feel a movement. Opening his eyes slowly, he found you sound asleep right next to him. Your peaceful form made him smile brightly. Contemplating if he should wake you up, he decided against it in the end. Deep down, he knew you would not judge him he if he had a night terror next to you. And if he were honest, having you with him made him incredibly calm. That night, he fell asleep almost immediately, without any nightmares invading his dreams. The reason for it was you. Only you.
Malcolm woke up early the next morning. Work called. Okay, maybe Gild had told him to take a few days off but everyone who knew Malcolm, knew that he did not listen to such orders. Or any orders, in general. You were still asleep when he loosened his restraints. He left you a note behind before leaving his apartment for work.
“Didn’t I tell you to stay at home?” Gil questioned the second Malcolm entered the office where the rest of the team was already up & working.
“You did but I’m fine.” Gil rolled his eyes at his words. Usually, whenever Malcolm insisted on being fine, he was everything but. Examining his face closer, Gil was shocked to see him so…well rested?
“Wait. How much did you sleep last night? You look unusually awake.”
“Oh, yeah. That’s because I slept with (Y/N) last night.” Malcolm spoke casually & went to examine the pictures that were displayed on the table in the middle of the room. Gil’s eyebrows raised at that. Dani only sent him a weird look & JT almost choked on his coffee at Malcolm’s confession. There were some things he did not want to know & his love life was one of it.
“Excuse me, what now?” Gil was the first one to press the topic further. Everyone knew how protective he could get when it came to you, his niece. When Malcolm turned around, he found three pairs of eyes looking sternly at him. Wait, what did he say? Realization washed over his face & he only now noticed how wrong his words sounded without any given context.
“No, wait…That came out wrong.” closing his eyes briefly, he prepared an explanation for his confused co-workers. “(Y/N) drove me home yesterday & she helped me with my restraints & all. She fell asleep & I didn’t wanna wake her up.” Malcolm’s hands gestured wildly, not wanting to give them the wrong impression of last night’s events. JT pretended to understand what he explained even though he had no idea & frankly, he did not care too much. Malcolm had lost Dani’s interest a while ago, she continued working on the next case. Only Gil was left. He gave Malcolm a knowing look, went over to him & patted him on the shoulder.
“You better take care of her, Bright. Or you have to deal with me.” his threatening smile creeped Malcolm out but he knew Gil was only trying to keep you safe. Maybe you were the right one for him. Last night was proof enough. It was scary to take that next step but on the other hand, he wanted to take that risk. He wanted to give it a try. For the both of you.
Published (04/20/2021) by Cathy
Tags: @octopus5555 (thanks for your support <3)
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davidsons89 · 3 years
Toxic Turner - part 20 (tw)
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WARNINGS: this story contains signs of a toxic and manipulative relationship. also contains smut, mentions of drugs and alcohol. some scenes contain forms of abuse. read at ur own risk :)
A/N: this chapter is long, and probably makes no sense. it took me a few days to process this, so i hope y’all like it <3
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alex eventually got up and followed you out of the room after you scurried off. before you ran upstairs, he grabbed you and began yelling at you. you didn’t have the energy or guts to argue back, so he was basically bullying you. he began to get violent with his words and soon hands, and your family started to worry. it wasn’t long before your family entered the hallway and started yelling at him too, causing a very heated argument between them. you stand aside and listen, not getting involved in the back and forth yelling.
“i don’t fucking abuse her, you would’ve seen it by now” alex yells at your sister who accuses him of hitting you. “we have seen it” your sister yells back at him as she’s on the verge of attacking him herself, but she’s trying to contain herself because she doesn’t want to start physical drama in this moment.
“where? where the fuck do you see that i abuse her?” alex asks angrily, reaching down to grab your arm, forcing it in his direction to show your relatives that you have no physical marks or bruises on your skin. you yank your arm back after he proved his point, sighing as you tuck them behind your back, intertwining your own fingers so he wouldn’t grab you again.
“there’s nothing there now but there has been before, i’ve seen it with my own eyes” your cousin steps in as he was tired of seeing alex verbally abusing your sister. “yeah because you’re too busy stalking our lives when you need to live your fucking own and mind your business” alex densely says in your cousins face. you could tell the two wanted to hit each other, but none of your relatives would let that happen because it won’t lead to anything better.
“she’s the fucking psycho one here, not me” alex makes his voice heard while pointing at you to bring attention to you too, so he wasn’t facing the backlash alone even though he’s at fault. “how am i?” you ask innocently, your voice cracking with fear of him. “you say the worst things about me, you act as if i’m the worst person in the world but you’re choosing to stay with me” alex says to you, causing your cheeks to turn red as all eyes are on you while listening to his wise words. you know what he’s about to say will hurt you, it’s like he’s reading from a script he’s rehearsed in his own head, like he’s waited for the moment to call you out so that you look like the bad person in this bad situation.
“you are so fucking ungrateful, it’s like you use me because you’re a prissy little princess. you talk to other men, flirt with them and act like you don’t have a boyfriend that does fucking everything for you” he whined in a complaining matter. “i live with you, i but you things, i take you places, i always make sure you have reasons to have a good day because i never want you to be sad. i do everything for you, just for you to disrespect me.” he says, instantly guilt tripping everyone around him and changing their opinions. you’re the only one that can see the blatant manipulation and gaslighting, but everyone else is too dull to realize it.
everyone fell silent for a moment or two, soon realizing that you’re the bad one in this situation, even though you’re their own blood. “are you serious?” your mom questions, breaking the peaceful silence between you all. you’re only quiet because you’re lost for words, there’s no come back to that because he’s already turned over everyone’s hearts. “wh- really?” you widen your eyes at your mom, having the audacity to believe alex over her own daughter.
“why would you do that stuff?” your sister asks, frowning as she began to feel bad for yelling at alex for what she believed to be no reason. “i didn’t do that stuff i-” you begin to defend yourself but get cut off before you can finish talking. “ohh that’s why you stripped off in front of everyone, for attention” your aunt joins in. “are you for fucking real?” you gasp and laugh slightly, you can’t help but find it strictly funny how your own family is turning against you.
“and you invited that guy into the pool, being all flirty and seductive” your sister frowns, pulling a grossed out face at you as she made you seem like a whore for a harmless invitation. “you guys are seriou-” you say, but get cut off once again because none of them care for what you have to say. “how are you guys believing this fucking asshole?” your cousin steps in to save you from being alone and defenseless. “oh shut the fuck up, you’re seeing things from all those drugs you inhale” alex begins to taunt your cousin for his secret drug use, which alex just exposed to everyone.
“yeah, you think i don’t know you stalk me? i see you watching me all the time, but while you’re too just figuring out my relationship, i found out a lot about you. why don’t you go ahead and tell your mother about the heavy drugs you take daily?” alex exposes your cousin, making you feel absolutely terrible because he got caught out just for trying to save your ass. everyone is silent for a moment, making your cousin extremely angry. alex stands and watches his anger rile up inside of him, just as he moves his stance to try to take a punch at alex.
before your cousin could hit him, a few of your relatives hold him back so he doesn’t start an unnecessary fight. “worry about your own life next time” alex says, taunting your cousin as he leans closer to him, knowing he’s completely defenseless as he’s being held back. while everyone is distracted with your cousin, alex slips away and grabs your forearm, dragging you up the stairs and pulling you into your bedroom.
he shoves you into the room first, then follows behind you and closes the door behind him, sneakily locking it behind him as you stand frozen with fear. “do you feel better about yourself now? look what you’ve caused” alex raises his eyebrows, unusually calm for something that nearly ruined his reputation.
“look what i caused? that was unnecessary alex, you didn’t need to bring him into it...” you furrow your eyebrows with pure innocence, giving him puppy eyes in hope that he’ll go easy on you, but while everyone is distracted by arguing with your angry cousin, this is his only chance to catch you alone where nobody will do anything about it.
“i don’t think it was unnecessary, love. he’s been watching me for months, i’m not as stupid as you think” he talks in a smart, calm tone which made you think he wasn’t angry at all, but he’s fucking terrific at hiding his emotions, especially when it comes to you. “you let him try to ruin our relationship, you were letting it happen, why?” he asks, tilting his head like a confused dog waiting for your response. “because we’re not good together. you’re crazy, i hate the way you are” your voice breaks with nervousness.
“then why are you still with me?” alex asks, changing his tone as if he’s speaking to a child. “i.. don’t know” you gulp nervously as you see him take a step closer to you, and another so that he’s stood right in front of your face. “it’s because you don’t hate me, you love me” he whispers, bringing his hands up to your face to hold your cheeks in his hands gently. “do you love me?” he whispers in a manipulating tone, staring into your eyes to make sure you choose the right answer.
you slowly nod, showing him that you do in fact love him. “then why the fuck do you disrespect me, huh?” he asks, his calmness slipping away as he moves his hands from your cheek to your neck to grip the roots of your hair, tugging at them to hurt you. “i don’t disrespect you, al..” you nervously say, putting your hands on his arms to try and move them but you’ve got zero luck. “i fucking love you, and you treat me like i’m nothing. who’s the abuser now?” he taunts your, inches away from your face to make you afraid as he tugs harder at your hair.
“i don’t-” you begin to wail and whine, but you aren’t given a chance to speak. “shut up” he raises his voice, causing you to flinch as his face is right in front of yours. “what the fuck have you been telling him about me?” he begins to get physically angry now, raising his voice and gripping you harder.
“i didn’t say anything” you wail again, tears forming in your eyes at how hard he’s pulling at your roots. “bullshit, what did you say?” he scoffs, waiting for your answer but you ignore him. “what did you fucking say y/n?” he yells at you, causing your bottom lip to quiver. “i didn’t say anything to him, al, he figured it out for himself i promise” you begin to cry, your voice shaking with guilt and fear.
“you expect me to believe you? when all you do is lie?” he laughed in your face to make you feel stupider than you already felt. “i’m telling the truth i swear” you cry, furrowing your eyebrows innocently so he’ll believe you, but it’ll take a lot more than tears. “i’m gonna ask you one more time, what have you told him about me?” he asks calmly, sighing through his nose to stop himself from getting angrier than he already is.
you sigh and gulp nervously. “i.. the only thing i said was that.. you’re mean sometimes, and that you scare me when you’re angry” you hesitate to say, avoiding eye contact with him, but he grabs your cheeks again and forces you to look at him. “so you did say something to him, and you lied to me about it” he raises his eyebrows as if he’s scolding a kid. he does treat you like a child sometimes, which is frustrating because he doesn’t understand you.
“i’m sorry..” you innocently whisper as you wish he’ll forgive you, but he’s acting nice before the storm. “you’re sorry?” he chuckles, sliding his hand to your throat to back you against a wall tightly. “you’re fucking sorry?” he raises his voice with anger, making you flinch at his words. each time you flinch or look away, he grips your throat tighter to leave marks on your delicate skin. “look at me when i’m talking to you” he says, digging his nails into your skin.
“alex stop” you cry, whining as he’s doing nothing but scaring and hurting you. “stop? you want me to stop?” he yells again, closing his hand against your throat so that it began to get impossible to breathe, he’s actually quite scaring you. you nod as tears stream from your eyes, but he doesn’t care at all. “you let them all think i abuse you, when all i do is care for you” he manipulates the situation, trying to make you feel bad for him instead of the opposite.
“i love you” he says, dropping his grip on your throat which caused you to gasp and regain your breath properly, you froze in fear as you were too frightened to run away, he’d only hurt you more. “you don’t love me.. you’re obsessed with me” you sniffle, bringing your hand up to your face to wipe away your tears.
“you’re abusive and toxic and.. you need help” you sympathize, trying to get him to realize the truth but it’s not as easy as you think. “you think i’m abusive and toxic?” he scoffs a laugh in disbelief of your audacity. “you are.. you say you’re in love with me but you hurt me, and control me and-” you slowly let out, finally telling him the truth of your thoughts but he has none of it.
he cuts you off by gripping a fistful of your hair and pulling your face towards his so that you’re inches away from each other. “i’ll show you abusive and toxic, you want that?” he whispers dominantly to intimidate you, and it was working. “no i don’t want that” you cry to him, he seems to like it when you cry. it makes him feel powerful, like he’s in charge of you.
“are you sure? because you seem to tell everyone that i am, so you must want it” he starts to sarcastically taunt you in your face, making you want to slap him but that’ll only result in causing pain for yourself. “i never meant it like that” you say, placing your hands on his chest to push him away from you, but it only makes him grab both of your upper arms and pin you against said wall.
“then how did you mean it? huh?” he asks, pinning you against the wall harder as he raises his voice at you towards the end. “i don’t know alex.. you’re hurting me” you whine, trying to thrash about underneath his solid grip but he’s way stronger than you’d imagined. “good, shut up” he says, demanding you to quit whining and be quiet. “why do you call me abusive?” he asks, raising his eyebrows to get a good answer out of you. “look at yourself.. you hit me, you call me names, you act like you own me, and you’re pinning me against a wall as we speak” you say, using a sarcastic tone at the end as you stand up to him by raising your voice.
“i do fucking own you. i’ve made that clear since day one” he says, forcefully grabbing your face with one hand again, as his other stays pinning your arm against the wall. with his grip on your face, he pulls it so that you’re constantly looking at him and listening to him. “no you don’t, i’m your girlfriend not your fucking pet” you say, using your strength to thrash under his hold of you. “stop fighting me, stop it” he says, gripping harder on both your arm and face to keep you against the wall.
“no, fuck you” you say, still building up all your strength to overpower him. as each second goes by, your anger levels rise causing you to get physically stronger. you finally manage to get out of his grip and shove him back, making him stumble as you hit him. “i fucking hate you” you yell at him, watching him regain his balance again. “yeah? if you hate me so much then fuck off” he yells, aiming his arm at the door to point at it. “no, you leave” you frown, motioning your head towards the door.
“i’m not leaving” he says, dropping his arm as he slowly shakes his head. “well i’m not leaving either” you say, crossing your arms over your chest as you glare at each other for a few moments. “good. now what made you think you can fucking hit me?” he raises his voice at you, storming back over to you until he’s inches away from your face again. “so you’re allowed to hit me but i can’t hit y-” you begin to argue back, but he quickly cuts you off by harshly slapping your face, then using the same hand to grab your throat and pin you against the wall.
“no, you can’t fucking hit me. you’re a weak, no good, pathetic little slut who deserves nothing” he intimates you, talking down on you as his veins vigorously stand out in his hand wrapped around your neck. “if i deserve nothing then why do you act like you give me everything?” you ask shakily. his harsh grip on your throat is affecting your speech. “i do give you everything, you’re just ungrateful. the only thing you’re good for is sex” he taunts, chuckling to being you down. “so you just use me?” you scoff, trying to push him away but it only made his hand squeeze your throat fighter.
“who wouldn’t use you? you have a perfect little body, and a perfect little pus-” he began to say, but you quickly got sick of his words. “you’re disgusting” you cut him off, shaking your head. “you’re so easy, like a little whore. any man could give you the slightest touch, and you’d be wetter than a pool” he says, slowly gliding his other hand to your stomach, trickling his fingers down to your thigh. you gulp and try to look down, but he forces your head back up. he stares into your eyes, making you tremble.
“i bet i could seduce you right now. go on, close your eyes” he says calmly, quietening down after he yelled at you at the top of his lungs just a minute ago. you slowly shake your head, causing him to shush you. he sees how nervous you are, so he calms you down. he moves his hand from your throat and lightly places it over your eyes to cover them. “close your eyes and imagine someone else touching you. not me” he whispers, testing something. he’s playing a trick on you to later use it against you, you know this but you’re too scared to reject him.
his fingers make their way into your underwear. it comes as a shock to you because you can’t physically see. “alex...” you innocently say, but he quietens you again. “shh, love. just imagine someone else touching you” he whispers in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. the two of you remain silent, the only noise you hear is the agitating sound of your family arguing like a bunch of high school kids downstairs.
“are you imagining the touch of another guys hand?” he whispers, watching your face as his hand covers your eyes. “i.. suppose” you gulp, not knowing the right answer, but you don’t want to disobey him. “good” he whispers, slowly pointing his two fingers out to drag them down your slit to your entrance. he feels how wet you are, and you hear his slight chuckle. “see? i knew how easy it would be to turn you on” he whispers, forcefully pushing his two fingers inside of you, making you gasp and jolt your hips back.
“that’s the fastest you’ve ever gotten wet. to the thought of another man, you’re a proven whore after all” he scoffs, dropping his hand from your eyes and ripping his fingers out of you, making you gasp again. “ale-” you begin to say as he walks away, but he cuts you off by turning around and slapping you harder than he did before.
“shut the fuck up. get downstairs and tell your family that our relationship is fine” he aggressively points in your face hoping you’ll do as you’re told. “and what if i don’t?” you ask nervously, trying your best to stand up to him but you weren’t able to overpower him right now. he sighed at your question before raising his hand to the back of your head, gripping a fistful of your hair and yanking it slightly. “or i will show you what abusive really fucking means” he quietly threatens, roughly letting go of your hair which caused you to stumble back. “now go” he points towards the door. you huff and walk out with him watching your every step.
you realise the door is locked, but ask no questions. you jiggle the door knob open and leave the room, closing it after you and heading downstairs. you’re immediately greeted by the sight of your family arguing with one another. you stepped foot downstairs for five seconds and already began getting a headache. “guys, shut up” you say, trying to break up the heated fight between a few of your relatives. they all ignored you. “shut up” you raise your voice, pushing your aunt away from your cousin, she was extremely close to attacking him.
they all ignored you again. you continued asking until you got fed up, but you soon realised that they’re all guests in your house so you’re the one in charge. “SHUT THE FUCK UP” you yell, gazing at your family members as you push the remaining few away from your cousin. “get out, go home” you demand to your relatives who are causing you nothing but a massive headache. “are you ok?” your cousin asks, but this isn’t about you. “i’m fine. we’re fine, nothing’s going on between me and alex” you reassure everyone as you look around catching some glares. “but-” your cousin begins to interrupt, but you quickly cut him off. “leave it. guys, go home” you say to the rest of your relatives as you stand in front of your cousin to show you’re on his side.
“why don’t you kick the druggy out?” your sister scoffs offendedly. “because he’s the only that’s on my side. the rest of you believed alex over me, which is why i want you to get the fuck out” you say, respectfully pointing towards the door while making heavy eye contact with your mom and sister specifically. “so alex does hit y-” your mom began to say, but you cut her off too. it feels nice to show a bit of dominance for once, you should do it more often.
“no mom, he doesn’t” you interrupt her by raising your voice over hers. “he definitely does, he’s been dodgy since day one” one of your sisters friends joined in. “nah, alex wouldn’t do that” your sister disagrees. “i’ve seen the way he speaks to her” your cousin butted in. soon later, everyone started agreeing and disagreeing with each other about the theory of alex abusing you. “oh my god, he doesn’t. we’re fine, end of. please go home” you say stressfully, pointing to the door while placing your other hand on your sister’s shoulder to make her be the first one to leave.
“fine whatever. have fun with druggy” your sister scoffs, pushing past everyone to leave first. it took about 20 minutes to get everyone out, but you let your cousin stay. “i’m gonna kill alex when i see him” your cousin sighs, feeling nothing but pure anger because he was exposed in front of his entire family. “do it, man. i’m right here” alex chuckles from the top of the stairs, catching you both by surprise. you both look up the stairs and see him sitting one one of the top steps. “how long have you been there?” you frown up at him. “since i heard you actually standing up for yourself for once” alex shrugs.
“oh..” you say, letting awkwardness slip in as all three of you remain silent for a few moments. “so, you gonna kill me or what?” alex asks, sarcastically raising his eyebrows at your cousin stood next to you. “i would’ve done it by now if i was actually going to” your cousin replies, frowning at him. “well, don’t say you’re gonna do something when you’re not.” alex says, standing up as he began walking down the stairs. your heart began to race, you didn’t want them to start arguing or fighting so you quickly stood between them as alex reached the bottom step.
“i want you to respect me when you’re in my house. don’t come here and try exposing me in front of everyone when you’re hiding things of your own” alex confidently says. his cockiness is quite sexy, but also very intimidating at the same time. “i want you to respect my cousin. she’s a great girl, she doesn’t deserve to be disrespected by an asshole like yourself” your cousin takes a step forward, but you nudge him back to keep them away from each other.
“yeah, i agree with you on that one” alex nods, walking past you both as he pulls a cigarette from his pocket, and a lighter from the other. “go outside with that” you frown at him as he lights the cigarette and turns towards you, taking a puff right in the middle of the hallway. “are you gonna ask me nicely?” he asks, blowing the smoke in your direction to piss you off. “can you please take that outside?” you ask, sighing as you point to the backyard through the hallway. “yes i will. and when i come back, i expect you to fuck off” alex says, locking his eyes onto your cousin who wanted nothing more than to hit him, but you won’t let that happen.
alex left the house and stood in the back yard for a while, thinking about life as he smokes a cigarette to himself. your cousin eventually left, you apologized to him for “lying” and on behalf of whar alex caused. you knew that after today, you and your family will drift apart. nothing will be the same after they believed alex over you, their own flesh and blood. you can’t forgive them, but most importantly, you forgave alex again... he distracts you from your own relationship problems by causing havoc within your family, he’s willing to do anything to have you all to himself. anything.
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vinylhazza · 4 years
imagine sending ur nudes to e by accident omg the next day he’d be imagining you naked and eventually you two fuck🥵
oh my gosh you would be lounging around talking to your best girl friend or something, often times sending her your risqué photos when you’re feeling down about yourself. she always has the best hype up messages when you’re feeling like a swamp creature. you’re really just pacifying your boredom from being stuck inside for a ridiculously long amount of time - not wanting to go into the sweltering heat of the upcoming summer. you had a habit of overheating and making yourself sick.
usually you’re good at looking at the contact name before you send something so exposed to her, giving yourself the comfirmation before hitting send. but today just had to be the one day your finger hit the send button too fast, your eyes flicking up in panick mode to read “E ❤️” at the top of the screen.
you’re sitting on your bed at this point hyperventilating, about to pass out, dizzy as hell, nauseous, genuinely not good. you’d never sent him anything like those pictures before. and that was the thing, it wasn’t just one it was several pictures of your naked body to your best guy friend. you’re very hot, best guy friend. you look over the set of photos you’d sent: you’re laying back on your bed in nothing but a pair of black lace panties, breasts on display, sunlight trickling across your abdomen and perky nipples, a golden glow touching your skin. the panties were honestly nothing but a piece of pathetic fabric that could be compared to dental floss - you know if you turned around you’re ass would be bare as it could be. 
you never had any intention of sending them to anyone - as your not speaking to anyone romantically at the moment. truth is you’ve been hooked on a certain someone for a while. the same certain someone you just accidentally sent your nudes to. how convenient.
honestly i imagine him to be shell-shocked. maybe he was mid-conversation with grayson, unlocked his phone at your notification, and sat frozen and speechless while he stared down at the screen - your breasts sitting pretty for his eyes only. grayson would be pausing at his silence, questioning him on why he’s sitting there like he’s “waiting to catch flies” in his mouth. ethans cheeks would heat to an unbearable temperature, not believing what he’s seeing - his best friend - naked and biting the tip of her fingernail.
throuought both the day and night you hear no response from ethan, total dead silence. it made you more nervous than if we were to send back a simple “wrong number?” or “huh?” ...silence. did he like it? did he hate it? did he just not see it? you knew better than that judging at the read receipt that stared you in the face on the screen, only making you heart race faster. 
it was a night of little sleep for the both of you, neither one knowing of the filthy thoughts running through the others head. ethan tossed and turned in his bed that night, knowing he would see you tomorrow for session with grayson. you’re a personal trainer, hence how you met and became so close with the twins. it had been a year since you started working with grayson, not really seeing the reason because he already was well off, as well as ethan. but you never made a complaint, helping and instructing anyway that you can. you became friends instantly, most of the time making it a hangout session rather than a trainer/trainee situation. 
you had kept your eyes on ethan since the day you showed up at their house for the first session, breath caught in your throat when he opened up the door with a dazzling smile, lips stretched tight across his teeth. he was gorgeous, you wouldn't deny that. yes, grayson was handsome, and yes they were identical twins - but you fell in love with ethans heart quickly. nothing ever came from it, teasing, friendly banter. it was strictly friends. but you’d always felt something brewing beneath the surface, too scared to let him know you wanted something more. head over heels was an understatement. shit the guy couldn't even hug you without your heart doing flips inside of your head. 
you’d given up hope about a month ago, bummed out that despite your subtle advances, he was a lost cause. he showed his love in his own way, trying his hardest to make you see he felt it, he felt all of it. lost in translation, your love was. the hugs became less frequent, the teasing still showed up, but less flirty. it broke him bit by bit until he finally accepted that he’d lost something he never really had in the first place. he backed off, tried to discipline himself to think of you as just a friend - until those pictures popped up on his phone. 
there he was, laying in bed with his hand wrapped around himself, eyes glued to the picture of your perky breasts, god you were gorgeous. fuck the plan, he thought, tugging up and down his length with a tight fist - trying to keep quiet in fear of grayson hearing him. across town, you were doing the same - rubbing a hand at your mound, thinking of him thinking about you. you had no knowledge of it actually being true, but just the thought of him seeing you so exposed and dare you say sexy in a set of photos really did something to you. 
the next day was terrifying for both of you, neither wanting to mention your little accident first, both wanted to play dumb and just hope it disappeared in time. 
until you caught up watching you during your squats, not in a way he has ever before, his eyes were drinking you in. in a hungry way. not observant, not innocent, but dirty. you tried to ignore the wetness in between your thighs, keeping your eyes on grayson, watching his form, telling him to straighten up every so often, cracking a joke in hopes it would get ethan to stop staring at you and laugh along. but he kept his eyes focused on you, knuckles white on the edge of the bench he sat on. 
okay, if he wants to stare, so will you. 
turning your head to look at him was a bold move, his eyes focusing on your mouth instead of your chest - his bottom lip popping free from his teeth. was he, checking you out? he’d never been so bold about it before. you watched each other close while you continued your squats, eyes trained on his the entire time. you thanked the heavens you put your hair in a ponytail, it was far too hot in this gym and you knew you would look like a monster if your hair was any other way.
“okay...fuck...my legs feel like jello,” grayson giggles, plopping onto his butt after hitting just above 300 squats. you would never recommend doing that many, but he had a weird goal in mind, so you figured if he was going to do it, might as well help him doing it the correct and healthy way. 
“mine too,” you agreed, sitting down yourself. with your face as red as ever with ethan’s eyes staring at you, you took a sip from your water bottle, smiling at the cold water traveling down your throat. it felt good to have a hard workout. 
“I think i’m going to eat something before we go again, you want something?” grayson’s offering his hand to you, nodding when you shake your head to turn him down. if you ate now you might throw up from the nerves running like crazy through your body, your stomach a pit of butterflies. not the best idea to shove food into the mix. 
“i’ll catch up with you in a bit,” ethan speaks up, watching his brother leave the room before turning his eyes back on you. 
“so are we really gonna talk about it or are you just gonna stare at me like you've never seen tits before?” bold move. 
“why did you send them to me? that is what I wanna know.” he ignores your question, coming back with his own. 
“lie,” he challenges you with a cocky smirk, raising from his position on the bench, 
“I meant to send them to Amanda, not you, don't get cocky,” you’re really testing the waters, knowing damn well everything spilling from your mouth is a load of bullshit. even Amanda, whom you told of your little mishap, screamed blood murder over the phone, insisting the mistake was in fact fate and not happenstance. 
he’s still smirking, standing tall in front of you. he had been pretty much silent through the workout with grayson, off on his own most of the time. you didn't mind, knowing it was probably weird for him at least for now. so you let him be, focusing on grayson for the rest of the day. but this...this was new.  
“you’re awfully bold for someone that showed no interest in me any other time,” you point out, shrugging like you made the most valid point ever. 
“maybe you read the signs wrong babe.” that fucking pet name. 
“i’m pretty sure I didn't. anyways why does it matter? it was a mistake and now we can forget about it and move on know that we’ve acknowledged it,” you nod to yourself. it seems fair considering you're about to burst into flames at how close he’s standing to you. you know deep down you’ll never be able to forget about it. 
“I don't think I want to,” he mutters, his seductive tone taking your breath away. looking up at him, only caused your heart to beat faster, he looked serious. you’ve never heard his voice so calm. 
“well...you have to. we are bestfriends,” you stutter, standing to your feet in an attempt to back away. 
“best friends who like each other,” he drones on, keeping his eyes locked steady on yours. 
“fat chance.”
“best friends who want to fuck each other...” he’s inching closer, grabbing at the bare skin of your waist to bring himself closer to you. you almost scream in surprised as his hand comes to clamp over your mouth, arm reaching behind you to crack the door open, staring into the hallway with that same devilish smirk. 
“hey gray?!” he shouts, hand still cupped over your mouth. his other hand returns to your side, thumb rubbing back and forth across your skin. you’re surprised at the reaction from your body, your pussy clenching tightly around nothing, the aching becomes less bearable. 
“yeah?” his voice echoes from down the hallway, sounding busy and disinterested. 
“I think we are out of almond milk, you mind running to the store real quick? please?” his tone has switched to one you know well, the one he uses when he tries to manipulate his little brother into getting his way. you would swat at him if his fingers weren't dancing along the inside of your thigh right now, dangerously close to your clothed heat. 
“why can't you?” grayson whines, still far enough down the hallway he couldn't see into the room. if he could...i’m sure he would be just as confused as you are. 
“because I asked you,” he points out, chuckling at the annoyed groan he gets in return. 
“you paying?” 
“it’s not like we have the same bank account or anything fuck face. but you want to use my card it’s in my wallet on the counter. thank you bro.” with that he’s shutting the door, with his hand still moving between your legs, he removes his other from your mouth, instead wrapping it in your hair - loosening your ponytail. 
“look at you...so small and innocent...like you didn't send me filthy pictures of you last night,” he hums, leaning close to kiss at your neck, “i bet you touched yourself at the thought of me looking at them huh?” he whispers hot in your ear, tongue poking out to lick at your lobe slowly, sucking it into his mouth before it pops free. 
you are drenched, not registering the nod you give him, wanting to slap yourself for being so easy. 
“so are we done pretending or do i need to convince you more? he won’t be gone forever.” his fingers cup your cunt through your leggings, rubbing his fingers across you to cause a friction that makes you tense in his arms, grasping at his biceps in shock. his hands feel much better than your own. 
you realize how quickly you’re grabbing at the back of his neck too late, bringing him down to seal your lips together perfectly. the kiss is passionate, more passionate that it really should be for being so sudden. it was filled with longing and need, something you’ve been experiencing towards him for quite some time.
he is sighing against your lips, shuddering at how good your skin feels under his fingertips, hungry for more than just a kiss.
he’s growing frustrated quickly, stopping with a huff and holding your face close.
“i wanna talk, i do, about what the fuck is going on. but i can’t wait...need you now,” he explains, eyes never breaking away from your own. you understand his need perfectly, it matches with your own. 
“we can talk later,” you nod at him, seemingly giving him the green light to pick you up by your hips with a squeal falling from your mouth. your back meets the semi-plush cushion of the bench press, staring up at your bestfriend hovering dangerously close to your face. he’s got this smile you’ve only ever seen a few times, when he’s so utterly happy he can’t contain himself. it makes you melt to think that this is one of those moments for him. with a quick peck to your lips, he’s lowering down onto his knees, hooking his fingers in the waistband of your leggings, pulling down slowly. 
“for the meantime...gonna fuck you so good.” 
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roses-flyingin-sky · 4 years
Songs that i connected to the legions and made up backstories for (well i was drunk):
Duality (set it off): Frank meeting all the other legions before they form legion and try to recruit them. 
Plastic Promises (set it off): Susie getting anxious that Julie is leaving her for Frank. Julie left feeling too overwhelmed, and Susie has a breakdown over it. 
I’d Rather Drown (set it off): Frank moving to Ormond, before he met the others, he was already building up his walls. 
Partners In Crime (set it off): Frank and Julie going crazy with havoc in Ormond. Frank has her under his spell, until they go a little too crazy and the cops catch on. 
Happy Pills (weathers): Joey going on a date with some random chick in Ormond, he tries to use her to hide his depression. He’s convinced himself that everything is okay, when its all crumbling. 
Thnks fr the Mmrs (fall out boy): Frank never made it into the entity's realm, after they killed the janitor. He heard some noises, following them only to be attacked by a pack of wild coyotes. As he bleeds out on the snowy forest floor, he thanks Julie, Susie and Joey for the memories. 
HOLD ME TIGHT OR DON’T (fall out boy): Frank severely lacking love or affection, he is thinking about Julie along with the song. Thinking about the time they got high and shared their darkest secrets. 
Dance, Dance (fall out boy): Joey is hanging at a party with Susie and Julie, his only two friends. When Frank is invited to join them, Joey is wary about him. He gets defensive and protect of the two girls, which causes Frank to tighten up, and bite back. There little fight is ended with a bottle of vodka, Susie smiling and saying “we’re falling apart to have fun”. 
For You (get scared): Joey gets fired from another job, he and Susie celebrate by getting drunk together in her basement. He’s had way too much and starts flirting with her; she can’t stop blushing and giggling. 
Nicotine (panic! at the disco): Frank and Julie get high, when Frank out of nowhere kisses her. Embarrassed, she goes out for a smoke but can’t shake the feeling of his lips. Your love is fucking drug, but I need it so bad. 
Far Too Young To Die (panic! at this disco): Susie tries to talk Julie out of the killing spree they’re planning. She’s not ready to lose her best friend to some murderous jerk who just showed up. Julie says she’s talking hysterics and goes off with Frank anyways. Just before they break into the back, Frank whispers this to her, “give me one last kiss, we’re far too young to die”. 
Collar Full (panic! at the disco): She can’t be left behind, not again. She’ll do anything to stay with Julie, and Joey. They’ve done so much for her, how can she just leave them behind. Why can’t I stop shaking, why is it so hard to breathe? Please, don’t leave me behind. Susie collapses to the ground as Julie, Joey and Frank walk up to the lodge. Not noticing that Susie is gone with the fog. 
Everybody Talks (neon trees): Frank and Julie meet for the first time in the cafe, after Julie was caught sketching him. He decides to tease her a little bit, “hey baby, you can be my drug, you can be my new addiction”. 
Hi, It’s Me (ashnikko): The night after Julie hooks up with Frank, she realizes she fell in love. Confiding in Susie, she tells her to slap her for falling for such a guy. Susie calls her later that night, after figuring out from Joey that she is still thinking about him. “Hi, it’s me, your best friend. Here to remind you that he’s not worth it. Take his old t-shirt off and burn it”. She can’t bring herself to take it off, only reliving the night before. 
Choke (i don’t know how but they found me): It’s Frank’s last day with his old foster parents, as they put him up again. He couldn’t care less, barely being able to stand living with them. Promptly flipping them off and telling them “I would smile well you choke yourself to sleep”, as they sigh leaving him at the adoption center. 
Loser (jagwar twin): Joey lost another job, and celebrates with Julie and Susie. They call him a loser, but he slings his arms around both of them saying “Baby im a loser, ya ya yeah, just like you”. Julie laughs and pours another shot for them. 
fever dream (mxmtoon): The stars shining down on them, the flickering light of the lighter illuminates their faces. Susie takes a long drag before turning to Joey. The night is still around them, she can’t help but smile. “Getting by, so boring”, “Take your time, enjoy it” Susie glances at him from the corner of her eye. 
the apathy song (maxime.): “Tell me why I don’t deserve it, then do it to me anyways”. Frank can only smirk at her reply, “Key the car, just for the fuck of it,”, rolling her eyes Julie took a long drag, blowing the smoke into his lips “I just wanna go start shit, get a black eye and broken bones.”. 
Friendzone (huron john): Susie tries to flirt with Joey, but he’s too dense to pick up on any of the signs. “Why do you come hang tonight? We can play my PS3, no one home, just you and me.”. 
Dreams Where Ur Murdered (x lovers): Frank keeps having these violent visions. Blood, staining, striking dark red. He gives a deep chuckle, twirling the knife in his hands as Julie backs away. “Fuck the fuck off,” the blade pressed against her neck. “You know Julie, you always had such beautiful eyes. A prized possession, I could say” The knife starts trailing up, pressed into her cheek. The tip dancing across her skin as it starts to sink in, choked gasps coming from Julie. “Such a beauty, be a shame if something were to happen to you, my love” The blade inches up, until its positioned in front of her eye. “Frank please, can we jus-” “Shut up! I’m fucking done with this bullshit! All of you! You really think you could leave me, leave Ormond? Don’t fucking try me with that shit!”. 
The Village (wrabel): Before Susie met Julie and Joey, she was alone. The outcast. The girl stuck in poverty. The immigrant. They stare in the village. There’s something wrong in the village. Something wrong with the village. 
i love you (billie eilish): Julie confesses to Frank her feelings, wanting to run away together, getting out of Ormond and truly live. He’s been hurt before. “Say you were tryna make me laugh,” he can’t look at her, “I love you, and I don’t want to.”. 
Let’s Kill Tonight (panic! at the disco): Frank convincing everyone to go along with the plan of killing anyone in their way. “Let’s kill tonight, show them all we’re not the ordinary type”. A sadistic smile graces his face as everyone agrees to the plan. 
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get ur wincest fic here
i posted a new fic, it’s called Universal Inconsistencies and this is the blurb:
If there were good demons, bad angels, and monsters with best friend material, just why the hell couldn’t Sam Winchester be in love with his older brother?
i’ll insert a snippet under the cut <3 heres the link for the full fic:
Sam wakes from the dream in his customary fashion; terrified, hazy, guilty, resigned.
He’s face down on the bed, coarse cotton against his tongue and the thin duvet baring the breadth of his shoulders to the world, on account of the fact that it’s either that or his feet. Sam can feel the whole hotel room without looking; the sparse bed five feet to the left of his, empty because Sam would know if it wasn’t, the bathroom door opposite that, the small kitchenette crammed onto the west wall haphazardly. The front door is across the room, closed, locked, modest desk to the right of its hinges. The curtains are a dreary burgundy, the carpet ruthlessly fish-decorated and stained, complementary to the whale-centric wallpaper and lampshades. Sam’s skin itches where sunlight cuts through gaps in the curtains and falls onto his back.
He’s a little rustier on the general things; the month, the day, the state, the town, the time. Sam is all specificity, and Dean gets that other stuff.
“I know you’re awake,” Dean says from the desk, and only from carefully trained practice does Sam not flinch. His breathing thins, fanning hot off the pillow, wanting futilely to trick his brother.
Dean sighs. “I saw you wake up from the nightmare. Or dream. I wasn’t sure – you know, your happy face and pained face look a lot the same, Sammy. But I can always tell eventually.”
The grin Dean throws is hotter than any sun on Sam’s shoulders and Sam outright holds his breath this time, mimics the motion of breathing. He stretches lazily, a sleepy movement, intent on making Dean doubt himself for at least one moment.
“Maybe just found us a case, by the way, ‘bout freaking time too. It’s almost like the spooky stuff’s gone dormant, huh?”
Sam can feel the shape of Dean’s chuffed smirk on the nape of his neck, the soft, sensitive skin exposed to his brother and the world, and Sam turns over restlessly, keeps his eyes resolutely shut.
“It’s been, what, a month now?” Dean tsk’s a little, tapping one finger on the laptop keyboard. “I don’t know about you Sammy, but I’m gonna go a little stir crazy soon. Need something bad to gank, you hear?”
Sam snuffles lightly, ignoring his every desire to open his eyes incrementally and steal a glance of his brother, blurred profile in the morning light, jacket and overshirt likely shed because it was just them in this room, just them anywhere they went.
“All our skills and shit will go to hell, look at you, sleeping in already.” There is a considering pause in all of the noises that indicate Dean’s presence and Sam’s heart just barely hitches in rhythm, irrationally scared. “You’ll lose your edge and get hurt when a hunt finally comes up, and I’ll have to spend all my precious time worrying about your clumsy ass.”
That’s bullshit and they both know so. The standard defiance rises in Sam’s chest anyway, but he heard Dean’s real meaning, stop ignoring me, like a spoiled child being denied their favourite drink after having it dangled right in front of them. Sam lets out his most convincing sleep sigh.
Dean sighs too. “Okay, up and at ‘em Sammy. Come help me research.” Nothing for a few moments, and then, “Sam?”
Sam pushes his face into the pillow to hide the threatening grin, feeling unnecessarily accomplished and aggressively giddy. Dean grunts lightly and stands, paces over to Sam’s bed quietly, wearing just socks and not his combat boots for once. He reaches the side of Sam’s bed and looms there, his breathing deep and even. Sam steals slitted looks sideways and glimpses one calloused hand, the soft grey cotton of Dean’s sleeping shirt, a worried hole near the hem tucked up against the hollow of Dean’s hip.
“Sam,” Dean repeats but his voice is much softer, gentler. There’s a tickling on the back of Sam’s neck and then Dean’s palm is there, his fingers pushed smoothly into Sam’s hair. Sam’s breath catches in his throat.
Dean sighs again. Sam can feel Dean’s gaze trained on him and he feels arrested in place, pinned to the bed beneath Dean’s warm, rough hand.
“What are you dreaming about, Sammy?” He pets absently at Sam’s hair, fingers curling against the base of Sam’s skull. “It’s almost every night now, don’t think that I can’t tell. What’s eating at you?”
Sam and Dean are on a streak of some kind, weeks gone by without an argument or even a serious tiff and Sam supposes that’s how they got to this level of comfort, Dean’s big hand but not bigger than Sam’s curled on Sam’s neck. Dean would never do this if he thought Sam was awake.
Having accomplished his only goal of the day, Sam rocks onto his side, squinting at the light for authenticity. “Dean? What’re you doing man?”
Dean snatches back his hand immediately, takes one distinct measured step away from the bed. Sam stares, bed ruffled and a touch breathless at the sight of Dean’s hedgehog hair, already sliding one leg to the floor.
“Just.” Dean can’t quite shake the shock from his face, patently adorable in the wide tilt of his eyes and soft-shaped mouth. Sam removes his gaze before he grins and gives the whole thing up. “Just waking you up, man. Got work to do.”
“Right.” Sam grunts, heaving himself into a sitting position. “What work, you find a case?” Had to play the part – he’d only just woken up, after all.
Dean shakes his head, retreats another few steps into the centre of the room but his eyes stay with Sam. He looks more relaxed now, convinced he’d gotten away with it. Sam rubs over the back of his neck where his skin is tingling and reaches for his shirt with the other hand, absently watching Dean.
“Maybe,” Dean says. “Standard possible haunting. Spooky stuff’s gone dormant, I guess.”
Sam snickers, tugging the shirt over his head and down the rest of the way and then rubbing at his eyes, smoothing one hand through his hair. Dean’s face brightens at someone entertaining his humour. “Well then. Thanks for waking me up for no reason, jerk.”
Sam flops onto his back on top of the covers, wriggling to get comfortable and then watching Dean with lazy eyes. Dean is watching him right back, looking kind of struck at the visual. Sam smirks, then cocks his head.
“Hey, isn’t that my shirt?”
Dean glances down at himself, looking terribly surprised before his better senses take over, throwing out a leer. “Probably, it’s so fuckin’ big, ya sasquatch.”
Sam isn’t going to let him get away with that. “Why’re you wearing it?”
Dean’s gaze cuts back to Sam’s and he reads the bitchy determination there, realises he has to cough up a real answer or he will hear it for the rest of the day.
He shrugs, turning around to face the desk but not before Sam catches the fine red flush over his cheeks. “’S more comfortable than my stuff, I guess, ‘cause it’s bigger and shit.”
Sam stares up at the ceiling, smiling, his head rushing faintly and a surge like adrenaline but thicker burning in his veins. He likes working his brother, like a marionette. He likes knowing he can – it makes up for all the stupid shit Dean can make Sam do whenever Sam lets his guard down for one second.
“Oh,” Sam says, feigning disinterest. Dean’s relief is palpable. Sam has never gotten high before, one black-lined box of rebellious youth he’d never found the moment to tick off, but he imagines this is what it feels like. Heady and reckless and addictive, and kind of childishly stupid.
“Keep it,” Sam adds without thought, pushing up onto his elbows in time to see Dean’s gaze flit to his. He’s retaken his seat, always that much sturdier with something at his back, and he quickly says, “What?” as though he doesn’t know what.
Sam sits up, swipes a hand through his hair and draws one leg beneath the other on the bed. He smiles and the expression is at least forty percent mean-looking, fox-slanted and cunning, says, “The shirt, Einstein. A million laundromats can’t get the smell of you off my clothes.”
Dean looks quite perfectly floored at that, unsure how to respond or even how to understand Sam’s words. It only lasts a second, of course, the customary curled lip and polished glare finding their way back immediately, but Sam caught it, and now his itch is scratched.
Today is going to be a good day, Sam decides.
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sunflowerkiszka · 5 years
20 and 21 of the dialogue prompts with Sammy👀
Are we gonna do this or what? -sammy kiszka imagine
pairing: sammy x reader
a/n: dialogue promps 20 & 21 <3 idk if u wanted ur name in it or not so im just using y/n
"Yeah, well that's why I'm gonna go fuck your brother tonight." & "You just think you're so cute don't you."
genre: flirt/angst???
word count: a little over 2,000
summary: reader surprises sammy after a show and he's ready to take their flirtationship to the next level, but she's not due to fear and it hurts him more than she expected
warnings: alcohol & swearing
Sam and you had always had a flirtatious relationship, but you guys never acted upon it. Tonight you were surprising him and his brothers at their concert to see them for the first time in two months.
You don't get to see them perform often, but you spend as much time with them as you can when they have breaks.
Sam only really dressed up when he was on stage. He wore jeans to his own graduation. This being said, when he emerged onto the stage in those tight red silk pants and silk open button down with the puffy shoulders, you could barely contain yourself. (never forget this fit he's so cute)
His bass face turned you on majorly, the way he connected to the music and let it completely take over him, not even caring about the weird faces he managed to pull.
He ended up taking his shirt off before he sat down on the keys for Age of Man. It was the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen and you almost cried in your friend Zoe's arms. Thanks to the alcohol.
Once the show was over you waited backstage for the boys. There was an arrangement of different alcohol on the table in the middle of the room and you quickly finished your beer so you could catch up before they came in.
"How do I look?" you turned to Zoe and smoothed your hair.
She looked you up and down before raising her brows and pursing her lips, "If Sammy doesn't fuck you, I will."
You throw your head back in laughter and lightly shove her shoulder back. You dressed a little extra sexy since this was a surprise even though Sam wouldn't care what the hell you showed up in, he'd just be glad you were there.
"Sshhh, dude, you're gonna give it away," Alex hissed. He was your favorite roadie. "Here, come over here so they won't see you." He guides you and Zoe so you are out of sight from the door and you can hear the boys approaching loudly.
The sounds of their laughter brings a huge smile to your face. "Bitch!" you whisper to Zoe while shaking her and she stifles her laughter.
Jake sees you first and you're just glad it wasn't Josh because he'd spoil the surprise. He smiles and turns Sam away from you so you can come up behind him. Josh's face lights up when you make eye contact and you put your finger up to your mouth so he'll get the memo.
"Guess who," you half sing, half laugh while hovering your fingers over his eyes.
He screams with excitement because you he already knows that it's you. "Y/N, you beautiful son of a bitch!" He spins around and engulfs your head in his large hands before planting a sloppy kiss on the center of your forehead, causing you to laugh.
"Beautiful son of a bitch?" you say through your huge grin and bring your arms to his neck.
He picked you up and spun you around while placing kisses all over your face.
"Young love," Josh sighs and wipes a fake tear from his eye.
"I missed you so much, sunshine," he whispers into your hair, sending chills down your spine.
"I missed you, Sammy," you breathed.
Even though you guys weren't dating, everyone around you knew that what you shared was more than a friendship. You just couldn't be together because of his hectic lifestyle that never seemed to slow down. Even during breaks, everytime it seemed as though right when he finally settled, he was up and gone all over again for months at a time.
You just couldn't take it. Your logic was that if you never kissed him or anything, you wouldn't be able to miss the feeling while he was away, but it didn't really help.
And believe me, has he tried. He always laughed it off whenever you'd push his face away, but it hurt because you both longed for each other.
"Alright enough of this shit," Jake steps past us and picks up a bottle of whiskey from the table.
"Hey!" Zoe screams into the air as she makes her way to the drinks and Josh joins her soon after. You think Josh is crazy as it is, wait until you see him and Zoe together. She thought he was hilarious and always fed off of his abundance of energy.
They begin making different combinations of drinks and you were ready to get fucked up.
Josh puts an arm around you and lifts up a plastic cup with a concoction in it to your nose and you nearly gag. This," he pulls it back towards him, "Is a dangerous elixir. Drink at your own risk."
"Who said I wanted to drink that?" you point at it and giggle.
He gave you a look that let you know he knew you were bullshitting.
"Okay... I do want to drink it," you laughed. You were always up for a good time.
Jake snuck in a hug from behind, "Missed you Y/N." He planted a kiss into your hair. You patted his arm and took the drink from Josh.
"No, I missed you," you put your finger on his nose before bringing the cup to your mouth.
Sammy put on a King Gizzard song most likely because he knew you loved them and you involuntarily began to sway to the music. You guys couldn't stay in the venue for too long before you had to go to the hotel, but that didn't stop you from pouring another drink.
You just hoped you would be able to walk when the time came.
"So what made you come tonight? Did you miss me so much you just couldn't resist?" Sammy teases and places his hands at your waist.
"Oh, I can resist," you placed your hands on top of his and he pulled you closer.
"Yeah?" he challenged.
You study the smug look on his face. His lips are slightly pursed and one of his brows sits higher than the other as his eyes flicker across your face. A smile creeps up onto his mouth and you shake your head, "You just think you're so cute, don't you?" you say.
"Well you sure do," he laughs, earning an eye roll from you and you pushed his hands off you.
"I'm not gonna lie, those pants are hot," you mention before leaning back and sipping your drink. You could see his bulge press through the tight material and you were eager to tease him.
He flicked his head to the side to move his hair out of his face and his tongue sat on his top lip.He looks you up and down. "Yours could use some work," he jokes slyly.
You look down at your short skirt and crack a smile, "Yeah? Well that's why I'm gonna go fuck your brother tonight in it."
He brings his bottom lip to his teeth and laughs before turning away, "Have fun with that."
So he's gonna make this a chase. He's gonna have to do the chasing because it sure as hell won't be you.
You decide to walk over to Jake, since if you even thought about fake flirting with Josh you'd laugh instantly.
"Jake," you sat next to him and your legs overlapped a little bit, "Pretend to flirt with me."
This caused him to smile widely cause he knew what you guys were up to, "When will you guys just date already?"
You rolled your eyes for what felt like the hundredth time that night, "That's easier said."
He placed his hand on your thigh and Sammy caught it. His chaotic Aries energy was gonna have it with you.
"Yes," you smiled, "This is perfect."
"If Sam gets mad at me, I'm blaming this all on you," he warns with a smug look. He already knew how his brother would react. "Let me correct myself: When Sam gets mad."
Before you could even think of a response Sam was picking you up and guiding you away from everyone else.
"What are you doing, Y/N?" he squints.
You shrug innocently, "You told me to have fun."
His eyes lower. You love seeing him like this because you have to admit that as much as you love it when he's bubbly and being baby, you love when he is assertive and dominant.
He places his hands on the wall on both sides of your head and traps you there, leaning over you. "I think we both know that's not what I meant," he says lowly.
You place your hands on his chest, "Well, what did you mean?"
He brings his face down to yours and stares at you intensely before slowly leaning in. You cock your head to give him more access. His soft lips connected with the corner of your mouth, but you wanted more. You looked up at him through your lashes and he instantly kissed you again, but forreal this time.
His entire body pushed up against you and you could feel him through his pants. His hands made their way to your hair and yours held his neck. He kept his movements slow, and soft, like this would be the first and last time. Would it?
He breathes heavily when he pulls back, "I've always wanted to do that."
"Me too," you quietly admit, "But you know-"
"Yeah," he pushes away from you and brings a hand up to silence you, "I know." Reality set it. "We can't keep doing this, you know. It's not fucking fair. Maybe you can handle it and play with me when you're around and pop up whenever you want, then go on with your life back home when you're bored and forget about everything, but I can't." His head shakes with his words.
You dramatically throw your head to the side, "Sammy, that's not what this is to me. I like you, I really do, but-"
"But what?" He brings his hands up while he waits for you to continue.
"But... It just hurts too bad."
"Well then maybe you should've just stayed home. And thought about someone other than just yourself for once." He starts to walk away.
"Sammy," you whine. What the fuck just happened. This is exactly why you never kissed him in the first place.
You hated seeing him hurt, he was just too precious. Knowing that you were the one doing the hurting made it even worse.
You spent the rest of the time at the venue basically sulking. No one asked you what happened because they all assumed it was the inevitable fight you guys were bound to have about this. Otherwise you guys never ever fought.
Sammy was no where to be seen.
"Are you guys coming back to the hotel?" Jake asked.
Zoe looked over at you and placed a manicured hand on your shoulder.
"Sure," you agreed. You had to talk to Sam. There was no way you were leaving things between you guys like this.
You were about a level five drunk and the depression joint you had smoked had brought your overall level to about a seven. You had no idea how this would turn out.
The hotel was across the street so you guys walked. Well, stumbled. When you reached the suite you piled inside.
"He's probably in his room," Jake pointed to the extended rooms. His face read 'good luck' and Zoe hugged you before they went to the living room.
Josh's eyes widened as he clenched his teeth together and flashed you the bottom row, "Eek!"
You couldn't help the laugh that escaped your lips and you playfully punched his arm. Once he was out of sight you knocked on the door.
When you heard no answer you knocked again. "What," he said.
The door was locked.
You shut your eyes just thinking about what you did. You were a little selfish. You can't have a relationship on your own terms and you knew that Sammy was right. You felt a pang in your chest.
"It's Y/N," you sighed. Nothing. "Please open the door, Sammy," you leaned your head against the door.
After a few seconds of shuffling the door clicked open and your head shot up. You didn't even want to look at his face so you looked back down at the floor.
"What do you want?" he says. His voice is thick and horse, but quiet.
I don't even know.
"I'm sorry..." you looked at your feet. What kind of apology is this? You can't even look him in the eye. "You're right. I can't take advantage of you like that and I'm sorry that I hurt you. It wasn't fair of me..." You look up at him and his gaze is on the floor.
You softly place your fingers under his chin and force him to look at you. His eyes are glazed over and red. Either for the alcohol and weed or he was crying earlier. You leaned more towards the first option because you never really thought your role in Sam's life was that important.
"I didn't think you even cared that much to be honest," you shrugged.
His face contorted, "What do you mean you didn't think I cared?"
"I- I don't know. I just didn't. I didn't think it was that serious to you." You look in his eyes and he flickers his away.
"So.. Is it not to you?" he said shakily before finally looked back at you and putting his bottom lip between his teeth. His eyes began to water.
"No, I..." you began and he took a step back. "No, I- I mean yes!" You stepped towards him and put his face in your small hands. "I'm just scared. You know that," you whisper softly.
"Well don't be, you have no reason to be afraid with me."
This made tears surface in your eyes. You knew he was right. He brought your hands to his neck and brought his thumbs to the corners of your eyes to catch the tears.
"So... are we gonna do this or what?" you say.
A smile tugs at his lips and you put your hands on top of his.
Instead of answering, he just plants a passionate kiss on your mouth, like it was the first time all over again and you two smiled into it so hard you could barely even kiss right.
A/N: well that took an awfully soft route i wasn't expecting
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-gently kicks thru the door- how did i only now find ur blog hot dang. hey if ur still doing requests or prompts.. consider... a thing where jack takes care of rhys. just like in whatever way u might want to take that. im thinking like rhys is sick and is 2 pitiful to take care of himself but u can totally... smut that up to ur own tastes should u so desire. yes the first time i interact w/ u its to ask for smut and no this is not out of character for me sdjgskhhffh im so srry
It’s a big internet out there and this blog is only 3 years old…. it happens heheheh xD And you caught me in an excellent mood SO:
This labeled as Assistance. Also on my ao3 here :) My masterlist archive of bullshit i write can be found linked at the top of the blog or here.
Rhys was frustrated.
Not just because he’d tripped over his own damn feet bringing Jack his morning coffee, nor from the resultant fracture to his left hand that the doctors told him to absolutely not use for the remaining two weeks as it healed nicely, and not even from the fact that his right hand needed recalibration after the embarrassing face-plant in front of the CEO’s desk.
No, he was frustrated because Jack– for all his teasing and braying laughter- was actually being nice about Rhys’ clumsy fall, had shunted off the majority of hand-intensive work to his secretary, and was being extra considerate and handsy with him in the office in ways that set Rhys’ heart beating faster.
In the very sense of the word, Rhys was getting desperate, and desperation lead to… creativity.
His cybernetic arm was a mechanical wonder of technology, yes, but even without the calibration it so sorely needed, it wasn’t quite the same– or welcoming- as his flesh hand.
He’d considered asking Jack to recalibrate it for him- more than a few times- but the idea of letting his boss into his subsystems and opening up his hardware was…. Well… Jack had a questionable attention span already, and coupled with his brilliant mind, Rhys was worried about what he could possibly put in there. Spyware. Weird voice commands. Or worse, with the connection to his echoeye, he might encounter all the very-specific searches Rhys had done about the man on the echonet.
Not worth it, in his opinion.
His right hand was… usable, yeah, but it wasn’t the same. He wasn’t what he’d call ambidextrous, and the lag in how his fingers worked– imperceptible to others but frustratingly off to him- made even the most enthusiastic jerking-session a lesson in persistence.
He was horny was the thing. Crazy horny. Unable-to-ignore and stressed-out-of-his-mind-and-required-release horny. Release was good, the relief itself a blessing, but he wasn’t satisfied. And the fact that his insanely-attractive boss almost seemed to be touching him more than normal in encouragement, watching him more keenly than usual in case he needed assistance, wasn’t helping matters.
Of course he could have just been being paranoid, and Jack himself was more observant than he was given credit for. But if Rhys didn’t figure out some way to get himself off that wasn’t shamefully sticking it in a sock and fucking between the mattress, then he was probably going to end up short-circuiting something.
And then he’d be out two hands and up one easily-encouraged boner and he could just kiss his professional reputation goodbye.
Not that he didn’t feel he was doing that already.
Jack had given him half days to rest– or more like half-weeks. Rhys spent some days working from the couch in his apartment– or his bed when feeling particularly lazy- and other days spent in the office with the CEO doing not much else than fetching coffee or looking pretty when Jack yelled at people.
He was doing that now, actually, listening to music and working remotely with his echotablet from bed to organize things for Jack’s meeting tomorrow.
Well speak of the devil. A notification popped up on his echoeye; the personal chat Jack had had him install mainly so he could write snarky comments to the younger man during meetings. Though it also proved very useful to quickly communicate since Rhys’ hands weren’t doing what he wanted them to these days.
→J4ckRule5: ive got some shit I need you to personally look through→J4ckRule5: stuff for 2morrow these idiots didnt send in the brief
Crap. What timing.
←Rhy5winz: Do you need me to come in?→J4ckRule5: nah ill drop it by your crappy little apartment after work→J4ckRule5: been meaning to see if that part of helios needs fumigating again :p←Rhy5winz: >>:|←Rhy5winz: Thanks for your kindness and consideration, sir.
There was a pause, and Rhys smirked to himself. Jack was probably laughing at his own jokes, but even more at Rhys’ overly polite response. They were hardly this courteous to one another anymore after working together so long, and his own way of handling his boss made him grin. Jack’s response met his expectations entirely; probably bored with nothing better to do than bug him.
→J4ckRule5: U mad? (:
Rhys smirked.
←Rhy5winz: I don’t know what you mean, sir.←Rhy5winz: Please take care when coming down here.←Rhy5winz: Don’t want any vermin biting our CEO.
Rhys was amused as he waited for Jack to get back to him, the CEO typing for ages it felt, when Rhys realized something.
Shit. He was getting hard over Jack’s playful messages. Really? Over a few innocent texts from his boss about work? Seriously? That’s what was getting him excited nowadays? Jesus he needed to take the edge off ASAP because this wasn’t just embarrassing, but downright insulting. Not to mention what it said about him to be getting all hot over Jack’s denigrating teasing.
Rhys stared at his tented boxer briefs with judgment as Jack’s response was overlaid right over the tip of his dick.
→J4ckRule5: dont get ur panties in a twist there pumpkin ;D
Rhys’ dick twitched at that.
Even as he was disappointed in his cock’s lack of taste in what was erotic, he was already palming himself through his underwear with his metallic hand. Maybe he could make this work.
→J4ckRule5: if u even own panties
Rhys’ brows shot up in interest and a spike of undue alarm at the thought that Jack knew what he was doing went through him– and made his cock harder.
→J4ckRule5: speaking of which:→J4ckRule5: do u own panties? (;
Rhys actually laughed, a husky sound as his cock liked this conversation very much so, and didn’t give much thought as to the appropriateness of the topic.
←Rhy5winz: You can’t bring up a topic and then say ‘speaking of which’, Jack.→J4ckRule5: i just did ;p→J4ckRule5: dont change the subject
Rhys’ chewed on his lips, his breathing deep and hips moving just a little of their own volition against his hand. He freed his cock from its confines and stroked himself, cursing the lag and responsiveness of his hand, but making do.
←Rhy5winz: Wouldn’t you like to know→J4ckRule5: i would ;D→J4ckRule5: answer the question kitten. im really bored here
Rhys allowed his mind to wander, to fantasize over any possible subtext. Bored. Right. The idea that Jack was bored and jerking off in his chair gave him a little thrill. That he was talking to Rhys of all people while possibly doing so made him very excited indeed.
←Rhy5winz: Sorry sir, that is classified information.←Rhy5winz: You don’t have access :p→J4ckRule5: brat→J4ckRule5: and how does one gain access? ;D
Okay, this was some next-level flirting for Jack; playing along and furthering the teasing. And that response was fast. He was either super bored and having a laugh at Rhys’ expense, or he was passing the time by playing a little five-on-one.
Good idea or not, Rhys wasn’t the one writing his responses to the older man so much as his cock was, and all the thoughts of Jack’s hands on him in the office– little innocent but overly familiar touches- was adding to the novelty of the experience.
←Rhy5winz: This is pretty privileged information←Rhy5winz: I don’t know. Maybe you should work harder→J4ckRule5: OH believe me cupcake im the hardest worker on this station
Rhys made a little noise at that, now certain Jack had his dick in hand and taking out his boredom at Rhys’ expense. Well, teasing the CEO back was probably safe at this point, right? He knew Jack appreciated some good word play, and though it was risky, he decided to let the older man know he knew what he was up to. It wasn’t like Jack didn’t make dirty jokes in the office constantly. Turnaround was fair play.
←Rhy5winz: I have no doubt you are ;)←Rhy5winz: Sucks having to take matters into your own hands
Jack was typing for several moments, Rhys’ heart beating and his cock pulsing as he awaited the response. It was shorter than all that typing lead him to expect, making him curious what the older man might’ve sent instead.
→J4ckRule5: ur killin me here cupcake
Rhys snickered at the response, waiting for more, but none came. Huh. Well, that was anticlimactic, though it was useful as he was harder than ever (or as hard as he’d been since the injury) and he quickly forgot about their conversation in lieu of inflating it for masturbation fantasies.
It was going pretty well, actually, and he’d have to thank Jack (in some roundabout way, of course… maybe a cheese and sausage basket to be funny) because he knew it wasn’t going to be a goddamn nightmare trying to get himself off this time. No lubed-up and ruined socks– which was a crime in itself- nor errant twitching of uncalibrated fingers to throw off his delicate movements on his poor neglected cock.
No, rubbing himself against his thighs was actually working pretty nicely, and the smooth metal of his fingers warmed with his body heat actually felt really good. Imagining Jack at his desk imagining Rhys was doing it for him, and rereading their conversation from earlier only added more substance to his fantasy.
So when Jack himself stuck his head around the corner of Rhys’ doorjamb, the younger man thought he was just getting really good at visualizing what he wanted– for approximately a quarter of a second.
Rhys made an impossible sound between a gulp and a squeak– impressive in Jack’s opinion- as he quickly pulled a pillow over himself, face crimson and speechless that Jack was in his apartment, let alone his bedroom.
“Heeeeey cupcake… Whatcha doin’?”
The dirty leer on Jack’s face told Rhys the older man knew exactly what he’d been doing. There was no way out of this, and Jack looked about as pleased as anyone finding someone else jerking their dick possibly could.
“H-How– How did you get in here? Why are you in here?!”
“Was gonna deliver that stuff to you but forgot it halfway after those dirty texts you sent me, kitten. Not to mention, the door locks on this level are ridiculously easy to hack.”
Jack’s grin was predatory, shark-like, and it did funny things to Rhys’ stomach, and furthermore, his cock beneath the pillow.
“This how you’ve been using these work-at-home days? It’s not like I’d stop you if you wanted to do this at the office, kiddo.”
Rhys whined, embarrassed, frustrated, tired, and goddamn horny and just wanting a little relief. His damn cock was still hard beneath the pillow.
It had flagged a little, yeah, but with the object of his fantasy right goddamn there and the way Jack was leering at him, well… Rhys’ cock was a dirty goddamn traitor and he wasn’t getting out of this situation gracefully.
“Cat got your tongue, kitten?”
Jack’s eyes were darting between his face and the pillow, interest and amusement there both but not yet moving closer, and Rhys was so close yet not, and so goddamn fucking frustrated he didn’t even care at this point and rambled quickly to the older man. “…I’ve had a rough week and shit timing and no sleep and I hate this damn cast and being useless and I can’t sleep-” he repeated, “-and nothing is working how it should and I can’t even do my job right and I feel useless here.”
“That it?” Jack asked smugly, still looking expectantly at the pillow.
Rhys knew he was not going to drop the topic, so he internally said fuck it and just blurted out: “…and I’m just really pent up and this isn’t fucking working and if I don’t get off I’m going to strangle someone… with someone else’s hands,” he growled.
A pleased shiver went up Jack’s back as a smirk took his face, and he moved closer as if his personal assistant’s dick wasn’t out and leaking beneath a Hyperion-branded pillow. “Babe, kitten, is that all? If you were horny you could’ve just said so. I’d have been down here ten minutes ago.”
Jack sat down next to him, a hand starting at his thigh and disappearing under the pillow. He heard the way Rhys’ breath hitched, the younger man’s face becoming less red with embarrassment and more pink with arousal, and his whole body very aware of the path Jack’s hand was taking. When it made contact with his shaft, Rhys made a mumbled sort of whimper in his throat, eyes shutting tightly as Jack’s big hand wrapped around his cock and gave him a gentle squeeze. Rhys whined pathetically, and Jack cozied up into his space to whisper smugly into the younger man’s ear.
“Baby,” Jack said, breath hot on Rhys’ skin as he allowed his face to touch Rhys’ own just barely. “I’m always up to get you what you need. Even if all you need is to get off.” He gave him a stroke and Rhys’ hand shot out to grab Jack at the man’s shoulder, bending a little at the waist towards Jack as it felt so damn good and was just what he needed and god he wanted Jack to stroke him.
Jack pressed his lips to Rhys’ neck where the younger man’s flesh was exposed to him, grinning and feeling his own cock rallying in his jeans as he played with Rhys.
The pillow was flung away, and Jack wrapped one arm around Rhys’ waist, the other giving him long, tight strokes that passed over his cockhead every few. It was rougher than Rhys was used to– but he was so on edge and it was so goddamn satisfying and it was Jack doing it to him- and he came relatively quickly with pleased little cries over the older man’s hand.
Jack wiped his hand on Rhys’ sheets before hooking a hand behind his neck and kissing the younger man senseless. It totally blew Rhys’ mind.
Sex was one thing, kissing was another, and Rhys was thrown through so many loops and twists and turns of defied expectations that he threw caution to the wind and wrapped his arms around his boss, the Handsome Jack, and kissed him back for all he was worth.
Jack’s heavy breathing and the way the older man’s kisses turned to nipping bites was already rallying Rhys’ cock for a second time, but he pulled away when Jack broke it, a filthy look of desire on his face that Rhys’ attention was only stolen from by the older man’s tented pants.
“Jack, I-I want to– to– fuck,” he cursed, wanting more than anything to return the favor and get his hands on his boss’s dick like something out of one of his fantasies. Neither of his hands were up to the job and the last thing he wanted to do was have the CEO think he was shit at handjobs, but the way Jack was tenting his own jeans was nothing to tease about. He’d done that to the CEO, and dammit, he really wanted to do something memorable to it.
“Maybe next time, sweet pea,” Jack laughed at Rhys’ words, a big hand on Rhys’ thigh as he bit at the younger man’s neck. “When you’re all healed up and I don’t have a meeting with distribution in an hour. Maybe in my big yellow chair, mm?”
Rhys’ eyes widened as he looked at the older man. Next time? Wait… he wanted to fuck him?
Jesus Antwerp Christ, Rhys must’ve actually fell on his head and not his hand, and he was having a coma-wet-dream right now, because that was right up there in his impossible bucket-list of imaginary jerk-off material.
“In the meantime baby, you don’t need your hands to give a blowjob, right?”
Rhys swallowed and his mouth watered, and at this point he didn’t give a shit about Jack’s smug look that said he knew he was going to get what he wanted, or that insufferable grin that knew how much Rhys wanted to give it to him.
No, the younger man slid off his unmade bed, cock still out at half-mast, to eagerly get between Jack’s knees while the older man chuckled with arousal and undid his belt and fly to remove his cock from his jeans.
It wasn’t the best blowjob he’d ever given, or even in the top five, but the way Jack moaned his name, carded fingers through his messy hair, and talked dirty to him as Rhys sucked him off definitely ranked it among the most memorable of experiences to boot. The strangled curses that left the older man’s lips as he’d come down Rhys’ throat was the best of all, and knowing he was one of the few privileged enough to know the sound of Handsome Jack being thoroughly wrecked was enough to get him through this hellish period until he got full use of his hands back.
“Jesus kiddo, if that’s what you can do without your hands, I can’t wait until you’re all fixed.” He swiped a thumb under Rhys’ swollen lower lip, teasing it over his mouth before applying the barest of pressure. Rhys sucked the digit into his mouth with a pleased hum, and Jack just chuckled, pleased. “Damn buttercup, you were pent up, huh baby?”
Rhys just nodded in agree– would agree to just about anything Jack said right now- and hopped back up on the bed when Jack patted it.
The older man kissed him into the mattress, hand already back on his cock which surprised Rhys enough to make a noise about it, and Jack just laughed until he’d jerked him to full hardness and through another orgasm.
Rhys’ sheets were a ruined mess, and he was more or less feeling the same. His eyes gleamed with satisfaction as Jack tucked his own spent cock back into his pants, redid zip and belt, and told Rhys his work for the day was excellent. It made them both laugh, and Jack moved to leave until he gave one last look at the younger man laying there, the very picture of contentment.
“Forget something?” Rhys asked, voice teasing but dripping with satisfaction.
“Yeah, I did.”
Jack came and bent at the waist to kiss him again, moving to his neck where he sucked and bit at the younger man. It felt good until Rhys yelped, and Jack rose with a laugh, moving Rhys’ hand that had moved to the spot where he’d bit him. There was a pretty decent hickey there. Rhys bruised up nicely.
“What the hell, Jack?”
“Just making sure you don’t forget about me, cupcake.”
Rhys gave him a frown. “We work together.”
“So, so well, sugar pie.” The glare Rhys sent his way had zero effect on the older man. “Okay pumpkin, see you tomorrow, bright and early. Same old same old. Or maybe not so much.”
Rhys snorted. His neck smarted, but he was already excited about work tomorrow, clear this little liaison was going to be continued, and pleased as fucking punch about it. “Lock up after yourself, will you? Don’t want any vermin getting in. There was a big rat in here that just bit the shit out of me.”
“You little brat,” Jack laughed, himself feeling ready for the dullery that was distribution, his own edge without his pretty PA well taken off. “But guess I don’t want anyone else taking a bite of my cheese.” Rhys snorted. “See ya babe.”
Rhys laid in bed for a while after, replaying everything in his head all giddy as hell. Dream come true? Yes please and thank you for seconds if you don’t mind.
He got up later with interest as his doorbell rang, wondering if it was Jack and if the older man had remembered his manners.
A special delivery from one of Helios’ most expensive boutiques was instead waiting for him to sign, the Hyperion-yellow lace of expensive panties inside with a note that said ‘Mystery solved -J.’
Rhys told himself he was going to spite the older man by not wearing them to work tomorrow, but Jack’s pleased laugh of surprise when his face was in Rhys’ lacey-crotch the next day was worth it.
With Jack’s special deliveries and their new work ethic, Rhys found that fracturing his hand wasn’t so bad in retrospect, and for every stormcloud, there was a Hyperion-yellow laced-lining to look forward to.
kofi | ao3
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Tremble (1/3)
Taemin : Are u going to show up tomorrow?
Jinki  : Still think about it
Jinki  : The restaurant closed around 10
Taemin : Come on! U hv two sous chefs!
Taemin : Let them work :P
Jinki  : Dude, it’s not a restaurant without the head chef around
Taemin : But what’s the point of hiring them if you cannot gain some free time?
Taemin : Come on, Jinki.. U know tomorrow night is important to me
Jinki  : I know, that’s why I said I’m still thinking about it
Taemin : You won’t regret it
Taemin : I have lots of good looking friends on my guest list
Taemin : #wink
Jinki  : I can get laid by myself
Jinki  : I even have invitations already waiting for me until the weekend
Jinki  : And it’s only Wednesday
Taemin : Show off
Jinki  : Sometimes drastic measures are needed
Taemin : Okay, just consider it
Taemin : Not because I have people with good asses coming to the party
Taemin : It’s because you’re my friend and this is important
Jinki  : I know
Jinki  : Text me the address anyway
Jinki  : Just in case I can sneak out one hour earlier
Taemin : Cool! I’ll send the e-invitation to ur email
Taemin : The party starts by 9
Taemin : C U tomorrow! :)
“Aren’t you too old for that?”
Kibum came back to their table with two cups of coffees. He handed one cup to Taemin and sipped what’s inside his before flopped to the grey couch at the corner of the cafe, continued to read the book from where he left it.
“What? Texting?”
“Hmmm,” his eyes aren’t leaving the page opened before him.
“This is what you’ve called networking. You need to keep up with today’s trend to be able staying at the top of society.”
He finally lifted his head to meet Taemin’s eyes, “Drink your coffee. I think you’re not getting over your last night hangover.”
“Ha. Neat,” he put his phone aside, “You’re coming tomorrow, right?”
“You mean your party?”
“What else?”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world. There would be lots of important people coming over.”
“I should have been insulted with your statement that makes me and my achievement less important but I guess you’re right, I still have the headache from last night I refused to have any quarrel with anyone.”
“Honey, you can stick with your phone and all those youngster hype, but this is what I called networking. Don’t be too sad, I still love you.”
“Whatever. Dress up nicely.”
“You seriously doubt my wardrobe taste?”
“There’s someone I want you to meet. He might looks like a careless person, but when he stepped on any party, he’s not a joke.”
Kibum raised his torn eyebrow when the words finally hit him, “He?”
Taemin chuckles across the table, “Well, after your recent divorce, I don’t think you want to hang around someone who has more than one X chromosome in their DNA. So?”
“So what?”
“Are you interested?”
“I don’t know.”
It’s not like Kibum wanted to solitude himself from all the females as resentment of the separation with his ex-wife. Since he knew what love is back in the first year of high school, he’s open to anyone for he believes gender determined what kind of good heart people has for him. He just needs the time for himself in general, after five years he spent together with her seemed like vanished in vain because both of them cannot handle each other ego during their three years of marriage.
“It’s about time to open your heart again, no?”
“After only six months? Are you being sober now?”
“Easy there, Tiger. I’m just thinking you blamed yourself enough for something that’s already broken more than one year ago. No offense. And don’t give me that look,” Kibum pulls the best effort not to roll his eyes, “I’m not telling you to get married again, Kim Kibum. You just need to start living.”
“Am I dead already for you or what?”
“Yes. You might be here and there trying to put on the pretty mask but you’re just so dead inside. How long we’ve known each other, really? That doesn’t work for me.”
“Lecturing me doesn’t get us anywhere. Moving on it’s not that easy.”
“I know. But moving forward is doable and that’s what you should do right now.”
Kibum leaned closer to recheck whether he’s been talking with the same Lee Taemin he knew since college, “You really are still drunk, aren’t you? Since when you had those fancy words came out your filthy mouth?”
“Internet does crazy stuff on you, you don’t know that?”
Kibum scoffed and grabbed his book back though his mind is not here to continue the story line anymore.
Lee Jinki is not a fan of a crowd actually, unless with some alcohol involved and the plan of fooling around entailed. Still, crowd gives him freedom, to mind his own business, to decide what’s to care about and what’s not.
Since a week ago, Taemin had been pestering him to stop by his party for the opening of his new studio. Being a famous photographer, he had the needs to make the night unforgettable. Besides, the younger man had been talking about how cool and perfect his new place is.
In the ocean of stranger like this, he regrets arrived there sober.   
“Lee Jinki!!”
A bright lean man screamed from near what supposed to be the main stage. Jinki waved his hand toward him but isn’t planning to greet him yet, instead he walked closer to the buffet table near the entrance and snatched a glass of prosecco. He nods to the choice of the liquor.
“Look at you! Who said he’s not coming but dressed up like one of my model?”
“This?” he assessed himself right away, black silk shirt under the same color leather jacket matched with pair of maroon pants and white Reebok classic on both his feet, “This is nothing.”
“Bullshit. You definitely rushed home, took shower, and picked your wardrobe carefully.”
“Well, aren’t you glad I finally made it?”
“Apart of I’m quite happy about it, I was pretty sure you’re coming. Lee Jinki refusing party invitation? That only happened two years ago.”
“Shut up!” he put the empty glass back and grabbed two more, one he handed to Taemin’s hand, “Congratulation, Mr. Photographer. New studio, new adventures ahead!”
The clink sounds of the two glass meeting on the air submerged by the loud longue music from the DJ at the right corner of the stage. As usual, Jinki finished his drink in one shot, leaving Taemin shaking his head to the habit.
“In this rate, you’ll get drunk before I did my speech.”
Jinki shrugged and took another glass, “Had a rough day at the restaurant. A couple kept sending back the food to the kitchen with some ridiculous reason. I needed to drag my butt out of the back house to greet them personally.”
“Is that the reason you left early?”
“You can say that. Or more like I don’t like the thought of me missing free flow in the middle of the boring week,” he winked and Taemin only snickered, “So, what did I miss?”
“Nothing, besides the mini tour I gave to the potential important client. And simple exhibition of my previous works.”
“Knowing that I won’t be your client in any future soon and I visited one of your exhibitions before, then I can continue wandering around looking for some goodies,” Jinki raised his fourth glass now already.
“Ah, speaking about the goodies. I need to introduce you to someone.”
“Your new boyfriend?”
“I don’t date anymore, Honey.”
“Ah, I forgot you’re now the exclusive mistress of that famous dancer Kim Jongin.”
“Stop saying some gibberish, this one is a present for you because you actually made an effort to give your time to me.”
“I don’t have a good feeling about this.”
“You always said that whenever I have a lover candidate for you.”
“Because it always ended up in a mess!”
“Did not!”
Jinki gulped down his sixth glass, “Did not? The last one you brought to me, four out of five times had cried whenever I led him to the bedroom. The one before that guy, already became someone’s else wife. Which one of them that wasn’t a disaster for you?”
“Okay.. okay, I made some mistakes. Who am I to lie to you? I haven’t figured it out how to find a right man for my own.”
“Then why don’t you take this one?”
“He’s a close friend of mine! Besides, he got your favorite!”
“My favorite?”
“Yeah. Perfect pair of bow lips.”
“Prettier than that one?” Jinki put down his seventh glass while pointing across the room with his chin.
Following the direction, Taemin spun quickly just to find Kibum talking to a group of women which he presumed as new acquaintances he acquired tonight judged from the way Kibum’s standing. One and other time, he glances to the place where Taemin and Jinki are standing as if their presence is a huge distraction to the conversation he engaged with the new friends he made.
Taemin returned back to Jinki which his eyes now pass through his skull to have a better look on the guy with the cashmere turtle neck with the twinkling feline eyes. A smirk appeared immediately on Taemin’s face.
Kibum found it hard to continue engaged on the conversation he’s in since the sight of a man who looks like Apollo descendant intruded his vision. That guy looks so out of place but at the same time, giving the vibe that he’s born for the event like this. He doesn’t look threatening, however, those eyes, once struck with Kibum’s and he choked on the wine he’s been nursing since half an hour ago, making him spilled some of the liquid to his chest.
He thanked the universe he left the house with the black top instead any other color.
Though he’s definitely not one of the models Taemin has worked with before, the quality of this man’s look can easily passed for one. There’s something about him that hooked Kibum since the very beginning, forgetting what he convinced himself earlier to make tonight only for business purpose and stay around that circle. His initial plan ruined easily when he caught himself glancing more than three times in the span of ten minutes.
“Ah, really? That would be great. Here’s my name card. Contact me whenever you want,” he took out some card from his wallet, “Now if you excuse me, I need to go to the restroom.”
And with that, Kibum retreated himself from the crowd to calm himself. Once he reached the sink, he splashed some water to his face. Kibum slapped his cheeks several times, this is not happening.
He’s not seventeen anymore. But the drum rolled banging inside his chest is telling him the contrary. Having stupid crush is not his type of playground anymore. After some serious relationships ended up in not so nice break ups back in college and one failed marriage, he thought he would be more cautious and even became numb to this kind of feeling. Maybe it’s just the lust. And the neediness started build up in him after one year absence of attention. Yeah, maybe that’s the reason. Get a grip, Kim Kibum.
After spending what have been like forever in the bathroom stall, Kibum thought it would be safe for him to get out and mingle again. He’s searching for Taemin right away, secretly hoping the man with the maroon slack still tagging around. Nevertheless, Taemin seems unlikely to be found within the crowd. He kept looking to his muse, because there’s usually he would stand and explain some of his works, but those models are scattered here and there and no one has Taemin on their arms.
“Where the heck is this ungrateful kid?”
“You like what you saw?”
A deep soothing voice from his side startled him to after life if it’s not to death. He cocked his head to the source of force driven him crazy only by the sound, Kibum stepped back instinctively once he realized their distance is closer than he calculated back in his hazy mind.
“Earlier. Don’t tell me you’re not looking to my direction.”
“Wow. Such amount of confident,” Kibum snickered whilst inside he’s flipped upside down.
“Well, to begin with, I wouldn’t be this confident if I didn’t catch a beautiful human being like you giving me those intrigued glances every two minutes.”
“Oh, how smooth. How many glasses did you take to be this gallant?”
“So you did look at me.”
Jinki chuckles and when he caught Kibum just an inch before flustered as if someone found out his biggest secret.
“It’s a best friend instinct. When a very threatening man with this all manipulative vibe hanging around your best friend, you cannot just stand still and act as if nothing happened. I don’t want something bad happened with Taemin.”
Jinki closed their distance a little bit, aiming his mouth dangerously to Kibum’s ear, puffing hot breathe that turning Kibum’s whole body into stupid giddy sensation.
“Oh really? What about you, then? Want something bad happened to you?”
Usually, Kibum is not in favor of including himself in any conversation buttered all over with innuendo. But this man, changed every single thing he believed in less than five minutes. Especially when he can still feel him huffing on his neck though it’s wrapped completely under the fabric of his knitwear.
“I guess you took more than five. This one is so much better than your first defense.”
“Seven to be exact.”
“You better take care of yourself, Dear Stranger, the party just started and knowing Taemin for years, this is nothing but a teaser.”
Jinki doesn’t wait any clue to press his hip to Kibum’s side, “Why don’t you help me to take care myself? Or do I interrupt you?”
Kibum observed the face of the man next to him, he looks so beautiful even under the poor light, “You must have taken a time-management class very diligently.”
He poked Jinki’s nose quickly, both cannot deny the spark in such limited touch.
“Just being efficient, I don’t see the point to waste limited time for unimportant business.”
“What’s exactly unimportant business here?”
“Working on my uncooperative brain at the moment to arrange some words together trying to get into your pants while I’m pretty much sure it’s going to happen anyway without such futile effort.”
Jinki ducked his head to fix his hair. Little did Kibum know, he tried to hide his eyes while observing the latter’s reaction.
Kibum just beamed into wide smile, still doesn’t believe on what he just heard, “Aren’t you one of a kind with fancy mouth?”
“How about you can tell yourself once you get a taste on that?”
“You think so?”
Jinki kept staring intensely to Kibum. After the cute little dimples adorned the corner of his mouth a while ago, Jinki found it so hard to stay away from his flawless face.
“Sort of. Never in my life had I heard this kind of lame pick-up lines,” Kibum scoffed to control his grogginess.
“Well, someone gotta take the chance to try that out. Up until now, the success rate is still 50-50.”
“You tried this before?” Kibum’s almost shrieked toward the fact, “Who’s this poor soul that had to endure this kind of torture?”
“In front of you,” Kibum’s face turned into a mixture of disbelief and amusement, “This guy was such a talker and he got me under his skin in no time.”
“Wow. Tell me who talked about exes during their first encounter.”
“No one. But you’re beyond what people around me would describe as a perfect human being.”
“Looks like you picked up a lot from him.”
Jinki laughed, pinching his eyes into a perfect crescent, Kibum needs to brush off the urge to cup his face right away, “Let’s just say I’m a fast learner.”
“That’s actually good to put in your curriculum vitae.”
“I didn’t know this require such an application.”
“Oh, I usually don’t,” Kibum’s head fell to the back a little bit while he massaged his neck, “I did that only for the strong candidates.”
“Aren’t I always?”
“I don’t have opinion about that since I only saw you,” Jinki wriggling his wrist to check the time, “For about an hour so far.”
“Then we need to get to know each other more.”
The smirks curved on Kibum’s bow lips sent chills down Jinki’s spine. He slipped his hand on the other waist and rested it there after Kibum doesn’t make any protective gesture.
“So, here’s the thing. Who am I talking with this past fifteen minutes?”
“You may call him Kibum.”
“Ah, Kibum,” his voice ghosting above his cheek, “I like the way I rolled that name. But I can do more with my tongue, just so you know.”
“Is that an invitation Sir…”
“Jinki. I go by Jinki.”
Kibum arched his back slightly, purposely stretched his neck too much just so his milky skin peeked behind the cashmere, “Is that an invitation Sir Jinki?”
“If you said so, Dear..”
“Then I know somewhere perfect to get to know each other better.”
“Do you even know this place?”
For Jinki, Taemin’s new studio just looked like an old barn with stone, woods, and glasses for the aesthetic purpose. He has no idea actually, it’s the first time he hang out to such place besides his house, his kitchen, and bars.
“Oh, please. I sold this place to Taemin two months ago.”
Kibum didn’t know for sure what brought him here. Maybe the lust, maybe the lack of affection he experienced since his separation, or the needs of attention he craved during his sabbatical period. But since he closed the door of that main hall to the small green house at the back of the building, he couldn’t keep his hand for himself.
The other man of course didn’t help at all since what he’d been doing is basically groping Kibum’s pert globes or nuzzling to his side or mapping the hidden surface along his spine.
Anyway, like Kibum minds at all.
Once they sat at the wooden bench placed against the cold stone wall – Kibum basically thanked himself for suggesting Taemin’s interior designer to put some cushion on it – Jinki attacked those inviting cupid lips without further ado. Kibum’s giggles suppressed back to the down of his throat, he’s unable to laugh at his pathetic desire for Jinki’s velvety mouth melted his entire defense mechanism. He just naturally opened his mouth slightly wider when Jinki surprisingly carefully prodded its surface with his tongue.
“Hmmphh,” Kibum hissed in between heated domination battle, “You indeed have particular skill with your tongue.”
Jinki pulled back a little bit just to give him some space to nip at Kibum’s lower lips, “This is not even 50% of my capability, Sweetheart.”
Kibum yelped inaudibly when strong arms brought him settled on Jinki’s lap. The moonlight fell right on Jinki’s face from the glass roof, giving it mesmerizing picturesque shades. Kibum cupped his cheeks and devour what he left before. Jinki’s hand traveling haphazardly on Kibum’s back, and ended up grabbing handful of his ass leaving him squealing.
Again, like Kibum minds at all.
“Shit,” Jinki cussed when Kibum started going south and nibble on his exposed neck. The man lapping here and there, occasionally stopped a little bit longer to suck at his Adam’s apple, sending his soul ascending to heaven.
“Ah!” a perfect mixture of groan and moan slipped out Kibum’s mouth when Jinki rolled his hips against him. The sounds excited Jinki to move more erratically to satisfy both restrained needs. As if they’re dancing partner for years already, Kibum acknowledge the pace and started grinding back.
“Ugh, Kibum..”
The said man just arched his back and brought Jinki’s to his chest. Jinki secured both his hands to Kibum’s slender waist and inhales deeply of the other man’s scent. They were like pieces of puzzles finally clicked to each other, after wait for too long in such desperation.
Kibum detached themselves for a moment to look at Jinki’s eyes, pretty eyes that reflects his own craving, pretty eyes that drown him since the very second he drop his gaze on it. Jinki never found himself fascinated this much among his one night stands life. He realized Kibum is something when he doesn’t only want to suck every single inch of skin beneath the clothes but also handling it with care as if he’s the most precious and fragile ancient Egypt treasure.
Jinki about to lean further to capture Kibum’s lips but the hands on both sides of his cheeks restrain him to do so.
“I cannot do this.”
“Why?” even if he doesn’t have a mirror before him, Jinki can definitely see the frown fell upon his own face, “You don’t want this as much as I do?”
Kibum shakes his head again before rested his forehead to Jinki, “No, no, you’re beautiful, Jinki. So beautiful I couldn’t believe myself that this is real. But I’m not supposed to do this to you. It’s not fair.”
“Not fair?” Jinki asked again, suddenly terrified by the reality he’s about to face, “You have a boyfriend already? Girlfriend?”
Kibum pecked his nose slowly before flashing his hand above his eyes. Something cracked inside his chest when Jinki saw the silver band on his ring finger.
“You’re married.”
“It’s been only six months after a horrible divorce.”
“So? What’s holding you up?”
“You don’t get it, do you?”
Jinki rolled his eyes before stating the matter of fact here, “I’m single and you’re a widow. Whom are we going to hurt here?”
“You, Jinki. You. As much as I want you to continue what you’re doing down there,” both of them looking to the point where their crotch glued to each other, “Yes, the way your little prince been nudging my ass frantically had been driving me crazy I wanted to ruin your expensive silk shirt and suck your collar bones for the rest of the night, believe me. I just don’t want this to only because I’m sexually deprived.”
“So what do you want?”
Jinki is not the type who compromised during heated hour like this. But strangely, for Kibum, he’s willing to do it at least for once.
“I want you when I want you. Not when I need a release.”
Kibum removed himself from Jinki’s laps, he couldn’t help to chuckle when he notice the obvious bulge on the other’s southern region. He fixed his hair and adjusted the belt that slightly uneven after some battles of friction. Jinki looks disappointed at some point, but Kibum somehow know he’s not mad with the decision.
“A correction. The prince is not that little, if you know what I mean.”
Kibum let out wholeheartedly laughter and kissed Jinki slow and warm on the cheek, inhaling Jinki as much as possible.
“Of course I know what you mean. Or should I say, I felt?”
It’s Jinki turn to laugh this time, the way it sounds sent Kibum’s hand directly to his bangs and ruffles it messy.
“Now if you allow me, I need to go home and call my kid. It’s around the time she finished her school.”
Wow, a man with a baggage, Jinki sudden thought. But at least he admit Kibum’s a man of courage to go this far, unlike this ex-boyfriend he had that just a lump full of cowardliness. That makes Kibum more than his other flings. He might be too soon to fall, but he doesn’t care because Kibum seemed worth to fight for.
“When will I see you again?”
Kibum stopped by the threshold of the green house’s door. He turned his head and sincerely smiled to the stunned Jinki who sit alone by the bench.
“Spring. I’ll see you again on spring.”
Jinki smile to himself and scratch the back of his head that is not itchy at all.
“Spring is good.”
I wrote this on my AFF a while ago. Since I’m not going to write again until I finish my thesis and graduated, hopefully by September or October - finger-crossed, I thought it would be nice to cross-post it here. So, yeah. I appreciate all the support you all gave me up to now. Until I see you again, please be happy and be healthy :)
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paisleywraith · 7 years
Curses, Curses. Chapter 2
Junior year is often considered the most difficult year of high school. Kyle would agree with that on a regular day, he didn’t need some magical bullshit wriggling its fingers at him and turning him into an ass-old Bill Murray movie reboot.
Day Two
Kyle woke up before his alarm, as always. Clicked it off, stretched. Wondered what the hell was going on.
Kyle squinted at the chair by his closet. That wasn’t the shirt he laid out last night. He rubbed his eyes, glaring blearily at the offending clothing. He wore that yesterday.
Kyle ran a hand through his messy curls, having to run his hand through it three times before it brushed through without getting caught on a snarl. He must’ve been tired last night. He didn’t remember setting out the same clothes he wore yesterday. Idiot.
Kyle slipped on a warm sweater instead, shaking his head at himself as he picked up his bag and jogged downstairs.
A warm breakfast later, he hopped into his car and took the ritual drive towards the high school.
Being in a ritual was comforting. Nothing was different, you knew what expectations you had, few things would spring up to surprise you. He actually thought that, he actually had that thought on the way to school and he felt so goddamn stupid later when he realized what was going on.
It took him long enough, too. He walked into the school, had the same bullshit thought of la-di-dah, quiet school, no bullshit, and then it fucking happened.
Kyle pulled his phone out of his pocket. Looked down. And felt his heart jump.
Stan M: You still have my notebook? History? Left in the library?
Kyle blinked. Actually took a moment to stare and blink at his stupid phone.
Kyle B: wtf are you high, man?
Stan M: Uh, no?
Stan M: I just want to know if you brought the notebook I left at the library last night?
Kyle scrunched up his brows, dropping his messenger back on the dirty floor to give his full attention to this conversation.
Kyle B: I gave it to you yesterday morning. History, right?
Stan M: Uhhh I left it last night at the library, dude. Soooo no.
Kyle B: Cut the bullshit, I returned it. You made the stupid joke of me mothering and shit. Remember?
Stan M: Kyle, are you okay?
No? He didn’t know what to say to that. He rooted through his bag with a vengeance, pulling out a beaten-up blue notebook with the spiral all bent up. He stared at the object in his hands. Flipped through it, worn pages moved easily against his thumb.
Yep. This was Stan’s. Kyle examined it from all angles, as if that would tell him something. As if he’d find the answer etched into the cardboard back or something.
Kyle B: I have it.
Stan M: Yeah! Told you you had it.
Kyle stared blankly at his phone. He didn’t even know how to- He-
Kyle spun around, locking eyes with an interested blond. There was Kenny, wearing the same ratty sweatshirt as he was- actually every day, that didn’t count.
He squinted back at the notebook, then his phone.
Kyle B: Are you trying to punk me or some shit?
Stan M: No! :(
Stan M: Hold on, we’re almost at the school. I’m come talk to you, k?
Kyle could physically feel his heart racing. Stan was lying, of course. He was lying.
It wasn’t Stan. Kenny was standing now, and somehow right up in his personal space. Kyle jumped back a good two feet, startled by how much taller the skinny boy was up close. Way over five inches.
“What?!” He snapped, more out of fear than annoyance. The hand holding the notebook was trembling.
Kenny tipped his head like a confused cocker spaniel, a much too innocent look for Kenneth McCormick, blue eyes flickering between Kyle’s green.
Now that was Stan, and Kyle was glad for the interruption.
“What the fuck!?” He asked him, smacking his notebook against his chest. “Kind of dumb prank is this?”
Stan looked bewildered, looking over at Kenny as if he expected an explanation. Kenny lifted a shoulder, moving into both their spaces to observe.
“I literally have no idea what’s going on.” Stan said blankly.
His face was so genuine, not a smirk or a hint of mirth in his eyes. Not that Stan was a huge prankster anyhow, but Kyle clearly remembered giving him back the notebook. He wasn’t mistaken about this.
“You took back your notebook yesterday,” Kyle said in a quiet voice. Stan looked alarmed as Kyle began to get really agitated. “I gave it back.”
“I left it last night, Kyle.” Stan’s voice was becoming unfairly shaky, a vulnerable kind of voice that made Kyle feel like a monster. “At the library. We were working on history stuff.”
A hand touched his forehead, long fingers that felt much hotter than his forehead did. Kyle bat it away, glaring at the body attached. Kenny did not look affected by the expression.
“You left it Thursday,” Kyle snapped back at Stan. “Yesterday I worked. Remember the stupid book thing? You texted me about working on the Iliad stuff last night, we didn’t hang out.”
Stan and Kenny traded looks that made Kyle want to scream.
“Show me the text.” Kenny said, light voice surprisingly solemn.
Kyle whipped out his phone again, giving them both a vicious glare before going to recent messages from Stan.
Kyle stared at the phone in his hands, then back at the two teens staring at him with unfairly concerned looks.
All three of them stared like dumbasses at each other until Kyle shoved past them, darting off to first period in something like fear.
“Kyle?” Stan called, voice carrying too loud. He didn’t turn.
 The same lectures. Kyle sat through three classes before lunch, where he did something truly unthinkable and skipped class.
He wasn’t hungry.
A check of his phone showed it was, indeed, Thursday. Same news stories as yesterday.
Kyle was sitting in the library, curled back in his normal chair at work. He’d think he dreamed everything, but- the lectures were the same, his friends spoke the same-
He didn’t understand. It didn’t make sense, unless he woke up suddenly psychic or some shit. Which was looking more and more likely. Honestly, he was going to have a fucking breakdown.
[Unknown]: hey u ok
Kyle’s fourth refresh of the news page was interrupted by a text.
[Unknown] ur not in school r u sick
Kyle hadn’t texted him in a few years, but he still sounded just the same. Confusing enough to cause a headache. He took a moment to update the name, try and think of what to say.
Kyle B: I don’t know. I’m working.
Kenny M: where
Kyle B: At work. Stan still saying he’s innocent in all this?
Kyle waited a good two minutes before a response.
Kenny M: y do u think hes lying
Kyle B: Tell him to call me when he’s done playing jokes.
To be honest, Kyle was barely holding onto the idea that Stan was at any way at fault. Something was horribly, horribly wrong, and it was with him, or with the universe, or something.
Kyle turned his phone off. He couldn’t- it wasn’t-
He didn’t know what to think anymore. He was going crazy.
Okay, so he got up this morning and- what? Did he dream this? Or was it that false sense of déjà vu, the one where people said your brain kind of short circuited, accidentally filing new memories as old ones and giving you a sense that you lived through it before.
If it was just one or two incidents he’d chalk it up to that and say nothing more. That would be the end of it. But everything? The notebook would be easier to write off. Like he knew Stan well enough to know what he’d say. But every little thing about lectures- what kind they were, who was late, the mispronunciation of rollcall? What they covered, what pages they read? Gossip in the halls, what people wore.
Was something wrong with his brain? Was it just taking all new memories and incorrectly storing them?
Kyle imagined himself bursting down the doors of the hospital, trying to explain that he was reliving a day and trying not to freak out. Nope. The thought of trying to tell his mother this made him cringe. Nope. His friends? Nope. Stan already thought he was crazy, he didn’t want to see that expression again.
So what now? Kyle tapped his sneakers on the ground in an anxious need to burn off energy. He felt like Tweak, too jittery to be still even for a second.
“Excuse me?”
Kyle jumped and looked up, staring a brown-haired girl in the eyes.
“I’m looking for a book.”
Kyle was going to scream.
 Kyle didn’t eat dinner, either. He made an excuse about not feeling good, (tolerating the amount of fuss) and skipped upstairs. That was when he turned his phone on again.
He winced at the onslaught of messages. Stan sent enough to cause his phone to freeze momentarily. Kyle scrolled through briefly, wincing. He hadn’t…handled that well. Surprise, he guessed. Stan sounded much more concerned than angry.
Kyle B: Sorry I left so abruptly. I’m really not feeling well, think it might be a fever.
Lies, lies lies. Just don’t think he’s crazy, please. Kyle felt sick, alright, sick to his stomach.
Stan M: Okay. You’re a dick but at least you’re /alive/!
Stan M: We went over to the library but you already left.
Kyle B: Told you, wasn’t feeling well. We?
Stan M: Me, Wends, and Kenny. He was late to work looking for you.
Kyle really felt jittery now. Dizzy.
Kyle B: Look, I’m sorry. I don’t really know what’s going on but I didn’t mean to cause a fuss.
There was a good pause before Stan texted again.
Stan M: Okay.
And that was it. Very un-Stan-like, which didn’t help how Kyle was feeling. He was sweaty, twitchy, sick to his stomach. This was genuinely starting to scare him. Something was really, really wrong with him.
Okay. Okay, what to do next. Kyle ran a hand through his hair. He couldn’t focus, homework was a bad idea. He could…clothes. Yes.
Kyle hopped up from the bed, only to immediately crash to the ground, feeling pain and confusion and-
Day Three
Beep beep beep beep-
Kyle’s eyes flew open. He sat up, automatically clicking off the alarm. He stared at it, unblinkingly.
His phone was back on the side table, and Kyle did not remember putting it on there. In fact, he thought he fell asleep on the floor or something.
He sat on the bed, watching the light peek through the blinds. He had a bad feeling. An awful feeling.
Not willing to be a coward, Kyle grit his teeth and reached for the phone.
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nymphisl · 7 years
Im Youngmin as your boyfriend
- so turns out he actually takes the same bus as you, and for a while he’s been admiring you - making sure you have somewhere to sit, even if it means he has to stand for the whole journey - however, your always too tired to even realise what’s going on - but its the day of ur job interview and lmao you woke up late! - and so guess who forgot their bag which contains all their belongings, including ur phone and wallet? - hahAHAHAHa you… - ur at the entrance of the bus and of course everyone’s looking at the strange girl who doesn’t have a bus pass but is still trying to get in… - and all of a sudden someone from behind pays for your bus fare - your too embarrassed to even look them in the eyes but you still thank them - what makes it worse is the fact that the bus is extra crowded and you hate standing because you can hardly even reach the handles that dangle down for you to hold on - “just hold onto me” - you see an arm held tightly onto the handle and you can feel the other arm wrapped loosely on your waist - lmao by loosely I mean awkwardly propped on your waist unsure how tight or loose to hold you, as well as unsure where exactly to prop their arm… - nevertheless you’d rather not embarrass yourself even more by falling over so you start to hold tightly onto him - can I just say, a wHOLE LOADA STARING - DIS BOI HAS NO CHILL - when you finally have enough courage to look them in their eyes you realise they’ve been looking at you this whole time - BLUSHING!!!!!! - warning- youngmin likes to smirk… a lot - you can feel the laughter coming from his chest - he follows you out the bus and claims he’s going wherever you are - ‘I’m youngmin by the way, what’s your name?“ - “why do you keep following me?…” - your so embarrassed and you really don’t want him to see how red you are because of him - “fine. You caught me, by now I should probably be in my lecture… But before I go, at least let me get your number.” - how could you say no??? - and before you both know it your pretty much texting non stop and he asks you out on a date - your first official date is at a PC bang, and yes he was planning to be romantic and teach you to play one of the games called over watch - but sIKE, you were a frequent PC bang user back in the day of high school and let’s just say, your way better than him - “but I just wanted this to be romantic and I wanted to teach you, I was planning so much and now you’ve just completely beat me…” - youngmin whining, with his lips pouted and hair in a hot mess - before you knew it, you had your lips on his - fIRST KISS!!!!! - you could just about reach his lips but after a few seconds youngmin already had his hands wrapped around your waist - “youngmin… I’m sorry that you sUCK AT OVERWATCH!” - you try your best to run away but he catches up to you instantly - and yay, second kiss - this time he’s confident and in charge, hands placed lightly on your cheeks and yours were tightly around his body - “wow, you’re an absolute beast on overwatch- it makes me like you even more…” - confESSION!!! - its official y'all are bf and gf!!!!! - changing his relationship status on all social media - as well as bragging about you a lot - “yah, woojin! My girlfriend can actually play overwatch aND SHE’S REALLY GOOD, what can your girlfriend do? SiKE I LIKE YOUR GIRLFRIEND SHE’S REALLY NICE please stop hitting me…” - smiling youngmin means your most likely smiling as well - you can’t help but get lost in his eyes when they crinkle as he smiles - normally silences with youngmin are the kind which are enjoyable, no awkwardness just a sense of understanding - he walks you home when its dark and at times like this he’s quite protective, youngmin more or less always has his hand around your waist when your walking home - which your fine with tbh - but in general you guys trust each other but sometimes you feel that youngmin is way too chill when your around guys, and you’ve realised he doesn’t really care or get jealous - “do you even like me? It just seems that sometimes you don’t even care when I’m around these strange men!“ - “are you being serious right now? You don’t even understand how crazy I feel when I see you around these guys but I trust you and I don’t want to be that annoying over protective boyfriend… I trust you, y/n and you should know that i only have room in my heart for you.” - you both apologize to each other and make up - but what’s a make up witHOUT any make up sex… - lemme just say, youngmin likes to take charge… - and by now your neighbours clearly know his name .-. - but just in case you haven’t realised what I’m hinting at; a whole loada love bites and delicate kisses on your body as well as hardcore exercise - “yOUNGMIN, look at all the red marks I have on my neck from last night. Do you realise how hard it is for me to cover it up with makeup?!” - “well you weren’t complaining last night” - and there it is again, his smirk is now even more prominent and mixed with his perfect bed hair and morning voice… - well one thing leads to another and your late for work, again… - cute café dates and surprise the cafés you normally go to are cat cafés! - rather than being focused on what your talking about he seems busy with stroking a nearby cat but now this gives you a chance to admire him - “admit it, I look really cool right now” - hE was right, with his satoori and his jawline and the cat… - “you’re the lamest person I know” - “y/n you make my heart flutter whenever you act like this, so cold and cool… Wow- 100% tsundere style, I’m in love” - youngmin teasing you was something common but he really did mean the last part… - you rolled your eyes before a laugh finally erupted out - journeys on the bus together consists of sharing earphones and normally fighting over who gets to pick the music - “but youngminnnnn, you love me right? And so you’ll love anything I love, and I love jiyoung oppa so let’s listen to some of his music!!!” - youngmin doesn’t respond and you notice him flinch at mentioning love but try your best to ignore it so you just change the music to your gdragon playlist - your walking home together and he’s still not responding - “youngmin, what’s wrong? Why aren’t you talking… Are you just going to continue like this? Really?” - you try your best aegyo to persuade him to open up but unlike usual, it has failed - “yah do you know how you make me feel? Whenever I’m with you its like I can’t even feel my heart anymore, what do you want to hear? That you’re right? Because you are, I’m probably talking absolute bullshit right now but I just really like you- no, I love you.” - you pull his face close to yours - “me too, I love you” - there’s a smile on his lips whilst you kiss - “but seriously, y/n why do you call gdragon ‘oppa’ but not me?” - “because your lame” - youngmin also likes to play with your hair - whilst your waiting in line his hand is around your shoulder and reaching to fiddle with your hair - one night you’ve decided to try and get him to braid your hair - at least he tried… - he also likes whispering in your ear, knowing especially how ticklish you are - passerby’s would think he’s saying something dirty but in reality its just dumb jokes - “y/n you no longer have to watch asmr videos, I will be your asmr and im available 24/7” - “hahaha very funny.” - sharing clothes! He lowkey leaves his jumpers at your house so you can wear them… But he gets highkey turned on whenever he sees you in his clothes - youngmin also endulges in couple items, making sure to drag you to buy matching t-shirts as well as matching phone cases - “look, I sent this picture to my mum and she says we look cute… I would’ve expected her to cringe” - “y/n! How could you do this to me?! Sending her a photo which I probably look weird in- I’m her future son in law and…” - he stops at ‘son in law’ - “oppa, what are you even- psh, son in law?…” - awkward silence - “you finally called me oppa, that’s all that matter right now and we can discuss the future… In the future…” - his smile reaches his eyes and your heart instantly melts - “well, youngmin- son in law doesn’t sound that bad, right?” - all of a sudden youngmin is on one knee and his hand reaches his chest pocket - “Y/n, will you… ACCEPT MY HEART?!” - Instead of pulling out a ring box like you were assuming he would, he pulls out nothing but his fingers in the shape of a heart - “wow, I’m in love with such a loser” - aNd you both spend the night in each others arms with an empty pizza box and mulan playing on the TV - your both in love with each other and thats all that matters right now but as to what the future may hold… Well, who knows
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secretlyatargaryen · 7 years
Sansa being praised as a good victim and Sansa fans putting down other abuse victims part 2 (because people keep telling me this doesn’t happen)
Companion to this post.
i'm so glad i'm not the only one who doesn't like lyanna. tho tbh i hate rhaegar 1000x more. and i absolutely despise how much they're romanticized in the fandom. i still don't understand how 11yo sansa gets so much hate for her dreams and mistakes in the beginning, but not the older, "wiser" lyanna for supposedly running off with a MARRIED southern prince. i mean neither should entirely be at fault bc they were both young girls who imo were taken advantage of, but it's some food for thought.
For now I am not a Lyanna fan at all. I try to sympathize with her and I can’t. I try to find similarities between her and Sansa and forgive her actions but again I can’t. We don’t know a lot about Lyanna so maybe I will change my mind in the future but for now just the thought of her leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
What I don’t understand is how Lyanna gets almost no blame for what happened to her family even though a 11 year old Sansa gets blamed for her father’s death.
Okay, but this is bullshit because Tyrion’s big mouth is always getting him into trouble. He can never shut his sass up. Thus and therefore, Sansa is approximately 1,568% better than ur fave….especially if it’s Tyrion. Ugh.
“You should learn to ignore them.” -Sansa Stark, First of Her Name, the Queen of Survival, the Unbroken, More Alive Than All Your Faves, Protector of Lemoncakes, Patron Saint of Songs and Broken Men
Hey Tyrion, you might want to fucking listen to Sansa right now. Tyrion? Tyrion, are you listening to Sansa? Oh, no, you’re threatening Joffrey’s life right in front of his mother, Tywin, and Varys. Oh, wow, that’s going to end really well for you you are a clever one aren’t you I am sure there will be no unwanted repercussions from that no sir.
Would you rather she behave like Cersei, or perhaps Margaery? But she is learning fast and is stronger than she appears. Would you be strong enough to keep a straight face when the enemy comes to tell you they slaughtered you mother and brother? Or to keep your mouth shut, not uttering a curse or threat as Joffrey is having you beat bloody? Or to treat him with kindness and respect after he threatens to rape you?
I do not think Arya would have lasted as long as Sansa, had she been caught before fleeing King's Landing. I think Arya would have had a hard time keeping her mouth shut and "behaving wisely" and I think she might've got herself killed or tortured by Joffrey.
I think Sansa is one of the strongest people because the thing about this world that people don’t realize is that, yeah, there are these cool fighting badasses like Brienne and Arya, but the real easiest way to survive is to keep your mouth shut and do what people want you to do and Sansa’s like clicked on to this and that’s why she’s gone on for so long. People aren’t scared of her, people don’t suspect her. I think it’s a very brave and very intelligent thing to do.
 And if you think about it, Arya, if she had stayed in King’s Landing, she might not be alive, because she wouldn’t have been able to keep her mouth shut.
So Sansa is really the best person to be in that situation if you had to have one of the Starks there.
Because, while Sansa still initially falls into the problematic “traumatized woman” trope, she ends up breaking it by handling her trauma in a way that most characters like her do not. She doesn’t become a hardened warrior, or hide behind fire-tongued abrasiveness. How many female characters do we know that hide behind spunk, brashness, and typically “male” behaviors to cope with their feelings of hurt or abandonment?
Consider this though: Arya’s tendency to action and violence would have had her killed in King’s Landing. Sansa stayed alive because she knew there was no way to escape without help – and she’s not given enough (or any) credit for that. Sansa’s strength comes from her ability to survive.
I’m not gonna root for [Arya] doing that while she is destroying her soul in the process
If any of the Starks are going to live, I think it probably will be Sansa. Unlike Arya who's main focus is revenge, she just does what it takes to survive.
HOWEVER, I believe that Sansa's fate could be more tragic than any of those listed above. Sansa could die, and it may be because of Arya.
This would mirror innocent Lady being sacrificed in absence of the real culprit Nymeria.
Dany's arc is one in which a princess who's been brought low gradually rises higher, whereas Sansa's arc is one in which a privileged lady is brought low and must be resilient and creative in order to rise higher and rebuild herself. At this stage of the story, Dany has so much and yet also struggles so much that you might wonder just how much a person could need to finally move. If three dragons, a bunch of sellsword companies and the Unsullied aren't guarantors of stability, what is? If Dany can't figure her stuff out with all of that, then how talented is she? Whereas Sansa has been a prisoner since her father's death and has had to navigate a situation where she's not empowered at all, and while she hasn't completely climbed her way out yet, there are clear signs that she's poised to do so. In terms of direction and overall vision and sense of purpose, Dany has stumbled while having mind-boggling resources, and Sansa has succeeded despite having nothing but her own damn self.
Sansa is gentle and merciful, wanting everything to be music and lemon cakes like in the stories. Even when she's been wronged, she just wants people to be good to each other, rather than wanting revenge.
Dany has (justifiably or not) burned and crucified people, breaking contracts and seeking vengeance on people who wronged her. She has entered conflicts with no exit strategy, and she's very prideful.
Sansa would understand and forgive, and not cast them aside for one mistake that this person has already been trying to rectify ever since they realised they were wrong. And last but not least, Daenerys is actually quite evil
Daenerys on the other hand almost out the gate is a strong aggressive woman who knows what she wants and is eager to take it. However, this is actually not a point in Daenerys's favor. Sansa has room to develop and change. She can start out as a "stupid little girl" whose head is full of silly ideals such as chivalry and honor, and then she can become a badass political schemer who still holds a bit of a softer side. Where as Daenery's becomes the "mother of dragons" by the end of book one and is so full of piss and vinegar that some people suspect that the only place she can go is crazy town.
What does Daenerys lose? Kahl Drogo? Really? Khal Drogo was a barbarian warlord who used her as an arian f@#$ puppet. Sure they eventually obtain a more mutual relationship because she can do it cowgirl style, but she doesn't even speak his language for most of the time spent with him. Furthermore, by book 5 she seems totally over him. She is all over her sellsword boyfriend and is even getting freaky with some of her serving girls. Meanwhile, Sansa is being creeped on by a guy who was in love with her mother. Things go far too well for Daenerys.
Dany on the other hand, despite coming from similar circumstances, is everything wrong with an idealistic person and she only learns lessons and changes when it conveniences her. She's Joffrey's antipode in almost every way, but she's just as bad because she's as flawed as he is.
She isn't even a nice person in person because she's haughty and arrogant and mindful of her rank and her position on top.
if you ever want to write something again with the delusion of not pissing off Sansa fans… don’t you EVER dare write down the fantasy of Daenerys Stockholm syndrome Targaryen who started randomly enjoying being raped every night giving sex advice to  ‘poor Sansa (who) has not had a positive sexual experience yet.’
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chippedfolks · 7 years
Thinking more
So today i called up ma bestie sabrina and talked to her for a while. We sorta caught up and she told me a bit about what’s happening and i told her about the convo i had with Jimmy yesterday on Skype. It’s weird since i broke up with my ex, i’ve been talking to sabrina a lot more..which has been great because she always makes the time too talk too me even thought i now she’s busy in her own life. It’s nice knowing that there’s someone who always has my back..through the good and bad <3 i love her.So i told her about everything, how i was feeling what we talked about (that i could remember..i was a bit distract coz he didn’t have a shirt and his voice is just so sexy) but i mainly talked just about how a little crushed i felt. I’m just thinking about my future a lot more. So i always always pictured Jimmy in my future, i still do now even though we are not together. I told sabrina that so much has changed in the past 2 months and how we are both changing as human beings and maybe i might not like the new Jimmy or he might not like me. You know, it’s weird because people definitely have an influence on a person so he’s meeting new people (which is dope :D) but he might change and i might not like who he is becoming (and vice versa). I also talked about how much i do not want too do law, or work that 9-5 on a desk and how i’m trying to do something on my own time and that i love maybe art or writing idk haha its a long shot and people usually don’t make any money off of it so i will prolly just do it as hobbies. I also talked about how planning my future around Jimmy and I being together was so much more easier than it is now. Now i’m stuck and clueless and confused. I don’t know where i want to live or what i want too do and i have to figure all of it out very soon because i’m graduating in a years time.Side note: i had a dream last night after talking too Jimmy on skype. So in my dream and i was graduating uni and her came too my graduation and surprised me and met my mother and told her that he is proud of me and loves me and that he wants me back haha and all that good stuff. He was so confident and manly (in my dream i stared at him like i used to stare at him when he was explaining things too strangers and talking to strangers like that walking tour we went on and he met the Brazilians...lol you guys have no idea what i’m talking about, but fuck me everytime he did that i just fell in love with him even more) But it was an amazing dream, guess that’s what my deepest darkest thoughts are still thinking about.  
Where was I..ahh yes my life haha. Right i also told sabrina i wouldn’t mind moving too Portugal after i graduated and finding a job..i know that sounds crazy and desperate but someone would have to make a sacrifice right. I honestly would sacrifice a lot for him...but it wouldn’t feel like a sacrifice too me honestly. I love portugal with or without Jimmy, but a portugal with Jimmy would be ideal :) I think i’ve only recently started dealing with this break up better..but i’m also trying to thinking about getting him back i’m aloud to do that. What the heck right, my family already knows i love him they don’t even know him as a human being and they’d love him if they looked past his skin color and other stuff maybe on religion..but i’m not even into it anymore so what the heck. There are only two possible outcomes he like ayee yes i’m never letting you go..or people i left your bullshit behind i’m trying too move on far far away from you. I suck at maths but yo that a 50% chance, that’s pretty good. I just wish we’d try together you know...i dunno this is all dreaming i’m talking about coz if it actually happens you can tell yourself i told yah so. But in reality i seriously seriously gotta leave him alone, and trust me i’m trying so hard to hold in all the emotions i’m feeling. I force myself to stop sending him videos on fb or instagram and always have too stop myself from sending him snaps as well but i always still end up doing it. i made different accounts so anything that anything i watch that i know would make him laugh i send too those accounts instead. Also he never ever sends me any so i’m not trying to look needy and like an annoying ex gf..hell nah bitch not this black ass not today (V from shameless haha)  Gosh and what’s even more difficult is that i have my uni friends like ayse always being sad about being single...before i seriously used to say when the right person comes into ur life you’ll feel it and be so happy coz it happened too me... but then i remember damn i’m single and miserable as well. So i’m sad too. I’m ok with being single, i have no problem with that or i never did. Obviously i wanted affection, but losing someone you love that’s another fucking level. Things are only going to start getting harder...as time goes by people are going to come into both of our lives..and that scares me because that pushes us further and further away. Today we had 20 quran teachers (sheikah’s) read quran on us a bless the house (i never wanted too go and stopped going too quran class all together but i was like fuck it..i’ve just been questioning a lot of things like religion since my break up) and the entire time they were blessing us and the house i was extending those beautiful blessings to Jimmy and his family because they are always on my mind. I sat in a chair for two hours silently, but in my head i just kept on praying i want him back for good and i don’t ever want too lose him again and i want us to lvie happy life and to accomplish great things. I guess you could say it was a holy moment as 20 men read quran out loud and all ur doing is trying to pray for the one thing you want deep down inside. Trust me i’ve tried too ignore him and tried to hate him and tried too say too myself that I can find a way better man but that doesn’t fucking work.  So i don’t know where my future is going, but if god’s not going to help me get him back as many times as i ask...i will. I’m just scared he won’t love me anymore. You’re still the only guy i think about and dream about and care about. You’re drifting away and things are changing and its scary but i’m trying it’s just been so hard. I just wish a lot of things could happen for me that would make me happy but i gotta work for what i want.. I’m all alone, but i’m trying and im strong as fuck and proud of myself with everything i have been through. Summer 2017 definitely was the lowest point in my whole life too date but each day is getting ok i guess..
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