serephinastardust · 23 days
Prologue of my Queen Assassin story (No title)
I found myself adrift in the vast expanse of the black void, a realm devoid of time and tethered to the whims of the unknown. How long had I been here, lost in this labyrinth of shadows, honoring a promise whose details eluded even the most determined grasp of my mind? If only I could conjure the memories that danced just beyond my reach, perhaps I could unravel the tangled threads of my existence.
"Honestly, I must be the most whimsical being in all the cosmos," I chuckled softly, my words echoing into the void, unsure if they were merely whispers of my own imagination. "Am I conversing with the echoes of my own mind, lost in a waltz of my own creation? Do I even remember the face that once gazed back at me from the looking glass of reality?"
I extended my hands—or at least, what I believed to be my hands—into the nothingness that enveloped me, only to be met with a playful breeze that teased the tips of my fingers. What was the purpose of my presence in this grand theater of the absurd? What grand performance had I committed myself to, without so much as a script to guide my steps?
As I drifted aimlessly through the void, a curious shift in the darkness caught my attention, a whimsical twirl amidst the static stillness. "What delightful sensation is this?" I mused aloud, knowing full well that the void held no secrets to reveal.
It was the first semblance of change I had encountered since my arrival in this timeless expanse. Time, that mischievous trickster, had long abandoned its post, leaving me to wander in a perpetual state of suspended disbelief. "How long has it been, I wonder?" I pondered, a mischievous glint dancing in my eyes. "Could this delightful sensation be the promised encore that I've been awaiting?"
With a skip in my step—or perhaps, a whimsical pirouette—I floated toward the shifting darkness, eager to embrace the unknown with open arms. "What grand adventure awaits me?" I exclaimed, my voice ringing out into the void. "How will I recognize the moment when it arrives, wrapped in the ribbons of mystery and tied with a bow of uncertainty?"
With each fanciful step I took toward the swirling shadows, I felt a playful tug at the fringes of my consciousness, a gentle reminder that the greatest mysteries often reveal themselves in the most unexpected of ways. And so, with a song upon my lips and a twinkle in my eye, I journeyed forth, ready to embrace whatever whimsical wonders awaited me in this grand masquerade of existence.
As I allowed myself to draw closer to whatever elusive presence beckoned me, I was assaulted by a barrage of sensations unlike anything I had experienced before. Pain tore through my being, wrenching groans from lips I wasn't even sure existed until that moment.
"What the hell is happening here!?" I cried out, my voice a mixture of agony and bewilderment. I hadn't realized I could feel anything in this desolate void, let alone pain.
A manic laughter bubbled up from within me, a cacophony of madness echoing through the emptiness. "Haha... ugh hahahaha… haha…. Hahahaha," I chuckled, the sound of my own hysteria ringing in my ears.
As I struggled to maintain even a semblance of control over my unraveling sanity, voices and visions assailed me, further disrupting the fragile thread of my grasp on reality.
"You must swear..." A deep, booming voice reverberated through the void, accompanied by a hazy aura of color that danced before my eyes.
"Can you not..." A woman's voice interjected, her words piercing my mind like shards of glass. A flicker of golden hair teased the edges of my vision, though I couldn't be certain if it was real or merely a figment of my tortured imagination.
I felt as though I were descending into delirium, my senses overwhelmed by the onslaught of stimuli. Sweat—or something akin to it—poured off me in rivulets, though I couldn't see any part of myself to confirm its existence.
Desperately, I attempted to make sense of my surroundings, to grasp at some semblance of understanding. But my efforts were futile, my senses betraying me at every turn.
"Do... I have... sight?" I gasped, my breath coming in ragged, uneven bursts. I reached out in vain, attempting to touch my own face, only to find nothing but empty space.
"Where... is... my face?" I forced the words out between labored breaths, the panic rising within me. "If I can speak... I must have a way... to communicate."
A distant wail pierced the darkness, a haunting cry that resonated with the depths of my soul. I screamed in anguish, the sound of my own torment echoing through the void.
But even as the voices and visions assailed me, I pressed onward, driven by an unyielding determination to uncover the truth hidden within the depths of this enigmatic abyss.
The voices grew louder, their demands more insistent, as if they sought to unravel the very fabric of my being. I stumbled forward, the darkness swirling around me like a tempest, threatening to consume me whole.
"You must remember," the voices whispered, their words a haunting refrain that echoed through the emptiness. "You made a promise, and you must keep it."
But try as I might, I could grasp only fragments of memories, fleeting glimpses of a life that seemed to belong to someone else. Faces blurred and faded, leaving me grasping at shadows in a futile attempt to reclaim what was lost.
As I struggled to maintain my tenuous grip on reality, a new vision emerged from the darkness—a figure cloaked in shadow, their features obscured by the swirling mists. They reached out to me, their hand outstretched in silent supplication.
"Remember," they urged, their voice a mere whisper in the vast expanse of the void. "Remember who you are, and fulfill the promise you made."
"Who the hell am I?" I yelled out, my voice tinged with confusion as I grappled with the overwhelming sensations assaulting me.
As I allowed myself to draw closer to whatever elusive presence beckoned me, I was assaulted by a barrage of sensations unlike anything I had experienced before. Pain tore through my being, wrenching groans from lips I wasn't even sure existed until that moment.
"You promised..." a male voice echoed, its words a haunting reminder of obligations I couldn't recall. "You... the future."
My head throbbed with pain, every fiber of my being aching with an intensity I couldn't comprehend. I yearned for respite, for an end to the torment that gnawed at the edges of my consciousness.
As another baby's wail pierced the darkness, accompanied by a woman's shriek, I struggled to make sense of the chaos that enveloped me. Were these voices and visions mere figments of my fractured mind, or did they hold some deeper significance?
"What the hell is happening here!?" I cried out, my voice a mixture of agony and bewilderment. I hadn't realized I could feel anything in this desolate void, let alone pain.
A manic laughter bubbled up from within me, a cacophony of madness echoing through the emptiness. "Haha... ugh hahahaha… haha…. Hahahaha," I chuckled, the sound of my own hysteria ringing in my ears.
As I struggled to maintain even a semblance of control over my unraveling sanity, voices and visions assailed me, further disrupting the fragile thread of my grasp on reality.
"You must remember," the voices whispered, their words a haunting refrain that echoed through the emptiness. "You made a promise, and you must keep it."
But try as I might, I could grasp only fragments of memories, fleeting glimpses of a life that seemed to belong to someone else. Faces blurred and faded, leaving me grasping at shadows in a futile attempt to reclaim what was lost.
As I gasped for air, a searing pain consumed me, my entire being wracked with agony. And amidst the chaos, a new sensation emerged—a faint whisper of air against my skin, a reminder that I existed, if only in this fleeting moment.
But then, as abruptly as it had begun, the pain ceased, leaving me gasping for breath in the suffocating darkness. And as I struggled to make sense of what had just transpired, I became aware of a new presence in the void—a figure cloaked in shadow, their features obscured by the swirling mists.
As I gazed upon the figure, my breath caught in my throat, my senses overwhelmed by the ethereal beauty that emanated from their form. She stood before me, a vision of otherworldly grace, her half-ebony black, half-snow white hair cascading in waves around her shoulders like a waterfall of moonlight.
Her dress was a masterpiece of craftsmanship, woven from threads of spun gold and studded with precious gems that glimmered like stars in the night sky. Each fold and seam seemed to tell a story, a testament to the power and majesty of the woman who wore it.
But it was her eyes—or rather, the imagined color of her eyes—that captivated me most. I pictured them as bi-colored orbs, one a deep amethyst purple, the other a fiery ruby red, each shimmering with an inner light that seemed to pierce the very depths of my soul.
As I observed the young woman before me, I felt instinct take over and I continued ever closer to the sleeping or unconscious woman. Lots of thoughts attempted to take root but vanished as I felt an urge to place a hand on the woman.
As my hand drew closer, I was curious as to what would happen when contact was made. I had this inkling that some very important memories were trying to surface but I got an inkling, based on the last few minutes this void was deterring my mind from gaining lucidity.
I giggled lightly at the word lucidity. But I was impressed that my thoughts were more logical now, and I felt more real than I did before I sensed this girl. And it was at this thought I finally touched the young woman.
“Welcome Adventurer, you have specifically chosen to undergo this adventure.” Words poured from my mouth, and my mind was numb to thoughts. The words felt automated.
“Commencing storage of memory. Completion zero out of one hundred percent”
“ten percent complete. Twenty percent complete… … eighty percent complete.”
Time went by and eventually the memory storage was at one hundred percent.
“Locking Memory. Memory Lock Complete”
“Creating system. Analyzing Body Composition”
“Quest and Trials based on stored memories.”
“Preparing world. Please Wait”
Time went on as I had words continuously pour out of my mouth like an automated spell. Unsure what it was I was doing. Unsure exactly what I was making this young woman do. What could someone do if their memories were locked?
I pretty much created an amnesiac. A Jane Doe so to speak. And what did I mean I mean by quest and trials?
I stared at my hand in confusion as the words finally stopped. But I still wasn’t able to let go of the woman. But something shifted here in the void. I looked around with my head, as that was all I was able to move. Nothing in the distance seemed different from what it was like before this young woman.
But when I looked back at my hand placed upon a girl, a faint glow had begun to emit from there. Though it was gradually getting brighter and brighter and I wondered if I would be forced to say or if maybe the young woman would wake up and say something.
But as the light between us got brighter and brighter until it consumed us both, completely wiping out the blackness that I had no idea how long I had been in until now. I just hoped that whatever it was that I was doing it resolved whatever promise I kept hearing about.
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serephinastardust · 25 days
My side writing
So I've been brain storming this epic (to me) story idea for about 3 or 4 months now, and I finally got some writing on it done, while still working on Requiem of the Rising Flame (I have 215 chapters finished on this). And this new project will definitely need Beta Readers for it as this could go very badly if not written correctly, and I have to write this slowly as I've never read a book with all these elements in it before. So if you all could give me brute honest opinions and critiques, I'd apprecitate it.
So imagine, we have Queen who will end up being forced to become an assassin. Now her story will end up involving different fairy tale retellings or at least elements and it will be a litrpg. (I know this could go badly) But I'm thinking blending Reality and Illusion. So something you can oh yeah this is memory and other times you have to question it as her story continues. And if I blend Reality and Illusion, I don't have to worry too much how we go fairy tale to fairy tale without switching main characters and having a quest system that wouldn't necessarily be in her world.
So it will be sporadically posted in the coming weeks/months as I work on it between my other series. But I have a prologue of sorts finished and just started chapter 1, and I hope you can understand where I'm attempting to go with this, as I have plan carefully as I write for this compared to Requiem.
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serephinastardust · 3 months
Trying to figure out how to seamless combine an exiled queen turned assassin with fairytale retellings is proving difficult. Especially as I want it a Litrpg thing. Main Character regression. So mainy elements one wouldn't normally see together. All up for suggestions, I'm mostly character designing since I can't get a good story outline going outside of how she became exiled and got the system.
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serephinastardust · 3 months
Failed attempted at a story start
I didn’t expect to wake up with a pounding headache or in an alleyway for that matter. I groaned as I attempted to sit up. I had no idea how I got here; my memory was blank of what happened before I went out with friends.
The attempt to sit up alone gave me vertigo and I wanted to puke. I don’t know how long I laid there, but while I waited for my body to allow me the chance to sit up at least, I took stock of my body. I gingerly touched my forehead, feeling the throb of my headache intensify with each heartbeat. Definitely a brutal hangover. As I tentatively ran my fingers through my hair, I winced at the knots and the unfamiliar texture of something sticky. The dim light filtering through the alley didn't provide much clarity, but I could sense that my hair was matted with who-knows-what.
Moving on, my hand drifted down to my face, tracing the outline of my features. No alarming deformities or broken bones, at least. I sighed in relief but winced when I reached my neck. It was stiff, sore, probably from sleeping in an awkward position on this cold, unforgiving pavement. A shiver ran down my spine, reminding me of the chilly night air that had likely contributed to my discomfort.
My exploration continued, and I flexed my fingers and toes to assess any pain or numbness. Fortunately, they responded without issue, ruling out any immediate concerns about paralysis or nerve damage. I silently thanked my body for holding up despite the apparent rough night.
Rolling onto my side, I propped myself up on one elbow, the world spinning momentarily as I adjusted to the change in position. With a deep breath, I focused on my torso, checking for any signs of bruising or injury. The fabric of my clothes clung uncomfortably to my skin, damp and sticky. I couldn't help but wonder if this was the aftermath of an unfortunate encounter with a spilled drink or something more ominous.
My gaze shifted downward to my legs. My jeans were ripped at the knee, and I winced as I discovered a few new scrapes and bruises. What kind of night had I stumbled through?
The realization hit me — I needed answers. How did I end up in this alley? What transpired last night? My memory remained a foggy void, refusing to yield any clues. As I struggled to sit upright, the world swayed, but determination fueled my efforts.
Finally I was at least able to sit up and take stock of my surroundings. It was the alleyway behind Frolick Tavern, I knew this alley all too well and I tried to groan, but it came out more as a croak and it felt like my head was going to split open.
It took a while for vision to truly focus though, there was garbage littered all over the alley, boxes and bags of unidentifiable content piled haphazardly all around me. I knew for certain I didn’t want to go home though.
As I felt I attempted to place my hands on the cold ground, my left hand ended up being placed upon something leathery and seemingly think. My fingers brushed against a cool, leathery surface, and as my hand landed upon it, I could feel the subtle texture of worn, aged leather beneath my fingertips. The book, thick and substantial, seemed to have weathered the passage of time. Its cover bore the traces of countless stories, marked by creases and wrinkles that hinted at a well-traveled journey.
As I gingerly explored the surface, my fingertips encountered embossed details that conveyed a sense of craftsmanship. The leather, once rich and dark, now held a softer, more muted tone, like a silent witness to the countless tales it cradled within its pages. The edges of the cover were slightly frayed, giving the book an air of authenticity and history.
When I ran my fingers over the spine, I could feel the subtle ridges formed by years of use. The spine bent and yielded slightly under my touch, as if it harbored the secrets of a thousand whispered narratives. Despite its wear, the book exuded an aura of mystery, and the weight in my hand hinted at the potential depth of its contents.
Well, this is unusual. I thought to myself. I had never seen this book before and there was no title to it. I stared at it for what seemed like a while before I finally managed to muster up the strength to stand up and I picked up the book as well. And carefully I picked my way through the garbage and stench and out onto the street.
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serephinastardust · 3 months
Chapter 4: Vera
It didn’t take long for me to reach the ship, and for a while, I swam next to the giant thing, listening to what sounded like music coming from on top of it where cheers and laughter were mixed in. It wasn’t hard to keep up, as I was trying to gain my nerve to see these new creatures. I only hesitated because I didn’t want to be disappointed.
But I knew if I didn’t look, I would regret it for the rest of my life. This was the first time I ever saw a ship like this that wasn’t broken at the bottom of the ocean. These ships were the areas in which all things I had collected over the years had come from.
With a deep breath, I steeled myself, and then I found a way to climb up the side of the ship, my tail dangling under me until I found a place to sit and hide while I cautiously glanced through the hole. As I tucked my wet violet hair behind my ears, doing my best to keep it out of my face, I quietly gasped at what I saw.
There, in a world I could only imagine, were creatures unlike any I had encountered. They stood upright on two legs, their lower halves hidden beneath strange coverings that resembled vibrant scales but lacked the graceful curve of a tail. I stared in confusion, my mermaid perspective unable to comprehend the absence of tails and the emergence of strange appendages I later learned were called legs.
Their bodies were covered in various fabrics, unlike the iridescent scales of my people. Their hair cascaded down their backs in a way that resembled my own, yet it was different, styled in ways I couldn't fathom. The variety of colors and textures bewildered me.
They moved with a grace that defied the fluidity of underwater motion, their feet making contact with the solid surface of the ship. My eyes widened in astonishment as I observed them interacting, their hands gesturing animatedly in conversation.
I was torn between fascination and confusion. These creatures, unlike any I had ever encountered, embodied a mysterious beauty that both intrigued and perplexed me. As I continued to watch, my mind raced with questions about their anatomy, their lives, and the world they hailed from.
The ship, now a vessel of discovery for me, held not only the treasures I had collected over the years but also the enigma of these beings who shared similarities with my people yet stood on legs instead of tails. In that moment of revelation, the vastness of the unknown stretched before me, and the encounter with these mysterious creatures marked the beginning of a journey beyond the confines of my underwater realm.
As I perched in my hidden vantage point on the ship, a hushed murmur of excitement swept through the crowd. Suddenly, a voice boomed over the ship's speakers, capturing the attention of everyone on board.
"Ladies and gentlemen, citizens and guests of the Coral Seas, may I have your attention," announced a regal voice. "I am Prince Fredrick, and I am delighted to welcome you to this splendid celebration upon the high seas!"
As the prince's voice resonated through the air, I strained to catch a glimpse of him and his triplet siblings. Moments later, they emerged on a raised platform, bathed in the glow of the ship's lights.
Prince Fredrick, in his early twenties, exuded an air of charisma. Tall and well-built, he possessed a commanding presence. His attire, a princely ensemble adorned with intricate details, spoke of his royal status. Dark hair framed his face, and his eyes held a spark of enthusiasm as he addressed the gathering.
Beside him stood his triplet siblings, each possessing their own unique charm.
Isabella, a vision of grace in her late teens, had flowing golden locks that cascaded down her shoulders. Her eyes sparkled with a lively energy, and her regal attire accentuated her elegance.
Odette, also in her late teens, possessed an ethereal beauty. Her auburn hair was adorned with delicate accessories, and her eyes held a serene depth. She moved with a quiet confidence, embodying a subtle allure.
Cyrus, the third of the triplets, stood tall with a sense of quiet strength. His dark hair and piercing gaze hinted at a determined nature. Dressed in princely attire, he emanated a dignified presence.
Together, the royal siblings formed a captivating trio, their distinct features adding to the air of majesty that surrounded them. As they addressed the crowd, the ship's lights cast a glow upon their regal forms, creating a scene of splendor against the backdrop of the open sea.
As I watched Prince Fredrick on the ship's platform, my gaze became fixated on his commanding presence. His regal aura and confident demeanor held me captive, and I found myself unable to tear my eyes away. Thoughts whirled in my mind, a mixture of fascination and curiosity.
His princely attire accentuated the contours of his stature, and every movement seemed purposeful and graceful. The dark strands of his hair framed his face, and his eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as he addressed the crowd. There was an allure to him, a magnetic quality that drew my attention like a powerful tide.
I couldn't help but marvel at the unfamiliarity of his appearance. The features of his face, the way he carried himself – everything seemed both familiar and utterly foreign. I was captivated by the sheer novelty of the scene unfolding before me.
In that moment, my mermaid heart beat with a sense of intrigue, and I felt a yearning to understand more about the world above. Prince Fredrick represented a world beyond the ocean floor, a world of which I had only caught glimpses through the treasures I collected. His presence on the ship, leading the celebration, marked a connection between the realms, and I couldn't help but wonder about the intricacies of his life, the challenges he faced, and the dreams that guided him.
As my gaze lingered on Prince Fredrick, I became aware of a longing within me – a desire to bridge the gap between the underwater kingdom and the world above. The allure of the unknown beckoned, and in that moment, I felt a profound sense of connection to the mysteries that lay beyond the waves.
My eyes remained glued to Prince Fredrick as he danced to the music, occasionally joining his sisters in the lively celebration. The ship's deck was alive with the rhythmic movements of the dancers, the melodies echoing through the air. It was a spectacle that held my attention, each moment unveiling the vibrant spirit of the Coral Seas.
As the festivities continued, an older gentleman stepped forward, drawing everyone's attention. Clutching a leather-bound book, he spoke with a voice that cut through the music, announcing the reason for the gathering. It was Prince Fredrick's birthday, a revelation that sparked a wave of cheers and applause.
With a playful grin, the older man teased about a gift originally intended for a betrothal but now repurposed as a birthday present. A statue of Prince Fredrick himself, frozen in a regal pose, holding a sword, was unveiled before the crowd. The unexpectedness of the gift left everyone momentarily speechless.
Fredrick, caught off guard, exchanged uncertain glances with his sisters. The statue, an imposing representation of the prince, stood as an unexpected tribute. The crowd, unsure of how to react, shifted in a moment of awkward silence.
Amidst the uncertain atmosphere, a dog joined Prince Fredrick on the deck, growling at the older man and the statue. The dog, with its long, flowing hair, exuded an air of loyalty and protectiveness. Its fur shimmered in the ship's lights, and its eyes, filled with intensity, conveyed a deep connection with its royal companion.
As the dog growled, Prince Fredrick, recovering from the surprise, broke into a laughter that echoed across the deck. "Well, it seems even our loyal friend here has strong opinions about birthday gifts," he joked, his voice carrying over the crowd.
The unexpected turn of events transformed the atmosphere, and the tension dissolved into laughter and camaraderie. The ship's deck, bathed in the glow of celebration, became a stage for unexpected moments and the bond shared among those present.
As I concealed myself on the side of the ship, hidden from view, I observed Prince Fredrick and the older man—presumably his steward, Morgrim—making their way toward my vantage point. The ship's deck buzzed with the lingering energy of the celebration, and the distant sounds of music and laughter created a lively backdrop.
Prince Fredrick, regal and composed, walked alongside Morgrim, their conversation carried by the ocean breeze. I strained to catch their words as they neared the edge of the ship, the glow of ship lights casting intermittent shadows on their faces.
Morgrim, a seasoned figure with a leather-bound book in hand, spoke with a mix of formality and familiarity. "Your Highness, may I express my sincere wishes on your birthday. The years have been kind to you, and the Coral Seas celebrate your presence."
Prince Fredrick, acknowledging the sentiment with a gracious nod, replied in kind. "Thank you, Morgrim. Your dedication to the kingdom has not gone unnoticed. I appreciate your good wishes."
Morgrim, however, seemed to have more on his mind. His voice took on a hint of nostalgia as he expressed, "I couldn't help but think, Your Royal Highness, that it would have been a joyous occasion had you found betrothal with the princess from our last kingdom. A union of kingdoms, a strengthening of alliances."
A diplomatic attempt to steer Prince Fredrick toward marriage, it seemed, but Fredrick responded with a measured tone. "The princess was indeed noble and accomplished, Morgrim, but as you know, the heart seeks more than political alliances. She wasn't the one."
Morgrim's expression betrayed a subtle disappointment, masked by the duty-bound demeanor of a steward. "Forgive my candor, Your Royal Highness. I only wish to see the kingdom thrive."
Prince Fredrick, with an understanding smile, continued, "I appreciate your concern, Morgrim. But love is a force as unpredictable as the seas. When the right one comes along, it will strike me like lightning."
As if responding to the metaphor, a distant flash illuminated the night sky, followed by the low rumble of thunder. Lightning, an unpredictable force echoing Prince Fredrick's sentiments, painted the horizon in fleeting brilliance. The irony of the moment wasn't lost on them. Morgrim, a steward devoted to duty, and Prince Fredrick, a prince navigating the uncharted waters of love, stood on the ship's edge, contemplating the whims of fate amidst the celebration.
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serephinastardust · 3 months
Chapter 3: Vera
Eventually, I got to the gates of the city and had to figure out how to easily get past the guards. I knew with the utmost certainty that the guards had orders not to let me leave today, so them being distracted was a required thing. As I floated behind some items left in the alley, I heard a familiar young voice behind me.
"Vera, what are you up to?" The voice belonged to Flounder, my best friend and confidant. At eighteen, he sported a vibrant blue and yellow scaled flounder tail that mirrored his cheerful personality. His blonde hair and captivating blue eyes reflected the curiosity that always accompanied him on our escapades.
I turned to find Flounder swimming towards me, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Despite my attempts to slip away unnoticed, Flounder always seemed to have an uncanny knack for sensing when I was up to something. He had joined me in countless underwater adventures, navigating the ocean depths with a sense of excitement that matched my own.
"Flounder!" I greeted him, unable to suppress a smile. "I just needed a break from the palace. There's too much tension in there today."
His eyes widened in understanding, and he nodded knowingly. "Trouble in paradise, huh? Well, you know I'm always up for an underwater adventure. What's the plan?"
I gestured to the guards at the city gates, who were currently engrossed in a conversation about their latest catches. "I need to slip past them without raising any alarms. Think you can help with that?"
I gestured to the guards at the city gates, who were currently engrossed in a conversation about their latest catches. "I need to slip past them without raising any alarms. Think you can help with that?"
Flounder thought for a moment, his expressive blue eyes narrowing in contemplation. A mischievous grin spread across his face as he came up with an idea. "Wait right here, Vera. I've got just the thing."
He darted away with the swiftness of a darting fish, leaving me in the alleyway, eagerly awaiting his return. Moments later, Flounder reappeared, accompanied by two identical twins, Flotsam and Jetsam. In their young twenties, the duo always seemed to be getting up to mischief.
Flotsam and Jetsam had striking black hair and dark-colored eyes, their eel-like tails flicking with a subtle menace. Despite their mischievous reputation, they were known for their cunning and resourcefulness, especially when it came to dealing with the guards.
Flounder introduced them with a grin. "Vera, meet Flotsam and Jetsam. They're experts at slipping past guards without a trace. You're in good hands."
The twins exchanged knowing glances and nodded in unison. "Leave it to us, Princess. We've had our fair share of run-ins with these guards," Jetsam declared with a sly smile.
Flounder, Flotsam, and Jetsam huddled together, devising a plan to distract the guards. Their whispered conversations were laced with shared laughter and the anticipation of a well-executed escapade. Flounder, always the orchestrator of underwater mischief, relayed the plan to me with a wink.
As the trio swam toward the guards, they initiated a series of playful maneuvers, drawing the attention of the seahorse-tailed sentinels. Flounder's acrobatics, combined with the synchronized antics of Flotsam and Jetsam, created a spectacle that captivated the guards, diverting their focus from the city gates.
Taking advantage of the distraction, I slipped past the guards unnoticed, a silent shadow in the underwater alleyway. Flounder, Flotsam, and Jetsam's antics continued, ensuring that my departure remained undetected.
With a triumphant grin, I joined the trio once I was safely beyond the city gates. The camaraderie among us buzzed with the thrill of a successful maneuver, and Flounder couldn't hide his delight at the well-executed plan.
"See, Vera? With friends like these, escaping the palace is a piece of cake," Flounder remarked, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
Exiting the city and entering the open ocean, I felt the familiar ripple over me as my more human-like form underwent an adaptive transformation. My eyes adjusted to the deep ocean darkness, a stark contrast to the well-lit city that relied on magical illumination. The city's lights, enchanted to dim or brighten depending on the time of day, were replaced by the subtle luminescence of the underwater world.
Beside me, Flounder, Flotsam, and Jetsam also underwent similar transformations, their features adapting seamlessly to the changing environment. The eel-like twins, with their dark hair and tails, moved with a graceful fluidity, and Flounder's vibrant blue and yellow scales blended harmoniously with the shifting hues of the ocean depths.
I couldn't help but marvel at the incredible adaptability of our mermaid forms, a testament to the magic that coursed through our underwater existence. As our group glided through the open ocean, I informed my friends of our destination.
"We're heading to the Coral Gardens," I announced, my voice carried by the currents. "It's a day's swim from here. I've heard there are unique items and artifacts hidden among the coral formations. Perfect for our little adventure, don't you think?"
Flounder's eyes lit up with excitement, and the twins exchanged eager glances. The prospect of exploring the Coral Gardens, known for its beauty and the secrets it held, ignited a collective sense of anticipation among us.
With each fin stroke, we ventured deeper into the open ocean, leaving the city lights behind and immersing ourselves in the tranquil expanse of the underwater realm. The adaptive qualities of our mermaid forms allowed us to navigate the dark depths effortlessly, our senses attuned to the mysteries that awaited us.
As we swam toward the Coral Gardens, the vastness of the open ocean unfolded before us, promising a day filled with discovery and adventure. The rhythmic pulses of our tails propelled us forward, a synchronized dance that echoed the unity of our friendship. Together, we embraced the allure of the deep ocean, ready to uncover the treasures hidden within the vibrant coral formations of the Coral Gardens.
Swimming over the vast expanse of sand, the ocean floor adorned with sparse rocks and occasional marine life, our group maintained a deliberate silence. The conversation had died off long ago, a collective understanding among us that being exposed in the open ocean required caution. Unwanted attention from lurking creatures could spell danger, and the need for stealth was paramount.
As the rhythmic pulses of our tails propelled us forward, the ocean's tranquility enveloped us. The only sound was the gentle swish of the currents and the muffled echoes of distant underwater life. We glided through the silent depths, our eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of movement.
It was then that an extremely faint booming sound reached my ears, emanating from the surface above. I halted in my tracks, floating in place, and turned my gaze upward to where the surface met the water. It took a while for my companions to notice my sudden pause, but as they did, their curious eyes followed mine.
The distant booming sounds grew slightly louder, and a flicker of curiosity sparked within me. This was a rare opportunity to witness the world above, to see firsthand the creatures that created the items I collected on the ocean floor. While my companions hesitated and held themselves back, my innate curiosity won over caution.
I motioned for my friends to follow as I ascended toward the surface, the miles between the ocean floor and the open sea above gradually diminishing. As we breached the surface, our mermaid forms seamlessly shifted back to human features, adapting to the different environment.
The ocean's surface greeted us with the brilliance of daylight, and I squinted against the sudden brightness. The source of the booming sounds revealed itself as a ship, its silhouette etched against the vast expanse of the open sea. Fireworks erupted from the vessel, bursting into vibrant displays of color that painted the sky.
I marveled at the spectacle, the colors reflecting on the water's surface creating a mesmerizing dance of light. The ship, adorned with fluttering flags and illuminated by the fireworks, sailed gracefully across the horizon.
My companions, still adjusting to the transformation, joined me in observing the spectacle. The once-silent underwater world had given way to the jubilant sounds of fireworks and the distant cheers of the ship's crew. It was a moment of awe, a glimpse into the world beyond our ocean depths, and I couldn't help but be captivated by the vibrant celebration unfolding before us.
I was mesmerized by the lights flying high up into the air. Captivated by the colors, and even more captivated that there looked like another ocean so high above. It’s so huge and vast. I thought to myself.
I really wanted to know why my father had forbidden us surfacing like this, but more booms from the colorful lights in the sky brought me back to why I surfaced to begin with. And without a second thought I began swimming toward the ship leaving my friends behind, stunned not knowing what to do since they were also forbidden from surfacing.
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serephinastardust · 3 months
Chapter 2: Vera
I had just gotten to the room Eve had told me our mother was waiting for me when I heard voices on the other side of the closed door. Instead of knocking, I just floated there, back and tail against the wall, wondering what could have spurred on such an argument. I don’t think I ever heard my mother argue as horribly as she was now.
Beyond the closed door, the voices were raised, carrying a tension that hung in the air like a storm brewing. I strained to make out the words, my curiosity overpowering any sense of propriety.
Queen Celeste's voice, usually calm and regal, now held a sharp edge. "You cannot dictate her future based on outdated traditions! Vera has a right to choose her own path."
Another voice, authoritative but unfamiliar, responded sternly. "Your Majesty, the traditions of our kingdom have upheld order and prosperity. Allowing her to venture into the unknown puts not only her safety at risk but the stability of our entire realm."
I couldn't make out every word, but the argument revolved around me, my future, and the clash between tradition and personal choice. The weight of their words settled heavily on my shoulders as I eavesdropped on a conversation that felt like a crossroads in my life.
Queen Celeste's rebuttal was filled with determination. "Vera is not a mere pawn in our traditions. She deserves the freedom to explore, to learn, and to shape her own destiny."
The unfamiliar voice countered, "We must consider the consequences. The stability of the kingdom relies on adherence to our ways. Allowing her to defy our customs sets a dangerous precedent."
Their words resonated in the air, and the realization hit me that the argument was about whether I should be allowed to explore beyond the confines of our underwater kingdom. The conflicting perspectives on my future left me feeling a mix of gratitude for my mother's support and frustration at the resistance to my desire for exploration.
I stayed rooted to my spot, absorbing the weight of the discussion that would undoubtedly shape the path ahead. The door, a barrier between the heated debate and me, held the key to my fate, and I couldn't help but hold my breath, waiting to learn the outcome of this pivotal conversation about my future.
The argument beyond the closed door continued to escalate, the voices growing more heated with each passing moment. I strained to catch every word, feeling the weight of their disagreement bearing down on me.
The unfamiliar voice, now tinged with urgency, spoke, "Your Majesty, you underestimate the dangers of the surface. Humans pose a significant threat to our existence. If we allow Princess Vera to explore the ocean depths freely, she risks exposure to a world that may not be as accepting as you believe."
Queen Celeste, undeterred, responded with conviction, "We cannot live in perpetual fear. Vera deserves the chance to experience the beauty beyond our kingdom, to learn and grow beyond the boundaries we've set."
The voice persisted, "And what of King Eldric's decree? He understands the risks. Princess Vera's safety is paramount, and allowing her to venture into unknown territories jeopardizes that safety."
The mention of my father's decree tightened the knot in my stomach. What was King Eldric's role in all of this? Why had he forbidden me from leaving the palace grounds?
Queen Celeste's voice wavered with a mix of frustration and sorrow. "Eldric fears for her safety, yes, but he also fails to see the potential for growth and understanding. We must not stifle Vera's spirit."
The unfamiliar voice seized upon the opportunity, "King Eldric's concerns are valid. Humans have been known to exploit the mysteries of the ocean for their own gain. We cannot afford to expose ourselves to such a risk."
As they delved into the topic of King Eldric's concerns, I couldn't help but feel a pang of confusion. Why had my father forbidden me from exploring? What dangers did he perceive that others were so adamant about?
The voices reached a crescendo, a clash of perspectives echoing in the confined space. The argument had become a battle between the desire for exploration and the fear of the unknown. I pressed against the door, straining to grasp the entirety of the discussion that would shape my future.
In the midst of the fervor, I yearned for answers, a revelation that would shed light on the mysterious decree and the conflicting views that surrounded it. The closed door, a barrier to the truth, kept me in suspense as the argument raged on, leaving my fate hanging in the balance.
The argument beyond the door showed no signs of abating, the voices reaching a crescendo that mirrored the turmoil within me. Queen Celeste, weary of the confrontation, attempted to interject, her tone pleading for resolution.
"Enough. We must find a compromise, a way for Vera to explore without endangering our kingdom. We cannot let this divide us," Queen Celeste implored, her regal voice carrying a note of exhaustion.
However, the unfamiliar voice persisted, urgency lacing every word. "Your Majesty, you need to understand the truth. King Eldric's decree goes beyond concerns for safety. There are secrets, ancient pacts that—"
Before the voice could reveal the true reason behind everything, Queen Celeste, fear evident in her eyes, cut him off sharply. "No! Some secrets are better left unsaid. We must protect Vera, no matter the cost."
The abrupt silence that followed hung heavily in the air, and I, still pressed against the door, was left in a state of bewildered confusion. The cryptic mention of ancient pacts and hidden secrets left my imagination spiraling into uncharted waters.
Queen Celeste's attempts to quell the argument and the ominous revelation that had been halted fueled my growing unease. The closed door, now a barrier between me and the truth, felt like a prison keeping me in the dark about the mysteries that surrounded my father's decree.
As the voices inside the room lapsed into an uneasy quiet, uncertainty gnawed at me. Unable to bear the weight of the unresolved tension, I swam away from the door, forsaking the anticipated conversation with my mother altogether. The palace halls seemed to close in on me as I navigated the watery corridors, haunted by unanswered questions and a sense of foreboding.
The conflicting perspectives, the hidden truths, and the secrets veiled behind closed doors left me adrift in a sea of uncertainty. I swam through the palace, yearning for clarity, but the elusive answers remained submerged, just out of reach.
Determined to escape the stifling atmosphere of the palace, I navigated through the grand halls with a sense of urgency. The echoes of the argument still reverberated in my mind, amplifying my need for freedom. My violet and gold tail scales shimmered with a restless energy as I swam, seeking a way to break free from the invisible chains that bound me.
I took advantage of the palace's intricate architecture, using hidden alcoves and secret passageways that I had discovered during my numerous escapades. As I gracefully glided through the concealed corridors, my heart pounded with a mix of exhilaration and trepidation. Every fin stroke brought me closer to the possibility of liberation.
Avoiding the watchful eyes of the palace guards, I slipped through unnoticed, my movements fueled by a desire to elude the confines of my royal status. The palace, usually a place of grandeur, felt like a gilded cage, and the tension from the argument lingered like a haunting specter.
Emerging into the open waters of the palace gardens, I cast a quick glance around, ensuring that no one observed my escape. The city of Celestia beckoned beyond the palace walls, its vibrant lights and bustling marine life promising a world of possibilities.
With a renewed sense of purpose, I propelled myself toward the outer limits of the kingdom, my tail cutting through the water with determination. The vibrant hues of my scales blended seamlessly with the aquatic surroundings, a testament to my desire to be inconspicuous.
As I approached the city's edge, I dipped into the shadows, evading the patrols that safeguarded the borders. The cool embrace of the ocean currents whispered promises of freedom, and I reveled in the thrill of slipping away unnoticed.
My departure from the palace, marked by the absence of royal guards and ceremonial fanfare, symbolized my rebellion against the constraints that sought to confine me. The city of Celestia stretched before me like an uncharted realm waiting to be explored, and a surge of anticipation ignited within me.
Swimming through the city's thoroughfares, I marveled at the kaleidoscope of marine life and the vibrant architecture that adorned the ocean floor. The bustling energy of the city provided a stark contrast to the solemnity of the palace, and I relished the anonymity that the crowded streets afforded.
With each passing moment, the weight of the argument and the revelations I had overheard began to dissipate. The city's vibrant pulse and the freedom of unrestricted exploration lifted my spirits, making me feel alive and unburdened.
The decision to leave the palace, even if only for a brief respite, became a form of liberation. Through the flowing currents and bustling streets of Celestia, I sought solace from the echoes of the heated debate, determined to forge my own path and uncover the mysteries that awaited beyond the palace walls.
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serephinastardust · 3 months
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serephinastardust · 3 months
Chapter 1: Vera
I closed the book and sighed. I usually loved to read, but today I felt a bit restless and I wasn’t entirely sure why. I got up and swam over to the shelf I got the book from and returned it. I usually spent most of my afternoons in the royal library reading anything from fairy tales to historical records. I didn’t have any royal duties being the youngest of seven, so if I was out exploring, I was in the library; escaping reality instead of the palace.
Slowly I swam the shelves of the library looking at book titles, seeing if anything called out to me, but unfortunately, nothing did so I decided to leave and wander the palace halls. My father, King Eldric, on occasion, forbade me from leaving the palace and swimming out into the kingdom to explore and honestly I didn’t know why.
“Vera?” a feminine voice called out from behind me. I stopped and turned around to see who called out to me.
Swimming quickly toward me was my older sister Eve. She was only a couple of years older than me, with obsidian black hair flowing behind her, a shimmering tail that resembled an elegant flowing gown with intricate patterns of black and gold. Her tail fins cascaded gracefully, reminiscent of the layers of a beautiful underwater gown. Matching fins adorned her arms, adding to the ethereal quality of her appearance.
Her upper torso was adorned with delicate scales that faintly extended from her tail, giving her a mesmerizing and otherworldly aura. To cover her chest, she wore a crop top crafted from a material that shimmered in the underwater light, mimicking the beauty of scales while providing a sense of modesty. The material was both ethereal and practical, designed to navigate the underwater environment with elegance.
Eve's entire presence exuded a combination of grace and charm, as if she were a majestic aquatic being adorned in the most enchanting underwater attire.
“Eve.” I greeted her flatly, not feeling the energy to mask my tired boredom of being stuck in the palace when there was so much ocean to explore.
She swam up to me, her deep blue eyes narrowing slightly as she studied my expression. “Are you alright little sister? You’re looking a bit off. You want to talk?”
I sighed and shook my head. I just didn’t want to be cooped up. Me and constraints just didn’t mix. “I don’t know Eve” I started as I unconsciously started messing with my vibrant violet hair.
“I needed to get out from the confines of the palace walls. Even going out to the gardens would be a relief to in here.” I gestured to the palace as a whole. “I was in the library Eve, but I couldn’t concentrate on the books, even my favorite ones.”
My sister gave a brief chuckle, her laughter echoing in the palace halls. “You and your constant need for adventure. If father finds out that you left the grounds when the guards were on alert for your escape, your know he won’t be pleased.”
I turned my head so Eve wouldn’t see me roll my eyes at her over protectiveness that only came out when Father and Mother weren’t around. And in whisper replied, “I don’t know, Eve. The change of scenery, the fact that you can always find something new with every swim; it’s exhilarating. And it’s not like I always get into trouble.”
I knew I was acting like a petulant child, but being the only one forbidden from leaving most days, I didn't even know how I felt. I swam over to the wall of the hall we were in and floated to the floor, hugging my tail. My tail had a mesmerizing Cascading Crystal Shard design, with iris and gold-hued scales that shimmered in the underwater light. The bottom of the tail almost ruffled like an elegant gown, adding a touch of grace to its aquatic beauty.
As I hugged my tail, the shimmering scales beneath my fingertips provided a sense of comfort, even in my frustration. The material of my sleeveless top was carefully chosen for underwater wear, allowing me to move with ease while maintaining its allure. The top complemented the iridescent hues of my tail, creating a harmonious ensemble that reflected the beauty of the underwater world.
Eve floated down next to me sitting on her tail and put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “Father worries about you. You’re the youngest, and he just wants to keep you safe. You are the most adventurous out of us seven sisters.”
“I can take care of myself,” I mumbled into my tail, though a part of me appreciated the concern.
Eve grinned at that. “I know you can. Just promise me you will be careful, okay? Anyways, before I forget, Mother wanted me to find you. She has something important to discuss at the evening council.”
My curiosity piqued. “Important? What’s going on? For that matter, why me?”
Eve shrugged and let out a long sigh, her obsidian hair cascading over her shoulders. “I don’t know. Mother wouldn’t share any details with me, but maybe this is your chance.”
I nodded, knowing better than to pry into matters that the royal council deemed import. “Alright, I’ll go find mother now. Thank you Eve, I appreciate you locating me”
She winked and gave a light shoulder bump. “Anytime, little sister. Just try to actually make it to mother this time and not get into trouble.”
Eve’s words lingered in my mind as I watched her swim away from me. And with her gone, the palace halls once again regained their silence and I didn’t know what else to do. I knew I should go to mother, I loved her dearly and she knew I hated being cooped up. Slowly, I shifted to look out the window to look out over the ocean city of Celestia and further out into the dark depths of the ocean that surrounded us.
While sitting there I thought about my hidden collection. The reason I liked to explore these watery depths, things floated down from the ocean surface that weren’t like anything we had ever seen before and it fascinated. I didn’t really what could manufacture such fabulous things, but it was
While sitting there, I thought about my hidden collection. The reason I liked to explore these watery depths was that things floated down from the ocean surface that weren’t like anything we had ever seen before, and it fascinated me. I didn't really know what could manufacture such fabulous things, but it was intriguing.
My mind drifted to the various trinkets and artifacts I had collected over time. Each item told a silent story of the world above, and I cherished the mystery they held. The collection wasn't in the palace, but in hidden alcoves and caves scattered throughout the underwater kingdom. These artifacts were my secret treasures, providing a connection to the unknown realms above.
Lost in my thoughts, I debated whether to sneak out and add another discovery to my collection. The allure of the unknown beckoned me, and the yearning for adventure tugged at my heart. Despite the potential consequences, the thrill of exploration called to me like a siren's song. I wondered if the upcoming evening council held any clues about the mysteries of the ocean or if it would be another mundane affair.
I felt both the call of the ocean beyond and the call of my duties as a royal princess of this kingdom. It tore at me, having to choose between the enchanting mysteries of the ocean depths and the responsibilities that came with my royal status. The constant conflict within me left a lingering sense of frustration and longing.
My father, King Eldric, didn't understand the deep connection I felt to the mysteries of not just the ocean but also the surface world. As I zoned out, staring into the dark distance of the ocean, my mind wandered through the vast expanse of possibilities. What could create all the items in my hidden collection? What wonders and stories existed beyond our underwater kingdom?
There was an innate curiosity within me, a desire to explore the unknown and unravel the secrets of the surface. The artifacts I collected were like pieces of a puzzle, each one holding a clue to a realm beyond our understanding. Yet, duty bound me to the palace, restricting my explorations and confining me to the royal responsibilities I often found stifling.
In that moment, staring into the abyss, I grappled with conflicting emotions. On one hand, the ocean called to me, promising adventure, discovery, and the allure of the unknown. On the other hand, the weight of duty and the expectations placed upon me as a princess tugged at my conscience.
There was a sense of isolation in being the only one in my family forbidden from venturing into the ocean kingdom. It left me torn between the love for my family and the longing for the mysteries that lay beyond. The surface world, with its tales of unknown wonders, felt like an unexplored frontier, and the pull toward it intensified with each passing moment.
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serephinastardust · 4 months
3 month update on writing again
I've been writing daily, for about 3 full months now. And I've been doing it daily, whether it be the poetry I post on here or the book series I'm writing, where I'm not posting the final draft on here.
Let me start with I never freely wrote creatively daily ever, and I wrote a lot of stories in high school. And let me tell you, I love Requiem of the Rising Flames a lot (and I'm praying I don't fuck up this beautiful thing, and give myself a bad name as a writer)
But I don't know if because I'm in 30's verses being teen, but I never realized how tired I could get just from writing a few chapters, or reworking poorly thought out ideas on an AI, to get my thoughts' corrected.
And writing while tired is like climbing a mountain upside down with no climber's gear. With my baby published on two different platforms, it motivates me not to drop it because of ADHD. But now that my favorite series crushed me to pulp with a hastened terrible ending, If I didn't finish Requiem I would be betraying myself, as this series was inspired by Hear of a Phoenix.
So if I finish my book series right, it would be like I was able to finish Arianna's story to the end even if that author just stopped cold turkey. Granted I know well I can't always pump out ten chapters a day like I've been doing for about a month now (Requiem has 161 published chapters on PocketFM), but I refuse to let it sit like all the stories I wanted to turn into a book back in high school.
I hope those that have been following me, have been enjoying what I have been able to post and share with you all. And please if you enjoy the drafts of Requiem on my page, please check out either PocketFM or Kindle Vella, I work 2 jobs, 56 hour weeks, while writing, your support could mean I drop the 2nd job so I have more hours to write.
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serephinastardust · 4 months
Betrayal by lack of communication
Fair warning, this is a fairly explicit chapter. If you don't like reading about naked people, or sex, or just don't like foul language, this isn't for you. This is my first attempt at writing something like this, and conversations, including arguments are extremely hard for me to write. This has nothing todo with anything I've been working on or sharing already. I suppose you can call this a writing exercise.
In the heat of the moment, I locked eyes with the man standing in front of me, unable to contain the surge of anger boiling within. Without hesitation, I delivered a resounding slap that echoed through the room, causing his head to jerk violently to the side.
"You know what Trev?" I seethed, the words barely escaping my clenched teeth. "You are nothing but scum and a complete moron. What kind of idiot brings their secret lover back to the very home they share with a significant other?"
My mind reeled from the shocking scene I had stumbled upon. Exhausted from tirelessly working on a special incantation for the royal family, I had managed to sneak away, only to be confronted by a sight that defied belief. There, on my brand-new dining room table, Trev stood, completely exposed, entangled with a stunning woman whose raven-black hair cascaded messily around her. To compound the betrayal, she had brought along her own clandestine partner – a man with long brown hair, nipping at Trev's neck.
My shock immobilized me; it felt like I was having an out-of-body experience, desperately hoping that this surreal tableau was just a terrible nightmare. However, as the explicit scene unfolded before my eyes, I was paralyzed, torn between the intoxicating allure of what I witnessed and the disbelief that this was happening in my own home.
As the trio reached their climax and collapsed on my newly acquired hardwood table, reality crashed down on me. I snapped out of my stupor, my every step toward them fueled by an intense, burning rage. The world around me blurred as my vision turned crimson. In that moment, I was consumed by a relentless desire for retribution, and I had never felt such a fervent urge to inflict harm on someone.
Finally able to move, I advanced towards the entangled trio with a slow, deliberate pace. Each step echoed with the building crescendo of my fury. The air crackled with tension as I approached, and the room seemed to shrink with the intensity of my rage.
In the midst of the chaos, my mind oscillated between conflicting emotions. A part of me was gripped by the visceral imagery playing out before me, the explicit scene etched into my memory. There was a fleeting temptation to succumb to the allure of the forbidden desires that had unfolded on my table. Yet, a deeper sense of betrayal and outrage anchored me to the reality of the situation.
As I closed the distance, my clenched fists mirrored the tightening knot in my stomach. Trev, still dazed from the encounter, looked up with a mix of guilt and surprise. The woman beside him seemed equally startled, while the long-haired intruder maintained an air of arrogance that only fueled my anger further.
My voice, laced with seething anger, finally cut through the room. "You thought you could bring this... filth into our home?" The words erupted like molten lava, scorching the air around us. My gaze locked onto Trev, who struggled to find words, his feeble attempts to explain falling on deaf ears.
The atmosphere hung heavy with tension, and my vision became a tunnel focused solely on the three figures before me. It was a moment of reckoning, a clash of emotions that threatened to engulf everything in its path. The desire for revenge surged within me, fueled by the betrayal that had unfolded in the very sanctuary I had created for us.
In that charged moment, I stood on the precipice of a decision – whether to succumb to the chaos around me or rise above the maelstrom of emotions. The room pulsated with the echoes of my footsteps, each one a proclamation of the storm that raged within. The confrontation was inevitable, and as I reached the threshold of my tolerance, the impending clash of wills loomed large.
I shook the thought of joining them out of my head hard and watched as mister blonde got up of the man I used to call fiancé, to allow Trev to get up and come over to me. And now I really saw every inch of all three of them.
Trev stumbled to his feet, a guilty expression etched across his face. He attempted to cobble together an explanation, his voice betraying a mix of panic and remorse.
"T-This wasn't what it looks like, Zara," he stammered, glancing nervously between me and the disheveled woman still sprawled on the table. "I can explain—"
I cut him off with a scathing glare, my eyes narrowing as I crossed my arms in defiance. "Explain? You think there's any explanation for this betrayal, Trev?" The incredulity in my voice matched the disbelief etched on my face.
He took a hesitant step forward, hands raised in a futile attempt to placate the storm brewing within me. "Zara, please, just hear me out. It's not what you think."
My anger surged, and I scoffed at his feeble attempts to justify the indefensible. "Not what I think? I walked in on you, Trev, stark naked on our table with this... this stranger! Spare me your pathetic excuses."
As he drew nearer, Trev's eyes pleaded for understanding, but his words only fueled the fire. "It's complicated, okay? Things just spiraled out of control, and I—"
"Out of control?" I interrupted, my voice rising with each word. "You deliberately brought another woman into our home, into our life, and you call it 'out of control'? Don't insult me, Trev."
He faltered, searching for words that could mend the irreparable damage he had done. The air crackled with tension as his futile attempts at explanation only deepened the wound of betrayal. Walking a tightrope between remorse and desperation, Trev realized that there was no explanation that could absolve him of the gravity of his actions.
With a decisive resolve, I yanked the engagement ring off my finger, the glint of betrayal reflected in its once-promising sparkle. Without a moment's hesitation, I hurled it at Trev, watching as it arced through the air before landing at his feet with a dull thud.
"You've lost the right to this," I declared, my voice cutting through the charged atmosphere. My head held high, I turned away from the wreckage of our relationship and walked towards the door. The weight of the decision hung in the air, and the gravity of the situation was palpable.
As I reached the threshold, I glanced back at Trev, meeting his eyes with a mixture of disappointment and a simmering defiance. "If you had only talked to me about wanting to spice up our relationship before we got married, you might have been shocked at my answer." The words hung in the air, a poignant reminder of the communication that had been lacking, the trust shattered.
With that final, cutting remark, I slammed the door shut behind me, severing the ties that bound me to the crumbling ruins of our shared life. The cool night air embraced me as I stepped away from the home I had once envisioned as a haven. Determination fueled my steps, and the path ahead remained uncertain, but one thing was clear – I would sell the house, leave the confines of this kingdom, and forge a new destiny for myself.
In that moment of departure, the weight of betrayal transformed into a resilient strength. I was leaving behind the wreckage, embracing the unknown, and reclaiming the power that had been stolen from me. The echoes of the slammed door reverberated, marking the end of a chapter and the beginning of a journey towards self-discovery and healing.
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serephinastardust · 4 months
My book series on a 2nd platform
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serephinastardust · 4 months
Don't know if I ever mentioned my most favorite audio book I listen to on PocketFM (no not my book series). But Heart of a Phoenix, it ended today extremely abruptly, and left sooo many unanswered questions. 2354 chapters and it ended with "after weeks of waiting, the MC finally heard of the fight her love interest had and won. Days later he shows up calmly having won. They hug, he confesses his feeling, she admits her feelings to herself and they kiss deeply. Adopted brother shows up excited and hugs them. MC was happy with her life and was ready to start new chapter of life." She hadn't revived her master, which had been her mission since chapter 3, we had learned where her missing father was but not why he was across the ocean on a different continent, she had reached peak cultivation, she just learned she was a reincarnate, there had been plague ongoing the last 100 hundred chapters (and shes a healer), her mother was finally regaining her adult personality (and there were questions of where/what she was), no wedding, still no queen dowager (love interests grandma) being put in her place since she has hated the MC the whole series, and the author didn't even let the MC finish off her enemies like she normally would. Plus other things I can't remember.
I have never been so disappointed, and I've read books with plenty of bad endings, but at least those books didn't feel super hastened and didn't leave important unanswered questions or the overarching plot unfinished and just tied the series off with the anticipated couple getting together after many misunderstandings.
Idk if I will ever get over this betrayal, but the whole heart of a phoenix community is extremely disappointed with this and are hoping we will eventually get a continuation for all the unanswered questions
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serephinastardust · 4 months
Remember my Character Zephyrith
I just figured out how to give him some narrative in my book series. It's a fantasy series, so anything is possible, The Shapeshifter entity Zephyrith, is now Odessa's loyal fox companion Hades, as The Observer tries to fix the anomalies in this planets timeline to allow Odessa and Xander a chance at Romance. Let's just hope this is just an anomaly that The Observer found and nothing more series
And no I originally didn't have the intention to bring my first created character in over 13 years into this narrative, but thanks, to going to ChatGpt and brainstorming idea to get through fatigue (I was extremely tired that day)writers block, I liked what it gave me, and I'm working with in happily.
Ps. Don't judge on the usage of AI for help, I wouldn't have been able to write 320,131 words without asking it questions and having it help with the wording of my sentences, or else my work would be bland and repetitive with 500 plot lines trying to happen within 5 chapters [happened in highschool])
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serephinastardust · 4 months
Here's a poem for Crown Prince Xander from my series Requiem of the Rising Flames:
In realms where empires' tales unfold,
A Crown Prince with molten gold,
Hair that gleams like dawn's first light,
Sapphire eyes, deep, boundless, bright.
His presence a force, a regal might,
A soul aflame, a princely sight,
Majestic threads of destiny spun,
In the tapestry of realms yet undone.
Molten gold cascades, a fiery stream,
A crown of strength, a sovereign's dream,
Sapphire eyes, oceans of wisdom deep,
Secrets held, promises to keep.
Boundless strength within his core,
A princely heart, forevermore,
In shadows cast and daylight's glow,
Xander stands, an empire's flow.
Through celestial realms and mystic lore,
He walks with grace, a lore implore,
Crowned in gold, a destiny bold,
Xander's saga, forever told.
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serephinastardust · 4 months
A poem about Odessa/Aria from my series Requiem of the Rising Flames :
In realms where phoenix flames once soared,
Odessa danced, a tale adored.
Aria, her essence intertwined,
A cosmic dance within the mind.
Silver strands, ethereal grace,
A journey etched on time and space.
Imperial echoes in her wake,
A saga spun for destiny's sake.
Imperial seal, a witness true,
To metamorphosis, both old and new.
Dragon, kitsune, symbols blend,
In Aria's tale, where fates transcend.
From ashes rose a fearless phoenix,
Odessa's spirit, a celestial remix.
Imbued with strength, with fire and air,
She weaves her fate with utmost care.
In conscious realms, where visions gleam,
Aria's essence, a cosmic dream.
Her cultivation, a dance profound,
Harmony in each ethereal sound.
Through Qi-Weaver's trials, lightning's kiss,
A symphony in the conscious abyss.
Amidst Umbral streets and celestial night,
Aria strides, embracing her light.
Silver-haired mystery, enigma untold,
In her gaze, destinies unfold.
In the union of Odessa and Aria's name,
A poetic dance, an eternal flame.
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serephinastardust · 4 months
The journey here wasn't smooth,
Nor do I know the how's, when's or why's.
But looking around my path became uncouth,
That I turn choose a new, and say goodbye.
I won't regret my past journey,
But yes, my choices could be better.
Life and death have me dirty,
I will just sit and write this letter.
Good or bad, anxiety will kill,
Fear of wrong will break the path.
I want no pills, hills, bills but thrills,
And give just one great laugh
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