roseandremus · 6 months
Looking for a fic
Hello all! As the label on the tin says, I am looking for a copy of a fic that has since been taken down. The fic in question is "The Pranking Queen" by Queen Mae over on Quotev. I went looking to reread the fic and found that both her account and all of her works had been taken down. If any of her other works were saved as well, I would enjoy reading those too, but this is the fic I am mostly looking for!
This is the old link to the work if that helps. https://www.quotev.com/story/5208378/The-Pranking-Queen-James-Potter
Thank you to any and all responses!
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roseandremus · 6 months
Werewolf Questions
Hello hello!
I have recently become engrossed in the Marauders Era of Harry Potter fanfiction for the first time in over 5 years, and I need help (because I'm maybe trying to write fanfiction). So, in regards to Remus becoming a werewolf "on the full moon", I have questions that I am unsure about how to answer.
Also, I don't support TERFs!
This is longer than I thought so here's a scroll break :)
How accurate do you all usually go in this regard?
I know "accuracy" and specificity is generally to each author's desires, but like, I get stuck in the minutiae and would appreciate any and all help! I've been looking up when the full moon was during his years at Hogwarts (1971-8) and have been finding sources which actually give me the times, which I thought was great until I saw times like 14:20:45 or 06:03:58. I understand that, practically, the moon would be made "full" at any time of the day, but how would this impact werewolves, which leads into my next question(s).
2. How does the moon impact werewolves, and how many days are these transformations supposed to take effect? If the moon is full at midday, do werewolves still transform at night or would that be considered a "pass" month because the sun overpowers the moon (or whatever)?
Maybe this is the skeptic in me but I don't understand the practicality(?) of werewolf transformations. How does the moon force out the wolf? Or is it more like the sun keeps the wolf in? If it is the later, then how come werewolves don't become wolves every night except maybe solar eclipses?
In HP, werewolves become one because of a bite from a werewolf, but how does work? Is it supposed to be a magical effect (because I don't think it is because of the presence of non-magical werewolves)? And, if it were a magical effect, wouldn't that mean the possibility of disspelling that effect, similar to disspelling a jinx or hex? Is it supposed to be a physical effect, like AIDS/HIV? If so, what does that say about the magical community and their medical community? Are we supposed to believe that werewolves have been part of the magical history for centuries, and the medical community has not done shit about it until the early 1980s? I'm supposed to believe they have potions/elixirs that can regrow bones or potions that can literally transform your body into that of someone elses or potions that are quite literally liquid luck but they haven't helped werewolves stop unwanted shifts? Not one person?
3. Last question, I promise! What is considered the full moon for werewolves? The day the moon becomes full and only that day, or would it be the night closest to the time of the full moon? For example, if the full moon is at 06:03:58 on September 5th, does that mean the full moon would be the night of the 4th going into the 5th, the night of the 5th going into the 6th, or something else?
Anyway, how werewolves work is, I suppose, the question I'm really trying to find the answer to. Thank you to any and all that respond!
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roseandremus · 7 months
Looking for a fic
Hello all! As the label on the tin says, I am looking for a copy of a fic that has since been taken down. The fic in question is "The Pranking Queen" by Queen Mae over on Quotev. I went looking to reread the fic and found that both her account and all of her works had been taken down. If any of her other works were saved as well, I would enjoy reading those too, but this is the fic I am mostly looking for!
This is the old link to the work if that helps. https://www.quotev.com/story/5208378/The-Pranking-Queen-James-Potter
Thank you to any and all responses!
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roseandremus · 5 years
Deep Space Nine: What The Hell Random Fic
Silence would be killing you if not for the opposite strangling you with the fearful promise of pain whether that be to you or to your comrades. It had been like this on and off for the last two or so days. You couldn't really tell how long it had been. The three of you had been separated almost immediately upon capture. Julian had been dragged to the farthest holding cell while your fellow compatriot had been solidly thrown into the first room the five of you had passed. The two guards hiding behind their gear marched you and Julian to your cells. Your cell was exactly half way between the other two cells being used to your knowledge. A scream brought you out of your thoughts abruptly. You had long lost the ability to distinguish whether it was your own, Julian's or Peter's. It was starting to feel like the cells were constructed to echo the screams of anguish throughout the cell for hours. The screams full of promises that only soon would it be you next. Your throat was still sore for the last bout of pointless torture. The slashes across your back stung with the reminder of their existence. Bruises scattered across your stomach from all too harsh of kicks and punches from punishment thirsty guards. As soon as the blood started to flow back into your fingers, the door screeched open and bashed against the wall on the inside wall of your dismally stark room. Everything was painted black probably in hopes of more easily hiding what happened in the room. The two men if you had to guess entered the room with an air of confidence they hadn't appeared to have the time before. They also had much, much more blood on them than they should have. The shorter, stronger looking one spoke for what may have been the first time since your arrival. His voice was higher than you would have expected but no less threatening. His message brought the first cracks into your confidence of getting out of this and made you wish with all of your heart that you could cry out in horror and confusion. "They died screaming." The taller, more violent of the pair picked up where his partner left off with no hesitation. The pair watched you carefully as if hoping to see you break as the filth left their mouths. "He gave us all the information that we need to destroy or invade your precious little station. Your other friend will be killed if he does not hold up to the same standard and give us his codes to get onto and around the station. That is, of course, unless you take his spot instead." You couldn't believe what you were hearing. They had beaten you senseless and now they wanted you to either give up your codes for Deep Space Nine or what exactly, be beaten further maybe even die? You wouldn't give up your codes. You couldn't. Your friends were on that station. Even if you knew no one on the station you wouldn't give up its codes. You were a Starfleet officer, and Starfleet officers don't betray the Federation. They protect the Federation and its citizens. Once your conclusion was drawn, you glared into the eyes of the less violent one and stated with the blankest voice you could manage even if you had to cough once or twice while doing so, "You will have to kill me a hundred times or so before I even contemplate giving you my codes." The taller one advanced quickly and pushed the chair you had been tied to over. The groan that escaped your mouth was quickly accompanied by a quick gasp as the same guard stabbed your thigh with his smallest knife. The pair left the room chuckling while you were trying to control the pain. You knew you couldn't take out the knife, but you also knew that you were stuck and unable to try moving due to the knife. In your attempts to not let the pain control you, Julian appeared as a hallucination whispering false platitudes of Dax and Sisko being on their way to rescue the two of you from these random pirates. You took in the look of him. He had a bruise on his eye that he probably got from back talking a guard when they first arrived because it had started to turn into a more sickly colour as it healed. You could only just tell had been blood soaked, and even then you could only tell because your uniform was the exact same way at the moment. He seemed to be leaning onto his right foot more than usual as if his left leg had been badly beaten or harmed in some form. Even after he had disappeared, you could still hear his faint murmurs of "hold on just a little while longer" or "they'll be here soon, I promise". You fell asleep to the sound of Julian's platitudes. You awoke soon after to the sound of blaster fire in the hallway just outside your room. The shouts of agony were hopefully to an end now. The firefight felt as if it went on for an eternity before you could hear Sisko's distinct voice shouting out. You called out in whatever voice you could, "Peter is in the first room, I'm in the middle and Julian is in the last." It took them a couple of minutes to get to you, but you knew how it could be to maneuver around an enemies' hall that is full of bodies. The door opened suddenly once more except this time it was Dax that came walking in. Before she could walk over, she propped the door open and grabbed her phaser. She smoothly shot the ropes off and helped you off of the floor with little movement to your stabbed leg. The two of you slowly managed your way down three sets of halls to the Defiant. On the way, she filled you in that Peter was the one that had died and that the abductors had a jammer up that wouldn't allow transporting. Luckily, they brought two nurses that would take care of you and Julian on the way back to the station. However that was the first you had seen of Julian since your capture, and Julian was looking much worse than your hallucination of him did. His eye was recently bruised. His uniform was soaked in blood, and his arms caked in blood as well. His right knee was fractured, and his left wrist was in a cast. You were glad that the two of you were now safely heading back to your not-so-new home. Before you could leave these past few days behind, you queried in a last moment way, "Did the guards tell you that someone gave them codes to the station and then ask you to tell them your codes?" "No, but they told me to give them my codes or they would kill you and Pettigrew in front of me." Julian responded in a weary voice you hadn't heard before. "I told them to bugger off, and next thing I know we are being rescued." After a brief moment, you nodded your consent to the nurse to be put under for the rest of the journey. Your last thoughts before you fell into a lulling sleep were full of hallucination Julian whispering that it is safe to sleep now.
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roseandremus · 5 years
On My Way To An Unknown Confession - Glee
I know I haven’t written anything for awhile but I just got into Glee within the last month and love it. I have an OFC I am thinking of writing with and this is me trying her out. It doesn’t really have a fit ending because of not knowing how I want the relationships to be like right now BUT I hope you enjoy!
TW: Mentions of self-harm and maybe self-hatred ALSO parental abuse briefly mentioned.
There was only an announcement over the speakers for five minutes to tell them that fateful information that David 'Dave' Karofsky had attempted to kill himself, and that they were able to talk to the counselor if need be at anytime. To say it put a damper on her day would be an understatement. The words that sounded too monotone and scripted hit something inside of Beth. The rush of emotions that all made her wish to cry bubbled to the surface and all she could do was sit there and hope that none fell. The scars on her stomach and high thighs burned with recognition. Suddenly, she wished the day was over and that Glee Club wouldn't be too much of a hassle today.
The group was sitting on the floor in a circular formation waiting for Mr. Schuester to start the meeting. When it did start, Beth was as unsure as the purpose to it as Kurt was. Luckily and unluckily, the lesson came to the surface and those feelings from that morning came to the surface once again for Beth. She tried to pay attention to what they were all saying while also shoving her tears and sobs into the deep recesses of her brain and figurative heart.
"The point is Rory just had a brand-new experience, something as simple as peanut butter." Mr. Shue answered before sounding much more serious. "You guys are young. I want you to promise me that, no matter how depressed you get, no matter how hopeless and alone you feel, you'll try your best to imagine all of the amazing experiences you have ahead of you."
That hit a heart string. The room began to seem too quiet and breathing became a hassle. This can't be happening was all she could think. We cannot be having this conversation.
Mercedes seemed to need to say, "Mr. Shue, look, I know we're a little dramatic sometimes, but I don't think anyone will ever consider taking their own life."
The tears were starting to rim her eyes, and her nose began to work against her desires of coming out of this conversation still in the closet about her self-harm and self-hatred. As every sentence in this conversation came out, it seemed one step closer to her eminent doom of confession. That is until Mr. Shue told his story of how he cheated and contemplated very briefly jumping. He started to tell why and how he is grateful he didn't. It was inspirational but it didn't make her feel any better about this. This was too close to home for them to be speaking so casually about in her opinion.
Then it seemed that he was trying to get some sort of response when he said, "But there's something... everyone has something that might take them up to that edge." He continued with why he was happy he didn't which included them and Emma. He then kindly demanded, "So, right now, I want you all to think of something that you're looking forward to. Big things."
Danger bells rung in Beth's ears as she desperately scrambled for any though of a big event she was looking forward to. It seemed everyone else was for a second before Sam started them off.
"Someday, I want to earn enough money to buy my folks a new place, so they don't ever have to go through losing their home again."
Mercedes went a different route and added, "Yeah, I'm looking most forward to meeting Rachel Berry's children."
That received a laugh from all that weren't concerned with finding a cover reason. The floor was not very inspiring to Beth at the moment, so she looked up at her smiling friends. They were all so much happier than her that it hurt. There was nothing to look forward to except death and that wasn't very conversation fitting.
Artie responded next, "I want to be there to see my kid's first steps." That one made her want to smile and cry at the hopeful irony of his situation.
Sugar was quickly after with, "I want to be there to see Sex and the City Part III."
Everyone was a bit surprised, but the revelation wasn't mood stopping. Mr. Shue even said a quick wow without meaning to.
Noah from his sheltered position softly contributed, "I'm sort of embarrassed to admit it, but I really do want to graduate high school."
Finn was soon after sounding much too hopeful yet serious, "I'm gonna petition the Army to change my dad's dishonourable discharge status to an honourable one."
Quinn came next with no hesitation to say, "I'm looking forward to graduating from Yale at the top of my class."
Santana sounded flat but the sadness could be heard when she commented, "I'm looking forward to the day when my grandmother loves me again."
Quickly Brittany spewed out, "I want Lord Tubbington to kick his Ecstasy addiction."
On a more serious note, Blaine accurately stated, "I am looking forward to marriage equality in all 50 states."
Mike with a satisfied look continued, "I'm looking forward to the first time I dance at Carnegie Hall."
There were very few people left and there was nothing she was looking forward to. She was not looking forward to answering this question.
Tina simply said, "I just want a song."
Kurt after a quick group chuckle stated, "I'm looking forward to watching my dad make a difference in Congress."
Rachel said, "I'm looking forward to being friends with all of you for the rest of my life."
The panic spread through her stomach and nerves so quickly she gave a quick spasm that no one noticed as all eyes went towards Rory.
Rory the last one before her said, "I know this sounds silly, but the peanut butter really is amazing, Mr. Shue, but do you know what I'm looking forward to? Winning at Regionals."
Everyone cheered briefly for his statement before looking over at Beth. They apparently expected her to have something to say, but all she could do was glare at the ground with her arms around her pant covered legs that she hugged to her chest. This couldn't be happening was all she could think. There had to be something.
Without looking up and attempting to keep a steady voice, she babbled, "Could I have a minute to think of one?"
Mr. Shue seeming to understand gave a nod and an affirmative. The pressure kept building inside despite that. She could feel the gazes of her fellow classmates and friends dig into her skin. They had to be so confused and angered. How could she not have anything? Something. Equal marriage? No, Blaine said that. What else? What else was there? Is world peace too cliché? Yea, too cliché. Besides, that wouldn't be happening anytime soon. The world was just too fucked up to do that. Was it even possible to be honest? No more starvation? Same problem. Sarcastic route and somewhat situation lifting route? It seemed to be the only option.
Looking up to see all eyes on her almost made her back out on her pick, but knowing it had to be done allowed her to say, "I am looking forward to no more public speakings without my knowing ahead of time."
That didn't seem to satisfy the group's hopes. Mr. Shue even dared to reply after a moment of silence, "I don't really think that fits, Elisabeth."
That phrase on that day in that moment, struck a chord in her. She had always been unable to take criticism well, but today really was not the day to hear it. She sat paralyzed with uncertainty of whether or not he wanted a new response or if they'd just let it slide. Considering no one moved or talked, they seemed to be unsure as well.
"Is there nothing else you look forward to in your life, anything at all?" Mr. Shue continued after a few minutes seeing that she was unsure. He also sounded like that one day when he listened in on the girls conversation about boy problems a year or so ago.
Instantly and without thinking she whispered, "Death."
There was an unwelcomed silence. Her eyes shut and her head tilted down. She knew she had messed up this time. One of two things could happen. One, he could think she was joking and become pissed because it wasn't a laughing matter. Or two, he could take it seriously, and all of the hiding she had done would be for naught. Either way, Elisabeth was screwed by her own instincts.
"Why?" broke the silence. She couldn't tell who said it and honestly didn't care. Why she hadn't left when this conversation started was beyond her. Now, she had told a dozen or so other people including an adult that she was looking forward to being dead. She pissed at herself for having fucked up this badly. She was also pissed at him for making them do this. Not everyone has a programmed future wish in them.
"Beth," a voice that seemed more cracked than usual said to her direct right. Blaine, she figured for he sat to her immediate right. "why would you say that?"
Could this get any worse was all she could think. She was nudged out of that thought when his inquiry was recognized in her brain. She had need to slice her skin open. She was desperate for it now.
"I said it because I don't have a dream. The only thing I really have to look forward to is sleep at the end of a long day. To escape this world of hurt and tiredness and sorrow. Death happens, I would know. Loneliness happens, I would also know. I just want a break from work and school and expectations, mine and others, and life and bullies. I just want a break and the only thing that seems to fall under each of those wants is death." Beth said each word with no emotion; and understandably, she still couldn't look at anybody. She needed to get out of here, but she wouldn't be able to without someone refusing to let her go alone. "Can I leave? I won't kill myself or anything. If I wanted to do that, I could have done it when I was forced to move here."
She didn't hear any objections, so she dashed for the exit not running yet not walking. As she expected, someone was accompanying her on her way out. They walked side-by-side to the exit closest to her direction home. Neither of them said anything until they were outside. Once there, she turned to see that it was Blaine.
"What do you want, Blaine?" it wasn't insincere but it was a bit emotionless and sounded a little annoyed.
Except he seemed to be in shock from her choice of statements. He kept opening and closing his mouth until he appeared to decide on his response. "I just want to know why. I also want to know if you're getting any better. I want you to be okay, and that is selfish of me, but I want you to be okay and alive."
"Why? Let's start from the top then. My four brothers along with two of my grandparents died within a month shortly after my birthday. Then, my mother's abuse became worse since she lost four of her punching bags along with her mother and father. My father was a lovely man that just couldn't stand up for himself or his children. The summer before my freshman year here, my mother kicked me out and relocated me here after a lot of convincing from my father. She pays for rent and gave me a limited credit card for food and water. I was bullied at my old school and am still bullied at this school. That gets to your head after a while. So, yeah. I'm messed up. I've suffered and suffered. Don't I deserve some happiness? So what if that is death? It isn't like I'm actually going to do it! I've had plenty of opportunities to do so if I was. If you call that getting better, then yes I have. I am alive and that isn't going to change by my hand anytime soon, so don't worry about it. Okay?" It all came tumbling out of her mouth and she somehow looked him in the eye the entire time. When it came to an end, she gave him a slight nod, a pat on the shoulder and then turned to walk home per usual.
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roseandremus · 6 years
First Ball - Steve Rogers
Favourite colour- f/c
Female insert story
*I am going to be on summer vacation in less than a week and available for some prompts. I’m going to try to get back into writing. Story below*
The lights of the party were bright to the point of blinding when one first walked in. The walls were covered with extravagant paintings and drawings; the tables were full of food and alcoholic drinks. The women were wearing dresses of many expensive materials and varied lengths. Some seemed to be escorts while others were wives. The men they clung to were in equally expensive suits and tuxes.
You on the other hand were there for your mission. You adorned a knee length, (f/c) dress, and you happened to be the wife of Antony Wilson, Steve Rogers,  who was wearing a blue suit with a grey tie. Your name for the night would be Annika Wilson. Your goal was to find proof that James Grayson was both a human trafficker and leader of a group of assassins responsible for over two dozen kills.
Currently, you were on the dance floor with Steve both of you watching for the gracious host to appear at his own party. The plan was for Steve to approach some of the staff and ask with implications or to sneak into the lower levels and look around for any clue that people were held there. You on the other hand were tasked with approaching Mr. Grayson to either play bait or trick the information out of him. You were personally hoping that he would just hand over the information.
At the moment the clock struck eight PM, Grayson appeared on the balcony connecting the two grand staircases leading up to the even brighter second level. He proceeded to lean against the rail scrutinizing the dancing couples below searching for his latest victims. Grayson spotted a few escorts that he was sure he could lure away, but he then spotted you and Steve.
Grabbing a glass from a passing waitress, Grayson tapped the glass and announced, “I would like to thank all of you for attending today’s ball. Enjoy the night, you all deserve a break!”
The crowd cheered, and the music only grew louder causing you to look up at Steve and ask, “Are you fine with the noise in here?”
He looked down at you and nodded with a softer smile than your used to. Steve slowly turned the two of you so that you could watch the movements of Grayson. When you saw that Grayson was subtly gravitating towards the two of you, you whispered a quick warning before your target arrived.
“I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure. I’m James Grayson and you are?”
Steve replied for the pair,” I’m Antony Wilson, and this is my wife Annika Wilson.”
Grayson kissed your hand and then shook Steve’s and responded, “The two of you make a fetching pair. Would you mind taking a photo with me? I have a bet with a friend about who can find the prettiest pair, and he sadly isn’t here tonight. He wouldn’t believe me if I didn’t have proof.”
You looked up at Steve waiting to see his take on the offer. He appeared open to it on the surface, but you knew he was thinking of the chances you had of getting your proof. It seemed he found it a good chance because he grew a smile and gave a soft after you.
Grayson seemed to glow from the response as he led the way down the set of stairs leading to the lower levels. You noticed that a group of men followed after and that the music could no longer be heard no matter how hard you strained your ears. The walls slowly changed from those bright white and pastel coloured walls upstairs to dark blues and greys. You also made sure to count the turns taken to get to the fourth level below ground.
When you turned that last corner, a camera sat in the middle of the room with a white wall set in front of it. The men that had followed stood directly behind you close enough to feel their breaths on the back of your neck. You weren’t sure how subtle it was, but you inched closer to Steve hoping he’d catch your signal. You two were to be his next prises, and that was most definitely not the plan.
Grayson turned to see you hanging on Steve’s arm, and he smiled saying, “Are you ready?”
He stood in front of the camera with his hands before him as if to beakon you over. Steve led you over and put an arm around your waist for the photo making sure to place you away from Grayson. You appreciated the thought, but you weren’t sure it was the most practical if he had to fight.
The man behind the camera took the photo, and the moments proceeding were a blur of a memory. You knew that Steve sprung from your side to fight the boulders of men that followed and that you pinned your oh so gracious host to the wall. You weren’t sure how your head was injured nor how left the building. You remembered flashes of women and some men being held in cages on that floor. You remembered Steve leading them out of that damned building, and you remember collapsing against a wall on the second lower level. Everything after that moment was lost to you.
You remember a sensation. A needle, you think. You remember a needle being jabbed into your neck by your trafficker on that last floor. Yes, on the second floor Steve called for you. You can remember his hand against your arm, and you are almost sure you remember him talking to someone about pick up. You know for sure that Grayson is in a cell somewhere because you know Steve would make sure he was captured no matter what.
“Hey, sleepyhead. I was worried you weren’t going to wake up today,” Steve teased from the left of your bed.
“Well, it can’t be a fairy tale without a damsel in distress,” you replied with a kind smile.
“Well, if your highness needs anything, I’ll be in the other room.”
Steve stood up from the chair beside you bed that you knew had not been there before. “Thank you for staying, Steve. It means a lot.”
He turned slightly and just gave a slight smile before leaving.
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roseandremus · 6 years
Lilac Night and Bookworm
Date: January 1, 2008
Evelyn was celebrating her birthday and new years at a party with her friends. She decided to get some air and walked into the alley behind the abandoned building they had been celebrating inside of. She had just turned 21 and was very ready to drink. Evelyn sat in the alleyway for a moment before hearing something behind her. She thought it was one of her friends trying to pull her back inside since the door she exited was the only way into the alley. She turned to tell them to give her a moment when she saw a girl that couldn’t have been older than 18 with a small pistol in hand. Evelyn didn’t know what to think, so she started to babble.
“Hi there.” was the first thing out of her mouth. “What are you doing with the gun sweetheart? You should put it down before you hurt yourself or someone else with it. Do you need a ride back home?”
The girl had mousy brown hair and was tall for her estimated age at about five and a half feet which was still shorter than Evelyn at a proud five foot nine inches. The girl was of paler skin with a few bruises littering the edges of her sleeves. Her grey eyes were emotionless which worried Evelyn.
“Do you need to use the phone inside?” Evelyn prompted the girl again. “Maybe a glass of water or some food? What is your name sweetheart?”
The girl looked Evelyn in the eyes for the first time. She didn’t react much to Evelyn as in the girl didn’t blink when noticing Evelyn. Except she must have heard Evelyn for she whispered in a croaky voice, “My name is Elisabeth. Can you leave me alone for a minute please?”
Evelyn naturally questioned again, “Do you need any water or food Elisabeth? Can I get you anything?”
Elisabeth didn’t seem to register the words as she once again said, “Can I have a minute alone?”
Evelyn was conflicted as to what to do for she didn’t know the younger girl’s intention for the gun. Evelyn naturally decided to stay right where she was for a moment longer before she faked going inside. The moment she closed the door she knew that something was wrong, so Evelyn stayed in the darker part of the alleyway near the door. Evelyn saw Elisabeth look down at the gun in her left hand. Elisabeth seemed to be deciding something when she started to raise the barrel towards her head. Evelyn started to panic, so she ran towards Elisabeth yelling, “Don’t do it!” over and over again.
Elisabeth seemed to hear her this time as she froze with the gun at the middle of her stomach facing the wall in front of her. Evelyn couldn’t see any tears or sign of regret on the other’s face. That alone made Evelyn sick to her stomach. Evelyn reached Elisabeth by the time all of these thoughts registered. Evelyn snatched the pistol and proceeded to throw it at the nearest wall. Elisabeth watched as this occurred, yet nothing had crossed her face. Nothing.
Evelyn held Elisabeth in her arms muttering a mantra, “Please don’t do that. Please don’t die. Please don’t leave. Please. Elisabeth. Don’t do that. Everything will be okay. I promise. Everything will be alright. I care. Please don’t leave. I care. I care for you. Don’t leave me.”
Evelyn was the first one to cry. She was alone in the crying for five or so minutes before Elisabeth asked in the most innocent yet saddest voice, “You care? For me?”
Evelyn held the girl far enough away that she could look her in eyes but not far enough that Elisabeth would think she was disgusted and said, “I care Elisabeth. I care for you. I know we just met. I care. Please don’t think that no one cares. I care. Please don’t try to die again.” Elisabeth looked into Evelyn’s eyes and saw sincerity and started to cry, “No one has ever cared about me before.”
Evelyn didn’t know who pulled who closer but she knew that they were back in their original hug again. This time though Elisabeth was hugging her back.
Date: October 15, 2012
“She struck again, Director.” came the solemn voice of the man given the duty of informing the director when Lilac Night had killed again.
The director sighed and quickly muttered, “Thank you Mayweather.”
Fury was in a mood every time he heard that Lilac Night had done anything because it usually meant there were casualties. He was always the one to see every single victim of Lilac Night. He always had to tell the families that they were working hard to bring in their father/mother/sister/brother/niece/nephew /aunt/uncle/cousin/friend/grandparents’ killer. Fury knew that there was absolutely no way to know when or who she would attack. Fury always walked the path from his office to his car in the garage. He knew that this had gone on long enough. Fury decided on this same path that he was done. He was done with having to inform family and friends that their loved one was  dead. He done with having no leads. He was done with being unable to catch the evasive Lilac Night. Fury was done with having no information about her except that she is a she and is approximately 5’9”. Fury decided to call the Avengers.
The next morning they assembled. The Captain was the first one there at 8:45 with Romanov and Barton only five minutes later. There was a tense yet semi comfortable silence between the three until Banner and Stark arrived at nine on the dot. Fury was the last to arrive at 9:01. He walked in to see Stark and Banner chatting in two seats with Barton sitting the closest three seats over with Romanov on his right and Rogers at the end of the table. Fury could clearly see the divide in the team, but he chose to ignore it for the greater threat, Lilac Night.
“S.H.I.E.L.D. has been hunting an assassin for the last forty-five days, “ was the start Fury gave the five to silence them before continuing. “In those forty-five days, she has a confirmed kill count of fifty people. All we have on her is that she is female and approximately five foot nine. She has eluded us for too long. Which is why I have decided to call you five in. She seems to favour killing abusive families, bullies, and rich men. As you know, New York is full of them, so tracking who she kills next is impossible. She is all yours. Be quick about finding her.”
Nick Fury didn’t seem to care if they would accept or not as he walked out to his car immediately after his spiel and left. He believed that they would accept.
“You have done very well in your assignments. I am pleased to say you have passed your trials. I will give you the details of your next assignment when you gain a partner. This will be your last required assignment, and you will be given the promised amount when the job is proven done. I have appreciated your services for the last forty-five days, Lilac Night.”
Evelyn looked up at her boyfriend, Vince, when he finished. She smiled and launched herself up from her knees to snog him. Vince deepened the kiss but broke away for air after a short time. He smiled back at her and listened to her speak the words, “I don’t understand why we have to act like this is a cult initiation. You said that this would be .”
Vince kissed her forehead and replied in the same volume, “I guess they want to feel powerful? I don’t know love, but I do know that Elisabeth would be awful helpful for your last task considering she is so innocent looking.”
“Love,” Vince started as he tried to cover his mistake of talking about Elisabeth, “You might need to get a smart, innocent partner to get to where you’re going. You cannot get up there without her.”
Evelyn was quiet for a brief moment stuck in her thoughts before she asked, “Where am I going?”
Vince wasn’t going to betray his team by telling her anything, so he started to kiss her again with a darker passion than before. It started with just their lips before Vince started to grind against his now eager girlfriend. He backed her slowly against the wall and pinned her hands above her head. He pulled away long enough to ask, “You wanna?”
Evelyn was extremely tempted to take Vince up on his offer, but she remembered she had plans, so she instead fought off Vince’s hand and whispered, “Maybe another time sugar.”
She proceeded to flatten her hair down, give Vince a cheek kiss and walk out the door to her Toyota Camry Hybrid from 2009. She sat down in the driver’s seat ready to leave when her phone buzzed. Evelyn glanced down at her flip to see that Elisabeth had texted her asking if she would bring home a pizza. Evelyn smiled and quickly texted always before she started her car and left the same building that she had met Elisabeth in four years ago.
Elisabeth was about ready to explode when Evelyn arrived with a pizza from god knows where. To say that she was bored would be an understatement as Elisabeth had had nothing to read, watch or listen to for the last seven hours. She had been sitting in their living room writing and writing and writing on paper until there was nothing left. Elisabeth always kept telling Evelyn that she needed something to do, but Evelyn would always dismiss her with soon and when this is all over. But in that moment, Elisabeth didn’t care about the last seven hours, because there was food for her to eat.
Evelyn laughed at the look of pure joy on Elisabeth’s face and asked, “You miss me bookworm?” She couldn’t hold back the smile that broke onto her face, but she didn’t want to fight it either. Evelyn was happy to see Elisabeth happy even if it was just for the moment. She watched as Elisabeth devoured her pieces of pizza, and then she remembered what Vince had said about Lis. She wondered how in the world Vince had known about Lis in the first place. Evelyn couldn’t remember ever mentioning Lis to anyone in that community. As far as she knew, Elisabeth was considered a runaway to the county they had once lived in.
Evelyn suddenly started to look at Elisabeth, truly look at Elisabeth. She noticed that the younger girl had bags under her eyes that couldn’t have been there yesterday and a too large shirt that couldn’t have been a mispick by the everything is on purpose girl. Evelyn looked closer at the shirt and let out a brief laugh that drew Elisabeth’s attention away from the pizza.
“What?” came Elisabeth’s concerned voice suddenly in her motherly ways from the orphanage. “Something wrong?” Elisabeth started to sound worried because of the one incident Evelyn made after starting her career.
“Nothing to worry about Beth,” Evelyn quickly answered as to calm the woman down. “I just noticed something. And I have a question for you.”
Elisabeth calmed instantly and asked more sassily this time, “What?”
Evelyn smirked, snatched a piece of pizza and asked, “Are you wearing my shirt?”
Elisabeth suddenly noticed that she had indeed grabbed Evelyn’s shirt, and looked up to continue her sass streak with, “And if I am?”
“Then you are welcome to the shirt, but you should get ready to pack.”
Elisabeth sighed and asked the fateful question for the thirtieth time, “And to where do we move next?”
Evelyn couldn’t look Elisabeth in the eyes when she said, “Actually I need you to pack a mission bag for yourself.”
Evelyn could see Elisabeth staring at her with a bewildered look in her peripheral vision and heard another doomed question, “Why? What are we doing?”
“I don’t know.”
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roseandremus · 6 years
Thought I would make this more specific since this does not really tell you who I write. Long List below the cut
Star Trek (according to list above)
James Tiberius Kirk Leonard McCoy Jean Luc Picard William Riker Data Geordi La’Forge Worf Mog Natasha Yar Q Deanna Troi Lwaxana Troi Wesley Crusher Beverly Crusher Miles O’Brien Kathryn Janeway Chakotay Tuvok The Doctor Tom Paris Harry Kim B’elanna Torres Nelix Kes Q Junior Icheb Seven of Nine Benjamin Sisko Kira Neyers Jadzia Dax Ezri Dax Julian Bashir Elim Garak Miles O’Brien Worf Mog Odo Quark Rom (somewhat) Nog Jake Sisko Jonathon Archer T’Pol Charles Tucker III “Trip” Hoshi Sato Malcolm Reed Travis Mayweather
Star Wars
Obi-Wan Kenobi Anakin Skywalker Ahsoka Tano Padme Naberrie/Amidala/Skywalker Qui-Gon Jinn Yoda Mace Windu Cody Rex Jyn Erso Cassian Andor
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner Derek Morgan Elle Greenaway Jennifer Jareau Spencer Reid Alex Blake David Rossi Emily Prentiss Luke Alvez Tara Lewis
Marvel (I am still watching some of the many movies. I HAVEN’T READ ANY COMICS)
Steven Grant Rogers Anthony Stark Howard Stark Thor Loki Clint Barton Natasha Romanoff Bruce Banner Wanda Maximoff Pietro Maximoff Peter Parker
Wonder Woman
Diana Prince Steve Trevor
Anthony Dinozzo II “Tony” Kate Todd Timothy McGee Abigail Sciuto
I will do crossovers of some of these too! EX: Wonder Woman meets the Avengers, NCIS and Criminal Minds
What I do...
I’ve decided that for now I will write main characters mostly for Voyager, Enterprise, TNG, DS9, AOS, and Star Wars 1-7 (including Clone Wars show and Rogue One.) Hope we all enjoy!! Drabbles, Imagines, Head cannons and ships. May the Force be with you while Resistance is futile.
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roseandremus · 7 years
Criminal Minds Halloween
Morgan had forgotten his go-bag at the office yesterday, so he decided to snatch it quick before going over to Penelope’s for Halloween. The ride up to the office felt longer that it usually did, but Morgan ignored it. He walked into the bullpen expecting it to be empty except you were there. Morgan thought back to the conversations about what everyone was doing today, and he couldn’t recall you saying you were going to do anything. So he snuck up quietly behind you to whisper in your ear, “What do you think you are doing?” He had to give you credit for not picking up your gun, but your tone was an unexpected one, “I haven’t done holidays in a long time. I am doing my usual Halloween, but what are you doing here? Don’t you have a Penelope party to get ready for?” Morgan lifted up his duffle bag to answer your question so he wouldn’t get side tracked. He took in the work you were doing and asked, “Back up a minute to the you haven’t celebrated holidays in years. Why don’t you join me at Penelope’s tonight? I’ve got the perfect last minute costume. I promise it will be more exciting than old cases.” You held a straight face for what seemed much too long in Morgan’s opinion, but the smile you cracked allowed him to breathe. You didn’t say anything as you put your files away or as you followed Morgan to his car. You didn’t say a single thing until Morgan sat you down on his couch and brought out his last minute outfit. “You have got to be kinding me,” was all you muttered in the sight of his last minute costume. It was knee-length cloth that looked similar to a bride’s dress with yellow eyed contacts and a ripped veil. Morgan looked from you to the outfit and smoothly added, “I was originally going to make Pretty Boy be the match to my outfit of Frankenstein, but he managed to convince me to not. So, you get to be my Frankenstein bride. Besides, you’ll make a great bride.” Morgan may have winked at you when he uttered that last sentence, but you didn’t care anymore. You were happy for the thought put into the outfit even if it was a wedding dress and not meant for you. You glanced from the loose looking dress to Morgan and back before standing up, crossing the room and taking the outfit to Morgan’s bathroom saying, “I better not regret this Morgan otherwise you are dead. You hear me?” Morgan’s laughs sounded throughout his apartment, and you smiled. You had thanked the Buraeu for making you wear contacts at some point in your career, because this monstrosity would have been five times worse if you had to ask Morgan how to put in contacts. The dress was a new experience, but you walked it off happy Morgan didn’t have heals. The veil was left on the couch, because you had told Morgan that there was no way in hell you were putting that on. Morgan allowed the alteration and poured you a glass of wine before leaving to get ready. You drank the wine in the glass and left it at that remembering the last time you went anywhere with Penelope. You ended up looking around Morgan’s place, and before you knew it Morgan was out and watching you. He lifted his keys up and jingled them before opening the door for you saying, “Brides first.” Safe to say, you gave him the finger and a very fake curtsy. The two of you erupted in laughter that settled around the time you reached the car. He drove since it was his car, and the two of you arrived before you knew it. Morgan led the way to Penelope’s and you followed observing the different ways the two of you could have been killed just now. The moment you walked in the door you were in Penelope’s arms and being complimented on your outfit. You were able to get past her when she saw Morgan as monster Frankenstein. You ended up next to the Doctor Who dressed Spencer Reid who looked a little bit like a little kid in a candy shop where every thing is free. “This was supposed to be you,” you informed him a moment later after getting another drink. “I was supposed to go home after work to my cat and a movie. You were supposed to the bride of the monster in Frankenstein. How does it feel to be a free man?” Spencer looked at you weirdly before answering in his usual actually voice, “It feels good. How did you get Morgan to let you out of the veil? He absolutely refused to let me take it off last year. I learned my lesson, and now it is your turn.” After another moment of silence between the two of you he added, “You could always go home, no one will be offended.” You looked him in the eyes and replied, “And miss the very adult Truth or Dare I have heard so much about? Maybe after your drunk so I can say I’ve seen a drunk doctor.” You made sure to let the teasing tone leak through so he wouldn’t think that was the only reason you were actually staying. “Guys, the movies about to start get over here before I eat you up,” came a drunken statement from a very special blonde. You smiled at Spencer and said, “May the fun begin.”
Tagging just cause I think you might? enjoy this? Mutuals that I know a little so... I hope
@bookofreid @reids-corner
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roseandremus · 7 years
Introverted. I can be serious & give side-eyes sometimes but usually I'm funny, optimistic, & open-minded. I'm pretty laid back but not a pushover or apathetic. Sometimes I have trouble focusing on stuff & I can be fidgety. People describe me as calm, helpful, & smart. I love traveling, movies, TV, music, history & anthropology. I love cheesy-happy stuff.
DS9- I ship you with (just about every freaking girl I could think of) Benjamin Sisko. The two of you could and would talk about history for hours whether it be B.C.E., pre-Federation or Federation times. Of course, when you would you talk about the history, you delve into the anthropology of each topic. He loves the ‘arguments’ the two of you have about the intelligence of being introverted in a people filled job. He also loves the movies you bring back from travels, and the way you try to force him to watch them with you. Sisko loves that you help Jake with his studies, and the horribleness to some of your jokes. He can’t believe that someone so smart and funny and beautiful loves him.
AOS- I ship you with James Tiberius Kirk. Jim met you the first time at the academy. He didn’t realise you would become so important to him until the two of you were serving together. He first talked to you on Enterprise when he heard a pretty funny joke come from your table. That is where the two of you met. and that is where the two of you became friends. He quickly found out that your humor wasn’t your attribute. He found your calm air comforting. Jim loved to just sit with you sometimes. He especially loved to be allowed in when you had told others to leave. He loved how you could be goofy cracking jokes one minute and then giving orders the next. Jim enjoyed your view of the world despite the things you had seen. He absolutely loved talking about history and travelling with you. If you are lucky, he will talk about his observations of the crew’s behavior with you.
Star Wars- I ship you with Qui-Gon Jinn. He loves how one moment you are able to talk about anything on protection duty, and the next moment you want to sit in a room to just regenerate your social energy. Qui-Gon loves that you care and care and care even though you don’t know any of the people you are protecting. He loves that he can trust you to have his back or to have a plan out of a sticky situation. When the two of you debate, he enjoys the challenge and loves all the knowledge in that brain of yours. He loves to listen to you ramble about some random world’s history or one of your holos. Qui-Gon is so happy with you and hopes you feel the same. He wonders how he got so lucky. He loves your optimism, intelligence, beauty, perspective, personality. You. He loves you. He loves the way your eyes light up before travelling or the expression you get when your favourite show is on. 
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roseandremus · 7 years
My Asinine Brother
A/N: An anon request for a JJ x Reader fic where the reader is Spencer’s older sister. One day when Spencer visits his sister’s apartment, he sees JJ and his sister cuddled up on the couch after a long night of steaminess and he is shocked and a bit angry that they’re dating. The team then talks Spencer down from his freakout and he accepts their relationship. This is AU-ish in that it’s around season 5-6 and Will is not in the picture.
There really was nothing like walking around your apartment in an oversized t-shirt and panties with your sexy ass girlfriend who was walking around in the same after a long night of steamy sex.
As Spencer Reid’s older sister, it was a given that you’d eventually meet the team. Given how Spencer talked about them, you’d expected to like them, but you hadn’t expected love to blossom, no less with one of his best friends. “Do you want to split some Ben and Jerry’s?”
“Is it chocolate chip cookie dough?” She asked. Her face was tinged with redness from the last few hours of steaminess, so you figured it was time for a cool down and eagerly nodded, desperately wanting to down all of the ice cream. 
After grabbing the pint and two spoons from the drawer, you ran over to the couch and hopped over, plopping down next to her and placing a kiss on her cheek. “God, I love chocolate chip cookie dough,” she said, her mouth full of deliciousness. “It’s my absolute favorite.”
“Honestly, I’ll take nearly any Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, but yea.” 
It didn’t take long for the two of you to finish off the pint and snuggle up together for warmth, your head nestled into her lap. You could’ve fallen asleep as she raked her hands through your hair, twirling it around her delicate fingertips as both of you mindlessly took in whatever you’d left on the tv. Frankly, it was just nice to cuddle up together after a long, uninterrupted night together. 
Nearly an hour passed when you heard a key in the lock. Quickly, you pulled out your cellphone to see that your brother had in fact texted to ask if he could steal his favorite sweatshirt back. “Dammit, it’s Spencer.”
“He doesn’t know about us yet,” JJ hissed.
Nodding, you called out to Spencer to say you’d bring his sweatshirt before running inside to grab it. But it was too late. Spencer walked in to see JJ sitting on the couch. “JJ? What are you doing here?”
“Here’s your sweatshirt,” you said as you walked out unable to hide the fact that you were wearing a scant amount of clothing with a beautiful blonde sharing your couch. “Do you ever sleep?”
“Insomnia.” It was almost comedic how Spencer did a double, triple and then quadruple take between the two of you before it clicked. “You’re dating?!”
“Gee, what gave you that idea, Spence?” You asked sarcastically. “Was it the fact that JJ is over at my place at midnight, the fact that both of us are wearing little more than oversized t-shirts, a little of both?”
You figured he’d be surprised, but he loved you and you knew he loved JJ, so why would he be happy about it? But he wasn’t. Shock plagued his face, a slight hint of anger brewing behind his eyes. “JJ, how could you be dating my older sister? Why? I mean…” He started shaking his head, seemingly trying to banish the image from his head. “After everything that’s happened this past year, why would you bring my sister into this? How could you?”
Spencer was the best little brother anyone could possibly ask for, but that didn’t stop him from being the typical pain-in-the-ass little brother every once in a while. “Excuse me,” you said, stepping in between you both. “One, you don’t get to decide who I date. Every. Two, JJ didn’t ask me out, I asked her out, so she didn’t ‘bring me into’ anything.”
“Y/N, you know how insane our jobs are!” He yelled, still not getting it. “I told you what happened with our boss right?” Of course he had. You’d been helping him through it. This was just overprotective Spencer being overprotective Spencer.
Nodding, you placed your hands on his shoulders. “Yes, Spence. Don’t be a sarcastic pain in the ass. What happened with Hotch and his wife was absolutely, undeniably, unequivocally tragic, but I refuse to let your jobs stand in the way of me experiencing happiness. Sure, could something happen related to your jobs that hurts me? Sure. But I could also walk off the sidewalk tomorrow and get hit by a bus. I refuse to let some circumstance, some bad guy, or you dictate my life.” You poked him in the chest before crossing your arms over your own.
“Foyet wasn’t some bad guy. He shot Haley in the back of the head while Hotch listened to it. He barely got there in time to save his son…just…why?” You really did get it; you understood where he was coming from. Although it had been nearly a year, everyone was still pretty raw over the loss of Hotch’s wife, and as your brother, you expected him to be worried about you even more so than he normally was, but you weren’t going to stop living life because of it. 
Without thinking, you blurted out. “Why? Why would I get involved with someone on your team? Because you don’t choose who you love Spencer? Are you saying that if you find someone you love, you’re not going to let them in because they could get hurt?” 
He was stumped, stuttering as he tried to figure out where to go with this.
“You love me?” You heard from behind you.
Uhhhhhhhhh…yea, as a matter of fact, you did.
“Yea, Jayge. I kinda love you a lot.”
Though she’d been hesitant to say anything while you were trying to knock some sense into Spencer, she replied. “I love you too.”
“Great!” Spencer spun around and grabbed his sweatshirt before walking toward the door. “I-I-I don’t even know how to respond.”
Rolling your eyes, you blurted out before he left. “Spencer, you may be my brother, but you’d run my life. I love you, more than most people, but get over it.”
And with that he left.
“So how do you think he’s gonna be at work?” She asked.
It had been 10 minutes since he walked into the apartment, but you were exhausted and fell backward onto the couch. “Oh he’s going to be a pain in the ass, I assure you. Eventually, he’ll get over it though.”
“This is going to suck,” she laughed. “But you’re worth it. And I really do love you too.”
Although you didn’t work at the BAU, you heard through JJ over the next couple of days just how much of an ass your brother could be when he was trying to protect someone. He meant well, but goddammit…Spence - you ass.
“Spence, I don’t know what to tell you,” JJ exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air. “I’m in love with your sister. Either be happy for us and learn that you can’t keep her safe forever from everything, or don’t, keep doing this, and lose the connection you have with her, the closest relationship you have, because you’re being a stubborn ass.”
Storming out of the room, JJ huffed and puffed, leaving Spencer speechless. That didn’t happen a lot. Basically, Spencer stuttered over his words in two situations - when he was crushing on someone, and when he knew he was wrong and didn’t want to admit it. “Reid, what are you doing?” Morgan asked.
“After everything this team has been through, JJ is dating my sister - one of the people I love most in the world. If something happens to her because of her connection to this team, I’m-”
Rossi came up behind him and clasped his shoulder. “Something could already happen to Y/N because of her connection to this team through you. Her dating JJ doesn’t put her in any more danger than she was already in.” 
“I didn’t think of that.”
“Because as much as you are an amazing little brother, son and friend, you are hot-headed when it comes to protecting them,” Hotch said. He could see in Spencer’s eyes that he was thinking of Haley in this situation. “You didn’t think about that because you didn’t think.”
“Uuuuuuggggggghhhhhhhhh,” Spencer groaned. “Dammit.”
Emily bent to hug Spencer who was now sitting at the round table. “Do you love your sister?”
“Of course, I do.”
“Do you love JJ?”
“Of course, I do.”
“Then that’s all you need to know. You, and the rest of us, protect them as best as we can.”
Spencer pulled his head out of his hands and stared blankly forward. “I have to apologize to them, don’t I?”
“I’d say so,” Garcia laughed.
“Dammit…I hate being wrong.”
Knock. Knock.
“Who is it?” You asked as JJ and yourself sat down to dinner.
Rolling your eyes, you didn’t budge from your place in the kitchen. “Are you here to tell us why we shouldn’t be together again?”
JJ’s mouth dropped open when he replied. “No, I’m here to apologize.”
“Oh shit.” Placing your dish down onto the table, you opened the door and invited him in. “This is amazing. Please, go ahead.”
Spencer smirked, playfully hitting you in the arm before pulling you in for a hug. “I’m sorry. To both of you,” he said to JJ. “This job puts me on edge, and the idea of you getting hurt because of it makes me sick, but as the team pointed out…that could already happen because of me.”
“And you’re supposed to be a genius,” you laughed.
“Shut up.”
JJ walked over and wrapped her arms around Spencer’s neck. “I promise you that I want to keep her safe just as much as you do. I love her, Spence.”
He kissed the top of her head an sighed. “I can tell.”
After hugging you both and apologizing again, he pulled away, his eyes suddenly dawning with recognition. “The other night…when I was here…you two had just…”
“Finished having sex?” You asked, nodding your head. “Yea.”
Spencer practically shivered, chuckling as he turned to leave the apartment. “You know what…I gotta go!”
@coveofmemories @jamiemelyn @sexualemobitch @unstoppableangel8 @iammostdefinitelyonfire26 @rmmalta @lukeassmanalvez @yoinkpeter @the-slytherin-ice-queen @marvelfanlife @amarislestrange @obsessed5sosfreak @sonhadoraativa @1enchantedfantasy1 @ace-and-rosey @twelveyearoldchildprodigy @offbrandcursewords @entelechysymphony @milkandcookies528 @pugs-cats-bb-8 @davidr0ssi @sarahkay-19 @tarciau
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roseandremus · 7 years
Hi are you still doing ships? Or was that a one time only thing? If you are doing ships, what information would I need to send? Thanks! :)
Um. I guess I'm up for doing ships when I get on. You'll need to definitely tell me what gender and show(s) you want the ship for. Personality, favorite activity/things would also help? What you think of yourself maybe? What others think about you? Whatever else you can think of or think important!
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roseandremus · 7 years
Halloween Season / Spencer Reid x Reader
“Babygirl…it’s not even October yet,” Morgan commented as he stepped foot into your apartment. Penelope stood behind him with a bottle of red wine in her hands, a large grin on her face as she took in your decorations. Pumpkins were set on every free space, skeletons hung on the walls and light up bats hung from the ceiling. Penelope let out a shriek followed by a delighted laugh as a small skeleton besides her began to move, the motion sensor setting it off into a wild dance. “Halloween starts in September. Everyone knows that,” you replied with a smile as you took the bottle of wine from Penelope. The pair made themselves at home, taking a seat on your couch while Morgan picked up a pillow shaped as a jack-o-lantern. “Babe, I don’t think I can get this untangled so maybe you should just buy another-,” Spencer stopped mid sentence as he reemerged from your hallway’s closet and into the living room, surprised to see that his friends had arrived early. “Hey guys.” Morgan grinned at the fact he had actually heard the word “babe” come out of Spencer’s mouth. Realizing that Spencer Reid was just as invested in relationships as everyone else was amusing for some reason. “Why am I not surprised that you had something to do with this?” Morgan laughed as he noticed the fake tangled spider web in Spencer’s hands. Reid was always excited for Halloween. For years he would organize Halloween movie marathons and trips to the pumpkin patch that they would all happily attend to if only to entertain Spencer’s love for the holiday. “Actually, I was already set up before he got here,” you interrupted, “he’s just trying to fix that last decoration but it seems to be a lost cause.” Spencer’s eyes lit up as you gave his cheek a loud kiss, your affection for him no secret to the world. The feeling of your slightly chapped lips against his skin was gladly received. “I love your apartment,” Penelope complimented brightly. “It’s so festive!” Spencer felt his heart jump at the smile that crossed your face at that moment. He watched as you interacted with two of his closest friends, your hair slightly disheveled and your shirt a little wrinkled with a faded Halloween print from the frequency you wore and washed it. Somehow he had managed to find someone who made his heart skip a beat, who made his stomach burst with butterflies and who invaded his thoughts every day. And luckily for him, you shared the same love for his favorite holiday. “Are you guys ready to watch the movies? Y/N and I rented some old classics,” Spencer said as he held up a few DVD boxes. “I’ll make popcorn!” you exclaimed excitedly. You had been thrilled when Spencer had suggested a movie night with his friends. You had met them once before and immediately taken a liking to them. “I’ll come with!” Penelope shouted as she followed you into the kitchen, eager to bond more with the one who had managed to steal Reid’s heart. Morgan chuckled as he watched the two disappear from sight. The apartment he found himself in was charming, and if it reflected your personality then it was no wonder Spencer couldn’t stop talking about you. “She’s perfect for you,” Morgan commented as Spencer began to set up the tv. “You think so?” he asked, a small smile tugging at his lips. “Are you kidding? This might as well be your apartment. I can’t imagine what your future house will look like during Halloween,” Morgan laughed. “Oh, we’ll definitely be doing haunted houses,” Spencer replied without missing a beat. Morgan grinned at the certainty in his voice. “Well let me know if you need an extra vampire. I’m down to scare some kids.” “Vampire? I always pegged you for more of a werewolf,” Spencer said with a teasing grin. Morgan laughed and shook his head. “Just put the movie on, pretty boy.”
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roseandremus · 7 years
Short NCIS hurt
You had been there when Kate fell backwards with a hole in her now dead head. You had been there when the blood splattered on Tony’s face and neck. You had been there when Gibbs desperately tried to find the sniper nest. You had been there when Tim found out Kate wasn’t alive. You had been there when Abby broke down thinking of the time when Kate told you two about her tattoo. You had been the one to inform Gerrald about your now late friend. You had been the one to give Ducky a hug as his heart broke a little.
You were not there when Ari was killed. You had not been there when Ziva David joined the MCRT (Major Case Response Team). You had not been there when Gibbs was blown up. You had not been there when Tony had to take over the team with little support. You had not been there when the Director of NCIS gave Tony an unauthorized operation. You had not been there when Tony was framed or when Abby was attacked by her lab assistant. You had not been there when Tony and Ziva were trapped in a box. You had not been there when Tony was excluded from his team of five years. You were not there when Tim lost hope for a weekend. You were not there when Ducky felt his long friendship torn in half. You had not been there when Abby made a shrine to Gibbs to stop the pain of change. You had not been there when Jimmy felt he was apart of the team.
You had been at the FBI Academy and later the FBI. 
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roseandremus · 7 years
Imagine: You Defend Captain Sisko
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Cardassians were ruthless, Romulans were devious, but Klingons? They had no qualms about insulting you, or your battle plans. And so, your Captain was getting a lecture from Chancellor Gowron about how his offence against the Dominion was a death wish. As he screamed, Sisko kept a straight face, but you could tell that he was angry, maybe even embarrassed. But he didn’t say anything. You did.
“A human petaQ like you shouldn’t even be close to a command position.” Gowron roared, and you had enough.
“With all due respect, Chancellor, you are wrong.” you said quietly, but firmly enough to get the attention of both Sisko and Gowron. Sisko couldn’t disguise his shock that a mere tactical officer was contradicting the leader of the Klingon empire.
“Impertinent human.” Gowron snarled. “And I suppose you can tell me why I’m wrong?”
“I can.” you said, walking over to the map of Dominion territory. “The Dominion doesn’t know that we know that they have Federation and Klingon prisoners kept on the third planet of the Hakori system. Therefore, they’ll be convinced that our ruse to destroy the Ketracel-White factory on the opposite side of the sector is in fact a real threat. And Captain Sisko isn’t a petaQ. He is a more honourable man than you could ever hope to be.”
Gowron realized that you were, in fact, correct. On both accounts. He didn’t say anything, instead stalking out of Sisko’s ready room. Sisko turned to you, his expression between disbelief and gratitude.
“Lieutenant (Y/N), would you care to explain why you contradicted the Klingon chancellor?” Sisko asked.
“He was wrong. You were right.” you explained succinctly. Sisko smiled in response.
“Well, Lieutenant, I commend you on your bravery.” Sisko said. “But I’d advise having an armed guard with you for the next couple days.”
Seeing the look of dismay on your face, he laughed.
“I’m kidding, Lieutenant. And thank you.”
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roseandremus · 7 years
Request: Debating Coffee or Tea with Janeway
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Author’s note: I wrote this imagine while drinking a cup of Earl Grey (thank you, TNG, for starting this obsession), so you can guess whose side I’m on.
Also, thanks to @trekmystars, who let me use this since they’ve closed their requests.
“Tom!” you yelled, waving frantically to get the helm officer’s attention.
“Hey, (Y/N), where’s the fire?” he asked nonchalantly, as you rushed over to him.
“Coffee or tea?” you asked, breathing heavily as if you’d run a marathon.
“Uh, coffee. What else?” Tom responded and you cursed. “Language, (Y/N).”
“Shut up, traitor.” you muttered, not amused by Tom’s antics. “What’s the time?”
“1800 hours.” Tom replied. “In a rush?”
“No,” you answered, making a note on your PADD. “The captain and I are interviewing as many people as possible before 1800 hours to determine whether coffee or tea is better.”
“This, again?” Tom asked, groaning. “Isn’t this the-”
“Fifth time, I know.” you replied. “But we never interviewed the crew, so hopefully, we’ll be able to end this once and for all.”
“Good luck!” Tom gave a mock-salute, and watched you run off.
You pushed past several annoyed ensigns, and knocked over a poor Bolian crewman in your rush to get to the ready room. You stumbled in, brandishing your PADD.
“Forty votes for tea, Kathryn! I think I win.” you crowed. Pausing, you look around the empty room, and sigh. “I thought captains were supposed to be punctual!”
Taking a seat on the couch, you waited for the captain to show up. Two minutes later, she burst through the door, holding up her own PADD.
“Forty votes for coffee, (Y/N)! I think I win.” she said proudly.
“I got forty as well.” you said, astonished.
“Damn.” the captain said, joining you on the couch. “Tuvok, traitor that he is, voted for tea. Stupid Vulcan impartial logical minds.”
“You’re not the only one who’s been betrayed.” you answered. “Tom voted for coffee.”
“Remind me to give Mr. Paris a promotion.” Janeway said, going over to the replicator. “Coffee, black. Tea, Earl Grey, Hot.”
She brought the mugs over, and passed you the tea. You nodded in thanks, inhaling the sweet scent of bergamot.
“Can’t we just agree to disagree, (Y/N)?” Janeway asked.
“Being the stubborn people that we are, that’s not going to happen.” you replied.
“I’ll drink to that.” Janeway conceded with a smile. “Cheers.”
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roseandremus · 7 years
Jason Bull 75
75. “Stop biting that goddamn lip.”
You and the gals were sitting on the other side of the earwig when Bull told you all that you won the trial. After the business day ended, the seven of you hosted your usual celebratory party for winning a case in court. You were observing the room like every other party. You, alone in a corner, saw Bull chatting with Benny, while Cable, Marissa and Danny whispering away near the counter, and Chunk conversing and watching with someone you didn’t know.
Apparently Benny told Bull to go over to you, because when you looked back they weren’t there and Bull was breathing down your neck. You jumped a little and pointed at him saying, “We agreed that you wouldn’t do that anymore!”
He just laughed and handed you a glass of (favourite drink). You accepted and noticed that everyone else was looking at the two of you on and off. You looked up to see that Bull was biting his lower lip in one of the most discreet ways you ever saw.
“Would you stop biting that goddamn lip.” you stated more than asked as you looked anywhere but him.
Jason took your arm and guided you with little resistance to a lonesome hall and whispered in a low tone, “What would I get in return?”
You watched as he slowly backed away but stopped him with your lips on his. Preceding this was ten minutes in that hall before the two of you appeared at the party again. The others gave the two of you an array of looks. There was the ‘about time’ look and ‘I fucking knew it’ look. The two of you chatted around before everyone left. You turned gave Jason a light kiss goodbye and left for home smiling.
Sorry that this took so long! Hope you enjoyed.
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