Mission Time
We've gotta get the world hooked on Kimi Ni Todoke! Partly because it's a great manga/anime that doesn't get enough attention or credit, and partly because it's fandom is too small and it's not popular enough to find merch! I need merch! So we've gotta get it's popularity rising, and yes I know it's not like the popular ones, there's no death notes or demons or titans, but it's great nevertheless.
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Little Moments of Hearbreak
Shall we?
When Beorn says he's the last of his kind. So alone.
When Bilbo tells Bofur that he and the others belong nowhere.
When Thorin tells Bilbo that he's basically a useless burden when he's just trying to help.
When Tauriel is told she's been banished. She's always tried so hard to earn Thranduil's approval.
When (in the extended edition) the others leave Balin behind to reach Ravenhill and Dwalin says goodbye, not expecting to see him again.
When Fili dies, probably wondering if the others will survive and keep Erebor.
When Kili sees his brother die.
When Kili dies.
When Tauriel sees Kili die.
When Thranduil mentions Legolas's mother just once, as a goodbye to hold with him.
When Thorin doubts his family and friends with the Arkenstone.
When Legolas realises he'll never have Tauriel's love.
When Dwalin is wrecked by guilt for letting othera die for them.
When Kili is gutted because he's not fighting the battle that should be theirs.
When Bard thinks his son was knocked off of the tower.
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So I was watching The Battle of the Five Armies and… I had to
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Soulmate AU
You have no heartbeat until your eyes land on your soulmate, nor any true, deep emotions. So one day you’re just walking down the street to grab some coffee…
It’s one of those days, kinda blah, clouds with no rain, a hint of blue on the edge of the horizon, a chill breeze. But you don’t mind too much, it’ll be fine when you grab a coffee. Your chest is always cold and empty, and while the coffee won’t change that, it’ll at least warm your stomach if nothing else. You forgot to pay attention to where you were headed, lost in your thoughts, trying to decide which flavour would match the day, so you’re very surprised when you run straight into a woman walking the other way on the street, knocking her own coffee all over her front.
“Ah, oh I’m so sorry, please tell me it’s not burning you, I wasn’t paying attention.” You bed down and grab the now empty paper cup and it’s lid off of the ground, planning on throwing it out for her.
“No, you got lucky, the wind here is cool enough that it kept me from being scorched alive,” she replies, a teasing note to her voice.
You look up for the first time and notice her, long chocolate locks flowing over her shoulders, a scarlet scarf wrapped half hazardly around her porcelain skin, bright green eyes laughing at you in silence. Suddenly you can’t seem to remember how to talk, you stand there staring long enough that she starts to frown at you.
“Um, uh, oh, okay, I’m glad. That I didn’t hurt you, I mean.” A sharp, driving pain suddenly stabs at your chest and you bend over, groaning slightly, your breathing turning into something more ragged than before.
“Are you okay? She places a hand on your shoulder in concern, her emerald eyes watching you.
Just like that, with the gentle touch of her hand, the pain fades, stinging in the background. "I think so,” you mutter, a touch embarrassed of your behaviour in front of this beautiful stranger. “Ah, would you like to get some coffee with me? I’ll pay of course.” You lift the empty and forgotten cup slightly, dented after you crushed it when the wave of pain hit your chest.
“Oh, no thanks, I wasn’t looking forward to it that much anyways, you know how it is. If I had a heartbeat then maybe you’d owe me for the disappointment.” She winks at you and starts walking past you. “I’ll let you slide this time,” are the last words she says before she turns and wanders down the street.
Why does that hurt so much, why should I care if she joins me or not? You try to shrug it off, and turn your attention to figuring out the source of pain you had felt earlier. A unique feeling is quickly blooming in your chest as you continue the walk to the coffee shop, distracting you with the thoughts of her rejection, a pain, a new kind of emptiness that you’ve never experienced before. This emptiness isn’t the lack of everything, it’s the lack of someone. Just as you reach a trash can and drop the cup in, it hits you - sudden pain, a new emotion that feels as though it could crush you with its unknown depth…
You can feel your heartbeat.
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Humans Are Weird
(I’m going to call this part 1 because I plan to write more if these posts and I wish to use the same characters, have them sort of link together. So if you like the post, check back for more later!)
(Fandoms, ships, etc.)
Zar'ak didn’t mind the Humans on his ship, they could behave well enough - except for that one male, Tyler, for the most part they did their various duties and treated the crew with respect. Yes they complained from time to time but so far they hadn’t been violent towards the alien members, and they insisted that their violence was all in “good fun” when they fought amongst themselves.
They came from a dangerous wold in the F-Sector and could endure extreme conditions, which made them useful, but also terrifying if he thought about it too hard. Cold wind and heavy snow? No problem, just layer more fabric and fur and they were ready to go. Harsh sun and extreme heat? So long as they had access to water they’d survive, their skin darkened or reddened a bit sometimes, but it didn’t slow them down. They’ve invented a plethora of killing gadgets and machines (none of which were allowed within a hundred meters of the ship), done unthinkable acts to their own species and the other species’ on their planet, but so long as you posed no threat to them or hindered their own personal agendas, they were mostly an agreeable species, he supposed.
If Zar'ak was honest, the thing that bothered him most so far about the Humans was how little he could understand of them. The smallest, most insignificant things could affect them in such large ways, reducing them to small acts of violence, often throwing things they happened to be holding, or breaking down entirely, their eyes leaking. Meanwhile a member of their species could be killed by a Varalian Panther, and if they didn’t know the human well, they usually wouldn’t be anything more than a little upset. Looking at the remains of poor Sophie was more than enough to instil such a fear of the Panther in his heart that he vowed never to set foot o their homeworld again, while the Humans would simply move on. Some even said the Panther was cute.
Zar'ak was constantly, he must admit, spying on the Humans in his crew. He had more than some other ships in the fleet, ten Humans in all. There were four females - Amy, Crystal, Laura and Hannah - and six males - Spencer, Gavin, Ian, Marcus, Jonathan and Tyler, the one the others referred to as “rebelliously difficult.” And he was, Zar'ak would not have missed him if he were to be sent to work for another crew. But here he stayed.
He spent much time following the humans, observing them and keeping notes on what he saw, trying to discern some form of pattern in their behaviour, but he hadn’t been successful thus far, they remained a mystery to him. He hadn’t yet given up though, scared as he was to be caught snooping and eavesdropping, he wasn’t sure such an act would anger the Humans, but he didn’t wish to find out.
Currently he was standing a few feet away from Amy, who appeared to be reading a manual, a weird one, thicker than normal but smaller in width and length. The cover was not at all like a manual, and it had the words “Ignite Me” along the front and spine of the cover. Her face was tense and drawn, as though experiencing some sort of emotional turmoil beyond not being capable of understanding the manual, if that is what it was. He nearly lept out of his scaly skin when she let out a short screech of frustration and slammed the covers closed.
“Human Amy, is something wrong? Your noise sounded distressed, is there something you cannot understand in your manual?” He step forward, not daring to be caught spying when she was in such a state, and instead pretending as though he just happened to show up at that moment.
“ Manual?” She questioned in a calmer voice than her earlier noise had been. “ Oh, you mean the book?” She lifted it slightly, her head tilted to the side.
“Book? What is this book? What does it teach you of?” Zar'ak questioned, preparing to scribble down her explanation.
“Oh, books don’t have to teach you something, some of them are just stories you read for fun.”
“For fun? What is the purpose of reading something that will not educate you?”
“You know, fun. To do something you enjoy for a while? Sometimes you can relate to characters in the stories, that always makes a book better.” She glanced at his hand, which was paused midway through his notes. “Do you guys really not read for fun?”
“To be perfectly honest, Human Amy,” Zar'ak looked down nervously, “I’m not entirely sure what that word means, story. And how it could be enjoyable to read anything that does not further your knowledge of the universe.”
“Oh, okay so you know history books then, right?” At his nod, she continued, “Well stories are kind of like that, events and people and stuff, but none of it is real, none of it has happened or existed.”
“I see…?”
“So we read them for fun, sometimes to distract ourselves, other times to escape into their world.”
“Your story books have portals to other worlds?” He backed a step, unwilling to be near a portal that could release who knows what from who knows where. “That sounds horribly dangerous! Even for your species.” It took Zar'ak by surprise when Amy started laughing, apparently these creatures feared nothing!
“Oh Zar'ak, they aren’t literal worlds, we just read the words on the page and our imagination paints the stories in our head so it’s like being in the world, even though we aren’t.”
“So that screech of distress and/or frustration you made when I found you, did something in your imaginary story world hurt you?”
“No no, I’m just conflicted, I used to ship Juliette and Adam - two of the main characters, but now I kinda want to ship Juliette and Aaron, but she can’t have both and AGH how do I choose?”
“I don’t understand, ships are water or space vehicles, unless you mean to ship the two characters to somewhere else in your imagination?”
“Oh, back home the fandoms use “ship” as another way of saying you want to have those two characters date each other, you know, choose each other as their mate.“
Zar'ak was struggling desperately to keep up with his notes, and none of it made sense. “Fandom?”
“It’s a term we use to describe a fan group of certain books and TV show, or movies. If you are a fan of the book, you’re part of that fandom.”
“I see, I think I understand.” He was nowhere near understanding. “So this failure to ship both, I assume males, with that female character distresses you?”
“Yeah, at first Adam was perfect for her but now I love Aaron so I want Juliette to love him because he needs someone to love him since I can’t.”
Zar'ak paused, looking from his notebook to Amy’s face. “You love a character in a story? An imaginary place that exists only in the book? Despite your statement that none of it is real?”
“Another way of knowing you’re in that fandom, you fall for the characters as if they were real.” She smiled, thinking of her many fictional boyfriends.
“What purpose does it serve? How does your mating drive allow you to fall for this one fake Human?”
“Oh, there’s more than one fake that I love, I’m part of many fandoms. And like reading the books in general, its just something we do, it makes us happy. Sometimes, if the characters we love die, well that always just, Ugh. John Green is horrible for that.”
“ I see,” he mumbled, his brain overloaded with confusion. “ Thank you for your time, Human Amy.” Zar'ak turned and wandered out of the room, more befuddled than before, wondering if there was any hope of getting to understand a species that could read fake history when it gained nothing but “fun” and create populations called fandoms that seemed to revolve around these fake history “stories”. A species that could fall in love with people who never existed.
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Welcome Back
That feeling you get when you open up that one book, the one book with characters that seem to be sculpted from your heart and modeled after you, the book that fits in you so perfectly it feels like it should be Yours and Yours alone, the book that, when you read it, it feels like you've finally returned home.
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Customer: "I'd like to return this container." Me: "Did you purchase it within the last week and do you have your receipt?" Customer: "No." Me: "I'm sorry, all returns have to be done in the first week, and without the receipt I can't perform the return, the computer needs the receipt." Customer: "I didn't take the receipt though." Me: (then why are you still staring at me waiting for me to do it??) "I'm sorry, I wish I could help." Customer: "Give me the number for your head office, this is ridiculous and illegal." Me: (uuuuhhhhh noooooo. Y'all do realize that calling head office doesn't work right? They're the ones making the rules that I am currently enforcing, there's not special "you found the hidden return in the phone call" feature. So stop making cashiers everywhere suffer. PleASe.)
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Customer: "I'd like to return this." *holds up box of Nerds candy* Me: "I'm sorry, we're not allowed to perform returns on food or drinks." Customer: *argues with me for some time* Me: "I'm sorry, I wish I could help." (Not anymore I don't.) Customer: "Fine, I guess I can't afford these sandles then because I can't get my money back from the candy. My daughter will just have to walk around with bare feet!" *throws sandles back and marches out* Me, silently, in my head, where I can't be fired: "First of all, what kind of mother are you if your budgeting skills are so sketchy??? Secondly, I see she's wearing shoes right now."
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You know you have an exciting social life when you spend Friday night playing a combined game of tag and hide and seek… with your cat.
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Matthias: *dies* Nina: *lost in despair* Everyone else: *sad and angry* Matthias’s Ghost: “My ghost may not associate with your ghosts, but I suppose it couldn’t hurt to associate with you while you still live. The spirit of Djel can wait a little while longer.”
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