nksneha · 2 years
Sexism exists everywhere. Racism exists everywhere. Homophobia exists everywhere. Classism exists everywhere. The difference between different people is who's choosing to see it.
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nksneha · 2 years
What it must be like to be a man and have the whole room fall silent as soon as you start talking, not because you're special or talented or witty (although those could be the case only some of the time), but simply because you're a man.
What it must be like to bask in the self importance of masculinity, to feel like whatever you have to say is more important than anything that might come out of that woman's mouth, to feel the need to interrupt her because you think you know better.
Everyone holds their breath when the men start talking.
And if you start saying, this doesn't happen, I'm overreacting, I'm looking too deeply —
Wouldn't you simply be gaslighting?
Wouldn't that be blatant ignorance and sexism on your part?
Is it possible that you're just not looking at things at all?
If you ever choose to stop and notice the intensity and rate at which men interrupt women, you might be shocked. And a little bit disgusted. And you'll think to yourself, how come you never noticed it before. You'll notice that even though women have rights of speech now more than ever before in human history, they still have to fight to finish a sentence and can't afford silence between sentences
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nksneha · 2 years
Psydea shippers, come and get your meat.
A little sneak peak:
(the first two slides are in Psyche's POV, the last one's in Medea's POV)
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nksneha · 2 years
Whenever a woman is talking about her struggles, there will always be someone who says, "men have problems too!"
But the problem in this conversation is, if you care so much about men's problems so much, why don't you bring it up in seperate conversations? Why don't you go to the streets and start a movement? Why do you only bring up men's problems when women are talking about their problems? That would mean, that you don't really even care about men's problems. You just want to shut down women and invalidate their struggles just so that the patriarchy keeps winning.
But here's the thing that men fail to understand. Most of men's problems are there because of patriarchy. You can't cry in public? Show your emotions? Blame the patriarchy. Women aren't out here to make your lives harder. (Yes, some women can be cruel because of internalised mysoginy, which I talk about later). This isn't about individual men or women or even people. The problem is rooted in the SYSTEM: the patriarchy.
Another defense mechanism people come up with whenever women are talking about their problems is pointing the gun back to women by saying "women rape too" , "women can be toxic too", "women are bad too".
Um, sir, no one said they're not. No one is out here saying women are angels. As human beings, we are bound to be flawed, whether that's a man or woman. But that doesn't diminish the fact that women have major problems.
And let me tell you why women can be mean too: internalised mysoginy. It's the belief of misogyny women have been forced by society to cultivate within themselves. And do you know whose fault is that? Yes, patriarchy again.
So, even as a man, you're raising your voice at the wrong arguement. Stop invalidating women's (or men's) struggles because of x, y or z reasons.
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nksneha · 2 years
Would my life be easier if I was a man?
In many areas, definitely. Without a doubt.
If I was a man, I wouldn't have to scream to be heard everytime; I wouldn't be interrupted if I was saying something important; and people wouldn't behave with me like my opinion isn't valid or important enough - I would just be heard; I would have a voice people respected because men are "supposed to talk loudly".
If I was a man, I could go outside without makeup, without my hair done, wearing whatever the hell I could find in five minutes without any fear of judgment. Dressing up holds points, but it wouldn't matter if I just showed up with bed hair. I could show my body without being sexualised or catcalled every time.
If I was a man, I could take a walk alone at night. I wouldn't have to keep my keys and phone clutched in my hand in extreme anxiety with my heart pounding as I simply walked home alone.
If I was a man, I could have sex as many times as I wanted, without any judgement. They wouldn't call me a slut, whore or a shameless bitch for simply enjoying pleasure like I should. Virginity? Who cares? I wouldn't need to be "pure" or hold myself back for anyone. I could put my dick wherever I wanted.
If I was a man, my sole value wouldn't lie in my beauty. I could gain weight, and people wouldn't fat-shame me or tell me "You'll never find a husband looking like this." I could look ugly, no one would care. They would just care about my career, skills and the things I have to say. I could be an 80 year old human and still hold considerable value in society, instead of being shunned like old women are.
If I was a man, I could be an incapable employee but still earn more money than my more capable, intelligent female colleagues.
If I was a man, they wouldn't look down on me if I ever decided to not marry or have kids.
If I was a man, I could get angry at work and talk above everyone else, and I would be called "powerful", "a real man", "strong", "assertive" instead of a "bitch", "crazy woman", "emotional", "incapable".
Lastly, if I was a man, I wouldn't have to be punished every month for not producing a baby.
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nksneha · 3 years
Asian parents will be like, "romance isn't necessary in life, get a career" but then they'll also be like, "when will you get married?" They'll reject the boy you brought home to introduce to them, but they'll go out of their way to pick a husband for you. They'll tell you, "Don't have sex, you'll get pregnant" but they'll also tell you, "when are you giving us grandchildren?"
It's like romance and sex in their kids' lives is only acceptable to them when they're the ones controlling it. They refuse to let their kids have autonomy over who to love and who to share the bed with.
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nksneha · 3 years
“Oh, why didn’t the world stop with yesterday? Yesterday was such a lovely day.”
— Anne Shirley, in the depths of despair
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nksneha · 3 years
Scene from Marriage Story (2019)
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nksneha · 3 years
They (men) ravish you with attention in the beginner, and then once we have babies, we become the mom, and they they get sick of us.
The Marriage Story (2019 film)
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nksneha · 3 years
Grief is a good fuel for creativity.
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nksneha · 3 years
True love is not supposed to hurt you.
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nksneha · 3 years
I just can't help but think that...
Before your success, they ask why you're doing it.
After your success, they ask how you did it.
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nksneha · 3 years
I finally understand the distinction between "alone" and "lonely".
Alone is a physical state of being - like there's no other human being or animal around you.
Lonely is a mental state. You can be in a crowded room and still be lonely. You can be with your friends or family and still feel lonely.
There's nothing wrong with being alone once in a while; it's actually healthy to take time off for yourself. What you should address is loneliness.
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nksneha · 3 years
Don't force yourself to do anything. If you wanna sleep, go sleep. If you wanna eat, eat. If you wanna take a break from work and not do anything, do that. Your body knows best. Stop beating yourself up for basic needs. You're doing your best and your best is enough.
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nksneha · 3 years
Most of the time, when events are occurring at the moment, we forget to notice how sweet, valuable and precious they are because we're consumed by worries of the future, by stress, anxiety, dread and a multitude of other emotions. We don't notice – not until the day ends, when we recall back on those moments. We recall the sweet taste of the coffee we had in the morning, the joke we shared with our friends, the laughs we had with our family, how beautiful the trees looked in the summer breeze. When we look back on our lives, we don't remember what deadline we were stressing about at that time, which person we were trying to impress or what we were sad about and wanted to end our life for. It is these seemingly insignificant moments that we recall and treasure for eternity.
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nksneha · 3 years
To all brown kids, what age were you when you found out your parents are actually body-shaming you all the time?
"Your face looks oily, go and wash it, put some makeup on."
"Did you gain weight? This is what happens when you eat from Chillox everyday. No more takeout."
"Don't wear this dress, you look like a 'nokrani'. Wear this."
"Why do you wear that 'ghor muchar tena' all day? Don't you have any other clothes? You look like a homeless person."
"Why does your hair look like a 'pakhir basha'? Don't you ever comb it? Didn't we buy you the latest shampoo?"
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nksneha · 3 years
Find a hobby that you can't live without, and then make a career out of it.
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